Jan - JunDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 8,1913 Richard Pass Jake Eaton Mr. Jake Eaton, foraerlv of near Pahpington. but fyisr of Asheville, died'at Blbdk Mountain on D^. The body was carried t» Eaton's on the 28th, whcfi^ the funeral and burr ialservi^to^ place. Mr. Eaton was a memb^- of the Baptist church.. He leaves a v^e and . one brother and onet^ter, beadesah^ of re latives and fiends to mourn his death. Bev. Hail, of Fork Church, conducted the funeral services. William Massey William uassey, of near Fork Church, died on dW. 29th, of kidney trouble, aged 65 years. The funeral and burial services took place at Fork Church oh last Tuesday. A wife and one daughter survive. To tho bereaved ones The-Record ex tends sympathy. lUchard Pass, one of Davie's best known and we^tbiest colored citi zens, ^ed of heart disease at his home hear C^ter on Jan. 1st, aged 64 years. Richard accumulated a good deal of real estate, and owns several houses and lots in this city and two farms. Most of his property he left to a little gi^d-daughter. In hiswillhe left Lii^ngston Collie, at Sali^uiy, part of his properly. Richard was bone^, reliable and a leader in church work. He has many white friaids throughout the coun ty who will read of his. death w^tb sorrow. Bio - Obituaries - 1/8/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 15,1913 John Wesley Hunt Infant Son Taylor The infant ^ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, who )tve near^Ephems died Tuesday and. was .In iad' at Xiberiy. church . W^nesday. The child was ill Iratra-short time with a deep cold. Infant Daughter Spry l%e litUe 8 weelm old danshter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Spry di^ la&t Monday night of. pneumonia, and was buried at Rose cemetery Tues day. The paraata have the Empathy of the community in their sad be reavement. This is the third child theyhav^lost in the.past year. lit^e John Wesley, 2>year*old of Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Hunt, of Greoitsboro, died Tuesday and was buried Wednesdr^. Mr. £. E. Hunt and daughter. Miss Ko^ia, went over Wednesds^ to attend the fune ral and burial services. The Recoiid extends sympathy to the bereav;ed ones. Bio - Obituaries - 1/15/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 22,1913 Rdid Smith Dead. It is hard far us to realize that each caase for sorrovr has beMlec ns bnt an. all wise Proridenee coo* trola the destinies of all and has seen fit to call odr beloved friend from ns. It is beyond oar concep- to nnderatand the will of God' in trials that sever the ties of loved onra in the hour of death. 'We cao only trust bim who heeds the Bparrovrs fall and holds our lives in the hollow of his band to give ns strength in our sorrow; to bim we may look for consolation and peace that passetli understaQdiog. Beid Smith wrs bom at Smith Grove, Rprth Carolina, marrying lil^Bs SallieEimbroiigfti. He moved to Dallas Texas seventeen years ago where be died 2i2nd, day of December 1912, at the age of 48. ' His widow 80IVIv(» him.;. (tI~do believe that God will give a sweet surprise to tear -staiot^ saddened eyes and.tbatbis Heaven will, be moat glad, most tided through with Joy for you and me, as we have suffered most, God never made spirit for spirit, ao^ swering shade for shade and placed them side-by side— so wrought in one, though separate mystified and meant to break the quivering threads between. When we shall wake 1 am quite sure we will be vety glad that tor a little while we were so sad." Mas. W. W. WiESON, Dallas, Texas, Jan. 10 1913. Sallie Bet Martin hlias Sallie Bet Martin, of near Courtney, died last Sunday nighl and was buried at Courtney Mon day evening, Miss Sallie -leaves n a number of relative and a: best Of friends to monrn her Ibffl. Bio - Obituaries - 1/22/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 12,1913 Hasseltine Gaither Miss Hasseliine Gaither died last Wednesday at her home near Goun'^ Lin^ a^ed 58 years. The funeral burial took place at Society church Friday. Bio - Obituaries - 2/12/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 19,1913 Infant Son Gartner An infant son of Mr. and Mrs.' J.' D. Gartner, of Route 1. died a few days ago. "Die babe died snddoily. The parents have the 'sympathv of their many friends. Bio - Obituaries - 2/19/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 26,1913 Benjamin Shore Benjamin Shore, of Yadkinville. oneofYadkin county's most pro minent citizens, died Feb. 15th, aged 09 years. Bio - Obituaries — 2/26/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 5,1913 Mrs. P. A. Miller Mrs. P. A. Miller, of Winston, • died Friday and was baried Sunday. Mrs. Miller once lived in this city, and has many friends here who wiil be pained to team of her death. Mrs. W. K. Clement, of R. 4, is a daughter of the deceased. Bio - Obituaries - 3/5/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 12,1913 Boford Call Killed, News received here last Wed nesday saying that Buford Call -had been killed at Society Hill, S. C.,- by Hugh Bowles.. Buford and Charlie Call and Hugh Bowles left here shortly-after Christmas and went to SouthGarolinato wor^. Everything went along nicely until Tuesday evening of lost week. When the shooting occurred. The three boys were working for a farmeVand were living by themselves. On the evetiH ing mentioned, Buford Call and Bowles had a few hot words, aiid BowIk began drinking. Inertly arf ter sapper Bowles got up from the bed where he bad been laying and' picked, up a shot gun and: empti^ the load into Call, the shot entering the left shoulder, .tearing up one lung and killing Gall instantly. The body of Call was brought to Smith .Grove Thursday morning and laid to rest. Rev. Tabor conducting the funeral services. ..Bowles in jail -in South Carolina, awaiting trial for murder. The. trial will come off in June.'The ^urdered man is. a brother of Mrs. John Minor, of this city, aud.a half brother of our towns man, W. L. Call. He was about 32 years of age. ^ He leaves a father, mother, two sister and two brothers.' This is indeed a sad affair, and shews to what great extremes liquor cause a man to go. The.Record ex-, tends sympathy to all the bereaved ones in this trying hour. Harry Lyons Harry Lyons, a well known color-. ^ man about town, died last Tues day, night of cancer. Uncle Harry" will be missed on the streets very much, as he has been a citizen of the town for many years. lUirs. E. M, GrifBn -Dead. Mrs. E M. Griffin, of Farmington, wife df DF...E. M. Griffin.. died last Tu^ay of paratanitis, aged 25years. The body w^ carried to China Grove Wednesday.fand laid to rest. Mrs. Griffin was a consistent member of (j^e Lutheran church. ^ She had been married only about.sixmonths. Mr. and Mrs. Thorn, parents of Mrs. Griffin, accompani^ the body and the bereaved husband from Farm ington to China Grove, the former home of the deceased. The Record extends ^mpatbg»to the bereaved husband and parents in their and af^ diction. Bio - Obituaries - 3/12/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 19,1913 Frank Frost Prank Frost, aged 74 years, of Critz'sMill, died last We^esh rand was burled at Bear €re^ liiirch Thursday, Bio — Obituaries - 3/19/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 26,1913 U. J. Berrier Mrs. Jesse Taylor ^ Mrs. Jesse Taylor, of - near died last Tuesday; and wm buried at Union Qiapel Wednesday. A htt^and and several chpdeni sur vive. Death resulted from heart trouble* Conductor U. J. Berrier, of the Florida East Coast Railroad, was in- stently killed in a wre(^ at Port Tampa, Fla., Tuesday night. Mr. Berrier is a smn of Mr. F. L,' Berrier, who is in the mercantile business near Augusta. Iliebody was brought home Friday and laid to rest at Contord chufch. The Record' ex tends sympathy, to the bereaved par- en^ the brothers and sisters and the host of relatives who are l^t to mourn Mr. Berrier'suntimdy death. Bio - Obituaries - 3/26/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 2,1913 Frank Mason Mr. Frank M&son, of near Coon^ . Line, died last Monday of paralusis, aged 85 years, Mr. Mason had been sick for only a few days, and bis death came as a shock to his rela* tJves and frieiids: He was a eonsi^ ent member of Sal^ Me&odk^ <d)prch. The fonei^ and^s^bd^ services w4re cottda«!ted by. ifevj £2dwards,andthebojy laiiTto rest at Society church Tuesday at 11 o' clock. Three sons and ^ daugh ters, besides a host of relatives and friends survive; The Record tends sympathy to the bereav^ on^ in this sad affliction," . . . < :. .' Mrs. J. M. Bailey . 'Mrs. J. M, Bailey, of Gama, ag^ about 60 jrears, di^ Friday n after, a lingenng illn^ olrkidney trouble. The burial took place at Center Sbpr day. A husband and several ehll dren survive. The Record extends empathy to the bereaved ones. " U^e Ruby Ward Dead. On Mar. 151913, the death angd vkited Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Ward and took from their home their precious little daughter^ Ruby. It's hard to give up the sweet little babes, which i seems like bright: sun^lne in ' our homes, but while we f^ it our loss, its hraven gain. Tbe partis have our deepest sympathy. A Friend. Bio - Obituaries - 4/2/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 9,1913 Mrs. John Gartner Mra, ..John Gartner, of Rowan county, died last Tuesday . moroipgr, aged about .66 years. of age. She had been ill about two weeks with pneuiuonla. • Mrs.' Gartner was a consistent nemb^ of Providence Lutheran churdi, and was laid to r^t there on - Wednesday. A hus- bapd and eight* children survive.' l^e Record extends sympathy to the bereaved ones, in this their sad af fliction. . n * Mary Smith ^ Mrs. Mary Smith, of Kappa, died Thur^ay and was buried-at Salem church Saturday. A husband and several brothers and her mother sur vive. Bio - Obituaries - 4/9/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 16,1913 R. N. Fleming B. N fleming:, a well known resi dent of South Rowan coontjr, died Sunday, aged 63, and wak buried Monday at JerustUem, Davie county. Family aurvives.—Statek- ville Landmaric, Apr, 8tli, Bio - Obituaries - 4/16/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 23,1913 Death of Mrs. J. C. (kayes. •On ITth^Ols; 0odam Hia majesdc unadom apd intimte' mercy called .to her reward Mrs. J. .0. Graves. Mrs. Graves was bom June 7th 1844, being m her ^th year at' the time of her death.. She was a consistaht member of Eaton's Bap* tist .church. Before Jter marriage she was Miss Ellen Bate of Davie: county. A liusband and. four cbii^ dren survive. Bio - Obituaries - 4/23/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 30,1913 Mrs. Mai3r C Qem^t Cafled to I Higher life. | Salisbury. Aprit.20.—A most beau tiful and useful life ended with the' death of Mrs. Mary C. Clement, wlfe^ of Dr. L. H. Clement, a well-known attomy of this city, which occurred at her home in Salisbury at 6:30 o'clock this morning. Deatli was caused by pneumonia and -her con' dition had been serious for several days but not until yesterday vras hope lost. A number of skilled phy sicians here worked hard to save her life and she was also attended by Doctor Mason of Wa^ington a noted specialist who was called to ^lisbury but all to no ayml. Susan Wise ' Susan Wise, colored, of near Fork Church, walked from her house out to the hog lot Sunday morning, and dropped dead. Appoplexy Is thought to have caused her death. Her hus band Is a Baptist preacher, and was away from home when his wife ^ied. Infant Daughter McClamroch The 7 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. McClamroch, of ft. 2, died last Sunday and was buried Monday. N. C. Livengood N. 0. Livengood. of near Wood- 'ear, while out hunting one day re ceptly, shot his foot off. Ho was taken to the Salisbury hospital, but ^ngreen set in and he di^ on Sun day of last week and was buried at hlbaville on last Monday. Mr. Livengood leaves a wife and ten chil dren. Bio - Obituaries - 4/30/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 7,1913 Mrs. Thomas Renegar Mrs. Thomas Renegar died l^ars- day morning and was bnried Friday at-11 o'clock' at New Union. She leaves a husband and three children and a host of relatives and . friends to monm her loss. Bio - Obituaries - 5/7/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 14,1913 Sarah M. Brenegar Mrs. C. M. Owen Mrs. C. M. jOwen, of Cooleemee, widow, of the late Ghas. Owens, of this city, died at Cooleemee last Mon day and was buried at Smith Grove on Tuesday. Several children '8Ui> vive. The Record extends sympathy to the bereaved ones. John P. Conrad Mr. John P. Conrad, of Miami, Fla.. died May 2nd, and his body was brought to Forsyth for inCbrment. He was 76 years of age. His wife died last Janaary, and a son died only a few wuel^ %o. He was the iather of Mrs. S. V. Fnrches, of near Farmington. Mrs. Barah M. Breuegnr of near [james cross roads, while ' visiting' her daughter, Mi^. Julia Shaw was caken Uaugerously ill Tharsday and died Friday, survived by a hushaod three children one brother aud lour sisters. Bbe was seventy years old. She joined the Baptist ch'nrch when very young and lived a consisted life until her . death, rue reEuiaius was taken to New Union for burial and the faneral was coDdQcted by Itev Brown. Bio - Obituaries - 5/14/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 21,1913 Death of L Gaither. . - L. G. Gaither, one of Mocksville's oldest citizens and a Conf^erate soldier who served in Clement's 75th tNorth Carolina Cavalry, died at his home in this city Sunday .night at 10;30 o'elocU, after an illness of sev eral months withcancar. &ir. Gaither is sarvived by one son, F. J. Gmther, who lives in Montgomery, Ala., and two daughters. Miss Elssie Gaither, of this city, and Mrs. G. A. Jenkins, of Winston ^em. One brother and I one Kster, Attorney E. L. Gaither, I of this city, and Mrs. S. A. Wood- rolf, of Route 2. Mr. Gaither was j74yearsof age, andhad spend his I life in Mocmille. The funeral ser- j vices were conducted by his paster. Rev, E. P. Bradlev, at the home at '4:30 Monday afternoon, after which .theremains were interred in Rose iCemetery. .. Bettie Foster Dettie Foster, mother of B. J. Foi^r. v^o lived with her son near ISappa, died last Thursday and was buried ^ Salem church Friday. Mrs. Foster had been ill but a few days, and her death wasrtinexpeeted. She was about 70 yeans of age,. To the beloved ones we extend eym? pathy. • " . Bio - Obituaries - 5/21/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 28,1913 William Reavis - William near-Shield died Fti': day morning, Miay 23nl, after a long ill- neas. He'was al^t $8 years of-age» be* inganoldsoldittinthe war. He-leav^ onebrolherandfivecliHdienanda host' of relatives and friends suOrvlVe. Three of his diildien living in the Westeih States. Rdavis was the oldest man living in the eommgidtyand will'begieat-> ly missed by all tbe.j^ide. His remains was l^ed at Hew Unloh ^turday at '11 o'clock' > ; . . Mrs. Sfarirag Dead. On Wednesday morning, ^y 21st; the sad news reached town ^at Mrs. B. P. Starling formerly Miss Agnes, Dulih had died after an illness of aevoal weeks. 1^ StadiDg was bom in Davie county in 186S. wh^ die spent most of Che hap* py days of childhood and young woman hood. In 1886 she was mazxied to Hr« B. P.Stariing. of LoneOak, Va.. where die has spent all of her married life. "When very young she. jdned the M E. diuceh at this place and has ever since lived the consistent and noble life of a truly good woman and her death leaves.a gap hard to fill in the ranks of Christian soldiers and an unhealing wound in the heart and home of her bereaved Kunily, Starl ing is survived by.her husband and fivej children, Mrs. Jacob Stewart of this city bdng a sister. We extend to the bereaved family our deepest qrmyathyl -• - AFiUEm L P. Casey Dea^ E. P. Cdbey, one of Davie's oldest citi zens, died at his home nearCenter Sunday m(»Ding. after a lingering illness from heart diop^. • Mr. Cas^ was nnariug 81 yean, and leaves a wife and QittechOSeo, four sons and five daughten, among them being our townmati, J. D. Casey. The funeral and buHal setvices wme conduct ed Monday by his pastor. Rev. E A. York, and the zemaina laid to rest in Center churchyard. The Recmd extends sym pathy to the bereaved ones. Bio - Obituaries - 5/28/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 11,1913 William Reavis Wiiiiam Reavis who has been sick for some time died last I^day and was buried Satiufdav» He was nine ty-years nine months and fifteen days old, he leaves five children, three soiui and. two daughters Md ene brother. The remains was taken'to New Union, the burisd survice was condacted. by .Joe Styret. ^ Bio - Obituaries - 6/11/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 25,1913 W. W. Cooper Cuts Throat. StatesvlDe Landmaifr, 20th. • • Mr. W. W, Cooper, a patient at the Sanatoriam, slashed his throat in an attempt at suicide a little before 6 o'clock this momlnsr. *Hedi&l at 6 minutes to 7 o'clock. ^ Mr. Cooper went to the Sanatorium four weeks^o for treatment for carbuncles. He had recovered and would have been d|sdhorged today. Early this morning the nurse on duty heard bim let down the window of his room and lock the. door. ^Is was immediately reported and the door .forced open. Mr. Cooper was found on the door with a fearful gash in his throat* The carotid ar tery was severed and the floor by the bed was covered with blood. Dr. Longjsras called, the flow n of blood was'steunched and all possible was done for him. The weapon used was not discover ed but it is supposed to^ have b^n a knife which Mr. Cooper had conceal ed about his person. Mr. Cooper bad been apparently in .normal condition bnt suffered from naelancholia. He was for a couple of months a patient at the State Hospital last winter but wa.s discharged early in April. t Jesse Setzer Jesse Setzer, a well-known colored man about town, died last Thursday. Herman Johnson Herman Johnson, colored, died last Wednesday morning after a linger ing illnessVrom tnWeulosis. Her man was well known oyer the town, and was honest and upright in his dealings with both white and colored people. The burial took place Thurs day. Mrs. T. L Koontz Dead. . Mrs. T. L. Koontz, of Kappa, who' was carried to Long's sanitorum at Statesville a short time ago to un. dergo an operation, died "Thursday night, and the body was carried to Saiem church and^laid to rest Satur day. A husband and several chil dren survive. The Record extends Empathy to the bereaved family in this their sad afSiction, Bio - Obituaries - 6/25/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA