Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 5,1939
Mrs. Garwosd Passes.
Bfnt. Betty Banihardt Oirwood,
MocksviHe, Roate 3, died last Mot?,
day momiog at 3: to o'clock at a
Wltistflti.Saletti hospital. She was
the widow of the late Samuel Ellis
Gar wood who died October 35,
Mrs Garwood was botn October
,iS6j, in Davie ooanly where she
lived all of her life. She was mar.
tied to Mr. Garwood in 1884.
Mrs. Garwood was a luetnber of
the Fulton M. E. Church.
She is survived bw three sous, W.
B., of Davle couutv; S A. and C.
E., of Winston.i5alein; five daugh
ters, Mrs. T. f. Fojiter, of Wins,
ton Salem; Mrs. J. C. Kntts, Mrs.
J. F. Myers, Mn. L. C. Wjratt,
and Mrs. Paul Bailey, of Da'.ie
county; two brothers, J. C. Bam-
bardt, of Davidson county; and C.
J. Earnhardt, of Cooleemee; and
24 g'randchildren.
The service proper was held at
the Pork Baptbt chnrcb at 3 o'clock
lait Tuesday, with Rev. J. F. Car«
Rev. E W. Turner, and Rev.
Mr. Smith, in charge.
Interment was in the chnrcb
Mrs. L R. EUer.
Mrs. Mary Lou EUer, 48, died at
Rowan Memorial Hospital, Salis
bury, last Thursday motniug fol
lowing a snort illness.
Mrs EUer was a native of Dawfe
county, the daughter of Mr. ann
Mrs. Jl'L. HamiUon, of MocksvHle,
R. 4. She Is survived by her, par
ents, bet husband and uine child-
Ten. Three brothers S. J. Harall.
ton. Granite Quarry, R. F. and J.
H. Hamilton, of Davie county ano
two sisters, Mrs. J. Seaford, ol
Davle, and Mrs. C. L, Croits, of
Granite Quarry, also survive.
Funeral services were held Wed.
sesdov afternoon at 4 o'dock, at
Christiaoia. Lutheran Chttrch, in
Rowan county. Mrs. EUer was a
resident of Granite Quarry.
Mikoii Wattf 8 KRled.
Milton Watery, 38, was instantly
killed shortly after 9 o'dock Fri.
day evening, wheo a tmck he was
driving left the hlgfiway near the
Ltsha Creek bridge on the Wins-
t-m-Salem bilgbwny and turned over
io the creek. The bodv of Waters
was fouml about 60 feet from the
truck. Coroner Lester P. Martin,
who is also count v pbysidio, em-
pannelled a jury, who viewed the
body, and adjourned to meet at the
court house Saturday morning at
10 o'clock. After hearing all the
evidtoce, .the jury rendeted a ver
dict that Waters came to bis death
as the result au automohile wreck
Mr. Waters sustained a fracluted
skull, a brokra neck and other In-
jitries. The ifucfc he was driving
belonged to a Mr. Hinkle, of Thorn-
asvill^ and it was bsdlv damaged.
Mr. Waters la OTtvived by bis
widow and three sons, bis parent«.
three brothers and five sisters. Fun-
eral services were held at the borne
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with
Rev. £ M. Avett in charge, and
the body kid to rest io Rose ceme.
C. C. Myers
Former Davie Man Dead
CJ C. Myers. 80. a former resid-
entof Mocksville, died at the home
of his daughter, Mrs W. W Get-
wood, In Winston Salem early Sdtur-
day morning. Funeral servfees were
held at E'baville Methodist ehorrb
Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock,
with Mv. G. K. Holt in charge.-and
the body laid to rest in the churc1>
cemetery. Mr. Myers was, a good
man and will be missed by a host of
Bio - Obituaries - 7/5/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Funeral services were held last
Sunday afternoon at the home in
Mocksville for Henry Milton Waters.
38, who died from injuries received
in a truck accident on the night of
June 30.
A truck he was driving left the
highway at LIsha creek bridge on
tlic Winston highway, turned over
in the creek. His body was found by
B. I. Smith, chief of police, about
60 feet beyond the creek. He received
a broken neck, fractured skull and
other Injuries. The truck belonged
to a Mr. Hinkle of Thomasvllle and
was being used to haul on a W. P. A.
-He is survived by his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Marvhi Waters; by his
widow, formerly Miss Katherlne
wall, and three children; John
Henry, Betty and Robert. The fol
lowing sisters and brothers also
survive: Mrs, O. R. Kurfees, Rlch-
mbnd, Va., Mrs. W. P. Amos, Jr.,
Asheboro, Mrs. Paul Mason, Mocks
ville, Mary Waters, StatesvUle, and
Jean Waters at home; Sam, John
arid Bob Waters, all of Mock&vllle.
•The funeral was conducted by
Rev. E. M. Avett and Interment was
In the Rose cemetery. Pallbearers
were J. C. Dwlggins, J. W. Rod-
well, Jr., Howard IJames, J. K.
Sheek, Jr., Bob Xionler and Hanes
Mrs. Emma Foster Bailey, 62, died
Wednesday morning at 5 o'clock at
her home In Advance. She was the
daughter of William and Martha
Stuart Bailey and wife of Joe R.
Bailey who survives.
Surviving children are: Cicero
and Frank of Advance, John and
Richmond of Lexington, Mrs. Stella
Arman of High Point, Mrs. Lela Mae
Lanler and Miss Eliza Bailey of Ad
vance, route 1: Miss Mattie Bailey
of Lexington. Eight grand children
also survive.
The funeral was held yesterday, at
the Elfaavillc church, conducted by
Rev. O. K. Holt and assisted by
Rev. T. L. Smith. Interment was In
the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/7/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEBMEE—T. B. Whltley, 69,
died at his home here on Wednesday
morning after an Illness of only 5
The funeral was held .yesterday
at Jericho church, conducted by the
Rev. Klrkendahl, and interment was
In the church cemetery.
He is .survived by his widow, for
merly Miss Nora Burton, and by 3
sons and 2 daughters;'J. O. of Wash
ington, D. C.; P. W. of Katmapolls
and W. B., at home; Mrs. W. F. Sha
ver of Woodleaf and Mrs. Irvln
Steele of Cleveland. Eleven grand
children also survive.
Funeral services for Christian
Conrad Myers, 80, who died on July
1 at the home of a daughter, Mrs.
Garwcod ta Wlnstorf-galem,
were held last Sunday. The first
scrviye was at the home of a son,
Thomas'E. Myers, In Winston, fol
lowed by a concluding service at the
filbavillc Methodist church at «1:3Q
p. ni. Interment was in the church
cemetery. Mr. -Myers was a lifc-
tong member of the Elbavlllc church
and was also once a resident of
'Son of James and Sarah Shutt
Myers, both of Davle county, Mr.
Myers was a resident of Davle dur
ing his entire lifetime. He was on a
visit when he died.
He is survived by the following
children: Mrs. Frank McCubblns of
Rowan, Mrs. C. H. sink of Clem-
mons, l^s. W. W. Oarwodd and Tho
mas E. Myers, both of . Winston.
Twenty nine grand children and 3d
great grand children also survive.
Pallbearers were Ray, Cecil and
Milton Garwood, Roy, Lawrence and
Frank Smith.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/7/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 12,1939
Charles B. Reavis.
Yadkinvilie. J0I7 SLMfliailio B. Reavis,
dlo) eaily Wedonday iiioroiiig at bis
hoBie at Omtnoey, after a Isog i!li»aa. He
j was-a deatoo in Ooonoey Bapttst dnudi.
I. Ur Reavia was bom ia YadUa cauaty.
(a son of (be late Kf. and Mrs. WUllam
j Reavfs. His fathor died ooly a few yean
.ajje at the aga of 101 yesjs. He (vastaar
jxled to Ulis Sallie CmaGU, wbo satvives
jblm, togetber with three cMtdren. Mrs
H. It Meaning, of Winston Soleqi; Mm W
Ji Sappanfietd. of Wbitesbom Texas, and
Mr8.G»dy W.'MlUer, of Cotinney; two'
brothets, t & Reavis. of Lone Htskoiy and
W. D. Reavis. of David county, end three
sUters, Mrs NetUe Wl;klna. of MocbsvUle:
Mm UUle Rsavis Hayes, of Lone Bicboiy,
and Mrs. ISoliie Batty, of Cooitnor* aim
The fiineial was held at Connney Bap«
tist oboTch at II o'dock Tbuieday morn*
ing and bttiial followed in the cbmcb
eemetery. Ministers was Rev. R. fL Adanu
Rev. R L. West* the phStor, and the Rev.
Mr. UcSwsioQ. of Harroooy.
Mrs. Joe R. B<tiley,.68> died eaily Wed
nesday morning at her home in Advancsk
The foDoal wes held Thursday afternoon
at 3 o'dsck at ElbaviUa Cfamch.
She la survived by bar bosband; four
eons, Cicero end FTacb, of Advouce; John
and Ricbmcod. of Ltsifigton; four ^ush-
Mm .Stella Anson. of High Pi lni;
Urn Lcia Mao Lanier and Mias E&a Bail;
ey, of Advance, and Mist Matiia Bailey,
of Leadngtos, and two brathsm, Jeter and
Sam Foster, of Advettcr,
T. B. Whitley.'
T. B WLItl^, of Cocleeoiee. fi8, died
Wednesday fflnnittg at bia home after an
iilness of only .a few boom funeral
was held IbaiMay at Jerichor
He is survived by bis widow; three sona.
J. O., of \ynfditngt(Hii p. C» P. W. of Kab-
nnpolis. and W. OL, at faomv; end two
doDgfaters. Mrs. V/. F Sbsvet; of Woo(tl<>af,
and Mrs Irving Sti>el<-, of Clevetand. One
brotbei; F. B. WMiley, of Greenaboro, oIm
sitrvivea. Funeral ser^cea were conriact<
ed by Rev El .m K'jy^andeH, n of Nasb-
vilie, Ttinn.
I James L Mechnm.
. Jam^ L. Mcchum, 64, died sud
denly at Ilis home at Advnni^
Thursday morning; Funeriial ser
vices were held at Shady Grove |
Methodist Srihrday afkernAon nt
3 o'clock, ard the body laid 10 rett
in the charch 'cemetery. |
. Mr. Mechem is survived by bis
I widow, two sons, Frank, of n Kan-'
tfapolis, and John -at borne; six'
daughters, Mr.ot Anna' Plott, Ad
vene.', R. ];. Mrs. Maiy Johnson, '
Mrs. Kdna Wtliard, M-.«. Sallie Ui *
■derwood, Mrs. George Phlllipt and'
Mrs. Mary Normati, all of High
Point, and one brotbet. I02 Mech-.tun, of Florida. |j Cicero T. Holton. S
» (^oero T. Holtoa. 79. died Sunday at bis
home near Oiio^ Iredel' cosoiy SurvlvlRgIs aixisons. foot briers and two aittera.^
Funeral and borial setvicea t(^ p'acs at
4 o'dsdb M<mday afternoon at PtoVldence
Methodist cborefa. Mr Holton ia a brotb*
er of our townsman, J. L Huiton. ^
Bio - Obituaries - 7/12/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Mrs. B. J. Sftunders, 18, died Wed
nesday at 2:15 at the home of a son,
W, 6. Quunders la Nurlh Coolecmcc.
Mrs. Sounders suffered a stroke of
paralysis on Insi Sunday and had
been gradually sinking since the
She Is the daughter of the late
Mr. and- Mrs, W. Davis of Montgo
mery county. Mrs. Sounders had
been a resident of Davie for the past
thirty years, and had spent aii of
this time at her home In Coolecmcc.
6he Is survived by 0 children, Mrs.
J. B. Weaver or Winston,Salem, Mrs.
Maud Stewart and Mrs. J. Q, spii pf
Cooleemee, E. B. Sounders of Char
leston, West Virginia, J. J. Sounders
of Kentucky and W. S. Saunders of
Mrs. Sounders married .W,* IS,
Saunders on November 1,1880.
The funeral was held yesterday
ofternoon at the son's home in Coo
leemee, conducted by her pastor.
Rev. A. T. Btoudemlre, pastor oi the
Baptist church. Interment was In
the churchyard of Chandler's Grove
church in Montgomery county.
Active pallbearers were grand
sons: J. C., Jr., Charles and Bryan
Sell, Kermlt and Shcrrlll Chandler
and O. H. Stokea.
Miss Chloe J. Jones, 70, known as
"Aunt Kess", died in the Mock's
church comintmity Tuesday morn
ing at G:SO a. m. She was the dau
ghter of the late Wiley and Eliza
Hopkins Jones, ''
Funeral was held Wednesday at 2
o'clock at Mock's church, conducted
by Rev. T. L, Smith, interment was
in the church cemetery.
The deceased Is survived by a bro
ther, Willlani Jones of MocksvUle.
Final rites were held Saturday af
ternoon at Shady Grove Methodist
ohurch for James L. Mechum. 64,
who died at his home In Advance on
Thur^ay. Interment was In the
cKof ^ cemetery. —
Mr. Mechum is survived by his
widow, six daughters, Ofts. Anna
Plott of Advance, Mrs. Muxy John
son, Mrs. Edna Williard, Mrs. Sal-
11c Underwood, Mrs. George Phil
lips and Mrs. Mary Norman, all of
High Point: two sons, Frank of
Kannapolls and John at home; one
brother, Joe Mechum of Florida.
' Funeral services were held lost
Thursday morning at the Courtney
Baptist church for Charlie B. Rea-
vis, who died at his home In Court
ney the previous morning. Inter
ment was in the church cemetery.
Mr. Reavis was the son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. William Reavis. He is
survived by bis widow, the former
Miss SoUie Cranfill, and three dau
ghters: Mrs. H. R. Meuning of Wln-
ston-Salem, Mrs. W. J. Sappenfleld
of Whltesboro, ' Texas, and Mrs.
Orady W. Miller of Courtney. Two
brothers and three sisters also sur
vive: I: S. Reavis of Lone Hickory,
W. D. Reavis of Davie county, Mrs.
Nettle wukins of MocksvUle, Mrs.
ZJUie Reavis Hayes o.f Lone Hickory
Wd Mrs. Mollle Baity of Courtney.
The funeral of little Clarence
Donald RfcClamrock was held at Oak
Orove Methodist Church on the Da
ve Circuit Sunday afternoon July
9th at 2:30 o'clock by the pastor.
Rev. A. A. Kyles. Clarence Donald
McClamrock, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Uoyd McClamrock of Cooleemee,
-was bom November 20, 1037 and
died July 7,1930. Death fallowed a
very brief illness and was a shock
to relatives and friends. The de
ceased Is survived by his parent, two
sisters, Evelyn and Doris Jean, and
one brother, Alex Franklin. Friends
and neighbors extend to the berea
ved family their heart-felt sym
pathy and pray that Qod'a grace
may comfort and strengthen them
In the bourn of sorrow. '"
Bio - Obituaries - 7/14/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Edwin Duke Kimbrough
Edwin Duke Kimbrough, 29, bom
here on Jan. 4,1010 and son of John
A. and Lula C. Smith Kimbrough,
former MocksvUle residents, died
suddenly at his home In Winston*
Salcm last Saturday. He was strick
en In his yard and died before me
dical assistance could reach him.
A member ot the leaf department
of the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.,
he Is survived by his widow, for
merly Miss Lula Burleson, his par
ents and two brothers, James A.
end William F. Kimbrough.
Funeral services were held last
Thursday afternoon at the home of
a sister-in-law, Mrs. T. J. Ellis for
B. Ellis, 75, widely known
i Davic citizen who passed away
at his home nehr • Blxby on the
previous Wednesday morning fol-
lowi.ng a'stroke. The concluding ser
vice was at the Elbavlllc Mchtodlst
church and interment was in the
church cemetery.
Mr. Ellis s survived-by a son, W. B.
Ellis, Jr. of Orcenvlllc, S. C.; by a
brother, R. L. Ellis of AshevUle; by a
sister, Mrs. R. J. Ramer of Ander
son, S. C. and 3 grand children.
Prominently engaged in the toba
cco manufacturing business in Win-
ston-Salem for many^ years, Mr.
Ellis In recent years devoted his time
to farming.
Pallbearers were Dr. O. V. Greene,
George and Paul Comatzer, J. H.
Robertson, B. R. Bailey, Jr.'and S.
S. Sheets.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/21/1939 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 2,1939
Dr. Henry F. Long.
Dr. Henry F. Lon&70.oneof the state'
most famooa snrfteons, died at his bom<
in Statesville Friday fnomiog at tO o'cloci
following a two week's tiineas. Funen
services were heKI at the home Frida
afternoon at 6;S0 o'clock, and the litui
laid to rest in Oakwocd cautetery.
Or. Long orgaoizrd the LoogSaoatotiui
at Statesville 34 years ago, and was its at
tive head until a few years ago.
Dr. Long la survived Dy his widow at
nine children six sans and three daugh
era, among them being Dr. W. M Lui
and Mrs. L 6 Sanfoid, of this city.
A. C. Wood.
A- C. Wood, 86, of Advance, oiie
of Davie county s oldest and best
known c'tizeti«, died Saturday oigb;
in a Wiuston'Salem bo.spiial. Fan.
eral set vices were held at Advance
Baptist chtt:c'i Snnday afternoon a|
3 o'clock and the body laid to rest ]
in the cbtsrch cemetery. There'
arc 00 ioKDcdiate Kurvivers. '
Bio - Obituaries - 8/2/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 4,1939
Alcxonder Ciccro Wood, 86. long
resident of Advance, died in a Wln-
ston-Salem hospital last Friday
night. The funeral was held iSun>
day nt 3 o'clock at Advance Bap
tist church, conducted by Rev.
Olecn Allgood. Interment was In
the church cemetery. He Is survived
by 4 grand and 9 great grand chil
L. P. Joyce, 70, partner of the
Jesse a. Bowen Piano Co. In Winston
Salcm and uncle ot Mrs. D. li. Far-
due of Mocksville, died suddenly
Sunday while vacationing at Myrtle
Beach. A native of Sunry county,
Mr. Joyce had many friends In Da-
vlc county. The funeral was held
Wednesday at the home and inter
ment was in Salcm cemetery. Mr.
and Mrs. Parduc and Mrs. Lela Joy
ce, the lattor's mother, attended the
funeral. n
Mrs. Polly Allen McDanlel, 29.
died yes();rday morning at 4:30
o'clock at the home ot her mother,
Mrs. 0. W. Allen neor Smith Orove
The funeral will be held'Saturday
at 3 o'clock at Bethel Me.thodlst
church, conducted by Rev. J. W.
Vestal, and interment will be in the
church cemetery.
She li survived by her husband,
W. Kermlt McDanlel, mother, and
the foll6wlng brothers and sl^rs;
Glenn, Ollle and Gene Allen, all of
Mocksville, route 3. Mrs. Ray Philips
of Hanes, Mrs. Carl Williams and
Mrs. Marvin Bates, both of route 3.
Floyd P. Beck, 41, died at his
homo on route 4, Wednesday after
noon at 7:10 o'clock.
He Is survived by his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Houston Beck; by his wi
dow, Mrs. Bertha Potts Beck, and
3 children: Lucille, Hallene and
Minnie Ruth, Beck; by 3 brothers
and a sister;*'Charlie, George and
Clyde Beck and Mrs. Dora Cable, all
of route 4.
The funeral will be held this af
ternoon at 3 o'clock at the Fork
church, conducted by Rev. E. W.
Turner and T. I. Caudell, and Inter
ment will be In the church cemetery.
Dr. Hienry Fletcher ^ng, 70, not
ed surgeon of Statesvllle and father
of Dr. W. M. Long and Mrs. Oalther
Sanford of Mocksvlle, dlcti last Frl-
doy at his home of complications
following a two-wcck Illness of ery
The funeral was held at the home
Friday afternoon and Interment
was in the family plot in Oakwood
He is survived by his widow, Mrs.
Carrie Allison Long, and the follow
ing children: John F.. Statesvllle;
Miss Mary Anna Long, who is em
ployed in the law library at Duke
University; Dr. Long here, Mrs. W.
I. Howell of Hamlet,'Thornton of
Wlnston-Salem, Henry A., Locke O.
and Robert Long of Statesvllle and
"Mrs. Sanford here. Ten grand chil
dren also survive.
Dr.'Long was graduated at the.
Baltimore College of Physicians and
Surgeo^ In 1888 andcthe following
year began his practice In States
vllle with bis father, iDr, John P.
Long. He established Long's Sanato
rium 34 years ago and was one of
the prominent and beloved citizens
of this entire section of .the state.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/4/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 9,1939
.D,. W. B^roes Pasises.
D. W, Bames, 87, father of Mrs.
B. P.* Garrett. of Center, native of
Dayidson county, who died at his
have on Route 5, Lexington,' on
Thursday morning, July 27. at 11
o'clock, after an illness of.'five
weeks, was bnried in Chestnut Hill
cemetery Friday afternoon, Tnlv 28.
llie funeral Bervices took place
at the home at 2 o'clock, conducted
by Rev, Mr. Teague, of Smith
Gmve, as^sted by Rev. Mr. Oavia
of.Bnoh; after which the fuueral
party left immediately lor the ce*
,'SnrvlyIng Mr. Barnes are the fol
lowing sous gud daughters: W. F.
Barnes, -SaiisbUTy, R. 1; O. L
Bamtt, Lexington, R. 3; R. T.
Barnes, Linwood,' R. i; Mrs. R. L.
Buie, of Lexington, R. Si' Urs. B.
P.^'Garrett, Mocksville/R. i; Mrs.
Btnest Carter, Lexington, R. 5.
Also two sisters, Mrs. Jrony HU*
lard, oi Davidson county, and Mrs
Cyuthia Sharp, of Lezlngton; also
27 grabdcWdVen and 32'. attest
Mr. Barnes was d welt ' known
farmer of Davidson County and war
loved by ail who knew him. He
has lett many fiien^ to mboro hi>«
Floyd P. Beck.
Floyd P. Bods, 41, died Wednesday otgbt
at hta iMme^ Modsvllte Route 4.
The funeral was hdd Friday afternoon
atSo'rioekat FotfcQutreh. Burial waa
In ttte ctuuch graveyard.
8^:viflg are the widow; cbieechlMrer.
H^ne and Mlooie Ruth Beck; Ida
paieots, B!r. and Urs. Rooston Beck; three
biodwfa, f^rlioi, George and Gtyde Beek,
eIlafBfo^avltte.R<nits4:andooe sister.
Ris. Dora Csbte, of MocksvUle, Route 6.1-
Mrs. W. K. McDanlel. 29, died Thursday
at the home of her mother. Mrs. C. W.
Allen. Dear Siolth Grove.
The funeral was held Saturday ufter-
nooD at 3 o'clock at Bethel Methodist
dutrcfa. Burial was in the church grave
Surviving are the husband; mother;
' three biatnera. Glenn. Oilieand Gene AOea
all of UoduvIIle. Route 3; and three slstera
Mis. Ray Pbillipe. of Banes; Bits, Call
WUliams and Mrs. Maivlu Bates, of Uocke-
I viile. Route 3.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/9/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 16,1939
A. S. McDaniel Passes.
A. S. McDaniel, 72 of R. 3. di^
in Rowan Memorial HospiCt>l, Salis
bury, Friday morning sbortiy after
11 o'clock, followioi; a month'a ill-
b®®®' . .j .
Punerat aervices were beld at
Smith Grove Metbodtst chareh Son-
dby afternoon at S o'clock, with Rev,
J. W. Vestal in charge, and the
body laid to rest in the church ceme
tery. . . . , , ..
Mr. McDani^ is survived by his
widow and seven children, eix sinv,
James A., of Richmond {IE, Wash
ington. D. C.; Johnme Winston-Sa-
iem; fVances Sn-ith Grove; .Eertnii
and Seth, at home, and Mrs. Prank
B. Cash. Uorganton. Three brotl*
era, G. R UcDa^el, R* 3; N. P. He-
Daniel, High Point, and Jasper He*
Daniel Smith Grove.«af)d one aiater,
Mrs. Tom Plott, of R. 3. also survive.
Mr. McDaniel was one of The Re
cord's long time friends, and It I
with sorrow that we chroidc e his
Wilihm F. James*
William P. Jam^ 88, died at the
home of bis daughter, Mrs. J C.
Brock, at Farmlngton. Friday morn-
ing at 7 o'eloek. following a linig ill-
Mr. James is snrvived by two
daoghtera, Mrs. Blanche'firock and
Mra. G. H- Graham, of Farmington;
four sons, E, C.. C. D., and H. C,
James, of Farmington, and 6. R.
James, o f Winston-S;^em. M r.
James was a native of Farmington,
and was for years a tnercbant, to-
baoeo mannfaetnrer and potter.
Funeral serviced were held at
Farmington Methodist charch Son-
day morning at 10 o'clock, with Rev
J. W. Vestal in charge, and the body
laid to rest in the chnrch cemetery.
Mrs. Rnssell Bemeat.
Mra, Rnssell Bessent, 45, of Jeru.
salem, died at 6 o'clock Friday mom-
log at Davis Eloapital, StatesvUie,
fdllowlng an illness of several
months. Fnnera* servieeB were held
at the homo Saturday afternoon at
3 o'clock, conducted by Revs. A. A.
Kyle, and J. W. Foster, and the body
laid to rest in Cherry Hill cemetery.
Surviving is the huaband, two
daughters, Jane and Nancy and one
brother, Paul Wood, of Fredrick.
H. H. Simth.
Henry H. Smith, 79^ died at' his
home in Farmington last last Wed
ncsday night. He was found dead
in bed, and his death was a sevm
shock to bis family,
Mr. Smith is.Gttrvived by his wife,
two sons, Price and Price Smith,
all of Farmington; and one dauph
ter, Mrs, Ralph Pegram, Winston-
Salem, and font grannchtldren.
Funeral and burial sendees took
place a t Betblebem' Methodist
chtirch Friday, with Rev, J. W»
Vestal in cbarjge.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/16/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 18,1939
Bessie Wood Bessent
Funeral services for Mrs. Bessie
Wood Bessent, 45, who died lost Fri-
ady in a BtatesviUe hospital, were
held Saturday afternoon at the
home at Jerusalem. Interment was
in the Cherry Hill Lutheran ceme
tery. Rev. A. A. Kyles and Rev. J.
W. Foster conducted the service.
The daughter of the late Ran
dolph and Lula Hendrlcks Wood of
Davle county. Mr.s. Bessent is sur
vived by her husband, Russell Bes
sent; two daughters, Jane and Nan
cy; one brother. Paul Wood of Prod-
erlok, Md.
Mrs. Bessent was head of the so
cial welfare department of the Er-
w|n Cotton Mills at Coolccmee for
Che past foitc years and was great
ly beloved by the many who knew
her. She had been 111 for several
months and hope for her life had
been despaired of.
Pallbearers were L. M. Graves, G,
C. Graves, B. W. singleton, Dr. M.
a. Hoyle, E. M. Holt and c. B. Hoo
Funeral services were held lost
Friday morning at Bethlehem Me
thodist church for Henry Harrison
Smith,'70, of Farniington who died
^e'prevlous Wednesday. Interment
was in the church cemetery and the
service was conducted by Rev. J. W.
Vestal, assisted by Rev, J. H. Bren-
dali of Winston.
Mr. Smith was the son of Holden
and Nancy Eaton Smith and Is sur
vived by his widow, Mrs. Inga Qantt
Smith; by two sons. Price and
Pierce, and a daughter, Mrs. Ralph
H. Pcgram of Winston. Mr. Smith
was a well known l^Iason and the or
ganization had charge of the grave
side services. He was found dead in
Doris Thelma Foster, 0, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poster of
route 2, Mocksvuie, died at a atates-
viUe hospital Wednesday at 7. Pi M.
The funeral will be held today at
3 o'clock at the Bethlehem Metho
dist church, conducted by Rev. J. W.
Vestal. Burial will be In the church
She Is survived by her parents and
the following brothers and sisters:
Robert and Johnny, Opal, Magalene,
Hallle, Betty Lou and Mrs. Gray
Smith of Advonce, route l.
The child died of food poisoning,
it was thought. Two other members
of the family are In the hospital and
tv/o additional ones ore 111 at home.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/18/1939
Funeral seWlces were held lost
Sunday at Smith Grove Methodist
church for Albert Spencer McDan-
lel,*72, who died Friday at a'Balls-
bury hospital. Interment was in the
church cemetery.
The deceased lived in the Dulln
church neighborhood and was the
son of George W. and Suzanna Wil
liams McDanlel. He is survived by
his widow, Ida Summers McDanlel,
and the following children: Mrs. P.
B. Ca^, Morganton; Jas. A.. Rich
mond; I. E., Washington, D. c.;
John S., Winston; O. F • Advance,
route 1; Kermlt and Seth. route 3,
MocksvlUc. The following brothers
and'slsters' also survive; • Joseph,
route 3; N. P., High Point; Bonus,
route 3; Mrs. Thomas Plott, route
3. Seventeen 'grand children and
one great grand child also survive.
Active pallbearers were Harvey i
Gobble, Woodrow Kennedy, Thur-
man Foster, Brady, Reld, Robert,
Bill and Everett McDanlel.
Elmer B. Smith, 34. died Monday
evening in a Winston hospital. The
funeral was held Wednesday at 3
o'clock at Fulton Methodist church,
conducted by Rev. E. W. Turner,
with Interment In the church ce
The son of Samuel D. and -Bessie
Hege Smith, he Is survived by his
father, step mother, and the follow
ing brothers and slaters: Hege of
Keokek, Iowa; Thauso of Winston;
S. D. Jr. of High Point: Mrs. W. J.
Leach of Mocksville The following
half sisters and brothers also sur-<
vlve: Misses Arvesta and Ruth,
Kormlt and John Smitlr, alt of
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 18,1939
Funeral services for William
Franklin James, 8B, who died last
Friday at the home of a daughter,
Mrs. J. C. Brock at Farmlngton,
were held Sundoy morning at the
Farmington Methodist church. The
Rev. J. W. Vc'stol and Rev. W. J. S.
Walker conducted the rites. Inter*
menl was in the church cemetery.
Mr, Jamcs» a Well known native of
Farmington who was formerly a
merchant, tobacco manufacturer
and potter, Is survived by the fol
lowing children: Mrs. Brock and
Mrs. O. H. Brock, E. C., C. D. and M.
C. James, all of Farmington, and O.
R. James of Wtnston-Salcm. Seven
teen grand and 10 great grand chil
dren also survive.
^Pallbearers were grandsons of the
deceased: Kelljf Woodrow, _ B. ^
Jr. and Howard James,' Rdy Gra
ham of Yadklnvllle and A. C. Wal
ker of Cooleemee. Flower girls were
Misses Frances Seats, Ladccn Lakcy,
Margaret J. Brock, Kate Vestal, An
nie Lois and Nancy Furches.
D. W, Montgomery
Funeral services wore held for the
Rev. D. W. Montgomery, prominent
Davlc County colored minister and.
educator, at the First Calvary Bap
tist Church in Salisbury, last Thurs
day, A large number of friends from
surrounding counties filled the
church. The funeral sermon was
preached by the Rev. W. A. Tutt,
pastor of First Calvory Church, who
used as bis theme "I have fought a
good fight; I have finished my
Daniel Webster Montgomery was
bom in Lincoln county. North Caro
lina, on Juiie 0,18S7. His early train-'
ing was received in that county. Lat
er he entered Shaw. University, Ra
leigh, whore he" feroduated in the
early 80's. Ho came to MocksvlUe 24
years ago as pastor of the Shlloh
Baptist Church and held that po
sition until his death lost week.
Probably his most outstanding work
was In thcfleld of cducaUon. Ho was
one of North Carolina's oldest
school teachers having given about
00 years of his life to that work and
having taught here in the Davle
County Training School approxim
ately 20 years. Through his untiring
efforts-he distinduished himself as
one of the outstanding leaders of
the colored'race;*
He is surviVed'by his wife and one
son, both of whom live in Salisbury.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/18/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 23,1939
R. S. Howie
Joseph Wilson
Jonpb Wilson, 23 yvar^ld color
ed boy ot Davie.'codiity,^ who was
Inja*^ on Ang. tsth, near Conn-
ty, died at -Loor's Hospita] that
^temoou He snstained a fraetnr.
ed ^11 and' a. broken leg. The.
atttomobtle wbteb struck tbd boy
was coming toward Mocksville and
was driven ^ Sbemiaii Coon,. of
Indiana. Tbe accideo^ it is ^d
was termed unavoidable.'
The boy was a son of Andrew,
Wil^n, of Mocksville, R. 4
ftt 0 V as held at Pii e * Grove, |
. Mctbodisi Cbnrcb Tuesdsy atter
iteon of week.
EInier B.^SniiA.
Blmer B. Smith, 34, died Mon*'
day njRht at the, Poi^h County
Sanatorium. He was a' sou of^-
Samuel D. and fiessie Hege Smith,'
He bad been ill for two years..
Surviving are tbe father and step*
mother; dn^' sister. Mis.' W. J ^
Xeacb, of Mocksville; three broth*,
eis, Qege Smith,' of Keoknk, Iowa;
Fhauae .Smith, of, Winston-Salem;'
andS. D. Smith, Jr., of High Point,
two half sistere, Misses Arvesta and
Itntta Smith, of Mockstdlle;- and*
two half brothers, Kermit and Jo]bn
'.^mitb, of MoeksvUle.
' The funernl was heM at .Fnlionr
Methodist chnreh Wednesday after^
noon at 3' o'clock. . Rev. £• W.
Turner condncfted the*ervic^. Bu-..
rial foQowed in the chUrclT grave'
; John Lee Hanulton.
Jobo Lee HatDQtoo.-78. died at bishoffle
near Fork Sooday. He Is nndved by bis
widow. chrseRaafl..P J Ramiiuw. of Ro>
wan cbooty. and R. F: and J H. Hamil*
ton 'of Uotitavflle, R. St two dsaghceii.
Mfjk T. J. ScaToid, R. 3, Moebsville.-and
Ufa. C. L OnHts, Gianlte Qoany: three
BiBi«n,Hn. Holly GHndLcf RoMsn ectm*
ly; Hr^, "IJeme Hellud, Ctioieemee. and
HIS. Locas. of ft 3. UocfcevUIe: thiee
bratbef*. Coerlle^ of KaaoaoolUt eod Heo-
ry and Albert, of Rowan ooonty. Fttoeral
aerviera weip conducted U* nday after*
oooo at 3 b*cliDcb at-Foifc Bahtlst .clairct).
Doris, tlielina Foster. |
little Doris Thelma D. daughter
of Mr. and Bin. Foa^r. of
iMHw Shtitb Grove, died at Longs
Hospital. Statewille. last Wednes ,
day aftemoon at 6 o'clock, following
afihortilMos. . .
Ftinmial * aervices were held at
Bethlehem tf^odist edureh Fkiday
afCmuMHi at 8 o'clock, oondocted by.
Rev. J. W. Vestal, and the little
bo^ 1^. to rest in the.charcheome-:
^^rviving b the parents, and the^
following brothers' a n d ^ slatoro:
OiM* Magalene,;Hallje, Settle .Ix>u
and Mrs. Cray.Smltb. wd Robert
and Jdhony, all'of near Smith Grove.
Five of Hf* Foatar'a children were
taken HI about ten dai^aBO. wd alw^
Blfflu Poatep'e ftither, W, N. Tucker, 1
and Jamea Comer, a young man whoiworks for Mr. <4 WdMgfatera. Mis^ Opal, and H^lie
ware carried to L^'s Hospital.:
St^esftile last Wednesday for treat*.
tnent. It was not known what'
was respimsible for tbe illness -of jBovmnnmobera of this familv, wldi*|
outitwaathe water or some food
Former Local Pastor
Dies. I
Rev. R. S. Bowie, 70, for four
years pasti^ ot- the Mocksxille
Methodist cbUffcb, died at his home
in TbomasviUe la^ Monday. aftCT-
nooa fMlowing an extended' illness.
Mr. Howie reiirnl from the .minis*
try about six yrers ago on acoonnt
of ill h^Itb; He is survived hv.hi^
widow one son and two daughters.
The body w^ laid to rest at Harri*
son Methodist chtirch cemetery,
near Fineville.- Wedniesday after*
noon. Mr. Howie had many fitends
in Davie who were saddened by the.news of his death.. . |
"'iirVind Miia,. Poster and lamily
have the sympathy of a nt«t ot
friends is tbe death of their litUe
daughter. *'^erHtUeebiIdreti to
come upto mA snd fortid'thsm not.
for of such is tfe Wngdom
en." Theie wor^ spoken by Christncsfly two tbo^and y«M» ap, baa
brought .comfort to jmwy hroRwi-
bearM mothers and fo^era. and
&ey are.as.l^.today ps they were
Bio - Obituaries - 8/23/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 25,1939
Fluioral services' for John Lee
Hamilton,>78, who died last Sunday
at his home In the Fork community,
were held hfonday at the Fork Bap
tist church. The services were con
ducted by Itev. Hutchins and Rev.
E. W. Turner, interment was in the
church cemetery.
He is survived by his widow, Ell-
beth Beck Hamilton, and the follow
ing children: R. F. and J. H. of rqute
3, P. J. of Rowan, Mrs* T. J. Seaford
of route 3 and Mrs. G. L. Crotts of
Oranite Quarry. The following sis
ters and brothers also survive: Mrs.
MoUie Cornell; Rowan] Mrs. Jess
Hellard, Cooleemee; Mrs. Ida Lucas,
j route 3; Charlie, Konnapolls; Henry
; and Albert Hamilton, Rowan,
j Forty one grand and 12 great
; grand children likewise survive.
Pallbearers were Harold, Leo and
Hubert Anderson, Dwight Seaford,
Haden and Everett Eller.
FORK—Miss Frances Wilson died
early Monday morning at Morgan-
ton where she had been a^ patient
for several weeks. Funeral and buri
al will be at St. Lukes Lutheran
church. Tyro. Miss Wilson lived in
the commnniiy several years with
her sister, Mrs. Cora Swift and the
late Joe Swift. After- the death of
Mr. Swift, he moved to Tyro with
her sister, where they have lived for
several years.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/25/1939 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 1,1939
Funeral services for WUUs La
fayette Call, 73, well Iffiown local.-
merchant who dle^ at his home
here Tuesday night at ll:40'
o'clock were held yesterday after
noon at the home at 3 o'clock. Rev..
J, H. Fulghum conducted the ser
vice and Interment was in the
Rose cemetexy.' '
The son of the late Qlles Murphy
Can and MOrtha Ellis Call, the .de
ceased wos borii n and reared at
at Smith Grove and moved here to
engage in the retail business more
than a quarter century ago.
Mr. Call Is survived by bis widow'
formerly Miss 'Molly Foster, and
the' following children: Roy at
home, the Rev. Innnie Call, Chi
cago; Mrs. Jeter. Adcock, Cumncck,
N. C.; Mrs. Meivln Glilesple, Bre-
vard. The following sisters and
brothers also survive: Mrs. J. M.
Horn, Moeksvlile; Mrs. CamlUa
Minor, Greensboro; Charics Call,
Active pallbearers were J. T.
Angell, Joe Owens, J. A. Daniel, W.
F. Stonestreet, W. N. Smith and G.
N. Word. Honorary pallbearers In-,
eluded M. L. Dwlgglns, John Poplin,
Claud Horn, H. C. and Tom Me-
roney, W. H. Cheshire, M. Waters,
T. I. Caudell, D, L. l^ardue, Leslie.'
Daniel aihd C. F, Stroud.
Bio - Obituaries — 9/1/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 1,1939
LEXINGTON—Funeral services
tor Fred O. Sink, S4, who rose from
printer's devil to publisher of The
Dispatch, Lexington paper, with
which he was associated for near
ly SO years of Its SQ-year-oId his
tory, were conducted at the home
on East Center street at i o'clock
Tuesday. Rev. H. O. Allen, pastor
of First Methodist church, of
which Mr. Sink was steward, for
many years, will officiate.
Death of Mr. Sink, twice mayor
of Lexington, member of the Leg
islature In 1035, for the last 15
years State secretary of the P, O.
S. of A., which he served two years
as president, came at 6:15 o'clock
Monday morning after several
years of serious, health Impair
ment. He had entered a local hos
pital Saturday afternoon for a
period of treatment and rest.
About 10:45 o'clock Sunday
night, he awoke from sleep and
thinking, he said, he was at home,
sought to enter what he thought
was a bathroom door but stepped
through a second story window In
stead. The fall- into soft dUt ap
peared to have been without ser
ious result but a few hours later
his condition became grave.
After the death of his father, Mr.
Sink became associated wlUi the
local paper, established a com
mercial printing house in IDOO, ser-
Contlnucd on Page Eight I
ved for years as business manager
of The Dispatch end Southern ^
Good Roads magazine and In later
years become pumianer and finally ^
sole owner of the newspaper,
He was mayor of Lexington,
1927-31, prior to that city council- ,
man and for several yeafa was {
school board chairman. He was a j
chartar member of Lexington
council, No. 8L of (he Junior Order, ^
Its recording secretary lor many
yesirs, and had often been nation- ;
al representative of the Junior Or-
- der.
He was a leader in locating the
Junior Order Orphan's Home here. ,
He had also'becn active in Masonic, n
Red Men and Pythian fraternal or
ders and was member of Oasis
' Temple of the Shrine.
Xn ISOO, Mr. Glnh married Mlas
Mary SecU of this city, who sur
vives him. with five sons, J. Da
vid, Charles Vaimer, Joe S. and
Fred O. Jr., of Laxlnnton, and
Captain HobcH P. £lhk Of, Fort
Huochuca, Arizona: two daughters,
Mrs. Daphne Rose and .Miss Rachel
children; three brothers. Herbert
p. Sink of Lexington, J. Moycr Sink
and H. Edgar Sink of Greens
Bio - Obituaries - 9/1/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 6,1939
fiirs. John T. Bailey. |
Mrs. John T. Bajle?, 56. a nathra
of Davie county, bat a resident of.
Foray th for many years, was foand
dead hi a creek nearGermantoD, Sat*
orday aftemooo. Shehadcoflefif^h
inir and it is tboiiKht bad a stroke
and fell in the cre^, whidi was only
three feet deep.
Mrs. Bailey is sorvleed by- her
father, L. S Boger, of Davie; the
husband, foar dan^ters and one
son, ftve brothers and one naters.
Willis L Call Passes.
' WUUs E„ Cap, 73, one of Mocks*
vQIe^s oldest tteicbants and best
beloved citiaeos. passed away at his
home in this city Tuesday evening
at ti:40o*dock. Mr. Call bad been
ill for the past 14 months, and se
riously ill for a week preening his
Funeral scfvkes were held at the
home Thursday afternoon at three
o'clock, conducted hy his pastor,
Rev. f H. Folghnm, of the First
Baptist Cburcb; assisted by local
pastois, and the body laid to rest
in Rom cemetery to await the final
lesiirrectioo day. The large audi
ence preseot for the last sad rites,
and the many beautiful floral trib
utes, attest the blgb esteem in which
this beloved dtieen was held. All
local stores were dpsed dating the
funeral hour as a tribute of respect
to this [Honeer merebant.
AetiTO Fall Bearers were J. T.
At^n. Joe Owens, 1. A. Itaniel,
W. F. Stovesifeet, W. N. Smith.
Hohbraiy Fall Bearers:' M. L.
Dwiggins, John Poplin, Claude R
Horn, Hilary Meronty, Will Chesh-
ire, Tom Heroney, Marvin Waters,IT.' 1. Caudell, D. L. Pardne, Les
lie Danid, Dr. 8. A.. Harding, C.
F. Stibud.
Mr. Call is survived by bis wife,
two sons, Rev. Lou B. Call, of
Chicago, and Roy CalS of Mocks-
ville; two daugbteri, Mrs Jeter F.
Adoock. of (Simnocfc, and Mi^
Melvin Glllesple, of Breoard. lA
balf-brotb^, C. Q. Call, Wioston-
Saletn^ and two half-sisters, Idrs.
John Minor. Greensboro, and Mrs.
|. M. Horn, Modcsville, also
vive, together with four grand-
Mr* Call was'boru at Smith Grove
00 July 4« 1566. He came to this
dtp from Advatice In 1906, and
was mauager' of the Mei^aots
Wholesale Grocery Co.. lor four
maiB. He moved to Farmiagton
in 1910, where; be operated a gen
cral store for one year He moved
badt to Mocksyllle in tpii, and has
dnce that time operated a general
mereaotilh bnsitiess here.
Mr. Call was a consistent mem
ber of the Mocksville Baptist chttrch
and was a regular attendant at all
church services nntil, his health
failed. His death has cast a gloom
over the town add community in
which he spent so many years.
tu the death of Mr. Call the edi
tor has lost a j^e and tried friend
whom we bav^ known and loved
for nearly a third of a. centnry. He
j was our friend, in the tm^. sense
of the wotd. 4T0 the bereaved and
beart-hrokeo family we estcud'oor
' deepest sympathy in this sad hoar,
and commend them to Him "who
doetH all things well."
Bio - Obituaries - 9/6/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 8,1939
Piuieral aervlceg were held Tn-
esday In ."WlBSton-Salcin for
Onltn Hughes. 47, who was
tnotiuil^'lcllleiil 111. an-autoniobUe'
accident neSar Wtnston-Saiem on
Mrs, Hughes was a native of
jMbcksviUo, but had lived In Wln-
'ston-Salem for the past 20 years.
She was the daughter of W. T. and
the late Elisabeth 'Wilson.
Survivors-iheiude the husband;
three daughters/Helen, Janet and
Ann Hughes; the father. W, T.
WUflon, Wlnston-Salem; six sis
ters, Mrs. J. a. Hanes, AshevUle;
Mrs. A. B. Elliott, Spgrtanburg; Bldr.
W. L. Hendilx, Cooleemee; Mrs.
J. B. Murphy, Winston-Salem and
Mrs. w. T, Stewart, Wlnston^-
Bio - Obituaries - 9/8/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 13,1939
Last Ritea For Mrs.
Funeral and burial services fot
Mrs. Onita Hofthes, formely of
Cooleeince, but later of Winston.
Salero, were beld in ibat ciiy last
Tuesday. Mrs. Hashes was a
daughter of W T. WiSson, and i?>
sur^ved by her husband, her father,
three daughters and six sisters.
Mrs Hughes was killed in an
antomtble wreck iiear Wiostoo Sa
lem. -
Dewey M. (fagoner.
r^ewey M. Weconer. 38, Advance, R. l;i
died at 6 4S Saturday aatemoon. He had
been in decfinind health for six mOaths
and hod beracoafined.to Ida bed sldee
Surviving is his ttidow.ODO oon E. U.
Wagoner, at homo; obt biothera. A. A, and
J. R.. of Davle. Biikl J. A. of ^Hfgb Pidnt.
D. J. of UometavlUe. 6a*. D k. of Kanna*
polis.aitdC. DmO! Winston Saletn; three
^*010. Mrs. C, V. liilter, ModtsviUe: Mrs.
C. S. Massey.-Bixby. and Mrs. E L.Cr'ffln,
Winston Saiem ,
Ftmeral services were held at Mocirs*
vilte Baptist church yesterday aficriiuon
at 3 iiVJock. with Rev J H Pu^ghiini in
chnrg •. and the bod> laid to rest in Ruse
ccmcienr. <
Clarence Hugh Gaither
Killed By Train;
»aa-ran ov
(Gaither, 27, of Sheffield,
led. by a tr^{|B.. .Bear'^
cbufi^h ^ii|opiigy afkmobii
with Sey.*>Yi D. Paole ia
Ihd the body'lald to rest In the
church cemetery.
Mr. Ga'iiher is survived by bis parents,
Vr. (ind.S^s. Ttiomas GaUber. five brotb-
tero ubd luiF sisters.
. C A. Hartman. |
Mrs. Cfaas. A. IfaitmaD, 79, of Fanuing-
ton, died in a Winston'Satem hospital
Sunday night, where she was cankd Sat
urday afternoon, foilowiug a'fail which she
sustained Saturday momiDg. breaking pne
limb. i
Mrs. Hartman is survived by'two sonc^
Guy, of Atlanta, and Gsorge, of Wiaston-
Salem. two daughters. Mrs. Bill Shulixand
-Mrs Neil Laohley, of Winston Saiem; one
btcther, M B Brock, and one sister, Mra.
Emma Brown, of Farmlngton.
Funeral airangenrents were not com-
pieted as this was written, but foneral
anJ bu ial wiU be et Fi rmIng*on.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/13/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 15,1939
Funeral services for Mrs. Emma
Eaton Hendrlcks, 71, were held on
Thursday morning at the Farming-
ton Baptist church with Rev. Dallas
Renegar, and Rev. J. W. Vestal
conducting the service. Interment
was in the Courtney cemetery. Mrs.
Hendriclts was the widow of the
late M. J. Hendrlcks of Farming-
ton. She passed away Tuesday
evening at the Charlotte Sanato
rium following a stroke.
Mrs. Hendricks was the daugh
ter of FhUlp and Sarah Furches
Continued on Page Eight
Eaton. She is survived by one sis
ter, Mrs. J. T. Baity of Mocksville;
two sons. J. Wade of StatcsvUlc and
Phillip of Lexington; lour daugh
ters, Mrs. J. H. Gilley of Newton.
Mrs. J. S, Coltrane, of Wlnston-Sa-
lem, Miss Melverlne Hendrlcks of
Statesville and Miss Grace Hend
rlcks of Charlotte; and 12 grand
2^8. Hdhdidcks, a widely known
native u£ Davle, was born at Oana
on January 2B, 1889. She was a sis
ter of the late MrSi Wi Oi Marlni j
Clarence Hugh Gaither
Clarence Hugh Galtl^er, 27, of
Sheffield who had been a patient
at the State hospital, Morgonton,
for the lost IS months, was killed
by a train near Orexel lost Satur
day, foUowihg his escape earlier in
the day. The funeral was held
Monday at the New Union Metho
dist church with Interment in the
church cemetery. The parents, Mr
and Mrs. Thomas Oalther. flve
brothers and four sisters survive.
Funeral services were held Tues-
da;^. at the Farming ton Methodist
church conducted by Rev. J. W.
Vestal. Rev. M. 0.- Ervln and Rov.
J. H. Brcndall for Mrs. Maggie
Brock Hartman, 79, who died In a
Wlnston-Salem hospital on Monday.
Mrs. Hartman was the widow of the
late Charles A. Hartman of FBtm-
ington, who was one of Davie
county's best known farmera Her
health had been normal until
three days -ago when she became
Bom in Davie coiuity December
17, 1850, she was the daughter of
James N. and Mary Cuthrell Brock.
She lived In Davle county all of her
life and was one'of Its best known
citizens. She was a member of
Formlngton Methodist Church and
was active ' in all phases of its
Survivors Include: Two daugh
ters, Mrs. William Boholtse and Mrs.
Nell Lasloy, both of Wlnston-Sa
lem; two sons, Capt. Guy L. Hart
man, of Miami, Fla., and George
A. Hartman, of Wlnston-Salcm;
one sister, Mrs. R. C. Brown and a
brother M. B.'Brock, both of Farm-
Ington; eight grand-chlldrcn and
two great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers Included B. C. Brock,
L. F. Brock both of Formlngton,
Will Clingman of Wlnston-Salcm,
Rome Coniatzer of Bixby, Richard
Conrad of Forsyth county, and'
John Brock of Columbia, 6. C.
Dula McKlnley Wagner, 38. died
Saturday at his home, Advance,
Route 1, near Bethlehem Church.
He was born December 11, 1900,
in yadkin county, and was mar
ried to Miss Harriet Hollman on
September 19, lOas.
He was the son of Fletcher and
Victoria Reese Wagner. Practical
ly all his life was spent In Davle
He had been U1 for six months
and confined to his bed since Tues
He is survived by his wife, one
son, Ernest McKiney Wagner; six
brothers, A. A. and J. R., of Davie
county; J. A., of High Point; D. J.,
of Homervill'e, Oa.; D. h.. of Kan
napolls; and C. D., of Wlnston-Sa-
lemi three slaters, Mrs. 0. V.
Miller, of MocksvUlc; Mrs. C. S.
Oriilln, of Wlnston-Saiem.
A short fuiVsral service was con
ducted a the home Tuesday after
noon jats ^ o'clock and another full
service was conducted at the
Mocksville Baptist Church at 3
o'clock by Rev. J. H. Fulghum, Rev.
B. w; Turner, of Mookaville, and
Rev. B. A. Culp, of Winston-Salem
Burial was In Rosd Cemetery,
Pallbearers were Grant Wagner,
Retcher Wagner, C. H. Love, Bill
Branson, A. C. Deltz, and B. W.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/15/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 20,1939
John Herman Smith
Oavie Man Killed.
John Herman Smith. 27, of Advance,
R. 1 r was billed iostantiy in an automo
bile acddent about 10 o'cioqb Sunday
motnlne near Redland.
Mr Smith was havin|{nioinr trouble with
bis automobUe when tbe accident occurr
ed. He opened the door of the car while
the vehicle was in motloa and as he did
60 he lost control of the c«r. The car
turned over, cruabiog the driver to death.
Mr. Smith was the son of Mr. and Mia.
P. R. Smiih... He was employed at the S,
Clay Wilfianis farm for tbe past S years.
Sutvlvota iccltide the pateuui; one sia
ter. Mia. J. D Uawbios. High Point; and
two hrotberv, Travis and P. R. Smith: Jr.
of Redland.
Tbe funeral was held at tbe home at
10:30 D*claok Tuesday moroiog and at Ma
cedonia MoravlaD CbunJi at 11 o'clock.
Rev. 6. E Brewer was io cbai)ge. fiurfoi
followed in the church cemetery.
John C. Marklin. |
John Curtis MarUio, 78. died Saturday
motning at his home near Smtlb Grove-'
He was a SOD of John and Lou<za Call
Tbe funeral was held Sunday afternoon
at 3 o'clodt at Elbaville Methodist Chtuch.
Rev. K G Holt conducted the serv!^
Burial was in tbe church graveyard.
Surviving are the widow and one son,
George M rklin of the home.
Mrs. Melvm Hendrichs.
Mrs, Bmraa Hendrichs, 72, of
Famimeton, died last Tue.sday
night in a Charlotte hospital, fol
lowing a three weeks illness.
Mrs. Hendrichs is survived by
two sons, J. Wade Hendrichs, of
Ststesville, and P. 11. Hendricks,
of Lexingrou; four daughters. Mrs.
J H- Gtllev, of Maiden; Mrs. j, S.
i Coltrane, Wia.slon - Salem; Miss
Grace Hendrichs, Charlotte, and
Miss Meiveriue Hendricks, Farm-
ingtou. One sister, Mrs. T* T.
Baity, of ibis city, airo survives.
Funeral services were held at
Fanaiugtun Baptist church Tbnrs
I day morning at ti o'clock, with her
pastor. Rev. Dallas Reuegar in
charge, and the body laid to re.^t
ill Courtney cementeiy beside her
fansbafld, M. J. Hendricks, who;
died several years ago. Mr.«. Hend.
ricks was one of Davie county's
best beloved women, and her death
has brought sadness to tbe entire
communiiy io which she lived.- A,
mother in Isiae) has been called to
her reward.
Mrs. C. A. Hartman
. Last Rites Tnesdays
' Funeral services for Mrs. C A.
jHatttnan who died early Monday
' morning in a Winston Salem hospi
tal, were held at the Farmington'
MethodL«t church Tuesday after-'
noon, with Revs. f. W. Vestal and j
J. H. Brendall, Jr., in charge. The
body was laid to rest lb the Farm-
iugton cemetery. |
Bio - Obituaries - 9/20/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 22,1939
John Herman Smith
Everett Gray Bates
iFMnerai fiervices were held Tu
esday at Bothlohom Mothodlst
church for Everett Gray Bates, 4
months old, who died M&nday In a
Winston hospital. Son of Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin W. Bates near Smith
Grove school, the child is survived
hy parents and two sisters.
Funeral services were held Son-
day at 3 o'clock at the Elbavllle
Methodist church for John Curtis
Marklin, fs, who died Saturday at
his home near the Smith Grove
school. Rev. K. G. Holt conducted
the service and interment was in
the church cemetery.
Mr. Marklin was the son of
John and Loulza Call Marklin. He
Is survived by his wdow, Mrs,
Amanda Hampton Marklin and one
son, George, at home.
Pallbearers were Dan Lawson
Lioyd Miller, Alec Tucker, Bonce
Kiiley, J. o. Zimmerman, and Wal
ter Batlcdge.
John Hermon Bmitli, 27, of Ad
vance. route 1, was killed lost Sun
day morning by his automobile.
He was pulling out of the McCul-
loh service station at the intersec
tion of the Winston highway and
the Bixby road, attempted to close
the door of the car while moving,
lost control of the car, overturned
in a ditch and was crushed between
the door and the frame of the car.
Son of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. and
Myrtle Sheck Smith, he had been
employed at tho s. clay WilUama
farm for the last S years. Survivors
Inelude the parents; a slater, Mrs.
John D. Hawkins of High point;
two brothers, Travis and P, R.'
Smith, Jr. of Advance. i
The funeral was held Tuesday
morning at the home and the Ma
cedonia Moravian church with Rev.
O. E. Brewer In charge. Interment
was In the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/22/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 27,1939
Leroy Houston Taylor.
Mr. Lcroy Houston Taytotj 79,
die4 Tiie^ay .juorninx .at 10:15
o'clock at the Immh of his daogh*
ter, &I19. C. F. EUer, in S«ntesville.'
Mr. Tavlor, whose home was at
Cooleeqiee, was on a visit to his
danshter. He suffered a stroke of
pataly^ and had been critically ill'
several days. f
Funeral services were held Wed,
nesday aftemocHi at 2 o'clock from
Salem chnreh and interment was in
the church cemetery. |
^nrviviog Mr. Taylor Is a soif,
Floyd Taylor, of Cooleemee; and
six daughters, Mrs. BsMe Paseand
Mrs. C. F. Ellei, of Statesville;
Mrs. R. G. Beam, Staiesvill^
Rente 4; Mr^ Vetma Poster, Mrs.
tola Spty ^ Mrs. Zada ^nsoo,
all of Co^eetnee. His wife died a-
bout leo years ago.
BIhs. Lntho'Howard.
Mrs.Lutbei Howard, 83, ffied^at hrr
home near Si^tb (Giove Satmday aftei^
noon. foUowing a stroke of pafalyais. Phn-I
oral sowkes were heM at Smith Grove
Methodist ehmch Monday afternoon at S
o'clock, ecmdocted by Rev. Mr. Simms, of|
Winsum Salem, and the body laid to rest
in the ehnndi cemetery.
UiSL Afward is survived by her has*
band, two danghtera. Mrs. D B. Whitaker,
Hidb Point; Mrs R. 11 'Howard. R 3; ^
BOOS, J. B., T v., Qemmons: (L 1, Loole,
P. H.R. 1, Aitbor, R 4. Two siitets.
Mrs. Dave Bveihardt and Mrs. Belle Da^r,
of KnoxvlUfi, Tenn., also survive.
J. H. Cope.
J*H, Gspe, SO, was fonnd dead in.bed
Saturday moiDing at his hoino in Char
lotie Ur.Oiqwwafl a gatlve of Datde,
but bad Hved in Ctaarlctte for many years.
Fhneral senrlcee were held at Gonconi
Methodist dtnrdli Snnday aflonoon at 3
o'do^ Mr. Cope Id Borvived by five dst*
cfO and two brothets, anong them being
Mro.I G. BMiler.of R.4* Hewaa a son
pf the late 8!r. and Mrs Green Cope, of
Bio - Obituaries - 9/27/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 29,1939
Funeral services for Mrs. Eli
zabeth Ireland, 82. who died Tu
esday afternoon at the home of
a daughter, Mrs. Richard Browni
near Courtney, were held Wed
nesday afternoon at ~ Bandy
Springs Baptist church. Inter'
ment was In the church ceme
The following children survl
ve: Jay, route l; Bob, John,
Charlie, Vergie, Marvin, and Mrs.
Brown, all of route 2.
Folbeorers were > Roy and Al
fred Groce, William ond D. O.
Johnson, Walter Myers and
Moyd Wilblns. Rev. James Oroce
had charge of the service.
Funeral services for J. R.
cope were held Sunday after
noon at 3 o'clock from Concord
Methodist church conducted by
the pastor. Interment was in
the graveyard.
The following nephews of the
deceased were pallbearers: Wil
liam Pickler, Spencer Pleklcr,
Jessie Shoaf, Kerry Foster, P.
J. Cope and Paul Thompson.
Misses M:^ Ruth Thompson,
Marie and Hope Sechrest, Min
nie Daniels and Naomi Berrler,
and Mesdomes Margaret Sea
men, Herman Berrler, Clarence
Bcrnhardt, . Charlie Davis, James
Bogcr and Felix Berrler acted as
flower-bearers. - n
Final rites were held Monday
at the Smith Grove Methodist
church lor Mrs. BaUey Howard,
83, who died Saturday.at 5:20
P. M. at her home near Smith
Grove following a stroke. The
service was conducted by the
Rev. E. T. Sims and the Rev. T.
S. Lawrence with interment in
the church cemetery.
She .Is survived by her hus
band, Thomas Luther Howard;
two daughters, Mrs. D. B. Whl-
taker and. Mrs. R. H. Howard,
route 3; six sons, J. B., T. V. and
C. I. Howard of Clemmons, Louie,
Arthxir and P. H. Howard, route
3; two sisters, Mrs. Dave Earn
hardt and Mrs. .Belle Davis,
KnoxvUle, Tenn. Forty six grand
children and 40 great grand Chil
dren also survive.
Pallbearers were Garland,
Frank, Hobert, Dermont, Ker-
mit and Ray Howard.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/29/1939 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 4,1939
Jack in. Booeze.
Jack M, Booze, 47, died at his
borne at High Point last Tuesday
afternoon, foUowing a several
nreeks illness. Mr. Boote had been
city jailer for a number of years.
Funeral and burial services were
held at Ml. Tabor Methodist church
near Winston - Salem, Thursday
afternoon at 2 30 o'clock.
Mr. Booze is survived by his
widow, the former Miss Sallle
Wbiiley, of MocksvUIc; one son
Prances, and two sisters.
Mr. Booze had utany friends in
Da vie who will be sorry to team of
his death. He was a member of
the Christian church. A number
of Mocksville friends attended the
funeral andiburial.
J. M. Everhardt
Daiw Man Dies hi
J. M. Evpftuudt, SO, of JeitisriemtowD*
ship, died fliiimdap night at 8:1$ o'doek
at the Davis bcsf^tal, StatesvlKe.
Fuaaial.. advices vreie held Satniday
afteiimooiBt So'dockat Coacmd Medio*
dist dumb,; with Rev, M. 6. Ervfn Id
chaigB. Buirial was lo the church ceme-
Mr. Eveihaxdt is antvived by bis widow,
Un. Epniea Dads Eveihardt; two sods,
Pfaimp and'J. W.Everbacdt. both of Mocks*
vine RFD No 4; a daughter, Blary Evelyp
Eveifaaidt; of the home; a brother, Gonrad
Bveifaaidt. of hedeU county; and three
atettfs, Mia. JpUa Orotts, Mrs. SalUe Beck
and Mis. Mamie Deadmon, all of Davie
Bio - Obituaries - 10/4/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 6,1939
Punorol servlces'wcre held on
Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
tor J. M. Everhnrdt, 50, who'died
Fflday night at the Davis hos
pital In Statesvllle. Rev. M. G.
Brvin conducted the services and
interment was in tho church ce
Mr. Everhardt was the son of
Hamilton and Mrs. Rebecca Dan
iels Everhardt of Davie county.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs.
Eunice Davis Everhardt; who
lives at the home place on route
4; one daughter, Maty Evelyn
at home; two-'sons, Philip and
J. W. of Mocksvillc, route 4; one
brother, Conrad of Iredcll coun
ty; , three sisters, Mrs.' Julbi
Crotts, Mrs. Sally ^ck, and Mrs.
Mamie Deadmon all of Davle
Pall bearers included D. D.
Booe, W. P. Owens, Uoyd Mc-
Clamrock, Albert Ledford, Cla
rence Messick, J. M. Summers.
Mrs. Elizabeth Alien Grant,
63, died at a Statesvllle hospi
tal Monday night following an
operation. , '
She was the widow of Robert
South Grant, and the daughter
of the late R. N. and Margaret
McNccIy Allen of the Jericho
section of Davie county.
Funeral services were held at
the home here on Wednesday
morning, conducted by the Rev.
M. G. Ervin, Rev. E. M. Avett and
Rev. E. w. Turner. Interment
was in the Byerly's Chapel
church cemetery.
Pallbearers were C. H. Scaford.
D. H. Brown, W. B. Ratlcdge,
Averette Brown, D. C. and J. B.
Survivors Include two sons,
Clarence, S. Grant of Mocks-
viUe, and Allen M. Grant of the
home; one brother, R. A. Allen
of Denton; three sisters, isxa. T.
M. Hendrix of MocksvlUe, Mrs.
T, A. M. Stevenson jef Wlnston-
Salem, and Miss Mdttie Allen
of the home place; and two
Bio - Obituaries —10/6/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October II, 1939
Mr;. Elizabeth Grank
Mrs, Elizabeth Allen Grant, 63,
of near Jericho, died at Dacis Hos.
pital, Scatesville, last Monday night,
following an extended iilnest.
Funeral services were held at the
home Wednesday morning at li
o'clock, with Keva. E. M, Avett,
M G Ervin and E. W. Tomer of-
Gciaticy. The body was laid to
rest in ^erly's Chapel cemetery.
Mrs. Grant is survived by two
sons, Clarence, of this city, and
Allen at home; one brother, R A.
Allen, of Denton, and three ^^'ter:',
Miss Hattie Allen, at home; Mrs.
T. A. II. Stevenson, Winston Sa-
lem, and Mzis. T. M. Hendiix, of
I this diy.
Bio - Obituaries -10/11/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 18,1939
Mrs. Mabel Cleary.
Mrs. Mabel Elizabeth Cleary,
died saddeoiy Tuesday moraiog at
3:30 o'dock at her home near
Smith Grove. £lbe had been ill for
17 days bat was tboaght-to be re
covering sat!f,faciorih'.
Born in Davie county, Ma'ch 24,
lOlO, she was Ihe daoghier of E.
M. and Addic Smith. She made
her home .in Wioston-Saleni, for
10 years.
Survivors iucliids the husband,,
parents fi ve sisters and three broth j
ers, Mrs. Alberta PbiUips, ,of Han- j
esco<ivn; Atvesla, Berniw, Lavonne, j
and Jaiic Smith, all of D^vie coun.'
ty; Aaron Sm 'th, or Wiu.iton-Snl-
em; Fletcher and D.-*wsy Smith, of
Davie coun*^. j
Funeral was held Thursday at'er-'
tiooa at the taoine a* 3 o'clnch' and j
at Bethlehein Church at 4 o'clock. Iv^th R'ivs. Joe Crews «.tj3 J. W. |
Vestal in c^ar^e. B.irial was io;
lie cburcn gravey ird. *
Bio - Obituaries - 10/18/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 20,1939
8ain Grider, 63. who lived on
the farm of Dr. J. R. Lowery
near County Line, was abnost
Instantly killed about 7 o'clock
Tuesday night when he was hit
by on automobile while crossing
the StatesvUIe highway about 9
miles from here. The car was dri
ven by the Rev. Lcroy Thomas,
pastor of the Baptist church of
Rhodhlss. N. O.
Rev. Thomas was returning
from Winston where he had ta
ken Rev. W. C. Short of Rhodhlss
to the hospital and In the car
with him were Pauline Short,
daughter of Rev. Short, and Miss
Blanche Bnnis.
I Rev. Thomas was freed of a
charge of manslaughter at a
hearing Tuesday night conduct
ed by P. S. Young, local magis
trate, at the courthouse. Rev.
Thomas said that Grider stagger
ed across the highway In front
of the car, i±iat he swerved to
the left in an attempt to avoid
hitting him, that a .bottle of
whiskey was broken in' Orlder's
pocket when he was hit. The
body struck the fender, broke
out the windshield and, caused
a dent In the front of the top
of the car.
hir. Grider is survived by hlsl
widow and a number of child
Bio - Obituaries - 10/20/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 25,1939
John Wy*on Gridcr.
Fonerol rites for Jobo Wil^ Gri*
4er« 68. tenant farmer, who woa ai>
most'isataatty billed Taeaday even*
ing when he was strp^ by an anto-
mobile on (the Hoeii8vilIe>Stafce8rille
road near hia home in Davie county,
was held Tharsday'afternoon at 2
o'eioek from pleasant View Saptiat
Chureb, near HamptonvlUe, and in*'
termtnt fol'oned in the chnreh
SarvivfoK are his wife/fivedaagli*
ters. Ury. C L. Grefoiy and lire. B.
G. Spann of County Lfne; Mre. D.
Padgett of Uninn Grove; Mfsaes Sal-
lie ^ Greee Grier. at the home;
three eons. Curtis GHder of the River
Hill commooity; John and Clyde
Griderat home. He leaves also a
brother and a sister. W. 3, Grider
and Miss lilyrUe Grider. both of
Bethany ionmdtip. Ireddl eonnty.
Rev. Leroy Thomas, BaptiBt min
ister of Rhodhiaa. waa exonerated of
of'hlame TOesday eight in connec
tion with the death of Grider, who
was hit by hia car.
The accident happened about
7 p, fikt, on the Statest^e highway
atout efght'inUea from ftfockt^He.
It waa investigated by Shoiff &
Witnesses at a hearing held later
in Che evenhag before UagistoaCe P.
S; Tonng testified that Gmer.waa in
the middle of the road wbW;hd- waa
etrnek by tiio car*' -
Evidence showed that the minister
tried u'sucsessfplly to avoid etriking
the pedestidahi. n^^wasno avid-
ence that he was opefatlng' his car
any .-way bjat- cai^nliy and at a
in^^fe rate of spieed, the teagis*
The victim of the acddent was a
tenant on the farm of-Dr. R* Low*
James F. Fry.
James Frankllo Fry. 6?. died Tharsday
oiSbt at his home at Adraoee. The fao
era! waa held at 2 o'clcek Sunday et
Elbavme Mettiodiat Ghorch. Burial
in the eboteh graveyard.
Sflivlviog are the foUowlngbrotheiaaad
slaters: CL S. and W. A. Fry of Whi8tOQ>
Salem, R- 4.6* B. and Aooe Fry of Moor-
esvUIe. Ura. Mary Medmni and Mn. Elde
Jarvla of Advance, Mrs Jane Weaver of
Dflvidaoo coaaty, Mrs. W. A. Blalte of hew-,
iavilK Mrs. H B. BaUay and Mrs Charlie
Siden of Advance. )
Bio - Obituaries - 10/25/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 27,1939
Funeral services were held for
James Franklin Fry, 62, who died
on Thursday evening at 10
o'clock, on Saturday at the home
of his sister, Mrs. H. B. Bailey at
1:30 P. M. and at Blbavllle Me
thodist church at 2 o'clock. Rev.
E. W. Turner conducted the ser
Mr. Pry was th? son of Frank
and Betty Cope Fry. He Is sur
vived by four brothers; O. 6.
and W. A. of Wlnstbn-Salem,
route 4; O. B. and Ance of MOor-
esvlUe; and six sisters, Mrs. Mary
Mechum and Mrs. Jatyls
of Advance; Mrs. Jane Weaver
of Davidson county; Mrs. W. A.
Blake of Lewlsvllle; Mrs. H. B.
Bailey and Mrs. Charlie Bidden
of Advance, route 1.
Pallbearers Included O. A. Tuc
ker, Frank Tucker, D. R. Lawson,
C. M. Morkland, W.^J. RaUedge
and J. F.. Burton.
Funeral services for W. C.
Patterson, 55, prominent cltteen
of Taylorsvllle, who died of a
heart attack at his home at 7
P. M. Saturday night were cdh-
duetcd at the A. R. P. church
Sunday afternoon at 3*:30 by Dr.
J. H. Presslcy of Statcsville, as
sisted by his pastor. Rev W. M.
Ford, and Rev. J. C. Brld^e^,ot
the Taylorsvllle Presbyj^ej!^'
church. Mr. Patterson wa^'n.^V.
son and a Bhrlner and had ser?
ved as elder in his chi^h',,fjoi;
the last eight years. Interment
was in Falrvlew cemetery' and
members from the Masonic ,16d-
ge served as active pallbearers
and had charge of the burial at
the cemetery. Mr. Patterson,
had been agent for Southern Ex
press for the last 27 years with
exception of a few months spent
In North Wllkcsboro where he
was transferred two years ago,
had always lived in Taylor^Ule.
His parents were the late Mr. and.
Mrs. G. W. Patterson of this
country. He Is survived by the
widow, the former Miss Eliza
beth Woodruff of Mocksyllle; a
son, Woodfuff Patterson and
three nephews,^ George, Murphy
and Victor Qf^p; all of Rose HUl.
Bio - Obituaries -10/27/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 8,1939
James Bi Sbrond.
Jamea M. Strand. 69. welUtopwn
dsrnsr o# near Gnanty Linfi dtra at
his home Friday eveaioR at 9 a'doeb,
death reaoltmir fram a .atrake of
paratvsis which he soffered' Tnesda;.
Funeral servioes were held at So
ciety Baptist chnveh Snnday after
noon at 2 n'cloek* with Bev. W. L>
HeSwain fn chanre, and the body
laid (0 rest in thoiehnrefa eomatovy.
Ur. Strand is gnrvived by his
widow and seven ehitdren. five eons.
Brace. Gov. Jamra. Phillip, Bar
mony-R -1; Pan! Hochavilie. R. 4;
and two danahierB, Mra Walter
Clendenin, of Gre^sboro and Mrs.
William Keller, of thia cfty; Three
dslers. Bin. J. E. Safri^ Jsdrnm-
viile, Fia; Uni. A. A. Cariaer.Statea-
ville, B. 4 Urs. Robert Safriet.
fifocksviile^ R 4. also snrvfve.
In the deatn of Bifr. Strpud, Davie
loses one of her best known ddtens.-
For many years Ur, Strotd operated
a fioor mill and Inmbcr banness, to-
sether with extendve farm opera
tioDS. He bad many friends thrau^fa-
out the coontv who were saddened
by the news of his death.
Jofaa A. StrouJ.
John Austin Stroud, 65, well-
known and bigbly respected fanner
of the Sodety Baptist ebufcb eom-
ntunlty, died Wednesday nlsbt at
his home in Turaersburs township
after a long illness, Mr. Stroud
was a sou of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Giles P. Sifottd. Surviving are the
widow, the termer Miss Lydia Votes
a daughter. Miss Brther StronH, a',
nnrw in Lowery hospital at Salis.
bury; three son!*, T. R. Stroud of
TuthersbuTi; • township, G. B.
Strond of High Point, and L. B.
Stroud of Rockingham; two sisters,
Mrs. Thomas Garwood of Coolee-
inee, and Miss Mary Strond o!
Tnniersburg township. Mr. Stroud
bad been actively connected with
Society Baptist church fur m?iny
veais, serving as deacon- in the
cbnfch and superintendent of the
Sunday school for a. number of
years.* The funeral was held Fri
day momiog at lo o'clock - at So^
dciy -Baptist church, with bis past
or Rev. W. L. McSwatu conduct-
tog the services. The Record ex
tends empathy to the bereaved
family in tha death of this. kind
hushed and father, A good map
has gone to his reward.
Bio - Obituaries -11/8/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 10,1939
John Austin Stroud
AiuUn Stroud, dS, father
[Mrs. Thomas Oarwood of Coo-
tA^ee. died at his home in Tur*
oturg township In Iredcll
iiiniy Inst Wednfisdny night,
be funeral woa held Frldoy
omlne at Society Baptist
tmch where he served as dca*
and fiuperlntondant of the
inday school. His widow, one
ightcr and three sons survive.
James M. Stroud, 69, promin
ent farmer, lumbormon and
flour mill operator, died last
Friday night at his home in Ca-
lahaln township. Although he
had been in declining health for
several years, he was able to be
out until he suffered a stroke of
paralysis Tuesday night.
The funeral was held Sun
day afternoon at 2 o'clock at
Society Baptist church, conduc
ted by the pastor, Rcv. W. L. Mc-
Swaim of Harmony, and inter
ment followed in the church CC'
Mr, Stroud was bom Septcm
ber 14, 1870, In Davle county, a
son of Richard Stroud and Mary
Jane Swisher Stroud. He spent
his entire life in the community
In which he was born. In addl'
tlon to his forming and lumber
interest, he operated a roller mlU
near his home for many ycara
He was aong the leading citi
zens of his community.
His marriage was to Miss Ollle
Blanche Blam, of Iredell naimty.
Prom this union three children
survive, Mrs. Walter Clchdcntn,
of Qreensboro; Mrs. William Kel
ler of MocksvUlc; and Bruce
Stroud, of Harmony, Route 1.
The second marriage was to Miss
Daisy Ellen Hodgson, of Duvle
county, who survives, and four
children, Guy, James Oarl, and
Phillip Sloan Stroud, of Har
mony, Route 1; and Paul Hodg
son Stroud, of MocksvUle, Route
There are 24 survlvng grand
children and three great-grand
children. Mr. Stroud leaves also
threi^slsters, Mrs. J. S. Safrlet,
of yacksonville, Fla.; }^s. A. A
Gartner, of Route 4, StatesvlUe,
and Mrs. Robert Safriet, of
MockksvUIe, Route 4.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/10/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 15,1939
E. Tnrroitiiie.
• .'A'* B^Twrentiaeo 62^ died FViday
at Ms hame here. He aaffercd a
stnke 6f panlyBis last-weds.
Tlie.-fDtteral was held Sonday
aftoubcm Bty2:S0 b'elodc at Oak
Grove Metbfl^iat Citureh. Kev, £.'
M. Avett and Rev. A-. W. Lyneh con'
doetf^ the servieea. Buiiai was in
the;^areh graveyard. {
"Sai^ving are the widow; three
dahfditBT, Ura Alice Bowere, of
Cnoleamee. and .Misses Rnth and
Blt^'TorratUne of 'the hcma, one
MD, Ctarmee Tarrcntine. ot Oamas*
Va; one ristm'. Mre* Alice Shaw, of.
WinBttmrSalfipi: and one" brother,'
Sam Tbvrentine, of Greer, S C.
Rev. JohD F. Kad^cf.
*1 ' • V-
• Rev. John Tbomas Ratledge, 71,
retired Methodist minister, died at
bis home at Madison Thbrsday night
afttf a eerloua illness ^Bevend days.
A fiative of Davie connty. Rev.
Mc. Ratiedge was born at Calahala
Bis wife, the former^ Idim liarV Sue
Dalton; died ^veral years ago. -
Sorvivfng are. c w o . daORbters,
Misses Annie Rath and Maade Rai
ledge, of Madison: three brothers.
A.- D. and. U. G. Ratledge; of. Gals^
bain, and Rev. A. P. Ratledge. of
Sylva; three sisters, Mrs. Charlie
Booe, of Wjiiston-Salem, Mrs. S. 0.
StimpsoD, of Statesvilie. and M^.
Jesse Richardson, of Harmony.
The funeral was held Saturday
morning at 10 o'clock at Madison
Mrs. Oementrae Towell
' Mrs. Clementine Toweli, 80,. died
at the Davie county home Monday
inght of last week, foilowing a Ions
illness, ^e was a daughter of the
l.ate Mr. and Mrs. Piuhney. Horn.
Surviving are a number of nlecec
and nephews.
Funeral services were bdd- at So-
dety Baptist church last Tdesday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, with the
pastor. Rev. W. L' MeSwun conduct
log the services. The body was laid
to rest in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/15/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 17,1939
A. G. Turrcntlnc, 02, died nt
his home here lost Friday, after
noon following a stroke of para
The funeral was held at 2:30
o'clocic at the Oak Grove Metho
dist church.
He is survived by his widow,
formerly Miss Minnie Baker of
Davle county; 3 daughters, Mrs.
Alice Bowers of Cooleemee, Ruth
and Mary at home; by a son,
Clarence of Damascus. Vo.; by
a sister, Mrs. Alice Shaw of
Winston-Salem. and a brother,
Sam Turrentlne of Oreer, S..C.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/17/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
John W. Greeo.
JoTin yf. Green. 67. died at bis borne on
K. 4 Suaday morning, foilowiog a befiit
attack. He bad beat In twd he<b for
sevfral years. |
Funeral services were held at Center
Methodist church Tuesday afierooon at 2
o'clock, and the boiy laid to rest in the
church cemeterys Mr. Green is survived j
by his widow, five sons. J. B and WaUas.
ot R. I;T. G.. WiDslon-Salem: T. R. md
William, of R 4; one dangbier. Mrs. K. G.
Ridenbour, of R: 4: ooe sister; Mrs. R. 1.
Walker, of this city, and one brother, J. S.
Green, of R. 1.
in the death of Mr. Green, Davie comity
has lost a good dtizeo, the wife and child*
red a kind and loviDgbusbaDd and father.
We have known Green for more more than
.40 years. He was oor friend, and we will
ffilsa him.
viving are one son. Tracy Walsh, Jr..
llqB. and one daughter, reiidiog uc
tonvHie. Fia.
rchaiit Dies At Kan-,
). Price, dZ year old pioneer mercb-
f KaoDapolis, died at bis home on
I Main street io Kannapolis Sunday
rg after a Ungering illness.
neral services were held at noon Tues*
)t the Jerchd Church of. Christ, with
lobn KorfeM of Winkon.Saleai in
le. The body'lay ihstate therefrom
itU !2 o'clock.
. PHce is survived by his wife, the
it Miss Anna Stooest^t. of Mocks*
tbr^ children: SwIodeR uod Kermi
of Raonapolis; arid Mi*. R. E. Perry
iD&apfllis^ a half brother, J.. C. Price
sod two graDdehildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/22/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 24,1939
Funeral services for J. B. Price,
63, of Knnnapolis, were held at
noon Tuesday at the'Jericho
Church o{ Christ in Oavle coun
ty with John Kurfecs of Wln-
ston-Salcm conductina the ser
Mr. Price died at his home. In
Kannapolls on Sunday after a
UiiserlnB illness. He Is stirvlved
by his wife, the former Anna
stonestrcet of-Mocksvllle;- three
children. Swindell and Kermft.
Price of Kannapolls, and Mrs. R.
B. Perry of>Kannai^la; a half-
bro&er; J. C. Price of Concord;
andviwo graiiiioblldrex)..
Mrs. Lula Walsh, 74. formerly
of Mocksviile, died Nov. 17 at the
home of a son, Tracy Walsh Jr.,
at Dallas, Texas.
The body arrived here Monday
and iuneral services were held at
the Walker Funeral Home with
Rev. W. C. Cooper conduetlng
the services. Interment was In
Rose cemetery.
Surviving ore the son, Tracy
Walsh Jr. of Dallas and one dau
ghter. Mrs. R. S. Hill Jr. of Mont
gomery, Ala.
Mrs. Walsh was a member of
the U. D. 0., an Bostern star and
a member of the Presbyterian
Pallbearers Included John Le-
Orond, Hampton LeGrand, J. W.
Kodwell Jr.. J. F. Ranes, Knox
Johnstone. and Frank Barnes of
Hock Hill, 8. q.
The local chapter of the O. E.'
S. had charge of the burial ser-i
vice. Members assisting'included
worthy matron, Mrs. Eleanor
Hunt; worthy patron, J. O.
Crawford; assoetate matron,
Mrs. Creola Wilson; chaplain,
Mrs. Hattie McGulre; conduct-
tess, Mrs. Marchia Meroney:as-
soelate counductress, Mrs. Hol-
l!n Smith; marshal, Mrs. Lola
Crawford; Adah, Mrs. Geneva
Waters; Ruth, Mrs. Ella Holt-
houser; Esther, Mrs. Margaret
Hoyle; Martha, Mrs. Bailey
Brown: Eleeta. Mrs. Alma Young.
J.' W. Green died Sunday
morning at 7:35 o'clock at his
home, MocksvlUe, Route 4>
The funeral was held Tuesday
afternoon at 1:30 o'clcck at the
homo and at Center Church at
2 o'clock. Burial was In the
church gmveyard.
Surviving i^re the widow, five
sons, J. B. Green of MocksvUle^
Route 1; T. O. Green of Wln-
ston-Salcm; T. R. and William
Green of Mooksvllle, Route 4;
Wallls Green of Mocksviile Route
l: one daughter, Mrs. K. G. Rl-
dcnhour of Mocksviile, Route 4;
one brother,- J. 8. Green of
Mocksviile, Route, 1; and one
sister, Mrs^^ijr. Walter, of
Mocksvillis". ' " . n
Bio - Obituaries — 11/24/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 29,1939
Sam H. Farebee
BioAer Editor Deiad.
^ Sam H. Farebee 57, editor of tte
Lakeland. Fia^ Ledger, died sad.
deoly at the borne of his daughter
in that dty last Ttiesday.aftenioon.
He had just returned from a fish
ing trip. - Mr Farabee was at on*
time editor of the Wiostou^lem
Jouroal. TheSaiishnry FOst and
the Hl^oiy Daily*Reoord. For a
shoit while Sam was a pricier on
the Davie RecOfd force back io
1901. This 1« when we first team
«d 10 know him. We visited his
office freqnently. while Jte was edtt-
or. of the Hicko^Remrd,' and
coiioted him "among "bur g^bd
friends. -It irwifir's^ni^'ihktrwe
chronicle his death. Snrvivinglabis
Widi^^th^ dadeh^^hfifBother
and two s^ers; .funeral and. bu*
rial took place at^Hkeiapd
day afteniooiK .. "
Graver C Hellard. '
i&overCtavenHellafd, 44, of Rahdith.
fotmeriy of tlda city, died FUday at the
U. S. V^mns Hos^ifd. at Oteen, wbeca
be bad been a patient five we^sL
Mt; Rdtaid was a fiteman with the N.'
& S. Railroad, and bad oaado hla bmne In
Raldgb for eome time. ,
. "nie fhoetal was bdd Snnday afternoon
at 1 o'dock at tbe Walker Fbneral Homa
whb Rev. E. U. Avecc eondncting the ser-
vicea. Botial followed in Rnse cemetery. n
Sundvittg is the uddow. BIrk 6. C. Hel
lard. of Rmd^ and a half-tmther, Joe
Hdlaid, of Davto Gonncy* 1
Fhnmal aervteefl wme bODdnctod Son
dtmted Sohday afternoon at 8 o'dodi fiir
B. B1 NoUbf, 68. who died at' bis home
near Cboleemee Saturday; tnondni.; Tbe
dtos wme hdd at Llbeity ehnicli,
I I Bp*. Ndley waa a faimer and- one of
Davie county's most respeded dthmns.
He had been confined to Ualmme for Hie
past several months. Surviving are sev-
erat sons.
Bio - Obituaries — 11/29/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 1,1939
i Funeral services wore held
Wednesday nftemcan In Ports
mouth, Va. for Bailey Broxton
Sheek, Qi. who died at his home
there Monday night, at Q:3o
o clock following a heart attack.
He was a native of Mocksvllle.
and the son of the late George'
and Mrs Camilla KImbrough
Sheek. The latter .lives here.
Other survivors Include four
Ydslers: Miss Duke Sheek, Mrs.
Oscar McClamrock, Mrs. C. B.
James and Mrs. A. U. James, all,
of Modksvlllo; three brothers,'
Annltte Sheek of Mocksvllle
and Albert and Jack Sheek ,of!
Portsmouth. Two children, Marie'
and Bally, Jr., of Portsmouth al-1
St survive. Mcsdamcs Aaron and
Ciarcncc James left Tuesday to
attend the funeral.
Funeral services were held last
Sunday at l o'clock at the Wal
ker Funeral Home for Grover
Craven Hellard, 44, native of
Mocksvllle who lived In Raleigh
and who died at U. S. Veterans
Hospital'at Oteen on-Nov. 24
where he had been about 5
weeks. Interment was in the
Rose cemetery, the funeral ser
vices being conducted by Rev. E.
M. Avett. Burial was with mill-
Continued on Page Eight
tary honors.
Re is survived by his widow of
Raleigh, 3 children and a half
brother, Joe Bellard of the conn
\!3. Mr. Rellard was a fireman on
the Norfolk & Southern Rail
Pallbearers were members of
the local American legion poet:
Ralus Brown. O. N. Word, fipur-
gcon Anderson, Plercp Foster,
Gmdy Sain and F. W. Honeyeutt.'
These, together with R. P. Mar
tin and O. C. McQuage, compos
ced a military escort for the body
Sunday morning when it arri
ved here by train.
Funeral services fur Mr. Edd
Nolllo were held at ut
church Sunday afternoon atl
o'clock conducted by Rev. e u
Avett and Rev. A, "W. Lynch, i
Is survived by two sons, Roy aj
Hubert, two grand children aal
one sister, Mrs. James Hutnph
Bio - Obituaries -12/1/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 6,1939
^-Sheriff Moxley.
Hx Sheriff C. B. Moxlev,
■Vadkin couaty, died in a WinstniSalem hospital Wednesday foI1ow|
Ine: a short illacs<». Funeral an(
burial servl^s took place Thnrsds]
afternoon at Noith Oak RidgelBaptist church. Mr. Moxley was!57 years old, and served for iiJ
years as'sheriff of Yadkin county.]
He had many friends in Davie who'
Ernest A. Peebles
Former Davie Mao
Ernest A. Peeblea, 56. died at bis home
in AshevlUe Friday morning. Mr. Peebles
was bom at Advance, but moved to Ashe
vlUe about SS years ago. For many years
he was a Soatbem Railway conductor. Outin. later yeaia was CO owner of the Ashe
vllle Bedding Co. Mr. Peebles is survived
by his widow and two soos.
Bailey Baxton Sheek
Atteod Sheek Funeral.
Mr.c. Aaron James and Mrs. Clar.
ence James went to Portsoioutb,
Va., last Tuesday night to attend
the funeral and-.- burial of their
brother, Bailey Baxton Sheek, 5'i
who died on Nov. ajtb. toUowinga
long illness of heart trouble. Funer.
al and burial services'were held at
Portsmouth Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Sheek was a native of Mocks*
vilie, but moved to Portsmouth
some 25 years ago. He was a son
of Mrs. Geo. Sheek, of this city.
Surviving is his widow, one son
and daughter, of Portsmouth; fa
mother, Mrs. Geo. Sheek, of th
city; three brothers, Albert an;
Jack, of Portsmouth, and G.Sheek, of this citv; lour sisterj
Mrs A. U James. Mrs. Oscar M
Clamroch and Miss Duke Sheek,
this c ty, and Mrs Clarence Jam
of near Clemmons.
! Mr. Sheek bad many friends
Mocksville and Davie county, wj were saddened by the news of
Bio - Obituaries -12/6/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 8,1939
Funeral Serviqes For
Mary Frances .Hutchens
Funeral serviced for Mnry
Frances Hutchcnfi; 12, who died
Tuesday morning, were conduc
ted Thursday mornine ot Bat
on's Baptist church. Rev. W. H.
Rencgar and Rev. H. Fulghum
conducted the services and In
terment was in the church ceme
Mary Frances Is survived by
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
Clyde Hutchens of the county
and two sisters and one brother.
Bio - Obituaries -12/8/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 13,1939
Miss E(fi« Cain.
Miss Effie Cain, ol tbia city, died Sator*
day at Jacksonvilla, Fla^ when sbe - weat
aboat two we^ ago to apeod else wikter
wUb ber odoe, Un. Qeoige Wood.
Fooerat amioea b| Eat^'a
Baptist chnt^ SabBav •
o'dock, wiibltay. Asch
bury, and Rev. CL I4, BowaH, id Ikoisi^
yUle, is chatge^ aftd the Uld;to leat
la tbe dittich ceaetery.
UiasGaln iaaervlved by two bcotber?,
J. & QMOf^of Caoataad P)titBbafdCUo,of
Brooklyn N..Y,'. and two sisieft, Biia. J. W
Rpdw^.of tbia dty, and Uta. 0. M.
'man,6ie^boio. .
. Mrs. PuAney Tamer.
. Mrs. Pinlcoev Turoer, 87, died
at ber bome tiear Jericbo Monday
cveniog at 7 o'clock, death resnlt«
ioft from tbe infirmities of aee.
Barial will take place today in the
family burial erouod.
Mrs. Turner was a daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Burton
Brown, of this city, and is suroiv.
ed by one son, Brown Turner, and
one daUKbter, Miss Dai^ Turner,
both at home; one sister. Hiss Kate
Brown,, of this city. A mother in
Israel lias fallen.
'Martm Funeral.
~ Funeral services were held for
Qscar^L. Martin, who died sudden
ly in .Winston*Salem on Dec. 51b,
at Vogler's Cbapel Thursday atter-
woonot 2 o'clock, and the body
laid tb lestintbe Parmington ceme
tery. Mr. Martin is survived by
bis widow, who was Miss Fraoces
Bedmon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Thosi" H. Redmon, fdTmerly of
Farmington before marriage.
Maty Frances Hntdens.
Mary Frances, little 13 yeae.o!d
daugbter cf Mr. and Mrs. S. Clyde
Hutcbens, of uear Holmao's, died
last Tuesday raomiing fotlowipg a
long illness of heart trouble, pre
ceded by an attact of scarlet fever.
' Funeral services were held at
Eaton's Baptist cburcb Thursday
moniing at 11 o'clock, with Revs,
j, H* Fulgbum and Dallas Rene
gar in charge and tbe body laid to
rest in tbe church cemetery.
Surviving is tbe parents, two
sisters and one brother, who have
tbe sympathy of tbe entire commu-
nityy-in the death of their littie
Bio - Obituaries - 12/13/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 15,1939
Effie Cain
Miss Bflle Cain, 69,. beloved £
nurse viho was bom at Oana^ .'^
died lost Saturday at Jackson-j
vllle. Flo. where she had' Bondv]
TfaonksglvlnB to^ visit her.nJera,V;
Mrs. George'Wood. V .-.I
The funeral was held Sundi^ f
afternoon at Eaton's Baptist 1
chureh, conducted by Drl' Anh . j
O: <^ee, pwlor of the First Bap:;.^;^
tisVchureh'of Salisbury, and
alsted by the Bev. 'C: M. Howeii'^'j
of Thomasvtlle. Xnterznent was.ln' I
the church cemetery.-. ' ' '•l
Daughter of-the late James'.B. ' *
and Elizabeth Ftoat Cain, the
deceased is survived by 3 bron I
thera and 2 sisters: John Boyce
Coin, Cana, and Richard B. Cain
of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mrs. i: W.)
Rodwell of MocksvUle and '
Marsorot G. KIrkman of Greens- ^
boro. i
. After finishing high school-^
Miss Cain was employed as ma- •
at the ThomosvUe Orphan- '
age; later she entered Greens- •
boro College for Women and air
ter graduation' returned to the '
orphanage to teach lor 17 yeara !
She then entered the White- r
Continued on Page Five n ' ;
head*8tokes Sanltorium as a
student nurse and after gradua
tion served In the hospital be
coming assistant head nurse.
She was also a member of the
state examining board for nur
ses for a long time.
When her father and mother
declined In health she returned
to Mockavllle where she devoted
her time to them until their dea
th. Loved by everybody for her
Unselfish life of usefulness. Miss
Gffle's death removes one of Da-
vle's finest women.
Pallbearers were J. O., B. F. and
J. W. Btchison, J. W.. Jr. and
John Henry Rodwell and J. B.
Cain, Music was by the Tho-
masville Orphanage.
Out of town relatives and
friends here for the funeral In
cluded Mr. and Mrs. G. M. KIrk
man of Greensboro, Mr.uud Mrs.
Walter Etchlson of Boston,
Mass.; ^rus Howell of Thomas-
Vilte; Mrs. H. L. Duval and Miss
Grace Duval, Mrs. John Tatum
of Salisbury; Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Blackmore, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Rich, John Naylor, Miss luclle
Cain and Miss Gladys Cain all
of Wlnston-Solcm.
W. F. Jarvis, bom In 1B85, di^
at his hiHRe at Smith Grovo Tu
esday morning. The funeral
held Wednesday afternoon* 'at.
Advance Methcdist church, con
ducted by Rev. P. L. Smith, with
Interment In the church ceme
tery. . ; i
Ho Is survived by the widow;:
Mrs. Jennie Seeding Jarvis: by 3
daughters; Mrs. Annie 'Myet^
Advance; Mrs, Augusta McDan^-
lel, MocksvUle, route 9; Mm
Prank Becrierj^ Winston; two'
sons. Charles F^of Winston and.
Alex of Slotea county. Ai^other,.
Wesley of Advance, also survl^;
Funeral services were held
Wednesday at the home for Mrs.
Sally Brown Turner, widow of
the late Plnkoy Turner'who was
a Confederate veteran. Mrs. Tur
ner was bom In 1852 and lived all
of her life In the Jericho neigh
borhood near the Harbison
church. She was the daughter of
Burton and HatUe 'Bivens
Brown. She died Monday even
ing at 6 o'clock. John W. Kurfees
of Winston conducted the rites
and interment was In the family
burlng ground.
She is survived by a dough-
ter, Miss Daisy at home; a son.
B. B. at home; one sister. Miss
Kate Brown of MocksvUle.
Bio - Obituaries -12/15/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 20,1939
William Odell Johnson
W. F. Janis
Wj P. Jarvis. 74, died last Tuesday room-
Sod at' bis bonie So Smith Grove following
a lo^ Illness. . ..... . ..
Fiifieral services was hdd Wedoeedavafternoon at 3 o'clocli at Advmiw M^hp-
diet Ottuch with Uie Rev. P. L. Smith in
Ur. Jarvis is survived by bis wldot^s
Ibree daughters. ,tfra. Annie My>r8. ot
Advance; Mis. Augusta McOamel. of R
8, and Mrs.
tofnt two BOOS* Charles F. Jarvis, of Wins-
Con-Salem. and AI« 'Jarji8. of Sickfs
coonty. and one brother, Wes!ey Jarvis, of
Advance, s
Boy K3k Brother.
Wiilloro Odell Johnson, 11-year old eon
of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest W. Johnson,' who
live near Society Baptist diurch, in Oavie
coonty, was kilted Saturday afteinoon by
the accidental discharge of a' ahotgon in
the bands of his S.year-old brother* The
small boy pointed the gun playfully at bis
brother, and it discharged, the entire load
entering the boy's left chest. n Fanetal and
burial services were held Ucoday after^
noonatYadkin Valtey Baptist chnfch,*
Tbe.grief-stricken family have the sym- j
patqy of the entire commuoUy.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/20/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 22,1939
Funeral eervlces were-held
Tuesday altemoon at EaUm'a
Baptist church for Mrs. Rebecca
Jones White, B4, who died MOhr
day night at the home of a sU-
tor, Mrs. Susan Ritchie of Farv;-'.
higton. The Rev. Dallas Re^-
assisted by the Rev. B. 'yr.
Turher'and James aroce,.cQh'^
ducted the rites and Intemieht
.was In the church cemeterjNX
widow of dsbdiy White and.;
daughter of Cullen.';and' .B4ub^
Ctoke Jones, Mrs^ TlWilte.- waa^
lifelong resident o'fFarmingto^":
She is survived by twb-8lBtei8:f^
Mrs. Ritchie and l^s.
Groce of Farming tdn fandia
brother, W. J. Jones of S^kii^e.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/22/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 29,1939
Fred Cauble
iMrs. A, F. Campbell received
rd of the death of her slstcr-
I Inw, Mrs. James E. Starrcttc,
passed away on Christmas
ornlng. Mrs. Starrette was
ried at her home In Milcsbiirg,
ban. She Is survived by her
sband, James* E. Starrette,
imerly from Davie county.
Fred Cauble, 20, of Salisbury
was almost instantly killed and
Jviiss Juanlta Wlitilow of Oreen
street, Wlnston*Salem, Is in a
Winston hospital wiUi a badly
broken pelvis as the result of a
car which Cauble was driving
leaving the Winston highway
about 11 o'clock Monday night
at a curve near Smith Grove
Joe Eagle of Spencer and Miss
Hazel Howard of ciemmous. ot
her occupants of the car, cscap
ed without serious Injury.
After turning over several
times the car caught fire. A
couple from Mccksville in pass
ing extinguished the fire and
brought the injured here to the
MocksvUle hospital.
Eagle said the car
longed to a dealer In Salisbury
having been loaned to drive
pending the arrival of a new
, Cauble la survived by his
widow, parents and several sis
tcrs and brothers'.
Amos Jones, 63, died Wedneo-
doy at home on route 4. The
funeral was held yesterday at 2
o'clock at Zlon Methodist
church, conducted by Rev. E. M.
Avctt, with interment in ^e
church cemetery.
Son of James ond Susan Co
mer Jones, he Is survived by his
widow, Mrs. Maggie Cook Jones;
by two daughters, Mrs. Clyde
West of Pfafftown, route l, and
MLss ShcrriU Jone%,of ..routc.2;
by two brothers. Ell of Ohio and
Charles oi Statesvllle; by two
Asters, Mrs. E. A. Wintrouse of
Texas and Miss Susan Jones of
Montana. n
Funeral services were held
Wednesday at Jerusalem Bap
tist church for Lester-8. Ingram,
58, ^ho died Monday at his
home near Greasy Corner. Rev.
E.- W. Turner conducted the
services and 'burial In the
church cemetery.
He Is survived by bis widow,
Mrs. aata Burton ingram, by
one brother, four sisters, six dou
ghters and three sons.
Final rites were held last Sun
day at Fulton Melhodist church
for Mrs. Hcgc Mason, 51, who
died at a Salisbury hospital on
Friday. The Rev. P. 1.. Smith
conducted the ritca and inter
ment was in the church ceme
She Is survived by her hus
band, Hugh W. Mason of Fork;
father, Alex Hege; brothers,
Will of Winston, John of Soils
bury and Charlie of Advance,
route 1; sister, l/tX8. F. J. Mot'
tin of Dunn.
The following children like
wise >aurvlve: Mrs. ^bna Trex'-j
ler, route 1, Advance; Mrs. parl-
ton Beck, Leidhgton; Mm, Roy
Oarwood, Cooleemee;* Mrs. Ha
rold Hoi^Uin, Advance, route
1; Winie H.. Jr. at homC'
grand children .also survive.
Bio - Obituaries —12/29/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 29,1939
Punoral services were held at.
the home hero on old Salisbury,
street for Dr. Aaron Spcer Hard-<
Ine, 48. who died at a hospital
In Statcsvllle Tuesday morning.
The services were conducted by
Rev. G, M. Avett and Interment
was in Pilot Mountain, his for
mer home.
Son of the late Green Berry
and Elizabeth Stcclman Hard
ing and a native of Fftrmlngton.
Dr. Harding Is survived by his
widow, Mrs. Pearl Clifton Hard-
ding, and the following children:
Ruth and Margie, Henry, Char
les Edward and Earl, all at
home. The following brothers
and sisters also survive: Dr. s.
A. Harding, Mocksvllle; John of
route 2 and Orady of Lcwisvllle,
MIfls Julia Herding of Jaukscn-
vllle, Fla., Mrs. Flora Hutchens,
Mars Hill; Mrs. Carson Blaek-
mer. Four Oaks; Mrs. Ray Decsc,
route 2; Mrs. John Springs and
Mrs. W. R. Spalnhour, both of
Dr. Harding has practiced
dentistry here for the last six
years, moving here from Pilot
Bio - Obituaries - 12/29/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY