Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January, 2,1924
Bffiss Sallie Etdiison Dead.
' -Miss Sallie Etchisou, a resident
of Mopksville, died at the Baptist
hospital an Winston Salem, on Sat.
urday, Dee. aand, • following an lli-
ness of some time. The body was
brongfat here and the funeral ser
vices were held at the Baptist
church on Sunday afternoon, Dec.
23rd, by R^. W. B. Waff,, her
pastor, after which the body was
laid r.o rest at Rose cemetery. Miss
Etchisou was the daughter !oi Mr.
andS^rs. W, C, P. Etcbison. and
is survived by one brother, Mr. W.
P: Etchisou, of Columbia, 8. C.
Miss Etchisbn had
f6r many years.
been an invalid
Mrs. J. M. Jones
I Mrs. J. M. Jones died at the
•home of her daughter, Mrs J.-N,
ICIIck. on Depot street.^ Iast, Wed-
,n^ay' morning, aged 7/
following a long illness. Her death
Vas directly doe to a stroM of
.paralysis. The funeral pnd Jmrial
services were held' at'Saleni cnurmi
Thursday, afternoon at one o clock.-
Mrs. Jones is survived by her hus
band and eignt cl^ildren, fave sons
and three daoghtew.
Uas a member 'Of .the CljTOtjanIrhnrch-aodcWill^^-
' commuhlfy.... ' v*'.' .
> V * -'i .-r - * ..
Bio - Obituaries -1/2/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 3, 1924
John Tiitterow Dead—
Center Happenings
^S^ntcr is grieved to lose one
^^flevold Confedernte Soldiers,
^®^John Tuttorow. Ke was 84
^^ars old and fought hard in the
^Gorffederate War, and was shot
^^fixough the body, but still ho
to this old age. Mr. Tut-
died Dec. 20th, at eleven
if|cl®ock- and was buorietl at Cen-
.li^terS the 2lst. He leaves a wife,
boys and three girls. We
kl^tend to them our sympathy.
Bio - Obituaries — 1/3/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January, 16,1924
W. H. Powell
'Noted Dead at
Stfttesvine, H Pow-
I, 6i; widdy "the pi^ell
.[Qad,*' died at his.fac^ here i<Slay
f^lpwin^ k" stroke«^f apbpiixy
Wmcb be suffered yj^firday.. kfter *
.noop..i •• 4*k •
»le stoppifl'^.Fqr many,-years
io.'^^tatesyflie -or .pa^ig through
on the trains n hav^^feeo at^e"
station the ramiltar of sniall
statiireaWilh geay hai^^^d,mustache
carrying under his a^a little box
and sbapaa
ill interest'
of -pi^ of various si
a»d (jfcplaj^g them -
^'jmrtier. -•■•;-N6^achiiiery., wa^^ji^d' in thealauttjfacture of the
wuraniada exclusive
■" V, . * - w*
bahds of the good nsljired I'pipei^h'.* who manufaciiif^ thptisau^Qf/tfi^"^eiyyear. M'r Is'- .:--.' v\ - ?»» K»
iijliss lybtolhy Daniel Dead./
' A'sad death Occurred last Wed
nesday morning at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. H. H. Lagle, on It. 4,
when their granddaughter,' Miss
Dorothy Daniel died, aged about 17
years. "Wie fiiueral and burial
services .were held' at furrepttne
Beptist church Thursday afternoon
at 2:30 oiclock. Miss Daniel is
survived by heir father and. her
grandparents, with whom she made
her homei her mother having died
several years ago: The grief*strick-
eu relatives have tb^sympathy o*
a host of friends in -their bereave
ment. 1. '
C. W. Stewart
»«:iy jjajHlul. -
I * *Sie\vari, a well-known
It'' Jfnisalem towoship.
Ion last jSlondaynearly 76 years,
preen'^nd burial servicesr^'?ertat Jenjsalem Bap^
ff kt'v m Tuesday afternoon
|r oftbis aty.&drjh. '•''survivedby b^s Wlf^Hngb'^' u bad beend iiw» ^'"'•"^bury some time and
Bio - Obituaries - 1/16/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 17,1924
Bftr. Ci W. StewaH'D^d.
G. Wi Stewart died at his home:
in, the "Point" Davie County,
January 7th, 1924/and' was .
buried at Jerusalem cemetery
where his three sons and a'daugh-
ter,"* who precededhim; were
bUried, Jan, 8. Rev. W; B.-Waff,
pastor of Mocksyiite: Baptist
Church conducted '.;th6; - fdnml
services.' He- died^ sudd^I^ from
an injury in his side, neyer>hav*'''
ing fully recovered this 4hr
jury ' which he received - at the
Ume one of his legs, whs broken,.
.He was born>near Forh^Ghurch, n
in/Davie 0)unty| February 7,
18^8 and attended school at -
New Garden" Guilford Go.,. in
the ^e mpned; Miss Xbna
Miller, of Rowan purity, ApHl
15,1^9.>Five chiidfen^was born
unto this union, only ohej ! Vance
Stewart,. 9f Salisbury'! and! his .
widow servivesj' ^-He reaided/in.
Davie County' all hla life, lexeepii.*
about :two .years pnoip to/ Ws^
death when .he resided iii Salis
bury. He was ihte^t^d in fam«
ing and was recosmized Wpne of.
the beet farmers in Dayie Coun
ty. He' had. been n a.Oonsiatent
member of Jerusalem BaptiaV
Church about. 20.!,.yo^.! .The
state' toJost Q.yidi^bie ^tizeh,
the chmch a cohsisteni member, .^
the.wi£d a devoted husband add.
the son a patient loving father,
Bio - Obituaries - 1/17/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 24,1924
111 Memory of Dorothy
Wodr.esday January 9th onr
community was hold almost spell
bound when the newn of the un
timely death of Miss Dorothy
Daniel came to our homes, and to
day our hearts are sad and s^riev^
ed for there is'a'vacant place on
our school-ti'uck, there is a vacant
seat in our'clnss room, there is' a.
name on our Phiiathea roll bock
which will nevW ho responded to «
offain; and there* is n vacant spot
In my heart which never can be
filled, ,
Dorothy was a faithful memb^
of oiir Junior Phiiathea, class'at
Tiirrentin. llaptlHt Church and
she will he missed so much by
her teacher, and fellow co^work-
er8,.fQr v/e all loved her.
,. in high, school she was first In
the: estimation of her teach'ers
an^ cli^^inatjes,;,' because she was
always obj^ient/'ulndand gentle.
She was adored bya-loving father'
cherished ty a f-aithful grand
mother and gramifather and lov-
;ed' and TespecUd by everybody
that knew her/
Hei; life was short, her mission'
was-soon filled;,what'that mission,
,wW wehavia yet to learn. AH
that we-know is that Dorothy is
gone: Her gentle spirit has
taken its fijght' over the purple
hills'^^md beyoiid the softly glow*
iDjS ffih of Out of ihe
moruinig.a*ci:o^/the';W^ arch
way of noontide, down to bunset,
out of the dim'and clamor, out of
the fierce pasaion of co'mbat into
the dreamless silence whose sha
dows mark the pathwaV to the.
Beyond earth's darkening horizon
through the curtained . gloom of
night, far upon the Gethseraane,
over the quaking summits of 'Cal
vary into the realms of glory,
where God's banners never fail
and where victory is sure.
The shadows lie so dark and deep
Along the path, they darken at!
the way;
My heart is sore and heavy with
I seek a word of cheer, but word's
are vain,
III days to come ii -may bo we
shall see.
Just why, this bitter test,
Till then we can but bow in bll-
tor tears and say; " *
"God knowth best."
We miss her dear jtace and sun •
ny smiles, her sympathy and her
love. Our hearts were near
broken with grief as we scatter
ed fair blossoms above where she
is sleeping. There freed from
pain, securs from ^misory, lies
Dorothy; the darling of her jiur-
cnts eyes.
A gentler lamb ne'er sported on
I the plain,
jA fairer flower will never bloom
I again.
Pew were the clays allotted to her
j breath,
•Ii'jt her sl-en in pc-a'ca her night
; of death. \
(Written by one v;ho\ kncwn and
loved In r; '*G. Ii. M."
Hazel McClamrock
, Little Hazel, the 18 months old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
lidm McClamrock,. of Cooleemee,
died and, was burled here .last
I week. • r
Bio - Obituaries -1/24/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January, 30, 1924
. Miss Haz«l Jones DeaJ-
Miss Hazel Joues. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones^,' of the
Mack's Chapel section, died Friday
followiiig a long illness *6f tuber-
cnlbsis, aged about 21 years. 'The
funeral • and burial ser\'ices were
beld at Mock's church Sunday
aftcnioon at 2 o'clock, conducted
by Rev. J. M. Vamer of Advance.
Mary Ann Wilkerson
Mrs. Mary Ann Wilkerson died
Wednesday.night at the hqpe of
her soii-in law J. N. Sm'oot, in
Clarksville township, following a
stroke of paralysis, aged 81 years.
The fitnpral. and burial services
were held at Bear Creek Church
Tlinrsday hftemodn conduc^ by
ReV. W. E. 'WaflF, of' Mocksville
Mrs. Wilkerson is survived by three
daughters and one son", viz; * R. A.
Wilkerson, ofLaGrand, Ore., M-rs.
J. N. Sinoot, Mris. Sam Cartner
and .Mrs. Cratilte Gaither, all of
this county n
R. fiL Alleo Deaj*
Mr. R. M. Allen died at bis home
near Jericho Friday afternoon,' fol
lowing an illness of about eight
years, aged nearly:8i years.. The
fanetdl services were conduOted at
the hoine* by. Rev. Jim"'G.reene,;. bf
this city, at 1:30 o'clock Satiirdaiy
aftemoohi after which, the body
was laid^td. rest.in Byerly's Chapel
graveyard. Mr Allen is survived
by five children, foiir daughters _
'and one son, viz: R. 'A. Atlenr of
Denton, Mrs. T. A. M..Stevenson, j
of Wlustoti-Saleiu, Mrs. T, M. (
Hendrix, of Mocksvill^. and .Mrs.
Lizzie Barr and Mi^ MatUe'Allen,
who lived at home.- Mr. ^Ifeu was
striclBn frith ^ralysis about ;elght'
years ago^from * whicu^* he never
rallied sufficient to get up.^ His
wife prebeded him to the' grave a-
bont two years ago. ,
Bio - Obituaries - 1/30/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 6,1924
Mrs. A. F. Overcash and H. L. Watts
Two* Tbr^-Hort lo
mobile Acctdeo '
Salisbury, Feb. 3.-^Mrs.
Oyerctohi and a" two»yea^^l^;^Mn
of H," L. \Vatts ate dead, andU?.^..
Overcash, Walter Murdock.;: and
Mrs. H. V. Watts are in the Salis
bury hospital ais. a result of .an autp«
mobile accident which happeried.on.
the Mocksville' hi{^iway' just be*
yond South river, in Davie <»a^ty,•
this afternoon. ^ Manuel OVercasfar,
't2-vear-old.son of A. F. Overcash,
was the only one of the party of
si?c to escape. ' . '
The party had been spending the
day wiih Mrs: Overc9sh*s sister;
Mrs. Bird Sihitb, iu Davie tfttinty,'
and were on their return to Ibeir
home in southern Rowan, on route
two, frolh Kannapolis.. >
.Walter Murdoch, 21-years-pla
I eightor of the Overc&H's, was
driving;, and with idm on the front
seat were Mrs,. Overcash and the
Watts baby, the two who were
According to Manuel Overcash
the car was making about 20 miles
an hour when the right front wheel
gave way and the fcar swen^ed
to^one side nnd over an iembank-
|ment. Passing autists reiider^
j first aid and phoned "Salisbury for
assistance. The child was crushed
and died before reaching the hospi*
Lizzer Jane Hendrix
Mrs .Lizzsr! Jane Hendrix aged 86
yearsdie^sst Wedniisday morning;
and wns idfd to>e8cat Hickorv Grove
Thursday evening at S p'ciocic
"Atml Belly" Reavis Dies At Age
* Of 96.
Yadkiftville, Jan. 29.—"Annt
Bettie" Reavis, aged 96 years, ai)d
[wife of •Uncle Billy" Reavis; who
-"-celebrated his loo.h birthday las'tIfall, di»l yesterday at -her hotue
near Fotville, tliiscountyi w^liere
I she had lived with her husband "for
I more than 65 years. * She was sick
only a few days with peneMincfnia
Before her marriage .she wm a
Miss Baity, daughter of Is?'"
long .since dead. She is survived-
I by one sister, Mrs. L. C. Cooley, of
Icourioey, and one brother,^Dave
i Baity, of Indiana. Also by -seven
^children and oue hundred and fifty
jgrandchUdreu and great graiid
children. On Sept. 4^h, last,there
was .a larg^ birthday cejl^rrt.on
' at the Reavis. home wHen. Mr. j-
•Reavi« wa.5 too years old and his
wife 96. Between 800 to i.oco
people attended the dinner and cele
bration of and birthday of this old
couple, who held the record in'
Yadkin for being the oldest people,
for. living together in one place
longer than any known couple and
being married longer tha'n^ny
couple in the county. .1
Bio - Obituaries - 2/6/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 7,1924
Robt. M. Allen
• Our aged brottier,
Allen of Hardfson Cl)Urch pass^
dway Jan. 25,' at the ripe did age
{)f 81. Blessing*on Ihe loved
Mrs. A. F. Overcash and
Infant Son Watts
Two Killed; Three Hurt
In Antomobile Accident
.Saliabuy. Feb. 8.-Mrs. A. P.,
Overcash and a two year*oId son
of H. L. .Watts are dead, and A.
P. Overcash, Walter Murdockaui
Mrs. H, L. Watts are in the Sab
Isbury hospital as a result of an
automobile accident which hap
pened on theMocksville highway
just beyond South river, in Davie
county, this afternoon. Manuel
Ovorcaah, l2-year-oid son of A.
F. Overcash, was the only one of
the party of six to escape.
The party hhd been spending
the day with Mrs. Overcash's *
sister, Mrs. Bird Smith, in Pavie
county, and were on their return
to their home in southern Rowan
on route two. from Kannapolis.
Walter Murdoch, Sl-year-bld
neighbor of the, Overcash's, was
driving, and with him on the
front seat were Mrs? Overcash
and the Watts baby, the two who
were killed. , a
j| According to Manuel Overcash
the car was inakingobout 20 milea
an hour when the right front
. wheel gave way and the car awer
. ved to one aide and over an em
bankment Passing autoists rend
ered first aid and phoned Salis-
b\iry for assistance. The'child
was crushed and died instantly,
and Mrs, Overcash died before
reaching the hospital
Bio - Obituaries - 2/7/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 13,1924
Infant Daughter Lapish
fiom, .to Mr. Mrs. Ernest
Lapish. of near Cana. ou Thursday,
iwiDS, a son and. daughter. The
little g-.rl died eary Saturday nidrp-
iilg. '
Bio - Obituaries - 2/13/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 14,1924
Small Child Williams
A littie child of Mr. and Mrs.'.
Early Williams was buried at
Turrentlne's last Wednesday at'
10 o'clock.
•I"*-*Mrs. tlulia'B. Ldacbt wife o^
E; P.~Lea*chj^'ge sudden ••
ly • at'the. home ijif-'heE-^dauglit^rr
Mrs,:C..:S, Aji|e4^^9;dQ o^clbck
Mondayifalghf.- n f^rs. ^eachihacK
suffered', wifh. .l^'fe^rK" tl^^vible ;• for
the' past^MrJyieSdror^^^ -Her
Ifudden-de$th .V^as ra'afie^ on by
ari i;a1itaekij^bf La6Hpp,e|. which
struck iheJ^'ihboiit . i - 'isyeok ^ ago.
Mrs. Leaciv was ra ;'daughtet of
the late Mr/and J^sib
HendrickB. Sh^ wasVirnarrle^d'to
Fi. P. Leach on June -.tHe i2ih
To Jkhis; union, - was born
three daugh'ters and three sons.
One daughter,- Maggie, preceed-
ed hsr to the.grave in 1901, hav
ing been- burned to deatU. Her,
husband, one brother, j. A* Hen.
dricks, of near Gshhaln, a sister,
Miss "Vick Hendricks, thre.e sons,
W. I„ C. G.', 'dnd j. P. Leach of
this city^ two'daiHghtefa,. Mrs. C.
S. Allen, of this city,, .and Mrs.
L. P. Hopkins, of Canulen, S. C.,
survive. '
•The funeral services were con;
ducted by Rev. A; G. Swafford,
the reinaibs \yerc laid, to rest at
Gohtcr, Wednesday' mornipg'Bt
ll o'clock. n .. . V nn
Bio - Obituaries - 2/14/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 20,1924
Death of BIr& ^rab Cash^ '
Death claimed 7 Hrs. Sarah Jane
Qeh, aged 85« in this dlyv Mon;
day evening: - Cash was a
native ot Davie' county being the
yidowofDr. .Leon* Cash of that
connty, who died'. 19 years ago
Suryiving her are two daughters,
Mrs. S. A Naylof, with wliom she
rested, aod Miss SaJlie C^h and
five sotis,X^ni JoH'n'H.', F!'P., B.
S.,'and, Prof. Thomas H.'Cabh, ^
of this dty.'- The fhh^a^ was con
ducted Wednesday inm -SiUith
Grove Hethodist church,' .Davie
connty,', of. which the deceas^ was
a devout memhd: and intentfrat
followed in the chnich graveyard
beside that ot her husband.—^Unioh
John Ray Everhardt
Jolin Ray," the i5iyear-oJd "son |
ol Mr. and Itfis. George £vier^hsid^,|
4i died Saturdayol lumbago., jfile funeral and burial'servicte;!
•I'ereheld Sunday afterttboutt- - 2:36.
o clock at l<ibehy, %rv!ces being
coiiducied by Rev. ji'ni'GreeBi ; -
Gabriel L. Murphy
'fhrpps .dead Wbilo PJowidg^
jliJJr- -'Gabiiel. :L.';Mnn»by/7w^
lived ue^.Holnian's,- d^ alin^
Instantly iasif Saturday; moiuibg
while in the field..i^o^ng,
Uhrphyjivas ubodt'^8;y^rs tit ajge
and 'is survived. by.;his ^ffe an^
erai"'chi1dreiK*fuperal .and;
oiirial servicei were' conducted 'hy
Rev Jim'.Green-.^SundaY «ftewd6n
and .the body laid to.' 'r^ iu .-O^k'
Gr^vePcmeterY... Mr.-Murpliy had
(ived.in Davie for -many yeam'a'nd
.was: Wil ;ki.6tra thrpugbont
section. . . »
^01^.. PiiiTY jUacbr^d*
Mrs. JPerry f<each. died;siidd^tiljr
at thVjjoine Pf her ".daughler, Mi:s::
Sain Alen".hist Monday evening
i«ut 9:30"o!»di^, death; bdiig 'dde| '
to'heart disei»^. .Mrs.it.eacli w^
'nbotit 687«jrs bf add is 5tlrvivr
,ed byb.er;hiishand:and'fiva -clilld-
ren^ thf^ s<>nsrairfy>twd .daU:^tersi-
.Wj ."t»:'."GharUe' -ac^;
John I^ch'-apii :M^'Dain - Allen, |.
^^of ibis'-.city, ■..and-Mre'
funeiar .and b'urial^duct^' •Rev.^'^Aj [.sind ilhe bod^ Jaid to. -in C^fjgfj^ve^nl: Wedne^ay yinoro^ at.",41 o'ciock-Mr?. a^rapm-vbef o.f..tiie-lCetb<^^^^
Bio - Obituaries - 2/20/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 21,1924
Mrs. Sarah J. Cash
Mrs. Sarah J.'Gash who died
at the home of her daughter,
'Mrs. F. A. Naylor of Winaton-
Sal^. was brought here for
huria] Wednesday Feb. 13th.
llrs. 6a3h was a re^Jdeat. of
Smith Grove until a few years
ago whe she went to Winston to
make her home with her ehfldren.
She,was the wife of Dr Leonidas
H. Case who preceeded her to.
the grave nineteen years' ago.
At the time.of her death she was
85 years 10 months and 22 dayV
old.' She is survived by seven
children, tvfenty-two grandchild
ren and sixteen great grandchild
ren. The children are Messrs
Paul; Iieon. John^'H. Bogan S.
and'Thomas Cash ^l of Winston-
Salem, Mrs.' F. A. Naylbr of
and Mas Sallie Cash.
Rev. Barnhardt of Centenary
M, £.. Church Wihston-Salem
condacte,d the funeifaf ' sezyices,
assisted brDr. Newell and' Rev,
J. S. Hiatt of Wihstoh-Saletfi
and her pastor Rsv. Gi McICin-
ney. She was' a member of
Smith Grove'M. B. Chiuch and
was a faithful Church worker as
long as her health would p,ermit
The floral tribute was most beau
tiful, showing how much she was
loved and-respected by all who
knew her. Nine of her grand
daughters wore'.the: flower bear-
erai and ber grand sons were Oie
pall beaiers. ' \
.A good woman gone to her
reward. ^ .
We extend" sympathy to'the
John Everhardt
Dtinth has claimed our precious
little friend and brother, John
Everhardt, who died Saturday, at
the age of 14. We laid him to
rest at Liberty, 2 p. m., Sunday.
Biasing be on the bereaved
family. .
G. L. Murphy
Our community wa? saddened
Saturday when the news came
that Mr. G. L. Murphy fell dead
while plowing. His body was
brought to Oak Gmvefuid laid.to
rest Sunday afterncoh at 3 o'
clock. We extend our sympathy
to the bereaved ones.
G. L. Murphy
Mr. G. L. Murphy oflHolman
X Roads died suddenly while
plowing last Saturday morning.
He was 67 years of age and
•leaves a wife and several child
ren to servive. The I'unerul
services were conducted by Rev.
Jim Green and the remains were
laid to rest in Oak Grove ceme-
tor.v last .Sunday ex'ening.
infant Daughter Lapish
: Born to 'Mr, and Mrs. E. L.
Lapish on FeK 7th twins, a boy
and a girl.' Tlie little' girl died
Feb. 9 th and was buried at Sandy
Springs'Feb. '10th,
Bellman McClannon
Mr. Bellman McClannon, an old
Veteran, died sudden at his home
Tuesday morning, at the age of
seventy-nine years. He leaves
to mourn his departure a wife
and several ncices and nephews.
Another old soldier has gone to
his reward.
The funeral services werO con-
dueled by Rev. C. M. McKenny.
The remains were^lbid to rest at
Pino Wednesday afternoon at 4
Bio - Obituaries - 2/21/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 27,1924
John L Phipps
J. A. Current
. Newsr wastecevied here Wednes
day telling of dj^th of A.
Current-at bis ^honie in^ Walla
Walla," Wash. Mr. Current li\i^
Jn MockhylUe formany years before
gqing West; He .^.as a rural letter
carrier on 11. a for . snme time and-
^atso served awhile ^ police
He badttany fnenik here wbo will
besorriibto learn-of mis'death. ^ •-
Traveiiog Siitestnan props Dead.
A very'swl deat^ pccurred Fri
day afternoon at Dwiggins & Tui-
tcrow's store, 4 thiles of
Mocksville. Johd l# Phipps. of
Greensboro, who represented H. F.
Craven, and sold road machinery,
came to Mocksville Friday, to. see
tlie coininiss-.ioHeis about buyinjf a
road tractor. He wentyfrom here
to Center to .coDSUli with L. M.
Tntlerow, cae of the coromi^ion-
ers. W^ite standing out oor -tbe
side, of the road talking to Mr.
Tutterow, Mr.. Phipps suddenly
threw np his hands and fell back
ward, dying almost instantly with-
ont speaking a word. He was ap
parently in tae best-of health and
bad talked to'Mr. Tutleiow for a-
bone half an honr. 'A message was
sent to Mr. Craven at Greensboro
Iclling.ibe sad news. Mr. Craven
came at once to Mccfcsville where
the body was brought ^late in the
afteniooD. An aiobulaace , was
brought frcm Greensboitr and the
body left' h-sre about midnighi for
that city. Mr. Phipps was 31 years
of age' and .nnmarricd.'. He is sur
vived by his mother, two brothers
and seveiTsisiers. Mr. Phipps had
been coming to Mccksville for the
p^t four or five years ami.had
many frietds in the county who
'were pained to learn of his death.
Mr* Tbos. J Davis Dead."
Thoinas J. , Davis died .at the
home of bis wife's mother, Mrs.
Henry Ratledge, about four o'dock
l&t Wednesday morning, following
a long illness of tubercnlosis, aged
a'-ont 43 year^. Fiim-ral and bnrial
services were'held Thursday after
noon at two o'clbckoand the body
laid to rest in Rose cemetery. Mr.
Davis is sundved by his wife and
one young son, also his father and
one sister. Deceased leaves many
frie.nds in this section' who will be
sorry' to learn of his death. - .
Nancy Ann McDaniel
Mrs. Nancy Ann McDaniel, be
lieved to have,been the oldest liv-'
lag womani in Rowati countv, died
recently at the home of her sou, J
j. McDaniel,,^n Salisbury. The
funeral took place at the home
Wedne^ay morning, conducted by
the Rev. H. H. JRqbblns, p^tor oil
Park Avenue Meth^ist church, and
ihe interment was in the old Lnth-1
relatives survive. Mrs; McDaniel knew'ter intimately and wax
waii .apatiye of Rowan county, a tionntely known to rlieve as
daughter of Charles May» and in. "Grandma McDaniel." Mw. Jlc
early life married Alfred McDaniel, Daniel wgs a most reiwirlcaUe
of.Davie county, who died only a- woman and is said to htive rvncliol
few years ago^ She was a .splendid the unusual age of 104 ycars.-
^nsevend grandchildren other.' aud was loved by all wbo-^^arohna Watchman.
eran cemetery.In addition to the,
Bio - Obituaries - 2/27/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 27,1924
P. W. Booe
W. booc," for many yearn n.
'"zca of Davie cotiaty. died at his
'oine ai Davidson last. Wedoe^ay
aged 68 years Beath was
ntto aiwplexy. Mr.- fedoe was
al known In Mocksvitte,. having
here for a long while. Tlie
iWott '^irt to rest Friday at Da-
Bio - Obituaries - 2/27/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 5,1924
J G" L McDaaiepFajlaily 1
I Salisbury/Fet>[ni6.-:r'Gi ..iic-!
babiel,'..^e'aS, "^^as 'itlled-tpday:
wljeQ .he -fell .abbuti;'6S_ -.ai
^arr^f. the, • Hardaw^V cdtn'ijany;Wopdjeaf/.fhis coiiuty; w)ier> be
•tyas employed-as a 'car^cRter^";
Lafayette Kurfees
p. UniaycUe Kiirfees, died lat hisI nil'ill Ailnnta last 'week. Mr.
irfus vvjis a sou of the late Jas.
irfei.'s, oi' near Mocksville, aud is
nvi d by hvo sisters aud-several'
itk-rs. .Mr. Kurfees-left Davie
liy v<-*'Ts ago.
?. L. White
|1. L Wliite, son of Mr. aod Mrs.
I F. Wliiie, of near Ijaines' X
|aJs, (litcl Thursday .night ol
ffiitnonia, aged i8 years. The-
Hieial services were held Saturday
Smiiig at I ( o'clock and the body
|l to rest iu Ijames Baptist
iircli yard. '
Bio - Obituaries - 3/5/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 6,1924
Elbert Brock
. On Sunday Fab. 24 Mr. Elbert
Brock, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E,
Brock, was bun'ed here.. He died
in a hospital in Chicago. He had
m^e his home there.for several
years, . Thelbody wasacoompanx*
ed home by. one of his friends,
Mr, Evans, who had been with
Mr, Brock during his sickness.
The Methodist church was al-
hiost filled with friends and re
latives, and the* floral designs
beautiful; We.extend our sym
pathy to the bereaved ones.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/6/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 12,1924
•filr. ^ D. Smith Dead. -
Mr. A- b. ^Smi^ died about. 9
9'dack Wednesday, -nigbt. at^his
home iii Smith Grove, aged:about
60 years.*- Mf. Smith had been in
foiling bealth.for. the past two y^rs.
The funeral ^aud burial services
were h'dd at ^mithfGrdve• Fri
day morning. Mr. Smith is. ^r-
vived;by his .wife and seven child
ren. fonr danghte^ and three sous.
Mr. Smith was a .good man. and
stood well in his ^ominunity. His
death has cast a'gloom over the
Smith Grove community. He was
dneof TbeRecbid^s .g^ fnMdk
and we shall.mlss'^his jtherry. gfeiet.,
ittg. * Peace to his ashes... !
Bio - Obituaries - 3/12/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 13,1924
Daiton J. Smith
• Mr/ D^tdn^J, - Sxnitb; 4ied at
ht8 home here Wednesday after,
an iUoesQ. of about two ^eeks
and waa buried Friday at eleven
o'clock. He leaves a wife, '5<even
children wd iif^e<in grand child
ren, and scores of relatives and
friends to mourn his loss. Rev.
.C, M. M^inney and Rev.. J. W.
Vestel, of Lewisyille, a fomer
pastor, conducted the funeral
services.' ~Mr, 'Smith willv be
sorely, missed, not only at home
but in the church and Sunday |
Sch^l. We exteiid our duvpest.
eyintjathy to thosc bereaved. . i
Mary E. Hunter
Mrs.. Mary E. Hunter, died at
the home of .her daughter, Mrs.
'R.. W. Woodward, in Statesville,
and was buried at .the cemetery
at Eat.m's, Monday. The fun
eral .services were conducted by
Retr. >W. J. Hicks,, pastor of
Western Avenue church, States
Bio - Obituaries - 3/13/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 19,1924
thy^'oiliMISy '
tu|i^ ot4ife^1and'the^
sotil of^^^Daltpi
«d to' ai* itndSl«ov<^^icountiy.^
'whei^ no traveler;»eyer' retiOTd^Brptb<!r3mitH.wa^fifty-niafe^y^rs:
thrc^ i^nths_OTd;^'j^d^a.pM.. He
wis^,^®iifnl member. V - ^
'iHinSi at Sinjt^;G^^^ He
was a ineinter of f' th^^ 5:^!.
aai proj^tih>ttehdap.
He Wv^ a Wife atjA^seven cblW^^
r^; Four daughters: and three
»DS. ./Mrs ]^ j;;'Wagier, Mfs>
jpearl Howaiifi, Mis. R. .I#.j]Wliilak-
er and Miss^lieSuilth, and Luke,
prKsornji and Smith.' Pe
was an'aifectfciiBiJe g^tle and kind
father iud hii^dd^fWe-extend
Qur heartrfelt syin^thy to the be
reaved family.. .
, ' .J^:H. FOSTER.
' " ; n li .o^ CLbUSE.
Bio - Obituaries — 3/19/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVTLLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 20,1924
Josephus W. Collette
Mi't Josephus W. Collette died
BJonday March 17lh, after a longr
illness. At the time of this writ
ing arranjrotnentsi ha^ not . been
.made for the fuheittl.
Bio - Obituaries — 3/20/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 26,1924
• J. W, (KlIett^:a w^Id^^^^
zeo ofijtfae
eveidnff folloini^ij^'iUn^^of 8ey«
] elte ia siii rv lyed'. By- eiffht '^bildyen
.and; one balf-siater;'
Mrs. J. W. Dwiggins
„ Mfs. J: W. .t>wiggixis died at her
home nea): Center Sooidav follow
ing; long-illness, i The' burial
s^ces were held at^nter hto-
day afternoon . at ' tWoi. fo'dqck.
Mw. Dwiggins is. suryh'ed-by ber
husband and sie^n'children, -.
Cnroey Wright -Kffls Hiraself*
News was brought to Udckkoille
Saturday mornlng;to the effect tHgt.
Gu^ey Wright,-.a-fanner li^ng in
thelower.edge of Iredell cqun-
ty». Sheffield, .had kill^
kiiUseU with a gnn early Saturday
moroing. Mr: .Wright was'abont
49<3rears of age; and. is .siiyiTei by
his wife and eight children..' The
body' was- founff in a paqk''4i0ttse
near the home of the.deceased.- .-'A
coroners jury was suminouefl and. an;
inquest held over' the body.' .The
funeral" andL^ biinal ^rVices 'were
heTd at Rocky Springs cliurcb Sun
day.- -A brotjier.of.^"Mr. "Wright
commitied suicide - several • yeqrs
ago.. Mr. .Wright was. a^prOsper-
ons,'hard-worhiug fanner and. left
"cousideriible pi^peity.- fee. left ''a
will aiid three letters, One of.w;faicb
explained wby-he .oomffiitted --the
selftinuhJier/ An immense' throng
attend^ tlie bi^ial< remc»^Su,n-
day, whmh were con.d^led'by Re^'
Mr^ Ilallard,..qf Stat^'iUe, who
was bis pastor." '; *:
Bio - Obituaries -3/26/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 27,1924
J. Gurney Wright
Mrs. J. W. Dwiggins
' Sunday:moKn!hg, JMardti, 28, .
God called Mrs. J. W*
to a home Where Vorrdw./.and'
: nain never enters. . - ^ :
• ' She had been^' in ^ declinins:
health for sometime, and : then
I took pneumonia. ,
, Mrs. Dwig^ns was (a 'faithful
member of Center Church, 'M. Ei
She leavei'behind to' inburnV'a
husband, four" daiughters,< three
sons, and a host of fri,ends. • . •
She was laid to rest [in! Center
Cemeia^ •March,'. 24.;. -
^ We extend to the ber^yed one
our.greatest sympathy.'
Mrs. Earl Isenhour
'.Mrs; Earl le'enhour, o^f Qpolee-!
mee; di^ .Monday, March 17th,'
and was biirl^ at Liberty .Tues-
day.:! .. '
Iredell County Farmer
Ends Life With Shotgun
Statesville, Mar. 22. — J Gurney
Wrights, 49 yeai's old, living In
Eagle Mills township of Iredell,
county, committed suicide today
by shooting himself with a shot-
cun. His family heard the re
port of the gun arid a search re
vealed his body in a granary. A
long stick, by means of which he I
had pulled the trigger, still re-1
mained in the trigger guard. . j
A note to his wife and child-1
ren, informing them of - the I
amount of his estate and that he
was Itavirig every thing to them!
was found in a coat pocket..
•; His widow and eight children
Joseph Wesley CoUette.
The Angel of Death, that sil
ent visitor who comes to one and
all, irrespective of rank, race or
creed, called on Monday aftei^
noon, March 17,. and rdihovbd
from this world o.C-^u^rlng and
sorro\y one.of Ddvie county ts old
est and hnt st citizens, Mr, Joseph
W. Collctte, of hear .Caha.' '
Mr. Colletl'B was bom
Thomasvllle, Davidson. County,
July 12, lM8and moved:to th!s
county 'when a mere lad, tyhefe
he resided until death, with the
exception of about 3 yearo spent
in Higginsville; Missouri.'
* He was . a brave and- patient
sufferer for'five long mohtha frorn
a . complication' of diseases and
when .the summons;arrived near
the middle;of. a bright spring d.ay
he. was, found ready' and wilting
to - go, to that home where there
is no paiii nor death. ' > <
This good man passed a life of
I simple usefuiiiess, characterized
'by his unassuming manner.He
was a successful farmer, and his
rural life was marked by perfect
contentment for he loved nature
and the scenes of her loveliness.-
Day by day he lived as he.dledr*.
quietly, gently and at peace with'
his felldwman and God.
The funeral services were held*
from Eaton's Baptist Church
where he worshiped for over half
a century, and were conducted
by Rev. S. W. Hall, of Winston-
Salem and Rev. H. .T. Penr^r,- of
Southmont. Pall-bearera were
bis four sons and two soris-fn^aw
Interrnent was in the iittle'ceme-
tery near the church-by the side
of-his \yife, >yho was . before her
marriage Mary J^izabeih Ijames.
She; pteceded- him to the Great
Beyond . twenty-one years ago.
The high esteem in* which Mr,
Collette^ wiis he.ld! was attested
by the number and beauty of
floral tributes '.and by the large
concourse of relatives and friends
whd.came to pay him their final
respects and to share the grief
of his bereaved ones.
Surviviug refetives are . four
daughters, four'sons, and a num
ber Qf' grandchildren, and one
half sister; to all of whom we
we extend deepest sympathy and
point to . Him,' who *'doeth all
things well"..May they be able to
emulate the example of our Lord
in prayer when He taught us to
say "Thy Will Be Done."
Bio - Obituaries - 3/27/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 2,1924
Nancy Walker
wayjl^t^ di .bl.
'Mi& ;'WalV<^ bad .been-, iil.Wv(e^'Weel& j
Bunai wenr co^uct^^^
l^em. ^or6h.' :R^7» Mc&lbn^^
Mrs. Henry Myers
Mrs. Henry Myers.^of .Bixby
died Friday, aged 73 years^ The
rutieral and burial services took
place. Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock
at Fork Chnrcli. Mrs. "Myers is
sundved by.three sons and three
daughters. ••
Bio - Obituaries - 4/2/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 3,1924
Monroe Smith
I^rr/iNlohrpeM^mi tliifdieid :afc
honie . of Mr; T, SaJtui*-/
dajrj'nlffhV and waa' /bat^eS
ISiplth Graye;Su9day at ;4o^dl(|:k/
Mr^SiAyth'was a^raml)4r .iof;jP»e'
Meihodjlat^ •chuWh/ for/
Bio - Obituaries - 4/3/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 9,1924
Body Of L Brya^ Isfoand k
Yadkio River.
/,Wirwton Salem, April ^.-T-The body
of J. Irvin Bryan, was found .barlv
this tnorning in Ch^ Yadkin river by
a nei^ro man in employ of the
Southern PabilcUtiiities oomp^ny at
•the power plant of che Soutbera Pub'
Ho.Utilities, oompany. near Clem'
mons. 12 miles from Winston-Salem
The nesrro was removing some trash
from u.nde/the wheels at the jplaqt
when h'^ discovered a roan's arm and
shoulders in the river hear ti^e bahkf
He reported the matter to the super
intend^ and the body was taken'
out anTbrought to. an undertaker's
here for investigation. For aeveral
hours no one was able to tell whether
die body was that of a negro nian or
white, as the flesh had fallen off of
the hands and arms, indicatingihat
tbepei^n had been dead at .least
several weeks.
Later it developed n that it was
jesse Irvin Bryan, who had been
missing since Febroary 12. The
coroner's jury rendered a verdict
that the man came to his death from
bullet wound, and that he was shot,
through the head. It vegs also de
cided that the sli.it entered the back
of his head and came yntof thefore-
iiead Foul play was of course sus
pected. it being believed that Bryan
was thrown inithe river after he wab
shot, N . '
Death Of OSrs, WatkioL
Mrs; Laura 1)'. Watkins. aged fifty,
wife of Aenry A. Watkins. died at
her home in Ciemmons at ten o'clock
Thursday, after a- lingering illness.
She has been confined to her home
for the past 18 months- Mrs. Wat
kins has lived at Clemmnns fdr
twelve years. and has a host of
friends In. that cornmuni ty. She was
a devotep member of the Mount
Pleasant Methodist church.
Before.marrlage Mrs Watkins was
Mrs. Laura Beasent, of Jerusalem'
Mrs. Watkins is survived by several
brothars and sisters, among them
Russel dessent, who lives at the old
homo.place. .
Bio - Obituaries - 4/9/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 10,1924
Winston Man Had Been Mis
sing Since Feb. 12—Shot
In Back of the Head^
No Clue Ta Murderi^ir
- Winaton-Salem, April 3.—Th^
body of J. Irvin Bryan, was found
early this'thorningin the Yadkin
river by a negro man in the em
ploy of the Southern Public Utili
ties company at the power plant
of the Southern Public Utilities
company, near Glemmons, 12
mi||8 from Winston-Salem. The
negro was removing some trash
from under the wheels at the
plant when he discdveredaman's
arm and shoulders in the river
near the bank, He reported the
matter to the superintendent and
the body was taken out and
brought to ah undertaker here
for investigation. For several
hours no one was able to tell
whether tne body wias that of a
negro man or white; as the flesh
had fallen off of the hands and
John Myers
arms, indicating that the persCn
had bpen dead at < Itiast several
Xi&tor it developed that it was
Jesse Irvin Bryan, who bad been
missing since February'* 12. The
coroner's jury rendered a verdict
that the man came to his death
from a bullet wound, and that he
was shot through the head. It
was also decided that the shot
entered the back of the head and
came out of the forehead. Foul
being believed that Bryan was
thrown in the river after he was
The'deceased was 50 years old
and a brother of Lieut R. W.
Bryan, of the city police force,
and Mrs. Kannie B. Merritt, also
of .this city* A halfj brother,
John R. Taylor, lives at Heming*
way, S. Cm and a half sister,
tfrs. S. C.. Anderson, resides at
St Petersburg, Fla.
For several years Mr. Bryan
was engaged in business at Sav
annah, Ga. He came to this city,
several months ago and lived
with his sister, Mrs. Merritt
While here he assisted in conduct
ing sales at local stores.
Mr. Bryan was a native of
Moore county^ but came to this
city with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse Bryan, during his
early childhood days.
The personal effects taken from j
Bryan's clothing included a busi
ness card, carrying tne name of I
J. R. Morrison, superintendent
W. M. Burdine's Sons. Miami,
Fla., a bunch of keys which "fit
ted a suit case owned by thtf de
ceased, a skeleton key, pair of
nose glasses, pencils, a number
of stomps and a small amouht of
Mri John Myefs,'aged 78 years,
died At the home of his daughter.
i'John Whitlock, Tuesday,
fist He is survived'by One
brother, Mr. Uriah'MyerS,
Advuioce;; four" sons, Walter;of-
Advance; Gus, Winston; '• -^Ale^
and Olacar,Cooleemee;faur daugh
ters-; IjMrs. Kurn'Dobyy -Hahes;
Mrs.vC^ap Gdllet^ Mrs^-Ainhn
Eatoii,! ,Gpb!e,emee;''fihd MrafJotAi
"Whitlote 'Mfty^pri^'^' ^ahd-h{iildi'
pnc. great-grand-qhiidV;
'Funerajl services conducted-" at
Advancje M. E. Church by'Rev.
,j; M. |/,yarner. ylnterment';* in'
Shady djrove cemetery.. May the
L^rd.iblcl^.those who so-tenderly"
nu^en flim during his lingering *
illness, li. r-
Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 16,1924
O. G. Turbyfill
O. G. Turbj-fill, of Harmony,!
dropped dead early Sunday tuoru-j
ing Mr. Turbyfill had carried hisj
cattle to pasture and wlieu he put I
the bar.'t up after turning the cattle!
in, he tnriicd arotrnd and dropped'
dead. His little son went .wilb him
to the pasture but returned home.
One of the children went to .-.look
for him and his .body was found
just before noon. He was .'about
65. yeans old, and is survived by his
wife and s.everal children. V
Bio - Obituaries - 4/16/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 23,1924
Joe F. Steelman
I ' ' Frank Pomdexitt Dead.
I Mr. TraiH: Ppiiide^!t€r» ^
[•knou'Q.ciiizsru of Adyiaiice, * died at
, his hduie last OyesdayVmornidjf,
death being due .tO pafdysisV". Mr..
^PdindexlCT member : pt
Mocksviire LwigeVA- F. & A - M ;
and the body was laid to rest "Wed-
- n^day 'sftcmbon in Skady' Grove
! cemetery ^with Masbnic''Ti^dnbrs
'Mr* Poindexler is'survived by.
1 wife aiid two chtldfen, J.;W,
j BMley .'and Witliam Polndexter,-
Ibotb.of VVinsloti-Salem.. •
Strii^cD At Work* -
While doing some.screen work at
the home of Mr. I. Q. Hart, Satur
day, Mr. JoeiF. Steelman. aged 55,
suffered a strjoke qf paralysis short
ly before nodn and died an hour
after being earned to his home.
He is survived oy bis wife and one
.daughter, was ..a.native of
Davie couoty, but had, been 9 re--
sident of this city for 30 yeam.-'He
was a membdr oif the Baptist dhurcb
and the Woodineq of the World..
Union Republican.
P. L. Foster
Mr. -P. 1<. Foster, of Fulton
township, died Thursday afternooD,
following-a long illness, aged about
76 years. The-funeral, and burial
servtces'were held at Pork Church
Saturday morning.., Mf. Foster is
survived*by his wife and, several
ju>ns and daugbfers.\
Bio - Obituaries - 4/23/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 24,1924
P. L. Foster
Mr. P. L Fosterdied at an ad
vanced affe at his home several
miles from here last Thursday
April 17th, at five o'clock after a
lingering: Illness of nearly' two
yeairs, and was buried Saturday
morning at. 11 o'clock at the
Baptist cemetery,* Funeral ser
vices being conducted by Rev.
J. P. Carter, of Waughtow.h, He
leaves to mourn his loss a wife/
eight daughters and a son.
Mr. Foster had been a life long
ifnomber of the Baptist church,
he was a gcod citizen. and kind
neighbor, and his friends were
Bio - Obituaries — 4/24/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 30,1924
Mr. J. W. Ward Dead; '
Mr. J., W. WariJ, a well •known
citizen of Jerusalein townsbip, died
at his b'oihe last Wednesday mom-
aged about $5 years. The
looeral and burial ^rvtces 'were
bdd Thursday .afternoon and the
body laid. to r^..in Macedonia
•graveyaid, Mr. Ward is survived
by bis wife and several sons* aud
MrsJ Eira Baity Dead; ^
Mrs. Bliza Baity died at her
home near Cana, on Thursday,
aged9r yearn. The funeral and
burial services were conducted Fri
day by Rev. V, M.. Swatm,. of
Winston-Salem. Mrs. Baity is
survived by four SODS, D. N., A.
F., J. W., of Davie, and Dr. -H. F.
Baity, of KnosviUe, Tenn. Mrs,
Baity's death was due to blood
poison, resulting from, a small
scratch on her hantf She was the
widow of the late F. A. Baity.
l£r* L. C Meachdio Dies ofPbeu.
■Mr. L. C. M^cbam died at
Statesvtlle^ Wednesday morning at
4 o'clock, at the Davis. Hospital,
death Tdllowiug -weekfs critical
illuess of pneumonia*. The body
was shipped lo Burlington where
tuneral services and interment took
place Thursday.
Mn Meacbam was 35 ■years of
age at the time of his death. He
was a resid^t of Yadkinville ^aud
was in the road construction busi
ness.' being • connected with W, B,
Graham Copstmction ,Xompauy.
He formerly made bis bpltne' in'
Mocksville. where he was known to
many friends. .\
Surviving the deceased, besides
his widow, who was Miss Reba
Snider, of this city, his parents,
Mr; and Mis. Fletcher Meacbam,
two sisters. Mrs^ Jim Motoh and
Miss-Hal tie Mecham, of Burling
ton, and two -brothers,.^ Will and
John Meacbam, of Burlington.
Mary Eliza Vogler
The funeral of Mm. Mary Eliza Vogler Jage 87, years of Qoaleetnee was li^d Vat
ite.^aKiiijigton M. EiCfaoscb SuOL'ay after*
neon at 3'.30 o^oiock .conducted, by the
COoleemee pastor, asaisted by Rev.lilcKin*
oey and.Mr. C«mlclL . Mre -Voglcr >fw a
former mtiideat of this pluca many fHeodsatteivled the services . in respect, to iier|
memory.' ' ' • i
Bio - Obituaries - 4/30/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Mr. L. C. Mechum Dead.
Our city was sadejied last Wed
nesday morning^, when hews
was received here stating the
death b£ Mr. Lace Mechum in
Statesvilie, where he -'died of
pneumonia. Mr. Mechum was a
successful young business man,
being a member of the Graham
Construction company, and at
the time of his illness, stationed
at Yadkinville where he was
working on the Boone Trail High
through Yadkin cbjunty.
Mr. Mechum was well known
here, having conslructed quit a
bit of road work in this section,
and has a host of friends, here
who wilLleoim of his death with
much grief. He was married to
Miss Rebia Snider, of this city,
about two years ago^ who, with
his father, mother, two'sisters
and two brothers survive. His
body was taken to Burlington,
the home of his parents, for bur
ial seiwices.
John W. Ward Dead.
Jolin W. Ward, of North Cdol-
eemee, died April 23rd, after a
wasting illness of several weeks.
He "was sixty-twd years, four
months and ten days old at the
time of His decease.
He was married in young man
hood to Miss Virginia Owen. To
this union t here were eight child
ren born. After her death he was
married to Miss Nancy Sheets,
to whoin was born'seven child
ren. He leaves his devoted wife,
thirteen children, sixteen grand
children, and many other rela
tives and friends who are sad
because of hfs going.
The funeral was conducted by
Rev. D. F. Putnam, assisted'by
Rev. W, B. ICnox, at Macedonia,
Quite a. number of people from
ibis place attended the burial and
with others from his old home
section filled the house. The
fioral offerings were beautiful
and numerous.
It wt^ the writers privilege to
visit Mr. Ward during his days
of suffering. He expressed bis
trust in the Lord and his readi
ness to die. ' He seemed to enjoy
con versing on religious matters, |
and having the minister pray n
with him.
May^ the Lord richly bless and,
comfort the faithful wife and
children in their bereavement
D.P. P.
Mary Vogler
James McDaniel
Mr. James McDanfcl died April
19th and was buried the 20th, at
Cherry Hill. .Mr, McDaniel was
54 years, and was horned and
raised noar Fork Church. .He
leaves n wife and five children
and two 8tep»cluldren to mourn
his loss.
The hody of Mrs. Mary Vogler, ij
of Cooleemee was brought hore jj
[ >r burial Sunday nfVornoon. ThCjj
service wdS conductcii by thej,
psstor from Cooleemee and Mr.
T. I. CuiuIcU. cf Mockavilla.
Many friends and relatives came
from her iioine lo pay the last
triluites of roipcct to licr who
h.ad been a much loved Christi m
for many year^i, uiul a large num
ber was prciient from our com
munity. May God bless and
torn fort the bereaved fumily.
Betty Ann Brewbaker
News reached us Sunday of
the sudden death of Miss Betty
Ann Brewlmker, of Huntavllie.
She had been in failing health
for quite a while but appealed
as Well as usual em ly Svnday
morning, hut in a short lime she
was called away. The body was
burled in the 'old Mt. Zioii
graveyard Monday afternoon.
We extend our sympathy to Hie
Bio - Obituaries - 5/1/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 7,1924
Abe Gaither
William T. Brown
LjliamT. Brown, a native of
U comity, but for many years
Lideiit of Winston palem, died
jhissuomier bome at Morehead
lylaslTuesiiay. aged 56 y^rs.
jXtck Cai'Uicr's last son. Abe,,
'buried Sunday aitemoon, and'
lot Ouly colored friends, but maoy
pite ones cxteud sym^tby to the
[ifeanc aged father and mother
wlKed au exemplary Cbrfstmn'
Bio - Obituaries - 5/7/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 14,1924
Ernest Swain
Swun By - Fiy^
gation befor'e.CjoroBer S.- Jfii
for .thepdrj^se of. iietennfp^ Wip
fir^ theihot wliicW'kilM
$'^aia atVHarinony lastnigbt, after
a lieariBg-lasting fpr-more^han six
hbuVs," raiting |n a yi^wt-oif the
ju^' iate tonight thai the dec^se4
.came tp his death by a pjstol 'rfired
by an unknpw.u'j^rty. n .
A.Idcge nuinbef.. pT ..withessies
were^exaniin^. the.eyiden^
to show that 'Ernest. Swain, of
Joh^vilie; D, I/,^Maybeny, 'M. M
Sfcyberry. and T.: J. Ca^ef, of
Eikin, and t; JI. B!p6el of Forsyth
county, CjB^e. to I. Harmony .16 at
tend-a baseball game.' It wasstat^
that all the ; young' men except
Swain were intoxicated;^ and were
raisjng-a'.rpughhouse;. three., of. the
party"attadcingand severely wound
ing P. •. H. i^zenby, a Harmony
citizen against whom tbey-.h^ "a
grudge.- 'Officers were.....calied-to
quiet the intruders,'who were create
iiig ni'uch exci.tem'ent; were in pro-
gross. The men refused: to sub
mit to arr^t usiug'.deflant '-langu
age,* and 10; their attempt jtO v leave,
the oMcdrs several shots weteJredT
by officers, the evidence \ showing
that each shot was fired at the tires
of the' fleeing. automobiler which
was a high-powered mac'liitier
: in the chase a bullet pas^d frpur
the reir of the car sii^jkmg '^^oung
Swain in^tj\e back of the head and
passing out throUght the windshield
Swain was at the steering wheel at
the time.. The. officers then effect-
ei .the arrest of the .members o^. the
party and..'liurried the wounded
man to .a local' hospital,* but he
died soon after reaching here. , .
'iUe-two Maybenry men,. Carter
and Booe, on'charges of transports
ihg liquor, assault with deadly
weapon-with' .intents to kill, " and
driving car while ihtoxicatedi each
gave $i«bc6-bonds tooigbt for their
appearance in- "Tredell recorder's
court 'Monday. m'b;rning at v.io.
o'clock. ^ • - . , ' ii".
Mrs. Henry McDaniel
, Mrs. Henry McDsmiel died . at.
her home • near Davie Academy
Thursday, aged- 69. years. The
funeral and burial services were
conducted by Rev. Jim Oreen on
Friday at Salem ""trburch. Mrs.
McDaniel is survived by her Hus
band and six children, four sons
and two daughters, aLsa^^wo brdth-
ers.v A good woniau has gonetolier
Bio - Obituaries - 5/14/1924
Frank Clingman
Mr. Fradk Clia^inan.'Lwho has Mm.lb
•jessed away siiJdeoly :^eSday-:-iiiorabd
at the bolse bf.-fil8 -:br^h^,'3;Mr<^D]gfc
Ctiagmao;;. of r-Winstoo'sdIe'in.-^E6'n^l
service .were.eo^beti^_'a.b^'^ahnldit'
Revr Hiatt,'6f BarkObead chdrdai'Windffin
braaehed the'fnaefab >.A Mrge;{crawd of
relatives and frlends>ere[^^e^t to pay'
bim ffieb'fast'reipeclaiji^.''::-:-. ".';^^ -.v't :'
Mrs. Ui H, Orrell P.ea4.
• Mititie Rpsenai Garw.ood Orrelj'waa
born Nov. 15.1867 .did! May &..1924
Age, 56 vearS/ S.raoiiths and 20^ay8
She was married", to U. H, Orrelj.
Nov. 4, 1888. . To. ..this niiioh were
bora •• .seven children. -An infaht
dapghter. and a son about fifteen
yea.rs ^'pf* 'oge preceded, her toy.the
.spirit world. The! 'surviwhg^ child--
ren are.'Luther L'. Orrelli'Mfs.' E • M--
Hartmanr'Mrs. ^ W, .Ziglar, Miss
teiia Orrell, add, Misr liuna Ojrrell.
She also leaves four half .brother and
one half-sister, brides a bqst of
other' relatives 'raiid ' fnehds rwho
mourn her'suddeh departure. . .
Sister Orreir was a loving wife and
mother, -and a .quiet; -kindheiiried
-fdend.' - .She was a meihber of Pbu-
viile M; P.; Church she.
h(6f early ■^rlhbod. . ;•: ^ • s'The fuherai'jservices-' were at-Advance W^nW3.ay^-May-7i at 8 p,. !»:>conducted ;by"'hT^'"'hh8tor,.^'y; j;T,Si3kra88!ated;by=gp<^^
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 15,1924
Mrs. H. T. McDaniel
Mrs. Henry Elizabeth McDaniel
Mrs. Henry Elizabeth McDaniel
passed away at Salem- last week.
A good "and faithful motbor is
gone, from- among us.
Mrs. H. T. McDaniel diod May
the Sth, at'-tbc age of C8 years,
10 months and and 11 .days, and
was burled the following day at
Salem church where she was a
member. She was held in high
esteem as \^s shown by the
large number that attended the
funcml. Rev. Jim Green, her
pastor, conducted the service.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/15/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 21,1924
William L. Foster
John H. Foster
- John Foster died at his home
on R. 2 Thursday afternoon, "aged
nearly 8o years* Mr.* Foster had
been in laiiiog health since the
death, of his wife several years ago.
Tile" funeral and' 'burial services
"vvere Conducted by Rev, Jim'Green
Saturday, morning/-ac it o'clock
and the body laid to rest in 6a^'
Grove graveyard. MjCt Foster was
Confede^te veteran is survived
by two daughters, M^ames Naib-.
an Wellman and* Sanford >Nail.
P^ce to this old^yoldiers ashes. .
* Mr..Willia6 L. ^Ter.'a highly
r^pected citiz^ of North" Coolee-
niee, died^pday, foildwing an ill
ness of several iweefcs,- ag^ 7 ^ years.
The body"was laid to rejt in Fork
cemetery Monday afternoon, Mr^
T. i: Caudeir, df-thisl^ty, conduct
ing the burial s^r^ce^'. ' ^r, Foster
is survived .by., his^wife and ^wo
children a son" afid^t^ughier by a
former mar.riage.. .Mr. .. 'Fpster-.:\vas
a good Citizen, n ah. honest, andj-mp-
right 4han and'he^iU be mi^ by
a host of friends. . InJ'his^e^^
Record los^ a
old.arid failh/uV subscriber, ^y
hS r^.ih ;peac&" - ■; ; .
. Col Jesse C Bessehf Dies..
Win8ton*SaI.etnT May. 18 —Colonel
.leSse C. Bessent, proroipentthi ougb
out the state, a soldier and jurist 01define r^bgnijtlon.' diM e^Jy thiiinhrmng at ;hi8 'home in this cit>,
after an jlln^^f only .about er
hour. A-stroke of apoplexy.'was th.e
cause of death, which came while
lay in his bed • The fuueraj servicei
will be conducted Monday afternoonat 8 o'clock from St. Foul's EpiscA
pal church, of which . the deceased
.was a itiember. ■ " , .
Colonel Besseht came io'Winston
Salem in I8OT from hts.native town.
Mocksyille». Shortly after his arrival
iti the cUy he bec^e a member of
the local.comply, national guardiand hi^^'militafy affairs ^ Cohtinued
unril his'.d^th. ; In the. SpaniBh-A-iperica war he was .iti .cotvrmapdol
his company^, taking an .active part
throughout almost the entire con
fl ict. He'rei^ain^ in the service,
as a member df ;the local ^company!
and when the cpU^try ehterM war
in 19l7v be was^an^iig the fi rst from
thia city to Volunteer;. He wss^nl
to cainpv bnt the yeai^'had left .themark of-their p^iig, aiTd his jeye*
sight could .'hot .•pasa..the necessary
testa.v..1 '
Tbe'deceased was years of age.xFofeSS yj^re he had "ifcSn A ma^s*tr^te apd/sat as Judge jpn. many im-portan^jcaaes;,'.^ tie 'pnssfssed a wndeknowledge bif."law- and'^liis ^dpihionswere blghlyrregarded. ^vDoring his':85.yea^^aa. m.akistrate be married-"niore Ofan-coup%'.' Re wassls6 Int^esi^d.ill'the fi re insu^ce.bu8ino^ jS.r h'number of years.'.Vv .
Bio - Obituaries - 5/21/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 22,1924
Beath Brougrht On By A
Stroke of Apoplexy, Came
While He LaylnflisBed
Highly Beloved Citizen
Winston.Salem, may 18.—Col
one! Jesse C. Bessent prominent
throaghout the state, a soldier
and jurist of definite recognition
died early- this morning at hie
home in in this city, dfter an ill
nessof only ahoat an hour. A
stroke af apoplexy was the cause
of d^th, which, came while he
lay in bis bed. The.funeral service
will be conducted Monday after
noon at 3 o^clock from St, Paul's
Spiscopal church, of-which the
deceased was a member.
Colonel Beuent came to 'Win
ston Salem in 1876- from_hls na
tive town, .Mockaville. n • Shortly
after lus. arrivaF in the city he
hecamn^, member of the local
company, national guaid, and his
military affairs -continued until
his death, In Che Spanish Ameri
can war he was in command of
his company, taking an active
part thrppghout almost the entire
conflict HA remained In the ser-
vice, aaja ^membei^tof the'local
company,tapd when the'•county*
entered war-iO/p 1917-.^ ;hB^-^ah
amoogf theilPirstifrom this •city 1:6;
volunteery He, was :sent«tV- camp, *
but the-years; had-left-'the mark,
of their •pa^s^gf.and^his eye sight'
could^npt pass the necessary-test
The defsegsediwas i68> years bf
fSei3B'years he had been a mag-
istrute and sat asljudgebn many
impotlantc^^^Hp; poseased a
widp'l^hpwreq^ law, and ; his
opinions',we"^\bighliy* regarded.
Buring^hTs 85 years as magistrat
lie married more than l,000cpuple
He .vy.us, also interested in the fire
insurance huBineps for a'-nuraber-
of years, ^ .. -- .
Fraternally Colonel Bessent
was n Knight Templar* Odd Fet-
low and Junior. He had* hold office
m the Grand-Lodge of Masons.
Colonel Bessent is. survived' by
his wife, T.he. announcement of
che death has -brought nsincere
sadness to the city, and' dudng
the day, the home has been -the
mecca for hoots of friends of the
deceased who jtave'called to pay
their last respects to this friend
John L. Foster
William White
William, the little son of Mr. and
Mrs Willie White "^of Huntsvilie'
was buried at Pino Tuesday after-;
noon May 13 we extend mucli
Sympathy to the parents and ral.'
Mr. John L.' Foster died Thurs
day, May 15, and was laid to rest
at Oak Grove, May 17, age'SO
years. Tie leaves to mourn his
loss two. daughters, Mesdames
N. S. Wellman and Sanford Nail
of this place, and four grand
children--of Washington, D. C."
The funeral services were con
ducted by Rev. Jim Greem To
the relatlve-s we extend'our sym
Bio - Obituaries - 5/22/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 28,1924
liirs. JoliosoQ Dies Id New'York.
|- Raleigh, May 23.—Mrs. J.* Ed
ward JohusoD Winston Salem
tUe widoW/Of R-=J Reynolds, mil
'lionaire tobaccQ irfagnate and one
I of the wealthiest women in North
Coroliua died :in New York this
|afieri:ooo according to dispatches
received here. She left a three
{days old infant as well as several
.'children by her fiist hnsband^ ' .
N. C. Eaton
Mr. N. C. Eaton, a well ktiown
citizen of the Cana section, diod
Monday, foliowing a long illness.!
L-I16 funeral dud burial services
were held at Eaton's church yes-'
terday afternoon. , Mr. Eaton is'
survived by one son and pnedaugfa' i
ter, and Is a brother'of .Mrs. J.V'P."
Green, of this city. *^1
Bio - Obituaries - 5/28/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 29,1924
N. C. Eaton
Mr, N. C. Eaton dierl Mt»ntlay
«t noon after u lonjc ijlness, Thu
funeral aervices were lield aL
Ches nut Grove on Tuesduy at.
11 O'clock, A, Si,
Bio - Obituaries - 5/29/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 11,1924
Eliza Tutterow
|u. Eliza Tuiierow died at her
'Dear Center Fiiday afternoon,
[about So years. The futieral
wial services were held Sat-
I and the body laid to" rest in
bufiing gronod. Mrs
ffow is survived by a numbei
[iWreUvanda host of relative.*-
Mary M. Fry
I. "V Ery died at her
y? artningion Sunday-after-
I ® iowing a long illness of
75 years. The fnu-
butial services were held
®donia Moravian Church
Pl' teruoon at 2:30 o'clock.
rVtesurxivcdbyfive chxld-I James Fry, of this city,
.Mrs. Fry. . •
Mrs. George Fowler and
Henry L. Ford
|tiGeorge Fowler, of South:
lti,died last Monday and the!
carried to Statesvllle and Uidi
Ueary L. Ford, of Franfc-
[oKBsliip, a brother of Mrs.
[l«c,died the same day Mrs.
trwas buried. Mr. Ford is
lired by his widow and two
Bio - Obituaries - 6/11/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 12,1924
Matilda Fry
• Mrs. Matilda Pry, who • has
been \^ery sick for three weeks
died Sunday afternoon and was
burled 'Monday at Macedonia.;,To
the- relatives we extend inufeh
Mrs. liizaiTutferqiw^
Other CenteriNews
Mrs.- LlW Tiitterdwi 'a- Well
loVed woman bj6'thiS"* coiidhuriity
was calle'd'td;ineet her) God last'
Friday Jtfne 6th'. She was dbdut
79 yeara 'of afte and had beeii'-^ft
declining, -health ' for 'Several
months, iiut wa.8 confined to ftdf
bed for oy»ly a few days. •
.Mrs. '..Tutierow , joined the
fiaptlet church at I james X Roads
when sbg Was a young' and
lived a iSlthfui and cdhsistentlife
until death. She leaves behind
one son and twodaugntersrhaine--
ly. J. A. JETutteyow, Mrs, Post
er of Gf^ttJjboi^'aOd'Mr^irH^^
Aiierwara.raB* WH5I uiyeijr latt* k"
rest in (i!SSti^.cdd[efei?r» n To« the
sad bereaved ones we extend our
Bio - Obituaries — 6/12/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 18,1924
Dirafh Of Mrs. C A. Rall.
Mrs. C. A. Hall, a^ed, seventy
five years, died at thr home of her
daughter, Mrs. F^liac Hege, Clem-
moDS, R. F. D. No. i, Tuesday
afternoon after being ill for ten
days. "Death was caus^ by pneur
luonia. n
Mrs. Hall was bom at Advance,
February 6, 1-848, and-was married
to Mr. Hall iu i$70. H^husband's
deate occured in 1904:.. The d^
ceased wa;^ a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Frauds M^PbiHps.
• Three children survive, Charles
A. Hail, of Winston-Salem; Henry
F. Hdl, of York, Pa., and Mrs
Feli» Hege, of the' Clemmons
sectiom 1
The funeral was held Thursday
morning in the school dormitory at
Clemmons- at 10 o'clock. Inter
ments followed in Salem.cenieteryl
The Iservices were conducted by
Rev. F. W. Grabs.
. _ Fred Clement Dead.
Fred L. Clement,. 34 years of age.
jvas found dead in bis bed in ins
lon-Salem Thursday morning. Mr.
Clement had not been well for some
time bot was able -to be in bis store
Mr. Clement was a' son' of the late
dr, and Mrs. J. H. Clement, of this
city. Be left Mockevllle. severgj
years w wd went to the Twih-Chy
where he- entered the mercantile
basiness. Mr. Clement,is snrvived
by three brothers. A P., J. iSl. Jr„
of Winston &Iem and A. M. Cle
ment, of LoniBville, Ry., and two
siatera. Mrs. Frank B|aylock and
Miss Sarah Ciemeii^ of Oxfords The
body was brought to MocksvilleSnn-
hay afternoon and laid to ri§at in
Clement ^yeyard, Kw. G Swaf
ford, of'tliia'.city, conducting the
linriaj Ber\dc^ Mr; Clement; bad
many friends in Mockaville.who were
saddened by bis death.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/18/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 19,1924
Gladys Swicegood
I Miati Gladys Swicegood. of
I Goolecmee, died June 12th and
I was buried hero on the 13th.
She was 14 years old.
Fred L. Clement Dead.
It was a great shock to his
many friends here to learn of the
sudden death of Fred Lawrence
Clemen^ io Wioston-Salem, on
Friday morning, June 13th. The
deceased was the youngest son
jof the late Mr. and Mrs. J, H.
Clement and was *35 years old,
death being due to apoplexy.
Surviving are two sisters. Mrs.
Frank. Blalock, and .Miss Sarah
Clement, of Oxford, and three
brothers, J. H. Clement and
Foster Clement of Winston-Sal-
em, and Abrani Clement, of
Louisville, Ky, Funeral services
were conducted on Sunday after- i
noon at 8 o'clock by Rev. A. C. i
Swadford, amid a large concourse
of relatives and friends. The
floral offerings were beautiful,
and this popular young man is
mourned by a host of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blalock, and
Miss Sarah Clement, of OxJurd,
and Poster Clement of Winston-
Salem. were present at the fun
eral, besides roauy other out-of-
town relatives and friends.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/19/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 25,1924
Rev. H. R« FreemaD' Dies' Whea
. Auto Turnf Ov^«.
Hickory, June 20.—Rev. H. R;
Freeman,.pastor*6f the West Hick«
bry Baptist church^ was^hstanlly
killed late Thursday between'^by
and Badih when "the car In Wbich
be was riding turned .turtle three
times over a- steep entbamkm^t."
Other, Other occupants of tie
received ^rious injuriies.but all are
expect^r.to, 'recoyerl They" .were
taken to a-hospitai iu Badin.. . n
Joe Phifer
. Throwis Ii^b A Rea|iery Diei-
■Salisbury, June 20.—Joe PhifefT
2Ti of Scotch Irish township, while
hoping his fatb^ cut wheat with
a >Teaper, met. with an accident
whi<A cost him his Hfei He
dKving the team of horses when a
line broke and the hors^ (hii hway
thrcwing hfm.'fn-the reiaj^r where
he. retiived . severe'idjuries -aud
died spoti after .-bding-^i^h^ to; aI StateS^ile ho^itali
Mrs. Jacob Cope
J ob Copedicd a" tl c hon
North Coole.--
i |j y'^ars. The fuoer-is^, ^ weje held
ttije ' j Potman, ofVk ^'^^'"Slheservices.^ surviving ly several
E. G. Jones
74 years,
r'^ain • servicesr "• ^•■r^«Mucw r™"®|jj^. Ctedby^^.j-
®0fvlved byI relatives and
Clement Graves
Clement (Jrave?. if year-old
son of Mr and Mrs. George Graves,pI'r. 4, died in a Wipstdnf al^hospital Friday foUdwing an illne^.
c'ar^,^Xio. -'.thii.. hospU.a.l; :Frid^>.
■/n'-l Wn'rifll - sefvIcCS
Bio - Obituaries - 6/25/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 26,1924
Elizabeth Cope
Mfs. Eiiijabeth Copp, wife of
the late Jacob Cone, died at the
home of her dauehter, Mrs. 0.6.
Young of Cooieemee, June i7 and
was tenderly laid to rest by the
side of her husband in Pork cem-
etury under a b ink of llownra the
following day among a lurge con-
cour.He of borrowing relatives and
t'rlcnda. Mrs. Cope was ill for
several weeks and all that loving
hands could do was in vain, she
had lived CO the ripi .old age of
78 years and 5 m >nth^ and a few
clays. She leaves to mourn her
loss lliree daughters, M^s C.' C.
Young, Mrs Tom James, and
Mrs. Jessie Henry; two sins
Mescrs Cliarlio and Cap Cope a!- ^
so one sUter; Mrs Amanda Gnr-
wood, of lids place; onu son pre
ceded hor in dcatli auvoral yearn
ago. 32 graud-childron and C
grcuL-grand-children. Her re
mains wore carried to its.Ui^t
resting^ace by her grand sons.
Mrs. Cope united with Pork Bap
tist church in girl-hood and .re
mained a devoted member. She
was well-known inlhis commuiiity
having spent her entire life here
except aeveral years ago. Funorai
service being conducted by the
Cooleemue minister. A good
woman has gone to her reward,
Peace to her ashes.
Ten Year Old Son Graves
The ten year o!d son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ooorgo Graves, of Tur-
rentinc died in a Winston Salem*
hospital of appendicitis last Sat
urday and was tonderaily laid to
rest in Pork cemetery Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock. We ex
tend sympathy to the grief strick
en parents ;n the loss of their
only child, may they be comfort
ed by tlie loving Father who
doeth all things well.
Safely, safely gathered in
Far from sorrow far from sin
No more childiali grief or fears
No more sadness no more tears
For the lifo so young and fair
Now lias passed from earthly care
God himself the soul will keep.
Giving his beloved sleep.
E. M. Huneycutt
We regret to learn of the death
of E. M. Huneycutt, at his
home in Albemorlo last Friday.
Mi^. Huneycutt was the father
of Mr. A. C. Huneycutt, and had
been in declining health for
Rosa Swicegood
Miss Rosa Swicegood, daughter
of Mr. Charles Swicegood, died;
at her home Friday, and was
burled Sunday morning atllo'-
i clock at Cherry Hill church.
Bio - Obituaries — 6/26/1924 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY