Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 2,1930
La^ RiM Held For,J.
Cooleem^, June - 25,;-7Faneral
serVit.es ioUowed by jotei^ent in
Pine Hills cemelery, Burlington,
iwere held t<^ay for Judge J,D.
Goins, 62. wfio succumbed yester
day after an illness of almost two
months following an attack of para^
lysis Judge Goibs canieto Coo.
leemee from Caswell county in 1902
and took charge of We weaving de
partment of the.. Erwin; mills here
and held the .position uotiV, his
death. He also served* as -ludge of
the recorder's court . for inany
years. '
Surviving are Mrs. Goins; one
brother, Ed Goins, Burlington, dnd
two sisters, Mrs. I.. P. l^rry. Bur
lington. and Mrs,c W. G. Sykes,
Spray.' '
Mrs. Van^t Passes.
The Record' is sorry" to announce
the death of Mrs. E. E.i ^ Vanzant,
which occurred at the home of her
son. Mr. T." A. Vanzant, oh R. 1
last Tuesday evening. Mrs^.Van-
zant was 84 years of age. ana had
been an invalid for maiiy years.
The body was laid to rest in Center
graveyard Wedne^ay afternoon at
tour o'clock. Rev. J. N. Btnkley,
of Harmony, cdndncting the funer
al and bnria.I services. Mrs. Van
zant is survived by two sons and
three daughters, viz: Chas. X.
Wooten. of McLond, Okla.; T. A
Vanzant, of Mocksville, R, 1; Mcs
dames F. P. Kirk and J. Lee Nor
man, of Bast Bend, and Mrs J. F.
Hendrix, of this dty. . Mrs. Van
zant was one of Davie county's
best women, and her passing has
brought sorrow to those who knew
and loved her^ The Record- ex
tends sympathy to the bereaved
sons and daughters;
John H, Allen Ends
Using a .38-calibre revolver to
send a bnllet • through his head,
John Henry Allen, 39. comniitted
snidde at his home in'Wins;od-Sal
em at 5:15 o'clock. Wednesday
morning .ill health, accompanied
by extreme nervousness, is believed
to baye paused the act.
Imforni®t*oo j Allen
had Arisen and was partly djcss^.
He sa^ • •® u-and pressed the pistol against hisright temple. The bullet emerged
through his left bar. and then
went through the flwr.
was found at the side of the bod^r.
Dr. W, N. Dalton, couutydrO^o*
uer, went to the home and. bas re
ported the affair as a suicide. Itstated that Mr, Allen had b^n
biebly nervous for. soin€tiiDe» aD«
had been fa ill heBitb,: but there
had been no intimatiim w?s
considdring the bjA he
Wednesday morning.the church sometime ago/"^
bapiiied at Mineral SpringstistbhurchMSMay. •
of Davie county. Mr.
Allen Was bom November 30. 1890
and come to Winston-Salem twelye
• He was a member .^qf'MUieral"Springs'Baptist
land. 'the^Fairview Cotincil I9.:J ;
Who {orWerljr was
herd! ^
B Al"h of Advspeej
fhr^toiis. Mra.' Cora
Bio - Obituaries - 7/2/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 3,1930
Leta Seaford
. On Tueadoy night,. Juno lOlh,
X980, nt 11 o'clock" the nngel of
dclith entered the home xtt S. P.
Sodford hnd claimed Leta, hia
■niithfill .wife.
She was born 6n May 6, 1871,
bat was* mothorlosa at G wcoha oA
atfo,..At six montiia old she, was taken
into the homo and hearta of her
aunt and undo, Mr. and Mrs^. "W.
B, Granger, who cared for' her as
their own child, and to'whoTp aho
was always a loving .dutiful
daughter, caring for- both uhtU
they 'were taken by death,.
In the year 1911,-on March 3rd,
she was inqrrlod and nlwnys -a loving, faithful wife, 'ever doing the
thinga sho thought would please,
comfort and help her hiiaband.
Sho was a good neighbor, ready
ahvaya.to share with others.
I^otft obeyed the Gospel many
years ago, and whilo not always
able, to attend church onch Lord'sDay. sHo was ever intoi'Dstqd iii
• His work.- • .* i'.".Having known her from giri-
• hood, it can be .. truthfully gaid
j"Sho was a friend,indeed."'a good
woman and one, who will be sadly
A short service was held at herhomo on 'June l2th at lO .^'clock,
by S. H.- Biggerstag^ of Oklahoma,
and her body laid nway 'nt CanterCen^otery, beueath a mottnd of
lovely fl owers, such as she so
loved In life. Oiii'.sympathy goes
out to the lonely compahlQii andwhile wo too, are sad, at her pnaa-
iug, %vp son-pw. not as for one
without hope and not wishing her
back/ must sti-Ivo to so Hve.a.s tomeet kor again sohie time ''Qvor
JThcWi^ . rv.'iFrlo^
Bio - Obituaries - 7/3/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 9,1930
Iw. J. ddiise Piiss Siid-
SolKeriog a heart, ottact wUle al the
well at Ue botoa. yniUani Joe douse. S2,
wen inowQ former of Fatmliitfaa cora-
ebtp.dted Sooday mondag at 11 p'docfc.
He had been in hie usual health and Ids
death eaote as a dtstict shock to celativea
aod Meoda.
He was bom in Davie eoooty, July 31.
1878 and had spent his entire fife In chts
coonty. Hewaevdl known tbiopghoai
the eomroonicy to wtocfer he resMed.-.
The foneial was held at Bethtehem
Methodist cbordi Monday morning at
II o'do^ Revi A. R. Bell, coodacting the
jtervfees. toteimeni followed to the
church graveyard.
Daisy Pauline Carter
Funeral services for Daisy Pan*
line Carter, i6 months old danRbter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. H Carter, of
Hanes, were held at Fork Church,
Monday afternoon at 4 . o'clock.
Rev O. E! Ward conducted the
funeral and burial wrvioes. The
little girl died Sunday, toHowing
an illness of two weeks. Surviving
are the parents and five brothers.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/9/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 10,1930
The Coolecmce Journal.'
I n
Funeral acrvlces followed by
onterment ^wqro held at Joru-
aalem Monday for Mra. Fnnnio
BIqlock, ngo''V7. Mrs. Blhlock
paihod away Sunday ofter'an ex-
ton'dcd illness, nt tho homo of her
daushtoi*s, Louise and Mattio, on
Watts Streot,
Mrs. Blaloclc \vas- inarrlod
March IS, 1879, but her huOband
William Blalock <went to his rest
July-3, 1923:
•Fune'ral sorvlceg were held at
•Jerusalem Baptist .Church with
Rev. H. E. BaTnoa;.,of Coolcemeo
In charge. Ipterment followed in'
toe cemetery .there. -
The fxlllowing children sui*-
vive: John, Wiley. '• and . Mattle
Blaloclc and Mrs. Julia Martin,
25- grandchildren and- 15' great
;grandqhi]dren also remain " to
mourn her departure.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/10/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 16,1930
Miss Boger Piutses;
BGu Rath Roger* Ifi-year^ daoghtw
of Lonoiel). Roger and Mra«' Jjeonle Got*
letBogsr. who five in the Fajrndngton
eomnutnitr. died Tdisdaf eveoiag alter
anUIaess ooly nine hoois. the ^noe of
b^* death bMng ondM^ined. She was
an attractive Foong gtif and was hightly
esteemed. La'at year she was a student
at the Fanslngton high scbooJ, and was a
mea^ct the Farrniagtmi Baptist cbaiiA.
Fdnecal seivi6» was held at Eaton's
^Miat chuieh thnieday aftmoon. at .4
o'dbefc* with Rev; 1d-W*irtarott. offieIa^g.
^additiabtothe.b^ved .patenU. fonr
J^'btbe^ f9yde Bo^. 9/ Ctewe. Va^ Uoyd
RdgiBr.of Reeohaveo* N. J.. Broee and
Robert Boger, and ttee aiatma, MVdred,
tA^jna and-Jfeivarlne Boger, of Davle
cowty intvlve!
George W. McClamroch* Jr.
Young Man Drowns
George W.UeCIainiocIi* Jr. IT. son of
G. W. fifeClaJDioeh. of R.-2* was drowned
white awtmiog in.Rntehman creek Sunday
afternoon aboot'dSO o'dock. The youog
man. togetlm with two odtets* were in
tlie ete^ and Mr. McCtowfocfa got Into
water over his*faead. An effort 'was made
by a young Wall boy to leecae tbedrown*
iog lad* but failed.- The body waa laid to
rest in Oak Grove gravoyand Monday after-'
noao at three o'clocli. Rev. Mr. Hodu of
Cooiemnee. cosdaetiBg the fuaecal and
burial senHkies. Mr. UoOamrodi'Is sur
vived ^ bis father, five brothers and five
sisters. - He was a member of Oak GroVe
Bl^hodist cbureli. The grief stricken fam
ily have the qmipathy of the entite com*
mnnlty. '
James Lanning
James Lanning. 17. of Lmdugton. was
drowned In the Yadldn River, ten .mites
east of MockavilleSonday afternoon, while
In the. river with a number of friends: He
wag a good, swimmer but became ex
hausted and sank in 8 feet of water.
Baxter Head
Xdiing Man Dro^.
C^teemee^^oV CO.«>Baxt0r Hradi :18.
w^dtawo^ in Sottth river about half., a
mild' above ('the. dam lath - last evening.
He^ and Ddina Owen wm in dwimmlng
and after erosring to the ^eatbenkof tbQ
stream wero'ietn^log wben llead -'went;
dowu nm tlie"cb'annel {n'40.fimt.water. .
His coronaoton was. nhahte to lescuA
him but.aumt^ed brip whldi ^iariiyed
witbin a few tnomenta.-;- ATdiyer.^Sldney
•Nnii, waa able to locate the body;and'atter
briogiitg Itto the ^rface placed it. ln' li
boat and catried It osborewheta attempts
«tt resttdtation, lasting al^t two- bb^ra;
were nnsooce^td..'
^ Mr. Cbarl^.;A. Hartman. died at
his home at Farmiogton last Tburs-
day ^ternoon at five o'clock, fol-
lowing a long illness, a'ged'78 y^rs.
Death lesulted from heart '^disease.
Mr. partman was a native of Dame
^QuV. baviog been bora iu Farm-
ington. in 185a. ' He-was one of the
county's best known. citi^^^'..8nd'
was for several years a' meutbe'r of
the. board .of oouo|y com^lsmbn-;
ers. 'and was also a member of
the Tri Coiinty Highway for shine
time. He was. a memlier of :.tbe
Methodist cborch, and also a inein-
ber of the Masonic I^bdge at Farm
ii^gton Surviving Mr. Hartman
is hm widow, two sons, G A. Hart
man, of Winston-Salem, and 'Capt.
Guy Hartman in tfae U; S. Army
service in • the Philippine Islands;
two daughters, Mrs. William Scbol-
tes, of Winston-Salem, and ' Mrs.
Floyd .Lashley, of Colnmbia, S. G.
The funeral services were held Satr
urday at eleven o'clock at the
Methodist church, and the body
laid to rest in Farmington ceme
tery with Masonic honors. Rev.
A. R. Bell, conducted the services*
In the death of Mr. Hartman Davie
county looses one of her best known
dliizens, a gentleman who was al
ways ready and willing to help any
cause that would- Ik to the best in-
ter^ts of his town and the county.
He was progre^ve and big-heatt'
ed. He will be missed not only in
bis town and commnnity but
throughout this entire section. . His
death has brought sadness to a host
of relatives and friends in Eav^e
and snrronndihg counties/ Peace
to his ashes.
Bio — Obituaries - 7/16/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 17,1930
George Washington McClamroch, Jr.
death by DROWr^ING
Georgo "Wnshlngton McClam-
roch, Jr., 17-ycar-oW aon of G. W.
lilcClnmroch, of the Oak- Grove
community, met a sad death on
Sunday afternoon by drowning in
Dutchman creek at - the .old
Brown'a Mill place, while In swim-
miti'g. This tragic death has cast
a gloom over the whole vicinity
where the yodng man had spent
all of hie life* . The funeral ser
vices were held at Oak Grove Met-
hodlat church on Monday after
noon at ^ o'clock, with Rov. W. Bi
WaiT, asalsted hy Mr, T. I. Gaudell
otnciating." The dqooased .was the
son of'G* W* McClamrooh and the
late Mrs, Mary Eanea McClam-
Tochi.and ia survlvad .by-his fath
er, and/ the followlhg' •brothexs
and aistere: .GUlberti of I<eidng-
ton, Rogers, Arthur, Wiley, and J.
D. McClaihrocrh, n 'Mrs. Lawrence
Summer^, - Mrs. TAlbert Bowles,
Miflses Minnie, Lillio. and Mar
garet McGlamrochl
The pall-bearers were Paul Bow
lea, F. L. McGlamroch, L H, Whit-
akor, Clarence Bowles, J, P. Bog-
cr, R. B. Bogor, Will Wall and
Clarence Wall and.^ the flowers
wore carried by, Mleses Flora Ba
ker, BobsIo Hcrword, Hnzol Mc-
Clnmroch, Frankie Wall, Mary
flakcr, Annia Baker, Bllzaboth
Tnrrcntino and Esther Wagoner;
Much aympnihy is folt for tho
family In their great horoave-
ment., ' . '
Funeral sovvico ^vlaa held at thb
Preabytorinn chyrch Friday after
noon for Baxter Head, 18, who
was acciddntly drowned in South
River, about oncT-half mile north
of Coolcemee, Wednesday evening
wliilo in swimming.
Ucv. A. T/ Stoudopmiro, pastor
of- Coolecineo Baptist Church, hnd
^ clutrge of tho funeral sorvlees, as-
aisted by Rev. J, W. Foster,. Pres-
Interment was at the local
cemetery In North -Cooleemoe.
Two brothers, and one sister sur
vive. Mr, Head was a, popular
young man of tho town and his
ti'aglc donth was a great shock to
IiIk great host of friends and ac-
TiOsrihgton,—James Lanning, 17,
son of Mr/ and Mrs. Thad iLan^-
, ning,. of. thlg city. Was "drowned
Sunday aftornoon while awimm-
iog in tho YadMn River. Landing
was one of n'large group in the
stream at the time, and sank in
, wntor about eight feet deep.
He ifl Bodd to bave been li good
swimmer, but is thought to have'
become exhausted.
The body .was recovered in a^'
bout half an hour• and.,artiflclnl
ycspirationa tiiled. without' sud-"
Young Ltmning was well known,
in Dnvle Conniy, having a.hosfbf
friends in the Pork Church com-
nuinity.—lEditor. -
Mnrirhnll Pinkney Richardson,
G<t, died at his homo near Shef-
flcld, on Thursday, July 10. Fun;
ernl services wore held Friday
afternoon, at C o'clock, at Now
Union church,,with Rov, J. M.
Binkloy, officiating. The deceased
was'the son of Addisbn Richard
son and Jane Blalock Richardson.
He is survived by his wife, and
throe' brothers, T. J. Richardson
and John' Richardson, of Davio
county, and Joe Richardson^ of
Connelly Springs, ' Pallbearers
wore Frank Ireland, Wheeler
Stroud, . John Beck, Robert L.
Smoot, M.' D. l^ooe, and F. N.
Friends' and nclghborGi werb j
grieved to learn of the death.of
Mr. G. A. Hartman, Thursday
afternoon. The'^fiinoral services
were held Saturday morning.'at
eleven o'clock. Out of town people
attending wbre: Mr. Hugh Biraw.n,
Mr. nnd^Mrs. *A. L. Smith',' Mr.-
and Mrs. Frank Walker," Mr. Kbh-'
noth V/alker, Mr. and Mr8. %Wilr
Ham Whits and fdmily. Mrd.' Qla
Binkley and Mr. ZfSb Smith, bf-
.Winston-Salcm, Mr. Sain Stohe-
streoi.- Mr. A.- T. Grant, Mr. and
Mrs. Toni CHafnn,.'Mri and.Mrs.
Orndy Ward, Mr. B. C. Brock, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim V/ard, Dr. and Mrs.
Lester-Martin, Dr. S. A. HaYding,
of Moc!ksv411e, MisS Margaret
Brock, of (Syeonsho'ro, *iMr. and
Mrs. D. D. Bennett, of Cornatzcr,
Mr.-and Mrs. Rom 0<i/rnatzor, Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Bailey, b£ Bixby,
'Mr. and Mrs, Fletcher Rodman,
of SpartanbuTg, S. C., and Mr,
Lum Bowdcn, of Smith Grove, •
Bio - Obituaries - 7/17/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 17,1930
Funornl services 'wcro hold
Thursday nfternoon nt Eaton's
Church lor Ruth Roger, 16 year
old daughter ojf Mr. and Mrs. Lon-)
ni'o Roger, of Fnrmington com
munity, witti Rev. E. W. Turner. In
chargS.. .
-Pall -bo'nrers were R-illy
Johnson, Joe Blnko, Duke Furch-
c.os, Wlllinm Latham, Q.eorge Dull
and Clarence Allen.
Flower girls were members of
her Sunday school clasg.
In Ruth's passing, we are losing
a good, kind, gentle girl and
friend, one who. aLvvays said, ."I'll.
Try." .Her death was a shock to 1
the enttro.community, as sho was,
111 for orily^ afcout.ten bouts. ;.. •. j
Ruth woEf' & true <ahd faithful n
member of the . Fo'iinlngton Edp^ I
tfst Church; .Sho is- survivhd'by i
her mother " and .Sftthois four I
brothers, Clyde,' Lloydo, Bruce
and Robby Lee,' and three" sisters,
Mildred, Wlma hnd Melverlne.
She will (be badly missed by all
her relatlvbs and a host of friends
Bio - Obituaries - 7/17/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 23,1930
Mr. JohiWltidey Pass^
News was i^ved.beie Monday. after
nooQ atatind that Mr« J. B. Wbitfey die^
at 5:30 o*eloofc tbat attenmo at t&ebdi&e
bis daughter. Mra * Ja^'Bm^; .at
isiieeDabaTp, ftdlovring a long itineaa. Tho
body will be biatigbt to this coaoty abd'
laid to rest in &Ieia graveyard at 11
o'doelt this mranibg. ' Mr. Whitley la 8or>
vived by bis widow and three cbUdreo.
one deogbter, Mt& Jack Booze and two
sons D. A« abd Tbotnas Wbltley. Two
(uotben also surviva, Mr: Wbltley is a
ftamer resident of Oavle conbtv, bat mov-
ed from here to Winston-Salem a number
of years ago* and later moved Co a farm
ttbieb-he purchased in Forsytb eoanty a«
tbont two mitea from the Uall'a Ferry
Bridge/ n Mr. Wbiiley was a good man, a
member of the Christian cburcb. and
leaves a boat of frieods in Davfe who
were saddened by the news of his death;
The widow and cfaildreii ..have the
sympathy'of the cummuoity in their loss.
Mr. and Mrs. Wbltley were vtriting at the
bwrne* of Mib. Bo(^ wh^n drath came.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/23/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 24,1930
Fun'orfti 'services for • J.' B. WhTT-
i-ioy» CG, a ^Forsyyi i-County fai'ni>|
f or, \vh'o'dic<l MonUay night at the
. I homo of, his dliughtcr, Mrs. J. M.
if Booze, .in Groohsboro,-"were held
1 Wednefrday mornihg, li o'clock,
• at Salom Church, Rov. L. D. Camn
. Ij®!! <vnr,havc.chorgo of th^ sor-
. vice. Burial was in the;church
graveyard. • . •
Mr. Wh^tley hnd beeri -In failing
health fof 'sOvdrhl ffionths,' bufc'hiia
conation. wo8»..not' regarded' as
critical .Until o'few daya-before
hls/deatfc. • - :
— invWake * county,
Iv>^dm.-there he! came to thid couh*
,ty where Jho lived .for thfrtyifdur
. years,:^olng'to Portyth' county to
makp hlfl; homo near iCllemmone'
alxtoen>-year8'ago.... '
^.Hd .Is widow/
Mrs. .Betty ..WnlltoKWh'ltley jviwo
aona; p.'-A.-nha .T. C.-tyhitley, of.
» f »';9no/aaughter,Mfa, J.;Mv Booze, Greettaboraj'one;
grandcljild and'tyo brothers, p.
0. Wpltley, Gtoe'n^boro and T.'B.
Whitloy, of Cqoleomde,
Hickory, July 81.—^Mrs. 'Mary
J. Green, ..GS, of Rutherford Col-
lego died .Friday niornIng.aftcr on
Illness of a lltllc moro thoii a
week. She had boon'In failing
health for several months. •
She Is survived, by the follow
ing: Rov. Jim Greeny. St. Louis,
'Mo., Rov. Joe M. Green, Hondor-.
Bonyille, ]jtcv..JoIin H. Greene, Al-
bomnrlo, George Green and Cyrus
Green, Grqonsboro,. .Mrs! Cora
St:iteB, Rutherford-, College, .,and.
Mrs. Godrgp Bryant, Ashoville. A
large numlier of grandchildren
also survive. ; ( '
n Funeral.-services were conduct
ed at Camp Free, aon^' i:hc Metlio-
dist church at Rutherford . CoK
loge, of which she AVpa a dovotdd,
member, Sunday morning nt 'll !
(fclocilCi .The services were in |
charge of her pastor, Rev. W.- L.
Scotti assisted ' by Rev. T. J.
Houck. - I
Bio - Obituaries - 7/24/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 30,1930
John Jackson
Iredell Coonty Man Kill
John Jacksoo 22I who lives near
County Line, was instantly killed
Saturday afternoou skortly after
two o'clcok on highway 90,- one
mile above Center, when hit by an
automobile driven by Lieut. J. P.
Hodges, of Laogle-v Field, Va. Mr.
Jackson had park bis truck, which
was loaded with logs, ou the side
of the road, and was patching a
tire. The'truck was ou a lack and
started to turn over, whett Jacksoo
leaped on the highway to keep from
being crushed. He jumped direct
ly in the path of the Virginia car,
which was coming toward Mocks-
ville at a fast rate. The car struck
Jacksou throwing him into the
wind shield of the car and killing
him instantly. Coroner Ray ^gle
was called to the scene of the .ac
cident and after making an ihvesti-
gation declare that the ac
cident was unavoidable, occupants
of the car were allowed to go ou
their way. The body pf Mr. Jack
son was carried to Statesville where
it was prepared for burial This is
the fifth person to die from an au.to-
mobile accident within tbc past
year between Mocksville and Coun
ty Line. The body was laid to rest
at Houslonville Sunday.' Surviv
ing is his parents and wife, besides
otber relatives. >
Oscar Haley
Killed With Club.
Cooleemee.—It was reported here Sun
day that djcat Haley was killed'near
VVvodleaf Saturday night by a young
oegio oanied Lucky.."Tne report aUegesthat both negroes were drinking and ar-
rcnded the Etwln Temple Negro Church
just across the river In Rowan Coo^
from here, andi that trouble commenced
between them but v-Unesses .Intervened
and got 'tbem' away from, the ^orcb.
Later It was claimed, that they m^.t near
a Mri SiyicegMd's In the vicloi^ ofWoodWf aod started fighting. . Lncky
seized a stick. It J« and situek
rhA Haley negro over the b^d vilh it
which cauHe.1 almost- iDBtaqt deatb. ft
was reported further that: offlcjia placedrLucky oegi^ under arr^t. and^ c^,
^iBricd hltn to jidt
Mr. Stoneslreet Passes.
Mr. Noah P. Stoneetraet died at
hie home in Winaton-Salem last Son-
day afternoon, aged 27 years. The
body was brought to Union Chapel
M. P. Church, four roilea west of
Uocksvllle. Tuesday afternoon at
three o'clock, where the funeral and
burial eervicea. were conducted by
Rev. 0. P, Ader. Surviving Mr.
Stonestreet is bis widow, adaoghter.
Helen Lee. a son, W. H. Stonestreet;
his father.;W. H .Stoneatreet of this
county; one 'jiirotber,. C. "S, Stone
street, of WinistoD-Salem; - three
aiatera, Mrs A. C. Spainhour and L
G. Pack, of the Twin City, and Mrs.
0. N. Bowers, of VPortbville. Mr.
Stonestreet isa nativeof Davie. but
left here a number of years ago.
He has many friends and relatives
in the coonty who weresorry to learn
of his death.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/30/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 31,1930
John Jac]li:spn,-20,_-|QUo%|^
; Auto S^uit^ajr
to nyoi(l. being.strlibjc;^ KviCk'/
when It pvpApY^fi^!
26 ypaiP of
ed Su^ifdn^aitern^ J.^Q.v n
o'clock on:
Mocksvllle,', when Btrticic y iby;
hht J.'P; Hodgelr; bf.tniigloy'Eiied;'^
atpn-Soleimi hiS^dWjthei'-H^
Pati^l iii]'the S^yiihth'
vestigateci tbei^accidon^ .
eente^ .t^'o7.^aQW ••. to7'!the
Gdunty^^fkirandr'. vv^Up... abs61yed-. x
Lleutefinnt lifodies o^allblaiflV;'^. Aocording.to' LloUtpmnt 'Fishp^
Jactaod.'fwbpxIlYft^.Llh!^, hiid parlidd biB .tt^^
wltK heavji' logB, vpn koelciaf-A'
yille*Sta^fivllle •- .'Highwayi '•" "flye^
mile's from' '^ockavllle) rapd^iyas-Vi
The heavy .true^ raisediup.on'd^
jack, became top-heavy and.
ed oypr Iii. the wAd. > Jackapn^HvlSp-'^
was equattlng ,by thr'sldo-^^j machine, managed td'/leapibo^^
into th'e highway out of range , of
I the truck,. ..■ • . J ;'' *''
' When Jackson leaped Jnto.'tho...
highway.-ho". was' directiy in'tH'b'.,
path of the car opochtbd by Llou''
tenant. Hedged. The ;machlnp.struclt. Jackson^ throwing-/Wa*
'back hitd the wlntlRhloUirqfi tha.'
automobile.' •, Lieutohant
said' ho bolicvod the :mAh*a\a^was brokon,' as ho. djodjin^tii:^^
LlQutennnt Hodgespahion,'Capta{h;. W:\;^^^^also", of .^Ln'hgloy ■^Elbldof the; piitomohlle,^' romaine^/^^^^•thbibody - uhtl) ■ thb'.nridval7of/;jtWCoronon;, IJhey wor^;ien . routedLnngley iPleUl'when; the;^^^^
pccurodi \ Both."mon" ^
.Stntoa" Army aValtora.- v." - : v.■
After a llagarjng lUncSs ■ of.-
aovernl montha, Mr, Will L, Hahea.
of Smith Grove, died at hla homo
about (Avo-thlrty o'clpck Tiioada'y-|a; ihif Juiy 29th.. 1930. Mr; Hahes.v; had .been . In decllnlng'hoAfth^fpv^, the past year or • a.6, auffe'rlng]'.•'from ft\7nlQlady; which ".waa^:^jOognlzcd many months - ago;;;.^a;;'j one''of. Inciirriblo' nntuj-e^ He"^'waa7'
11 patient: sufferer' oven- to \ thovJast a^ wpa .^qna.clops up^tb'In^lrTi'duv of hi« llfo.,"'. ' r . ■ y ,
Will li. Hanca was ^born7 in
•Davlo' County," March 9, 1802,>Hb
spent the greater- part .of .-hla-Ijfo -I at his homo* near JSmith Grove-:.nvhero he engaged.ip.fdfmihg.apd;:-'cattle raialhg. Ho Avaa^hmlnontly:.j eugoQBBful.Jiivhla' bueinOBy opora'f .jtions, BO milch' 80^ ;tirAt' hdv wttgj able - tb resbirc from .acrtlyb-.'llfeV;1 when; attacked.. by '' the; .■ malady-;which 'uHima'tely. tpausBd • hla^-death*.: "• '/ -i';-■
I ■ Mr, Hanes woa married January.'2, 1894, to AureliaiM. :Naylpr.'..Ty;
• this union wero" born .two ,'child7;' reh; Oliver EaVl" v/ho died. .Oct-.j obor 20, 1897, .and Maiy.-Jiianita
who married.J. IP, Angel, of MockiByillo. In additipn to hia widowand daughtciv; Jir. 1 Hanoa-is 'aar.-.;
vived % one alater, Mra. DeWltt;Cartor, of Winston-Solera, and.
one brother, Mr. • Jbaeph •Hnnea^
of Ashevlllo. •
Funeral 'aovvices ' will be-.conducted by'Eovs; Bell, Loftln and.Waff at Smith .Grove ghurch,.;nttwo-thii'ty o'clock, Thursday. af-^;
tenioon, July .aiat, and will..by•in charge of MoHltaville . CouncilNo. 220, Jr. 0..U. A. M., of which-the deceased .was a loyal . and
faithful momhbr/ . '
1>~^ ' ■
Bio - Obituaries — 7/31/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 6,1930
Mr. W. 1. Haoes Passik
Hf. William Hanes, .a|ed 62,
died at bis borne in Smitb Gifove
^rly last . Wednesday morning ;fol
lowing an illness ot one veai. tbe
funeral, service were held- at tbe
Smitb Groye. - Afetbodist clmrcb
Tbnr&day afternoon at'2:30 o'clock,
conducted by bi$:-i>astor'. Rev. A.
R. Bell Burial followed in tbe
•cburcb cemetery witb Junior Order
honors. Mr. Hanes is survived by
his widow; one dabgbtef, Mrs.'J,
T.'Angeli, of tbis city; onebirdther.'
J. G. Hanesi of Asbeyille; one. sis
ter, Mrs. Bmma Carter, of .Winston
Salem. and three grandcbildreb;
Mr. Hanes was a native of Da^e
county being :bor,n in FuUon town
ship where be lived for many years
before moving to near Smith Grove.
Hazel McCulloh
Hazel, the little p-year-old daugb-
of Mrs..Glenn McCoIlob, of
ficar Turrentine, died, at the .Bap*
^ Hospital, WtnstODrSalem,. last
Wednesday momiiig/iQllbwin'g a
Jooit illness. The' bOdy laid
in tbeTbrtenUne graveyard
wP^ay afterhpOp a]l ifiilee o*-
[wli:. Rev. J..Jt;Kirlc coodncted
^ funeral and bprial'sendees-
Ace mother, three brothers and
Sisters sajrytv^ .'.'Buffer little
rjjldren to <mm&nnio' me,'and for
liietn not, for of*.^ch is; tho
wigdom of heaven.V-'i'Thc'bj^ay-'
JO' family have the':^jppatiiy- of
:7i,^AiTe comrauiiityriD tbe.4eatb:W this bright .liUle '. wboVb"^
Jane Taylor
Mrs lane Taylor died at her
Itome in Smith Grove last Wednes
day, aged 79 years, death resnltlng
from paralysis. The pody was
bid to rest In Smith Grove ceme
tery Thursday afternoon at five
o'clock, her pastor Rev.' A. R:' Bell,
condncting the funeral and burial
mices. Mrs. Taylor is survived
by two sons, Messirs Duke and
John TeylCr, and' one daughter.
Miss Sallte Taylor, <oll of Smith
Grove. Two half-sisters also sur
Bio - Obituaries - 8/6/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 7,1930
Amanda Lamb
After a Unsfcrlng^ illncsB of sov-
.eral months, Mrs. Amanda Lamb,
wife of Lewis Lamb and daughter
of the Into Henry and Margaret
Simmbi-sdn Darr, died at her
home here Wednesday morning at
12:05 o'clock. About two years
ago she suffered a hrokon limb
from which she never recovered,
but bore her suffering with Chri^
tlan fortitude.'Mrs; Lnmb twus 74
years, 10 months and 13 daya-'old.
In 1873 she was married to Lewis
Lamb. To this union wero born
nine children, two. idleing .while
young. She loaves tov mourn her
loss, 4 sons and 8 daughters. J. •
F. Lamb, of Tyro, R. B., 0. 0., I
H. Mrs. D. W. Snider, Mrs.
0. J. Charles, and Mrs. L. E. I
Grocn with whom she made her'
home. 17 grandchildren, 6 great
grandchildren, one slater, Mrs. R. |
K._^WIlllara8, of Churchlhnd, oho
brother, R. P. Darr, also of this
community, one .brother, Charles
R. Darr, preceded her'in. death
severar yeai's ago. PunoTnl ser
vices were hold at Churchland
Baptist iCIiurch, Thuraday at 11
a. m., by Rev. C. R.. Pleas pastor
of Tyro Luthcrn Church and was
laid to/rest bcsido her husband
who preceded her 'Jn death 29
yeoro ago. Mrs. Lamb'joined the
Churchland Baptist Church In
girlhood and lived a consistent
member until death. The floral of
fering. was many and beautiful
which showed the esteem In which
fl ho was held.
Jane Taylor
Mrs. Jan'b Taylor who has been
111 for sometime, and confined to
her bod for 15 weeks died hero,
July 30th, at 12:30 o'clock. Ago
79 years. Slie leaves to mourn her
passing tavo sons John and Duke
Taylor, one daughter, Snllic Bet,
and' a' host of irelativos and fri
ends. Her fuhefal: was- held
Thuraday afternoon at 6 o'clock
by ReV. Bell apd Loftin.
Bio — Obituaries — 8/7/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 13,1930
Sallie Godby Foster
Richard Everhart
Farm Yonth . Kdled By
Lexingtoo, Aug. 6. — Richard
Everhart, 14, was killed 67 light
ning that struck a farm wagon*be'
was driving in an open field on bis
father's farm • about four miles
northwest of here, about 5:30 this
afternoon. Two mules pulling the
wagon were also killed and a 12*
year-old b:o her of Richard was
knocked down but only lightly
shocked. .The boys were engaged
in hauling manure.
Dies In Wilmington, j
Fnueral servi^ for Mrs. Sallie'
Godby Foster, daughter of Mrs.
M. L* Godby, of County Line, wbo
died Tbursdieiy night in Wtlming-i
ton. was held Sunday afternoon at;
13. o'clock from Salem Methodise
I church, and interment was in the
cemetery there. The services was
conducted byRev. A. G. lx>ftin.
t Mrs. F<^ter died Thursday night
at 9:30 o'clock''at a , hospital in
; 'Wilmingtbh. Her body was taken
to the htfme of her parents at Coun
ty Line.
Mrs. Foster was 23 years old.
Snnnving are'ber husband, Mr. H.
C. Foster;'her parents,-Mr. and
'Mrs. M L. Gqdby, of County Line;
six sister^ and two brothers.
Bio - Obituaries — 8/13/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 20,1930
Oneta Hanes
Funeral of Oneta Hanes. year*
old>daugbter of Mrs. Daisy Hanes,-
was conducted from Bethlehem M.
£. Cbnrch, Tn^ay morning by
Bey. A. R. Bell. Interment was
in the church graveyard
The child passed awayi Monday,
at the home of B. H. -Walker, Ad*
vance R. i,. where 'she and her
mother were visiting. The baby
was bbm Aug.. to, 1929.'
Bio — Obituaries - 8/20/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 21,1930
prginio R. Joiiei, tenrycar old.
ightei; of H.' Sj)^ncor Jones and
'Pearl' Barney Jones* died
|£|je;,liome' of Her jffrnndfhtlier,'
fhiJqnoB,; atCornatzer 'ohi Wod-
lay evening, "Augu'sf 18, • aftor
' r-fi/ll a: month "vvith-^phdid
|?vTho. funoral eondiiot-
homo • on' Atii^'sf; 15,; by
Kfrir; osVisted .'Jbiy •Rev.
If^TiJiliTioh.'- •!Tlio;*fi^thek' iihd
h'Wv/Vf/vlnnr -,1)0,1. 'n1V'nri):"'i'nli'
n iiofvlKq'5Syrid'ay clnse r of'
rwhicii •fchb. littio girl was a metti-
ber,: they, being' Misses -Gertrude
'; Hendrl|fi' Lena Potts, Sarah McV'
•• Qaniel^!; Berjtio- Suo Ellin;- Maty
I StnrivIInool Jonas,>Hnnnnh Jonos,'
-Mabel Jones; Ruby Blvins, Annie
May Ci^ter, Oebrgia ElHa, Pauline
Gowan, Helen Alien. Helen G'nr-
wood, Luciie Gavwooil, Dorothy
Bornoy, Irene Barney, Lucilo Bar-'
1 hey, Maxino Chaplain, Clara Bnr-
• j ney, and Mary 'Lois McDanicI..
PASSES away '
Mrs. Mialinda Beck- Daywault,
widow of. A. L. iDnjnvttuifc, died^..,
at .-the homo of her son, Jool vW-.
Daywault, hear. Salem . Methodiet;-."
chprch ..on Tuesday n "nf ternoQn#.^^
Auffuet .io, nged/TP*. Shp •was; the V■(Inughter -of - Andy Beck, and Julia-.i'I Thomas Bock." Surv'lviiig .pro fl ve •, 80118: W. T., J, Wi, and A, Li:T)ay-;I ViHult, .of - the eamo /cbthmunily,!' ]
John -Dftywault,.>f .'.T.urhop9bu'rg,..'.;' and' R."'G.. Daywault,.-of.•Landls/:'J oho stop-son, J;: D. ''Day w«UU,-V^^^Statesvillo, one-'.daiightbr,. Mrg*j;! Richard' .McDaiilql, • Statodvillo,grdrtlVphli^dteni 20^ '
'childrbhy'lind one ; great-grehtr^*!grandchild; Qne..brother;• John.-"
Bock,' oft GnInhn]n,nnd'twoHisterer.--
Mrs. A'lb.ckiO'NoaT and Mre. John •; Boyd, of payio, also.;8urvlve. The »•funeral, services .vfero. ' held -.at;' Stl' .Matthew's Lutheran;: -Churcli',oh .."Wcdhoodny. n'ftorriqoA ' ;ot 2. o'clock, the paatbr of .;tho - de
ceased, Rev. C. iP. -Kyles, ..of Clo- .veland,. officiating. .'i i. ;.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/21/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 27,1930
Mary Smoot
,Mrs. Mary \Sriio6t
age died at the;vhoDie' of .her datigli'
ter, l^rs. .Keller,' Mboday.
aftemopd,.; death'- resuldng',. fVpm
paralysis,; fpllpwlhg " a .hrolten. Kip.'
This fagerahail4/KKtiali!^^^
be.held at Sillem chdrcb'thls^^
noon at . bv' o'clocki v Revi;
LdftioJ^ will Gondact; the servic<ek;
Shrviyirig|is t^e.daug^
T.:-' ITpIIaf* 'twrt'-'-jSit'orc .CStfcan*
Mrs. Haywait Passes.
Mrs. Malinda Beck Daywalt,
aged 79, die^ Tuesday morning at
3:36. at the home of her son, Joel
W. Daywalt. Shew.asthe widow
of J. A. Daywalt who died sever
al years ago and was the daughter
of- Andrew and Julia Thomas tieck.
Surviving are five sons^ W.
J. W., and A. L. Daywalt. all of
Davie coitp'ty; George, of Turners-
burg. and R.. G., of Landis At
so one stepson. J. D -Daywalt of
Statesville. and adster, Mrs. Rich
ard McDaniel of Statesville. In
addition she leaves a brother, John
Beck, of Calabain, and two daugh
ters, Mrs Alex -O'Neil and Mrs.
John ^Boyd.\Twenlv-one. grand
children, twenty great-grandchild
ren and one great-great-grandchild
Funeral services were held al.St.
Matthews 'Lutheran Church in
Davie county Wedne.sdav afternoon
at 2 o'clock', condncted by Kev. C.
S Kyles, ,pf Cleveland, Rowan
county.' : '
J. H. Seambn Passes.
. iMr. J. H. Seamon, a \vell-known.
citizen of the South Calabain.com
munity, died last Thur^ay after-
nob'n following a few hours illness,
aged 66 years. The body was laid
to;rest in St. Matthews graveyard
Friday afternoon at two o'clock.
Mr. Seamon is sur\'ived by several
sons and daughters.
Tbomas Stewart Passes.
Cooleeinee. Aug. at.—Funeral
services followed by interment were
held today for ThomasStewart, 60,
well known man of Cooleemee. Mr.
Stewart succumbed late Tuesday
night after an illness of one wepk
from paralysis. _
iUlrs. Stewart and two sons, Bax
ter and Arthur jjurvive. Bom and
reared in Yfldkin county, Mr. Stew.
art moved to -Cooleemee apout 30,
years ago and lived here ever since.
Interment was in Deep Creek ceme
tery, Yadkiu county.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/27/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 28,1930
' John ilcnry Sonmoii, died at hia
homo on' Mock^illo Route 1, on
Thursday, nftornoon, August 21st,
aged ;.67, 'The decciiacd was the
Bon 'df Dnvid Senmon. of Cabni'-
ruB County, and 'Morry Ponce'Soh-
mon, ond waa twice marrlad, both.
of *.hls wivbk'having .prece'dedrliin);
Aib'ii'so, MiUoh, J; C., and Robert
Soamon, nil of Dnvlc, threo dau
ghters, Miss Edna Senmon, Mrs*
Alvin Senmon, of Route 1, .Mrs.
laane Hiinoycutt, of LInwood, five
grnhdchildren; one .brotlier, ITio-
mas Senmon,' of. Woodlenf, and 8
fristera, Mra. Wliliahi Hill, of near
'Sftliabury, Mrs. C. P. PvBDmnn, of
Rownn, nml Mias Rebecca Senmon,
of Dn^o. Punernl servjcos were
conducted by Rev. C. P. Kylen, nt
St Mntthow'fl Luthernn Church,
: of which tlie'dcccnaed was -a mem-
• bor, on Friday afternoon at two
• o'clock The pnllbonvora were
Gborge, John, Alonzb, Robert, Mil
ton, and Alvlp Senmon-The floiv-
er girlff were Misses Eula May,
Doris, Luc|le, Elizabeth, liouiae,'
Cora Loc, Helen, Bessie, Hazel,
Mary Lee, "and Lois Senmon, Col-
one, Ploronco and Nellie May Cor-
jfoll, Ethel Hill, Mrs. Jess Hill,
; Mrs, Steven Hill, Mi.ss Mny Ovor-
cnffh, Mrs, Rnlph Hnrper, nnd
Mian Prnnccs Ovcrcnah.
Mrs.^ Mnfy AndersonSmoot • j
pnsscd'ftwny nt th'e .home of'her ;
dnu^htor, Mrs. R. L. Keller, Mock- •
aville Route 1, follpwing an ill-, i
11088 of * aovevnl weeks,' ghc "wart /
the (daughter .oA Samuel Smoot
and Nancy Carter . Snioot. The n
funeral services were held at.,
Snlom Chiirch, "Wednesilay, Aug. :
27 at 2 p.- m., conducted by. Rev.
A. G. Loftln.
She Is survived by one dniigh- ;
toy, Mrs. R. L, Keller, two sistors,
Mrs. Emmn Hnnsnrd, /of Mn,y-
nnrdaville, Teiin, Mra. Suaan'Sa-
friet; of Route'!> two grnadchU-
dron nnd.threc^ great gfantlchll- .
dren; . ' |
Bio - Obituaries - 8/28/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 3,1930
Mrs. Milly Click Dead.!
Cobleemee, Aug. a^.-^Funeral'
services were held t^is afternoon at
the home of her daughter, Mrs.
W. A.- Langston, for Mrs. Milly
Click, 89, who passed away early
Tuesday morning after an illness of
about six weeks. Interment fol
lowed in Jerusalem Cemetery with
T. I. Caudell, of Mocksville, and
Rev. V. E. Swaim, of Winston-Sal-
em, nfficiating.
Mrs, Click was the daughter of
Joseph and Bliza Eaton, of the
Farmington community, and was
married to John Nicholas Click in
1859. To this union uine children,
six hoys and three girts, were born.
The following survive:. Fmley Click
of Orlando, Fla.; Mrs. Sallie
Kooutz, of Longwocd, Fla ; S. M.
Click, of San Antonio, Texas;
Mrs. Edith Grubb, of Asbeville,
and Mrs. W. A. Langston. of Jeru
salem. A stepson. Bill Click, also
survives, and 28 grandchildren and
30 great-grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/3/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVTLLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 4,1930
' , .PTES AT AGE OP 89
I ^VB. Amelia Elvira Glick, a
higiiiy osicomod woman " of the
Joi'udaloih community, and widow
n of John Nicholas Click, died at
the. homo of her daughter, Mra.'
j W, A, Lnngaton, on Auguai 26th,
'after'<an lllriees of Hix weeka/agBd
. 89. She -..wna -the daughter of Jo-
soph and Eliaa Cornoll Eaton, and
" was born and reared lionr Fnrih-
ington. Her father was the firct
member of Moclcayille Masonic
I^dgd No. 184 to die, itmd was
buried with Masonic honors at
Olive Prancb Church on May 18th
1851. Tho .surviving sons and dau-
ghtors ai'o: •Flnley Click, of. Or-
Inndo, Fin., S. M. . CUcTr, Tax.,
Mrs. Snilie Kooiitss, of I^ongwood,■Pla.; Mrfl...Edith Griibb, of AshV
.villo; and Mrs, W. A. Langflton,of jerusalem. The funeral aer-
• vices wpro hold- Jopt at. .sunset,
as was the .wish of tho ddcpnsicd,on ■Wodnoadny. evening, August.
27th, in the Jpruaalom ccmelory,
with Rev. Sol Swnim. of Wihston-iSniom, hnd ;Mr.-T. I. Caudell, ofMocksville,ofljciating.' ' '.
Bifwin.Maaien Ahderapn,]v^3,;a-".plphoQr ;ih the'^tobdccy tiianufuc-^'
turlng '.indiiBtry lit Whwtonrfliilom,'pij'aacd "h.wny 16 p'clopk-nesday;■ moyniiig' "at his' aix ^
1 diiies-wdst".bf; Mi)okavJUd on :R;-i D,' ^^:nd: been' in: dbcUnlng;;^,:I hottjili. two ■'ye'nrB,'.;^bHt:,hi8 :'cbndi-jtipn'had hcon. 8'erldu8;^^bnly sihcd'^^
Duvie .'County,'-' janudi?yf .18^7,;^:'He I i v6d In Wlrietdn^alemA^nunHbor .of V.earal'ile'. .was 'cdh\iected;;t;Wjth"; thpHane^j- ttby'nolds 'vnjidyTbylpi'- tobii^pd' f-afctdtfy• for:'flomd-«' ■time and .tiipn with Ri J, Reynolds'■Tohapcb. Conipahy.whwr IVTr*; Bbyf--nolds 'started - hia own ;;phihti! . j; For "a ^few; yc'nrg v^'.' 'Ah<?er?'-.,son; was. with -Taylor- Wnrahdusoi; ■'retirihg -nbout^twd* yeijrs'agb"! .b'lt;'• ncc.b.bnt '^f.; | ft ^ nl ih", ' Mrs,..An^'.:yraop pnasoii liwoy -Janiuhry,' ^.1928.-:; -VvO'-j;i
■ pi'iiwiyora • Jnt4iulo-.-hn adopdiiughtoi% • Mrs. B;.:H'j:^oftsh"e'Q';d£Win.ston-Salen\ a brotyr^'ChavicB;-'G;^AndorBon: of .Irdddll C{oun^|;:•two 'sistors, M'ias ■ CnVrpy"' A ri deri;C
■flon "of ..- Pavie Pountyand Mrs.;Matthew Bosh .6f. Saiisbury. \-:-
: Funeral will dm- cohdndtbd at ./Voglor!a funeral .■ phali.eii, /Ayinaftdn-Sal^m, at 2 ■.o'clock TKufaday. .afternddn, followed by HeryJce at.-Cjilvdry. Moi'nvJan.^hurch nt 2 ;8.0'^•by - Dr.. Edmund- Schvwim.i ;Intdifi.;meht' win bd; 'in!-thdr. Mbrnvion :Graveyard/:'--• 'V'- \ ' -VO ?•
Bio - Obituaries - 9/4/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 10,1930
Mrs Jacob Spry Dead.
• Mrs.' Jacob Spry died at ber home
in Cooleemee last' Tuesday, follow
ing a long illne^. The body was
laid to rest in Turrentine graveyard
Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Mr.
Stondemyer, pastor of the Coolee
mee Baptist church, conducting
the funeral aud burial services..
Mrs. Spry is.survlved by ber bus
band and one son; ope brother, C.
G. Vanzant, of this city; a balf-
brotber, T. A. Vanzart, of R. i.:
one* sinter, Mrs. Lewis Cope, of
E. M. Aaderson Pas^s.
Edwin M. Anderson, 73, passed
away at bis bome near Calahain
early last Wednesday morning.
Death resulted froni a stroke ot
paralysis which be'suffered onSnn-
day, Atxg. 31, following an illn^
ot two years. 3Ir. Anderson, was
in the tobacco business ' for'^ many
years and lived in. Winston-Salem
until his health- failed', when he re
turned to Davie. • The body was
carried to the Twin-City Thursday
afternoon and laid to rest in the
Moravian graveyard. Surviving-
Mr. Anderson is an adopted daugh
ter, Mrs. B. Hi Fottshee, of Wins-
ton-Salem. a brother,' Cbas*. Ander
son, of Iredell county; two- sisters,
Mrs. Carry Anderson, 'of this conn-'
ty, and Mrs. Mathew Bosh, of Salis
bury. .
Paulina Brown
' Mrs. Paulina Brown died at the
home of her son Philip Bn7wn near
Cana, Sunday night at an. advanced
age.' The funeral and burial ser
vice were held Monday afternoon
at three o'clock, at Eaton's Baptist
church. Mrs. Brown iis survived
by one SOD Phillip Brown,-one
daughter Miss Lena B.rown; two
sisters, Mrs. John Green, of Mocks-
ville, Mrs. John Ndylor, of Cana:
three brothers; Frank', Richard and
Tom Eaton, all of Cana. Mrs.
Brown was the widow, of the late
Rev Green Brown. '
Bio — Obituaries - 9/10/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVTLLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 11,1930
{ ' •■ —= '
1 Mrs. Loulsn. Paulina Eaton
Brown, highly estaomed womanof the.,Oana community, died ather home on Septemlicr 7th,, after
'being an dnvnlid. for n'.number
of yeara, aged 70. She was the*oldest daughter of James Eaton,and Elizabeth Ferebee:Eatnn, nnd.was borri on, Aprir 0th, i860, heriiig one of the ten children,. Shej'oinc^. Eatona' church. In ;.i879,aiid was.alwaya. a'.falthful nftepd-
tmt at liff servieea* whenever, her
health, would ipermlt. v She" wasmnrrlod t6::Bev'..S." Browii :JnJanhaiy, .1^9, and to • this' ^nlon
were, horn- two .childbanV Mlsaliena Brown and PhllipJ Brown
\vho. .-survive. . Throe •. brothers,;MasBrfl. J. P. .Eaton, ID. % Eaton
and T. L. Eatpn',. -o£ Cana, and
Iwo- fl islers, Mrer. J, Pi Oreen, ofMockavllle, ijrid Mrs, J. p.-'Naylor,
of Cana/also mouhi'her loss.:
. The funeral servicoa .woro held
at Eaton's Baptist '-Qhureh "onMonday, aftorhoon, nt .4 o'clock,
wlth.Rov. W. B. Waff officiating,and tho interment took place in
the historic gravoyord neorby,
•where.ntpny Eatona of• ICdrmer
gonbrations nrb burled, Tho pmll-
benrers wore: V/, H. Edton, R.
M. Eaton, Broadus Eaton, Lhmon
Eaton, Floyd Nnylor, Corl Eaton,
and the flowera woro carried by
Misaea •Inez Nhylor, Belvla Eaton,
Boaaie Latham, Elizabeth Nn.v.lor,
Velnn Naylor, and Mrs. Floyd
Mr, John A, Sofley, aged OB,
tiled (It his hom<i in Rcdinhcl WotL'
noaday morning at 7:60 o'clock,'follpwolng. an oxtoiMlod 'illhoaa.
Tho funornl soryico will bo con
ducted byRov. Rood at jQtohlohemafternoon, Mr. Spdcy.ia'Bwrvlyodby hls 'wlfo, Mrs. Mary E, Martin,Sofley. ' .'•»•
To this union \vcre;b.qrn ■cloven,
chlldroh; ton of'Which 'aul>viva:
Henry and Frank, of Yndkln coun
ty; Mrs, W. .A. Smith and Mrs.
Henry Fosftor, ofPorByth county;.Jessie,.liOckie, Lola, Mnrio, Hefeh,
Ethel, of Da vie county. .He hna
oho brother, T. W. Soffley, also ofDavic county.- Haye Verge, .of
Winston-Snlem' and Mack Verge,'
of'•Knnnnpolla ni;o-hnU brothers.
' Mr. Sofley .wiia n devoted hiis-
bniid and n loving father, a good
neighbor and will bo missed by
all who knew him. Ho "aovvcd on ^
tho school board and'-took-an active iiart in achodl work.
Mrs...A, B. Peacock died last
Saturday, afternoon'at hov -home,
near North Cooiecmeo and was
laid to rest Sunday afternoon nt
B o'clock In tho cemetery nt Au-
gu!;tn. She had boon n loyal and
faithful member of tiio -church
there for about 16 yoarg. Mr.s.
Peacflck: had boon n groat suffer
aild'hud been confined to her bod
for about 8 ihontha. She bore her
buffering wltli . great pafjenco.
She wna n-good woman and be
loved by nil who know her. She
leaves a husband,' threo small
children, and five step children.to mourn .their io'Bs. .'. The' fijneral waa "conducted by
her pnator, Ro.v, Lpftin,
Noyior, Wo extend our deep .aym-
pnthy to tho borcnvcd rolntiyotf.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/11/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 17,1930
TwNnas G. Stonestreet.
Paneral of Thomaa GufSe Stone-
Btre^t, 55.' WB8 conducted at the
home* WiDBton Salem at 1:30 o'clock
Tuesdaj^ afternoon, followed by ser-
vice' propw ^ 3 o'clock at Union
Cbapel, by Ro7. J;-B. Ferroo and
Rev; Rarkev Holmes. . Interment
WB% in chnreh graveyard,
Ur. Stonratreet- passed away late
Sunday night, after an illness lasting
bIo;^ January. Bis condition bad
beoQ serious t^ days. He was bom
in0avie.Gbunty; Aug. 10,1875, and
lived there. , until about a year ago
whc^ he moved to Win8ton>Salem.
MK'- Stopestreet was a member of
Union <^ap.el Mt -i^.'Uhurch and of
M^syille.Conncnl, Jr. 0. U. A. M.
^rv}ving.^Me Mrs. Stonestreet,
th^ dauglit^. Misses Elva, Alone
andvBlizatfetbrtwo sons. Carlus and
•Esf]^ all of Wipston-Salem; two
brothers. J; A. and W. H. Stone-
atrebt, of Gana; two sisters, Mrs: J.
W.',Roger^d Mrs. J.'N. Jbrdwrof
Cans.' .
'Foaeral Mr. Sdfky..
. The funeral of John A. Sofley,
63, who died at bis - home near
Bethlehem church, Wednesday
morning at 7:30 o'clock, was con
ducted at Bethl^em cbnicb Thurs
day afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev.
S. H. Reid, of Walnut jCove.
Burial was in the church graveyard.
Mr. Sofley had been in declining
health seven years and bad been
confined to his bed since Mav. He
was .born in Staulv county, Novem
ber 20. 1867. Most of his life how
ever, was spent in Davie county.
Surviving'are the wife and ten
children:* H. H. and C. F. Sofley,
of Yadktn county; J. M- and L C.
Sofley, of the home place; Mrs. W,
A. Smith and Mrs. Henry Foster
of Forsyth county; Misses Uola
Marie, Helen and Ethel, of the
home place; one brother T. W.
Sofley, of Davie county; one half
brother, E. W.. Burrage. of Wins-
tou-Salem: and sieventeen grand*
' N
J. D. King
Mr. J D. Ring, father of Mrs.-
h. B. Feezor, of Mock^lle died at
his home in Wlnston>Sa]em Son-
day thorning, following ai stroke of
paralysis, aged 69 years. The
funeral and burid services were
held Monday afternoon at the home,
Revs. V. C. Weaver and V. M..
Swaim conducting the services^
Sam Clement
Sam Clement, well-known color-
W man, died at bis home on San-
ird .avenue Sunday lollowing a
illness, at an advanced age.
Mm operated a restaurant -and bar-Jtr shop in Mocksville for' many
lears He was one of the few ex-
left in iDavie countyi He is
^rvvyed by his aged Wife and. a
"®hef of close relation^. " \
Bio - Obituaries - 9/17/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 18,1930
Jefferson Davis' Kiqff, .prbmlii*
enfc .citlseto' dtid. Vtobnccpniat" -
I Winstot^^alciiij .dled-at .hla -home
I thbre Sandoy 'morning Sept- ,14/
(after an illnea'a of Mree..'\voe'kB
which followed ,a. stiroke. of^ parn-i
lysis^ The' deceased* wds^iiO- years
of. age,-and had diveh lh;the Twin
.Ci^. Ipr.the i^asjk yearsreoming
!fitere 'frbm'.'h'lB. ndiivd -county of
r';}He:]was twell'Kne^^^
tbf West^.Edd' Mbiho'diat Ghureli/
He iifliirylve'd by. his-widow, one
daughtef^^Mrs^'. U. B.; Fejeior/. of:
this city, dnd five poiia^^jand dye
grandchildren. ,:l%s'j'fuh'eral Kei;-'
vices ^erb,cpndu.bt^^.aV^c
bA.MondayVaftbrnpoini'. ^y^Dr.' 0.;
6/Weaver and Rev.' V. SwaimL
lukd >*th'e' inteirnient • ibok * place In j
the E^m'cembfery. Tho^nump'r'. I
0U8,friends here.of Mfa.^Feesof I
will sympathize with .her In her^*
hereayemeht. .;v* ' ' •, |
vTIIei:Doolcemb'e 'Journal, •
Avery. Sink,' Sho
ibapn dsldnff;.and patioht. snf-
ilwairai.hJieQrfuly arid wit^.i^ic
"nbjE>r.;bf .fi'lehde. 'wHo had'
Rev. T.': J, Houck, asnlatod by the
Rey; NI.-G.'JI^U'ncnn -of tho.EplflcC7
pal'-churcb. Mrs; I^mes was long
a faithful and consistent .mem
ber of the Methodist church. In-,
.termont was at the cemetery' In
Thomas Giiflle Stoneatroct, a
former citizen of Davle Oounty,
died at his homo In Winston-Sal-
om, on Sunday evening, after be
ing ill since January. The de-
cp'naod was 55 years, of age. and
was n montb'or of the Methodiflfc
Protestant Church niid 'of the
Junior' Order. The fuperal aer^
'vices Wei's held at Union Chapel
.In this county' on Tuesday aftor-
noon at thm o'clock, Rov, J, B,
Forreo, of this city, and Rov. Par
ker Holmos, fof W^stonf^alom,
officiating. 'Ho was a brotlier-in-
law of'Mrs. L*. S. Kurfeos.
Sam Clement,' opo of the best
(tiown colored men in Mocks-
4116, and a familiar figure about
wvn for many years, died at his
^niD here Sunday, and was bur-
id Monday afternoon. Sam was
i unl(|ue ohatactor, always .iglnd
tin -eiTahd, arid had ipany
I'onds among the white pooplo;
'o f.«i survived by his widow,
*Aunl" Charlotte Clement,; whor
KlUito old and fopble..
i'or many years Sam was pross-
for bho Enterprise, and has
iurncd off thousands .of copies♦i Iho paper during his time.
Carlton W. Lyerly
Rowan Boy Killed in Wreck
.Salisbury.—Carlton' W. Lyierly,17, son of C. J.^ylorly in eastern
Rowan jms instantly, killed. Saturday When a truck ho was drlvrlag turned over on him two miles
east of Salisbury. A companion,
Dement Goodman, • escaped withalighfy, Injuries. I
Bio - Obituaries - 9/18/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 24,1930
Mrs. Qames Passes.
Faneral services were held Tues
day atteruoon of last \sreek at Coo*
leemee for Mrs. Marion Ijaroe.s
who died at the home of her son J.
A. Sink in that town Sent, isth
llie body was carried to Farming-
ton and laid to rest. ' Mrs. Ijames
had been ill for fi ve years wltli
rheumatism. Surviving is three
sons by her first husband. J A.
Sink, Oooleemce; Joseph Sink,
Cans, and Robert Sink, of Idaho. I
Mrs. John Lefler Dies.
BSia. John A. Lefler, 73. died at her home
near Cooleemee Sunday afternoon about
3:30 o'clock after an illness of seven
She is BOtvived by her hnsbaod and
two danghteis, Mrs. Addison Coble of
Mo<d:8viiIe, and Miss Lacy Lefler and
eight gfaadcblldrea
The funeral was conducted at 3 o'clock
Monday afternoon at Liberty Methodist
Church, with (he Rev. A. <3. Loftio in
Wesley Martin
Wesley Martin died." at his
1^® near AuKuata, this county
«Tuesday, following a long ill-
at ao advanced age. The
services were held .Wednes-
^^ternoon at three o'clock' and
®.«idy laid to rest in Concord
Mr. Martin is siirviv-
^ widow and a' number of
Bio - Obituaries - 9/24/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 25,1930
' On Tueartny moi'ning, Septem
ber 16, about olcvcn o'clock, the
death ungela Invaded the Martin
home, near Concbrd M, E. Church
and took tho ewect soul of John
' Wesley Mnrthi. to that manfrion
above prepared for Gods saints.
His death came after a period
of long illness In which every-
.thing known, to medical science
WAS done to restore him back to
! health and strength. His going
, wasr not sudden and. he was a
great sufferer for sometime, but
he' endured' the :pain with great
I patience. Yo^ never heard him
I complain. His home and his heart
, were always open to anyone who
I visited him and his family and
I their company waa ackncwlodgcd
.with great cheer. He appteclafflS'
; everything-that was done, the lit--
.tlc .t.hinga-as well as the big. He
had'- a large circle of ' friends
I whom' he loved and who loved him
because of his general dlspesl-
I tiou. There Is an empty plhce in
the home -and a yacapt^ plhce in
tho community. His words s "I
am ready to die.'' Hie wife who
Burvives him in tho happy con-
^ciotisnese of having don'e what
' she could to fill his last days with
\ quiet and comfort.
I Mr. Martin Was 79 years of age;
■He was •bom March 2, 1861, near-I Bethel in Davie Couniy. DuringI hie llfo'he was nuirriod 'three
times. First to Miss Mary Jane
Daniels, March 4, 1874 and she
departed this Hfo Septombor 4,
1870, To thlo union -woro .horn\ Hi'roe children, two of whom died
while infants, And Iho'pther," Mrs.'A. F. Ficklor, of'SallAbUry pjias-
cd awny a few months ago. Se
cond to Miss Margftrotv- Star,
May 12, 1888,; and = she ddpnrtedI this life October'6, 1897.»-To'thIflI union-were born five chtldren; all^of whom are • living,.Mr. J.. F.j Martin, of Hickory,• Mrs. J, H.! Thompson, of near Spencer, Mrs,
S. D. Daniels, of this place, ..Mr,IB. E. Martin, of Salisbury and.
• Mrs. E. D. Klmmcr, of near Spen-
.cer. Third he was - .married to
iMrg. Maggie Dondmoii, Decembdr
21, 1914, Avho survivo him. Ththis union was born one child,
Mary Francos who also survives.
Those siirvlvinjr are, his' wife,
Maggie , two sisters; Mrs. G. W.
Cope, of this plnco*nnd Mrs. LeeHopkins, of near Bethel, alx chil- jj d-ren. 23 -grandchildren and 2j groab grnndchndron.I He wos laid -to rest in ConcordM. E. Cemetery, Wednesday, Snpl-
cmbor 17,1030 nt 8:80 p. m.
Funeral services were oonduct-
od by Rev. A. G. Loftin. ./
The active pnll-bearera were?Messrs -Raymond Dnnloi, Claude IThompaon, Herman Bcrrlcri Spoil-1
I cer Foster, Claude'Plckler, and! Paul Cope. The flower girls were
Addle Mae and Ajinio Leo'Mor-tin,I Margaret, Belle and MinnieI^Daiilela, Jahie and Ruby Mnvtin,
Sue and Beuloh rFoster and Mhr-
igarot Rimmor.
Mrs. Cora Sluirpo Lefler, ugcd73, wife of .John A. Leilor, ilicb at
her home near Goooleomeo, on
Sunday afternoon lai'tcr a linger
ing illness o& three years, caused
I by tt fractured hip. The deceas
ed was the daughter of Alfred
Shnrpo of I-rcdell county, and at.
the age of ten years joined tho
Metbodiet Church at Olin. She
had been a faithful member of
Liberty Church since' her mar
riage, and for thirty years taught
tho children's class In Sunday
school. She is survived by her
husband mid two daughters, Miser
Lacy Loner and Mrs. AddisonCable, three children having pre
ceded their mother to the grave.*
Eight grandchildren also survive.,The funeral services were con-'
I ducted at Liberty ou Mondy af
ternoon at 3 o'clock, by the pas- ■
tor, Rev. A. C. Loftin; assisted by
Revi T. J. Houck, of Cooloemee,
and Rev. E. M. Avott,- of Albumar';'
le. The poilbea-rera were i T.. C.Preason, J. G.. MoOulIoh, R. W.
Kurfees, S* R. Beasent, J.. G.
Crawford; ^ and Q. '-W, WilllaniB,
The fl oral -offerings wore carr'
ried-by Misses Margaret Spry,.
Elde Alexander, Sadie Alexander
Ruby Alexander, Mary Sharpo
Cable, Adelaide Cable, -BlancheCable, tMadaline Daniel, Ruth.
Mundy, Hilda Taylor, and Pran
ces Ridonhour.
Kelly Walker
I The people of this communitywere saddened when word was re-'' ceived last Saturday that Mr. Kel-• ly Walker had been killed. He wasSkilled on the railroad yards atj Winaton-Salcm whore he had held. a position for several years. HisI father, Mr. Crawford 'Walker was i
born and reared here and Kelly.was n frcauent visitor here aiImon-g relatlvos and friends. HisI remains wore' brought here andburied Sunday afternoon. The1 floral tributes woro beautiful. lie
was nearly 27 years■ loaves a widow and M children,' his parents, one brother, two ala-
1 tors. ■' ......
Bio - Obituaries - 9/25/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 2,1930
Clara Williams
Little Clara Willlama. four
year old - daughter of Mr. nni
Mrti. Bennett WllUama Avas cliok*
ed to- death by a muacndinc on
Inat Friday morning. Her father
being near when /it happoncd,..
aleo ilia brother did all they
uould to aaVo the-child, but it
dloil before-a . doctor could
there. '
' 'On- iicbfliu'tit of the mothot bc',
ing very bIcIc at the timo of the
accident, the child was'taken to
a hear by. funeral establiahinent,
and cared for-until Sunday aftor
•noon,' when the body was taken
back to Jeruaalem for the funeral
aervices and burial.
Little Clara woa loved by oil
who know her, was an unuaunlly
bright child, and aeveral hundred
people went to vlow tho body be*
foro it was taken back to lt& last
resting .place. '
• Though Its soul has gono to
Heaven, little Clara will be miss*
ed and wo extend out greatest
•sympa-thy to Its parents and re*
latives.• * . ,
Dear little hands, wc miss them
BOJ n ' ' I
All through ithc-day wherever we
X'l|-.;thru 'the night/ how lonely
. It seems, . . n :* '
For ho little-, hands wake me out
of my drearatf.,
Bio - Obituaries - 10/2/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 8,1930
Will Correll
Mr. Will Correll died at his
home on R. 4 Satiirday night, Oct.
4th,. following, a stroke of paralysis,
aged 65 years. The foneral and
burial services were conducted by
his pastor. Re?. A G. Loftin at
Liberty Methodist church Monday
morning at 10 o'clock.. Mr. Cor
rell is sorVive4-by his" widow, one
son and three daughters. *
Bio - Obituaries -10/8/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 9,1930
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Kolly,
hiffhly esteemed lady, and \yldDW
I of James A* Kelly, proaninent ei*
n tizon of Mocksvllle many yeaii'S
«tfo, passed away ht her home
on West iiinis Street, In. Salisbury
on Monday • aifternoon, . October
Oib, aged 88. The deceased %vaa:
the daughter of •Col. H. It. Austin
and Elvira Gaither Austin, and
was born and reared In Mocks
vllle, her father, for many yonra
being propi'letor of the Duvlo
Hote\. fiotor Mr. Kelly' hod
charge of this well-known hotel
which occupied the site wheilo the
Dnvie County court, house n^w
stands. Mrs. Kelly waa n devoted
iwife and mother, and her chari-,
table hand reached but to many
' who wero in need. .She was a faith
ful -member of the ♦.•■Mo.cksyllleMethodist church, and tooU greot
interest in Its endeayors. Abouttwo months ago aho had a atebkeof paraly.aiSi and had been in", avery feeble condition, since then.
Her husband and enb son, JuihosI Kelly, Jr., preceded her to thegrave a number of.years ago, andj she is survived by two daughters.
Misses Mary and Elvoi Kelly, bothof Salisbury, two* sons, John Kelly, of Sallabury. and Henry T.Kelly, of Toyloraville, and fivegrandchildren. "A short sbrvlco
was hold at the home on'"Wednesday morning* at 9:80, with J.
H. Earnhardt, offlciatlng, and the'interment took plaOo in the family plot at Joppa cemetery at 11
Phillip, the two-year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bailey, of the
Pork community, died Monday
morning. October 6th. The funeral
services were conducted at^PorJc
Church on Tuesday afternoon at
2 o'clock, by Rev. E. W. Turner,"
assisted by Rev. Thomas Trott,
of Stateavllle, The parontsi fivebrothers and thrSe .sisters sur
vive. Pallbearers wore Alex LiV-engood, OdoH Livongood, JamesLivongood, and James Forrest,
and the flowers were, carried byMisses Dorothy Livengood, Bllzn;beth Livengood, Wyolone Bailey,Coolenc Bailey, Ella Jones and
LctUe Sue Jones. . ■ .: •
William Christopher COrroll 65,.
well known man of the JerusalemTbwnshlp was buried .at Liberty
Mehodlst church yesterday. Mr.Correll.passed away at .11:55 ^at-?-nvday night after suffering for jfour days from n stroke of parnJyrHia..Ho whs "born in Rowan countybut spent moat, of his iKpDnvle. In 1892 hd was married toMiss Anna V. Loflcr and to this
union wore bom feur children, ■four of whom survive, as foUowa:,Mrs. Laura GalcSj Mrs.-- WUHeDaniels and* Mrs", Sadie Owens,daughters and one son GcorgoCorrell, also an adoipted son AllenCorrell, all .rosldihg in Davie
I County. , • „ II In addition .to the above Mrs.,Correll and 18 rgrandchlldren re-'
main tb mourn his; dopnrture. Mr.Correll united .with the LibertyMothodiflf, church aeverhl yearsago.and i^mhlned n.^ cDUS.iatont
momher until his d^th'.. .Rev. A. .G. Loftln of Mocksvllle,pastor of the church pftlciatcd.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/9/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 15,1930
Mrs. Henry Blake
Mrs Heni7 Blake who lived near
FarmiogtbD, died suddenly Friday
night, about 11 o'clock Mre. Blake
had heed-in good health- un.til the
tine of her death, -^he-body was'
laid to-rest in -Farmington oenie*
tery Sunday afternobo at three
o'clock: -Mrs. Blake is survived
by her husband and six children
three, sons and three daughters'
Mrs. Blake was a. member of the
Farmington Baptist church." A
good woman has been called to ber
Fanerd Mrs. Kelly.
. Funeral' and burial. Services of
Mm. M. E. Kelly, who died at ber
home in Salisbury Monday • after>
noon of last week, were held at
Joppa graveyard Wednesday moFn*
ing"^ at-II." o'clock. The services
were conduced by ber pastor, Rey.
J." H. • Barnhardt, a^isted,. by Pre-
siding Elder T. H. Sprinkle. Sur
viving Mrs. Kelly is two sons, John,
of Salisbury, and Harry, of Taylors
ville; two daughters. Misses Mary
and... Erva. Kelly!, .of Salisbury.
Mijs;. Kelly* was a native of Davie
county, but moved from Mocks*
ville to Salisbury. abouV 25 years
ago.. She'bad many fnen(^ in
this section who: were saddened by
the news of her death.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/15/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 16,1930
MRS. H. Li BLAkE 6p FARM. '
INCTON .'passes AWAY
• 'Mr?' H, L. .JBlakd,;- Avell-kndwn
.'Wfrian,; of iFarmingioii,- dlied-. at
hor hdnie. on Prldny ovenlnlirr Oot n
aO^h, at/tho-aao of Bl. ' Tho do--
cpoaad ^ns.tho" daughter of M. J.
Grlfflh and Mary. Jackfion Crl(hti,
-Woodleaf, and'Is Survived by
hor husband, hor' parents,-- and--
the following children; M.ra; J. H. j
Cash, -of '-WlhBton«Sa]eni,.^M-r8. 0.'
W. Rntlcdgo,-.o£ 'Woodleaf,- 0. 0.
Blake, .of Salisbury, ftoy Bloke, of
Ohnpol Hlll^ Jpeeph-Blakcj of Cot-
nwba College,'-M-ies 'Laura -' Leo
Blake, J. A.,/-Clinton and-Frank'
'Blake, all . of . Pamilngtoni " Oho •
alster, Mrs. 'John Black, of Lewis-
villo," and' , three.' brolhera,' J. IB.
Grlffln, of Salisbury, H. M. Grif- ^
-fln, of -Pitbaborp, and W. E, Grlf-
An, of WoodlcAf, also . survive.
Punoral sorvicos wore' held nt '
Fn-rmlngtpn Baptlofc ' Churc},*. on
Suiiday'hfternoon at 2:80, with
Rev. E, L. Smoke and'Rev. E. W.
TuriJ.or ofllclotlng, T|iq pnllbew«
n ora •wor6::C:i>0.-BIa](Q', .Toaoph Bluko
W. A. B!n^;J;'H;.•Bl'rtko llnd
;BlaIkp? '.Thq. ilowor girls • "v^ore.
•Misses •.J'ulia'.'Purchdoa,- Virginia..
, Puwheoai !y.ldla<.WoddlM^^
James,''An'iilc'Claire i&avIs, Lotiiieo '*
Bavis, Gladys Davi&,.'Alico'Dixon .
Mildred--BlaclnvoldGr.' '
Bio - Obituaries -10/16/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 22,1930
8&dn(^ tbai Tie
and \ not^ thje^-deatli' pi, Mr.
drx^tr' wbiielt^- jo^uhed at his home
nrar. Advancedast' Xuesday , after-
noon, folloiwiiig. a stroke of nara;
ly^' which:hVsulfered,aiew. daVs
previbtis. ..'Mr;::Orrdf yp-years
of age, and is survived, by his .^d.-'
ow aiid three, childcen, two'soos.'B.
is, andX. B Orroif, and one dau'gb-
ter, Mrs. v£dna Beanchamp:.'. The
funerai.serviced; were' condnct^ by.
his paslb.r'/. I&Vi.-W. M.. Rat^buiti,
Wedn^ay afternoon^at tbr^doy|c, ^nd. the .body laid-'to i^f in
M<ik's- ChaiDel. graveyard.'. -.Mr;
Orrell was a natircof Davie^tihty
and one of the cohoty's ;h^t' vciti>
zens. In* hib^ death/the wife and
children . have sustained, a .'giha'i
loss. the . community in which be
lived one of its-best, arid most be
loved .dcizens; :sm.d> the church au
untiring -worker for all "'tbat.'^ was
good and/opbuUding. Peace'. to
his ashes. '
Mrs. Areney Shields
Mrs. Areney Shields died sudden*
ty Wednesday at her home on R.
2. aged 71 yeais. The. body was
laid to rest in Oak Grove cemetery
Thursday afternoon at $ o'clock.
Rev. J. H. Groce condnctlog the
funeral and. burial services! Mirs.
Shields is survived by her husband
and one brother.
Sarah Jane Bailey
Miss Sarah Jane Bailey di^ al*
most suddenly at her home near
Jericho'Sunday' about soon. The
body was laid to rest in Center
churchyard Monday aftefboon at *3
o'clock, her pastor. Rev. A. G.
I«ofrin, Qondacting the fnneral and
but ial services. Miss Bailey is sur
vived by two brothem and three,
sisters, all of the. Jeiicho commu-
nilv. A good woman has been
called to her reward.-^
John Wall Little Daughter Williams
Mr. John Wall died at his 'home
two miles north-west of Mocksville^
early Monday morning, following a
long illness, of tuberculosis, aged
46 years. The fonpral services
were held at Oak'Grove Methodist
church Tuesday .afternoon at 2
o'clock by his-pastor. Rev. A.' G.
Loftin and the .body laid to rest in
Oak Grove graveyard. Mr. Wall
is survived by his father, one sister
and four brothers.
< The little 4-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs Junte Williams died
at the home of her parents in Jerut
salem township Friday, following
a few. days illness of diphtheria.
The little' body was laid to rest id
the Fork graveyard Saturday after
noon, limeral services* being g>d-
duct^ by Rev. A. T. Stoudenmire
of Cooleemee. The little girl is
survived by her parrats'and • three
brothers. * .
.Mrs. Bbger Pa^s.
Mrs. Mvira Bo(ter died Sahdayat the
home of b& son M.- Bofter. at Cotmty
Ltqe, at an advanced age, followidg an
illness of some time. The body was laid
to rest In'tloloa.Chapel graveyard IViaa-
-day Dooming at 11 o*i^ock, Rev.-R: C. Qo-
forth condoeting the fitneipl and .borlal
services. Mra. Boger is sofvived. by two
chlldrea, M. G. Roger, with whom she
iivi^, and Mrs. Marsh Eaton, of near
cans. ' • • - n . -
Bio - Obituaries - 10/22/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 23,1930
aged eour, passes away
Mail/ El.laabfiith W/imiama, A-t'
•yoor-cfld dauffhtor of- J. RV.'Wili
Hama and Ethel Dyaon WllHama
•died.with, diphtheria at 'their
hoRiB near Jerusalem, on'^ctober-
•17th', .• The ninerar iook^.place ot'
Fork Baptist church Friday after
noon at 8 d'clock;' belng^bohdu'ct*
ed by the pastor, Rev. E. W. Thlr-
nor, and Key. A. T. Stouderolre,
of Gooldemoe. ' The pallbearers
were..four young ladles, Misses
Alma Motley, Moybell Williams,
Jehhctte Davis, and Thelma, Mot
ley,, and the flowers were carried
by Misses Willie May Davis,' WIl-
ma Motley, Esther Holleman, -Bes.
ale Williams, and Maggie McLaln.
The parents and three brothers
Mrs. Areny Potts Shields, wife
:of Emory L. Shields, of Oak
Groyo community, died suddenly
at her homo on October ^ IBth,
heart trouble being the cause of
her death. She was the daughter
of "lyilliam Potts and Elizabeth-
.:Robertso*n Potts, \ftnd was. 71*
;years of age. The lost rites were
■held jat. Oak drove Methodist•churbh'.'on Wednesday afternoon,'with) the; paster, Rev. A, G. Lof-.jiin ajnd; Rev."'J. -H,.'Ordce 'QinclBt-dng. I She is auryivdd by-.her hufl-
one brothdr,'Nathan Potts,-;bf Advance,- and- two- grandchild-
i-oh; i Thd pollboarora were W. T.Pottff, Prank Potte, Gharllo PbttsrN;; 0. Pottd, and Harvey -Potts,'^nd |h*e flowers wcre-eorried byvSlBsafi* !ilAla' Smith, Ole: Smith,
Kathleen' Hmvardi Evelyn HowardHenrietta Howard,- Amy.' Sinlth,
and Mrs; Gharllo Potts.'
\ y. 0. W. WALLS DEAD .
.v'Euporal services for John Oscarl ^llsoh .We 11s,'46,^ who passed a-,
why Mbhday morning lit 4:86I o'clock at his' home, on Route 2,
|.after;nn illness of sovdhil months.1 were hold Tuesday nftdrnoon at
■ 2 o'clock nt Oak Grove Methodist ^
Churoh. Rev. A. G. Loftln conduct-'
ed the-services. Interment follow-,ed iiLtho church graveyard. |
Mri Wnita was born in Dnylo
County and was n member of dnk
Grove Methodist; Church and'
Mobksvlllo Council 220, Jr. 0. XJ.
A. M..-.Suryiving are the father,.Horrl- j
abn Walls throe'daughtersV'Mre;':'Jbhiv4vhilakor, -Mrs. Milton Wat-..!
ers'hnd' Hlsa Louise-Wolisj'all-of ithis county; two sons, Elmer and \John William Walls of this coun^ :four brothers, C, L., M. F., W, H, jand P. E. Walls, of this county;
one sister, Mrs. H. H. Lonlcr ond
three grnndchlldren. »-
William Aiorfander, ' Weant,;
Mockavllle's, oldest citizen hhdveteran ti nner;' passed away athis . homo here on Wednesday eif-ternoon;,Obtpber '^nd; -aftei* anillness of hbdut .a, year, aged 90.
Thp'deceased wos the son of Gcor.go i Mi'-l Weant and..,Julia ^Maria
Swfhk • Wcflht, • and "waa -borh on 'July :0th; .1040, in'Salisbury in tlieold jail, where RouSer's gardga
how jitands'; His parents diedwhen'ho was -a youiig boy, and ho
wns apprehtlobd at the age of 18
to 'learn ..the trade' of a tinsmithj-under Willlhm Brown, of Sajlls-' bury, '
.He was a Confederate veteran,having served In; 'Company K.,
Fourth (North' Garpllna Regiment,
In -the war between, the- States.He was marrlodi on September28th, 1870, to' Miss Josephine
Campbell, of ' Pinnnklln, Rowan
County, "^and to ithis union were 'born fl vo children, one son and
a daughter dying.In infancy. Mri
and Mrs. Weant. moved to Mocka-
vlllo in 1877,' .whore, ho has boon
a well-known citizen ever since.ITe wtos '.in., .pxpprienced' tinner,and n number of 'j(6un{f men loarned the tvtido • under- his • Instruction, .Hp not only mado ..maniy
useful avtiblos,'.''but;hlso 'some qf ■roal.;beau ly V Qf,-d.eflig^^^tin;-table whfcH- was'^batly'dnii;;omented,^ and othbr.'davleea. ' Sov-
ornl yaara'ngb'he began the con-•
■fltructlon of his coffln, using as -ivbase a wooden casket which h.b
covered with .tin, ..with elnbbrnt'e'designs. For a number .of years-
Mr. Weant hnd boon interested in"
religion but it was not until h yoar
ft »*o that ho .iolnod thn Mocksylllo
Methodist Chui'ch. being taken
into the church at hip home bv
flev. R. C. Goforth. Ho fdund .
great.joy in his religion, which
has boon a comfort to him In hislast day.s. Mr. Weant was highly
respected and hnd many friends
who. "will miss him. ■ '
The . 8ur\'jv{ng family arq his
widow, Mrs. Josephine Weant,
three daughters, Miss . Burley ■
Weant, Mrs. Frank Brown, of
Mocksvlllo, and Mrs. D. P. Foard,
of Winston-Snlom, and one grand-
daughter, Julia Mhy'Weant^BrbwnThe funeral soryiccs will be-pon-
ductod at the Mockaville Methodist: Church, this /ifternoon.. at
two o'clock, by thepester,. Rev. .
R. C. Goforth, assisted by Mr. T.'
I, Caudoll, and the interment will,take place In Chestnut, Hill Com-
otciy. In Salisbuiy. Wp extend ,
our deep sympiithyjto thq boronvcdwidow ond • daughters,,... . .
'Miss Sarah .fane.Bailey, aged.
64, died at her .home On Hunting.Crook, Sunday, October 19th, a-,bout noon, tho death coming after
a brief.Illness. The dbccuacd wasthe oldest daughter of .the late
Henry Bailey and Nancy Lo.wery
Balloy, and was held in hi]gh -esr-
teom throughout Davic Cbiinty,
She loaves to mourn her los.? three
sisters, -Misses Venie, -Belle andMary Elizabeth Bqlley,.and twobrothers, Dabncy Builey'and John
R. Bailey. Tho funeral services
were hold nt Center;; Me|:hodi8t'
church, of which the deceased was
n member, on Monday afternoon"
at two o'clock, with the pastor,
Rev. A. G. Loftln, ofllcintlng; Wo
extend our deep sympathy to. the
bereaved family.
Bio - Obituaries -10/23/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 23,1930
. BOQER. passes; AWAr:
Mra. Elvlrn Tiiyloi*; ftgcji;
71, dlotl qk the hotno- pif hor. son,.
G.;M. Boger,.<it County Lino',".'oij'
Octobei' 20th, .tluiith ..resulting
from' pnrnlysle. ,Sho. whg^tHjij
ghtor. of ..the: late Mr.'va'nd; Mrs. r
Thomas Taylor,' ';"hoV!A:mdther'8 :
maiden' nnmc..bplhg ■•Leflor. ' Herhushnnd, Pnui Bogerii'died• abpiit .thirfy .years''ago, -aiid^the .aurv^;vI^g•£Amlly conBistfl. of php! dhU''ghter, nil's'.- R. M.; Eatbnr pi cann,
one son," G, M; Bogbr, 'seven grand'
.chlldron, and two .sisters,' Mrs.•T. B.': Parks, of Salisbury, andMiss Mary Ti^yloi', of Groehsboro.-
■The last rites-woro conducted at."Union .Chnpol on Tuesday niorn-.iriff, :at 11 o'clock,'iwlth ReVi-R.G, Gofcrtii In charge. Pallboii^Tera..
wore W. "J. .'Duiin; GodbyV
O, K. Keller, A. D, Campbell,P.A, Huneycntt; and Broadiin Ea> '
ton. -Thp flower.a' wer'6 In charge..
of. Miaaos -Mary Stewart; fi oiilah 'Stowni't. SVabcl Bove'r. Irene Bog- '•
er, Sarnh. Bogcr, Johnsio Boqror, ;
Minnie Lee Ba'lley,. Lotlonji 'Bui-;'ley and Lolq CNell.; ; ,
• Mr. J. Edd O'rfollwho suffor-ed a stroke of- parnlysfo a 'few
dnys^-ago, passed away on.T-hura-lday evening, Oct. 14fch at the.lige-io£.7d, ; , J
- Ho had been a-falthfuj'church,member, of. Mock's Mothodla.t'
Chiirch, and 'wdo 'fltlll aotlVe. In
the. good work'up to th'e'tftho.'he
was nailed owny4\HB-.ha(r.-.'k(08nrthe Sunday. - ScHool: •Sdpenlniehd-!
ent for..a number; of .yeard^ Sun^
day School, teaohor, roleo Steward'
of the church. *.. . (He Is survived by his ^wldow
and the' f&!!cv,'lng, children, .l$I-r.B. S. and.'ii. Bj" Orrell'of ijt^ls:place and Mrs. A.'BjeauHhamp
of Lewlsvllle. " } v-Thirty "two. graiidchndren,' fdur.ithreat grandchildren/, boiafidc^ ^a |host of other\relatlye8 .and frl-'-iends to mouiAl'.hjs'departure! ■ '• Fuderdl ee^lcea were Hql.d '
the home Wednesday ufterrioon at2:80 (liid at,}liq'^'.church../at j 8^o'clock,' Roatdr!'- R^ W.M.''.iiaiiibu'r)i, tfssiBt.e'd by Rey. ;j.M".''Viirii'eA o.ff|cloti.ng.'vThb' pa.ll-•bbailei's Worawrtfi'd. 6r^^ll,'Wadi.e ■;
and Shorll.I Beauchamp," .Glenn '
Jones, Joel and Curtis Beau.chaihpThe ladw'er girls were Misses Model^. and Dorethy. Orroll, Wilma;
Thelma and Gladys iBeauchantp,'Min'nie Carter; Mary ^iPhelps,Magdalene and Phyllis'''Beali-
cl|amp. ' ' ; . • \ j . .
Mrs. E. L. Shields
. Mrs. E.. L. .Shieidfl .died* at Herhome near here pi^ "iVednGsday, ofiast week and .was., .buried dt
•Oak Gro.vo. Church, on ,Thursday.
'' Mrs. Shield, had been in poor.health, but 'lier deoth .was a shock,to the entire jnelgbborhood.OB she.was; seriously 111 fon only ^a^ few
hours. Sho was . 71'years of'ago.Surviving aro hor husband, onebrotiier, -Mr. Nathan Potts, of Ad
vance and a number of-nephews
and nieces. •Funeral sprvicea 'wereconducted . by Rev. J. H. Groce ofIfchia neighborhoo'd land ^ov. A.
G. Loftin of Mocksvllle.- A -good
■woman 'hn's gone to her reward.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/23/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 29,1930
W. A. Weant
Aged Soldier Passes.
Mr. W.- Ai W6aut> one o! Davle
county's oldest citizens, pass^ a*
way at bis tio'me in this, city. Isst
W^nesday afternoon at • fafo
6'^cck. following an illness of one
year.' Mr. Weant was 90 years
old his last birthday, which w^Jn
in July. The funeral services were
hdd at the Methodist church here
Thursday aftsrhoon at-two cfcloct^,
his.pastor, Rev. R. C. Goforth,.as
sisted by Rev. G. T.' Vick, of
Winston Salem, conducting the
services Following .the funeral,
the body was carried to Saltsbnry
and laid to rest in Chestnut Hill
Mr. Weant ^moved to Mocksville
from Salisbury in 1877, -and had
been a resident of this city for the
past 53 years. He entered the
Confederate Army when 18 years
of age, and was o member of Co.
E., 4th Nortb Carolina Regiment.
Only one member of his company
is still living, Mr. James Trexler,
of Rowan ^unty. Mr. Weant
made bis own.casket, ha^ng finish*
ed it three years ago, when he was
Charles D. Shackleford
Charl^ .Shackelford, 71, well
.known , fa^er /of . .Fumihg^h
township, died at Jifs^-hpme .nepr.
nethlehetn.'chufch Thui^ay mov
ing. hid* been in had health
for sevi^i .^bnths. Mr.' * Shackd-
fOrd v^as a napve of Virginia, hnt-
moved tn P^^e ahont sq yearn ago.;
Fnneral' sei^^ were^ hpld .Friday-
at two/o'dotlk at Betbieb^
dist't^urcb by Rev. A.. .iioftin;
of -'Mbcliitdlle; .and tbc laid to.
rej^t. in the icfaurcb ^aveyard;;^
S^ackeifbrd is v^by
Bio - Obituaries -10/29/1930
87 years of age. He spent three
montlis at work on it. The casket
was made of charcoal tin, composed
of thonsands of pieces, and attract*
ed mnch attention Hundreds of
people from this state, as welf as
many from western • states, were
shown this casket, a piece of work
of which Mr. Weant was justly
proud. His body was laid to rest
in the casket. Mr. Weant -was a>
copper.and tinsmith, having served
bis apprenticeship when a young
man. He united with the Metho*
dist church a short* while before his
death! He bad been in bad health
for the past five or six years, but
was able to look after his shop un*
til last October. He had probably
made more tobacco flues than any
man who ever lived in Davie coun
ty. He was a flue workman and
had made many elaborate pieces of
household fumitnre, tiring nothing
hut tin and^ copper in their con
Mr. Weant is survived hy his
widow and three daughters, Miss
Barley Weant, of Mocksville, Mrs
D. P Foard, of Winston Salem,
and Mrs. Frank Brown, of Mocks
ville, R. 1, and one grand daugh*
ter. Two nephews and three nei.ces,
of Rowan county survive, together
with.a number of relatives in Texas
and Oklahoma. In the death dt
this aged vpteran, the'town and
county loses one of its best known
citizens, a man who wilt be missed
as much if npt more than any dti;
zen in the county. He was a kind
and loving father, and treated his
fellowmen as he would have his
fellowmen treat him. We-shall all
miss him. Peace to his ashes. ,
Mn. Potfs Dead.
Suffering a stroke of paralysis,
Mrs. Eliza Anne Potts, 64, wife of
P. J. Potts, passed away at her
home at Advance Thursday after
noon. She was bora in Davie
county, August 24, X866, and was
a member of Shady Grove Methb
dist Chnrch.
Snrvivors.indttde her husband;
six sons, Andy, Jess^and Tom Potts
of. Winston Salem; Charles Potts,
of Cana;~ Henry 'Pbtts, -of High
Point, and James Potts, .of Tbon^-
ville; - two daughters, Mrs. - Mary
Loh Hiltph,' of Tenhes^, and
Mrs. Paulina Henry, of Kannapo
lis; several grandi^ildren. and a
brothers C. M. Sheets, of Winston-
- Tte funeral service were held
Sunday afternoon, at the .home at/
2 o'clock, cobdncted by Rev. MK
Rhtbbnrn, of Advance..!■; ■* • . : .
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 29,1930
William J. Atkinson
Meets Horrible Death.
Mr, William J. Atkinson 2S,
who lived near Winston'Salem, was
instantly killed about 10 o'clock
Friday i)i|;bt near Cana, while out
'possum huntings with a hnin^ber of
bis friends. ' Thev bad treed a
'possum and cut ' the tree,' which
fell , and bounce^ about 15 feet,
crushing t^e skull of Mr. ^tkin*
son, who died instantly. The body
was laid to rest in Eaton's grave
yard Sunday morning at 11 o'clock,
funeral survices being conducted by
Rev. V. M. Swaim, of Winston-
Salem. Hundreds of. people were
present for the.funeral, more than
three hundred aatomobiles being
on the grounds. Mr. Atkinson is
survived by bis widow, who was a
Miss CoUette before marriage. Two
small children, his mother, one
brother and three sisters survive.
JAx, Atkinson was a native of Davie
county, but went to Forsyih luany.
years ago-
Floyd Jones
Darie Man Killed In
A mes^ke was^ receivedi here
Friday night stating that Mr, Floyd
Jones had b^n killed at Billings,
MonX-, Friday, but no particnlars
wera given flsi to how he met hts
death. The body will be brohght
here and laid to rest- in.. Salem
church yard . Friday, at 2 o!clo^k.
Mr. Jpudsleft Davie county-• aboht
18..-years .ago, going '.to Montaba
where he hsis made bis home since.
He is surviyed. by his widow, bis
father, u/Jj.' M.; Jones, of qear.
Kappa; t^c brothers, H. C , Sam
and ATistip; Jones, all of ,Davie;:|
three ^ters,- Mrs. J. of
High' Ppiht;, Mrs. n Joliii T^ftedge
of Elkin ahdJM^ J. %
Mocks^ii^.R- 4^-i
Mr;, W. .8. Porter Pa$8e.s
Mrs. Cornelia A. Foster 71* widow
of W. E. Foster .died at her home,
j Advance Route one. Monday morn-
ling at d o'clod^. ' She had been in
declined health'^ree years'and her
condition had been seridus three
weeks.' \ ' • ••
Mrs. Foster was born in Davie
county February 6,1859. She bad
been a meiziber of Bethlehem Metho
diet Church thfrly-fivB years. /;
Survivln^are three-sons. M. S>.
W. B, and'f. .B; Foster, all. of"Ad
yance ^a.te oae; four daughters,
Mrs. j B.' PloWman. Mrs. S. T,
pdnn, of Advance, Mrs. J. Q. An
derson and' Mrs, L M. Eyerhardt of
Winsion'Salem: two i>rbtb'ers,. John
fi. Brock,'of F^imihkton, at^ Ed:
Brock of Canada/
Funeral sermces-^were conducted
at Betbleheis|Metbodi8t*chairchTab-
day ^tornoou a(c 2 Id'clook foy 'Rev
Mr. Bell. Ihtecment followed in'^e
cbtcrcb graveyard; \ •' • ' ..
Mr. Henley Passes. 1
Mr. R. B. Henley died Fridays
evening shortly after eight o'clock. I
following an extended illness, aged j
74 years. The . funeral services [
■were conducted Saturday afternoon
at 3:3b o'clock at the borne of Mrs.
Mollie Jones, h-niece of .the deceas
ed. Rev. E. C. Goforth conduct
ed the services. The body was
laid to rest in Joppa graveyard.
Mr..Henley is survived by two-sons
and. one . step daughter, besides
mauy friends and di.stant relatives.
The Record is'sorry to anoqunce
the death of this big hearted nian;
He was a member of the Elks and
■also a Mason. '
Bio — Obituaries - 10/29/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 30,1930
N Robert Burton Henley, aged 74,
(lied here on Friday ovoning, Oct.
24th., after an illness of several
pionths, his dontb resulting from
a • Gompllcatton of cliscaaos. He
was the son of Addlson Henley
and Theresa Nlblock H^ley, and
.'was born 'In Rowan dbunty on
; April 16,1856. His parents moved
to iMocksvillo.-when 'ho wagi .a
flmaH.boy, andv ho otlended then well-known Clay, Hill "Semlharyi
taught .by . Jacob .Eatoni, .q famptia
tonoher., .When a .young man. IVe
loft . for. the .Wegt, . where hp.'r.cV
maine'd : for. years," copiliigJliere
from Idaho) He thbn 'located.. In
• Richmond^ ya.|. cndvwhs; thoj pfe^
prletor-of "a. largo ..stock, farm.',
Hds wifo, who was •fome^ly' •Miss.
Clara: Clarke, of Iowa, " died a
number of years ago, , and he re
turned to.SfbcksvIllo -to'make; his
I homo with hie .siater, the latp Mra.
Kate Holmnn. Ho is survived by
I -two ' sons, who, live in the West,
•and his nlecej Mrs, MoIIle Jones.
I Funeral aorvicos were held at the
, home of Mrs. Joncs oh Saturdiiy
afternoon at 3:80, by Rev. R. CTj
. Goforth* assisted by Rev. W. B. •
(Waff and E. P.* Bradley, and the;
I Interment took plnce 'at Joppn
Ccmetory whoro hta parents are
buriojd, The pallbonrors woro: .D.
H. Hondricks, E. M. Swicegootl, i,
J. R. Guffoy, J. V. Nlblock, R, j
Ck Wnlkei* and J. E. Tuttorow, and ;
tho'. fldwors were cnriiod by Mrs.
0. 0'. Dnnlol, Mlssoa Salllo Ilun-
tor and Knthorlno ICurfcos. Wo
extend, oi^r deep sympathy to Mrs.
Irvan Earl Whitaker
IrVun Enrl, one-yciir old son of
' Z. M. Whitaker and. Bessie Hodg-
("bon Whitaker, passed away • on
j October 24th, the funeral services
I being held at. Zion * Mothcdlsb
- Church on Saturday afternoon at
throe o'clock, with tho pastor.
Rev. A.,G. *I/)ftin, .officiating. Thb
pall bearers-wore Ratledge,
Ji^-H. flodgson, .B. H..- Hodgson^
and.' B; . L. Bock, and- the/ flowen
girls were Misses Ediia Ghtton,
Mary Gatton, Irene Hodgson; Mn^
tie Hodgson, Paulino Hodgson,'
n'lul.Martha Oatton.
The -remains of Floyd R. Jones,
* who was killed in Boilings, Mont.,
Ofitobor" 24th.,.i 'Will nrrlvo Jn
Mocksvllle Thursday night. Tho
body will -be carried to thp homo,
of his brother,'H; C; Jones on
Route one Friday morning. Fun
eral and burial servjeos will bo
hold nt Sniom M; E. Church, Fri
day, October Slat, at 2 p. m.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/30/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 30,1930
William J. Atkinson
Our entire comtnunlty M<nB
shocked and deeply grlevedi when
It was learned Inet Friday night
tliat William J. Atkinson ' had
been atrupk by a falling tree, in
the woods several tnlles west of
hero, and Instantly killed. His
home was tat Winston-Salem,
, Route 1, but he with his family,
was spending the week«end at the
homo of his father-in-law, Mr.'W.
.S. Collotte and jvas out with a
party of frknds opossum hunt-
. Ing, AVhen the fatal accidsnt oc-
n curred. He was the son of Mr.
John Atkinson, who died many
, years ago, and Mrs. Ada Atkin
son, of WinatonrSa^m, arid his
.age -was 28-years arid 9 months.
,Ho was married April 16th; 1926
To Mis.i Era Collctte 'and to thlo
•union wore born two .children.
Francos, ago 2%-years and'Ada
Ann,.(Dge 4-. months. Will, qs he
ivas familiarly known' here,, spent
several years of his early man-
! hood at this place, and was much
loved by all who . know him. Ho
I joined Batons Criiirch in Septem
ber 1921 and was one of our very
.best members, having served on
. the board of Deacons for the past
'throe years. Funeral services
were held at Batons Church on
Sunday at 11 a. m. by Pastor. Rev.
V. M. Swaim and Rov. D. H. Wll-
cox, assistant pnator of First Bap
tist Church of Winston-Balcm,
and were attended by the largest,
crowd over assembled on the
church grounds, being estimated
! around 1200 persons. The body
•was laid to rest in the cemetery
near by completely covored -by a
btthk of' the most boautiful flow
ers, contrbiutcd by .sympathizing
friends. The. deceased hold a po
sition in the mhchino shops of thd
Roynolds Tobacco Company for
the past nine years,- and his com
panions In shop were pall boarors
'at tho funeral.'.Rolativos from.a
distancQ attending' the funeral
wore his mother, Mrs. Ada Atkin
son, sisters. Miss Elizabeth Atkiri.
son, Mns,-H.'-C. Wyatt, Mrs, Gray,
Pfnff, brother Robert Atkinson,
all of Winston-Salem, uncles, Will
Atkinson, of Burkesvillc, Vn.,
Tom Atkinson, of Winston-Salem
and Frank Douthit, of Mt, Airy,
William and Jacob Douthit, grand
mother, Mrs. Lizzie Dbuthit, Ad-
van-ce. Route 1, Aunts,'Mrs. B.
C. Toaguo and hjrs. L. L. Furchea
of Fnrmington, all with their
families. Besides these was a host
of' friends from Winston-Salem,
Mocksviile and all surrounding
neighborhoods. The breavcd fam^
iiy hai^ the heartfelt sympathy of
the entire community in this sad
Bio — Obituaries —10/30/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 5,1930
How Mr. Jones Met
The Billing, Montana Gazette,
nnder date of-OcL 25th.. givea the
following detaUs in* to the
death ol Mr. Floyd Jones, a former
Davie cohnty .man, who was killed
in an anto wreck .on Oct. 24tir. .
**A heavy sedan, driven by Mrs.
Joseph Rnss^l-cf Billings, rammed
the re^ end of a light louring car.
iniuring h& two occof^ts, one 04
them fotaUy on the Latirel road.,
five miles west of BlUings about 5
o'clock Friday evening- Flo^ R.
Jones. 43, ot X20'&oth Twenty-
seventh stte^snffer^ a.cmshl^
chest and mternai injnries and died
white being taken to a local ho^i-
tal. Htscomptmion'Wf^s not criti*
cally ihjnred. Mrs. Russell had
fonrpass^gers in her 'car. and all
escaped injniy. Jones and his com
panion were beet field workeia and
were returning to Billm^ after ;6e<-
curing a contract/ to pnll a small
acreage. They pnlled into the mid
dle' of''the..higWay-to' pass a :.patk*
ed antomobife: ,The..h^vy-machine
cr^ed in: their car throwing: them-
to the roadway. , '3to.:-Riis^l »id
she did hotsee theiighit - car ttntil
sfae w^ tM'dpse tositop. - She
no^t held, atid cbron^-Smithi faacl hot
decided on jair inqa^l late 'Friday
night. . Jones haa.liyj^Jh..this, city
iS^years.' ''^CrWas rbom* in; Davie
suMyes;- Tii^re:^ ho/ChJidren;* V": •
Bio - Obituaries -11/5/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 6,1930
. tAnnJo Opal Hobba,' VahEatoh
Balloy was biirn February".
-1910 and l^aco. fully fell liale^p
Tuesday, Oct'obor 28thi 1080/ She
wob tho'younffbat daughter of the
la^jCharUe and Victoria; Thbmp-
abn'VanlSiiton.'' Sh'a/was married
to'lryjA,Balle^ AugUBt 12t;h .1!)26.«
Andle djp^l had.beeiii a sufterer of
Asthaniia prac'tlcdUy all her life
.and', coritractbd doublepneumonla
and nathamii.and,only lived'a few.
hourar' She was n loving and de
Voted'wife Olid had ii-winning per
aoiiality. She waa ajl^alth'ful mom
bbr of Aacenalbn i^nday achobl
and took groat-Interest in-church
work.. Funeral, doryloe. was held,
Thursday,' October • doth at 6i o'
clock, in the'Episcopal dhur«h by
the rector, Rev. N. 0. Dunoan,;aB-
slated by Rev. T, L. . Trott, of
Statoavllle. .The-choir sang Abide-
With Me, An TTricJoudy Day and
There is'A BleSscd Home. Inter
ment followed In-Kork Cemetery
at twilight, un.der -a'.bnnk of dow-
era, Roaido the, -husband and
mother she^ Isi survived by 8 sla
ters, Miss. Paige ty^inHpton, who
iresldea\ Sn-hfq^ahnllto.wln, lowlrV.
Mrs. Mildred Wood,..of Mocksvlllb
Ruto '4 • tind .Mrs, ;Ituby Bobertaon
of Bixby, The-phll .bctirors wore
Lee and- .Hbnry>. Btarnhnrdt,..Ned.
and Bahnson Bailoy," james Liven-
good nnd-Holt swift.''The flowers.
were-'carrrod hy Hattlo, • Bottlo,
Sadie and UutH Bafnhardt. Mat^
tie Sue Janice dhd Colebn Bailey,
Gladys Sheets, hiablo' Liveh'good
aiuV Volmnn Swift. Wd extend,
daap sympathy to the grlcrf strick-
oii family. ...
Annie Opal has gone' to GHory-
land ,
Wb will clasp hor by tho hand
She'll bo standing nt the gate
For hor loved one thoro sho'll
Her cross was hard to boar,
But a Golden crown sho'll wear,
She .has left her doSr ones hi-re
They'll bo wolcomo, over there,
Annie Opal Is gone but not foiv
gotten' , .
•*''By her loved ones-left bohliul
.She is rcstin'g in that* city
Where the lights forever «»hine.
Mvtf. Juliiv -AnhVBtavr/r^
"hdi; homo at pornptzbr.Ws^.Rf^^^^^
day morning, .■Nd.v^•.Bth^•^^^ i;following' h' abrloVe-jlbneaaW^Starr, W*8 sixty-six ;yonro-.of-'
Gobrgo Starr, of Cox'riatzor. i
The funovnl service was; con- jducted by Rev. E. W. Turner and .'Mr. T, I. Cnudoll, at the . home
Thursday evening nt one" p. m.Interment following at Foster
Family Comqtcry. . / ■
Bio - Obituaries - II/6/I930 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 12,1930
Thos. C. Sheets
Aged Sbl£ef- C^ed. -
Mr. T^os. C." Sbeets" 'die3 at bis
lionie near • Bixhy early last Fridsy
morning, aged 85 years. Mr. Sbee^
was in good health wKeii: he retired
Thursday night. and.hi5.deatb;Was
a distinct shock to his love ones,
his neighbors and the entire com*
tntinitv in which he lived: for so
many years. Mr. Sheets Ws born
in Davie Conniy June 21," 1845
He served'during the Civil wai in
the lotb Virginia Cavalry. . The
funeral services were held .in the
Meltiodist cbnrch Sunday' after-
noon at 1:30 o'clock, the services
bein^'conducted by his pastor, Rev
J- E, Rathburn, assisted by Revs.
J M-- Varner ,and E. 'W. Turner.
The body was 1aid\to rest-in Sbadv
Grove cemetery .with Masonic hon
ors. Ml'. Sheets is survived by
seven SQDS, M. C bnd S. S.'Sheets,,
of Adimnce, R.. 2; H. " C. Sheets,
Of" Lewisyille; L,. B. Sheets,
lotisev Wash., C. L. Sheets, Riiig*
aid. Va , N. D: and Jl H. Sheets,
of Winston Salem-: One daughter,
Mrs. Ahilie Hetp,,ol Ad vance. R
2 also survives. Mr. Sheetswas
well known in Davie county,, hay
ing spent all bis life here.' He* w^
county tieasurer for rwo years—
1912 *1914 • was-", a general-
hesirted citizen, and .was loved by
ail who knew hira. In his death
The Record sustains the loss .of
^ijc of its best ■; friends, We _ willmiss bis jpieasant smile and Hearty
handshake. He has passed pver
the'river arid is af'rest On thejpther.side. " ^ >;. • •' - •
Vera Mae Benton
Miss Vera Mae Bentbn, .36. years
old,, and g teacher' in the Spencer
schools, was almost ipstautly killed
Snndav night at Salisbury when an
automobile . in which she was a
passenger, was sirticis by a passeng:-
er train at the FtiUon sueet cross*
in|^; V Mrs. Benton is an aunt of
MisS'Annie^ Mae Benton,- -wh'o is
music ! tocher in the * HccksviUe
Mrs. John L. Starr
Mrs^ John LI- Stgrr, 66, died: 'at:
her home near Cjomatzer on Wed
nesday, Noy- .5th; . The .body
was laid to r«t. in the Foster tami-
iy graveyard" 'Thur^ay. Faneralservices were conducted' at thehome by,Rev. , - Mrs.
Smrr is survived by; her husbandcme'^son, George Sw, of Cbrnat-
zer, and ai dattgbiter, Mrs. Enoch
Smith, of Calahaln;: . .. ^
Bettie Hendricks
Euneral 'and. burial.services wereheld at; Smith- Grove. MethodfetChurcH Thuf,^ay; afternoon ^rMrs. Bettie .Htfhdricks., 8?.passed away :ai. the rLngHUr/Mrs.a^ay nlbrping,. .death d^^withe infirmities.of nge.Ceased is surviv^ by cply onejqpild■ with whbm she had-made homejlnca tKe dea« of^B.wba»d •tUre VMr. T. i,; CaadeUtJot.Mocksviiie :'officieted. .f .l .he ■ peny
beautiWI ■ • • . 1.a:^,.a.aKi.lAufe llie 'COmmU"
Bio - Obituaries -11/12/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 13,1930
John H. Hayos. 70. died" nt liia
0?'"^.°.", Route.3. near,peffiolcl, on Nov. 7th. uflei* he-Ino- in^decHninK health for two
Tho deceased was. the son
SI rl " Cnroliiieinai'p Ilayca. nnd wia a well-
known farmer and hirhly ostoRm-
ed man. Hia wife, who was for
merly Miaa Ada* OMfcher, died
several years ago. The aurvWing
^nuJy coiialsis of three . sno''.
Will Hayes,. of Harmony, Robert
Hayes of* the same' place,' GpiCher
Hayes, of Detroit, Mich., three
daughters, Mrs. T. Fi Powell, of
Woodleaf, 'Mrs, Moody Smith of
Harmony, and Mtes Annlo Hayes,
of High Point. 26 grandchildren,
B great grandchildren and. one
brother. J, E. Hayes, of.Wlnston-
S^lom. .Funeral services were held-
at Rock Springs Baptist €hurch
on Saturday, afternoon, at 8 o'
clock, by Rev. J. M. .BInkle.v. The
pnllb03rcir8 weroi J.'A. Hnybs,^
Dowey Smith, Harmon Powell.
Marvin IBooo, Reed Powell, and
Willie Williams. The flowers-were
carried by Mrs. R. B. Smith. Mrs,
Carrie Booe, Mrs. Brinvnle Wil-
F-^na Alboa, Mrs.
Ruth Bundy, Mlsses-Lesslc Hayes
ortd Porn Hayes.
Naomi Alien
Co 11 rity,; didd •
biirled -.at'. Macedonia'■':--Momvldn i
Church on .Npvi • -irthiV-V ■ ' '.1 '
Bio - Obituaries - 11/13/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 13,1930
Lummie Shoaf
. After n lingorinicr Illness of aov-
oml months dui'Ation, MlBS'Lumr
rajo shoaf,' daughter of .Mr, and
Mrs. /ohn T. Shoaf who was born,
February 15. 1880, fell jjeacofeliy
nalcep Nov. 7, 1080, age, 50 yonrs,
8 months, and.. 23 days. ' Miss
Shoaf was a kind nnd loving avo-
mnn nnd always had n kind and
cheerful word for every one nho
mot To know her was to love
her and was held In high ostesTn.
'She has boen a suffer for several
months with a complication of dl-
seasfifl but bore her • .«mfforlng
with Christian fortitude. A faith
ful attendant of Churehlund
Primitive Baptist Church and
took groat intoroat Jn church
work. She leaves to mourn her
loss, her aged parents, C sisters
ond, three brothora. Tom Shoaf, of
Erlangor,,Cleveland of this com-
njunlty and Dock of the home.
The 'sisters are, htrs. Richard
Kosler and Mrs. John Coats, of
Spencer, JVIrs.' i]j,ohn Snidiar of
Woodlonf, 'Mrs. Mollie Leonard,
of Churchland and Mtaa James,
of the home,' oino brother, JVIJI
Shoaf preceded her in death 10
years ago, bcsldce a host of rela
tives And friends. ,Buriar was at
Churchland Sunday, Nov. 8, at
j2:30 P. M. For some unknown
I'causo Rev. Reld, of Walnut Cove
(lid not come. So no funeral was
- held, A Invgo crowd waa present
which showed the esteem in
which she was hold. The floral
offerings wore many and bcautl-
jful. The pallbearers/ were h<»r
I nephew's, Tom ' Sniderj Charlie
i Coats, Leo 'ond Adam Shoaf,-
OdoU and Will Kaslov. Flower
girls wore her nieces, Mrs. Loyd
Slm'merspn, Mrs. Delia Young,
Mary nnd Pnnnlo Snider and
.Snvnnalf GoatV. We extend sym-
pnthy-lo the grief stricken fntnily.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/13/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 19,1930
-Hrsi Mary Bet i^bwaid BUis, 68;
"wife of: J. W; Ellis, Advance,; R 'i,
passed away .vWedii^ay- moi^ug
afes: 15 o'clock at tbe home. after-.a
iingenng illness^. ■' '
Surviving at^ the husbahd; :six
kqns/T. E,. S,=W.^ aW S. M; Ellis,
of'< Benkelman, Neb.; .J. l5>. and J;
F» .Ellis, of meadows, and W. ."A.
Ellis; of Advanc§, R. i; five daughr
ters, Mrs; John Cope and Mrs, An-
der Cope, of. Advance,- R. ijand
Miss^. Emma, Maggie and Ida
.Ellis, of Advance, R. i; forty*.three,
giandchildireo; fonr great-grand-
bhildren; her stepmother, Mrs.
Nancy Howard,^of Davie county;
two brothers,. O; L. Howard, of
X,esiogtoo, and J, H. Howard,''of
Pavie county; and four-, sisters,
ilrs. Z. D. Foster, of Winston-Sal-
em; Mrs. C. N Blnig, of Reids
yille; Mrs. Asbuiry Riddle and Mrs
John Riddle, of Da vie county.
I Fiineral service were held for
Mrs. Ellis at the home Sunday
afternoon at two o'clock; followed
by a short seridce .&t' Bethlehem
MethcMist cnurch, after which the
body was laid, to rest in the church
^aveyard. Services were cood uct-
^ by Rev. A.. G. Loftin. assisted
by Revs. James Groce and -A . R.
B.ell. ' Mrs. Ellis was a - good
woman and her death has brought
sadness to the. entire. community
m whjch she lived.
Tabitha Evans
Mrs, Tabitha Elam, 8q, who died
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.J. R, B6lEng» Winsion-Salem,on Nov. loth, was^aid to i^t in
Society graveyard,^ hear Connty.
Bine, Tuesday of last week. Mrs,
Elam Is survived by. one son^ and
two daughtersL'- She was a member
of Society Baptist church.'
Bio - Obituaries -11/19/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 20,1930
■John Q. Hall, ngod 70, dlod athis home on the ."Old Haydon IPlace" 8 mUcs'Ayeflt of Mochsvlllo,Monday, Nov.emher the 10th, sifter,,
■being sick for olaly:A day.The funeral, took place at the
homo of his dnughtor, Mrs, C.' E.Hunoycutt, in Statesvlllo on Wod-Jhcaday nftcvnoon at • 2 o'clock'
! burial boliipr at Mt. Zion, Mock-
I lonbiirg County. , I..He loaves three .daughters;.Mrs. C, B, Ilunpycutti State'svllio; jMrs, Eil Onsliou; Mt.'Mourn; .(Mrs.!J. M..McClraklni "of :PInohuist,.ancVtwft, sons; .W.; p. HnllvOii'dVEufUB;.
.Hnl|j who'lived;'.withthroe .aistord -.aji'd. dthor? rdlatlvos.Ti
•Tlio PallbeftrdrB'wore; Mr. Chna• ■StQiVart, Mi*. :Bob" Carson, Miv Loo "M6,os»q, Mr. - Alex 'Cooper;' Mr/
Rnnioat Cillolnnd, -Mr. 6.: B.
'The • flowcrB wevd" carried h'v • •Mbadamos "B.' Li .Carson, 'L. B. IStewart, T. .E. Troutpmn. Bessie)Pool, R..G, Qnraon and MIs.s An-' i
nio'llnddon. •
Bio - Obituaries - 11/20/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 26,1930
Moses P; Walker, v,
Funeral of ^0^ Price Walker,
68% of Davie county, - was condiiqt-
ed Wi^nesday afternoon \ at 'bis
home and. at Macedonia' Moravian
cbnrch. by Rev F. W. Grabs In-
terniebt was.in the cburcH. Rrave^
yardi-- v" / •'
. Mr. Walker passed away:
dav JBorning,- after ari ;.il|nesj; pf
three He;:was bprii in
county; Aiijriist. 2^. '^f^i-and.w^lifeiong r<«5ieiit of that ^codnty,;
making "bis/honje.' :near. Mao^^nia
Church. -Hebfas married, Jangjy
-j6,' ^8^ to(;Miss Angosta . ^ay r
SuiVirors tnduiie/.bjs :wif^^^
)n^>bn H: .W^kepM^d^J^
Bio — Obituaries -11/26/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 27,1930
M. P. WALKElt/ls
' , claimed BY DEATH
; Moses Price" \\^olkor,.'68
away feat Tueadpjr• mbriiirig at i 1 •
o'clqcic at his -hpntQ near Mace^
Woni'n Church, after; .'an, '.Olnesa ,
of three.."weokfl.- '• JiilP'condition
had been seVlbuia for two/^ays.
. He. was bbrA.Itt^ !toavjc"Cpubiy,
August 2,11862'nnd ha^ spent his;
.qntire' iifp in*.the Couii.^rHe whs .
regarded; as >ai-j prosperous forraV
er,-' He tyiaSy^aBiyried to .Miss
Augusta'May;^Sn|ek oA January
10, 1890. ; •
•Surviving aj?e. the >vlddw ; • two
sons, John,H. Wslker and • J. T..
Walker/ both of Advance/ Boute!
1;. ten grandchildren .and'; one
brother, Frank. Walker of -Wins-
Bio - Obituaries - 11/27/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 3,1930
Raymond Whitaker
^Avmniid Whbfllcef siho was .
drowned accidenrally, near ^Raletgh
last Friday, .bionght her.e aud .
laid lo rest ISunday afternoon ..at
Sinfth F Catidell .
Bio - Obituaries - 12/3/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 4,1930
Mi'8. Mary Smith Beck.-ngod 86
yonra, wife of the . late ThbhTaa
J. Beck and clauffhtei* of Polly
Mnrlcr Smith and AViHinm Smlto,
of Irodell county, paasell nwny on
November 27th, dt S. o'eiock p. in.,
at the home of hctn-eon, W.' A.
Bock, near Bear Crook' Chuych.
Pu'noraV'perylceB were conducted
at Bear-Ci'o'ek Church at 3 p. m;
I Friday by Mr, Jim Bode, dsBietod
by Mr. T. I. Cdudell. .
Surviving, aye three ddughters,Mrs. Boorie Hutcheha,; Ya^nviile
Mrd. Vatentlho Jlordah, Cana, Mts.
John Jones, C&u'a; three'8ohB,' W;
'A, Beck, iGanh, T.'P, Beck, Mocks-
ville. Route X.;A. L. Beck, Statea-
viileV and 'thirtyrolght friwndchlid-
ren. The p'aiibdnr'era '^'ei-e RufiiB
Bock, Roy 'Beck; -Rotahd Beck,
Huteh'ens.: Alfred Hutchehd,
Willie Jwdan,! iFlo'viror glHg were
MiawB' Era Mae •Mitchdlb ' Estdr
Peebloa and Riiby -Bdck, - V ^
airs. Delia Boger Penry, wife
of Jnmca B. Ponry,.died at.her
liomo nea'P Pfdlman'a, on Sntur-
day morning, Np.yombor 29tli, flf-
tpr an illneaa of aevornl months,
aged 44. Funeral adrvlcefl 'were
held at "Union Chapel on Sunday
morning, with Rpv. R. C. Gofdrth
officiating.. She ia .survived by
her .husband, four amall childrpiJ,
hor father. Prank Bogor, of Ppvia
and two brothcra# Edward Rpger,
pf (Miartiuavlllcv. yd., .pud Luke.
Boger, of Winaton-SaJem.
Bio - Obituaries -12/4/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 10,1930
Mr. P. R. Davis Passes
Mr. P. R, Davisdied at hisbome
near Aogusia Thursday mornine:,
afijed 72 years, following a long ill
ness. The funeral and burial ser
vices were conducted at 2*30 o'clock
Friday aftempon by Rev. A. G.
Loftin. bis pastor, and the body
laid to rest in Concord church yard.
Mr. Davis is survived by bis
widow, one son, Mr. Will DavLc, of
Winston-Salem; three daughters,
Mrs. Cbarlte Thompson, of Salis
bury; Mrs. J. M. Everbardt, of
sear Cooleemee, an^ Mr. Conrad
Aaron, of near Augusta. Two
brothers C. A. aiid W. A. Davis"
of Jerusalem township, also survive.
Mr. Davis was a good atizen and
numbered bis friends by the score.
In his death the county loses one
of her best men i
Mrs. A. B. Chaplin Di(»
Mrs. A B. Chaolin, aged 69 years,
passed awav dii November 29 at her
home near Bitcby
Pttneral services were conducted,
at Advance Methodist charch'at 2
p. m , Monday afternoon by Etev J.
L Kirk, of Mocksville affiisted by
Rfev. Ratbboi^, of Advance .surviv.
ing, are the husband A B CbapHr.
One son W W Chanlin* of Ouroatz
er, one daughter Mra. W.-.T Poster,
of Dulins and eleven itrafmehildren
Pallbearers were Thomas Naiice.
Nathan Potts. Herman Bennett.
Noah Nance, Lee Hendriz and Pear-
lie Ho,war4.' Flower girls were Helen
Jones. Beasie-Howard. OIlie Hilton
ahd MaZie Foster
Bio - Obituaries - 12/10/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 11,1930
: PHIlilP; l?OSWlfe■j V j-'l ]',■
"r- ..Tne idpcene^•;Mr. and .jSlrBi\wjuinm Davlai'fliis;'
^WS's.wuMftn nI sor;: Ho ^ivab- bdrii ^• In i ^DavldBo^^^^Vi^uii^y-bufc'fi^on^;lri Dfilyfe JCoUnfy.t-noat;;; jpoiicorli';-'
Mpth.bdIsC 'phuVchi;i-^h6r^^^^^^8upoi';?iitdhabht ;;;fof •.Schoql and a:momber'q^qf bte^yatda 'fQi* mbriy
aurvlved;;by; J
rbrtnai'lv.llLffaa' l^nodrln's^iviiMa.'.'ittnW' ■
J.i.Th6mpsb4.-.d^^^^^J;;; M^;yEh^i^artti i'ibf ^MdcRou^ v'4, 'Mrd/ Cfenra^:'^!®!^
WlfistoniSalbrai:'elffhV ftrandb^^l^on;;tJ^^o bribthorsi A^rDhviaVt'oif;; -.Dnyle,v.a^ Itwb.siBtb^ytfr^^Ham-: .Lcpnhrd, plfrDayldspri/^h^^Mr|. .1^30KaSt^y,'; •• !v.""''. V" V! Jluj'fq^qrfll BorylcoB '^vprovJ^^^^^It .Con!cord-.ClhuVch ob;^fcqrno.pn-• at 2:80,'. • byV.thovipnbtpyj'.^^^^^^iiey,^A,'Cr..Loftl^r,,' I. Caiiidel.l. ;-P«^ilbpai*b^ wb'coli Z'
3;!' 'B, 'Oantbl,• J. i*; DwlVe,-^ Gbbrffb- i." =
Mlllbr, Waltdr MIHbp; J;-H. DavftiyV;
J .T— v.,.•;■••_■ ^ •
yKfiiev.r _Vllflfioa Suo hhrt -.llblb • ^n. .■ '-f!;-:
• ilK • • ' ..I-.;
Bio - Obituaries - 12/11/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 18,1930
dist-; fCIiurcli •'herq.y.'' • llftilrivy.iilt
• Ai^-i u ^'1 .'t''Vi »'•;'.'i i'* i u - A M 'r»u • A ^ - ic A tf . -Ill ^' A n I
Bio - Obituaries ~ 12/18/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 25,1930
'; .• ,// j; I, n t r ' '
; 6f frlond^. the.'fu'njDro^
•Erriest Boylosi '40;. bl BlsSby; 'prof ^
niinbht pAvio Cbbiity-citlzQn,
pnsabd >"vviiy PWdny,- "nvPs hold aV
^Kinji: Baptist Church y'oatordny'nf:.
tornoon.. TOo/aoirlcos '.w^b'rh-^
' clubted by ftov/'Jftfnpp^E.. rinll,"^'
Rqv.. B. Tlv ; PtqclA^ri,''-'
Tpmplpmnn ''o«d ijovV^r^-lOVftba^.
' loitttwiibnt.- foHowdd'- Jp
*■ It^nAV .*.*OAv%vLAAflT*.nV**fii*ltA^-*fyi*ocaAafln<4rik£»-
...hpyq'hqqrt pine ibf^j^bTlifr^dqtiiu
•erala'^oybr hdldi.MW 1^^^•dhiiroh.' ■ -T ■•'•:•
! Mrs. Deborah Bnrncs' Young,
widow of C. W. Young, passedftwny at the Davio' County IXnmp
' on Dep. . 15th, aged i>72. The do-,ceased svss.a Patlyo df Davidsbh
County, but had resided in.Uiis
county for a nuiribcr' of. yeara.
She Ayaa 'the' daugh^r V of ••.Ell
•Bamea . and. - Caroline MoBrldoBarnos... The ifunorar aorvteea' were hbid. at Churchland, David-;
' Bo'n County,:; .oa '.pec, iGth,■^wltl\
i-.Mrl TrI. Caudoll- offlclating.- •"
Bio - Obituaries -12/25/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY