Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 4,1928
Mrs. H. M. Harris
. Mrs. H. M. Harris died st her
home at Ephesas last Tuesday
night following an illness of pneu*
Ttionio. The funeral and burial
^rvices were held at Epbesus
Thursday morning. Mrs. Harris is
survived by her husbana and her
father. Mr. M. A. Fostef. A good
woman has been called to her re
ward. •
Mr. Henry Willyard
Mr. Henry WUlyard, of near
Piuo. was killed last Tuesday
morning. He went to the barn to
harness a mule when the mule kick
ed him under the shoulder just a-
^ve the heart, death resulting in
stantly. Mr Willyard :was about
70 years old and is snrx'lyed bv his
Widow and one child. ^ The body
was' laid to rest at HuiiUville Wed
Richard P. Clingman
Richard P. Clingman, a native
of Divie county, died suddenly at
bis home in Winston-Salem la.sl
Friday evening, aged 62;year.s. Mr.
Clingman left Davie about 45 years
ago and moved to Winston-Sdlem,
where he has spent most of bis
time in tobacco buying at Brown's
and Piedmont wareboiise. He is
survived by his widow, '.three sons
and three daughters. '
Mrs. H. H.Blackwelder
Mrs. H. H Blackwelder died at
ber home near Holman's X Roads
on Tuesday, Dec. aoih. The fun
eral and burial services were held
at Chestnut Grove cbuiub on Wed
nesday, the aist. Mrs. Black-
welder was aboui 70 years of age
and is survived by her husband,
five sons and two daughters. She
has been ill only a short while
death resulting fjOm coogeslion of
the heart. A good woman has
been called to her rewajrd.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/4/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 5,1928
ains. H. M. HARRIS
Mrs. RcshIo Mnmlo Postbr Ilh^;;-
rls. wilo'of II< M. Harris, -dle'ill/
Docembor 27, 1927, was Jal|ift6^Ci
'.rest at- E(ViaaiiM-' cemotcrj: vDebrtr
29, at Id o'clock.. was a-,<t]bo-y,
votort bhristlan, whb always. Vjoady/'
to «o fliwl wt^vshlp hor dp.VV ifcV:
mii(lo no 'cURorcnco ItoAV. cQid;tho'-^
•a'bathor, 'how fartlifljou.rnoy^ liowV-
dark tho; i){Hht,/Alio. wab/'nlvyays;.?
'ready to«oi May God's blbaafnKs!
rent \vlth .Uic btroaved l)usba)id,■'-Mr«. Eva Whit!ay, and l«ir child-/;rtn. Sho wais lovod' by all who';
Iti'iow har. Wo aro eorry to looso
Hiicli Kood chrlHticn friends as
Mrs. Hnrrls, as it has boon Iho. '
world's loss, may It bu. heaveii's.'irnlh. Mrs.,Harris will bo miss-.;,cd by h'or fricivdji and noighbqrs,'
God doos all thing well. Blessed--
arc thoy tlmt dlo In th'o Lord. ..
- Mrs. Harris was born ^Taii.- IB, -
198d, was msri'lod/Dcc. 2<i,'IQOS. •'
Mrs. Tlarris wMis Mr. and-Mrs, ,
A. Poster's daughter, abo being"/thp only child. -1 ■" . '
Bio - Obituaries -1/5/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 11,1928
Mrs. Marshall Glasscock
Mrs. Marshall Glasscock died at
her home near Ijames X.'Ri^ds
Saturday morning at two o'dock,
following a short ilki^ of. pneu-
monia. The funeral , and ^burial
services took place Sunday aifter*
noon at Bear Creek cUnrdi. - -Mrs
Glasscodc is survived by her hns
band, two sons and two daogbters.,
her parents Rev. and Mrs,. B, • F.
Rollins, of Elizal">ethtown. N.. C.,
and several sisters and brothers a-
toong them Mrs. S. M. Call ol tlus
city. Mrs. Gla^cock was a ^odd'
Christian woman and will be sadly
missed in her community. !Ope of
the children had 'biKn quite ill with
pneumonia, but is much ;.better.
The bereaved opes have the sym
pathy of a host of friends.
Bio - Obituaries —1/11/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 12,1928
KuUo liodcmf.'t Hollhis,
Icr of J{. l'\ uivii Trtii Rolling wpt
bnrn June 2n, l8f»n in Elkin, N.
C. Tliied Jniuinry 7, 1928, mm 28
ycni'K,* 6 months ntid IS dnya.
MnrHcd June 2G. 1019 to Miii Blmll
El CilflSBoock, To thla iiiiiiin were
boMi four children. She la sur
vived by Kuabiind imd four amall
children, father, mother, four sla-
lera and two brothers, Mrs. Re
becca Stone of Watertown, Mnas;
Mra. Ruth Onll, Mocksvlllie-; Mrs.
Dettio Cain, Mary Vce, Alton and
Robert Rollins of Ellsnbothtowh,
N. G. As fl chIM she was unusu
ally obedient apd ioyal. United
with vhurch at nire of ten yoars,
.it Courtnoy, N. C. Afterwards
moving her mombcrahip to Ijam-
^ Croaa Roads, As n mothor
and wife she was especially kind-
a-nd faithful. She 'lived m con-
slatant chriajtian lifo and .lald she
was not afraid-to dio. She has
ffone to hor rewawj. Evcryhhint'
that loved-oiios and physician nnd
kind-noiRhbora could do could not
kftf p lier with ua. '7n tho awcol:
by and by has a new mcnnlnfy to
those who arc beronft. The fnml.
ly deeply appreciates the kind
ness of frieiiifs and neiirhbors for
help, sjmipathy and beautiful =
floral offerlngH. I
Bio — Obituaries - 1/12/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
J-liyiOzn .
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DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 18,1928
Mrs. Charles Eaton
Mrs Charles Eaton, of Cana, Hied'
in a Winston-Salem hospital CSuniay.
afternoon following an tllnesS "f
three weeks, aged 42 y^rs. The
body was laid to rest at Eaton'--
Baptist church Monday afternoon at
3 o'clock. Revs. V M. Swairo. of
Winston Salem, and C. S Cashwell. |
of Statesville. conductingr the funer
al and burial services. M.'s. Eaton
is survived by her husband and two
sons, her father. P. P. Green; and
one sister. Uias May Green;
Winston-falem, one brother, W C. |
Green, of Cripple Creek, Colo,, also
survives. Mrs Eaton was one of
Davie county's best women and h^r
death has brought sadness to the en
tire community in which she spent
ber life.
John Nance
|lr. John Naoce died at bis borne
IrCoicaizer last Wednesday fol-
an illness of pDeumonia.
Si about s6 years. The body
S /aid to rest at Noe Cr^k
Irch Thursday mcroiiig at ii
joclc. Mr. li^ance is survived by
jnife and several children.
Alice Burton
•. Alice Burtorj was found
'D bed early Wednesday
J'E at the houie of her daugb-
Mary Phifer, in Scotch
M^ytship. Rowan county.
,n. ^ to rest at Byer-
afleruoou at
<x>nA,' of Ephe-
. burial services.
dtPii ^^^'vived by eight
' 5"0us and fourdaugb-
'^g themJJrs. S. F. Bink-
Bio - Obituaries - 1/18/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, Januai^ 19,1928
Mra. Annie Green Enton, 42,
wife of 0. E. Eaton of near Oana,
Dnvie County, pns3.o(l nway yea-
tci'day iiftei'noon nt 4:20 o'clock
lit n local hospital aftor'nn illness
of three weeks, the last few day?
belntf critical.
She was born in Dnvlo. County,
.Inn. IC, 188G, the dnug'hlor of P.
P. and the late Laura Clliford
Green. For many yonr.s sho was
0' school Icnchor and trad numoi*'
ous friends throughout, Davie
County. She was a. mcnibcr of
Eaton's Baptist Church, and spent
practicnlly her entire iife In DavIe
Surviving are her husband; two
ehildrpn, Billy and .folin Eaton;
her father, P. P. Green, of this
city; one sister, Miss May Green,
of this city, and one brother, W.
Ci G^'een, of Cripple Crook, Color
ado. '
A short funeral service at Vog-
ler's Funeral Chapel, with tho
funoral proper nt Eaton's Baptist
Church. Monday, .1 o'clock. Rev
V. M. Swnim !and Rev. C. S. Sash-
wcll, of Stntcsvillc, conducted the
aervlcca. Interment followod in
tho church gravcynrd, — W. S.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/19/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 25,1928
Mr. Peacock Dies Sod-
denfy. I
Mr. Yancey Peacock, 74 years of
age, died suddenly Monday after
noon in Tumersburg tovnsbip.
Mr. Peacock is survived by three
sons and two daughters: Messrs.
John L. Peacock and Walter Pea^
cock, of New York City; Mr. James
C. Peacock, who lives near Har
mony; Mrs. Morgan Call and MiS.
Neely Hudson, both of Davieconn
ty. Two brothers and a sister al
so survive. They are Messrs. Wil
liam and Colnmbns Pcocock. both
' of Davie icoiinty'; and Mrs. James
Brackens, who lives in Iredell
county, near County Litie.-
James Ijames
James Ijames died at his home
in Cooleemee Thursday night, fol
lowing a long illness of tuberculo
sis of the bone. The funeral and
burial services were held at Center
Saturday afternoon at three o'clock
Mr. Ijames is survived by his wife
and four children.
Bio — Obituaries —1/25/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 1,1928
G. A. Koontz
Mr. G. A. Koontr. died at'his
home near Kappa, Sunday after
noon at three o'clock, following:,.a
stroke of paralysis which he
ed Saturday night. .Mr.. Koopia
had been ill for about eight, years
The body was laid to rest in Salem
graveyard Monday afternoon ' at
,3 o'clock, his pastor, Rev. -M.
Avett conducting the funeral and
burial services. Mi. KoonU is
survived by his., widow and three
children, one son and two daugh
ters. He will be sadly nil^d in
his community^
Bio — Obituaries -2/1/1928 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 2,1928
Giria Geneva Cole
In the poaaing of Mra. K. F.
llcgo nhd irrepornblo losa hna
como to a Invgo circle of* friends
end rointivea. Rickly cndoNvod by |
nature and choicest gifts of heart.
and mindt hers was a charming |
porooiialUy. Hora wna a lifo of |
devotion, devotion to her huabnnd ito her chiidrcn nnci to her church |
for she was n fnitliful church •
worker. .Nor did she forget her
duij' to her community for she,
W.1S alKO fnithfurua n civic worli-
c-r, Hor memory will bring long
lifo in the heoits of her friends
nntl be n noblo inliuoncc tp on'-
ricb their lives, cvop briglitoncd
and sweetened by contact with
hora! Just a ^'onr ago she was
exlromcly ill but never returned
to 'health found her bright and
lin])py,. Svon when the summons
Imd gona forth to one we love.
"The Mnstor Cnllcth Thee," for
after" ten days illness she fell a-
slcep. The burial olllco was said
at Elbaville church by Rev. W.
R. Tompson, assisted by Rev. J.
T. Sisk., She was. laid to fcst in
the bciiutiful Elbavillc cemetery
to nw>a|t the resurrection morn.
"Fother In I'hy grnclous keeping,
Leave mo now thy servunt sleep-
—iVritten by the one'who loved
In.the passing of Mrs. Glrln
Goncva Cole,. of Advance, on
Sunday, Jan. 22, 1028, our hearts
wore touched .with sadness. She
was a faithful member of the M.
E, church of Advance. Fuuoral
sorvlco avas held in< lihe M. E.
uhuruU by Rev. W. B. Thompaon.
Mra. Colo, aged 22, is survived
by hor husband, Mr. \Frank Colo
and little'10 month old son, Hor-
mun Franklin and her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts, of Ad
vance. Two'slaters and six bro
thers 'survive.
Glrln, as her friends knew her,
was a sweet and gentle charac
ter. For soyeral.months before
hor death, she ^VJna In I'he dark
valley of groat pain and suffer
ing which she bore with a sweet,
patient and unmurnurlng spirit.
Do.si)lto hor longing to 'got well
niul the grcatoHt' care by hor
friendsand doctors, she knew
phc was ontoi'Ing the better world
and reposed, in the Lord a per
fect tru.st. Hor sweet Influence
wa.M n healing balm to those by
her bcrtakle, her beautiful words
a groat Inspiration, and benycn
is nearer -because she l.s there.
She s9 lived that when the end
drew he.sr she was able to any
with a .piiro-henrti "I nuver cens
ed to. love my Saviour."
.Glenn Kooiit/., one of the best
cltiscns of Cnlalmin township,
died at his 'homo near Salciii
church Sunday aflernoon, i'oUow-
ing a stroke of paralysis Saturday
night. Ho had been In failing
liuaflh for several >3*etirs. He was
58 j'cnrs old, leaving a wife, one
son and two daughters, mother,
live brothers and two sisters, John
Kooiits, Salisbury; Evcrct, Folcy,
A. D. and Sam Konts, all of
Mocksvillo; Mrs. Eugene ClI'*
Salisbury; Mrs. Jerry Ijan- i.
Coolcomoo. He was n> fnitt^ v i
member of Salom church, hu" - ;
joined In boyihood. He \vnH suc-
ccasfu) In business and >hnd a host
of friends. He was buried at
Salom Monday. Hey. E. M. Avett
conductitifg the service.
Bio - Obituaries -2/2/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 8,1928
Mrs. Shelton Stroud
Mrs.^Shelton Stmud died at. her
home in High Point Monday of
last week.> The body was brought
to thi^ county Tuesday morning
and laid to rest in Society gra%'e-
yard. Mrs. Stroud is survived tiy
her husband and several children,
besides many relatives and friends.
Bio - Obituaries -2/8/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, Februaiy 15, 1928
Junie Flemming
Jim Foster
Jim FostW, a well known colored
man of Booetown died Saturday
and was buried Monday afternoon.
He was 80 years of age
Junie, the 12 vear-old son of Mr.
and Mrs X>. J. Flemming, of Ephe-
sus, died Sunday morning, follow
ing an illness of measles and pneti-'
nmnia. He is survived by his par
ents, several brothers and sisters.
-THe body was laid to rest in Fork
cemetery. Monday morning at 11
o'clock^ Rev. Luther Barnes, of
Ccoleemee conducting the funeral
and burial services, •
G. M. Barneycastle
The many friends at Advance were
sorry to bear of Mr 6. M. Barneycasiie's
death Friday, the funeral was held Sun
day afternoon in Shady Crove cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries -2/15/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 16,1928
Jim Foster
Undo Jim roster, nn ukucI and
well Ijnown colored mun, died nfc
his home here on Suiulay nmrii-.
ing. death being due to inllucnzu. [
TJjo runurnl sorvicc.H wore con
ducted at tho.A_ld. 13. Zion church ,
on Monday afternoon. Ho is sur-j
vivod by two dnugliLcrs and a' son.
Susan Hunley
Aunt Susnn llunloy, a reapEct-.
cd colored woman, ramiliarlyl
known to mnny as "black mammy" j
died at hor homo hero on Long i
Branch on Friday, iPob. Srd at an ;
advanced ago. She was the widow j
of Uncle Peter llunlcy, a black-:
smith, and they cnmo to this piaco
from Virginia mnny ycn'ra ago.
The funeral scrvlcos wore hold at
the Second rrc.«ibytcrl«n church
on Saturday afloruoon, Feb. dth.
Junle Fleming
Junic, HO'n of J. D. Fleming and
Oxn MclDaniol Fleming, died Sun
day Feb. 12, foiiowing an lllnosa
of measies and pneumunia. He
was burled at Fork Church Mon
day at 11 o'clock, llcv. Luilier
Barnes conducting the service, as-'
fllalod hy Rev. Glutus Foster, of
Roods. Junie, who was 12 years
uf age, is survived by his father
and mother and several sisters
and brothers.
Gray Jones
Charles Norman Howard
. ChnrJes Norman Howard, the
Infant son oC_Mr. and Mr.H. R.-ty
! Howard, died at tiic home of Its
grnnd-parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
II. Foster last Wwlnesday morn
ing. Fumrnt was 11010 here Thurs-
■day morning by Rev. R. S. Howie
of Mockavllle. Intorraont was in
I the uliurch cemetery.'
Blltle Gray Jones, inonllisold, baby of kfr. and lilrs. Alex
Jones, died Wednesday, Feb. 8,
jiftcr several days lllnoss uf mcas-
Jc3 and cold, anil was laid to rest
the following day In'the cemetery
Jierc. Funeral service being con
ducted by Mr. W. R. Graver. The
llocciiscd la 'survived by several
brothers and sisters, and the lit
tle twin brother continues sick.
"We extend sympathy to the be-,
xcavod ones. :
Bio - Obituaries -2/16/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 22, 1928
O. B. Koontz
Ml. Koontz died atxthe
county boiE^e Wednesday uigUt. at
;ioVd^kv^following an iMness^ of
drofisy. aged nearly 80 years. The
body ;|aid to rest at Sdem
Methodist church Friday morning
at li 6'dbck. Rev E" M. ^yetr
conducted .the funeral and bnnal
sisrviceSi.;;.--Mr. Koontz is survived
by cue son-'and three daughters.
Bio - Obituaries -2/22/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 29,1928
W. T. Mock
The numy friends of Mr W. 'T.
iSocis were ve'iy sorry to leari)..of
his death wfiicb tiecurred Friday in
I'nomasville. ilr/Mock was known
tbroutfhout thiO section, haying been
piistmaBier beio f^^r severd years.
I'be funerat servjcea were held at
cue jnviliodisG cbureb.here Saturday
aftert>oon at 2 o'clock.
\V. T 31ock. former postmaster
at Advance, died at. his home in
Tboih.isville Friday, aged 54 vea'rs.
following a two montlis illnei^s.
The body was laid to rest at Ad<
vance f^turday' afle n 01.," Mr.
Mock is Mir\'ived by his widow
two sons and one -daughter, four
brothers and three sisters. ^
Boon M.Rose
Mr. Boon M. Rose, pioneer Win
sinn-Saleitt merd^t, .died Friday
night at his home in that city, aged
73 years. Mr. Rose was well known
in Mocksville and had "hundreds 4>f
friends here who wefersaddened by
his deatn. He was a good man.
Emily Kurfees Mrs. C. L. Bowden
Mrs. W. T. Myers
Mrs. W. T. Myers 4ied at herl
home near Bixhy 'S^urday' moiU'i
i«Ko( celebral hemdVrhage. /.aged
alwat 37 yeajs. Tbe body was
laid to rest at Union*' Chapel .-Sun
day afternoon at 3 o*do(^, Rev. J,
T ,Si.sk conducting tiie' fnneral ser*
vice,s Mrs. Alyers is snrvived by
her hnsbaad'and five children.
Miss F.mily Kurfees, aged abntit
00 years died at the home of her
neice. Mrs. Charles Allen, near
Holinan'.s Friday mortiin„ The
imiiy wax laid to. rcst.-< in Center
graveyard Saturday aftenidon at
3 o'clock, Rev.' E:' M.' Avett con
ducting the funeral knd bnrjal ser
vices. Miss Kurfees' is survived by
tivo sLsters, many relative and
Mr.s, C. U Bowden died at her
home near Smith Grove" Thursday
evening, following ah extended ill
ness of heart trouble, aged 67 .yeans.
Surviving are'her husband several
sou.? and daughters. The -fnneral
and burial services • were held at
B«ili]ehem Methodist church Sun*
da-y afiernoou. Mrs. Bdwden was
fl good woman and will- be sadly
mis'.cd in her community.
Pink Campbell
Mr. Pink Campbell died at the
homo of his sou.; Robert. Campbell,
in Clarkswitle township Friday
'ught, aged 70 years, death result-,
ing from paralysis and;heart'trou •
|>U. Mr. Campbell is survived by
his widow ind fijre_:chiidren, four
■Otis and ope daiughier;-'- Thebodv
was laid to rest'* ^Sunday in-''; HollySprings graveyard, Ir^ell county.
Bio - Obituaries -2/29/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thiii-sday, March 1,1928
W. T. Mock
Grade Hairston
-Aunl^'Grnclc . llnlrflton (col)
^ho Hvg(] ^vith h&r son on tho
Cooloomco plnntntion, (Uc<] last
Saturday morning and was burlod
Sunday afternoon at Buncombo
Church in DavUlaon county. Aunt
Gracio wa{i 100 years old-or more;"
W. T. Moch died Friday at Ids
homo In Thnmasvlllo, after two
months Illness. Jlr. Mock' and
his family lived in" Advance for
flultc a while. They woro uU
missed very much when they
moved from our community.
?'ynor5i services wore held at Ad-
vniico Methodist church Saturday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted
by Kev. C. S. Klrkpntrlck and Rev.
M. 0. Alexander, of Thomaavlllc
Methodist and Baptist pastors re
Bio - Obituaries -3/1/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 7,1928
Mr. R. A. Shond Dea^
Mr. Richard A. Strondi'^ooe of
Davie county's oldest and; highly
esteemed citizens,'died at his home
near Connty Line early Thnrsday
morning, following a long; illness.
The body was laid to rest in Salem
graveyard Fiids^ morning at i.i
o'cloch. The fnneia* and bnria;}
services were conducted . by b|s,
{>astor, Rev. iE. M.^ Avett, of this'
city. Mr. Stroud is survived by:
one .son, D. R ..Scrond, and one
daughter, Mrs. John B. Walker,
both of Calahaln-towDshi^. A-host
of relatives and friends' .susiiive.
Mr. Stroud'was an.-upright Chris
tian gentleman and his d^tb brings
sadness- to the entire community:in
which he liv^. He was< a -native
of Davie couiitv; ;.and engaged in
farming until abont fifteen' years
ago when he wenfinto the mercan
tile business.
Bio - Obituaries -3/7/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 8,1928
Ed Wood
Mi*> E(1 Wood, aged about 50
yeni'8, of tho Pino section shot
olT the entire top of his' head ear
ly Tuesday morning and died in
Wood had been in very' Had-
health 7or some time and this is'
thought to ,be tho.reason of his
act. He. leaves a wife and eight
children. --
I •
Richard A, Slroiid of County |
jidnc died nt the homo of his son,!
jD. R. Stroud, ■T'hursduy morning
, nt 4 o'clock. Ho wns 72 ycnva,I old and had been in bad health j
I for some time, though able to at-ilend .his store until ti few days^
before his dcoth. Uo was ugood man, and will be missed inj
his community. He leaves twol
children, Mrs. J. B. Walker and
Mr. D. R. Stroud. Ho was burled'at Salcm Fj'idoy, whore ho was a'
member. I
Bio - Obituaries -3/8/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, Mareh 14,1928
Ed Wood mils Himself.
Mr. Ed Wood, who lives near
j Pino, killed himself early last Tues
day morning, using a shot gun,
[and blowing the top of "his head
off in a grove sear his home.
Mr. Wood had been in bad health
for some time, and a number of his
children had also been ill, which is
said to have been the cause of his
rash act. Coroner W. D. Foster
empannelled a jury Tuesday moru*
ing, and after getting all evidence
available the jury rendered a ver
dict that deceased came to bis
death from a gunshot fired by bis
own hand. Mr. Wood is survived,
by his wife and eight children. He
was about 52 years old. The body
was laid to rest Wednesday after
noon at Macedonia church. .
Henry F. Tutterow
Mr. Henry F. Tutterow died
suddenly at his honie near Center
Sunday about noon,-aged 68 years.
Mr. Tutterow "bad uol been very
well during the past* winter but bis
death came as a severe shock' to
bis many relatives and fiienclr.
The body was laid to rest in'Centei
graveyard Monday. aCtemopn' at 3
o'clock with Masonic honors.- Sur
viving Mr. Tutterow Is his widow
and 11 children, five sons and.;si.x
daughters. Mr. Tutterow was ore
of Davte county's leading' citizens
I and be wilt be sadly mussed - in bis
community and throughotit-tbe ei*
1 tire county. Peace to his ashes.
Lafayette Graves
Mr. Lafayette Graves died at his
home in Clarksriile township Wed-
ne^ay following aii ill of pneumo
nia, aged about 68 years. The fun
eral and burial services were held at
Bear Creek chnrch Thursday after-
noou at a o'clock. Mr. Graves i.s
survived by bis widow and
three children, iwo sous aud oue
Mrs. Frank White
Mrf. Frank White died at her
name at Ijames X Roads. Saturday
"'pbi, following n a long illness
The body was laid to .rest Mosdav
nt 11 a in., in the Ijames church
Rraveyard. Mrs. White is surviv-
rn bv her husband-and several
I children.
Bio - Obituaries -3/14/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 15,1928
Yes, he is gone; nnd to say he
will bo missed means more than
words can express. Herman will
be miascd In his home, for he tvna
n devoted son and brother, and
loved by nil who knew him. He
will bo missed by his opmmunity,
but in his psskingi.wo gain in
humble submission to the will of
our Heavenly Father, who doeUi
nil things well, It was and to
give him up, ovorythlng was rtnno
by loving hands and medical skill
possible, but in spito of it all -he
grow worse. "His disease was
stubborn, nnd would yield to no
treatment. Supplication- to our
' ITeavonly •Father was made, but
nil in vain, tho Heavens seemed
, to bo briiss, yet we believe that
behind a Ironing providence He
hides n smiling-face—nnd with
Paul we say, ail things work to-;
gdther for good to them that love |
I God. Another home was made
= sad, another flrcside with a vn-1
cant chair,, one mis.sing, n whoso |
place can never bo filled by an-
I other. Tho community. mourns j
:thd losa'of a true'fi«jehd'. -^He will
bo missed by old and young alike,
! Hcrmon was born April 14, 1008,
add on Fobruury S, li)28 just
about 12:30 o'clock his dim light
censed to burn, nnd his soul went
back -to God, who gave it. Her
man was a Christian boy, having
joined lire cliuVcii at tho age of
IC years. He was .10 years, 0
months and 20 -days of ago. He
leaves to mount , his loss four
sisters and* three brothers and a
mother and father, besides a host
of relatives -and friends. We
know that we shall miss his smil-'
ing face and loving voice, but in
our loss, in his departure, we
feel that Heaven is made richer,
and is nearer nnd dearer to Us
than ever beforo.
—One who loved him.
Hon-ry F. Tuttorow died sudden
ly at his • home near Center Sun
day, heart failure being tho imme-
i dintc cause. ,He was 07 years of
age, '
He loaves a wife and eleven
children, fifty grandTchiidren nnd
one grent-grand-chltd. He was a
good neighbor, a fine businesH
I man, having success and pi'ovld-
ing for the welfare of his family.
Ho was n fnithftil mombor of tho
• Etipllsk church. His children
'rise up nnd call him blossod.
Sympathy is felt fur the bereaved
I Mrs. Nancy Clemcntino White,
of Turroutinc, died Snturduy,
March 10, and was buricd'Sunday
at Ijanica Gross Roads. She was
t'iO years of ago. Tho doceased-is
I survived by four sons, C. B., Lem,
I Roy nnd Paul; father and mother,
. J. H. nnd Sailie Boyd; two broth-
;era, W. S. Boyd aud J. W. Boyd
and four sisters', Mrs. W. H, Rcn-
ugnr, Mrs. W. Gi Bracken, Mrs.
; J. C. White nnd Mrs. D. R. Beck.
Bio - Obituaries -3/15/1928 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 21,1928
John W. Lagle
Mr. Johfi W. Litgle, died at bis
home.in- Jerusalem township, on
Friday, .March 9''h, follovving a
short illness of pneumonia, aaed
76 years. The funeral ,aud -burial
serviws were held at Turrentine
Baptist .church on March i2ih,
Revs. J. L-Kirk and Luther Barne.s
conducting: !be services Mr. Lagle
a native of Davte county, and
a member of the Lutheran church
He was a .good man and his death
brought sadness to the entire com-
mtinily in which he lived. The
county has lost a gdod citizen.
Infant Son Gaither
n Ttw tiiile infant of Mr. and Mrs. Pirik
GaUh^dl^iast Ttaes^y morning .and|
was laid ft ^ Union Cboioh
Wednosda^.mornltig at.U o'clock.
.\n infant son of Mr., and 'Mrs
. P. (Iniiher of near Sheffield d el
rucKlav. The body "WM laid to
ei.l in New Umon. churchyard
IVediiesday morning at it o'clock
Bio - Obituaries -3/21/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 22,1928
As w& go to pi^ss we lenrn of
tho death of Mr. B, S. ChbU, a for
mer Dnvio man, who died in 'a
Winaton-Snlem hospital Tuesday
afternoon. Ho was about 57
years of age, and a brother of
Meaara, Leon, Tom, Paul and John
Cnah of Winaton'Salem,
Bio - Obituaries -3/22/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 28,1928
Thomas Renegar
Aged Veteran Dead.
Thomas Renegrar, asred 86, of near
Ijamf^ Cross Jb^ada, died Tuesday, at
tha hqrae of Kls'aon.'^W. H. Rene^air,
with whom he has for a number of
years made his home/ He was one
nf a few rahainmg Confederate
Veterans in this eouti^.
Funeral services were held Wed
nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Mew
Union Church. Rev. S. W. Brown
conducted the services Interment
followed in the cbureb cemetery.
The deceased was a member of the
Ijamps Cross Roads Baptist Churcb
Sir Reneirar is survived by one
BOD. W. H. Renegar, two daughters,
tidrs.- Julia Shaw, Mra Marshall
Rtchardsdn, fonrteen szrandchlldrmi
and eleven great grandc^ldien*-
Began Cash
Mr Began Cash died at his home
in Winston Saleni last Tnc-sdav; a-
ged about 6o years. The body
was brangbt back to Smith Grove
and laid to rest in the graveyard
there Thursday afternoon. Mr,
Cash is survived by his widow and
and several children. He was a
Dative of Davie county, but moved
to Winston Salem several years ago.
Bio — Obituaries -3/28/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 29, 1928
Thomas P.oncifnr» age 8G, of
nGni* Ijnmcs Cross Roads, died
Tuesday at the 'home of his sou,
W. H. Rencgnr, with whom he
has for a iiumbor of yours made
his home. He was one uf a few
remaining Confederate Veterans
in this county.
Funeral services were held
Wednesday afternhon at 2 o'clock
at Now Union Church. Rev, S.
W, Brown conducted the services.
Interment followed in the church
cemetery.' The ■docouscd wins a
member of the Ijames Cross
Roads Baptist Church.
'Mr. Renegar Is survived by one
son, W. H. Renegar. .two daugh
ters, Mrs. Julia Shaw,' Mrs. Mar
shall Richardson, fourteen grand-
children and 'eleven 'great grand
Bio - Obituaries -3/29/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 4,1928
William H. Cook.
William Harrison Cook, 69 6f
Winston-Salem Rente 4, died Sun
day night at his home. He had
been ill about two weeks, but his
condition had shown no change
and the end came suddenly.
He was born in Davie county.
Dec. 1, 185S. son of the late VV.
H, and Anne Baity Cook, He ia
.survived by bis wife, two sons.
Frank Cook, of this city, and J. S.
Cook, of Route 4; two sisters, Mrs^
Lelia Masemore of Hanes and Mrs.
Maggie Jones pf Calabaln.
The fnneral was condncted from
the home at 1 r o'clock Wednesday
morning by Rev. O E. vVard, and
burial followed in the Cook Grave
yard, Davie county. — Twin-City
Mrs. Bob Meachum
The many friends of Mrs. Bob
Meachum were very sorry to bear of
her death which occured Saturday
afternoon 'at 2:30 o^clock. Mrs.
Meachum was known throughout
the community and was well thought
of by ail who knew her. Siie was ill
for several months and all cf her
friends were faithful up until htr
death and did all they could for her,
Thefnnerai services were held at
11 o'clock Monday m.orning.
Bio - Obituaries -4/4/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 12,1928
Jessie Clement Tippen
Mr, C. A. ClGmcnt rocQlved a
toleffrnm on Snturdny from Plain-
view, Arkanana, which stated that
his niece, Mrs. Jessie CIcniont
Tippen, had died there on April
Gth, following a long illncds. The
deceased was the daughter of the
late Dr. Wm. A. Clement and Mrs,
Gallic McCnll Clement, who mov
ed to Afhanaas many years ago.
Wheii quite a young girl Mrs. Tip-
pen spent several years in Mocka-
ville, going to school to her cousin
Miss Mattie 13aton. She is sur-,
vlved, by 'her husband and several,
childreni and throe brothers. We
extend our deep sympathy to the J
bereaved family. I
Bio - Obituaries ^/12/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 18,1928
Bfrs*' E* La Nichols
Mrs. Eddy Latham Nichok, a
who passed away Monday nigh, ^
ii;4S o'clock at the home of i,"
granddau'ghter Mrs. A. C. StK*'
hour, on the Walkeriowu
near Ogbura-Station, following'
brief illness was buried this aite,'
noon, a short funeral service beiJ
conducted at 12:30 o'clock by
Mr. Robbins. The funeral proj^j
wa.s conducted at Oak Grove, Dg.'
wonnty by Rev, J. T. Sisk
Mr. Gavette Burial was in
church graveyard. She cam^
the home of her granddauj^hier a.
bout two weeks ago, developed
pneumonia and died. She is
vived by two sons. M. F. Nichok
of Mocksville and J. L. ICichols,(tf
New York; one daughter, Mrs,
H. Montensenu. of Ploriaa; ,2
grandchildren and 25 great grand,
Mrs. G. M. Hendricks
Mrs^ Martin Hendricks died at
her home in Charlotte Wednesday
afternoon/following-a months ill
ness. aged 37 years The remains j
werebiought to Mocksville Friday:
morning' and laid to rest in Center
graveyard. Mrs. Hendricks was a |
nari^'e of Pavie county but moved;
to Charlotte about .14 years . ago.;
She is survived bv bet husband.!
one son and one daughter. She;
was a. member of the Christian
church. '
D. M. Reece
Attornev D. M. Reece. of Yad-
kiuville, died in the Baptist Bo-spi-
tal, at iuston Salem Saturday,
aged 05 years. The burial took
place at Booneville Monday morn
Mrs. Robert Meachum.!
In memory of Mrs. Robert
Meachum. of Advance, who passed
away March 31. 1928
Thy .sun hath set to us, but
shiueS; elsewhere in Heavenly
Light: "The encircling gloom" is
gone and all is fair in Heavenly
Light. Thy home is reached. and
thou dost "not ask to see the dis
tant scene" for it is near to thee.
And thou art "ever thus," No
need to pray in Heavenly Light
lor guidance on a dark and rugged
way. In Heavenly Light the day
of sorrow and doubt is gone. Thy
love remembered and thy heaven
won and now thy Faith is Sight
and fhou dost know that God io
Light, and over •'raoor".attd "tor
rent'' me must go through the
dark night till in the gIoriou.s
morning light we see "angel fac s '
of the blest and thee. If we could
push ajar the gates of life and
stand within and see all the works
of God. we could understand each
mystery. But we must be content
for God's plans unfold like lillies
pure and white and we must not
tear the close—^shut leaves apaft
for time will reveal the hidden cups
of gold. If through patient toil
we reach the land where many
'feet, with sandals loose, may rest,
then .shall we know and dearly un-
destand—I think that we shall say,
"God knows the best.
Bio - Obituaries -4/18/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 19,1928
wns. G. W. TIPPIN
Mrs. (5. W. Tlppin was born In
Rrockavlllc, N. C., ApriJ 24, 18C5
nnd died at her home In Oln, Ark,
April 5, 1928. Sho w.is the daugh-
tf-r of Mr. and Mrs. Dri W. A.
Clement •and niece of Messrs .Teas
Lee and Chas. Clement of ]^Iocka<
vllle." ' , .
She educated In Jlocksvlllc
and Hvcd with her grandniollicr
there unLll grown, at which ilme
she went to Arkansas to live with
I her people who hud moved tn that
!etatc. .Shu was married to G. W.
Tippln, Aug. IG, 1885. and to this
union was born four ehlUlvon, one
daughlEr and three soii.s, j^Trs.
Ajrhcss Hlchnrilson of Oln. Wll-
llnm Tlpijln of Sprlngdiile, Ark.,
and Leo and l>awi'cncu Tippln of
Ola, also ucvon grandchildren,
Ihrue lirotljors, Oscar Cloniont of
: SprlngliolU, Oragon, W. i|. Clc-
nrcht, Plalnvluw,"Dr. C. A. Cle
ment, of Kovcr. Also two uncles,
' Jess t.ee Ciement and Chnrlcs
Clement of hluckHvillo, N. C., with
■« host of utljor rcJjiUvcs nnd
• 'frJcml.H in Ai'l'a'nsns <ind Northj CatcUnn.! ' Shv was willing to adopt the
Wo^-t i\n her homo but she always
looked with prldb buck to her old
.! childhood home apd the people
!»hc so dearly loved'ami thoughtj there was no better colintiw andi people in the wor.hl. .She ahvnya
took the Mocksvillo ICntorprlse•and read with pride the n^ws of
■ lu!r old home.
John W. Hardy
1 Jcssis was converted whon 'n
i child and jolnud- the, Mcthndi.st
luluireh and lived a conBlatujit
!mpml)or in it until ilcuth. Sho
Rufrer£d Intensely for scvcrnl
monlhaond during .this Unie -she
wits'patictJt iirurauhmitlcd to the
will of Ootl. Before, sho died .ilic
prayed tn God to come and tiikc
her to that beautiful land and onApril Gth \\'lthout a struggle God
L'ttmpllod with-her ro<iucst and
her fl oni look lla flight to that
beautiful laud boyond tho nkloa.
John W. Hardy, a well known
eitlr.cn of the Sllonm section, of
Surry county, died a few days ago
nnd among those attending tho
fuiioYal wna n .brother who hadbeen gone from that community
for 26 years. In 1902 this brother
Jondcd his worldly goods on a
one-horse wagon and taking his
llltlu family sot out for a now
homo in Tcnnosseo. He got as far
na Wataugn county, N. C., and
halted but never a line did ho
write back homo. His wife died
about 11 years after he left Surry eounly and ho married again
and moved his 'habitation' to Tazo-
wcll county, Virginia.Just about a week before hisbrother, John Hardy, died the
missing brother returned to Surry, in the same manner he, hadgone away, in a opo-horse wagon
but minus his family. Ho had iinow wife and the children of his.fi rst maiu'inge were all grown and-.married. 'Watauga county Is not such agreat distance from 'Sun-y and itaooms rather strange that Hardywould have lived all this time Inwhat Is now close proximity tohis people and not let them know>vhnt had become of him and hfa
! A*imlly. _
Mrs. Lila Emerson Hendrlclcs,
age 86, of Charlotte died Wednes
day afternoon at n Ohnrlottc hos
pital, following a serious opera
tion. Mrs. Hcndricks had been
in declining health for some time.
She was formerly of this place
and hoa a host of friends who
regret to learn of her death. The
funeral service was conducted at
the home in Charlotte Thursday
afternoon by her pastor, Rev. Wil-
liums and interment followed ot
Center cemetery Friday morning.
Sho is survived by her husband,
two children, Sara and Ralph
Hcndricks and a large number of
Bio - Obituaries ^/19/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 25,1928
WilUam Lindsay Dead.
William C. Lindsay died Thars
day morning In the Rex hospital,
Raleigh, v^here he had been since
loth, as a result-of a fall through
an elevator shaft. Mr. Lindsay
was a resident of Rowan connty
most of his life. The family lived
at the old Cooleemee cotton mills,
**Shoals,*' but moved, to
River and spent a long life there.
The body was brdught to Salisbury
Fnday and laid' to res§i ' Among
the snsviving.inembers of; the fa
mily are Mfi, P. O. Tdtum, of
Cleveland; Mrs. Henry Foard, bt
Salisbury, and Waiter S. Lindsay
of Wiuston.Salem. "^r, Lindsay
was 70 years old; A number of
Mocka\^nie and Pavie people at]
tended the fuaeral and ..i^iiri^l ser*
vices. n
Mr. D. C Penry Dead.
Funeral jervices for D. C. Penry,
68, well known merchant of the
Motorville section,, who died sud
denly at his home Friday morning,
was held at the home Monday at 9
o'clock and at Union Chapel at 11
o'clock Rev. J T. Sisk conducted
The services. nn Burial frilowed in
the chnrcb graveya d. Mr. Penry
wa.s a member ot MocksviJle Coitn-
oil, Junior Order, for ai yeans He
moved from Rome 2, to. Forsytb
county more than a year ago. Sur
viving are his widow, four sons,
R. H. Penry, of R. 2, C. I. Penrv,
of Dallas. Texas; D D. .and Earl
Penrv, of Rural Hall, R. 1; one
daughter, Mrs. E. S Lakev, of:
Farmington; one sister, Miss Bessie
Penry, of Wioston-Salem, and six
Bio — Obituaries -4/25/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 26,1928
Salisbury.—W. C. Lindsay dlod
in the Rex hospital at Raleigh
this morning at 3 o'clock, death
resulting from injuries received
when he fell In an elevator pit
at the state revenue building on
the night of Monday, A^ijil 9.
The remains will arrive in Salis
bury at 2:80 this nftornoon and!
will be taken to the home of a sis
ter, Mrs. P. 0. Tntum, G15 West
Council street.
The fUnCfal ivlli take place
from the Elrst Baptist church
Fridoy morning nt 11 o'-clock, con
ducted by the Rev. M. H. Milne
of St. Luke's Episcopal church,
and the Rev. Sidney S. Boat, of
Durham, the latter .being a life
long friend of the deceased. The
inteerment will be in Chestnut
Hill cemetery. n
Honorary pallbearers wUI be A.
H. Boydon, B. R. Oovermim, J. D.
Hellig, Thco B. Brown, J. H,
Ramsny, T. H. VnndorXord, B. O.
Morris, of Mcdksville, and Reve
nue Commissioner R. A. Dough-
ton, of Raleigh, and Burton Crnigc
of Wlnston-^nicm. Active pnll-
bearcrsv Peter Halrston, Stable
Linn, A H. Graf, J. M. McGorkle,
Dr. J{. V. Brnwicy and 'T. Frank
The- docen.^od was 70 years of
Age nnd .'Wns n 'nntivo of South
'River, Rowhn" county, n son of the
late Capt, Jack Lindsay- and Tsa-
'bollc Johnston Itlndiay. Ho 'is
.!*urvivi!d by one brother and t\vo
sisters, Wftltor S. LImlany, of
Winston-Snicm. niul Mrs. Annie
E. Fonrd ami Mrs. P. 0. Tntum,
of Salisbury. A brother, Dnvitl
Lindsay, died some years ogo.
The parents of the deceased wore
nutlvo.s of Scotiaud and came to
Rowan shortly after their nmr-
rlagc in their native country.
Will Lindsay spent much of his
i life in this city, which ho con
sidered his homo. Jn his youth
ho was n clerk in the old Meronoy
Bros, gcncrnl dry goods atore in
Sniisbury nnd Inter traveled for
Hirst'Purnell & Co., of Baltimore,
n general dry goods flrm, nnd was
one of the most 'popuinr and suc
cessful traveling men of his day,
Some years ago he was In the
federal revenue Herylco under the
Inte A. D,-Watts, but for a num
ber of years had been with the
state revenue department, under
Revenue Commlflaionop R. A.
Doiig^ton, nt Raleigh. Ho was a
splendid man,' a most agreeablo'
and entertaining fellow nnd In
former'days was prominent in the
social llfo of this city and com
munity. Ho woa a member of the
The death of this popuinr man,
while having boon expected for
several days, caused genuine sor
row among .those who knew him
horc, It was due to injuries re
ceived when he foil in nii elevator
nit At' the istnti! rovonuo building
on the night of Monday, Aipril 9.
when he sustained a broken jaw
bone and severe bruisee nnd cuts
a'bout the bend and body. The
fall rendered hini helpless and ho
remained hi the^ pit nil night, being found onrly next morning by
a janitor of the building.
The above clipped from The
Salisbury Post of last week.
Mr. D. C. Penry died April 20,
1928, at Wlnsfcon-Snlem and was
buried at Union Chapel Monday,
April 28. The deceased wns born
September 1, 18G9 nnd was 68
years, 7 months nnd 20 days of
age. He wns n member of the
M. P. Church nt Union Chapel.
He is survived by hl.s widow, 4
sons, 1 daughter, 1 sister nnd six
Bio - Obituaries -4/26/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 2,1928
Infant Daughter Horn
rliitle 10-weeks old daughter
Ur. and Mrs. Claud Horn was
I dead in bed about 6:30 Mon-
^aioniinp. The baoy was ap
jtnllT in good 'health. The fun
land burial-services were held
day and the little body laid to
i in Rose cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries -5/2/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Susan Anderson
Aunt .Suaan Andorson, a well-
! known jind reapcctod colored
woman, widow of Nod Andcrsoni
died nt licr home here on Monday
morniiitf, nt iin advanced atfe. She
wns a familiar figure on our
streets, and had many friends
among bpth races. She Is-survlv-
cd hy one son, Mdrahu'll Andorson,
of Philadolphln, who waa with
her when she died. For many
years she had been a member «£
the Second Presbyterian church.
# « «
Bio - Obituaries -5/3/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 9,1928
E. O. Shaver
Mrs. J. W. Richardson
Mrs. 3. W. Richardson died at
her home in Clarksvilie township
Sunday. The body was laid to
rest at New Union Monday at 10
0 clock. Mre.-Richardson is sur
vived by her husband and two sons,
J. S. and T. P. Richardson. j
Sue Anderson
unt Sue Anderson, an aRcd
known colored woman,
last Tuesday and was' buried
feesdav in die colored cemetery
iorth Mocksville.
0 Sliaverdied at ling's
Stalcsville, on Satnr-
'""1 I1n«
Mr cv" J. isa daugh
lb«„n church and
Bio - Obituaries -5/9/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 16,1928
Richard Canter' Kilkd.
Statcsvillc, May 8.-—Rickard B.
Canter, 24, barber of North Wllkes-
boro, died at Long's sanatoritim to»
Qight as result ot an automobile ac
cident occurring near Harmony a»
bout 6 o'clock. Spencer Richard
son and Mr. Canter .were coming to
S'aiesville . when the 'automobile
driven by Mr. Cmiter left the pav
ed road aud overturned* Mr Can*
Iw wa.s brought to the hospital but
died about two boars later.
Funeral will be held Th'ur^ay at.
New Hope church, Wilkes countv. |
The deceased was unmarried and;
was a son of Charlie Canter ofl
Wilkes county, v- '
Alice Elizabeth Smith
Funeral serviles for Aliss Alice
Elizabeth Smith, age 47 who pasii-
ed away at the home of her mother
near Cana. were held at Bear Creek
Baptist church at 3 o'clock Thurs-
day afternoon. She is survived by
her mother Airs. Sam Smith, three
brothers. Pink, Bird and Luther,
and two sisters Mrs Dora Lowery
and Mrs. Nat Stanley.
Bio - Obituaries -5/16/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 17,1928
Lula M. Fitzgerald
The death of Mrs. Lula M. Fit
zgerald, wife of Neely JJltigerald,
which occurredi at her home in
Greenabovo on May 7th, • was
learned of here with deep regret.
Mrs. Fitzgeraldspent . moat' of
her life in Dnvle counts where
she was hlffhly esteemed. She
was a daughter of the late laadc
Ilolman and Mrs. Maiy drenshaw.
Holmnn, being a member of a
prominent Davie county family."
On her maternal side she wds
closely related to Wiliiara Q1I-.
more Simms,* one of the" moat
noted Southern ".writers. Mrs.
Fitzgerald moved from-Mocksville
to Greensboro a number of years
ogo to bo with hor doughtora-who
are teachers at N, C. C. W. Sur-
ylvlng are hor husband, and two
daughters, Misses lluth and Mary
Fftzgeraid, of Greenabord, and
one sister, Mrs. B. R. Steelman,
of Winston-Salom. The funeral
KorviccH wcj'o -conducted on Wed
nesday by. her pastor, Rev. Mur
phy Williams.
Funeral sonvlces for Miss Alice
Elizabeth Stfllth, 47, who. passed '
away at the homo of her mother, <
near Gana, - wore held at Bear
Creek ,Baptist Church at 8 o'
clock Thursday afternoon. She
is Burvivod by'her mother, Mro.
Sam Smith, three brothers. Fink,'
Boid, Luther, and two sisters,!
Mrs. Dora -Lowery, Mrs. Nut'
Bio - Obituaries -5/17/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 23,1928
Lewis H. Howard
Funeral services for Lewis H.
Howard, aged 79, who passed a*
way at the home of his sou John
Howard, near Tnrrentine, May
19th, was held at Oak Grove
Methodist cbnrch Snnday at 11 a,
m. Rev. J. L. Kirk n conducted
the servic^. Survivioj; is Mrs,
Howard, one son John, of R. 4, a
daughter, Mrs. Joe McClamroch,
of Concord. One brother, S. W.
Howard, of Tuscaloosa, Ala., and
19 grandchildren survive.
Mrs. WOliams Dead.
Mrs. D. W. Williams died at
her home near ,Fork Church
Thursday evening at 10 o'clock,
aged 83 years. The body wa-s haid
to rest Saturday morning, at 11
o'clock, the funeral sendees being
conducted by her pastor. Rev. E,
W. Turner, assist^ by Rev. June
Carter, of Winston-Salem. Sur
viving Mrs. Williams is her htts-
band, two sisters Mrs. T. C. Sheens,
and Miss Jennie Haneliiie; six
children. Mrs, John Graves, of near
Mocksvilie; J. N. Williams, Wius-
ton-Salem; J. L. Wllliains, Gold
Hiil; Mrs. Maggie Martin, near
Mocksvilie; Col man Foster, Farm'-
in^OD, and Miss Maud Williams,
of Fork. Twenty-five grandchild
ren and several n great-grand-child-
rea snrvive. -
Bio — Obituaries -5/23/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 24,1928
Funeral aervicca for Lewis H.
Howard, 70, who passed away at
thd home of his son, John Howard'
on roule 4, May 10, was lidd' at
Oak Grovo Methodist church
Sunday at 11 o'clock; service con-
dueted by Rev. J. L. Kirk, inter
ment 'in church grave yard.
His wife survive, also one son,
Jo>hn Howard, of Mocksvillo route
4; ohc daughter, Mrs. Joe Mc-
Ciamrock, Goncord, N. G.; one
■brother, S. W. Howard, Liisea-
loosA, Ala.; 19 grand children,
and a number of groat grandchiidren.
Amanda Williams
The funerarof Mrs. D. W. Williams, 88 years; iwho passed away
at her home near Fork, was held'
at Fork Baptist church May 19
at 11 o'clock. The sci'vlceg were
conducted' by Rev. E. W. Turner,her pastor, and assisted by Rev.
Juno Garter.
Surviving are her husband, D.
W. Williams, two sisters, Mrs, T.
C. Sheets, and Miss Jennie Hane-
lino, six children, Mrs^ John Grav«
es, Mocksvllle; Mr.-J. N. Williams,
Winston-Salcm; Mr. J. L; Wii-
IJamk; (itold Kilt.
;Mrs. Amanda Wilinms, age 83
years, wife of ft lr. Hanlcl Wiili-
ams, past away at' her -home
Thursday night after a long ill
ness, and nvas laid to rest Sat-
urday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev.
B: W. Tui'ner and Rev, June Gart
er, conducied the funeral services.
She. leaves a husband and six
children, two sisters and several
grand-children to mourn her. loss.We extend sympathy to. the'be
reaved' ones. Mrs, Willinms waea member of Pork Baptist church
for 8ixty»-two years,
Bio - Obituaries -5/24/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 30,1928
James Hobson
James Hobson, son of W. H.
Hobson, of Salisbury, died at bis
home in that city Sunday evening,
following a sbort illness of pneu
monia, aged about 31 years. Tlie
body was brought to Jerusalem
Tu^ay morning and laid to rest
in the family graveyard. Mr.
Hobson was a native of Davie
county and had many friends here
who were saddened by the news of
his death.
Bertie Chaplin Hendrix
Fqoeral services of Mrs Bertie Cbeplin
Hendrix were held at the M. E. Cburch.
A most beautiful talk wae made hy the
paster Rev. W. B. Thomson. Mrs. Heod*
rix bad measles and pneumonia. We wish
to extend our sympathy to the ao^wing
relatives and friends.
Bio — Obituaries -5/30/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 31,1928
E. I). Fox, 77, n CharloUe
iCHidoitl fur the Insit 11 yuavii,
dlud !(dc Friday jiIkIiI; at the lionio
of hLs (lauKhlur, I^[r.<i. L. G. Kelly,
at 1000 Weat Second rlreet.
Funeral Hcrviccs will be held
this nftcrnuoa at 2:110 o'clock at
•the residence of Mrs. Kelly, with
whom he lived, conducted by Uev.
John W, Myers, pastor of the First
Reformed church, of which ho wag
un older. Burial will' be in Elm-
Pallbearero will bo the remain-
Ing elders of the church: Ch'nrles
H. A. Rupp, Charles E. Dochant,
J. C. Peck, E. W. Bonder, A. R.
Long and \V. H. Graham.
Mr. Pox Is survived by two song
C. A. Fox, of Troutman, and
Pi'onk'L. Fox, of Hickory; five
daughters, Mrs. J. E. Smith of
Coolcemeo, Mrs. J. H. Hildorbrand
of Troutman, Mrs. W. J. Bean of
Rutherfordton, Mrs. W. P. Rudi-
hHI Tjf AshevilluVnad Mrs. L. G.
Kelly here; two brothers, Dr, C.
P. iPox of Greenville, Tenn., and
Dr. J. Frank Fox of Bluefleld, W.
Va.; 'and four siatera, Mrs. Bello
Yount and Mrs. Jessie Klllian,
both of Newton, and Mrs. Laura
TurbyAIl and Mrs. Emma Hoover,
both of Lincolnion.
Editor Note: The above was
clipped from the Sunday Charlotte
Observer, Wd arc in sympathy
with the bereaved ones,
James M. Hobson
A numbc-r nf retntivos and
fi'IcndH from' here niteadcd thn
finipral of Jiimos M. Hobson of
Sniisbiu-y on Tuesday morning, i
among them being Mr. and Mrs.'
E. H. 'MoiTis, Mr. and Mrs. B. 0.5
lilorrla, Mrs. B. C. Clement, J.r.,'
Mrs. W. Hi LcGrand, Messrs.
VVnItor Clement, Cecil Morris, and
John LcGrand. The death of this
pnpular ymtng man has brought
.sadnc.Hs to the licarts of his many
friends thrpughout Davie * 'and
Uflivan counties. He was the son
of' W. H. Ilobson and Mrs. Ossicj
Morris Hob.son, and was born at
the old Hobson homestead, "Wild-
wood," in Divvlo county In 1B95.
He was the llrst Davic county man
to onllst In the World War, and
was wounded in service. In 1922]
ho was married to Miss Sophie
Klutts, of Salisbury, who with a'
thrcc-yonr-old son, survives him.!
Ho is also survived by his aged
father, three sisters, Mrs, Ernest
Saiididge, of Amhcrst, Vn., Mlssl
Johnsio Hobson of Little Rock,'
Ark., Mrs. R. R. Crawford of
Winston-Salem, and two brothers,!
W. H. Hobson, Jrl, and Edwin M. i
Hobson of Salisbury. * The funog
^nl; services wcro conducted at'
frho home on Tuesday morning by'
Rev. Edgar Woods.
Bio — Obituaries -5/31/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 6,1928
Jchti Stroad Dies At
. Copieemee.
Cpaleemi^ June I.WMtohn Snipes Strowd
4C. di'^d this bveninj at 7 n'clodt at bis
ho.iie in Ci)nleetnee after an lllnes of sev*
eral otooihs. Slnc« 1916 he bad beea
suiterinteiKfpnt 'ind assistant manager of
the Erwin Cotton Mills, of this place. Ha
attended Ttioicy college, now Duke anl
versity. and draiuaied at State College in
1808. In 1816 he was nmnied to Miss
Wilheiiuina Craft, of EilisviUe, Hiss,, and
she, with three children, survived.
MfT Strowd was a son of Sidney S. and
Martha Ci>th(>rine Sirnwd atid was born
in Chatham cwmty, near Chapel HitL
The rtineml.wiii he Intld at the Methodist
Ctmrcb here at tiine n'ciock Sunday morn
ing and tho body will be taken to Greens
boro Sunday-a rteniono for interment.
Bio - Obituaries -6/6/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 13,1928
Mr. E. t. Vogler Dead.
Mr. E. .E. Vogler died at bis
home abooit two miles east of Ad
vance at 8 o'clock Stindav morning
following an illness of about two
months with a complication of dis
eases. Mr. Vogier was 68 yeais of
age, and is survived by his 'widow
and eleven children, ^seven sons and
four daughters, .viz: Messrs. Chat-
lie, Alex, John, Frank, Thomas,
Naylor and Edward, and Mrs.
Delia Grouse, Mrs. Aiigusta Cor-
tiatzer, Mrs. Luna Hart man and
Miss Giad5'S Vogler, all of Davie
county. Mr. Vogler was promi
nent in politics and served his coun
ty as sueriff from 1896 to 1898,
and was county treasurer from 1898
to 1900. He was a member of the
Advance Methodist church, and
was one of the leading farmers in
Shady Grove township. The fun
eral services were held in the Ad
vance Methodist church yesterday
afternoon at two .o'ciock and the
body laid to rest in Shady Grove
cemetery. A large couvourse of
relatives and friends were present
to pay their la^t respects to Mr.
Vogler. In his death the connty
looses one of her best citizens.
J. S. Strowd
In the death of Mr. J. S. Strowd
which occurred at his hoihe in
Cooleemee a short time ago, Davie
county lost a good citizeu, the
church a faithful worker, and the
wife and children a kind and loving
husband and father. Mr. Strowd
bad made bis home in Davie for a-
bout^wetve years, and during this
time had endeared iiimself to all
those with home he came in contact.
He v^as the efficient superintendent
of the Irwin Cotton Mills and his
death brought sadness to the hund
reds who were employed ih the
mills. He was a good friend of the
editor of The Recoid, who xrill
miss bis cheerful smile. The loved
ones who are left behind have the
sympathy of the people throughout
the connty who knew and loved
M r. Strowd. A good man is at rest.
Dr. Nicholson Of IredeU
Dr. W. M. Nicholson, 87, veteri
nary surgeon, and comtxtaoder of
the Iredell Confederate veterans
camp died in Iredell for 60 years or
more and for more than half a cen
tury Dr. Nicholson had been re
garded the best the best horseback
rider in the county and eo|oyed
this pastime nntil aftil after was 87
years ola.
Greenberry Horn
Greenberry Horn, an aged citi
zen of Eagle Mills township, Iredell
county, died suddenly Saturday
morning. Mr. Horn was otit plow
ing and while unliitchingoneof bis
horses he fell dead.
Bio - Obituaries -6/13/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 14,1928
Davie county was isaddened to
learn of the death of Mr. Louis
Spencer Hendrix, aged 76, of near
Bixby, Monday. He conh:<acted
(pneumonia last Wedncadhy -and
only lived a few days after.
He loaves a wife, four sons and
one daughter, vht Thomas, Bis
on, Lee, J. Frank, and Mrs. Mat-
tie Barneycastle.
The funeral and bUTinl service^
wore held at-Smith Grove Tues
day at 2 o'clock.
Mr. Hendrix was a good man,
and will be greatly missed thr
oughout the coun^.
We extend our deepest sym
pathy to the bereaved.
Isabelle M. Peebles
I Mrs. I^abello M. Peobles, widow
ok' N. A. Peebles, who formerly
lived in Dnvie county, died ot hor
home, in Wiiiston-Salom, on Mon
day evening, .after an Illness of
over four years.. The •deceosod
wag 62 years old, and wap the
daughter of*Nathan CliafUn, and
Julia Wheeler Chofflh In Davie
county. Her only daughter, Mrs.
Julia'Richardson, died acverol
years ago. She is survived by
one sister; Miss Julia ChnfHn, and
a grand-daughter, Miss Isabelle
Richnrdsoh. The funeral servlcbs
wore conducted at St,-Paul's Epis
copal, chu-rch by Rov. H. N. Bo\V|io
on Tuesday afternoon, and the in
terment took place in Salem ceme
tery. .
' Funeral of Enoch Eugene Vog-
ler, 68, who died on Sunday, was
conducted from, -the -home two
miles south of Advance, and fi'om
Advance Methodist-church yester-
day afternoon by Rev. Mr. Hnll,
ond Rev. W. B. Thompson. Burial
followed In the church' grave-'
The pallbearers were; W. B.
Leonard, J. H. Rdtledgo, 6. Tal-
bort, 0. J. Taylor, -H. T. Smith-
deal and J. G. Orrell. The (lower
bonrors ^viere -liaken •' from . his
■Sunday- sohool elasa.
Bio - Obituaries -6/14/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 20,1928
Chas. W. Hepler
Cbas. W. Hepler died at his]
home at Oak Grove .Wednesday
evening, following a long illness of I
heart trouble, bged about 65 years. I
The body was laid to rest Friday |
afternoon in Oak Grove church-^
yard, Mr. Uepler is survived by
bis widow, two sous and three
daughthers, also two brothers and
one sister.
Bio - Obituaries -6/20/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 21,1928
The tlunth juikcI visited our
community Wetliitsday nlglit at
12 o'clock and culled one of uui-
deiir friends and iieli;hbora on u
lon« journey from which he will
never return. Charlie Weajy
Heplor, he was born in India
napoHs, Ind. February 19, 18C8,
died June 14, 1928 at his home
8 miles North of Mocksville, <age
60 years, 8 months and 26 days.
He was the son of Francis Allen
and Sam Hepler; was married
September 1, 1892 to Mary EMen
Sain of Davie county. He is sur
vived by his wife and flve child
ren, two boys, H. D. Hepler of
Winston-Salem, C. B. Hepler, of
Mocksville, 3 girls, Mrs. 0. R.
Oakley of Wlnston-Sulem tand {
Mrs. J. M. Haneline of Mocksville
and Mrs. J. L. Klrklnnd of Lex
ington, five grandchildren, two
brothers, one sister, J. A. Hepler
of Hniinony, J, T, Hepler of
Mocksville and Mrs. J. C. Boger
of Mocksville, his father and
mother and one slater, Mrs. Willie
Nugent of Greensboro proceeded
him to the grave.
Funeral services were held at
Oak Grove church' Friday <at 2
o'clock by Rev. Jim Green of
ThomnsvlMe and Rev. R. S. Howie
of M<>cksville. The body \vina
laid to rest in the church grave
yard. He was a good neighbor,
n 'loving husband, u kind father,
and will 'be missed by many.
Infant Daughter Smith
The infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Bird Smith died last Wed
nesday and was burle.d at Eaton's
cemetery Thursday^ at 11 'a. m.
The funeral service was conduct
ed by Rev. J. H, Groco. •
Amanda Bailey
Friends of Mrs, Anutiula Bailey
regret to hoar of her death onrly
Sunday morning at the homo of
Mr, Joo Bailey near Advance.
n^y.. .1 t..
Bio - Obituaries -6/21/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 27,1928
Mr. J. J Starrette Dead
It is with sadness that The Record
chronicles the death of Mr. J. J*
Starrette, which occurred U^mday
morning at bis home at Kappa fol*
lowing an illness of several weeks,
aged about 79 years. The body was
laid to rest today, Tuesday.. in St.
Matthew graveyard. Mr..Starrette
is survived by two sons, W. T. of
Charlotte, and J. £ , of Pennsylva
nia, and two danghters. Mrs. W. L.
Harperi of Cool Springs, and Mrs.
A. P. Campbell, with whom he lived.
Three brothers also survive. A good
man has been calied to rest.
Arthur Neely Fitzgerald
Arlliur Neely Fitagerald,
vuirs, (lied Saturday iu a
. luxspiial, following an ill-» ii| .several years. The body
lav Greensboro Mon-. aUtriiooiK Mr. Fitzgerald was
''niitr rcsidciu of Mocksville. He
j Hiitvivid iiy daogtaiers.
Rmli and Mary Fitzgerald,
tiiibctsof iheN. C. C W. facul
Bio - Obituaries -6/27/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 28,1928
Neely Fitzgerald
has been received of
the -death of fMr. -Wpely'.Pltager-
.ald;'affed 7T, a formei^ citliSon. of
th'i4' place, had rcelded^
In-'drceaaboro' sfor -a/.nuthber; of
yea>a. The. fMneral aervieei'Vero
conducted at the homo t$. ^e^ne*
bord, and the Intertnent'followed
in the clty-,«9,mptery, .HIa "srlfo
<jiied severaV'weeks 'a'go, and .he
ifl survived by';,.two 'daiinhters,
Hisaes Hai^ernidf'Ruth Fite^rald.
of Greensboro, and one halMfater,.
" d&.Luck]r« of CharlQ!tt«;!
Bio - Obituaries ^/28/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY