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Jan - Jun
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 4,1933 Mrs. Baxter Sain Funeral and burial services were held at Oak Grove Methodist Church on Monday afiernoon for Mrs. Bascter Sain, of Woodleaff who died following an operation at Lowery's hospital io Salisbury. The husbaud and a uuciber of stepchildren remain. Mrs. Saio was well known here and in other sections of Davie county and was held in high esteem by ail who knew her. Interment was in the church cemetery with Rev. J. A J, Far- rington, of Cooleeroee, 'officiatiug, assisted by Rev, Mr. OpMnger, of 'A^oodleaf. Mrs. Thos. L. Vickers Mocksville—Funeral and burial seiA'ices were held at Joppa Grave yard December 22, for Mrs. Thom as L. Vickers, who passed away at her residence in Mooresville, on Wednesday morning following an extended illness. The deceased was a native of Davie county and spent all .her life here until about one'year ago. She is well known here and in many sections of the county and was held in high esteem by all who knew her. Surviving relatives include the husbaud; three son.s. Wade and Spencer Vickers, of Cooleemee and Lonnie Vickers .of Mooresvll e; one daughter, Mrs. Frank Graves of Mooresville, and several grandchil dren. Rev. Ji 0. Banks, pastor of the Oavie circuit, officiated. . Evelyn C. Eaton. Mrs. Evelyn Collett Baton, 76, widow of A. W. Eaton, died near Cana Dec. 23, at 9 o'clock. Surviving are two sons, Charles S., and James, of Cana; two daugh ters, Mrs. J.' L. Sink and Mrs. T. lA. Blackwelder of Cana; nine grandchildren and four great'grand children. Fnneral services was held at Eaton's Baptist Chnrch. Dec 24th at 11 o'clock by Rev. V. M. Swaim of Winston Salem and Rev E. W. Turner, her pastor. A. B. Richardson Passes Mr. A. B. Richardson. 74, died at bis home near Sheffield early -Mon day, following a 5-iiay illness of asth ma and heart trouble. Funeral and jborisl services were conducted at New Union Methndlst church yestpr- dav by Rev. S N. Humgarner. Mr. Richardson is survived by his widow, two sons and four daughters. Two brothers also survive. Mr. Richard son was a good citizen and will he missed by his hundreds of friends in Davie and Iredell county. He was one of the editors best friends, hav ing been a reader of The Record for a quarter of a century. Peace to his ashes, Mrs. Mary Smith. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Smith, 75, widow of W M. Smith, nassed away Sunday morning at 9:45 o'clock at the home of her son, S. R. Foster, near Redland, after an illness of 10 days from infloenzd. She was born in Davie coun'y and was a member of Bethlehem Method ist church from early childhood. '•Surviving are one son, S. R Poster of Davie county; two brothers, Lee Smith, of York, Pa; and Samuel Smith, of Lincolnton; and four sisters Mrs. Frank Faircioth. of York, Pa ; Mrs R. A. Miller and ^iss Nancy Smith, of Davie rmmty, and Mrs, W F. Walker, of Winston-Salem. The funeral' was held at Bethle hem Methodist church Monday after noon at 2 o'clock. Rev. M. G. Ervin and Rev. R. G. Goforth conducted the services. Burial followed in the church graveyard. Miss Maade Hadson. Funeral services were held at Liberty Methodist Church, on Sunday afternoon for Miss Maude Hudson, who passed away Saturday following an illness of several days. Surviving relatives include the fa ther. T. C Hudson; one brother. Will Hudson, and a sister. Miss Mary B izabetb Hudson, all of Cooleemee. She was a member of the Presbyte. rian Church, and her pastor' the Rev. J, W. Foster, officiated at the final rites. Interment was in the Liberty Church Cemetery. Bio — Obituaries — 1/4/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 5,1933 LITTLE DAUGHTER OP MR. AND MRS. ROBERT CREASON DIES I MRS; MART E. SMITH PASSES I AWAY . Bettio Suo, the little 3 ycni'-oUi ! dttughter of Mr, and Mrs. Robei't Crenson, died" oh Saturday morn ing, Dec. 84, from scalds sho re- j coiypd oil Tliuraday by falling in < a pnh of hot water. Tho burial. \ servlc^a w6r5~hbld ./li't Liberty i3;" Oluirehi dh'~i^ndnjr ortpi—^ .noon*ot' 8:^o'aiQ'd^"She iBVaufViVed; ^ 'by. her n ^ pnrcin^V . two . brothers, • /Bobby and 'Max Earl and throb ] i'grnhdparents.' Her ''father' Mr.''" Cabnson, is a native of Davlo.j County although ho lives in Wins- ton-Saloro .now. " i . Bottle'Sue wns such a sweet, ^ ipvnblc child that to know her i was to love her and it seems so : strange that she should meet ; • such a tragic and sad death but > Jesus, whot does all things best ' probably saw she was too sweet.' . lor this world, and • while her going hns^ caused such a sad ' ■Christnins for her loved ones, Bottle is hp- doiihf. having" a, wonderful time in, Heaven. Mr." and' Mrs. ' Crcnsoh . have- Jhnny friends in 'Davlo . countywho sympathize with them in 'this sad ".affair, ' Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Smith, 76,widow of the late W. .M. Smith, and a highly cateenied Dovle county woman, died Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. R. Poster, in ®avie count}', after'an illness of ten daye with In- fiuenzn. The deceased was a native of Davie county, end was the daughter of James K. Smith and Mellnda Walker Smith. 'S'he had .been a faithful member of fiethlehom Methodist church since her early childhood.She-Is survlvod.by one daughter, Mrs. S. R.- Foster and one son,Robah Smith, both ol Davie county.;, twp brothers, . LeeSmith, of York; Pa.; and Samuel Smith, of Lincolnton; and four sistors, Mrs. Frank Fair- cloth, of York,.;Pa.; Mrs, R. A.Miller and Miss Nancy Smith, ofIDavie, and Mrs. W. F. Walker, of Winston-Salem.The funeral scrvlcog were cond Burial ioH'owed.. In the church graveyard. Those acting as pall-uciod at Bothlehcni Mathodist; wdro: Wi X), Durnii C. E*church on . Monday afternoon, Smith, Roy Hendrloka, WUlIo Ho-^ ... ^ "■'caiTibd bv Jan. 2, at two o'clock, with tho pastor - -ir^ u,I', Rev. M, G* Brviu, assist- --SM, od by Ing, WIW Rev. R. C. Goforth, officiat-: i MISS^MAUDE'HUD^. DIES AT VCdbLEBMBB ; Miss-. Maude'luio.wn and ',e8t.ecmed'.;Davio 'cbuh-v ■ fy-Wownnr paBsed>awayjh'l;"^homo fit; Cocioomed\dh--Dhci'if^• 'aftbr, anextended/iilnossl^.^^^^^^ BUrl..nnmlmAnln ' ey rori an v.cn u i;j-;rtvvi.£« of her iigbd^fathbri^T.':w■one brotyiefi;\yiU'; .ojic. alstpri ^^MissTMa^•Hudson. • TKtf} last, 'and,held at; Liberty) Met^p'dist bhiirqit\=on Sundfiy ■ nftefrio6nj-;'w pbyif!iT. W. Poster,.' of Cpoido.meb, pna^ v tor of* the doceoapdi officldtihg." '• ' "•■■ ■ ' ' • ^ • I "i' ^1 . A. H. RICHARDSON PASSES - ^ • 'A. ;.B.. Rlchai^on^; 7d,'' d]faaingi|'iinrmpy-t apdv^sltizm^ijpf ^t^Llal nAM4t«aM M A mVm m'I A ^ were; hejd;.on^IC^'tlnipn. which 'RlQhardsbnx.of Daylo' Bio - Obituaries -1/5/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 11,1933 Miss Letti^ Mae Haaser. Funeral services for Miss. Lettle Mae Hauser, 39, who died at the Baptist Hospital, Winston Salem, on Tuesday of last week, were held at the Farmingtoo Methodist church Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, con- I ducted by the pastor, Rev M. G jErvIn, Burial followed in rhe [ church jgraveyard Miss Hauser is' • survived by six brothers and four ! sisters. She had been an invalid j for more than 20 years, and had j moved from Farmiugton townshipI to Winston-Salem about thrjee years ago. She bad spent a long while jin the Baptist hospital. The ber- i eaved brothers and sisters have theI sympathy of a host of friends in this hour of sadness. Rev. W. B. Waff Passes. The entire town was saddened Friday morning when a message was received here telling of the death of Rev. W. B. Waff, which occurred early Friday morning at his home in Winton, N. C. Fun era] and burial services took, place at Harrellsville. Gates .county, Sat nrdaj' afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Waff is survived by his aged widow, one son and three danghters. Mr. Waff was pastor of the Mocksville Baptist Church for ten years, mov ing from this city to Winton about one year ago. He was one of the best beloved ministers that ever lived in Mocksville, and his death brought sadness to the entire com munity. He was abou^ 80 years of age. A saint has been called to his reward. Coley McClamroch Passes. The body of Mr. Coley'McClam* roch formerly of Davie county, but for thirty, years a citizen of Ashe ville, was brought to Mocksville Saturday morning and laid to rest in Oak Grove graveyard. Rev. R. C. Goforth conducted the -funeral services Mr. McClanirocb was a- bout'54 years oi age, and is surviv ed by his widow and one daughter Mrs..W. R. Meroney, .of this city, is a sister of the deceased. Mrs K. C. Knox. Mrs Katherine Clement Knox, 96, died at her home in Salisbury barly Monday morning, following an illness of pneumonia. Funeral | services were conducted at the home^ yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rev. Marshall Woodsou, and the body laid to rest in Chestnut Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Kucx is survived by three daughters, Misse.s Bertha Lee, Clara and Margaret Knox all , of Salisbury. A number of rela tives also live in Mocksville. Mrs. Knox was a native of this city, the daughter of John and Nancy B. Clement, and many trienis here will be saddened by news of her deatb. Mrs. G. L. Hartman. Funeral services for Mrs. Deliah Ccmatzer Hartman, 77. of Advance widow of George L. Hartman, who died Thursday night at her home alter an illness of several weeks, was held Sunday'afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at Advance Methodist church. Rev. W.- M. Rathburu conducted the services. Burial fol lowed in the church graveyard. Mrs. Hartman had spent her en tire lite in Advance .and was well known. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. J. L. Davis, Mrs. C. R. Vog- ler and Miss Cora Hartman, of Ad vance, and two sons C. E. Hartman of Huntsville, and L. E. Hartman, of Advance. * Bio - Obituaries - 1/11/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 12,1933 GE0RGI3 C. McChAMROCII i>I3Al> DEATH . OF GRIMES Wll^LARD POTTS . GritneB Willnrd Potts, l yoar" old son -of Ml', and Mrs. J. C. Potts diod Tuosdiiy afternoon lit !}:36 'At the home of its. parents' >in Jorusnlom, death reaultinc: from pnonmqnin. The "'funeral sei'viues wore hold at Eethlehem. Wodnosduy uflernoon, Jun. 11, at tv/d o'clock, conducted by Roy. E. W., Tumor-uaaistod by Rov. M. G. Evvin. . Suvvlvlntf are the parents, two brollicrs, Hiinoa and Loator 'and three siaieru', Gitidya, Eriiiu uiiu Holoii. George Ooleman. McClathrfch,'v |iH, a' former citizen " • of'" Dnvlo" i coiinly,' died In his; slcen at jiia I homo In Aahevlllo on Thuradajr; .Tnnunry G. Ilo'waa tho abh of.thd Iflfo .'George . Glinlmera McClaih-' roc'h, nnd woa born " In ; Davltf. 'county near Oak •Grove• on'.Feb. 11, 1870. He apenfc hia' boyhood I days .on the farmj nnd on -Dec; 20, 1002 ho wna married to Miss Mattlo Roger. To this union was born one duiightor, -For the past 00 years Mr. McCiumroeh had been away from Davlu county, having lived in Ashovllle for.lfi yenra, whore he followed hia prd« • fcaaion of mechanic nnd jewole'r;- He is HUryived "by his -widow, Mrs, Mnttio Roger 'McClamroCn,! Ills daughUr, Mrs. A. 0", Moohcy- htirn, and one grandson, .A."(0!. Afnciuiyhnm, ,rr., of ■AHliqyllic, one: brcthei', Oacur McCIa-inroch, unafive Hia.lors, Mrs. Mamie Nichols, of Grootiiiboro, Jlfrsi Alice Iluir cliina, of .VVlnflt'on^tllem, Mrs.. Jtosft Rrough, <of Kahsna. City,Mo,, Mrs. 0. G, .TTodfeson, of I^x- ihgtun, Neb.> and Mrs*. W.. -R.'Morbnoy, of Mdoksyilio. Tho last .rites wore conducted at Oak Grove Mctbbdiat church on Sat' urdny niorning at 11 o'clock, with^^ Rev.- R, C. GofoHh in .qhargev; Bio - Obituaries - 1/12/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 12,1933 W. B. WAPtp-PASSES AWAY !ak ity. : a I ed • n ———. . BenbJJy "" ed BanHof and belov- I ate of the BaptJat chuMh Wn n - Waf/hlTT Several weeks ago-Mr. but had Paralyafe, .e Waff colobratod their GWrio/J ' iaitor tte folthfur c«' ch!w.h ^\^ocIc8vIlJo Baptist 'ofcliurcJi, and i,^ mnnv fTl- ICc w wS"" 'thSrtwul. """ " «»<"courteoiia gonfcloman. His nrba, an Va., and Mrs. i3. L. Pholps, of GntosvUlc, and one brotlior, U. E. WmIT, of 'Willlston, Pin. Tho de ceased wnjj a grudunto of Wake Forest College, being a achool-1 mute of the late Pn»f, J, T. Aider- • man. Ho was one of tho most bo- loved paatoig of tho Chowan As- aoclntion, and wtia hold In hlgli e.stcem wherever ho was known. The- funeral services wore held . at . Keynoldsoh, Gates county, where ho had been jiaator for 28. yoai-a, on Saturday afternoon at i three o'clock. Wo extend our i deep sympathy to tho bcrcavod family. i Bio - Obituaries - 1/12/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, January 12,1933 ^•9 AaauJ MBS. H. M. KNOX DIES IN I SALisBunr 5Sj Clement ICnox - "■« John M. Snnd fl no of Snlfsbury's hpaf Up' 'E highly estoomod liidteo'«' her homo ™wogt Bonk street on Mondov oTffc" * in hersh! hnV' months agoj, she had a strdke «/ paralvsla ° When improved,, hen pnenmonla . devctoneil nm?- P«.™d fatel. She woe tt S youw^-'"'/""Khter of John ciemMt ' ^ J? 1 Bailey Clement of, Mwhsvllle, Odd worS on P- : " ■»«»- ■"at. ^ 2 '""■hnown romlly in ™' John *Ihp r «^i ,";i'*^®®®nted Bowan inrne LegJeJature ^or mnnv vnni.1 ^an^d IntreduJod the bill thot fml She in 188G.She Whs educated in nrlvnta **«®oehoola In .Moekovlllo, nt Bet <5°iS^Bonkln'o Acndemy In Sol-'. o'" limswT**D-rtJi#1 nli ' « .. **r> 1 byterinn churcnT^nM'w.^j,,^,.^ , v la loyal and faithful momboi^o^ Dec, 22, ISGO she was married to * John M. Knox, of Snlisbitry, nnd Bpent tho remainder of her life in that city. Her husband was a promincni' citizen and church man of Salisbuiy, nnd wan one of the founders, and for mahy^'years tho president of the SnliB-" bury Cotton Mills. He died at their summer homo at DIowlug Hock nboul eight yoara ago. tn spite of 'her ntlvnnccd uge Mrs.Knox took keen interest in the | nffaii's of the day, and'her mind | .was remarkably 'alerl. Slio had •!many , lovable traits that oiulchi*- ad her to a wide circle of rcia- ''liyca and friends. For many '■|yottrB l1io . Knox. ■ -Family spenttholr Hiunniors at Bloiving .Bock, 'where they had a homo. Mrs. 1 Knox is survived by throe dau- ' gliters. Misses Borthn. Clurn and Margaret Knox, of Salisbury. A number of. niccos and iiophcws 'also survive, these being Mrs. B. It. Cnither and Mrs, Julia C. Hoitmnn, of Mockavillo, DoWitt C. Clement, of Dnvio county, Ray „^ Clement, of Stony Point, 11 ugh ' Clomont and Mrs. Kenneth Chap- • •man, of Norfolk, Vn., and -Mra. ' Glenn W. Hcrrlck, of Ithaca, N. Y. / ; Ihe funeral sorvloes were con-' ducted at the homo on Tuosday afternoon ac three o'clock, with. Bov. Morshall WeodiBon, pastor of the First Prosbytoi'ion church, officiating. Tho Interment took place in Chestnut Hill. Cemetery, the family plot being covered with many honutiful flowers, Ho- ' lativc.i from here who attended jthe funeral were: Mr. and Mra.: ME, L. Gaitlicr, Mr. and Mra. -B. B. Sanford, Ml.as Sarah Gaithor "i Mra. Cecil Morris, Mrs. Julia C. .Hoitman, Miss Mary Hoitman, i Miss Bertha Loo, Miss Patsy. Clement, Mr, J. L. Clement and Mrs. I|J. K. Shook. I Bio - Obituaries -1/12/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA C!? o > ' O ELIZAJBETH TEMPLE CRAVER1826 - 2925 rirFelix Miller b. 12 Oct 1824(d.29 May 1864pordoiivi]le VACSA m. 30 Jim 1844 Elizabeth 'Betsy' TEMPLE/CRAVERLanierb.l4 Mar 1826 Davidson Co NO d.03 Feb 1925 Davidson Co NC Residence: Yadkin College Township Davidson County NC Bur: Felix: Gordonville VA; Elizabeth: Friendship Mei Ch Cem; Felix's parents: Nicholas Miller Elizabeth LIVENGOOD Miller Elizabeth's parents: Craver Sarah TEMPLE Felix & Elizabeth's ch: nine Levi Franklin Miller b. 10 Nov 1845fd.06 Jan 1904 1867 Phoebe Elizabeth WILSON b.Ol Jui 1850(^^10^192^ Res: Friendship Church Community Davidson County NC Bur: Friendship Meth Ch Cem 2. —f—L- Crissy Jane Miller b.28 Dec 1848td.l4 Mar 19313 m. 18 Jan 1877 (6 ch) David King Cecil b.20 Feb 1851 d.l2 Jan 1923 Res; Lex. NC Bur: Lex. City Cem 3 . Isaiah 'Boat' Miller b.20 Jan 1850(^21 Noy 1934 J HL 16 Mar 1880 _ Eliza Jane JAMES b,25 Dec 1848 £28 Dec 1910J Res: Hwy 150 Reedy Creek Cominunity Davidson County NC Bur: Friendship Meth Ch Cem 4. Sarah Ann Miller b.22 May 185^4.22 Jul m. 23 Jul 1874 Davidson Co NC Yadkin College Tow^hip (nine ch) David Washington Shuler b.28 Aug 185(^.17 Jan 1933) Res: Davidson Co NC; Davie Co NC; Bur: Concord Meth Ch Cem Davie Co NC EllenFrances Miller b.20 Oct 1855(d.lO Apr 1931 ) m. 18 Nov 1879 Davidson Co NC ^ James Rankin Caudle b.22 Jan 1858^^7 M^ 19^ Res: Greensboro NC Bur: Greenhill Cem Greensboro NC 6. Delilah Mllerb. 1858(^3 May 1891 Bur: tsvie Courty vi DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 18,1933 John L. Hockaday Claimed By Death. John Levin Hoekadav, 67, of near Macedonia Moravian Cbarcb, died suddenly Sunday afternocn v/hile en route' to the home of a brother-ia«law. He was walking with friends when he was sticken with a heart attack. He was placed in an automqble and taken to b s borne, bat expired en route. He was born in Davie couuty, September 20. 1865. a son of Jobn E. and Millie Hauser Hockaday. He spent his entire life in Davie county and had resided at the pre sent home place for 25 years He was a member of Macedonia Mora vian Church. Surviving are the widow, who was Miss Sallie Flott prior to mar riaee; four daughters, Mrs C. H. Riddle, of Advance R. i; Mrs. John Hauser, of Marshallto'.vu. Iowa; Mrs. T. L. Smith, of Harmony, R. 3; aud Mrs. C. V. McBride, of Mocksville, R. 3; two sons, C. L and W.'H. Hockaday, of Advance, route 1; twenty-four gr&cdcbildren; one great-grandchild and one sis ter, Mrs. H. F. Sparks, of Davie county. Vernon. Towell Dies In Canada. Telegrams have been received by Reid Towell, of County Line, tell ing ot the serious illness of bis brother, Vernon Towell, who un derwent an appendicitis operation at a hospital at Regiua, Sasketch- ewan, Canada. last Wednesday. Mr. Towell is a native of Davie county, but went to Canada many vears ago. A message received Sunday stated that Mr. Towell died at 1:2o o'clock Sunday after noon. It is not known at this time when-and where the funeral and burial will take place. Ira G^ Woolen. Funeral aud burial services were held at Clarksbury Methodist Church in Xredell countv on Mon day afternoon for Ira J. Wooten, 74. well known farmer residing in the Sheffield section of Davie coun ty. The deceased was born in Iredell county btit spent most of his lite in Davie. He wa.s well known and was a leading and prominent citi zen of the commanitv. Charlie McBride Passes Charlie McBride, 49, well-known citizen of Farmington township, died early Tuesday morning, following a long illness of heart trouble. Sur viving is the widow and seven child ren; the mother, one brother and five sisters. Funeral and burial ar rangements had not been made Tues day morning. but burial will take place at Macedonia some time today, it i<t thouflrht. It the death of Mr. McBride this county loses one of its heat citizens. D W. Shuler Passes. D. W. Shuler aged citizen of Ful ton township died Monday night, following a month's illness. Mr. Sholer w survived by his widow and about 20 children. Funeral and burial services will be held some time today at Concord Methodist church. Mrs. Coggins Passes. Mrs. Hffie Brown Coggins, 43, ol Winston-Salem, died at the State Hos{dtal, Morgantou Sunday inoni- iug. Mrs. Coggins was a natiyeof Mocksville, a daughter of .Mr. Chal Brown. Her husband,- • thrt e sons aud two daughters, her father, Chalmus Brown atpd three brothers, M. G. Brown, of Winston-Salem; D. H. and F. H, Brown,'of near Mocksville, one sister). Mrs. R. L. Scotts, of Durham, also survives. Funeral aud burial service were held at Winston-Salem yesterday afternoon, ' Mrs. Coggins was ;a member of the First Baptist Church in that dty. Bio - Obituaries - 1/18/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 19,1933 DAVID ,W. SHULEli DEAD a W. LECKIE, FATHER OP MRS. CASEY, DIES IN IREDELL Churlea W. Leckie, well-known citizen of Iredoll county, and Confederate veteran, died nt his honie'in Cool .Springs township on January 12th, aged 94, The .funeral was held from Provld- ' ehce church oh Saturday morning at--10:30 o'clock. He Is survived by five-children; C. L. Leckie, of- Cttol Springs township, J. H. Leckie, of Wilkesboro, Mrs. T. M. Stikeleather,'of Statesville, and Mrs. 0.-L. C^iisey of lliis place. He had frequently visited his dauglitcr, Mrs. Casey, here. Frir cndg of Mrs. Casey will sympath ize with her in her bereavement. David Woshlngton Shuler, well- known citizen of Fulton town ship, died at his homo near Dan der Hill on Tuesday morning, Jnnuary^l?, In his S^rd year, death being caused by paralysis. Ho was tho son of Nicholas Shu ler and Mary Evcrhnrdt Shuler.' Ho was married three times, and' hud a large family, fifteen chil dren surviving. He is survived by his third wife, formerly Florence" Atwoc.l, and tho following sons ond daughters: L. P. Shuler, of Salisbury, W. C., D. 0., Lester, ; bw.ght, David Shuler, nt homo. i Glenn Shuler, of Winston-Sulcm, Mrs Jnmcg Davis, of Clommons, Mrs. W. T. Cope aiid Mrs. M. II. Myers, of Winston-Snlcni. ; ilra. J, r. Foster, of Lcxiiig- j ton, Missc.s Evnngeline, Thcl- ; •ma, Hazel and iFVances Shuler ; at liunie, 17 grandchildren and 11 j grctit-grnndchildrcn. The funeral wiig hold at Concord. Methodist i church on WcdnoHday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. J. O. | Ranks and T. I. Cnudell in' charge. t RELATIVES ATTEND I FUNERAL OF MRS WOOD RUFF AT JONESVILLE iRclatives here receivod the ^ sad news of the death of Mrs.- Leia Shores Wioodruffv wife of W.j IT T. Woodruff, of JonesviUo/whoj 1 passed nwoy' In her 64th year on) B January 16th, after a serious' ] lllncsa with- heart disease. The < doceased was the youngest dau- 5 ghter of the late William G. 3 -Shores 'and Mrs. Elmira Wrcod-. ] ruff Shores, and was much ca- = - teemed and beloved. She was a • faithful member of Island Ford ; Baptist church, south of Jones- - vllle, where the interment took t place on Tuesday afternoon, aftor • Borvicos at the hqmo conducted I by Rev. V. M. Swnim, of Winston- ' Salom, a lifc-jong friend of tho ; • family. She is survived -by her ' ! husband, W. T. Woodruff, and • two sisters, Mr^, Ida Cockcrham, of Elkin, and Miss Cora Shores, • of Jonosvillo. Those attending tho funeral from hero were Mi'S. I Alice Woodruff, U. M. Woodruff,' Mrs. S. A. Woodruff, C. G. Wood- , ruff. Miss Mildred WUodriirf, niul j Mr. and Mrs. I'om Bulley VVood- j ruff. I Bio - Obituaries - 1/19/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 19,1933 IRA JOHN WOOTEN PASSES M AWAY - Irn John' Wooten, 78, welb j knowil citizen of Sheffield, in . Ciilahain township, died at his . home on January 16th, his death I resulting fnom a stroke of para- j lysis su^ored about a month ago. i , He wns the son of Ira Wooten . and Matilda Current Wooten, of Ircdell county. His wife, who was fiormerly Miss Rachel Gni- ther, preceded him to the grave two years ago. The surviving family cdnsiatg of two daughters, j Mrs. W. C. Parks and Mrs. D, S.' Beck, and three. sons, James< i Pearl and Galther Wooten, all pf | the some community. The funer«. ; al wng held at Glarkabury Mothp^'i dlst ohuirch in Iredeli county on 1 Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, ' with Rev.'Mr. Kirkman atid kov. , Ingram officiating. The flowers wore carried by Misses Lizzie . Beck, Emma Porks, Mao Parks, Juanita Wooten, Louise Wooten, Loifl Wooten, 'Dorothy Woolen, ^ Deettc Wooten^ Elolse Wooten,' and Esther Bobk, and the pall- bearers .wore: M. W. Stroud, J. ?. B. Clary, B. C. Campbeil, R. P. ^ Ijames, Wade Smith and W. L% Reavls. . ^ Bio - Obituaries -1/19/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 25, 1933 Towell's Body Expected To Arrive Tuesday. County Line, Jan. 23.--News bas been received here that yeinon Towell's body expected to strive Tuerdav. News has been received here that Vernou Towell's body left Regina, Sasfeatcbewan, Canada, Friday nigbt, lanuary 20, and is expected to arrive at Statesville late Tuesday evening. The body will remain at the Bunch Funeral Home over nigbt. and will be taken to the home of his brother, T. J Towell. at County Line. The tuneral, in charge of Rev. W. L. McSwain and Rev. Willie Walker, will be con- ducted from Society Baptist Church Thursday after noon at 2:30 P. M. Interment will be in the church cemetery. Mrs. B. F. Hunter. Mrs Ora Gray Hqnter, 44; wife of P. B Hunter. Winston Salem, route T, passed away Wednesday afternoon at t2'45 o'clock at a local hospital following a virtual illness of two weeks. She was bom in Davie county, Novetnber 24, a daughter of Thom as O. and Mary Winfrey X/akey. She bad resided in this city for 11 years, coming here from Akron, Ohio, where she had made Her hoine for several years. She was a member of Salem Baptist Church. Survivog are the husband; two sons, Beverly and Samuel Hntiier; two daughters, Harriet and Mary Hunter: her father and sjtepmother; three btotners, Fred R.. Rvan and Roland Lakey of Davie couuly; and two sisters, Mrs. L R. Harkev of Washington, D. C., and Mrs. I. G. Roberts of Cana. Funeral services were held at Si^lem Baptist church Friday after- nook at 2 o'clock, and toe body laid to rest in Woodiawn cemetery, WiDston-Salem. J. H. Howard Dies Mofiresvtlle. Jan. 23—Jama R. Howard, 54. died at his Home tiece at 9 o'clock Jasc nigbt due to apoplexy, having been sick only about one hour. He wee a native of Davie coun^ and the remains will be buried at Fork Baptist Chinch on Wednes day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Howard is survived by his widow and two daughters, Mrs. Mary Brooks aud Mrs. Maude Gregory of tbiacity; six broth' ers aud two sisters, 6. 1. Lamuel, Cicero Howard. Kooxville, Tenn.; Rush Howard, uf Lexiogion; L. P. aod Walter Howard, of Salisbury; Mrs. Bdle Moore, of Cbariotce. aod Mrs. Bertha Williams, of Salisbury. . Jerry Ijames Pas' ses. Mrs. J. L. Ijames, 44, died at her home in Cooleemee last Wednesday afternoon following an illness of flu and pnenmonia. Funeral services were held at the Cooleemee Epis copal cburcb Friday morning at 11 o'clock, conducted by her pastor Rev C. £. B Robinson. Burial follnwed in the Salem Methodist cburcb graveyaid. Surviving Mrs. Ijames is her lius band and three children, 'two .sons and one daughter. Five brothers, E E. Sam, Dorsey, Faley of Davie and John Koontz, of Salisbury, and one sister, Mrs. Bngene Click, of SaHsbnry, also survive. Mrs. Ijames was before maniage Miss Pearl Koontz, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs W*ilsoQ Koontz, of Kappa. She was an excellent lady and her death has brought sadness to a host of relatives and friends throughout the county. Bio - Obituaries - 1/25/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 26,1933 MISS CLi\RA MAY AtcUANlJ2L DIES IN ROWAN Mias Clnrn May McDanid, popular youn^r ludy, died nt the home .of "her parents near Wood-! leaf on Saturday ovoiiing, Janu- nry 21, nftov nn Hlncsa with in fluenza, aged 10. The doconaod was the daughter of Alonzq Mc- TJnnlol niid Mamie Hood Mc--. Daiiiol,. who formerly lived In : : Dnvio County. She wna n'nicnibqr • of tho Cooloomoo Baptist church.' v The last siid rites were hold at Corinth Chftstinh ' church, In :. .' Rowan on Sunday ofternopn/';/; n following n brief, sofvice ht -thcf} >' homo, and" were attended by '• » large crowd. Rev. A. T. Stoudeh-; > jniro,. pastor of the docoaaod,; of-f v ficlated. The pallbearers" woro.*.:, Jameg 'Hood, J. N. Roberta, 'Cur- lee. McDnnicl, Kenneth McDnniel/;^ I- Leo Corrcli and -Buford Roberts. ■The florol offerings wore carried by MIbsob Almii Corrcli, Vora May Lyerly,' Helen McDanioI,- Mrs. JcsBC- Lewis,- Mrs. Beulnti '. Sarshcy, Mrs. Sarah Lyerly. The parents, one sister, Lois, and ' .throe brothers; Clarence. A. L. !and Thco, survive, A number of vos reside in DavIo County.|rcJath .T. R. HOWARD, NATIVE OP DAVIE COUNTY, DIES ' Junia R." Howard, 54, died'at- his, home ih' Mdoresville ; af 9' o'clock Sunday night due to npo.^ plexy," having been sick only about one hour. He was' a native- of Davie county and the remainsjWere btiricd at Fork Baptist church on Wedneadny afternoon at 2 o'clock. ' • •( Mr. Howard is survived by his^. widow • and two daughters, Mrs.. •Mary Brooks and/ Mrs. Mau'dle- Gregory,'of MooroByille; six bro-jthorg and two sisters, 6. I, Lem-- tiel, Cicero Howard; Knoxvillop. Tenn.; Rush Howard, of Lexlng-- ton"; L. P. and Walter Howard, of Salisbury; -Mrs'. Belle Moore, of Charlotte, and* Mrs. 'Bertha Wil-. IJams, of Salisbury, '' Bio - Obituaries - 1/26/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 1,1933 Foneral Held For Ver^ non ToweiL Fonpral for Mr VernoQ Towell. of County Uae> wh) died in Caaadn was held Thursday afteroooa from Sodety Baptist church, and Interment was in the church cemetery. The services was con* ducted by Rev. W. L McSwalo, Rev. Wm. Walker and Rev. Mr. KiiAman, from Har mony. The pallbearers were Messrs. A. M. Gaither, J. M. Stroud, J. L. Gartner, Napo* Sean Smoot. Jack Foster, and Luther Day* walr. The flowers were In charge of Miss es Virginia Gaither and Minnie Godbey. assisted by a large number of friends and . relatives of the Towell family. The church was filled to overflowerlnd for the service. During the service severa' beautiful and appropriate selections were sung by Misses fiscal Stroud, Ita Beck and Johnny Smith, of SheRield. Rev. J. R. Howard. Rev, Janie R. Howard, S4 years old re- sidoDt of MoocesvUte died Buddeniy at his home Sunday night. He is survived by his wife Mrs. Molly Howard. 2 children Mrs. Mary Brocks. Mrs. Maudie Gregory. 6 grand children. ' His mother Bdis. SaUy Howard, six btmhers, Gaither. Lum and Ceclus, of Knoxvilte. Tenn,. Lou and Wal ter of Satlsbury, and Rush of Lexington: two sisters, Mrs. G. D. Moore, of Charlotte, and Mrs. Bertha Williams, of Salisbury, The funeral services were conducted bv Rev. Mvres. of MooresviUe. and Rev. Char- Re Johnson of Lexington, at the Fork Church, at Foik Wednesday afternoon. Pall bearers wroe: 'Gaither, Lum. Leuand Rush Howard, Lbd WlUiams and Elvia | Caltoway. . I Flower girls were: Mrs. Ethel Calioway n PauUne.Rnth and Katharine Williams and Eva Howard. * Bio - Obituaries — 2/1/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 2,1933 VERNON TOWBLL, NATIVE OF DAVIE COUNTY WES Mr. Vernon Towell, njfcd 45, diecT ot his home In Canada on •January 16, 1939. Ho wad brought ^homo Tuosdiiy January ZAfh, andIcorriod to the home of his broth er, Mr. 'I'om IWell, dl" near I County Line. Vcrhon left Dnvie County .• 17 ■years' making his homo in'Cnnodn up to his death.I • Ho; was gently mid to rest atjsocioty Baptist Church in Ircdoll'county on Thursday, beneath n bank I of flowers, A largo crowd attended'hlfl fu neral. The • services wore •.. in chai'Ko of RoVi W. J. S. Walker, a good friend of tho doceascd, as1 aisled by Rov. Kirkmnn, pastor 'of the deceased and Rev, Mc- SwaliitTho palihonrers were: Messrs. Melton Gnither, J. M. Strbud, N. Smoot, J. L. Gartner, Jack QTostor and Luther Dnywalt. Tho many beautiful flowovs woro enr- riod by 10 girl friends e£ tho family. Much sympathy is felt for the aged mothpr. ' Bio - Obituaries - 2/2/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 8,1933 Mrs. Cora Smmners. Mrs. Cora Saip Summers, ^2t widow of the late Martin Summers, died at the home .of her daughter, Mrs G.W. Brown, near Oak Gxove Friday evening.: Funeral services were held at Oak Grove Sunday morning at ii o'clock. Revs. W. J. S. Walk« and J. B, Fitzgerald, officiating. Surviving relatives in clude two brothers, J M. Sain, of MocksVille and.- Frank Sam, of Rbsewell, S. C., five sons, C. P., W. L t M. C., of tdis cororoumty, J. M. Shmmers^ of Cooleemee, and M. G. Summers, of Tbomasville; tvo daughters, A. W. Potts and Mrs. G. W, Brown, of this town- town. Infant Daughter Hutches The a-year-old daugbter of *Mr.^0 Mrs. Biaine of near Whites School boose, died Friday ^>Kht of iotestinal poisoning. Fob and boriar services occurred at ^ton's Baptist cburcb Saturday •jjeinoon at a o'clock. Surviving toe patents and oUier relatives. Abe Wishon Abe Wisboo. 20. son of Mr. and* Mrs. John Wishon, of near Farm-: ington;'died Thursday evening, death resulting froin a heart attack Funeral and burial occurred at Mt.'l Olive cbur<^ Bio — Obituaries — 2/8/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA '•-vv-'L.-i''-:r •• /?33 Ipwn. womanMw2i;.5.r-«^''--.xJ wmmmmm rfw^™?f <SJ^f Ke Jdiis.v a n *; C.;Summers,.of, ||^J^ee;5^&Gl^Suamyrd^i: iliiiiil§iiff-^S OAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARY MOCKSVlLLEi NO DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 15,1933 Mrs. Owen Is Dead. Mrs. SalUe Howard Oweo, 64, died at-her home in this city Satur-j day eyeoiog at 8:30 o*clock, deatb J resnltiog from burcs which she re oeived oh Monday, Feb. 6tb. Her condition had been, serious since the accident. Funeral services were held at the home Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock conducted by Etevs. R. C. Goforth and G. B. Perree, and the body laid to rest by the side of her husband in Ro"e cemetery. Mrs. Owen was one of this.eity's best beloved women, and her death brought sadness to the entire town. Sue was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Giles Howard. Surviving is one daughter. Miss Rose Owen, who has been a member of the Winston Salem school faculty for many years. Bio - Obituaries - 2/15/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 16,1933 I MRS. SALUE H. OWEN PASSES 8 AWAY Mrs. Snllic Howjird Owen, wi dow of the Into WtHinm A. Owen, and one' of Mocksvtllc'A nio.^l be loved end highly c.slecrnod ladies, died at her home Gaturday even ing, aged G'l. 'tl'e <lealh of. Mrs. Owen la pai'ticulnrly sad, as it was the result of severe burns ;jbc received on Mcndny ni.sht when hvr cluLliing caugbL fire from »" np^ja jrnitfs, .Khe wjib llio daughter'of the late Mr. and Mrs. Oiles Ilownrd, and was born nnd raised in MocksvlJle, where she had many friends. She was tiuict and unassuming in her mnnncr, but her nobility of character and fine intellect made a great im pression oi] all who knew her. Sim was « mcmbor of tko Mctho- di.st cliurc'li niul lived lier reli gion each day of her life. lior husband died fifteen years ago nnd her aged father and motUer Kome years later. She Is survived by one daughter, Miss Itoso Owen, wlio to.ichca in Wlnston- n nicco, Mrs. 11. C. Lane, | ni Rode, Vn., and a ne|»- v.cw, John, llnavard Ijnmcs, of Win . The funeral ser vice held at l}ie home on Itjonda. ;.(lornoon at 2 o'elnek, ii.y her pa.stor, Uov. R. C. Gofort'h, asijlcfl by Rev. 0. I{. t-'crree, and the intcrniunl look |>hice in the family plot In Unsc (kimo- lery. The pnlJbcururH were: J. P. llanos, Dr. R. P. Anderson, V. E. Swaim, iMarvin Walers, it. M. IJanic.s and Kobcrl. Smith. Tlio grave was covered with beautiful floral offerings. Wo extend oiir deep synt|)aihy to the buvenvcd family in their sorrow. Sarah Louise Holland ' Sarah Louise rrolinnd, two- dny-old daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.. J. L. Holland, of near Cnnn, died' in II Stntesville liospiiaj on Feb. j 10th, tl>0 fiinornl] being conduct-' ed nt Ijnmea Cross Roads Bap- { tist church, by the grandfather,' Rev. A. C. CImflln. Mrs. -Holland . was formerly Miss Rachel Chaf- fln. JOHN C. ALLEN* DEAD ,To'bn G. Allen, DDj cltizeh o^f t-ho' Fork 'Church community, passed away nt 'his home on Fob. IS, his death being caused, by double jmeumcriln. For five years he had been nu Invalid with " a spinal trouble. Ho was the sun of the late Andrew • ,^llon. and .Julia Miller Alien. lie is surviv ed by his wife, who was Miss Melissa Phelps, five sons, Andrew r., Elmei*, Chnrilc, Abo iin'd Ray Allen, of Davlo,- one daughter, Mrs. O. L. Madden, of StiitesvlUe,' Ihreo brothers, W. B. Allen, of Wlnston-Snlem, Japob Allen, of, Ivowan, Cloveland Allen, of Davie, intl five sisters, Mrs. T. W. Sof- oy, of, Dhvio, Mrs. Mack Smith." >f Davidson county; Mrs. . Wll- lam Smith, Mrs. Walter'snln and Wiss Esther Allen, all of. Pork. I Tho funeral was held nt.IVioekV Church on Tuesday nftcrncon at 3 o'clock, by Rev. E. W. •Turner = and Rev. W. Mi Rathburn. I'ho" pallbeaixn-a- wore Noah, Smith. Robnh Sniilh, Roy ' Snln, . Odell Allen, E. V^. Allen and' Jnmoa Allen. The flowera wore /iiirrled by Mis.sca Ellen Kiihnier, Almn Itinimcr, "Mary Phelp.^ nnd Eva Pholps. Bio - Obituaries — 2/16/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 22,1933 Frank Pearson Carter.i Frank F. Carter, 35, died Sacdav nieht at 12 o'clock at Long's Sana torium, Statesville, where be went for treatment. Mr. Carter is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Carter, of Pork.. He mowed from the Fork section to Clarksville^ a few weeks afl:o. Surviving is his widow, two sons and one daughter, his parents and one brother, firnest Carter, of Pork, and one sister, Mrs L. J. Looper. of near Pork. Funeral ser vices were conducted by Bev. B. W. Turner, of Pork Baptist church yes terday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and interment followed in the church graveyard The Record extends sympathy to the bereowed relatives. Mrs. Mary Brown. Mrs. Mary J. Brown, 72, wife, of R. J. Brown, died at her home near Hardison's Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, following an illness of some time. Funeral services were held at C?nter Methodist church Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Revs. B C Goforth,' of Mocksville and B. M. Ayett, of Albemarle. Surviving relatives include the bur- band and the following eons and daughters: Will D BrownaodJ. P. 1 Everhardt, of Cooleemee; Mrs. M. L. I Harper, of Winston-Saleni; Miss ! Blanche Brown, at home, and Mrs ' Bessie Emerson, of near Hardlson's. Mrs Brown was a member of Hardl son's Methodist church. Bio - Obituaries - 2/22/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 23,1933 T — MRS. R. J. BROWN PASSES SUDDENLY Mva. Mary Jnno Boles Brown, wife of Richard Jossc Brown, of the Hurdison community, n hlith- ly esteemed woman, died sudden ly on Sunday morning, of heart trouble, aged GO, She wna the daughter of the late James L. Boles ond Jcrnsha Jacobs Boles, and was born on August 12, 1863. She waB united In marri age to. R. J. Brown on Feb. 17, 1881, and to this union were born seven children. In early life she was converted arid joined the Methodist church, of which she was a falthlul member, holding er membership In recent ycnra at ■Hardlson's Chapel, Mrs. Brown was a devoted wife and mother, and lived a- Ufa filled with un selfish nets. It was a great joy to her that one of her sons, the late Rev. Dwight Brown, was an able minister of the Gospel. The surviving family consists of* her husband, one son. Will D. Brown, of Ccoloomee, and the following daughters, Mrs. Bessie Emerson, of Mocksvlllc, Mrs. John P. Ever-hai'dt, of Cooiccmee, Sirs.' John L. Mai'imr, of Winston-Salem, and Miss Blanche Brown, of Mocka- vlilo, thirteen graiidchiidren, one brotlicr, J. C. Boles iind three .sisters, Mrs, Francis Godby, Mrs. jW. F. Owiggiiis and Bliaa Corne lia lloIcH, One daughter, Miss pearl Brown, diod In 1U28, andilov. Dwight Brown passud away ,ir. 1931. 'I'hc funoral wn.s held'atI Center on Monday afternocn at 3 o'clock, with her paster, Rev. |1{. C. Goforth, in charge, and the 'Interment took place In the fam ily plot, A largo number of re latives and friends attended .the last sad rites. We extend our deep isympnthy to the boienvcd fam-liiy. FRANK P. CARTER DEAD Frank Pearson Carter, a natlvoof the Pork Church community, died at Long's Snnqtorium on Sunday evening, Feb. 19, aged 86, his death resulting from pleurisy and pneumonia. Ho was the gon of William R. Carter and Frances Btowart Carter, of Fork, where he spent most of his life, moving a fow months ago to Clarksvillc Township. Ho is sur vived by hlfl wife, who was for merly Miss Emma Livengflod, two sons, Ira G^'ny and Flnrius and oiio daughlor, Dorcas. One brother, Ernest Curler and one sister, Mrs. L. J. Loopcv, both of 'Fork, also survive. The funeral wug hold at Fork BapliNt church on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. E. W. Turner orficiutiiig. i Pallboarors wore: D. M. Bniloy,jW. G. Foster, A. N. Livongood, 'E. W. Livongood,7. N. Liven- good and' E. R. Carter, j Flower girls were Misses Edna Looper, Ruth Poster, Trova LIv- engood and Marcta Bailey. Bio — Obituaries - 2/23/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 1,1933 Mrs. Jarvis Dies At Ad^ vance* Mrs. Barbara Katberiae Jarvis. 87, passed away at ber home, at her hooie, at Advaoce at 1:15 o'clock Wednesday morning. She bad been ill iseveral day^ Mrs. Jarvis was a native and life* long resident of Davie conntv. Sbe was koru August 10. 1845. aud was a member of Smith Gfove Method ist'church. She was a widow of Jessie Jarvis. Survivors include two sods, K, C. Jarvis, of Winsiou-Saleoj, and J. H. Jarvis. of Advance, 15 grand children and four great grandchild ren. Funeral tvas conducted at Shady Grove chnrch Thursday ^morning, by Revs. W. M. Ratbburn and J. A. Baldwin. Miss Nellie Bennett. Miss Nellie Bennett, 23, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Bennett, died at the home ot her parents at Cornatzer Thursday moroiDg, fol lowing an illness of two years. Survivors include bet parents; six brothers, H. H., Aaron, Ray mond, O. R, and Engene Bennett, of Davie county, FUuchem Benuett, of Winston-Salem; four sisters, Mrs. W. P. Fry, of Courtney; Mrs. J. H, Foster, of Farmington; Misses Katherine ond Druzella Bennett, of Cornatzer. Funeral services were conducted at t be home Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock, followed by another service at the Koe Creek Baptist cbUToh at 11:30 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Fagg, of Winston-Salem, aud Rev. Mr. Reid, of Walnut Cove, con' ducting the services. The body was laid to rest in the church yard. To the bereaved parents, brothers and sisters. The Record extends sym pathy in this hour of sadness. Miss Bennett had many frieuds who will be saddened by the news of ber death. Bio - Obituaries - 3/1/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 2,1933 MRS. SARAirBUZABE'rH DANIELS PASSiSS AWAY MrH. Sarah- Eli'/.abcl'h iOnnic). widow ol'. the l:ite Amps Duiiiol, peacefully fell asleep at the home of hei- daoffhtor, Mrs. . Herman Sos<iy, ot Salisbury, on last Friday February 24th, a«c 75 years, 3 months and 3 days. "Aunt ^i'a*h" as sho was of- fectionoiely known lived in this, ccmihunity Tor • .c: -..numbar ' of . years-apd was. lo.yed by ii wide circle of friends..;She.yras. a good neighbor, and a kind. frJchd al- . wtfya wnitiinf -on,, and doing good for others in time of hood. In'her. mirly life (die professed faith in Christ and .united with, the Chris tian Chuutfh,' Inter moving • her • membei ohij), to Liberty r*I«lhbdldt CluiruK hiul reinninQd ' ii loyali faith ful member to the ;ohd. n . 'Sho leaves, to j(.rievo her pass ing, onu daughter, -Mrs. Hcrnuih ' .Io.scy, ofi'^nlisbuvy,. flVo .Stop- • children,-'. .'.They n areMrs. -Ray ; Laglc% of Turrehtlnc, Mrs. Lutli- n er Swlcogood, til' Salisbury, S..D.^^ and A. M. UnnicI, of. Augusta, and Edd Dnniol, of this ploec. ' Scvevnl grandchildren iil.'so sur- vlVo, n . ' . Funerui services were "heid at Liberty M, R, • Ghnrcli Sunday evimlng nt.2:0,0 o'clock by her pnslor, Ilov. J, 0, Bunks, and wag attended by a largo throng mf re latives ntirj sympathising friends. 'Her body was laid to rest.in tlw chiuich cemeteiy." ! MISS N13LL1K BENNETT DEAD Funeral and , hurlnl services were 'held ut 'No Creek Primitive Baptist •church on Saturday for Miss Nellie Bennett, 23, (laught- icr-of Mr. and Mrs. .D. D, is'eunett, ]of Coriiutzer, "who passed aNvny on Thursday morning at the home »f her parents followiug. an 111- nes.s of about two years. The parents, gb: brothers and foul flifliers remain. The deceased was a graduate of the Advance HigQi School -and one of the most po- •pulnr and unlycrstilly loved j'oung women of the Coriiat/.or commun ity.. N • ' MATTHEW M, CUTHERELL 'MnHhew M. Ciit/iorcli, 6(5, well- known fanner passed away Wuil- nesdaiy morning at 6 o'clock at his home atr Wyo, .Dnvic county. lie is .survived by (his wife who was formerly I\Il.ss Vlrglnhi iW'hito and eno daughter, Mrs. Will McBrldc, of Wyo, 'Funenil soryicus will be held at Wcsleys Chfc.,'-iiil,-T'hurHtlay nt 2 o'clock, condutted by Ucv. M. CS. Ervih and assisted by Rev. W. L. Hrirkoy,' Interment will be In tho .church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/2/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 8,1933 M M. Cnllirdl Dies Suddeidy. Mr. Matthew M. Cuthrell, 66, wel1«kDOwn farmer aod citizen of Farmioji^oa townsbip. died sudden* ly at his home about two miles from from Farmiuf;ton about 6 o'clock last Wednesday mornin$( just as he was preparing to eat breakfast. Mr Cutbrell is surviv ed by his widow and one daughter, Mrs.\ Will McBride. of near Wyo. Funeral services were held at Wes ley's Chapel Methodist church Thursday afternoon at a o'clock, conducted by Rev, ftf. G. Ervin and W. L* Harkey. and the body laid to rest in the church erave-I yard. Mr. Cuthrell had many friends throughout the county who wereeaddened by the news of bis . death. He will be sadly missed in I bis commttflity Bio - Obituaries — 3/8/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 9,1933 Bettie Stanley INFANT DAUGHTER DIES Bettie Stanley, Infant daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. Claude Stanley, passed aovay at their home in GlarksvilJe township on Friday afternoon, March S. T^e little body was laid to rest attChest- niif'Grove .M. K. Church.'in Sat urday.' ' Bio - Obituaries - 3/9/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 15,1933 Mrs. G. C. McCiamroch Fanera] services for Mrs. G. C. GileClainroeh, who died at ABhevilla Monday, were held at bak Grove Uetbodiat chorch yesterday rnom- infr at 11 o'clock, and the body laid to rest in the church srayeyard. Mrs. McCiamroch was Miss Mattie Boger, of Davie County before marriage. Her husband died in Asheville a short time ago and his body was brought here for bariai. One daughter aur- vives. M. L. Sp^ Passes Mr. M.. L. Spry. 61. died at bis home in Cooleemee Monday night following a long illness. Funeral ser vices will be held at TorrOnUne fon- tist church this afternoon at 2:S0 o'clock, conducted- by his pastor. Rev. A. J. Stoudemire. and the b^y laid to rest in the church gra- eyard. Mr. Spry is survived by bis widow and a number of sons and daughters, among them Mrs, F. B, Leagans. of Mockaville. Mrs. Betdah Barney. Mrs. Beiilab Foster Barney, 73, died at her home in.Cooleemee Sat urday sight, following an extended illness. Faneral and -Imrial^services were held at Cornatzer .Jfonday afternoon. Rev. W. M. Rathbum, of Advance; officiating.,.. Suryivng is the husband;- two. sons, two jdaughters, three brothers and. two sisters. |H. ,B. Womack Dirt^s Dead. _ Mr. H. B- Womack, 75, droj^ I ped dead Sunday morning at the j home of Charlie Coou, near Hoi* I man's, while preparing to eat break- I fast. Ii^r. Womack suffered a stroke I of paralysis about four year ago. surviving is the- widow and oneI daughter, Mrs. Carl Kestler, and two sous, Fhife and Kemp, of Ala bama. Burial took place Monday and the body laid to rest in Jopi a graveyard. Rev. J. A. J. Far»ing- too. of Cooleemee'^ conducting tl e services. Chas. L Granger. Mr. Chas. L. Granger, 54, died at his home in Charlotte Sunday moruing following a long illuess. Funeral and burial took place in Charibtte Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr. Granger is survived by his widow, two sons and • one daughter, of Charlotte, and his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Granger of this city. One brother Augustas, of Hickory, also sur vives. Mr. Granger moved from this dty to Charlotte about 30 years ago. At one time he held a posi tion with The Davie Times. Mr. Granger had many friends in Mocksviile and Davie county who were saddened by the news of bis death. He was a member of the Methodist chnrcb. Miss M. E. Hauser M{» M E, Hauser. 86, died atj her home four miles north of Parm-f iogton Uoaday morning, following an extended iltoess Puoeral serv- tcei were held at Ml. Zion ebufoh, at Hnntsvilie. at 2 o'clock yesterdav afternoon, condncied by Rev, M O. ' Ervin. Miss Honser Issnrvived by one brother, M. A. Hauser, of sear Panniagtoa. ' Bio - Obituaries - 3/15/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 16,1933 L. SPRY REAR G. C. McCT/AMROCH DEAD Laat rites for Mrs, Multie Eog- cr MoOIulnrocht of AslicvilJe, widow of tho 'Inte G. -C. MoCIam- voeh, were hold at Oak- Grove Mothodlflf church on Tuesday at IJ o'eluck. Her husband passed away several months j Oao daugMor and a grand'i eiuld survive, Mrs. MciClaniroch • ijvas a «l8tor-in-lnw of Mrs. W. I i*>« Meronoy. JBoth ahe and her ouaband. were natives' of Da vie county. ' Funeral and burial services wore held at Turrentine Baptist church In Davie County on Wed nesday aflornoon for Martin Luther Spry, 60 who auccdmbed at his residence en Duke Street in Goolcemee. on Monday night following an illness of two years. The deceased was a native and lifelong resident of Davic County and well known in many sections as he had served for many years as a special policeman at Mocks- ville and later at Coolocmee. He was tho son of J. C. and Annie Banks Spry and cn gob. 2nd, 1899 was married to Miss Lula It. Hcn- dricks, who suryivoa him; diiilgh- tor of- Samuel and Fnnnie Parker Hendricks. To this union were born 11 sons and' daughters of whom tlie following survive; Roy Vostal, 1.00 Sherman, Paul A. Lester and Ray Snfy ail of Con- Iccmce: Mrs. F. R. Loagans of Mocksville, Mrs, Albert Lankford and Miss Ruth Spry, of Coolee-> moe. Two sisters, Mrs. lioe Cham-' borlain of Cooleemee and Mrs,. Rosaie Sain of Rowan county; | four brothers, Qalthor Spry of i ICannapolis, J. Frank Spry of' Cooleemee, D. 0. Spry of ndhr Liberty and Iliram Spry of Ro-' kvan county, and 9 grandchildren, ] The deceased vvas a momibcr of tho Coolocmee Baptist'church and I his pastor the Rev. A, T. Stou- 'denmirc had charge of tho final- jritos assisted by offlciolB.of tho Junior Order United • Ai^ricnn Mechanics of Mocksville, the jCooloemcQ chapters of the Im proved Order of Rodmcn a'nd Patriotic Order Sons of Amorl' ca. |. Intorment wag in the church{■cometery. JOHN W. ELLIS IS VICTIM I OF FATAL ACCIDENT |H. B. WOMACK DROPS DEAD ! Mr. H. B. Womaek, 75, drop ped dead Sunday morning at the ihomc' of Charlie Coon, near llol- mnn's, while prapnting to. out •breakfast. Mr. Womack suffered a stroke of paralysis about four years ago.-Surviving'is the widow and one daughter, Mrs. Carl Kc.stler, and two sons, Phlfo and Kemp, of Alabama. Burlhl took place Monday u'nd the body laid to rest in Joppn graveyard, Rev. J. A. J. Furrihgton, of Coolee mee conducting the services. { John Wesley Ellis, 78, pa'ssod away Tuesday night at 0:80 o'clock at his homo in Farming- ton township, Advance Routo 1» Davie County, from injuries sus- ^tainod March 1, when a tree fell on him.I Mn Ellis .was near his home when a massive tree in some'manner became uproot^ and without warning fell across him, 'piuniiig his body to the ground.|Ho had been confined to his bed 'in a critical condition since the accident.j Ho was 1)0171 in David county .Deccmbor 20, 1854, a son of the late Calob G. and Mary Stewart Ellis. Ho spent his entire life in the country and was married toMiss Mary B. Howard, on Janu- nvy D, 1877. He had boon a mem ber of Bethlehem M. E. Church for 52 years. As we go to-press no funeral arrangements have boon made. MISS MARY E. HAUSER BEAD Misd Mary Elizabeth Hauser, 86, aged '. and respected Davie county woman, passed away at Huntsville, Yadkln county, onMonday morning, March 18. She was tho daughter of W. C. Hou-. SOT and Betsy Chapman' Hausor, and was a resident of the Fafm- ington community, until - two years ago, wben she moved to Hiintsvllle. "The last riics' wora hold at Huntsville Methodist church of which she was a life long member, on Tuesday - after noon at 2 o'clock, with the pas tor, .Rev.- M. G. Ervin, In charge. The ..pallbearers wero: T. IL Folndoxtor, J. G. Black, * Walter Boles, Loftin McBride, Linden Boles and Oharlle Boles. Ilie flowofs were' carflod* by Misses Vetra Hauser,- Helen Hauser, i Nellie Fiifguson, Evola > Cumby,Kathleen Hauser / and Lillian Hausof.' One brother, ' Monroe Hnusor, who -lives near Farm- j Ington, survives. . Bio — Obituaries - 3/16/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, March 16,1933 CHARLES GRAJIGER, OF CHARLOTTE, DEAD ChAi'lCfl Granger, a well-known cltl^.on of Charlotte, died at hla homo on Siindxiy, hiA death rc- Aiilting from flu and heart dl-' AcnHo. He was the son of Mr. and Mi'h. D, W. Granger of thin place, and spent his boyhood 'In this jcommunity where ho had nutn- tbora' of friends., i. Funeral sorvicos were, held' Monday oftcrnoun at 4 o'elOck, n Tlic widow, Mrs. Annie Jones ] Granger, and , three children, • [Lloyd, Bobbie, and Merle, survive In addition' to his parents, ono sister, Mrs. Alex • Wyatt, of j Mocksvilie, and one brother, Gua Grangen, ef Hickory, Mr. and Mrs., D. W. Granger,' Mrs. Alex Wyatt, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy jWyatt, of- Winaton-Salom, attend ed the funeral. We e.xtend our deep sympathy to the bereaved • family. I Bio - Obituaries — 3/16/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 22,1933 b'ci^ at- : W5-'P"'^5ioB t,«iBWei-Ad»^,, from iiijurii^ suslaiped.-M .iia»Hen a tree |ell on hini^^ r :Mr. near bw bo®?^Wn a ibassWe tree'fell across^^h^ pinning his -h^y; to; the^;«roiind. He bad been'confined lo his pew mp. ,^uditipn since, lb?, act I^Win Davie.oounly.P^^ cerobbc 2C>. '1854. a son of: tbejate Cdleb G. and. Mary Sjewart; EUw. Hfcspent his ebtlte life io tbe conn;,jy and wfe/niarried ip Miss Maty BisHowardroo. jannary 5, - *877. bad been a meinber" of. ^ihle- bein M E. gbnrcb'for 52 years,.. -Survining: are six. sons, T;- "E* and S. M. Ellis,, of Benfcleman,■Nebr.'. S. W; Ellift; Pf .Parks, Nebr,,Ellis^of Elawe coiinty; W. •Ellis of Davie Ponnty. and J. p.Rliis,. of Stokes county; fonr daUgb'ters, Mrs. J/ Fr. Cope, and Mis,: A.J. 'cope, of.IWne icodhty, and Sfisses^Maggle arid-Ida EUls, .of; Dayie county;' three sister^ Mrt; Tpm!0\^alker and Mrs 0.:M March,/pl Advance, apd-Mra. Gieoiirc Stewart.bt.| Winstqn-Salem: -47 ■ Krandcbild-reiiand ten great-grandchildieuv. Fnneral.seryices wifl he held FrI.d?y afteniQoriat 2;30-at; the fa oriie.and - at 3 o'clock at ]^tlilell€.iii Methodist churcb. .. ■Rev. M.' G. -Ervtri.and Eav. G.,C. Bret^r condncte^. tb? services,iritenrienc fpliowed In ibe .chmcb cemetery . _ . . .•io 'the deatfa of Mrl Ellis the'ed-itor of Tbe Record lo^s a per^rial frjerid/.- We'will miss" his pleasMi Visits .to-orir office,.' .He has been a reader ot The Record for. more thririi a quarter of a cenitfry; - , A; C. Walker Passer;'. A. C Walker. 58,. died at his home in Winston-Salem Friday evening, following an extended ilb ne«. Mr. Walker was a native of tbe Center section of Davie county, but moved to Cooleemee a bout .20 yea.rs age. He moved toWinston Salem about seven years ago. Sorviving is his widow, two daughters and one son, all of Wins ton Saledi, and one brother, John Boone Walker, of Calahalu town ship. Fttoeral services were con ducted ■ Sunday by Revs. Parker Holmes, Raymond Smith arid ' V. M. Swaim, and tbe body laid 'to rest in the Center graveyard. Mr; Walker had many friends in Dayie county who were saddened by the news of bis.deatb. Bio - Obituaries — 3/22/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 29,1933 Mrs. T; P. Foster. Mrs.-T. P. Faster dUd. at her in., this city^Snnd'ay^mdniuK^ foilo^ing a' years. Funeral services were -held at X^ibetty Methodist church yester- day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, con ducted by ^ev. .J. Bi Fitzgerald, of Forsyth asdssted by Revs. J. O. BanksandH. W. Turner, of this city. 'Mrs. Foster is survived by five diildren, two sons, W. A. and ;. A. Foster, and three dangbters, Mrs. y. G SummeraH. Mrs. E. C.' Lagle and Mrs. H. S. Foster, all of Davle county' Mrs~ . • - ' f-' "-SI '1n M^. Sarah C D^yis, 84. .ated.at; her ho ue 6t Fork Tbn '^ay.l'ii.iglit j following an illness ot someVti^e^i Mrs., Dsvis' is- survived . 'hy i one daughter, Mr&.^Lelia"Sb^^gar.t; 61 Lexlugton; three j»ns,,^J. jM,? and" W, Henry Davis, of Porkraud John; V. Davis, of Kernersvine.' ^ One brother, Prof. J. D. Hodge«,«'and one sister, 'Mrs. C. A. Davis, both of ;'JenisaIein—township, I'suryiVe. Mrs. Da vis has been a member of . F^rk Baptist clih'feh for mW than. -fifty yleara." Funeral se^ices'i were held at Pork-Baptist'church Satur. dV ahenioon at i p'clcTck. conduct- ^ by Rev. Mr. Hayes, of Lexibgtoh and Aev; E. -W.',Turner, of Mo?i£^ yjlle. n Interment ioilowed in t^e church graveyard.. Mr-. Davis'bad m^y 'friends id Mocksvtlle and throughout the county who were saddened by the.news of her death. Bio - Obituaries - 3/29/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 30,1933 WIIK)W OF THE LATE DANIEL V. DAVIS DIES AT HER HOME AT F.ORW Sarnh Cnfuei'ino Hodgcfl Dftvls . passed away Thursday" night, March 23 jit her homo ,nt Fork Church, Ago, 83 years, 8 'Months and two days. She came to the end gradually, having been 'con> fined to her room, .practically, fcr more than a year. Her father wos •loaeph .lIodgOH, a native of Virginia. Her mother, was n Mary. 'Magdalene jplick riodgca.' of. Davic county. She leav.Qj) ono daughter; Mrs. Lelia Davia-Shugurl; three sons, Jesse M, Davis, John V, Davis and W, Henry Davis. A son, Joseph J, CDicK) Davis died in leav ing three children. These three and the fciir of Mr. and Mrs. ■fcsHc M. Davis make up tho list of surviving grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Also ; Miss Lola Shoemaker, who has icen a companion and n momber af her lamlly for 26 years or nore. Also surviving- are a brother, !?ol. John D. Hodges and Mrs. 3amanthy Hodges Davis, both )f- Duvic county. j In 18GS, fnrco years after tho close of the Civil War, tho de- Goasod married Daniel Vestal Davis who died in 1921 and was an ox-Confcderato goldier wiioserved in tho^army of tho South ern Confedorocy for Ihb fouryears of .the eonriict. Bolu^ a girl of 12 to Ifr years of age, she experienced all the ■' privations and trou'blos common at that per iod'both to those at the front and those buck homo. Mrs. Davis and her husband came to Pork' In .1880, and for 84 years they %vero worthy cltl- sons bf 'this community and very actlvo mcmbors'of Fork Baptist Church. In 1914 Mr/ and' Mrs. Davis moved out of the commun ity, but at tho death of her hus band Mi's. Davie cnmc back to Pork where she hng resided for the past 11 years. . A good mother, a kind neigh bor and- nn excellent citiaoii has clepnrlocl. iutcrment was In Foift come- teiy, Saturday afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Services at the cliui'ch offlciajt- ed by Revs. E. W. Turner, of MockHvillc, E. F. Mumford, pns-; tor of the church and James 'i-luycH, of Lexington, ' Tho.se acting its pallbearers worn: \V. M. 'Davis, John H. Dnvls, L. H. Dnvia, Wyalt 'Dovis, Vincent Davis and Paul Hodges. Tlio flowers were carried by Misao-H Margaret Garwobd, Bid- die Davis, Solmn Mason, Trova Liven good and Maritn Bailey, MRS. T. P. FOSTER DEAD Mrs, T. P, Foster died at her "homo In this city Sunday morn ing, following a long illness, aged 70 years. Funeral services were held at Liberty Methodist church Tuesday afternoon nt 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. J, B. Fitzgorald, of Forsythj as sisted by Revs. J. 0.. Banks and E. W.* Turner, of this place. Mrs. FOjiter Is aiirvivod by Hvo chil dren, two sous,-W. A. and J, A; Foster, .and three dnuKhtcva, Mrs. V. G. Suinmernli, Mrs. E. C. Laglo ,*ind Mrs. H. S. Foster, ill! of Dtivlo m'tiinty. Bio - Obituaries — 3/30/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 5,1933 CharlM Jl, We«ti c Chas. J /West. 6t, died at- his home near Society ch'tirch Monday, March 27, follpwing; an extended illness. Fanera] seryiceV were coo- dncted Tuesday afterhodn^ at So* ciety Baptist church by Rev. W. L. BlcSwain and burial followed in the church graveyard.' Kb. West is suTviv^- by bte widow, two daught ers and three sons. Several brothers and ^ters also survive. Mr. West was a nat i ve qI Dayje 'county and bad been a rndthber of the Baptist church for roobe than 40 years. , i B. L Hopkins Pas^^s., .Mr. B.-i#. Hopkins, 73.' died-at his home near Bethel church at- • 1 o'clock Friday m6raing...L.liIr. Hop kins bad' ifeeti sick for the. pa^t week or two, but' his condition had not been considered serious and bis death was. ^ distinct shock )o bis family and friends. Funeral victe were held at Bethel M. F. cbureh. Saturday p'clock, con ducted by Rev. G. B. Ferree. aspst* ed by Rev. R. C. Gotorth an|i .ibe body laid to. r^t in .the chafch graveyard. Mr. Hopkins is .sur vived by his .widow and fiye.,chi|d.- seh, two sons; 'LoDnie,;of Martins. ville, Va'., and Sa'nfOTd; of-near Bethel; three iaaughters, Mrs. Clar- ence;-rFenryi' of Ervin,_Tehn., M^ Mary Hopkins, of Winston Salem, and Miss Genfe Hopkins, at home. JMt' • Hopkins*was one of^he coun ty's wdt known citizens and- bad bwn a carpenter for. many year'. He bad inaiiV friends thronghoot the coonty who will- be .sorry. to leam ol bis death. ' Bio - Obituaries - 4/5/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 6,1933 UKL LEE .HOPKINS, WELL- KNOWN DAVIB MAN, DEAD. jrtTliis communHy was ercatfy I locked Oil March 31 to learn at Kiirl Lec Hopkins, 78, wcll- owii and highly esteemed citi- n, hnd passed away that morn- g at 1:10, after a brief illness, bis lioino near Bethel churcii. DC decensod was born in Stnn« county, the son of* John M. opkiiis and Letltia Griffin H-op-i 119, but hud resided in Davio ' r many years, where he mur- t>d Miss Alice Martin, lie was a rnicr anti skillful carpenter, (I \vn.s held in high rnspect 'lj Jiurcver he was 'known. The | rviviiig.family consists of his:! fu, two suns, L. P. Hupkins, of 1 irliiisvillc, Vn., nnd . Sunford | pklns, at- home, three dnught- ' s, Mrs. Clnrenco Penry, of Er. n, Tciin., Miss Mary Hopkins, Winslon-Salcm, anu Miss G^nic jjiklns, at home, several grand- ildren, nnd two brothers, T. L. t )pl(ins, of Atlanta., and F. L. f "pklns, of - Birmingham, Ala. c V funeral was held Saturday ( erncon nt 2 o'clock nt Bethel b{ Ihodist Protestant church, of a I lieli the deceased was a mem- , wUh the pastor, Bcv. G. B. 11 rrcc, ufficlating, assisted by f M. lloword, Jr., a minister-'g{ student at High Point Col- a! \ large crowd of sympathizing atlves ond friends attended the t rites, Those acting as pali- rerg were: Abe Howard, Al- Howard, Frank Martin, Wal- Martin, Jesse Dwirc and hn Div^lro, and the bcautlfiil ml tributes were carried by iises Lucilo Martin, Janfc Alar- , Kiiby Mnrtin, Elva Gartner* linn Howard, Margaret Hanlcl, rgnret Beck, Helen Graven, rothy Craven, Mario Daniel, adamcii Paul Cope, Norman ftdninn, Fred Poster and Korr iticr. A quartet compoacd of ssrs. C. B. Mooney, J. C. Fry, N. Anderson and E. G. Hcncl- H, sung 'tD.ay Is Dying in the si," "Face to Face" and "Abide li Mc," the latter being sung the «rnve. Wo offer our deep I ipnlliy to tho bereaved family. ; iVinS. T. P. FOSTER DEAD Mnvgnrcl Jane Foster, widow of the Inlc Tiiomng Ponry Fos- te»' peacefully fell asleep nt her home in Mocksville on Sunday morning, March 2G, after being .confined to her room for three ' months. Age, 70 years, .D months 'and 29 days. She was the daugh- ' tor of William T. Foster and ' S'nrali Crochron Poster. , ' On Nov. 2, 1882 she woa mar ried to Thomas Penry Foster and ' lived a happy life .together until 'iDoc. 7, 1921 ho was called to [that homo beyond tho skies. To this ubioii wag born 7 children, n Iw. A. Foster, Mrs. H. S. Faster [and Airs. Bertha Summerall, all ,of- Moc'ksvillc and Mrs. E. A. n Lagle, of Mockavillo, Route 4 and 'J. A. Foster who is a patient nt the Stale hospital now and two {sons died in infancy. She also loaves 0 grandchildren nnd one 'aiater, Mrs. D. A. Barnes, of Coolcenicc, and n host of ollior J. Copu niui Aliss Snrnh Carter' relatives jind fricndg to mourn 'nccompanied by Mrs. Foy Cope her ]ms.siiig. .at the organ. In curly life »lic joined the AI.' Tnose acting as pnllbDarera E. church at Concord,'later niov- wore: Messrs, C, A. and E. P. ing her memborship to Liberty Foster, R. P. Martin, H. C. Moro- AI. E. church where she lived a ney, J. A. Daniel nnd L. P. Curt- chiisllan life uhtil death. She ncr. The flowers were earned by was n faithful member nnd at- Alesdnmes Gertrude Keller, Knth- tonded services when over poa- erliie McLomb, Blanche Huney-- glblo. uutfc, Alyrtle Foster, Lola Looka- i She wag « kind nnd loving W". ^ mother, a good neighbor and an ^ Luglc, Ev excellent citizen. She was willinlf jM'^C.uIloh, Opal to do her part Avheii called upon, dred Snin and Annie Mno ^ • Fununtl services was holcl nt pr.oclouH to our heni is Liberty M. B. church on 'i'noS- gone.. . ^ ^ day nflernoon March 28, nt 2;.to! The .voice wo 'o^ed is stilb ; o'clock, ccnduclod by Rev. J, B. A place Is vcccnt in ' FIteircrcld. of Wnliiiil Covo., ii i TUnt never cmi be filled, former' pastor, assisted by liev. Gone, but not forgotten, J, 0, Bniika, her pastPr and E. W. I Nor, will she over be Turner, both of this . city. A Her memory in aa awedt today special song "God will toko cave j As in the day she went away, of you" wag rendered by Rev. J.' By Her „ 0. Banks, G. W. • Evcrhardt, N. • ' —^iRUlH LAG'uB Bio - Obituaries - 4/6/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 12,1933 W. W. C^iffitb Wimatn W. Griffiih; ^ bis boin'6 near MacedODia cborch Thursday.. folIomnR a long Hnneral sehrices were held at the bone, at 2:30 o'clock Friday after- noon and at Yadkin Valley Bapti^ church at 3 o'cldcfc, cbndwted by l^eys. Jaines^iGiroce and J." T;-. Mur ray,' Sorviying is the widow, three sons and two daughters. Ona. brother also shrvives. Mr. Griffith •bad spent his entire life in - Pavie, an^ was one of the oldest members of iYadkio Valley Baptist church; He had many-friends in Farming. ton township, who .were saddened by bis death. « Bio - Obituaries - 4/12/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 13,1933 I^USS MAMIE DWIRE PASSES A^yAY Rolntivcs and friends here were saddened to hear of' t'tie death on Monday of Misa Mamie Dwire, of 'WinBlon-Saiem, which occurred at Duke University Hospital in DurhAm. Miss Dwiro was rointed to the Unnes famiiy and visited thorn hero on n num- her occnaiona. She was greatly 'beloved wherever she wna known, and was fcr many years a sue- easeful teacher. Mies Dwire had 0 great capacity for friendships, ami her passing away will bring deep rdgrct to people in all walks of life. The last rites took phico in Winston-Salcm on' Wednesday morning, and sovorul relatives from here'attended; Bio - Obituaries - 4/13/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 19,1933 Mrs. Jobh WliitlGck..; Mrs. Jobtt Wfaitlock, 46; diet} suddenly Sunday momio^ at ber hbmeatCornatxer. Mrs. Whitld^ is survived by ber husband and eight children. Funeral servic^ -were conducted by Revs J. I/.'Eirk, of Modcsville, and W. M. Ratbburo of Advance, Monday aftemoon ;at 3 o'clock, and the body laid to rest in Shady Grove cemetery, Advance. John Diaves Killed.: a.:. .'* • i-'.rV, John Diaves,- . negro. :of North Cooleemee, was shot and tidtnpst instantly killed Sunday night hboot 8:.30 o^clocki in his yard, near the Cooleemee laundry, by Jesse Saun- ders, special oBicef'io Jernsaleni township. Saunders and special officer Sam Benson went to the borne of Diaves to search his boo^ for liquor. It is said that they fonnd a .qnart of liquor Diaves started to run and is said to have put his band in his pocket, when Saunders shot the negro in the chest, death resulting almost instaotly. Cor oner W. B. Kennea summoned '.a jury Sttcday night, and after.hear ing the evidence, rendered a verdict that the Rilling was iustifiable. Diaves moved to Davie-from Georgia about two years ago and is said to have bad a had reputation. He was known .as "Refl " Bio — Obituaries - 4/19/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 26,1933 Frances Louise Broadway, Mary Jane Broadway, Amanda Broadway, and William Curtis Hartley Four Children Killed. Salisbury, Aj^Hl m.-^Two scbobi buses crashod on a narrow curve uear Woodleaf high scbool today, kilUug fool students, seriously in juring tbree and shaking up a num* of others An empty bus, returuiog from the school, lurched suddenly as it was almost one contaiuiog 4^ cbildreu en route to the institution and crashed against its side, ripping a six'foot hole in the loaded bus and killing and injuring those caught by the wreckage. GuyEtberidge, 20 driving the empty btis,. and Fred_ Sbpaf, i8, driving the otheri were placed nn« derbond pending a complete in- vestigalioo. Frances Louise Broadway, it. was instantly killed, while her sis ters, Mary Jane, 8, and Amanda, 7. died shortly after the accident. William Curtis Hartley, 12, also was killed instantly. Grady Weaut, 11, was given only a slight chance to live, and Nell McCullough; 17. and Roy Broad way, 12, were still subjects oL ex amination at a hospital, where the extent oi their injuries bad not been determined.. The crash occurred in the Pot Neck sectioo of Franklin township iu Rowan county where all the hildren lived. The immediate scene of the wreck was Hondar rier'a curve 00 a narrow road near the Davie county line. Hartley and the Broadway chil dren were sitting about midway of the loaded bu.s on the side ripped ooen by the crash. Salisbury,. April 22.—The death of Edgar Grady Weat, 12, today brought the death toll of a school has colHmon near 'here yesterday to five person, two boys and three young sisters. They, received fatal injuries when the bus in whidi they were jidin^ was side^pwip^ by, another, bus while the two - .wereVjpj^itig^Jpp 'biiEd- curve vj^ar-r' %opdiiif ^iiool {ji this- wuhty. Two others received .serious lu juries. All were riding in the mid dle of the bus, wherp the side was caved iu by the impact of,the other vehicle. ,A coroner's jury tonight exoner ated the drivers of the two buses, placing the blame on the. narrow road and the ligb^ construction of the bus body and the crowded bus, rather than upon the negligeirce of the drivers. Forty-eight Lbildren were in the bus, and eight or nine were stand ing in the space about the driver's seat. Daniel Angell Daniel Angell, 83. died at tbo homo of bte eon at Haimony Sundoy following 00 eiieorted Illness, funeral ond burtalew- vices were h«M at Flat RockBaptto church 81 Haraptonvllle. on : Anaell woe 00 uncle of J- T. Aot^ <» (MirtlT. M<1 w. a Ma H.O.* AawU. •• I .,93 .. Bio - Obituaries - 4/26/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 27,1933 WILLIAM iPRANI(LIN HOWARD PASSES SUDDENLY Wlllinm Franklin Howard, well-known farmer of tho Tnr- lontinc ccmmunity,- died sudden ly of»n heart nttodk on Monday nliiht, April 24, aged 72. The 'de- jGoaaed wna the son of M, G. Ho- [wnrd and Snrnh Poster'Howard, of Dnvto. His wife, who was for merly Mlas Frances Parker, pre- '^eded him in dooth in August jl02D. The surviving relatives are two brothers, D. C. Howard, of M-ocksvIlle, Eugene Howard, of Albemarle, and three sisters, Mrs, A. J. Lagle, of Mockoville, Miss Mary Howard, of near Tur- rentlne, and Mrs. Milton Barnes, of Rowan county. Tho funeral was hold at Tur- 'rcntino's Baptiat church, of whlcTi Hid deceased Ava^ a mem- hor, on Wednesday afternoon at ill o'clock, with Rev. E. W. Tur ner oltlcinting. Bio - Obituaries — 4/27/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, April 27,1933 •Five- Fivo Kclioul children of Fivmk- lir. towoHhlp JiJ'c dond u veRult of n collision of' two school biiRCH Fritltiy morning siboul g o'cUck r.n wlmt l« known na "llonhur' rior's ciirvu" 'on the Pot Neck rood between highway No. 80 and Wnocllcnr. I'Jjc dead ni'c: Frniicos Lr.ulso Brnftdway, 11; her si.nlcr, Jlaiy .kwio Broadway, 8, (luughlei's of Ira A. Broadway who ItecRson tlio farm of J. C. Picklcr near the luimp hoUKc. The third cnsiialty Is William Ciii'LU llaj-lluy, 12, .son of Mr. and Mr-s. Clarence Hartley, who live on Salisbury loule J. The father la employed at the Speu- vcr shops. , The foniTh child, Amanda Brondwny, died In n Salisbury hospital about noon Friday. She is n sister of- the t\vo Broadway children who died before thoy reached the hospital, A fifth victim, Qrady Wonnt, 32,. son of Scott Weanl, an em ployee of the Spoiicer'.shops, died at the Itownn general hospital Saturday nftornooii. • A Bowan county coroner's jury returned a verdict ' Soturdny night, after four hburs*. dcllborn- 'Uon, that the accldont between t^wo buses near Woodlenf- Friday h'lorning that claimed five lives, •vvas- not caused 'by any criminal li.ibility on the parts-, of the two drivers, Fred Slioaf and -Guy ; EtherJdge. . ' /, The jury wsiuiercd tl>u follow ing verdict! n : : . .. "That -the deaths ol* Frnijcls il/buis Broadway, ^ahe Bvondvyny, Aniandd Broadway, Curtis Ilort- Tej^'niui Grady Wcnnl, were caiis- riding |ii n bus number n .ivwn^ iui^d opefj^^d byjitoivflri. IccilTifly Hiul driven by lFrcd Shoaf v;bich .collided with bus 18 ow ned and operated by Rowan county nnd operated by" Guy Ethcrldgo. "Bus luimbcr 21, was crowded beyonr] acutlng capacity, contain ing • approximately rorty-elght chlldr.cn. One was sitting on the left side of the driver and another was standing in front of him,: From six to nine other chil- dven _ wore stundiug around the driver iiud while tiiis bus wa."! no- g.otidtiiig a. shhVp left, hand cur.vc thc'.'two-bpaea collided by sido- "»\vipihg. ' n ."'We have viewed the' two buses nnd the scone-of.the wreck hiiid found the road .to be very narrow; and hnznrdoua for bus tmnsporlnlioh, .In;'-, our '• o])lnion tho bodies of these buac.s arc tioo lightly constriicted to. provide safe transportation fur gchool children. "Wo do not find any criminal liability on tho parts of tho two drivers, Fred Shoaf and Guy Ethoridgc." Gounty Surveyor N. A. Troxlcr nnd his associate J. D. Justice made a survey of' the road, the curve on which the accident oc- County Surveyor N. A. Trcxler itnd his nssooiato J. D. Justice mode a survey of the road, tho curve on which the accident oc curred, and gathered othor factH which \v#e drawn to scnlo, and the diagram entered in the evi dence Saturday. I I'hc aurvoyora rcjjorted the ncuidcnt happoned near the cen ter of the curve, a bank nearly six feet high being on otic .tide ami preventing a clear view luixund. the curve. Tho road is "18 feet wide, with a ditch of appro.slmHLely tlncc foot In width ut Hio edge. The crown of the road is about six inches high er than the edgoa, it was stated, and was not coiiMidered cx-, ccVisivc. I The buses were 21 feet long, nnd 88 inches wide, it was fur ther stated. The length of tho curve is I'iG feet, tiie duigram i showed, nnd in the opinicn of Bio - Obituaries - 4/27/1933 Mr. Trcxlcr, who made tho origi nal survey on the rood when It was 'built somo six or more years ago. It ig safe for travel and compares favorably with other roads In the county. . The jury dcilborntcd for four hours on tho question of crimi nal liability on the part of indf- viduols, county commissioners, 'board of education of county or school district, mechanic who had had been making repairs on trucks during tho year, or any ethers involved. • ^ The accident occurred about 7;50 o'clock Friday morning on "Honbnrrior's curve" on tho " Pot Nock foad near Woodlenf .when a school bus loaded with "lld^chil- drcn and driven by Fi'cd Shdaf,. lU, and an empty bus driven by Giiy ElherUlge, 2Q, sidcswlped on . the ourvtf after the front parts of \ the two vohicJcs had appurontly cloaiNJd. TTib cab sec Hons of the two 1 bu.scs crashed. Tho five children.; futuliy hurt wore all seated on i ithc-aiilo- pf-tlio- 'bus -that-fcit -the-] full force of the blow, or \vovn . st^niding on that side. Both bufKes ! wore badly torn up by tho acci- I dent, and spliatered timhors ad ded to tho horrors of the wreck age. ' DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 3,1933 m John WiHiam Click, Sr^di^at his jtiboie in tfaf^vUlage of at noon last W^nesday; an illness of four .years fBa.. been seriously ill for a wee^jptwj^^ ing bis death.' F.nnetal were held at - the bone rTbiic^ay; afternoon at 5ijs o'clock, 00041101*' ed by .Rev. E. W. Tumeir/ra^isf^ by T. 1. Candeii, The laid to rest in the old - T<erctbiem cemetery just at sunset. is survived by thr^ sisters ^4 brother, viz; Mrs. W. A';-Tinig- ston,. of Jerusalem; Blrs.;^^ jR;, Koontz, of Longwcod, Fia.|^.Biir^ A, E. Grubb, Asheville;v.-S.-I^Mv. Click, San Antonio, Texas; :^f;; Click was a. son of the ldte..^ii^ols and Rebecca Cheshire Cli^J; Jffe was bom in Joru^leni towiisbtp and spent-his entire life..ifl;; lb3irie connty. He was never ' marned.' Hundreds of relatives and fnencU survive. William F. Howiird William Frauklin Howard, 72," fesideut of Jerusalem township di^ rather- suddenly at his bomevr on Monday night following an 'aitac^ of heart trouble of two days'V dnfd: tion. Mr_ Howard was a. native and lifeloog resideut of tbe-.cp.unty, being the son of the late. W*:.G.^aud Sarah Foster Howard. H;s ;;>wife who preceded him four years ago was formerly Miss Francis Parker, of Davie county." ; ' The following relatives survive; three sisters, Mrs. Milton- . Bam^;- of Rowan county; Mrs. A J.:.vsgie of Mocksville, and Miss -Mary Howard, who lived with bim; ;^w9 brothers, D. C. Howard; of Moclt^' viUe, and Eugene Howardi of "Al- bemarle. Funeral services were'held oti Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Turrentlne Baptist church follow ed by interment in the-chufcji cemetery with the pastor,-. Itey.-. lS';^ W. Turner; offictaiiug. \- y Bio - Obituaries — 5/3/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, May 4,1933 JOHN WILLIAM CLICK, i. 81/ PASSES AWAY John WIDinin Click, welJ-knoiyn citizen of Havis! county, dlod flt jhiH'home itt Joruanlcm on .April 12, uftcr nil illnesa of four years,, •auod 81. He was Uio aon.oC Nlch- nlns Clic-lc and Rebecca ChcsUlre Click, and was. iv ittomber of a plonOor family in this accUon. He was unmarried, and the sur> vfving family consiats of three aiatera, Mr«. W. A. Laiigston, of Jcruaalcin, Mrsi. W. R; Kooutz, of Longwood. PIa„ and Mra. A. K.'Gl'Ubb, of Ashcville, and oTiie brother, S. M. Click, of Siiii Antonio, Tex. Tliu luat rites wore held at tbo homo on Thursday afternoon at 5:d6, with Rov. R W. Turner officiating, jASslstcd by Mr.. T. I. Caiidoli. Tho Jnter- mont took placu In the nearby Jorusnlem cbraotory at siiuset The nctive jiallboarcr.s woro: Wil lie Laiigston,. Marion Andrews, Ray Thompsdh. Odell Foster, Wilt Foalor and Orion Foster, and the honorary pallbenrora wove: Prof, J. D. Hodgea, DoWUt Click, Will Click, Charlie Click, S.. R, Bea- soiit and H. L. Swicegood. The many floral tributes were In charge of Mlasos L. Rcbcckah . Charles,; Margaret Thompson, Loreno Thompson, Kathleen Thompson, Miidgo Langston, Bea trice Smith, Viola Smith, Lucllp Smith, Ruhy tWillinms and Ra chel Williams. Bio - Obituaries — 5/4/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 10,1933 waia VTUV UOI^aiWU . Hcai'UIIt4»%a^'^tfa'er4augbt^;bf-;H^^ bojib^ •^ ..obe'i9i(^!>0-'elluRtf^ 'rWi*:? m^aga\{nii^ve2^¥l^^^mpit^erjaiW Al^ejfoHjpsiriniHbt^^ eistertfi^r.J.^iahkjBiirtbor™*"^^^ jFi^iud{ >..r'■"•-•."•■' Tn^ ^tire .towiji waa .Bhoelci3;:.Sa!t^^tiiday'afterabon wh^h aVtiS^^ne" inesstaHe.wsil) recViveff yiile anno^weiiiirFrank GteiQie)it,'f/^6i(^^i:^ l&iLbne'e. SanatorioiD^-lilt^thfij^^.^^^^ four, o'clock..' Mr. taking treatmentthe past .two br three W(e& ,^iit.; &t^Mhdition was apt (renBid<|i^ serious^. Funeral sei^cbs were' held home Sundc^-: :af.terQpon'o'clock, condu'ei^ , by hip -.pratpr^R C .(xofbrth;-^{The'ibbdy.laid to reatjQ;Rore(^eteiT.bjreutiful fl oiartribn^ cpyeri^ lifae' new mede grave;; whi<^ waa'surrbbd*^ by bnnd^s of friends. and,ioV;^ ones. ' • V A •. f Surviving Mr, Clement is bis widow^d one daughter, MiB3'Haiire!.([^em-ent. a student.alt Duke y|(iyetBiiy'his.ag^ motljer; Mrs, 6..i6. .Cleoijmt of'this city:'^e sister, Mrs. Sam^^Hines^V.of Wmsthii-Salem; and; onebrother. Clegg Clement, ofitbis ei^, together with'a'boBt of reia ivire and. friends. .'. v. .• Frank Glemenlt . was a sobi^f the late •'Dr. B. C. Clement,, and bad spent inoat of his liferb^re.^ For more than 20 years he bad. been withtee Southern R^lw'a]^:Co., jn^tee ea*pacit;y of fi reman' and .;^nif'nee^ on the WinBtob-Salein' and :;CbarlotteDivisiphs/' ^yerybpdyln' Mocksvilleknew ^ank Cl^'£t.-;^.Mej^no]»ber-bd hiajhriehfisjby-thehur^^ed^ Hfadeath has brooghtsadn^te the eh- community. i-T^e.'shyilrmigs bisii^sant grhetihgs le tbf^ays go by.' Tb teetberev^-wife?, the iateerleMdaughter, 7: the \agj^. moth^;*) thebrpteer and .iup^teri^we ekte^; our deep sympathy.; He wpp our friend. CartejrEimpra! Mpndayi Funeral services for M iss .Vera Mae Carter, 15. daaghter of Mr. and Mrs/ D R. Carter,'of, Advance-was coh:'ducted from- .ihe'>home at>AdvanteMondayafternobhat 2 o'clock andfrom Advance. M.-=B Church at 2:S0.o'clod< by Rev. .W^,M. Ra.thbun) and Rev. W."B.> Th'pmipeoii,^- Intenmentfollowed in the church eemete^.' . Miss Carter died-at "a Winston*Salem hospital Fricay pigbt;at;-Il:25 o'clock from the bffects of a blow ontee bead which wbs austeined.'^burs'day night, when herlhpad-'Stfuek- thelimb of a tree. The, ardent occuredis she <^as.'cm.-her;w4y frpm a wienerropsc beld-dhU^hi^^r^pcpA^fer ■ MopnsiQiBiijCa^ei^ - Last sad i^tes-jwere hield d.t' Fork Baptisk church on Mondav-at 8:00 p.m. for Lishh^Mdrrisdn''Garter,who pasted aviay.at his home; hear Fork on'Suhdayjmoraing/fu' ....Surviving, relatives .Injludd" thewidov? M'rs/iJIdle'-'PhstepjTCarter, 8small children, the bathdr^George A;:Carter, 4 brotberaandJraiBiefe,' ;- He was a member ;0f Fork • Bap? tiat chcrch andhintemi^f^asin teechurch* cemetetr-'^ite Rov.;.E. W* Turner officiating "■•*>•'■ ' Bio - Obituaries - 5/10/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 11,1933 Lsk frank clementPassed away Saturday nssc Fran'k. Clement, well- Xii uud beloved • Mocksville g rcn, ijussed nway on the oper- f table at Lonu'a Snnutorium Sitttcsville, on Sfttufduy a£- ueii. May G. "BCd 4T. The un- jIv death of this popular man ,c us a great shock to his lily nnd host of friends, and Itroiight sorrow to a wide p>. He hat! been in ill health some time, And had entered liaspital several weeks ago, his condition was thought, to iniinovinif. He was the son of hite Dr. Baxter Clegg Cle-' t aati Mrf. Linn Barber Cle- and wa-s a member of a Ilk loag urornincnt in this iw'a. He was born and reared LkMh.sville, and in his boy- ,1 united with the Methodist reli here, which hia grandfa- Criiitain Jesse A. Clement, icil li» organize 100 year.s ago. attended Trinity College, now c University, uiul won fume I liii.sebJill pilchcr, In Uoccin- 1'.)12 he was happily married Miss Hiauche March TIanea, aiighter of the laic Jlr. and . I'lilllip Hancs, of Mocks- . .iifmerly of Wlnslon-Snlom. Ir. and Mrs. Clement first lo ihe.r home In Taylorsvillo, iinir.g to Mocksville a number, jars ago. i c lu survived by his widow;, ilaughtov. Miss Hnnca Cle- Sil, a student at Duke Univer- , Die, mother, Mrs. Linn B. lent, one brother, B. C. Cio- il, all of Mocksville, and one or, Mrs. Sam iiines', of Wina- Snlem. or over 20 years Mr. Clement hold a responsible position the Southern Railway Com- y, nnd a large represontntivc 11 the Brpthcrhoort wore P»'c- at the last and rites. The ascd had hundreds of t'rlemls |)iig all classes, \vho lield him ilgli esteem and nrfoctlon for many sterling qualities. The !i iiiid impressive funcTal sor- was held at the home ott til Mnlii street on Sunday riiuon at 4 o'clock, with his lor, 'Kev. R, C. Goforth, oill- iiig. no of the largest crowdy to ml a funcrnl hero was pre- I, many distant xowna being resented. ho interment took place in family plot in Rose Cemetery, the grave was covei^d with y kcnutiful floral designs. pnllbcarcrs were: S. B. les, P. P. Hnneg, J. P. Hancs, II. Woodruff, Prank Snin nnd I.. Collins. 'I'ho members of Sunday school class, of which Ctcnicnt is the teacher, and "•■iviti* la Wilts LVttciii;t, emui*')! other young .ladies had of llio mnny flowers,'e e.steiul our 'heartfelt sym- ,'r to the iborcavcd family in|v deep sorrowj Among the relatives and friends fromof town who attended .theii'nl were: Miss Hones Cle- t, of Duke University, Prof.Mr.s. R, D. W. Connor, ofpo! Hilj, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. 09, Miaa Claire Lockhnrt CH and Spencer Hones, Jr., and Mrs. Sam Hineo, Charles isat and Rebecca Barberp9» Mr. p. H. Hnnes, Mr. nndAlex Hanes, Mrs. S. D,Ki of Winston-SaJom, Mr, nnd P. !?♦ Hones, Miaa . Lucyj'' of Walkertown, Mrs. Samj'hei Miss Covington, Mr,, ond\ J* H. Whnrton, of Winston-Mr. and Mrs. "Nat Poin-of Walkertown, Dr. and\ M. Summerell, of China['Ci Mrs. R. N. Barber andMnry Aahworth Barber, of ncsville, Mr. Will Barber, Sr.n'"l Mrs. WiU Borber, Jr.."lid Mrs. Richard BaithHi', Mrs. J. 0. Sherriil, ofF Ulln, Mr. and Mrs. Her- mrcls.'ill, Mr. and Mrs. Price ''' • of Mooroaville, Mr. nndHcriry Kelly, Mrs. Jamoa nf Taylorsville, Mr. ijndforwoQd Boyd, Miaa Mir-"yd, of WaiTonton, MissJiayd and Chlsman Hnnes,"Ke University, Mr, Lon wy. and Mrs. Cross, of Mnr « Suitle, C. M. Swlco- Sli.!! f"'^ovllIe, Mr., and/Mrs. ,1 --••••vT.ire, ivir. luiu/airH,: "[..Puggans, Mr. and Mrs.rr ""®' A. V. VValkor,,iContinuBd on -'Pago B) I JESSE iFRANK CLEMENTI |I>ASSED AWAY SATURDAY I (Continued from pago 1) 'Mr. Cttb Taylor, Mr. 0. B. Bohan-non, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. G. Babor, Mr, W. A. Moaer, Mr. niui Mrs. L. H. White, Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Bolick, Mr. J. P. Bergemnn, Mr. iW. M. Suttlo, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Barber, Mr. nnd Mrs. Gabriel, Mr. U. Danials, Winaton-Salem, Mr. S. L. Suther, Mr. G'. P.IPranklin, Mr. R, W. Brantley, Mr, J. W. Knniiff, Mr, J. H..Vest, of Charlotte, Dr. Colt STier- ■ I'll I, Mr. Prod SInno, Dr. and Mr.s. .Vance Goode, of Stnlcavillo, Mr.I Robert 'Ai-mstrong, of Barbers, iMr. and Mrs. T. D. Viekery,. Mr.'jolm Vickory nnd Mr. Spurgcoa 'Shell, of Lorny, Jim Ilobson,i(col.) of Winaton-Snlem, G. W. ft lcLenii, of Shepherds. Bio - Obituaries - 5/11/1933 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, May 11,1933 ,L. M. CARTER, OP FORK I PASSED AWAY SUNDAY Liaha Morrison Cai'ter, well- known youiiff man nf the Fork community, died at his liome on Sunday morninjj, May 7th, at 8:30, nrter un illncas of acveral yeara, aged 20. Much aympnthy Is felt for the family in their bcreuvcmaiit, us tkerc have been a numbor of deaths in their cir cle in the last few yenva. The. deceu.Hcd was the son of George . U. C-ailor iiiul the late Mrs. No- syniuathirJng rolalives and frl- tle Belle Foster Cartnr, and was I ntleiKlcd the services. Those born and reared in tins eoiinty. pallbearors were: Ci- Ilo is survived by his .. v/ldow, HwHey. Henry Minor, Law- who was formerly Miss Tldi.e Carter, Clyde Jones, James Foster, and tliree small children, i'lveiiKOod and Fi'cd Jones. The his father, four brothers, Al- ibeautifiil floral tributes bert, Travis, Mitciicll and Fo.ster carried by Misses Mary Nell Carter, of Fork, and six Bl.*.tGra, Jcnes, Alma Jones, Sadie Rich- Mrs, John Minor, of Winston- m'dson, Aline Richardson, EJIzn- Snlem, Mlasca Annie, Luc lie and Poster, Ruth Poster, Thel- F-clla Carter, at home, Mrs." ^^a Poator, Liicile Carter, Elsie Green Howard, of Detroit, Mich., .hlinor, Tholnm Carter, Annie and Mrs. J. N. Richardson, of | Hnth Carter, LiJiin Richardson, Fork. The funeral was iicKl at Vaudu Merrell, Mrs. 0. N. Baity. Fork Bajjtist. cliurch on Moiulny .Miss Annio Cijrtcr, aiater of the afternoon at three o'clock, with |decen.«!ed, who has many friends Rev. W. W. Turner oificlatlng, i Is quite aick at this time, and the inlcrmenl was in the jWe extend our deep sympathy..to cliiircij ccrnclcry. A large crowd jtho sorrowing family. I The funeral was condiiclcd by the pastor, Rev. W. M; Ralhburn - and Rev. W.. -B. Thompson, foimi- DEATH OP YOUNG ADVANCE of- Pilot Mountain. A QmL apoclul Qiiarlett, Gates of Gold, n was sung :by Misses Edith 'and Funeral services for Miss Vern Shiitt and lilossrs. W. M. Carter, youngest child of Mr. and '"'<1 W. M. Shutt, The Mrs. Dan E. Carter, of Advance, composed of the Sun- were hold Monday afterncoh at School elusa and tlioir tea- 2:30 at the Advance M. E. ^las Ethel Smithdeal. church. I The 'flowers were carried by Vera was -born July 30, 1917 classmates of the iiineth and was 16" years, D months and .ifmlo. 5 days old at the lime of her | Pallbearers were*. Daniel Dnv- sudden death, which it is bolicv- Is, Alton Hartman, Arnold Jack ed was caused by a stroke on the son, Dike Bennett, Ghariio Or- hoad by a limb. She passed u.wny 'roll, Billie Ellis, Tucker Poster; Friday night, May 6, 1933 at!'and Ralph Potts. ' eleven twenty-five o'clock, about I Vora will not only be missed 24 hours after being injured. .'hyroher schoplmntos-and class She- professed religion *in early j if,.j^y nn ^vho knew her. life and joined the Methodist' it Is so'hard to give up oii6 In shurcli at Advance at the nge of the beginning of* Ilfo, but it is p years tiiul was a faithful.mem- conHojing to know she is anchor-1 bor ;«ml willing woi<<cr until the 'o,i aafe wlioro storms are o'er 1 her from our mid- Ou the border land wo-left her' always hap]iy and goon meet and part no more. .'heorful alUl had n pleasant word When we leave this world of for Qvovyono. ^ changes and care we shall find The deceased Is survived by our missing loved ones In our iier parents, one sister, Holeii, Father's mansion fair. Life- ctor- uid two brothers, Cnrlio and nal blossoms tlierc in that city Unlph, of. Advance. [ built of Gold. Bio - Obituaries - 5/11/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, May 11,1933 MRS. J. C. HOD(JES DIES AFTER MONTH'S ILLNESS ( Funeral iserviceB for lura, Rosa Jsabul McCulIoh Iludifcs, beloved wife of Julin C. Hodges, were held from tlio home on South Ford Street, yLexington, at two o'clock Sunday afternoon, April SOt'h. coiiducted by Rev. J. M. Ilnyes, pastor of First Baptist jchiirch, and Rev. J. E. Aberne- ithy, pastor of First Mothodlst: ciutrch. interment was in tlie city cemetery, I Mrs. Hodges passed away early i Saturday morning after an 111- ' ness of about a month from pneu monia and resultant complica tions. I The deceased was born in Rnvio County, September 24, 188<l, and was conacduontly in I.er forty-ninth year. She wag a dnuifhter of the late G. C. Mc- Culioh and' Mrs. Faniiio McCul- loh. For several years she was engaged In teaching In tlio pub lic schools of Davlo iCounty be-1 Jorc hur mnrrlngu to Mr. Hodges .sl.x years ago, since which she luia resided in Lexington, whore she made many friends who held her ill highest esteem. She was a member of tho 'Woman's Club, Ihc Lexington chapter of tho Ea.s- ist'ii Star and took an active part in tho aflairs of both orgnriisa- tions. She was a mombor of- the Jiajitiat church of Mocksvillc. I Surviving arc the husband,' 'mother, three brothera, E. G. Mc- Culloh of Aibcmario', P. F. Mc- Ciilloh, of iThomasviiio; V. V. McCuHoh, of- Rockwell; and five j Bister.H, illrs. C. B. Granger, For- • syth County; Mrs. J, L. Holton, MuckHvillc; Mrs, R. H. Martin, Aibcmario; Mrs. B. L. Angcll, ' Ciiildrcii's Home, Winston-Snlom, - 'and Miss Laura Veigh McCulloh, i {of Lexington. ^ Bio — Obituaries - 5/11/1933 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 17,1933 J/L Heatb 0ea|l . . Mt^J. L. . lleatb paK^ awrayl .Tuesday pigbt abanc ro'o'clock ,'at\ -'Ilia home two apd a-half miles :Qf Hanaony. • His'death: a.brief.iUne^rjtiroih stomachtironble n ■and.coniplic^tioiis ■ -He wai'7i;yeai^ ^of.age:- • ; ; -.'/ .•Mr, H^tb ^^ a'fah&i^..' pronii'lietLt .cburch^'ii, and ■ formerly' 'laogbt siuging and writing Sciidbis"in" this fcpmmuti(tyi~.^ • - • •The. .funeral services was -held' Wednesday afternoon at 1^4 .-p'clpei shorn GiairHsrilienharck:a9d'' 'inter—'iiuent was in thf family'plot in :ibe'.Cl.arfc^hury '^metwyr. 1^ "^he', aide':!,of bis ^jfe' wbd di^-twoiyeam.ag^^". M r,. Heath^wias a^.infl'^^ :;'"niein v*:!of •; ih>,"'*;MetiqdiSt -c^ :'Stal'e^Ue'*I>anyi^'\-^-'-r.'-^^^^ . jBArs Mary 'ifbola Beckr5$, wife of J. U. Beclc, WiDstep-SdIem. passed away at the home Thursday after noon at 3 .o'ciO^. She bad. heeb cohfined to- her ted for the. past -t<^ years, aind* her! condition ted been critical for^ weeks. She was born in.Davie c6n9ty,.M.c- vember l€, 1876. and came to this city tw^ty«wyeD Vears'^agp. 'She was a member'-of Pentlcastal Holi ness Piurcb; Mr. Beck is a local realtor.' ♦ Bio - Obituaries - 5/17/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 24,1933 Harvey L Hoots .. FutJerai servic^" fof :• Allen Smilh 73* r«*dowfot W H: Smith,- Vho 4iss8ed.-ajj!?ay ^^hUisoay at the honid bflier^a'Av^^ Smith: Cana, rotite 2\ held Sondavmorning ^t iJ^tWehe^^ M, .F Phui;ch, af ir-d'clwlr, kev. Pink Chnrfch i,c»'ttdncted^ tfie; services. Burialfallow^ m the cWch grave yard. Harvey L. Hoots, intaot -son of Mr? and Mrs. Harvey A« Hoots, ot Winston Sal^, died at the home of bis parents Thursday morning, aged four days. Funeral -services were held at the home Friday moi h - ing at xo o'ciocV, and the'little body was brought to' MocksviJle and laid to rest in Joppa graveyard at 11:30 o'clock: Rev. Lake Enight of Wiostbh^Salem.i -conducted - the^ fbn^al and burial se.^es:'. Stir Viving is the' parents and tbr» birothers.'^ Mr. and Mrs Hoots are former resideats of Mbcki^lle. Mrs. Hoots was'Miss Ila VanZant beifore niarriag^. . Gaston Sutton d maV »4. 'ni ' ;I Gestoa^ulton, ;6. ao iomate oil tbecottDtVhoBe.diad Friday-dfter^ Dooo. Baoeral «ervici» were coin !dueiedat Bear Creek Baptist cboi^ 'Saturday afteroooo by Rev. Jai>7| Groee. Survivioa is one sister,) I Mrs. Judsaa Booe. of Ctarksvillel. township, f-2^. 1^3^ J Bio - Obituaries — 5/24/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 25,1933 GASTON SUITON" PASSES AWAY I GaBton Suiton passed away.„at i the County Home on Mhy iO, aged 76. He wag the son of Henry Sutton and Elixoibeth Button, and had spent all of his life in' Davio county. One slater, Mrs. Judd Booo, of Cann, sur- jVlvcs. The funeral was held at I Bear Creek Baptist church on Sat lurday afternoon, at S o'clodc, {with the pastor, Rev. James Groce, officiating, and th^ inter-' ment was in the church ceme tery. Tho- fliwcrs were carried by. Misses Mildred Lnird, Nellie Pry,. Mamie Stewart, Era Stan- jlcy, Arlene Baify and Mrs. Yera jStnnley, and those acting ua pail- beorers were: Glenn Rollins,- G. K. Jones, Brondus Eaton, Leh man Eaton, Bud Jordon and R, M. Eaton. .! . Bio - Obituaries - 5/25/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 8,1933 I'UNEKAL OP J. A. JONES' ^Ir. James A. Jones, prominent citizen of Salisbury, passed-away It a Salisbury Hospital, May 81, 193U, with Paralysis. Mr. Jones was taken ill after ccturnintr homo from churcli Sunday night and later on car- I'icd to the hospital. Mr. Jones the son of Jim and Lydia MciDnniel Jones. Born Nov. 9, 1879. Age 64 years, 6 months arid 22 dnya. ' ^ He was married to Miss An ise Leach, of Salisbury on Oct. 81 1901. To this union were born 8 children, Sadie Nell," Mary •"hile and Jlmmle. Sadie prcced- hini to the grave In 1920, l^uncrnl service was held at ihc first Methodist churcli Thurs- % afternoon at five o'clock, of *hich he was a long Hfe mem-: her, He Joined the church In early boyhood and lived a falth- H"! Christian life . until death.||uri«i took place In .Chestnut •HH .cemetery In tlid family plot, wnealh a hank of •beautiful Hoivera. He leaves to mourn his depar- \«u® children, Mary•Vhiie and Jimmic, two sisters, Hrs. Walter Strange,- Mrs. Char- ' ® Higgins, two brothers, W. B. Joo Jones, of Snlisibury and "I'Oibor of other relatives. Much sympathy Is felt for the stricken fainlly in their sad Bio - Obituaries - 6/8/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 21,1933 John W. Richardson Faneral services were held ai|| New Uuion Methodist, cburch Sno'ij div stterooon lor'Tobn W. Ric1l-< ardsun. 85. who died Saturday after ao extended illness. One brother, two sons attdr a number of grand ao^jpeat'gr^d^bitdren survive.' Bio - Obituaries - 6/21/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 22,1933 INFANT SON OF MIU AND ftlRSw McLAMB DIES Howard, Jr., two-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mc- Larab, passed away on Sunday evening at their home on the Lexington rond. Mrs. McLamb was formerly Miss Kathcrino Benson. The funera] aorvlce was conducted at the home on -Mon day afternoon at 4 o'clock, by Rev. E. W. Turner and Rev. T, tGlImer Proctor, and the Inter ment took place at Rose Ceme tery. 'I'he pallbearers were James Foster, Billle Keller, Joe Foster And 'Bobble Allen, and the floral i tributes were carried by Misses JLouise Strrud. Margaret Gnr- woofl. Addio Mae Cnudoll, Ruth lAnfirell, Opal Hammer, Annie Mae Grubb, Frances Foster and Mrs. Moody Chaffln. Wo extend our i deep sympathy to the bereaved parents. i J. W. RICHARDSON PASSES AWAY John Wesley Richardson died on June 17 at the home of his son, J. L. Richardson, in Clarks- vlllc township, aged 84. He was the son of David Columbus Rich ardson and Polly Ragsdnle Klch- ardacn, his mother Ibdlng from Pittsylvanla county, Va, His wife, who was formerly Miss Mary Gnithcr,^ passed away five years ago. Two sons, J. L. Richardson and T. P. Richardson, and one brother, J. A. Richardson, all of the same community, four grand- dron survive. The funeral was conducted at New Union M. E. Church oii Sunday afternoon, June 18, at three o'clock, with Rev. A. C. •Chnffln officiating. Those act ing as pallbearers were C. M. Splllman, E. E. Lam, W. L. Hen- dren, J. A. •Blockwcldor, J. C. Chnffln and Adolphus Chnffln. The flowers were in charge of Misses Bessie. Chtiffin, Mamie Clary, Edna Chnllln, Ruth-Smith, iMra. Rachol Holland. BOBBIE SIMMS HENDRICKS DEAD • Bobble SimniB Hendrlx, 20- imonths old son of G. G. Hen- dricks of Smith Grove passed away at the Baptist Hospital in Wlnston-Salem on June 14. The last rites were held at Smith Grove Methodist church on Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock, with Mr. T. I. Cnudoll officiat ing. Tim pui'cnta and one brother, Billic Green Hendricks, survive. I'he pallbearcro, were; Edwin Williams, Ellis Williams, Gilbert Shock and James Bceding and the flowers wore carried by Miss es Blanche Whitnlcor, Gnynell Shock, Jnno Shock, Helen Ho ward, Ruth Smith, Kathleen Ward, Ruth Spry and Lucile Livingston, | Bio - Obituaries - 6/22/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 28,1933 lii i. Fnnera^ncl- burial 5ervi{^' ;w<^re held at on Tuesda^imorning^for U^j'LlZ' zle Mae.Carter,' id year oid'claiiKh*. ter of MrVand Mr8,*^pj' FJ ^©aTteV. of near Advance, who - aiiccbhib^'i in the. Baptist: hospital, Winston i iSMent aboiit xt:d6 pr m. Saturday from.' injuries suffered * about ioi3o' when'^r'the aufonioblte in. which she- and h'er . father .'were; ridioK .was struck, bv . an auto* mpjttiie .driven by. ..B.,. P. 'Quinn, Asbeville undertaker.. It ^as not .yet been definitely- established ex- lately how tb^fatal*wreck occurred I but it appears' Carter*s • car - was li^ruck almost head on by the Quinn ,dar as he attempted to tuiu oflTnlgh I way number 48 onto ' number 801 leading to'his home; .Both, cars were damag^ more or. less, toe Carter car be|og almost completely demolished ... Miss.Carter who was .asleep at the time never. rj^ained conscious ness andf died' a' -few minti'tes 'after arnving ar the- hospital. Carter sustained a numbet of framured ribs and.-other minor ^injuries in- duding bruises jahd lacerations and is now in the hospital. Quinn sns tain^; injuries to one-knee, and '.a xifyear-old lad nnnied Anderson, from Greensboro, was .slightly, in* jured. " .. "• • CoronorW. H. Kehnen after em- panalinga jurv-proceeded to hear the e.vjdeoce'available a.nd;$:xbottof at^ all partiS: of blamei rulibg the collirion was an .-linavoidable' acci dent.", , ' n • ' 'The death of Miss Carter .is the second violent death Of sindehts of tht^Advance high-school during the past two montte,Miss. Vera.- Mae Carter having .died about the - mid' die of. May^ 'as-ja^ result of injuries to her head cau^ by bdng struck by the limb of 'a t ree as she was rmurn-t ing with lier'^cla^ in an open truck from a weiii'er roast hdd at Rich Park iu--Mock^lle. ' -. '• The parcnik and several, brothers and sisters survive. Interment was in Mode's cemetery. n ?• W. C. Wellman 1 \V C. Wellroao. 73- died at bis bcni. at Oak Grove Sundav ^ven inff at 6:4s o'clock. Funeral set .CM Held « Oak Grove Meibodiii church „ ,, „-clock. Rev. J. O Banks .Jr. Wellman| is survived bv one brother. J. R jWellman. and two sisters. Mrs. B.j R. Rose and Miss Salhe Wellman, oH ftf Oak Grove. Mr. Wellman «a. a member of Oak Grove churehand -aad many ',"'",^*11 saddened bv his death, d* I.. Bio - Obituaries - 6/28/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 29,1933 Lizzie Mae Carter ADVi\NCE HIGH SCHOOL GITIL KILLED IN CnASH sAT. NIGHT Lust rites wore held nt Mock's Methodist Church oi» Tucsdny mornlnff nt 11 o'clock for Miss Lizzie Mne Gnrter, lO-yc.ur-old Advnncd High School student, who .died in n hospiltil in Wina- ton-Salem shortly before mid night Saturday, about Imlf nn hour after she received fatal in juries in nn automobile wreck ut the junction of temporary High way 801 and Highway 48, ono- half mile west of the Yndkin niver, in Davic county. The fatal wreck occurred when the cci" in which JIIrs Carter was riding with licr luiher, P. F. Onricr, of iidar Advance, was struck nlinoHt head-on by u coupe, driven by B. F. Quinn, Ashevillo undertnk- oi't na Afr. Carter attempted to leave number 48 and enter 801 to the left. Miss Carter, according to evi dence, wna aslcop at the time of the colllHion and never regnhieii conHciousnosa. Carter suffered a number of fractured ribs, cuts, lacerations and other minor in juries and Qulnn was Injured rather pnlnfuliy in one knee and received other mlnor'wounds. An 11-yonr-old • Anderson Ind of Greensboro, who was with Quinn, was also injured slightly. J Ccronor W. B. Konacn wfta no tified shortly • after midnight when M'ord of the wreck was rcbeivcd here and held an In quest at the scene of the acci dent. The jury, composed of Messrs. F. G. McSwnIn, Walter Carter, Hubert Lashmit, Dolph Monkina, Will Douthit and Ernoat Butncr, after hearing the evid ence absolved Quinn of blame, finding the collision was an un- nvoidnhlo accident. Albert Neely The fungrnt of Mr. Albert Neely, son of the widow Sirs. Kettle Neely waa iield In Loxing- iun, Frid.'jy Juno Zi, where the (Icceasud had made hia homo for many years. He was well thought of by lila many friends, both in Mock^vlJlo-and Lexlng- jton. There were many of thla . city that nttondod tlio funeral, tie leaves to mtiurn his passing REV. A. G. LOFTIN CLAIMED BY DEATH Friemia throughout D a v I o ( county wore greatly shocked to • learn of the death of Rev. Albert Ci'ny Loftln, 61, beloved Metho dist miulatur, w'hich occurred at hi.s homo in Glen Alpine on .luno 22. lie wna a member of the Wes tern Nortlj Carolina confercnco, and had been in the active min istry for the past thirty years. Ho \vn.s held In high esteem nnd'j admiration wherever ho was known, nnd^ was a consecrated minister. A number of years ago he sowed as paslur of the Fann- ington circuit, and a few years ago lived here as pastor of the ©ftvle charge. He 13 Hurvivod by hia wife nnd two dnughlcrs, Miss Ronlc Lofllu, a mcmhor of the Greensboro city schools faculty, and WlsB Trances Gray Loftln, ft student at Greensboro College. Mr. LoTtin was a native of Davidson county. The lunerai was held nt Npwsom, his form er home, on Fridny afternoon. The cRiiSo of his death was a heart attack which he had while administering the commnnion at. church on Sunday morning, .liine| 4. The mnny friends this Rood j man made while In Dnvle will rcgrdt his passing away. WESLEY CHESlimE WELLMAN . PASSES AWAY Wesley Choahiro Wellmnn, 73,' well-known farmer of the Oak Grove community, passed away at his home on Sunday evening, June 2D, after being in Hi fi eallh for some time. He was the son of Jerry Wcllnjan and Mary Sain Welimnn of Davic county. The ideceuaed was unmarried, uad the surviving family .consists of one brctlior, .1. R. Woliman, and two islstera, Mrs. B. R. Rose, and ;Mlaa Sallio Wcllman, all of whom live t«»gclhcr at the old homc- slead. Tile funeral -wa.s hnld nt Oak Grove Molhodist ciiiireh, wlsme the deceased had "been .rn active member, on Tuesday morn ing at 11 o'clock, witii the pas tor, Uev. J. 0. Banks, officiating, .assisted by Hcv. R. C. Gofortli ami Rev. W. J. S. Walker. The- interment was in the church comotory. Those noting as pnll-' bearers were: J. C. Wcllman, Rev. H. M. Wonman, J. W. Wcll- man, V. iVV. Wcllman, J. IJnmos and .John Ijamcs. The many floral tributCn v.'cVu earned <by Misses Mary Powell, Winnie Weliman, Emmu l.,ouisc Welimnn, Sarah Wellmaii, Mary Weliman, CoUu Wollmnu, Knthloon Wcllman, Dc-. na Miiholand, Margaret Bock^ D{irothy Pointer, Dorcas Mllho- lnn<l, Francos Ijames, Evoln. Ijamcs, Bertie Wood, Mario Vog-' Jor, Tholmn Gregory, Sarah Grc-i gory, Mrs. H. L. Milhoiund. Bio - Obituaries — 6/29/1933 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA