Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 7,1925
' Mw, J; W. Bailey Dies Suddealy'..
i Mrs. J. W. Bailey, oifl of Mdck^
yille's oldest and most esieemed
ladies died at her boaie on.. SaHs;
bnry street sometioje* before- dav
ChrUimas uiofiitng.. Mr^ Bsiley
reii ed in her usual health about
11:30 o'clock oil VVedne-iday i.ighi.
About six o'clock ebristriias morn
ing Mr. B. I. Smith, who lived in
the hou.«ie wiih Mrs. Bailey, got up
and built a fire When swmc oue
went to awake Mrs. Bailev she,was
found dead. The funeral services
were held at the rc.sidcnce • Fridav
afternoon, Dec. 26th,.. at •
clock by her pastor, "Kev. A;:-C.
■^wafford, after which the body was
laid to rest beside her husbtiiidin Joppa' cemetery, Mrs. Baiky
was 82 years of age, and is survived,
oy many relatives and hosts oi
Jndge Hartman Is Dead.
It is with sadness that The Re
cord ohronicles the death ■ Tndge
Wiley V. Hartiuav
Salem, which oceu , ui ..»ut
dst hospital in that city Friday
inurning following a short
of pneumonia. Mr. Hartmaii wa.s
49 years of age and w?s a native of.
Davie couniyi son of Mr. ai.d. Mrs.
George Hartman, of near Advance.
Mr. Hartman left Davie about 20
years ago i ud located in the Twin-
City for the practice of • law, He
was very successful and for the
past fi ve years had b^n Judge of
the municipal court. Mr. Hact.-
man is survived by his wile one.
daughter, and a step daughter. In
the death of tMr. Hart'mau -The Re
cord loses one of its best friend.s.-.
Gaither Latham
Gaither Latham, a well known
citizen oif Clarksvillc township.-dled
pec. aSili, following a protracted
illness, aged about 56 years. -The
fiiiteral and bu'rial. ser^'ices were
held at Wesley Chapel Methodist
church on. Dec aotb. Mr,' Latham
, is sarviveci hy his wife and a •nytuI ber of children, besides host o|^I relatives and" friends.. j
W. G. McBride
W. G.. McBride died at bis. home
in Fafmingion township last Tlmis-
tiay morning following a long ill
ness, aged 66 years. Mr. McBiide
is survived by bis wife and seven
children. The funeral and burial
services were held at Macedonia
Church Friday afteruoon at two
o'clock. • *
Bio — Obituaries - 1/7/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 8,1925
niri; Soplironia Bailey Dead
I'he whole town, was snddehnd
on ChrhtinaB ihorning, when it
was learned that Mrs. Sopiironiit
^ley bad died of heart
ttquble durlhs the night The
deceaiitd Was. tho daughter of the
ihte Thohiaa MerOney and Mrs.
Didnh Meroney, and waa a moat
eatimahle lady,' She was quiet
;' and onaaaUmlng, but devoted to
t hdr family and friehds, and for
= nidi^ years had been a loyal mem*
her of the Methodist Churlb. She
was'the'widow of Juniua Itailey,
and aMater of the late Dh HUary
i Htidaon,' ' o noted Methodist
piMaeher. Sherwas 82 yeai^ of
age, and bad survived all her
brothere arid aiatera,. these being
Mrs. Benjamen Parneii, Misa
Magfde Meroney, TKothas Mohi*
nOy and John Merohey. .Slie is
Biirvived by one nephew, Mi*. H,
Oi Meroney, ' and a number of
great netcesahd riepliews, among
them, .B4i8..-h. I. Smith",' ^ilh
whoin ^he IIv^, A. jiood woinaii
has passed to her reward, ibd her
death is inourned'hy her relatives
•1 'as well as' by tier ihahy friends.
The funerhl services were con
ducted Fritiay afternoon, Dec. 26
by 'her paatori Rev. A C. Syraf,
ford and the Interment tcok place
at Joppa Cemetary.
William McBride
; Mr. William McBride, who had
been sick for a long timj9, : p&^d|^
away. January. l8tv _^?ia 8^^^
ing 66 years and
leaves a wife and seven
^(ind chi|drdh'Bnd;:«.;i([gi^^^
her of friend^ jp mottirn
^ parture. '.'The body .was. jaid
t' rest in the Macedonia cmoteryi;^
• isbt Friday. • Rev. Jiip
i jducted the; funeral .8ei^ice,(.',iJ|^^
Burgess Gaither Latham
The AngoJ of Death, thatsifent
Visitor v/lio cornea to one and all,
calloti Sunday afternoon, Decem
ber, 28th and removed from this
world of Bu/Fering and sorrow,
Gaithor Lathame.
P®«neraJ services were con*
Monday, Doe, 29th atWesley Ghapei Church by his pas
tor, Kev. C. M. McKinney. and
Rev. Spnnkie, of Ashevllle. Be
sides his wife, he is survived by
tweive children and four grand
children, also a host of relatives
andJriend9, toallof whom, we
extend our deepest sympalliy and
may the great comforter soothe
the sorrowing hearts of those
who Weep, I
Bio - Obituaries -1/8/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 15,1925
Martha Carter
Death came into the homo of
Mr. Jamea G. Carter ol lioar Fork
early last Sunday- nioi-niug to ro*
lieve the sufferings 6£ ;hi8 wife,
Mrs. Martha Carter. Mrs'. Chi'-
ter, who had beph ill for anutn«
ber.of years,' w!ia practically an
invalid •during moat of ; .tha 'loiig.
siege of illness. Mrs:' Ca r tor
leaves; bendea hof basband, BOyen
children in order of age as follows:
Dewitt S, Carlei*,,.of .Winston:
Salem;-F. M.- Carter,. of.Mock^'
ville; Miss Nora Carter,- d^Fork
Ji -Lij'CaitcH df"Mock^
lAuiru Foster, of Mi's^Snllte
Walser, of Winstdii-Snlero; Ned-
^ Carter of Davidson county.- .The
i funerai and burial Tto
I day, . .The community^ exi ends
' sympathy to the bereft; .
Bio - Obituaries -1/15/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 21,1925
Mrs. U. A. Orrell
Mrs. U. A. Orrel, well known and
esteemed r^ident of Davie oopnty,
died at her . home near Advance
Thursday morning The deceased
is snrvived by Mr. Orrell and 'four
children: Mrs. D. C. Kurfees,; of
Mocksville, Mrs Wiley Ellis, of
Comatzer, Miss Elean Orrel(
and A. M. Orrell, twtb of Wlnslon*
Salem. The funeral was conduct
ed at Elbaville church Saturday at
ij o'dock, . •
Bio - Obituaries - 1/21/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 22,1925
Mary Jane Williams Orrell
Mrs. Mary Jone Orrell. age 70,
wife of U. A. Ort'ell, died Thura-
day morning dt 11:80. at her home
near here. Mrs. Orrell was born
in Dayiclson county but had lived
most of her life in Oavie county.
She was thodaughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Asriab Williams. Mrs. Or
rell had been in declining. heaUh
for several weeks. She is surviv
ed by her husband, a son, and
three daughters;. U. A. Orrell,
A. M. OrreJI, of Winston-Snlein,
Miss Ella Orrell. o f Winston-
Salom. Mrs, D. C. Kurfeoi), W.
A. Ellis of this County, She is
also survived by two brothers and
one sister,-Williams, of
this Cornty, and James A, Wil
JIams, of Virginia, and Mrs, Sallie
Bock, of- this county, A! short
service was held at the homo fat
urday morning «t 11;30 followed
by the funeral at Elbavillb M. F,
Chut ch, by Rev. CaBWell and Rev.
R. P. Hunier, Mra. Orrell was
a member of the Advance Baptist
Church. • "
'Mr. Orrell is going to mahe his
home with his daughter, Mrs. W.'
A. Ellis at Rixby, ^
Bio — Obituaries -1/22/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January' 28,1925
[Mrs, SWer Dies at Woodle^,^
Mrs A". W. Shaver, af Woodleaf,
died Saturday morning at her home
at one o'clock after an illness of some
time^aged 84 years. Surviving are
fo«r children, two sctiis and.;'two
daughter8...W. F. and A P. Sh.av^.
; oC Wcodleat. Mrs, Roy'Browii,. of
Salisbury, and MVs; C;. n V. Thomas.
ot-. Groersbfiro,. H^r -hu^nd^' the
late' A.-.W. Shaver, died ^\eQ' y'eaia
>aga.' 'Funeral e2terci8e8> wtfd be.d
•at: Unity. £r.OTbyterian'c}O'.cb of
I which Mrs ..Snhver. waa a member.
.Sunday mnhiiog at 'tl- o'eluuc.. me
■aervues Being .cohducred by 'lleVbC^r.inii.haei^ pastor of the* udrch.
.Burial loilow^ in-tbe^ church^ ceme-
Mrs. Pink Stroud
Mrs. Pink Stroud died aV her
lioiuc iicnr Couuty I^ine Saturday,
«ji years. The fuueral and
hurial services were belcT at Society
i>apfi.'>l clinrcli Suuday nioniiug at
n o'clock. Mrs. Stroud is surviv
ed by .viveral .^otis and daughters
ami thiriy-nve graudcliildreu.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/28/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVTLLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 29,1925
Swim Stonestreet
bur community .was shdclic^
and grieved tu learn of^thl^ death
of Mr. Swim Sl.onee^det carlj
Monday mornlnir, at-the Twin-.
City Hospital, ■'Win^ton-Solcm',"
where hp had been dariied on
Sunday afternoon for an opera*
tion for appendicitis^ Switn wau• the^third son of Mr,.J.' A. Stone*
street of this place, and was
junior member of the. firm'nf;
-A. Stonestreet arid son, merch
ants. Ho was a young man
sterling worth and leaves many,
relatives and friends to mourn
his death.
N. 8. Stonestreet Dead.
Mr. N S. Stonestreet died at
a hospital in Win8ton*Salem at
nine o'clock Monday morning.
He had been ill for the past ten
days and was taken to the hos
pital Sunday afternoon. The de-
ceasedr who was 26 years of age,
was the son of J. A. Stonestreet.
. Mr. Stonestreet la survived hy
his father, four sisters, and two
Tho funeral was conducted
from Union Chapel church at *2
o'clock Tuesday afternoon.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/29/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
' ^ ci
O cO
Felix Miller b. 12 Oct 1824(^29 Mayl864/Gordonville VA CSA
-aflJun.'"'' '
F.lizabeth 'Betsy* TEMPLE/CRAVER Lanier b.l4 Mar 1826 Davidson Co NO
Ld>P3 Feb 1925 Davidson Co NC
Residence: Yadkin College Township Davidson County NC
Bur: Felix: Gordonville VA; Elizabeth: Friendship Meth Ch Cem;
Felix's parents:
Nicholas MOler
Elizabeth LTVENGOOD Miller
Elizabeth's parents:
Felix & Elizabeth's ch: nine
Levi Franklin MUer b. 10 Nov 1845m. 06 Jan 1904
m. 1867 ^
Phoebe Elizabeth WILSON b.Ol Jul 1850/d!Hhml92^
Res: Friendship Church Community Davidson Cou^TNC
Bur: Friendship Meth Ch Cem
Crissy Jane Miller b.28 Dec 1848d. 14 Mar 1931^
m. 18 Jan 1877 (6ch)^^'
David King Cecil b.20 Feb 1851 d. 12 Jan 1923
Res: Lex. NC
Bur: Lex. City Cem
Isaiah 'Boat' Miller b.20 Jan 1850(^J4ov 1934^
m. 16 Mar 1880
Eliza Jane JAMES b.25 Dec 1848 jS!28^cl9IQ^
Res: Hwy 150 Reedy Creek Comnmnity Davidson County NC
Bur: Friendship Meth Ch Cem
Sarah Ann Mller b.22 May 1853ld.22 Jul 1896^
m. 23 Jul 1874 Davidson Co NC Yadkin College To^^ship (nine ch)
David Washington Shuler b.28 Aug 185Qji.l7 Jan 193^
Res: Davidson Co NC; Davie Co NC;
Bur: Concord Meth Ch Cem Davie Co NC
Ellen Frances Mller b.20 Oct 1855(^10 Apr 1957)
m. 18 Nov 1879 Davidson Co NC — "
James Rankin Caudle b.22 Jan 1858^07^1ay 193o3
Res: Greensboro NC ^
Bur: Greenhili Cem Greensboro NC
Delilah MiUerb.l858^!03May 1891
^ •. /.... .r.- .i-.-.; rt.
D3vl« County Pu«- -189•"•
. i
SARAH TEMPLE 1805 -1891
Sarah Temple b. 1805 Davidson Co NC(^JLM.189l/Davidson Co NC 86v
Res: Davidson Co NC; Davie Co NC; Davidson Col^C;
(In late years she lived in a house west (or back) of the house of her son
Richmond Baxter Gentle);
Bur. Reeds Baptist Church Cemetety, near her son Richmond Baxter Gentle;
For genealogical purposes I write her name as
Sarah Temple 1805-1891
Sarah & Craver* s children: known
Isaiah Temple Craver Lanier b. 1824/25 Davidson Co NC^^dT^ Aug 1856^D^e Co NC
Charlotte POTTS b.cal830 Davie Co NC d.cal893 Davidson Co NC (Yadkin College)
Elizabeth Temple Craver Lanier b. 14 Mar 1826 Davidson Co NC
—J^Sbavidson Co NC (Lexington'^
m.30 Jun 1844 Davidson CoNC
Felix Miller b. 12 Get 1824p.29M^ 1864)vACSA
Sarah Temple Craver 1805^1891 ) ==—=
m.25 May 1828 Davidson wt. Jehu Peebles
Thomas Lanier b.cal800/10 VA d. Perhaps prior to 1846
Sarah & Thomas Children: known
1. .
Nancy Ann Lanier b. 1833(d!l8Sl)avie Co NC
m. 18 Mar 1850 Davie Co
William "BiUy" Sidden b.09 Dec 1823 Cis Oct isidfcavie Co NC 63v 10m 19d
Res: Davie Co NC
Bur: Elbaville Meth Cem Co NC
2. _
Edward Lafayette Lanier b. 04 Feb 1840 Davie Co NOfdoS^g 1902\Davie Co NC
m. 21 Nov 1860 Davidson Co NC " —
Martha AHce "Ally" WALSER b. 1835/37
Res: Davie Co NC
Bur: Fulton Meth Ch Cem Davie Co NC
Drury Lanier b.cal842 Davie Co NC(<i. 01 Jul 18^VA CSA
m. 28 Feb 1864
BERRIERb. 14 Sep 1846QLL4]y£ii^avids6n Co NC 69y
Bur: Wihelmina: Linwood Meth Ch Cm Davidson Co NC
Davi« County Public Library
Mocksville, NG
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 4,1925
Mrs. J. F. Kirk
GreeDiiboi o,)
bilf autorod-.'
of ia« Monday, night
<*utr witlj-]
consciousness. Tlie
at /ii services were he!(l
• residents .of
[ ki L r fifteen years ago,
dk T *"'5 pastor of the Ttfeiho-L, "»• -Kirk W
itera ^ Mocksville whoI ^'''WeuedbyhWd'iatb. /
Swalm Stonestreet
The fuiicrnl and buriial services of
S^imSionesireet, of Cana. who
' Jan. 36ih in a Wiiiston'Salem
M D Union Chapel• cluirch last Tuei^ay after-jUpti at 3:50 o'clock in'the presence]
' ^ larjte concourse'of relativ<s
®»«hion(k Mr Stonestreet was,
• ytarj> of age and is survived by
gj several brothers and
J J?' ^^caili resulted from ap-pentiicuis.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/4/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 5,1925
Mrii ^eor^b'
Mrs. George Wiheen^, whb had
boon ill for abveral days at her
home on South Main Street with
menigitia, died late Tueeday.aftei^
noon. Tho funeral and bniial
took place in Salisbury Wednes*
day afternoon. We entond our
deepest sympathy to the bereav-
dd oneti; n
Bio - Obituaries - 2/5/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Jfyp!? *f/«Aua^
•'*4 B*®** hfaflt^^aCkCha .WAueKlMi»'?l;S.""»
{1/ y^Kuvhio 'imat, At #tSO <£;fet3r|ttiitoy. iatt'j2^
ihiiiiu^ **> IWK^I /a* ateita^^k|®c.AJSSi5ir. j}( • jre&tw
OT«lfdgMi,wR6i. '
lluthloyiiail^ iMHtAuUf.a«i5r&5
QrasawAaS- treU lli« Agm At:i ^I^Adt
K3i9T6M6T'Mdnieeivby Rmi^ O.
' ;Ontptt«ll.<'aAd Rat.
who died Sqndor mnias; • wiii k|<
S"e22°Sl'* •IkV?®®'*iiMn trOQi tbd boine, STOa Wanih.*
SI? ®®""»»ort*i follow-'"5i" WawJiIowa eanetaxr.
.fc***" tetfowto*^ w tho aamto ofJ^o ,P«S>e«wa: A,J. Ai. Wlcheltim,*.'d*
®"^ •»«
'Mi^ PCII& who woo T7 rtoro of
®*e""'a«fc««lth fee
tlo« hod haeti reeordod nriooo for
ho .holn* eonflntdto, his bed stseo loot Monday. Ko
WM the MR of the lote Mr. and Mm^eob PfoC4 «»d for the nooi id yoaiofhad realded in WlnetonWloia. iSi
wia a mombor of the Pftutiown.
EafiK^*" *"? *" honororyimember of CaaUrvItU Couaell. No.lJr. .O. U. A. M< Ho woo wldolyi
eommunliy inwpieii^o mode hto homo and hodi
,*nooy Oleadx by whoin ho woo held
In hidb estoom. ^
The decoooed" to oarrlrod by hU
f *' '^'♦^fofo-niorrlodo woo »|lm£"!?■ doochirr. MinHottio PfefC. one eon. Hony. oadthree ffrhadeblldren, C. 0.. J. a: Jr-
^ddraL "*** «nmd.iv. iji -I i -.. •
Or- '(itctftSEft
. C-or^
0 htf.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/8/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 11,1925
: .Mrs. George Wioecoff Dead. ,
lb-is with sadness that The Re
cord chronicles the death of Mrs:
Ceorge Kl WinecoII. which- occurr
red at Iier home oD; South Matu
street Tnesday afternoon of last'
week. n Mrs .Wi"€Coff had' been ill
for ten days with meningitis- and
1>ut little h(>^ was entertained for
her recovery from the fi rst. Alwut
six-months ago Mrs. Winecoff su
stained a.fall, striking the bjic'k of
her head on a step, which is thought
to hove been-the cause of meuigitU
developing. • The body'was carried-
to Cooleemee Wednesday afternoon:
and'the funeral .services held'in the'
Mcthodist:Churchi after which the
remains were carried to Salisbury
and- laid to rest.' Mns. Winecoff
.was 44. years of age and is survived
by her husband and thTee childreo,
onedanghter.- Mrs. -Kn.x Single-
1011-. of .Red Spring.s, and two sons.
Sabert and Carl of this city; ahso
by her mor.ier, Mrs. Redwjne, of
Rowan countv Mr.^. Winecoff was
a member of the Cooleemee Episco
pal church. The Record' joins a
h<«t of friends in cx cndi g sym--
ptthy to the ovreaved ones in this
hoar of sadne.s.s
I • "RevvSamuel Ha^-Deadi -
< Rev. S. WJ'Hali; fdf ihany years
".a resideut of 'Fork Church.' but
Hater of Winston-Salem^ died nt his
hoiue in that city early Saturday'
moruiug fpllowiug a protracted ill
ness,.aged 59'years. Mr. Hall w'as
a . former poster of Eaton's aud;
Farmington Baptist .churches and-'
has many fri^ds in Davie who will'
be sorry to learn of .bis deatb. A
wife/six sons and oiie daughter shr-
vivc; The b^y was laid to rest at
EastBeud ^Sunday afieniooi). j-
Ou Feb. "3, 1925 Mrs Gertrut'ei
Winecoff .depait-d this life. SV'e'
was the wife'of the former sheriff."
Mr.'Geo. F, Winecoff, of Davle
cbuiVty. She wastaken aliuoststid-
denly with menlgitis. l^er illiie^
was of short duration, 'and her
deat h ca used genuine sorrow. Sh^
Was born July .30, jSSq. and was
married to Wr/ Geo. F. Winecoff
July '4. 1903. Before marriage she
was Mi.ss Oertru^^ Coggitis. She
w.|S a mem'^er of Good 'Shepherd ^
Episcopal church of Cooleemee, and
was a' faithful ineml>er uthil she
moved away. Site was also a faith
ful member'of. the Woman's Auxi
liary and St. Agnes Guild. [
She was an affectionate wile and
mother,devoted tpher home, a kind
aud thoughtful neighbor, always
witling and ready td the
poor and needy. She will be sadly
'missed by all who knew her. Mrs,
Winecoff was a hative of Rowan,
county, and ietves to mbu'rn her
loss a husband, one daughter aud
two suns, a mother, one sister and
two hairbrotbers and a wide, circie
of friends.
. • Rev. niomas S; Trott, of States-
ville conducted the funeral service
-iisitrg tne beautijful 'Episcopal ser-
yifcecf the Pr^er Book. Her body
was laid to' rest Wednesday Febi
4....a>:,4 o'clock in the Chestnut Hill
cemetery, Salisbury, . . . . '
Mrs. P. W. Grainger
Mr. p. W:"Graugcr died, almost
suddenly Salnrdiiy at (he jimne of
her daughief • in - Wiiiston-'Saleiii.
aged'ys'iyears. Tlie funeral and
h.urlfil ^ri'iqes occurred Sunday at
SmitlL Grove. A good wonilni has
been called to re.st.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/11/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 12,1925
'MtB* Mary E« Crraiiger Died
iii Wlnston-Salem Saturday
W. C, Walker, Dead
n Just as we goto press, weiearn
of tlie death of -Mr. W. C. Walker
of Bixby, who had been in very
feeble health for the past three
years. Mr. Walker was well
known in this city, having been
ably connected with the Walker
Bargain Bouse for a nnmher of
11 years, "
The funeral of Mrs. MaryEllza-
' both Giangor, who died Saturday
afternoon was conducted at one
o'clock Monday afternopn from
tho home of her daughter, Mrs.
A. £. Blackburn, 2208 Spraguo
street, by Dr. C, C, Weaver, The
funeral proper wai held at Smith
•Grove church at 2:30 o'clock by
kevA. C.Svvaffordandinterment
followed In the church graveyard.
Fallfaearei-s were L. P. Boger, R,
R, Richmond, Arthur C, Stcne-
street, P. B. Long, Austin Charles
Ray Wyntt, A, G. Spatnhour, and
Mr, Hutchins.
• Mrs. Granger, who waaTB years
.of age, had been in ill health for
a short time. She was the widow
of the iabi John P. Granger, and
' the daughter of the late Mr, and
Mrs. Rathaniei Wellman and had
resided in Wioston'Salem for one
year. She was a member of the
Mocksyllle Methodist church.
The deceased is .survived by
five daughters, Mrs. T. G. Stone*
street, Mri^ ;L. S. Kurfees, of
this city, Mr& E. B. Hampton,
'Mrs. A. E. Blackburn,of Winston-
Satem, Mrs. R, G. Ward, of Green
Mountain) Iowa.
Annie Barnhardt
Mrs. S. E. Garwood and child
ren, Mrs. J. C. Barnhardt and
childreni and Mr. and Mrs. G. S,
Kimmer and daughter attended
the funeral of Misa Annie Barn
hardt, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs J. L. tA Barnhardt, lost Sat
urday at Augusta, where she
was laid to rest under a bank of
flowers. Uttle Annie had been
ofllicted all her life. If she had
lived until next August^ she
would havebeen sixteen years old.
We extend sympathy to the par
ents in this sad hour.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/12/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 18,1925
Peath of Waller Walker.;
Walter Walker, a well-knowa
young'man of the Bixby section,
died at the home of his parents
near Bixby, early last Wedn^day
{norning, following ^ long illne^
of tuberculosis, aged about 33 yrars
ilr. Walker had .been able to-be up
and aiomid "hnlil the pwt few
weeks. The funeral and buriai
services were held at Bethlehem
Hethodist church Thursday morn
ing at II o'clock. .|Mr. -Walker is
survived'by bis paren^. and three
brotheia, O. n Q. and Thomas, of
this city and James of Danville, Va.
Mrs. Mary Ellis Dead.
Mrs. Mary Ellis, widow of the
late Frank Ellis, died at her- home
on E. 4,.early Tuesday inorning,
aged 70 years, following aii extend
ed illoess. The funeral and burial
services were conducted JThutsday
morning at 10:30 o'clock at; Tur-
rentiue^ Baptist. t^mrch • by her
former pastor^ ; ^eharles 'R,
Johiison, of/Hilbborp., Mrs. -.Ellis
is survived 'by ieu childreu"and one
sister. A .good woman' bas been
called to her-reward. *' •.
Emily Williams
3Iia. Emi.ly Williams died quite'
suddenly Sunday afteruoou at 4:30
o'clock', at Ibe home of her " son,
Mr. C. ,C Williams, The .fnneral j
will be conducted Tuesday at 2. p.-j
m,, at Bethleheui. . . J
John, Wiiburn, Ray, and
Geneva Giles
•■Salisbury.—pour negroes, .John
Giles and'tUree of his children, are
dead as a result of a grade crossing
accident here, when Scntbern train
No. 14, Charlotte to Salisbury,
struck and demolished the automo
bile.in which the negroes were rid
ing, at the- Jackson crossing on
"West-lanes street.
Giles and his 12 year old'son.
Wllburn, were killed instantly and
another son, Ray, aged 8, and adaughter, Geneva,-aged 5, djediCrom
Injuries received In the accident
Two others, Kathleen Giles, aged
11, and James Davis, aged 12. were
seriously injured In the crash.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/18/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 19,1925
J. A. Scott
Infant Child Myers
' The iafant of 'Mr. 'and iifre;
Dliie Myers died FHddy'MbrliinE.
The'ftin^'ral ifetVica* was ''Heia' dk
Elbaville'Ghuc'chSdtufddy at^two
Mrs. P. H. Hilton
Mrs! P. H. HtltOtt^dted BUddcn-ly'Satui^a^'night Fcbrjudryldth.'
She is sdrvlved by her husband
and seven chiidreni She was
burled at Bdthleheni Church Mon<
Dr. J. A, ficptti widely k^wn
Preebyterian minister, .and for?
nier president ot tho;'SNtatCByille
Female CoUege,..Upw MH^ell
College, died Pfparalysla Sunday
night at hia Imme ii^.Harmony;
Dr. Scdtt was a native of Vlrglnl^
and was 72 "yaeflfB of ago. •.
v^as'*a'-graduate of Wasblnstph
and Lm -University' and••was ft
student under GenerahRobert E;
Lee. The funeral servicea were
conducted', by -Rev."Richarda.at
the Presbyterian n church, after
which he was tpken to Oakwpcd
cemetery in Stateovllle and laid
to rest He leayes a wife, aik
children, two brothers and one
Emily Williams
• Our yillage was ^shocked when
the' report .Spre^. ■Iate...Suhdayafter noon, of,'.the death of.' MvsiEmily WiltlagJS, . mother of Mr.C,' C." Willla^ ' ^ this-place.Grandma TWiihan^ as ehp • was
known to old .'and j'oiing, madeher home with'h^r SOD hera Shi-
had lieeo ■ in- fQehla" hoalthym^
some, time, but had' only beenicpnflhed to her'bed a few ,days.-'.Ishei was a sWcet dispoaed.^ahd
conaisteht ChrlstiBo, and /hadbhen.been heaird to aay afee/w^^^ready .to'^go, and ■juSt wmthig. for-
her call., She leaves 'one 'datigh-ter^MtB/Reid Davis, of Winston-Salemi'two Sqns,''^Mr, O.-L- Wil-
iiaths! of JSornpter'S. 0., :und. Mr.
C.;C. 'Williams <}f Ihla plftce, anumber pf grandchildrea.ahd twogr^i!g]^aodchildrehi .and a hostdf irlends. To'thfi bereay^ ones
we bxleiid 'dur sympathy.
jMrs. Frank Ellis Dead-
Other Cooleemce News
On February tho lOlh the death
angel visited thin community andlook tt w^y Mrs. Prank Ellis, who
bad been a patient aufforer for
many years. The funeral and
burial toblc place at Turrentine
Thursday morning at eleven
o'clock. She leaves two oona,
eight daughters, thirty-eight
grand children, and fi ve great
grand children and a host of other
relatives and friends to mourn
her departure, Mrs. Ellis was
seventy years of ago. She was a
faithful mother, and a friend to
all, and a member of tho Turren
tine Baptist church. Our com
munity has been-greatly sadden
ed by her departure. Peace .to
hor nahes.
Anna Hayes
Mrs. Auna H^es, wi/eof VP.Q. Hayes, died Tue^y eveniog
at six b'cloek, Feb. 24. She
Miss Anna Campbell before ber
ihairiaKe, Mrs. Hayes joln^ the
Church at ClarkeBbttty. In her
early days and had faeen>a faith*
ftti member until he^ death. The
funeral Bervleea were conduct^
at Holly Spring Baptist Church,
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock
by. Rev. Johnson. Mr.s H^es
is survived by her husband, five
step-children, two sisters and one
Bio - Obituaries - 2/19/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 25,1925
0, B. Smith Dies At Speocer. |
Snencer. Feb. iSr^-Hpe cer anifj
E. Spf»ncer was sadili^ned in a mnrk-
«-d deirree by the death nf Cunduccnr
0 B Smith which occurred Tur'S-
day afternoon at the Salisbury hos
piial where he had tieen under treat'
treat for the past two we^ka for
septic poisine:. His conditiun had
been critical for several davs.
Mr. Smith was 46 years old, and
for about 25 years had; been a popu
iar employe of the Southern,, bavmir
a run on the south end of the road.
His family residing on I/rns: street
in East Suencer has many warm
friends who are at his deaih. Be*
<*ides a wife and one daupbter. Mr.
Smith is survived by his.aged mother
n >w residing at Cooleemee, and five
bothers and foor sisters" Among
them being Mrs. K A Neely, B 1
and John Smith, of Mocksville He
was a well known road man, member
of Order Railway Conductors Div.
221, and a favorite with a large circle
of frienrs on the md.
The funeral took place. Wednesday
afternoon at Bast Spacer Methodist
church beitie conducted by the pant*
or. Rev. B M. Avett, and the body
takes its rest plrce in Chestnut Hill
c tmetery.
Mr. Smith was irjnred- in an ac*
cldent near Concord some two years
ago and had never fully recovered,!
being nnder treatment at various;
limes since the occurrence. i
Bio - Obituaries - 2/25/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBUC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 4,1925
Rebecca Danner
Infant Child Gaither
' The little four dajr old infant of Mr. and
Mra. Luleo .Gaither died Ja&t Friday even
' in{t and was laid to rest' at New TJalon
church Saturday evening at Z o'clocit.
Mr. Robt. Blalock went to Court
ney, Yadkin couuty, last Wedues-
day afiernooD to attend the t.ujieralj
and burial of bis inother-iu law,.
Mrs. Rebecca Danuefi who died at
her home there at Hie age of S3
years. The fuiieral and burial was
at Cotlrtiiey Baptist chiltch Thurs
day inornioff The deceased is sur-
'vivedby two daughters and two
sous. Mrs. Robert A. Blalock, of
Salisbury^ Mrs. T. L. Chambers.
|of near Yadkioville; Mr. Eugene
Daiiner, who lives at the old hoiite,
'he Ireinc totally blind. There is
also aii older slsler. 93 years, old,
lying near Courtuey.—Salisbury
Bio — Obituaries — 3/4/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 5,1925
Luther Peacock George Potts
:.Wfi(;regi«fc:'tp learn ,'of thedeath
ofth^ infant of Luther Peacock
the-past .week. Its body was
laid.jto rest:ini Concord.Cemetery
Stunday at .11:30 o'clock*
Friend8.{,hjBre. we^> Borry> -to
learn of the death- oLMr. George
Pottfl. .whichoa(ntfedathla.home
in Advance early ^Mpndfty,morn-
Bio - Obituaries - 3/5/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 11,1925
Mrs. D. J. Boger
George Potts
I George Polls, and aged and well-
Iwjwii tiiizen nf Advance, died on
||oi«lav of lasi week. The funer-
burial services took placel^iday. Mr. Polls issnrvived bv
S^^-if': and several cliildreh. • 1
I) j. Boger, a former re-
'Iw'l of Ifavie, bui who lia.s lived
' Wiusloii-Snlcin for ihe past fi ve
^dicd last Tvresday aft era Jong
aged 74 years. I'lie funer-
|ser\ice.s ioi>k place Thursday j
|«iuuou and llie IkxIv was laid to!
^"I \\(jodlawn cemetery Mrs.i
is survived by her httsband,'
i'^oiiURlncr and iliree SODS She
pa member of Center Methodist
Bio - Obituaries - 3/11/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 12,1925
Mrs, Maty Pass Dead
Mrs,- Wamock Pass diod at the
home of her daughter, Mre^Mar-
vin Adams, in South Carolina
Sunday. She leavei twh eons,
Mewa. E, H. and Maxie Pass,
one daughter, Mrs, Marvin A-
dams, of McColl, S, C. with
whom she had made her home
for a number of years, Mrs, Pass
was a faithful member of the
Mothodist Church and epent her
life in its aarviee. Her godly life
was known as far as her ac-
quaintance extended. She was
! unafraid of death and spoke of
her going away, asking.that her
children not grieve for her, Mrs.
Pass was a native of Texas..hav
ing married in early' womanhood
toB. H. Paes of Virginia, and
was 77 years old.
The funeral and burial services
Were conducted at Joppa Ceme
tery, Tuesday at eleven o'clock.
Bio — Obituaries - 3/12/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 18,1925
B. F. Long
, Jndge B. F. Loiig,.oCStatesviIle.'
(lied almost suddenly Saturday, fol-.
lowing a stroke of paralysis, agedi
72 yiars. The funeral and burial j
vices were held Monday afiei*!
noou at 3 o'clock.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/18/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 19,1925
Infant Daughter Wood
Tte infant daughter of Mr.
fl ^aiMrfl/RicharJ ^ocd was bur
ied here last week We extend
s.yi^pathy to the parents and re-|
laiiYPS. '
Bio - Obituaries - 3/19/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 25,1925
Nannie Beatrice Brown
Fomer Qa?ie Lady Oie&
Miss Nannie Beatrice Brown, aged
30. wife of B 8 Brown, died at her
home in Wiostan-Salem Wednesday
afternoon at 5:30 a« ml. foUowipg an
illness of several months. Mrs.
Brown was a m.^ber of Bethlehem
Methodist cberdi of ^avie county.
Beside her httsband she ia survived
by her mother, Mia Camilla Foster
of Davie county; five sbtera, Mrs.
$ Plowman and Mrs. J. ^. An>
derson. Mrs. Beatrice Everbard and
;Mr8 R S Brown of Winstof.-Salem,
'also three brucber8,.Sanford Foster,
Edward Foster, and Brock Fpster,
all of Ddvie C'lonty
Short funeral services were held
at the home Thursday at 12:30
o'elnck. followed hv "the funeral pro-
per from Bethl<-bem church io Davis
county at two o'd ck.. Interment
followed in the church mveyard.
Stevens Edwin Williams
'Stevens Edwin Willlatus,. 68
years of age, retired lawyer of
jXesiugtoii, and former metuber of
I the general assembly, died of a
j Heart attack at 8:2o Sunday morn-
' ing in his room at the Piedmotit'
hotel .in'Charloiie. Dr. Otho Rosa
found him in. a dying condition'
when he arrived at Mr. Williams
bedside. Mr. Williams was on a
visit to bis dattght<5r in. Charlotte
when the end come.. He had many
friends .in Dane who vvtll he sorry
to' learn of bis death.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/25/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 26,1925
William Miller
Mr. William Mjller, an aged
cUisan pi this. pidce, - fell dead
Monday- evening' While pfowlng
ill jthe gaideni He jepvea a wife,;
tbr^ daughtefa,' two! aonii,. and
aeyeral- grandchildren.' Funeral
servieea were
ttti^daypt^ P.
held at ^itoh
is ^fltpr.~We extend sympatfay.-
Bio - Obituaries - 3/26/1925 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 1,1925
D^tb at Advance of Ral Carter.
Hal Carter, aged 8t years, died
at his home near Advance on
Thursday, death follonn'ng an ill-
n^ extending aver the past few
days. He *had spent practical
ly his entiie life on his farm, locat-
^ between' Advance and Hairs
Ferry, and was in high esteem
by rodents of thecoi^mniiity. -His
wife preceded hiui'in death several
years ago. The funeral was con
ducted at 3 o'clock Friday after
noon from Advance Methodist
cbtiirch. and burial followed in the
Shady Grove, ^emeter^/*
Bio - Obituaries — 4/1/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 2,1925
Ralmus Carter
Mr, Balmua Carter died last
Thursday, 2:80 p, m, and was
hurried Friday 8: p, tn. in Mock's
Cemetary by Rev. R. .P. Pftes,
Ho leaves lour sons, B. P., J. B.
F. R. and Sam Carter* Also one
daughter Mrs, John Potts, about
thirty grandchildren and three
'great grandchildren to mourn
their loss.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/2/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 9,1925
William Howard
®K^46.f3ieaw» :^a8 pulled by the
Hpee, to which he was clihgliii
OffainBt. a .telephone pole in an'
alley ^between Morris and Strath-i
itoowKatreet^ suffering injuries •
which;- camd bis death a lew I
oi.inufos.later* The horse, driven]
W -Howard, : frightened I
cii* near Morris '
st^t andi.BHarted to • Vurt.- ; As
^hey tfii^hed Into the alley. How-
ar^ ^wa8;.throwii;froni the wagon,
agunat a.'telephone pole* Nich
Glfgor;' wilmeiBBe^ the accident
an'd'hastend to the rescue. - He
qulpkly .carried hini to the How
ard ^hbme where he died In a few
Sallie Collette
. He Ibaves-a wife, /one son^ his
mother, Mra. Nancy Howard, five
jiaterB:and two brothers, all ofDavle County* n Mr,'./Howards
went to Tonhessee in:July; 19013
and from there tb.Fort ?Wafe.
. Ijjcl,v>her^
.pie. WatBoh, 1806* Hei/wiiBi
laid to reat in, the 'Bethlehemv
Thursday-evehihjg at I
2-o'clo6lr*' " • . ,
Bio - Obituaries - 4/9/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 15,1925
Sallie Collette
Mrs. Saltie Colleile died at the
St^te Hospital in Morganton on
Tu^day. April yih. aged-77 years,
following an illness of pneumonia.
Xhe body was brought her^ and
carried to Eaton's church Wednes
day a|ti rootio and laid 10 rest, Rev.
Mr. 'furjter, of Harmony, conduct-
iiig the fiinenil Bervices. Mrs. Col
lette ia sUtvived" by two sopsj
Messrs. J, W.. of Gbiicord, end ^
h. ColU'liei of WiQ.Hton Sa1eiUi and
one datigliterj Mrs. 6ranvillo Ua.
gans, of Ceud. A host of relative.^
-aiid friends wefe pfesent at the fuu^
Bio - Obituaries - 4/15/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 22,1925
Ben R. Anderson
Mr. Tbomas AUeo Dead,
Mr. Thomas Allen, a well kiioivn
and hi$dily'respected citizen of the
Union Chapel section, died early
last Tuesday inorning. following a
three days illness of piieuuiouia,
sged 72 years. The funeral ser
vices were ponducted oy Rev. J. T.
Sisk Wednesday morning at ii
:)*clock and the body laid to rest in
Joppa graveyard. Mr. Allen is
survived by bis wife and a number
of sons and daughters, among them
being Mrs. C G. Leach and Sam
Allen, of this city. Mr. Allen had
rented nis farm on R. 2 some time
igo and was making arrangements
to build a new hoase near Hoi man's
IHes la Hospital At Greeasboio.
Dr. Ben .R. Anderson, for the
past twelve years a widley known
dentist of Eleulon. died Thursday
night at a hospital at Greeusboru.
wheie be had been ill for several
weeks. He bad been in rather uu-
iiertain health for .several vears.
The reniaiis were taken from
Greensboro to Bconville, Yadkin-
v'ille county, the old family i^home
uf the Andersons, f interment.
The d^ased was about fifty yeais
old. He was a deutis^ of splendid
skill and bad rendered a valuable
service to the people of a large ter
ritory in'Daridsou, Randolph and
Rowan cotintiis.
Dr. Anderson was the father of
nine cbildreii, all of whom together
with- the widow. Mrs. Iva Ander
son, survive. An .unusual thing
about this family is that the Chris
tian name of each of the children
contain only three letters, the same
being true of the father and mother.
The children are: Fax, Max, Wan,
Ava, Vae. Rex, Kin, Jim and Jan
Anderson. ' )
Other surviving relatives include
the parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A, {
.Anderson, of Calabaln, three broth-1
ers. Dr. R. P. Ander.wn. and Z. N.
Anderson; of Mocksville and Wiley
N. Anderson, of Calabajn, and one
sister, Mrs. Agues King; Norfolk,
Va.—Lexington Dispatch.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/22/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 23,1925
Mir. T.<J; Ailen 'Dead;
Mr. 1; IJ. hear Hoi-
man'B CTrcBB
home 'Tucsaay>»rtWj^rf%
illnsBs Of BewTOl 'yewa.:V»r.j
mr 'of
roalnB'were 3aid;;^:re8tat TppjW
Celflfltetery. Mr. Alten^^o^ w«l
ii'AU llw.1
to iha'bertaye^^l^
Jane Chambers
MisP; Jane Cbamb^'S. died do
EftBtef Mppday toied
dt. Adyance Tdesday znornlnflrint
10:80. - Rev; ii, P. ^kiea condttct';
ed the fanerat servicesi ' "• -
Bio - Obituaries - 4/23/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 29, 1925
Carrie Taylor
MifirCanle Taylor. ino.tber of M'. W. A.
Taylor, died at the State Hospital at Mor-
gapCda last Friday aad Imught bome
fat biiriaL Tab funsfal waa iwnducted by
Rev. McKiiiney Satatdlpy tpomlDg In the
^ E..church and l>uri^lo|tbo f^aiimiag-
(on eetsetaty. . t
Bio - Obituaries - 4/29/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 30,1925
H« B. Varner Dead
Lexington, Apr!] 27. ~ Henry
Branson Varner, ,65. one of the
pioneer good roads men of the
state and also publisher of vari
ous journals for many-years till
ha took Bucn a vital and Increas
ingly wide interest in the motion
picture ^business, died at bis
home here this evening at 9:15
of pneumonia, following an ill
ness of two weeks. At the time
of his death, hd was president of
the North Carolina Motion Pic-
turo Theater Owners usscdaticn
and had been secretary, of this
Besides his wife, he is sur
vived by his mother, a brother,
J. E' Varner and one sister, Mrs.
J. D. Sexton, all of D h'on. He
had no children. Mr. Varner
wa<i born on April 12, 1870.
The funeral will be held at 10
the 'Presbyterian church here,,
conducted by the Rev. J, R. Mc
At the time of his death, he
was planning tho establishment
of several motion picture houses
and was to open such a theater
in < Concord next Monday. He
was operating theaters in Lexing
ton and Badin and was connected
with a theater in Thomasvilie
also. The Lexington picture
house is considered 'one of the
finest of its kind in the south and
cost $260,000.
He was for years in the news
paper, business and was publish
er of Lexington Dispatch from
1806 till 1923 and of the South
ern Good Roads magazine from
1910 to 1918. He was also presi
dent of th^ North Carolina Good
Roads association from 1911 to
1917 and campaigned for good
roads • all over^ the state. From
1900 to 1908 he was commissioner'
of labor and printmgand from
1912 to 1920 he wais chairman of
the'state prison board. He was
also at pne time president of|the
North Carolina Press association.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/30/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 6,1925
Henry B. Varner
Id'the death of fieory B,, Var-
r.er,'of Lexington, which occurred
last Mhnday, North Carolina loses
cue of her best known citizens. Mr.
Varner had been in the newspaper
business many years; buing editor
of The lexiugrou Dispatch and for'
several years editor of Southern
Good Roads,-a monthly' magazine.
For the past itew years Mr. Varner
bad devoted much of his time to
moving; picture theatres, being
owner of three or'four show hous
es. Deceased was 55 years of age«
and his death followed a. ten days
illness of pneumonia. The~Record
is saddened by his death. Peace to
his ashes.
John Woodruff
•John Wpodmff. coioted, who'l
was sentenced to the Rowan 'chain j
I gang at the n last term < f Davie I
court, died in the camp at Cleve- 1
lane Saturdavi. pneumonia causin? I
his death.. • . ,1
Etta Parks
MissJStu Parks, an inmate of
the county .lorae, died Thursday,^
aged do years; The body was laid
to-rest Friday- afternoon at N*e
Creek church. Rev. W. B. Waff
conducting the funeral and burUl
services. "The bunal expenses were
paid by deceased. ' . |l
Bio - Obituaries - 5/6/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 13,1925
Wiley Greer
. n Diies At The Age Of 101.
Wiley Greer died al liih* home in
the eastern part of Walauva coun-
tv,- Friday lijghi at the age of toi
years, ai days, being lhe,oldt;..t
citizen of that, county. On - April
3 last year Mr. Greer celebrated
Ills tooth biith'day with a gather
ing of his relatives and friends at
his home: It is eslliuated'Hiat iheie
«'ere nearly a i.ooo j^ersoos tn at-
.According to :Prvif. j. C. Greer.
of)he Appalachian Training school,
iof Boone. Mr. Greer lived duritig
the lifetime of every President ex
cept George VVashiugton. He was
born April 3, MS24, in what was
then the wilderness of North Care
lina. John Adams, the second pre
sident; Thomas JefFe.-son, author of
the-declaration of indepenclei^ce,
•and fourth President were still liv
ing. He was boru the year that
John Quiucy Adams was elected
When Mr. Greet was born there
were only 23 states' in the union,
two of these weie-west of the Mis-
i&slppi. Duruig bis lifetime .zjj
states have been liorn and added to
the union. Not a foot of railroad
had been laid when this man came
into the 'world, and this hiighty
svsteui has been built up. during
his lifeltme. Numerous other
changes .have been made during
the life of this worthy old cenleuu-
Greer was never further , a-
w^from his home than Statesville
too bid. to enter the civil war.
?lie lie^)ed.Uo-"'-ctit..'the first trail
'fifoni Deep Gap to Boone, practical
ly ou the same line ais Bootie Trail
highway he was grown when the
first wagons caine into this countiy,
and they were considered very
dangerous, much as airplanes were
never known to get cross with .his
family or ^y one else, else, 'it is
said, btit his children oheycd him
him at a word. Il is said that. no
clearer m-iii ever lived, and up to
the last his mind was alart, his :;p
petite good and he slept vvcll, and
.vas very active and citeerfitl. He
claimed that he hud chewed tobacco
for 90 years,
Mr. Greer is survived by a large
connecliou of relatives and friends.
Avery Draughn
-Orau};!!!!, of Clarksville
™dtipaieil insi Wednesday fol-.
ail illiies-s of a few days,
about 40 years. Mr. Draughii-
'^3 nail ill Ills foot about ten -'
'go. which developed into}
'iis ami caused his death. . The*,
r laid to re.st at Bear Creek'l
b Friday. Deceased is sur
^ liis wife and several child
Bio - Obituaries - 5/13/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 20,1925
Mrs.,P. P; Green Dead.
It is'with sadness Tlie Record
clirouicles the death of Mrs. P. P-
Green, of near Cana. which occur-
r.d at the Baptist hospital in Wins-
t- u-Salem Monday afternoon: i^rs.
Green underwent an operation two
we^ks ago for appendicits and her
llrieodsihought she was getting a-
loug as well asccdld be.expected.
Her death came alufo^t suddenly,
i Mrs. Gt^en is survived by her hus-"
baud, one brother and-four sisters,
be ides a- host -of
«friends. The funeral and burial
. services were- held at Chestnu
. Grove yesterday af'ernoon. To the
. behaved husband and The, Record extends sympathy in, this
sad affliclioa.^ n
Mrs. D. L. Beck
Mfs D. L. Beck died Nsc Sunday- even
in<, age 76 years, and was laid to rest at
Hlckorv Grove Church Monday evening at
Z o'clock. She is stirvived by Irr hits
band and Qve daughters and three sons-
Bio - Obituaries - 5/20/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 21,1925
i P. '
l- jira -P. P- Oroo" ®'
who undowoiit «n oporatlon In
the Bttptlat Boapltnl «t "inaton-
anlem a^.ont.t^vo
; SterSoor We ertend our deep-
Bio - Obituaries - 5/21/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 27, 1925
Zebulon E. Barnhardt
.Rey. Zet?uiou E. • Barnliardt,
pastor of Broad. Strwt .Methqdist
c^iurcb, aud one of the most ; prc-
mineut minister ' of thr «*estera
North Caroiina Jilelth^Ut confer-
encej^l^ at his hoiiie in Stat^-
ville shortly-^fore midiijght;Tues'
day jiigit, "He bad fKen. in falling
liealttsihw Apf ij. i," ■!'' V-v;-
Bio - Obituaries - 5/27/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 28,1925
Archibald Znchnry Taylor, aon
of Goorjje Graiuloi'aon Taylor and
;ylfe, Mary Su.aau JIntchcr Taylor,
was born in Petcrsburif, Va;, May
Slat., 1849. Hla family wan ono
of the moat iM'omlnont in Vivffini.a,
boing rcjated to-Mnrthn AVashlng-
ton/nhd Zachnry Taylory hbfb\of'
tho Mexican :.\ynr, and Ihtor Pfc-
sidont of tVc United Stotel. Dur
ing the Civil War Dir. Taylor,
voluntccjxd hii scndccj but Ayaa
'too 'young.' With, dthof niembcrs
j of his family, ho came to Mbchs-
viile in 18G4 during the troublo-
0U8 days of. the Civil Wiir< He
!was raarrled, n to miaa Charity
, Woodruff in 1872 ami of thts .Unl-
lon two children wore born, Mrs.
|W. .H. Dodd, of Stnntbiiaburg,. N.
[C., and piv.W. W. Thylor, of Warl
rentoii; N.' 0. . Miu. Taylor died
• in Septcmboi',' 191G. In: 1919 ho
jWas married to Mrs. Nannie Tn,tc,
{who .survives him. The.deceased
had been n devout.member of the
Baptist; church for many years.
He was-truly a gentleman of the
old school, hndSvai'-noted for his
'courtly manners. : For a number
of years ho practiced dentistry,'
'and was well known nndMlked all
jover the county. He passed away:
in prcat ponce on,May 2Gth, 1926,
at 2:16, <p. m. The funeral .ser
vices were conducted at the homo
on May27th, at 4 p. m., by his-
pastor, Rev. W. B. Waff, assisted,
jby the other pastors, and inter-'
,mont followed at the Rose Cbiho-!
tery. ^ I
I Surviving are hla widow, his
daughter, and son, four grand-1
children, and two brothers. Dr.'
George Taylor, and Mr. Patrick
Taylor, of VIrvlnlh. ' I
Bio - Obituaries - 5/28/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 3,1925
Dr. A. Z^- Taylor Dead.'
Dr. A. Z. Taylor, one of Mocks-
ville's cid^t anil best known citi
zens, died, at bis bome on North
Main street about two o'clock la^-
Tuesday aftenoioon, following' an
illness of several diontbs. Dr.
Taylor was about' 76 years of age.
He came to Mocksville from Vir
ginia/ when a y.onng man and mar
ried Miss Charity Woodmff. -They
lived, for a nnmfccr of years on
their" farm rear Couleem-.e Junc
tion. After spending a number of
years here Dr. Taylor opened a
dental, office. He later moved
from here to .Wafrenton*, N. C,,
where be spent several years prac
ticing bis profession. About 23
years ago he returned to Mocksville
and practiced dentistry until his
last illness. His wife died died a
bout 10 years, ago, and several
years later be was married to Mrs.
Nannie Tate, who survives. Dr.
Tavior was one of the charter
members of the Mocksville Baptist
church, the culy one living here at
the time of bis dea h. He is sur
vived by bis wife and two children,
I. O. Hart
one sou. William, of Virginia,* and
a daughter, Mrs. Walter Dodd, of
Eastern Carolina. Both were at
his bedside wheu the end came.
The funeral and nurial service.<«
were conducted by bis pastor. Rev.
W. B. Waff, Wednesday atleruoou
and the body laid to rest in Rose
cemetery. The towu has lost a
aood citizen.
The Record i.-»soriy to chronicle
I'le death ol Col. I Hart, of
\Vi.istou-S0eni, which occurred a
1 IS home in that city sonic .endues
ago. For many years Col. Hart
repie<%nted the Union Kepuhllcan
and visiteil M cksvillc several tunes
a year. He had many friends in
Davie who were saddened by the
news of his death. He was a genial
gentleman of the. old 'school and
eojoy^d life to the fullest. In his
death we have lost a good friend.,
Peace to his ashes. .
Albert Walker
Davie Mao Accideotly Killed.
News was received in Mocksville
Monday tellmg of Ute death of Mr
Albert Walker, a former citizen of
the Redland section of Davie county,
which occurred kt Port Pierce, Fla.,
Saturday night or early-' Sunday
morning. From a message received
by-Richard Walker, a brother of the
deceased, it seeins that Mr. Walker
accidently shot himself in .some man
ner, death resulting. Mr. Walker
went to Florida about three' yhara
ago. and ^as doiog construrtion'
lite bndv wllPbe shipped here
aid laid to reat at,Betlilehem church
Wednesday or Tlidrsday Mr - Wall»
er was 81 years of age. and Is sur
vived by his wife. Ids m«ttUer. seven
sistprs.-Htid eight brothers. Mr
Walker had many friends in Davie
county who will-he saddened .bv the
news of Ilia death ' ,
Bio - Obituaries - 6/3/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 4,1925
Wilburn Dull Albert Walker
Wilburn, .the little-son of Mr«
and Mrs. Floyd Dull, died Friday
morning and was buried, nt Pino
Saturday afternoon. To. . the
.pnronta and relatives wp extend
much sympnthy: '
Relnllvea hero received a mea-
angc Monday that Albert Walker
had boon killed by unknown parti
es at Port Poarce Florida, His
body is -being sent back home for
interment, at Bethlehem Metho
dist church, we are informed.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/4/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 10,1925
Burgess Stroud
Rachel Parish
follawind a
niuDo UiUWl. VMm _ T."?— .i dled Saturdo? ®
Pflrifh rfied last Tacsday,
aced 68 yMia. and wae laid to rest at.
New Union. Wedti^ay S
is sorvived by three HaogbiajB, foor sons
and ona btotbcr.. \ , -
lliD88a.age<lobmi.t 8S yww.
. I was laid to i^i Sanday niorotM at Claika-5 SSreirMr.^d is iSe teat one
1 of a Jarse famWynaf
. ien of the lale ijpdfowj neat Gouniy Line more Ibafl ;a hundred.
' 1 Kedrsado. • n •_ . 1j«-i
Bio - Obituaries - 6/10/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 11,1925
Enterprise readers -will- rend
willi much, i'euret of Uio death of
1 .P; Hi Hiuios, Sr., of AVlnston-
Isulem.. iiliv Hhhea was ti. native
of DnvleVcounty, Imvihg been.born
nnd raised in DavIb.coiihtj'.I: Wd
print from, the" .Wiiiatdn-Salem
Journalvof Wodndsday t .VV:,;.
Pleasant Henderson Htlnesi pib-
ncei^tobaeeb mauufactuiter'ofi^^
city,-'died last nlffht at eight o'
clock, at his home,. 410 : North
Cherry street after, an illness of,
seWral months'. ' • I
Mr. Hnnos was able, up to yes-1
terdny afternoon, to be on his,
front porch at' his home in carcj
of A nurse ,'his death was not un-{
expected due to the fact that, he
had'beeiT in .failing health for sev
eral months. V-
: ^prjii in Davic County " •
hir. iiahcs waa-70,year8 of age.
ami; was born in ,lfulton,.;Davie'
county,- on . October 'IG, 1846, ajhtr
was tKo-sbn; of 'Alexander M,"and
iJano . Maroh Hanes;. • |
He rspen't'.his qniiy life on the;
fam-ofJiis:inu'ents^aiid >vlien thej
VVdrlbe'twcca ilVe; site's stai'tqd Kej
was • tbo'ybung' to n enter .the 'sor- ]
vice ■.remnininff at home to care,for the farm while ,'IuV brothers'voluntBored' their aorvlces - for the!eniiae of 'the. Confederacy, ..These-!brothers, all older, wore.Jacob and]
peorge who were Icilled' in battles
at Spottslyvahia nnd Gaines Mills.!Spencer, Hancs the other brother I
wa.s wounded and died sometime
later from the effects of the
Enlisted in Army
Later during the war Mr. Hahes
enlisted in the service of the Home
Guards as a first lieutenant androndorcS Bcrviue In Davio,'Yadkin,Wllkos, Siiriy and Eorsyth coun-
tioa,:fti:.the' sa'mo time cbntlnufng
tb-.look; after: the' farm uhtll horeached .the ago of aevontqon wlionhe: inlistbd in the. - *'Confederate
Army .and: jbihod -Fltzhugh Leo's
Calvary near Richmond.. Hd wasappointed ipeolnl courier.jto. Gen*.oral Rpbbftfl'nnd served witli- lidn-or until.the Biiri'ondbr.nt Appomat-
to.*. -.'Returning',.to "tliti farm -ho
worked during.the suiriraer monthsjnnd jsold tobaccb'durUig the'wint-
I v ^ .V EiHefa .BuMncBS .:l i
:In 1870;Mri Hhndfl .wha'pod by.Dbblln JnndjBbbo .at M
ville^and was rpcpgnlssod as •.bno'.df
the best saleambn of that time.O'hb ."year later . ho moved to Wln-
stoh-Sftlem hnd on ;April 20, 1878-ho' rninrrlbd; Mlap V Mnfy UzoruPoi'tuno' o.f ;,Mnrlln, -Texas ..andfrom, this • union seven children,.were boi^ six of .thorn'li ving to-:,dn^. 'They aro .- Miss Kathcrlnc'Hanes, .P.; il. Nniioa, Jr., W. M.Hanos," all of tHls city; Mrs. Thp-:mas ' Old of _Nbrfo^kv .Vu.: Mrs.John Schbnlfield,..Jr!, ,6f.DftiivlUe, |an,(1 Mi's." s; p.';'Cr^g.bf this city.;
Devolcd ;CIuireh Member *
In religious circles Mr. Hnnes
wn.s a mombor of tho Contonnry
Methodist church and for a num
ber iof-ybftrs was a ro embor of the,
board of atowards. Ho was always
n libornl contributor to his own
church as' well as aiding many
small churchos of this vicinity. Ho
was a member' of the Knights of
Pythins, nnd Mnsons, na- well ns
being n 'member of Onals Temple
of the Mystic Shrine. He took a
keen Interoat in all civic affairs
and was always one of the* first to
Bio - Obituaries - 6/11/1925
uo wnnc huicuuld for the udvanco-
.'iiioiit of Ills eity religiously andIcclucutionally, ha.vlng been a nicra-
Ubr of tho bo.nrd ot'nlderinoh and
a incnihur.uf liiu conniiittec tu[build the first water works and■[.graded Schools.j - III lOOU Mr. Hnnos was chosontu-JilH out nil uncxpirod term on
thu board of c'ount^' commissioners
'And Was rc-oloctcd. While hold-
'lug^this ppsRloii he launched th^
good ruacts movement- here andwiis at blip time president of the
• Good Roads association of North
Onroliun and was nppoiatnd by
Governor Aycoc.k na a delegate toPhllndblphhi, liuffulo and St.
Louis nntlonul conventions.
... V. V .'OrgB^iiscB' Tobncco^^^ • j. I.ir/lj872-':iyir! HnKos brgnnizod. P.'HvijHahes'.nn^ Company, tho ccim-j•phny"being'c6nipof(6d of MivHnni.pp, ;hi8:;brotheiv -J,;' Vi:. Hniies. andMnjbr■' T, .J;^ Dro^h,-" iTh'tiy stiuH-!
od v.tb..;)nahufacfm'e', tobabco/mUuring;the. second's^
was-c'dmpjctcly Vdestroyod by, fire.The , dromiiany t'o Croons-
boro'and oporntpd one year; returning' hero after ; the "buHdlng.luid bean rebuilt." _ '> .. •Qpin'-' Coutrfil- ofBbalneas' ;
Major-Brbwii'later-80^ in-
tci'bst ;|h the t'bbnccb business toMiv Hah^ and his br'o.th'ers, J. W.ami By p; Hnnfiai ['They build Up ii.
largo business which'.was sold In'1900. to"the -.Ri 5. Reynolds .TobacTjco ..cdmpany. - Sooii x^'tor selling]but Mr.. Hanos sought 'now flolds'iof .endeavor nnd, cstabiishcd. the {
largQ-'Hahes Kintting mills which']hnve'iiui. int.orhationiil rep.utatlon| jthe business growing until today
.tho name I-Innoa ia'^ Imown fypm
const: to coast and reaches far n-crqss the sens. •.' .
, Ho was .the' orgunlzor of the"
Security. Life ;niVd Annuity cora-pttiiy whieh was Int.nr merged .withthe.Jofforabn LIfq Iiisurance'com
pany, and foiva numbbr. or'yo'araiyaa'vlee-prce'idcnt.bf the" former
company, 'Hu' was also -'jiitercstcd
In _ma"ny. other huBinoas entorprfs-
bs arid West ■Hltfhlnhdan-.ro.slden-
tial .section of. this ;eityj -ivna atone. Gm.d known as- "Hanos. farm." _1.^ 'Xrlnity TrusteeI . For a "number of years ho was
a. member of thu board of trustoes
of Trinity Culluge, now i^uko Uni-
l.verslty. ...['.Hundreds of. men in this andother' cities tire rusponsiblo for
tlioir Bucccss iii lifb duo to theirsplendid bus^o.^ trainitig Uiey.re-.cbivod ^'lildr. t'hc"£utorihg of - Mr.
Hunes;: Ho always stood for high
priiiclploa in business. . ' ■
. Thbusniidd of school, children in.Winatbn-Snleni aro chjoylhg the
fruits of'P. II. llanos' successful
ca]r'oer,;:due to the fact > that the
.liimes Athletic Field, was donated
by him "to tho .city-to. be used ex
clusively forfhe couaQ of nthlotlcs
and recreation. Thousands of
dblldra have been spent on the
impi'Dvements of this park and to
day It is but one of the many
splendid monuments that will
stand for many years to como aiid
wiir point out to tho oncoming gon-
orations tho good works of this
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 11,1925
Dui'Hiff tllo recent WllHnm A.
SuiuUiy cvnnsollstjc cnmpnlgns
^ Ml', Hane^. Iind iriatallod lii' his
home on Cherry street a private
tclophono oonnection, '.through
which ho could rocelvQ thd mcs,
|sn|jrQH from the ]i|)s of the evaiih'C
Hsti. Byory afLcrnuuh nnd iiltflit he
"listened-. In"' and on joyed the
prenchinff nnd "thp singing. Wiion
the mectluKS' wcrp brought to a
idloso 'ho. >00010 jout. .in the daily
press ' With n Btntbrnont standing
I hcni'tlly In favor of ustabllshlng a
I porninnoMt taborniiclb In Wiimton-
Sftlom and-to carry "in tho work,
r" :Miy'TRand8 ."was T "n^
biiidhpss tip to loss than 'a year
ago iind: at times-woul'd'.-bo iit his
ofi!jce;^:i)hlIy he. wpuUV 8^^^ his
'fi'lends"qnd ptil]- took- an active
fntorost.in theVdffairs of tho city.
I^evpral rabnths ago ho was cpni-
polled to. rbmaln-.nt .hbinb lihd.Ve-
bohtly he'has beon luidbr-tho.caro
of a s'liocliil inui'so who .'was •eoh-
atnhtly at liis'slde. I'uQsday.nftcv-
nooii he' whs ' soon n on liifl " front; j
porch and while thbse. who were'!
cioae to him. know thnt tho ond ! i "TTT'r" "'"i. ,wna not many inpntha ofl, ho - was J' I ,o.*... Hancfl
holding npparontly well iindor the
extreme hot wonthor but it is be-
lioved that during thoypast few
days tjie Intense heat helped to'.
haaton his' doath. . • . ' •lii.
spread ijhpi'dly' through tho city
rlusj; night'-and' whorpyer' one or
]tw'6. or a group of pbraons gatlier-
(cpntiniiod oh-page s.) •
faftga^^^ ; had ;nbt-",been;
Bettie Ijames
r -iMias, i;B6t't|dj'.Ijam^ the I
hdine''of 1 -Her; n^ St. |
last Saturday'iiiighti i|nd..wn|j bur-?
ried-'bt-Ijdrnea' Gross ^ Sun-1
day;; hftor"np.'qn^ Groori
cohd u'cti ng 'tiio r f u hern t; so vWcc. j
Bio - Obituaries - 6/11/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 17,1925
P. H, Hdnes Suddenly StrickeD Al
Winston-Salein, June 9.—H.
Haaes, 80. pioneer, tobacco manu-
factarer an*i-knitting mill owner of
this ciiy, died suddenly at his home
•here early tonight.
Death was ascribed to the infir
mities of old age. Mi. Hanes was
founder of the P. H.. Hanes To
bacco company which was sold in
19CX3 to the R. J. Reynolds Tobac
Co coiupajiy. After releasing his
tobacco interest Mr. Hanes estab-
lisiied the P. H. Hanes Knitting
tmJls, uianufaturing of underwear
and conuuued active in the nian-
agemeul of his industry until a
year ago when declined health
forced litm to retire. .He leaves an
'estate valued at seyeml niHlion
Mr.-Hanes.was born at Fulton
Davie county, October 16, 1845
With the approach of the civil 1
between the north and south he|
served under General Fiizlingh l,ee:'
liutil the surrender of the Confed-
eracy.Bt Anpoinfliiox, Va. ,
After the war Wr. Hanes re-
lurued to Uavie ocuntv and enter-
eu business at MocksvUle where lie
remained for about one year. He
ilieu removed to Wiusion-Saleni
where he resided until.the time of
his death.
His knitting mills in this city
employ several thuu.sand men and
woiueu and lie established ja town
ship known as Haueilown in wliieb
Several ihonsaucl of his enipJoyes
reside. He is survived bv six child-
red and Several grand children. i
Paschall Bradley
I '■ 'tlie liitle two-and'OUC*
' old goti of Rev. and Mrs.
died Tluirsday fol--illness of colitis. ThejIV Was laid lo rest Friday'
"Stif-J. to come unto Me."' uot, for of such •is-
of heaven."
James Murphy
Mrs. Robert Dwigglns
. Mm, R«>ben Dwigflhis. an aged l.d/ of
(be Juricho section, died Sunday, follow
ing a long illiteiis. The 4}urial look place
at Oeniec Tuesday. Mrs. Dwigglnsis is
survived by two sons. Sam and Frank. I
James Uorphy a> former resideut of 1
Davie. but later of Winston Salom, was
found dead in bed at his home In that ■city Sunday inornirg. The-body wosj
bruugtii to Davie and laid lt> real a( Onk i
Gr>ve Monday afteriiuQti.' Mr. Muriilty Isj
surviicd.hy hn wife and one eon William,'
who lives near Calahatn. . I
Ellis Stewart
Ellis Stewart, of the Fork section; wasj
rjn over .and killed by an autumobileSiin-j
day night. From repons it seehis ibnt a.
large touring car came along and nni over
hlni, killiu'g him almost Inaianlly. Shnit-
1,- afterwards aituiber car came eludg
and also ran over the body smashing the
bead almost into a pulp. Neither of the
cars stopped, and no one has any idea
who was driving eillier of the cars.
Bio - Obituaries — 6/17/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 18,1925
Mrs. L C. Crouse
j\ liOyiNG MJ3M0RIAM
Jl wiiB oho inornins
jn iliiuv'cii thnt 'tlic Boul of n dcni*
jiiollicr would lotivc ita chHhl:/
liumo nnd join God'ti holy band
of ftnd her nnmo \vub Mvb,
U C. Grouse. In the early morn-
of June the fifth,"; nineteen
hinuh'od "and fcwonty^five, when
oil watt peaceful and quiet the
niiijols cnrao and bore her iiway.
jletlilnka 1 can hear the glad Joy-
jul shouts of wclcomo' as her
sweet precious form entered the
shining portals nnd was folded
to our Saviours breast.
Qurly in life she became a mem
ber of the Methodist Protestant
church, and her consistent Chris
tian life showed the sincerity of
licr religion. After sufforlng In-
Icsivcly her stfuggling spirit, pas
sed away from eartli to HcaVcn.
jlcr remains were laid in .the
trrcon but silent grave at Elbavillo
The deceased was greatly be
loved by all who knew her. Her
.msiabiiity of temper,, her- lovolJ-
neas of character, her rcfmarkablo
cheerfulness and happy contented
disposition, her utter want of
aclfiohnoss, .her fidelity to her
duly, hor devotion to 'her husband
and hor untiring loving care of
her children and grand children
combined to make her a model
Avomaui fvloiid, wife nnd mothov.
Tito romombranco of hor many
CKcellcncles of character will be
a precious comfort to her grlof-
atvicken family nnd frlonda.
Her husband, six children, and
nine grandchildren survive her.
One son, Mw. L. H. Grouse, five
dftUffhtevs, Mrs. T. P. Bailey, Mrs.
L. D. Watklns of Advance# Mrs.
J, K. Lewis, Walnut Cove, Mrs.
A, E. Crouch, Winston Snlcm,
Hiss Delia Grouse.and the hua-
hniid at'the old homo. May each
of you so live that at the groat
nnd blessed resurcction morn
there will not bo one missing link.
Thhs Is the prayer of one who
for years know and lovod hor
All*. Bliis Stewart, 65-yonr-old
farmer ;of the BlxbyLutelghbor-
hodd/ was run . down. .uiuK killed
soni'otirap; Sunday night y by ali
automobile 'driven by unknown
parties/ according, to .the .sthte-
muiit made by." the coriidrs n in-,
quest held. Monday- morning,,We
have been. infornied . .that Mr.
Stewart wits first diHcoyercd by
a young man'And lady of " tho
neighborhood who were passing,
and that thcro was a, hole in his
hcod and that he had been .rim
over by. an - ..automobile. ', After
some little timo. had passed, and
the- sheriff: hnti . been chlledi it
was discovdred that the man had
been .'ruu .^oyor the; second time
and> his. entlrer head ;Jtad' bodd
mashed vehtirolyj ;beyond- i^oghK
t^on^; .~Tiie. driver Of..tlie. crira .nev
er, atpppcd. and It is hot known
ivIio thoy 'Hre.' n " !
Stowhi't, n a 92-year-old.confodb-
rato soldier. The father,'one'sist-
ei*, Mrs; Charlie Parks, - Of Oobl-
epmee,*, his;!' .5 'cliildren and wife,
wiibin 'hq;''had not lived with, for
the'past *8 "ydnrs suryive. n
Paschall Bradley, Jr.I Paschall Bradley, Jr., tho lit-
0 son of Rov,. and Mrs. E. P.
Am?®?'. who. had been I'u withoiltia for some timei died Thurs
day morning and was laid to rest
.Friday afternoon at Rose. Oemct-
lery. To the bereaved we extend
[much sympathy. .
J. G. Murphy
Air. J. G. Alurphy of Winstori-
Snlem was laid to rest at Oak
Grove cemetery Alondny " after
noon at 2 o'clock. He is survived
by his wife, one son, arid 8 sisters.
To the beronvod rolntivcs wo ox-
tend sympathy.
Infant Child Bailey
'The infant baby, of Mr.- and
Airs, Gordon Bailey, of Lexington,
was burled in the Baptist cemet
ery last Monday afternoon! Fune
ral services were conducted by
Mr. T. T. Cnudell. The floral of
ferings were many and beautiful.
Wo extend sympathy to the be
reaved-parents In the loss of their
only child.
Infant Child Smith
The Infant child of Air; and
Mrs," B.; Q, Smith died,-, and .was
buried at Eaton's church last
Saturday. ,
Bio - Obituaries - 6/18/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 24, 1925
Milton Neely
Milton Ne^ly, an aged colored
man who worked for W. R, Ctem>
ent, died Monday morninff and was
boiled Tuesday. •
Harlett Howerton
IhiiicU Howerton, colored, the
&woman in Iredell couu'
oicd Wednesday nibhi-
at lit'i houie in Bethany towu-
.i|;ed 111 yearis.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/24/1925 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY