Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 6,1927
Mittie Smith
Mis. Mitiie Smitb, a former re-
of Davie county, died at a
'ostod-Salepi hospital last Tues-
Vi aged 53' years. Mrs. Smith
^ ® daughter of. Mr. and Mrs.
^dShtiler, of near Fork Cborcb.
. wasbroughtto thiscond'
Wednesday and laid to rest in
^ Friends graveyard,, near
"gusta. Smith is" survived
^ 'er husband and five children,
fatber and a number of brothers
R. C Webb Is KOled.
Lexinglon, June 29.—Borne to
earth from atop a' 70-foot concrete
tower that collapsed, R. C Webb,
assistant, superintendent of con
struction oh the Yadkin river
bridge on highway 75. was crushed
to death when a timber fell across
his bead, about lo o'clock this
morning. Mr. Webb died before
he could be rushed to a hospital
John Raines, of Ramseur, aud J.
Henry Sessoms, of Tarboro, con
crete workers, also on top of the
lower, rode the rallopshigsirucuire
and escaped with bruises, lacera
tions and other injures though not
to be of a very serious nature.
^They weie brought to the hospital
here from the bridge site lo miles
west of Lexington.
The dead man is from Adako,
near Morganton, and is about 35
years old and unniarried. He had
been with the contracting firm for
a number of years. •
Bio - Obituaries - 7/6/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 7,1927
Sir. C. A. Carlner died nt iho
home of IiIh daiiKlAcr, Sirs. J. If.
Domiiiuc. in Coolccmcc Siiturdny.
Kjfotl 72 yonr.s.
Hia body wna Inid to roat Sun
day afternoon at South Uiver,
UoWnn (jcunlv nt 2 p. m. Funural
.'•.crvic'j conducted by Uov. Grant.
Ho leaves a wife,. Surah Jano
Cxirtmo'. and two dnuKlilcr.n, Sirs.
11. \V. Slillor. of Uownn cnunly.
and Slr-s. .T. 11. Donahue, of Cool-
Bio - Obituaries - 7/7/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 13,1927
Pink Turner
Aged Confederate Vet*
eran Pass^. %
"Mr, Pink Tyrasft
couaty's oldest men died at' his
home on R i, two miles southwest
of Mocbsville early Thnrsday morn-
ing, following an illness of about
two weeks with heart dropsy. The
fnuerat services were conducted by
Rev. W. L» Reeves, of Winstou-
Salem Friday moruiog at ii
o'clock, aud the body laid to rest
iu the family burying ground. Mr.
Turner is su^ived by bis widow,
two daughters, Mrs. Maaie Swice-
good, Miss Daisy Turner, and one
sou Green Turner, all of R. i. Mr.
Turiier'was a Confederate veteran
and served his country during the
days of the Civil war. He was a
good man, beloved by all who knew
him. The Record has lost a good
friend in the death of Mr. Turner.
Mr Turner was nearly 91 years old.
Mrs. Nathan Boger
Mrs. Nathan Bo^r, a fonner re
sident of Davie, died at her home
in Hanestown last week. The body
was brought to -Center graveyard
and laid to rest Thursday morning
at II o'clock... Mrs. Boger is sur
vived by her husband and several
Miss Jaiiie - IhompsM
.0:, . 'Dead.
Miw JaneThniripson
county bonjp Saturday night at 7
ine a stroke of paralysis. The fun-
ml and burial eeryic® were held atJerusalem- BapUst. Anrch Monday
aft'ernoon at 2 0 clocJ^ ^
Bio - Obituaries - 7/13/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 14,1927
Mrs. Jane Thompson, aged 90
years, died al Ihe" County home
Friday evening and was buried
at Jerusalem Sunday afternoon
at 2 o'clock.
She had been in the county
home for only a few month.s and
had been very feeble for some
lime. She leaves no near relutiv-
OB. n '
Bio - Obituaries - 7/14/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 20,1927
A. D. Wa^ Dead
Statesviile, July I5i — A. D.
Watts, former collector-'of internal
i^evenue and reco^ized jas a leader
in tlie state's Democracy for many
years, passed away al 5 o'clock tbis
afternoon at Dr. lOiig's'sanatorliitD
here, suffering with uraeniic poison
ing. Col Walts entered the ho^
pical Saturday. July 9,: for tr^t-
tueot. Wednesday he bad a sinking
spell and droppM into upconsciotiS-.
oess. from which 'he never rallied.
Mr.<^ Ritli Dead.
Mr. Grady Rich, of near IParm-
ington. died at the • University
Hospital, Fbiladelpliia, n Sunday
shortly after upon, foillawing .an
operation for anemia ofj the brain,
aged 37 years. Mr. Rljph had been
ill' for the past several < w^ks and
there,was little.bope fof his recpv-
er> from the time, he was stricken..
The .body was brought jto the old
h'otne this, Tuesday mdrnlng, but,
funeral arrangements have not yet
been completed, Mr., i^ch Is sur
vived by his widow and one little
daughter, his mother, two brothers
S. 0. Rich, of this city, and J. H,
Rich, of Wiostoii*Sa]em,,,aod one
sister, Mrs. Frank Bafaosoo,' of
Farmington. Mrs, Rich was at
the bedside of her husbapd- when
the end came. Mr. Rich was a
member of the Farmington Baptist
church, and was a kood. man. His
death has brought sadness the* en
tire oommunlly.r The^Ipved cms
have the sympathy-pf |a host of
friends, I
R. S. Moore
Mx- R.- S* Moore died at.' mshome in Winston-Salem on July
irlh. aged 79 yea«- The body
was brought to this connty and
laid to rest at Byerly's Chaper li^t
Tuesday. morning at. 11. o
Mr. Mopfe Is survived bv his wid^
and two 'daughthers. .Mrs; J- Cr
Henley, of Stat^iHe. and Mrs.
W. Rudiciil, nf Cleveland, Four
sons anid tWbrothfrs gl^ su^iver
Bio - Obituaries - 7/20/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 21,1927
The communily was greatly
.vhoL-ked to liuar of the death of
Dr. Da.stcr CIcgg Clement, well-;
known |ihy.sicini), Confcdcralc vc-|
Icran, and one of Moeksville'sl
most vonerahlo cUb.ens, death oe- j
curving on Tuc.sduy inornlngi I
July JHth, at lOtJJO. The deeeas-|
cd, who was 87 years old had been |
In failing health for some llnie, 1
but was able to be up unill a few.
days ago. He was .the son of i
Jes.su A. Clement and Mis. Mal>l
Inda Nail Clement, and was' one •
of a large family of children. llUf
was a namesake* of Ca.xtor Clcgg. |
a Methodist Minister, who eon-1
ducted a fiin'illy .school here many!
years ago. After serving In thuj
Confederate army when ijuite a i
young man, Dr. Clement studied;
modlchie at Tulaiie UnlverHil.v,.
New Orleans, and praetlecd both j
In Davio and Rowan counties;
where he had many friends. He
was married to Alis.A Liiia Harbcr, |
of Rowan county on May JlOth,;
188.'}, who with th'ree chlldrtn,'{
Mrs. Sam Hlnus, of Winston-j
Salcm, •]. Frank Clement, and D.
C. Clement, .lr., of this place, sur
vive hliu. Two brothel a. C. A.
Clement and .1. I.. CUnKMii, and
live grandchiltlron aUso .survive.
The dvctasi'd v.a?i»a dovoteil mcin-l
•her of the Methodist church, and
for many years served as a sto'.v-
ard. Funeral KervlcLs were held
at the Mcllintli.^t church on Wed-
iiosduy afternoon, .inly UOlli at
:t'o'clock, and the interment look
pincc In the Clement graveyard
nonr town. The bereaved family
has thu deoj) .sympathy i»f their
many friends.
Henry Crady Itleh, one of Dnvie
cou-nly's most prominent young *
farmers, died at the University •
hospllai, in J'hiladclphia, on Sun- '
day, July 17lh at 12:80, after a '
serious illness of several weeks
duration. His wife and infant
daughter, and his brother, S. 0,'.
itich wore- at l-hi bedside wlun j
the end came. lie was first car-,
ricd In Long's Sanatorium In i
Slatcsvllle, and three wcck.s ago
was taken to rhiladelphia, where
for a while ho se<med to Improve. ]
'riie deeuMSt'd iiad many friends j
who'wlir rcgrol to iuoir of his;
death, lie was the youngo.st son \
nf the lalo .Samiiol C)ia.«:e Rich j
and Mrs. Ilsltlp McMahau Rich, j
and wn.'i 87 years old, and a mem-,
bar of the Raptist church. He
was rniirrlnd in June, 192.'} to Mi.«a*
'Ruth Spiliman, who with a little;
dauuh:er. Furvivo him. Ho is
al.-»o survived by his mothor, on'*
Fislcr, Mrs. F. Cv Bnhnaou, of
I Farininglon, and two brothers, S. i
I 0. Uieh of this place, and J. H..
' Rich, of Winston-Salcm. The
funeral services wore conduct",
oil at Ihe Alothndist church in |
Farmtngton on Wedno.sdny mnrn-"
iiuf at 11 o'clock anrl Iho hurlnl
look plnco in the church grave-,
yard. We I'.xtrnd our deon j
piitliy to the horoaved relatives, j
Bio - Obituaries - 7/21/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 27,1927
Dr.'B. C. Clement Dead.
Dr.. Baxter Clement died Tues
day morning at the old Clement
homestead where he was bom 88
years ago. Surviving are his widotv
one daughter, Mrs. Sam Hines of
Winston-Salcm; Baxter Clegg Cle
ment, Jr., and J Frank Clement, of
Mocksville; two brotjliers Charles
A. Clement and }. L. Clement.
Dr. Clement was a sole snrviving
cavalry captain of General Deer-
ing*s command. He, with biis fath
er, Captain Jesse Clement raised
the first company, the Davie Grays
to vblunteer. froth this section. The
overfi'ow of his father's conimand
elected "Young Captain Jlax" a.s
he was called, as their command
ing ofiicer before he was yet 21.
Only three soldiers of Coinpan>
E. 16th North Carolina Battalion
.survive hint—his brothei-. J. L.
Clement, who joined him as a 17-
year-old boy; John Jones of Davie
and Philip Hauser of Forsyih.
In April before the surrender
Captain Clement with six of bis
command while executing an order
of General Roberts was taken pri
souer and transferred to the officers'
prison'on Lake Erie, where he re
mained until several months after
the surrender.
Immediately following the war
he took bis medical course at what
is now Tulane Universilv, New Or
leans and began the pracMce of
his profession with his brother, Dr.
William Clement.
Funeral services for Dr. Clement
were.conducted from the Methodist
church.Wednesday afternoon at 3
o'clock. Fall-bearers were Nor
man (Element. Cbarle.s Clement of
Atlanta; Dick Barber, Ji., of Way-
nesvilie; Mr.- Yancey of Oxford;
Will Collins and Sam Hines, of
Bio - Obituaries - 7/27/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 28,1927
Benson and Devina Landreth
Roniifikc, Va., .fuly 25.—Bonaon
Xiintlrcth, 2.|, and hia wife, De
vina, 21, formerly of Sparta, N. C.
were killed last nijj'ht when a
motorcycle they wlm-c i hllatf .stall
ed a few feet In froiil of a Nor-
ndk & Wostern electric frelirhf
train ut a jjende crosslni? ivonr
Simmon.s, W. Va. Cullnroiof tho
motorcycle to start after It h»ul
flriftoit' down pinnacle mduntain
onto the railroad tracks was re-
sponsibln for the accident an in-
vo.stlffntlon dl.sclosed. '
Mr. Landreth wa.s a brother of
Mr.s, C. J. AnKoll of this cil.v. Mr.
!ijid M'r.s; Aiiffell attended the
funeral Tuesday.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/28/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 10,1927
Mrs. Marsh Keller
Mrs. Harsh Keller died sudden
1y at her home near Jericho last
Wednesday, ajjed about 70 years.
The bttrial took place at Center
graveyard Thursday afternoon, W.
P. Stonestreet conducting a short
bunal-service. Mrs- '-Keller is sur
vived by her husband and two sis
Bio - Obituaries - 8/10/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 17,1927
N. S. Gatther Dead.
Mr. N. Spurgeou' Gaither died
at bis home in Iredel! cotinty, near
Coontj^ Line, Sunday tuoruing,
foUowiag a long illabss, aged a-
bmtyo years. Tbe fuueral atid
bnrial services were held at Society
Baptist church Monday morning at
i 1 o'clock. Sic Gaither is surviv*
ed by his wife and tbiee chHdreu,
two sons and one daughter. He
had been In the mercantile business
for many years and was well known
thronghont Davie county:
A. T. Lefler
1^^'-A. T.; Lefler died at his
ttiles west of Ccoleeinee
Z.w«dnesdky njgbt, following/a
Tti f Paralysis, aged 73 years,ti,^ L aerviwcs were held at
ovi Fftday morning at 10
Atot? W his pastor. Rev.. E. M.. u. of this.city, after Which the
pr»i laid to rest' in •'Liberty
bv Lefler. is survived
^ to M ® brothers.- He
Wiajl throughbiit".I>avie
thos. G. Anderson...
Thomas G... Anderson, piotor
cycle policeman iu Winstqn«Sale|tn,
whp was hadly injured in d
jyrcck.last Thursday, died qarly
Monday niorninfir ]c a Winston hos-'
pilal, a'ged 27 yfisrs. - The .body
was brpughl jto Center Methodist
church Tuesday tnorbihg at it
o*clpok and'laid to rtsti "Mr,. Adder-
s?n is sutvived"'by( his.molheriMrs.-
T; M. Aodereqni'of Calahalfl, four
sisters and onj^-brother. He was a
flue yo^tog mah.-aDd bis Untimhly
death bfingd'sadn^Ho many' j-Ala
ttves and friends iti t.his section;'
Bio - Obituaries - 8/17/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 18,1927
A. T. Lellcr was born December,
yi, 1854, ami died August 10,
1927 being nearly 74 years old.
He Is survived by his wife, foster
daugntcr, Mrs. J. 0. Crawford,
and tiiree brothers, G. A, Lollcr,
J. A, Leiltr and C. D. Leiler. Fune
ral was conductetl from the resi
dence, ond concluded at the cemU'
tery at Liberty church, where in
terment took place. Services wore
conducted by Uev, Avctt, his pas-
tor, assisted by Rev. J, -A. J, Fnr-
rington, of Coolcemco. .
This burial was probably at
tended by the largest crowd over
seen at a burial at Liberty,
Mr, LcUcr was born, reared and
.spent his cntiro life In this com
munity. Ry hnrd work- and good
manngdinent he ncrjuirod a great
deal of property,
He will bo greatly missed by
his loved ones and mnny Trleiids.
Ho Was always ready to lend a ^
helping hand to the needy. i
The pall boarors were the nep
hews of Mr.s. Loflor. The iloral
designs were ninny and -very beau
The fr.llo^vlng . rnlntlve.s who
came frnni -dlsinnt towiiff'for thoj
btiiial wire; Mr and Mrs. M(>.so<)'
I.clU::* of Winalon-Snlem, Mr. and,
Mr.'a Lcc Link and son of Wln-
.tlon-S'slcm, Mr, and Mrs, Wade i
Lollur of N'ewton, Mr. and Mrs.
if. O. Henle tuiul family, of Greens-'
bom, Mi's. Luin .'Dcal of States-i
vllje, Frank Tluclsoii of Salisbury,:
and Mrs. K. T. Futroll of Grcona-.
The funeral services of Tommy,
Andemon wore helil at Center
TuesiLny at 11 a, tii., by Uev. K.
Ml Avett, pastor, as.Hlat'ed by Dr.=
Clay of the l'r<<.Hbytui'inn.chiii;c1i
at WliiH ton-Sal cm. Two suluc-
tU;ns wtii'e rendered by the Mocks-
vilic Quartuil. About forty of
the Folicu fefcc attended in in
lie war. held in highn.sl. esteem
by the puoplc and nllicera of
^t'in.Mion. The large arbor was
almost niled with sorrowing
rriciuLs. The Iloral tributes woi'o
beautiful and bospake his popula
rity with his rcllow oincui'8 luul
the uily at largo.
Ho lost his life sorviug at his
pu.-tt of duty. He died in the faith
of the Christian,
Mr. X. Spiu'geon Giilthor died :
Siind.ny moining at 0 o'clock at
hi:; hcnio in Turncrsburg town-;
ship, death rollowing an illness
of .several' months. !
The I'lmuriil .lervice was hold
thin morning at 11 o'clock from
Society Cui>tiHt fhiirch, of which
Sir. Gaither was a member, and ,
interment w«a in the church
cemetery. The service was con
ducted by Rev. V. M. Swaim, of
Win.ston-Salr.ip. The burial was
wit h Mnsonic honors,'the burial
service being in chiirge of Mr.
W, W. Holland. • .
Gaithcr wa.s CO ycar.s old
last Monday. Ko ia survived by
his wife, two sons, Mcs.srs. A. M.
ami .r. Id. Galther, who live near
Harmony; and a daughter, Mrs.
VV. 0. Eliim, of Cool Spring. One
brother, Mr. N. J. Galtheri of
Stalosville,'al.so .survives'. '
Mr, C'aithcr was born in.DavIe
ceuiity but had lived in Tredell
for many yours. He operated,n-
store on the Mocksvillc highway,
about a mile this .side of County
Lino.—Statesvlllc Landmark, Aug.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/18/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 31,1927
Mollie Elam
Mrs. Mollie Elam died at lier
borne iu Harmony Thursday after
noon, aged 65 years. - The.funeral
held at. Clarhsbury Methodist
church Friday afternoon, Mrs.
Elam is survived by three sons and
six daughters, among them being
R. O. Wilson, of tiear Jericho,
this'couuiy. - *
Bio - Obituaries - 8/31/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 7,1927
Emma Haneline
Mt^ Hmma Haneline an Inmate
of the comity home, died Aug. 31st,
aged about 71 years, death result
ing from paralyslst. The funeral
and burial services were held at
UniOQ Chapel Thursday at 11
o'clock, Rev. J. T. Sisk conducting
the services.
Infant Daughter Eaton
The 4*months old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Laytnon Eaton, of
this city, died last Monday of coU-
tis. The little body was carried to
Chestnut Grove graveyard Tues
day .evening and laid *^0 rest. VSuf-
fer little children to come uuto me,
and forbid theui not, for of sucb is
the kingdoQ) of heaven."
Bio — Obituaries - 9/7/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 14,1927
Mollie Jarvis
—tucm 10 our town.
died at her
^"2 an in Saturdayabout 6fi Pneumodia,
'"■rial funeral
Bt 10
Er'«>ialna.fj i T^' carriedin theJuiauyreij^ Jarvisdeat"^ ^
John D. Doty
John D, Doty, 75-year.old citi
zen of Clemmods, while on th§»highway Dloudov motnio^ piebinflr
up a turkey that had beeiirufl over
by a car, was struck by an automo
bile driven by Tab Smith, of near
Redland, and knocked down, hisheadstrickinRthe pavement.. He
died in the Baptist ho^tal atWinstoo-Salem about 7:30 o'clock
Monday morning, shortly after the
Bio - Obituaries - 9/14/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 21,1927
Mr, George W. Wall, a wdl *
koown citizeD of Norfii ^oleemee;
died'Saturday afternooo^botit two
o'clock, following an illness of only
a few hours of heart, trouble/ agra
56 years:- 'Mr. Wall was in bis^u
al health' Friday evening and bis
death came as a great shock to his
relatives and many friends not only
in bis home town but tbrougbout
the couiity. The funeral service
were held at his home Siiuday af ter*
noon at 3- 0 clock, and the body
laid to rest' in Liberty' cburcUyard.
Mr, Wall is survived 'by his mother
and one tialf^brolhe^. He a
member of the Cboleetnee Hetbo^
dist church.
Gienn. McCiillob
Tragic Death.
. A Coroner's jury, assembled to
investigate tte mysterious au'omo-
bile. accident early $iinda> morn
ing, two miles south of town, in
which plenn McCuIIoh, white man,
was killed, has ordered the holding
of Velma March, negro girl. The
negress has admitted she was an oc
cupant of the car when it turned
over. W; P. Fry, voung white
man, who says Mr. McCulloh bor
row his automobile preceding the
accident, was also ordered taken in
to custody. • /
Two other negro girls, Exie
Duliu and Mary March, are being
held as witnesses. They admit that
they were in tlie car with McCiil
lob and Velma -March, but claim
"that they got 6ut..before the accij
McCulloh was found pinned un
derneath, the small coupe, which
bad left the rbadivay and had fall
en off a three-foot 6J1- The motor
was still runtitng and the lights
were burning. Dr. Lester Martin
was immediately summoned but
there was uo sign of life iu the
btdy. A galtou'bottle contaiuiug
a small amount of still, beer,
J found in the car. _
. The. Sheriff's office is not satis-
6ed with the negress' explanation
I I of' the wreckage and has start^-
' search for another - man. . It
I said that from the position' of Mc-
' Culloh's body, that he could hardlyj
have been tbe driver,
i Hundreds of Dayii: couiity folks
flocked'to the cohrtboUse Sunday^,
l Uiorning to attend the Corner's
I hearing. .The jury, after ordering
the holding the negr^ Women, ad-
I jourDed--to uieetnt the court hoti^
next Friday at 10 a. m. Fry
put under a $5bo bond for bis ap
pearance at tbe iiiquest. • ^
/McCulloh. was married and is sur
vived by his wife and five children,
j The body was laid to rest iu Tor-
' reutme gaveyard Mofiday.
Alex Correll and
J. R. Thompson
2 Killed.
':'%Salisbiirv, Sept. 15.—At tlie
quarry* of the Hardaway Construe
itibh .Co'mpany at Woodleaf- a de-
-iayed blast Instantly killed J. K.
••••-** * •
Thompson, negro workman, and
it^iired Alex .Correll, another "ne-
.30 badly that be died several
lij^ure; later at llie Salisbury Hospi-
Jane Stroud
Mrs. .Jane Stroud, widow of the
late Richard .Stroud, died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. A. A'.
Gartner, near County Line.Sunday
evening, aged 90 years. The fun
eral and burial services were held
at Society Baptist church Monday
afternoon, Rev. Mr. Price conduct
ing the 'services. Mrs..' Stroud is
survived by three daughters and
one son.. \
Mrs. Thomas McDaniel
Mr.s. .Thomas McDagiel/died' at
uer home near Mt' Veroon last
tliiirsda'v morniiig!.bf iJancert'^aged
06 years. The body..w.as laid to
":st in Cotioth' graVey^d Friday,
-licv, Mr. Barnes, .of Cooleemee,
couductiiig the funeral hwrial ser-
J'lces. Mrs. McDaniel; is survived
jjy ber husband, three'sons anid two
naughterF. She was a daughter of
tue laie Irish Byerly.'of aear'Kap-*
l»a. Mrs. McDaniel hail 32 grand-,
chiidteu^great grand childreo. ;
Bio - Obituaries - 9/21/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 22,1927
^ ^
Glcim McCulloh,. son of Dock
McCulloh, wos instantly killed
Saturday night about 1 o'clock
ivhen a Ford coupe overturned 8
miles , .from MoclcBville on the
Coolocmee rond. Velma March,
negro, whb was riding in the car
with ..McCulloh, -and others ^ro
being hold for investigation, Mr.
McCulloh was buried at Turron-
tiite Monday evening. He leaves
n wife and. five'children.
Mrs, Tom M^Daniel, aged 66
years died. at her. home -at Noad-
more Thursday and was buried at
Corrlnth on F.ridoy afternoon.
She leaves a husband, three sons
and two daughters. Also two
brothers,'-Messrs. J..W. and W. A.
Dydrly of this county. A good
woman ;has gone to. her reward,
froported.) ' ,
Mrs, Jnmoa Strp.wdi/OO-.y.^.i'a.y^
old,.died, at :th'e .libmpii of. her soii-iy
in-law, Mr.: Lohrilb:"(?nVt**er)
day. afternpbh" ot-6'.b*p16cK and'.V
was laid to rest' In -Sqoiofy. buri'-' A,
ing ground- Monday "at thrcp^ pVy':'
clock.. Three ;;daughtbrB ond
son. Buiwive, • ^rsV. Stirowd
oho of* our oldest*crtizeha iind
be greatly' missed by all: .'(rei>ort-:
Jane Dula
AGi!;ApF.64' n " • '
n .•■/I* . ..N-.1-
• Mr^ JolmViE^/*PoBter,.years,' died dt.his home nearfFprftj'viiChurch ■ Tucsdaj^ aiiil ■•was. bUriedy^Aat Fork Baptist' church Wftdnb^Sry.',/^^^day. aftornqohi ' ■-Hi^. ieaVqa/'thrbj^^^^daughters and a'host-Of. other
Intlves, '■ ■ .
Infant Child Gartner
The litllb; infant
gwund Wedhea^^y: ■ (repo^pd;|;';|*-
Mrs. Jane Dula, highly esteem
ed lady of Coolecmee, who hasbeen in ill health for some- time,
and who recently broke her hip,(lied at her home on Tuesday
morning, Sept. 20th. The fune
ral services wilt be held at the
home oa Wednesday afternoon at
•'I o'clock. A full account will
appear next week.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/22/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 28, 1927
John E. Foster
Mr, John B. Foster died at his
home in Fork Cbarch Tuesday
raottnug. aged 64 years, death re
sulting from cancer of the stomach.
The body was laid to rest in Fork
graveyard Wednesday afternoou.
Rev. Mr. Turner conducting the
funeral services. Mr. Foster is sur
vived by his widow and three
Bio - Obituaries - 9/28/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 29,1927
Margie Byerly McDaniel
Mhi-kic Uynrly McjD;!iiiol
iK.ni in PaviilKon county
Au.f. S. iaUl. lltr fiitiun' moved
lo IJavic county when she wua
twelve yeivrs -iJld. .Sijo made n
>.;i'(>l'eaBioh and united with the
cluii'ch at the atro of alxtoon.
l)n Jan. 22, liiU2 aho and Mr.
W.IVIennnicl wore married and
to llli.s union there wee six chlld-
len horn. The followintr ehild-
rrni Kurvive; Mra. J. D. Fleni-
minj.?, of Fork Church, Mrs. A. K.
Snlril. T. ,1. Alonzo, and W. .T.
of Noedmoro. Mr.n. John Soamon
f:f Wnodlcaf died in 191
5It,' and Wr^. JIcDanlel havi*-
r lliirly-throo frraiid children and
throe jrruul uriind chUdrcn.
I The funcnil .scrvicca were hold
in (ho church at Ncednioro. Itev.
M. I.. Lhirnea, her ivaator. conduct
ed the B'^rvices, and Ivcv. Mr..
Grant, of Woodlcaf asstaicd. |
A Iinat of friciul.s and relatives j
Lntteiidod her funeral and llm
' flownr.i wore many and very heau-
Mr.H. aicDaiilcl was n imtlcni
.snITcrcr for many ycar.H ami she
was a woman of faith.
It Is not our prlvilcKO to pro
nounce her eiilo;r>*, but it Is onra
(•0 h2ar witncs.«5 to her character,
to do justice to her life, to unite
ill payinif honor to her mcmorj
aiid l-a oITer. our heart felt i^ymp-
. rithv to lho.se who have been cnM-
! nil io sustain her itront hovonve-
mint. .. ,
i Hci life's work Is prosorvcd in
'the memory of those who knew
her. A devoted wife. a . Rood
gone but she leaves behind a
I miiRnificicnt horitnRe of a life
'well spent. "The Lord has given
and the Lord Imth tok«n away
, l)lcs.scd be the name oi the liOiu-
Ci. AV. Wfll, a. well known clli-
•zon of this .Hcelton.dlnd Saturday
afu'iimon at 2:90 o'clock.^
Friday night at. bed lime ho
was jflrlckeii with a heart attack
niul fell uncou.HcIoua.. The family
ImsHly called a physician and aid
was given by nolglibors.
He rallied from the attack and
Hccmcd to the family, to be doing
fairly 'well thnuugh the night.
Though hi- said he would not re
cover and told the family of his
wishes concerning the end.
Ho wns • perfectly rntlonul all
night and the following morning
unlll lie suffered a .second nllack.
Hr. IJyerly and Ar. Martin vcn-
dcicd every ■5iss)?tam.-& possibleInil ho did not rally from this attack and. died In the cnrly afUr-
George was a big hearted mannnd greatly loved by his friends.Giving other people's needs dislcniu'.idcratiun niid never refusing
to hiilfi man or bea.st. *Fur many' ycar.s he sorveili in
the United SlaleH Govurnmenl.inthe Quartor MastoV's deiiavtment,being hicntod in the middle west
and in Cubn. .
In HiOP he returned to bis"native State nnd lived Avilh biamolhev and brotlver at N<n'thCooleeni *0. The "biother, 0. C;
Wall havi'ng died nine months
I 'ago. •j Ho is survived by his' agedI mother, a half brother, two lit-
tlu nieces nnd n host of fpeiuls.
MivTn Cook, wife o,C.C. L. Cook,
i.of Wobdlchf, N. C., route 1, diedIsiiddciilySaturday and was burl-
!-ed Sunilily. Surviving her areI her'husband, one .sen, her fathc-r,•j 7 brothers nnd 51 sisters. She wa.s1 formerly Mr.s. Ileynolda and waa
58 yonr.s of agp.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/29/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 29,1927
aii-s. Jano Fosldj* Dula, highry
ostocmctl iiiul well bekvcd liuly of
CnulccniGG, diod at lior home on
Tucaday, Sept. 20, uftciv being in
ill health for .suino time. She wuh '
the dnughlor of Ueriy Foator and
j\Ira. Mnry »Fo.ateri and was born
a1 the old Foatcr homestead iieni*
Mocksviilc, -on March 27th, 1854.
At the nifo of 17 gite united with
the McUtedisl church, and vraa
always a faithful niumbur. - On
Oct. Oth, 1877 aho was married
Lo Mr. Sidney Dulu, who died
in 1902. Five children were born
to this union, a little son dying
! In 1890, and four daughters sur-
' vivliig, Mrs. Gertrude Swicegood,
Mrs. Leasle Swink, Misses Jnnie
and Minnie Dula, all of Coolee-
mee. The funeral .scryicos were
conducted at the Cooteomce Me
thodist church by her. pastor. Rev.
J. A. J. Furrington,'assisted by
Rev, P. L. . Shore, of Salisbury,
on Wednesday afternoon in the
prc.Honco of a large number of
relatives and friends. The ser
vices were simple and impressive,
In keeping >vlth the cp ict biit
nobio' ll^c lived by this (kod wo
man. The burial look nlace in
the Joppn graveyard, ti e grave
being covered with many beauti
ful floral design.*?, \V& cxtcad
oiir deon symimthy to the bereav
ed family in their great sorrow.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/29/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 5,1927
Johnson Hall
Johnson Hall, a former reddent
of Davie comity, died suddenly in
Hecdersouville Saturdday evening,
aged 33 years. Mr. Hall was se^
cretary to Marshal Brownlow Jack
Mrs. W. R. Anderson
Mrs. Vv. R. Anderson of R. a,
died suddenly Sunday morning a-
bout 7 o'clock. Mrs. Anderson was
out in the lot milking when slrick>
eu. The funeral services were held
Monday morning at 11 o'dcck, and
the body laid to rest in. Eaton's
graveyard. Mrs. Anderson is sur
vived by ber husband and three
sous, one s'lster and a half-sister.
Mrs. Jasper Hall Brinegar
Mrs Jasper Hall Brttieg^r, wife
of J. B. Brinegar died at her home
near Fork Friday afternoon apd
was buried Suuday at Noe Creek
church. Mrs. Brinegar was born
in Salem 69 years ago and is snr-
viv^ by ber husband and three
daughters. The funeral servLes
which were held at the home was
conducted by Rev. Mr. Barnes,_ of
Cooleeuiee, and was attended by a
Urge number of her friends.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/5/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 6,1927
. Mnry fellcn Gordon, born July
19, 1806, died Oct. 2iu]. J927 ukc
Sixty years, two nionUia, niul
;dhiTt9en..(lay.9; iTinrn'pd in W. U,
VAnderaon Jujy 0th, 1888. To this
; .unlen Xvfia born three sons. J. E.,
^^of/'finliabury," ^ W. F.,
vfthd ,J. G;i. or =MockBvillo.
She lenveB.b.pbihd to mourn her
f'tbss,'.; the. n ^levoteil husbiind and
ythbo aona,/aiaftVtw9 aisters, Mra.
; I),-ft; EKtori dnd Mrs.
itjNanmb'pJ^jtoh, of Yndkliiville;
'two ibrdiihers/Chaa. arid Joe Grav-
;«;C3. dt Yadkihyille) Oind eleven
Slptpjr'Anderson made n pro-
.fosaion •of;:faith and united with
^thovCiibfck/of; Christ' July, ioi8,*
ial took
nt 11
uMed- IdiP
'is thanked byilpap
Tre funeral of Mrs, Allic Siin-
UKh Smltherman, 87, wife of John
H. Smltherman, president of Die
Winslon-Stilem Retail Merchants
A.ssochition. who passed away
Saturday, wa.s held yealenlay
m«ffninK at 11 o'clock at Ihe home,
lo2G Doimo .strict. Dr. John S.
Poster qnd Dr. D. Clay Lilly con-
ilucted the aorviecH. Interment
followed In Snlcni cemetery.
P.n] I bearers wore Frn'nk A
Stith. J. T. Amis, F. 0. Miller,'
W. B. Holsabeck, James Womblei
J. J. Ueinhardt, Fred Smith, ClydeKirk Jind George^' Ilolden. |
Bio - Obituaries - 10/6/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 12,1927
A. M. McGlamery
Mr. A.M. McGlamery died at'
tk Mofganion hospital Friday
gamrag, where he had been for
111 past leu years or more. The
blywas brought here Saturday
{{ttmooD aud laid to reel in Rose
(OKtery with Mosouic bonors. Mr. i
acGlauiery is survived by his wife
igj two sous, who live in Greens*;
Bio - Obituaries - 10/12/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 13,1927
A. M. McGlamery
It wns a shock to the community to hear of the sudden death
of Wr, A. M. McGlumcry, a former clti'^ten of this •placci which
occurred at the State HospitalIn Moi'ifanton on Friday.' The (lo-
ccasud who was Gryonra old, wuaa native of Wlikcs county, andcame iicre to live after thb rail
road connecting Mockavjlle. andWlnston-Salom was built, holdingthe position of station agent forover nftcen years. . He was well
known here and' had made many
Irieiuls in his adopted towir, wasa member of the Methodistchurch and of the Masonicbodge. The funeral services
Wore conducted at the Koac Ccmc-terv on Satur<lny afternoon, being burled with Masonic honors.The grave- wa.H covovcd with beau
lifiii lioral designs. Ho is survived by his widow, who was formerly Miss .losslo Clialiln, and twosons, Andrew and liiil>' Bl'ook.Two little dnuKhlQi% Rugiaa andSaniii, died a numb.cr of. years 1 'ago. Those altondliig the June-;:ral from a distance Were Mrs.
A. M. McGinmcry, Aiulrow Mc-'Giamery, iBlllio Brock McGlam.-
ory, Mr.s. Bianciic Carr Stcrac,Miss Until Coble, Mr. Faust, ofGreensboro, .i. W. Kimbvough, ofHigh point, Mr. iint! Mi-a. BruceGraven, and Broxton Craven, ofTrinity. Wo extend oui' .symnnthyto the bereaved family. •»
Bio - Obituaries - 10/13/1927 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 19,1927
Mr. F. B. John Dies
Frank Bell John. 28-year-old son
of M. L.'Tobn, of Laorinburgii w^
fonnd dead Wednesday morniqg in
a bath tub at the home of \V| C.'
MaupiDi .m Salisbury where bghad
a rconi. Mr. Bell was prindpdl of
the Salisbury high school. I|eart
trouble was the cause of bis d^tli.
Mr. jqhn was well known* in
MpcksvinVr Jiaying visited his ujeice,
Miss Sund^be-
fore his d^th. .:-Miia,Beih^^^^^
the funer^Eud bnrtai^^50®^14j
Laurinbur#.; Thursiliy^'i^?^?^^
In the deaihW Mr,
loqs^ one of bfFfOTj^u^r.ieduGaW
—a brilliant ybUBg iiqjin; -.a" Chris
tian gentlehian^of'ibe. highest type.
D. Morgan Call
Blr. -D. Morgan Calf died at
his bonie near Ephesns Tueisday
afternoon at 5 o'clock, following
au illness of six weeks, aged about
64 years. Mr. Call is survived by
bis widow, two sons and two
daughters, and also two brothers.
The funeral and burial services
were held at Oak Grove Methodist
church Wednesday afternoon. at
three o clock. Mr. -Call was a
good man and will be missed in his
community. -1; V ' • ""
infant Daughter Whitaker
The ilule one month old daugh-
■^01 Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Whit-of R. 2, was found dead injwarlvTiie-sday morning. The^oadbpen ill with spasms a-two weeks ago but WUS ap-
Sf"! Monday night. Thewlebody was laid to rest in Oaktore cenieiery Tuesday afternoon
Bio - Obituaries - 10/19/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 26, 1927
J. D. Cartaer Dead.
Mr. J. D. Cartdcr died at bis
.home three miles west of Mocks
vide Friday morniug at 5 o'clock,
following a long illness of cancer,
aged alwut 50 years. Mr. Gartner
underwent two operations, but was
brought home early last week from'
a Stalesville hospital. The burial
services took place at Salem Metho
dist church Saturday morning at 10
o'clock. Mr. Carluer is survived
by bis widow and two daughters,'
his father and mother and one
brother. He was a good mau aud
was well liked by those who knew;
Mrs. R. C. Williams
Mrs. R, C. Wiliiams died at her
home in Coolcemee Friday mom-
iug. aged about 35 years. The
funeral and burial services were
held at Liberty Methodist church
Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Wtlliama
is survived bv her husbaud and
four small children.
Homer Martin
Hoiticr Martin, of W:lkes coun-|y. tnviiur of tlie Martiu Cbevro-
Co., of this city who sustained
iojurles in .an automobile
iitar his home on Oct. i6lh,
"5 in a Wilkesboro hospital at the
j"""!! of death; His back js said
oot: broken lu three places, his
wd crushed a„d iuternal in-
Martin was riding inJ nudsoD car driven by Claud Bell
iliA 75 miles au hour when
the road aud turued
tij'- Martiu died Mouday^cuinj, aia2'clock. The futleral;burial will be held today,
Bio - Obituaries - 10/26/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 27,1927
nicsifiAiire WRECK
MochftvHIa poopla were Raddod
early Tuesday mornfnif to learn
the death of Mr. H. U. Martin,
of Konda.
Mr. Martin was fatally injured
2111 auto wreck near North
WillfHboro on Sunday, Oct. IGth
which he never recovered. He
wna nirrlcd to the Wilkes 'hospital
nl North Wllko.sboro where he re-1
coivcd the beat of medical nt-
(cnlioii' I
Mr. Martin came to .Mocksvillc
About two yenra ago and hna been
the local Chovrdlct dealer since
iiiii arrival here, and has made
jiaiidreda of friends who will ro-
^'ret to learn of hia death. |
.The funeral iviut burial took
|i)acc at his home Wcdncadny; at
tended by the largest minibcr of,
isorrowliig frlonda and rolatlvca
ever wilnoasod In the Iiialury of
the community.
Mr. Martin wna SO years old
aiid Icnvea a wife and three aniull
The Entorpriac joins with
Binckaville ami Oavio county in
vxlcnding our deepest sympathy
to the hcrcuvod ones.
L. H. Wise
lUhMK IX HirivORy
nivKory, Ocl, lll.—l.. M.
70, .mild to httvo luHMi tlu' young'
ost living I'ontVderato veteran in
nu» Stale who sorv«»it four years
ill tho War Hot\veeii (he Slate.'t.
died at lil.< home here this after-
mnm after an iUueaa of jteveral
week.i. He la surviwtl l»y live
children. i4. It. Wise and Miss
Kela \\'ise, of lliekory; C. 0. Wise,
of Charlotte; Mrs."S. R, Kreeinan.
of Sitonm. l*a., »iu\!t. 0. Wise, of
Kortuna. "Cal. The fuller,^ ser
vice will he held oii Wedneadsiy.
Bio — Obituaries - 10/27/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 2,1927
Lillie Shaw
Hamooy Vl^omaa Dies
Under Peculiar Cir
The Statesville Landmark says
that Mrs. Lillie Shav, aged 58, wife
of Thomas Sb^. who lives about
eight miles north east of Harmony.
Iredell couDty. dled^ Saturday after-
n'>on at beJ home under rather pe
culfar circamstances. When Dr
Glenn Grose was called in Friday,
he found her in an unconscious con
dition and when he went back to see
ber the following day, she bad pass
ed away. The physician's opinion
was that the pation showed symp*.
itoma of poisoniofT. |
! Upon the request of some of the|
!children; who had accused their
father of poising tbeir mother,
Sheriff M. P. Alexander and coron
er S. L. Parks were called in Sunday
for an investigation. After making
a through investigation of the mat
ter from 10 to 12 o'clock Sunday,
the county officials, expressed the!
opinion that Mr. Shaw was in no way |
connected with the death of bis |
L. H. Wise
Youngest Vet Dead.
L. H Wise, 79 said to be the
youngest living Confederate veter
an in North Carolina, who 'served
four years in the Civil War died at
Hickory Monday.
wife and the considered it was not j
necessary to go to the trouble and
expenaei>f holding an inquest. .
The investigation revealed that
there had recently been some do-,
mestictrouble.but that Mr. Shaw!
had not been in the house for a
week b^ore the death of his wife.
Mrs. Owen Safley Dies.
I The reniaius of Mrs. Owen Sa>
,hev, who passed away Wednesday
I at her home on Bast Bell street,
folltiwiug an extended illness, were
buricfd Thursday afternoon at 3
o'clock at Liberty church, near
Cooleemee in Davie county. The
funeral was coudttcLed by Rev. C.
5 Cashwell, of Statesville.
Mrs. Safiey wasra native of Davie
couulv and was about 45 years of
age. She leaves her bu.*iband, three
daughters and one sou,—sStalesville
William Booe
William Bone, a former resident
ol Davie countydied in Salisbury
Suurday. The body was laid to
rest Sunday afteruoou in Byerly's
Chapel graveyard Mr. Booe Is
siirvivtd by one Sou. He was about
years of of age.
Bio - Obituaries -11/2/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 9,1927
A. H. Price Dead.
Augustus H. Price prominent
iawyer and one of the State's lead
ing Republicans, was found dead
iu ills uflice at Salisbury Saturday
afternoon, aged 54 years. Death
resulted from heart trouble. Bfr.
Price is survived by bis widow and
tbrte childreD, two sons and one
daughter. He was a native of
Davie county and had many friends
In this section who will be sadden
ed by the news of his death.
Mrs. Marsh R. Bailey
Mrs. Marsh R. Bailey died at
her home in Elkiii Monday night
of last week foliowmg ajoug illness,
aged 44 years. Mrs. Bailey is sur
vived by ber buisband-.and'four
children, two sous and two daugh
ters. Mr. Bai^' is a- native of
Davie county and has many friends
here will be sorry, to learn of his
wife's death.
Rosa Foster
•Miis Kosa Foster, died at her
liOMie liear Fork last Tuesday night
aiitd <56 years, dcatli resulting from
cancer. The funeral and burial
place at Fork. Baptist church
'i'hur.stiav moruiugat 11 o'clock. A
flUiiiLcr of relatives aud friends sur
Bio - Obituaries —11/9/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 10,1927
Augustus Hobson Price
AuiruS'tUji H6b'£<oii Price, « pre-
miiiciit lawyer Salisbury, died
aucl(ici)]y in his olHca on Snturdny
aflcmoonr iigcd 54. The dccena-
o'.i wiiR iho soiji of the Into Caip-
tnin ChiiD'Iea Price niicl MrR. 'An-
'nio liobsun Price, nnd was a ftiUt
cousin of Lieutenia'nt. Rl-chmoml
P. Hobson, 'hero of th-e Mcrrimac.
Ho is survived by his widow, who
WU.S Miss Helen Osbornci of Jack
sonville. F!a., and three children.
The funomt (services were con
ducted at St. Luke's HpLscopal
church, (of which he was a racm-
[ Ijois on Muiiday afternoon, and
•Ujf fritriinient Look place in
..kcRinut HFIl cc-metcry. A nuni-
•hoi of lawyers from 'all over the
otute were pruaent. .|
Bio - Obituaries -11/10/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 16,1927
Mrs. Phillip Hanes Dead
Mrs. Philip Hanes died at her
home on North Main street at 12:30
o'clock Friday morning* following
an extended illness, aged 70 years.
The funeral services were conduct
ed Saturday at 3 o'clock by her
pastor, Rev. R. S. Howie, assisted
by Rev. W. L. Sbenrill, and the
body was laid to rest in Rose ceme
tery beside her husband who died
about 24 years ago. Mrs. Hanes
is survived by six children, two
sons, Messrs. Spencer and Frank
Hanes, of Winston-Saieui, and fo^r
daughters, Mrs. R. D* W. Connor,
of Durham, Mrs, li. W. Crow, of
Monroe, Mrs. Frauk Clement and
Mrs. T. A. Stone* of tnis city.
Three sisters, Mrs William Wood
ruff, Mrs. William Miller and Miss
Ruth Booe, survive.
Mrs. Hanes before marriage^ was
Miss Sallie Booe. daughter of Mr.
and Mis. Martin Booe. She was
one of the city's oldest inhabitants
and was a leader in .her church and
community. To know her was to
love her. She will be missed by
tbe entire citizenship ot the town.
A good woman has been called to
her reward.
G. A Lefler Dead.
Mr* George A. Lefler died at his
home near l^hesns Satnrday after
noon* following an illness of several
weeks, aged nearly 80 years. The
body was laid to rest in Liberty
^ayeyard Sunday aftemoo|i at 3
o'clock, Rey. B. M. Avett conduc
ing the funeral services. Mr. Lefler
is survived by his widow and four
children, one son and three daugh
ters* Two brothers also survive*
John N. Jones
Mr John N. Jones.died at the
home of his father near Coruatzer;
early Wednesday morning, follow
ing an extended 'iirne». ^ged .38
years. The fnneral serviced
conducted by Rw J. L Kirk, .-of
this city, Thur^ay afternoon at
2:30 o'clock, and tbe body laid to
rest in the kmily burial ground.
Mr. Jones ts survived by his aged
father and mothe'r, three brothers
and two sisters.. .
W. J. Koontz
TlJclcdyof Mr. W. J. Koontz.
V ® in a Petersburg hospital
iaJ ? arrived here last Tuesy and was carried to the home ot
^Inoihet. E. C. Koomz,onR. i.
Mineral aud burial services
tasi Wednesday aud tbe bodyJ to rest in Salera graveyard.
*ido ^survived by his. ^ and several sons and daugh-
aCi I ^^""Sest child being only
Hoveu ®ld. Mr. Kodntzy trotn tbts county toAmmon*
years ago', trading ' his
tinia ®liotjg chasing a fox bii»
^Ir.y a fence throwinglie end crushing his skull.
™euy relatives and
county to
Bio - Obituaries -11/16/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 17,1927
Mrs. Snllic C^cmcJid Booe llnncs
widow lof the iiitc PJiiJlp H-anc.s,
died- -nl 'hor homo here "on Friday,
Nov. 11th, nfler a sctrioua illness
of flvo Vceka. "The passing luway
of this gren-tly beloved and high-
b'> Gstccmcfd' lady |hns 'brought
'.jfrclat stfrnow not «only to her
family circle, but to -her .host of
fnlcnd^ both lierci -und -ilhroughout
the State. She wag n member of
n 'promimnt family, being the
dnughterr" of Alexo'nklur Martin
Booe and Mrs. Sstrnli Clemont
Booe', nn'd* was born Nov. 5, 1857.
She was educated''at the Thomns-
vMlo Somirniry * «iiid St, Mary's
College in Rnl-elgh. When • a
iroung girl she united with tho
,ohurch, and nlwiays lived ii beau-
iifui Christian Kfe. She
tnanrio'd on February 7th, 1878 to
Mr. Philip H'unca of Davic coun>
ty, (and "thb haiypy iinJon- IwfnH
blessed with eight children, e'x of
whom .survive. Aflur living in
Davle county- for a number of
"yonra, "Mr. hnd Mrs, TIanc.s moved
to Winston, where they resided
for twielvc yeurs, Afr. Ilnncs and'
Jii.« -broChe-Vs being prominent to-
Uiicco' mnnufnctum's. In 1001
the family returned to Mocksvillc
to live, building n bcnutirCii homo
on the site of- "Oakland." tho old
Booe iiomcstonid. Mr. Tloiics dkd
in Ufarch. 100.1. 1118 sad t'lcath
being a great loss riot only to
Ills OmuIIiJ', but 'to llie giitlro com
munity, A II-UIo dfliighlM*, Mag
gie ^AnnW, died in infancy, and*«
.splendid .vming yon, .lohn Clement
iianes. a World War..soldit-r, died
ill 1020. Sirs. Ilancs v,-as n faith
ful moniber of the MelhoiHst
cliuvfh, and also of the Order nf
Ihp Erfl.stern Star. .She was quiet
and unas.^uniing in '!!cr iiiuniier,
but her warm heart found a place
for ninny friends, to whom her
hospMnhIn lininn was olwnvs
open. Truly "liar ways were way.s
of plcii.«na-iitnosH and nil her paths
■wcvc- pence," her hand wa-y. «il-
way.s strolelied out to help tho.se
In distress, and ."she wa.s veiy
v'harildblc In iher judcments of
others. Su'vviving are (ho f-ol-
liiwing children J Mrs. R. D.
Connoii*, »f Chapol lliJf; Spen'.'or
B. IInn>8'.';« nf W-f.nshin-Salom: Mrs.
E. W, Crow, of Monroe.; Mr.s. J.
Frank Clement, of Mocksville; P.
Frinnk, Hanes, of Walkcrtown';
anid Mrs. T. .A. Stone, of Mocka-
villo, Tihovc wrc ten grand-child
ren,'and three sisters, Mrf's. Wil
liam Miller, Mrs. Wi-Miam Wood-
rufP, ami' Mi»-R Ruth Erfre, all of
Mocksvillc. A brother, Mr. Philip
Booe of'Wnlkertown, died aevorhl
yeai'.s ago. The funoiral, which
. w;v.« one of the most Inrgcly lal-
fcnded' evar 'held ihcre\ was con
ducted at the home aa Sn'tunibiy
afternobn,' Nov. 12th. Rov. R. S.
Howie, pn.stor of the deceased -of-
■ficinting, nssi-sted by Rev. VV. L.
Sh-E'rrIM, -of Clinrlotte, n former
pastor. Tiho h.mns uae<I' were
"Abide With Me." and "Asleep in
Jesus," while int tho eometei^' thechoir snng softly "Now Ihe-Lighl
of 'Day." Hiindroibi of jfrlend-"?'
from this plnecnnd many diatiiiit
tsj-wns Avei'c present to ipny their
tribute respect to thia noble
woman. The pnll-bcarera were:
P. H. Hnncs. Alex Hnnos, James
G. Hanes, Uobert Woum-UlT, Philip.
Booe, Fuu-n-k Sain, Nmninn Cle
ment, and Homy Dwirc. A -num
ber of young liid.ics nctcd usnowcr-benfcrs. The profu.sioii of
benuttful floral dosk'iis formed n
vcrlta-blo fnrpet on llic fumil.Vpfot
in the UoKO Cot;ct6i.y W'bi?ro the
interment took place. Wo extend
'cuir heni'tf'cilt Rym|)al!iy to the
sorrowing family In their dfej)
be-icavenient. Among the relative-?,
and friend.H from a di.stjnco wltn
atteii'ded the fiMierfil .wore: Mr.
iwul Mrs. R. ]>. W." Connor, of
Chn])o] Hill, Mr. and Mrs. K. W.
Crow, Jnno Crow, Edward Crow,
Jr., »Mr8. H-enry Crow,.Mr. RobertCrow, of Mohrne, Mr. and Mrs,f^punccr B, I-Inncs, CInIro L'nck-
bla-nt Hanica, Spencer TInnes, Jr.,
Mr.'wjvd Mrs. Frank Hanes and
Frank Hnnicsi', Jr., Mr. and kfrs,J, H. element, Mr. W. N. Pein-d-EjXtor, N. S. Polndexler, MiSs
Liicilo Booe, PhMip Booe, ofWnlkontown. ■Sullivan Roue, of
Aahcvlllo, Mr. -and Mrs. J. C.
■ Sbcrriil, Mr. .iiid Mr.®;. -Pi'ice
SheiTlll, of Mt. Ulln, JIvs. HorbortBirdsoll, of Moeresvijlc, Mr.' find
Mn;'. Honry Koll.v, Mrs. Ted ^Hl-
Ifti'. of Tfiylor.svllle-, Dr. and Jlra.
S. W. Kin>dIo, Mr.s. .lolm Ifnuos,
Mr. and Jlrs. P. II. Hanes, Mi.s.s
W'"nilc Dwirc, Dr. and Mrs. S.-D.
C-rnig, Ales Hane.'?, Jii.s. Hane:?,
Henry Dwire, of Win!»ton-.<5nIeni,
Mrs. Rohort Ln.=5sitor, 'of Clmr-
l-ottc, Mm. John Scho.olAold, of. Diva.ylMe. 'Frank Bloan, 'of A-lbe-i imau'U'p.^T^oV. -W. L.. ShcrriM, !ofGhnrlrtlo. Mr.,.and Mrs. R. C.Kelly, or Grcotisboi'o, Mr. and
Hfr-s. .Tolin Alsirnugli. 'Mr. lapd
Mr-.,'. Tom Allen, Mrs." C. C.TomrtlfTna, mYs.h Eva- Covliigton,of Snlem Cnllogo", . Mrs.] Jason
EAid, Sirs. Frank Biihnnen, Mrs.
J. 0. Ti'optmnn. 'M'r. ivlid Mrs.
Btrxtcr Moore, Misses Annie Gns-s,
kll-lie "Snitth. Ruby ClodfcHow,
I\Ir.s. Corn Brown,-Mi*, and Mrs.
Rirka, R. D. Shore, MoKsrs, Mot-
.s'n.gor and Brnswcll, and many|oths-ri=, of Wjnston-Snlcm.
Bio — Obituaries — 11/17/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 17,1927
I . . AWAY
William . Ilerbgi'i; Smith, well-
known cltizeiti.of Mocksyllle, dlei^'
on M'onday, Nov. 14th, at tho liome •
of .his diiug'htor, Mm'C.'M. Ho
Khmety in Fnnmixiijrton, nftor^'a
bt-iof Tllness.. He wtia the son.of
Wil'Iium OsboVn Smith and Mrs.
Melvin';i> MaciV^iatii Smith, and -
WAS one 'bt nine ehlldron. He =
jblucid^the Methodist church at
Wesley's Ohnpcl In (j-oung man-,
h.ooid, later moving his, member-
shii] to the church in My>cksvllle..
He wirs married >to. Miss Rose:
Sterling on Sent. liW, 1898, nndi ,
six chiildron \voro born to them,
three little tdnugfhicrs.dying In in- ..
fainicy. His wife died-in 1928, and:
his surviving ohildren are 'Mi«i ^
C. M. McKlnnoy, Mary Luna .
Smith, wiio la at the Oxford Or- "
phaniage, and WilUam .S^rtiirg
Smith/a student at the A. iind.B.
.CoMe-go, Raleigh. ,T\vo slstdra
anid one. brother, .h-lao tare ' left,.
they being Mrs. .Cninllla. Atkinson,
of Crewo, Vhi, Mrs. T. -.H; Batrberj •
of Fort Mill,'S. .C»riintl ICnrmoh^.
•H. Smith, (of Orainite'.Fnllk'' TKd '
dcccR'Scd had many friCTds 'heror •.
who will regret fels ipassing away,.;
and who sornipathlxe with, the •.be
reaved rclntives In their dorN>w.
Fuiiornl services were conduced..
at PniTnhvjiton by :hls piucitor, Rev..-
R. S. Howie, and the burial .took
piKc'hcrc at the Rose cemetery,
the bcnutlful rituoil of the Maso
nic Qrdcr. being used. The pall- ;
j bearers Avore: .I.L. Shcek, Marvin
Waters, Sum Stonertrcot, Pimf.
Voting, C. H. Tomllnson, and Roy
I Hollhoiiacf. There were ' many |■bd.A'Uitlful'tloral'ulcsigiiiiH, wiiut a^
largo number of rriuiul's were In
litltendhnce.. Among" Kihooa tf rom
out-of-towii wore; Itlra. T.-H.'Bar-btr,icf PciH MHl, S..C.,' Mrs. Qn'm':^
Ilia Atkinson, of CrcAve, •Vn.,"Hi! H. Smit'h, of Groiiltc FaflsV W11-.
-llnm S. Smith, of .Rnlolgh, Mis arid
. Mrs. John Stcrlln>g.nml Miss Mat-
tie Sterling of Wlnaton-Snleni.
Bio - Obituaries -11/17/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 17,1927
G&ovffo Allem Loflcr, 'born
Mntioh 6th'» 18'18» dicdi Nov. 12tli,
'\fi2J .in' 'his' 79tli ^'o.ir. Ho \mn
the oldest ^on of J. A. ^hd Surah
A.'li^orvof Ddvie county.
Brother Loller woii twice mar-
Wed.^ His 'first wife AVisa Miss
Robe-ccd L. Maxwell," who- died
Dec.- 5th, 1000. Survlvlm'jf this
union -ni'o 4 >childrcii, Mrs. W. C.
Corrcll, Albert fi. hoflcr, Mrs. C.
T. Oreaspn nnd Airs. B> C. Ljiik.
His ^cond wife wna,Mra. Rachel'
Eilsfiboth McGuifioah'. • No issue
of this irnion.
Brother Lcllor.-wds n 'life long
member -of .-the Liberty Mcilibdlat
church 'niKl' for nbout forty yoara
Bupe-ilntcndi&nt of Suirdny achbol
in hb'chuuich.' He wiss also .ntcw-
•ni .1 'In his church 'UiJ to' hlVo la.st
two r,!' tWree years up to which
time his health began to fail him.
He missed but few Sundayis from
his eliuruh •durling" his life' mem-
bui'shlp. 'He giiyei much time ornd
means to the • support ' "of his
church and'SundiCy school.
Brother Lcllcr was nn afFcctlo-
nnto'Uind faithful husband, * kind
and loving fnthor, n neighW of
the .somnrilian type. He so lived
th'iit he' commanded the love and
roapoet of all. tihoao. whom ho
came in . contact with. No fnan
of his time and age hRS> coromasnd-
ed grentor adminHion in his'com
munity, of Avhich he has lived all
his life.
Brother Lefior was loyal innd
faithful, n'ot only to those of hi?
faith, but held' out his open -and
helpful ih'ahd; i^o cvcryienc with
whom his 'life enmc In contact.
,Hld-iniiuenec over the boys and
young men of hb Suiid<ay .school
will ir^ver be' estimated until the
finml 'day when they shhll rise nndi
anil him "bloaaod" tbiit -ho gavo
forty yours of his best life- as
teacher, will be a monumoYvt to
Kirn more lasting .tihrti) marble
ahnff®. . .
'Ho'lijs isurvlycd tiy wife,
four chiklreiii foualueii giiu'nd?
children, two brothers, J. A. and
C. DrXofler, and one step son,
Dr.^.J. W. McCulloch, of Lexing
ton* , . . • '
Funeral scirviccs were coniducl-
od.'.'iin. tli'c Liberty 'Methodist
church, Sunday, Nov. Ififch mt fi
o'cl'ock p. .m., byi his pnistor, Rev.
E, Mr Ayett, ,a88i.>itcd by Rev. J.
A, J. F-arrJiigiton; Burial was iu
the cemetery. Several h.im^rcd
•people, "w-cire pi'escnt and attend
ed his,funeral and the flower
girls who, .piroscnted the fioral
tributes <a:ddc!(l a nice and <(listinct
Bio - Obituaries -11/17/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 23,1927
William H. Smith
Mr. William H Smith died Mon
day Nov i4tb at the home of his
daogbter, Mrs. C. M. McKtnoeyat
Farmington. aged 63 years The
funeral services were held at Farm
ington Tuesday afternoon at 3
o clock and the body 1aid*to rest in
Rose cemetery witli Masonic hon
ors. Mr. Smith is snrvivid bv one
son and danghters. one brother
and two sisters'and ipanv relatives
and friends. He lived in Mocks-
ville for many yeart^aud wasktibuin
and liked by all who knew him.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/23/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 30,1927
W. R. Merooey Dead.
2lr. \V. Meroney died in
Twin-Ciiv hospital, Winston Sa
lem, last Wednesday night at lo
o'clock, followiug an illness of a-
bout two months, aged 64 years
Tue body was brotighl to this city
Thursday and laid to rejt in Rose
cemetery at 2:45 o'clock Burial;
services were, conducted by Rev.
E. P. Bradley. Mr. Meroney
i.H survived by bis widow and two
sons. Clifton and William, one
brother, C. F. Meroney. of thisi
jeity and a sister, Mrs. Jamess
jSinitli. of Greensboro, survive I
j M r. Meroney was a native of tliis •
city, and spent much of hi.s life
here. 'For the past ten or fifteen
years he has been with the freight'
department of the Southern Rail*'
way at Winstou Salein. He had
many relatives and friends here
who were saddened by his death.
John W. Smith
Mr. John W.-Sinitfa, died;at ;bis
home near Smith; Grove, Sunday
morning at five-o'clock, aged; 179
years. The fuhe'ral and bnrial-^r-
vices were conducted by Rev.' W.
Ir. Dawsoo Monday morning at"';.! r
o'clock, and the b^v laid to'- t^t
in Smith Grove' cemetery. Mr.
Smith is survived by, his i-widow,
three sisters and two brothers.
Bio - Obituaries -11/30/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 1,1927
Richawla-on, nfred62 yeara, (Ile<d i;it hev homo near
, Ben:r CrMk Cluirch Friday and
I was laid to rest In New Union i
I cemetery Sirlurday afternoon. She'
I lonvea a IViilher, throe brothcr.s
and four slaters.
John W. Smith, atrcd cltize-n !of
ne;m* Smith Grove, nassed tuwav
So-rt^ay morninij. The funeral
^r?d huWr.l took place at Smifth
wove Monday at oleveiii o'clock.
conductoij. hyi Rev!Ml'. D.}w.son. of Farnilajrlon. i
• The ^Jcj.'onsed -wa^ 70 years of
aye. iMjd leaves a wife, three elat-
and two bivthorM. |
Bio - Obituaries -12/1/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 7,1927
Dennis Jarvls
Meets Horrible Death.
A sad accident occnred about ten
o'clock Friday night on the Fork
road about turo miles out of Mo(^:5*
ville, when a Ford roadster owned
and driven by Hlgiu Hendricks, of
Bixby, ran off a ten foot embank*
ment and turned over twice, break*
ing Dennis Jarvis* neck, death re-
suiting iustantly. Messrs Hend
ricks and Jarvis bad been in this
city attending the picture show
and were on their way to the home
of Mr. Jarvis near Fork, when the
accident occured. The uight was
raiuy and foggy, aud the driver
was unable to see the road clearly.
He got.too near tbecdge aud tbe
car left the road, turning over. Mr.
Hendricks escaped unhurt. The
dead man was about 23 years of
age. and is the son of Mr. Henry
Jarvis, A corner's jury was empan-
nelled and after maktug au inves
tigatton of the accident, rendered a
I verdict that the death of Mr. Jarvis
was an accident and was unavoid
able. The body of Mr. Jarvis was
I laid to rest in Soady Grove cetne*
' lerv at .Advance Sunday.
Mary A. Marshall
Accideolal Shot Kills
I Iredeli Woman.
Statesvillc, Sov. —An neci
dental discharge of a shot gun,
which her grandson had ready for a
; hunting crip, resulted in the sudden
IdeaihofMrs. Mary .A. Marshall,
74. of Harmony.
The graudmother picked the gun
up aud after examining it. laid it
down and in doing so. the fire arm
was discharged. The entire load
took effect in the woman's bead,
producing instatant death.
James A. Smith
Mr. James A. Smith died at his
home near Redland on Friday. Dec.
2nd, aged 66 years. The funeral
and burial services were held at
Macedonia church Saturday after-
Doou at one o'clock, Rev. James E.
Hall conducting the services. Mr.
Smith is survived by his widow and
four sous, seven brothers and four
sisters, also twelve grandchildren.
W. M. Keller
Mr, M. Keller died at the
totinty home Saturday, aged 75
years. The body was laid to rest
Sunday at 11 o'clock at Center
5Ir. Keller is survived by two sis
ters and two brothers.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/7/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 14,1927
W. Munroe Smith Mrs. J. F. Johnson
Mr. W. Munroe Sniitb died at
his home near RedUnd Friday,
aged 75 years. DeatU lesulted from
a complication "of diseases. The
body was laid to resi in Bethlehem
graveyard Saturday morning at lo
o'clock, his pastor Rev. W. L.
Dawsoii, of Faruiingtou. conduct
ing the funeral and burial services.
Mr. Smith is survived by bis widow,
one son and one daughter and a
host of relatives and frieuds.
Mrs, J. F. Johnson died at her
home near Clemens last Tuesday.
The fuueral and buriai services
were held at Clemmous last Tues
day. The funeral and burial ser
vices were held at Clcmmons Wed
nesday. Mrs. Jqhusou is survived
by her hurband and eight children
beside many relatives and friends.
Before marriage Mrs. Johnson was
Miss Harding, of near Farmington
and is a sister of Dr. S. A. Hard
ing of this city.
Bio - Obituaries -12/14/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 21,1927
Mr.J.A. Gartner Drops
•Mr. John A.. Gartner died stid<
dehly at his home near Salem
church Saturday at noon, aged a-
bout 78 years. Mr. Gartner had
been in his usual health and had
moved from near this city to the
Foster farm 00 Monday of last
week. His death came as. a great
shock to bis aged wife and his man y
friends and relatives. The body
was laid to rest in Salem graveyard
Sunday; afternoon at two o'clock.
The funeral seiA'ices were conduct
ed by his pastor, Rev. B. M. Avett,
jof this city. Mr. Gartner is sur
vived^ by his wife, one son, and two
brothers. A large concouise of re
latives and friends were present at
the funeral and burial to pay their
last'iespects tplhis good than.
Mrs. N. B. Bailey
•Mrs. N. B. Bailey died at. ber
home one mile south of this , <^ity
Thursday! folloWihg an illne^, of
flu and asthma, aged abqut' 46
years. The body was laid to. rest
Saturday morning at ir o'cl<wk,
in the Fork Church graveyard f
Rev. Mr. Turner cdnducting the
fuueral burial services. Mrs. Bailey
is survived by her busbaod and
several children.
Peter Bowman
Peter Bowman, colored, aged a-
bout 90 years, died recently at bis
home near Smith Grove. He came
to Davie from Virginia during the
Chil war and -was owned by HIisba
Oibbs. He was one of the old-time
tirgroes aud was respected by both
white and black.
Bio - Obituaries -12/21/1927 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY