Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 4,1911 Infant Edwards The little infant child 6i Mr. Mrs. A. W Edwards di^' Monday and was buried at New Union the next day. George Holman George Holman, ail aged negro- of this city, died Dec. 22nd. Pink Jones Died, at her home on Route one, De& 21st;, Miss . Pink Jones, aged about 70 year& The body was laid to rest at Jo|kpa cemetery en Dec. 22Dd. Ma&y relatives and friends are left to mourn thdr loss,. Geo. R. Godbey Died, at the home of bia son-mr law, F. M. May, onWedn^d^, Dm. 21,1910, Mr. Geo.'R. Godbey, aig^ 96 years and 20 days. Mr. Godbey had been rick only a :few days. He was a'member of Bear Cre^ Btm- tistchurdi'for more than seventy j years. ^Rie body was laid to rest at ISon diapet on Dec. 22nd, Bev. E. E. Smith conducting the burial services. Mr. Godbey leaves a wife, two daugh ters and six grandchildrmi to moimi his death. He was a good man, and will be missed. Peace to his Martin Roan li&urtin Roan, an aged insane ne gro, who was recently put in the county hom^ ran away Dec. 12th, and was found dead on Tuesday he- fore Qmstinas in a firid near Har- dlson's chapd. It is supposed that he either starved or froze to death. Bio - Obituaries -1/4/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 11,1911 Mrs. Boat Miller Mis. Boat MUier died a few days a^a Was buried at FrienddiiiK Child Walser Mr. and bbs. Giover Wafser lost a child last week with pneumonia. Mr. WiUtatn Walser has one very dck. Obe Foster Mr. J. & B. Shutt was cal'ed on Jan. 4th to lay the zemains of Mr. Obe Foster to rest in the cemeteiy at Fork Church. Services were conduct IqrRev. Davis.' Infant Son Brown Mis. David S. Brown is tmproving after an illness of three months. 'Hiey lost thdr youngest child, a boy about 15 months old, after the most intense suffering for nearly amend). He bad healing in the head and con gestion of stomach and bowels. Two of the other children have been sick but are better now. IDieir oldest son. Marcos, fell from.a wagon sod broke his arm and pat his collar bone out of place. Max Brown has also been on the sick list for a month. Eli Bowman Eli Bowman, a re^tected colored man of Smith Grove; died Wednes day, aged about 80 years. Son Maxwell The 12-year-old son of JesE» Max well, colored, of Cooleemee, while playing aronnd a fire ondw a pot 13mrsday, had the misfortune to get his clothes on fire, and as a result he was burned to death. Son Maxwell Obediah-Fosterll The 12-year-old son of Jesse Max well, colored, of Cooleemee, while playing around a fire under a pot Thursday, had the misfortnne to get his clothes on fire, and as a result he was burned to death. Obediah Foster, of near Comatzer died last Tuesday, aged about 62 years. A wife and several children survive. Mr. Foster was a good citi* sen, and wlU be mi^ed in his section of the county. Bio - Obituaries - 1/11/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 18,1911 Lucius Rudislll Steps Prom Train to Deatb. Mr LociosRuclislil, bettcrknon-n as "Lnce" Rudisill, of Kowao nouDty, fell from passeogec traiu No. 12 at Elmnrood between 7 and 8 o'clock Wednesday evening and received irgurles from which he dietl in a ehort time. n Wednesday moroing Mr. Rudi- eill bonght a ticket at einiwood for Bickory and boarded No. 11. He retnrned on No. 12 that evening. The train was behind time and was running rapidly. Ab It rolled ioto the railroad yard at Eimwood Mr. Rudieill walked oat on the plat form preparatory to getting off, and .ell frdin the train in front of the residence of Goe. F. Shepherd, B:sq., a\>out CO yards froin the eta- tiott. • Be fell on his bead and re ceived fatul iii)Qrie8. The train pprter was near him and saw him fail. Jnst how the accident.tccar red no one knows, bnt it seems to be clearly an accident. It is sup posed the man either made a miss step ur lost balance by Ibe motion of Ihctraiu.-Siutcsvjlle Landmark. Columbus Foster Golambus Foster, of near Fork was buried at Courtney last Friday. While spending the holidays there, he contracted pneumonia which cau- 8^ his death. Mr. Foster was an honest young roan, aged 33, and un married. G. E. Barnhardt G. E. Barnhardt, an aged citizen of near Augusta, died Wednesday after a lingering illness of many months. A number of rdatives and many friends are left to mourn his departure. The body was laid to rest Thursday with Masonic honors. Peace to his a^es. G. E. Barnhardt G. E. Barnhardt, an aged citizen of near Augusta, died Wednesday after a lingering illness of many months. A number of rdatives and many friends are left to mourn his departure. The body was laid to rest Thursday with Masonic honors. Peace to his ashes. Bio - Obituaries - 1/18/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 25,1911 Jesse and Charlie Swicegood Tuesday at noon, Fork witueas* ed a scene of surrow at the burial of Mr. Jesse Stvic^oo<l and his son Charlie Strif'ogood, ^o^h of Fowau county. Mr. Jesse Strice* good had iieen au honorable sold ier in the Gbnfederate army. -Mr. Henry 0. Foster, ot thisVil- lage, killed a wild duck while liUQiiug on Dutchman creek. Bio - Obituaries - 1/25/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 1,1911 Mrs. Louder Mrs. Godfrey McCuilah We are sorry to note the death of Mrs. Qodfriey. McCuilah who depart ed this life Jan. ' Mrs, Louder, an aged lady. \vho lived on Route.4, died Saturday, and was burled at Jerusalem Sunday morning. A host of relatives and friends are left behind to mourn her los^. The Record eatdnds ^mp^y to the bereaved. Mrs. John Owens Died—In this city last Monday, Mm. John Owens, after a short ill ness of pneumonia. The burial took place at Smith Grove on Tuesday. A buslnuid and three children survive. The Record extmids &iynipathy~to the bereaved ones in this, theirsadhour. Bio - Obituaries - 2/1/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 8,1911 Beattie Harris Eugene Miller I Eugene, son of Mr. James MiDer. died I at hij kome near here last Thurediay of ' pneumonia. Mr. Miller was a bright young man—age about twenty. Infant Everhardt The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Everhardt, of near Augusta, died last Monday and was buried at Con> cord church last Tu^ay. Mfss Beattie Harris died at her bome at High Point last wedt. after an illness of three weeks. Miiss Har ris had many fri^ds in this dty who will be pained to learn of her death. Miss Harris ^pent several months in this city iast year as stenographer for Ceiuns Supervisor A. 1. Grant. Jr., and during her stay in our midst made many friends. T. A. Boone In the death of Rev. T. A. Boone, which occurred in this dty Sunday aCtemoon at Lke home of His daugh ter. Mrs. J. 0. King, the town and community loses one of her best and most beloved citizens, the church a foithfnl and consecrated worker who spent his life in the Master's work. The funeral took place from the Methodist church Mood^ aCtemoon at 2:80 o'clock, after which the body was laid gently to rest in Rose cem etery to await the r^rrection. Mr. Boone had not been in good health for m£my years, having been forced to retire from regular ministerial work several years- ago. One son and two daughters survive, berides a number of relatives and a host- of friends. For lack of space we ca^ not give an extended notice of this good man's work on earth, but what greater thing can be said of him than that he is now with his Father, whom he loved, served and labored for so faithfully while among us. To the bereav^ ones who are. left behind; The Record ^ctends si'mpatby. Bio - Obituaries — 2/8/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 15,1911 Mrs. Howard Mris. Howard, of BHcbr,;iJOtber of Postmaster Myrrs. died Tliiir>jday nigbt'. f h^rliroui-tf. aged74year8l The bodv was carried tn Grove Saturday a: ^ laid to rest A num ber of reiati *es '^nd frienda are ielt t» mourn her loss. Death of Mrs. Maggie Owen. With sorrow ana re^lrer untold we re cord the death o( i:&9. Mag^e Owen, which ccumed Jan. 23nL She leaves a htiSliaud aad tbrep rhlldren and a nuct- ber of relatives and frieuds to mcozn her de^th. 3^,;^ a ^ss r>*meotine be- foreii^mani^, and being. left an jor- lih^a.atfivo^yeais of cge* made herhor-.e vrith"Mr. and Mrs. j. P. Giaager ttrtU mani^. in eady fife she' gave ^hejrt to God and Jtdned Bethel -M.. Pi n chtuch where die remained mttil death. Her daily fife and Godly walk ever led us to bdieve she is now basking the sun light of God's pmisa.- She was a loyjng >dfe, a devo^ mother, a kind and gra cious neighbor, ever rr^dy to bc!p. imtime of need. fiba. Gwra'^ amoDb' us is now vacant, her voice IS still. We:-miss herldiidiy greeting and words of dieer. The fair fight of the borne has bera quenched by death. Where once waj joy and gladness now darkness hwers like a midnight palL In that hmae' dzcle 3 wW bejniss^, Hd^o!:a.csih.lier- tovir.<|- Ikaiute and'willii^Iieart m hold.. The UtUe children canoat run to her now. )fot in this we recognize that it was God's will, 'i be Lord gave- and the Lord bath'takra. away, blessed be tbs name of the Lord. She has left us. but her example is still with as. She cannot come ti> us, but we can go to ben : .4. W.CARTNER Polly Howard Mfs. Fdiy Howard, while vi^llng her! nephew, V/. T. Myers, was taken ill and j ^ea Fdday. | Bio - Obituaries - 2/15/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 15,1911 Phoebe Garner Charity Hege Allot Charity Hege died tit her booie oeair Ajvadia March 2ud, aged 79 yeare. She leaves seven sons, Oeorge, Jnlius, Wesley, Hen ry, Liudsey and John, and one danghter, Miss Sarah. All of her children are living and doing well. Part of them take The Record. Ann Cook Mrs, Ann Cook died Sunday, Mar. 8th, of pneumonia, and was laid to rest In the Cook graveyard. She was a good woman, and was loved by all who knew her. Two children anti a host of relatives and frimids are left to mourn her loss. Mrs. Phoebe Garner, wife of the late W. W. Gamer, was bom Sept. 11,1836 and departed this life March 6,1911—being 74 years, 5 months, and 25 days of age. She was moUier of seven children, only two of whom^ survive, W. C P. and Amy, who at- tended to the wants of thdr aged mother daring the iast mx years, which period she had an invalid. Ont of a family of five, only bnosur^ vives, 0. H, Adams, of Center State Iowa. Her husband passed Into the Great Beyond Oct. 28,1883. twenty- seven years ago. She joined the' church at Yadkinville in 1867 andi was a member the^ at the time of her death. She her Bible daily up to the time her eyeright fai ed her. We join with a host of friends in extending sympathy to the bereay- ed. Mrs. J. L. Holland Milton Travillian Milton Travillian, of Smith Grove, died Wednesday of kidney trouble, aged about 80 years. Mr. Travillian once lived in this city and was en gaged in the mercantile business. Mrs. Jack Cheshire Mrs. Jack Gh^ire, of near Hol- man's, died last Tuesday of paraly- ris, aged about 70 years. The inter ment was atUnioii Ghapel on Wed nesday. Mrs. Cheriiire was a mem ber of the M. P. church. Ahuriiand and two children survive, Mrs. J. L. Holland, of Advance, died last Thursday evetiingvcrv sud denly, aged about 50 years. She was in apparmtly good health, and when starting to prepare sapper riie fdl and lived only a short while. The burial services were conducted by her pastor. Rev. L. K Smith, of the Methodist church, at Shady Grove Cemetery. A husband and several children survive. .To the bereavedones The.Recoi^tktends eympatby. Bio - Obituaries - 3/15/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 22,1911 Ann Cook ' Mra. Ann Gook who died here re- c^tly, was 88 years old, and was the mother of 6 diildren, two of whom survive.. There are 21 gi^dchild- ren and 45 gieat-grand-duldren to moum her loss. ' Mrs. John Hilton fiSrs. John Hilton died near Advance I Mar 10th. W. B. Hampton ' W.B. Hampton died suddenly at bis home in Hampton township Maich lOtb. Syeaxa. ' . Susan Phillips I' Aunt Stisan PfaUUpe died ICareh lOth at I | a very old afe. in Reedy (keek townshipkl Harrison James Mr Harrison James, a highly est^med citiami of Reedy Creek, died paresis onhis way from Winston last 'Ruusday. where hh had been with tobacco. Bio - Obituaries - 3/22/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 29,1911 Mrs. William Snyder Frank Creason Creason/ o£ Coole6mee» Wiednesd^ of pnenmonia. A'^^'® severafchUdrra Mrwve. Infant Son Kelly infant son of Mr. and Mra. li,T. Kdly. of TaylorsviUe, who died last week, was brought to this cl^ Wednesday, and the little body laid to rest in Rose c^etery. ~ Mrs. William Snyder died last Wednesday at the home of Her son. 8. P. Snider, on R. 1, at an advanc ed age. The body was laid to rest at Noe Creek church Friday at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Snider was a member of the Primitive Baptist chnrch. Eiglit children snrvtve/fonr sons and four daughters. .To the bereaved ones we extend eympathy. J. F. Byerly Mr. J. F. Byerlv. of Davidson eoim- ty, father of our townsman T. J. Byeriy, who suffei^ a stroke of pa ralysis last we^j died Sunday and was buried Tu^ay. Mr. Byerly was one of Davidson county's best citizens, and will be greatly missed. Bio - Obituaries - 3/29/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 19,1911 Andrew J. Hutchins Re^mbrance. ' 'We were indeed sorry to bear of j the death of oar gracdiiather. An* drew J. Hntobifis, who died on Apr. 3rd, and like Abr^am died in ripe old age hod fall of years. Having seen many of the hardships of this life dating back to the trisds of the sixties, but throngh it all be bore up with undannted love lor his wife and children and his many grandcbilUrea. Fond reeol* lections will oiten crowd onr mind of the many honrs whlled away a grandpa's in childhood days. Men being Dofctiing but mere boys grown old. Andrew J. Hntchins pro fessed faith in Christ some thirty years ago and was baptised in Pntobman creak by amersiou. The weather .being so cold that they cut the ice out of the way. And since that time he has lived a con- sistant Christian life. Attending chnrch regular until In the last years of bis life his health failed, but in bis reclining days be mani fested his snpreiue faith in bis Qod. The writer having interviewed him in his affliction. He assured me that according to nature his life James Gail James Call, of near Center, died last Tuesday of pneumonia, aged a- bout 40 years. The body was laid to rest at Oak Grove Wednesday. A number of relatives and friends sur vive. scene was rapidly closing and that he had run a good race and fought a good fight and beuBefoclh there was awaitlDg him oj yon-celestial shore a hearty welcome and a crown Let me commend the bereaved to be of good cheer, the pai ting is for a Short time we are all travelers jnst passing by. Let ns all seek to live a higher life so the sommous will not come and find ns wanting. The Bible tells us that the Christian life here is assentially the same as the life of the saints in glory ever lasting. Herbert J. Penry. Mrs. Wilson Koontz Mrs. Wilson Koontz. of R. 1, died last Monday and was buried at Salem church Tuesday. A husband and seven children survive. Mrs. Koontz was aconsistent member of the churdi of Christ To the bereaved onesihe Record extends sympathy. Infant Richardson The little infant of Mr. and Mrs. Obarlie Richardson died Friday morning and was4>uried Satnrday at 11 o'clock at Zions Ohapel the writer attended the bniiel. Bio - Obituaries - 4/19/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 26,1911 Mrs. Jane Powell Mrs. Jane Powell, wlio has been very ill tor some time, died Mon day, April lOtb, and wsuh bnried at Hickory Grove, where she was a member. Will Campbell ' While ridinsr on a shifting freight' 'strain at Ctemmons Easter Monday^ •^Will Campbell, of near that place, ' Was thrown under a box car, and ;horribly mangled, dying instantly. ;He was about 25 years of age. Small Child Hoffs Ie4 Apr. 19th. A little child of Dan Hoffs died Harvey Weaver Inttle Harvey, son of Lum Weaver died Apr. 19th. He was 10 or 12 y^sjold. Burial was atOood Hope. Bio - Obituaries - 4/26/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 3,1911 Grace O'Neil Grace, the little dangbter of Mr. and Airs. Boss Olleil died Monday night, and was boned at Zion Ohapel Wednesday at 11 o'clock. We estend aynipstby to the be reaved ones. Infant Sain An infant dilld of Bfr. and Mrs. Marsh Sain was bniied at Elhavihe last we^ Mrs. Sain was ABss ComZimmemian. W. R. Eanes Alexander Miller With the exception of coMs, health is faidy good. Besides Mr. Alexander Miller who died last Sunday, there has been but few recent deaths a^ we know of nocas- es of scions nckness at this time. W. R. Eanes, of R. 2. who has' been very ill for the past two months died Saturday moming, aged about 45 years. A wife and several broth ers and sisters survive. The body was laid to rest at Oak Grove Sunday afternoon at 2 o'cloek.^Mr. Banes was a. member of thie Methodist church. Ihe R^rd ^tends sympa- tliyto the bmreaved ones. Bio - Obituaries - 5/3/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 10,1911 Mrs. L G. Etchison Mrs. L G. Etchison. mother of Ex-Treas- ere J, W. Etchison was buried at Eaton's church yesterday. A lat;ge oowd were present to pay last tribute of respect to this good woman. Funeral servicecon- ductcd by Revs. Utiey, of Godeemee, and Wilson, of Mochsvillk TUsfa. Louise Etchison James Shutt Mr. James Shutt one of Focsyth's best I citizens died May the 4th was buried at Freld-Burg. Mr. Shntt weighed over 300 i pounds and was half brother to onr good I paid up subscriber, Mr. Jordan Shutt. Mrs. Xiouise Btcfaison of Gana died Wedn^ftf^ aged about 75 years* Eitcbison was acousistent mem ber of the baptist dhurch. Dhofon- eral and burial services were, held Thursday at Eaton^s churdi. ilxs. Etdilson leaves several cbildien, a-! moofif th^ bmng former county Treasurer W. Etchison. A mother in Israel haO'truly be^ called to her reward. ^^.Bocord- extends sym pathy to tiie bereaved ones. Child O'Neal The 4 year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar O'Neal, of aear County line, died Apr. 25tb and was buried at Hickory Grove on the 26te, Rev. W. J. S. Walker conducting the fu neral services. Bio - Obituaries - 5/10/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 24,1911 Nath Donahoo There wad a laree crowd attended burial at South River last Sunday, Mr. Nath Donahoo. was bii rted. He w^ 64 years old had been blii^ 5 years, leaves wife and one dausditerand several grand dilldi^ to mourn their loss. Bio - Obituaries - 5/24/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 31,1911 Martin Summers ■'Mr.'MarUn Summers, who.was aedd^tly shot by his little grandson as told in The Record last we^ diedmrant bowies Tuesday afternoon and was buried ^ at Oak Grove Wednesday atll o'clock The fi^e infeot of Mr and Mis. Gcadie Retard extends sympathy to the Bowles died Monday and was tnuied at .bereaved on^, in this, their sad Obestottt Stomp Tuesday. hbnr. Bio - Obituaries - 5/31/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 21,1911 Mr. John H. Stewart Dead. | Gharlofcte, Jane 12.—Mr. Jobo d. Stewart died euddeuly yester day afternoon at 6:39 o'clock, fol lowing an attack of acute indiges tion. .Tbe sadden sominoua was entirely onezpected and wi'l. be learned of with distress by many friends here and elsewhere. Heart trouble, from which Mr. Stewart has suffered for the past ten. years, 'Waw^^niplication which woe a fsictor. Mr Stewart was aboht 65 years of age. He was born in Lancaster. S. C., but was taken by bis par eats to Mo<^sville when h« was very young. He made that his home until two years ago when be moved to Charlotte with his wife. Seventeen years ago he- was hap pily married to Miss Jnlia Steele, ofRockipgham, adaoghterVHon. W. L, Steele and member of a pro minent family of that sectioh. Engaging in the tobacco business in early life, Mr. Stewart was not long Id achievii^ success, although owing to the ill health which had beset him of recent years he ha<l beon retired for some time. He was o man of the most likeable traits of character, a courteous gen tleinan with whom it was ever a pleasnre to converse. His range o( iuformattdn was wide and^aocu rate, his sympathies were broad and deep. Altogether he was a man of the type to wlo many and I:utiDg Iriends. Mrs. Stewart sur vives. Her sister, Miss Mamie Steele, of Rockingham, chanced to be here on a visit and is with- her. The funeral and interment .occurr ed at Kockiugham Tuesday after- nooo. The services were conduc ted by the pastoi^of the Presbyter ian church at Bockingliam. It pains us to publish the death of Mr. Stewart. He was one of The Becord's good friends and had been a life-long subscriber. . He is a balf brotber ot our townsmsm, Mr. T. M- Young, and has many friends in Moeksville who were sorry indeed to learn of his death. Small Daughter Rouse The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D, E. Rou^, of near Fork, died Friday and was buried at liberty Sunday. Bio - Obituaries - 6/21/1911 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA