Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 4,1939
Price J. Wagoner.
Price J, Warner, 53, fanner of
Shady Grove cammttnitv, died oa
Dec. 25tb, at bis home. He snf«
fered a heart attack several weeks
ago^ and had apparenilv got better.
Hei'w^s a Mocksville visitor on Fri
day before bis death.
Survivors inciode the widow,
three sons, J. F., W. M. and T.
H. Wagoner, all of Advance, R. 2,
fiion daughter?, Mrs. LeoPoaocey,
Rannapolis;^tsa Clyde Wagner,
Cooleemw, anl^ Missis H^ta and
Maiy Wagoner, at homel Seven
brothers, A. A., Jobn- and Denla
Wagoner, of Mocksville, R. 2; J,
A. Waj^oner, of High, Point; D. F.
Wagonei^'of Hom^ti^tle, Ga., Carl
of WinstoD-Salem, and Dewey, of
Kannapotis; tbree sisters, Mrs, C*
V. Miller, of Uccksville, Mrs. C.
S. Massey, of R. 3, and Mrs. £. h.
Griffin, of Winston-Salem.
Funeral services were held at
Smith Grove Methodist church last
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
condncted by Rev. J. W. Vestal,
and the body laid to rest in the
chnrcta cemetery.
Blbrs. James Crews.
Mrs. Auttie Crews, 44, wife of
Jim Crewi», died Dec. 21, at Bap*
tist Hospital, WinstOD^alem, as
the result of bums suffered ten days
previous. She was the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. S'. P. Burnett. She
is survived by ber husband, her
mother, and three children, Rufus,
J C, and Minnie Crew.c. The fun
eral was held at Advance Metho
dist church on Dec. 2s,rJ, with the
pastor, Rev. Mr. .Smith, officiating.
Bnriai followed in the church ce
Walter Miller West
Dane Stadoit Killed.
Walter Miller West, 25. of -near
Farmington, died Tuesday night at
7' o'clo^ at an Elkm hosplial of
injuries suffered in an antomolrile
accident near Brooks Cross Roads
Dec, 26tb.
West was en route to Boone,
where be ts a siudeot at Appala
chian State Teathers College. He
was driving alone. The car skid*
ded on the snow covered road and
overturned. West suffered a frac
tured skull.
A son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
West of the Farmington commun
ity, West spent the holidays irt
home with bis parents. He was
employed In the dairy at Appala
cbian State Teachers College, in
additkm to bis student activities.
Mr. West is survived by bis par
ents, tbree brothers and four sis-
iters, together with a host of rela
tives and friends, who mouro his
untimely death.
Funeral services were held at
Wesley's Chapel Methodist cburcb
Thursday morning at, I r o'clock,
with Revs, J. W. Vestal and M.
G. Ervin conducting the last rad
rites. The body was laid to rest in
the church cemetgry.
George Pullman
Negro Killed In Wreck.
C C. Bedc, of Saliabury. was ex
onerated by a coroner's jory here
Friday afternoon of blame In the ac
cidental death of George PuHm^,
15, Negro, who was hilled Friday
morning when a truck overturned on
the road between Forit and Advan<».
Dr. L. [F.' Marrin, coroner, snin-
rooned the jury and b^d the inque^
here. Beck was drtying the truck.
Elvidmtce presratra to the jury
showed Beck was driring the truck
in which several Negroes were rid
ing en ronte to worit at a sawmill at
Advance Ihe truck Ridded on the
slick road in an attempt to pass a
car. Pullman was cmahed under
the truck. Several others suffered
minor cuts and brufres.
Mrs. J. H. Broadway
Mrs. Rebecca Isabel Broad wry
died last Tuesday morning at nve
o'clodc at her home in Terusalem
township, death following an illness
of several months.
Mrs. Broadway, was 59 years old
the past October. Sarviving are
b -r husband, Mr. J. H. Broadway,
two daughters, Mis. J. L. Coble,
of Rowan county, and Mrs. H. D.
Osbome, of Davie; and a son, J,
W. Bro^way, at home. .Surviv
ing also are two sirters and five
brothers wbo live ih various sec
tions of this state.
Mrs. Broadway was a member of
the Noe Creek Primitive Baptist
church. Funeral services 'were
held there Wednesday afternoon at
I o'clock and interment followed in
the church cemetery.
W. A. Griffin.
W, A. Griffin, 75, dt^ at bis
home in West Mocksville, on Dec.
20tli, following a short illness.
Fuueral services were held at the
home on Dec. 21st, at 2 p. m., con
ducted by Rev. J. H. Pulghum,
and tiie body laid to rest in Rose
Mr. Griffin was one of Mocks,
vine's best known citizens, having
spent his entire life in the county.
He is survived by one brother,
I Walter Griffin, of this city; tbree
sisters, Mrs. Alice Cauble, Mrs.
W. A. Kerr and Mrs. T. E. Odom,
all of Hickory.
Bio — Obituaries - 1/4/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 4,1939
llflrs. James Coley.
'Mffl. J. R. foimef lesidest
of Mocfcovitle. dM in a Darham bospUal
Satotdoy motaiiig. fottowiag a teng illoeaa.
Un.Caleyf8 8BiTtvcd1i]rt«ro8osSi W.
X CoMy. of Baleigb, J H. Ciday. Savaa*
aah. G&. foor dangnteia, Mrs' SWiftBoop.
er. WiB8ten,Sale(Q: Bfra M. B. Bndu Par-
miagtoo; Uia R. W. Bta^ Wilaoo; Hta.
L. D. IQrklafld, Dodiaoi.
PaoeiateerylGeaweis bddattbe MocbS''
villa MeiiiodlM cfasidi Saaday adtemooD
at 2 o*etock« wnb Dr. Swattce. of Woa^a*
SalaiD. la cbaide^ aisistad by Rova. S. M.
Aveit and <1. W. VeataL and tbe body laid
to teat in Soie mnetefy.
Leelfeider KOk Self.
L6eIXHeidnr.-34 imilvaefDavie,blew
the top of Ms head off whb a ebottfcin at
bia bfuiie tn WinstODeSalamSstaiday nutro
olntf. He bad safreied «itb seveie bead-
acliMfof aweeli. -
Fbaeial aesvieea iveta held at ftahb
Grove Uetbodist cdnicb Uniday eftetaooR
at2o*de^w{tb Rev. J. W. Vestal in
charge, and the body laid to test in tbel
eboidb cwnetfrfy.
Mr. Repler Is Mi^ved by hia wife; Ids
ntodivr, Mfs D. R. Replei; of this coontv.
three brothers. Cban«s. of KnoxviUe. Sam
and Tboroaa. of tbis coonty, and one sis
ter; Bbs. LilBe Myers, or Daeie.
Era F.Eaton.
Era F Eaton. 86. died Satntday at bis
fanbe at Fadt, after a long fBness aiid -fa
Dcral dervlees were Jheld Monday ^ttec-idoon at 2 tfdock (3ei$|land Baptist
drareh In Rowan cSiahty
Mr. Edton is snivi^ by bM wife, one
aoa and two daogbtefs.
Bio - Obituaries -1/4/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Walter Miller West
Davie Stndoit Killed.
Waller Miller West, 25. of near
ParmiDgtofl, died Tu^ay aigbt at
T o'clock at an Blkin bospUal of
iniories suffered in an antotnolnle
accidert near Brooks Cross Roads
Dec. 2dtb.
West was en route to Boone,
where be is a stndeot at Appala-
cbiao Slate Teaidiers College. He
was driving alone. The car skid*
ded on the snow covered road and
overtttrned. West anffered a frac
tured skoll.
A son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
West of the Famnngton commnn-
ity. West spent the holidays vt
booie with bis parents, lie was
emploTcd in the dairy at Appala
cbian State Teachers College, in
addition to bis stodent activities.
Mr. West is survived by bis par
ents, ibree brothers and four sis-
jters, together with a host of rela
tives and friends, who mourn his
nnttmelv death.
Funeral services were held at
Wesley's Cbapel Methodist chnrcb
Thursday morning at. i r o'clock,
with Revs. J, W. Vestal and M.
6. Ervin condncting the last rad
rites. The body was laid to rest in
the ^UTcta cenietgry.
Bio — Obituaries -1/4/1939 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 5,1939
Beloved Woman Posses to
Her Reword at the Age
01 91 Years
Mrs. Margaret Mock Coley, Bl,
widow or Jamea H. Coley, and a
longtime prominent resident oX the
rr\l r riTAkl n Farmlngton section ot Davle Cpun-
rlcA r rAlllN ty, died in Durham laat. Saturday.L.l\n !• LrtlWll The funeral was held at the Metho-
|\|rr iirin FAni/ church here on last Sunday
IJlri NrAlv rUlvIV afternoon. The service was conduct-l/ILJ Ill-HlX I VJI\I\ jjy the Rev. Schwartz, pastor-of
Era P. Eaton. 80, died last Satur- Moraylan^hurch m Win-
V, . V 1. ston-Salem, assisted- by Rev, J. W.day at his home near Fork church Farmlngton.- and Rev. E. i
; after a long illness and funeral MC- Avett, of Mocksville. Interment |
[ vices were held Monday afternoon was in the family plot in Rose ceme-'
at 2 o'clock at the Cleveland Bap- tery, beside her husband, a daugh- in tlst church in Rowan county. s??vWcdTy Se'ollowlng'
The deceased was a charUr mern^ children; WUl X. Ccley, circulation
ber of the church and hia body will. manager of the Raleigh (N. C.)
lay in state there from noon Mon- Observer; -Mrs: l: d. Klrk-
day untU the funeral hour. • Durham; Mrs. Minnie Black.
He is survived by his wife,. Mrs. ^NtisQn^. Mr.s. Swift" Hodper, Win-
Cora Bronson Eaton; a eon, ston-Salcm; James.li. Coley, pf:Sa-
_ Wi H. Eaton, of Auburn, Ala.; two vannab, Ga.; Mrsl 'M..'B. Brock, of
daughters. Mrs. G. M. Fleming, of Parmington: A brother; Dan Cook,
I Cleveland, and Ntos. A. B. ShnmOM of Davie county, .'and .37.grandchU-
of Charlotte; and three grandchll- dren 'and .22 gr^t- grandchildren
^|dren. also survive; ." ; !
Sho was the;,daughter'of. Sus'an <
Sheek and Henry! Mock, born In Vir
ginia and reared, in the Farmlngton <
section of pavie co^ty where her
mother, who ilyed^td be 98 years j
old, spent her . entire ..life, j
Her fathe'r^yas" a"; member of the
family from! which. Mocksville ob- j
talncd its name, .Being, first known ,
as Mocks pid .Hlli.^.Her spn, Will X. .
Coley/was the first n>tvybr of Mocks
ville and was'8ls6\at one time pub- '
Usher of The ^terprtoe,' .
, In Infancy shetwas.'. baptized In i
the MacedonmV Moravian church
hear Parmihgtoh where she was a
member unUl she'niarried Mr. Coley.
After the de'afch. df her-husband 27 :
years ago, she lived with her chll- :
dren. She devoted her life' tb Chris- :
tlanlty and in Raleigh attended the i
Baptist church; In Durham the •
Presbyterian church; in Erwln the
Episcopal Church; in Davle county
the Methodist Moravian, church. At
the time .of-her 'death she was a
mdmber . of.-; the Moravian chiirch
, ih;Wlnston-8alemi'^nd at one time
. was d member of Parmihgtoh and
. Mocksvlile Methodist, churchea .
• She^was fiO years,'-10 months and
. ll'days Qld/when.'she^^^
n PaUbearerV^a^' tha;funeral were
L, olde^ sons/bT'thef-Vario^' grand-
} chUdren|.B;.c.;Brqck,! HMris.:dbli9y,
Dr. -.Gicnn
Troy Lee Bowles
Funeral services were held at the
graveside in Fork,cemetery Tuesday
morning for Troy Lee Bowles, in
fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Bio - Obituaries - 1/5/1939
who died In an Elkin hospital on
December 27, after ht.s ntitomobilc
.turned over at Brooks Cross Roads.
Son of Mr. and Mrs, W. W, (Bud)
West of Farmlngton, he was an out
standing student .at 'Appalnchinn
State Teachers college. He was on
his w.iy back to .«s(!hool when he
fnillily took place, his car skidding
on a snow-covcrcd road.
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 11,1939
Mrs. Surah S. Foster.
Mtw. Sarah Foster. 78. ^native of- tbfs
eooaty, died ^utsday oMbC at 10 o'doek
. at the iMuae of ber 000. P. K. Fofltec. Dear
\yiii8t«i*SaI«m, f<dIo«ind aa iUaen of
Mis. Foster io survived by three daoilh*
ten, fifra. L P. ^ner. of tbia Ur»
W. A. Wyatt. WlDStdn Satem: Mrs. S. - J.
FMer. HocfcsviJIe: tbree aona, W U. and
P. K. Foster, of near Wlmtaa-Salem, and
•iGtisa. A. Fo8ter;'-iiMr Uoekavflie: a half'
iHother & W Wiiuafna. of Ctevetand. one
^aambwofgrsiid and gieat^graodcbOd
ICD* '
^fbneral eei^ceo were bold at Be*.hd 11
p. dinrcb at 2 o'clock Satttrday afteroo«)..
witbRev. 6.K ^It io diartfe. assisted
by Revs J. F. Carter. W. a Cooper end
R. A Taylor, aad the body laid to rest in
the chor^ eemetefy.
' To the'bereaved thlldten end selativea
TbeRe^trd ektesds dwp aympaRiy in
tUflsadbour. • n .
Bio - Obituaries - 1/11/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 12,1939
Mrs. Sarah WlUiams Foster, 76,
cded. January 5 at the home of her
son, P. K. Foster of Winstpn-Salem.
The funeral service was held at
Bethel M. P. Church, Saturday af
ternoon at 2 o'clock. The service
was In charge of her pastor Rev. K.
O. Holt, assisted by Rev. J. F. Carter
of Winston Salem and Rev. W. c.
Cooper of Moeksville. She had
been 111 for five weeks and her con
dition had been serious for the
three weeks.
Mrs. Foster was born In Davle
county, June 21,1B02, a daughter of
H. H. c. Williams and Sarah Rice
Williams. She was married to J. p.
Foster in 1863. who died July 15,
1922. She Joined Bethel M. P.
Church In early childhood.' Since
then she has been a faithful and
loyal church member.
- Surviving are three daughters:
Mrs. L. P. Gartner and Mrs. S. J.
^Bter of MdcksvUle; and Mrs/W.
A. Wyatt of Wlnston-Salem; three
sons, W. H. and F. K. Foster of Win-
•ton-SoIem and 0. A. Poster of
UceksvlUe; Fourteen grandchild
ren. and one half brother C. W.
T^anur of Cleveland also survive.
The following pallbearers/were:
Inrlng T.' Ji , Jake,- and Joe Foster
and Carl' and Lontile MCCuUougbi
The Flower - were carried by:
Misses Duette, Louise and* Ruth
Foster Mo^ Francis Jackie
Foster, lUiherlne Williams, Paulino
Foster, Jean Wyatt, plglr Sain,
Katherlne Pome, Glair Poplin. Ola
Summers, Maxallne Swlcegood, Eva
McCuIlou^h and Estell Roger.
Mrs. Vbaler' was beloved by a
wide circle of crelativ^s and friends
who mourn hef. dea^:
Charles. Augustus Falrcloth, 58
died Svmday. 'night at 10 o'clock
at the homo near Farmlngton. He
had been Uli for sometime. He
was a son of Jotui n and Harriett
Lueback Falrcloth, His wife, the
former Sara Hodges died several
years ago-
Surviving are one stepdaughter
Miss Metty. Hodges - of Advance.
Route 1; andtfour sisters, Mrs Hay
Virge, ,of Wlnston-Bolcm; Mrs. W.
H. Hones, of Advance. Routel; and
Mrs. O. TiJL Smith, of Clenunons.
"The funeral :was held Tuesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at-Macedonla
Moravian Church. Rev. O, B. Brew
er conducted the services. Burial
was in the church graveyard.
Pallbearers were Glenn Hodge,
Odell Smith, Andrew Cope, Clyde
Wood, Bfird Lee. Maurice CUne.
Flower girls were Mrs.* Ellen Min
or, Miss Mamie Wood, Miss Ruth
Potts, Mrs. Louise York and Miss
Glenn Hodge.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/12/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 18,1939
Cliarles A. Fairclodi.
Charles Augttftus Fafrclolh, 58,
died last Mc^ay night at 10
o'clock at the home near Farming-
ton. He hod tieen fll^ for some
tfme. His wife, the foimer Sara
Hodg^ died several years ar.o.
Surviving are one stepdaughter,
Usss Belly Hod^, of Advance. R
i; and four sisters.' Mrs* Hay
^Hrge. of Winston-Salem; Mrs. W.
H. Haoes. of'Farmington; Mrs.
J. H. Smith, oh Advance. Route
x; and.Mrs. C. M. Smith, of Clem-
The fnneral was held' Tuesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at Macedonia
Moravian cbuich. Rev. Q. B.
Brewer conducted the services. Bu
rial was in the chuxch graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/18/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 19,1939
Cooleemoe — Funera] services
were held last Sunday for Qeorge
W. Hellard, about 80 who died at his
home Saturday, of pneumonia. He
was a sawmill operator by profes
sion. The service was held at the
Liberty Methodist church.
Two sons survive: .Floyd and
WUUam Hellard of Salisbury. His
wife died in 1918 and a daughter,
Mrs, Annie Barnes, , died several
years ago.
^^Puneral services for Charles Clce-
Young of Cooleemee who died
"Wednesday morning will be
Id this afternoon at the Baptist
iurch of Cooleemee with Rev. A.
P^atoudemlre, assisted by Rev. J. H.
' Ighum of Mocicsvllle, conducting
|[e service. Interment will be In
|ie Rose Cemetery In MccksvUIe.
r, Young had been In 111 health
sonie months and his condition
kd been serious for several days.
|Mr. Young was born in Davidson
;unty on July 10, 1874. In 1897 he
led Miss Mary Cope. He was
ke son of John A. Yoimg and Mar-
ret Ann Snyder. He is survived by.
fven children: Philip of Mocks-
llp, Floyd of Salisbury, Mrs. Eth^
ibmpson of Lincolnton, and Mrs.
jeola Wilson, Mre. Charabel Feel-
f, Miss Evelyn Young, and Broxton
)ung all of .€k)Olaemee, and a
i^ber of grand-children. In 1899
Young opened a general mer-
tdise store in'Cooleemee and In
^11 he opened the Young's Fune-
Home. He has been active in
le business life of the community
id bad done much to promote the
ress of the' town, both in
lurch and civic activities.
L. A. Anthony, 79, of Harmony
died early yesterday morning at , a
StatcsvUle hospital.
The funeral wUl be held this af
ternoon at 2 o'clock at the Sandy
Springs Baptist church, conducted
by Rev. E. M. Turner." The body
wlU lie In state at the church for
an hour prior to' the service. Inter
ment will be in the church ceme
Five children survive: Orace 'of
Greensboro, R. R., T. R., Anthony
and Mrs. M. T. Chamberlain, all of
YadklnvQle, and Mrs. 8. L. Joyner
of Harmony.
Bio - Obituaries -1/19/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 19,1939
Funeral services were held yes
terday afternoon at the home here
for Mrs. Frances Cornelia Martin,
75, widely known and beloved Davle
county native, who died Tuesday
mornln? at 0 o'clock at a hospital
in Wlnston-fialem. • The service
was conducted by Rev. J. H. Fnls-
hum and Rev. B. W. Turner and
Interment was made In the Rose
The wife of the late Dr. Wilson
c. Martin, she was taken sick last
September and admitted to the
hospital In November. Her condi
tion had been serious for. several
Three children survive: Miss
Flossie. Martin, a member of the
faculty of the Reynolds high school
in Winston-Salem; Dr. Lester Mar
tin, prominent local physician and
county comer; and Mrs. Charles
Al Burrus of Shelby. Two sisters al
so survive: Mrs. J. T. Baity of
Mocksville and Mrs. M. J. Hendrlcks
of Farmlngton. Four grand child
ren likewise survive: Lester Mar
tin, Jr., Qeorge Martin, Charles
Burrus, Jr. and Velma Elizabeth
Burrus, in addition to a number of
neices and nephews.
Mrs. Martin was bom In Davie
county on April 26, 1894, one of 12
children of Phiup and Sarah Fur-
ches Eaton. She Joined Eaton's
Baptist church at an early age in
1895 transferred to the Mocksville
Baptist church.
She attended school at Union
Academy and ThomasvlUe Female
College, taught school for some
time, and also taught music.
She married br. Martin on July
24,1889 and they lived- for a few
years at Cana after which they mo
ved to Mocksville .where they spent
the re'st of their lives. Dr. Martin
died here on Dec. 5,1937.
Pallbearers were: Dr. R, P. And
erson, J. F. Hanes, T. M. Hendrlcks,
Dr. a, B. Hail Charles F. Bahnson
and James P. Newman.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/19/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 25,1939
Mrs. W. C Maitin.
Mca« Francis Eaton MartiD, 76«
widow of the late lamraited Dr. Wll*
.'son Ca Martin, of this city, passed a-
way at BapUst Hospital, Witistoc-
]; Salem. last Tuesday morning, folloa-
ittg an extended illness.
j| Mrs. Martin was a life-long resid-
. entof Davie Connty, being a daugh-
I ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Philip
\ Eaton, of near Fannittgton. She
. 'waa married to Dr. MarUn in 1889,
. and after living a short while at
/Cana. Dr. and Mra. Ma^n moved
to Uoeksville, where they both re
sided ontil Dr. Martin's deatn in
December. 1987.
Mrs. Martin is anrvived by one
son. Dr. Lester P. Martin, of this
I dty; two dadghters. Misa Flossie
Martin, of the Keynoida high school
.ifacnlty. Winston Salem, and Mrs.
j'-Chas. A. Barrne. of ^elby. • Four
grandchildren snrvlve, togethw with
I'two slaters, Mra. J. T Baity, of this
Jdty.and Mrs. M. J. Hendrieks, of
I* FarmhiRton.
Foneral aemces were held at the
home Wednesday afternoon at 4:80
o'clock, with Revs. J. H. Folghaiii
g'and B. W. Turner officiating, andgj the body laid to rest beside her bua-
.'baod, in Rose cemetery. n
t Mrs. Martin wasaccnwtantmem-.
her of the Moeksville Baptist church
iTbe Record extends sympathy to the
bereaved family in the death of this
good woman, A mother in Isrml has
Mrs. WiUlam Truelove.
Mrs, WiUtam TIruetove. 83.dled sudden
ly at tier home on Maple Avenue Fciday'
aftenooo at 12>iS o'clock, death lesahlng
from a ettoko of patolyds. i
Mrs- Truelove is sotvlved by her hodiand
and oaeadopted80D. Joto Tmelovcv.of
Jetosalra toivashlpi. Some distant rda-
tives living in Robeton oooaty sondva
Pnneral seivlcea were held at tlie home
Sateidav afternoon at 8:30 o'clock, with
Rev. W. E. Turner in chaise, and the body
laid to test In Rose cemetery.
"Mr and Mf& Truelove had beenresidaita
of Davie oouotv formore than 40 years and
bad lived io Mockaville (or the past 2S or
30 years. Mre. Tmelove was a member of
the Fdendi duneb. and waa a good Chris-
dan wmnan. pte bereaved husband has
the sympathy of friends In the loss of bis
companlcn with whom he had Jaurneyed
Ihrough Ufa for neariy 60 years.
L. A. Anthony
I,. A. Anthony, 77, well-known
citizen of the Harmony section, |
died Wednesday morning. Funeral
services were held Thursday after,.'
noon at 2 o'clock, at Sandy Springs
Baptist church, with Rev. £. W.
Turner, of this cUy, io charge, and
the body laid to rest in the church
Jobn W. Byerly.
JohiiW. Byeriy 85. at bis
home near • Dayie Acadeniy. Satur
day morning at 5 o'clock, followmg
aehortninesa. Mr Byeriy had beoi
in bad health for several years, but
was able to be cot nntll Friday.
Funeral eerviees were held at So*
cie'yBcmtisc t^orch Sunday af(e-«
noon at 2:80 o'docfc. conducted by
Rav. W. L McSwain, and the body
IMd to reat in the cburdi cemetery.
Mr. Byeriy ia mirvived by his
widow, two sons. Oscar Syerly, ofCOtfl^mee, and Hooaton Byeriy, of
Salisbury; two daughlera, Mrs.
Jamea Sain of Coeleeniee, and Mrs.
Robert Cbaffln. oF Rowan county.
Two brothers, W.t'A. Byerlv, of R.
4, and Harvey Byeriy. of Csoleemee,
also survive. Mr. Byeriy was a good
citizen and will be sadly missed in
Ms community. Peace to his ashes.
Mrs. Alice Foster.
Mrs. Alice Leonard Foster, wife ofSam-'
net Foster, of R. 3, died at her hcme Thurs-
dav night at 10 o'clock, followlog a fauig
lUness^ aged 76 yean.
Funmat aetvlee were held at Bathei H
P. ebuicb Saturday mmning at il o'dodc,
wUb Rev. G. K. KoH In charge. SHSIsted by
Reva. E. M. Avert and T. M. Weober, and
the body laid to rest ia the cboidi ceme
Mrs. Fccter is snrvlved by bet husband
and afat sons. E F. and C. A. Foster, of
UorimvUte; G. B. W. &, and J. S. Foster.
Wtoaton^lem; S. L. Fester, R. 3: two
daoghten, Mia C. G Fool and W. 6. Sab),
R 3; one sister. Mfa.Ftaak Sain, and one
bail-brother. B. Evecbardt of R.4.
The bereaved family have the sy^ipa-
thy of a host of tdaaia in the death at!
this good tviire and mcMher,
Bio — Obituaries - 1/25/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 25,1939
Charles C. Toang.
Chaa. C. Totinff. 65, dlad at his
homa in Coolee&iea loat Wddnesdav
morning shortlv alter B o'clock, foI>
lowing an illitesa ot dghfi montfaa.
Mr, Yoong fa anrvived by his
widow, three sons, P. S, Tonng, of
tbia city; Flo.vd Young, of Saliabory.
and Baxter Young, of Cooleem^;
four daughtera; Mreu W. B. Wilaon.
Gooleemee; Mrs. Frad Tbompaon,
Lineolnton; Mra. Charlie Feeler and
Miaa Mary Evelyn. Cooleemee.
Foneral aervlces were hdd at Coc-
leemee BapBat ehnreh Thnrsday
afternoon at 3 o'clock with Ids past
or. Rev. A. T, Stoadenmire. in
ehante. The body was brought to
Uoekaville and laid to rest in Rose
Mr. Yonng had lived In Coolee
mee fw the past forty yeam, ^te
Record extends eympatby to the be*
reaved famfly in the death of Mr
Bio - Obituaries -1/25/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 26,1939
Ray Clement, 58. native of Mocks
vUle and son of the late Captain
and Mrs. Wiley A. Clement, died at
his home in Stony Point last Sun
day of a heart ailment which fol
lowed an illness of several months.
The funeral was held Monday
afternoon at the residence with in-j
jterment in the Oakwood cemetery,
He is survived by his widow, Mrs.
Mary Turner Clement; two daueh-'
ters, Mrs. QJS. Beckton of Oolds-
boro and Mrs. C. tJL Oakley, of Lum
ber ton; four' sons, Kenneth R. and
R. Knox Clement, of Wclland, On
tario Canada; Samuel T. Clement,
of YadkinviUe; and Hugh M. Cle
ment, at home; one brother, Hugh
Clement, of Norfolk, Vn., and one
sister. Mrs. K. F. Chapman of Cin
cinnati. Ohio.
Member of a noted local family,
he was a well known travelling
Among the local relatives are
three first cousins, Mrs. E. L. Gaait-
her, Mrs. Julia C. Heitman and De-
Witt Clement of Holman's Cross
Funeral services were held Sat
urday morning at Bethel Methodist
church for Mrs. Alice Leonard Fos
ter. 70 who died at her home on
route 3 on Friday night. The ser
vice was conducted by Rev. Ken
neth Holt pastor of the church as
sisted by Rev. E. M. Avett and
Rev, T. M. Weber of Wlnston-Sa-
len. Interment was In the church
cemetery. ^ ' n
Mrs. Foster was the wife of Sam
uel A. Foster, and the daughter of
'Samuel Leonard and Nancy White-
man. She is siuwived by her hus-
b'alhd and eight children: Mrs. C.
.0. Poole and Mrs. W. O. Sain of
i route 3, B. P. Foster, prominent bu-
, siness man of Mocksville. Q. B., W.
[b.. and J. E.. all of Wlnston-Salom.
land 8. L., and C. A. of route 3; one
i sister, Mrs. Frank Sain of route 3.
one half-brother, H. Everhardt and
14 grand-children.
Mrs. Foster's six sons served as
'pall bearers.
Funeral services lor John W. By-
erly,^, who died at his borne Sat
urday morning were held Sunday
at 2:30 o'clock at Society Baptist
church with Rev. W. BJ. McSwaln
and Rev. E. M. Avett conducting
the service. Interment was in the
chiurch-cemetery. '
Mr. Byerly was bom in Davidson
county and was the son of Islah
and Mary Sowers Byerly. He was
twice married. His first wife was
Misa Obelia Campbell and to this
union four children were bom. one
dying in Infancy. Surviving are W.
O. Byerly of Cooleemee, H. E. Byer
ly of Salisbury and Mrs. J. F. Sain.
His second wife is Mrs. Mary Eliza"
beth Hanellne Warren who survi
ves him with one daughter, Mrs. R.
L. Chaffln, of Woodleof, route 1.
Other survivors ore one step-son,
Luther Warren - of l^omasvUle,
two brothers. W. A. By^ly, Mocks
ville, route 4, C. H. Byerly of Coo
Pallbearers were E. M. Keller, J.
H. Henly, F. W. Koontz, C. A. Smoot,
M. M. Turner and M. W. Cartner.-
Martha Ellen Truelove
Funeral services were held last
Saturday afternoon at the home on
Maple Avenue for Mrs. Martha
Ellen Truelove, 83. beloved local
woman who died at her home last
Friday about noon. The rites were
conducted by Rev. E. M. Avett, as
sisted by T. I. Caudeli. and inter
ment was In the Rose cemetery.
She Is survived by her husband,
WlUiam'Austin Truelove and one
adopted son, John Truelove of Jer
usalem township.
Mr. and Mrs. Truelove were mar
ried 60 years ago this spring and
they lived in Davle cotmty for tlie
last 40 years, of which more than
30 years were spent.In Mocksville.
She was a member of the Friends
cliurch of East Bend, N. C. but at
tended the Methodist church here
for about 25 years. She was a na
tive of Roberson county and some
distant relatves live there.
Pallbearers w^re S. M. Cal, O. F.
Stroud Z. N. Anderson T. I. Caudeli,
J. J. Larew and M. D. Martin. Flow
er girls were Jessie Libby Stroud.
Neva and Hilda Markham and
Qeraldlne Ijames. Music was by a
quartet composed of Mrs. D. L. Per
due, Inez Ijames, Z, N. Anderson
and C. B. Mooney.
Bio - Obituaries -1/26/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 2,1939
Last Rites Held For
Shirley Ann Cleary
Funeral services were held on
Wednesday for Shirley Axm Cleary,
2, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. F.
Cleary, at White Plain- church in
Alexander county at eleven o'cloctc
with Rev. C. C. Holland conducting
the service. Interment'was in the
church cemetery^ Shirley Ann dl^
on 'Tuesday morning', at 12:30 af
Long's Hospital in StatesvUle.
She Is survived by her parents
and one sister. Mary Fern.
Pallbearers: M. R. Cleary, A. F.
Campbell, H. H. Yates, and James
^iineral Held
^or W. M. Williams
Funeral 'services for W. M.
(Mack) Williams, 86,.were held on
Wednesday at 2 o'clock at the Elba-
i^ille Methodist church with Rev.
Henn Algood and Rev. F. M. Tur-
ler officiating. Interment was in
the church cemetery.
Mr. Williams died on Monday
light at 10:45 o'clock at the home
|0f a nelce, Mrs. C. B. Broadway at
lAdvance. He ws& the son of Azcer-
lioah Williams of Davidson county,
liah- WUliams of Davidson county,
[but spent most of his life in Davie
Fcoimiy. He has no survivors near-
[er than neices and nephews. HeEwas a life |ong member of the Bap
tist church at Advance.
Pallbearers were: Thermos
[Koontz, Orreli Koontz, Robert Low-
;ery, Kennith Haneline, Cornelias
! Kurfes, Wiley Ellis, Biel Cooley and
[John KetUnger.
Bio — Obituaries - 2/2/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 9,1939
Funeral services lor Mr& R. N.
Smith, 62, who died at her home In
Oolahaln townsUp on Friday night,
were held Sunday morning at 11
o'clock from New Union Methodist
church. Interment was in the
church cemetery. She suffered a
stroke of paralysis last November
from which she never recovered.
Mrs. Smith was the daughter of
Francis and Sarah Shaw Qaither
and was bom in Davie county on
November 8, 1870.
Surviving are her husband; two
daughters, Mrs. Ua IJames of Mock-
s^le, route 1 and Miss Flossie
Smith of the home; three sons, R.
O. Smith, C. R. Smith, L. O. Smitti,
all of Iredell county; four brothers,
Ben Qaither. of Ohio: Thomas OaU
ther and Lurlce Qaither of Davie
county and Arthur Qaither pt Har
mony: two slBters Miss. Annte Oai
ther of Qullford College mid Mrs.
Bettie Butrls of Harmony, raute 1
Funeral services for Lawrence
Lorenzo Smith, 57, were held at his
home, 1223 South Hawthorne Road,
Wlnston-^em, at 11 o'clock Mon
day momng, with Rev. W. A. Lam
beth and Rev. J. W. Vestal conduct
ing the service. Interment was in
Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Mr.
SmiW, who had been ill for about
three weeks died on Saturday at
12:40 at the Davis Hospital in
Mr. Smith was the son of J. 6.
Smith of Advance, route 1. He was
connected with the-Atlanttc Coast
Line Railroad for several years, and
dnce leaving-the railroad had been
sttcessful merchant. He was a
form^er commissioner of Davie coun
ty, and one of the comity's most re
spected citizens.
Hete survived by his father, J; E.
Smith of Advance; .four sisters, Mrs.
Qrovcr Shutt of South Pasadena,
California; .'Mrs.' R. A. Womack,
Khrd. Nmi Roberts, and Mrs. J. A.
Kimbrougli all of .Winston-Salom;
and-three brothers, R. C. Smith, of
Wlnston-Salem. C. D. Smith of
Oedland, and J. F. Smith of South
Pasadena, California.
Pall bearers included D. J. Ly
r. brook, Morris' Hartman, Grady
V^ord, Turner Grant, Joe Doulhlt
t, and Harley Smith.
Susan Ijames
The fimeral of Mrs. Susan IJamcs
widow of Smith Uamcs, was held
from Man church Tuesday, Jon.
31 at 2 P. M.-.
William Dulln
'The funeral of William Dulln,
son of Mrs. Martha Hairston and
adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert Dulln, was held from the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dulln, Rev.
^D. W. Montgomery officiating.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/9/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, Februaty 15,1939
daude Seato.
Clandi; Se^ts^ 54, died suddenly
of a beart at ack at tbe home of
bisnepbewt Howaid Seats, of farm^
ington, last Wednesday attemooo.
- Foneral services were held at
Hnntsville Babtsb Cbnrcb Friday
afternoon at 2 >*clock, with Rev.
George Bnims tn charge, and tbe
body laid to rest !ti tbe Church
Cometery. Mr. Seats is snrvivad
by bis wldfow, t«o sons, five
brothers and one sister.
ISrs. W. H. Foote.
Mrs. W. H. Foate. 69, died at her^i
home at Crewe, Va.. last F/ednesday.^
Foneral took place at tbe home Fri-*,
day, eondttcted by Revs. W. T. !Wri^t and Frank Fnlcher, and tbe|'
body was laid to rest in Crewe eeme-
cery. T
Mrs. Foote was a native of Dayie '
connty, bnt moved to Virginia about '121 years ago. She is survived by'
her husband, six sons and onedangfc-
ter. l^ree sisters, Mrs. S. C. Stom-
street, of Uocksviile, Mrs. Alex'
Jones and Mrs. Sallie Sheets, of Ad* i
vance, R. 2, also sarvlve. together]
with mgfat granddutdren. I
Bio — Obituaries — 2/15/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 16,1939
Funeral services for Mrs. William
Henry Poote, 59, were held at the
home In Crewe, Va. with Eev. W. T.
Wright of the Baptist church and
Rev. Frank Fulcher of the Metho
dist church holding the service. In
terment was In the city cemetery.
Mrs. Footc died at her home on
;^cb. 8. She was a native of Davie
rounty, having moved* to Crewe, In
1918. She Is survived by her hua-
aand, William H. Footo; one
daughter, Mrs. W. P. Cummins ol
O'Fanuan, HI,; six sons, Ovid L.
Poote of Detroit, Mich.. Lawrence
B. Poote of Ethel, W. Va., Paul H.,
Drlght A. and J. Lawrence of Crowe
Va., and Norman C. Poote of B. S.
Navy; three sisters, Mrs. Salllc
Sheets and Mrs. Alex Jones ol Ad
vance and Mrs. S. O. Stonestreet of
MOCksvUle; and eight grandchldren.
Pall bearers were five sons, Ovid
L„ Lawrence B., Paul H., Dwlght A.,
j. Lawrence and Ralph O. Kinceley.
Local relatives attending the fun
eral Included Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Stonestreet of MocksvlUe; Mrs. Sal-
lie Sheets. Mrs. Bertha Jones and
sons, Fred and Bonce, Miss Annie
carter, Mitchell Sc Foster carter all
of Advance; J. C. Collette, Mrs. L. D.
Boger, W. M. Ritchie aU of Caiia;
Mrs. Beulah sneltop of Winatoh-
Funeral services for McClelland
[Cdaad Seats, 83, were held Friday
at 2 o'clock at the HuntsvlUe Bap-
itlst church with Rev. George Bur-
ussisted by Rev. J. W. Vestal con
ducting the services.
Mr. Seats died on Wednesday at
Farmlngton at the home of his nep
hew, R. K. Seats, from d heart at
tack. He was the son of Nathaniel
T. Seats of Virginia and Nancy
Bdowu Seats of Yadkln county.
For many years he had been a re
sident of Yadkln cow^.
He Is survived by his wife who
was the former Laura White of Da-
vie county; two sons, John M. of
Salisbury, Claud O. of Dobson; four
brothers, J. H. end P. T. of Farm-
I ington, S. N. of Porsyth county, and
I B. P. of Yadkln county; one sister,
a Miss Ida Seats ol Huntsville.
I Pall bearers were R. H., C. P., C.
I B., C. E., J. W., and Hampton Seats.
B "
Bio - Obituaries - 2/16/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 22,1939
Mrs. Carl Karriker.
Mrs. Carl W* Karriker. 38.of mar
Pair. Rowan coanty. died in a Saiis
bnrr iMKipStal. Tof^ay moming at
6:40 o'doek, toeing been iil the 'pesi
10 dajTP.
Funeral services Cnok place Wed
neday afternoon at 2:80. o'e odt at
Gcnoordia Latberan cfattrcb. in Row'
an county, and itttonnent followed
Ina tbo diarefa cemetery. The aer-
vices were condncted by Rev. G P
Fisher. R. N. fioneycatt, and George
R Uftgle
Snvlving is the bn^band a») seven
step^hlren.Uieinothi'r, Mrs Ma>T
Tntterow. who made her home with
her dausfater. three brothers, ft. B.
and D. G. Tntterow. of Davie conn-
ty and H. P. Tntterow, of Wioifton<>
Lestw Caot(Hr.
Lester Cantor. 4>year*oId son of Mr. and
Sirs. W. P. Cantor, of R. 3, died at the
iMHBe Friday ohtht.
Sarvivfogi are the parenta. Ota sisten
and one toxher Ftaneral setvkea were
held Sunday afceieoon at 2:30 o'doek at
Qethtdkcm Methodist cboteb. with Rev.
J. W. Vestal in diaige. epd the body laid
to rest In thechni^ giaveyatd..
Abrs. Sarah CnlhreU.
Mrs Sarah Elizabeth Cnthrell, 74
died anddrafy at her home in Coolee
mee. followiDg a decline health for
three years. She was the widow of
Joseph Cnthrell, of Cooleemee.
She was a native of Davie county,'
adanghter of Ellis Lakey. Snrvlv-
ingare two sona and a dandier.
Harrison Cotbrell, of Marion; George
Catbrell and Mra. Ozzie Dinkins. of
The funeral was held Thursday
morning at 11 o'clcck from Gold Hill
Methodist diurch.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/22/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 23,1939
Thomas Franklin Bameycastle,
72, died suddenly at his home last
Monday morning . at 3:30 o'clock.
Mr. BarncycoisUe was a resident of
the Dulin community. He was the
son of J, Aabury Barneycastle, He
is .survived by his' wife, the former
babel .Foster;''three sons, Phillip,
WUlis," and Hubert of route 3; two■daughters, Mrs. O. L. Laird, Mrs.E;. B. Howard of... route 3; three
brothers,' 'John of ccoleemee ondCephi^ hnd'''dhdrlie of route 3;thirteen' '•^and-chUdren. Funeral
service's were held on Tuesdaymorning at 11. o'clock at Smith
Grove Methodist church with Rev.
K. C. Holt and Rev. O. B. Ferree
conducting the services. Interment
was in the church cemetery.
Funeral Held For
Franklin Canter
Funeral services were, held Sun
day at 2:30 o'clock at Bethlehem
church for Lester Franklin Canter,
6, who died at his home on Feb
ruary 17 at 11 o'clock E. M.
Avette conducted the funeral. He
was the son of William F. Canter
and Genie McDaniel. He Is sur
vived by his parents; one brother,
Sam; five sisters, EUa Atoe,- Flos
sie, Emma, Rebecca, ^1 at home,
and Mrs. Pink Waller of Woodleaf.
Obadiah Wilson
Mr. Obadiah Wilson of MOcks-vlUe route 1 passed away Sunday
snomtng at 9 oTdock and was
burled Monday evening at 2 o'etdck
in Palmetta cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries — 2/23/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 1,1939
G. W. McCulloh
Thomas Barneycastle.
Hiomaa Franklin Bamnrc»ane. 72.
di«d eaddenly at fafa Monday room
.Iflff at 3:30 o'clock in thre Dnlin con:-
mnnity. He was the son of Sarah
(^OQse and J. Asbniy Banevcasile.
' He Is SQrvIaed b? .bis widow who
was lahbe] Foster; three sobs. Phillip.
Willis and Hubert.' of UocksvUIe.
Bonte 8; two dauffhters. Mrs. 0. L
Laird and Urn. E. B. Howard, of
Mo^ville. Ronte 8; three brothers.
OephcB and Charlie, of Moekatdllf>,
Boat8 8;'and John, of Cooleemes; 13
Funeral services were held at 11
o'clock Taesday at Smith Crove
Methodist Church.
Former Davie Mao
<5 n. W. McCulUib, nf Cliartoit#',
was killed , last Tuesday morning
near Holly Hill, S. C., in a tra£Sc
accident. trail-
were parked on ibc right side of
the highway, when a druck driven
by H. L. Foston, .crashed into the
trailer, 'knocking it on top of the
UcCqUoI: car. Fos-ton was placed
under a $i,ooo bond. ..
Mr. McCuiloli's ion was killed
last April near the Same place
.where bis father died.
Mr. McCulloh was a native of
Davfe conoty, moving to Charlotte
several years ago, where he was
engaged in the produce busines^
The body was brought to bis old'
home Thursday and laid to test in
the family graveyard near Cornat>
zer. ' n n
Surviving is the widow and nine
chilren, bli of th'em living In Char
lotte excfui Mrs. Mozelle Ratledge,
of Advance; bis father D. F.
h'cCuil^ij, of R.. b:othfits..
V,*..F McCnhoh and E. T. 'McCdl-
;oh, of R. a; and toar.sisters, Mrs.
A. C, Hail, R. 4; Mrs. Jessie Cor.
:iatz«r, .S. 3; Mis. R- A, Hiltoo, of
I Bix>^y, .and Mr.q. Minnie Gar wood,
^ I of V.'tDStcn Salem.
Mrs. Jane'Cub.
Harmony, Feb. ai.-rMrs. Jane
Caiu 84, died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. C. A. Grose, Sat
urday night Mrs. Caiu was the
widow of J. L. Cain, who passed on
about 20 years ago.
The funeral services .were held at
New Hope Baptist church Monday
morning, and were condncted^ bv
her former pa<itor. Rev. J. N. Bink*
ley," assisted by Rev. David Day, of
She is survived by one daughter,
Mrs. C. A. Grose, and one ron,
Mr. R. H. Cain, H'amptonville, and
several grandchildren. •
I Mrs. William Barton.
1 Mro. Annie Wyatt Barton. 67, died at bet
. borne near Woodleaf Tboraday inoraing.
I following a Uogeiing illness.
1 Fnneial services were held at Jericho^
:Cbfistlan cbu^ Friday aftemooQ at 2
lo'cl^. with Rev. Rlaai Kuykeodall. of,
rCtemmoflS, in diaigcb and Ibe body laid to-< rest in the ehnrcb oemeteiy. |
'* Snrvivtnd Mrs. Barton is her husband.'
WllUsm Bnnon and several sons and-
. dooghtere. |
^ Mrs. Burton was a daughter of the late|
Mr. nndUrs William Wyatt; of Mocks-!
• vllle She idoved lo Rowan couotr many;
yeaia ago A Cbrietian woman has been
called to her toward. j
Bio - Obituaries - 3/1/1939 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Coolcemce—Mrs. J. D. HeathnuiQ,
65, beloved widow of Dr. J; D. Heath-
man, died at Il:2B p. m. yesterday
at the Rowan Memorial hospital
In jSollsbury* . •
The funeral / will bo held this
mornin? ot 11 o'clock at the Epis
copal charoh Here, where she was
a-devoted member. The services will
be^ conducted by Rev. C. E. 0. Rob
inson and.intermpnt .will be in the
dt.- Andrews Bplscopil churchyard.
Mrs. Heathm'aa,..who had lived
iti Cdolccmee f6r'''20 years and was
cngaEcd In * social service work
with the Erwln- Cotton Mills, is sur
vived by one sister, Mrs. W. F.
JCelly of the homeplace at South
River in Rowan eoun^, and the
following brothers: H. A. Best,
GreenviUe, S..C.; W. T. Bost of Ra
leigh, corxesporident of ^e Greens
boro Daily News; Clarence B. Boat
of Cooleemee and E. H. Bost of Er
wln, N. C.
The body was taken to the Epis
copal church here yesterday after
noon at 4 o'clock where It will lie
in state until the funeral hour to
Funeral services for Charles D.
yard, 84, who died on February 27
Lt 0 p. m. o'clock were held on Tues-
lay at 2 o'clock at Advance Metho-
Ust church with Rev. T. Ii* Smith
onducting Uie* service. Interment
vas in the , church cemetery. Mr.
yard was a retired' tobacco sales-
nan and manufacturer.- He was
he son of lievln and Virginia Rlch-
irdson Ward. He is survived by his
Hdfe, the former-Dora Harris Ward
ind four sons: Charles A. of Laurel,
Montana; Levin and'Harold of'Ad-
(Tanco; and John of Bowers Hill, Va;
nine daughters, .Mrs. Harry. Hough
of Los Angeles, Cal Mrs. Arthur
OudgoF of Winston, Mrs. J. B, Hp-
dron of Pee Dee, Mrs. Ben Mook of
Advance, Mrs.' Arvel Hunt of Lex
ington. MlssoiUcy Ward of Winston,
iMrs. Spencer Hayes of Oceon View,
Iva, Mrs. John Raker-of Lexington.I and Miss Inez Ward of Greenville,
S.C. ^
Funeral ^rvlces'for hha.-Martha
Hartley Livei^good were held on
Saturday at 3 o'clock at Cay's
Chapel with Rev. O. R- Croy con
ducting the service. Interment was
In the church cemetery.
• Mrs. Uvengood died on Friday
morning at 7:20 at the home of her
doughter Mrs.. J, H. Mowery, Jn
Franklin township, Rowan county.
She was the daughter of James
Hartley and Alice. Walsor both of
Davidson county. She was the wi
dow of the iate Ncwberry 0. Liven-
good. Survlvers are: three daugh
ters, Mrs. J. H. Mowery and Mrs. L.
B. Jacobs both of Salisbury, route
1, and Mrs, T, J. Winders of Farm-
vJlle, Va.; four sons, L. F. Livcngood
of Salisbury route 1, Clay of Leaks-
vllle, Raymond of Lexington, and
Jack of Barbers Junction; one step
son, J. w. Llvengood of Greensboro;
two brothers, Early Hartley
of Lexington and Charlie Hartley
of High Point; fifty-seven grand*
children and 44 grcat-grand<*child<
Bio - Obituaries - 3/3/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 8,1939
Charles D. Ward
Dallas H. Pitts
Dallas H. Pitts, 65, district mao-
ager of the Bf otaal Life Insarance
company, was found dead Tuesday
afternoon at bis home in Harmony.
His body was discovered suspended |
from a rope in his garage. No in
quest was held. Coroner N. D.
Tomlitt said that the man had
banged himself.
His wife was a member of the
Harmony school faculiy.
Fnnerul rites were held Thurs
day afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
Haroaonv Preeb^teristo ohurcb.
Tbe body was taken to Concord for
Aged Advance Gozen
Charles D. Ward, 84, died at his
home on Hoaday ulitht of la}t
week, folio win g a wrions illness of
two weeks. * Mr* Ward had been in
bad health for the past several
Mr. -Ward is snrviv.d bis
wUow and 12 children, four sons
and eight daughters:-
Faneral services were held at Ad
vance Methodist church Wtdues*
day at 2 o'clock, with Rw. T, L.
Siuith to charge, and the- body laid
to rest in Shady Grove cem^ery "
Mr. Ward;was one of Davie's
old^t and best... known' citizras.
Pot many years be .was, miller at
the Bailey .flour milt .at Advance.
His deal b has .brought.sadness-to n
host of friends thrOngbont' . tbe
county. '■ ^
Mrs. Mary Headunao.
Mrs. Mary Heatbman, 65 died
Wednesday night at Roa-ao Me
morial Hospital, Salisbury, follow
ing an extended illness.
Pnheral services were held at
Cooleemee Episcopal (Aorcb Friday morniog at 1 x o'clock, and the
body laid to rest in the St, An'
dfews Episcopal cbnrcb cemetery,
near Woodteaf.
Mr. Heatbroan was librarian and
welfare officer for the Brwin Cotton
Mills at Cooleetnee. Surviving is
four brothers, W. T. B(»r, Raleigh,
£. H. BhSt, Ervin, C. E. Boat,
Cooleemee, H. A. Best, Greenville,
one sistei; Mrs. W. F. Kelly, of
A noble woman has been called
to her reward.
W. A Clearjr.
Vr. A. (JnleXSeaiy.of near Sheffield,
died In a Stateavllla hoapltalSnaday eveo-
iog. foUowifig an extended" Uloesa. Fho-eral and bmial eervlcea look ^oe Taea-day motning at 11 o*dock at New Uaioo
Uethodiet caorcb. Ur. Geary la stuvived
by bis wife and aeveral ebildreo. two sis-
lets end one brother. At the time of go
ing to presa we were noable to get foilparttcQian of the death and faoera).
Bio - Obituaries - 3/8/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 10,1939
Puncrnl acrvicca for William
(Julius) Clcary, 50, who died Sun
day at 12 o'clock In the Long's his-
pltal In SlatosvlUo, were held Tues
day moming at 1 o'clock at the New
Union Methodist church with Rev,
W. Y. Foole assisted by Rev. Laws
and Rev. Robert McLuskey, con-
ducting the services. Interment was
in the church cemetery. Mr. deary's
home was near Hickory Grove
church in the Sheffield neighbor
hood. He was the son of W. F. and
Samantha Reavla Cleary. He Is sur
vived by his widow, the former
Agnes Ratiedgc; two daughters,
Mrs. M. L. Houston of KannapoUs,
and Mrs. M. B. Galther of City,
route 1; six sons, J N„ P. J„ W. H.,
R. S., and M. D. all of Mocksvlile,
route 1; two brothers D. C. of Tam
pa. Florida, and J. T. of route 1;
four sisters, Mrs. L. A. Richardson
and Mrs. H. P. Blackwelder of Kan
napolis, Mrs. M. K. Stewart and
Mrs. J. D. Moore of Florence, S C.,
two grand-children.
Pall-bcarers Included; M. B. Glos-
ccck, w. V. Gobble, Raymond Fos
ter. D. C. HaU, J. P. Setzer, L. F.
Hattie Holland
Miss Hattie Holland. 48. well
knovm iredell county teacher, died
Tuesday night at a StatesvlUe hos
pital following an Illness of pneu
monia. Miss Holland, a daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Holland,
was born In OUn township. The
family had lived In StatesvlUe for
25 years. She had been teaching
for 20 years and for the past seve
ral years had been a member of tlie
faculty of the Montlcello school.
Surviving ore a brother and two
sisters, Stamy Holland and Mrs. J.
L. Holmes of StatesvUle and Mrs. M.
D. Pass of MccksvUle. Miss Holland
has visited Mrs. Pass here on scve-
rol cccQslons and has many friends
Funeral services were held on
Thursday afternoon at the home at
4 o'clock. Interment was in Oak-
wood cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries — 3/10/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 15,1939
Mrs. Grady Miller.
Mrs. Grady Bililier,29, died at her home
near Charlotte late Friday afternoon, td-
lowing 00 extended iilnesa. His. Miller Is
sorvleed fay ber faosband and two liulo
daagbteis: her parents aod several broth
ers and sisters.
Fnscral services were held at,Doihiio& &
Sing foiteFal home Sooday afternoon at 3
o'clock, with Rev* E. L. Wesuia offldaciTig
end tbfl hody laid to rest in Forest Lawn
oemetary.l^faaclotte. Mrs. Miller was a
daoghtet'ln-low cfd V. Miller, of Uvcks-
Fkank Renegar. 75. died Saturday at his
home near Harmony. Thi* fuaoal was'
hO|ii Sniiday afternoon .at 2 q'cbck at!
Sandv springs eiiardli Rev. G.D. Reiie-|
dor. the pastor, sin) Rev. E. W. Tamer j
eondoct^ the cervices. Burial was in ti.e j
Cbareh graveyaH. {
Sofvivlog are the widow; Qve cbUdreo. ;
Ufa. T. W. Bali. Mr<). Ozollu Heynes. Missi
Dovle Rsnegar and Mro ll>iZel Wiudsuf. |
ell of Hamptoiurille and .Vtrs. Avery Cozert;
of ModtiviUei, and one btoti^er. ^li\on
Renegar, of Huinionyt Keaio 2.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/15/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 17,1939
Funeral services lor "William Car
ter Brown, 79, were held on Satur
day afternoon In 'Winston-Salem
conducted by'Dr. John R. Cunning
ham and . Dr. D. Clay Lilly. Inter
ment was in the Salcm cemetery.
Mr. Brown was a native of Davie
county, a son of the late Dr. Will
iam G. Brown ah'd Ann Carter
Brown. He had .lived in Winston
since 1870. He Imd been in declining
health for foul: years.
He is survived by a half brottier,
Paul Smith of .I&rrlston, Ontario,
Canada, and a number of ncices
and nephews. He was a brother to
the late Mrs. W. H. LeGrand.
Funeral services for Sain Walk^,
74, w»e held Sjwday at §mith Qroye
Methodist cKuxch'with. Rev. M. O;
Ervin conducting the seryices. Ih-
terment was in the church ceme
tery. Mr. Walker died in Sumter,
cron M^hTo.'He'^ a former le-i
sident -of Davie county,'the. son of
the late Jesse Waller of Blxby. He
is sui^ved'.'by three hdlf-brdthers,
C. c. Walker of ' Blxby, R." G. Wal
ker Of winston-salem and Charlie
Of Lexington. • '
Pall bearers were Rush McKenzle,
Louis Brown, David htelntosch, Ne-
well Stelle. R. C. Lewis! of Sumt^
and R.'G. Wfdker-'of Wlnston-Sji-
Bio — Obituaries - 3/17/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 22,1939
Edwin H^iMorris Dead.
I Edwin H. MornV, 78, died in
I Look's Hospital, Statesville, ^Snn-
jdav cveni^K 7 o'clock, of injur
ies received on F'sb. • when
struck hy an antomobile in front
of his home on Saiis'iory street
Mr. Morris was crossioK tbe .^treet
when be was bit by a car driven by
Thtirniand Holt, a member of (he
Mocksvil'e hiRh school facu'ty. He
snffered fractiires of the rigbt leg
near the ankle and hip, and shock.
Mr. Morris was one of Mocks-
ville's best-kaowD citizens. He
was a former postraaf-ter here and
was at one time editor and pnblish-
cr of The Davie Record. 11s was
one of ihe oldest members t.f (be
local bar, having practiced law for
more than 40 years.
SnrvtvinK are bis wife! one- son,
E C. Mrrri«, of (his city; one
danghter, Mis. Horace Hay worth.
High Put lit; one sister, Mrs. E. D.
Painter, Lewisbnrg, W. Va.; two
brot hers, B. O. Morris, of this city,
and L. L. Morris, Kuoxville, Tenn.
Funeral services were held at the
home at 10 o'clock Tuesday morn
ing, conducted by Revs. E. M.
Avett and W. C. Cooper, and the
body canted to Liberty Methodist
church cemcteiy and laid to rest in
the family plot.
The Davie Superior court, which
IS in se^si in here, adjourned Tnes
day oioming at 10 o'clock for the
funeral and burial of Mr. Morris.
Id the death of Mr. Morris, the
Record editor loses a warm friend
whom be has kttown and associated
with for nearly 40 years. We lived
one year tn the home of Mr. Mor
ris. when we were young in the pa
per business, and purchased this
newspaper from blm 32 years ago.
We will alwavs hold a warm spot
in our heart for this long-time
frie.':d' aud advisor. To the be
reared family we extend deepest
srnipathy in tbe death of this aged
and beloved husband and rather.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/22/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 24,1939
IfINAL rites held for EDWIN H, MORRIS'
[attorney who diehrom injuries
Funeral acrvloes were held last
Tuesday morning at the home on
Salisbury street here for Edwin
Henry Morris, 78, prominent local
.ilioriioy Who died on Sunday night I
at 7 o'clock In a Statesvlllc hospital.
Death resulted from Injuries rece-l
ivcd when he was hit by an automo-'
bile on the night of February 25
n while crossing the highway In front
of his home on his way to town.
Mr. Morris Is survived by his wi-'
dow, formerly Miss Julia E. Douthlt
of near clemmons; by one son, E.
Cecil Morris, well known local bual-
ncss man; by one daughter, Mrs. Ho
race S. Haworth of High Point; by
one sister, Mrs. B, O. Painter of
Lcwlaburg, W. Va.; by two brothers,
B. O. (Uncle Ben) Morris, an elder
brother Is secretary of the local
building and loan association, and
L. L. Morris of KnoxvlUe, Tenn.
Three grand children children al
so survive: Jane Haydcn and Doro
thy Morris and Horace S. Haworth,
I Mr. Morris was the son of the late
Annie E. Fowler Morris and Edwin
' Simmons Morris, of Henry county,
Vn. He was born on Dec. 4,1860. He
married Miss Douthlt on April 23,1
1864. '
The second oldest member of the
local bar, Mr. Morris had practiced
here for many years. At one time
in the nineties he Was also postmas
ter here, being succcdcd In that of
fice by his brother, B. O. Morris.
In earlier life Mr. Morris was the
editor and publisher of the Davle
Record. He sold thc''publlcatlon to
C. Frank Stroud, present owner, 32
years ago, the latter having been In
hLs employ at the time.
The car which struck Mr. Morris
was driven by Thurman Holt, teach
er in the local high school whose
home Is In Spencer and who is also
high school football coach. Mr. Mor
ris" right leg was broken at the an
kle and hip and he also suffered a
severe shock and lacerations around
the head.
He was taken to the hospital Im
mediately and showed early signs
of recovery. His condition, however,
took a turn for the worse and he
lapsed into unconsciousness on last
Saturday afternoon.
The funeral rites were conducted
by Rev. E, M. Avett, assisted by Rev.
W. C. Cooper and Rev. C. E. Haworth
of High Point. Rev. Avett opened
the service by reading Scripture se
lections. after which Rev. Haworth
read the 23rd Psalm. Rev. Cooper
then read portions of the fourteenth
chapter of St. John. A quartet,
composed of C. H. Tomllnson, R. B.
Sanford, Dr. R. P. Anderson and c.
B. Mooney, song "Lead Kindly
Light", followed by the concluding
prayer by Rev. Avett. ^
Interment was In the family plot
of the Liberty Methodist church
and at the graveside' Rev. Avett
read.the comlttal, followed by a
short prayer by Rev. Haworth, Rev.
Avett then read a poem, "In Thy
Keeping" and Rev. Cooper pro
nounced the benediction.
The funeral was attended by a
largo gathering of friends and there
was an abundance of beautiful flo
ral tributes.
Superior court, which was in ses
sion, recessed for the funeral and
htembers of the local bar, accompa
nied by Judge Wilson "Warllck and
Solicitor Hall, attended the funeral
In a body.
On Monday tlie local bar In a
sp/»clal meeting' adopted a resolu
tion expressing . their sorrow and
personal loss in the death of their
respected member.
Active pallbearers were Jack Alli
son, p, j. Johnson, Clegg Clement,
M. A. Hartman,. Henry Hobson
and Ed Hgbson Of Salisbury,
honorary pullbcarcrs were
members of the local bar. Judge
Warllck and SoUcltcr Avalon E. Hall.
The text of the resolution which
^®_bar association passed follows:
--- WM. pudtieu iuiiuwo. i
"Whereas, by the death of EdwJn
tt- Morris the town of MocksvlUe,
the county of Davle and the'state
of North Carolina have lost the ser-
"vlcea of a very valuable, thrifty, In
dustrious- and public-spirited citl-
(Contlnued on page Eight)
Bio - Obituaries - 3/24/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 24,1939
More About Final Rites
For Edwin H. Morris
(Continued from page one)
zen and
"Whereas, by said death the
North Carolina Bar Association and
the Bar Association of Davle Coun
ty have lost a hfghly respected
member and a most upright and
esteemed practitioner, and
"Whereas, it is deemed fit and ap
propriate that a life well-expended
should receive its Just tribute at the
hands and hearts of those best qua
lified to appraise the value of the
"Now. therefore, be it resolved by
Davie County Bar Associatalon, in
special meeting ssemblcd, that we
deplore the tragic death of our fel
low-member; that we sense a deep
personal and professional loss
through his passing, and that we
commend to future generations, as
an example to tu} followed, the
sterling qualities of probity and
personal honesty that marked the
life and public career of a member
of this Association who has labored
long, intelligently, studiously and
honorably as a lawyer, advocate and
public-spirited citizen.
"Be it further resolved, that this
resolution be made a part of the
public records, of. DavIe County.
North Carolina; that a copy hereof
be spread upon the minutes of this
A^oola.tlon-and that additional co
pies be tranmitted to the several
newspapers of Davle Coun^. N. C.,
to the end that the virtues of a de
serving life may be published for
consideration by the public at large.
"Done at.MoekaviUe, Davie Coun
ty, North Carolina; this 20th day of
March, 1039, Anno Domini.
"Davie County Bar Association.
"By E. L. GAITHER, President"
"ROBERT S. McNeill, "Secre
Bio - Obituaries - 3/24/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 29,1939
J. J. Hendrix.
' James lunius Hendrix, one of
the state's oldest citizens, died Wed
nesday afternoon at Clemmons at
the bome of bis dane^bter, Urs. E.
I. Howard. Mr Hendrix was 96
years of age.
He was a resident of Smith Orove
for many years before moeing to
the bome of bis dangbter last year.
He is surviired bv one daughter,
Mrs. Howard; one son, Arcbie Hen
drix, of Mocbsville, Route 5; ten
grandcbtldren; 11 great-grandchil
dren; one great great-grondcbild;
and one sister, Mrs. Josephine Tay
lor, of Smith Grove.
The funeral service was held at
Smith Grove Methodist cbnrch Fri-
dav aftemooQ at a o'clocb.
Miss Mary Hihon.
Miss Mary 6 Hilton. 85, died a*
the home of her brotheNr-!aw. Cv
C. Craven, on R 2. Saturday evmi-
iog at 6:45 o'clock. Funeral 8 rvi *1 e
were hdd Monday inoniirg at 11
o'clock, at Oak Grove Uethcdht
ebttrch with Revs R M. Avatt and
E. W. Turner officiating, and the
body laid to rest in Rosa cemeter;
Mfaa Hilton was a daughter of the
late Jesse and Mary Miutdenhall Hih
ton, of Davidson couDty. and no im
mediate relatives survive.
Jacob W. Dontbk.
Jacob W. Doutbit. 59, died snd-
denlv at his home in Farmlngton
township late Thursday night.
Mr Domhii is survived by bis
vldow, fonr shters, Mrs. L. M.
Furcbes. Mrs. B. C. Teague, and
Mrs. A''a Atkius-in, of Farming-
ton, and Mrs. Minnie Powell, of
Mt. Airy, and otte brother, Frank
Doutbit, of St. Francis, Kansas.
Funerar services were held at
Yaikia Valley B -ptbt chu'cb Moa.
day afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the
and the body laid to rest In the
cbiircb cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/29/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 31,1939
COOLBEMEB—Mrs. Luzerie Max
well Kurfeos, 59, died at her home
here Tuesday night ol influenza
and pneumonia. She was the wife
of Walter Kurfees. ,
The funeral was held yesterday
at 4 o'cloelc at the Liberty Metho
dist church, conducted by Rev. M.
G. Ervin and assisted by Rev. A. A.
Kyies, Rev. E. M. Avett and the Rev.
Foster. Interment was In the church
She is survived by her husband;
by two daughters, ^s. W. E. Jones
of North Wllkesboro and Mrs. E. W.
Griffin of Kings Mountain; by a
foster son, J. Wesley Cook of Spart-
anburg, S. C., and by 0 grand child
Final rites for Jacob Wiseman
Douhit, 59, who died suddenly lost
Thursday night at his home in
Farmington, were held last Monday
afternoon at Yadkin Valley Baptist
The deceased Is survived by his
widow, formerly Miss Virginia West,
and by four sisters and one bro
ther: Mrs. L. M. Furchees, Mrs. Ada
Atkinson and Mrs. B. C. Teague, all
of Farmington, Mrs. Minnie Powell
of Mt. Airy and Frank Douhit of
St. Francis, Kansas.
Mr. Douhit was the son of the
late Stephen and Elizabeth Sheek
Douhit, botli^of Davie county.
Palbearers were; Burke- Furchess,
Joseph Douhit, Dan Douhit. Milton
James, Odell James, and John
services were held last
TUeedTV afternoon at the Friendship
SAdbjl^dlst church In Davidson
cowiw ^0' Frank Cain McMahan,
52/ wto'^ed at his home on route
1,' Advance, last Sunday morning
The services was conducted by Rev.
E. W. Turner, Rev. C. E. Ridge and
Rev. Hoyle Love and Interment was
in the churchyard.
The son of Xsaac N. and Sarah
.ISoin McMahan, ho Is survived by
his widow, formerly- Miss Soliie
Bhect8,.and the following children
by the first marriage: Mrs. L. F.
Foster, route 2, Lexington;- Mrs. Wil-
Ue Ke^^, route 4, Lexington; Mary
McBtohan and Rose Swiee-
{;dod, the latter an adopted daugh-
both of High Point; Carl, Elmer
^d Edgar of route 3, Lexington;
' -Etoyden, High Point; Charlie, Wil
bur'and Albert of Davlc cQunty.
A brother, John, and a sister,
Mrs. L. B. Nelson, both of High
Fslnt, also survive.
Folibearers were: Howard Bar
nes, W. H. Mason, C. E. Myers, El
lis Hobbs, Jim Kepley, Paul Kepley.
Bio — Obituaries - 3/31/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 5,1939
Bllrs. Walter Knrfees.
Mrs Lnzcne Maxwell Ktarfecs,
85, died at her bone near Cooke-
mte last Tuesday' evenios at 10
o'clock, following a short illness of
Mrs. Ktirfees was a daughter of
the late Mr. and HnC Thomas T.
Maxwell, and spent practically her
entire life in Darie connly. She
was the oldebt member of Liberty
Methodist cbntcb, having umttd
with that chnrdi in early childhood.
She devoted her life to doing good
deeds, and her death has cast a
gloom of sadness throogfaoirt the
commtinity in which she spent more
than three quarters of a century.
Funeral services were held at 4
o'clock, with her pastor, Rev. M.
G. Ervin In "charge, assisted l>y
Revs. A. A. Kylea, IL M. Avett
and F. £. Howard, and nbc body
laid to rear in the church cctnetery
U any beautiful floral tributoa, and
the large andiesce present, attested
the high esteem la which this good
woman was held.
Mrs. Knrfees is survived by her
htsband, R. W. Kurfees, two
daughter:*, Mn). W. E. Joiies,
Njith Wilkeshoro, and Mrs. E. W.
Gnffin, of Sing's Moohtain; a foster
SOP, J. Wesley Cook, Spartauburg,
S* C., six grandchildren, fonr nieces
and one nephew.
rhe Record joins a host of friends
in extending sympathy to the be.
naved family in the death of this
beloved wife and mother.
Fnuik McHalioa
Frank Cavin McMaboo, 52, died
Monday at bis home. Advance,
Route 1.
The lutieral was held Wednesday
at 3:30 at Fiiendsbip Methodist
He is survived by his widow, and
the following children by a first
marrage: Mrs. t.. F. Foster, Route
s, Lexington: Mrs. Willie Reytey,
Route 4, Lexington;'Mary McMa^
hon and Miss Rose Swicegood, the
latter an adopted daughter, both of
Higb point; Carl, Hlmer and Edgar,
of liexiogton. Rot.te 3; Hayden,
of High Point; Qbarlie, Wilbur
and All^rt, of Davie cout.ty; one
brother, John, and a sister, Mrs.
L. B. Nelson, both of High Point.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/5/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 12,1939
Marie O'Neal
h Memorhun.
The death angel again came into
Qur midst and took away onr (riend
and citib member, Mtn. idarle
O'Neal,' mfe of f; F. O'Neal, - on
Nov. 94,vi938._ She. w^. always
cheerful ib manner. Her tookoe
knew no sting, nor'caused any
beart'aekefij'bnt ^as alwa%s Ptndy
to speak a word of kindness to
those dbout her. She closed her
lifes work at an ear'y age of 22
In remembering Marie the w\.rd8
of this beautiful song came into onr
"As the life of a flower;
As a breath or a sigh.
So'the years that ws live '
As a dream hasten by;
True today- we are here,
But tomorrow may see
fust a grave in the vale.
And a' memory of me.
As ttie life of a flower, '
. As a breath or a sigh.
So the years glide away,
Ka^pa^dme'bemonst'ra'tioo Club.
Charles G. tiolmaQ. j
Charles G. Holman, 16, son of*
Gny Holman, 01 R. 2, deed last
Taesdny morning at Long's Bospi
U\ State:'yt|l?, following gg illness
of t wo weeks. Death resulted from
peritonitis. |
Young Hoi man Is survived by bfs
father, Quy B. Holman, two sisters.
Miss Helen Hulntan at home, and
Mtss Caniilla Holman, of Newton;
thre? b others, Wa'tT, Clyde and
John Ho'min, ot R. 2. |
Fnneigl services were held st
Union Chapel M, P church Wed^.
oesday afternoon, with Rev. G. R.
Holt in charge, as.sisted bv Rer.
W, J. S. Walkti, and the tod/
laid to re^t in the church cemetery,
i To the bereaved family The Reco d
j extends smypathy in this sad hour.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/12/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 19,1939
Hernon T. Brenegar.
Hernoo Ta~ner 9rcoef(ar, 80,
one of Mocksville's oidest and be»t
known citizens was found dead in '
bed at his bonie on North Main'
street at 7:3oo*clock Monday morn,
ing. His death-came as a severe
shock to his many friends here,'
where he had' spent so many years. I
Mr. Breoegar had spent Snndayl-
in WinstonoSalem, and was appar.'
entlv in good health when he re
tired Snnday evening. I
Mr. Brenegar Is survived by his;
widow, who before marriage was
Miss Bessie R'cb; two sons, Ranier
Brenegar, Winston-Salem, and R,
C. Brenegar, Raleigh; one daugb-
trf, Mrs. Glenn Fool,. Winston*!
Salem; two grand sons and one lit
tle grand*daugbter.
Mr Brenegar was a member of _
the Presbyterian cbnrcb. Funeral
arraugements bad not been com
pleted when this was written.
Ralph P. Edwards.
Ratoh P. Eii-4>ards. SO. prorolneal memh
ant of G^epsbsro. died at the Woslay
lenil hospital In that city Saturday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock. foUowlog an Illness
of pneumonia. |
Funeral services were held atthettanes
Funeral Home. Greensboro. Sunday after*
noon St 3 o'clock, coodueted by Dr. J B.
Graver. Mnd the body brought to this dty
and loid to rest in Rase cemetcy. j
Ur. Edwards ijt survived by his widow.'
who before m'tr'agi wa M'sa Prankle
WiUon. <f.aughtcr of Mrs. Robert Wilson, of,
this city; his mother, fbreo sisters and j
three brothers. I
Mr Edwards bad many friends in Hocks*'
vlUe who were saddened by hUtiealb.
The Record Jdns a friends in ex-|
tending syippathy-to ereavedcoesin
the death of ihla IoveJC*e.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/19/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 21,1939
Hcnon Turner Brenecar, 80, well
Icnown IocqI retired citizen, died in
his sleep last Sunday night at his
home here on North Main Street.
Members of the family discovered
his death when they attempted to
awaken him Monday morning.
The funeral was held at the home
Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, con
ducted by his pastor. Rev. W. C.
Cooper, and assisted by Rev. B. M.
Avctt and Rev. J. H. Brendall, Jr.,
pastor of Ardmore Methodl.'jt
church of Wlnston-Salem. Inter
ment was in the family plot In Rose
A native of Davic county and the
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Homp-
lon Bronegar, he Is survived by his
widow, Mrs. Bessie Rich Brenegar
and the following children: Mrs.
Glenn Poole and E. E. Brenegar of
Wlnston-Salem and R. C. Brene
gar of Raleigh and three grand
children, Audrey Marie Foole and
Edwin and David Brenegar all of
Active pallbearers were: Robert
Woodruff, Cecil Morris, Dr. Lester
Martin, J. P. LcQrand, 0. R. Horn
and Knox Johnstone.
Honorary pallbearers included: J.
F. Click, c. P. Meroney, J. F. Hanes,
L. G. Horn. A. T. Grant, and Dr. S.
A. Harding.
Funeral services for Ralph Pear
son Edwards, so of Greensboro were
held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock
at the Hanps Funeral Home In
Greensboro, condvictcd by Dr. J. D.
Craven, pastor of West Market
Street Methodist church, where Mr.
Edwards was an active member. Bu
rial took place here at the Rose cc-
• metery with Rev. E. M. Avett, Rev.
j. H. Fulghum and Rev. E. H. Nease,
pastor of Hawthorne Lane Metho-
; dlst church, Charlotte holding the
. grave side service.
Mr. Edwards wos engaged In the
mcrchandl.sc brokerage business In
Greensboro for nearly 20 years,
He died Saturday afternoon at
Wesley-Long hospital after an Ill
ness of about two weeks with pneu
monia. MTi Edwafds wias a native
of-charlotte aiid moved to Greens
boro in 1920, where he has been act
ive In the civic and fraternal life of
the town. He Is survived by his wi
dow, the former MJss Frankle Wil
son, daughter of Mrs. H. L. Wilson,
his mother, three sisters and^ throe
Bio — Obituaries - 4/21/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 26,1939
James McCvlIoh Okd
James McCaHofa. 27. of Erianger.
was fatally injured about 5^ o'clock
Sunday afiernuoa, U niiira west of
town en the Stateaville highway,
when be lose control of a motorcycle
he was riding was thrown a*
. gainst a tt;t-tfphon« pole. Hi s neek was .
IhroSen aod'hia ekuli fractar^. A •
l| passing ambulance brought him to;
'^ihe Harding ciirde here, bat he died .
] jo three minutes after entering Ibei.
^clinic. .. 11
J Mr. UcCuiioh is survived b? bisj
■'wife and three small cbildren, of|
' Erianger; bis parents, Ur. and BSta."Grenvitle UcGalloh, of Uocksville,-•• H. 4, and many relatives. * l|
Funeral services here at Liberty.!
UethodisE church yesterday - after*~
-Qon at3 o'clock with Rsv, M. G.Erviu in charge, and the body laid to
rest in the church cemetery. The.bereaved family and pareuta have, * the syropa' by ol n bust of friends in
i the deaih of this young man.
• 1
Last Rites For H. T.
Ftinerat- services •for Henon T.Brenegar. who passed away; at hishome, here early ^ Monday morningof last week, were held at chelionie
.last T» e siny aftern.oon a». 3 o'clock..last 11enny afternoon a*.3o'clock,
the body laid to rest in Rc^ ceme
tery,Mr. Breuegar will be sddly miss*ed by his many friends in Hocks*vilie and Da vie county, ' He badspent - many years of his life in
Mocksville, and was a native of
Davie county. The bereaved famb. , 7 • ■ —, gwith his pastor. Rev. W. C. Cooper ***? i-ympatby of a host oftil charge, assisted by Revs. B. H .f'ieods.ln ihedtath of husband and
Avett and J , H. Brendall, fr., and'father.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/26/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 28,1939
James Cicero McCullough
Funeral services were held Tues
day afternoon at the Liberty Metho
dist church for James Cicero Mc
Cullough. 25. who died in a motor
cycle accident last Sunday after
noon. Ho was tiding on the States-
vUle Highway about 2 miles from
MocksvlUe, apparently waved to
passing friends and lost control of
the vehicle. The motorcycle-hit the
shoulder of the highway and threw
him In a ditch. He di^ about 45
minutes later at a local hospital
from a'broken neck. The accident
ws investigated by H. V. Norris,
state highway patrolman.
The deceased was the son of
OranvUle nd Ada Cceason McCul
lough of Davle coimty who survive,
as well as his widow formerly Miss
Matle Sue Bailey, and -three chUd-
rehf Larry. Delano and Jo. He
worked at Erlanger.
1 Pallbearers were: Ralph Call,
Nelson Everhart, Bruce Spry, Geo.
Harris, Grady Blvlns, and Irvln Bo-
Douthlt Klmbrough, son of C. L.
Kimbrough. died at his home In Al-
meda, Cal. last Saturday. He has
many relatives In Davle. The fune
ral and burial were at hla home.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/28/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 3,1939
Clifford Campbell
William Anderson Killed
WilHam Lawrence Anderson. 23
eon of Mr andMre. J J Andersen,
of Carkfivilie towfisbip, was instant
ly killed ii ai; automobile accide t
near SbeflS.-'ld ^lorriay evening a*
bout dark
Anderson was aione iii his car. F>e
was drivinar on a rna'i ncftr Sheffiwld,
.and is said to huve attempted to a'
void striking a b >y ri.lin.; a bic*-»<;'.\
His car left tho rofl. struck a ilirrh
and turned over, (la, died before he
could be given medical-a>tei.ti;m
Mr Anderaor. is fnndred by his
parents three brinh>-ra. Albert. 0>
dell and Ciss^el Anderson, and Ihn o
sisters, Mrs. Thomas Cleary ar.>i
Ubses Dorothy and Tohilha Ander-
ron, all of P-iviA,,
The funeral was held Mondav at
11'o'clock at B-ar Creek Pap-Nt
(htirrh and the body laid to rest in
the church cemetery. The bereaved
fs;: 'v have the sympathy of a hast
isi the tragic death of this
Cooleeince Man Slain.
A Davie county coroner's jury 8un
day ordered Floyd Leo nard, of Coq.;
leemee held without bimd in connee*'
tion with the death of Ciifiord Camp
bell, 45, of Ctoleemee. whose budv
was discovered lying under a treo in
a field Sor-da^ morning.
Leonard was arrested by members
of the aherifi's department before
tbe inquest was ordered by Dr. Le.«-
ter Martin, county c ironer, D. Wil-j
liams, named in the jurv's ^findings'
as an accessory before the fact, was]
arrested later and bulged in jail
^e Jury held that Campbell, a tex
tile worker, came Co his death as the
resole of'blows on his bead, either bv
rocks or some other heavy rnstru
ment. L. D Driver was foreman of
the jury
Albert Wdliams. .one of the wit
nesses at the hearing, said he heard!
a brawl Saturday afiarnnnn in thoi
neighborhood where CampheH's borivj
was found Ollfe Barnca testified he!
saw Campbell lying under a tree
Saturday night, returned Suhdavj
morning, and saw the nisn was dead.;
Campbell 13 survived b.v bis wi'ei
and nine children. PiineraV servtcp
were held Monday flftcrnonn St 3
n'clook at the Ccoleemce Preabytt-.-
ian chnrcb..
William F. Gmther.
Funeral services for Wiltlaai P. Galtber.
2D. who was acKldeotaliy drowned dt Fate
Wednesday, were held Sunday after-
noou at 2 o'clviik ot Mbi^rty Bolineu
phurch, near Sh> ffield. fiurlal was io the
'church graveyard.
Surviving are the parents. Ur. and Mrs.
W. 6L Gaidier, of Hsrainny. Route J: two
bro'ber?, Clifiard and LeeGslthenandcwo"sister. Lots abd Louisa Gaiiht-r. ' :j
Mrs. P. J. Tbompsoo.
Mr«. Julia Tbompi^on, 8i., widow,
of I he la e P. f. Thompr.on, of
Davie cottiity, dtcU last Mouday at
ifbe home of her son, C. J» Tbo'mpw
son, in SaUsbnry. , ^
Funeral services were held last,
Tuesday afiernobn at 3 o'clock at
.Cherry Hill Lnthcrau church, ini
Jerusalem town.sbip, and the body
laid to rest in tbe church cemetery.
Mrs. Thompsou was a naember of
Concord Methodist cburch in Davie
cooiiiy for matiy years, but moved
her membership to Central Metbo.-
il.ist cbuTcb, Spencer, several years
ago, .
&frs. Thompson is survived by
six sous and two daughters. Two
s ep-daughters also survive, Mrs. ).
D. Hodges and Mrs. 1. A. Miller,
cf Jera.salcm toamsldp. There are
54 grandchildren and 93 great
Mr.«8. Thompson was Miss (uHb
Hendticks before her marriage in
1880 to P. J. Thompsoi:, well
known farmer of Davie couuiy.
Mrs. Mary Brogdess*
Mrp. Marv HtL'n Brogden. 81.
•vidow of Daplel Bmgden, died Wed
neaday night'at fhe home of her
daushter. n Mrs. Joe Alexander.
Mccltaville, ft 4. She had been in
declining health for some Vears and
seriously ill the past 10 days.
'She ia survived by two sons and
three danghters. They ars: J. H
Brogden of Mocksville, R " 4; T. L.
Brogden of High Point; Mrs. Alex
ander. Mrs, R. P. Crotts of Mocki-
viPe. ft. 4; and Mrs M. HL liutchins
of Orlando, Flo.
Shesl^o leaves 12 ffpandehildron
and four great-grandchildren.
Funeral setvicea were held from
Ihe Liberty Methodist church Frida.r
Rt 3:8i> o'clock and interment was in
the church cemetery. .The pavtor.
Rev. M. G Brviu. officiated.
W. W. Marlow. 67, died Thursdav'
morninaat 3 o'clock at bis home|
near Cour.tv Line. Ho was a charter;
member of the Harmony Baptist j
Church.and was well known in this!
section. . I
Sur Jiving are two •'on?, Roy and,
Lola Marlow, 'of Statesviil^; three
daughters. Mrs, Ray Scro.ud. of Har
mony. Route ]; ond Mis.*cs Ama and
Onie Marlow, of the home; four
brothers, Jim Mirlow, of Thomas
vjlle; John ?4.or2ow. of Winston-j
Salem; Dolly'Marlow, of Kemerf-j
ville; and Robert SJarlcw, of Davie
county; and one sister, M'S. Henrv
Siroud. of Harmony. Route 1.
The funeral was held Friday af
ternoon at 2 o'clock at Oiarksbury
M. E Cburch. Rev. W. L. Mc-j
Swinnand Rev. J. G. Winkler will
condiic.u he services Burial was in.}
the church graveyard. I
Bio - Obituaries - 5/3/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 3,1939
Joseph E Dickess.
Joseph B. Dickens, 41, died at
his home near. Courtney, on April
2ist: He is sti«vivcc| by his wife
and ten rlitlclren, three sons and
seven dattgbters, also his mother,
one brother and one sister. Two
grandcliildreo and a host of rela
tives and friends survive.
He was married to Miss LiUie
Obshcr, 0.t. 27th, 1917, and join
gd the church of the Brethren tn
731* He was an affectionate has.
ind, father and a good neighbor,
[oiieral services were conr uctsd by
yder H. J. Woody and Rev. W.
fohoson, at Ltbeity Baptist
Bio - Obituaries - 5/3/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Wiiliam Lawrence Anderson
WlUlam Lawrence Anderson. 23,
son of Mr. and Mrs. j. J. Anderson,
of Clarksyllle township, was instan
tly killed In nn nutomobllc accident
near Sheffield Saturday night.
Anderson was alone in his car. Re
ports reaching here said Anderson
was driving his car; on a side road
near Sheffield. He attempted to
avoid striking a boy riding a bicycle.
Anderson's "car left the road,
struck a ditch and turned over. Ho
died before ho could be given me
dical attention.^
Surviving are the parents; three
brothers. Albert, Odell and Classel
Anderson: and three sisters, Mrs.
Thomas Cleary and Misses Dorothy
and Tobltha Anderson, all of Davie
The funeral was held Monday
morning at U o'clock at Bear Creek
Baptist Church. Burial was In the
church graveyard.
The services were conducted by
Rev. James Gooce and Rev. Dallas
Renegar, Pallbearers were Wlllard
and Patrick Reavls, James Cook.
Robert Boger Spencer Bogcr and
Ray Anderson.
COOLEEMEB —Funeral services
for Mrs. Dorcus Elizabeth Milholcn,
B5, who died at her home In North
Cocleemec Tuesday, were held yes
terday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the
ihomc. The service was conducted
by Rev, A. A. Kyles, assisted by Rev.
• J. R. Foster and Rev. C, E. B. Robin
son. Interment was In the Coolcc-
I mee cemetery. i
Mrs. Mllholen, well known and
beloved local- .woman -was the wi
dow of William L. Mllholen. She Is
j survived by four children; Janle,
I Charles F., Herbert and Verner Mll
holen. A sister, Mrs. Artie Moose of
Stony Point, and a brother, Robert
Rufty of TaylorsvlUe, also survive,
as well as 20 grand children ond 10
great gran\i children.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/5/1939
Funeral services were held lost
Sunday afternoon at the home la
Farmlngton township for Jonah
Anthony Tlee, 72, who died the pre
ceding FrldoV morning at his home.
Interment was In the Woodland ce
metery, Wlnston-Salem.
Mr. Tlse wos a former btiildlng
contractor in Forsyth county and
had lived there until several years
ago. He wos a member of the'Cen
tenary Methodist church In Win
ston. He was first married to Miss
Mary Baugncss .and Is survived by
his second wife, who wixs formerly
Miss Amelia Bruce, and the follow
ing children by the second union:
Charles, James and Richard, route
2; Mrs. Clarence M. Lasch of Win
ston, Mrs. Jaines A. Forrest of route
2 and l^ss Louise Tlse at home.
Five grand children also survive.
He was the son of Charles and
Mailoh Swlcegood Tlse. The ser
vice woe conducted by Rev. E. L.
SImms of Wlns'ton and Rev. E. M.
Avett of Mocksville. Pallbearers
were John Davis, Herman Koontz,
Flecher Reavls, Lonnle Sain, Irving
Hutchens and Abe Forrest.
William F. Galther
Final rites for William P. Oalther,
20, who wos tjccldentally drowned
at Ft. Bragg-on April 26, were' held
last Sunday afternoon at Liberty
Holiness .church near Sheffield.
The deceased was the son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Oalther of Harmony,"
route 1.
He was a member of the 20th
Artillery and was on maneuvers. A
raft wos made, he. decided to swim
to shore, dived off and was drown
ed. He Is survived by his parents;
two brothers, Clifford and Lee and
two sisters, Lois and Louise,
Pallbearers were Johnny Smith,
Harry Hill, Joe Allred, H. L. Hill,
Henry Galther ond W. W. Smith.
Services were conducted by Rev.
G. R Laws and Rev. W. C, Klrkman
of Harmony, Rev. R, I, McClusky of
Greensboro and Rev. J. p. Talbert
of BlkJn.
Flower girls included Mrs. G. E.
ILaws, Ruth Galther, Blanch Rut-
hand, Rebecca Hill, Marietta, Co-
lean, Bobby' Jean and Bell Smith.,
Flossie, Irene and Elizabeth Privet-
te, Junia and Elolse Wootan, Mr..
Henry Galther, Helen Walker, Ma
bel Sherrlll. Cana Stephens, Mildred"
Campbell, Ruth Richardson and.
Margaret Sells.
Julia Hendricks Thompson
Funeral, services were held last
Tuesday at the Cherry HUl Luther-
; an church for-Mrs. P. J. Thompson,
;81, widow of a former well known
farmer of Davie county. Mrs.
Thdmpson died at the home of a
son, J. .'IThompson, In Salisbury.
She was .'a former member of the
Concord Methodist church In thisi
county bat prior to her death wasl
associated with the Central Metho-'
dist chijrch in Spencer. Six sons and,
two daughters survive, as well as'
two step daughters: Mrs. J. D. Hod
ges and.Mrs. j. A. Miller of Jerusar
lem township. Fifty four grand and
23 great grand children also survive.
Prior to hor marriage in 1880 Mrs.
Thompson was Miss Julia Hend
i The funeral tor Wi W. Marlow. 67,
I was held last Pricfay. afternoon at
' Olai'Iasbury Methodist church. He
died on Thursday at his home near
County Line. The following child
ren survive: Roy and Lola of States-
vUlc. Mrs. Ray Stroud, route 1, Har
mony; Misses Ama and Onle Marlow
at home. Four brothers and a sister
also survive: Jim, ThomosvUle;
John. Winston; Dolly, Kerneravlllc;
Robert Marlow county; Mrs. Henry
Stroud, route 1, Harmony.
Tho funeral for W; W. Marlow, 67,
was held last. Prlrfny. afternoon at
Clafhsbury Methodist church. Ho
died on Thursday at his home near
County Line. The following child
ren survive: Roy and Lola of States-
vUle, Mrs. Ray Stroud, route 1, Har
mony; Misses Ama and Onle Marlow
at home. Four brothers and a sister
also survive: Jim, Thomasville;
John, Winston; Dolly, KernersvlUc;
Robert Marlow coun^; Mrs. Henry
8troud, route 1, Harmony.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/5/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 10,1939
William F. Gaither
Paul Cope PassjBS.
Paul Cope, 40. of Spencer, died Sundajr
mimilnd at the Rowan Meaiocial Hospital
after a sboit lUoesa. He onderweat so
opeiaiion Tbanday and pnepmcmla de-
He was a native of Jenaalem
towDKhip. tnti had lived in Saeooer for 17
years, and was a Soaihefn Railway brake*
nan. He waa a neinber of Concord 14.
E. Chntch. where ftmeral and burial ««r>
vices took place Monday afternoon at 4
o'clock. Mr .Cope:ifl survived by hiawid.
ow. the fonner Miss Kate Deadnoo. dau*
abter of Blr. and Mrs. H. M. Deadmoa.'end
foarchlldren, Paul Jr. Haywood, Jewel
and Cotlnne. of Speooer. ^ the ffljtow* 1
M Imiheis and risteisi J. E. and J. H.
Cm.Charlotte:D.H Cope.Gotdsbofo;Mrs.
F, L. Foster and Mrs. J. A. PIckler, Smd*
cer; Mis. 1 C. Beirier. Ao^&ta; Bits. Corl
Fosser and Mis. Ranch Foster, of Winston-!
Mrs. Rosa Owens.
Urp. Rosa Owens, 58, wife of John
Owras. diid at her home at Barber
ionetion, Wednesday afternoon at
12:05 o'doeR.
^ The funeral secvfcea took ptsfo
froni Pork church l^ursdav after
noon at 2 o'eltick and intennent was
in the ehurcfa cemetery. Ske htd
been an invalid for the past several
**8arvivinir ^s the husband, alto
two bro hers, O^r Wall of Kanna>
polls and Qeero Wall of Haynes.
Fnnend Held For
Drowniug Vktim.
Final rites for William F. Gaitber. 20.
who accidentally drowned at Ft Brags
on April 26. were held Sanday April. SOih
Utdlnmchtticb nsarSbelBeid. Ttc de
ceased waa the ami of Mr and Mrs. W*
B. Gaitber of Harmony, route I.
He was a member of the 28ib Artillery
and was on mnneavet^ Araft was made,
he decided CO swka to share, divied off
and was drowned. He is survived by his,
parents: two brother, Clifford ana Lee
and two sistets, Loia and Louise.
Patlbedien were JdhoDV Smith. Harry
Rill, Joe Albsd, H. L. Hiff. Henry
Gaither aod W. W. Smith.
Services were condoeied by Rev. G. E.
Laws and Rev. W.CL Ktifcmao of Har
mony. Rev. R. L McCiaaky of Greeoa.
boioandRfiv. J. F. Tallmt of EOtio.
Flower giria Included Ut&G.E. Laws.
Both Gaither, Blanch Rotband. Rebecca
Bill. Marietta, Colean. Bobby Jean and
Bell Smith. Fknsle. Irene and EUaabetb
Privette Junla and Eloise Wooteo. Mr.
Henry Gaither, Helen Walker, Mabel
Sbeirill, Cana Stephens. Mildred Crap-
bell. Ruth Ridiaidsan and MargaretSella.
Mrs. Dorcm Mflholen.
Mrs Dorcas Milboleo, 86, died
Tuesdsy morning at her home In
North Cooleetnee, following a I ing
illoess. She is survived by two
sons and two daughters, together
with a number of grand and great
grandchildren. Funeral services
were held at 3 o'clock Thursdav
afteinooD at Sotitb River Methodist
church, and the body laid to rett
in the cbtirch cemetery.
Mrs. Sandra Ann Potb.
Faneral services will was held
Tburrday morning for Mrs. Sandra
Ann Potts at the home of her son,
Anderson Potts, at 10:30 o'clock
and at Shady Grove M. E. Church
at II o'clccV. Rev. P. L, Smith
v/as in charge. Burial followed In
the church graveyard.
Houston Casbion.
Houston CashioD. 84. died at his
home on Cleveland, R. lat. He was a
member of Gav'e Chapel Baptist
church, near Oak Forest. Surviving
Is two daughters and one bod; three
brothers and one siaterg. Faneral
a rvices took place at New S lem
church. A good man has gone to his
Bio - Obituaries - 5/10/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Funeral services were held at
Concord Methodist church In this
county Monday afternoon for Paul
Cope, 40, of Spencer who died at
a Salisbury hospital on Sunday
I Mr. Cope was a well-known em
ploye of the Southern railway with
17 years of servick He was a brake-
man, a member of the Brotherhood
of Railway Trainmen and had been
In excellent health until last Thurs
day, Taken suddenly III, he was
rushed to the hospital, where an
operation was performed. Pneumo
nia later developed and death came
Sunday morning.
He. was the son of the late Mr, and
Mrs. Green Cope of Davle county.
On December 31,1018, he was mar
ried to Miss Catherine Dcadman of
Davle county^.Tlje widow and four
children are Immediate survivors.
The latter are; Paul Cope Jr., Hay-
wood, Jewel and Corlnne Cope, of
the home. He further leaves one
grandchild and the following broth
ers and sisters: J. E. and J. H. Cope
of Charlotte, D. H. Cope of Oolds-
boro, Mrs. F. L. Foster and Mrs. J.
A. Plckler of Spencer, Mrs. 1.0. Ber-
rier of Davie county, Mrs. Carl Fos
ter and Mrs. Bunch Foster of Wln-
Bio - Obituaries - 5/12/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 17,1939
iMrs. AlbettMcClaiiiiroch
I Hra. Albert McCtamrocb. <Ued at ber
' home four miles Qortb of towo. on R. 2.
Saturday afttnooa, fgllowlpg a t&nd ill
Funeral aetvices were beld at Oak Giove
.Metbo^istcburcb Uooday matelng at 11
lo*<A>cb, whb'Rev» H. 6. Crvia in cbaige,
and cb' body laid to rest in the cbosch
I Mrs,' UcCteiuoeb Is sorvived by bet
; budtand seem cbl'dieo: bar pareotk. Mr.
land Mrs. W.T Rigbta. of Smith Oove,
' two btotbers and one rister.
L Cahio Harris.
L G. RaRfA S3. itustato tovnabip;
dled la a Salisktiry hospital Satorday.
I Fon^ amvicea were beld Mocday
a'Cemoon at 3:30 c*cIock at Wcadleaf
Met^ist elmrdt. with Rey. H. Q Ervlo Id
dluqte. llc..Hairb la sotyivcd by bis
i widow, Rmrbiotb ca.Cbarleoilaiii8; China
Groves&'M.G W.aodK T. Harris, of
Jeidsatero. end one sister; Mrs. W. N.Utaxatr, BaWmoii^ Md. j
C M. Carter Dead.
C. U. Carter. 79. a native of Davie
county, but who baa been Hviosr in
Salfebary for a nober of years, d!^
at ^wery Hospital, in that city Fn*
dav, following a serions UlnesB of
three weeks, Faneral eervtces were
held at Safiebnry and the btinal
aeryfcos were held at Foric Baptiat
church Sunday, One son and two
daughters survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/17/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Funeral services for Mrs. Flossie
Rights McOlararock, 33, were-held
Monday morning at 11 o'clock at
the Oak Orove M. B. churoh. Rev.
M. G. Ervln and Rev, J. L. Kirk con
ducted the services and burial was
In the Chtitch cemetery.
Mrs. MuClamrockls survived by
her husband, Albert McCHamrock;
lier parents, Mr.- and Mrs. W. T.
Rights of Advance, r'nute l; seven
children, Jane, Calvin, Helen,
Gladys, John, Hazel, and Charlie;
two brothers, Sam Riglits of Forsy-
th county and GUmer Rights of Ad
vance, roiite 1; one sister, Mrs. R. C.
Boaui^omp of Advance, route 1.
Pall bearers were:v.W. Wi "Whita-
icar, H. A. Lasbmltr, James Kimmer,
Bavid Hendrlcks,VliUke togi' and
G' E. Summers, .
Word has been received here by
Miss Leila Martin that her cousin,
Avcry J. Martin, had died at his
home in Camdcn, N. J. Funeral ser
vices will be held on Saturday from
1506 Balrd Ave, in Camden, Inter
ment will be In ixiciist Wood ceme
Mr, Martin was the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Pleasant Martin who former
ly lived at the homeplace how own
ed by Mayor T. L Caudell. Hojs sur
vived by his widow; one, sl^r, 9^s.
Ocnic Rawles; three brothere, 'Arc-
hie Martin. Will Martin of Pn. tind
Sam Martin of Florida.
Final rites were held for Louie
Calvin Harris, 53, on Monday after
noon at the Woodleaf Melodist
church, wlh Rev. M. p. Ervln con
ducting the services. Interment was
In the church cemetery.
Mr. Harris was he'son of the late
Billy and Annie Wagoner Harris.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs.
Ella Foster Harris; four. brothers,
Charlie, of China Grove, H. M.,
G. W., H. T., all of route 4, M6cks-
ville; one sister, Mrs. WllUe N. Hea-
vlner of Baltimore.
Mr. Harris died Saturday at the
Rowan Memorial Hospital in Salis
Bio - Obituaries - 5/19/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 31,1939
Frank Taylor
Dies From Injuries.
Prank Taylor, 32, of Strtesville,
who was working for the Sardooi-
constniction Co. died at Mcck&ville
Hospital Sunday afternoon about
2 o'clock. Mr. Taylor fell from the
top of a power pole in Clarksville
Townsbip Thursday aftefooon, re
ceiving internal iniuries. Mr.
Taylor Is survived by bis widow |
^aod two sons. Fnneral services
I were held Tuesday morning at New
jsaleni Metbodl&t church. |
J. L Riddle.
John L. Riddle, 73, Parmingtoo
townsbip, died at his home near
Macedonia Moravian Church, at 2
o'dock last Monday aiteruoon. He
was iu declining health for two
years but was critically ill for only
fiur days.
Mr. Riddle, was born SeDtember
16, 1865, in Davie conntv. He was
mirried to Miss Martba N. Howard
March 20, 1895.
Mr. Riddle was one of the oldest
active members of Macedonia Mo
ravian Cburcb and bad been a
member from boyhood. He was a
farmer and i^nt bis entire life in
the same .commnhily.
$urvivofs, indude the widow;
two sons, George Riddle of Davie
vonnty and' Frank Riddle of Wins
ton-Salem; two daughters, Mrs.
Cora Reavi^ of Harmony and Ma.
mte Allen, of Advance, R. 1; and
eight grandchildren.
A short fnneral service was held
at the home at 10:30 o'clock Wed
nesday morning with the main ser
vice following at Macedonia Mora
vtan Church at 11 o'dock.' Rev.
G. B. Brewer was in charge. Bntial
follow^ in the ehoreh graveyard.
Beitie QmBce Smiib.
Beille Qttlaoe Smith. 69.1! near Cana.
died Sats^ay mtfBiotf in', a Stateovllle
bo^taL FtmetalsetviieeaweteheHSan-
day at 3 pw m.. at BeariGredt.cboicfa witb
Rev. Janies Grocecoodactiat the services,
and Iba body hid to rest fa the ebaicb
eefpetery< He la survived by the widoW
andtbefoRowhiR ebltdren; CRfTeaiile.
CooIidge. aO at bctne, R. F. and Asbnry
Snitii.tetli of thecoooty. Btrs. ^roadcs
E iton. Ola. Mrs. Hwt Rqraolds, Mis. Jobn
H ines. Betty BeRe and Sylvi". sU of Davie
Goaqty. Two bfathem, Lnttter and Rnk
Sndth. and two sfBtaa. XStanky.
and Mfs. E. A. Loweiy, all d the edanty
aUoettrvive. .
Martha Geraldine
Martha Geraldine, 9-a>ontb8H>lddaogb(
er of Mr. and Mm. Garland Howard, cf
Fartniadtan township, died eady Friday
mooitDd, foUowina a shoit iUnesa. Ftiner*
al servim were held at Smith Grove
Methodist cbnich Saturday afternoon at S
o'docb. with Rev. J. W. Vestal ofBcIating
and the little body kdd to rest In the
little body laid to test la ihechnrdtoente*
teiy. lira bereaved parents have the
sympathy of a host of friends In the death
of their only child.
Zemeri L. Graves.
L. Graves, 34, was found dead In
his bratbei'e bath room about 10:30 o'clock
Tbotsday evening. Mr. Graves was sub
ject CO epeleptle fits, and ft la thouilbt he
fell and bnAe bis nedi during one of the
fits. Foneial services was held at Chestp
nut Grove Methodist church Saturday
morning U11 o'dock. with Rev. E. M,
Avert In diBige. and the body laid to rest
lathe church cemetery. ' Mr. Graves Is
soivived (9 Ms father, one bratber and
three sisteis, one bair-bnther and two
Itqtf Msteia, Re made his home bis home
with his brother, Jesse Graves, on Cbetty
Bio - Obituaries - 5/31/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Funeral sorvicGS for Bertie Quince
Smith, 05, of near Cana, who died
in a Statcsvilie hospital Saturday,
were held Sunday afternoon from
Bear Creek church.
Survlviner is the widow and the
following sons and daughters: C. B.
Smith, Tearlie Smith and Coolidge
Smith, all of the home; R. F. Smith
and Asbury Smith, of the county,
Mrs. Boardus Eaton, Miss Ola
Smith. Mrs. Hoyt Reynolds, Mrs.
John Hayncs, Betty Belie and Syl
via Smith, all of the* county. Two
brothers also' survive,' Luther Smith
and Pink Smith, and two sisters,
Mrs. N. K. Stanley and Mrs. E. A.
Lowery, cdrof the county.^ J
Frank Taylor, 33, employee of the
Sordoni Construction Co. who feli
from tt 45-foot pole last Thursday
afternoon while at work in Calaha-
In township, died from internal in
juries at Urn Mocksvllle hospital
la.Ht Sunday.
A native of New Mexico, he lived
in Statcsvilie for a number of years.
Ho is survived by his widow, former
ly Miss Minnie Warren, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. Warren who
live on the Statesville-Mocksvillc
highway, and two sons, Frank Jr.
Continued on Page Eight
Conilnucr from Poge One
and Kenneth.
The funeral was held Tuesday
morning nt New Soiem Methodist
church. Mrs. Taylor, who Is a regis
tered nurse, was on duty at? a new
York hospital at*the time of the ac
cident. Details of the accident have
not been learned but it is bought
that his safety belt was not securely
Samuel Eugene Myers
The body of Samuel Eugene My
ers, 18-year-old For^th j^qounty
youth who was dzownedin the'Yadr
kin river lost Friday inoming a
short distance below the i3a^ <Sow-
er plant at Idols, was fdii^pvered
shortly before noon losp ^esday
by James Bamhardbft the f[^drix
shoals, a distance of abo4t 2($iniles
from ^here he was drowiied^
' itile yoiitli Was on a ful^ji and
switnming'trip with'^alph i&krtley,
swim the-"mUl racelL.
James Barnhardt was fishing in
the Piess Foster/bottoms, saw the
body pass and iollo^d 'it to the
shoals where it wais' recovered in a
bad state of decomji^sition^ The
funeral was held We^esday morn
ing at home on White street exten
sion in Winston. He is survived by
his parents. Eugene and Ida Chand
ler Myers, and by, four brothers and
four sisters.
Last rites were held for Zimri
Lester Graves, 34, on.Saturday May
37, at the Chestnut church with Rev.
M. G. Ervin holding the service. In
terment was in the church ceme
Graves, died at the home of
his brother. Jesse Graves on Thurs
day night. He is survived by his fa
ther, R. M. Graves; two brothers,
Jesse L. and James Graves of Mocks-
viile; and five sisters, Mrs. Grady
Shackleford and Mrs. .Florence G.
Barlington both of Wt^ton-Salcm,
Mrs. A. J. Freitflg of Galax, Va. and
Misses WUma.and Mutha Graves,'
both of MockOTilic.
Funeral services for Martha Ger-
aldinc Howard, nine months old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ho
ward of route 5, were held Saturday,
May 27, at the Smith Grove Metho
dist church. Rev'. J. W. Vestal con
ducted the service. Interment was
in the church cemetery. Martha
Ocraldine died on Saturday morn
ing at the home. Her parents arc
her only survivors.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/2/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Dr. Mason's Father
Dies In Charlotte
John Harrison l^on, 72. father
of Dr. Paul H. Mason of MocksvUle.
died last Thursday morning at his
home. 1100 Lexington avenue, Ohar*
lotte, after an Illness of 18 months.
Retired. Mr. Mason was the oldest
employe of the Charlotte Observer
in point of service. He was associa
ted with the circulation department
for nearly 37 years. He was born at
Ophlr, near Troy, In Montgomery
county, the son of Harrison Clark
Mason and Nancy Camcllnc Davis
He WAS n member of Uie First Me-
thodlst church, of the Excelsior lod
ge No. 2Q1. A. F. and A. M., a 32nd
degree Scottish rite Mason, a Shrln
cr and n member of the Oasis Tcm
The funeral was held In Charlotte
last Friday with the members of the
Excelsior lod^c In charge of the
graveside service in Elmwood cere-
Mr. Mason Is survived by his wi
dow, the former Mayme Yoos Fit-
cheri and the following children by
a former marriage: Dr. Mason. Mrs.
Robert H. Lawrence of Spartanburg,
S. C., Mrs. Fred H. Hunter of Char
lotte. Mrs. Horace O. Brubaker of
Arlington. Va. Following brothers
and sisters also survive: Mrs. Wiley
Harris of Troy, Mrs. Lula Jones of
Thomosville, Reid Mason of Los
Angeles, Cal.. Raymond and P. R.
Mason of Thomosville.
Funeral services for Emery L.
Shields, 77, who died at his home
near Oak Orove on Tuesday morn
ing, were held on Wednesday at
2:30 o'clock from the Oak Orove
Methodist church with Rev. James
Oroce conducting the services. Mr.
Shields was the son of Andrew and
Ada Adkinson Shields. He was a
native of Forsyth county. He Is sur
vived by hl3 wife, who was the for
mer Mottle Church.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/2/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 7,1939
Em«ry L.
L. Shields, 77, died st Ids
home o& R a, early Taesd y mom.
I death resu't'uR from heart dropsy.
I Mr* Sb!e*c-: is survived by his
I wi low. . u..eral services were beld
tat Oak Grove Metfaodist chn eh)
jWedaesdav sfierDOno at s:sOi
o'eloeh, w;:h Rev. James Oroee of.*^
fichtin^, aud the'body laid to lest
is the ebnrch cemetery.
Body Of Myers Fonnd.
' The body of Samuel Kngene My
ers, t8j uf Winstou Salem, who was
drowned near the power dsm on
the Yadkin Riyeroo May^7tb, was
found last Tuesday near the A. E.
Hendrix farm iu Fulton township.
The body was taken from the river
and removed to Wiusto:).Salein*
.The yonng man was iryinRi0 8r.*in I plant, wben be went ddwn.
[the race below the Duke Power
Bio - Obituaries - 6/7/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Jerry Sanford Leagans
Jerry Sanford Legons. Infant son
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Leiigans of
^na. route 1/ died at the Mocta-
hospital Monday afternoon.
The funeral was held THuesdoy
tnomlng at the Eatoii Baptist
Church, The child Is survived by its
parents. •.
Funeral services were held last
Sunday at Bethlehem Methodist
church for Thomas Lee Donn, 73,
who, died the previous Friday at his
home In that section. He suffered
a broken leg In a fall from a high
way tractor some time before his
He Is survived by his widow, for
merly Miss Mary B. Smith, and one
son, S. T. Donn of route 1, Advance.
The following brothers and sisters
also survive: Alex, Isaac and Shad-
rack Donn. Mrs. M. F. Jarvls and
Mrs. Vallle Powell of Portsmouth.
Va. and Mrs. Cora Smith of Forsy-
th county. Six grand children also
final rites for Thomas Monroe
Bameyeastle, 80, who died Monday
dt his home near Bixby, were held
at Mock's Methodist church at Ad
vance on last Wednesday morning.
Burial was in the church cemetery.
He was the son of John and Mary
Oullett Bameyeastle.
He Is survived by his widow, for
merly Miss Lizzie Queen; by two
daughters, Mrs. Tom Keaton or
daughters, Mrs. Tom Keaton of
route 1, Advance; by a sister, Mrs.
Alice Plott of Advance, route 1.
Eighteen grand and 9 great grand
children also survive.
Fannie Foster
Mrs. Fannie Foster of Fair Field
died Saturday morning at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Ruffle Foster,
Sr. She was the Widow of the late
Alexander Foster who died several
years ago. She was known through
out Davle county by white and co
lored alike and loved by all. Funeral
services were held Monday at Fair-
field church. Burial was In the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/9/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 14,1939
hfent Leagans Dead.
Jeny Sanford Iicasaos, 6 dey-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. S. Lea
gans, of sear Casa, died last Mon
day afternoon at a o*dnck. Fnn
eral services were held at Baton's
Baptist cbnrdi Tnesday morning at
II o'clock, condncted by Rev.
James Groce, and tbe little body
laid to rest in the chnrcb cemetery.
The bereaved parents have theaym
natby of the entire commnnity In
the death of their only child, and
we commend to them Him who
said, nearly-two thonsand years a
go: "Soffm the little children to
come nnto me, and forbid them not,
for of such is the kingdom of
Bioinas Baneymde.
Funeral servieM for Thomas Mon-.
roe Bamevesstle.' 80. who died Mon-j
day at bis home near fiixtv, were'
heid Wednesday-moroing at 10:30
o'clock at Moeka Methodist Qiordi.|
He is anrviv^ by Ids iHdow and
two danghtera^'Mra. Tom Keaton.of
Mocksville. Route 8, and Mra Kea-|
foQ. of Advaaee,- Bopte 1; a sister
^ra ^iMPIotlt; of Advance, Rontej
1; 18 granddiildrefi and lihie great-
grandchildren. •
Martin S. Barneycastle
Former DavmHan Dead
Martin S. Barneycastle, 77, who
was a native of Davie county, bnt
who moved to Foryyth many years
ago, died at his home near Fiaff.
town last Monday afternoon. Fnn
I eral services were held Wednesday
afternoon at Ffafftown Chnreb of■Christ, conduced by Rev. Mr.
Lallis, and the body laid to rest inthe Ffafftown mmetery. Mr. Bar
neycastle leaves a number of rela
tives in Davle, among them being
a brother, J. W. Barneycastle, of
R. a.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/14/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Julia Wilson
Mrs. Julia Wilson, wife of Robert
Wilson, died Monday at the Davis
hospital, She is survived by her hus-
band, flvo children, and six step,
children. Funeral services were held
at Main Church.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/23/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 28,1939
W. C. White Passes.
WiUlamCL White,-70, oatiYe of Davl^
coooty, and for toanjr vests a pfomloeot
mesebaDt of Advance, died la a Winstoa-
Salea hospital Tbnisday oftemooSi fellow.;
ing a long illnesa.
Ur, WUte moved from Adv&see to tb^
Twin <^ty aboat 16-years eco. and was i
ineniberof tbeflrmof W.6 White & Co
for a o^ber of years.
Mr. White Is stirvived by four sooa aou
three daaghters; two btotbere, J. C, and
J. F ^1^10, sod ooe a!a:er. Mra Fraoi
Tatterow, all ofOalabala townsbii^. n
Fansral services were held Fdday af
teroooo at 4:30 o'ctoel!. at the boom of hb
MO, W. 6, White, in Wlo8loo*SalefD, with
Reva, 1^ A, Hunter and J. L TtdBsger la
charge, ^rial followed In Shady Gravf
Methodist cborMi cemetery. Advanoe. A
good man haa been called to hb reward
Bio - Obituaries - 6/28/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
William C. White
Funeral services were held last
Friday nt the home of a son, W. G.
While, for William C. White, 70. Da-
Tie native who died in a Winston
hospital Thursday. Mr. White was a
member of the firm' of W, G. While
j; Co. at Advance before he moved
to Winston about 16 years ago. He Is
survived by 4 sons and 3 daughters,
tvra brothers, J. F. and J. C. White,
and a sister-, 'Mrs.'Frank Tutterow,
all of Calaholn township, interment
vas In the Shady Grove j^^odlst
churchyard. ,
Bio - Obituaries — 6/30/1939 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY