Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 5,1910 Oscar Fiy D^. . Oscar Fry, the 10-year oft of Mr. ,and Mi»« James Fry, 4^-this city, dlM .Monday, .Dee. 27thj^ vd- ter a week's lUDess froih-pneutnOD i». Tfee bodi' was earned to Sinith Grove on Tuesday, and there laid to pest, Ber. P.. B/. l^irker • jper- foriniug the< la^t-sad titra . A :^fa- thSr and liibther and .three .i)roth. ecs are left to moprh-his iin.Umely I death* %erybo(iy whp. kneY' i car liked bim» He 'was a .bright; iovlCal ydnng man joat intheprisie of life.. We had hbown him ^or a number of years/ atid it is 'with ^nesB tbac we are%iil^ npon; tpi chronicle his .d^dh/! Th<^^'; exlfinds sympatby thd ^ef-: |6tncken?^ilytf-' ^ Benjamin Foster . Benjaniin Foster, one of piine coanly's olde^ citizens, died' last Tde^ay at fhehdihe of :C.. ^ Glainrocb; onvRoute 2, at . the ad vanced-age of 82.' T&eremaiiis^weio laid to ^edh^w at Smite Grove; Rev* P. E,- Patecff teMuc^ ing the seTOes/ Mr.' Fb8t«:was,.a Ooii#en t roelnfier of the Meteodi^ chfini. He leaves teree daJu^tet&i and ahost of friends, to raonim Msj death,.-, ^P«ice to hma^ Bio - Obituaries - 1/5/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 12,1910 Small Son Lyerly Oq (be &(h iiust., the clothes of| [ (she 3 year-old son of John Lyerly j icau^bViire from the store. Hej I i|ie(1 in aTew hours. Small Son Shaver The two-y^rK)ld son o£ Will Sha^ ver, of Woodleaf; died Friday and was burled Saturday, death r^ult- ins from pneumonia. Mit McCulloch ; fifijt-McG^ldch^- bgel' son jot 1^4 McChiilocb, hi^een wd ^i^uiy^. day of pnemoiioni^ INcdi^ Thiorsday. at Gay^ ehapd. , N. A. Stonestreet ; - . A Ciobd 'Han'Gc^ n . • to.aimonnce^.e'deaA of j>he of J its friends, and one-uf the bonnfy's' men, In the pergon of. Mr. .IT. /A. -S&PQefitxeet, who 'died at his h'ome'uear Oan^Thniaday evehf iog,. after sherd iHuens from .pneumonia and heart trouble, Stdhestreet.was abbnt 70 years old, andLa^ bpDSistent .memb^ of the Methodist chnreh. He leaves a wife, and fiye children j three sons and two dd^hters, four brothers ; Bpd four sistera, b^d^ a host pi |.relatiy^ and friends. - 1^. body j was laid to rest at Union Chapel Satdiday: morning. The Record, ezteiids symp^hy to the bereaved bneja in this, .their bad hour. Mrs. Isaiah Byerly f A Mother in Israel Gone. Mrs. Isalab Byerly, of near Kap pa, died last Tnesday after a lin gering illness of cancer, af the ad vanced ^e of 75 years. A hns-J band and four cbild^, three sons and one dhnghter, snrviye,' Mrs. B^riy was a .conslstent-jnembci of the Protestant Methodist church, and whs loved by all who . knew heV. The funsr^ services were cuddncted Wednesday by Rev. Y. H'Swalm, of C^l Spring, after which the body, was gently laid to I rest ih Byerly's Ohapel g^v^ud. '.Ajmothcr in Israel has iode^ gone to her ipward* The ' Record sjrmpnthlzes with the loved ones of the deceased in th^r sad beraav- meiit.' Bio - Obituaries - 1/12/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 19,1910 James Jordan - Jdntea tTordan. near ^adkin Gbl- -jan. 6th. He xnoved froniHaTle, oonnty.. eevec^ • years Mrs. Frank Rudacil Sorry to note the death of old Mis. Frank Rndaeil, of Bowan. ; "IXw T A T i-U 1.S . Bio - Obituaries -1/19/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 26,1910 Allison Crater Mrs. James Jordan Mrs. Jamea Jordan died .Jair. 18th, :aQd was bdried ab- Yadi^tu College. Mr/Jordan died'^Jost. 1'^ days ago. Mrs. Jordan .\ras a sis* tei to! W, C; Whitei of^ Adyanee. Clarence Thompson j^ajrenceTliomi^n, of Virgiiina Jan. 9th,-of Itfdnoy trOh- ble.. [He* teaa a grandson of Wu nn jv '^ii5,!of Winston. . l • While on a visit to his ^er, Mrs. C. B. Horn, at Winston. Mr. Allison Crater, of negr Comity Line, became Ul with grippe, and died. Thursday. The remaina were brought to this city Friday and carried to the home of the deceased. Mr. Grater was 62 yehrsold, and a good citizen. Bio - Obituaries - 1/26/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 2,1910 Mr. George Fdker Dead* ill'. George Felker, of near Kap- P&t died laet Tuesday, after a two* ^eeks illoesa. The fdneral and iiori&l eerrices were condacted on 'Vednefiday at 3 o'clock, and the laid to rest at St. Matthews «ba]fcli. Mr.Felker was one of ibe eouQty's oldest clti^ns, being ia bis bis 84th year. He was a consistent member of the Lntberan cboich. Mr. Felker leav^ a nam- Iw of children, and many rela*Jiresand friends to monrn bis The Record extends sym- Pstby to the bereaved ones. George Felker Mr. George/Felker died last Toesday and. was laid -to i^t Wed nesday at St, Mattbeyrl in the^ies- ence of a large number of friends. Mr. Felker was $2 years and sev eral xnontbs old, and ' is /Snrvived by One brother and . sister, three sons and two dangbters,. Kv'ehtecn grandehildreu and several grea^ grandcbildren.^' -has gone to his xewaidi *» * Small Son Donahue The little; six-y^'r old son of Mr, James Donabne, - of Rowan,' died Tuemlay, and waS'.bnried atProvi- denoe W^nesdayl; Setohle preacbcid the fanejcal. Noah Alexander Stonestreet Alexanfe StonMtroai w born 6th,-4836j^ di^ 6tb, i9i0rof pnenmonia and trouble. In.^ly ipanbcod lierw^ inarri^ to Mattie Ckion. _; To tbOm were* b?^ seven . ^ildrepi fonr bpys and three glrlS) of w one b6y i^d one girl Me He was raised 4b tbe. f^th ef • .the Metbodkt if^nreb and in wly- Hfe joined the M, Pi; cbtii^ at Won pbapel. He was a cor^tabt at tendant a^t cbnrch, and a .tegolar cpntribiitor to ail Us daims. Hia house was the home of wb Metho dist preacher, and in- that-home hirt children were carefnlly :txaln'ed to love.the ohnreh and d6 the right. He wM among the first to enlist in^ rhe civil -war,., to help defend- what be conceived to he right of onr southland. In later y^w he was elected sherifif of Davie .wnnty:' In a quiet bnt foreefnl way he took HO active interest in pnbUc aiS&irs. of both cliorch and slaite. fill aod-trne as he was in every . re lation of life, it is perhaps in the -home as the reverend head. of; the honsehold that his most endaring ioflnence was extended, and;, here bis loss is most sorely felt by his son and danghter with whom he liveil*. His funeral was condacted at the Methodist church by RevV A. G. Loftio, and attended by a host of relatives and irieods. The remains were laid to . rest beside hie iHfe who died some time ; ago. May.the Lord graciously auatain 'the bereaved in tbis-seyere ord^l, and may they meet him on the other shore in the sweet bye and bye. . . . .A Fbmwd;. John Baggarly Mr. John Baggarly, of Gonnty Line nei^borhooid, died, Friday and was laid to rest.-aUi. Glarksbnry Sunday, fie was'about 20 years old-aud'is snrvived by his mother only;'V ' "I. ' :v:'V Bio - Obituaries - 2/2/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 9,1910 Stella Frost N. A. Stonestreet Mrs. Thos. Stroud lAcs. Tbos. Stioud died of pneumonia last Monday. Jan. 31,1910. We were sad when we heard of fitbs, Stroud's death. Margaret Ijames Mra. ^yaroest who Hved with hw ijai^es* at nioniii Thai^i^, • tilting BViday wjasi ^ ye^ pf of the iibdy was laid ^ at;= Center Sund^ monMngat4;Vfi''hl i^am^'eaves ;■ mahy/:;ielati^ rand"^eni^ to :moupi1 an atini of ptir 1^*' IJ. Miss Stella Frost, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Jas. Frost, of R. 2, died Saturday after a lingering ill- from tuberculosis. The burial took place yest^ay at the Fro^ cemeteiy. In the write-up of the life of N.A. Stonestreet, which appeared in ouri^eof last we^j'it was stated that Mr. Stonestreet was once sher- i£E^ of this county, which we learn is •an error, and therefore correct it. Bio - Obituaries - 2/9/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 16,1910 Amanda Graves MiS, Amanda Graves, rootter. of < OQ^toWiisnuU]|i» W. H. <jrav«, -^dledl at l^e'home of he^ Giav^' Aizgniata, Mond«^ ,nigiiit^%t th# 0em^ tiei7;Wedi^^ of ^ a of' !^lady»^d,MenaJ^] tb^: To/fh'db6i%ayed; ~i!^^ Bio - Obituaries - 2/16/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 23,1910 W.a AOboii EjUs tfimself. Philadelphia, Feb. 14. —Finding a small cave, just laiigfe enough to hold him, the ^i^eld statue, beloi^ G^ard ay^ue bridge in Fdir- monib Park, Vinibar'Grahain-'-Allisohi a yoimg bank clerk of pharlotte, N. C.,; dedd^'to make it his- ^ye. M^ing car^id preparations * be cr^l^ mtb it and inhaled th|e fbm^ of ^Pi^otm. until he died: 'Hie body was found: y^terday morning. Alli^n rete^^[his pc^ti^ ^th ihe bank a- bout &e''middle?<^last'.0^ to go to Phjlaiiii^p^^ *&e purpose of 8iudy^g^;la^;^:^M^.• A was '&:|E^w<)qdi: new' State^e, dct tiier^ore in his tweni^-^0bnd<^y^>. . Mrs. Correll I Mrs. ConeD, an a^ed lady. new Wood^ I leaf, di^ law of Uiki^ ' Rome Swicegood Mr. Borne SiwfifigQad, ah sg^^r who lived pear Woodlje^; dropr ^ dead in Slsl^iiry "^tut^ayt being due to heai^ trioubl^. /v.. .. ' n ■> J. W. Miller Wewere i^ned to h^r of the death of B4ri J. W. Miiler, of Wood-. leaf, R. 1, which occurred a week or two ago, after a short illn^ from pneuhipida. A wife and several children ^rvfye . hiin.. Mr. Miller was one of The Record's best stib- seribers. Weshali mlm his pl^-. ant calls. Bio - Obituaries - 2/23/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 2,1910 J. M. Hendrix * -Mr. J- Mr Hendrix di^ of.pneh> inouia, and was bnried at fatn~ % .barylng '^iiDd last 'i^esdhy. ^he deeeawd was the tncd;her of- ?W, A. and A. P. ;Hendrix. She ?eam a hoslmnd and two sols monm her loss. A noble woninii-r is gone. n We exteiul sympathy to the bereaved family. Alfred McDaniel Mr. Alfred McDaniel, of Rowan, died last week xnd was bronght to this place and laid to r^t in ^km nmyeyard Wednraday;- Polly Hood iiie. Polly Hood, an ag^ lady who lived at the oonniy home, died Friday and was buried Saturday. Polly Gaten Mrs. Polly Gaten, .of near Conn- ty Line, died Saturday.after about d week's illness. Thos. L. Whitlock Tbos. L. Whitlock, of Cooleemee^ dkdisaturday, and was bwed at Elton's church Sunday. Bio — Obituaries - 3/2/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 9,1910 Cornelia Brown •Mrs. Cornelia Broyni, of Cooleo". mee, died Monday mofninsr, after a linsrorin^ .illne^ Mrs,' Browii was a^nsistant member of the Metho dist church, ^d was.^out 86 years of ase. She leaves several sons and I daughters, among fhem being our] : tbwn^^, C. S. and M, D. Brown.! 1 The RecM extends sympathy to-the! bereaved ones. Jacob Cornatzer Jacob Cornatzer, aged 85, of Goi^ natzer, died Sunday* after a linger-, ing illness of two years, Mr. Cor natzer was one of Davie's oldest citizens, and agopd man. His body was laid to rest Monday. . Bio - Obituaries - 3/9/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 16,1910 John Honbarrier Mr. John Honbaxrief was burifid .oaoithe 6th—imeunMmiEu His ld-year-ddstaihas been low with ^emnonia, blit b^- tier ROw» we leai^ Tina Reed Yount John L Paris li. Paris, ai^ V^out. '76 hfe b, ® Rarinoiip^tod -\y^^%iri6d C. V. Walker , C. V. Walker, of near Center, died MardrYtb, after an illness of some weeks £r^ stomadi trouble,, aged 65 7^1^. The body was laid to rest at Center the Sth; Rev. Parker con- dnpting'the funeral servi^*' n W^ker. v^ a good man^ -iidin- bered his fnends by the_ score, He ieaves.oneson. Rev. W. J: S. Wilk- et, ^d one dnugbter, Mrs. Thos, P. Dvnggins; also one brother and one sister, lie R^rd e^sterids- syih'- patbyto ^e.bereayed ones. Jacob Cornatzer :, Mr.iJaeobCprhatiser^betterkHo'wti as Uncle Dock* died Mar. '5th; and was bnrial at the family/ buj^ng gropnd;: ikwk' was bne^bi^'onr ;0\d- estimd tndst if^ected eltizeiis. He was th^fathbr of A: C.i A. -M:; .-;J.; H^ .and H. P: Cpifiiiats^; -.Trnly ;a P^u^te;hiltkshte. Bio - Obituaries - 3/16/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 23,1910 Mrs. A. T. Marsh William Walker Sorry ^jranouhce: the dea^ William Walker who died Mar. 12, after a lihe^g illd^. Hm r^noains were Mud to rest the lothj- at Smith Grove, Mr; J. H. Poster con- i dncted .the burial services. ^ J G. H. Kennerly (Gk H. Kenn^^^ i fiwiaer of IheWq^Ieaf seetibil'^Rpww, deail Mar. 16i^ wl^ile plpw^ Held. He waa'raj^rOT|^^ in his usuri health wh^i^j&e. came./ He w^Mye^ old" C. iCij Ghetiy received a tel^fam FrMsQT ammunciug. thedeath vpf. aunt, Mrs, A, T, Mars^ near tay- loisv^e; which occurred" ;ttot day. Mr. Cioj^ IdiPt Fi^ay.evebiUg. 'and was |iismb:^e^ Stotes> yille^'&om wldcH place Aey went to iTaylori^lle fo attend' the. funeral, and bmial serrices. which occuxi^ Satiur^l ' - Mr^ .XSieVry' iretuimed home Sunday; ^' Bio - Obituaries - 3/23/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 30,1910 Haynes Sheiton A Good Mao Gone, Oo'Fnday, March v lSfcb, about one o'dock, the death angel vitdted our coDnnuDity and- took' from bur < midat par friend and neighbor, Mr. '] Hay lies Sheltoh.. He been coiifiiied to bis bed six days with pDeoniouia. Mr, SheTtoo was . a good Christian man :• loved by all who knew bim. 'He was a kind husband and loving fatbpr; He will not only bemis^pd in his home bnt in the community , idso. He leaves a wife aud '^ven cbii^D besides- a -host of, relativesand friends to mourn his loss/ His body was interred in. the .cemetery^ at Pino. May Go^pomfort the be- i^ved ones and them to meet their loved'one in the golden city wbPre there is no parting' nbir sorrow, is the wish of .. A Eeiend . James Hill . Mr. Jam^iHllI, brother of Dr. Lse Hill} of' Arcadia, died in Angcl^; C^l'v Mar. Pth. He was rai^ in ^kf^..couoty. Harriet Douglas Hariiet:lteDg!aB^ colored, of nestr Kappa, died' Sodday. ■. Bio - Obituaries - 3/30/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 6,1910 Mrs. M. D. Bailey Sallie Hartman Mr^ SallieHartman, afi^er a liogetingy I'ln^ of consnmptipa, died Mareb 30 ami was burled at Smith Grove March. 31u Mrs. Booe Bailey - We were sad gtiichen when iietrs respited iiti IbatJifrs. Booe Bailey^ of Dear Mocksville, was dead. Her remaibs were brongbt to this plaw TbDrsday and laid to rest iu &lem graveyard io the presence of a liost of relatives and- friends. We ex* tend oaf sympathy to the bereaved oueSi. especiaily her buaband abd motber,''Mr8. .Sarah Walker and the little, inotfaerless giil. May Godjbelp.all the children, to meet mother in Heaven where thei-e will l»e tio jpariingi Mrs. M. D. Bafley, of R 1, died WednesdayTJiomine: after a ^ye^ weeks Illness o^irieasles, follow^ by bpeuihpma.i Mrs. Bailey was a member -of tHe Christiap church, and was 48 yeara of age. She leaves a liuaband and"mother and five chil dren, fpuf.'Sons and pne 'daughter, also-fpnr brothers ah(^four .^^ters; ; h(^ ani to '.rest at Salem ChufchrThui^ Ji o'clock aqiid a Jafge concparse of sorrowing on^.; To' bow^yed The Record y cxt^ds': sympathy iln . their Ifour.of W. W. Willson W. yf. Wifison, aged about ^ y^rs/pf near Jerusalem, died Sun day morning and was buried^at Joppa graveyafd.Monday. Mr,-Will- son was the father of our townsman', Robert Will«>n. fie leaves a num ber of felativepand friends to mourn Uieir loss. Mrs. George Hartman Mrs^ Georse Hitman, who wad making.her home with her ; son-in- law • Obrbfnataer,' died of cuDBUinpliou and waa .baricd.last ^ < r, S. S. Bohannon Oupt. 8. S. Bohaonon, of Boon- ville, dred at the honie.of his son, filr. WE.'BdhaU nop, Friday 18th, Jit the age ot .75 years. Mr. Bo- haiiDOD served in the otvil war, in the 28cb.regiuient, and, was captain of his bonipany.—^Tadkin. Ripple. Bio - Obituaries - 4/6/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 13,1910 Denis Cope v.,We are abrry to ehroplole the pf« fiiend Bepii the yonbge^ tod p]f Mr.apd Mrs. Se J. Cope. After a long etro^le ^br life v^ith .tliat ^eaied disease pneumonia, on last • Tpes-iay eve.^aiMmt ope o'clock the .Deatjb A-hgel claimed fiis viclm* .Wednesday evenipg at two o'clock ^after ib appropriate- bpriaKeetjrieei held hy Ihepaslor,-.\V^ he was laid ^to rest in theF^k' (Jejnetary to await -themorn' when ^^reafc^n-nffet to Sleep in the grave. He was a yonng man of promise, ' aboat twenty years of. age. -He leaves father, mother and two brothers to monrn their loss. \We extend.-pn.r heart felt sympathy to the berearr ed ones. May they look, to the great Comforter who is able to heal all oar woods and who doeth all things well, wiiboot mistake.: . Lina LapishSmith ^ay.—Ourrommuni^ wap^spdd^ed last Vi^ednesday asnews 8pread:that*,Mrs. Liiia- Lapish Smith was dead. We fdel like have lost a good friend, yet while it is our loss it is hergain. • We have lived by. her for many yearSt'and haveJ^heVe^' knpym n her to be anything but a.go^: kind -vtort man. : .0o the 15^ day of Ap^. 290d,;^.e was married.to Sfr. James 3ni|t^ haF^y p year k^mg pas^ ere be^hlcesed Savior- saw fit_tp! take her from."hifiC midst,- She leaves a husband and little babe, father, mother, one brother and; oho sister, be* ndes.a host .of lelatives. and friends to mourn faerjo^. May God bless her hus band in such a way-.tbaVit will cause him to. liye an ii^ght li.fe ^ as the little babe grows it may be mduenc^ by bis life, to do likewise. We extend our heartfelt symr- patby to the bereaved husband and pair ent^; Mr. andMrs. J.Ailhpi^.—MissB^- Mary Stewart Died, at her home on Route 8, l^t. Thursday, Mrs. Mary Stewart, after? a short illn^, The body was laid; to test Saturday at Smith Grove. A. J. Hutchins Died, at his home nepr Cans, pn Ih'uiSiay nigA after a short illness from, pneumonia, Mr. A. J. Hutch-, ins] aged about 45 years. re mains were laid to rest at Oak Grove Sunday, Rev. Parker conducting the funeral services. Mr. Hutchins was a;member^of the Methodist, church,and lea^ a wife five children; Mrs. J. R. Smith athSlmife ne^;^ppa, 0^^ W^he^ay April Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mw.. J; A. Lapish. aged about 43 yeare. Mre. Smith leaves a hushed, aam- fant son and afath.erand b^des a host of rela^ves .and- friends to mou^ her b(^y was laid ^ re^t at ..Salpm Church Thursday mormng jthe resurrecridn. '\ cop^f^cttid hhrial ;■ T'- Lawrence May Behealh FaifiDgi Mr. Lawrence May, who was well known in • this Beotion as a saw mill employe, was crnshed be- ueatb the triipk of a large Satur day morning about 8 o'clock and Bu t»dly injured that be died ^drday evening about 6 o'clock.^ The fatal accident occncred in the woods on the J. J. Nicholaon farm, on .the ^rnefeburg road, throe ■mnirafroin tow.o, where May. ,wasa^sting other members of a sawniiil crew in felling trees.—-land mark »if April 5th. Ned Anderson Ned Anderson, a well known col ored man around Mocksville, died Friday morning. •; - ? >4 Bio - Obituaries - 4/13/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 20,1910 ^ Hon. R..Z. Uimey Dead.' Xayl9reville, April lSl—Hon, R. Z. Llnney died stiddenly at his office he^ at 3 o'clock today; . He had ;into town from his &rm 2 mn^ away and, seemingly in his nsul^^th and fine spirits,. hailed ^nd m^ A pleasmt word as uspai. for bis friends as be passed-tbem on ' st^t. n In the death of 5i!r. ' tanhey the State of North Carolina -has tbs^ oneof'jher vmost prominent citizens and the bar of the State one pf its brighter li^ts. He was one i ofjthe chief figures at the'State Re publican convention here in the sum' merof ISOSand at that ^^t .was also one of the'.l^djng spoahers. He 'was oneof &e fdr^^ oratom of the State,, havfiig^ mastered the 'art of public speech, through his . many public activities of a poiiticat nature^ He was choice in the use of his l^g- 'iish, select in hispbrasepl(^ and .his orations-were uniformly a com bination pf rich humor, rareel^rence and rhyinic sweep, . Bio — Obituaries - 4/20/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 27,1910 J. R. Nifong • Mr. J. B. Nifong died April 18,1 leaving two sobs and two dangti- teis, Messra £31 and Amannel Ni fong and Hifie Mary Nifong and Mrs. Joe Piokler. . Bio - Obituaries - 4/27/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 4,1910 Hub Walser Mrs. Jno. Beggerly yeater- uorning at herl home in tfee Jwrmony neighborh^, aged M ^ yean, death i^nltang iibttt ^wronlosig, hoebahd, a dau- Boterand two sons survive. Pnn- and internient - will: be at •>[r. Hub Waleer died near Tad-- kin GoU^ ' Apnl. 28, ' and was hiiried ap Beeds the 29. Ko know the ^o|e of his' death. He watat B^e'^intnaQcennnt aud sedmed -wdl on Tii^ay before , he died rn Thuiaday.\. Bob Brier ehot and killed his wile iseveral yean ago. He leaves ' fber' daughters, Mrs.'Frank- Foster,' Mrs. Boyal s3hc»f,'BifB.'''Df|D Hobbs and' Ephram Mize. ' fle leaves a lot; of kin folks'.' James Holeman . J^esHoIeman, is. well knpwo «iarkeyi -died ^Pi'U 21-, and whs boried Bafeorday at Powel Headow. Bio - Obituaries — 5/4/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 11,1910 Infant Burton ^d. tOiUpa?' i:;. T*/f nn ■; 1 iSra Small Daughter Foster TKetwc-y^i\4ld..4i^^ht9r^ if J.^-Foster, of (^|^emee,'ii|i^ Tu;^Jay night-Oak Grove Wednesday;!.^xtaids sympa^y. to !^e/b^i^ye4 OSes in this ^ hour, ' ' ; " Mrs. Daniel Dwire Mrs. Daniel Dwire, an aged lady of near Augaatn, died Saturday a£> ter a ^ort illness of pneuinpnia, and was buried Sunday at Concord, vtias a member of the Methodist cburi^. She lwesa husband and one. or two children. .The Record ex tends sympathy to the bereaved ones. Bio - Obituaries - 5/11/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 18,1910 Sarah Carter Sarah Carter, one of Mocksville'a beat colored women, died suddenly last ^ursday night of heart disease. Bio - Obituaries - 5/18/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 25,1910 Arthur Foster 5^ter,of Cooleemec, of consumption,was buried yesterday at Liberty. Bio - Obituaries - 5/25/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 1,1910 J. L. Clodfelter son of J, L. Clod- ?c u* 5, di^ irSon^y andwas buned at Center Monday. Hrlrs. P. E. Parker Dead. < The aodden death uf Mrs. Parker, the wife of Rev. P. B. Parker came as a shock to all her .friends in town and country, i^he was sick only one week, and quietly passed away at her home Saturday evening. The symiJatliy of the entii^ .coinmonity goes out to the bereaved husband and two children. The remsuns were carried to'High Poirit Saturday night and laid to rest Sunday even ing. Mrs." Parker was a devoted wife, and mother, a good neighbor, and will be ^diy missed by ^1 her friends. Bio - Obituaries - 6/1/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 8,1910 Deatli of Sin. P. £. Parker. 'Monday's Winston Jonrnal Mrsl: Parker, wife of Rev. P. E, Parker, pastor of Davie circuit, died in .fi^fMdcsville Saturday, aft^ five days'ittness. Tiie funeral services were*.held.:.at High Point Sunday afrernoon and- were eoiuiusted bv DrV^T.P. Mstfr, of this ferring to her death thie High Point Enterprise says: 'ThO"rew3-'of the death of ^rs. Fark^ will be r^v* ed with sihc^ r^et by the peo^ Rli/.df. jcoinmooity. where she wra well known. She the eldest daughtw of Blr. and Mrs. H C. Kearns, of this city, and has num erous relatives in this ^d adjoining colmttra. She was a consecratra Christian woman, a loving Me and mother, and much symiMtttiy rvriUgo out to the stricken ' Infant Seamon The Mrs. Jkul Seamody;.<rf. was' bijoufi^t to this^l^.'Whday and rest! lav Sit; Matthew y-'-y .•• •V . ; > Infant Seamon T child of Mr. and Mrs. ^ died buried at St, Mat^thews Monday. Mrs. Wliiiam Reavis Susan Hauser I ^Mre. .Susan Hauser died at Old 1 Towu .24,- aged 71 years. ^ William Reavis, of Sheffield, ^ last Tuesday, aged 91 yetirs,^ ^^asburied at New Union cbunh ly. Bio - Obituaries - 6/8/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 15,1910 Infant Son Whitley old son of,Mr. and Mr^'WWfloy died W^. morn- ipjjriafi^r The little Ves t6 ;^em chq^ ahd laidto rest td; await '^e!cosii]pg of"Him ^vhosaid, "Etoifer' little cbildren' |x>,.cdme nntome, aiod forbidithem not for of sach is the fclngdom of. heaven.'* A hpm^ As E^d^ed here, but the ' bpreav^ ones know that the'"spirit'of-, we. ilHtte is at "rest Qna eyfnpaw ; put^t6;^tbe:ip23:p:?Bte^ Young Son Whitley :9b*e1i^e of Mr.,and Bi. Wfiitl^v of Moej^Syille, died Wc^- sa^miPiaAy to.u&lidr^ved bfe. i. is stturce.'.mid is too biriy Daniel Dwire Daniel. Dwire, of Salisbury, died June 7th, after a lingering: illness from tuberculosis, aged 79 years. Mr. Dwire is a native of this county, having lived n^r Augusta., imtil ;;a few weeks ago, .when his wife . died. His body W2^..brought-, to Concord church Thu^ay and laid to rest. Three child^- aiid one sister sur vive. Mrs. G. E. Barnhardt Mrs. G. E. Bamhardtj of near Augusta,- died. Friday and- .was. buri ed at dbhcord church; Satiirdhy evening.' *Mr8.'.'6dr1nhardt was-: one of bavie's best women, and her death is deeply deplored by a^l who icnew her. She Idaves a hnShnnd and several-ri^dren ^besides a host of relatives andinenda. To the aged husband .and .chiklien.- llie Reoird eaUuds sympathy in this hour, of darlpies^ : . . Bio - Obituaries - 6/15/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 22,1910 Paul Jones Mrs. Albert Sain Albert ^ed;, ipiit OT of Route S, di^ ;of and bUri^.^'at. Qalc ® Wednesday. She'S^ves/'a - oer OS relatives ahd - friendi'- fo ^ her loss. . V Paul Jon^'of Advance, ra#ed 26, died last TaeMay^after sufferinKibr. ^ long while with taberduloas." The funei^ services took placed Wednes day afternoon,- after which his body was laid to rest in Shady Grove Gemetary in the presence^ of a large cbhgregation- of fnenida and loved 6h^. Mr. Jones, yras a member, of the Methodist, church, and was a goodm'ai\. He had many friends tiitbughoat the cotmty. He was ah Qdd'^ell6w,^d the burial-^rvices were "conducted! by 'the; L". O; 0. P. ik)dge of Advance. .' The Xtecord ex- t^iVidsvavmhathv tO! the' .bereaved Bio — Obituaries — 6/22/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 29,1910 Fred Williams Mr. S'red'< Williamfi''- •jaatj Wedneftday'aiid waa bnried'^t'.Flat.i KockTbi^i^day. tfio cause of^bia '■""" . • •' To! Caton Mr. Tol Oaton ii^p ^AA-' .yance Jane 17th.- -He yery^ old tnan an^ a Hill Evans Hill Eyaua, of.Lenn^oii.' died , Jane'.lStb frobi a stidke ' of i lysis. para* Mrs. W. L Walser ' Died.—In this dty last Tuesday, after a lingering illne^ pf coemp tion; Mrs. W. L. Walser, aged 31 years. The remains were carried toFork Chnrch W^lnesd.^and Imd to rest.- Weestendsympathy toth'e bo: reaved husband. W. T. Brinegar . Mr. W. T Brinegar, of Concord, formerly of this county, who held aposition as electrician, was instancy,to lled Thursday morning by coining in contact with a live, wire.' . .The jre^;;m^ns were brought to Liberty jFriday-afternoon and laid to rest..!Mr. Brinegar was 36 years of age..'He was a widower and leaves three small children. He leaves a number Louise Cass :whh1i.««.« Jnrr-TijA^ii 'UTAMi. ' .i Bio - Obituaries — 6/29/1910 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA