Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 6,1910 Solomon Burke Bfr. ^omonBoiton'^^ at . his home aear ThomasviUe Jiina 2^h.- was in bis A,Vifs and savieral ct^dren 'survive i - \ - ' -r ■'V'-; Sallie Ferabee Miss Sallie Ferabee, ol near C^a,^ aged about ^ yeara, di^ last "Wed-. ne^ay, after a lingering illn^ of rbeumatiSm.^ The burial took place at Eaton's churc^ Thursday noon in the presence of many sor- i^>mng/M6nds and MissFerab^ leaveff^seyei^ brothera and many: relatives tojnoum her death. Mrs. J. H. Dwiggins . Died.-rAfc.Coole^^K OO ^Friday,July Istj Afier an Ijlne^ of/^several days witb measIesV Mrs. U. Dwig gins. The body was; cariied ,tP Center Saturday'hnd laid tor^t.- A husband and a number of children survive. Mrs. Dwiggins a good woniahv and was a .member of ^e Methodist^cburch. The Record .ex tends sympathy, to i^ebereaved ones. Caroline Stroud ,&bime'Stroud. , County^ Line,"di^Monday,;and- was buriedat Salem ^ diurch -yester^y.. Mrs;S^ud^was a <»ii^tCTt- mWlier ^pf- the^Metbodist; - l^yda- many.relatiyes Mafrii^dato^ .■Herdb^--y?.^e\w"tts-laB^ of;' William F. Turner WiUiaia F. Turner, a well known farmersnd^ood citizen. (Ued Saturday morning' St his borne near Cool Spring, death rev pijring from an operation for appendidri&{ Bio - Obituaries - 7/6/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 13,1910 Amos Daniels Mrs. W. B. Naylor :*Mr8;'W. B, Naylor^ . Va^rTii^^r i^uiiip.j$g^'about yeaia. n -My lud to rest ai pbureh pretose'in'mw sprr-o:i^iiis- jand^rdatives. Mts. NOjdpr was;^^ content member of. tbe" " to'ber .i^'a^ The B^ra Wtmds j|pai1^MtlEi^pathy;to^^^ ^nj^'iiitiiiS, their.p!^ bonr, ,^ .. on'iKediies^ ^diyeaisi ^^e'bd^.fi^laid ta'r^ jtitfaeD^id^^ ' In >^4 of maiiy sbi^^^felafiv^ wd fiends ttr,.;D^iel was one of^0 Re^i^^a .pld£ri^(teand..^b^^]^^^^ ainil^-.w^j sliallMiffibi^ pleas^t e^ at our but.lii8'fri^s mopr^ not;■for bim aa ope .^t-.is .d^, oply .sleepeth for a" seaasn and'awake at the lesnrr^on' 'mdr^ Hework.ol^^i^.; iro'thoie whb. mpura Bio - Obituaries - 7/13/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 20,1910 Bessie Thomason John Taylor Mr. John Taylor died at Yadkin College July 8cb, aged 72 years. leaves a wife 5 boys and one giii Mr. Taylor was b<»n inScoUand and came to this country when he was 3 years old. * -' AwM Crime Dr. Wi L. Vestal -an^ Jiis wife, of High Pointy are in the county jail at Gieeosbqi^^ the. pbyslciau being <^arged^ith performing an illegal operatioa upon a girt^^ Bes- jsie Thomason^ of Statesville/ f^m the effeots of which she die'di July 3nd. Mrs. Vestal is held, becantie itis believed she aided her hW band in the terribly practice. Ad- other girl, May Owbo. of Linwood, is dangeronsly ill from the same effects and there is. e^ery Indica^ tion that Dr.. Vestal is guilty oT this crime also. Bio - Obituaries - 7/20/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 27,1910 Annie Moore • WedoegiiaylimoruiDg. at a"boQt half past 5 0/clock 'Mibs- Ann!? L;Mopr8 shot and home of hhr ^dowe^ mothec; Mrs. George LIvengood . J^.6e(^e liveogopd died; Sufidayi.af-. tontxm her Jiome-.three mUe^* sontfai ^ .Advucie; Guy Carter Mr. Guy Carter, a young lawyer of Dobson, died last wedc after a long Siness. He had repre^ted his di^ UicC in the State S^iatO as a Bepoh^ ton. ... Bio - Obituaries - 7/27/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 3,1910 Smith Loyd Bill King ^ King, cidoied, last' wedt . and was baried at New Zidb:. Smitbl^yd, a yoiing white, man of Cdoleeinee, was drowned Thtus- day inthe Tadldn river jus| abdve the dam. was tryingf to swim acres l^e-river and It.ls fhoii^t was gdzeid wifh cramp.. . Lewis Ijames LeWis'Qaines, colored,.died 41^ hjis home neur Qames X Roads, Fid^ evening, ag^ 88 j^aaa. I^wis Was one of the .oM-time negn^, and^d many friend: amopg tiie white race. He wsB probably .the olde^ man in Daviecoimfy. - • Bio - Obituaries - 8/3/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 17,1910 Young Daughter Cope 1^(1^;''irp6e . X ;i. Bio - Obituaries - 8/17/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 24,1910 Flora Ellis Etta Mathias ,. llfotibks, of Ronda, Wil' codn^;dled'la5t!Ta^ay after, a ling^^.Uiness of consumptibn^.yAj iia4>a&d-^d-twb broths aind'o^e ^telf siii^v^, viz. fitte. R. L. Walk*- of R.'i J. W. Green, of Route 5, "aiid^nford Green, of Ri! 1. alt of whoiU: w^e at her beddde when -the ^id'Cwe.; ..'To the ^ bereaved ones- extends kyinpatby; A jirpod 'wOinan has gone to her reward.: Young Son Smith . her hohid in Rarmfng:^ ^t:iQ'o'dockMon^ mornings Mibfir fibm- Eljis, d^ghter of Mr. A. EU£b, hg^. ^ years, after aJbri^ iU- fever. The hody!^^ ia(d-io ,i^t jr^brday in the pree^^ ofa)ioBt'of relatives and frien^ :T;;H>^'R^b^f - '.bir vive.''..'fi^.Eil!8 wias a member 61 toe Mbtoodist-cban^, add a chns^ tian worker, and was loved by- bU who ltoe!t^. her. To the ber^yed ones TfabrRbcord extends God iq ^ w^dm^asiw iit td take item OUT ndd^ pb^ the.: iittle >n of Mr. Jini Smith. |..It*a.'bddy was .IMd' 'to n r^t' f^fday itt ^yey;^ X^iaidie Imd; won the' love, ^ all who knbw him, and R' to with sqnow that we ^ve: him- bp,. Irat Cb|ist.^id, "^Si^er little children to come ; n^o me and foxUdKh^n Bot, for. of siu^ to the kingdom of V Bio - Obituaries - 8/24/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 31,1910 Emma Shackieford . Mrs. Emma . Sbacklefoid died, at ber bihiie n^ Roland last Tuesday, and waa laid to rest in' thercemetaiy at. Betbtl Wedne^y,. She had been in ITor some time. We ex^d sympathy to the beieav- W family.'. S. L. Swicegood The death of 8. L, Swioegood, jeweler, who bae been under treat* ment in a fidspital in Greeneboro for several weeks, took plaoe in that oity Friday morning, the immediate cause being the effects of galloping coniumptioD, His remaina were brought to Baliebury Friday aftemoou and the funeral was held Saturday morning, Rev. B. L. Motley cfficiating. ^The in terment was in the Soglish ceme tery Mr. Swioegood was a native of Davie co^ty and a member of a large family. He leaves a. wife, father and. numerous other rela tives. Ha was 40 odd years old and at one time did a fairly good jewelry business here. Bio - Obituaries - 8/31/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 14,1910 Mrs. Joe Nicholson Small Child Anderson A little child of Spkt A^tuleir> son, near Siurdi^ik%/di^^la8t^ed^ nesday and wra burii^.Thorsday. * . Mib. Joe Nidiolson died Sunday after.a,]mg^nj;'illnes3 from tub^- ci^od8.7The body was carried to BoonyiUe, and'laid to rest Monday mdminsr.. A.husband and a hum- be^. of ^Idren are left to znotpn dieir^sad loss. Bio - Obituaries - 9/14/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 28,1910 Geo. Mclntyre Mrs. Geo. Byerly Mrs. Geo. Byerly, of near Yadkin a great^unt of onr towns- J. Byerly. died at her. homa week, aged 102 y^un. Geo. M^tiye. of-Rowan couni^, aged 17 years, while working at a sawmill near Wpodl^ last ^esday was struck by a of Unib^i^' plunged entirdy through his , iiead) J^Ung. .-himv- iiffllantly ."^Tfefe bbdv was laidio rest at .Woodl' leaf Wednesday. ; Bio - Obituaries - 9/28/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 19,1910 Scott Smoot Henry Foster ;^i^t^.H9nTy yoqiig bqh of Hir.. and;^-jire>' Footer, ■V jio A cowMpflday'j^eDinlvpf ifidk, diedttti. B^lfii^ey Hospital . Fridayinorn^ a^9jo d'ct^k. Thei^Qiitiidta^;ed/» qnprter of a miip by 80 ° terribly - ibjnred ibat be bpver ^ C(^^duB-!|beM^ jTbe £s^ mp^pdV^ ftetp ibe'H^^oog section al^at jyearagOi^kiM the remainaij^. the little bo^r-wete tq^en to ebb oldhomb.hei^boii'bood foir ibteiinbbt l^tnrday.r^Stateevilip. Land^irk* "At bis home bearKetchie's^|I, on Wedhes^.' sStet h ing illness of/^ibaiiy. -liioiiths. Mr. Scott Sioaopt; . Mr.Snoot was'a rosdib^ibfrtl^ Metbhdistcfib'i^; one Pbyite'ebtet'citi-and a cbnfede^ie . ^'sbody wasJaidl^il^atSalero^c^^^^Eridpy, his pastpir, J^v^.^P.^ ^ark- eirpl iat ^iea^tei a'wii^i. One so^^^^ghti^ besides a . ^o^ ' of V^hii vesipid' fi^On'ds. te mourn hitfd<9At^. Hewas bom ai^ 'Kai^ed^ba^speb^ng'his li^d tnije Bio - Obituaries -10/19/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Friday, October 28,1910 Luther Alvus Miller J6uraal,;^^iedi^ k^Hei j^-tdue to:: IJgr.jd^a SfdTiYAffl Bio - Obituaries - 10/28/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 9,1910 Rat Butcher Weaver * Rat Batcher Wravef died-a nights ago on Muddy OrMk while'posaam bunt ing. IMed almost suddenly. Was'after a possuip whmithe end came. • ' Dan Weisner BAr. Dan Weisnn died at bU botde near Afcadia, Oct 30th. He leaves a wife and seveial grown (^dren. Mrs. Isaac Ratledge Mrs. Isaac Ratledge. of near Gala^ halp* died on Sunday, Oct. SOth, and was buried on Monday. J. M. Woodruff • J. M. Woodruff o2 Winston, form erly of this city, died on Monday morning of last week after a . short illness. Mr. Woodruff had a number of relatives in this county, and a host of friends who were indeed shocked to learn of his death.. Bio - Obituaries — 11/9/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 16,1910 Infant Yount Cii3d Biarned^to Deatli. Mr. Avery Yonntloet his dwell ing and entire contenta, at Gianite Fhlls last we^, by fire, and his baby, 8 or 10 mouths old, was borned to death. It seems that the family were at a distance in the field gathering corn, having left three children In the honse, the eldest one searching the closet with a'pine toreh for trinkets to interest the baby, and set fire to the elothing. He ran to inform the parents and the next in-age left the baby in the hoaee. It was HO far cotisomed before the pareors got on the soene that r^ne- was impo^ble.—Leooir Topic. Amanda Motley Mrs. Amanda Motley died at her home oh Oct. Slst, 1910. She leaves behind Jive children to mom*n their Ic^ ^e body was laid to rest in the Jerusalem cemetery Nov. 1st. We extend our heartfelt- sympathy to the bereaved ones. Bio - Obituaries - 11/16/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 23,1910 Small Child Baker The two-year ola cbOd of Oliver Baker, who lives fai the country, died ^nday night ^ter a ^ort' iliness with croup. Clias. H. Annfidd Dead. Stafceaville^ Kov. 15.—The re-" mains of Mr. Cbarles Ei« Armfi&id, who died at Morgaoton last nigld, arrived here today; The lawyer^ of the town met the tr^lo coispanied the remoios to the of the deceased.' The will be conducted froiOrthe Bread Streekv Methodist chnrch ton\Orrow morn- iug at 10:30 o'clock and the inter:- meot viil be in Oakwood cemetoiy,- where bi& brother, Geu. j. F; Arnii fieldj^BS burled a sbert *tmb ago;- Bio - Obituaries -11/23/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 30,1910 I DR. HL D. KPPEIOiKai DEAD. j • It is with profoond sorrow that we 1 are called ni^n to chronjudethe de^ 1 of Dr, M, D. Eimbroagh, which oc- ! 1 curr^ in this city Satoi^dw , 1 noon at 2 o'clock, at the bome of bis ildaaghter, Mrs. J. She^, where f' he had been living ance lus /Illness. I j Several years ago Dr. Eiinbrottgh * I suffered alight stroke of paralysis, ^ [and although able to attend to his ' I large practice up until abicut three ' months ago, he had not be^ well J Since that time he had bcen. .gradu . i ally growing worse until the end jcaroeSatur^. Dr. Rlmhrou^was 74 years of age. and leaves a wife and five sons, Messrs. J. W. and Qial . Eimbrongh. of Smith Grove, A. M. i j Kimbrough*. of Advance, J; A. Kim- brough, of this ci^, and P- R.. Kim- brougn.. Four daughters • survive, they being Mrs. l^'mbrpugh Fuiches, of Farmingtoii, Mesdames George and J. L, Sheek, of this ei^, andj Mrs. R^d Smith,. of Dalla^ Tex. One brother, Mr. W.N. Kimbrough, of tot 6end, survives. The . b^y was carried to Smith Grove Sunday, the funeral servicdB conduct^ in the Methodist churdi by Rev. B. Margesoh, of this dty. The body was laid to resttnthe Smith Grove cemetery with Masonic honors. Dr. Eimbiough having been an honored member of that order for many years. A Isurge concourse of rela tives and friends attended the fnn- ^1 and burial services. No man in the county will be missed more than Dr. Kimbrough. and no man did more for the county and people ^an he. His place will be hard, to fill. He was a frimid to those in need and never failed to respond when called on for assistance, in' sunshine or in rain. For more than fifty years Dr. Khnhropgh practiced medidne, hav ing spent most of that time in Davie county. ' He was a native of Yadkin county, and for a short while lived in Forayth. We can but poorly ex press with cold type the love and teem in which Dr. E^mbrough' was held by the citizens of the town and coun^*, who so de^ly mourn his death. The Record joins; with his many friends throughout the county and State in^^nctendiug sympathy to the bereaved relatives who are left behind to' mhum their loss. Dr. Kimbrough been county phydc- lanfor several years, and for a lohlr time was Republican County Chair man:' - Not only will he b^issed as a physician, but as a generous, whole souled man who always had a kind word for every one. An abler pen Burton Brown than ours should portray his noble traits of life. Peace to hid ashes. R. S. Lazenby I Death In Cool Spxiogs. 1 iStatesviUeSentind. Nov. 24th. Mr, B. S. Iinizenby,.aD ^ed oi-' tizeu of Coal Springs died sbdjieDiy at his home, Tuesday- night. ) Mr; Liizepby had been in poor health for a long time :and his death; ; was bot unexpt'-ctbd. " '' Bio - Obituaries -11/30/1910 Died, in this cily, on Thursday, Nbv. 24lh, at 10 o'clock; Mr. Burjbon Brown,, one of Mocksvflle's. oldest citizens, aged 85 years. Mr." Brown had only been confined to liis b^ a few days, ^d the eiid came peace fully and without a struggle. .The funeral ^ices were eondbcted Fri day afternoon by his pastor, ReyJ--B. Margesgn, after whit^ the iemains were carried to . Jappa and laid to rest to await the resurrection mom. A wife and four children, one »>n • and three daughters, are i^t to mourn their loss; The children are John Brown Miss Kate Brown and Mrs. P. L. Meroney, of this d^, and. Mrsl PtHk Tomer, of Route <me, Mr. Brown was a good man a Gim«f^r> log man, and'he has^gone-to ,hia re- Ward'. 'n '■■■ DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Mary McDonald Mary McDonald, aged about fiveyears, diad at the home of her god father. HendrickaLeaCh, .'on 3. 5; Sunday, of membranous croUp. The little bbdy v^ Iaid to rest at Center j Mbnitlby afternoon at 2 o'clock, and her spirit is with her Father. DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 7,1910 Camelia Bowles I • r l4ttle Camelia Bowles, aged about six ye^, danghteir of Mr^^d Mrs. Jolm Bowles, whp live about two nules west of Mocteville, died Friday of meningitis, and was buried. at .Union Chapel Sunday. '^Suffer little duldren to come unto Me, and 'for^ bid thein not, for of such is the king dom of heaven," said .Christ, nearly two.thousand years ago. - C L MiDer DeaU ; Ck^en Eugene Miner, son of Jacob Gl and Bifaiy Miller, ot Davie Gonntyj died at bis ooontiy reridence In Tnoiea oonnty, Mississippi, Nov. ^ i9iO>, ag^ ^ ydars and 3 davs. He leaves one inotb^, Min^, and otee nephew. Obadea' A. -Well- man. both of SaUsbbrp. N. C. Uk SQQer' was a laige merchant mid p^^,-'mid Mt-an ^tate'vala€d'tihdappial8^.atpne: hundred and twmity<4ve thonsanddon^ cOnristing of 1^480 acres of the-'rich Mis- aiariiq^ delta lands, $30;000 . in casb^' 30 fine males andhorses, 22S. hales -of .fine long staple cotnm. Mr. BliDer left Ddvie county 29 years ago a poor boy. He nov- manied. His-wlll Iraves everything in trust without bond to IX M. MUler and C. A Welman. Executmis. Mr. MUlor was a public benefoctor and faithful friend to the enthe county in and around the fitde village of Hdlylyood. Hi%fttiteia) on ihe 9th fid Novemberwas possibly the larg^ attended of any ev^ held. In thaV eom- munity. -■ D.M.MIIXER;. Spencer Walsh Spencer, the little fivp-ypgr-pJdspnMr. and Mrs. T. R. Walsh, of fficfc- who died lastl^esday of menih was broufibt to ^Wedreaday laid., to iestS^ c^netartl Mr. and Mra. Waii^i^nied the reinaiijs to this cify: hii^ i Bradley conducted ibeservices. The Apathy of many friends in tMs dly an^ototy goouttoMr.andMra;Wddito their sad affliction. Washington Bowles S. T. Beck Mr. S. T. Beck, of Calaludn,died W^esday night aboht? o'clock f^ed about' 84 years. Mr. Be<^ had not temi ill, but mi goihg to bis shop that day, he fell and had-to bd carried to w room, where liedied afew^ hours later. The body was laid to rest at Hickory Grove Friday Morn ing* A wife,, one daughter, fourbrothers and. two risters, and a hd^ of relatives and friends are Mt to jDOuni bis death. The Recore ex tends sympathy to the bpreaved' ones, • ;. Died-*-At bis home on Boiite S.la^ Thmsday»Mr. Wariiington Bowlesaged about 84 yeai^ Mr, Bowlesbad bemi in been in b^ hea% fp' several years. remains' wez^ carried to Oak Qtove.' Wednesday aiid laid to ri^. Itev. P.' E,,Parkerconductingtiie' funer^'-and 'burialaeryiceSrf. Mrl^wles-was a-wnsBstrent ineml^ of the Metiiodlst churcb.Hel^ves h. wife,-, and two .sons. Chas; ^wles, of Aiksmsas, and who lived him, and twd daughters; Mrs. 0. Me- ron^, of-ibis cify and Lauta.Bowles, who Mso lived atiiom&' TheR^rd extends syinpathy to the be-reayed.onre.in .their sorrow. .-Mr. Bowles thrauffhoiit a Confederatewilier, and one 9^ the county's bert cittoens. - He has made a good flgb^. he -has kept the toitb, and has gpne to his Jurt ward. Feace to his adi- ffl. Bio - Obituaries - 12/7/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 14,1910 Mandy Garwood IMed, Mandy of Mr. James Rambean miSatmda; Deo. 3rd. Theremalns .laid to'^'iest Bb. J. £. R'Sbutt the chy. Rev. R L. Si|»iih Rev.;W. R. Davis conducted: the services. Mrs. Garwood hadEved eat years and twelve, being about 72 ye^ Small Child Weston ;, A Httle child of Rev. E, L. Weston mimSu Pddayof imed. Bettle Rutledge Miss-.B^ttie Radedge, of Coiortnex died'Dec. Srd. iii Texas, where , sh^ had been aursing in a hospital. The body, was bronrnt to thehomeof h<^ &^er, attdlaia to -rest Tbarsd^f The R^rd extendeSyinpafhy to the bereav^dnes. Bio - Obituaries - 12/14/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 21,1910 Comilla Peeler Grandma Comilla Peelw died on tbe7tb tost She lacked oily a few months of bdng 99 yeaiB dd, Seveial days befue ^ di^ her finftere tuioed Uadi and be- ^antodiye^ ^ Mrs. Griffin Mrs. Griffin, .(tf Wyo',- di^ ^tttrday at the home of her son, Frank Griffin, aged. 08 she ^B$Ji)uried at Chestnut S&mp Sun* day • Bio - Obituaries -12/21/1910 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ELIZABETH TEMPLE CRAVER1826 - 2925 Felix Miller b. 12 Oct 1824(^29Mayl864jbordonville VACSA m.30Junl844 —^ Elizabeth 'Betsy' TEMPLE/CRAVERLanier b.l4 Mar 1826 Davidson Co NO d.03 Feb 1925 Davidson Co NC Residence: Yadkin College Township Davidson County NC Bur; Felix: Gordonville VA; Elizabeth: Friendship Medi Ch Cem; Felix's parents: Nicholas Miller Elizabeth LTVENGOOD Miller Elizabeth's parents: Craver Sarah TEMPLE Felix & Elizabeth's ch: nine 1. Levi Franklin Miller b. 10 Nov 1845/^.06 Jan 1904 na. 1867 '■Phoebe Elizabeth WILSON b.Ol Jul 1850(d^J^92C> Res: Friendship Church Community Davidson Cbuh^NC Bur: Friendship Meth Ch Cem 9 Crissy Jane MUer b.28 Dec 1848^14 Mar 1931)m. 18 Jan 1877 (6ch)^"-^*^^ David King Cecil b.20 Feb 1851 d. 12 Jan 1923 Res: Lex. NC Bur: Lex. City Cem 3 Isaiah 'Boat' Miller b.20 Jan 1850(^1 Npy 19343 m. 16 Mar 1880Eliza Jane JAMES b.25 Dec 1848 fl .28I^c 1910. Res: Hwy 150 Reedy Creek Community Davidson County NC Bur: Friepfl^hip MetVi r.h r.ftm 4. Sarah Ann Miller b.22 Maym. 23 Jul 1874 Davidson Co NC Yadkin College Tot^faip (nine ch) David Washington Shuler b.28 Aug 185Qji.l7 Jan 19^ Res: Davidson Co NC; Davie Co NC; Bur: Concord Meth Ch Cem Davie Co NC 5.Ellen Frances MUer b.20 Oct 1855(5.10 Apr 1931m. 18 Nov 1879 Davidson Co NC ^ ^ \James Rankin Caudle b.22 Jan 1858^^7^h^y 193^ Res: Greensboro NC Bur: GreenhiU Cem Greensboro NC DelilahMiUerb. 1858(dL03May ISgO Bur. ^ Osvis CountyMooksville. f- Vl