Jan - JunMOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 1,1931
Henry Boin
. liiY'
•: v; ; •-
' tiwin; .oarly.;*-iSatu^
^ fa^r '{Ube^vill^ f(:ideiitl£lbd •
: here Siiitday ^ l^ii^'^ard
'\I|0, ;bf •
;• .F^
' and;\that'9^fror>'i^ac^^^^
: V^'as/bn^
'. ,..: DANIELSV""..
; i, !•
' Gifady Franklin, abn of'M^« '^d
Mrs; Sr.D.. 'Dnhfbls -^m 'jtine
22", '1927 and depb^te^ 'diis^liifei
Dec, 26.! ;L080,; ,,. -. V; "V
. Por..i8ev«rai r jdaya •, hg. made' i
horoic/^strugifirie. .to'ilye. Jieroli^^
in..apito. ol! all - his e^orta,;;love
one8>and .medical skill. edaldMio,
hei/waa forced ^ijDs' glyp.: Up Tight
'antt.ihflis ,gpn.c." to ;8i>pnd,;etexnl1^.
with . Jeausi; who.. :-necid8 admo of;
earth's:!pr6cipus .'cl^Udron. to - in^i
cqmplete;. the '• heavenly honie "'he"
has gone te'pr^airo.V^:.
He .cht't id not .stay , hej^^
fl.ll the-hppea apd prfl;;(er8'ef-^6ae'\
who.we.lcoipe him- into! Gda'^yorld;:
.; Ptonk; llyea. ;w!lth.' Chrtar yrh'tf
called ithe'.little one to hlraaelf.'
One .80 'ipr^cfbtis. to bur .hearts•
•-ir.haB' gone,!. ;"'M ii; ■'.- • ' .-* "•■
The voice- wo !oved>.la .atUl;w« hfco , Tno voice wo iovea..ia ,acui
.. J.. - v- j i c j_ v-H 11
h'dllheajrera.^ere.Me^rai BimnitejVDayia^iiOlnude,' Thbtopaon,- 'Wagbhey.pndlAdain ■ l^Mn<Ho*. wbtf..Yory
Aridjwe mias
But.'the-'Lord 'htou>n«.ea« .vAi-min',r. t*>'^So'Hb had:to' ; i.•;>/•.' 'j --
J. Clyde Shore
Winaton-Galem, Dec. .29.—J.Clyde .Shore, 26, printer, died by
his own hand early today. Hisbody' was found seated In a chair
in the Icilchen of hia homo by apolieeinan. 'Beside him on the
Hoor was an envelope on both
aides .of whioh -wore * scriibfaied
notes to ihfa wlfo and mother. No
roaaon for tho act could bo given
by Mrs. Shore, who said that^aho
did not understand why he shouldI have taken . his'Jife.' Death wascaUsed by' Boph^atiob.;. All oftho jets of-'the.-^s stove' in- the
kltehen -wero'taniod .'on. Mrs^
Shore, with hef two small child
ren, hod spent tho night at the
home of zOlatives. 'Upon rotu-rh-Ing home this mo^ng'and find
ing all doors locked, shb summon-
.ed an officer.
Bio - Obituaries —1/1/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 7,1931
Lewis A. Bailei Deed.
Funeral of Lewis A. 'Bailey, 83,
was conducted at t'be borne, Fbl-
too Towi^ip. Ta^a7, 30th
at 10:30 o'dock at Elbanlle-M. P.
Church by Rev. W. P. Rathbum'e
and Rev. G B. Ferree. Interment
was in'tbe church graveyard.
'Mr. Bailey passed away Sunday
morning, Dec. a8tn at his .home;'
after an lUness- of three monlhs.
He was born in Davie connty. Sep
tember 39. .1847, in the same rdhm
in which be died He had been -a
member of Elbaville cburOb for
many years.
Survivors indnde two. brothers.
B. R. Bailey and B. B. Bailey, of
Advance: five grandchildren and
four fifreat grandchildren.
-In the death of Mr. Bailey Davie
county loses one of'tier best belov
ed citizens. The 'Re^rd joins the
relatives and friends in mourning
the death of this good man. He
was onr fnend fo? nearly a quarter
of a century. Peace to his ashesr'
James Hill Rpmsav, tVlio h^s
been postmaster of the Salisbury
postoffice under-each president
since Chester A. Arthur, and who
has been ccmiiected with the postal
servfcq since- Grant, died at. bis
home on South Fulton street Wed>
nesday morning a few minutes;
after 9 olclock as a result of heart
attack. •
Mr. Ramsay has been in ill health,
for soms monlhs but has beep at
his work daily and just finished
reading tlie^iaper and was ready
to go to bis office when - his heart!
failed. His son, Dr. Graham Ram*
say was in the bouse but his death
was. so sudden that he could not be
suoiitioned from another room, *
Mr. Ramsay entered the postal
service as a clerk aC South River
udder President Grant aud has ser
ved under ev;ery president since,
under'three at South-River and
nnder iq at Salisbury _ Under the.
Deluocratic pr^idents be turned the
Salisjbury office over to the late Col
A, H. fioyd after serving some
months under each. His last ap
point was by doolidge in 1927. ^
Funeral service were held Friday
afternoon at 3 o'clock, from the
First Presbyterian church, wirli tfie
pastor, the Rev. Alarsball Wood-
son, "^was officiating.' Interment
was in the family plot at the Chest
nut Hill uem'etery —Salisbury l^ost.
Henry Boin
^ Negro Identl&ed
"The body of a negro who was|
struck by a train-near Mocksville
Satur^oy, Dec. aytb. b^ been ideur
tided as that of Henry Boin, 50.. of
Thomasville. The identification
was made by his sister, - Fran^
Ward, colored, of Comatzer.
ioformalioo is that ^iiaT, said to
have been slightly demented, had
bein visiting bis sister.' He hirsd
a negro to take him to Tbotnasville. j
Arriving there, however, he ex*;
pressed a desire tp retnrn to Fork'
Church' and was taken back to
Davie County. It is believed that
he started walking the railroad
track bacu to ThomasvlIIe Satur
day mottling and was hit by an ex-
cation train.
Champ Clark Shoemaker
Yoapg'IAan Fatafy In-:
jored. .5
. Champ Clark Shoemaker, aged .a-'
boat S2 years, .died in a Lexiagtoii-:
-hosrital at..8 o'dock Toesday:
ing follt wing^an accident that oceor-^
red at Fork: this connty^ "about' flve--
o'clock Monday -' afte.rnoon. - ^e.
vonng roan ran across the highway
at Fork and was'^ strnek by a -car^
driven oy W. M' Koonta; of Lexingr-.i
ton The acddent is said Ui bavoi
joeen unavoidable. ' Champ lived tnl:
ilockBvilltt.for.-Eoveral years, lale^
moving to Folk; He joined the U;^
S drmy about two years * ago' and;
was at home .on a furlcingb; The^
foherai and biiiial will be held at
Pqrk but up to this writing thetiiujs.
baa act been 'set for Che servieeO^'
. ^Mrs. Seaford Passes.
Fufierai servtc&i were hefd at Fork •
Bai:tl8t ehorch Thnrsdav for. Mrs...
KH:trtca Seaford. wife of 'the late *
William dvafiird. of the Fork com-
ronitity mrs sieaford dit^ Wedod^'
day following an illness .of some :
dara*ionand the infirmitira of oKF
ate 8hewa«ianont75yeaiaold8nd-
oneofthe cumnantiity's oldest, and'. *
most lov'ea women • ..i"-
Buriai was in Pdik Cemetery, wltl^,
Rc% H W. Turner officiating.' Tlf^
fullowmg relatives survive:' -Four;-
M'lis. dark, Luther and Wiiw Sea-
ford, of Davie county, and Bud Sea^ n
ford, of Lexington; foor ddoghterq'
and about cwrenty five grandehtid^'
Bio - Obituaries -1/7/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 7,1931
Otto Wood Killed.
Salisbury, Dec. 3t.^Oito Wood
Nortb Carolina's best knowD critnt'
iial, was'sbot to death in a guu bat
tle here today with Police Chief R. >
L. Kaukiu. . .
The ^ne armed convict, widely
known for bis ability to break jail,
tired. two shots at Chief Kauktn
and police I. W K^ler before a
bullet froto Katiksn's gun. blew the
side.of his head off. He died-te-;
fore- be could be carried to a hos-\
pitat! ^ [
He ..was idehtitied by. Chief Rau-j
~kiD;fiom 'descripiiyfr matter- tnailedr-
6ut by .State's 'Prisod and' by Roy |
Barker,<a couipaoiou who Look no
part in the fight.
Before the officers shot him down,
however, Wood beld tbe' poli^men
.^t bay aud eveh went so far. ac-
cordiug to Policemau- Kesler, as jp
tbreateb death to the' officerj^-jf
they refused to 4xive him oq0cf
town iu order to dllow him to es
cape. . " '
Acting ou a lip from an ifnbani^^
ed source that Wood was in town,
Chief Raukiu and Kesler began a
tour of tbe city in so antomobile.
One block from the heart of ih£:
busintNS district,. Kesler satd,^ they
spied a oue armed man siaudiug on
Driving up'to the curb, Kesler
related, Chief Rankio got out and
approached the man. '
"Otto Wood let the sefr...ypur
hand,'' «be chief was quot«!d\'%s
saying • ^
• "Here i^.is, damn it," Quo re
plied. and drew a 45 caliore pistol.
' . Brandishing his gun . aV them,
Kesier 'said, Wood forced both of
ficers to get. back in their autpmo;>
bile. - ■"-
As Wood climoed Into the car
with a threat the tnen to drive
him out of town or they would be
killed. Chief Raukin l.eap^ from
the' car and fi red. The bullet
striick, Wood in the' leg and'Aeje;turned the fi re as Ue Jeap^''''ffou]
ihe^r. r. - . .
in the meantime,-K^ler brought
bis gnn into-actioh aDd''fi.red twice..
Wood shot agalti and then 'chief
kabkin sent his second bullet criish*
tag into Wood's mouth and 'fa'ce::
The charge, fi red" at .close' .ran^e,
fairly blew one side .of Wood's fape
' -Barlter. Wood's cotnjjanion stood i
by and watched ^he-hattler^.-KeSler'
said'.' The heavy calibre pistol
Seers tbok frotu'.him 'was not '-load
ed.'.* He is being held iuybe conb.^■ ty.jaii.- •• '•
Frank Daniel
Frank, the little 3-year-oId son
of .Mr. and Mrs. S. D- .DabieL..of
near Angusta.rdied Decemberatiih
following a short illness of spio^
meniogiiis. The funeral sevires
were j^eld at Concord ; Methodist
chtirch pec. 27th, at 11 o'clock.
Rev. A. J; Loftin conducling the
services. Surviving is the parents,
four brothers and fi ve sisters To
tbe;^reaved ones The Recoid e^-
tetids deef^sympathy. '
Bio — Obituaries - 1/7/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 8,1931
Waltor Raloigh Cloment, pro
minent and 'boioved citizen of
MocksVIIle passed away at 'Davis
Hospital in Statesvillo, Tuesday
evening. Doc. 6th., at 11:26. The
deceased had been In ill health
for n .number of years, <but his.
death which was duo to heart
trouble came .as a great shock to
his many relativca and friends.
Ho was the eon of John Marshall
Clement, a distinguished lawyer,
and Mary Jane .Hudpn iClbmcnt,
being the youngest of ton child
ren, .He was born in Mocksvlllo
on. A'ug.itst .2Srd:, 1871 .and was
oducsted.afc' Oak Ridgo. J[natitute '
and' Ghnpoi Htil; Gehihl arid kind
ifiuri, rind ■loavca -huhdrqdsiof trl-
ends to mourn his Idasi He wasa mnri who attended ^rlctly td
his own affairs and was aversej to finding fault with others. . He
ia survived by two sisters, Mrs.
E. L. Cnither and Mra. Julia 0.
Iloltmnn, of thia placa, five nieces
and Tour nophowa.
The funeral services will pro
bably be held at his homo on
Thursday afternoon at .two
o'clock, and Interment .will ,iakeplace at Clement family grnvo-
ynvd. .
■ .Champ Clark, of Fork Church, aseldler in the United Stbtes Armyat home on a furlough, was fatally Injured late Monday after-"riooh when he was struck by. an'.automobile drlyed by. WebatorI Koontz, of Lexington,. a.nd diedi about 2 o'clock Tuesday mojiming' at -:a.. Lexing^n. Hospital.>ithdut
regaining' consciousness. *
mishap, occurred at PorkChurch ri nd wqs dsclored to havo
been unavoidable. The deceasedwas. In one of tho JFork stores .and
sdmeond called to him to come but
side. He van out of the store and
into the bPghway directly in
front of Mr. Koontz'e car. The
stricken youth was rushed to the'hospital but he wag beyond me
dical aid and death "ensued sev-1oral hours inter. |
'No funeral arrangements have,
yet been nvade pending instruc-.
tions from the army post in Geor
gia where the doooasod had spenttlio two. years and eight-months
of his enlistmbnt.' Ho. had-four
.•morq' months --tp-serve.- Ho Vwris
plghtcen years.ipfwrige, haying ori-
listed ■ by • ipefmi.Bsibn - under the
^Ih'ef relatlvcaVlie^^^
lisher.of The Homeb, Is an uncle
of tho doconHod. Tho.-fntnl occur
rence . shockedi and 'g.rleved tho
Fork community and general ex
pression of sorrow -were heard.
Bio - Obituaries -1/8/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 14,1931
Mamie Harp Garner
Dies In Indiana.
Mrs Mamie Harp Gamer, aaed a-
bout-50. a naMve of Davie. eou'ntv,
■passed away Thursday 'aftefnot^n at
hrr'hnme In New Castle, Ind.. death
fnllowing'an illnesa of- only a few
days . .
Mrs was ih'i wife of .Hen
ry Parner. She was married In Jan-
nary, 1900 and since tiiat 'tfme has
been r^ldlhsr ln irdiana,.. bat.'h^
yfrited rdatives in this section' fre-
qoently. * ...
Survivors incinde her husband; a,
Mllo Garnar; two dsufrhters,
Mis^ Mary and . Ruth Oanier, all ofImltand^ h«?.r.-mother Mrs." Rdnie
Rarp. m Parminarron;.a sister, MifsKate Harp, of' Farrojngtonj tlire*
brothers, Enoch Harp, of Cana, endRobert Alvin JEla^, of liulfua. I
Wiley J. Smith
Darie Farmer Passes.
f Hiab Point, Jan. ■ 12 —Wiley 3Smith.. 70. formerly prominent* Da
vie county resident, died at 8:30o'clocic tonight at the home of bis
son; J. A. Smith, in thip city..^He had been in declining health
for the paftt. four years and confined
to his hed 4or the past six months.
He had lived here two vears sinceleaving his native home in Davie
Ho was a leading member of the
Smith Grove Methodist Church,w> ere he/was a member for.SSveamFor a number of years, he-taught
the Sunday school there. /
^"Survivingare thrOe'sons. Jame^
A and P L, Smith, of this city, and
B L Smith, of Advance, R 1; twodangfatera, Mrs J. W. Jones, of
MocHsville. and Mrs R.-M Carroll,
of Winaton-Salem, and one brother,
. D. W. Smith; of Advance. R. 1.J The. funeral' will be conduct^
' Wednesdav mominir' at'dll o'cto6b at
the Smith Grove Methodist church.
Interment wiU be in the -church tm
metery'. . ' '
^ter R. Cli^iiieiit .Dies
Wal'er RsKigb .Cl< iiient. 59. one'
Mocksville's best .kcow'n citizens
died at Davis hospital, StateSville;
last Tuesday night, following .a
long . illness, Mr.: Clement; had
i)een in a serious^condition For .'sev
eral weeks and bis death,.r$as * not
unexpected. The bodywas^broughtto his bpm^^ere where, the,.funeral
services' wer^oiidu'cli^' .Thursdayt * ' * *1after^ibon ai.two ...o'clock by Rev.
R. C. Goforth,-pastor.of the Metdo-^
dist church. Tlie body was laid^
rest in'the Clement graveylardl-.:Mr. Clement is survive^- by two
sisters,' Mrs.' Julia-/Heitmah andI Mrs. E. L. Galtfaer;'together with
1 many relatives ' and friends: De-
^ceased is a son of the late John -.M.
Clement, well known lawyer in this'city a half century ^ago.' In .the.
'death of Mr. Clement the town and'
county loses one of its. best ;1cnon>n ■
citizens. His deaih has brought
sadness to hundreds of friends not
only'in Davie but throughout this
part of. the. state. ' Ptiace to hisashes. " |
/Mrs. Reaves Passes:
Mrs. ^nncy D; Reaves, 93, pass
ed -away at the home of her son J.
A. Ijames, near Sheffield Jan. 6tb.
The fiioeral and burial services
were held at NewlDniqu last Thurs
day ar JO o'cloclc. Rev. A, S. Bea-
mon conducting the .services M.rs ■
Reaves is survived by tbrw daugli--
ters, Mrs. J. A-. Ijaraes^ Sheffield;!
■Mrs. VVm. Reavis, of Yadkin conti>|ty; Mrs. Will Steelmau.'.of. Ashe-|^lle. Four sous, John. oF SheF-|
fi eld; William, of Leister, § C ;
Richard, of Tuniersburg, and j
David, ol Asheville, also survive. 1
Mrs. Reaves was a daughter ot (he.lace Greenberrv and Edith Wardj
Dyson, and' was one of the oldestwomen in^Davie count I.
Bio - Obituaries -1/14/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 15,1931
Wiley J. Smith, citizen of Dnvie,
nt the homo of his- son,
TftmcB A. Smith, 'In High Point,
an Jan. 12, mged 70. The doccftaed
J^vas well-known.hero, and .had
^cen n londlnjf- momhoi* of Smith
^jGrovo Methodist Church for 63
ir^ycnrs. T^hrcc sons,'James A., and
T.. Smith, of High Point. B. L.
ifSraith, of Advance, two dnuprht-
^era, Mrs. J. A. Jones, of Mooks-
wUIn. „nr] Mrs. R. M, Carroll, of
^Winaton-Salem, and one brother,
W, Smith, of Advance, aur-■^Jrivo.
The funeral nvaa conducted at^gmith Grove on Wednesday morn-oing at eleven o'clock by Rev. A.fG. Loftin.
V'4 ^ I I I IMMM
The last sad rites for Walter
Raleigh Clement, beloved citizen
of Mockdville, who died at Davis
Hospital in Statcsvitle, on Jnn.-
fi th, wove held nt the Into home*,on Thursday afternoon, Jjjn. 8th,i,at two o'clock, with Rev. R. C.'^Goforth, assisted 'by Rov. B, P.!
jBradloy, both personal friends '
of the deceased, officiating, Tlao'
ihtcrmont followed In the ''old'I Clement graveyard near to^vn,•I whore many go.norations -of th(8 •'.bv.omlhont. faniliy .of Davio • nro
I buried.; The .pallbearers wbi'o;
Ci Clement, Knox Johnstonb,- P,G. Bx'own and W. F.- Robinson,
and the many beautiful floral do-'
Blgns .were cniTicd by' Misaoa.
Ruth'Booo, Willio Miller, Martha
.Call, Mcadnmea J. K. Shook, J.
1 Frank Clomont, John IjoGrnnd,
0. H. Perry, P. G. Brown'and
John Larew. Among those from I
out-of-town who attended the fu-lporal wore: Mr. and Mrs. Ilay-jdon Cldmon;fi and son, Ilaydon, 1I Dr. and Mrs." E, B. Clement, Mr.,
and Mrs. Donald Clomont, Mr.
• and, Mrs. Louis Clomont, MissesBortlia and Clara Knox, all of
Salisbury, Mr. H. H. Trundle, of
Leeaburg, Va., Mias .Samh GVii-
ther of the Castonln.faculty, Mr.
and Mrs. H. G. -Pittman, of Win-
ston-Snlom. ^
O. J. Charles
After an illness of only a weekMr. 0. J, Charles passed awayat hlg home .hero last Monday,
Jan. 5th, at 3;16 o'clock at the
ago of 64 years. He leaves a -wife
who before marriage wag MIsaPearl Lnm'b, one son, Foy of thehomo, one brother, Pate Charles,
of near Yadkin College, one sis-tor, Mrs. • Lucy >Farrell, of Hills-
boro. . N
•= Funeral -and burial was atChurchlnnd Baptist Church conducted by the pastor, Rev. -E. L.Bradley, Jan. 7th, nt H' a. m.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/15/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 15, 1931
Annie Belle Sowers
I Mra. Annio fiollo Sowers, wifq
of John A. Sqwora and daughtor
of the. late G. E. and Ellzateth
Kindley; Barnh'nrdt was born Fob.
Otli, 1870, diod Jan 10th, 1931,
ngo. 60 years, II months nnd 29
days, at her. home In Churehland
community. Mrs. Sowers had been
In declining health for tho past
two. years beinK confined to her
home most of the timosFor the'
past 3 Weeks gho had been In a
flomJ-conscloua condition. She was
pinTj-fcd to John A. Sowers, Dec.
Gth 1888. To this union was born |
8 children, 6 of whom survive, I
d sons, Will, George and Frunk, I
of tho same community and Stn- j
loy, or the homo, 2 duuglit'ora,
[Miaa laicfle and Mrs. S. K. Itowe,
nl.so of tho homo, one son Bert
Sowers and one daughter, Mrs.'
Gray Smith died several years'
atro. 5 grandchildren, one sister,
Mra. S. E. Garwood, of Pork j
Church. 3 brothers, C. F. Bam-1
hardt, of noor. Augusta, W. L. and
J. 'F. Bavnhnrdt of tHls place, a"
host of relatives and friends to
mn"rn hor loss. I
Funeral services were hold
Sunday at 2' p. m. at Tyro Luth-
orn Church of which she was a
mombor, by a former pastor. Rev.
C. R. Pless, of Monroe and burial
WHS In Sandy Creek Comotory,
Tho Pnll'bonrers -wore her nep
hews, Henry, Adam, l,ce nnd
Henry Bnrnhardt. James Sowers
and Phenix Click. The flowers
wore many and beautiful. A
largo crowd of sorrowing rein-1
tlyes and friends attended the '
funeral Avhich showed the esteem
! lii which this good lady was held.
wo extend sympathy t'o the grief
at'**''kcn' family.
Bio — Obituaries - 1/15/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 21,1931
Geo. A. Smith. Dead.
Funeral of George A. Smith, 3?,
was held at thh home near
land Sunday afternoon at '1:45
o'clock, atid at- Macedonia ' hforav*
iao church at 2'30, by Rev.' Jajies
E. Hall.. Burial followed in the
church graveyard.
Mr. Smith passed away suddenly
Friday evening at his home. He
had spent bis entire life farming in
Davie county.
Mr. Smith -is survived by bis
widow; three dan^bter.s. Lorette,
Helen and Ethel Smith; threesoof,
Lnther, Leo and Lloyd Smith, all
of the Redland section; the moth
er, Mrs. Ada Smith; two .brothers,
Alex and Ferce Smith, and five
sisters, Mr,c. Fonzo Robinson, ' of
Manson; Mrs. Charles Hege and
Mrs. Matthew Miller, of Advance,
and Mr$. Rona Jenkins and Mrs.
Frank Sheek, of Winston Salem.
Mrs. Mary Bager Dead. '
Mrs. Mary Boger, aged B3,. pass
ed "away Friday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock at the home of her son - O.
T. Boger, near Holman's. Mrs.
Boger had been indisposed fur the
past two weeks, but her death came
as a shock to her many relatives
and friends. The funeral services
were conducted by Rev. G. B
Ferree. at Union'C.bapel Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock, and the
body laid to rest in the cuurcb *
graveyard by the side of her hus
band the late T. H. Boger, who
passed away 17 years ago. Mrs.
Boger is survived by three sons and
two daughters, 'viz: J. W. and O.
T. Boger, of R 2; J. C. Boger, of
4; Mrs. D. C. Clement, of Hoi-'
luan's, and MTs. Maggie Boger,' of
Tumersburg, R. i. Surviving is
two brothers, Nick and Leonard.
Bowles and two'sisters, Mrs Tempe
McClamrocb and" Mrs. Lela Keller.
Twenty grand children and eight
great grand children also survive.
Mrs. Boger spent her'entire iTfe in
Davie, and united with the M. P.
church in early childhood. In the
death of this good woman the com
munity in which she lived, suffers
a distinct loss.
Bio - Obituaries -1/21/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 22,1931
Mamie Harpe Garner
Mrs. Mamie Horpe Gamer, of
New Gaatle, Indiana, died Jan.
8ih, 1931, age 43 ycrara.
. The decoaeed was the daughter
of the late J. M. and Mrs. Louise
i Hatpe, of Eavie County, and was
, married to Mr. Henry Gamer,
I son of. the late Frank Gamer, of
I Yadkih County, Just 80 years ago
the 10th of Jan. 1931. To. this
: union 'three children .were boi^
one •'son and' two daughters, all
of whom survive, namely, Milo
Gnm'er. -Mi's, Maty* Bedding and
Misa. Ruth Ghroer,.'.all nf New
.CaBitle.| Indiana, others surviving
are be^ huefband^ Imo'ther, four
ibrotheiis, one sister and two grand
children'as follow: Alvln Harpe,
of New 'Cdstle, {nfK« Robert Harpe
Mount Summit^ Jnd.. John
Harp(^: of Hamilton, Ohio, Enos
Harpe,'and Mrs. Kate -Shelton, of
Daylo County. Doma Fay Bedding
•>nd Ralph Garner, of New Castle,
ind, .'. r •••■ • •
FuReral services were held Jan.
,11th, iat 2 o'clock at Cadiz •Chris
tian- Church 'Where- the deceased
wasrin ^nibniber at the time of herdeath, hy her former pastor,- Rev.
Mr.' Jones and was gently laid to
rost in-the cemetery at New Castle under a snow covered earth, in*the pr^enoe of a large concourse
of relatlvoa and friends.
in the passing Friday evening, at the home of hei> son OscarBoger noar Oana, Davie Countylost one of her beet known ond
. mokt highly respected and loved
women; Mrs. Mary Eliza Bwlos
Boger, 81, widow, of thci late
Thomas 'HI Bbgier sucebndied .to''a heart attack and'the Infirml-,
ties of old ago."
She was the daughter, of Mr.
.and Mrs. Benfamln Bowles and
had spent ail her life In the coun
ty. Married about sixty years agoto Thomas H. Boger who prece^-.ed her to the land beyond theI river by several years she had'made her home with her eon,
I Oscar, for sometlmo. Uniting with
I tho Contor Methodist church
; when a .vounp womon she .movedhnv nonvboYship to Union Chnpel
, church and remained n faithful
' and consistent monvbor for about
sixty years until death to ok hor
awoy. ,
, . Surviving relatives includb S*sons, Qab^r'and- Waltor Boger bfncbr-.Qaiia' and. J..,Q..;!.BoBeY.'. of.vMocksvll le.- -Tiyq ■daughters,'' Mrs.
D. C. Clombnt of Holmahs Gross
Rends and Mrs. Frank Boger, 20
gmndchlldron and 18 great grand
children and a host of distant
rolntives mourn hor poseing.
Funeral and burial services
were held at Union Chapel Me
thodist church Sunday morning
with the pastor Rev. Mr. Porrco
Pall bearers wore B. C. Brock,
C. G. Luacht Dock McCulloli, C.
S. Allen, Clayton Gartner and Os
car Kellnr. Flower girls wore
Misses Mndalcne CoIIetto; Pearl
ond Snra J'one Boger, Lolla Be^
vcr, Blanche Loach and Mrs. C.
S. Allen.
A large crowd paid their last
respects to this beloved old lady
and the great numfoor of floral
wreaths paid silont trlibuto to tho
respect to -which she was hold and
the love tho community at large
had for one of Its oldest and moat
widely known residents.
Mrs. Nancy Dyson Roaves, 93,'
passed aiway at the homo of her
son, J. A. Jjames, near Sheflold,
I Jan. 6. Funeral at New Union
' Jan. 8, 10 a. m., 'conducted by
Rev. A. S. Beaman, assisted by
Rev. E. G. Burrus and T. Gau-
Surviving family, 8 daughters,
Mrs. J. A. Ijames, Sheffield; Mrs.
Tom Renvls, Yadklnvillo; Mrs.
Will Steelman, Ashevllle. Four
sons, John Reavis, Sheffield; 'Wil-Hem Roaves, l^icestor; Richard
Reaveb, TuimerSburg; -David'
Reaves, Ashevllle.
Pallhesrors: J. P;- GolUier,
CharlcB Edwards, Charlie Gieary,
W. C. Parka, J. N. Smoot'and G.
C. Beck.
Bio — Obituaries -1/22/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 28,1931
Mrs. W. K. Clement
Mrs. W. K. Clement died at her
home on Salisbury street shortly
alter noon Friday, follouribg ao ex*
tended illness, aged 66 years. For
the past iiyo weeks b'er death bad
been momentarily expected. Tbe
funeral services were conducted Sat*
nrday afternoon at two o'clock at
the home by her pastor, Rev. W.
B. Waff, of the/Baptist church, as*
sisted by Rev. R. C. Goforth, ijast-
orof the Hetbodist church. Fol*
lowing tbe funeral services the
body was laid to. rest by the side of
her husband in Clement graveyard.
Mrs. Clement is survived Ijy seven
sons, Kr>TlLjMndJl^^pnCleinentrQf
this dtv: C...Br-aifiaDf^tt:Gle1nent.
pt Laneasten-PgT '^.G Clement'.
oKCbicagor Bailey Ciem.entr pf.v At-
l^ar*and.PhiUip.Glenient,''of Ral-
ei^i;,aad two daughters, MrsivA.
PfDnckettT u.r Raleit^,* .aBd«jmss
gjtsv ffMhTT -ftirvi Mrs.
Clement is also survived by several
brothers and sisters,
ds ot
(uel Beck Dead.
r. Lemuel Beck. 33, died at his
ome in Calahain township Satur*
day afternoon at three o'clock fol*
lowing a long illness The funeral
services were held at St. Matthews
Lutheran church Sunday afternoon
at four o'clock, conduaed by Rev.
Fletns Pritchard, and the- body
laid to rest in tbe cbprchyard. Mr.
Beck is survived by bis parents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beck; tvro
brothers, T. J. Beck, of R. 4: D.
L. Beck, of R. i; two sisters, Mrs.
John Kimmer, of Fork; %nd Mrs.
p. F. Rodden. of Woodleaf,
\y T. £. McCarter.
High Point.—Fnneral services
for Thomas £. McCarter, well
known local barbei who died at his
home here late Friday was conduct
ed from the home Sunday after
Mr. McCarter, who has been a
resident of this city for. 22 years,
had been, confined to bb bed with
tuberculosb since. Thanksgiving.
Be was born in Davie connty Feb
ruary 19, 1878.
Surviving are tbe widow, the% ^ m
former i/f.iss Frankie Kirman of
Davie county; two daughter, Mar-
^jorie and Willie May; six sous.
, Algie, Arville, Carey, C., Patii.
I Md Junior; and two sisters. Mrs
Charles Hendricks and Mrs. Daniel
. Hnff, all of High Point. %
Bio - Obituaries -1/28/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 29,1931
•Mfs. Mary Mil ley Olemeiit, 65,
widow of. the late Willlaw Ker^
Clement,-, died at Kfer home on
Sall^ury StriBet on Friday," Jan.
83, after, a soridua illncsa' of aev-"
oral weeka. She .wnp the daughter
of- Philip.Aajron Miller end-Maria
I.Viqtorift'Hampton Miller, and was
born. In Yadkln. Cotfnty near
jpneayille, oii Sept. 5, 1865, helng •
^ the" aooond of ton children* The
family moyW to Da vie County in
:i88^4,. nhjd^later ip"Winatpn^'aloi^
She - was' educBteil' rtV'^Saiera^ Coi-
1.086, and on b.eCi^iriBBO abe^w'aa
marrred. to William K«it Cieradnt,'
of Mpck^ille, To'this, .union'wore
born ton. children, nine' of whom
aurvlvo,- on aon, John. Mnrahall,
dying In' Infancy.' Mrs." Clement
'Joined the Baptjat-Church in her
girlhood, and was always a faith
ful memlbor, attending aorvlcoa
whenever hor hoafth jvquld per
mit. She was a most dovdtod <\vifo
and mother, alwayg giving, her
beat to her family, and was-great
ly 'bolovod by all who knew hdr.
She .wna'highly osdeomod In tho
community, and will ho sadly miss
cd/by a wldo, ch'clo of rplatlvoa
and friends. For nearly tiwo years
•srho had;.l^"6en in ill health, follow- -i
•ing. a ffH'oiie^pt ^ liul
. HoY .husband; .a ■'Wpll4tnowh citi-j zohf of. this iilace, pasaod away In
;1928. T-ho.Rurvlving ichlldron aro;Kqrr M. Clomont,- Milton Clem'ont,
and Miss Patsy Clomont, 'of Mock
.sville, Willlnm Gray Clement,, of
i Chicago, Cecil 'F. crcment and
Glenn P. Clomont, of Lati-- . ^Fa., J, Bailey Cldmont, of Atlanta, Mrs. A. P. Duckotb and Philip
Clement, of Raleigh. Ton grand
children, and the following. sla
ters and brothers nlso^survlvo;
.MisacB Carrie and Bessie MYfler,
and Mrs. Rosa Allon, o'f Winston-Salem, Mrs. Minnie Allison, of
St. Louis, Mo., Mrs. C* B; Ross)
of Charlottoy .Mrs.. Floyd Ro.ss, of
Lawtoh, Okln.,.M, V. MIITcr nntl
Arthur Miller,, of Memphis,.Tenn.Another fbrothof, J. <?,. Milter, ofMemphis, died govornl years ago.
Funemt services wero conducted.at' the 'homo" on Sotux'day after
noon at two o'clock, by- her pastor, RewW. B. Waff, assisted by.i
Rev. .R.'*0*'Goforth, and the In
terment, took-place at the -Cle
ment gravoyard; the choiv sing
ing there "Some Day We'll Un-d.qratand." The songs'sung at thp
Imme were "Safe In the arms of
Jesus" and "In the Garden."-Her
sons acted- as palliboarens, and >
"the^ many Iboautlfpl floral, offer
ings were .carried, by
.Louise Stroud, Addle'M'Se Cau-dell, Evelyn Kirk, Ruth ; Hdntl-
flcks, Inez Ijamcs and: -Hazel
Walker. Wo extend our deep'sym-r
. pathy to tho family In their gi'eat. be;veavcment. . " ' ' . •
, Among the relatives and fri-ondfl from out-of-to\yn who ! at-»
^ tended- the funeral -were: Mr. and
.Mrsi A.-F, Duckett, Mr, and Mrs;Philip Clement.and three cMldr
ran, of Raleigh, Cecil. P. Clement'
and Glenn P. Clomont, of Lau-
cnstor, Pa., J. Bailoy Clement, ofAtlanta, Misses Carrie a.nd Be6-;'sie Mlllor, Mrs; Ross Alien andI A.' B. Allen, of Winstohi^lem",-
Mr. "'.and Mrs. C. -B.; Ross, Mrs,W. T, Stnrrette, ' of , Charlotte,Mrs. A. B. Purr; of ^hariottfa,' ;Mrs. Haydon * Clemen^ MissesCiarn apdiMargnrob. .Knox, • wf'Sallsjbury. , • ; ' "
Lemuel Beck, aged' 88, son of IJ. D. Beck and Martha Dye-Beck, ,
jiiod hlfl home 'near" Oalahaln'■on'.Saturday, Jan. 24th, after, an ,
illness with tuiborculosls; Piineral'services iwcro held at St.-Mal^thews' .Liitl^oran lOhurch .on ^un-da]^ nftornopn at 4''o'clock-:wHh
Rov, Clotu.B. Pxl^chard oCficiatlhif."I The- paHbeardrs.'-were: Clay. Foii iftor, R. 0. Ijameai Wolfcnr . Pea
cock,»^;C. Anderson aiid M. .C. ;Cryder,,Th'b siirvlvlng'family ard'
' the pdrenta and'two. bruthofs, T. -|J, Bock,'. of' MoOksvllIe R^ute 4,
p." L..Bp.ck;. of."C41nhaln. end two'-^Bfiaters, Mrs.,.Jph'n Kimmer, of.
.'Fork Church, and'Mrs. P. F. Rod-jden, «£' W.oodieaf^
Bio - Obituaries -1/29/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 4,1931
Bishop Ronddider
Winscoa-Salem.-^Feb. 2 —Bishop
^ward Ronthialer. of the'South*
ero providence of the Moravian
church nrill ne buried here todav.
The body of the 'B8-year old
cler^man, who died Saturday. «rjll
rest in tbe Moravian graveyard, a
stone's throtv from tbe spot where
be stood each Easter for 50 years
to lead tbousanids in tbe Moravian
Easter litanv.
T«o brief and simple servlcest
one at the home at 3 p. m., and one
30 minutes later at Home Mora
vian cburch. will be pronounced.
Ministers of his faith, Dr. J. K.
Pfohl. the Rev. fames B Hall and
the Rev. F. W. GrabHs. will com
mit his body to the earth.
Jn the auditorinm of Home
church yesterday bis body lay in
stale while thousands who knew
bim in life filed past the bier.
Charles W. Seaford died at
borne near Hardison's shortly
after noon Saturday, following a
long illness, aged 72 years. The
funeral services were condncted at
Center Methodist church Mondav
morning at 11 o'clock by her pastor.
Rev. R. C Ooforth, and the body
laid to rest in the church grave
Mrs. Seaford is survived by her
husband, three daughters and two
Two brothers. AfXTbnd
y also
hnsband; c;Mldfen and br^mc,
The Repd^^stends sympathy in
Bio - Obituaries - 2/4/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 5,1931
MRS. a w. SGAFORl)^
, Mra. Miir^aret DwigjsInB Sda-
, ford, wifo of Charlos W« Soaford,
' and highly osteomad Davle Coun>
'1y iV7oinan, died at hor homo..ncar
Hiirdlaon'B .Chapel on Jan. 81,
.after-a long (Hness, ng6d.73. She.
' was the daughter of Ashley iCtwIgr
Tin.i. iiiid rmis .bora in Ihe Cktiiter
cohitnunity on vt)eeomber' 29th,
1858; Her grandfather, Daniel
.Dwlggirifl,- was nichnrtor raenHbor
l^nnd local ,pranehor .of n Kfontoi*
Method!^, Church many !• ycori^
ago;' She/' jpJriad.VCentor /.Church
ganlzdtlbn of JldrdiBbh'g '.Chdpo]/
of which she and her husband
wore charter members. -Oh. Nov-
emlber'14th; 1888 she whs mar*.
I rlod .lo Chnrlos.'W-' Sonford* ..of
jtDdvIe, .(and to this'.uhlon "were'
I born 11 children, 8 having died.in
infancy/ She is survived by her
|hi«sbnnil, three dniightcirs, Mrs,
.Sonford Green, Mra, Sam Dwlg-
gins, Mrs. Prnnlc M. Walker, two
. sons, C. H. Sonford and C. A.
S^^ford, all of . Dnvio County.
,'Nineteen, grandchildren and two
I brothers, A. A,. Pwiggine «nd J,
|W. 'Dwiisvlna, also aurvive. Fun-t
oral services'were hold^at Centetrj
'•^'jirch on Monday morning, Fob,,
2nd, at 11 o'clock, by her pastor,
JRev.. R.. C. Goforth, flflsiated' by
Rev. A. G. ls)ftln. Wo-cxteiid our
deep sympathy to the bereaved
Bio - Obituaries — 2/5/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February II, 1931
Mrs. Sarah £arneycas<^
tlie Dies.
Poneral of Mrs. Sarah Barneyca.*^
de. 79. wascoodifjted Monday afc«T>
soon at the hi>me of her daughter,
Mrs. J. G. Orrell at; Advance, an^at
Advance Methodist Church by Rev.
W. M. RatKbuvn.Interment was in
the church graveyard ' .
Mrs. Barneycas^e, widow of J. H.
BarheycasUe, 'o^sed. away S inday
afternoon at Mrs. Orreli'shome,
dsaih following an illness of several
week's. She was a native and. life*
long residence of D.-»vle county, and
a o-e t-br'r j>C AUvuiice Methodist
Church ' _ ' I
. Sffivivoi .inc-ude the daughter.
Hco O.ej;'Uireu'igranbchildren abdl
cliice'greiiigraudchildreii, - j
Tliomas F. Henry Passes
Thomas F. Henry, 73, died
Sundsv tuoroini^ at liis borne at
Cooleemee. The funeral took place
Monday' afttraoon at 3:30 o'clock
from Cooleemee Baptist church and
iatermeht followed at Fork Baptist
church. The widow and 11 child*
reu survive. The. children are
Fr^.' Paiirand Charlie. Henry,. 0/
Salisbutv, Richard of Green.sboro,.
Miss Drew Henry,.of High Point,
Mrs Harlev-Snfiev, of MocksyiUe,
El,iz:«be'h»' Ruth. - Frances and
Wobdson and ^^ulich., of .CooIm-
t. F. Anderson Passes.:
Mr. Chafes P Anderson died atj
lis home nVar Cook's school house'
Sunday morning at\2 o'clock, follow* |
ing a long lillness,\ Qged 72 years. I
IFuneral services weVe conducted at
/Seai: Creek' ^ptist Church Monday
I morning at lllo'clock W Revs.Stan
jley May and E.'BurrAis. and the
I body laid to rea^in thecHiurch grave-'"
•yard. Mr, Anoi^sim iS'Stirvived. by
Uis widow and fi v^ons;.:';. One broth*
A. J. Anderson, of Calahaln,'al*
Isoeurvives, ' •
H^^ry ZacharyDead.
—Funeral services were
eld at the home of the parents, Mr.
'and Mrs. J. W. I^chary, Sunday
morning at 10 o'clock and fit.the Goo
leamee Methodist church at 11. for
Henry Zicoury. age 22, junior in
buke University, who pa^ed away
in a Durham hospital -Friday after
noon following an attack of ir.-fluenaa
and rneumoriia.
The funeral precision left the
church at 12 noon and proceeded to
Burington for burial services Pall
bearers were members of Mr. Zach
ary's fraternity, "Delta Sigma Phi "
with the president, Charles Murphy,
in charge.
The deceased was graduate of the
Cooleemee High Seheol and was in
his luniur there.
Surviving relatives include tho
parents and eleven brothers and sis
ters as follows: James Zichary. New
York, N. -Y ;1 Lawrence Zacbary,
Taylorsville; Otis Zichary, Erwin;
Tom Zacbary, Cooleemee; Mrs. J. E
Jahkoski. Gastonia, Lettie, Helen
Mary. Sarah, Nellie'hnd BillZicbary
at home. . .
Mrs. L. G. Gaitbk
'dneral services for Mrs. Sarali'
ouise Gaither, 93. widow of Lem
uel Gaitber who passed away Mon
day morning at 11145 o'clock at her
home followlog a heart attack;
were held Tuesday afternoon at 3
o'clock at the Presbyterian Church,
Rev. E.-P, Bradley couducting the
services. Burial followed in Ro&e
Cemetery. -
' Mrs.-Gaither was bom sear El*
kin, May 7, 1838, adanghteroftfae
late WilHaui and Nancy Edwards.
She was educated at [onesville
Acedemy and was married to Mr.
Gaithrrou May 28, 1872. She bad
resided at Mocksville .since that
ri me and was^ a member of Jhe
Presbyterian church.
Surviving ar-e one son. Flovd G
Gaither, of San IriQcisco. C^lif •
two daughters, Mrs Essie Bverly.
of Mocksville, and Mrs Charles A.-
Jenkins of- Winston Saiem; fi ve
grandchildren aud two great-graud
children. * —
Nancy Jane Canter
Ptineraljof Mrs. Nancy Jane Can-
er, 69, of Advance Route i, was
conducted Friday afternoon at
Bethlehem Methodist church and
inieriiieut'followed in tbe_church
gravevard. She passed away
Tliur.sday morning.
Sarah P. Holland
rs. Sarah P Holland. 76, died
her home iu Statesville Saiur*
^Jay, following a few days illness of
nil. The funeral and burial ser
vices were held Sunday afieruonn
at four o'clock- Mrs. Holland was
the mother of Mrs. M. D Pass, of
near Mocksville. '
Bio - Obituaries - 2/11/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 11,1931
Lucile Young
/"Cucile, the little 6ve-year-old
d2u,!;hler of Mr. and Mrs. P. S.
Vonu^ died at the hoote of tier
parents in South Mock.<ivilIe FrU
day morning; at lo o'clock, death
refuting from pnenmouia. The
filSiKali^tviccs were conducted at
the home Saturday afteroooo at
2:30 o'clock by Rev. W. B. Waff,
and the little body laid to rest tu
Rose" cemeterv. Tbe little , girl i.s
"sutvived by her parents, two
brothers audonesister. Tbe grief-
stricken. parents have the deep
sympathy of the entire town and
coiuinuuity in the death of their lie
tie girl. "Suffer little children to
come uuto me,.^d forbid them not,
for of such fs^.the kingdom of
heaven." She will be missed here,
but her Ijtlle -face is-bright and
happy in the home beyond tlie
skies where there la no more sick
ness nor sorrow. t
Bio - Obituaries - 2/11/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 12,1931
Sarah Holland
f op MKS. M. p. iPA^
le .Feb. 7.—MrsrSiii'ah
V 76 yenra, pf agei'-vd-
Holland, '. pao'sed
1 morning nt .3 o'clockon-tho comer':of''
r Muliborry streets, her.
' from, an , attack'5|rw?loen2a ^which ahe surfered
r Her, condl-
l' consldtered criltical■[ii^^SwFviday^ ra orning, ■whon .sha
-ra%1r floclded clinngo, for'.the'*
3rv^3|i(^ funeral , aorvJc'e will , to.^el^^vfrom tbo residence Sunday"||ie.nfoon pfc 4 o'clpck,:with- Rev.
Ellor, pastor, of" tlio Eir'st
chiu'cb,' and Dr; ,C, E;
pastor of .the -First Pres-
church, in charge." .The"
be, laid to Test in them.fjjS. plot in Oalavood cemetery.jjyM HPlIiuid, v/ho, was -Misfl'i^jjl-FauHno White/ a dhughtor
i.itc. Biirgess and RcginajwMpi of North Iredoll,-was tborn
10, ISod. For many year'spUft^ing her marriage |to Mr! Ci.K^Klland, the family lived ih-PH^township. Thoy retnoved .top.,^^yil!o.25 years ago. Her luis-
^l.Mi'. C. SI ■ Hollamli;. wclVlocal -ib'iiflincss ;inan., •atid ,i^nive realty, owner, died in itS: 3019." . Mrs..fHqlland'Jeavcs ■^daughters and oho son—-
mJ. L..-Holmes hhd- Miv'S. ^jlnd,, of Statesvlllo; •. Mra.vM;
3'aa, of-MocksviIle;_. an4 M'ia8 ,t|q ilollandi.'^yhp
There'Vare"' toil Sa'rvivijigl •[^children;. Two ai.Hlcrs.'^alsujkc-'-^Mrs.' OhiU'lcs • 'Mhdlsbh
Tlioniha' ^ MadisOn;' -ofto Ircdel}., .. -,many; years ^ Mya. .•Hollniid:^och:'«; •in^i^bor '.hC .the /First .
Charles Fisher Aiidoraon, woIJ-» known citizen of Davle/ died at
his homo five .miles north of Cola-' haln, on Sunday morning, /Feb.
^th, iflged 72. He had boon in.de-.idining' health for ithe pbat five I
years,-his death resulting-from
heart, trouble. The deceased waa ithe^aon of Abel and -Bossie Coon-j
Anderson, and 'ivws : the .third"'
member of his family to die Inloss than n year. For^,forty.
years ho had been 'an.''nctIvo
morobor of Sandy Springe BaptistChurch. Ills- widow, five sons,. Li
A. Anderson, of Hartnony, R, M..
and Li H. Ahdorsohj'- of Staldfl*-'
vlllo, .0, S.' nhd B. P. Ahdei'son, .
of 'Caliahaln, and one brother, A.-
J, Anderson, survive, .Fuhoral.,
services-wore hsld 'at'.Boor Crook
Baptist Church-oh Mbndny-Tnofn-'lIng.-at 11 'o'clock, by -Roy. Sfcuhley i.
May vdhorivblq .iBp-ptlst Mlnlfltof
H. Smith, A. •: Fy Cook,Milt.qiiT,
Hane.3. S;" L. Joyner, HowardCaudlo, and -M. W. "Reayis, and !tho folloaving grandchildfcri cftr-|'ricd th'o ."flowers,"Lois Andcvson, LRoy Anderson, Bryaii Aodoraon, j ,Claywoll Amtprson, • Mary Jean ',Anderson, Ifonry Shnv.j..Andcr«on, ^
Bottle Anderson,..arid Arthilr Ari-.i^
doraon, Jr. • ,
Bio - Obituaries — 2/12/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 12,1931
Lucllo, tho ftttracjtlve fivo'yow'r-
old- dnujfhter of Mr.. - and n Mra.
Philip Young, .picased away At-the
home: of lier parohfe..in'*iClemdnt
Criwt, on Friday . mornhig, JPeh.
Cth, ofter a two weeks .lilneflfl^of
flu and pneuinonia; The''deceased
.w«a a flweet, lovalbie childi '^ha'
•groat ^flympnthy !d;/felt for '.ttie
bereaved .pawnts lii their/ gt'eat
eorrow* Funeral jerylceb 'wpre
held; at the homo on -Saturday-
afternoon, at -2 ;80, with Rev.-W; I
B.. Waff officiating, iflsisted by
•Rev* R< C<-'-Goforthj :ohd the -, in
terment .wap -nf ihe-Rdsd Cemei •
tery,- Tho four .aunta of <the little.
girl aptcd ,aB' .pailbeiarei'S','; they
being,.-Mrs, vcreola :Y. ...'Wllflon, •
Miaaea Charlie Belle,-Ethel and ;
Tundo Young, and . the JovOly!
flowers wore- carried 'by twelvellttly girls. ' • .- j
•Mnq- T F.Miiwr r a i services wpre conducted. a
•j PASSES;-AWAY which the.deceased wag a faith
. twvb on-ni, -nA •" j memhor, oh Tuesday after
* h W LouIbo - Edwards noon, Feb. 10th, .a^t three o'clock, Gal-thcr, widow. of Lemuel .G. by the pastpr, Roy. B. P. (BrajdJey
! .Gaither, .and one of Mooksville'a '^ho songs' suhg'. at.-the diiirol
J most' highly esteemsd 'ahdles "were "Near.er,-My-God to Thco,'
}.pad6ed away ' at her home here I "Abldo -with • Me,r'...'i!>hd -"Aslee|:
•on Monday"moiphlrig, -Fcb 9, In Josua,?' and at tho cdmetorj
.jhdr 98rd year.'She hdd been in' .tho-choir sang .'Sbnib Day->Vq'1:
. fedble health for. several; years, UnWatand.'f , '
but . her death, whfcHfwas tlj«
.;by a heart attack, ch ' '-
'•to lier family .and;
I was the daughter 6f . ..
'Nanoy Edwards, .and" was -bdrni
'iriil. y'BUMlfOatii;-pear..'Elkip,;tpri^ May. Tth; ^ WiBSl,
•Her ediioaiioh 'was- received' .:ay
the . famoue 'Jonbsvllle' Academy,
.On May;^thj .1872;8lie.was jinlfc-
•ed-in .marriagd'itd I^muel G. Gd^,
ther '0f'-Md.ctoville,;i8hd ma'de
•her. homo .)iere -,ovprVaihille.
'-was' 'devoted, to --har famlljr And
j fri0nda/;nnd'waB,gi5^dtly,bolo
j her unaclfiBhness'.ahd 'sweethsss■pf -chV^racter endearing her "toj air who ^ew ^■er.'Tho'a'urylviA'g'[i.amily cpnaists .of one doni-. FloydGi Gaither .iof' ,San'. Frahc'lacoi'CaL; Jdrs. EsBio iByeriyi.' ojf.. thla■
.wardpJ"v'^ricV'M ..ai V.'offbrmga - were' 'cavrisd' :';byMrs." T. -B; ' Wbodvuff," • •Miaaoa
Mildred- -and -Sadie Hall-.Wood-*
rufft'Ileydcn Sanford,.Eaiayi An
nie and Helen ITolthousor,-Virgi
nia -Adnma. Those -from out-of-
town who attended the funeral.-werpV'Mr. and Mrs. C. .A. Jenkins,Gha'rlpa .Jenkins,. Jr.,- of Wihstoii-.
Salcm. Gaither-.Jchkina, of-.-Davidson Collegb, Mr,'and HrB.-;.l'pm
Edwards, -.Neabit' Edwardai-; of;
place; and Mra.lChaHes "A.^'Jen-lk Wlnston-Salem, Mr. JjJrnost • Bd- jHlna,^ oi Wlnatbn-Galeih; - fivei wards;;of -Ronda; Mr. and Mfa.grandc'H I'dreh, and : two .great • H. Wopdruff, of Godadoh, Ala,,grandch Idren.'Ono brpthor;.'Mr.=' Mrs. W;-0;:WrIght and Mrs. IteniJoseph Sdayords, of'ftbhdo, and* of .Winston-Gnlem. Wo ex-'pne slafc Mrs. 'fiusa^' " Gentry,'-tPf'd deep sympathy to the-of'Blkln, also survive. The fuii- family;
Bio - Obituaries — 2/12/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 12,1931
Mcipber CJaaa of '2G DcnU- |
The Cobleemce.JournQ
; Born August .8th, 1!
Cloy Zuohory,'the son
Mrfl.- J. W. 'ZaclMiry, of
onterecl Into tho Inrgo
day, February tho Gth,
lowing on attack of
which devo)6ped Into,
Heriry was'aii'ojcenipl
inon, clean high-mindo
among frioridg nftd bc
and hia passing on brli
0 many who lovei
Wao n crriiuuato "of tho
liigh school, ond was In his aohlor
yoav nt Duke University. Tho
itiomibors of hla fiiaternlty,' the
n Doltii Sigmsi Phi, bote him to his
laat'rostlng plnco,' •• '
He was a frtithful and dovotoi^
. mohiber of tho. Methodist. Epis-
; c.OjpnJ. Chuych, arid the.' funornl
' B'Qfvich''VQ^''^ ''odnSuctod'- "Sunday
^ g^di^I.'ng,a"t:0loy.(^^of(^QCk".iby-;h
mlrs, .pastor of, tho .' Cboloomee
^Baptist Church,'.nrid .tho'-Rhv,' C.
IM. 'Short; of Charlotte,- and old
vfrlchd'orthe family; The throngs
of poopio viewing the remains nt
I tho Ziichary resldbnco, tho ovci'-,
' flowIi\g conip'cgation ht the j
church Borvicb, nnd tho .many
floral offerings, attested to the
esteem and nffoctlon in which ho
was hold.lri thifl comriiunity. Fol
lowing the fiinoral aervice In tho
ehiirch the ,1'qrhaina wore carried
,tq .Biirllnigtqn and interred in thd
family plot in the . Burlington
Thd JOURNAL .wishes to join
with tlie. cdnununi.ty in expres-
siona of sympathy to tho borcav-
cd family.'In the long years of
residence and aorvico' hero -Mr,
and Mra. Znchfury have endeared
thefnsclycB to thi&.communlty, and
the;sympathy,felt la of a most
genuine kind. . , •
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 18,1931
.1: Mrs; Ma^a Gact -
: Mnt. ManKa J Cant 86/ died at
her haiiie in State^ville Tuesday
momina1(it4:lo o*c1ock.£rom the in
firiniiSoa nf aittt - The funeral and
bn*^inl.pervie^ will take place tndav
at New^Bethany- baotlsl church. 9{
miles west uf Statesyilie. Mrs. Qiint >
iaauiyivi^ by nne ijdaughtjsr, who!
iivesin Statesyilie. and nneann.' Mr.
W. S Gant, of Mocksville. besides a
host of rfdatdvcs and friends.: •
G.-Snuth Passts
My* William Gordon Smith/died
^at bis iiome just' w^t of n Mocks-
\HHe. on the Stati^yilie highway
I.Tsr We'dnesday . mdrniug at* ^
o'clock, following a year's, illuesjr,"
dged 77 years. *• The fdneral and
burial services were' conducted by
.Rey^. R. C. Gofurth at Mc. Oh vet
Meiiiodist cbhrcb iD Yadkln couu:
•y Thursday tnorutfig at 11 o'clock.
Mr/ Smith is survived hia.widow;
(bred daughters.
of-MocksvtrteT'M...-^. ,—. —
r3tiCB:5aL-K» two^Mns/VS'r^.
flmllh. urVort ~;hMrttifr*Sti6-r^^d
W. D: Slnttir. oPthio oitjt. A sfsteri
also survives
Nellie Mae McCulloh
Nellie Mae, 7>month&old daugb-
W of. Mr and Mrs. Frank McCuI-
lob of Cooleemee. died SatWirdav at
noon.' following an illn|^ of preu^
monia 'Funeral .servi<^v?ere bel/
int the ' GoqjMmee Pnbbvteri:
chnrcb Snnd^ t afternoon' at' two
o'clock'bv Ref, J." W. Fdsterl Tne
burial foUot^' inLiberty •grayl
yard.. 'Surviving |s the . oarent^
.one brother and one. sister.'
Mrs/^r H. Swink Di^.
^^|rs."R«sa Swinfe'.- illr .G;
|H Friday m^riiing at
a o'd^'lcVl her binne";iq?'Calaha|u
tpwiistaiF. Mrs. Switm^iauctived
by^er husband; one soil. Mr- D
(7.; Swink, of Salistiiiry; Indr/^thr^-
daughters: -Mrj PIr*'
Mttd^is: Tuiiir^jogpetyuC. Stilia-
bgyyr'ahd W^ VVhiiiCiram
W-'iMofntan^i. 'rwo4isi^ef&
and STilfc^
bunt 6f SBtfsbnf^r,'-.Wrt snrvifiy.
.tifs. SWittk wiN 79 j|^^6ld. The
funeral services w|f,e/^^riductfed
^aturday ni.oroi|tg O'docl^
jfroin MoulitV.. &lva'iY ichnrcli ife
Rowan counly^hd loter'oteni- fol|.|
• alowed ill,the cburoh graveyard.
Mrs. W. R. Joyner
:.-Mrs. R. -Joyner died at . her i
home. .|p..'Bagle. Mills • tqwnstitp.i
Ir^eli-^uniy. Thursday morning
fbIIowiiig.U'-.long illness; rThe fup • n
erfd sem^s .wpre...'conducted by.j
her .pasjof,. Rev, G.. E. '* Bhrrus
Sacoi^ay mornliig;rat*^.-Ti o'clockand-ihe bodv laid tb|rOTt inv.^
-Springs graveyar<ifil|.Miis,.. j'oyhw'
was a mem,ber .of'''R(wby . .Springs
Baptist church.. Sbo .-fs suryiv^.
.by her husband together pdth^sev-.
eral'sons and d'auihteia.-. '; n ^
Bio - Obituaries — 2/18/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 19,1931
Kev. Marshall. Olsment Kur-
fees, 75, hIghJy eflteeme'cl mlnifl-
fcor of Loulsvlllq, Ky., and a .foi'-
mor citiscn of Davie • Coutify,
died suddenly nt his home In
Louisville on Tuesday afternoon,
Fob. 17th, according to a .telo-
gram received by his brother, J.
;Kurfeos, of this place. He was
the son bf 'John Peter. Kurfees
and Mary Roberts Kurfoe?, and
canio of a wcINknown *Davie
County family. When a. yOung
man- ho attended school in Lex->
ington, Ky;, - and .decided to lo-
cate Ih that State,' spending the
po(^-55'years there. Later eev«.
eral of his brothers followed him
to Kentucky, and oBtobliahed ^e
famous J. P. :lCurfocjj: paint Com
pany- of' Louisville.' The'.deceased
was for 46 years'the tnlnlsiEer of
the^Haldeman Avonue Church of
Christ, ^ond a- cclebratiom had* re
cently beoii hold by the mombers
of the congregation in ; honor of
his ^ many years of faithful ser
vice. .Mr, Kurfeea-spent liibst of
• (Continued on Pago.8) "I
(Continued from pogo 1)
his summers recently in Ashe-
'ville, and always visited his re
latives hero, frequently holding
' meetings at his old home church
lot Jericho. His nuAiorous• rela-.
I tives and friends, throughout
j Dnvie Coupty will learn of his
death with regret, His^wife, who
was formerly Miss Sallle Eddie,
(of LouiavlIIo, died several years
• ago,, and one brother, arid two
sisters also preceded him to the
grave. The following brothers
survive; J. L, Kurfees,.of Mock-
sville; .J.' W. Kurfees, of Wiils-
ton-^nlem; and J* F, Kurfees
*ond M. M. Kurfees, of Louisville.
Messrs. J. L. Kurfees and J< W.
Kiirfccs left for Louisville Wed-
nosttoy morning to attend Uhe
funeral. We extend our deep
sympathy lo the .bereaved rela
. JYIiiiam.Gordon Smith, died at
..,thb, home ..of -his daughtor' Mrs;
. T.. Potts, neb Mockayille,-; on
Peb; i],th,' arfed.771 He Was. born
near . Smith Grrove. on April. dth,!
,1853, - and . profesaod.; faith > In
. Gh.rist -in;' early Jlfe/. and /jdinod'
the Smith . 'Grove •. .^Methodist:,
.church, .of- which -ha/had boen ip
conslatont momb.eiV.ever W*. Qh',
• Doc.^7th,*;1879 .ho Wag. mn'rHed^^
, Miss ^Rhoda Smith, who survives -
J him, In addition CtP. ..hls-iwifp ''ho n
J leayos , .Iho- "following. .;86na ' V'ftnd
' dnughtoi's; W. A. Smith, of'Port
Smith, APk., .W'..:D; Sinltl),.(>f Morjiii:
ayille, Mji-a.-W, T.-Pottp, pf.Mqoka?;;
vine, Mrs. J. G.-Alleh, of A'dvanCe
I and Mrs. B; G. White - of Wtfoi'
and. one aiatcr, Mrs.. W-. "A.-^
Spehrsi of Winntbn'Galeni. ^yelvo;
grandchildroh alao survive, y The'*
fiinprnl whs cpndiictcid. nfc-
pleasant Methodist Ghu.i*d|;';jnear'-i
Wyp, on Thu.radjiy' movhinfc^Pei)/.-
12th; nf 11 .o'clock, by .-ReY. A;- C?.
Loftln'.nnd Rev. ;R; ;0. "Gofovthi ;
The piillbenferawore >1; iPottk:.
lionnip.White, Willie White, Ltith: ;
or. Allen, S.'C, Anderooh "niid John,'
.Bailoy; The.- '■charge of MIs.H.ea -Mhrgqyefc. Ba^ley, Ellen. Alien: 'and • AnriftjliMls A.Smith, /
Ellie May McCullough
Ellio May, seven-months old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
McCullough,' of Coolccmoe,'passedaway Saturdoy, Feb. 14th, death
resulting from pneumonia. The
funornl scrvlcos were held nt the
Prbsbytorlnn Church in Coolocnico
on Sunday afternoon nt 2 o'block
Ilov, J. '\V. Foster, aaslatod byI Rev. D. T, Stoiidonmirg, gnd the
t little boy was laid to rest at Li
berty. T'ho parents, one brother
niid ono aiatcr are loft to mourn
thoir lo'ss. Tlio pallbearers wore
Misses Lillinh Hcllord, Ethel Sea-/
graves, Eunice Cuthroll and Mag
gie Athoy, and .the flower-glrla
were Misses Hnzol Spry, HazelIsley, Mnfy Messick, Margaret
Cronson, Mho Bean, Ellen House,
Frances Ijonies and Hazel Athey.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/19/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 25,1931
Rev. C. Kuefees
Rev. Mashall C. Kurfees died io
Louisville, Kv., last Tuesday after
noon at 5 o'clock, followin]^: a'
stroke of appoplexy, aged 75 years.
The uews of his death reached
'Mocksville Tuesday' night and was
a shock to his relatives and many
friends in the town and tfaroughopt
the county
Mr. Rurfees left Davie county
57 years ago and'^went to Lexing
ton, Ky., where be lived for sever
al years. Later he went to Lonis
ville, where he has reside for
more than 50 y.ears. He had heen
pastor of the Haldeman Avenue
Church of Christ for the pa.<tt 45
years, and was one of the most
beloved meu in that city-.-- -
Surviving Mr. Kurfee.s is four
brothers,. Messrs. J. Lee - Kurfees,
01 this dty; J. W. Kurfees. of
1 Winston ^aleni; J P and M. M.
Kurfees, of Louisville,.Ky. Many
relatives in Davie also survive.
•Messre.*"J:-Lee {ind J. W. Kurfees
'went to Lohisvilicfor the fuoeral
and bttrial services which were held
.in that city Thursday afternoon at <
.-s o'clock.
Mr. Kurfees was a son of the
.late Mr. at!d. Mrs. J. P.-.Korfees/of
this county, and prBvioit.s''lo the
'^ath'of his father and mother he
jiW^ys retnrned to* Davie.. eye^
sumiher.for 'a several, days vlsiti
and since their death he had missed
only a summer or two in visiting
the scenes of his childhot^. In
the death of this go(Ml man The
Record .editor loses one of hte. .good
friends^a.man he bad known,since;
childhood, and oiie for tvbom-he had
much respect and reyerenc& Mr.
Kurfees will be sadly missed,'not on
ly in bisadopted city of Loiiisrille,
but also in Mocksvilie and Davie
county. He was j^ne of the leading
preachers in hiTchnrch, and bund-
reds of our cfiizens bave heard aod
enjoyed the strong sermons that
he has delived in the Jericho
church. It is with sadness that we
chronicle the death of this good
friend, but we realize that he is
not dead, but only sleeping and
will awake to a fuller and better
life beyond the gave. The the be
reaved ones who are left behind we
extend our sympathy.
"Sqidre" Mayberry Dies
.At CMleeinee^
Cooleemee, Feb. a^j—Squire Hi
rahi Augnstus Maybefry, 68, one
of the most widely knowb and liest
loved and highly respected citizens
of the village died suddenly Thnrs-'
day evening at bis residence- on
WatLs streetl Mr. Mavbeiry had
been ill onlv a few days with an
attack of influenza and while sit
ting up in suffered a stroke of
heart failure aud dropped over
He was a native of Wilkes coun
ty, having moved to Cooleemee as
one of the first residents when the
village was established 111 1901 and
was a highly respected and trusted
employe of the Erwin Mills here
for 30 years
Fuoeral services were held at the
Cooleemee Baptist church Satur
day forenoon, with his pastor. Rev.
A. T. Stoudenmire official i n g.
Interment wa.s in the Ephcsus ceme
tery near Liberty Church.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/25/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 4,1931
Mrs. Thirza Kooniz
Mrs. Thirzs Kooiits, aged So
ears, died at her borne near Davie
Academy at two o'clock Friday
afternooo, deaih resulting from a
fall in wbicb she broke her hip
some six weeks ago. The funeral
and burial services were held ,Son
day morning at i r o'clock at Salem
Methodist churcli, her pastor, Sev.
A. G. Loftin, conducting the ser
vices. Mrs. Koontz is servived by
two daug'aters, Mrs. Jerry Ijames,
of Cooleetnee, and Mrs. E.C. Click,
Click, of Salisbury; five sons. John
Koontz, of Salisbury, Everett,
Sam. Foley and Dorsey. all of Ca-
lahaln idivnsbip. Many relatives
and friends survive. Mrs Kooniz
was a good woman and her passing
is mourned by the entire commn
nity in which she lived for so many
Bio — Obituaries - 3/4/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 5,1931
Mra. Thireo Gentry Koohtz, oa-
tocined Davie woman, and widow
of Wilson Kontz, died at her honio
ncnr lOappa on February ^27thi «
aged 80 years. She .had -been In |
declining heatth for some timo,
and fell and broke her hip sev-.
era] weeks ago. She was born In
Surry County, and was the daugh
ter of Austin and Mahula Grouse
Gentry. Her husband' died sixteen
yeats ago, and the following
Bona.and daughters survive: Jotin
Koontz, of Salisbury, Sam, B. B.,
A. D., and F, W. Koontz, all of
Davie County, Mrs. E. C. Click,
of Salisbury and Mrs. J. li. IjumoB
of Cooleemee. Two brothers, one
sister, 22 grandchildren and one
great grandchild alao survive.
The funeral was held at Salcm
Methodist Church on Sunday
morning, at 11 o'clock by Rev, A.
G. Z^oftin, Rev, E.. M.- AvetL of
Albemarle and Rev. N. C. Duncan,
of Cooleemee. Four sons and two
Bona-in-law acted as pall behr-
ers and the flower 'girls were
grand daughters of the deceased.
Willluin M. Drake, passed away
at his home on Route 3, -near i
Cornatzer, on February 88, at the
age of 77. He was the son of'
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Drake, his
mother's maiden name being Cor-'
natzer. He is survived by his
widow and one brother, Samj
Drake, of Davie County. The |
j funeral was held on Sunday j
j ternoon at 2:80, and the inter- j
mcnt took* ;place at the Foster
family cemetery, near Cornatzer.
. Rev, J, L. Kirk officiated, assist-
I od by T. I. Caudell.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/5/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 11,1931
Little'Sarah Lois Lay
man Passes.
Sarah Lois, the -little nineteen
moiiihs old. dauslner of. Mr
and Mn«. Arleth Layman, pattsed
away at the home of her par
ents near Courtney Feb. 26th fol
lowing an illness of two days with
pneufnoiiia. The deceased was a
lovable child and great sympathy
IS left for the' bieaved parent-s in
their greait sorrow. Funeral ser
vices was held at Courtney Baptist
church with Rev. McSwaiu oSiciat
ing and W. 0 W Camp 307 hav
ing charge. The interrmcut wa.s
in the Courtney cemetery.
Pallbeareia were Misses Inez and
Anuie Lee Baity. Nellie Pearl Sher
met and Sylva Algood The love
ly flowers were carried by little
Misses Vashti and Annie Lois Fur-
che.s. Janie and Mary Glasscock
and Helena Shellon.
SCrs. Layman was prior to her
[iiarriage'SlLs.s Ev.elyn Rollins.
Capt. C. S. Morrison
It is with sadness ' that we
hrooicle the death of our old
friend, Capt. Claud Morrison,
which occurred at the Prwhytertah'
ihospital in Charlotte Friday, bight,
bapt. Morr.lson was 6S years of age,
pud bad been'a faithful employee
'of the Southern Railway ^fpr many
years. In the fifty .one years of
his railroad-Jife' lie'had never re
ceived "adetuefrit; or a -reprimand.
For .several tears he"-.'had been a
conductor "on passenger trains Nosl
10 and 21 be-ween Charlotte and
Winstoo Salem. and was one o.f
the best beloved conductors on the
Southern system. In the death of
"riiis good man- The' Record editor
loses a personal friend'—a man he
bad known and loved for more than
a quarter of a century. His death
will be mourned by thousands' of
friends throughout North Carolina.
Rli-s. R. M. doer Dies.
jA'Irs. Robert M.'Clrer died Fri-I'
day aiternnoti afhier hojne on the'
'^locksviile higbvvay<. about fi ve.
Diatb|iui]es''from State^^ville. ueath re
sulted from j influenza pbeuiiionia. 1
Mrs. 'Mollie Ellis Cloer was boriiin
Davte connty. near Mockisvilie. on
j.March.26, iSCi,',a'nd. wdiild have
70 years old her ' nixt] birthday.!;
KTr. Cloenguryiyes", wiili <w6 dau
ghters and-two sons.-iri^T^ne fuiieral-
services.^erd held at Oii^'s Chapel
Sunday morning at m o'clock,^ "• •
0. Richardson Di&^
Be'ujkmin B Richardson; 38 p^s-:
e'd away at bisiiome. Calabaln, R.:
I, Wednesday. He vvas the son of|
i Thomas and Dorcas Dyson Rich
ardson. and is.survived by his wife,
Mrs. An'uie-Gaither Richardson;
father and mother;-three brothers,
Charlie. Dayjd and Robert; two
sisters. Mrs. Sam Boyd and Mrs.
Cora Smith, all of this county.
Funeral was held Friday at New
Union Church, conducted by 'Rev.
B H. 'Vestal. luternients was iu'
the church cemetery.
A noble man-has departed from his
earthly frieods, and we feet that be
is at re.4t beyopd ihis world of eot;.
row, pain and suffering. The bod'y
was laid to rest in Cuarlotte Sun
day. following the funeral .wblcb'
was held from the Tenth Avenue
Presbyterian church io that city,
of waich he was an-elder.
Nancy C. Cook
/ Mrs. Nancy C. Cook died at ber
home in Calahain township early
Thur^ay mornitigat the advanced
age of 79 years and 6 Tuontfas, fol
lowing an illness of more than a
year. The fuu^al and burial ser
vices Were held at Sandy Springs
Baptist church Friday aftewoon at
2:30 o'clock. Rev. D. C. Clinton,
of Yadkin county, conducting the
services. Mrs. Cook is survived
by twelve cbildreo fi ve sons arid
seven daughters.
Bio - Obituaries -3/11/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 12,1931
n FVank 0. Poi^ell, 7.6',^ native .oX -
Dayio •Cbiihty' ftnia. foriher/v^^^
' dehfcVof' Ooolecmee" paeae'd.. a\vay
'.^QhHy Friday morhiner ai-tK<^homp
pX; !a ■.-aon;' Rinyinond in' Winaton-
• Mr^'Povell hod isp^^psjt ipai'tF'of llfb! InXTDayia; butllvbd for n nbinber'^ ye^
!' Arknnatis/ Ho • wn'a-- wpll. known
' horo ..the* .county.I Survivinff-relatives dncludoth'eiwidolv wbo 'iXX:Putiontin .XWln-r"aton^alem 'heapitiil 'beins treated'.for X fracfcufdd'hlF Incurred .i?e-
.cently in a ■fiill.'^Orie:'Bonr;R;; C.-j Powell .of .'•WlnBton^iem/;»irhre6.
daughtepB, Mrs/Prank .I'nbmpapnof .Spencer;. MraVvEdd McOavtby-
• and Mlas AUcbi Ppwdi of : New;'Orleans, ;• ; ; .jv Puhorar: BciwicBa wpre held at
South River Ohurch'Sunday'* after
noon.: ' ' ' • *. •
.•■! Benjamin .B, RichdvdBohVi .88^-1passed away at Ills home, 'Gala-.'h'alh.Routevl, Wediibadh^:March
4.' He. wnd the aonlXf"Thonias *t' and jodrras: Dyson .Rlchardaori,:.
J^Q leaves his Annie
Gaitheri Richardson, • father, andj mother,; thr^a X^othcrs,, 'Charlie,I David and lRohertj: JX'P . sistersjlM[rfl.'S(nm Boyd and ' Mrs.'". CoraSraithf.nll ofitljlB^Cpu ''. Pu nbral. "seryices ■ wbiu. held .atNdw . UnTbh 'X&ureh,. . Tliuraday;..PeUruni^. d, ;.atill: o'clock',j. con-1
ducted by Rev; A. S. Boaman' hiid ,Rev B.;H. VoBthl;,IntQrmoht was-;i in the. church, eertotery. ' jr P,nllbearcrs. wci'e;. A.. 4>, 'Rat-• lod^o, Latin' B; Ratledge, - Prank
.White; Wheeler .Stroiid,V'J. •Dl• j ClearyJ Marshiil] SwisheiC •
Bio - Obituaries - 3/12/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Felix Miller b. 12 Oct 1824(^29 Mayl864/Gordonville VA CSA
m. 30 Jun 1844
Elizabeth 'Betsy' TEMPLE/CRAVER Lanier b. 14 Mar 1826 Davidson Co NC
d.03 Feb 1925 Davidson Co NC
Residence: Yadkin College Township Davidson County NC
Bur: Felix: Gordonviile VA; Elizabeth: Friendship Meth Ch Cem;
Felix's parents:
Nicholas Miller
Elizabeth LIVENGOOD Miller
Elizabeth's parents:
Felix & Elizabeth's ch: nine
t)Levi Franklin Miller b. 10 Nov 1845(^d.06 Jan 1904
ra. 1867 ^
Phoebe Elizabeth WILSON b.Ol Jul 1850fd.62 Jun'mg^
Res: Friendship Church Community Davidson Coiifi^NC
Bur: Friendship Meth Ch Cem
Crissy Jane Miller b.28 Dec 1848(d.l4Mar 1931^
m. 18 Jan 1877 (6 ch) ""
David King Cecil b.20 Feb 1851 d.l2 Jan 1923
Res: Lex. NC
Bur: Lex. City Cem
^ Isaiah 'Boat' Miller b.20 Jan 1850(^1 Npv
m. 16 Mar 1880
£ Eliza Jane JAMES b.25 Dec 1848 ^1806^910:1
Res: Hwy 150 Reedy Creek ComrnumtyTDavidson County NC
w Bur: Friendship Meth Ch Cem
^ 4.
5c Sarah Ann Miller b.22 May 1853-^^2 Jul 1896^
^ m. 23 Jul 1874 Davidson Co NC Yadkin College Township (ninech)
^ David Washington Shuler b.28 Aug 185(l,d.l7 JanT933)
O Res: Davidson Co NC; Davie Co NC;
^ Bur: Concord Meth Ch Cem Davie Co NC
CO 5.
Ellen Frances Miller b.20 Oct 1855(3.10 Apr 1931J
^ ^ m. 18 Nov 1879 Davidson Co NC .
^ James Rankin Caudle b.22 Jan 1858
— ^ Res: Greensboro NC ^
\ , Bur: Greenhill Cem Greensboro NC
Delilah Miller b.l858vd.03 May 1891
livis P"'-'
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 18,1931
Mrs. M. D. KimbroughJ
Mrs. M. D. Kimbrough died at'
the hOQie of ber daughter, Mrs.
George Sbeek. on Wiikesboro
street shortly after tno o'clock
Monday afiernoon. death resuliiug
from pneumouia. Kimbrough {
was 87 years of age la.st December,
and is survived by fi ve sous, C. L.'
Kimbrough, of Smiili Gtove; Joe. 1
of Greensboro; J. A , of Winston-
Salem; P. R.. ot Atlanta; aud A.'
M , of til s citv; lour dau^hte^^,
Mrs. Reid Sniiib, of Dallas, Texa.<-;
Mrs. George Sbeek and Airs. J. L. 1
Sheek, of this ciry, and -Mrs. D K. [
Furclies, of near Smith Grove a1:0
survive. i\l a ti y "graudcliifdreu, |
great grandchildren and great-great
^randchfUlren.-urvive. TJjc luncr-
al services u-iil'lie held at Sitiiih
Giove Met1]odi>t chinch tbisuiorn
ing at 11 o clock and .the b.jdy laid '
to res-, in the church graveyaid.
Mrs. Kiiubrungb■ was oue of tiecounty's oldest mid best beloved;
women. Her hii^bjud, Dr. M. D.
Kimuiough. i r c.-cled her to the.spirit land 20 years ago. j
Mrs. J; W. Sain
Mrs J W. Sain died at her home!{□ Kannapolis Friday at noon. The,
'burial took nlace at Oak Grove'
Methodist church Sunday afternoon
at 8 o'clock.i Mrs, Siln is survived by^the hus
band, four sons, P. F. and C. F.
Sain, of Kannapmis. J. F. Sain of
Cooleemee, and J. W. Sain, nf Mocks-
V lie; and one daughter. Mrs. R. L.Michael ul Yadkin College.
John W. Richardson
^ Mr. John W. Richardson died at
bis home near Sheffield Friday
morning at three o'clock, following a two weeks illness, aged 78
years. The funeral services were
held at New Union Methodist
church Saturday morotng at 11
o'clock. Rev Mr. Seaman conducting the services. The body was
laid to rest in the church gra\*e-
vard. Mr. Richardson is survived
by bis widow and three daughters,
Mrs. J. A. Richardson, Mrs. Char
lie Richardson and Mrs. Frank
Ciary, all of Clarksville township.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/18/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 19,1931
Maurine Cash Sheek
I Maurlno GasX Ihr'ant daughter
'of Harry and Ellcrbco Sheek
died March 16, 1081'. She is su^'
Vivod by father, mother, throe siB-
ters and one brother. The funeral
' service Avas conducted by Mi'. 1*.
I. Caudell at Smith Grove Church,
Tuesday at 10 o'clock.
Mrs. Snilic E. Hrobk Kimbrough
highly uatocihcd and, beloved
, Oavie County lady, and ivldow of
' the late Dr. "M. D. Kimbrougli^
died at the home of iier daught-
' er, Mrs. G'eorge ^eok, on Mon-
. day uf-ternojeh, March 10th, aged'
] 87. She was the daughter of
.William Brock and'Frances Ghaf.
'fln'Brdck, and was born and rear-'
I ed In the Parmlngton community.
'She was a ' descendant ;of''Nath-
' aniel' Brock, a Revolutionary sol-
'i d lor, 'and was disb 'rolated to
Rev. 'Mosca 'Brock, a well-known
rpidneer Methodist mlnlBter.- After
; 'her mairiage to Dr. M. D. Kim-
i broiigh, one: .<of DaVle's * best-
'kiiown 'prhyBlciiins, -she mnde' her
I home at -^ith Grove; where .Ihey
Tfeared a large 'family. In' -nddl?
(tibh 'to their bWn 'family. Dr. and
I Mrsl Kimbrough oftoil took into
j their hbspitnblo honie • dii^han
rchlldren who were left "honleless.
After the-death df Dr.-Kimbrough
In November 191'p| his Widow
ma'do hor hoMo Aviih her children,
where 'she Was always q Welcome
'^est. She was-groatly .beloved
in her large family connection,'
and her presence will be. sadly
missed. She had been In falling
he'altb for several years, bui'was
able to enjoy the celebration of
her 87th birthday -on Decomber
81st, when her doughters, Mrs.
George Sheek and Mrs. J. L.
Shook, entertained in hcr honor
at a delightful family dinner.
The surviving children are: Mrs.
George 'Shook, of Mocksvillo, C.
L. Kimbrough, of Smith Grove,
Mrs. Reed Smith,- of Dallas, Tex.,
Mrs. J. L. Shook, of Mocksvillo,
J. W. Kimbrough, of Durham, J,"
A. Kimbrough, of Wlnston-Sulom,
Mrs. .B. K.. Purchos, .of Parmipg-,
ton,; A;" M.0{i'mbrough,' "6f-'Mo'(?k8-;'
Innts,. TKero ^lao- ■sltfvlVd''Vi7'
grandchildren,' -82 great-grnndchi]dren, and 3 groat-grcntgrnnd,
chlldvoiC !
Funeral sorvlcos wore 'hold at
Smith Grove 'Methodist Church,of which the deceased had long
been n faithful mombei*, on Wcdrndsdny morning, Maych IStli, lit j
11 o'clock, with the' pastor, Rev. •
M. G. Ervln, aaslstod by Rev. R,'C. Goforth hnd Rev. A. G. .Loftlii, j
onicintlng. The pnllbenrcrs iwcro
grnhdsons: Duke Furches, James
Kimbrough, Mack Klmibrough,Con Kimbrouq'h.' Kimbrough
Shook, A. IC. Shockj Edwin D'tiko
Kimbroiigh,' and G. A. Sheek.
.. The members of the Masonic
fratornl^ acted as honorary pall
bearers. and the bonutlful floral
ofXerlngs wore carried by theladies of -the Eastern Star chap
ter. Wo extend oiiy deep sympathyto iho boroavod f-nmlly in * tholr
.John WInfleld. Richnrdson, 77
passqd nwoy at his home:in Clark-syilid township Friday, March 18,
he leaves his wife, Mrfl. Ccnith
Shaw ■ Richardson, three daught-'
ors, -Mrs. Gella Richardson, Mrs.
Minnie Richardson and Mrs. Sina
deary, .two •brothers, Tpin and
Joe Richardson,'all of this com
munity. . . ,'Funeral was held Saturdaymorning at ejeven o'clock, at
New Union church,, interment
topk place in the church grave
yard. ......
. Funeral was conducted by Rev.
AI'.'S. Bema'm
Miss ShaAV Virginia Ratledge.
helped with tha •flowers..; .
Rail bearers were :^J. P. Oaith-er, A..-F; Ireland, A. C.'Goforth,.L; H. Sloan, Gaither Wooten and:
John Reaves. . . ■
Bio - Obituaries - 3/19/1931 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 25, 1931
Mrs. J. T. Miller. .
Funeral - }»ervlce« were at
Bethleh^ MeH^odisr church Friday
forMis. J. T Miller 74, who passed
awBv early Thursday morntncr at her
residence near Redland. following an
illness of several months. Mrs. Miller
was a native nf Davie county and a
Miss Poster before her marriaKe
fifty years aeo to.J T Miller. The
husband and font children purwive
as follows; C. V. Miller Mocksville;
Mrs. S H ^ith and Mrs. John
Smith, of Smith Grove and Mrs. G.
Po'tta, of near Cooleemee. Twenty-
one (rrand children and one frreat
grandchild also survive.
Interment was in the church ceme
tery with her pastor, Her. M« 6.
Erwin officiatine', assisted by Hev.
A. Gi Loftin, of Mocksville.
Blanche Boger
Miss Blaocbe Boger, 25, died at
her borne near Union Chapel las:
Wedn^day. The funeral; services
were held at Unioo Chapel Satur
day morning at 10 o'clock by Rev.
G B Ferree, and the body laid to
rest in thechurcb graveyard. Miss
Boger is survived by ber mother.
Mrs. J. L. Boger, two brothersand
three sisters.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/25/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 26,1931
Miss Blanche'Bogor, aged 26*,■pass^^ away at the home of her
mothor, Mrs. James L. Boger noor
Union Gliapol on March". IDth-,Sho was the dought^r of the, lateJames.;L;; Boger and'Ida Clary"Boger, and is .sufvlved. by her.
mother,-, two." 'brothers ond^ th'reo
sisters.'The.fnneral service wereheld flit Unlon Chapel on Saturday
morning, March aist, at 11 n, m.,with Bcv. G. B. Ferree offlcint-.
ing.-' : I
Mrs. I. Jf \V^ooton, 74, died at
her h'om'e on Harmony Route 1,
near N.ew Union Church, on Tues
day morning, Mmrch 2dth, from
heart dropsy. The deceased was
the daughter of Elijah Gnithor
and Jane Corner Gaithor. She issurvived by her husband, two.
daughters, Mrs. W» C. Parks andMrs. D. S. Bock, three sons, J.
j.. P. R., and R. J. .Wooton, 21grnndcMldron, one sister, Mrs.
P. C. Baggeiiy, and one hrother,W. IT. .Giiither. '
Funeral sorvlcea were hold atOlarkabuvg Methodist church in
Iredell, on Wednesday mornihg-at/11 .o'clock, condufcted hy Rev. Miy
Oakley.. ■;' .
Bio - Obituaries - 3/26/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 1,1931
A. A. DWiggins
Aged Citizen Dead.
Sir. A. A. Dwig^nSt 78, died
suddenly from a heart attack last
Wednesday evening at 6 O'dock,
at the boine of bis son. J. C. Dwig
gins, ou North Main street. His
death was a shock to the entire
town and commouiiy. Surviving
Mr. Dwiggins is his son J. C.
Cwiggins. of this city; one dangh*
ter, Mrs. J. C. Godbv, of near
Center, and one brother, Jock
Dwiggins, of R. I Funeral, ser
vices were conducted at Center
Methodist church Thursday after
noon al 3:30 o'clot k by his pastor.
Rev. A G. Loftin. assisted by Rev.
R. C. Goforth. The body was laid
to rest in .Ceatei- gi^eyard. To
the bereaved ou^ The Record ex-
tends sympathy.
John H. Wbitaker Dead
Mr. John H. Whitaker, 69. died
at his home in Clark.sville township
l£L*it Tueitdav aight, following a
.short illness of pneumonia. The
body wa.s laid to rest in Bear Creek
graveyard Wednesday afternoon at
three o'clock. Rev. D. C. Clanton
conducting the funeral services.
Mr. Wbitaker is survived by. his
widow, three sons, two brothers
and one sister.
Mrs. 1. J. Wooten Dead
Mrs, I. J. Wooten died early
last Tnesdav morning at her hontp
in Calahain towi,sliip. aged 74
vears. She had. been ill for some
time. The funeral and hurlal .ser-
vlc^s were held at Clarksbury Me
thodist church, Tredell countv
Wednesday morning. Rev. Mr.
Oaklev. of Cool Springs, conduct
ing the services. Mrs. Wooten is
survived bv her husband, two sons
and three daughters. One .sister
and 91 grandebtldren alao survive.
Bio — Obituaries - 4/1/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 2,1931
Passed AwayHere^
iAi>nejr A;- bwlgglns/'h'Isfhly ;rei;
spocted. citizen lof Dovloj 'dlod: of'
hoart trouble :at thOvhomo' bf-.jhiav
son, J. O." Dw^^nai:
ville, /■ oil .Wcdhaaday .Mdfch .26i iiged ,78i Tho idocqnaed;.'
had-<:beon\ 'in iaUingv'Jiealth ..ioi* -i
sbnie. Umo'.bUt:,ii{8.idealh^WaBi;&':shock'to his Xamily. and .wida; pl?'!.:' iUe 6f: .friond|^. Hb; Was the' (fibiu:.Mr. jihd; Mrs.f^iUby QXwig^^
'aiid' made liis hoin<i=In'the Center Xcbrnmunlty; for.' ihany yeqrsi • 'HIs^'Wifp'i' Whdbe insideh ;nan&'r w.Mafia KUrfcea, died .abbut'.'i'al,< .5^niontbs' ago, and 'a bleter,' Mrsi^;;Chairles 9.baford;. paascd;awiiy. ;''this"-iflntor;'..'Ift Is.' suryiyed; ;by[con e son, J. OV 'DwIgglns of . .this v.place, one: daughter^ Mrs. C/.Godby,iofDaidb,"a humbefgrandehlldfen^-iand; biie; brdthef^^i:JaqkiDwi^ns;; :of; Cent«r.'-.Pu^^efid aeryicba.'^W®'®*" at ;toV Mofehodiflt'Church; oh; fThufsi';;day afternoonaC'\0 tSO,■ conducted :by the .pastor, pbv. A. . G. 'i^ftln; ;'and R.iC.^ofOT^. : ; ■ V ^■ The pallbebreria-. ■$yei:o:;. Siuh rtutteVow, C; .;.R: '• Bafhbyc.oatlq,-i..Bosb- Tuttorow/ C... li. Thompson,..Ti \W. Ihvlggllns: and Ployf. Tut.;
torowV. and' floral tributes wore' i
carried by • Mrs.. Hi S.'Walker,' -,
'Mlsijoa vTVey Nell Wa.tqrs,' ?Kftth'» •'erlno'jCrbst, hnd Mildred Thqmp-,:
son;; Wo -.extbiid -.puii^' deep, sym-;p'athy,'. to, .the. .bor'eayc'd fblatiyofl.. \'-
John H. Whitnkcr, woll-knpwn
Dtiyjo county citizen, died 'at bishome in Glnrkaviilo-.tbivhshin oh
}^!![nrch 24th, at the ago. of 07.The surviving ^TOily conSlatH of.
his. wife, Jthreo abha and two bro-.th.ors. The fuhural took place at'
Bony. Creek Baptist- church ■ on
Wednesday ftttorn.oon at 8 o'clock
with .the !pastbr,''''Rov. Olnn-.ton, qflifcinllng; W. N. •Bowles, T,
,F.' Bay, H. L. Snider, D.-P. Hnr-wood; A. Y. Davis and II. J. UpW-man nptod as paBliearora and'the
flbwert were carried by Mrs. M.Ki Lhnqnsitof; MIss'Mnrni'e iDyspn,^dlBB '^olet •Dannor.-. .hh(i Bphei-t"WhTth'kor, " '
Rachel Wooten
iMffi, Bachol' Webtoh,. hffed 77
years passed a-wsy at. the :0]d
hottio place lasi; Wedneadny, mom■ing, .March 26.. She la Unrvived' by
the. following children t Mrs.Brndie Parks," .Mrs,; Mary.V Beck
Jmhes, Galther and- Pearlo Wooten' and an "aged husband: A good
woman has .been colled^froih pur.
midst. ■ •''
Bio — Obituaries - 4/2/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 8,1931
William C. Denny
Aged Veteran Passes.
Ml. William C. Deany, S4. died
at his borne lUSt north of Mocks*
ville, Friday morning shortly be
fore eight o'clock, following a long
illness. Mr. Denny was a native of
Stokes county, but came to Davie
when a youug' man and located
here. He enlisted in the Confede
rate Army and was a brave and
f iarles.s soldier. Mr. Denny was a
member ot the Mocksville Metho
dist chnrch and one of ihe oldest
members of the Masonic lodge here.
Surviving Mr. Denny fsonedangb
ter, 3Irs. OlUe Stockton, of this
city, and two grand children. Wil
liam Stockton, of Red Springs, and
Mrs. George Byrd-, of Chicago
Fnneral services were coudncied
at the home Sunday afternoon by
his pastor. Rev. R. C. Goforth.
and the body laid to rest in Rose
cemetery by the side of bis wife
who preceded bjm to the grave a
bout two years ago The body was
laid to rest with Masonic honors.
In the death of Mr Denny the
town and community loses one of
its best known and oldest citizens.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/8/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 9,1931
"William C. • Denny, one of
Mocksville's oldest and • most
iiiKhly. esteemed- citizens, died nt
his liobe here' oh Friday mom-
iiiKi April 8rd, after a long -ill
ness, in his 8'ltb year. Thc'decens-
crt was the son of Edwin Denny
niid Frances Hix ."Denny, and was
born in Surry County near .Pilot
Blountain-, on August 12th, 1847.
When/a boy of seventeen ho pn?
listed in the Confederate Ariny,
joining a Kentucky regiment m
order to be -with o relative, and
serving under' the command' of
the. famous General Morgan In
1874 Mr. Dhnny was married I o
Miss Maggie Wilson . of -Davlo
County* and their-happy union
lusted for fifty-four years, her
donth oceurring in 1928. Mr. ohd
Mrs. l5cnny)';-resid6d near Pilot
Mountain^ untip 1877, -\yhen they
crtsne.lo Mpcksyitie to rhake their
homo. Mi:. Denny""(Wttfl a. faithful
mn'nber of'.thfcf. Methodist Church,
and on . hctlvaL'hlnson, being., an
otithusIaatld''8uppdrtor.of the an-.
r"nl Masonic'picnic .for ' "m.-inv.
.•inrs. His ihtegrlty and.-nonesty
• '>n him the -hifh rrgnrd of 'aU'
v'.o ••new hi'M and In his donth
. or • loses one of Its
heat citizens. He is survived by
one ci ...cer, Mrs. 'Ollie Stock,
ton, who lived with . him, two
grandchildren, William D. Stock*
ton, of Red Springs, hnd Mrs.
George Byrd, of Chicago, and oho
' grcnt-grnndchlld, Jlmmlo Byrd.
Thb funoral services were held
nt the homo uu Sunday.nftonioon,
April 5th, nt two o'clock, with
Rev. I^. iC. Goforth ofllciniing. .
A hirgo cohcoiirso . of > relatives
I niul friends, .many'from a dlst-
nncQ, attondoA the last-ritea. Tho
interment took pinco with Mas
onic honors at iho Ro.HOsGonio-
.tory. . ^ '
- P.ailboai:'erBr;Wttre' Ji- P. • Hones,.
V.^ E. Swaimi Z. -N, Andaraon; M, •
'slon of flowers,- nhd -tho flowbrV
ben rors n word' Mdadnmoa .M. " B..
.jfatbhcstroct,' Grady Ward, ,T. "L.
Kiirfcos, J. Frank Clomcnt, E.
Cnrr.,Chonto, Z. N. Anderson, R.
P. Anderson. .7. L. Ward, P. G.
Brqwn, Tf. C.. Moronoy," Marvin
WnUir.H, E. P. Fostor, S. A. TTnvil-
inv. V. K. ^fJwalm, C. tf, Ciirlq- "
linn, R. P. Edwards, J. P. Mnw-
Hns. Mi.sscs Ruth Bqoo and Wll- i
lie Miller. - "
Thoso oiit-of-town coming for
the Funeral were; -Mrs, George*
iJyrd and son, of Chicago; Wil-
llain U. Stdckton, of Red Springs;
Mr. and Mrs. P.' E. Stocktoili" Mr.
niid Mrs. Jack iHuntei*;' Mr., and :
Mrs. R. P. Edwardsj' Mr. and.
3ii"8. Jake Denny, ' Mr. Lester ,
Benny, Mrs, Percy Groomo, nil j
of Greensboro; Mr. apd Mrs. T. '
S. Bands, of Lexington; Mr. and
Birs. G. E. Huht, of Char-lotto; I
Mrs. J. II. Mclver, Miss Willie
Stockton,. Mrs,- Dliver .Turneiv.Mr/
and Mva. Itnrvoy -Hughes, , Mlas..
Helen Hughoq,. -Mra'. jahips. Mur-1
phy, Mrs. .Lone Gregory, Mrs.
John Inman, Mr. and Mw. 0. J. I
jBonny,,- Misses Mhrgoret and |
Mary Denny, Mesars'.- Oscar -Hut-
flhins. Paul. HuTChins, and . Will.,
Garwood, all-of' Wlnston.SalBm,
Mr. r,n,i"..MrH. 'J. G. Hhhes,.. of '•
Aahevlllo, Mies Margaret -.-Pend-1
mon, of Granite Pa|ls, Mr. and |
Mrs. W. T. Wilson,-Messrs. pill
and Paul" Deadmon, of Salisbury, j
Mrs. -Mary Simms Jones, widow,
of Joseph Joheh,<died at the home
of her daughf<lr;.Mra. R. ;E, 'Bharp
near Harmdny;; ph Sunday morn
ing, April/ Bth,vage^ 86. She. is
survived by three daugHtcrs, Mrs,
S. B. Hurscy, '.of Wnlla Wnila,
Wash.; Mra..W. D, Campbell;'of
Toiichet) IWhsh".; "•Mrs. .R., E, iTharp
of Harmony}""two sons, .R.- n A/
Jones, , of. 0. Q, Jones,
of. Ashe Gbun^yj- aixteoh grand*^
children qhdv^^ [grcliit-grnndchll-
dren. The fiin'eral services were
heljfl at • Pleadaht' "View . Boipibi.t.
Church, i In ..-Ifodoll,on" Monday'
Afternpon-'ft'l-^tHfed n o^clocl{,'.-.;-by
Rev. 'Le'sferj.Yotlnger and':Roy.i,-]B
IL" VehthJ. -'Tthe'opallbearors .iwefe'
Diiin; Thara-j- Piikd TH-arp,/ S. J.
.•iphqrp, X;2iraVl. Rdy" Gnrt-i.
nor • ahd Ipillhrd' .Cox^ Th'e/'fjowefs
woiio.-. cowi'ed'. »by-:Misses'.■: Grhce'phmpbell, --LouIbo 'Cartnof, Ia)!^Gartner,. Lbriaine .Gartner, R.-i*"-,8lo.:Mhy Tharp and Mra. Ditlard
.Cox',- .
Mrs. Sarah Barnes Morgan,wife of J. M. Morgan, dicd nt/Uer
homo near Barbors, Rowan county, on Tuesday morning, April
7th, aged 42. She is survived byher husband, throb doughters,
Mrs. Non'h Olinc, MIsbcb Paulino
and Dorothy Morgan, five sons.
Harold. Lurry, Harden, Billlo
and Charles 'Edward Morgan; hermother, Mrs". .W, T. Bnrnos,' of.
Dnvidspn county,, two sisters,Miss Easlo" Barries,- of ^Sqll.sb'ury,
'rfie "funeral hour Has iiiot •been'
sot' but will be .hold at.Ldbnnbn
Luthorn Church at Rarboiu with
tho .pastor. Rev." C. F. Kylds, of-'
Bio - Obituaries - 4/9/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Felix Miller b.l2 Oct 1824(^29 May 1864/Gordonville VA CSA
m. 30 Jim 1844 '
Elizabeth 'Bet^' TEMPLE/CRAVER Lanier b. 14 Mar 1826 Davidson Co NO
d.03 Feb 1925 Davidson Co NC
Residence: Yadkin College Township Davidson County NC
Bur: Felix: GordonviUe VA; Elizabeth: Friendship Meth Ch Cem;
Felix's parents:
Nicholas Miller
Elizabeth LTVENGOOD Miller
Elizabeth's parents:
Felix & Elizabeth's ch: nine
JjO-j yd
Levi Franklin MQUer b. 10 Nov 1845/^06 Jan 190^
m. 1867 ^
Phoebe Elizabeth WILSON b.Ol Jul 1850^6Oi^l920]!)
Res: Friendship Church Community Davidson CoO^TnC
Bur: Friendship Meth Ch Cem
2. ^
Crissy Jane Miller b.28 Dec 1848^4 Mar 193^
m. 18 Jan 1877 (6 ch)
David King Cecil b.20 Feb 1851 d.l2 Jan 1923
Res: Lex. NC
Bur: Lex. City Cem
Isaiah 'Boat' Millerb.20 Jan 1850(^1 Npyl^S^
m. 16 Mar 1880 ^
Eliza Jane JAMES b.25 Dec 18481^28 Dec 1910^
Res: Hwy 150 Reedy Creek Comiminity Davidson County NC
Bur: Friendship Melh Ch Cem
Sarah Ann Miller b.22 May 1 SSSLdSilui 18!^
m. 23 Jul 1874 Davidson Co NC Yadkin College Tovmship (nine ch)
David Washington Shuler b.28 Aug 1850^.17 Jan 1^
Res: Davidson Co NC; Davie Co NC;
Bur: Concord Meth Ch Cem Davie Co NC
Ellen Frances Miller b.20 Oct 1855(^10 Apr 1931^
m. 18 Nov 1879 Davidson Co NC
James Rankin Caudle b.22 Jan 1858(^07 May 1930^
Res: Greensboro NC —
Bun Greenhill Cem Greensboro NC
6. ..
DeKlah Miller b,1858(d03May 1891-
Bur ^
Osvie County Pul:'i^ l89-:j
M. Bailey Dies
At Sister's Home
Davie Man Passed Sunday
NigUt Near Fork CUnrcIi,.
Davie Couuty
Colemon M. Bailey, 63, pMSed
away last night at 9^
the homo of his amter, Mrs. J. N.
Wyatt, near Fork church. Davjo
county. He auatained a. stroke ofnaralysia about two monto ago Md
for the past three days he hod beenconfined to his bed in a critical
condition and death was not uncx-
^ Ho was bom in Davie coimty,
July 28, 0807. a son of Ibe late S^-
forU aAd. Emily Foster Bailey. Hespent Uie past few yaar^ ^
south and west where he was w-
tive In business^ For the past J^o
years ho had made his home wi^
his sister and was well known in
that community. . ' _ _
Surviving aro one sister,, airs. J.
N. Wyatt and several meces and
nephews. No arrangements had been
made for the funeral late last night.
After ah lllnoas of two months,
Coleman M. BaUey, 69, passed away
Sunday night at the homo of his
8lseer» Mrs. J. N. Wyatt. near Fork
Cbureli, Dovlo county. Ho suffored
a atroko of paralysis recently and
for the past three days bad been In
a critical condition. i
mV- Bailey wim bom m Davio
county. July 28, 18(57, and for sev
eral years was in business In the
South and West. He had resided
with his slater the past two years.
Survivors include the slater and
several nieces and nephews.
Funeral will be held at Forl: Bap
tist Church Tuesday afternoon. .at
3 o'clock, by Rev. B. B. Turner.
Burial will bo la the church gravo-
Bio - Obituaries - 4/13/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 15,1931
f C. M. Bailey.
/After an illnefis of.t«o roontbs. Cole*
inan BaUey. .o9« passed away Soadt y
nigbt ibe batne of bia $ieiert Mis. d. N'
WyaUt near Fork Cbatclu He suffered a
stroko of paralysis recently and for the
pist thne days bad been in a ctiiical coo-
d iioo. Mr. Bailey was birn in Davie
eounty.' July 28, 1887. and fa.* teveni}
y *818 was Id byilaess in the South iBd
Vest. Survivors include the sister at d
several nelces and nephews.
Faoisral services were held Toesdi y
afternoon at 3 o'deck at Pcik Baptist
cborcb. Rev. E. E; Ttinier conducted the
services. Burial followed In the church
Wilson Hoots.
/Henry W. Hoots diW Tbarsday
looming, 1:30 o'clock at the houie
his son. Winston Saieni, follow
fing^an illness o^ several weeks. A
brief service was held at the re
sidence Friday afternoon at i
o'ciccic, after wltich the body was
brought to the MccksvDle Baptist
church, ytbsie the funeral was held
at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev.
Ma. NaS. . Burial was in Jappa
Cemetery. He was a member of
the Junior Order at Mocksvllle.
Surviving are the wife, who was
Miss Mary At wood before marriage
two sons, W. H. Hoots, of Davie
county, and H. A ot Winston Sa-
lem; three sisters. Mrs. Bcttie
Grass' and Martha Wishou, of
Yadkin county. Mrs. Louisa Harp,
Davie county.
Mr. Hoot.s was a resident of
Mocksville for several years before
oK^ng to the Twin-City.
uneral Mr. Tucker.
Daniel S. Tucker, 34, of Wios^
ton-Salein, was fatally injured in
ah automobile wreck near that city
last Tuesday afieruooo. Mr. Tuck
er was a native of Davie couoty, a
^n of Mrs. Geo. T. Tucker, of
(Pulton, but had moved to Forsytb
c">011 ty several veara ago, where he
was engaged in bu-siness. Mr.
Tucker bad many friends iu Davie
who were saddened by the news of
his death.
The body of Mr. Turcker was
brought to Eloavltle .M. P. church,
near Advance Tliursday aud laid
to lest.
Mrs. W. R. Ketchie
. ' Mts. W. R. Ketcbie. 8eed'-84. died at h^r
home near Statesvilte. Friday merminp
foUowingan lUness of sothe timr. The
fuaernal services were hi Id at St. Paul's
Lutheran church, Iredell county, Sunday
afccmoon, conducted by Rev. W. ff. Kep-
ley. P. D. Riseager and P, R Ro}Ie. Sui-
viving Mrs. Ketchie Is two sisters, Mrs R.
L. Btawley, of Statesville, R 1. and. Mtr.
A. W.Cook, of near Amity, and a number
of nmces and nephews. Mrs. Ketchie
1 ved in Caiabaln township for a half a
c intory and was the widow of the late
•ev. W. R. Ketcbie. tiell-koown Lutheran
oreacber and of Ketchie's* Miti at Kappa.
Mr, and Mis Flake Campbell. Mr. and
Mrs. Premico Campbell and Mrs. R. L.
Sofley, of this diy, attended the funeral
services Sondav.
L. M. Poofe Passes.
Mr. L. M, Poole, aged 62, died
at his home on R. x shortly after
one o'clock Friday afterooou fol
lowing an extended illness. Sur
viving is his widow, twosons Duke
and CHnton, of this county, and)
three danghteis. alTmarried. Two'
brothers, one sister and 21 grand-1
children also survive. Funeral ser-1
vices were conducted by bis pastor.
Rev. Thetns Pritchard, at Jericho i
Christian church Saturday after-1
noon at 2:30 o'clock, and the body!
was carried to Center graveyard {
and laid to rest. Mr. Poole was a]
good citizen and will be missed in |
the community in which he lived. !
Bio - Obituaries - 4/15/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 16,1931
WIDOW, OP nisv. W. R.
Mra. Selinn J, Hoover Kotciije,
widow of Rdv. W. R. Kotchio, died
ot hor home In Irodell countyon
Soturday, April nth, after an
iilnesB of heart troirble, from
which she -^had suffered" for aev-
, ernl yeara, niad-fid. Her huaband
.jw^o-died ft"num'bdr ofiyeora-'bgo,
f rdrab foi^ many years the highly
1 OBtcomed poBtor- ofSt; MoltliWs
Ij'LUthorah'OhUrchi.aiia ''both <ho
I and hia wife are remembered,-by
- the older rosidenta df- Dayie.
r Mra. Kotdhie was a cohaecrdi^^
' Chrfstlan, .and waa greatly belov-
- .ed by. all (wb'o knew her, 'being ^
t called "Aunt.Lono'! by-many who
.' were not any' rolation to her.;Af- j.
r ter the death of her huabahd she
returned -to •her native •county-of n
*Tredell,.and llyed"with a sister,'
Mrs. R.' h, Brawley,- In pight df
her old -home. She Is survived by
two alatora, Mra. R. L. Brawley,
^ ^of'Statbsvllle«-'Route >1, and'Mrs.
. I A. W. Cook, of iAmiW, and three '
; I fltcp-childreh, 'Mr. n W. Pr Ketchie,
[ I of 'Davie, Mrs. Fannlo Daniel, o''
,YSali&'bury, and Mra, H. E. H. Sloop
• of Virginia, ,
Punoral servicog were hold at
St. Paul's Lutheran Ohurch In.
Irodoll, on .Sunday afternoon at
two. o'clock,.with Uov. W- H. Kop-
loy .olhcintlng, assisted by Rev.
P. D. RIacngar and Rev.'P. R.
Rail. Thoao nttonding tho ftincrn]
from this coipmunlty -were Mr.
and'Mi's. 'W. P. Ketchie and son,
j^e;'KdtchIo,.M^^^^ Mrs. A. P
arid Mrs. Josse McDanlbl hnd Uc.'
tlo dnughtoVp Maplonnn,
Lueco Mnrahall Poolc,. well-
known farmer of Davlo county,
died at his home on Mocksvllls
Route 1, Oft April lOth, aged-62.
Tho funernl whe held nt Jericho
Christian Church on Saturday
afternoon at 2j80, and .the biiriul
took place at Center. The services
were in charge of Rev. Thetus
Prltchnrd. The surviving- family
consists of tho widow, Mrs. Lyddy
Dwlgglns Pools, two sons. Clifton
and Duke Poole. of Dpvis, throe
daughictdi Mira* 13dfi^&r foator^
Mrs. Sidney Sho.af and Mrs. D. K.
Miller, all of.'Loxin^omand twon-
ty-ohe grandchildren. "The pall^
.bearers were: C<-C.-Pbole, Sj X,
Shoaf, ,iD, K. Mjller, iEdgaf .pos
ter, and Odoll Miller, and the
flowers were, carried by -Misses'
Ethel Miller, Clara Poole, Kath-
orlno, .'-Hblen, Margaret Poole,
•Annie Shoaf, Ruby Bowles,-Grady!
Poole, .Mrs,". -Frank •• Stohdsttbut,
Mrs. Alex Wyatt,'Mrs. J.-B. Wil- S
son, ' •. . n • ..I - .
I Honry Wilson Hoots, formo^
citizen of Mocksville, who died
on April 9th, at the home of his
son, H. A. Hoots, in Winston-Sal-
cm, was -buried at Joppn Ccmq-
tery on FrIdaV afternoon, with
the Jr. 0. U. A. M., of Mocksvllle,
in charge of the services. The de
ceased was -born in Xadkih count?
on February 11th, 1871. He Is aur-
; vived by the widow, two sons,. W.
jlL -Hoots, of -Davie county;, ond
H. |A. Hoots of Winston-Salom,.
I aiid three slaters,' Mrs. Betty
; Gross and Mra. Martha Wish'on,
oli^adkin county,, and Mrs. Loui
sa •Harp, of Davlo. iPunoral • aer-
vices were held- at the Mocksvlllo
Baptlst-'Church >on'i!Ekiday •aftev-
no.On 'at 2:80 with'RovvS-./Lv-Naff
' ofnelstlhg '^and Hho • interment'fol-
i lowed at Joppa.*!' • = ' • •
Colemiin M. Bailey, 03, died on
Sunday night, April, 12th, nt tho.
home of his sister, Mrs. J. ! N.
Wyatt, near Fork Church, as tho
' result of a stroko of paralysis
that he had two.months.ago..The
deceased was the son. of Sanford
'Bailoy arid Emily .Poster Bailey^
and was born and roared in pqvle.
county, whero .he, was well known. .
He trav.eled widely und ;BpQrit d .
numbqr Ofybarsjln the South and
West. 'The. funeral 'Was hold bn',.
Tuesday nfternOon'rat 8" o?clock,'.v
at .Fork'B&ptlflt lOhur.chi'rwlth ..^he '
/pastor, Rov. B. !"W. .'.Turner, . in '
bharge. 'NOphews acted as, pnll-
•boarors. One stetor,- Mrs. J. "N.
Wyatt,. BUrylyeB.j » ' '
Bio - Obituaries - 4/16/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 22,1931
J. K!. Meggs Dead.
J. jr. Meg:gs, who bad been coQ'
necled with the City Pressing Club
in MocksviUe for the past several
moiUbs. died in a Greensboro hos
pital last Thursday afternoon,
death resulting from the effects of
poisouoiis qIcoIioI, said to have been
drunk Wednesday afternoon. The
body was carried to Pilot Moimtain
whera Mr. Meggs' family resided,
and lai^ to rest Sattirday. Mr Meggs
is survived by his widow and seven
children. He was 45 years of age.
Mr. Meggs had been working in
MocksviUe since last fall until Eas
ter Saturday night, when be wect
with a party to the Easter servicis
at Winston Snleni. Instead of re-j
turning here he went to Greeosbo.o
where he secured a position with
the Koonlz Dry Cleaning Co. He
was a good worker and had many
friends here who were saddened by
the news of his death.
Maria Miller
M*a. Msda ii{<r, 76. cied At her borne
In Futk April The (uiierat.Wiisheiy-
at Fulton M*. F. Church April 14ih by be^
pastor, Rev. .Mr. R»trib>irn. and th& body
(aid to rest bcnt^nth a-mound of lovely
Cowers. Vt'. M'llisr Is su vived by 'two
sons. Edwatd Miiler, of Winston Sa'em,
and Uoyd.T. Miller, of Advonce.'R. 2;
(lirea dau£biers. Mry. Edward He^e. of
Lexlnjttop, K. 4; Mrs I''''*"' R. 2,
and Mrs. Marvin CHsfSo, of Woodleaf.
Twenty-une Kraiidtiliiidt^n „ piiie great'
ithindchlidterr; one broUierJ William .Jones,
and one si tar, Mr^ Martha Leon: rd both
of Djvtdson. ulso;&urvlve.- -
Bio - Obituaries - 4/22/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Apf"// Jj-i!
een tec^yea liere tell--
jdeath\of:"Mi:^ Lama
*iier ibbme53n\Jwsej
»CanipKeU> with hef pareritsrmofveja
to Illinois from, near Jericho, this
'coaW^hbut £54^-
thelfamiiy there l^hbw;.b^^^ one lett
arietta, CarnpHell, who is
nearly''85 years of age.-, v
f - iv. ^?3 i
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 23,1931
Misa Nettie E. Gough died at
the homo of her nephew, J.. E..
Gough, near Farmlngton, oh HonV
day morning, -^rll 20th, agedl
62. The deceased wag, the daughkj
ter of James Cough and Harrle^f:
Burchett Goi}gh, ahd was a native-!
of Yadttln County. She Ig survive;
ed by ono>ibrothor, John .Goughiij
of 'East Bend, and, two slgtpra/.;'
Mrs. W. T. Henning and Mrsi' Jij'D. .Elynnrboth of Yadkih.Coun^
ty. :• Funeral igbrvlces wore ..cpnij
Quoted at Stony; Knoll- Baptis.t':
Church in Yadkln,. on Tuesdayj
inomlng at. ten. o'clock,. by thp')
pastor, Bev.. C. Bi Way, asslstem!
by. Rev. R. E. Adams, of Eastil
Bond.. . .
Pallbearers were, Jim Plynn,'.'
Pred Gough, Lawis Flynn, Tohi'i
Plynn, Thad Gough- and Will|
McBride. The flowers were oar-'
ried by Misses Elizabeth' Wea-t,
ver, Mary Sears, Mottle - Lee;
Bougues, Alta Reid, Louise Spill'*'*
man. Elite Ridings, and Bertha*Plynii. , ^1'
!' The community was shocked ;to
learn of the sad death, ofVJ. hi,•
'Moggs,' cltlzoh| of this plucOf who;
died at St.' Loo's , n hospital lii
Greensboro 'bn Aprl] VliGth, as the
result, if is thoughtj^ of drinking
; poisonous aloohoL' MiV'Moggs 'was""
d5. years old, and yliypd • hero in
'I'cccnt yca,r8,'being" pirbprlotor 'q^
the City .Dry Cleaners iestabUah-
raont. Ho had a number of.frlen'dsv
in . this place who dee|)Iy''i'bgrct
his untimely end. Hs/ia survlvpd'.
by his wlfo, Mrs; yJenrild'*- Lcos.'
'Meggs, of Pilot "Mounthin, i two',,
sons, five daughters, one brother •
ond four sistbrs. 'Thp.' fii);ie,ral :
took place In Loxlngtbn..from' the*
Reformed; Church on A'prll.lSth;
and the burial .was ln.'»-tlib'-■■city.-cembtery,"
Mrs. Mariah MURr, wife of the
late William. Miller .peacefullyfell osleop Monday morning Aprilasth, in her-67th year, after along illncafl. She will" be greatlymissed in our' commuhity..-She
was a kind and sympathetic- neighbor, a devoted mother, al-Avays ready to help 'those abouther; She was a lovely Christian
character and a Rfo! long .mpin-
^bef of the'MethodiBb Church to
Rnow her was to love her. Fun-
eraf sorvicb being- conducted thefoliowing day At J'uRon Metho-•dist Church liy her pastor; Rev.
W. H; RatHburn assisted by Rev;E. W. Turner, and. was laid to
'Test beside her husband under a
.mbuhd of flowers.'She is survived by 2 sons^ Edwin Wilier; of"WlhstonJSalem and Loyd Miller,of Pork, throe dnughterb," Mrs.
.Maude Chnflln, of -Woodloaf, Mrs.
Ethel Hege, of Reedy Creek and
."Mrs. -Fannle Parks, of Fork" and alarge nuirtber'of-grand chiidfeii.,We extend sympathy to the,loved j
•ones. . ; ' »
Bio - Obituaries - 4/23/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 29,1931
John C. Graves
^onf^rate Veteran
Mr Jobo C Graves, 90, Confe
derate Veteran, died last Tnesday
night at tbe home of his daughter.
Mrs. S E Pennington. near Bnrke-
ville, Va., death resnlting fram
heart trouble. The bodv was
brought to Mocksvitle and laid to
rest in rbe family burial ground,
near Cana, Thnnsdnv, funeral ser
vices being cond ncted by Rev. J
N. Groce. Mr Graves is surviv^
by one daiigbter. Mrs S E Pen-
tlington BiiTkeville, Va., and two
son.", DeWltt, oC Clark.wille town
shin and Charlie, fojmerlv of this
county. Mr. Graves was a native
of Davie county and spent ptacti-
pallv all hU life here. He went to
Virginia snmetiine ago to make bis
home with ht.s daughier. One hv
one the men wito wore the grev
are I eing called to their eternal re
ward." Only a scattered few are
left to mingle with the friend.s and
loved ones on thi.s side * Soon tap.s
will .sonnd for the la.st of these
brave fellows, who. .seventy years
ago, shonldced their guns and left
their loved ones behind to fight for
a cause which Ihey thonght to be
right. . • .. y
E E l^gle Passes.
Mr H. H. La^Ie. 75. at the
hotne of his daughter, Mrs. W. T.
Spry, near Turrentime, Friday.
eveniaK at 6 o'clock, following a
five months illness, Tbe funeral
fieivices were conducted at Turren-
tiijie Baptist church Sunday mom
igg at It o'clock by bispa.sior, Rev.
J. 'L Kirk, awtsied by Rev. A. G.
Xoftin. The body was tard to rest
in 'the church graveyaid. M',
Lagte is survived by two children,
fMre. W. T. Spry and Mr. R. H.
l,agle. Three brothers, A. J.,
Iticba'rd and Charles, all of Davie,
'a!^ survive. «Mr. Lagle moved to
Bavie county from Davidson about
fifty years' ago. ' He was .well
known throughout thb county and
was one of Davie's best citizens.
Be .will be sadly missed in his com
muoicy. In his death the editor
of. Tbe Record loses a personal
friend of many years standing.
To the bereaved ones we extend
deep sympathy
Bio - Obituaries - 4/29/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 30,1931
It was a groot ahock • to' the
^ny friends of Mri J,- M. Megga,
Jlocksvllle,.when they learned
at he had come to hla death in
censboro, i^rij '15th,/;"from
[inking poison alcohol.
'">»• the past 12 months Mr.
^ff^ hns been hi the Dry CI^.
f btisinoBS In . Moclcsvlllo.' and
in the homo-of Mr, -T. L
ludeli. V . /
|M£>.Megg{^Be'>dedleated himself,
the Lord last suminer during
i Mott Heviyal and ' alflliated
naolf with .the .EyangeliBlic
ttu. He belonged ;to team mum-
r one, under. ; Cdptain'' T,/ I.
ndeii. During, his itey in Mock-
"lo he often, apoko of his ap-
scmtion of*. n ihe.- brotherhood
°wn him In tho : Eyanffoliatic-
'lb, . /. • ' ^ •
IVlilio in Mocksyillo Mr." Megga.
'no many warm friends" By his
{•istinn attitude, *
It 1» the bpiiof of Xis.-filendB
P that had he rdmnined in
potevlilo among his real friends
S iindor the Chrlstlani'O.nyirpn-
nt and influence ho had booh
ilny ' Btill lio
Jio Evangelistic' club will miss
. iMai'vjn Ireland, aged. .47,. died
at the'homo of his paveh^ ,in n
Clarksville . township,, oh April I
26th, his death resulting <- from
pellagra, The deceased was the'
son of William-, and jEilziub'eth
Long Ireland, and .Ts survived by.
his parents, five brothers,- Charles
Virgil, Robert, John and Jay Ire-.
land, ah of the same coramonlty,.
and.^iwo slaters, -. Mrs. ..Rnchel.-
Brown; and -Mrs, Marshall-Groco, ;.
of Yadkin county. The funeral ,
was held at tho home on Sund,iy.
afternoon" at threa.o'clook, with
Mr. T. I; Cniicloll bifloiatlrig, and
tho interment took place at Sandy
SpringH cemetery. The pnlibern'ora.
wore Coram.i, ;Rgavlfl,, Mafshall
Dooo. T. A.' Baityi StolcoM'.Hrtrkoy,".
Ben Amdorson and. Howard Booe(;:
The fibwer-gl.rl»3vuro MlHS^
gl hia- Gi'bco,Hiiikh {|roce,. •: Pearl;^
Funeral services wore held at
the Coolccmee Baptist church
•Monday afternoon for Stacy Spry,
32, ,'well Known - and • 'popular
young man of " Cooleomee "who
died suddenly Satui^dny night a
few' minutes aftoy being placed
in a StatoavJlle liospitaj ' wlih-
moningitia. Mr. Spry was a nativ^
of- the county and* spent prnctic-
^al,ly all his life in Coolccmeb and.
n tho Turrentine aoction of the
countyl Ho iVas married, in 1028
n to a Miss Taylor, daughter .of j^*" •
- and Mrs, Roy Taylor. The.widow-,
and .ty^o small daughters aurvivo;
Otheii- rolntives are j Father apd
mother, Mr. and Mrs.^ J., Frank
.Sniyi two brothersr.GranvlUe and.
Griid'y" Spty," ;and one ..sister, Mrs,
Lawrohee McGullOh, all of Cool-
eemee. ; . .. ..
He" united .with the Methodist
chhrch -m^hen g. young man, .-was'
ii member of the order of.Redmon.
nhd'-was.b.uried with full Redman .<
honors. Rey .A,..T. Stoudenmirb. <
pastor of the Cqdiecmoe Baptist
church was - the- plHciating 'minis
ter, Tho many beautiful floral tri
butes form admiring friends and
acquaintances'.bore .much tcsti-
raony: of the love..>the.community
hel^-'for .this splendid young e
nian'who was'taken, in the. prime t
of lifC; Interment was ip; the .1
Turrentine Baptist church^ ceme- jv
tory; " : " <" iC
William Todd
MRS.:HOI/r«OUSER^S ; • i
Relatives. here received*, -wbrdi
of ..the death-"on - Monday mdrnliia^
of Mh Wljllara ,yodd<of i.; ChANi
.lotto. Mr. Todd... iwas .tho '-brbtliof=
of Mrs. M, j. Ilblthpuaeiv'whd.hna*''
'been, .at h.l9{-bodside' fP^; the': past*
eral of. tholi; ^.p-nclc,: Wb" extbitd -
our .deep, symp.athy. to.Mrs.'.Hbll---
houser in her-beroavoihent/r","<..
Bio - Obituaries - 4/30/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 6,1931
Stacy Spry Bnri^
Fitnerni servicts were held at
the CnoUemee B.ipti»tchtirch Mon-
d ly afternoon for Stacv Spry. 52.
well known and popu'ar youii);
man of this place who died sudden*
Iv Satnrdav night a few mlnntes
afier being placed in a Staiehville
hospital with meiiingius, Mr.
Spry was a native of the county
and spent practically all his life in
Cooleemee and the Turrentine sec
tion of the conn y
He was married In 1923 to a Miss
Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Taylor. The widow and two
small daughters survive.
Mrs. Robert CrotU Dead
The funeral of Mrs. Robert
Crotis, 78. who passed away at her
home near Augusta, Wednesday
morning, was held at Concord
Methodist church Friday morning
at 10 o'clock. Rev. A. G. Lottin
and T. 1. Cattdeii> conducted the
services. Burial followed in the
church graveyard.
Surviving are the husband; four
sons, f. E , C. H., J. W. and D.
S. Crotts, all of. Davie county, and
four-dattghters, Miss^Maggie Crotts
of Augusta; Mrs. B. It. Miller, of
Witiston-6alem: Mrs W; T. Sech-
rest, of Ctmleemee, and Mrs. J. T.
Beck, of Advance.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/6/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Jley. Henry H. Jordanj belov^
iniiniiitor of the Western North
GaroHna Methodist Conference
ifoi' over forty yeora^ passed
away at Duke Hospital, Durham,
, where ho had -been a patient fojp
several .months, on Saturday"
evonlngr, 'May 2nd, aged 08. The
deceased was pastor of the Meth
odic Ghlirch here about thirty*-
ycut's ago, and it was during his
pastorate that the present pnr-
Bonage wns built. Ho wna'hcid in-
, highest esteem wherever ho was
j known, and was recognized not
only for his' piety but also for
' his bufllncsa ability. Ho aorved. a
number of churches during, hia
I long ministry, among them being
! Morgnnton, Marlon,. Gastonin,
Monroe, Hickory and Salisbury,
He had recently been- suporm-
'niiutod from the Conference'6w-
i:,; Funeral aorvlcoa 'Wo hold
tiicro on Monday nftorhoon, wjt])
Dr. C. C. Weaver, of Wlnston-
I Snlom)- Roy. H. C. Sprinkle, of
Salisbury." and Rcy. W. L. Shor-
rin, of Charlotte, ofilclnting. Ho
ifl.aurvvcd by hia widow, who
wa.a formerly Miss n Sollara," of
j Burlington, and sovcral aona and
dauffhtcr.a, can being Mrs. Henry
.Sprinkle, of Nashville, Tcnnr
Mra. Sophia Shiiler.Crotta, wife
of Robert Crottai of the Augusta
communlity, died at hcv • home"
on Thursday morning, April aoth,
aged 78. Sho was tho daughter of 1
Nicholas Shulor, and la surviv
ed by her husband, five sons, J.
E., C. L., 0. H., J. W. and D.;
P. CrQtta of th^ same- vicinity,'
four daughters, MIbs Maggie
Crotts, Mrs. B. L. Mi!lor, or
Winston-Salom.- Mrs. -T, -W. So-
crest, of Coolqemee, Mrs. J. 'P.,
Beck, of Advance, and one broth- j
or, D. W. Shulor, " t' I
The funeral services were held
at Concord Methodist Church, of •
which tho deceased. hq(}r .long
been'a njombcr, bn FWday morn
ing at 10 o'clock, with the, pastor,
Rev. A. G. Loftin, ofllcinling, ns-
slutod by T, I. Caudoll. i
ThV'pal)''b'6av,fcra'''\mr-Eh -••I/.' -
Miller, Fletcher Beck, W. T.,Se-
crest,' Ji Wf Hollai'd, A. B. Ho
ward, and! L. D. Holt, Mlssoa j
Emma Crotts, Annio May Hol-
lard, Doris Shuler, May Sccrest
Tlmlmn ShuMr, Sophie Crotts, ,
Sadie Crotts, Paulino Secreat,
Lucile Shulor, Evangeline Shuloj; I
Fannle Cline and Mabel Blake- ^
ley Hctpd as' flowor-girla. The
interment was in the church ^
ftnia D, F. POTTS DEAD
.Funeral sorvlcos wore hold at
Baptist Church ...on Monday■•erisoon for, Mrs. Delia Hehdrlx
""8- Tho deceased was 75old, and is survived by her"8band, throe sisters, Mrs; 0.;• K'.'.stcv, of Snllsbury, Mrs. G.
• '•'Vorhardt and Mrs.'J. A. Bai-■;' "f Advance, and one brother,
A. Hondrlx. of Dnvib. " ., . l^urial took place In thei cemetery,, with i])o pno-
[W W. :Turncr, .ofllclat-
Athene Davis
Fusersl services of little Mias
Athene Davis were hold' at tho
home Sunday evening at 2 o'clock
and at the M. E. Church at 2:30
o'clock by the pastor, W. M. Rath-
biirn, Athene, age ten years is tlio
youngest daughter ^'of Mrs. LuluDavis and 'had been sick for a,
year oj. more. She. is survived by
her mother, Mrs. Lula Davis, two
sisters, Miss Georgia Davis, of
Advance and Mrs. J. H. Jordan,
of Detroit, Mich., four brothers,
Clarence and Sam Davis of Win-
ston-Snlom and Tom and Buster,
of Advance.
Athcnu koru her suffering pa
tiently and was ready to enter.
Into hor miialor's kuoping, Sinco
God In His lovo for His chiid-ren donlos tho gHmpso of tho .end ]I to humanity's oyoa. Lot each,
bravely ansAver life's manifest
call and rely on tho Lord . for
"tho end of it all." We call It
denth—to them tls life beyond.
Bio — Obituaries — 5/7/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 13,1931
John Harp
Native Of Davie Dies
In Ohio.
lohn Harp, a native of Davie
died at Hamilton, Ohio, Mav and.
at the a](e of 42 year.s. He .suffer
ed a stroke of psraly.si.s. which
proved fatal, according to inforjia-
tion received here.
Besides his wife the deceased is
.survived by two daughters and two
.soits, of Hamilton; his mother, Mrs.
Louise Harp, and a sister, Mrs.
Aster Shelton, of Davte county;
three brothers. Alvin Harp, of New
Caute, Ind.. Robert Harp, of Mt.
Summit. Ind., and Enoch Harp, of
Davie county. It i^ understood
that llie funeral and interment took
I place at Hamilton
. Anderson Passess.
Mrs. Nell Anderson, .aged 84
years, died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. J. A. Heudrix, on
R. 4, Thursday at noon, following
a .short illness. The funeral ser<
vices were conducted bv Rev. The-
tus Fiitchard. assisted by Rev. A.
G. LiOftin. at Center Methodist
church Pfidiv afternoon at two
o'clock, and the body laid in the
church graveyard. Jfrs. Ander-
is survived by three sons, W. R.,
J. G. and C. S. Anderson, and
three daughters, Mrs. J. A. Hen-
drix. Mrs. George Evans and Mrs.
L. M. Totterow all of Davie coun*
ty. More IThan thirty grand-chil
dren and several great grand* chil
dren survive.
Mary Florence Ferebee.'
Marv Florence, the little 13 months
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 6
Ferebee, died at lier home at Cana
Sunday morring shortly after seven 1
o'clock, following an illness of only
three hours. The little body was
laid to rest in the Eaton graveyard
Sunday afternoon, ftineral services
being conducted by Rev. V. M. •
Swaim, of Winscon-Salem Surviv I
ing is the parents, one sister end
five brothers The bereaved family
have the sympa'hy of a host of
friends in the death of their baby,
who has been called from this wnnd
of sorrow to a home that is not bui>t
with faandn—where there is no more
sorrow, suffcting nor death.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/13/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 14,1931
John Hnrpe. of HomiJton, Ohio,J
age'la years. •
Besides the wife ho fg survlvod
children,- two dau.tfiitcrs, Betty and Joan and two
sons, Jack and Tom, of the homo.
His mother, Mrs. Louise'..Hariie
and one sister/ Mrs. Astor Shel-
County,'. North^rolina, three brothers, Bnos
Harpo of Dnvle CoUnj^, AflvJri .
Harpo of New Castio, Ind., Ro--
bert Harpe, of. Mt. Summit/ Ind.'
He also leaves a nuntber of .other
relativos and friends to' mourn
his passing. • • . '
■He was'born* and reared^ inDavlo County, but baa ^add" hlahomo for over, twenty-yea-rs' inOhio and othei'.wosforn atatea'.
• Tho aged ittotlitff hhtf th^ sW •pthy of all \Vhb ilmd^fr hOr/ Shohaving,lost a ddUghtdf, Mrd. 'Mrs;. Mamie .^Garnet of.Ndw Cos-.tie, Ind;, m' Januaiy of this VeaVi
and'.her only- -brothdr, K. W.'Hoots; of Winsto^^aRm died last •'
month; 1
Mrs. Nellie McGuIro Anderson-,highly rospoctbd Dnvio Cbuiity
woman, and ivldbwof the into EH
Anderson, died at the homo .ofher daughter, Mrs. J. A,'Hond-ricks,". nqar./Snlpm..=.Church, on
GUh'n-dhH Blizaljidtft: Rdb'ei^s Mc-Oiilre, and whs»bolbVp4 by a widoi
circle, of rblatrvds and frlondsiTJio' funoral -services wore held
at Gentor, on Friday afternoon
ht two o'clock, by her pastor,
Rov. Giotus Fritcliurd, assistedby Rov. A. G. Lo|'tln. She Is sui'<
vlvod by three daughters, Mrs.
J. A. nendricks and Mrs. L. M.
T.uttorow of this county, Mi-s, GtW. Evans, of Iredoll, thrco sons, {
W. R. Andorson and J. G. Andci-" ison, of Davie, and C. S. Ahdcr-j
son, of High "PoinC and threebrothers, James McGiiiro, ,of
Mpmphls, Tonn, and Thomas and
EdiMcGuire of Dycrshurg, Tonn.,
86 grandchildren .and '82 .greatgrandchildren. Tlio pnllboarora [
Milton Andorson, J. C* Andorson,
Waltor. Anderson, Floyd Tuttorow
Evorott Evans and Hubert Hond-
rlx.'The many flora] tributes worebarrlcd by Mis9CS..,Anna Mab Andorson-, Ear! Anderson, Gathoi;-fne Anderson, Soph/e Evans, .Sd-da: .Tuttbr6w, Bebalo 'Hondrlic,Mai-y G. Hondrix, Margaret An
dorson, W-ilma "Anderson; h^rtlo
Ahdoraoii, Mrs. -Mary Stroud,
iltfrb. Evorott Evdns, and Mrs. 'M.
Mary Florence Ferebee
infant daughter dies at
•" Mdry Floronco", bho-year old
daughtoi- of Mr. and Mrs. J. G.Mebdq, of Cana, died Sunday
-morning after a -brlof .lllndsfi, Tliclittle body was laid to.rest- on
Sunday aftoi-noon at 4 o'clock at
Eatoii's Church, the. Borvieos being jn ;chargb of the pastor, Rev..V. M. Swnim^-bf Wdnsto'n-S'nlbm.The parents, one .siator, Ruth,
and four broihei-s, Richard, Jose
ph, Warron and Wayne, survlvo.Four .yoiing .ladies, Miaa Jane
Amanda Ferebee, Lorene, Nail,
Shirley .Lowory, and Annie LoisForcboe^ acted as pallbearers,
and th'o flowers woro carrlofd by
Mlflsos.Joyce Foster, Nell iFostcr,Hannah Poster, Vli'glnla Fcr'cbde,Ruby Collette, Colene Co) lotto,pizabcth Foroboe, Pauline Noil
and' Holpn Milloi-.' .
Bio - Obituaries - 5/14/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 20,1931
Isabel Ratledge
Miss Isabel Ratled^ died at the
Lowey Hospital, Salisbury, early
Saturday momiug,' aged 82 years.
Niss Ratledge fell about three!
weeks ago and broke h<>r arm and
hip. The funeral and buriil ser
vices' were held at Ceuter Metho
dist church Sunday. Surviving
Miss Ratledge is two brothers, J.
IF aud J. S. Ratledge, and one sis
|ter, Mrs. J. F. Click, all of Davie
Bio - Obituaries - 5/20/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 21,1931
|i!SS ISABBLiiA j;^
aUw laabolln Jana RAtlo{lf!0»
liidily cBtccmed Dnvic county w6-
iwn, died at tho Lowory Hoapi-
«1 in Salisbury, or. May IGtlj,
n lim* 78lh yuJir, Four wcolu)
.Alfan Rutlcdgo had tho mis-
orlune to fall nnd break hoi- arm'
nd doYcrni ribs, hor death rc-
ttUfiijf from thcao injurica. She
pa tho Janffhter of. Lorenzo d
Plnkiioy 'Ratledffo and Elizaboth ,
pith Antlodffo,- and waa' oho of
jiifbl children, three, dyinfr In Jn-
pncy. She was beloved by num-
Vs of rclntivca hnd frienda who
fiourn her untl^ly/donth. For
Ijany yeara aho .was a faithful!
hembor of Hickory Grove Motho-
|iat Church in • north«western
IJflvle. She la aurvivod by one
Mrs. 'Frank Click, with;
she mado hor home, and i
pfi hrulhura, James. Ratlcd(jrci, |
jnd Phillip Ratlcdge,'ail pf-Davie
loimly. Another fbrothor, Hoiiry !
pticdyo, pnaaed away aeveral
fwrs njro. Tho funoraf was held
It Center Methbdiat Church'on'
Inndfty afternoon r.t 1:80; with
IJo pastor, Rev.. A;: G. Lbftln; I
pclaling. . .• • 'I
/file many benuilful flowers I
wrrlcd. by Miaaea Helen,
l!t Everhnrdt, Clara By-
1 . J^^'zaboth, Virginia, LucUo'r»d Cuba Olfck,. Ruby Martin,'
pihi" Dough ton, and Mrs. If'nit Kntledgc. The pallbearers
ht!j' John arid GVadyr-U', Austin Jonefl, Pilik Rat-
O®'. Rntlodgb and B.pailcrtgo, Thoab nttoridlng, the
juneml from outfbf-tdwnwere
IP. ami• Mrs..J. M. .T)!ou.jrh"t6n.'
Doughton,: and chll-
L 1 Ellen and Joo, bif^
JMra. Auatin'
North Wllkosborb, ..Mr.
, John Click "arid , family,
2 «^nd Mra; Grady 'Click?« fanjily, of Winston-Sdlemi
' "od Mrs,. Conrad Eriorhnrdt
lamiiiy of.StntcflvlJH^ Mr.
S lu* Pwc Rfltledgo. of Wood-extend bur. deep aym-"ly to tho ;borenvod 'ones. ; '
Bio - Obituaries - 5/21/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 27,1931
Postmaster Sheek Dies
The entire town wa.s Kteaily
shocked early Monday morning
when it was that Mr. Jas.
L. Sheek had died at 4 o^clock.
death resnliitipf from atigtiw,ptetor
is.- Mr Sheek had apparently been
in his ttsual health nntU Sunday
nfteriinon when he complained of h
pain in Ills shoulder. His coiidR-
ion grew worse ahont one o'clock
Monday morning; and a phy.sicmu
was called. He Ityed until f^ur
o'clock, when the end catne dir.
Sheek wa-s 65 years of ajje. anq is
survived by his wife, who was a
daughter o' the late Dr. M. D.
Ktiribrottgb. One.son, J. K Sheek,
a traveling salesman ' who makes
his home here, and one brother, J.
W. Sbeek, of Smith Grove, stir-
vive, together with two grandchild-
rer. His son was in Richmond at
the lime of bis death.
Ml. Sheek wa.H a native of Da vie
county and had been prominent in
the affairs of the county. He was
elected sheriff in 189S and served
in this capacity for is years. He
was also treasurer of the county
from 1914 to 1916. He represent-'
ed Davie, Yadkin * and Wilkes in
the State Senate foi two vears and |
served one term as Representative!
in the lower house. He was ap-i
poiiited postmaster at Mocksvillcj
iu 1^23 bv President Harding and
had SKTved nine years.
Iu the death of Mr. Sheek the
town and county loses one of its
best known citizens—a man who
numbered his friends by the hund
reds. He was a leader in the Me
thoriist chnrch a member of the
Masonic add Junior Onler lodges,
and took an active part iu the de
velopment and gro'wth of the town
and connty. He will be sadly
missed by all who knew him.
Funeral- services were conducted
at the home Tue^ay attempon at
3:30 o'clock, his pastor, Rev. R.
C. Goforth. condnctang the servi
ces The body was laid to rest In
Rose cemetery with Masonic and
Junior Order honors. A good man
has been called to his reward.
Funeral .services were conducted
I at Eaton's Bapiisit church Wednes
day afternoon for Jerry L. Wh'le,
76. welt kiiowtt oud liighir esteem-
ej r&ideut of the anintj' who pass
ed away in-Higb Point Tuerday at
the h>me of a dangtather, Mrs.
Mary Lewis Johnson Mr. White
h; d b^n in declining health for
some'time and a stroke of paraly
sis was responsible for his death,
Snrviving relatives include three
sons, Cash and .Virgil While, of
Bangor, Iowa, and William White
of High Point; five daughters, Mrs.
Johnson and Mis. Mattie Cecii, of
Hight Point, Mrs, Irene Gilide-
well, of Winston-Salem, Mrs. Tom
Poplin, of Mucksvilte and Mrs. T
D. Richie, of Cana, seventeen
grandchildren and two great-grand
Intermsnts was in E-:iton's church
cemetery Rev. Y. E. Swaim and
J. H. Groce officiating.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/27/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 28,1931
Dies Suddenly Monday
= Morning At
;Tho.. wh'pic *- community, waa
shocked and saddened .on -Monday,
morningVwhpn > ;it Vds: '• leaVhed
thai •I'dstinMter-Sheek^
prjmihont and - popular' | cltisen^'
hfdj-'.dLvf "that Worhlng "at foiir:
o'cifick^;; a. few. hpiirs lllnaas^'
hiQ.■ death ,,i^BU^ from dii^iha'
pectoHs.V He waa'cne of the.bes^
- in ..the., eduntyi.- ahds
had; hundreds :'of\;frlpnda.. who.'.
.iiiottrn;h]a untimely dcdtdtllfie waa'the .Bon'of .paniel ^heok arid Mar^,^tha Williams Shpi^, and <^as-ho
at Smith; ^roTe on Doc;-Istj 18^6,'
being in. his QBth year at the-time *
of his death?At.the' age of olgh-.tcpri he 'joined the Smith'i^rovG
Methodist .Church*, uniting With
tttn' iCrnnlrdtrllSo. IKAXi/ullut.'
iutor .'in iiXu, 'and soryihg as . a
atownrd'hore for many yoars^ OnOctober IGth, 1880 ho was. married to Miss' Ronn ..Kimbrpugh,
daughter of- Dr, and Mrs, MJ D..Kimbrough, and to this 'uiiionword horn; two children,, n dnughltor .who diod-in. infancy, and' ohoson,, d' Kimbroiigh- .Sheel^.- .'MiV
S-heck wn's" sheriff of DavIa cqun-;.
.ty.' for.; 'n 'number of terras,.-.wan;County ..Tr.ehHuro'r, :nhd.'."nlab'Dr^soiitpd ;Dayio.. In the
Senate 'hnd thb-.Hoir8b...6f;:RoMfe6e'«tfftIyea;'-Ki8-1abtFtwm:'fhdrrb''o^^^
•ing. Jii: 1018.1 pasby n'yearift.'.he had .'bden-.-jpatmaSte'^Mofik.qytlle, ••n.hdv.hisisohalily will be "greatly: miSadd. '
The fimernl aorvicPH worn, held
at.thb homo on North Main atro'bton Tuesday afternoon, Mny'2flt1i,at 3:30, wifli.-hia pastor. Rev, R,-
C. Oofbrlh,. nsslRtcd by Rev. A>C. Loftin. and .Rev.';W. B; .MP,;
oOicIntlng, 0"no'. ofrthc largest*ci'dwda'!,to nitchd a funjraj. here
asseinblud at the >'home,' many *coming'.ifrbm. other towns -to pay;',their laat rospbcia "to tho.:d'ocena-
ed, 'i'h.o hymns 'sung-hy ' tHc'-cHoir .'wbi'o "P Sbriietlmes the "SHndpws'Ai'6 -Deep," b favorite spng of the
deceased, no'd* "Nearer-My- God"
to T-hon.*'. while a quartet,-MossI'S•C. 'H, ; Tomlliirfon, R.' B.. Snnford,
Z, N. AndorRoii - and. E.;"C, ITandi*
ricks, aonir ."AbI(lo ftvitli. Mo,"., .j !.; The paHbon.rora .^'ere: .M.. .Bi •
Stojiealrctf, . . A.- .Poster,.- S;..R. ■Bnthpm;.. Jr A. UDianiol,% ■ hC,^Mei'oney, and ' l. Mpryln.*: '"Watbrsi...and'' the Masonic'Lbdgo -and. theJunior Or.dcn'; bbtlu of ( Which ho:was, a momber,.;}!ad chni'g'e' of .thb'
impresfll.vB 'serviccs'^AV -the Roab.Cemetp.ry 'whei^o ' the • 'Intormp^t .'t00k'.plscei'''^iv.- ,,'v-^ :-;. • . ' 'V^.'-*! ;.
The. ,many. beautIiF)il|: flora) db?X.signs''wcjfb .WrrlQd by! the mein^;bera" of *; .the. 0rder: -of'y the -Biisb!'.ern'-.Star,' in.', which: both ho •; aqd '•
his ,wlfc>iy.pit'c"'.pfnciA.la'.. Mw'as-qne. of'the: m.oSt^'isuppbrtei'fl. .of-] ther^ahnupl. .^l^Ia's- .bhlc- B.lcnio;,,nu(l. Avba a^MaSpn gflopg!: 8tahdlnaf./i;K^
"lylfo and^Bpn.vhptwo grartdchlldi'on,'^^^^^^■J. .W(.SI)ee^ '<^f::Smith.a .nuiVibeifbf pieaes nnd:.hdpli'dj\W.'nmpngi.fchemT. being Miaa'^i^lvg'.'■gheek; ho;^ hc^'^'miV and Mrb'. Shcck,'We - extend.;-oh r'; hbaitfelt -aymprithy to '■ iiid
Borrowing . fnmyy,- *;'' - ; ..j V
Mrs. Mollie Furches and Mrs. Mary Thomas
Mflcksvillo has io»c by dcatlr
two of its beat colored citizens,Mrs. Mollie" Purchca, age 82; andMrs. Mary Thomas, ago OB. BothI of these women wovo old well-1 known citizens of MockBville.
Bio — Obituaries - 5/28/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 3,1931
Fred Styers
Haaser Kills Soii-in*Law'
John Henry Hanser, eigbtv-one-j
year-old farmer, shot and instant-;
ly killed hisson-in hw, Fred Styers, [
34, Thursday shortly after noon at'
!the farm house in which tbev lived
! together, three niiles'frotn^he Yad* •
kin River bridge. The aged farm-|
er submitted to arrest and was
lodged in iail at Mochsville.
The shooting occnrred shortly
after noon, following an argument
over the plowing of wet land, ac-
cording to, the neighbor farmer
who reached the scene immediately
afterward. In a fit of anger, Hauser
Is said to bave warned Styers if he
came near him, he would shoot
him down. Styers, apparently
thinking it was "just another
threat,** of which there had been
many in tbef r i years they had oc
cupied the same house, approach^
and 'the elderlv man took a double-
barreled shotgun off the wall and
fired one load into the young man's
left chest, it is alleged. He stag*
gared back and fell dead in the
yard. A bole iu the porch screen
was made by the shell.
No inqu.est was deemed necessary
the body of the victim being exam-
imd bv Dr. S. A Harding, county
coroner The body was then re
moved to a Mock.<ivilte undertaking
esiablishment and prepared for
burial. Funeral services were held
Friday at the home at 2:30 and a(
.Macedonia Moravian church at 3:30
by Rev. James E. Hall, assis.sted
bv Rev. F W Orabbs and T, W.
Styers formerly livid near Lewis-
ville. He is .survived by his yonug
widow ana small son, Henry Styers,
age 10; bis mother; Mrs. A. A.
L A. Smithdeal Passes,!
L. A. Smithdeal, 74, died suddenly;
Thursday afternoon at his home in
Greensboro. Death came as the re* I
suit of a heart attack. SorvlvirgI
are one sister. Mrs. Jane Robertson, |
and pno brother, H. T. Smithdea',
hoth:of Advance, and a number of
nieces and nephews. The funeral
porvicRs were conducted at Advance
Methodist church Sunday bfternoouj
a 2:90 ii'clnck, Mr. Smithdeal wasj
a native of Rowan county, but had j
made h{< home in Greensboro for;
the past tbir^ years. ' '
Rev. K P. Bradley Passes
Rev- E.* P Bradley, pastor of the
Presbyterian church of Mocksville,
died Thursday morning at i o'clock
in the Stokes sanatorium. Salisbury
where be had been under treat
ment. Mr. Bradley bad been in
failing health for the past year and
his condition became critical about
ten days ago.
Rev. E. P Bradley was 61 -years
old, and wa.s born and reared in the
old Bradley botne, about two miles
north of Statesvitie. * He entered
the Presbyterian miuistry, and had
served a charge in eastern North
Carolina for nine years. For the
past 23 years he had been pastor of
the Presbyterian church in Mocks
ville. He also served lor about 12
vears a.s Snpt. of Schools in Davie
Rev Mr. Bradley Is survived by
bis wife and two daughters, Misses
Pannie Gregory and Jane Bradley,
two sisters. Mrs. John R. Morrison,
of Siaiesville, and Miss Janie
Bradley, of' Gsffnev, S. C.; one
brother, Mr. John P. .Bradley,
Wbeatland, Wyoming; and an aunt
Miss Elizabeth Walker, of Kcltou,
S- C. Mrs. A. W. Bradley, of
Statesville. is a sister ln*law.
The funeral service was held Fri
day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from,
the Presbyterian church here, and I
interment was in Oakwood ceme ;
tery, Statesville. The service was
conducted bv Rev, E. D. Browa,
of Statesville assisted bv Rev. R.
H. Stone.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/3/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 4,1931
Rev. ;Mbved
i Minister, Pars 3s
Our conimunlty' lust a s.^JuhdiU.
citivsoh last Thurdcljiy, May 28f;K^
when. (lev.-Edwavu Poschal Brad^-
bolovcti Presbyterian . minis-.i
lur, died ht''ihe SallsL'uiy llospl-
tal, ngetf- O.V. He waa. tho .80^ ,of '
Jphn PrBi'ndlpy and^Jano A.'Wfll- n
ker Brnclloy, and was n horn In
King'a Tree, South- Carolina* on,
iNpyembor lith, 1809, the
•InterJ.nioving to - Iredell .cbutjty.T-
As •aj,bpy,;,he,.;.atend^ H'llV
j^cn'dcrny,' n 'wcll ^thowri ptdpuifRri
tory school StatosviJJo,
then eht'erod l)Qv!da6h,i-.Co.ilogo '
graduating' inf'tho -clnsB; of 1895,;'.
Ile waa prepared-for tho. mlnfatry •
al -Union;;Theoibgjca] :VSon;iharj^^
In Klclimbrtd, .Va.,; and -hia flrflt
paatorftta • wa'a 'at TotwnsvUle; -N.,'/
C., where he lived, for! dight-
yenra\ On Juno -lijih,.,1907, ho
waa unltod tn marriage ip MiBs",
Itannle !H..'Gregory, of Warren-
toiii -N., C.,' and they eam6;.,: td'
MocksYUie iSQ " yoara v ugrv/
.Mir.' Bza^ey .riscepted.'^ho cnllV"
to .the. Pjosbyteriftn Church Hbh, .
'thla being his second'paatprate,-
The'influence for good thnfc' bdth
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley have bxe^it- ,
od -in.thb town and ,county has •
been, far-reaching, and they have
made many' warm frlondo, ".not
only in Llielr own church, • but
.amnng tho othpi. (:lennmjniitipn.i-,.,
Mr. Bradley poaacsflcd a fine in-'
tolloct, and that, combined with
his', integrity and faithfulneaa to
duty, made hinj a minister and
citizen who was hold hvhlgh ea-•
tconi wherever ho was known.
For 10 yenrs:h.D aoVvccl na "nnvfo -
Goi'iitv S.unerlntbnd.ent of Ecjucn-:,
tioji, "nnd did much for .the .'jmv;
•pvbvement of the sehopla In ths'.
county. Soveral.'ybhr)? figp! hb ro^
, Rigned, owing to 'hoalth'.
I wiadprn.-and; .adyicfl/jWQ.r^C
in 'the' l^yhp'cl'-'of -'tnb'l/^rcabyfeh^
Inn- Church, and • ho ^w^H"!'8t.ntbd;;
_ cicrk.'i'nid; tvoa8(lrcy7 0f'tho;'Wirt^
jiton-Snlem•,Pre.''bytbry ■'sinho.• "ite
I formation aevon yeava. ago. TToIg survived by his wife and; t\Yb
dauffhtGi-fl.' Miaatf^ ili^nnlc 'Gre- '
Ro'ry "Bradley "and Jane Walker.lirndlny, .ntudoiitR nt Qunnn'.s I(killoge. A beloved lltL'p Ron, jEdward I'asrhnl. .Tr.,, dind ft jjc jyears ago. '['wo siators, Mrs: John jR. Morrison, of StatefiviUe; andMiflR ,.rqnir Bradiayi of Gafl'ney,
S. C;. u.nd oj)o brother,V.Tohn P/
Br.idJey, of Whontlanda,' Wyo.m-
Inir.inl.qn .^iirvivo.
The funeral Bnrvicca Were hold-.
Pn .Friday nftavnoon at the Pres:;:b.^Herian Church, frpm.who.se pnlr
pit ho had dclivored ro many
strong Gr>.Hpel sormonB. Di*. .E. t).
Brown- of Slalosville. and Rev.n. H Stone, of .Tfiffcr.ioi?. both
(continued oh page 8) • '
:V. K. V. BIIADLEY, ' •
^ PASSES AWAYfCoiilItiued from" page 1) ■ ||£v iVieiids - tho dcccasoi'l, I
M(l charge of the tfimplo, and imi|'.'>!ivc Hi vicoti, The'churcii wiia j|wdi!il with many ayihpnthizing
gallves >-Md friends, and;' tholaas simg 'wore "How Firm a|ni<lalian" and "Safe in -the
am.H (if JoflUB.", The following
8cr< and deacon,* acted as p»^l-
MiriT!:: Morhi'S.' E. L, Galtlicr,
an. ['.K.lG. R. H; Sunford, J. C.;Sdnrd. It. M. nolthoiiBCf and '
Hft-V-fclinHtone. Bcaullfn! floWr ■
B ^vo|•(l In profusion', .and' the 'Rwr bearers' wore,;. .MissoB.]
Xtdl,- Annip ' .and • Helen .
Blthnii.'ior, Jane, -Mjldred; -.ancl'"
we Hull ■ Woodruff,"^".Claud.in
w-idii. I'.'itilino "Daniel, Haydon
Biforil. Vlj-glnm Adams. WilHcgihr, Rnl|lc Huniev, _ Vlrg'rsifaffdy. Violet AJIlsop, Emilygi". U'innio Mooro, Kathorino'
Broiiev. McRdamoR T. B. Wood-gf. h'nnx .Idhnatone, 'Cecil Mor-
B n, Jl. IloUhoiiscr, G. C.: Dnn-
tbl, H. A. Sanford nnd .JolmUarew. Tho interment took place
hn'.Oakwood -Cemotery.'StatoavlllGwith Mocksvilie Mnsonic Ivodgr^of^whlch fc hp (Icccaaod Imd beena ."aithful mcni-bor for many yearsin charge. Wo wish to exprcaa our
.deep sympathy to !thc. bereaved
family In their . ..g)'eat "RorroAv.
Among thoBD.-,oltonding ,the,.f'un-.cral from a dl8l'fthcc'"vvcre: Mr...and". .M,r8. John R.!. I'Morrisbn,jMisaee Janlo and l/oulse MorjvHon", John Morrison,. Jr.i-'Gcorg*}
iMorrleon)^ ;Mrs. A. W.' Bradley,
Mra. Maggie SummBra, Mr.'and
Mra.- B.radloy Mofrisdn, Mi*, arid
Mrs. Marvin ■•.Galtheiv- all of
StatOavillo, Miss.es Juniu Bradleyj and .-Bcttib Walker,' of Gaffncy,
S, C., Mrs. Alice Green, ofllen-der8C)nvilIo, Measra, G. C. .Gre^•gory hnd B. B; Gregory," of Rich-
mpnd, Vn., Mr. and. Mrs. Henry
•Gregory, of'Rocky Mo.unt,, Rev.nnd IVtr.s. C. R. Morrison,-Milton
Hall Morrison," of Gi'oonaboro,iMr. and Mrc^A, W.'AtkinRon, oi
'Cool Springs, Mr. and Mra. Louie
Plttmhn, of Lnnca.ater, S. C., Mr.
and Mrs. Chnrlle.Tucker, oPWnr.
rentpn.,' Mrs. Mason Lillard,
Misses Margaret nnd^Cnrolyn Lil
lard,,of .Ejkin, Dr.-E. D. Brown,-of Statesvlllo-, Rev. R, H. Stone,
of. Jefferson.' - ' '
Bio - Obituaries - 6/4/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 4,1931
Fred Styers
I John Hanry HauBei'i eighty-ono
yeai'-old fanner, shot and instant-
I ly 'killed his sbn-in-Jaw, .Fred
Styers, 84, Thursday afternoon at
I the isolated..fann house in which
n they'.llyed together, three miles
I from {{he-.Yadkin River . bridge,
just" bff'th'e Wlnston-Sftlem-iMock-
svlllo Highway. The'aged farmer
submitted'to. arrest b'y Deiputy
Sheriff Nail of Davle county, and
was .lodged in jail at .Mocksvllle.
. The'shooting bccurod- shortly,
after noon, foliowlng^an' argu
ment over the plowing of' wet
.land, according to neighbprhood
farmera' who- reached the' scene-
h'mncdiateiy - afterward. In a fit
'of anger.-Hauaer is said, to have
warned Styers if he came pear
him,- he would-Shoot him. down.
S^ers, opparently thin-king it
was . "just another 'threat," of
n which there had'beon many In tlie
,'.11. years thoyx-had •occupied the'
- same house,'appro'oched and the
'elderly man took*a-doubie-6nrreir
- cd..shotgun offitho -wnll and fired
. one load into tho youngef man's
left .chest, It is aiioged.'Ho stagr
gored back.apd fell'dead,in the
yard. A hole In the .porch screen
jwaa 'made by tho shell. • .. i
I. J, W. Douthlt, giimo warden of
..D'nvle Qpunty, "and a neighbor of
• the. tragody-^riken family; waff
, j among - th.o first to . reach- '!jho.
Ifarmfiouso and. talk with dTnuser,
following the fatal 'shqotin'g, - The
^elderly mhn showed no' rdgtot,
I 'talkihg. and Joking - calmly, .he
I said. Hauser is .roportod-to have
-,satd, "my son-in-iaw .thought
he'd oufcllvo^mo and., got,-pbasoH-
eion of the farm, but I showed;-him." • ' . -! I
' Jealously of. hio son-in-law's'
increaeing. power in the manage-'
ment of the farm, while his own |
'dooreased in his old age was}
] given as the source of-the trouble
botwcon the two, by close friends |
.of . the family. •* , 'j
' The agod mad appoarod-tu be'
iinhocont of the soriouanoAs .of
his crime as ho was carried off
;to Mocksvllio yesterday after
noon. -Wheh the ofllcer told him
' ho-would have to -go to hlockoyij,le
Hauaer repltdd, "all right, /but
you'll have'to get !spmeBbdjf.,. t:b
j bring me- b'nck' homo n tonight^. • ;
I ' No inquest, was deemed iVe^edV
.-snry the body .of the} victim .being
lexamihod :by' Ihf. S; A, Hording
county.- coroner.' The body was
then ramoved to* a >2ocksviiiQ un-
! dortaking establishment and' pro:
,.pared for 'burial. Euncrnl ser-
ivicos wore hold Friday at tho
jhomo at) 2:80 and at Mncodonia
I Moravian Church at 8:30 .by Rev.
Jamoa E. Hall, assisted by Rev.
•F. "W. Grabba. and Rov. T. .W.
I Murray..
! Styora formerly lived near
Lewlsvillo. He is survived by itie
young widow and a small son,
Henry. Styers, age 10; hla moth
er,- Mi's. A. A.. Styers, and the
following brothers and sisters;-!
R...C. Styers, Bast Rend; J. E.
Styers,. Detroit, Mich.; J. C. and
B. A. Styers of Forsyth county;
B. W. Styers, Yadkinvllie; C. B.
and W- ' A.. Sliyera, Jackson
Springs; Mrs.T. A. Gloss * and
Mrs. • W. W.' Masteh, LewisviUo,
and" Mrs. P'., R." Do'uihit, Mount
Airy. ^.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/4/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 4,1931
.TIio comraurilty waa sliqckad
und/Baddenod whou -It waa learn
ed,thhit Sarah JEIsic 'Miller had.
vdid'd.. a't* Sulisbury. hospital Mqn-
r idhy'evenfriff-.a^^ C o'clock, after
;hgurfl ito •"
/v.SIio iwaa^n dnUBhteV'.of •Charllo'.
X.<aiidiSueiB' ArIClinm0r...:V /*
.i*:: VShOj.'.wae: born''Aprir 'dthi
,26fh;". IOSJ,i.':^ 'a'irc!2^-
.lycara) =l'.radntli,,and ,2i' dhyia.- She*.
: was;' xiiari'iodi /■'Nqv^li' 1930V to."Jqhn Huulu'r 'MiUer. Sho joinedLiberty MothoUiat iChurch ai thoago of 17;'^ and attended .her
church roKuiar. She loved hpv
church and community and'was
Jovpd- by nil who knew her.'She Icavcu to mourn her ^oing,ihiisband, John Hunter Mlllci*, fn-thbr, Chnrlio L.;.ICimmer, mother
Susie A," Klmmei','throe brothers,LutV Robert' and jdmca, three.
aiatora, hlra. G. H..TuUerow, .Lu
na nncl'TJiftlnin HImmhr. •, . ' .
Bio - Obituaries - 6/4/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 10,1931
F. H. Fries
j Col. F. H. Fries, one of North
-Carolina's best' known bankers,
{died at bis home in Winston Salem
! Thursday morning, following an ill
'uess of inflneoza, aged 76. Col.
«Fries was president of the Wacho
via Bank & Trust Co., and a large
.stock holder in nnnv mannfactur
:iug plauts The[fuheraJ:and buna!
j services were held in Winstcu Sa-
I lein Saturday afternoon at live
. o'clock.
Bio - Obituaries — 6/10/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Anna Thompson Holman
j Anna Thompgon Holman, wlfo'
i?' and daughteror the latos Henry Tliompaon nnd '
Mildred Hobbg Thompflon^ 8Ud«'
denly passed away afc her homo
near Marshalltown, Icnva, Sun
day night, May 31, 1931, In her
• 53rd. yefir. Funeral aervlce-wna
held at tho home Monday and the!
body gent hero for funeral nnd
burial Thursday afternoon iri
Fork Baptist Church by. Rev. E. i
W. Turner and W. IL Rathburn. i
•Pallbearers nnd flower girls wove
rolntivog of the deceased. Besides
the husband, she la survived by
one brother, Holt C. Thompson,
of Ashevillo and three sisters,'
Min. Victoria VanEnt6n,'Mv8.-G.;
S. Klmmor, of Fork nnd Mrs.
Damarls Bnrnhnrdt, of Loxlngtcn
Route 5. The floral offerings!
were .many and beautiful. \
Bio - Obituaries - 6/11/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 17,1931
; Martha Etien Charles.
I Sa.'Sh.jry. J :»'« J> — ft'i-s jjanha
jIS l!»fi Ch S2, oieij e»-rly iiiday
Ml h«r i» lire ..n S"*-i;th Vai i nr.
i fyikwiitfr in death I f-r . br.«iher, ^
; France:! W ^ Charles, confederate vet-1
jeran who died la?t Friday .The fun-1
:eral take$ place fri'm theh' me W«-d-i
nesday at4 o'clock and inrcrmenti
will be Ih the cemetery at Jerusalem, j
Davie couhtv. Miss Charles was a'
native of Guilford cnonty but. movrd
to Davie in childhood and later canie
to Salisbury.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/17/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 18,1931
Mnrthn" Ellon■ Charles,^'W(i 82, died the SaKsbury'oxpifftj on June Oth, followiiiff'o.icly the death of hia brother,
•■"nuia Clifivlcs, Cohfoderato yo-cr«n, wlio..die(I tho week before,he tloccn.acd wao the sieter of'''h'l N. Chnrloe, of Jeyndtnlom,'|hl hnd sjjGnt most of her life in«vfc eoiuity, moving to Snlia-"|"y anmo years ngg. Tho funeral'"vift's were held' at. Joniaalem
'Pii.st'churcli on last Wednes-'"llernoon, find, tho 'bm'inl.I'liicc i(] *tlio iicai-by cQUiW-
Bio - Obituaries — 6/18/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 24,1931
Wilson Franklin Merrell
Death Claims L P.
StatesvUle, June 16.i,. P,
Uenkel, 6i). pioneer developer of
the Blowiog^ Rock cotinlry and a
local business man of the varied in*
(er&ts. died of a heart attack at htS
iiome here today. His health had
lieen on decline for several mouths.
Mr. Heiikel was boro in Catawba.
couutv. iipar Conover.
(Death Claims Teacher.
' Prof^or Wilson Franklin Mer«
rell, 80, well-known citizen of Davie
county and a teacher in the county
schools for more than 60 years,
died Sunday morning at the home
of his son, George £. Merrell, near
Fork Church, following an illness
from pneumonia.
Professor Merrell was bon^ in
Davidson county a son of the late
Benjamins, and Sarah Elizabeth
Leach Merrell. '
Since 1869. Professor Merrell bad
been ideotihed with the school
system of Davie county. He taught
in various parts of the coun*-y. bnt
for the past few years had been
teaching in the Fork Church com
Surviving besides bis wifci. are
two sons, George £. and C B.
Merrell, of Davie county* four
danghters, Mrs D. H. Heodrichs
and Mrs. E O. Hendricks of
Mocksville; Mrs. Jacob,G'rubb of
Fork Church, and Mrs. T. A. Rice;
one brother G. L Merrell. of Ontf
and 18 grandchildren.
The fnneral was held .Monday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at Fork Bap
tist cbnrch. • Rev. E.' W Turner
condncted the^ervices Burial fol
lowed in the church gravcvard.
Mrs. J. D. King
J. B.' King, 66 passed away atj
7:20 o'dock Thursday morning at
the home of her -daughter. Mrs.
Roy Feezor, of this city. She bad
made her home with her daughter
si.ice tbe death of her husband last
fall, and had been ill since Febmary.
Mrs. King was born near Ptaff
town, March 30 1865 and bad spent
practically her entire life in
Winston Salem. She was a nfem-
bcr of West End Methodist Church.
Survivors indnde her daughter,
Mrs. Feezor; five sons, M. V. Ring
of Kernersville, Kelly K. King of
Winston-Salem, J. B. King of Dur
ham, W. J. King of Roanoke, Va.,
and J. E. King of Tampa, Fla.;
five grandchildren, and a sister,
Mrs. WilfBlack, of Winston-Salem.
Faneial was conducted ^at 4
o'clock Friday afternoon at the
h)me of Kdly K. King, 124 West
Fourth street, by Dr. C C. Weav
er and Rey. C C. Herbert: Inter
ment was in Salem Cemetery
H. A. Hix
Oldest Residjent Passes.
Newton, June 20.—H. A. Hi*.
96, passes at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. W. S. Cherry, at 8 o'clock
this 'momtog following an illness of
several years. Mr Hix held the
record of being the oldest living
person in Catawba conoty, since
his sojourn tiere about three yean.
He was born io Davie county ntoe-
tv-six and a half years ago, acd
soent his early life io North Wilkes
boro. Later he moved to Watauga
connty near Bocne. where he spent
his mature years.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/24/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 25,1931
rot Wilson E, MerreH, Well
ICnown Teacher, Dead
ofc9S«»' Wilson Slrnnklin
■cII. HO, well-iknown citizen j
(cacJicr of Itevie county,
at ihc iiome of his son, G>
jerrcll, nonr Fork Choi'chJ^on[lay inorninffi' June .21, ihls
, resuitiug from. pnoumonla.
dccottscd was the son of
Lniln S., and Sarah Elizabeth
ij, Mcrroll, and wag born inIdaoii county.-Ho was a des-Lpt of Captain. Benjamintell of RovolUtibnnry .War>/and his ancestors worethe pioneer Baptist setr
In this socti6n» Beginningjrofcssion as teacher in 1B69,. Merrcll taught in n-.'rium-If schools in Davlo atid Ro'
niiioag them being Mazep-'imding Ford, Oeliter, Grcen-I and Fork Church, He wasSy esteemed, not only by his
• pupils, but . wherever ho ,Ijnown. Ho -carriedj on his jiv the Inat^ his'-school atj
Cintrch closing this spring.
Iras f:^'-:t married. to Miss[b E.' Van Eaton, of Davic,
to this union wcro born the
dng children: 0. E. Merrcll,
ideconsod; Mrs. D. II. llcnd-
, of Mocksvlllo, Mr.t. T. A.
of Salisbury, Mrs. E. G.
ilrlcks, of Mocksvillo, G. E,
[ell, mid Mrs. Jacob Grubb,
(i the Pork community. "^In
inn to his cliildron he.is .mir-
I by his second wife, Mrs.
ilc I'nLtorson Merrcll, one
er. Rev. G. L. Merrcll. of
N, C., and.18 gimndchildron
furieini was "held oh Mondairnoon.nt three.^o'^ldcjc,. nt the>
0 olucBt prcncliivg.'places'in-'
eounly, whore .the' docoiiRod
been an notiyo member for
years. Rov." E, W. Turner,i' ir of the Church, Rev, J. F.
-T. paslor of Wnughtown
ist Church, and Rov. Ben R,
.of the First BopUst Church.
■willo, olUcintod, and many
trilfiitos wore paid lo ilio
nu teaclicr, A large crowd
[in alliiiidnncc, and there wits
fusion of beautiful flowers.
Kmnddaughtors and other
7 tadiiis netod ha flower girls
the pnllboarei's wore: PaulBricks, George . lletnclrlclifs,
cy Morroll, Wilson Rico,
iir Wyalt and Clyde Stcole.
Mm. Jv D. King, highly esteem
ed Winaton-Salom lady, died at
the home of her daughter, Mrs.
L. E. Feezor, on Thursday morn
ing, June 18th, aged GO. She was
the widow of the Into J. D. King,prominent citizen of Winaton-Snl-cm, who died last year. Mrs.liing had been In ill hehlth'for
I some time, and. spent the pasti winter hero with' her dnughter,
Mrs. Feezor. She was a lovelyI ch.nVncter and was greatly belov-
crf by a wide circle of relatives
and friencls. The funeral services
wore held on Friday afternoon inWinaton-Salom, nt^the homo of
hor son. Kelly K, King, and the
burial was in Sniem Cemetery.
Dr. C. C. Weaver, pnnlor of thedeceased, hnd Rev, C. C, Herbert,
loflleintod. The pallbearers wore
Bio - Obituaries - 6/25/1931
Albert Wflot, William E.. Church,
H. Milton Scott, A. C. Chnmbeivlain, Prank B. Jones, G. P. Foe-zov. Oscar. Grinith and Petor A.Wilson. Jr. The surviving fninJly
consists of one daughter,. Mrs,
L. E. Feezor, of this plnce, fiveaona, M. V. King, of Kerncrsvillo,
Kelly K. King, of Win.Bton.6nlem,J. B. King., of Durhanii- W. J.King, of' Roanokn." Vn., J. E.King, of T.ampa,'Fln., five grandchildren, and Olio. Hiator Mrs.
Will Black, of Wihatou-Sulem.-
• Coj. Ihomus' H,. Vnndcrford,
one of Salisbiiry's bc.it-known
I citizen.^, - died nf his home there
on Thursday, Junc-lSth, ngcd 81.
He was an ardent rodvocnto of
! prohibition, and had, hold office
in the Federal servico for many
'ycnrs. His wife, who was Miss
Mary Etta Broadfiold, oponi: her
girlhood in MoclcRVillo. Sho diedseveral years ego, and- ho is sur
vived by,three daughters, Mrs;
,P. H. Mevoney, Mra/ Mnx L. Bar
ker and Mrs. DongkU Clement, nil
of Salisbury. • Funeral services
Vvayo held at the First Methodist ichurch In Snlisbiuy on Sat^r- |day:'- afternoon, and 'Interment
was in Chestnut Hill Cemetery. |