Jan - JunDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 7,1920
J; W. Edwar&^ojps Dead;
a ^ell-
fc^^w^erchat^Syorth Coo^e*
xne^^^opp^ on Christmas
day while at tht'dtiwef^hle, Mr.
Edwards was in "his usual health
up:^?^&time of hi^ deJ^h^T which
was-a shock to his /amily ,^d aH
Wftiends. Deceit lea\^ a wifl
^d'^ihree small <^ildren,: and ;'^.
number of children by bis first;^feC
lir. Edwards was about 67 years
and leaves 4 host of friends
and relatives to mourn his untime
ly death. Peace to ashes.
Miss Rnd^Mfller Dead.^L^I
The Record is to cdiron^B
the death of Miss Ruth Millel
youngest daughter of Mrs. WiHia^
Miller, who died .at her home in
this city on Friday morning, Dec.
26th, aged about .25 years. Miss
Miller bad been in declining health
for several yi^rs, .but her death
came as a shc^ to her many rela
tives and friends. The funeral
aad burial services were conducted
by her pastor, Rev. E. P. Bradley,
on Friday, Drc. 27th, at 2 o'clock, j
-aad the body laid to rest at. Rose;
! cemetery. I
Silas G. Elam
Silas G.-Elam, of <^nty ^
I^ne, ^ed at the
"daughVef^rs. J. R. ^%g;-#in- :
s^ri-Sadehi, on .I>ec.- i^ed •
aboi^t 6^ years. The'^r^j^'l^a*
laid ;toi ;(dst at ,Sodefe -Baptist'
a^ai. i
Michael Click
Mrs. J. T. Trollinger
®ly5^, aimht 68
w&iaid to rest
DealuiMirT ?!S
. Dec<
|ie <^gbtet
Michael Click died at the vffineof his ^ Dewitr Cli^:.
^o^le^on Dec. 24th^.^g<e|^'
9^,"years, "The
Iaid.'to jC^t at Woodleaf.
A BMlvc of Davie po^ty,'g::^d
Itav'es five sons and Oaie^ldattg^feir,
J. F. Godfrey, and^vWilUam.of Divic; Dewitt and Cbarlie^i#
i^owan. and Mrs. J. P.:Burtcit»f
Hickory, R. .g/
Bio - Obituaries - 1/7/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 14,1920
Ella Sunnah Williams
Uuie HUaSunnah 3-
year-old dflu^liter of Mf« aad
^''raiii; WllUtuns, of i^ar Cojn^-
aiea Wednesday, ®ec« of
bronchial pfiefiiaonj^7v'/lte^|ttl$^
bndy was lai^ to rest
al No Cireek-churelir |»»P'
Bio - Obituaries - 1/14/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 21,1920
Bfn. Miller Dies at Cooleeraee.
Mrs. Ritte Miller died at her
home In Cooleemee Monday night
of puetimonia. She is survived by
several sons and daughters. The
bjdy will be laid to r^t at Liberty
.\lethodist church this morning a
IX o'clock. •
Pleas Spry
Mr. Fleas Spxy died Tuesday
moniing after several months iu.
and burled at Advance M.
fi! .Oemetery. To the bereaved
mies vt^eEtend sympathy.'
Bio - Obituaries -1/21/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 28,1920
Allen Swaim
Allen Swaim, i6.year-oM
Rev.V. M. Swaim. ot
Salem, who was a stiidcut at ^
Ciwk Academy, was ,,,^1.0
shp^ and killed last Tlu:r>viav ;
the little danghter of Mrs ^ ^
'FeneU, with whom ht
The little gill thought x\\^ -v
tmloaded and poinud ii
rating man pulled the ^
|The remains of Mr. Swainj
jfadought to V^nston-Salen:
ial, A sad accident.
Infant Son Safriet
An infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Safriet died January i8th and
was buried Sunday at Society Bap
tist church.
Camilla Jarvis
Mrs. Camilla Jarvis died Friday
monung about 8:30, and was bnri^
Saturday afternoon at Fork .ceme-.
tery. .She is sunnved by two isons/
Charles, of mnety'SLs, S. C.', W.
H. whom she rerided with, also two
daughters sdrvive,
Bio - Obituaries -1/28/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 4,1920
Jacob Stewart
H. H. Hartley
RiciiDatidteD Dies aiTyio,
Xexingtiw, Jan. sy.^Esqiiire H.
'H. HartlQr, 'one of the most piomi*
n^t and wealthiest citizen's of Dav-
ids6ikcoiinty7 4i^ed'at Us hon^ at
Tyro at the age ol'So .years. .
. He one of the iugest limdr
ownem in the^te and prominent
in political and bnsine^ drdes for
the p^t half bentniry.
At the time of his d^th he owned!
thii^ or fourthbn^d am^ of land
iitt. jbavidson, Davie, Rowan |
counties. .'He was at'^e\time[fax'
coU^etor, several
missionerriii^' in thd; It^lafora iti
Methodist church ^5 ybaijgt; > He is
Lieut, Jacob Stewart Boricdr
-The body of I/ietlt. Jacob Stew
art, of Mocksville, who died at
Camp Grant, Illinois, on Mond.ay,
Jan. 26th,- arrived here Sunday. af
ternoon and was laid to rest atRO^
<%met^ Monday afteruoon in .the
presmice of a. large concourse of
friends and relatives. Rev. li. M.
Ho1Ioway, .of the Baptist church,
condnctinjg: the funerid and burial
services. Mr. Stewart was about
27 years of age, and was amemW
of the Mocksville Baptist chufch.
He entered the U. S. Army during
the^'warandrose rapidly, being pro
moted to I^rst Lieutenant. Lieut.
Stewart was. taken ill with . pneu^
monia about'two weeks'ago, and
his parents wca-e' notified of the
fact and left immediately for his
bedside, bat he died . before they
reached blm. Deceased leaves his
parents, six sisters and two broth
era and many relatives and friends
to mpum bis tintimdly death. The
body was laid to rest with Masonic
honors. "
Ada Mae Branson
Ada Mae, the 19 month old
danghter of Mr. and Mrs.'- Kelly
Branson, Thursday, the 29th,
after suffering several,days illness
With colitis. Intefrm^t will be at
Elba^le. To the bereaved ones
we' extend grmpsthy. ' .
Bio - Obituaries - 2/4/1920 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 11,1920
John Gaither
?o.—Rev. J. C.
p., p^torof-Southlkleuii
3tre^~Met&odist;^tirc1i, died yes
terday of pnemno'ftia, aged 71.
! jfolin Gaither died last Friday at
: his hotne near Majolioa, agen 58
years. The body was laid to rest
at Salem I^ntheran chnrdi Saturday
Mr. Gaither was a native of Davie
; county and a brother of Mesdames
A. M. Stroud, C. M. Godbey and
We^ey Gartner, of this county.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/11/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 18,1920
J. E. Zachery
Yadlda SherHf Sbot in Tracks.
Yadkinville, Feb. 14.—Sheriff J.
B. Zachery of Yadkin county, Was
shot through the h^rt and killed
about ri i>'clock lant night at a
blor^ade distillery, dght miles from
Yadkinville, the county seat.
Three men were at the plant and
all of them were arrested early this
morning and brought tO' the For'
^th'jail this afternoon for safe
keepmg, the Yadkin jail not bdug
considered sufficiently secure. '
Rev, A. A. Caudle,' a Bapti^
Minister of Yadkin' county, accom*
panted the ^eriff to the moonshine
plant and declares that Rpbah Baity
aged 23, is the party who did the
footing. The other'two' men' at
the plant were'Speticer McNeill and
James Brown. According to the
^tement made to the coroner by
the. Baptist divine, Baity was stand
ingdoseto Sheriff Zachery when
the former fired the fatal shot^ the
powder burn igniting the officer's
overcoat and the blaze, was «xtiu
gubbed^ by Rev. Mr. Caudle, who
»ys that he was 'Standing only
few f^t away whra the sheriff
walked up to Baity and McNeil,
notifying them tOv consider them-
selves under arrost. Baity imme
diately drew his piiitol and fired, the
sheriff falling in his . tracks..' .
'There W£i^ talk of mob -^oleiice
in Yadkin tl^ morning and this is'
one rea^n that induced-th^ o&cers
to'transfer theprisdhersto F.or^th;
The dead' sheriff. Was 55.yeaTS old
and is snruived by his wife
Mn, John, .a«stttd^t in.:Bin'gham
School, Asheville.
/^e deceased was .serving, the
second term and was' ^pular with
the'law abiding- pe^le of^hb coun
ty. Ever since he has been in of
fice and has -been 'quite- a^ve
a^inst moonshiners., . '
Minnie Cuthrell
Miss Mintite' Cuthri^, of Wyo,
died last Wednesday of tuberculo^i
aged about 39 years. Burial Thurs
day at Wyo, * .
Alice Foster
Harmon Fry
Harmon, the is-months-old son
of Mr. and .Mrs. Henry J.' Fry, of
Farmlngton, died early Saturday
i9orDiDg, of pneumonia. The fun«
eral and burial servloes were held
Sunday at Macedonia. .
: Alice, the 3.yea'rTbld dau^^ of
Mr. and Mi& J.'.R.- F<^tf~ died
Wednesday at the h^e of her .j^-
ents at Farmingtbn,- lollov^g h
short iilnessofbronchial pneunmnia;
The litrie body iMd to rest ''at
Smith Grovd Thursday, Rw.J.^-W.;
Y^tal conducting the.fime^ rad
j^urml services. ..N • • •'
Bio — Obituaries - 2/18/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 25,1920
S. J. Cope
• Salisbury, Feb. 22.--The body
of S. J. Cope was taken to Augusth,
Davie county, for biMal Sunday.
Mx, Cope died Satiirday * afternoon
in the dnergeui^ ho^tal-to which
place he h^bee^ mdved that morn
ing. - He and Mrs;-Cope and., thdr
o^y k>h all'had influenza and Fri
day ni^t pneumonia developed
with Mr. Cope. Mre.. Cope now
.pneumonia and she h^ not been
.advised of the death. of her hus
band; The son is doing nice^^.-. -
S. B. Garwood, Jr.
of Mr. add Mre.'S;- fe; Clwwo.^-,Ohmftraing.atdeven 0.!j|;|loeba
ittid='cIaiBi6dithmr uE!^.^tnQntiiA old.
;«dd. Si; 3. jj^v He.:®'wii&luvD^&ml pneuniopifefor-joup
afterpoofifchiftec; a-: funeral^w<!o;
held aUhehomehy Rev,-:d; feyar;-
:Uful,^d.wei^h^rle^byybnr liC^
with: thd^ipiniawti^ ';^ely^ littleM{^ EathI^n.-aDd;^a8ta .WIl^K
andAmffl radv. RaUi^Brew^^r.Those attending the.$^l Jpn?:-!;
distani^ were.Mf.
of. Wfhaldnr§pleibi'TMi:%S
CaftWf of Wlo8to&Salein.;;lhegi|ef\
Bio - Obituaries - 2/25/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 3,1920
Bertha Myers
Bertha, the i^ee-vear-old child
of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie MyeiS, died
Feb. 26 of influen2». The little
body was laid to rest in the ceme
tery Feb. 27. To the bereaved
family we extend condolence.
"Chum" Brewster
ai!?' T* Jf't reived
^ Wedo^ay->*fi^'
I "1' " had^r'died
W*"' Bfewstei» wasabout
ttfft ^ survived byj^ auers, Mrs. A. T^ran^Jr-S
city and Mini? Matgireli"®»P.OtlUWgh. i;
Bio - Obituaries - 3/3/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 10,1920
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Cope
And Son Hubert
Pl^erWipea Oat n fsaStji
Salisbury, March s.'^Influ^za
today completed its \?ork of wiping
out the fei^ily of S. j. Oope. -
Mr., Coi^died Saturday a week
ago. Mrs. Cope die^ Sunday and
today Hubert, aged" fiye, the last
of the .family died.
. Mrs. Cope was not told of her
husb^d'sdhath and the child died
without knowing of the death of
either patent.
Washington Groce
^ » r. *:
Mr. Wadiiagton Groce .the old
est and one of-the most highly -res:
pected citizens of Harmony, di^
Feh26, of u^uenza and^; p&e)i'
monia. ' • I
John Allen
I Joto, llie i9.year*old son of ^Mr.
jandMis. W.W.Allen,..of iParm-IJgtou township, died Sunday • foh
l^mg an iUuess of influenza.^jXlie
I Way was laid to rest Monday; 1 ,
JfClemefit HaoisOflaiL f
Died at the Twin-City Hospital
in Winstbn-Salem, on March and,
ID the 23rd 3'ear of his life, ' John
Clement Hanes, youngest sbu.M>f
the late Philip Hanes and his wife,
SallieBobe Hanes, of MocksvUle.
Mr. Hanes was bom in Winston-
Sal^ on September 14.1897. He
educated in the Winston city
schools, and at the famous War-
renton high sdiool. After lea^ng
; school he became a successful trav-^
;eling salesman for the R. J<, Reyh*
i olds Tobacco Company; his tenri-
1 toiy being in ndrtbem New York,
• In 1918 he resigned this position
i and returned to Wlnstto-Salem to
!aco^ a petition with the P.- H.
Hanes Knitting Company, of wb^h
his vncde, Mr, P.-H. Hanes is pr^
ident. •?;
About ten days' ago he had an
attack of appendicitis and yras
! crated on at the Twin-City
' phal on February .23.
Mr. Hanes was an active and de
voted member , of the Metbodwt
church at Hanes, of which he
a'Reward and treasurer. s
. 'He was a Mason and a W^min
of the World. He is Survived by
^ mother, two brotheiSi Spencer
B. W F.^F^M^ganes,-. of this
"chy, and Mrs. R. D.
W.'CoanoirV^R^ .Mrs. E.
W. Mrs, J.
Frank Taylorsville,
and Mrs.;. Th^giA: Stone, of
MocksviUe,.. '
The funo^-s^i^ were, held
Wcdn^ay at 3:30
o'clock froniifli^Imme,^
l^r in Mock^vilie. They were <50ii>:.
ducted by' .Rev/ Wi .i*. Sheirffl,
p^tor of the M^hodist church at
MocksviUe and" Rev/ H. W. Mann,
pastor of the Methodist church ' at
Hanes. ^The burial was in the fam
ily lot in the MocksviUe cemetery.-
The pall-bearexs .were j. F.
Hanes and iRobert Woodruff, of
MocksviUe, P. H. HanCs, Jr., A.
;g' Haii^, R, ;.M. Hones, b p
^ment; Jr.,.and E. D. \v^^'
ofTOi^n-Sarem; Carl Shenill r
Mfc U^, andj-Sullivan Sooe
je^alkettown. '< ' ^•g;'01emeat jiad^ many friends jg
MocksyiUe, ^ hii boyhood hoa
WlK) wi^ pained to hear of his nl
=^ely)deih. .P^etohis aste^"
Bio - Obituaries - 3/10/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 10,1920
B. J. Neely
B, J. Nedy, a well-known col
ored citizen of MocksviUe, dropped
dead Saturday afternoon aWt 2
o'dock while walking alodg the
sidewalk near the Second Presby
terian dinrdi. Beal bad been in
bad health for several years, and
had been a school teacher for many
yeais. He. was about 65 years old.
The fnneral and burial sdvices
were hdd Monday afternoon.
Harvey Bennett
. HanrQT Bennett, son of Mr. and
Mrs. D. p. Bennett, of Coraatzer,
died at' Cooteemee, of influenza-
pneumoniai on Feb. 29th, aged
about 20 years.- The body was
laid to rest at No Credc cUnrch on
March 1st,
Daughter Clary
* belittle four-year-old danghter
of Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Clary died
last week with whooping cough and
was IMd to rest at Center church
last Sunday.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/10/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 17,1920
Elizabeth Foster
Th^many of^Mrs. Eliz-
abetH Foster,* were saddened ' to
learn early Wednesday moxning of
her death. Altho she had lived to
a ripe old age, it came as a shock,
for she vr$s as well *89 usnal on
Tuesday, but was struck with par-
aly^sa1>out imdnightand passed
away about 4;^ A. M. Elizabeth
Carter Poster was bom Dec. . 16th,
>^35* Mar. 10, *1920, aged' '84years, 2 months and^ days. She
was a member of Pork Baptist
churdi forabo^t 63. years, and was
a faithful Christian mother,'peigh-
bor and friend. She l^'suivived by
one daughter at home,': Miss Rosa,
and one son, J. E. Jr., who resides
two mil^ from Fork, also four
grwdchildito and five great-grand^
cbildrm.- Her husbiuid J. E. Sr.,
died tvi^meaides during service in
the Ci^;'^arin i862«.. The fun
eral w^'held Thursday afrenlh^
froin Fork Baptist ^uicb.<kniducfr
edbyRev. Lloyd'HoUo^y, n of
Mocksville, and interment, was. in
Fork cemetery. Rdativesfrom a
distance attending the faneral'weie
Mr, and Mrs. 1,^ Walser and fam
ily, of Winston-Salera, H, B, Sni
der and fatniiy of Modksville, and
Mrs. Thos. Ridenhpur and'dattgh-
•ter, of Vadkin College. Wc. ex
tend sympathy to each of the. be
reaved. < "SOROSlS."
Infant McClannon
We are very sorry to hear of the
death of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mc-
Clannon's baby, which died Sun
Nannie,May Hutcbens Dead.
Nannie May Hntchens died March 8(h
at the hoole of her brother T. 'BS. Hateb-
ens, near Caiio, of blood poison, folkwina
ioflaeiiza. Nannie Mey was. 11 years old.
She leaves two sisters, two brothers and
^te a nomber of relatives to mooro bet
departure. Her parUng-messa^e to tbose
pr her loved ones wbo were near ber in the
last fflOfnents were for them all to be
good, and here eternity dawned and her
immortal spirit winged Us flight back tp<
God and Joined agafn fathw and mothw
who bad preceded her to the glory world.
Although Nannie May. has ueased to eing
for us. yet she.ia able to sing with tbe
ransom^ throng the molodious strains of
Moses and the hamb.' To the-brothers
and dsters we extend our heartfelt aym-
pattry. , K.T.PENRY.
Mrs. C. S. Massey
. Mrs. C. S." MasSi^ died at her
home in this city. Friday afternoon,
following an illne^ of about three
-wedcs with -infiue^a-pneumonia,
aged about 35 years. The funeral
^rvipes were held Saturday after-
iioonjat3 o'clock" by her pastor,
Rev. C. J.- Edwards, assisted by
Revs.<Holloway and. Peury, and
the body, laid to rest at ]^thel
chur^. Deceased leaves a hus
band and n three ^ children. Mr.
'Massey and one child have been ill
with influenza tor some time, but
have about recovered. . This is the
first death that has occurred in
town i^m infiuenza-pneumonia
since the eindeinic started.*
Rachel Redman
Mr, Flatter Redmon was (^led
to Farmington for the' last illness
and death, of bis mother, Mrs. Rach
el Redman. .V
Our village has sqffered the loss
of an excelient woman in tbe death
of Mrs. lUchel Redmon, which 00-
curr^ at her-home with her son Mr.
Tom Redmon last Wednesday room
ing, Burial at Pino. Rev. Vestal
conducted tbeservic^*
Mm. Redmon bad been almost a
constant aufterer for years, yet her
great worth-£0 her friends and lov
ed ones was expressed in her'con
stant cheerful dispoBition, her sunny
smile and woros of pleksant enconr^
ag^en.. OurJoss is Heaven's gain
and her eteroM joy. /
Bio - Obituaries - 3/17/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 24,1920
Harry Smith Carter
The.mulcitude of Rektives and. fnendfl
here and elsewhere were saddened Mon.
evenin(* when <he. message came over the
wires of the death-'bf Harry Smith Carter,
after aii illnets of eighteen days with
pneumonia.'in .Winston'Saiem. The body
was-bro'utihf ovier on first train Tues.-A.
M > and met at the station tyr relHtlves
and friends, and the entire student body
of the higher grades, of which he was a
former student, with their teapher. Miss
Overc^sh. The body was carrieo to the
home oj his uccle, J.X. Carter, and the
funeral held at 2 o'clock Tuesday, P. M .
8t Fork Bapt.ist church, conducted by Rev
June F. Carter, with special music by the
choir. The church was crowded to over
flowing. one of the loosest crowds ever
attending a funeral here, attesting bis
popularity and the high esteem in which
he was held. After a very touchir^ im
pressive service the general procession
marched tothecemetery'Ied by Che min
ister andveigbt young ladies who were
school.mates of the deceased, carrying
the many beautiful flowers, and next
twelve young men of tiis class mates as
pall bearers. His body was tenderly laid
to rest in the family plot by (be sMe of
his grandparents, the late Mr. and Mrs-
J.B, Smith. HanyS. Carter was bom
April 19.1902. died Mar. 15. 1920, age 17
yeors. 10 months and 26 days. He was
a good Christian boy. having Joined the
church on profession of faith, dt a tender
age, and lived a beautiful life, and as was
said at his funeral that he had hoc an
enemy in the world, was loved by all
who knew him, and his passing at the
threshold of life, has cost a gloom over
the entire community. He is survived
by his-parents Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Carterr
and^ree small brothers. Hlx. - Hubert
andTred. and a best of relatives and
friends, who deeply mourn, but are com
forted b^ause we believe he is "Safe In
the arms of Jesus." Peace, eternal oeace
to ills ashes. ' ~ "SOROSIS."
Hiur^ S. Carter Dies at Local Ho»>
pifal. .
Harry S: Carter died last night
at 7:30 o'clock at the Lawrence
Hospital, after an illness of »veral
day^with pneumonia. His age
was :8 years..
Mr. Carter came to this- city a
few months ago from Davie coun
ty, and was employed in the ship
ping department of the R. ,J. Reyji-
olds Tobacco Company,
The remains were taken to .Fork
Church, Davie county, this morn
ing,.where the. funeral and inter
ment occurred.—W^raton Sentinel,
W. T. Godbey
j W. T. Godbey died at his home
|on R. 2 early Tuesday moniing,
; aged about 48 years. The funeral
•and burial services were held
Thur^ay evening at Union Chap
el, Mr. Godbey is survived by his
wife and two children, his mother
and several' brothers and sisters.
Dan Griffin
DanGrilBu, an aged citizen of
Cooieemee, died March X4th and
was buried at Chestnut Grove .the
Son Foster
Tlie lo-year-old son of Mr.-^ and
f^'^-J5aijiel Foster, of R. 4, ! died
laslTue^ay of pneumonia,' and
*ras buried Wednesday afternoon
at Concord clmrch. h "■
Bio — Obituaries — 3/24/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 31,1920
Albert Foster
We neglected to chronicle the
death of one of our oldest and most
highly respected citizens, Mr. Al
bert Foster, who passed away- on
Feb. 29, jajid yr^.hiiried-.at -Forl;
ceinetery on Mar., 1920. . 5ad
he lived a few days more he would
have been '73 years of age.' He
was one of the oldest members'- of
Fork Baptist church, and a devoted
Christian, one who enjoyed.attendr
ing Sunday School, prayer meeting
and .aU 'services of'church worehip:'
He was also' a veteran of the . Civil
War. His wife and only child had
preceded him in death a number of
years ago, and at the time of his.
death he resided with the family of,
D. J, Fleming,' and the entire fam<
ily n except Mr. Fleming himself,
were stricken with influenza, and
Mr.- Foster developed pneumonia
and died, having sick only a
Monroe Murphy
few days. He .will , be greatly
missed in their home, and in this
community. Peace to his ashes.-.
' ' ''Sorosis."'
Monroe Murphy of R. i,"
Sunday night of heart trouble. The
body was laid to rest at Oak Grove
yesterday, A wife and two broth
ers survive. !
Bio - Obituaries - 3/31/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 7,1920
Mrs. R. M. Jamison
• Mrs. R. M. Jamison died Tues
day evening at eight o'clock at the
home of Mrs. Kate Holman, whmre
she had h'ved for many years. Mrs.
Jamison was in her 84th year, and
had been in declining health for
several years. The funeral was
held from the home at u o'clock
by her pastor, Rev. h* M. HoUo^
way, of the baptist church, after;
which the -body was carried to
Statesville and laid to rest beside
her husband who died many years
ago. Mrs." Jamison leaves many
relatives and friends throughout
this section. *
Nancy Walker
Miss Nancy Walker died at her
home near Redland Monday even
ing, March 29, aged 72 years. The
body was carried to Advance Tues
day afternoon and laid to rest, T.
W. Mock conducting the burial
services. Deceased issur\'ived by
two brothers and a host of rela
tives and friends.
S. J. M. Brown
I Rev. S. J. M. Brown, pastor of
the Episcopal church atCooleemeej
died last Wednesday afternoon at 4
o'clock, after an illness of several
weeks. Rev. Mr. Brown had many
friends throughout the countywho
will be saddened at the news of his
death. A wife aud daughter sur
vive. Peace to his ashes.
Mrs. Chas. P. Deadmon
Mrs. Chas. P. Deadmon, of Coo-
leemee, died at Long's Sanitorinm,
Statesville, early Saturday morn
ing. The funeral and burial .ser
vices were held at Liberty Sunday
ijitemoon. Mrs. Deadmon is sur
vived by her husbaud aud several
children, her parents and a host of
relatives and friends. She was a
ndce of Mesdames L. 6. Horn, W.
0. Denny and Mr. R. L. Wilson,
of Mocksville.
Amanda Minerva Hauser Allen
Aman^ Minerva Allen, maiden
pame Hauser, was bom Sept. 8th^
185? and ^ed Mar. 27,1920, 9^^
67 years, 6 mos. 18 dajre. Was
married to John H. Allen on Jm.
4, 1877. To this union rix child
ren were bom, all of whom are
living, visj 'William, of Davie,
Oscar 0: and J. H. Jr.. of Win-ston-Salem, Mrs, Le9 WilliaiM, of
Fork, Mrs. Wm. McCulloh. of
Wio^n-Ssdem, and Miss Came,
who is at home with ^er father.
Mis. Allen had been a member of
Fork Baptist church for more than
forty years, and her pleasant
wM bemi^td at church very much.
She was a faijthful attendant at
church, a loving wife and moth'tfand a kind neigbbwr. We ext^
sympathy to each of the bermved
In this sad hour. The funeral ser
vice were held Saturday
at Fork Baptist church, conductedbyRev.S.VHa«.o|W^gg~.
Bio - Obituaries — 4/7/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 14,1920
J. F. Harkey
J. F. Harkey, a well-known citi
zen of *Clarksville tpwnsliip, died
Saturdayiat.an.advanced age, and
was laid to.rest 'at Bear Creek Bap
tist ehiircb Sunday afternoon. Mr.
Harkey is snmved by several sons
and daughters, -aipong them being
Mrs. Robert Wilson, of this city.
Charlie O'Neal
Charlie O'Neal, who is in a hos
pital at Statesyille,- has taken a
backset and is not able to return
home.' Mr. O'Neal died Thursday
and the body was brought home
Friday and laid to rest at Chestnut
Grove. Deceased wm 23 yearn of
age, and is survived by bis wife<
and two small children. ■, I
Bio - Obituaries - 4/14/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 21,1920
Edward L Davit Pastes Away.
. Miami, Fla,, April 5, 1920.
Editco' Davie Record, and many
Mends and relatives in Davie
County and throughout North
'I announce the sad news that
Unde £d, as he is familiarly known
passed away at the Davis home at
Ifiicie, Fla., Saturday, March
aylh, a few minutes before twelve
o'dod:, noon, and at his request,
w^ laid to rest in the Fort Fierce
cemetery surrounded by his loved
ones with whom he has made his
home for the past eight or nine
years, and many kind fiiends he
has made since coming to Florida.,
Unde Rd has been in feeble
health for several years and shortly
after Christmas suffered a stroke of
pardysis from which be never ral-
li^. Everything th^ kind and
loving hands, could do for him has
been done. He often expressed a
desire to get wdl, although he was
r^gned to the will of God and was
ready when the call came. Unde
Ed' was 73 years of age.
. I asked him a few days before
his death, in one of his ludd. Inter
vals, if it ^1^ all right with him—
if he saw his way dear—and here-
plied in the affirmative.
About two years ago he express
ed a desire to live a Christian life
and connected himself with the
Presbyterian church, at Fort Pierce
and lived a consistent member to
the end. His kind pastor virited
him frequently during his last ill
ness and performed the last sad
nte on a. beautiful .. Snnday.^^^er^^
noon, ifarcli 28th, and h^wi& laid
to test under a bower of orange'
blooms and other beautiful flow-
ers;Ona bluff overlooking Indian
^yer, on whose waters he and his
loved nephew, Ed' Davis, Jr., spent
many pleasant hours in the nt^er-
ous ^rts for which it is so noted
and which he loved so well. It is
there he awaits the resurrection.
(Mrs.) J. W. DAVIS.
' pn the death of "Unde Ed," as
we always called him, the editor
lo^.oneofhis best friends. We
had known him for many years,
w^e he lived near Angusta, this
county; He was a big-hearted and
graerous friend—to know.him was
to love him. He wrote a number
oflinteresting artides for The Re
cord'after moving to Florida. It
is-with sadness that we chronide
the death of this old friend, but we
feel that he has gone to a bett^
land—a land where there is no pain,
no sorrow and no death. Peace to
his ashes which lie in the land of
sunslune and ffowers.—*Editor.]
Reece McCIamroch
^ '.Mr, Reece McCIamroch, an aged
drizen of the county, died at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Henry■AUgell, on R. 2, Thursday after-
h^n at 2 o'clock. The body wm
laid to rest at Eaton's Baptist
churcH Friday morning at eleven.o'dock. Mr. McClamrodi is ^r-^^ed by his wife and one daijgli-
ter. Peace to his ashes.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/21/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 28,1920
Verge A. Martin
Mr. Verge A. Martin, of Bast.
Bend, died at his home last week
after a short illness, aged 40 yeans, j
He was a leading citizen of Bastj
Bend and will be missed. He is|
survived by lus wife one son and |
two daagbters. He was a brottoj
of our townsman Dr. W. C. Mar-!
Bio - Obituaries - 4/28/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 5,1920
Jim Fuller
Al Gaither
*-Uncle" Jim Fuller, a colored
and highly respect^ mim died. Fri
day, April 23rd, aged '88 years.
"Aunt Bmeline," his'-companion,
Mr. AL Gaither died last Sattfr'
day and was laid to rest at Clarks-
bury r^ttrch Sunday morning at
II o'dc^.
Bio — Obituaries - 5/5/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 12,1920
Mrs. John Stonestreet
Stonestreet, .of 'iie»died early last Tuesday ntor-
^ illness of-lascliiiin^Wiiean trouble, aged 58^ ye^.
pw , and Innriar .sendbeis
'^5!? ^'«dncsday afti^oon atnioii Cliapel, her pastor. Rev. C.
lii: it • ®®*^dnctins the :sexvi-
Lv j, u Sl®nestreet is sorvived
swml i<)iB
Beaver Rupard
•. ;The body of Beaver Rupard, 3rd
cla^ engineer in the U. S. Navy,
who died at Vlodivostok, Siberia/
of jbbar pneumonia, on Feb aoth,
^iyedhere Friday morning and
was carried to bis old borne near
HimtsvUle,' Yadkin county, and
laid to rest.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/12/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 19,1920
C. H. Williams
Rev. C. H. Williams, for many
yeaxs pastor of the Second Presby-
tenan chtuch, died at his * home
bmre early Monday morning. He
^ras about 65 years of age, and had
been in declining health for several
months. He was brought home
Satarday morning from Charlotte,
wtere he had been in a hospital for
some time. - His death removes one
of ^e best known colored citizens
of the county.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/19/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 26,1920
Thomas Maxwell Brock
Ray LangstOQ Drowsed.
RayLt, LragBtqn.
son of Mr. and.Mrs* W. A, Isngtiton
of Winston-Satem, was drowned at
Gooteeniee Janction Friday moming
at8:30o'ek)ck. The deceased was
employed as a flagman on the South-
em railway and while standing on
the railway bridge at Gooleem^
Junction was knocks off thebrid^
by Bomeabifiing maSnd waadrbwB"
ed beforo be could be rescued. It
is said that the young man fell forty^
flvefeet before striking the water.
n The deceased is survived- by his
fath^ and mother, five brothers and
seven sisters. The body was laid to
rest at Jerusalem Sunday afternoon.
Good Slan Gone.
Mr. Thomas Maxwell Broek. of Farm-,
lostoa. ooe of Davie county's best known
and beloved cUiaens. died Satorday af
ternoon of heart iroutde, aged 82 years.
Mr. Brock was taken il! eariy Saturday
morning, and his almost sudden death
was a great shock to his many friends
and relatives. The foneral and burial
services were cooeucted by Rev. . J. W.
Vestal, of Farmlngton. assisted by Rev.
Mr. Wall, of Wyo. Deceased Is survived
by two Suns and two daughters, two baif-■brothets and two half-sisters, many rela'
lives and a host of friends. Mr. Brock was
a Confederate soldier, having enHsted<
in Stewart's Cavalry. It is with sadnessthat we chronicle the death of this, goodfjlend. jPeoce to hts ashes.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/26/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Felix Miller b,12 Oct 1824j^^ May 1864|Gordonville VA CSA
m. 30 Jun 1844 —^
Elizabeth 'Betsy' TEMPLE/CRAVER Lanier b.l4 Mar 1826 Davidson Co NO
d.03 Feb 1925 Davidson Co NC
Residence: Yadkin College Township Davidson County NC
Bur: Felix: Gordonville VA; Elizabeth: Friendship Meth Ch Cem;
Felix's parents:
Elizabeth UVENGOOD Miller
Elizabeth's parents:
Felix & Elizabeth's ch: nine
Levi Franklin Miller b. 10 Nov 1845/^.06 Jan 1904^)
M. IMImi t.wv.1 ..I I .1 ,,
Phoebe Elizabeth WILSON b.Ol Jul 1850(d.02 Jim 192g)
Res: Friendship Church Community Davidson Coij^^SfC
Bur: Friendship Meth Ch Cem
Crissy Jane Miller b.28 Dec 1848(d. 14 Mar 1931^
m. 18 Jan 1877 (6 ch)
David King Cecil b.20 Feb 1851 d.l2 Jan 1923
Res: Lex. NC
Bur: Lex. City Cem
Isaiah 'Boat' Miller b.20 Jan 1850(^J^y .1?34;5
Eliza Jane JAMES b.25 Dec 1848 £281^ 19lio^
Res: Hwy 150 Reedy Creek Comimmity Davidson County NC
oS Bur: Friendship Meth Ch Cem
Sarah Ann Mller b.22 May 18533r22Jul'l8"9£)
m. 23 Jul 1874 Davidson Co NC Yadkin College Tow^hip (nine ch)
David Washington Shulerb.28 Aug 185(Ld.l7 Jan 1^3)
Res: Davidson Co NC; Davie Co NC;
Bur: Concord Meth Ch Cem Davie Co NC
Ellen Frances Miller b.20 Oct 1855^10 Apr 1931^
m 18 Nov 1879 Davidson Co NC
James Rankin Caudle b.22 Jan 1858^^07 May 1930
Res: Greensboro NC
Bur: Greenhill Cem Greensboro NC
DeliMMffler b.l858(dL03l^ 1891
Osvis Countv
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 23,1920
Robert C. Knox
Robert C, Knox, well-known
f cKizeti and /amier of CMeveland,
I county, was killed by l|gbt-jDWg. While going to his ffflfin, a
iMile from his residence, he took
JsueUer under a tree when a small
Lightning striking
I tnt tree, kiUed him instantly.
Bio — Obituaries - 6/23/1920 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY