Jul - DecDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 1,1936 UUard Hay^ i^ed. Lillatd Haye8.22, died st Long's HMpW StatesviUe* Sunday moroiofi at 4 o'clock, I death resoltiog from o brain coocos^ SHfltsiaed Satoiday afterooon n abont 2 I o'clodc, neat Center, when a truck owned by Fced*Lanier. and driven , by bis sod BaOey. left the highway, tumiag over on its £dde and throwing Mr. Hayea on bis on the concrete road. Souiethlog is Slid to have gone wrong with the front wbeeloof the tmdc, cansisg it to leave the road. Funeral Bctvlces were held at Rocky Springe Baptist choieh Tbesday ntoming at 10 o'clock, and the body lald,to rest in the church graveyard. Mn Hayes Is sur vived by hia widow, a daught^ of Frank White, of Ijames X Roadsb where Mr. and Mrs. Hayes were living. Tte niotber and BBveial brothers andeisterSiOflredeil coun* ty also survive. Mrs. M. C. Ijames. Mra. U. C. Ijaineg. 67, ilied at bo" hoizie on R. 1, six milea west of filocksville, Thursday afternoon at 6:30 o'clock, followioff a long illness. Funeral services were condoct^ by Rev. M G. £<rvin Saturday morn ing at 11 o'clock at Ijames X Roads Baptist.church, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Mrs. Ijames was a native of Iredell county, a daughter of the late Ellis Powell and Jane Cheshire Powell., Surviving is four sons. R C. and B. D. Ijames, of R. 1; M; 0; Ijames. of Salisbury, and W. L. -Ijames. who IB in the (J. S. Navy and stationed at Santiago, California; two' daughr ters, Mrs. S. H. Chafflo, of R. l;attd Mrs. Duke Tharpe. of Harmony. Two brothers, B^lia Powell, who lives in the west, and Prank Powell, of Harmony; two sisters,' Mrs. W. C; Hinshaw, of Statesville, and Mrs. B. S. Richardson, of Rutherford Col- iege^ also survive, together with 12 grandchildren. n In the death of this highly esteem^ ed lady, Calahaln township loses' one of its brat known and beloved wom en. Her husband, M. C Ijames, for many years surveyor and county commissions, passed away last &p- tember. To bereaved family a^ relatives. The Record joins the many friends and nei^bors In extending sympathy in this sad hoar. Rnfos L. Hodgson. Rttfus L. Hodgson, aged 86 years, died. Thursday momlog. June I8tb, at his home near County line, death lesolitng from a complication of diseases from which he had bsen Buflorliig for a period of -aeveral months. He was bora in 1860, a son of the late Atisoii Hodgoon and Matilda Gatton Hodg SCO. and la survtyed by bis wife and 'five ohltdrra, three sons .and ''two daogbteii^ Mts. J.^MStioud and Miss Moilie HodgsM, HesiwaLH.CL. A. L.^ and J, P. Hodgson, all ofOountyLine; Thirty-fivegiandebildreanod twenty six grrat gfaadcbil(ha also survives. ^oeral- cites wOra conducted Friday afternoon, from the Oarksbury. Methodist Church, oear'Hannoay by bis pastor. Rev. J. G. WbiUer, aad iDtecmeot was tn tbe cfanidi cemetery. Mr. Hodgson lived bis entire life In Davie coanty. end has oaay friends who mouro bis death.' Ha will be gteaUy o^sed In bio comnumlly and eonnty. The services were very Impressive. In addidon to the beautiful fay mo. a spedal selecdon was rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Jobnaie Smith. Uissealla Beck and Flossie Privette, of Sherfieid. Palibaacers'wma Messrs. Anie. David, Paul. Flake and Heimoo Hodgson and Paul Stnud. all grandsons of the de^sed. The beautiful, fioral offejdogs wera. la cb^eof Hiss-Mona Hodgson, assisted by Misses Lena.LutelLC^lly.BAary Eva, Pattie Mae and Avis Hodgson,'Mm. Atialebeil Foster. Mrs. El^e.DbilIe and Com Hodgson all gtandaugbtars. Bio - Obituaries - 7/1/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 8,1936 R. A;Qam Passes.^. R. A Elam,. 76, weU known lie- dell coonty farmer, died at ISs home near County Line Ta^day of last week, death following a long illnerai Mr. Blam was a piember of Society Baptist church, and for more than half a century he took a leading part in church work, Mrs. Elam, died last Tanuary. Mr. and Mi%. Elam celebrated their golden wedding, an niversary two. years ago, Mr. Elam is stirvived by four daughters, Mrs. N. D, OwiUgSi ot Cool Springs; Mrs. Be^le Campbell of near Harmony; Mrs.'Edna Craft of Wioston-Salem, and Mrs. Lillir Mae Hayes, of Harmony. One sou Clarence Elam. of Muck^lle; three sisters, Mrs. J. F Wallace, of Ir^ dell county; M^irs. Belle Strond, of Lexington, and Mrs. Nan Safriet,. of St. Lpnis,. Mo , together with 18 grandchildren, survive. ^ Funetalserutces were held at the home Thursday'afterncoo at 3:30 o'clock, and at Society Baptist diurcb at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. V. M Swaim, of Wiimton* SateiUi- and Rev. Mr'. McSwaim, ot Harmony, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. C. A : Charles AJ: iiMtenat governorrrpt.Nortb JJn^Itoaahd wdely Jno^/througho^^^^ the state, as S '^P^Wfcau: leader, died at his home, Colfax,. route one, Thoraday, afternoon at 6 ,0. clock. Death came after an Illness .of only a few days although he haid 'been indecUning health for some time. ; : Mr. ReynoIda,..wa8 born" in Eock- Ingham county, eon of Dr..-Thomaa Reynolds, who practiced, his profe * sionin Leaksville for man? years.. Be bad lived in the Colfax .community for the past 80 years, • . ' fie was llentenant governor during the administration of ^0 late former Governor Daniel L. Euawl. His political career' includes two terms as a member of the atate se nate and 12 years as postmaster.-^ W inatoD-Salem. Mrs. J. L Riddle. 'Funeral services for Mrs. Tohn L Riddle, 54, who died at her home in Farmington township on June 2Qth, were held at the home Wed nesday morning at 10:30 o'clock, and the body laid to rest in the Yadkio Valley Baptist c h u r c h graveyard. Mrs. Riddle Is snrviyed by'ber husband, two sons. Carl Rid dle, of Winston-^Iem, and Eevin Riddle, at home; one daughter, Mrs;- Oradv'. Gough, of Hanes; two brothers, Ben and Robert Foster,-of near Mocksville, and a half brother M. Foster, of Farmingtou. Mrs~. Lee F. Messick.: Cooleemee, July i.—^Last ^d rit^ were held at'Liberty M^etfapdist diurch- ruesday afternoon-: for^Mis: Lee"^i',-M^i^, 73,' .who pass^. away'^ondav at ber hohie in North' Cooleemee. Surviving ^e the bus- hand. Lee. Messick; two daughters^ Mrs-F. R. Garwood, of this place, and Mrs. J. H. Pejttyjohn,-of SIkm; three sons, Q, W. and G. F. Messick of Cooleemee,' and C. L. Messick, ot High Shoals; three brothers, J, W. Bowers, oi Cooleemee. Fxank Bowers, of Spray, and Lee Bowers^ ot Nohb Wilkesboro, and a number of grandchildren.^ The deceased was a member of the First Baptist church and the pastor. Dr. A*. .T. Stondramire, had charge of. the funeral. Bio - Obituaries - 7/8/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 8,1936 Edna Mae Turner Mrs. SvM.; SipiA. . Mrs. Ma^ Bllzabetb Smith, 78, died at her home in Winston Salem last Tuesday night, folio wing a; long illness. .Mrs. Smith was a natiwe of. Davie county r but thoy^d to Win< Ston Salem many' years ago. ' Mrs. Smith was a member of .Macedonia Moravian churcii. .. Surviving are Joufdaugbters and one"son, among them being Blis. J^lla Mvers; and D. T Smith, both of Davie cotinty. Meete I(«^Me;l)(iatlt; Edna Mae Tahter, U. daaghtor'oi Mrs. Ella MieDahiel. of MoclmyiUe, is dead as the r^ult of in joties recefv^ whenatrock by an automobile ahort- iy . before nooh Friday^ in North ModisviUe. The little gTrl ffds cros* 8iDg:the Btreeti .iiear_-.Casey's store, wben a car driveh by F, V. H; Smith Cbarlotte aalesman,' struck when she ren.frbm beUnd'anotberpa^ng car diceetiy imfront-ef Mr'i-rSmiuv ^Hie little girl w^ brought' .to-Dr" W' U.. Long's where .she* dlhd abottt'liSO .o'etock .Friday .afteihoon:. The bodv .was badly maoglj^; 7 Chi>' oner W.'F 'McCdUoh ..empanneled jury, and aiter headng the evidence the verdict: iwaa- as foUpiyai-v ^r^ the deeea^ Edna Turner, came,>^6 he* dc^ith dh JnlrSrd.^y |b«^imla«i- fS ecta of one P^. V. ^ H^xSmith,- .wit:;.By. b8fag. atmck- by; ap an^^ mobile On the'- pciblic - b.lgn^aya n andstreets df-LMoeksvjJlei"- operated • by. the said Smith at ahhnlaFftil rate^ sp^.H .Ur.'Smith waa pjaced.'hh; 'der a^O.bbpd lOr-bisappeareincoat the?Augti^ tertd aaveiy .y.e^.a^".?./.''!,'.■^•'PdlQeipmi servicea i^ore held. atv^'o'db^ Sunday aftdrnopn.at^^Eatoh-e'jchu^; c^oct^;-byi>i^nm. .^.:th.O; b.o^ !■-We''!cbnrcn;i:ce^|j8i^i.fLjhtfh%itnil7 Brmp^ibv i Bio - Obituaries - 7/8/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, July 9,1936 EUNA MAE TURNER STRUCK BY CAR A tragedy occurred on North Main street on Friday afternoon nt noon, when Edna Mae Turner, lI-yeor>oId girl, was struck by a car driven by F. V. H. Smith, traveling man of Charlotte. The little girl was avoiding a car going in another direction, and ran in front of the Smith car, the driver being unable to stop. The injured girl was rushed to a doctor's office, but her death oc curred before medical aid was remdcrcd. She* was the daugh- lor of the late Fuller Turner and Mrs. Ella Martin McDaniei, and is survived by her mother, a bro- ilier, Lawrence Turner, and a hnir-sistcr, lonn McDaniei. She had recently united • with the liaptiat Church here. The funer al was hold at Eaton's Church on Sunday afternoon nt 2 o'clock, and Interment was in the church cemetery. Rev. J. H. Fulghum conductod.'^the service, assisted by Rev. A. T. Stoudenmire, of Ccoleemee.. The boys who acted as pallbearers wore James Wall, Norman Smith, Quentln Smith, William Dwiggins, Everett Dwig gins, and Holland Holton. The flowers were carried by Ruby Blackwood, Hazel Jarrett, Opal FryOi Eleanor Caudell, Ruth ... i Turner, Edith Turner, Janio Sue ' Naylor, Dorothy Benson, Geral- dine Stonostreet Sarah Wagoner, j and' Mrs. J. T. Angell. We ex- . tend our deep sympathy to the j bereaved mother. Bio - Obituaries - 7/9/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 15,1936 H.L Allen Killed b jnred Satardiy moiotag X ^ was thrown against a irlM" trylngtocatch a mnleoear w. at Smith Grove. Mr. Allen was ioinred o'd^and was carried to thX ®tbt Hospital in Wioston Saleo passed away in Hie (i«rttal .J!' 10 o'dock Sato,daySnrvivmg are bis wife, tbe Lw. Miss Mary Plolt and lb ee bLT'R G^AUenaOftheSmitbGr^e^ Charlie Allen, of Clt4Siand O. R, Allen, of FarinS three adopted children. Ck Sf"'01 Smith Grove; Wiley Piou Mocksville, and Mrs. Gradv \S Bride; of Faimiogton. Funeral services were held Smith Grove Methodist Cburcli Monday morniogat ii o'clock irii! Rev. H. C. Freeman, Rev, M q ^D, and Rev. J. H. Fnlghooi,; charge. Charts Sheets. . Charles Wode, Sheom, ^mppth* old son of nataef Sheets; dibd'at of the parents. Advance, ronte't; near Bbehr, at to:30 o'clock Thursday moininR. The child had been ill since last TnesdavS The deceased was bora October i4> f935- Sarvivors indnde the father and mother; one brother, James Taylor; the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P, Comatzer, and the grandtather, fake Sheets, and by several aunts and uncles. Fnneml services were held Sat urday morning at 10:30 o'clodc at the home and at Mock's M. E Church, Davie county at 11 o'clock. Rev. F.-E. Howard condncting the services. Burial followed in the church graveyard. Bio — Obituaries - 7/15/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, July 16,1936 HENRY LEE ALLEN MEETS DEATH • Ilonvy Lcc Allun,- G9» well- known fttriner of the Smith Grove uominunit.v, pnsscd nwny nt •tTib" JJnptiflt JJoHpittil in Winston- Salcm, on Snlurday morning at 10 o'clock, from In juries receiv ed when n mule throw him n- gninsl a tree that morning. H<!' was trying to catch the mule when ilic jiccidcnt occurred; which resulted in his death two hour.s later. The (icuou.scd was the son of Reece Allen :acd Dor cas KImbnII Alien, of Dnvic, and was an active member of Smith Orove Methodist Church. He Is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Plutt Allen, thi;eo brothers. R. G. Alien of Smfifi Grove, Gbavlie Alien, of Cleveland, 0. K. AlleiT, of Fnrmington, and three adopt ed children, Brack Allen, of Smith Grove, W-IIey Plott, of near Mockavllle, and Mrs. Grady McBridc, of Panrilngton. The ] last 'Yltea were hold at Smith i Grove Church on. MondOy niorh-i ling at 11 o'clock and interment ! was there. The pastor, Rev. H. j C. Freeman, conducted the ser vices, assisted _by Rev. M. G.l Ervin a former pastor. The pall bearers "were: R. H. Howard, G. C. Hendricks, G. C. Hanes, John Taylor, Albert Sain and- H. F. Bowden. The flowers were carried by Mesdamea W. G. Spry G. C. Hendpfcka, Roy Ho ward, Roger Howard, Oharfto Smith, H. G. Sh'eek, Harloy Smith, Misses Llzora Smith, Clara Martin and' Lorcno Bow-t den. 0 Bio - Obituaries - 7/16/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 22,1936 Fono'd N. G. If. FttOdieal services Were held at Fork Boptist church last Tuesday aftemooii at 5 o'clock for Nathaniel G. Byerly, native of Davie county, who died at the home of his son W.O.-Byerly, near Walkertown, last Monday afternoon, ajted 71 years# Seryloes were in charge of Revs. V# M. Swaim and Douglas D. Rights, of Winston Salem. Mr. Byerly was born • id Davie connty and spent much of his life In the county. He was a resident of Mocksville for many years, be ing engaged in the fnercantile bus! ness here for several years. Surviving is the widow, two daughters. Mm. Grace Barge, of Winston-Salem, and Mrs. Clyde Bailey, of Advance; five sons, W. C. Byerly, of Winston Salein; three sisters, Mrs Alice Shutt and Mrs. FritZsHege, of Adyance, and Mts. Sarah Hege, of Davidson connty, and one brother, Tom.Byerly, of High Point. . Mr. Byerly was a member of Southside 'Coundl, Jr. O U. A. M. He was buried with luuior Order honors. Bio - Obituaries - 7/22/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, July 23,1936 Nathaniel Gaston Byerly WIDELY-KNOWN MAN IS DEAD Winston-Salem, July 14.—^Na thaniel Gaston Byurly, 71, poss- ed away yesterday afternoon at 12:46 o'clock at the homo of his don, W. C. Byerly, Walkortown, ttouto 1. He had been in declin- injf health for .aeverni years and his condition had keen critical for two days, , Mr. Byerly was 'born in Dnvio county, June 22, 18G6, n son of liirlm. and Eliza Zimmcrmun Byerly. He spent most of his life in Dnvic county and taught school there for a number of years. He operated a grocery store on East Sprnguc st5ipet In this city for sometime. Hc^'had been making his homo with his eon for the past year. He was a member of Fork baptist Church, Davic county and South- side Council SO, Jr. 0. U. A. M. Surviving are the widow, who was Miss Jennie Mason prior to marriage; two .daughters, Mrs. Grace Burge o£ this city and Mrs. Clyde Bailey of Advance: five sons, W. C. Byerly of Wal ker town; D. W.. P,.L,...K. M. and. P. GO. OBGGyurl P. G. Byerly of this city; seven MRS. DETLOR passes AWAY IN WINSTON-SALEM grandchildren; three sisters, * Mrs. Alice Shutt and Mrs. Fritz 1 Huge of Advance and Mrs. Sarah . Hege of Davidson county and ' o:io Ibrother, Tom Byerly of High Point. . The .funeral -wns held at Fork" s ervleesir.'"Bti ri d 1' fol lowed • In the church graveyard with Junior Order services at the- graveyard. Members of Soutlislde Council Jr. 0. U, A .M. acted as pall bearers. Mrs. Sarah Luia Deilor, 60, wife of P/nnk W. Detlor, died at a Winsto.T-Salcm hospitUi Sunday night, July" 12,. 1036 at 10:10 o'clock. She had Tieen in declining health for the past si.x months and her condition had been s'cricus since May. Mrs. /.tlor was born in Ad vance on May 11, 1880, daught er of the late J. T. and Eliza Vokely Amon. She wns a member of Shady Grove M. E. Church and was married to Mr. .Detlor, October 3, 1016. She had resid ed in Winaton-SaTem since 1000. Survivors include the husband, one son, qille J. ;Amo«. 'of Lawronceville, Vo„ two (broth ers, J. F. Amon, of Winston- fialom route 8, J. W. Ajmon, of Iowa, and a half brotlior, W. A. Leonard, of Advance. Funeral soiwlces were conduct ed at the Slindy Grove Church Taesdoy afternoon at two o'clock by the pastor. Rev. F. E. Ho- ivnrd'and Rev. Jack Page. Flow- enbearcrs wore Misses Edith and Ruth Shutt, Annie Elizabeth and Clara Sue Marklnnd, > Bio - Obituaries - 7/23/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 29,1936 Mrs. M. E. PrsY«tte- Dfrs. Uary F. Prevette, 82. died at her home in JeruBalem township Frl- j day morniner* Foneral wreiees «vere coodocted by ^ev. B. W. Turner at| Jerusalem Baptist dmrch Friday afternoon, anb.the body laid to rest in the church cemeferr* Mrs. Pre' vette was a oatrye of Wilbes county. One brother fivebons and five daugh ters survive. Bio - Obituaries - 7/29/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 12,1936 R. F. Gaither Passes. Robett F. Gaitber, 73, of Har- mony, promineot |7ortb Iredell citizen, died suddenly of a heart at- t ick Friday afteruodo in a barber shop at StatesvUIe. ^ Mr. Gaither was serving on the jury in superior court. When he failed to report for duty at 2 o'clock this afternoon, a search was made and his lifeless body was found in a bath tub. Mr. Gaither was a fanner, former member of the county commission* ers, was one of the organizers of the Harmony High School, and was an elder in the Harmony Presbyterian Church, He is survived by his widow, nee Miss Margaret Dotson, two SODS, R. Fred and Hugh G, Gaither, of Harmony and four daughters. Miss Mattie Mae Gaither of Harmony; Mrs. M. C. McLeod, .of Rockingham; Mrs. Olio W.. Hunter of HuntersvUIe; Mrs. J. D. Bvans, of Winston Salcm; he^ leaves also two brothers, Jobo James Gaither, of Hamptonvill'e. The funeral held Friday af ternoon at 3 o'clock frum the-Har* mony Presbyterian Church. Bio - Obituaries - 8/12/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 19,1936 John Jones Aged Confederate Vet' eran Paases. John Jones, 94, one of Davie county's oldest and well beloved citizens, died at bis home near Cornatzer last Tuesday eveoina, shortly before nine o'clock, death resulting from the infirmities of age. Mr. Jones .had been in bad health for many years, and bad been ser ionsly ill since Christmas. Funer al services took place Thursday, and the body was laid to rest In the Foster cemetery. Mr. Jones is survived by bis widow, three sons, Geo. L, of Winston-Salem; Spencer, of Salis bury, and William, of Davie; • two daughters. .Misses Ella and Anna, at home. ' . Mr. Jones served under Capt. C. Clement in Co M , i6th N. ,C. Regt. during tfae Civil war. He was a native of Davie; having speot his entire life in this countyi He was a good citizen, and will be missed iti his commnnity. Peace' to bis ashes. Mrs. Samantha Davis. Mrs, Samantha Hodges Davis. 85, widely known Davie county woman, passed away at her home near the Concord M. E Church Saturday at 9:80 p. xn.. Mrs. Davis was a sister of the late Col. J D. Hodges, widely known Davie county educator who passed away several months ago, and the widow of the late G. A, Davis. She was the daughter of Joseph Hodges and Mary Click Hodges. Surviving are four children; J, H. Davis, of the same eonimanlty; W. M. Davis, of Salisbury;^ Mrs L. M. Graves, of Uccksville; Mrs. J. C. Barger, of Woodleaf; and one step- daughterl Mrs. Fannie DslvIs, of Salisbury. Mrs. Davis was a member of the Concord M. E. Church for*' many years. Funeral services were held at the church Monday afternoon_at 8 o'clock with the pastor. Rev. M. G, Ervin, in charge Interment follow ed in the chnroh remeterv. Bio - Obituaries - 8/19/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, August 20,1936 MRS. SAMANTIIA DAVIS DEAD Mrs. Sainanthd Hod^ca Davis, esteemed Davie woman, and widow of the lute C. A. Davis, died at her hoirie near Concord Mothodiai Church on Saturday night, August 16th, al 9:30, aged 86. She wus the, daughter of Joseph HodgW and Mary Cliok Hodges, and came 'of a .well- known familyi" An elder brother, the late Colonel J. D. 'Hodges, died this past January. ,The sur viving family consista of, two sonsi J. H. Davis,,of the same community, -W. M. Uavis, of SaV labury,. two daughters, Mrs. L. M. Graves, of Mocksville route 4, Mrq. J. -0. Burger, of Wood- leof, a stepdaughter. Miss ^liie Davis; of Salisbury, 12 grand children, two fltepgrandchildren, and 'one great-grandchild. She I had been a member of Concord 'Church for jnany years, and her mother'was a charter member of this congregation. The funeral ^ 'was held at Concord on Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with, the pastor, Tkev. M. G. Ervin, offi ciating. Interment "was iu the church cemetery. Pallbearers wore Henry Davis, Will Davis, John Davis, Everett Duvia, Tom Dnvls niid Harold Davis, The I'lornl tributes were carried by Mrs. Jomea Bogcr, Mrs. Ramsey, Mrs. Angoli, Mrs. Will Davis. I>I!s8c.s Minnie Daniel, Eva Mc- ICulIoh, Ruth Davis, fiiargaret Bargur, Mdi'ia Barger, VlrgUiia Foster, and J.ouiao Carroll. JOHN HENRY MAUSER DEAD John Henry. Hauser, Davie j citizen, passed away at Mrs. Brewer's Nurses Home in Wlna- :ton-Salem, where he had. been a .patient for aeverul years, on 'Tuesday at 1 o'clock, aged 8& He was born on January 27,1860, and was the son of. Emanuef Hauser* and Uutb Carmichael Hauser, of Porsyth county. He isj survived by his wife, Mr?. Surah R, Hauser, one son, P. H. Hauser, Winsbn-Sulom, one dttugliter, Mrs. Viola Stycl'S, of Advance, ruuic 1, bvvo grandcliii- rU'Ctiv and tvvu.griuil-griyulr.hild- reii. The fnncrnl will be con ducted by Rov. G: E. Brewer, pna^ tor of MiiRuduniu Moravian Church, on Thursday morning at lU o'clock at Cumpbcll-Wulkur Funoi'ol Ilonjc, and the burial will be at Union Hill ccin^Sthry In Foivsj'th. —O- * KOONTZ INFANT DEAD Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Poley Koontz will sympathize with them in the death of their 1- >ear-old baby girl, Carroll, which occurred on Sunday. The little body was lold to rest at Salcm Methodist Church cemetery on Monday afternoon at l;3p,-wjth the pastor, Rev. M. 6. .Ervin, in charge, assisted by Rev, Mr. Gaddy, of Prnnklin,. n .. Bio - Obituaries - 8/20/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, August 20,1936 JOHN J). JONiSS DEAD John Davis Jones, Confederate veteran and Dnvie County citir passed away at" his homo in Kulton township, on AuK' -il* aged 94. His death leaves but live old soldiers who. served in the War Betwoon the States from Dnvie. The deeensed is surviv- led by his wife, Mrs. Mary Fos ter Jones, three sons, Georffu Jones, of Snlisfbuvy, William Jones-, of Da vie, two doughfors, Misses Ella and Anna Jones, at' home, soyeruL grandchildroii and one gront-grandchildi The fun eral was held at the home on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Rev, J. L. Klrh in charge, assisted by Rev. F. E. Howard and Rev. W. *C. Darnell. Inter ment was In the nearby Foster cemetery. Pallbearers were PhlT- Hp Er^racy, Tlldcn Carter, Caorgc Starr, John l'ott«, Joe Allen and J. E. McDaniel,' and the flowers were carried by Misses Louise Potts, Mnbel Jones, Lucile Gar- wood, Era Potts, Lena Potts and Geprgia Foster. ROBERT BRAXTON ROOE PASSES AWAY Robert^Braxton Booe, 45-year- old Davle county farmer and pnultryman, died at a Ro(\noke, Va., hospital Tuesday morning at *0' :30 o'clock. Funeral services were conduct ed Wednesday nficrnoon at- 4 p. interment was n In the church jravcynrd. Rev. V. M. Swaim conduetcd the service. Mr.. Buoq'a fdeath was unox- Ipccted,^ He had btfey a patient at the hospitai since March 23. ' Horn Ocluber 31, 1803,^at Ciina, .Ifiii of Uubei't L. 'Buoe and the late Mrs. Toblllui Anduraoii Buoe, lie was known as a community icailer and was active In Eu- ions Qiurch for many years. * . He was graduated by North Oai*oliiia State College with a de gree* in animal' husbandry iff 1921 and was regarded as one ul the most* successful farmers ill this county. During the World War, he ser ved in the niivy. • ' He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Alpha,Eaton Booe; his fa ther, Robert L. Booe, of Mocks- viile; three brothers, W. 'Bryan Boue, of WiustpnTSalem; Dr. J, Grady *Bdoe,' of Bridgcpoi*t» Conn.; and Dr. f. A. Booe; o9>. King; one sister, Mrs. Eflio E;, OuinpbeJl, of llartsvlU'e,,S. 0. n , Mr. Booe lived. approjiipiately three miles west of MocksviUe |uh the Mocksville-Yadklnviire I Highway. . , ' . • ^ ' Bio - Obituaries - 8/20/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 26,1936 BraxtonBooe Passes. Robert Braxtou Booe,- 43 year-old Davie county farmer died at- a Roaooke, Va., hospital last Tuesday moroinp:. Funeral servic^ were" conducted Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at EatonS Baptist Church and inter' ment followed at the church grave yard. Rev. V. M. Swaim condtict ed the service. Mr., Booe's death was unexpected He had'been a patient-at the h<{$- pital siuce- March 23. . Bom October 31, 1893, at Cana, sou of Robert L.'Booe and the late Mrs. Tobitha Anderson Booe/be was known as a comoauaity leader and active in Eatoos Church for many years. He was graduated by North Care Una State College with a degree in anima] bt^b'andrv. in 1921 and was regarded as one of the most success ful farmers in this county. He is survived by his.widow; his father, Robert h Booe," of Mocks- ville; three brothers, W. Bryau Booe. of Winston SMem; Dr. J. Grady Booe, of Bridgeport,- Cotin.; and Dr. I.' A Booe, of K|pg; .one sister, Mrs. Bffie ET Campbell, of Hartsville, S. C. wMr. Booe lived three. mjles west of .-.MocksviUe - on the Mbcksviile- pikiu highway. • - Paul Jarvis r» - • - - ..News was received here Monday of the death of Paul larvis, 25. son of Mr. and Mrs. June Jarvis of Cooleemee. Mr. Jarvis held a gov« ernihent. portion at Fort Bragg. As this is written no fnoeral arrange ments have been made. Our sympa thy Is' extended to tbe^ bereaved faibily. Bio - Obituaries - 8/26/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, August 27,1936 BOOE FUNERAL HELD Last rites for Robert Braxton Booe, 43, died Aug. 18, were con> ducted at Eaton's Baptist church on last Wednesday afternoon by Rerv. V. M. Swaim, of Winston- Salem, assisted' by Rev. S, H. Fulghum. Interment was In the churi:h cemetery, and pallbearers were W. Bryan Booe, Isaac Booe, Carl Eaton, Brantley. l^oe, and Phonso Perebee. Honorary, pall bearers were L. H. Campbell, Spurgeon Anderson, Arthur An derson, Ben Anderson, Houston Anderson and Richard Aderaon. [The many floral dsaigns were, carried by members of Mrs. J. ■H. Fulghum's Sunday Schoolclass and sWeral-relalWi^^^^deceased,' hs.^ fo]l<Ariiii4|^esdaiijlm^^ J. M. Fulghum, F. Jarrett, R. P. Roger, Wade iSmith, Elmer Smith, Will Keller, P. If. Mason, R. p. Martin, Spur geon Anderson, R. M.( Chaffin, Dewey Holton, .Claude Fry, Mias Clara Grubb, Kiss Beatrice Hill, Miss Margaret Collette, Mrs. Era Atninson, Miss Louise Eaton, Mrs. Guy Collette, Mrs. Alvin Dyson. JOHN H. UaUSEU funeral Hinry. Hauser, wljbsej death-occurred lasV'Jn^Winslton-"Salern^' was conducted-.-a^'Camp- •bell-Walker Funeral Home on lust Thursday morning at 10- o'clock, 'and interment was ot Union Hill graveyard in Fdrsyth. Rov. G. E. Brewer, pastor of Kuceduniu Moravian Church, of ficiated, aasiated by Rov, Mr. Wilcox. ,Those acting as pall bearers wore R. D. Huuscr, T. W. Hnusei', W. R. Hauser, F. C. Hauser, C. C. Smith and W. D. Shermer, and the flOwera were carried by Misses Gertie Walker, Loin Walker, Delia Hauser, Doro thy Thompson, Mrs. Holt Moffitt, Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Dan Luck- enback. Bio - Obituaries - 8/27/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 2,1936 Mrs. F. H. Lanior. Mrs. Har7 Lanler. 58, of Calabaln, wife of F. H. La^er, died ac a Statesville hos pital at 1 o'doch Saturday mominH. Swvlvora ioclade the hoaband: ,Xi|ar daagbters, Mrs. J.'C. of Mocks-. viUe, Mrs. A L. Peoples and Miaa Freddie LeeLanier, of Calahm and Mrs. W.'G. White, of Winston-Saiem; two sons. Bailey and Aveiy Laster. of the home place; 10 gtaodehildreD; foar sisters, one brother, two half-sisters. Foo^al services were coodoci^Sunday from IJames Cross Roads Baptist Ohnreb. at 10 o'chx^ Rev.'W.V. Brown and Rev- W. J. 8. Walker conducted the se^ces and ihterment followed in the cborcfa graveyard, Mrs.L J. MeClamrodi. Mrs. L. J McClamrocb. 83. died at the home .of her daagbter, Mrs W. K Lonit, at Kanaapolls. last Tuesday night, following an ills^ of some time. Mrs. McClamrocb had been living id Greensboro most of the time but was on a visit to her daughter at Eannapolis when strick en with illness. Mrs. McClamrocb is survived by three sous. C. L. MuCtamrocb,. of near Oak Qrove; C. B. McClamrocb of New Orleans, and A. L. McClam. rocb, ot Lauresdale, Ark. Three daughters, Mrs: -W A. Foster, of Draper; Mrs. ~C- D. lohnson, of Greensboro, and Mrs. W. E. Lpng of Eannapolis; dso. survive Funeral services were held at .Oak Grove Methodist church-Thursday ipprning a.t 10 o'dttck, conducted bv Rev. M" G. .^irvin, arid the body .laid to rest In the chnrcb cemetery. Mrs. McClaoiroch was .a native of Davie county and spent most of her life here. She was a member of Oak Grove Methodist church The bereaved sons and daughters have the sy mpathy of a host of friends in the death of their aged mother. Mr& l^bel S. Darham. Mrs. Mabel Stewart Dotham, 32. wife of John Durham, who is connected with the ^te hlghway coiptnissioD, died Sunday morafng at her hcine'at TtonUhan fotlow- ing a btlefillness. She was a daughter of Mr and Mrs. Jacob Stewart, of this city. • She is survived by her husband and two children, John, Jr. and Nancy Ann Durham: her parents, two brothers, Roger Stewart, of Raleigh, and Phillip Stewart- of Perry Point, Md.. and five sisters, Mm. J. 0. Yoong, of Winston-Salem; Mrs. B. H. Collins, of Gates; Mrs. Hugh Poston and Miss Matjcrie Stewart, of MockavlUe, and Mrs. Hariy Fyne. of Sanford The funeral was held Monday a fternoan at 4 o'clock from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stewart, in Mocksville, and In terment took place in the Rvse cemetery. Rev. J H. Folgbum. pastor of th^ Mocks ville Baj^t church, conducted the ser Vices. Bio — Obituaries - 9/2/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, September 3,1936 SANFORD FAUCETTE FATALLY INJURED Relatives here were shocked to learn of the death .of Sanford Faucette, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Faucette, of Chatta nooga, Teiin., which occurred in that city on Sunday afternoon, as the result of Injuries receiy^ ed in an automobile coJlision ^ Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Fuucettc were in tho cur with another couple when tho accident occtirred, and wore on the back seat Mrs, Faucette was painfully cut by broken glass, and the ochcr two had sev eral broken ribs. Mr. Faucette \voB seriously injured and was rushed to a Hospital, but passed away on Sunday afternoon. Ho was a fine young man, and had a host of friends. He was educated at Davidson College, and hud been in busi ness in Chattanooga for several years. lie was married about a year ago to Miss Virglhla Deok- ins, of iChattanooga, and fney were planning to movo into a new home in the near future. His mother was formerly Miss Ivuura Sanford of this place, and he has vlafled here '.since iHs .shildhood, his lust visit being o- bout ten days ago. He was « nephew of Messrs. R. R. Sanford, E. C. Sanford, H. A. Sanford, J. C. Sanford, and Mrs. John La- rew, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. LartiW left early Monday morn ing for Chattanooga to attend tne funeral, which took place at the 5|'Trat Presbyterian ChurcH. on. Tuesday. In addition to his par ents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert T. Faucette, hts widow, Mrs. Vir ginia Deekina Faucette, other survivors are a sister, Mrs. Hugh iHuffaker, qn.d q,.brother, Bstbhie I Faucette, boHi. of Ohattonboga. I We extend our deep sympathy to I the family in their bereavement. DANIEL C. CARTNER DEAD Daniel C. Cartnor, Infant son of' Mr. and Mrs. Sidney C. Cnrt- nuv, cir Shady Grove lownshipi passed away on August 29, aged IJvc months and 22 days. The funeral w.is eoiuluctnd at Smith ' Grove. Methodist Church on Sat-1 urday nftcrnDon at 2 o'clock, witli i Ucv. J. F. .Jarrctt ofXiciating. j The pallbcarcra were Robert Eili.s and Ftrnest Carter, and the.; flower-girls were iDorothy Wil- n Jinms, luos Williams Margaret jiundrix. Etlicl Whitnkor, Alliue j Itidonhour, Gloria Ellis 'and Wil-1 I lie Aliie Carter. The (bereaved j (litt cuts Have tlic hympathy of their community. Bio — Obituaries — 9/3/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, Septembers, 1936 MHa JOHN DURHAM PASSES AWAY n Mrs. Mabel Stewart Durham, 32, beloved young matron, and wife of John Durhom, of 'Trout- man, passed away after a brief lllncas at her home there on August 29, an Infant son -preced ing her in death, r The sad death of this young wife and mother has cast a gloom over Mocks^ •ville, whore she was born and reared, and also In the town of Troutman, where she had lived for several years. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Stewart, and was born on Aug ust 25, 1904. She was married on Dec. 22, 1928 to Mr. John Durham, of the State highway ' commission, and three qhHdren were born to. this union, a daugh ter, Nancy Anne, and' a son, John. Jr., surviving. The de- peMed^was a ^faithful memj^er^of. tho> XT 1aV'P.''Church at TrouU man, and took much interest iir the work of the church and com munity. Sho had numbers of rc- WRS. inAjyir.soN dbaid Mrs. Ida L. Vt-ilson, wife of Robert L. Wilson, passed away in Salisbury on August 27. aged d4. She was well-known in her community, fiud was the daught er, of George Dennis'and-Martha Smart Dennis. Surviving are two brothers, G. M. Dennis, of Cnoleemee, J. C. Dennis, of IClfn- nnpnlifl, two sisters. Mrs. G. G. Laplsh, of Kannapolis, Mrs. Ruth vValker, of Portsmouth, Va., four sons. W, B. Wilson, of Davle, B. R. Wilson, of Salisbury, Ray Wilson, of Atlanta, tOdbU' Wil son, of Chicago, two daugh ters, Mrs. D. H. Harris, of Sal isbury, and Mrs. E. H. Brlngle, of Spartanburg, S. C., and ten grandchildren. The last rites were conducted at Liberty Meth odist Church on August 28, ati' 3 p. m.. and Interment was there. Rev. R. W. Turner and Rev. M, G. Ervin were In charge. The pulibearers were £. G. Dennis. A. W. Dennis, W. C. Donnis, George. Dennis, Raymond Dennis and A/ B. Dennis. The flowers were car- ^ ried by Mrs. H, C. Morgan, Mr^.^ ^ C. H. Bringle, Mrs, J. W» Camp- ^ bell, Mrs. Maud Howard, Misses ^ Ruby Wilson, Gaynell Harris, ^Myrtle Wilson and Ethel Wilson, j Bio - Obituaries - 9/3/1936 Intives and friciids here and else wiiero who mourn her loss. The funeral was conducted at the home of her 'parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Stewart, on Monday afternoon at 4" o'clock, With Rev. Mr, Hood, of the Troutman A. it. P. Church, Rov. I)r. Prb8aley,t of the First lA.'R. P. •C|urcR, Statesville, and rtev. J. H. Fiil- ghum, pastor of the Baptist Church,, oflUciating.: (A miile quartet composed of C. B.- M6o- ney, F. A. Poster, Dr. H, W. Rucker and Z. N. Anderson sang upprqpriate selections. A pro fusion pjf beautiful floral do- signs were carried by a number of young Indies from Ti'outman. Interment was in the family plot in Rose Cemetery, Tlie surviv ing family consists of the hus band and two children, E^o^r- snta, Mr. nud Mrs. Jacob Ste wart, and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. H. W. Collins, of Gate.^, Mrs. J. 0. Young, of VVinston-Snicin, Philip Stewart, of J'crry Point, Aid.,. Mrs. Harry F.yno, of .Sanford,. Roger Sitl/nrt, of Kaluigh, Miss Marjoric Btc- w.nrfc and Mra. lloy furttuil, of Mock-sviilc. • Tlie ])albuaroi*a were Harry Fync, Hoy POaton, J. 0. Young, Ji. H. Weaver and Avcry Gibba, of StatesviJIc, and Atr.. Hrmvn, of Troutman. A num&or of the highway commiaAion nt- tunclcd in u bod.v. A^mong relatives and fnends who attend ed the funeral were Mrs. R. S. Mlts, Sr., Robert Pitts, . Jr.^ rhiiip Fitts and* Patricia P'itts; of D a ii v M 1 o, Va.. Mr. and' Mrs. J, 0. Young, and son, of Winaton-Snlem, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fyno and daughter, of Sanford, Mrs. II. IV,.Collins, of Gates, Mr. and Mrs,' R, L. Durham and family, of Mount Airy. Mrs. Fred -Hodges, of Bris tol, "Va., Roger tScwart, of Ra leigh, Miss Rebecca Young, of WInston-Snlem, and othprs fro:p Statesville and Troutninn. We extend our deep sympathlrWthe berdhved fomily. , MRS. MARY GRUBBS LANlER DEAD Mrs. Mary Grubb Lanior, es teemed Davio County woman, and wife of Fred H. Lanier, died jn a Statesville hospital on .August 20, after an Illness of 12 days, aged D8. She was the daughter of Andrew Grubb and Parthenia Barnes Grubb, of Duvidsou .Coun ty, and was a faithful mombor of the Shilnh Methodist. CJburch. The surviving family, consists of her hnsbandi two sons, Avery and Bnlloy Lanier, ht homo, fqur daughters. Mrs. A ion'/o Peonies. Mrs. J. C. Anderson, Miss Frcd- .liu Ivcc Lanier, oX Davie. Mrs. W. C. White, of Winston-Salem, .en grandchildren, one ' brother. William Grubb, of Spencer,-four .'isters, Mrs. V. V. Lanier. , of Welcome. Mrs. Emma Luoimrd, of Now Londnn. Mrs. Broadway, of Durham. Mrs. John Koontz. of Lexington, route 6. and two half- sls.tcra, Mrs. John Lofton and Mrs, Charlie Loftcn, of i^pon- j'jr. The funeral was held at Ij'nmes' Baptist 'Church on Suij-. day morning at 10 o'clock, with Rov. W. J. S. Wnlkor, Rev. W. V. iji'owiv ami Rev. Mr. Danner o£- fiijiating. Pallbearers were H«j- ward Michael, Gnvlnnd Koontz, Clarcnco Uilham, Ottis Gobble, Kenneth CrHVor and Van Mich ael. I'hc many flnrnl tributes were cnrrled by MoMdamcs Clar ence Luthum, iDavc Leonufd, Ju- liu.H Lanior, Kenneth Cruver, J. L. Bliiekwelder, Erwin Gobble, Moodoy Korant, Ellis Snyder, Philip Gobble, J. B Gobble, Joe Hego. T. B. Konscy, Misses Mary i K. Anderson, Jennie 'V. WhiiF, Hilda Lanier, Louiac Lanier, An nie Rencgnr, NnomI White, Paul ine Rcnegar, Mary. Owens, Inez Micluicl, Kmigono Lanior, Rachel Whits, Audrey Wlute. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 16,1936 Mrs. Clara Woodward. Urs. Glar Woodward. 63. widow of Dr. R. W. Woodward, of States* ville, died at Lena's Hospltat Thure* da7 afternoon Funeral services were held at Western Avenae Bap tist church, Statesyille. Saturday momiosf at 9i30 o'clock, and the body brought to Eaton's Baptist church andlaid to rest. Mrs. Woodward was .a native of Pavie countyt tnoving to State^lle bout 22 years ago, Surving are three sons and two daughters. Her hus band died four years ago. Mrp. Woodward was Miss Clara Bell Hunter before marriage. Bio - Obituaries - 9/16/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 23,1936 Elizabeth F. Jon^ Mis. Elizabeth Foater Jones. 75, widow of John D. Jones, who died a month ago, passed away at her home at (^roatser Wednesdav nlgfit. The funeral was hdd at the borne Friday afternoon at n 2 o'clock, with Rev. W, C. Darnell and Rev. F. E. Howard officiating. Interment followed in the Foster family graveyard. . Surviving are three sons,.George: Jones, of Winston-Sale'm; Sjpehcer and Bill Jones, at home; two daugh ters danghters, Misses Ella n and Anna Jones; at home; one brother, II. N. - Foster, of Comatzer; two sisters, Mrs .Frances 'Drake,' of pavie and Miss Martha Foster, of Winston Salem,- and six giand- children and one great-grandchild. Mrs.. R. D. F00L' Mrs. R. D. Pool, 46, died at the Bapdst .Hosppat, Winsto^tij|j^>MoDdBy, snom? ihg, where she bad ^i§^%'patirat fdr^e past three'weeks. 'Mrs. PtoM la suivived bv her hosbandl tcwo 'sms and one daugh ter, her'paieotS, Mr.' and' Mhi. Boston Pavis. orFork/ofie bfqtberi^ehd tme^^eti- Foaerat spfvieeB. vdU be held at'tte ;h(jm. at 10 qcl^k this moriil^ ' with Rev. J. H. .Ffl^linmJoffiidadEii^''ei^^ ~ the; bod'yrwUl 6e laldiO:.i^!.t9;Ro^4^^ Bio — Obituaries - 9/23/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, September 24,1936 Mrs. Elizabeth Jones Dead Mrs, Elizabeth Foster Jones, widow of John D. Jones, Confed- erute veteran, who died a month Mifd, poaaed away at' tier home at Cornntzer on Septembor IG, a-god ru. She was the dnnghter nf Henry Foster and Onmllla Cor- niitzer Fostcl, and was well- known in her community. The surviving family 'consists of three sons, George Jones of Win- stou-Salom, Spencer and lilll Jones, at home, two daur^tera; Misses Ella and Anna Jones, ot home, one brother, 11..H. Footer, of the same community, two sis ters, Mrs. Francos Drake, of Route S,. and Miss Martha Foster, of Winston-Salem, six grand children and one great-grand-4 'child. The last rites were held at iho home on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. W. Q. Dnr- ncir in charge, assisted by Rev. F.. E. Howard, and intermont was ]in the nearby Foster graveyard. 'Jl'hose acting as pallbourora were Henry Foster, George Jones, Clnr- oncu Foster, Joe Allen, Jack Ho- ; ward and Floyd Frye,' and the flowers were carried by Misses j.ena i'otts, ycrtio Sue Ellis,' - I'auliiio Starrj Annie McCnrtel? | Eva Potts and Blanche Foster. Mrs. JR. D. Poole | Passed Away Mon. Mrs. Edna Davis Poole, well- known Mockavillc woman and wife of R. D. Poole, passed away at the Baptist HcapitaJ, Winston- i Salcm, on Monday morning, Sept. j 21, after being a patient there j for several weeks. Although she had boon sick for sometime, hor | death cnmo ns n great shock to j l»or family and friends. She was j the daughter of Houston S. Davis ' aiicl'Eliy.'abcth Hogc Dnvia, of. Fork Church, She was first mar-. i i«d to 1>. P. Raticdge, of Mock-1 sviJlo, and four children were] born to this union, two dying in: i.il'ancy. Mr. Raticdge passed a- ] way on May 1, 1927. Several , years ago .ihe wn.i married to K. ^ D. Poole, and one son was born to this union. The surviving! family consists of her jinronts, j Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Davis, her hiKsband. II. D Poole, and three children, Frank Hntiedge, Eliza-- both Raticdge and Davis Poole, 1 .sister, AIlss Biddic, Dnvis and a • brother, Bud Davis, both of Pork. The funeral was held at the homo on Wed. morning nt 10 o'clock, ;ind was conducted by Rev. J. H. j Pul'ghuni, pastor of the BaptfBT Church, of which the deceased was a member, assisted by Rev. June Carter, of Winston-Sniom. Interment was in the fomlly plot nt Rose Cemetery. Those acting ns pallbearers yerc James Poole, R. II. Poole. H. R. Poole, L. 6. I Sloop, "W. A. Kevv and James 1 Bowles, lind the flowers were fir ch.irgB of the Baptist Woman's Missionary Union. Wo extend our deep sympathy to the bereaved family. Bio - Obituaries - 9/24/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 14,1936 Mr. May Yadkin's Oldest Citizen Is Dead. Yadkin's oldest citizen, its oldest Confederate veteran and ita oldest ordalneil Baptist nioister. has been called to hia reward. In Aosost he passed his IDlst birthday, Sonday a week ago while being left temporarly in his room by bim- self. he fell and broke hia hip. He never recovered from the shock and died at a Yadkinville hospital, TharS' day. Oct. Ist. Hia body was carried to Oak Ridge Baptist cborch, not far from his home, where the funeral was held and interment made in the church grav^ard. Rev V. M. Swaim. ofi Winston-Salem. had charge of the services, asaisted by namerous other Baptist miniatera of Yadkio and ad joining counties. On August 23.1935. when Mr. Uay reached bis 100th anniversary, hand- reds of people gathered at his home in honor of the occarion, He at" tempted to address the throng but after a few words was overcome and had to rit down. On August 23,1935, when Mr. May reached bis 100th anniversary, hund reds of people gathered at his home III honor of the occarion. He at" tempted to address the throng but after a few words was overcome and had to ait down. Mr. May was bom in Yadkin coun^. August 23. 1835 and after attending ^e free schools of the coun^, be secured a position of teadier at the ege of 21 and taught a number of schools in Yadkin and Davte countiea. He emigrated to Missouri and at the outbreak of the War Between the States joined the Ounfuderali; army and saw service throughout Che corflfct. Bio - Obituaries -10/14/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 21,1936 Mrs. J. Pi Green Passes Mrs. Elisabeth Eaton Green, 72, died almost soddenty at her home on North Main ' street Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mis. Green ^d been in had health for several years, bat her death came as a severe shock to her many friends tbroughotit the tjwn and county. Mrs. Green is survived' by her husband, Mr. T. P. Green; one ^ster, Mrs. John Naylor, of Cans; two brothers, Frank and Richard Eaton, of near Cana, a large num her of neices aod nephews, Mr. and Mrs. Green have been residents of Mocksvillc for nearly 40 years, and the passing of this good woman has cast a gloom over the entire town. Mrs. Green has been a member of tbc Baptist cbnrch since early childhood. Funeral services were held at the Baptist ctanrch Monday morn ing at II o'clock, with Rev. J. H Fulghanj iu charge, assis»ted bv Rev. W. H. Dodd The hcdv was laid to rest in Rose cemeterv. The large couccorse of friends at the funeral and the profusion of lovely flowers attested the high es teem in which this good woman was held. To the bereaved husband,^ «isier and brothers, Tlie Record joins the town and community in extendittg heartfelt sympathy in this hour^ of sadness. Mrs Green will be mtss ed in the home, the' church and ihrooghout the county. Mrs. Mary A. Snnth. Mrs. Mary A. Smith. 46. died sod* dmaly at her home at Advance Thurs* day morning. She was the wife of K. Glenn Smith, and bad moved to Davie recently from Wilkes connty. lltefQneral was conducted at Ad* Vance Methodist church Friday afternoon at 3:80 o'clock by Rev. - F. E. Howard, the pastor, and inters moitwas in Hie church cemetery. Surviving are her husband, two daoghtera, Misa Madeline Smith, of Baltimore. Md.. and Miss Kathleeo Smith, at home, one eon N, G. Smith. Jr.. at home; one brother, Gilmer Hanes; and two Msters, Mrs S. H. Barnett. of WinBtnn*Sal6tn, and Mia. George Mathia, of Dayhoni. H. L Barnes Passes. Funeral services for H. E. Barnes prominent Cooleemee citizen, who died in a Baltimore hospital Satur day were held at Cooleemee Baptist church at 3 p. m. Sunday. The pastor, Rev. A. T. Stoudemire, was the offidating minister. The rites locluded a service by the Masonic Order, conducted by J. Giles - Hudson, of Salisbury, state grandmaster. Interment was held in the fatnlly plot of the Memorial Park cemetery in Salisbury. Mr. Barnes was a native of Dav- idson connty, but had lived in Coo leemee since 1907. wheh he. took a pwUton as bookkeeper for the win cotton mills, later becoming cotton buyer and farm manager. He was al^ manager of the Coo* leemee telephone companv. In 1907, he was married to Miss Geneva Blalpck, of. Davle^ county, of Which union the following cbiU dren sntvive: Dr. H. Ei Barnes, Jr., Hickory; Muss Catherine Bam ra, now teaching in Ttoatman high school; Mrs. Jam» QvercMhi Kan nanoliR; and Ranioh, ^ Jauie'=Elleti; and Rosa Mac BaroM. wbo. are at home with their mother, ^ Bio - Obituiaries -10/21/1936 Mrs. J. H. Cud. Funeral services for Mrs J. H Cain, 91, widow ol J. H. Cain, a I Confederate veteran who died at her home in Mccksville Tuesday night, was conducted from the home at 10 o'clock Thursday morn ing. Interment was in Batons church graveyard. . The deceased was-in good health until she was suddenly stricken a* bout 6:30 o'clock Tuesday night and her death came as a distinct shock to her relatives and friends. Survivors include three daughters Miss Effie Cain of Mccksville, Mrs. G. M. Kirkman of * Greensboro, Mrs. J. W. Rodwellof Mccksville; two sons, P. B. Cain of New York city, and J. Boyce Cain, of Cana. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MCCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 28,1936 Mrs* T. R. Hall. News WBS received here Sunday nominnr announcing the sadden death of Mra. Jeffie Benson Hnll, which occurred at her home m More- he^ City, early Sunday mornlrn?. Mrs. Hall was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Benson, of tWs city, and her death was a shock to her parents and the entire cofrmunity. Mrs. flail is survived by her hus band and three small daughters; hpr parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Benson; throe sisters, Mrs. Howard McLamb, of Salembura; Mrs. Floyd Naylor and Miss Dorothy Benson, five broth era, ^omas. J G.. HaroM. Wallace and Billy, all of Mocksvllfe. Funeral services were held at the Moeksviile Baptiat church Tuesday morning, conducted by the pastor. Bev. J H. Pulghum. and the body laid to rest in Rose cemerery. The Itauord extends deep sympathy to the loved ones in this boor of sad ness Samael L Garwood. Samnel Gaiwood. 72, of Fork Chorob. died at bio boaie Sunday aftemooa at 1:15 o'douK. He had been in deciinlnil health for two years Sorvlvors iochide the wi. dow; tbiw sona, W. D. Garwood of Davie ooanty, and S. A. and G. E. Garwood, of WlostuQ-Saleio; five daugbteis. Hesdames P. J. Foster. J. C. Rattz. J. F. Myers, L. G. Wyatt and Paol Bailey, all of Davie conn, tv. A short fttueral s^ce was held from the bwme tUesday -motolDg at 10:30 o'dock and from the Fork Baptist eburcb at 11 o'doek by Rev. J. F. Carter, of Win 8toQ.Salem. and Rev. R. Vi. Tuner, of MocksvUte. Interment followed In the dmich graveyard. A. L Smoot. SaKshnry, Oct. ao.—Alexander Lee Smoot. 73, promt sent bosiness man. Sunday school teacbor and Baraca leader, died stiddenly this aftemon of a heart attack. * A native of Virginia, the son of the Rev. and Mrs James P* Smoot, be attended old Trinity college, taught school In Texas for several years and came to Salisbury in 1895. He served as register of deeds three terms, was mav6r, banker, bulldiDgatid loan leader, and in later years had been engaged in in surance bttsine-Hs He was founder, aud teacher of Jhe Smoot Baraca Bible class of the First Methodist church for approxi mately 40 years. He was State ad visor for the Baraca Fhllathea as sociation and was one of the State's delegates at the world convention in Montreal. Canada. last summer. He also was an active; Mason.. He was a member. oFth9,^fih«u' Mrs. Sihry G. Foster. Mrs. Mary Granger Foster, 84, widow of Jesse N. Foster. Confe derate veteran, passed away last Wednesday night at the home of her daughter. Mrs Nathan T. Foster, following a stroke of para* Iv^ Monday. The funeral was conducted at Concord Methodist church' Friday morning at 11 o'clock by the pastor, Rev. M. G Ervin. Rev. E. J. Harblnson, of Mocksville and Rev. A. C. Swaf* ford, of Salisbury. Surviving are one brother. Marion Granger, ot Cooleemee; four daughters. Mrs. Marsh Butler, of Salisbury; Mrs Preston Redmon, of Cleveland; Mp!. Nathan T. Foster, of Mocks ville, and Mrs. John Dwire, of Salisbury; two sons, Rev. D. L. Fo.>?ter, of New Providence, la. and Fred Foster, of Salisbury; 27 graudcbildreu end several great grandchildren. Iiterment was at Concoid church. Bio - Obituaries -10/28/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 4,1936 Mrs. J.oiin A. Gartner. Mrs. Mary Walker Gartner, 88, died last Tuesday night at the home of her son Boone Gartner, at Coolecinee. Mrs. Gartner bad been seriously ill for a week or more, j Mrs. Gartner was a daughter ofi the late Harrison Walker and Sarah Cbaffin Walker, who spent their entire lives in Davie county. Mrs. Gartner is survived by one son Boone Gartner of Cooleeraee; tour brothers, W, S. and T F, Walker, of Galabain township; J. H Walker, of Spartanbnrg. S. C ; R. L. Walker, of Mocksville; two sisters, Mrs. S. J. Smoot. of Gala bain, and Mrs. J. B. Wbitlev. of H'gh Point. Six grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren, also survive Funeral services were held at Salem Methodist church Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. M. G. Ervin, and the body laid to rest in the church cetnetery. Mrs. Gartner bad been a member of the Methodist church since early girlhood. She was a Christian woman, and her death has brought sadness to (be bereaved relatives and a ho.st of friends throughout the county. Mrs. Maty Doby. Mrs. Mary Doby, 77. died at her home near Fork last Tue-sdayevea- lag. Surviving is a brother, Rati- dclph Hughes; one son, Manuel Doby; one daughter, Mrs C. C. Barney, and a number of grand children. Funeral services were held a^ Fork Baptist church Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, with Rev. E. W, Tamer, of Mocksville, con ducting the services. The body was laid to rest in the church grave yard. James P. Hnmpbreys. James Fierpont Humphreys, 68, Davie county farmer, died at his home, Mocksville, Route 4, Friday night at 7:40 o'clock. He had been ill for several months and confined to his bed for three weeks. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Mary Ann Humphreys; two dangb- ters, Mrs. C. G Poster, of Wins- ton-Salem, and Miss Tohusle Hum phreys, of the home place; aud five sous, J. W. aud J. A. Humphreys, of Winstoa-Salem," and Paul N., Carl J. atid Leo H. Humphreys, of the home place. The fttneral was' held Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at Liberty Methodist Church. Burial followed in the church graveyatd. Bio - Obituaries -11/4/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 11,1936 William F. Baker. Wiiiiam FraDklin Baiter, 54, of oeatOak Grove, died at Long's HoapitaL Stateftvilte. SuDday afteiQOoQ at six o'do^, d^th re sulting from a seif infliisted rifle shot «htcH planed bia abdomaa last Sottttday mOTDlDi Mr. ^er la survived by his widow, two daughters. Mrs. Gilbert Atwood and Flora Bsken three nma. CatL Wifliam aad James. Foireral services were cooilocted by Revs. H. 6. Ervto and J. H. Fulgbum at Oak Grove Uethodlfit cbotob Thesday &(• ternooQ at 2:30 o'ctock. and the bod? hid to rm lo the chuich oemezety. Mr. Batter bad beea io bad health for some time, which is tboogbt to be the causa of the ahtrnting wbldi ended bia life. The family have the sympathy of the community In their sadJbCTeavement. Mrs, C Ms Godbey. Mrs. Elvera EHxabeth Godbey, widow of C. M Godbey. died Moa- ^3y» Nov. 2nd at the home of her son, M. L> Godbey, wilh 'whom she lived. Mrs. Godbey fractnred her hip in a fall abbttt a month a- Ro and pnetimonia, which develop- ed after the injary; resulted in her death. Mrs Gcdbey was 79 years old. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs Wiley Gaither of Davie county. Surviving are two sons, Messrs. M. L, Godby and C. F. Godby, both of Davie countv; and fmi daughters, Mrs wi P.Stroud, Mrs. G. L. Walker. Mrs. J. L. Cariner, of Davie county; four daughters, Mrs W. P. Stroud, Mrs. G. I,. Walker. Mrs. J, L. Gartner, of Davie county, and Mrs. I. R. Campbell, of Rowan county. Two sisters, Mrs. A. M. Stroud and Mrs. Wesley Cartaer, of Davie, also.survive. . Mrs. Godbey bad ^been a mem ber of Salem Methodist chnrcb since her girlhood. The funeral service was held from Salem n church Wednesday afternoon at 2. o*cloc1c, conducted by Rev. M. G. Ervin, and inter ment followed in the church ceme tery. R. L, Benson. R. L. Benson, one of cbe few Con- lederate veterona left in Davie coun ty, died Nov. 4 at Cooleemee, and w®s buried Friday morning at 11 o clock in the family plot at Wood* i^f after funeral services at the Woodleaf Methodist cbnrch. He is survivvd by four sons: B. W. Rome and Sam Benson, of Coolee mee; Walter Benson, of Gaffney, 55, C., and three daughters: Mrs. 0. P. Morton, Mrs. Meek Thompson, of ^ol®^ee; Mrs. Arthur ^in, of High Point. Mrs, Howard Myers. Mrs. Howard Myers, 62, passed away at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Georgia Mvets and Mrs. I<il lie Howard, at Advance, Tuesday, at 1:15 o'clock.! Mrs. Myers was first married to Thomas Howard in 1892 and to this union eight child ren were bom, iall of whom survive. After his passing she was married to Wiley Myers on November, 4, 1922. I Surviving 'ar^ Mr. Myers and the I following children: Thomas Ho* !ward, Sam Howard. Mrs. Georgia Myers and Mrs LUlie Howard, aU of Advance, route i; Tune Howard, o f Roaring River; Mrs. Mai^ Shields, of Winston Salem, route 5 Mrs. Rever Myers, of Yadkinville ronte 2; Dovie Howard, of Clem mons. route 2. Also by thirty-one grandcbitdren; three sisters; Mm Lillte Howard, of Clemtnoos; Miss Maude Smith, of Winston Salem. and one brother, Davie Smith, of Advance. Funeral services were held at the home of Mrs. George Mvers at 2 p. m., Thursday and at Macedonia Moravian church at 2:30 p m. In terment followed in the church graveyard. Rev. Mr. Howard, of Greensboro, conducted tbe funeral services. Bio - Obituaries - 11/11/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 18,1936 W. L. Neely Fire Chief Drops Dea^ Fire chief W I„ Neely, of Staiei* ville, while fighting a fire Sunday afternoon, dropped dead. Mr. Neely was 53 years old, and Is survived by bis wife and several children. Bio - Obituaries — 11/18/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 25,1936 Mrs» Owen Mrs. Owen Ridenbour died. at her hoifae in Nortli/; Coold^njee Thursday motning, deaib resuUing from pneamoola. Mi^. Ridenbour io survived by four sons and one daugbter, her falber, Geo. -W. •Wafford, one brother and four sisters. Funeral services were coo' ducted hv ber pastor, Rev. M. G. Ervio, at Liberty Methodist church Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock and the hody laid to rest in the church cemetery Mr. Ridenhdardied last March- Mrs. Jobn Naylor..- Mrs. Susan Eaton Naylor, 63 of Cans, died Snaday morning at 2 o'clock, at Long's Hospital, State^ viUe, where she bad been taking treatment for the past three weeks, death resulting from heart trouble. Funeral services were held at Eaton's Baptist church Mo'uday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, conduct ed by Revs E. W. Turner ^nd H. T. Penry, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Mrs. Naylor is survived bv her busbaud, three sons, Floyd, Clyde and Martin Naylor; four daughters, Misses Elizabeth aud Inez Naylor, Mrs. Wade Hutchens, and Mrs. Velma Bowles. Two brothers, f. P and D. R Eaton; also survive. Mrs, Naylor was a native of Davie connty. and bad been member of Baton's church for many years. She will be sadly missed in her commnnity. To the be reaved ones The Record extends deep sympathy in the death of this good woman. Bio - Obituaries -11/25/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 2,1936 Wiiliam S. Walker Pa^es. William S. Walker. 8i, one of Calahaln ibwoshtp's best known farmers, died at bis home near Kappa, at five o'clock last Wed- nesdav morning. Mr. Walker suf fered a stroke of paralysis about x8 months ago, and had been confined to his home most of the lime since. Mr. Walker was a son ol the late H J. and Sarah Chaffin Walker, and was born in Calahaln town ship, where he spent his entire life, Suiviving Is his widow, three sons L B Walker Roanoke. Va ; Wal ter Walker, High Point, and Mc- Kiolev Walker, at home; one daughter, Mrs. Leonard Ballentine, of Varina, Wake county. Three hroibeis. R. L. Walker, of Mocks vine; F. F. Walker, of Calahalr; John H. Walker, of Spartanbnrg. S. C., and two sisters. Mrs S. J- Smoot, of Calabain, aud Mrs T B. Wbitley. of High Foiiit. also sur vIve. Jessie M. Foster; Jesse M Foatei*. 46, of Jericho, died last tne^y nlsht ^ an Illinois hospitrf. ^heie be-wtftkioa treatment for csncOT, Fun eral servieefl were held ^turdaymorning at 10 o'clock, nt th® home ofhlssiaterrMra. B.r ft Rev. Thetoa Prltcbard. m charge, and the body laid to rest In Jericho n church cemetery. ., ! Mr.. Foster ia anrvlved by ma widow and three children, one wn 'and two daughters: his parenta, Mr* land Mrs Frank Froster. and <me^Sater. Mre. B. B Smith. iJr. Poster 'was In camp several months during ; the World War Fnnerai services were held at Salem Methodist church Thursday morning at 10:3,0 o'clock, conduct ed by Rev 41. G Ervio, and the body laid to re-st li the church cemetery. Mr. Walker had many friends throughont Davie conutv. who were saddened by the news Ot his death. To the bereaved family. The Record joins these many friends in extending sympathy in this hour \.f sadness Mrs. Samnel Jones. Mocksville. Nov. 25 — Mrs. Martha Smith Jones, 78. widow of Sanine! Jones, of Davie passed a- way at a Morgauton hospital on November 24. She was the daugh - ter of Thomas A. Smith and Bettie Bailev Smith. Surviving are one son. W S. Jones, of Davie, and one stetcr, Mrs. T. L. Dunn of the same community. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 at Bethlehem Methodist Chnrcb, with Rev. E..W. Turner in charge,. Bio - Obituaries -12/2/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 9,1936 Mrs. Mary Beauchamp. Mrs. Mary Be&ucbamp. Si» died at her home near Redlaod last Tnes day afternoon Mrs. Beauchamp Is survived by five daughters, Mtp. Fanote Sheek. Cooleemee; Mrs. Cora Vogler, of Advance, R. i; Mrs. Lillie Spatnhoor, Winston- Salem, Mrs. Beriha Walker, Troy; Miss Mamie Beauchamp, Advaiice, R I. Five sons. J. G., J. M., J, E . M. K.. and J. R Beauchamp, all of near Advance, survive. There are 35 grandchildren. 40 great grandchildren and one great great grandchild. Mrs. Beauchamp was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Sheek, and had spent her entire life in this county. Her husband died 34 years ago. Funeral services were held. Maeedonia church Friday after^ 0000 at a o'clock, conducted by Rev. Mr.' Brewer, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Albert L. Smith Killed. Albert t, Smith, 54. a former resident of the Redland section but who had been a railway mail clerk for nearly 33 years, and who lived, at Haue.^towo. was instantly killed by a freight train near Hanes station Friday afternoon. It is said that he walked head on into the train.^ Mr. Smith is survived by his wife and four sons. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W J. Smith, of Red- land. The body was laid to rest in Bethlehem church cemetery Sun day. Funeral services were con ducted by Rev. C F Tate. M. Z. Sheets. M. Z. Sheets, 60. died at his home near Fork Church Thursday after uoou. He had heeu io declining health for some time. Funeral services were conducted from the Fork Baptist Church at i o'clock Saturday afternoon, with Rev. E. W Tn.rner in charge. In terment followed to the chtircb graveyard. Survivors include the wife, who was Miss Mary Minor prior to mar riage; two brothers residing tu Win ston Salem, N. D. Sheets attd J. H. Sheets, and four other brothers,>yS. S. Sheets, of Advance, route a, H. C. Sheets of Lewisville, C. L. Sheets of Ringgold, Va,; and J. B. Sheets of Palouse, Wash.; and one sister, Mrs. A. T- Mitchell, of Danville, Va, Bio - Obituaries -12/9/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 16,1936 John W. Etchison * li b w{tb sfldoess that we duoolde the detftbofli*^ W. Btchlsoo. 74, wWch di*ahed at hi* Satofday morning, daatb teaoUing fcom a two week d riinqiift of paimmoata.. ^ • Fgoeial scivlcea weio .held at Saton s Baptist chmch Sonday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Reea. V. M. Swalm and J. U, Falgbum officlatlog,aod theiudy laid to f(« la Ibe cbdieh cemetery. Ur. Etddson la snrvlved by three sons. Otrell, ^Wlnatoa Salem; Walter, of Mloml, Ra..Eveielt, 01(3808,801! one daogbw Mlso Annie Laurie Etchlaoo, of Cleveland. Otito. One brathar. L. A. Etchleon. ol Caii8.andtwodaten,.Mr8. J. W. Eaton, of Cane; and Mra Ellzabetb Carr, of Ten* neaaee, alse aurvlve. to the death of. Mr. Etchison. Davie coonty losea one of her most beloved citi neiaa. a man whom ihe editor baa known for a third et a ceotory, and one of oar host fiienda. ' He was a Christian gentleman, a long time member of Caton'a Baptist cborcb. Ur. Etchison served aa cojonty treasurer for several yeots, sod was one of the COOQtys best knowD cUlzeov. To the be reaved ones. The Ret:otd extends aympa tby in the loss of a loving father and broiber. Pis M. Swicegood. Ellis hf. Stvioegood, 77, died ai the Davie Conoiy .Home last Tues day aftemooD. death resulting from & ten days illoess of pDeumonia. Funerat sefvices were held a: Tyro Methodist church in David son countv Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'cio* k, conducted by Rer. W. H. Dodd, of Mochsville. and the body laid to rest in the cborcb cemetery. Mr. Swicegood is survived oy one. son, C. M. Swicegood. of Asheville, and o.ie daughter, Mrs. Mack Gatbreath, of Frankfort, Kv. Five brothers, William Swicegood, Valdosui, Gfl Dr. Jesse Swice- good* Atlauta. Ga.; Walter Swice good, Hapeville, Ga.; N. H.Swice. good, Tyro, and Floyd Swicegood. Cleveland Ohio, also survive. Mr; Swicegood moved to Mocks villein 1891 from Davidson county, and went into the hotel and' livery business, and has spent the past 45 veaiu here. He was a member of the Mocksville Baptist church, and the Silly Sunday Cinb. fife had many trieods in the town and county who Were saddened by bis death. • Calvin C. Strond* Mrs Calvin C. Stroud. 72, died at the borne of her son P. W. Stroud. at Lesiiigton^ -on December 7ih. followiug an extended illness. Puneml services were held at Society Baptist church last Tuesday afiernoon at 2 o'clock, conducted bv Revs. W. L. Mc^wain and V. M Swaim, and the body laid to rest in the church graveyard beside the body of her husband, who died 15 years ago. Mrs Strottd has been a member of Society Baptbt cborcb since early girlhood. • For the past two years she had been living With her son at Lexington. Mrs.' Stroud Is sorvlv^ by two sous, Eugene B Strohd, of Gore ville. III., and P. W. Stroud. ot Lexington; one daugbier, Mrs, P. L Roberts, of County Line. Two sisters, Mrs Nannie SafHet. of East St. Louts, III., and Mrs Alice Wal lace, of near Eagle*Mills^ also, sur vive Mrs. Stroud bad many friends in Davie and Ire^ll cQunty who will, be sorry to learn of her death. She II/ed most of her life near Coonty Line. Calvin Cranfill. Funeral services for Calvin Lew CrauBIl, 93, wbodivd Monday night at the home Jof a daughter, Mrs. James Gipcej of Farmington, were conducted -Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Courtney Baptist Church, Yadkin coonty. Rev. E. W. .Tonier w^ in charge of the services and interment was in the church graveyard. • . n Bettie Jo StewarL Bettie Jo Stewart. 4 year old daughter of John G. Stewart and Willie Mae Lakey Stewart, of Ful ton,'died early Friday'morning. The funeral was condpcled at Ful ton Methodist church Sunday- afternoon at 3 o'clock, in charge with Rev. F. B. Howard. Bio - Obituaries -12/16/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 23,1936 Lewis Hendrix Marion Granger. J. M. Granger, aged and highly respected cirfzen of Cooleemee, died at his home Monday morning of last week. Mr. Granger is sorvived by his widow, two daughters. Mjrs. Geo B. Gibson and'Mrs. F. G Mc Swain, of Cooleemee. and two sous, Charles Granger, of Winston Salem and Percy Granger, of Baltimore. Funeral services were held at Center Methodist church last Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the hody laid to rest in the church cemetery. lolm Riddle. Ftt^ral services for John Riddle 66, who died at his home near Red' aud Bethle Methodist church last Wed- „ and H. E.Prwman in charge of the service. Mr. Riddle is survived by his widow, one daughter, Mrs. M k ^len. of Redland; one brother. As bury Riddle, of near Smith Grove- our sisters, and a half airer. Mj* Kiddle was aj meiuher of Yadkin Valley Baptist church. little Boy Dies. X.ewis, the 3 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Tommie S. Hendrix, of S aith Grove, died at the Twin City Hospital Thursday morning, deaih following a week's illness of pneu mooia Funeral services were held at Smith Grove Methodist chnrcU Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, con- ducted by Rev. H. C. Freeman, and the little body laid to rest In the church cemetery. Surviving are the parents, one brother aud one sister. The grief-stricken fami ly have the sympathy of a host of blends in the loss of their little son. Bio - Obituaries -12/23/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA