Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 2,1924 Mrs. William Cope Mrs. William Cope died at her home at Bixby-Friday night, aged a* bout 69 years. The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at Cor- natzer Baptist Church, by Rer. Mr. Vamer, assisted bv Rev. J. R. Howard. After which the body was laid to rest in the Alleii graveyard. Mrst Cope is survived by her bus^ band three children, one son and two daughters. About 600 people were preseut to pay their' last re spects to this good woman. Bio - Obituaries - 7/2/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 23,1924 Gaither Ijames GaitUer Ijames, an aged and well-known citizen died at his borne in Jerusalem township on July 13th, death caused by paralysis. The funeral and burial services took place at Center Methodist cliurcb. Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. Ijames is survived by his wife and several by his wife and-several children. Bio - Obituaries - 7/23/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 30,1924 Infant Child Burton Atj iijiant of Mr. and Mrs. R<jy '"ten, of Fnltou, died Thursday Wraing; Tlie funeral and burial *^ces were held Friday moruing cliiircb. Frank Jones Jones died at his home '[ Mock'K Chapel Wedne^.ay aged about 54 years. The anil burial services took _ Friday morning. Deceased a wife and one child. Infant Child Markland 4'iuoiuhS'Old daughter of L. 0. MMkl,and,of I'^riday morning, u , from Xvhoopipg •iV laid to r^t[ ' Friday afternoon, ! John W. Etchison I 'AUCIUCCU, XY. a well known dj.' AdyaiTce, died last Wed- IJ; 59 years, • Mr. Etchl? Nipri. .necessary ' whic^j u ^ death. The 'fuherd !y aft« ^€re held • ^Eri- 3 o'clock.; -Sur; i^^^Mpandouesoii. -:. • Uncle "Billy" Reavis ' pies tncle^i^^iily *' man in this' s^tioh. died.at'his rhbme/E^^ aniYadkm <H^Cnty lh>^ afteitiodn. dged reajly». - hnhdyedih;biithdayvrj^:;'j^^^^^ Fhnerai'Ma^ held at;'&hfiheyr^F^;.:Ch'u finddafer;^^^ Mr* Mr. Thomas Campbell Dies. Mr. Thoraas B. Campbell, at the, age of 92 years, "died Wecln€sday.^at his home near County "^^inife. Funer. aJ services were, conducted Thurs day. hiorning at It i -o'dt ck from the Ne\v;Hope Baptist church by Reu. y. M.: Sivaim, "of W|nstoD-Saiem. ^ Mr. Campbell was; an ejc-Con federate soldfer, having served three yeajs, three months .and 15 ^days, unjhcurfurlpugh, in The \V5 rBe. tweeri the States.. He was a naiive of Turuersburg lpwiiship and was widely known throughout-that sec tion. " ' ^ He was^drat married to JUisTJaue Elizat^h Kinder daughter of the late' Casper Kinder,;' and to this union were born seven thiidrenj a.l of Whom survive. The:se^nd wife Mrs. Delia Anderson CanipheUi al so .survive.-^Statifeville Daily.: n Mr: Campbell w^s.a. good • friend •of The Record. Vani had many friends in Ji)avie who wtll be sorry to learn of his death. :• Gideon Brown Gideon Brown, a"'well. known .colored cithteu.'died at his home in S lUthMocksvUle Saturday evening, following a .stroke of paralysjs which he s'nffered on Wedh^day.' Bio — Obituaries - 7/30/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 31,1924 Infant Child Lagle Tha.sttvcn mon'tlis old hu'»y of Mr.. Pink LoK-le di«dcl Thinwlay -■v:iR buried at Noo Crook Church jPrlday. Mr. Thomas B, Campbell Dies at Age of 92 Years ' Mr. Thomas B. Campbell, at th.e age of 92 years, died Wed nesday at his home ■ in Turners- burg township. Funeral services were condudted this morning at 11 .o'clock, from the New Hope Baptist church by Rev. Mr.Swaimof-Winston-Salem.•;^r. Campbell was an ox-Con federate soldier, having served three years, three months und 15 days, without furlough in The War Between the States. He was. a native of xTurnersburg township and was widely known throughout that seetion, He was lirst married to Miss Jane Elizabeth Kinder daughter of the late Jasper Kinder, and to this union were born seven children, all of whom survive, as follows: Mrs. J. B: Foster, of Fork Church, Da vie county; Mrs. Unnnie Camybell, Asheviile; Mr. W. B. Campbell, Prescott, State of Washington; Messrs. S. C. and D. B. Campbell St, Jiouis. Miss ouri; Mr. P. G. Campbell, Char, lotte. The second wife, Mrs. De lia Anderson Campbell, also ser- vlves. —Statesville Landmark, 25 O. F.Jones Mr. 0. P. Jones died at hishome last Thursday July 24th after a long illness. He leaves a wife and eight children, fourgrandchildren, one brother, and one sister. The funeral service was conducted by his pastor,Rev J. M. Varner, last Friday morn ing at 11 o'clock. Bio - Obituaries - 7/31/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 6,1924 C. A. Guffey Unn ^ former Da vie]L ^ ®9n. but for niaoy years aP" of Scotch Irish townsljjt>,.^ Id last Tuesda3%) L Gnffey [soldier and ser-J Uai?"? «^®wpa"y. cip.• icwiiij . citizen Ro^jf%ioc^a o«r^r-h;ri^e4f ^rd'c * of .t^e'. i^euds and ills with- chronicle bis:death - Bio - Obituaries - 8/6/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 13,1924 Charlie Garwood Former bayie Mi^deried.. One of the mtet. lioi^bie- mur ders ever 'committed in this seciipD of the country, bccptred last Th^s- day ioight oh the lijcingtoh-Mocks- ville highway two mifeafrom tex- ington, when. Charlie:; Garwood, a taxi driver and a former resident of MbcIcsviUe but later of Lexington, was brutally .murdered ' by two negro@> Mr. Garwood_!sbody was found be^de the rpad eariy-Friday morning with more.^tban' a dozen wound on his head inflicted by an iron bar. Robbery i$ supposed to ^ye'been the.motive; as Mr. Gar wood had about ^15^ i® pocket the evening of the murder. The new seven-passengar Buick car 1^- longing to the murdered man was located in Greensboro j^rly Friday morning. Mn^ blood :was on the front seat, steering wheel and sides of the car.' AU opcetsihroughout this and adjoining:states were ad vised to keep a close watch for -the two negroes who' it is believed mnrdered Mr. Garwood, Deceased is.survived by his wife and'four small children. •: His father J. F. Garwood,-lives-near Advance. The funeral and tjijal'services were held at Advance SUuday after> noon at 2 o'clock. Mri Gafwood's wife is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Nail, of Mocfcsville; Be tween tb^ and four thousand peo ple attended the biirial services. When last s^* alive at 9:45 Thursday night, Mrr'Garwood had just carried a negro to his home near Lexington ajid was going back to town to'carry .two .negroes out in the country.' These- are the negroes who are-suppb>ed to have murdered Mr. CaiTvpck^. Charlotte, Aug. , 9^Kenneth Hale, one of two negroes sought in coiiuection with "Jhe' killing near Lexington, of Charles Garwood, tax-driver, was arrested early today by Charlotte officers, who said the suspect admitted complicity in the crime and rmpHcated' John Leak, another negro who was being chas ed by officers, who surprised them as they demounted from a freight taiu here.' ,"- / . , . • . Police officers said L^kj lost his nerve when or^ed ;to .'su6init.u> ar rest, but Leak took figiit-Md suc ceeded. iu escaping-' iu to. a s.^ mp.. . After beiiig brought to poUct headquarters Hale^/frankly diwuss- j ed 'the- homicide. Police" • officers said Hale admitted being one of j two negroes who rode in G-u'woocl's; car from. Lexiugton. Thursday night. An "attempt t(^ job Qar- wood, the officers saiJi 'culmiaated j in the essault, resuking in Gar-, wood beliig fatally beat-.*n o'vef the head- by an -iron ^bar. Ilis com panion struck the fatal- blow, Hale said, according to the'bffi :ers. Bio - Obituaries - 8/13/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 14,1924 Charles Garwood Murdered Near LesingtOili Car Of Slain Man Was Found In Greensboro Covered With Blood UN BAR FOH NCAR BODY; HEAD CRUSHED Negro • Near AVhere l)ody Wa^oiind Says He Heard Cries In Night And Saw Car Pass His Home; Body Was Found At 6:30 This Morning 80 Wounds On The Head Lexington, Aug. 8.-Charlej Garwcod. iiutomobile iransfei- driver, of this city; was murder ed on the Mocksyille road about a mile and a Imlf wbatof thi^ city about 10 o'cloctc last night His body was discovered by the road side about 6:80 o'clock this morn ing. His head had been battcrei with a piece of iron identihed by a local blacksmith as having been stolen from hli shop. Jim F. Miller, a young negro of this city, was placed in jail early this morning as a suspect in the case. He claims to have been at his homeall night. Miller was drunk iri Garwood's car Wednesday night and the latter had him arrested. He is report ed .to have made threats. Garwood's Buick six touring car was found on Market street, Greensboro, early this morning, ofhcers here were notified. The steering wheel, running board and front seat were covered with blood. I Sheriff Talbert and other coun-1 ty officers are working on clues that they believe will lead to the arrest of the guilty persons, thought to have been two oegrnes that .Garw<K)d is known to have takeii out on.tHe MocksvtUe road just betore the murder is thought to have occurred. Dennis Smith,-negro farmer, living about' two hundred yards from where Garwood's body was found, said he heard blows and cries about the spot about ten o'clock last night and that after ward an automobile drove by the place several times and then came toward Lexington. There were cracks in the woods nearby where a car had turned around several times.. Garwood is reported to have had near ?150 on his per son. The left trouser pocket was turned out, but in the right-hand pocket was a purse with $3.25 Continued on next page and a pocket knife, unopened. There weie' at lejsl elghiy.ugly wounds on the .back or! the hvad and right temple und the skull was broken or crushed in a*: sev- eial places.^■ tlarwcbd- .was a son" of • J.ohn Garwcod,' ''a-fa«*mer of Duvio county. .'He was marritd and hits -four small children,. Kenneth Hale Arrested At Charlotte; After Jno. Leak Charlotte, Augl Or--Kenneth Hale, oiie of ;the two negroes sought fur the'murder of Charies Garwood- Thuviday night was caught by Charlotte police offi? cers eariy today on the Salisburyroad near tlje.Southern railway tracks . HkIo .confessed, according to the police," tliat ~he was one of the two.negibes wanted but de nied' that he'did the actual klll-i ing. He laid the blame for the Bio - Obituaries - 8/14/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 14,1924 niurder rn John Leak, his par* ther, who was with him when hrnt seen -by the ofHcevs but cs* caped and headed, according to Hale toward Salisbury. The arrest of Hale followed in formation from the Southern freight station early this morning that two negroas got off a south bound freight train just outside the city limits. The meui accord ing to the report, answered the description of the hunted men. Detective Gates and Police ofH* cer Black man answered the call iiid located the two ncgroea nuui* Lockwood. When ofHcpra approached both, negroes ran but Hale lost .his nerve at sight of Detective Catti'.M revolver and waited for the ofli- cers to arrest hlrn. Whiie Gates took .irlule Into custody Otlieer Blackman chased Leak in his automobile for a cuusideruble die tance and then ran him for sonic distance on foyt. Both oflicors fired ut the Deeing black but he managed to loose himself in u swamp. Other oflicers wore sent to the scene witti bloodhounds but these could follow the trail for only a a short way. Oilicers started searching beyound- the swamp but found no trace of the man. Hule Said he believed Leak was on his way to Salisbury and ofli cers. there were notified to be on the lookout for him. Hale. \yho looks to be about 20 years of acre, talked freely of the I killing, admittimg that be and {Leak employed Garwood to carry I them out a short distance from ' Lexington .on Thursday night. Garwood rcsi.<ted an effort to rob; him, Hale said, and Leak beat hitn to death with u heavy iron bnr. Hule denied, repeatedly, that he had anything to do with the killing, placing all the blame on Leak.' Mr. .Garwood was.well know! in Mocksville and.Dayie county, having spent most of his life! here. He moved froni Mocksville | to Lexington about three years ago, entering the taxi business. Mr. Garwood operated, a jitney | from this city to Salisbury forj iiQmetirae. His remains were* laid to rest in Shady Grove Geme-; . tary at Advaneo Sunday after- i noon at 4 o'clock before the lavg- 1 est crowd over assembled at Ad- I vance, the crowd numbering ut least three thousand people. He leaves to mourn bia departui-e a wife, who was Miss! Mary Nail, daughter of Mr. VV. D'. Nail of this city, four children, two boy and two girls, whose ages run from 14 months to 8 years; a father, Mr. John Garwood and one brother, Mr. Joe Garwood, also of this county. .Mr. iGar wood was a member of the Jun ior order here for a-'number of of years,' having transferred his membership to Loxlngton Conn* cilNo. 21 about three months ago. Charlie was a so<>d neigh bor and a loynl husband and Eith er, and was liked by all who came in contact with him thru his daily life. The funeral services acre conducted by Rev. J. M. Vurnor, of Advance, and Rev,- Mr. Lijo- nard, of Lexington conUided by the members of the .J.uiiior order of Le.xington iind Mocksville. The Enterprise joins with entire neighber hood in extending our deepest simpathy to the bereaved ones. Bio - Obituaries - 8/14/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 20,1924 Neil Williams Sallie Snider George Fowler ] . Mr.. iGepVge : Fowler, a welt kuowQ:(nttzen of Jliver . sectioO of Rowan county, died Sun day, aged atmutry 7-yeara. -. Mr. NdT--Willian»s, fat&cr of. "WiJlianisj-^CR. 2, died.at. the home of- bis shii': CbarUe - .WilUai^ iy Rowaa ' ^untyj. Safurday.' T.he .bic^y was lald-to rest Sunday after- raoon. Mr; VViliiams was aboiit 87 years oldi; .. '' Mns. SMHe Siiider^ of Cpoleemee,' who wa^.kilted tiy'a-mad 'eitW.'last ^Prtday was binl^ at No^^eek cbiiircb Sat'ttrday' afternooh>®The. ' funeral services were coudheted by. i Klder S itr ReidT of Watn.ut -C<^e: l and T. I/Caudell.^of Mbdcsvill^. :'! .. .Mtl S'. 'M* .GSfiv.iSr:, on^ of- Vhe town's oide^ anidjbest -kiib^TO citl- :^ns died at his': f.home^du,Salisbury street Suiiday afteTib^ii^t f o'clock followiugVl^g hTr,. Call y^as.77 y^t!»^d(.a^a6d is sumv^- .^y. hK wife^aud sis tbr^ «pM anf th're^.danghtcfsV-vj^ H. C. SprinkftL, of^Ashew '11^... T. ^'TT UV-J »Hv .r/■!rhfe'.£uberaV.;i^^ ionday ^^te'^^'at 5 p'c^k add Tme;ul^-.b^|[arad;.waj|;| Bio - Obituaries - 8/20/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 21,1924 NguI Wiliiams Dead Mr.. Nqal VVilliams, aged 89, died •• Saturday afternoon at the home'of^iils'c^^^ -Mi'. C. W. VVil- liama prGlev^and. L vic^ wpre-liqndu^ Rev. J. T. Sifk Sun'aay'afi^rnoon at four o'cloc k and to rest In the Butfeel.'cemetery; • He leaves two Bpiia;JG.'and R, Lr Wil- lianiSi and oii'e dauffhtoiv = S.liI. Call Sr„ Dead. Samuel Milton Call, prominent citizen and Confederate veteran, died at his home here at 4 a'clock, Sunday afternoon, after a long illness, at the age of 77 years. The deceased was the son of the late Henry Call and Mrs. Martha Frost CillI, and spent practically all of his life in Mocksville..' For fifty years he was recording steward of the Methodist church, and was always loyal and 'devot' ed to its cause. He married Miss Sallie VanEaton, and in 1921 this splendid couple celebrated ; their golden wedding anniyei'' Isary.. The widow arid six -child ren survive: Mrs.H. G. Sprinkle, of Asheyille, W. H. Call, of Sel- ma, Mrs, J.H.Thompson, of North Wilkesboro; J. W. Call, of Wilson,- Miss Martha Call' and Milton Call, of Mocks ville, be- sides eight grandchildren, and two brothers, James Call arid Charlie Call, of Corsicana, Texas. The funeral services,w.ere 'con* ducted at the.. Methodist church by Rev. A. 0. Swafford; on Mon day afternoon, at 5 o'clock, and the interment followed at the Rose cemetery. A' large num ber of sympathizing friends were present, and the flora) offerings were heautlful. Mrs. Frank Clifford News was received last" week of the death-of Mrs.-F'rahk • Clif ford, of Nardin, Okla. Mr. " and Mrs, Clifford left here many years ajgo and have many rela tives rijhd friends who will regret to learh-'of her death. Bio - Obituaries - 8/21/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 27,1924 Mrs. Charlie Click Mr.'. Charlie Click' .di^; 'at bcr teniMicaT Woodleaf last Tue^ay-, fclbaiiJs a prolonged illre s. ^ Tlie kcral and burial services were 'Ktdal Wnwllcaf last "Vl^eduesiay jiitntwn. Mrs. Click is survived h'hcrli'.i^haiid and several sons and dinghicr.'. Before marriage .Mrs. O'ck was Miss Nellie IX)ck^' an I!n«!i4) l.uly. A good womau has ktn called lo her reward •• Mrs. H. A. Thompson 11. A. Thompsotrdied Tues- of last week at her faome ..near aged about 82 years.' The fiiKrai and burial services "were «"!ilncled Wednesday afternoon by June Carter, of Winston-^al-, fin.a«Uted by Rev. W. -B.-'\Vaff, ol'Ills ciiy. and the body laid lO; ftaiul'ork cemetery. Mrs. Thomp- ^'is EUn-ived by five children, son and four daughters. • Bio - Obituaries - 8/27/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA OCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 28,1924 Mildred Hobbs Thompson Mrs. Mildrnd Hobbs Thompson quietly passed away at her home Tuesday, Auj?. 19, at the age of 82 yeura, 5 months and 15 days. She leaves to mourn her loss tme son. Holt Thompson,of Ashevilio, and "4 daughters, Mrs. Victoria VanEaton and Mrs. Cora Kim- iner, of this vh-inity; Mrs. Dam ans Barnhardt, of I.inwood; Mrs. Anna Holman, of .Vlar.sholltown, I Iowa; and Mrs. Lumoiie ,S\vifr, of Lexington, who preceded lier in death several years ago. also one brother, K. M. Hobbs, of Kansas City Mo., and one half brother, Dan Hobbs. of Yadkin College; twenty-two grand child ren and fi ve great-grand child ren. Mr. and Mr.s. Thompson celebrated their Golden Wedding Oct. 12, 1917. She urns a faith ful member of the Baptist church and her remains were gently laid to re.st under a bank of flow- era beside hc\ husband. Euner- nl services being conducted by Rev. W. B. Wall', of Mocksville. and Rev J, E. Carter, of Wnugb- town. Seven of her grand child ren were flower girls and others. Slie was a kind and affectionate mother and neighbor, always ready to help those about her in time of need. A good woman has gone to her reward. Peace to her ashes. Lucy I. Harp Mrs, Lucy I. Hnrp died at thci home of her .son, Mr. John Harpj Sunday afternoon Aug. 2^1.. She I was laid to rest at Courtney | cemetary Monday afternoon. Wc; extend much synip:ithy to the. hereaft ones. ' Bio - Obituaries - 8/28/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 3,1924 Mrs. H. H. Lagle A Good WoBiao Gone. t Mrs. H, H. L^gle died at tier •Itome in. Jeruisalein towoslnp last Wednesday oighti fcllowiig'^an ill ness of several luontliSj 'aged abuut 64 years. The fnoeral aod burial services were held Friday morning at 11 o'clock at Turrentine Baptist Cbnfcb, conducted by Revs. A.' H. Beasley and C. R, Johnson. Mrs. ffUgle Is suri'ivcd by bpr husband and two children, a son and a daughter. In the death" of Mrs. Lagle the county looses one of her best women. Bio — Obituaries - 9/3/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 4,1924 Michael R. Swink Mr Micliuol li. Swink, ol" Gooiccnio:', was biiJ-icd :;t Liberty Friday it;orninK Ho wan 70 years of aiyc Rev. P, L. Sh >re. of Coolremet\ conducted tlr? 'iirral r. !i vi-o* Our aymoatliv |l-. ox ended t-i the bereaved. Mrs. Henry Lagle Mrs. Henry Lagle died last Wednesday and was buried Fri-. day. She was 64 years old and' leaves u husband, one son and one daughter. Mrs. Lagle was a good woman and leaves a num-! ber of sorrowing friends. i Bio - Obituaries - 9/4/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 10,1924 Joseph Isiaac Grose Will Robinson Negro Killed By Truck. . . Will Robinson^ colnred^ whose home is In Aiabama. .waa- in stant!? hilled about 4 o'clock Mon day afternoon when a road truck-ran over hicn, crushing his head.. .The accident occbrred nearr^Itedland. Robinson wks'an employee - of tlTe Npll ConsCructiqn Co, and was^ try ing to catch a loaded truck when' he midsed his hold and fell, one whe^ passing over hfs . bead. The "body was prepared for burial add shipped to his home. . " v ' A Good Mao lMes» At the home of his nephew, B|r. James H. Gri^, Mr. Joseph Isiaac Grose, (more famiariy known "to friends, and lo?^ cn^'as "Uncle Ikey/') SOD Mwy'Ann and John Gtdse. departed from this life on August 29,19^. - • fie had j^e^-ill declining health for. sotee time, but be. bravely tiled- to parfonn his daily toahB a^-was alw»y« cheerful in helping- < theia.. He' Was bom |n Yadkin county abnut ttie year oif 13S8, v^.unit^ in' mar riage tn Luc? Graver,; daughter of Mr. and Hris. Jacob Ci^er, ^ He is aurylved by his wffe and two. child: reo,' onb brother and two. sitters. Aunt ^tsey and Sally Grose, who were with Mm to the end, ' He was United with " Turneris Creds Baptist Church and Itv^ h: consistent mbinber for about- thirty* ; eight yearii. ^.io- know Klin waff to love him. He express himself^ to lov^ OD^ who were adminiatoring to .the'bisiast ne^B that he had.- al* i wava tried to 'do' his" beSt. and 'was ready^d.willl.iig to g;o...'ahd while he was poor In this world's goodlhe had. tned. to Jay "UP BeaVenV n -*r» A FRD^Oi*. Kitty DWiggins Miss Kitty Dwiggins died last Thursday-night at the home of her parents.and ^Irsr-H. B, DiviggiuSj near Center, aged 21 yyais, following a long illness of tuberculosis; The funeral services were held Friday, ✓afternoon add the body laid to -rest in Center graveyard. Deceased is survived by her parents and several-brothers and sisters. Bio - Obituaries - 9/10/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 11,1924 ) Joseph Isicca Grose Dead At the home of his nephew, Mr. James H. Grose, Mr. Joseph Isiaac Grose (more familiarly known as "uncle Ikey") son of Mary Ann and John Grose, de parted from this life on August 29, 1924. He had been in declining health for some time hue he bravely tried to preform his daily tasks and was always cheerful in help ing .others. He was born in Yadkin County about the year of 185$. Wqs united in marriage to Lucy Grar ver. daughtei-of Mr. and Mrs! Jacob Graver. 'He is survived by his wife, and t\yo children, one brother and two sisters, who were with lim to the end. He was united with Turner's Baptist Church and lived a con sistent member for about thirty- eight years. To know him was to love him. He expressed himself to loved ones who were administering to his last needs, that he had al ways tried to do his best and was ready and willing to do, and while he was poor in inii world's goods he had tried to lay up treuiUres in Heaven. Miss Kitty Dwiiygiiis Dead; ' Other Center News. ' Miss ICIttlfe DwiggiiiH. daugh- •cr i>f Mr. and Mrs. John Dwig- .diis. (if Cmteiv ditid Thursday I night, St!i):ember 4tli, ago 21 yrs. iThere were left to morn horloss, ;ti father and niothar, fivo broth- iers, Messrs. L'Jiinie D.vigginsjof {WInston-Salcm, Ralph, John,Roy J. Leo and one sister, Mrs. U, S. VVulkcr of Mocksville. Early in life Kitty gave her heart to Christ, joined the church at Mt, Tabor, and ever after ward proved faithful, true and devoted. She had a deep religious exper ience, sincerely loving her Lord and her church, and attended regular until about two years ago when her health began to fail so that she could not attend church as she did. The funeral services were con ducted at Ml. Tabor church, of whtcii she was a member, and v/as attended by alat'ge concourse of sorrowing relaiives and sym- pathizing fticnds. Her body was laid to rest in the Center cemeteiy there to await the ressurection morning. Kitty did not care for display, rather chcosing the quiet simple life. The so-called world ly pleasures did not appeal to lur. The affections of heart was cen tered upon her Lord and her church, There was an unusally large and beautiful floral offer ing made by friends and relatives The relatives that mourn her loss have our deepest sympathy. Bio - Obituaries - 9/11/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 17,1924 Alvin Foster Alvin, the to vcar*old sob of Mr. and Mrs. J.. H. Foster,..of Smith Grove, died Friday, folldwing- an illness of d^btherial The funeral and burial., services were held' at Siuilh Grove Satuidav afternoou at three o'clock. ^ Bio - Obituaries - 9/17/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 18,1924 Alvin Wilson Foster Our community was shocUcd and saddened Eiiday by the death of Alvin Wilson Poster, 10 year old son of Mr. -and Mrs. J. H. Foster. The.cause of his death was diptheria. His parents par- ents thought that all danger had passed and he was on the road to recovery, but God called him. We extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved ones. Bio - Obituaries - 9/18/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 24,1924 Mrs. Sam Koontz ! Mrs. Sam -Kooiix :die4_ iait- her home bear Kappa Sunday morning, foUoNving " a three illne^, aged .32 years./^The fttoeral and burial services'were held Monday morning at 11 o*clock-at Society- iiaplist churcb, Rev.V. M. Swaim» of Wjnstdh'Sal6m, conducting the services. - Mr^Kobntz is" survived "by her-.hdsBand arid 'five- .young 'children * ^ n r Richard Hendricks . Iticbard - Hendricks, a well- known and aged dtizen of: Smith Grove, .died suddenly 'Saturday morning. The furierarand burial servicey> wer^eld Sunday.. Thomas Heedricks Dies. ' Thotoaa-HeDdricks, well ^own salem towosbip man. dl^ Ttiur^ay rooming at Jbls. .bbroe ^iear-vCbedy death-being caus^ by Brigbrs'disipas^' Vfr Hradrieks was'G? years bid and never roarr!^. He bad^been erippred.ip .ctjUd- bood by an injury to a knee and bad lately been ip the Salisbury hospital fol. lowing an aocideoC In which ap brm was torn off by a cotton gin. Suiviying are two brothers, George M.. Uenclilcks and John A. Hendricks, the laUes of Marshsti: and two-slstei^-Urs. Mary Vemon dnd: Mrs. P. J. Thompson, the latter Hying; at Spcncev The funeral took place Friday afternoon at Cherry Hill, . ' Bio - Obituaries - 9/24/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 25,1924 Mrs. Maude Eoontz Dead Mrs, Maudo Koontz, wife of Tarn K()ontz, died at her home hear County Line Sunday morn ing after an illne^ of 3 weeks, The funeral was conducted by h.er pastor, Rev. Murry and Rev, Swalm, of Winsloa-Salem at So ciety Baptist Church, the body was laid to resting the church cemetery. Monday morning. • .Mris. Koqniz was a member of the Society church. She was 32 year's old and is survived by a husband, hve little children, a father, hi r Duvid Gainpbeli, one brother, Mr. iL Campbell and onesisier, Mrs.-A. p. Koontz, A gcod woDian has been called from U3 Lilly Fry Mrs, Lilly Fry, wife of Mr. George Pry, died Tuesday Sept 'iCth;- She leaves'a lusband, three children, ii mother, and several brothers and sisters; n She was 37 years old. She was a faithful wife and mdther and will be greatly missed .in her home, our Sunday'School and community. The remains-: were laid to rest Wednesday in tlw ceraetery at Macedonia where she .was a-mem-, ber of the chm'ch. Revs. Jim Hali,. Bium Vestai; ;and Brooster .conducted the funeral services. John M.Knox News h'18 been received here of the death of Mr. John M. Knox of Salisbury, at his summer home at Blowing Hock on Monday morning. The deceased was SS years old and was one of tlie most highly respected citizen.^ of Salis bury, being a gentleman of the old school noted for his intergrity and deep piety. He was a native of Mocksvitle, and married Miss Kate Clement of this place. Sur viving are his widow and three daughters, Misses Bertha, Clara and Margaret Knox. A large, number of relatives live here. Bio - Obituaries - 9/25/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 1,1924 John M.Knox PromineDt Saiisbjary.MaD , John M. Ktio:t,.,a prominent^nd wealthy cilize^ of Salisbury, (died at* his summer home in Blowing Rock'on Monday of last week,i'ged 88 years^ He is survived by bis jwife and three daughters. Mr. Ktiox. lived in Mocksville many years ago,* being a native of Davie cotiuty. Mrs. Knox was 'before marnage, Miss Kate Clement of Mocksville. "The funeral and burjal services were held in Salisbuy Wednesday.. A number of Mocksville relatives and friends attended the scVvic^.. Mrs. Ernest Jarrett Negro Kills His Wife. . . About dark Saturday afternoon at .the road camp near Redland, there .was a murder.^ Ernest Jar rett;-one of the negro men employ ed in building the hard surface road, shot his wife through the bead with a pistol, killing her in stantly., The sheriff was notified and secured bloodhpnnds and gave chase but up to this writing the murderer is still at large. It was reported that the negro, was located ill Winston Salem but got away. J. Chil Henley •• ^ \ J. Chit Henley, a uative of Davie county but for niaiiy years a re-' sident of Statesville, died at the Mayo hospital iu Rocb&qter, Minn. J last Tuesday - followiug an opera- liou for cancer' of the stomach.' Mr. Henley was 51 years old -and is survived by bis wife and seven childre'ii.'also two brothers and two sisters, among, them ;-Mrs*^ E. H. Keller, near-Kapper, and Joe Hen ley, of Greeusboiro. The funeral and burial services were held at South River church Rowan coun ty, Friday rooming alt-11 o'clock7 Bio - Obituaries -10/1/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 8,1924 Small Child Griffith A stiialt child of Mr. and Mrs. Ifruik GriRith, of Farmingtpn Itpvvuabip. died last Tuesday night ptuii'lidieita. Bio - Obituaries - 10/8/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 15,1924 Joba H^ry Butler Dead. Mr. John H. Butler, a native and for many 3''ears a resident of Davie county, died in Salisbury Thurs day night at an advanced .a^e, .fol lowing an illness of a^ut two weeks. The hmeral^ and _ burial services were held at Jerfisa.lem Baptist church Friday atterhoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. Butlej is survived by seven chil'dreu, five sons t\yo daughters. • Bio - Obituaries -10/15/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 22,1924 Infant Child Baker I The little one-year-old child of ■Mr. and Mrs. Tallv Baker got o 'grain of corn lodged in its' throat Saturday. The child was carried to Salisbury and tnen to Charlotte to have the grain removed but died before an operation conld be per-I formed. The little body .was laid to rest at Union Chapel Sunday aftemoou. The grief stricken par ents have the sympathy of a host of friends Mrs. J. B. McDaniel Dead. Mis. •l.B.'McDaniel, weH hoown woman died at a High Point huspiral about 6n'cloch Saturday morning. She had beenill for about Id days. Mrs. McDanicl's lioine was near Oak'' Hilt She was 49years of age and a native of Uavie county.In addition to the husband is survivedby two sons. B. A. and 0 R McDioieli Ofthat city:*by tbreebmthers.R L.Wbiiaktr of High Point, and Dnke and MarvinWhitaker. ot Mncksvilte, and a sister, Mrs.O. L. Cotter, of Crewc. Va..The body was taken to.-Smith Grovecburcb 0avte.councy, for lunerd^ and in-terment Sunday afternoon. Mrs. McPan- ieJ was a member of that cbarcn, Bio - Obituaries - 10/22/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 23,1924 Little Lawrence Baker Dead Mr. and Mrs. T. L Baker lost their little son Lawence, aged one year, on last Saturday about 3 P. M. in a Charlotte hospital. The child while playing Sat' urday morning lodged Eomething in its windpipei and sucked it on down into its lungs. The par- ents rushed it to a ChHrlotto hos pital, where the child died of as- phixia during the attempt lore- move. The burial was at Union Oba- jpel Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o' clock. We earnestly sympathize with the parents in thissad misfortune Clara Hairston Aunt Clara Hairston, colored, ] died last week after a lingering" illness of several months. D. Rich Davie county' citizens will re gret to learn of the death of one of its former lellow-cltizens, Mr. D. Rich, of Winston-Saieni. For several years he had been In de clining health and at fi ve a. ni. Tuesiiay morning ihe end came. The burial took place Wednc-^day at thiec r>. tn. in Win >lo: Minnie McDaniei j Mrs. Minnie McDaniei of High I Point was buried here Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. Mrs. McManiei was amember ofSmith Grove M. E. Church having join ed at the age of fourteen years. Rev. Beasley, Baptistroiniatereon- ducted the funeral in the absence of her pastor, Rev. McICinney Bio — Obituaries - 10/23/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 29, 1924 PeatKl dai^ Mr. D. Rich. Early last Tue^ay ntorning Mr. b. Rich, one of Winston Salem's most prominent business men and best beloved citizens was called - to Ids eternal reward, at the age of 63 years.- • Mr. Rich was sticken with paralysis last Jane and since that tiuie had grown steadily worse. Mr. Rich was a native of Davie county, having been born in Mocks- ville on March.io, ^62. When a young man he-left his native home and looted in the town of Wins- top, where he worked his ^ way up. from a lowly po^Uou in a' tobacco factory to-the position of Treasurer of the.R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., which position he held until a year or two ago. Mri -Rich was ai- lead er in the Baptist tphtircfa and con tribttted largeiylofiiis wealth to the charch, to missioi^, schools, etc He was a friend'to everybody and was loved by./^l. who knew him. iHe took specif d'digbt visiting his old home-, towj and rejoiced with ns .in seeing Mocbsviiic secure modem water, works, lights and streets. Mr. Rich -was a busy man, but was' never too busy to .ftop and cxchjange greetings with his Davie friends when he mht them here or In bis home city. Ou more than one occasion be told the editor that he alwayk took the time every week to read The kecord, and that be eujoyedjuothlug better .tlian the little weekly n from the old home town. We shall miss his pleasant smile and his hearty liaudsbake. A good man has goue from among ns. His good det.'ds-'will live through out the ages. 'He builded on a solid fouudatioo. ^ The funeral and burial services were held from the home at ■« three o'clock Wednesday afternoon, fol lowed by a service at the First Bap tist church, by Dr. J. R. Jester and Dr. H. A. Brown. The body was then laid to r^ in Salem cemetery. Mr, Rich issurvived by his wife, two sisters, Mrs. H. T. Brehegar, of Mcicksville, Mrs. Ionise Williamson, Seattle, Wash , and one brother. Thorny W. Rich, -of Philadelphia." J. O. Sprinkle Mao. Killed ^ JerasaleiD* J. O. Sprinkle, of Charlotte, was lolled and CUyde . .Wealtberly, H. M. Duinbell, Jr;^d W. W. Feld^ er, an well kno^ CbarlotW men suffered painfnll injuries early last Tuesday night when a- new Xin- colo toqriog'car, owned and drivenby Mr. Danbdl,-^ieft the highway at a point at Jenisaiem.- There is a rather shrrp cnrve the point where the acdident occurred. The party had been '.to, Cooleemee and the car was<'making the highway as it approaches the curve at the point where the old Bessent home* stead is on one mde .of'the' road,a frame chur^ ^ !the same' side and a brick on the oppraite^de. The cw^i^ed to m^e thecurve and d'a^e^rjout ol the fbadiuto4he la^e'gT^^ at the Bessent plai^i 'teariifg-down a* mail box. in its path 'and-striMng-a lar^e tree. The.car was- badly' damaged and IS believed to have turned turtle Bio - Obituaries - 10/29/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 30,1924 Jane Baity Mrs. Jane Baity, of Thomas- ville, was buried here Tuesday at 4 p. m. The funeral service was conducted by Rey. J; . M. Varner, of Advance. She leaves two sons, two daughters/ and a. host of re latives and friends to mourn her departure. Bio - Obituaries -10/30/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 5,1924 Mrs. Baxter Sain Infant Son Miller Vk. Haxicr Sain died at her ^ »Mr Sheffield Wedneswlay sains;, following a short inne.ss psumoiiia, aged about 30 years. ^ fnntrnl and burial services ''abJd Thursday. Mrs. Saiu is "Wtd hy her husband and three ^children, the youngest being days old. I 'ihlc fivt-iiionllis-old son of 31iller, of died in that city last pis. m' illness of iflu.• u'iis before marriage l>, *^i. Ij.nnes atteud'ed """ burial ser%'ices Bio - Obituaries -11/5/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 6,1924 Lola Dobson Saine The funeral of Mra. Lola Dob- son Saine, who died at her home near Center Wednesday, was con ducted Thura afierncon at 2 p.m. at Oak Grove church, by Rev. Safford smd Rev. Wilfford, Mra. Sain was ill only a short while be fore her death. She is aurWved^ by her husband, three children, mother and father, three sisters and one brother. W e extend our sympathy to the bereaved. Bio - Obituaries -11/6/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 12,1924 Mr* Albert Miller Dies Soddebly* j Mr. J Albert Miller, a wdlj kno>vn and higli^' respected farmer of near CherrA' Hill, -died sudden": iy early last WediieLsday morning, aged 71 years. Mr. Miller was in bis usual health "ipiesday and was' at the polliug^^lace at Jerusalem. < Mr. 'Miller^ came to Davie from CabanTis county nearly 50 year a-' go, 'dnd was one of the leading men | in his section. -, Mi*. Miller is sur- Mrs. R Salisbnry, Misses Jiir,. 'i Hsilie, Una, Vircinb Messrs. John Albert u " Daniel. One ^Deniel. One sis er s,.d'o« L«« also survive. The fuijer.i were held .at Cherry Hill t . ® church Thursday af-er«J^^ |o-clocfc. Mr. Miller {member of the Lmlieriicli,,/t'^ •rvHIte nnssedb,. -he ;mni)ity as he wa.s active iQlUioiw and educational aff^iJ his death the editor iosfc= jhls best friends. "i Mrs, M. L 'DwigglBS^ Drops Dead.: *Oiie-of the saddest deaths that lias occu^ed in'MocksvilIc recent ly was that of Mrs. M. L- Dwig- Kills, Mr. Dwiggiiis went home at noun Thursday and upon entering liis.honse be foUiid his .wnfe lying acrcj&H a cliai.r willi her head and Feet oil the Floor. No Qiie was at hi me except Mrs. Dwiggrnssaiid^ a -iittle 3-vear-old son. When ioupd by Mr,. Dwiggiiw the. body was still warm and'it i.s tlioiiglit that deatjj had occurred only n a." few minutes lliefore'bis arrival. '~hlrs..Dwiggins jhad beetijn Iier- usual . Ji^Uh- and I her death came a? a severe, shock, to her family and' /neiids,' The funeral and biirjM services .w^ere held Friday aftdrnoOT at two o'.elock 'and the boily laid tp r^t in- Center graveyard. Mrs-.Dvvi^ins Fs sunriwd by ber-busbapd and iW sniin sons, aged. 7 and 3 yeag;H«^pai-ents Mryand Mr.s. II. H.. BlMWld^V and' sew and sisters aWauryii^. ^ . Bio - Obituaries -11/12/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 13,1924 Mrs. Maii'shall Dwiggins • Dead Mrs. Marshall Dwi};gins died suddoAIy at her home In this city Thussdiiy, casting a shadovr of sorrow <»ver the entire town and community. She was n'ell and favorably known to a wide circle of friends. She It-.ives to mourn her death her husband, two chihlren, sevc-rsl brothers and sisters and hernued parents. Mrs. Dwiggt.-H-was in her 33rd year, she had lived all of her ii-'e in Mocksvillo, und vicinity. Il'Sr body w.»3 laKl to rusL Jn the Center cemetery, the funeral wsui conducted by Itov A. C. Sr-waf- ford and W. B. Waif. atU-iidcul byhundredftof .-rorrnvvi'ig friend.?. Bio - Obituaries -11/13/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 26,1924 Dwight Davis A nainber. of ItHiF'foIlw" tbe j fapetal of Hrl Ov^gVt at' I <mtachn(cII'SQBdaF48t a fa^te yottiid taan dad 6ad many. frieodaia Ibia commbolty,. iwbo extend their slocere aympathy to the. bereaved family. . — . . Bio - Obituaries -11/26/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 3,1924 Mr. John Koonfz pea Mr, JoKd Koontz. a well .knoini -fanner.of Calabalq. towosbip, .Idied athisfaohie near Darie Academy 1^ Tue^ay, "foHowring a, long, ill ness aged about 65 years. The flonera! and burial semces were conducted at Salem Metbodi.si churcn Wednesd iy morning at i r o'clock bv* his ^stor, Kev Jim Green Mr. Koontz is snrvived by his wife and sicveral brothers and ."^isters. He will be sadly mis>erf in his community. He wa.s a go^ man and ntimbered his friends by the hundreds. In his death the county has iost a good ciiizeu who.^ place will be hard to fill. Peace to bis ashes.' J. M* Bell Dies lo^Chicago. Lanringburg, Nov. 28 —Re'atfvea here received announcement of the sadden death this nioroing in Chicago of Frank Martin Bdl. a native of MocbsviUet N'onfb Carolina. He was a hrotbes of Mta' Maxcy L. John, of this pfaco . , He wds.haad of. one of the ofiBce partments of Aroionr and compaiiy and epent eoi^e fiionibs in Europe fdiiowjng ibe war. potting the "Armour bii>idetoj back on its feet In Euro))^, ^ -V - ' '■ IHei:haa4 brothcn'biarsballKi^* 'Bell,' at = Murphy: a sister* Miss .Mnrgatet Bail, of^ MoeksvfUer and a host .of .nslatives In piedmont North! Carplina. He was'58*years dld'^nd on'ntarried. ] QiJrV Jacob Shoaf DgaJ, : - Jacob Sbt^f, nna nf Mpfsksv]i|a^a Q)d> Wt and'best known cUisen dlM at fiia home in Sontb MoiSliavjilp egrly ^titr^pydtornibg. follnw'mg .pn 9f ^c|iftne. The body hid !ii 81 R<>^cemetery Snndny efierfiwn; A ISfgewn-eounia of rmiWi ffM? • 8lt«IK<V4 the bgrlelogfytegg: David R. Cecil known feon.f U,\jiigimu died at. hisoil,- tarly Thtfrsnav'®"'winjT a t^vo yfcgjes r /'t- Cecil wu.s 38 years of1' ^ ""jvivert by his wife andLV, cliildrcn Mr. Cecil wnsf ill M(;ck^vi)Ie and hadr htre who will be .^ad nian ^catli, Dave was a Bennett Bassit Mr Behnett B^sslt wlia. dlcd:..«iddenlF^tfom heart failure, at hi<^oine'in Wns.,ictT. ot 1 a. m.. last .Fliday mnmlnii, wasbrought.lo Farniinptgh/M £" chunfh.^Rev. M, McKlan®v •wndiictiPil-- tbe fufteral'Sunday ftftarnbim 8^ burlktat •^krWiyf-lron" cenibtcry.._ ' '' ' ,^ j Bio - Obituaries -12/3/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 4,1924 Frank Martin Bell Was A Native Of Moclcsville Bennett Basset Th'j b*:dy of Mr. Bcimett Baa- • set, of ^Winston-Salein. was broue^li!: here Sunday afternoon for burial. The funeral service I was conducted by Rev, ilticKiii- jncy. A ho BO number of relatives I and iriend.s we^e present. To the }ln?reiV6d ones we"extend syrnpa- jtby, Frank Martin Bell, who died last week in diiuatio, of an acute attaik of anjjina Pretoria wan the soi of I)r. NIarrhnil T. and wife, Eliza Martin Be 1, of Mocks* ville. Me.left a'Wiil m 'which he made crc:naMOn of his body man* dalnry on the part of nisext cutor, H,.rtbe»n Tvusi company. hunerdl'.servicis ^'ere 'lield in Chicago Sunday aftetnuon and Infer the body viiil be cremated at an c-arly dale the temains will be deposited in Joppa cemtte.y, in the ftmlly lot . Miv Bell leftNortli Carolina at the PRe of 18, and liaff"lived"?al- mp.sl the whule of the .tiine since in-^ bitaf0. \vhei e acrive in;btuines» .dfe; beirg fqr..'yeifs cdpne^ted with the general'MRccs of- Arir.oifr. and .company-in a mam gc-ria' ct| fc cltj .in a der;ari- meiit. His fi:si wi rk was in the oi u.v basil e>8. wheie he ri-s;^ to bigii position,' going with the Arir.our and comp::ny at less iolaiy because ('(firing a larucr tlcid. . • . Bis ; ppiic: liin to P. ,D. Ar mour (ihe (.lucr) rcetwiih fuvor- uolii rispo'nsc, and iator Mr. Aimoui manifes.ed Ills interest and esttem by presenting Mr. 'Bell a har.dsi-me gold watch suit ably aiigr. vid, showiiig by whom given. . Mr. Bell tyas in^i^sted in aihc'ietics and twned a country club Mid guli couise 25 miUs cut fi bm Chicago pud made his I ome then, till cugi. the summl r months commuiitig t(> his VlBce liniJy. He won numerous g.lf tropliiks in fornjer yi-ai s. He was a grand nephew cf Governor AkXAndei*| Martin and of Judge John Kcrr, the eh cr. ' He r.ever marrud. He w-tsn brother of-Mil-. M. L. John, M, n \\. Beit aiM) Mirs MM-gaivt iJc.l. David R. Cecil, Prominent Lexington Contractor, Dead LcjiinRton, Nov, 27.—Orivid R. CrcU. well hnown contractor of tit!;? city, bicd at his lionus hcr!> oirly Ihi-i morninB after an ill ness of over twow. cic", ajicd 38 yai's. Funeral will be cnnductcd from the First Methodist Cimrcli at ihrcc o'clock Friday nt'ternoon and iriiuiment will be here. Mr. Jacob Shoaf Dead The death bells- rang throagh our eity. .again last Saturday morning, claiming Mr. Jacob Shoaf, 01(8 of Mbcksville'a oldest citizens. Mr.- Shoaf bad been in .very poor health for some time jsnd his death was no supprise. *the remains were- loid to rest, Sunday, afternoon, in the Rose .Cemetary. We extend our deep 'eat sympathy to the bereaved. Bob Albea Mr. Bob Alboa, oged 88, died suddenly last Saturday. His re mains \yere laid to rest at Mt. Bethel Sunday at 2 o'clock. He leaves a wife and five children. Bio — Obituaries - 12/4/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 4,1924 Alvis Dwight Davis The Anget of Death, that silent viaitor who comes to one and all, called on FHday afternoon, Nov ember 21 and removed from this world of suff^ing and sorrow, Alvis Dwight Davis, second son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davis, of Cana, Route one. Dwight was born December 22,1902. His passing at socb an early age, thinking in human terms, seem to be all the more regrettable in that life just be ginning to open up its rich store of possibilities, but it was God's will that he should be taken, not ours, and we shall be called, 'too, so let us live to meet him in that world beyond, where peace and joy shall dwell forever, Dwight was a brave and patient sufferer for nearly six months from a complicatioo of diseases. He was attended by several phy sicians. watched over day and night by loved ones and friends, and it seemed that every act possible that kind and loving h^da could perform were ren dered for bis comfort and recov ery, but all were in vain. Tho our loss is Heaven's gain. He wanted to get .well, but was ready when the summons arriv ed to go to that home where there is no sorrow; no pain nor death. His parting message to loved ones and ail, were to meet him In Heaven. Dwight was a member. of the Courtney Baptist cHnrch, Yadkin county.. The funeral services were conducted Sunday Nov. 23, from Eaton's Baptist church, by Rev. V. M, Swaim, of Winsion- Salem. Intermeut was in the cemetery near the church. The high esteem in which this young man was held, was attest* ed by the number and beauty of floral tributes and by the large concourse of relatives and friends who came to pay him their final respect and to share the grief of his bereaved ones. Besides his parents he is sur vived by two brothers, Bynum and Robert Davis and one sister Mattie Lou Davis, also a host of relatives and friends, to all of whom we extend our deepest sympathy and may the great Comforter soothe the sorrowing hearts of those who weep. Benest "It is well," Bio - Obituaries -12/4/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 11,1924 Frank M. Bell The funerui of the late Frank M. Beil, of Chicago, was conduct' etl Saturday aCUrnoon at the re sidence o£ Mi-s Margaret Roll, sister, of the deccasud. 'The service was road by Kev. E. ?• Bradley, and Mr. R. B. Sani'.ud aang "Lead Kindly Light'' as a solo. The choir sang "Abide VVith Me," aftir which the reniains which the remains were carried to Joppa cemetery, and interred In the family plot. The reJatlvoa from out of.town who were pre sent were: Mr. and Mrs. M. L. John, Missca Mar.v and Margaret Ji hii, of Laurcnburg, Frank R. John, of Salisbur.v, and Maislmll Bell, of Murphy. We i'.\mnd our deepest Eympnthy to the"*!>f reav ed ones. Bio - Obituaries - 12/11/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 24,1924 Frank Lefler fftok Uller, of R. 4. died Wed- nlfilii of last week follcJW- ^l^sirokc of ag^ 74 pfs. lin; funeral and burial ser- held ai Liberty Friday.. '^■Uflcrhi survived by several A. P. Miller Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Clement at tend^ ihe funeral ?nd burial of Mrs. Clement's father, Mr. A. P. Miller which took place in Wins ton Saleni last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Miller was 82 years of age, and suffered a strobe of parMysis afiwdav.siiefore his death,-which occurred on Monday. Bio - Obituaries - 12/24/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 25,1924 Frank Lefler Our community hat beoa sad-1 dcned because of the deuth of| Mr, Prank Lcflcr, who passed away VVcdnesdny nipht. Due, 17 He was stricken with paralyses I about two weeks aeo, and never! regained conciousties. ' Mr. Lcf-* Idr was 7'1 years of aje. and had for many years been a loyal mem ber of Ubarty Church. He wii: bo greatly'misjed in the church and commwniiy, The funeral services were con ducted by his pastor, Rev. Jim Green, assisted by Uev. James Fita^erold, of Grouse, N. C. and by Rev. Wrights, of Winston- 5.alem. A large congregation of sorrowing rehilivca and friends attended the funeral. Mr. Lefler U survived by' four children, besides a host of other relatives. His children are Misses Mablc and Abbie Lefler, wito were with their fnlher, Mrs. Lee-Link, and Mr. Moies Leflvr of Winston-iSalum. Our deepest sympathy is ex tended to the bereaved ones. Bio - Obituaries -12/25/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA