Jan - JunDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 4,1922 Hailie Williams Hallie Wiiliams whn tu3 been ^r- icnaly ill for a tnhff titpe. died_ W.ed- ne«day morning faetwwn 10- II o'clock. He was-76 veara.old* and beloveii by all w^o knew hiim. Bio - Obituaries - 1/4/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 5,1922 Charlie Rice '\YliP;hBa bee dled-jPhu^ay;;^ , va^.to?i:r!e!B: byer; inrj: Rbwab\"^fi6; Ciee.isiiir^y^^ Bio - Obituaries - 1/5/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January II, 1922 Charles Rice • Death entered the home of Thomas Rice _pn -Dec; '29 '.ana' cjmmed his fatherXharleff Riee, who had 'been makings bur home there for qai'te.a-wKilehis' bodi .wak carried, to" Salem church, in.^pp'er Dayie, ;.and. I«djtpxest on Friday, Mrs. Lee McDanlel I,ee McDaniel died at "her he at Woodleaf, on Friday,-ag^ (■ears. The funeral and- Burial'ices were held at Fo;k ^urchirday afternoon by Rey. H, ^3* Mrs. McDaniel issiiryivfcd husband andlen chUdre,ii;N,-: Pauline Gaither Pauline, the little 3-year-old diughter of Mr. and Mra. LuicoQaitber died last Saturday nigbt of scarlet fever and was laid to rest at New Union Sunday evening at two o'clock.. . J. K; Foiler fs Dead. : , John K. Foster, one .of the beat known young men of tbe city, died at the LawreDce.Hospltal'Thursday night at 8:30. He entered .the hospital - W^x^^ay ro oming-and underwent" ah operation for gall stones and' appendicitis. It Vas thought Vfter the cperalicn was performed thatthere was a'splendid chance for his recovery, bjjt his condition became des^rat^ ^d re- ro aiu^ so until dea'^h,- • Mr. Foster w^ associated ^tb the Jones & Gentry Shoe store for some years and"at the time of his death was a' monlber of the firm. He was bornl near Advance, Davie county, July 7, 1893, which makes his age 29 years. He came tp^ Winstbn-'SalenrnTne^ears ago. Mr. Foster w^ married on May 16, 1916, -to Miss'Nina Neal, of this cityi- who survives, biro. .He is also suirived by' his,,father, Jbseph. H. Foster, of Smith Grove.. Mr. ..Foster w^. an (rathusia-stitT member of NBu^bead Methodist' church and w:as teacher of a boys' dass in the Sunday school. "'He^ was-ahib a member oL the choir, and ^ .was:al\vays ready to' work . in .any" capacity the church desired. '^ " \ In shaking .of the death .of - Mr. •Foster a very close friend"says: ■ ' 'To have known bim was a pnv- llegei to be with hini, was. a; joy; his smile warmed Jh'e hdirt; 'clean, upright ia.all thii^, coOTte^.and kindne^ unfailing, his life was-ah ingpitation and .uplifiihg Jnfluence to all it toubiied.. A short funeral service was held at the home of . the deceased Satur day afternoon at 3 o'clock, follow*- ed. by the funeral'proper at -Burk- head chuVcti at -Theservices were conducted by. Key- J-.S. Hiatt., Interment followed in iSalem. ceni; eter3?:=rWins.tdn Sentinej. • In the death pi Mi.' Fostet . the editor of Tlie Record has lost a clo^ [friend. For'some-tiine-Mr. Foster held a positi.on.'in Mocksvitle, and while here made-tnaoy friends whoj.werg shocked tO learn of his siid... den taking away. He was..one of the fi nest young meu w€ ever- kuew<» Peace-to hls^aShes. . " • ~ ^ . Bio - Obituaries - 1/11/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 12,1922 Death o( JoHn; K; -Fofiter. # , i " Our towri- wflTa ehocked last Prl day whoh we learned .nf the un expected death : pj^.'Jdhn Kerr Foster at 'the Laurence Hospital in Winstoh-SalGin. V- . ^ ; V , He undetvyenb an op^tion foi^. gall stone and. appehdidt%^^^ It was , thought •after, the .operation .w.as perfprined thattthero. w a splendid chalice' for His recoy^y, but .trouble act. in 'cadalhg' his death in a shocb tinic. r ,.r * John Kerr- was l»rh at "•Smith Grove, July 7. •1898,\.*He .wM'th!B" sou of - Mr. Jos.eiph H. Foster, r^e came to .Mock^yiile.in ,hi8 teens and worked at differenttimes'ior W. L.- Call, * Waiker!,s Bar^in House and :Mpckaville . Hi^dware Co,' ^ From hererhe iweii t to'^ihs- ton'-Saiem, and' becartd .asebciated with- the : Jones Gentry Shoe store for spme years"and at tiiiie of his death was a." pfth'e.iirm. V ';v Vf.. ' /He wasi married .to j^iss ^Niha Nesl.pf that city pn,^ay 16; 19li^ Bdsid'^. his wife ; h'e »'"ram^ by^hislfathyr^ and .htrsi' A; itWnspp/'6f.Key sville Va; Mrs. F.'P, Montgpmer^^^^ tlorfplk, -.Va.*; and .Mrs. Cdpp ^Ail- bea;;of: Wjh^dn-^^silbm.^ . -rThe funerai wasdield ti ahpft sermon being/conducted at the h6m6;kt"3:-o'cl6ck' /foljoyir ed by the funet|^- proper.at Biirk head Ctfurcli',at',3;3(i ^Iriterlnent followed in" Salem. cemetery. 7%e services-were conducted by Rev;' J. S. Hiatt, pastor^pf t^dec#; ed. 'f.. - V. v n j' i'l"' * ,The. pall, bearers <ipi'- th'eifunpr- al weroM'ipUbwsV yV.fSnyder, W/"^\GpsSf>i West, DoiialdrCoinrad :• and • Ray mond -FchPls.- •The floiver-bebr- ers.'were the' b'6yft-bf ' the Burk- li^TiSunday^hcipl-class--^^ John Kerr taught'.-' . '-In-, speaking: Pf. his death the Winslpn-Salem.. Journal ' says'; a very close.friehd": said: " ' •/' n "To" have known him was a cle^n, upright in'all thtiige, cour?. tesy and kindne^ unfaiiing, life was'an iiispeVatidn-^irt^^^ lifting influence to all "it j'touch ed;" n Memory of Mrsl Mbwa/d. In remembrance of - Mrs. H. A, i3o\yard, who waa found sleeping bn~fefielmdimrag ofDece^^ 19th.- "Asleep in Jeauf^ 0 how Sweel!'* •She was a good; kind, and .lov- jng woman, a good neighbor, aU ways ready to help-.others and ex pressed herself as beitog so glad to do it. Always . taking life easy, everything always went easy and well with her.. She was loved by all who knew her and will be sadly missed in her^ com munity. She was a Christian, a member of the Mockaville Bap tist Church. Farewell Mollie, but for a little while.' ^od's white winged messengers,; we know have home thy. spirit hack to Him who made the blest; "We know. not how. but-.iOouDt npt while we mourn a richer, life a waits "thy soul,'. .' 'One Who Loved H|ir?* Mrs. Lee McDaniel On Saturday Jan. 7th at 1 o'clock the remains of Mrs. Lee McDaniel were laid to rest in Fork Church ceraeteiy. Mrs, McDanjel's home was at Wood-, leaf; she was formerly a Miss Foster of this community. A husband, ten children and one sister survive her. ^We wish to extend to each of them^ our deep eat sympathy. Sutely a. Mother of Isrsel hes gone to rest. Pneu monia claimed her as its victim, Mr. Penrs preached her funeral. Bio - Obituaries - 1/12/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 19,1922 Milton Howard L^ Thursday the remainB of Mr;-: Mlton Howard; of Cornat' zer; were , laid lo rest Jn Pork iCjBhie^ry.... Mr. Howard is sur- ^Viyed.by.^ wife, ten children axid. : 6nh.bretherj Rev. Penry presch ed-hii* funeral assisted .' by. Rev. johnsDp, of Mockaytlle.. Mr. Howard had been confined to hie bed for three weeks, his suffer- . m'ff was iytense, but medical aid failed to idye relief. We sympa thize'deeply with his loved phes.- Lucy Eaton Sceloff Our town was saddene by the news of Mrs. Lucy Eaton ScelofPo death. She la survived by. her husband arid two children. She is pleasantly remembered here as Miss Lucy Eaton, the art teacher many having .studied under her. She was a lovely woman, of beautiful Christian character, ar dently admired for hei* modesty eentlenesB, and refinement. Bio - Obituaries -1/19/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 25,1922 J. M. Howard Good Man Gone. • AJr.-OT. M. Howard, of'near^Cor- natzer, died on Tuesday, Jan. loth, after a month's illde^, aged 65 years. The body-^as. laid to rest at Ford* Church, on Xan- I2tli,.the- funeral and burial services being conducted By-RIevs. C. .R. Jojinson andjk^T: iPcnry, of tbismty.. Mr. Howard is survived by wife and nine children, sevenXsoiiS and. two daughters, .viz:* Gi- li'i M. _ C, and e. a Howard. oXKnox^nd. Tehn.v J. Rrof Mbbresvltie,/li. B." R^sb, and .Walter, of Salisbury., aiid^r'MrSv' Belle Modre; of Charlditerandi^fs- Bertha WilHaias, oK Cqpleeinee/* Mr. Howard vvas agw^-ihialr/and.^11.1>e missedifi'ld^iidm^ Plniuty. j'-: "•. -v-.-; } ■, .0 Death of SHIS. J. ti. Atfd^bn. j ' Mrs. J. .0. Audersou, aged ^7! yeafs, of Caljbaln, died at i2:.o-Monday at I,ong*s Sauatoriiinl■Siatesville. Mrs. Anderson is str-|viveJ^y her husband and sevsi]children; also her : parents,- sevml h isieis and five brothers: ..The bir-lul.tddk place at Center Tu^;j.vi Bio - Obituaries - 1/25/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 26,1922 Mrs. Garfield Anderson Guv neighborhood, ik very nritich grieved.by tlYo'dotijjb of Mrs; Gar field Anderaon.* .She was taken to Dr. Long's Shhatoriuin, at Stntesville tjie 17th of December and was operated oii. the 8rd of Jahuary. She died the 23rd. She I leaves-a husband and seven child ren, a father -and mother and brothers' and. sistci? '.besides a . host.of friends.. .\ye.have lost a I good hetghboi* and a faithful friend. Wp extend cpiidolcnce to the bereaved oti'cs, Bio - Obituaries - 1/26/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 8,1922 Ann Markland a to ^1d cleyeiope^i'^intp iby. all r«^^itnew;^ -tih^-^'d^^'' her friqi^s^^l W inj^ to t^ go'^o.i^fd^e^ "lie 8un&it.(if^Jtej?'M e?eriinSralaf^ ib^oafag hud/^. w^ held at mdrUiog at ^ Peiuiyvwd - mad^ b^tifiirtai^^^j^ y Bio - Obituaries - 2/8/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 9,1922 . Mr. Rodgers was a member of tho-Wcstern- North..CftrolixLa,Con Rev* Jease P. Rodgers Js Vic» tiia--OfJCanGer.' . - Rev. Pinkney Itodgers, 56 years old, died at his home' lOlSSouthFulton street last night (Jan. 31) atl0:30 o'clock of can- ' cer • from," which be had been'a sufferer for eome'tjme. • The fun' eral took place_ finm the South Main Stceetr- Methodist church this '^ternooh at 4:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. J. K. Kirk of the First Methodist church and Rev. iWoolaey of South Main* St.- church, find • "the interment ^11 he in Chestnut Hill cemetery. ' ' Surviving . is • the widow; "one son, Mrj J. B.. Rodgers, of SaHa- bury; four daughters,. Mrs. E, L. Tdrbyftllj Of AshevUle, and Mis- es Pearl, Blanche, and Edith Rodgers, all of whom lived with their parents, • Three brothers, S. A. Rodgers of Salisbury, and Stamey and Samuel Rodgers of Kannapblis, also survive. fere'nce of the M. E. church and ' had been a resident of Salisbury niore than four years. His last • re^lar station was presiding eld er of the Waynesville district, but on account of failing health he had been relieved of regular ac tive ^rk, but bad been assist* ing in superannuated endowment fund work in the W. N, Ci con: .-ference. He was a consecrated worker in the Lord's vineyard rand had inany friends through- = out the bounds of the conference who will learn vnth sorrow of his Cdeath. '• Rev. Mr. Rodgers not'only aid ed greatjy in the work of raising iiinds for. aged and inform minis ; , ters:but as dnancisl agent for the Children's Home at-Winston-Sal V em succeeded in raisjng $60,000 •Vfor,. equipment He had seryed pastor of churches at Mocks .'iinlle,: Asiieborq, Albemarle and :;}Henrietta^Caroleen in addition to ^thiaiworkas presiding elder of ^e ^^aynesville district.—Salisbury fiMvebipig Post ' . Anne Markland Mrs. Anne Markland, who has been ill so long,'died at the home of her daughter,. Mrs.'H.-L. E^^^^ er, Friday morning, and was, laid to rest in the' Elbaville ceme tery/* Sdnday morning;"A'^short service "was iheld 'at the house at 11 .b'.clqck, .after which the hody was. ca;i>ried ^the cemete^^ The service ^wa^ cbnduct'ed by Rev. J. M. Varner, of this place and Revs. " Whitaker^ and Peiiry, of Mocksville) The dieceased-is sur vived bj'two. children, Mr. J. 0. Morkland.'and Mrs, H. .L. 'Postdr piftce: filari ^a large number of grandVchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 2/9/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 15,1922 Sarah Jane Chambers Estep n Funeral sisrvipes ' .;r5arah j Jane Chftmbere^tGp'waaheldtSun. I day eveniii/!: at ^ o'clock at.the M R .Ohoich.by-'Re^ J. M Varner, JMts: pictpp barf lived^ nntiJ-'Feb" 14,' slfe wonld haVb been 64 y^re oldi . Tommie Faircloth Trnnmie Fairjclo'ih.-,af Advance R. 1. was also called aycay last PHt dav nigbt. He bad a stroke of para-f: (vsis on-Sunday- night and- grew., worse until' the end Funeral sen. vices wereheld "at^Macedonia.Son- day evening isit 4 o'cliicit "if he had ifved uniil May he:wquld;bave bten too yeafa old .r -Eve.rv^onejjwisltes .40, "expresa their^mpaihv. fo' the "sort rowing-friends of both-families. Susie Cook ~A number of relatives, and friends, at- tended the'fdnefalof'AdotStisleCook Sat- Qcday^'aftefi^n at Macedodi*.'^Aunt Su sie-Was 96.^eai:s old the oldest Ionian - in tti<» raddty-. She leaVeiai • chitdreUr-licand children, gr^t grand'cbildren^ and great.5reat' grand -ebilidre^ ^itt'e Birr Brock, if., one" of .her grand "oiiildren attend^ her funerat fieV. (ong^ Rfe vras■nobly spent'Rev. Grebbs'and -Rev. Hau^nddc^.heg Mcera^ ; 'T" Bio - Obituaries - 2/15/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LiBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 16,1922 Sarah Jane Estep Sarah Call Sarah Call, -wbo-ljaaijeenj pfw'g her home wirhherdaugh; Griabb for several years i. Hied last Sunday n5^^.ai;d' 'th6'i ^maina were' intsred . at' Fbrkl fcmeterj; • Tuesiiay,Mrs'. Calk- Sa? been a grent tuffeb.er;haying; me'en, bedriddeh; for twenty.yeai'S; l extend our svin:\ athyrl ta.the^ |^reayed...cnes; .Mrs. ^Gan-wa?: leigh'l^.Bix.years..old.\;; r-- ':V';.'A Sarah Jane Estep Mrs. Sarah'Jane Estep, who died at her home last, Saturday, was buried in the Shady Grove cemetery last Sunday evening at three o'clock. The'deceaeed was sixty-four i^eiirs of age; Mrs. Sarah Jane Eatep, who had a stroke of paralyais several weeks ago, died Saturday even ing and was laid to rest in Ad vance cemetery Sunday afternoon at4P. M. byRev. J. M. Varner, her pastor. Sh'o in .survived by one eon, Mr. Soleman Estep, an ex-soldier; one sister, Miss Lila Chambers; and several relatives to moiirn her Joss. We extend to her son, and other relatives who were devoted to her through but hqr sickness our symapthy. Death of Mrs. Lucy E^ton Sicelof f. Mrs. Lucy Beatrice (Eaton) Sicfclotf._daQghtOT of the late Dr. W. S.' arid ~Rebecci^liTrE^tbn7 was born at Cleveland, Rowan County, March 22,. 1876. She attended the home schools, also High School at Burliijg'^n and Mockaville. and later Mere dith College, at Raleigh, While attehdf^ school in Mockaville.as a'gir! fourteen years of age, she became a chriatian and ever af terward lived a devoted chriatian life, n ' She was artistic by tempera ment a lover of the beautjful al ways,and while at Burlington, be gan thb study of art. This was resumed; at lyiocksville. and a\£6 at Meredith College. Then ''she entered an Art School in New York City- in order to have still greater advantages for her be-' loved work. After returning she had a studio at her home in.Cleveland where she instructed a number of clas ses in art, then she accepted a position as art teacher in the Mocksville school, taught then by those raost.devout arid godly .wo men, /Misses' Mattie Eaton and Laura Clement. In lOOSahe became instructor of art-in the-Buies Greek Acade my, ; where sho remained for a number of yeafl. In all these positionsshe . gave the highest •satiafaction as-itrwaa hof-dfsposr' lion to look to the interest of ot hers and not to her own. • '. Her influence was for good,was i felt by all with whop) i caihe 1 ' in contact. As her life was an inspiration to her friends, so Her memory will ever he a benedic tion to all who knew'her,^and the beautiful pictures which she paint ed and helped others to paint are found in many a homo as a me morial of her gift and' talent in 'art. Five years ago she was marri-- ed to Mr. Van Wert Biccloff, of Davidson County. While giving faithful attention to the house hold affairs of homel she fcund time to paTht aliumBer beautiful pl^itures and one was left unfinished, when, the Master called and her pure spirit took its flight to brighter dimes. There were two children given to the home; a little boy Van .Wert Jr., three yeoia of age; and a. preci ous -little girl Lucy. Beatrice Ea ton, whom the mother saw and clasped to her heart for oiie short moment, •and then the seperation Jaouary 6fcti, 1922. Our'deab sis ter was 45 years, 9 months, and 14, days old. She leaves a grief- stricken husband, an only sister, Mrs, A. T. Hord, of Gary; a bro ther Mr. Fred G. Eaton, of Buics Creek; and a host of relatives and friends to mourn.thdir loss, • Her funeral was conducted by Rev, J. A. Campbell,. Principal of Buies..Creek Academy. The Bible reading was from .Second Kings, fourth chapler, 8-38 ver ses inclusive. ' Text'^part of 8th verse, "Where was a great wo man". The floral ortorings were many and beautiful. And ndtwithstand jng the day was rough and cold, a large concourse of friends were gathered to pay tribute to this igood woman. . , In her going we are sorely be- ireft. The world is poorer and ilifeis lonely. But Heaven is more real and we haste toward the day when we shall join her there in the songs of the redeemed, A. T. Hord, Gary, N. 0. Bio — Obituaries — 2/16/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 16,1922 Susie Cook n Our community was saddened bv the death of Mrs. Susie.Cook, which pccured ' niornjhg. Death was -caused - by burns which she received a fe w daye before her death,^ jShe was about ninety.six years' of ager-the old est woman in pur community. luterinetttivaa^nfMacedoniar-c^ meteyy Saturday,- n Bio - Obituaries - 2/16/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 22, 1922 Elizabeth Call ' Jease and 'Ca)I. of Tlioin^* villd, attended the funeral ^ thei^ aunt. Mrs. Bnzabetb Call' here' last Tuesday. . Mrs.- Call died 'ojn.iSan^ay, Feb. iZth, at the bomeof hecdaosh- ter.' Mrs. Jesse' Grobib; '^ere she had^been confined to her bed for 21 years. She had reach'd tbe age. of fi6 years and 8 months Foni^a) aereices were held here at Forh Bap-! tist church" with \ scriptural reading, (by W. Fi $ferre{l<^d a Yalk by Bey. 1 Moose, of-HJeb Point. J. B. Hutchens J. B. .Hutch^, of Clarksyille township, died MoudsQf morning folipwing a long illness, aged €8 years. He is survived by his mfe .and eleven . chtldien. Tire body was laid to rest at ^ear Creek Bap^ tist chnrch^esday tnocning at. 11 o'clock. Bio - Obituaries - 2/22/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 23,1922 William David Smith . Mr. William David Smith age about.Mght/years departed .this life February 17, 1922.. He serv- /ed'alinogb.l!oiir years-civil .war;i. "Hd leaves a-wife and. riihe infant Son Dkke^n vleljem^cen^^^^ .O'- : 'clobk;pur, heart felt J sympathy.tji)'the'b . • ^, Jdmea Dickers^,;pf Sanfordiwas' J. H. Hutchens . kr." J. k-Huldhens] of GlarHp- yille, Towiiship, whe 'has b^eh sufferinp: for some time'with: ab- 'sdes3 of- the stomach, die(|- at' his home Monday and was laid to teat in Bear Greek Church ceme- Ury Tuesday.Miy Hutcliens^was liSye^rs sld children 'aip parture, , His wife and eiey.en left to inourh his de- Bio - Obituaries - 2/23/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 1,1922 William David Smith Mm. BflM^ Griff is Dead.' Mrs. Miaria 'QriAQ died -almost suddenly at her jhotne on South jMaiu street. Sunday' night about j 10:30 o'clock, aged 87 years.. ,-Tfce body, was laid to . rest' at7Joppa graveyard j'esterday. Rev. -"W. Ij. ; StaeriiU conductibg the funer^ and burial services, -^^s. Griffih is su'r^^ vived hy five ehfldren, two sons;. Walter "Gnfliti, oE Mexico, W. A'. Griffin, of R. 5, and three daughters,:Mesdame5 John. Canjble, with whofb'^she lived. W. A. Kerr, ! of R. S* and T. E. Odom, of Hick- jor^ l^he decea^d. leaves hiany friends and relatives-to njdurh her deatli. ' A good;'wdriian" has teen .^lled to"her reward. . ^ • Maida Eaton MLss.Maida Eatoii dti^ nt her home near Cina last Thursday morning; following a long Illness of -tuljerchlosLs,- aged about 24 years. The fitnef^ and-burial ser- \ices were conducted Friday after* noon at 2 o'clock by Kev.'*C. S. Cashwell, of Statesville,'and .tite body laid to rest at Baton's Church; Surviving Miss Baton is hermother several sisters and brothers, besides a host of relatives and friends. ■. * A Good Mao Gone. On Friday• night F^b.T 17^ .Mr.William DaVid.Stnith, neaiTjiethie'' heiii left his'eBrtbly .home.aud join^ed Gpd's holy:b^d pf an^Js.'';Mr. Smith was confined tp bis .rboin and1^ about ,^ tuonthk. He^me^tc^b'ear- his 'witii''inuch~'p!a* 1 tience. He >a.4 iu the Cohfed^te war about four years.: Mr," Smith was 90 i^ra old.' .Heleavesa'Vrifeaud^ i^ildren, 30 .grand children; and a host bf -fiiends to inonrn his death.- "Ble&ed are the dead which die In'lhe^^rd.'!- ^ Weep not' 3'(Mr ^ns and daughters, you ^ave a^. nother bright beiuitifufuiigel'hvnig ■with God. Aiid the loved one gphe before and wearing a crowin.of et« ernal life. " Tile chain ofthe.fa^ly circle is broken again,.: and.'dearfather the link. Mey-^ph 9.f y^u so live that at the great'nsarrectibn there will noi-be one link tnissing.- ONB WHO LOVBp Hlhir ^ Bio - Obituaries - 3/1/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 2,1922 Mrs« Maria Li Griffin Dead, The coinmuriicy^W.ag shocked to hear, of ihe sudden death of Mi-s. Marla'Louise Griffin at • her homenierp on Sunday nipht about l0:30.'. Mrs; Griflin was.the widow bf yie 'lato"^|laffi;^dfnnr-and: waV'ST yanre;Cdld' on now ■;diiy, > Sho.'Was;(a;pupU in Snlem'Academy4i'OtS.1849.;t^ Shewaa, a ih'Gm.bAltb^ihh^ I : inp at 10:30 by her pastor,' Rev. I VV. li. Sherri.U, assisted by Revs,;E. P;. Bradley and".X 3- 1 gevald and the intorment follow- i ed at Joppa ceinetery. Mrs. Grif fi n was devoted to hor family and friends; and was liked by all who knew- her. for her uiiid, genial diaposKion. Two . sons and a daughter /preceded their mo.tlsor to the grave years ago, and fi ve childron/siirvive hei<': they are: Mesciamos Alict;i Coublc and SailioKer»\'of MoclcsyillG, •Mrsi^nrric jQdotu, of, Hickory, Wv,,AV,Griflin,of..'MnekivT^ of- Texas, besidG,H;a -liumber ofgrinid ehildreh. ';The'. "sympathy'of the comrnunity;j2:oea'out to the Bio - Obituaries — 3/2/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 8,1922 Mrs. Sp^* Mrs. Mag^e Spry, aged 44 yeore died Tuesday night at.her home in Broadbay tonmship, after a -Htiger' jag illness. Thedeeeesed issaiyiv- ed by her hnsban'd, Mr. R. L. Spry, and three children, Leora,. Denay and Ralph Spry, alao by'her father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Foster; of Mocksville, and three sisleii' Mrs..Spry-tvasa member of the Southside Baptist chnrcb,' and Unie to this section about five ye^ ago from Davie .county. . The ftinerd was ccnducted from the home Thursday morUing at 11 o'clodc, by Rev. V M. Swmm, pas tor of the deceased.. The inter ment was in Waughtown cemetery. —Winston Sentinel.' Infant McDaniel ;.Tbe little.inf^t of Ib.i^and wiflio. j. MeOantel was.^%3ii^ -fet Coilntfa Monday. Bio - Obituaries - 3/8/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 15,1922 Maria Mertz famous Womini Midget' Dies /t . SaGsbsiy. Salisbury, .Marcb 7, — Mrs. jjaria Mem, 69 -yeaisi' old, once ffltwnns" midget, died at her home here today after a brief illness. She was a native of Mocksville, Davie connty, Tvas 36 inches tall and w^hed.46 pounds^. She was the wife of Major John Mertz,_^also a nudget, and daiming to be the smallest E^lan and Dokie in the couDtry. For years, her apd her husband were big attractions with several,- circuses.' She had traveled all over the' world with her bus-. bandL . , ' ^ It wasdiiruig the. travel that the tiny conple met and were married. For many: vear.s Aey had lived iii Sall^Qiy.': She was a daughter of the late Alex'Ndl and was the on ly midget, of'a large &tuily of child ren. 'n Mrs. Mertz had "a^y rdativra rad friends in Dkvie county, who ,will be s^dened1>y the announce- ment'of herldeaih. Mrs. Lincoln Ellis MTS..^|!f{ncoln EUis died Sunday night, following a stroke .of para lysis. at her home near Coi-natzer,' aged about .'50 yeiars. The burial took place Tuesday. [ Sodden Death of Mis.' Blachwood. ! Mrs. D. Blackwood di^ sud denly at her'home near the graded school about four o'dodc Saturday hiorniug, aged . about 47 years. MiS. Blackwood .was apparently in good health, and her death was: a shock'to .her family and friends. Deceased leaves a husband and sev en cbiidreo, besides many relatives and friends. The body-^ was laid to rest at Bedr Creek Bap^'diurch Sunday. A short funeral service was held at the home at • 9 o'clock by Rev. W. B. W^, pastor of. the deceased.' The Record extends to the beieav^ family its symimthy in their hour of sadness. MitcbcH IKed at Hospital. Mrs. RtiUi -McBride bfttchell,' aged 22 years, who rerided on Ad vene, R. F. p. No. I. died at a Wins- ton-Salem bo^Hal Thursday after- n<^ about twoo!do^ after a ling ering illness. She is-survived by her.husband, John..'Mitchell, .and her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McBride, of Advance; Two brothers C. A., and C. L. Bride, and five sisters, Mesdames Minnie Wpoten, Mattie West, Nan nie Edm, Grace; ^mith'amd DalUe Pppples also survive! . • A short funeral service was hdd at the hoihe of:?ilrs. Mitchell's par ents at ten o'clock Saturday mprn- ing. and .the fiiperal proper'was cqti-.. ducted' at.' Macendonia '^bforavian. church at 11 o'clodc by Rev. James B. HalL of Cic-mmons. Interment . * * . , • • . followed in the church graveyard. Mrs. J. F* Sain Dead. Mrs. J. F. . Sain, of Cooleemee di^ at Long's Sanatorium, States- ville, Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Sain is survived by her n husband and six children, one of whom is how -a patient at the Statesvilte ho^ital; Mrs. Sain was years of age. The. body laid to rest at Oak Grove Meriiodist chnrch Sat urday 'afteimoion at 3 o'clock.* The bereaved husband and cbftdren have the Sj^pathy of a .host of friend> throughout Davie coumty. Bio - Obituaries - 3/15/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 15,1922 Ellen Owen ' Tree F^ls on Womui in Buggjr*. Spencer, March ii.—Mrs. Ellen Ow^D, aged about 45, was Instantly killed, and her husband, Abe M. Owen, aged 46, was sertouslay in^ jiired by'a tree falling across the National highway on which they Were drivingshortly before noon to* day. Tbe accident bappined some three hundred yards north ol the Piedmont toll bridge where Pete Crump, colored, was cutting cord wood at the roadside. .A pine tree 5o,or 60 feet tall, was jt^st ready to fall, having been chopped almost down by Crump, when the buggy driven by Mr. Owen .approached. Tlie tree had been-propped by Crump in an effort to make it fall from the road, but it is said a strong wind struck the pines just-=at that time and th6 tree fell across the hnggy, the trunk apparently strik. ing Mrs. Owen in the head, canang instaut death. Mr. Ow.en was also struck in the head and shoulders, was rush ed to the Salisbury hospital in an ambulance for treatment, and it is thought will recover. Mrs. Owen is survived by five sous and six daughters, lite body will be buried at Cherry Hill Davie county, Sunday. Her father, ^d- rety Young, died recently. , Bio - Obituaries — 3/15/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 16,1922 Emma Eugenia Sain Mrs. A. M. Owens Our community was ^ddraed Satnr^y .when thie'-news fcame that Mrs; M. Owens; of l)avid sonicoiinty had been killed falling tree white: she hnd^er hostiand :were :0h their' way. b Spehcer, : Mr. Owena.iB. seriops- ly injured*at]d ia in &e , hospital at Salisbury. There are still hopM of his rerovery. Mr. and Owens have behn residehts. of this- community for severaryeara until a year ago they moy^. .tp Davidson county. Mrs. bwehs was: laid to rest; at Cherry Hill Cemetery Sun'day afternoon. T.^e bereaved family haVe" cur dMPr est sympathy. | S I Mrs. Emma Eugenia Sain, of Cooleemee,- was buried! at Oak Grove Saturday dftemooD.at2:30. o'clock., RevXW. C. Boligp, hier pastor, conducted the funeral serviced- -Mrs/Sain had been in bi^ health for some time. Three w^ks ago she was taken to Hr/ Loirg's Sanitorium at Statesyille, where, she lingered until the:end cpme liyedn!^^] S^h. She. vfM forty yeats old last l^ceniber rdth. : Mrs. Sain wast^v wifA ,0f Hr. Jim' Sain 'and daughter of Mta; W. H; Peawk, of neBr^Mochsvil!e.; She> ^as p eonsecrated' ch^ ' neigl^irt imd '^klhd ioviakmblih^ er,: !'* l^des imf* .'haBbahd; • and mother ' she is surv'lv^ hy^ childiep, four girte and twphoys.^ twoi aistera,. and b^er relatives.' Her son,'Ernest is in Dr. Long's Sapf^torium recoverit^g fi^m: ah operation, !The floral' bfl^lngs were many and beautiful.^,; Wb extend our sympathy tb the be reaved ones. Bio - Obituaries - 3/16/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 16,1922 iionie ..C&tnei^ Black^bod. epith angei' . vilBited\; the aal^' 3.ai^rday.dt fou^ I yqjockv tSajnei Camdr-B]'ac%p^ She ;1^d ;l()t b^n^mygpod Healtli for ieyefal/yei^sV^^ IreWe'^;, .FHflay^^ jisyeir*^ en&rVnbring when her Husband ceiyibg(jkhpianaw^ indde.: a hghl and returned to Her bedside ^•fiod iife i^bne;'' ' ': She was a daughter of the late and Mis. John Gartner, of B^'Creek,; Having liycd that community until a few. '^arS a£^-she'was a' meiiaber-ol the^.Bear..preek .phurch.,jShe. joined ihe^m^ when.a young girl' hi/d lived a Iffevo!^ Christian service ^until her .dea^lk She ^^aa forty 'seven yeafa and thirteen d^^Boldi'v*.'i-"'>• Mr, ■% ••■'■near. in . J^idea. her. .hu§^d, jBha. is survived by <8even .childKn,-onebrother; \llfe i&m ;Ctot{|iW,Cbf Bear Creek and' one sister. MissEll6ni0iMa^;:of tbisNplaee^^idhe of Stiadssvilte;; 'Misa-'VcTma^! landsona,;; Pt^,. .Albert, imd- .Ray, oftCpIacaah^'CftrrBU^^^ Gooleeihee..r ^ i si*.«!'V aThe lbheral-^r.viM,^wa^.,coDr ducted at the home Hera by RevlW. B^^ff^yontti^cluded Jit! thegrave., at Bear'Grrak r^ere the body was intered*'tat twp bfclodt Sttiiday .aftertopn,; k. ^ ^ . ' 'Our' 'sympd^y goea out ito tW •tereaved io^hlsfsddihoiirill - <v( Bio - Obituaries - 3/16/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 16,1922 Mrs. John Mertt A ViGtim -of Grip..j. . . Mra/Mariah Elizabeth.* Mertz, witeof Mpjor JohnHertz/of iabury, died at the home, ofj Mn and Mrs. ^. L,- Jones,- 4^^quthr JacicBon street/^jsiher^tHey nidde their-hqintfi'sHoftly'before noon Tufesd^ March'7th; The farierf al j^k place at the residence .Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock- and the interment was |n Cheet? niit.Hilt cemetery. Mrs. • Mertz,' before herniar^ riugeto-Major-Mertz was. Miss Mariah Nail, of Mockaville.; She was, bom in Mockaville ' May- 8, 1862, and ^.waa nearly 70 years old.' Mrs. Mertz was one of. the smallest women in the world and atone time was a famous midget having travelled all over the Tin- itedStates^. and.many.parta of Europe and other sectionb of the world with-circuses. ,8he .W99:&>r a time with the Barnum ahow» later with Adam Fourpaugh^^and also travelled with the old John; Robinson shows. She was 86 inr ches high. and.weighed 48 pounds It was white traveling that she | met Major John MerU, who was also ;a ' nb.^ i ^ioget and they were married. A'nuihber ofyeara ago toey gave up show life and settled doyb. in Salisl)Ury and have mad^'their homb there since Mrs.' Meitz was for mahy years a familiar bguite on the streets of this* city, b{it of late yeisra lias not been, able to get about much. Her husband W weirkiipwn and has hundreds 6f friends here.- He is an ebthuejastic'member' 6f. the K.. of Pv andalso a Dokey and never'falia to attend .the ;p. 0; K. K, Ceremonials in this State. She ,waa a fluent, talker-ia her; younger days and a . most inter esting little woman. , Mr&' Mei^z.'had only been 111 two weeks,. hoving.K^p. She Was a ntember of • the ^ond Prestoterian church and of the Daughters oT Liberty, i Mrs. Marts'leaves one sister, Mrs; J. Aj Locke,- of DenteuValso one brother, S. S. Nail, of Forth Worth -Texas, Three brothers are dead. She. was a daughter of the jate Alex Nail of thlscbun ty. : • ' Mrs. Mertz's parents were of normai size as were also her bro* thers .and . sist^B... The family was one of. the best kiiowQ,, of. the .older families of Davie coun- ty:." -f ^ • Bio - Obituaries - 3/16/1922 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 22, 1922 Mrs. John Foster Mrs. John Foster died at her home near Mocksville early -Saturday moming, following an illness of many years, aged'70 years. The b^y iras laid to at Oak Grove Sunday afternoon at 2 o'dodc the funeral services being conductecl by her pastor, Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald Poster is survived, by her husband and two daughters. Mrs. Abe Owen Our commuoily was ^dened Sat* □rday moraing by the tragic death of Ura. Abe Owen, formerly of Davfe county hut recently moved to David son. Death is due to the falling of a tree which stmek Mra. Owen on the head killing her instantly. Her hosband who was also with her in Ibe bu^y was serioosty hart. Her remaina were laid to rest in the Cheiiry Hill Cemetery in the presence of the largest number of people the' writer ever saw at that place. Bio - Obituaries - 3/22/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 23,1922 Mrs. John Foster Mrs. John Foster died at her home Saturday "morning March 18th at lO o'ciock. She has been in bad health foit several years. She took her bed T\iesday . morn ing with bronchitis. . Mrs. Foster was 'born in 1844. BeJore mar riage she W&B Miss Ehsa Jane -Rrenflcrar: She was converted and joined the', church early m life and lived a consecrat^ chris tftifl. \ She often remairked tofher "family.-, and- friends, that she was ready to go arid' if it was the •Lord's will: she" had rather go 'than to suffer; -' The'funeral ser vice \^ere conducted , by Rev. .T, B. 'Fitzgerald; and W. L. Qherrlll Sunday* afternoon, at 3 o'clock. She- m survived-by her husband and two children; . Mrs. N. S;Wellmah and Mrsi^Sanford ^ail, i and four grandchildren and'two ^ I great grand children.. Her son, 11 Mr.. Sam Foster preceded her to I the grave a .little more than five t" years agd/ ^ We extend .our deep- 71 est sympathy to the breav^ ones y|in this sad hour. Bio - Obituaries - 3/23/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 29,1922 Laurette Livengood One of the saddest-accidenta that has aver oeooh^ here, was on last Tae^ajr afternoon between 4 and • 5 o'clock, when little Ladrette. the eiRht>montbs-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Livengood. was barned to* death. IRie parents are grief striehen over tlus awful acd- deift. and have the ssrmpathy of the entire commnn'ty In this dark hour. The remans were laid to rest nesd ay at one o'clock in Fork ceme tery. after a funeral neld by Rev. H. T. Penry. The little casket and grave was covered with ..besutifQl flowers arranged by loving hands, for every one who had eversaw Laurette loved her; she waa each a beantifat, love* able baby. Bio - Obituaries - 3/29/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 30,1922 infant Livengood Our. cotumhnity was shocked on laaciTueaday everiihgi = March 21s^, ; \vhen tragic death of Mr. and Mrs. Miiton*Li vengood'd little child occurred. Mra. Liven- ^od .^ent over to a near. neigli* bbrs for a few minutes, and when she returnedi'she found that tho oldest icUild who'was aaleeb when she went'but, had waked up, and the youngest child':Who was about 8 monlh4 old, ,wh6m she left In' the crib had' burned to deatl-J! Howthisjai^ful accident happened isyet to be solved. It is supposed thatfire must have popped into the cribC Our'deepest sympathy goes out to the bereaved parents. Rev. H, - T." Penry conducted a beautiful tuneral service on Wcd- beaday ih'the presence of a lar/ge concourse of relatives'and friends jlhe florai offering was beautifulwhich■ was.ev|ifeDCe of the hiijh est'.cni In which these good peo ple are held. . Henry Miller -Mr. Hoiiry Miller, pno- of thoiioldest men in our communify. I| was, laid to rest in the Smith Grove cemetery' Sunday 'at 2 • P.M.; Pneumonia' claimed'him as^^ riils victim^ Mr. Miller leaves aisr] wife and four daughtei% and ts.'iii|'grand children, and ' scores '.of'j Ii'ieiiua li» iiiO' - hi.". TTifi*nI pastor, Rev. C.'H. Whi taker and ||^ i Rev. S , H. Neadham' conducted • |' I the fun'eral siaryices. We extend'| lour deepest sympathy to the be-..inrcaved'ones in-thin -their dark(8 - hour.; • , Helen Mclver Mr. and Mri, R. L. Wilson were called t»the Winston-SaiemSunday afternoon to 'bedside oftheir grand child, Helen Mclver,who died Monday morning at ten- o'clock. Helen was the'year oldQ. iinHtrhter of Mr. and Mrs. JaniesMclver. 'The body was buvriedin Wlnsten'Salera, 'Ouc nytnpr thy goes.out to thebpreftved'ones Bio - Obituaries - 3/30/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 5,1922 Death 6f Mr. Cope. We were made^_^ March the 26 wheh the death augel came and t^lc rnth hhn oar preciooe father^ Green Berry Cope was born Nov; 26,1848,45 yeara.ago be was married to Ellen Martin. To tbia union were bom 32 children, seven girls and five boys. One daughter and one Bon preceded him to the glory world. He was a devoted husband and fath* er, bis life was qniet. but ahexample o{ uprightness. Just why God called him we do not underatand, but we believe he has gone to be with the redeemed on yonder shore. His fun eral service was conducted by Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald of Hocksvflle. after which his body, was gently laid to rest in Concord Cemetery March 28, midst a throng of sorrowing relatives and|fHeads, to await the raurrection Helen Louise Mclver B av ifv pacaicuu ittle HeU, T • and Mis. Jas. L , died.in ct'i,, following a funeral' and^•^were held Tuesday sittXL", n Stiver was Hissbefore maniage.., M. A. Chaffln jVt. A. Chnffin died at .his holne | in Calabaln, Sunday, April 2, aged about 4-5 years. The body was laid to rest Monday afternoon 'at Ijames Baptist church. Mr. Cha- ffiifis survived by his wife and one .sou, besides a host of relotiyes and friends. Mr; ChafiEn was''- a good citizep^and will, be sadly missed. . Bio - Obituaries - 4/5/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 6,1922 In Memory Of .Green' Berry Cope. We were nm*!® sa'l March 26 when (he d'at-i eiiKel came and took wi li liini our precious fatlr or, Gnen Berry Co^'e was born" Novpitib?r 26 h 1848. Por»y-five yca's Hgo be wits man ied • to" El len Martin. To Ihii union *\yere twelve children, seven gi Is and hvQ boys Ore daughter ar.d one &on preceded him to the Glory World, He was a devoted hus band and father; hii life was quiet but ah example of upriglu- neis Just why God ..called him wo do rot understand, but we be lieve he has gone to.be' with' the redeemed on yoi.der shore.: His funeral svrvice was conducted by Rev. J, B. Pitegeimld, of ^cche- ville, afttr which :his body wss gently laid 'lo fest in Contjord lemetery' March the 28tH, mid^ a . throng, of sorrowing rblatlvea and friends, to await the resur rection morn.; We aha 1 miss him; yes,, wa shall" ihlw hini. . We'll ; never forget that llfe'ess form,- ithat, pale and wIP*eriid cheek. And ch,'to know his tohaiic. will never more to ua on "this earth spe^k.'. Let' iis not weep bitter tears for he Is ..dwelling in afuir- .er land where no partings come, ho toars are shed, only peace and happiheEBj He has gone our precious father, Sleeping in the tomb, . . Calmly sleepirK till the dawning f f the reaun'ection morn, ; They ii"hv« pl^wcJ hiui in t;hc/QJig'| ket and "have borne liis^p^m away;' . ' :! Sti 1 in death he Is only s'eepihg till the Ressureet'on day. Neath a.ihound of blowing,flow ers cold in desth ourfai her lies; But his spirit'B.witU the angels in n the homo beyond the skies. Ohi 'tis lonely here without him - in this, world pf.toil and cate; •• But we'd join him .with ^th'e van- Boii) in that land so bright, and •fair. Yes 'twill- be a.lmppy greeting w hen we meet to part lio more With pur friends and loved ones n waiting on that bright etei nal shore.' ' v Tlie yeaiM of our enrth'y pil grimage ara"dra,wing to a"; close. In a.few years, we shall be dalle'd the great.coiifei-ence of the re deemed. . When that day , cprn^ may we. ali be permitted -.to an- wei', "Here we arc Lord, vyaslied and redeemed In the blood of the Lamb.'.'' T ; Mrs-P.L. Foster; '' .Death .Of G.oW« Gope. • The death : angel visited pur community Sunday, March 26th, 1922 and. saddened btir^hearts by bearing away to a haven of rest the spirit of. Mr. G, W. Cope an aged and highly esteemed citizen. He was 74 years old and leaves a wife, four sons, and six daughtr ers, viz: Mrs. Le'JdPJckler, Mrs! Alice Shoaf, Mrs. Siie Foster^; Dudly and Paul. Cope, of Salisr bury and Spencer.. Mrs. Kate Poster, Mrs. Bulah Foster, and Mrs. Annie Berrier, of Mocks- vllle; Joe Cope, of Charlotte, and Jack, of Columbia, 8.^0 All were at his bedside when the end came except Jack. While it is some times so hard for ua to be reconciled to God's ways, yet we know that all things done by Him are forthe beat and our loss'is "heaven's gain. 'Our hearts go out to the bereaved ones Bnd.^we tenderly extend to them our deepest regrets. But pnly those that really know, can understand. Uncle Green hSs gone to the place that God had prepared for him beyond the river of life "and today he is watching and wait ing for his loved ones here below. May each one strive by the help of God to join hini},>ardund -the Throne of God "where parting comes no more. Written by one knew and loved him. Dedth-Of Mr. ChafiBn ' On April 2nd 1022 Mr, Marsh Chaf fin passed to .his reward and on April tho 3rd was laid to rest in the Ijames graveyard to await the resurrection mom. The fun eral was conducted by his pastor assisted by Revs. H. T. Penry and J. B, Fltzgprdld. Surviving are his wife, and son, Moody, his mothet*, Mrs. Jim Chaf fin," three brother,- Pink, John, and Lum Chaffin. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved. Mrs. Paul Rolllns Mrs. Paul Rollins died Wednes day was buried Thursday. She is survived-Vy her husband and' four children. Bio - Obituaries - 4/6/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 12,1922 Kelly Wood KeJly WockI, a well known citizen' of the county died at his home oti R ^Sunday-uight aged about 60 years. | The burial services took place "at Elbaville church- Tuesday. Mr. Wood had I)eeD iu bad health for several year.s. ' He is survived hy two sisters and two brothers.. I 'Mrs. Howard Dies la Wdst. • Just as.the.shades of night began to'fall so did the grim reaper lay his mighty hand iipou Mrs. Mary Howard, age'^7 year, 11 taontbs and 9 days, the widow of the late Uncle Samuel Howard, pioneer re-, sident of Alexandra. Mrs. Howard passed to the great beyond on March aotb. Death was the direct cause of an illness of Indruutics of old age and a cojoplication of diseases. - Mrs. Howard, was the wife'of the late Samuel Howard, Civil War veteran. "She was a native of North Carolina, the daughter of Green Baily.- For sixty-five years Mrs; Howard had been a re^'dent of'tlns, city. %Sbe was well posted in the early history of .Ale"xandrio. Dike her husbaiid Mrs, Howard was one of the histofy makers of this community. For years Uncle Sammny Howard took.cu-e'-pf the transfer of mails from the pc»tofiice to the railroad atotibhs and his little dray was indeed a faniiliar object to the older residents of AlexdtTdria tike her Imsbautl, Mrs. Howard was well knovvo in this city iu tbe early days. I Mr. and Mrs. Howard wire united ! ID marriage April 14, i842,bylKbam P. Ellis,, fustice,' of peace, Mr.*:. Howard before her marriage "was Miss Mary Bailey. .Her,parents were quite wealthy. - Bom on a farih-iu Davie. county ' in 1834, Mrs-: Howard's mpthec ; passed away;- when ske whs four ; years bid. • "Reared by an old manii ! my in the early days'She tdamed ; Mr. Howard'.wjieu eighteen years ; of,age. Six'children .were born,to ' this happy linion; : ' -• In 1856 ifn and" .Mrs H6wan3 raov^ to. Al^^rariL'.! • - i | The-cleath of-Mrs. Howard-ta^s from this icbmhiupity. a Venerable- elderly lady .wfia wtU be.sadlyi-mis^ ed-by all. who knew .her.;- "'v - Mrs.^Howard is.'wryivedrby pne son, liv -M; "Hpwardr.v.anil.- five ' daughters,."Mi^.-*- N«inex 6: Bryant, .' Mrs. India Hebfy, .Mra..;Eiiie ' nbcd-and Smith of:.tBis| ' rityj And Mra.^^U Bio - Obituaries - 4/12/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 13,1922 Kelly Wood Sallie Nicholson Mrs. Sallie Nicholson, o£ Farm iogton, died Monday afternoon and will be hurried eometime to day depending on the arrival of her son, Mr, Lee Nicholson, of Macon, Ga. Mrs, Nicholson was a sister of the late Mrs. Mart -Ghtfflinj —: The death angel visited our community Sunday night and took away one of our most high' ly ' esteemed . neighbor's, Mr. Kelly Wood. His body was laid to rest Tuesday afternoon in Elbaville cemetery.' The funeral services were conducted by Kev. C. H. Whitaker. He had been a long sufferer of cancer but was BO patient and resigned to the last. This good friend will be greatly missed, but his going to answer the long roll call reminds us of the fact we too must ans wer some day. Mr. Wood is sur vived by four brothers and one sister. There were many bsauti- ful lioral offerings. To the be reaved relatives we extend much sympathy. Ida Eaton Ida Eaton, one of the teachers in the colored school here, dle^ last Friday of.paralysis. The re mains were hurried in the color ed burying ground at Farming* toii last Sunday. ' . Bio - Obituaries - 4/13/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 19,1922 ttni. Qrisiia . The people of '«reve saddened last Wednesd^>,ygtierf a meaage was receitred frbih Cai^, tdfing of the death of /CL Jf. Chnstias. whl^ oociued at lier home in thatCOCT at SO^i^k.Wed' nesdajr morning, foUoi^^ a stolee of paraljrsis, ilv^ Chn^ian was a native of Hocksville ^ before her marriage was Hiss X^ialU^ The body was brought to Modcsville Tfamsday afternoon, and jafter the funeral services at the Baptirt diurcfa, conducted by itov. W. B. Waff,'the remains were taken to fUise oeinetery and ^ '.to rest. Mrs.'Christian is sttrvi^^"'Ky. her hnshand and two . a son and danghf er, also by t^brachen^ Thos. W. Rich, of Pl^dplda, and D. Ri^, of Wlastoivftaif^ Two ristera, Mrs.' K, T^^Bienegm-, of tfate 9iy, and Mra . j.*7 A. 'Wil^ jliamson, of Tacoma, snrvtve& • ' . • • -L /• Thomas H. Nicholson —• I'kcauttcr, n af ^'riiolson, an adopted Clias. Sain, w«li,esday folIoAving a «g«l 19 yeara aud 6^ fniicnfl and bnrial held at Bethel chureh afternoon at 6 o'clock by ^'^e^.C,H.Whitahw,.:: PInkey Stroud Pinkey Stroud, a well-known citizen of near County line, died Thur.«;day of last week, following a short illness at the advanced age ot 89 years. The'funeral aud burial services were conducted by Rev. V. M. Swaim, on Friday morning at 11 o'clock and the' body laid to rest at Society Baptist church. Mr. Stroud is survived by his wife and several sons and daughters besides a host of relatives aud friends. Bio - Obituaries - 4/19/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 20,1922 Herman Nicholson •pf ;JtiBiavcora^ waflA buried a| Beiih^'.Ghu^^ aftev- nobn at 8;3p, o'clock., ^ilr. Niah- Olson had been In bad*heattH for. sometime... ,Somo time^'ag6 'he took Pneumonia and iinffered' with it for about ten days imtil the end came Wednesday April.' .12.; Mr, Nicholson'b. niother'died and Mr. .and Mrs. Charlie. Sain, tdok.hihi to raise. He is eurviyed by a father and" two brothers, of Winston-Salem and Robert Nich olson of R, 8. We extend our B.vmpthy to the bereaved ones. Bill Foster ^ Fo^t^r. who has been in failing, health .for quite awhile passed away at his hoii^e last Fri day nignt, - was; hurried in the Fork Cemetery Sunday afternoon Rev. H. T. PeniT'Conddcted the funeral exerciBes;; Mr; Foster had lived to the ripe.-old age; of sevr enty two yeare^ but had never conducted ..^him seff with any church/ Rev,' J.' S. Johnson ,of mocksv^Iie-preached at the Jdap-. tist dhiifch '.Sunday morning-, in the abaense lof the' pastor Rev, Fen'ry; ? " . v »' • ^ Mrs. C. Ni Christian^Dead.; Mfs^ Lena Rich Ghri6tlan,wife of Mr. 0. N. Christian, died ab her home! in Cary, oh W^nesday 'April 12th. after an illness of t^o years. She was the young est daughter of Mr; Calvin Rieh and Mrs, Battle Rich, and Is sur vived by -her husband,- and two children, 'Cephas and •Elizabeth,' two sisters,. Mrs. Louie' William son, of Tacoma, Wash,, and Mrs. H, T. Brenegar, of this place; and two brothers, Mr. i), Rich,;! of Winston*Saleni,and Mr. Thom as Rich,; of Philadelphia. The funeral services were conducted at the Baptist church-here by Rev." .W.p, Watf, arid the inter- men.tjtook place at the Rose ceme tery,, Tnore were many out of • town friends present, and num-' erouS ; beautiful .floral offerings; VVe -ei^nd our sympathy to the bereaved ones in their great loss. Death"Qf Mri.'Ann'Parker. Ne\V3 -has beei\ received here of the death; of Mrs, Ainn Parker at the home of her daughter, Mrs;- Luia' Paine, in Winat^n^alpm on Saturdayi ;April IGth. .Mrs. Park- er was -.the eldest daughter.of Cplpnel 'Henry- Austin, rnidMrs. Blvira:AuBtin.;.^Her; hdsband, Limy - Parker;* and .son,' Austin, 'preceded her to the grays' many years-^go. For .u-number* of years-MrsI/Farker madeher home Kere.'bein^ at; one time piietinis- trsM; Later she moved td^Win- aton-Salem and itvedi-wiin her daughter. She is survived by her -ohiy daughter^. Mrs. Pailie. tv/d grand daughtera, Mrs. 0. C, ;MiMell,-andMiBS-.'Jeanie:Baine,- and two sisters, MrA Bettiekelly and Miss Janle Austin, of. Salis bury. and one brother; Mr. H, L.' Austin, of Mehane. Oui? sym pathy goes out to the family In their bereavement. ' Bio - Obituaries - 4/20/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 26,1922 Ltdlier A Uul. Winston-Satem. April 22.—Lu ther A. Linn, aged 40, droggist and wciltuown citizen of Landis, died there early this morning, death 2>e- ing caii^ by Brigbt's disease.. A widow and one child suiyive. The widow was before mairiage Miss Ruth Harding, of Davie county, and a teacher in the Salisbury schools. Mr. Linn's fnne^ will be held from the Reformed church at Landis Sunday morning ac i ( o'clock. William Foster Williaia Foster pass^'away at bis home near here on Saturday loom ing Apr. 15. after a lohg-lljoeB, a*- tbe age of years. 8 mont^, aid 'was laid to rest-at Fork c^twtery on Faster Sunday, the fonerrl was con ducted by Rev Penry.- Heisearviy'- ed by .his wife and three>ons,'. Giles, Snnuel'and Baxter, also three daugfa^ ters.. Messrs Joe ^ley;. Cb8S. Bailey and Geo. Livengood.: May God com fort tne bereaved ones. - Mrs. W. J. Smith This has been for most of ns in Redland a gloomy Easier tho most of the' Bethlehem Sunday school attended the S. S. Convention at Fannington Suoday and report an iuteresting program, we can not help'feeling sadly the death of one of our oldest and most .respected dtizens, Mrs.. W. J. Smith who ^ bw ill quite awhile.' Mre. Smith is surviv^ by W husband and one son, Mr. A. L. Smith. John Logan S. W. Brogden >. W. Brogden, a well known itu of Cooleemee, dropped doe Thursday morning about Mr. Brogden wasabout Itais of age and is survived by tufe and weral children. died at Ids. tonic •0018 Saturday evening following an iUness atkmt 77 Gr was held atMojsday morning at 10 then the body ' was injj J? Smith Grove and laid survived , bs;; -"and one;spm -i"::'- Andrew Peacock Andrew Peacock, of-near County Line, died almost suddenly last IVeduesday night, aged about 74 years. He is survived by his wife and -several children. The body was laid to rest at Society Baptist church Friday. Mrs. Jefferson Swing Mrs. Jefferson Swing died at her home uear Pino last Wednesday, aged 85 years. TJie funeral and burial^were held at Wiley's Chapel Methodist church Thur^ay'^after- uoou. Mrs. Swing is survived by several sous and daughters. A good woman has been called -to her re ward. Bio - Obituaries - 4/26/1922 DAVIE COUIMTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 27,1922 John Logans The death angel visited our community Saturday night and took one of our most highly es> taemed citizens, Mr. John Logans. The tuneral service was conduct ed at Oak Grove Monday morn ing at 10 o'clock by her pastor, Mr. J. B. Fitzgerald and his body was gently laid -to rest in the Smith Grove cemetery at 12 o'- clocki He has been a sufferer for several weeks. This good friend will be greatly missed, but his going to answer thp long roll call reminds us of the fact we too must answer. He is survived by one son, Mr. Claud Logans one brother of Mooresville, and a host of friends. His wife pre ceded him to the grave about 20 years ago. There were many beauHml llorsl offering. To the bereaved we .extend much sym pathy. Bio - Obituaries - 4/27/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 3,1922 Mrs. Reoben Parber KUli Hciielf. Mrs. Reuben W. Po^er;' who lived ce^ Sheffield, comfnltted ,sai- (^delast Wednesday eboiit noon. She had been in a field^ isear her home at work with he^.'. husband during the morning, and at n6on went to the house, pr^uiiiably'. to prepare the noon meaL V^u -a few minut^her huabaid ^heaM. a gun fiie and went to the hoii%. to..see what the trouble was. . When he arrived he was horrified", to-fiiid his wife 1} ing on the floor wi^ "the top of her head complctely^bjiowp- off. She had used a shot gun to commit the rash act Coroner W;-D. Pos ter was called to the scene and em paneled a jury. After going over the facts a verdict was^ rendered that she came to her death by her own hand. Mrs. Parker wa^about 45 years of age and is suhdved by her hitsbahd and one son. also her mother, Mrs. Milas Swuffi'er, two brothers and one sisti^:' One of. her brothers was killed'-'hear ndiere this tragedy occured tea.or. eleven years ago. Mrs! Parken^ad been id bad health for some tiinbl, /The fnneral and burial services were held at Hickory Gfo^./church Thursday. ' ^ ' Bio - Obituaries - 5/3/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 4,1922 Alice Potts Hege Oil last Thursday., the remains of- - Mrs.-' Alice Potts Hsgs. of Lexington wore Interred, in* the cemetery at this-place. Mrs Hege wjw-39 years.old an J-the \y|fe of Mr. GiWgc Hege. 'She, leaves to her departure her' husband,' the three, child ren and ode-b'rother- The funeral was preached by tha Rev.'. Mr, Leonard of .Lexington Mrs.-and Mrs! Hiege Were natiy-"; esof this;' community::^but for the last few years ' liavo niade; their home in .L.exlngton, Wo extend bur . sympathies to the tireaved. •' Wesley Taylor Miv-"WesIei^'^Tayloi* died Sun day,' ahd SivasTburied MondhVat Joppa):' Mrs. R, W. Parker, of Shef field Takes Her Own Life. Mrs. Koxtc Swishor Perker wife of R. W. Parker, who lived at the old Nath ChaiHn place, committed suicide Wendsday about noon. She had been work ing in the field with her husband during the morning and about noon to cook dinner- When Mr. Parker, arrived at noon he found t his wife had blown the top of her [ head off with a shot gun. No reason has been assigned as to why she committed the rash act. She and her husband lived in peace and harmony. Mrs, Parker was thirty-eight years of age and is survived by hbr husband and one son also her mother Mrs. Milas Swishci* two brothers and one sister. Her brother, Rom'us Swisher was kill ed near this place about twelve years ago. . Mrs. Parker had been in bad health for some time. Tne funeral and burial services were conducted by Rev, W. J. S. Walker at 7,ion'a chapel" Thurs day at eleven o'clock-. Bio — Obituaries - 5/4/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ISAIAH TEMPLE GRAVER LANCER 1824 - 1856 Temple Craver Lanier b. 1824/25 Davidson Co Nl^'^Aug ISS^avie Co NC Charlotte POTTS b.cal830 Davie Co NC^1890s6Davidson Co NC Res; Davie Co NC; Davidson Co NC - Yadkin CoUege area; Bur: Perhaps, Fork Baptist Ch Cem Davie Co NC Isaiah's parents: Craver Sarah TEMPLE Craver Charlotte's parents: Jeremiah Potts Mary Ann FOSTER Potts Isaiah & Charlotte's ch: known 1. Agnes Elizabeth Lanier b. 1846/S!l6 Get 1913 m. James K. Hartley b.24 Apr 184QjL04 Aug 1921^ Res: Yadkin CoUege Township Both buried: Yadkin College Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC 2. Nancy Jane Lanier b.02 Jan 1848(^09 Sep 1918^ m. 08 Mav 1866 Hiram L. Koontz b.Ol Sep 1845 ~ Res: Yadkin CoUege Township ~ ^ Both buried: Yadkin CoUege Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co Ph^p Bodenheimer Lanier b. 20 Aug 1850(430N6vl928^ m. I®' 06 Jan 1869 wt.T.W. Hartley, A.G. HoiSuP^ " Sarah MICHAEL b.l2 Nov 1848 d. 01 Nov 1896 in.2"^ 01 Aug 1897 .... EUen Eliza GOBBLE b. 01 Jun 1860^.28 Dec 1^!) (Sarah & EUen were cousins) Res: Yadkin CoUege Township; Tyro Township; AU buried: ShUoh Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC 4. Andrew Jackson Lanier b.l852(i. 01 Mar 19151^ m. 24 Get 1872 — Sarah Jane WILSON b.l3 Jun 185^d 01 MayloSl^ Res: Yadkin CoUege Township ^ Both Buried: ShUoh Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC Rowan (Roan) Thomas Lanierb. 07 Feb 1854/dl6 Mav IsSsTl ni.1 27 Mar 1873 —-t:--"-' MaiyWALKER in.2^ 14Mar 1878 Margaret Emma BROOKS b.Ol Nov 1858 Davidson Co NC ,tj/3 l<)/f \V'r Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NC J DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 10,1922 Griffith Campbell Infant Son Brock Death' of an Infant • . oF Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Bred: will'r^et to learn of the death, of .th'eir infant son, which qc- cured last night at their home 2008 Snnhyade avenue. The ftmei:al and interment. wa.s at Farmibgton ithis ufterhoour.—^Winston Sentinel, 1401. Infant Son Potts n The infant son of Mr. and. Mre^ Archie Potts died Sunday at 5 o'clock funeral services were h^d at the boose and was n laid to r^t in the Methodist Cemetery. -News was received-!}^' last,week telling 6f the death of Mr. Griffith Canipjbell at hfs hotne iu St.', Aleo, Cali. . - The body will be^.sent liere and the funeral and burial servi^ will" be held ;at Society . Baptist cihitrcb next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'dock*.. Mr."Camp.beil""is a nati^ •pf Davie cbi^iy|but .went west: a^ bout 25 years aigb- "^eisabrotlii^ of our tovrosiu.au'J... Bf Cajupl^l|. He had mahy'61dr.frietjds iu. Pa^ef who^Twh be sb^^-toViem of bis death;' /iii'. •- -CampbeU •.Was;<bom Feb.. 23Td^, 1867; fihd' di^ May; i. 192 :a"^-:35 jKiftos.^ lae biedof canceT^f^the'^td^ ' Bio - Obituaries - 5/10/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 11,1922 Daniel Griffith Campbell Mias Laura H, Campbell rece ived a telegram lost Tuesday from a Dr. Burke in Burke Cali- fornta to the effect that her broth cr, Mr. Daniel Griffith Ciimpbell had died on Monday evening at at the Burke Sanatorium at that place of cancer of the atomache. Mr. Campbell was about 65 years of age. He was welh known in our community, having been rais ed up here, but for the past 24 years had made his home in the soulhwestern part of the XJ. S. and northern Mexico. He is survived by'two brothers and one sister and a host of other relati ves and fi lends. We extend our aineere sympathy to the bereav ed relatives and friends in this sad hour. D.'G, Campbell Dead. Mr. D. Griffith Campbelljbroth er of Mr. J. B.'Campbell of this place, died in Santa.Rosa, Gal., May Ist of cancer of the stomach. He \va.9 bom near County Line In this county Feb. 23, 1867 and lived hero until twenty.five years .ago' he \yent to, Texas, His dc-' cupation was sinking: deep wells I which caused hfni to move fra'in! place to place. He lived in Newi Mexico,-Mexico, and at the time of his death was in poUfornfa. He never parried.. He is surviv ed by his brothers, Messrs, J. B. and D^T. Caidpbell aiid one sist er, Mrs. LauVd Campbell. The remains is' being shipped here and is' expected lo arrive Satur day. The funeral and burial ser vices will be conducted at Society Church Sunday aftornpon at two o'clock, n ' . Mrs. Thomas W. Rich Mrs. Thomas W. Rich, of Phila delphia, died Wednesday night at her home. The deceased is a sister-in-law of Mr. D. Rich, of this city. Mr, and Mrs. Rich left yesterday morning for Philadel phia to attend ihefuiieral News of the death also brought the an nouncement that the funeral will be conducted Saturday morning at Wilmington, Del.-Journal. Bio - Obituaries - 5/11/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY fVIOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 17,1922 Mrs. D. W. Edwards Mra. D. W. j^wards died last Mon-1 day and was laid^to' r^t at Clarks* bjiify churc^ Taesday rnprnin? at. 11' o'diMik. n Bio - Obituaries - 5/17/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 18,1922 Daughter Freeman ' Tho little dauichter of Rev.'and Mis. J. H. Freeman, died Thurs day, after several days of long- Buffering,' and', 'was ' buried n at Jerusalem Friday. The ;funeral and .burial services were cphduct- ed by Rev. Dr. R. L. Lemons and Rev.. Rhyne, of Salisbury, aaaiated by Rev. Wilson of this place. 0^' the fond' parents' we extend our sympathy in this sad hour. • Bio - Obituaries - 5/18/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 24,1922 George^W. Shoemaker Dead^ n Geo. W, . Shoemakeyi arwell kndwQ dtizeu died suddenly Satur day aflemood at his libme abo^ 3 n^Ies west of towb.. Mr. Shoemaker was 65 y^TS of ageahd isaurvived byhiatwife and several chfidren. f^eral aud bqjjal ^rvic^ were held at-Union Chaftel Monday I ■mbteivig at II o'clock. > SbiVt Qe^d. Mrs. Maxy-;^ive di^ ''tte,ho^ of her daughter. .1^ H. C.Jon^, o»:Sali^.utyaft|^odli|.at;^ O^d6^^ blowingan^Ui^;^^ rnonth^V'^Che,b^y-vnm laid to re^t^'tl^uthe^ Mt^dayiiFBeiiD^. MWshiy^iWfliS'^ab^^ Reuben Gaither feiibcn GaiiUcr, ' si well-know^tOcilijtcii of tlic town, died\V«tliitalay night, aged 6S Keubcit had Ijoen sick foVpee lime. The- l;ody was laid to jitt Saturday. Bio - Obituaries - 5/24/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 25,1922 G. W.* Shumaker Georgd Washington Shumtikor died Tftursday, May ISthiand was burled at Union Chapel Sunday, May 20ti>, at eleven o' clock. The funeral, ami burial seiwices wore conducted by Rev; H T. Penry, assisted by Rev: W; L. Sherrill. Mr. Shumaker .was born Sept 12th, 1867, and in 1880 married Miss Elizabeth lilatoh. To them were born three dauglr ters, Mrs. -W. H. Cheshirci b( this place. Mrs. 6. K. Charles, of Leesviile, S. C.. nod Mrs. M. B. Richardson, of Route 2. He professed rellffion in early manhood and tried to live the sweet and trueChristian , life. He had been in feeble health for some time,- but wns able id go about. He \yjs in town the day before Iris de.tth sciiihg hii pto* dncc. Heart trouble was'the cause of his death. His wife and children survive Itim To the bereaved svo exjend our sympathy. ' ..-j, .••i- " Mrs. Mary Shives Mi's. Mnry ShWca dicd: at: ilit home'of her dauBht<»r.' Mrs.' H;G. Jone.s. last -Saturday' nftern' on and was buvicJ Mattluws Lutheran . chuvch'Sonday.. after noon 4 o'clock. Rev. J. B. FiiJ?" gerald conductid 'the funeral i nd burial services.' Mrf Shivbs 'wds seventy-throe years'old, Shibhi been coniined to her bed.for sometime before her death.' - Slic is survived by her son, John Shives,' of Salisbury, .and-Mrs. Jones. The sympathy of the com munity goes out to the bereaved. Reuben Gaither Reuben Gaither, a well known colored man of Qooctown, died last Tuesday morning and was buried Saturday afternoon.in the old Methodist cemetery. He had been in poor health for two years and had been blind for the' paist year. He was sLxty-six years old. With the passing of this pld man goes one of the old time darkles. Sarah E. Zimmerman -Mrs! Sarah E. .Zimmermen, who Has been in declining health for some time, died at her home near here Thuvjday morning. fSeralservlce were conducted at churched herd. Friday after- noon at 2:30 by!-Rcy. J. M. Vav- nor of Advance, Flower bbarers Were Boine of her ^-and oWldfen and,great-Brand children." .She was 76 years old'and leaves four : ^iildren andTrntmibei^of—other.. relative's 'arid friends to mourn ijVer deparluve, -To the bei-eft we l^xtend PUf .Byip . Bio — Obituaries - 5/25/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 31,1922 Parker Dead. Mr. A. A. Lo\very Dead. . Mir. A. A. Lowei^i^pf Ckr^sville township, who suffered a stroke of paralysis a^ut ten days ago, died Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, .aged 71 years. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. h. M. Hol- lo^y Friday afternoon at 2 o'dock and the^body laid to rest in the Wesley Chapel cemetery, hlr. Low* ery is survived by his widow and eight children. A good man well ■bdbyed by his ndghhors and friends has gone to his reward. Mr. R.' TI. A. Parker, a wdl known citizen of the town, died atl^^mei^eat^ the gmd^ school Thursday morning ^following'^illness of only a few days. The-'l^ueral s^noes. were conducted by.VR^iiri. W.- .8. Waff, of' the Bapti^ church, abd the body laid to rest k Liberty churdi. Mr. Parker issur- *vivcd by his v^e and two cluldieu', a scm andidaiighter. ■ He was a sistent'memberof theBaptmt chhtch ^ and was held in l^gh esteeoi'by aB. .whc(.knew bimS; jAn bdm^tj^liard^^: working, dodtfMrinj^tng^hlisi^^ Alvin Hudson Tragedj N^tfodui^e. C. Clayton, a known white man who lives about. thr^ miles west of MocksvOte, 'shdt-and killed Alvin Htid^, a negxp hear Clayton's hdme IMday afternoon a- bout three o'clock. Mr. day con'si8-year*old daughl^ will,'in about three weeks, become a mother, andthe parents of the girl so^m^ a young white man, who had . been pajring her attention, "but -Friday the girl informed her father that a- bont eight months ago she w^ out in the-woods and Hudson .chloro formed her and committed an out rage upon her. It's a deplorable af fair and the fact that the girl'has kept her month sealed all this time is incomprehensible. Mr. Clayton is a good, quiet, inoffensii^ ipiUzen, and has the .symiathy of alf our peo ple, This is one qf the 'most - de plorable tragedies in the history of our county. Mr, Clayton jiho^ed to Mocksville for the sheriff to come and get him, and he was'-brought here and lodged in jail. Coroner Denny Foster empanelled a jury and an inquest wa!» held' over the negro's body Friday afternoon. Max ^ry Slalo lo Greea^mro. Greensboro, May 29,.:->Max Spry young wbitd uuui, said to be from'Cooloeroee,'Salisbury, Kannapolts or Concord, was shot td 'death, at5:30 o'clock this gfterttoon;~; by Stat^ Gamb.'e, of Danville, IVa, .The slayer was arrest^ ..imi^ diately f jllowifig the shootingtaken to the police: headqnart^ where he is being held. ^ .Spry was registeiW Las/T' 0.Crawford; of Durham, '^'the'Huf- fiue hotel. ,;•*Gamble said that Spry^told himhe wasgoiugto gethim an^ Mted for him Cn the outride of thqbarbershop. There again he^tc^'-tiimthat be was going to g^ .'htlh andran his hand under his ooa^.-Then,he said, believing that h^flffe -wasin danger, he ffr^.. Gamble, who is sS^^acs old.claimsself-defeose. He cd^eges thatMax Spry - and his' bro^fa^,- .Roy Spry, and G. C Cranfqt^v.uil badthreatened his life half ho^'before the shooting and that whjm'M sawM, C; Spry put his hand^^l^' hisbreast pocket while the-Jirofwerestanding talking he thdu^Ht--ffe was fi ringGamble, Roy Spry and>]C.ranfbrdwere arrest^ after the killing and are being held withont -bond.' Cran-ford and Spry deny that^Gamble's life had b^n thxeatened'!hrnt ad mit that there had beeh-.'tipuble between Gamble and M. C. Spry. Bio - Obituaries - 5/31/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 1,1922 Alley Lowery i M^, Alley lowery, of nrar, •Courtney, died May^thanii'vvaa.. buried at!, Pino . the 26th, Thb' service wns/cpnducted by •ReyV Ii. MV'HoliowBy -and ;]^ W. Hall of Wiiisfon! •'We ekUind -much flympathy to. the bereaved family,; j"! Infant Nichols ■erw! Saturday-,afterh(x>nV:'W^ tend ;;.Bympachy- to the bcre^yedf/- R, N. At Parker Dead. Mr. k, N. A! Parker died at hia' home last Friday mornjrg abQut four o'clock. He had not been well for aometlme^ but was able to . be at his work until aweek beiore his death. The deceased was sixty-three years old ;!and leaves his wife, daughter and a son surviving. The funer lal and ■ burial services were con- /»ducted by. Bev, W, B. WafffPast- 'I'or of the deceased, at Liberty church Saturday momingand iri-terinent \yas made in the family burying ground there.^ Mr, Parker was a well respect-^1 quiet plan, and was well thought off. He was kind and gentle .in the home and a goodpeaceful neighbor.. A good man has gone, to-his reward. Bio - Obituaries - 6/1/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 7,1922 Gertie May O'Neil j GertSe' liaFi the a7*monl1is^<flB i'^ttOghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben iO'NeO of sear Sheffield, died Salur* Iday aftemooD, fdUowiog on Bltvess lof colitis. Tte'biiriol services wie ihdd at Liberty diui^ Snoday^ (tifteniooii at 3 o*elod2?* Bio - Obituaries - 6/7/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 8,1922 William A. Sydnor WILHESBOKO MAN DIES Hi liirFAiis.700. feet: Sydnor'Had Just Graduated*■ jPromLangleyPIiotograph* ^ icTifstitiition.. • . - ' * . • »:* ..V. , . . • . Richmond,. Va«, May 31-. WiirHam A.' Sydnor, ol Wjl^eibordrN.C.r who was graduated'tb^^^^ihg f rorrt; the: Langje^ jFrnld PHb-itographic SchoU^;-w today whilaflyin 'Jann^four milaVsingle; sbat a^roy plan^igojng intoa; inwe. diya ahd-^jijakting/intb. fl amesKfldohiifiea'ip^^^uncle" by; tir^^facp was. cha'ri^d beyond recbj^t^tlon; - BarlyiTfiwrte from the cjar^; .that; Young SydnorIj^en'f t^por^d.m^^^ by.btherplanes'.llwitcbail :^ado; an afterT fl ighCjindl'tfeturned^ A. Lowery Mr. A. Lowery, whose illness was noted last week,'died at hts home Thui»W, May 25tb; andwas buriedijpHda]^.May 26th. atWesley's Chapel. '"Rev." L. M.Holloway, of .Hamptonyille, as* aisled by S.- W.- Hall, of Winston-Salerti, coiVdiicted the funeral aer^ce. ^o thp bereaved 'we extend our sympathy... Bio - Obituaries - 6/8/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 14,1922 Elijah Martin Dead ! / P. Martin, a'well-k'nbwBavie cqnnty dtizen, died 'at his home near Bethel church Saturday^pni' ing following a long illni^ The funeral services were held'.Sunday afternoon at 6 o'clock and-the bpdy laid to rest tn the Bethdv.chnrch- yard, Mr. Martinis siuwiv^.by his wife and six chil^env^two sons and four daughters. - :.... ' T. S. Butler Confederate Velel^;l)ead» T. S.. Butler died home near Augusta Saturday,jag^ about 85 years. The funeral and burial services were held '£&'- 0>ncdrd Church Monday, afteriioon with Masonic honors. Mtl Butler is snr> vived by one daughter. ' Bessie Cornatzer Mrs. Bessie Gomalzer. wife of Mr. Waiter Cornatzer .died snddenlv Tborsday. She is snrvived by ner husband and three children her body was laid to rest at Maeidonia church. Bio - Obituaries - 6/14/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 15,1922 '.T i I M■i. Mr: E;-P. Martin,el 'commuriity,":.died^' - Sattird'iy;mprnlhg and\y)i9 buried .Sunday ai^teimooA at 6 o'cl^k. .,:Thtfunteml. setyice wa^ condu^^Miiirimlaf^quest ^AuBtin; ;of Jennings,'Ire^^ Cb,i-a' former paBlidr, aeaistedfb'y',^^C.:' ;J.- EdwirdSji of Kerneravill^ and tilr. .Cr H;' Whitakerj-.' oft thisplace.- .'.;T?be.deceaaed.jWa9 seye%tirrfour yoiro'old^^^^ Miff(swd'with;ally grew wprib. u ii fey. diiyia^ago ;!he^ii6ntriii6^wblcti icAu^d. his; death^- Heda survived - by two 80118;;^*tKis .place* and •• T.:;Lr*Martm^5^pf.Ellorise," S/ C.; and fbtfr daught:er9,^Mr9.:J. JWi- Car5^, .d.'i^v^aidl l^tb ofand'Miss^ .l^jia iind Mdvf tin tioth'Of.jyhom witfrJiihi;tliree,' slaters,:Sirs". R. Ii."*Shcaf: of ^ Chllhpw/Hopkins,-.of BGtbei,'j,Mrs; ^Qrcoh- •bjiry. Copci of Rouie .onebrother,' Mr.. Wdaiey'vM Route 4. 'riV;:'V- . Mr.' Martlii j.oihed- the"ehurchearly, in .11 fe arid '1 iyp l- a jpfivia- ^an life full of service; i ; He waJpvihg father and a gbpi'-n^^^ bpiv.. He\ wfll-^he grea^^in his commuhity having- lb (1 aiiactivpv life until^ liia^health giive away.-;:-?! ; Bio - Obituaries - 6/15/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 15,1922 Thomas Sharpe Butler Memorial ^. ^'Thomas^ ShaiT)e Butler was /born November 26th, 1838, died 'J[uhe 11th, . 1922 afffid 83 years, 7 ihontl^' and 21 dayp. Mr, ,But- lePs fdthily;bh his father's side | were of Scotch^rlsh descent and j !((one.of .tHboIdeat in the com-1 ^thunitir hdvinfc entered land ftorn | I^rds Troprietbrs some yeiu-s' /pfepr. to the Revolution, i • "* /:^'Mr/Butler's motlier .wnsl.Mias 'Elizabeth R Wilson,, of Rock- bridge County;.ya. evidently fe- . laied*- the • Woodrow ^Wilsdn family, , sincd it is well, known ..^hat the ®c-p^id^ traced his : /iffi^e'to the*. Wilsbna n of that : /ihmediate cbnuhuhity in Virginia . j^ai-kable thing about Bfo." iBatferJs that during his lo^ hbrae has.; never ^exceeded miles from the place of .his /.ibi^i/.Se^^^ ago . 'thel^riter^ d ; n g^^i^a years' o'd. Mr,' . .Buiier was then twelve years ;. ibid.-.;'/Since then- we !iave.been '^'friends. ;.He was fltudlo,up, .ntade ; [rapid.- advances in his books, he iiwas rbapected- by his teacher, lik- = /ci'by/hia^oi^te^^^ Quick as a v'flMbV he would resent ap insult vv^bbugh quiet and peabable in his ^^imnw/it / vms - well.knpwn a-' :-monjB:-ht8 fellows that the irafesfc f I^ticy/wa8,to walk lightiy- in > his /prislitee, , n ;. ' Hb attended the public- schopls Cof/itis/day at Augusta.^V'Wheii n [nea%:fiprowD he wentto.a board •/ipgr^ai^o'fll at Smith 6rbvb,-fliavib /Cd&jly. Here hb becamer'aj^od [Engfjsh scholar,. studieB'the'scie- .nci^;; higher ma^emaitica and 'iktin. He was'notably due ih- n penmanship,and retained- a^know, ledge/of; Algebra and ^tin'-tb • hisja^t day. n • . • . •! • ^ His love of State and .Coun^, .. Waa a breathing, living passipn. That he might beablc tb^seryb : hia country pta.moinent[8 iTotice,' . he, while.yet in lus teens; join^ / a/Emlitary coinpa^^ And .'thit ; ^b;;prior te' the war of. the Stete?. j:Akh: when that m'emorablesbrug- came on,'.!he aiMng ' tbe- ;^y;&y'firflt-. to Volunteer his aer*- /yi^/ /He/went 6 -mth] the _ "Dayie-; Gfeya" under Captain '^Jpi^e ^Clement. . That t^ia \yaa 'rpne;vbf:,.^e Brst cpinpahie8;tb '* lenVeJtjbbi^ is - evidenced by :the/£aci-tiiat it was organized in;, . to t^e third regiment—fira^^ the j Bethel; Regiment Ibaving bpenj prgBhiKd before the- breaking | . .out of the-WOT. This company,. _ :Ae *'bavie Greya". was' assipelat-j /ed among the most illustrious' of the North Carolina." braves—Ma-! ' jpr . Gen. Fender, Gen. A. .M. Scales, afterwards • g^ernor of tbe' State. Gen. Garland; the lil- UBtrioua Thomas Settle and others of scaracely less note—all cbm- inanded the Davie Greys, the battles, of Virginia—Manassas, Bull Run, Fredricksburg; Mal-j vemHill, Cold Harbor; Antietam ^"qr Sharpaburg, Gettysburg,. et^ '.^png. all theae [there was no brayer man, no more reliable bo1> dieir,- than the -'subject of this sketch. Always' well^ (he never took ten cents "worth of medicine • in his life) always ready, always- willing,.ho was bn. the spot when duty called.' In all the battles catalogued above-and others,, he was in .the fore front-always on hand. 6nce he .was severely 'wounded, at Molvern Hill, one of the.bloodiest bailies of the war, | I the battle flag of the third regi ment had been .shot down five times in.succcsrion when there, was no'jonger an bfllclai flag bear er to carry the standard,'* in the awful din of battle, amid. burst ing sheir, flying shots and shriek: ing shrapnel—the dead and dy ing all around, the voice of the colooei. raiig out upon'the' blaz ing air, '."who will carry the flag? There. is nol a man left to bear it^" Out from the ranks of the "pavie .Greys" stepped Thomas S. Butler and grasping the flag Staff ill .both hands and rau ing it -aloftTrhe-shouted.aloud,:LColonbL I'll carry it!"—Words.of heroic sublimity iu an hour like that! The Scotch-Irish b jbod in. this brave, modest; Sbuthdrn youth rah as'pure and as true as in the veins of his great pi*ototype— Robert Bruce at the battle of Bannock burn. This is only an Instance. On • a hundred other fields he displayed like courage, like constnncy, like fidelity to a cause though lost, "is wreathed a- round.with glory." Thomas S. Butler, brave as he was, was not alone In constancy and courage; I in suffering and privation—hun-f- IgeV; '.cqld wounds, priion . life;; , death. Hundreds of his feoinpan- ibnsj riot only ;'o£ Davie Grbys,' but 1 he-men and buys of DK Ci. .Clement's componv, . Wiley. Clement's company, * 'Bill - PaH"-; Clement's company, •/Dpc''Bcioe's CPmpany, Major Brovyn's 'Com/ pany- and others all of Davie •Couflty performing d^eda ;of: vak or and priyallohX'.scafceiy hey6ih--iand' d&rinir..-tb^^^ -those of the Davie Greys/ The^^^^ bby^of iphviei.in'com their aMbpiirte's-bf^t^^^ / Soutiierri' Bio - Obituaries - 6/15/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 15,1922 Armiei) . haye'won imperishable fanie - a fame unsuirpaas^ in the oiiDals of history.'■ But ho/ infurbfe slab tells; to' tbh ful^re gehier-;; atiuiis/ of ^ Davie'ti heroic! dead;! Qb|iyion is getting in its work.; Gthiid oId:.Rbwan .gratefullyre-mcmlbers it .confederate ^eod;. sod!)es' pavidsoh County^ do doesIr-dell dbunty, so does;. ForayIh Coiin^j-rali neighbqring dountiesBut' baviel ; But - - Dawel I ButbayleUI How/ long! Ob,' HpWibiigl! .Shall; the: last of Daviels Mnfederate soldiers |tb <*theahnies^ih'the sides before/rbco;^:^nidomBto^comelH ^ ;Av'5v ' bh ;:;famie8; bterhai caihpinGt ' Tbeir;sileht tents are spread; And glory guawJa: with • solemn. ■ • '.round, • /^ ;.y• ;• "y !! ^The.Kvbuac of the dead."' '•; ! ■ •/purihg.ohe of; the great '.rci'gd-oils. r.eViy^s common .ip die coiit-federate/amy/;M^^fMs^-^eliglbh;/ aM'j pined: ihe^church.!T;. On ;!,cpraihgy; iiome,^fbr reason h^st known-to hinifilieyer. cnhnected;.: himseif * wi.thany' churahi^VHbweverV hishas b.eeh'exbni'hlaiy and consist-QQt:'wlth\the;prbfessipn ihe made' in the army. In his Ibhg Hfe^ he w;is.never connectsd;,with fairiily;or heighiiprhbodii;' bro^^^ ; 'Hemipd^: .bis-.hwhybusihes^the. last-retained th6;r^^ and- regani bMla 'neighb^^^^^ " •- Soph after returning .from the 'war, Mr. BuUer married a hPigh- bor's daughter, Miss Lucy. Jane Dedmon, ..a'daughter ol' MajhrDedihph'; d highly^rjeshected farin-. er,: To; this union'three childrenwere bo^rf^the eldest a boy andthe youhgeet a ;g!rl (Bed in infanr cy. The ' middle' child, SarahElizabeth, ro arriM~7Mt7^J'6inr Gaudeli; With this daughter and her Sidney. .Mr. Butler has made his-home .for many years. . His wife died some, three years'ago* The tend'er care and anxious solicitude given these old folks in the home, by the daughter and grandson'has been' beautiful, to.behold atid lKe sub ject'oo remark by the heighbprs. During the last few weeks, .Mr;Butler had been-,somewhat feeble not/ able to get about the'house without assistance. He was'cheer fUl :all theywbile, and not at allsick./ On jSaturd ly evening just befUre the.Usuni. meal time,- he said to his.;dau;T.ter, •'•J would :like to havAihy supper and go'tob^.". _ He ate, his supppr as us«^ liai, and apparently in his usual health retired ;|or the j>fght. The next mbrhing his dapghtor found him Qiill,'.' silent, not yeticpld, inthe lost si'Gop. With&ut ^a.ati'ug-- gle, without a groan,'' he had passed,. The heart had stopped! The wheels ofliCo'stoadstijH'The daughter put him to sle'en^on earth: he waked in h'eaveii and was \yith bis wife,' Hojy. strangemust ' have. been-yhis 'feelings/ ' 'Why T .ucy' is .that; ybu i Howbeautiful Ismail this.:-'How I feel!I ;Bat where is Sallie? .wherefalBMneyL X.ham3ual^^^^supper and gone lb •.aUop. v'Hpw. itf'allJhisr^ ; - j / Whb. kno>ys:thatJhmnation. ^rdP-pot'.^pe thief on the cros^ was told/; *-ThiB day shalt then be with me^ in , Paradise." - •. ..! There is no "death. What men .j call ,death is but the gateway through which the soul swbepsinto a richer,-, broader /'sweeter, life." Who hfehbt felt-the.hand that hiM vaniahedif Who has not . heard a-.yoicp that is still? Who ;has./npt- fdlt. .the pressure of a. presence;,that cannot .be'Seen orheard?;'-V .; .• • • • ' " :• Then iyho can ■doubt-immortal',Uy?" /Oniy: the. tliin ye/l of morTtaUty seperate's U3 ;from the Ely- elan field; It.was jthe. removing of ibis veil th'at. enabled Jacob, to ■'see'what is:common, , the . angels iascending;. an'd.irdiscendihg. It'was.thc remoW^^ this veil' that'enabled'the shetiprds to heo whati8£cqraman7-./!the /njultitude.;ofthe heavenly;hpst9. V .:;W cail death is .simpiy .ithe. reraoyalof this yen,':Thei essential egq istlie.i^mb after mpyai; •./v-. The , funeral viseryice was^con-ducled by the Bevp Mr. ^ Fitzger ald; 7 at Concord:' church. in' the presence of a large concourse ofneighbbrmg 'friends,'; .as 'well-as by numerous friends and relaliyea of .the.debased.J^rbni' .Gooleem.ee,Mock^lllb, /Saiisbm-y, ■. Spencer, High- Point: anij -Mother' -places.The My. was placed in the Irayeby theMaM's'.bfGoblMmejg ah Mo'cksville fusing the -beautiful and^iinpressive' cerembhiesof theande'nt;; ;brdcir of -FreV Maaona; !Thuaclosn9";the.ear.thly:care^ a^klnd-father,; a kindly neighbor, mbdeshman/'U'bra^a splendid Citizen. ."T" ;. - " . Bio — Obituaries — 6/15/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 21,1922 of Re?. James WiliOD, Rev; James/Wilson died Thtixs* day niglit at li o'dock at tbehome oFl]^ daugliter. Mis. Weibb AIez« aiider, in .Winston Salcm. Ftmer^ al senrii^ weie held in Sta^esviUe, ^ Broad'StF^t Methodist choi^/ and interment' was in ' OakWocd cemetery. James Wilson was bom iii Daide county about 77 years ago. His parents died, leaving him an or phan. He lived with Milton Cainp- bell,, in north' Iredell, for a few ydars and then went to'the home of Wilfred Turner, ab Turheisbni^, where he'made his home nntU he had completed his education at Trinity college, Randolph county, being a member of the graduating dass of. 1873. Soon after 2iis graduation. Rev. Mr. Wilson joined the Western North, Carolina Con* feience of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and filled nhmerbus appointments on cihmits and sta tions. * About. 1874 he married Vir- giuia A Turner, daughter of Wil fred-Turner, and to this nuion were bom.iiz.diildien. He contiuued preac^Dg for a numbm: of years and finally located at Statesville and published the Statesville Christian Advocate, au -indepeudent Metho dise paper, fora'nmnbd' of years. He theuvxetumed to acdve ministry for a few years. and was superan- npated on accdtmt of his physical condition. For. the past several years.he had made .his hoine .with two daughtersr^Mrs. C, M. Steele, ^atesvilie; and-Mrs. Webb Alex ander, Winston Salem . . ^ Surviving are his y^e and four diildren—Mrs. CM. Steele, Sbtes- villej M», Webb Al^ander, Wins- ton-Salem; Miss Laura, ^^^Uson, Phoenix, Ariz., and Mr. Willfred W!I1^Q» Winston Salem. ^Iso oue brother, Mr. "Mump" Willson; of Davie county .-^tat^ville Daily. Mrs. R. M. AUenRatset. Mrs. R. M. Allen died at .her home near Jericho last Friday even ing at 8 o'clock, following an ill ness of about onemonthratthe ad vanced age of 76 years. The funeral services were conducted at the home Saturday afternoon by Revs. W. L. Sherrili, J. B. Fitz^ gerald and W. B. Waff, after which the body was laid to rest atByerly's Chapel. 'Mrs. Allen w^ a consis tent member of the Methodist church, having joined the dmrch at the age of 15 y^is. Bnrviving is let' husbnd and five children, one son and four.dau^ters, viz: R. A. Allen, of Denton; Miss Mat- tie Allen, who lived wth her pat en's; Mri. Lh^e Barr, of Charlotte, Mrs. T. A. M. Stevenson, of Wins- ton-Salem. and Mrs. T. M. Heh- drix, of this city. A good woman has been called to her reward.. Leo Brock, Jr. Loe Bock Jr., 1 year old son of Mr. and Mr8..L^ iBrock wasbnned'Wed- ne^ay. . morning * in Farroingtpn cemeteiy It's death was caused from dlptheiia so only a short funeral ser vice was conducted in. the borne. Little Leo wds a favorite baby, very bright and attractive. The entire cunmunity is. deeply sorry for the tereaved; parents, as this was their only child. Two of. Mrs. Brock's asters came from the-eastern part'of the State.itor the bnrial. Mrs. N. M. Saunders sirs.^ Mj^^ders diedat her home Monday night f^p^mg ijlne^ gf nearly tfiree mra^, ,a^ abont 65 years. Mrill be-h^ at SiMtkOinve Metho dist church .11^ ' morning ati-io p'dodkl-'.i-'Mis. Satmdeis is sonnved by ^ cbffdxen,'.t^sbns:^^ four (^ngbteis,* nmcmg-thcitl^ being Hiis.; JghU Sainii' of this city, ' ^ ^ Jobs Hooper Drowned, , John Henry'.Hooper. 19 years of .age, son of Mr. and Mrs. John L, Hoc^r, of Greenville, S. C., was. drowned in al^g^in JOiat cnty Tues-f|^^fter[mon^^4'#.o'do<h-.i^Tne popfers are wdl.-knovra in Mociks-. having vimted liere a nnmh^ 'of^es. I 'John: had many- i^ung friends in Mocksville .who .will be sorry to learn of bis untimely death. The mother and sister of the dead boy .were, visiting Mr. Hooper's brot^, C, M: Hoop^, in Winston- {Salem when the' mes^ge annonn-' dng his death ..was rpcdved. C. M. Hoo]^.' .accohmanied Mrs. iBooper mid herdaUgntef to Qreeur Bio - Obituaries - 6/21/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 22,1922 Malinda Saunders Mrs. Malinda' * Saunders. 6f| Smith Grove. died'Tuesday' morn | Ing at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Joe Howard. She had been in poor health for months. The burial service took place. Wedhes day at Smith Grove; Bio - Obituaries - 6/22/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 28,1922 Sirs. Ray McQaraiicIi Dead. Mrs. Ray McClainroch died at her botne on R. 2, Saturday after^ noon, following a several weeks ill* ness. The funeral and burial ser* vices were held at Oak Grove Sun day afternoon by Revs. J."B. Fitz gerald, S, W- Hall and H. T. Penry. A large concourse of relatives and friends were present to pay a last tribute of respect. Mrs. HcClam- rocH is survived by her husband, her father and mother, several brothers and sisters. .To . the be reaved ones The Record esit^nds heartfelt sympathy. Bio - Obituaries - 6/28/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 29,1922 Mrs. Ray McClamroch On June the 24th .the death angel visited the home of lidr, Ray Mc- Ctgmroch and claimed hja loving wife, She had n been co'nftned to her ..room for four weeks,' ShiS joint-d BHtop'siBaptUtChurch in early life dived a Christian life.untii iho Ond.v .She had only: been married.a.al ort .while. She wa"» 19. yearn, 11 moufh'iandlS days old. Rev, S. Wi • Halli of Winaton-Sftlem, assisted by Rev,. J. B. Fitzgerald, of Mocksvihe, cohdaeted' the., funeral •aerylce;,. 'Besides her husband/her father, mother, five araters, three b'r.oth- ei'B and a ho:.t of ivlativea". are IjBft to moai.n • her K 39. .• Mvfl. McClamroch was a-good'Woman and:;iove(l-br Shh'Wiil^iib Kxeai ly.misstd in the. Mrs, R, M, Allen . On June 16 death visited ibe Kme of Mr, ,>R. M,- Allen and earned his ^yife* She was 76 yknold,. She was buried atjByr erly's Chapel ^Saturday in; the pr^ence of a large number of re latives and friends. Besides her husband, ;four daughters and one sop aro left to mourn her loss. A good woman.iiaa gone to her re*, ward,. Mrs, R, M, Allen Mrs. R, M. Allen, whose illncM was notFd lasfweek. died'aiher home Friday, June 16th, and was buried ^turday,! June X6th, at Byeriyfs-Chiipel, Heiv. pimtor, Rev, J, B,'. Fitzgerald assiated by Rev.-^W. ii. Sherrljl ahdiRev. W, B, Waff, of Mockayillei- coricluct-! ed the ^tieral service. Mrs» Al len was a good woman and lo ved by all who. knew her, A husband and, dve children survlye.b^ides a host; of relatives.and friends. To the bereaved • we extend bur sympathy. ; Bio - Obituaries - 6/29/1922 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA