Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 12,1911
Romus Swisher Killed.
While threslunir wheat at tbe-home •
of Mr. Trivette, near Sheffidd, on
July 3rd, June Clary and F1 yd
Swie^, two young men, s^ot into, a
TjUfficuTty and sever^'biow^ere ex
changed. In some manner Romas
Swisher, a brother of Floyd, and Zol
Clary, a brother of June, became
mixed up in the difficulty, {^d Zol
Clary hit Romus Swi^er with apine
stump, knocking him to his knees.
At this point, June Clary fait Swi^er
witli a pitchfork, one or both of the
blows being sufficient to reinilt in
the death of Romus Swisher about 6
hours later. Zol Clary left imme
diately after the fight and has not
been apprehended up to this writing,.
Sheriff Sprinkle went to the scmie
of (he crime on Tuesday morning,
and finding June Clary, angled and
brought him to town and lodged him
in jail. An inquest was held by Cor
oner Foster, over the body of the
dead man, and the jury f)und that
he came to his death by a blow or
blows delivered by the two Clary
boys. A preliminary hearing was
given June Clary Thursday before
R E. Hunt and J. H. Coley, j. P's.,
and Clary wsih bound over to court
under a $3,000 bond. - Attorneys A.'
T. Grant, of this city, L. C. Caldwell
and W. D. Tamer, of Statesvilie,
appeared for die plaintiff and Attor
neys T. B. Bailey and E. L. Gaitber
appeared for the defendant. The
Record reporter has heard so many
reports that it seems almost impos
sible to get the story right, and we
shall not pass on the case until a
Judge and jury has heard the case
and passed on it. The killing is a
deplorable afifair and is to be r^ret-
ted by all good people.
Claiy is still in jail. Sheriff Sprin-I
kle having refused to reo^inize the
bond. It is sud a reward will be of-,
fered for the arrest of Zol Clary. .
Will Elam
R. M. Eiam, of County Une, spent
Saturday and Stmd^ in Greensboro
with his son Will, who reminns quite
111 with typhoid jfever. Since writ
ing the above, we are sorry to learn
that Mr. Elam died Sunday at noon.
The body was carried to his home in
Iredell countir Monday, and laid to
r^t. Mr. Elam was a young man of
fine ability, and leaves many relatives
and friends to mourn' his untimely
death. The Record extedds sympathy
to the bereaved ones.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/12/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 19,1911
Zeter E. Saunders
We hrve received a notice of the
death of Zeter E. Saunders, of Win-
ston-Saiem, aged 13 years and nine
months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Saunders, formerly of this city.
The little girl died June SOtb, 1911,
after a four weeks illness of pleurisy
pneumonia. Sorry we haven't space
to print the entire letter sent us.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/19/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 26,1911
William A. Gartner
A Goml Man Gone.
In the death of William A.Cart-
Dcr, of Kappa, which occurred
Monday creoiog of last week, meu'
tioD of which was made io opr pa*
per last Tuesday, (be county looB^
one of her best and most iodoental
citizens, the ctiurch one oi her best
workers and the community a kind
and generous neighbor. The death
of Mr. Cartner was sudden and nu-
expected. He had beeu' in appa'<
renlly good health, and after eat
ing supper he wentontoD the porch
and sat down on a chair to rest. In
a few minntes his daoghter, hear
ing a strange noise, stepped over
to his chair and discovered that
lile was extinct. The fnneral ser
vices ere held at Salem chnrch
Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, bis
pnsitor, Rev. A, j, Burrus, preach
ing the funeral. ^ Eev. W. B. Ket-
ohio, a longtime firiend and neigh
bor of Mr. Cartner also spoke on
the nolde traits of character, and
goodness of the deceased. Mr. Cai>
ner was 74 years, 10 months and 7
days old. For many years he baa
been a niember of Salem' (dlDr(dl|
acting for yj^ra as' Soperintendeiit
of IhetitiDday school. Two dangh*
ters, Mrs. B. M. Ijames, of this
city and Miss Mattie Gartner, who
lived with her father,. and Hired
sons, Messrs. J. p. and P. m;
Gartner, ofB. 1, and A. A. Gartt
ner, of Iredel'l county, are left to
mourn their loss. Many relatives
and friends attended the fnue-.
)ra* and banal services, fhowlng
the high esteem in -which Mr.
Gorti^'was held. A. good laap
'has indeed been taken from
and transplanted to ^ heaven. He
will be missed in the church, (be
h me and ttie Gommutilly 'in^whifh
he lived. The Record extendfi
sympatiiy to the bei:eaved"one9 in'
this, their hour oi saddess, "
Young Son Smith
A little.Bon of Paul Smith of Coot-
eemee died Sunday and was buried
at Smith Grove Monday..
Bio - Obituaries - 7/26/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 9,1911
Mrs. W. F. Merrell
J. K. Morrison
J. K. Morrison, oneof StateeviDe's
leadioiir citizens, died last Wednes
Mrs. Wl F, MerreU, of Fork Church
who has been quite ill for several
weeks, died Sunday, aged about 45.
Mrs. MerreU was a
her of the Baptist
host of friends who w^
her death. A hdsbaj^S^^^kons.
and four
internnenttook placeatFork Churtdi
Monday afternoon. The Record ex
tends sympathy to the bereaved ones
in this sad hour.
Bio - Obituaries — 8/9/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 23,1911
Mrs. M. R. Chaffin
A Good Woman Gone.
It is with eorrow that we are
called upon tochronide'the death
of Mre, M. B. Chaffin, which oc
curred at her home in this city on
Thursday night, Ang, 37tb, at 11
o'clock. Mrs. Chaffin had been in
leeble health for many months,
having been stricken with blind-
ness a year or two ago, from which
time she had been gefeUog weaker
and w^ker. She bore her snffOr-
iog with Christian fortitude and
never complained. She was a con
sistent member of the Methodist
church, having been converted and
joining the church 51 years ago.
The funeral services were conduct
ed at the home Friday afternoon
at 4 o'dock by her pastor, Bev. B,
Margeson, after which the body
was laid- to rest in Rose cemetdy
to await the resnrreetion taom.
The large number who attended
the burial service show the high
esteem in which this good woman
was held, Jier friends being, pnm-
bered by the score. Mis,! Chaffin
was 73 years of ^e, audsleayes a
V -- —v-.vv^ca- o
hnsband, Dne soq and-four .daogh-
ters, besldea many vrelatlves:rand
friends. ThcTehiidren sur
vive are: Thos; K, Chaffin, of
this city, Mrs, Sam- Holton,< of
Durham, Mrs. Bruce Oi-aven, of
North Wilkesboro, Rfrs, J. W.
Kiiubrough, of Smith Grove, and
Mrs. Oscar Rich, of this city,
Bister, Mrs. Watt Niehol8o»'j
Farmingcon, survives, ^
iromaDha. indeed, bee? „„oved
.taken to beeheavenly bome^ wlk^ ^ere is no
sorrow, suffering pain. The
Record extend^s the bertevid
ones 8ympaf;oy ir, this ho.nr o<ead-
D€S8, jpoiuts' them to Him who
doe A all thiog-a
alone can heli^^ tJaem to bear their
buidenr.ji^ sidi'iSWr"- '
Bio - Obituaries - 8/23/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 30,1911
Mrs. Harriet Baity Bead at Age
of 101.
Mrs. Harriet Baity, one hundred
and one years old, died at her home
five ^les South o£ town Saturday,
August 18.
Mrs. Baity was bom June 30,1810.
At the age cf twenty years she was
married to Pleasant Baity who died
Dec. 9,1891. To this union 9 children
were bom.' 4 of whom stiU survive,
together with 182 children, grand
children, great grand children, and
great great grand childtm.
She was the oldest person in this
part of the State, and for the past
several years her birthday, June 80,
has been the occasion for several
hundred persons to visit her from
far and near.—Yadkin Ripple.
Mrs. M. R. Chaffln
Inspealnngofthedeath of Mrs.!
M. R..Ch&ffin, in our last .issue,' die
name of one daughter, Mrs. A. M.'
McGlaniery, of this city, was inad.,
vertantly left out.
Mrs. Hall Tutterow
Died, at her home near jWrencher's
Ford, on Thursday. Mrs.'. Hall Tut
terow, {^ed about 85 years. A hus
band and seve^ children'survive.
Bio - Obituaries — 8/30/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 6,1911
Braxton Berkley
Salisbniy^ Drowns.
Salisbufy. Sept S.--Braxton Batkley, J7
y«ar9 old, was drowned in the North Yed-
kin rivtf, abottt twdve miles iitoin this
city.tldsinonilng at l(k30 o'dodt at a
point known as Hcnse Shoe bend. Young
Baifdey, with Floyd and Leo Bo3t.tnotben
had gone to the home of Me. Ed Davis,
near the scene of dm drowning, with a
nephew of Mr. Davis. Arriving theietb^
went to the river and wimt in swimming.-
F1^ Best and Baridey wero migaged in
'/nrinmihrg ftom ace^^poinrroa rook
in the river called ShMphead ntiu Floyd
had ileadi^ the lodt and BatUey w^
following dose bdiind, when aQ of a sud
den he called and said he was giving out
and went under. Royd let UIb feet down
inanefffMtoIocate the drowning boy.
who gras]^ him by the foot, palling him
under. B^ stiangli^, freed mmsdf and
was then, too weak to render fturtha as
sistance to Baikley. Bost saved Idmaeir
wirii difficdity.
Floyd Harp
Died, at his home near Pino, on
Aug. 33,1911, Floyd Harp, son of
Mr. and Mis. J. M. Harp, a^ about
IS years. Mr. Harp was ayoungr noan
of fine character, a conscientious
Christian, and many friends
who are ptuned to I^rn of his un
timely death. ;He was ill for several
wedcs with typhoid fever, and his
death, while sdd, was not unexpect
ed. The bodyj was laid to rest at
Courtney Baptist church, of which
he waaamemlW, Rev, Walter Wilr
son, of this eityi preaching the fune
ral. Robert and Alvin Harp, brothers
of the deceased, who live at llew-
castle, Ind., were'at the bedmde
when the end cam?. . Robert return
ed to bis home'm Indiana lastThurs*
day. while Alvin will remain at home^b^bia parents.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/6/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 13,1911
Effie Pierce
J. W. Nifong and D. C. Ader
Mr. J-. W. ^ifoDg died Aug.the
SOth. D. O. Ader died Sepb.
5th. Both lived oear Arcadia. Mr.
Ader died almost snddeoly.
Mrs. Effie Pieree, of Cooleemee,
died last Wednesday, after a long-
ilJjiess of consumption, ag^ about
SO years. She leaves a hu^and and
pn^child, aged 16 months. Shewas
a daughter of Mr. Bmi Moore, and
j||^e3^many rdatives and friends to
mbum her loss. 9ie was a member
of the Methodist church. The re-
maids were carried to Chestnut
Grove, churchyard on Thursday, and
there laid to rest to await the final
resurrection. The Record' exteitds
ormpatby to the here^ved ones*
Bio - Obituaries - 9/13/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 20,1911
Jonas Knouse
Mr. Jonas Enouse died at his
hoine near isalerprise Wednesday,
13th, and was buried Thnrsdaj at
Mc. Olivet. Mr. Enouse was a
highly esteemed cidzeo, aud will
be greatly missed in that eeetion.
Bessie Smith
. Died, at ber home in Salisbuiy, on
Wednesday, Sept. I3tb after a lin
gering illness of typhoid fever, Mrs.
Besae Smith, aged about 2S years.
One child, a Uttle danghter, is left,
b^dea a host of relatives and'f rlends:
many of whom live in this county.
The funeral and bnnal services took'
place Thursday.
L. Smoot
,t we chron-
of Knoxville, T^n.,
Hfllh, after a long iHncasi with
ney trouble. Tfie news only reached
us a tew days ago of his death. Dr.
Smoot and family visited relatives
in this county the first Ansrnst.
He was a brother of S. A. Smoot, ot
Kappa, and bad many friends in
Daviecnanty. Peace to his ashes.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/20/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 4,1911
Clementine Sheets
Died—At her home near Advance,
un Satiday, Mrs. Clementine Sheets,
a^ed about 75 years. The funeral
and burial services were held Mon
Thos. L. Farrow
Thos. L. Farrow, a prominent dti-
zen of Winston, went into the Mas
onic lodge room in that city on
Tuesday of last week, knelt before
an alter in the room and killed him-
sdf with a pistol ball. He had been
in bad heal^ for some time.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/4/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 11,1911
Mrs. Paul Smith
Sirs. Paul Smith died at her
Louie in. Goolcomee lost Tnoaday
night and waa bnried here Thurs
Elsie Pickie
Kiss Elsie, the 11-year old daugliter of
Mr, and Mrs. E. F. Pickle, died of appen
dicitis Oct. 7th. The body vas laid to
rest at Good Hope She was taken ill
Thnisday and died Saturday night.
Gilmer Daie
Mr. Giimer Dale died Get Sth, and was
buried at Yadkin College. Mr.T. J. By-
eily, of MocksvlUe. was at the burial and
spent the night with his mother, Mrs.
Elizabeth Byerly.
Mrs. Wiiiiam L. Foster
I Mrs. William L. Foster, of North
C^mleemee, aged about TS years,
dit..{ ^'-jLtarday of asthma and heart
trouble. The body was carried co
Center Sunday afternoon and laid to
rest to await the final rcur; ection.
The Record esctends aympathv to
the b^eaved ones.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/11/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 18,1911
June Summers
Mrs. J. F. Hatkey Dead.
Mrs. J. F. Harirey, of near Footeville.
died bat Wednesday morning aged n-
bout 60 years. A husband and two sons
survive, besides many _ relatives and
(nends. Mrs. Haibey was a member of
Dear Creek Baptjst church. The funeral
and bniial services were conducted by
her pastor, Itev. & S. May, and the body
laid to rest Thursday in Bear Oreck ceme
tery. Mrs Hatkey was related to cur
townsman, Robert Wilson. The Record
extends sympathy to the bereaved ones.
Dr. W. G* Jofmson Dead. ...
News was recdved here Saturday after
noon announcing Che death of Dr. W. 6.
Johnson, of Farmington, one of Davie's
■best known cUbsens. Hie deceased is a
brotlier of our townsman. F. M. Johnson,
and an uncle of Mrs. 0. L Williams, of
this dty. Dr. Johnson was about 64 years
of age. A wife'UTid three children survive.
The funeral and burial services took place
at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Dr. John
son was a member. of the Methodist
church. The county has lost a good citi
Murder la Iredell
Stat&svllle, Oct 41,—A tragedy occured
in the n(ffthem section of the county last
evening when June Summers, a young
white mail aged abont 18 years, was
struck on tlie.head with d stick by Walter
Russell, also white, and fatally injured.
The troubie occurred about son down yes
terday afc^ooh and Summers died this
morning about 8 o'clock. Sheriff Dcaton
immediately offered a reward of $50 for
Russell's arrest, and oIBceis and dtizens
Iiavo been searching for him ever since;
the tragedy. He Is about 23 years old.'
five feet and tea inches in hmght, has'
light hair, and blue eyes and was wearing I
blue overalls, a white sweater, tan shoes
nn.d a black hat He left the community;
on foot and it is believed he will be captured. The tragedy occhrred near a saw |
mill operated by Jas, Church. i
la Memorium of Elsie Pickle.
Elsie, the oldest daughter of Mh and
Mrs. E. F. Fidde^ died at her hcpe on
Advance, Route 3, Saturday night Oct.
7th, ot appendicitis Ail that earthly
power coold do was done for the precious
loved one. but it seemed God had called
his own to abide In a better land. She
called all her people to h» bed^de and
tried to show them Jier heavenly vimon.
She told them she was going to die and
asked ihcDi to meet her in Ireaven. "lis
true (ief th loves a afiinlng mark, and it
seems to the hearts bereft that it bears
away the brightest and best Tis hard
to part from our loved ones, but we must
remember that God says in his blessed
word. "Gome unto me all ye that labor
and are heavy laden, and I will give thee
rest" StiU sometimes we forget the gar
den of Gethsemene and how the Savior
lias thro\yn his arms about ns or^ng us
to follow Kim. May God'a tieheat bl^
ings and pity rest upon the grief-stricken
father and mother and comfort the dear
little sister and brother, and may the loss
.of this loved one draw them closer to
Thee. The remains was buried at Good
Hope Sunday evening to awiMt the resur
rection room. Funeral services were con-
ductee tv her pastor. Rev. Ratledge.
A gentle one from us lias gone.
A voice we loved is still,
A {gaceis vacant in our hmne
Which irevercan be filled.
—Euzabeth Crcws.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/18/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 25,1911
C. M. Owen Dead.
Mr, C, M. Owen, 'who was carried to
the Winston hospital Thursday nmnind
to,undergo an operation for appendeeitis
di^ Friday night ot 10 o'clock. The body
was brought home and carried to Smith
Grove, where it was laid to restSonday at
10 o'clock. Mr. Owen was 42 years of age,
a good, honest man and a coosistent
member of the Baptist chntcb. His pastor
Rev. Walter Wilson, conducted the fune
ral s^ces. TheS)Ody was laid to rest
with Junior Order honors. A wife and
two children, a mother, three brothers and
one sister survive, besides a host of rela
tives and friends. Mr. Owen had only
been tick about ten daySi and his death
was a severe shock tohis loved ones and
friends. A good citizen is gone. Every
one who knew Charlie Owen liked him.
No tettefroan livel in our midst The
Record extends to the bereaved ones Its
deepest aymiiathy, in this sad affliction.
aod.polntB tliem to mm -'who doeth aR
things wtili fm comfort and solace. .
Jim Burton
Mr. Jim Barton died at Wainnt Cove
last week.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/25/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 15,1911
Naomi Elam
Miss Naomi Elam died Saturday
at the bqme of her parents, azfd
Mrs. R. A. Eiam, near County lane, ]
and wasliuried Sunds^ at Society
chorcb. D^th resulted from typhoid
fever. Miss Elam was 15 or 16 years
old and is survived by ber parents,
a brother and a number of sisters..
She Was a ni^ of Mr: R. W. Elam,
of Statesville; — StatesviUe Land
Bio - Obituaries -11/15/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 22,1911
Mrs. Columbus Campbell
Mrs. Columbus Campbell died
last Saturday aud was boried at
Clarlisbuty tbe nest day,
Bio - Obituaries - 11/22/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 29,1911
iUtle Pi^i.Waiker Dead. *
It is with soiTow and aadnesa'UiBt the
e^tor is called n apoh tQ announce the
d^th of Pead, thellttle 12-year-cId dsugh-
j tec of Mr. and R. L. . Wuker, which
[accuiTed at the home of her parents Jtist
'.west of tovra, at 10 o*dock'last- ThoiOday
mornind. The littie body, was laid to rest
' at Joppa Friday at 2p..m.i Elder Rpeves.
iseaching the funaiaL The little
had siiff^ far souie tfine withconsoiiip-
tlbn; never ragoiblng her health finoi an
attack .of measles a year or. two ago. Evr
my one who knew. Pearl loved her,. for
she so kind.and.h8d sqch a. ^ny
dispoaitioh. ..Only a .short while -ago' she
spent the .day. with tha editm and fsmily
i.-rNing,a:df>uMn.of ,'&e''«^^ we
were deeply imprest vdth' tbe paUmtce.
and foTtitsde with iwhlcb' ^e bore her.
sufferi^ never . complainiDg..; she .'is in
h^ven, .yrhei^. th(^..'l8 no .paln and tspr-
ro^Vand -aU'tiy foJivehd^!^^
that Id'thh'iswem bire^ax(d-b3«- we.:shall
aU be:renidtad:jh'tii.athcme-i^^
bhef:Wh6'-ls jiotjddad. b
John Stonestreet
The niany Eriends of. Mr. • :jrolih
Stonestreet. of. North :l,MpckB?il.Ie,-
who has hed Df'for.severar.'motitbs
\?ith heart^drepey, will :to i
leilrh'of his :.dehu, '/which'';deeQrred:i
Sdnd^^todrnh®^^hooktplajceat .C^ter ah 3-p. iSud"!:
,.day^; Mrj'Sfeihe8^ei^;^a8 .a
'.bar..o£.iaie>M; He
Bio — Obituaries —11/29/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 6,1911
Sarah Pearl Walker
A. W. Bradley
j aqd Mrs.'R. P. Bradley dt- i
Aended the,fdQej^'o£.Mr;'Bra4l^'8
brotherj.A- W. Br^ey/who died at
his home near St^^vllicl Saturday.'
The fttiierai''' and' b'urla^ occuired
Sunday. . : V4; ' "
Is Memary of Uttfe-Pofu;!
.Mother hoine- • has' been:. broken^
and darkened by .the band-of d^h;<
The an^lof dea&.:.gently r.tp^idS
the doorw^of our-homes.and with
icy flnireia toizchi»ou^fcgidestfr^:'i
ures and .takes-th^ fil:otn>
brace .one l>y pder. Little. Sarah^PcaH
vydkep wds hdim .dab: 28.,'. 1900, ajtid i
depaiited this life IdlL.
While we i^ize we wiU pdver see'
her little a^in^' -yet vWa know i
%'e is ^e. in the arooh of/Je^,. for-,
he smd: "Sufl^er litt^ children to.
eome.QQtcr.ihe and fpfbld'themhot; <
for bf.soch Is thie ldhgd.pin"0f^ heav
en." Jtis*8ad-flideed,-but;I Woiild
|Say bo the.hea¥t-bi^k'eri;;"£ati\epVeh^
mqther-j'brotheracaOd sistbrs, Jet;' us.
Strive lg<je wln?n .tjbe.-sum-.
, iapns= con^^l^iay-^ejiermH
joip'her^^^ere •t^efeJyHll^be. ho
Tvi CoJ^SN^'T
Bio — Obituaries - 12/6/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 13,1911
Mrs. Enoch Spry
Mrs. Enoch ^ ^ed lady, of
Ephesas, oi^ EMday. morning
an^ was boH^atLiboriy at2o'clodc
Friday ^temoon. her Bev.
Burrns, conducting the ^nera! ser
vices, Many relatives. and friends
are li^t to mourn her death.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/13/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY