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Jul - Dec
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 3,1935 Grant Lanier Passes. Grant Lanier, 21, died at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Lanier, in North Mocksville. Thursday evening, Jane 27tb, fol lowing a long illness Fnoeral services were held at the home Sat urday afternoon at 2:30'o'clock, conducted by bis' pastor, Rev. E. Hatbinson, and the b'^y laid td rest in Rose cemetery. Suryiving is tbe- parents, - and a number of brothers and sisters. The Record extends sympatbv to the grief stricken family in the death of their son and brother. Grant was a good boy, and had many friends who were saddened by his death. W.S.Guffr. Mr. Winfield Scott i'-Guffy,. 77 years old, died ^Jnne 23rdi at the home of his nephew, Mr. D. A. Guf fy. in tbe Cool Spring community. Mr. Gnffy had been in declining health, for tbe past two years and was critically ill for a week prior to bis death. He* had made his home with his nephew at Cool Spring since last February. Mr. Gnffy was a native of Davie county, having spent most of bis life in this county. He -was the last of a family of ten cbidren. Mr. Gnffy was uever married. Funeral services were held June 24th from Society Baptist church, conducted by Rev. J. G. Winklbr and Rev. W. L. McSwain. Mrs. Sailie Howard. Mr.*. Sailie C. Howard, 75, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G.' D, Moore, in Charlotte, on Jane 25th, foUowIng go emended illness. Funeral services were held at Fork Baptist thurcb last Wedues day, condacted by Rev. J. L. Kirk and T L Caudell, of Mocksville^ and Rev. Frank Ganett, of Carton, Tenb, The- body was laid to rest in the Fork graveyard. Spiw viving Mra. Howard, ia eight cbildreo.G L M.C and 0. CL Howard,- of I^azvtUe. Tenn.; Mrs. 6. D. Moore^ of Charlotte; Mia. L. 6. WiUieiRs, Welter, L.'B. and J. R4 Howard, all of Sitisbucy. Three aiatera, Mra. T. L Howard, of Cornatzer: Ural Belle Davis, of Foaotaln (Sly. and Mrs. Emma' Evcrhaidt, also of Tennessee., Mrs. How ard was a member, of Fork-Baptist church, and had resided in Davle practically all of ber life. Bio - Obituaries - 7/3/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 4,1935 GRANT LANIBR PASSES AWAY Grant Wall Lnnicr, popular youn;; tson of Harrison II. Lanler land Mary jLouise Wall Lanior, ,'(Ued at thoi): liomo oii< June 27th, after a year's illness, aged 20. I Jle was a '.bright, tulon<tcd young .man, and his early death has .brought great sorrow to his re latives and piany friends. The surviviiiff family consists of his pareuls, Mr. and "Mrs. 11. H. Lan- ier, and i'ho following brothers and sisters: Lonnie II. Lunicr, of Athens, Ala.,. John Lnnicr, of Winston Snlcm, Bob and Harry Imnior, of this place, Mrs. Addi- sou Graver, Winston^alem, •Mrs. Harwy WHHams, of Oxford, .Mrs, Turner Glodfcltcr, of Win- aton-Salom, Mary K., Edna and Nadino Lanler, of this plouo, Tho dccoRscd was -a member of the Methodist church here, and hod b^con an active member of. tho Epworth League as long as his health permitted. He was an ex ceptionally fine student in High SchooF, <and had the hiigh re gard of both his toachcra and schoolmates. Tho funeral "'was liield at the home on Saturday afternoon at 2:,80 with Rev. E. J. Harbison in charge, assisted by Rev. W. 1. Howell, Rev. J. H. Pulghtim, Rev. R. L. Hcthcox and Rev. J, jp. Carter, the latter oi Winston-Salom. As a (.tsipoclal song Mr. Bcrnie >Clodfoltcr, of Winaton-Snlem, sang "Take Yoiu Burden to Tho Lord." . The inter- moiit was in Rose Cemetery, ana thcr,c wore many floral tributes. The pallbearers wore Marshall Howard, .Gray Hcndricks, Lonnio iGrny'Cnll, Milton James, Odcll Janic.s and William Moore,' and Uic flowers wore carried by Mrs. Vivian Sparks, Mrs. T. A. Stonio, Beatrix ChildrcsH, Ruth Anguli, Mary Lola Livingston, Crpah An- gcll, Siirnlj, Hnncs 'Stono, Mary Turronlinc, BcHio Hoge,^ Hazel Kobbins, D.c!ln Thornton, Annie Ruth Call. We. extend our deep sympathy .to the bereaved family. Bio - Obituaries - 7/4/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 10,1935 John Linzy Ward 8b. Cptiftney W^d. ' allei«bbb;-7pUbf^Dg a. l^g : ;?Mr?;B a' native'of eptlre .' life copbtyi -'. 4 .:tbe'. Convey feii&e 'mow: aoa. fo^rjbauRb^rd/bDesbjd;. Seraf wa^pS^sjTbni^a^^ire . vCotfttpjey lapdst; cbdr)»^b®dbceed;b'sfJ|bV JY, :?& vs^blin'Ufa Vli ;. P;:;'IJ[aiife. Meets Hdrrible Death. lobo I«inzy .Ward, y.-year old son of Mn and Mrs. W. I,. Ward, ' of Advance, was instantly killed -last Wednesday afternoon when he fell beneath a threshing machine operat* .:d by Wiley Potts,' at Ad van re. The threshing machine was being pulled by a steam engine op^tea by Potts and a ton^e was used to connect the two machines. The little boy ."who left home unknown to'hls.mother, tried to get. on the tongue, and fell' beneath the ma* chine, the heavy wheels passing over bis body causing instant death.. Surviving are the parents; three brothers, one sister, and tbe^and* parents, "iSiIr. .and Mrs Cbarles Ward, of Advance and j>r. and Mrs. T. T. Wathlns,- o| Oleraimons. The funeral was held at the .Ad« vance Methodist church Thnr^ay afternoon at 5 0'clock! Tcondhcted by Rebs^.W, H.- Howard, of Ad vance, and E. WTurner, of Mocks- vilie, and .the body laid to. -rest 'its the chnrch ceihetery. , Tbe grief strii&en, parents have, the sympathy of a host of friends In'the death of their. Ifttle'son^ • • Bio — Obituaries - 7/10/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 17,1935 -''Hjranerftl s^dcea were held at B.ix- in a Statesville ho^ital Saturday, fol- lowingadidrtilliias^. Noiiomediate relative sdiryive.. Interment follow- ed in the''Elba^dlle. U. P-. Cbnrefai' cemetery, with Kev. J. W. Fo^iter of- j fiisiating. Sir. Wood speDtpracticdl- ly all of Jbia life fn Davip.. . < Bio - Obituaries - 7/17/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 18,1935 GAITUKU U. WOOD 1 DIES IN SUATESVILLE' Ottilhcr It. Wood, well-known Diivio county citizen, passed nwtiy in Lonjr's Sniintoriitm, Stutc&viUc, on Saturday tnornins, July-13th, ajfcd 76. 'Che deceased was the son of John Wood and June Parley Wood. His wife, who was formerly Mlaa Jennie lIoT- brook, of Concord, died several years ago, and there arc no near relatives. The funeral was held at Bixby Prcabylerinn church on Siindtty aftpj-noon at .3 o'ciocic, with Rev. J. W. Foster, of Coolcc- nice, in chavf^c, unit the interment was at Elbavillc. The pallbearers were Cliarlcs W. Hall, George Gobble, Silas Myers', Sum Shoots, Joe H. Kobcrtsoii and Waller •Iturney, and 'the flowers were icarriud Iby MIssoh Wllnia Myers, \Villn Mac Ijtarncy, Iteeeic Cor^ rutzdr, Norma Uec 'itobcrlflon, >Fiiyc Robertsoiv and Annette Barney. W. Roy Johnson p. J. JOHNSON'S NEPHEW DEAD Mr. P. J. Johnson received tho and news that his nephew, W. Roy Johnson, of Wcavcrvlfle, engineer cf the State Highway and Public Works Commission, was killed on Monday evening about 7 o'clock, when his ear collided with u truck nbout a mile from his home. Ihe dcecascd was a well-known- young mnn, and was the son of iho late Baseom .Johnson and Mrs. Fllle R. Johnson, of North Wilkc- aloro. Ho la survived by his wife and several young children ,hia mother, one slater, Mrs. I''nye Hulctt, of North Wilkcsbuvo,- nna Ijfother. Ciovo Johnson,-of'Allan.' la. niwl ill's Hgcd grandmotlicr, MVS. Philip Johuaon, Sr., of jjciioir. Mr. Johu.ion attended tho fiinorni, which vVas. held in I cnoir o» Wednc.iday morning at 1J o'clock. O. L. NAYLOR ;DIES ' ^ AT DUKE hospital .Frieiida of 0. L. Naylor will rdgrct to learn cf 'Jiis passing at Pulto Thnr^clav mQrn-|- ing, July 11th. after an illnea^ of • two months. Mr. Noylo^ wo.< boriv in Smith Grove. Davie County, 71 years ago, leaving there In young manhood. He ac cepted a position with the ijp"- rottd company. Ho has "been nn engineer on the 'Seaboard Air line for 88 years. Started with Railroad Company when they fired .with wood and. made his last run Jan. 16, H>36. lie leaves a wiiffl. Mrs. Katie-Naylor, one daughter. Miss Thelma Naylor, of Raieigb, one sonr, Harold. U Naylor. Winston-Salem, one. sis ter, Mrs. W. L. Hones, of Mocka- ville and a number of^ relativelind friends. J 'His funeral was held at his homi in V intar July 12th at 8:80 o'clock. Intei- mont woa in Onkwood ccmetew. '^'rhMe nOteiidinfif Irom hero wore M«. W. L. Hands, Mra- J- V. Angell.nnd Mis-s Ruth AngcH. Bio - Obituaries - 7/18/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 24,1935 : I Mrs. M^ JHowar^. Mrs.' 'Mary.. Howard^ Davie county's, oldest woman, died at her home near Bixby Friday'night^ death resulting from a' broken leg. follow ed by paralyaiB. Funeral serncea were held at Smith Grove Methodist^ church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock cpnduc^ by ]^v. Hethcox. and the body Jaid to rest in the chnn^ grave-^ yard. Surviving is two sons and two danghterj. 19 grandchtrdren. and a- ^ bout-25 great-grandchildren. Mrs.;: Howard ww Mair Jane C^lt beforeV nuu:rlage. '• . . /ri J. B. Bren<^r Passes. James B. -Brenegw. .78, -died at •.his near'Eork Church .-la^' 'Tuesday'^ night j* following .'.ati, ex tended- illne®. of; heart Fah|jraljservices were ronductiedby t, i Gaudell at'Nbe Cr^k Baptist chnrcb Thui^ky morning ^ ajt .11 o'cIocIe; and the body laiid. to r^t in the chtifcH -^meterv. Surv v- iug Mr. ers, Mrs.: P: sV .Young, of t^is city, Mts. Albert' Hol^r, 3* • and ''Mrs. n Glehn Miiler, . of Jackson SpViSgSr. jOnh brother, H. 'T, Brenegar, of thisrcily, ,al^ . sui- viyes. .Mr; 'Breuegfir'jwas. of.Davie, aud spent bis entire file idi the'purity.. -.. ToVthe ^twiteaved ones. The R^ri^'iextends'.^mpa^ !thy.: Chas. A. Wellman Chas, A. '\Vellnian,;56;' 'died >t lis home in Salisbury^ last!.W^hes Jay following ait'^tendi^ .Ulhe^; surviving isbis^^di^^bhet^n arid ^(70 daughters. v^.The^biodylwas lajd'^ h Ch^nnt^^iir ceibete'ry ^hnrsday afteraotoov' • Wcil- lan was a native of-Ibvle.. county p son of the latje Mr.^'abd SIts.. ^Wellmaa, but had.ljyed InvSalisb^ many Bio - Obituaries - 7/24/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 25,1935 MRS. MARY JANE HOWARD PASSES AWAY Mrs. Mnry June Howard, aged and well-known- widow of the ^hite Samuel Howard, u Confeder ate veteran, passed away nt the home of her dau-ghter, Mrs. 6. L. Carter, near Smith Grove, on July 19th, aged 98. She was a I member of Dulina Methodist Protestant church, and was wide ly connected. The surviving family consists of two daughters, Mrs. A. C. Cornntzer, of Ad vance, Mrs. B. L. 'Carter, of Smith Grove, one son, Charles C. Howard, of Bixliy, one sister, Mrs, Clementine Miller, of neni Furmington, two brothers, Kelly Howard and Lafayette Duiln, of Havic, 19 grandciiildrcn, 40 great grandcliiidrcn and three grcat- grcnt-grundchlldren. The last rites were held at Smith Grove Mothodist church on Sunday af ternoon, with Roy. R. L. llothcox, a'ssistcd by Rev. F. E. Howard, officiutingi and intormen-t was in the church cemetery. Those net- in;; ns pnll'bcnrers were Roy Whi- taker, Jim Whitaker, Howard Car ter, Sam Carter Zachey Car ter and Sidney' Carter, ' and the floral offerings wore,car ried by Misses Marjorio Hart ley, Magnlene Hartley, Georgia Ellis, Bertie Sue Ellis, Ethel Whiiakor, Ruth Carter, Gertrude Carter, I^^na Potts, and Lillian Hartley. JAMES B. BRINEGAR DEAD James B. Brinegnr, well-known Davie county citizen, died at his home on last Tuesday night, July 10th, aged 78, the funeral being conducted on Thursday morning, nt No Crook Faiitlst church, in tho Fork Church community.- T. I. Cnudeil, of Mocksvlllc, was in charge of tiio service, and tho iiilcrmopt was in the church cemetery. His wife, who was formerly MIsk .ioaenhino ITnll. of Salcm, N. C„ preceded, him In death eight ycnva ago. The sur viving riiniity consisLH of three daughtm-s, Mrs. P. S. Young, .of I^ioi'kavilie, Mrs. A. E. Hdider, oi Fork Church, and Mrs. Glenn Miller, of Jaekson Springs, sev eral grand children, and ono -bro ther, IL T. Brcnegar, of this place. Bio - Obituaries - 7/25/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 8,1935 DEATH OP VBRLE CLAY MICHAEL Vorlo Clny Michnel, bwo nnd onudtnlf month old dnutfhtor of lloiu'y nnd Tin Runingo Michaol wnR iborn Moy 18,' 1985 nnd foil naleop August 3, 193B. She wna A constant sufferer until death look her nway. All that loving hfinda could do wove In • vain. Punernl aoi'viccs wore held Sun- dny nflernoon at 2:30 at Roods Baptist Church by the pastor, Rev. E. C. Roach ami "Durlal was in tho cemetery neari)y, under a bank of flowers. Verio Clny has gone to Glory land Wo'will clasp her by the Ivind She'll bo waiting at the gate For lior loved ones there wait. Iler cross was hard to bear But a golden crown she'll wear She has loft her dear ones here They'll be welcome over there. Verio Clay is. gone, but not for gotten By her loved ones left behind She is resting in that city .Where the lijrhts forever shine. Bio - Obituaries - 8/8/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday August 14,1935 ; Mrs. Win Robert.. Mirs. Will Roberts , died At her botQ.e.iaeaf Countyjuine -last-' 'Toes. day moraiDg.' The body was; laid to rest in Salem Metbodist church graveyard Thursday motulug at lo o'clock, Mrs. Roberts is suiyioed by several sons and dangbters. She was a membei of the Jericho Chris* rtan church Bio - Obituaries - 8/14/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 15,1935 Thomas Carr JACOB C. BEDDING DEAD Last rites for Jtvcob > Calvin Beeding, 70, who died at the County Home on Aug. 13, were held nt 'Bethlehem 'Methodist church Wednesday morning, at 10. o'clock,-with the pastoi'i liev, 11. C.- Froemon> In charge. _ The deceased was u resident of the Red lands community, and was un married; He -was the . son- o^ Calvin Beeding ond Mary Jen kins Beeding, and is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Fleas Thornton and Mrs. William Plowman, both of the Cornotzer vicinity. MISS CABR'S FATHER PASSES . AWAY The numbers of friends of Mlaa Emily Carr, who was Home Economics teacher hero for tho past five years, will sympathize with her in the recent .death of her fnthar, Mr. Thomas Carr, which occurred nt their home on j Charlotte Route 10. The dcceaa- [ cd had been in* 111 health for several years. Miss Garr's fri ends will also regret that sht will not return to 'Mocksvlilc this year, but has accepted a position nn the Forest City high school, land will also do county demon- Istratiou work. . • Bio - Obituaries - 8/15/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday August 21,1935 Jake Beaton Jike Beaton, 60, died at the jiooBlyljODe last Tuesday mornlDK plbiriQg a loQg illness. The fnn- Iwdatviceswere held at Betblehetn IBctliolistcbtjrcb Wednesday mom o'clock cooducted by Rev.llH. FfteiQati, pastor, and the body l^loTtstin ihe chtucb cemetery. I ^"'00 is sarvived by two sis* I'o^JDd a OQttiber of relatives.. Bio - Obituaries - 8/21/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday August 28,1935 C. H. Whitaker Re?. C. H. Witaker,,74, died at I» home in Winston-Salem last Tut^ay. He was for several years iiesideat of Mocksville, being pas ^of Bethel and a number of other ^P. chnrcfaes in Davie, Mr. '^taker had many friends here aio were saddened by the news' of •^^eath. Surviving is the widow '«te daoghters and two sons. A man has gone to his reward. Bio - Obituaries - 8/28/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday September 4,1935 Bert Hepler Davie citi- home near Ash^ *boiii of last week, aged,^35 years. Surviving Is his HepRt®?. ®tte brother Herbert r«d.bt,riJi Jbls county. . FaneriM BttacoiS2 took, place to. %er Wednesday. • Mr.about three years to Fairview, near Bio - Obituaries - 9/4/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 5,1935 MRSv,AMEbi^;nEAvis Martin ... "PASSES ' .• . Yadk(nvilIe,~Mr3.. Amelia Ron- via. Martin, 70.passed away at bor home near Yudkinville, Monday, Ufter a short HIness with heart trouble. Mrs. Martin was widely known in this aeibtion of the state hov- ing made her home in- Yadkin county for many years. She was born Auig. 29, 1860. In 1802 she was married to U. A. Martin. Survivinjf are five sons, C. E.* Reavis, W. L. Martin, of Yadkin- ville; M. D. Martin, and R. P, Martin, Hocksville and Elton Martin, Roekford; tiliree daugh ters, Mrs. J. H. Hauser, Mrs. C. A. Wilkins, am! Mrs. Ralph Sprin kle, nil of Yudkinville; two bro thers, D. Reavis, Texas; Henry Hcovis, Yadkinville;. two sisters, Mrs. LiHio Wilkins, Yadkinville. land Mrs. Mary Anne Groce, Sou-i thorn Pines. ; Funeral aciwices were held at jSuuth Oak Ridge Church Tucs- jday afternoon at A o'clock with jJtcv. M. F. Reaves and Rev. R. E. Adams offlciotliig. I CHARLES RERT KEPLER PASSES AWAY • Charles RcVt Hcpler was born October 10, 1808 in Davie coun ty, died August 26,1*1985 at the ago or no yonrs, 10 months and 26 day.s his home at Fnirviow, N. 0. Ten years ago he was united In marriage to Miss Carrie Wilson, of Falryiow, Ni C. To- goihor they buiu n Christian home and through it made an viivaliiablu cuntviUulioii to the world-In life nr.';! chnracler, S"v- {•ral years ngo he united with the Hapllst church on prnfcs.s|oii uf faith. lie was faithful and loyal in his relnlidn to his ichurch. Ho was greatly loved by all who know .lilm. Ho leaves In mourn Iil.'s paiuiing, his widow, ?.Irs. Carrie Wilson Ilcplor. Fuir- viow, N. C., his mother, Mrs. Clmrles W. Ilcplor, Mocksvillu, ono brother, H. D.-Ilepler, Mock- svillc, three sisters, Mrs. 0. R, Oakley, WInston-Snlom, Mrs. J. L. KIrkland, Paycttoville, Mrs. Moody Hnnellne, Mocksvlllc. A 'laiigc congregation attended his funeral, which was held at Fair- view Baptist church iby his pas tor, Rev. Bumar, August 28, 1935 at 11 o'clock. Interment were made in Ful^viow cemetery un der n mound of boiiutiful flow ers. JAMES LACY PEOPLES DEAD Jsimcs Lacy People.s, 3-yoar- old .son* of N. iB. Peoples and Emmn Hutchons Peoples, dmd ill: the boma of the parents In Clark- svllle township, on Saturday niorniiig. Tlio parents, three brothers. Bill, Lsaac and ilnrvcy Lee, and three sisters, Lois, Lu- cilc at home, and Mrs. Wade Jones, of Boonvilln, suiwive. The funeral was held at Chestnut G»rove church on Sunday morn ing at II o'clock, with Rev. James ■Oroce and Wade Hutchena inic-liai'ge. The .pallbearers were; Roland Stanley, Snm Hutchena, John Stewart and Will Stanley, and' file fiord tributes were carried by Mrs. Wade Hutchena,Misses Violet Donnor, Ronn MaoHutchoiw, Pauline Peoples, Mrs. Alon'/.ft People.s and Mi'.h. Boono Beck. JARIES V. WILLIAMS DEAD jamc.M Vestal Williams, 31, died at the Slnlc Ho.spital, Raleigh, on Sniulay morning, where he had been II iiatior.t for 16 years. He was liiu son of the late Charles M; Williams and JJoiilaii llanos Williams, uf Davie. The mulhcr, two brothers,' George and Charlie and two sisters, Lillian and Hal- tie Williams, all at home, sur vive. The funeral was held at Smith Grove Methodist chui'ch on*Tuesday afternoon at 8 o'clock, with the pastor. Rev. II. C. Froe-man, and Rov. M. G. Ervln, offi ciating. MISS ELIZA CHAPLIN PASSES Miss Eliza Chaplin, 86, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L,D'.vlre, the latter her rolatlvo near Pork Church," on Mcftulay morning, after a week's illness of paralysis. The-deceased was the daughter of*Alexnnder Clmp- lln and Mary Foster ClinpHn*, lyid was u member of lM)rk Baptist cliurch. The funeral was icon- ductod at Fork Church on Tuesday morning at n o'clock, with Rev. E. W. 'Turner, in charge. Pi.llhearc were L. E, Burton, S.L. Hopkins', Wade Wyatt, H. H.Bennett, J. E. MyDanlel and T. A. Rico, nVd the flower-girls,were Misses Elfzabeth Ghnplin, LoisChaplin, Helen Wyntt, ElizabethHolder, Pauline .-^est, Hannah,Junes, Hazel Jones and Sarah .Mc- Dunicl. Bio - Obituaries - 9/5/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday September 11,1935 James L. Last rites for fames Lacy People 3 yearw»ldsoo of N. B. Peop^l Mrs, Brama HutcWaa Peoples, ofDBvie.wbodiedoa AuRustsi were held at CbMtnui Orove Chorcb <•«Clarksville township on ^pt. is^ li o*clock. with Rer. James Qrcce oted Wade Hntcbinstbe parents, three brothers and thiree Sisters survive' . James Ve$tal Williams* James Vestal Williams, 31, died at the State Hospital, Raieigh. , where he had been a patient, for 161 y^s, September i» He was tbe j ] SOD of the late Charles M. WiU!aiiis|( o: Davie. The last rites was held at Smith Grove Methodist Church on Tties-. .day afternoon at-^ 3'o'clock,- with ficv. H. C. PraeoMti'and jG. Ervin in char^..' The mother, ityo brothera. G^trc 'and: Charlie #Ulianu>; and two ^teirs,. Lillian 8^ Haitle'.WilUams, ailof the ra me community, survive. Thedeceaiwd was nnmarried. ' n W. H* Grimes Passes. W. H. Grimes well known citizen of Cooleemee. died at bis home early Thursday morning, following, au extended Illness, aged 88 years. Surviving Mr. Grimes Is three sons, H. C, J. F. and Noah Grimes, and two danehters, Mrs. W. D Brown, of near Hardison's. and Miss Emma Grimes, of Coolee mee, Two half brothers also sur vive, Fnneral services were held Friday afternoon at three o'clock, conducted by Rev. f. H, J. Farring> ton and tbe body laid to rest in Memorial Park Cemetery Salisbarv. In tbe death of Mr Grimes, Davie county loses one of her best known and most beloved cUizens. 0« W. Granger Passes. David W,Ora]i^,84,ODeofMockGv]Pa*a best kBown and mist beloved citizeas.died at bis borne in Sooth Mocbsvllle Saturday cnorolng, foUowing a long illoess. Foaer- aJ sendees were beld at tbe Metbodist eltoich Sunday aftercoon at 4 o*cIoGk.coR- ducted by Revs. E. J. Harbiosoo. of tbis rity, and R. C. Goforth, of Winsron-Saleni. and tbe l)ody laid to rest in Rose ceae- tery with M^nio honois. Mr. Granger to survived by bis widow, one TOD, Augustus Granger, of Hickory, and one daughter. Mrs. A. D. Wyati. of tbIs olty. Ooe sister who lives in Sails- bui7i oiso survives. In the death of Mr. Granger Mockaville and Davie county loses One of ber tiest known and most beloved cllizeos. To the bereaved wife and children. Tbe Re cord Joins hundreds of friends in express ing drop sympathy. Mr. Granger was a member of tbe Metbodist cburcb and was a leadlog Mssoo, having served for twen ty five vean or mote as Tyler la tbe local filasonie lodge. A personal friend of the editor has gone to his tewatd. Clyde H. Carter. ClydeCarter. 38. of KonnaTOli'. diedSajt* utday momiog at 3 o'clock at Lyerly hos (dtal io SaUsbury after baring been ill tbe past dx days with appendiritls. Funeral services were beld Sunday afternoon at Liberty cburcb and w«u conducted by Rev. M. -CL WUbains. pastor of Trinity eburcfa in KannapoOs. iSr. Carter's wife is dead.-but be leaves tbe following duldren: Ralph. Dwlgbt and PaoUno Carter, all of Kannapolle. Ha also leaves perenis. Mr. emd Mrs. J. w. Carter, of Davie connty; three brotbeis. and six slateri Alexander Keller. Alexander Keller, 86 Davie county farmer, died at his home last night after a stroke of paraly sis. The funeral held at Center Methodist c h u'r c h, Wednesday morning at I [ o'clock. Mr. Keller leaves bis widow. Mrs. Lelia Bowies Keller, and seves children, W. F. Keller of Mocksville, C, S, and W. h Keller of High Point, M B. and T O. Keller and Miss Rosa Keller of Davie county, Mrs. N. M. Beck of Cooleemee. He leaves also a brother and two sisters. John Keller and Mrs. Julia Murphy of Davie county, and Mrs. W. F. Taylor of Iredell county. Bio - Obituaries - 9/11/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday September 11,1935 Miss Elka Chaplin. I Miss Eliza Chapiio, 86, and well ■known woman, died at tbe home ofjMr. and Mrs. J.X. Dwire, the lat ter her relative near Fork Chur..b. Sept. 2Dd, after a week's illness of paralysis. She was the daaghter of Aiex" ander Chaplin and Mary Foster Chaplin. The faneral was at Fork Baptist Church, of which the de ceased was a member, on Tuesday moroinf;. at 11, with Rev, E. W. Tnrner in charge. There are no near realitives Mrs. Amelia Reavis Martin. YadklovUIe, Sept. 2. —M r s. Amelia Reavis Martin, '70. passed away at her home here today -after a short illness with -heart .'irouble. Mrs. Martin was widely known inthis section of^the'state hay,iog,madeher homeMh Vadkini county'formany years. cSbe wasborn Au^ 291869. In 1892 she was ma'rried- to; U; A. Martin. Surviving are ^ve sons, C. E. Reavis. W. L. Martin, of Yadkin-viUe:M. D. Martin, and R. Martin, Mo^sviile and Elton Martin, Rockford; three daughters, Mrs. IH. Hanser, Mrs. C. A. Wilkins, and Mrs. Ralph Sprinkle, all ofYadkinville; two brothers. D. Reavis, Texas; Henry Reavis, Yadkin ville;. two-sisters, Mrs. LilHe Wilkins, Yadkinville, and Mrs. Mary Anne Groce, Sou* hern Pines. Faneral services were held at South Oak KIdge Chnrch at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon with Rev. M. F. Reaves and Rev. R. E. Adams officiating. Mrs. Dorcas D. Richard- son. Mrs. Dorcas Dyson Richardson, 80. widow of Thomas J. Richardson,died September 3. near Ijames Cburcn. • The funeral was held at Zion Methodist Church Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with Rev. M. G. Ervln, pastor, in charge. Surviviog are two brothers: John Dyson, of Illinois; Finknev Dyson,of Davie; three sons, C. M , D. D. and Robert Ridiardsoo; two daugb ters. Mrs. W. S. Boyd and Mrs.Jam'es Smith, all of Davie; 26 graod-children and 14 great grandchild- Tcn ■ John W. Creason. John W. CteaaoD, aged 87, died at hte boma near Cooteemee Friday at 7 a. oa. He had been coafioed tp bis bed fw aav- eied weeks as a resalt of being thiowD by a male. Tbe faneral was beld Soaday at 2 p id . at tbe Baptlat eborob. omdiieted by bis pastor. Rev. A. T. Stattdemire.. He leaves a.wife; three daagbtera aod thiea sons: Utss Uaiy (keason at home, Uis. A R Matdo, (ri SaUsbary, Mrs. J. A Tmlove wbb lives near the home. John Creasoa. of Ccoteemee,. and Tom Cteason. Tbe btirlal was ia liberty cbarcb cemetery. William Long Passes. WiUiam Long.. 74. died Soaday nigbt at the borne of bis daughter. Mis. Jessetov«8»l®fiOT-WgPet|-.foilowIng ao ex-te'aded^JllQ^^Fme^rsefvi^ verecoo-daeted^'Rev.!0.^1A^cKlaoey.o^ RoraJHflP -ftt Smith .Griii^.Usthodiiflt'- cboTOb Idonday aR<ernd9a/a^4^.Vdeok'-^nd tbe body laid to real in tbe cbatch' cemetery. Surviving Mr. Long is one daogbter. Mrs. jesso Gravts, of Mocksvilla; and fourbrothers. Moaraa Lpag, of ladlanapoBs.tod.; Qiaries Long, .bf Oak Grove; JohnLoag. of ^oltb Gtove, .ai«l Game Long, of Fanniflgtoo. • i- .. " Bio - Obituaries - 9/11/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 12,1935 IVIKS. DORCAS I). RICHARDSON DEAD aiia. Dorcas Dyson Klcliurdsoii, widow of., 'rjiomiis Jasper Kich- ardaun, and one of the well- known older residents of Dnvic Lied at the home of.her.dauifht-j ci', Mrs. \V. S. Doyd, near ijnmes' Cross Roads ; church, on last Tuesday eveninif, affed 80. The dcteeascd was the daUKhtev of William Di'son and Elvira Stvoud Dyson, of Davic, and "was n mem ber of ZIonv Methodist church. Tile sivrvivind family cuiiaials of two brothers, John Dyson, of Illinois, and Pinkney Dyson, of route 1, ..three sons, C. M. Rich-* ardson, D. L.- Richardson and Robert Richardson, nirof Shef field, two daughters, Mrs. W. S. Boyd and Mrs. James Smith, of DaVie, 20 grandehildreii and 14 great-grandchildren. Thp . lost • rites were held ot Zioiv Metho- l dist Church on. Wednesday after- 'noon, at 3 o'clock, with the pas tor, Rey.'iM. G. Mirvin, in charge. Pallbearers were Clyde Dyson, Clyde Richardson, John Camp]bo|l and *01118 GHjibble, and the flow- er^ were carried by Misses Paul ine Renegar, j^nnie Lou Richard- flon.'KflthQrlnQ GUsa'coeki Audrey WhitOj Rachel White, Cloyce Gob ble, Agnes White, Frances Smith and Mary Owinga. Interment wan in the church cemetery. , JOHN CREASON DEAD John • W. -CMeason, 87, passed away at his home near Copleemeo on Friday night following an ill: ness of some length. caused by Injualea sustained when throw.n by a mulor oh his farm a few weeks ago and the infirmities of old age. • • ' "Unclp Jo.hnic,'* as the aged man* was- faroiliArly-known here and thVoiigho)}! ' Davie ' iountyj' was ono .uf tho most. 'Widely known, highly respected and well loved residents of the county.. He was a native nnd li^blong. roaldjent of this community.. Surviving.rc- l«.tiyc."j incjude the widow; Hireo cons, Tpm Oronson, oF Harmony^ ppd J.. H. apd Wiley Crcaaon\ of Cooleomeo; three daughters, Mrs^ Ella\Ma-rtih, W~^Habury; Mrs. Lo'u Tjfu'lovo. hnd.. 'Miss * Maiy' Crenadn, of, Cbolcemee. 'Thirjy grand.chUdi;en. and forty great- grnnd.childreii hnd .aeyerni .^oi:o nophuwa' and nlece^ also survive. The.'decqaBcd Was* an. 'actiya e.hjU'oh worker since boyhood and was superintendent of the*Ctoplee-' moo [Baptist" Sunday .Scbpol-fdr piany .•years and a nieniber. of .'tho board of deacons s'inco tho chdrcli .wjps flrs't 'buill, u'Luul OC: ycfti'fl affQ.'* • ••; ... • n . T'lihfii'Al scrvieos were 'held at the Firat BapUst' Chiu'ehi at Coolecmoo at 2 p. m. Sunday with Dr., A: T. Stoudcnmire, p'uator, in chtivgc, as.'ji.^tcd by .D)** •^* 'J- Fnrrington, pastor of the Flr.st Methodist Cbtu'cli. Iiitcrnient followed in- the Liberty Church Cemetery.. ' WILLIAWIM, L0NG7ASSES .AWAY . William M, who has ro- side'd ln*,Mocksville for h'nupilber of yearsi died oh* Sunday morping at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jesse' Graves," aged 74.-. He was thg. 8on>of* iWlIburn ](A)ng)', un'd 'Maiicsa' Alien Long, * of .Davie. His Wife, Mrs. Minerva 'Long, didd s'everai years age, arid •he is survived'hy ono daughter, Mrs. Jesse GrnvCH, three brothers and other relatives. The funefal was nopduAted ill Smith Grovo'Metho- dist- church.' on Monday aftonioon jl1,4•o'clock/ with "Rev..Q. JVfp- Klnney, of. Rural Ho)!,, a foj-mer p.astor, officiating, .and Interment wii.s itx. the chu'rqh cemetery. . J LL-Lo r- —L_: Bio - Obituaries - 9/12/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 12,1935 iWII,t.1AM qillMES. DEAD .William • \vn|l- knoNvii nn<l' * higlily • respected Cooleemoe cithen, p'nssedi; nway (it his .homo, op .Thuvfldny Tnorn'- injf, Sept. Btlv, "flftcr » long ill ness,- nged ^0.^ Mr. Gi'lmca was boi'n in. Duvie Connty, ami was ■the .son of 'tTnoob Gi'lmcs andRnohcfHunter Ovimes. Hia wife, airs. Virginia •S\yinff Gylmcs, pre- ceded - Jtim in - death severalinontHs ago,. The sdryivinte family-consists, of threo 'sonsj C. H.Grimes/ J; T. "Gcinlejj niitl -iM. J.Grimes, all of ;'-Copleomce, • twodmiffhtora, Mrs.' W.;'D". 6l*qwn, of routd 4, am] Psa Emra'fl'Grfmes,of Cooloemee^ tori' ^•aridchildrcn and one great-grandehild;. a |bro-ther, Charles A. Grimes, of Sum-morvlllc, Indiana;*nnd two half- ■brothors, J. D. ^ilmcs and Noah :E. CM'Imes. of Courtney; Tho • funeral was held at CoolGGmGO Methodist church, of which the dpceusod was a member, on Fri day afternoon pt 8:30, with_thc pastor, Uev. J. A. J. Farrlngton^. and Rev. A .C. ChalTm in charge. Iiitormcut ifollowcd at-5:30 in Memorial Park Cemetery, Salis bury. Those netlng as'pnllbGur-j.ers were: Arlie Jordan, J* A. j Mc.sslclc, Charles P. Soamonv ii.: A. Nail, Lncy Riddle'and F, A. Nail. The floral orTorlngs were Icarried by Misses Versie Driver, Ruth Driver, Lorcnu Nail, AliceJordan, Klale Itldcnhour, Bottle j Ovrendoi'i Leola Orrcnder, Grace ■PiorcQ, Mnry Ryerly, Naomi Ben son, Gladys Howcll, Janio Summers, Margaret Jordan, Louise ILivongoodi Mildred Mai'herry, PnuUno Nail, Edna Eowlea, Mary Riddle, Edna Branson, MrSi SadieHodges, Mrs. E. A. Vogler, Misses Margaret J .IJames, Lucllc .Wardand Blanc'ho TOBtdr,. . -rs'jr DAVID W. ORANGEU PASSES AWAY David Wihspn Granger, highly OKlfienied Mncksvllln citizen,.-diedjat his home on Saturday morn ing, Sept." 7, after an illness of .leverul weeks, aged 8'J. He waS the son of Mr. arid Mrs.. 'William GraugCl'i and Was korn> aiid rear- ed- in Dnvie County, He joined tho Liberty Methodist church many years ago, Inter moving his- membership to Mocksvillc, and he was a faithful attendant as' lorig as his health permitted; Nearly (12 years ago he was, united in marriage to Miss Mary Josephine Reid, and she was his devoted ccmpariion and helpmate through all these years. Tho surviving family consists of his bereaved widow, OHo daughter, Mrs. A. D. Wyatt, of this place, one. son, G. W. Granger, of Hllkory,' another son, the late Charles Granger, of Charlotte, having passed" away* several years ago. One s.laler, ■Mrs. Martha Ennis, of Salisbury, jn number of gran-dchlldren andjjseveral great-grandchildren alsojmourn his death. Mr. Grangerjwas an honest, upright .citizen,'and had the respect and goodwill',b£ the community, where he hasresided for so many years. The funeral was held at the Metho dist church on Sunday afternoonal 4 o'clocic, with the pastor, Rev. E. J. Hanbtson, assisted by t(vo'former posters, Rev. VV. L.. §her- rlll, of Charlotte, and "Rov. .R-. 0.'Obforth; of Wln-sto.n-Salem, offi- 'ciating. ■. The.-.audit,brium woa iilled with mbny.relUtlves nnd.fri-enda, who paid their last'tribute ilo this, good mon. "Shall we go- thor at the river", was sung bs iC. Hi'Tomlin^on, Z. N. Anderson^nnd'^Dr,' R. P« Andera(>n, and tho choir* anng "Asleep in Jesus." MackHviUe Lodge, No. *1(84, A: P. '& A. M:, pf which the (Icceaspd •had long been nd .officer,.-had ^qiiprge of tho •.'lervice at^ Ro-soI Cemetery. The pullbearei'fl were(J. J. Larew, Jacob .Stdwart, Dr.R. p. An-aeraon,;.a IL .To/^Jinson, pnd^br. R. pJ Amleraon, and the choir' sang "Asleep In Jesus."MouksviUe Lodge, No. *X84» A; P.'& A. M;, pf. which the dcconspd liiiid long been nti .officer,.-hud"ihgrge of the 'Sfirvlce at, RAm Cemetery. The pullbearei'fl were J. J. Lorew, Jacob .Stdwart, Dr.R, P. An-(icraon,".G. H. .Tof^Jinson,J. W, Gartner 'and (L A. Smo6t,and; the. .many, bcautifril. floral dysigiis were carrfcd. by Jdrs.f .C.F. Mefoncy, Jr.,-Mrs.-R, "F.-Glftilc,Mrs, iSi B'. ilamptdn. Miss ."Vrrgi- nia Carter, - Miss Martha' ] Ca'B,.Mrs. J. P; ptonestreet, Mrs.!'Wnl-_tiji* - Coll; Mra.' Sain!:Reldi..-Bertlitt .Jordan, Mrs. -Tom Ston-e-Strcot,^-MI'S.' 'h.; S. ..Kiirfecs '.and. Mrs. H. B. Wn.rd.-' • •: . • . ' Bio - Obituaries - 9/12/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday September 12,1935 ixAvin w.«UAN(JKll I'ASSl'Si AWAY ■Th« Mockavillu l]iilcrpriAC ]j<ivid WilfJo" OrjiriKfiJ*, (!rtti.'unied M<iclf!tvllle cilixci), diod iit 1113 hornv uii f)«liii*<)uy morn- UiK, 1, »i\vr rm lllne.w ofI KiiVLM'Oi \VC<.'>:!I, JlBClJ JtJ'l. Jlu WHS Iho sDti of Mr. iiiid Alr.s. William tiiul svuH Ijorn- imd vuiir- i!d in l>HVk' Ikiuiily. lie ioiiKtl till! IJIjiTly Mollimli!)!. idiurcli,• m:iuy y\';ir.-! later iHtiv'iiW lii.^: Imi iii5>i-r.shi|i Iti jl^H'ksvill*!, iiHd lit' a faillil'u! aUomhistt as jniiit.K iii.-. liunllh |tL'vniiUi:il. Ncsirl.V • 'li'^ vviii'.i jijfii hv w:i:i i)])ilcd la Mk:' ^lary .liweiiiiiiiii jl.i iil, a.'il wjif. his " ili.-Voiv'ii"j |;.il •.■•I.::.. Tiiv .siirvivini; .••:i.-isls of tiis hi.-n'avi.'d v lii iii\. liiiiijrhlei', Mrs. II. vv;.:»lt. "I ihi:: iilnco, ttu« son, 0. ' v., liianr^'i', \-i Hilknry, iuinllmr t' ;-i.a. tin- kill- riuirl<!.-i tiviiHiroT, ol'j mivin)i jiHSStd uwivy' :>i/v<'|-ai ys'.'iri? Oirc 'HtKllO';"'j.Mr::. .Mai-.hu Kn.-iis, of Salisbury,j•I-I iiiiia^ii'i- of jfrinivlrhiMreti aiidj' '.■=i?vi'i'jil vrf.'ii-jrraa'U'hijilroJi alsoj - tiio'iin lii> .k-<iih. Mr. Oranjrcr' v.-as ua li'Ou'.'*. iinriiHil i:illy.i*n.l - iiDil Jiad I Li* rt!.-|ii;cl Itooilwill • iif tv.i! I'l.tiiintiiiity. wIhti- Ik> has ^ ri'.siiK';: I'lo' mi liiany yOiil'S. 'I ha ■ riiiin-.il wii held a*. Il.o Mi-lh-i- ili;:| eliinv!: oil Snr.dny .'ifti-nvKii. • : • 1 ir.-M •);, willi llu* pat-lor, Ui*v. ' i;. II ii i'i l'iii. assislod hy i. ; I'll I i..i ;i*ii -. Ki v. W, 1.. yin i- I !l. {■'lafL liir, Ola! Ui*\. k. r. ' I ..i i.rlli, VViiid'Oi-SaliTii. olfi-1 ■ aliri*,*. riti' aialil'il'illlll •■va:! ; l':. .i .-.ill. iiViiiv n !ai a!nl lii- i ial-, •'.oa I'Mil llii'ir l.isl Ir'hiili' ■ !■ lili*: f i'il IMIlll. Wf |!a- llii*r iiT "In- l ivi r" v.vis sun/ ' II. r'ii;i'.iiisiiii, Z. N. Aj|'l''J--iiin ,.11 )1 It. II. r. .Undersoil, ami Iho'. i'liir ■■iim: ".X.iii'i'ji in .lostis." I .M'h-I.:.:'. ilI-.' i.iiriyi;. Nn. l-'l, A. I'. A: .^l.. nr -.vhii h '.ai* ilciMia.si-il •i.-.il l--)ii' ^-i i'ii all offiri'r, had i havj'i* -if th|. .siTvieo a'. f.i..so '<'I'liicl'T'.. 'rill* fiallrieai'i'i'.-: i\rrc* .1 .1. l.aii*'.*., .laii.h .-Ti*'*vai'l, IT. k. r. .Aiah t.-.iiu. L'. H. Toialilisioi. .1. W I .iTiaT iillil A. Hir.iHit, .Mill 'i,- ii:;.i:.v hei.i-lili l fl'ilid iii dt !i - ■■■.1 11* lariioil hy .Mi's. < . I'. :d r .II-.. Mrs. k. K. t'liil:, .••!r*. I-! I:. ILinii'laa, M:sy ''ir,*;- •lai ruTl.r, Mi.-s .\|ailha '"all,.Vi, -. .1. r. (if.-iii'-.-t. .Mrs. Wal.| •iv i':i il, .^1 r.:. Sali'i k<;iil. Ml';', l i -il i haiiaa, .Ml.-.. Turn Shoa*. ■ -1 I .!, Ml'.. I.. S. Ki.ivri;'-:; i.f.-l ?.})-. II . i: Wald. JOHN >V. CUKASON DKAI) John W. Cduauon, S7, naRHoil nway nt his homo near Ooolcnmee on Friday nijflit following an 111* noss of nomo lcn;f(h cnuacd by liijurks susliilimU when Ihrosvu hy A mule on his farm n fo'h woolis (it;o and tlio infirmilie.H of old nj,'c. "Ifn^lc Johuii!." as liiij aj?o(l lOiilv Wft!) raroiliarly l:tiii\vM lioro and UiioiT'liiiut {>.-ivk* i'i>iiii(.v, WHS our "f '!•<' 01 "I'I wi(li.*],v!I.!ii^'ij^d/li|y ii:S|)fi:U'i| ami v.-rii */«vCJrl'csi«cUis uf I he I.UIIIIIJ. *1^. vfis II iiriiivc iind lifeloojJ ro.sidtiiL of ft'ds coinnvJiiUy. Surviving iv- lativc.r IncltidD Ihe widow; Ihrcojr.on.s, Tori (.'reason, of ilarniony,littiii i. II. And Wilay (;rea.siin>, of ifNiolfcmoe; llircc da«<{hier.'', Mrs. ;|'.li:i .Marllii, of •laliidiiiry; Mr.s. il.oU Truluvo tind .„Mi.-ss 3|Lniy lUrciison, of (.Violcenu'L'. 'I'hiiTyIrratilchlldren and forty jfreiil- irr<i!i>ichildren uRd .several .srorfl iicphows and nicuDs also siirvivo,I 'I'^c dGCc.ased wo.s an or live .rlitirch Worker sinre boyhood andjvi'a.sflMiiai'inteiidwil of the Coolw-.'iiif'^ Ihilillal HuiKlny Seliool for jinaiy yeurs and a mrrnber of Ihc I'l'ird of ilcacons .sinre the elnin h fir.Hi built ahoiil I'o yeiir.i jor'. •'inictal .services wcr.* I'.ejd ai H.* I''ir:it kaplist f'liiir.li .-il • ■' h'l oieo ril li v. ni. .^iiii'h.y '.vj-.h 3>i T. Slouilcnmin*. po.-,:"!', In i liirife, ii.*.si.slcd hy l>c. .1. i\. .f. I'lrrii'./tioi, |i:i.s1fir ot' lii'* l-'irsl Milhodisl. Cliurcli. Ink'rnK'i'.t folov.'eil la IJie I.ihori.v t'irareii Oiielury. Bio — Obituaries - 9/12/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday September 12,1935 n I. DOHCAS I). Itrt'llAKIIHUN DI-JAr) \lr<. iJiMX'.'iH llysmi llirli:iri).-.iii:. .lllll Otil! of (;u! wll- l^r!>•.v|; iiliNii* ro.tlili-iil of r>!i\ii' •'iicl :it lh<! hotiit! of hi-j- il;ni>r'f'* Jlrs. \V. S. Ilfljtl, IX'JII luiim-::' ' >Vi: I'oikIh I'htirrh, loi lir '- ; ij-iroil Til'! W;i« t}l«! iljislj'hl I 5" of Vi,]]iiiin I'lr, ir;i Slrn .ii iif iicil :i riuii- ' •1* (II Ziii!!' Mi'l lii'ili::' i;i; ii fi , Hi! stiiAlviji;.' I'oiMily ci.tisi M-• ' I 'ro iiri-Uiiri.-;. .loliii l)y::i II, Jliiiiiis, l'i}r-;iii'.% i)y-iir;. ''iilf 1. Iliri'<; .-.nil.-., C, . Ui' li-^■"Vi^soii, I). |„ 11)1 ; K;i'ti:ii'<:Miii, ji|| oj' W! - 1-jMil. hvt. Mr-. VV.p'lyil :i;iil Ml;:. J.lllH;: Siliilll, • fivjil-yiMiiiivlijloriII. Thi ;.i t wi-rc licM ill Zi'iii- iitis* ('l.iiivii ii?i Vi'i iliii'.-iliiv .i;).'!jl'III). ul nV'li'i l;. villi I ill- j-:! iiir, !o'V. 31. l». I'lrviii. in i Mm-.' . H'iiill iMiviH vvnv rl,.\u- I";, t i, flylc lili'liiirilsmi. .Kiliii ('i-.m, li-'li liiil Ori;. iMilili'. mill I Imiv 'r.l 'VOVi. rmi'ioil ||,V .M-.-rn": |\;ni I'.l; ltd ..\lUiii' l.ni; Itji l;..! ,'"ri, K:i:hii i)ii' n.'":, .\i !'\<I||L'. wlli'r, rinVi'i' l l'. •I'lCt Ayni'i Wliilc, I'iMiU'c-. r-ii 'I, Mill .Miiry <I'.vir.y:;, Inti'i'iiHT;! ■■ h .'Iimvli (i.riKloiv. wiuj.VM Willi.'ini Mi'iiry liririii'*, -.vi'lj- f(n«Avii jiiid /lU'iJy it^ihi Iml f.'ook'oniui! rilixc"., im-i.-ii ii .iu;i> ill bin homo on Tliiir-ilu.v iiinrii- , iny, So))t. fjtii, jiJlcr o loji/ ill- ] iioy.H, ayinl hii. Mr. • ri'iitii--• u.i- horn ill l).'ivi,, < ii tri'iy. an.I v.i:. ] till- .viii; 111' J.iri''; Iiii.ni..... ;;i.;l Itnclii'l lliliiii-i lliini ' . II : ll . . i.Mrv. \"iryiin.i .•.^vrii i- lirno- !.•• eiiiod liini ill i|.m'}i i v -i .1 H:it)l=.!'l): (ll O. TilJ .-.il '. i i|.' I : i: i '.V (■•iu..--:.-tr; ll"' ! ill • . -1.1 ; . : . ! :. .jlii iiv.11.1. -J. ['. 'j| it ,1 . . !< irinio:;, a' I ul' l '• i. > n: . • ■ . "(illU.I'Jlli'l-:. .'lii-. Vi , !• j .l •jrollll) I, :ilil! .'ill -. |:i:-|;.i 1 ,1 . joi f"i.i.||.|-iii..i-. !•■!. :■ ni-l. • • 11 ti , 'iili>l oni- ficnl Vi .iti.!' I .I ; IIm.'I", I'l-iii'lf.- .\. (i.iii i . •.-11. Hiorvillo, Itj'lia.'in; .iinl li:-.!' , 1 liro'.hol.-, -I. I'. <?i ili.i' N- .i : iK. lirimo:-. or' ("in.irni '. I ii- ' riiiiii|'iil (va-; in !-; .y < . . . i ii:. .'Mitllwilid l iiiir. j:, of v. ; j; I. li • ^ <il ll ilt^dl V.it:: i; "III IMi i I . • !l I i" (li'.y iifl'''""!""' ;r ;:i'. v : i .. j-.i.-ld". III-.'- .1 r. 1 1 ■ ■ . :iinl h'rv. .\ .1 . ri . . : I il'i-fllli l.l :'i.ll..'. . ••11 Ml III1.--1 iii I i'.ltl ' ' • i .'• . ri:|-y. Ti l.-I- ;•!: •, 1 |-> V. l-l'l- : .'i. I'l i I , .: ll. ' '.ii-.-ii . I.". ( 1 ;.|-1.'- i ,1 ,. A. NaT. l-i. V l.'ti:i!:i \;i:3. Til, T-■ . , .ii'fii i) iis .'it I •. ' 1 I ' Ki ln Ih-I'..! •li.ril.ii . i-.i - ■: .1 , ■ ■■ I /, ,-n.! -i ; I • • I. ■ ' ■ ['irn-.'. ."'1 1 .'• I t ,,•!:. <.i.;.: ■ I i. • ! ni.-l.-. .''1..: . I 1 (.T.i'r ' -I !;iilii '■• Itn'i . •. .'•I.tr- ■. .'.111! I" Bio - Obituaries - 9/12/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday September 18,1935 Little Robert Daniel Roberx, little 4-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dauiel, of South Mockswille. wUo was seriously in jured last Tbtirsday afternoon when struck by an auto driven by Everett Dennis, of Cooleemee, died at tbe Lowery Hospital, Salisbury, Satur-; day bigbi. Tbe little boy was crossing the Salisbury highway near his borne, when injured. No blatne was aiiacbed to Mr. Dennis, as tbe child ran across the road when tbe car was too close to stop or miss hiat. Funeral services .were held at (he Methodist church Mon day afternoon at 3.*30 o'clock, cqu- duted by Rev. E f. Harbinsou, and tbe body laid to rest in Rose ceme tery. Surviving is the parents and a number ol brothers and sisters. Tbe grief stricken tauily have the sympathy of tbe entire town in the death of their son and brother. Bio - Obituaries - 9/18/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 19,1935 ROBERT LEE DANIEL HAS fatal injuries Lnat rites were held for Robert Lg(; Daniel, o-year*olil soii of irlr. And Mrs. Roy Daniel, at the Alethodist church on Monday iiflcrnoon at JiSO, and intorment "WAS in Rose Cemetery, the 'pas tor, Rev. B. J. Harbison, assist ed by Rev. J. H. Pulghum, being In- charge of the services. The little boy was struclr by a car driven by a Mr. Dennis, of roolccmcc, on ThursiUiy, ns the child (ran across) itho road, thai accident said to have been un-| avoidable. The little boy ling-, orod for several days, but pass ed away at Lowery Hospital, Sal-' islniry, on Sunday morning. I'hcj deceuHod was' a bright, lovablo' child, and the sympathy of thc| cnmmiinily in with tliQ liorcavnd' parents and family. The surviv ing family consists of tlic pnv-j oi.'ts, six brothtii's, Paul, Eustace,! W. Jr., Charles L., Lester and lyiarshall Daniel, and three sis ters, Ruby, Ruth and Dorothy May Dnnici. Mrs. Daniel was iurmurly Miss Georgia Peacock.! Four little girls acted ns pall bearers, Mary Joe Young, Nellie Wagoner, Doris Foster and Mo- 2.cllc Howard, and the many beau tiful flowers wore carried by Audry Howard, Tiltha Ray Mc- Cullough, Christine Hondrlcks, Dorothy Sue Allen, Ruth McGcc, Franees Stroud, Muriel iMooro, Lcnora Allen, Jessie Libbic Stroud, Venice Vick, Snllio Wa goner, Elizabotii .iCIubpliiiv (Elma Ilondricka and Mrs. Paul Tutte- row. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel mov ed here during the year from Harmony, bnt.thoy nre for- uer residents of the Bphestis commuu'ily. HENRY THOMAS McDANIBL DEAD Henry Thomas McDaniel, 8'1, passed away nt hia liuinu in Iho Salem community, on Tuesday morning, following a stroke of paralysis received some weeks ago. Tile .doconacd was a life long resident of Dnvic, and was th(e son - of Eenj'amin McDoniel and Folly Keller McDantel. His itifc, Mrs. Rettie Starrettc Mc Daniel, preceded him in death several yuurs ago. The surviv ing family consists of two sons, R. L. M^nnicl, of StntcBvillc; ';J. 0. McDaniel, of Huntington, W. Vn.; four daughters, Miss 'Mliuvic McDaniel, at home; Mrs. I Wiley West and Mr.H. S. A. Jones, jol route 4; Mrs. 0. S. Rudisill, <or Salisbury, 17 grandchiidron •and six great-grandchildren. The funeral was hold at Snicm Meth- jodist church on Wednesday ,af- Itcrnoun at J o'clqcik, Avith the ; pastor, IRov. M. G. Ervin, in jClmrge, uiul interment was in the I church comotory. Bio - Obituaries - 9/19/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday September 25,1935 Henry L McDaoieL Hetuy T. McDaniei, 84, one of Calabab towosbip's oldest citizens, died at bis borne near Ketcbie's 3lill, on Tnesday, Sept,' lytb, fol- lowlDjt an illness of two weeks with paralysis. Fnneral services were alSalem Methodist cbor^ Wed- Dtsdav aftenioon at 3 o'dock, con- ducted by bis pastor, Rev. M. G. Etvln, and the bod? ljud to rest in ibe church cemetery, Daniel is survived by six children, two sons, Richard, of near.- States- rille, and Oscar J., of Danville, Va Fonr daughters, Mrs. Wiley "West, Mrs. Sam Jones. Miss Jennie Mc- Daniel, all of Cala&aln, and Mrs. Lelhia Rudisill. o f Salisbnry. Eleven grandchildren also survive. Mr. BIcDaoiel a life-joog re sident of Davie county, and will be missed in bis community. Henry Call Aged Citizen Passes. Henry Galli 86, died at the home of bis daughter, Mrs. Baxter Tay lor. on R I, early Sunday morn ing, following a week*s : illness. Funeral servicerwere inducted by Rev. M. G. Ervin at Oak Grove Methodist cbnrch Monday after noon at 3:30 o'clock, and the body laid to rest in tbe cborch grave yard. Surviving Mn Call -is two sous. Taylor Call, of R. 4, and Cbar-i He Call,,of Lexington; two daugh ters^ Mrs. Baxter Taylor, of R. i, Mrs. George Ijames. of Lexington.^ One brother, 'Thomas Call, of this* city, survives. The Record exteuds| I sympathy to the bereav^'oDes, M. C. Ijaines Is Dead. M..Casper Ijames, 75, died at bis home at Ijames X-Roads early Fri day morning. Mr. Ijames was a wltoess in Forsyth court Thursday and returned home from Winstoc* Salem Thursday evening. He bad been in declining health for some time.' bat his sudden death was a severe shock to bis' family and friends. Fnneral services were held at Ijames X Roads Baptist church Saturday aflemoon at 3 o'clock con ducted by Rev A. C. Cbaffio, and bis body interred in thn church ce metery. Surviving Mr. Ijames is his widow and six children; four sons, Lewie, of San Diago, Cali .; who is in the U S. Navy; Dnke, of Salisbnry, and E. D. and Cleveland, at home; two dangbters, .Mrs. S. E. Cbaffio, of Calahaln, and Mrs. Sebia Tharpe of Harmooyi <. Mr. Ijames bad spent his entire life in-Davie, and had served as a member of the board of county com j missioners, and was county surveyor for a number of years. His death has brought sadness to a host of rel atives and friends throughout the county. He was a personal friend ot tbe editor, qpd we extend to tbe bereaved does our d^past sympathy in the loss of their. husband and father. Bio - Obituaries - 9/25/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 26,1935 henry T. McDANlEL PASSES AWAY Henry T. McDanicl. born Aug- ,J«8t 2, 1851, piisscd away nt hia |lionie near Kt^ipa, September 17, • 1035, after two wcdka illness of paralysis. He was united in marriage to i'-lizabeth SUirrottc on Jan. 24, 1871. To this un'ioii were born 8 chMdrcn, G of whom survive. Funeral services were held Wcdneaday afternoon nt Salom Methodist Church, c'onducted by tiio pastor. Rev. M. G'. ICrvin, as- .<iistud by Kev, L. T. Younger, of Now Hope. Pallbearers Avcrc Kdwin Smool, Uoy ./Smith, llriico 'i'linf-or, Loo .loiica, Allen Sturrctle, Kobort Slarrcttc and Carl arsDaniol. The many beautiful flowor.s were In charge of Mrs. Fred Cnrtner and carriod #by P.auline iCnrditur, Edyth Koont/., Virginia ilonca, "fhelma McDaiiiul, Zeula Kounlz, Maiyanna McDaniel, Dcna Day- jwalt, Lottie Weal and j\Ir.a., Paul I Day wait, Mrs. Tommlo Llocl, I Mrs. Carl MC'DuniuI, Mrs. Robert jStarrcitei * . Unring the service the choir sung "Asleep In Jesus" and "Rock of Ago.s." Me.s.srH. Z. N. Ander son and \V. F. Ston<cstrcct sang 'i'll Meet You Face to Pace," With Mrs. Johti Smoot at the ipiaitio. .Durlnl- Fallowed in the cemetery nearby, under a bank of beautiful flowers, by his wife, who proccded him to the grave 7 years ago. Much sympathy Is felt for the family. MRS. LOU E. HAITY DEAD Mrs. Lou Ellen Baity, well -known Yadldn woman, and wife uf Julia Ander.soii iluuy, diud on .Saturday morning, Sept. LI, aged (>U. She was the daughter of P. •H. Baity and Potly Plowman Baily, and was a mcmhcr of X Road.s .Balptist church. She is survived by bur lutabaud, one i'CMi, H. D. Baity, of Wlnston- Saiuni, Ihruu (laiigHtcrii, Mrs. C. Ci. Spillman, of Winston-Saloin, Mrs. I). B, Essie, of Davlc, and Mis, C. II. Uallodge, cf Winslon- Salvm. .si.K gniudcbiidrcn Eight brutliurs, and five .sisters also .survive, ihese being Daivld Bally, of Dnvio, Ed Baity, Foraytli, Ci W.,.T. N., F. J., P. S., and Samuel Baity, all of Courtney; Mrs. Sarah J. Crnnfili, of.Duvic, Mrs. Alice Dates, of Winston-Salcm, Mrs. Daisy Gunter, of Yadkin, Mrs. Maggie White, of Davic, and Mrs, Moilie Milton, of Yadkin. The funeral wa.t hold at X Roads church on Sunday afternoon at •'! u'ctbck, with Rev. V. M. Swalm, of Winston-Snlem, and Rev. R. E. Adams officiating. Pallbearera wore Ray Moovc, Grover Shermer, Burton Crunflll. Luther Lynch, Clyde Essie and Will Essie. The flowers were carried by Mes- diime.s L. T. Martin, C. C. Martin, sitciia .Lacnam, wiiunin Wnite, r». W,' Martin, Thclma Macy, Nell Shore, Gurnoy Joyner, Duko Penry, Edward Allen, Calvin Baity, Opal Latham, Misses Mar- jorie Essie, Clco Essie, Fay Mar tin, Ruth Martin. Clco Baity, Mil dred Baity, Lcona Baity. V Bio — Obituaries - 9/26/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 26,1935 MBNRY W. CALL-PASSES AWAY Henry Wilson Cnll, well-known and highly respected citizen, (lied at the home of-his dnughl- cr, Mrs. B. C. Taylor, on the Stutesville highway, on Sunday morning, Sept. 22, aged 86. Ho ■was the son of Daniel Call and Susan Howard Cnll, and was born In Dovic county on June 3, 1849. He was first married to Miss Alice Heiidrlcka, and to this union were born six'children, two sons now doceased, and the foL lowing daughters and sons sur viving: Mrs. George Ijames,- of.Lexington, Mrs. B. C. Taylut;, 6i'| Mocksville, Charlie Call, of Lex ington, and Taylor Cnll, of Davie.!Ton grandchildren, one gi'eat-jgraiuiclUid, and one brother, T.J^i Call, of Moclcsvillu, also sur vive. Mr. Cnll united with Du- lin's M. P. church in carl;.* life, later Joining Oak Grove Metho dist churcii. When ho moved to Macksville ho transferred his membership hero, and in recent years returned to Oak Grove. The first Mrs, Call died in 1913,. and Mr. Call Intor married Mrs. Bottle Everhardt, of Wlnslon- Snlem, who passed nwiiy six years ago. " Ho was an upright"I citizen, nnd will be greatly miss-iod in his family and community. ['The funeral was conducted at ; Oak Gi'ovc on Monday afternoon ' at 2:30, by the pastor, Rev. M. 0. "Ervin, nsai.stc'd by Hev. E. J. Harbison, and Interment was tiiorc. Grandsons of the dc- consod were pntiboarcrs n'a loi- luws: Graham Call, Prank Cull,Iln}ph Call, William IJaraes, Mar vin' Ijamcs and Aldon Taylor, nnd the many floral irlhn.tes were cai*. rlcd by Mi.^ses Ruby QniJ, Mary Ijnmea, idavtha IJnnioa, Liiciic Taylor, Irene Cnll, Elaine ^Call, Rebecca Call, Francos Godby, KiUhlucn Aiulersnn, NelLi[, Allen, ,<kis;o Ruth Allen, Ella Call, Mcs- dnnios PnlmerK oonlz, Joe Wcnv-|or, ,1. W. Wall, Haltio Lakey nnd 'Ed Call, many of tho.so 'beingjgi-aiiddaugltiui's. M. C. UAMES DIES SUDDENLY M. C. Ijamcs, well-known citi zen and former Davie county surveyor, passed awny in his sleep at his homo near IJiimos' X Roads, on Friday morning, .Sept. 20, aged 76. Ilo had been.'/ in- ill/health for aomo* time, and' 11)0 day beforo luul nppoured ns|. a witnoBB in a case in Winston-; Snicm, and whiio on the stand,had a heart attack. Ilo was thj: sum of Benton TJamos and Margaret Coon Ijnipos, his forobotu^B' being among the early Hcitiors of tills county." The surviving fam ily consists of hi.s wife-, 'Mrs, Nannie Powell Ijamcs, four sons', E. 1). IjamoH and It. C, Ijamos, of Davie, M. D. IJamOM, of Salis bury. and W. L. Ijamcs, of theU. S. Navy, stationed on U. S. S. Upshur, nt San Diego, Calif., two dauglitcrsi Mrs. Stacey Chnilln,of Davie, and Mrs. Du'ke Shai*pc, . of IlarmGny, ten grnndchiidren, nnd one fl islur, Mrs. E. R. Bnr- neycnatlc, of the same commun ity. The last rites wcro hold at Ijamcs' X Roads Baptist Church, oi which he was a mombcr, on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and interment was there, Rev. J. II. Pulghum and Rev. A. C. Ch.iftln had chargio of tho ser vices, and pallbearers wore C. H.Barneycastie, Brantley Booe, W. H. Barneycastie, Jerry Ijamos, W. II, Hinshttw and John Loach, Thqfloral dosl^fl were carried byMiHs^"]\Ihrghrct tjames, , Mabel Wilson/- - Gsi'alUind SLunuaLi-iiet,' Lorenc Gartner, Mary Alexander, Ophelia Barneycastie, Kathryn Alexander, Laura Gartner, Mild red Eloise Chaflin, Mazic Van- znnt, Annie Walker, Pauline Cart- nor, Lois Gartner, Margaret Day- wait, Louise Cnrtncr, Prances Wilson, Sarah Alexander, Mrs,' D, C. Wilson. ' \ Bio - Obituaries - 9/26/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 9,1935 J. T. Baity Is Dead. The entire town was saddened Sat urday morningr when death called John Thomas Hfelry, one of Mocks, ville's best beloved citizens, who passed away shortly after 11 o'clock, iollowisg a stroke of paralysis, which he suffered two weeks previous. Mr. Baity moved to MucksvHIe a- bout 85 years ago and entered the mercantile bnsiness, where he spent most of the time with the exception of about one year spent in Florida and a year or two in Winston Salem, He had held a position for the past ten or fifteen years as salesman for C. C Sanford Sons Co. Surviving Mr. Baity is bis widow and three daughters. Mrs. J. T New* man. of Winston-Salem; Miss Hazel Baity, a member of the Winston-Sa- em school faculty, and Mrs. Wade Drown, of Boone. One brother. W. A. Baity, of San Antonio, Texas, and one sister, Mrs. J. V. Howell, of Yadkin county, also survive. Funeral services were held at the home at 10:30 o'clock Mondav morn ing. conducted bv Revs. W. H Dodd and J. fl. Pulgbom, and the body laid to rest in Rose cemetery. In the-death of Mr. Baity the town and county loses one of their best citizens, a zealous church work er, and a men who went about doing good deeds. He was a member of the Baptist church, and served as one of the trustees. To the bereav ed family. The Record joins the en tire community in extending deep sympathy in the death of this good man. Bio - Obituaries -10/9/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 10,1935 JOHN THOMAS HAITY, PORMER ^lAYOR, . PASSES AWAY John Thomas Dajty, 67,-one of IMochsviHe's moat,highly- cateera- , ed citKzens and' foivner mayor, {died ut his horan hero on Sntur day morning, Oct. 6, after an IH. 'neas Af acveral. weeks following h stroke of paralysis. He was the son. of •William Baity and Sam. (Ann .Sprinkle Baity, and was born,'ill Ynd^kin county on August SOth, igU8. Ho »pcnt his life in tho mQr'cnntilc busi ness, both In Winston-Salom anil Mockavlllc, and for tho past 13 yorii'H was conii^clctl with C. C. Sanford Sons Company. On Nov ember 17th, 1898 he was married, to Miss :Seilnli(i Eaton,' of . this' county, niui jn Octobbr 1900 cumc to .Mocksvillo- to open his mer- .cantllo"'firm. In curlyr life ho joined jlhe Buplis.l church, and i always took great Int'ei'cst in its work, being at tlio time of his death ir memhor of the board of Lrusluti's of the Mocksxillc' Bap-* tKst church. Mr. Baity was a . (luiot, unnssumin-g gchtieman;' but known for his integrity and high ideols, and wa^ devot ed to his 'family. He is sirvlv- cd by hl.t wife, three ditugliters', Mra^.J. P. Newman, of Winston- Saicm, Miss Hazej BiiUy, of this' place; who is' n memUe^r of the Winsiqn-Snloni school faculty,' Mrs'. W. E. Brown, of Boono;, two grandchlJd.rcn, Hanoi , Eilsa- both Newman and Margaret. Bni. •ty .^Newman, of iWin«toh-S.nlew, oho brttther, W. A. Baity, of Tex as, and bnc sister, Mrs. J, .V. Howcll,; of Courtney., The '• last rites wem hold at the Home on North Main'street on Monday morning at 10:30, and were con ducted by Hay. W, U/Dodd, Rev. Ji H. PulghiJ^ih; pastor of . the' Baptist' church,'.'and Rev, V. M. Swaim, of. •Winston-Snipm. A large concqurso .of relatives' npd [ frieiwls, many from out-of-town, .were .■presont to pay a Irtbflto..bl respect to this good man. llie >Interment Idok plnce .tit'-Rosejcfmetery; nnd there was.-ii beaii-, llifiil cokvcriijg .of iminy floral'du. signs over the, grave. 'Uev. W, H, Dudd read a touching poem at the vcmctcry, a Qnnrt(;L com posed of It. B. 'Sanford, ^L. N. Anderson, C. B. Moonoy and E* •<}. Hendricks, sang "Shall "wo. j gather at the river,"i "How.firm'a fuiiniialiun,'' jiiwl "It is well iwith my soul," after which the I benediction was pronounced by Rev. J. H, Fulghum. '. Pall- IjcarcrH'were. Dr..Lester Marlliii Clinrlcs A. HpiTus, Timothy Ea ton, Wade Hendricks, -J. C. Ta- turn aiul Gruvcr Sherman. Wo extend our deep sympathy to the bereaved family, , Bio - Obituaries -10/10/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 16,1935 Enoch Jarvis Mrs. Mary Howard. Mrs. Mary E. HowaidL 84, 'died at ihe borne of bor sod, Jobq *.B. Howard, near TBrrentiDe'B Cbutcb, ^nr^y evening. Tbe survivlog family consists of the bod, Joba U. Howara. oneldaijgbter, Mrs. Ca milla McClamroeb, of Concord, 17 grand- children, and 35 great gcandeblldreo. -Tbe funersd was held at 0^ Crove Uetbodiat Cburcb Friday aftetnoon at o'do^ with Rev. R, L. Hetbcocb In cbatg& . . FannioglonMaii Passes. Enoch Jarvis, 73, passed away at bis home in Farmington Saturday ^cemoon after a short illness. Surviving are a son, E- CL Jarvis.-of Farmington; twodaughtere, Mra. C. H. Weir, and Miss Geneva Jarvip, of Farmington; oae brother. Dave Jarvis, of WlostunSalem. Funeral services were held Sunday after^ noooat2iSOo'clocb.attbe Yadbin Valley Bantlst Chcrch with Rev. £. W, T^er offieiatlog. • Bio - Obituaries -10/16/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 17,1935 ENOCH JAnVIS DEA1> Enoch Luckett Jarvis, 78, well- known Fflrmintfton citizem pass ed away on Saturday afternoon at the home oif his son-in-law, C. M. Wier, in that place. He wasjhe son of Enoch Jarvis and wife: of Yndkin county, and mov ed t|> Farmington about 80 years ago. He was a miller by trade, and was connected with the.A. W. Ellis roller mill for many years. He was a member of Hiintsville Baptist church. He Is survived by two daughters, Mrs. G. M. Wier and Miss Geneva Jarvis, and one son, E. C. .Turvia, nil of Farmington, two brothers, | J. -D. Jnrvis, of Wirtston-Salem, j and Wesley Jnrvis, of Kentucky, (four half-'brothers, WtiUoi* And} Amus Jurvis, of Wiiisluii-Snlem, Eugcore Jarvis, of Greensboro,! and Joe Jarvis, of Raleigh, ondi n haLf-siater, Miss Susie Jarvis,; of Winston-Salem. His wife, who; was Miss Lena Tiilbort before j marriage, .passed awny a number | of years ago. Ihe funeral wasj conducted at Yadklnville Baptist' .church on Sunday afternoon ot| 2:80,'with Rov. E. W. Turner and MRS. MARY B.'HOWARD DEAD Rev. J. P, Davis, .pastor of thd' diurcii, in charge, Fallbearers wore \V, M. Taylor, C. 'B. Scats, Paul LuUuiiii, Ben Smith, W. A. Taylor and G. "L. West, and ilw flowora woi'o enrrled iby Mes' damee Paul Lnthum, VV- M. Tay lor, Ralph Willnrd, Ben Smith, Biu'toif Seats, G. L. West, Misses Margie Gregory, Angoline Shore and Frances Seats. Mrs. Mary E. Howard, "84, widow of Lewis H. Howard, died at the home of her son, John- H. Howard, noar ' Tiirrentine's Church, on , Thursday evening, Oct. 10. She was well-known in her community, and was a mem ber of Dulin's M. P. Church. She was the daughter of John Hcnd'rlclcs and Elizabeth 'Howard •Hendrickfl. The funeral was held at Oak Grove Methodist church on Friday afternoon nt 8 o'clock, with. Rev. R. L. Heth- cox and Rev.. M. G. Ervin offi ciating. The family surviving consists of the son, John H. Ho- .wnrd, of Diivic, one • daughter, Mrs. Comilin* McClamrqch, of Concord, 17 grandchildren and 86 gront-grandchildron*. Those acting ns pnllbcnrors were W. D. Everhaidt. Mack McClamroch, H. H,' McClnravoch, Jake McClam roch, Ransom Cook and Spencer Foster, nnd the floral tributes were carried by Mesdnmcs yfi J. Snipes, H. B. garrntt, B. J. Hnrt- scll, M. B. McClnmroch, J. (W. Best, W. D Everhai'dt, Carl En-i ton, Miss Helen McCullough. The interment was in the ; church ccmetciy. Bio - Obituaries -10/17/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 23,1935 Jam^ E. Godby. jamaa E. Giidby. 48. dtad at bia hmne near I>oUn*s Sataiday nMRDlDg. deatb ie> -89tdDgfxoinpiietnnoid&- Faneial services w«r<bb^ at Saleoi Melodist cboicfaSan- day .aftemoiA at 3 o'dbck, coodbcted by bla pastor. Rev.lt'G. Etvfo. and tbebody laid to rest in tbe cboicb cemetoy. Sor vi^g Me. Godby is tbe widow and seven children, five sons end two dangbten; hbi aotber. two biotheis and five alsten, ba- aides a host of idatlvea and friend^^ Mr. Godby was a son of the late C. M. G^y^ of Coonty Line, and bad spent faia; rathe Ufa in D&vie. - The'toeaved family have tbe sympathy of the entile oomfDottlty In their boor of sadness. J. F. Ratledge Passes. J. FUniore Ratledge. 77. weli'koown Davie county citizen, died at bis home near Jericho at 4 o'dock Monday morning, following an ejcicndcd Illness wUh diabet* es. Funeral seivicea were held at Center Methodist cliorch Tuesday moreliig at 11 oVdock. coadocied by the pastor. Rev. M. G. Ervio. and the body laid to rest in the obuicb cemetery. Surviving Mr. Ratledgeis bis widow, five sons. G. W. and" Pink Ratlcdge. of Wood Isaf. Jdhn. of Elkln. and DeWitt and Wlb fiam. of R. 4. Four daughters Mrs. M. L- Godby. of Coonty Line; Miss Minnie Rat- ledge. of Woodleaf; Mrs. J. A. Jonps, of North WHkedJoro, and Mrs. E. E. Kooolz. of R. 4- On® brother, J. S. Ratledge, of Calabaln. and one sister, Mrs. J, F. Cttck. of this city, also survives. Mr. Railedgo was a native of Ddvle county, having spent bis entire life here. He served for a number of years as county commisslonerc The court house was closed from 10 8. m.. to I p. m .Tuesday.In honor of his services as formet commissioner. In the death of Mr. Ratledge ihcccu^y loses-ooecf her best known citizens. The be reaved family and relatives b^^e the eym pathy of a host of frieoda in the death of Mr. Ratledge. • Bio - Obituaries - 10/23/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 24,1935 J. P. «ATIJ5DGB PASSES tAWAY I J. *F. RatledKG, one of Dnvie county'a moat widoly-known real, dents, imaacd awuy at the home near Jericho on Monday mornin'i; following an illness of about one year. Ho avos 77 years of" ago and served on the -board of county commigaionei's for many years. Surviving relatives include the widow, who is the second wife of the deceased and prior to mar* riagc was Miss Lula Cranford of •llowan county; five sons, George land Fink Ratlodgc, of Woodlcaf, Dewitt anil Bill Rnlludgu, oti iDavie county and .Tolin Ratledge of Glkin. Pour daughters, Mrs. M. L. Go'dbuy and Mrs. E. E. Koonts, of Davic county; Mrs. J. A, Jones, of North Wllkcsboro and Miss Minnie Rutledgc of Woodlcaf; one ibrothcr, J S. Kat- •Icdgc and one sister, Mrs. Frank Click both of Davie county. Funeral and burial services were held at Center Methodist Church on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clocfk with the pastor the Ucv. M. G. Ervin officiating. Bio - Obituaries - 10/24/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 30,1935 . j^as C. Rkhar^n. '^ Etias a • nlglit at tbe Imme of Us parenia Uh'aod Mrs. J. A* Richardimi. pear Sheffield. Pttn* etal and btnial were held at Mew Uolott Methodist chtuch* Simday oii^iiig. condocted by Rev. Lends Lewla, of Hat', mony* Soiviviog Hi^ mohanhoa fe Me vUo. tde pacenta, one biothi^ and.two eisters; Mr. Rtdiaidsoa bad beeD.livley 1o ModssviUa eooie time iMceffii^ hb death. Bio - Obituaries - 10/30/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 6,1935 P. R. Manos Dies Sad- - denly. P. K. Manos, 66. proprietor of The Davie Cafe, died suddenly in the cafe about seven o'clock Friday morning, death resulting froin an attack of indigestion or ^angina pec* toris. Mr. Manos had been suffer ing from indigestion for several years, but had been able to operate and look after his businesp. Mr. Manos camo lo Mocksville s- bout fifteen yesra ago from Rich mond, and opened The DavIe Cafe, tvhichhebad operated successfully since. He spent about seven months with his mother and relatives in Greece last year. He Is survived by bis mother, one brother and two sisters, who live lu Aninata Pronon, CepbSlonia, Greece. A first cou^n, Dennis Silverdis, who operates Den nis Cafe, in this city, is the only sur viving kinsman in this country. One brother is buried at Richmond, Va, Funeral services were held Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Mocksville Methodist church. Rev. E. J. Harbison ofiiciating. with the local Masonic Lodge assisting. A large audience of friends were pres ent for the services. The body was carried to Richmond. Va.. Monday and laid to rest ^ beside a brother, who was buried in that city in 1907* The death of "P. K.," as he was familiarly known to nearly all Davie county, brought sadness to the hearts of hundreds of people throughout the town and county. He was a good business^ tnan, and was honest, sober and reliable. Th's entire town is saddened by his death He will be missed by all our citizens. He died in a land far from home and , kindred, but among friends. Peace t to his ashes. Charles H. SmhL ■Cbatlea ILSmtch. 17^ paoaed away ia FanniDdtoa'tovmsbip on Friday, hov. 1, tbefUiaeral tahii^ ^ace at BetUebemUe^istCbnnA Monday aftemooa at 2 oVdock. son of.Levi Sa^ end Levoida Nadtna Smith.' SarvlDg am Ms widow. Mts. Ada Elchi- 830 Smith; two aoDs; Oda aadQtennSmUft two daoehtms. Mra. Glaade Dana and iSta.Sam Bcau^mp; tbiee ficothflts. Sanfmd R. Smith add 6 W* Smith, all - (g ' Pavk; J. E. Smirii, of Wia&toa SalemzcDe ■fi&te',Cornelia &aitl4'17gtand-c^tem He was a weU-itnom fafmer. Mrs. EHzs^th Doatlut. Mts. Elisabotb Sheek Doulblt, 83. widow of William Stepbeo DotttUt. died hi the hioie of bet daughter. Mis. B. G. Teague,'ib'Fafmlngtoht .Ffiday nlght.- Sbe was* the- daughter of ESchmond Sbeek and EHIs^hetb.Sbeelt, o( Davia.^i^urvlving.-arp. Amp sooa. W. S.-- Doutblcanif'J. W^l)^Ri^^bavIdrFv^igl6Mthii.of Frauj^'^V^Pi^ter^'MraufX^D. Powell, of .M^t Mm Mrs. Ada>0.s At*klosQa, vf. Selofiti Mld, ,;l^e Furchraaad U(8.H.'C.Teagi^ of Tann iogtom one hrd^w, L. W. Sheek^aod one aUdtf, Mrs. S. Bea^amp. i^vie;'SI griodehfldrsn and 26 i^t grasdt^bHd- ten." .■ vTha fuoe^ was Valley Baprist Chnrct^'l Bio - Obituaries - 11/6/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 7,1935 P. K. MANOS DIED SUDDENLY FRIDAY Our community wns shocked Prldny to lenrn of the suddon death of P. K. Manos, esteemed end popular Greek, which occur red at the Davle Cafe, of which he was proprietor, on Friday morning, Nov. 1. "P. K." as he was known, had a sudden attack with his heart, and passed away about 7:30, although a physician was called as .soon as possible. The deceased was a naturalized American .citizen, and came to the United States over thirty years ago. He wns the sen of Constantlne Manos and wife, and was born G7 years ago in* Amin- atu, n Cophnlonla, Greece. Hq came to Mocksvllle in 1921, and has operated a resluurant on the same site since. Ho was a mem ber of the Greek Orthodox Church from infancy, and some years ago he joined the Masonic Lodge here. "P. K," was an honest, upright citizen, and had a host of friends, who regret to SOc this adopted citizen no more In' our town. Lust year h© rondo' a trip to his native h'omc to sec his aged mother, and returned here a yeni; ago this November. The surviv ing relatives arc his mother, two sisters and a brother, who live 9t jiV I in Greece, and a cousin, Dennis Silvcrdis,, who is in business here. The last rites were held nl the MuCliudiut church on Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock, and n large concourse friends was prcseirt to pay n last tribute of reopect. Rev. E. J. Harbison, paslor uf Ihu church, was in charge, nssistud' by 'liev. H. L,. Iiothco.v, nnd Dr. Lester Martin, who s))okc in bohaif of Mocks- ville Lodge No. i:}<J, the members 'being i}rGscii.t in n* body. There were many .beautiful florn] de signs, and n number of out-ofr town friends were present. The body was I hen renjovcd.lu.iCamp-. bell-Wiilkor Finicrul I'nrlor, and on Monday morning was carried If Kichmond, Va., where another service was held in the Greek Orthodox Chiivcli, and inlermont was in n Richmond cemetery, by Iho side of a brother, who died some years ago. II. S. Walker, R. ii. Sanford, Dennis Silvcrdis, Sam Waters nnd Lawrence Smith accompanied the body to Rich mond. If JEui'ope would send the United Stales more citizens like P. K. iiinn'os, our country would be better off. CHARLIE H. SMITH DEAD Charlie lici'snbcck Smith, well- known Dayie farmer, died at hlw home in Fnrmington township (in M.i®.fl(.tcrnpgu'_pf.N.oy, 1,. aged 77. The (icccnsed was Uic son of Lcvi Smith and l^ouvlna Nad- Ing Smith, of Davic. Tho surviv ing family consists of his wife, Mrs. Ada Etehison Smith, two sons, Otis and Glenn Smith, two daughters, Mrs. Claude Dunn and'Mrs. Sam Bcauchnmp, 17 gramlchildi'cn, one sister, Mrs. j Cornelia Smith, all of Davic ^ county, throc brothers, Sanford' U. Smith, of D'avie, J. E. Smith, > of Winston-Snlom, and C. W. Smith, of Da vie, The funeral wns held at Bethlehem' Metho dist church, of which he had bcQn n member for many years, on Sunday af-ternoon at ^ o'clock^ with the pastor. Rev. II. C. Free man, assisted by Rev, M. U. Ervin, a former pastor, officlat- jing. I'mibearers were U. UP Smith, Duke Smith, Ben Smith, I Grndy Smith, Bryuu' Sinilh and Russell Smith, and the flowers .were carried by Misses •Patsy Womack, Nan Patterson, Eva j Gregory, Fay Boyles, Llazlg Wil liams, Lcssie Dunn and Lillio Dunn. Interment was in the church cemetery, . i MRS. ELIZABETH DOUTHIT DEAD Mrs, Elizabeth Shoelk Douthit, osieemcd iDavie county woman, passed away Friday evening, Nov. 1, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. B. C. Teague, in Farming- ton, aged 86. She was the dau ghter of Richmond Sheek and Emmeline Sheek, aiid wos bom May 30,1849. She was the widow of William Stephen Douthit, of Davie, who died a number of years ago. The surviving fam ily consists of three sons, Wil liam Stephen Douthit and Jacob Wiseman Douthit, of Dovie, Frank iRichmond Doulhil, of Si. Fran cis, Knnsos, four daughters, Mrs. Minnie D. Powell, of Mount Airy, Mrs. Ada D. Atkinson, of Wlna-^ .lon-Sniem, M^rs. Luke Furchesj and Mrs. B. C. Tcnguo, of Fnr mington, 84 grandchildren, 20 gront-grandchifdrcn, one brother, L. W. Shook, nnd one sister, Mrs. Mary S, Beauchamp, both of Davle. Tho deceased had been •a life-long member of Yadkln Valley Baptist church, whore the funeral wns held on Monday af ternoon at 3 o'clock, nnd inter ment was In the church ceme tery. Onicinting ministers were Rev. B, W. Turner, Rev. D. C. CJanton, Rev. James Groce, R(Jv, Wilcox and Rev. H. T. Penry. The flowers were in charge of Misses . Martha Furches, Noll James,- Mary Ada Douthit, Ruth Hudspoth, Mary Myntt, Sara Pfaff, Emma Leo Fisher, Stella 'Pcdguc,' Annie Tongue, Era At kinson, Arleno. Douthit, .Myrtle Furches, Mln-nle Furches, ' Edna Furcfacs, Elizabeth Cope, Janle llogc, Kntherine Douthit, Wanda Jane Tongue and .MBdrcd Tongue, nnd the pnllbcnrcrs were Burko Teague, Clyde Tongue, Joe Dou thit, Uobort Atkinson, Douthit Furches and Honry Furches. Bio — Obituaries - 11/7/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 13,1935 WiH Hunter KiHs Self, i WilUam Honter. 2A, son of Xet! fionter, wbo lived in Clarleville! to^ehlp, killed bimseif last Wed-; nesday shortly after noon by shoot*. insT bimseif jost above the heart ja Sd-eage single barrel shot ROD. He| bad bem Id bad health for tfae past ttvo mopTb^r He spent some time at a C. C. C. Camp in Caldwell conoty, bat left the camp a short time ago aod retamed borne. Sberffl Smoot was notified of the shootiog and snm moned Coroner W- F. McCoIioh, who, with six jnrors, went to the sc^e of the deceased, and after making an invegtigatioo rendered a verdict that Hooter came to bis death by bia own hand. The jory was composed of W. P. Stonestre^. > E. P. Martin. E G. Hendrick^P. D. JenkiDs. G. A. Sheek and W. D. Wagoner, Foneial and boiial services took place at Chestnut Grove Methodist eharch Friday morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. Hnnter is aorvived by his father one brother and fonr sisters. fiHs ta^er is a patimit at the State Hos-, pita], Morgaoton. Mrs. Harding Passes. Mrs. Greenberry fiardiag, 84, died at ber home near Pino, aboot noon Monday, following a week's illness. Snrvivlog are foor SODS. Drs. S. A. and A. S. Harding, of Mccksville; Dr. Grady Harding, of King, and John Harding, of Farmington, six danghters, Mr?. Ethel Dsese. Clem- moos; Mrs. Elizabeth Spaiohonr, and Mrs. Eutfa Springs. Hickory; Mrs. Flora Robinson, Mars Hill; Mrs Pearl Carson, Foot Oaks. Miss Julia Harding. Jacksonville, Fla Mrs. Bardiog was one of the best known and most beloved women in the connty. Foneral services were held Toesday at 2 o'clock, at the home, and the body laid to rest in the Farmington cemetery. Deceased was a irember of the Baptist chorcb at Farmicgtoo. William H. Proctor. William Harrison Proctor, 78, citizen of tbe Fork commnnlty. who died at tbe state hospital, Morganton, Friday, was buried at Fork Baptist Cbnrcb. Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. £. W. Taraer was in charge. He is sur vived by bis wife, Mrs. Adelia Stewart Proctor; one son, three daughters, three great-grandchild ren, and one sister, Mrs. Sarah WaJser, of Lexington. Alfars. Claade Latham. Mra.ClaadeS Latham, of WiostooSa- Idm, died at the State Hospital. Morgan- ton. Monday mondog. where she had been a padent for some time. Funerat services were held Wednesday moralog ac WIos- toD-Salem, and tfae body laid to rest In WoodlaVD cemetery. Sntviviog is the husband and one son, of Winston-Salem; Che aged mother, hfrs. G. M. Ck>dbv. of County Uoettwo brotheraM L. and Frank Godhy, of Davie, and four sbtera, Mrs W. | P. Stnrod, Mrs. 6. L. Walker, Mrs. J. Lee | C;irtner, ell of Colabalo, and Mrs. Robert' Campbell, of Rowan ' William T. Penry William T. rcnrv. 66, wlio tan Davie county 45 yean ago. loeatins in WtDstefi-&Ieni. died at hh hotm in that citv last Wednesday, death resultlHg froiD pneoraoBla, Fuocr al services were held Friday and thi body laid to rest in Salem cemetery Mr. Penry was a brother of MnJEt S. Powdl. of Cenier.'l-O Bio - Obituaries - 11/13/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MCCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 14,1935 I)Ev\Tll CI.AiaiS wai. T. PENRY Willhini Taylor Peiiry Si'., 6G, tf 72(5 North Cherry Street, pro- iniiiuiil aiul widely known citliien of Winston-Snlcm, pnaaod nwny nt n Winston-Snlom IIoHpitnl at 12:10 o'clock last Wcdnu.sdny nf- tcrii-oon after an illnosa only since Thursday. lie had hcoii sorlouKly ill since that time with pnciimonin. Jlr. I'cnry was born in Dnvic county on March 25, 18G9, and went to Winslon-Salcm 45 years ago. Hu w'as the first clerk of Iho Winston-Salem municipal giiirt. ii .ppsitloQ, h,p., held..foil.. 10. ycar.M. After compleliivg his term of office with the court, Mr, Peiiry entered the mercantile bu siness and had remaind In this business since that time. He operated grocery firms in var ious parts of the city, including Trade street, Roynolda Road and, at the time of his death, on North Cherry street. He .served as a member of the Board of Aldermen for two years, 1925-27. Ho was a member of the Cen tenary Klethodist Church and of the Men's Eibic Class there. He \va.s also a member of the Wood man of the World. Survivors Include Mrs. Pcnry, who was, prior to her mnrrlugu Mi.-f .luliu E. fcjtypc; iw.j datigh- I lei's, Misses Mary and Sadyc 'Ponry, both of WInston-Salum; two soii.s, W. T. Pcnry, Jr., ttf Winst<in-Salam and Prod Pcnry until recently of Wimstoii-Salem, now of High Point; one graiid- aui; two brolher.s, Charles F. and C. Ji. Pcnry, of Winston-Sal- oni, ami Ihruu Kisicrs, Jlr.s. J. L. Clodfellcr, Richmond, Va.; Mrs. I.ula Powell, of Mucksvilio, and Mrs. Emma'Coins, of Dayton, Ohio. MISS MARY LEE IIARGRAVE DEAD .MIs.s Mary l.oe llargrava. 7:, Iiiglily esteemed member of a "•'iiiinaiii Davidson counly I'am- liyi passed nwny at the Le.xing- n . I ... kill iviiv. fith, whuro du! had beoii a paiieht for about Icii day.H. She was the yoimge.st i!:iur'htei* <»r the lul(t Jussu Humll- ton Ilnrgrsivo and Martiia Ciem- .i.ii (if I.L-xiiijrton. and had ft number of rclnlivo.s . in Kavi He. V For imiiiy years she had been In ill health, but was a patient suf- ki'cr and a sweuL and uiisulflHh thtirnctur. The ifunoral aervicos V'eiu conducted ,it the home tn i<e.\iagton on Saturday afternoon 81 d o'clock, with Rev. II. C. 'Iin-inkle, pastor of the.doceuscd. «8islcd.b.vt Rev. J. 'B, Hurley, Ihamasville; officiating. She is iurvjvcd by two brothers, C. C, hiu'srave and R. S, Hargrftvc, of l.e.\ington, two •sisters aifd a bro- ikcr having preceded her in dsalh. Mrs, J. K. .Shcek and ^llss IJndn Gray Clement nt- kiulod their cou.sin's lunoral. Mb.i Hnrgrave was a niece of ilie late Dr. B. C. Clement, C, A. Clc-munt and J. L. Clomnnt of this flute. n MRS. G. B. HARDING PASSES AWAY Mra. Elizabeth Slcclmoiv Hard ing, esteemed Duvic county wo- innn, and widow of the late G. B. Tlnrdlng, Confederate veteran, who died at her liomc near Far-] mington on Nov. llth, was buried at the Farmington ccmetci'y Tuesday nftcrnoon, the funeral being conducted by Itov. R. W. Turner at the home at 2:50. The deceased wa.s boriv on .July 10th, 1857, and was the daughter of tiamc.'] Stcclnian and l^hisa Wll- Uanis Steolman, of Yadkln. She was widely known and was a Ufe- l.ing •• member of- - Farmington Baptist church. Her husband passed away about four years ago. The surviving family con sists of four sons: Dr. S. A. Ilni'd- ing, of Mocksvillo, John Harding, of 'Farmiugtou', Dr. Spoor Hard ing, of Mocksvlllc, D-r. Grndy Tlarillng, of King, six daughters, Mrs. W. F. iRoibinson, rlf Mars mil. Miss Julln Harding, of Jacksonville, Fin., Mrs. Carson Blnckman, of F-otir Oaks, Mrs. Jol)n Springs and Mrs. W. R. Spaluhour, of Hickory, Mrs. Rnyr Docsu, Af Clcmmons, 2B grand children, and two sisters, Mra. Moliie Martin aivil Mrs. Emma Rullcdgc, of Yndkiiivillc. A dau ghter, Mv.s. Phisn Johnson, and a Kon, William Harding, preced ed their mnlhcr to the grave. The pallbearers were grandsons, Felix Harding, Charles Harding, J. F. Johnson, .Jr., Mac Johnson, Harald G'riffcn and Josoph Tc.sh, and the many buaulifiil riornl designs were cavric.d by Martha Harding, Libby Jane J.inn, Eliza beth Dccsc, Ruth Clifton Hard ing, liettie Spainhour, Louise Johimun, Pallle Joan Johnson, Mr.H. Harold Griffon .md Mra. .Iosei)h I'csh, grniuldaughtcrs, and Mrs. Odcll James, Misses Leona Graham, Ruth Hcndrick.s, Jan-c Woodruff, Evelyn Caudle, Alice Angull, Mae Angell, Vien na Linn, Mesclnmos L. A. Corri- her, Prnnlc Wright, Burton Bent- ley, Charles Ilendersoiv, Walter Saunders, William McDonald, Irene—Leoimrd;—ftebc -Houclw-^ Kate Campbell, Evelyn Miller, T. A..nnvifl, W.. B. Smith.. A large gAtlicring of t'dntivcs and fri ends paid a fin-al tribute to this good woman; Bio - Obituaries -11/14/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 14,1935 iWILLIAM II. PUOCTOR DEAD Willi.nm Jutlson Ilun-ter, 27, dioci Novomber 6th nt his homo In CIni'ksvillc township, his death roaulting from n aelf-infljcted huilot wound, thp coroner's jury WILLIAM J. HUNTER PASSES pronouncing this fact. Ho was the son of S. K. Hunter and the /Into* Minnie Foster Hunter, iflf tliis county. He is survived by •his father, one brother, Hugh Huniter, of the CCC Camp, of WInsloii-Salcm, fivo sisters, Mrs. Layman Enluii, uf Dnvic, Mrs. Dorsett Johnson, of Ivcdcll Coun ty, Mrs. Dick Lanier and Mrs. Oonschka llichnrdson, of Mocks, vilte, and Miss El<hcl Hunter, ot home. The'doccasod had been In ill health for some lime. The Ifunernl wns- held at Chestnut (3rovo M. E. Church on Friday at 11 a. m., the ipallbeavers be ing Carl Richie, Lester Richie, Albert Latham, Clyde Howard, Broadhs Eaton' and Robert Richie. The fiowera wore carried by Moadamca' Wadje Hutchens, Mar tin Naylor, C. R. Hunter, James M. Eaton, Misses Shirley Lowery, Evelyn Sink and Velva Eaton. \V{lliii!nr.HariiHon'":"Prqetor,"*78;" passed away at the State Hospi tal, Morgan ton, on Nov. 7th, the fnnora,! boin^ conducted nt Fork Baptist church) of which ho was a meniibcr, on Saturday nftor- noon at 2 o'clock, with Rovt E. W.'Turner in charge. Th© de- consod was born in Davidson cuunly, and was the son of Wil liam Proctor and Ronn •Oliver Proctor, ilc is survived by his wife, Mrs. Adclin Stewart Proc; tor, oHfl son, J. C. Proctor,' of Gcrmnnlun. llircc daughters, Mrs. J. If. Sheets, of Rowan,'Mi's. S. W. Sinimerson, of Sponcor, und .Mrs';- S.'D'.f Smith, of Wlnston- 'Salcm, 2<1 grandchildren, tlirco |grcat-}fran(lcliildrcn, and one sis- jler, Mrs. Sanili Walsor, of I,e.x- itiglon. Pallbenrers wer^, R. .1. Hume, Oliiv Graver, 'A. V. llurlun, Sam SniilK, Sam Sheets and G. C. Simmcraon, mid tlio . flower- girl.H were Misses Ruby Shccl.s, Xnnmi Sliects, Verlie Proctor, Winltno Prnclov, Junnitn Proctor, Ruth Smith, ArvosLu Smith, Nnc- dino Simmcrson, Rcbcecn Simmer- son, Voriie Cruver and Sue Bamo. Interment was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/14/1935 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 20,1935 Ificc: BBCtOn^ (fanglttgrof SdEc^ Hictfltr, dBedsiDSiaiiy^t&e fiome oE tter Bsrents omtr Sg& CJrs^ .nVrt*r^rr Fast SfondffiT p^r^ STarj. icttli- FtmeraJ-werfc ieSd at Fork Eaprist c&arck Wednesds? ix&espoair at x cf'cJacfc,. Re«- E. ^- jForoer officiating, ano hp . . •feffictt restitt tfiechur.iz Shrramg Sn& Bmrton s 7tir"S' enta-,. two BrotBefS and -nft •EBeBet^ved faaaii? har^ csi£y oc a Best of irieatis ;a - great Beraaveme&r. Bio - Obituaries - 11/20/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 21,1935 MISS ELIZABETH BUUTON PASSES MiSfl Elizabeth M&rlo Burton, 21, (laughter of L. E. Button and fierUin Sain Burton, of the Fork Church community, died auddca ly at their homo oiv Monday night, Nov.' lltl), her death being due to apopIe.xy. The funeral was conducted at Fork Baptist Church on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Uev, E. W. Tur- noiLiji .charge, and Jutorment was in the church cemcntery. The parents, two brothers, Willie and Bobbie, and one sister, Leila Ann, .survive. Those acting as 'Pall- bcaror.s were Odoll Ilendrix, Paul Hendri.x, Thomas Hendrix, Carl- ton Beck, Cnozar Wyatt and Au brey Murrcll. Bio - Obituaries -11/21/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 27,1935 C. S. Brown Passes. Cbalmers S. Brown. 81. died at hUboroe near Haidiaoa eai^'Satnrday motoin^. foUowiog a loai iUiu^ Fonftal services were bdd at Haidisdm Ml ^ ^prcb $ac« day aftetaoon at 3 o'dods. conducted by bto pasior. Rav. E." J. Hsxlnsoa, and tbe body laid to lesi &'ioppadmyoyard4-.SQr'> viviod (dr< Brown -jo throe sono and two daughteia. ono biotl^, S8.r0. Brown, of this dty. and onealis^, BIi& Cfarvio Gran ger, of Codecroea. Bio - Obituaries - 11/27/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 28,1935 CHALMERS STROUD ]JROWN PASSES AWAY Chalmcra Stroud Brown, 81, WGl|-ktiow»i Davic touiity citiVrcn*, died at his home neur liardisoii'a Chopcl on Snturday morning, after several years of ill health. He was Ihcj son of Dnnicl Brown and Cornelia McGiiirc Brown of Davic. His father was one of the early members of the Mockaville Methodist church. The deceased joined Center Church at the ago of 18, and united with Hnrdisdir'a when it was formed years later. •He served in every official capa city, and was the oldest mdmbcr at the time of his death. He was greatly interested in the work of the church throughout his life, Mr, Brown was twice married, his. first 'wllte ,being Etta Hi^'i who died many years- ago. His secon'd wife was Lucy Shoaf, who Is also deceased. The following children by his second marriage survive: D. H. Brown^and P. H, Brown, of tho Hardlson'a |com- munity, M. G. Brown, Assistant Firu Chief of the Winston-Salcm Fire Department, and Mrs. JR. L. Scott, of Gormanton. Sovoral children died in infancy, and ethers died |n matvirity. A hnlt- brother, James Brown, of near jljamoa' X Roads, a brother, M.- D. Brown, of Mockaville, and a sister, Mrs, Rebecca Granger, of .CoioleomoCj- -also -survtvo.—The fuireral was held at tho home on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with the pastor, Rev. E. J. Harbi. son, officiating, assisted -by Rev. E. M. Avott, of Cornelius, and the interment was at Joppu Ceme tery. The pallbenrera wore; Evercttc Brown, Willie Brown, James Brown, iRobcrt L. iScott, J.. A. Scott and Edwai'd Coggins. and the floral triljutcs wore car ried by Misses Bculah Gray Brown, Julia 'Mae Brown, Ruth Ilollemun, Rachel Scott, Mary P. Brdwn, Fraivccs -Allon, Ella Mae Nail, Edna Bowles and Mary Lou Coggins. Mr. Brown was,a res pected cfllscn, and will be great ly missed in his home, church . an<LcnmmunLty,. iMRS. MARY F. AUSTIN DIES IN MORGANTON Mrs. Mary Jane Fiilhvood Aus tin, widow of Rev. G. IL Austin, hletfiodist Protestant minister, (lied suddenly on Nov.--18, at-tho home of her brother-in-law. S. E, I Austin, in- Morgnnton, while visit ing there. The deceased was 77. .and was an esteemed woman. She was a native of Mecklenburg .county, and her husband at one time was pastor of the Methodist Protestant churches in Davle, For the past year Mrs. Austin made her home with Misses Lelia and Nptie Martin near Bethel. The last rites were held at Union Chapel on last Tuesday morning at 11, with the pastor, Rev, R. L. Hothcox, in charge, and inter ment was in the church cemetery, by the side of her liusband, wljo died in 1931. Several nephews and nieces survive. Those at tending tlie funeral from out-of- town were Mr, and- Mrs. D'aind- ridge, Mr. and Mrs. W. T.. Al(>sx- aiider, of Charlotte, Mrs. Walter Austin, Messrs. Will Austin and Ed Austin, of Morganlon. MILS. S. A. KKLI.Y DIES IN CIIARLUrrK Mr.s. Margaret Springs Kelly, esteemed Charlotte lady, and widow of Captain Samuel Ahner Kelly," passed away in a hospital in thnl cfly uii Nov. 21, aged 93. Tho funeral was held at tho home, 42'1 East Boulevard, on Snturday morning. Mrs. Kolly wns tho daughter of A. A, Springs and Eliza March Springs, and was born in Charlotio on Aug.. 27, 1B42, She sdlea-ded Salcm Academy, and was a char ter member of tho first ..Baptist congrcgiation organized in Char lotte. She married Cilptaln Sam uel A. Kelly, of Mockaville, and resided here at one time, her hus band being Sheriff of Davic couv. ty. She is survived by three daughters, •Jlf.H. •aiargavot Kelly •Abernethy, of tho Charlotte Ob server staff, Miss Sara Kelly and Mrs. Harry Zoiglcr, all of Char lotte. She married iCdptain Sam uel A. Kelly, of Mocksville, and resided hero at one time, her hus band being Sheriff of Davic couv ty. She is survived by three daughters, Mr.s. Mnrgavot Kelly Abernethy, of the Charlotte Ob server staff. Miss Sara Kelly and Mrs. Harry Zciglcr, all of Char lotte, and one son, Miles Wriston Kelly, of 'Brooklyn, N. Y. Her oldest daughter, Alice, and n sore, 'Albert, passed away a number of years ago. Her sister, Mls.s Alice Spnngs, of Charlotte, )nnd two grandchildren, 'Miss Margaret Kelly and Miles Wriston KcUy, Jr., of Brooklyn, N. Y., also sur vive. Mrs. Kelly will be plea santly remembered here by some of our older residents. Mrs. Kelly was a sister-in-laAV of Miss Salllc Kelly, of this place, Avho now lives in Elkin. Bio - Obituaries -11/28/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 4,1935 Cbirles B. Broadway. Charles iBaxter Broadway. 48. passed away at- the State Hospital in Morganton' early Wednesday mornioK following an illness of sey eral-mbnihs. Mr. Broadway lived near Adv-ance in Davie county and was the son of Mr. end Mrs. J. A. Broadway,, of Davidson connty. ' Snrvi ving are his wife who was a Miss Orrell. of Davie, before her, marriage; four brothers, D. T.,' Alex, Grady and % illiam Broad way, all of Davidson connty, and a ^ster, Mrs. T. J. Ridenhour, of Davidson. Funeral services were held Fri day afternoon at 1:30 at the home, near Advance, and at 2 o'clock at the Eloaville Methodist Protestant church with Rev. R. L. Hethcox in charge. Bio - Obituaries -12/4/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 5,1935 IlOY McDANIEIj passes AWAY Hoy Tsnnc McDnnicI, 27, died III the Stntn Hospital, Rnleigh, on Eec. 2iul, after being In III hfanltli for the past ten ycni's. The fun eral was 'hc}d. at Fodk Baptist Church on 'IVesdny afternoon at a o'clock, with 'Ilcv. E. VV. Tur- [ner and Rev. M. G. Ervin in 'charge. The aurviving family con>sista of his father and step-j mother, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mc-I Daniel, and the following broth- er.s and sisters: Pink McDnnicI,' of Thorndale, Texas, Tom, Robert, Clarence, 'of Duvie, Chnrllo Mc- i Daniel, of Iredell, Alex MoDtniiiel, of Coolcemee, Mrs. George Ho ward, of Washington, Mrs. Jack Livongood, of Barbers, Mrs.-John Shoots, of Salisbury. The pall-j hearers wore Herbert Barney, 1,. L. Whitnkcr, L. H. McGlnmroch, W. T. Myers,.R, S. Cornntzor and E. J. Robertson*, and the flowers were carried by Misses Mozulle McDunlcl and Ponrl McDanloI, CHARLES n. BROADWAY DEAD Charles 'Baxter Broadway, 48, died last Wednesday movniivg at the State Hospital, Morgan ton, where he had been a patient for two months. He was the son of J. A. "Broadway and the late Mrs. Brondwoy, of iDnvidson county. A short service was hold at the home nenv Advance on Friday ofter.noon.. followed by the fun eral at 2 o'clock at JSlbaville Methodist Protestant church, with the pastor, Rov. R. L. Ilethcox in* charge. The surviving family C(in.il8t8 of his wife, who was for- nicrly Mlaa Orrcll, his father and stepmother, four brothers, D. T., AIe.«c, Gi'sdy and William Brond- niiyt apd one nlstov, Mrs. 1, J-j Kldenhour; all of Davidson eoun- ' ty." The pnllbearcivs wore*David, Broadway, Alex Broadway, Grady, Broadway, WilTTuni Broadway, Thurmond Koontz and v.luton | Tusaey, and the flowers were ciir- ried by Misses Hilda . Charles, Mary LllUnn Orrell, Hilda Lanier, I Edna. Mue iBx-oadway, Inez Broad way, Jewel Broadway, Cornelia Charles, Lucy Belle Charles; Ju liette Boger, Laura 'Boger andj Pearl Boger. The Interment was , in the chui'ch cemetery. | Bio - Obituaries -12/5/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 11,1935 Whit D. Graham Fonner B^ter F^anjter b beail.: • Salisbury^ Dec 2."-r Wblt D." Grabam. 74. biu^tttss man and one ofj^rth Caroj^-s.''nia3ter far^ e^'V^in 1927, 0^ at.bis borne t<2* da^of a beait attack. * ^'Graham, wa$^ 'bv^airTCtor'" 'pt tbe Wacbovia Bank abd-^l^st Com* {^ny. He served ten ;years as a flinty commissipiier, fetixing from the.^t in 1^8* Mrs. D.'i). Cregbiy. Mrs D D. Grejsory. 64 of Far min,2tnn died"a- the' 6<iptist H«^s pital, WiDSton-SaLin, Sunday; af ternoon at 4 o'clock. A short fun eral service tvas held at • tbe borne yesterday afternoon, and the fan ,eral proper followed at the Farm' in|[ton Methodist cfaarcb at 2:00 o'clock, conducted by ber pastor. Rev J. H. Freemau, and the body laid to rest in tbe church wmeiery. Surviving Mrs. Gregory is her hus band and one daughter. Miss Mar jorle Gregory. Two brothers, Rob ert Foster, of Mocksville, and Ben Foster, of Smith Grove, and one sister, Mrs. John Riddle, of Yad kin Valley, also survive. k, 6. Chaphdo Passes. A. B. Chaplin, 73. died at his home near Bixby Friday morning at 10 o'clock, following a long ill* ness. Funeral services were held at Advance Methodist church Sun day afternoon at 2:30 o'ciock, con ducted by Rev. F. E. Howard and Rev. Mr. Darnell, and the body laid to rest in the chnrch cemetery. Mr. Chaplain is survived by one daughter, Mrs. W. T. Foster, and one son, W, W. Chaplin, both of R. 3. Tbe Records extends sym nathy to tbe bereaved son and daughter Mrs. Octovia Martin. Mrs. Octavia Martin, S7. died Wednesday ntornin2 n't •hfe of her dauSb ter. Mrs Sam Mct^niel^'oii Sanford Ave.. , foUowins a shbrt ifliiess. She was a na live of WUhes 'coanty. ao'd was tbe widow of John H. Martin, Faneral servicea.were conducted at the home by Rev, M. G. Ctvin. and tbe body laid to teat in liberty Methodist dmrjob c?m^eryTharsday..afteinoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Martin la sorvived by the follow iaft Bens and daughters: Mrs. Sam Mc- Daalel and W. Thmer. of Mocks- vUle; Mrs. Atlas Turner, of Cooleemee: R. L. Martin, of Unwood; Mrs. Locke Soflev. of Advance; Mrs. Luther Cieas, of Sails bury; Isaac Martin,, of Mt., Airy; Joe Mar tin. of Releigh, and Miss Maty Martin, ol Mocksville. Two brothers, Avery Prufit and Fhrehea Prultt, of North Wllkeaboro, and otie sister, Mt8.Samantha BiOlngs, al o of Neitb Wllke8bofo..8urvive. • Ray McDaniel Passes. Ray McDaniel, 27, son, of I,ee McDaniel. of near Oak Grove, died at the State Hospital, Raleigh, on Dec. 2ud, death resulting from epilepsy. Funeral services were held at' Fork Baptist church last Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Revs, E. W. Turner and M. G. Ervin, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Mi. Mo Daniel IS' survived bv his father, several brother and sisters. Bio - Obituaries -12/11/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 12,1935 MRS. D. D. GREGORY PASSES AWAY , Mra. Liiiin Fo3tGr Gregory, 64, wife of D, D. Gregory of Farm- ington, paased away at tlie Baii- tiat Hospital, Winston-Snlem. on Sunday afternoon*, having been there for a week. The deceased was an esteemed woman, and was the daughter of Henry Fo.'jter and EIi2(nbcth Allen Foster, of Davie County. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Miss 'Mni'jorlc Gregory, of Farminiiton, one sister, Mra. J. L. Kiddle, of Advanqa, three 'brothers, R. M. Foster and B. F. Foster, of Far- mlngton, and .1. U. Foster, of Mocksville. The fuiveral was held on Tuesday afternoon, a brief service at the home at 1:30, being followed by one at Farm- ington Methodist church, oif which she was a mem'ber. inter ment was in the church ceme tery. The pastor, Rev. H. C. Freeman, officiated, asslatod by Rev. M. G. Ervin. The pall- boarei's were Leon Foster, Clau- sollo Gregory, Russell Wood, Er nest Lowery, Vance Lowery, and Wllllo Taylor, -and the floral tri butes were carried -by Misses Helen Shore, Sarah Latham, Lll-1 Han Gregory, Fleta Baity, Annie) Leo-Baity,- Frances Seats, Mrs, G, • R. Modison and Mrs. Willie Tay lor. 'MRS. HOWARD SEATS PASSES AWAY MRS. OCTAVIA MARTIN DIES SUDDENLY Mrs. Octavla -Prultt Martin, G7, widow of John iH. Martin, died suddenly on the morning of iDoc. 4, at her home on Snnford Ave nue. The dcccnscd was a native of Wllkes county, and was the daughter of Joel Pruitt and Mary J. Combs Pruitt of that county. The surviving family connlats of the following chlid- fon; Mrs. Sam McDnnlcl of Mock- svlilo, Mrs. Aitlas Tumor, of Cooloomeo, Mrs. J. W. Turner, of Mocksvillo, R. L. Martin, of Lin*- wood, Mrs. Locke Soflcy, of Advance, Mrs. Luther Croaa, of Sailabury, Ijlsnnc Martin, of Mount Airy, Mia-s Mary Martin, of this place, and Joe Martin, of jRalolKh. Two bi'others, Avcry !Pruitt ond Furchcs Pruitt, of North Wiikesboro, and one flla- 'tor, Mr.s. Samanthn Billings, of :tlmt niaco. ulao survive. Tho Bio - Obituaries -12/12/1935 : Mr.s. Howard Sonta, 20, pnascd away suddenly at her homo In Farmlngtoii or Friday morning, Dec. G. She was the daughter of J, Foster Johnson and Millie Golden Johnson of the anmo com munity. Tho surviving family consists of hot* husband, two! childron, Richard and Mary Eli-. ssabctb Scats, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Foster .Johnson, five brothers, John Johson*, of Elkin, j Ernest Johnson, of Statesvllle, Frank, Walter and Raymond. Johnson, of Parmington, and' throe sisters, Mrs. E. A. Johnson, of Davle, Mra. Lucy Tesh, of . Glcminons, and Miss Mary Johii- 'son, of Farmington. Tlic last rites (Were held oii Sunday after noon, a short service at the homo at 1 o'clock, being following by the funeral at 2 at Yndkln Val ley Baptist church, of which the deceased was a member. Tho pas tor, Rev. Mr. Clanton, assisted by Rev. H. C. Freeman, of Farming ton, and Rov. Mr. Murray, of Boonvillo, conducted tho services. The pallbearers were Evan Lakey, Ralph James, Leo Brook, B. C. Brock, Lon^o Langley and Charlie 'Seats. Flower girls were Misses iMary Harp, Martha Harp, Frances, Seats and Delia Lcc Spillman. iTuiici-ia" was *^bcTiT-ar L 'thodiat church on Thursday af-l tcrnoon ot 3 o'clock, with A. T. Stoudcnmiro, paalor ofj Coolcemce Baptist church, off!• • dating. Tliose acting as pajlbenr- 'ors wore; Glenn McDaniol, Ho-i 'ward Nichols, Kenneth Haneiino,; C. C. Pliimmer, B. C. Brock iind- lObe Martin, and the I were in charge of MissSain and Mias Helen Almond. Ilnterment was m the church, cemetery. { ASRURY B. CHAPLIN DEAD Asbury B. Chaplin, well-known citizen of -Davle, died at hia home at Bixby on'Friday morning, Dec. 10. .aged 73. T-hc dMcascd was the son of Solomon Chaplin and 1 Bottle Call Chaplin. He was twice married his.fivst wife being Rebecca Howard, and his second j wife, who Burvlvea, being Caro line Howard. One son. W. .W.' Ichnplin, of Cornatzer, a daught-- 'er, Mrs. W. T. Foster, of tho sa^e'neighborhood, and 13 grandchild ren also survive. Tho. funeral :wft3 held at Advance-•Methodist 'church on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with the pastor, Rev; F. B. Howard, In charge, asBiated by Rev. Clyde Darnell, of Lexington. Pallbearers wcre .D. J. Potts, N. W. Potta, G. H. Mc'Daniel, L. A.) Hendrix, Willis Barney and R. A. Hilton, and the flowers were car ried by Misses (Nan Beauchamp, Charlotte Beauchamp, Lucile lAIlen, Lois Jones, Lucile Gar- wood and Lillie Klmbrough. interment took place in the church cemetery. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 18,1935 MrSo J. A. McOaniel. I Funtral services for Mrs, J. A, jMcDaniel. 72, who died at her ibome in Cooleemee on Tuesda* ^ I Dee. io«;b, were held at the Pres- ;byterian church a t Cod'eemee Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the body laid to rest in the town cemetery, Mrs. McDaniel is : survived by five sons and five : daHigbters. She also leaves 59 grandC .cbildreo and 11 great* grandchild- ' ren; Bio - Obituaries - 12/18/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 25,1935 Last rites held Chapd Friday ^braioff at liolp'^bch for ^Ham Bea^ Hill. 95.rCbnfed- erate veteran, whe imased a^ay. at bis home near Tork, oit... Dec^ber 19. He was marriM.y first ' to Temde UeRrkle^'ibPdBeeond .to Sei> tie Jones, both de^aaedi V' ?: ; fie is Borvtved two .eoiw. Hili, of CooleebQ^ aiid^>;:^dei^ Hill. Greeoritor^;/ two .danghl^, filfe. U. R.Uabil^ andvAtisa Emma. Hill; of Pork; l^g^d^ildt^; and 18grea^tfrand^r4^on^^::T^ore aro tive of Caswell;^^^ shotlirer tjldncoQhly. James R. McClamrock Fonner Davie Man Dies n James R. McClamrock. 65. died at bis home Id Greensboro, on Monday. Dee. 16ib. Mr. McC amroch was a native of Davie county, movlog to Greensboro some 80 years ago, where be engaged in the tile and mande burins. Fon^l and burial ser* vice were held at Greensboro .Wed* nesday. Many relaiivf a and friends reside in this county^ ' Bio - Obituaries -12/25/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 26,1935 Norma Eugene Fry PISS) AT HOSPITAL Novinn Kuirano Fry, I'l-montha old duiiKhtkr" of Mr. and. Mra. Gcorau i''ry, of C'oolcemeo, -paased ,\wi'.y at tlic iBnptiat Hospjtai, Winalou-Solem, on Dec.'21, death I'oaulthiiT from a Lean in itg wind- pipo.- Mrs., * was formerly Miss Bcntrico Johkins.. The last rltei, wore held at Fonk Baptist Church on Sunday, uftorufoon .at 2 o'clock, and tho littlo sboUy Avaa tniil to rest In tl»o church cemo- tory. The parents and the fol lowing sisters'and '^rothcps sur vives Itubyi Elizabeth, n Mildred, Bvolyn and Gabrffo If. Fry. Itev. E. W. Turner officiated, .and-tho pallbenrora wore Fred .Barney, Bruce Sed'berry, Vernon Bowers and James Byorly, and tho fol lowing girls wero Edr.-.n Foster, Uu'lr.v Byerly, Bonnio Fiy, Doro thy, Barney, (Milton Saiu, Mary Francos Pence, Nettie Clawson i and Cliristino Hopler. I W. H. RILU AGED VETEllAN, DEAD WiiliaiJi iienry 1/ill, OiS. aged and well-known Confodcrato ve teran, passed aw.'ty on Wednes day oyoning, Doc. 18, at'tho homo | of his daughter, Mrs. M, K. Mun-i diiy, near Fork, his death boinff uncxpoclod. Tlio deceased was 'twice married,, .first to Toropio , MicBHdo, and .second, to Do'ttie: ".Jonos, both ■pVcc«»niirff-- him--H« jdoaih,. Tho surviving familyconsista of two sons, J. T. Hill, of CoolrtsmoBi and Anderson Hill,(if nireennhnro, two .daughters. Mm. M. VL, MumLay and MissEmma Hill, IB grandchildren and18 great-grandchildren, Tlio fun-oral was held lit Wesley's Ch.^pol,at Pino, Friday morning^ at U o'clock, with Roy, H. C, Pveetnon. Rov. A. T. Stoudonmirc and T. r. Caudell in charge. Pallbcnrcw •wero;-w. S. HillrMitchell Fiom-i.nff, J. P. Saln,.J.; n. Hill, C. M.^ry and ■ J. ■ .^oyfty.d.^anl.^tho Bio - Obituaries —12/26/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA