Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 5,1933 G^tge H; Da'aiij, ij6i ;.died sftd- Heittly/ Friday .^iefnoqn/^ his f in Fatmin^ptt / to^ d^tJl rt^Idng from a b^t'a^^ Cnnh w^ jHding 'a'male on his ;^®t.i*pnie lrom^ , fijjld where 'he ^^nd; b^sn' wpEridng,].. when; sirick'en. J^an^ral; 'Mrrice^ "were hdd - at .witilelieai-'Mistfiodte^ chihrch - Stthv day^ornlog^at. it o'clock., condnci^ Rews. 'M-ra. ®mji and G. A. Sr^'^er; .^nrial .iollbW^: in .the chnjch jgi-ayey^^ Dona Is ilirtijl.v^ by.^ vHdow; three ststerf; MolIiejarViS and Mrs. J. G. i^owell-, of Por^ihodtb. Va ; Mrs. Gordv SxnhhvJ. of ^Wrdston Sa]et]>; four^hi-others'/T. L, W. A. and JT, W/.[ Onph, .of this CQtotv,. and Sha^e Dunh. .of ..3fttnfordviUe, Ky." Bio - Obituaries - 7/5/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 6,1933 |t. BOWLES DIES IN TEXAS [rs. H. C. M^roncy. received dcgriim recently telling hoi' tloiilh of her brother, irlcfl U. Bowles, of Morales,. .1, which occutred on'Friday, |e no. The deceased . wont Dnvtc county to Toxns tn lie was 21 years old, and ticnily 70 at the time of his h. lie liad not been back to nallvo gtnto for 20 years, but bo well rcmenVbcrcd by the r citizens of tho county.. Ho orvlved by hla wife and one tivu sisters, Mrs. H. C. Mcroo of Mocksville, and Mrs. R. L. >7, of Win8ton*Salem, and brother, 1#. S. Bowles, .of ic. Wo., extend our sympathy ]Ite bereaved family. MISS iMlNNIB HARGRAVE OF LEXINGTON, DEAD Miss Minnie Lindsay Har- grave, beloved and highly es- tcemod Lexington lady, pas>?ed away At her home oii June 29, after a long Illness, ajtcd 74.''She was the daughter. of the late Je.S3e ITamilton' FTftrgrnva and Martha Clement Hargrave, and had spent all of lior llfo in Lex ington. She was educated . at Greensboro" iColloge, and was a faithful member of the Lexington Methodist church. She Whs n niece of Mr. Jesse'Leo.Clement of this place, and hnd many re latives . hero who .will bo aorry to' hear of her death. She Is sur- j. vived'by one Mater, Miss Mary- Lee Hargrnyo, and two brothers, i 0, n O; Margrnvn .and R- Hdr- [ grave, and several nieces and nephews, all of Lexington. The funeral was held at the homo on • Saturday morning, and the In- i ternifnt was in the city come-, tcry. Mr. Jesse Lee Clement, Mrs. > J. TC. SheBk ;ftuiil Miss. Linda Gj-ay'. Cidmorit-'ii'ttended the fuiiera]. . i DBIIBbbMMMOMaHMmSSftBUDBQBIMUMIOISlMliWTSpS Bio — Obituaries - 7/6/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 12,1933 Moses Griffia. Fanera) aod borial services vere beld at Woodleaf oa &nday afternooa for Moses GriSo. 81. wbo died saddesly st bis borne is tbe commuoUr do Sstorday with a bean attack. He lived naar Farattog- toD ooUl aboot is years ago wbeo be moved to tbe Woodieaf sectloa of Rowao cooaty. • Sorviving cbildreo iaclude tbree sons J. B. GriSn of Saltabury.. H. H Griffia. Asbevilie. W. G. Gnffia of Woodleaf: one daogbter Mrs. Daiay Black of Lawiaviile: two brotbora. Tbomas Griffia of Cooieemee aod Fraok Gtiffiioof Yadkio coantj; oae sister Mrs- Rebecca fiUckwelder of Davie coobty, 25 gtabd cbildreo aod 15 great grand cbildreo. latermeat was in ibe Woodleaf Metho dist cemetery with the Rev. W. S. Smith officiating.. Herman Lee Herman Lee, one monlh-old 'son of Mrs. Lee Keicliie, of near Rider* Hill,.died Thursday uight. paoer* al and bitrial services took place.'.: at Society Baptist church Saturday morniug at.10 o'clock. Bio - Obituaries - 7/12/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 13,1933 I KETCHIB INFANT DIES IN IPDDELL nermnn Lee . Ketchie, one-, month'Old eon of Mr. and Mrs. Uubert iJce Ketchie, died at the: homo of .the parents, on Friday' morning, July v7. Mri Ketchie is the son of Mr. and • Mrs. W.-P. U. Keteble, of the Kappa com munity, but is ' now living in Turncrsburg township, IredoU pounly. Mrs. Ketchio was fovmer- iy Miss Boulnh- Griffin. The innora) was held dt Society Bap tist church in Ircdell on Satur- loy morning at 10 o'clock, and- ho liitennent ^vas In the church :emetcry, Rev. W. L. McSwain, lastor of the church, officiated, ''be pallboarei's were; Irvin Wll- "JH, Ernest Koonts, Joe Henley iollcr and Konry Griffith. Those icUng as flower-girls ware i ; liHSCH Helen Pool, .Hasol Pool, i luby Pool,.. PnUline Gaither,' •sthcr cAilthor" and Ruth' Carfc- Jov. MOSBS GRIFFIN, OF WOODLEAF PASSES AWAY Funeral and burial services wei'c held at Woodlenf on Siin-i dny nftornoon for-, Moses Orlffln, 81, Olio of the most widely known and generally loyod grnnd old men of the community, who died suddenly on. Saturday afternoon with a heart . attack. He was tho son of Miv nnd -Mrs. Wilimm E. Griffin, born in Chiithain, county but ^cumd - to iDnvic county, during the early pnr.t of jthc Civil . War, settlen in the Fnrraingtbn' community ! where.-he resided';.until ]fiftooh lyenrs ago v/hon: he went to the fWoodlonf section of 'Rowan jceunriTj . ^ .Surviving . rel.ntiyes inelu'de threo sons: J. B.' Griffin, of Snlisbuiy'; H, M. Griffin, of Aflheville and W. E. Griffin,' of WoodleuC; one daughter, Mrs. Daisy Black,- of LowiavIUe'j two brotlioi's,' .'Thdinaa .Griffin,- of Cooleemee and Prank Griffin, of ifndkin county; onQ.-&iaidr, Mrs.- iReb'ouca Blhckwolder, of ID'avle couiily; 25 graudchildrdri.ond 15 great •gi'nnd-children. • ' V . | Interment was in; the Wood- leaf- Methodist cliurcii -r.eniotory with the.RCv. W. S. smith offi- elnting. .' Pali. hcarors were II. • A." Grif fin, J. .V. -Blnke, Avery .Griffin, Qraven Griffin, J-oe n ©lake iarid Hal , Furr.,; Plpwoiv girje; werpi Mrs,.' L, •L,\BiakeV,,iDoroth^ ^inr>.QrhraM'G'rififi^ Bio — Obituaries - 7/13/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 26,1933 Eliza Shelton Miss Elba Sbelloa, 88, died at the borne of her niece, Mrs. H. S Davis, at Fork, Sunday^afternoda. Funeral services were held yerter day at' AnUocb Methodist Church. Forsytb county. Miss Shelton bad beeu living in Davie about la yea^. She was an aunt of Mr. J. N. W.yatt, of R. 3. Bio - Obituaries - 7/26/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 27,1933 MRS. ELLEN P. LBMMl DEAD here have learned with regret of the retent dcnlli in Ruthci-rordton of Mra. Ellen Po« wor« Lomml, who made her Iiomo here for the pnet eighteen years. Mrs. Lomml was the daughter of the lumou« Bculptor, Hiram Pow ers, n native of Vermont, who spent most of his life in Pior- cnce, Italy. Mra. Lemml lived in Floronce until about nineteen years ago, when she came to the United States with her son ami daughter and sister. Hearing of lyiocksville they decided to make this their homo, her sister. Miss Anno Powors, dying here .sever al years ago. Mrs. Lemml was a lovely, graeious Jady, and all who knew her wore attracted by her charming personalUy. She."re membered Avell the cclobratica who wore her father's friends and who wore n pni-t of the art and literary colony of Florence. For the past year she had been undor Iroalmcnt at a Ituthcrfcrd^ ton hospital. Tl>o body was takeii to Washington, 'D. G., where It wa.s cremated. She is survived by one dniiglitor, MiH-s Joaophiiit Lomnil, who was her devoted companion, one son, I'rof. Char- lea Lonimi, of the faculty of Grouchcr College, Baltimore, and one brother, Proston Powers, of Florence, Italy. MRS. 0. J3. .EATON DIES IN WINSTON-SALEM Mrs. Mary Gnaton Huff Eaton, wife of ex-Mayor O. B. Eaton, of 'Winston-Snlem, pussod nway at their home in Buenu Vista on July 26, nftcr an IJIncBs of sev eral months, aged 57. The de ceased was the daughter of the I late Judge ond Mrs. M. J. Huff, jOf Lancaster, south Carolina, .where she spent her girlhood, the |famlly later moving to Winston- (Salem. She was married in 1897 'to 0. B. Eaton, of that elty, and |to this union were born eight children, a little son, Jacob, «y- Ing In infancy, and Clifton, a bvillinnl student at the ynivor- slty of North Caroilna, passing away In 1918. The surviving fam ily consists of her husband, and the fullowTng sons and daught ers; Dr. Clement Eaton, 6f Ln- Fayolto College, .Custoii, Pa., Miss Ginco Eaton, 0. B, Eaton, Jr., Mrs. Gray N. Linebnck, Miss Margaret Eaton and Charles Eaton, all of Winstun-Snlcm. Bio - Obituaries - 7/27/1933 MISS ELIZA SHELTON DIES MiSs Eliza Shelton, aged and esteemed woman, passed away Sunday at the homo of her niece, Mrs. H. S. Davis, at Fork Church, aged 88. She was the daughter of John Sholton and Eliza Orrender Shelton, and was born in Pittsyl- vanla county, Va., her parents latermoving ,to Porayih county# About 12 years ago she cnmo to I David county and divided n her I lime between nor nioco, Mrs.' I Davis, and her nephew,. John Wyntt, of the same cuirimunity. ,Tlio fnnernl services were held 'I'.t AtiHpcIi Mefhodhst church.' iioiir Tobaccovllie, on Tuesday I artenioun at 2:80, with Rev. C.' |]\r. McKlnney, of Rural Halt, of- iftciuting. Those acting ng pail- •bearora were: L. C.. Wyntt, Gray Mcoro, Jacob Gruhb, Deo Knpp, and L. H. Davis. The floral tri^ ' butes wore carried iby' Mrs. IFronk Wyatt, Mrs. L; C. WyatL Mrs. J, M. Llvengood, ; Misses BIddie Davlg and Elizabeth Rat-' ledge.' Miss Shelton was a great- aunt of Mrs.' R. D. Poole, of this place. • iiM w«i*uaitsiti* There also survives a sts- Icr-in-law, Miss Blanche Eaton, of this place, five gistora, Mrs. E. B. Cloud, of Rock Hill, S. C., Mrs. H. T. Co.x, of Greenville, S. iC., Misses Evn, Noll and Bond Huff, of Rock Hill, S. G., and I jone brother, M. J. Huff, aolleitor 'Of the superior court of South I Carolina, residing at Cbcstcr- Ifleld, S. C. Mrs.- Eoton was much beloved and highly esteemed, and she wll] be sadly missed In her family circle and nmong her fri ends. she was a devoted member of the Baptist -church from her girlhood, and took an active part In the work of- hor church until jher health failed, 7'ho funeral wns held on Wed nesday aftornoon, a brief servlco .being hold at the homo, followed ■by ono at the First BaptistI church, with hor pastor, Dr. JohnI it, Jostor. officiating, jiHsistpd by!I'Dr. I). Ciny Lilly and Dr. C. C. JjWoavcr. The pnllbcnrovs. wore'jGeorgc C. Tudor, Sr., Col. H.' Mont.K]uc, Henry B. Shelton, Honry George, Dr. John Bytium and'P. H. Ilancs. The intcrnicnl was In the family plot in Salum iccmetery. We extend our dcop sympathy to the bereaved fam ily. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 2,1933 Simeon Clay Gowan Frank Bracken Boy Meets Hon^e Death* BrsdcED. 22*yearK>1d so& of Iff. add Hra.Levi Bracken* of [Cfaffitoot Grove diarcb. was^aedd' ifiDtally IdOed Monday monmts a-5 boot 10:80 o'dosk at the home of a todzfabor. A- M- Baker, flw 9m (and ose ^e of his face wor?{ly btoTO off by a load oQshot 'a dai^e barrel diotgOQ. • weiyonng boy and Jake Baker, ^ jyeaisold. were-in a room or theBaker hcane. wbdn the sboo^g o<^ camid. Dr. Deater UarUn bomoo tddteaceoe immediately afrer ^eshooffdg, and later"on Coroner W. EL swore in a jory, who viOTsed the body and returnrf a vcndiet that tbe boy came to his d^ from a gan obot woond soadenuiy. This is one of the saddest OTents that 1ms happened in Davle comii7. recentiy, Tbe bereaved parents haratbe sympathy of a best of frieoos in thmr bereavement. Sorviving ara the parents, two brothers and fear sot^ Fttnoral service* were held at toe Cbeetnot Grove Methodist Cborch at 11 o'doek Tn^ay momiag. W. H. Lord Arcbitect Borned To Death. Salisbury, July 27. —W. H. Lord arcbitect from AsbevUIe, was burn ed to death this morning about 9 o'clod: when pinned noder an anto* mobile wrecked as a result of a col lision at tbe intersection of high ways ID and 80, near Catawba College. Tenotbexs Injured, two seriously, were taken to tbe Lowcry Hospital. Tbe iojttrod; . Harry Bartoo, of Ast*eville, driver of tbe car in whidi Barton was riding: J. EL CranEeld. driver of the other car, from Da vie county; his father, W. W. Cranfidd, and six other members of tbe Cranfield family. Dayie Veteran Passes. Simeon' Clay Gbwan, 86, Coii- f<:derate veteran-.and well known Divie.connty man, passed away -at his home here Wednesday evening. Re bad been in. failing health for some time .and was tbe victirn'of a fall two -weeics ago. from which ,fae never recoveVed. Mr. Gpwau served uo. the War Between the States with tbe .4206 Regiment. Company.B, knowq as the Kirkland Brigade. He was a native -of- Davie county and had lived here all of'his life.. His fath-. er was Major'W. Gowan -aqd bis mother Nancy Cheshire Gowan. Ue was married in 1866 to Lucv Ann Bowles, who was tbe .mother of three surviving daughters, .Mrs. J. H. fi. bWiggins and Mrs. W. J; S. Walker, both of Mocksville, and Mrs Alice Blonnt, of Spencer.. He was married a. ^cond .time to Nan nie Yarbrongb wbo survives bim. Sixteen gfandcbildren and fpuneen great-grandcbildren are also living. Tbe deceased was a member of tbe Mocksville Metbodtst, Cburcfa. Tbe funeral * was held ffotn tbe Center Methodi.st Cbnroh, on tbe Statesville road Thurray afternoon at 4 o'clock. Bio - Obituaries - 8/2/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thiursday, Augusts, 1933 Frank Evans Bracken ^ Killed Instantly Monday ► •Frank Evans Bracken, 13, sou" of Levj and Minnie Evans Brac ken, of Hoimnn's cross roads, four miles north of here, was kill ed instantly about It o'clock:. Monday morning when a.shotguiii discharged in gomc mysterious Imanner at close range. The fullI and of shot pierced an arm hoai^! I the shoulder and entered the face and hiend^ . : I An inquest was held f Monday- nnd Coroner W. E. Kennen re* ported the decision- that the: ■ death, was accidental and. chai'gCa would .bo prerorrodi-" V The boy was playing;;, with-; another boy named Baker; 'when ', the accident occurred. The two." were silting in a room of the • BrUQkcn home and the Baker •boy said that he was some distance.away from, hia friend when youiis: \ Bracken looked .down thu barrel of the gun. just as it. exploded^; Surviving are the parents, two.'brothora and six aistcrs. .1 'I'ae flowers wore carried by Funeral snrvlccH .wow held Miaaoa Hnitio Nnylor, Grace Huh- the Chcataut Grove Methodist '■ tor, Dora Bowlca, Pnulinb Bow- Church, at 11 o'clock Tuesday , lea, Nellie Bowles, Mildred Black- morning. '. welder, Bachel White, Elvira - The pallbearers were Hampton' flutchona, Wilnia Hciidrix, SophieEaton, Billy iFerebec, Tommy' Moroney, Nola Stanley and BessieFeroboe, Wilaon Latham, Mlllnrd - Bov. Jnmca Groco had Latham, and Kcrmit Eaton. ' Khargo of llio service. ; ■ ' . S. C. GO WANS, AGED CONI^ED- ERATE \VETERAN DEAD Simeon Clay Gowans, wcli- known citizen and Confederuto veteran, died at his home off Wilkeaboro street on .July 26, . after a serious illness of two!,Walker, of Mockavillo, and Mrs.weeks, aged 86. He was the son j 1 Alice Blount, of Spcilcor,... nigoof Major W. Gowans and Nancy i survive, with AG grandchildren Cheshire Gowana, and was born "nd 14 gro'at-grandchl.'drcn, andin Dnvie county on April 1, 1847.} one brother, Capt. Richard Gbw-Duflng the War Between the ana, of Aahovllle. The dcceaaed Stale.s ho served as a member of bad niade his home In Moeksvillc Company E, 42nd Regiment, in recent years, and was a member of the Methodist church hero. I ■ , , , « Ti r. I -.Funeral aurviccs were hold ,it, .carried by Mrs..Center Methndiat church on 3nuw, Wr.s, 11. S.Thursday nflornoon at 4 o'clock, ,? !?'• Shclton, Mrs.with Rev. R. C. Goforth, Rev. J. iCalvin Walker, Clydo Wal-0. Banks and Rev. J. L. Kirk llr\officiating. Ihoae acting as pall- [bred jy*- 'benrdrs wore: Rrilph Dwlggina, bcr, Mary Kntherino Walkei, Frnd Wnlknr, John DvvlRgin.-;,'Helen Walker, Oph castl known as Kirkiaiul's Brigade, liewn.H mnrrlod in 186G to Lucy Ann j .Bowles, of ,Davie, who passed ,away a number of years ago. j Several children were born tothis union. He is survived by 'his second wife, Mrs, Nannie Yar-. broiitfh Gownns, whom he mar-jrJod in Montgumery, Ala., on jjOct, 9, 1026, Three dnugljters by 'his first marriage, Mrs. J. II. IiB. Dwiggins and Mrs. W. .1. S.' iQlyde Walker. The flowers wore} Bio - Obituaries - 8/3/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Ray Dwiggins,., .Tobu Bl'ount, Loiv 11 Ic Dwiggins, Calvin Walker and! Ruby "Walker, e lia Bnrncy e and John- aie B.' Dtilanoy. The intoVment was in the church cemetery. DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 9,1933 Mrs. Martin Safriet. ' Mrs. Martin Safriet, 35, of near County Line, 'died at the Lowery Hospttal, Salbbury, last Wednes day afteraoon, followiog an illness of one month. Fnoeral and burial services wWe held at Society - Bap tist cbnrcb/Clthtsdav. a fternpon at 3: o'clock, coddncted "by Rev, R H. Kepler, assisted by Rev. Mc- j Swain. Mrs. Safriet Is survived by >ber busbaod and four little cblld- n ten, one son and tbree daughters, the youngest bein; only la days jold. Sntviving also Is the parents', Mr. and Mrs. James Seamoo; tuo sisters, Mrs Bessie Hood, of Salis bury; and Miss Carrie May Seatnon, of R. 4; tbree brothers, Bd. of St Paul, N. C.. Walter and Sam, of 'near. County Line. Mrs. Safriet lived but a little more tbao an hour after-being carried to .the hospital. Tbe bereaved husband and child ren. parents, brothers and sisters, have the sympathy of a host of friends in the death of ibis -good Tvoman. Mrs. Seamon was a mem ber of Society Baptist cbnrch. Mrs* Lon R. Call Dead. A telegrani was received - bete Saoday evening, leniag of tbe enddeoy deatb of Ufa. L. P. Cdl. wife of Rev. Lea Cell, rocmedy of this city, bat nowof Bralotiree, Usssn whtefa ocootied to Chicago Sunday aftenooo. Mr. and Ui% Cett weio on tbeir vacaUoD,'and bad arrived in Chicago Sat- oMay to speod tvfo weeks with Mrs. CaU'e parents, Mr. and iM>& Kennlogton. They, wen to visit He. Call's -parents here bb- fore tetotfllng to Bralntra. Fonsral and batfai secvlcei wera held yeatffiday la Gbicsgni Mrs. Gbll la survived by her husband and ooadaugb^. Madoric Lui. aged II: Her psreats, several bi^betaapd ristsni, Mrs. Call baa visited la U(^b- vUte, and bad many frissds beie; .wbo wen ebookbd by tbe news of her Budden death. . Rav. Lw R. Call is a son of. Mr, and Ur^ W. L- Call, of this city.. end bis many friends, extend deep sympstby m tho loss of bis wife.. . , Godfrey McCollohPasses , Godfrey.McCuliob, 82, died Ffi- dAy night at 10 o'clock at Lower)'s Hospital,.Salisbury, .following an illness of some time. Funeral ser-. vices werfr-held at tbe borne of bis' brotbjer, Cbas.; lilcCpliob, on R. .4, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.- Bo- rial lollowed in the .old Quaker graveyard, "on. R 3 Mr. McCul- iok is survived by two brotbers, O. p. and Cbas.--.'McCuUoh, and a number of-nieces and'nephews- Tbe Records extends sympathy .to tbe bereaved relatives. Bio - Obituaries - 8/9/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 10,1933 nS..MARTIN BAFRIET. 35, ASSIil) AWAY WEDNESDAY i-DHl ritic) I'itns wore Iiold nt So- uy linptiat Church ncnr the avie'Ircdcl) JInc on Thux'aday flernoen for Jtfrs. Martin -Sa- ict, 8S, who succombed in Lo«] ery's hospital in Salisbury a w mlnutea after entering on iCdnoHday. She was one of the osl highly respected women of aiahnin township, a.member of ciety Baptist church and a con- slent church member and work- in her church and Sunday ool. She io survived by tho hus- [and; four small children, ono D and three daughters; the par ts, Mr, and Mrs. James Sea-1 nn, of 'Davic county; two ala- rs, Mrs. Bessie Hood, of Saiis- ry and Miss Carrie Soamon at^ anc; three •brothers, Ed Seamen I St Paul; Walter and Sam eanioii, of Davie iCounty. Interment wnjj in • the Society ^•ndi cemetery with her pastor Hev. R. H, Kepler officiating salsled by the Rev. W. L. Mc- vvain. ... GODiERY McCULLOH DIES V IN LOWERYS HOSPITAL Godfry McCulloh, son of the late James and Charlotte Holland McCulloh, was -born August 31, 1651, diod August 4, .1983, age 81 years, 11 months, 4 days. He was married to Catherine Leo nard who departed this life 23 years ago. He loaves to mourn his' dctttU, two brothers, D. P. and Chas. McCuiloli, of Mocks- villo Route 4, and a host at re latives. He joined the Friends Church about 40 years ago and lat«r joined the Presbyterian Churcli nt Coolcemec and Rved a con.sechited life until the end. n Ho had been failing In health for some time, but death was al most auddon. Tlie funeral was conducted by Rev, J. .W.-Postor- at the homo of his brother, Chas McCulloh Sunday ovoning at .S o'clocic and was laid to roafc In fixo Priouda cemotcry. The pnll- boai'crs were brotliei's of his lodgo, P. O. S. of A. Tho flow- ors wero carried by his n'cces. AIR. CHAPMAN DIES IN NORFOLK ^Pfidnihnffy 'i'ul.ntlvcs and fvi- ojula hero of Mrs. Kenneth Chap man, of Norfolk, Va., avIH learn with regret of tho sudden dcatli of her husband which occurred oji I'licsdhy, as a result of heart faihirc. Mrs, Chapman woji for merly Miss Edith Clement, duugh- itor of the Into Captain and Mrs. Iwiloy A. Clement, of this place, ..'ivhoro aho was • bora and roared. For a number of years Mrs. Chnp- inian hag made her home at 1407 iOniohuiidro Avpmie, Norfolk, Va. Mr.g. Chapman and one son, Wade, survlvo. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clc- .mont, .of Stony Point, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Oakley, of Stuiosylllu, passed through Mock- .svillo on Tiiijaday. en route to .Norfolk t-o . attaiul the funeral.-jMr/ plomcpt I.Vv 'a brothpr oi AIRS. LON R. CALL DlEg r SUDDENLY IN. CHICAGO* Mr. and Mrs. W. h. Call receiv ed a telegram on Sunday from their son, Rev. Lon R. Call, bear ing .the aud news that his wife, Airs, Stovie Kennington Call, had died suddenly with a heart at tack that afternoon, at tho home of her father at 5716 Harper Avenue, Chicago, Rev. Air, Call is the pastor of All Souls Church . Brnintree, Alaas., and ho and Tils' wife And littio daughter, -Alor- jorie Lou, were in Chicago, hav ing arrived there Saturday night. They were expecting to ^iait Mr. Cnll'n parents here in tho .near future. Th^ funeral and crema tion services were held in Chi cago on-Tuesday morning. We cjctcnd our deep sympathy to the bei*eaved family. Bio - Obituaries - 8/10/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 16,1933 Henry Luther Gregory. Foneral and burial services for Ifeory Uiiber Grefiory. 17-year«o1d son of Mrs. Leiia Jordan Gregory, wlu> possed awsyac (be borne of bis parents in Clarkaville township, on Wednesday, followlog an iil> □ess of one tnosth. The parents and one ristcr. Kiss Sara Loo Gregory sorvive. In-terniedt was in the Wesley CbapeIMetbo> dist church graveyard, «ntb~Rev. D. C. Blaotoo cooddctiog the foMMl services. UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, Wednesday, August 16,1933 J. L Truelove W. A. Truelove. of this city, re*ceived a oiessaKe Moudav moruioRaooQuacioR the death of hla half-brother, J. L. Truelove, who diedat his home at East Bend Sunday.Puuersl services were held si theEast Bead Baptist church SloodavI afteroooo ab-a o'clock, aoAtbe body-laid to rest la the ch^rctn^rav«>•arl^Mr. Truelove was 8r years of age,«rand fs survived bv bis widow 5vesoiu and foarJ«tghie.-s.8od a half,brother. W. A. Truelove of Mocks» vilu. r-'*.-. Bio - Obituaries - 8/16/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 17,1933 HGNRY L. GREGORY PASSES , AWAY I Henry Luther Gregory, &bn of J. -D. Gregory and Mrs. Leila' Jordan O'rcgory, died nt the home of hla parents on Cana, Route li August 9, aged IG years. The par ents and one slater, Sarah Lou [Gregory, survive. The funeral sor- Ivices wei'o held at Wesley Chap.eli [o't Plhd, oh Thiiradoy afternoon, 'August 10, nt 3 o'clockjt with Rev. D. C. Claiiton offleiutlng. The pnlibearera were John Buyu, H. D. Harris, W, M. Langston, J. ii. Jordan, E. P. Cnudle and W. N> Hayes. The flowers were carried by Mlasea Violet Danner,' "Ola Smith, Mary Smith, Thelmn dri ver, Bonnie Hope Driver and Fay Harris. Bio - Obituaries - 8/17/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 23,1933 -R. P. Mc$^ii Dead. R. P. McSwaib, 77, ^ted sud- deQly.at neon Satntday at the home "of George Eyerhardt. near Ephesus wjiere be was visiting. Mr. -file* Swain came.to'Davie from Stanley conoty- abont 70 years ago, and spent practically all of bis life in Jerusalem toarosbip. Snryiving is 6ve sons, P. G. McSwain, of tbi-t city; W. S. McSwain. of'Cbarlotte; W. W., Robert and A. B McSwain of Salisbury, and la grandcblldren Mrs. McSwain died several years ago. Mr, McSwain had been living with One of bis sons at Salisbury for several years. Fnneral services were held at iz o'clock Monday morning at tbe borne of W. W. McSwain, Salisbnry, condncted by Rev. V. O. Duttpn. and interment followed in Cherry Hill graveyard, Jertisalem township Sallie Tissue News Was recgivgd berelast week ^®o«nctug:t|i(|death of Mrs. Sallje 1. 'Occurred"at her 6^1^ Ark , on Aug. nt ^ ' Tissue was a daughter qick, who left J^ru-ja township m'auy years ago, . ocated in Arkansas.. Mrs. • ^ cousin of Mrs. • tbjgjcjty, - , Bio - Obituaries - 8/23/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 24,1933 Mary Frances Shoaf MR. R. P. RIcSWAIN PASSED AWAY SUDDENLY Snturcliiy, August 19, nbout 12 o'clock, Mr. R. P. McSwnin, after 11 short Illn'ess of about two hours peacefully passed away at ,lhc hcmc of his sister-in-law, Mr. <und Mrs. G. W. Everhardt, where he hud been spending the week. j"UncIc Dick" its he was nffec- .tionulcly known lived In this community a number of years ago, laiid had many frlend.s bere who" ]were always glad for him to come, .back and vialt thorn. lift had bean' I in-apparently as usual good n I health until about t\vo houry be fore his death, which occurred almost sudden. His body was carried to his home In Salisbury and prepared for burial which took place at Cherry Hill Luthern Church on Monday at 12 o'clock., We extend great sympathy to the' Hurvlving relatives. jvjrs. Mary Frances Shoaf, wife of the Intc tlolini Shoaf, aicd at licr home here E>'lday night Au^. liSth nt 10:80 P. M. -at the ago of 80 yrs. 9 m. and 27 days. Mrs; Shoaf had been in declining health for a number of yeura and had been totally blind for the aafit two years but bore her uf- fjiclion with Christian fortitude and often expressed her willing ness to 'go to the great beyond. <^he leaves to mourn her loss 8 children living, two having pre- ccedcd her in death. The follow ing children survive, Mrs. Rlch-| ard Kusler, Rirs. John Coats, of tJpencer, Mrb. Jwhn Snider, of Woodleaf, Mrs. Mollie Leonard, of, Cfuirchlancl, Alias Jane, of the! home, Tom Shoaf, of Erlanger, Ck've, of- this place and "Doe" iil.'vn of the home, 19 yraiul children, 21 great grandchildren. iKSiiei'aj services were held Sun-1 (lay afternoon at Chiirchland Prl- nijitlve liaptist church, of which jne was a member for nbout C8 yi'sirs by Rev. S. H. Williams, of Silencer, and burial was in the cemetery by her hu.-'banii-, who jirecccded her In death a litlle mere thun 2 year.s ago. Pnll- 1,oarers wore her grundaona : Adam and Marvin Shoaf, RVlli and Odcll Kesier, Ervin and WIIU.H Coats. The flower 'girls were Mrs. Lovd Slnimer.Hon, Mrs. Marshal • Hartley. Mra. Leo Shoaf, Sadie. Uiirnhardt. Theinia Leonard, Biivannah Coats, Mnry, Famiic mid Etta Snider, Mr.n. Delllo Yt'ung and Sarah Ferbeo. We ex- lend sympathy to the •bevcuvcd family. nn "i" Bio - Obituaries - 8/24/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 30,1933 Ralph M. Jones Davie : Man Killed In Wreck. Funeral services for. Ralph M Janes. 32. who was kiSleJ in an auiomobile wreck near Greensburb Tbutsday night, were cop- ducted at Sbadv Grove Methodist church. Advance. Saturday aricroooo, Rev. W. M. Rathburn ofllciating Mis. Jones'is surviv. ed by his mother. Mrs, ;J \y. Jones; uf Greuixburo and three kUters, Mrs. D. E. Kooiitz. of Mc Airy: Mrs. T. G. Scott, of Huntington, W. Va.,Bnd Miss Ruth Jones, of Grecnsboio. Mr. Jones was a native of Advance, and had many friends ii; Duvse who were saddened by the news of liis death. Mrs. : I'unml'a'nd buriafserviceswereheld.flit. Fork Baptist Church Tuesday Sroornlng at 11 o'clock for Mrs. Martha. Foster Andtf- snn."70 .who passed awav afher borne inthe-tb.i»m"hiiX.'Su'i'*8y momiDg at 10 o*clocii. She > Ander»on. who died about 30 years ago. She-was a beUve and life long resident of Uavie.cueoty, bMng a osughter of the late Mr. ftod Mrs. .Cblmaii Foster. • n surviving relatives Inclode one son, .Dr. L. L. And» t>on. of Slon«vil!e: tw 0' 8 stjrs. Mrs.L.M. Stiffjrd. of Peiersbury, Vu... and Mr«..T. M Shews of I.tjxlnRton. . ncerment was in the church eeinetery with her pastor. Rey. W. M. Munfbrd, op fidatipa. assisted by Rev. C W. Turner. ; Bio - Obituaries - 8/30/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 31,1933 MRS. (MARTHA .F. ANDERSON (DIES AT (FORK CHUIICII Mrs. Martha Foster AnderaoUi widow of- the late Dr. A. P. An derson, passed away ot her home at Fork Church <on Sunday morn- iner, August 27, aged 70 years. She.•.WHS the daughter of Cole- man Foster' and Minevvh Ooll Foster of Davle county, and had spent.all of her life in this com munity, where ohe was highly es teemed. Her husband died about 30 years ago, lind.tho surviving family consists of one son, Dr. L. L.'Anderson, of Stonevlile, and two sisters, Mrs. L. M. Stafford, Petersburg, Va., and Mrs. T. MrSheets, of Lexington'. The fun- 'eral services were held at Fork Baptist church on Tuesday (morn ing at 11 -o'clock, by the pastor. Rev. M. W> Mumford, nssl^od by a former pastor. Rev. E. W. Tur ner. The nephews of the deceas ed, acted na pallbenrera, tliese being M. B. Stonestrcot, 'IValtcr Rntta, Bob Shcbts, Ralph .Hoylo, C. H. Tomlinson' and R. S. Ander son. A Int'go crowd was in nttond- ance, and the many floral offer ings woi'o carried by the nieces. -s>- ICRANFILL INFANT DIES -Rby'Cranflll,- 3-year old. son of Sonny Cranfill and Mrs. j^te iGranfill, died at the home of the parento' In -Clorktivllle township cn August 24th. Tlie funeral services were held at Courtney on the afternoon of August 26th. 'at 2:30; with Rev, James'Groce officiating. Misses - Eleon-or Dan- her, Anna Dannor, Alpha Banner •and Delia . Jones acted as ' pall- bearora, .nml.'the' flowiars ' were, carried by Misses Bioandr Gafh,' Faye Cain, Lois Boger;. Ltery Bo- per,- Sarah . Lee Gregory, Esther Jones and Bessie Whitaker. Bio - Obituaries - 8/31/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 6,1933 J* :0ie${ jSud- John D. Caseyv ^or weU'knOwn Mocksyilje . biidne^ man, .died- snddgnly atlus libnie on North. -Mam ;8liprt:v- "after ODOO last Wedqi^ay.- ' ^ had been in'^bad'health for a ndih-i her of years, bnt;Wasl.able.to bennd atoond until .stricken Wednbday, Funeral.- »ryic^ were condncted Friday afternoon^at Ihe .Methodist church by bis pastor. Rev. ;IL .;C. Goforih, and.the body laid to' r^t in Ro^ cemetery.. Mr. Casey /is snrvtved by two brothers. 0, .'lV Casey, of this. city,..and Rowan Casevy of WinstjOO'Salem;' three sistem. - Mris.' -MdlUd' 'Rodman,' ' bf Florida; Mrs, N, •'Ti .Anderwn.-. bf Calabaln, and Mrs Smma 'Mendr ren, of ne^ .Cana bad been, in the ifiercantile businc^ here fcjr nearly 30 years, .and .had: many friends who were saddebed,by. his death. Bio - Obituaries - 9/6/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 7,1933 MRS. LOU LEFLER PASSES AWAY Mrs. Lou Lefler posneU awny ut her home near Liberty church on last Monday, Sept 4. She" was 73 years old. She-had' been in falling health for sometime but wa.«j about ns we.ll as ubuhI, when on August the 28th she was sud denly stricken with paralysis, from which she never recovered, but grew steadily worse. She joined the M. E. church in early ;girlhood and remained a true and loyal Christian until the end. She was beloved by all who knew her and leaves a host of re latives and friends to mourn their loss. / She was • the cldesi daughter of Mrs. Amy Carter, who survi ves her and Is 93 years old, The' funeral was conducted by her pastor, Rev. J. 0. Banks, na- si.sted by Rev. J. A. J. Farring- lon, interment was In Liberty cemetery, J. D, CASEY PASSES AWAY SUDDENLY John Dobbins Casey, 70, well- known Mocksvillc citizen and merchant, passed away suddenly at his home la North Mocksville on Tljursday, Aiigust 30, after being in ill health for the past two yours. He was born on December 2Gth, 18G2, and was the St>i» of 15. Perry Casey and Camil la Coon Casey, of Davie county. IIo united with the Center Metho dist church when a young man, later joining the Methodist cliurch in Mocksville. Ho came to IMocksvllIe In 1902 and entered into the mercajitlle buHlness, being later joined in business by ,hlH brother, 0. L. Ca.soy. The .surviving family consLsis of two jbrother.H, O". L. Casey, of this place, ajurp. R. Casey, -qf Wins- iton-Salem, and three'sisters, Mrs. Emma Pope, of Cnna, Mrs. N. T. lAndorson, of ..^ulnlyiln, and Mrs. L. J. Roadman, of at, Petersburg, Flut, besides a immheW of nieces nnd nephews. The funeral] ^vas held at the Methodist church on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with the pastor, Rev. R. G.'. Go- forth, officiating, assisted. \ by Rev. G. B. IFcrrcc- nnd T. I. Cau- dell. A large crowd of relative^ and friends, ninny from a dis-' Itanco, were present at the last rites. The pallbourera woVe: D. C. Ratlcdgo, D. .W, Ga.'^cy, (J. J. Casey, James BlacKweljIer, John Anderson, A. R. Hollett and Duke Pojie. Tlic many floral offerings woro^ carried by Mis.ses Roberta Caso'y, ftrarle Oisoy, Zeola Koonlz, Hiihy niaekweldor, Minnie Rat- ledge, Mrs. U. W. Casey, Mrs. A. U. Hollclt, Mrs. W. M." Crotts and Mrs. 'N. S. Carwond The Inter ment was in Hose Ccmolery. We offer niir sympathy to the be reaved family. Bio - Obituaries - 9/7/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 13,1933 C. T. Hege Dead. Corran T. Hese. 72. well known retir^ sawnaiil operator, passed £- way FViday niffbt at 9:05 o'clock at Ms home at Advance. n He bad been in ill bealtb for two rears and bis c^ition bad becai critieal for sev eral -weeks. Death was not nnex- pected. He was bom ib Davidson connty. but bad spent most of-bis'life at Advance, For sometime he opemt- ^ a sawmill at Advance, retirniir several years ago." He wa .well Known in the commnnity and was a member of Sbady Crove M. F. Chnr^^ ^ Surviving are the widow, one daughter. Mrs T. W. Alien, of Winr- ton-^alem, and one. stepson. W. T. ^tbdeal, of Richmond, Va. J. C. BogerP^es J C. Boger. 48. died at his borne near Bixbv Monday. foUoviog a long illoen. death lesttlthg from heart drapsy. Funer al servlcea -wtll be beld at Uotoo .Chapel this afternoon at 3 o'doek conducted by Sevo R. C. Goftotb and 6. B. Ferree. The body will be laid to rest in tbe cborcb sravevard with junior Order benore. Mr. Boger ia salved by bis widow and seven cblUKD. one brother and one sister. In tbe death of Mc. Boger. Davie county loses one of her best and most beloved citizeos. Tbe editta of The Record baa lost a friend of many years, and bla heart is mads sad. t Tbe wife and cbOdreo have tbe sympathy) of a best of friends In Ibis sad hour. I '-Miss Lucy Tatom. Miss Lucy Tatum. 69, died, at her home near Farmington Friday morning, death resulting Irom^a stroke^ol ,.paralysis..' Miss Tatuin is'sarvivrf'j'by '.one brothert'Rey, Frank Tatnip, b Baptist mi^ooary statiooed.ia.China, and a relatives and'fijends.' Ftineral s^: vices took place at'honw and-burial followed at Eton's Baptist cburd Saturday afternoon- Miss' Tatum was a daughter of tbe late Mn and M s. S. O Tatnm. and bad been a resident-of Farmington township all her life. A good woman has gone to her levirard. % 7 V •• • • iMr. Jaige^Jl' Rativdge. 6t", died at tbe Lu.wer.) Hospaal. Salisbury. lastTaesday-eyehjngat-fjlo'clock, following-:!an • boerkiion • which he und^.wetit'on Monday. .•■•M'r. iRb't- ledgd.had been in bad ' h^itb forthfi past year or two^ but his death came as a severe<shock ib; relatives and friends in Mo^cOTiUeimd Davier^unty. Mr. .aud. Mrs.. .^Uedgetnoved to Mccksville. from] Advanceihe past spring, and. were' occupylug their new, home oti North Mainstreet. For nearly 30 years- Mr. Ratledge has been a rural letter carrier on an Advance rom'e, and was preparing to'retire-from the service when stricken; Funeral services were held at tbehome 'Thursday -morning.t at 11 o'clocki-conducted by Rfev; W. M.Raibburii. The body was '.earrl^d to/£lbavllle M. P.'. cburcb,- -near Advance, and laidjto rest, Surviv itig-Mr.,Ratl^ge is'bis widow, two ^ons. .Ralph and .-Walter < Ratledge,of Advanc; ^reje daagbters,^ Mrs Cy rus M cCrary, .of Lexingf op • Mrs.Foster Young, of GreenVille"^ N. C.; and- Miss R.athryn.-Ratledge, of this ciiy.' 'Four brothers. ..Revs Johnand.'Artbur Ratledge; A. D andMarshall Ratledge, of Galabaln, and-.three sisters, Mrs. S. b. Stiit- son',' ofsStatesville;'Mrs. -C. W Booe, of WinstoD-Salem,' and Mrs.Dqra'R^ichardson, of iredell ciaittnty also survive: •— . In the ;death. of,. Mr. Ratledge,MbCksville':and]Da^ie connty ] loses one of their-'-lieBt'' citizens—a - man who numbered his' friends , by . the bundredSr and •whose, death: hasbrought'sadness tp tbe entire coun ty. ' The editor of The:Record .has known Mr.' Ratledge. for more than a quarter pf a cGiitury, and.cotioted bitn among our best friends.' We shall miss him. To the bereaved •widow, .children^ brothers aid sisters.-we extend pur sympathy in this sad hour. Fimerri Mjrs. A T. - Funeral services fof 'Mrs A. T* Lefler, 74, who .died at -her 'home near Cooleemee]-Iast Monday, • fol lowing a stroke of - paralysis, were held at Liberty •Methodist- churchlast Tuesday afterooou at 4 o'clock.Rev. J. A. J. Farringiou.bf C^lee- mee, conducting the funeral' and burial services' ""The body was laid to rest in the church graveyard. Mrs.''Lefler is survived by7 hermother, .-.Mrs. Amy ' Carter; one^rothcf, jbhti Carter, •and "ope sis ter. Mrs. George Everhardt/^all ofJerusalem township. " • • Bio - Obituaries — 9/13/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 14,1933 |J. C. BOGER PASSES . ' AWAY NBAli'BlXBY <1. Coe Boger, well-known citi ften, -nnrt former of th ■Rnric CoLmly Home,' puaaed n'wiiI'll hia homo, ric'ar Bix-by on MenIday evening, Sept. .11th, ngecl 48pe wns the of Thbmna IIpoger and Mnry E. Bowies Bog' K of Bnvic county. For n num|icr of years he hart ehavgo of thbounty Home, later moving to thpej-lcs farm. For the pnat two n.<!arH he had 'be.cn in declining!|«eaUh. He ia survived by hIaiwiie, who was formerly MissIcna Iloplor, of the Oak Grove community; .and the' followin 1,*^"" iiuu u*ngyirlmj| Ituiu !uu6C«t8Hal Hngaj', Allen "Boger, -John.Carn Roger, 'Mra; Glenn Motley jjwd Misses Minna nnd'CJornell, nil I|of Bavie county, three brothers, J.'IW. Bogcr i\nd 0. L. Bogor; of I Route 2, Prank Roger, of Iredelljond one siater, Mra. Dc^yBt C.' Clement, of Holmans, and three Brajulchflldrcn. The funeral ser-Ivices wore' held at Union Chape >iw|« itciu iit wiiiiiii 1 Wednesday afternoon at 3,Jcloftk. with Rev. "j. O. 'iSnnks,;.Rbv. g. b. Peree and Bov.' R. C i oillcinting, The doccnso |ia mcmbor of the Junior Or ]Jer and 'Jlcdmen of Corolceroec, , these lodges had charge of<ne services at the gvnvei ] PAUL EDWARD WILLIAMS DEAD • Paul Edward Williams, infant son of Curl Williams and Mrs. Myrtle Allen Williams, died at the homo nt' Cornnlzcr on' Saturday, tho'ifuuefal being held at the hiome On SUnday "at ■ 1 ' o'clocki and-the interment at Bethlehem M. E. Church ut 2 o'clock, Avith Rev. JS. W. Turner In charge. The pnllbcnrers were Misses LenaPotts, Liicilc Milton,,j,Worda Sue Ellis and Hazel Joifeia, nnd-:>the flowers were cnvrlefl by 7/?i\4e9 Sarah McDnnicI, Reba. Mai?''Mc- Daniel, Georgia Ellis, Helen Allen and Mnxine Chnplin. MISS LUCY L. TATUM, . OF PARMINGTON, DEAD Miss Lucy Leah Tatum, beloved rarniingtun Avom'an, and member of n wcll-knowii Davie counl.v family, died at her homeIn Furniington township on Tri- day morning, Sept. 8th, follow ing n stroke of niioplexy, aged08 years, 9 months and 10 days, being born tm Nov. 29th, 1804. She was the daughter of. Samuel0. Tatum and -Mnry Rich Txttum, of Davie. For a number of years she had been a teacher, and alsoat one time had a position with the Baptist Orphanage in Thom- asville. She .iolned Eaton's Bnpt'st church in her early life, inter be coming A charter member of the Pormington Baptist church. She was greatly interested In the work of her church, and was n leader in the missionary society. She is survived by one ^brother. Rev. E. F. Tntum, of Yangchow, China, wiio has been u mission ary there for many years. One nephew, IVmothy Enton, of Far- mingtoa, and two nieces, Miss Phoebe Baton, of Farnilngton, and Miss Joy Tntum, of Chinn, also .Hurvivc. j The funeral wna hold at the home en Salurrtuy ntternoon at. 3 o'clock, with Rev. E. I. Sinoak and'Rev. E. W. Turner officiat ing, niul tlie interment tonic place in the cemetery at Eaton's!■Church. IThe .pallbearers were: F. H.I Bnhnaon, B. C. Teaguc, Wnde Ifcnrtricks, Philip Hondriok.s, Warte Fui'chea and John Tatum. The ninny flora 1 offerings were carried by Mrs, Lester Mnvtin, Misses Helen "Wicr, Martha Fur- chCB, Grace Hcndricka, Ruth Lnk-ey, Mnry TyOuise Lnkey, Gilnin Baity, Jennette Current,and Vadi Johnson. Bio - Obituaries - 9/14/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 14,1933 JAMES H. KATLEDGE PASSES AWAY Jiimca Henry Iciitledffo, one of Davie counly'n welt-known end liiBhly catoemocl citiKena, pnased jawuy in tlie Lowcry Hoapitnli 'Suliflbury, After nn emergency oporAlIon, on Sept. 6ih, aged He WAH the Hon of Danicr Rat- ledgo and Martha Heath Ratlcdge. and WAD Ijorn near Calahaln on Jan, 7th, .tS71. He wau reared In a Chriatlnn home, lind three of his brathers -became •preachers. Mr. Ratledge .was a faithful mem ber of the Methodist church, and for n number of years was super intendent of the Shady Grove I Sunday School at Advance. He [had recently retired from the 'rural mail service, in which he la.crvcd efficiently Jbr over thirty lyciirs./Ho was first married to •Misa'Betty Ann Bailey, of. A'd- jvance. In December lOOD, and to this, union' several sons and dau- ffhtora-w^re' bonu HIb flrut wife passed. awoy May 1926. In July ,1931: ho was united in mar riage to Click Rnt- . ledge, AvUio'survives'him. In ad dition to his widely, the follow-• ing sons amd . daughters, by. his first marriage . survive; . ]3alpi|, Rntledgc, of- Advance, Walter. Glenn Ratledge, of Advance, Mrs,' Red Young, of Greehvlllo, 1^, C,/ Mrs. 'Cyrus McCrnry, of Lexing ton, and Miss Kntherine Heath. I Ratledge, of Mocksvillo. - Four- brothers, Rev. J. iP. Ratlc<lge, of Madison, Rev. A. P, Ratledge, of Mount Holly, A. Doiph RatlWge- nnd' Marshall Ratledge) of-Cala- ihnln, and three sisters, Mrs,. .Nancy R. Stimson, of Statesvlllo, JMrs. Horn R. Richie, and .Mrs,. Emma R. Booo, of Davie, .also .... . • • •I uu ifxu ita ULivitiJ gfUUU- ehfldi'en, , ' The funeral was conducted at . the home on North Main street, into which ho had recently mov ed, en Thursday morn.Ing at 11 • pUilQGk, with his pastor, Rev.-.W.' M. Kathburn, of Advance, ofll- cinting, assisted by Rev.. R. d Geforth and Rev. f. A. J. Par- rington, of Cooiecmee. The inter ment took piace at Btbaville. cemetery near Advance,, the grave being covered with a profusion of bcnutlful flowers. Many rela tives and friends from other towns, as \yell ns nil sections of Davie county, gathered to pay the I last tribute.pf respect to this good man. Bio - Obituaries - 9/14/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 20,1933 B. B. Ward Fomer Davie Man Dies 6 B. Ward, a farmer tv^II keown ■'estdent of Timber Creek township, passed away at h*s home Marshall* town. Iowa, Ftiday Sept. ist. Mr. I Ward had been in poor health for 'the past Seven years, a sufferer from heart trouble, out had not been coD&ned to bis bed. .EarlyFriday he seemed.io his ostial gocd health but was atrichen shortly after noon and death came shortly j after. Mr. Ward was born In Davie county, North Carolioa; Nov. 2o, t86i He lived there until be was i6 years of aj^e, when he came toj Marshall county. reraainioK here I for years, to return to North Caro* lina, where be remaioed for four years. He then rettimed' to this county, where he spent the rest of hb life. He was married here March 13, 1895, to Miss Grace Put-* nam. Mr. and Mrs. Ward were the parents of three children, who, witf Mrs. Ward survive. He. b also sarvived by two brothers and a' sister.—Marshalltown Daily. Renbes Parker Found . Dead. Reuben Parker. 63. who lived, near Sheffield was found dead in bis home Monday morning about r I o'clock. It is thought he. died some lime Suoday night Mr Parker bad been ill with dropsyfor the. past several years, and lived alone Funeral and burial services were held at Hickorv Grove Metho dist church Tuesday, ihomiog at 11 o'clock, conducted by Revs. J. ' O.Banks and W. 0, Kirkman. " Sur» viviug b two sous and two daught ers, all of W'lMton Salem. Bio - Obituaries - 9/20/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 21,1933 REUniCN W. PARKER FOUNI> j DEAD AT HOME • I Reuben W. Parker, nt'wt 73, waa fottnil doad* at iiia humo iir Cnlithnln township on Monday at noon, his (loath being the result of natural causes. It is thought that death ocicurrcci some time on Sunday evening; as he. wan last aecn about a o^xroclc Sunday afternoon.. He was the son of Reubon Parker and Pnttio Mar- lor. Parker, and .had sjtent most of his life in the same commun ity. Two sons, Moody and Floyd Parker, nnd one daughter, Mrs. Bon Bishop, nil of Wlnston^Snl- em. survive. The funeral " was held at Hickory Grove Methodist church on Tuesday morning, at II o'clock, with the pastor, Roy. iT. 0. Banks, in r.hnr"o, aaslated by Rev. W,, C. KIrkman. The pnll- bearers were S. F, lutterow, R. . B. IJamca, W. C. Parks, J.. P, Gnlther, D. L. Richardson nnd W, W. Smith. The flowers were znrrlod by Misses Snillc May Go- forth. Belle Smith, Ruth Smith !ind Olga Dyson. Bio - Obituaries - 9/21/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 27,1933 Mrs. /^TFuiieral n stfifviCiW n for' Mrs. A^RUSW Wal%i*37. w]fo died at tiia ^tiate HispUal, Mor^nlon. early last Wednesday rodrning were held tal Salemv^ Mghddist, cbtwb. dtfbted bv Rev^. ? Q -'^aokS.. oj Mocksvillc. ,The body * was- lald* to'-rest, in the', chtirch ..grave- vSfd:'^- Mrs. wafer, is sdcViv^e-bvher httsbaiui-atid It'ws^iirf^W/Hiahi te, and jobn L:Vbet.parebt^i: j,WT": Mrs. R.'-L KelMr, aodjion^ btbther -E. M./Keller. ail;of Sbm.^ Cbiabaln. Mrs Wa^er.rhad bee^ a^patieot at tbe'^fatevHospjtal for; ipore.tban si3r..yea^^-4 ' •. Dfetb re-, siilited from (uwrctilosisi r^S^any frijends and relatives ^ were present for the last sad-jates.-aod the svm- pathy\of all go out to-the bereaved ohos who are left behind,■'i Pallbearers were..Messrs. .Sairi'^amoD, Wllliani Daywalt, Sam'Jones, Clester Canipbell, William Green and Em;^ Koontz. '.;'Plower girls ^re .Misses Rachel .Foster, Panline and Mary Blanche.^'rtner, Verlie Koonrz. Carrie Sea; moD, Editor Kooutz; Frances JonesMargaret Daywalt, ■ Mary Blleo Sniooti Dena Davwali. Marie Gart ner, Heleib Walker, PaulineS.mooi,- Bertha and Helen Joties. Mary Elizabeth Latham TwioBatighter Dies; 3 Mary Elizabeth,■ 5 day old .twin, daughter of Mr.*and Mrs. S. R. Latbatn, died Saturday uigbt at 13 o'clock. Paneral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, conducted by Rev. R.'C Goforih, and the little body carried tbe Wesley's Cbapel graveyard aud- laid to rest Snrviving is tbe par-. entV, two brothers and two sisters'. To the bereaved family The Re cord extends, sympathy in this sad! hour. • -I Bio - Obituaries - 9/27/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 28,1933 Imrs.. McKINLEY WALICER DIES IN MORGANTON TWIN DAUGHTER OF MR. ' AND MRS. LATHAM DIES •Mary Elizabeth, five-day old| twin daughter of Mr, and Mra.| S. U. Latham, pnaed away at thej lionie on SaUabury street on- 0..„ • ... « . l.wSof • •"i.tuwuj ■iHUHUiia, uxuut m dJnoaa, Tlie funeral service was-condueled -.on -Sunday afternoonat 4 o'clock, by Rev. R. C. Qo- forlh, and tho intevmant took place .at Wesley's Chape), at Pino. Thej I'arenta and the following broth-v'a and sistora .survive, Ethel,Jaraea, Samuel' and Nancy Jean.The flowers were carried by Ger-'^ aldine Ijatnes, Louiae Ijnmes, Cornelia Hondricks, Doris Laglo,^tartha ILee Craven, Ruby Col-lette, Louise Latham and Boaslehiithum, and Mlases 'Dorothy,hianton, Agnoa -Ferree, MaryWalera and Ruby Walker acted ''a pnllben^'ers. We extend ourdeep sympathy to the bereovcd .P^renta. ' Mrs. Eva Augusta Walker, wifeI of McKinley Walkor, of Davie county, passed nwny.at the State :Hospital in Morganton, where she had been a patient for the paat six yenra, on Sept. 20, aged '87. She was the daughter of i Richard L; Keller and \ Nannie •Smoot Keller, and was born onlAprlf 11, "1696. The surviving Ifamily consists of her husband 'and 'two aona,- William Lemuel land John Le&nard Walker, her'pdi^enta, Mr. and-Mrs. R. L. Kel ler, ■ And one brother, E. M. Kel-jidr. The last rites were held onFriday 'mbrriing at 11" o'clock, at Salem Methodist c'hurch, with Rev. J. 0. Banks, tho pastor. In'charge. Tho pallbearers were; Snm Seamon, Sam Jones, WilllomjGroon, Erneat-Koontz,'• -William Daywalt and iChester Campbell. •The many floral offerings were carried by Misses Rachel Foster, Ipaullne Cartner, Mdry Blanche Gartner, Verlie Koontz, Carrie Setimpn, Edith Koontz, Frances Jonea, Margaret Daywalt, BcnaDnywult, Maiy Ellen Smoot, Ma rio Gartner, Helen Walker, Helen Jones and Bertha Jones, Bio - Obituaries - 9/28/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 4,1933 Charlie Thomas ^Miltpn Waters, ofthis city - ';wasorder^'lield'-fbr.-llie grand jury, by Oaonet W: .E Kennen on Sni^ay. aRerra'Jury.had returned .a verdict cbu^Bg the'young wan with .ne gligence snKthe operation of an ad ; tpmobile ^ Saturday flight as a re: TbowM, > ' npgro, .ot Mocksviile. • died, a ;tew.bdtirs after being run over by ibe auloingliile operated by. Waters about two~mile8 out of town on the Winsidn Satew highway. • Mr. Wat^s stated he knew bitt car hit someAing on the highway bnt when fie slopped he failed to "see any object and decided it was a, cow or siray animal which he had sideswip^-hnd bad left the ^ road withont being severely injur^, Thomas was' picked up a few min utes afier^r^ and brought to his home here where medical attention failed to .revive hiro and he passed away about' midnigbi. . The jury'w^smnmoned by Sher iff Smoot ind fluent iutd se^on ai- bout 9 a. m.. and it was about 5 p.- m., before the body concluded its; investigations and cbarg^ Waters with • criminal negligence n Bond was set at ^i.ooo, which he gave. • The jury was composed of the following men: G- H.. Grab.».m, Hw B.. Snider, J. F. Stonestreet, S M. Call, J. W. Gartner and E..: G. Hendrix. ...1 Three men have 'met death -.vip automobile acqidents near ."Alock^. viile during the past to months, all oitbem bavihgbeen run. down sodp after dark, while walking' along" the bigbVray, and all having 'Charlio" as.their-givsn-'-name. Tbev , wei^ Charlie Benson, Charlie Clement and Charlie Thomas, all ot this city. Bio - Obituaries -10/4/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 5,1933 Robert Allison MISS VIOLET ALLISON'S BROTHER PASSES AWAY The many friendg hero of Miss Violet Allison will sympathize with her in tho (leatli of. her bro ther, Mr. Robort Allison, of Knn- napolis, which occuiTcd siuidon- ly on Sunday afternoon, The funeral was held at Rock Hill, S. C., the former home of tho treceuAed. During "-Miss ~Aii iso'ii's absonce Miss Hazel Baity has supplied as teacher in the four' th grade. Bio - Obituaries -10/5/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 11,1933 C. Se^oi^ C W. Seafp^ 73, v^ell known Davje county farmef, dfed at his home near Harbison's Chapel at 4 o'clock Friday xnbrni.ng, iollowing an- illness of-abputj two yciar8.v-.Fa9' eral and baVial^rvi^ took 'place at Center Meth<^ist church Satur day morning-at"! 1 o'dbck, con. ducted by his pastor,. Rev. R. CV "Goforth, and the body wa® laid - to rest in the church graveyard Sor- viying Mr. Seaford is ' two .'sons. H'earl'-and Aaron, and thr& daiigb-' ters, Mrs TS. Green, klrs.' Sam Dwiggins and Mrs, Frank- Walker. In the death of Mh Seaford Pavie county-loses one of her best citizens, a man'.wbom every body Ib.ved and respected. 'We are saddled .-by the news of bis deatb. To the hfri reaved sons and daughters'.Tbe Re* cord extends sympathy in-this hour of sadness.- ' • Thos. H.;CliDe Funeral. n Funeral services for Thomas H. Cline, 77, of Shady Grpve town* .ship; .was held at ibe home Thtir^' day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. and at/Advatice Baptist cborch at 3 o'clock, oondiicied bv Reys.-E. W. Turner and Wm. Rathbnrn'; Burial followed in the chiirch graveyard-. Mr. Cline had been ill for several years but his sudden death was a shock to his family and friends. .Surviving is the widow and otie son. J. H. Cline, ol Forsytb cbuiit'y; three daughters, Mrs. L. L. Potts, Mrs. R. L. Cope and Mrs. J;: Etcbi. •son, all of this connty.. Mr.- Cline was a native of Forsytb. county, but spent most of bis life la Davie. Bio — Obituaries -10/11/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 12,1933 KNOCIl S. IIEAUCIIAMP DIES AT-ADVANCE Enoch Sdiirovf) Pioniiehump, \vnll-l(uowu Durio cuunty fni'mcr, |i:i.S!icd nway nl his lionie near Advance on Salurtlny uvcninK, ^ Oetobei' ?, ajjcd {iG, hiulnf; jjcuri I in declining health foi* the past ' eighteen months. Ila was the , ao!i of Jdmcr. "licnnchamp nhd Snrnli T-iai'tmnn ncutichamp.' The KurvivinK fainily coni-.ials of hisi v.ife, AI vs.. Lola Illltou JScaii-j :champ, five snis, C. F., of High! ; Point, L ,1., K. .r., h, H., a\ld E.j ^ L. iienuchatnp, all of Advance, rouv (laiiKhlero, Mvo. Wllilt; Hhikc, I I of Lewi.svlllc, Mrs. Luther Vlold- ei', Julia and Emnut* Ucau- : champ, of Advance!, one alstar, {Mis. .lake Kepler, of Salisbury, and four brothers, John licaii- I champ, of Advance, Frank Ijemi- i champ, of Coiicnril, Jossn and I I Fred Iloatichntnpi of Salii'-bury. jThc funoval was eonrtuclud at I Advance AlcthodSst ^clnu'ch by jllcv. tS. li, Fcrrco, on Monday j j afternoon at 2:30, and the inter-i Imcnt was in the church cenio | 'teij. The pHlllJourQr.H wore: Law-1irunco Wilson, Alex Tucker, Wal-j tor Sain, Jiinie Itoniieiuimp,. Aru-I jiir llSeatichainp and Jo.sso Zim-! , , , ,, merman. Tho fiowei-.s were in] l^irCnlloch, and Georgia Alay cliorge of Alisses Irene Sain,' ^aiii. Alary June Alyei-.s, Mary Frances j .Aiarcli, flclen tr{|(on, Knlberino {.Sliermor, l..iic.v Shermer, Tlielma| I Waller, Martha Waller. Georgia j James Elisha and Susanna Sophronia Jurney DMATIl GLAiaiH WIDKLV > i KNOWN UtEDELL HOUI'LE .friseparubie for nearly 50 years in life, .ramcs Elisha Jurney and hl.s wife, Susanna Sophroain Juiinson liiirnoy, uf (Jiitnn Grove iTowasliip, Jredcll countj*, were purled -i.tily a few • lunu'-s by donlh. I Airs. Jurnej', just past her tJOlh hirliidiiy, bccamu Miitidtinl.v ill and ,died Alonday. She was buried 'Wcdnesduy Jil'lernoon nnd two hours after the funeral licr him- biiiid, wlui was jjast 7'J ycar.«< of age, .suceunibud tu an lllnti.s.>: of .several, years' duration. Funeral .services for Mr. Jur-' iiey were coiuhictod at Union (b'ovc Church Thursday after noon by the Kev. G. B, Feree and the Itev. {Grndy "White, aiid In terment wa.s in ll:c church ceme tery besiege his wife.; grave,' hardly 21 bour.H old. The same niiutstcrs, with the • ns.sislancc of the Itcv. J: E. Hut- i ton, of Greetisburu, ofllulalud, and | the same pallbenrera with tho ex ception of one. served at the j funeral of Mrs. Jurney at tho\ churcir Wednesday. h ClIAllLKS W. bSAFDKD PASSES AWAY OCT. OTII. .Charles We.sloy Sonfpri), one of bavio county's mn.st highly c.sLecmed citlr-ctus, pr..S8cd nway at n ills home near Ilardi.soii'.s Chapel, on Friday morning, Oct. (»', after Ian illncs.H of over n year, aged iTd. He was tho son of Air. and Alr-s. Peter Seafbrd of Davio cuunty, -his fnthor being - klllwl during the War Between Ihe Siato.s, louviiig a widow luid- two | small 8011.8. Ui.«j broLlicV, Pinkneyj Sonford, died Sept. J,7, 15)31. Air. I Scafoi'd was miu'i'icd on Nov. Id, | J883, to Margaret Dwiggins, of" Davie, and to thia unlcn wore born acvorni sons and daiightur.i, some of whom died in infitne.v. Airs. Senford pa.s;.ed away im Jan. 31, 1030, and the surviving family conHiHts of three diitigh- ler.s, Alra. J. .S. Green, Airs. Frjiiik Walker, aiiil Airs. Sam Dwiggins. and two aons, C. 11. Senford and C. A. Senford, nil of Duvle enun-. ty. Air. Scarord was a lender in i lii.»< cmmunlly, and he and his Bio - Obituaries -10/12/1933 wife WOK! anumg the chnrler, members uf llardison's Chnpcli when It was Imilt '1.5 years agd,' nio.ving their membQi-ship from Collier. For many years - he operated, it sawmill, and It Is said thai Im cuntrihiilud to the croc lion of every chiireh, both while and colored, In that Hectign. Tho' runcrni soi-viccs were conducted liy his p.'i.slui', Kov, K. p. Gofdflli. a.s.sLsled by Itev. J, 0. Banks nnd Uuv. W. J. S. Walker, On Satur- ^lay morning, at 11 'O'clock, at t'(!ntei''AleLhodi:;t cliurcli. and fllie liiterniont was in ihe church : cemetery. C^-niidsons of the tle- cea.sud acted as pallliearcr.-i, and the floral Iribntes were uarrled l.y thy graiuhluilghicr.s, j DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 18,1933 Samuel L Collette Funeral services for Sarouel L Collette, 63, who died at bis b<?uie in Winston Salem Friday, were betd at Eaton's Baptist church Sat* urday afternoon at .4 o'clock and the body laid to rest in the church graveyard. Mr. COlietle left Davie county about -25 years ago, and has been living in Winston Salem since. Surviving Is one grand daughter, of Winston Salem. and one sister, sVlrs. G. Lesgans', of near .Catja Rev. E. W. Turner, of this city, conducted the services. Henry B. Rouse pnoeral] services for Henry B. Rouse, 51. who was killed by an antomobile at Wilson N. C, last Wednesday, were held at Liberty Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the body laid loj rest in the church graveyard. Mr. i Rouse is survived by bis widow, three brulbers and two sisters. . Bio - Obituaries - 10/18/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 19,1933 IIKNUV HOONE ROUSK KILLED INSTANTLY jluju'y lioone House, njfo 51, ^viia run over and almost tiisliiiilly killed al Wilson lute Wcdiiuailuy nftornoon, October' jltli. He was brought from 270 jjicaeliury Street, Concoyd to Li- lierty Cliuvch in Daviei County, near here, where he was iborn n(ul reared. Ho was u member of the Ihtpllst church at Mochsvillc. Tfie funeral and burial ser< vices were held by. two pastors from Concord in the prcserice of n bu'iro crowd of relatives mid friends ami burial took place In the church cemetery. Surviving Is his wife, three brother and {vvii sisters, Mr. P. G. Rouse, of KniinapoHs; D. K., of Salisbury; w. (1.. of Stoncvlllc, Mva. D. C. Howard, of Mocksvillo and Mrs. j, H. Lehman, of Newport News, Vn. Samuel L. Collett flifhefftl Borvicfts for Mr. Sam- iiel "L. Cbllctt, of•Winkton--Salem; were hold at Eaton's church lost Satiirdav nftornoon by Rev. E. W. Turner. Mr. Collett was a sou of Benjamin and Snillc Hunter Collett and loaves as the only surviving member of the family one sister, Mrs. Granville Lon- gans, of this neighborhood.^ Bio - Obituaries - 10/19/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 25,1933 E. W. Tatum E. W. TattitD, 58, promment Salisbury citizen, di^ at bU home in that city Saturday afternoon, following an extended illness. Funeral services were held Monday rooming, conducted by Rev, Arch Cree, pastor of the First Baptist church, and the body laid to rest in Chestnut Hill cemetery. Surviv* ing is the widow and several child* ren. Many relatives and friends in Mocksvills and Davie county, were saddened by the news cf' Mr. Ta« turn's death. He was a native of this county, being a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. S.'f. Tatum, ot Jeru salem. Mr. Tatum traveled for many years for V. Wallace & Sons, of Salisbury. He was active in church work, and was a mcniber of several fraternal orders. Marietta Campbell mlnma OD Wednesday. Oct. nth. H(3SCainpli®" «•» htiited in the oM tamBy stf near Jericho. 1 # Bio — Obituaries -10/25/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 26,1933 FATHER OF REV. R. C. . GOFORTJf DIES IN LBWoIR Rev, R. C. Gofoi'th and family were cnlied to Lcnoir on Satur day by the death of his father, Ml*. Georao Goforth, of that city, which occurred that morning. The deceased was a well-known and highly ostoomed citizen of Lcnoir, ond wns in hio Slat, year. TTe had been paralyzed two years ago, the third stroke being about ton 'days ago. Mr. Gofoi^h took nn active port in the affairs of Caldwoll county, was a aucccss- ful' fnrmci'-'and the first county dcnionfitrAtor in Cnldwoll. ' He wna a steward in the Meth odist-ehurclr^n-Lenolivand for n number of yojira wae a member Of Uiu city school board. During his later lifo-hc n traveling rcpresontntlvp of the Internation al Fertilizer Company," his torri-. tory being many of tlio woatern. countiea of the State. The surviving family. cOrisiBta-- of his Invalid wife, wW was for merly Miss Lou Tuttle', hnil the" following sons and daughters: Hern don W. Goforth, "U. 'con sul, of Matamoras, Mexico;.Mi's. W. J. Barker, of Burlington; Miss Mary B. Goforth, of .Lenoir; Rev. R. C. Goforth, of Mockavillo; G. Mark Goforth, of Lenoir; Mrs. R. W. Hogiio, of- Washington, D/ C.-i ' Mrs. E. E. Eybers, of Bloomfoun- tain, South Africa; and Mrs. Earl Whyscnant, of .Elizabeth, Tohn.; all of the jfamUy beiiig present at the funeral except the son ond daughter out of thp States, Twenty-one grandchiVdren jalso survive. The funeral services I were cujidtictod nt the homo on Sunday afternoon, by Rev. 0, E. iRozzelle, pastor of the dcceoaedt I assisted by Rev. L. D. Thompson, ! presiding cider of- the WlnBtoh- Salcm district. A large number of relatives and friends attended the last rites, and there were many beontli^ul floral tributes. The numbers of friends of Rov. Mr. Gbforth throughout tho town and county sympathize with him and hia family in their bereave ment. •E. WALTER TATUhi DIES IN- SAfclSBURY Mr. and Mrs. j., T^.; Baity, Dr. W. C. .Martin, Miss PlosSie Mnr- Hih~and-Dr.7ii^8ter-Maftin~went I'to Salisbury p^'Si]ndniy afternoon ..to see the of the late E. jvValter Tat^'i^', prominent citizen 'of that city,'who passed away. I after an illness of soverai inunths. | 'The deceased was a native of iDavie county, being the son of the lote Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tatum", and was a nephew of Mrs. W. C, M.artin and^ Mrs. J. T. Baity. Ho is auryiv^ by his wifo, two sons and .two daughters, and several brothora and slsterai I among them being Miss Rosa Ta- j tum, of Coolcemee. Mr. Tatum I was n'n active member of tho First Baptist church in Snlis-' bury. Bio - Obituaries -10/26/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 1,1933 Robert Jones Dies. Robert Jooes, 3f, who was shot last Friday nigbt, aeariBixby, died in the Baptist Hospital, WinstoD- Salem, Suoday moraiag at nine o'clock. Phillip HiUoo, ot ;oear Bixbv, is .m the Mocksville jail, charged with being implicated in the murder of Jones. .Robie Hilton, son of Phillip Hilton, who, it is said did the shooting, made bis* es cape, and has not vet been appre- bended. . Ralph Hilton, another son of Phillip HJUon, was also lodged in jail Friday 'night, to a wait an investigation. From niager reports from officers, it is thought that the shooting restiUed during a drinking partyi :.and from an old grudge. . Funeral services for Mr. Jone.s were held iat' Comataer • Baptist church' Monday afternoon at o'clock, conducted by Rev, £. W, Tarner.-and thV^ibdv'Iftld' 'to in the famijy graveyard' Surviving .Mr. Jones is bis wife nnd one t daugbter;.four brothers, S A., O a" A , J' F, and I. W. Tnnei. Mrs. June Beauchamp. Mrs. June Beauchamp,- of Red land, died at the Baptist Hospital, Winston Salem, Monday morning at 2 o'clock, following a week's illness. Funeral and bunal services were held Wednesday at Bethlehem Methodist church. Surviving Mrs Beauchamp is her husband, bet parents, Mr and Mrs. .SuU.ie R. Smith, of Redtacd, six brothers, George, of Homestead, Fla., Walter and Willie, of Indiana; Earl, of Winston Salem. Everett, of Red* laud, and.'Robert, of Mocksville: four sisters, Mrs. Addie Smith. Mrs. Ollie Dunn, MissesLeona and Lucy, ail of near Redland. j William Flynn William Flynn, 8S, Confederate Veteran, died Sunday evening at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Tom TriviUe, in Calabaln town ship. One-son, and ijwo daughters survive. Funeral, and burial ser vices were conducted by' Rev. G. B, Ferree, at Union Chapel M. p. church Monday afternoon at four o'clock. Only a few of the boys who wore the gray are left today; They are rapidly passing over the river. . Bio — Obituaries -11/1/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 2,1933 ROBERT JONES VICTIM OF TRAGEDY Funeral scrvicoa wore hold at Cornatzer Baptist Church at 2 p. m on Monday for Robert Jonca, 31, vrho phased away at Baptist Koapitnl in WInston-Snlem about 9 o'clock Sunday morning as a result of gunshot wounds" in the 1 abdomen, receivod at the hands ; of Rober Hilton, near the "Jones I home, in the fiixby section on iFrldoy night. r! Sheriff 0. -C. Smoot and dopu- ,.^tlcs who have been investigating '^tho fatal shootitrg of Jones, have I boon unable to apprehend Rober ' Hilton, whom Jones Is said to ^ have accused of the shooting , while on his death bod. Warrants , have been hssucd for Hilton and I his father, Phil Hilton, charging tbcm with murder. Information . in hands of Sheriff Smoot la , to the effect that Rober Hilton • did the actual shooting but hla , fiithor wns present. The father is ; being held without bail pending a ; heaving before Mngiatvate F. R, . Leagans some time thia week. ' A brother, Ralph Hilton, is also being held for investigation but no charges have yet been preferred against him. Ootalls of lha fatal shooting oro not avniJnblo but Jones and the lilltons had had trouble prior to this time and engaged in a number of fights. ' llic deceased was the son of the late J. E. Jones and Oma Mc- Danloi Jones, and is survived by tho widow, who prior to murringo was a Miss Lewis, of this coun ty, one small daughter and four brothers, Alex, G. A., J. F. and J. W. Jones, nil of this county. Funeral services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. E. W. Turner, and interment followed in the family cemetery nearby. I Pnllbenrera wore G. A. Jones, J, W. Jones, 0. M. Jones, F. M. Jones, L. B. Jones and Frank Jones. The flowers were carried by nieces of the deceased, Misses dma Jones, Ruth Jones, Mildred Jones, Aimn Jones, Linn Jones, Lyddy Jones, Ella .Tones, Lyadlc Jones, JTary Nell Jones and Inea Jones. . WILLIAM 'PLYNN, CONFEDER- ATE VETERAN, DEAD WilJin'm Flynn, Confederate ve teran and citizen of Yadkin coun ty passed away Sunday evening at the home of his daughter, j Mrs. Tom Trivette, near Ijames'l X Roads, aged 88. The deceased' had spent much of his time iii' recent years In Davio county. Ho' is survived by one son, Sam Flynn, of Cana, and two daught ers, Mrs. Tom Trivette, of Davio, ond Mrs. John Trivette, of Yad-' kin county, and 27 grandchildren,' Tho funeral woa conducted . at Union 'Chapol on Monday after noon at 4 o'clock, by the pastor Rev. G. B. Ferrce, assisted by Rev. H. W. Hutchens, and tho inter ment was in the church grave yard. MRS. G. L. GRAGG BURIED IN DAVIE Mrs. Lola Lyon Gragg, wife of G. L. Gragg, of Conovcr, died at her hoine near St. Peter's church Or. last Thursday morning, after being ill only a few days. She v;as reared at Advance, but had been living at Conovor for sev eral years. She is survived by her husband and five stepchildren, her mother, Mrs. Emma Lyon, one brother, R. L. Lyon, thrco sisters, Mi'S. L. 0. Markland, Mrs. Noah Robinson and Miss Hattle Lyon, of Advance. The funeral service was hold at the Baptist «church in Newton on Saturday morn ing at 10:30 and tho interment took place in Elbavillo ccmctei'y near Advance on Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. G. B. IFcrveo in chnrgo. Bio - Obituaries — 11/2/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 8,1933 J. K. Culbertson ]. K. Culberlson, promioeDt citi 2caotWoodleaf, died Friday morn in?, and burial services were beld a Unity Presbyierian church Sunday atiernoou. Bio — Obituaries - 11/8/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 9,1933 John T. Wyatt VENUS OP FAITH DIES OP-CANCER Snllabury, Nov. 8. — John T. Wyntt, knovm to hundreds of \ nowspnpor renders n» "Venus of Fnith," died early today as a re sult of a cancer. Ho was in his 83rd year. ^An eccentric little old man who lived alone in his old family homo in the email iowh of Faith, ho reported personal items from that community under the pen name "Venus" In such an inimitable, homely stylo that his colnmii was widely published. If n bigger gourd, tomato or oar of corn was grown than ho had aeon before, ho recorded it among hia items with the admonitions, "If you can bent that for a big, gourd trot out your gourd." ;( Allhougli not a Confedcrato veteran, "Venus" was an unrcgc-t rated son of the Confederacy and j was a familiar figure at rcnuions | of the veterans. |l lie was born October 81. 1850,-( and as n buy ran crnuid.s for the I officers 111 charge of the camp I fioro where federal prisoners of']: war wore hold. jv^ After the wai-, hia family mov-in' ,cd 'to a Rowan county farm on|i which the small granrtc town of,! Pnlth wa.8 built. "Venus" Is tc-'e putcil to 'have shipped the first y car of granite from the section jP which is now an important con-ii) tor of tho atone. lb A collector op old coins, early American furniture and all man ner of relics of tho past, Venus' home was virtually a museum. After the deaths ovor-a period of years of his father, riiothor, brother, Biater and wife in the! old house, he lived on alone there for years, until his recent illnca.s caused his removal to the coun ty home. Bio - Obituaries -11/9/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 15,1933 Phillip S. Tedder Phillip S. Tedder, 66, died at bis borne near Parmin^oD early Thursday moruiog, following an extended illness. Mr. Tedder tnov* ed to this county from Forsyth last fauQary. Surviving is the widow, five sons and one daughter. One sister and three brothers. Funeral .•services were held at the home Fnday morning -at 11:30"o'clock, conducted by Rev. W W. Smoak. and the body carried to Rural Hall for bnrial. W. D. Turner Hou W. D. Turner, 78. for 56 years a practicing attorney in Stat esville, di^ last Wedne^ay, fol lowing a.short illness. He served in the Sia^e Senate In 187&. and became lieutenant governor in ignb He was in the N C. legislature in 1918,' and at the time of his death was a member of the board of trustees of Duke University. Fun eral services were held at Broad Street Methodist church Friday afternoon. In the death of Mr. Turner, Iredell connty has lost one of her best beloved citizens. Bio - Obituaries -11/15/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 16,1933 PHILLIP S. TEDDER.PASSES AWAY Phillip Sidiioy Tcddor, 06, well- known farmer of tho Farminffton community, died nt hla home' on November 0, after an illnesa of three months. He was formerly from (F'orsyth county. The sur- vivtnif fumily consists of his wife, who wna Miss Annie Burnett, of Porsyth, one daughter, Mrs. .W. A. Bodenlieimer,' of Rural Holl, five son, Rufus, of Tobaccoville, Ernest, of Pnrmington, Fred, of. Aahchnvn, Gbarlic, of Greensboro, 'end Claude, of GuUferd CoUego; five grandchildren and two great- Igi'andchildrcn; one Riator; Mrs, I Seaborn, of Klacr, nnd threo bro thers, Joe Tedder, of . GuiUovd !College, Anthony Tedder, of Men- dowa, and Ed Tedder, of German- ton, The funeral was hold at the home, and the InMmionb took ^)laco at Jodfcrson Chriatian church at Rural Hall, \ylth Rov... W.'W. Smoak offlclatlng. , ,.T'ho • pallbearers were Rtiftia Tedder, jlilrncBt Tedder, Fred Tedder, Charles Tedder, Claude Tedder*, and W. A'. Dodenhelmer. ' Tho flowers were carried by Mra. Al bert Bodcnhcimcr. Willielminn Tedder,. Opal Bcdenhoimer, Eve lyn Tedder nnd Claim Lee Ted- dor. Bio - Obituaries -11/16/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 22,1933 Fimerai Secdo^ 1^^^ . Wood. 1 Funeral services for • Mrs,' Sallle Wood. 72, :Wiie of A.. C. .Wood, ol Advance, who died'at the state hos pital at IWbrganton, ton Nov 13th. were-held at the home in Advance Thafsday- sftern-oon at 2 o'clock, and at the Baptist church at 2'30 o'clock, with the pastor. Rev. E. W. Tnrhet officiatmg, .'Surviving; Ofrs .Wood- is her husband and-two sisters Mrs, Cora Swift, p* David soncouotv; and Mrs. Dooae Wilson, also of Davidson; one brother, John Wilson, of Davidson, four grand* children and five great grandchild, ren. Mrs. Wood was a consistant member of the Advance Baptist church, and had many friends in the Advance section who who were saddened by her death.' - Bio - Obituaries - 11/22/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 29,1933 Wiliiam Barneycastle Passes. William B. Barneycastle, 77; well known farmer of the Center com munity, died at bis borne early last Wednesday morninp, followluK a year's illness. He had been con fined to his bed about two weeks Funeral services" were held at Center Methodist church Thursday alternoon at 2 30 o'clock, conduct: ed by Rev. Jim Green, Gieensboro, assisted by Rev J O. Banks, p^t* or of the church; The body was laid to rest " in the church grave yard Mr. Barneycastle is sur vived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. J. C. Dwiggins. of this city, and Mrs. T. W. Tutterow, of the Center community. Three brothers, E R. Barneycastle. of Center; John Barneycastle, of near Holman's, and Van Barneycastle. of Forsylh county, also survive, Mr. Barney castle was a leader in the Center Methodist church for many years, and was one of the county's best beloved n citizens. His death has brought sadness to a host of triends throughout the county. Donald Seamen. - n On Sunday, Nov. 12, 1933 at 6:45 0. m, little Donald Clay, son of Mr. and Mr.«. C. F..Seainon, deid at the home of his par- erils at Cooleemee. He was bom Feb. 15, 1933. His stay in this world was 'short. He had been slightly lU for two weeks and pneuraonia developed. He only lived a very short while. AH that tender hends and loving hearts could do was done, but God saw ia him a gcit too precious to stay to this world, so took blm to be with him. 0 how father, mother and little brother wHl miss that sweet smiling face. But we know our ioss is bis gain. So I say to those so heert brokcQ. weep not as one who has no hope, for Jesus said, "suffer little children to come unto me, and for bid them not, for of siiuh is the Kingdom of Heaven," with these words tke are sure the dear little babe is "safe in the arms of'Jesus" May we ull meet the little treasure "over there." A FEUEND. J. Wade Brock. J Wade Brock, 44.'of FarmingiOD, passed away Saturday afternoon at Z:30 o'clockata hospital at Morgaotom Hehad i been in U1 health for several years and hia condition bad been cruical for several ddvd Mr. Brock was a native of Farmingtoii and had spent bis entire life iti Davie county. He was a itnember of FartQlng ton Metfaodist church. Sarvivlog are the widow; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. BMck. of Farmingtoo, two brothers. B. C. Brock, of Mocksvlle and John Brock, of Columbia, S. C., and one sister Miss Margaret Brock, of Greens boro. The funeral was held Sunday . St 2:30 o;cloi:k at Farmington church. Rev. Mr. Ervln coL services. Burial followed in i graveyard. "Ifitfli Bio - Obituaries - 11/29/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 30,1933 JAMES WADE BROCK DIES IN STATE HOSPITAL James Wado firockt 41,. pasa- od awny at the State HospRal In Morgranton, where he had been ail tmnato for oovflral'yoars. on Nov. 26. He was born and rear' ed In Farmington, and was the eldest son of M. B. Brock and Mrs. Vertle Goloy Brock. The sur* vivinff family oonslata of his por- ents, ,1^.0. brothers,'B. C. Brock, of this place, John.Brock, of Col umbia, S. C., and'one aiater, Mai> garet Brock, of Greensboro. The funeral services were conducted ot Farmington Methodist church', of which tho deceased was a member, on Sunday afternoon at 2:80; with the pastor. Rev. M. G. Ervin, officiating. The pallbear ers wero; G. Wesley "Johpson, C. B. Seats, G. H. Graham, Ghorge Hnrlmnn, Bon Smith and Leo P. Brock. Tho floral tributes woi-o in chnrgo of Mrs. Herman -Wall, Mrs. Floyd L'aahloy, Mrs. John Brock and Mla's'Dbwthv" Novrihg", ton. Interment tvfts in the church comolery. I WILLIAM B. 'BARNEYCASFLB DEAD ; William Bryant Barneycistic, well-known Davie county, citize: and farmer of tho Center coi munity passed away at his honi on Nov. 22,- after an ilincsa two years, aged 78. Ho pag tl/e i son of Lovi , Barneycaslle and I Sarah Bowles Barneycastle, and was born and reared In Dawc {county. He was mnrriotj in 18B3 I to Miss Snrah Emma Wijlkcr, ^d I they celebrated their gqjden wed ding thia yoar. He Is atirvivedlby his wife, two daughtei^'s, Mrsi J. C. Dwlggins, of Mocksville, and Mrs. T. W. Dwlggins, of nbar Center, a daughter-in-law, Mrs. V. C. Barneycastle, 0 grandchBd- rcn, two groat-grandchildren, three brothers, E. R. Bamcyks- tie and J. W. Barneycaatle.r of DavIe, and M. S. Barncycastld, of Forsyth, and several 'halff/brkK^ orn. Tho doooosod had hcon an active member of Center Metho dist church for about 60 years,' and had served as superintendent of. the Sunday School, memiber of tho board of stewards and trustee of tho church. The fun eral was held ot Center on Thursday afternoon at 2:30, with the pastor, Rev. J, 0. Banks, officiating, aseiated by Rev. R. C. |nofort> and Rev. Jim Green, of Greensboro. 'Interment was in the church cemetery. Hioac act ing as pallbearora were; T. F. Dwlggins, J. S. McDanlol. J. C. Dwlggins, W. Dwigglna, Spen-^ ccr Dwlggins nnd Walton Dwlg gins. Tho flowers wero carried by Miaso.s Mac Dwlggins, Mary Helen Barricycastic, Nannie Bar neycastle, Annie 'Walker. Sadie Leo McDaniel and Maiy Ellen Welker. Bio - Obituaries -11/30/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 20,1933 M. J. Hendricks Death Qaims Oavhe Gtizen.. M. J. 'H^dricks, 67,. Pavie C9tii}ty farmer-^tf otte*time mem-, Iber. of tfafL state iegistaitire,.'d,i^ ioj a .Winstotir;^^ hc^pital J day.'-: i . •<*•• *. '/* Heqdnt^. V,. - i ^l^drnei^'-a^it^, in^dbct* ^ f j-pm the borne at, Farmipgtcot at-10:30'b'clojc^ Fn^y. mbroiDK and firom Copxteey Baptbt cfaarch, Y^kin cotiDty, at ir o'docjif, Tbe -ReV.' W. W. 3dipak-officiated. Mr. Hendricks was bom in lre> dell county Januaty 36; 1876, the son'ofFraok M. and Maitie Red- mob .Hbodrieks. He was a mem- tier :bf' tbe Farmington Blascsic Lodge and of the Farmington Baptist church. ' " ' Surviving are the widow, Mrs, Ei|inia:T. Baton- Hendricks; two P. ^M.'Hendricks. of Lexingt'on, and J..W.. Hendricks, of Statesville; fo.urr'daoghters, .Mrs. J. H. Gilley, o^^adison, L. Wood leaf, of ClezhmonSi'.Mis. J. S. Col.dtrane, of .^itt^on-^iem, and tfisS: Grace H^dricks. ^cf ~ Statesvillej two brothers, F. B, and J H. • Hend ricks, both of Winston Salem, and three sisters. Mrs. C.X. J^gbyand Mr5.,S. Tl Davis, both of T^inston- Sgleui; and Mrs.' J. K. Da^, of Courtney. ^ i- Mrs. Tom Allen Mrs. Tom Allen, 70. died at her home in .High Point Sunday, death resulting from pneumonia. Pnni^a1.aeTyiccs were held atXliih^' Cha^ - Mboday , afternoon at;|T3 o'istcck.'^v8. R. C. Gofpr% M.d Gi B/Feftee; offimaunK• was laid n to" Hst - in JoPP® yaid, Mk Allen is snrylvetf-by 13 children, sis sons and sis dauktir . tekMk C. G. 'Lpach and- Mr. I^m Allen, of this city are chil<ftpn Bio - Obituaries -12/20/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 21,1933 I M. J. HENDRICI« DIES VERY SUDDENLY nlesvilla Dally a Mr. M. •Hendnclcs, of Parm- irti.n, Dnvie county, father of j. W. Hondriclta, superinten- ili of the Piedmont BxperU •lit Station, Statcavlllo, and iss Grace Hendricka, • or the iriinK staff of the Davis wpilal, died Wednesday after- iiiii about l:aO o'clock, at the nplisl Memorial Hospital, Wins-| Lsalcm. Mr. Hendricks under-^ Lm an operation Monday and ha thought to be doing well, hen his death came suddenly 1(1 unexpectedly, resulting from Wilu dilation of the heart. Mr. 'cndrlcks, a retired farmer and fjiicntial citizen, former mcm- ir of the state legislature, wa.s [/ years of age. Ho was b'ori» IJiivie County January 29, <(50. •' n • t. 11 The funeral services were heui 11 o'clock Friday morning ■ora the Courtney Baptisttiurcli, in Yadkin county and in-.•rmcnt with Masonic honorsrore in the cemetery t^c. . At the age tof 23 yoafs Mr,iCiulrickB was married :to MissjlniinH Eaton. Mrs. Hondricks' sur-five-, and two sons and four dau-htcra. as followa; Mr. J. W, Hen-ricks, of- Stnteavllle; Mr. P. M.lendricks, of Lexington, farmgent for Davidson county; Mrs.. S. Coltraine, of Winston:nlem; Mrs. J. L. Woodleaf, of Jlcmmons; Mrs. J. H. Galley# otIniden; Miss Grace Hendricks, f Statosville. 'iVo brothers andihroo sisters also survive: iloHsrs, F. B. and J, H, Hen- irlcks, of Winston-Salem; Mrs.). L. Bagby and Mrs, S. T. Davis, oth of WinstonrSalemj and Mrs. r. E. Davis,, of Gqurtnoy. ..I In early life Mr. "Hendricks[vas engaged in the merchantllo mslnoss at Courtney. Aftot;ovoral years in business, ho ro-urnod to a farm near Farmlng- on, Davlc County, and 'bocamo )ac of' thci loading fanners o?:liat county. He afifvcd as the'irst farm agent for Davie county[uid was one of the lecturers a\>J'nrmcrs inatltiitoa throughout thedate. He was one of the leadingDemocrats of the county and in1923 represented Davio county in the state legislature. He wasactively connected with the Bap- ti.Ht church all -of his life. Ho wasahvayti interested in educationand igavo this children the advantages of a collcgo education. Those acting as pallbeai-ovs were; J. G. Tatum, Paul MartinHendricks, John Allen Hendricks, iJynum Davis, Howoll Bagby, -and Timothy Eaton, and the jnnny floral offerings were carried by Misses Jcnnctte Shore, lua Belie iStyers, Virginia FiuVnus, Jessie ILeu James, Nell Juines', l^uise Davis, Annie Clnlro Davis, Mav- .iorle Gregory, Lucilo Howell -and Ruth Myers; Mrs. John Alien^Keiidricks and Mrs. Henry Shoots. 'he officiatinv ministers wore 'Rcv. V. M. Swalm and Rev. Mr. Teniploton, of Win.itou-Salem, Rcv, W. M. Smoak, of RurnT Hall,pastor of Fni-mington . BaptistJ- church, and Rev; E. J. Harbison, of Mocksvlllc. MRS.' T. J. ALLEN DIES AT HER HIGH POINT HOME iMrs. Ifou Ella (Star) Allen, widow of tlie late Thomas Jefferson Alien, died at her homo in High Point on Doc. 17, after n brief Uincsa, aged 70 .years, 1 month and 16 days. Until n few years ago she made ucr iiomo In Dnvie county, where she was known and loved by a great num ber of relatives and friends, whojWiii miss her sadly, Sho was mar-'riod 48 years ago to Mr. T. J. Ailcn, who passed away in April, 192C. Twelve children wore born ito this union, G sons nnd G dnu-ghtcrs, all of whom are alive Their nnmos are as follows: Ciar- enec A.ilen, of Coolcemec, Sam Allen, of Mockavlllc, James Allen, of Valdese, Walter Alien, of Now York, Tom Allen and Paul Allen, of High ipoint, Mrs, C. G, Leach, of Mocksville, Mrs, Hugh Brown, of Kouto 1, Mrs. Jim Glaascock, of Route 1, Mrs. Gscnr Roger, of Route 2, Misses Lois Alien nifiliMary Allen, of High Point. TSvo stcp-.sons, Charlie Allen, of Route 2, and Will Allen, of Portsmouth, Ohio, one brother, John Lee Star, of Mocksvlllc, 2G' grandchildren and 2 'grcat-grnndchlldren also survive, Mrs. Allen was converted in early gii^ood and joined tha Jerusalem BaptiaL cliurch in 'DavIo county. The funeral was oonductqd at Union Ohapo] at 3, o'clock on Monday *aftornoon, by the pastor, Rev. G. B. Fcrrec, assisted by Ray. R. C. GoTorth, of Winston- Salem, and the intennont was in Joppa graveyard. The flowers were carried by Mrs. Mary Lou Mncoii, Miss Bertha Emblor, Miss Nannie -Thompson, Mrs. Eva Weant, Mrs. Bornico Sexton and Miss Nell Nelson. The .pallbearers grandsons of the deceased, wore Marvin Loqch, William Lcacli, WilHo Brown, Evcrette Brown, Paul Allen -and Jake Allcn^ Wo extend our deep sympathy to the bereaved family. It will be re membered that Mrs. Allen cele brated her 70th birthday at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. C. G. Loach, nb'out six wcckH ago. Bio - Obituaries -12/21/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA JAMES SAIN, well-known ' . „ uavie Co. James Sain,:one of Davie coiin-' Morks'ity's lighljr^steemed and 4ll- known citiz^, died at his^home near Bethel on Dec. ISr, after be ing-in feehle health for some time, aged 85. He was the son of Cheshire Sain and Mary iCnn Bobe Sain, and had lived in Davie ®ii ^is life. His wife, who was Miss Mollie Ijames before mar riage, passed awa* years ago. The surviving family consists of three sons, Frank Sain, W. G. Sain and C. P. Sain, and one dau ghter, Miss Minnie Sain, all of whom live on Route 8. iFoui grandchildren, three great-'grand-' children, and one brother, Frank Sain, 9f Roseville, S. 'C., also survive. The funeral was con ducted at the home on Wednes day afternoon at 3 o'clock, with Rev. C. B. Ferree officiating, and the interment was in the Bethel M. P. church cemetery. Rev. Mr. Ferree was assisted by W. M. Howard, Jr., a ministerial student at Westminster College, Md. The pallbearers were: San- ford Hopkins, Abe Howard, Alton Howard, Clifton PooTe, R. M. Woodruff and W. L. Foster, "and the-floral tributes were carried by Misses Ruby Martin, Janie Martin, Joanie Hopkins and Mrs. A. Wagoner. December 28, 1933 \ . / ' - 'JSRARy^ ,>L MOCKSVIOfi m fry cr — I _ O "F"