Jul - DecDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 6,1921
Mrs. Gray Bowles
itef' Bowles, a former re-
later of
died at her home thereiloiday^
[ajjj Grove church-
- ^riltick Bowles is survived .byond several children.
I j was brought
John Groce
The comniuaity was saddeoed ddilV
Sooday inorniad by tbe news of Mr. Joba
Gioce's dea^ llffr* Groce had been In bad
health fw tbe fast two years. After cry-
i g to gel help from doctors in * Winston-
Salem and Statesville he took his oWn
life in his han^ and eod^ it at fonr
o'clock Sunday raorsiag. After' a short
fonnrat liervico bb body was laid to rest
tn the Cemetery at Smith Grove. He la
survived by a wife and sob. George Frank
.. - :... .-2 u:„
John Sroce Commits Soicide.
John Groce,- a citizen of Farmin'g-
ton, aged about 6o years, killed
himself ^uudhy morniug about 4'
o'clock. Mrs: Groce heard a gun
fire and missing her husband, * she
went out into the yard and found
Mr. Groce dead, with the top of
bis head blown off by a shot gun.
The (^roner and sheriff were sum
moned and the following jury was
selected to.ffe'nder. .a verdict: W.
F. Walkei', L. M. Fitrches, H.- U
Blake, J D. Furches,* J. C. Brock
and C. A. Hartnian. Their verdict
was that deceased came to.his death
by his own hand. Mr, Groce had
been iu bad health for a long time
and had become meutally unbal
anced. Deceased leaves Ws widow
and two children, a son and daugh
ter. The burial took place at Smith
Grove Sunday
afteruQon at 4
Bio - Obituaries - 7/6/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 13,1921
M. M. Sheets
M.- M. Sheets, a highly respected
citizen of the Bucby section, died
at the I«awrence hospital in Wins^
tpn-Salem Friday with a complica^
tion of diseases, ageddi years. The
funeral an4 hnri^ servires were
b^d at Advance Sutiday^a^tern6on.
Mr. Sheets is survived by his wife,
one brother and three sisters.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/13/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 20,1921
Thomas Etchison
Thomas Etchison of Redlaad sec-
Was found dead in bis hotise
last Tuesday. An Inquest was held
and the verdict was tbat .he died
ratn natural causes. He liv^'-aione
was about 6t years of qge,. The
hrial \vas on Wednesday..
Bio - Obituaries - 7/20/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 27,1921
Garland Ijames
Rachel Stewart
. Urs. Kach^'^wart an lady
diedl^tTiioi^^at tbe home of
her son, Mi^ Stewait, tod was
barfed Friday aC Falton <%iirch
John L. Casper
John L. Casper, ,a former dtizen
of WinstOD-Salem, but late of
co, died Friday momm^ of heart
disease, aged 55 yearn. Casper was
Duilding a big distiHeiy.la Mexico;
Mrs..W. E. Wall received a tele*
gram Thursday teUing of the .death
of ber brother. Qarland Ijames,
which occured' in Montana on.Wid-
nesday. Mr. Ijames left Dame
county for the West about three'
•months, ago. He is survived by
several brothers and Sisters, among
them Mrs. Wall and George Jjames
of this city. and.. Mrs. .Crawford
Latham, of R. 2. The deceased
was living with his son when the
end came. .The funeral and burial
services were held in Montana Fii-
day. ..."
John Nichols Died - In Wake;
Johif Nichols,-colored;'pative of
'Davie county and-a highly regarded
colored bitized of C^ry died Jnly 6
He.was bom in Davie county in 1848
and has lived in Wake coun^ for a*
boat year^ working for a
Mr.. Peasant,; who ;commeiiaed him
highly, for his hotiesty 'and faithful
industry ; He haS 'belonged to the
Christian church for. about fifty
years. ' Surviving'are bis wife and
two brothers'and two .sisters, four
brothers and sisters' having ' died
dnee.'January of this year.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/27/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Haiah Temple Craver Lamer b. 1824/25 Davidson Co N(j!^ Aug IS^avie Co NC
Chariotte POTTS b.cal830 Davie Co NcGligO^Davidson Co NC
Res; Davie Co NC; Davidson Co NC - YaaSnM^e area;
Bur: Perhaps, Fork Baptist Ch Cem Davie Co NC
Isaiah's parents:
Sarah TEMPLE Craver
Charlotte's parents:
Jeremiah Potts
n Mary Ann FOSTER Potts
Isaiah & Charlotte's ch: known
Agnes Elizabeth Lanierb.l846/Sjl6 Get 1913
m. , ^
James K. Hartley b.24 ^r IS4Q^.04 Aug 1921^
Res: Yadkin College Township
Both buried: Yadkin CoMege Meth Ch Cem Davirisnn Pr. wr
Nancy Jane Lanier b.02 Jan 1848(^098® 1918^
m. 08 May 1866
Hiram L. Koontz b.Ol Sep 1845 ti.09ll£y 1922^
Res: Yadkin College Township ^ ^
Both buried: Yadkin College Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC
Ph^p Bodenheimer Lanier b. 20 Aug 1850(430 Nbvl9^
m. 1 06 Jan 1869 wt.T.W. Hartley, AG. HoijghS —'
Sarah MICHAEL b.l2 Nov 1848 d. 01 Nov 1896
m.2'^ 01 Aug 1897
Ellen Eliza GOBBLE b. 01 Jun 1860^.28 Dec 194^)
(Sarah & EUen were cousins) —
Res: Yadkin College Township; Tyro Township;
All buried: Shiloh Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC
Andrew Jackson Lanier b.l852(^ 01 M^T^lJ^
m. 24 Get 1872 IIZZZT
Sarah Jane WILSON b.l3 Jun 1854^01 MavJ9S>
Res: Yadkin College Township
Both Buried: Shiloh Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC
^ Rowan (Roan) Thomas Lanier b. 07 Feb 1854/d^ Mav 1892n
? m. 1^ 27 Mar 1873
^ m,2'^ 14 Mar 1878
2 Margaret Emma BROOKS b.Ol Nov 1858 Davidson Co NC
cd '
Davie County Public libraryMocksville, NC j
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 10,1921
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Creason
. Hosbaad And Wife IHe.
.. J.:A. Creason, of R. 4, died on
Satiny, Ji4y . aotU, .of Btight's
.disease, and was biiri^ tbe' same
afterooon at Libezty Qhurcb, Rev.
J, B. Pitzgei^d. condncting the
•buried Setvlcas. Mt*. Creasoh was 72
.yearn of mid is. sutyiyed by his
' ■• Mis. C>eason*G^d.last.^t^ay,
';just:one ^eek -W .-husband^s
death, following a'/ long ^iUness ofpell^^ The bod^v^ laid to
irest b^de that of Her husbandT on
Sunday mor&in^in Liberty church
George Stewart
George Stewart,gFfr-aiidMis.W,P,'Stewart^J'^kUled ibFronce in Septcm.
^ved Sunday and was
National Ceme*Salisbury. . ' " ^
Bedford Graham
. Bedford Graham, a former citizen
of-Mdcksville but later of States-
ville deid in that dty Sunday fbl-lowing 'a short illness. The body
wais brought here and laid to
i^t in Rose Cemetary Monday af
ternoon. - Mr. Graham is survived
by bis wife and one daughter. Hewas a good man.'
James McClamrock
JamM McClamrock "who has beei;
in the State* Hospital at Morgantonfor a number of years, died lastWednesSiay. The body was brought
here. Thursday and laid to rest atOak \(jreve graveyaTd. lir. Mc-Clamrodc is.survived by three child-
rw and several brothers and sisters,among.them being Mrs. W. R.
Meroney<of this city. .
Bio - Obituaries - 8/10/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 17,1921
Lonnie Barker
feiU Playjsr Drops^Dpd.'.
playiiig ball bere Salttt-
day afternoon, Lonnie Bs^ker^color-
ed, • who was ;^playing
base, dropped dead ai tbe - j^d of
the seventh rinningr, Tlie (coiorrf
team of MocksviUe was playing the
Smith Grove teanii ; BMket/:jiv^
in Booetown, and leavtt a'yme'
J. BIL Shives Dead.
J. M. ^iiives, of Grand Rapids,
Mich.,'died at his home Aug. nth,
of Brights dr^ase, aged about 46
years. Mr. Shives leaves a mother
Mrs. Mary Shives, one sister, Mrs.
H. C. Jon^/.both of this city, and
ofie brpther J. R. of Salisbury," be-1
sides bis wife , and three children, ]
and a hpst of friends to. mourn his 1
death. I
Sam Cope
&iQ Cope, a wdl-known citizen
'Mrth Cooleemee. died Thms-
a long illnessIfpcQagra.
Richard Foster
Home Cofflifig at Fork. .
Home coming at Fork Sunday
was largely attended. Owing to a
death of one of Its oldest members,
Mr. Richard Foster, a good many
were kept away. There were many
there from a distance. It was a
hippy greeting of old friends. After
a short Sunday ^hool, the' Home-
Coming exercises began with sing
ing, reading a scriptural lesson and
prayer. Mr. F. M. Carter was
m.aster pf ceremonies. Shorty time
ly speeches were made. by .rW. F.
Merrell and others.-
' Then the main speech was made
by Mr. O. B. Eaton, of Winston.
It was a beautiful aud Jnspiring
speech. His subject was.Commu
nity Spirit Morally^ the, good it
will accomplish. All enjoy^ it.'
They then adjouned < for dinner
which was spread'on twplohg tables
under the arbor. It was a.'fine,
large dinner. There was plenty
and to spare.
At two they re-assembled and af
ter songs, talks were made by W.
F. MerriU.and J. F. Click,. The
fun,of Mr. Foster. at 2:30 cut
off tbe exercieee. T/ie fnneral was
held in the clinreh and by request
of the decea^d, was conducted by
W. F. Mefrell, after which the burir
al took place in the.p^ence of
inauy friends, brethreu and' relativ-
ea. The floral tributes^as beauti-
fid. It was a great day, but mixed
with the sadness cau^; by the
death of a brother, /• But one cbh-
home-coming above..
Bio - Obituaries - 8/17/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 31,1921
Robert Ratledge
Revert Ratledge. of near County
Ivine, di^ l^t Tue^ay, foUowing
a long illness of. tuberculosis, aged.
.23 years. The funeral services
wetelifeld at Society Baptist Church
Wednesdey at noon by Rev. W. j.
S. Walker. Deceased is survived
by one sister.
Walter Foster
WaUei^'iPpstef, .of .Coruatzer,
\^hile working in a well Friday was
^ercome by poison gas and died be
fore he could be taken but. ^The.
burial services .were held at Elba-
^leSaturdayafternqou. Mr. Fos
ter was a SOD of Mr. and-Mra. -.Nay-.
lor Foster and was about 20"
0|I3; "
C. L. Beard
. C. D. Beard, one. of the former
editois of the Mocksville Enterprise
at the Lawrence Hospital in
Winston-S^em Saturday, aged 59
years. "
Bio - Obituaries - 8/31/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 7,1921
Mrs. W. C. ^abter Dead.
Sallie Brock, dau'sbter of Noah and
i EmiU' Brock was born in -Davie Co.
I North Carolina March 5tb, 1869 and
departed this life Augost Sch, 1921,
aged 52 years^ 6 months and 3^aya.
.When four years of age she jeame
with her parents to Indiana. At
the age of sixteen she united with
the Christian Cborcb^ at Linden, In*
diana during a great revival held by
JSev. Jackson but later joined the
Methodist church at Darlington with
her hu&band. In Montgomery Co.
Indiana on March 19ch, 1891, she was
united in mar.riage to William C.
Pmnter. Four children were bom
to tbis union, William Lee, Floyd
Monroef.(deceased)^ Emily B^le and
Florence Mae. Daring- ibe last year
of her life she was great sufferer cot
through it ail she was very patient
Irand folly resigned to the.Lord'8 will,
: Md often said ."not my will but thine
] be done." Several times during the
I last week sho sang, Tai going home.
1 and ^ured us so many times that
she waS ready.to go. She vms always
»so thoughtful and eoUvdil^ate of the
I ones who cared for .her during her
illqess. We will miss her sonny smile.
I Though-yon left tis and we hear your
j dear voice no more we saferin,
otic coiiiidence we' will meet
•-jhm on yondt r 5hi»re She leaves to
^ monrti her lora, U.er husband, thr^
' cl-i iron, father, ;m<»ther. one sister
jand ahtstof felH»tv*>s and friends
^"Fimeral of Mrs West,
^Funeral services for Mis. Nanc^
West, who died Tuesday hear Fgrm-
ingtonj was held Thursday after
noon at-Bethlehem church at' 2:30
o'clock. . A brief sei:^ce took place
at the home, at 1*45.-' Bhrial
in the Bethlehm church cemetery.
Mrs. West was the-moth^ of Mrs.
H. T. Peniy,. of this city. "She
leaves a host of relatives and friends
to moum W dmth. .
Bio - Obituaries - 9/7/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 14,1921
^ealh Claims Cahin C. Strond
'Calvin C. Shroud; ag^ 72 years,r
died Tuesday afternoon about 2"^"tlilshome in Tumsburg-
townshij) near the Dayie tne. .
Mr. Strotjd had beeij m feeble
health for some time. -fieissUrviv-
ed by his'wife,- two. sons; rEugene
Stroud of.vGoreville 111., and PnrlieStroud, of .Lexington, msn one
drtgbfk Mis. p. J. Rpberts of
the^ounty. . n .
The funethl services were tonT. ..laa.a.^klTliiirsdBV
Bio - Obituaries - 9/14/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 21,1921
Mrs. Bill Ratledge
Oar'camnninity was shocked and
saddled last Wednesday ihornins;
•when news spread that' the d^th
a^la had entered the h^e^ of > M][.
Bill .Itatled^ and took with. -pnt
,wanunff hia beloved wife and edm-
panion.rv, She had not
several d^a ^biigh no
of htf condition bong scxiooBi '. She
waat^derly laid,to rest Thursday
mofnidg jit ]?rovidence. ^d^llcoun*
ty, home church; < She' leaves to
oiMro her loss a hii^)^. two dear
Httle children, father, mother, five,
^ters, two brothers, he^Wa hirat
of rdatives and friends . msde
manv friends dorin|r .her stay, of four
short years among, as. • Much sym
pathy 16 felt for- the -braved ..ones,
eopceially-.the husband- and.'lbotber-
leapehildren /May. fi^qd'-Xdrd
bless andpyotcci^emrm'oiir-pi:^^^
Mrs. William Ratledge
Mrs. William Ratledge died al
most suddenly some time during
Tuesday night at lier home on
R. I. She had been in good
health until Sunday when she had*
a slight attact of illne^ but seemed
to have recovered. Mrs. Ratledge
is survived by her husband ^'nd two
small daughters. Th^ funeral and
buriiil services werehdd at Provi
dence Church Iredell county,' on
Thursday mommg at ii o'clock.
Mrs. Jake Tutterow
Mrs. Jake Tutterow died at .her
home near Center Saturday, follow
ing a long illness of. tub^culosis,
aged abput .38 years. • The funeral
and burial ^rvices were held Sun
day at Mt, Tabor church at ii
o'clock. Mre. Tutterow "is survived
by her husband aud five diildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/21/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 28,1921
Mr& D. H. Hendricks Dead.
Mrs..D. H Hendricks, of Bixby,
died.la5t Wednesday afternoon a-,
bont 5:30 o'clock following anill-
ness of some weeks. Mrs.- -^end-
riciks was. 48 years of age, and is sur
vived by ber husband, three sons
and two daughters, among them
being Mrs. George Walker, of this
city. The funeral ^ryices were
held at the home Friday morning
at zz o'clock, and the body was
^then carried to Ffafftown and laid
to rest at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Hend-
ii(ks was a member of^tbe Christian'
Church. ^ In her death the Bbcby
commtmity looses one of its best
women. Many relatives and friends
Walter fbompsoD Dead.
. Wfdterl^ompsbn, superintend-
ept of the Methodist Chil^u Home
at'iWinston.^em,. died in- that
^ Ihjs
OT&anS^^^ i.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/28/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 5,1921
fibs* fiSargarel Booe.
Sallsbory* Sept 29.—Mrs Marga
ret Katberine Booe, wife of W. M.
Booe. died Thursday morning In her
75th year. Mrs. Booe was a native
of Davie eopnty- and the funeral and'
interment take place at Byerly'a
chappel Friday.. *
Bio - Obituaries - 10/5/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 12,1921
;J. T, Farnell Dead.
Mr. % Famell, one of
v^iUe's oldest and best known
zenbi died his home onSalisbuxy
street about 12:10 o'clodc Saturday
momih^ following an illness of
some time with h^enxng of the
arteries. Mr Parneil waS nearly
73 years of age, and is survived by
his wife and four children, viz: Mrs.
Murray Smith, ofSdisbury, Hugh
and D. A. Parneil, of Winston Sal*
em, ^nd Charles Pamd*, of I^ynch-
burg, Va. The funeral service
were hdd at the home at 2:30
o'dock Sunday afternoon by Rev.
W. L. Sberrill, pastor of' the de
ceased, after which - the. body was
carried to Joppa graveyard and laid
to rest .with Junior Ordd* honors.
Bio — Obituaries - 10/12/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 19,1921
E. LeeGaither
Cor&&b£er, 'died Kfcm^y^
a ^ort illness. hti^knd is.|n
a-Wl]i^ii.lio§pit^. suffedng.
Uood iNusira and lii^i an ^i^ii';ain-
"rEcoyMy, * "
E. Lee GaitHer.ra^. about 30
•lonig. i&e^. oif -l^he
fiineral'. bnii^' .-^iciffi
held a^V^dcfej^v
-Monday mod^gat'ZT- p*jdo^'^by
^m. * Hr. vG^thM i» s^yedvfiy
bis.iildfc' and'cpnex^di''
and onfe i^i^. > ^d /two; bfoti^.'
F-eace to : .:. ';^ y ..
Bio - Obituaries - 10/19/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 26,1921
Stfgt Speas Rests hi Rational Ce.
• meteiy.
The of Sergeant Charles A.
Speas, son ^ Mr, and Mis, I^. A.
Speas, of CanSj. Davie county, was
interred in Arlington national ceine-
tary,; near. Washington, D. C.,
Thursday/ along with the l^es of
loo other ^orld war heroes recently
brought ba^ from France,
'Company ^ 1105th KbgineeiS, and
died October^ 25,-i9i8.|i^^o]^>vWoands'
reived ii\ the bal^e '6t Sella
river on September 25vbhe month
before.' Before entering- the service
he lived in 'Decherd,- 'Tenn, andr
Win^on-Sal^ He was ii graduate
of the A. College, class of 1917.
John Cbroalzer Dead.
John G. Comatzer, who was car
ried to the Winston-Salem hospital
about two weeks ago suffering from
blood'poision, died Saturday even
ing abont 9 o'clock, aged 63 years.
The body \v^ brought to his home
heiur Coriiatzer a^d laid to rest
Tuesday morning at 11 .o'dfock be
side that of his wife who died only
last week. Mr. Cornatzer is sur
vived by three daiightets many re
latives and friends. * " He^ was a
member oif the Methodist church,
was a good husband and father and
wiU be sadly missed in his commu
nity. Peace to his ashes.
B. L. Blankenship
B, 1«. Blankenship, an aged citi
zen of n^r Cana. died at Long's*
Sanatorium in Statesville Sunday
afternoon. The body was l^d .to
rest at New Hope church Mpnd'ay
afternoon. '
Bryan Jarvis
.An-Tmusnally large cbnconrBe of
ppoDle.attend^ the funeinl of .Mr,:
Biyab Jarvis Sunday. .He was a
orominent faroior and a highly
teeirel citia'»n of diis section The
interment was in the old
gravevard p^r'deceased home. Mr.*.
Jarvip leaves a widow .and.two daugh-
tera, Mrs. W.H Shannon, of Green^'
viUe. S 0 . and; Mrs. B. L Watkins,of Wwton-Salem. ."a n.i.i.,..
Mii. Rbyd Fry Dead.
Mrs. Floyd. Fry died at her home
near Augusta last Tuesday evening
ag^ 35 yeaiB,{after an ill of some
time with a .complication of diseas
es. Mrs.' Fry" is survived by her
husband and seven children. .The
funeral and'burial services were
held-at Calvary Baptist dinrch, in
Rowan oounty,-Thursday morning
at ID o'dock, by Rev. R. L, Davis,
of StatesvUl^^ Mrs. Fiy wasmem-
ber of the ' Mo^sville Baptist
church. Tfae.husband and child
ren have the sympathy of a host of
Bio - Obituaries - 10/26/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 2,1921
Frank M. Johnson
;.De^ Rmeab A &9b$iog Han.
.. \(2uiston-Sa!ietii, Oct. ag.-^Peatb
has revealed a mfssiog man.
This. tiiro it u Dr. Frank M. Johu-
. ^n, who 17 yeats'ago mystenoosly
dlsapMred from his home in Mddks-
yiUe, bavie comity, where heprac
tieed ^dentistry for two .or three,
Be^es his parents. Dr.. and Mm.
William G. Johnson, * of Farming'
ton, Oavie cohnty. the son went a«
way leaving a yoimg wife, before
her marriage heihg Miss Estaiyes-
mt, daoahterofRev. H..M. Vestal,
fdr years an ^honored minister' of
the Methodist Episcopal cbarch in
this ^te.'. 'A. letter .from Ameiican
Om^ A. Frost, of Cenbal A-
merica, to Postmaster N. I,. Cran-
fordi.ofthis city-^ves. the infor-
matipn that Dr. Frtok.Miilegr John
son j^ied Jhhe ao.tii^ year dtQpiri-
gna'ho^tlil ofperehral tumer and
hewa&.biir^ijn^the hospital
r r
K^e lett& I stat^ 'iiso that 1^.-
J^l^on h^ itwo ^fldr$i», dangh-:
ter^ipd sonf in school at New. Or
l^s, La., their names being g^n
as Pedro and Amelia Johnson, '^e
deceased Ipracticed his pxofesdoh.ln
Winston-Salem for a year or two
after he completed his college course
in dentistry. What disposition has
or will be be made of Dit Johnson'8
.estate.is not known, accoxditig 'to
thOconsnVs letter. . .
Henry Nance
We are sorry to.note#.that Mr.i
Henry Nance, who has been ill for
several months, shows no sigh of
improvement.. Mr. Nance died on
Thursday and was buried Friday
at Oak Grove. A good man gone.
Charles Swearingen
n Carles SwearingenI A a" 'wdi.
known cidzen of Farmingtontor^.-
ship,-died about 12 o*dock'Satur
day irighV foljo^g a ste^e of
pa^ysis,'aged 65 years. Thef^-
eral and bnrial semoes were hdd'
at.Yadkm Valley iBap^ church
Monday morntng at ip o'do^.
Deceased leaves a wife, th^dadgh-
ters and tvro .sons, 'airon^ tln^
b^g Mns. W. F. Stonestreet, pf'
thisdty.' . * . *• • ^ •
S. A. Harris
Prol. S. A. Harris, at one time
idtizmof Davie connty, died at
tisloine Id Hickory on Tnesdav.
On 23th, 90 years. ^Several
i^HIren survive.
Bio - Obituaries -11/2/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 23,1921
John Hartman
Mr. Juhn Hartman. a proihinent
citizen of Advance, was "senonoly
hnrt a few w{>eha ago when one of
bis hogB jumped at him. cottiDg a
dtep ga'^h on hb leg. He was get-,
ting along nicely when he* soddenlv
grew worse, and blood poision soon
developed. He was resting easily
Erid&y evening bot grew staadll /
worse dnring the night and death
ciwmed him aboat 3 o'clock. Funer
al service were held Sunday evening
at 2 o'clock at the M E. chnrch.
F. A. Jones
A. Jones, a prominent citizen
'Clfiinnioite, (lied Thursday aud
Friday. He is sur\dved
Pswife and several sons and
Elizabeth Seaford
Elizabeth,- the seven-year old
daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. W D.
Seaford, of Silver Hill, died.|yedn»
d^ night, and the -remaips' wera
brought and Interred here at Fork
Cemetpry on Friday. The 'sorrowing
parents have^e sympathy of a host
of friends and. irelatlvea hetjSr ' The
little girl had bemi vaccinated, and
got wet,' which caused. aente rheu
matism from ^bich Ae died.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/23/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 30,1921
D. V. Davis
D. V. Davis, one of Moeksyille's
oldest citizens, died at his home on-
Depot streetyFriday. morning some
time before- day. M^. Davis had
been to the iaod sale near town, on
Thursday, and had been complain
ing for several days oTf-indigestion,
but no one thought he was serious
ly sick. . He is suivived by his wife,
four sons, and one daughter.- The
bunaL'took place-at Pork Church
Siturday, Mfrl" Dairis. was about
80 years of ,age, and had a're-
sident of Mocksvilte. for i^veral
years, having ..moved here frpm
County Dine.: His many^friends
throughout the' coun^ will be Sony
to leam of his death. Mr.' Davis
vns a uaUve of Yadkin county, but
spent about 30 yaars of his life at
Fork Church. ' - .
Bio - Obituaries -11/30/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 7,1921
Bud Carter
Bud Garter, a^e 70 years Who
been in declininjc health for the past
summer and fall 'was called to his
heavenly home when' death claimed
him Saturday morningr at 6 o'clock.,
Mr. Carter while living at Hanea
had a stroke of paralysis and since
then his cor.diton had been very 8e>
rions, resulting in two other stakes.
He retornerl to,Advance when able
to do so and November 25, he had
the third and lest stroke which cans>
ed ,hia death He is survived by his
wife and severaf. children. Funeral
services were held .Sunday hvening
at 1 o'clock at the M. E: Church by
Rev. J. M. Varheri
J. J. D^7is.Dead«
News was received-here Monday;
mom ng auuounciug the d^n of
J. T.' Davis, belter known m 'pick
Davis, at his home in Winston-Sa-
lemou Sunday, followiug a short
illness olf heart trouble. Mr.. Davis
was about 47 years of age.- and w
survived.by his wife and three
cbildmn, his mother, cue ^teranf
.thiee bhlhers. 'Hie remaiqs ^eje
brooght to Fork 6bareh yraterfax
and laid to rest beside his father.
D V; Davis, who was buried on^
about ten "days ago. . The Record
Steads sympathy to the bereaved
ones, • - ^
Bio - Obituaries - 12/7/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 14,1921
Thomas P. Foster
Sailie C. Foster
Our community has been'much
saddened asrain in the death ot one of
our heit beloved ladies, Mrs Sailie
C Foster wife of Robhrt 1. Foster,
^e bad been sick for several montha
A faithful wife, raothi^r, friend and
neighbor han gone to her reward, and
her presence will be gready m ssed
dne leaves a snrrovring husband,
five sons and five daoghterb and
twenfy'onegr nl children Her fun
eral hei'd Tnar»diy at-the Bap
tist charch here, of which she
been a fal»hfol. ipomber since girl
hood. Services condacted. by Revs,
b'reemao »f Uuoleemee and Penry of
Mocksville. Mr:* Fostei's age was
64 years 1 month 2fl days. May God
cohort the bereaved family.
A Friend jGone.
It is. with sadness that The
cord annouces the deatb of Mr.
Thomas P. Foster, which occnrf^
at his home in East MocksviUelast
Wednesday night about io o'clock,
following an illness of many
months. Mr. Foster was about 58
years of age, aud is survived by his
wife, two sous and three daughters.
The funeral and burial services
were held Friday afternoon at 2
o'dock at Liberty M. .E. church.
The servicej* were conducted by
Revs. J- B. Fitzgerald , W. L. Sher-
rill, and C. R. Johnson. Mr.- Fos
ter was well known throughout this
county, and numbered'his friends by
the score. He wasna quiet unassum
ing citizen and ^11 be sadly missed
in town aud community. He was
a member of the Junior Order and
also a Mason, and was laid to rest
with Masonic and Junior hon
ors. The editor of The Record
has known Mr. Foster for many
years and feels that in his death
we have lost one of our best fnends.
Peace to his ashes.
Bio - Obituaries -12/14/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 21,1921
Mrs. H. A. Howard
' Fooiid Dead In Bed.
Mra. A. Howerd,.of R. 4.
was found dcad'.in bed last Satu.r".
day mohiijig. Hts. Howard had
beensufiering wi^h heart trouble
for several montbsy but was able
to do her^houseworl:, Mrs. How
ard was 36 years of age, and is sur
vived by her husband and seven
.children. ' Tbe funeral and burial
services were held at Liberty Metho
dist church Sunday .afteoiioon at 3
Bio - Obituaries -12/21/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY