Jul - DecDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 3,1940
William H. Gpeiidbaiir.:
Faneral services for William H.'
Creosbaw, 71, who died at itie
coanty home on Tone 34tb, were
held at Salem Bfetbodiat chtii^
1a;dtTaesday afternoon ocmdncted
hy Rev. W. B. Lybeh, and the
body laid to rest Id the chnrcta
cemetery.' ;^Mr Crennbaw ^Serra;
a stroke of f»ralysis some timeaeo.'
Snrvivi^K are the aridov, one-
son^ Oavid Crensbaw, of Lexiiifif-
ioD; .a dangbter, Mn^ Bracken, ol-
Iredell connty; two sis'ers, Mrs. y
E. Swaim, of tbu« city, and Mrs.
W. J. Stimsoo, of StatesviUe.
Hubert B. Bailey.
Hotwn 0. Bailey. 29. died Thoiaday
night it a North Wilketteio bo^tah f<d«
loinog a sbort iltneia. Sir. Ballw was a
nadta of Fofli eommoiilty, but had been
working to Wilkea connty.
Fdoeial aervloea wera held at Fork Bap
tlat dmich Baiufday aftemooa at 8a0
o*ciiiQk. coadtmtad by Rev. Wado Batob-
enaand the body leU to ie«t intbedravob
Sir* Bailey la auvlved by bla father, N.
B. Bailey, three bntheni Qarenoe^ Olyde
and Glenn Bailay. of Poifc, and three al^
teia, Hia. & M. Baiiiec, Ftsisytb coonty;
MIm EtisabetU Bailey. ino8taa.Salmn,
and Blia. WlBlam GnHeiL of tbla dty.
Miss flfiary Foard.
Miaa Haiy Foard. 87. Ufekmg resident
of the Sotttb River sedion and member of
a pranilnent family In Davte county, died
Wednesday night at tbo Rowan Sfemorial
hosfiltBl foliowlttg a levera lUtiesa of a
Fboeral aervlcei were heM at the home
on Friday aomlng at 11 o*dodt. The Rev.
John Foatar, pastor of the ftesbyterlan
churob at Codoeineei of whieb Utss Foard
was a faiibfnl member, officiated. Buiia!
waa in the family pint at tbe Third Cheek
Frea^pteiUa ebntrtm In western Rowan.
Sor^vora indnife two dstera. Mf8.SalUe
Foard Mat^Mar. Chapd HUl and Miaa
Laura fDota) Foard of the home, and one
toother. IrvlD FOard of Bpaitantmrg. S.C
Mrs. Thos J. Swing'
Mrs. Nency Walker S elng, 42.
wi e of Thos. J Swing,' nf Wtnv>
ton-Saiem, died in 9 bosoltel in
that city on Jnne a4th, following a
loog illness
Mrs Swing was a native nf Parm-
inftnn townshio, but moved to
WinstonTSaleni about 3$ vears ago.
She was a member of Arrlmore
Methodist church.
.Surviving are the parents. Mr.
attd .Mrs. VF F Walk'-r, of Win«.
ton Salem; t'nrve sisters Mrs. R.
W. Sink avd Mrs. Mildred Parker,
Winston4)olem, Mrs. W. A. Toy.
lor, Farotingroii; four bfotheri. B.
P. and R P. .Walker, Wtnsron-
Salem; W. P. Walker, Farming-
ton, end H. S. Walker, of this
Funeral ser/ices took place at
' Voffler's Funeral Chapel last Tues
day sfteroQon at 4:30 o'clock, with
Rev^ 1 B. Breodall, Jr., and J.
W. Ve^ta), in cbarge, aod the body
laid to .fest in Saletu Cemetery.
Bio — Obituaries - 7/3/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 5,1940 — Pages 1 and 8
Smith Funeral
Thomas Asbury Smith and the
daughter of Calvin and Susan
Voffler Riddle. She had been
sick about a week.
Survivors Include four daugh
ters, Mrs. R. S. Graver of Clem
mona, Mrs. H. J. Fry of Harmony,
route 2, Misses Lula and Lona
at home; four sons, Cfharllo,
John, George *and Tom all of
Harmony, route 2; one brother,
Asbury Riddle of Advance, route
1; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Win
frey of Wlnston-Salem, Mrs. Ada
EOllsiof Clemmons, Mts. Bmma
Plottiof Mocksvllle, route 4.
Smith Funeral
Held Tuesday
Funeral services were held
Tuesday morning for Mrs. Louise
Riddle Smith, 82, who died at
her home Monday afternoon.
Rev. Ed Brewer conducted the
Mrs. Smith was the widow of
(Continued on page eight)
Bailey itites
Held Saturday
Funeral sewices were held last
Saturday for^ubert B. Bailey,
23, at Fork Baptist church. A
native of Fork who had been
working in wikes county, he
died the priory Thursday in a
North wilkesbc|/o hospitol. In
terment was in t^e church ceme
tery. {
His lather. N. jB. Bailey, and
the following brothers and sis-
(Conttnued on page 8)
Bailey Rites
ters survive: Clarence, Clyde and
Olenn, all of Fork, Mrs. B. M.
Borbee, Forsyth, hUss Elizabeth
Bailey, Winston, and Mrs. Wil
liam Gullett, Mocksvllle.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 5,1940 - Page 7
Final rites for Miss Mary
Foard, beloved resident of tho
South River section, were hold
at tho homo last Friday morn
ing at 11 o'clock. Burial took
place In the Third Creek Pres
byterian church comotory. She
passed away lost Wednesday
evening about 0:30 In Ihe Rowan
Memorial hospital, Salisbury,
deoth resulting from a heart
Rev. J. W. Foster, pastor of
the Cooleemoc Presbyterian
church, of which Miss FOard was
a member, had charge of the
funeral service. Pallbearers
were relatives and close friends
Personal friends served as flower
A huge crowd was present to
pay trlbuto to this colorful and
beloved figure, and tho floral
offerings wore beautiful and
Bio - Obituaries - 7/5/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 12, 1940 - Page 3
McCullough Rites
Held Wednesday
Funeral services were held
Wednesday afternoon nt the
home at 2:30 o'clock and at 3
o'clock at Ttirrentlne Baptist
church for Franklin (Doc) Mc-
Cullough, 81, well known farmer
and lumberman, who died nt his
homd on route 4 early Tucsdoy
mornlne. Rev. E. w. Turner
and the Rev. Green of Oreens-
boto conducted the rites. Inter
ment was In the church ceme
Sun of William and Charlotte
Holland McCullough, both o(
Davle county, the deceased Is
survived by his widow, formerly
Miss Ltzztc Smoot, and the fol
lowing' children: W. F., TIfton,
N. C.; E. T., Wlnston-Salem; Mrs.
A. O. Nail, route 4; Mrs. J. D.
Cornatzer and Mrs. R. H Hil
ton, route 2; Mrs. E. 8. Oar
wood, Wlnston-Solcm.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/12/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 17,1940
Wiiliam R. fiutdinis.
William R. Hutchins, 69, one of
Daviecooo^'a tvell known and pro
gressive farmers, died at bis borne
near Cana, at 8:30 o'clock Tbnrs*
day evenfoi;. Mr. Hotcbins- bad
been seriotisly ill for the past sev
eral tnontbs.
Mr Hntcbins is survived by bis
widow, Mrs. Millie Stonestreet
Hutcbins; one son, C. G. Hittcbins,
of Port Worth, Texas, and one
dauffhter, Mrs. J. Wade FoUon, of
Winston Saletn. One brother, T.
A. Hntdfitts, of R. a. also survives
Fttneral services were at held at
the homcSatorday momiiiff at 10:30
0 o'clock, ccndncted by Rev. J. W.
Vestal, and the body laid to rest In
Wesley's Cbapel Methodist chnrcb
In the death of Mr, Hntcbins
tbo county has lost a Kood citizen,
wbo spent bis entire life in the
county of bis birtb. He will be
sadly missed iii the community In
wbicb be lived. To the hereavid
family The Record extends sym
pathy In the deatb of this Rood man.
FrankUn McCaDoch
Franklin MeCullob, 81, died at
bis home near Turrentlne on Mon
day of last week, following a long
Funeral services were held at
Tttrrenthie Baptist cbnrcb Wednes
day afternoon at 3 o'clock, wfib
Rev. B. W. Turner in charge, and
tbo body laid to rest in the church
Mr, McCnllota Is survived by bis
widow, two sons, W. F. McCuKofa,
of diftOD, and T. McCuUofa, of
Winstou^alem: four daughters,
Mrs. A. C. Nail, of R. 4; Mrs. J.
D. Cornatzer and Mrs. R. H. Hil-
ton, R 3; Mrs. £. S. Garwood,
Winston ^lem. One brother,
Charles McCullob, of R. 4, also
Mrs. G. V. Myers.
Mm. 6. V. Hyere. 84, died Saturday at
bar home neat Advaooe, Funeral services
were beM Monday aftemooo at 9 o'clo^
atQbavilla Uetbodtat dnticb, and the
body laid to rest In ibo ditndi cemetery.
Surviving are tbree dtudhtera, Mra. N.
H. Botfer, ot Haneo, Bfis. Q- Bodsfod.
of UwlavKle. and Mn. W. J. WhiOker, of
Fonjrth Goonty; aeveo Bona^ CL O. ^am,
of Advance, i^baid. wm and Ray Myeia
of Advance, June and Ed Myef8,ofStoQe-
vitte; three alsten. Mm. GL R. Rartley. ^
Hlgb Foiot, ^ Phillip aid J. F.
Foacd. of Lextngtoo; and one blether, Ray
Buftoo, of AdvaneoL
Bio - Obituaries — 7/17/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 19,1940 - Page 1
William R. Hutchins
Funeral'Scrvlces were held at
the home near Cana lost Satur
day morning for WlUlom R.
Hutchins, 60, Davie county na
tive and highly respected farm
er. who died the prior Thurs
day evening. Rev. J. W. Vestal
conducted the rites and inter
ment was in the Wesley Chapel
Methodist church cemetery.
Mr. Hutchins is survived by
his widow, Millie Stonestreet
H'jvchins; a daughter, Mrs. j.
Wade Fulton, Wlnston-Salem;
a son, C. O. Hutchins of Ft.
Worth, Texas. A brother, T. A.
Hutchins of routo 2 also survives,
t Pallbearers were W. P., Clyde
and L. O. Huteh6is, Herman
and Duke Roger and Waymuth
Howard. j^..
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 19,1940 - Page 2
Mrs. Blackwelder
Buried Tuesday
Funeral services were held
Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock
for Mrs. Rebecca Griffin Black
welder, 60, who died at her
home in Clarksville township
Sunday aftemoonrat 6:30 o'clock.
Rev. 8. N. Bumgarner' conduct
ed the service and interment
was in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Blackwelder ^as the
daughter of Edward and Mar
garet Beck Griffin.
Survivors include two daugh
ters, Miss Martha Blackwelder
and Mrs. Irene Cloary, both of
Mocksville, routo 2; one son,
Henry Blackwelder of Kannapo-
lis; two brothers, Thomas Orif-
lln of Cooleomee and Franklin
Griffin of Courtney; four grand
children and two great grand
Bio - Obituaries - 7/19/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 19,1940 - Page 4
J. M. Sole, 81, retired in
idled at his home near Conn
early Saturday morning, aft
long lUncss.
Mr. Sole was a natln
Wllkes county, and spent
of his life at Cllngnian lo«
section he was well knon.
was married to Miss Ui
Marshall, who survives ntib
following children: George
Mrs. J, N. Brown. Mrs- J
Bovender, Mrs. J. F. Most
Wlnaton-Salom; Roy Sale.1
roaster at Cycle; Mrs. ii
Davis of Wildwood. N. i:
F. C. Sale, Yadklnvlllc Rout
two half brothers. F. L Mye
Cycle and Charlie Myea
JonesvlUe; one sister. Mrs.B
Harris, JonesvlUe.
He was a member of II
Baptist Church, Wllkes Cot
The funeral was held at
Grove Baptist church at
o'clock Monday, with Rer
Rev. E. K. Wootcn In da
Mye'rs, Rev. W. V. Bro«n,
Burial was in the cborchd
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 19,1940 - Page 7
Mrs. G. V. Myers
Passes Away
Mrs. 0. V. Myers, 04, died Sat-
urday morning at 10 o'clock at
her home In the Shady Grove
community of Dnvic county.
The funeral was held Mondoy
afternoon at home at 2:30
o'ctock. Burial was in the
church graveyard.
Surviving are throe daughters,
Mrs. N. H. Boger of Hancs, Mrs.
W. O. Bodsford of LcwtsvUlc,
and Mrs. W. J. Whicker of For-
syth county: seven sons. O. C.
Myers of Clemmons. C. O. Myers
of Advance. Richard. Will and
Ray Myers of Advoncc, June and
Ed Myers of Stonovllle; three
sisters, Mrs. C. R. Hartley of
High Point, Mrs. Phillip and
Mrs. J. F. Foard of Lexington;
and one brother, Ray Burton
of Advance.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/19/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 24,1940
Jasper Beaaduunp Com
mits Soidde.
Jaaper U. Beaoebamp, 69 shot
bimflfflf to death Sanday morning a«
boot 11 o*eloek« at bto home near
Rediand. He uaed a gon and the
abot entered bfa left side. He was a^
lose at the time. Ur. Beaodtemp
had been in bad health for several
yeara. Dr. lioster filartin, eoonly
coroner, inveatlgated the death and
declared it to be eaidde.
Fbneral and burial services took
place yesterday a t Meeedonlan
cborcb. of which he was a member
Mr. Beaoebamp iaaorvived by five
sfatera, Mra, Fanno Sbeek aod Mrs.
Cora Vogler, Advance, R 1, Mrs.
J, R. Spaloboor, WiiiatoD-&iem;
Mrs. Bertba Walker, Davidson eoon-
ty, and Miss Mamie Beaoebamp,
near Rediand: foor brother0,J. G.«
J. E., M. K., and F. B. Beaoebamp,
all of Davle.
Mrs. Rebecca Blade-
welder Dead.
Mrs. Rebecca Griffin Blackwelder
90, died July i4tb, at ber home io
Ciarbsville lownsblp. Funeral ser-
vices were bdd at 11 o'clock Tues
day momioR at Cbestont Grove
Methodist church, cond acted by
Revs. A C. Chaffin aod G. K.
Holt, and the body laid to rest in
the church cemetery. The deceas
ed was the daughter oi the late Ed
ward and Margaret Beck Griffin.
Mrs. Blackwdder is survived fay
two daugbtera, Miss Martha Black-
welder and Mrs, Irene Cleary, both
of Mocfcsrille, R. a; a sou, Henry
Blackwelder, of Kaouapohs: two
brothers, Thomas Griffin, of Coo
leemee and Franklin Griffin, of
Courtney; four grandchildren and
two great-grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/24/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 26,1940 - Page 3
Glenn Taylor
' Cars Involved Were Driv
en By Half- Brothers
Yaaktiwllle, N. C., July 22,—
Funeral services for Olonnj
Taylor, 13, who was fatolly In
jured in an automobile acci
dent near Fall Creek School on
tire Smithtown road Sunday af
ternoon, were conducted from
Richmond Hill Baptist Church
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
The Rev. B. O. Kormon was in
charge. Burial was in the Rich
mond Hill cemetery.
Young Taylor was Injured
when the car in which he was
riding with Charlie linebercy,
29, -collided with another car
driven by Hobort Uneberry, a
half brother of Charlie Llne-
taerry. The youth died at an
Blkin hospital about two hours
Taylor was riding In the front
seat and was crushed when the
car overturned.
Benbow Allen, who was rid
ing on the fender of Charlie
Llnberry's ijar, was seriously In
jured and is a patient at Baptist
Hospital In Winston-Solem.
His brother, Eugene Allen, who
also was riding on the running
board, suffered minor injuries.
Miss Ola Taylor, a brother of
the dead youth, vfas slightly
Passengers in Robert Lineber-
ry's auto escaped serious injury,
as did both drivers.
According to reports, the
young people who were riding
in the Charlie Llncbcrry car
were on route to Smithtown to
buy icc in preparation for mak
Ing ice cream at the home of
C. P. Taylor.
The accident was investigated
by State Highway Patrolman Lee
Phillips of Blkln. Ho said the
two light cars collided almost
headon, the left headlight of
each car smashing Into the other.
No charges had been brought
against cither driver Tuesday
afternoon. *
Young Taylor was the son of
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Taylor of
the Richmond Hill section. He
Is survived by his parents, one
brother ond three sisters.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/26/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 26,1940 - Page 4
Funeral services were
Tuesday morning at the k
near Redland lor Jasper Mm
Beauchamp, S9, who shot U
self Sunday morning while
family were ot church. Ret
U!en( in ill- health-wTor »
time and Dr. Lester Mui
coroner, declared the case to
Burial was In the Maeedsi
Son of Joel M. and MarySbi
Beauchamp, the deceased Iss
vlvod by the following dit
and brothers: Mrs. Fanny Slu
Mrs. Cora Vogler, Miss Mu
Beauchamp, all of Davtc: 1
J. R. Spalnhour, Winston; I
Bertha Walker, Davidson c«
ty: J. a., J. E., M. K. and P.
Beauchamp, all of Davlc.
Mr. Beauchamp placed '
muzzle of a shot gun egai
his left side and pushed
trigger- apparently while stai
D, C. Foster
Funeral Held
Funeral services were held
Monday at 3:30 o'clock at Con
cord Methodist church for Daniel
Calton Foster, 81, who died at
his home In Jerusalem township
early Sunday morning. Rev. A.
W. Lynch conducted the services
and Interment was In the church
Mr. Foster was the son of
Wllburn and Olemlnchla Click)
Foster. He Is survived by his
widow, the former Miss Mary
Peacock; three daughters, Mrs.
L. 0. Harris and Mrs. Paul Nail
of Mocksvllle, routed, and Miss
Virginia Foster at home; five
sons, Dewey, Boone, Henry and
Hubert of Mocksvllle, route 4,
and Will Foster of Washington,
i D. O.; 16 grand and 9 great-
r grandchildren.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 26,1940 - Page 7
John Doughton
Funeral services were held
Sunday at 2 p. m. fur John
, Doughton a^ the Zlon Hill
church In Harmony.
Bio - Obituaries — 7/26/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 2,1940
Funeral services for Mrs. Cclla
Allen Carter, 43, who died at
her home Sunday afternoon near
Elbavllle church were held Tues
day momlns at the cornatzer
Baptist church. Rev. James
Oroce was the postor and inter
ment was in the church ceme
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Allen, the deceased is survived
by her husband, P. L. (Perlle)
Carter, and the following chil
dren: Clyde of Ccolecmce, Ni
cholas and Lawrence at home,
Gertrude, Ruth, Vclma and
Dorothy, all at home.
The following brothers and
sisters likewise survive: J. Will,
Wesley and George Allen, all of
Advance, route 1; Mrs. Jou Ho
ward. Advance, route 1; Mrs. Oco.
Myers, Wlnston-Snlem; Mrs.
Thco Howard, route 2.
Collette Rites
Hdd Thursday
Funeral services were held
yesterday afternoon, Thursday.
at-Eaton*s Baptist church for
Mre. MOmle Foote Collette, 08,
who died at a Morganton hos
pital on July 30. Services were
conducted by Rev. B. W. Turner,
assisted by Rev Dallas Renegar
and Rev. James Qroce. Inter
ment was In the church ceme
She is survived by her hus
band, Robert F. Collette of
Mocksville; by two sons, J. C. of
Mooksville and Charlie of Nor
folk, Va.; by four daughters,
Mrs. L. D. Boger, Mrs. R. W.
Rummage and Mrs C. S. Hut
chins of route 2,and Mrs. L. R.
Sholton of Wlnston-Salcm.
A brother, W. H. Foote of
Crewe, Va., and a sister, Mrs.
Nina Cain of BatUc Creek, Mich
also survive, as well as 21 grand
and 9 great grand children.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/2/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 2,1940
wllUam James Leach, 80, na
tlve of Davle county, died short*
ly before 1 o'clock Wednesday
morning at the home of a daugh
ter, Mrs, W. D. Morgin, in Sal
isbury where he had made his
home for a number of years.
The funeral was held Thurs
day afternoon at the Cobum
Memorial Methodist church in
Salisbury where he was an ac
tive attendant ond interment
was in the family plot in the
Chestnut Hill cemetery there.
Mr. Leach had many relatives
in Davic, being an uncle , of c.
H. Barneycostie, county tax col
lector, and a great uncle of Mar
vin Leach and Jake Allen.
He was born on a farm in
Davle county on December 11,
1849, the son of Zodak and Mal-
vlna Casey Leach. He had a
twin brother, Zodak, who' died
at the age of 75 years. He spent
his life on a farm until nearly
43 years ago, then moved to
Salisbury and secured work in
the Salisbury cotton mill. He
was a stockholder in the com
pany store and also owned stock
in a drug store. He retired from
active work in 1916.
On December 0, 1875, he was
married to Miss Mary Jane
IJames of Davle county who died
in April 1921. To ^is union
were born seven daughters and
two sons, of whom four daugh
ters and one son are living.
These children are: Mrs. Annie
Jones, Mrs. Bertha Downum,
Mrs. W. D. Morgan and Mrs. A.
L. Jarrell of Salisbury and John
L. Leach, who lives on highway
80 three miles southeast of Sal
isbury. Twenty grandchildren
ond 16 great grandchildren olso
The great-grcat-grahdmother
of this interesting person died
aboard ship while en route from
Qcrmany to America And was
burled at sea. The Leach fam
ily originated in Scotland, mov
ed into Germany and from the
latter country members came to
America in the early part of the
18th century.
The family settled on the Po-
tomoc river near the present
site of the nation's capital. The
great-grandfather of the Salis
bury man moved south In search
of more fertile lands and a bet
ter opportunity to make a liv
ing. He became acquainted with
Daniel Boone who took him in
a birch canoe up the Yadkin
river about 15 miles to a point
on Hunting creek above the
present town of Cooleemee and
sold him a tract of land.
The grandfather of W. J. Leach
was bom on the Potomas river
place, bdt the latter and his
father were bom on the Davle
county farm. In Mr. Leach's
family were 10 brothers and
sisters. The eldest of these,
John Wesley Leach, was killed in
a battle at Sharpesburg, Md.,
while serving in the Confc()lcr
ate ormy. The father also serv
ed in the Confederate army but
an'illness resulted in his dis
charge after a short period of
Mr. Leach had a remarkable
memory and was extremely ac
curate as to dates and places.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/2/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 2,1940
' John A. Mason, 04, Hfc-Iong
clUzon of Yadklnville. died at
a Statcsville nospital early Sun
day morning following an Ill
ness of one week. He was car
ried to tho hospital Tuesday
morAlng after being ill at home
three davs.
He was one of the best-known
men in the county. For many
years he operated the Mason
.feed mill near Yadklnvlllc, and
'for the past-nine years has been
I connected with John D. Hol-
'comb and son. He was mar
ried to Mrs. Pronta Mackie
Oakcs in 2898. She died in Jan
uary, 1926. Ho was a long-time ;
member of Harmony Orovo ;
Friends Church and also a
member of YadkinvUle lodge,.
Junior O. U. A. M.
Survivors include six children,
three sons, Roy C., Lloyd and
Luther C. Mason, Yadkinvillo;
three daughters, Miss Blanche
Mason, Conway, S. C., Mrs. Beu-
lah Macy, High Point, Mrs. Ike
WUklns, Elkln; one stepson,
Harvey Oakes, Ottumwa, Iowa;
two sisters, Mrs. W. A. Slzemore,
Wlnston-Salem, Mrs. Ellen Hut-
chcns, Yadkinviile; two half-
sisters, Mrs. Emma Atwood,
WInston-Salem, and Mrs. Brooks
Southard, Dobson; and 14 grand-
Funeral services were held at
Mackie and Hinshaw funeral
home Monday afternoon at 4
o'clock. Burial followed in the
Yadklnvlllc cemetery. The body
remained at the funeral home
until the funeral hour. Tho
Rev. J. H. Green and Rev. R. L.
West conducted the services, i
Members of the Junior Order '
were in charge of the burial
Honorory pallbearers were J.
D. Ilolcoinb, Wade Roavls, Joe
McCollcm, Charlie Adams, Frank
Royal), A. L. Inscoro, W. E. Rut-
Icdgc, Dr. L. S. Hall, W: L. Hin
shaw, Raymond Clcary, A. B.
Holton, Miles Martin, N. L.
Hudspcth, Joke Brown, J. H. P.
Sliorc, Dr. J. O. Marlcr, S. C.
Williams, E. J. Vestal, C. P. Dun-
nagan, H. F. Davis, J. T. Recce,
Charlie Potts, S. B. Hlnsliaw,
Jake Irvln, Roy Johnson, Wcldon
Joyner, M. W. Mackie, Marler
) Sprinkle, W. A. Hall, T. R. Eaton,
A. S. HaU, J. L. Crater, E. M.
Wlshon, W. E. Royall and A. B.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/2/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 7,1940
William J. Leach
Fornwr Davie Man
WUIicun I. Leacb, 91, a native of
Davie cotintv, died at tbe hosoe ot
a daughter in Salisbury Wednes
day tnorning. Paueral senriota
were held a't Coonrn Memorial
Methodist church, Salishuiy,
Thursday afterooou at 5 o'clock,
and the body laid to rest in Chet>t-
nut Hill cemetery,
Mr, Leach is survived by four
daughters and cue son, also one
brother. He was born in Davie
county in 1849, and lived here un .
til about 1897, when he moved to
dalisbury, where he spent the re
mainder of his long life. He has
many relatives and friends in Davie
who were saddened by news of his
Mrs. Mammie Collette.j
Fhneral service (or Mm. Mammie Gol
letie»68, wife of Robert F Collette, of
MoeksvUle, was held at Eaton's Baptist
Choreh Thandav afternoon. She was a
member of the cfautdi.
Mrs. Collette died Tuesday foBowlbg an
ih of several ycnis.
She is Mfvlved by four daughtafs, Mrs.
L R. Sheiton, of uliastoD-Salem: Mrs Los-
nie BegenofOaaa: Mis.SaotfordRtttehIos,
of Caoa. and Mrs, Roes Runttage, .of
MoeksvUle; two sons. GL W. Coiletto. of
Rmielk, Va., and J. CL CoUette, of Modm-
vlUe one sistei^ Mis. Andnew CBlii,Qf Bat
tle Onek, Ulcfa.: one btother, W. H Poote,
of Cfswe. Va.; and several gtaoddiildiai.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/7/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 9,1940
Charles C. Nelson
Funeral rites for Prof. Charles
C. Nelson were held Sunday at
2 p. m. from the Nelson Chapel
Church of Christ with Rev.
Alonzo Jones of Chattanooga,
Tenn. Survivors are his wife,
Mrs. Valley Nelson, two sons,
jCharllc and Warner Nelson, of
Clemmons. Interment was held
in the family plot of Rcdland
Christian Church cemetery.
Josephine Turner
Mrs. Josephine Turner, who
died at homo Wednesday morn
ing, was hurled Thursday at
Plney Orove church. The body
was laid in the church grave
yard. Loft to morn arc three,
children, and husband. Rev.i
Riwker preached the_ funeral. |
Alson N. Rcncgar,'I
known Yadkin countj
died at noon Friday at
at Harmony. He
heart attack.
Mr. Renegnr was'
obcr 4, 1860, son cl the
and Mrs. Nathan Ru
Ircdell county. He
rled to Miss Lula SKt
was the last member d
of nlno.
Surviving are the s!i
three sons, E. M. Ba
YodklnvUle, Route 3; 7.
gar, of Elkin, and Aiit
gar, of YadklnviUe.
Funeral services veti<
ed Sunday afternoon il
at the Sandy Spriop
Church of which hevii
ber. Officiating rolok
Rev. E. W. Turner,
Burrus and Rev. Dab
gar. Burial was in
graveyard. Orandsot
Funeral for Mrs. Amanda Jane
,Reavls, 76, who died Wednesday
! evening at her home near Lone
Hickory, were held Friday after
noon at ttie home at 1 o'clock
at Liberty Baptist church at 2
o'clock. Rev. Charlie Hutchlns
and Rev. Calvin Gregory were
in.charge. Elurlal followed In
ithe family burial plot.
I Grandsons acted as pallbear
ers and granddaughters as flow
er girls.
Mrs. Reavis, the daughter of
the late J. M. and Martha Leag-
ans, was the wife of Isaac San-
ford Reavis. Surviving' in addi
tion to her ht^sbond ore four
daughters, Mrs. J. T. Comer and
Mrs. J. E. Beamon, Wlnston-
Solem; Mrs. J. £. Kenerly, Soils-
bury, and Mrs. C. O. Thompson,
Yadkin county; eight sons, R. c.
Reavis, High Point; L. D.i Los
Angeles; H. O. Reavis, wukes
county; B. H., O. B., C. K., I. S.
and I. J. Reavis, WInston-Salem;
one stepdaughter, Mrs. R. M.
Boce, Davie coutity; four sisters,
Mrs. Virla Parl^, Poll -Bridge,
Montana; Mrs. Harriet Bal^ and
•Irs. Katherlna Baser, Blacks-
burg, 8. C., and Miss Rachel
Leagans, Columbia. S. C., and
one brother, 'Henry Leagans,
Blacksburg, S.i C.
Mrs. Amelia Nick),tt
the home of her mitt
B. Hewitt in StatesTlOt
morning at 8:30. Mr&l
only ill for one day.
She was the wldovd
John F. Nicks of YadUB
She spent her entiK
Yadkin county until i
years ago when she
in StatesvUle.
She Is survived by s
er. Miles Gentry, of 1
and several nelces
The Rev. S. W.
be In charge of the so
Bio - Obituaries - 8/9/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 14,1940
A. F. Campbell Passes.
Aaran Flahe CampbelL Sd^dledattdden-
ly at tbe bome of bis stm. FKatioe Carap-
bell. on Witkesboio street, Sanday mom-
log at 7:S0 o*etocfc, death reeuldng from a
heart attack, Ur. Campbell bad been in
bad health for some time, but bb. death
came as a shock to bis family and bond-
reds of friends tbroogboat the town and
Ur. Campbell Is sanrlved by bis widow,
one son, l^tice Osmpbell; two dangb-
lets. Mis. Robert Safley and Utsa Pauline
Campbell, all of this dty; bis father, Da
vid T. Campbell, and one sister. Mrs, A,
D. Koontz, of near County Une. five
grandebildrea also survive.
Funeral Bervicea were held at the Bap
tist cbuicb Monday aftemoon at 3 o'clock,
conducted by bis pastor. Rev, J. H, Ful*
gburn. assisted by Revs. E. M. Avett and
E. W. Tumer. of this city, and the body
laid CO rest in Rose cemeiefy. Active pall
bearers were Rupert Boger C. S. Ander
son. Dr. S. 8. Hall. C. R. Hon, T. J. Cao
deb and Floyd Thtteiow. •
The many beautifhl floral tributes and
the large audience present for the last
iltea, attested the high esteem In which
Mr. Chmpbell was hUd.
Mr. Campbell was a native of Davie,
having spent bis entire life ia the eonnty
He moved from Kappa to this city eboor
12 years ago, and was in the nndertaliag
bttsinesa here and at Kappa for many
yean. In bis death the family has lost a
devoted husband and father, the cbnreb a
faithful and Cbtistian follower of tbe low
ly Nasarine. and tbo town and county ono
of their best beloved dUzens. Fiaka will
be mtiscfl soieiy by hb hundreds of frieoda
who bavo hnowp bitn sinco cbKdbood. To
Che loved ones who'are left behind, the
aged father, tbo wife, chlMren and sister.
The Record extends deep sympathy In this
sad boar. Another long-time friend of the
editor has croend the river and is resHog
on tbe other dde, where there Is no more
pain, sorrow and death.
Mn. Baxter link.
. Mis. Baxter Unk. 83. of nearCooleeinee.
died'at I>owery Hospital, 8all8lMiry..Sator>
day evening at 9:48 o'clo^ foUowlog a
nine days tPoesa.
Flweral services were held at liberty
Methodist cfauteh Monday afternoon at 4
o'clock, with Rev. A. W, Lynch In obarge.
aitd tbe body laid to rest In tbe chucdt
cemetery. '
MtSL link was a daughter of tbe late M&
and Mis. 6. A. Lefler, Surviving is tbe
bosbsnd and seven chiidm* Paul, of
Washington. D. C; lindsay, of Danburv;
Lawrence, of MeofcsviUe; Mrs. John EUan*
bttig. Wcodleaf; Virginia. Ifeiia,*B. C. Jr^
at home. One brother, Albert Lefler, tvro
^eia. Mrs. W. C. Coiiell ^ Mis. Henry
WaD. of near Ceoleemee, also euivive.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/14/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 16,1940
k I
Funeral services were held
yeserday afternoon at 2 p. m.
at the home of his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. J. Lee Kurfees. for
Gilbert Ralph Kuzfees, Hi, who
died at 7 p. m. Tuesday in a
Richmond, Va. hospital. Inter
ment was In the forolly plot in
Rose cemetery.
Mr. Kurfees, a native of Davlo
county, had been employed by
Kurfees Paln^ Co. for many
years, travolllns Virginia and
the eastern port of this state.
At the time of his death his
wife and daughter were visiting
here. ,
He returned to Richmond from
the road on last Sunday, being
ill at tho time. He called hb
physician and had a prescription
sent out (rom the drug store
On Monday, alone in the house,
neighbors heard him. groaning,
the doctor was called and he
was found in a semi-conscious
condition. He was token to the
hospital Tuesday morning and
died that afternoon, never re
gaining consciousness.
He is survived by his parents;
by his widow, formerly Miss
Elizabeth Waters of MoeksviUe
and a daughter, Anne, 3; by two
sisters. Mrs. Grady Ward of
MocksvlUe and Mrs. L. H. Lanler
of Birmingham, Ala.
Employed here for many years|
by Sanford Motor Co.,,Mr. Kur
fees was widely known and ex
tremely popular. He loft Mocks
vlllo about 13 years ogo. ,
Pallbearers were Fletcher .Chck,
j. M. Horn. J. P. LeGrand, Dr.
L. P. Martin, Paul Hocke^t and
Frank Stonestreet. The krvlce
was conducted by Rev. W. W.
lynes of Winaton-Salem and
Rev. E. M. Avett. .
Mrs. Baxter Link
Mrs. Baxter Link passed away
Saturday at Lowcry hospital.
Salisbury. Funeral services were
held at Liberty M. E. church
Monday by her pastor, Rev. A.
W. Lynch, assisted by Rev. Fos
ter of Coolccmce. Interment was
In tlie church cumetory.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/16/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 16,1940
I Passes I
Following a heart nllack. A.
F. Camj3bcU, 50, wMdcly known
undertaker here for many years,
died last Sunday morning nt
7:30 o'clock at the home of his
' son, Prentice, on Wllkosboro
street. Mr. Campbell had been
In falling health for some time.
• n
The funeral was held Mon- '
day afternoon at 3 o'clock at '
the Baptist church, conducted by
Rev. J. H. Fulghum and assist- '
cd by Rev. E. M. Avett and Rev.
J. W. Turner. Interment was
In the family plot In Rose come- ;
Mr. Compbcll Is survived by his
widow, formerly Miss Delia
; Starrettc, and three children:
Prentice and Miss Pauline Camp
bell of Mucksvlllc and Mrs. Rob
ert .Safloy of the county. His
father, David T. Campbell, and
a sister, Mrs. A. D. Koontz, of
route 2 also survive, as well as
five grand children.
Born In Daviu county on
August 21, 1881, Mr. Campbell
; was In the undertaking business
nt Kappa before moving here
n about 14 years ago where he
was similarly engaged. He re
tired a short time ago.
There were many beautiful
floral tributes which were In
charge of Mrs. J. H. Fulghum
and Mrs. S. B. Hall.
Active pallbearers were Rupert
Boger, Spurgeon Anderson, S. B.
Hall. c. R. Horn, Jeff Caudell
and Floyd Tutterow.
Honorary pallbearers Included
T. I. Caudell, Boonc Stonestreet,
Dr. S. A. Hording, P. G. Brown,
W. M. Crotts, C. F. Stroud,^ J.
F. Hanes, Hancs Yntcs, O. O.
Boose, A. R. Tomllnson, 8. R.
Latham, 8. M. Call, E. C. Morris,
G. N. Ward, L. S. Kurfecs, W.
W. Smith and W. M. Pcnnlngton.
Among those from out of town
who attended the funeral were
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Bettinger
(Continued on page four)
A. F. Campbell
and Mrs. J. T. Covln of Moores-
vHle, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Star-
rett, Robert and Noah Starrelt,
Gibson Austin, Mrs. T. L. Dysard
ond Mrs. W. M. Westmoreland,
all of .Statcsvlllci Mrs. W. L.
Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Harp
er and Lcon\ond Harold Harper
of Cpol Springs; Mr. and Mrs.
Sam E. Beck. Mrs. Shirley
Nichols and Hoylc Nichols of
Wlnston-Salem; Mr. ond Mrs.
Robert Starrctt and son, Marvin,
of ThomasvlUc; Mr. and Mrs. W.
T. Slarrett and Mr. and Mrs. w.
H. Starrctt of Charlotte: Mrs.
Herbert KIncald of Orlando. Fla.;
Mrs. Minnie McDonlel of Con
cord; Mr. and Mrs. Will Graham
of Kannapolis and Mr. and Mrs.
Calvin Hauser of Salisbury.
Bio — Obituaries — 8/16/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 21,1940
lib's. Sc W.'DaouL
Ura. Faunie Jane Daniel, 73,
died last Tneaday at her home, Sat*
nrday, following an illness of two
lilrj. Danid was the daughter of
the late Rev, and Mva. W. R, Reu
chie of Davie county. She bad lived
in Salisbury for 35 years and was
active in the affairs of Haven I^nth.
eran church, where she was a mem
Funeral servicea were held at 4
o'clock Wedoeaday afternoon at the
Haven church, and burial follow
ed in Chbtnut Hill cemetery.
She baa aiz surviving children;
B K. Daniel, George Dantel, Mrs.
Floyd Still, and Mra. B. W. Wago.
ner, allof Salisbury; Mra. J B.
Sloop, of High Point; and Ray
Danid of Greensboro.
There ia one survtviog brother
and one sister. They are W. F. H.
Kdchieof Harmony, R. i, and
Mrs. Edna Sloop of Harrisbnrg, Va.
Gflbert R. Knrfe^
Gilbert R Kurfeea, 41, of Bieb.
mond, Va., son of Ur. and Mrs. J.
Lee Knrfeea, of this ci^ died in a
Riobmond hospital la.st Tuesday
eveoiiiR, followinR an iUness of two
days. Mr. Rurfees had jnst re
turned to Richmond from a busi
ness trip to Louisville on Sunday
aftemooD when be was taken ill.
The body was brought 10 the
home ot bis pdrents here Wednes
day afternoon. Puoeral services
were held at the home Thursday
afternoon, condncied by Rev. W.
W. Tynes, of Wlnston-Satem, as
sisted by Rev. £. M. Avett, of this
ciiy, and the body laid to rest In
Ros^ cemetery.
Mr. Kurfees is surviv^ by his
widow and one little daughter; his
parents, Mr. and Mrs J. Lee Rur-
fees, of this city; two sisters, Mrs.
Orady Ward, of this city, and Mrs.
Lonnfe Lauier, of BirininRbam, Ala.
Mr. Rurfees was bom in this
county, and lived here until about
four years ago, when he moved bis
fsmily to Richmond. He held a
position as traveling aslesiDao with
the J. F. Rurfees Paint Co , Lonls-
ville, Ky., with headqnarlera at
Richmond. His death came as a
severe shock to bis parents, family,
and many friends throughout the
town and county. To the hereav.
ed ones, The Record extends sym.
pathy in the loss ol this loved one.
Jesw Adams Hendri^
Jesse Adama Hendricka, 73, re
(ired farmer, died Wednesday ulght
at bin home near County Line,
after a lingering illness. Mr. Hen-
dricks, native of Davie county, is
survived Iqr two sous, William O.
and Herbert A. Hendricksof Davte
county; five daughters. MJsa Ben-
sie Hendrlcks. Mrs. F. B. Tutterow
both of Oreenahoro, Bfn. Glenn
Shaw of Harmony, Mrs. V. H.
White of Hickory; Miss Marv
Hendrlcks at home. Funeral aer
vices were held Friday afternoon at
3:30 o'doek at Center M^hodist
Bio - Obituaries - 8/21/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 23,1940
Dies Suddenly
Funera} services lor Dr. Thad-
deus Warsaw Shore, 64, one of
Yadkln County's most promin
ent citizens, were held Sunday
morning at ll o'clock from
Boonvillc Baptist church. The
body lay In state at the church
from 9 until the funeral hour.
The services were conducted
by the Rev. Raymond E. Con-
nell, pastor of the Boonvllle
Baptist church, assisted by the
Rev. J. H. Greene, Methodist
minister of YadklnvJlle.
Dr. Shore, outstanding phy
sician, business man, and one of
the best known breeders and
handlers of bird dogs in the
United States, died at Baptist
Hospital at 2:45 Friday morning.
He had been sick for three weeks.
He had undergone an operation
and was thought to be Improv
ing when ho suffered a heart
attack. His death was unex
Dr. Shore was born near Boon
vllle, the son of the late James
Henry Shore and and Julia Wil
liams Shore. He attended the
public schools and the high
school at Boonvllle and received
his degree In medicine In 1890
from the medical college of the
University of Richmond. He
practiced continuously there
after at Boonvllle. |
Dr. Shore was a member of I
Boonvllle Baptist Church. He
was president of Commercial
; Savings Bank, and for many
I years chairman of the county
' Democratic Executive Comnilt-
; tee.
Survivors Include the widow,"
vulio before marriage 29 years
ago, was Miss Zetta Woodruff;
four sons, Stewart Shore, of Po-
comoko City, Md., ond Thad Jr..
James and Allen Shore, of Boon
vllle; three daughters. Misses
Gay, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. Misses
Camlile and Achsah Ann Shore,
all of Boonvillc; one sister, Mrs.
Egbert h. Davis, WJnston-Salem;
and one brother, J. W. Shore,
Though Ills profession occupied
most of his time, he had many
outside Interests ond was one of
the he.st-known men In the sur
rounding vicinity.
For more than 30 years Dr.
Shore was widely known as a
breeder and handler of bird
dogs and as a field trial official.
Last Rites Held
For J. A. Hendrix ;
Funeral services were held ;
Friday for Jesse A. Hcndrix
at Center Methodist church with '
Rev. A. W. Lynch holding the
services. Interment was in the
church cemetery.
Mr. Hcndrix died at his
home in the Saicm community
Wednesday evening. He was
married Oct. 12, 1802 to Miss
Mary Ann Anderson, who sur
vives. Seven children also sur
vive: Willie of route 2; Hubert
of route 4, Miss Bessie and Mrs.
Elmer Tuttcrow of Greensboro;
Mi's. Glenn Shaw of Harmony,
route 2; Mrs. V. H. White of
Hickory and Miss Mary Hcnd
rix at home.
Pall bearers Included Atlas
Smoot, Marshall Koontz, Claude
; Carlner, Reld Towell, Clyde
Btroud and Lewis Godbey. The
flowers were In charge of Mrs.
Herman Maners who was assist
ed by the grandchildren and
other friends.
Bio — Obituaries — 8/23/1940
Out of town relatives and fri
ends attending tho funeral were:
Rev. R. I. McCluakcy, Mrs. J. R.
Poster. J. R. Foster Jr., Mrs. C.
J. Teague, Mrs. Turner Tuttc
row, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Tutte-
row, Mr.s. D. B. Bailey, Alza Mit
chell. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lamb,
Mrs. Clctiis Yow, Mr. and Mrs.
L. L. Tucker, all of Greensboro;
Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Sullivan,
Ponsy Phillips, Mrs. Walter Dun
can, Mrs. R. N. Penland, Irene
Wilson. Mrs. Mac White, Emllc
While, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rlnd-
hnrt, Bill Brooks, Jim McQuire,
all of Hickory; Mr. and Mrs. A.
F. Hendrix, WIngate; Charlie
and Sonnie Hendrix, Newton
Mrs, Bcrtlc Jenkins, Sanford,
Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. Billle Thomp
son, L. P. Hopkins and family,
Marllnsvillo, Va.: Walter Ander
son, Earl ond Kathryn, Wlns-
ton-Salem; Mr. and Mrs. C. S.
Anderson, Mrs. W. W. Anderson,
Earl ond Charles Anderson, High
Point; Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Maners, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hon-
drcn, Ina and Mrs. John Hen-
dren of Statesville.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 23,1940
Mrs. Ridenhour
Buried Monday
Funeral services were held
Monday at Liberty Church for
Mrs. Inez Poolc Ridenhour, 32,
who died Friday night at Duke
hospital following an operation.
Rev. A. W. Lynch conducted the
service and interment was In
the church cemetery.
Mrs. Ridenhour was the daiigh*
tcr of J. W. Poolc and the late
Mrs. Poole of Chesterfield coun
ty. Virginia. For the past four
years the Ridenhour family have
been residents of Timber Lake.
Survivors Include the father,
J. W. Poole, her husband. Wade
H. Ridenhour; six children, Rob
ert. Marie Bertha, Peorl. Virginia
and Vcra ail at home; seven
brothers, Isaac, Willie, Vlmard,
James, Joe and Ernest Poole all
of Chesterfield county, Va.,
David of Charlottesvllle. Va.;
five sisters, Nannie Ethel, Bes
sie all of Chesterfield county;
Mrs. Shirley Hargravcs of Hope-
well, Mrs. Cleo Staples of Peters
burg, Va.
Ellis Infant
Buried Sunday
MACEDONIA. Funeral serv
ices Xor the infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ben EUls were con
ducted here Sunday by Rev. O.
E. Brewer. Burial followed In
the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries — 8/23/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 28,1940
Joliii L flilL
John L. HUI. 86. died at the home 9t
Mr. and Mn W. S. Gotkcce, el Gene, Sun
day evening at 9:46 o'clock, foHewiad e
week'a iterioaa illoeso* Funeral servfcee
were held at Weatey'e CbapeS Mrtfcoffial
cHorch ypsteiday nsoralng at 11 o'doek.
with Rev. J. W. Veital
bodf laid to feet in the cfcwiViL ewnetety.
Beatfkem«rfCsiia,andeeyifal nfocet
aodoepbewB. Mr BiO wasborafnFsim.
fpgri^ cowoidilp aod apent bin entile life
iothecoaoty. He waea mrmherofWee.
leF'e Chapel Mathodlat chwii.
Mrs. Beltie Martin.
Mrs. Bettie MartiD, 88. onu of
Yadkln county's oldest and best
boowD ladies, died at her liome in
East Bend Foodav afternoon, follov-
Idr an illness of several months.
Mrs. Martin was bom in Iredeil
conni^. but moved to Yadkln many
years,atto. She was the widow of
the late Pleas Martin, of East Bend.
Pdtteral eerviees were held at East
Bend Baptist church yesterday after*
I noon at 2 o'clock, and the tiody laid ^
I to reft in thechnrehcemetery Mrs.
Martin was the step-flrrandmother of
' Mrs. D. L. Perdue, of tbfsaty Mr.;
and Mrs Pardne attended the fun j
eral and burial services yesterday :
Amonff the survivors are three
daoghters and four sona.
Mrs. W. D. Smith
Aged Lady Passes.
Mrs. W. D. Smith, 95i one of
the Qouuty's oldc.st Indies, died Sat
urday morning at 7:15 o'clock, at
the home of her daughter. Miss
Essie Smith, near Rcdland, foUow-
Ing ap illness of three months.
Funeral services were held at
Bethlehem Methodist church Men
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, with
Rev. J. W. Vestal officiating, and
the body laid to rest in the church
Mrs. Smith is survived by four
sonn. S. H. and Frank Smith, of
near RedUnd, Charlie Smith, of
Cleiumons, and Douglas Smith, of
Winston-Salem; four daughters,
Mrs. Julia Howard, Mrs. Minnie
Smith, Mrs Emma Smith and Miss
Essie Smith, all of Davie coumy
Mrs. Smith will be sadlv missed
in ttaec.)mm(ioity in which sbeHved
a long and useful life The Re
cord extends empathy to the be
reaved ones in the loss of their
Infant Son Cope
Cope Infant Fasaei.
Funeral servicee for the infant eon
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cope were
conducted at the Bixby Presbyteriau
^urch Tuesdav afternoon at two
o'clock, bv Revs J. W. Foster and
W. C. Cooper, and the Uttie bydy
IMd to rest in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/28/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 30,1940
Mrs. Angelina Elizabeth Jonos
Smith, 96, lamlllarly known us
"Orandmother Smith," died ut
her home In Farmlngton town
ship, ncor Bethlehem Methodist
Church. Advance. Route 1. at
7:15 o'clock last Saturday morn
ing. She was the widow of Wil
liam David Smith, who died
February 17, 1022. They wore
married In IflSl.
Mrs. Smith was bom June 8,
1844, daughter of the late William
and Julia Slater Jones. She had
been In declining health since
for 10 days. She had spent most
of this time, and critically 111
for 10 das. She had spent most
of her life in and near the com
munity of Bethlehem, was a
member of Bethlehem Methodist
Church and had been since
early girlhood.
Survivors Include four sons, S.
H. and F. M. Smith, of Davlc
county, and O. E. and S. D.
Smith, of Forsyth county; four
daughters, Mrs. Julia Howard,
Mrs. Minnie Smith, Mrs, Emma
Smith and Miss Basic Smith, all
of Davle; 47 grandchildren: 01
great - grandchildren; seven
Funeral services were held
from the home at 2:30 Monday
afternoon and from Bethlehem
Methodist Church at a o'clock.
Rev. J. W. Vestal was in charge.
Interment was In the church
rkland Rites
d Wednesday
neral services were held
luday afternoon for Mrs.
nda Hampton Marklond who
Monday night at the home
t ilstor, Mrs. Ooorge Russell
Etbavlllo Methodist church,
service was at the church,
ueled by Rev. P. L. Smith,
interment was in the church
^agblcrs of the late William
Anne BrlnWey Hampton, the
ued is sunlved by her sister.
Mrs. J. 0. Moody
Buried Today
Funeral services will be held
this morning at 10:30 o'clock for
Mrs. J. 0. Moody, who died at
her home in Coolccmcc Wednes
day night following a long Ill
ness. The funeral will be con
ducted at Uie home by her pas
tor, Rev. A. A. Kylcs assisted by
Rev. C. E. B. Robinson and Rev.
J. W. Foster. Interment was in
Rose cemetery in Mocksvlllc.
Mrs. Moody was the former.
Miss Nannie Smith, daughter of
Mrs. P. J. O. Smith of Spartan-
burg, S. C. She is survived by
her husband, J. O. Moody; four
sons, Peter, a cadet at West
Point Military Academy, "Cot
ton." who is stationed In the
U. S. army at Fort Moultrle, 8.
C., Jerry and Jack at home; her
mother, Mrs. P. J. O. Smith of
Spartanb'urg, S. C.; and one
brother, Frank Smith of Tal
lahassee, Florida.
'Mrs. Bclty O. Mar(2n, well
known resident of East Bend,
died Sunday afternoon about
3 o'clock after an Illness of scv
eral months.
Mrs, Martin, who would have
been 88 on September 27, had
been confined to her bed for
several weeks.
She was born In Iredcll coun
ty, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Tomlinson. After spending the
early years of hor life In Iredell,
she married the late Pleas Mar
tin of Yadkln county ond they
moved shortly afterwards to
East Bend.
Surviving are three daughters,
Mrs. H. K. McConnell of Los
Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. O. M. MorrU
srni of Grand Junction, Colo.;
and Mrs. C. H. Myers of Oheraw,
S. C.; one step-daughter, Mrs.
K. O. Joyce of East Bend; four
sons, R. Newell Martin, Long
Beach, Calif.; Verne Martin,
Dluuba, Calif.; Hal Martin, Shol-
lotte; and TOm Maxtin, East
Funeral services were held
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
at Bast Bend Baptist Church,
the Rev. C. H. Myers of oheraw,
a O.; the Rev Donald Myera
iof Chadbourn; the Rev. T. S.
Draughn of Crutchfield, and the
Rev. J. H. Greene of Yadkinville
conducted the services. Burial
was in the church graveyord.
Pallbearers were A. E. Harrell,
B. B. Davis, C. Q. Hobson, T, W.
Bttrtin, C. A. Coram and R, R.
Mrs. Martin was the step
grandmother of Mrs. D. L. Pfxdue
of MocksvlUe. She and Mr.
Patdue were among those at
tending the funeral.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/30/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 30,1940
Hi]] Funeral
Held Tuesday
Funeral services were held
Tuesday morning at Wesley
Chapel Methodist church for
John Leonard HUl, 86, who died
Sunday evening at the homo of
W. S. Collette, Cona, where ho
had made his home for the last
four years.
Son of Davle and Mary Arms-
worthy Hill, Mr. Hill had been
sick only a week. No Imme
diate relatives survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/30/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 4,1940
Mri. AmaodallarUand
Mrs. Amanda Hampton Mark-
land died Monday night of last
week at the home of bar sister,
Mrs. George Rtissell, near BIbaville
Methodist Cbnrdi ^be was tbe
daughter of William and Ann
Briokley Bam,|iton.
Funeral services were hdd at
BIbaville Methodist Cbnrcb Wed*
nesday afternoon at 2 o'dodr. Rev.
j P. L. Smith was in charge.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/4/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 6,1940
Lillie Mae Keaton
LUUe Mao Keaton, year old
twin who WQS the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Keaton of
route 3, died last Saturday night.
The funeral was held Monday
morning at the Advance Metho
dist church. Rev. P. L. Smith of*
flclat^g. The ch|ld is olso
survived by a twin sister, Lil-
lletto Louise, and a brother,
Bio - Obituaries - 9/6/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September II, 1940
I M. P. Adams Dead.
I Bf. P. Adams, 73, welt-koowD Calabaln
cowaabip faimer. died at Davis Hospital.
Statesvllle. Satuida? oiornlng at 2 o'cioek.
ifoHowtngan operatioQ ishid he usder*
went about 10 daya provloua to bis death.
Fanetal setvt^ vreie held at Center
! Methodist chuieh Sunday aftentoon at2:dS
'o'doclr. with Rev. W. A. Lynch in charge,
and Iht b(Kly laid to reat In the church
i cemetery.
I Mr. Adams Is survived by his widow,
one BOD, Charlie, of Wioston.Salem; three
; dan^tttt, Mrs. L M. Seamoo, of thb drv;
I Mrs. B. A. Stiller, and Mrs. J. A. Horsey,
lofForsyth county. One brother, Daltoo
! Adams, of Spencer, also survives.
Id the death of Ur. Adams. The Record
{haa loot a friend of many year's itandiog,
; Peace to his asbes.
Bob Allison
Bob Allison, aged colored man of
M'ocksvitle, died at his home in
North Mocksvilte last Wednesday
Bio - Obituaries — 9/11/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 13,1940
Jimmie Carter
Child Dies On 1
Way To Hospital 1
MOOKSw—Uttle Jimmie Car
ter, two-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. James Carter, died Mon- t
day morning about 10 o'clock in 1
Lexington, enroute to the Bap- i
tlst Hospital, Wlnston-Salcm. (
He had been seriously 111 for the 1
past 11 days with colitis. Bo
sides his parents he is survived 1
by his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Allen and Mrs. W. R. Car
The funeral services was held
hero Wednesday at 2 p. m. by j
the pastor. Rev. P. L. Smith. In- |
termcnt was in the church grave
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cook from
Coolcemco visited her sister, Mrs.
j. W. Beauchamp Sunday.
P. E. Hilton of Winston-Salem
visited his mother, Mrs. J. H.
Hilton, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets of
Lexington spent awhile Sunday
afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie Allen.
Mr. BUI Snider of Winston-
Salem spent Sunday afternoon
with Roy Carter.
Adams Rites
Held Sunday
Ftmeral services for Preston
P. Adams, ia, were hdd Sunday
at 2 o'clock at the home near
County Line and at Center Me
thodlst church. Rev. A. W.
Lynch conducted the services
and intprment was in the church
cemetery. ,
Mr. Adams passed away Sat
urday morning at the Davis hos-
pltal following an operation.
He is survived by 1 brother,
Dalton Adams of Spencer; three
daughters, Mrs. B. A. Stiller and
Mrs. J. A. Hursey both of Wlns-
ton-Salem, route 1, and Mrs. L.
M,-8eamon>ot MccksvlUe; one
son, Charlie, of Winston-Salem;
15 grandchildren and 1 great
Pallbearers were Clyde Safrit.
Mark Thorne. Edward Stroud.
Wilson Peacock, Bruce Thome
and Lester Waiicer.
W. J. Sappenfield, Jr.
Dies In Texas
News was received Monday by
Mrs. O. B. Reavis of Courtney
of the death of her grandson,
W. J. sappentleld Jr., 20, at
Whltesboro, Texas, last Thurs
day. He-had been HI for two
years but his death was un
expected, and the family had
planned a visit to relatives In
Yadkln county, beginning next
He was a son of W. J. sappen-
flold and Mrs. Bertha Reavis
Sappenllcld, and beside the par
ents Is survived by^a sister. Mrs
Carl Stanton and a brother,
Reavis Sappenlleld, of Whites
boro; two grandmothers, Mrs. C
B. Renvls of Courtney and Mrs
Stella Sappenfteld of Whites
boro, and a number of nepbews
and nieces, many of whom live
in Yadkln county.
Robert Allison
Funeral services tor Robert
Allison, 74, of North MccksvlUe
were conducted from the home
at 2:30 o'clock, with Rev. Rob
ert Massey officiating. Burial
was in the Baptist cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/13/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 20,1940
One Killed, One Badly Hurt In Wreck
1 I ITA/* I liV t •w
As tho tragic climax of a
double automobile wreck. Gilbert
L. Flythe of Conway, member of
the local 0. C. 0. camp, was
killed last Thursday night and
Sydney H. Painter, another
member of the c. c. C. camp
who lives at route 2, Clemmons,
Is In a Statcsvlllc hospital with
extremely serious Injuries.
Tho fatal accident took place
at 10:40 p. m. on the Winston-
Snlem highway 300 yards south
of Hcndrlx service station at
Smith Grove at the top of a hill
and curve.
Three C. C. O. boys were in
one car headed towards Mocks-
vlllo and the hospital with one
of tholr numbofi Edgar Whlla-
ker. who had had a previous
auto wreck while alone. Pointer
was driving the car and it col
lided head-on with a car going
In the opposite direction driven
by Owen Ward who works for
Martin Bros. here. Both curs
were badly torn up. ward and
Whltaker escaped with minor In*
other car, he said.
The patrolman said that the
drivers of both cars had been
drinking. Whltaker said that
he bad two bottles of beer and
Painter said he had had two
small drinks of whiskey, ac
cording to Mr. Qibbs* testimony.
The cars hit In the center of
the highway, the patrolman
Flythe lived about four hours,
dying about the time he reach
ed the hospital. Re did not ap
pear to be fatally hurt since ho
partially walked when placed in
the ambulance. Death resulted
from cheat Injuries. Pointer
has a broken hip, fractured
.skull, two broken arms. Whlta
ker had his jaw broken.
Both Whltaker and Ward ore
rosldonU: of Davle county.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/20/1940
At an inquest held by Dr.
Lester P. Martin, coroner, on Fri
day the Jury reached a verdict
that Flythe came to his death
from reckless driving by Pain
ter. No charges have yet been
preferred against Painter, It was
stated by J. C. Qlbbs, patrol
man who investigated tho acci
dent pending the outcome of
Falntor'a injuries. The Jury was
composed of A. W. Potts, c. J.
Angell, Bryan Sell, J. P. Stone-
street, H. 0. Mcroney and Geo.
R. Hendrlcks.
At the Inquest Mrs. Chal V.
Miller testified that Whltaker,
Painter and Flythe came to the
fiUlng station on the highway
Thursday evening and that she
declined to sell tho first two any
beer as they appeared to be
drinking. Flythe wos not drink
Ing.'lt was stated.
Edgar Whltaker then took a
car toat belonged to a relative,
R. L. Whltaker, and drove off
In the direction of Winston.
Whltaker wrecked the car near
the Smith Grove school, the
vehicle leaving the road, hitting
a barn ond flnolly landing on
the shoulder of the highway
103 yards from the point of
original departure from the
highway, according to patrolman
Painter and nythe then went
In the Painter car to give aid to
Whltaker, it was stated. They
were on their way to Mocksvillc
when the collision took place
with Ward.
ward tCSUfiPd that he was
driving 45 to 50 miles an hour on
his woy to fix a tractor for
Clyde Roger. The Painter car
seemed to be In the middle of
the road, he said, and when it
did not pull over he pulled
sharply to the right, the lost
thing ho recalled.
At the hospital Whltaker sold
that the last he recoiled was
going in the ditch when he
wrecked and did not know any
thing' about the second wreck
while tho boyo wore on the way
to the hospital with him.
Ptttrolmon Glbbs testified that
he found Flythe on tho right
side of the wrecked car. one foot
on the cement highway and the
Other on the car's running board.
Pointer and Whltaker wore ly
ing in a ditch on the other side.
Kermlt 8mlth of McokavlUe,
who reached the scene before
any of the cars or men were
moved, testified that Word woa
atm in his car and the
to be torn out to extricate Wm.
The three men were still In the
(Continued on pago ew»v
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 20,1940
Cephus Hudspeth
Dies Alter Stroke
' Cephus Hudspeth, 63. died at
his home near Mt. Grove Metho
dlst Church at noon Thursday,
following a week's illness after
suffering a stroke of paralysis.
He was a well-known farmer of
upper Yadkln county.
He wos a member of Mt.
Grove Church, survivors in
clude the widow, who was Miss
Collie Stokes prior to marriage,
and two brothers, W. T. and
Columbus Hudspeth, both of
The funeral services were held
Saturday morning at 10 o'clock
at Mt. Grove Church with Rev.
S. M. Bumgamer and Rev. W.
V. Brown In charge. Burial was
In the church cemetery.
Mrs. W. H. Beck
Buried Monday
Final rites for Mrs. Sarah
Becker Bock, 72, were held Mon
day at 2:30 o'clock at the Jeru
salem Baptist church with Rev.
E. W. Turner conducting the
Mrs. Beck had been sick for
some time. She passed away
Saturday night at her home in
Jerusalem township. Mrs. Beck
Is survived by her husband,'W.
Houston Beck, three sons, C. W.
G. H., and C. C. Beck and one
daughter. Mrs. Dora Cable all
of route 4. Twelve grandchil
dren and two grcat-grnndchll-
drcn also survive.
Pallbearers Included J. B. Beck,
D. E. Beck, R. F. Hamilton, J.
L. Hamilton, Willie Becker, and
H. H. Beck.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/20/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 27,1940
Funeral services for Mrs. Edna
Wllltard Fleming, 7B, widow of
the late E. C. Fleming were held
at Richmond Hill Baptist church
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
The Rev. L. W. Burrus, and the
Rev. E. c. Norman were In
cliargc. Burial was In the
church graveyard.
Mrs. Fleming died Thursday
night, September 10, at her home
In tlio Richmond 11111 section,
following an illness of six weeks.
She is survived by three sons,
M. Fleming, Toledo, Ohio;
Harrison Fleming, Manboro, Va.;
and Willie Fleming, Chula, Va.
Two daughters also survive,
Mrs. J. Manse Smith, Mans-
boro, Va.; and Mrs. L. C. Prim,
East Bend.
Mrs. Fleming was on active'
member of the Richmond HUI'
Baptist Church for 53 years.
Anna Foster
Mrs. Anna Foster, widow of
Robert Foster, died early Tues
day morning at her home In
North Mocksvllle. Funerol ser
vices wore hold Thursday after
noon from the A. M. E. Zion
shuroh with Rev. 8. J. Burke,
officiating, surviving are one
son, Avery Foster of Mocksvllle,
one daughter, Mlas Johnslc Pos
ter of Wlnston'Salem, three
grandchildren. Interment was
in the church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/27/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 2,1940
Mn. Jalm Shaw
Un^ JttHa Shaw, 71. of Rairoooy, Rofl^e
2, widow of Bemy ^w, dkd at nooo
Sottday at a StatMvllla hospital aftrr ao
lUiMM of lan daya
SvrvlvIsS are floo ODoa, I^. UovdSliaw,
of Stalesvlllp; E CL ^w, of Bannoiiy:
Dawey Shaw, of WasUogton, B. .(X, and
•fohnnyThfoer Shaw,'of tha itotno; two.
doo^iten. Uuu SpnrgeoQ' Aadexioa. of
llo(dDB?lllOb aod Hits Doo Siaw, of the
honie; and one tmCber, Branr Renegir, of
tfoohfyUle^ Roate 1.
. the fonaral waa held Monday after
i^n at S o'dodi at Rook Spd^* Baptist
Chofcb* Burial was Id the dtoioh grave*
yaid. Rev.DallaeRenegarandRov. J.O.
BinkloY ooDdnoted the eervfeof.
Bio - Obituaries -10/2/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 4,1940
Joseph Thomas Edwards
Jesse Ray Howard
Funeral services were held
Thursday mornlne for Jesse Ray
Howard, 3 months old son of
Mr. and Mrs. E. .8. Howard of
Farmington. Jesse Ray died at
the home of his parents Wed
nesday. Rev. Ed Brewer con
ducted the services at the Mace
donia Moravian church. Znter-
inent was In the church ceme
tery. Survivors Include the
parents and ten brothers and
WaUs Rites
Held Monday
Funeral sorvtcoa were conduct
ed at 3:30 p. m. Monday for
Robert John Walls. 57, at the
home of a son, Willie Wolls, of
near Coolecmcc, where he died
Sunday morning of a heart at
tack. Burial was In Cherry Hill
The deceased had been em
ployed for many yonrs by the
Brwin Cotton Mills in Coolecmcc.
Ho Is survived by nine chil
dren, OS follows: James, Willie,
Roy unU Qrlinus Walls, Miss
Viola Walls. Mrs. Clara Rldcn-
hour and Mrs. Loona Myers, all
Of Coolecmco: Mrs. Rosa Dyson
of Salisbury; and Mrs. Mary
Nichols of China Grove; also one
half-brother, Wyllc Blaylock, and
two lialf-slstcrs, Mrs. Julia Mar
tin and Mrs. Nina Canada, all
of Coolcemco.
Rev. J. H. Oroce of Winston-
Salcm conducted the funeral.
Mrs. J, L. Kirk
Loses Father
Joseph Thomas Edwards, 84,
died eary Tuesday morning at
the home of his son, W. L. Ed
wards, In Salisbury. Ho had
been In ill health for a long
The body remained at the
Summcrsctt Funeral home un
til Wednesday when It was
moved to the New London Dap-
tlst church at New London
where funeral services were held
at 3 o'clock.
The poster of the church of
ficiated and was assisted by the
Rev. C. A. Rhyno, pastor of the
Stalllngs Memorial Baptist
church at Salisbury. Inlcrmenl
f was in the New London ceme-
r tery.
Survivors include the $pn with
whom he lived; a daughter. Mrs
J. L. Kirk of Mocksvllle; nine
grandchildren and five great
grandchildren. Mr. Edwards was
a native of Rowan county.
Julia Clement Carr
•Mrs. Julia Clement Carr, 87,
oldest and one of the most high
ly respected colored citizens of
Davle county passed away Wed
nesday morning. She spent her
entire life In this section and
was for sixty years a member of
tin: Presbyterian uliutch here.
She was the wife of Peter Carr,
who died 11 years ago. Follow
ing children and grandchildren
survive: Mrs. Sylvella Hanes
Williams, R. W. Winiams, J. C.
Carr, Mrs. Clyde Carr of Mocks-
villfi, Charlie Curr, Mrs. BorCha
Carr, Wlnston-Salem, Adelaide
and Samuel Potts, WlUle JefTiers,
Carl Russcl of V/lnston-Salem,
Bruce JefXlers of Reading, Fa.,
Willie Gray WoodruiT of Cora-
polls, Pa. Funeral was held
Friday at Second Presbyterian
church. Interment was In the
Carr family plot of the church
Lunsford Williams
Former Yadkin Man
Killed In Indiana
Lunsford Williams, son of the
late Franklin Williams of Poll
Creek Township, was killed In
an automobile accident Satur-
doy morning at his home ot
Alexander, Indiana. Mr. Wil
liams lived In this county until
the world war and soon after
coming out of the army moved
to Indiana.
He Is survived by his wife, the
former MJss Minnie Hobson, of
this county, and two daughters.
He Is also survived by two sisters,
Mrs. Walter Styers and Mrs. WUl
Carter of this.county, and two
brotlicrs. Dulln and Gurnlc Wil
liams of Fall Creek Township,
Funeral services were con
ducted Monday at Alexander,
Bio - Obituaries -10/4/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 4,1940
Mrs» Henry Shaw
Dies In Hospital
Mrs. Julia Shaw, 74, of Har
mony, Route 2. Rock Springs
community, widow of Henry
Shaw, died at noon Sunday at
a StatesvlUe hospital alter an
Illness of ten days.
Surviving are live sons. Dr.
Lloyd Shaw, of StatesvUle; R. C.
Shaw, of Harmony; Dewey Shaw,
of Washington, D. C.; and John
ny and Turner Shaw, of the
home; two daughters, Mrs.
Bpurgeon Anderson, of Mocks-
ville, and Miss Duo Shaw, of
the home; and one brother,
Henry Renegar, of MocksvUle,
Route 1.
The funeral was held Monday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at Rock
Springs Baptist Church. Burial
was in the church graveyard.
Rev. Dallas Renegar and Rev.
J. O. Blnkley conducted the
Bio - Obituaries — 10/4/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 9,1940
Mrs. S. J. Sffioot.
Bb8.Sw J.SBMot,tll2.di8d Friday after-
00(01 at her Itome lb OSlahala township,
after a hwit iooft lUoesa. Bin. Sdioot, the
fiBiaMr Miea fWreoeo Watlier. waa bom lo
Daviecoaocy.daiiftbter of the late Rarri-
soil Walkw. Her ho^od died ia J922*
Sarviviogjue toax daoghteia and three
Msa, Mn.~A, L.' Dayeautc. Blia Wiliiam
Fowell. Bits. JaoaSafrdtUiat Alice Smoot,
J. N. and C. C. Snoot all of Davie coanty,
S. A. Snoot ol Salisbury; a sister. Bin.
BeOo Whitley of Bl^ Polnl; tbtoe brothers
R. L Wallser of BlocbavtUe; F. F. Walk
er, of near Oavie Aeadeny, and John H.
Walker, of Spaitsobttsg* Fooeial services
were'heM Sunday memlQg at 10 o'clock
at Salen Methodist chttteb, eoadncted by
Rev.A.W. tyncb her pastor, and the
body laid to test In the chinch cemetery.
The large coocooise of sorrowing (fiends
and the many besntlfol Soral tribaies ai-
tasted the high esteem in which this 8«ed
lady was held in the commnoity where
she spent her long aad aaafol life.
The Record extends eympalhy toibe be
reaved chUdreo. btothen and sister, in
the ddath ofthis mother and dster.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/9/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
H. S. Williams
H. S. WlUloma, attorney and
civic leader ol Ck)ncord and
brotticr-ln-Iaw of Mrs. Charlie
Thompson' of Moclcsvllle, died
Sunday night. Mr. WUUams Was
also a prominent Republican
leader. His widow, formerly
Miss Ethel Reavls, two sons,
two sisters and three brothers
survive. Mr. and Mrs. Thomp
son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lowe
Thompson and Mrs. 8. A. Hard
ing, of Mocl£svllle. attend
ed the funeral Tuesday In Con
Mrs. S. J. Smobt
Dies In Davic
Funeral services were held last
Sunday morning at 'Salem Me-
thodist churt^ for Mrs. 8. J.
Smoot, ,62, who died tlie pre
vious Friday at her home In
Oalahaln township. Rev. A. W.
Lynch, pastor, conducted the
service and interment was In
the church cemetery.
Daughter of the late Harrison
Wblker and formerly Miss Flor
ence Wolker, Mrs. Smoot Is sur.
vlved by four daughters and
three sons: Mrs. A, L. Dayvault,
Mrs. William Powell, Mrs. June
Safrlt, Miss Alice Smoot, J. N.
and C. C. Smoot, all of Davle,
and S. A. Smoot of Salisbury. A
sister and three brothers like
wise survive: Mrs, Belle Whlt-
ley of High Point, P. F. Walker
of Davle, R. L. Walker of Moeks-
ville and John H. Walker of
•Mrs. Smoot had a wide circle
of friends by whom she was
much loved and who mourn her
death. Tiiere were many beau
tiful floral tributes.
Mrs. Emmallne Matilda Spry,
who was 100 years bid, died
Monday at her home In Shady
Grove township. She was the
widow of Pleas Spry.
Mrs. Spry Is survived by a
brother, Ellis Spry of Greens
boro. Four sons and a daugh
ter. all of Advance, also survive:
Jim, O. W„ Sanford and A. L.
Spry and Frances Spry. Four
grandchildren likewise survive.
The funeral was held Wed
nesday afternoon at the Advance
Methodist church conducted by
Rev. P. L. Smith and Rev. P. E.
j Howard of Farmer. Interment
was In the churdi cemetery.
Felix Kimbrough Benson
Felix Kimbrough Benson, 56,
prominent MocksvUIe miller,
died Tuesday night at the Rowan
Memorial hospital in SoUabuxy
where he had been critically
111 for a moAth, undergoing two
major operations.
•Funeral services were held
yesterday (Thursday) aDterncon
at 2:30 o'clock at the Baptist
church here, conducted by Rev.
J. H. Fulghum, pastor, and as
sisted by Rev. B. W. Turner, Rev.
E. M. Avett and Rev. W. O.
Oooper. Interment was In Rose
cemetery here ^
Mr. Benson was born In Davle
county at the home which was
located near the old Hanes mill
on the old Fork road. He had
been a miller all of his life, first
working with his father at Mt.
Vemon In Rowan at that busl
ness. About 20 years ago he
establi^ed a mlU at the present
site of the homeploce In the
edge of town on the Lexington
Bio - Obituaries - 10/11/1940
j He Is survived by his widow,
I formerly Miss Belle Thomosson,
five sons and three daughters,
all of Davle county: Thomos X.,
John O., Harold D., Wallace B.
and WDUam H, Benson, Mrs.
Floyd NOylpr, Mrs. Howard Mc-
Lamb and Miss Dorothy Ben-
sori. Seven sisters also survive:
Mrs. J. F. Oarwood, Ccoloemee;
Mrs. A. B. Gobble,. Cooleemee;
Mrs. C. H. Gartner, Wcodleaf;
Mrs. Frank Hendley, Albemarle;
(Continued on page four)
Noted Cidzen
Mrs. E. G. Adams, Greensboro;
Mrs. Connie Hill, Sall^ury; Mrs.
D. c. Iieonatd, Altai Vista; Va.
A brother. J. E. Benson of Kan-
napolls, also survives, as well as
a stop mother, Mrs. Felix Ben
son of Salisbury, and 9 grand
Active pallbearers were nep-
hews: Waddlll Gobble and Glenn
Jarvls of Cooleemee, Burette
Wllhelm, Aabomorle; Barney
Benson, Arnold Gartner, James
Gartner, all of Woodleaf. The
business Womens circle of Uio
Baptist church had charge of
tho many beautiful floral trl.
butcs. Honorary pallbearers
were O. 0. Dwigglns, T. A. Van-
zant, J. H. Hanes, Dewoy Mar
tin, O. C. McQuoge, L. P. Cart-
net. Bin Bycrly, Cecil Morris,
Frentdco Oampbell. John J. Allen,
S. B. Boll and George IXond-
Mr. Benson was a member of
the Baptist church, a Mason and
a former monlber of tho board
of alderman of MocksvUIe. One
of the most widely known citi
zens of this county h
greatly beloved by ii,"
tude who know him
are suUdciicd at iu,s
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 16,1940
I F. K. Beoson Passes.
I Felix KImbroogb Batson* 56. one of
; MoeiBviIle*8 beat linowa dtiejBoa. died at
I Rowan Bfeooiial RospUal. Salisburv. last
I Tuesday eveaUut at 7:30 o'clock Mr. Ben
son'had been eerionslj iO for aboat four
weAe, isnd bad undergone two operations.
Mr. Benson ass a.nativeofOavlecoun
ty, and had liv^ In ibis dty for the past
' 27 years. He held a position with Horn*
i Johostooe Cotnpany iour mill for three
I'yearsi and was manager of the Green
I Mining Go. for many yean, bat for the
1 oast several yeara bad operated a cam
and feed mill on LodogtoD street, asdsted
by two sons. Mr. Benson was a. member
of the Baptist church, and a member qf
tbe Mockavllle Masonic lodge.
Sttrviviog are his widow, fivs sons*
Tbomes H, John G Harold D., Wallace
D.. and William H. Benson; three daugb
ters, Mrs. Floyd NayKw, Mrs. Harold Me*
Lamb, Mlaa Dorothy Benson, ati of Davie
cottatv. Seven elstere also survive. Mrs.
J. P. Garwood and Mrs. A B. Gobble, Coo
leemee; Mrs. G. H. Gartner. Wcodteah Mrs
Frank Headley. Albetnarle; Mrs. G Ad
ams, Greensboro; Mrs. Gonnle Hill, SaHs*
bury; Mrs. D G. Leonard. Aha Vista. Va.
One brother. J. E. Beosofl, of Kannapolis,
and a ^p-motbe , Mrs- Felix Benson, of
Sallsbory, also survive. i
Funeral services were held at the Mocks-
vllie Paptist ohoreb Thursday afcerooon at
2!SQ o'docli, eooduoced by his pastor, Rav-
J H. Fttlghum. asslMed by Revs. E. W.
Turner and C. W. Cooper. Mnd iho body
uM to rest In Rose camettrry with Maso*
nlo htmrs
The large concourse of fciends pr4'{ieni
Inr the last rU«i>, and the many bs iutiful
floral tributes, attest the hlab esreem in
which Mr. Brason was held by thi* peo
ple who had known him for many years.
In the death of Mr. Benson, the town
attd county looses one of her • boat known
citizens, the wife and cbildien a kind and
devoted buaband and father Kim Benson
bad many friends. He will he sadly miss
ed in the town where ho spent a quarter
of a century. The RecurtI extends deep
svrapatby to the bereaved ^ ones In the
death of this loved one.
GHdeemee Man Dies
' Wittiam Tbomaa Garwood, 67, died Fri-
jdayathlabomeatOsoleeioce, Ua death
Nsnhingfrom a beact attack whieb be
, suffered two hottTB befere Mr. Garwood'
! was a textile emfdoye in Geoleemee. He
.•was In bis usual bealih to tbe heart at* i
tack. ' '
I Mr Gsrwood was bom In Datde eounty,
'a son of FrankNo Garwodd. Sutvlvliig are
bU widow, five sons ami a danghter. Ray,
Frank, Floyd, and Roy Garwood, and Mrs-
Mot? Bdl Eveshaidt, all of Davie eottuty*
and Sbifley Gatwood, el WaynesvUIe. He
leaves a brother, Jesse Ganvood Coolee-
oee, afid two sisteri. Mm. AHoe Jarvio
and Mn Nadioe Cmddl, of SS* Fanl
• Fbaeral serviced were held Sunday after^
noon at 2:S0 o'cloek ftom the Coeleeqiee
Baptist eborcb, of wbicb Ms. Gmwood was
a member. Intmrmmit was In the ceme
tery at Fork.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/16/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 18,1940
Mrs. Maggie Mac Charles Cor-
natzcr, 60, wUc of Ocorgc H.
Cornatzer. died Monday after
noon at her home In Advance.
She was the daughter of the
late Susannah and John Charles.
She was a member of Advance
Methodist chureh.
She is survived by her hus
band; six. sons, R. L. Cornatzer,
of Clenmions, J. 0. and A. C.
Cornatzer of Wlnston-Salem,
Hiram Cornatzer of Advance,
and H. W. Cornatzer of Jack-'
sonvllle, Fla.; three daughters,
Mrs. O. T. Markland of Wins-
ton-Salem, Mrs. A. E. Vogler and|
Mrs. W. T. Barney of Advance;
18 grandchildren, and one great
grandchild, Jaones Hutchins of
tFuneral services were held
Thursday afternoon at the homo
at 2 o'clock and a concluding
service at the Advance Metho-'
dist church at 2:30 o'clock, con-
' ducted by Rev. P. L. Smith and
[assisted by Rev. C. B. Newton.'
Pallbearers were C. J. Taylor, L.
'h. Crouse, T. M. Shermer, Jack
I vogler. M. o. Bailey and c. l.|
! Dillon. • '
Crews Funeral
Held Tuesday
■Funeral services were held
Tuesday afternoon at the Ad
vance Methodist chureh for Miss
Rosle B. Crews, 62, who died
Sunday in Morganton. Rev. P.
L. Smith conducted the service
and Interment was in the church
The deceased Is survived by
the following sisters and broth-
ers: Mrs. Virginia Wood, J. L.
and James Crews, all of Ad
vance; Mrs. J. D. Hoffman, Lex
ington, route 4, and W. L. Crews
of Thomasville.
Furches Funeral
Is Held Sunday
Funeral servioes were held last
Sunday afternoon at Eaton's
Baptist church for Mrs. Louise
Howell Furches, 80, who died
Saturday at her homo near
ppianUigton. Rev. James Oroce
conducted the services and In-
, terment was in* the ehuidh
Widow of a Confederate vet
eran, William F. Furehea, she
lived her entire life In the
Jhimington section. She was the
daughter of CQiarUe and Caroline
The following children survive:
Mrs. Fred Lakey, Cona, route
1; Miss Uzzle at home; J. D.
JPrehes, Davle county, and
Charlie of Morganton. A hroth.
mr. Mm Bbwell of Lynchbuig
Olid a sister, Mrs. Carrie BOrrls
of Concord, also survive.
Miss Mattie
Allen Passes
Miss Mattic H. Allen, 68, for
38 years a teacher In the' Davle
county cchools, died Tuesday at
her homo near Jcrlcho after two
years' Illness.
•Miss Allen was the daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert
M. Allen, of Davle county. Sur
viving are a brother, R. A. Allen,
of Denton; two sisters, Mrs. T.
M. Hendricks, of Mocksvllle, and
Mrs. T. A. M. Stevenson, of
Funeral services were held
Wednesday |afternoon at 2:80
o'clock from the residence ond
Interment was in Bvcrly's Chapel
■Miss Allen was a member of
Hardlson Chapel Methodist
Miss Allen retired several
years ago when her father be
came seriously 111, at that time
teaching in the Coolcemoo
Hpwell Rites
Held Monday
■John Thomas Eowell, 88, died
Sunday night at his home on
route 1, Cana, after being in
111 health for a year. The fun
eral was held Monday afternoon
at the HimtsvUle Baptist church.
Mr. Howell Is survived by his
widow, Mary Allen Howell, and
the following children: J. D. and
J. M., Cana, route 1; W. L. and
A. L., Advance, route 1; B. D.,
MoCksvUle, route 2; 0. V., Wins-
ton-Salem; Mrs. C. H. Caudle,
Kernersvllle; Mrs. W. H. Bowles,
Cana, route 1; Mrs. Q. V. Cook,
Mocksville, route 2; Mrs. H. R.
Baity, Winston-Balem. Threebrothers also survive: T. R..|
MoCksvUle: Charlie, Cooleemee;
W. L. Howell of Moravian Falls.
Mr. HCwell was the son of
Joshua and SalUe Harvel Howell.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/18/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 18,1940
Rites Held For
Mrs* Richardson
Chnrllc Richardson, 03, was
buried at Zlon Methodist church
Sunday nrtcrnoon. Rev. W. J.
S. Walker was In charge o( the
service. She Is survived by her
husband and four children, Mrs
D. L. Dyson, Lincoln Richard',
son, Mrs. Alfred Hutchcns and
Miss Novella Richardson. Also
surviving are ten grandchildren
and two sisters, Mrs. James
Richardson and Mrs. Frank
Clenry nil of Dnvle county. Pall
bearers were Robert Uamcs,
Wnde Smith, Johntc Smith,
Wade Dyson, Charlie Reeves and
Blum Beck. Flowers were car-
rled by Mcsdames Wade Smith.
Autmnn Cleary, Frances Day-
vatilt, Guy Wilkins, Anna Lou
RIchordson, Misses Ruth Smith,
Bdno Parks and Isabell Swishcr.
W, T. 6ARW00D
Funeral services were conduct,
ed lost Sunday afternoon at 3:30
o'clock at the Coolecmcc Bap.
tist church for William Thomas
Oarwood, 07, who died at 12:25
Saturday morning, following a
heart attack which he suffered
two hours prior to his passing.
He was a member of the Coolce.
nice Dapti.st church, and funeral
services were In chai*ge of Rev.
A. T. Stoudcnmlre, his pastor.
Burial followed In Fork church
Mr. Oarwood had mode his
home In Coolecmee for many
years, where he was employed
by the Erwin Cotton Mills com-
He Is survived by his wife,
five sons, and one daughter, Ray,
Prank, Floyd, and Roy Garwood,
and Mrs. Mary Belle Everhardt,
all of Davlc county, and Shcrrlll
Oarwood, of Waynesvllle; one
brother, Jesse Garwood, of
Cooleemce, and two sisters, Mrs.
Alice Jarvis, of Coolcemee, and
Mrs. Nadlne Cordcl, of St. Paul,
as well as twelve grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries -10/18/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 23,1940
Chris Miller
Davie Negro Killed.
Chrla Miller, colored, aged 30,,
was flbot with a gtin and died la-'
stanily Sandav momJog abpui 1:30
o'clock at tbe home of Chaa. Wil*
son, colored,- aged 50, In North
Cooleetsee. Wllsoo fired a load-of
shot into Walker's bead. Walker
was in a fight with his wife, who
WO8 a sister of Wilson, in tbe yard.
Walker then started into Wilson's
lioase, tbreateoiog to kill Wilson
and bis wife, when Wilsoo got bis
gun and 6r^ the fatal shot. A
bearing was held before Recorder
Cope Sunday-momtng and Wilson
was released on a plea of killing in
self defence. Sheriff fiowdeu made
the arrest.
Death Claims Mrs. Csr*
Mrs. ^Maggie Mae Charles Cor
nataer,^, wife of George H. Cor-
natzer, died Monday afternoon at
5:55 at her home in Advaiioe,
She was. a tuember of Advance
Methodist Chorch.
She Is survived by her bttsbattd;
six sons, R. L. Comatzer, of Clem*
mons, J. C, and A, 0. Comatzer; df
Winston Salem, Hirsm Comatzer
of Advance, and H. W, Comatzer
of Tacksonvllle, Pla., three daugb
ters, Mrs. O. T. Markland of Wins.
too.^aIeiD, Mrs. A. B. Vogler and
Mrs. W. T. Barney of Advance.
Funeral services were held at
Advance Methodist cbnrcb Tbuis*
day afternoon at 3:3b o'clock, wltb
Rev. ir P. Smith in charge, and
tbe body laid to rest In the church
Mim Mattie Allen.
Miss Hattie H. Allen, 68, for 35
years a teacher in the Davie conn«
ty schools, died Tuesday at her
home near Bfocksville af|er two
years' illness.
Miss Allen was the daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs, Robert U*
Allen, of Davie county. Surviving
ate a brother. R. a, Allen, of
Demon; two sisters; Mrs. T. M.
Heodrlcks, of Mocksvllle, .and Mrs.
T, A. M. Stevenson, of Winston-
Salem. n
Fnneral services were held Wed.
nesday afternoon at 2:30 o'cltmk
front the residence, and interment
was in Byerly Chapel Cemetery..
Miss Allen wa<; a member of Ear-
dison Chapel, a Methodist church
of Davie county.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/23/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 25,1940
Mrs. Davis Dies
In Hospital
Mrs. lylaxy Delphia • EavUi, 57,
of Advance, died at Davis Hoa-
pltal, Monday'<rinomlng. She
was in declining health for
about 10 months, but was criti
cally ill for only about two weeks.
She entered the hospital Sun
Mrs. Davis was born In Davle
county Ootober 23, 1882, the
daughter of the late George and
Delia Oomatser Hartman. She
was married to J. L. Davis Janu.
ary 22, lOlO. She spent her en
tire life in -the Advance com
munity and was a member of
the Advance Methodist church.
Survivors include the husband,
J. L. Davis; one son, Hubert H.
Davis. Fort Jackson, S. C.; two
sisters. Miss Cora Hartman and
Mrs. C. R. Vogler, Advance; and
two brothers, L. E. Hartman,
Advance, and 0. B Hartman,
A short funeral service was
held at the home of Miss Cora
Hartman at 2 o'clock with the
main service following at Ad
vance Methodist Church at 2:30
o'clock Wednesday afternoon.
The Rev. P. L. Smith, pastor of
the church, was in charge.
Burial was In the church grave
Mrs. Kimel Dies
At Advance
I 'Mrs. Mary Bmma Klmel, 66,
I wife of W. O. Kimel, Advance,
Route 1, died at her home Sun.
'day night. She was ill for a
year, but was in serious condi
tion for only three days.
Mrs. Klmel was born In FOr<
syth county September 15, 18*14,
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Alpheus Oilnard. She spent
most of her life In Forsyth
coimiy near Clemmon.s. rcmnv.
Ing to the present home place
only three years ogo. She was
married to W. O. Klmel October
10, 1007.
Survivors include the husband,
of Advance, Route 1; two sons,
W. T. KImcI, Florence, S. C.,
and Terry T. Kimel, Boonville;
four grandchildren; one broth
er, C. M. Cllnard, Clonunons;
and one sister, Mrs. H. W. John
son, -Winston-Salem, Route 2.
Three haU brothers and three
half sisters also survive.
The funeral was held Tuesday
afternoon at Clemmons Baptist
Chris Walker
Negro Kills
Last Saturday night, Charlie
Wilson, colored, shot and tdlled
his broiher-ln-!aw, Chris Wal
ker, with a shot gun as Walker
was attempting to enter Wilson's
home in North Coolcemcc In a.
drunken condition, after he had'
threatened Wilson and members
of his family.
Charlie was given a hcarlnc'
Sunday morning by K. L. Cope,
magistrate, and a verdict oC
Justifiable homicide was reocK-
ed, completely exonerating Wil
son, since he shot in self-de^
fcnse. '
Maggie Miller
Mrs. Maggie Miller, 04, died
at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Golden Ellis at Advance
Tuesday morning following a
short Illness. Funeral services
wcro conducted Thursday from
Advance Methodist church ond
interment was In the church
Mrs. Miller was the daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Nocly and had lived nil of her
life in Davio county. j
Survivors Include four daugh
ters, Mesdamcs Golden Ellis of
Advance, Muggtc *Curtcr, Annie,
Bell Conrad and Clora Rovolls:
all of Winston-Salem; two sons,'
Fred Miller of Princeton, N. J.
ond Arthur Miller of Coolecmec.
Mrs. Foster
Died Tuesday
■Mrs. Velma Foster, 42, died at
her tiome near Cooleemee Tues
day at 10 a. m., after an Illness
of only a few days. She suf
fered a stroke of paralysis last
Thursday and remained In cri
tical condition until her death.
Funeral services were held
Wednesday at 3 p. m., at the
home, with Rev. J. W. Foster,
pastor of the Cooleemee Pres
byterian church, in charge.
Burial was in Turrentlne Baptist
church cemetery.
She Is survived by her hus
band, Philip Foster; one son,
Fred Foster; one daughter, Mrs.
Paul Correll; one brother, Floyd
Taylor of Woodleaf; and five
sisters, Mrs. Essie Page of
Mooresvllle, Mrs. Edna Bean of
Cool Springs, Mrs. Minnie EUer
of Statcsville, Mrs. Hubert Ben
son and Mrs. Lola Spry, both of
Bio - Obituaries - 10/25/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 30,1940
Thelma Foster
Funeral For Mrs. Davis'
FotMfal wnrlces lor Mrs. Mary Davis,
57, of AdvanM, wbo died at Davis BospU
lal. Siatesvllle, on Moaday of Ism week,
were btM at Advanoe Mechodiat 'cbaipb
Wednesday aftetooon, with Rev. P. L.
Sihiib lo ebanfe. and the body Jald iomm
io the chureh cemetecy. n
Mrs. Davis is eurviv^ by her bosband,
J. L Davis; one son Hoboft Davis, Foit
JackMo, S. C.; two sisters. Bfis. C. R,
Vogltf and Miaa Dora Hattmao, Advance;
two brotbefs, C. E. HaxtmaD, Cana, R. 1.
and L. E. HartiiiaD, near Advance.
Mrs. Davis was a daoghcer of the late
B9r. and Mrs. Geoz^ Haitman. of near
Advance and epeot ber entire life In
Davie. 'She will be sadly missed In the]
comnranity wbero sbe spent so ' many
yeers, ,
Cooleemee Woman
Mia. Tbdma Foster. 42. died at her
I home near her home near Cofdeemee last
Tbnxaddy after>n UloeesoTfive days. f\in.
leral services were observed Tbaredav'^
'aframoon at 3o*cloekat' the boma with
the Rev. John Posterof Co<deeisee offldat*
. Interment fdlowed'at the Ttoentbe
Baptist charcb cemetery.
The deceased was the daoghter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor of Da^e
county. She was a miember of the Bap-
Uat choreb.
Sbe Is sotvived by ber hiuband. Fill*
more Taylor; a son. Fred Fost^ a datidh-
ler, idfs. Paul Conelli a brother, pWd
Taylor; and five sisters, Mrs Eesle Page of
Mooresville, Hr8.GarenoeF3letof States*
ville, Mrs. R. G Beam of Harmony. Blrs.
Lola Sjny and Mia. Ada Benson Codae*^
Bio - Obituaries —10/30/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 1,1940
Roy Pryo Of Route
1 Dies III Hospital
Roy Cllngman Prye, 34, of
route I died at u Wlnston-SulCM
hospital on Sunday. The lun-
oral wos hold Monday at the
Baltimore Methodist church In
Yadkln, conducted by Rev. W. J.
a. Walker and assisted by Rev.
j. W. Vestal. Interment was In
the church cemetery.
He Is survived by his porents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Prye of route
2: by Ihi'eo brothers, Lester, Er
nest and Wflldon of route X;
by two sisters. Mrs. Henry Tur
ner of route 4 and Mrs. Chal
Smith of route 3.
Pallbearers were Henry Tur
ner, Klmbrough Smith, Henry
Taylor, H. a. Lokey, Prank Dwlg?
gins and W. R. Graver.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/1/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 6,1940
Mrs. J. A. OeTchnd,
Mis. J. a. Clevelaod, 7a yVars
old, daaf(hter of tbe lale Francis
OaiDCfi, and member of an old and
prominent I family of this scetioD,
and a woman active throtighoat a
looK and naefal life in churcb,' so.
ciat, dvic and home duties, died
Monday afternoon, October at, at
her home near Blberton, Ga.
She Is snrvtved by her hiisbaod
and tbe following children, Qrady
Clevelaod, Mrs. C. J Bond, of Bf-.
berton; Mrs. H. K. D^jsnnao, Ab
hevilIe,'S. •€.; Frank Clevelaod,
BdKomoor, S. C.; Mrs. J. S. Haire^
Mocksville, N. C.; Fred Cleveland,
Charlotte, N. C.; twelve- grand
children and two great-graodcbild*
ren. She and Mr. Cleveland cele»
brated their golden wedding annU
versary last Dee a4th.
Mrs. Cleveland bad made several
visits.to Mocksville to visit hec
daughter, Mrs. Haire, and made
many friends while herei
Puberal services were at the fam-
ily cbnrch and bntial in the church
yard Tnesday afternoon —Blber
ton (Qa,) Star..
Bio - Obituaries - 11/6/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 8,1940
Mrs. RuHedge Dies
At Stntcsvillc
Mrs. rjjlllln HaClctlsc. 70. form-
icrly t)f Davlc county, cllrrt nl 7
vi'clork Saturday monilna at n
3lalc.sv!1I(> hospital.
Piincrnl .servlrc.s were held
Stiiulay afternoon at - o'clock
iit the Franklin Pro.sbytcrlan
church. Rev. 'v, w. Tynos, pa3.
tor, conducted Ltv* services.
Mrs. RatledRe Is ..'irvived by
one brother, J. A. Crn.>fprd of
Rowan county. She had^'c^cn
ilvln? with Mr. Cranford wheh
.she \v.is taken ill and moved to
M,ahlon H. Dranon, 00, died at
I a Wln.slon'Snlem ho.spllal at
n;40 Tue.sday mornlni;. Fie suf
fered a .stroke two years ago
and never fully recovered. Ffe
wa.s taken to the hospital Mon
day afternoon after he was
stricken .suddenly at his home In
He Is survived by his wldov/.
the former Miss Ida Reavls: two
daughters, Mrs. Martin Macklo of
Yadklnvlllc, and Mrs. Howard
Qermnn of Charlotte; two sons,
itcrh Branon of Elkln, and Sam
Branon of Yadklnvlllc; two sis
ters, Mrs. C. W. Helton of Yad-
kinvlllo, and Ntr.s. J. K. Wooters
of Goldsboro; five brothers, Otis
and Rovy Branon of Ch.arlotte,
Alfred Branon of Oil city, Penn
sylvania, Tom and Davis Branon
of Atlanta, Georgia.
He was a member of Branon
Funeral services will bo con
ducted from Harmony Grove
Friends Church sometime Thurs
day. The hour of the funeral
has not been announced.
Bio - Obituaries -11/8/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 8,1940
Mrs. J. A. Cleveland
James H. Pardue
Dies In Statesvillc
James Houston Purdue of
BoonvlUe, died In a atatesvlUe
hospital at 12:00 o*clock Monday
morning. He had been In de
clining health for some time.
Survivors include the widow,
who was Miss Ooneva Olendora
Wagoner prior to marriage;
three daughters. Mrs. Ethel Wll-
moth, Miss Bertie Pardue of
Boonvillo, and Mrs. Jeanette
Hanes of. Wlnston-Saiem; one
son, Irving Pardue of Boonvllle;
three brothers, D. L. Pardue, of
MbcksviUe, H. F. Pardue of Pel.
ham and J. L. Pardue of Mor-
ganton, and three grandchildren.
Funeral services were held
Tuesday afternoon at Mitchell's
Ohappell Methodist Church. The
Rev. John H. Green, pastor, the
Rev. Sam Jones, and the Rev.
R. L. Speer was In charge.
Loses Mother
Mrs.. J. S. Haire
Mrs. J. A. Cleveland, 72, dau
ghter of the late Francis Goines,
died October 21 at he r home in
Elbei'ton, Oa. Mrs. Cleveland
was a member of an old and
prominent family and a woman
active throughout a long and
useful life In church, social,
civic and home duties.
She is survived by her hus
band and the following ehil.
dron, Grady Cleveland, Mrs. 0.
J. Bond of Elborton, Ga., Mrs.
K. K. Drennan AbbevL'le, 8. O.;
Frank Cleveland, Edgomoor, 8.
C.; Mrs. J. 8. Kalre, Mocksvllle;
Fred Cleveland, Charlotte.
Twelve grandchildren and two
She and Mr. Cleveland cele
brated their golden wedding an
niversary last December 24th.
(Mrs. Cleveland , had made sev
eral visits to Mocksvllle to visit
her daughter, Mrs. Halm, and
made many friends while here.
•Funeral services were at the
family church and burial in the
church yard Tuesday afternoon.
Bio — Obituaries - 11/8/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 13,1940
C; B. MerrelL
Charles B. Merrell. 46, ot Wins.
ton-Saleni4 died saddenly last Wed
nesday. He "was stricken at bis
hnnie at 4:30,and'died while beitifc
taken to a bospital. He bad ap
peared In aood beajtb notil jnst be.'
tore bia death* -: ' -
Born in Davie connty November
6, 1894, be was the son. of W. E.'
and Siarab -Baton Merrell He
moved t o Winston.Satem from
«\focksvllle four yeara ago. n
He was married in 1915 to Miss
Bath STeele« wbo anrvives biir,
with one'son Ralph; two danKbters,
Miss Lucile-Herrell, and Mrs. Mar
garet Fnltoo, RtirarHall, Route i;
one grandchild; a brother,- George
Merrell of Davie connty; four sis
ters, Mrs.~7acob Gmbte-qnd Mrs.
Tom Rice of Davie connty, Mrs. G,
B. ^endricks and Mrs. D. H. Hen-
dricka of Mocksville.
Fnneral services n were. held at
South Riyn Methodist church in
Rowan connty Friday aftemrau at
2 o'clock, h^y laid to rest
in the chmch cemetery.
Mrs. Anoie Gngniy.
Mrs. Annie Gregory, 75,, died at
her home near.Parmiogtdn Satnr.
day rnomfng, following a long ill.
Ptitteral services were bdd at
Wesley Chai^lSnndqy, with Rev.
J. W. Vestal oflSciating, and the
bod> laid to rest in the church
Mrs, Gregory is snrvived by two
sons) Thomas Gregory,, of Farm,
ingtoh, William Gregory of Yad-
kinvlHe. two dangbiers, Miss Cpra
Gregors^atbome, and Miss Georgia
Gregory, of Winston Salem. One
brother, Jabob Sain, of Coua, and
three sistets. Hiss Rote Sain, of
Colfax. Miss Kate Sain, and Mrs.
J. H. Lewis, of Beonettsville, S. C.
Bio - Obituaries -11/13/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LiBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 15,1940
Death Claims
Thomas F. Call
Thomas Franklin Call, 33.
widely known Mocksville citizen,
died at the home of his daugh
ter. Mrs. W. P. Nail, at her home
here Wednesday morning.
The funeral was held yester
day at Oak Grove Mothodlit
church, conducted by Rev. E. M.
Avott, Rev. o. W. Fink ond Rev.
W. J. S. Walker. Interment was
In the church cemetery.
Son of idle late Daniel' and
Marloh Howard Call, he Is sur
vived by two daughters and
three sons: Mrs. Nail. Mrs. J.
A. Wagoner of High Point, Wal
ter L. and W. E. Call of Mocks
ville and G. F. Call of *Sumter.
S. C. Ten grandchildren and 3
great-grandchildren also sur
vive, Mr. Call's wife, formerly
Miss Alice HUey, died two years
Mr. Call spent his entire life
In Mocksville.
Greene Minor
Funeral Held
HAILKY'S chapel. — Funer
al services were held for Greene
Minor. 39, Friday evening nt
Fork Baptist church, at 2 o'clock,
lie is survived by two sons and
tlirec dnughlcrs, John Minor of
Wtnston-Salcm. Charlie Minor
of Advance. Mi's. Delia Steward
of Virginia. Mrs. Salllc McMa-
imn and Mrs. Mattlc Barnes of
Mrs. Annie Sain Gregory, 74,
idled at her home near Farming-
ton Saturday morning.
Funeral services were conduct
ed from Wesley's Chapel Sunday
afternoon by the Rev. J. W. Ves
tal and the Rev. E. 0. Brewer.
Burial was In the church cemc
Palibcnrcrs were John and Joe
Porcbcc. Stanccl Sain, Arthur
Sain, John Saln^and John I.cwls.
Mrs. Gregory was the daugh
ter of Thomas and Mary Jane
Howcll Sain. She was the widow
of the late W. H. Gregory.
Survivors include two daugh
ters, Miss Georgia Gregory and
Mlssi Coro Gregory of Advance;
two sons, T. S. Gregory of Ad
vance, and Win H. Gregory of
Yadklnville; eight grandehlldven
and five great grandchildren;
one brother, J. B. Sain of Mocks
ville. route 2; three sisters. Miss
Cora Sain of Colfax, Mrs. J. H.
Lewis and Miss Kate Sain of
IBcnnettsville, South Carolina.
Robert Dulin
Robert Dulln, 64, died at his
home Friday morning at 0 a.
m. He sulTcrcd a stroke over
a ycor ago and never fully re
covered. He is survived by his
widow, Kto. Lucy Dulin; one
son. Fisher Dulin; one daugh
ter. Mrs. Mozclle Nccly, all of
Davie county. Funeral services
were held Sunday afternoon at
the Shlloh Baptist church. Rev.
S. J. Burke conducted the serv
ices. Burial was In the Pres
byterian cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/15/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 20,1940
(Hmmas FranklbCalL
I Tbotoas P. Call, one of
n Ifocksville's oldest and known
dtbens, died at ibe borne of bb
daogbter, lira. W. F. Nail, on
Wednesdap morning al lo o'clock,
following a long illoesa.
Mr. (^11 was a native of Davie
eoootv, and spent fab entire life -in
ibe eodttty. He moved to Mocks-
vilte many years ago from Oak
Orove. ' He was a member of Oak
Grove Methodbt chtircb, and abs
active in dmneh work for many
yean. He will .be miitsed, not only
in HoduvlUe. tot tbrooghout ibb
sedioii. Hb wife passed away a<
bent two years ago.
Mr. Call is stirVived by tbree sons,
W' If.' and W* B. Call, of ^b city;
Grady P Cbll, of Snmter, S. C,
and two daughters, Mrs. W. P.
Nail, .of ttab dtv, and Mrs. J. A-
Wagoner, of High Pdnt. A oum
ber of gtasdcbildreo snrvive.
Funeral servbeB were held at
Oak Grove Metbodbt'chorcb
Thttisdav afternoon at 3:30 o'clock,
cosdoctcd by Revs B. H, Avett,
G. W. Fink and W. J. 8. Walker,
and the body laid to rest In the
eburcb cemeterv.
In the death of Mr. Call the
commnnitv loses a gooddtben, the
diorcb a faithful Christian worker,
and the children a kind and loving
father. The Record extends sym
pathy to the bereaved family in
tbb sad boor.
Mrs. Ida Boger.
Mrs. Ida Boder, 71, died Soodav evening
at 10:20 o'dock at tbis beme d ber son,
W. D, Booie, en R. 2.
PUneral services ware held at Ijames X
Roads Bapcbt cbumb yesterday afternoon
at2:30o*olock, with ber pastor. Rev. W.
L. UcSwafo fn ebarge. and the body laid
to mt In tbe ehmcb cematefv.
Bfn. Booh fs survived by two aoos. W-
D. Boole and Edgar Boisr, of R. 2, and
tbree datighteis. Mrs. T. S. Blachwflder.
SalidHtiy; Mrs. Etma Royab. (Hewlstooi
Fla,, and Mia. Phoebe Greeosboio.
Mrs. Jdin WarA
Foneral and btirlal setvtoes for Ifn* 4*
W. Ward, 09, who died at her home near
Safisbnry Friday ni^t, were held at Ha*
oedottfa Moravian chsicb' Saoday aftm^*
nobo st2o*cfatCk. Mrs. Ward was a na
tive of eomsty. the step methfT of
Mra. W If. Marklnnd, of tto city, and
the moibef of Mta. B; 0. H>watd. ot Coo*
Bio - Obituaries - 11/20/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 22,1940
Robert Lec Baker, 71, welU;
knonwn and proonlnent fanner,
died at hia home near Union
Chapel church Monday morn
ing. Mr. Baker waa the son of
L. Baker and Tcressa Blanken
ship Baker.
Funeral services were held
Tuesdoy afternoon at 3 o'clock
at Union Chapel churoh with
Rev. J. W. Sides Jr. assisted by
Rev. J. W. Turner conducting the
Survivors Include his widow,
the former Miss Nancy Hudson;
four daughters, Mrs. Ollle- Ood-
bey and Mrs. Polly McClamrock
of Mocksvllle, route 2, Mrs. N; E.
Flynt of Wlnston-^lem, and
Mrs. Qlenn Rollins of Cana; six
sons, James I<ee, M. R., R. L. Jr
Arthur all of Mocksvllle route
2, T. L. of Wlnston-Salem and
R. W. of New York.
There were many beautiful
flowers. Pallbearers were L. M.
Tutterow, Ben Tutterow, Sam
Tutterow, C. S. Allen, W. B.
Bailey, 0. J. Hodge.
Mrs. Mary Jane Long, 89, one
of the oldest women In the
county died at her homo near
Yadklnvlllc Thursday morning
after a long Illness. She ^was
the wife of John S. Long.'
-Mrs. Long was born In Yadkln
county and has spent her life
in the Yadkinville section. She
was married to Mr. Long 05
years ago. He survives, with
three children, Mrs. Wiley Reavis,
Mrs. Bloom Oough, and Daniel
Leo Long, all of Yadkinville; 10
grandchildren and one great
grandchild. She was a member
of Center Methodist Church.
The funeral was held Satur-
doy morning at 11 o'clock at
Center church, with the Rev. J.
H. Green and the Rev. R. L.
Speer in chorgc. Burial was In
the church cemetery.
Funeral services for Mrs. John
W. Ward, 69, who died lost Tti-
day«^ht, were held Sundayi
aftemdbn^at 2 oblock at Uaco-]
jdonla Lutheran church. Burial
followed in the church ceme
The deceased had been an in
valid for five years prior to her
passing. She lived at Franklin.
Death came at Rowan Memorial
hoSgpltal. Salisbury, where she
had been a patient for a week.
Mrs. Ward was a native and
resident of Davle county until
12 years ago. She had many
friends In both Oavio and Rowan
She was the mother of Mrs.
Edward Howard of 'Cooleemee.
Boger Funeral
Held Tuesday ^
•Fiineml services were held
Tuesday afternoon for MTs. Ida
Clary Bcgcr, 71, at Ijames Cross
Roads Methodist church with In
termcnt In the church cemetery.'
Mrs. Boger died Sunday night
at the home of her son, W. D.
Boole on route 2.
She was the daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. WllUam Clary.
Survivors Include tHrcc daugh
ters, Mrs. J. S. Blackwelder of
Salisbury, Mrs. Elmer Rayel of
Ollnston, Florida, and Miss
Phoebe Boger of Greensboro;
two sons, W. D. Boole and J. D.
Boger both of Mbcksvlllc, route
2; two sisters, Mrs. T. M. Smith
of Mocksvllle, route 1, Mrs.
Claudia Hunter of StatesvlUe;
three brothers, J. W. and Frank
of Mocksvllle, route 1, and
Charlie of Charlotte.
There were many floral tri
butes. Pallbearers were R. N.
Rummage, W. W. Smith, T. A.
Blackwelder, day Allen, Lonnie
Gamer and John Brown.
R. S. Fcrebce
Dies Suddenly
Robert Stevenson Fcrebcc, 05,
died suddenly Monday night at
the homo of a nlccc, Mrs. J.
E. Tutterow at Center, while on
a visit. He lived at his farm In
the county.
Unmarried, he Is survived by
a brother, W. M. Fcrebec of
Winston. The funeral was held
Wednesday morning at the Pino
Methodist church and burial
was In the churcli cemetery.
In early life Mr. Fcrebcc was
a salesman for the Ogburn To
bacco Co. In Winston, later oper
ated the brick store at Clcm-
mons and at one time ran a
filling station In South Mocks
Bio - Obituaries - 11/22/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 27,1940
Henry Blake Passaea.
•Henry Blake, 78, of Paymtiigioo, died
8ttddei|ly of a heart"atcaek Booday .after*
Dooa at 11^18 o*dock, at the hone of bit
daiightert'Mrs George Rat|ed|e, at Wood
tof,"Where he went to epnul titeday.
Phoerai servfoea were held at Farming
ton Baptist ohttr^ yeeterday oBonilDg at
11 o'Ol(N^ with Revo. J. W.! VtetaL £■ W
'Turner end Dallao Renegar offidating, and
the body laid to rest In ParafaigU» •OBtee?
tery.« Mr. BlokeleettAhved hy'a nt^lN^
of Bone and dau^tan. Ho waa. 'a' gcfed
cltlsen and Us ^ath has hroo^
ners ^o the entire oominnnlty In i^ilelrte
lived. He WQB a membmr of the Pamil^*
ton Baptist ehnreh..
Robert Lee ^ter.
In the death of Robert Lee Baker,71, of R. 3, mfaich occured on Uoa-
day, Nov. i8tb, Davie- coiraky >.lost
a fine dtizeo, an honest, upright
man who will be missed throngh.
ont this entire section. Mr. Baker
was one of the conoty'a most pro
gressive farmers, and owned one of
the fi nest farms in Davie.
Pnneral services were held at
Union Chapel Methodist ehnreh
last Tuesday atterooon at 30'cloek,
condtictejd4>y Rev; J. W«'Sides, and
the body laid to rest in tbcL cbnrcb
Mr. Baker is ra rvived by hiswidow; sis sons: ' James Lee, M.
R. and R.'L. Baker, Jr, of Mocks*
ville, R. 2; Artber Baker, T. L.
Baker of Wlostoo-Salcin; and R.
daogbters. Mrs. Ollle Oodtey
a fW. Baker, of New York; and f
" G«
ot MocksviUe, R. 2; Mrs.
Plynt of Wiosttm^Salem; Mrs.
Glenn Rollios, of Cana; and Mrs. j
Poly McClamrocb, MoeksvUle, R..
2. ■ • i
Mr. Baker bad been a resident ofDavie eonntv for maiiy years, mbv*
ing here from Atezender county.
He bad been In bad beaRb foi anumber of jfeata. In bis deatb tbe
county bos lost one of ita best men.
tbe bereavied family Tbe RcG0id<eae»tends ^mpatby iti this sad bonr.
j^obert .^eveoson Ferebee^
dSidled Hopday, Nov. ^iBtta, at
Ibe borne. of his oeioe, Mrs. J. B.
Tntterow, near Modcsyille. He
b& been In declining bealib' for
Mr.' Perebee was bom and reared
in Davie opnpty. He was 'never
married. Bniflviii
Mr. W. M. Penbetr^^;^!^/Salem/ mjd a nomlNv of neicca andne'pitewB.' .
Funeral eervicea were held fronWesley Chapd Methodist, din^
at II o'clock Wednesday mpriilttg,
and inten&eiit' was in the dhiiidi
cemetery. .Mr. Peiebee was a
member of the ModteivUle MetbOv
dbd dinrdi and the'servfoea were
coiidBCttd by his p^r. Rev. K
M. Avctt,
Bio — Obituaries - 11/27/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 29,1940
Reavis Infant
Passes Away
One of the Infant twins of
2Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reavis died
lost Thursday.
Henry L. Blake
Rites Tuesday
Henry L. Blaket well-known
former of the Farmington eom-
muhltydled suddenly about 12:15
o'clock Sunday afternoon, at
Woodleaf, while visiting his dau
ghter, Mrs. O. W. Ratledge.- He
was in his .usual health until
the time he was stricken, and
his passing was most unexpect
ed. "
The funeral was held Tuesday
morning at 11 o'clock, at Fann-
Ington Baptist Church. Burial
was in the Farmlngton Ceme
Mr. Bloke was born Septem
ber 13, 1865, at Advance, the son
of John and Margareta Jarvla
Blake. He spent his early lire
In the Advance community, mov
ing to Farmlngton about 30 years
'Mr. Blake was a member of
Farmlngton Baptist Church,
where he was an active worker
for many years, serving as a
deacon the greater part of the
time. He retired from active
work as a farmer about five
years ago,
Mr. Blake was twice married,
the first time to Miss Belinda
McDanlel, who lived only a few
years, leaving two children, W.
A. Blake, of Lewlsvlllc. and John
Blake, of Advance. Later, ho
was married to Miss Junlc Grif
fin, who died in 1930, leaving
the following children: Mrs. 0.
W. RalleUgu and Clinton Bloke,
Woodleaf; Roy Blake, Sanford;
Charlie and James Blake,
Greensboro; Mrs. J. H. Cash,
Wlnston-Salcm, Route 4; J. M.
Blake, Kernersvllle; Frank Blake,
Farmlngton; Miss Laura Lee
Blake, of the home. Several
grandchildren also survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/29/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 29,1940
Funeral servlcea for Newton
Ell (Joe) McCoUtun who died at
hU home dn Yadtclnvllle early
Tuesday morning, will be eon-
ducted this (Wednesday) after
noon at 2 o'clock from union
Cross Friends Church. The Rev.
0. V. OaudUl, the Rev. J. H.
Qreene, the Rev. R. L. West, the
Rev. Charles Hutchens, the Rev.
R. L. Speor, and the Rev. Mrs.
M. A. (tox will be In charge of
the services. Burial will be In
the church graveyard.
•He was a momlyor of Union
Cross Fnlends Church and the
Yadklnvllle J. 0. U. A. M. which
organization will have charge of
the graveside service and serve
as active pallbearers. Honorary
pallbearers will be John D. Hol-
Gomb, W. E, Rutledgcr C, K. Todd,
Albert Hudson, Carl Johnson,
Roy Johnson, C. W. Driver, Bud
Vestal. Paul Holden, Dr. L. S.
Hall, Dr. H. A. Brandon, A. L.
Inseore. J. L. Crater, Lon West,
Raymond Cleary, John Dobbins,
H. E. Barnard, chnton Hall. La
fayette Williams. Homer Wago
ner. S. T. Cheek, R. B. Long,
Nella Todd, Loyd Dlxon, Murk
Nloholsnn, Tom Driver, Luther
Mason, Lloyd Mason, B. H. Dln-
klns, H. H. MCKnlefht, A. H.
Logan, F. c. Bolln, R. M. Wells,
and T. s. Collins.
'Mr. McCollum was born in
Yadkln County, the son of John
and Ruth Mills McGoUum. He
had lived all his life In the
county moving to Yadklnvllle 22
years ago. He was 08 years old.
For many yeors he was connect
ed with the produce and mcr-
oantlle business In various parts
of the county.
He was married twice, first .to
Miss Sara Margaret Hobson who
died several years ago. His
second wife, the former Miss Ida
Cheek, survives him. Surviving
arc also two daughters, Mrs.
Howard Logan and Miss Ada
McOollum of Yadklnvllle: one
son, Clay McCoUum of Yadkln
vllle; one stop-^son, W, C. Sprin
kle of Los Angeles, California;
one step-daughter. Mrs. W. G.
North of East Bend; two broth
ers, Houston McCoUum of Yad-
Mnville, and A. G. McCoUum of
Ramptonvtllle; and one half-
brother, Will Hlnshaw of Yadkln
vllle, lioutc 1.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/29/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 4,1940
Tiomas FnmkliD
Tbomaa. Franhlin ETudsdi, .'67,
promloeDt Salisborv attorney,.died
snddeoily while walking along the
street last Tuesday. * Mr. Hudson
,W8s a native ot Jerusalem township,
^ur moved to Salislmrv many years
ago. He is survived by. his widow,
two smm and four daughters, and a
half broiber, Giles Hudson, Sails.
bory attorney.
Mrs. Mary Nichols.
n Mm Marv Fyances NIcIh^ fofmoriy of
near Htu for 30 vests a reel*
dent nf G'fonsWn. il>Vd of her home in
that city Sntmday mornio^
PaneroI ^rrvIcfS h»»M «i Walter
Fooeral Home Snnday afternoon at thteo
oVobh. and ibe bodt laid to rest In Oak
GfOVfl Mothndh? rhurrh cenMeiy
Mrs. Nieholfl Is survived by two sens.
C. F. and J, T. Niehols.- Oreeosboroc one
bfTher. W. 0 M'lCfa'unich, M-*ek<vit?r;
few f>tsteni, Mrs 0 G Botrbins. Winston
Satan*; Mro. DssV Hodiiaon. Laxlaston,
Nab4 Mrs, R'ise Eratigh. Kansas City, Mo.,
and Mrs. W. R. M^'inncy. of this city.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/4/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 6,1940
Mary Jane Horn
-Mrs. MSary Jane Horn, 73, be
loved Mocksville woman, died at
the home of her daughter here,
Mro. A. M. Kimbxouffh, Wednes
day afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The tuneral was held yester
day afternoon at the home con
ducted by 'her pastor. Rev. J.
H. Fulghum, and assisted by Rev.
B. M. Avett and Rev. W. 0.
cooper. Zntcnncnl ivas In the
family plot In Rose cemetery.
'Mrs. Horn was the widow of
oaston B. Horn and daughter of
the late Samuel Craig Foster and
Laura Foster. She was bom on
August 22, 1867 and lived in the
county aU of her life. She lived
at County Line until ISOO when
she and Mr. Hem moved to
MoctcsviUe. She was a lifelong
member of the Baptist church.
The following children sur
vive: Mrs. Klmbrough, Mrs. Ross
Mills, Mrs. Charles C. Mills and
Mrs. Scarr Morrison all of
Statesvine; Mrs. B. H. Boainer
of Tampa, Fla., Mrs. Henderson
Cotter of Lake Wales, Fla.,
Everett G. Horn of Wlnston-
Solem. A sister, Mrs. T, M. Gart
ner, and a brother, John L.
Poster, both of the county, also
survive. iSlghteon grandchildren
and 4 great-grandchildren like
wise survive.
I Active pallbearers were L. 8.
iKutrfees, Dr. L. P. htortin, C. R.
jHom, J. J. Loraw, P. J. John-
Ison and Knox Johnstone.
i\Irs. Mary Nichols
Rites Held Sunday
•Funeral services were hold
Sunday for. Mrs. Mary Frances
McClamrock Nichols, 06, who
died nt the home of a son, Paul
Nichols, Saturday In Qrccnsboro.
Rev. Higglns. pastor of the First
St. Moravian church In Greens
boro conducted the services at
the Walker Funeral home In
Mocksvlllc Sunday afternoon
and Interment was In Oak Grove
Mrs. Nichols was the widow
of John Nichols, the daughter
of George and Sarah Wilson
iMcCln-mrock. She was a native
of Dnvlc county, Oak Grove com
munity, but had made her home
In Greensboro for the past 30
Survivors Include two sons.
Carl and Paul of Qrccnsboro;
four sisters, Mrs. W. R. Mcroncy
I of Mocksvlilo, Mrs. O. O. Hul-
I chins of Wlnston-Salem, Mrs.
Roslc Braugh of Kansas City,
iMrs. Essie Hodgkln of Lexing
ton, Nebraska; one brother, W.
*0. McClamrock of Davic county.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/6/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 11,1940
C A. Long FanenL
Ftmeral servl^ for Came A
Long, 77, welUknowo Davie cono.
t7 ciUzep, were held' at Pannlog*
Ion Met^ist charch'fast Wedneflp
day nprblng at i j o'clock^ with
ReVi J.. W. Vestal in diarge, and
the body laid to test in- Panning-
ton cemetery,
Mr. Long died anddbnly at the
home of bis son. Prof. A, A. I/mg,
at Dnrham, on . Monday of last
week, Mr. Long bad spend'
iog seyefal weeks ndth.aon. Hia
death was a shock to bis many
Davfe friends. He had beeoio bad
hedtb for some time Mr.'
lived for several years in Mocfou
viUe 'but moved back to bis -bid
JohnS. Wiilkrd.
John Sanford Williard, 8o, died
at bis home at bis at Wyo Thnrs.
day ahernoon, following a long lU*
Pnneral services were held at
Wesley's Chapel Methodist church
Priday afterooon at a o'clock, with
R«v. J. W. Vostal in oharae, and
the body laid to rest in the cbmrdi
cemetery. Mr. Williard is sorvived
by bia widow and several cblldren.
Mrs. Ciaston Horn.
Mf8.Ga8toDE Honi.diedat Ibe borne
of bet daughter, Hr8.*A» U. KImlNOOgb,
oo Leziogton street Wednesday afternoon
at S o'clock, following a short Ulness,
Foneral services were held at the hmne
Tborsdav afternoon at 3:30 o'clod, with
^ her pastor, Rev. J. H, Fulgham, in ehatgo.
ataisted 'bv Revs. W. C Cooper and E. M.
Avett; end Che body laid to teat la Rosa
eemetery beside her hnshand, who passed
away abont 13 years ago.
Mrs. Horn was a nalive ot Oslahaln
townships and sponc ber entice life In the
eoontv. Sbe woe a consistant member o^
the MooksvlUe Baptist ohuich. Herdeatb
broogbt sadness to a host of frfonda
tbtodghont the and county. .
Mrs. Horn Is survived by ena son.
Everett Horn, of Wiosco(**Sale»i six
daughters, Mrs. A. M. Kimbioagb, Mocks*
^Ue; Mis. Rosa MUl8,-Mri0 (X 0. MlUs and
Mrs. Scair Morrison. StateavUle; Mrs. B H
Boatner, Tiampa, Fla.. and Mrs. Hendem
Cotter, Lake Wales. Fla. One alacer, Mrs,
ALCaitner, end one bcochm; John U
PoatiBr.bothof Catataalb township, attrvlve.
Bio - Obituaries -12/11/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 13,1940
Miss Williains
Dies, Advance
Funeral .services for Miss
Julia Franeca WIlHoma. 83, who
died at ihe home of a nephew.
R. S. CornuUcr of Advance,
ronlo 1, last Monday were held
Tuesday at the Corn:il'/.cr liomc.
The service was at the Smith
Grove church and Interment
was In the church cemetery.
For many years Miss Williams
lived at the home of Albert Cor-
nuUcr and took care of the two
.sons, R. S. and Georec. After
his death she had lived In the
home.s of the two nephews.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/13/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 18,1940
James A Ridhar Jton.
AodenoB Rieb&rdsoD, 71,
died Tboftiday oifflit at his boue
near Sheffield, followinR a stroke
of paralysis.
Mr. Ricbardsoo was a native of
Davie county, a ttoo of Lum and
Panline Richardson, two daoftbters,
Mrs. W. L. Wilson, of MocbsylUe,
and Mib. Viola Ireland, of Indiana;
and a son, Bascom 'Richardson, at
Foaeral services were held Sat*,
nrday aftereoon af 3.,0'clpcfe from
New Uoibo .Meth^iBr;!Cbttrcb, of
which Mr. Richat^n was a mem*
ber,> Bnrial was In the cbnrch
FmMfal Sorvioei fw
Mitt WilliaiiM.
PniMiral services were held at
Smith Orove Methodist efamndi last
Tuesday afternoon tor Mlia Inlia.
Prances WilHains, 84, who'dled at
the home of ber nephew, R. S.
Conmicer, near Bixby, bo Masday,
Dec ptb. Services werecondtwied
by Revs. 1, W Vestal and O. B.
Brewer imd the body laid to rest in
Ibe dmrcb cenrnterv.
Atiipt Williams was born id India*
oi. bnr spent pi:actically all her life
in Drvie county. She had lived
her nephew, G^rge and R. S. Cor-
nataeri for many vears She was a
member of Sadtb Grove Methodist
chnrcb, and wasoneof ttaecooniy's
oldest ladies.
Brewstnr Grant Kffied
h Auto Acddent
The entire town was diocked and sad
dened eatfy Satncday evening when a
mesBsge came aononndog tbe death of
John feawflter Grant. 27, Hocbsvltla at
tomey. who died at Gabsms Hospital,
Goncoid, at ffiSO o'docb, wbero be was
eattied, faUowipg an anto wieek whldi
oeenmd^abettt 4 o'e^ at a Kannapolla
IR. Grant was on bis way to Cbartatte
when tba aoefdent ooeaned- OdellWhice,
NegrOi of LandiSi was driving a ear nofth,
and H is 8ald,diova oat of an intersection
diiaetly to fkoat of the Grant car. Both
can wen bodlr damaged* Wbltedled at
a Concord hosidtal Sacmday night,
.The body of Mr. Grant wao carried to
Mamiel Fbnraal Home, Wlnetoa-Salem,
where it remained uncll Monday morning,
when fnne^al servlcea were held at tbe
bomo of Ua parents, Bfr. and Ura. A. T,
(kant, at ft o'eloclu with Rev. 6. B1 Aveit
COpdoetlng the sendees, and the body was
laid to rest in Rose oemetefy whh Mason
ic honors. The many beautiful floral trlb-
ntes attest tbe high esteem in which this
young man waa held.
Palibearers were A. U. Klmbfoogfa. Jr..
I J. K. Sheek. Rnfoa Sanford, Jr.. Dr. W. M«
'Loag.C C.Sinoot.G. F. Heroney. Jr.. D.
IJ. Lybtook and Knox Jotanatone.
Jobs Brewster Grant was bom in Mocks-
ville. After graduating from bl^ sobool
be attended Davldaoo College, where he
gradoated In 1934. He then went to Hoi*
Versity of North CaioHna. wbeie be gradu
ated from law sdmollo 1939. Mr Grant
was a member of the North OaioUna legla-
latttie In 1937-39. Hs had pnettced law
here with bis lather, A. T, Grant, for tbo
past tonr yeaia, sod waa one of tbe State's
Ott*.standlog young lawyers. Hla death Is
otottfned by ail who knew and loved blm.
Mft -Grantia survived by his parents Mr.
aodMrs. A. T. GraoC. two brothers, A. T.
Grant. Jr.. of this dty, and BtU Grant, of
Baltiome; star sisters. Mrs; Cato Littleton.
Charlotte; Mrs. Woodrow Wlfsoo, Raleigh;
Miss Ssrab Grant. Greeosboro. end Mlssea
Delia. Margaret and Ann Grant, of this
In the death of Brewster Grant the edi
tor of Tbe Record has lost a friend of long
etaodiogi He visited cur ofSea almost
daily and we ebatl miss his friendly vlsitB.
The Record office won't be the same with
Brewster gone. 'He always came around
on Tuesdays to look over The Record. We
sbdih always think of blm as our friend.
To tbe bereaved parent*, the broths, and
eistets, the editor extends beaxtfril; sym
paitbir.in this dark boor of betravem^r;.
Bio - Obituaries -12/18/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 20,1940
John William Myers
William Myers, 2. son
( Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Myers,
led Tuesday night at the home
i Calahaln township from
urns. The child's clothing
lught fire In the house while
>e parents were In the bock
ird. Funeral services were
hursday morning at South
liver Methodist church.
Mrs. Rosa Crenshaw Bracken,
39. who lived ncor Calahaln,
drowned herself early Tuesday
morning In Hunting creek. Her
husband, Charles Bracken, could
assign no reason for the deed.
The family moved into the
Will Crcnshuw homcplacc only
last Friday, moving from Rowan
Mr. Bracken said tliat his wife
got up about 4 o'clock Tuesday
inurning, .snid .she would return
shortly and build a (ire. He told
her to return to bed and that
he would buUd the fire. Mean
while Mr. Bracken dozed off to
sloop and when he awakened
shortly he found his wife miss
A search failed to locate her
and neighbors wore called.
Tracks were found in the wet,
ploughed ground which led to
the creek nearly a half mile
away. The creek Is some 15 feet
deop and arrangements were be
ing made by Sheriff Bowden to
have a colored man dive In
search for the body when it was
located about 300 yards down the
creek from where she apparently
entered the stream. Arthur
Smoot was stated to have seen
the clothing floating on the
water. She was fully dressed.
Daughter of the late Will
Crenshaw, the deceased b sur
vived by her mother who lives
at Lexington; by her husband
and one nine-month old son,
Bobby Charles. A brother, David
Crenshaw of Lexington, and a
sister. Miss Ida Crenshaw of
Morgonton, also survive.
Funeral services were held
Wednesday afternoon at Salem
Methodist church, conducted by
Rev. G. W. Fink. Interment was
In the church cemetery.
A coroner's Jury reached a
vcrdlot of sulcldo by drowning,
according to Dr. L. P. Martin,
;J. A. Richardson
Dies At Sheffield
J. A. Richardson passed away
.It his home, December 12. Mr.
Richardson had a stroke of para-
lysUs some time ago and never
recovered. He was 70 years and
10 months old. He Is survived
by his wife, Mrs, Colin Rlclmrd-
Boni two daughters, Mrs. Hattlc
Wilson of the county, Mrs. Viola
Ireland of Indiana; and one son,
Bascom Richardson of the coun-|
ly. The funerol was held Sat
urday at New Union Methodist
church with Rev. R. V. Martin
and Rev. Y. D. Poolc in charge.
Pallbearers were T. c. Go-
forth, Charlie Beck. Lyncll Rich
ardson. Pearl Richardson. Lon-
nle Galllicr and Theodore Rich
Bio - Obituaries - 12/20/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 20,1940
Brewster Grant Killed In Auto
Accident On Kannapolis Road
While en route to Charlotte to fill a social engage
ment last Saturday afternoon, John Brewster Grant, 27,
talented and widely known local lawyer, was killed in
an automobile accident.
The accident toik place on the new highway at Kan
napolis when a negro, Odell White, apparently drove a
1933 car from a lateral road, Ridge avenue, into the main
highway in front of the car of Mr. Grant. White also
died and there were no eye witnesses.
_ - _ . : 1 The chief of police of Kan-
Dics Of Injuries
JOHN urewsteh grant
napolis stated that White hod &
clear vision and he could not
, midcistand why he drove his
car into the path of the other
: vehicle. The accident hoppencd
about 3:30 p. m. and Mr. Gront
died In the Cnbarnis hospital
about three hours later. Mem
bers of the family reached the
hospital about the time he died
I and a brain specialist from
Chorlottc was quickly aummon-
. cd after the accident. Mr. Grant
I had a fatal head injury, caused
by the Impact of the steering
rod, and no hope wos held for
his recovery. He never regoin-
cd consciousneas.
Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T.
Grant here, Brewster had prac
ticed low with his father here
in the firm of Grant & Grant
since he graduated from the law
school at the University of North
Carolina In 1&30. He did hla un-
dcr graduate work at Davidson,
graduating In the class of 1934.
While nt Davidson he was a
member of the varsity football
team, playing end. and a var
sity track man. He also played
class basoball. Ho wos a mem
ber of the "D" club, majored
in political science and In his
senior year was an os-sistant in-
.striictor In that department. He
was a MocksvlUc high school
He la survived by his parent#
and the following sisters and
brothers: Mrs. Cato Littleton,
Charlotte: Mrs. Woodrow Wilson.
Raleigh: Bill Grant of Batllmorc,
Md.; Surah Grant, Greensboro;
Delia, A. T., Jr., Margaret and
Mary Ann, all at home here.
Funeral sorvlccJ were held nt
the home here at ll o'clock
Monday morning, conducted by
. Rev. E. M. Avctt, with a con-
. eluding graveside service at the
family plot In Rose cemetery by
mombors of the Mocksville Ma-
suulu ludge. Mr. Grunt was re
tiring senior warden of the
lodge, having been Tecently
elected mastor, the highest' of
fice In the lodge. John Mar-
quette of StateavUle, grand lec
turer of Masons of North Caro
lina, led the Masonic service.
Fallbcarers were Klmbrough
Sheek, Mock Klmbrough, Rufus
Sanford. Jr., Dr. W. M. Long,.
C. C. Smoot, C. P. Meroriffy, Jr.,
D. J. Lybrook and Knox Jchn-
Mr. Grant was a member of
the 1937 and 1039 state legis
latures, being only 23 when he
served his first term and the
youngest member of the house
during both sessions. Widely
popular there ns at home, Oov-
ernor Hoey Joined In the univer
sal regret of hJs death. The
Governor said "he wa.s one of the
slate's finest young men with a
bright future before him."
Hundreds of saddened friend#
from Davie and other counties
culled ot the home, one of tho
most distinguished of DavIe
families, and attended the fun
eral. There was an extraordi
nary abundance ot floral tri
butes and nmny telegrams and
letters of personal condolences
frnm prnmlnent citizens in pri
vate and public life.
Bio — Obituaries - 12/20/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 25,1940
John William Myers
Davie Ould FataUy
Bnned. !
Jobo Wliligm M>ecs, two*an<1.^
ball year old soo of Kr and Mrs.
Fred W. Myers died Tuesday
jnlgbt ai the home ia Calahalu
township, death resuUing from
bnroa r^ved in the home in tbo
afternoon. The child's clothing
canght fire in the honse while the
parents were In the bade yard, the
severe burns on the body resnltitis
in deMta a few bonrs^ later.
Fnraeral services were held
Tbnrsday mprning at it o'doch
from South BJver Mettiodist Cburc^h
with iotennent in the cbnrcbceoie<
Mrs. Bracken Drowns
Mrs. Charlie Braeken, 39, who
l^rd o,n the Crensbaw farm, in
South Calahato, dtowned herself in
Hunting Creek early Tuesday
morning. The body was found by
a .searcbiag parl^, headed by ber
husband, several hours after dawn.
Mrs Bracken left the home short-
ly before daylight, and was tracked
to the creek. Urs. Brackens was
Miss Rosa Crenahaw before mar
Funeral servloea were held at
Salem Methodist church Wednes*
day afternoon at 2 o'dock, with
Rev. O. W. Fink In charge, and
the body laid to rest in tbe church
Mrs, Brdckeo is survived bv her
bushand, one 9 months*old son; ber
mother, Mrs. Will Crensbaw, one
brother, David Crensbaw, and 0
sister. Miss Ida Crensbaw.. all of
No reason Is assigned for the rash
act. Dr. Lester P. Martin, county
coroner, announced Mrs. Bracken's
death as soidde.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/25/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 27, 1940
Asbury Riddle, 76, died jiuddcn-
ly last SYlday night at his home
at Advance, route 1. He had
been In poor health ond death
was not unexpected.
The funeral was held Sunday
afternoon at the homo and
Macedonia Moravian church,
conducted by Rev. fi. W. Turner
and assisted by Rev. J. w. Vestal
and Rev. Ed Browcr. Interment
was In the churclt cemdtery.
The deceased wos a member of
the Yadkln Valley Baptist
Son of Thomas Calvin Riddle
and ^phla Burton Riddle, he Is
survived by his widow, formerly
Miss Jennie Howard, and the
following children: Mrs. H. T.
Tucker, Mrs. Oeorgc Allen, Mrs.
A. P. Laird, O. R., O. V. and
R. H. Allen, all of Advance, route
1. Misses Alphla and Esther Rld«
die, at home. Three sisters also
survive; Mrs. Mary Winfrey,
Winston; Mrs. Ada EUls, Ad
vauce, route 1; Mrs. A. K, Plott,
Mocksvllle. Twenty four grand
children likewise survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/27/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Haiah Temple Graver Lanier b. 1824/25 Davidson Co Aug^S^avie Go NG
Charlotte POTTS b.cal830 Davie Go NCQJ^OslDavidson Go NG
Res: Davie Co NG; Davidson Go NG - Ya^ College area;
Bur: Perhaps, Fork Baptist Ch Gem Davie Go NG
Isaiah's parents:
Sarah TEMPLE Craver
Charlotte's parents:
Jeremiah Potts
Ann FOSTER Potts
Isaiah & Charlotte's ch: known
Agnes Elizabeth Lanier b. 1846(^16 Get 191?
m. ,
James K. Hartley b.24 Apr 1840 d.04 Auglgil?)
Res: Yadkin College Township
Both buried: Yadkin College Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC
Nancy Jane Lanier b.02 Jan 1848^0^ep 1918^
m. 08 May 1866 :: "
HiramL. Koontzb.Ol Sep 1845 d.09May 1922
Res: Yadkin College Township
Both buried: Yadkin College Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC
Phillip Bodenheimer Lanier b. 20 Aug 1850 d^Nov 1928
m.l®^ 06 Jan 1869 wt.T.W. Hartley, A.G. Hough jp
Sarah MICHAEL b. 12 Nov 1848 d. 01 Nov 1896
m.2°^01 Aiig 1RQ7
Ellen Eliza GOBBLE b. 01 Jun 1860'tl.28 Dec 1940.)
(Sarah & Ellen were cousins)
Res: Yadkin College Township; Tyro Township;
All buried: Shiloh Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC
Andrew Jackson Lanier b. 1852 d. 01 Mar 1915^^
m. 24 Get 1872
Sarah Jane WILSON b.l3 Jun 1854 d. 01 May 193Z''^
Res: Yadkin College Township
Both Buried: Shiloh Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC
5. ^ -
^ Rowan (Roan) Thomas Lanier b. 07 Feb 1854i'd 16 May 1892^^
^ m.l^ 27 Mar 1873
P, m.2°^ 14 Mar 1878
rid Margaret Emma BROOKS b.Ol Nov 1858 Davidson Co NC i
-■ — ^•^ZGMayT953-F6f^dEUoNC ^ ^ ft'
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NC