Jul - DecDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 7,1920 Mrs. AlexTackett Tackett. of Claiks- died Sunday of.'pa- at an advanced "age, Wljy *!•»»#. 1-i.a ^^•as laid to rest' at~ Ch Gnjve estnut y®3ltrday. Bio - Obituaries - 7/7/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 21,1920 P. S. Early Foneer Davie Mao Dead. Mr. P. S. Early, for many years a citizen of Davie county, but for the past fourteen years a citizen of Winston^Salem,. died at 1^ borne itttbatcity on July xzth, at an advanced age. The funeral se^ces vrere held in Wlnston-Saleui at 8:30 o'clock Wednesday morning by bis pastor, Dr. J. B. '^'eatberspoon, pastor of tbe First Baptist church, and the body was brought to Mocks' ville and laid to rest in Rose ceme' teiy. Mr. Early is survive by his mfe and .six children,;two daughters and foursons, and several brothem and- sisters. Mr. Early has many friends in section who were saddened by his death. Peace to%is ashes. Samuel Hunter Bael Hunter, an aged dtizeu I™, at the Twin-City Hos-^fioisday, following a stroke poplejcy. The body was laid to |al Eaton's Baptist church Sun- Bio - Obituaries - 7/21/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 28,1920 Agnes Hege Agnes Hege Mis) Agnes Hege died at her Be near Fulton, on T«ly i6tb, liged 76 years. The funeral services conducted by Rev. H. T. iPeoty on July 17th. Mra. Airhes Hege aged seventy, died^or^ay the fifteenth, and was Idd to rest Friday at Folton M. E. cemetary. Mrs.. Hege is survived by her bnsband Mr. Jake Hege, one son Mr. Bud Hege and three daughters Mrs. Geo. Grbtts, Mrs. Dick Stewart of Fork, and Mrs. Sherman Myers; tbirty-^gbt grand children and four geat-grand children, other. relatives and friends, who were saddened by her death. - Newberry Potts Newberry Potts, of Fulton, ^ Oil July lyth, at the advanced years, and was buried* el IJJontlieaoth. Mr. Potts jom- Itea Baptist church about one1 «ago, and fell asleep leaning Ik?" arm for support, lii.-services were conductedpfiR pastor; Rev. H. T. Peniy. Bio - Obituaries - 7/28/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 4,1920 Bettie Booe Bettie Booe, an aged and resp^- ed colared woman of Booetdwn, died Thursday and was t>tiried'Fri' day. A husbandand several cbild* ten surviTe, Bio - Obituaries - 8/4/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 11,1920 Nelson Hendrix Louise Smith "'Sisa I/nii«a SmUli, aficd 8S yw. died last Toflsdsy and was Wd to test at New Udloo Wedaesday momiog Nelson Hendrix, the' i4>yeaF>o!d son of Mr., and Mrs: JohnHecdrix, of Farmington township, died.i^t Xmsday aad. was laid to rest at Yad- km Valley Wednesday .afte^pn. parents have the sympathy of ail thmr-fri^ds and neighbPi:s> Bio - Obituaries - 8/11/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA STATESVILLE LANDMARK, 8/14/1920 i 0I5ATII or W. r. JIAILiSY. I rrciiiTiitrnI Cithrn l*nH.scs at tllii. ! iTfjiiii! t)ii IS:i5$l Itrnnd Slrerl —• Hurl \Wm III Sriiiie Time. • Mr. Willinni Fi-niikllt) Dniluy, n v.'i-ll-kt)(i\vii ciliTseii uf ^SUitesviilc, «Ji"tl uaily SnlurUay Yiiti/wfiiK nt Iiik lioiiiv mi east llruafJ btreeL Mr. Jlai- ley liml Itcen 111 for fiuvoml inoiitlis (willi n steiunch trouble. His conAI- Uuii suddenly became worse Friday ei'etthn;. dinlli resulLiiiic Saturday limrninjr. The tlccu.aaod was (18 years old last May. He is survived by his wife titiil the rdllowiiiK named children: Mrs. Jiie Taylor. Airs. I). O. Cowuti and, All*, (jlyile lluiley, (if Sltilcttville; Mr.' r. S. Dallcy. of W{ii3tiin>Salcm: Mr. J. Frank llnlley, of Columbia, S. C.; Mrs. ,S. O. OuGhanan, of Ronnoke, Va.. and Airs. C. S. Iiaiihnm, of Alox- aiulrtn. Va. Mrs. Ouchnnaii had boon with her father several weeks, but . uimwnro that Mr. Bailey was nhoul: j to lake a turn for the worse, she left Friday Cur her home. Mrs. Lanhain was hero when-her father, died. Mr. Al. I). Hnllcy, of Wimitan-Salcm, Is a survivini; brother. Mr. ilaUcy was horn In DavJn county hut had made hie homo in .SLntcsvllle for many years. Uc had huitiiK^ji iiilercsla in VViiiRton-Salcin, hclnir III Uiu tobacco business with bla hrolhrr there. Air. Bailey niarrieil Miss Bctlie Barkiey, of Ircdcll. Jtu watt nlivnya a substantial citixcii and a man well Itkcfl in his cuiiununity. TJic fuiierat .services were e«}ndue< led yc.slci-dny nfLeraoon at 2:30 from till! raniily residence by Rev. L. J). Tliiniiiisoii. Rev. J. 11. Frcssly and Ucv. W. T. Wnlkor. RuHal took liliici* at Oakwflod. i'all-licnrora \vere Alcssrs. Clarciteu Stenlu, 'J, J*. I AlifiioQaiiil. C. /li. Murdocik •/>* .SioRM, l>i'. Af. R. Adams and Ur. T. I'k AiMlcrKun. Ill .^tiitcsvllio to ntlciiil the runcrni were the rvliowjiur: Mr. mid Mra'. C. S, ifiinhniii, of Atexanilrin, Vn.; Air. ntnl Alr.s. R. M. Buchniiini. of Ruaiioke, Vn.; ftlr. and Airs. .1. Frank Oniluy, of (JoJiiinliin. R. ft.; Mr. mill Mrs. F. S. Uniify, Mr. M. I>. Bnituy. Mnt. I'. N. Ihiilcy ami Mrs. J. K. Dailcy, of W.'bi.<ston'Sitlcni: Mr. Ainurice Halley, of Trny. Ala., mul Mr. qihI Mr.x Ceorgie llawti myl children of Muoroa- • ville. 'VC*-'»^fu»vwiv I Bio - Obituaries - 8/14/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 25,1920 W« Saofoid Dead.' .A tele^m was received here Tuesday biy C. C. Sanford, telling of the death of his son W. I*. San ford which occurred in San Fauds- co, following a stroke of paralysfa. Hr. Sanford was about 49 years of age> and is survived by his father, two sisters and five brothers. The body win arrive here this week and the internnent will be in Joppa gravejrard. Mr. Sanford spent imost of his life in MocksviUe, andI has many friends here who xriUbe 1 sorry to learn of his death. Samnd T. Naylor Dehd. SamnelT. Naylor. a former dd- zen of Davie county, died in a Fort Worth, Texes hospital Saturday,! Aug. 20th, age about 80 years, j The body will be brought back to his: old home for burial, and funeral and burial services will probably be. held today at Farmington. Mr.; Naj'lorleft Davie county^ in rS68 to Iowa and to Texas where he ye^ ago when he came to \V balem tomakehls hor/t •• children. He had gone - to visit his daughter wr.e 1 -• came. Mr. Naylor ierccd , out the Civil War ia Ci!. . n Carolina Ca\-alry. Peac.- ^ ashes. • • '-v.:. N.w, Bio - Obituaries - 8/25/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 22,1920 Charlotte Hall CIiar]otte Hall, colored, died Sat- unla}' night k the home of her son James Hall, at the advanced age of 80 >"ears>. The body was laid to r€B5t Mmiday at three o'clock. Edith Wellman Mi^Hdith Welltnan, of R. 2, died last.Tuesday,.following along illfless with tuberculosis, age about 49 y^rSi n The funeral and bural services were conducted by her pas tor, Rev/D. C. Ballard, on Wednes day, and the body laid to rest in Oak Grove churchyard. Several brothers and sister survive. C G. Bailey Dead. . C. G. Bailey, a prominent dtizen of Advance, died last Tuesday morning at an advanced age, follow ing a long iilnessi The funeral and burial services were held at the Advance Methodist chuich inmrs- day, and the body laid to rest in Shady Grove Cemetery. Mr. Bailey was for many years active in poli tics and serv^ several terms^ as chairman of the Board of Comn^- ioners. He leaves many relative and friends to motim bi& death. He was a member of the Methodist church and gave liberally-- to the religious work. He leaves an es-! tate valued at many thousands of dollars. Bio - Obituaries - 9/22/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday October 6,1920 Everett Taylor Foster Darlag & snm M^av '^herBoea o! last week, Everett the little adopted son of T. "X. poster, of k. 3. was suutA. by ^^httap and umaotlv killed.' The cboTWBs drtnagtwo hones to & ^4tty rake, -and^e botse9.were also Uec. Mr. Fosier was is. the fidd Vsear the rake when the sooke came fimt be eseapec wibnn.'The yoasg ;bor killed was- dwat tl yem M The-huieFaiattcbtni^ smtB* iiceswere held Toesday at Eethd. This is eae of the saddest;! voccarresoes thai has happened in I ^^e lor s loDf;srlule./«*^- iTto j Bio - Obituaries - 10/6/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 20,1920 Elizabeth Hartman I Mr». L H HirisiaB, of Adnoee, Mn. EUsabeth Hanmiio, -wife oi i L. M. HartsBd. of Advance, Davit I county, died Monday afterooon at < 4 o'clock at Lawience hospital, I having been btonght to the boipitol ! yesterday morning after a de^fteiate i illness lasting about two weeks. 1 The was afi ycaia old, adaughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Vogler, and is survived by Mr. ~Bfinian and four chiMten. . '■*iMrs. Haittnanfwas a member ofsdy Grove Methodist ebnTCh,ivieoounty, from wbidb place the' was cottdttcted Wednesday _an at a o'doek. The inter- . followtd isdbechaieb grave- 1.-—Wifl^ »c - s.e /o t. 0 Bio - Obituaries - 10/20/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 27,1920 Henry Powell Henry Powell, of Harmony last Sunday morning: and was laidJo rest at Rocky Springs Monday 'even* inji. ' . Bio - Obituaries - 10/27/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 3,1920 George W. McDaniel George pf itear Smith Grove, died last. Mon,day night ,.ofcano^, aged. yearly 1'he funeral and bdnal took' place Wednesday at Smith GroVe,'^ Rev:' C> J. Rdwards ooaductihg tim ; s^- vicei?.' Mr. McD&r^ • is stiirviv^ hy .his vdfe and eight child^. JBe. wshom in .Daviei^uiity Confederate soldier^^^inj^his country.foi^ thr^^^e^ in .the Southern army, - Bio - Obituaries -11/3/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 10,1920 Mrs. Marion Markland John Miller r-John Miller, of.FannlD^c iship died Friday and was boj momiog at lo o'dbc *fe<lonia churcb. ' ; Mrs. Daniel Cook fs. Daniel Cook,- of Fanfitng-. o^nship died Tuesday aiid was Macedonia cfatirch 'y- A husband and several lien survive. . n .Mrs. Marion Marklaod, of the Bend section of Davie connty, died Wednesday, of paralysis, at an ad vanced age. The body was laid to rest in Yadkin Valley churchyard Friday tnorniog. Mrs.'• Markland is survived by her husband, one son and three daughters. I Bio - Obituaries - 11/10/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 24,1920 Daniel A. Lyerly Mrs. Richard Foster I The wife of Richaxd Eot^r, color- j], died last Friday, of heatt dropsy nd was buried Saturday afteraoou. Daniel A; Lyeriy, aged 7^ years, died sttddeidy on Tuesday after noon, Nov. 16,' of heart trouble. Mr. Lyerly died at his home n^- Woodleafand apparently was iiT fats usual good health^ -' Bio — Obituaries — 11/24/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 1,1920 M. F. Hendrix Akiine Stroud Aldinc, the Ottle ig^months^old (laughter of Mr. and Moody '^Iroud of High Point, diedStitida}' w croup. The foiled and burial^ ^nriteswere .cdndncted by Revs, i^nierand Turner of High Point, laid toj]^ at Sod^y j ihxi.. . -- ' . • A Good Man Gone. M,;F. Hendrix, of Claries- yille town^ipV died early. Sunday inohiing at the home of his dangh- tdri.Mi&'ElmQfeBavisi at:tlie ad vanced-ajg^ of 82 years. Mk Hen drix had beat in bad health for sev eral years. The funeral and burial services were held Monda}' and the bodyjaid to rest in the family burial 'gfouhd. Deceased was a Cou feder ate soldier and leaves three sons and three daughters b^idesjnany rela tives and friends. A gobd man has been called to his reward. Bio - Obituaries -12/1/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 8,1920 R. A. DWiggins Ida Jones Miss Ida Jones, of :R; 2", . "died Sunday after a long illness, aged a^^ bout 69 years.; 'The body was laid to rest at Joppa Monday." - Dece^ed is a sister of Mrs. Amanda Awtin, of this dty.. . John E. Collette John. £. Collette, of Cana. • died Sathrday morning after a long ill- j oessi aged * abo>nt ..70. years.. . The j burial took pla^ at Raton's chnrch. Sunday afternoon. Mr. Collette | is survived by his wife, one son and one daughter, besides a h?st,of le-1 latiyes and f jneods.' . I R. A. Dwl^ns, of R. 1, died Sato^ay moniitig at 10 o'clock, following a stroke of paralysis; age about 72 .'years. The funeral and burial services were held at Center Sunday momlpg. Revi J. B. Fitz gerald conducting the services. Mr. ■Dwfggins has been* in bad health for the eight years. .3 He is survived by-his wife, two sons, two brothds and one sister. Mrs. James Eaton Mm. James Raton, of Cana, diedalmost .suddenly last Tuesday nightaged about 32' years. The funeral and burial" siervices were held Wed-U^ay morning at to o'dock atj^ton's Baptist church, Rev. C. S.Cashwdl, orSt^^lIe, her fo^er pa^r, conducting the semces.Mrs. l^ton is survived by heii tins-band,-"two stD^lsbns and tier mother. A good- woman has been called to her reward. ' The bereaved ontjshave the sympathy of a host-of friends.- Bio - Obituaries -12/8/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 22,1920 Frank Brown Capt^ Prank Brown, ofSalisbu^ was by a rat sevei^ a|oV^ied'& w^^^lood po^m aiM f the ;bUe. Capt^ro^ wa374.;ye^of I age; and was^knoW'thrpuglio the State. n ' V ' V •. " Anne Bailey The^ funeral of Mrs. Anne' Bailey, whodied at her home Saturday mom inflr» will be h'eld here Tuesday 21st. Bio - Obituaries -12/22/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA