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Jul - Dec
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 6,1932 George iL King., Cooleemee, June 28'—Last rites werebeld bere'on Sunday after noon for George Albert King, age 8i years, who pas^.away at tbe home of a - daughter. Mrs. Frank Cope in Le^ciogton S-iturday morn ing fqllowlng an illness of several Qioutfas. ' M The deceased was a native of Da> vie county and spent all his life in t'le village atidcommunitv until re cently. He was'employed in the Erwid mill here UDiil a few years ago when ill health and.the'infirm ities of did age forc^ him to retire from active work. - ' Surviving relatives include three daughters, filrsJ' Frank' Co^ and illrs Oscar Cope, of Lexington iirid Mfk. -Delia Cauble. of Salisbury. Two sQtts, jpbn W. King, of ; this place and Vl^U King-' wbo has not been heard of for several years,. Twenty oue-grandcEildren .also re- i|Laiti |o thotirn of ■: this grand did geutlemkii. Ray and Gray Boyles InabfTSdiis Die. ■ Tke inff.iit:.twib sons 6f Mr. andMrs. Boyles,. of Mdt^svfUe,, Ray and'.Grayidted Tbursaay after noon when^nlv a few hoary oldThe^ little bodies.. were'^.euibaimed and laid .to rest Friday afterndob in Bethlehem church cemetery, nhar Redland..Rfev,' M. -G'; Ervib, of Parniiiigton. cdud ucted the.' fnne'r^ si and -buriil services...-.Mr- add Mrs.. BoyWhave the :sympatby. ofall their-firieuds -io the death, pf their iwiolbabies;.' - Ktes for Mrs. U. S. Jordan. -.Salisbury.'June 29.—The funer- aLof Mrs. U. S. Jordan was' con ducted- today from the home oH Mocksville avenue and interment was nt -Fnlton church cemetery Da vie county. Mrs. Jordan had 1>een ill for spme week. She is snrvived by hv bitsjband and or.e son and four daughter. Mrs. J. H. Jordan, of Detroit; Miss Grace Jot dan; Mrs. C. F. Garrett,' of Salis bury; Mrs. J, J. Ridenhour. of'Coo leemee. and Mrs. W. O. Austin, of Badio. DeCea^d was a daughter of Capt. John H. Peebles, of Davie county. Mrs; W. M. Richie Passes Mrs. W. M. Richie-died at her home near Cana. Fiidav night, fol. lo'.ving a short illne.<.v agcfi altout 8j! years. Funeral services were' held at Chestnut Grove .^M. E.^church Sunday ro oiaing at ti; o'clock, coudticted by Rev. L. H. j I Thompson, and- the body laid 0rest in the church graveyard. Mr.s. j Richie is .survived by one daughter,'I Mrs. Joab CoHett. and two sons,* I A. p. and T, D. Richie.-all of thej Catia section. Mrs. Richie was succeed to the spirit land- by her husband -who passed aw-ay last March. She wa.s an excellent Christian lady, and her .death is mourned, by a host of friends. I Mrs. Barnes Passes. Mrs. S. L. Barnes, 78^ of Shady ^Grove, died Wednesday night,'June 29th, death ' resulting fromj carcinoma. Fuiierai service; were contfncted by Rev. G. B.'-Ferree at Elbaville M. P. church Tbuiisdayi afternoon al 4 o'clock, and the body was laid to rest in the church grax'cyard. Mrs. Barnes is surviv ed her bitsband. one sou and two^daughters. Four brothers, onej sister, 27 gra^dcbitdren aind 23great grandchildren also survive | Mrs. .Barnes was au excellent ladvl and her death brought sadness to the entire community in which she lived for so many years. Bio - Obituaries - 7/6/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 7,1932 MRS. S. L. BARI^tCS DKAD \i t Jane Myera Barnes, 78, t wife of S. I.. Barnca, of tho Klba- i .vJIlo community, paaaod away on i June 2U. Slio wua the dauKbtoi; of i Jiimcs Myers and SnIUu Shutt My- era. Tlio rnneral' sorvlcos woro .| 'held at Elbnville M. P. Church < on the nflcrnoon of June 80, t with the pastor, Hov. G, B/ Fcrrco, , in chart'o. She is survlvqd by hor j ihn.sbnnd, one son, Jamca Barnos. t {of Advance, two dnughter^ Mr.s, | iC. B. Carter, bf High Point, and i jMrs. E. I.. Doby, of Thomnsville, 4 •brothers, C. C. Myerg.and G. V. ^ AJyors, of Advance, James Myers,' ,of Thomnsville, and C. A. Myers, joC Dnvie, one sister, Miss Margn- i 'net Myers, of Blbavillc, 27 grand- , ^ildren and 23 great-grandchild- , ren. The floral offerings' were carried by grcat-granddnughtora,. i Faye Epradley, DoriS Cbildroas, , Kathorine' Carmlchnel, Sarah Sprndley, Opal Childross, and n Margie Allgood. Grandsons.of the 'deceased who Acted as palLbenrora jwere; Howard Barnes," Lawrence . .'Carter, Elmer Carter, Dwight' Carter, Virgil Carter, Elgin Doby, . jAvcry Doby hndJPoul Carter. , MRS. LAURA B! RICHIE I PASSES AWAY AT CANA I Mrs. Laura Booo Richie, widoSv of W, M. Richie, died nt her home at Cana on July 1, aged'82. She was the daughter of Green- berry Booo. Her husband passed away four months ago, and the surviving family consists of two sons, T. D. Richie ^ and A. D. Richie, and one daughter, Mrs. J.' D, Collettc, all of Cana. The fun- oral .sorvice.s wore hold at Chost- nut Grove Mothodl.st church, vvhere the dccoaHcd hold her mem bcrship, on Suiidav morning at 10:80,- with Rev. James Grocc of- fici'atiug' The fiowBr,q woro ear- Iricd by Wissort Lniirn Richie, Bes sie uichic, Ethel Richie, Jose phine Cbllctte, Clara Grubb, Doro thy Grubb, Hazel GVoce, Hazel j Hartley, Opal Hartley, Evelyn •Howard; Kathleen Howard, Mary Frances Boger, Mamie Stewart, jind Sarah Louise peoples.. The :pallbearers woro: Melvin Richie, Carl Richie, Lo-ster Richie, Henry Richie, Charlie Richie and C. II. Boger... 'MR. F. B. BLALOCK, OF OX FORD, DIBS AT HOT SPRINGS [' Relatives here were shocked to lenrn Tuesday of the death in ' Hot Sprhigs. Ark., of Mr. Frank i ' B. Binloek, prominent 'citizen of Oxford, who went there 'for treat ment A few weeks ago. Mrs. Bin- lock and her sister, Miss Sadie ? Clement, accompanied Mr. Bin- Jock to Hot Springs, and about a Week ago Miss Clomont had an nt- ' tack of appendicitis and under went an operation there. Mr. Bla- ' lock had been In ill health for , several years, and Imd retired from business about a year ago. ^ He was one of Oxford's .most • highly esteemed eitizons, and his ' death will <be deeply regretted by a wide circle of frionda. Mi'Bi ' Rlnlnck was formerly Miss Mamio " Clement, anil Is greatly beloved in Mocksvlllc, where sho was born I and reared, The funeral .sorvlcos will bo held in Oxford on Frl- "• day morning nt 11 o'clock. Ray and Gray Boyles Jesse Lee Beck FUNERAL FOR INFANT The infant .son, Jesse Lee, of \ Mr. and Mrs. Vestal L. Bccic, of : Jerusalem, who pan.sod away on . June 28th, ^vns buried in the '• Jerusalem cemetery, with the pas- i jtor. Rev. E. W. 'IJurnor in" charge of the services. INFANT SONS DEAD Tho last riles, for Ray and Gray infant twin- sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boyles, were . conducted nt Bethlehem M. E. Church on Fri day afternoon at 2:30, with the paafor, Rev. M. G. Ervln olllciat- Ing. Tlic flowers were carried by Miss Opal Hammer. Mlss Kerr, Mrs. Will Keller an 1 Mrs. Frank lluneycutt. Tho pnllbearera woro Alissc.s Frances Allen, . Gladys. Dnnn, 3^Iary Fern Allen snVd Kathorine Benson. Wo extend our synr,pathy to tho bereaved par ents. Bio - Obituaries - 7/7/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 13,1932 W. Fi Nail Passes. WUtiam P. Nail, 66. died at a Ftates^ villa boRpital Saoday morning at 2 o'clock death lesnltlng from Bilgbt'o disease and ooipplfcaiiona. Mr. Nail was carried to the hospital Saturday afteinoon. Foneral services were held at Oik Grove Metbc* dist church Monday afteioaon at 4 o'clock onducted by his pastor. Rev. J. 0. Banks, and the body was laid to r st In the church graveyard. Mr. Nail is survived by bis widow and seven children, three 8 iQS and four dniightpr«, Mr. Nail b: d been a resident o> M* cksville ail bis life. While he hud been in-bad health for some time bis death was ui expected and was a severe shock to hislovedones and many friends ibrisughouc this community. The wife and cbildreo have the sympathy of a host of friends. J. W. Beck Dead. J. W. Beck, aged 67. died at his hntneat Faiih'Wednesday morning at 2:30 a'clock. The fnneral took place Thtirsdnv afternoon at a o'clock at the Faith Bubtlst church, conducted bv Rev. R. N. Honey- cutt, of Trading Ford Baplis! church, and intemiettt follotved in the Faith chutch cemetery. Surviving is the wife, and the following sons and daughters: Roy and Nathan Beck of Coofeemtc;i Fletcher Beck, of Winston Saleni; j jGuy Beck, at home; Mrs. Bessie | I Earnhardt, of Granite Qiiarrv; Mrs. ; Amanda Vickens, of Cooleeiuee, and ! Misscs Matite and Pearl Beck, at I home. Six brothers and two sisters .also survive, these being Frank ! Beck, of Sa]i.shury. Albert Beck, of I Mocksville; Hatch Beck, of Char- ;lotte; Houston, Je.sse and David Beck, of Da vie county, and Mr.s. Betiic Hamilton and Mis. Mollie Aaron, both of Davie cotiniv. The deceased was a native of Davie couoiy but had beeu living in Rowan about 25 years He was well known iu tbe Faith communi ty, where be bad many friends — Salisbury Post. L«\n$ Hendrk Deadi Lewis Hendrix. 81 year ot.< prcroihcni farmer of Fulton township, died Saturday Illuming after an illness of sunto tine Death came while at tbe home of his daugbrer. Mrs. J. F. Potts; of Fulton town ship, with whom he bad lived for some I time: He was the son of Henry Hendrix '.and had spent his life in that section I where he bod been a successful and prom- I inrnt fnrnirr. His wife, nee Miss Louise I Young, died sore years ago. I Funeml services wern held from Nos I Creek Primitive Bapti;.t church Sunday af-1 J tetn oh at 3 o clock with the Rev. S. H. i Rec d, and T. I. Candetl in charge. 1 I Three sons and live daughters. 61 grand I children, 34 greet grandchildren and one greut-great-grandchild survive hitn; One sun. D. L Hetidrix. lives in Rowan coun ty. while the ethers live iu Davie and J Foray (h counties. | Edgar Rader Dead. Edgnr F. Rnder, 33, of Newton, died in! j a StatesviUe Hospital early Saturday,, fol lowing nn illness of some time. Funertil I took place at Newton Sunday aftemoonI at 4 n'elKck at (he First Bapibt church j M". Rider is survived by his wife and! ° one child. Rader had many iriends' is Mocksville who were saddened by the n vs 0'Lis droib. He bad.been located here at ''iffctent times looking after high . way coiislructioQ work for George Mirtin, and WAS looking after work on the Mocks ville Fork road when be became ill sev-' erol weeks ago. Bio - Obituaries - 7/13/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 14,1932 LEWIS HENDRICKS, AGED = ' I DAVIB MAN, DEAD 9 F NAIL DIED AT I>AVIS i HOSPITAL SUNDAY U'ilUtwtT F. Noll, well-known Jrinci- cnrpenter, who hod Isiilwl on the McGulrc form for number of ycn'ra, poased iiwny Davis Ilospitiil In Stntesvillo, ^ndjiy morning, July 10th, ngod 1. Ho had been in 111 •health for mc lime, und was curried to the fl jiital on Saturday afternoon, [;ith occurring the next morning He was twice married, 3 first wife, who died many iar.': ago. being Miss Emily Sain. } this union twy children were sru. Patrolman W. If. Nail, who now living In Statesvllle, and ,rs. Harold Smith of this place, iiy second wife was Miss Mary, till, of the Oak GVove coinmun- y, and she and .the following llidren survive: Mrs. E. E. Mur- ly, of Bixby, W. F. Nail, Jrj, is£eK Ella Mac and Rebecca ail. of near Mocksville. The de- luscd WHS a member of Oak lovc Methodist church, and at, Sie lime was superintendent of I 10 Sundiiy School. The funeralt I vices were hold there on Mon- ly nfternoon at four o'clock, con- iiclvd I'.v the Rev. J. 0. Bankfl) aa- sied l.v Rev. R. C. Goforth. A r^e crowd • of 'rclntlvea and ylends wore present.' T.he pall- carers wore: Hugh Brown, F. H. rown, Sam Dwiggens. T. L. Sum- lers. C. 11. Scaford, and Ji .M. urn. There wore many beautiful loral tributes, and these were iirrifid i»y Mesdnmcs Doit IIoU- uuscr. VV. 0. Mui-phy, Earl Sea- mi, .Tim Wilson, Moody Chnffin, » am Dvviggens, Naylor, Jeffrey, gcBs Wafford. Prank Sain. MisseB 'etrn Wilson, Margaret Wilson, lella Murp^jy, Inez Ijnmes, Lola TnnicI, Mary McGuirc, Elaine nll.AlHo Scott, Addio Mac Cau- '.•11, and Ella Mne Camboll. Wo xtend our synvpathy to the. he- caved family. Lewis Jlondrlcka,.' prominent farifncr of Davio county, died at' the home of his daughter, Mrs., J.. P. Pottsj in Fhlton township, .on July Dili, aged SI.'He was the son of Henry 'Hehdrickg. Hia wife, who was Louise • -Yodng ' 'beforo' her marriage, passed a\vuy aev-.: oral years ago;' . The funeral waa hold at No Creek Primitive Bap- tiat church bn Sunday afternoon, at JJ o'clock, conducted -by Rev, S. H. Reed, Hssiated by T. I. Cau- . dell. . The surviving family "con- 8iBt8,'of throi sons, .-J.: U. iHomK' •ricka and L. P. Hondricks, of tho ; same community, and D.-L. Hend- rlcka, of Rowan, five' daughters, Mrs. J. F, Potts, Mrs. W. B. Cope, • Mrs. G. E. JJnrnhardt, and Mrs. G. E. Mcr'roll, all of pnvla„and Mrt. L. E. Matthews, of Fors'ytU county, 51 . grandchildren, |84-; great-grandchildren, . and • qno: greut-grcnl-grandchlid. T'hp pall- boarcra were ^rnndadns of the do-' censed, and tVerc; Tnft Matthews, . OHn n Barnhnrdt, Ovid Hcndricks,' Aubrey Worrell, Ollle Barnes,. Linnet Potts, I.(eBter Hcndricka,; and Floyd Matthews. The flow er glrls-were: Mlsacs Bertha Bock, Moxolle Gillinm, Levin Barnhnrdt, Tholmn Barnes, Elln Matthews,; Vauda Mcrrell, Clara, fflcndrix, Grcojn Ilcndrix, Mildred Ilcndrix, 'Vida Pottg and • Les'alc^ Matthews. Fannie Peebles Jordan Several from horo attended the ifuneral; and .burial of Mrs. -Fan- ,niQ Pnftlilns Jordan, wife of Jordan, who passed 'uwoy at nor home in Salisbury, Juno 27 and hurled was 'Wcdneaduy afternoon, June 29 at Fuiton W. E. Church; Mrs. Jordan was well known In Dnvlft County, being a daughter of the into -Tohn Pc-oblc.s nud Mrs. Pcobloa* and a sialor of the late .T. G. Pccldiis, besidca tl\e hus band she is survived by -t dnugh- tera and one .son. To know hor was to love her. A good woman li'as pUnSod to her reward. Bio — Obituaries - 7/14/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 20,1932 Funeral Service For Mr. Stewart. Final rites were held at Smith Grove Methodist' church Wednes day afternoon for Frank Stewart. 68, who died in High Point Tues* day.- The deceased was a native of Davie connty and spent all his life ■here until two years ngo He I was twice tnarried, his fi rst wife bieng Miss Emma Carter of this place, who died many* years ago Two sons remain from this union; Glenn Stewart, of Crewe. Va , and Phillip Stewart, of A-labama. A third .son was killed in action In France during Ibe world war. The second wife, who survive.s was a Miss Taylor also of Mocks- ville and leaves one sen and three daughters. . R. A. Neely Dead.! Mrs. Robert A. Neely, 65 of near' Hoi man's X Roads, died Tbni^ay afternoon, following a year's illness, death re.suUing from paralysis atsd complications. Funeral ''services were conducted at. Union Cbapel M P. church Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock by the pastor, Rsv. G. I). Ferree, and the'body was laid io rest iirthe chnrcli graveyard. Mrs. Neely Is survived bv her husband and one son. One brother, R. E. L Pope, of Galeville, Texas, also sur vives. Mrs. J. E. Horn ' Mrs. J. E. Horn. 71, died at ber' hntne in Newton Friday, following! an illness of some liine. Mrs. Horn is survived by her bu.sbaud and six' cbilureii. Mr. Horn {sanative ot Mocksville, having left Davte about 40 years ago, and locating at Newton, where be has been engaged in the roofing and meiai btiai- nets. i. Stacy Foster. Funeral services for Mrs Stacy Foster, 38, who died at her homein Lexington Saturday, were held at Smith Grove Sunday afternoon at two o'clock and the body laid'to rest in the church graveyard. Mrs.Foster is survived by bcr hnsband, two sons and one daughter. Herman Franklin Powlass Yonth Loses Life. Salisbury, July 17. — HermanFranklio Powlass, 15-year-bid youth, plunged to bis death in a hole of an abandoned rock quarry at Woodleaf, Rowan county, this afternoon. He fell a htiudred feet'and death was instantaneous. His| body was badly bmised and hisneck was broken. j Bliss Gladys Helper. Cooleemee. July 13—Funeral and hticial services were held here yesterdav afternoon for Mis.s Gladys' Hepler, t6, oueof ihenioitt impulnr young women of the village who ' sitccnmlied at the residence of her father, C R Hepler on Duke street , Monday following an illness of a- bpttr t8 monllis.I M IRS Hepler contracted a bone dis I ea.se about 18 months ago, after spending.sometime in a.Ga.stonia > lio.«pUal had one leg amputated atjthe knee and returned home in ap' pareiUlv much improved health. A relap.ce recently thongh proved fa tal and she pas.sed away on Monday Surviving relatives include thefather, C, B. Helper, the step mo ther, two brothers, three sisters and one holf brother. Imennent wa.s in the local ceme tery with Rev A T. Stoudenmire and Rev J W. Foster, local pastois OHiCiating. Bio - Obituaries - 7/20/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 20,1932 Harvey B. Tucker Advance Man Dies. ' Har\'ey B. Tucker, formely of the Advance community, died at i o'clock Fridav morning at a Chiea eo hospital foUuxvirtg an opsTation. He had lived in Chicago for the past six months, being a farmer in. Davit county pior to that time. He was a member of Advance Metbo dist Episcopal church. Sarviyors Include the father, Z. V- Tucker, three sisters, Mrs. Ros ale Foster and Josie BHiIey, of the Fork Church community, and Mrs Ethel Cbarjes, of Yadkio College; four brothers, George Tucker, Ben Tucker and Junle Tucker, all of Advance, and J. F. Tucker, of Winston Salem. Mrs. James McDaniel. 1 Mrs. James McDaniel. 52. who lived near Center, died in'ajStates- jVille hospital Saturday," fdllhwm^.a jdouble operation. FiiiieraVie^^es were held hi Center "Me'chod^^^ ichiirch Sunday afternoon at."*^ | io'clock, condncied hy Rev. A.. G. ["Loftin. of Glen "Alpine, and the 'body laid tn rest in the church 'graveyard . Mr-t. McDaoie] is sur^ [vived by her husband two child ' reu, oite brother and two sisters. Miss Ella Daniels Dead Cooleetr.es, July 13 —Last sad rites were held at Concord Hcrtho disc church near here Tuesday afier uoon for Miss EllaJDauiels, 53) who succumbed at ibe borne of abrother, Wade H Daniels on Watts street here Monday following an iilnessof about three weeks. Mi^ OanieLs was a native of Jc ru>al''m township and spent her en tire lifr in the conitnnnitv. James Franklin Daywalt Mr. Jaroes Frauklin Daywalt, 62,1 died atbis bp.tneio Concord eatly: Thaisdav morning, death resulting' from a heart attack. Mr. Daywalt. a native of the Kappa section nil Davie cotinty, having moved to Concord some forty year.s ago. He! was a son of the late William Day- wait. He went inro biislness in his, adopted cky many years ago. and was a successful merchant. He is' survived by hh widow and a num*' ber.oLchtldrec. Fnnerol and burial service were held In Copcord Fri I day. " Bio - Obituaries - 7/20/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MDCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 27,1932 Mr. T. L. Jones Passes. Mr. T. L Jones. 84. died at his home near G >rnarzer Saturday morn- ing. foiiowiog a.six months illness. Funeral services were conducted at Che borne Sundav afternoon at 4 "'clock by his pastor. Rev. G B. Ferree. and the body laid to rest in the family graveyard. .Mr. Jones is survived by four children, viz: Mrs. W. S. Hendfix, of Mocksviile; Mrs. J >hn Ms-son, of Kanuapuli?; Miss Notie J'lnes and Mr?. Waller Jones, of nfar Corra'zer, Eighteen irrsnd- children »nd elebt great-grandchild ren survive- Mr Jones was a mem ber of Dulin'g M. P. church. Re was a Confederate Veteran, joining the army while living in South Caro- linu. He came to Davie shortly after the war, where be wag tnado his home for more than'60 years. He was a good man and will be io his community. Mrs. Sallie Spry Dies. ' Mrs: Sallie Spry, 67 died at the home of her son. William Spry, at Smith Grove, early Sunday morning, death resuUirg from paralysis Fun eral rervices were held at Smith Grove Melhodlsi church Monday af ternoon at two o'clock, conducted I y her pastor. Rev M.-- C Ervin, anu tlie body laid to rest lit the church graveyard. Mr."*. Spry is survived n by twu sons, William Spry, of Smith 'Grove, and Frank Spry, of Lexing ton. One sister. Mrs Tom Call, of I Mucksvilte. survives. Mrs. Spry was 9 good woman, and will be missed iti her community. Harvey B. Tucker The ^eraS of Harvey B Tuck er, of Advance, who died at Cnicn- go last Friday was held Thursday motnliig at jo o'cluik at Shady Grove Church at Advance,. Rex« W. 11 Ratbbura conducted the services. Burial toltowed lu the church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 7/27/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 28,1932 William Franklin Nail THOMAS LUTHER JONES PASSES AWAY IN MlSMOUIAM Thomas Luthor Johos^ agc<t citizen of the Shady GVove' com munity, died nt liis 'home on July 23, in his 84th ycov. Ile-wns-born on Sept. 29,1848, and was tho son of Jolin Jones and Lutitin Jones. Ho enlisted in the Confederate Army, in South Carolina when quite n youiitf iboy. ' Hia wife, whose maiden name was Julin Summers, passed n'^vay sovora] years ago.'He .Is survived by .one' (SOD, Walter T/Jones, Mockavlllo.j Route 8, three daughters, Mria. W. S. Hendrtcka, of Mocksville", Mrs.] I John. Mason, of KnnnnpoUs, Mias ! N<;tie Jonos, of Muukavillu, Rutilu J 8, 18 grandchildren and 8 great-' grandchildren. The funeral scr-1 vices were held nt the home on I Sunday aitevnoon at ^ otclock,. i I with Rev. (?; B." Forroo, pastor: of the deceased, ol'flclulingj us- i slsled by Rev. W. .M." RatiibUrn, j 'and the burial followed in the ^ Jones family comctery near Cov- / iiatzer. The following grahdsoms acted ns pHllbcarers: Duke Hend-' ricks, Gicnn IIundrlckB, Sherman Hondi'leka. Paul Hcndrleka, Ro- bort Mnaon, Kerr •.Mason, Clar- encc Jones'and Joe Jonc.s. The ' floral offerings .were carried by j the granddaughters: Mrs. George • Jones, Mrs. Glenn IloiulrickH, Mrs. Duke Hondricks, Mrs. Rcbn Jones, ' Mrs. Joe Jones, MLhsos l^lnmie Hundricks and S|abel Jones. ' j MRS. SALLIE ll SPRY DEAD : Mrs. Sallie Rlley Spry, widoty.' of A. K. spry, passed away at licr home at Smith Grove:- on July 24, ngcd 68. The docenacd jwns (ho dnnghtor .of John Riley uiul Rebecca Rtley, and hud spent most of her.life In that commun ity. Two sons,. W. G, Spry, of Advance, and J. F. Spry, of Lox- Iiigtyii, mid ojiG alstor, Mrs. Tom ? Call, of Mtickavilio, nro the" sur-J iviving family. Tho I'linornl waa iiuld at Suit 111 Gruvu MetliudiKt | cluirc'li, whore the deceased was a | inombor, on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with the paslor, Uov. M, • G. Erwin, officiating. The pnll- hcarors wore: Ciclnnd Foster, S. R. Covnatzcv, J. W. Poster, John ny Wni'df Ray JFoster, and Dun Smith. The flov/ers wore in charge of Misse.s Margaret Foster, Edith Smith, Elln Gray Smith, Glndya Hnnca, Opul Livinustoii, Lillian n Williams, Hattio Williams, Mild- | red Smith, Ella Mao Nail, Mary Smith, Mary Lois Livingston, Vir ginia Shook, Bessie Howard, Evo- lyn Bowdon/.Riit'h Spry, Mrs. Mar vin- Smith. William FrnnkHn Nail In the paRsing -of \V. P. Nail on July 10th, nt Davis Ilospitnl, Mocksville townahip lost an ca- liocmod and vniuablo citizen..' 'While Mr. Nail had boon in de clining health for . months, his death' came ns a shock to tho community. Mr. Nail was twice married: first to Mnry Emma. Snin, who died in .1002. leavijig two small children, W. M. Nai], now a State Highway Patrolman, and Mary Elizabeth, now Mrs. Harold Smith. Tho second mar riage was to Mary Ella. Call in lOOG. She and four children sur vive; Mi'fl.^'Inrncat Aiurphy, Ella' Mac, Itcbcccii and W. F. Nail, Jr. Mr. Nnil wn.s n good husband and ratlior, and ids children rlao up and call him blessed. He was n vood neighbor, and was known for kindnosa and sympathy. Tho esteem In which *hc was held was shown by tho kindness of friends i during his illness, and by the I beautiful flowers nt tho funeral. A number of the neighWa hnvo' shoivn great kindness smce . his passing. In looking after his crop. The funeral -was Qondncted from Oak Grovo M. E. Church by Rov, J, 0.-Banks and Rev. R. 0. Go- forth. Mr.. Nttj) was n member of this church and a lomer Sun day school suporintondent. The Brongo wore beautiful and com- fortingi The body was laid to rest in the cemetery close by the church to await the summons from on high. Bio - Obituaries - 7/28/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 3,1932 C. N* Reavis Passes. Mr. Caram N. Reavis, 27. son of Mr. and Mr?. W. u: Reavis, died at his home in Glarksvllte townsMp Saturday eveningr, foIlowiDg a lonff illness of typhoid fever. Sarvlving 113 his widow and two small sons, I Basil and Charles. His parents, three ibrotners and five sisters, also anr- jvive. Funeral services were con ducted at Liberty Baptist church Monday afternoon at2:30o*clocb, by Rev. D. C Clanton, and the body laid to rest in the church graveyard. ^To the bereaved ones The Record extends deep sympathy. A. W. Allen Dead. Mr. Andrew W. Allen died at his home near Fork Church early Satnr- day, aged 85 years, following an ill ness of several months. Funeral ser- 1V ses were held Sunday afternoon at Mock's Methodist chorph,.conductedI> by Rev. Wm. Rathbum, assisted by Rev; E. W. Turner. Burial followed in the church graveyard. Mr. Allen ^ is survived by five daughters and four suns, viz: Mrs. M.. Smith, of Davidson count); Mrs. T. W, Sofley, Mrs J. W. Sain; Mrs. C. L. Smith and Miss E-ttber Allen, of Davie; B. W. Allen, of Winston-Salem; J. W. Allen; of Rowan countv; John U. AHIen, ot R 3, and W. C. Allen, of Fork. Bio - Obituaries - 8/3/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 4,1932 DHUU' W. ALLEN TAKEN BY DEATH Hiicnil sci'vicea for Andrew :ioii Allen. 85, who passedIj. ^iii iirday morning at-5:10Iu'rk homo near . Fork ,rcli, iU'lor nil illncsa of sevci'Hl ilhs. was hold 'it the home iilay i'ftcrnoon at 3:30 o'clock ,'it .M"ik 's Jlcthodist Church. ; riVli'i'k. Kev.- \V. " 51. Uath- t iiikI llov. E. W. Turner con ed Ok- scrviccH.'Burial follow- II 1)1,. iliLirch graveyard. ijllioaM't's were LoRoy Snin, li .illrj], Warner iMlor^ Elmer . I), Cicij Safjey -and Ridmrd ll. n : r. Alk'ii wna born, in Davic ity, November 10, 18'16, n son . Shade and Temple Tteavis n. His wife, who was Jvilian ■r, ilicil ccvcral years ago. He i-cgni-(li'(i ns a prosperoua far- jiiid was well knqwn through- ihe iMiinly. He was-for inany ,? a niombor of Advance iiiilist Church. iviving live five dnughtors, Smith, of Dnvidson ly; .Mrs. T. W. gofley, 5Ira. J. [liii, .Mv.s. C. . L. Smith and . t.":-i-icr Allen,' of-' Dnvlc (y: I'lUi- sons, D, W. Allen of . tfia-salr'ni; A. W. All^n," bf ' liji i-ii'iiily; John G. Allun, of <|.HviliL'. Uoulc 8; and W. C. <|i, of I-'<n-k; 5-l grundchjldvcn iliil gi-cai-grandchlldrcii. . ,\}\ REAVIS PASSES AWAY laiii Uciivia, aged 27, son of iiml .Mrs, W. D.-Ronvls of , koutc 1, pusacd away on (lay cvoriing, 'July 30,„ after liK'.-is of typhoid fever. He.i.sIvwl hy lii.s parents, his wife,was fiirmcrly hllsa iFaye,5Ic- k, of Newciistlo,.. Indiana,' lltlo .sons, Basil and OharloB, ! bruihcra. Cam Rcavss, of I, Donald and Dunrd Rciivia, ma, niul five aistors, Jlrb. 51. nloii, of Wiaston-Snlem. Mra. ■flic Ui'tiugnr, of : New-castle, Mrs. U. L. Rencgav, of I, 5lirt.s Jterlu Reavla^ of Nowy, mid Mrs, D. L." Whilnker, I'inston-Snlem. The funeral cos were conducted at Llbcr- ipfjjit church on 5Iondny af- Ihon. whh Kov. G'. C. ClnntonIargc. ThoBO acting ft h pall-^ irs were; McAlpinc Thorn- A. N. Thornton, "U. L- Rene- D. r„ Wliitakcr," Stokes Har- lul ilownvd Booe. The flow* i'Ci'e carried by Misses' Knth-- Anlhony, Evella Booe, Edna Hocc, Zola Anthony; Llla nker, Sarah-May Renegnr, ai'ct Uoncgitr, .Hilda Rene-ilanbel ilarkey, Dwigglna Ire- Fayc Anthony, Mrs. Lacy 11 (i ELDER, OF LAURENS, S. C, DEAD ' Q ninny friondB of .Mrs.'Hugh wd will sympathize witlv hey}e death of .hey mother, , Mrs..--(am' GcldeV, ^-ivh'tc'h •o^bu.ri'ed.-jr hinhe in Laurensj^sVC.r.oii;; Say. 511-3. Gelder had been|l Iwallh for some time, andiSnnford had spent severala vcuonlly with 'her. She Wn ill York. S. C.,'buf had!: rmich.of her later Ufe inYoil; mid Denver, Colorado, in juirvivcd by two sons and laiigiitcrs. 5Irs. GoUlcr is aiilly i-cimcnibcrnd here, hnv- '.jsiicii Mrs. SanfovdMi.num- -T-timcs:—^iliSF'trQabinid ■dled^ al yeuvs ago. 5'Ir..'.iuid .5Ir8.,'"Hi left on Sunday inuncdi- iiili'i' receiving the mcaaago.,were iiceonipfihiod by Slissea and 5iU(li-c<l'5Iintor, of who have -been visiting Bio - Obituaries - 8/4/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ANI^REW w. ALLEN ; . - TAKEN BY services 'for;?-An• Wilsbn Allen, • 85, who' passed^ , .; . --"j •vnu paaseaaway Saturday morning at 5:io oclock at his home near .Fork Ohurch, after an illness of several Months, was held -at -the home Sunday afternSon at 3 ;30 o'clock ' and at Mo.cK^^ Methodist Church at 4 '(^'clock. Rev. W. Jf. .Rath-' 'burn and Rev. E. W. Turner conducted the services. Burial follow- i ed in the church g"raveyard. I • Pallbearers were LeRoy Sain Odell Allen, Warner Allen, Elmer Allen^, Cecil Safley and RicJhard Smjth. Mr. Allen was born in " Da vie county, November 10, 1846, a sonof Shade ^ and Temple Reavis ; Allen. His wife, w>ho was Julian : Miller, died several years ago. He was regarded as a prosperous far- nier and was well known through out the county. He was for many years a member of Advance Methodist Church. Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Marietta Smith, of Davidson county; Mrs. T. W. Safley, Mrs. J. W. Sam, Mrs. C. L. Smith and ^ Miss Esther Allen, of Davie ^ cocinty; four sens, B.-W. Allen of[Y\ Winston-Salem; J. W. Allen, of * Rowan county; John G. Allen, of Mocksville, Route 3; and W. C. Allen, of Fork; 54 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE. ) i . Thursday, August 4, 1932 D/\yj.«: CG. puBoc eibrary MOCKSVlLLEa NC DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 10,1932 Mrs. H. P. Formwalt. Mrs. Katherlne Knox Formwalt. a former resident of this city, died Sunday morning at 1 o'clock at Asbe- viile, following an illness of several months. However, her death came suddenly as the result of a heart at tack. "The funeral was held at the Mocksviile P.-esby terian church Mon day afternoon at 4 o'clock, Rev. W. I. Howell conductleg tne services. Burial f.illowfed in Rose cemetery. Mrs. Formwalt was born at C'e e- land. Rowan countv, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ben AIRn Knox. She was married to Henry P, Formwalt, of Bristol. Tenn., who died several years ago. She had re sided in Asheville for the pust 12 years, moving th« re from (his city, hnrvjving Mrs. P'ormwalt i-» one sis ter, Mrs. J. B. Johnstooe, of Mocki- vilte. Spencer Hanes Si'Hincer Hanes. well known col ored uiao of ilock.sville. died at bis home near the depot, last Wednes day. death resulting from dropsv- Funeral and burial services were held Ftiday afternoou. Spencer is survived by bis wife, aud other rel atives. Bio - Obituaries - 8/10/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 11,1932 S1»ENCER HANKS, COLORED,• . j • Spcnccv Itnncs, iiifrlily rcnpcct-' c(] colored mnii of tliio p)ncc, ^iud nt his homo on Depot Street on Inat Wednesdny, nftor bcin;r In ' ill 1)enIth for somo time. The fuhernl wns held nt tho A. M. E. ZIon church, on Friday iiftcriioon lit 3 o'clock, and was conducted by the pnatbr, JRov. A, A. Adjn- hoo, assisted by Rev. L. M. On- (jiiQ, of tho Soeond Prosbytcrinn' church, ond Rev. V. A. Dockcry, of Slntcsvillc. 3:^0 deceased had- been u class loader for the past fifteen years, and a trustee of the church. MRS. ICATirKRINB KNOX ' PORMWALT PASSES AWAY n airs. Kuthorino' James Knox Form wait, who has made her homo In.AshovlIle for the past twelve ycar.s, passed away In that city on..Sunday ' morning, her death'b6lng unexpected and com- Infif as a groat* shock to her rela tives and friends. She was the • daughter of the Into Mr, and Mrs'..Bon Allen Knox, of Cleve land, and was born on - Feb. 12, 1880. She was educated in pri vate schools in Salisbury,.'and'at ailtcholl College in Statosville; later studying in Louisville, Ky,, and lit Columbia University. New York. Sho was hupiitly murrfcd on June lU. 1908, to Henry <ritaworth Formwnlt, of* Bristol, Teim., and they made their home there .until his death two years later. Sirs. Formwalt then made her homc'hci'c with her sister, Mrs. J. B. Johnstpne, when she WAS not engaged in teaching. She endeared herself to n wide cir cle of friends here, nnd.wna great ly beloved wherever she was known for. her lovely' character and bright, sweet disposition. Sho had been .A member of tho Presbyterian church sipce' her girlhood. Sho chose hs her vpca-' tion -Kindergarton work, in which she wds very successful, and taught in Bcnufort, Columbia, S. C., and Ashoville. Sho had been in ill health for some mpnth.s, but her r^eerfulness and euurnge ^never censed. The funeral ser vices were held at tlie Presbyter ian church here on Monday, after- . noon at 4 e'clock, with the pastor, n Rev. W. I. Howell, offi.ciating, as- ^ siated by Rev. T. G. Proctor and Rev. R. C. Goforth, and the in terment took place nt Rose Ceme tery. The hymns sung were, "One • Sweetly Solemn * Thought," and "Pence, Pprfcct Pence,", by the chnir, wUh Allss snrnh Gai- thcr at the organ, and nt. tho eomotcry a quartet, "Tho Chris-1 linn's Good. Night," was .sung* by MIss Virgipin Adams, Roy. W. I. • ,irowoll, Moaaiu R. B. ^anford and Z. N. Anderson. There wore' many bcnutifiil flowers that showed the love and esteem in which Mra.^oripwalt was held. The flowers were carried by Misses Sarah Gaithev, Ruth Booe, Margaret Bell, Mary Heitmani .Mosdamea John Larew, P." J.. , Johnson, G. G. Daniel and T. L, | 'Glenn; The p{^earar.s were' n Messrs. R. B. Snnfovd, John La- row, R. M. Woodruff, B. G; Mor ris, J. F. Hanos and Cecil Mpr-' 'ris. We extend, our deep sympa-'Ithy to the bereaved family. She | fa survived by her only sister, ' lMra."J. B. Johnstone, ot thfa 'pJoco. Bio - Obituaries - 8/11/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 17,1932 Mrs. Thomas Gartner. Mrs. Tboinas Carttier aged lady of Calabain cotvnship, died at tbe home of her son Mr. I. Lee Cart □er, near Kaopa, last Tuesday evert ing, death resulting from pneu mouia. Funeral services were con ducted bv her pa.stor. Rev. J. 0. Baoks. at Salem Methodist churcb VVednesday afteruooq at tour o'* clock and (he bodv laid to rest In the church graveyard. Mrs. Gartner is survived bv her husband sod tliree sons. I. Lee and Gleno Gartner,'of R. i. and Wtilie Gartner, of Rowan couuty. Four brothers. M. D. Brown, of ibis city; Ghal. Jesse and Jim Brown, all of Davie, and one sister, Mrs. Marion Graogei of Gooteeniee, also survive. Mrs. Gartner was born oees Mocks ville. and has.,spent all her life in Davie coljotv.. A good woman has been called to her reward Death Claims Rev. S. F Conrad. Rev. SMnev Francis " Conrad, founder of a score oi Baptist church es in North Carolina and militaut nrohlbitioDi.st. died in his sleen at his home at Charlotie Thursday afternoon. He wa-J 85 year. old. Mr. Conrad had beeu in ni health tor several year.s and had b«en se- irionslv ill since Tnesday.' Born in Yadkin county in 1846, a son of the late lohti J and Eliza beth Stauber Conrad, when a youth, he organized a company of i>oy.s to serve in (he forces of ihe Couf^der- acv. He was cuptured and speot a period in a federal pri.son. Mr. Conrad spent more than 60 vears in the minlstrv. 32 of ibem in Charlotte. Before he went to Char lotte he dedicated and served as pas tor of the First Church at Greens boro. organized the First Chn'rcb at Lexingtctt; built'and raised fi nances for Baptist churches at Lewisville. Walnut Cove. Ruffin, Waughtowu, Fatmingion First Church at Mocks- vHle First Churcb at Salisbury and other churches. Bettie Jane Gartner Bettle Jane, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hli.iah Cartuer, died early Saturday morning. RaDeral services were held at the botne Sat urday afternoon by Rev E. W Turner, and the bodv laid to rest to Ret hel graveyard The bereaved parents have the sympathy of mauv friends in their bereavement. Bio - Obituaries — 8/17/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 18,1932 AIMS. T, W. CAKTNEK UBAlJ 1 airs. VirKlnJa Brown Cuiiticr, of ThoiUfis AV. Curtiioi', of tho- Salam church comraiiiilty, passed awny August 9fch, after being in ill health for ton years, aged: 70. She waa highly res pected In her community, and was the daughter of Unnlcl Brown ntid Cornelia RIcGuire Brown. She joined Center aielho- dlst churcli u-heii o youn^ girl, but Inter moved her mcmburHtiip to Salctn Alotliodist church, where slio was nn active member for many years. She Is survived by 5ior husband, Wiroo sons, jj. 'L., Curtnor, at whoso homo she died, W. K. Cartncr, of Rowan, and T. G. Gartner, of Devie, and ton grtindchlldroii. Sho Is also sur vived by four .brothers, James H. Bi'own, of Calahaln township, 0. (D, Bruwti and It. J. Brown, who live ndttr Ilardlson'a Chapol, and M. O. Brown, of. Mockeville, one sister. Airs. Marion Grongor, of .Coolecmco. The last rltoa were held at Snlem Wednesday after noon at 4^:90, with the pastor, ' Rov. J. 0. Banks, officiating. Pallboarors were W. M. Walker, C. C. Sraoot, J. N. Smoot, D. It Stroud, Luther Daywalt, and in terment wa.s in the church comc- tory. TIic flowers wore carried by Holt C. Thompson Misses Paulino Cartncr, Blanche Cni'tncr, Viola Cartncr, Louise .Cnrtnor, Vorin Koonlz, Mnry Dny- wnlt, Blnndlim Dnywalt, Mario Cartncr, Mnry Ellen Smoot, Viola Smith. Mae Smith, LoU Smoot, Prnucos Jones, Grovcr Noll Dwig- ,'glns, Margaret Day wait, MatU'i- ; line Walker, Lucille. Kooiitz, JZeoIa' Koonta, Minttlu Koontz, ■Minnie Qodby, Clara Cbdby, Mary Catherine Godby, Mildred Godby, Vcatrlce Jones, Mnry Anna Mc- Dnnicl ahd Viola Wllliama. PORRIBR DAVIB MAN DIES AT ASHBVILLE Holt C. I'hompson; 6.1, South ern railway conductor, died nt his home, '93 Oakland Road, Aoho- villo;- Frldaj^, August 12. Puncr-nl services wero^,conducted from the ro.sidonco Sunday afternoon by the Rov. Ijolniid Kdinitncis, as sistant pastor of the First, Prea-bytorinn. clnirch, of \yhich Mr. Thompson was a member. Burial- followed in Croon I-Illls comotory, Mr. Thompaon. the son of the late IInrr)'.A. and Mildrod llobbs Thompson, waa roared near Fork .church and had bocn in the em-:ploy of the Souiherh railway for' tjie pant 30 yeara, i 1 Mr. Thompson ig survived by tho widow, who was Alias RobertaAlien, of Ilendorsonvilln, a dntjgh ter, Kntherino, and'a sun, Holt Coiiwny, Jr., nil of Aahovillc, and three sisters, Mrs. Victoria Van-1 Baton, Mrs. G. S. Kimmcr, of Dnvio County, and Mrs. J. F. Barnlinrdt, of Lexington. Bio - Obituaries - 8/18/1932 W. J. ULACKWELDEK PASSE.S AWAY William .Tosoph Blockwclder, a weil-Iuidwn citizen of Clarksvillo township, died dt his homo on Alonday cvonlng, August IC, aged 64. iHe wng the son of C. M. Blackwoldcr nnd Rebecca Griffin Blackwoldor, and had spent ail of hia llfo in Dnvlo county. The funeral services were held at Choatnut Grove AI. B. church on Tuesday aftornoon at 2 o'clock with.'Rev." A. C. Chaffin offi ciating. Tiie deceasod \ya» un married, and tho t^urviving family cpnaists of his mother. Airs. 0.AL.^Iackwelder, two sisters, Miss Mart'ha- Blackwoldcr .antl Airs. Zollio Clary, of the same. .community, and one brother, H. Blaclovolder, of Kannapolis. Bettie Jane Gartner INFANT DAUGHTER DEAD The infant daughter, Bettie Jane, of Mr. and Airs. ElijahGartner pfisaed away Friday night. Tho funeral services wore Hold at tho bomo Snturdny aftor noon nt R o'clock and Intermenti-ollowcd nt Bethel cemMcr;^.^ Rov. vlccb. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 31,1932 Mrs. F. R. Parches. Mrs. Mary Pauline West Porches wife af Frank R. Ftirches, of Sails liury died about 3 o'clock Friday afternoon at Duke hospital. Dtir- hatn, where she had been under treatment the past three months. The remains were brought to Sal isbury and the funeral tonk place from the home Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock: condncied by the Rev. C- A Rhvne, pistor o f Siallings Memorial Baptist chntch, of Salis bnry, and interment followed in Chestnut Hill cemetery The deceased was a native of Farmington, Davie cmiuty, dangb- ler of Mr. and Mrs.|G L " West of that place, who survive Thehtis hatid and one child, Marv Ann. three years also survive There ate three sisters living, Mrs. S. L. Furches. of Clemmons, Mrs F. H Swink, of Winston Salem.'and Miss Sarah West, of Farmington. Mrs FuTche,«! was a most excel lent woman and was much loved by a large circle of friends in this city and also in her old home commn- nilv of Formington She was a oiemlvr of the Karmlngton Metho dist church — Salisbury Post. Ja^e McRae Dies Sud denly. Judge Cameron' McRae, 56, died suddenly at Fayette* ville Sunday afternoon, of a heart attack. He was to have presided over Davie court this week. Judge P. A. Mc- Elroy, of Marshall, was sent here by Governor Gardner, and is presiding over the court Judge. McElroy did not arrive in MocksvOIe until about 4 o'clock Monday af ternoon, and court convened immediately thereafter. James H. Cain . Veteran Dies At Mocks- V ville* fames H Cain, 87. Confederate veteran, died at bis home here Sun day of bronichial pneumonia .Ml Cain was a life long resident of Davie county. He served in the Conlederate navy and was a aailor abroad the ram Alhermarle when it was blown iip Heest-aped death by clinging to a piece of plank afer being hurled into the waters by the bla.si. Mr. Cain was married to Mis.s Elizabeth Frost, also of Davie, who snrvive bim. Two sons. Pritcba»d Cain, of nrooklyn, N Y ; J. B Cain, of Cana; and four daughters. Miss E. Cain of Mocksville, Mrs. T W. Rodwell, of Mocksville; Mrs J. W Eichison, of Cana; Mrs. O. >r. Kirkman, of Oreen.sboro; 20 grandchildren and ten great-grand children al«o survive him. Funeral .sefvive.s were held from the home Mondav afternoon, con dncied by Rev T C. PtO tor. as sisted by Rev. E W. Turoer. In terment was at Eaton's Baptist cbtircb at Cana. Bio - Obituaries - 8/31/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 31,1932 Mrs. Sophie McGnire. Mrs. Sophie MrGuire. widow <'f the late W, P, McGaire, acred 77 died at her home at Yaneeyviile. Aaa 18>M. She was stricken with paralysis a month aao and has been extremely ill ever since . Mrs McGoire has-been a devoted member of the Yanceyville Baptist church 'for many years, and was Rreatly beloved by her many friends for her kindness of disposition and apriffht character^ For several years she had been in poor health and was unable to aet a> boot rnoch becance of her failing eyesiahr. The children surviving are: W. w MiGnire A M MrGuire and Mrs, J A. Massey, of Yanceyville, Mrs B. C Bouek. of Roannke and Winston-Salero. N. W. McGutre, Winston-Salem. Funeral services were held at the Yanceyville Baptist church. Rev. P. T. Worrell, the pastor, officiating Mrs, McGuIre was a former resi dent of Divie county, but moved Yanceyville mnnv years ago. She had many old friends here who will be sorry to learn of her death. Bio - Obituaries - 8/31/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 1,1932 MHS. 3V. A. WEANT DIJBS Al'TEn LONG ILLNESS Mrs. Joscphino Cnmpbell Weont \voll-lcii0\vji nnd rcapcclod Avomnn, and wldo,w ol\tho Into WilHnm AlexandoiJAVonnt, passed-away at her Iicme,^hei'c< on Tuesday, Augv ufft 30th/a1)tor a lontf illness, Utfcd 80. She wuh. born in Ro wan county on July IGth, 1852, and was the duughtor of James and Ledra Cnnipbell. She was. i married to W. A. Weaut, of Sal- f isbury, on Scptombcr ZBl'h, 1870,' and they moved to MocksvlUo on 'August IDth, 1877. Mr. Wennt was. a Confodornte votoi'nn, and ' •bnoamo "one pf MockavIlJe's sub- ' atdntlal cUlisenitrpii^rutin^^ a tlh- |< shop herb. for many years.-;..jpiye i children were born to .tliis union) two dylnjf when infants. The; surviving family consists of three j dnughtcfa; Mrs. D. P. ^oard, of ^ Winston-Sulem,' Miss Burloy Wennt nnd Mrs.. Frank Brown, of ' Mocl<svilla, and one grand-. ^ daug'hter, Misg Julia Mao Brown; ' Mrs. Wennt had many friends in Mocksvilte, and wng n. i|i»voipd 1 wife and mother, nnd a kind J neighbor. She hud been ill all ' the summer, and several weeks ago had a .stroke of paralysis, from which she never rognl'iied' her speech. The funeral, scr- vicoa wore hold Wednesday after- < noon at 4 o'clock at bho Alctho- iUhl-..£llU.rckJ.lc.rCi-.oL.hlllklLj:h deceased' had been a membor for fifty year.s. The pastor, Rev. R. C. Goforlh, officiated, and the choir sang several hj'miis, nnd Mr, U. 6. Snnford sang a solo, "T'ho Old Ruggod Cross." ^hc" Interment wu,h in Chcslniit Hill comoioryjn Snlisbu'iy, by the side of hor hu.<ibnnd, wlio. died on Oct- obor 22nd, 1080. We c.xtcnd qiir doop sympathy to the bereaved family. * , JUDGE CAMERON F, Mf^AE ; ; DIES SUDDENLY i Pnyotteville, Aug. 28.-^udge Cameron . AtcRne, of the - North. Carolina, suijerior court bench,- '17{ra~Bl:ricken with a-ncarp attack here today and died ^Aimoat im-- modintoly after beiug'takoiiito .a nearby ^hospital. He was 50 ycai'a old.... n . ^ ' Judge McRao, who has made his homo in 'Ashoville' for ramiy 'years, came to Pnyettoville,- his -birth place, ycaicrdny, and was a .guest of his sister, Mrs. J. Lilly.. He planned .to-leave Into today for Mocksvlllc, where lie wns.-8c1ieduled to opon a tern of court tomorrow. I . Ho hod <!ompIalncd of not feel ing w.ell;-but there wag no indi cation his conditicin was serious. He suffered the otlack aboat.2;30 o'clock, this a'ftcraoon, .and was taken to the hospital at once." He was .appointed- a superior I court , judge by Governor Angus- W. McLean, and upon thq expira tion, of his term was reappoiijtod by Governor 0. Mnx.Gardno'i'.. I Funeral services will bo held here Tuesday imorijlp^ from St. John's Bpiscophr. Church... .■'IDhq, i time and placi- of buHal had- not nt- fixed, late today" JOE HENRY POSTER, CON FEDERATE VETERAN . DEAD Joe Henry Poster, Confederntc veteran nnd church loader of Smith Grove, died at his home on August 30th, aged 85. He was born and roared in Davle County, nnd was the son of William Goodo Foster and Zilphln Brickhouse Poster. Ho was twice married, first to Miss Ix)Uiao Smith, and aftor lior death, to Miss SalHo 'Miller. Several children proceed ed him to the grave, the survi ving family consisting of hiswidow;; t\vb"abn8, Joseph nnd. Clc- land -Foster, of Smith GVdvp, pndfive duughteVs, Mrs. Z. A, Atkin son, of KpysvIHo, Va.i Mrs, !F. P."Mbntgumery, of - NoiTork,' Vu., Mrs. C. R. Albea, of Winston-" Snlem. Mrs. Ray Howard, of Clcmmons, and Mias. Nina • May Poster, of Smith Grove. The de- censed had been fl faithful .mem ber of Smith Grove Mothodiatchurch for 75 years, and had been choir leader and held" a num-^ bor of other offices for. many Bio - Obituaries - 9/1/1932 years. He was .a Confederatejveteran, serving the last year of jthe Waiv'Betweon the States, The Ifuneral .services were conductednt the/church on . Wednesday j afternoon at three o'clock, by thepastor, Rev. M.,G. Erwin, and in-fpj-nionf -H'fin in the f»lnli'ph fftmfln teiy. I'ho pallbeoroi'a wore GrlssoraSmith, Dan Smith, Harry Shock, Jerome Howard,, Will'Spry nndJoseph Smibh.. ^ DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 1,1932 JAMES \l. CAIN, CONFEDER ATE VEa^ERAN AND WELL- KNOWN CITIZEN, DEAD JntnuH H. Gnin, Confedernte. votornn aiul one of Davio comi ty's best-known citizens, passed away at his home heve on .Sun day afternoon, August 28^, fol^ lowing an pneumonia, aged 87/ . He was'the son 'of .William ;CQ!n j.niidv. Emily; Beamnn: Cain, n and was 'born In I^ayle.. ijoiin^^ April i4th, -i846, .Ho 'spopt n lnrifo Ppt of Jils' lifo at Cnna, and; ■mbvell. 16;': /Mocka^; ville about 23 .yoarsra^o; T)p the 5Vor Eotwconthe . States vKd J first -joined tho Home.-: Guards,. but at tbe' age of 18 ho enlls'todin the Confederate Niivy, and was on the rami 'Albomni'le, w.lion it \vas destroyed, and escaiicd by swimming nsliore,. He' was .mar- riecl to Miss Amy Elizabeth Frost of- Cana, pn August IBtli, ;18D9, and they spent 03. happy years logclhuiv Eight • chiidrcii ' were born to this 'union, four sons and four daughters; One soni" ilarryCaiii, rijcd In oaidy miuihood.Land,.luiolhur son, Waiter. Cain pn'ssod away several years ago in'Mid- [jiotuwii, Ohio. The surviving fiynily consists of tho bereaved widow, and Die fulluwing sons and daughters, F. H; Cain, ofHrooklyn, N. Y., J. B. Cain, of Cnna, Miss E. Cain and Mrs; J. W. Jtodwelli of Mocksvillu, Mrs. J. W> Etchison, of Cnna, andMrs; G.';M4" Klrkman, of/GVoons-*bore. One brother,' Milton^ Cain, of {Sedalia, Missouri,' twenty' grntidehildren and ton ■ 'great grandchildren, also, survive. Air.I Cain was interested iu civic nf- fpirs, and for ten, years was re gistrar for ai) general eioctions .of State and county in ID'nvlo. Ho wah also appointed and elec ted a notary public and justice of the peace for n number of years. He had many friends here and thi'oag'hout the county, iiudwill bo greatly missed., ^ 'The funeral scrvlcca were con ducted at the homo on Salisbury street on Alondny afternoon nt 4 o'clock', by Bov. E. W. Turner and Rev. T. G. Proctor. The interment took place, nt hlsluric Eaton'sBaptist church, ^yhcro the doccns-. od had been a membor for many years. Grandsons, who acted ■ aS' pallbenrors werei .T, H. 'Hodwalli J.'W. Rpdwcll, Jack ftodweii,, Or-;feli. •"Etchison," Everett BtcK|e6h/ and Waiter Etchiso/i^. The bsauti-. i'ui floral tributes wore carried by Missca Emily Rodwell, Annio Laurie Etchison, Eleanor Cajin, Faye Cain, Luclle Cain,. Gladys Cain, and Prances Rand. We ex--tend pur deep -iyniputhy to the boreayed family. ' •' . i Bio - Obituaries - 9/1/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 7,1932 Joe Henry Foster VDavie Veteran Dead. Joe Henry Foster, S5. Confede rate veteran, died Tuesday inomfng at Smith Grove about 2 o'clock. He was twice married, fi rst to Miss Louse Smith ari4 then to lifiss Sallie Hiller, who survives with the following children: Two sous, Joseph and Cleland Foster, of Smith Grove; five daughters, Mrs. Z, A. Alkiusou, Keyesvllle, Va., Mrs F. F. Moiiigouierv, Norfolk, Va.. Mrs. C. R. Albea, Winston Salem: Mrs. Ray Howard and Miss Nina Fosther. of Smith-Grove. Mr. Foster was. a inember.of the Smith Grove Methodist Church for 73 years from which place the funeral was conducted Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock by the past or. Rev. M. G- Erwin. Mrs. Weant Passes. Mrs Jo.sephiae Cautphell Weaiit, 80, widow of the late William A. Weant, weil-ktiown copper smith of this place, died at her home herf about Doon last week after a long illess. She was honi in Rowan county and utarried in 1S70. She attd ber husband moved to .^focks- ville 55 years ago and she had beet) a iueml)er of ilie'Mocksville Meiho dist Church for 50 years. Surviving are three daughters, Mi.*(s Bnriey WeaujL and Mrs. Frank Brown of Mocksville, and Mrs. D. P, Ford, of Wiustou-Saleui, and one granddaughter. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church Weduesday after noon at 4 o'clock, conduct^ by her. pastor, Rev. R. C Goforih with burial iu Chesiuut Hill Ckuieteryin SalLsbury. To the bereaved daughters The Record extends sympathy in the loss of their dearest earthly frieud. . Samuel J. Cope. . Samuel Jasper Cope. So, well known Davie county farmer, died Wednesday at the home of his son. W. B. Cope, iu Fultun township. Surviving are tlie widow ivbo was Miss Mary Catherine Foster; one brother, Godfrey Cope, two sons. W. B, and J. M. Cope, both of Davie cotmiy, and 11 grandchildren. Funeral services were held Fuiday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Fork Bap li.st Church with the p.i.stor. Rev. Mumford and Rev. E. W. Turuei iu charge. Bio - Obituaries - 9/7/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 8,1932 WILLIAM CLEARY, CONPEDE- I RATE VETERAN, DEAD I William Clenry, well-knoAvn citlzon of ClAi'ksvillo towhship nnd ConfaderatQ veteran, passed nway nt hia home on September 5th, aged- 87. He ^vas the soir of Edward Cleary, and had served the jjiitire four years during the War Eetwecn the States. Mr. Cieavy .\yds the third Confederate, ! veteran to die within a weok, the other two being Jnmoa H. Cain and J* H. Foster. The Stnra and Bars, under which they served as young soldiers, decorated their, graves. The surviving family coii- «?afa nf fliren annH. ChnrlesT .Tamofl and Prmdt " Clonvyi of Davio, and- throe daughlera, Mrs. Jiimos Boger, of Davlo, Mrs. Will Wuntor, of Slatcsvillo, and hlra. Torn Smith, of Da vie. There arc 18 grandchildren and fl grcnt-grand- chiidren;-His wife, who was EH" •snbAth Edwards before marriage, died aome years ago. The last rites were held at Ijnmes Ci'oaa Roads Baptl.^t churcli, on Tues- "diiy hiorning at il o'clock by Rev. Mr. Clayton nnd Rev. A. C. Chaf- fih. n 1 The pallbearers wore: Messrs. W. D. Hunter, R. S, Anderson, Jr., Bcaiitort- Clenry. Wilde Smith, John Smith nnd Chnrlos W. Ed wards. The flower girls were: Misses n Mahle Clenry, Ruth Smith, Loun Clenry, Maude Clenry. Lazora 'Anderson, Hollln Smith, Sfarfetta Smith. Bohhy .Te.an Smith, Cniui Stroud and Ila Beck. SAMUEL J. COPE, AGED DA VIE FARMER, DEAD Snmiiol Jasper Cope, aged nnd woll-lcnown Davic county farmer, died at the home, of his son, W. B. Cope,, in Fulton township,- on August 31, aged 80. Ho was the son oE. Eiioch Cope and Elizabeth Redwluc Cope of this cdunty. The aurvlvlng" family cqnsiats of li,is wife, who was Mary Kntherine Foster,, U'6 sons, W. B., "nnd.J. M. Cope, of Dnvie, 11 grandchildren, and one brother, Godfrey Cope, of LcKlngton. The funeral 'sorvicoa Vi'ore held at Fork Baptist church,, where the deceased had bccnji member for mniiy. yenra, on Fri day afternoon at 2 o'clocic; with ' _thc-pastoiv ReVr-il I u ni fqrd-o f— fielatiny, na.«![stcd by Row E. W. •Turner, n former pastor, The pall- boa rors wore: Frank Cope, Bob Cope, Wosjcy Cope, Kelly tJopo, 0. E. Cope, of Lexington, and J. n D. Cope. The flowers were . car- ,viod by Monvoo' Cope, Simuol Cope, Mansfield Cope, '.Misses Panzio Cope, Myrtle Cope, Moz- cllo Gilllnm, Lucilo Jnrvis, Vastn Cope, Edna Cope'and Sadie Cope, Bio - Obituaries - 9/8/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 14,1932 Bfilb Ssiioc-t Powell. X'N.ft'yr.Bi"i€ Stnoot Bowel!,, ii vsni' tJldAbiii of ?.tr. aud Mrs. Will- iV'i:: P«w}:. oi Calabalc, died ai • ly.'jrtjV SaiJit^'riuo], Statesvjile, jjsljortl^,atW'''5 o'clock iiatutday jn:o*t)ina.L.F(->nowtug ail appendicitis Ir.pe.-fiiio'i last Tu^ay. Funeral •services were held at Ceuter .VfetliO' irJi.si; .Adior Su;idny morning at. ti |o'cli<ek. the church being too small i to hold the 600 people present, 'conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. O- tjJHks. The body was laid to rest in the church graveyard. Uillie Smpot was.the only child of Mr. ai}d Mrs Fotvell, and his death was a severe shock to the pareuis and the many relatives aud iriends of Billy. Tm the bereaved parents nud the aged grandparents, The Record e:£teods sympathy in this sad hour, aud wmmeuds tbcm to Him who said, "Suffer ihe little children to come unto me. aud for bid them not, for of such is the kiugdom of God." Billy will be niisHed in the entire community in which he spent his short life. Manv beautirul floral tributes were carried < by the 20 girls and boys who had charge of the flowers. P.dl hearers were Mes.srs. J C Quince and; "Duck" PmveP. C. C. S. -A. and; J. N Sm-'tru- iinck'sof thedeceared.l Mrs. Brewfl Dies From Baras. Sr.rff/S' J Vr. Brown. ps.ofCoo- leerijec"; dictl Saturday evening at her home, deith re.«ul(ing from biirn.s she received while standing before uu open ririi'bce Saturday mn-ning when her clothing bec.inie ignited. Futu-rnl se-viccs—ere held Siindtiy aficrnnon vt the E liscopal church in Coolecnicc. and the borly carried to S;ili;'hury and laid to rest »n Che<«tn»?-Kill Ctnirtcry. Mrs. Brown was the wulow of the laie Rev. S. J. M. Brown, and is sur vived by two sons aud two dangh* ters William Cieary rx-jw isv- i i £ cb-.-'-.c-' Wi'itttr. -s . by. vv-vn-. •yl J.- •••• f » ' f -.I'ltf It-i- . home Sept. .jOt !Tv ;"'i. it i I. ' a COU"tv. r.* 'ti • ''.I'-f-.d • er-"**? A'sty shet''-''".* the Ci':: ' . ! Hi'-.v-'Ic V. ro •••'? ■''iv. r.;'* ';v:h E-Kvard<. t i "1 ar.o.' Suivi-cri i :'i:-e -^r- Charles, i.iVJ l-r-us Cl-iir\, all ot D jvic c..uii".>; !.hr..e d;uieli . ters. Mrs. T.aines Boftr and Jfrs i Tom Smith.'of I)a;'ie county, andjMrs Will Hnater, of Sia'esvi'le:! nineteen grand children and six great graodchildrcn. Funeral services will be condttcled ! at Ijaines Cr<yjs Roads Baptist!Church Tuesday murniug at rij o'clock. 1 The death of Mr Cieary tiniks| the passing of three Coniederate! veiernnsnf Davie coniitv since .Aug." 23. the otltcr.'s beijiR James H Cuiu. S7, and J. il. F.vsier Ss. j Rebecca Nance News was received here Monday announcing the sudden death of Mrs. Rebecca Nance, at her home in Roanoke, Va., Monday morn ing while eating breakfast. Mrs Nance is a daughter of Jlr.s. C. Godt^v of County Line, and issin- vived by her husband, several chi • dren; her mother and a number os brothers and sisters Relatives left ■ilotiday ^ternoon. for Roanoke. where Ehn^iil nud bnrial serviors will be held. Mrs. Nance was a- bout 55 years of age, aud left Davie mauy yeais ago. Bio - Obituaries - 9/14/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 15,1932 Mils. S. J. M. imOWN DEAD Coolccmco.—On Saturday morn ing, SeiJl, 10 about 8 o'clock, Mr.«i, S. J. ill. Uruwii caught fire while rtaiuliiig^ wilh her back to the rtrc iiliiGC. Her daughter, M(% Oln in the next rogjn c.imo apc^dil.v at her ciill, "and' aUccccdcd In putting out the Dnmoa and giving first aid to her mothor boforo any help arrived. Mrs, Urowii wu.h so badly burned that at her age, there was no hope of recovery, and ^he jmsscd ponce- fully on that' same night at 0:65, In caring for her niuthur, Miss Oln was sovondy bievimd on both hands and one fuul. At this lime she la' still confined to her bed, but is recovering nicely from her Injuries and severe 'shock. The burial service for Mrs. Brown was held in the Church of the Cood Shcplicrd at <I:mO Sun- dny cvoning. The Rev. McB.srs C. 10. B. Kobluson, N, C. Duncan and 1. Harding Hughes officiated. Ar chdeacon Hard in, and the Rev. Mark Miln, of St. Lukes, Salia- btir3' and many other out of town friends attended the services. The church could not hold the throng of people who gathered to pay their rc.spect to the isivored lady. The many floral gifts of e.vuuissUe beauty \vofo,^siIont witness of the countless friends, Mother Brown, as she is known In our commun ity, Inra drawn close to her thru the years. Tlio. b'urial was in ChostnuLJIill cemetery in Salis bury, with hei*-pastor. Rev. C. B. B. Robinson* in chntgo. - Mrs. Brown celebrated her 912nd birthday in July with nil her chll- dron and grandchildren here with her. She was the widow of the late Rev. S. J. M. Brown .for tnany years in charge of Good Shepherd Church and nearby Missions, Mrs. Brown was a native of* Rowan County, her maiden name being,- Sarah Anne Kirk. Her early married years were lived in Salisbury. Mrs. Brown.la survived by throe daughters antl one son: Mrs. Moltoii, of Salisbury; Miss Ola Bi'own, of CoDleomoe; and Mr. T. I'tT. Brown, of Wliiston-Snlem. There arc al.ao IG grnndchlldron. 8'1 great-grandchildren and one great great grandchild to survice her. The years of loving service ot both Rev, and.Mrs. S. J. M. Brown htour coiumiinlty hnve left an influence for good tvhicli will go on for many year.s to come. Their devotion to cTirlst and His .Church is an tnapirnllon of powor end glory. Bio - Obituaries - 9/15/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 21,1932 Mrs. Ella Sparks Red- wbe. Mi¥. Ella Sparks Redwiae, So. nridovv of the lale John Red wine. Confederate veteran of this countv, died today at her home in Jerusalem' township. She was twice married, her first husband being Dacid Kim met. Surviving are five sons. J S.. C L.. Will and John Kimmer. all of Davie county, and S. Kimmer, of Spencer; two daughters, Mrs. Will' Wright and Mrs. R D. Keudrix,| both of Davie county; and three! brothers lames Sparks, Elkin. Bill Sparks of Wllkes county and Curtis, Sparks, of Idaho, Va. She also' leaves 30 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. Funeral services was condacted at Fork Baptist Church 00 Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, by Rev. E. W. Turner. ' Mrs. 0tis Passes. Funeral of Mrs. Essie Orreli Eilis. 40. wife of W A. Ellis, of Cornatzer. Davie county, was conducted at the home at 10 o'clock Wednesday morn ing and at Elbaville M P. Church at 10:30 o'clock, by Rev, G. li. Ferree nnd Rev. W. M. Kathburn Inter ment was in the church graveyard. Mrs. Ellis passed away Monday aflerndon. She had been in declin ing health several months and con- ' lined to her bed a week. She was a member of Elbaville Church Survivors include her husband; a ion, Wiley Ellis, Jr ; two sisters. iMi.ss EleanorlOrrell, of Winston-Sa- eni. and Mrs. Carrie Kurfees; a nroiher, A M, Orreil, of Winston- Salem. Bio - Obituaries - 9/21/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 22,1932 iMRS. ELLA S. REDWINE • VA&Sm AWAY Mrs, Kiln Simrks Rcdwine, wi dow of John Kudwine, n Confcd- ernte veteran, passed ^way in Jeruanlcnj township oii Sept. 16th, aged 80. She was the daughter of IJmnea Spiirlts and Melissa Har iris Spark's, and was t^vlco mar-' Irlcd, her fii'st htiabnnd being Uavid Kinimcr. She Ig survived by the following goiis niuf daugh ters: J. S. ICimmor, C. L. Klni- iJier, Will Kiininnr and John Kim- mer, nf Jhivie. and Ed Kimmcr, i>r Spencer, aiitl Mrs. Will Wriglu and Mrs. i. D. Hendricka, both of Davlo. 'I'hR^ brothers, James Sparks.-, of fDlkln, JJjllie Spurksj ; of Wilke.s county, and Curtis • Sparks, of Idaho, Vu., 510 grand- ealldren and l-l great grandchild-! reii also snrvive'. The last rites' woro Hold ;,t Pork Ihiptjst church on .Saturday m'oniing at Hi yviocitr't^arTroiTT^.'ivrTurriSin In charge. The pnllbunrcrs were' Ltillicr Kimmur,. Uewey Kimroer, I Sam Wright, Gfiorge Harris. W. J. Potta, Hrndy IHvlna, Jeff Cock, [.nwrenco Miller, nimler Miller and OIlbert'Tultorow. The flow- •u'a wcro curried by Mlasos Mar garet Kimmcr, Lnurn Kimmer, Ella Kimmer, Alma Kimmcr, Myrtle Castovcn.s, Myrtle Shop- herd, Nannie Kimmer, Thelma Kimmcr, Myrtle Kimmer, Willie Vne Kimmcr, Lilllc Mae Kimmcr, Et/hel .Wilaon and AgtiCg Fotta. CHARLES F. WILLIAMS DEAD Charica Franklin . Willlnma, well-known fni'mcr of the Smith Grove commiinlly died at his home on Sopt. l^th, after an ill ness of three yeiira, aged 60. Ho was the son of James Williams and Virginia Ward WilHania of! Duvle County. Ho Ig survived by. his wife, who wtia Misg Eetiluh j Ilancs bcfere niarriuge, three j sona^ James Vo.Htal VVillinma, George Willlumg and Charles Wil llnma, and two daughters, Mlsacg Lillian and JIattle Wllliama, all of Dnvic. One bl'olhor, John W. ^ Williams, of Uoauoke, Va„ .and | one sister, Mrs. .1. F. Sheek, of | Smith Grove, survive. The fun- ! .eral servicog wore hold at Smith Grove ilcthodlat church on Tues day afternoon at four o'clock, with the pastor, Rev. M. G. Erwin, officlntlng.' Thoao acting ng pnll- bcavers wei'c: Griidy Sheets, Mel- vln Sheets, Frank Lalrd^ ^lyls Laird, Harry. Sheok and Luke Smith. The flowers girls werft Miasog Gladys Hlines, Lydig Wil- linms, Ellon Gray Smith, Zolma Smith, Georgia Smith, GoneVn Smith; aiary Lola Livingston, Laura Sheets and Mrs. Marvin Smith. BILLY SMOdT POWELL, DEAD •Billy Smoot -Powell, 10 years, 10 montha, 5 days, gon of Mr. and - Mr.s. Wfllinm Powell, of Calnhnln,» died hi Long a Sanaiorluim Stntdii.' vllle, Sept. .10, after four days. illhesa, • { , "Funeral services were hold j Sunday- at Center by Bcv. J. 0. i Banks. * ' I Pallbonrcrs were S.- A. Smoot, J. N. Smnnt, C. C. Smnnt, S. Q- Powell, J. C. Powell and L. K. Powell,. Flower bearers wore: Helen Walker, Kubie Beck,'Borr nice Powell, Prancog Godby, Jla- I'io Cortner, Lolg Smoot, Blftiidi- na Daywnlt, Margaret Smoot, Mary Daywnlt, Mary Ellen Smoot, Claude Grensun, Bculah Croaaon,. Mable AVlLson, Lois Wll.aon, Ophe lia Barnoycastlo, Henry Shaw Andursuii, Zeimona Thompson,' Wiiliam Anderson, Tokie Jlatlodgc and Piinlinc Smoot. ' j Bio - Obituaries — 9/22/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 28, 1932 C. F. Williams Mrs. J. C. Dedmon Dead Funeral services were coudncted at the Ephesns Church of Christ Tuesday for Mrs. MftiiueTrollinger Dedmon 62. wife of Jessie C. Ded mon, who succuuibled at ber resid ence near Cooleemee, cii Monday following an illness of fi ve years. Mrs. Deadmon was sirichen with paralysis about fi ve years ago and bad been an invalid since. C. F. Williams, 66, died at his home near Smith Grove Sept. i8tb Fiitn^l services were held at Smith Grove Methodist cbucrb Tuesday afternoon, conducted oy Rev. M. G. Ervin. Surviving Mr.'Willianis is his widow, three sons and two daughters, all of Davie; one brother J. W. Williams, of Roanoke, Va:; and one sisters, Mre. J. F. Sheek, of Smilb Grove. Mr. Williams bad been In bad health for a number of years. Bio - Obituaries - 9/28/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 5,1932 Mrs. Martha Smith. I Mrs. Martiia Smith. Sg years old» of Ciemmonsville, died at the hoitm of her son. C. M Smith, Friday morning at 5 o'clock. | She was the widow of n the late Samuel Smith. She had been in de- cUniug health for several months and ill for the past'two weeks. Mrs Smith was borti.in Davie county and lived here most of her life, moving to Forsyth at the death of her husband. She had been a member ot Macedonia Cbureh for a number of years. She is survived by two sous, C. M. Smith, of ClenimousYiUe, and T. A. Smith, of Davie; one daughter, Mrs. T. D. Smith, of Davie county; twen ty three grandchildren and tweuty- eight great-grandcbildrea. There was a short service from the home Saturday morning at 10 o'clock and from Mrcedonia Church at 11 o'clock. Rev. Jatties E. Hall conducted the service. Interment was in the church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 10/5/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVl LLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 6,1932 ' JAMRS PHILLIP WHITAKER DEAD Jamoa Phillip Whltnker, well- lincKvn young man >t)( the Onk {Intvi' community,. (Hod nt his h.iin? on AJoiulay afternoon, Oct. r.r«l. ngcd •37. Ho wiia the gen of llio laUs William Whitalcer n>ul Kmioa Nftil Whl'talrcr, liig mother juirvivlng. He i.s also survived by liis ivifo, who wng formerly illisa u-j!!!!'!'. Hovflr, rttio dntjglifpi*, Mi!- dvcd. and three sons, .Edgar and WilMam, three brothers, Loc, Lon-' iiio and Kimbrough WhiUker, nil of llic' neighborhood' of Oak' drove, and one sister, Jlrs. Hnr- • pur Itogor, of WInstonrSalcm. The funeral services were hold nt Onk Grove jHcthodlst church on Wednesday riftcrnoon at two c'clurl^'' pastor, Rev. J. 0. Hanks, in charge, assisted by | HfV. K. C Cofbrth. The dcccnssd Vais n member of the Junior Or der of United American Mechn- ^ niis. and this fralovnity had cljiiiKe of the burial Hcrvlccs. 1 Lucy Mock Flincham I Mrs. Lucy Mock FHncham, of High Point, daughter of Mr. T. S. Muck formerly of Davic county, was brought here last Thursday uflcrnoon nt 2:30 and laid to rest. She had been a member of Mock's M. E. church for a num ber of years. She was 28 years of age. She loaves to mourn her go ing, a husbftnd, and four children, |two 'boy« and two girls, Dorothy I\Ino, Mary Bernleo, Isaac Jr. am! jltllly Joe an Infant. Also her futlior, stopinofcher and scvornl sisters and brothers survive. The i'unorai service was con- dilcicd by Rev. W. M. Rnthburn, assisted by Rev. E, M. Jones, of High Point. William A. Grubb ' F-Unoral services for Jlr. Wil liam A, Crubb, who died nt Wina- ton-Siilom on Monday of last, week were hold at Eaton's Church on 1'ue.sdny by Revs. V. M.' Swalm and S. L. Waff, of Winston-Snlom and Rev. E. W. Turner, of Mocks- villo. Mr. Gru'bb lived in this nol- ghborhood for many years and had many friends here, but for the past few years had made his home with his son, U. C. Grubb, nt Winston-Sniem. Bio — Obituaries - 10/6/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 12,1932 James Wbilaker Passes, Mr. J.Tinys Wliit.iktrr. 37 di<*tl at his hoi"*- nt»--r O-iU «■>•> Mni day, O.J. srd. toi.'.5»uiii; a initvh'ii tlluess of BHghi's distaye. Funsr> at .services were condu-ted bv Rev. T. O. Banks at Oak Giove MelhoI *jdist church Wednesday aftenionn ' at 2 o'clock, and the body laid to j rest in the church graveyard. Mr. Whitaker is .survived by lifs widow .and foiiramatl chiidrco; hi.smother I Mrs. Hmnta Whitaker^ threehmth- U*rs Loiiitie, Lee and Kinibrongh Wliitaker all of Davie, niid one .sister, Mjs. Harp IJ*»veT. of Wins- ; toii-.Sileni. Mr. Vi-'littaker was .1i nne rouu^ man and Iii.s {)u.->sin<; is Iluonnied by a host of re?aliv.e5» and!i tiiend.s. The bereaved family have the synipaihy of the entire eurtiuiu-, iiiity. 1 Dr. R. W Woodward. Slan^ville, Oet. 8 —Dr. R. W. Woodward^ 63. Incnl .iptoinetrlst, tvho had beenat Mofilanton r»r some tiin« undcrjiuhift .treatment, suiTerrd a (>110110 l^-urrddy; which resulted in his death. The funeral ! was held this afcetnoon at 3 o'ctoek from[the Western Avenue Baptbt church, con-i ducted by the pastor, Rev. b. B. Mords, :assls'Cd by Rev &'G. Swann. loierment• followed in the cemitery at Gaton'a Bap>; tist church, in Davie county. Dr. Wuod-ward Is sut^ved by hU widow, who wasMiis Cora Belle Hunter, of Davie coumy.Three sons,'(wo daughters, two brothers and two sisters also survive. He was an uncte of John Woodward, of near Caoo. Bio - Obituaries -10/12/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 13, 1932 Emily McDaniel IFunernJ aorvicos were held hero aiondny nfternoon at 3:00 o clock fo> Mrs. Emfly Hc'Dnniol, of Coolccniee. Sho wng the wife of Mr, Ben McDnniol. Ago • 66 jyonra. Rev. Stoudennilre, •pnstor of Cooloemce Bnptist Ch»rch con ducted the funornl service nnd'< tjie-body wns Tnla to rest In the I C.iurch cemetery. We extend' Ifficet sympathy to-.the bereavedjreiativea Bio - Obituaries - 10/13/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 19,1932 J. W. Dwiggins Passe$. Mr. J. W. Dwiggios. 76, died at his home near Ceiher Fri lay short* iv after noon foUowiag a long il) iiess. Funeral services were held at Mt. Tabor Holiness Church Sun day morning at 11 o'clock, conduct ed by Rev. Mr; Kirkman, and. the body laid to rest in Center .grave yard, Mr. Dwiggins is survived by his widow and seven child ren, three sous. Thomas, Frank and Do1». all of Davie, fonr danglitcrs, Mrs. A. C, Stonestreet, Winston- Saleni, Mrs. J. N. Siuoot, Mrs. Will Hendren and Miss Bertha Lee, of this cotiiuy. Mr. Dwiggins had many friends thronghout the coun ty who were sadden by bis death. Bio - Obituaries - 10/19/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 20,1932 fnD. J. FOSTER DIES ^ IN GREENSBORO Ap we po to press Iho snd news WHS focelvcd of the death of Dnn J. 'Foster, of Greensboro, n bro ther of ./itkc Allen of this place. No detnlls arc known. Mr. Porter was the son of Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Foster "of th'o Fork Chtu'ch cominimlty, and "hel.t a position with the'Southern Dai-' rloa in Greensboro. Hq is survi ved by his wife arid pjtrentff and several brothers and sisters*. Fun- eruJ .services will be held at Fork ' Baptist cluirch on Thursday iif- ' tornoon at two o'clock. J. W. DWIGGINS. OF CENTER DIED OCT. MTH I John Wesley Dwigglns, well- known, farmer and church loader 'of the Center community, passed 'nwny at his honip on Frltlay nfter- "iioon, Oct. idth, aged 7i5; • He was t'he son of Ashley Dwiggiiis and Nancy Hcndricks Dwiggins, and was well-known throughout Davio county. Ho was twice married," hifl first wife being Miss Mary Ratlcdgc, .u}id his second wife, who survives ; hiiii, 'being Miss Kate Tie, of GreenaSorb. Tiie fol lowing sons and daughters by hia first wifiTaurvive! Thomas'W., E. Pronlc, and Grovor C. Dwig- glns, of Davlc, Mrs. J. N. Snioot, Mrs. \V. L. Hondren, Miss Bertie ' Dwiggihs, of this county, and iMra. A. C. Stoncatrcct, of Win.q- tou-Snlom. 'i'wcntjvfour , gvand- childi'on and threO'' groat-grand children also ' survive. Funcnfi .servlcoa were ut Center Metho-, dial church on Sunday n\urning at 11 o'clock, conducted hv Rev.' Mr. Kirklnnd, pastor of Mount I Tabor lldllncks chu.rch of v/hich i the deceased was a member, as- slated by Rev. J. 0. Banks .of tho Davie plrcult, Rev. S. M. Stlke- leather, and Rev. Mr. Creech, of Mooresvlllo.- Th« pallbear'ovs were, the soils'and «ona-in-lnw of the Bio - Obituaries - 10/20/1932 MRS. MARY W. BRANSON DEAD Mrs. iiary Wood Branson,-wJfc of J. W. Branson, and siater of the kite Kelly Wood, died at hor homo near Oak Grovo Methodist church on Saturday morning, Oct. 15fh, aged 75. • She was the dau ghter of John Wood and Jane Frnloy Wood. The surviving fam ily consists of her husband, three sons, J. K., K. M., and W. Wood, five grandchildren and one bro ther, G. R. Wood, nil of Dnvlo. The last rites were Jield at Elbn- ville Methodist Protestant church on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with tho pastor, Rev. G. B. Fer- rco, officiating, The pdllbearcrs were W. b. Summers, W. H..Mc- Daniel, R. L, Whitnkor, D. J. McCtamrocli and II. D. Hcplor. The flbwcra were In chavgo of Mr.s. May JlcOlamroch, Mrs. L. H. McClnmroch, Misses Llllie Mc- Clamroch and Doncrco Cook.1 Ij ' deceased, and the floral offeringu were curried by Jljaifca Grovor Nellie Dwiggins, Annie Lois llmulron, Jfary Evelyn Hondren, Inn l-Iendren, Intcllc Stoncstreot, Gbncvft Stonestroet, Mary MoUn- dn Dwiggins, Kaihurinc IToiuIrcn, Mary Elia Barneycnstlo and Nan nie Barncycastto. Tho inloymont was in tho church cemetery. MR. SAMUEL TURNER DIED AT STONY POINT FRIDAY i: Samuel Turner, wclJ-known tbx- tile" hiiiiiUrnclurer, " formerly *~ of" Monbo, biit who had resided nt' Stony Point in recent years, died |at a Stalc.-ivllle ho.s_|)itat on FrI-• day, Oct. l-l, after an extended illncs.s. 'I'lio funeral services were held nl the I^Icthodist church in ,Stony Point on Sunday, with tho pastor, Rev. C. M. McKlnnoy, of- Xlcioilng, and tho interment look place at Concord church in Ca- .tnwha county. Tho deceased was inurrtod four times, his first • |Wlfo being MIbh Mary McMuhun i of thifl county, by'whom he . had , two children, n son'who died in infancy, and a daughter who ia iMra. Ray Clement, of Stony Point, Ills second wifo was .MKsa Joso-1 phino ^IcMuhan, and his third was Mlsa-Amclln Enton, of Mccks- vlllo. Mr. Tumor's fourth marri age wa.s to Mrs. McCnnleaa,'"of Unwnn, and she preceded him in death aoverni years ago. In ad dition to his daughter, Mrs. Ray .'Clement, he survived by six jgrandclilldrcn and several broth- 'oi's and sisterfl. Tom Johnson Tom Johnson a vory respect able colored man died horo at (his Siomo on Monday the 10th. Ho "had been ill most of this year. Ills fuiforaj was attended by anony" white people. Interment •followed in the Now Zion Ceme tery. . „ DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 20,1932 R. W. Woodward Mr, R. W. Wooclwiii'd, of Statea-' villc, whs burled in the cenjetery at Entona Church- Inst Saturday afternoon, following the funeral servicca held by Rcvb.'.B. En>Ior-- ris and Sex Swann, at Wtfstorii Avenue Baptist Church, Stutes- ville. Mr. (Woodward lived here for many years and was an in fluential citizen and active chui'ch wurkor, hcing Sunday School Su-. poriniendent for a number of years and also chiirch trefiuurer. Bio - Obituaries - 10/20/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 26,1932 Grover D. Shutt. Funeral of Grover D. Shutt. 40. of Advance, was conducted W^- nesday afternoon at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H C. Shutt. at Advance, by Rev. W. M. Ratburn. Interment was in Shady 'Grove Cemetery. ' Mr. Shutt bad been in the Baptist Hospital at Winston-Salem since early' Monday morning when be was found at his parents' home, with a bullet wound through his head. Friends have rot advanced] a motive for the shooting, although | they point out he had been out oi em^Qvmcnt for some time and had been estranged from bis wife. Mr Shutt was born in Davie county. He resided in Lexington six years, retiring to his parents' a short time ago. He was a mem- i her of Advance Methodist Church, j Surviving are his wife, who was Miss Reha Smith prior to marriage; one daughter, Mrs. C. C. Ling, of: Lake Wales, Fla.; one son, Naniaj Shtitt, of Lexington; his parents,! Mr. and Mrs. G. U. C. ^Shutt, of. Advance, and four sister. Mrs. C. C. March, of Winston-Saiem; Mrs Lee Sidden, of Greensboro; Mrs. W. A. Leonard and Mrs. Mattie Foindexter, of Advance. Dan J. Foster Funeral services were held at Fork Baptist church Thursday afternoon for Dan J. Foster, former Davie citizen, who died in Greens boro, Wednesday. Mr.. Foster is survived by bis widow; bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. T- R. Foster, of Fork, and several nrothers and sisters, a- moDg tbem being Mrs. Jake Allen, of this city. Mr. Foster hcid a position with the Southern Dairies at Greensboro, His death brought" sadness to bis many relatives and friends throughout this section. Bio - Obituaries - 10/26/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 27,1932 I DANIEL J. FOSTER ! DIES IN GREENSBORO I The following ncnoiint from I The Greensboro Dally News will be read with interest here, as the . deceased was n native of Davio i county, nnrl a brnthor of Mrs. jJalco Allen of this place ^ 1 I Daniel Jenningg Foster, 36, o,f 600 Church street, died at 8:6b ' o'cl.ocb Wedneadoy morning, Oct. 19th, after nn Illness of ;-three; i days, A brief fiinerol service'was hold at the Stunsbiiry ond Rack-, ley 'Funeral "home on Thursday i' rabrning at 11 :ao by Rev. It. Mur- : jphy Williams, pastor of the Pres- ^ i _ Ibytcrlan Church' of the Covcnnnt/» <: I .Immediately afterward the tuner- J , |al cortcgb left for Fork Baptist i |ehurch in DavIo county,. ;whei:^ 1 final services wore held at' 2 c o'clock, with the pastor, Rev. fc. f F. Miimford, officiating. Inter- a mcnt followed iii 'the church-F cemetery. Members .of Ilenvy' If, (i Burtner Post, American Legion, 6 served as pnllboarers. For tho c past five years Mr. Foster has 1 'been nn employee of tho Clover t' Brand Ice Crcom company. A v native of Dnvie county, he had n |lived in Greensboro -for a num- a ber of yonrs, whore ho was well a known and highly regarded. Hnv- a ling served in the World War na fi a private In tlfc fourth company f" I of the '12nd Division, A. B. P., he s' iWoa a member of the Henry-K. H" jBuftucv Post. Surviving ni'o his ^ wife, Mrs. Emma PoBtei% his par ents, Mr. and Mrs, J, R. Foster, of Davio county; four brothoi-a, Arthur Foster, of Norfolk, Va., i and Dcwey, Odell and Gilm'er! Foster, of Davie couiVfy', nffd" throe fllators, Mrs. Sadie Bcnfiold, of Miami, FJn., Mrs. Ourley Wyatt, of Davie, and Mrs. Jake Allen, of Mockaville. Tho pall bearers were: A. U. Jnmea, J. Prank HondrLx, S. F, Tuttcrow, 'F. W. Huneycutt, J. C. Powell jmd Fred Swing, the last two being in acrvtce with the deceased over seas, ^ Tho flowers wore carried I by Misses Eloisa Bailey, Mareta I Bailey, Jenncttc Smith, Helen IIogG, Mary Lee Carter, Vatida [Merrell, Pansy Coiw, Tholma- jShulcr, Doris Shuler, Evhngoline i .Sliulcr, Leila Carter, Mrs. Laura j I Foster, Mrs. Vastn Faster, of Dnvl'e county, Mi-a. J. P. Willis, i ^Mrs. R. C. Foster, and Mrs. A. i =B. Clement', all of Greensboro. 1 ■•We extend our deep sympathy to i"the bereaved family. • t im, R. B. BECKWITH DEAD Dr. p. B. BecItwitti, who form erly lived in Anson cpunty,' died at a Payettevllle hospital on Oct. 22, aged 78.- He is survived by his wife, who was Miss Beulah IHardiBon of this place, and four eons, three of them by a former marriage. The abna- are M. W. Bcckwith, and 'Ryan B. Bcckwlth, uf Fayullevillu, J. L. BstkWlth', of Columbia, S. C., and 'J. H. Beck- with, of Black Mountain, ' ( Bio - Obituaries -10/27/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 2,1932 George Tucker lAts. C. C. Craven Passes. C. C Crovth. di'd ai her booje near Oak Grove Friday evening about 8 o'clock. JolIovviDg an illocbH ot poetiiuonia and heart trouble. Sur\'iviog Mrs. Craven is ber husband and four children, two sons, G. Iv Craven, of ihis chv; Grover Craven, of Oak Grove; Mrs. J. B. GrifiSn. of Salisbury, and Mrs. W. B. Horn, of Smith Grove. An aged sister, Miss ^fary Hilton, who lived with her, <dso survives and is quite ill. Funeral services were conducted by h- rpisKf, R^v. J. 0 Banks, at Oak Grove Methodist church Sun day inoroiug at 11 o'clock, and burial followed 'at Rose Cemetery-; ibis city. To the bereaved hus band, children and sister, the Record exteuds.deep sympathy. Two Are Held In Killing Obie B. Koonts and Charlie Jor dan were locked in the Davie coun ty jail Sunday charged with the nturder of George Tucker, 40 j'ear old World War veteran, who died iu a Starcsville hospital Saturday from injuries received one week ago iu what is thought to have bceu a free for all fight near Bixby, over coe man having told another his dog lied when he treed in the ground while possum huuting. The death instrument has not been found hut officials and ductons think a heavy Blunt in.struinsnt was used to break the skull. The man never regained consciousness suffi ciently to tell how he was injured. Koohts, 28, was arrested at his home near where the alleged drunk en brawl occnrred and Jordan, after fleeing the countv soon aftcrwardn, was found in bed iu High Point Sunday tuorning. The killing occurred ou the Ellis farm within two miles pt where the noted Willie Beauchamp' murder occurred Ia.st Februry. which was also on the Ellis estate. More than i.ooo persons attend ed ibe funeral and burial services at Advance church Sunday afterncou Surviving relatives include the father, Z. V. Tocker three brothers aud three sisters. Sarah Weaver Thorton Mrs. Sarah Weaver Thorton. 72, widow of the late George Thorton, died at her homeon R. 3, last Wed nesday morning. FuseTal services were conducted Thursday afternoon, at two o'clock at Bethel M. P. church, Revs. G. B. Ferrec aud E. W. Turner officiating. The body was laid to rest in the church grave yard. Mrs. Thorton is survived by one sister, Mrs. W. H. Clement, of R. 2.. Bio - Obituaries - 11/2/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 3,1932 MRS. C. C. GRAVEN PASSED AWAY FRIDAY MRS. SARAH THORNTONj , PASSES AWAY, AGED 72 • Mrs. Sfirnli Weaver Thornton', widow nf George Thornton, died at Ihe home of John Garwood, near Bethel, on October 2fith, aged 72. Sho wna -the daughter of ChriaKnn Waver and Ellen Slutler, and wag born and reared ill Davidson county, but had, apeut moat of hor life in Davic.' She !.• .survived by oiio hnlf-als- ter. Mrs. \V. II. Clement, of Oak-, Grove. The-funoral services wore held at Bothcj Motjiodist Protoat- ' ant church on Thuraday after noon at two o'clock, with the •pastor, Rev. G. B. Forrep, in charge, assisted by Rev. E. W.' Turner. The flower giria were j Misses Lillian Howard, Elva Ho ward, Ruth Howard, Jennie Hop-! kills, Ruth Luglc, Sophie Crotts,! Graco Smoot, Charlotte Hellard, i and Evip McCulIough. Those act ing ns pnllboarera wcrej Tom I Spry, Ed Lngle, Wade Hellard, j Grovor Swicegood, Sammie Fos ter and Ray Laglc. George Tucker Coorgc Tucker, a World War votcran and member of an American Legion Post, of Chi cago, 111., wlicrc ho made his home for many ycui's following the war, passed away in n Statc.sviiie hoapila] on Sat urday morning from injuries roceivcd on Sunday morning. His •skuJi was fractured by n blow of sopio dangerous weapon. Punornl acrvicca was held at Advance M. E. church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Those surviving: his father, Z. Vance Tucker, three brothers, J. P. Tucker, of Wins- ton-Snlem; J. Z. and B. H. Tuck er, of Advance, three HmLers, Mrs. S, Tfc Foster and Mrs. Bonce Bailey, of Pork Ghurch and Mrs. W. M. Charles, of Davidson coim- ty. 'Funeral services were conduct ed by Rev. W. M. Rathburn, pas tor of Advance M. E. church. The pnllbearors were the cx- aoldiera of the World Wnr, and tho floral offcringa were carried by his nieces and Misseg Lizzio and Gladys Bailuy. The Inter ment was in tho church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/3/1932 I Mrs. Victoria lliJton Craven, esteemed . DavIq county wam.na. and wife of C..C. Craven, of the. Oak Grove community, passed away at lior homo on Friday evening, October 28th, after a few days ■Illness with pneumonia, aged 73.' Shni was •daughter of Junius Hilton and'Jnne Mcn- dcnhali Hilton, of Davidson county, whore she spent her early life., Her father was a Con federate fl oldier, and v/aa killed in tho War. Between tho States.' She.was married over fifty years ago to C. Cv. Craven,'of Duvie, and tlioy, have rosided near Oak Grove "for many years. Tlicir .eldest .sail, J. Atwood Crnvon, died Hovcral years ago, and the surviving fumily consists of her liusbnrid, two sons, .Cliiof. of Po lice G. L. Craven, of •Blockavlllc,Grcver Craven, of Onik Grove,two daughters, l^Irs. J. B. Grif fin. ,of Salisbury, and Mrs. W. B, Horn, of- Smith ' Grove, 18' grandchfldvon, and ono HiHtuv.Miflfl Mary Hilton.' Tho "fimornl ^ervicca wore held, at Oak Grove Methodist church"' on Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock, whore the R'.consod had been h faithfulmember, with Rev. J. (J. Bunks, tlio pastor, ofircinting,- nHsiatod by Rev. iS. Wi Turner, A largo number of reiativca and fricnda attended tho lpHt vitea. The in-IciJmont was in Rose Cemetery ill Mockavillo. The'. pallbcarevB 'woro: Txiai-y Crnvon, Ci'arcncoCraven, Gjonn, .• Crnvoii, Walter Horn, Craven Griffin, and FrankSain. The floral .ti'IbUtCfl; were carried by MfRsca Prahkic''Cra ven, Kathleen Craven, Margaret Craven, 'jMnrthn.Loo Craven, Iiei- en and Dorothy Crnvon, Jeaaio Grifflni Minnie Jcstci*, "i/orla Craven imd Mrs. Craven Pi-ocior. George S. Tucker piiitewil scrvicoj) of Gcorgo. S. Tucker wore hold Sunday after noon at the M. E. church at 2:80 o'clock by the pastor, Rev. W. M. Rathburn. It is believed Mr.|Tuckor died as a result of a head \iound received on his fortieth birthday. He wng a resident of Advance the greater part of his life and a member of the M.' E. {church. It is'reported 1600 peoplejnssembled to pay their respect to his memory and hear the impres- <sivo warning to "be ready" byI the pastor. ' DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, Novembers, 1932 Jordmi Confesses He Killed George Tucker With Rock JORDAN SAYS HE STRUCK TUCKER TO PROTECT SIS- . TER AND MOTHER SHBRIPP McSWAIN REVEALS. DETAILS Autliorities .Act Quickly to Solve ' Myaterious Death Charles J, Jordon, arrested at High Rpint early Sunday inora- ing- for quoBtiohink in connection with tiie doRth-of .Oaorge Tuclc- oiV" 40,'oi? 'Advance, who • die(|', Sat urday from wounds nirathlned.the preceding . Sunday,* laat. iiighL confessed fhat..He struck Tudihr the: blow" that oapaiid his death, according 3.9. Sheriff F. G. Mc- Swfti h.-of *Davle. county. SliQi'lff McSwaiii eald he ques tioned Jordan during ihe afccr- noon and left him in hia cell at: a;46' o'clock ofter informing Jor--. dan he did not believd he * was; ' tellihg nil he know. The sheriff said ho told Jordan if he had any thing further to sdy to cqll him. Confeaslou Revealed-.-.■ ' : Last .night at 6:80 Jordan* monOd. Sheriff. McSAvhin;and saidho wanted to make a-.cledn. breast of the'entire affair. His Vconfcs-. sion as ropprtod by: Sheriff . Swain, follows; ' *'■,[ '"I am'going to tell " you " ^jlhe "i triith aboiit it. I- hit •G'oorge Tucker. 1 did it to protect my mother and-sister. * My sister-is"; 0.-B, Koont%' wlfd and is novf pregnant. Her* ■ * husband was drunk and could not protect my . (Continued on page 5) JORDAN CONFESSES HE : .KILLED TUCKER WITH ROCK (Continued from page 1) mother and sister. "Tucker drew hia fia.shlight on ma niul Hoid 'You smavt littlo — 'ril ki.ll you.' Then 1 picked up n rock about the size of my fist and held it in my hand and hit him one lime. He fell like a bee. I went to the houso to got some water to wash hia wound.I "CHARLES J. JO.UDAN." I 0. D. Koontz, brolhor-ln-law of Jordan! Svas arrested Saturday night on n charge of ihurdor and lodged in the Da vie county -iall. At that time, Jordan was .boing oought as a niatertiiI witness. N. . Fled from Co.unty Sheriff McSwaln said 'Jordan fled from Davie county Monday after the assault -took place on Sunday, October. 23, Ho went to Winston-Salom Monday and stay ed .until Thursday, leaving there and .going to. thp ihoi^e of his brother-in-law, Roby Johnson, at jiigh Point.... . ! ..Sheriff'McSwaIn -trailed Jor dan and found him. about 4:30 o'clock Sunday morning ot his brother-in-law's home at High* Point. He was brought to the Davie county joll. Sheriff Mc- Swainisnid he waa.ausieted in -hislinvestigntlpn. by "VVineton-Salom and-.High .Point police. -i.Tuclfer was one of n party thatstarted on an b'possum hunt Saturday night, October 22.^ The group went to the Koontz 'home and it was at this place that the fight occurred. - Tucker went to his home about G:80 o'clock Sunday .niorning, etaggot'lug Into the hou^ with a bad wound on tho head * and bleeding profusely. He was un able to inform i-elativos as to what occurred, nccoi'ding to in formation. L'atev the 'wns taken-to n hospital at'Stntosville where ho'died Saturday, of a compound' fracture, of the.iskuii ana compii- ' cations. . ' . rI Koontz, • who 'also was charged with murder Is.hoing held in jail,jjunt what disposition, will bejmado of'the chargoe ngalnet himjwa^ not revealed by Sh.crlff Mc- ' Swain last night. Bio - Obituaries - 11/3/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 9,1932 Infant Davis Dies. Ricfaard Wane, infaot son of 3fr. and Mrs. Rowe j^avis. died Tues day evening at 7:15 o'clock, aged one week. Funeral-services were held tbzs momiog at 11^ o'clock, and tbe body laid to rest in Joppa graveyard. Mr., and Mrs. Davis have the sympathy of all our pec- j>le in the de^th of their first-born L D. Doatfait Passes. News was received by Tbe Re cord Friday telling of tbe death of Mr. Ed Douibit, of Clovis, New Mexico, which occurred at the Bap tist hospital in that ctty on Satur day, Oct. 29th. Funeral services were held at the Clovis Baptist church on Monday, Oct. 31st. con ducted by the pastor, Rev. J. F. Nix, and tbe body laid to rest in tbe Clovis cemetery. Mr. Doutbit was a native of Farraington town ship, Davie county, but migrated to the west many years ago. He spent some time with relatives and friends in Dav^e last spring His numerous friends^ in Davie and Porsyth will he pained to learn of his death. He was a kinsman of Mrs. C. L. McClaroroch, of R. 2. Mrs. Margaret Nail. Mrs. Ifargaret E. Nail, about 95 years of age. died'at the borne of her gredt-nepbew, C. M. Swice good, at Asbeville, last Wednes day. following 'a week's illness. Funeral and burial services were held at Asbeville Friday morning at II o'clock. Mrs. Nail lived in Mocksville with her niece, Mrs. B. M. Swicegood, for tnoie than 30 years, moving to Davie.from David son county when she was about 17 years old. Sbe lived in Jerusalem township for. a long while befote moving to Mocksville. Mrs. Swice- good was an excellent woman, a member of the Meibodisc cbnrcb since earlji^ girlhood. i3he bad maiiy friends in Mocksville and Davie county who will be saddened by the news of her death. No im mediate relatives survive. 1.1. Baity Of Courtiiey Dies. Yadkinville, Nov. 4—Death uti expectedly claimed I. -I. Baity, 58 at his home in Courtney near here today about 1130 o'clock. He stic- 'cjmbedtoa heart attack shortly after noon. Mr. Baity, was one of Yadkin county's best known citizens 'and J bad long been one of the leading business men in ])is section. At the time of bis death be was presi dent ot the Baity Basket Company. Surviving are the widow. Sarah '.Baity,,and eight childrea. Bio - Obituaries -11/9/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 10,1932 lM*ANT.50Ni OP MK, AND • MRS. ROWB DAVIS DEAD' KIclmrd Wnynoi .ttio \vcok-o]d Hon of Mr. hnd A'trfl. R. W. Dnvis, 'passed 'dv^ny on Movombor 8t1i. The funornl sorvfcea wore hold 'ait tho homo of -Mr. and Mrs. R. L; Wallcor, parents of Mrs, Davis, on Wednesday mornlntf at 11 o'clock, and tho little body was ]nld to rest In Joppa comctcix We oxtond our deep aympnthy to | I the bereaved ones. The pallbcnr- roi's were Misses Ileloii Walker,jAIino Walker, Mljdrad Walker and Bessie Garwood, and tho flowers wore carried" by Mcs- demos R. P. 'Boger; Dowoy Gant, Clurcaeo James, -Aaron Juhies, , Ployd Nayior, F. W. Himcycait, J P. W. Gosart and T. C." Fry, Bio - Obituaries — 11/10/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 16,1932 Myrtle Marie Williams lofant Daughter Dies. Myrtle Marie, inlant daughter of Mr aod Mrs. Carl Williains ol near .Coroatzer, died Saturday morning ! Funeral and burial took place at jBstblelieui Methodist church Sun- |day moruiDg at it o'clock. The j bereaved parents have the sympathy I of a host of friends in the death of ! oF their infant datighter Bio - Obituaries - 11/16/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 17,1932 W, F. CAUTNER, PROMINENT ROWAN FARMER, DEAD MARGARET M, WILLIAMS, INFANT, ^DEAD . ' Mnvgniret Mario Williams,, in fant (laughter of Mr; and Mrs. ' Cnrl E. Williams, pastma away at tliolr homo yt Cornatzer on- Nov ember 12l)i. The funeral-zoi'vicos woro hold nt Bothlchom 'Metho dist church on Sunday morning nt ll!30, with Mr. T...L Caudoll in charge, Mrs. Williams before Sior morrlnge wns Mbss Myrtlo Alien. The pallbearers < wore:. Ollio Allen, Glenn Allen, Clyde! WilHums and Clarence Jonos. i The flower girls woro Misses j Mildred . Allen, Helen Allen, Cecil 'Williams, Gertrude Hcnd- rlcks, Martha Lee Craven, Hazel Jones, and Sarah McDanicl, Lnat riles for William Franklin <Cartner, well-known Rov/nn coun ty fxM-mer, who died at his home In Scotch-Irish township on Nov. .10th, were hold at Providence Luther church on tho afternoon of Nov. nth. Tho services wore. held in historic Providonco Luth-' eran church, where the deceased held his membership, and tho pastor. Rev. R. H. ICeploy, offi ciated. Tho deceased was tho son of John Cnrtncr and Elizabeth Sofrit Cartner, and had spent all of his life in Rowan. He had a numbor of relatives in Davio county. He is survived by his wife; four brothers, Wealoy Cart- I nor and J. -A. Corlnor, of Rowan. i A. . R. Cartner, of Salisbur,v, Whcolor Cnrtncr, of Morgan ton, and one .sister, Miss Lena Cart- .ner, of Rowan. Ris nop'hews aet- icd ns pnllbenrcra, these being: J. i F. Bridges, J. G. Agnor, W. G. Gentle, J. A. "Cranford,. W. R. i Daniel, and J. L. Wliitley.' The idllbwing nieces carried the flor- ^ •ol ' tributes: Mesdames J; L. Smith, R. G. Dnywalt, J. J. Phif- | .fir, J; A. Agner, J. F. Bridges, W, L.; McD'aniel) C.' H, McDaniol, P. iG. Murph, Kate Gentle, J. A.' Onanford. Bio - Obituaries - 11/17/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 23,1932 Mrs. Roy Smith. Mrs. Sally Sue Smith, 19, wife of Rov Smith, of Advance, Route i, passed away VVedutssday afternoon at 5:16 o'clock at*a Winston Saleni hospital after an illness of 18 mon:bs She had been* confined to bet bed for several months and her condi { tiou had been critical for four weeks. She was born in Davie county, June 5. 1923. a daui^hter of W. A, and'Sally McBride Smith. She had spent her entire Ute in Davie couti* ty and had made her home with her ^landmother. Mrs. W. G. McBi'ide, S'uce early, childhood. She was married to Roy Smith on Jnly 27, j 1999 She was a member of Mace- doiiia Moravian church. Surviving: are the husband, fath er, grand mot her, two half sistens and three half brothers The funeral was held at the home Friday morning at 10:30 o'clock and at Macedonia Moravian church at If o'clock. Rev. James E. Hall conducted the services. Burial fol lowed in the church graveyard. 1 Samuel Bailey Dies. Samuel h. 'Bailey. 41 year old passed away at his home iu Pork Church Wednesday aftertiooa at 5*30. The deceased had been in a couditioD of ill health for several roontbs. Survivors include bis wife, for merly Miss Ethel Faster; seven children, Veigh, Myoline; Nelson, ]Foy, Joho, Robert and Jimmie Bailey; parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.' I Bailey; fi ve brothers, Swaid, Bonce, Cread, Floyd and Ned Bailey, and one sister, Mrs. Virtie Sigiuou. Funeral services was beld Fiiday afterpoon at 2 o'clock at Fork Church. Bio - Obituaries - 11/23/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 24,1932 .I'OHD 1)1. PEOPLES DEAD Ust I'llos \s*ore held at Clicst- jl Grove M. E. Church on Won- |y nflenioon at two o'clock, for itVd I), PeopluH, well-known I'K-n of ClarkHvllle lowjiHlilp, jiu [jJisHoti away at midnlifht on' 'V. ifitli, ascd 54. jThq dcconscd jtil.iii iMocksvillo Bo^'oral yonra k where he had a broom-mak- |/s)iii]>, lie was born mid I'onrod lU:«vii! eounly, and waa the son j31(uii-oe Peo|»Iea and Louiaa [imly I'eopluil, hit! parents iie- f tiiiiivcH of Yndkin -county. He " ht'oii. ill it) health for tHo I't year. The aurvivinj? family pisi.s (if hijj- wife, Mrs. Annfo pre Peoples," two daughtcra. pM Sarah Lou and Lapi-u Payc three brothers, II. L,, of .1. H., 0^ Yadkinyillo, and b. Peoples; of CoaleemcG, and I® aiHlers, Mrs. W. H. Eaton, of pmmuns, nnd Mrs. Susan Chnf- of Mocksvillo. The funeral conducted" by Bev- 'S. U, ptngai-joer, nnd the MasoDlc . pe of Courtney, 'of which "theJwiiavd was a member, had. phfe of the aprvlces at the assisted by members of pKsvlllc Lodge. Those acting , polUieiircrs wore: Oscar Dr/- fi Moso Harris, Lonnio Driver, ■over Shermer, Roy Crnver and Wilkinfi. The floral dcfllgns■fc curried by Misses VIoiet■'^pIm, Maty Loulsb Lnkcy, Mar- Moore, Margaret ColJette,•'Be Eaton, Annie Teaii Miller,!^cr Drniighn, 'Mrs. X^onnio 'Vfcr. Mw. Moody Chninh 'and i'*- hnpcrt Roger, Sam Bailey ■' On (Wednesday night, Nov. 16,Mr. Sara Bailey ^^peacefully fell asleep to awake on the resurrec-|tlon morn, after lioing in III •health for more • than throe months. Ho was the son of Mr. and Mi-s. J. M. BaiJey. Eflnsral services being held at Fork Bap- ti.st Church Friday nftoriioon, the 118th by the jinsfcnr, Rev. E. M. iJIumford. Mi\ Ba.iloy was 41 years old and had ajicnt hia on- .tlro life In this community. He is laurvlvcd by hi» widow, who bo-'forc marriage was ' Miss Ethol IFqstcr, seven children, father land,'mother, four brothers and a laister. -Mr. Bailey was a good neighbor, loving "husband and in- thnr, nnd wag liked by all who know him. ' ' The /floral offerings, were many nnd heautrful. A largo crowd attended the * funeral. Tho.se from' n distance, who .'it- tended the funeral of their broth er-in-law wore: Messrs Glenn and Abnor Foster, of Suffolk, Va., Gray Sheets and son, Thomas, of Roanoke, Vn., Mrs. Ecclcs -yavib and children, of Churchlnnd, Mr. and Mrs, J, H. iFioster, of Farm-, ington and Mr. and .Mrs. Paul ' Fostor and son, of Redland. SAMUEL BAILEY, OF FORK CHURCH, DIES Samuel L. Bailey, 41 years old, imsHC'd iiwjiy at Ills home In Fork • Ciuircli Wudnuuduy iiflonniun at The douiiujod had boon in a condition of ill health for sov- craJ months. Survlvora include his wife, for merly Mla.s Ethol Fo.stcr; Hovcnchih^'on, Vcigh, Myolinc, <NeI.Hon, Fpy, .roliii, Bohci'L nnd .Timnilo Bailuy; parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jl. Bailey; five brothei-a, Swald, Bonce, Crcnd, Floyd and Ned Bailey, and oim sistor, Mrs, "Vcr- tio Slgmon. F.unowil isorvicofl wore hold Fri day afternoon at 2 o'clock at Fork Church. Bio - Obituaries -11/24/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 30,1932 Charlie T. Benson Death Follows Accident Funeral services wsi'e held at the J^ocksville Presbyterian church on Sunday afteTDcoc for Charlie Til ler Benson, 46, who passed away early Saturday Moruiug from in- juries received Thursctav night when an automobile driven by S. D. Daniels struck him as be was walkiug along the. highway south ot town. Mr Beuson never Tully legnined consciousness and died from con cussion of the brain. A coroner's inquest was held Saturday and Mr. Daniel wasexhoaoratcd from blame the accident being unavoidable. Surviving relatives include the widow, one daugbler, Mi.ss Claudie BiDson at home; bue son, Bainev Kensoh, of Rowan countv; a sten mother, Mrs. Bettie Benson, of Rowan cuuntv, two brothers. Kim Benson, ot Mocksville and }oe Beu son, of Kutmapolis^six sisters. Mrs A B Gobble, of Coo'.eemee; Mrs. Charlie Carter,.of VVoodleaf; 'Mrs. John Wilheni. 0/ Albermarle; Mrs Witt I,eonard, of Vita Vista, Va . Mrs Counie liill; of Spray and Mrs Gordon Adaitia. of Detroit. .Ifich,. and two .mall grandchild ren. .Mr. hid l>ein a resident of Mock.svilie for many vear.s. Internient io'iowed in historic! t Tliird Cieek Presbyterian Ceme- tcrv ill Rowan cou;»ty wish Rev. W. I Howeil. pastord>'the Mocks ville Presbyterian chiir.h, Rev. J. F'»stcr. postor of the Co ilee inee Presjyierian church; Rev. R. C. Goforth .iitd J. L Kirk, ot Mocksville. cflldatitig The bodv was laid to fe.st \vii.h P. O S of A. lioiiors James Campbell Dies. Mr. James Campbell. 36, died at hi.s home in this citv Wednesday j iiieht following a long tlines-s Fun | era) sendees were held at Hebron' Baptist "church Tretl«-n confi'y. Fri*. day afternoon at 3 o'clock Rev R. C. Goftirth. ol this ci'v, ussissed by Rev. Gtadv While, pa.'-.tor of Heb ron church coudncted the services, f Mr. Campbell is .survived by h:s 1 widow and fotir small sons, three ' broJhers and one sister. .His uioiher siin'ives. The grief-stricken I frimiiv have the svmpafhv of the, conimiiniiy In the loss of husband and father. Mr Caivpbell and fjMUilv moved to Mocksville from Jn-dell countv aSoiii I'vo yvarsago. Frances Caroline James j (hief limm KiifeJ. I • Fire Chief Harry Ntssen, for 19 yearo heed of the Wmstan-Salem Fire Depart-1 ment, -was almost instantly I hiHed early Monday Eaorn->i ing v/hi!e snsv.'etdng a fire) alarm. His cat* was in col-' lision with'a Greyhouud bus. Frances Carolioe, aj^-year-cld daughter of Xlr. and Mrs. Miltou Jamas, of near Rtdland, died Thurs day evening, following an illness of croup and burial services were couducted bv Rev M.. G. Ervin at Bethlehem MetfaodUt church Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. Surviving is the parents and one little ."ister. The bereaved ones have the eympaih^ of a bo&t of frieuds. Bio - Obituaries - 11/30/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 1,1932 l»MKS C. CAMPnEllL DIES APPEIl J,ON(! ILLNESS Jitmoi) ColiimbuH CnmpbcH, 30. [icti licrc uii the cvcniiiK of Nov- ibci* 2.'? "iiflcr iin illncfla of two arjt. Ifc was the aon of tlic Into iiikiiuy Cuntpbull and Emma ric.ilaii(l Campbell of Iredoll wnty. The siii'vlving.fnmily con- Jls uf jiia wife, formerly AIlss annic Andcraon, of Olin, Irddoll mniy, fuiir aona, Jay, Vuatal, 'adc and Jamoa, hia mother, Mrs. inkncy CampboU, three brothers, obcrt Campbell, of MockavHlci llca iuid Craig - Campbell, of ornif iiy, apd onefsistcr, Mrs. A. Ilhudcs, of Gnstonia. The fun^ rp] sorviccH were held at TIc- raii UaptiHt church In Ii-odell )unly on Friday nfternooii at m* o'clock, with the paster, ev. Orndy White, in chnr^fe, a^»- dotl by Rev. T. Gllmor Proctor, Hi Rev. R, C. Goforth. The pnll- !i«or.«j wore Claude Fi'y. Dewoy ml, .loiin Adnma, Harold Smith, arriaon Hnneiine and W. C. arph. The flowers wore enrrlcd .Meadnmos Oscar McClumrocn. lauiic Fryc, Dewcy Gaut, J. F. av.luns, Mis.icH Aline McClam- tb. Myrtle Kinlcy, Stella Mao stlci Hon, Elsie "Rash and Elia aybeiry. Much aympathy is felt ■f the widow and •four little >y.i. CILVRLES P. BENSON DEAD Cliai'Ieg Phillip Benson, well- known citizen of Mocksvlllc, pass ed away at his home nerc on Fri day mcrning, Nov. 26, at 2:40, asjtlic result of injuries receivedI when atruck by an nutomobllc on "Thursday night. The accident cc- • curved when Mr. Benson was walking along the highway south of town, the car which struck him being driven by S. D. Dan iels. whose lights had gone out. It Is thought that Mr, Benson's car was out of gas and ho -was going to get some when he was ' struck. 1 The accident was said to be unavoidable, and sympathy is folt for Mr. Duinels, who is greatly troubled over the sad affair. Mr. Benson had lived hero for a num ber of years, being <:onnectcd with the Green Milling Company,and was highly respected .and hn J numerous friends. lie was born in Itowai) county 46 years ago, and was the son of Fcli.v G. Ben son and Alice Tnrr Bun.son. He is survived by his wife, who was; formerly Mia.s Dorcas Willielm,[of Rowan, one gcn, Barney Ben son, of Mount Vcrnon, Rowan County, and nun dniigiilcr, Miss Claudia Bctiaon, a senior in the Mocksvlllc lUg'h Schooi; two grandchildren, two brothers, F. K. Benson, of this place, and Joo Benson, of KiinnnpollH, and .hcvou sillers: Mrs. Jesse Garwood and Mrs. Adojpiitts Gobble, of Ceol- eemoe, Mrs. Charlie Carthor, of .Woodleaf, Mrs. John Wllholm.'pf Alboninrlc, Mrs'. Witt Leonard, of AUa Vista, Va., Mrs. Connie Hill, of Spray, Mrs. Gordon Adams, of- Dotrolt,- Mich., and his step-mo ther, Mrs. Bottle Benson, of Spray. His father was buried on Jan. 1, 1032. The funeral acr-. vices tvere hold at the Presbyter ian church here on Sunday after noon at 2 o'clock, with the pastor, Rev. W. I, Howell, orriciating, as-, sl.stcd by Rev. J. W. Foster, of Ccolcomco, Rov. R. C. Gpforth and Rev. J. L. Kirk. The Interment took place at Third Creek Presbyterian church in Rowaii, and wag uttpndcd by a largo crowd of ro latives and friomja. The pallbearers wcru: John Gob ble, Wadell Gbbble, Graham Gub- blo, Bonurotte Wllhelm, James Gartner-and Mr. Troxlcr. Tho many beautiful flowers were car ried by Mi.<isoH Annie liollhoiiscr, Oelay Ilolthouser, Helen Holt- hotiscv, Sadie Hull Woodruff, Mil dred Woodruff, Margarotfc Blnck- ,wood, Ernlly Rodwell, Helen Dan iel, Mary Wilson Stone, Helen Craven, Dorothy Craven, Louise Chaplin, Ruth Lnkey, Margaret Smith, Rebecca Foster, Louvina •Williams, Elizabeth Chaplin. We extend our deep aympathy to the bereaved family. FRANCES CAROLINE JAMES DIES Francos Caroline James, twoand one-half year old daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Milton James, of Farmingtoii, died on Nov. 24th, aSresult of membranous croup. Tho little body was laid to rest at Bethlehem Methodist church ©nSaturday mcrning at .11 o'clock,with the pastor, Rov. M. G, Ervin, nfficlatiiig. The bereaved parontn and one sister survive. The flow- era wore in charge of Mary NellJame.H, Bettio Fa'yc James, MitziGregory, Virginia Penry, Dorothy i Butner, Josephine , Butner and Mattie 'Smith, and those acting aspallbearers were Guy Miller,Ralph James, Odcll James and H.A. Lashralt. Rev. H. T. Penry, of Soutnmont, assisted the postor In tho Bcrvlccs. I Bio - Obituaries -12/1/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 7,1932 P. R. Lapish Dies. Mr. P. R. Lapish, 77, died at his home near Turrentine Nov. 28th. Funeral services were held at Camabell Walker Funeral Home in this dtv Wednesday afternoon at one o'clock, conducted by his ^ pastor, Rev. Cletus Pritchard, of j Statesville. Burial followed in ^ Hickory Grove Methodist church- ' I yard. Mr. Lapish is survived by | his widow and three sous, G G* . find R L. Lapish. of Kanuapolis; £. S Lapish. of near Center; two daughters, Mrs Chas. Gaybard, of Rowan county, and Mrs, Will Rea vi.s, of Statesville. Mr. Lapish was a member of Jericho Christian church, and had many friends who were saddened by the news of bis death. . C. A. Qement Killed. Charle* A. Clem<ni. 8j. died at LnnftN Slaieaville. 5lii»iilv lietoif niittf .Moitd.iy niabi. where he waa carried abunt ,7 o'clock, follottiiia iiijttrieii re jceived when struck hv an atitomo* * bite driven by Robert Ftebl. of Wii son. N. C.. atmut 6 o'clock. : Atr. Clement was on his way hoiite to supper, and was crossiitK Sonl h Main street at Maple Avenue, wbeuj •he I'onI touring cnr door knob' is, thoushi to have caught his nver>l coat, dragging or knocking bim a' difltnice of almut ao feel, where tiis head hit the natd-stirrace street. The driver of the car, ingetber with his two conipaniiins. Jaoust Ucll. of New|.Ktrt. N 0.. and Robert Velli* lies, of Viruinia, pnt Mr. Clement in their car anil brouBhl him to LeGrand's Drug store, where Dr. t.is.ster Martin was called aiul after a Ua.sty examination CampbelU Walker ambnlnncc was snimnoned and Mr. Clement was hurried lothe^ hospital where faedied shortly after*' ward. Coroner Keiinen.who was sworn in .Monday night as coronet. Mini- moned a jnry about midaiglit Aton- day. and after making an invjati gation, exhonorated btr. Field and his companioivi from any blame and they resumed their joitruey to Salis bury. blr. Clement was one of D.ivle comity's oldest and Lest kndwn ciii- xens. iiaving Deeti a swIeKinan at C. C. Saiiford Sons Co's. store for near ly sixty years. He w .survived by one brother, f. t. Clement, of tbi'i city, and a number of iieices and nephews. He %vas never married. ■Mr. Clement united with the Metho dist church when a youog man and was a true a faithful member until i bis death. This is tlie second tragic death that has occurred here ivithin thepast two weeks from auto accidents. Mr. C. T. Benson dying Nov. 36th from wounds rcceiveii by being .struck by an automobile. Funeral services for Air. Clement will be held this afiernnon at 3 o'clock from the home. Revs. R. C. Ooforth ami W. I. Ilowell onici- dating. Ilnrial will follow in the Clement family graveyard. .Mr. Clement had humlreiis of friends throughout the county WhO will be saddened by news- of bit death. Bio - Obituaries -12/7/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 8,1932 I _ G. A. Clement, Beloved j Citizen, Killed By Auto i Mocksvillo (ind tho .ontiro coun ty hnvo been ifreatly shocked by the truifody which occurred here Monday evening, Dec. Cth, about 6 o'clock, whon Mr. Chnrles A. Clement, one of our most beloved and highly esteemed citizens, was struck by an automobile, receiv ing iujiii'los Hint resulted in his death nt 8:^10 in n Statcsvlllo hospital. Mr. Clement wng on his way home from the store, and was walking across tho street nt the intcrsccLion of South Main street and Mnplo Avenue, when he was sidciHwipod by a car driv en north by Robert Fields, of Green county, N. C., his ovor- co'nt catching on the door of the car nnd. his head striking the pavement. It is thoiigbt that Mr. Clement did not see er hear tho cur though the driver stated that he blow the horn sDVoral times, and tried to ovoid hilling him. .With Fields were Robert - Viliinos of :^*nnklin, Va., and James Bell, or Newport,__N. C. an ambulnnce. was. summoned nt once, and- Mr. Clement was rush? ed to Long's Sanatorium, but medical attention was of- no ^i- vnil. This sad accident haa^caat a gloom over the whole oommun- ity, for "IVIr. Charlie,*" as he wajs ; familiarly' known, was beloved^ by hundreds of people, both white and block, Quiot and unassuming in his manner, ho was noted for his in tegrity, honesty nnd genuine fri endliness.. For over 67 years he ; had held a responsible position with C. C. Saiiford's Store, and he had a wide • acquaintance! with the . people of Davie nnd the. adjoining counties. Ho was .born ; and reared in Mocksville, and came of a family that has loirg been prominent in this section of ,tho State. ' . j ' He was the son of Captain Ijcsao A. Clement and Mrs. Melin-1 !da Nail Clement and* was born -on May 27th, 1849, being in hia '84th year at tho time of his 'death. Ho was brought up In a j ■Christian liome, his parents be-'ing charter members of the Methodist church when It was organized hero nearly. 100 .your® ago. Ho waa oflucnted In the £h- moua Acaniemy taught .by !, his broihcv-ln-la'w, Jacob Eaton. He Was- not bid oiiough to qntoV'military sorvlco.in the- War ' Be tween, the .States, but his father. and older brothci's were in' tho army, and he vividly" remember ed a. visit to camp when ho* saw Gbnoral Roboi-t E.'Loo, In early manhood he united witli- tho Me thodist chui'ch, and" was • ahvaj's n loyal and generous member. Mr, Clement waa never married, but made his homo with hia brcth- ,er, lite laic Dr. B. C. Clement, and hils family at the old Clement homestead which has been noted for years for its hospitality. An other, member- of this family cir- clo was the beloved Miss- r,aiira fjlomont, a toncher heVn many ycura. !Iio was one of a large family of brothers ond slstevsv Miss Sallie Clement, who died in early life. Dr. William Clement, who moved to Arkansas soon after tho War, Mrs. Martha Har-. grave; of Lexington, Mrs. Mary Eaton, of this place. Dr. B. C.. Clement, Miss Lauru Glemeni,'allnow deceased except one'brother, Mr, -Jesse Lee Clement,, of pur town. ■ ' . ■ Mr. Clement took'great Inter est In tho families.>qf his bror' tbera aijd sisters, and hia numer ous nieces and iiophewa held himin* deep affection. His fTiendship and generosity extonded far., be yond his;family circle;^ and many of his kindly deeds will never b® known. Mr, 'Clement took an ac tive interest In the affairs' of* the day, and was always a staunch Democrat, . -.The funeral services were held at the Methodist church' phWednesday qfterneon at S o'clock, in the presence'j)f a large eon-''gregation, -with thq, pastor, Rev. R. C,!<3of-orth, officiating, aaBlstr;'ed by Rev. \V..I. Howell,tpoBt'or of tho Presbyterian church. The octive pallbcai'crs were: R. B.^Saaford, B. O. Morris, J. P.|Hanes,.'.Z. N.'-Anderson, il. A.^ Sanford, 'J. J. LareW, Marvin 'jWatera nnd R. M. Holtbousbr.' The honorary pallboarors wore:."El L. Gjilther, J. T.-Baity, J, P.. Bio - Obituaries -12/8/1932 Moore; H, C. Moronoy, R. -L. Wilson, J. P. Green, L. 6, Horn, A.T;-Grant, TV I, Caudell ;and R. G. Walker. 'The,. Interment tookplace In -the 'Clement -.family. grayeyard near town,; 'iand iJtKe,Jgraye 'wiia cbyered- ;rwith,*/;many •beautiful flowei?. ' V;I. .Mo'ck8yillb.;nn^^^^ Jcbuaiy.losb^ one 'bf^.th'eir inostj'upright 'ci-^lizena. We :'extcrtdv"bur:!;deep ' .tP 'tbe.fsoVroyNdng." DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 8,1932 Mary Nell Hunter INFANT DIES IN CLARKS- VILLE TOWNSHIP Mnry NcU, thn infnnt Caujfh- l«r of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. R. Hunter, (lied at their home In Clarksvillo tov/nfihii), near Eaton'a Baptist church on the moruing of Dec. 4," ami was buried thnt aftornooh at U o'clock, the sorviceH being conducted at the home, with J. B. Coin In charge, and tho Intei'-i ment following in the church cemetery. The mother' was lor- • morly Miss Nellie Bcgcr. Tlio parents and two brothers, Xeiio- phon Clay and Francis Reed Hun- tor, survive. The folIowin|j acted as pallbearers, Misses Mary Frances Boger, Ethel Roger, Juanita Boger and Mrs., E. T. Campbell, and the flowers wore (jarrled by Misses Colleen Col-' lotto, I/>uada Harp, Miriam -Harp, Edith Boger, and Alberta Crari- filJ. MRS. BOOK BAILEY PASSES SUDDENLY ' Mrs. n. M. Ijamcs received tho sad nc\v.H Tuesday afternoon ol' the sudden death of ho.r siflior, Mrs. Gartner Bailey, wife of Booe Bailey, of River Hill, Ircdoll county. No details wore given, and relntivea hero are' shocked to learn of ii. Mrs. Bailey spent ■most of licr llfu In this counly, and had many relatives and frl- ondg In Davlo, Her slslei-, Mrs. Ijanica, of this place, and three brotliers, Mc'ssrs, Monroe Gart ner and: Jith Gartner, of Dabio and Mr. Lonnie Cartnor," of, Iro- doil,' and her husband nnd sev- drnl step-children survive. " No funoral nrrnngomcnta liuvo been made ng wc go td press. Rowan Lapish Mr. Rowan Lapi.sh, aged andbeloved man of this communl^died at his homo here on Monday ovcnlng, Nov. 29 at 9:00 o'clock.He Was In apparently as usualgood health until a few hours be-'loro his death which was nsevere shock to the community. 1Death resulting from a heart at-1 ft ^vus a good friend and :nelfifhbor and had a wide circioof friends. Pafleriil services \?ere-hold at Hickory LVove Methodist Uiurch Tuesday evening at 2:000 c OCR with Rev. Pritchard of-,ficiating and wag laid to rest in Ithe church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 12/8/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 14,1932 Mrs. Bailey Dies Snd- denly. i Mrs. M. B. Baile/, 68. died sad* denly at her faome near River Hill, Iredell county, about four o'clock last Tuesday eveuiug;, death result-, ing from heart trouble. Mrs. Bailey) was sewing when the summons came. Her husband was in the) room with her when she fell from j her chair, death being instantan-. ebus. Mrs, Bailey is survived by) her husba&d, M. B. Bailey, one' sister, Mrs. R. M. Ijames, of .this' city, and three brothers. A. A: Gart ner, of Iredell county, P. •&!. and' fames Gartner, of near Davie Aca demy. Funeral services were held at Salem Methodist church Thurs day afternoon, conducted by ber pastor. Rev. f. O. Banks, of this city, and the body was laid to rest in the church graveyard. Among the out-of-the county relatives at tending the funeral were Robert and .Marsh Bailey, of Folsom, Pa.,'Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey and Will Bailey, and Miss Mary Bailey, of Wioston-Salem, step children of Mrs. Bailey. The death of this good woman has brought sadness to the hearts of hundreds of her friends in Davie and Iredell county. The bereaved husband, sister and brothers, have the sympathy of a host of friends. Fannie Sheek. Fannie Louise Sheek. 8-year-oId daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Sheek, of Winstou-Salem, passed away at a local hospital at 1:40 o'clock Thursday morning. She had been seriously ill nine weeks. • Fannie was born in Davie county, October 37, 1924. and had lived in Winston Salem four years. Survivors include the parents; two brothers. Stephen and John Kenneth Sheek; a sister, Erma Gene Sheek; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sheek and Mrs. J.- S. Beaucbamp. of Davie county. Funeral was conducted at 1:30 o': ock Friday afternoon at the home and at 3 o'clock at Macedonia church, by Rev. James E Hall and Rev. C- O. Weber. Intel mentfol- ; lowed id the church graveyard.' Bio - Obituaries - 12/14/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 15,1932 f LAST KITES FOR MRS. M. B. BAILEY LftHt ritcg wore held at Snioin Methodist church on last Thurs day uCternoon ut three o'clock i>or »Mra, Martha Jane Gartner Bailey, eateemed Davic County woman, and wife of M. B. Bailey, who passed away aiiddeiily at her homo hi Iredell county on Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 5th. The ^deceased was well-known in this county, Avhcre she was born on Jnn. 20th, 18U3y boing the dnuj^h- ter of William A. Gartner and Pynncea Thomas Gartner. She • . . . was married to M. B. Bailey in h-edell, also aiirvivc. She hud 1914, and they resided here for a a faithful mcnvbcr of Sal- while, later raovlnn to Turners- Methodist church for many burg township in Iredcll. Mrs. years and the funeral services Baileys death was due to heart cnnductcd by .her pastor, failure, and came as a great Banks, and the inter- shock to her many relatives and "^cnt took pbco in the family jdot friends. She l.s survived by her the church graveyard, rho husband and the following atop- pftllbcnrcrs \ycrc: MnrHlinll Dai- children; Miss Mai*y Bailey, John 'cy, iWIll Uniloy, Robert Bailey, aiid Will Bnilcy, of Winston- J«hn B"ttey, Prod Cnrlner and Salcm, and Marshall and Roborv William Gartner. The floral trl- Bnllcy, of rhiladclphla. One' buUs were carried-by Msscs sistor, Mrs. R. M. Ijanies, of this Margaret Bailey, Mary jflelen place, and three brothers. P. M; Kurf^os, Incis Ijaracs and Koth- Carliicr and J. P. Gartner, of 'cDii Bailey. Wc extend oui deep Davie, and A. A. Gartner, of sympathy to the boroavod family. Bio - Obituaries - 12/15/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 21,1932 JohnL> McDanieK John L. McDaniel, 54, of Wlnatop- Salem passeq away Monday morning at 5:20 o'clock and funeral services was conducted Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 from the residencis and at 8 o'clock from Oak Grove Methodist ohureh by Rev^. G, A. Stotnpor and T C. Keat'in. Mr. McD iniel was bom October 10. 1878, at M )ckstf{|le and about twemy years ago removed to Wmston-Salein from Lexington. Surviving are the widow, who he* fore marriage was Miss £ksie Sain; three daoghtere. Mrs. J. P. Pansier, Hanes; Misses Ellen May and E(iz<i> bath McDaniel. of Winston Salem and two grandchiidrtn. Bio - Obituaries -12/21/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 29,1932 MRS. EMbYN C. EATON PARSES AWAY Mrs. E^yn Coj)o.tt(< Enton» widow of W. En ton, pnssod Rwny at hfir homo near Cann on Thuradny'ovoniiiKr I^oc, 2J2, aged 79. Sl»c ^yna a inombor of a woll- Icaown .pnvio county family, and wn.H the daughter of CharJvH- nnd Eliza Gruun Collcllo. The sur viving family couBiats of two suns. Charles Eaton and JumcH S. Eat^u, and two daught ers. Mm. J. L Sink and Rlra. T. A, IJlackwoldor, all of the Cann community, nine grnhdchildiN»n and 'four great-grand children. The funeral was conducted at Eaton's linptist' church, wlioro the deceased was u mcnibor, on Saturday morning, Dec. 24, at i* o'clock, by the pastor, Tiov. E. W. Turner, and Hey. V. M. Swaim, of Winston-Sulcm. T'he pallbearers wero: Paul Eaton, Billie Enton, Leonnrd Blackwol- dor, Bunyun Cbnmn, Martin La tham and Wilson Harp. Those in charge of the flowers wero Mrs; J. L. Blacliwoldcr, Mrs. J. P. Nay- lor, Misses Evelyn Sink, Bessie Latham and Volma Naylor. MRS. EMILY T. HOLDER DEAD ) Mrs'. Emily Thornton /Holder,. widow of Ambrose Holder, died" at her homo near Advance on Doc. 28, Aged BO. She .wns thb - dnughtof of James Thornton and Patsy Hartman Tlior'nton, , and was a llfo-long member of Adr vance Methodist church, The ln.st ritoa wore fteld there on the af ternoon of Dec. 2'J, at throo o'clock, with the pastor. Rev. W- M. Rothburn, officiating. .No neai? relatives survive. Bio - Obituaries -12/29/1932 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA