Jan - JunDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 5,1938
Wayne Gregory
Slays Ifis Nephew.
Alonzo Sales, of ^kemee,
wlio shot ood killed, bis nei^w,
Wayne Grefcory. aSi bt CoOleeotee,
on Cfaristmas eve night, k bebg
held in Jail here ebarg^. ndtb the
killing, it is satd- t^at &les was
drinking that night.' andi thai
/yonog Gregory, *.h 'Sim of dopnty
'Mel Greg^, trying lo'p^
Saks to b^,^«hen the ahoctlhgoc.
ctthed.. It, was' a deplorable oc
currence. ..v-,; .... I
Miss Sarah ?afy, 84. died at. the
of Hr. 'ipni Mn* G E. ^msod
in winBt(»»SiueiD, last Thesoay after'
noon, fdUowfog an illness of 'sefe^i
inonths. Miss Penry was a;^tiyaof
' l^vie eonnty.bnt moved toWinatoiK
Solem dbout lTyean ago. She wm
a member..of -Center Biethodlst'
rfSnteral smcea/were held at Ceon
ter llethodist'ehariBh jast Weoniesday
flfterooonat'S o'clock, with Bevs.
W.iB.. Davis and W; J. S. Walkmr'hi
charge. '.i
'Hisa Penry fa earned by one
. tenther.-J« Penry, of near Smith
Grove, and aevetal nfecieBtand'' nepfi*
Mis. Cbaikr Oaiy.'
Mrs. Charles L: Ctarv. 64,; died- at
home <0 daitsvilht towaihip
earl; last Toesday 'inorninft. Mrr,
dary was a daoght^ ofM*-. and Hrv.
W..S. Belk, former reoideQtac^-lhirio
Conb^. Hra. Clary ta aurvlved by,
two eons of her firrt marriage, and
by-the followfDg danghters of her
neimdtaarriagK Mrs A* J. Wright,
CiiarlotterMrs.J.1, Gamer, Greene*
boro; Hiss Haude Clary, 'diariotta.
Onerister. 'Un. G. W. ChiflSn;. cd
Moiwoe.. and ooe Inndimr, -"jsmes
Belle, of SoutliCindhia. also amrviva;
' ^Fnsmil aervieea were hidd at
liasaes Baptlrt,church Wednesday
momfng at ll..o'eto&« .with; Bar,
A good woman baa beoi called to to
Ih^ W. A
lire. W. A. Griffin; 77/died at her
home in West Modavllle Satprday
ioonito >et-^o*docir. Hollowing' an
i^lneas of.^erat mondta. .
Pfmenrserrieeawefehrid.at die
home Stmdajr'.afteraotin at 2 o'doelL
eondoeted by Bl :G Ekriu, and
tbebody-lmdte-reBt in Boae'een^
tery . . ' " >:n " •:- • •
Unu Griffin it shytod by her boa*
band, one
4 Cbarto
.C House and
f. .W,f.'Dm»iev..i
., Mrs.
,-Hre. H. Cj
N.%.: Mm. B,
I. .G.' Denny, ofi
, Robert LWito.
Bbbert Lee Wilton, 72, dtad at bis
bomehoe Thqradav from a heart
aHment; Bewul been in deribdng
health for some tiind*
Mr, Wilson waa bom in Daria
cmmty, the son of William and Mary
Bi Gbeshire Wilson. He waa widely
known tfirotwhoat the county and
eeethm. - i
SnrvlyoTB Indnde his widow. Mis.'
C^raHaritey Wilson; three daogb*)
ters, Mrv, Henrietta Cloaidiiger and
Mrs. J. H' Mclver, of WiR8t(ni*Silmi
and Mrs. R P. Edwards, of Grem^
bora; one BOO. Fred G Wilson, of
WInstOD-Sakm;oiieri8ter, His.L G.
Hero, of Mockaville, and two bro^
ere. W* Y. Wibnn of Winston Salem,
mid J. A. Wilson of tittle Boric. Ark.
'Funeral serviraa were ccmdoeted
fr^m the boiiie Friday afternoon at
2:80 o'rioek by Rev. J H, FUtghnm
and Rev E M* Avett. Intefm'ent,
was in Rose Cemetery • |
Faldiearefe were Ronx JobnatoRe,
H. B. Stonestr^ J, P. Banes, Dr.
B, P. Andersoni B. M. Holtbottser,
R. M WoodraB,
• In tbedeatb of Mr. WHson. Mo^s*
vlBalos^oneofher beet known dti'
OS ^le entire town was sadden^
ter hlB passing. The editor has ito a
friend of long standing. We ri^ll
mhahim. To the,bereaved family
weextmd eympa'tby in tblsaul boor.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/5/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 6,1938
Mra. Mary Denny Griffin, 77,
highly RRteenied Mocksville worn*
an, and wife of W. A. Griffin,
passed away on Saturday -morn
ing, Jan. 1, ofter beiVig in de
clining health for several .years.
She . wos the daughter o£ the late
Richard Denny and Mary. Smith
Denny, of. Baltimore, Md; She
was bom in Texas, but apcht her
early life In Baltimore where she
held a responsible position with
a well-known mercantile firm.
She had raided here.since her
marriage to W. A. Griffin, more
than forty 'years ago. She was a
member of the Episcopal Chureh,
and was much interested in. St.
iPhlHp's Churdh-.here, unUt .. ser-
, vices ceased to bd heTd*. £«ter
Mrs. Griffin united with the
Methodist Church. She had num
bers of friends here and. else-
. where. The surviving family con
sists of her husboiid, one brother,
G. W. Denny,'of CW'lotte, four
I sisters, -Mrs.- E.-Anderson, of
iSalisbury, Mrs. H. G. Kerahaw
jand Mies 0. 0. Denny, of Brook-
jlyn, N. Y*, and Mrs. B. C. House,
of' PhiladelpMa. The funeral was
'conducted at the home on Sun-
.day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, with
*Rev. M. G. Ervin, Rev. W. J. S.
Wolker and Rev. J. H. Fulghum
offlcloting. Interment was In
jRose Cemetery, and the grave was
covered.with floral:deigns. Pall-
beareris were S. Mi> Call. Albert
|Odum, Paul Kerr,- W/ A.- Keir,- Jr.^
'Lonnie Griffin and Lonnle Dwlg-|
gens. Retativea who were at the]
• funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie
IGriffin,-of Winaton-Saiem, Vf. A.
Kerr, Sr., Mrs. Alice Caublc,>
jMiMea Teresa and Alice Kerr,
•Mrs. Tom Odum,' Albert Odum,
Miss Louise Odum, Mr. ond Mrs.
Paul Kerr, all of Hickory,' Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Anderson, of Salis
bury, G. W. Denny, of Charlotte,
and Rev. and Mrs. W,-A. Kerr,
Jr., of Marion. n We extend our
deep-sympathy to the family . In
this bereavement.
Mrs. Bettie -
Penry Dead
Miss .'Bettie ^enry, well-known
Davie* county woman,' died in
WinstonGalem, on Dec. 28, aged
84. She leaves many relatives, and
friends to mourn her loss: The.
funeral took place ' at' Center
Methodist Church, , of which she
had long been a member, on last
Wednesday afternoon at 8 o'clock.
Rev. M. G. ErvIn, Rev. W. J. S.
Walker and Rev. Mr, Davis, of
iWlinto'n«Sal^;*'wera- In charge
of the lost rites.' Burial .whs .in
the church graveyard. Mr, and
Mrs. C. H.;*TomlInson and
A. R. Tomlluson attended the fun-i;
eral. Miss Penry had ofteii vielted:
in the home of Mr. and Hrs.' C.
H. Tomllnson.
Bio — Obituaries - 1/6/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 6, 1938
Mrs, Jennie
McDaniel Dead
^ Mrs. Jenine Storrelle McDan-
Icl, 73, well-known Davlc County
woman, and widow of the late
J. 0. McDaniel, passed away
January 8- The funeral was con
ducted nt Sniem Methodist Church
un Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock
and burial was in the church
graveyard. The deceased was a
member of' Mt. Tabor IloUncaa
IChurch. She ia survived by two
(iuiightcrs, Mrai Jeff Williams and
Mrs. Jessie McDaniel. and one
json, David McDaniel, with'whom
lihe lived at the old home place.'
Robert Lee .\Vllflon,' 72,-birs|"di'
ed and 'wejl-khown;fcl^lfen9^
ed away at hls-horafeyn^Tbu
mom log, I 'Dbc, 80, • asj'^e'i^^eadlljdt
a". heart i attack.' He Had i b«ok;=:JnJ
111 - health ;for some' tlrne;^hut ^ hU;
death came'as a shock to thls.cobir'
munlty,^ where-.hei
friends. Hjj was. theCsodfofiWflK;
iam . Wilson-: and 'Ma^^Ki^yChea-^
hire.Wilson,:of bavje,xand.!^had,;
lived' here .ail his KurfOes, R. M. HoIthbu''serjan(^
-vlvc'd by.:;h|9':.:\vrdow]^Mw7tQbra:'R M. .Woodruff.'Atnbngltheirn'anV'
n', Of \W[nBjbr\^l!5iWji^ Miss, •Bernicc WJ.lSoh,. of the.'lliiSilsbnr.<:'pf.-LTitle'|Roc^^^^ denlte' faculty,jvMrs.'Joe ^iHan'es^
uhcrali.was'coh'ductedAatvtfie of ,-A9h2vnie,;;Mrsr^
- -s / jV.i-J 4.1 i i • -1 D J JU
A. Wilson,.c
The funeral:,
homo o'n..Frl
2 ;30,.- \WiK^li
A quartet-.compp8eiiybfy'R8y£.vEiibe;greatlyryns^
M. Ayelt, •;Dr.';'jiL\';P.'''AndBrsqn"^>R.':^^ ,i
Bio - Obituaries - 1/6/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 12,1938
|IIr& €. HcDaniel
: Mre. Jmiie Starrette WeDa&tel.TS!-
yeflMild widow of J. C. UeDaide).
passed qoieUy awajrat herbume Jan.
8; at sia
dbe leaves to monni ber • passiiiff,
tmO brother R L. Scarratta of Thorn*
Ia89llte,.threa'eblldr^. one o(» and
two diocbtera.' BSr. DavM EL Her
Oanfd atbomeaiid Mrs. J. fiL 'tte-
Danid* and Uia. Jasper. Williams
! both of tbe.CoffiiattQitF* Alao seven
jgnundcJiiidr^ and tw^ve oreat*
grand eWdren and a boat of relatives
and fitoida.
[ E^oneial a^rviria were held Tdea-
|da7 aft^ooD Jan. 4tb at -three
o'doek at Satem Methodist, ehnieb
conducted b7.ber paator. Rev. Tal-
bert and Willie Walker, and
the body laldtojresc in the fdittreh
n AUo. SleDsfl&el had' be^ a man*
bersrf'llt. fhhor'Filgnm Hofiness
diordi for aev^ years* A good
woman faaa gone to rest .with-Jeaana
bat leaves a vacant place in her home
that never can ba filled.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/12/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 19,1938
Miss Lanrie Wood.
IfOSt fitos for Miss I<aorie.Wood,
wbo died Wedaesday, oigbt,
t^bddatFork Baptist <:btireh
Fr^y moniiog. l^v E. W
oonidcuU^ the services. Bo-
rial was in tbe eborcb graveyaid.
Slw wsHS dan^bter of Mrs. Addie
Jarvfs Wbdd and the late * Neat
Wood, of the Fork eomnianii^.
motber is the only near 8tu>
viyittg ida^ve.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/19/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 20,1938
IWri, Mary McCrary
Mrs. Hary Ann MeCitiiy, €3,
died In Cooleonee, Jan. 13. She
was the widow of the late Acy
htcCraiy, and the danghVer ' ""of
-Joseph MoCraiy and ' Enieline
Sheek McCrazy, of Wilkea Coun*
ty. The funeral was held at the
home on Friday afternoon, at
2:80 with Rev. J. W. Foster in
charge. Burial was In the North
Cooleemee cemetery. The surviv
ing family consists of three sons,
Lunnie, J. R., and Stanley Hc-
Graxy. all of Cooleemee, three
daughters, Mrs. J. R. Combs, of
HiUsboro, Mrs. Nora Bell John-
auu, of Cooleemee, Mrs. Jii. O.
Conba, of Advanee, 27 grand
oUIdiren, and two sisters, Mm.
RUzabeth Myers and Mrs. Clem-
ratine Waddell, of Winston*
Bio - Obituaries - 1/20/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 26,1938
C K^eemee, digd '49oiidar• mAnte
were -bm tt Oik
Grora: Metbft^Itt .ehoicb yestKdiv
a£6erbb<iB.ati^o*etdiSr. witb'Rar. W
S^WaHcwedadtfetlV tlwMmeii.
UcDaoid fe vmvtd hy mia
threQ '.'daiighten and eight
gnodc^nht; :
Miss Sdlie
Miss Sallie Bnrgess,'85, died at
her home neu' Oak ' Grove, earlv
Wednesday morning,, death* bdng
dne to the infirmities of old age.
Funeral services were held at Oak
Qsove Melhodtst ctaurdi Tbnisday
moming at ii o'clock, condncted
by Revs. E M. AvcH and M. G.
B^n, and the body laid to rcst-.in
tbe church cemetery. Ulas Bur
gess is survived by one nepbear,
James Burgess, who Is tbe only
close relative living. .
Mrs. Jane iUlm.!
•Hra. Mary Jane Allen, ag^ widow |
of Srauel Anm. waa found dead ati
ber home hear Bethlehem ehnreh a-*
boot 7 o'doek FHdav.evmiiDg. Mra.
Altra a»s'lylftt on ine flo6r btif her
bed wbtti fbond Sbe lived alone.
-Fimeral aervieea were held at Ma^
eedmua Moravian dioreh Sunday
aftmMB at 2 o'eloek by Rev. G. D. |
Brewer. and the body laid, to rest in'
Mra. Allen waa apparently in good
health wfaoi hist seen about do'cloek
FHday afttfaotm.
She ia auraived by Cfareo aona. J.
THU AU^'Wesley C, Allen and Geo.
W;.. AlleD. aU 9t the same eommunlty;
fourdat^ten. Mrs. J. H. Howard
of 'Davim Mra G. W. Myera. of
Winattm Sal^ Mrs. P. L Carter.
^'Advattefir'and Hn. Thco Howard.
Rooto2;88graadehlldrmiand 18
gtcat«grand^diildren. •
T. 1^ Faiiclotb. I
Funeral'services for Xhomaa Cr-
vio Fairdoth, 81. who died Tbnr^v
algbt Ida home near Macedonia Mora
vian Chaieb; Advance^ R. 1, were
eondneted'.at the home Satnrday.
afternoonat2;30o'clock. Rev.G*B.!
Brewer and .R^*'F. W.. Grabs had
^ai»e of the eervleea. Boriat fol
low^ in tbe' cfanrdi graveyard. -The pallbearera were Qvde Code,
. WilHe Co^;.EMrd f^ee. Bdd Hanser.
Btert Fairdcth and Qllie Beanchamp
Bio - Obituaries -1/26/1938 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 27,1938
Mrs* Eugeae
Smith, Jr. Passes
t Mrs. MariDaret L)liard\ Smith;'
28, wife of Eugene W. Smith, JV.,
prominent business man of Dunn,
passed away Wednesday night,
Jan. 10, in a Fnyettcville hospital,
following an operation. She was
the eldest daughter of Mr.'and.
Mrs. Mason Llliard. of Elkin, hee-
mother being formerly Miss 'Mar-'
[ion Kelly of. this place. Mrsr:
(Smith was a beautiful young,
'lady, and was loved by all who
knew her. She' wos a gi]|iiduate'
,of Queens-Chicorn College, Char
lotte, and was talented in music.
She taught in the Elkin city
schools prior to her 'marriage,
jtwo years ago. The funeral was
jheld at the old Smith homestead,-'
(near Dunn, Friday morning , at
III o'clock, with Dr. A. R. Mc'-
; Queen, Presbyterian minister,'inf
charge, and burial was In 'r the
city cemetery. Surviving are
her husband and parents,' and'
three sisters, Miss Caroline Ltll?
ai'd, of Elkio, Miss Thorburn
Lillard, of the Mocksville lacul-
and Miss Sarah Kelly Litlard,
a student at Queena-Chicora oGl-
lege. Mm. UHard has many ftla-
tlvcB and frienda here, and muph'
sympathy is f elt for the family
in their great bereavement Mrs.
Smith, as a child, often . visited
her great-nunt. Miss Sailie .Kelly,
in Mocksville, and is pleasantly
remembered here.
John C. Gentle
Died Tuesday .
John Copert Gentle, 74, died at
his home In Sco1|ch-lrlBh town*
Ijlblp near Cleveland, .Rowan
county, "Tuesday evening, Janu
ary 25. His wife, who was
formerly Emma June Lewis,
passed away 20 years ago.
He'Is survived by three sons,
Eliiah Gentle and Grady Gentle,
both of Maryland, W. G. Gentle,
1'Cleveland, Rt, 2, three .daugh
ters, .Mrs. Hattle Doni&hue, of
Swltserlund, Fla., Mrs. Etta Felm-
ater, of Taylorsville and Mrs.
Minnie Donnahue, of Cleveland,
Rt. 2, 27 grandchildren and 11
great grandchildren. The funeral
';\vill be conducted at Cleveland
Baptist Church but final orrang
,^onta for the time are not con-
^Wded. '
Mrs- Mary A.
Allen Dead
.,Mr8. Mary Ann Cunningham
Allen, widow of the late Samuel
E. Allen, died at her home in the
Bethlehem community,. Frifhy
evening," Jan.' 21, aged 80." 'Her
husband passed away a number
of years ago. The surviving fam
ily consists of three sous, J. Will
Allen, Wesley 0. Allen and Geo
rge. W. Allen, all of the same
community, four daughters, Mrs.
J. H. Howard, of Davie, Mrs. G.
W. Myers, of Winston-Salem, Mrs.
P. L. Carter, of Advance, and
Mrs. Theo Howard, of Route 2.
30 grandchildren end 18 great-
grandchildren. The deceased was
a member of Bethlehem Methodist
Church. The last rites were con
ducted at Macedonia Moravian
Church, Sunday afternoon at 3
o'e1ock...with Rev, H. C. Freeman,
pastor of. Farmington Circuit In
charge, .assisted by . Rev. F. W.
Grabbs, of Forsyth. ..Burial was
in the church graveyard, end
those, acting:'as '.pallbearers; were
W. A. Allen, H. T. Cope, A. F;
Cope, Albert -JHoward,:;... .Glenn-
Smith and-Taylor: Howard.. • ..!
Bio — Obituaries - 1/27/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 2,1938
Mrs. Frank Everbatdt.
Mrs. Frank .E«etbardt, 70, died
at the home of her danskt^. His
Floyd Nail, H Cooleemee, last
To'esday morniofr, fdllowiDg a Irag
' Foperalsernces were at
Coolcchiee BaptiH ikUIch WddScS*
day afternoon, at o'clodc, .with
Sek. A T, SrcQdeamiFe io charge.
Borial followed in Liberty Mdth^
dist ch.nrch cemetery.
Mrs. Everhardt is sttrvfved by
one son Charle^ of Hamlet; four
daughter, Mrs. Floyd Nail, .-Mrs.
Ernest gain, Mrs. Cornelias .How.
aid, all of Cooleemee, and 'Mrs
Era Ctm, ot SaUshnry. Two
brothers, James 0<^bey, of OMr
Wdodleaf, and Nelisbn bf.
Thomasville; two sisters, Mrs. -.D.
C. Greasoo, of Wiostoo.Salem, -and
Mrs*. Joe .Parker, of Cala^b,
: rhboits AlezoiM^. Gd..tiier«.
w^Hnrawn>mmefaanL;Citinttar and
tnmbsnnsn.. of Gnd ta«ii>
^i|i,'died at a
Statttii^Ie bosplt^'u n iMit.of - in*
jnrte a tril
a vre^&gOi ,,
. :^..fhitM' M ^; ^Qmiay
4ji :9'|eldi& Iffim' nird
, a -native of .Davfe
otHiaty, bad Irving ia' ireddt
doon^ for fonrteMl yetf^. 8orviv»
ing amv bfa n foiiaerly UiM
Ullie Borne of Davie conn y: a too.
;RoboitC '^"Gtither; of Hitkom. a
'dangbtcr, Ulffii'V^a'Gtdttier
Spring;', and t^o brotben.-iR.* .F.
Galtben of da^ eosnty. and
Gsitber, of Roaflui eotmiy..
i c
G.W.Waffoid Stricken
*. ¨
Gemrge- W. 'Wafford/ 79, died
suddenly Wednesday afternoon at
the borne of his danebter. Mrs
Ctee. MeCoUob, near Liberty,
where he mode his homeu He was
splittteg kindling wood on the
porOb when be fell Mr. WaEoid
suReredjk stroke ot paratyus ahont.
tbiee weeks ago. bat bad appar
ently itcovered, and warable to be
Ottti .
Fttneral services were held at
Liberty -Friday afternoon at 2
o*cloci^ conducted by bis pastor,
Rev. M> G» Ervih, and the body
laid to le^ in the chnrch cemetery.
Mn Waffoird is sarvived by one
soD> Frank Waffoid, of Hanes;
four dangbters, Mn>. Cree McCul
toband Hra. S. J W^eotior. of
Rt 4i His. Lttla pkdmon, pf Coo-
Icesee; ^ Mrs George Rlden-
bonr,. of n^r Dnlins.
Mrs. Amamk llartki.'<
• . 11
Mr8.'jfijiianda EllzabeG) Hartio, 74. *1
widow of JameaC* HarGn. died Son* '<
day at the home of het dangliter. V
Mrs. J. J. Griffin, near Goanty^Lfne.)'
The fotteral was held Monday
aftemooo'at2;SO o*doek from Spdety
Baptist Chnre^ near Cool Spifhga. ^
Hra. Martio leaves Rve dangbtera:
Mrs. j J. Griffith, of Davie eosiity;"
Mrs J. A. Gaiffier, of Stat^lfe;"
Mrs. D^vle HngfaneidD. of i^ffalia
I Walla* Wash; Mrs Mary Oris^,l
of Roekingbain; and Mrs. S. M. Lams,
of High Point.. * i p .. .1
Bio - Obituaries - 2/2/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 3,1938
Mrs. Sarah
Beeding Dead
Mrs. Sarah Hood Bcedingr. 87»
paaaed away Sunday afternoon at
3 o'clock, at the home of her^
granddaughter, Mm. Ray Mie^j
CloRirock, Mocksville, route 2. She
waa the widow of the late Thorn-:
aa Beedlngi a Confederate eoldieri'
and the daughter of Thomaai
Hood and wife, of Davie County.!
She is survived by one son,'
John" R.—Beeding," of Smith
Grove, two daughters, hfrs. W. F.
Jarvis, of Smith Grove, and Mrs.
Maggie Thornton, of Winston-
Salem, 18 grandchildren and 25
great-grandchildren. The loot
rites were conducted ot Macedo-
donia Moravian Church, on Mon
day afternoon at 3. with' Bev. M.
6. Ervin in charge, a.i^'isted by
Rev. G. E. Brewer. Burial was in
the church graveyard,'and those
acting as pallbearers were - Will
Cheek, Roy rWHUhnis, Calvin
Bowles. Ray McCIamrock, T. T.
Reece and Gray Atkins.
Henry Clement
Aged Colored
Henry Clement, aged and-res-,
pected colored man, pdes^'away
in Wlnston-Salem on-' Jan. - Itth.
He was the son of Boldley Cle
ment,, and was born ott the Cle
ment fami near iHoeksvUle. He
was t^v{ce married, his first wife-
being named Mary Ford. He' mov
ed to Winston^alem a number of
years ego, and mado his homo
there until bis death. He was a
brother of the late Troy Clement
of this place. Surviving are his
wife, two sons, four daughters
and several grandchildren..-
William P. Roberts, >17, died of,
^pneumonia un Tuesday, Feb. 1, at'
jf P. M., at his home in the Fork'
■Church community. He was the;• I son of the late -William W. Rob-[crts and Bertha Anderson Rob-;.crt.s, of Oavie. |I He is survived by bis wife,,
tMrs, Ethel Foster. Rberts, three-
children,, Margaret, John and
James, at home, one brother; P.
J.'Roberts, of Statesvtlle, route '1,1
six nisiRra, Mrs. Delia Mullica, of;,Statc.<)villc, route 4, Mrs. W. M-'
iBninch and Mrs. W. C. Woolver-
ton, both of El Paso, Texas, ilrs.
rjoggie Heath, of Harmony, Mrs.
iMaxey R, Swlcegood, cf Mocks-
• villc, route. 4, and Miss Delia
Roberts.I The funeral will be held at!Jericho Church, Thursday mom-.
■Ing at 11 o'clock, with W. F.
Stoneslrect in charge.
I Burial will be in the church.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/3/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 9,1938
John Mertz
Famons Midget Dead.
Funeral services were tield Sun
day at 4 p. m.. for Major Jobn
Mertz, 85. midget, former inter,
nationally popular showman and
familiar fijsore in. Salisbnry, who
died Friday momins after an ill.
ness of two moinlbs.
The-rites we/it'held at the home
of Mrs. Charks M. Jones, 425
South Jackson" street, where Major
had lived for ly-yeafB. Rev Charl
ies T,'- WoodWidge,- of the First
Fresbylerian cbhrcb, and Rev A.
C. Waggoner. df -Cobom Memorial
Methodist officiated. Burial was In
Cbestont H1II cemete^ beside bis
wife who died atom id years ago.
At the age of 36, be was married
to Miss Mariah .Nail, of Davie
county, aootber performer in the
circus world, who was 10 iochesj
shorter than her. famed buMmiio.
During ofEseasaD&and vacation tiiiie
they made tbeir borne in Salisbtny.
Their tiny fiamiture, in keeping
with their statares, -added to the
* I
ti»)!qoe aimospltere of tbeir borne
She died about tgao' of influeoza,'
and was buried here. Major Herl
tz kept bright the memory of bis
; Wflliain P. Roberh/
- William F*-Rdb^,.47,' died .of
pUeumouia, at bis bdme near. Fork-
Chnrch. Tue^a^ night. He was*
the son of'the'iate'William W
Robert*) and Bertha Anderson Ro.
belts, of Davie.-^-'
f He is'snrvivedNhy bis wife, Mrs.
Ethel Foster Roberts; three chiVd-ireo, Margaret, John and Jam^, at
home; one bipther. P. j. Roibmts,
of Statesville, :Roote 4; 8iz"^ei5,
Mrs: Dells Mullies, of Statesville,^
Rente 4; Mrs. W. M, Drgncb and
W. C . Woolyenbo; bdth~>of
EL Pasco, Tex.;' Mrs. Maggie
Hieath, of Baimonv; Mrs. Max^
R Swioego^^' oi HocksvlUe, R.
4;rand-Mis3 Delia Roberts, of Pork
• The fnneral was.heM at Jerjchb
Christian Chnfdi Thnrsday morn
ing at 11 o'clock with W. P. Stone,
street in oharg^. .Bufiai foUpwhig
in-the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/9/1938
wife and it wa^^ his custom, after
attending servi^ at the Seoood
Presbyterian cnnrch nearby, to gb
to his wife's grave and place there,
on a flower.
Mrs. James iSeao^.
Mrs James Seamop, fi, died at
her home near Kapj^, Saiprday
morning, death raiting from as.
thma and pneumonia., iits. Sea*
mon had Miro ill for'the paot .imv.
eral moHtbs
Fnneral ncrvinrs were iheld at
St. Matthews liOthem Cbnrc&.Snp.
day afternoon at 'a.o*clO<*k,cnndi]Ct-
ed bv her pastor. Rev .Mr, Kcstte'r,
and.the body la'd .to. re^ in jibe
church cemetery.
Mrs. Seamon ui survived liv..yher
httdmod^ three eana, Bd of
sonviile, Pla', Waher, of
and W. S, of-R 4; twodaofl^teis'
Mrs., Be^ Himd, of Rowan,_apd.
Miss Carrie MseV at' home. 'One
brothet, J. W Fdker, of poncord,
and one st^er, Mrs.- J, D 'Walker,
of R. 4. .a^ survive
Mrs. ^mon was a pood woman,
she 'Will ' he sadly missed In the
community where stie Uved W so
qianyye^. The.Record'^Irods,
s^pdthy to the hremyed famiivrlh
^ death of this loved oiie.. .
Iiuthvr P Seafmd, 56, promi.
oeut fiBirmer,^ied Friday nigbl>at
bis home 'near Fork,n' fQUowiug .s
tic^rt attack... HeytjfFiLo wn of jibe
late WilUain SeaftM. 'ud Stf^
Heudrielm... •
Surviving-are tlw-'widow, Daisy
Taylor Ssaford*-oiie son, Rphett
L .Seaford, athome; .three' broth-;
ete, W. D. - Seahud, Lsa^gton^R.'
d; W.'C. and T. J SOaford, of-Da.
W; and fouridst^, Mrs' Kl-i-h.
Elsyln^, i;<^ihgtop,, R* .a;'Jlns.
;d.C. ;&ck;;aiiM:MfoV..G.. W
jjernsal^'i 8^..'Hi^ .R- H. B^^n
of Advance. yi^'. -
Vy.Poneral seiyicies wm conduieti^
f^m Pbrk BipBst Chnrch ' 80$.
doy atterooon s^.z .'o*do^,;.;ii^h
Rev.'E. W Tufn'i^fjticharge,!^
the body lidd tl|g ;i^n^
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 9,1938
Joho B.llcDarfd.
Jobo.B. McDaoiel, 68, • at
thehotseof his aoD,. B. A.'
Dabld, ia Varida, N. C., Tueaday
aftera serictis^flliiesa since Sottd^
-Hewas.boni lo Oavie connty,
the son of George and So^
iiams McDaoiel -'Mr* McDaoiel
was a neoiber of the Smith' Grove
Meihoditt Gboroh of Davie<^0Qt7,
and aim a member of Lexington
cooocil of the Joofor (Mer. His
wife died '13 yeacsjtgo. n -
.Sdrviving are sons, B. A.
McDanieU bf VarinB, and O. R.
j McDaoiel,'of High L Point; fpor
brotbersj 'Boooa, S^ce and J^per
{McDaoteiy all of pd^e coonty/and
j Napoleon ^ McOanid.' «Thomas^
ville; and ote .d§tef;:';Mrs , B.
'Plott oi tmyie'oonotv; ^
Poneraf.aery^.wexe coiduct^
at SmitU Gro^ 'Motbcdiat '•cfaorch
at 3 o'clbde ^-Bnrial.^llow^ in
the cbttricb cemeterv;
Bio - Obituaries - 2/9/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 10,1938
Major John Mertz
Dies In Salisbui^.
midMlbMajor. John Mei^, ^
foRiiiar* ahotnhaii' ahd^fghty
pccted citizen of Salicbury, died
in Lhnt city on Feb. 4, aged 8S.
He WUH born in Auslrin^lIunKary
and was the only member of hiaj
family to be a midget. He came,
to America many years aero with
the George Richards sliowe, and
later was with Forepaugh, Bur*
num and Bailey, and last, with
Sells and Forepaugh shows. When
he wos 36 he married Miss
Maria Nail, also a midget, who
was the daughter of Mr. Alex
Nail, of Mochavilie.'Maior Mertz
waa 46 inches tall, and his wife's
heigh^h was 36 inches. Both of
them frequently visited in Mochs-
ville, and are %vell remembered
here. Their happy life together
was broken by the death of Mrs.
Blertz in 1920. Major Mertz was
a bill collector In Salishury for
many years, and was known for
his honesty and courtesy. He was
a member of the Second Prcf/by-
terlan Church, of SollflbuTy, and
wna also a member of the
Knights of Pythias. The funeral
was held at the Second Presby
terian Church on Snnday after
noon. and was largely attended.
Burial was In Chestnut Hill
Cemetery, by the aide of his
wife. Major Mertz wna a brother-
in-law of Mrs. Ida G. Nail of this
place. Those attending the fun
eral from here were Mr. and Mrs.
Grady Call, Misses Margaret and
Ffankie Call, and Abe Howard.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/10/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 16,1938
lhr>. Wedey Jarvis
Fkmerd-wrvicen for Ure. Sarah
Sosansa Jarvis* wife of Wesley
Jarvia* who. at her home Ad*
vasee* Bonte 1. Feb. Tth. were held
at Grove. U. E, Chutch, Ad*
vanee. at .'U o'doeK. Wedneada?
The Bey. BIr. L?erly« pastor of the
cfaordi, was In diaree
Mifl. Jards was iR one month. She
wasanaGve of Davie eonnty, the
dansbterof J, B^h fldtdrix and
Lnraide Foster H^riz; She^iait
beraitlrenfeiD Davie eonnty and
lived fmr the past 18 years at Ihe
PTeaathmneplaee. Her husband,
Wesley JaTvia, is a welMmown
iaxmet, „
^nivDia iododfl the hosbsid;
one eon, R E Jarvis. Advanee, ft,
SS; ium (rrdbdehitd; «id one sister,
Ure. T. A. Beae* of Davidson conn*
Bio - Obituaries — 2/16/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 17,1938
Addie Louise Butner
Da vie Woman
Parses Away
Mrs. Addie Louise Butner, 74,
wife of W. L. Butner, died Tues
day mgrning at her home in
Oavic coun^, Macedonia com«
munity. She had been in declining
health since the first of the year,
and was seriously III for two
Funeral services will be held
this morning (Thursday) at the
home at 10:80 o'clock and Mace
donia Church, where she was a
member, at 11 o'clock. Ministers
in charge will be Rev. G. E.
Brewer, Rev. George Bruner and
Rev. F. W. Grabs. Burial will be
in the chuirch graveyard.
Mrs. Butner was bom in Davie
county, December 16, 1868, and
has-Jived -in -the--commanity— all
of htf life. She was the daughter
of the late H. Jf. and Elisabeth
Frye Lee. On October 14, 1884,
she was married to W. L. Butner,
a farmer.
She was the teacher of the
mothers class at Macedonia
, Survivors include the husband;
three daughters, Mrs. Mattie
Bowdcn, of Mocksville, route
two; Mrs. Ruth Hartman and
Miss Sophie Butner, Advance,
route one; two sons, E. C. and
H. C. Butner, Advance, route one.
Mrs. W.C. Douglass
Mrs. Cora Blaekwell Douglass,
69, wlfo of William C. IDouglaa,
of State Road, passed aV^^ 'at.
the Chatham Memorial Hospital
Elkin, Sunday at 1:30, after
boing soriouely ill since Christ
mas. She was the youngest dau
ghter of the late Robert Blacky
well and Emily Cheshire Black-
well, ond came of a well-known
Dnvio County family. Mrs. Doug
las, jvas highly., oatccmcd by a
friends, and wai'a'mcmbertcO^ag
j Elkin Methodist Church. In - hdr^
Igirllieod she attended Misses
I Eaton and Clement's school in
Mocksville, and later was a 8tu><
dent at Statesvlllc, now MitcHoll
College. She was married to W.
C. Douglass in .1896, and they re
sided in Wilkes County. later
moving to Winaton-Salem. For
the past 30 years they have resid
ed 'at State Road, near Elkin.
The surviving family consists of
her husband, one sister. Mrs.
Dabney -Loweiy, of Salisbury,
and n number of nieces and ne
phews. Mrs. Z. N. Anderson,, of
this place, is a niece of the de
ceased. The funeral was coii-
ducted at Salem Methodist
Church, Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock, and interment was in the
Ichurch graveyard. Rev. -W. A.
[Jenkins, pastor of the - Elkin .Me-
jthodist Church, Rev. J. L. Powers,
of Slate Road- Baptist Church,'
land Rev. M. G. Ervin, pastor of-
.tho sDvie Circuit, officiated.
■Mrs. Douglass was formerly a.
ImemLcr of the Solcm congroga->jtion. A large gathering of rela-[tives and friends, from difer'ent
sectio.ns, attended the last rites,
and there were- many floral tri-^butes.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/17/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 23,1938
Miss Lizzie Weir.
Bfisa Liane Aogosta Weir. 59.
knowa Fafiniagtoo woman, died smideoly
at titf borne Saoday night. She tras a^
daughter of Cbadle L. and Blaitba Rol
man ^nviviiig ate ibe mother and
one brother. Ctaieoce M. Wmr, of Farming*
ton. The fonetal was held at the home
of the hfbther Toesday motoing at 10
o'clock and at Bethel U E- cbwch at 11
o'dodt. Rev, H. €i Freeman ooodncted
the aendcee. Ekixial wasinibegraveyaid.
- Mrs. W. L BBble^
Mrs Addle Louise Butnef, 74,
wife of W. L Butner, died Toes
dey fBorning at her home near
Hacedottia She bad been in de.
. cHuing health since'the first of the
year, and was seriously ill lor two
Funeral 'service were held Thars.
day tnoming at the home at 10:30
o'c.ock and Macedonia Church,I where she was a member, at it
o'clock. Ministers, in charge were
Rev. G. E Brewer, Rev. George
[Brun^. and Rev. ,F, W. Grabs,
j Bniial followed In thechurch grave-
'yard. •
Mrs. Burner was bom in Davie
countv, December 16, 1863, and
hasliv^ in tbe.Mmmunity all of
ber life. Sbe- was tbe daughter of
the late H J. and Eliaabetb Frve
Lee. On. (Etcher. 14. 18^, * sbe
was married to W. L. Butner a(farmer^. ^
Survivora include the husbaud;
(three daughters; Mrs. Matt'e Bqw-Iden of Mocksville. rootetwo; Mrs.
Ruth Hartman and Miss Sophie
Butner, Advance, route one; two
sons, £. C. and H« C. Butner, Ad.|vance« rout*on^^^^^^
0 Deii^otimi ^wait
BevotimiStewatt. 76. dtlSMi of thaRd-i
ton, comtuunlty, died at the Rowan Mamo 1
tial^HospitoL Sallabafy. Fridav. His wife.
pasi^ away 88 yeata ago. Be ia atuviv.
ed by one biocher, E. H Stewart; of Ad*
vanea, Route 1. and a n'eoe. -Ifn Lester
Yoang. of Advance. ' i
- -The fosecat was hdd atTult^ Method |
dist Ctraicb. Sunday morning at II o'dock, |
obsdneted by Rev. A A l^eiiy. Banal j
followed Id the clmieb graveyard. • |
Bio - Obituaries - 2/23/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 24,1938
Miss Lizzie A.
MIsa Lizzie Augusta Weir, welL
known woman of the Farmington
community, died rather suddenly
at her home on Cedar Creek, Sun
day night, Feb. 20, at 11:30, aged
63, She was the daughter of Mrs.
Martha ^Hojman Weir and the
1nt(' Cliarlie L. Weir, of iDavic.
The family formerly lived in
Mocksi'ilic, their home being on
the lot where Mra. J. L. Shcek'a
rcnidcncc is situated. The surviv
ing lamily conHlstB of the nged
mother, who la nearly blind, and
Olio brother, Clarence hi. IWcir,
of Fnrmington. A short service
was hold nt the home of C. M.
M'eir, Tuesday morning at 10
O'clock, and the funeral wan can^
ducted by Rev. H. C. Freeman,'
at Bftthel Uethodlst Protestant
Chui-eh, at 11. Burial waa in the
church cemetery. Those acting
aa pallbearers were C. W. Allen,
Jacob Allen, Joe Williams, Fred
Furches, Frank and Clinton Blake.
Mias Weir was a cousin of Mrs.
Mollie Jones, Uia. Haysie Bolea,-
Misses Sallie and Mattte VanEat-
on and Mr. Will VanEaton. She
was a faithful member of Farm-
ingtan Methcdistf Church.
Devotion Stewart, citizen of|
the FiiUnn community, passed
away February 18, in Rowan Me
morial Hospital, aged 76. His
wife, who was Mildred Potta
;prior to her marriage, dicd.SZ
jyenrs. He Is survived by one
brother, E. M. Stewart. Advance,
r.-)uto 1, and one niece, Mrs.
Lester 'young,, of Advance. The
I deceased was a nephew lOf the
late 12d\yarrt.. ..Stewart, . Dnviu
TiOunty Confederate veteron, who
died recently nt the advanced age
'of over 100. The funeral woS con-
'ducted by Rev. A. A. l^erly,
pastor of Advance Circuit, at Ful-
{ton Methodist Church, Sunday
'moimhig at 11 o'clock. Burial was
lip the church graveyard and theI pallbearers were G. A. Howard,
A. T. Allen, C. T. Hege, H. H.
Fry, J, S. Smith and P. D. Jcn-
Bio - Obituaries - 2/24/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, Mareh 2,1938
Thomas SeanuHi.'
Thooas Seamob^ 80, died at his
home' in Wobdieaf, on Feb. 2otb^
death resolting .from pnramonfft.
Funeral aod * burial services were
.held at Woodleaf Hetbodtsi'c^iiKh
ooVBIondajr of wedt. with Rev.
|0 B. Oay offidaidbg. Mr SeaiBon_
ifli snrviv^. by bis mdow and the;
following .children:'"John SeauMHi
and;Mra - Bd'^moiiyfOf nrarS^is:'
bnr\': Mrs. Toni Conell/ Cooler
meerJim-and Topi 'Seamen-;;jiind
Seaniod, of '
1 Mrs. Ida Ma^jC.
V Ura.'lda Masaey.'ofKi^r. diedt-Fndav
' mofaiog.at her home .et 0 o'eloelr:' She
bad . faei^ in deditiiog health several
fhonth^ confined to hmr bed five montha
and aenmiy ill three we^a
She was botn in Davfe coooty* daogb
ter of the late tbomaa end Looiae Howard
- Stttidvoia indttde: .Ofie son, Thomas A.
Uoarav. Baltimore; one dangl^; Mre. W.
8. iUIied, WalkenowD. idote 1: three
tHOtheie. Thomas Finh* S. (X sad J. C.
BAaaaesr. all of Oavle eonnty; alstere*
Mta. W. A. Nail ot this dry. and Mrs. C.
C. Spnr, Bavie eonnty.
Fimeial aervtcea were hdd Snoday
afcetsoon at home at 2:30 o'clock and
Advance Metbodtat Church at 3 o'clock.
Mfnistera in chaifie were Rov. Lyerly.-Rev
J. W. Foster. Boiial waa in the choidi
Wiltiam F. Smith.
WfiOam F- Smith. 76. died Friday at the
^ home of bla 800.W..J. Smith, near Jeriebia.
iTbe fttQeral-waa held at the homo Sattir-
'day afteiuooo at 2 o'clock. W. P. Stone*
: street conducting the aervioea- Baiial waa
io Jericto Christian Church graveyard.
Survi^g are the widow, who waa Utsa
Mary Smith prior to her. marriage; four
aona. B. B. and J. W. Smith, of Moeksvllle
,Rooted;andW A.and N. GL Smith, of
Coaleenttt; ^d one dangbter. Mrs. Delia
Foater; oil MockavUIe R, f; HgiandchUd*
, ran; two'great-grandchildren and ode sister
I BAra. Preas Adams, of MocksvUleRonte 4.
Jesse FraiAhn Click..
Jesse Franklin Click. died at
hia home in Hickory Sunday evenlngr
at 8 o'clock, death, resolting from
the ioflrroitiea of age. He bad be^
aerioonly Hi for two weeks.
Fnneral aervieea were held at the
First Baptist Qinrcfa. Hickory, at 11
o'clock yesterday morning, eondnet*
ed by bia pastor. Rev, fL K. Bed-
wine. assisted by Rev: Mr, Ck»rnett.
imstor of the First Methodist Church,
and the body hdd to rest inOakwook
. Survlvingare hia wife, two dauKh-
terB.'Hra.G F. Strond, Mockaviile.
and Mrs, Avery fibrdio. Hickory;
one son. FVaneia A. Click. Washing
ton. D. G.; eight grand^ildrmi and
two great-grandchildren* One half-
hrother. H. M. Deadmon. Uocks
ville, R. 4. also aorvivea;
Mr Click was a native of. Davte
ci^ty, bat moved to Hickory in
1884. He waa editw and poblisher
ofThefiichcry Mereory for many
years, retiring from the jonmalistlc
field only a'few years ago.
A more extended account of Mr
Click's death will appear in onr next
Bio - Obituaries - 3/2/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 3,1938
Jesse F. Ciick^
Passes Away
Jesse Franklin Clicki - weIN
known Hickory citizen nnd news-
paperman, pnaaed owny nt his
home, Sunday night. February
27, aged 90. He was a native of
Dovic County, and was the son
of Henry H. Click and wife. In
1871 Mr. Click moved to Hickory,
and was editor of the Hickory
Mercury, which later because the
iTimeS'Mercury. He was clerk of
•the state legislature in 1877, and
also served as clerk of the South
'Ford Baptist ABSoclation for 20
'years. He was secretary-treasur
er of the city of Hickory for sev-
:eral years, and wss active in the
work of the Baptist Church. He
;was twice married, his first wife
being Miss Mary Maxwell, of
Davie,~piior to- her—marriage:
Nine children were born to this
union, the two surviving ' 'l^ing
Mrs. C. F. Stroud, .of'Mocksyilif,
and Francis A.' Click, ;df. .Wash
ington, p. C. Mr. Click's second
marriage was to Mrs. Blanche
Stroud, and one daughter, Mrs.
A. J. Hardin, of Hickory, survives
with her mother. Eight graiiduhil-
dren, two great-grandchildren,
and a half-brother, H. M. Dead-
mon, of Mocksville, route 4, also
survive. The funeral was held at
the First Baptist Church, Hick
ory, on Tuesday morning at.11
o'clock, with the pastor. Rev.
Richard Redwiue, in cliarge,i:as-.
sisted by Rev, W. R, Bradshaw,
retired- Baptist minister, and Rev.
J. C. Corhett, Msthodiist minister,
of Hickory. Bunal was in 6ak-
.wood Cemetery^ Hickory. Mr.
A. J. Hardlh, o£ Hickory, survives,,
and fri^ds/In Davie, and often
visited here. For niatiy yeara he■was president of the OUck family ^
reunion, which fa held annually
in August, at Jerusalem BapHst, Church, .^ong those attending
.'the'funeral were Mr. and Mrs..C.
F. Stroud, Miss ItOUise: and JessieLibby -Stroud, Frank Stroud, Jr.,
of Winston-Salem, and Harry
Stroud, of Brevard.
j William F. Smith
Died Friday
I -William F.--Smith, Davie citf«
zen, died at the home of bis son,.
W. J..Bmlth, near Jericho ^urch,
Friday morning, Februaiy 25,.
aged ■78. He was the eon of Jacic
Smith and wife, of Davie. Hu io-
survived by his widow, who waac
Miss aMcy Smith, prior to her*
marriage, four sons, B. B. Smith
and W. J. Smith, of .route 4, W. A.
Smith and N. Smith, of CooIm-
mee, one daughter, Mrs. Delia
Foster, of route 4, fourteen
■ grnndchlldTen, two grelitrgmad-* ,
children, und one sister, ' Mrs*...
Press Rouse, of route 4. A .abort
.service wao held at ihev..hpiifO»Saturday afternoon at 2 o'bibjcrk,.;.
followed by the funeral •and.'lj^ ,
terment at Jericho Churcb>--wlth(: •
W. F. Stoneatreet in charge.:Pd^-:;i..j^arers were J. A. Bowles, D.. ,
.Wilson, D. H. ■ Brown, David
Driver, Frank Stonestreet and 'J.:;
M. Stamon. The deceased was
well-known in his communitjr.
Bio — Obituaries - 3/3/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 9,1938
[Aged Joarnalist Passes'
t. V, CUCK
i. F. fxicK 1
Fatieral services lor Jesse Fnnlc-
lin Click, nineiy year^ld former
Hickoty jonmaltst, and one of- ibe
oldest newspapermeD'in North Car.
oHoa, who died Feb. 27, were held
at tbe First Baptist cborcb, Bkk-
ory, at It a. to., lastToesday. Tbe
body Isy in state at tbe church
from JO a.m., until the funeral
boor. Dr. R. K. Redwine, pastor,
officiated, assisted by Rev. J.' C.
Cotuett, pastor of tbe First Mttbo-
di^t church 10 Hickory, and Rev.
W. R. Bradshaw, pastor of Bromi
Memorial diurch, Hickory. .
Burial was io Oakwood cemeteiy
at Hickory. Active pall-bearers
were members of tbe board of' Dea
cons oi the First Baptist church.
Remaining members of tbe board
of deacons served as' honorary es-
coit. The floral tributes were beau
Mr. Click uas boin id 'Davie
cotiiity, oear Jeinsaletn, Deceinber
6, .S47, a son of Mr. and Mn>.' H.
H. Click, who were the parents of
three childnm. He lived on the
farm and taught scixool for several
years. He moved to Fetjislope, 3
miles west of Hiciwjiy, iu vj^^
where be purchased and operated a
farm tiutil 1891, when .be moved.to
Hickoty and begap editing Tbe
Hickoty Mercury. .. He served,ra5
clerk of the state; legislature iq
f8g7, writing the mioates in. long
Mr. Click bad been a meinber .of
'be Baptist chnrch for 74 ,yt:ars.
He was derk of the Soutk Fork
flssocistion for 30 years. He bel^
ed orgauUe the Jerii^lem Baptist
church.la thiseonniyr and a
chaiter member of the Uocksville
Baptist church and Penelope
Baptht cbtirch near Hickory. On
ly two members of the Firat^ Bap.
list church, Hickoiy, are living to
day who were affiliated with that
church at tbe time Mr. Click join
ed their congregation.
Mr. Click w^ secretaiy-treasor-
er of the Oily of Hickory for ' sbt
J. F. Click obituary continued on next page
Bio - Obituaries -3/9/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 9,1938
J. F. Click continued
He was edadeited. -fQ the niral
schools of Davie and atteo.
ded Wake Forest '* ,Be woo
a scholarship at Wake Por^- for
perfect aiu^ance at ^uodav sdiool,
idiprch services and r^asseSj bttt Kf.as
onahte to avail himsdf of its ,fhU
advantages. • • n V?"
He retired frotn bt# acfive jonr*
oaltstie iraxeer a nandier - 'of <j;eai9
ago, but aoCtl a short lime ago" hp
oootlotted to contribute articles -to
various newspapers, lodtiding'rThe
Record. He never lost ; his
lovd'for the fourth estete. His con-
tribntioos to current lournals
written on the cid ^csll that sery^
him dnrihg-bis edit^hlp of.. The
Hickoiy Mitfcnty ^ the Timgs,
hfercury. The clock that kept
the time wbien be; was ' bomVwas
heard ttcking when bepassed-away.
Mr. Click was first t.nianr^; ..tg
-Uisa Maty Maxwell, .^augbler-'.^
the late Mr.' and Mm. Max
well, of }erit8a|em^t6wssiti](^'^|.Of
the dgbt cbildrra bf^.to this union
only two survive, are.'. Mrs.
C. F: Strood, 'of - M<Adc9nrQ.Ee,' k and
P. A. Click, of
Mr. ^ide marri& '.'Mrs^'^;. .B«
Stroud, <d .Hh&bryliu rqb^
Click randves, a^g
daoghtd', 'Mr^'A.- jf; Hardto, ' wilh
whom Mr. and' Mr8.-^CIfck' mate
their home. SiK.ht granddiildreo
and two greatHBraoitehiM.csD^^ ali^^
su'rvtW.^ A. .hii}t.!briotber, < 'M? ■' M.'
iDeadmou, of the only oth
er hdiuediate^sii^lw.
The-editor <^?The Davie Record
to work fmr'Bfr. Oidc bo - the
Hickory Merdiry, Peb. 17, 1893,
and wbs assodaM. with him for 14yea^ Joe Catdw^, latie editor of
The Charlotte Oboervm', wrote an
aiticle many years ago, stating that
Mr^ Click was jsne of - the. best, If
not'the best editorial writer .to the
st-tt'*. We owe rubcb to this aged
man who has passed over the river.flnr;^]ipod aodf -young manhood
spent in his emplcy. He
,treated us as a father, and we shall
alwajrs revere his memory. He was
a 'God'feaiipg.Chri^t'an gentleman
the old --schtei.'. We have lost4^ of our best.fr^nds, hot heavenh^ been enriched by one who spent
pterly his entire like waifciog in the
fteps of the Ibwly^Nazarene.
J. F. Click obituary continued on next page
Bio - Obituaries - 3/9/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 9,1938
J. F. Click continued
The followini; editorial tribute
was paid Mr/'blick by Editor Gif-
fofd, of the Hickory Daily R^rd:
After a' lingering illness
RrankltQ Click, .dean of the news,
paper menof thie-Hicko y area, has
gone jtdn the ioanmerable cars-
van, whicb moves to that ttndis-*
covered cotiDt'y from waose tonm
no traveler retnros.
He began/editing a newspaner
torty-seven years ago, wben
be-established..tbe Hickory Mer
cury, a publication,wbicb snrvived
fdr^many yeata..
A native-of>JE>avie connty, Mr.
Click rariy tnriied bis energies in.
to constructive cbaunels, havlogi
been one'of the oigaoizeiB of tfaej
Jerusalem Baptist '^urdi, near bis*
ancesirai borne, 'aluiost 75 yearS:
ago.. . He.lwas a faithful worker in
tbe.'denoimhiatidu of his choice, and;
was proud .of the'fact that for more
thau bait a ceottity be never niiss.|
ed a meeting of the '.South Pork'
Bapt'st. Asaodatiou, which organi-
zation he'Mrved .aa secretary for
u^fie ibao 20 yea^.
• -Among the chumbes of bis faith
which he helped/Organize, in ad
dition to the oineiin the community
of his birib^ was the BafiJi^ebur^
at Mo^[ffiiUe, aud the PCuetone
chuKb near Hickoiry.
• Altbongh active aad*alert up to
the last year of; long and usefQl
life, Mr. Click^.bad not been en-
g^ed in newsi»per work for many
y^. Therefdre; onfy the older I
r^Ments are familim with'the sus
tained fightibe made for prohibit
ion and niora1ity.;>-- I
' lo recent yi^;his writiug was
confined to ra 'oa^oual contr&u-
tion and a column' be couducted at
-Estreme age did not sour bim
obr diseo'aragOm^ta fender bim
pe^mistic. :;,Oii ^bis ^gbty-niotb
biithday a - Jtfpieseutative of The
R^rd inqitfij^, during the course
nf au'intervlew, wb^herbe thought
the ^i:1d was grdvrfog Imtter or
worse/V Be dedar^ onbeatatiagly
that the world is lietter because of
"more oourisbiifeot^ and greater
comforts* \ for ^ p^pte generally.
Tbe (act that tbe^. ere more peo-
pie apd commuQication of news has
bera '^^ed up niakes it seem that
the pMple-'are grdudug moresinfQl,
was bis'pbUosopbic^ basis for op
timisnt. .
Looking. bEmk over his life span
of.alni'ostacentaiy, we who have
acquainted oh^lyes with his ca-
reer rap truly'»y~itbat he devoted
bis tMenta'-nnsweivingly on..the
side dt' reiigldu:' and cemperaooe.
The world .mmit have 'Jfieeu made
bctteii beeaitse'ku^ a man waa.pri-
vtleged.-ta live'to!» ripe an old age.
A -Joiinmlisiii.
• tj.<
Death cladaiei| one of tbcNestors
of Noftb Carolina-jonmalism this
week as lessejPfaoklin Cli(3c, qo, a
native son of wvie, but stuce 1884
a resideitt of '^i^pry, passed from
the scene. . V?r«
* Click wa^ qpe of the . finest
inddttcts.'of •tbe'bld'isobool.of cotm-
try jourftalismi His fo man
and the higher was equalled
only by bls.onlaUing r^se of Ju
nior.. A-staunCb Bapti^.t'.in' relig
ion at^:a'firm Repabtfj»o!{n polL
tics, 1^' vms tonad-mloded and tol*
eranf!.wittafllj abdifiis editorials and
biief.'i^graij^,, '«)ilie -. oftgn pie-
wit, .were n'evdV vHth.lbo bit
ter ara'of udfalr^^^a^ioti^tp or
seda^anto. ' • V * . '
. In iislaterjoutp^isile^eafs Mr.
admrrer- of
Woodrowtl^^Mil^;' altbptigb the
grest;^^{ni08ld^^biri<mged to a
pollti^.^uiy^|i^,^&ic^^^ Hidc-
oiy.^e^tor;4^^^^ldag. He wm
deeply imprdm^'wb the Wilson,
lau tdealjtsia ajqd »e deep loye , for
all bu^nity'Wbi^*; !''^^^^' ^'^''
son td.fiod a anrer-.vmy to world
jpeime. -Np ddhbt'ft'Vtts^iliiB Own
I woad-bnotwitariairism. whidi drew
J. F. Click obituary continued on next page
Bio - Obituaries -3/9/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 9,1938
J. F. Click continued
thteipIepdM old Jo&yiialist ^to the
drde''be(thos& who weregrif^ted
aod- hddi^ iM WUsoa idiili^pby*
i . rhoSthii^viUe'Dufjr, coAihent*
iDg 4edftori.3l3roa ihe- passidg of
Mr. <!lk1c>-8<»ys:
I TWd^th this week of Jesse .P.
Cliek«v;yetdlan'jpew$paiM^ mao .bf
fhiarkR tt» passiiig of . 'on
joumdiitt, who was dti
'noiqtie; figtue in t£^ ipolitical' and
civic' life .o| his comismujy.
. lo;tttti'4ay ot.his -fol^t Uooin,
oews^pering wW far iroin what it
is loif^y. The old .fifickpry Bl
eary which be ediM was a fbui->
page'''aSair, but bnce-a.week it.
came to fill adefinite need, and was
awaited as eagerly by those who
were ^ree.four yearn behind with
I their: sabscriptidos and BaHn* t maor
aged to'get a load of wood to town
to applt', as ^ thoae wfao, believe
it or not, had paid lo 'advance.
.That-was at a time when the^ of^
jtowid wral to the-'lauttdty only
|Wheti it was able to staml alone
supported, by the grease, aod grime
:from printer's bands.
Duiiog'the time when PopnlisiD
was in flower tn Nonb Carolina,
Mr. Click fongbt side by side with
'Marioo Bmler, and tbe. iufinence
jof bis peo bad a lot to do with
c^ngtng Catawba conniy from the
. "banner" Democratic ' county in
Western North Carolina to an op.,
position stronghold from'.which it
has never fully recovered.
C^'nmnists. as we know them to.
day,' were not in vogue during Mr.
Click's yesteryear, yet he was a
columnist, and his Goods Box
Wluitlipgs were the'"delight of
I many a yoiingsler who n Is an --oldI man . today and remembets Ibem
well;' .-Nor did tbe'years ftiliy dt.
vorce him' from tbts favorite past-
, time,' for tight op to tbe ' last bis
homely n and wholesome phiioso.
phieS bccasionalty were recorded in
bis "colttmn" gladly 'provided - by
neigbb^ newspapers.
Je^:P. Click, has gone to daim
whatever reward'was r^rved for
him. and itae newspaper bretbren
will K hoping tba\ it provides a
fall and' eqUitable coverage.
StatWiile Record. ;
Another veteran of tbeptess-who
was wi^U known in this section pass
ed awaydh' -Hidcory* last Snttdav
land bn.ried .there Tuesday. - Mr.
|Jcssc.>Pranktin Click, vwho was a-
bont ninety years of age,^ was a na-
1 thre of Davie connty .and was wide
lly reiat^. there and in this conotv.
tHe was f^her-io-taw of C.- Fi^k
iStidttor^iCor of Tbe'ZMvie R^td,
{of hfppksiriUe. Idasy,people from
I tbtS\section attcnded-tbe-^fiitteral.
| . Ur^rClick went to-...Biekoiy in
188;^ ahdVtnldished the Hickory
Merciiry iu'id^t. I^ter It wascon.
80lidat<Ml.Aitb the Times- and - was
call^^the'Times-Mercuiy.- Thede-
retined from the journalists
field'oolya^few years ago. He was
remifkably active for a man ol bis
years potil only .a few weeks before
his d^th;.
He'thas .provoked many a hearty
laugh-with'the bnmor whijeh be in
jected itito..a. personal eblnmu whieb
be entitled, • "Sbotti Pithy Stops,
by The Goods Box Whittter.-" •
Mr. Xlick always stood for a
strict mb'i^.code, aud 'bold expos-'
nres of et^i' whii^ appear^ ■'from
time.to..time in his paper kept downmnch^fowdtpess inihis (^muni^.Mt^^newspapen^ of.the p|re%ot
day mtdbt'do well to* follow some
of the,-examples set by Mr. Click.
Cbalfleb ^Vfseman Spry. 76. died
last Monday montiiair at 7 o'eioek athia home: Id. Seotefi-IriEh township;Bowanebnnty, neM..GIeveland. aftera loii^-illne^native, of Dayie eonoty
wasiuioh wthelateiHr.- end Mrs.Calvid'Spry? SorvlvlnB are bis wifesmrmr-soos and diFee'-'dangbtei^Ttevoim Mr. W A" Spry, of Daviecounty;-Mr. George Spry, of David*
son.'N. G.; Mesara. N. L.. Gslvin.Philliiis, Hrathmon and Henry Spry,
and .fllrs. George Leonatd. all ofRor^ eoiinty: Mrs. Mary Brown, ofG(^ei^ee: and Miss Martha Spry atbome.^,.A'bFotfaeri N, A^ Spry, of
Rowani'county, alto .suryiv^ and.th'ree'Slstere. Mia. l/>die Ra&g- of
Row&b. Utas Margate Spry of Oaviecounty, and Mrs. EBia Stewart, ofGoMeemea. . ,Tbe'ianeraraefvfee was hmd fromliberty Methodiat chnrch in Davieconnty Toe^ay afternoon at 8:80 o'-'dbiefc and Ihtermmit was in the church
cemetery; - . ' •
Bio — Obituaries - 3/9/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 10,1938
Miss Mary Jane
I Howard Dead
I Funeral ;for Miss Mary Jane
•.Hoyard, aged about 82 years,
/Who was found dead "near her
I home in the Turrentino section
j about «10.30 Mondii{y night, \^as
ihcld At Turrontine Baptist church
'on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'cock
!wlth Rev. Fletcher Howard of-
..ficlating, assisted by Rev. E. W.
!Turner. Nephews and nieces of
the deceased served as pall
bearers and flower girls. Inter
ment followed in the church eeme-
Miss Howard was living alone
at the time of her death. Neigh
bors, being accustomed to seeing
her every day or so, became
alarmed when upon going to her
home Monday afternoon and find
ing her missing, spread the alarm.
A search was started immediate
ly and coninued until her body
was , found a short distance .froift
her home. Dr. L. P. Martin and
Will .'McCulloh, coroner, pro
nounced her death due to a full
and exposure.
The deceased was a daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Morgan
Howard and is survived by two
sisters, Mrs. A. J. Lagle of Moeks-
ville, Mrs. Mitt Barnes of Cool-
eemee and one brother, Gene
Howard of Albemarle and a large
number of nieces and nephews.,.
fifes, M,1i. Gulldt/
j^lMs Away ^.
Mea.iSiartha HowawI Gallfttt,
aged '^8 years, wife ox At^^rbd
Gulfiett, 'died at hjer home in
Jeriiaalem township on Satttrday*
March 5, at 6:40 a.-xn. Funeral
services were held.at.tho homo
at 2*ao Sunday afternoon, eon?
ducted by Rev.- John W. Foster,
pastor of the Cooteen^ Presby
terian church, of wmch Mrs*
Gullott was a member.
Mrs. Howard was a dauffhldr
of Cornelius and Lucindy -How
ard and is survived by one son,
•Alex Gullett of Cooleemeo, one
step-son. Cap Gullett. ouo broth-
itcr, George Howard of MocliBviUe,
I route 4; eight grandchildren and-
two great-grandchfldrcn." • • n
J- Pallbearers'were Ji B. Mc-
I Daniel, Ross Cornat%cr, A. ti*
Lowder, Floyd Noil, Will Parker,
.'and Alex Myers.
Funeral services were con-^
ducted Tuesday at 2 o'clock for
W. L. Goode, age 64, who died
suddenly nt his home in North
Cooieemee Sunday night about 11
o'clock. He was a barber and haa
been barbering in North Cooiee
mee for the. past several years
and was .well known through this
aeotioA. He is survived by one aon
Willie Goode, of North Cooieemee
and one granddaughter and the
following stop-children, Luther
Pink, Guy and Phil Poster and
Mrs. John Canupp all of Cooiee
mee and Dudley Foster of Salis
bury and Emery Foster of Spart-
enburg, S. C., and one adopted
daughter, filrs. Helen RIyera of
Salisbury. His wifo passed away
about three weeks 'ago.
The funeral was conducted by
Rev. J. W. Foster, pastor of
Cooieemee Presbyterian church
and the burial was in North Cooi
eemee cemetery. '
Funoral services were conduct
ed for C- P. Josey Tuesday at 3:80
o'clock at the South River church
in Rowan county with Rev. J. W.
Foster officiating. Burial w.aa iii
the church cemetery.
He had been sick for the past
few weeks nnd was carried tn thej
r.owery hoapitnl in Salisbui'y
where he died Sunday night. He
had been employed by the Erwin
Mills here for a number of years.
Mr. Josey was married twice,
his first wife being Mary Lee
Stcele of Rowan county, died on >
February 4, 1927. He was mrried.
again on February 10. 1929 to I
Mrs. D. A. Vickus of Mocksvllle.
He is survived by his widow and
the following children: Hermon
fosey of Salisbury. Bruce Josey,
Mrs. Francis Hellard, Mrs. Geneva
Carter, Mrs. Viola Garwood of
Cooieemee and Mrs. Louise Stout
jof Greensboro and a number of
Bio - Obituaries — 3/10/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 10,1938
DIES suddenly
Francis Mae,, the 10-year-old
daiiKhter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L.
Webb of Davie atrcot died al the
home Thursday afternoon at 5:30
.o'clock. The funeral services were
'conducted Saturday afEernoon at
2:30 o'clock at the church of tl\e
'Good Shepherd with Rev. 0. B. B.
Robinson officiating. The burial
. followed in the Unity church
. cemetery in Woodleaf. Pallbear-,
• ers were Clnud Beard, H. L. Mil-.
. holen, .Jr., Robert Morton, Frank |
Beard, Charles "Nail, and Billie
! Cope. Flower bearers were girls.
. from the fourth grade of the
i school of which tho child was. a,
, member. Mrs. Sam Games, herj
j teacher, assisted by Mrs. Wm 0. ^
Byei'ly wfta in charge of the flow-.
era. . . # •
I Surviving are the parents, fo^^ i
'sisters and fdur"brothers, Miaa
Margaret Webb and Mrs. A. J.,
" Kerby of Washington, D. 0., Bet-
» tie Sue and Darris, Wiiliam, Isaac,
5 Hoberb and Thomas all of Cool-.
' eemee. Francis was a popular and^
f beloved ffirl and was. a3 of the choir of the Good^hcphcrd ^
t She underwent an operation a? short while ago-for tho removal day for medical attention ami
^ of her tonsils, however, she was died shortly after returning homo.
B nnk thouffht to be awloualy. III but^ oDath was caused by heart trouble
" was cari-red: td Saliabuiy Tjiurs:. it is thought.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/10/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 16,1938
I H..:Cath. 'I ' iHoltnan CaAh, 68, of Wtn.s
ton'Salem, died at .bia home; last
jU^day'afteiTTOotT. He was ^ti
jcally in for a w^tc.
} :-The funeral was -held at SinitbI Grove M. £. Cbtircb, Davie ;maQ
y, at 3 oVock .Tnesdav. afternoon
Bishop Paul R. Alspangb was in
charge./.4 f
)- tfrw-Gash wos bom..ia I^vie
cotin.ty, September 19,, 1869. ? He
-^.the'soQ ofs-L. H. Casbi^atid
jSarah-^^ormanvi^b. . He was a
member^'iof Boikebfad Metb^ist
^Chiireb;aiid a member of the New
Kichmoitd, Inaiata, Lodge, A; F.
a^A. M.
Snrvivors indnde the' widow,
who prior to her marriage wasHrc. I
Charity •Cbildres; one daughter.
Miss Sarah Jane Cash; one steo^n
Damd Cbildres; oPe stepdaughter.
Miss Mallne Cbildres; two brotbers,
F. ;P. and Ti H.. Cash; and two
sisters, Mrs. F. A. Naylqr and Miss
Sail)' Cash.
I A. II. Nm^oIs.
I Adolphne M Nichols, 41. died Fri
day moroimt at 8 o'clock at his homo
at Coolaeoee after an ill&ess of iwo
The fanerti was held at Coolemnee
Baotist Church Sonday afternoon at
2 ^ctorir. Bev. Mr Stondemire
condneted the services. Borial was
In liberty Cemetery.
Mr. Nichols was a aon of John T.
and lla Nelson Nichols He h^
bam eooneeted with the Ervfn-Cot-
ton Unte 20 yesra. He waa a mem
ber Cooleemee Baptist Chnrefa.
Seryivingare the widow, wbo was
Hiss Mapde Fbrips prior to mar-
riasm three sons, J- T.. McEinley*
and Conrad NIdiols; five daughters,
Helmi. Reba. Both. Grace, and Betty
Boo Nichols; his motbe*'; one brother,
Wil^ Niefao 8. of Virgliiia; and fi^a
eiBten« Mrs. Mamie Poster, of Wiik-
esboro. IMPoeie Niebols. of Mocha- •
ville, S. 4. Mrs. L. H Angel, of«
Moeksville. R. 2. and Mrs. Will He-
Ctamxoeb of Cooleetnee.
Hus Huy HWard.
Fancral services for Hfss Mary
Howard, aged lady of pear Tnr.
tentine. who was fonod dead in a
branch near her home on Monday
evening of last week by R. H.
Lagle, were held at Turrentine
Baptitt cbnrch last Tuesday after
noon, with Rev. E. W. Tomer in
chaige, assisted by Rev. Fletcher
HowiuM. of Greensboro, and the
body laid to rest in ihe church
While retttming home on the
eventng of March ath. Miss How
ard berame lost, and wondered a-
rennd in rbedarfc, falltiigor getting
into a deep golly. When found
Monday evening her body was ly
ing in the branch, n submerged in
water. Her body contained a num
ber 6f brttises, and one wrist was
found to have been broken, snr-
posedly from a fall while trying to
find ber way home in the dark.
Miss Howard is survived by one
brother Eugene Howard, of Albe-
marle; two sisters, Mrs. A. J. La
gle, of Mocksville. and Mrs. Sallie
Barnes, of Cooleemee. A number
of oeictt and nephews also survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/16/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 17,1938
L^manns Williams
*^asses In TarBoro
Lamanns P. Williams of Tarboro
died March 7, about 7 p. m. Ho
had been in declining health for
more than a year. Tho funeral was
held at the home of hia wife's aia-
ter in Lcak&vlllc on March 9 at
3 p. m. 'Rev. Clctus Foster, pastor
of the Leaksville Baptist church
conducted the funeral, assisted by
Rev. J. P. Carter of WlnstonSalem.
The services at the grave were in
charge o£ the local Masonic lodge.
There were many lovely flowers. |
Adofphiis Nichob
Burled at Liberty
Funeral rites for Adolphua If.
Nichols, 41-year-old Cooleemea
resident, were hold at Cooloemea.
I Baptist church Sunday •afterhoon
lat 2 o'clock, with ReV. Mr. Stdadfi^
mire officiating,'and burial was
in Liberty cemetery. Mr. Nichols
died Friday morning at 8 o'clock-
ater an illness of two weeks,
Mr. Nichols was wg11*1^owii
over the county, especially in the
Cooleemee section, where he had
been an employee of the Enin cot*
^ton mills £or a score of year9. He
, was a son of John T. and Zla Nel*
pwNichois; • '
I Surviving arc his widow, the
former Miss Maude Phclps; three
I sons, McKinley, Conr.ad and J. T.
'Nichols; five daughters, Helen,
I Reba, Ruth, Grace and Bettle Sue
I Nichols; his roothor; a brother,
,Wiley Nichols, of Virginia;• and
five sisters: Mrs. Mamie Foster of
Wilkesboro, Miss Fosio Nichols of
route 4, Mockaville, Mrs. L. H.
Angel of route 2, and Mrs. William
McClamroch of Cooleemee.
Bio — Obituaries - 3/17/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, Mareh 23,1938
tR-1^' Wi^msy 74y''dM4aVb&
borne at (^^'Groire tf6iid9y-.-mora
I'i^ at i o*do<^,: f6]j>idDj^!^a^lo^^
of beaft-' trobbW;l; Fbaei^
sefvictt wera> b^- -at
Ifetbibdi!^ -fdituch ^ •: ft
aooiaVt^t-3 Vc|<^ki;
Ib^rsft idjibe I;
: wido^y fonewii^-Kd^^^^
Bio - Obituaries - 3/23/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 24,1938
U, Lee Wiiliams \
Is Buried TuesJ
Funeral rites for R. Lee Wii-^
liams, 74, who died at his home,
at Oak Grove Monday morning at
2 o'clock, were held at Oak Grove
Methodist church Tuesday after*,
noon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. M. G.
Ervin officiating. Burial was in.
the church cemetery. |
Surviving in addition to his
wife are a son, Roy Williams, Oak
Grove, and a daughter, Mrs. Bud
McCulloh of \i^n8ton-Salem; h
sister, Mrs. L. P. Carter of Mocks*
ville, and a half brother, Charlie
Williams, of Rowan county.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/24/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 30,1938
Willie Lee Julian
takes Own life.
Sallsbjoty, '.March 23.
Lm Jtiliab, thirty, who was reoetit-
ly ^vghr home' Cfom the State
hospital at Morgantoo. di^ Mbn.
day Monday of^a gnoMtot wound
in his teft cbe»t which Coroner Dr.
Walter X<. Tatnio said was self-in.
The family; had bidden' shells at
the home, bnt the man is said to
have purchased more sbotgun shells
while io Modcsville.
I,ast Christmas he escaped from
the institution and went to his
father's home in Unity township.'
He barricaded himself in a room,
held .bis■ wile as prfeoner, and
threatened to do some shooting.
Tear gas was psed by sheriff's de
puties to rent him, after which he
was returned 10 Morganton. I
His parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Bd :
Jntian, his widow and ihtee small!
children are the immediate sOr.''
vivors. '
Sales Rites Hdd Friday
Funeral services for Lcmnie Sale's
1^0 died in a -SsliB^iy bospltel
Wednesday night after cuttinK bis
throat with a razor blade at his home
inCooleemee about noon Toesday,
were held Friday afternoon at the
Baptist ehttreh. t The aerviee was
condocted by the pastor. Rev. A. T.
S^udemire; and. burial .was in the
Cboleemee eemetefy.
^les was dated to go .on trial in
eoperlor cuurt at Mocksville^ TUen-
day afternoon for tdiling a relative,'
Wayne Gregory, last- Deceniber. "Afcie^ came by. the ^les hohtb^ to
-isdrehimtoMoekOTlUe; . Salm asked
bim to fcet a witness fn the caae. and;
retom for him. Meahtirhlle Sales
lock'edhimsdf In 'a bed room,.the
door was broken down by hia wife
and theretoriiinff frf^d'iBnd.be was
foand on the bed . with his' throat
r' -V: ■ IijBe was n]6hed.tp.a Salisbury hoa-pi&l. .A blood ttd^beion w^Kteezihim bat he never rcgMhed ^o^ooa^j
neb?. I
Salea is.aurvivad by bfs widow ard;eight-chiidren.. He. wm stated, to I
have been in 111 Health and at the!
tjme of the December billing to have
been drinking ... ' i
Bio - Obituaries - 3/30/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 31,1938
Hugh A. Sanford Passes
At Home Here Tuesday
Hugh A. Sunford, one of Mockfl-
viHe'B outstanding citizens and
business ineni widely " known in
this section of the State, died at
his home in the city Tuesday morn
ing at 4 o'clock. He had been in
declining health for the past sev
eral years, but his condition did
not become critical until a short
time prior to his death.
The funeral will be held at the
home at 10:30 o'clock Thursday
morning. Rev. W. C. Cooper and
Rev. E. M. Avett will be In charge ^
Burial will be in Joplln cemetery.
Mr. Sanford waa born August'
24, 1883, at Mocksville, the son of
0. C. and Mary Brown Sanford.
He spent his whole life in Mocks
ville. He WES graduated from
Mocksville high school and also
from Fishburne Military academy,
• Waynesboro, Va.
Mr. Sanford traveled for San-
» ford Brothers, out of Chattanooga,
Tenn., and Mocksville, Davie coun
ty. He was .vice president of three
concerns, C. C. Sanford and Sons,
Sanford Motor company, and San*
ford Brothers, of Mocksville and
Survivors include the widow,
j'who prior to marriage was Miss
• Marjorle Geider; four brothers, F.
- P. Sanford, Hendersonvllle; E. C.
t Sanford, Mocksville: J, C. San-
£ ford, Mocksville; and two sistevs,
- Mrs. R. F. Paucett, Charlotte, and
- Mrs. J. J. Laraw, Mocksville.
I Lonnie F. Sales, who has been
a member of camp No. 66 for over
16 years was burled Friday, March
2B at North CoDleemee cemetery.
I The.funeral was held at the
Baptist church conducted by Rev.
A. T. Stoudenmlre, assisted by
Rev. E. w. Turner of Mocksville.
The music was furnished "by a
mixed quartette composed of C.
B. Hoover, C. N. Spry and Misses
Ruby and Almeda Spry.
Mr. Sales was buried with full
P. 0. S. of A. rites. C> B. Hoover
acting president, C. N. Spry chap
lain. G. M. Spry and J. T. Smith
as marshals.
I Pallbearers were Lloyd McGJam-
. rock, B. F. Jordan, C. N. Reqce, H.
2. Howard, W. F, Owens and W.
H. Swain, flog bearer, T. L. Trex-
Flower girls were Mosdames
Grace Pierce, Laura Bell Gaiea,
Oscar Myers Selma Trcxicr, Ruth
Brown, Mary Adama, Viola Josey,
Lillian Trcxler and Misses Eliza-
ibeth Hancock, Pauline Treider,
Margaret Mayberry, Edna Blay-
Mcck, Hazel Spry, Ruby Smith,
Hazel Messick, Earllne Athey,
[Margaret Wofford, Gladya Alex
ander, Leola Orrender, Caroline
Waggoner, Jannie Summers and
n Maxine Alexander.
Margaret Hoyt Sulyvan
Funeral rites for Mrs. Margaret
Hoyt Sulyvan, well-known colored
woman, were held Tuesday after
noon at Malnville. The rites were,
held at the A. M. E. Zlcn church,'
with Rev. H. A. Thompson officiat
ing, assisted by Rev. R. A. Smith.
Burial was in the church ceme-
I "The deceased was 87 years of
Age. She WAS born in Rowaa coun-
jty, but for lliu past several years.
Jmd resided in AshevilJo, ^vhei'o
she (lied-Sunday, Murcli 27 nftcr
n short illness. , j
Surviving arc her huaband,
Timothy Sulyvan, n son, Philip
Hoyt, A sister and brother and
other relatives.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/31/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 6,1938
Hugh Bier Dies.
' Hagh Eller, vbo was crldeally fn^
iaroi.inan'aotoroobile wreek^ near
Aib^arie ^ly last Taesday .ihoi^
log. di^ in an. Albeoarte- t^ltal
lart- We^ec^. night, filler wga
dtlvinftia'car bn borrowed, from
CSebrge H^ricbt. The car waa
eojigdej^y deoMlidied. fiir.Bler|g
wilFe, who is ai^riona*
^'-n^:jBal!6biiry hospital, two
era with ttor
graddi^r^^i^t C^e^ee. and two
half brotbera^whoilive in Greenville.
S. C.
Pttberal aorvieea were held at
CampbeU Fan^ .flcane FHday
afteiiaoon at 3'o*dbdr. and the body
lidd to rest in Oak Grove cemetery.
• Hngb Adati»^Qfo|d, 54; wielU
-knowQ hiisin^ ^an of Sdocksville.
died at hia home oa SalisbuH.aireet
Tadat^atie^^ cl lo^. idL
lo^ng a Itm'g jiln^.' |
hlrt Sahjldrd -was a son of the late
lives In
brothers i
r i
j ttr.. and His; Calvin C.
'who spent their entiYc
'^vle. Mr. Saoford was
hi'bnsliim with his
here for many years.
Pnneral servicim jwein- coaddeted
at the home Thnndoy qsoiidttg at
10:30 o^do^, with bfe pastor, Hey.
IW. C. Coo^ la diatige^ •assisted:
I by Rev. E'. SI.'Avett."pastor of the*
I Hocksville Bf etbodi^ cbn'rdb.' .^Hie
j body wes;iaid to rest In Joppa oeme.'
|teiy: , - .■ ^ ; •■. : II Mr. Sanfoi^ ia.surylv^ his
wife, font brothers. T. F. Saoifoid,-,'
•of Hendersonville; R,'B,, EiC.- and'jj. C. Ssnford. of Slo<:teVihe; two.
'{.sisters, Mrs. R^rt Fancette, of
I Charlotte, atid;sBIrs; John J. Larew,dftbia.diy. |
■ The msny beaotifnl floral trilN
.m^andtbe hundreds of friepds-.from Dayie and adjoining coiindestIwho were present for the last 'attest the; high esteem^'in'"which |Mr.^ofiord was held; T ; |
The cditipr. -hasuknown ' Haghl%i^ord ;f6r nearhr.'4o~ veaisr,' and it ^ia, witb'^heas tbat we chrotiicle|
l|fsdeath. The, Record joins the.
many fnesSs In' eacpressiog heart-*
felt sympaihy to the bereaved fami
l.V in the death of this Irn^ one.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/6/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 7,1938
Mrs. Charles W. Vaughn, Sr.
Mother Of Local ^
Woman Is Deadl
Mi'S. Jack Allison was called to
Richmond, Vn., early TuMday, by
.the death of her mother, Mrs.
Charles W. Vaughn, Sr., which oc
curred at her home, there at 2 o-
'clock that morning. Mrs. Vaughn
■had been in declining, healtkiox.•'ten years, following a stroke of
"paralysis, Mrs. Allison had re-
. ccnlly returned from a stay of
several weeks with her mother, as
"her condition was somewhat im-^provcd. She had vieitcd her daugh-
• 'ter, hlrs. Allison, a number of* ^imost .and will be pleasantly re-
' membered by the friends she made
• hre.
'i; Mrs. Vnughan was a highly es-
* teemed and attractive lady, andI enmo of Gngliah parentage. Her
Ihusband passed away about thir-» teen years ago. The surviving
'family consists of three daughters,
3Ira, Mayo Wills, of Washington,
" D. C.; Mrs. Jock Allison, Mocks-' ville; Mrs. Frank Rash of Block-■".otone, Vo.; three sons.* CharleaW.■'i Vaughan, Jr., of Richmond, Sub-'I let Vaughan of Blackstone, and''-Hugh Vaughn of Richmond, and
five grandchildren.
I Sirs. Alltson was accompanied
to Richmond by P. J. Johnson, who
returned home Tuesday night. Mr.{Allison wna in Florida at the time
'of Mrs. Vaughftn'6 death, but willIjolii Mrs. Allison in Richmond.
I'i The funeral took place at the
home, 2918 Third Avenue, Wednes-' day afternoon at 3:80, and burial
';wna In historic Hollywood Ceme-' tery, Richmond; The many friends
'.of Mrs. Allison will sympothlse
':wlth her fn her bereavement.
Eller Kites Are
Held On Friday
Funeral rites for Hugh G|le.r»
28-yearH>ld Davio county man,were held at the Campbell Funeral
Home Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock, with Rev. A. A Kyle of Coo-
leemee officiating, and burial was
in the cemetery at Oak Grove.Young Eller sustained fatal Injuries in an automobile accident
near Albemarle March 29, and
died in Yadkln hospital at Stanly
county seat the following day.
The deceased was born in Green
ville, S. C., August 9,1909, and had
spent several years in this com
munity. He la survived by his
wife, the former Miss Ivll^ SchuUz
of Cooleemee, and two children,
Iva Gray, 7, and Betty Jean, 6..
Bio - Obituaries - 4/7/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 14,1938
James T. Miller
Died On Friday
Jomes Thomaa MlU«r, well' j
known clUacn of the Betblchem;
communltyi' •died at,, this homo^ of 1
hi» daughter, Mrs. S. H. Smith, j
Friday. He was the son of John (
Miller and wife. His wife, Mrs.i
jD'>rcaa Poster Miller, died aev-!]
icrni years ago. Surviving ore three
I daughters, Mrs. S. H. Smith and t
iali-s. J. A. Smith, b?th of near
Bethlehem church, and Mrs. Grief ]
• Potta, of route 4; one son, Depu^ i
I Sheriff C. V. Miller, of Mockflville; ;
la half-sister, Mrs. Ada Griffith, ,
•0 Advance; 21 grandchildren and i
^seven great-grandchildren, Fu- •
jneral was conducted at Bethele- .
hem Methodist church, of which
'Ihe was a member, Sunday after-
,'iioon at 2 o'clock, with the pastor,
I Rev. H. C. Freeman, and Kev. G. i
,!E. Brewer, officiating. Interment
I was in the church cemetery.
[I Pallbearers were Buck Miller,
I Bob Miller, Virgil Smith, Pink
J Hondrix, Roy Hendrix and Sheek
. Miller. !
Bio - Obituaries - 4/14/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Claimtid by Death
< J,
Dr. Anderson
I Dies Suddenly
At SloiicvUic
' iSiifci.U i» Tlio Jiiiirnjitl
Dr. Anderson
Dies Suddenly
At Sloiicvillc
I to Tlir Jllllrn.^^li Stor.evillc. April J8.—Dr. l.cs:cr :
r.iuvicncc Ancloi-son. .1.1, wcll-
Uimwii pliy^lrjjui.
•.his altfinnon at 12:1.') o'tlucU al
: nijs hi»me hoc. Death wos nllrib.
uled to licart tii.sease. t
A native ol iJavio cmtiUy. Dr. ;
Anilcs'son was borcv in Hie Fork
(';intrch coiumiinity near ;\dvaMCc. ^
,r»ily 2rt. ia02. a •■'on oi Dr. .iild ,
'Mis. C. H. Anderson. He wasTr.idtiated from Wnkc Forc.sl Col-:icse and the Medsc.al Collcjtc ofVirginia al Richmond. Vo.. com-plciiinl hi.s medical conr.sc in 1927ito .served his intcrncship nl City
Memorial llnspiUl al Win.slon-
I Snlcin. . . ... „I Dr .'Nnricrson praetircd with ur.I Paul C. Carter at Madison for one ,:]venr and had practiced hia pro- ifcssioii here for the |)asl nin.-^
:vr.ar.>. Wo .vas maiaieri to Misr •Ml'Islellc Tuylnr on November II,",She IS tlic only -survivor. jI Dr. Andcr.son was a captain in !I the ho.«Ditnl company of the 10.5lh ,-| Funeral .services will be held ^-Mcdienl Rcftiinent. Norlli f^wolina ;'i \vVdno.<riay artcrnonn nl 2 o'clock i.^National Guard, al Madison. SUmcvillc Mclhudi^ Clmreh.iwas a member of the Moek.sville i .;Rrv. R. M. Harrieo. of Grccn.sbnro. j! I nilEr of Masons, the .Junior Or- : rj and Rev. P. I.- Shore .Jr.. nf Stone- rdec '.Vonrimcn of the World. Mod- i .|villc. will c.nnriiict the scrvicei. •Ir.n'Woodmen, and iho Methodist ".| Burial will be In the Stonevillc .'Church. . ... i Cemetery. . t
Bio - Obituaries -4/18/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 20,1938
J. 0.
StttMDe, Ap^ iW-
vault; redied dor nail csitiehdted to*
day^at^ Pivto Hosidtal.^ Ho'apffi^a
fcaddr^ Up bone in a' FKdaf la
Uia B^iiollKd^ingiirhmte^ed
UiL O^rva^ was ton In D^Vla cotiB jr
ty, a s;in of tin late. A. J. ,Da:^alf. Ha-
snved aa ntall ranittln SiaiesviUe Ibr a
oambk'^tw$» \ [r
.. nire bfotben and a-dstsr sntvlvow X A.'
Dayva^' of 0^ Foiest: W* T., J. W.,'aiul
A. Ei» DAyvftalc.af Bfoefcaviire; Ci' C fiajf<
vattit; (tf taiSAfl; M:Hfa. Ridkafd UcEktii^
'^1ib8fiili«^a^viee8 was held Sadudehr
afteruooo at 2^'o*clock from St-ttallteiU
Lddimo Qinfeli. In DaVie aoonty*
Btiailtiig/f&wjfe of X
R. Beedia^'Sad Thandar nl^^at the
hiMBo of lierdaiigbtaf^'Bf^ Roy vrfDiaiiia.
atOakQiove., Sbevnuflia daaghietv.of
Iavl.Kt8iEddt.aiid wifBi ■-Sttcvtvfng m berfta^^^;tbfeedadgb*tamrMnaCalvio BOwHt. .1^ ley WB*liams^ad Ray .iicClamiocfai all -ofOak:€tove v:pominuidiR;..oob. apD* Wiley]Bcadfiia of &nfth*.'Giio'^ >000 tmitber,'WasUntflod Steiili-id Adviiocf*; and sixgraDdcfaUdtco. . IIbtf fonraol was lield at BeibrehemMethodist of wbidt ahe'rwas -'a'
member, Satmday 8ft«iiooik:at 3 o'doek.Ttapaitari^.HMRnemadjiacbeage,asaistedby R^.Bl.6.Etidn; 1
WlUiaai Bowfea
William Bowles, 33, who Idiled
himself Friday mght at KannapoUa,
was boried at Union Chapel llionday!morning at 11 o'ctocfe, Mr. Bowles I
is aorvived by his widow, his moiher..
Mrs. H^iy Bowlea, both of • Kanpa-
poHa. Mr. Bowles moved from
Davie to Kannapolis about two weeks
ago. -
. Ahsi James F.Moore. !
Mra. Jamoo F. Moota' died Sunday ooni*'
log at Lower? Hoepicni, Sakabory. She;
had been enticatly ill for several weeks.
Mr8.H<»Dre iraathe daughter of the'late
Haywood PoweU. of Ihivie county. SimulaBOrrlved by berbosband aod the following
cbUdien:, Mra. E, C. Staton, of etaniteQnarry; Mias-Amy. Ih)0fe of Bfodwvitla;
lies IraacBooe, King: W. J. Moote of
Rockfoid. fU: and Peol K. Moore.or Batavia(Hiio. Two brothers R. $. Powell, andJameaR. Powc^andaMatw.M^ RfdreceaRaifedge, of Davie county, alao survive.'
Fonerareervices were condtmied ftom
theliome Toe^ay.afternoon at 2 o'dadtwitbRevfW. J ^.Wali^ and E.. Bi
Avette iiciimatgv.. Tbo body was laid to-test in Cobter Cemcte. -The bwtea^'faii}lly hdye the syi^my .ef the eodmlowiilD thi^ dcsthoftUa gdod.wmnan.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/20/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 27,1938
Dr. Leder L Andersin.'
It is with sadness that we • cbio.
aide the death of. -Dr. Lester L.
Anderson, • who died snddenly at
hfs borne in Stoneville on Monday
afternoon of last week. Death re
suited from a heart attadc.
-Dr. Anderson was 35 jears of
and was a native of Davie
county. He was a son of the late
Dr. and Mis. C. H. Anderson, of
Fork Church. He s^t his boy
hood days in Dame, and was fsja-
doated from Wake Forest CoUeke
and the Medical Colle^ of Virgi'
n'a, at Richmond, Va. Dr. Ander
son had heen nractidng medidoe in
Stoneville-for the past nine years.
He was married to M}» j^tdle
TayloT :0n November it,. 1935
She is the only survivor. '
Dr. Ander^n was a member of
the ModesvilteMa^ic Lodge. The
fanerat and btiriai services were
bdd at Stoneville last Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'dodc, conducted
b? Rev. R. M; Hatdee, of Greeny
boro, and Rev. P. L, Shore, Jr.,
pa5)tor of the Stoneville Methodist
chnrcb. The bercnv^ widow has
the'sympathy of a host of Davie
county friend in the death of her
Peace to his ashes.
fibs. Eliza Spry.
Mia. Bhza Spiy; 73, wifa of DoWht
Spry, died SUttdBr eftenooo'at her home
in the Ubeitr eommunity. Swvivhigaio
the Imstiuid; tiueo dona. W* T. and Arthur&Su^.Kann8palls:JoeF..Spry, Blo^f
viBe; Rome'4: t&tea dangfaten. Mia,
W*A Sflt^ of Oodeecnee; Mia, J. li
Brotfdeo, of llocbvitl8.RotAe 4; end Mfis
Ola SoffF* d the borne-
The ftmersl was held at libeity UMfap*
dfat cbmeli Bloadaf aftomooo at 3i9QdS»l]^Bi.G.ErviDandRev. E. M
Avmt the aervlcef. Sudalwaa
In thechuicli tftav^&nL
J. & Lawder Takes life.
JclitiSaiBXidtJOWd0;42, of Jemsaten
township is dead aaibanault of a eslf«
gun shot wound. Mr. Lowd«r
waafbaad dead eboot 180 yards fcipii Ms
bme, lyintlA a pantniF, aboot 8b(0*elockSfftutdnynwemomi by bia flttharfs-law.
Albeit Ldl^. A abialebBinl shbtgno
waansedliylfiilawdeE. The load al
tered bta left bteast and it 1/tfaontibt
death waa Instant -He left hie hmna a*
tboat4^o*d^ Uiaaatd. Halia^been
inlus Q^heallbtiptoafewdaye ago.(but appeared to be voyiienoiia a day or
two bMhre the fatal ahooUng. s
n»enl aeraieea ware ImldatCooleeinBe
Honday aftemooa at
IddO o'doek, con'rfocwt by lev.Mr.Barber,
and the body laid to leei la Park Mamotial
Geaieteiy,Saifabiify., ^ ^ '
Mr. Lewder iaautvived by-Ua widow,
eoa eon Jolm' A„ one daughter. MlssBGId
led. at home; tbw bwthers, A.Ly of Coo-
leemee; R.& aad B. Atawder. ofRowaa;
five sistoa Mia Mary Dann. Hia. ABoe
Agner* Mn. Maggte Ftokstoa, Mn. Sophie
Bingle^aS^ Rowan, and Ibai Cap Sono
Beta, flUmtda. : \ ^
Bandiedaof fdends gathered at the
homeSanday to Bympatliy to the
bereaved family la the deatb of this
good nan. who had beat a faithful em*plove of the Erwia Cotton Milbfor near-
r&^faaii ThaBecadJaisatliabostcf
ftieiida io extending sympathy to: Ibe
igrieT-stibAeD Anatlyia tba loea of ^
Bio - Obituaries - 4/27/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 4,1938
- Mr^ Vir^t Horn Strood,
lady, died at ttie bbae of 'her soa,
If. K. Strebd,V HaroMHiy* -S. i,
Thursday morbtog' followiog an'
illness of more than dz montba.
Fnneral senHoes were held at So^
ciety Baptist ^nr^ Friday after
noon at 3 p*dodc^ 'with W.
L." MeSwain fii charge, and the
body laid fo rest in the chntcb
Mrs. Strond fs survived by three
sons, Edgar, of Ga^tqoia, 1,. R.
and Robert, of Iredell cotmty; four
danghters, Mrs. Elsie Hill, of
Stokes connty, Mrs. Carrie Griffita,
Mrs. Jessie Albea, Mrs. Mary Ad.
die 'SteilCy all .of Tredeli eonntv;
one;Sbter, Mrs. Lizzie Elam, and
one brother, W. M-. Hero, both of
Iredell conoty.'
In the death of this good woman
the children, brother and sister,
have the sympathy of the entire
commantty id which she lived for
so many.yeara.
Mrs. A. J. Blaekwood
Mrs. A. J. Blackwood, -5i, dieti
at faer home near Dnrbam lost Mon
t'ay, following an extend^ illness.
Funeral and burial services took
p^ace at Burlington. Wedne^ay.
Mrs. Blaekwood is survived by hei|
husband, one daughter, three sons,
three brothers and three - sistera
Mr. and Mrs. Blaekwood moved
from Mocksrille to their present
home about two years ago.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/4/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
i Dennis Odcll Potts, IC, son of
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Potts, off
MocksviUc. route S, died Tuesday j
at a Salisbury hospital after a*
brief illncaa. He attended the
Shady Grove school at Advance. |
Surviving are the parents; five,
slaters, Mrs. John Kerr McCulloh,
of Wlnston'Salem; Mm. J. W. Da-
vis, of Mockavllle; MiUlcent, Eva
and Evelyn Potts, of the home;
: two brothers, Ralph Potts, of
: Mocksvllle, and Bill Potts, of tho
home. '=*1^
I The funeral tvill be held at Ad-
' vance Thursday moraine: at 11
n o'clock. Rev. A. A. Lyerly will con-
Iduct the services.
Mrs. Stroud Dies
I At Home Of Son
:. Funoral services for Mrs. Virgil
, Horn Stroud, aged and respected
• woman of the county who died at
{ the home of her son, L. R. Stroud,
of Harmony, route 1, Thursday.■morning, wore held at Societyi Baptist church Friday aftchiootta'at 3 oVIock, with Rev. W. L. Mc-g Swain In charge. Burial waa in the;
.'church cemefery.
. Surviving are three sons, Edgar, of- Gastonia; L. R. and Robert, of Iredell county; four daughters, Mrs. Elsie Hill of. Stokes
ci'unty,' Mrs. Carrie Griffin, Mrs.
Jessie A.lbea, Mrs. Mary AddleliStelk, aU'.of Iredell county; a sister, Mrs. Lizzie Elam, and " oned 'brother, W. M. Horn, both of Ire-
,.1dell county. ^
Bio - Obituaries - 5/6/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 11,1938
Tommie A. Stone
MocksviBe flian Takes
life. ..
Todiihle'A. Stone, 50, shot hiiD*
self to death ahott'y after. .six
o'clock Satorday • morniuK at his
home on North' Main sirMt. He
nsed a .32 cahbre pi-tot, and the
bail entri^ bis h^di raneins down*
ward. . He sbnt hiaoself while to
bed. No eaose can be a^goed for
his tash act. Fonerai services-were
held at the home Sunday at 2 p. m.;
cosdnrted by Rev. M-. Avett,
aaid the'body laid to reit in Rose
cenmte.y. Mr. Stone is survived
his widow, tyro sons, Tommte,
Jr., and Clement; three dangLters,
Mra. J. W. Rcdwell, Missies Eli^-
beth and Sarah Stone, all of Mocks,
ville, and.hbMother, Mrs. F. Mi
Johnson, of Moctcsville.
Coroner. F. McGulloh de
cided that m inqo^ was nnnec-
essary, as it wu a cleat case of
W. E. Walker
Davw Bfan Dies.h,
W. E. Walker,, abotit 63. of High
Pbfnt. son of Mrs. W. S. WalKei^, of
dear Kappa, lost his .life FHday
ei^eol&g about 8:80 o'etcek. when bis
edr, driv^ by 8 N^o, side swiped
aaotber m on the"ThomaavllIe Lte-
ingtoh hi^way, theii overturssd
down 8 fill and bnn^ a gaa jintdn.
wbieb set the ear 00 fire and bpmed
the occupants to death, before' they
could be extricated from the burn-
fttir ftBTe
n Mr. Walker lived at High Point,
and h Borvived by bis widow and two
done, W. B. sn.d G. R. Welker, of
High Point; his mother, Mrs, W S,
Walken of near Kappa; two brothers
L. B. Walker, of Roanoke, Vau. arid
William. Bl. Walker, of Davie. and
onesistiW Mrs Lemiard Balieiittne.
of Wake connty.-
' Fttneral ftervfcis were held at Sa-
lem- Methodist chureb Sunday after*
ndoQ at 3 o'clock, eondoted by W.
F. Stoinestreet, end the body laid to
rest in the church e>-metery
The b^eaved famify, the aged
mother, broths and sister, hive
the sympathy of a host of friends in
the death of Mr. Walker. -
Dmois Potts.'
Dennis OdjeiU 'Putts, t6, sen -of
Mr. and Mrl.' David J. Potts^ of
Modcsville, Route s, died TncMay
at a Sa(isbti.ty bo^ital after a brief
illness. Surviving are the parents;
five sisters, Mrs. John Kerr Mc-
cmiob, of WinstOD-Salem; U19. J.
W. Davis,-of Modcsyille; Milltoent,
Elva and Evelyn Potts, of the borne
two brothers, - Ralph.' Potts, 'of
Hocksvilte,..ai^ Bill' Fott«, of' 'the
' The foneral wa.s field at Advance
Tbnr^ay momHig at 11 O'dpck,-
Rev. A. A. Iverly conduct^ jtl^
services. .' ^ .... . . -v
Mn;; Siu^ W(^0id.
n i^DeTar»rv^:e8'.were coiidticfed
Wedn^ay at'Stso/at 'the CodM-
inee Baptist cbntra for: Mrs. Sarah
B. Woffotd.who passed;away at the
Borne of Jier sony- Mr,'. C. vC. Wof-
iord' at Cboleemee; Monday night,
at 16:30.. She,:w^\74 -yeaisrold,
and. te sn.r«ived;..-by .'the.folfo^^
cbiltlreh:. kIr.';J>rli."'Woffort^ Ar
thur Woffo/d,V^' 'p, ;*.Wbffo^,
CoGletfrdee.imd-Mfv, Wm.- Nalb';.''bf
Asbeviilr^ also;;seyerat gi^nidebud;*'
ren, survive.: --Her
Some y-'ars.ago.; ..^
Tbe^ funeral.'w^;ep^^ 'by
the Rev. .inter-Imeot was . ioVthe' ^iber^ chnrcb
*• " -'.Vh
' James Robert Fod^ri^
. James Robert Fostmr. .62, died at
his home in west .M<»svjiie Friday
moridng at 6 6'eloekr death re^lt'
ing fi^ mfsalea.fM beart trddple*;
He had bemi seriotisly' ill for a .week*
Foheral abrvicfsa were .held :.ht
FarmlngtoD Methodist' d).breh -San
day afternoon e^t. 2 delink, with Rev.
Mv.Q.'.Ervin in ebarBis.*8nd ^e .libdy
laid'to irest in tthe diofcb fsemetesy;;
• r Mr:^'"".-Poi^r. Is?; inrvivi^ • byl hi?
widoiy^ahd-ikioF'/cbMdr^'.' .two .adifa
aod^d'^uight^ BolmtL; Foatpr,
Mi*toriHej-*.Jrdm':ryPrank.. Posfer,;
Le^ WU-
lian^'-'jCQ^^^eei^ r>Mra.<i;M80
^tledgew-ofr^ia mty.'^Twobiolhejra..
R.^'M. aiid.BenFoster, .of. Famjit^
fon,;ik]eo apf^ye.:?; The
the eymMthy of .a boiBt-tff mma - id
Lacy Harper
Hairstoa .Charged Wift
Will Haireton, Negro, 42,. was
lodged in jati here Satorday niirbt
Dv Sheriff Srooot, ri)arged .withT kill
ing Lacy Harper. Negro. SO The
Negroes got into an nrgnment at a
i N egro cbntch near Advance, flaira-
con wont home, secured a sbotgan
and returned to the cfanrch and pro*
ceedoi to put a load of shot into
Harper's face Harper was .carried
to a Wicston-Salem hospital but died
wiUiin a few boors.
Bio — Obituaries - 5/11/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 12,1938
Prominent Local Citizen
Siiicide Victim Saturday
Funeral rltee for Thomas A.
Stono, 60, prominonlt local baai«
netts man, who died at his homo
about 6 o'clock Saturday morniner
of aolf-lnflicted wounds, wore held
from the home Sunday afternoon
at 2 o'clock, and burial was In
Rose cemetery. Offlciatinff minis
ters were Rev. .B," M, Ayete and
Rev. J. H. Fulghum. • - .
t Pailbarera at' the fuiiqra! were
Frank Brown, Leo Crnveii, George
iBvnns, John LeGrand, Mr..Bocne
'and Milton Porker. . .
Mr. Stone eoramittsd suicide at
his homo by shooting himsclii
through the top of the head with'
a revolver, and , died . Instantly
The ballet from the gun -entered
the top of his head and ploughed
downward into the brain.
News of his death was a ipro-
found shock to bia many, frienda
■over the country, .slnce he was ap-jparently in the'best of health. HeI had gone obout his work'as usual|on tho day previous, and had saidnothing or ajJled in a manner
which would have indicated that
he was contemplating self-destruc
Mr. Stone was a native of tbiscounty, a son of the Rev. and Mrs.
Thomas A. Stone. He bad lived in
Mockaville all his life, and at the
lime of his death was "a ro Mnher
of the firm of Home. Chevroletcompany, which', he helped to
found about four years ago. Fora number of years prior to thoformation of this eompanjr he was
connected .with .Sanford Motorcompany here. He was. possessedof a pleasing personality^ and hadithe knack of,.making friends In allr I walks of lifo.- .. ■ « . .I He is survived by hls moihor,
I Mrs. Sarah Hoyiiea - .Stone; hla^'widow, and flve.,chlldr<m: Mrs, J.^ R. itodwcll, Misses; EHzaboth and- Sarah Stone.. Thnmfl'a A.^ Je... and'^CIcmenT Stone, all of MocksvilldT^
. • . IJamesJFosttr Is ij
Buried Sunday!^
Funeral rites for James Robert*,
'•iFo.'Jter, G2, Who died at his home j
Mn Wcst MocksyiUo l?riday morn- jI Ir-T at' o' o*ciockr'^v«Vh"'lRnil-''h*f®^^(eiparmiugton Methodist churchy
••'Sumlay afternoon at 2 o'clock, .91 with Rev. M. G. Brvin In charge, ]e i and burial was in tho church ceme-1
a tery.Mr. Foster had been suffering ^
from heart trouble, aggravated by.
an attack of measles, and his can- ,
dition had been vegorded aa serl- ,
ous for several days. iSurviving arc his widow and .
four children, two sons, and two-,daughters, Robert L, Foster of >Mockaville, John Frank Foster of j
e Homestead. Fla., Mrs. Lewis WiI-1.t- liams, Cooleemee, and Mrs. Mae
r Ratledge of this city. Two broth-
it era, R. M and' Ben Foster .ofi-|Farmington also survive.; . : , j
Billy Dean and Bobby Gene
The inant twins of Mr. and Mrs. jRobert Baity passed nway thiajweek, aged one montli niid twclvo 1
dnys, their deaths resulting fromI measles. Billy Dean died on May,19, and was buried at Courtney on'May 10 at 1 .p. m. Bobby Geno;[died on May 10 and was buried onj'Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
The mother was Miss AnnieHutchens prior to her mnrringe.
The parents, a brother and aiatcr,
Bio - Obituaries - 5/12/1938
W. E. Walker
Natiye of Coonl;^.
Killed in Wreck
Friends in this county of W. E.
Walker, son of B3ffB..W. S. Walker
of near Kappa, 'Were deeplygrieved by the liews-of his death,(which occurred Friday evening of
last week when he was killed in
ah automobile accident near
Mr. Walker, who was BS years
of age, was riding in his cat)
which was driven by a negro. The
car is alleged to have sideswipeilanother - machine and overturned,
bursting a gas main. The car then
caught on fire, and both occupants
were buimcd to death.
The deceased bad been a resi
dent of High Point for some time.
He Is survived by his mother, Mrs.
W. S. Walker; hts wldov/, and twosons, V/. B. and C. R. Walker olHigh Point; two brothers, L. B.
Walker of Roanoke, Va., and Wil
liam M. Walker of this county; and
a sister, Mrs. Leonard Ballontino
nf Wake county.
Funeral rites were conducted
Sunday afternoon- at 8 o'clock at
Sniem Methodist church, with Rev.
W. F. Stonestreet fn charge, and
burial was -In the church cemc-
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 18,1938
film. Naii^ Soots.-
Miss Nancy Soots, i9i died at tHe
bonte of iier parents, .Mr. and Mis.
Mitcbeu' Soots bt .Copleemee 'on
Wednesday, May ixth, deatb .^>
stilting, from a beait attack.
; Fdneral aervtces .mn bold .at
C^Ieemee Prmbjteriab church Fri
day ' afternoon at 3 o*dock, con
dncted byltev. H. C. Foster, and
the body-laid to r^ in X,iberty
cburdi cemetery.
Miss Soots is survived by hdr
parents, one brother and, four sis-
ters. '
Bio - Obituaries - 5/18/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 19,1938
Blaine Moore
Blaine Moore,. 42. World Wartl
veteran, died Sunday mornlng,^i;
Moy 15, at Oteen hoBpital. Tha^i
funeral and interment took plaee|f
at Chestnut Grove church, in
vie county, Tuesday aftornoon*,^wrf
2 o'clock! uev.' Y. D. "Poolc arifi*!
Rev. M.'G. Ervin officiated. The c
deceased served in Pronee with «
the 39lh Infantry. He is survived,
by his fother, his wife and three.
children, one sister and two broth
Mrs. Sallie Bowles
Died Wednesday
Mrs. Sallie Elizabeth Bowles,'
75, well-known woman, and wife
of Wllburn E. Bowles, died ot
their home on route three, WednG9-{
day morning. She wos the daugh
ter of Powell Boger and ifane Toy-
. _Dftyio.«, .. Suryjying,
are her husband, two daughters,
'Mrs. C. M..Turrcnttne and Mrs. A.
IR. Casaidy, of route three, six
I sons, Hugh Bowles of Pageland,
S. C,, Jasper, Calvin, Albert, Paul
and Clarence Bowles, all of Davie.
n The funeral and interment will
take place at Union Chapel, Thurs-
;!day afternoon at 8 o'clock. Fifteen
gyaudchildren and one great-
grandphUd:.Ql80 Burylve.- .
Bio — Obituaries - 5/19/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 25,1938
Wilbnrn Bowles.
Iff& \irilbtirs Bbnr]^ 75, died at
ber home 6a R. 3,. Wedn^ay
moniinji^. Urs. Bowles is survived
by ber bo^band, two daagbters,
Mrs, C. Mr TorreutiDe and Mrs. A.
B. Cassidy, of R. 3: ^.sons, Hagb
Bowte^, Pagelmd, S. C ; Jasper,
Calvio, Albert, Paul and..Clarence
Bowles, all of sear MocksvUle.
Faaera] services were held at
Untoo Chapd M. P. cborchTbars.
day afternoon at 3 o'clock,- with
Rev. E. M. Avett in cbarge, assist-
ed by Revs. 0.*K, Holt and W. 1.
S. Walker. Tbe body was laid toI rest in the ctanrctncemetery.
William Howard Snider
William Howard Snider, Jr.
j Fire Vklim Borkd
1 Faasfal services for WiUteni Hoiraid
Solder rbmieriy a H{^ Poiot fhniuite
MflRttfeeittter. and bb eon. Wlinam H.
Snider. Jr. both of whotu were kilted io
tbe I'enniDal boiel Are in AUaiua last
M today, was conducted at Mount Tabor
cbuich In Rondidph coooty Friday after-
Rooo at 2:30 oVdodr.
Mr. Solder was a soa In law oi Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Safriet. of near County Line
In^^ant Flemming
1 .fbe iafrat of Mr. and Mrs. James
I Flemmiiig, "wbo died last Tuesday,
J wss bum at . Batpn s; rBaptlst
f^jiteh Wedn^ay afteimooo at 3
jo'doek. • •
Fomral Sorvices For
Bfaine A^re.
'Fuoeral servlces for Elaine Moore
4a, World War veteran, who dfed
at Otees Hcapital. near Aisbetdlle,
00 May i5tb, were htid at Chest,
nut Grove HetbodtsL cbnrcb, on
Tuesday Mtemoon of last^week at
2 o*do&, with Rev. Y. 0. Poole,
of Hannooyj In cbargei assisted by
Rev. H. .6. Brvln. of Uocltavllle.
The body was laid 10 rest - is tbe
chofch oemetery.
Mr. Moore .is survhred.by his
wMow, two 81^ and dangbter,-
bis at^ father, B. F. Mpore, of
daiksville and'two sixers.
Mr. Moore was selectd for *erm
vlce1atbe-«J. S. Army during tite
World War, and was stationed at
different army camps in this. conn,
uy dtiriiiff the war. fie bad b^n
i|n declinisg health for mapy years
For'the past six months be bad
Ueeo a patient.at' the Government
Hospital at Oteett. ' .
Many, of tbe American Legion
atteiided ibe la.vt rites, and tbe im.
medse crowd present to pay their
last- respects filled tbe. cbnrcb to
overflowing and many conld notse-
aifmUtance. Tbe bereaved
feiTitty batm tbe sympatbyof.ahost
of friends in this bonr of sadness.
], Thad F. IJ^aid.
I .Tbad.F. fJpi)ard«.^,.died at bis■home oh'R 2. Wndpeacby. -Hiebody
was C<»rrti>d to Hofitmau. . laid.^to rest F iday aftefiDoon'at4o'cioelr.
Mr. Uniard fa pntvlved I9 ffhr;brother^ J.- ^ W.' F. Uppiird;'
ofR.2. and A B. and Jf.
Statesi^t^ and one ristn.'Bflte
tfleUppanLofR 2.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/25/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 26,1938
i Thad D. Ltppard
I Bui^ad On Friday
I n '' ' •• «•
" Tbad
farmaft dtcd at hia homb on Mocks-
~ villc, ruulo 2, Wednaaday. Moy 18.'
- at 9:30 o'clock, after on illness of
' only two days. Funeral rites were
^ held at Troutman Frldoy after* |
~ noon at 8 o'clock, and burial was
in the church cemetery.
3 Mr, Lippard was a native of lre<
^ dell county, a son of Mr. and Mrs.j
Peter Lippard. He is aurvived by
' four brothers, A. B,, of Statoavitle,
V J. T., Statesville, W. F., Mocks*
ville, route 2, and J. L., Mocks*
^ ville, route 2. A sister. Miss Jen-
nie Lippard, also resides on route
Bio - Obituaries - 5/26/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 1,1938
Mrk Fr^ He^^ . -
Mrs. Feed Bestei; 43. died Friday
afternnoo at $ nfclo^ at bex' h<mip»
Hp ttESyill* a 'Boole 4, ■' Tte' la*aaltw^'lield at ^rrrat^a Bapt»t
. Satofday'Viaondoff at 11
o'dodr. Rev. B, W. fVimer eoHdfu^theararvieea. Borial was iatbe duuth'grayeyara.
Sofviwteif are tte baabaBd; three
Bio - Obituaries - 6/1/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 2,1938
Mrs. Lessie Keys
Died on Tuesday
Mrs. Lessie Jones Keys, 21 wife
of •!>. Keys, died at her home on
I route 2 Tuesday morning at 7 oV
clock after a short illness. Funeral
services were held Wednesday af
ternoon at 3 o'clock at Liberty M.
E. church, with Kev. Jas. Groce
'officiatng, and burial was in the
church cemetery.
Mrs. Keys was a daughter of J.
p. Jones and the late Mrs. Caroline i
..ijarvis Jones. In addition to her
i father she is survived by her hns-,
tband -and t\vo brothers, J. W. Jones
and S. A. Jones, both of route 2.
Mrs. Fred Hester
Died On. Friday
Funeral rites for Mrs. Fred
Hester, 43, who died at her home
on route 4, Friday, afternoon at B.
o'clock, were held at Tiirrentine's ,
Baptist church in Davie county,
Saturday morning at* 11 o'c{ock.:
Services were conducted by'Rev.
W. Tui'uer, -and biirlal was in.'.-
the church cemetery. ""
Mrs. Heater is survived by her''
husband; three sisters, Mrs. Den- '
ny Lawinga and Mra. Addle Clark"
of Kannapolls, and Mra. Sarah
Poole of Lincolnton; two brothers,'
C. F. Scronoe of Catawba county,
and W. 0. Scrounce of Lincolnton.
Last r|tv9 wvrv livid Wednesday
morning for Mrs. Mary Fenaluna
Graves, wife of W. H. Graves of
Mocksvlllo. She passed away Tues-
.day morning at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. John Tatum, in
Salisbury. r
She was the daughter of GcorgO'
Pcnaluna and Maria Pitt Pena-
luna, and was born In England;
.coming to this country shortly be
fore the War Between the States.
She was a member of the Baptist
church, and had lived hero for
many years.
She is survived by her husband, i
ono daughter, Mrs, John Tatum, of
Salisbury, one son, Haricy P.
Graves, of Mocksvillc, n grandson,'
Harloy Groves, Jr., and a half
brother, John Freezor, of Haiti--
more. Rev. J. H. Pulghum, of;
Mocksvillc, and Dr. Arcli Ciee, of
Salisbury, eonduoted the aervieos.'
Burial was In Ro.sc cemetery. i
Bio — Obituaries - 6/2/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 8,1938
k. L Vogkr.
Ambrose LaPayette Vogler, 76^
of-Advance. Ronte 1, died at bis
borne last Monday afternoon fol-
iowios a critical- illness of two
The fnneral. wnsbdd at the home
at 2 o'^ock Wednesday aftcmood
and at Advance Bf* C. Cbnrch' at
2:30 o'clock. Rev. A. A. Lyerly
and Rev. W. M. Ritbbum were in
cfa.arg^. • .
Mr. Voxler was bam to Poisytb
county July a6, iMi. Hewastfae
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Vogler.
He lived in Adyai^ from! child
hood. He was a farmer and.a mem
ber of Advance M. E. Chorcb.
Snrvivors indode 18 nieces and
Nrs» Lessie Key.
, Mrs. Leraie 22, at ber in
Clarksinlle towi^bip 1^ Tuesday
evening, death resulting from heait
.Funeral services were held at
Liberty Baptist-church Wednesday
afternoon at 3 o'dock,' with Riw.
i.jaines Groce in t^rgel ^
\ Mrs.. Key ia sut^y^ bjr.bei::hd^-
band. DemesKeyV b^ father, L-T.
looes; two biroih^/ J. W.'-.ahd S.;
A. Ione< all- of- Clarksville town.
sTiip.- :
Mn. Henry Graves.
Mrs. -Henry Graves, 86, died at
her home on Salisbnry street early
last Tneadoy morning, following
an extended ittneas.
Fnneral services were held at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. John
Tatom, at Saliabnry, Wednesday
morning at 10:30 o'clock, conduct,
ed by her pastor. Rev. J. H. Fnl-
ghnm^ pastor of the Mocksville
Baptist chnrcb, assisted by Rev.
Arch C. Cree, pastor of the First
Baptist dinrob, Salisbnry.
The body was bronght to Mocks
ville and laid to in ^ose ceme-
jtery, with a short service at the
j Mrs. Graves Is snrvived. by ber
husband, one son Harley, of Mocks,
'ville, and a daughter, Mrs. John
. Tatum, of Salisbnry. - One grand
son also survives.
I The Record extends sjrmpathy
to tbe aged busbtpid, son and
daughter, in the death of this good
wife and mother.
|lre.TboinasF. CiA
Mrs. F. Call, 78, died at
tier home <» Avon street, Umtday
hton^ at 7:30 o'clock, foUowlng
an niueffl of one year.
Foneral servicds were held at Oak
Grove Methodist ehorch yeat^^
aftmndtm at*2 o'clock, eondntcd by
Bev^ Mv.G. Eivin and Jl. Bvett,
and' body laid to rest in tbe
(dtor^ (Wtt^eiy.
J Mn. Call ia rarvlvad by her hua.
tmiid, tiu^aona; Walter. WUHe and
il^y ban. iiU .of UpckBvUte^ and
twodabiHi^^ Mrs. J. A .Wagoner,
of.E^ Point, and Mrs. W. F.-Fah
tfoctoM^ A nttmber..of grand*
• etildreo Vn:d fffMt grattd^dren
aorvive Ibe |^rd mctenda
patl^ito the bereavied lemlly In ihdlofflof-^Md^one.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/8/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 9,1938
George Washington Burton
Aged Man Passes
After Short Illness'
George'Washington Burton, 80,^
well-hnown in the cuunly, died on
Saturday, June,. 4, on Mocksville,'
route 4, after a considerable period
of ill health. Funeral services were}
conducted at Tdrrentino Baptist i
church Monday morninn .at .101
o'clock, and burial was in the I
church cemetery. I
Mr. Burton, a native of Yadkin
county, is survived by one broth-
er, John Bruton, of Harmony and
several nephews and nieces in
this county.
Pallbearers. At the tuneral were
B, H. Lagle, G. L. HiHard, J. S.
Wagner, S. B. Cnoh,' RaoBon Cook
and Raymond Burton.
Alice Almeda Riley Call
Aged Woman Dies
At Her Home Here
Mrs. Alice Almeda Riley Call,
78, wife of Thomas Frnnklin Call
'of Mocksville, died Monday, June-
C. after having been ill for some
time. Funeral rites were held at-
Oak Grove M. E. churcTi ^uesdajt
'afternoon with Rev. W. C. Cooper-
iand Rev. J. H. Fulghum officiat-
iing. Burial was in the church
I Mrs. Call was the daughter of
late John N. and Rebecca Ril-
'ey, and was born January 12, i860;-'
'she was inarrled.to Thomas P. Call'
'an April 22,1893. From this unionr
- six children survive, these -being-
W. L. Call, Mrs. W. P. Nail. Will
!E. Call and Grady F. Call of
[Mocksville, and Mrs. J. A. Wag
oner of High Point. Nine grand-
'children and one great-grandchild
»|al3o survive. "/
I Mrs. Call, was the lost member
t of her fftmlly> n devoted Cbristiair
I woman and a member of Oak
> Grove church' since early child-
d hood. She will be sadly missed.
I Mrs. RatUdge Is
i-Found Dead In Bed
f Mrs. Isabella Ratledge, well-
. known Mocksville lady, was found
} dead in bed at her homo near the
1 school building Wednesday mom-
' ing. She was 82 years of age, and
I her death is believed to have been
^ due'to a heart attack or paralytic
j stroke.
Mre. Ratledge was the widow of
Henry Ratledge otf this county,
'and had been a local resident for
many years. She is survived by
daughter, Mrs. Ernest Jomes of
p IVinatdn-Satcm, and two sons, Abe
Ratlsjlge of Winstton-Salem and
y.$S$iaSi(>t|ede .of. (jreen%boro;iAjBd-
). dition to several grandchildren,
it Funeral plans had not be^n
t, completed Wednesday afternoon
Mrs. Murphy Dies
At Home in County
Mrs. Cornelia Jackson Murphy,
78. widow of the late Gabriel L.
Murphy, died Wednesday morning
shortly after midnight at her home
in Clarksville township. She is
survived by two daughters, Mrs.
C. C. Bailey of Mocksville route 2
> and Miss Mary Murphy of Wlna-
' ton-Salem; one son, Paul Murphy
of route 2, and four grandchildren.
> The funeral will be*held at Oak
' Grove Methodist church Thursday
. afternoon at 3 o'clock and burial
I will be there. Rev. B. M. Avett
wilt be in charge, assisted by Rev.
c W. J. S. Walker. The deceased
* was A well-known woman, and a
F mmnbcr of tho Methodist church.
Last rites for mbs. w. h.
,* Continued from Page One)
i illness of ipneumonia. She was
' born in 1850 in Callington, Corn-
l wall, England, and was the daugh-
^ ter oif George Martin Penaluua
t and Maria Pitt Penaluna. She
, came with her mother to the Unit-
. ed States at the ago of 8 to join
I her father, who was connected
: with the mining business at Silver
DayjdMn county. Her father-
i.di.ed,v.during the War B'et^yeen'the
I States,, .and • was : bu ricd . In R|ch-
. mond, Va, After ber.mother^s sec-
: end morriage, to" Jackson Feezpr,-
j the family moved to DaVie county,
: where she was married to W. H.
Early in lifo Mrs. Graves ac
cepted Christ and united with the
Baptist church, and has lived a
heautiful life of trust and obedi-
rnce. She was quiet and retlrlng
in her manner, but was beloved by
all who-kgew her. She is survived
by her hu'saiid, W. H. Graves, of
this place; one daughter, Mrs. Ta-
.turn of Salisbury'; one son, Harley
P. Graves of Mdck^vllle; a grand-
'son/Horiey Graves, Jr., and'a half-
Lost rites for Mrs. Mary Pena-
luna Graves, highly esteemed local.
>woman, and wife of W. H. Graves, j
were held .at the hoijic of Mr. and'
John Tatum, the. latter her
eeughlcr, in Salisbury, Wednesday i
"lornlng, June 1. Rov. J. F. Ful-|
^utn, pastor of the deceased, and
Arch Creo, of Salisbury, bffi-^ated, and interment was in Rose j
Cemetery in this place. |
Mrs. Groves passed away Tuos-,b,u • •
^ay morning, May 8J, at the home
9' Mr. end Mr« Tatum after an ^one/al ^vas •largelyutlended
•• (Contlhued-bn-Page Bight)
Bio - Obituaries - 6/9/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 15,1938
Mrs. Henry Ratledge
Frand Dead h Bed.
Mrs. Henry- Ratledge, 82, was
found dead in bed at her home
near the Baptist cbnrcb Wednes*
day at noon, by ber dauRbter*bi*
law, Mrs. Flora Wilson, of High
Point, who came over on a visit. It
isthonght that she died from a
heart attack abont 4 o^clock
nesday morning.
- Pnneral services were held at the
Mocksville ^thodist cbnrcb Fri-
d£^ morning at xo o'dock, and the
bodyjlaid to i^t in Joppa cemetery.
Pnneral smvices werecondticted by
Revs. B.- M. Avett and B. B. Jolm>
Mrs, .Ratledge Is stiryived by a
h^ brother,-Jotm Xjames, of Sbef..
field; two sons, S. E. Ratledge, of
Greensboro, A.- L. Ratledge, of
Vin^ottwSalein., and one dangbter,
Mi|^ E. K. James, of Winstoo-Sa-
lem'. Sevcmteen grandchildren and
one great grandcbild alto survive.
Mrs. Jene C WilsoD.
Mia. Je^ Byerly WOton, .44, of
near pavfe Academy, died at Low*
ery Hospital. Saiabuihr. Thnraday
inondagat.6 o'eloek. foUowimr on
UloiBtobf tonw time.^. Wilson
onderwiBnt an ' operathm aevaral
wadm ago. Phneral aeidett wme
held at Sode^ Baptist. dinidi Fri
day morning at 10 o'dock, eondoet*
ed Iqr bar pastor, Kev. W. L.
Swdo. and tbh body laid to rest bi
Mm ^ordi
Wilstm ie snririved by her
httsba^, <me son Ervin; her paraits;
jfito brothera and Qye ^t«re. all re
f^ittg.in Oavie'dEc^t two/Johnnie^
el -ICannapoUa. and 'Ray, of fiUsaF
betlh M. J.; Tbe"berf«yed family
a^ rdativeB have tbe..Byaipathy of
a boat of f rie^ in the dea^ of tfaia
Mik Gal^el Hor^.
Mrs. GabHel Mb .78, died
at ber home on R. a Tnesday night
at ra o'doisk, death resnliing from
the infirmities of age.
Fniiefd s^ces were held at
Oak ' Grove Methodist . bbttrcb
^bn^ay afternoon at 3 o^docfc/
condttct^ by Rev& £.' ,M. Ayett
and W.' I. S. Walker, ai^ tbefiodv
iaid to in the oetDclery.
Mis. Murphy is survived by- two
daogtater8,-rMTs.~ C. C.' Bmley, Of
R- i; Miss Mafy Morpfay, of Wins,
tod^^^em,' one ^ :Pa.d Mnrpby,
bf^;>2^-an^io^g^|^cbHdren. --
Mies Mary Orews.';
Bftty-Aews; 72i died at bm home
at Advahne'Smui^ lamoiog foUoWfaiit i|
ahott Btew^Ehad.beeo in dedining
heaWMtovisal yearn.
< Fboottl Seiyiees were held at Advance
BlmhodiM cbqanA'Tuesday aftemoun at
2i80o*doA'eoiiifaiBted :by jReva. A;
LyeRyrnnd-W.^' ML.Retbhtim'.' The body
i.wai laid td^icM la the diuicb cemetexy.
^Ift8».0re«a.ie nrvliM by three eisten,
Mra'd.flsifmao.- of IMvldfion coaOty,'
•Mm; VifgNC Wood .and Bliss .Rote Crews,
.of Advmwe; ihiee. bhitlim.'J/t«."aBd J.
:€kew8,Adybto^iy. UGnii^
Bio - Obituaries — 6/15/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 16,1938
Mrs. M. Wilson
Dies In Rowan
Mra. MngRlc Byerly \yilflon, 44,
diud ul Lowery'» Hospital, Salla-
,bury, June 9, following an opera
tion flovornl weeks ago. Funeral
service was held Friday morning
at Soetoty Baptist church, with
I the pastor. Rev. W. J* McSwain,
^'officiating, and burial was in the
church cemetery.
I Mrs, Wllaon ia survived by her
husbandi one son, one grandson,
her parents, and several brothcra
! land sisters.
! I Fallbearers at the funeral were
. Heathman and Johnnie Byorly,
. tee Ketchie, Wilbum Dayvault.
A. I* Srotlh and Mr. Motley. Flow-n j er girls were members of Kappa
, I sewing elub.
Miss Mary Crews
Is Buried Sunday
Funeral services were held at
■Advance Methodist church Tuesday afternoon'at 2:30 o'clock for
Miss Mary Crcwa, 72, who died at
her home at Advance Sunday fol
lowing a ahort illneaa. The ritea
were conducted by Revs.. A. A. ly-erly and W. M. Rathbun, and bur
ial was" in the church cemetery.
Miss Crews !a survived by three
sisters, Mrs. J. B. Huffman, of
Davidson cnunty, Mrs. Virginia
Wood and Miss Rosa Crews, Ad
vance; three brothers, J, L. and
J. B. Crews of Advance, and W.
L. Crews of -Thoroaaville.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/16/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 22,1938
Mrs. Martfia Saia Mc-
Mis. Martha Jane MeMahan, 80,
died at her home to High Pomt Wed
neaday evea^, following an illness
of several
Fbneral servfees were held at the
bone Fdday edlteniooD at 3 o'elodc,
and tbe body 1^ to rest in the new
ffigh Point eemetoy. '
Mrs. Memaban is sorvtved 6y; her
hosband. i.-N. MeMahUitwo ron^
J. M. Molldbni,-of fiOi^-JPoint, .and
iFlrank MeMahan, of Davle.
[• Mr. and Mre^ MeMabam* were
fonner reaidaits of Dsvie eoonty,
fbnt moved from Cooleonee' to High
Point about 20 yeara ago, They
lived in ^ady Grove'township many
y^ before Qoviog to Cooleemee.
Bio — Obituaries - 6/22/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 29,1938
AlezSn^ Kdled.
Atex P. Smitbi 38, of oear Red.
lead, ^as killed a&otit xo o'clock
Sattirda? oigbt by a Iiii*aDd.nui
dxiver, two miles west of the Ysd
kin Rhr^ bridge on tbe 'Mocksville
blgbway. 'His body was found on
the iroad. about 11 o'dock. with «i
CTual^. skull and otbn injuries.
Sheriff Suwot hurried to the scene
and spent the night inTestigatlng
but up to this writing >no arrests
baye bedi made.
Mr* Smith la anivived by bis
widow, four daughters, two aon^,
one brother and five sixers.
Funeral servijces were held i^es.
day atteroooo at 0:30 o'clock, at
Macedonia Moravian church, con
ducted by'-Rcv. Ed Brewer, and the
body laid toresthithecborchceme*
* Mr. Smith bad spent some time
Saturdt^ night at Smith .& Hart-
man's filliog station, and left there
walkiug about ten o'dock, on bis
way home.
Lester P. Mardu. acting coro
ner empanneled the fdlowing jury,
which met at the court house Men*
day momiog at 10 o'dock;
Leonard Howard, B; C. James,
J B. Potts, -S. S. Blakely, £. C.
Butner and Paul Poster.'
niter healing the evidence the
jury fotxnd that the deceased, Alex
Smith, came to his death at the
hands of a hit-aod-rna driver, who
la unknown to the said jury.
Mrs. MoHtePatrdoA.
Mrs fiToH'ia Fairc:otfa.67. dihilast
Wednesray momiDg at her homo In
flanestowu, following a long illness.
, Mra. Fairclotb was a native of-Davia
eound^, but'ffloved to Forsytb conn-
.tf about years ^o.
Funeral services were hdd at
Smith Grove Methodist chanh Fri*
d^ morning at 11 o'doek, eonduct*
ed by Revs. R. A. Tayloi^Qd David
Oldbain. and the bod^laid to rest in
the ^oreh cemetery.^
Mrs. Paireloth is survived by five
daoght^ and three son^ all of
Forsytb eountv; three brothers, J.
F. Sne^, of near Smith Grev^ W.
R. flheek. of Cooleemee, and T. G.
Sleek, of Iowa.
Mrs. C. L Snutb.
Uro. Delia Allen Smith. 60, wife of
C. L. Smith, , died at her home In
Jerumdem tor^bfp, Tuesday night.
She is eorvived bv bw boaband,
four sons,. Rohan W.. Harvey B.,
Aliideo G., Vergie G. Sunthr une
daughter, Myrtiebell Sadlb, all at
home; three brothers, 3. W. Allen,
of Kowan; B, W. Aileo, of Winston*
Salem; W. G. Allen, of Advanee;
four-elBtefs. Mrs. J, W. Smith, of
DavidtoD conn&; Mrs. T. W. Sofiey,
of Advance Mrs J. .W. Salu. HoekB-
.ville, Ronte4:and Mra, J. D. Rash,
{Statesville. Route 6 She waa a
I member of Fulton Methodist CbOfdi.
i The funeral waa held at Mock'a
Ghur^t Thursday aftemotm at 8
lo'docfc, with the pastor; Rev. A. A,
I Lyerly In charge. Borial followed in
[the cuurch graveyorcf.
Hilton C. Ward.
Mlhtm C. Ward, 88, of FamdnSton. Aed
at tlteliOBW of hia dsashsor. Bba. Bnwct
' Walker, to Wo8ton*8elem Satozday mom*
ilng at 7US o'dock.
I SotvitrsM tedody Urn. EmoOt Walker.
jWiotton-Salfisi: BbaEofne Aifflhmttar,
RtteiSb: Mrs. J. CL James, fbnDii^oo: J*
L. Wyd, Qemmoos; G. N. Word. Moek^
' ville aadF.O.-Ward, Larnd. hnra. Mts.
• 11.8. daeShter Id bw. <d MoCks*
vitle; and Mveial graodchliihen andipeat*
gtftihklilldiaa elM eotvlve.
FOnetal seiviees vren lidd fiom tlie
Fafoiinatoa Methodiit dundi Sondoy af<
tmaooD at 8 o'doek, eoodactcd bf Rev.
B (X Fieecoaa, a^ the body laid to rest
lo the dnireh cemeteiy. -
Bio - Obituaries - 6/29/1938 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY