Jul - DecDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 5,1922 Mrs. Wiley v. Hartman Wiley V. Hartman' ^ed atWi.^ Wednesday aft^oon 43 SaJm,' agedInneral and ^Uuri^ H lairf ^^Uiry ^ h Hartman' is sur- '*ra t j ®nd two daiigh>Hartman ma native of • and has many friends he's.™ Havie connty who will th^ 4<»th of Bio - Obituaries - 7/5/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 12,1922 F. H. Armond • J; Ai Daniel ^received a message last week from Mcs. Daniel went to Madison,' Ind., several weeks ago to be at tfie bedside of her father, Mr. F, H. Armond, say ing that 3fr. Armond died on Wed nesday. The funentl and burial services were held on Saturday. Mr, Armond had visited his daiigb- ter here several times and had many frfen^ will be sorry to learn of his death. ' Bio - Obituaries - 7/12/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 13,1922 W. tf. BiHGGS imTLY.- KILLED n^arrqckford: Sand Heaped On -Crossing Causes Locomotive to'Split; Switch arid. Turn Over Winstou-Salem,; July^.9, -Engi neer W. W. Briggs; of ^Winston- Salem, was instahtly killed yes- tei'dav afternoon about 4 o'clock when his engin?, whuilfr was pull ing Souiltei'h'pQBsengev ^'sih No. u, fplit a switch ari.d tqrnod over ai ttorkford.J'rieaVElkih.* Mr. Brlgi^s ivai caught under his en gine and crushed to^death. The fireman, Arfchur.Yaiibrough. of Wi:i"lon-Soicra, wasjoiilV • alieht- ly injurodi Nbno of tho paken- gers was hurt. i The accident is ope'Qf the most Iieciiliar which has happened in tiiis state according to informa tion received by. railioad ofncials here, A public road crosfea the railroad track just, west of tlock- ford station, where tiie^wreck be cured, arid a-:.qoantity of-sand hud r.ccumul.ated beside the raits at tlic erbsslng. The sand lifted the roar trucks of the Idcbmotive enough that'thej^ripllt the switch wh:C'i joads to .the.. sidetrack at the atatiori arid'the locomotive turned over on r its right side,, pinning Mr,"Briggs under it-. ME BEAM. KILLED BY - TIWN OflAST SUNDAY Concord. Juiy 9. -Hoyle Bo.Hra, \ youth of Kannapilts, died in the Concord hospit'ii this afternoon from injuries received when he was struck by Southern tiHin Ni*.- 45 near the passenger station at Kannapolis* today..- 'Bpim died ihortty after reaching the hoa- piiahind.cifo. Is phygudans proved fii ile. According lo reports .reaching 0.mcdrd the boy stepped from a freight'ti'ain," which fee had b'ecn riding. Just as "Iraih .46.was pass ing. He"was knocked down bu f-. fered" injuries.ip'his head, whichcaused his dpa.th..and ^obtoken bones iri his right;ttrm.' Ilc^ but a few riilriptcs after -ihe ,hospitalj •; ^ ^' •Tbeldecons6d'^ Whr W. Beairii . Bio - Obituaries - 7/13/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 19,1922 C. E. Pennington States^e Kuiker KSt Hmiulf. StateavUle/Joly 13—*C. E. P^- nington^ assi^aut' cashttf First Natipnai Bank of Statesville, late.tonight fired a bnllf^ throojfh his head in bis bomb, here and died 45 minutes later. The tragedy fol* lowed annhancement today of a shortage of approximatdy $&s,odo in t1ie accQtmls of Cashier Jolm W. Guy, Sr. Pennington, it was said at bis homer foilowing the tragedy, had besn stated on the front ^Fcb with his wife and children andr sdme ueignbots, but excosed himself and went npstaiis. After a few minut es a shot was beard and he .was heard and he was .found on his bed with a bnllet hole in his temple. Notes addressed to friends appar. ently having been hurriedly writ ten, tonight were found in the room-, in all of which heexpte^ed sorrow because of the situation at the bank and iii a note to his wife declared further that his own books and ac counts all-were slight, but- inti mated, according to Mrs. Pennine- ton, that he had known for some time that all waS not well in the bank. Ifrii'-Jaicolii Fdafor Bead.-'- • % • .E!Qs^.r di^ at his. home 4/\«0vi *.QafnrHav a strp^of^j^ySia' aged 6s.yeare, M surmved by his wife ahd seven children,.-four daughters aud.three-Mua The funeral and burial Undoes' were conducted -by his^pastbrRev.'C,- H. mitaker dn Snnday. and the bmiy laid to.rest in. Betbd ^nicbyard 'Mr. Frank Everbardt Dead..'- n •-Mr.'Frank Bvefhardt died at his home.oniL-4 Sunday, following a stroke nf pathlysis which he suffer ed several months ago. Mr. Ever bardt was about 75. ye^ of age and is surmved by his wife and one son and two daughters. . The fuuer- al and burial services were conduc ts by his pas.(pr, Rev. J. B. Fitz gerald, as^tei by Rev. H. T'. Penry, and the body laid to rest.at Liberty Methodist church at. 2 o'clock _Monday afternoon.. Mr. Hverhardt was a ;good man and had many friends throughout the couu-. ty who will be sorry to learn of 'his Ideath: . _ Wilma Poplin Wilma," the 5-year-did daughter of'Mr. and Mrs, John Poplin, died Thuj^ay morning at «?■ o'clock of thborcular tneuingitm. The funer al and burial servipes. were held Friday at Bethel church, Mrs. W. C. White - Mrs. W. C. White died Sunday I nigbtatnlue o'eloek, foUawing along illness of heart trouble. The funer al and harial services were bald Tuesday at 10 o'clo^. Mrs Wbiteiaenr*vived by her husband .anA^^^eral childr«i.' Bio — Obituaries — 7/19/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 20,1922 Jacob Foster Our community was'shocked last Saturdi^'whWihTrim^ received that Mr, Jacob Fostci was dead,' Mr. Fostef used to live near here but for the laatfew. months has.been, livinff neai. Moeksville. Heh?d ihany.friendt and relatives here, cdnBequetHl) a larjfe number of. people" fio.n^ here went to his. funeral and in terment which ^kplaca SuiidsA 'afternoon at Bethel M. P. chufcV. We ;dxtend /o ihe bereaye^ oje?; pur deep^l: sympathy; . ; ' Little .Wilma Poplin Dead.-. • > ' n —'■ . • ' Wilma, 5 year old daughter of Ur. and Mrs. JohnToplin,:di<^ last Thursday and was buried Friday at rimn at Bethel.'''The fuhCral and burial services were conducted by Rev; C. H. Whitak- er, assisted by Revends H.- T. Penry, W. L. Sherrili; and J. B,Fltegendd The littlegirl was ill for "about three weelcB but had gotten r better and the physician had dismissed the case whenmeoengitis" developed resulting In her death.' 'The sympathy andesteem' of' thev'n'eighopra -andfriends- were expressed by themany and beaut!ful'fl6ral:contri-butions which completely covered the grave. Frank Everhardt Mr. Frank Everhardt died Bt|his home near Liberty Sunda^iafternoon, after a lingering ill*i neis fur several months. The deceased leaves a wife and three'children, Mr. Geo. Bverhart,Mr8'Charlie Kimmer, .and Mrs. iTohnj Bailey and a host of other rela tives -and fHends to mourn his loss. JAps Everhart was a eoo'isislenl member of Liberty M. E. |Ciiurch and will be greatly miss-i ed in our. midst; • Bio - Obituaries - 7/20/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 26,1922 D^fh of Mr. Soyder. Mr. Wallian Mania Snyder, aged' 7a yeaia, died at his home in Wins- ton-Salem, Tuesday momiag about 2 o'clock, after a lingering illness He is survived by Mrs. Snyder and one son, Henry S. Snyder, of Mocksville and three daughters, Mrs. Eva Fate, of Asheyille: Mrs. J. W-. Cook,- of Clem'mons; and Mary Xr. Snyder, of Davidson county. The decea^ was a mem ber of Greenwood Avenue Baptist diurch, from which the funei^ was conducted Wednesday after noon at four- o'dock by the pastor, Rev. J. P. Byrum. The interment -was 4a Woodland cemetery. I WilG^ D. Tnfterow Dead^ I ' * " -ft^^ • ,I . William D., ^Tutteraw^pf. R. *5, 'died at l,cmg's iSanatdriuni, Stat^ jville, Thni^y .m^hnng at i;^ o'dodc, where he wentseverdl days before to take,tr^tment.- libebody Was bronght 'hdme.ahd iaid tov-rest at ]^ames X Rda^ Friday moriiiog jat 10 o'clpt^. Mr. Tutterow. was about 74 yrars of age and is sut:^- ed by his' ti^e^^d many ziriatives. Sir. Manon Casey Dead. Mr. llIarion;:C;a^y a foiiner citiz- en of l^vie:'cowty,>di^ -at bis home near ' Hendeisonidlle. l&t Wednesday, fbliowing 'an, iBne^ of I several months,:.-. aged' - ^ yeacs. |.The body -wta- bl^ught ^here- anid jlaid'' to test', ^.^Cjboier -Hethod^t chnrcb' Snn'daY,-:'morning .at xi j o'dcck. S&.:3[Msey .is survived by '.his. wife andvone datigbter,: !^ nine broths;and' aisteis^ ainong them Messrs: J D. ahdO. E. of this city. • Bio - Obituaries — 7/26/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 27,1922 Wilma Poplin In^Memoriam. Like the little flower thai, blooms, only 'for a dayi when 'twilight shadows fall, folds its little petals and g^es tb sleep to awaken in; Ihe morning inrgrepK .er beauty and glory-s»:.'wltH little Wilrod Poplin .whoap'short life was sp^precious to-her loved ones,-as fragile and lender'MiU4 little flower," has gone to sleep (p awaken a aliining angel in the paradise of God. a brigh:er:ahd better land,- where the sun now sols, and* flowers never fade, for ever free from Bb.rip\V and"coie, i happy,- safe.and securp\ ahf-lter.] ed by the Pipteetlng-^rni. of Him j who said ''SufEof. to come unto riei'aifu~forbid:Vhein'notfbrof.such'istheklne^^ lierflttle body Was lald to.rpat dt ..j^elh^;; In R^eiiibratice of... Jacob Eoe Foster. Of alt the snd econea enter our heart, Is with Father ti> part. " While Bi]ireriti(f la 'over sickneas and 'pain, Hie voice ia* not heard, his faco not • Been, ' / - ; ''' Though gone to the home that'is happy Olid fair A.nd Nvc have the priviclcgo of meeting him there. ' * .. ' It makes us feel sod wlfcn all alone, For honie la not home when .Falitor is gone. Wo tnlsd him .at morning ohoorrui and bright . We mi8.s him at noon when every th ings right, . . Wo missjiini at evening at tho clnsc of doyi ' • . - For hnmc is not home when ' Father is away.- Our Savior did go u place to prepare, And Father is gono his glory to'share. n !• •• . , • i . were conddcled by- Rev. .0. H, Whitakor assisted by Reveyepds H. T. Penry, J..B. Fllzgerald and W.~ ii; Shorrill. The floral offeflhgs were profuse, and.yery bbautiiul literally covering the ^•ave and flIHng 'the air .with Itheir fragrance/> . MayTlre'Everlaating^cinJaeA 1 support to the 8ti'icken;pareht8, and akbther UinMr^pd*. and fMcnds left to mourn theii^loasV:^. ':^^^ That grace that euatained hero upon earth, Tho same-that was* given in tho new birth. • " • . He ia gonb to enjoy lite rest that re^ maina, ' * , ; ' ' . And our great Ipas Is his great gain. We will cherish his words and follow ; his ways . And join him .In heaven.At the end of our days. .1. We will iniaa him so much, ^ But-'he. is happy above, With all tho redeemed in a Saviora love. MRS: T. L. POSTER. J, P. Foster was born .Sept. 18 1857, died July. 16lh 1922. He was married to Sarah F. Williams November 23,1882.- To this.unv ion there'were.bojrn seven child ren: -namely ;Mrs.George Graves, Mocksville Route .4; Mrs. L. P. Cartnor» Mocksville; Mrs. W,'. A. Wyattc, • Winaton-Sa'em; Mrai. Spencer Foster, Mocksville Route 3; W. H., C. A., and F...K. Fost- er, all of Mocksville Route 3. The body was laid to rest in the Bethel grave yaM in the presen ce of a large number of relatives and friends. Bio - Obituaries - 7/27/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 27,1922 Death oi Jf. M. Casey. J. Marion Casey died at his I home in East Flat Rock after a- n lin^ering^rillneas of.months. His I conditicii was not considered ser; jiouvuntll two'wMks ago at which itime relativ^.werd called to .'his I bedside. - The b]pdy was ^brought 'hsre Saturdoy and intend. Sun* 'day at eleven p'cjiodc-. at Center,- Rcv:^ %; J.: S. Walker, conducting the funerai and'burial; sewicei The .deceased^is survived W: his wife, and one daughter, I^..Rpb' . Stack welder, of Spencer; three i brothers/: 0. M.- an~d J.'Diibf this (place, and.P.-.R,' Caseyof Wl"®* i ton^alemj and'two sisters, -Mea-. damps jJ; Rbadnlari, of Pehhb- burtri..Pa« ^;&nd Nelsbh.'Andersbny. of-Winatbn*Sa1en:i.' VHia pavent^^^^ Mri and Mrs; PeiTy Casey,jdied several >YMrs ago.;y Mr. * Casey was there and .in this.^ county . practi- cdlly all his lifoV" He Was" a' de? ypt^; worthy ..man dbin^ 'What*' he ,j bbhld. tb.build'ap f!:he.re;ribh:- 'ejarth;' y He^Avfe a .^:Met|ipdi8&f-lls^nied^epmevyb^^^^ s^ agb!|-' • Qw; !-.lh^'to''birndue68.Wbfc^^ bpfbll hfin in .youth, his ' activities werej hampered. . - ; : . . jJ. May the peace. and * fohafoFv] from on High sustain thabereavi^y edJn this sad-hpiir.. ' Minnie Lee Wood • Minnie- Lee,' "the-five months old •daughter ofr--Mr, and Mrs. Richard Wood was laid.to rest in the Fdrmington. c. mctciy Mon day • evening at 5 «.Jt Ihcic. The liitle ftirlXde_ai:h, wasieauM 'by a bad .case of-J heumpnio,-.. !.' ^ Ida Landreth Auto Kills Woman And Hurries Away \yinstoniSaIem, July 23.—Mrs. ; Ida'Lahdrpth, wife of A. P, Land ; reth," was instantly killed thisaf- i. ternpon near Yadkinville, when ah automobile struck the motor cycle on 'which siie, her husband, n and - their seven-year-old child ; were riding. - Mrb. Landreth suf . fered,a:fractbre of the skull and ; died, in ^ minutes, Svhile Mr. Landreth had twp ribs fractured and ipceived many-bru)^ The .eKIld. ^aa'' only ' aligbtly hurt • Thos6Jn;the.'autqm.o.bile did not '?^P»k'buh. hurripd :.on,. Landreth .• toid/randihbt a ttra^^^ d£ their id' •; .ebtity bt^wherea^^ been . ,di8ffbvered:^' Bio - Obituaries - 7/27/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 9,1922 ■. MrSi Baniey^tle Dead. ^ ••Mrs. Holt Baraeycastle died at her home on R. '5 e^ly'Stmday morning, .fyBojpiDg. a three weeks aged 26 years: The tuner-' aX and biuial seryic^ were held at Center Monday morning, her pasted Rev.'J. B. Fitzgerald conductmg the services. Mrs. Barheycastle is survived by her husband; and one child, her parents, four sifters and three brothers. - * Bio - Obituaries - 8/9/1922 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 10,1922 Mrs. Mihnfe Walker Barneyc^tl0: i)^a^ . The coiQtnuhi^. of - Cept^ was shocked when the news of ilie death of. MrsL' Mionie. Wabcer Barneycistle spiead: AlthoSt^ Barneycasfcle- had been in. pW health for seyefdl .months, .het ' condition waa not feaijized as serl- OUB until a ifew d^ya hefpni her death.. The fuoerai aiid' boria) seryices were conducted Mppda^ morning at Center church)>y Revl J. 6. Fitzgerald, her p^tor, as sisted by Rev. J. E. McSwaim. [of Cool Springs.. ^v.JdiUer,.of Orreil circuit, .md Rey^ \V. L. ! Shi^rrlll. of Idccksyine. -The de? ! ceased twenty-ftye mri old Und leayes besides her husband. Carl Holt Barneycastle. a darllc^g •little girl. 'Mrs;- Barheycastie was the oldest daughter df.Rey, and Mm. W. J; 8. -WUker^ pt Center. She was ayoung.wppian of sweet dispoaltido, high 'moral atandafd, a Ohristian.V and a faith^l church worker/ She gaya her life t6.Jesua when.years old, became a member o| Center church and filled' her place well as Sunday SphCol teObher, aeci^ tary of Suiiday Sehool, dxgiahiitl and for the. past few years ;re« cording. ^ward of the Dayip circuitr. The community as well', as the church will mms her. A' friend made the remark yester day that there was not a person' in that community f^tcpuld ser- ve in her capacity. Hay ihe dark cloud of sorrow be removed and the sunshine of Qhrlstian Uvlpg fill the hearts of the somwihg: ones. • • Bio — Obituaries - 8/10/1922 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 16,1922 James Poole • Rw. ex R.. Jotonsou . went to Hooresville 1^ Tu^ajr to cqhduct the-funeral seiyices .of Mr,^ j£ini& PpOle^ wbo died at. his honie' on Monday, nged-75 yeaxs. ;,.Mr>PoqIe was the. father orR.-D. Po'ole, of R.. 3. .. .• /• ^ V - Bio - Obituaries - 8/16/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 23,1922 George M. Foster M. M.. Ander^n. - has been netifid-of the bad news of. the death of her broths Greorge Foster, who died at. Lake Gitr; Kansas on f Aiiff/8,1922. Bio - Obituaries - 8/23/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 30,1922 Mr J. F. Owen Dead. Mr. J. F. Owens, aged 42 years, died Monday afternoon at 5:30 at Sanatorium of appendiciiis and peritonitis. Mr. Owen had been sick for a week or more. The funeral will be conducted Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 at the home by Rev. C, K, Ttxmerand Rev. E. W. Fox. Interment'at Oakwood. Mr. Owen is survived by his wife and five children and a number of other relatives.—Statesville baily. Mr. Cwen lived near 3Iocksville for years and has many friends in and around town who will be sorry to learn of his death. He is a brother of Will Owens, of R. 4., and John Owen of Cooleemee. Bio - Obituaries - 8/30/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 31,1922 Mrs. John Moore Quite a^number of our people attended, the funeral; of Mrs. Jo nil uiiKiirei W jiiaLuii-iSuluUt, who died in a hospital there and was brought to Byerly's Chapel for burial. The - funeral services were, conducted by Rev. V. M. Swaim/ of the Twin-City. Bio - Obituaries - 8/31/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 13,1922 H, 'L. Aostu Dead. Mr. H. 1^. Austin, formerly ol Mocksville, but later of Mebane died at bis home in that city Thurs day, following a stroke of paralyse which he suffered some time ago 1^. Austin^s body was brought tc Mocksville Friday -aftemoou and laid to r^tin Rose cemetery.* Revs. W. L. Sherrill and J. F. Kirk con du^ed a short funeral service ai the ^ye. Mr. Atistin.was'69 years, , of age, and is survived by his wife 'and one son, two sisters, Mrs. Jame- K^y and. Miss Janie Austin, of Salikbury. Mr. .Austin had manj .friends here who were pained tc learn of hb death. Bio - Obituaries - 9/13/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 14,1922 Mrs. Jesse Henkle .Mrs. Jesse Henklet who diedat her home in Cooleeikee last Thura day Sept 7tb, was buried:,in Fork cemetery the day followinff.. She has beeii s^fFerintr with can cer of the stomach for some tim6 which wt^'the cause of her death?. Mrs. Henkle was the daugrbter of the late Mr. and Mrs. ' Newberr^' Potts and at the time of hec death. was 49 years old. R^eyi/ Mr. Freeman her pastor preach-^ ed the funeral. - V>.' Death of Mr. H.L. Aus tin at Mebane. •Ouf town was ijrieved Friday morning when news pf the death of Mr. H. L. Austin reached here; Mr. Austin was stricken with paralysis sweral weeks hgo and lingered' until lost Thursday. While little hope for his recovery >Wb8 entertained his passing was quite a shock. The . body • was brought here Friday and interred at the Rose cemeterv. The funeral and bur lal services were conducted by Rev. - W. L. Shevriil assisted by Rev. J. P. Kirk, of Salisbury. Mr. Austin was.sixty dve years of age. He was a member of the Methodist CHurch at Mebane. He was a quiet, easy going roan pleasing in. his manner and a Christian gentlem^an. Mr. Austin is survfyed by. bis wife, who'prior. to her marriage was Miss Aflie Atkinson, of Davie county, one son. Francis Austin, of Mebane. and-two' sis ters, Mrs. M.'E. Kelly and'Miss Janie Austin, of SalisSufy. Among those attending the funeral from out of town besides the family were; . Mrs. n M. E. Kelly and Miss. Janie Austin, Misses-Mary and Elva Keily.Mr. John Kelly, of Salisbury; Mr. Henry Kelly and. family, of Tay- Iprsville; Mrs. R. M. -Payne. Mrs, 6.. G. Mitchell,'Mrs. Ada Atkin son and daughter; 'Miss F.ora Leake and Mr. Ti J. Byerly, of Winston-Salem; Mr. and Mrs. McAllister and SOP, Mrs. Sallte Luckie.Baker, Key. and Mrs.' J, F. Kirk, of Salisbury; and Mr. Nichol«on', of Mebane. Bio - Obituaries - 9/14/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 20,1922 Robert Kurfees ' Robeit Kurfees, wbo left here 26 years and loibated Caddo Mills, Texas, died at lils botne there on Sgpt.'iitl;i, aged about 50 years., Mr. Kurfees is survived by his wife and several cliildren. Deceased is a broibsr^f R. W Kurfees, of Coo- leeMee, and D. 0. Kurfees, ofR. 1. Bio - Obituaries - 9/20/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 21,1922 R. G. Kurfeea Dead. • . v Mr3. J. G. Kurfees of H. 1 re>... ceived a message from Cadde. . Mills, Tex., Thursday, Sept. 14th . ahnouncing the death of her son ;= R. G. Kurfees which took pkce.' Sept idtb. Mr. Kurfees lelft.; Davie County 27 years ago and'.. since that time has resided, at!^ Caddo Mills, Tex., at which plac^ he wasiin busines. Mr..Kurfees?; wash's brother of D. C. Korfeesi Mock&ville, R. 1 and;R. W. Kur^ i fees of Cooleeihee and wa.3:hfty,i years old,. .'..K Bio - Obituaries - 9/21/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 28,1922 James Ferebee Dead ! Mr. James Ferebee, age 7S ' died at his home near Cana lust • Wednesday and was buried Thurs I dav at Wesley's Chapel at eleven i o'clock. Rev, N. S. Needham his jpastur conducted the funeral.and 1 burial services. The deceased ' I hud been failing in health for iihrse years No near relatives *|are left, his wife and children *' having preceded him to the grave I several years ago. Mr, Ferebee .spent several ysiwa of his life in ^.Texas returning ' c e only a few years ago. He has been a mem" t' ber of the church since carl.v . childhood and was a good Chris tian man Among the relatives - attending the funeral from hero weret Mr. and Mr.-*. J P. Green, n lMis^t Inez Nitylor. a".d Rev. H. r. Ponry. Bio - Obituaries - 9/28/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 4,1922 Carolina McClamrock n Mr$. Carotina McCHainrock died at her home near Gana last Wed- n^ay thorning at the advanced age of Sz years. The funeral- and burial seiViow were held at Smith Grove .Methodist church cWednes- day afternoon at 4 o'clock, ReV. N. H/'Needham, of Farni1ngtoh, . "con-- dttcf?iig the services* Mrs, Mc-* Claw rock is surviv^ by" two and one daughter and a number of relatives* and friends. , ^ Bio - Obituaries — 10/4/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 5,1922 Sam Markland The reroaina pjF Mr; SdmjMark-| land was laid' to.rest ,in the Meth-i odist Cemetery here, last Friday. | Mr, Markhnd's home \ya8. in, \Vinst6n*Salem, but since hisj health ' became,^ so; bad ' he had I been in the state hospital at Morj ganton. His . death; caused by ! paralysis, came as a shock .to all. The deceased' is survived - by a wife and four children, his nioth'' er, Mrs. Cornelia Markland; one slater, Mrs.*.W, U. aiarch.'all of Winston-Saleih, >and a host.o'f friends. •' .... Elizabeth Anderson We .are;: sorry, to- reeeiyei^^ hewanf the'deat oideat' dadghtetf^f Mr;, and yMSf Mmnie- Litteralli jtSAco many hoar of herloss. Rev, A. T, Herd Dead. Mr. Hord died last Sunday morning at his daughters, Mrs, E. B. Davis. His home was at Gary, but having been in feeble health forseveral months thought probably a change would do him good. He came to visit his dau ghter near Cleveland the first of August, He did not, however, regain sufficient strength to re turn, but continued to grow weeker until the end came. He was born in Clevelatid county near Shelby about seventy years ago. He graduated at Wake Forest College, was ordained to the ministry and has held the pastorate of several important churches in this state. He sup- plimented his preaching by teach ing school He leaves a wife who was the oldest daughter of the late Dr. S. W. Eaton, and twelve children, seven daughters and five sons together with a host of 1 friends to mourn bis departure. I The wife and daughters were ) with him but only two of the sons were present when the end came. The three oldest boys were I living in Washington State and f could not get here in time to see their father before he died. He was burled in Cleveland near the Baptist church in which he prea ched for several years. Rev. C. S. Cashwell conducted the fun eral services. Our deepest sym pathies go out to this good wife and children. Bio - Obituaries - 10/5/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 12,1922 J. W. Martin • ^ learh of' the" ;>(day^i^tenioo^^ •i*j;?yj!;a^. W • /Hfr-Md ;;(ti.^;in;4^1ihing ;h6alihTor" aevr *\.a wuUa*o Camilla Sparks were eorry to Jeaire of the ^^hteHl^u^\Firi in ^ Spajrkafoni^; lived in this ndghborho^. ;;;^eiieave^ a l^ost of relatives and ;;lr1^d8. >M;inouni her depa^iro.' •^J^^^etbains^ torestin i^^^Uehein .ceine^^ Satiu^ay t^e funeral ^rvioes by Rev.' Hyatt »i»We^'extend;.our heart felt sym- l^?lf^l)y':tdVthebere , Wesley Martin Martin, an old citi; zei)' of. hear. Pino,- died'at. the' home of bis. nephew, Mn 0. M; Ho well Sunday, Oct. 8.lh MW Martin has been - in declihing Ihealth- for some time and his death was. not unexpected. He. leaves a wife and seyeral rela tives to'.mourn his departure:;~^We extend sym.pathy to.the bereaved in this sad hour. •. v. " ^ ' • Bio - Obituaries - 10/12/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 18,1922 Mr. A. E.-Hartmw IHes Suddenly, lilr. A E. Hartmap. one ^the county's mok prdmlnent and success^Tul farmers of Sliady Grove, was on bis way Saturday from Ad^nco ta bis home when stricken with appoplexy, antf was found later by bis family, sitting la his buggy in an un* conscious cohditico. He was removed to his home where be passed away Sator- day night about 12 o'clock, vdtboat hav ing regained con^oiisness. : Mr^arljuan was sixty odd> years old and r^ded .bit his fann on North Yad.ldn river. . He' bad been.successful and bhd accumulated n nice estate. He is survived by Ids wife f Mieriy Mutiie Dombit, daughter of tbe lite Alfred DoutbiUofForsytbci:uo;y,Rod tbe fuiltrwing chiklr'en; .Alfred, Maurice. RlcbarJ. aod one daughter, Nannie ?. A son, G. Milton Hartnian died at Camp Jacki'on during the. War. with pneumonia, atid his fathernever got Over'loss of this son. The county ha's lost hue of Its best citizens, his family, devoted hus band and fatber. ^Our'deepcst sytnpalk'y is extcuded to tbe bereaved wife and children. Peace, everlasting peace, to'blk ashes. Hia remaids were, laid to rest in (he Advance cemetery Tuesday morning in tbe |»psence of a.iargecoitctiurso of re latives aiut frieads. Bio - Obituaries - 10/18/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 19,1922 A. E. Hartman Mr. A. E. Hartman one of our leading citizens died Sunday even ing about 11:30 oclock. He sui fered a stroke of apoplexy from which he never ralliei. His re mains were laid to rest in the Advance Baptist cemetery. He leaves a wife, one daughter, three sons and one brother to mourn his lost. We extend to each one of them our sympathy in the loss of their loved one. Bio - Obituaries - 10/19/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 25,1922 Eddy Perry Sloan p«iy Sim' of Ofeeiisboro, i^s.bmed at jTmnlDgtOQ e^etexy \yed- afceini^ Thb. fiiheral ms coa* dbcted'by Resr. Vii^ of Winatba, at tbo If. E..dHrob. tSta, Sloan waa fiox- meHyii leddentofFeraitigtoa. Son and Infant Daughter McCulloh A Rqchble TVage'dy, . One of the saddest tragedies that has occurr^ in - Davie county in many years, happened . Monday morning when the home' of Gran- ville McCulloh,- who lives on R, 4, near Liberty school house, was de stroyed by fire, together with two of his children, a little girl ag^ a- bont two and a little boy about four years old. Mr. and iilrs. MeCulloh were.at work. some distance from the house and it is not known how the fire started. Mr. McCulloh had built the house about a year ago. The grief-stricken pa ents have the sympathy of the entire comihUnlty in this great affliction. The little bodies were prepared for burial and laid to rest at Liberty Tuesday., Bio - Obituaries -10/25/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 26,1922 Infant and Child McCulloh Mrs. Eddie Perry Sloan ' .Edflip. Pcry Sloan, ..of G»^ensborb,ijva8Tjroughb liere foP' burial on last Wednesday. She I was born and raised in this':c6m- iHiuhity and hasTnany relatives near here.-Rev. 'Swaim, 6£ Wfh^. stoh-Sniem; conducted the svi*^ vice which was Very touching. A great • many^ of'hey irela'tivei and fdends came from. GyoenBhoro; The flpwers were benuti fill cover ing the grave' and sbme'beaidcs;.' LL It- n- at )n t- m CHKDHE.I«.BURNEO [0 destroyed One of the moat horrible acci dents that ever happened hPre occiired Monday morning when ehe two youngest children of Mr. GranvlJte McCulloh were burned to death and the home burned to the ^ouhd. Mrs, McCu.Moh was in a nearby field picking'cotton when -she saw the flames burst fi om the reof. Horror s'ricken she ran to the house to find the fire had gained such headway flhe could not enter the building. When the bodies-were removed from the debris they were, char red almost beyond recognlton and the baby of two years ..was I found lying on the lit'le tot of I four. The remains were taken I to Cooieemee and prepired fo * h( burial; The funeral services we e' hi conducted Tuesday afternoon at C 2:30 o'clock at Liberty churcir. oil The origin of the fire'is un known. As there was no firej'o the house, it is believed the children. muAt have gotten some matches from the .dresser, and played with them causing tlie fire.. N 1 The home was a new nine room bungalow. It together with all the household furnishings and clothes were destroyed. . The building was insured, but the loss has.notbeien ascertained. Bio - Obituaries - 10/26/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 1,1922 Robert S. Green ^ Mr. Robert S. Green, of Thom- asville, died in t^High iPoint pital Friday morning at 4 o'clock, folloTving an illness of some time with appendimtis. Mr. Green was nearly -65 years of age" and is stir- vived his wife, three sons and 3 daughters, three brothers' and one sister. ' Mr. Green is the brother of onr townsman J. P. Green, P. P. Green, of Cans', and B. £. 'Green, of Higginsvilie, Mo. The funeral and burial services we^ held ^t- urday afternoon at Thomasville. Mr. Green was a leader in chnrdi work in his town and community and wili be missed by hundreds of friends and relatives.. . Bio - Obituaries - 11/1/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 2,1922 Robt. S. Green of Thomasville Dead,' Robert S. Green, age 6^, pro minent and respected citizen of Thomaavilte died in a High Point hospital last Friday as the result of complications that fallowed an operation for appeodidiis. Funeral aervlcee were conduct* ed at 2 o'clock Saturday after noon at the First Baptist church Thoroasvilje. Mr. Green was a nitive of this county, but he had lived in Thomaavilie for a number of years, becoming one of the lead ing men of that town. He was a graduate of Wake Forest college and. a member of the class of 1884. In childhood Mr. Green gave his heart lo God and joined ihe church, being a member of tho First church, and serving it as treasurer, at the time of his death. He w£s also moderator of the Liberty Baptist Association. He was a man of high ideals and a firm believor in education and progress. Five of his six child ren are college graduates, the younger being in high school. Surviving are the widow, six children. Misses Lettie and Susan Gi-een, of Thomaavilie, and \lVa. i^, R, Matthew.i, of High Point; Captain P. P. Green, U. S.'Army, Medical corps, Jesse and Claude Green, of Thomasville; thr,e brothers, J. P. Green,of this city, P. P. Green, of Cana, and Ben Green, of Higginsville, Mo.; one sister, Mrs. J. F. Eaton, of Cana. Bio - Obituaries - 11/2/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 8,1922 Mrs. H. J. Dead. Mm IJ.- J. ,• Walk^ died Wednesday evieniwg at.8 o?cIcck,ai t|te hbmeioi lier son W. S..Walk(Br,j near Kappa, at the advanced age oi nearly 9a years having been bom! near Mocksville,.oii Feb. 13, 1831.1 Mrs. Walker had been ill for th< past month, having suffered a se^ vere a:tack acute iudigestipn. ^oliop^ was entertained for iierj recovery on account of lier advancenl age. Mrs. Walker is .survived byj eight children, lQijrsou.s and foui daughters, viz: W. S. "Walker,, ol R. 1, F. F. Walker, ol R. 1, J.. H- Walker, of Spartanbiirg, S. C»,and R. L. Walker, of R..2;. Mrs. John | Cartner, pf R 5. Mrs. H. S. Slrood. of Statesville. Mrs. S. J. Smqot, 61 R. I, and Mrs. J. B. Whitley, oi Iciemmons, R. i. .'Mrs. Walker, u nrvfved by one brother, Mr. M R. jchaffin, of this city.- who is nearlw 4 years of'age, and a half-sister,-| Mrs. Emma Holmau, %yhb lives in| Reading, Kans. Manygrandthild- IrenT about 114 great-grandchild-[ ren and two great-great-gran'd-chil ren stirvive. The funeral and] [bUrialservices,were conducted at dem' Methodist church 'Fiida; Imomtng at ir "o'clock by Re\% W. Ic,.. Reeves, and the body laid to [r^t beside her husband, who pre- _3ded her tcjrfhe sjarit laud in 1897. [Many beautiful.Soral tributes cpver led the grave of this gopd woman Iwho dwelt for n wly a century a Imong loved ones in Davie. She itunbered her fnends by the hund ireds* and her death m mourned by fall who kuew her. "Bles^d are rhey .who die in .the I/prd." . Mrs. T. G.' Lskey Dead. Mrs. Thos. .G. Lakey died atdi« Ihome at NestoV>' this county last Iwedoesdky night, following a loni jllness of asthma, aged 61 n year&l 3he is' survived by her husbandand[ Lbc -chijd^,. three, sous and three laughters The funeral aud burial ervices were neld Friday aRemoou lat Courtney Baptist church. i. T. L Kelly Dead.' Mrs. T. li,. Kelly died at her home in South Mocksville Saturday moming, .Npv. •.4ih following a. stroke of paraly.sts. Mrs. Kelly had beeu.Judisposed for s.onie time,- but her d^th came as a shock to her many friends throughout the town and county. The funeral services were held'at the re.sideDce' Sunday aftcruoon at 3 o'clock, and iuterr-. ment followed at Joppa cemetery. Mrs.. Kelly i.s survived by her hus band, who has the sympathy of the entire town in this hour. Mr. 5. J. Sraocit Dead. - Mr. Saiiinei J.^Smoot, died at his: home near" Kappa Friday, night following a long illneb of cancer of the stomach, aged about 67 years. Mr. Smoot is survived by his wife and eight children, three sons and five daughters, a^d one brother Dr. George Smoot,^f.Kiioxville, Tenn, and three sisters. Miss Mary Smoot, of R. I, Mrs. Wiley Safriet, of near Kappa, and Mnl. Emily Hansard, of Tenues.see, besides mauy re]ative.s and friends. The funeral and bnrial services were held"Saturday after noon at 3 o'clock at Salem Metlio- dfst church, of whicli Mr. Smoot was a consistent member. In the deith'of Mr. Smoot Davfe county los^ a good citizen. Peape to his ashe§. Bio — Obituaries - 11/8/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 9,1922 Mrs. Satie C. Kelly Dead. ; Our community was^'shocked Saturday when . ihe news -went out;that . .S^h'e Chaiterton dC-jdllyi Wife/of Mra^ T."- L. iC^ellyr was' .dead.^: She had b'eeii ;■ in JfeebK.n^e.ekg,;l)ul!KadJni(»nsidevkdao^^ay* alternoqh. Bhe'| wa8;.ta^^ illIryjdiay^) n^rtiin^'lJ^ahckeJol'para^^^^iiig:: Sa^iirday- neon.; • iBeaidira the liiisband;ir-an r aistep;^' tMiasSailiorK^liy/^^^ iii; ;tifid Mi^ wlibh 'tp 4'eath;ange)-.cam :; *'Sh^TOorai^t^^ cnri ment followed at the Jcppa ceoh-jetery. "; • . . . 1 '■ Mrs Kelly^was a nativie ofNew York stafe living at Ne>y-!.burgh until .her marriage td hlr. | ;KeUy..-' She was a wpman'.pf ed^.Jucatioti, ■ culture, antl rednembni;^^'He^genikr dispositipn ^angrace" won'-fqiyhe'r. many -ffie'ricja.Vi BHe;t;was; a .Ghri8i§n andan earnest dhui^^ . ■;'r^vlThpse" f rpih^pui :pr diere •fpr'thevfp^ Mrs. Mas*'ou' Lftiard^^!and;CM of BiKin/ and. , of RedSprings: Mi\: Sterling keijy;. of bu|cb;; Misses , Elya-. and. Mary•Keilj^Mto Enoch Bitting On last Thursday night, one of our good old colored friends pas* 8fid from this world to the great beyond. Uncle Enoch Bitting, as he was known to white and colored. He was perhaps tho oldest person anywhere near, ab most if not 100 years old. He had, until the last few months, been able io work, living alone. His home was just across the line over in Yadkin. But he was a member of the Odd Fellow lodge here, and was buried by his lodge. A large' crowd attended his burial. Mrs. T. G. Lakey Mrs. T. G, Lakey, of Cana, R. 1, died at the home of her daugh ter at Harmony last Thursday. She was buriod at Courtney on Friday. To the bereaved family we extend our sympathy. A good woman has gone to her reward. Sarah Walker and Samuel J. Smoot ;Safah!;ry^^ ;.waa in the and hesonTip-laW, Samuel J..Smoot,'?wh^was;'in"^ year. -Botli ■;.9? l<>vet^'andiiriMpe^^^^ tb- ■neigHbbrhbpd/ah^ ieave a host ot .'-relatryes.Vand iriends to mouri-t^lip" ibsB,;p^ were buried atSalem Mi: !E, Church, Mrs. Walk ,ei^■ ichyFriday, the^ insl. and • Mr.: Smiwt pu. Saturday Nov. 4th. ".We extend bur-sincere syropatlij to the-bereaved relatives and ca- .peciallyy to. Mrs.' Smoot upon .whom, the shock falis with double force, having lost'both moth' and husband In so.short a time. Bio - Obituaries - 11/9/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 9,1922 .•^S?inue}.;JyS aally^v'grew: woraa.io'^'the m^^^t.lyusbah'd,-ais^^ flU'TtlObihria f»n ovrtalian ► »' 'ch^d^en^.a8.'f^l^b,wa^^^^^^ all pf.liou tephy;lwj^whb:jiYQd-w|tli hey'fat^1 WiilJa^Ppwelli'of Calanoln^^^^ 'hlflp;twerity;thfeoand .twABjcatffra^^ the/Tpllo'wirijf •sisteM^e>: ,'.Miss; Mary;. , Sm6o,t,v.^Vr.di?jijWiley-Safriet'.^^^^^^ George Smoot, of KnexviiMrs"; Emly;T. Hajwar^t^'df:Ma^^nerayillel vTeim; -: J .'. Miv Sjinpot waa/bowt^1856.;'nnd"'died-.:N^^the -age of" iG6 years.'ii. nidnj}}^| Bio - Obituaries — 11/9/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 16,1922 Felix W. Hege ;yeai;8:.%^5w^ tie -T, nlon^tf^i^ ^ morejiieclmin^ ttiqrb 'fAw(l4^«j1A^a*n<V.•1ii»fl'tta1^]r anil' Wiifi SO "think-:the'^ehdJWas.80.n^ Miiu I* wjnMf^'yj^ayjE^y - • . ^n|andj^e;^e^^^ remaincttis^^ HappK'fOhViJi^^ Ajl thj^imdurnin^d^^^ Tjiqu\b'^ hngela* guards atteiia^ Did^fc'ts) Jtsus'jpriesbnc^ fto; •; ■•''? Bio - Obituaries - 11/16/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 22,1922 Albert Van Eaton Albert Van Eaton, coloi^, ag^ iisty-eigbt years, a wdl^qwnand bi^ly respect^ ooioTe(£;dt}^n died at his •home on IglltsV-' Hill, North Main street, Thnr^ayl The funeral was held Friday..;''" Albert came to Wi^bn'^lem, with Mr, 1P. H. Hanes^'-jsrhen 'the latter moved here from X^^e conn ty. He worked for the- Hanes family continoasly for. hft'y.-fonrj years, and has always .h^eu< const-{ dered reliable and efficient' in his, duties.—>'Wi]]Ston'SeDtiiiel:'^ Arthur Mills . Arthur Mills, a y'-year-old school boy was run over by a truck at Cleveland, Rowan county last Tues day, and died .almost instantly, (x. A. Honeycutt, a young- man of Hickory, was driving the truck. He was exouorated by the borohens jury. , Bertie Vaughan Bertie Vaughan. a }'ouug white woman, died 1^ week,' near High Rock, Davidson connty as a'result of an automobile, plunging off. -a bridge. Two others where burt^. Bio - Obituaries - 11/22/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 29,1922 Conrad Spry Thos. N. McElwee McEhvee, welMchown. to^cco manufacturer of Statesvillerdied at his borne in that city Snn- day, aged 48 years. , - Conrad Spry, of Cooleemee, died at I«ODg's sanatorium. Statesinlle. early Monday morning, aged about 25 y^rs. Death resulted from ap^ pendidtis and pneumoziia. Mr. Spry is survived by is wife and severa^ children. The body w'as laid to rest at Liberty Monday. Bio - Obituaries - 11/29/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 30,1922 Addie Reid Brown oIscD^ .:&iUbuty;No]l^^^ Brown; • S ;■ v^ied^tfijs j^ra 1 b^dow ;hti "te 'Ro»ilj!''iifM <kl-j■'jil ••<CXU'i. liZ'JLf j£<fl A'A-''t trouble.'- Mrs.''.76ye^ro oldtand.tl^^FmnlcBirdj^ai^K^^ ago.' Herimaidbn'n die • Moant:M6Urh«'« jBut;rshe:'atjd her;fftrail>:hiad;i'iV^di^^^ many of ihe.taMt'Kpap '^nd .rtanywipre shocked and ^ievj^d a iiefsudded ■ teking awaj^^^Stttdvin •are-.four Qluidron,FraQk^I^'^r6W^: |f Saliabu^y.i Hugh T. Brown;idttlo/Ro^,; :■Grantkani,t^^^^^^^Dr.. IsaHd BrpwnjvpfV-W.iijatbhi" SBletn.ii^Thd'^^^^ from the residencebbon'atS p'cipckv^^.^viji be iu'Cj^M Conrad Spry Our community was shocked by receiving the news of the death of Mr. Conrad: Spry,, who has been in Jong's Sanatorium for a week or more. Mr. Spry..leaves a wife and two small children,;father, mother, throe brothers, and four sisters. The burial took place at Liberty Tuesday - af ter* noon at three o'clock. The be reaved ones have our sympathy. Mary Frances Hutchins . Mary.. Pf'ancaa, ithreia-jtnphtHl^^^bid-; daughter): • of Mr.•ahdj'Tl^j^ v Jessie Hutchins,-- w^ -fbund^d^adr in biBd,;;Sunddy mdrrdhg)^^ Mildred Byerly Little Mildred Byerly, a sweet little girl of six years, died at the , home of her grandfather, Mr. J. , W. Byerly, late Friday afternoon of bronchial pneumonia. She hadsuffered ah. attack of diphtheria only a few weeks ago and in herweakened condition was unable to combat with the disease,.there fore she only lived a few days after she was taken with pneu monia. Her little body was gently laid to rest at Society church on Saturday afternoon, Rev. H. T. Penry, of MocksviUe, conducted the funeral services. Oursincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved relatives anc Weiids. Bio - Obituaries -11/30/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 6,1922 Amanda McCubbins Atnaoda McCubbins died at Ijonieofher niece. Mrs. N. S. on R. 2, Friday after- 1®! aged about 73 years, as a re- bcart trouble. The body to rest Saturday afternoon Grove. Mrs. McCubbins is by one sister who lives in and a number of distant Bio - Obituaries - 12/6/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 7,1922 Amanda McCubbins : Qur community wai dened last;-. Saturday vwheiiV^ imme that ; Aman^ McGu has. Jpng • .ijeeti* a jirMldeht' he2;e until; ttie p^t ye'^'ah^ .faeen at ;the home df her: nie(ie at Grovel v^': ^ r;' Pauline West Pauline, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Beaufordl Weal of near Hun'sville. was buried at Pino Thursday, We extend much symiiathy to the bereft. j Death Of Mrs. J. A. Mc'^ub- •bins. Other Oak Grove Items. The death angel visitsd the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. S, Well- man Dec. 1st and took Mrs. J. A. McCubbins, aunt of Mrs. N. S. Wellman. Mrs. McfiUbbind had been In bad health for over, a year and grew worse about two wee<B before the end. She joined the church in, early life and lived a true Christain life tintil the end. She was 73 years, 2 months and 2 day of age. Her funeral was conducted at Oak Grove Sat*' urday afternoon at three o'clock Reverends J. 6. Fitzgerald and H. T. Penry. She leaves behind one sister, Mrs. Wyatt, of Salis bury and a host of nephews an^ nieces to mourn, her loss. Our sincere sympa^ is extendeiito the bereaved relatives .in this sad hour; Mrs. Nancy Bailey Dead Mrs. Nancey Bailey, wife of Louis A. Baily, of Elbavllle, died Tuesday morning at 3 o'clock and was buried Wednesday. A short service was held at the home then conducted at the church by her pastor and J. M. Varner, of Advance. She was in her 80lh year. Rev. J« H. Freeman Dead n Rev. J. H, Freeman, pastor of the Ccoleemee Baptist Church, died Tuesday morning at 10:05 at his home in Cooleemee. He had not been in good health for sever al years, but was getting along very nicely until he contracted pneumonia about a week ago. Ihe funeral services were conduc ted at Ccoleemee Baptist church Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock by Rev. R. L. Lemmons, of the First Baptist Church of Salisbury and Rev. G. A. Rhyne. of Stall* ings Memorial church,after which the services w'as placed in the hands of the Masons, The re* mains were carried to Sweetgum, Ga. for burial. He is survived by his wife and 2 little children,one three years and the other two weeks old, his father, Mr. J, A. Freeman and a sister, Miss Free man, both of Morganton,. Ga. Mr. Freeman came in response to the death message and accom panied the body to Georgia.- Rev. Freeman was born in the western part of this state about Sl.years ago, and lived here un* til he .was twelve years of age at wh'ic]ii time his father moved to Georgia. About four years ago he moved to North Carolina and haa spent the past three years in Gooledmee as'pastor, of the Bap tist church. i He was a member of the Mas onic Order, the Junior Order, Odd fellow, and Redman. Never tiring, energetic, a truly Christian gentlemen, a kind lov ing husband and father was this good man. The way'is clearer and brighter for uithat hechanc ed our way. Bio - Obituaries - 12/7/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 13,1922 L. Foster of Winston-Sal-1 Foster, ofj^3. was killed nearj auto&iobile wreck!^V. Mr. Foster is surr ! father and a i^ives. Tke .ftineral j services were held In! 'Ha Friday. Elizabeth Horn Mrs. Elizabeth Horn died at her home near Connty I,ine Wednesday night, aged nearly 87 years. The funeral and burial service were held at Society Baptist chnroth Friday afternoon, Rev. V. M. Swaim, of Winston-Salem, conducted the ser vices. Mrs. Horn is Survived by. three sons and two daughters. Lavada Spry La^da, the little two rear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William S^ry, oFSmith Grove, died Wed nesday night of last week, follow ing a^^bort illness' of' m^branous proup and diphtheria. The little budy was laid to . rest in Smith Grove cemetery Thursday after noon at 2:30 o'clock. Virginia Parker Mrs. Virginia Paiker died -sud denly at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. W. H. Howard, on Main Street last Monday about noon. She was taken suddenly ^11 Sunday night and.died without regaining cons- cionsness. The funeral was .held Tuesday at three o'clock, by the' Rev. H. T, Peury and buried at Hickory Grove Church. . Mrs. Parker was about seventy-five years old.—Cooleemee Jonmal. E. L. Freeman It is with sadness-that The Re- cori cbtonides the death of Rev. E. L. Ftoman, whidt owoned st his home in Cqpleemee on of lasfr*eek. followng a weeks illness ofpieomonia. Mr. Freeman eame-tb Bade county eb<?«t ttr« yeim ago;from Georgia and ac^t- ed the pastorate of CqOlesnee Bap. tisKchoich. DorinS fV"" « in out .donnty : he to miny of out -people. F^ is survived by. -hm .»« « nseveral children, the youpi^k ^ inl bniy abont threeThe funeral services were h?Id Cmaeemee- Wedoe^ay tmd the,body wW. •''f "I old' hohievin little cWten.'M? Bio - Obituaries - 12/13/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 14,1922 M»f Purifier P«a^t Mra. Virginia Parker, age7ii years died at Cooleemee, Dec. 4, 1922. She was a charter mem ber 0/ Mocksviile Baptist church; had been a church member for over fifty years and lived a con- sistant Christian life. At the time of her death she was a mem ber of Cooleemee Baptist church. On Dec. 6th she was laid to rest in Hickory Grove cemetary to await the Resurrection morn. Funeral conducted by Rev. H. T, Penry, of Mocksviile. To the bereaved we extend our sympa thy, Grace Leonard Spry Wednesday night, Dec. 6th,the death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Spry and took from them their only child, Grace Leonard, about two years of age. The burial took place Thursday afternoon in Smith Grove cemetery.. Memberanous croup claimed her as its victim. We extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved parents* Bio — Obituaries — 12/14/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 21,1922 Mrs. J. M. Hancock Mr*. P«rk«r Dead. Mra. Virginia Parker, age 7& years died at Cooleemee, Dec, 4, 1922. She w'aa a charter mem ber oi Mocksvllle Baptist church; had been a church member for over fifty years and lived a cope Blatant Christian life. At the time of her death she was a mem ber of Cooleemee Baptist church*. On Dec. 6th she was laid to rest in Hickory Grove cemetary to await the Resurrection morn. Funeral conducted by Rev. H. T. Penry, of Mocksville, To the bereaved we extend our sympa thy. I at il Wc extend (0 Mb. w. o. Ham mer our dbpeat syihpathy in the loss of her'ra^plhe'r; ^'Mrs. J. M." Hancock, wHoi'died .last^week. The loss of ones mother is the greatest blows ttatcah'ba^deltin this world, and ^d'hehave that Mm. Hamiher realizes this. = • Mra. Hammer is editing her husband's paper, the Asheboro .^rier, while he is devoting his time in. serving his district in congress. In the issue of the Courier of Dee. 7th Mrs, Hammer carried the following beautiful little poem entitled - "My Moth- >er>>. She is gone but not forgotten, mother, kind and dear; THoU art how in Heaven, phi how we miss you here. It was hard to part with her; . vphl^so sad to see her die, But we*n try to meether some day In that home beyond the sky. i^hoja gone but not forgotten; . iNpver will her memory fade; Sweetest thoughts will ever linger n Arouhd the grave where she Is laid. ' IW faithfulhands are folded now And crossed upon her braast; fler deaf old fmm is silrat now, And laid away to rest.*' Bio - Obituaries - 12/21/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA