Jan - JunMOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 3,1935 JOHN ,W. JBArrV DEAD i John Wesley Baity, \vell-kn<wvh I farmer of the Courtney commun- j ity, passed away at the Baptist j HoapBial, In Wln^ton-jSolem, on' Tuesday mornliKf, Jan. let, aged 66. He was tho son' of • Francis A. Baity and Eliza Cranf-ill Baity. The surwiving family conaista of his widow, formerly Miss I^la Belle Leaoh', three .brothers, D.' N. Baity and A. P. Baity, of Mocksville, Boute 2, and- Dr. H. .F. Baity,-of Knoxville, Tenn., one son, E. F. Baity, of Itoute -2, .three daughters, Mrs. P. L. ^Koontz ond 'Mrs. W. D. West, of Advance, and hlias darn Mae jBaity, at home. Jlra funeral was held ot Courtney Baptist church on Wedneoday afternoon nt 2 o'clock, and- was conducted by Hev. V. M. Swalm, of Winaton- Snlem, and Bev. B. W. Turner. ' Pallbearers were H, W. .Cnrt- nev, 0. M. Howell, Robert Davis, |J. p. Ferebec, A. M. Duvis, and C. H MciMnhan. and the. flowers were carried by Mias- Anhio Claire Bnvis, Miss Bculnh Dixon and Mrs Irene Hcnvell. mS. CLADYS HOWARD CARTER PASSES AWAY Mrs. Gladys Hcnvard Carter, i age 82, formerly of Davle coun ty, died after a five weeks illness at Lowery Hospital, Salisbury, I] Dec. 26th. She was tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Howard, of Duvie county, having moved to * Knimapoiis a (number of ycovs ago, her hudband holding n re sponsible position with the Can-. non Mills. | Sho is survived by her father, niother, four sisters, her hus band, Clyde Carter and three children. Funeral services were conducted December 27th nt Ll^ borty-Church by Rev. C. Wll-. linma, of Kannapolia, assisted iby . Rev. M. G. Ervin, of Mqckavilie,! Intormont was in the chttrcn cemetery. _ j Bio - Obituaries —1/3/1935 RICHARD L. KELLER jDEAp Richord Love Keller, well-! known Dorvio county citizen,' passed (uwny at his homo near Sniem church on Saturday night, Dec. 20th, ngod 70. The doconscd was the son of John D. Keller nhd Robocca Lcnch Keller, of Davio. Ho is survived by his wi-1 doiw, who was formerly Miss | Niinnio L. Smoot, one son,. E. j Marvin Keller, threo grandchild^ ron, and one siBter, Miss Lula Keller, of Crowo, Vn. Tho last: rites wore hold at Sulom Molho- dist church on Sunday afternoon at 3;o'clock, with the. pastor, Rev.' M. Gt Ei'vlii, in charge. Th(j pall bearers \voro:''.Tny Foster, Art Smith, Grady .'Cnrtncr, H.* 0. Jones, Ti G.' Cartnor. and- J. N; Click. The flowers were carriodi by Misses ' Mac Smith, Wlliio Smith, Fauiiiio Cartnor and Vorlio Koontz. LAST RITES HELD FOR V. E. SWAIM Last rites were held at tht. Methodist church pn last Friday afternoon for . Virgil Edward Swaim, prominent and esteemed citizen, tho services iboing con ducted by the pastor. Rev. E. j. Harbison, assisted by Rev. ti. B. Ferree, of Forsyth, Rev. R. L. Hothcox and Rev. W. I. Howell, A male quortot concposed of Messrs. J. B. Johnstone, 2. N. Andei^on,* W. E. Stonestreot an(^ ;C. H. TomtThson,"" 'song "When i They' Ring-the Golden Bells." |Moiiiibers of 'the Masonic Lodge, ' of which the deceased.was a faith ful, member, acted as pallbcnrerx ond tho burial at Rose Comotory was. with Masonic^ honors-. A large nunibcr of . relatives and friends,- many from out-of-town, attended the funeral. i MRS. T. B. BAILEY PASSEB .• lAWAV . . . -Mrs. Jessie Hnll Bailey, ono-ol Moclcs-ville's most highly eateemec and beloved ladies, and widow ol the .late Thomas Braxton Bailey prominent lawyer of this place, died at her . homo .on Sunday af- terhoon, Dec. 80th, after an ill ness of several weeks, aged 81. She was the daughter of Captain James';r. Hall-aiid Sarah Lemmon Hall, and. was: born qt; Mount Carmel, Ibnn., o|t Oct. i8th, 1668. Hor childhood -anil girlhood were apexit iirTipl-onrcmiHlyi'TtfriiJ,. On- Jan.- 29th, 1870 she i-vas -married to' Thomas Braxton Bailey,. ana came 'to Mocksville to • resido. Three' duajg-hters -wiere born .- to this union, Snruh, Evelyn. " and Annie HuH Bnil^ey, all of whoin" lied 0 huinber of years Ugp."-Mr.- Bailey, who was one of Mqck-s- villo'a Icnd-ing citizens, 'died on fan. 26th, 1916.. Mrs. Bhilcy was 1 devoted meihber of tho Pi'os- lyterinn church, ^nnd- was deeply interested in the' Sunday School ind missionary work.'Sho was . a irory cultured and intellectual iady, and was known for her (Indness and generosity, She waB_ in interested' member of tho*^ U»n.vie Grays Chapter, U. D. C. The surviving family consists of a number of relatives,, among: them being Misses Bertha ' and- .Alice Lee,-of Mocksville, Judge- |T. Bailey IiCc, of Idahoj Mrs. Randoplh. Axson, of . Ashevilie, Mrs. J. C, Bonles, of Coviugton, Tenn., Mrs. John D. Splnks, of' Wilmington, and others residing .* ill Tennessee and .North Carolina. ' .T'ho funeral was conducted at the homo on Tuesday afternoon ht 2 . 'o'clock, by Rey.'Wi . I. • liowoll, n pastor ^of .tho ; Prosbyterian I church, aaa.istcd- .by Rev. E.. J.--.- [ilaibispn. "The interment ^Va3 In- .the family plot in Rose Comotorjr^ I Tho- active pnllboavers" .wore: r;;,. ■R. Siinford, Knox Johnston,e,..J, • Cf S.: ■ Robert,\Yoodriiff. an.d R, M.; Hplthoupor,-'■and the hdnbrary ' rpnllbqavorsWjworo'J. B. Johiirtono,-'fl, L;:*OaK'-.;thor, J. P. Hnnes, ;N;'.T,.'Poster,''|B, Or Morris nnd 'Kerr .Clemoni. 'jThe young laclios' circle of thejprodbytorlan, Auxiliary- had' charge of the beautiful fio\yors. i\Ve extend our deep sympathy* to 'the beroaved relatives. Mrs.jBniley wilt bo greatly miaaed,hot only by hor family and church ' but by a largo circle of friends. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Mrs. Clyde Carter DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 9,1935 IL L KeQfr Passes* R. L. Keller, 77. died at his bomein'Soutb Calabain Satarday afieniooo, Dec 29tb, folloWiagp fl loDg illoess- Mr, Keller is survived by his uridow, one son E. M. Keller, oi near Kaopa, and Cde sUter. Miffi Lnla Keller, of Crewe, Va., to- gelber with three Rraodcbildren. Fnneral services were conducted bv bis pastor, Rev. M. G. Ervin, at Salem Methodist chnrcb, on Sun day, Dec. 3Qth, at.3 o'clock, p.m., and the .body laid (0 rest in the cburcb cemetery. Mr. Keller «as a native of Davie county, spending bis entire -life in Calabain township. He was well known in the county and will be Diissi^ by the entire comiDUoity is whicb he spent bis entire, life To the bereaved ones The Record ex» tends deep S7 01 path y. Mrs. Gladys Howard Carter, '32, formerly of Davie county, died at Loweiv Hospital, Salisonry, Dec. 25 She was the daughter of Jotan and Cora Howard of this connty jbnt moved-to Kannapolts several j'^ars ago .wltb-heChpsb^d.'- She is survived by faer fatber and mother who live near Uberty church in this county, also her hns> band and three childrea, of Kan- napolis, Fnneral services were conducted at Liberty church Dec. 27, by Rev. N. C. Williams, of Kannapolis as* sisted by Rev. M. 6. Ervio, of Mocksville. Interment was in the church cemetery. Mrs. T. B. Bailey. Mrs Jes^e Hall Bailey. 81. highly esteemed and beloved' Moekaville lady and widow of the late Tbotnas Braxton Bailey, prominent lawyer of this place, died at her home here Sunday afternoon. Dec. 80. after an illness of several weeks.' Sbewastbe daughter of Captain James I. Hall and Sarah Lemmon Hall, and was bom at Mount Oarmel Tenn,. on October 15,1853 She w$a married pn Jannary 19,1879.to Them- aa Braxton Baiiev. and came .to Mocksville to r«id^^ ... . ^ HeyUiy w^a meinW of the Mncksvilip Fresbvterian ChuTch/hnd- was a vnry eultored and inteltecuial lady. She was a member of tbe Davie G<avo Chapter U D. C,' She is survived by a nnrober of relatives in C >vingtnn. Tenn., and in hforlh Carolina. The funeral was held at tbe bpme on Tuesday aftemocm at 2 o'clock* vvitb Rev. W. L Howell. pastor of the- Presbyterian Cbareb. in rbarge. st" slated by Rev. E E Giileaple, of Greensboro, and Rev. E. J, Harhlson of this place. Interment followed in tbe family plot at Rose Cemetery. Virgil E. Swaim Good Man Passes* Virgil* E Swalm, 67. .one of Mocksville's best beloved cittzens, died at bis home in this city on Dec. 25th. death following a long illness of bean tronble. Mr. Swalm bad been a resident of Mocksville For many yeors, mov> iog b^e from Forsyth county when a young mao. He served for sev-'' eral years as mayor 6t ibis-.city, and was United States Commission* er at the time of his dpath He was W. M. of the Masonic lodge tor .for some time and was one of the most active members. He was a consistant member of tbe Methodist cbuVch. Surviving Is the widow and one daughter. Mrs. Pate, of Barliogton. Foneral services were held at the Methodist charcb OD Friday after* noon. Dec. 28tb, condncted bv bis pastor. Rev E. T- Harbinson, and the body laid to rest in Rose ccme* tery, with Masonic honors. The town and'cbmmnnitv will miss .this good man. Peace to his ashes.- J. W. Baity Passes. J. W. Baity, well known citizen of Clarksvllle township, died at tbe Baptist Hospital, Winston-Sa lem, last Tue.«sdav, aged 65 years. Snr^ving Mr.- Baity Is bis. widow, one sOh E. F. Baity, of this coun ty. three daiigbters, Mrs.. P. L Koontz and Mrs."W, D. West, of Shady Grove, and .Miss Clara Baity, at home. Three brothers,, Dr. ^ H. F. Baity, of.Knoxville, Tenn.;" D. N. and -A. F. Buity, pf ClariaylUe, survive. . ; • FnPeral se^ccs . were held at Conrtney Baptist, church .Itot Wed •ReM^^V. M. Swai^, bf.WiMloiDSalein, apd E JpP, Turner, of this cUy.The body wos'-^Iaid to ,]r«^in'" tlie ."church^ cemetery:^ the .Record • exleDd^" sympathy. to the bereave^ wife; children bnd . brothel:- _ Mf:Baity ' will W ^adly missM in 'his cbmmu , nity, • Godhen P. Daniel Goshen P Daniel, 81, one of Jerus* alem townsbfp'a beat known and be- i ved citl^ns. died at hib home at .Epbesus last Satarday afternoon, £ol lowing a two week's illuesa of heart trouble and a light stroke of paraly sis. Mr. Daniel is survived by his widow and two sons. J. A, and G G Danie', of this city, together with six grand children and one great grand-daugl - ter. j Funeral services were conducted at Liberty Methodist cburch Snndsy afternoon at three o'clock and tl e body laid to rest in the church ceme tery, in the presence of hundreds of sorrowing friends and neighbors. . In the death of Mr. Daniel the county has lost one of/its best chi- zens, a man who was loved and rr- spec led by all who koew him. For more than fifty veara he was a stew- art of Liberty Methodist church. 'The editor of The ESecord mourns tbe loss of a friend of many- years stand ing and j tins with the entife commu nity 1)1 extending sympathy to the be reaved widow, sons and other rela- latives. Bio - Obituaries -1/9/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 9,1935 Jim Hall Jim Hall, weU-koown colored farmer, died at nis home on R. 3, Dec. aStb. aged abool 70 years. Jim had been living on the Robert Woodmff faiin, for 40 years, and was a good farmer, honest and re liable. He bad many friends a- mong the white race, who were sorry to learn of his death. His bodv was laid to rest in the colored cemetery on Sunday, Dec. 30th. Jim will be missed in his commn- nlty. Bio - Obituaries — 1/9/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 10,1935 I MHS. >H. ;L. RIDDLE PASSES I AWAY COSHEN PARKER .DANIEL IDEAD Goahon Pniker Daniel^ well- known Dnvie county citizen, paaa- cd ftway at his homo near Liberty Methodist church on Saturday afternoon, Jan. Sm, aged 81, his death b'cini; caused by heart n* soaae. He was the son of Wilaon Daniel, who was n native of Vir- crfnin. .The deceased had been n steward in Liberty Methodist church for ovorjifty years, and was always interested in the work of the church. He is sur vived by his wife, formerly Mist» Leln Graht, two sons, J. A. Dan iel and G. G. Daniel, of Mocka- vJlle, six BrnndcliiUU'cn and one j grent-grnndchlld. The funeral [.wart hold nt Liberty on Sunday afternoon at .3 o'clock, with the j pastor, Rev. M. G. Brvin, In ! Charge, assisted by Rev. E. M. Avett, of Cornelius, and Rev. E. Hniiblson. Tho active pnllbcnv- ers wore: Wesley Cook, T. A. 'Daniel, J. S. Dunicl, H. M. Daniel, C. L. Klmmer and- J. 11. Davis, .and those acting na- honorary Ipallboarorrt wcro John Gartner, D. G. SpiT, G- W. Wafford, W. R. Shcck and W. M. Miindny. Tho floral tributes 'were carried by 'Misses Lois Daniel, Riith Donicl, Paulino Daniel, Margaret Daniel, Emma Daniel, Ada Daniel, Viis. glniu Daniel and Kathovino Prcc- man. I Mrs. snllic Emma Miller Rid dle, esteemed Dnvie county wo man and widow of the late Henry ' L. Riddle, died at the home of her djiug'hter, Mrs. W. L. Smith, of i Cleimnons, on Sunday, Jan. Gth, | nged- Gii. She wa» married 62 r years ago to Henry L. Riddle,' who died fifteen years ago*. Tho ^ surviving family conuists of her < aged- mother, W(r8, Clementine i Miller, three daughters, Mrs. C. C. Walker, of Blxby, Mrs. R. G* 1 Walker, of Mocksvillo, Mrs. W. L. « Smith, of Clemmons, four sons,'I • H. L. Riddle, L. W. Riddle, W. V. i i Riddle, and E. R. Riddle, nil ofi Dnvie, {thirteen grnndchildven ' • and throe grcnt-graiidchlldron, ^ one sister, Mrs. W. W.-Griffith, • and n. liutf-brothor, Thomas Mil* lor, of. Dnvie. The deceased was a. member of Mucodonln Moravian church for n numlbor of yeors, later uniting wlth.Yadkln Valley Baptist church. She had rosldod at her homo near Farmington, but had recently gone to visit her daughter nt Clemmons, Mrs. George Ilcndricka of this place .was a granddniighter of tho de ceased. Tho last rites were hold 'at Macedonia on Monday ofter- i noon nt 3 o'clock, with the pastor, Rev. G. E. Brewer, in charge, and . interment was In. the church 'cemetery. Mrs. Riddle had fre quently visited her daughter, Mrs. R. G. Walker, here. MRS. BELL OWEN PASSES AWAY , I Mrs. Boll Young Owen, widow j of WilHum A. Owen, died at tho home of her niece. Miss Bcttio llnncs, near tFaiiuington, on Thui-aday morning, Jn: 3rd, aged 82. The deceased was the daught er of Joshua Young, and tho I uoarost surviving relatives are four grondchildron. Tho funeral . ^wns held .nt Macedonia Moravian church .on Friday afternoon at 2 ;i o'clock, with the pastor, Rev. 6. E. Brow.or, orflciating. Tho pail- ; bearera were George Smith, D, T,' i Smith, Albert Howard, WilHo ) Hmvard, Otis .Sniith and S. R. Foster. . . Bio - Obituaries - 1/10/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 23,1935 Mrs. Harrison Hanelioe. Mrs Harrisba IlaaeUoe 40, died al her4iiime in this ciiv last Taes- div mori:iog death Te>itltit)s frono- pneumoeia. Faberal services tvere held at Union Chapel M. P. church Wedesday afterncoD at 3 o'clock, conducted by her pastor. Rev. E 1. ■Harbinsoo, and the body laid 10 rtfat in the church cemetery, Mrs. Haneline is survived by bier husband aud six children, ~three sons and three daughters. Two sis ters and two brothers survive To the bereaved husbaud; the mother* essl childreu aud others The Record joIm the cotntnupity. in extending sympathy in this time- of' sadness Mre Haneline was a Consscrated Christian woman and has gone to that city whose^maker and ouilder Is God. J. W. Click Dead. J. Wiley Click, 66. died Jan. i2th at the home of a daughter, Mrs, J. G. Yost, at Salisbury, after au iltuess of seven mootbs. Funeral services were.held Wed nesday afternoon at 1130 o'clock at the Stallings Memorial Baptht church, conducted by .the pastor, Rev. C. A. Rhyue, and assisted by Rev. C. A, Swafford. Burial fol lowed in the Augusta church ceme tery in Davie county. Three children survive: Mrs. J G. Yost and Mrs. W. H. Jacobs, both of Salisbury, and P. B. Click, of .Mooresville Two brothers, J. N. Click, of Mooresville, and R. C. Click, of Winston Salem, also sur vive, as well as to graiidchildren and two great Rrandchildren. Mrs. Lonise. Allen. Mrs. Lottlsfl Allen, 82. died at her borne near FarniagtOQ Sunday morning, death resulting from ioSrinities of age. Fnaaral' servioes were conducted at Farmlogton Baptist chorcb Uoi^ay afcemoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. E. Ll Sinoak, of Winston*^lem, end the body laid to test in. Farm* Ihgton cemetery. Mr. Allen . Is. survived by bet husband. P. R. Allen, two sobs and one dangbter.' Four sisters also, surviyr. Joto J. Atleo; of this city, is a son of Mrs. Allen. To tba beiaaved husband, child* Ten end sisters. The Re<^ jolna a host of friends in extending sympatby in. the death of this good woman. B. F* Holton Passes. B. F. Holtcn, 71. died at his home on R. 2. Sonday afternoon, death restiliiog from a stroke of paralysis. Funeral and btirial services are 10 be held this morning. Wednesday; tOiSO at Union Cbapel M. P. cburcli. or wblcb Mr. Holion was a mem ber. The services will be in charge of Re;v. G. B. Ferree. and Rev. Mr. Hethcox, Mr. Helton.is Eorvived by bis widow, four sons and five daughters Six brothers and two sisters also survive, among them be ing Our townsman. J. L Helton Mr Uol* too was a native of Iredell craoty." but moved to Davie many years ago. His death has broogbc sorrow to a host of tef* latives and friends throughout this sec tion. Mrs, F. A. Wagoner. Mrs. Victoria WaRocer ditd at 10 a. in. at her home on the Fann-IiiiRtoo road. She was .74 years of | age. She was the wife of Flecther A Wagober, who survives her. Mrs. Wagoner was a member of Fariiiiogton Baptist Church and was a devout ChrLstian. Besides her husbaiid, she is snr vived by eight .sons, A.-A. Wagoner if Mocksville; P J., of-Advance; J. A., of High Poini; U. .1 of Homerville, Ga ; D H.. of KaunapolU; D\£ . of Davie county; J^R. and C. E- of Farmington; three daught ers, Mrs. C V. aiiller. of Mocks* vUle; Mrs. C. S. Massey. of Bixby, j tnd Mrs E. L. GriBhi, of Wius»or Salem. Also stifviving are three half-brothers, W B. Augell andHenry Angell. of .Mocksville, R. 2.. and J. T. Angell, of Mocksville; three half sisters, .Vfr^W. M Davisand Mrs.'J G Foster, of Salisbury, and 'MiS W. H. Ho.ward, of Davie county. Funeral services were conducted frotu the home near Farmihgtco Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Kev. W. W. Siuoak. of Rural Hajl. and Rev. Clarence Shore, of Yad kin. Interment followed in Rose Cemetery, In Mocksville. Mrs. Ed Howard. Mrs. Ed Howard, aged lady of this city, died Friday- evening,- death resulting from pneumonia. Fuueral services were conducted by her pastor. Rev. H. C Freeman, at Smith Grove Methodist church Sunday morning at jo o'clock, and the body laid to rest in the cetpe- tery. Mrs. Howard is survived by her age! husband, one son and one daughter. Four step children also 'Urvive Bio - Obituaries - 1/23/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 24,1935 (GUISSOM M. SMITH KILLED IN AUTO COLLISION • GriBsom Martin Smith, age 89, hi^Iily I'cspcctcd' citizon of Smith Grove, Avaa killed inatnntly in an automofbile accident on Wednes day morning at 7 o'clock, ,when' the Ford sedan, in which he was a pn&senger, collided with a milk truck on tho'Winaton-Salem high- S^ryict Station. Mr. Smith was thrown from tho cor and struck the ce ment, death coming instantly j'Tho other occupants of tho ear were W. U. Heeding, the driver of the car, Luke Smith, Mrs. H. C. Hicks, and Geonge Hendrickb. of Smith Grove, some of whom received medical treatment for minor injuries. The milk truck, which belongs to Glerk of thi. Court M. A. Uartman, ^va8 driven by! T. W. Vogler, of Advance, tho other occupant this Ibeing Jim Bush, a colored man. The deceas ed was the son of the late Dolph J, Smith and Sallie Unncs Smith, of Smith Grove, and was a leader in Smith Grovo Methodist church. He is survived ihotlicr, who is nn invalid, twC"lirothcra,..L. l'\ Smith, of Mocksville, and-banioi Smith, of Smith Grove, and four sisters, Mrs. P. J. Wagoner, c' Advance, Mrs. P. II. Hotward, of Smith Grovo, MrH. E. L. McClam- 'roch, of Coolccmco, and Mra. U. L. Whitakcr, of Onlc Grove. The deceased was unmarried, and liad a position with the G. B, Taylor Grocery.Company . in Winston-' Salem,-..nhd was cn route tO-hie..■J work When ' his untlmoly ileatli occurred. The funeral will be licld at Smith Grove church on Thiii'adny afternoon at 2 o'clock, with the poslor, Bov. H. C. Fveo- mnn, in chai^o, and interment will. bo In the nhnrah-cnmntory. D. F. IIOLTQN DIBS AFTER BRIEF ILLNESS . Benjamin Franklin- Helton, \vell-known Dftvle county citizen, died at his home near Union Chapel on Sunday, Jan. 20th, at noon, ogcd 71. A-bout a week ago hoi had a stroke of paralysis, be^ ling found in nn unconscious stateI at tho barn .by his son, Paul Hol-jtpii. The deceased was the .son..of "Sidney- iIclfcOn-rtnd"-aljiry""V/eiSiVuv'. Ho.lton, and was born in Iredell ! 'couiuy. He held his membership. at Union Chapel MethnfHst Pro testant church. Surviving are hiswife, i-oi-mcrly Miss Octave Knox, j four sons, Paul L. Ilolton anu N. lU. ilolton, of Route Z, T. R. Holton, Oif Harmony, B. F. Hol- tori, Jr., nt home, five daughters Mrs. E. H. Frost, of Mocksvlllo, Mi'S. Audrey Holton, at home,.Mrs. George W. Adams, of Tulsa,' Ukla,, Mrs. J. H. Beck, of Davio, Mrs, J. 0, Gettys, of Yoldeae, 2a grandchildren, six <brothers, ClzQ- 10 Holton, of Iredell, John L. Holton, of Mouksvillc, Sam", M. B.and Jnmcs' Ilolton, of Iredell, A. I E, Holton, of Wlnaton-Snlcm, and tnvo sisters, Mrs. Lafayette Har mon, uf iredell, and Mrs. ■ D. Ward, of Statosville. The funeral . was hold at Union- Qhnpol on Wcdncsd.'iy morning nt 10:80, with II. I.. Ilcthco.x, the pastor, oj'l'iciatin-^ and interment was in the 'church coractory. Bio - Obituaries -1/24/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 24,1935 MR& RUSH^LLEN PASSES •Mrs. Louisa Jones Allen, Avoll- known Davie county wojnnn, and ^IviTe of I«\ llush AJlon, pusserl 'away at. their home in the Farni- Unigton community on Sunday 'morning, Jan. 20, aged 82. The deecaacd was the daughter of 'Cullcn Allen and Mary Coker 'A'llen, op Davie, and wua a mom- her ,of iFarmlngton ^Baptist jOhnroh. The aurwvihg family l3i .cluden her huabond, two sons, JJ jp. Allen, of Farmington, and J. J. Allen, of Mocitsvllle, one dau ghter, Mrs. L. P. Bogcr, of Wins- ton-Salem, one brother, yviillam Jones, of Spokane, Wash., four ItstevarMru.- So'becca V/hitc, Mrs. Blleu Groce, Mrs. Susan Rich ards, all of Faminigton, Mrs. Bd Summers, of .Ehvood, Ind., 11 'grandchildren and three great grandchildren. The last rites weie hold at Farmington Bnptisv Chui-ch on Monday- afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. E. L. Smoak, 'of ttural Hall, in charge, asslst- P(1 Rev. E. W. Turner and Rev. James Groce. Intcnucnt wa-i at Farmington. The pallbearers weiv Clarence Allen, John Allen, Jr., Juke Allen, Bruce Bo/er, Willie I Brown and Ezra Howell, and the flowers were carried by Miss sMury Forn Allen and Miss Prances Allen. MRS. FLETCHER A. WAGONER DEAD •Mrs. Victoria Reecc/Wogoner, esteemed Davlo County woman 'and wife of FletchGr"A. Wagoner, died at their home near (Flarm- ington on Flday morning, Jan. 18th, arfter a year's illness, agea 174. She was the daughter of As- bury Rcecc and Prlscilla Robor-, Json Reecc, .of Yadkin co.unty. 'f he j funeral w^a Jxeld at the home on J Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. E. L. Smoak, of Rural Hall, and Rev. Clarenco Shore, of Yadiciii, in charge. Interment iwaa in Rose iCemetory in Mocksville. I'ho deceased was a member ot Farmington Boiptist church. The surviving family consists of her husband, eight sons) A. A. Wago ner, of Mocksville; P. J., of Ad vance, J. A., of High Point, D. J., of- Ilumorvillo, Ga., D. H., of Kunnnpolis,' 3)< M., J. R., nnd C. E, Wagoner, of Davlo; three dau ghters, Mrs. U. V. Miller, of Mucksvlllo, Mrs. C. S. Massey, of Blicby, and Mrs. E. L. GVlffin, of WInaton-Snlcm; three hnlf-'broth crs, W. Ji. Aiigcll atui Henry An gcll, of Route 2, and J. T. Angoll; of- Moclcsvlllp; three half-sisters, •Mrs. W. M. Davis nnd Mr.-;. .1. G. PoBtciv.of Salisbury, Mrs. W. li. Hpiwird, of Duvlu, 18 grand children, and ono ig4'cnt-grand- child. The floral triibutcs were carried .by MIhhos: Ruth Wagoner, Goncya. Angoll, rrlaeillh Howard, Henrietta Howard, Evelyn Ho ward, Okelle Miller, Onpnb An goll, Ruth Angcll,. Mumie ' Lee ShuttiniuL J-Iazol. Wagoner. Pallr tilmifers ^^oro" Dale 'Vestal," W. J. Davis, Dennis Vcalnl, Tlldcii An- gell, Wnymoth Howard and Gmnt Wagon or. MRS. ED HOWARD PASSES ' AWAY Mrs. Mattio 'Robertson Howard,; ^ wife of Ed Howard of- this place* )passed- aiwny nt -tlioii* home, near I the Grammar School' on Friday I evening, Jan, 18th, aged 78, her j death resulting from pneumonfa.' :She WAS the' daughter of John Ro bertson, and was bom and reared .in..Kcrnor8Villo,. For many veara' she had .been a faithiful m.ember . of Smith Grove Methodist Church, She is sur^dved by her busband, . a respected cliizen of this place, one son, Roiie Howard,. and one. daughter, Mi's. G. €. Hanes, both of Smitb .Grove, and several"..... grandchildren. Ibe funeral n wua',. held at Smith Grove on Sunday k morning at 10:30, with Rev, J. L. Kirk, officiating, and inter- ment was in the churcli ecmotcryt.:; The paltbearers were DuIoq Smith,'- f, Jesse Graves, Stnmby Crnnfleld,;]f Stove Hohdrlcks, George Jones, Dillo Bonuchamp, and the flowoi>;iy .voro carried by Missos Mnrgory;^/ -Jowni-d, Lillian Bonuchamp, Elvu;.)-^ lialton and lln'zcl EolUiis". . •. ' • Bio - Obituaries -1/24/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 30,1935 Grissom Smitii Meets Horrible Death. Grlssoni M. Snitth, 39, of Smith Grove, and employed bv a Winston- S. 1 'tu p'OCiV colJcen-, was iu>-laiil- ly killed Tuesday mornluK at 6:45 o'clork when he was thrown from the car in which he wasridin? and which collided with a milk truck 0!t the Winston Saiem Mocks- ville higlnvav. nhoni two miles w«4 ol Yndkin River. Mr. Smiih w-is in a cardriveiihv W R Be-rdiiis- and ovctipled bv L*ike Si>)itb» Mr.i. H. C. Hiek.-i ond George Ilendrlcks. The party was eii ron'e lo Wiiistoii Saleni, where mo-it of the grnnu are einploved. '.vliun it sideswiprd ihe milk truck, drix-en uy T, W. Vogler, of the Ad vance comniiinitv and owned by M A Hjirtman The trtrck wastrav eling toward Mocksviiie and the ac* dilciU ncciired on a curve in the hichway. about one mile from'Red land. When the cars .struck it l.s nnder- -iiood I hat the deceased was thron n rro-.n the car to paveinent. suffering inj-iries from which he died ini- mcdiaielv The other occupants of I he car ivere brought to a Wins toirStlcin ho-ji[)Al, but were re- len.-ied after being given first aid. treument Mr. Vogler and Jim Bush, Negro. Advance com mnnity riding wtih him. were nninjnred- Tlie deceased w>as the son of the late Dolph J Smith and iUrs Sallie Ha nes Stnii h l he mot her surviving. O'.hcr relatives snrviving are two iiroihers. L. F. Smith, of iJIocks- •'ilie. and D.-iniei Smith, of Smith Grove; lour >i.srers, Mrs. P. J Wagoner, of Advance; .Mrs. P. H- Howard, of Smith Grove; Airs. K L. McClamroch. of Cooleemee, and Mrs R L. Wbitakcr, of Oak Grove NfV. Smith was active in the Smith, Qrove Alefbodist Ciiurcli, aud was well kucwu and liked throughout the community. Fun eral services were condu..ted from the church Thursday aftetiioou at 2 o'clock. Rev. H. C. Freeman, the pastor, conducted the services aod intermcot followed in the church graveyard. . Coroner W. F. McCuUoh em paneled the • following jiiryateh; Tuesday afternoon-' W. S Uouthit, B. B Sparks, 1$ C Butner, Hall Walker. S H. Smith and Charlie Foster. The inquest was to have heert held at 5 o'clock Tuesday Afternoon, Imi Mr Beediug was in a Witt.ston-Salem hospital and the jury vvaa dismi.ssed and called to meet Wednesday afternoon at Smith Grove. After hearing all the evidence in the case, tbe jury rendered a ver dict that Griicsoni Smiih's de.ath was caused bv being fatally injured on (he liead. In. an automobile wreck between M. A.. Hartraao's tujlk truck and Wiley Beading's automubile. The accident was deemed unavoidable. Virginia Swing Grimes Mrs. Martha Foster. Mrs. 3Iarth,a Stewart PostV, 85 died at her bomb .near AdLvance Monday morning, de.oth resulting from paralyslc. Funeral services were held at Fork Baptist church yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, conduct^ by Rev. E. W. Turner. .Surviving is one sister. Mrs. Harris Proclor; two daughters, Mrs. C. M.' Bailey and Mrs. Joe Bailey; twoj son.s, Samuel a-ad Giles Foster,, all of Shady Grove. Mrs. W. C. Jones; ■Mrs. W. C. Jones, 76, died at her home io Clarksville lowuship Moo- day morning. Funeral services were conducted bv Rev. R. L. Hethcox, Tuesday moruing at i r o'clock, at UpioQ Cbaoek aud the bodv laid to rest in the chiurcb wofeterv. Mrs Jones is survived by her husband,ihree daughter. 6ve sisters and one b-Others. Mrs. Virgltiia Swing Orltna, 7»t|died at ber htiow in CookeoieelWednesday foltowiog an extended! illness. Funeral serwKwi were held at Cooleemee Metbodiat cfcarch'Thursday afxensooo. coodncied by 1 Rev. J. A, I. Farrington, ber past-;or, and the body was laid to rest In" Park View Cemetery, Salisbury;^ Mis. GHww « survived by her btisbflitd. W H. Crimea, three sons and two daoghiem. Mw. W. D Brown, of Jericho, Miss EmmaCrimes, C. H.. J- F. and H.J.j Crimes, all of Cooleemee. One[brother, J. H Swlog. of Ploo. alsoiauTvlvds. Mrs. Crimes was a <00.*l^teut member of Cooleemee Metbo|dbt chnroh, and her death causedsadness ibfoughout the town andcoHininnitv in which she lived for so niaoy years I * Bio - Obituaries - 1/30/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 31,1935 f'HlLLlP HAMMER DIES OF INJURIES RECEIVED IN AUTO WRECK SUNDAY A serious 00101001)116 accident occurred on Main Street, near Kurfcea and Ward's store, on Sunday afternoon, when three younff men, Phillip Hammer, Tom Benson and John Lowerj', lost control of . the roadster In which they were riding, and it hit an electric light post with great force. Phillip Hammer, who la the son of Mr. and-Mrs. C. M. Ham mer, received a severe concus sion of tho skull, the other two osoaplngf with minor injuries Tho injured man was rushed in hn amtbulonlce to Long's Sana torium, Stotcavlllc, where he re mnined in an unconscious state for some time. As go' to press Wo ioarn that Phillip Hapimcr died at the hospital on Tuesday afternoon. The funeral will he held at the Baptist Church Thursday after noon nt 2:30, and intormont will 1)0 nt Rose Cemetery.: Rev. J. H. Fulghum will be In chnitge. MRS. W. COE JONES PASSES AWAY . I Mrs. Malinda Baity Jones, es teemed Davic county woman, and wife of W« Coe Jones, died at their home near Chestnut Grove church on Monday morning, Jan. 28th, in her 70th year. She was the daughter of James Baity and Sarah Sosaaman Baity, and was born on March 22nd, 1850. Tho surviving family consists of her husband, three daughters, Mrs. E. F. D.wiggins, Mrs. L. J. Brown and Mra. J, L. Jolly, one foster- son, Thomas Jones, It grand children, one brother, F. G. Baity, of Greensboro, and five sisters, Mra. A. P. Cox, of Aahe- boro, Mrs. W» W. Goloy, of Los Angeles, Oulir., Mra. Z. W. Mit chell, and Miss Ida Baity, of Groensfboro, and Mrs. Ilona John son, of Guilford county. Tho f-uncrai was hold at Union Chap el on Tuesday morning nt* ll o'clock, with the pastor. Rev. R. L. Hethcox, in charge, assisted by Rev, W. J. Si Walker, and in terment was in tho church ceme tery. Those acting as palliboarers were W. R. Jones, G. R. Jones, G. W. Jolly, J. L. Jolly, Charlie MRS. WILLIAM FOSTER DEAD lirown* Mrs. Martha Stewart Poster, well-known Davio county woman, and wife of William FoBtor, of A|dvnnco, .passed away at their home on Monday morning, Jan- 28th, in her eighty-Tlfth year. The deceased was the daughter of Giles Stewart and Jane Myers Stewart, and was born on Manoh 2Bth, 1850. She is survived by her husband, tv/o doughters, Mra. C. M. Bailey and Mrs. Job Bailey, two sons, Giles -and Samuel Pos ter, all of near Advance, 18 grandchildren and five great grandchildren, one sister, Mra. Harris Proctor, of Advance. The last rites were held at Pork Baptist Chuneh on Tuesday afternoon nt 2 o'clock, with Rev. E. W. Turner officiat ing, and in-tovment was in. the church •cemetery. The pallbcnrera were Cicero Bailey, Prank Bailey, John Bailey, Major Bailey, June Livengood and Fpster Liven^od, and the flowers were carried by Misses Liszie Bailey, Ruth Fos ter, Mattie Bailey and Titi .Gar ter, MRS. iJAMES F. ALLEN J)EAD airs. Snllio "Weir Alien, well- kno^vn young D'avie county .wo man, and wife of Jnmes F. Allen, of the Farmington community, died at their home on Tuesday morning, Jan. 29th, aged 49. She was. the daughter of the late Charlie M. Weir and • Martha Holraan eWir, her parents, for merly residing in MocksviUe. The ^uryivinij family consists of her mother, Mra. Martha H. Weir, her 'ihusband, three . daughterd, Joyce, Martha and L'oulah, and two psons, Clarence and Jake Allen, one sister, .Miss Lizzie 'Welri and one brother, C. M. !Wbir, all of near Farmington. The/.funeral service was held at Farrnington Baptist chuifch Wed nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, withlRev, E. W. Turner in charge. Bio - Obituaries -1/31/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 6,1935 Fttilip Hanimer^ pies.. • Philip. Hennner/ifl.'.son" of Mr and Alts G M. Hammer; ol 'this cir) .Vied ai L'.ne's Hr«spital. Siait ■esville, last Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, death r^oltlng from in juries he .received in an-antoruobtle wreck which occured in this city on Sunday, Jan. 27th. Philip was rushed to the hospital imniediately after the wreck.; but bis .condition was considered serious and death, followed on T-uesday Funeral services were held at the Mocks'vilie Baptist church TlnSrs- day afternooD at 2:30. o'clock, con iducted bv Rev, 1. H. FnlgbuniJpastor of the deceased, assisted by j Rev. R. C. Gofoilb, pastor of tl e \ Green Street Methodist church, WiastoD Salem. Burial fpllowtd in "Rose cemetery. Surviving Puilip is his pnr.ents, three brothers, Uriah, Gleun .and Earl..jud two sisters, Mrs. Frank Houeycutt and MissOpat Hammer Philip held a position with the S. P. U. Co , of this city.. He bad many friends id the town aud com munity, who were saddened by his untimely death. ' To the- beieaved paren's, brothers and sisters, The Reco.rd extends deep sympathy, in this hour of sorrow. . Saliie, Weir Alleo. . East riles fo^ Mrs. Saliie Weir Allen, wife of James -F. Allen, of the Farmington tommunitv, who died on January, 29, was held at Farmingioa Baptist church Wtd- nesday afteinoou at .2 o'clock with R.ev. E. W. Turner in charge. In- teriTieni w.is at Farmingtou The decea.sed .was the daughterof the irne Cha.Iie M. Weir ard Martha Holiiiau Weir, her n.o'her surviving Others surviving are her hUsbind three d^iiighiets. Joyce. Martha and Heauluh; two sons. Clarence and Jal e Allen, one sister, MLss Ltz/.ie Weir, and one brother, C M. Weir all of nvar Farniington. 1 Bio - Obituaries — 2/6/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 6,1935 Mrs. E. H. Bost Fonner Davie . * Mrs B H 6ost, se.'jdied at her home .in Erwia. N;. C., Saiprday morning, deaih cjesulibg from a heart attacks- Funeral and buna! took-plactfat Durham Sunday after- pnonV ^luryjvlng Mrs Bast is b^j: husband and three sohs;. three -sis-, ters: Mrs. M B Brock/of Farming- toh. Mrs.VL.:' D. %k!ahd. of Du^ tara/Mrs. aiiqoie :Black;;qf bbro y Two brothers. W. T Goley. of Raleigh- and I;ames Colev, 9 Atlanta- also'^viye. :®?foryn?r- Goieii/dahgH rPpfey* iflfodksyii ^^ ^y/: LjV' ■'j:! Bio - Obituaries — 2/6/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 7,1935 FUNERAL FOR PHILLIP HAMMER HELD Lnat and rites for PhilUp irom- mcr, 17, who died at Lonir's Sana torium, Stuteaville on Tuesday, Jan. 2iith, aa the result of in juries received in an automobile wreck the previous Sunday, were hcld'ot the (Baiptib'tb chuiich' on lost Thursday afternoon at 2 'o'clock, with the pastor, Rev. J. jH. Fulffhum, in charge, assisted .by Rev. R. C. Goforth,.'of Wins- ,ton-Saicin, and Mayor T. I. Cau- jdoll. The deceased was a member of the Baptist ic'hurch, ond a for- mcr Boy Scout. He was a popu lar yourtg boy, and will 'be great ly missed by his family and fri ends. The interment'was in Rose Cemetery, the (pallbearers belnb, R. Ix Lyerly, William Lench, Carl Jones, Shcek MIHor, Law rence Smith and' Buck Keller. jThe floral trPbutcs were curriea by Misses Edith Br^ni, Louise. Smith, Mary Ward stoneatroet, Thcolenc -Ward, Lucile Leach, Ruby Mlllor, BInniohe' Keller and Elva'Mae Godbey, The surviving relatives consists of his .parents, *Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Homn^er, 1;hreo [broibherfl, R. U. Hammer, Glenn and Earl Hannner, and two Risters,. Mrs. Frank Huney- 'cutt and Miss Opal Hammer, of this place. * RUBY K. HOLTON PASSES AWAY R«fby Knox rioltoa, t^vo and "a half years old daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. FnuI 'L. jiHoiton, died Tuesday night at Lowery Hospi- ta], from the effects of influenza.. The funeral wiH (be held at the Methodlat «hurch on Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, with th*. pasitor. Rev. E. J. Haibison, as sisted iby Rev R. C. Croforfch, of ficiating, and interment will be at Rose Ccmetory. 7'he parents and one brother, Pau-l, Jr., eur- vlvc. Mrs. Hoiton nvaa formerly miss Ethel Upri(giht, of Rowan Luunty. Mr. and Mrs. Hoiton re side at the Eidson Nursery on' Highway 80. MRS. EUWlN H. JfOST DIES SUDDENLY .Mrs. Grace Coley Bost, wife of Edwin H. 'Bost, goneral manager of the Erwln IVIills at Envin, N. C., died suddenly of a heart at tack at her homo on Feb. 2n(l, her death coming os a great shock to her family and .friends. Mrs. BOst was, the daughter of the late James Coley and Mrs, fJoley, for merly of this place, and she spent her girlhood in Mocksville, where she had numbem of friends. She later lived In Cooleemee. and af ter her marriage in Conicord and Brvvln, She is survived %y her husband, her aged mother, Mrs. James Coley, three sons, Henry Connor Bost, Edwin Boat, Jr., and Jamos Bost, of Enwin, and the fol lowing UDrothcva and alstors Will X. Coley, of Raleigh, Jamcts .Coley, of Sttvaanah, Ga,,. Mrs. M. B. Brock, of Farmington, _Mra. Swift Hooper, of Winatnn-Snlom, .Mrs. LaAvrcnco Kirkm.m, oi Bur- ham, and Mrs. R. E. Black, of Goldsboro. Mrs. Bost ivas a mem ber of the Episcopal church, and was active in the Daughters of the Confederacy. She had a plea sant pei'sonaiity, ond her sudden passing'(sway will bring rewet to' her relatives and Irlonds in■ModkBvUla ahd.Davie counly. Tile .funeral was held at EmVin on Sunday afternoon, and the inter ment was in Durham. Attorney B. C. Brock, nephew of Mrs. Boat,,nttondod. the funeral. Bio - Obituaries — 2/7/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 13,1935 Hardin Lazenby ,pardio lAzenby,. §4, died at a High. Point hospital Thotsday night, death restilting from heart trouble. Fntieral and burial Ser vi^ wede iield at Harmdhy Sator day morning. Mr. i;azeiiby was a native of Harmony, bttt'~moved to High Point about seven years -.ago. He was well known in Mocksville^ .Surviving is his widow, oue..daogh- ter, and one sister. James Eogar Critz. Final rires for James Edgar Critz, 72, who died at Hampton vUle, Yadkin county, Thursday night was conducted from the home Saturday morning at.10:30.o'clock and at Hunting Creek Friends Charch, of which the deceased was a member at 11 o'clock Surviving are five daughters jind four sons. Burrell M. Lanier j Bnirell M. ^nier,«.wbo pass^ a- way on Friday mdrning, was - buried , at Ful ton chorchyard on. Saturday 1 afternoon. He had been, an invalid ifor more thmitWGyearu, with para jiy^s, but ban fia, and developed ipneuoRonla a-few days-before his death. He Is survived by four dough tera. and four sons, one sister, a I number of gra^d children, and a host I of friends. Ruby Kn<»x Holtcln. Ruby TLnoK. year old daugb ter of Mr. hud Mrs. Paul Holtoii, ol R 2. died at the Lowery Hospi tal Salisbury, last Tuesday higbt. death following. an Illness of five days. Funeral services were held at the Methodist chi;ircb Tbnrsday iUorningat 11 o'clock, conducted by £. J. Harblosop, and the little b^V laid to rest in Rose cemetery. Sur^ving is the parents and one little brother. 'To' the bereaved family The Record extends sympa. tby in the death of their. little daughter; "Suffer little children to come onto Me, and forbid them ngt. forot such is tbe kingdom of heaven." ^ Bio - Obituaries - 2/13/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 14,1935 GRISSOM M. SMITH . Tuesday mornlni;, Jan. 22, 1936 , at 7 o'clock the go'ldon key that opens i-he palace o£ eternity, jturned in the lock of life and the soul of Grlssom Smith igcntly passed to tdmt undiscovered coun try from where no tiraycjer e'er roturnB. G^dssom ae he was known and loved by so many people, lived a pure life nntl died the death of the righteoufl. His death was tragic and seem ingly untimely to" us who loved Kim. But the sunset was 'cleai' as ho lived there were no clouds to' dim tho glory of his crossing. He nvas a falUiful and loyal memlber of the c'hurch -and Sun day School, member of choir and tendher of the Young Men's Class, mcpilbcd: of the board of stewards. He did his work well, lie was niifectionato, gentle and cheerful He always ' greeted friend and ! stranger with a smile; Those who know Wm ibest, loved 'him most | We find it hard to realize tlial ] the shadows have fallen across his path, that the sraiic that made hie friends happy has faded that his voice has .>bc6n stilled wo loved and admir^ while he was with us. Now.as he Is dead, let us cherish his memory. To have known him was a privilege,, to be with hlra a joy, clctnn, up right in all things, courtesy, Kind ness, unfailing. Ilis life -^vris an iispiration and uplld'tlng influ ence to all it touched. * He WAS indeed u-fricntl to man. 1 think Uiat God will never send a gift so .precious as a fxaend, A friend who always unUsrstaada And fills each need as it de mands, Whose loyalty -will stand tho test, When sides ai*e brjglit or over cast. W'ho ace the faults that merit blame, But keeps on loving just t-bo same, Who docs far 'more than creeds could do, . To make us good, to make us 'True, "... Ekirfchs gifts a sweet enjoyment lend, (But oiily God can give .a friend. Written Iby a friend. HURL M. LANIBR PASSES •AWAY Burl Monroe Lanier, citizen of the Riilton community., died .at his honie on Jast Friday mbrnlhg, . Feb. 8th, aged about 05.,He "wna J ferryman at Fulton for many , years and was wel-l-kno^vn in Davie, He was tho son of Ed Lanier and AUce Walser Lanier of 'D-ftvldson county. His- wife, who was formerly Ndtic Hai'vey, died some ycar.s ago. The surviv-IMng family consists of ifour sons, Koiber.t, Donald, Roosevelt and John Lnnior, all of near Fulton, jfour dau^rhters. Mi's. Will Carter, of Hones, Mrs. Baxter Hondricks I and Mrs. Clarence Livengood, ol jHigh Point, and Mrs. Clnrenbc Ci*eaaon, of Gooleemee, 21 grand- ^ children and one sister, Mrs. Bto wart, of the same ncighlborhood. . Tho 'funeral >vaa held at Fulton '. Methodist church on Saturday ij nf'tornoon at 2 o'clock, with the pastor,. )Rov. F. Et lIou;ard, in r* charge, and interment was in the ij ;chirrch icemetcry. Tlio pallbearers iwcvo Ralph Young, Lester Young, Frank Burton, John Stewart, Ray- Imond. M-illor and Olin Bailey,-and the flower-girls were Ml.ssea 'Martha Tinnier, Carylon Lanier, ',M«^i'y do Brooks, Colleen Hond- It-lcks and Doris Tlendri'cks'. Bio - Obituaries - 2/14/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 20,1935 Miss Mittie McColloh* - Miss Mittie McCulIoh, 42, died at the home of bet brother, Granyllle McCoUoh, o&r Ephesus, Satorday night, iollowfng a lobg iilaess Fanaral services were held at Liberty M. E. etaareb Monday aftenooo dt2:30a*ctoclc,coDdacced by ber pastor. Rev. &CG.£rvib, and ibe body laid to. rest in the church cemetery. Sarvivlng is | (WO brothers. GtanviUe andCree McCuUbb, of ft 4. and one-sister. Mrs. J. S. Daniel, • of this city. Many relatives and friends; survive. Mrs. W. A. Mar^. Fon^l services were held on Sunday for Mrs. W. A. Mark of Moobsvllle; who died in a Statesviile hospital on Friday night. The husband and three daughters survive. Burial was in Rose cemetery, with Rev. E. W. Tomer officiating. Bio - Obituaries - 2/20/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 21,1935 iViISS MITTIE McCULLOUGH HEAD Miss Mittie AmcJia McCuiiough' Al, Avell-^wn and c^eenied Davie vonnty woman, diod al the jioRie of' -hor broihcr, J. G. Me- buHough, near Liberty,. on Sat urday nig^ht, Eob. 16, after a-long illhftss'. She Aws the dnue^hter of iihe Into Cicero Mc'CuUough ana Alice Lowder MoCullbugh,' and she came of a family ^at waa among the early scttlcra.-In thle section. She <was a memlbef of Liberty Methodist church] and was Ttn'own' ifor her cheerful dla- .pnaitlon in -spite of physical handicaps. The surviving family conelata of one ahtter, Misv S. Damlel, of this place, two broth ers, <r. 6. McCuIIough and iC. C. 'MdCullough, of Ltberty, and one half-alster, Mra. Wfll Sipry, of the same eoimnttnlty.-The funeral was held at Liber^ church on Monday aftornoon at 2280, with the .pa^r, Rev. M, G. Ervln, in dhargo, assisted; \by Rev, Ew J. Hndblson. Interment wo® in the cliureh cemetery. The pallboaterB were H. Z. Howard, Itom Spry, E. C. Lagle, Taylor Call, T. A, Ihinlol and R. 11. Ln^lo, and the f'lower-girls were Margaret Dan iel, Mattie Sue -McCullough, Sa die Mac MscCullouffli and Eva MclOull'OiDigih, MRS. MARY J. DUNN , DIES IN .COOLEBMEB prs. Mary Jane Ddnu, widow of the loito Green Reltzel Dunn, died at the home of her daughter, Mia^ Lula Truotmah; in North Cooleomoo, on Fob, 17611, aged 01, Sho was the daughter of James I-lollard, and was born on Dep.' 24th, 1848. Tho funeral was held at Liberty Mdlhodist Ohuvch on Monday afternoon at 8:80.- Rev. J, W. Foster, pastor of tho Cooleomec Frcabyterian church, -.vhich Mrs. Dunn joined on last Mather's Day, conducted tho fun- oral. Surviving relatives are her daughter, Mrs.-^Lula. Troulmuu, ten (grandchildren, 86 great grandchildren, one great-great grandchild, and one sister,. Mrs. Katie Correll, of the Bamo (com munity. •• j MRS. RASCO C. MAiRS'J)15iVp': Mim Bnsco Gocpcr Mars, 381 wife -of W. A. iMnrs, died .. .at . Long's Sanutoi'iun}. on Friday -^ , niigiit, Feb. 16. Tiie family moyeo -i = licrc .from Rcidsville 'scverar*i monUis ago, Mr. Mars beintg an < . employee of the Brwin C^ton- -.i Mills, Qooleemee. The deces^sdCi j WAs tho daughter of 'tllte- late ' Inward 'Cv Cooper and Ella well tCooper, of Fine' Park, She ia survived by her ihusbaiiidi, i her another, Mrs. Ella P. Cooperi ] who made her -home iwl^ .her,' 1 ; three daii^ter, Myrtle - AiUne,. .Alma Loren'e and Aiddria Feaiv | ; line, and two brofthers, Manuel < I and Dixie Cooper, o^ . -RoHlavllle. .i ' The funeral was held at the home ^ on Avon .street on Sunday.after-.-I peon., at 2:80, wfth Rev. E. W<, Turner 'in oh^ge, and intemcntv was' in Rose Cenietery. The palK . bearei^ were. J.' B.' Byrd, W. H. , Swing, R. V, ..Alexander, J, .'D.;'; 1 House, R "B. Scott an-d W. M. • Glass. - JESSE RICHARD BROWN DIED | ; .TUESDAY | 1 Jesse Richard Brown, well- I known.and highly eate^ed eiti- .zbn 'of 'the Kardiabn community, I passed away at the home of his. I daughter, Mrs. J. F. Everhardt, In Cooleemee, on Tuesday morn- inig, Feb. 19, after an extended illness, aged 76. He was the son of Daniel H. Brown and Cornelia MeGuire -Brown of Davie icounty, and spent most of his life in tho same community. His wife, who I was foimorly Mary Jane Bowles, .' died about two yeors ago. Ho wos the fntbcr of .the late Rev. Dwlght 'Brown, a avoH-knoiwn Mothodlat "Minister of Uho Wo'stom Nonth CarolLnn Conference, Tho dcceas- b cd had been a momlbcr of Ilardi- s son's Oliupol for many years.' The |;{ funornl was held at Center Mc- ir thodist dhurch on Wednesday af- p (tcrnoon at 3 o'clock, with Rev. h) E. J. Harbison, pastor of the de- th ceased, in ichatgo, assisted by ilo Rev. R. C. Goforth, of Winaton- th n.t.*— A * . f— xt. . Salem, and interment was- in the church cemetery. The surviving family consists of ono son, W. D. Brown, ft^f Mjoeksvlllo, jroute 4, four daughlers, Mrs. Bessie Em erson, of Wood'leaf, Mrs. J. F. Everhardt, of Coolocmco, Mrs. J. L. Haipor, of Winston-Sidem, and Miss Blanche Broiwn, of Wood- leaf. Ono sister, 'Mrs. J. M. Gran ger, of Cooleomec, two brothers, C. S. Brown, of route 4, and M. D. Brown, -of Mockavillo, aifd a half-brothor, James Brown, of routo 2, and a number of grand children also survive.- Bio - Obituaries - 2/21/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 27,1935 Jesse R. Brown. Jesse Ricbard Browo, 75, died at the home of his daufthter, Mrs. J. F. Everhaidt. at Coole«iree. Tues- day QK^ing. Mr. Brown formerly resided near Mocksville, until two years ago, w^n be went to reside with his daughter, following the death of Mrs, Brown. He was a member of Hardisop Chapel M. B. Church, South, ti^th which he was active until he moved \o Cooleemee. Surviving, besides Mrs. Ever bart, are four children, Mrs. John Emerson, and Miss Blanche Brown, I of Woodleaf; Mra. J. I,; Harper, of Winston Salem, and Will Brown, of Mocksville. Two brothers, C S. Brown and Mas Brown, and one half brother, James Brown, and a sister, Mrs. J. M <Jranger, all of Davie oonnty, also survive. , The funeral was conducted at Center church Wednesday aiter- noon at 3 o'clock, by Rev. B. J. Harbison, pastor, and Rev. M. G. Irvin, assisted by Rev. R. C. Go* forth. Interment followed in the church graveyard. Bettie Ann Groce I Mrs. Cortb Vanzant. Mrs. Curtis Vanzant, 75. died at her home in South Mocksville Fri day, morning, following a stroke of paralysis. Funeral services were held Snuday morning at Center Methodist church, conducted by Revs. M. G Brwin and E. W. Tnm< er, and the body laid to rasi Isi the cnurcb cemetery. Mrs. Vanzant ia survived by her husband two daitgb- ters, Mra. T. A. Vanzant, and Mrs. H. A. Hoots; one son, Troy Vanzant of Winston-Salem; one sister, Mrs. Ben Allen, of Rowan, and one brother, Tbos. James, of R. 3. Mrs. Vanzant was a member of' the Friends Church. A good woman has been called to ber reward. Aged Womao Dies. Miss Bettie Ann Groce 89, well known and beloved Davie county citizen, passed away at the home of a nephew, Rev. J. H. Groce, near Cana, "Thursdav evening after a short illness. Miss Gtcce, was a native of Yadkin county, the daughter of John Groce and Polly Renegar Groce. Funeral service were held Satur day morning at the home of Rev. Mr. Groce at 10 o'clock and at 11 at Crossroads Bapti^t chnrch at Courtney. Rev. E. L. Smoak, of Rural Hall and Rev. E. W. Turner of Mocksville, conducted the ser vices The only other surviving relative is an aged sister, Mbs Sallie Groce, 85. Bio - Obituaries - 2/27/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 28,1935 MRS. CURTIS VANZANT PASSES AWAY Mrs. n BotUo James VanZani' well-ltnown woman and .wifo of Curtis .VanZant of this place, died'.at her home hero on Feb. 22nd, following n stroke of* para- lyais, aged 76. She was the dau ghter of James James and CarO' line Henry James, Davio, and w«ff u.member of the FrieMdsf church. The surviving family consists of her husband, two daughters, Mrs. T. A. VanZont, of Davie, Mrs. H. A, Hoots, of Winaton-Salem, one son, Troy K. Vanssant, of Wlnsion-Sdlcm, 18 grandchildren, two great-grand-, children one sister, Mrs. Ben Allen, of Rowan county, and one brother. Thoifina James, of Davie. j The funeral was held at Center' Methodist church on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, with the pastor, Rev. M. G. Brvln, assisted by Rev. E. \V. Turner, officiating. The phllbonrors wore" Carl James, Charlie James, Ernest James, Tom James; Walter Allen and Elmer, Minn, and the flowera'were cdr-j ried by Mrs.' Wiloy DavU, Mrs. Ernie Davis, Miss Kathlecn_AUen, . Miss Dinah James, Mrs. Clarcnco Hendribks, Mrs. Bruno Julian, Mrs. Elgin Pholps and Mrs. Charlio James. Interment was In the church cemetery.' • i MISS BETTIE A. GROCE jDEAD j liUss Bettio Ann G'rocc, es- n teemed Davie county woman, died .< at tho home of Bef nephew, Rev. •' J. H. Groce, near Cana, on Feb. 2lBt, aged 89. She was the daugh-, ter. of John Groce and Polly i Renegar Groce, of Yadkin coun ty, but had lived in Davie for a number of years. She was better known as "Aunt Botsy," and .was a member of Farmington Baptist church. The funeral was hold at Cross Roads Baptist church at , Courtney, on Snlurdny.morning at- 11 o'clock, following a service at the home at 10. Rev. E. L. Smoak, ef Rural Hall, and. Rev, E. W, i' Turner officiatoil. The nearest surviving relative is a sister. Miss Salllc Grocc, who is 85.' Those Acting as pallbearers wore J. L. Bogcr, Chai'lio Richie,' Henry Howard, Clydo Boger, ^ Henry Riichlo and Wade Farchea,' 'arid tho. fiower-girfsf^^w^^ Groce, .Be.ssie Richie^ •PrisoilV^ 'Howard ■. nnd'^PoMlxy^J^Mdn^.Li Bio - Obituaries - 2/28/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 28,1935 MISS LAURA SHEER DEAD On Wednesday morning Fob. 20th, the death angel vialted the home of Mr. and Mrs. W... E* Shecic and loufc no Its trophy» Luura Belle, she had boon in de clining health for some time and for.fiyo long weary wcelca »ho suffered niuch pain. vVilllng hands did everything possible, ibut Josus know best. Laura In bloom of life was 22 years of ago and united with Macedonia Mora, vinn Church at the age of 18 and lived a consecrated life until the end. A brief funeral service was conducted at the home at 2:30 6'ciock and concluded at Mace donia at 3:30 o'clock by her pas tor Rev. B. M. Brciwer and as sisted by Rev. Helmuh and the Ibody was laid to rest In the church eemctery. She loaves to mourn her death her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shock, four brothers, Joel, Robert and Richard,' of WInston-Salem, I'homas, of Coolcemee; five sis ters, Mrs. U. H. Pholps, Mrs-. J; W. Beauchamp of Advance, Mrs. P. H. Pence, of Hamlet, Mrs, Ifcnry Cook, of Mocksvlllo Routo 4, and Hasol Shcek, of Cooleomoe, grandfather, L. A. Sheck, of Ad- vnnhe and grandmother, Mrs. Mary Beauchamp, of Advance and host of ro.lotives.ond friends. The beautiful floral offerings wore carried by Misses Sara and •Alnia Myers, Elsie Cook, Nannie Beauchamp, Wllmn saln, Eva and Sadie Mae MoCullough, Lil lian, Elsie and Sadie'Alexander, Ruth Lagle, Ella and Nora Call, l^ossle Freeman,* Sara Carter, Lena Hodgson, Mrs. Camilla Saln Mnttie Sue McCullough, Francis Miller and Ruth Sparks. The pallbearers wore: Messrs. Nelson Evorhardt, Magneas Howard, Martin Flcromlng, Martin hSc- Dnniel, Fordia and Renzy Beau champ. It was early one -morning It was sudden, it was silent. We shall.never forgot the day . When the cruel reaper came and took dear Laura away. Ihvonty-tfivD years she tolled, at last her wOrk was done, "And surely she was blessed,-*— She fought the fight, the victory won, and bnterod into rest. As the days go by we're reminded anew, Of tho many things she used to do, She smilod, sho laughed, nnd had her fun, Until at last God cnllod her homo. Not dead, It is a glorious fooling, And a lesson of sorrow and pain. Then' help us, dear Jesus, to bo faithful To meet dear Loura again. Laura Sheek Our community was saddened.! when the news cnrao that. Miss I Laura Sheek, daughter of Mr.j and Mrs. W. R. Sheek, of Coolee- • meo,- had passed to her eternal reword Tuesday evening, ago 82 years. She hud- been In falling - health for some tlmo land had been bed fast obout three wcclm. ; She was n member of Liberty • Sunday School and attended re gular. Sho will be greatly miss ed especlolly .by ,thd Philathea | class. Laura was olways cheer ful ond made mony friends where over she went. To knofw her was ^ to love her. Funeral aervlces wore hold at Moiccdonia Moravian ^ church on Ibursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock and ^ya8 attended by , a large throng of sympathizing friends. Her' body was laid to Irest beneath o beautiful bank of I flowers In the church cemeteryI to oiwait thci resurrection.--morn. Wo extend deep sympathy to the surviving relatives. Bio - Obituaries — 2/28/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 6,1935 Mrs, Sanford R. Smith, ' Mrs. Sanford R. SmUh. 74.. died at her honieat Redlaod early Satur> day ntoroin^f, death resnlting^ froic a stroke of paralysis. Funeral services were held at Bethlehem Methodist church Moc> day mortiiog at 11 o'clock conducted by her pastor, Rcy. H. C. Freeman and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Mrs. Smith is survived by her husband, one son and a number of neioes and nephews. A eood wc- man has been called to her reward. Bio - Obituaries - 3/6/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 7,1935 DREW .0. BENNETT, OP CORNATZER, PASSES AWAY Drew D. Bennett, prominent and highly re&pocted citizen of Cornatzer, died -at hie home on Monday ofternon, March 4, after a long illness^ in hie G4th year. The deceased was the , son of Dlllie Bennett and Toibitha Malbe Bennett, of Stokee county, and had been n merchant at Cornat' zer for many years, lie is sur vived by hie wife, formerly Miss Carrie Fiinchum, six eons, Her man II. Bennott, of Cornatzer, Fiinchum, of Salisbury, Aaron, of Winsion-Salcm, Raymond, of Cooleemce, D. Reed and Eugene, of Cornatzer, four (kiughters, Mra. Ghuiye Fry, of Bixby, Mrs. J, li. Foster, of WinatoiiiSnlem, route 1, Misses Knthorinc and Druzella Bennett, of Cornotzer, two {grandchildren, two brothers., 6. M. Bennett, of Summerfiola,; and Zob Bennett, of Winston ;Snlem, and one sister, Mra. Alex Nelson, of Wolnut Cove. The funeral was held at No Creek Primitive Baptist church on Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock. with Rev. J. A. Pngg, of Wlna- ton-Salem, in charge, aesisted by Rev. S. H. Reed, of Walnut Cove, asd Rev. Mr. Reich, of Win8ton-€nlem. Iirtormcnt - was in the church cemetery, and the liallibeurers were: Jesse Dwire, Willie Chaplin, Matthew McDan- icl, R. 0. Bennett, W. B. Eidson and! J. P. LeGrand. Bio - Obituaries — 3/7/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 13,1935 D. D. Beim^; D. D, Beobette. 64, well koowa merchaat-<^ of Cornal2er,- pas^a* Way at his home last Monday after* Doob, after a loog illness. ' : Sarviviog are" the widow,. who was Miss Carrie Pliocham prior Jlo marriage; six 5ons» Herman H.. b, Reid, and'Bngeoe Beouett, of jCpr* batzer; Flinchtim, of Salislpiry; A^on Beaoett, of Winston S^em. and Raymond Bennett, of p>olee* mee, lonr. daughters. Mis. Gladys Fry, of Bixbv; Mrs. J> H. i^er, of Wiostoa-Salem, R. i, and Kaihe* rlne and Drozella Benbett, oiicor* natzer; two brothers, 0.- M. Bepnett of Stimtnerfield,' and Zeb Befi^t, of Winston Salem, and one bister. Mrs. Alex Nelson, of Walnut C^ve. The funeral was held at the No Creek Primitive Baptist Chttrch' Wednesday morning at it o'cdpek. Elders f. A. Pagg and S H.;-^eid and Rev. Mr. Rdrdi conduct^;, the services. Burial followed iafnhe' church graveyard. Mrs* Girii M^ick. Cooleemee, March 7,"—Last riles were held at the Firt Presbyterian church ou Thursday afiernoon for Mrs. Cora Messick, 63. who passed away at her home at Watts street Wednesday night following au ex tended illness, Mrst. Messick had been married twice, the first time to a Mr Sneed and the second time to Mr. Messick, who passed away ten years ago. Snrviviog relatives include the fo)Iov?iQg SODS aud. daughters: J. L. Sated, Miss Ida Saeed, Mrs Roy Scott, ClareQce Messiek and Glenn Messick, of Cooleemee; Percy Sneed, of Washington, D. 0., and Ira Sneed of Statesnille. Mrs. Messick was a lifelong mem of the Presbyterlao' church and her pastor, the Rev. T. W. Foster, wag in charge oi the funeral services. Interment «jas in Liber ty Methodist church near here. Bio - Obituaries - 3/13/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 20,1935 Mrs. James Wilson Mrs. Lucv Bdtler Wi^s, motber of Mrs. R.'H. Kennedy, of Har mony, died March, nth at her home in Charlotte. Mrs. Wilson suffered a heart attack several days aj;o and this was followed by pneu monia. Mrs. Wilson was Miss Lucy Eliza beth Yager and was a native of Ken- inchy, tintil her marriage, on March 24: 1887, to Mr. lohn A. Butler, of Havie and Iredell counties. Nine children were born- to this marriage, eight of whom snrvive their mother. Her husband died in 1904 and Mrs. Butler later mar- ried Mr. Tames* B. Wilson, of Mo.eksviile.j Surviving this mar- ri^e are a son .and daughter. The fnneral service for Mrs. Wil son was held from the Seventh Day Adventist church. North McDowell street, Charlotte, at 4 o'clock Tues day aftemooD, and interment was in Charlotte. Bio — Obituaries — 3/20/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 21,1935 Johnny Lee Allen ;BI®NEItAL von INFANT- • '■—r Allen, .infnnt son and Mrs. Odell Allen, tlieir Ijom'e in ' PultonStoi^.nShip on Thursdny morning, 14, tho funeral 'jjeiner held^vumi^itcruoon at Moolcs Church,^iraJkithn. pastor." liov. P.'E, Ho-. officiating." -The flowerst^H^earrJcd by Misses Eva Ho-1 .Eva Phelips and ..Vivian THAD T. nCAVIS PASSES . .AWAY ■ Thnd Thomas Reavis, well- • known' yo'unh man, died aC Jils home in Clarksvillc* town'sh'ip near Courtney, on Saturday morn ing, March 16, after a. longi ill ness, aged 37. He ■was tho son of ■F.."M. RcaVls'and Ettft-Chambor-■ jqin.ReavJs, who survive. Ho 'is iiiso survived!; /his y/ifo, who was,.Miss Besaie. WUkins beforemarriage, two brothers, C. M. Reavis and Ed-gar Reavis, "of Yad- fcin county, and one siaterj Mrs, 0. D. Hayes, of ClemmonB, The^ funeral was "held , at Oak Ridge' Baptist church in Yndkin countyon S^^dny afternoon at* 2:30, with Rev Romey Adams in charge.The nallbcurcra were Ray Reavis,■ Clarence and Calvin Reavis, Shcr-' man Taylor, Francis and Harold■ Mfirtin, and the flowera were . earned by Mrs.Misses Elsie Moref.elJ, BcltioI and Mnttie Myers, Lola and Lu ' cilc RcavlB-. . JACOB A. HEGE DEAD Jacb?; A. Hego, Confederate veteran, and farmer of the Ful ton community, died at his home on Tuesday morning,. March IS,in his 8Dth year. He was the .son I of John Hcge, and was born on,May 20, 1846. He was married! to Agnes Bycrly," who died some years ago. The surviving family consfats. of ope brother, Alex. Hegc, of Fultoa township, one son, J. Bud Hege, of the name^ community, and the following daughters, Mrs. W. T. Myers, of iWinaton-Salem, Mrs. Sallie Crotts, of route 3, and Mrs. Fannic Ste wart; of neaf Pulton, 36 grand children and 63 great-grandchild ren. The last rites were conduct ed at Fulton Methodist church on Wednesday afternoon nt 2 o'clock, with tho pastor, Rev. P. E. Ho ward, In charge, and interment was in the church cemetery. Mr.Hego'a death feaves ten Confor- erate veierans in Davie. IN MEMORY OF JUNIOR GAITHER From a memorial adapted iby Liberty Pilgrim Holiness church. Junior Gaither, the son of Mrs. Annie Gaither was hurt In a- flour mill near Olin, March 6th and wa.s taken to Davis Hospital, lie died a fow minutes later. He was 17 years old. Junior will bo missed in this c«)mmunity. He was always so kind'and friendly and always had a smllo on his face. He wasloved iby everyone ho came In contact with. Junior was a member of' the Liberly Pilgrim Holi-1jncss' Sunday School here, where ^ he was loved by everyone and will be missed 'by all. He. attend ed vcgujni'ly, the wonthcr never igotr to bad for Junior to come, ilc wan always on time and groat- ty interested in. church work. Wo" think of how he gave n helpinp hand and how for God he took n stand. Wo hopo to meet on Heaven's Shore, whci'c death and ipartlim."? eomo no more, wlicrc wn .Hhnll have eternal life and free dom from all onrtbly strife. Bio - Obituaries - 3/21/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 27,1935 r Jacob Passes. j£c»l> A. "BSfSS, CtnfeSersss • VetersSf dsed at bis hose ssar, EIciaTflLe last Teesdar tsombiz at 4 o*docb, dtata resoitisg zroa af stro^ of Fcceyal ser-- Ticss "sreze coadected bj Rev. F. B. ^ Howard Wodassday ^ercooo at'^ 2 o'dflde. St Foltoa 21, B. cbtires,: and tbe body laid to Tssi in tbot dinrch ceateterr. Snrviiric^ 3fr.| Hege. is one son. J. Scd Heoe. of Advance. R. i; three dsosbtes^.! Mrs, W. T. Mreis, of Wioston-I Salexs; 2fcs. Sallie Crests and Mrs, Fanole Stewart, of Foltoa. one brother, Alex H^e, of Advance. Tfairty'Six grandddldren and 53 gieat-grsndcbildren also snryiTe. Mr. Hege wss bom in Davie and spent most of bis life here. He was a good man. sod wiii be sadly missed tn bb community. Tbe editor will miss bis anbnal visits to Tbe Beoord oQce._ He always dro^)ed in to see ns every March to renew fats snbcnption. The boys who wore tbe grey ate swiftly ever the river to join Lee and Jackson. - Miss Jennie HowelL jUies Jmmie Howdl. 73. died at her home near Z^no Friday afternoon, followlmc a lonfflUseas. Fboefa! ser* vices were condneted by Bev. E. W. Tomer at Eaton's, fiaptUt cbarch Snnday aftonoon at 2 o'dock. and the.'body laid to r^ In tbe ehorcb ceo^tery. MiraHowell Is rarvivcd by one brother -John Hovdl. of l^chbunr. Va, two. aiatera, Mrs. Carrie'Hartia, of Concord, and Mrs. lioa.Furehes. of near Farmmeton. A-good woman has gone to her re ward. R. A. Bowen. ,.v.R^ A. Bo.wen. 73. died at bis home 'h'ear Cornaizop lort Wodnonday. fol lowing an extended UlnoBa, Fbneral STvIcos were hold aC'Comalzfr MethodiBt church Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock echdoetcd by. Rev. P. B. Howdrd, and the body laid to roBt 'n tSechurdtconietery* Surviving Mr. Bowen Is bla wldow< Olid son and (wo daughters. Bio - Obituaries - 3/27/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 28,1935 AliSS JENNIE B. HOWELL DEAD Miss Jennie B. Howcll,-well- known and highly reapectcd Da.vlc county woman, diod at her home near Wesley's (iChnpel on Tridny oiftornoon, March 22, aged 73. She .was the daughter oi Charles Howell and Caroline Allen Howell, of Davie, and had jMLeh-g finith'ful. member of Parm- In^ton Baptist church for about 40 years. She is survived (by one brother, John Howell, of Lynch- burg, Vn., and two sisters, Mrs. Carrie Harris, of Concord, ,nnd Mrs. Lou Furches, of Farming- ton. The fuileral was held at Eaton's Baptist church on Sun^ doy afternoon at* 2 o'clock, with Rev. E. W. Turner, a. former imstor of the deceased, officiat ing. The pallbearers were J. D. Foster, J. B. Furches, Allen Har- lia, Rojbert Harris. G. H. Graham and Fred Furches. The flmvcrs were in charge of .MisBcs Frances Lee Ward, Virginia West. Thoda Shelton, Annie Lou Foster, Vir ginia Howell, Dorothy Hix, Leona Graham and Mrs. Robert Fur ches. MRS. EMILY H. WALKER PASSES IN LEXINGTON •Mrs. Emily Jane i-lendricks Walker, widow of the late Jesse Walker, Confederato veteran, and a beWcd [and [esteemed jDjnvio county woman, died at the home of her son, C. P. Walker, in Lex ington, on March 20th, aged 68. Sho was the daughter of Zedy Hendricks and bdith Hendricks, and •'vvas bom on Jan.- 12,' 1847 • In early life she united with Du- lins Mothodiat Protestant church, and was a faithful member through the years. The surviving family coniats of three sons, C. C. Walker, of Blx'by, R. G. Wal- keri chief-of-police of •Mockavllle, C. P. Walker, of Lexington, two brothers, Junius Hendricks, ot Duvie, and LaFayetto Hendricks, of Rutherford county, one sister, Mrs James Taylor of-Smith Gmvc 10 grandchildren and 12 great- erandcluTdrcn. The funeral was held at Smith Grove Methodist church on Erlday aftomowi at a o'clock, with Rev. Odoll Leo nard, of Lexington, and Rev. H. C. Freeman, in charge, and inter ment was in the church cemetery. The following • gmmdsong . acted its panfaearora,,John Crotte, .Jake Crotts, ~"GeorgB Cfbttar Glenir Burkhart, George iHondrlcks and Roy Wolker, Jr.,"and the many■beautiful floral tributes werecorricd by the' granddaughters, those being Mesdnmcs GeorgeHendricks, H. L. 'Mooncy, Wi ha RTodlin, Edmund Mnzzolini,Rllasca Helen Walkor, Seltttft Wal ker and Dorothy Walk-cr. Bio - Obituaries - 3/28/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 3,1935 Lillian Cole Dies. Lillian Madaleae. 5 montiiB'Old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Cole, died late Satui^ay night death resuiting from ^rlet fever and m^ingitlB. The little body was Imd to rest Sondav afternoon at 8 o'clock, at Cemetery. Funer^ services were conducted at the grave side by Rev. J. B. ^Ighnm. Sqrviving is the parents, three brothers and three sisters. ' ' Bio - Obituaries - 4/3/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 4,1935 ;s 10 THOMAS M. YOUNG TAKES HIS LIFE Mockayille \yns shocked oji r, '. Wednesday mornlhg to hoav that y'Thomifls Mcliiidiith Younjj, 76, highly ^teemed dtlxen, died.by his dvvn' hand n ill blio night, his' ^ throat bolng'cut bn hdth sides y ;Avith a safety razor blado. IDs j 'body was di&cdvcred this morn- j-llhg by some canpeiitera, who wore, j.working on the (place, and Mr. , H, S. Walker, who had not seen I him appear this morhinff. Chicif . . of police R. G. Wnlkor \vna call- ; ed and a physician was summon- . ed, and It Is thought that Mr. Young had been dead for some hours. His death is nttrlibuted to dcapondoncy, as he had been heard to say that he might kill himself. Ml'. Young was a .kind innd retiring gentleman, and the son of Thomas M. Young and j Margaret Miller Young, his mo- jtljer being a native of South {Carolina. He came of a promin-ient family, but there are no close relatives. The deceased wiao a ■- I member of the Presbyterianjjchurch, and was a. merchant hero'many years ago, Funeml ar-I rangements are not complete, but •I will probably take plojce on .Thursday, and the Interment willI be at Joppa, .where his parents 'are hurled. LHXIAN M. COLE DEAD Lillian Madeline Cole, five- months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Colo, died at the home of the parents on Wilkes- bore street oxten&ion on Satur day, March 80, its death roflult- ing from Bcarlct fever and meningitis. The parents .and the following (brothers and sisters sur vive: Christian, Ruth and Peggy, .Mmmio, Jr., -Louie G-., and Charles Mooncy Cole. The fun eral was held nt Rose cemetery on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with Rev. J. If. F'nlghiira, pastor of the Baptist church, officiat ing. Bio - Obituaries - 4/4/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 10,1935 Thomas M. Young Aged Man Kills Self. Thomas M. Young. 73, who lived next door to Campbell-Walker Fun eral Home, on North Main street, was found dead earlv Wednesday rooming in bis room br.H. S. Walker. Mr. Young had committed suicide by cutting hU throat with a razor blade. He bad been in bad health for many years, and had spoken sev eral times to friends about taking his life. Funeral services were held at the I Campbell - Walker Funeral Home' Thursday Enorning at 11 o'clock, and i the body laid to rest ib Joppa grave-' yard, where bis parents were laid to rest many years ago; Rev. W. I. Howell conducted the^ funeral'and barial. aervicea. No immediate: re-' lativ^survive. Mr. Young was.a life-long resident of Davle county.,; and was engaged in the mercantile .business here for many years. He was a quiet, unassuming man, and well-liked by those who knew bito. Mrs. S. E. Lowery Mrs,-S, E".X6wery;,79, di^-al; idr .home in' Kannal>oHs; Sunday .; ats1 was.laid to-r^ in Wesley Cbe« l|Sl cerhetcr.v^at Pino .yesterday- af- • Manf relaiiyM -jarvlvlev, Jvirs. J. M. Summers Mrs. J. M. StnaiaeJX died at her borne in Cooleeraee. Tharsday. Fooeral services were held at tbe Baptist church Friday. Sorvlviog is tbe husband, four daughters and tae sou, all of Cooleemee. Two brothers aud two sisters also survfye The body was laid to rest in Oak Grove cemetery, sear Mocksville Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 11,1935 LAST ilUTES HELD i'Oll .T. M. YOUNG Last rites for Thomas Mel- moth Young:, hi'uhly respected ,cUizenwho was found dead at his home on lak Wednesday morning, wore held at Camiybell- Walker Funeral Home on Thurs day morning at 11 o'clock/ with Rev. W. J. Howell olRciatlng. The Interment followed in Joppa cemetery;, suid the- ■pallbearers wore John LeGrand, Rufus Brown, Dr. Lester Martin, C. R. Hfbrn, Kncpf Jdhndton and R. B. Satvford. The and death of Mr. Young has cast a gloom over the community. He was a quiet, and retiring gentlemen, but had high iddnla and was kind and generous to all with wthom he came in contact. He was very fond of children, and his home and yard formed a happy' play-ground for children for years, many of whom are now grown. Long jbefore the Boy Scouts were orgianized hero Mr. Young would take the'boys on hikes and picnics that they remomfber now with -pleasure. Certainly he who gives Joy to a child is better than he who con quers a city. MRS. GEORGE L. MnXER. OP SPENCER, DEAD Friends here of Miss Martha MHler. science teacher of theHigh School, will sympathizo with her in the death of hermother^ Mrs. George L. Miller, which occurred at her home nearSpencer on April 8th, followingan illness of sevcraT months.She was tformcrly Miss* MaryFarringcr, of Concord. Thesurylving faniily. ■ consists of her husband, three sons andthroe daughters.. The funeralwas held at the home on Wod-ncsdny afternoon.. Miss Millerwill be at home for the remain der of this week. Bio - Obituaries - 4/11/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 17,1935 ' Dr. Clyde NicW^n. It is witii sadness, tbat ve, publish the death of Dri Clyde R. Nichdlsbp 45, ot Statesvllle, wbor'"-died'-:at Long's Hospital, in that city Satui;* day. DrL Nicholson lived at County Line for several yeaiy," and".built up' a large medical practice in Davie. He was- a personal - friend of the editor, who will miss his hearty handshake and welcome smile. Funeral and burial services were held at Statesvllle Monday morning at ij o'clock. Surviving is the wido^, three children, the aged father' and Several brothers and sisters In the death of Dr. Nichol* son this entire section is bereaved. He was a noble, generous friend to all and -bis death has' brought sad ness to all who^knew him. Miss Nani^ Smith. . Miaa Nancy Smith, well-known Davie county woman, died at the home of Sanford Foster,, near Betb- elhem church, on Friday night, April 12, aged 95. She was the daughter of James K. Smith and Polly Howard smith and was the surviving member l ofa large, family...'islib^MdVapeP* her entire-'life^ in this county The 'foneral was held-at.; Be^eheta 1 BJeihodist churcb biir. Sunday after- Inbon at 2 o'clocki' .vilb tbe^pastoPi ' Bev. H. C. Freeman; In charge. ^s. Lowery Bmied Tuesday.. /Mrs, • Sallie Ellen Lowery, 79, died aU.her .home at RannapoHs, April 6tb after having vbeen ill for the past four weeks. A short fun eral service was; held at the home Tue^ay morning' at 11:30.'o'clock, after which burial took place iu the family plot at Piney Grove, near Farmingtou. Rev. V. Swaim. of Wiuston-Salem, officiated at the grave. Mrs. Lowery moved to Raunapo Us from Davie county nine years ago. She leaves four sous and four daughters, these being as follows: V. C. Lowery, Kannapolfs; Lee Lowery, Elkin; Wes Lowery, Char* lotte; E. C. Lowery, Winstoh-Salem Miss Viola Lowery., of Rannaoolts; Mrs. Anna Baity, of Courtney; Mrs. Mollie'Powell, of Fisher, 111., and Mrs. Ethel Rider, of Iowa. She is also survived by five brothers, these being D. D..Gregory, of Farming tbnj-H. W. Gregory, Farmington; J. W. Gregory. Smith Grove; G, W. Gregory. of*tJtab, and F, C. Greg ory, of GaSney, 8. C. Bio - Obituaries - 4/17/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 18,1935 Nancy Smith AGED DAVIE WOMAN PASSES AWAY Miss Nancy. Smith, a^ed and well-known fiiinvie county wom* t, died At the liomo of Sanfovd iPos- tor, near Bothlohem chui^ch, on Friday night, -April 12, aged 95. She was the daughter od James K. Smith and Polly Howard Smith , and was thc( last mcnihcr 'of n largo family. -She had apent her entire life in Dnvic county, and wn.H n memher of Bothlchem Mothndi.st church. The fimorai waft held at Bethlehem on Siindn.v afternoon at 2 o'clock, with the •pastor, Re*'. 'H- C. Freeman, In charge, and intomont was iii the church 'cometeiy. Pallhcnr- ei's were Ray Cornntzer, Willie Aimsavorthy, 'Will Spry, Jasper anoater, Ray Poster and Hnmon Smith, and' the flowers were car ried iby MeHdomoa (n A. Potts, O. W. Arm8i\vorthy, W, G' Spry, ClnTonftfi Hofwnrd, ilny •Cornntzer, W. R, Poster, i-Maaes Margorec ' Foster and. JjllVe 'IDunn. Bio - Obituaries - 4/18/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 24,1935 TalmadgeW. Smith. Talmadge W. Smitb, 42, pa8se<t away Saturday monins ia the Baptist Hospital Winston'sSalem. Me was a bod oT Travis W. Smith aad Emma E. Smith, of near Smith Grove. Fonmal was held at Bethlehem' Metho dist chtuch, Monday at 2 p. m., with Rev. H. CL .Freemaa .and Rev. B. Hawaii in ehaige. . j;:. SurviviogatehiS/Wife the former Miss JosqililoeAnnewonhy. of Davia coanty; three ddldieo. MarlC Notmao and Marga ret; two biothecB.-^^Il SmitK of Tbom* aa^Ue; foor ststerai^Uca. Wiley Wood. Ad> macei lira. Stacy^mith. ofGt^boio': L. Moch* Ctemmonj^ Mrs. Jaeh ..Donevaii. NewJeney. Mrs. Martha M.'White. Mra. Martha Moore White, 80. widow of James White, died Ftiday morning at the home of her eon J. N. White. at^Wyo, near Che Yadkin-Davie I!n^ aarvivlng fatnily consists of three sons. J N. White, of Winston >Sale(b. }6 gtandcbildren and 81 gmt^grandcfaildred. The deceased was a member of Wesley's chapel The fonerei was held Saturday afierooon at Mount Olive Methodist Episcopal ^urehl with Rev.'H. C. Freeffl8D7Rev. M. 6 i^vin a^d Rev. Vance Lewis offidating. Bio - Obituaries - 4/24/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 25,1935 MRS. MARTHA M. WHITE HEAP i MrH. Mnrthn ililooro. White, well-known and nKcd Dnvie woman, died nl the home of her .noil, .1, N. White, nl Wyo, on the Yiidkin-Davic line, on Friday, April lOlh, OKcd 80. Sho wns the dauffhtor of lannc Moor«, and the widow of the late iTnmc.n M. White. The anrvivinfr family conaig'ts of three Bona, .T. i?. White and 1. .A. \Vhlfco, of Wyo, and W. S. White, of Winston Shlom, 16 grnndcWldron and Rront-Krandeh'lldrcn, The deceas ed was a momhei' of Wesley's Chapel in Dnvlo. The funeral wn.s held at Mount Olive M. E. church at Wyo on Saturday af- iornoon at 2 o^'clock, with Rev. H. C. Fiieemnn, Rev. M. C?. Etwln and Rev. Vance "Lewis ofllciating. Pnllboarera were Ctilvln White, Charles White, Wpsley White, Albert White. Rohcvt Linville and Ralph Linville, and the floral Iribntcs wei|e can'icd by Maggie Whife., Edltly Linville, Liszie WDIard. Ilattlo Rnpard,' josephinb White; My rile Linville, Ersley Wllkin.son, Emma Laplah, Gertrude Smith. iFsinnie White, Nannie Linville and Eve- iVn Groce. TALMADGE W.SMlTn »BA1) Talmndge W, Smith, well- known iDiavlQ county citizen, passed away at the Baptist Hoa- pltal, Winston-Salicm, on Satur- .day morning, .April 20th, n aged ^12. He was the son of Fraiicia W. Smith and Emma E. Smith of the Smith Grove community. He is survived by his wife, who was formerly Miss Joaophinp Arraa- worthy, of Davlo,. three children, Mark, Norman and Mnrgnvct, two brothers, Sherrill Smith, of Dnvie, and Claude Smith, of Tliomnsville, and four sigtova, Mrs. Wiley Wood, of Advance, Mrs. Stacy Smith, of Goldflboro, hlv.s. L. I^Iofsihi, of ClcmmonSi ana Mrs. .Tack Donovan, of New "fcrscy:—riip-hrst- rltes-wei'c-held at. .'Hi»lhlehcm .Methodist . church on .Monday iiflfiioo-n at 2 o'clock, with Rpv. IT. C. Freeman and Rev. B. Iloweli in charge. Bio - Obituaries - 4/25/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 1,1935 Simon Smoot ' Anti-Bitllina Slave n . Passes. , Slmdo Saiooti colored, 89,'P^ed to bis reward, on Wednesday, April a^tb, on tbe'farin.of the late Temperance Neely Smoot, in Cala- baln townsbip, wbpse home stood i'on the .north bank of the Sooth Yadkio Itiver. Simon wds a slave ot the late Mrs. Smoot, and is sut' vived by one brother, HUary Smoot, Wfad'li;^ with William A, Daj- walt, at Glen Flora, Texas. As slave he was a member oi the South River M. £. church and worship ^ .ssrith the -^'whijie vfolfaV" f<^e:the .Civil WaiC . ..He .. iaid to r^t beside his former, wife A- manda, at the colored Mj^Hodist Ohurch in Rowan county, lobally known as **Pitt5burg."-'-A walnut casket, made'firom trees which grew 00 the old Smoot plantatlpn, whdre Sjmon was born, held thcr bo.dy - of this aged colt^red man. ,He died •with a' prayer on -his lips. *%ord send for me how, I atn ready." The casket was made. by . Campbell* Walker fooeral, home in Mocksv|!le< n -i ^ Mrs. Tenipie Bagg^rly, 73,; died at the home of Mr. arid.Mrs.' Pekrl" Wooten. qear County Line,, last. Tuesday morning, death' followingi a stroke of paralysis wiii^ she shf- fered aboiit a month ago.'Funeral services were condc|cted by Rev. J. G. Winklpr -Thursday- afternoon at Clarksbury Methodist oburcfa,- and the body' laid.. to rest in', the cbprcb graveyard.' Mrs. .Baggarly is survived by- a number ' of heices and ' uepfaews. To the bereaved obes The Record extends sympatby. Bio - Obituaries - 5/1/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 2,1935 MRS. TI3MPIE G. HAGGARLY DEAD Mrs. Temple Gnlther BnggArly, widow of Willis L. Bnffgnrly, dlcfl At the homo of her nephew. P. R. Woten, nwir County Line, en April 2'lth, Aged 75. She was the diiiightcr of Elisha- Gwithor and Jflne Comer G^ither, nnd was a member of iClnrksbuvy Methodist church in Iredell county,' where f-he-funcraUw^s-bcld-mu Thurs- df.y iufteriwjoii At 2 o'clock. Rev. .7. G. Winkler, .pastor of the church, WAS in chflrKO, and the prJ libonrera were J. B. Gnithcr, J. L. Hnrbin, Arzie Hodgson, W. W. Stroud, (P. 0. Phillips and J. W. Hnrbiii. The, flowers were cnr- licd iby Misses Nova Hodgson, T'ouiso Wooten*, Lizzie Beck, Lci'a Hodgson, Louise Wooten, Dorothy Loo Wooten. Esther Beck, JCIoiae Wooten, DeEtte WoiUon, Mavv Wooton» Pnulino Gnithor, Mildred Anderson nsd Knthiecnr Henth. NOAH L. SHEETS DEAD NoAh X, 'Sheets, Avoll-luiown Davle. (county. ^ citizen, pnaaea ttv-'Ay s^Tthe- State Hospital, In i^Iurguiitoii', on Suturday after- nbon, April 2Yth, aged 58. The deceiisud was the «ton of George W. Sheets and Susan Wvatt Sheets of Dnvic. The body wnb brought to the home of his sister, | Mrs. J. P. Burton, of Fork Cliurch, on Sunday itfternoon% nhd the funeral was held at Pork Baptist church on 'Monday after, noon lit 2 o'^slock, with Rev, E. W. Turner odlcinting. Intcrmcnc wag In the church cemetery. Two sisters nnd three brothers are Hio surviving fnm.l1y. Pall-boar- ors were Bob Sheets, Roy Sheets, Enslcy Shoots, Merivie Lverly, Z c b (Builbs, nnd Ecton Burton, and the floral tributes were carried by Mrs. May Lyerly, Misses Francos M. Lyerly, Naomi Sheets, Maxlno Sheets. Kathleen- Sheets. Lila Sheets, Marie Bur ton, WilKe Burton, Willa (Veigh Bailpy, Mosd-mes G. L. Sitrmon. Kate Mason, -Che.ssfc Richardson, 0;n Bailey and Z. V. Burton. Bio - Obituaries - 5/2/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 8,1935 Bert L Carter Davie Citizen Dief Bert L. Carter,' 78,"«rell-kti9wa pavie county faritfer. died atybis faqme, HocksviHe. route 3,:'[Jast Mo]pday mpmiog, iollowiof; tf :ser* ious illdess of oue'week- He bad been in declining b^Ith for, the past ten yeiars; Mr. Carter born in l^vle county March 29. 1859/ and ^pent bis entire life in- tbat cptiniy* > He was a member of' Dttlio*s M/- cborcb.- ' Survirors include his widow,; who prior to marrtageT' was. Miss j^^ice Howard, seven sons, P. X,. Garter, of Advance. G. K. Carter, of Smith Grove," Samuel C, Cartw, of Fork Church, Sid C-, Z R» Howard and Grady Carter all of ^oeks^ille, rotite 3; three -dftfehtere, Mr^ P. M. Pitts. Mrs. Ellis and Cecil McDaniel all of' ^odtsvilie, route 3; and several grandchildren. Faneral serwces were condneted from the home at 2:30 p. u.,,- and from Smith Grove M, E , at 3 p. m.', last Tuesday afiemoon by Rev. Mr. Tamer, mtetment was in the :4^ti|ch graveyard. ' • . Geo. F. Fee:;for, Geo. F. Feezor, 70^ former Davle cit^n, btit Tater of Winston Salem died suddenly while at work on the Hanes' farm Saturday afternoon. Tbebody wasbrougbt to Mccksville Sttnday afternoon at 5 o'clock and laid to 1^ in Rose cemetery by the side of his first wife. Stirvivtbg*-is his widow attd three chtldren, h. E Feezor, of this city; Hiss Frances Feezorand Geo. F. Feezorof Wins- ton-Salem; one sister, JUrs. ,H^bry Graves, of this city, and one brother J P.- Feezor, of Biltmore. Revs. V. M, Swaim and D.-H'. Wilcoz conducted the faneral at the home. Mrs. Sarah Wbitaker. Mra. Sarah Whiiaker, S8. died at hen home near Oak Gfove Friday/ Surviving is four sons. Oicar,..jokn Willis and^Pred Wbitaker, and three daughters, Mrs. A. C. Clement, Mm. F. IS. "Bowles and Mrs^ 'f G. Grnbbs. all of the Oak Grove community. The funeral was held at Oak Qrove; Methodist Cfiurch, Sunday afternoon | at 2 o'clock, and interment followed In the church graveyard. Rev. M. G. Brvin, pastor, and Rev. W^. J. S.: Walker, in charge. Bio - Obituaries - 5/8/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MCCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 9,1935 GEORG& F. FEEZOR DIES SUDDENLY Relatlvea and friends here were shocked to iearn of thej sudden death of George Franklii. Feezor, 70, • former citizen of this community, which occurred at the P. H. Hanes, Sr., esTd^, Winston<Salem, on Saturday af- temooir, May 3, al^dut 1 o'clock. (Mr. •Feezor had been manager of* the farms of the late P. H. Hanes, Sr., estate for the past iwcnty-iJhrco years, and was working in the heid n<e&r his home when he was seized with a heart attack, ond died 'before medibnl aid could be calicd. He was born in DIavIdson county, Jtiih 1, 18(^, and was the son of Jackson Feezor and Marian Pitt Feezor, the family later moving to Davie county, where he spent most of his life. Mr. Feezor was twice married, first, on Dec. 11, 1869, to Miss Lula Stoner, who pnsed away July SO, 1916. His second marriage, on Dec, 81, 1928, was to Miss Fieota Wdm- aclk^ of Winston-Salem, who stir- vivos. In addition to his widow, ho is survived by a son, L.. E, Feezor, of Mockavillo, and a daughter, Miss Frances Feezor, of Winston^Sa'iem, by his Arst marriage, and a son, Georgo Feozor, Jr., by his second mar- AIRS. SARAH J. WHITAKER DEAD Mrs. Sarah Janp. Gaither Whi- jtoikcr, hlglily respected iwomon, and widow of Gharlea S. Whlta- ker, passed away on Friday, Afay' 8, of dobble pneumonia, at her liome niifehr' Oak Grove, aged Sho 'was^the' daughter of the late George W.-Gaither and 'Mrs. Antoinette Wilson Peacock, her mother dylhg';'not .'l6ng, ago. 'The surviving family consists of four sons, Oscqr,"John, Willis and Fred Whitokcr, thrco daughters, Mrs. A. C. Clement, Mrs. F, S. Bowles ond Mrs. F. G. Griibbs, ail of the Oak Grove community, and ii number of grnn>dchildren. The funci'al was hold at Oak drovu Mcthodlal church, of which :he deceased was a member, on Sunday ciftornoon at 2 o'olocik. Bio - Obituaries - 5/9/1935 rioge. one sister. Mrs. W. • H. Graves, of Mocksvillc,, one brother, John- P", Feezor, of Bilt- more, nnd . on«e grandphild, Syd ney Feezor, of Moicksvillo. Air. Feezor was a well-known agricul turist, ond was a mcnvbcr of Si-own Alomorhil Baptist church. Tho funeral, was held at ttie* home in WinetonGalem on Sun day afternoon at 8:80, with Rev. V. M. Swnhn nnd Rev. D. 11. Wil- cox, both of Winston-Snfcm', cflicintiiiff. The burial took place nt Rose Cemetery, Mocka- villo, at 5 o'clock, n large gntli- crlng of rolntivcH nnd friends from n number of towns being present. Pnllbenrcrs wore Ray Teague, Harvey Tcagii^, .Clay Teague, Don Feezor, Ben Cnhill, W. L, Thorntoir, Jr., C. V. Wiil- inma and Thomas^ Poster. Tho family plot was covered with a wealth of beautiful floral de signs. , - ■with tho pastor, Rov. M. G*. Ervin> and Rov. W. J. S. Walker, offi ciating. Tho interment was in the church cemotory. Pallbearers were: Sam Buger, R. L. Wilson, J. R. Bowies, P. L. McClamroch, B. G. Bowles and R. 0. Kiger. The many floral of-ierings were •carried by Stella Holleman, Hel en (C/ldment, iPaulino IWhi-baker, Me Bowl OR, Flora Raker, Ade-I laide Angoll, Dorothy Clomont, Ethel Sain, Paulino Sain, Suliie Sue Angell, Mrs. D. G. Bowles, Mrs. Wiley-Plott and Mrs. H. E. Byorly. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 15,1935 : JfL^Douthit. J. B. DoatbH, 63, paraed away , at his home in PatmerviUe/Tbnrsday montiog after a sbnrt illness. . , Mr* Dootbit- was wdl -knowa tbroogbont this section of the state. He was bom in Glemmons,: the. soi^ of Mr. and Ursf Jobii Doutbit. For a number of years;he; was'-superin tendent of the Idols TOwer plant, on the YadkinrRtver. He had Lived'in PaliheiTille for. the past tfiirtaen ycare. :• Funeral devices were held Friday morning at 10:80',at,tha residence .in Palmerville and bhrial .was at the Fraternity Church graveyard in Foraytb county at 8 p.-m. Surviving are the wife, twh daugb> tera, five deters, Mrs. A, E. HaTt>. man. of payie;.Mrs. E.. Morria, of Mocksville; Mi8*-R.' Hr 'Pickora, Sr.. of Charlotte s^. Misses and Nancy Doutbtt, 'of..CianimonB: one brother, d. B.-D6uthit. of Char lotte.' • • , Jesse Ck Bedi^ll. v . •. • * • '*2? •* * n.. Jesse. C..l}eiloo|ii. 79, died at-tHe': hqiM' of daa^ttt 'at Co^e^ee Satulday. fcIlowip.g an lUaw of six wrvicesyrera'cmidocted by ..Fev. Pdtchar^at'Efds^ .ChHfidad.^.ChuH^ IfOjutoy af&oiioon'atS o'do^i -md the bodylbld to-^ cbuieh^gmyeya^- SwA^dS-is^^ dtUdim' and 'nahy ;'r^- «ive« oiid irieods,;;: Adobd man has .b^ ;^iid:tD id ^/.as^oe. Mrs. lanra K, Griffith. . Mrs Laura Griffith. 37; widow of Daniel W. Griffith,'died May 10 at , the home of her son, J. J. Giiffin. on rJo1».4. The ftmeral was held Sun day „afteraoo|i. at "Scde^ Baptist Churci), in Iredell, at 2:80, Snrviving are four sdna. J. J. and 0. A. Griffin, of route 4; Q B. Grif fith, of Iredell and C W. Griffith, of High Point, and twodanghtera, Mrs.- W W. Walker at^Mra.P^lGreei^, both ^ High Point. Bio - Obituaries - 5/15/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 16,1935 MRS. JLrAURA K. GRIFFITH HEAD • I ftli'a. Lnurn Kollor GrillUh, 77, widow of the late Dnnic] W. Gvlflith, died on the . aflci*noon of May 10th, at the homo of her sun>, J. J.. Qriinth, on route 4. She was the dflutrhtar of Thomas KoIIcr and Quint Butler Kclior, and was a member of Society Baiilisl church' in Iredcll. Tite surviving family consists of four sons, J. J. and 0. A. OVifllth, of route 4, Q. B. Grifiith, of IrcdcH, G. W. Griiiith, S3f Hl«h Point, and fc^vo daughters, Mrs. Walter Walker and Mrs. Pearl Green, of High Point. The funeral was lieUI at Society Baptist church on Sunday nfternooiv at 2:30 with the imstor. Rev, W. L; Mc- Swaln, in charge. Tho pnll- Ibearers were Henry Grhhth, rCIyde Grimth, Fred Grimth, Buck Gvlflith, Neh stroud and GVifllth Stroud, and tho . floAvers wore carried by Misses Kathleen Koontz, Margaret Dnywnuit, Ruby Kclior, Sadie Keller, Elsie Grif- nth, Meadivtica Boulnh' Kctchie, iDnlphana Safrit, GraceMeeks, Liicilc Pnri'ish, Etta. Klyitt, Kftthlcon Hitcholl, MUtnlihp Baker, -Eunice '.-.Stroud,- Esther Dixon and Noln Cox. J. JS. DOUTHIT DIES AT PALMERYILLE J. E. Douthit, 63, passed nwoy at his home in Palmervilio Thursday a<ftor a short ilinosa. Mr. Douthit was well known throughout this Bection< of the state. Ho was born and reared in Clemmons, the son of Mr, ana Mrs. John Albert Douthit. For a numibor of years ho was super intendent of the Idols power plant on "the Yndkin River and later made his homo in States- villo. He 'had lived in Pnlmor- villo for tho past thirteen' years. •Funeral sedvicos wore held Friday morn-lng at 10:80 o'clock at the roaidcncc in Pnlmcrville. and-burial was In the.Fraternity church " graveyard In Forsyth county at 8 p. m. . Surviving arc the wife, two daughters, Misscp Jclia Douthit, 0f PnImervltT6'w\h(t- Mi8.s""'R(jWv." Douthit, -pf Grconsborp; fou)V... eons; R. -D. > Douthit, nf. ftigh "" Rock; D-. A. Douthit, of Davjo county; J. H.'Douthit, of Palm ervilio; and'.!. ^V. Douthit, of Chnpol Mill; flvc slstcr.s, -Mi's. A; B,- Hartman, of Duvic; Mrs, B. H. Morris, of MockavIJlc; Mrs." R. H." Picken.s, Sr., of Charlotte; * and Misso.s Glizn and Nancy Douthit, of Clemmons; one .broth- . er, J. B. Douthit, of Charlotte. MRS. MAJIY M. HUNT DIES IN YADKIN .Mra.'Mory Martin Hunt, high ly estcumod Yadkin county wo man, and widow of the into Dr. L. G. Hunt, n well-=known« physi cian of HuntsviUc, died at her homo on Monday evening at 6:80, aged 83. She was a member ol n prominent family, and was the daughter of Tliomns S. Martin and Anno CUngman Poindcxter J^Iartln. She was married to Dr. L. G. Huivt on Fob. 5th, 1879, and one daughter, Daisy, was born In this union, Mrs. ITimt was a niembev of the Episcopal Church, which she joined In her early life. She is burvived^ by a grnndsow and several nieces and nephews. The funeral was held at the home on Wednesday morning at II o'clock,' with Rev, H. C. Freeman, of Farmin-gton, in charge, and 'Intevment was in ihe Baptist 'cemetery at Hiints- villo. Dr. Hunt, who was n Gonfedernte veteran, died in* 1896. Tho pnlibearcrs were RuborL Davis, Harry CUngman, Dr. S. A. Knrdin, Johiv Pdrobcc, C. E. Hnrtmnn and T. H. Poin dcxter, Bio — Obituaries - 5/16/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 22,1935 Arthfir A. H. 71, died at home of bis Bon. Willie'Ruroage; at ^ixby, Friday Aorning. death resulting frcm heart dis ease. He ataa the son of Haniaoo Ruiaage and Wife of .Staoly, bat bad resided. in Davie moat of bis life. His wife, formerly Laura McCiamiocb, died five years ago* The fonerai was held at Smith Grove BietbtH dIstCbureb- Saturday aftemooo-'at- 3;30, with Rev. fL C. Fteeman, assisted; by Rev. El. W. Tumerrin charge Surviving are four sons, ]3axter Riuaage of Pork, Foy Romage, of route 2, Willie Rumege, ot Blxby. Boone Romage, of MocbsvUle, ooe daughter, Mrs. T. CL Fry. of Mocbsville.. Bio - Obituaries - 5/22/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 23,1935 DR. J. M. M'CONNELL 1>ASSES AT DAVIDSON Duvidson, Mny 16.—iDr. Joseph McGonitell, dean nf Davidson college faculty and .professor of historyi died in his sleep of a heart attack early today at hi.s home here. He would hnve (been? 60 years old next November. Except to complain recently of n tightness In his chest from an attache of influcnca ihe had in February, Dr. McConnell appar ently had ibcen in good health. This morning he did noft arise at his usual hour and Mrs. McGon- npll culled his brother, IDr. J. Wilson McConnell, college phyai- clnre, after trying unsucceasfullj to awaken him. When the physi cian arrived Dr. McConnell had just died. The dean's death cast a pall of sadness over the Davidsore enmp-t us. Dr, Walter L. Lingle, pre sident, said "he was one of the best-friends Davidson college ever had and one of the most useful men over connected. with it" The funeral service will be held at the Davidson Presbyterian church at >5 p. m. tomorrow and will be conducted 'by Dr. H. M. Moffott, the PflBtor, and Dr. C. M. Richards, .professor of Btblo at Davidson. Burial will bo hero. Surviving, in addition to Mrs. McConnell, who before her mar- I'ingo In 1005, was Mis-s . EliKa Howard Rlgg.H, of Charlotteavillo, Vrt., are thi'oo children, Jo.sci)lV Howard, Elialia Riggs and .tohn Daniel McConnoll; a slater, Mrs J. S. Jones, York, S. C., and three .brothers, 'Dr. J. Wilson McCon noll, of Davidson; Dr. D. E. Me- Coi\noll, Gastonia, and R. W. Mc Connoll, of McConpullaville, S. 0 Dr. McConnell wna a mombm of Davidson's faculty for 30 years, coming with the college In loo.*! as nasoeiatc professor* ol Dniin and mnthcmutics. - Slnct 1028 he had been dean of the faculty. Ho combined with his educa tional work an active Intoroiit in the affairs |the communltj and was pi*eaidcnt of the David- flon Building and Loan aasocla ticn, a director of the -Bank ol ^avidson and a,, trustee ol Drvidson graded schools. tDr. McConnoH's entire adult life wna linked with Davidson, lorn in -McConcllavilie, S. C., .on Novcmftjcr 29, 187«5, the son* of John Daniel and -Sarah Amanda (.Taggers) McConnell, he' was christened Joseph .Moore McCon'- ncll. After his early education in, the aclmois of South Carol inn he cnVno'"icninvulMff"a'r'T and except for a «noriod of grn- L ^i^Le-e-tudy--and-4.we—yuxLca as. asaoclnto .principal of the old Pnntocs academy, wna actively .dcnllfiod with Davidson for ihe rest of his life. His graduate study was at the Umvorsity of Virginia wlilMi cvi forred the degree M. A. in 1903 and Ph. D. in 1907. He was a member of Uic Amor- ;cnn History association, the North Carolina Litovnry and Ili.story society ami of the Kep- pa Alpha, Omicron Delta TCcppn, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Upsilon and Alpha Phi Epsilon fraterni ties. ARTHUR H. rummage DEAD (Arthur Harrison Rummage, well-known Davie county .man, died at the home of his son, Wil lie Rummage, at Bixby, on Fri day morn-lng, May 17th, aged 71. He was the son of Harrison Rum mage and wife of Stnnly icounty, but had spent moat of his life ill Davie. His wife, who : was formerly Laura hScClamroch, died five years ago. He is sur vived 'by four sons, Baxter -Rum mage, of S^ork Church, Ray Rum mage, of route 2, WilHo 'Rum-., mage, of Bixby, Boone Rummage, ' of Mocksvilic, one daughter, Mrs. T. C. Fryo of Mocksville, 15 grnndchlldronf and four grent- grnndchlldrcn. The fuircraj was held at Smith Grqvc Methodist church, of which the deceased had lonig ibecn a member,* on Saturday afternoon* at 8:30, with the pastor, Rev. H. 0. Freeman, . and Rev. B. W. Turner, in charge. Pallboarcra wore R. L. Walker, S. M. Brewer, N. B. Wall, C. Clarence Wall, W. A. iMars and J. M. Tumor, and the flower girls were Misses Margaret Cra ven, Myrtle Mars, Wllma Boger, .Nannie Rummage, Ailccn Rum mage, Ailecn McCIamrtfch, Opal Fryo, Nolllo Michael an-d 'Martha Michael. Bio - Obituaries - 5/23/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 29,1935 ^ Williaini Prather ' . William Prather, 66. died at his home near Coqiity Line last Tues. day afternoon, following a strode of pamlysis, which he suffered on the preceding Friday; . Mr.'Prather survived by one brother, B. F. Prather, and four sisters, Mrs, OflSe Garwood, of Oak Forest; Mrs. Will Felker, and Misses Lizzie and An- na Prather, of Galahalu. . Funeral services were held at Salein Metho dist church Thursday moniibg -'at 10 o'clock,, and tbe-body laid 'to rest in the church graveyard. Per. M* G. Bryio conducted jttae funeral services, Mr. Prather was a native of Davie and spent all of- his life in Calahaln townsbio. Bio - Obituaries - 5/29/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 30,1935 MKS. LELA IJ. lil&hhY -DEAD Mrs. Lxjla Bryant Kelly, 82, wcll-^kiiown iiiul beloved Uowan county woman, and widow of the late CiipUiln W. E. Kolly, passed a way at the home oC her son, W. F. Kelly, Jr., at South Illvcr, on •May 2l8t, The I'un-orarwnR held there on Wednoadny afternoon, at 3 o'cloclt, with Rev. Mr. Hunt, Methodist minister of Clevelaiwl, .p.nd Rev. C. E. B. Robinson, .Bpls- dopnl minister of Cooleemco, in charge. The Iivtornient*tool< place in the family plot at Joppa Ceme- tcry near Mocksvllle. The docoaa- ed was the daughter of Dr. T. J« Bryant and IhHOm Luckoy Bryant, who lived hero many years ago, Mrs. Kelly's girlhood belnw spent In Mocksvllle. She is survived by three sonsj W. F» Kelly, of South River, T. B. Kel ly, of Ashovllle, Rdlbert T. Kelly, cf New Orleans, a daughter, Miss Kate Kelly, of Clevolond, a bro ther, F. M. Bryaai, of Kaunapo- Ua, and n slater, Mrs. Laura B. Scales, of CMiineavTllo, Texas. A largo number of relatives and friends from various sections of the state attended the last rites. DR..R.jI>. ROSS, 01* WADESBORQ, DEAD Dr, Robert D. Ross, 71, pro minent physician of -Wadosiboro, died suddenly nt his home on MoiKlay morningj the funornl taking place on' Tuesday after noon. Jio had boon a practicing physlolaiv In Anson county for 45 years. His wife, who was formerly Miss Julia Virginia Dunlnp, died several years ago, and he la suiwived by three dau ghters, Mrs. G. W. Huntley, Mrs. Fred Teal and * Miss Jcnuings Ross, one son, George Rosa, all of Wadeaboro, and one brother, W. M. Ross, of Mecklenbdrg ,county. Bio - Obituaries - 5/30/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 5,1935 \ Mrs. W. H. Qemeot Mrs. Mary Weaver Glemtot, 80, wife of W' H. Clement, aeed Gon< j federate veteran, died at her home at Oak Grove. Friday morning, after] a long illnesa. She is sdrvived by her husband, aj son and danghter by a formeirmar-i riage. Barvey Phillips, of Advance, i and Mrs. Frank Barney, of Haner-' town; 10 grandchildren and 7 great-1 grandchildren; one step-son and two fltep-danghters. n | The funeral was held at the home on Saturday afternoon at 2:80 with ReVi M. G. Ervin in charge, and .in* | terment was in\Clement graveyard* John R. Hutchens. John R. Hutchens. 83, died at the home of his son. H. B. Ilotchins, in Clarksville'township Sunday. Fun* eral services weee held at the home Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, and the body laid to rest in Eaton's graveyard. Re . J: H. Groce con ducted the • aervicea. Surviving is the widow, one son H. B Hutchens. and one. daughter. Mrs. PernieLasb, of Yadkin county. Bio - Obituaries - 6/5/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 6,1935 JOHN A. HUTCHENS DEAD John Andoraon Hutchen^, iDavte county citizen, died nt the homo of hia aon, U. 11. ltutch« on.s, ncnr Cunn, on Sundny aftor- noon, June 2, a-gcd 84. He was the .aon of CMlca Hutchena and Uchccca Tlowell Hutchena. Siiv- viviuK ai'o the aon, B. 11. Hutch- eu'3, one daiitrhtor, Mrs. Pcraio Lash, of Yadkin, and 12 grand children. Tho fiiiior.nl wa.s hold nl the homo on Monday afiot. noon at 2r51l>, with He v. Jamea Groce officiating, and intormont wa.H at Eaton's Baptist church. Tho palibcnrera were Jeaac Hutchena, Wade Hntchons, Bur ton Hutchcns. Alfred Hutchena, Sam Hutchena and Lonnie Driv er, and the flowers were In charge of Mozelle Sprinkle, Lois Peoplca/ Paulino' Hutchcns, Jose phine Hutchcns, Helen Hutchena, Rena Mao Hutchcns, Alberln Cranrfield, Eather Jonoa, Minnie Jane Cnruthcra, Pay Harris. MRS. W. H. CLEMENT PASSES AWAY iMrs. Mary Weaver Clement, 80, wife of W. >11. Clement, aged Confederate veteran, died .at their homo at Oak Grove on IFrl- dny, May 31st, after an itInesK of several months. She was the daughter of Cltt'lstlan Weaver and Eliza Michael Weavoi ut Davidson county. Tho funeral was held at the home on Satur day afternoon nt 2:80, by Rev, M. G. Ervln, and Intormont was in the Clement graveyard be yond Mockaville. 'Phoso acting 'as pallbearers were Clyde Phillips, l'\ 11. 'Ikiylor, .Odoll Phillips, Uay* Phillips, Pred Barney atu, John Wnll," and tho flowers wore carried by Siirah .larvis, Helen Clement .Evic McGulioiigh, Sclma Harbin, Ora PoHlor, Itnth llnrney, Dorothy Clement, Mcsdnmos Jack Bowles, Glenn Grubb.s. Iln Taylor, llolen Phillips McadnmcB J. G. Craven and Frank Bowles. The deceased was well-known In her commun-ity,^ and was known for.her kindness of heart and her devotion to her family. MRS. SARAH B. DANNEB DEAD Mrs. Sarah Booe Danner, wl- Idow of the late Noah died Tuesday movijing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ro- Ibert P. Ireland, m Clarksvlllo lownaliil), ni!04 82. She wee thednUKhtur of John Booo nn^ Loiilan Uttle Booo, end woe » memhei' of Boni- Crcok Baptist cluircli. Surviving are tlircc sons, Rev, Sam W. Danndr, of Orangc- ijurg, S. C., Rev. J. M. Diinnor, of Fioren-co, S. C., Robert L. Dan ner. of Davio county .iT,, ghters, Mrs. R. L- « Concord, and Mrs. Ireland, of-lDhvte, two hnllf- brotliers, R. L. Booe, «f Mocka ville, and Charles Booo, f Wln- ston-Salem. 19 and 32 gveat-grandchildren. Theiuneral was held at Boar Creek church on Wednesday afternoon at 8:30, with ReVo . James Groee Bio - Obituaries - 6/6/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 12,1935 C. F. Hendrix Former Oavie Man Dead Fuflttfat semces for C. F. Hesd' 71, who died "suddenly at bis hhme in Higb Point Monday of last week, were held at Fork Baptist ctanrch last Tuesday afternoon. at 3 o'do^ conducted by Rev. Hoyle l^ye. of High'Point. Mr. Heod- riis moved' from Davie county«to Higk Point about. 12 years ago He is survived by bis wife, five sions and four, daughters, among them being Dalton Hendrix, of this city. Two n brothers, Milton and Isaac Hendrix^ and one sister, Mrs. Mary Hoosier, dll of Davie coudty, survive:. . i :.Mrs. Victoria Cook; . Cooleeme^ Jane 6,—Bifra. Victoria <^.k wife o&Jc^ died here today fot- t^^njtafii^esa of.aevetal weeks. Ura. Gtek vraaa oativaofDaidecoastyia dangh t« Qf the late BSr. and Mn. Dewy Fost^, .•^^Dr. A.^^|mi^j!ltDimhBd eb^e. of. ' t^^JitnetBl '■ A aboct Bwiee'Vaa fiti d at the bo^ie^n Satnzday afternoon at^Oyd(Kb eQd .cq^tlaoed at TunbnriaeBa'ptlst ^oidi'at..3:0Q. " j " Sorvivlag itelatlyis looldde the bttsband, obe sob,'Jobnole Cook: three daojbteu: Hazel. Dbrotby and Helen; four ^ter8,-Illib.';..FfaQfc S^ry, of Cbsieemeec'Mra. Hob'mini, ef Speocen Bhs .F^k.FmW,;':eiid.lira. L. F^Waidone^W Mdefiiwi^ R Mrs. Sarah Danner.. Mrs. Sarah Datiner, .82, passed away last Tuesday morning at thehome of he.r. daughter, Mrs. R. P. Ireland, in Clatoille towiiship. Sullying Mrs. Booe are three sons, Revsi S. W.-»Danner,and 1- HDanner, both of South\CaroUna;and Pqbert Danner, of ibis county.Two daugbtersr Mi^. R. L- Gnffiih,of Concord, and Mrs R. P. Ireland, of Davie also survive, together withtwo half brothers, R. L. Booe, of this dtv, and Charles -Booe, of of' .WlnstOD-Satera. ■ Mrs.- Dauner was a member of Bear Creek Bap- list church. The body was laid to rest in the church graveyard Wed nesday fifternoon at-: 2:36 o'clock,Rev. james H ,Groce conducting the funeral seivie^. A good worn.aoLhas been called to Her reward. Bio - Obituaries - 6/12/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 13,1935 MRS. IDA jGARRETT .DEAD Mra, Ida Ghrrett, of Roxboro, died ttt the home of Mr. and Mrs. | "Alex Cornatzer, near Bixbyij where ahe was visiting, on Fri-i day morning,' June 7th,- aged Bl. ^ho funeral ,iook-plaaOiOt Rox- BENJAMIN jN. |ALLEN DEAD Benjamin Nayior Allen, retired textile worker, died in Mocksvillc on' Wednesday evening, .lune 5th, aged 8S. He was the son of Bat Allen and Lucinua Allen. The surviving family consists of three sons, W. d. Allen, of Salisbury, C. M. Allen, of Salisbury, Route 2, E. W. Allen, of Kannapolia, two daughters, Mrs. Kelly Cham pion, of Mocksville, and Mrs. Maggie Dovis, of Route 4, one sister, Miss Snllie Allen, 26 grondchildren and ten great* grandchildren. The funeral was held at Center Methodist church on Friday nrtornoon at 8 o'clock, With Rev. E. W. Turner and Rc\ J, IT. Pulgbum officiutliig. The pallbearers were Leo Allen, George' Allen, Raymond Allen. Bruce Allen, Ewln Allen and Ernie Davis,., and the flowers were in charge of (Mesdamcs •Clarence Hendricks, Raymond Alien, Bruce Allen, Rrn Cloning- ev, William Painter, Erhie Dav is. Misses Kathleen Allen, Marie Allen, Odell James, Dorothy JomieB, JunnitA and Pauline J.nmOS. Bio - Obituaries - 6/13/1935 MRS. L. Q. BAKER "PASSES AWAY Mrs. Nancy Elisa Jamc.s Baker, beloved^ and highly esteemed Mooksville woman, nnd widow of the late Lnngston Q,. Baker, pass- i cd away ot the State .Hospitiil, Morganton, on Sunday' evening, June 9th, aged 81. She was the daughter of William James and, Mary siisomoi-c James, of the Farmlngton community, but had resided licro for over forty years. Though she was diminutive in !aizc she had u big heart, nnd her sweet Chrisilar, chnracter e,Nortod n wide lnfluen<ce for good. She was n fnithfu I'mem ber of the Mocksville Methodist church, .and for many yenrs lnu>:]ht n class of girls in the Sunday School, nnd nil her pu pils held her in deep affcntion. Shu look u grout interest in the children of her neighborhood, and it wa.s their delight to visit her. Her kindness extended far ■beyond her circle of relatives and friends, and many will re member her generosity and hos pitality. The funeral was con ducted at the Meibodist church on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30, with the pastoi'. Rev. E. J. Harbi son, in charge, and interment was at Rose Cemetery. A num ber of relatives and friends, some from a disliincu, wore present to pay tribute to this good woman, and her resting-place w."^ covered with beautiful flowers, which she iovcd in life. The aurvivinjf family consists of one brother, W. F. James, of Farm- ingtun, and several nieces and hejihews. ^ MR. W, D. VANEIATON ! OF TEXAS iDEAD Relatives here received word of the death of Mr. William D. VanEaton, 80, ' of Clarendon, Texas, which occurred suddenly at his home on last Thursday, June 6. Tho docoaaod was well- known ln< North Carolina, whereI he-was born and reared, and he{visited his slater, the late Mrs. JS. M. Call, in this place a num- 'ber of times; His last visit here • v.'na six years ago, Mr. Van- 'Eaton will bo lemomborod as a genial gentleman, and his death came as a shock to his North Carolina relatives. Ho is surviv ed by two daughters, Mrs. B. W.Jamos, of Richmond, Vn., and jMrs. Joe McKetchon, of Texas. ] Mr. VnnEaton was un uncle of | Milton Call, Mrs. J. H. Thomp son and Miss Martha -Call of this place. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 13,1935 W. L. HAYES OF IREDELL DEAD Willie Leo Heyea, Irodcll citi- '/cu> died ul hia home near liock Springs church on Sunday even ing, June 9, aged 67. ke was the son of John H. Hayes and Ada Gaither Hayes. He is sur vived by his widow, Mrs. Pearl Mason Hayes, three sons, Aionao Hayes, of Kannopolis, Lillard Hayes, of Harmony, CooHdge Hayes, at home, five daughters, Mrs. Marvin Booe, Mrs. Charlio lUindy, of Knn^upolis, Mrs. Otis x\lbca and Mrs, Wilford Mitchell, of Harmony, Miss Gclin Hayes, ut home, seven grandchildren, two brothers, Robert Hayes, of Oiin, Gaither Hayes, of Dearborn, Mich., three sisters, Mrs. Frank' Po\yell, of Woocllcaf, Mrs. Moody Smith, of Harmony, and' Miss Annie Hayes, of Eimwood. The funeral was lield at Rook Springs Baptist church on Tuesday morn ing at 10 o'clock, with the pus- tor,. Rev. G. D. Kenegar, officiat ing. Those acting as pallbour- ors wore R. D. Smith, Gurl Flet cher, Gilbert Shaw, Eugene Prid- dy, G. T. .Slinw, Ghlthor Wooton, Rond' Grocc and George Wallace. 'Tile many floral tributes iwcro carried by Misses Elvira Mot- singer, Belie Myers, Blaoch'e''^£i]l, Lois Gaither, Luuy Smith, Hes ter Leo Wallace, Doris.- Wallace, Evelyn Grocc, EInino Grooo, Thca Orooc, Kathleen Booe. Marjorie Aibeu, Isabclle Barnard, Ernes tine Barnard, Inez Smith, Edith •Shaw, Mnrianna Shaw, Imogeno Dickens and Mrs. R. D. Smith. MRS. FRANCES »V. COOK DIES IN COOLEEMEE Mrs. Frances V. Cook, wife of John H. Cook, passod away at" their home In Cooleemco on June Glii, aged <17. The deceased .was the (laughter of W. D. Foster. and Margaret Foster, and was .t well-known woman. Surviving arc her iinsband, thrco dnu-gli- tors, Hnzol, Dorothy and Helen Cook, end one son, John R. Cook, four sisters, Mrs. Frank \Spry, of Coolcemeo, Mrs. L. F. Wago ner, of Route 4, Mrs. H. M. pcAdmon, of Spencer, and Mrs. j. F. Forrest, of Route 4. The funeral was held at the homo on Sntnrdny afternoon at 2, a>^ the interment was at Turrentine's Baptist church at 8 o'clock, with Rev. M. L. Barnes and Rev. A. T. Stoudcnmire in charge. The pnilbearers were G. H. Spry, Peter Foster, ClJnard -Wagoner, Cecil -FVister, Guy Foster and Grady Spry, .and the many beau- . LJful floral designs were carried' jby Mesdnmeo H. E. Barnes, 0. ' N. Spry, G. H. Spry, Ben Jordan, JoJin Pierce, Toy lor Owciv, L. D. Driver, Bet Jordan, 0. B. -Hooyj er, John Gibson, H. Z. Howard, M. G. Lankford, C. B. James, Paul Hofifman, Gordon Eaton,-J. D. House, Emery Frye, Joe Btlen- burg, J. F, Jarvis, Q, J. Wafford, Oble Martin, Paul Spry, Adorn Jordan, J. W. Turner, F. B. Mc- Clamroch, Guff Deadman, Hcnth- maii Byerly, W, F. Owen, Bob Sheaf, Robert Hellard, E. M. JumcB and- Miss Louiso Blalock. LAST RITES FOR MRS. SARAH { DANNER. . Last rites were held at Bear Crook Baptist unufcn oTi hiat Wcdnoaduy uflernoon for Mrs. Sarah Booe Dannor, widow ot Noah Dsnner, who died on June 4, aged 82. The services were conducted by Rev. James Groce nnd Rev. M. F. Booe, and the pallbearers wore Carl Griffith# Frank Griffith, Paul Griffith, Lester Danncr, James Dannor nnd John* Dnnner. The flower girls wore Misaoa Annie, Josio, Mary nnd Hnzol Anderson, Lncy Reavis, Delia Jones, Robbie Ire-i bind, Marlon nnnnor, Ruby Booo, | El'vii uannor, Buasju Whltakcr,; Jcsephino Draughn, Violet Dan-1 ncr and Agnes Crews, | Bio - Obituaries - 6/13/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 19,1935 Mrs. L Q. Saker. • Mrs. Naocv James Baker, 8r, highly esteemed Mocksville yroman and widow of the late li. Q. Baker, passed away at the State Hospital, Morgantoo, on Sunday evening, June 9, having been a patient there for about three years'.. She was a oiember.of the Methodist Cbtirch here, and for many years was a a Sunday School teacher.. ' . She is survived by one brother W F. James, of Farmlpgtoitt and sev eral neices and nephews. The fimeral was held /at the Methodist Church on Tuesday after noon at 2:30. and interment followed at Rose Cemetery The pastor, Rev. B. 1. Harbison conducted, the funeral services.'. . Frank Boger Passes. Frank Bo^er, 80. well-known Davie coun ty eittzen, died at the home of Cahrlb Bowles, on R. 2. Satorday evening, follow- log an exteoded illness. Short funeral aetvioes were held at the home Monday momtng at 11 o'clock, conducted by Revg. W. J. S. Walker. R. L..Hethcax. S. L. Naff and Dr. $. H, Templeton. Surviving Mr. 6og» ate two sons, L. P. and E. C. Bogw. of Winston-Saletn; three dstera. Mrs. W. E. Bowles and Mrs. M. P. Nidiols, of R. 2. and Mrs. Marshall Eaton, of Cana. Three brothers, L. Boger, of Cana; Lewis Boger, of Walnut Cove, imd G. M. Boger, of Mocksville. also sarvive. Bio - Obituaries - 6/19/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 20,1935 jFIlANMC BOr.KR PASSES AWAY Frank IJojfcr, wclUktuRvn Da vie county citizen, 80, died) at the home of hifl nephew, Calvin j Bowles, on Moclcsvllle, .Route 2, j Saturday afternoon, June- IC, after an illness of ton weeks, Mr. Boger was born' in Davic coun ty on April 7th, 1856, and was the son of Paul Bogcr and Jpnc .Taylor Bogcr. He was married in Fcliruary 1886 to Miss Mary Marklnnd, who died Jan. 27th, 1029. For 0 number of years ho was engaged in farming near Cana. l^ut had resided witli the Bowles family for the past six years. He Joined Union Chapel Methodist Protestant church in 'Caiiy life, and was a steward for a n,'umber of years. Tho aur- viving family consistR of two HOIKS, lu P. Bogor and E. C." Bcgor, of WIiKston-Salem, three al.sters, Mr.s. W. E. Bowles and Mrs. M. F. Nicliols, of Mocksville, ^ Rbulo 2, Mrs. Marsh Eaton, of Cana, throe •brothers, Robert Lcc Bogcr, of Cana, Lewis Boger, of Walnut Cove, G. M. Boger, of Mocksville, and six grandchild-* ven. The funeral scrvTccs wore held op Monday monnin-g, a tbriet service at the Bowles home at 10:80, and at Union Chapel at 11, Nvlth Rev. R, L. Hethcox, Rev. S. L. Nnff, Rev. S. H. Tcmplcton r.nd Rev. J. 0. Banks in charge. Interment was In the church cemetery, The nephews of tho deceased acted as pallbearers as follows: Clarence Bowles, Sher- riil Bogcr, Roy Nichols, 'Paul Bowles, J. L. Bowles and AlborC BowIuh, and tho flowers were carried Iby Mrs. Bertha Bowles, Mrs. Kcclu Bowles, Mrs. Maggie Whuuker, Mrs. Maitiic Ilmnmonil, iMi.^scs Surah .larvis,, Margaret Beck, Clnni Banks,.Ruby Cnssl- day and Clara Tipctt. • - MRS. ELLEN M. COPE DEAD Mrs. Edith Ellen- i\[artin Cope, esteemed IDavic county woman and widow of the late Green W. iCopc, died at the home of her .son, Paul Cope, in Spencer, on Sunday evening, June IC, aged 78. She • was the' daughter of Bliinh Martin and I?dith Well- man Martin. Her husband died some years ago, and the surviv ing family consists of the follow- in-K sons and duughtofs: Paul Cope, Mrs. Joe Pidkler and Mrs. Fred Foster, of Spcncor, Dudley- Cope, of Goldsboro, Mrs. Kerr Foster, of Hnnc-s, Joe and Jack SCopo, of ChnrloLto, Mrs, W. TI. JiFoslcr, of Mocksville, Mrs, Clint iBovrier, of Augusta, besides one sister, Mrs. Alice Hopkins, of 'near Mocksville, and other rela tives. Tho furtcrnl was hold at Concord Methodist church on .Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, with Rev. W. M. Howard, Jr., of j Greensboro, and I*. I. Caudoll in charge. MRS. JENNIE R. FOSTEI^ DEAD Mrs. Jcnnio R. Foster, well- known Davic Avomun, passed fxway 'I'uesday nftcrnoon, June JBth, on Riverside Drive, Coolec- nriec, aged. The deceased was the fwidow of .William A. Foster, and n daughter of Bush R. Parker and Mary J. Booo Parker. Survi ving are three aone, S. S. Foster, of Lexington, D. C. -Foster, of Sal isbury, J. L. lEoslor, of Fairfax, Ala., two daughters, Mrs. Sallic Hill and Mrs. J. B. llellard, of Coolocmoo, and eight grandchil dren. Mrs. Foster was n membot of the Coolecmcc Methodist church. The last ritcS were hold i^t Bcl'hel Mdl^ftodist Protestant church on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, and interment was there. The services were in iclmrge of Rev. J. A. J. F-nrring- ton, Rev. J. W. Poster and Rev. A. T. Stoudenmiro, of Coolecmce. Bio — Obituaries - 6/20/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 26,1935 John Woodward Is Doad The town and 'commanlty waa shocked and saddened when tl^e news camo Sonday evenin? ^noon* cins; the death of'John Woodward, 42, who died at 'Long'a Hospital, StatesTille. on Sunday, following an operation, oti Thuraday. Mr, Wood ward was bom .In Statesville, bpfc had lived on the Woodwa^ farm five miles from Moekavifle, fof the oast 20 yeara or more. Surviving is the widow and -seven children; the parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wood ward, of Statesville, and three broth ers and two sisters. "Foneral ser vices were held at -Western Avenue Baptist church, Statesville, .Monday morning at 10 o'clock, condocted by his pastor, Kev. J. H. Folghum. of this city, assisted^bv Rev. B, E, Mor ris, pastor of Weatem Ave., church, and the body- laid to rest in Oak- wood cemetery,- Statesville. -Pall bearers were from the Hnrst Tur ner Post. American Legion, States ville, and honorary pallbearers were from the Mocksyille Baptist Baraca class, of which Mr, Woodward waa a beloved member.' The de ceased was a member of the Mocks- ville Baptist church and a World- war veteran. To-the bereaved ones TbeKecord extends svmpatby in this sad hour, Mrs. Ellen Cope. . Funeral services for Mrs. Helen Cope, 79, who died at the home of her son, P. C. Cope, at Spencer, on June i6tb, were held at Concord Methodist church in Jerusalem township, last Tuesday morning at zx o'clock, conducted by the pastor. Rev. M. G. Ervip, Mrs. Cope is survived by fohr. sons and five daughters, P. C. Cope,.Spencer; J. E. Cope, Charlofte; D. H. Cojpe, Gotdsboro; MrsV J. A. • PickleV; Spencer; Mrs. F.^ E. Foster. Spencer; Mrs. Carl Foster, Wins ton Salem; Mrs. 1> C. Beriier, Jeru-^ salem, Mrs. Mnuch Poster, Mocks- ville. One sister, Mrs. Alice Hop kins, Qi near Mocksville, also sur vives. Mrs. Jonnie Foster. Mzs. Jennie Poster, 73, died at her home in Cooleemee 'last Tues day afternoon. Sbe was a daugh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Bush Parker. Three sons and two daugh ters survive. J^tineral services were conducted Thursday ihprning at ip o'clock at Bethel M. P.. church, the pastor, Rev. .R. L:' Hethcox, conducting the services. Bio - Obituaries - 6/26/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 27,1935 JOHN W. WOODWARD PASSES AWAY j John W. Woodward, well- knuwn and •popular Davic county citizen, passed away at Long's Sanatorium, SlatesvJlle, on Sun day, June 23rd, following an operation for appendicitis, aged 42. Some time ago he received nn< injury from n horse,*:from which he'had nc\'cr recovered. He was the son of George E, Woodward and Mrs. Delia Cheshire Wood- uard, of Statesville, Ibut.had re sided on the Woodward farm in Davle for a number of years. He v/aa a World War veteran, serv ing .In the marine department. He was a member of the Enptist church of MockoviUe, and was u regular attendant ut the aeriiices, The surviving family consists of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo E, Woodward, his widow, Mrs. Zclraa McCiamroch Woodward, 3, daughters, four sons, three bro thers, Rev. Frni\k Woodword, missionary to China, Louis Wood, ward, of Raleigh, Julius Wood ward, of Statesville, and two Bisters, Misses Linn and Ethc* Woodward, of Statesville'. The funeral was conducted nt Wc8i> crii Avenue Baptist church, State- .sville, on'MondaV ntorning, at •10 o'clock, with Rev. J. H. Pul- ghum and Rev. B. E. Morris of ficiating, and interment was In Onkwoqd cemetery. Members of the American Legion were active pallbcnrers, and honorary pull- bonrei's wci'o.; A, A. Wagoner, J. W. Walk SV C. Stonc«treot, R. P. Mijrtin, T., J. Cnudoll, C. F. Strnidl, Claude Fry 'and Floyd Naylov; members of the Barnca Class of the Baptist church bcrtw A number'of relative.^ and fri ends from Mocksvlllc and the pnk .Grovc^ community 'nttegdod liie ly.Hi riles. , , Bio - Obituaries - 6/27/1935 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA