Jan - JunMOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, January 4,1912
UMdi of
. wood R Smith
Wrtimi Dm Mrti.
Irvd«ll. di«d Toewhiy night at
10 o'cloek at hb botna In Eagle
UilU towrahip, about 70
yean. Mr. Smith had been In
poor health for eome time but
hb cooditioo wax not consider^
ed critical until the day of hU'
hir. Smith «rae a native of
the community In which he liv
ed all hb life and waaa promir-
ent eitiaen of his cotntnunity,
He waa a famer and mer-
chant, was pcetswter at Settle -
while that office was in exbter- '
ee, VM for many reara a magw-
trate and was a locml miniBter
of the Mctbodnt Church. He
tisoli an active iiitenat In public,
aiTairs, es{>ecia||y in county af
faire. He was a piugiuUve
elUaen and at all (imea gave hb
aid and influence to any move
ment for upbuilding of the
county and the promotuiD of
the pahlic welfan. He wa« in
all mpecta a good man and a
good citben and will he greatly
mlaaed. He wai ever a aelaoua
friend of The Herald and thb
paper feeb a peraonal low in!
hia death. j
Mr Ai^^h'a wife died about
three yean ago. He b aarvir-
ed by nine children, five daugh-
tera and four lona. One H>r,
Ur, Z A Smith. Ii*ei in South
Carolina and anelher lirea in
Charlotte Tnree of the daugh
ters are teachers and four
children live at home, A broth
er, Mr. Wyatt Smith, and a
half-tFrother. Mr. J. B. rtrkr.
alaoaurvive. i
Mr. Smith was buried yester
day. with liasomc honor*, at
Zion chapel, In the edge
Davie county.
Houston Theodore Spry
Biiifc if t u«b fttu
Th9o6m% yooaga^
m or Mr. Ad Hra. M. Lttihar
Bpry, of Ihb eitar, 4lad SaUtc
m BcniMc^ W b'dock;
a short ilineaa with nwoln.poB, a^ alnat IB n«Dt^
Th* ftDHial aanrke wm Wd
at the hooM Sonday ourniqw at
11^ firiloaad by intamMit at
Roaa CbmatMy. Tfea parenta
oava the empathy of the ao-
twa oommuolty In their b»-
Maggie Williams
Ure. Maggie WilJiama, wife
of Roy Wiillama, died at her
home in Smith Orove Sunday
night after a abort lIlDeaa. Tha
funeral waa held from the Me
thodist church Toeaday morn
Bonzie Orrell
RoAxieOrreil. of Advance, the
14-yesr old son of U. H. Orrell,
was aocidetttall/ shot by John
; Tolbert whib out hunting Hon-
Idsy. The accident occurred a-j
twul 12 o'clock about half a mib
from town and young Orrell
was instantly killed. The be-
TAved parata have the sympa
thy of the entire commueity la
ibb their sad loA
Bio - Obituaries - 1/4/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 10,1912
Bahnson Orrell
Kills His CompaaioD.
A sad aftermaib of the Ghrisfc*
mas holidays in Advance was the
accideutal shoolini^jhQd kilUng ol
Babnson Orrell, a young 'white
boy 14 years old, while cat bant
ing with John Tolbeib, a youth of
.12 years.
_Tbe two boys, it seems, .had
dashed a rovey of partdridges,
aud became separated, yonng Tol-
bert going one way and Orrell the
other. In the excitement the goo
was fired'prematnreiy, the whole
load taking effe-^t io the eight slue
caaslng death lylmost instantly.
The gun was a single barrel,breech
loader, ^d oceasionallj went off
with a slight Jar, and this may a< >
count for the fact that the fatal
shot was il^ into the yoQth..
The QQfortnnate yooDg man was
a BOD of Mr. XTi H. Orrell, a ptom
inent merchant of this town, and
young Tolbert is a sou of Mr. QaL-*
upn Tolberfc, a rnral mail carrier,.
Both families pe,highly respect
ed in this commnuity and. have
icorea of irienda whQ. sympathize
with thera in tbia .deporable m
dent.*; ;
E. E. Smith
was, biuied ai Hickdiy- Grove on Tiiursoay
he wac a Masbd a.nd-" was buii^ With
Masonic honors. ; • , -
Theodore Spry
pied, m this city on Saturday
S*^"®'^ec.30th. T^heodore. the
5-inonths.uldBonof Mr, and Mrs.
Ibfit'i . ^ illnees. The'r.^ywaslaidto rest at Rose
Sunday, Dec. 31st. The
reavoH sympathy to the be-ones in thjs hour of afSiction.
W. S. Smoot
Mrs. R. E. Williams
Mrs. R. E. Williams, of Smith
Grove, died Sunds^r, Dec. 81st, and
was buried Tbesday, To the bereav
ed ones The Record extends sympa
Mr, W. S. .Smoot, a farmer ' r^i-
dent of Statesville,,died Dec. 2BUi,
at Cooleemee, where he has-recently
made his home, and the burial took
place the day foHowing at South
River church, Rowan county. Mr.
Smootwas a native of Davie eouhty
and was 52 years old. He suf^red
a stroke of paralysis a few years ago
while living in the West and return-
^ to North Carolina in an^ almost
helpless condiUon'about two years
ago—Statesville Landmark.
J. Elwood Smith
Rev. J.Elwood Smith, an aged
Metbodist preacher of near Sheffield,
died on Dec. 27th, and was buried at
Zion chapel on Dec. 28th. Rev. A. J.
Burrus, of this city, conducted the
funeral services. .A nunffier of chil
dren and a host bf relatives and
friends survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/10/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, January 11,1912
Lee Groce
Ldst Thorsday was a sad day |
la our commiurity; when tlw^
sad news reached here that Lee {
Gruce was (hwL He we '
and reared in this eoaunttnity.
And had lived here ua lU about
12 yean ago he inov^d near
Nichobon's mill, where be hod *
remaJaed until hie death, j
Mr. (koce'a wi/e died two
weeks to the day prior to Mr.
Uroce. It oeeaed aa if be did
not wast to live after bis best
friend had departed.
John Mclntyre
i John Mclntyre, of Rowan,
Idled Monday and was buried
! at South Hirer Tuesday.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/11/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 17,1912
Jeremiah Highfill
Mr. Jeremiah Highfill, - 6f Sum-
merfield, aged S5 years, father of
oor townsman, Rev. D. A Highfill
ffildlon Friday Jan; 5th, 1912, after
a lingering illness of many months.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/17/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 24,1912
J. H. Baity Mrs. Jacob Graves
Hr. J. H. Bally died Buddenly
at hie home last Sunday night and
vrae burled at Oro^e Roads eburoh.
Mre. Jacob Graves died aboni
170 weeks ago, and was buried at
Chestnut Grove.
Bio - Obituaries -1/24/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, January 25,1912
J. P. H. Baity
J. p. H. Bfthv vraa feand dead
ia bed list Moodey momhiff.
fh) retired SoBday night se
wdl OA ttsoel and the next
mttrtiliig when hb wife awoke
ehe feued hln dead The rw-.
meinfl-wers hdd to rest in Uw
Courthey grwrejanL
Alice Brown
I MIn Alice Biowo died pt the
tcoimty borne Tticedaiy evrang.
witfadrepav. ShdemaBMor
Ito Jmx R, BMnvn, of thia dtT.
Bio - Obituaries -1/25/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 31,1912
Mrs. E. W. Crews
Mra. E. Wi Crews di^" at' Ad.
van^ Jan. 25tb, ag^ .7(1. ^eois.
She was an annt ufiEiEi.
Mrs. E. W. Crews
- Mrs. Crews, widow of tha late' fiphrem
Ctcwe. dial sQddenfy sit bjW -h^o. near
Advance^ Jaih.^25tlif and.lias laid to re^
at the M, G. eeniete^. Jatn*. 26tb.
Shade Belle
Mr.-; Shade* iBelle '- .of near Cburtiioy
died last Wediiesday and was huried at
Jiat Ro^-ehoreb.
Alice Brown
Alice Brown, an inmate pf the
coanty home, died last Wednesday.
Sallie and W. H. Jones
Mrs. Ephriam Crews
Bin. Ephrlam Crewa. an aged lady
of Advance, died Thursday mad was
buried FHday at Shady GiOTeCeme-
tecy.'Bev. L. lu ^th conduetinsr
the funeral servieeS. Bin, Crews
was a member of- the Melodist
church. ^ •
Adeline Graves
Died, -near Chestnut jSrove,. on
Jan. 17di, 1912. Hn. Addine Grav^,
wife of J. P. Graves, aged ST y^ara-
A husband and 'one' child ^rvive.
Mrs. Graves was a good .woman, and
had many fcienda who were puned
toleamof her death. The/body
was Idd to rest at Chestnut Grove.
Two Deadis is OueFaioily,
Death entered the home o£ BIr.
W. H, Jones, near-Qomatzer Thurs
day and removed-^om this earth
Bin. SalHe Jonas, an aunt ol Mr.
jQn^,aged 78.years. Mrs. Jones
had been feeble for many months.
On Friday morning Mr. W: H. Jones
died, aged about years. He
had been ill with pneumonia for a-
bout two wedm. : A wife, one son
and two. daughtera survive. The
wife of Mr. Jon^'-soii who lives in
the-same house, is also very ill at
this writing. Mrs. Sallie Jones was
buried Friday and Mr. Jones' body■was laid to rest Saturday in the
family burying grouhdt:' This is in
deed a heavy affliction, and The Re.
cord sympathizes .deeply with thestricken fanuly who have been ^ sosordy bereav^: .' —
Bio - Obituaries -1/31/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, February 1,1912
Mrs. Frank Everhardt
The Bad news was xeceived
here Sunday afternoon of the
death of Mrs. Frank Everdardt,
which occurred at her home
near Ephesus, at four o'clock
that morning. Mrs. Everhardt
was a Christian woman, a good
wife and mother, and beyond
all doubt has gone to her re
ward in that haven of rest,
where uckness, sorrow and
death never comes; but where
joy and peace reigns evermore.
Our deepest sympathy is ex
tended to the relatives in this
thir sad boor.
fiwth orflrs. '
Everhardt t^unday
u Everhardt^fe of Frank Evezhart, died at
home near E^hesos Sunday
ttormr^at four o'clock. Mra
bad been in dedihg
faealtn for some time cmd her
d^th was not unexpected^ >
- Mra Everhardt waa 62 years
oM and wm a native of this
Munty, aiid was a -daughter of
Jdsiah Daniel, she-was married
to Frank ^erbardt atout 40
yearasga- Ctf ^is union there
were six children; three ^om
died in infancy, and the three
children are: Gea W.
EJverhardt of this city. Mrs. C.
L. Kimmer, of County Line,
and Miss B^e Everhardt also
Mrs. Everfiardt left one brother
and one sister, Jonas Daniel and
Mra. Ham Everhardt
The funeral was conducted
from the. late residence by Kev.
I A. J. Burrus, followed by in-
|termen^at liberty graveyard
Mra. Everhardt was a conse
crated member of the M. E.
church, and was a good wife
mother and Christian woman,
and l^v^ a host of relaUves
and friends to moum their loss.
Small Son Mclntyre
The little son of Sandy Me-
XpiitiV .ufl»d A^cabUjr «ud was
l^d to t rest in St Matthew
graveyard _
Death of Mr, Vineey
Ba'raejcastle Monday
Mr. Vincey Bameycastle died
at his home at Center Monday
nijifht after a lingering illness
with Brigbts disease.
Mr. Bameycastle was about
80 years of age, and leaves a
wife, and father and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bamey
castle to moum bis untimely
The fumal was held at Cen
ter Church Wednesday morn
ing,, followed by interment in
the Center graveyat^.
The Herald joins with a host
of friends to condolence to the
berieved family and relative^.
Sarah Ann Crews
On Saturday, at her home in
Advance, Mm. Sarah Ann
Crews, widow of the late Eph-
raim Crews, died at the age erf
72 years. Surviving are three
sons and four daughters.
Bio - Obituaries — 2/1/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 7,1912
Mrs. Frank Everhardt
Vincint Barneycastle
Died, at his home near Center,: of
Bri£bt'fldi9ea8^oiLjah,..29i;h, Mr,
Vindnt Barneycastle. The biir^'
took place Tuesday at Cent^, Bey -'
A. J. Burroa preachins^e toe^. i
Mr. Barneyeaatle leaveaa and
many relatives md friends to mourn
hia death; ^e' I^rd eztehda.
Empathy to the ber^ved ohea.
In our last issue we" stated* that*
Mw. Amy Carter was dead. wheii4t
should have been Bira. fhmk Ever
hardt. of Route 4. Mxa Everhardt
was 62 years ol ,age, and leaves a
husband and Arce ^^ren.. <me
son, Mr. George Bverbaijit. of tws
<dty. and two.daughterai M?» Bvei^
hardtwasa ccn^tat member of
the Methodist cnufdi, and her body
TfBB laid to rest at Idberty^ h^ paSs
tor. Rev, A^ J. Burma. condUctinK
the funeral semices.
Bio — Obituaries - 2/7/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 14,1912
Mr, Marshall K. Sleele Dead*
Mr. Marshall K. Steele, a well-
known and prominent pitizen of
the cooDty, died at his^ hbtne at
Pdinersbarg tbifi morhing. at 2.30
aged about 64 years. D^th re
sulted from diabetes -an^ heart
trouble. Mr. Steele had b'een Id
declining health for a long.' time.
.For-three weeks his condition bad
been critical and it was knoVh-that
the end was n6ar«~iStateBville
Landmark, 9th.*
Bio - Obituaries - 2/14/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 21,1912
Infant Ellis
.l>eaUi entered tbe liome. of kr. Fred
BUis ff days ago and pxlk from the
niotheFsacma lier-^ttiahahe* 'We cmn-
bereaved-.oner to' Cb^ for
conifoit ilietttotl^is very tif^at t^
)»litfl^ ./! Cvi c ' ^
Bio - Obituaries - 2/21/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, February 22,1912
Etchieon, wffe
EtchiapnboEao in tl^ ci^
o'cloSBUB. JStcmson was in her* 73d
gNeA^;hri ^ suffering
T *^ ac<^pIi(»atiou of diseases
wftlcn had more.' recentlv
it on softei^B^- of the
TT—I* loeV^ A hus-
b ^WehHaWi: Wm.jR Ecefaisoi^ of Columbia, S. 0.,
' £«(xl6lsdh,' of this
tbu city, and a host of relatives
Md friends to mourn their loss,
^e: Herald joins the many
fnends of the bereaved In ex
tending jcppdolenf^ .
Tte raneral held froir
the late,nOme followed by inter-
hient at Ko^ Cemetery Wed
nesday afternoon at two o'clock.
Bev* W. R Wilson, her pastor, i
Infant Son Walker
An infant son of Mr. and
Mis^ Robt. L. Walker, who live
just west of the city, died M
day night .with pneumonia, and
Che funeral took place Wedne.-;-
day. This is the second chilu
these good people have lest in
the part six months, and (hey
have the sympathy of th*; eii
tire community in theirs id 'o *3.
Bio - Obituaries — 2/22/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 28,1912
Infant Son Walker
_ I •
Death wtered the home .'of. Mr^
a»d Mrs. R. L. Walker, ofilastTues-
mornmg, Feb. 20th^ and remov
ed from earth to heaven, their youn*
Sest child, a sweet little boy. of foiir
*^th8i,4.The babe had be^ ill for
two weeks with pneamonia.
Thie little body was laid to!- rest at
Small Son Graves
. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Pob^
Graves was boded at CSiestnat Grovelast
Wednesday,) the 21st
lb^ at 10 o^clock. Only a short while
little daogfater of Mr, and
Mre." Walker was Udd t& rest To.
the bereaved ones. The .Record ex-
sadness, and commends the paints
to Him whodpeth all tldb^
G. W. Green Dead.
The sad news reached us last week
of the death of G. W. Green, form
erly of this city, but later pf New
castle, Ind., whose death occurred
in that dty on Wednesday, Feb.
Mr. Green ha^ many friends
in MocksvtUe and Davie county, who
were sadly shocked to hear of .his
death. He was about 75 years of
age. A wife and several sons and
daughters are left to motirn his
death. Mr. Giisen was a special
fri^d of the editor, who had known
him fcr many years. Only a short
thne ago we heard from faim, and
were looking forward with pleasure
to bis*retnrn to this city next month,
Mr. Green was well'beloved by ail
who knew him, and The l^ord ex-
ttmds sympathy to his beloved ones
and all who. are made sad by his
death. . Peace to his ashes. .
' Mrs/Etdusob Dead,
Affer a iingering illness ofsever^
montbs, Mrs, W. C. P. Etchimb, ^of
this city , passed into the great be
yond kt six o'clock Tuesday morning,
Feb. 20th, about 73 years. For
several weeks her deacli has Beem
hourly expected, add the end' Was;
not unexpected.. The funeral ser
vices were conducted by her pastor, j
Rev^ Walter. Wilson at the home
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
after which the body was laid to rest
in Rose cemelery. A husband and
one son, 1^, P. Etchison, of Colum
bia, S. C., and one daughter. Miss
Saliie, who lives at home, are left to
mourh their loss. Her son was at
her beside when the end came. The
Record extends sympathy to. the be
reaved ones.
J. T* Barter Dead*
~ manjf friends of Mr. J. T«
of Barber Junction, udll
Jbe veiy sony indeedlp learn !of
bis death, which occurred at the
Salisbury hospital on JThursdsy
night. Mr. Barber had beau post-
master at Barber for about 14 years
aud had made thou^uds of friends
throughout the country.. Mr. Bar
ber leaves a wile and several sons
daughters. He was a persona]
frieud of the editor, wbo had
knoWn him foe many years.'Peace
to'bis ashes.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/28/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, February 29,1912
William Mason
Fork Ghurcb, Feb. 27—Died;
at his home abour three.milea
southeast of here, Mr. William
Mason breathed. his Mon
day morning at eight o'clock.
He was taken sjck only a few
day.s ago; his children were all
summoned to his bedside in
time to sec him pass away. Mr.'
Mason was o member of the
BiPtist church here and was a
good man and will be greatly
missed in his communitv. ile
was C4 years of age and leaves
.a wife and 11 children to mourn
their loss.
Deatli of J. T. Barber. |
Mr. J. Thomas Barber, of!
Barber Junction, died Friday
night in Salisbury, where he had ,
gone for medical treatment.
His remains were brought to,
Barber and interred Sunday at
Chaist Episcopal church with
.Masonic honors. ;
Deceased was 58 yeais oW
and is survived by his wife and
■severti children. He had been
oostmaster at Barber since the
ffi ce was eslabli.-hcd.
Mr. George . Green
Died Februiiry 1 Ub
News has been rcc.-i'.' d t.tie
I of the death of (Jeorge War. en
Green which occurred i»;i i\u !
14th inst. at New Ird.,
where he wont sever.;! rr.oMhs
ago in the itit« rcl of r.i? i ,ealih.
The deceased was a fta'ive <:i 1
Ontario, Canada, nnd at the I
time of his de .th u 7(5 y i ai>!old. He, resideu Th Norib Car- jplina for thirty yOai-s,* d tri g I
which time he and-his Son y c <:
engaged in the lurnbrr lusi'
ness, ■ The family wtro' residents of thie city for about fi ve
yeafS, leaving li re his*, fall for
Indiana in the interest of his
health. He hsd many warm
friends here wliu 4eat n of
his death will) sorrow.
Infant Son Walker
In 1.0 . ing Memory
of ;i Little Child
On February 20ln, 1012, the
of d-.alh entered the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Rabt. L.
Walker and took from their
midst their little babe. He wa.-^
born October 24th, 1911, being
.'only three month?, three week?Unci fi ve, days old. .-X It houghjcarofaily nursed by parents, re-
friends and kind phy-
'?ic! !ri;all hamrm power fa led
iand his. Htlle soul away
I to be with Him wiio sai<l "Suf
fer the liuie cliii iren to come
titii ) in.?, arel foiMi i them not;
for nf ?ueh is the kingdom of
I kni>w it is hard - o give him'up. but It.id ktsow.-; He i-
j never to kno"' soirow ax^j trouble; being taken from thisJ world t cforo he knew what
trouble nu-;-.!.!. Cheer up*, he
rein oti one?; wipe your tear-
eye-^ ur.d look to the
I.ord ;ind the ho:ne He has pre--
Dare<i i;;? children, and iiVB
li.e ciirlilian life; for we, tOO,mu?.- quit the walks of
men. .May tiie !*ich blessings
of G^id t'o v.iirs. is my prayer.
"A Cousin."
Bio - Obituaries - 2/29/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 6,1912
W. D. Mason
William Grady
.Willie Grady, of i^^nston'Saletii,
diod suddenly Sunday tnonung, A
vnfeand two.childfen survive; Mrs.
Grady was Miss Liz^e..lie^b, a sis
ter of Mrs. M. D. ' of
city. V.',
Died, at hia home near Fork
Ghorcfa, Ob last Tnesday, after a
short illness, W. D. Mason, one of
tlie county's besjt and most respected
citizens. n Mr. Mason leaves, a wife
and several childrc^v amonsr them
being Mrs. N. 6. Byerly,. of this
city. To the toeaved ones The
Be^rd extends sympathy.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/6/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, March 7,1912
William Grady
William Grady» who was raised
in tho upperpan of thiaeoooty,
died In tnoTwiivCity last Sat
urday. He married a ateter of
Mra H. D. Brown several years
020, and has lyen emplovM tnr
R J. R. Tobacco Co., for sev*
oral years, He had many
frienda hero who wilt team of
death with regret
Bio - Obituaries - 3/7/1912 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 13,1912
Utttie Saidi McC^meiy Dead^-
. ; D^th ent^^ 6ie home of Mr.
and llrs. M, 'Mcdlatn^ry, oh'
Wednesday night of last w^;
rranovi^ fcoin earth to heaven tiiar
little daughter, Sar^ aged 4 yeaza,
Fhahad'b^ desperately fil wJte
menhigit&'for the past month, thei
little body was laid to.r^t "at Row-
G^etery Tbui^ay aTtemoon in.tbe
pi^onceof .a large 'cbhcoorse. ot
somw^ j^tivesandfriendts. Rey.
0. o. C^b^eii, of StateSnlle,*' con
ducted the funer^'and buriaf ser-
.vices. lUt^e Sarah was a bright and
sweet ilttio child and was lov^- by
all who" khew hw. The bci^vM
par^te have the s^patb^ of: the
cnty® town in dieir ^d alBictioii. '■
Bio - Obituaries - 3/13/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, March 14,1912
Henry Campbell
Hflgo ItaBtt wnnfflmwU.
ScateavUle, Marefa 7.—Uenr>
OokmpbaU, a ccIotkI fairnor ot
ihocoam^ la deod from «el(-
ioflictcd Injory. He bad b««i>
meot^ty deranged for a day n
two, Bod declared hA would
romnit fluie^o. He first trt«<
to haan himfieir. but hia wlf
imivoni^ thb. He then wen.
to bed and at an ansuanlsu
moment aecured hia shot - aui
ami blew off Ibe side of hi
tittle Son, yoangest daugb-
terof Mr. and Mr& A. 81. Mc-
Glamery, died bat Tliai«lay
morning at one o'clock after a
llngeriog llloees' with Menm<
ffliK :
Little San was a brii^, and
oxceedlng espolar ebild, being
toved by all who knewj^, aad
It was a very sod Idow w her
parents, wno "only r
ago Itat a tahy gifL.
have the^rttpath^ oP'OlflTi.
tire community Ja thia their
sad bseaveoeot
Tho intermoia waa Thuteday,
afternoon at Roiee Coq»eisrr.
tho funeral being conduc^
Rov. C & Cuhjreil. of Stateo-
ville, and was attottded by a
large coneourso of.relntives and
oympathhsing frtenda.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/14/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 20,1912
Deatb o| T. H.
Chariotte ObseryCT. 14tb; • •
n Aftw an yiness whose* apiaoadtes lie
had comhatted with an < Iron nerve ; and
nnflinehind coondo Ibr many.
Blr. Thoiuas JBallGaithetMUed.yeatexday
momiad at 11:^ o'dock at his boine^. em-
West Fifth street
Since the. middle bf last- Jtn^ Ifr. Gai-
ther had snyeteh ften n aevwa cartonde
on his face. He gndeiweitt an opMathm
at tto Ghaihittfi Sanitorioma^.forweete
thereafter was eodfinad tohb1iioa«.-Nev-^
vet did he fally c^ain Ida lifBltb..
JMr. Gfidtherwasa loa olEjpMainGaiClit
er and Sarah Johnson and ww.:bocn
in ModovUla. Davie oomsty.^e^aaiy .2811837.' Early in hi^tte lie ynu eaf^s^
saccessfolly. in in \ tha^
l!la^.,€iSFghig finer^ yi8o;W to^^
cbhh^ess. t^jBtayhSl J1887, be'
bap^iy tol^^;db^
Kdly'of Mocksvilte. a daughter of CoL
WIlHam'F.KdIy'and Sar^ Gaithw. of
ModfS^ltet^attd a sister of the late
S. Ai 'K^ of Charlotte^ . .
fVi^'fbttr yeaa ago, .in. 1868,MRGaiUi-
er dteved tp Charlotte and engaged.'in bu-
sfness. ^
Mr.!6aither Is auiyived by Ws ydfe.and
oiiedaiighttt,li^K.Cl Andersoii. both
pf whom wprelHth him when he died,and two birotheia; Messrs. L. G.an&E. L.
Gaither'and one ^er, Mrs. S. A. • Wood-
nfif of Moctoviile.' • His brother, Mr,. Urn-
nMGaltherof Mocksville, Idsdster. Mrs,
Woodn^ff, hM taothas-lo-^w* Mr. Thomas
L.Keay.afMocks»ilto. Ws sister-in-law
Miss Sallie Kelly of Modsville, and bis
brothm^in-law, 2fr. AlbCTt C. Keliy* of
Betmont arrived yesterday afternoon to
attend the funeraL
Mr,;J» H. Ctdey Dead. . .
The people* p£. Modsville . were
shocked to learn on Sunday mominsr
that Bflr. J. H. Coley, wl^p was .at
the home of his dauffhter at Fsrto-.
ington, died Saturday n^ht after
KxSj a few days illness. Mr.: Col^
was about 70 yearapld,- and leaves a
wife and several ehildreq .-to ' moiim
hk death. He w^ ^ meiqber,ef the^
Methodist churdh and also a Mason.
The fubend and burial .took ..place
Monday afternoon,'Rev.- Atkiimo]],
his pastor; conducting the services,
aft^ whiw the body was'laid to r^t
at Rose eemetdry with Masonic hon^
ors. . For la<^ of -space we ' canript
give a-more length^ account of. his
death in this Issue. Peace to his
hia ash^l
Bio - Obituaries - 3/20/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 27,1912
John H. Foster Dead*
1 Mr. Jobi} H. Foster of the Fork cbaieh
section of Davie coimty diod in the inty
Saturday as he waa taken In an
ambulance to the hn&pital fiom die sta>
tion. ...
. Dr> J. F. Martin, of Fork Qiuich was at-
badbmaoioos-ly 8»^ fflrfce Tni^ay, and bad taonght
mm here W perfimrfan operation, when
he was svmienlyttakea wors^andexpiied
ali^st aasoonashe was^aced in the
He deceased was 30 years bM and
l^vesawlfemd two childiett, besides
. '■ S ■• •• t "• V' .sVf- "
David Easter
David' Edihor, ferrymao ah
Sowon' rerry.oD the Yadkiu river
died Toetday of leat week from
the effeoH of grippe .and pnen-
monia. The funeral and inter
ment took place lait Wednetdey
at ^ith Qrove, Davie ooanty.
Ha Was about 60 years old and
lesYei a wife and fix children.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/27/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, March 28,1912
Mrs. Robert Wilson
Bobart Wiboa'ii wU^ colored I
of near Chtihib, diod Boadajr-j
Martha Wells
Mra. J. M. Poplin returned
homo Monday from Daovilk,
Va.. where ebe was called to
tho bctttldo of her atater. Mrs.
Martbn Wolta. who died of pel-
lajtra oo the 17tlt
John Foster
John Koaler, of Fork Church,
was cakon to Winston Saturday
morning for treatment. While
being transferred from the
railroad ecation in that city to
the hospital, Mr. Foster died.
Ke is survived by a wife and!
two children. !
Bio - Obituaries — 3/28/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 3,1912
God inl^salwise prudence 4iw
to ^^irpra onif tnj^ ojur
friet^;i iobn.^H;, Foster. Mar.
whHe TO^his the ho^itd-^hi
Winstpjn^em, acromi^ bis
father. P.li. Foster afid .physician.
Dr. J.F. of 'Foric Qioun^.
Mr.Fe^ ,^ tah^ seriously iH
Tuesd^, n!^, the 19th rad contiiio;.
ed to^w kbrae in spite of theh^
attoiri^ ^ pbi'riGiaii eould jjdve.
Thedeii«ea8^ .wiss37yearii old, sad
leaves a^e and two <^dr»^
sides his parents, eight $irtiei8, and
one brother, d. P. Foster, of
bufg.Va. dbbn 'was loved by ,^il
who knew bim. Fall of fim and*
sport beialways met you with a smile.
Tho'like aH man. was not i^ect.
l^t ns ZD^t his mmtakes anijl trea^
8are tbe.ihempry :of bis kiii^iapd
noble de^s. Odi^ Kwt atrii^'-^
made to bleed when time onne ' to
Qteak those croel words, good bye^
bat let us hope tbroogh this vml of
tears tfi atrikb brni^ wi(|i bim ^n
on the'snnny banlm of isweet assnr-
ance, where riekn^ and sorrow are
not known and no Jewell tears are
^€d;. We eortendnonr ii^pai^ to
the bmreayM-ones and^bid them lofA
to^^the rae Who ^jidngawdK
' ' V. . A'FRIEliD. :
Mrs. Milas Brittain
• The Wife of Milas Rrittaiii. color
ed, died Saturday and was buried
Bio - Obituaries - 4/3/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, April 4,1912
Small Child Boger
The twp y^r old child of Mr.
and Mm. ^Iliam Bogier died at
their home in this city last
Thursday morniog at 9 o'clock.
The'fnoerid was held at Center
church Friday afternoon, at 1
o'clock followed by interment at
Center graveyard. The bereav
ed parents.have the sympathy of
the entire community in this
sad loss.
Mrs. Keller
Mm. Keller; of near Kurfees, j
died Monday and was laid to
rest at Center Tuesday. She
has been an invalid for many
years and her death was not a
shock to the community. |
Bio - Obituaries - 4/4/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 10,1912
Mettle Keller
ApHl i^.after a ling^iaf ilte^ of
poatB, yd&ni. Ilie
twifl laid to riBst at<Jenier. op
^day;|tey. A. J.. Borroa ^lidn^g;
the.Knr^^^rvio^' ^op^.sosna:';^^
Wo dagiitm W d^_"td. ^pnn*
ihcdr low'. i?y^ReM^.«ai^d8
to fte
Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, April 11,1912
Infant Boger
' Rout£ 2, April 9th.—Frank
Boger, of Statesville Route 7,
buried an infant at Union,
Chapel ^onday. j
Jeannette Templeton and
Columbus Schoemaker
Monday Columbus Schoemak
er shot and killed a 15 year old
sweetheart and then blew out
his own. brains, his victim being
Miss Jeannette Templeton, botti
residents of the northern sec
tion of Iredell county.
The young woman was in a
held on the farm of her step
father, Robert Williams, who
was engaged in plowing at the
time and the killing took place
so quickly he could not take ac
tion to prevent it. Schoemaker
hed after the mu. der of the girl,
and the searching party .stion
found his body, a short distance
away. He liad removed his coat
and* placed the muzzle of the
jgun used in murdering Miss
{Templeton to his forehead and
.pulled the trigger with a stick
cut for the pirrpose.
Schoemaker was a man of bad
repute, it is staled, and his at
tentions had been repelled by
the young woman and he rfami-
Martha Johnson
Aunt Martha Johnson, a
worthy colored woman, died
Tuesday morning at her home
in North Mocksville.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/11/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, April 11,1912
Ralph Clement, formerly of
this place but lately residing in
Asbeville and Black Mountain,
died in a sanltonum at the
former place Monday night of
He was nearly twenty-one
years old and was the youngest
son of the late Capt. Wiley A.
Clement, and is survived by two
brothers, Messrs. Hugh Cle
ment, of Norfolk, and Etay Cle
ment, of Asheville; and one sif
ter, Mrs. Edith Chapman, of
The remains were brought
here Wednesday on the 12:38
train and the funeral services
were conducted from the Bap
tist church at 2:30 o'clock' by
Rev. J. M. Stallings, of Salis
bury, assisted by Rev. E. P.
Bradley of the Presbyterian
church, followed by interment
in the Clement graveyard, amid
the whispering trees and near
he old home of his childhood
'fiiis was a genial and kind
spirit, and he bore his suRer-
ings with cheerfulness.
The pall bearers were Fred
Clement, Olegg Clement, Bailey
Clement, Ab'ram Nail and Kim-
brough Meroney, his friends
and ^ool mates.
Other out of town relatives
and friends except the im
mediate family were Mr. J. M.
Knox and Misses Bettba and
Matgar^ Knox, of Sallabuxy,
and Mr. Dnranc Parker and
sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Ivey, of New
Bio - Obituaries - 4/11/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 17,1912
Jenetta Templeton and
J. Columbus Shoemaker
Mrs. F. A. Taylor Dead.
Mrs. F. A. Taylor, of Uiis
city, died almost suddenly Saturdaynight,-April Ctli,. about 10 o'elocl^
aged 52 years. Mrs. Taylor suffered
with asthma lor sortie time, but was
able td be up town shopping we day
of her death. The burial took place,
.'at Bethel Sunday afternoon. A hus^.
band, two sons and two daughlers
survive Mrs. Taylor was a member
of tlie Baptist church. Her sudden
(ieatia was a great shock to her loved
ones. The Record extends .s.vngpathy
to the bereaved ones in Iheir hour
of sadness.
Mr, Ralpli Clement Deal!. -
The roany frienda anid relatives of
Ralph Clement, formerly of this city,
were shocked on last Tuesday to
hnu'n of hip.deatb, which occurred
at Black Mountain on Monday. Mr.
Clement had been there . for some
time taking treatment for. lung trou
ble. The body was brought to this
city Wednesday, and the funef^ ser
vices were held from the Baptist
church at 2:30 p • m. conducted by
Dr. Stsllings, of Salisbury,, and Rev..
Bradley, of.Uiis city. The remains
were laid tO rest m the Clement
graveyard in the pre^nce of a large
concourse of sorro^giriends and
relatives. Mr. Clement was a bright
young man aged 21, and nutnberad
his friends by the score. Two bro-
Ibers. "Ray and Hugh, and one sister,
Mrs. Kenneth Chapman: of'Norfolk.
Va.. survive. To the bereaved ones
The Record eirtends sympathy.
Mmder and then Suicide.
StatesvHle Lacdmark^tb. - " . .
Id New Hope township^ in the
Noi'lbern part'ol_ Icpdeli coiiuty,
yesterday, J. Golnmbns Shoemak
er shot, and killed a yoang girl,
Jeuetta^TVmpletoii, and then- kill
ed'himself. - \
The tragedy took place about 10
o'clock yesterday niorning Miss
Templeton, about 15 years old, was
cutting sprouts in the Geld near
her home and her stepfather,. Bob
VTiUlams. wi^plowing some dis
tance away. Shoemaker went to
where the girl wa-jj carrying a
shot gnu, and talked much .of. ih«
moruiug. Williams beard the gun
fire-andsaw thjsgirl fall. He call
ed for help and he and neightos
gathered with wcapons'lo take veq-
geance on Shoemaker.-When they
reached the girl she was dead, ebot
through'^the heart.
J.F. Ward
The ppopleof our community were
saddened on Friday by the news of
the death of Mr,-J.' F. Ward • who
died about noon on the same day;
Mr. Ward ^as widely , known and
loved all who knew him-. He leaves
a wife and several children, to whom
we extend our heartfelt ^sympathy
in this their sad imur of bereave
Martha Johnson
Martha Johnson, a respected old
colored woman.'died last week. She
vas of the old type of ante-bellum
ones, and had many white friends in
town who were sorry to hear of her
Mr. Holder
Holder cf this
Bio - Obituaries - 4/17/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, April 18,1912
Eluira Campbell
Eluira Campbell, an old slave
darkey, died early Monday
morning at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Van Frost.
Aunt Vir^ as every body called
her, was in her usual health
until Sunday night. She was
buned Tuesday.
Mr, Daniel Eaton, aged about
84 years and highly respected
citizen of the I'ino >eclion!
died at his home Tuesday
after a brief illness. He had
lived by himself for several
ye.ars and his neighbors missing
hirn Monday and Tuesday mom-
iing went to his residence and
i found him dead in bed.
j The deceased was the father
:of ten children—three of whom
: together with his wife had
; preceded him to the Great
The funeral service was con
ducted at Eaton's church by hi.s
pastor, llcv. VV. E. Wilson, fol-
j lowed by interment at Eaton's
Bio - Obituaries - 4/18/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 24,1912
J. F; Wjurd'Dead..
J. F. Wazdrdied at hia JipaiQ MvPino;
Aptir.l^„ea^ 40y^c8. 'I AjWiog bti8>
:;l»aiidaitda idiu]:fiitkjar :baa tjeea. taken
"oat of tbe borne by ^ Though
«ur hearts are Md ahdit 3sWd8 an . un-
nccountable ;ki8^.yet our. cdii^^tion is
that the rtfcga vdh
and assu^' that h^^ is rich-
orbyoao* Even in^r his la^ momwts
vrhendoth'd.mantle was.iath^d a-
,Wdhiai. theUafatofthe SavioFs love
,ahoiie bilghtiy:ia his fao^andJ^ore his
iopirit crossed to the Gceat "^yond, he
called ids wife.and,dilldreii to! -his bed*
aide ' " ' - —-
[with hi8':fdlowmeit;,;!Bd^fraif^^
:a strai^ as a^nd^jbon : onto
^ihets as he wished :themdo xnnto hiinu
wasia ineoxber of thei^anfh-h't' Fino
for a nuHnber of .years, and • was.' aaitog
the flm.injianyiBg on*]^
He also was a Stmday n sbhbd -
^teaching, a class of young boys.- He was
3oved and respected by his cto for he
taught them ^e ways of Cod; know
that af^ this life of sufferings so^ws
.asadal^tetions. thikthereis-a':^iBja df
PsVpetual test, the streets ihade of gold
aaid thrmige4 wjith ang^ hosts
io^us to the Lord, where. Jesus "reigo^'
suineme and paxthig' is .'no mma We
cooild not keep bhui here, but we can " go
toliim. AFRIEKD,
Liza Sparks
We are sorry to note tho 'deaUi of-Mri'
Liza Sparks, which occoired^-Ai^
She was laid to lestin Joi& c^ets^-.the
11th. . We extendji^pathy to. .dt& -,ber;
reaved relatives' and friends^' " V •
Llndsey Carter
Idndse^. Carter, of near Soiith!
GlrQve;.8ffed about SSyears, diedlSat
Tnesday after s^e^ne yrithea|u^..
The funeral servicea were conducted'
Wednesday by Rev. D. A. Highfill,
alter whi<di'^ bodjrwaslaid to re^
at Sinitii Grove. A wife many
rdativesand friends survive..
Daniel Eaton
Daniri Eatoh, an aged citizen of
1^0. died auddeply: last Tdesd^
^as buri^ Wedne^^. Do
^^ed lived altoe, and waa.up in the
probes. Quite a large estate is
Linzy Carter
I h{f;iCihzy Cei^ wa^ buri^ . at. this;
I^ce April .i7:at eleveii^o'dt^ We es«
tend oor'^nipethy to the beiraved once
imtheir great soodw. '
- fc^wly of this!. iwmtmi^yy
J^nary^^p^^l^e^bis^ Iowa
a few- woeit^ was' brought
home^esw- aii^l^j|ii^|irst,'iii Hhdih>
dqhd-iioy^l^ We^^i^|ei^!'-o^o^;^
in'tHelil^Nei^ (ff a isi|ie
suxoWibg^l^^ ^id-^atlyes.
Uea?^ y<«i^ .wlfeifsti^.-inmh-'
en.tlu|^^;b:^^mi^:tlm ifay
thejbei^ji^aeaU^ grtet lAurof'
sa^i^^^ «!ieir4os8..^Wi}tt gain. I
Daniel Eaton
n Dsmlri'Eatoa died si^deidy at this
lu^e Ihesday and was Inuled'at'
^tim'a Qiurrii Wedsttday. Dedeased was-
:^hty five years (ff age and leaves'ahbst
:of phOtUw gi^d,clfi^ mourn'
Bio - Obituaries - 4/24/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, April 25,1912
J. F. Ward
Jtm WAliKER.
John 'Vfralker, the son, of Wil
liam..,and Mary Walker, was
.born Feb. 26, 1819, in Rowan
County, now-Davie County, N.
a: Died April 11, IGl^agfed
98 years, one. month .-and 16
day^ He left pavie county
about 65 years ago and made
his home in Wa^^ county
where he maiHed:bi8 second
wife; to this .union was bom six
children, four sons and two
daughters. His wife hnd two
preceded hiin to the Great
yond. John Walker and Rev.
Wal^'and two daugh-
tera, are kftr. to numrn j^eir
great loss,
, John Walker wsM good man,
husband ,.mMi father'and has
gone to his great reward. *
He'had mahy^ relatives. and
friends in ^id and Iredell coun
ties ahiong- whom ere L. B.TOker, ""j. L Hedth; W. M.
Wellman, T. Jones, and
Elislm Jones. AFais^.^
Mr. J. Fi^Ward, of Pino, on
April 12th at 11 a. m. stepped
down into the chilly, sl^ream of,
death and croosed over to yon-;
der bfright shore. As the news ^
of hisdi^th went forth, there
thrilled from heart' to heart j
throughouh the community a^
feeling of intense grief. A
grief-that is'felt when one near^
and dedr has passed away..
Hundreds of people assembled
at the M. E. church, Pino qnj
April 13th 8 p. m. to pay the
la^ tribute of respect to the one'
they loved so well. Rev. A. 6.,
Loftin, of Lewisville, and Rev.
Tabor, of Farmington, conduct-.
ed the funeral services. j
He joined the M. E. church,
in early youth and remained a
faithful worker the rest of his
days. He was fifty years of
age. He left behind to mourn
their loss a wife and nine child
ren and other relatives and
many friends.
He was a kind affectionate
husband, a loving father and a
good neighbor. The commobity
unites in lamentation with rela
tives over the passing away of
one who..was near tothe hearts
of all with whom he came in
contact FIbiend.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/25/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, May 2,1912
Elizabeth Pool
HarmbuyJRdate 1, April 29—
Out community wfts shocked
huBt Wadqeietday the 24th when
they ^eaM Mrs. Elizabeth Pool
died suddenly at her hoine-in
Tumesbuig Township Iredell
county. She went out about the
barn and stayed a little lopger
tnan usual, some grandchild]^
went ib look for her, they found
he^ nea^ the barn dead as be-
forb stated. She and her
daughter and some grandchil
dren lived alone. She is surviv
ed by five children one daugh
ter at home; l^aco, npat
Mocksrille;, Fred and Anderson
who live in Indiana; C. EL Pool,
who lives in this community.
Mrs. Pool was about 65 years
of age. The entermeut was at
Qarksbury Thursday, of which
[she was a member. _ \.. .
Mrs. Joseph Padgett
Joseph Padgett's wife died
Sunday morning in Harmony
^the advanced age of 80 years
She was stricken with paralysis
and died in a short tima. We
haven't heard where she will be
hurried yet, at Harmony we
suppose. Mrs. Padgett is sur
vived by a husband and several
children, grand and great grand
Elizabeth Hendrix
Miss Elizabeth Hendnx died
at the home of her niece, Mrs.
George Cartner Sunday night.
Miss Hendrix had been in bad
healch for a long time. She was
a member of the Fork Banlist
Church -she leaves two sisters
and a host of relatives and
friends to mourn their loss.
She was 64^year8 of age and
will be laid to rest this evenim.'
at 4 o'clock in th
Fork Church
Bio - Obituaries - 5/2/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 8,1912
Bettie Pool
Mrs. Bettte Pool died April ^ end was
buried at Clailca^iufy n^^f. Heait
trouble was' tbe caii$e.(^ deaih whi^
was suddea.
W. H. Stewart
' W, M'&owaift, one of^oar towo*s
bekinan,4ep{ut^ fiotD^tiiisjUfe M^ayApril. 29. a>^a,~tteo cbii-
dreq. aQd a jbiost ^ Meads and 'r^tives
td moor^ iEhair lo^ Thb bereaved ones
lULVe ourheaitfett sjpmpariiy,':
Mrs. Baxter Byerly
ByeriVi o2 Gooleemee^
st|^""'^sdav morning, aftera^ort
• A busband and'flve cblldrra^ve, tbe youngest beinji bat
'®®nioiiihaold. To the barMved
Tenie Mock
BliK Tenie Mock, of Advance, died
Friday af a ihort illness of mei^
les. aged abont 60years. Theftine-
raland barial services took , place
Sunday. Miss Mock is an aunt of
Mr. C, L. Thompson and Mrs. Charles
OrreU. of this city.
Elizabeth Hendricks
Miss Elizabeth Hendncks. aged
about 64 years, died on Sunday we-
nfaig. Apr. 28th. at the hd^ie a* W'niece, Mrs. Geo. Carter. The ^
was laid to rest at Fork ChurchMonday^temoon at 4 o?elo<^. She
was a consistmit ujembe!^ of the Bap
tist ehui^di. .
James Myers
Mr. Jathffi Myers, of AdvanW
&ther of our to^^man, C. C. Myers
died ^turday morning, aged 88
yearsi ITfaebcdywas laid to rest
at^l^yitle, the funeral and burial
services bkng conducted Sunday by
Rev. T^lten, of Yadkia College. The
Beeerd'extcaids Etympathy to the be
reaved rOnes.
Bio — Obituaries - 5/8/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, May 9,1912
Lizzie Hendricks
Miss Lizzie Hendricks, of|
near Howard's, died the past
week after lingering quLt
Mrs. A. B. Byed7-
Mra. A. B. Byerly died at her
home in Cooleemee last Thurs
day morning. For several days
her life had been dispaired of
and all that loving hands could
do were of no avail Besides her
husband, Dr. A. B. Byerly, sne
is survived by five children-
one an infant four months old.
The funeral services were
conducted at 4:30 Thursday
afternoon from the Church of
the Good Shepherd, by the rec
tor, Hev. S. J. Brown, and the
body was taken on the eyening
I train to Lexington for i^rial.
rass Una Mock.
Miss Tina Mock, aged 63
years, died at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Charles Ellis, at
Advance last! Friday morning
at 11 o'clock, after a short ill
ness wiHi mieasles: She had
been suffering with lung trouble
for some time and this coupled
with the attack^of measles
caused her^ death.
She was a lovable woman and
was liked by all who knew her,
and a hosi^f friends and rela
tives mourn her loss. She is
survived by her mother, Mrs.
Susan Mock, vdio is npwsods of
80 years, and one sister, Mrs.
Charles Ellis, also a large num
ber of other relatives.
The interment was Simday at
Midway, Davidson county.
. Kr. tiamei Kyers.'
Mr. James Myers, fathei* of
0. C. Myers, of Mocksville, died
at his home near Advance Sat
urday morning after a'lingering
flln^ The zuneral was Sun-
Morning and the intermai.
was at Eltevilla Mr. Myers
wis'^yaava of ag^. •
Bio - Obituaries - 5/9/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, May 16,1912
Mathias Boah died in a Pbil*
adeipbia hospital last week. He
bad gone tneie' to have an
operation performed. He was
bom in Gexmanvt bat had been
a resident of Salisbniy for sev
eral years past, baving^ removed
from this county to Rowan two
or three years age. He mrrried
T. M. Anderson's sister, and
she returned here this week
with her brother and will make
her home with him.
Wilma Mae Orrell
Little Wilma Mae, nine-ye'ar-
old daaghter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Orrelt, died Monday
evening in North Mocksville.
She had been very low of
pneumonia and the end was
notanexpected. The interment
was at ElibOTille and the
funeral ciervices were conduct
ed by Rev. R. £.-Atidnson.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/16/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 22,1912
Mrs. Feltie Leonard
. Mrs. Feltie Lwn^d ^ied ai- b.er
Ap^ SOUi/ She
wafi vi&yold and blind.'
Sallie Haneline
rk' 6- ., atreet.
lur * ?oJ*®' Advance,
abbot -98S^rs. Bits. RaneHne was one of
ol^t, ^np^e old^t womanin tills comity. To the tdativesThe
»^rd extends Ewmpathy.
; llittle Wilma Orrell Dea<!.
Ibe people, of North .Mocksville
were saddened^to leiEini of the death
of i Wilma, - the little 9-year-old
danghter of Mr. and Mrs'. C, A. Of-
reUij .which occiirred on -Monday
afrethoon of last week at5;40o'dock.
Thejlittle gidrhad suffe^ an. at-
ta^ of ineasles, which was followed
b/imeumoma. She had been ill for
neatly three weeks, and hind, loving^
han^ and-a faithful physician did
all in thdr power to ssve her, but to
noaVail. The. funeral and burial
sendees took place Wednesday' !at
noop, at ElbaviUe church, conducted
by Kev. R. E. Af^Qson. of this ciiw.
astisted by Rev. L. Si^th, of
Adujance. To the bereaved ones The
Recifird extends deep a^nipathy.
Wilma was. a bright little girl and
willibe greatly miBsed by those., vdio
knew and loved her. .
Bio - Obituaries — 5/22/1912 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, May 23,1912
BSrs. Hettie Brown.
Mrs. Hettie Bruvvn died at
her home on Salisbury Street
Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 at
the advanced age of -86 years,
after a brief illness with pneu
monia, she was* the widow of.
the late Burton Brown who
preceded -her to the better
world about 18 Months ago.
She is survived by one son
and three daughters: Jno. W.
Brown. Mrs. P. L. Meroney ana
Miss Kate Brown, of this city,
and Mrs. Pink Turner, of
Mrs. Brown was a good wo
man, a member of the Method
ist church for many years, and
loved by all who knew her.
The funeral services were
conducted from the late resi
dence by Bev. J. P. P.og^s, of
Albemarlcr fbnnerly paator of
the Methodist chiizeh..,. here,
I followed by interment at.^appu
Bio - Obituaries - 5/23/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 29,1912
M'.s. Hettie Browa Dead. v.
-'.Di^, In-this ciby, 00 Toesday
^ftiBi^ooD ^at 1;30, o'clocb, Mra.
a^ed'85 jeafs and
2'ffloii^r, after a iBliort iI)o^ of
j^nedbiODia. Mrs. tra-a
taken ill jnab a' -ireek before b'eir
death, and o^lng to her eztreme
age, no hope for her recovery
^tertaihed. The faneral services
"were'cohduotCd from the home by
b^r ^stor, Bey. Atkiofioa,. araist-
,^-i>y ^v. dr F. 'Bogera, * ailer
whic^ the body was laid to .rest at
Joppato await the resbrrecUon
lioorDf^ Tfiirs. ^ Brown, leav^ foar
^iidreQi.ODesop, tfohn, who liv^
ii\ .this ^ty; pod three . dadghters^-
'^i8A..£ate,'rVho lived, with her
mother,'-Hre; P. Ii.: Me^ney, pi
thidpity, and MrsPink ;rQroejr)
Ofj^ntel:. Her h^band preced
ed her te the spirit Iprd ofoie than
a year ago. 3^. ^Brojii n ' was a
.foithtalaod consisteb't'ihicmber oi
fhejMethodist cboroh, add^ leaves
tnadv ^friends' in .the town' and
eoQiity wh^ to learn
of her death: To tl o bereaved
dpesThe Record, extends sympa*
thy."• >■.
George Haneline
• at his home near this city,jn R. 2. XbatEday. mpmh)^, Mr.
ti^rge Haneline, an aged citizen,Jtter a long illness with dropsy. Theijneral and bimal services tookplace Friday at Advance, where thebody ^ i^d to rest. A i^e sind aa ntimber of chUdron survive, alflo
^veral brothers, and sisters. The{wcord extends syampaihy to thebereaved ones. . :
Bio - Obituaries - 5/29/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, May 30,1912
Daniel Safriet
Uncle Daniel Safriet died
suddenly Sunday afternoon. He
was sitting on the porch, ap*
parently well as he had been
for the past year, when the end
canrfe. Uncle Dan was 80 years
old and was a good man. His
body was laid to rest in Society
graveyard, Irdell county, iin>
mediately after the funeral
services, which were conducted
by his pastor. Rev. T. C. Parker.
Rs?. (Hiver Ryder, Forma
Noith Cai^iiilin, Dies at Norfolk
Norfolk, 23.—Rev. Oliver
Ryder, for seventeen years a
member of the North Carolina
Conference of the Methodist
Epi8C<^>al Church, South, while
preaching at the Park Place
Methodist church here Sunday
night, suffered a stroke of par
alysis, never .regaining' consci
ousness and dying at the Pro
testant hospital Tuesday after
Mr. Ryder was educated at
Yadktn College, N. C., and his
wife, who survives, was Miss
Mattie Russell, also of .North
Carolina. Two sons also sur
vive, both grown to man's
estate. The interment was in
Bio - Obituaries - 5/30/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 5,1912
Daniel Safrlet
Thos. Yontz
Yoniz'di^ ^^Aiea^' of
h^u^f^ursMay/29tH:¥-^ i * )
Alex Foster
'^^^,^etitde^8on<pf Binafd) Fpste^.l
Folk JAay. ^9^-' ' ^ , .J
Good Wan Qope^ ■- . '
Mr/ Danie) Safrlet. oae of I>avte*8 best
citizens, died suddenly Sunday evening,
May 26, at his home near St. Matthew
Lutheran church. "Uncle Daniel," W he
was known, was much loved by' ail who
knew him. Hadhe.lived until July 20,
next, be would have celehrated hie
birthday. He connected himself eatlyrir,
life with St Matthews Lutheran church,
of which be wasa faithful member-until
death. He was In his/usu^I.health until
vrithiaa few moments of hls.diMlh.' His
paatOT bad imlled to .see him during the
afteuQooQ and had just left blm sitting in
his'chair on the pon:h ofi^his home a few
minutes before the end came,- but'wascali^ backby'crieaof dist^s to find
blm. io the tluoe^ of death. He will be
mudi missed in the home, Uie church and
the community. Funeral services were
conducted by his pastor, the Rev, t. C.
ParkeV from Sodety Baptist church, and
his remains laid to rest ill ths cemetery
hear by. b^ide the grave ef-his first wife.
Geo. B. Nicholson
Attorney Geo, B. Nicholson, of
SteteHvijle/^ed Saturday and wasburied Sunday.
Bio - Obituaries — 6/5/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, June 6,1912
S. A. Blackburn
Spencer Flagman Is Killed.
Spencer, June 4.- -S. A. Black
burn, a flagman on the main
line of the Southern railway be
tween Spencer and Monroe, Va.,
was killed by coming in contact
with an overhead bridge near
Lynchburg early this morning.
It is said he was knocked from
the tender of the train on which
be was working; that his skull
was fractured and that he was
taken to a Lynchburg hospital
where he dieu later today. He
lived in East Spencer, where he
has a wife and one child a year
old. Mrs. Blackburn went to
, the bedside of her dying husb
and today, but it is said did not
reach him before he died.
Daniel Saldet
Mr. Daniel Safriet, one of
Davie countie's best citizens,
died suddenly Sunday evening.
May 26, at his home near St
Matthew's Lutheran church.
"Uncle Daniel,"* as he was
known, was much loved oy all
who knew him. ^ Had he lived
until July 20, next, he would
have celebrateid his 82 birthday.
He connected himself early in
life with St Mathews Lutheran
church, of which he was a faith
ful member until death. He
was in his usual health until
within a few moments of his
death. His pastor had called
to see him during the afternoon
and had just left him sitting in
his chair on the porch of his
house a few minutes before the
end came but was called back
by cries of distress to find him
in the throes of death.
He will be much missed in
the house, the church, and the
community, Funeral services
were conducted by his pastor,
the Rev. Thus. C. Parker, from
Society Baptist church, and his
remains laid to rest in the
ceroetezy near by, beside the
grave of his first wife.
Rev. T. C. Parker, pastor.
' George B. IGcholson.
Mr. George B. Nicholson died
Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock
at Billingsley hospita*, States-
ville, where he was under treat
ment. His remains were re
moved from the hospital Satur-
; day evening to the home of his
father-i n-l aw, Hon. W. D.
'Turner, and Sunday afternoon
I at 4.30 the funeral service took
t place at Broad Street Methodist
i church. The service was con-
! ducted by Rev. Harold Turner,
assisted by Rev. B. h'. Hargett,
I in the presence of a large
I congregation of friends and rel-
latives. The interment was in
' Oakwood cemetery. The Staces-
' ville bar attended in a body and
the pall bearers were from their
! Mr. Nicholson was a son of
I Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Nicholson
<and was born at Nicholson's
j Mills, Eagle Mills township,
: November 7,1875, being in the
j 37th year of his age at the time
t of death. He was studious
j from his youth up arid when a J
I very young man began teach
ing school and taught at sov-
i oral places in north Iredell and
Davie county.
In June, 1907, Mr. Nicholson j
I was married to Miss Ekinai
I Turner, daughter of Hon. W. D.
!Turner, and his wife and one!
child survive him. He is also|
I survived by his parents, who!
' live at Farmington, Davie coun- j
; ty, two brothers, Messrs. Victor j
Lee Nicholson, of Atlanta, Ga., j
and T. Herbert Nicholson, oL
Farmington, and one sister,"
I Mrs. Lizzie L. Hauser, of Far-
imington. All the family, ex
I cept the brother living in Atlan-
'ta. were here for the funeral
and the young wife and the
mother were with him when the <
end came. The father had been
here but had returned to Far
mington. —Statesville L a n d -
mark. !
Bio - Obituaries - 6/6/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 12,1912
On May 216,1912;
iel S^et, Sr., firtoChed Jhip ^
Hii Bpint went back to the.
who gave it, and his.body.'dki now
retorniog^bffok to.-. lh6-.-.di^.'j^,om„
which it cajDTO.''
lived eighty-one year8,-'<^d ipbo^
and lwenty-8ix days.
a child of Ood in early 'mao^'^!^
and. lived as one who desired .h^v«
en as his fntdre home. • ^sboffei'-;
Jng'WaB great before " the yfilfj^ical
body waa worn away, yet was
paftent» kind, and ;.a6
coiiid'be expected of one , ^wit^L::•':Bo
mneh pain. To know him \^arto
love blih, as he-tried to'carry 9°*'
the ^Iden rale aB.mtioh as"^.OB*
sible, dealriog the Mvpr^p/ (^in
stead oif man. On ilay ^27,
while the writer was ga^ered ^th
a large-,crowd to.^^pay- their last
trilmte:to bis body^ th^^injl';afr
nnbroketa family till then, mQe it
sadder. But death mnst come and
preparatioui shoiddbsjadde. Deatl).J
dtd'^me to him;- and he.had-maidei
pi^^aration» sp let:nB.jpp^ib^odr-,
BetV-dB|o enter the • bavear..oi:- rest
wbere no unbrokeii 'finhitles^wr';
Fowsof death, sig^^'ipaifaU
Mrs. L. T. Hendren
kii^,-shall come, .alt
shail be pea(»,- happioewji.^t^eanh
rest'ihtbe presence of--1he;/:Lord
forever. - --W. B.
Mrs. Joe Woodruff
jae wife of Joe Wooditiff. colored, died last.week. and was bori^
Mrs. L. T. Hendren, of Stokc^
dale, died at the'homeofhca'daugB
tPr, Mrs. John McCIamroch, n^
Main, on Wednesday, and was bur
ied at joppa on Thursday, Rev. A.;
,T. Bprrna conductinij the funeral:
se^c^. A husband and sevc^
chi.dren survive. Death resulted
from heart trouble. Rev. md Mrs.
Hen^iren arrived here :6n :MonBay
afteruoon to. visit Mrs, ;HCT^en8|
daughter, and death resulted twp
day? later. Deceased leaves mW.
relatives and friends to mpum^ her
d^th; The Bewrd extern^ sympa-;thy tpthe bei?e»ved,one8.| I <
Charlie Deamon
thetMlo'pi Mr. Jo}ui.Bmi^n«:6f:n^ Wood-
omand b^]^p^..oy^^.cQe of Sis
Philip Logan
d^tb in
^ ^ waa" buried at
Bio — Obituaries - 6/12/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, June 13,1912
John Seamen
Lou Chaplain
Miss Lou Chaplain, who hasj
been at the Salisbury hospital |
for some time, died last week, i
The remains was brought nomel
and buried at Advance ceme-
tary. I
The sbC'Vear-old son of
John Seamon, who liyes near
Woodleaf, had his life crushed
out by wagon wheels Monday
afternoon when he was riding
with his father in North Cooh
eemee. He fell off and the
wheels passed over him, killing
him instantly. This was the
oldest of Mr. Seamon's childifen.
The mother died recently of
typhoid fever.
Bio - Obituaries — 6/13/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 26,1912
P. H. Booe
P. H. Booe. of Walktetoxro, died
SQddedly last Tuesday V moiniogr*
working in the haYV^ field.Ur. Booe was about 65 ycats of age,
was a native ^ Davie^ co^ty,
baying spent ills youngs
this city. He leaves inaxiy/reJatiyefl
friends who were roncii paibed;
to learn of bis deal^* He was a
brother of Mrk Wfll '^ 3, Mrs. Mas^kt Biffllfx
^ie Hanes and Miss,Hath Boi^, dfthis city. Mr, Bo^ w as b4ovrf\by
who knew hini.' itiQ'bnri8]^foo&
ab Wal'
^0 Becord qympathyvto
1 I
Green Binkley
Died. In tiiis city, on .Thttrs^,
June 20th. at 2 o'cl^, p to*, m-
Green Binkley. aged about 83 years.
Mr. Binkley had been in nadi heal®for some time. The.bddy laid
to rest at Joppa graywrdR. E. Atkinson pdrforminftiie
slices.-. Mr. Bi^lW
federate sbldler, and a '^nsia^t
member of the Methodwt chureh^^XSd six chfldreb. threesonsa^
three daughters
leywasoneof oar 'oldest citisegy
and The Record extends asfmpatiiyio the bereaved ones;
Infant Daughter Christian
ittfentdan^ter of Mr. and
Mr^ G. M. Ghr!stiw.'of Tillery.
C.,- yras brought to this city Sunday
andilpid to rest at Rose cemetery
that evening at 4.o'cIod[.
Bio - Obituaries — 6/26/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY