Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 3,1934 Rosa Bowers and Tom Mayse Two HoiriUe Doaths At Giileeoiee. M|ss-Rosa Bowers, i8, of Cpol^- loee/tlras instantly killed and • Miss Helen Goods, 14, waff seriously in jured as thev WweLwalkinR on the blj^bway near the Cooleemee school bnildinR on Thursday nighC. Dec. 2ist. A car driven by Mrs. R. C. Alexander, headed in the same di rectioo, struck the girls, breaking the Bower girl's ne^. A corner's inry was empanelled tbai night, but WS3 edjoomed until last TueS day afternoon. Dec. 26th. when they met and investigated the ac cident. Mrs. AlexaiAier was placed under a $500 bond for her' appear attce at the March term of court for funber iuvestiKaiiou. Tom Mayse, 30. textile worker at Cooleemsea. was instantly killed when struck by a'car Tuesday night. Dec. 26th, owned by Harley Sofley and driven by Frank Rat- ledge. of Mocksvilie. This accident occurred wiibio a few buodred feet of where Miss Bowers was killed. Ratledge. together with Tom Ben son, * Louise Adams and Pauline Carter, ail of Mocksvilie. were com ing toward Mocksvilie, when they struck Mr. Havse. killing biro in stantly, it is thought A 001 oner'6 jury was summoned and went to the scene of the killing shurily after it happened. The evideaoe showed that Ratledgc Ullcd to stop whet! he bit the mao, hut drove by Liberty cburcb and later drove to near Salisbnry and tfaen back to Mocksvilie. After hearing" the evidence the jury released Benson and the two girls, but held Rat ledge under a $500 bond for the March terra of Daviecnminal conrt. Coroner Kennen had a busy bolt dav season. Potir persotis were killed by cars in Davie. and three inquests were held during the holi days. Not a highway patrolroau was seeti In Davic by ye ^itor dnr ling the entire week. J. M. Sain Passes. Mr, James M. Sain, 86, died at bis home near Bethel cburcb on Tuesday, Dec. igtb,. following a two weeks illncbs of heart trouble. Funeral services were held at Bethel M. P. church Wednesday alternoon Dec. 20th. conducted by his pastor. Rev. G. B. Perree, aud tbe body laid to rest in tbe cbtirch graveyard. Mr. Sara is survived by three sons atid one daughter, Charlie, Frank and Gradv Sain, and Miss Minnie Saio, all of near town. One broth er, Frank Sain, of Rowesvllle, S. C., and four gtaudchtldreo aud three great-grandcbtldreo also sur vive Mr. Sain was one of Davie couoiies best beloved dtizeos, and hisdealb has caused sorrow through out tbe comunltv in which he lived for so many year.s. The editor has lost a friend of over a quarter of o century. To the liereaviKl children and brother, we extend our sympa thy. Tennyson Lanier Death Follows Wreck. Mr. Tennyson Lanier, 30. of this city, who was fatally injured in an automobile accident four miles west of Mocksvilie. on Dec. iqtb. died at: Long's Saudtofiuu, Statesville, at 10:30 o'clock, p m following the accident which occurred at 10:30 a. m. Mr* Lanier was injured in ternally, when his tmck left tbe road and dragged hiu along an-em bankment for rame distance Mr. Lanier is survived by his widow, bis parvnts. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Lanier, of Calabsin township; four sisters. Mrs. J. C. Anderson. Mrs. Alonzo Peoples, end Miss Freddie Dee Danier, of tbis county, and Mrs Carmen White, .of Winston- Salem; two brothers. Averv and Bailey Lanier, of Calahaln town ship. Funeral service were held at Eaton's Baptist church Thurs day morning, Dec. 2tst. at Ti o' clock conducted by Rev. E. W. Turner, of this city; Rev. J. H. Groce, of Farmioeton. and Rev. W. V. Brown, of Yadkin county. The grief stricken parents, the wife brothers and sisters have the sym pathy of a host of friends in this hour of sadness. Bio - Obituaries -1/3/1934 Leonard Gaither Colored Boy Killed. G S. Eaglesoo, of Lexington, was exhonorated of blame In the death of Leonard GaJib^r. colored, son of Daze Gaither. who was killed almost instantly about noon on l^c. 2tst. in South Mocksvilie. Gaither was riding a bicycle on highway 80. near tbe Southern railway overhead bridge, when the bicycle swerved sudden]V in front of a ear driven hy Mr. Eagleson. The right fender of tbecarstruQk;the bicycle tossing the rider into the air .When be , fell his bead came in contact with I the pavement and he died in a few : minutes from .a fractured .skull. Coroner ICetttten summoned a jury and held an inquest at the request of Mr. Eagleson. and tbe verdict of the jury was that the 'accident was unavoidable. filptif h Dead. ' Jobu B. Crotts, 6^, well known farmers of-.'R;-: 3, died at his home on :Snndav,.bec. 24th, foKowiog a ysal"s illnebe.' Funeral and bunal resvtces -wera>held at Bethel M. P, cburcb'. Tuesday morning, Dec. •26tb, conducted by Rev G. B. Ferree.> Mr. Crotts is survived by his widow and eight children, five sons afad three daughters. His father, several brothers and sisters also survive, . "1 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 3,1934 >'da3ri^|terinM)n«-kt«ih0 * hdinet^efi. ;biet .*) daughter, Mrs. R.. lowme. a senotts. illness; of tour days whicb climaxed. aj^uV IPI^ •imostbs cti dfsejiajiii^hQditli. > .■ ^ -' Pdberali services yrerb i cottdueied at 1:36 p. m., Tjjiursday, ft^dfli^tlief''Hc&^"andf ' 2':i6*'b*ijfock'''n^ Jc »i; t.i .M tvwiifrom. Macedonia Mon.vian c^^fa ««($(^i|Mntei^tne^.in-4bet dsu^bcgiDe?, sRdv. lF^ »W\i flGrabbfe and the Rev. Gl E."'lRr€weir "tifir M M •'■ij \ ., ,r^!i' #<lifestber^un!l4lc<»^ .' bef ddbg*iij»iM6nr -i •'?. -,She waa.'born':ftf''DaWife'"icftitftV, ^^.wid9y.<ofc>Ltf Jff: .fdiedt,ioi49ii^*i«i '^ • i.i/ <1^1^;' . SurvryingT'i^/ dangbteirsi ;ibsw. df wInSdtf-SMem, anfc • AlS;s..Smftb'^^lfe-;bf /•AdvancejMrf^bdibbr.^elHk^' WlimS.^bf »e^' ^ 'Br^kka: 'n^ka\!f l5^^iier;\^cifcn'- - .graidobiMi ■•<.:'•• ■ , - •■'"■''i, Rdbfefi NVesfc.bdnie'bd' fl^fo'i'd' *A've"', Tuesday,■Deb dlpnr^tlro^psvi. ^iin^ral; WdreUeid'' 'df 9 Mallbewi/' l^^tbe^lan cburcb WedneSdSy^afii^ddd *f)&:. ,j50tb-, • iE-. J-.Hpr^ipsgn^^and^J^f; Pu.'^kfl. ^nd \b^.|)C3d^ |n Jhft,,church .h»o+'Si;.wK!j>w» 8nS,iaJi^?«8«r.«(SB i»q4 West, of C^^hmn, and .Silas WPst/U#iRbwidi^Padd'i-C. \j dn^ dbd. 'Mrs.» ^ilh( ]^a-■cdck*^ (^ahuln,'^nd.kDirai<jRoh^it-"^Ijflamsydf .Rbmfl;' ateo ^sumve..>A.',Mtge^udileiiceidf frieinDanfl-4i^^ -^ete ]^retent .tprtbe ifuneral •fffidiJiiriM; " V "' ilKM ■ it. f-li.'I'J. U.m'.' if-lHU M- •;.;•} .v;'.... Emma Ijames Booe . .'BtnmaMljames -^.poe 71,urifeiof James C. Booe, pass^* awaySUddeidy fateS^sdrcl^b. rp^ t^z from a heart attapkiatberuhomeiiaClarksvUle towi^hip* ' -,'^ . Brantr*^ Rdye,-' an'f'aVfefii'dy of•i^riiyh SSrem;''dnd'Riei^^oop.!idFnrstbK^iii'e^od§''dt'%bb' de*!'r—'{ ■ f *' 'Sumvirfg aife'iief Rbsba^'d', tWbi.[sons and V&e<fd)S[h'ihte]^^'''Mte" SI(^i.{Aie^ndV> .i^iiA^Tlott^ G.4? ijiller^^hsj^ry'^ G,:iIjiMu^s.^OTC :»st^ vJIeV-JE. ty: Ten RrandchildrJ^ sur vive...' 'ipi^hVaPseivih^^ere'' held:- Dec.' !24 "at'"* 2 Lo'^octe' aV' Ij.am<& jGitoto •rodds-'Ba^ptist'Chnrch with Reyl''Y.Ml^WltnV'oliWiiffetoffrS^nm;' andReyV'W?-.?' S. Walker,' of Dai^ip =(iphnty^n ebarae> ••'■*. Bio - Obituaries - 1/3/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 10,1934 Mrs. P. S. Early Markland Baby Dies. Jamea. 5 moatba-old sod of Mr. and Mrs. 6. T. Markland, died at the home of Ms parents in Wioston-Salem yesterday morning. Funeral services will be held tomonow artemoon at S o'clock at Ad vance Methodist church and the body laid to rest in the church gravayonl, Mrs- Markland before marriaga was Mtsa Nan* nie Comatker. of Advance. Ratledge Fa|ier|^T^^; Burial setvices/yr^ ^d at'Joppa graveyard tbif aftsmoon at 4 o'cIoieV for Harvey Retiedge. 13. who died at the City Memorial Hospital at TbomasvlUe Toes- day monting, from inintles received In. a football game near High Pdnt Sorvivlog Is his mother and' two brotbers.' of High Pidot, aod his gishdmotl^. Mrs. -Isabel Batl^tte,^ this city.' The body was laid to rest Ih'Jopoa graveyard, he^do^^hie. fubfir,:tlie late Ben Hatledge. The body of Mrs. P. S. Early, gy, who died at her home in Win« ston^Salem Saturday eveutog. was brought to MocksvileSaudav alter* noon at 4 o'clock and laid to rest beside the body of her busbaud. in Rose Cemetery. Mrs. Early was for many years a resident of Davie connty, living about three miles south of MoeksvUle. She was a member of the First Bsotist church iu WinstouSalem. Surviving, is four sons aud two daughters, and one sifter. A good woman bM been called to her rewaoL^.y^^^ Bio - Obituaries -1/10/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 17,1934 Mrs. J. LOrreli Passes. Mrs. Maty OneU. 70. died at her home oearAdvaaeeTbsndaytifgbt Mr8.0rretl was.the widow of the late J. B. Orretl FoBcial setviees were h<dii', at the home Satorday afternoon at l:Sl)io*cloek,'aod at tfock^ Method dmtcb at ? o*ch)ck. ooa> ducted by Rev. Mr. Lewta and Rev. W. U. Ratblnmi. Borial fidlowcd io Che ebtudi gtaveyanL Mrs. Oneli is sorviyed by bnndterfo of relatives and frieot^ A flood woman baa paesed.to her reword. Martha Daniels Rodden Urs. Martha Daniels Rodden^ 77. wife of Byrd Abner Rodden, passed away at 7 o'clock. Jan. 7. After a brief illness at the home of bee son. P. F. Rodden, Rowan county. Snrviyii^ are her husband,. three sons and two dangfater^ Mrs. F. J. Bivios. Cooleen^ee; Mrs. P. C. Rob bies. Woodleaf, R. 1; J. W. Rodden. Eannapolfe; M. P. Rodden, Lexing* ton and P. F* Rodden. Needmore; one ^ter Mrs Jplia Rodden; High Pufnt. Twenty-seven grand child ren ^and eleven gi^t-grand cbildrsn also sarvive. Funeral services' were held* from the home of B r* Rodden. Jan. 8. at two o'clock with Minister L D Campbell in charge In SooUt River M E. Church graveyard Claude Kurfees 'Former Davie Mao Dies I News was received here UoDdav ^ntng of the ^eiih of Claude Kotfees. of Haskel, Texas. 64. which occurred at homo on Jyo. 6tb. dcHin roanltlog from diseaso. Mr.Karfoeaia survived by bis widow and 9 children, three sons aod six daoghteis. all of Texas; three btotheia. Wade, of Plaiaviow. Texas; R. W Kutfees. oraearOooIeeroee.andD. C Korfees. of near Blxby. HIa mother, Mrs. Maria Kor fees, also sorvlvea. Mr. Korfees left the Jericho section of Dnvie coonty 38 years ago. and has been living in Texas 'since iss Marie. Cartner. Min Muie Gartner, IK died at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Qreeo, Jost west of tlris diy rariy Sattnday thoming. foilow- log a ,two weda illness of measlei aod paeomooia. This Is one of the saddest deaths that baa happened In this com munity. Misa Cartner was t5 have been raarried-on the day of her death to Mr. Milcon Parker, of the Center communltr. Surviving Miss Cartner Is. her mother, Mrs. Ernest Cartner. gnd two btothara. Srnom aod Ernest, Jr.. together w|tb scores of relatives and friends. She was a niece of Sheriff C. (X Smoot, of this city. Fdnml services were conducted at Selem Methcdbt cfannrii Sunday afternoon at 2 o*clo^, by ber pastor. Risv. J. 0. B8tika.asristedbyRflv.W.J.S. Walker. The setvlcea were very impressive and scom of eyes were fiOed with tears as the'last aad rttea wme held for this love ly yoong lady who bad Just reached womanhood. The duudi would not hold half of the large oongregation of friends aod relatives who were present to pay th^r last respects. - At least 800 were In the large congregatfon. Young ladies acting as Sower girls wen: Blisses Margaret Cmeo. Louise Green. Pan line Smoot, X^s Green. Blandioa Oay- wait. Grover MeQie Dwiggins. Elizabeth Smoot. Mary Blaaehe Conner, Margaret Smoot and Zeola Koontai; To the grief stricken mother, brothers, the young man who was to have become the nuabaod. and the grandparents of the deceased. The Record Jcdns with the en tire community la extending deepest sympathy in tiris ttour of eadoess. Miss Cartner waa a membtf of the Satsm Methodist cbofch. and win be sadly miss* ed to the dinrCb and Sunday school '^Uocle Ance'' Cornatzer n One of Oavie couty'a, old^ and bat known dtlzeos passed away early Friday morping ef. his home in Advance, follow, log an Itloess of several weeks. Pcacticai- ly everybody in Davie knew A. C. Corn Btzer. For 87 years be lived in this coon ty. and was a friend to everybody bejnet. To go to Advance and not meet **110010 Anc^.'* was something uuosuaL He took a special delight in having bis friends stop at bis home ond break bread with blm. which ibU hombie scribe, along with hundreds of other friends, have don&. la fie death of this eged man the county has lost one of its best known dtizeos—a man wbp will be sadly misted not only in his hime town but to all parta of the county. We have lost a friend of long standing. He was married twice, bis first wife be i ig Miss Ida Phelps, whom be married October 20,1870, aod who (Bed September 1898. Bis second vrife was Mrs. Emma Lippatd, who survives. Other soivlvots io^de seven sons; G. H., S. D.. L. L. A. A., A. Ph end J. S. Cornatzer. ail of Davie county, and 0. W. Cornatzer, of Ashevilte; sbc danghtere, Mrs. Minnie Cope. Mrs. Rosa Headrids. Mrs. Myrtle Smith. Mrs. Grece Djtttbit, Mrs. Geoigie Hanley and Mrs. Mattie Crews, all of Davie county; t«o brothers, J H. and H. P. Coroatzer, and o te sister Mis. Mary Jones, sad by 63 grandchildren. 43 great-scandehildreo, and fiiee great-great-giandchildreD. Fonerai sendees were held at the home Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, and at Shady Grove Methodist ehoreh at 2 o'clcek eondueted hv Revs. M. A. Lewis and W M. Rathbum. The body was laid to rest Intbecbunh graveyard In tbe presence of bonfireds of friends and relatives. Bio - Obituaries -1/17/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 18,1934 A, a CORNATZER, AGED . DAVIE CITIZEN, DEAD A. C. Coi'nntzer, hotter known fi!j "Uncle .Ance," nircd onid wide ly known Dnvie county Mnn, puasod nway nt his home at Ad vance on Friday moriilnff, Jan. 12, aged 87. .Ho. was noted for his Inhdness and generosity, and was ,an tnfJucntial citisen of his ccmmiinlty whore ho. had many friends. He was twice married, his first wife boing Miss Ida I'hoipH, by whom he had a large family. His second wife was Mrs. Emma Howard Uippard, and two children were born to this union. The surviving family consists of ins widow, 13 children, G3 grand- cliildrcn, A'i grcat-graiuichildrcni ti) roe grca t-gron L-gru ndch i i d ren, two brothers and one ai"tor. A largo crowd of- rointivcs and fri ends attended the funeral, which was conducted at Shady ^Grov.- Mcthodist church, Advance, on Sunday afternoon at 1:30, by the pastor, Rov. Mr. Lewis. Bio - Obituaries - 1/18/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 24,1934 Mrs. David RichajdsoD. Mrs! David Ricb'ardspn, of near Sheffield, died at Loufit'a Sana- tbrium; Siaiesville, last -Wednes day night, following an" operation. Fnneral services were held at New Un^oQ Methodist n church Friday roomipgat II o?clock, . conducted by Rev. Mr. Bmngardner, and the body laid to rest in the chorch gravevaid. Mrs. Richardson is stii^ived by her hasband. three daughters and one.son' Infant Daughter Haneline The iofaot daughter of Mr. audj' ^ Mrs. Harrison Haaeltoe, who died i iytlast Tuesday uigfat at a Statesville . bos{iital, was buried Wedues- Vday art«trDooo at one o'doeh />/ at Union Chapel. 'Funeralscrviixs ' were raudueicd by Rev. E J, Har- ""binson. Mrs. Haoeliue is a patient at<Long's Sanatorium, Statesville. /. K/ Bio - Obituaries -1/24/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 25,1934 MRS. D. L. RICHARDSON.DEAD Mr.i. Mnry Louise Beck Rich ardson, C9, wife of David L, Richardson nf Sheffield, passed nwny on Jan." 17, at Long's Sana torium, Statcsvlilc, following an operation. The deceased was tht daughter of S. N. Beck and.the late Ida Booe Beck. She is sur vived by her father and stepmo ther, her husband, four brothers, Marshall and Lonnie Beck, of Wiiiston-Sulcm> Richard Beck, of Mocksville Route 1, Frank Beck, of Clarendon, Va.,' two sisters,! Mrs. E. L. Taylor, of Rock;,' Mount, and Miss Dora Beck, of, Chnrlutlesvlllc, Va., throe daugli-! tors, Mi'.m, W. G. Gailhur, of State ' flville, Mrs. Charles Renvis, of; ilaitunny, Miss-Eleanor Richard-^ .son, m home, .and one son, Gil-j met* Richardson. The, last rites were hold at New Union Mctho j dlst church on Friday morning' at 11 o'clock, where the deceas ed held her membership. The pastor, Rov. $. N. Baumgarnei, officiated, and the pallbearers were Clyde Beck, Ray Bock, Noah Deck, Robert Griffin, {Marvin Beck and Lcvi Beck.-The flowers wore carried by Mrs. Clyde Beck, Mrs. Levl Beck, Mrs. Marvin! Beck and Mrs. Naomi Woshing- toi». MRS. FLOYD SHOEMAKER^ PASSES AWAY Mrs, Sallio Holton Shoemaker, widow of Floyd Shoemaker, of Cool Springs, died Tuesday morn ing at U:30 at the home of hor brother, J.-L. Holton, after' an illness of sotorpt years,' aged (33. Her husband'.passed away last year, and since Thanksgiving she .had been making her home here. She is survived by seven step children, Mrs. BaH Mays, of Cool Springs, Mr8. Dewey Holton, of this- place, Mrs. G. L. Gtllespit, of.BrnViloy.B^ach, N. J., Jlih Shocinakor, of Elkin, ,fbhn Shoe maker, of Coblocmco; Clclj nhd Kermit Shooninkcr, of New Yorlj- City, two ala^Vs, ■.-Mra.; M. L. Ward, of Stnluiivillo, -Mrs. Fay-, otto Harmon, of Harmony, and ; Hovon brothetjs, J. L. Holton, of,* this place,-'Eugonc . Holton, of Winston-Snlom, Sam, Cicoro, Jim and Millnrd Holton, of near .Cool Springs, and Frank .Holton, of Dnvio. The funeral so^lces wore lield at New Sdlcm ' Methodist church In Ircdoll county on.-Wcd- nosduy afternoon at 2:80. Bio - Obituaries -1/25/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 31,1934 J. W. Zacbary is Dead. Jamea William -Zacbary. 59, general znaoager of ihe Erwio Cotton Mill, at Coo- Isetoee for elgbteen yean, died at bia bORie there Wednesday evening at six o'clock, foUowliig an illaess of about font niontbs. He was a native of Alamance cottoty. He leaves bis widow, five sons end six .daugbtens: Lawrence Zaobary, of States- ville, Otis, of Erwin, Thomas, Cooleemep; J. W. Jr.. of New York, William, of Coo. leemee; Mrs. Ullian Jankosky, Cooleemw;, MfS. Saran Bailey, of Erwio, Mrs., Nellla Thompson, Miss Maty Zscharv and Lottie Margaret and Helen Zachary. all of Coo leemee.. The deceased went to work for the Er win Cotton Mill Company In 1895, and bad been with them since. He came to Cnoleemee In 1903, and bad been mana* ger of the mill since 1916, He was presi dent of the Bank of Cotdeemee, a director of the J. N. Ledfoid Company store and Cooleemee Drug Company, sectary of the Cooleemee school board and steward in the Cooleemee Methodist cboreb. Funeral services were bold at the Me* thodtst cburcb at Cooleemee Friday morn. !ng at 11 o'clock, and burial followed at Burlington at 2:30 in the afternoon. The mill and the schools were dosed on the day of the foneral. In the death of Mr. Zachary the county loses one of its best beloved citizens. He will be missed, not only in bis home and offios. bot in the cboicb, the school, the busioess world, and by tbe mill workers, the farmorg, tbe men in all walks of life. Cooleemee will not be the same wlthoot Mr. Zacbnry, This bumble scribe will miss his hearty bend clasp and cheerful greeting. We have known and loved tbls good man for neatly a quarter of a cen tury. We feel that he has Jost crossed over the rivet to re&i noder tbe shade of the trees. Mrs. Sallie Shoemaker, Mrs, Sallie Bhoeroaker. 63. died at 6:30 o'doek Tuesday morning at the home of her brother, J. L Holton, in tbls dty, Fttneral services were condocted at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon from -New Salem Methodist church, in Iredell ootra. ty. and Interment followed in tbe church cemetery, Ure- ShoemakiV was the widow of Floyd Shoemaker, of Cool Springs, who died a- bout a year ago. She was making her home here with )\et brother. Surviving is seven etepchlldren. two sis teis. Mrs, M, L. Ward, of Statesylile, and Mrs Fayettc. of Karmooy, and seven brothers, J. L. Hulton, of MockavUIe: Eu gene Helton, of Wins'on Salem: Sam, Oh cero. James and Millard Rohcn, of Cool Springs, and frank Helton, of near Mocks, vllle. Geoi^e Fink Passes, Mr, George Fink, 73. died at the Duke Hospital., Duchatn. Satutday jafteruooti at 2 o'clock, where he had bevji undergoing treatment for a week. Funeral services were cnnducted at tbe home on South Bfain street, at 2 o'clock Monday aftemdon by Rev. T, G. Procior, assisted by Rev E, J. Harbinson. and the body carried to China Grove for interment, Mr, Fink is survived by bis widow, formerly Miss Lena BreoeeSetdi of States vllle; two daughters by a former marriage, Mrs. lobti Brolie, of Qreenshoro, and Mrs, Emory Arey, of Danville, Va.. and one brother, Thomas J, Fink, of Tupelo, Miss.; a number of netces and cousins. Mr. Fink moved to Mocksville a bout 7 years ago, and was engaged in the mercantile business for some time, but later bad been on the road selling glasses. He had been | ill for several months, ! • Emma Ellis Lyon. o«ar Advance on Sal y night, following a stroke of plexy received several days ago, was twice married, first to h" ^ silcr bis death to^ roiher, William Lyon, now She was a member of baptist church. C^r 11. ot Long Beach, Mr8,L. O \ Noah Robinson ^'•i'drea. '3 grand- ^ill be conducted at but no lime worf from »1. ts thought to beonhis California, Bio - Obituaries - 1/31/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 1,1934 ^ k At summercll! dies STATESVILLB HOSPITAI P . n Dr. Bliaha Mitchell Summorell, prominent Rowan county phy- iician for* the past BO years, .^hssed away" at Long's Sanator- i2lm on Sunday- afternoon, hia (iteath resulting "from" hea'rk • dl- '^|U8c. He had bCen in III health <i>r the past two years, and had )^Qn n patient at the hospital for 10 days. He was "the son ot Dr. J. J. Summerell and Ellen Mitchell Summerell, and was ijrn in Salisbury on Jan. 24, ilBBS. He was a grandson and piimesnke of Dr. Elisha Mitchell, famous state geologist, for whom Siount Mitchell wos named. His ijf&nts. Miss Margfaret Elliott Mlt- (moll and Mrs. Eliza North Grant, %pre former heads of Mitchell jSoUcgc, Statcsvillc. Dr. Summer oil wos a graduate of Davidson pt>,llogQ and the University of i^ennsylvania, and possessed n ^^lllnnt mind. His early practice ii^os ns assistant physician at tho hospital in Morgnnton, (fttcr ruLurnlng to Rowan county ^Kurc he had a wide practice for hlllf A coniury, his home being dt- Mill Uridge, near tho historic Bfiyntlrn Presbytcrlon church. Burvlvliig family consists of jjija wife, Mrs. Li I lie Barber Sum* three daughters. Misses •?^ano Summerell and Francos '>Sjimraorell, of tho faculty of vijyoman's College, Greensboro, • ■^iss Mary G. Summerell, of Gar-'c|r, throe sons, J. N. Summoroll, ;!*dt Cromorton, H. B. Summerell,■)0 Burfington, W. M. Summoroll, Barcelona, Spain, one brother, vair. J. N, H. Summorell, of Green- and ono slater, Mrs. IIopo Chnmbclln, of* Duke Univor-.'ji^ty. Tho funornl was hold from■f^yutirn Presbyterian church on'^onrlny aftornoon at 2 o'clock,|with Dr. "Walter Linglc, pvosl-n||bnt of Davidson College, offl-:0inting, nssistod by sovornl other^tftinlatora.. The Interment tookHpiaco at Christ Episcopal church,•^^ar Clovolnnd, whore his broth-plj||-in-hb\v, tho late Willinm A.! "?rD,hrbor, wna burled on Friday, ,V|f^Tho tiinernl wn.H ono of tho' ■; largest itlLendcd In Uowan llil..in|bny years,, and there was aj ^^ealth of beautiful floral tvi-! Itos. Relatives and friends from ny surrounding towns an^er parts of the state, as well all sections of Rowan were^joscnt to pay their last res* to ' thiH Woll-kriowh physi- '■ n, Mrs. .Sunimcyall. la a aistor , Mrs. Lina B. Clement of this!^.hcc, and she was called to MihJ^ipildge on Sunday aftornoon by itfio news of Dr. SummerciraWitath. Mrs. J. Prank Clement and iMVa. W. L. Collins also attended funeral, Mrs," Clement rc- ning, home, with, them. .... . *** - - • « " I.fpIRS. P. R, 'DAVIS PASSES 'g AWAY . , . , I^Mra. Margaret Solvers Davis,Iwidow of the late P. R. Davis,^|cd at her home In Jerusalem|(!hvnahip on Tuesday morning,0in, 80, aged 70. She was tha Mughtor of Jacob sowers and^prrlet Thomas Sowers of Dav-i|aon county. Her husband, died Dec. 4, 1080, and tho survivviiig family consists of one son,W. D, Davis, of Mockaville Rt.'4^ three daughters, Mrs. .C.< J. lompson, of Salisbury, Mrs. G. Aaron und Mrs. J. M. Ever.Irdt, of Route 4, and two ais- fs, Miss Tryphenin Sowers and fs. W. B'. Dondmon,. of Snlis- iry. The funerni will be held at^ncord Methodist church of lich she was n lending mom; ir, on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 1:80, und the Intcrmont willI'd in the church cemetery. ThejaMstuj*^ev-.J-0.. Banks Awill-cou^.pet the BOrvicoa. Bio - Obituaries - 2/1/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 1,1934 GEORGE H; FINK PASSES • AWAY • . •• •• • Laat rifea for George- Henrj Fink, 78,' who 'p&'to&d' away at Duke Hoepitul - oft' Jan. were held at 'the home - inr Clement Great, Moekaville, ^on Monday af ternoon, Jan. 29, at >2 Volock, with Rev. T. G. Proctor and Rev. E. J* 'Harbison officiating, and the interment was in Greenlawn cemotery,' China Grove. Tho deceased was born in Rowan county on 'July 14, 1861, and was the son of John Fink and Sarah Lingle Fink. Ho was a first cousin of Dr. Walter Lingle, of Davidson Collcgo. For a number of years ho was a well-known merchant in Salis bury, and operated several chain stores in various towns. At one time he was in the mercantile business in Pana, Illinois, later returning to his native homo, Salisbury. About four years ago ho cam^ to Mocicsviiio to live. Tho surviving family consists of his wife, who was formerly Miss Lena Brincefield, of Statc- svillo, two daughters by a form- or marriage, Mrs, John Brnwiey, of Greensboro, and Mrs. Ernest Aroy, of Diinvllle, Ya., six grand children, and one brother, Thom- 05 J. Fink, of Tupelo, Miss., who WAS unable to attend on account of ittneas. Among the relatives from out-of-town who attended tho funeral wore Mr. H, F. Fink and family, of Hnrtsvitle, S. C., and Mrs. Ed Karrikor and fam ily, of Boar Poplor. Those act ing OS pallbearers were: Frank I-Iunoycutt, W. W. Brincefield, .\Jarion Woddlng-ton, B. C, Brock; E. G. Hcndrlcks and T. M. Hon- drlx, and tho flowers wore car- rii^d by Misses Elmn and Louise Hcndrlcks, Louise and Elisabeth Cftnplln, Opnl Hammer, Mrai Goorgo Hendricks, Mrs. Dcwey Holton and Mrs. Frank Hunoy- cutt. MRS. EMMA E. LYON PASSES away at advance Mrs, Ernma Ellis Lyon, 86, died at her homo near Advance o)i Saturday evening, Jan. 27, iuM* death resulting from a stroke of apoplexy-which siio rocoivod several days ago. She was the daughter of William Ellis and Amanda- Cuton Ellis, and was twice married, first to . Jamca Lyon, and. after JUs death tq.his. brother, William Lyon, now. de ceased. The'deceased was a 'niem* ber of Advance Baptist'church. Tho surviving family consists of one son. Loo Lyon, of Long Bench. Cnlif., thrco daughters, Mrs. L. 0. Mavklnnd, Mrs. Nonh. Robinson and Miss Pattic Lyon, nil of the Advance community, and.-18 - grandchildren; -The last rltas for this venerable woman were held at Elbavlllc M. P. church on Wednesday nftemoon at 2 o'claok, with Rov. G. ' B. Ferree officiating. J. W. ZACIIARY DIES AT'HIS • •• HOME IN GOOLEEAIEE James William " Zachdry, 59, general manager of ' the • Erwip Cotton Mill No. .3, at CoblQc^ee lor eighteen years, dle4 at ."his home in. Cdolecmee last Wednes day night at 8 o|clock following an illness of about four months. Ho was." a native of. Alamanco county, son of Henry Clay and Mary Cntea Zachary. He was united in marriage tp Lillian McDonald Allen In 1896. Surviving him are thc> widow and cloven children as follows: L. P. Zac-hary, of 'tnylorsivillc: Otis Allen Zachary, of Erwin; Thomas Zachary, of Cooloemeo; James W. Zachary, of New York City; Mrs. J. B. Jankoskie, Rocky Mount; Mrs Boiley Hudson, of Erwin; Mrs. Howard Thompson, of Cooloemeo; Mary, Lottie, Helen and William Zachary, of Coolee- mcc; throe sisters, Mrs. John E. Bridges, Raleigh; Mrs. S. M. Scli- wart'A and Miss Bessie Zachary, of Sanford, Fin.; and two broth ers, W. A. and A. D. Zachary, of Sanford, Fla. The deceased went to work for the Erwin Cotton Mill Company in 1895 and had been Avitb them since , ho came to Coolccmoo in 1903. He had been manager of the plant there since 1915. He was president of tho Bank of Coolee- moe, a director of the J. N. Lod- furd Company Store and Coolcc moo Drug Company, secretary of the Cooloemeo school board and steward in tho Coolccroco Metho dist Church. Funeral sorvlecs were held at tho First Methodist Church at Cooloomeo on Friday morning at 11 o'clock and burial followed nt Burlington at 2:30 In the after* noon. Tho mill there and the schools wore closed on tho'dny ol the fimornl. Bio - Obituaries - 2/1/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 1,1934 WILLIAM A. BARDER, . . , E§TEPMED ROWAN CITI. ZEN, PASSES AWAY iWllUam Arthur Barber, well- known and highly-^esteemed Ro wan 'county citizen,' of Mount Ulla, paaaed- Qftvay at n Mooros- vllle hospital on Wednesday evening, Jan. 24, after an ex tended illness, aged 77i The de ceased was the oldest son of Jacob Franklin Barber and Re becca Neoly Barber, and cnmo of a prominent family. Jlis an cestors weirc among the founders of Clirlat Episcopal Ohurch at Cleveland, N. G., his'-grandmoth er, Mrs. Elizabeth Wainwright, giving the land for the church site, and contributing largely to its erection. She was called by Bishop Ravenacroft the'*|Bishop of the church." Mr. Barber hao; been a member of Christ Church i for many years, as his father; had been-before him, and . was a vestryman at the time of his death. He was educotcd under the teaching of Peyton Hall, a well; known teacher, and also went to school to Rev. Edmund Joyner, an Episcopal clergyman of Hick ory, who is noi\v D6 years of age. His parents died in' his young munhuod,' and he acted as both father and brother to the young er members of the fnmily, and was greatly beloved. Jn August 1002 he was happily married to Miss Alda Shcrrlll, of Mount lllln, wRh Rev. W. L. Shcrrlll, a cousin, officiating, Mrs. Barber died on Jan. 10, lOlo. Pour chil- ihen wore born to this union, Richard, William, Frank Elliott, A student at Tennesseo Military Institute, Swoctwator, Tenn., and Miss Aldn, a senior at Catawba College, Two sisters and two brothers also aurvivo, Mrs. Llna B.; Clement, of Mooksvillo, Mrs. C. M. Siimmornll, of Mill Bridgo, R. N: Burber, of Wayucsvillo, and E. W. Burbor, of Sftludii, and also (Avo grandchildron. The last rites were hold at Chil-Ht Church, whore the Barber family reunions nro held annual ly in Aiigu.Ht, the aorvicoH being i conducted at 11 o'clock on Fri day morning by W. I I. Hard In, of Salbsbitry. A large concourse of relatives and friends from • Mount Ulln, MooresviUc, Salis-1 bury, Stntcsvillo, Mocksvillc, Wil- kesboro, Wnyno.svlilo, Charlotte | and all over Rownn wero prcsoiit, and a profusion of - beautiful floral designs showed the love and esteem In which this good man was hold. For a number of yenva he had spent a part of the summer In V/ayncsvillo at the homo of his brother, Mr. R. N. Barber, and the latter had been at his brother's bod.sldo for the past, three weeks, ' Bio — Obituaries - 2/1/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 7,1934 Gurne; Fobter Is Dead. It is with sadness that we write of the death ot Hartio Guniey Fos ter, who died at Long's Hospital, Siatesville, Friday afternoon,, fol lowing an operation.lor aoo?ndicilis on Monday of last week..Mr. Foster (was 35 vears of-age at the time of his death. He was Register of Deeds of Davie county, having bera elected to this position in 1932- Mr. Foster was widely known tUrougbcut the county, and had hundreds of friends who were sad. dened by bis untimely death'. Be forekOmingto MocksvilIe,.Mr. ter held a position as machinist with the Ervin Mills at Cooleemee. There was no more popular young man in the county than Garner Foster. Not a word of criticism has been heard ot the manner in which be conducted his o£Sce for the 14 months that he served as Register. He filled the ofBce with honor to himself and the county. In his death the editor of The Record has lost a warm, personal friend. We shall not soon forget his pleasant smile andT hearty words of greeting that we heard daily He was a good man, a Christian gentleman, a kind, loving father and husband. The bereaved widow the children, brothers and sisters, have the sympathy of the entire county in the loss of this loved one. Fnneral service.s were conducted at 2:.-5o o'clock Sunday af'ernoon at Turrentiue Baptist church by bis pastor, Rev. E. W. Turner, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. A large'con course of relaitves and friends w^e present to pay their last tribute of respect. •Mr.' Foster is survived by his widow, Mrs. Wencie Sedburv Fos ter, two sons, U; G. Jr , and G?orge and three daughters. Mable, Helen and Deorie; two brothers,-Roy and Willie FoiJier. of Jerusalem; four sisters. Mrs. Dennis Barney, of Hanes; Mrs. Arthur Smoot, of Jerusalem; Mrs fobu Rattz, of Cooleemee, aud Miss Creola Foster, of [erusalem Mr. Foster was a World-War Veteran and a member of the Davie County Post; American Lcgioii.. He was a member of the P. O. S of A. Lodge at Cooleeme^ and the Cooleemee, Mocksville and Ad vance lodges participated in the burial services. ' More than 1,000 people from Davie and- adjoioiog counties were present at the funer al—the larg^t ever,held in the county. Toe flo'al tributes- were many and beautiful Mrs. Ann Mrs. Anu-Smith. 71, died . . home near Advaoce -SaturS '■Sfing. fo llowing an eSS'.^'Facaral Md boriafheld at Union HUl Baptu?Porsyth county. SundaJconducted by T A Ciudie?p°«'ney. Surviving Mrs Smith%n, Elmer Smith, and on- dani,®' Mrs. Mollle Jones both ofvauw A number of niece,^ nephews also survive. Mvgaret Sowers Davis Mrs. Margaret Davis, widow of the late P. R. Davis, died at herhome in Jerusalem township onJarusalem township, on January 30, age 70. She was the dadghter of Jacou Sowets and Harriet Thomas Sowers, of Davidson. Surviving are one son. W R. Davis, route 4; three daughters, Mrs. C. J Thompson, of Sallshurv;Mrs. C. K. Aaron and Mrs J. M, Everbardt: route 4; and Mrs. W. F. Deadmoo; of Salisbury. The funeral was held at Con cord Methodist chiirch Augusta, of which she was a leading member,Thursday, Februaiy 1, at 1:30 p. m , conducted by Rev. J. O. Banks. Dr. R. Glenn Groce Passe,. Dr. R. Glenn Grace, S6, butstand-log young pbyaiciaih of Iredell conotydieu Thur^av afternoon at his homein Harmony, his death resuiting fromangina pectorip. . . , The foneral was help Saturdaymorning'at 11 o'clock at Harmony and burial followed In the Harmonycemetery, , ^ Dr. Grose is surviyed. .by hiswidow, Mrs.'Janet Langfurd Groce,and two daughters,. Marylin andNancy Gfoee. Besides his .parents,he also leaves two -bratbers. Phillip and Gilbert Groce of Harmony, andfive sisters^ Misses Susie and LavonneGroce and Mrs Howard Moore ofHarmony. Mrs C. E Miltsaps olStatesvflle. and Mrs. Ray V Camp bell of Wjnston Salero. Mrs. John Long; Mrs. Mary Lou Long, 64, •lied ather home rear Smith Grove Saturdaysvening, following ®Funeral eervicea wereh.eld at Smip-Grove. Methodist, church Mondaf iftemootr at 2:80 o'clock, conduct^Sy Rev. M. G. Brvln. .Surviving isChe husband, one ran and .threelaughters together with aof grandchildren and other relatives Bio - Obituaries - 2/7/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 7,1934 Mrs..R. D.Stroud Dies. Mrs Elva EpniceStroud, wifeof Ur.. R, D. Stroiid, who lives near County Line, died early Thursday morning' at . the . Long Hospital, Statesville, n her death resulting from inflnenza and complications. Mrs. .Stroud. who ^as 28 years old, .was the daughter of , Mr. and Mrs P..H. Dickens, and was born in Alleghany county. She is sur vived by her husband; by two small sans. Otbo Lee Siroud, aged five years;' and an infant son, ten days old; by her parents; who live near Harmony; by. three brothers and four s&ters. They are Messrs, Truman and 'Raymond Dickens, Misses Ethel and Imogeie. Dickens who live at the home-near Har> niony; Mrs. L- R. Strond, who lives near Harmony; Mrs. Ola.Shaw, of Statesville; aii^Mr. Guy, Dickens, of this state. The funeral service for Mrs. Strond were held, from .Sodetv 'Baptist chnrch at 2:30 o'clock "Fr!* day afternoon and. interment was in the church cemetery The ser* vices 'wPs^conducted by Rev. }. E McSwain. pastor of Society church. The . Recotd estteods heartfelt sym^thy to Mr. Stroud and little sons in the death of the beloved wife and mother. Mr. Stroud re cently lost both' bis father and mother by death, and he is indeed beteaved. Madison M. Angell MadlMn M. Angell, 77, died at bia home in Boonville Thursday, following.an illness of some tine. Funeral aed burial servtees were held at Beonvitle Sainrdav moni*| Ing at t r o'clock. 5Ir. Aogell was) an uncle of |. T. Angell. of tbisj city, \V. B and Henry Aogell, of' R' 7. He was owner of the Boon-- ViDe Hotel-for nany years. Bio - Obituaries - 2/7/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 8,1934 MARTIN OURNBR FOSTER, DAVIE.COUNTy REGISTER OP DEEDS, DIES FOLLOW- ING OPERATION FRIDAY •Martin Gui'iier Foster; 35," re gister ef deeds o£ Duvie county, and. a well-known, and 'popular citizen, pnssed.away ax a States- .ville hospital., pn .Friday ai,ter- nbon. Feu,- a, following an enior- •gcncy operation for appendicitis. The. deceased was a veteran of the World V/ar, and was' a mem ber: of -Davie (County Post, No. 174. Ho is survived by his .wife, Mrs. Wencie Scdbury Foster, five children, M. G. Jr., George, Mabel, Helen and pcorle, two brothers, Roy and Willie Foster, of Jerusalem township, and four sisters, Mrs. Dennis Barney, of Hanea, Mrs. Grace Smoot and Miss Creola Foster, of Jerusalem township,, and Mrs. John Ratt'z, of Coolccmcc. The funeral was hold atTurron- tino'j Baptist church on Sunday afternoon at 2:30, with Rcy. E. W. Turner and llqv. A. T. Stou- dcnmlro officiating. Between 1,600 and 2,000. poopla attended the last rites, and there - wci'b many floral tributes. Those acting ns paliboarers were: Pink Foster, 'Dudley .iPos- tcr, Grndy Spry, Rany Dcndmon, Paul Wagonbr'and Clinard Wago ner. The flowers were carried by Misses Hazel Cook, Ruby Spry, Amy.MeCuIIoh, Mildred Scdbury, Gc^i Dendmon, Lllcon Trlvettc, Gladys Mao White,. Margaret Freeman, Francba Sides, Luvona Nail,-^ Ruth Driver, "Boss Cnnup, jBornicd Driver, Mnttnllno SulH- |Vnn, Gladys Foster. Ruby Wngo- nor, Bmiliih McCulloh and Mrs. Pearl Driver. MRS. ANNIE L. SMITH DIES AT advance Mrs. Annie Lajrd Smith, .widow of the late Thomas Smith, pass ed away at her homo at Advance on Saturday morning, Feb. 3, aged 60. She was the daughter bt' Lev! Laird' hhd' Suaolti'Foster' Liiird, and was well-known in her community. The surviving family consists of Itvo daughters, Mrs. Mollie .Tohos and Miss Elma Smith, both of Advance. The last rites were held nt Union Grove Baptist church in Forsyth county on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, with -Rev. Mr. Caudle, of Court ney, presiding. The pallbcni'crs were: Alvis Lnlvd, Frank Lnlrd. Arthur. Lnlrd, Jcii.so Laird, Ray mond Foster and George Wil liams. MRS. ROBERT STROUD PASSES AWAY 'Tra. Rlvn Dickens Stroud. wife of Robert Stroud, paaaod away Feb. 1 nt Long's Sanator ium, after twelvi days illness, age <^0. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Dickons. She was united In mnrl'inge to Ml*. Robert Stroud in 1927. To this union was 'born two children, oihn Leo, si.K years old and an infant son. Mrs. Stroud leavos to mourn hor pns.sing. her hysband, two children, 'father, mnllior, A sis- lera and tlu'co brothers, besides a host of friends and relatives. Funeral services wore held Friday afternoon at Society Bap tist church of -which Mrs. Stroud was a faithful mumtor. conduct ed by her pastor Rnv. McSwnin, as.siatod by Rov, Clyde Yiites, of Stntcsvlllo. BlU'lal was in the I nenrliy. Much sympa thy is felt for the family in tholn {.4n(l: boroavoTaont, , • HENRY G. LIPP-ARD; ROWAN CITIZEN, DEAD Henry Graebcr Lippard, well- known, and esteemed citizen ot Rownn. county, died' nt his homo in Wood leaf on Feb. 3, aged 80. lie was the son of John Lippard, and was a farmer, and at one time served us .postmaster. He joined "Unity Proabytcrlan church In onrly life, and wt\s an older ol this church at the time of his death. Ills wife, who was form erly Sarah Locke, ipasaed away a number of years ago..The surviv ing family consists of. two sons, n •A. L. Lippard, of ^orth Wilkos^ boro..and R. C. Lippard, of Col-' itmbih. Mo., two daughters, Mrs. ,G, G. Niblock, of Cool Springs, and Mrs. Walter Owens, of Wood- loaf, and one 'brother, Clinton Lippard. The fuiicini services were cohdi\ctod at Unity on Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rev. N. E. Opflngor. Bio - Obituaries - 2/8/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 14,1934 W. F. Karfees Passes, WilHam Kurfees, 69, retired merchant of Winstou-Salem, pass* ed awjv at a local hospital Fiiday oisht nteht at'8 o'clock. - Re had been in declioiug health about six \ ears, and'bis condition bad been critical since February 1. when - ^ suffered a stroke of paralysis. Born in Davie cottntv on Novem her 18, 1864. Mr. Kurfees came-^o Winston-Salem tortV'ibree years ago. Mr. Kurfees retired Ironi ac tive bnsioess several years ego He was a member of Waugbtown Piest byterian church. , Snrviving are two sisters, .Mr.s. Emma Hutcbens and Mrs< .Charles Allen of Davie.' n The body was brought to the home of Mr. Charles Allen, near dolman's. Sunday afiernoou, and the funeral was held at 'the home .Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. ,T. F. Haoey, of Winston Salem..-' The 'body was laid to rest in Union Cha^i^l ceme tery. " • Mrs. Maude Gartner. Mrs. Maude Smoot Gartner, 36, di^ at th'e home of her sister, Mrs. Luther Daywalt, nearJCappa. late W^hesday nigbt^' followio^g-an iil ness of measles and pneutnonia'. ' Mrs. Cartner is survived by her aged .mother,'twp'sons. Ero^t and Smooi; three, brothers. Sheriff C^ 0. Smoot; of MocEsville,- S, .A; Smoot. of Salisbury, arid J. N. Smoot, of near County Line; four sisters,. Mrs. June Safriet, Mrs. WilHam FowelL Mrs. Luther Day- wait, and Miss Alice Smpot, all of Calabaln township. EunereL services were^beld at Salem Methodist church Fnday morning at 11 o'clock, conducted by her oisior. Rev. J. O. *Banks, and the'body laid to r^st in the church cemetery.- Miss Marie Cartner, a daughter of Mrs. Cartner, died about lour weeks ago of .pneumonia, on the day she tvas to have.married. Her mother was at h^r bedside, where she contracted merles, which was followed bv pneumoni.a: ' Th^ grief-strickeu mother," the yo.nogsoas, tbe'brolbers and sisters, have the sympathy of tbU. entire coininnnity in' tbejo'ss of this good woman ' She has gone to join ber daugbler and other.loved- ones who have gone on before to that city which wa? not built with .hands. John Enoch Brock.: Jobn:,Eooch-Brock,-7i, of.Farmr iogtoo, died in.-a Wipston-Salem hospital Thursday afte'rn'obn'.at 3 o'clock, " following an-.illness 0/ sometime. . jSurviving Mr.' Brock Is his widow, tbreesons, James H. Brock, of Eamiingtdn;. j.. R and W.' F. Brock, of Seattle. Wash three daughters.-Mrs.-H.-' W. Hoag, of Grand .Valley. Cali. 'f Mrs., R.- P-, •Clingmao'. of Winstoo-Salem'," .,?ipd Mfs. K.-P. Walker, of Fa'rmington. Funeral and burial, servichs.' were field at Farminglon Saturday-.' Mr., Brock- was a native of Davie- coun ty, spending p.raclically 'all his ' life in.and near Farmiugto'D.; He had many friends thrp.ugboul lhe :Cooh ty who .were saddened :of, h'isde'ath/ > Mrs. William Foster Mrs. William FdsfeF, of North Ccoieeniee, died last Wednesdaj aieht, following an extended ill ness. Surviving is t h e h u bad and a number of children. Fooeral and l-urial services wefe held at Cornaixer Thursday. • * . n Bio - Obituaries - 2/14/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 15,1934 JOHN E, BROCK, OF r PARMINGTON, DEAD COMMODORE D. STEWART DEAD I Commodore D» Stowart, woU- Itnown farmer of the Fulton com munity, passed away at his homo on Monday eveniiiff, Fob. 12, at 10 o'clock, affod 70. He was the Hon of John 0. Stewnrt and Jane Myers Stewart, and was horn In Davio county on April 7, 1854. The surviving family consists of his wife, Mrs. Pannic Hfilffi Ste wart, Ihveo sons, Scott Stewart, of Mocksvillo Route 3, Tliomnn and John Stewart, of Advance Route 2, four diiuglitera, Mrs. Rad Siddon, Miss Corn Stewnrt, Mrs. Lawrence Wilson and Mrs. Andrew Allen, and two sisters, Mrs. Harrison Proctor ahd Mrs. William Poster, all of Advance nouto 2. The funeral sorvicea wore hold on Wednesday morning IFob. 14, at 11 o'clock, with Wal ter R. ('.raver making n tulU. In terment was In the family ceme tery. ! THOMAS N. CHAPPIN DIBS AT DUKE HOSPITAL As wo go to prosfl wo Icavn of the dentil of Thomas N. Chaflin, well-known Mocksvillc cltl'/oh aiiu lawyer, which occurred on Wed nesday morning at 7!'d0 o'clock,' nt Diilcu MoHpltal, where he had j bcou carried for treatment. Ho ' had been In ill health for several ycftr.s, and wafl token lo the hospi-^ tnl for treatment for a throat, trouble. j His death comes as a groai: ishock to the community where ho; had .spent most of his life. Mrs. iChnllln accompanied him to Dur ham. Funeral services will pro bably be held this afternoon. A jfull nccount will appear in ne.xt |iVtiok'.x issue. 5 John Enoch Brock, .well-known I citizen of fl^lnrmington, died. at the Baptist Hospital In Wlnaton- ' SnTem, on Feb. -8, after being in '. ill health for several years, aged 71. He was the son of John Brock . aiid Sarah Ward Brock, and was . born and reared In Davic county. J The surviving family consists of * his wife, Mrs. Coi'a Athan Brock, ' postinlbtresa at r'anntngton,'three ' sons, James HuglrBrock, of Far- i mingion, John Rupert Brock and William Frod Brock, both of Scat* tie, Wash., three daughters, Mrs. H. W«..Hpo8i of Grand Valley, Calif., Mrs. R. P. Clingman, of Winston-Salcm, Mrs. K. P. Wnl-' ker, of Farmington, and 11 grand- I children. The last rites were hold on Saturday afternoon, Fob. 10, a. abort service being held ot tho home at 1:80, and another at tho Methodist church at 2 ' o'clock, | with the pnstor, Rev. M. G. Ervln,. •In charge. Intormont was In the' Farmington . cemetery, the pnll- bcarors bcihg C. C. Williams, L. .B.: Armaworthy,', L. F. Brock, J. R. Jamosi T. J. .Swing and B. C. Brock. Tho flowers were carried by Mesdnmes Ralph James, Bur-' ton Scats, M. M. Brock and M. B. Brock. ' Bio - Obituaries - 2/15/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 15,1934 MRS. ERNEST CARTNRR 1 PASSES AWAYI Mrfl. PIorencQ Mnucl SmootI •Cui'liior, wHo of Ernest Ctirtnor, piiBsod awny on Fob. 7, aftoi' hn illnoss cnuccd by n complication oi menBlos, pneumonln, and heart disease, asod B4'. She wos the dau|]^htor of' Samuel J. Smoot and Floronco "V^alkor Smoot, and woll- hnown In her community.. A snd fcntiiro is the dooth of her oiily; dnughtor, Miaa Marie C^ytner; a-;; bouL three weeks ago. The sur-, viving family conslBta of herj mother, her husband, two sons,] James Smoot Cartnor and Ernest Cnrtncr, Jr., three brothor.s, She-, riff C. C; Smoot, of this place,; Nupotcon Smoot, of Uoiito 1, Al'-I tliur Smoot, of* Salisbury, and four niwlcis, Mrs. Minnie Snlrlnt, MVS, Llll Powell, Mrs. Luther Day Wait, at whoso homo she died, and Mla.'i Alii'c Smoot, ail. of Davio county. The funeral ser- vIp.cb wore hold at Salcm. Metho dist church, of which the do9caa- od was A niombor, ou Friday morning, Fob. 9, at 11 o'clock, \vith the pastor, Rev. J. 0. Baiiko, officiatlna. Bio - Obituaries - 2/15/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 15,1934 M. G. Foster A . GOOD MAN-GONE M. G. •Fostor pausod to his oloi'na! reward Friday mornlnt;, iFobrunry 2, 1D34, ago 36 yoars. His doatl) camo ruthor suddonly and woB a shock to all. Gurnoy, loved Olid "WM loved, ho was a frlpd and had friends and his' smUoa kept othore happy. Ho 'xvas. young and hnndsoihe and fair of face, There -wiil ncyor be anofchor who can-fill his. place in his home. How often we have seen him 'Coming with the smile heml- ways wore, brightening many hours for' its. though ho oahnot como anymore. How oftoii wo'vb. seen hla sKadow, how often we've heard him call, but his voice is now aJtcnt and it's ochoos huvo grown smhll. Wo apeak and yet know that he cannot hoar us, but some day our sorrow will be turn ed to gludnofls. Guriioy was a,real homo maker, he Invoatod his life III Ilia childrun. Ho mado a groat contribution to His good county, and slate and to his holoved, 'church. Ho, himself whs first to break the famliy uiiflu us. the doubtlaas perforrcil to do. Ho was devoted to. his family, ho Jhved liisVlibrd iind served .him through ' his church. It was. his doUghir: to - onro'for the pronohora, and their poor or the strnngnr from hia families and ho turned \'not from the door. Mr. Foster was always willing to take part in any good v/ork for the church and in hia (lays of hctiUh ho nlwaya found lime lu help lliu needy and chcor Uio sick. tVhcn u fnlher of a hnmo Whose work is finished goes home to heaven the currowlni; loved ones would not call liim back td earth, even If they could, but the heart aches for the aoiin'il of his voice and tho touuh of lii.i door hand. (He licnvcs to mourn hia going a loving wife, Wlnde Fos tor, rive dear children, Mabel, Helen. Dellorn, -Mr. G.' Jr., and George Foster, four sisters, Mrs. Dennis Dnrney, pf lihncs, Mrs. John KuttvSj of Cooleomoe, Mrs.- G'raco Smoot and Miss Croolu Forrest, -of Mocksville Route 4. two brothers, Rny and Willie For rest and hia beloved mother, Mrs. Frank Porrost. Ho -was buried in"- ^'urrontiho Baptise Ohuroh -como- toiy beneath a bank of -flbwers* Hia friends from far and near wore in nttondnnco by tho muUi- tiide, perhaps the laigcst gath ering ever to. attend a funeral in Davic county before. The floral designs were both beautiful and profuac, attesting the loving es teem in which this servant of God was held. He lived as he died in the faith of tho Gospel and wont home to glory. There is loft- on adhing void In the homo he so- beautifully graced, a broken link in tho large circle of loved ones and a painful omptinoss -wltlr close personal friends,' who held him dear to their hearts. Wo want- • ed him to stay, but God wanted him on high, ho called and found him ready. In the evening of hlr n life while the dew of comparn- 'tivo youth "was .itlll upon him and {while the lenghtoning shndowa I were gathering, ho calmly ;cross ed the bar, put out to sen . and mot his Pilot face to face. May the Lord bind up nil broken henrta and enable us to greet him some glnd day iu that bettor land. • Wo loved him, yes we loved him, ' Hut God lovsii him more, n - And ho has gently culled him To yonder .shining shore. ' By A Friend, —Beulah H. -MeCuHoh. Bio - Obituaries - 2/15/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 21,1934 Wesley J. Smith Dayie Citizfiii is Dead. Wttlev T. Smith, 85, died'at the home of bis.soe, A ,L. Smithaoear -Hanestown, at 9 ° o'clock ^ednes* day morning. He bad been confin* ed to bis bed for three weeks, fol- Vowjag a .fall at the home at which time he broke kb hip .' The deceased was.bor'n'ipecetnber 24«.i8^9. His wife, passed away in April .of igazi "Mr, Smiths who had been in-^dedining beali>-fp.r .10 years, made bis houiP aliefhately with his son and at^hiS home'in Davie. n • " He was a member of the Beth* jebein -M.vJI; Church,.being one *4^ tbp'oldest''members in the county • ^Surylving are one sop. A. Smith, of. Hades, pne brother, Henry H. 'iSmith of Parmingtoh, andseyml nieces and nephews. -. Funeral ;^rytces were held' at 2:30 o'clock at the Bethlehem M. H. Cfaiirch Per. Mr Tate of Hane.s and Rev. M. - G^ Ervin. of Farmington, conducted the serviced and interment' followed in- the chtirch graveyard. TMm'as N. ;CliajKEi}. - ' Thomas Chaffin, 67, di^ at Duke Hospital. Durhqoi, -^^dties: day morning, following au operatio'n for throat trouble. Mr. CbaSih had been in bad. health for several, years.. He'w^ carried'to''tlie-bds'. pital •Toesdav''ijciornlng: "' ;. '. . '3urvlving'Mr. (2haffio.is his widow and nine children, fdnr ^ns. Albert, of Albemarle; .'^|Uiam. HoUan.d and Edgar, of thiscitv, fivfdahgh- ters, Miis.Einibp Cbeffiti, of New, yor^ Cityi-Miss Sarah Cheffio; .of, (^Idsboro; Mis^s Hattie. .Louise and - Lttla;. Chiiffin, r this '-city. Rve sisters,, rjilrs.. Sam . Hdl ton. of- Diifham; Mrs. A. M. McGIatuery,' of -Greensboroi Mrs. J.! W. ' Kfmbrougb, of Darbam; Mrs^ Bruce Crgyen, of Trinityi and Mrs. S O. Riclt. ofWake Forest.,;* Funeral services were held .at tBe Methodist charch-Thursday at- o'clock, ahd-the body, kid to. rest, in Rose,ceiftetfeiy with Junior. Ofaer honors. Sefvic^ were conducted | l^d>is-pastor< Eev. E J, .Harbin.- son,, assisted by RevS. W. I.' Howr j ell andJ. O.' Banks.' of this city, I Reifc R; C; Goldrth-; pf Wlastoo-! SalemVa^ Rev'.'Hi G. Sprinkle,,of LexliigtoD.]. .'■ ■ ■- .• Mr; ChpiSn.was a life long" re^^dent of Bibcfcsyine.-^aod-was dp air lomey for "many- years..! At tbptfme.of bis death be wa^ a" meml^ 1of the Davie SpOunty Board of elec-J"tibasi and'alki a- .Uiiit^ .Stpt^jCommissioiien He was" a son. of.' the late' M.' R/.C.baffih; of thb cUy.. Bio - Obituaries - 2/21/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 22,1934 LAST RITES FOR T. N; . CIIAPriN ON THURSOAy Last, ritea. were held for. Tho- nins Nothnniel Chaflln' at the Metliodlflt- chu%!i'''6ini"Iast' Thurs day nftowioon at 2:30, with the pnator, Rev. E. J. Unrblson, in charge, OBsiatcd by Rev. R. c. Cofortli, of Winston-Saicm, Rev. H. C. Sprinkle, of Lexington, Rev. J. 0. Rnnka and Rev. W. I. Ilowoll. Mr. ChnRln's death, which occurred at Duke Hospi- lal, Durham, on Wednesday morning, Fob. 14, came as a shock to his family and the en tire community. He h.ad been, in failing health for some time, and hud boon curried to the libapilul for treatment on Tuesday. Hqi was the son of Martin, R. Chnffln and Emily Brock Chaflln, and was born in Mocksvillo in July 18C7.; lie was educated at Miss Mnttio Eaton's Acudeimy, and. " Trinity College. He later studied law] and practiced his profession for awhile In Wilkoaborp, before re turning to Mocksvllle. Ho was twice married, his first wife be ing Miss Fultle Rcld, daughter of Dr. Numa F. Rold, a noted. Mnthndist minister. Several chil dren were born to .this union,; only one surviving, Miss Emma' LcGrando Chaflln, of High Point' and New York. His second wlfbi was Miss Ida Betts, und iiinej children wore born to this union,} a littlo son, Thomas N., Jr;, dy^-. ing in infancy,'and thoso suryi-i ving being Miss Sarah Chaflln,] of tho Q'Oldsboro acltoola, MIodcb. Ilnltio and Louiso Chaflln, Al-} bert Chaflln,'of Albcronrlo, Wil-j Hum, Hollnnfl,. Edgar and Lulal Betts Chftflin. In addition to" hisj wife and children,Jtbc following aiatoi's aurvivo: "Mrs'. Aura H61- ton, of tDurham, Mrs. Jess C,j McGlam-mory, oT G^oonaboro, Mrs.j J. .W. ICimbrough, of Durhaai,' Mrs. Bruce 'Craven, of Trinity,' aiid Mrs. S.. 0. Rich, of Wnlccl Forest. 1 Tho funeral was largely^ at-j tended by rolntlvoa and friends i both from Moclc-.villc and ollior- tmvuH. Thn choir Kiing "Amu7.lTiK Grace." "Abide With Mo," and "How Finn a Foundation," and. a male quuvtct, Dr. R. P. Ander-j .ion, C. II. Tomllnson, 0. B.; Rlooncy and E. G. Tlondricks,! anng "When They Ring the: Golden Bella." 1 The pallbearora wore; C. C. Smoot, J. A. Dnnloli E. C. Stnton, B. C. Brock. R. P. Martin and J. C. Sanford. The • beautiful floral designs were carried, by Miss Ruth Boic. Mcsdamos J. L, 5heok, Oilio StocMon, J. A. Dan iel, U. G. 'Wolkor, C. II. Hend- ricka anfl Goorge .HendrlckB, members of the Jjodiea' ^Vealoy Class. .. •The Interment was in Rose comctoiy, with tho Jr. 0- II. A, M. in charge of the services. We pffcr our sympathy to the bcr pcavcd faniily. BDGAP RLMORB DIES OF PNEUMONIA . I ' Eda'r Elmorc, IS^r-oid son I of Mr. and Mrs.. .N. D." Elmore, I of Harmony, Route 2, passed I away oh Tuesday morning, Fob. 13, death being caused by pneu monia. The funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon'.at 2:30, at Rock Springs " Baptiat church, with Rev. J. M. Binklcy officiating. The parents, ono bro ther, Grover, and one sister, Vir ginia, survive. The pallbearers wore: P. A. Johnson, M, C. Smith, R. C. Poster, John Trlvett and J. P. Raymer, and the flower jrirls wore Misses Annie Trlvett, Huzel Johnson and Lois Johnson.' JOHN SHARP HOWELii DIES John Sharp HowoH, ll-yoar- ulU soA of Mr. and Mrs. J.' M. Howoll, of Huntsvlllo,- Yadkin county, pnased away at noon on. Fob. 20, from an h'ttnck of moa- sIcB followed by pneumonia. Tho fuxreral was held on • Wednesday afternoon at-2 o'clock, at Hunts vlllo Baptiat church, with Rov. Glenn Algood officiating. Mr., and Mrs. Hcfwell arc natives of' Davie county, but have lived In Yadkin for a number of year... Mrs. llmvell was formerly MI-h-s Myrllu Foster of the Furmtugton I community. The parents, four brothers, Rny, Gray, Roy and [Leonard, and one sister, .lane lAmandSi :siirvivc. Bio - Obituaries - 2/22/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 28,1934 Small Son Howell A A liutc 90S of Mr, and Mn. ^ Jaan Ho«ell.pfonDert]r of D&vio. ^ boi aow of near Hsauoilla died t Weddesda> of poeaiBooia, wbteb folloared as illness of.acasles. Bio - Obituaries - 2/28/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 1,1934 ROBERT L. CAIN DEAD Robert L. Gain, well-known citi%un of UDpor Dnvie, died at ilia home on Suiidny morning nt 9:25, ngcd 77. Tl»e dccciiaod wna tho son of Patrick Cain and Sn- aan Cljo.thire Cain, niul was a nionibcr of a prominent Davio county family. One of his bro- (hora. Dr. .lohn M. Cain, died Hcvorai yoara ago. Ho is aurvlved by one brother, Marshall Gain, and a number of nieces and nephews. His wife, who was a Mi.sa Adams, of Iredell, died a number of years ago. Tavo other brothers, Gltiaton Cain" and M. P. Cain, aiid two sisters, Mrs. Gid. eoii ITowoll and Mrs. Julius Har- Icey,, also. prcccdAd' him to tho grave, n .. • The funeral was held at Bear Creek Baptist Church on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, with n Rav. Mr. Clapton In chnrtfg;- • MRS. W. W. SUMMERS DIES SUDDENLY Mrs. Laura Hunter Summers, wife of W. Winfiold Summers, passed away suddenly at her homo near iTnlon Chapel on Sun day morning, aged 57. She was tlio daughter of th.o lato Chnrle.s Hunter and Mary K. Booo Hun ter. Tho surviving family con- .".Ists of her hn.sbund, two daugh ters, Mrs. Charlie Brown and Mrs. Ceell Peoplo.s, of the same community, one brother, C. A. Hunter, of Iredell, nnd one sis ter, Mrs. Amanda Bariioycnstle, of Route 1. Tho funeral was held at Union Chapel on Tuesday morning at 10:a0, with tho pastor, Rqv. G. B, Porree, . officiating. Tho pall bearers' were J. D, Dnnncr, C. P. Allen, -Glehn Boger, Paul Plorco, Charlie Angoll and E. ^Y• Wooten, nnd Miss Lucillie Allen and Wilmh .Hoiidricks had charge of the flov/era. • ; V , BAXTER SAIN, OP f COOLBEMBE, DEAD I Baxter 'Snin, of Coolccmcc, died suddenly nt his home on Monday, agod *10, death resulting from a hoaK attack. Ho wns"thc KH X (i: ilu' Into Luther Sain and Emma Kcndren Sain, ito was married three times, his first wife being Miss Lola Dobaon, of Cholcomcc, by whom ho liad quo son. James, .and a daughter, Wilmn. His second wife was Miss Irene Lippard, of Rowan, and oiio' daughter was born to this union. His third marriage wa.s to Miss Camilla Cuthrell, of Cooioemco, who survives hiiti. Tho last rites wore held at Oak Grove Methodist cliurcii on Tnos- day afternoon, with Rev. J. A. J, Parrlngton, pastor of the Goolce- mco Methodhst church,, in ciiarge. Bio - Obituaries - 3/1/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 7,1934 Robert Cim Dead. Robert Cain, 77, well known citizen of upper Davie. died Feb. 25 at bis bome and the . funeral was held Tnesday .moraine at the* Bear Creek Baptist cbiircb.. He n was a member of. a prominent. Davie family, tbe^n of the late Patrick H. Cain and Susan Cb^hire Cain. Snrvivdrs are a brqiher^ Marshal Cain, and a number of nieces; An- Qtber brotber, Dr. John -M. Cain, died several years a{;o. Mrs. D. Click Mrs. D. Click died at ber bome io Woodleaf early Monday morn iog. followinq a !0 days illness. Surviving is the husband and eigbl sons and daughters. Mrs. Click was a sister of Mrs. V. E. Swaim, of-tbis city. Fuueral and burial .services took place at Woodleaf yesterday afieruoou at 2 o'clock. Bio - Obituaries - 3/7/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 8,1934 DEATH C/.AIRIS MRS. W. W. SUMMERS Mrs. W. W. Summers, agoa ifly-sevcn, one of Dnvie'a best iclnvcd women, died February wenty-fifth at. her homo five ilns northwest of Moekaville. (rs.-Summers had'been in dc- lininff health' for several years, md for 'sbtne time her condition iiad been critical. ' She was the daughter of thu ale Charlie and Mrs. Catherine tuntcr, of Davie county. In 1901 she wd^'mnrried to Mr. • W. SjiiniAn'e'ro. To this'^uUibh' ivero boVn^'fivc children. Three iireccded'her to the great beyond, i hirvivln'g are her husband and he following children, Mrs. HascI h'own and Mrs, Sadie Peoples, )i Moeksville Route 2. She prnfos.sed faith In Christ naay years ago and united with |inion Chapel M. P. church where he lived a consistent member 'nlll death. Mr.s. Summers was a woman hh a good personality and had smilo for all. She will be great- |y ml.s.Hod In the home, church and uninuintty. Slie was a good wife, loving mother and was loved J' «ll Who knew her. The funeral services ware con- yUclud Fobriiary 27th, nt Union' >h:i|jol by her pastor, n.ssi8tocl by pv. J, Grace. A largo concourse H sorrowing volntivos and fri- pndj* bespoke, by their assambl- |i)g» tho esteem In which the de- jeflsed was held. The bereaved lompnnlon, children and rein- have oar prayars and byni" falhy. Her pastor, G. B. Ferree. Bio - Obituaries - 3/8/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 14,1934 ' J. A. Owiogs PMses,: J. A. 0wings; 81', died at his home < near SjieffieJd Ipsl Wednesday nigbt | following an illness of some time... Fuderal servicea were hdd at So'« ciety Baptist church, Friday morn/i ing at II o'clock, conducted by Rev. I J. L Ingram,.of Cool Spring,■siSted by-Rev. Mr».McSwaln. .Biir- 'ial followed in the church graveyard. Mr. Owen is survivedhis tvidow and two sons. J, E. atad,Hurophrev OwinB?. both of- Davia.One brother. -William, of - WilkfiS -boTO, and one sister, Mrs.. JaneGaitber. of near County Line, alsosurvive Mr. pwings was a native of D ivie county, but spent a largepart of his life at River Hill, Iredellcounty. He bad manv friends who were saddened by news of his death. . S. N. Beck peadi S. N. Beet, 82. passed away. Friday morning about 8 o'clock after a serious illne^ of .about six .w^eks He bad been in failihg health for thepast two.years. Snrviving are thewidow and step-mother atid six children: J M. and- L W. Reck, of Winston-Salem; D. -R. . Beck, of Davie connty; Frank. Beck, of;Washingtou,.IlL.C.; Mi^Dora Bwk. of CharlottesviUe, Va.; and Mrs. Ed Taylor, of Rocky Mt. The funeral was held at the homeon Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, and..,ihe intfrrmeot tojk place.at Woodland Cemetery, Winston-. Salem. at 1:30 o'clock. Rev. V. M. Swaim. aMisted.by Rev, W. C. Etrktnan, was in charge.. Bio - Obituaries - 3/14/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 15,1934 SAMUEL N. BECK, 82, PASSES AWAY SnmucI Nclcoti Bock, well-1 known iind highly respected cl-' tizGii of Dnvio county, died at his home In the Sheffield com- nuinity on Friday morning, March 9, aged 82. Tiie deceased was the son of David Beck and Poilie Richards Beck. He wag twice" married, his first wife being Miss Ida Bell Booc, and a number of children were born to this union. His second marriage was to Airs. ! Clementine" Money West; who (SUi'vivcs, with the following sons (and dnughtors of the-first mnv- •. ringe, .T. M. Beck and L. W. Bock,* • of Winston-Snlcgm D. R. (Beck, , of Davic, J, P. F. Bock, of Wnsh- I ington, D. C.. Miss Dora Bell Beck, of Chnrlottc.Hvine, Va., and - Mrs. E. L. Taylor, of Rocky Mount. The lust rites wore held i at the homo on Bundny morning at 11 o'clock, and the interment took place at Woodlnwn Ceme tery, WInston-Salcm, at 1:80, with Rev. "V. M. Swalm of that city, and Rev. W. C. KIrkmnn of ficiating. Tliosc acting as pnll- bcarcrs wci'c J. B. Reaves, S. S> Beck. W. W. Smith, R. G. Woot- en, N. W. Stroud and W. C. Parks, and the flowers wore* carried by Misses Mildred Beck, Flora Bell Bc-clc, Mac Parks, Edna Parks, Ruth Smith, l,\7//Ac Beck, Junin Wootcn, Mae Reaves and fSlmn Richardson. The deceased joined the hicthodist church in early life, and was ncllvoly interc.st- cd in church affaii^. Bio — Obituaries - 3/15/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 21,1934 Sirs. Spry • M.i4 T. F - S^ry died at her home near .Ephcsus ^arly .last. W^ues day mqntiiigV^^llowjog a weefc's illnpyQ of poen^opia." F.ttQeral ser» yiees were bcld [f rota the Cpoleepiee Baptist church Thursday afteraobn at 2:^0 o'clt^kijand ihe- body car ried to Chsrr.y^HUr graveyard ^.aod laid to rest. SuryiviPg is four sons, E; M, and A . H-. Spry, of Katina- polis; W. L. Spry"of H.igbfPoiiit; •p. N. Spry, of 'C^oleemee. Thr^e daughters, Mrs. T. C. Aisobroofc-s, i .of Cooleeaiee,. -ilTS. Lois Wilson | and Miss EUen Spry of jtbe home • bliaci. also .suifvive. . - I Mrs* Calvin Walker. Mrs. Calvin Walker, 83, died at the home of her daagfateti Mrs. T. P. Dwiggios, pear Ceptcr, last WednesdaV afternoon, foUowing.an illness of some time. Fatteral ser vices were'held at Center .Metbo' dtst--ctauich Thursday afternoon at 3"o'clock, conducted by her nastor, Kw. J. O. Banks, and the body was laid td^rest in the church ceme tery. Mrs. Walker is survived by| one spc Rev. W. J. S. Walker, andi ooe daughter. Mrs. T. P Dwiggins both of near Center. Mrs. Walker was osQ of jDayic couoty'a oldest: apd best known women, apd'tfacj entire communitv was saddened by n her .death. A' good woman has been called to her reward. Miss Nimqr'Clement. Ui^ Nancy Clemeot. doutfhtec of Wtl- Uam Beoderttba Clement and-the laid -parthenia CteiBent, passed away at Lowery Hmpiceil. SallBDdry. T&nrBday olabt. after an iUnesa of sovetal weeks. Ihe deceased is rarvived by her father, a Coofedecafe veteran, ber Btspmotber# two sister. The foneral was held at Oak Grove at 11 o'clock on Satdsday morning, and ^tbs' bnitol foUowed.ln'U'e Clement Gcavayaid, I sooth of Mdelc^llc.' ItevI J. b. Banks,' pastor of the Davie circohi oMclated. Bio - Obituaries - 3/21/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 22,1934 MnS. .AMANDA PENRY • WALICEU PASSES AWAY MISS NANCY CLEMENT DEAD Mm. Amanda Peiu-y Wulkcr, I eateamed' Dnvie county woman,' and widow of Calvin V. Walker, a Confedorato veteran, pnaaed away atithe home of her dautrh-* tor, Mra; T. P. Dwiggina, neav Center, on Wednesday nfitornbon, March Id, aged 83. She was the daughter .of n Joel Penry and i Ursula Dwiggins Penry, her par- : onta being among the early mem- 'bers of Center Methodist church, ' and she herself being a member there since girlhood. Sho i.s sur vived by one son, Rev. W. .1. S. Walker, a Methodist preacher, one daughter, Mrs. T. P. Dwig- gihjj, olghit grandchildren and several great-grandGhlldi'cn. The funeral was conducted at Center on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, by the pastor, Rev. J. 0. Banks, assisted by Rev. E. J. Harbison, and the imtbrmont was In the \'hurch cemotory. : MRS. ELLEN D. SPRY DEAD f Mrs. Ellen Dennis Spry, widow of the late Thomas Spry, pass ed away at her home near Ephe- aus on Wednesday, March '14, her death resulting tfroih inXlu-' onzn, followed by ! Mra. Spry formoriy lived ^n Coolccmee, and waa^a Iiighly re- ' spcctcd woman. She is aurvived by /our sons and throe daught-• era and several grnndlch|rdreh.'! The last rites were held a>t the Coolecmce Baptist church on' Thursday afternoon, with, the pastor, Rev. A. T, Stoudenmire, officiating. The intormcnit took place, at Cherry Hill graveyard, Miss. Nancy Clement, daught er of William Henderson'"Cle. mehi and"the -'late ;:'PaAh'^a. I-owery CIeK)ent,'c!lcd'ai the Lp.w.- ery Hospital, S&lisbury, on TOiurs day night, "Miirch l5, after an illness of several w;eel». She .was * qbpet and retiringvln hcr^'dla- .position, -but was- a devoied'!ddU- fghter,- and \yill be sadly- missed 'in her fhmily circle.. .She is sur vived'by her aged- tp:thor,.,*hor stepmother, two sIsibM, M/s, W. flarbln and " Mrs. • Charlie • . Jones, and one brother,D, A,, t. of Oiak .Grovd;- "The . jfunera.! was held at the homo at' ;Oak Grove on Saturdayvlihdrii-•' ing at. 11 o'-clOck, witfc Roy. ffi.:©;;' .tiarfks in charge,- and thbiilJUrJal V V.5 in. the ..Olcmeht gravdydr^.;. Tho' palLbearors ' wbrei:' Sotifbi^^^ Nali; R.; L. ■YrhiiAkbr,^vVCM,yi^Boies,-Jack- Bowles, ]^'(yrO)i^e SummOrs and W. H,. "McDhhlel, ; and the' flowers were carried by•Mrs. Bertha Bovv'lics and.Mrs. ila Taylor. ' . Bio - Obituaries - 3/22/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 28,1934 Kathleen James ;■ ,• Uttk Dies. Eatbleeo, li(tle4 year, old daugh''te rof Mr, and li^rs.' Carl fam^, .of City, who -w^s 'biimed abojat 4ouV weeks'^agc wbcD her clotbingrahgbt fi re, died at -Loag^s Hbs*pftal, Siatesville, "at one' o'clock Saturday aaorpioa:' The little girlpad been in a critical condition sin^e baiPR carried tp tbe bPspitai. Sur viving is the. parents, three brothers and pne sister,-besid^ many rela tives,. Funeral'services were coo dncked .by Rev, E, W. Tamer, at Torrentlue Baptisfchorch* Sunday afternooQ 'at .3 c^clock.. In " the death of this little daughter. Mr and Mrs. James have'the sympathy of the'entire' lown.' ."Suffer little children to come nbto Bfe, and for bid them not, for of such is the king- d 7m of heaTCD. Bio - Obituaries — 3/28/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 4,1934 Mrs. Ridenhonr. Mrs Sam Ridephour, 5^. widow of ibe laie ffam Ridenhour, resi dent of .Cooleemee, passed away Wednesdav at tbe borne of a daogb ter, Mrs. C. Nr Spry .foIJowibg fl» illness of some doraiion. . Mrs RidenHour was a: member- n of. the Coo'eemee Methodist church.. - • Funeral services! were held at the Cooleemce Methodist cbuirch.Thmi^ day with her pastor, Rey. J. A, -J Farringcon, officiating, "and inter meat tollowed ia Liberty Methodist cemetpry. ... . Surviving relative include three daughter. Mrs- C: N. iSpfrand Mrs; G. F. M^ict; ot Cooleemee and. Mrs F. E. 'Reward.: of Dur- ham. Several j^aadchildrea also survive. . " ; UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, 4/4/1934 wW. A. Irdaod. 79. died' at lioiBe Id Clarksvilte lotntaMp eorlp. . Monday morniofl^, folletrlas a stroke of paialvsis.' Paseral servloea were eeodoet^ by Rev. Dallas Resegar atrSaedySpriaiis Baptist ^oreb .avaeevara. Mr, Irelaiidlssaivlved by bis widow, five soos Rod two daagbten. Two sisten aod-ose brotbecalsa sttrvlve, V Bio - Obituaries - 4/4/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 11,1934 Mr8.£.0. • Mrs Marie "Walw Morris; 70, wife of B. O. MoitIs, promioenlf business man of this cityf p^ed a-. way at her Kome oij Salisbury street .Wedaesday afternoon folIpwinR' a short illness of pneumoDia. Mrss; Morris was a native 01 Lout n sians. having been horn at White Castle Planraiion, the daughter of G. D. N Wales, a prominent at- ornev of that state. - Mrs. Morris has madp her bom^ et Itfocksville for about 35 years. She-was a mem^ berdf the Roman Catholic chnrcb, Surviving aie the husband, cue son, Oeorge Ralph Morris, of Knox- ville, Tenn . one granddaughter Janice Marie Morris; three sixers, Miss Lotiise Wales, of IrOUtsiana, Mrs. H. C. .Wh'iiraan and Mrs. Benjamin Beplieus. of New. Or leans. ^ Fuuera^ services were conducted at the home on Salisbury street Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, bv Father William, Caibolic priest of Salisbury. The. body was laid at rest in Rose cemetery. To the be reaved husband, the son and sisters. The Record joins their manv friends in exteodiog sympathy in this hour of sadnes.s H. Clay Koontjz... Henry Clay. Koontz. 60. died at his home near Cool^mee last Tues day night, death fpU'owing a heart attack. Mr. Koontz had been in bad health for several months, but was in this city on business the day before bis.^eatb, SurvivingMr. Koontz is bis wife, .Mrs. Lnelia Cope Koontz.-Uf Cop leemee:''6ve sdns, H. V. Koontz. of Greensboro,.Raymond Koontz, of Brooklyn N. Y , D. K Koontz, of Greensboro, L A, Kop.ntz, of Bar lisgton. and Archie - Koontz. .of High Point; three daughters, Mrs. 0 H. Ervin. of Greensboro. ^ Mi^.- Ray Marlev. of Durham, and'Mrs.' re=5sie Koontz, of Cooleemee-.^ Mr. Koontz was a member ..of the 'Cop leetnee Methodist chtjrcb. He had been superiDtendent of the Coolee- mee farms, owned • by-the Eryih Cotton Mills, for the past 20 years or more.. He had made hundreds* of friends since moving to Davie county, and all were is^dened J>y the news of his death;.,.Mi*.Xpontiz was one of .l.thfr_- edito^s.;/^^^ friends: and.opry>p *9^tp^ iofe .bis death lle.pald^^tir'pffidlf .'a^ pleasait-visit'. We shall- liilss bis hearty baod-claspv and .cbeerfnl greetings/ ~ Funeral -services^ were..held, at Cooleemee Methodist church Thurs day afternoon ai i o'clock, -con ducted by Rev. J. A. J. Farriog ton, and the body carried to Shilcdr Methodist chnrch grayevard, in Davidson county, and laid at rest. OrrieW.File. Orrie W. File, 53, died at bis home in Higuy Point on Monday night, Apr. and. death following a stroke of paralysis which he .suffer ed about six weeks ago. Funeral services'were held at tbe .Koonce funeral home, High Point, . Wed nesday at noon, conducted by Dr.'. Renoicki of the First Presbyterian church.jiadtbe body brought to Unity Pr^byterian*church, Wood- leaf, where services were conduct ed by Rev; Mr. Taylor; 'pastor of MecbaiaicsyiUe M. P. church, assis ted by Rev. Mr..Oppl!nger, pastor of Unity Presby^rian church,- af tfr which the body .was laid at rest in the cburcb graveyard. ' .. ^ Surviving Mr. File are his • wife, two sons, Weldon, of Bassettt Ya.; apd-James, ot High Point. One daughter. Miss Rose File,' also.j^l High Point. . Two brothers, Ernek and George, and two sisters, /Mrs. J.'W. Qoinn. and M'ra. M-. Abel, of Alexandria,Va.,al$dsur.viye; • Mr, File was a native of Woodl^f, but moved tb Hickopr^mpre' than - 30 years ago He lived for some time in Salisburj^ later'mbying ioMary'? land. Kor the. past fi years he'bad been. a resident... of- "High. Point. Mr. File was a brolber in-law pf tVe editor. - The "wife," -children, brothers and sisters, bayP the - sym pathy of all their ffieqds'Jii this sad hour. Deceased-was a member.'-of t.he. Presbi terian church, and .was. a member of the Masonic order.'; ? Mrs. D. C. Penry. Mrs. Fannie Ervin Peary died at the home of her daughter,^Mre. Evans Lake?, in Farmioittoo. oo' Suodav morolng, after ' a long itlnesB. Soe was the widow of De Witt C. Peory, who died obo'ut four yea^ ago. Survivipg sons bod daughters 'are • Robah Penry, of Durham;' Duke Peiiry.. of Winfltoo-Salem;. Claude Penry, district maoager for the R. J. Reynolda Tobacco Cbmpaiiy, San Antcmio. Texas; Earl Penry STatk^,^ Aotonio,' Tskbs: ,' opd Mrs. -Evaoa Lakey, ofParmingthn. '. The fttoeraVwa'a held at Uoion Gfaapal M. P. Charcti," where the deceased was a member, Monday- afternoon 'at 2 o'clock.'. Bio - Obituaries - 4/11/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 11,1934 Mrs., d'Nbill-Passes. Fmieral secyices (pr Mrs.. Mary ^ampbelt O'NeiC??. were held ..at XTnlou Chapel M. P.' church last jTaesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, I conducted hy Revs G.- .i. Fecree I and E. W, Turner. Burial follow* ed In Joppa graveyard. Mrs.'O'Ncil had been-a resident oUDavie conn ty for the past three years, coming here from" Virginia. Surviving is one son, Charles O'Neil.. Bio — Obituaries - 4/11/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 18,1934 Mrs. Eii McDaniel. Mr3. Gli MeDa&ieK85, died Sunday at the home of bar*daughter, Mrs. W. E UeltoD, near Comatzei^ death following a fitroke pt paralysis. Pun^ eral advices were conduct^ by Revs. W M. Rathborn and M. A. Lewis, yesterday afternoon at 2 - o'clock, and the body laid to rest in Coraatzer graveyard. Surviving Mrs. McDaniel is one daogbier, Mrs. W. E: Melton, and ^0 son.", George and Matthew McDaniel, and a number of grand- cbildren. Mrs. Bettie Miller Cline Mrs. Bettie Miller CUne, 6o, died at the home of ber daughter, 'Mrs. R. L. Cope, at Advance on April 9, the funeral being held Wednes day afternoon at Advance Baptist cbiircb, by Rev. £. W. Turner. The deceased was the widow of Thomas H Cline Three dangbters Mrs. L. L. Potts and Mrs. R. L. Cope, of Advance, Mrs. T P. Etcbi son, of Bixby, one stepson, J. H. Cline, of Porsytb, and a brother, Martin Miller, of Clemmons, sur vive. ^ 8Kt0jidi^|Kiss /= V At CteiOiiibiis,.: ^JWiUiam. Hirant..M^aoiels. 40,died at home ..hear 'CWmhions last Tuesday morning. - fie' bad been in declmg health since ' March- 31 His condition bad been critic^j' with pnenmonia fpr a .. • . ' • The djeMased-. was born tn-^ Davie county..:tbe son of Charles aii'd' Alice Wood McDaniels, and -was married to MisS.;_EStef Holder in 1917. He was a^membet' of tbp. CIemmoQs> Baptisi church .and .bad- lived in that comm'nnitv; for a num-' ber of years. . ^ Stityivlng^-aVe bis. wife; one son. WilHahi Fra'nk;' one daughteiT' Edith Cleo; his parents'; one brother: and two sbters. . Funeral services were held from Clemmops Baptist church Thurs' day at I i o'clock,, and ihterment followed in the church graveyard. Bio — Obituaries - 4/18/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 25,1934 Jfsm L fUcHatdA Travfe S^Batrfel, sg, at bis borne s£- Blue ..B^dge Sisconsft:, Pai,^ Off Slooday, AptS iftffe fof- lo^inffso SJness tbres yescSi ifif, SfcEJsnfei Sad liffad fe Waafc- icjjtcB, D C,, foT. maxtr. 6®' mg s C, S. Matt CIcrJfc vtrhh -a ixstt &3(«6eD Wiasbtogeoa sod HatQ^r. STr C. Ate be becsmfe ill be wte to Blae Ridge StnniDit^ Ba Mr, .was borra nesr Coroatiser, being a sen of Mr, and Mrs, A S, SIcDaoiel, He lefr : Darie aboat 15 ^earsago. He was married to Hibel Smicb, of near Smitb Grose. • j Surviriag besides tbe widow and tbe parents are two sons, T, E,| MeDasief, fr., and Carey McDanM;- iwo danghters, Irene and Betty Sac McDsnfcf; one sisier, 3fr5, F,: 6, <^b, of Winston Sslem; six brotbers, J, A, McDaniet* of Ricb • mond. Via; I, E 3IcDaniel, of WasbingtOB, D, C,; Jr S, McDanid^ • of Winston Salem, and G, F„ E, W, and Setb ilcDaniel, aif of near Cornstz&f, Faaeral services were beld at Stnicb Grove' Methodist cbnrcb Thursday, afternoon, at 2 o'ctocfc, cond acted by Rev. >L G Ervin, and tbe body laid to rest in tbe cburcb ccfflctery . - - • In tbe death of Travis McDantrf tbe editor of Tbe Record, lost a: warm personal fnend; .We bad' known Travis for many years, and | bis death brongbt sorrow to as. To the wife, tbe cbildren, tbe parencs,s- brotfaers and sister, we extend deep, sympathy in this sad boor. -1 Mrs. J. A.Dontbi^ Mrs, Maria DonCfaiC, 85, widow of the late J, A. Doathb, died at her home near Clemoions last- TneS'l day morning April jyth. deatb fol-j lowing a stroke of paralysis Fatt'l eral services were beld at tbe'borne > Wednesday moroing and borial fol' lowed in tbe Fraternity graveyard. | Mrs' Doutbit is survived by twp| sons, Jobd'. of Badio, and Jakr, dfl Cba,rlotte; five daugbters, Mrs, A, I B, Hartman, 6f Advance! R,. -1, Mrs.'E, H, Morris, of tbis city; Mrs Rafns Pickeds, of-CiemmonSi Misses Eliza and Nannie Donthit, also of. near Clemmons, -Mrs, Oontbit was a member of tbe; Dank* ard cbttrcb; A good' .woipaii bas gone to ber reward, ; . Mrs. Clementuie Boger Mrs. Oementine Roger dted at titaboma of Her shter, Mrs, N. A* Boger; April20,!n ber 62fad year. She uraa tbe widow of DC' Witt Boger, who died two years ago. She fa survived by five sisters, Mrs Daniel Mlllaaps, of Alexandercdiifity;Mrs; Rgnbeo Protts, of Htokorf; Mrs. C. L: BeA' ver, of route two; Mrs. Lawrence Cowen, of fredetl, and Mrs. N. A Boser. of Modis- ville roufe two. Tne fonerelwas b^ld Sat' orday afremooo at Union 'Qiaiiel. 'at Z O'clock, with-tbe pastor.* Rev. 6. B, Ferree. in charge. Miss Mai^'EIizatelh Hndsoci for innre tbau'^jo^rs a scbabt teacher in Davie conntv; aitd a redde'nV-bf C^leeme^-- died V in a Sal^nry^ hospital last-Monday ' eyebing. fol* lowing a liiigering-.Ulness.- VS^e re^ signed ffbib; the, Cooleeraee .'s^ool facnlty lyte :te. fai*^ some'tinie agbt' . She,bad* been ' t^cbing Jn that.'sQbcb1 fdr aboiit 2^ years. Miss Hud^n.was a tbember of..one of.Dayie.c»nntv*5 best knownrfanii* li^, who* settle ' in.. this .section shortly after the A'merican R'evnlii tionv. Sbe. wias.'a dadgbterl.df' Mr, T;..C. HiidsDB; and Ws a' member of tbe Cooleemee Episcopal ctitfVch. Surviving', is. ber * fatber^Tand' one brotber ' - . . "Funeral, sendees were fadd at>the home on -Wednesday aftetnoob at 3 o'clock, cobdbcted. by; Rev. .C. E. B. Rpbinsbn, p^lor-of the Gbdd Shepbeid' Bpi^palchbrdi. of Ceo • leeaiee, and tbe body laid at rek^u Liberty.: Method.ist 'CemOteiy. To lle'ag^.fatte brotber.The Reraid extenite sympathy iu Jtbis hour of sadness. n Bio - Obituaries - 4/25/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 2,1934 Mrs. John Whitaker 'Mis; J.pbii Wbi'.aker, ag^ of. Qak Grove diisd at the Baptist Hospi tial; Winston- Salem; Saturday after- ndon^ death resdltfug from tuber culosis. Funeral services were con duct^ by her pastor, Rev. J. O Banks, at Oak Grove Methodist church Sunday affernQon at 4 o'clock, and. the .body laid to rest, in the church cfemetery.^ Mrs. Whitahhr is survived, by her bus band-, one son. and '-one da'Uf;bter. One sister. Mrs. Milton Waters, of- this city, also survives. The be reaved'^ husband and ^motherless chtldren have the sympathy of the commuuitv in this sad hour. .. Paul A. Efird V Paul A Bard, rs.wholi^ oiir ^ County Line, died 00 April aotb-' "*1 and was buried en April 23tid, at- ^ China Grove Mr. E6rd to sncviv* ,. ed bv bis widow and oino ebildreo. His death icanlied Iroo pnonnumia. Bio - Obituaries - 5/2/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 9,1934 Sarah E. Holman j* Mrd. Sarab H HelmsOi 89.- \ at ber homa near Hnlmao'a last /'^Friday. Fnntcral and burial. »f /'W vi^ were held at Union Cnapel I ' M. P. cburcb- Sunday afternoon at / o'doek. conducted by Reo. V. I,« M. Swalm and Jaues M. Grace. Vof) Mia Holman i< anrylyed by four sons and font dausbten. bcaidca a ^ boat of rdatiee* and friends. Bio - Obituaries - 5/9/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 16,1934 Casper Sain Aged Farmer Passes. Casper Sain, 3i, well-kuotvD Davje county farmer, dtedx at bis borne near Oak Grove Thursday night at lo o'clock," followiug an illness of seven weeks Mr. Sain was a native of this county, having spent bis eotiie life here. Surviv ing is the widow and two sous. Ai ben and Wiliiatn, both of near Mocksville, and one stsier, Mrs. 1. N. McMaiian,' of High Point. Funeral services were conducted by bis pastor, Rev. T. 0. Banks, at Oak Giove Methodist church Saturday morniugat ii o'clock, and the body laid to rest m the church cemetery. The bereaved wife, sons and sister, have the sympathy "bf a host of friends iti the death of this loved one. Jesse F. Grubb. Jesse F. Cmbb. S4, died at b:s home near Fork Sunday night, at II o'clock, folloniug &n extended Illness of heart .trouble. Funeral services were held at Noe Creek Bap ist church Tuesday afternoou at 1 o'clock. - Mr. Grubb is sur vived by his widow aud four chil- dreu. one daughter and three sons, viz: Miss Lon Grubb, Spencer, Jacob and Israel Grubb. Mr. Grubb wasoneof Davie's oldest an best known citizens.i Miram Dickens. Abram Dickens, 57, hied at his home in Clarksville township Satnr day night, death resuUiug from paralysis. Funeral, and burial services took place at New Liberty Baptist cburcb Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr. Dickens is sur vived by bis widow two sons and one daughter. .'J. B. Camppell Mrs. John B. Cainpbeli, 6S. died at bur I borne near Oak Orove Sonday moAing at 3 o'clock, following a ssrions-iJlness of two pweeksr. Potieral servieea were conductedIbv Rev. J 0 Banks at Oak Grove Metho dist church Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, aod the bwot laid to rest in the church Icetneiery. Mrs. Campbell la survive>i i>y 1 two sons, tValtet and John, both at home, and four daughters, Mra John Pope, of: StattLsville; Mr . S. C. Hulcbins. of Dea' i •::on^; Mrs. W. M. Koonlz. of Kanpa. and; Mi <3 Ella May CiiffipbeU. Her mftlieh \ir'. H<'nry Peacock, and one sister. Mr-. Sat ie Whitaker, both of R ?, and fncri grandciotdien. also suivlve. '10 the b • reavedvoes The Recetd oxtcndo sytnputby. Daniel M. Williams. Daniel M. Williams. 93, well known farmer of Pork, died at bis home Sundav evenlng at 7 o'dock. deain retuliing frnm old age. Pnnera! services were held Tues day afterooon at 3 o'dock at Fork Baptist cbnich by Rev. Mr. Momford, and the bod> ' laid to losr In the cburcb cemetery. Mr.1 Williams is survived by two sonsZ. N end Jessie WiiUams.fiiurdaugbters, Mrs. Mag gie li^io. Mrs. John Green. Mra. Colman I Foster and Bdias Maude Williams. A num ber of grand and greatgrandchildren eut- viva. Bio - Obituaries - 5/16/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 23,1934 Cyrus F. Alexander Mr. Cjfinis. F. Alexander,. 75. di^at his borne near Clevel^d last Tuesday ujoraiag, death rgsalc- from high blood pressure. Fun eral services were held at Cleve- laud Methodist church Wedn^ay afcemoou, and the the body laid to rest id the Clereland Baptist cfanrch cemetery. Mr. Alexander is sqz vived by by his widow and eight cbildreo,. among ihem being Char lea W , C. E ; and Thomas Alex ander, of Cooleemee. To-the be reaved ones The Record extends sympathy. ' Hall Tutterpw. Hall Tuiierow, 66, Davia farmer who lived near tbe countv 'borne, died last Tuesday following a short illness. F uneral and bnnal services weie held at ^Center' Methodist church Thursday afterooon. Mr. Tuiterowissuiyjved by several sod.s and daughters, besides a number of relatives. Lewis Everette Wiiliams. Lewis Everelte Williams, .aa'year old Dayse jnan, who bad been a patient in a Morgantou hospital for three years died at bis home at Smith Grove May 13. . He was Ibe son of Roy E WilUahis and Maggie hosier Williams 'of Smith. Grove. In addition to tbe parents the fol lowing brothersand sisters survive; William F.. Williams, of Los Angele-s; Edwin and Ellis,' Dorothy Inez. GIrlene and Nellie Williams. The funeral was held Tuesday moraiug at 11 o^clock at Smith Grove, with Rev. M. .O. Ervln in charge. Mrs. Aiay Carter. Mrs. Amy Carter, 94, died last' Tuesday night at 8:30 o'clock at the home of her daugter, Mrs. George Everhardt, near Ephesus, death resulting' Irom old age. Fun eral-services-were conducted by her pastor; Rev. J. O. Banks, at Liberty Methodisr church Thursday aft^r- noon.afteruooD at 3 o'clock, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Mrs. Carter is survived by one son, T. W< Carter, and ot e daughter,^ Mrs. Geo. Everhardt. both of Jemsalem township. Many grand and great-grandchtldreiTsur yive. Mrs. Carter was'a native of Stanley county, but moved tq Davie about fifty years ago. Bio - Obituaries - 5/23/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 24,1934 MRS. AMY .carter, ACED DAVIE WOMAN, DEAD ^ Mrs. Amy iCartor, bne of Davio county'a oldest and best ibelovcd ivomcn, passed away, nt the homo, of her daughter, Mrs. Ocorgo W. Evcrhardt, near Liberty church, on Tuesday night, May 15, aged 94. Shd" was the dnughtor of John and Elizabeth Troutman, and was born Rowan county in March 18-40, ;hcr parents, later moving to Stndly county. In 1858 she .was married to John A. Ho- woll, ond to thW union were born , two dnughtors, Mrs. A. T. Loflor '' and Mrs. R.. P. McSwaln, both dcccasod. Mri.Howoll died in Wilmington n l.RO.l, while serving OB A soldier in the Confedernto Army, In 1860 she was united Jn marriage to. Julius Carter, ond four children were 'bom to them, Elln Oorter, Mrs. G. W. Evcr-■hordt, J. W. Cnrter .ond Robovt •Carter, those surviving being Mrs. Evorhnrdt and J. W. Corter, iboth of whom live In the LibertyI commnnlty. . Mrs. Cnrter joined the church in early girlhood, nndher long Ilfo was given in faith ful service to her Master. She•wtis A (chavtbr irjfjmbcr of. itho Liberty Ladles* Aid Soolety. For ^ the past two yoars sho' had been confined to her bod with the infirmities of oge, but woB nUvayfl cheerful and interested Jn her.; family and friends, The ^end of' this Waiitlfu),;lIfe;9amo'.T)eacoful-ly, and he? rolatiye^ "sorrbw pdt as those who hAve no hope." Innddltioh-'to thib dhiightor And aon mentioned, she Js surylvod by 20grAndchlVdron and 89 grcat-grahdchlldren. Ilio lost rites wereconducted nt Liberty Methodist 'church by the pastor, Rev. J. 0.Banks, on Thursday afternoon at 8 o'clock. And the Intomont was In the church cemdtovy. The foLlowing grniidHona wore pnllibear- ers: WiUlo McSwain, Walter Mc- • Swain, 'Clyde Carter, Carl Carter,Dcwey Evorbardt and NolsonjEverhnrdt. The many beautifulIftprol designs were cftrvicd byi granddaughters and great-grand*daughters: Sarah Carter, Louise 'Carter, Mnrlola Crawford, AmyCrawford, .Prances Crawford, Ed- ' na Crawford, Oma Carter, GladysCnrter, Mrs. Maxcy Soaford, RosaMcSwnln, Agnes McSwain, Fran cos McSwaln, Gertie McSwain,Mildred'Carter, Velmn Cnrter, Ada Carter; Katherlne Eyorhardt,Ethel Everhurdt, Allinc McDan-iol, Mrs. J. G. Crawford .and Mra. Ralph Dwigglns, MBNDRIX INFANT DEAD Edna Mac Hondrix, pnc-j^enr old daughter of Mr, and Mrs.. .Otis Hondrix, died, dt the homo of the pn'ronts, hear Pork on Tnesday, May 22, ofter an.nincsb of ton days of .<pnoumpnla. : Tlio funeral was held . at Pulton Me thodist church on'Wodnosday afternoon-, nt 2 o'clock, and* the In- •icrment.was in the church grnvoh' yard. The parents ahd one broth- .er, Clarence, and ' oho sister,. Monic, survive. Mi's. Hondrix was formerly Miss -Monfo liege. Rev. M. A. Lewis, pastor of Advauco circuit, officiated, nssistcd by T. I. Caudoll. The pnllbonrora wore Misses * Lucilo Reck Ethel Pastor, Blanche Coble, nnd Maurcdn Hondrix. The flowers were carrlpd by Gladys • Hondrix, Lillian Hondrix, Maga-, lone Peacock, Hnldhb Beck, Hazel,..Hondrix, J^hiiio RuthJ&cck, Tod-;;'.die Mtljef|i;;A^- B Hphdrixi. ;.'Jr:i.jGarlaiid -i^endrix, "Baxter Ppncp.ck,.' and ■ Heieri-Hoge.": V-V ', '" MRS. WILL X. COLEY DEAD ; Relatives ]ic?e received, the .'bed hmvs lest .wcelf of the tragic death of Mrs! Will X. Colcy, of Raleigh, who was acrJoualy In jured in un aulomoblle collision on May l.'l, her death, resulting a few hours later .in a Raleigh hospital. Mra. Colcy was formerly Miss lA-ddie Giie Harris, of Ra leigh, and came to Mockavillo ns A bride, wJion Mr, Coley was edi tor of the Davio Times and mayot of Mockflvillc. She will be plcn- sontly remembered fcr her gra cious-personality.'-Mr. and Mrs. Coloy had Jieen living in Raleigh for a number of years, whore he. is circulation manager- of Th.o Now8-«and Observer. Her husband and throe sons, Harris Coley, of Rnlolgh, Wm X. Jr:;' and HenryColoy,'of All.aula,' survive, Mr, and Mrs; Coley wero returning home from Durham, ^yhel•o.they. had .been to sco his mother^ Mrs. JonteB Cploy, when the accldpiit- occurred, . . HALL TUTTEROW DEAD Hall Tutterow, iDavIc county fni'iner, ipasscd nwny on Mnj' 16, ngcd GC. The funeral was holiT at Coiitcr Methodist idiurch on Tlmrsdny afternoon, with Rev. W. J. S. Walker nnd Rev. W. 0. Kirkmnn in charge. The deceased v/ns *n member of Mount Tabor church. His wife died several 3'CJirs ago, and the following sons nnd daughters survive: Lincoln, ITnrvey, Edward, Gilbert ami I'ntil TuTtterow, Mrs. Jim Daniels Mrs. Shonf Hcllnrd, and Mr.-<. Lizzie Spilimnn, nil of Dnvie county. Bio - Obituaries - 5/24/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 30,1934 Carr Emma Blume Edna Mae Heiidrix, Funeral and burial services were KSTd on Wednesday for Edna Mde Hendrix, one year-old daughter "cT Mr. and. Mrs. Otis Hendrix who passed away on Tuesday. _at the home of its parents following a ten- day illness of pneumonja. In ad dition io the parents one small brotEer and a snmll sister survive. Funeral and. burial services were held at Fulton Methodist Church with the pastor, the Rev. A; 'Lewis officiating. Spry. Uriah Spry. 67, died Sohday after noon at hie., honie in Shady Grove. Funeral BerviceBJw^y-**^'*^'^ 'icffTrX.liiriAWia, assisted by Kev. 6. W, Foster, Mond^ afternoon at 4 o'clock, and the bcdy lafd to rest in the'i^ady Groye cemetery: Mr. Spry is survived by his widow, his mother, four brothers and one sister. Foitper Mw. Coir v-Emma Blame difd at ". her home near Reldavllle. May 18,-1954after saveral nioatla of fllhasi ^ .. 'i. \ Silrs. Btom^ .dadghter* of B^janiln. Martha MWct Howard, 'was bopmioiDavie Muoty Oct.' 7,1868. . She aociit hpr early Hfe in this county, but ahout ilui^^flvc rears ago movedrwitb heir hosbandF,' via N. Blom'e-to RMkiogbam county,;/ She Betblebam M."E.i^i}icli. this cOttDtv:ac an..early age later _moviiJg her iDembeiisbip to' Sharon; Baptistphtuipb where hw.funeral rites wt^e held-Sdaday May 20;. . " "■' Sttrvivin^.&re three sons 6e6, N. Bloipe,of Middleborg, N. C.. Loftin. Bliime. of Went Worib, N. C., Kelly Biuroe, ofSparti N. C Two.daaghtOT, Mw. Jolm j Wetmore. of Reldsville R.Miss Etta!Blume, of Lyochbury, .Va. Two .brqthejtj 6eo. L. Howard of Lexington. Joe H. How-1ard. of Advance, R. 1.' ..Three sisters Mrs. ^ Sarah Etlen roster, of Wiastoo-Selem; Mrs.' Johh Riddle, and Asbury Riddle. Hof Ad vance. .' Rev. Giltespie, of .Sharon Baptist church j and Rev. Clarb, of Speedwell Pbsbyterian- cborcb coDdocted the funeral services. Graham Bowles. Graham Bowles. 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. BowleB,'di^ Snn-day night at 0 o'clock at the home of bis< parents, near Jericho. Fnn- erat services. w.ere held at Jericho Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, con ducted by Revs. W. L. Reeves and TbetUB PHtchard, and the body laid to rest in the church graveyard.. Surviving is the parents, three broth- era and'one rister. Walter B. Horn Jr. Walter B. Horn Jr. 24. died Mon day evrndng at' his home at Smith Grove,'death reaoltlDg from pneu- thonia. Funeral services will be held at Oak Grove Methodist cbnrcb this afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Revs: J. 0. Banks and R. C Gofortb, andihe body laid to rest in the church cmetery. The parents, Mr. and Mrs;W. B. Horn, survive. Bio - Obituaries - 5/30/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA KING NEWS NOTES, Unknown Date (Ancestry.com lists date of death as June 1,1934.) Nancy Foster Stafford MO'fflOR OF LOCAL CITIZEN IS DEAD Wonl wng received here Saturday mnrnir? of the death of Mrs. Nancy I'oster Stafford. 73. at her home in Peler.sbiirsh. Va. .Mrs. Stafford, -vho •.V.A.; the mother of .Inn F". SI.Afford. i>( W.nstnii.Salem. •.vill he hiirind in thn F'orlt Chureh Cemninry, Davic i-oimiv, the limn no! ynt annoiiiirnd. Tho hndy 'vill arrive in Winaton-Sa- lom today. .Sl.nffnrd had l»nnn rrilir.nll'.' ill f<ir .■;i>tiio timn. am! hnr dnalh *v.a.j out unc.xtHicted. Mr. Stafford was at .'hn bedside when the end rame. .^iii-vivins .are tiircf! .son... J. F- ttiaffnrd of thi.s riiy. .1. C. and T. J. Sf.nffMrd iif relersimrc. two d.Aii!:lilnr.<;. .Mr.s. Ltaur.*! 'rnfrell of Va.. and .Mi.*.-; M.amie Stafford of reter.sbitr?: and nnn .sis ter. .Mr.i. Tom .Shoetr. of I..e\in;;ton. i/iMn MHwc: Mnrp<s Bio - Obituaries - 6/1/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 7,1934 AIR. AUSTON HALL TUTTEROVV PASSES AWAY Mv. Atiaton Hall Tutterow, n hiifhly eatocmGd Dnvie county former died at his home near Mockavllle on May 16, 1034. He was 64 years, 8 months old. He "was married to Miss Rebecca Ann Godby In IBDl. To this union was born 9 children, 4 skirls and- 5 boys: Messrs. A. H. and Ecld Tuttciw, of Rowan county, Link, 'Gilbert and Paul Tutterow of this county, airs. N. J. Snfrlct, of Kniinapolls, Mrs, James Daniels, j'Mrs. Calvin Si)illmnn and Mrs. Wade nollnrd, all of Uavlo and i •Miss Mattie Tutterow, of Salis-' bury. Two half .slaters, Mrs. | JikIko Foater, of Greensboro and j •Mrs. Henry Dwistjiina and one j, half brother, .Mr. Link Kurfees, J bf Statesvlllc. Mr. Tutterow join- ed Mount Tabor. Holiness church ' ^ in early life and lived a faith-'] ful member until death. He .had. j been confined to his bed for the■past six months, but bore his' j suffering- with great patieniee. j;, Friends and loved ones did all that medical sdence could do to restore him bock to health, but his days were filled and he pass ed on to the beautiful manslona < above. Ho will be greatly miss ed -by all who knew him. Funeral Rorvlcos were hold at Center Methodist church Thurs-, day evening, Slay 17, at 2 p. m. by Rev. Klrkman and Rev.r W. J. S. Walker, officiating. We extend deep sympathy to the surviving relatives In this sdd hour. LAST KITES FOR WALTER HORN, JR. Tho last sad rites for Wolter Horn, .Jr., well-known young man of tho Smith Grove community, were held at Oak 'Grove Metho dist church on last Wodncsdny afternoon at 2 o'clock, with the pastor, -Rev. J. 0 Hanks, in charge. Tlic pallbearers wove Glenn Craven, iCieland Craven, Billie SlaokwOuJ,'Craven Gr'ffii). Edgar Sain and Lonnlc G. Cdl, and the floral tributes avuro cur ried by Misses Helen, D'orothy and Margaret Craven, Jessie Griffin, Lucile Horn, Irene Horn, Clara Sain, Hazel .Snin, Virginia Sheek, 'Preva Craven, Bettie Cra ven, Altu Craven, Ida Rose Blackwood, Opal Cook, Lilllc -Mc- Clamroch and Pinkie Patterson. Great sympathy Is felt for the bereaved parents in tho loss of thoir only child. Bio - Obituaries - 6/7/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 13,1934 Mrs. Smoot Drops Dead Mrs. Sallie Smoot, 82. of the late Scott Smoot, of near ICet- chie'fl Mill; died suddenly earty Mon day morning. Faoeral services were held at Salem Methodist chnrch terday morning at 11 o'clock, and the body laid to rest in the chttrch. graveyard. Rev. J, 0. Banks con ducted the funeral Bervices. Mrs. Smoot is survived by one son C. A. Smoot. .and four daughters, .Mrs. John Roontz, Mrs. Marsh Turner, Misses Tempe and Emily John, all of South Calahain Mrs. Smoot was one of Davie's oldest and best known ladies, and her death has brought sadness to a host of friends and loved ones in the community in which she spent a long and useful life. Bio - Obituaries - 6/13/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 14,1934 AlHS. SAIJJE A. SiMOOT ' DIES SUDDENLY Mrs. Sidiie Anderson Smoot, well-known and esteemed Davio county woman, and widow of the late W. Scott Smoot, died sud* dcnly at her home in the Salcni community on 'MondAy, June 11. aged 84. She was the daughter of Charles Anderson and Emeline Anderson, of Dnvie county. She had been in falling health for several years, but her death camo as a great shock to her family and friends. The last rites were held at Suicm Methodist church on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, with the pastor. Rev. J. 0. Banks, In charge, n large con course of relatives ond friends being present. The music con- sislccl of two quartets, "Beyond the, jSmiiing and the Weeping,'* and "Rock of Ages," by Messrs. Z. N. Anderson, C. H. Tomlin- ^ son, W. F. Stonestreet and Dr. R. P. Anderson, and .."Nearer My God to Thee," by the choir. The surviving family arc four dau ghters, Miss Temple Smoot, Miss John Emily Smoot, Mrs. Lillian Koontz and Mrs. Marsh Turner, * and one son, Aubrey Smoot, nil 'of the Salem community, six grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. A. R. Tomlinson, of this place, I and Mrs, F. II. McMuhan, of '• Pino, and four brothers, Stewart ' Anderson, of WInston-Snlom, T. j J. Anderson, of Salisbury, N. T. I Anderson and R. S. Anderson, | ' of Calnhnln. | Bio - Obituaries - 6/14/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 20,1934 iliia Hdd tast ritea ^arbiD, 73 • o£ KannapoUs, who died Saturday momin'j at 12:05 o'clock^ ^ter aheight weeks' illness, were held. Son- day afternoon at 8:30 o clock at Smitb Grove ISIetbodist:. cfaoreb condocteq bv RevMI. C. Williama; Piaw. of Trinity Methodist diurch of Kanna*polls.'•. Burial fbil.owed in the cooao- ^^A'natlve bf .Davie cotin^. where he served aa deputy • sheriff .fw S3 years. Mr. Harbin had lived in Eac- napolis for the pMt sixteen years. He was a member of the Uelboaist chtirch. and. frafernally, was "aflili- ''ated with the Woodmen and . Junior Orders. He leaves a hostojE frienas who rejrret bia paMingl; Mr. Harbin is: Survived by two daogbters. Mrs. 0. 0 Leonard, of ijlocksville; and Mrs. Pearl Aiexan- misses Delia and Saltie Barolni oiKaiiDapolBiaodonetotlier.lf. w. Harbin, of this city. Bio - Obituaries - 6/20/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 21,1934 RICHARD H. STARRETTE DEAD J Richard Harris StnrrGtle, well* known Iredoll county citlsen, and uncle of Mrs. A. tP. Campbell of Mockflvllle. died at the hqmc of his son, Allen Stnrrelte, near Cool Sbfinga, on Monday. even ing, June 18, aged 81, his death being the result of a stroke of apoplexy about ten days ago. He was n brother of the late J- J. ainrrette of Dnvic county. Survi ving are his widow, Mrs, i-ou- gciin Oavis Starrotto, four sons, Nonh Stnrrette, of Mooresvillo, Koberl, Allen and John Stnrrette, of iredeil, two daughters, Mrs. E. Morris, of Charlotte, and Mrs. Ciirl G. Joy, of Rultlmorc, Md., a luilf-siater, Mrs. J. €. McDanlcl, of Duvie, and one brother, Ro bert Starrelte, of Thomasvillc. The funorol was held on Wednes day at New Salem Methodist church .in Iredcll county, conduct ed by Rev. Clyde Yntes, of State- .sville, Rev..Zob Caudle, of Char lotte, Rev. Sex Swan, of States- vitie and Rev. W. F. Friday. The pallbearers wore Roy Dav is, Leo .JonefL Clay Davis, Ralph Mills, Atbert Ehldy and Baxter Pavis.' The flower girts were: iMisses Maigarette Warren, Nan nie Lue Eudy, Paulino Ellis, Vit- ginio Jones, Mary Stnrrette, Lu- cilc Starrette, Evelyn Starrette, Grace Mills, Hazel Lee Starrette, Lucile-Bosi Marie Boat, Ruby Davis, Ruby Warren, Ollie Blan che Little, iris Little, May Deal, Mrs. C. E, Hager, Mrs. Jim Eudy, WIhs Dorothy Gable, Mra. Fred Dual. jambs R. HARBIN DIES IN KANNAl'ULIS James R. Harbln> well-known and respected former Mocksville man, pasacd away at his home'ln Kannapolis on Saturday morn ing, June 16, his death occur ring on his 73rd birthday. He was the son of the late Cnswel] Har bin and Jnno Clement Harbiii and was born and reared in i Mocksville. He married- Miss Bettle Swing, of Davie, who died about thirty years ago. Forj the past sixteen years he had mndej his home in . Kannnpolis. He frequently ntt'ended the Con federate |roun*iona |in, various parts of the Soiith,/going with his aged uncle, W. H. Clement. The surviving, family cdnsista of two daughters, Mrs. Cecil Leo nard, of Oak Grove, and -Mrs. Pearl Alexander, of Kannapolls, six grandchildren, two Bisters, Miss Sallic Harbiii and Miss De lia Harbin, of Kannapolis, and one brother, W. W. Harbin, of Mocksville. The lost rites were' held at Smith Grove 'Methodist i church on Sunday afternoon at' 8 o'clock, and the Interment was in ihe church cemetery. A nhmr ber of relatives and friends from Kannapolis attended the funeral. Bio - Obituaries - 6/21/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 27,1934 %t*tti8 bbme^oihiBiltte; in : ir^hfeoTO^- nMt CmISDwiais, bn.Mo^8ye^«Din?Jdnel8, hivib? bW -a- wiroke "of ^ apppplexy. daVeranV- ■ae;.wa9 • the^brotberpt'Uitf late'J;. J; - Sterrette;botnity;""^ ; -.V ~ ' •'• ,' «'r^ The sufvivlntr; family ^bsiste: ofibis ;<4rB tibugene pa^^Stor-;Tette: foUr-^ns,- Iloab Smirette.v or OT two* dpoghter^Mm; B." L.-MbrriB; bf eharipite;.-a:na;MrB<^arVG.;3oy. of Baltii^r'e. Mo.,b half-ai^f, M.]^. J. C.*McPan;e}, ofDAwie^wnn^r'abd'a brother, Robert v»f Tbomawille: c '•■-/ j' -:Mr. Stairrett wap.aiJTiocle of. Mrs.aeke Oampbep/ofJhiV city.^ . *160 inneral-waa held 'on. Wednef-.day at-New Sbleln Methodistebdrcb,iolredell.. .."-"V* ■ .•' ; Rlrs. Mi Sidliimyi.i . ■•Fqa«t^eiv!e8e^fpf':Mrs.''Ida Sjedberry^8jie.4Q.of Cooleemi^ Wmi-:;b6(d 'Saadayjronowiog bafdeEith'^idMay aft^QOon at 6 o'clock at tbe^lowery/ :*■ ftmabeait attack." 'Ubs:{8^bie^^h^^^eoUyrp^vaed ittffic!eOtlf;fimn ao bpara-lino fcr'appwdicitn to Save tfie bo^itai.aqd .was jgepariog'ta'iea'ye'iW.befebomat the .dme>he;Wa8 BiiddeOlyetrii^. 7bi-fioal lumi^welte*Keid.In't^^Ci^a' 'oe.Mathqdiet ehunli.jaeid '^Cre''p(^aeiL.I by .tiec'paatar.':6ao.' J. ^A.wltii:ibtameat'follovfoi^ in tbe:NoKb.COo°.;Icem'ee oeinitery.-, "V" *■■..!■,-- f'-,Sedb.erry U, ^irviV^ilby'ber^hde'i^baodi E. K. jSedbe^iond !'(;oQt...cUldreqv.tbese b'eibg'Jdildrisp, Rdby.OtIi aadBpice;'Sio Wais bcrri May*^. tha .daughter.of^Mr/ond^Mt^S;. ty/.'-Bjc^o^-iofj^av)e-aubty<aiid wair married -td;|M>:." :8ldl»irr.'iD-f9l2./:8be bpa twojsist^tMra. .KCOope» of. Pmleemjw'a'nd;■sabf ot.C^iIee'pie&^iuljoae'bibtlieTi'.'Wi'i^Bwgdon, iofO^ Rhoda Smith ■ilinf. Rhoda Smttti; 83. juased awa? Sa.t-ii^yat-the ^Bie; of bar-aoD^r-W.- D.3qiitb.-.ib.-tbia city.'.- Sba'bad;be^^ III -:icr■ibodt 'a wedi havio'g aofTeted p*stroko;,ofapbpldqr' . ' ' • r.-:; /r . ■ -'t, • Sorvlvind'ate'tlizeo 'daughters;;. Mrs.- o.,CbWhttft ll^yo; Mia J. F, Allen. Wv® apdMre-W. TTPWlW. of-Micli^He; twa'^pxia.W.jp.^ith^ Mockfivllle abd;W: A., Smlb. of Fort SmUbrAifcaosda; 000. elater, Urs^ F. T. Foiadexler, of Ahaaoder.county; ..^.'Fuoeial ser^eahwere.hetd atLthp Meant Mm>da7''aionifng' at -'11 ;-o'ddi^.' .6.'-.^.Feirea add^Rev. Hr. Grooe were In chargp oftke servicea. > T Bio - Obituaries - 6/27/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 28,1934 mis. ^v.SMITH l»ASSES AWAY Mra. Rhoda Smith, widow of William G. Smith, died Saturday afternoon at the home of her son, W. D. Smith, near the de pot^ aged 83. .She wae the daugh ter of William Smith and Annie ISlIi^ Smith, 'and was born and reared in the Smith Grove com- muriity. About a week beiora her death she bad a stroke of apo- •plexy. The survlvlnff family con- Biata of two Bona, W. D. Smith, of ! ATockHvlIle, W. A. Smith, of Koi-t Ismlih, Ark., three daughters, I Mrs. B. C. White and Mrs. J. G. Alien, of Wyo, and Mrs. W. T. Potts, of Mocfcsvlite, fourteen grondchildren, ond one siBter, Mrs. F. T. Poindexter, of Ad vance. The deceased was a belov ed old lady, and will be missed in her circle of relatives and frj-' ends. The lost rites v/cre held ajt Mount Olive M. E. church at Wyo,' on Monday morning at 11 • o'clock, with Rev. G. B. Ferree and Rev. James Groce in charge.' The -palUbearcrs were: W. A. While, L. L. White, Luther Allen, Robert Allen, Kimbrough Smith and Leater Cranfiil, and the flow- | ers were carried by Annie Mao Smith, Louise Cronflll, Ellen Allen, Ruth Angell, Luclle Rea- vis, Jessie Ruth Allen, Pauline Smith, Lueile Taylor, Margaret Bailey and Mrs. T. J. Angell. MRS. CLARA &. RIOENHOUR DEAD Mrs. Clara S. Rldenhour, be loved Da vie county woman, and widow of Monroe Rldenhour, died at tbiLhonio of hor broGhor,. John Creason, nonr Coolcomco, on June 19, after n brief lllncas with col- itla, ngod 7C. She was the daugh ter of Somuol Crenson and Katie Ilcliard Crenson. Tn her girlhood she joined Liberty Methodist chtifch, and remained through life n faithful .member. Her con- .■^l.stent Chriatinii elvarncler was (III example to nil who knew licr. The surviving coiislHts of Mix .4an$, John. Ifonry and Owen Uidcnhour, of Coblccmee, Qoorgo Ridonhoiir, of Smith Grove, Rich- iil'd Ridonhour, of Roanokc, Vu., Josac Rldenhour, of Spoiiuur, two daughters, Mrs. Alarion Hetlard and Mrs. Joe Bivins; of Coolee- mec, <16 grandchildren, 51 great grandchildren, one brother, John Greoaon, and one hnlf-sister, Mrs. Eliza Spry. The funeral woa hold at Liberty on Thursday af ternoon at d:SO, with, the pastor, Rev, J. 0. Banks, oxidating, and the intennent was.in the church comctory. The deceased wa.i an aunt of Mrs. J. G. Mc- Ctillneh, of the Liberty neigh borhood. Bio - Obituaries - 6/28/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA