Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 6,1938
W. A. Vogler
• Dr^ Spe^r Passes.
. Dr. Wl O. Speooer, 75, Uiied
Thursday night at his home in
Win^on-Salem. Ftmera] and bu
rial ser^b^ took, place atrYauceyr
vUIe Bapt^ church Saturday after-
luAn at 4;,o*dodc, with Dr. Balph
Herring, and Dr. Ray Jordem in
Br. Spencer is snrdved by' bis
wi^w, three sons, of Winston-
Salem, -one sister, Mrs. P.* M. John
son, of Blo^^yille, and ope* broth
er, .Frank Spencer, Petersburg, Va.
. W. Vogl^; 77, died suddenly
at bis home* in Cooleetnee Tbur--
day evening .^^y- .olter baying
paitaktt of a heaiiy supper.
Hr. Vogler bad resided in Coo-
leamee about thirty years. He was
a member ot tbe Methodist cbureh
and the jtttii9;.^der United Ameri
can Bleobantcs. He tnarried .Vir*
ginfa McBrtde of neat Hocks^te:
"lliie fanerai took place Friday
aftemooq. at 3 o'clock from the
Methodist church- in Coolaemee,
conducted by the pastor, Rev« A.
A. • Kvk^ aind interment was in
Met^ri.arpart cemetery In Sails,
Surveying axe the widow, four
mna and .four daughters. IW
bratbbffs;aisq strive, Jim . Vbi^or,
of Cootem and lyest Vogler, of
WinsW-Salem.' ...
• C9idtlttF; .fobb,. 57* died at Us
hdme ntWoadlenf-Sosdny. Mr. Rohb
isaqrvived by bis widow, Mrs. Delia
Stonastreei Bobjb* .foxnimly of. Davie
eousty; two daaftliter8,''/one' brother
andttureeaistecs.-. ~ .
. Fttneral iseryices' were .bdd at
Wdodleef, M-. E - Cbortb' M^ay
aft^ooo-atk 8 o*etocki" Rev. 0. E.-
Maggie Willson
In Mmioriain.
We. the mewben of the Kappa -Club oj
the Davle Aeademy commtmhy, Wiab tx
pay tritrnte to ihe meaery of Mto.
WUlsoo. who aDpped away" ban .eettfalj
cares In the eatly momtas of jane 9th.
She was a loyal member, one -who dh
her doty nofltodiloSly.. We ehatl mla
her preeeoee^ bar cheny emile; her txigh
happy diepotltUui. and her hndngeo^ipw
stioa In itMi work. Therefore, be It n
nived, n
First. That, we, the membora of. tbi
iocl^..bowlobomhteflabral88loat6 tti<
win ot B&n who doetb td things weIL<
Second. .That we Mtend oor heeitfel
sympathy to bet lov^ ocea, and pre!
that Qoda Uesal^s may rest opoa tbein
Third. ThstcbidM tg this menioiian
be sent 10 dte fa^y aod to n the eonan
papma> ^ BfRS. FRED CARXBER*
Bio - Obituaries - 7/6/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 7,1938
W. A- Vogler Is
Buried On Friday
IW. A. Vogler, for many yeara a'
resident of Cooleemee, died at hia
homo Thursday evening. His death,
n was sudden and unexpected, he
{having apparently been in the beat
n lof health prior to the attack which
' [cost his life.
'j Funeral services were conduct*
Ud Friday afternoon at 8' o'clock
' at the Methodist church in Coule-
' emeo, with the pastor. Rev, A. A.
I Kylea officiating, and burial .was
' in the Memorial cemetery in Sails-
I Sur\'{ving are his widow, the
? former Miss Virginia McBrlde of ^
f this county, four sons and four
\ daughters. Two brothera, Jim
Vogler of Cooleemee and West
' Vogler of Winston-Salom also aur-
Charles F. Robb
Dies at Woodleaf
Funeral services were held at;
Woodleaf M. E. church Monday-
afternoon for Charles F. Robb, 57, |
who died at his home Sunday. The
riles were conducted by Rev. 0.
E. Croy.
Mr. Robb is survived by his
widow, Mrs. Delia Stoncstrcot;
.Robb, formerly of this county, two'
[daughters, one brother and three
D. T.HeplerDies
At Home In Davie
David Thomas Hepler, 63, well-
known resident of the county, died
jat his home in Fdrmington town-
^ship Tuesday. He had been in ill
health for some time, his condi*'
• tion having been aggravated by
his age.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at 3 o'clock at Oak Grove
Methodist church,- with-Rev. H< G.
Freeman, asalated by Rev. M. G.
Ervin, officiating. \ ' * * '
Mr. Kepler,was the son of the
late Sam and Pannte Allen Ucplcr.
He la suryiyed by his widow, Mrs.
Phisie Sanders lleplor, and four
sons, Charlie, of Tennessee; Sam,
of route 3; and,
Thomas; of the home; and a|
daughter, Mrs. Lillle Marcs, of Ad-,
ivuncu, route 1. ' - |
I Also suiwiving arc a sister, Mrs.j
|Rona Gober, of Mocksvlllc, route ^
*2, and a brother, John, of Har-1
inony, route 1. . i
Maggie Wlllson
We. the members of the Kappa
club of the Davie Academy com
munity, wish to pay tribute to the
'memory of Mrs. Maggie Willson.
jwho slipped a\vay from earthly
cares In the early morning of June
8, 1038.
She was o loyal member, one
who did hor du^ unflinchingly.
We shall miss her presence, her
cheery smile, her bright happy dis
position, t nd her loving co-opera
tion in the v.'ork. Therefore be
it resolved;
First, That we, the members of
this society bow in humble aub-
I mission to the will of Him who
jdoeth ail things well.
I Second, That we extend our
I heartfelt sympathy, to her loved
'pnea, and pray that God's bless
ings may rest upon them.
Third, That, copies of this me-
moriam be sent to the family, and
to the county papers.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/7/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 13,1938
D. T. Hepier Passes.
DavM Thomas Hepier, 63, died
at his home at Smith Grove Tncs-
'day of a heart attack.(He is survived by his widow aud
four sous. : Charlie, of Teooessee;
Lfie, of Wihstoo Salem: Sam, of
iMocks^lle, Route 3; and Thorns,
'of the home; and a daughter, Mrs.
'Itillie Myerrj of Adviaoce, Route r.
I n Also surviving are: .A sister, Mrs.
I Rena Gober, of |MocksviUe, R. 2,
and a brother, Joho, of Harmony;
Route t. n
. Funeral services were conducted
at 3 'o*clo^'Wednesday at Oak
Grove Methodist Church by Rev.
H. C. Freeman and Rev. M. G.
'Rhs. flanser.
Mre: Catlwtine RHdIe Hauser,
72, a- former residentfii of the * Rcd-
ilahd seion,.died at the home of
»her daughter, Mrs. C. Smith,
lat: Winslori^leni, last Tuesday,'ibUowteg an illness of only a few
'miuutbs. " ^Funeral serviaa were
' hdd in .Wi^on^tem Wednesday
morning, and the body, laid to rpst
In Salem ®®*®®tery. . •
Mis. Hduaer is sniNnvrf.. by six
daughters atJd one son, four sisters,
auKmg their being Mrs Kimbrough
Flntt, of Wockstfjjje, R- 3' rae
' brpthCT, Aaba^. Riddle,, of the Red-
Jaisd section.; ;' . ;
I Mr& <Hatts^ bad lived in Wins
ton-Salein lor m3|ny..years. •
Mrs. Magile Wibon.
itowjorCDlrraatfaebope that
witb Qaliece..«lwal^8lsetoesed death's0^ rSm for her. U
dem £>.Chfiei weSve^ soon with ber w
will he. KowtdBg wcrds wlU evor be
dndkaa ia Ihm twine over there, betmgsdflmiravdaiiogwhhlierw^ an fs
- aiHl feir. We will oto her ia oar
ifas loved by all who hew
other woman iBBt:^_B^te, to ourehmeb well ever find. To to tovedopesi
it vear Btotoeadaiid loneir stooe dearMogsiol» BO»lien;iet^.ine iN^t yon toSSifior.whotowaW^tpwe]oiwna as
tbeieitoabamewiiciediBieiesttog end
. ikelA WIO hetw.'*«g_<»^|?*^y^J!gytbed^ be«Bb«*CDnpto the i^ou-
toiddea. .. • - ^ v
• Gomnoeed by ooe of■ tlw dkoien ra em-
bm'who loved
Bio - Obituaries - 7/13/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 14,1938
Donnie Tutterow in tviNsroM-sAus^
» ' .-i^r 151
, Dr. W. 0. Speneer» 76, died onr
CHILD DIES AFTER Thursday night at hia home In
A SHORT ILLNESS Winston-Satem. Funeral and bur-
, I ial services took place at Yaneey-
Donnie, youngest son of Mr. ville Baptist church Saturday
and Mrs. Dpke Tutterow of Coo-i temoon of last week. With Dr.
leemee, died early Wednesday Ralph Herring and Dr. Ray Jor^
morning after an illness of only I dan in charge.
.a few days with colitis. | Dr. Spencer is survived by. -Us
Surviving in addition to the widow and three sons of Winstop- •
jparents are two brothers and one. Salero, one sister, Mrs. F. M. John-
sister. Funeral plans had not' son of Mocksvllle, and one broth-^
been announced yesterday. | er, Frank Spencer, of Petersburg,,.
' ' Va. . ,
Bio - Obituaries - 7/14/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 20,1938
BI1S.L J. €. Fii^r.
Mrs. tevi J. C; 5®, ct
Sali&bnry, R1 1, died last Uonday
fotiowins a abort illne^ Funeral
services were Zietd al tbe bome
Tuesday* with Rev* June Carter,^ of
Win^oOiSaleai, and Rev. Mr.. Low
der conducdug tbe services, liie
body was laid to rest-in Cbestnut
Hill cemetery, Sa*t9imry. Mrs.
Picklerissoryi^ by ber husband,
L. J*. C. Fideter, an adopted dau^-
ter, Mrs. V. L. Bc^; one broth^*
John Stewart. of 'Fprk, and two
Kraodchiidceo. •]|$is..F^ld->was a
native of. tOTUsbl^ .but
moved to Rou^n about ro years ago.;
The Record extends sympathy to
the Iteseaved (ais^ in their, great
so«0#.* •* •• n n " n
Wilfiam |lt:lloqie.
William SC. Blooxe, 83,. died at>a
IfooiesvUle hospifd. la^ Monday,
fdUowing a ; -Rines^' li^.'
Moore was a iaadve of JD^vie cdnoty
hot moved to Mooiiesville more than
50 years ago; He bad been in -the
mercantile htidness. for many .years.
Mr. Mdoiebsnrvi^ by hid widow
Sirs. Maggie Gatton Moore, fonr
sons* and one brother, B, F, MoOre,
Ot • Ciaticsville town^p. Funeral
^rvices were bdd at the -Broad
S^t Methbdirt-jd^tifch last- Tiies;.
dpy'aftefiio<m,'aod the body hdd id
r^in the-WUlow-Van^ cemeteiyi-
Bfibmiesville. Mir.Mdoreraagood
f Record editor, and -it
is with' sadnesd that we are. call^-
upon to chrottlde .'bis "death; He
had hi^ a reader of dor .pa;^ for
aoaily.fortyyetea/f u
Fanend iaenrlcaes. fof W. T* Hdim
aid, 78, - udid died .^ his home pear
Sddth Grove on Jnly ' .ptb*. 5vere
held at .Sinifh'Gio^ Methodist
cbtttdi on MdOdfl^ morning of last
wi^k',.with lEtey. M. O. Bndo . b*
diarge." ' Burial -fblloi^; in .-.the
chtn^ cmneteiy, - .'Mr. Hovnud is
snrdwid by his wldbtr,J Mrs. Ifary
B. Howard; ipb. iMothm,*'.Bdward
Bow^ and -WilQr' Howard, aid
one 8istei>^Mis. Bo^ /.all'
d thb'county. -" ** .
1; P. Dwb. 3k; d add • ShelB^.iros
fbiiDdd0^ MbMbartr/&aBi^ unuK
lag wluP Us idfoWpat to wmmons • Um'
to biealfirti 4Be bad beeniiaJtad
fWfloiMtimd FeocfdaendeiMMmniBld'.
at ltov.llUoB McttbdHt: chlgdf^BiMday.
•ftenoiMlctftSe 'd^lddb-;^<tOBAieted-'.;mr
RevKl!£'Fad.a&d.tiiB bodr^vM- bid -fcinatU the ctaotdi -(WBst8iy;.f>lir.*:;-Df^!
It f^'-aod
tiodsngbMiVOoe bdimtBifidiBr?-
Adelia Tucker Robertson
•• .tff8.viudfaTackM:.Rvv««Nci*^>v
TucIe^.' ' ^he spent ali. Of htv life
Ip-Daviie eounty, 1|btiDf( raO^dfjhe
'time at Bixby. -'Sjbe was a mcm^r
of the'siiady Gro^ M. 6. Cbn^,
at-Advance. .
' - Survivors Ittdttde six sons,* V**
G.;s.', J. H.\ J. T.. Hi and Hm^
mob: Robertson; .alloc
daughters, Mrs. i^hje Hei^tik;
lit& J. L* Smith - and M^. SalliO
P<Ms,.of Mpdtiwille, Mt8.-Ch'8iv
ioite Wb^, of Wins^ Saletn;
oOe sister, Mrs. l^U.a ^cBfidk
Harmony; 51 g}randc^ldmn, - 20
great-grandchUdr^ and-bne greats
'A^ortlnueralaarvice was held
at the .home at 1:30 o'cjo^ .Thnr^
day afternoon and froaai the Sha^.
Grove Chutdi at a o*d^. Rev;
Uf. Lyerlyhad charge. ^Intcrineot
was in the churcb graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/20/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 20,1938
^' Mrs. E. Sd^
. llfB. Bilaty Sadili, 7^ of Advance; IL ^
one of die most' b^v^ .wooieii of bm
coumimity died at 2 o'idMdt Tbsnsday
aileieooo. She wim in b^y oaaal health
op to two wMto a^ whmi she
atnite; V.
' The finesal eerrices were held at the
bome.at IftSO.d'cloA aitd at, ..Bethleh^
Bf^odiat'(%ttichBt'll- o*cl^ ^lof^y
'Or/Cu Ray Jordan and
tfc. CteeiB^ pafitiw dto clHtidi:iii^'id
ehaifte. Bodal in'the dmtdi. i^ve*
yeaA '^^v ^
= SodA waa hwirBfaiidi-l^ 1880,to
Dayle dmity* a ^iimt i^tenee west of tha' |
Yai^ R|m. She wu daotfhter of. |
the (ate-WilliaiD and Nan^ Wl^ Qoote. |
' .UrfcSiDidi WM A < OMiiiber- 'ii 'Bethle».
lHira Bf.'& (%oieb ffotp ^hood. Forj.
rome time die end her (mshand. J; E* I
Sad(b*ltave8peol Ihebrwtoteialn Wine*
ton 5alem.'at liome <m Ifawthorne
Road, rmuiolog to- ttu^ home to the
ootradir,,fm tlm
Saiviydn.iiidade the hosband; four
amie. LL. Sm^ <d the bonim J. FJSo^
Sot^^admia*' O^t; C. Ih Sodtb. of
^vanao.IL l;and]^C.i Sndtb, mmober
of the Wifistoa-Scdem poUoe'departmeot:
foiir daotfliteie^ Mr^ J. A.'.Kiii^roitgh*
Bfii;;f^;Ro^iti^lb^-G. Q Shutt' and
UnrCL A. Wojitmadk. all of Win8ton*Sa*
lem: aid.iriiie.]^anfcdiBdiw n
Bio - Obituaries — 7/20/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 21,1938
Mrs. Mary Smith |
Passes Away^
ReBidento of the Adnnco. route!
'1 community wore deeply grieved |
Thursday afternoon by the pass
ing of Mrs. h^ary Smith, one of
the beat-known women of tbat^
section, who died at her home at
2 o'clock as the result of a stroke
'sustained two weeks previously.
I A short funeral service was
:,held at the home at 10:30 o'clock
n Saturday morning, and another^
jat •Bethlehem Methodist church
' at 11 o'clocki with Dr. G. R. Jor-'
r dan and Rev. Freeman, pastor of
the ehureh, offieiating. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
Surviving in addition to her
husband are four sons, L. L., of
Advance, route •!, J. P«, of Cali
fornia. G. P., Advance, route 1,
'land R. C., of Winaton-Salem, and,
'•four daughters, Mrs. J. A. Kim-
'jbrougb, Mrs. Nan Roborlo, Mre.
• G. D. Shutt and Ma, R. A. Wom-
" I mack, all of Winston-Snlem.
Israel T. Grubbs
I Dies On Tuesday
i Israel Timothy Grubbs, 68, died 1
at noon Tuesday at his home neat!
No Creek Church. He was a son i
of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Grubbs. il
Sdrvivlng are a brother, Sp'en- i
cer B. Grubbs* one slater, Miss i
LuI^B. Grubbs, both of home; a
half', brother, Jacob Grubbs, of .
MckdvUIe, route 3; and his step-,
mottur, Mrs. Jesse Grubbs. |
^ The funeral was held Wcdnes-
. do7\afternoon at I o'clock at Noj
Qreck church. Rev. E. W. Tuni-|
.crj.;^a the offlriotli^ minintcri.
ancl burial was in the church cem
; Funeral Rites
For J. P. Dyson
Funeral services were held at
Now Union Methodist church on
Sunday afternoon at 2:80 o'clock
for J. P. Dyson, 70, who was leund
dead In bed at his home in the
Sheffield community early Satur
day morning. The servlcea were
in charge of Rev. Mr. Pool, and!
burial was in the ehureh ceme-|
tcry. ,
Surviving are his widow, two
sons, two daughters, and a broth
er, David Dyson, the latter of^
Harmony, route 1. ,
Bio — Obituaries - 7/21/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 27,1938
brael T. Grabbs.
Isrssl Tioiatbj Grtibl>9, 58, died
at HOOD Toesdaj at bb home sear
No Creek Cbutcb.' He was a son
ol Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gnibbs.
Survividf; are one brother.
Spencer B« Gnibbs/ooesbter. Mbs
liUla B. GrobbSj both of the borne;
one half brother, Jacob Grnbbs, of
Hocksvilte, Ronte 3; and step-
iBOtfaOT, Mrs. Jesse Grnbbs.
The funeral was held Wednes
day attemooo at i- o'clock at No
Creek Church, Rev. B, W. Turner
conducted tbe services. Burial fol
lowed In tbe chnrdi j(raveyard.
R. U. Hammer.
R. Uriah Hammer,'3a, of Hamp-
toiUdlle;'died Thursday nisbt at .a^
Statesvilie hospital after an illnessi
of a few days with paralysb.
Mr. Hamner wss a etn of Mrl
and Mrs. G. M. Hammer, of Mocks,
vflle. • He was' married to Miss
Pauline Gleary, ^n February 4,
igaS. They have no children.
"Survivors indude the parents;
twa brothers, Glen and Karl Ham-
tner, of Mot^sville, and Miss Opal
Hammer, of Winstoa.Salem.
Funeral services were held at the
home of hb parents b thb city
Saturday jmprning at 10:30, with
Rev* J. H. Fplgham In chaise. Bu
rial followed in Rose Cemetery.
R. B. Ikdom.
Bobert Bailey Medmm, 83, hnowu
familariy aa "Undo Bob,*' died at
the hou^'df hbJBon^J;. L. .Uethtun,
at i^vasee, about 3 o'doek Saturn
day' iMraiair^ - • He bad been- eiif.
from has^ trouble but hb
eohdtlbn was not coosidered • serious
when he fetired last night.
Soi^voia ihdnde two 8OC8. J. L.,
of Advancse, end J. H. H^nm. of
Jaekoom^Ie, Bla; 21 STandcbildreQ
and-Rlgrat-gnoddifldrea, • Funer
al amieee were held at Glbadlle, H.
P OiQtdi at 3 o'doek*. Rev. Mr*
Lyerty and the paejtor of the dmrcJii
in charge. Interment was in tbe
dtnreh graveyard.
Mrs. W. L Prather
Foimer Davie Lady
Mis. W. t. Prather, 58, died at
her home in Henry, III., on July
lOth, fotlowing a ij-montbs illness.
Fitneral and burial services took
place there. Mrs. Prather b sur
vived by,* her, husband, two sons,
one sister. Miss Nannie Moore, all
of Henry, and one brothe(\ Lacy
Moore, of Concord. Mrs; Prather
was before marriage Miss Susan
Mobre, * -of'' DdviO"' county. ' She
moved 'to'Iflinob in* 1917. Her
friends in D'avie will be saddened
by. news'of her death.
Mrs. Reeea Thomason.
Mrs. Gladys Bailey Thoniasm}, 22.
wife of Reece'^ioinBson. of Ledng-
ton, died in a bospital there Sunday.
Sheb snrvived by her hnriumd;
ber parents. Mr., and Mri Bonce
B^ey; 8 sister, lira. Harvey Fotts;
two" brothers, Raymond and Hoyt
Bafl^, all of Advanro. Funeral ser-
viero were: held To^ay afternoon
at 2 o'eidckat Slwdlle U. P. ehnxefa
ofwhhdi Bhe'wifl a member. Rev.
G* R,.Bdlt and Rev. ^ A. lyeriy
weie.in cbaige, was In
^nn^. eemetevy..
Bio - Obituaries - 7/27/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 28,1938
Richard Clingman Brown
Farmington Man
Dies Tuesday
Sichard CNngroon Brown, 86,
pVomlnent Farmington resident
|d!ed at Rowan Hospital, Sallsbuty
He was the aon of the late Isaac
'and Amy Stowe Brown.
I Mr. Brown is survived by his
widow, Mrs. Emma Brock Brown;
jtwo daoshters, iMsses Kate and
'Margaret Brown, of Washington
jD. C.; one brother, George E.
iBrown, of Yadkin county; and one
'sister. Miss Rachel Brown of Yad-I kin county.
Funeral services were held at
Farmington Methodist Church,)
'Wednesday afternoon at 4:30
o'clock, with the pastor. Rev. H. C.|
Freeman , Rev. B. W. Turner and
Rev. Mr. Brenegar in charge. Bur I
ial was In the church cemetery. ,
Rij»b't B. Mechum
V Dies Suddenly
Funeral rites for Robert Bailey <
M^hum, 83, were held at ElbavRle «
M. p. church Sunday afternoon at •
3 o'clock, with Rev. A. A. loverly
and the pastor of the church offU
elating. Bifriai was in the church
Mr. Mechum died at the home of
his'son, J. L. Mechum, at Advance
<•'early Saturday morning. He had
*jbeen in ill health for. some time
Ibut his death'Cama 08 a shock to
'ieondition was not thought to be
'serious. ,
W. G. Seats Dies
la Statesville
Wllliom George Seats, 68. of t
Wesley Chapel community, died In I
a Statesville hospital Wednesday
Ho wor the son of the late Thos.
N. and Nancy Brown Seals. -
Mr. Seats Is survived -by his
widow, Mrs. Bessie Uauser Seats
' two sons, Hompton and Ira Seata
I of Yodkin county; three daughters 'f
t Mrs Frank Johnson, Mrs. Elsie i
f Alien, Mrs. Thomas Kiger, all of«
Dav'ie county; one sister, Mrs.:
* Ida Seats, of Yodkin' county; and .
' six brothers, J. H. and Phillip 1
Seats of Davie county; 8. M. Seats <
( of Forsyth county; B. F.., C. 0.1
» and M. C. Seata, all of Yadkin'i
J county. • I
. Funeral services i were held oti
' Huntavllle Baptist Church.. Wed*:
^ hesday afternoon at 2 o'clock,^th i
^ R0V..II. C.>Fyeema9>.of.;|!p«:D^iiA'^;^^
'in ehorge, and burial was'in.
I the church cemetary. . '|i
Mrs. Thomason
Dies Sunday
Mrs. Gladys Bailey Thomason
82, wife of R. Thomason of Lexing
ton, died in a hospital there Sun
I Funeral rites were held Tues*
.idoy afternoon'at 2 o'clock at ElbOr
'jville M. P. church, of which she
{was a member, with Rev. Mr. Holt
p,and Rev. A. A. lyerly officiating
c and burial was in the church eem<
II etery.
hi She is survived by her husband
•* her'parents, Mr. amd Mrs. Bonce
I- Bailey, a sister, Mrs. Harvey Potts;
h two brothere, Raymond and;Boyt
".Bailey, all of Advance. /
Uriah Hammer
IMes Thuraday
Uriah Hammer, age 32, of Hamp*
tonville, died ThursTby night at a
Statesville hospital after an illness
of a few days with paralysis. He
was bom In Alexander county on
Janudry 14, 1306, son of Mr. and
Mrs. 6. M. Hammer, who later roov*
CO to Mockaville. He waa married
to Misa Pauline Cleaxy on.Fobru*
'ary 4. 1328.
I SuWiv^rs consist of his ' wife
the parents, Mr. auid.]Mr8..6. M.
Hammer of Mock8vine,*'twb3>M
ers, Glenn and-EaVl"Rdiilmai^, of
F.\Wi%Bheyc«lt'o/'3fitock8vJlleand •
.Miss Opal Hammer,of Wlnston*Sa*
'1cm.I The funeral was held at the
home of his parents on n Saturday
.morning at ten thirty o'clock, with
Rev. J. H. Fulghum, pastor of the
Baptist church, in charge. The
. music was rendered by the Mocka-
I ville quartet The- interment took
• place In Roae cemetery.
t Pallbearers were H. A. Lagle
• Frank Stonestrcet Ben Boyles
; Milton Clement Craig Foster and
iH. -L. Shaw. The many beautiful
I flowers were carried by Misses
Inez Ijames, Pearl and Berllne
r Hammer, Blanche Lagle, Meadam*
.es Ben Boyles, Will Miller, Floyd
Nbylor and Fred Gualtney.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/28/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 3,1938
Lee F. Mes»^
Lee F. Meeeicfc. 70. died at tile borne hi ^
Goolednee Fildby aftsmooa, death le*]
sakiBg fitom.he^ ttooUe. He bed been'
ill for eev^ rnontha. |
Faaeial saxvieea weife held at the Goo-;
leeiDee Baptist cbureb Sunday altemooa
at 2;30 o^i^iek. with Bey* A. T* Stonde-
ndre in charge* The body was laid to
rest in Liberty cemeteiy.
BIr. Me^ek ifl etnvived by Ids widow*
two. 80&S.C. W.,G. F.. of Gooleeisea. ami |
Tomrale. of Hocba^Qe: two daogbteia.
Mrs. Cor^ Petty Jobn^ EtMn; Mrs* F* R.
Garwood* Goaleefsea Anmnberof g^and-
childien and gi^-^andeidldfiefi a^ ntr-
Bfn Messidt waa ooeof Gocdeeatee's be&t
Imowo eidzens. having lived, in that town
l<ae more than 30 years*
Richard C foown. |!
Richard Clingtnan Brown. 85, of
Parmiogtoti. died . lest • Tuesday
moroing at -the Rodman Q6n<^l
Ho^ital, Salisboxy. About three
weeks ago he Uttderwent an opera
tion and was apparently iniprovitig
untit he snffe^ a relapse and grew
steadily worse notU the end.
Mr. Brown was bore December
8, 1852, near Honlsville, Yadkin
county. At the age of 21 vmib he
moved to ^Farmlugton.- ' He bad
made his hothe there since that
time and wps a prominent farmer.
I Snndvors inelnde his wife, Mrs.
Emma Brock Brown, both- of
Washington, D* C., one sister. Miss
Rachel Brown, and one brother,
I George G. Bror^. of near Hnnts*
Funeral services were held Wed
nesday afternoon, 4 o'clock, in the
j Methodist Church at Farmipgton.
I Three ministers took part in the
• service, the pastor, Etev. H* C.
Freeman, Rev. Dallas G. Rehigar,
pastor of the Fannihgton Baptht
Cburcb, and l^r. Turner, a former
pastor. .
Burial was in the chnich grave,
yard with the Masons in charge of
the committal service at the grave
Wllilam Seats, 68, of ; the We^
IQT Cha^ cbmnittnily, died in . a
States^lle hospital Tn^ay morn
ing.- Mr. ^ts'is survived bF
widow, Bfrs.'Be^ Hattaer l^ts;
two.MWs, Bamptop and-Jra S^.ts,
of Yadl^ eoonty: three daughters
Mrs. Frank Johnsob, Mrs Elsie
Allen, Mrs. Thomas -Kiger, all of
Davie eonuty; one dsters, Mrs.' Ida
Seat^ of y^lkio county; and sA±
birolhecs, J. H* and PbiUtp Seats,
of FJotayth county; B* F., C G.,
and M. C* Seat^, all of Yadkin
county. ..
Funeral services were held at
Huntsvilie Baptist Church Wednp.
day afternoon at 2 o'doek, with
Rev. H* C. Freeman, of Farming
ton; in charge, and burial followed
in the cfaordi cemetery*
B. F. Seagle
Aged Veteirm Dead.
News was received here Friday after
noon announcing the death E F* Sea-
gie.-91. of Hickory which occored at the
Richard Baker Hospital in that city Friday
aftetnood.-following an appeodfoltis oper*
arioo* Funeiat services were.held at Tri
nity Luthecan cbuidi Sunday aftemoon at
2 o'clock, bnd' burial was in Gakwood
Mr. Seagle was a brother>iii4aw of car
towoamao. P. J, Johnson* Mr* and Mrs.
'Johnson and chlldc^ went to Hickory
Sunday for the funmal and bmiaL
Bio - Obituaries - 8/3/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 10,1938
Robert H. Peebles
FMiMr Davie Mao
Robert H. FeeUeit, died stid-
deiily at his home iii\ winstoti Sa«
lem on Monday of last week. He
had been in health for soffle>
Mr. Peebles was bom in Shady
Grove township, but moved to
Winstoo-Salem many years ago.
He was a son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Ij^lUiam Ftebles. n
Mr. Peelfl^ is annrlved hv his
wUdw and one .sob, three ste[>>
duldien, twomstera, Mrs. Garland
V. Green, of Fork, and Miss Agnes
Peebles, Roc^ Honnt; two broth,
ers, Paul and.Walter Peebles, both
of Fnlton towttshipw
Pnneral and tmrial serviees took
place at Winston-Salem last Wed.
Mrs. Sosie Hendrix.
. Mrs. Susie Hunter Hendrix, 43,
wife of Willie G, Hendriz, dl^ at
the home in the Union Chapel com.
mpnity Tuesday.
Surviving are the husband; nine
childreo, Grace, Ruth, Wilma, Bd.
09, Lester, PauU.Barl, James and
Lesley Hendrlz; tb.ree- sisters, Mrs.
H. P. BIackwelder, of Mockavil!e,
Route i; Mrs. John • White, ot
Philadelphia; and Mrs. Duke Rat.
ledge, of Mock&viUe, Rente a.
The fnoeral was held Thnrsday
morning at ti o'dock at Union
Chapel. Revs. Kenneth Holt and
G. B. Ferree conducted the ser
vices. Burial was in the church
graveyard. . .
Bio — Obituaries - 8/10/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 11,1938
Mrs. Mary Martin
Dies In Camden
Uelalives here h<ave been advis
ed of the death of Mrs. Mary Wy-
tttt Martin, widow of the, late
Pletiflnnt R. Martin, at her home
in Camden, N. J., on August 2, at
the udyunced age of 98«ycars. The
band resided , in Mocksvillc many
older people, as she and her hus
band resided in MocksvUlc-manp
years ago. She was a daughter of
William Wyalt, prominent early
citizen of Davie county. Her hus
band was a merchant in Mocks-
ville, ond built the house in which
Mayor T. I. Caudell now lives^
Mrs. Martin was one of the ten
charter members of the Mocksville
lo'aptist Church, which was or
ganized here In 1864. For the past
36 years Mrs. Martin had resided
In Camden, but had visited here
about 20 years ago. She had pos
session of her faculties to a re-
f markable degree in her later years
and .was the oldest. member of
I North Baptist church of Camden
'The funerfil took place on August
0, and intermev.t was In Hillside
cemetery, in that city. The sur
viving family consists of four
sons# Avery J, Martin of Camden,
N.'J., with whom she lived, Samuel
T. Martin of Boynton, Fla., Arch
ie H. Martin of Los Angeles,
Calif., William R. Martin, Man-
heim, Fa., and one daughter, Mrs.
Gillie Rawla of Laurinburg, N.
C., a'hd a brother, John Wyatt of
Fork church. A son and a daugh
ter preceded her in death. The
deceased was highly esteemed
and had a number of relatives in
this .community.
Mrs. Susie Hunter
Dies After Illness
Mrs. Susie Hunter Hendrlcks
died August 2 after an illness of
several months. Funeral services
were.conducted at Union Chapel
chprch Thursday morning by Rev.
Kenneth G. Holt,- assisted by Rev.
W. j. S. Walker.
She was married Dec. 5, 1916,
to Willie G. Hendricks. Surviv-
Ing are the husband and 9 chib
drcn: Grace, Ruth, Wilma and..Ed
na, Lester, Paul, Barl, James and
L. D. Hendrlcks, all of home,
sisters, Mrs. Harvey Black^velder,
Mrs. Duke Ratledge, both of
Mocksville, route 2, and Mrs. John
White of Philadelphia also aur
Vive. .
She was a member of the Union
Chapel church.
The flowers were carried by
Misses Margaret and Joyce An
derson, Garneii and Vada Gray
Boger, Minnie Lee, Lodenia and
Ruth Bailey, Gladys Tutierow,
Ruth Hoots, Ruth, Ella Mae and
Nora Boger. Evelyn Caudell, Mrs
Vestal Danner, Mrs. Clinton Car
ney and Mrs. Paul Pierce.
^ Pallbearets were Paul Pierce,
Elmer Tutterow, Glenn Shaw,
Charlie Hunter, Frank Anderson
and Grady Boger. '
Funeral Held For
Mrs. B^ie Scafs
Funeral services were held yes
terday afternoon at Huntersville
Baptist church for Mrn. Bessie
Hauser Seats, 67, who died Tues
day morning in a Morganton hos
pital. Interment was in the old
church yard, and. the rites were
conducted-by Rev. H. C. Freeman
'of'Fftrmington. i
Daughter of Ira'T*.' and Mollle
Brunt: HouaeTb ahe is survived -by
the ^f^Iowlng. children: 'Hampton
and;Ira-Seats, 'Mrsi- F*rank' John
son,' Mrs. Elsie Allen and Mrs.
Thomas Kiger, all of'Davie coipn-
ly. Two brothers,' Ernest^ and
-Herbert Hauser of Xo^,' and 18
grand children likewise survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/11/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 17,1938
John Rodwell Wood
; Bttue Se^ '
. Mi^. B^e Hattser Seats,. 67,
^dq^'of Willie O. Seats, died '
Friday mortuiiff- at a Morgautou |
Qer husband died July
26. ;'She was a daughter o{ T.
^nd Hpllie Bnmt Hanser. •
■'i. Sutyiving areltwo sous,. Hami}.Ira SeaWj df-'Davieconniy;jbree.^auRhtexsV Mrs.. Frank John-
Siae. AUm aod= Mrr,
ihioihi Pf iiavie cora-jj: 'grai^pbM^r end t^pEru^tdpd Herbert Haii"|i
dr. oif'lowa. V :J Tb6 .fuller^vr^ jheld Wedtic*-.aftvafternppn'airi o'dlqck al Hun^-yil^ Siio^ CharcbV Rev. H. G.'
PrMmani of Farmiuctoo, conduct,ed ihe-servic^. ^Bimal waatu be
^jurch gVav^Vq. .
M^s. Horrilm'Pea^
Little Tobn'tlodwell Wood..bree
and ope.half ;'year old son of-Mr.qnd ' Mrs. D;- Wood, , ofJadcsonviUe, .Pla.,' died - l^viaHospital. ■ StatiesvUle Tburi^ay
eventoff.' from iojnriea„ received-when hit by an automobile in NorthMocksviile. ,opposite-Water's- stqreabout s o'j^odr. . The little.b^ran .across the lilghway and; startedto re .cros^'4t;.is ^d.' when, a, Fprjlca?. driven A. A. Pitber, oly^kin conntYi going .north, 'Jilthim infl'ictiag mortal injnrfea.' Mrs. -Wpi^ and little son were
visiting Mrs. Wood's mpitw, - Mrs.J. W. Rodwell. Sr.,' on NoxtbMain street. Mrs. Wood, prior ;to
marriage was Miss Elizabeth Rod.wdl. ', . \ •
Fnnmral services for 'tbe. Httlehoy were held at the graveside in
Rose 'cemetery Saturday morning,
at too'dodE, with Revs.' W» -C.Cooper and E. M* Av^ in draxf^,
a'ter lyhich the little body mal
laid to rest.
Pallbearers were Dr. Lester P
Martin, Euoz Jobnstone, John -P.
LeOrand and Rufus Browu. -Many
beautiful floral tributes cove^ the
little grave.- -
To the bereaved and heart-brok'en parents, tbe agefl grandmotherand other near relatiyes, The Re.,cord extends heartfelt sympathy-inthis dark hour, and commends them
to Him Who sdd nearly two thohs-
and years ago, "Buffer little d^d.ten to come unto me, and, fo^dthem not, for of sucih is the kioj^
dom of heaven.^'
Bio - Obituaries - 8/17/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 18,1938
John Rodwell Wood
Child Dies Of
Auto injuries
Struck by an automobile while
crossing the highway- in North I
. iMocksvillc near Water's store lust!
I Thursday about 6 o'clock,' John
jHodwuli Wodd, 3| died in'h States-
villc hospital^schortiy afterward
from internal injuries and 'a
fractured akull.
The driver of the automobile,
Ambrose A. Pllcher, Yadkln
county farmer who was on his
way home from the picnic, waa
exonerated of any blame at a
hearing before mngiatrute F. R.
Leagans the following afternoon.
The chfldl acoording to wit
nesses, had crossed the highway;
waa called by another child from
across the* street and attempted
to return when the nurse vainly
shouted to atop it. Two of the
wheels of the auto were pulled off
the highway In an effort to
avoid hitting the child, it was
Son of Mr. and Ura. George D.
Wood Jacksonville, Fla., the
child and hia mother, formerly
Miss Elizabeth Rodwell, .were
visiting the latter's mother, Mrs.
J. W. Rodwell, Sr., on North
Main street.
A graveside service wos held
at the Rose cemetery Saturday
morning nt.lO o'clock,-conducted
by Rev. W. C; Cooper and Rev. £.
M. Avett. Interment was in the
church cemetery. n Pnllbenrers
were Knos Johnstonp, John Le-
Grand, Kufus b'rown and Dr.-
Lester Martin. .
The 'gri'ef-atrlckcn" father ar
rived from, jackddrfyitlc by plane
In lime for the funeral. Among
those from nut of town present
at the funeral were Hurry oWod,
Of Raleigh^ Willie Wood ofFlor-
enco, S. C., Mrs. Ciu'ier of .luek-
sonvillc, Mr. and Mr.s. eDwey
Casey of Washington, and Mr.
and 'Mrs. Dickerson of Southern
Lola Walton
Cooleemee Woman
Dies Of Injuries
Elkin, Aug. 17.—Miss Lola Wal
ton, 36, of Cooleemee who was
injured in an automobile collia-
ion on the Roaring Gap highway
8 miles north of here last Sunday,
died this afternoon in a hospital
from internal injuries.
The funeral will be held to
morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at
Morganton, her former home.
Miaa Peggy Skinner, also of
Conlcicmee, is sttll confined to
hospitol with injuries about the
head, though not serious. She
suffered a severe gash over her
right eye.
Kenneth Bruton, Jesse Cole and
G. C. Bnrp, all of Cooleemee,
who wore also occupants of the
car with iMss Walton, received
minor injuries ond have return
ed home.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/18/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 24,1938
W. R. BodMii. 58t died at hit borne in
Nottfa Cbolceoiee IWajr' nitfrt.' Sto bad
bteo in bad beattb Ut torn tifne.- Re fo
Bordved bf IdsjrifBi. 006 deiwiter. Uisa
Eifise, and his aged latbei; ^EewasweQ
known and had many fiieoda. Fctneral
aerd^werehddSattday at2 o*dock ai
the 1]^& Imenneot followed in Ubaty
Methoditt ohoxeh oemetoy.
Lola Walton
Wiklfc^.:96;dif .UorgM^
tou^%ibcf:(|[ibleainpa,fR^: WeooeBday
aftenu^m Boin>'.(%Atbam Haindi>
@lffii,^ftoib Inter^Iw-
crash' Aiiij^'tdra; when thelter.-Jo
wbi^^she,'.^tfa a party, of Cooler*
in^ miid9.. d^^ mtb a Chaiy
lotte car opnabed by J; T. Himter. -
.Qha^^nalta' dadRbter of the late
ttMdnaaia^r-MrKVAbn McDowell
WMtoa/promiiianjt-M<^atiton fami
brand'bid.bi^ associated with' Eiv
win-UabpAtetiiriDflr Company, Cob*
leeine^rtwenty yeaiA •
/ The t^y was removjed to Morgan*
ton.'* The loneral ritea wereeosdabtf-
ed'there Thursday afterhoon at ':4
' Frai^'iFbiiKd' KRhd
Prank Fortes^ .45^ of Mtop. ^
kSled aboat^8.(M) o'dock Satprdqj^
night, ^wo/milea east of Fork, wbeh
he was s^ntek and dragged some
distance by a-Plymouth ear driven'
by BerkUn' Snido', • of DavldMj
eoqnty. Snider left; the seene be*
fore offleera arrived, bat was, ar*
rested at his home near Reeds aboot
<»e o'clock Sunday morning by
tariff Smoot and patrolman Han^
A coroner'a jury hearing waa held
So&day afternomi at 4 o'clock a^.
Snider wasplaced under $1,000 bond
for grand jury investigation
FPneral a^ borial services were
held for Mr. Forrest at 'No Creekj
Baptist church Monday morning at
11 o'dock. cottdacted by Rev. James
Fagg. Sarvlvtng Mr*.Forrest is two
brother, Fhlilip and W. D. Forrest,
three riaters. Miss Jane Forrret, Mrs,
June Bailey and Mrs, Alex Uvmi-
good, all of the Fork commonity.
Fnem ACttk.
A messagewssrecehrod late Frit
day. evening f^ WasiiiDgtonjby
Mrs. C. F«.8trbiid, sdyiaiog her
h^ brother Ftan^ AlOiek, SO* hid
died at 4 p^ek^jthat aftM^hoon IToin
injoiiea reeeived in a fall,
: Mr. Gliek was a aon'of the fate
Mr. and Mra. J. F. Clldc,of flfdrory,
and had beCn a proofr^er in the
Govemnient luting offieo iit Waah-
iogtoD for many'yrets. Ho it smv
rived by bia wife and two danghtors,
Svlria and Mai^orie, ot Wasbington;
one. sister,'"Mra. C. F, StroQd, of
MacksviUe; hiaatep-motfaer, Hra. j.
F.'*'Click, and^. a balf'Skter; Mn.
Aver? EaxdibV'of Hickory.
.The body wap laid to rest yeater
day In Ariington Natltnal eemeteiv
with Uasonfe honors. Frank Stroud,
Jr., left Sondayifor WaBhingtoa. to
attend the fonstal and burial eer-
Mr. Qick'was wril known In Mocks*
rille. harin^uCboe time held a po&i>i
PoA'tri^tldahew^ptiper ; His.deam
aadi^'^lo' me
^ferrihtivok.fedrfHg^ •
Bio - Obituaries - 8/24/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 25,1938
Hit, Run Driver Released
Under $1,000 Bond In Case
Bcrklinc Snider, 25, Davidson'
county man who admitted that he
was the driver oi an nutombolie
that killed Frank Forrest, 46, oC
Fulton township, lost Saturday
was released from iho Da-
vjc county jail Monday ati^r ho
posted a $],U00 for his appea.-ance
nt Uib September term oi oupor-'
iur court which opens here next!
A coroner's jury, empaneled
last Saturday night by Dr. G. V.
Green, Fork physician, in a sec-'
ond session last Sunday -.after
noon at the court house reached
a verdict that Forrest came to.
his death by a car driven; by Sni
der ond recommended that he be
held for grand Jury invcatigation.
under a $1,000 bond.
Forrest was killed on the Lex
ington highway, No. 64, about
7:46 p. tn. Saturday night about
two miles cast of Pork. His body'
WAS blidly mangled, chest cruah-
ed, skull fractured,and right, leg
broken. His watch was found to
have stopped at 7:45 p. m., it waa
Forreat was found by three meit
fore Nov. 20 and inaiats upon,
who about 30 min'.itPH before had
put him cu ' f a car and had
(Continued on page four.)
more about hit and run
(Continued from page one.)
gone nearby for supper— James
LIvnngood, Paul Bailey and Ker.
ney Koonte.
After the. fatality an inveatiga.
.tion was begun by Sheriff 0. C.
SmoQt, At the lime the highway
was blocked on both ends by the
state highway bedauae of work
being done on the road, and it
I was stated that the Snider car
had passed through earlier In
{the night.
Sheriff Smoot, aBaiated by dep«
uly Hoots, went into Davidson
county and asked Patrolman I. E.
Hunt of Lexington to arrest Sni
der, since it was out of the coun
ty and the Davie sheriff did not
have jurisdiction. Snider was
arrested at his home and his car
examined. It was said that the
car showed signs underneath of
having been in an accident.
Solder was brought here to
jail shortly after midnglht Satur
day night, but at that time de
nied knowing anything of the ac
cident, according to the sheriff.
The followtlng day, however,
"htradmittcb cnat ne was the driv-
cr, the sheriff said.
. Snider said that he was re
turning home after playing base
ball here Saturday afternoon, the
sheriff reported at the inquest
The former, accfompantcd by Con
rad Wood, said that it was dark;
that he saw a bundle lying on
the highway and ran over it,
thinking that It was a paper bun
dle such as is used for unrolling
tar on the highway. He said, ac
cording to Sheriff Smoot, .that
he stopped a short distance away,
backed up, saw that it was a body
and then drove off.
Fright was stated to have been
She cau.sciof him leaving the .scene
«)f the fatality.
At the inquest Wood corrobo
rated the testimony of the sher
Forre.st, a world war veteran,
and a bachelor, lived with hi.s sis
ter, Miss Jane Forrest, on the
plantation of P. W. Hairston, Two
other sisters, Mrs. AIc.v Tiailey
and Mrs. Alex Llvengood, and
two brothers, Philip and William
Forrest, also survive. The fun
eral was held Monday morning
at the No GrecK Bapliai church,
attended by a large gathering. In
terment was in the church ceme
Jurors at the. inquest were H.
L. Gohhle, G. A. Jones, Miirvjn
Leonard, Paul Owens, John Sheets
and Oljn Cn'-tvight. The latter,
however, was ill on Sundayi nnd.
unable to be present. Dr. Green
served ns. dconty coroner in/the
absence of the county. coroner, j
Bio — Obituaries — 8/25/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 25,1938
Final Rites Held
f or Francis Click
Funeral services were held in
n "AVigBhluatuii" Tuesday for-Franelfr -
A. Click, 50, brother of Mrs. C.
p. Stroud, who died in the eap-
itol cUy last Friday of injuries
received in a fall. He WUS a
proof- reader with the government
printing office for many years,
and was widely known in Davle
county, havng once worked on
the Davie Record.
Son of the Idte Mr. and Mrs.
j. F. Click of Hickory, he Is sur
vived by his widow and two
daughters: Sjllvla and Marjorie
of Washington; by a aister, Mrs.
Slroud; by a step mother, Mra.
J. P. Click, and a half aister,
Mrs. Avery Hardin of Hickory.
Interment was In the Arling
ton national cemetery,'and bur
ial was with Masonic honors.
Frank Stroud, Jr., attended the
Funeral Is Held
For W. R. Hudson
Mocksville, Route d, Aug. 2d.—
W. R. Hudson died at hi.s home
last week, and was buried at
Liberty M. B. church Sunday.
The funeral was conducted by
Rev. Foster of Qooleemee Pres-
bytcrain church. He is survived
by his aged father, his wife nnd
Bio - Obituaries — 8/25/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 31,1938
Mrs. (Men Aneo.
Mrs. Odelt Allen, -25, died Fri*
day noraing at - bdr borne \Qeai'
, Sbe is survived-by ber bosbaud,
a MU Fletcher;- three- drter, Miv.
C.'- Si. Bailey, Btitb and -LbujUe
Foster; and a bmlter, Pete Poster,
all of the-Fork Chureb etmmnnity.
Fuueral servto were held Sun
day atteraoon at 3 o'do.^ at Mccbs
CburdiiidiT Advance,, with Rev.
E» W. Turner,- of Mocksvillej In
Bio - Obituaries - 8/31/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 1,1938
Fiincnil Hei*vlcc3 were hold San-
day at Mocka church for Mra
Odcll Allen, 25, who died at her
liuiiic in Fork Inst Friday.
She is survived by her husband
and by a son, Fletcher;'by three
sisters, Ruth and Louis Foster and
Mrs. C. S, Bailey; by a brother,
Pete Foster, all of the Fork com
Rev. B. W. Turner of Mocks-
villc conducted the service. /
Bio - Obituaries - 9/1/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 7,1938
FraDk StroDij.'
•• lIfa.fnnkStnwd, TLdMstbttboffie
fn Coil Si^iuto towsabli). Iiedell eoooty.
Thoicday at nooQ, foUowIog ao ateaded
IBoess.. UiB. &I0ikIi was a dai^ter oC
tlielata Bfr. aial Ifia. Fcank B&s^ of
DaVie ooonty* Sonriiriog It ber^ bwlnsd
aii'd two.danjgbtefs;. thna atei^Bimsi cm
biotbera&dtbcebaistera. .-n
' .Fcneial secvic^ weie beM bt ^Sodlety
Bajbdat clmfdi Satrnday monlpg at 10
and tbo.body lald'M'feat idjthe
obiM eeoietefy.-;. \ ! • > •'
.Ufa. Tlbit^^fe7«;67j^dl a^a^.
at.iUid hooie of • ia
'Spotli Mni.
If^itey bad:|^i^vab9f^ a
payl^ ^ r; 'y\". • c.|
1^-. •-■.• - .■■•• si -V
Bio - Obituaries - 9/7/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 8,1938
Miss. Kinley Dies
In Salem Section
Mocksvillc, oUutc 4, Sept. 7.—
Mra. Tobilhft Kinley, 6G, pnascd
uwny ut the home of her son near
Salem, September 3.
Mrs. Kinley is survived by one
son, Maxey Kinley; three jjrand-
t9rlldren,"'and~fttrb brulhcra, one
sister, P. L., J. M., A, L,., G. G.
Smith, nil of Dnvie County; and
D. W., and Chlole Smith of Row
an County.
Piinurnl services were held on
Sunday afternoon at Hickory
Grove church, conducted by the
pastor. Rev. M. G. Ervln, and bur
in] followed in the cemetery be
nenth a bank of flowers.
PiillbearerB were: Sam andpVa
den Allen, Atlas Smoot, Ralph
Forrest, Marshall Koontz and Os
car Wyrick.
The many benutiful flowers
were carried by Missea Mary
Smith, Nannie Kathryn Smith,
Mae Smith, Mary Reavia, Kath
ryn Reavia, Carolyn Reavia, Paul
ine Swicegood, Pauline Gartner,
Bertha Mason, Lenora Allen, and
Mesdames Ted Day vault, Wilburn
Dayvault and Cliiude Gartner.
Much sympathy is felt for the
family in their sad hour.
Barnes Funeral
Held On Friday
Funeral services were held last
f Friday afternoon for Sanford L.
Barnes, who died Wednesday at
his home near Advance, at the El
i>nville Methodist Church.
Tlie son of Harrison and Polly
Garwood Barnes,- he is survived
- jiy a sonrJ. D. games of Advance;
\ by two daughters, Mrs. E. L.
' Doby and Mrs. 0. B. Carter of
Thomnsvillo. Twenty-eight grand-
- children and a number of great
c- grandchildren also survive.
Steelman Rites
Held On Sunday
Funeral services were held last
Sunday morning for Thomas Steel-
man, well-to-do Yadkin county
farmer, at the Enoii Bupiist
Church. He died in a Winston-
Snlmer hospital on Thursday pre
ceding, after he had apparently
attempted to commit suicide. He
was found In a room at his home
after a bullet from a .22 calibre
rifle had entered his right tem
ple. A large land owner, Mr. Steel-
man had been ill for three \yeeks
prior to the tragedy.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/8/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 14,1938
JUrs. John R. McClam-l
"'Mrs. John. R. McCiamroeh. 63,
died at her home near Oak Grove'
Wednesday eveninff, followni?
an illness of some time.
" Mrs. McClamroch is snrvlved by
five sons. R. G. McClamroch, Wtna-
ton-Salem; Llovd, of Cooleemee; Ray;
John Tillctt and Lawrence McClam-
voeb, all of R 3;'and one daughter.
Miss Hazel McClamroch, at home
Two brothers, W. L. Hendren. of
StatesvUle. and A. H, Hendren,
Eeysville, Va., also snrvive
Pdneral 'services were held at
Oak Grove Methodist church Pridry
inoming at 11 o'clock, with her past-
dr. Rev U.G. Ervin. The body was
laid to rest in the church cemetery. •
l^e bereaved family have the sym*)
pathy of the entire commimlty in
the death of this loved one.
Ricbard Strond.
Haimuoy. Sept ll^Fttneral selvlces
were held at Tabor Pte«sby(erfao church
hm for Richard Stroad, 83, who died at
his bmne early this we.'-k, MtStrood; a
native of .the Society commuoitv. bad Uv*
ed In Hannony for mote than SO yeaxa
Be is survived by a daoghter. Mis, Car
rie Beueo. of Ihomasviile: a son, John P,
Strood. Tbomasvllle: foor brotbersi'Floyd,
Dan, 608 and Fkank Stcoud; two eisteie.
Blidm Minnie.and Louha Stfoad, all of
the Society and Obifcsbary cmnmoiuties.
Mrs. $allie VeacL .
Mrs. Sallie- Frances Veaefa. 81.
widow of John Veacb. died' Sstur
day aftm'noon at the home of a
nephew. J. B. Garwood, Jerusalem
Surviving are one brother. A. W.
Phelps of Mocksville Route, and sev
eral nieces and nephews.
The funeral was held at Libertv
Methodist Chureb, Sunday afternoon
at 8 o'ctock. Rev. A. A. Evies con
ducted the services. Burial was in
the diurch graveyard.
A. D. Wyatt Passes.
A. D. Wyatt. well known citizen,
died at his home in South Mocksville
Monday altemobn, followiog a twoI weeks' Illness of heart trouble. Mr.
Wyatt was 66 years old, aod is sur^
vived lor cue sou, Ray Wyatt, of
Winston-Salem. and ooe slater, Mrs*
I Will Burton, of Rowan. FUneral ar«jfangementabadnotbeeii completed
{atthis writhigi
Bio - Obituaries - 9/14/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 15,1938
Funeral Held For
Alex D. Wyatt
Funrnl scvvIcgs wero held on
Tuesday nftornoon at the home
and the Methodist church for
Alex Dorsey Wyatt, G7, who dic<l
of heart trouble on Monday after
noon at his home here. Ills wife.
Lula Amelia GrunKer Wyatt, died
about a year ago.
He Is survived by a son, Hay,
of WiiKslon-Salein, and a sister,
Mrs. W. U. Burton of Rowan, Fol
lowing the concluding service at
the church, conducted by Rev. E.
M. Avctl and .assisted by Rev. J.
McLnrty of Win3ton-SaI$m, Cn-
tcrme)il was In the Rose comelory.
Mcmliers of the .Junior Order had
charge of th service at the grave
and seia'cd as pallbearers.
Veach Rites Are
Held At Liberty
Funrnl services wore held last
Sunday afternoon for Mrs. Sallie
Prances Veach, 81, widow of John
Vouch, at Liberty Methodist
church. The daughter of Kzckiel
and Irene Phclps, she died Satur
day at the Idbme of a nephew,
J. H, Ganvood of Jerusalem town
A bro.thcr, A. W. Phelps of
Mockavillc, and several nieces and
nephews survive. The service was
conducted by Rev. A, A. Kylcs
and interment was in the church
Pallbearers were J. S. Owen,
Paul Nail, B. C. Foster, W. 0.
Byerly, W. R„ and J. H. Davis,
Funeral Held For
Mrs. McCIamrock
Final rites were held at the
Oak Grove Methodist church It^t-
Friutiy morning for Mrs, John R,.
McCIamroch, 63, who died at her
Oak Ciuvu home—the prcccding-
Wodnesday evening.
She m survived by five sons: R.
G., Winston-Salcm; Lloyd, Goolee-
mee; Ray, John Tillett and tiaw-
rcncc, all of Route 2, and a daugh
ter, Hazel, at homo. Two brothevs,'
W. L. Hendren of Statesville and
A. N. Hendren of Kej'sville, Va,.
also survive,
Int<^ment wasi in thw church*,
Bio - Obituaries - 9/15/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
John Noah Wyatt
Davie County y
Resident Dies
MockwUle^ohn Noah Wyalt,
73, well-known resident ot Pork
Church Commu^ty, died this
morning at his home at 5 o'clock.
A native ot* Davie county, he
WilUam and Emily Shelton Wyatt
He is survived by his widow,
^ey Bailey Wyatt; one sister,
Mirfc H. S. Davis, ot MocksvUleJ
route 3; three daughters, Mrs.'
Thelma W. Griffin, Bess
Wyatt, and m-a, Ella W. Williams,
all of Winston-Salem; five sons.
Had D., and W. A, of Winston-
S^em, L. Caesar, Wade H., and J.
Frank, all qf Moctovilie, Houte 3.
ntr. Wyatt was a member of
Fbrk Baptist Chureh and of the
Junior Order.
Funeral services will be con
ducted tomorrow afternoon at 3
o'dock at the Fork Baptist
Church. Officating pastors will
^ Turner. Rev. WadeHtttch^ and Rev. Mr. McCar-|
r* . InlWTOont in the - dsmeteryjwhich will fellow .will .be ln|charge of the Junior Ordyf. j
Bio - Obituaries - 9/17/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 21,1938
Fraeral For Mr. Wyatf.
Faneral services lor A.- D.
Wyatt, 66; wbo died at bis borne
in Souh Hfocksville on Monday of
laot week, were faetd at the Metho.
dist cburl^ Tuesday aftemooo at
4 o*dock, oondncted by bis pastor,
Ree: B« M* Ayett, and the body
laid to rest io kose oemetety with
Junior Order honors. Mr. Wyatt
was one oi|MocksyiUe's best knomi
aod'-most beloved dtixeos. His
death is atonmed by hnndreds of
friends tbronghoot. the town and
JobD N. Wyatt.
John N. Wyatt. 72» died at hiaboffle on
R. 3. Saturday atomfaig at S oVdoelt. fob
lowing a strake of panlysia. which be
aaSeied Tbnnday.
Funeral servi^ weto.hdd at FotkBapr
list church Sunday aftenooa at 3 o*dock.
with Rev* 6« W. Tofoner In charge, and
the body laid to rest in tttecbuicb came'
• Bfr. Wyatt is survived by his widow,
five sons WiDiam and R. K. Wyatl. Rnns-
ton^Salem; CacBar, fkatdt and Wade
Wyatt. at botne; cbrea dautfhttm. Mrs. ERa
WUIianis, Mn. Zefana Griffin end Miss
Ressle Wyatt. all of Wlnston-Saleni. One
sister. Ufa. H. Davis, of Fork, also survives.
In the ^th of Mr* Wvati Davie cmm
ty loses <me of Its bestoltiaena. His death
has biougbt sadness to bundieda of fiieods
tbroohcut the county. In bis death the
editor loses a tong-time friend.
I JoiinS.
John Samuel Pbeips. 64, retired
section foreman for the Sontbera
Railway, died unexpectedly ]a.<t
week at 2^5 o*clock from a heart
, attack at bis home In Comat^. n
j Mr. Pbelp*. who was witb the
Tuiiroad for 34 yeara, retired last
'year. He was in his usual health
nnlil he suffered the heart mlment
He was born in Forfyth conn^
near Cteinmoo!:. Auynst 8, 1874.
son of Alvin and Mary Hans»
Mr. Phelps was a member of the
Brotherhood of Railway Train'men
and for 45 years air active member
of Muddy Crec^Chrlstlan Church.
On November 31, 1847, be was
mairied to Miss Olin Pope.
Surviving are the wife; one son,
B. T. Phelps, of Winstoo.5alem;
twodangfaten>, Mrs Will Cbaplto,
Davie county, and Mrs. Oscar Hart-
man, Winston.Saietn, Route 3; one
adopted son,! Warren Spaugb, of
Comatzer; and ten grandchildren.
Funeral services were oondncted
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clMk
from the Muddy Creek Christian
Chncb. Burial was in the cbnrcfa
In the death of Mr. Pbeips the
editor of The Record has lost one
of bis best friends. To the bereav.
ed family we extend our heartfelt
,sympathy io this hour of sadness.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/21/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 22,1938
Rites Held For
John S. Pheips **
Fuiiernl services for John S.
Pheips, G'l, retired Southern Rnil-
way section foreman, who died at
his home in Cornatr.cr, were held
last Thursday afternoon at the
Muddy .Greek Christian church.
Interment was in the churchyard.
Son of Alvin and Mary Hauser
Pheips, he married Miss Olin
Pope on November 21, 1897. He
is survived by his widow and the
following children: E. T., of IVin-
ston-^alem; Mrs. Will Chaplin of
Davie, and Mrs. Hartman, Route
2, WinstoH'Salcm. An adopted son,
Warren Spaugh of Comatzer, also
survives, as well as ten grand-
Mr. Pheips retired last year af
ter 34 yeors of service. He died
of a heart attack.
&o!oved by many who knew him
his death marks the passing of a
respected citizen of his commu
Funeral Held
For John Wyatt
Funeral services were held at
the Pork Baptist church last Sun
day afternoon for John N. Wyatt,
73, who died at his home near
. Fnrif enrlv last Saturday morning.
A highly respected cuizen oi
his community, the rites were at
tended bv a large gathering. The
church service was conducted by
Rev. E. W. Tut-per, Rev. Wade
Hutchlns and Rev. aicCavter. The
Mucksvilic Junior Order had
charge of the grove service.
The son of the late William
and Emily Shelton Wyatt, he is
survived by his widow, formerly
Miss Sallie Bailey, and the follow
ing children; W. A., Mrs. Ella W.
Williams, Rad K-j^Mrs. Thelma VV.
GHffin and -Miss Bass Wyatt, all
of Winston-Salem; L. C., J. Frank
and Wade H. Wyatt, of Route 3,
A half sister, Mrs. H. S. Davis,
of Fork, also survives.
Mrs. R. L. Hall
Dr. and Mrs. S. B. Hall have re
turned from the funeral of Dr.
Hall's mother, which took place
in Pavettevillc Saturday morning
at 11:00 o'clock at the Autryvillc'
Baptist church. Mrs. R. L. Hall
died suddenly Thui'sday evening
at her home ne.ir Fnycttovllle.
She was buried in the family plot
in the church cemetery. Mrs. Hall
survied by nine children,
among them being Dr. S. B. Hall
of Mocksvillec.
Bio - Obituaries — 9/22/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 28,1938
Mbrs* David
Ifn. David U-Ri^fdioa; died at
lier bome'Bear, ^teffiald sbwtly, afl«r 6
Sstindiiir; iteofoiDd»' folliniliig a '8
«e^ mness Iteait .tndble.- • FdoeialfaK^c«eweittbe)diat.Ma» Unf6a Ifetho*
• dill dittieh Sunday aft^aooo at 3 oTdodt.
'%^Rev.Y.D Poo{ela«imtfi^"'88d the
. bodr'tald to net to ihe chnceh cemelefy.-
iin. ISdianfioo is 8ttfvlved\lif'her htie*
bind, five eont'-aod <me datt»tcr "by a
fonbetatanlada. Flva.;l»iAiiia laoil
Ibtea alie eorvive..- •
The beieaved family havaibeaympatliy
of a host of firteada to.ibe'death of'ihii
Hie. Idary Redwtoe, 39. died at her
1*°®® ®ow Ihnat Hall Friday moniiDg. fo|.
lowl^ a to itlness. Mn.R6d«vlDe was
aMtiveorJeiQsalera towBlhip. Imi left
W county ahaiit 25 yeanalo. Mm. Red*vnne waa a native of JeinaalemtownBiup*
tottlmtlileeooiity abottt 25 yeara aga
•ftb ^^^00 to aarvl^ by her tmsbaod.D. C. Kodwlne, eix sons and two dantfht*
ont Two bikers. P.O.TatiUD.ofGieeiu.
Inheik and A. E. Tatnm, pf Jmosahini,ako
Ftnenl seivicit weia held at Jenisalein
BapUetchondi Satmdey afienioon at 9
ordocfcrOODdttCted by Reva a W. Daven-
Cavter, of WInstba-Salem.
>he body was laid to rest to Jerusalem
Bio - Obituaries - 9/28/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 29, 1938
Richardson Rites
Held In Cataiialn
Funeral services were held last
Sunday fur Mra. Dolln Southard
iviulinrdaon,- BY, who died Satur
day at her home near Sheffield
111 Cnluhniti township, at the New
Uii.un Mclhouist church. Ttie ser
vice wiis conducted by Rev. Y. D.
t'oolc and Intcrmcnc wiisi in the
church cemetery.
She is survived by the follow-
i inj; cliildrcn, all of a former mur-
ria};c to George Shore: Ethel and
Finite Shore, Burlington; Uacnr,
of the county; Silas, Flon College,
Hillary, H.gh Point, nnd Lemuel
uf Frcdcrickeburg, Vo.
The following brothers nnd.sis
ters also survive: Luther South
ard, Watcrboro, Iowa; Willie, of
Colorado; Jones and Early South
ard, Iowa, Leslie,. Cycle, N. C.,
Mcsdamcs Fannic Maaon, Elkin*,
D. V. Shore, Haranony; Arizona
Benacn, Wisconsin; M. C. Shoff*
ner. Cycle, N. C., Martin Kimmetr,
Elkin; Ed. Brown, Jonesville, and
Pearl Southard, Jonesville.
Pnllbearers were Loflin Smith,
Paul Cheek, Claude Mason, Henry
Southard, Milton Haynes and
Charlie Meadows.
Mrs. Martha Weir
Mrs. Martha Holman Weir, 8G,
widow of Charlca M. Weir, died
Tuesday night at the home of her
son, C. M. Weir, at Farmingtbn.
The funeral will be held this
morning at 11:00 o'clook at the
t/ethel Methodist church, conduct
ed by Rev. H. C. Freeman and
Rev. E. M. Avett, with interment
n the church cemetery.
She was the daughter of An
drew .nnd Snilie Booe Holman and
her son is the only immediate sur
vivor. Six grand children and
three great grandchildren also
survive. '
Alien Funeral At
Fulton Church
Funeral services were held yes
terday afternoon at the Fulton
Methodist church for Andrew
Thomas Alien, 34, who died almost
suddenly in the Mocksville hos
pital Tuesday morning where he
was taken after being stricken.
Rev. A. A. Lyerly conducted the
rites and interment was in the
church cemetery.
He was the son of the late John
and fifalisslc Phelps Allen, and
husband of the former Sallle
Stewart. Other survivors ni-e a
son, Herman, at home and the
following brothers; Elmer, Char
lie, Ollic and Roy, all of Advance,
Route 1; a sister, Mrs. Myrtle
Madden of Stale.sville.
Pallbearers were Roy, Leo and
Elmer Sain, Odell and Joyce Al
len and Robah Smith.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/29/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 5,1938
) Fred E FavdipitiL
} Fi^ E. Faiiei^; 4I.d.i6d,ai
ntat Macedoala; choieh Satuday afi^nooii.fbltowlnc a iozi$ itlnen. Faneial|
fl«tvic89 wen held at-booe end it
moil, with Rev. 6: E. ifiewet in • f
anil the body In tb?
eewdtiryi . .r . •n j
- ^ to Aiivlved b? hie «iiioer».
^ttiee. end. two dou^)itet& n Tj^
BSiss Daniel Pin &id-
Mies Ada Qanld. 42, ol Ephesos; died
suddenly about six o*clocfc Itoisday even
ittg. She wasinlbebsiinlotiiUlluiidwltM
the snrnmnnscama.'
Fnnetal services were condoeted by
Rev/ M. 6. Ervin at Liberty HnbodiBt
duticb Satmday afternooo at 3 o'cloek,
ami the body laid to^ rest in the duindi
cemetety* •,
Miss Daniel Is snrvived .by one slst^.
Miss-.Eauna Daniel, and two bnNli^
Jesse and Remy DanleL all of Ephesos,
The beieaved family nave the. aympatby
of a host of ftieoda in chia sad boor; -'
Andiew T. Mkn.
# •
Andiew T. AUeu^ 34» died sod-
deniy.iast Tuesday mondnff ebort-
ly before o^, in tte.-Dr.- Look
clinic here,' Death fesnlted from a
heart altai^. Mr. Allen lived near
SIbavlUe. • ^
Sur^vng is bis widow and one
spn.HeimaDvl^ mother. and fonr
brothers, Blmer, Charlie, OUie aind
Roy, all of nedi Advance, and .one
slater, Mrs. ; Mytde Madden, of
Slatesville. • '
Poneial services, were held at
FoltotT Methodist ebnreh Wednes
day aftemoon.at 3:30 o'clock, with
Rev. A. A. Lynly in charge aa^st,
ed by Rev. S. W« Turner., The
body was laid to rest in the cbnrcb
Charles S. Parnell
lbs. Mary Shmf.
Mr£ Hary Shoaf, 75, died snd>
denly la^t Wednesday nisbt at her
home to |emsalem township.
Funeral services were held Thurs
day at 3 e*doc1e, at South River
ehnrcb, with ^v. O. E Croy in
Mrs. Shoaf is survived by five
sons and three daagiiters. Her
bttsbend died early last year.
Fon^itf Pa?i(pM^ ft^A
Chavlea S. Paniel, 49i oJlto'.
the Mdiana' BaterpriBe.' died at
Watta.Sa^tal, Dnrham, la«tTneif.
day, .following serious injuries ic-
ceived when his automoMIe left the
higbvyay on Sept. eend, and plnng*
ed down a ao-foot embankment.
. Mr Farnell was a nati^. of
Mocbville but left here so years
ago, locating In Mebane, He -is
survived by his wife, one son and
a daughter, all ot M^nej one
sister, Mrs. Murray Sn^b, of Sal
isbury, and two h^hsr*, D* A.
and J. H. Pamell, of Wlnston-^a-
' Fnneral services were held at
Mebane Wednesday afternoon, jaud
I the body laid to rest there. Mr.
Fomell had many frien^ in Mocks.
vUle who win be sorry^ team of
his tnsle death.
Mrs. L Wkr.
Mrs. Chas. L. Wier, 86, died at
her home near FeOrmington la^
Tuesday .'night, deadi .resulting
from a stroke of paxalvids.'
Funeral n aervioes were held at
Bethel M.V P. ehorch. Tbnr^ay,
with Rev. j.' H. Freeman in char^.
and the bo^ laid to rest In the
church cemetery.
vOiicson, Clarence Wter, of Farm
ington, is the only immediate sur
Bio - Obituaries -10/5/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 5,1938
Charles S, Parnell
Fonder Davie Man
Cbarles S. Paroel, 49, editor of
the Uebane' Bfiteforlse; died St
Watts^ospital, Darbam, la^tToes.
day, following serioas injnries re-
celv^ when his antomoblle left the
highway on Sept. sand, and plung
ed down a so-foot emi^nkment.
Mr FarneU was a native, of
Mocksville bnt left here 30 vears
ago, locating in If^ne, He
survived by his wife, one son and
a daughter, all of Mehane; one
sifter, Mrs. Murray Smith, of Sal-
Ubnry, and two hreth^r*, D. A.
and J. H. FarneU, of Winstoo-^Sa-
' Fnneral sendees were held at
Mebane Wednesday afternoon, and
I the body laid to r«t there. Mr.
PameU had many friends in Mocks
ville who wUl be sorTy*^to karo of
his tragic death.
. large circle of friends throughout the I'nited t?,|£i
Bio — Obituaries —10/5/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 6,1938
Calvin Sanford Hutchlns. ss. died
Tuesday afternoon at his home on
Mocksville, Route a. He was the
son of Andrew, and Paulina Hutch-
Ins. .
The funeral was held yesterday
at 11:00 r**nock' aV the Eaton
church, c( .ducted,by Rev. M. G.
Erwih and Rev. Dallas Renegor. In
terment was In the churchyard.
He Is survived by his widow, Irene
Matilda Collotte Htttohlns; by two|
daughters. an^ El^ra; by two'
sons, Prank and AliberK all at home.
Two brothers.', a^ survive: Will
Hutchlns of Cana and Thomas M.
Hutchlns of Route d.
Special Co The Enterprise
Liberty, Oct. S.—Miss Ada Dan
iel. 42, died suddeniy last Thursday
from a'cerebral hemorrhage. She
had gone to the barn to milk and
about 15 minutes later her body
was found lying across the sill of
the door of the cow stable by Mrs.
Tom Daniel.
The funeral was held at the Lib
erty-church on Saturday afternoon,
conducted by Rev. M. O. Erwin, and
Intcnncnt was in the churchyard.
She lived with her sister. Miss
Emma Daniel. Two brothers also
survive: Henry and Jessie Daniel,
of the same community.
•Paaeral services were.held Tues
day afternoon at the Sandy Springs
chturch In Zredcll county for Mrs.
Amanda Haues Wooten, 13, who
died Monday at her home on Route
1. Burial wos In the churctiyard.
She Is survived by her husband,
Ernest W. Wooten, and the fololw-
ing children: Mesdames Jack An
derson. B. R. stceleman, Miss 8a-
dlne Wooten and M. W. Reavls, all
of Route No. 1. and E. J. Roavis,
of Hninptonville. Two brothers and
three sisters niso survive: Allison
j and Sanford Hancs and Miss Dora
jHanes. all of Yadkln county. Scv-
i entecn grtmdchildren n and four
'great grandchildren likewise sur-
•vivc the deceased.
haircloth Funeral At
Moravian Church
-Funeral services were held- Mon
day at the Macedonia Moravian
church lor Fred B. Falrclolh, 41,
v/ho died at his homo In that sec
tlon on Saturday.
Rov. Q. E, Brewer conducted ttie
service and interment was in the
Mr. Faircloth Is survived by his
Idow, three sons ond two daugh
ters, as well ns three sisters.
Bio — Obituaries -10/6/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 12,1938
Maxie Swicegoa4>
' Mrs. J^le' Roberts Swieegbod,
41,-of near Jeri^, died at l>a\is
Hospltali StatesviUe/ Wednesday
eveoioK at' 6 o'doclc, tolloaring a
sbort Ulness.; ^ -
I Fniarral servioes were bdd' at
Sakm Mttbodist CbnVeb Friday
afternoon at 3 o'clock, with W. P.
'Stcnestreel in charge, and the body
*laid to rest in the chnrdi oeipeteiy.
I Mrs. Swicegood is sttidved by
her bcuband, M. R« Swicegood, one
* brother, P. J, Roberts, of Stater.Iyille. R. 4; five daters, Mrs. Fella
Mbllui, K. 3, Statesville; Mrs. Ber*
^tha Branch and Mrs. Lncy Wol-
Lverton, El Paso, Tineas; Mis;. Mar*
Igaret Heath, Harmony, abd
Delia Roberts, R. 4, Statesville.
.. The bereaved husband, .jbrotlier
and sisters baye the empathy of' a
host of friends in the .death of this
beloved one.
Mrs. Stew«rt.K3k Sdf.
Mrs. Emily Powell Stewart, 46,
daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs.
W. .H. Powell, former residents of
Davie conntv, died at the Long
Hospital, Siatesvlllej n Satorday
morning, her death lesolted from a
self inflicted pistol wonnd at her
home in Statesville one hour earlier.
Mrs. Stewart bad bieen in bad health
for several weeks. Snrviving.is her
husband, her mother and. several
brmbers and sisters. Fttneral and
barlai took place at Statesville Sun.
Mrs. Eroibt Wooteiv.
Mis; Maiidy r Jane Wooten, 73»
died at her-home near- MddtkviU^
last Monday. Death wnlted
a stroke of paralysis, whicbahestrf-
fe^ a few days previotis.
- Funeral servic^..wcre held Tues
day at S^ndy Spiing? church, Ik*
dell countv, and the bodljr laid to
rest in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Wootan is survived by her
husband and three .cbildr^, Mrs..
Jack Anderson, Mrs. R. R- • Steel*
man and MIsa Sadine ^ooieo, aU
of R. I. Two brother, Allison and
Sauford Hanes, and one sister, Miss
Dora Hancs, all of Yadklo coun
ty, alsosnrvive.
The Recofd extends. sympathy
to the bereaved husband, tbediitd-
renT brothers and ^ter, _in the
I' of this good 'woman. .
Sa^oriHotcluiis Passes
C. Sanford Hntehlos, died at
at bis home near Kappa, last Tues*
daytnorniDg, following an zWn^
ot.some time.
. Funeral services were hdd at
Eaton'P Baptist vbnrch Wedoes*
day morning'at 11 o'clock with
Revs. Jan^ Groce and M. G. Er.
vln officiating. The body was laid
to. tetJL in the church cemetery. "
Bih'. Btttcblns is survived by his
widow, two sons. Prank and Al.
Itert Hntchirs; two daugbters, 0 a
and iSlvira, all at borne. Two
brotbers, W. R. Hatchins, of Cana,
R. I, and Tom Hatchlo«, of Oak
Grow, *alsp survive.
- The Record extends rympatfay
to the grief.stricken family m tbU
hour of sadness.
t. C. Hadson Passes.
I T. GL Hndscn. 46. of near Cooleeinee,
I died at Lbwery Hospital. Saflsbory, Thnrs-'
iday afiientaQo foUowing a knglUnesa.
Ftmerd s^oeswexe hdd at Ubeity
.tf^bodi^ dmieb Satorday arternoan at
2:80 b'doefc, and the body laid to rest In
Che chmcb o^cCety.
The dd dose 'survivor is ooe grand-
dauditer. Mr. Hudson was a gosd citizen
and win be missed In his cominunity.
Bio - Obituaries -10/12/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 13,1938
Puneral services were held yester
day morning at the Oak Otove
church tor John Lee Nlchojs, 88,
brother of M. P. Nichols of this
county, who died last Sunday at
his home In New York City. A na
tive of Davle county, Mr. Nichols
suffered an accident in on electric
shop the early port of the year.
The deceased is survived by his
widow, fdrs. Mary P. McCIamroch
Nichols of Greensboro; two sons,
Paul, of Greensboro, ond Carl P.,
of Plorlda; by a sister, Mrs. H. H.
Mortenson of New York City, and
by his brother, M. P. Nichols. The
service was. conducted -by Eev. E,
M. Avett, assisted by Rev. Holt. In
tevment was In the church ceme
tery at Oak Grove.
Funeral services for Mrs. Jessie
Roberts Swicegood, 42, wife of M,
R. Swicegood, who died at a Statcs-
yillc hospital last Wednesday, were
held Frldqy at the Salem Metho
dist church. W. F. Stonestreet was
dn charge'of the rites and inter-
anent was In the church cemetery.
She Is survived by her husband,
by one brother. P. jr. Roberta, of
atatesvUle, and the following sis
ters: Mrs. Delia MuUls and Delia
Roberts of StatesvlUe, Mrs. Bertha
Rranch and Mrs. Lucy Wolverton,
.of El Pbso, Texas, and Mrs. Mar
garet Heath of Harmony.
Bio - Obituaries -10/13/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 19,1938
C. O. Benson
; Dupas P. Wicker*
ThoaiM 72. died itt'lds borne
iai ClaAeWlle tbwttahip. Suo^y moiaiotf,'
. the totof&l vas held Manday moiiiifid
•t 11 o'^oek at liberty Baptist Qna^
ikieat the home. Bodal. was jta the elnndh
Wveyard. Rev. JamiM tkoee .and the
Rev. Mt^Chntra were io chaigo of-the
8iavl|0f8 hii^|ade the widow. Mm. Emily
fBack Vn^ohe^poa biothe^ BUUatd Wld>
lil^ OM eist^^-. Hn. Efl^y' Tfotttotab
fdiir'aotiai Ffateher/Dave. Lat^ aad
Ifoodi^ Wbltak^ and foot daodhtem, Mre.
MWr Dava Fenoiogtoa. Mis. Heniy tiri?
vet^Hi8; 'Jo!m Adaeis and Blisa^ Millie
Wldtoker». n ' '
CodeeoMe Man Kills
C. O. BeasoD, 29. of Cooteemee,
comoittted stilcide WedoesJay after-
ntfpab^slmting himself through
the hreat with a revolver he picked
up from a shelf iu.a cafe ia North
No reason* is aadgoed for the act.
The deceased-the,son of Mr.
and Mrs. E. W. Benson, and is sur
vived ;by iHs paints and the fot.
lowloR-biotheia and ^stetn: Hu-
belt, l.eiQy ahd 'Praok' Biieoson,
Mrs. Jack Wln^ff, all of- Cooke-
mee: and Mrs. Margine McGinn,
of Charlotte.
John L Nichols
Former Dane Mm
' Passes. '
John L. Nicho1«,.6k^.dlr<l'at his
home in Men York City, on - Oct.
9th.~. Mr. Nichols left.pa^ conn-
ty al^ut' 30 years ago, He was a
visitor here in Augurt' atteidiog
tte Masonic picnic, at^-spending
several days witb relatives.The
body'was brougbt.to Mocl^Ue,
and fnneral-services were lield' at
Oak Grove Methodist cbunbh ^Wed
nesday, at 10:30 o'clock, with Rev.
E. M. Avett in charge, and' the
body iak) tp r^t in . t^e church
cemetery. , " :a-.v
Mr. Nichols i9 sQ^ivied. by two
sous, PaurNiqlioTs, of Greensboro,
and Carl NichbH. of-Florida.- One
brother, M F.-il^chola, o| Mockiu
ville, R. a, and a .sister, Mrs.. H.
H. Mortenson, of New York City,
also Stttvtve,
Mrs. C F. William.
Mrs, a F. WUIiams, SS. dh d at her
home hear Smith Giove Saturday 'm.om.*
ing, foUowiog a long lUocss.
Faneral services wete hr it at &D'Ch
Grove-Metbodist cbnrcb Sunday afternoon
at 2:30 o'cloch. cond^ed by leva. J. H.
Fteeman and M. G. Eiivio. atid-. the body
hid to rest in the cbuvdi cemet^.
Ufa. WilKams U survived by two sons.
George, ol Clemmona, and Cbadie, of
UodtsviUe, R. 3; two daugbtem' Misses
Qattle and UIIIbd, at homa One' half-
broker. G. BL Hones, of Smith Grovo. also
Bio - Obituaries -10/19/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 20,1938
Funeral services ,for Thomi^
Plukney Whitakcr, 72, who died
at his home In darksvllle township
last Sunday were held MondJiy
monuUff nt Liberty Baptist church.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs.
EmUy Beok Wliltakor; one brothcis
Millard; one slateri Mrs.
Troutinan; four sons,
Dave, Lattle and Moody Whltaker,
four daughters, Mrs, Dave
tohkMrs. Henry
Adams and Miss MpWe •
ivfrs. Wade Hampton LeOrand,
79, beloved local woman, died Tues
day night at 7 o'cloek at her home
on Church street. She had been ill
^ several months and uncon
scious for the past several days.
The luncral will be held ul the
Methodist church here this after
noon at 3 o'clock, conducted by the
pastor, Rev. E. M. Avett. Interment
will be In the Rose cemetery.
Mrs. LcGrand was born In' the
ounty on November 11, 18G2, the
daughter of the late Dr. WlU'laYU
C., and Ann Payne Carter Brown.
She and Mr. LcGrand wore married
here In lOOO. The latter Is a native
of Richmond county.
She Is survived by her husband
and the following children: W. H.,
Jr., and John P. LcGrand, the lat
ter local postmaster, of Mocksvlllc;
W. B., of Jacksonville, Fla., and E,
;. LoOrand of Weott, Cal. A brother.
W. C. Brown, of Winston-Salem.
and a half-brother, P. W. Smith,
of Harrlston, Ontario, also survive,
as well as seven grandcliildroii.
Her father was a doctor who
served in the civil war and who
died shortly afterwards v/hllo prac
ticing I'h the" county.
As a young woman she attended
Salem college. Her maiden name
was Willie Ann 'Bmwn.
Funeral services were held at the
Salcm Lutheran church in Rowan
county last Friday afternoon for
Thco Benson. 29. who shot himself
through the heart with a pistol the
previous Wednesday afternoon. The
shooting took place in the cafe of
Lester Splllmnn in Norlh Ccolce-
II, was slated that Benson came
In the cafe, readied across the
counter, took a pistol from a hol
ster and turned It on himself. Ho
died instantly.
Ho is survived by his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wood Benson; by three
hrotiiers, O. J., Prank, and Hubert
Benson, and a .sister, Mrs. Evelyn
Winecoff. all of Coolccmec. A sis
ter. Mrs. McGinn, lives In Charlotte.
Members of the family could as
sign no reason for the suicide. .
Final rites were held last Sunday
afternoon at the Smith Grove
churcli for Mrs. Beuloh Hanos WU-
lioms.i6a, widow of C. P. Williams,
v.'ho died early Saturday morning
at Sinltti Grove.
She Is survived by two sons,
George and Charles; tv/o daugh-
iters, LilUan and A ldie WiUlams. nil
j of route 3. A half-broihcr. G. C.
' Hones of Clommon.s, nlrj-n w.
Bio - Obituaries -10/20/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 26,1938
Jossie Roberts
Id MmMniini. ';
Jdssfir.R'obeMSisloetfood %inaa
cetnto 17. 1886.'died October S. 19SS
Was marrit^ is SI. S. Swicegood Janoaty
27. im • ^
Sbe obeyed the i(o^ In 1621: and Was
a devoted Christian, a loytod wife, iooMog
after bar bontewitli cane; and read ber
Bike'daily; n • ; - V Vl;:" ' TV".
- Fonaial snvfoes .weK coi^tteted 1)7 ;W;
P.SiWiestt^ of ModMile^ N. C,, to/
pieaettceofa laige coimnise* litiMm
and idativ^ • 'v '''
' Sbe waetbedan^tw .of
and idis. Will Roberts;. of/ Mdd eo!^-
N. GL.wbo wwe devoted Chrisdaniy and
Ufa kng friends of the
She leaves hee'lnisbaod, one iWolhtf.
end five ^sters'lo ntomn-lier dtopaitiire.
Wtostra-fialeb, N; G.
V'\ j
Bits. Kstbei^ 72;.v^ oCi.
|^:.(^iMil^.;^i;Adtoo^ jdiWl at ^
ito^of hWdiragb^ &r7 W6t*.
toW to/WlnstWiiOalein Tl»s^^
Ste hod beebhieiid^
WBtto. ' Bfra'jQsaiWt^. vas aYoativ^^bf
Davlfi eoontyi^ M'llvedto ihemnit^
aOhb.fife. Shear^.a oMinbef of tbe
Sioitbr^ve Metbo^
; iln^jl^ats^b a^vedbir' fia bnsr
btiid:tfiree ds^ten; fifes. J.' H. Sheett;
lfA;^.J^IIoAj^mid.lffS. H DJ Whit?
JdW*'.an::of^n8toQ-8ateoi,;8ad two sons.'
^.T..f^ataer;of Advancb and' R; • A,
Cimttaw," of fonnaFdlr.' Two broiheis
attosorviva '
Foneial services were held at Sbady
Otove,M. E (%drehfit 2 o*doeh iSatiirday
afterobon, withRev. A, A.Lverly In charge
'George Ijames, 67, a former re.
sident of MccksWille, and a native
of IDaide connty, di^ at bis home
in Lexington Wednesday evenioa',
following an illness of some time.
Mr.. Qames is sorvived- hy bis
widoib 31^ six ebildreo'; aJl of Lex.
iogton; one brother, B. J. Ijames.
High Point'and three dieters,' fifrs.
Arthnr Black and M.rs "Delia La*
tii'am; tinnston'-Salem, and Urs. W*.
B. Wail, of n^r Mocksyille. . .
' Poneral sert^^ were., held Fri.
day morning at the home, and the
body laid to rest io the texingtoa
Mrs. W. ILLeCliajad.
Hrs.;Wtille Ann LeOratid, 75,
wife of W« H. LeOrand, Sr., died-
at'jier'home herd Tuesday evening
affer ab Illness of several months.
Slie 'Wds 'ttie daughter of the late
pr^ ^lam C. Rtbwp and Ano Pv
jlrowtf,' jiiomimnil -ies|dents * o r
Davle coonty. ;.
. 'Bnryivbm ibc^e the .hosband;
one brothw,, W—C. Brown, .of
WlnstonB^em'; W..
^tand, of Mocksville; WiU
liam ]B. LeGfan^,' of; Jat^nville;
PtoiJohn Pi I^rottd, o? .Mockfc
vil^ and E. C. LeGraod, of-W^ltr,
Callf.C seven. graiidAildren and'^e half-^tboTj ;Paid Smith, ;o|
Canada; •
'^•'Sbe waa'a member of the'Mo^s>
R chonai. •
'■ Wotieral servkesi were < condnctra^;tl»lIcthodist .bHnrch; Thntsday:
bfiemoon,or,.Rev. ^yerett. Int^^_.
^'wjitteryT '
JPil]hun.P, Uy^ 89^ of near||edta»d,. dieil to a Wltntom Salem
koqiital.Iart Timsday nlatbt, follow*
a seriond nines'of Ibice wedcs.*.'vJtonWral snrkeastoie hdd at theboino Timi^y dfthtooon at 1^30p'dpek, and at Betblebem: Metl^<Hst ctanrdi at 2 o'dbck, adth Rev.B. C. Freraan to cbdi^. Biirialfollowed in:tbe^^ttrdi cemetery.,Mr. Myeto {s'-stirvived* by twosns,*pli%er and'. Poke Myers, ofnear Redland; two.Banglderp, Mrs.
'Ida Nasb, of Roland, and His.
Adetia Crotts, of-Tbomasville;.. one
brother, Jesse fif veis, of • Advance,
R;-1. His wife:died last O tober.
Hr. Hyen was, bom to Davie'county-in 1849, and tpcnt kts \cn-tire life Ifi the coQtitv. He. was a
member of Brtbtebem Methodist
cbnreb.. , '
Bio - Obituaries -10/26/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 27,1938
The funeral services of C. H. Jar-
vis, who hod been a patient at the
Morganton State Hospital, was held
here Sunday afternoon. In the ab
sence of the pastor. Rev. cooper,
the Presbyterian pastor of Mocks-
viUe. conducted the service. A large
crowd attended.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/27/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 2,1938
Jake Thornburg
.' Jake Thorobtirff, '44, of Newton,
WM. ran over nbd fatally injnred by
an ante drivraMy; Urs. PhOlip F*
Jqnet of Blprgantoiij l^nd^.uter-
noon abont 5 o'dlodcrat Fosttf
Demon's filling Mati^^ d»a.!tDile
wesi of Mockttville. n Mr. n Tboro-i
bnrg. was'- Biarilog 1. to cto^ the
bighway wbentbe accidrat oecqt*
lad. -Mr. Tbornterg died, while
m hts way lo-a'State^Ite hospital.
^ta. Jones was fdaced ttioder a
$1,000 bondfok her apponwitest a
thai io be held in -Jdocksville on
Nov. tatb.
J.Transou Scott
\ fcTtfflisoo
of Foisyth cpnntKi. dM .at a :VWjs-
ton^^lein -hoaoital.' Snodajr -
t^oo from lojni^.
flinto wr^ on C^ar Crwk- br^e,
8'x°in<iM'east-of riipeksvillei -
8iz o*dbck Friday , evening. It to
said a tire b!ew*oo»i
thecar 10 crash Into the
Scott was 40 years .otd, .and; bald. n p
pt^ion witl;». the Ssatc p-ptortineot
of Revcnoc.; ' ;
Mra J. H. B. Dy^g^
^ Mrs. Maty Govan Dwiggi^ 67,
wiCe tf jolui H. B. l)wis[eiD9, ((led
Tbnisday ejonihig, at h«'r home at
pirhter. Sbe,fias tweo in failing
be'Jth for rame tinw.
Ste was the dangbter.iif Simeoii
C.;^ IfQcy BowIas.Gvwao. She
•was a member of the Mt, .Tabor
Holiness Cbni}di. '
' Barvivors inClcide one .dangbter
bud five sons; Mrs. H, S. Walker
and L M. Dt^ggins, ot Mj^sville;
L. R.,.Ra«-,'Jnhii and T. Lee Uwig*
giisa^ of Winst'on^lra; two.slsteis,
M'zs; W. J.'S. Watkier, of* Center,
and-Mis.' ^ioe Bradshaw, of .Sal-
I Fnnefali f^vlces were. held' Frl*
da? afternoon, 2 o'docb, at-Oe^r
'.Methodist' CbdfG't, cohdncted
{Rew W. J'.'S.;Walker, ot <>oter,
and Rev. 0..;.'L. Rootb, 'of High.
Point.';', .Rnrial fdlow^' ,in the
cbnieh giayeyaird.
Bio - Obituaries -11/2/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 3,1938
All's, ttlaify Gowatl Dwlgglus, 07,
wltc o{ John H. B. DwJgglns, of
center, died last Thursday morn
ing at 5 o'clock.
The funeral was held Friday aft
ernoon at the Center Methodist
church, conducted by Rcv.,\V. J, S.
Walker, Ruv. O. L. Routh, of High
Point, and Rev. B. M. Avett Inter
ment was In the church cemetery.
The daughter of the late Simon
C., and Lucy Bowles Gowan, Mrs.
Dwlgglns Is survived by'her hus
band and the following children:
L. M. Dwlggins hnd Mrs. H. S.
Walker, of MocksvlHc,' L. B., Roy,
Johii and J. Lee Dwlggins, all of
Wliislon-Salum. Two sisters also
survive: Mrs. \V. ,J. S. Wolker, of
Center, and Mrs. Alice Bradshaw,
of Salisbury. Nine grandchildren
likewise survive.
Pallbearers were sons and one
son-in-law, H, S. Walker, local un
dertaker, The sons were: L, M., L.
R., Ray, John and J. Lea I>wlaglna,
The deceased was greatly beloved
by those who knew her.
Jake Thomburg, B4. of Newton,
was killed by an automobile last
Sunday afternoon about 5 o'eloek
on the statcsvllle highway in front'
of the filling station of TntteroW
and Dendmon. He was hit while
walking across the highway by a
car driven by Mrs. Philip J. Jones,
of Morgonton and died on the way
Co the hospital.
Thomburg and his wife bad got
ten out of a car at the station, he
had walked across the highway and
was-jeturnlng when hit. Witnesses
said that he walked In front of the
approaohlng vehicle,, aeeocdlng to
Sheriff C. C. Smoot. .
Mrs. Jones was formally charged
with manslaughter and relied uh-.
der a $1,000 bond for her appear
ance at a prelinUnary hearing here
before Magistrate F, R. Leogans on
November 12, the'sheriff said.
Craven Child !
Dies at Fork
Funeral services were held lost
Saturday at Fulton Methodist
church for Shirley Gene, 8-months-
Old daughter of George and EUa
O'Shlelds Graver, of Fork. The child
died Friday morning. Rev. E. W.
Turner conducted the rites.
The child Is survived by its par
ents and a brother, and sister,
Bobby Joe and BlUy Ray.
JuUusTmusou Scott, former sher
iff of Forsyth county, who was in-
Juerd in an automobile accident last
Friday afternoon about 5 o'clock,
at Cedar Creek bridge, siifr miles
east of here, died in a Wlnston-
Salem hospital Sundi^ afternoon.
Employed with the state depart
ment of revenue, he was returning |
to his home in Wlnston-Salem from
Gostonia. A blow-out of a rear, tire
cai^d the car to skid sideways Into
tnu balustrade or the bridge, fatally.
I injuring Mr. Scott and badly dam
aging the car. lb was at first
• thought that he was not dangerous-
|ly hurt.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/3/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 10,1938
Jessie Roberts Swlcegood
In Memoriam
Jessie Roberts Swlcegood was bon\
December 17, 180G,-died October 5.
1938. Was married- to M. B. Swlce
good January 27,193B. ,
She obeyed the gospel. In 1924;
and was n devoted Christian, a lov
ing wile, looking after her home
with care, and read her Bible daily.
Funeral services were conducted
by W. F. Stonestrcet, o{ MoeksvUle,
N. C., In the presence of a lorgc
concourse of friends and relatives.
She was the daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Will Roberts of Davle
I county, N, C., who were devoted
1 Chtlstlai)5, and life-long friends of
2 the writer.
She leaves her husband, one
brother, ond five sisters to mourn
her departure.
Jno. W. Kurfees.
Wlnston-Salem, H. C.
Bio - Obituaries -11/10/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 16,1938
Calvin S. Bowles
Davie Maa Dies.
Roben Lee McOaniel. \
Robert Lee McDaniel 73. dieo Thursday
iDovDioji at ibe home vf a -daogbter, lira.
Jack Uveodood of Rowan oounly. He was
a native of tbo Oak Grove section of Davie
ci'unty. ' ^ '
Surviving are tbe widow. Mrs. Amanda.
Morris McOanie); five sons. Three daugb*
lets. 3$ gra ndebildfea and two great-
gtandchlldre^ |
.! The foneral was held at Fork Baptist.
church Friday aftemooo at 2 o'clock. Burial,
folluwed in the cba*cb firaveyard.
Calvin S. Bowles, 46. resident of
the Oak Grove comniuo.ity, died at
City Memorial Hospita'l Wedb^
day morain^ from injories received
Moodnv while working at a R.. 1.
R'evn^ids Tobacco Company plant.-
Bowles died from afiactnred
He is ?orv{yed hy his father; his
wife, Mrs. Viola Beedlog' Bowles;
loar brothers,' H R. BOwlef, of
Pageland^ S. L.> Albert and
Paul Bowles, of Mocksvilie; and
twoMster?, Mrs C. N. Ttnreaiine
aod Mrs. A. R. Casstdy, of Mocks*
Funeral services were held at the
'Oak Grove Methodist Church Fri'
dav monitDK at 11 o'clock, Rev.
M G. Ervin conducted ' the ntes.
Burial followed in theohntth oem^
T« li* Gibsoii*
T. H. Gibson. 63. died at his home
In Huntaviile. Texas, on Vov, 8tb.
Mr' Gibson is survived by his widow,
five cbildren.and several grandchild-
reik. One brother, J Marsh Gibson;
Pineville. Ky . and one sister. Mrs.
B. J. Foster, of near Davie Academv.
Mr. Gibson waa born near Count?
line, but left here 41 years ago for
the west. He bad visited here sever
'al times since going west.
Bio - Obituaries — 11/16/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 17,1938
Funeral services were held at the
Oak Grove Methodist church last
Friday morning for Cnlvin Snnford
Bowles, 46. who died In n hospital
In Winston-Salem on November 6,
from injuries received while at work
at the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco com«
pany plant. Re was employed In the
tin foil shop of the company and
was struck under the chin by a
lever on November 7. He died of a
fractured skull.
Re Is survived by his widow. Mrs.
Viola Bcedlng Bowles, onda daugh
ter. Laura Gray. 14. His father. Wil-
bum B. Bowles of Route 3. Mocks-
viUe. and the following sisters and
brothers also surdve: Hugh R., of
Pftgeland, S. 0.; Jack, iUbert. Paul,
and Clarence, all of Mocl^illc;
Mrs. C. M. Turrenttno, and Mrs.. A.
B. Cassldy of the Oak Grove com
munity. whore he lived.
The funeral service was conduct
ed by Rev. M. O. Erhln, assisted by
Rev. J. 0. Banks of Mineral Springs.
Interment was In the church
Active pallbearers wore Paul G.
Williams, Charles .Tengue, Earl Ni-
fong, Dave Jester. Richard Willard
and Hosca Snyder. 'Honorary pall
bearers itieltidea W.: E. Galnes. Dr.
E. 8. Thompson,' Frank R. Pugh,
Lloyd B. Ends and Albert F. Hart-
Mr. Bowles had a wide acquain
tance in Davle county who mourn
his untimely death. He and Roy
Williams of Oak Orovc and Ray
McClamrock of Route 2. married
final rites tor Robert Lee Mc-
Danlel. 73. who died on November
10. at the home of a daughter. Mrs.
Jack Livengood at Barber, were
held last Friday afternoon at the
Fork Baptist church. Burial was In
the church cemetery.
He Is survived by his widow and
the following children: Pink and
Tom. of Advance. Charlie of Har
mony. Alex, Hubert, Clarence, and
Francis. or.Qoolocm^: Mrs. Bertha
Howard of White isaimon, Washing
ton; Mrs. Livengood. Mrs. Rosa
Sheets of Salisbury.
Thirty-six grandchildren and two
greot grandchildren also survive. '
Pallbearers were Lawrence and
Cecil Livengood. J. L. Miscnhcimcr.
C. C. White. Charles Mlsenlicimcr
and D. R. Huffman.
Mrs. J, Pink Chaffln, 60. died at
her home on Mocksvlltc.' route 2,
yesterday mornitig at li:OS o'clock.
The funeral wUl be held this
morning at 11 o'closk at the Ijames
Cross Roads Baptist chiuch, con
ducted by the pastor. Rev. W. L.'
McSwaln, and assisted by Rev. A.
d Chaffln. Interment will be In
the church cemetery
She la survived by her husbondf
by a daughter, i/Sia. Charles Black-
welder of route 2; by four brothers,
EUzah, of FUrmlngton; F^nk, Sam
and Cloyton of the mlddib'west. A
sister, Mrs. WUl Rlcbardsoh'of near
Harmony, also survives. Five grand
children likewise survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/17/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 23,1938
Cha^, '^died last
b" Ikw in Clarba*
viUe i<dbwleig a lopff ill.
IIBIB* - -
eMces were beli] at
ya^v X Boada- Bapdat dioreb
IbandvinoniDffatU o*dock.with
her pastor. See*. Dallas Benesar b
eliiifg*: and the body laid to rest b
ciia.diaiiBfa jeeinetwry.
of funniiwioo. Frank. Sam and
Qiytoil and on$ 8ttter«
Un,yt', C KtebudaoD. of Ba^oQ?,
B. J. Beveral grudebildrai also
Ifufr/imd her die^ basbrooghtead*
seffl to theicommiudty in which she
lived lor so To the bereaved
fcmlly' The Beeord ^tt^ida
' L P. Leach Passes.
lieacfa. 80. one of the town's oldeat
dtfaena, died at the home of Us daogh.
tcr Mm. Ck.S. Alten. on Wilhesboro street
alioctlr before one o'clock Sunday after*
noon. Mr. Leadi had been cthicaQy ill
for DMte thsd tbiee weeks.
Mt Leacfa'ls survived by three sens. W.
L Leach. MacdosvUle. Vs.; C. G. Leacb.
of tUsdty.aod J P. Leads Lumbetton;
two dayghteis. Mrs C. S. Atten, of this
dty.*flcid1IIn.L. P. HopUos, Hartlnaville.
Va.; coo bntbeiv-W. J. Leadi. Salfsbory
Foocfal.soviecs wen held at Ceoter
MethoinBtcbnreb Monday. aftatoooD at 2
o*^)Ck. with Reva^ E M. AvettandM. 6.
Ervto offidaikid. Dorial followed In the
ebuidi csoeiesy.
The Record exteoda deep sympathy to
tM bereaved dilldrea and biother in the
death of this Rood man.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/23/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 24,1938
Funeral services for Ephrolm tl
Perry Leach, 81, who died at the
home of his dauffhter. Mrs. C. S.
Allen, here last Sunday afternoon,
were held on Monday afternoon at
the Center Methodist church. The
rites were conducted by Rev. E. M.
AVDtt and Interment was in the
church cemetery. •
The following children survive:
Mrs. Allen, Mrs. L. P. Martin and
W. I. Leach of Martlnsvllle. Va.;
J, F. Leach of Lumberton and
Charles G, Lcach of MocKsvllle. One
brother, W. J. Leach of Salisbury,
who Is 80 years old, olso survives.
Twenty grandchildren and seven
great grandchildren likewise sur-
Pallbearers were grandsons of the
. - .. t. «V amH
$ 8
Grace Hcndrlx,
r i-
t u:
'1 an
Jesse a. Foster, 71, native of
Davlo county, died at his
Bell street In Salisbury Monday
after several weeks' illness.
The funeral wos held 'Wesdoy at
the Stalllngs Memorial Baptist
church In Salisbury, conducted by
the pastor. Rev. C. Rhync. inter
ment wos In the Oak Grove ccme-
tery, following a short grave Mtvice
by Rev. Rhync and T. I. Cauddl. ]
Mr. Foster was bom in Davlc
)unty and lived here until 14 years
JO when ho moved to Salisbury.
Four sistti's and two brothers sur
vive: Mrs. N. T. Foster. MocksviUe;
Mrs. W. P. Hsdman, Clevclaftd; Mw.JohJvDwlre and Mrs. Nfiurahall But
ler, of Salisbury; Rev. DeWltt Pos
ter of Indiana and Fred Poster, of
Spencer. A nephew, Cecil L. Poster,
whom he reared, lives In Salisbury,
Mr. IVistcr married Miss Janle An-
eoll of Davle county 43 years a^.
Two children died In Infancy. He
bad a wide circle of friends In Da-
vie where he taught school for a
number of years. He was also a for
mer postmoator at Cooleenme.
Known as "Mr. Jess," he was be
loved 05 a Christian man and excel
lent friend.
One of the surviving sisters, Mrs.
N. T. Foster, Is a sister of Mrs. J. T.
Angellbere. '■
Bio - Obituaries - 11/24/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 30,1938
' MOIard Whitakw. .
M. F. Wbitaker, 60, died of ' falis
home in ClBrksvjlle towpsblp Fri
day morning o'f 2:30 n o!clock.
Following a few hours illness. Mr.
WHitaker is survived by bis widow
and one slater,' Uis Vance Trontaan
of ClarksvUle* ' Pnaerai sendees
were held'of New I«lbeity Ch'urdi
Saturday morulng. at 10 o'clock,
witta'&ev. lames 6roce in' Charge:
Burial followed lu' the Church
Bio - Obituaries - 11/30/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 1,1938
Special to The Enterprise
MocksvUle, Route 4, Nov. 30.—Fu
neral services were hold last Fri
day afternoon at the Society
church for Mrs. Marie Sharpe
O'Neal, 22, wife of J. P. O'Neal, who
died the previous coy at a States-
ville hospital, following a serious
operation. Interment was In the
church cemetery.
3be Is survived by her husband,
one small son, parents and several
brothers and sisters.
Pallbearers were Duke and Ray
Poole, Paul Foster DwlBgins, Brvln
Wilson, William and Sam Gartner.
The flowers were in charge of the
Kappa Sewing club of which Mrs.
Sharpe was a member. She Joined
the Baptist church at the age of 12
an'd was greatly beloved as a wife,
mother and Christian.
Funeral services were held yes
terday afternoon at IJames Cross
Roads BapUst church for John
Nelson Tutterow, 61, of Jerusalem
township, who died Monday after
noon here of a heart attack. Inter
ment was in the church cemetery.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs.
Carrie Smith Tutterow and the fol
lowing children: Duke and Paul, of
Cooleemee,.and Julius at home, Mrs.
Odessa Sparlu and MTs.'Alva How
ard of Route 3. .MbcksvlUe; Mrs.
Bell Hodgin and Mrs* Marvin Leach,
of Mocksvlllei Mrs. Helen Smith, of
Reldsvllle. "Miss" Evola and Doris
Tutterow at hoine; Two slaters, Mrs.
R. B. Stevenson, of Wlnston-Salem
and Mrs. Ossle White ,of Route' 2,
Mocksvlllei and eight, grandchildren
also survive. .
Bio - Obituaries -12/1/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 7,1938
JdiB N. T^erow.
Jolm l^etsoQ Ttttterow, 6i, 'of
jenuakm, tomksbip died suddenly
Monday of a^hean attack. F^eral
services were bdd at the Ijames
Cross RoeuIs Baptist diarcb Wed
nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with
Rev* Dallas Reoegar officiating, and
the body laid to rest in the cfanrch
oemekCry, Mr. Tmterow is snr
vivcd oy his • widow;, three sons,
Duke and- Paul of Cooleemee and
Inllns of the home; seven dangb-
ters, Mfs. Odessa Sparks and Mrs.
Alva Howard of MocksvUle, Route
3; Mis. BelleHodgio and {drs. Mar-
yitl l.eacb, of Mocksville, Mrs.
Hekn Smith, of RcMaville aad
Misses StqIb and Doris Tmcerow
of the home; two ^ters, Mrs. R*
6. Stevenson, of Winston Salem and
Kira. Ossle White, of Mooksville,
Routes. I,
Mrs. Jesne ftedtnan.
Bin. Jessie Blae Steetmaa. 49. passtd
away at her tooetMoekaviUe, R 2. at 7:30
d'dool^ Saturday moroiog. is su.-
trived by her tuMbaad. cw« sons aad four
dattihtera. three bTQihers and two nsterr.
fhnexfil setvlcefl.were held at Union Cha
pel Sunday at 3 p.* m. with Rev, G. K,
Hoh la Charge. Botial followed ia the
chareb cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/7/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 8,1938
Funeml services were held lost
Sunday at tho Union Chapel Meth
odist church for Itas, Jessie Mac
Stcclmon, 40, who died at her home
on route 2, MoclcsviUe. on Saturday
mornlns. Interment was In the
church^pmctery. \
' BhO;.l8 survived by her husband,
D. B.;'6tee1man, by. two sons, and
four'daughters: Jim and Luther, at
home; Misses Alpha, Mabci'and An-
nl8<^e Steelman at home^pd Mrs.
Hazel BMbptes of Dul:ha!m:i
Three brothers and two sisters
also survive: Tom, -Lum and Baxter
Taylor ,aU of MocksvUle; Mrs. Mln
nlo Taylor and Mrs. Ola Jones of
Bio - Obituaries - 12/8/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 15,1938
Mnrlln Booo Bnlley, of Moclcsvllle,
70, died suddenly In Winston-Solcm
Tuesday momlnB while visiting bis
daughter. He wa.<t in his usual health
and his sudden death came as a dis
tinct shock. He was born in Davie
county. February 115, 1802, son of
the late Wiley H. Bailey and Mary
Clement Bailey. Ho has lived in
Moeksvllle and Davie county all of
his life. He was a member of the
Jericho Christian church, and was
a well known farmer, retiring a
few years ago. 'He was loved by all
who knew him.
Surviving him are one daughter,
Mrs. Wlnsor Adams of vnnstoh-Sa-
lem, and four sons: John W. Bailey,
Winston-Salcm: Robert B. Bailey
and Marshall C. fialley of Folsom,
Fa., and William A. B^ley of Wih-
The body will remain at a funeral
home in Winston-Salem until to
day and Uie funeral-will be held
at Salem M. Er ohtireli near Mocks
vUle. today. The hour .has hot been
Bio - Obituaries -12/15/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 21,1938
Martin Bom Bailey.
MartiaBooe Baitey, 76, died sod*
denly last Toesday momtesrabont 10
o^clocb-, in Winston-Salem, vhere be
want en the previous Saturday to
vimt his danefater and snts. ' Hfa
death was a shock to his many frioids
in UocbayOle and throvghont the
county. He-had b«A in bad health
fcr the past year or two. anfferiDg
with heart trooble.
Mr. Bailey is survived by one
daughter, Ura. Win Adams, of Wins-
bm Salein: four sons. J. W. md W.
A, Bailey, Winaton-Salem; R. B. and
SI. G. Bailey, of Pojsom. Pa. •
Funeral services were held'.at 8a*
lem Uethodlst chordi Th'orsday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by
Rev. Lawrencie Mcrrett. of Winston
Saleni, and the body laid to rest in
the church cemetery. i
Mr. Bailey was a native of Daide
county, and spent most of his life
here, with the ezcepdon of 10 or 12
years spent in Iredell county. Be
had lived on Saoford avenue for the
past several yraia. His death'has
brooKht sadnem to hundreds of
friends throughout the county,'- We
shall miss her dMIy viat to our of>
fice. Peace to his aahes. -
Mrs. Frank Taylor.
Bba. frank Tayloi; 57, died at her borne
near Llbefty. Friday inwDlng at 8 o'cloqk.
foOowing an tihieas of boom time.
Fone^ 8«rvioe9.wece held at-LIbeity
Mettodist ehnidi Satoxday afttmoan acS
o'docfc, With Rev. Bl. 6 Crvfo in cbaige;
and tte body laid to rest in the cbsick
cemetery. Mn. Toyloff is eorvived by ber
husband and ono daoghter. Hra Roy Nol
ly. ti^etheff vrhh one brother sod two di
tem. who live la Vif^oia and West Vir^
Bio - Obituaries -12/21/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 22,1938
Funeral services for William Adol"
phus Gririin, 75, who died Tuesday
morning at his home here, were
held yesterday alternoon at the
The Reverends W. J. S. Walker
and M. G. Erwln conducted the
rites and Interment was in the Rose
He Is survived by throe sisters,
and one brother: Mesdnmes Alice
Cauble, Cary Odum and Sally Kerr,
of Hickory, ond Walter W. Grlf-
itin of Texas. .Four.nephews and
three nieces dlso survived
Bio - Obituaries —12/22/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 29,1938
Wfllter MUkr 2% sen of Mr.
and Mrs. W. \V. West, who Is a
prominent farmer and dairyman of
the Farmlngton section, died In an
Elkln hospital Tuesday night from
injuries he received in an automo
bile accident .near . Brooks Cross
Roads Tuesday.
The funeral will be iield today at
Wesley Chapel Methodist church at
11 a. m.. ami. interment will be in
the church cemetery.
Walter, :i student at Appalachian
State Teachers College at Boonc,
had been, home for the holid/iys
and v/as returning to school in a
car alone. Tho car skidded on the
snow-covered road and turned over.
Ho received a fractured skull. In
addition to his school work, he was
employed in the dairy at the col
He is survived by his parents; by
three brothers, Luther, Lonnic and
Roland, and th'rce sisters, Jessie
Lee, Virginia and Lois.
special lo The Enterprise
Advance, N. C. December, 2^
Mrs. J. C. Crews died in the Bap-t,
tist hospital, Winston-Salcm Dec
ember 22. The funeral v/as h^ld
Tuesday afternoon in thcMothodlsb
church. Her pastor Rev. P. L. Smith
conducted, the service. She is sur
vived by her mother Mrs. Will Cope;
< two sisters Mrs. Clyde Beck from
,LinwoQd, Mrs. Joe Steciman from
Durham; her husband, and throe
.•jhUdrcn, Rufus, J. 0. Jr. and Minnie
Special to The Enterprise
Rcdiand. Dec. 28.r—Mrs. Asbury
Riddle aud daughter. Miss Esther
Riddle spent a white Thursday with
Mrs. Ollic Dunn.
Tom Williams died at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Sadie Wiilard,
near Rcdiand, Wednesday morning
about 11 o'clock. Ho had beep in ill
health for some time, and his con
dition had been serious for two
weeks. His funcret was hbid. at
Bethlehem Methodist church Friday
morning at 11 o'eiqck. Rcv.' J. W.
Vestal conducted the service. Mr,
Williams was 70 years old. Rc will
be missed in this neighborhood, not
only by his relatives, but by a host
of friends.
Pallbearers were B. W. Alien, El
mer punn, Glenn Smith, June Beau-
chomp, John Smith and Jlm-Boden-
A coroner's Jury empaneled Tues
day afternoon by Dr. Lester Mar
tin. coroner, exonerated C. C. Beck,
truck driver for J. I. Palmer, .of
ballsburjr\ route 4, of any blame iin
eohnec'tlon with the death of Gco^^c
Pullam, 15. Rowan county no^ro
boy, who was kiUod earlier in thq
day In an accident.
The tvuck, driven by Beck, turned
ovqr on a sharp curve on the F^fk-
Advance read, when passing an air-
tomebile driven by 'Lester Xoung
of the Advance section. The negro
youth was riding In the rear of the
truck with a 'number of workers
who were on their way to work, at
a saw mill. His chest was crushed!
and he died shortly after, reaching |
the office of Dr. 8. A. Harding w.hcre |
he was brought. The road-was slip-,
pery on account of the heavy rains.
Riding in the cab of the truck
with the driver wcr^ Mary June Ed
wards of Spencer: a sister of the
latter, Mrs. John Henry Wilson and
son, BUly, of Advance, in the rear
of the truck were Jim Boyd, of
Spencer: Mr. Wilson, father and
brother of the colored boy, Dennis
and Nathaniel Pullam. The Pullam
family lived In FrdnkllR township
In Rowan county. None of the other
occupants of the truck were badly
Members of tho Jury wore S. M.
Cffll'. W. -H; -Hoots. Rufus Brown.
W. P. Stonestrect, C. V. Miller and
W. P.» Mccmioh.
Bio - Obituaries -12/29/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY