Jan - JunDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 3,1940
Mrs. Asbury White
: Aged Lady Passes.
. Mrs. Asbury While, 94, otie of
Davie county's oldest s.nd hen be*
loved wonitn, died'ilf'tiie home ol
her sistei, Mr.^. Susao Richie, near
ParmiuRioD, on ibeeveuinfcof Dec.
i8ib, deatii resuitlog from the in.
fi rmities of age.
Funeral services were held on
the afternoon of Dec. 19th, at
Katoo's Baptist church, witu Rets
Dallas KeneKsr, F, W. Turner and
James Groce couducuoa the last
rltes^ and the body was laid 10 lest
in the chorch cenu.tery.
Mrs. WbUe is survived by two
sisters, Mrs Susan Richie and Mrs,
Hileo Groce, both of near Farming.
tun( and one bruibpr, W. P Jone:<,
of Spolcane, Wash A mutn«r ot
Isreal has uetu called to her re.
ward after a iong and well spent
Fred Cauble
Salisbury Man Killed.
Fred Cauble, of Sallsbtirv, was
almost instantly killed Cbristmai*
eve night, near Smitb Grove, when
the car he was driving left the
highway, torned over a nuoiher ot
limes and caught on fi re. The fire
was extiiiguinhed Inrfore the car
was consumed. Mi.<i.HjuanltB Whit*
low, of Winston Saleoi, one of the
passengers, suffered a badly ahat*
tered pelvis. She was earned 10
the Baptist Ho^pirii}, Joe Eagle,
of SaliMUury, and Mis? Hazel Ho-,
ward, of Clemroon^, also in ihocn,
ieceived minor injuries.' ' The car
was badly damaged. The accid*
eot occurred about midnight.
Amos Jones Passes.
Amos Jones, 64, died at hi.s borne
fn Tcrusalem township last Wed*
neslay morning following a long
Funeral services were held at
Hickory Grove Methodist church
Thursday afternoon at a -o'clock,
with Rev. A W. f.vnob in charge,
and the twdy laid ti rest in the
chnrcb cemetery.
Mr. Jones is survived hy his
widow, two oaughieis and two
Dr. 5|>eer Harding.
Dr. A. S. Harding. 48, well-known
Mocbaville dentist, died at Davis
Hospital. Btateaville. last Tuesday
morning. Dr. Harding was carried
to the hospital Monday afternoon in
a serioos condition.
Poneral services were held at the
home en t^titshury street Thursday
morning at 10:30 o'clock, with Rev
E. M. Avert in charge, and the body
was carried to Pilot Uountain and
laid to rest.
Dr. Harding was a native of Farm-
ingion, hut lived for several yeara
at Pilot Mountain, moving to this
citv six veers ago.
Dr. Harding Is eurvtved hy his
widow, two daughters, Ruth and
Marjone Harding, three sons. Ben*
rv. t;harjea and Earl Harding, all of
Mocksviite; three brothers, Dr. S. A.
Harding, of this city; John Harding,
of near Parrnlngton, and Dr. Grady
Harding, of Lowiavitie; six eiatera,
Miss Julia Harding, of Jackeonvilte.
Fla.; Mrs. Flora Hutchens. of Uara
Hill; Mrs. Carson Blaekmer. of Four
Oakr; Mrs John Springs and Mrs.
W. K Spainhour. of Hickory, and
Mrs. Ray Deeae. of Mockaville. R. 2.
The R^ord extends deep aympa*
thy to the bereaved family in this
hour of aadnes'.
Jacob C Cope.
Jacob C. Cope, 62. of Advance. R.
1, died at hi9 home on Dec. 21, fol
lowing an illness of some time.
Funeral services were held at Fork
Baptise church Dec. 23rd. at U
m.. and the body laid to rest In the
church cemetery.
Mr. Oipe Is survived by his wife,'
aix aons. threa daughters, one sister
and two brothers.
Jack Spry
Davie Native Passes.
Jack Spry. 56. a native of Davie
county, died ui nis home in Winston*
bulem Dec.- 24cd, following a long
illness. Mr. bpry was owner of the
Spry barber snop, and was well
Known throughout Porsytb county.
He leii this county many years ago.
'Ihewidovrand (our children survive.
One hait-sister, Mrs. Luia Davis, of
Advance, is among me aurvivori.;
Funeral and burial services toon
place in Winston Sslem Dec. 24(b. n
Bio - Obituaries - 1/3/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 3,1940
James M. Roberts.
James M. Roberts, 79, a native
of ibe Coonty Line aecitoo of Davie
coiiaty, died at bis acme at Kan.
napoits on Dec. 24tb. Funeral and
burial services took place Monday,
day, tbe body being laid to rest in
Greenlawn cemetery Cbina Grove.
I Mr. Roberts is survived by bis
1 widow two SODS and two dangniers.
He moved from Davie to Kaana.
Ipotis several years ago.
Mrs. Hugh Mason.
Mrs. Hngb Mason, 51, of Fork,
died at Lower y Hospital, Salisbury,
Friday b'ternoun, Dec.' aand, lol-
lowing a long illueas.
Fnoerol aervicM took place at
Foiion Mctbodlsi chnrch on don
day, 94tb, at 3 o*clock, with. Rev.
L. C. 6njttb m charge, and tbe
body was laid to test in tbe uhurdi
Mrs. Mason is survived by her
hiiHbaod, one son, Willie Hugli, at
home; four dangtaters, Mrs. Felma
'irexier, Fork; Mrs. Carlton Beck,
Lexington; Mrs. Roy Gorwood,
Cooteemee;aDd Mrs. Uartdd Hamp*
ton, Fork; her father. Alex Hege,
three brothers and one sister.
Lester S..Iogram.
.Lttter.S. logram, 58, di^ at bis
homein' Jerusaleib Dec.. 351b; atj
5:^ o'clock, p. m. ' ' ; I
Fnneral services were held at-
Jernisalem Bantist church Wednes
day atiemoon at 3 oVIock, and the
body- laid to rest in Rose cemetery.
Mr. Iiigram is survived by bis
widow, Clara Burton Ingram; six
daDgbt«r>, three sons, one brother
and fonr sisters
Bio - Obituaries - 1/3/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 5,1940 - Page 1
'• ll««% >■ '■ ■' 1 !.> M
-If jjMniw I
■• 'Mra'-PduTlhe^
' Wy«,
■ ea(Iqy,'/mo^w^'■ Eqhlu',)Mfd$H^^
ittmo&RoyjMiKS; fec^K
' roney.wliiiie&iplra'd by'.l^ls'itff-• te:'imemploTedMqpatps'UO
■■ MvTh8:;fifne^\;w2rheWi day,'ft(tcrhobnui®Dent6ri;:?^w.'
t ^SwcrlcSp^'^
Yi0* attack,.'dfflfeffiWfd'llithVibjqr^ne^i
U cet'.an'd'UlspcisUl:
^Puhkrol^BcrVlceK^ ^**B^;5.his|dju^Sd^rai' OrourRod^v^^S
< il^ifAAnifilviutn'uN
■ ia ^drrlvln g'. tro thftid; dre>flpy^wdui and ofsYidJdHfj^.oJt
. Mrst6«nai;otit^;';tadi4pr
Bio - Obituaries - 1/5/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 10,1940
Mrs. J. K. Meroney
Former Sfocksville Ladjr
Mm. J. K« Meroney, 40, former
ly of this citv, hot mho lioa held a
poaition wlih the unemployed com
mission in Raleieh for the past two
yearn, was fonnd dead in a bath
tub In her apartment in that city
early fast Wednesday momjnit. One
of her children discovered her bodv.
'' Coroner Rov Bank's, of Wake
cotmty ruled that her death was
catised l>y accidental drowning.
Urs, Meroney was wearing a cap,
ind'catiog that she was in the act
of iaking a bath she atiffeied an at
tack or fainted. An antopsy re
vealed water In the Inngs. •
Mrt. Meroney is snrv^ved bv bei
btahasd, J. K. Meroney, of Colum.
Ma, S. C., and three children, Mary,
Rarab and Johnnv. . Her. daughter
hfarah makes her home in this city
with her grandparents Mr. and
Mrs. C. P. Motuney, and the other
dUldren have been with their moil •
'er in Raleigh.
Fnnera] god burial services took
place at l^tcb Thursday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Mere,
ney, orlor to marrlakc, was Miss
Fanlino Ston^ of Denton.
, Joho W. Sab
}ohn Wealth Sain, 70, died Son-
day oigbt, Dec. 31, at the home of
his son, Walter Sain, on R 4. Mr.
Sain bad ju-^t recently moved from
Kannapolis to Davie.
Funeral services were held ai
Oak Grove Methodist chmcb last
Tuesday afternoon, and the body
laid to rest in the chnrcb cemetery
Mr. Sain is snrvived bv foor sons,
James and J. W. Sain, Conleemee;
C. F. and F. K. Sain, Rannapblb,
and one danshter, Mm. Minnie
Hoffman, of Cbina Grove.
Earl A. Strond.
Earl Aatmaa Stiond, 61, well known
farra. died Sanday at bto homa near itw
iredeU*Davle county liar, after a UogeslBg
Mr. Stfoud waa a oattva of Ifcdellcoao*
erf a sQo of tka late Flolmor Sirood.
Sttivlvind ere four oone. telpb R. and
Howard 0. Scrocd. of Davte eouotr: Joko
R.Suoud,of Aetorr Park, M. Jt tfarco
Ixoclieri and two atsteia. Frank, Dan nod
Fbrd Stnrad and Mlsioa Louisa and Mloalo
Suood. all of liedett oounty.
The fuBOtal waa hdd Tuesday frnm
ClaikstMiry JdeliMdlst Okoroli of wbloh Mr.
Stioud was a bfe Icog menlMr.
Ma J. Ward.
Funeral snviees for John J. Ward. 48.
whodtedSatuodiy at WaihliittOQ. D.
were hdd yestetdar afternoon at Sniib
Grave Metbodtot cboidi. witb Rev. J. H.
fhlgbom lo cbarge. aod the body bid to
rest lo the dutteb oerootery.
Mr. Ward to soivived by bis widow,
•even bratben.(X P. Wanf. Smith Grave;
Mottfan Woid. Woodleaf; Will Word. Mb
oeiata:Gvady Ward. WttUUer. Ray and
James Ward. Franklin: Jaeob Ward, Ooo-
leemse: flva stoters, Mrs. W. M. Marldand,
HocksvUle; Mr*. Bd Howard. Cooleetnee;
Mn. Bowman Blavv sod Mrs. Cecil Y8^
tnouab. Borlloatoo: Mr*' Robert Kav.
Pkaoikiln. and fab step<BOiber, Mrs. J. W.
Ward. Fcaoktt a.
John Clement
lobn Clement, colored, one of
Davie's oldest citizeb.s, dieil at his
home near Center last Tuesday.
John was about ^ years of age.
He was an indtisirioiis farmer and
leaves some good real estate. John
was a grown man when the Civil
War was in progress.
Bio — Obituaries — 1/10/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 12,1940 - Page 1
George McNeill
OeorgiQ MbNeUl, brather of
Robert S. MONem'of MocksvUle,
died Tuesday at his home In
FayettevUle. He was an ice man
ufacturer and miller, former
state senator and candidate for
lieutenant governor in 1936. The
funeral was held yesterday
morning in FayettevUle. He is
survived by his widow and four
Mrs. John Williams
Mrs. John WUliams, nLothei;,.o4i
Mrs. E. W. .Turner, died btondeiR
morning at the home of her spdr
d. V. Williams, in Winston. Ibe,
had been in ill health for S ye^i..
The funeral was . held Tue^yf
at Fork Churcbr
Bio - Obituaries - 1/12/1940 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CO o
-J z
o LU
3 >
who died at
his Home , iii, Winsrou Salem . on
GrCve, ;Davie county.; Mt." Cash
began his, career as an educator at
th^ age ,bf:16, when vh^^ec^ a
teacher at 'Fanhington an
-qiiehtlv 8erved^52 o^is j|^Years'
vin':' the Held':-.of educat/oiy^
[ teacher, principal 7 and; su^erin-
j tendent. -He retired' as Forsyth
County superintendent last, June.
His own formal education con
sisted of six months instruction at
j the old Salem Boys School and
two years at the University of
:J North Carolina. The rest tof his
education **from primer;- through
Ipgh school" wus gained under
the tutorship of his older brother,
^Leon. .
i During the 24 years he Headed
the ForsVth school system it grew
from 70 school of which 28 were
I the one-teacher variety, with a
; total of 5,000 students to a con-
; solidated system of 16 schools
I with an enrollment of 11,000.
; Property value of the schools
; jumped^during .that^ period ixom
! less thau a $100,o6o to more than
J $1,700,000. - •< I
i Mr. Cash, in addition to .his ac-
itivities in thejfieldrof education,
was a Mason, :a .charter member of
the., Winstdn-Saleih Uions' Club
and p«st,president, a member of
Centenary Methodist Chufch|and
superintendent for -several' years
of the Sunday school and latCT of
I the/adult department.—Wihston-
f>Salem Jo'umid ; ^ 1 J ^ ?
DAViE K-OQjjjj
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 17,1940
Mrs. J. R. Williams.
' PQneral servleea fnr Hn>. J. R.
Williams, 87. who died at the home
of heraoTi, C. V. WillUma. In Wins-
tOD'Salem, on Jan. 8th. followiiur an
iilneaa of pneumonia, were held at
Pork Baptist chnreh last Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Funeral ser*;
vices were conducted by Rov. Chaa.
51, Stevens, oaafated by Rev. June
Garter, and the hody laid to rest in
the church cemetery.
Mrs. Wililnma is survived bv three
sons. G. v.. ES. R. and P. B. WiU
lianis, all of Wlnaton^Salem. and
four daufthtprs, Mrs. B. W. Turner.
Mockaville; Mrs. K. L. Jones, Allan*
ts: Mrs. 3 B. Garwood and Miss
Flov Williams. Winston Saiem.
Mrs. Williams was a native of
Davie county, but for .the past ten
years had made her home with a eon
in Winston^alem. A mother in Is-
rsal has fallen.
Bryant B. Bailey.
Bryant B. Bailey. 81, died Saturday
night at the bficbO of his son. T. F. Bailey,
near Advaitoe. foHowIng a long UlReaa.
Mr. Bailey apeni bla entire life in thia
Mr. Battay ts survived bv oite sot). T. F.
Bailey, three grandehlldten. and oae great*
grand child. ^
PoBetai Mivleea were held at the home
Monday afcenioon at 2 o'clock, and at Ad
vance Methodist ohurch at 2:90 o'dflOk.
with Rev. 0. & Ferreo oSidatiQg. Burial
followed In 8h«dy Grove cemetery.
In the death of Mr. Bailey, DavIe coun
ty tosea one of her oldest and hast known
citizens. He witi be sadly missed in the
cmamsnity where he spent a long and
useful Ufa
Bio - Obituaries -1/17/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 19,1940 - Page 2
Brynnt B. Bailey, 81, died Sat
urday night at 10:48 o'clock ot
the home of a son, T. P. Baildy.
He had boon in 111 health for the
past year. He had made his home
with his son tor the post sovon
Mr. BoUey wos a sou of Rich
mond and EUsa Balloy. Ho spent
his entire lllo In Davle county.
Surviving aro one son, T. p.
Bailey; three grandchildren, W.
A., Hubert and Edith Bailey and
one grcat-grandehlld, William A.
The funeral wos held at tlio
homo Monday afternoon *at 8
o'clock and at Advance Church
at 2:30 o'clock. Burial was In
Advance Cemetery.
Rev. p. L. ^ttli, pastor, and
Rev. Farrcb of Tobaocovllle. of-
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 19,1940 - Page 3
CLEMMONS—Funeral services
were held Friday afternoon at
the Baptist church for Samuel
Conrad Davis, 53, who died at his
homo on Wednesday afternoon.
Rev. E. T. Sams, Rev. T. 8. Law
rence and Rev. Ralph Bassctt
conducted the service and Inter
ment was in the church ccmc-
Mr. Davis was a native of Da
vidson county, the son of 8am
ttol and Rebecca Davis. He mov
ed to Clcromons twenty five
years ogo and engaged ^n busl
ncss. Ho was a member of the
Baptist church.
Survivors Include the wife:
two sons, Jeff iind Blllle of 01c-
mmons; four daughters, Mrs.
Tom Bidden of Wlnston-Salem,
Mrs. Elmer Dunn. Misses Clau-
dle and Connie Mae all of Clcm-
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 19,1940 - Page 7
Laura Gaither
)o funeral of Mrs. Laura
icr was held Monday after-
at St. John's A. M. E. zlon
}ch. Mrs, Qalthcr was one of
oldest citizens of Mocksvlilo.
I wos BS years old.
Bio - Obituaries -1/19/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 24,1940
{sarah L. Brown Turner
Sarah L. Brown Tomer, daoghter of Gf.
Catherine Btvlae aod Boitoa ftown, was
bom Jan. 22. 1852; in Salisbory. Foor
yean Jocer the faraUir moved to Mocts*
ville. She was mairied to Piotaey Tor*
n^, Oct. 10. 1871. To tbta onltt were
bom fcor ehUdreo. They lived at Bfoeto*
ville two yeara and then moved to bto
home 21«2 miles from there. Ble. Thiacr
was a echdol teacher and taught fa^ many
years in diffsNot plaeeo in Davle and ad*
Joiniog ooootieo. They moved to some of
these places. Cool Sprinds. Coonty Lloe,
where he ttngbt, and to l!oclEiviU-> Baver<
al timer, hot with these ezcepcioor,. she
lived at her home, Mocksvitlo. R. i. the
remainder end greater poftlou of her life,
at which place she was residing at the
time she departed this life, Deo. II, 1939,
Fuoeral serricea were condncted at the
home Dec. 13rh. n* one o'doelr, by Thataa
Ptilchard. pastor of the Church of God.
near SiatesvIUe, and John W. Kdrfees, of
Winston Salem, a lifo'long friend of the
family, locmmeot was In the fondly ce
metery on the home place.
Aln. Tofoef is sorvived by one dangh-
teiv Bliss Dalsie, ana one son. Brown, at
home; one sister. Miss Sale Brown, of
Bloek&vilie; two nieces. Use lilBo Heron-
ey, of MocksviUe, end Mrs. J. C.' Hodges,
of Leaingma;iiaa nephaw, R. S. Ueitnrov,
Ashevillo, and a namber of other rela-
lives. She was a luemlhir of the Churoh
of God, and had been for Quite a nQmber
of years,'and stood firm for the faith She
had Iroenagrefltattidentof the Bible In
her earlier Ufa, and bad committed to me
mory a good portion of it. whiob aha nov*
er failed to bo aUa to repeat ahead of one
reading it. She enjoyed the comfort to
Christiana obtained bv reading It SI
gave heed to Its teaoblog aod put In prae-
tieo in her dally Ufa the piiodideg whteb
coostltnte rovereneo toward her Maker,
also dttty toward others. She was more
anxious about the comfort aod welfare of
others than herself. "Therefore aU things
whatsoever ye would that men abould do
CO you. do ye even so to them. Matt 7-12;
was one of her main procepta She wae
always ready, when able, to leod a help
loghand in limeof need. She had sirengA
and power to endora. in time of troub{e«
She broughr op family with discipline
and looked after their welfare, studied her
[own bnelness and was Bho Ebig SoliMiicn
expressed It in hla Proverbs whmi heeald}
**Ajui worketh willingly vitb her bahds.
Strength and honor ate her clotblDg; She
openeth her mouth wftb wisdom; a^ In
her tongue Is the law of kiodneaa,' Her
ddldren arise op.mid-cill her blessed, A
woman tbat Ceatnh the sho ibail te
praised.** She was a devoted n wife and
mother. Her hnshand departed tlds Bfe
Jfdy?, 1927. She was a liallhftil gt^ to
her children and never failed toglve'tbem
good advice. She eoeonnged and cbeeied
them along the shadowy scenes of Bfe*e
pathway, an^ was a acnrea of gnat pleas-
ore to them^ They hxdced to her and. re
garded bet ^ the beaoty of the home and
her. companlonsblp beyond vahre.^ Sbe
was qnatlfled to meet aU the damandi of
her realm with dignity and integnly and
stood on the merit of her own resonroo,
Sbe was to be admired for her sopmlor
qualities. She loved the bmtifal thiogi
of creation, the flowen'Midf, thebuddlag
trees and autamn loavea, asd with eseh
seaemi saw eometbing she admired and
eojtyed. and often npeated bita of poe
try enited to the occasion, that she lam
ed in chBdbood schooldays ns It wot sa-
calM to bdr mind by theaeenaaand hap
petilngs of the timea then present, Sho
was of a hindi geade, fastdtii^ diipoaic-
ion, a fgeaaiog iodividoaDty, madofttenda
andwasbeld in mnch esteem by her
many filends end oeqaeiialttnoes. The
brIlRaneo and bapplnesji her Ufa aSinded
f hoide a memoial^ posltloii deep la' tlm
minds of those who knew bm best, ^
%iroa indesd'a worthy, good woman. 8ha
did a good work, and her Inflosnee sbatt
notdle. bttt live on to establlth mrength
j for her. lha tips'of those who loved her
mpst, at 6^, coidd never ha desoribed.
fliMiigh canaotba lafdto satisfy the year-
Ding. iMip lustify the fondness, bat the
eweet rememhranee and m^tatioD of her
Is boood close to ooir hea^ aod shall ev-
eribua remain while nfe shall last with no.
Bio - Obituaries —1/24/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 24,1940
Marv'MatherlvH John Lewis Hanes
Yonng Udf Fatally
. Bnined.
Sllsa Jfaiy Matlierl)-, 16, of Coo-
leemee, died at Rowan Memorial
Hospital, Salisbury, 'Hifednesday
night, Miaa Matbcrty wa'a iatally
burned Wednesday when a bouse
e>)at she weafing caught 6re as ahe
stood before an open fire at the
home of ber uncle, Charles Brundle.
Pnoeral 8ervl.«8 were held at
the Cooleemee Baptist chnrch Fri
day afternoon at 3 o'clock, with
Rev. A. T Stottdemire in cbatge,
and the body carried to Advance
and laid tj -rest in Shady Orove'
Cemetery. Snrving b one slater,
Miss Lena Matherly, of Moores«|
ville and several annts and nodes, f
Former Davie Mao Dead
• I
Dr. lohn Lewb Hanes, do. son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Hanes, of Pnltoa township, ihts
coiinty, died Jo a Winston Saltm
bospittl last Tuesday morntng fol
lowing a short illness 'Dr. Hanes
left.Davie when a young man," go
log to Wiivtoo Salen, - where he
was a stndeot at Davis Militarv
School.' He graduated from Tri.
nitv College and the University of
Marylaod Medical College, at Bal
timore He practiced medicine- in
Winston for some time later moving
to Pine Hall. Dr. Hanto b sur*
vived hy hb widow, one son and
three danghters. Funeral and bu
rial services-tpok place at Pine Hall
Wednesday afternoon.
Bio - Obituaries -1/24/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 31,1940
Joe J. Allen
Former Oavie Man
Joe j. Alleo, sod of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Chaa. H. Alien, former*
Iv of Davie county, but later of
Kowao, died nt the botne of bis
sister, Mrs. J T. Graham, at Cleve
land, Saturday moroing, death re-
suiting from pneumonia. Funeral
services were Held Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock at tbc Orahiim home,
wiib Kev. Mr. Me»editb, pastor of
Cbiist Church, at Clevelaud, iu
charge. The body was brought to
Smith Grove Methodist church
cemetery and laid to rest.
Bio - Obituaries -1/31/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 7,1940
HifiS tfatlie ^rlin^, a fonnerre^
alient of Uock^ille, died in a
Wlj^da«SaIem hosfdlal. Friday
afternooD, following a month's ill
neu. Fnneral.aod burial seivices
wefc. beld in Winston Sakm Satnr*
Miss Sterling moved to Winston
Salem many yearn ago. bat bad
many friends In Mockaville who
will be sony to learn of her' deaths
She was a riater of the late Mta»
Willie' Smith, of Mockaville.
Hdver H. Hunter.
Funeral services f^r Melver M.
Hnnter o f Win8ton.Salero, who
died on Ian. 39, were held.at Union
Chapel Methodist chnfch last Toes
day aftemeon with Revs S. L.
Nra and K. O. Holt officiating,
and the body laid to rest in the
church cemetery* Mr. Hooter waa
a native of Davie jcoooty hot mov*
ed WioBton<Salem several years
Bio — Obituaries - 2/7/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 14,1940
Dr. William L Dodd.
Dr. Willlaoi IS. Dodd. 70, former
Ambassador to Germany, died at bia
borne bear Roand Hill. Va.^ Frldajr.
following an attack of pneumonia.
The funeral an burial aerviees took
place Sunday av noon, with inteiw
mentin the family burial srroond.l
Dr. Dodd is surviv^ by one aon, W.
E. Dodd. Jr.. and onedaUKbter, 8dra.
Aibert Stem. Two brothers. B. D,
Dodd. of Norlina. and Bev. W. H.
Dodd, of Moekaville, and one ,eiitef.
Mrs. Annie Dodd GriOln, hlso of
North Carolina, eursive. Dr. Dodd
was a native of Johnson cotuty.
J. Cicero ftnith.
J. Cicero Smith. 79. died Friday
at his home at Fork, followlns a lonir
illness. Fbneral service wore held
at Fulton lietbodiat ehorch Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Revs. C.
E. B. Ribineon and. P. L . Smith of-
distatinir. aud the body laid to rest in
the church eemetary.
Mr. Smith b survived by bis widow,
three sons,- A. V. 8n|Ub. DeLand,
Pla.; J. L. and C. L. I^th, Mocks*
ville, R^ 4; obe daushter, Mrs. Sam
Carter, Winaton-Salem. and one
brbthek; J. M. Smith,- of Davidson
J. H. Pamell.
John Hughes Paniell, 53, a na
tive of Mocksville. and a son of
Ibe late Mr. and Mrs. J T. ParoeU
of this city, died suddenly at bis
home in Win«ton-Salem Saturday
afterooou. Mr. Parnell had been
with the SotttUern Railway for the
pa»t 30 years. Surviving is the
widow, one son and three daugh.
terii, one brother, D. A. Parnell, of
Winstofl-Silem, and one sister,
Mrs Murry SmUb, of Salisbury.
Funeral services were held at the
home Mondsy afternoon at 7 o'clock
and the hody brought to Mocksville
and laid to rest in Joppa
J. R. Anderson
J. Frank Foster.
J. Fraok Foster, 70, a native of
Davie county, died Sunday morn
ing at 7 o'clock at bis home, Lcz-
ingtoD, Route 3, after a long ill*
ness. Surviviog are the widow,
Mrs. Lizzie Walser Foster, four
cbildren, two brothers, Mitch Fos
ter, of Davidson, and Reynard Fob-
ter, of Fulton, and one sitter, Mrs.
Frank Foster, of this city
Funeral services were held at
Reeds Baptist church Monday af*
lernoou at 3 o'clock, with Rev. N.
C* Teagne offidatlng. Burial fol
lowed to the church cemetery.
Attend Anderson Fan-
era! atRntherfordton.
Mr. and Mra. Z. N. Anderson went
to Rutherfordton. yesterday to aU
tend the foperal and burial of-^ber
brother. J. R. Anderson,' who died
in the Rutberfotdton bMpital Son-
day afiemoon. death resulting from
cancer. The last ritea were held
yesterday morning at 11 o'eloek.
Mr. Anderson was 58 years of age.
and is eorvlved by bia widow, fonr
sons end one daoghter; two slsteri*,
Mrs. Z. N. Andwson. of tbla city,
Mrv. J. B. ArmAeld, of Statesville,
and one brother. Dr. Fred Ander
son. Winaton-Saiem.
Mr. Anderson bad lived in Rother-
fordtonfor many years, end waa
manager of the Duke Power Co, in
that city. The sympathy of a host
of friends throughout this section
Is extended to Urs. Andttreon in the
death of her broths.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/14/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 16,1940 - Page 1
Funornl services were held
Monday afternoon for John
Hushes Parncll, 53, of Winston-
Saletn, who died Saturday af
ternoon. Services were conduc
ted at the home by Rev. J. H.
Brcndall Jr. and burial was at
Joppa cemetery.
' Mr. PamoU was born nt
MocksviUe March 4,1800, the son
of J, T. and Eliza Bailey Par
hell. He spent his early life In
Moclcsvllle. He was in the United
States Marines for four years.
For the past 30 years he has
been employed by the Southern
Railway, 20 years as warehouse
foreman. He was a member of
the Brotherhood of Railway
Mr. Farnell attended the Me
thodist church and Sunday
Survivors Include the widow,
who before moriiage was Miss
Robertlc Walkup; ,ono son. John
Hughes Parncll Jr.; three dau
ghters, Mary Louise, Virginia
and Anne Parnell; one brother,
D. A. Parnell; and one sister.
Mrs. Murray Smith, Salisbury.
Last rites were held Sunday
afternoon for Joseph Cicero
Smith, 80, at Fqlton church
with Rev. C. E. B. Robinson of
Coolcemce and Rev, P. L. Smith
of Advance conducting the ser
Mr. Smith died at.his home at
Fork Friday. He was the son of
William and Sarah Ann Davis
Smith. He was a member of As
cension Chapel at Fork.
Survivors Include his widow,
the former Sarah Wiiliams; one
brother, J. M. Smith; three
SODS, A. V. of DeLand, Florida,
J. L. and 0. L. of MOcksvlUc,
route 4; one daughter, Mrs. Sam
Carter of Wlnston-Salem; twen
ty grand and ten great grand
Pallbeorers were Sidney, Eu
gene, Harvey, Roboh, John and
Roy Bmith.
Alexander Infant
Buried Tuesday
Joe Douglas, infant son of Mr.'
and Mrs. Clarence Alexander,
died Monday night and was bu
ried at Libert Tuesday after
Bio - Obituaries - 2/16/1940 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 21,1940
John Henry Fry
(%iM Barned to Oealli.1
Jobn Rennr, 18*iiioailtf4l(l too ol Mr.
andMn llototd U. Fry, of Fatton.dted at
tlia MockBVille Hosnit^ Satoday alters
noon at 3:10 oWdt. death retuIihiB froin
trnma lecdved Saturday moniina about'
It o'cloA, trbeo the borne of Mr. and Mro.;
wee destroyed by fire Funeral servi^ <
ceo were at Fuhon Hetbodi&t ebureh.
Sunday efcetnuon at Z o'docli. coodooted
by Rev. Ft L. Smtlli, and the little body |
laid to refit la the ebtirch cemetery Stir-i
vfving i« the parenta and one brother. f
The fire ateited from some olothlng
hanglnd lu front of the fire plaoe, which
set the bed on fire in which the child was |
lying. The moiher wee In the hiichen, |
and when the entered the bodrtiem It was
In Q roan of flaroee* Mr. fey aud a Uttle
son w«fe In the yard when the mother
sriearoed for bel(h Mr Fry imbed Iguo
ibe buroiog bouae and brought the baby
out, recelvlQg bad burua oo his fece and
one band The child was rasbed to the
hflsidtal here, but the buttis proved fataL
The boose, the propmy of the late Dr.
Lewie Banee. together with all the eanh-
ly posst^oos of Mr. and Mrs, Fry. were
a total koa. They have the aympstby of
tiie entire ooturounlty lu thdr great lose.
The family to left peooUen, without food
and etothing. If aoyufour mden care
to assist thtofmdly.ii would be greatly]
apfuedated |
John Marcus Foster.
John Marcus Foster, 79. died at bia home
In Winston Salem Saturday cveniDg. fol
towlog a long illness. Mr. Poster wu a
native of Davie couuty, a eon of the tote
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Foster. He moved to
Winston about 33 years ago.
Mr. Foster to survived by his widow,
four sons and four daughters; tbreo sieters.
Mrs. W. L Call, of MochsvUle: Mrs Satlie
Speoeer and Mrs. C. M. Hauser, of Win*
ston Salein. aud one brother, H. L Foster,
of Statesville.
Foaerai services were held et the home
Moudar qfteraoou at 3:30 o'docfc, and the
body laid to rest In the Morovlan ceme*
tcry at Winston Satem.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/21/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 23, 1940 - Page 1
John Henry Frye
John Henry, 17-month-old
son of Mr. and Mra- Hnrold
(Buck) Pryc who llvcd about
two mllos from Fork on the Ad
vance road on the Hanes place,
died at the MocksvUlc hospital
laat Saturday afternoon. The
child v/os fatally burned while
asleep In a cradle In the room
where the lire started about 11
n. m.
Not only were the home and
conlunUi totally dcalroyed but
the family also lost about $50 In
money they had In the home, In
addition to their supply of
• freshly killed meat.
Mr. Prye was burned around
• the foco, neck and one hand In
• rescuing the child nnd Mrs. Frye
' had one hand burned.
The fire Is thought to have
' originated behind ft mantle
• where a brick had fallen cut
shortly prior to the fire. Mrs.
Frye was In the kitchen prepar
ing dinner, called her husband
• outside where he was at work
I when the fire was discovered.
The funeral for the child was
. held Sunday afternoon at Ful-
• ton church, with Rev. P. L.
> smith officiating. The parents
1 and a small brother survive!
The house, about 140 years
old, was one of the landmarks
In Davle county. It was about
75 feet long, Ihreo large, rooms
In ft row on the front and con
structed of oak nnd pine logs,
daubed, chinked, weather boar
ded and painted.- One of the
early American type, thp home
was built by Joseph Hanes, who
with his brother, Jacob, Mora-
viaho from near old Salom, set
tled in Fulton and each built
homes there. The Jacob Hanes
home is slUl standing. Joseph
Hanea wna the great grand fat
her'of Miss Sallie and Jake
Hanes of Mocksvillo and the
grand father of J. W. and P. H.
Hanes of Wlnston-Salcm.
The Frye family arc recupe
rating at the home of Mr. Frye'a
mother. The lafcter's sister, Mrs.
Richard Bier, a nurse of Ne
wark. N. J. Is attending them.
Funeral services for Rosa M.
Nichols, 50, were held Wednes
day at 3 o'clock at Turrentino
Baptist church with Rev. E. W.
Turner olflclatlng. Interment
was In North Cooleemcc ceme
Mi'o. Nlohols died Monday at
the Davis hospital hi Slatcs-
vlUc. She wua tl»u duughtcv of
Thomas and Ida Bumgarncr
Nichols of Wilkcs county. She
is survived by her husband, Wll-
borne S. Nichols; two daugh-
toro, Mra. Milton Taylor of route
4 and Clady at home; six sons,
Dallas of Concord, Howard,
Larry, R. 0. Jones, and Lacey all
at home; four slslcr.s, Mra. New
ton of WllkcB, Mrs. Cora Page
and Mrs. Alder McClanon of
Cooleemcc and Mrs. Dcwoy An-
geU of route 2; one brother, W.
• T. Nichols Of Page, Vo.; and
olevch grand children.
Pearl Campbell
Funeral services were held
Tuesday morning for Joanna
flr.hmltt, 0, who died Sunday at
the Mocksvlllc hospital. Ser
vices were conducted at the
walker Funeral Home with Rev.
A. W. Lynch holding the ser
vice and Interment was In Rose
Joanna was the adopted dau
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Qrant of Mocksvlllc, route 4.
; Pearl Campbell, 41, wl-
.iaw/ot Clifford Campbell, died
(flii^nly at her home in Coolec-
!l^'';f|Tueaday afternoon. Func-
^ndi'iervlces were held Wcdnes-
fdi^-lilternoon at the Presbyte-
ifiln^church, with Interment inIjrth Cooloomoa eomotory.
survived by 9 children, an
nother, 3 brothers and 3
, The family suffered a
y last year when Clifford
}cll was found dead in the
In North Cooleemee, ap-
ly the victim of a murde-
Bio - Obituaries - 2/23/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 23,1940 - Page 3
REDLAND—Rltea for J. B.
Ratte. 81, who died Tuesday
xDoming at his homo In Win-
Qton-Salom, were held last
Thursday momins at the homo
at 10:30 o'clock and at Bethel
Methodist church at 11 o'clock
with Rev. T. 8. Lawrence of
Olemmons, Rev. J. F. Carter and
Rev. J. W. Miller of Winston
Salem officiating. Burial was
In the church cemetery. Mr.
Rattz, born In Davlo county
1858, was the son of the late Hi
ram and Elizabeth Rattz, He
was a member of the Clenunons
Poptlst church. Surviving ore
two sons: J. C. Rattz of Fork, C.
F. Rattz of winston-Bolem and
one sister. Miss Ann Rattz of
Bio - Obituaries - 2/23/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 28,1940
George L. Jones.
; Georgo L. Jones, 52, formerly uf Moeka-
viUe. bnc for the past 15 years a resident
of Wloston Saleip, died in- a Twln*City
b'tspiial Saturday morning.
Funeral servlcea ware held at the First
Reformed Church, Win$ron«Saieffi, Sun*
dav afternoon at S;SO o'clock.
Mr. Jones ia survived by bis widow,
coo daughter. Mrs. Mabel Angell, of Ker-
nsroville. R. 1; one son, Jock, of Winston*
Salem; two sisters. Misses Ella and Anno
Jones. otCooleemee; two brothers WiUlam
Jones,'of ^leemee, and Spencer Jones^
dories bad been en employee of the
Standard Oil Con for 20 years. He bad
many frlepda in Mocksvllte and Davte
odoDiy. who were saddened by the neno
of bfs death. The Record extends sym*
piiby to the bereaved family la tbia ead
Mrs. W. H. Sain.
Mrs. W. H. Saiii. 46. died Saturday
night at ber borne In RoWao county, near
Salisbury. She bad been in dcdlnintf
heoltb for sometime.
Mrs. Sain, the former Miss Rebecca
Elixabeth Williams, was a native of Davio
county, daughter of Mrs. Robert Lee Wii*
liaiAS., Her mother survives.
'. Snrylvlod are two eons, three bratbero,
apd n^sister, Mrs. Fred Lsnler, of Moeko*
The funeral was held Mcndoy morning
at'llo'ctock from Oak GtOfve Methodist
Bio - Obituaries - 2/28/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 1,1940 - Page 1
Rebecca Elizabeth Sain
Native Of Davie .
Dies In Rowan
Funeral services were hold
la'^t Monday at. the oak orove
Methodist church for Mrs. Re
becca Elizabeth Sain, 40, widow
of W. H. Sain who died the pri
or Saturdoy at a Salisbury hos
pital v.'horo sho had been a pat
ient for 4 months. The service
was conducted by the Rev. Mr.
Williams of Woodleaf and In
torment was In the church co
Mrs. Sain, a native of Davie
county and tho daughter of the
late R. L. and Mrs. Bel! Williams,
lived at Dunntown in Rowan.
She is survived by her mother,
Mrs. Robt. Lee Williams of Ro-
wun; by two sons, A. B. of
route 1, Salisbury, and W. H.
Sain at home; by a step son, W.
C. Sain of Statesvllle; by 3 bro
thers and a sister: Jasper, Tom
my and Robert Williams of Ro
wan, Mrs. Fred H. Lanler of
Mocksvllle, route 1. Two grand
children also survive.
Pallbearers were W. £L and
Clyde Steele, Harry Johnson
Mr. Shaver, Rod Powlass andl
Clyde Burton. Flowers were ini
choice of Miss Katie Lou Ora-|
yes. I
Bio - Obituaries - 3/1/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 6,1940
Samiiel It. Foster.
Samuel Roy Foster, iiS, di^ Friday
fnorning at bis borne at Redland.'
Surviving are the widow; twoffanghteiB,
Mrs. J. M. Sofley and Mra. G, F. HcDanlei
J of Advance, Route 1; three sono. Tavlor
Foster of Forsyth county, J. Roy and Eu»
getio Foster of tbe htime cad two truthers;
Jobo Foster of Melbourne, Flo, and Robert
L. Foster of Advance, R. I,
The funeral wan beld nt betbel M, E,
churcb Sunday aftemcoa at 2o*doek* Bu
rial -was in the church graveyard.
Mrs. Ida May Cuthrell.
Mrs. Ida May Cuibreli, 43, wife of George
W.Guthrei', died Friday at her ho;ne In
Oooleemee, etier aeveral months* illness.
Surviving are her parents, her.buaband;
two sons and four daugbtert, five bratbere
and two. shiera. The funcual was beld
Sunday afiecnooh at 3 o'clock at Che borne
and burial was at Liberty Methodist cfaurcb.
Lee Anderson Qoare.
Lee Anderson Clouse, 76, died at bis
home near Stoltb Grove Sunday evening
at 8;30 o'clock. followla|i a lopg Illness.
Funeral services were beld at Smith
Grove Methodist cbuicb Tuesday aftemooo
at 2 o'clock, with Rev. J. W. Vestal offi
ciating, ond tbe.body laid to rest in the
church cemetery. . n
Mr. Clouse is survived by bis widow
and two sisters, Mrs. 0. C. Austin, of
Statesville, and Mrs. Paul Cu b, of Wins-
Loniiie Ssnferd Bowles.
Lonnle Sanfbtd Bowies, 6S,'life loiig ra-
Mdentof.Daviecoanty.-was fioiind dead
near his hunw sis mites west'of Uoeks-
vlUe^ about one o'uloclr Thursday aftufw
noon. The body was fonnd by John Scott,'
colored. wbo was on bis-way to tbe borne |
vf Mr. Bowles to cut some wood. Mr.'
Bowles left home abooc 10 o'ctbck Thurs
day morning to do some work on tbe road
leading from bis bouse to tbe CannOak'
Grove road.
Mr. Bowles bad been suffcting for some
time with bem dropsy, and ove^exer^
tloo Is^ielieved to have oansed his dealb.
Funeral servlcea were held at Oak Grove
Bletbodkc churcb Friday aftenxwn at 4
o'clock, with Rev. £. M. Aveit, cflldaiiog.
aiKl tbe body laid to rest lo tbe cfauiob
Mr. Bowles is survived by two tusteru,
Mrs, Laura Peniy. at bume. and Mrs. B.C.
Metuney. of ibis dty. several oeices and
- Mr. ^wlea was well known ibtotigbdUt
this couiisunity, and bis death bas
teougbt sadness to bis many frieads The
editor of The Record will miss this good
friend. To ibo berehyed slstets and ether
relatives we extend deep sympstby in this
hour of sadness. n
JoIhi Richard Bowlea.'
Rlcb^ Bowled, 69. died
' mMiilbfl at bis h'tfme In B^atraiipolls; Fiiu-.
-era]kctprlceaweteb^Buntey afteroppn
;at'|'o*duclc, Untoa Cba^l Methodist
'(dpueb. and tio body Idid to' lesf In tjia
cemetery.' . Mr. Bowles bad made
?hlk in Xannopollsfqr about IByears-
f^Bpi^Iving are the widow, dx- son^. two
'^ougbtera.'a slater;' ^'se brothen,' Noah ^
".Bowies, OCla Bowlea and W. E« Bowles.'
' uiilpfDayiecoaiity.. ' i
Bio - Obituaries - 3/6/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 8,1940 - Page 1
Funeral services were held
last Saturday afternoon at the
oak orove church ror Lonnle 8.
Bowles. 03. who was found dead
In the road at his home near
Cana last Friday about noon;
Mr. Bowles, a beloved and wide
ly known citizen of the county,
Is thought to have hod a heart
attack while working on the road
which leads Into his homo.
Son of Qoorgo W. and Clem
entine Vaughan Bowles, tho de-
ccoscd is survived by two sis
ters: Mrs. Laura Pcnry with
whom ho lived and Mrs. K. C.
Mcronoy of Mocksvillo.
The service was conducted by
Rev. E. M. Avett, assisted by
Rev. A. W. Lynch and Rev. W. J.
S. Walker. Tho body lay In state
at the cl\urch for a half hour
prior to tho service and inter
ment woe in the chtiroh como-
Pallbearers were Jake and
June Meroney. L. M. Dwiggins,
Charles .Bunch, .Beale Bailey
and Roy Nichols.
Funeral services will be held
this morning at 11 o'clock at the
Salem Methodist church (or
Fatten Monroe Gartner, SO. be
loved native of Davle county on
route 4 who died at a States-
vllle hospital Wednesday after
noon. In declining health for
several years, Mr. Gartner hos
been at the hospitoi since Sun
Son 01 William Arthur and
Elizabeth Thomas Cnrtner, the
deceased is survived by his wi
dow, formerly Miss Julia E.
Foster whom he married 5fi
years ago. and two children;
William M. Gartner and.Mrs.
O. O. Dwiggins, both of thocoun
ty. Two brothers and a sister al
so survive; J. F. Gartner, of Da-
vie, A. A. Gartner of -Iccddli and
Mrs. R. M. Uames of Mock^-
vUle. : .
Mr. Gartner spent tats wtire
life In Davle.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 8,1940 - Page 4
8tS^1. R. FOSTER
Funeral services for
Roy Foster, 68, were hcldS
at Bethel church with Rei
I Vestol assisted by Rev. Cd
'er conducting the senrletj
• Mr. Foster died Friday
,home In the Redland
nity. He was the son ol &
and Jennie Allen Foster,
survived by his wider
Pearl Smith Foster: two
tors,-.Mrs;- J, M. SoBey ad
O. P. MMcDapiei. ,of
route 1; three.- sons, lb
Forsytta.county, Ji-Roy
gene at .homa;. two
John Foster.of Melbouiti
rlda and Robert L. ol
route 1.
Active pallbearers \»-
C. 8. Dunn, Robert L.
Olenn dmith, Albert
Oliver Myers, Major Bee
Honary pallbearers vrcrr
Smith, M.K. Allen ond
Bio - Obituaries - 3/8/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 8,1940 - Pages 1 and 4
Leander Arthur Clouse
Funeral services for Leander
Arthur Clouse, 70, who passed
awny at his home In Smith
Orovo Sunday night, wore con
ducted Tuesday afternoon at 2
o'clock from Smith Orovc Me
thodist Ohurch. Rev. J. P. Vestal,
postor of the church, conducted
the final rites.
Mr. Clouse was born In Davlo
oounty, Dooombor 33, 1803, con
Of the late Leander Arthur and
Anne Naylor Clouse. He spent
his entire life In Davlo county.
The deceased wa's one of the
best known residents in the
county,. Re took an active part
In the of the community, es
peclally hk the church, until lU'
health forced the curtailment of
his activities several months ago.
He had held every official of-
Continued on Page Four
flee in Smith Grove Methodist
Church, serving for many years
as superintendent of the Sunday
School, as a leader In the choir
and on the official board.
He was widely known as a cri
er of sales and as court crier
for Davle superior court. He had
conducted sales throughout the
county and until a few months
ago was a familiar figure at all
terms of court In his official ca-i
paclty as crier.
Mr. Clouse married Miss Mary
Martin over 83 years ago. Mrs.
Clouse, who , survives, widely
known in the community, was
familiarly known as "Aunt Pol
ly". They resided In the home
where Mr. Clouse lived for 3S
years and in the same commu
nity since their marriage.
Although survived by no chil
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Clouse raised
their niece, Miss Clara Martin,
who survives. Miss Martin and
her uncle, John Martin, lived In
the home with Mr. and Mrs. Clo
"Uncle Loo" as ho was affec
tionately known by young and
old alike, was particularly fond
of children and wherever he
went, the youngsters loved him.
His work In the Sunday School
of Smith Grove church woa
particularly with tho chUdrcn.
He taught them, to sing and cn-
codirago their'efforts la this and
other church and community
Survivors Include, besides his
wife, two sisters, Mrs. p. p. cash
of Wlnston-Salcm and Mrs. 01-
llo Austin, of StatesvUlc;. and a
host of nieces and nephews and
SCvc^ grand nieces and ncn-
Pallbearers were C. P. Warda C. Hendrlcka, O. C. Hanes, 3.
W. and D. p. Taylor and C. M.
■Poster. - ■
Bio - Obituaries — 3/8/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 13,1940
Rev. W. A. NeweQ.
(WiovtOD^atftn Journal)
DaritiR his tfairiv.Mved years -of
ministry as pastor and presiding
elder of the M. E. Chnrcb,. Soothe
Rev, W. A. Jewell served dlveis
dbtrkts and cbarRes includiOR tliat
of Whutofi SalecD, always nerform*
itnc faubfolty, and. in a idfted mu-
oer the cause of the KloRdom al^
the higher welfare of the people ^
mong wtaoin be liccd and worked.
In bis mainrer years be took Ricat
interest in the epcotiraRentent-of
^ng men in their piofmtosel
fdneatioQ. and pastoral work, in*
sfdring them to do them to do their
Not only methodisiD but the.
whofe social fabric of the state lo^
mneb in the deikb of Rev. Newdl,
who meant as mneb in tbe r^lgibds
realms as bis brother. Joke F.
Ne^ll of Charlotte, baa meant in
realms political.
Geo. W. Howard.
George W. Howard, 82, was foand dead
In his bed, Prtday ofiaenina at ibo homa of
a douebter. Mrs Dora Howard of Smith
Grove, where he lived Funeral B>Tvlces
were beid Sunday afternoon atSoVlockaC
Smith Grove Afmbodist church.
The rites were conducted by Rev John
W. Foster of Cooleemee and intermeot was
in the cbufch eemetery. Mr. Howard was
a meintier of tbe Bizby Fresbyteriao
He is anrvived by another danghtm;
Mrs. Harriett Rc^r, of HontevavfUe, two
SODS, W. H. Howard, of Cooleemee and
Vance Howard t/t BfockaviUe; and a nnm*
her of grandddldreo.
P. H. Carti^'Pasws.
P. Mopf'*!' Cartoer, So, of Mocks*
riUtr, R. 4; died at Davis H^pilal,
StatcKviiie, at 3 o'clcrk VFedne^
dsy afteruoon, death resulting from
heart trouble. Mr. Gartner bad
been in bad'health for several years.
He was carried to StatesviUe on
Sunday before his -death, when he
entered tbe hospital for ircatment.
Mr. Gartner was a nvtive of
Davie connfcv, having spent all his
life in Calaboln township. He was
a son of the late Mr.' and Mrs. Wil
liam Cattner, of the Rappa section,
and was a progressive farmer.
Mr. Gartner is snrvlved by his
widow, one von, William M. Cart*
ner, one dangbter. Mrs. O. C.
Dwiggins. boib ttf Calahain; two
brothers. A, A. Gartner, of Iredell
county, and J. P. Gartner, ol Gala,
halo; one sisier, Mrs R. U. Ijames,
I of Mockeville.
I Mr. Gartner bad been a member
of Salem Methodist chnrch for over
hfiy years, and served as a steward
for matty years.
I Funeral services were held at
Salem Methodist church Friday
morning at 11 o'clock, with Revs.
E. M Aveit in charge, assisted bv
Rev. A. W. Lvneh, and the boiy
jlaid to rest in tbe chnrch ceme
tery. Mr. Gartner was. well koown
tbrongbout this entire section, and
jwill he sadly misswd. To the tie
reaved family and relatives The
Re'^rd extends sympathy in Ibia
sad hour.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/13/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 15,1940 - Page 1
Alia. Oleaiie Jarvli Wall, ID
died Tuesday morning at hex
home at Fork. The funeral ww
held Wednesday altemooa a1
Fork Baptist church. She la sue
vlved by her husband, Woodrow
Wall, and two small children.
Funeral services were held
yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock
at No Creek Baptist church for
Mrs. Blanche Harvey Forrest, 30,
who died Wednesday shortly af
ter noon at her home in Jerusa
lem township. Interment was In
the church cemetery.
She Is survived by her hus
band, Win Forrest; by her par
ents, Mr. ond Mis. John P. Har
vey,' by d sons and 3 doughtersj
Harvey of Unwood, W. D., J. P.
and Robert, Hnzol, Frances and
Peggy, oil at home; by 2 bro-
thoirs and 3 sisters; Roy 0. Hor-
vey and Wendell Harvey of Lin-
wood, Mrs. B. R. Potts, Lexing
ton; Mrs. Grace Rosa, Llnwood;
Mrs. Howard Saunders. High
Point, • .
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 15,1940 - Page 2
KAPPA—P. M. Gartner of this
community died March G at 3
o'clock at the Davis Hospital af
ter a short illness. Mr. Gartner
spent his entire life here In Da-
vlc county, devoting his time
and life to his family and farm
ing. Early in life he married
Miss Betty Foster of this com
munity. To this union was born
three children. Two who survi
ve ore William Gartner at home
and Mrs. O. C. Dwlgglns of this
Funeral services were conduc
ted Friday morning at 11 o'clock
at salcm church with Rev. Avett
of Mocksvlllc In charge, assisted
by Rev. Lynch of MocksvlUe.
Pallbearers were William and
Sam Gartner. Paul Foster, Ed
Dwlgglns, William Turner and
Ervin Wilson. Flowers were In
chorgc of Misses Mary Etta Gar
tner, Edrio Wilson, Zecia Ko-
ontz, Mrs. Fred Gartner and Mrs.
Vestal Gartner. Interment was
In the church cemetery.
Bio — Obituaries - 3/15/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 20,1940
Mrs. Wo(drow Wall.
Mrs. Woodrow Walt, dird at bei
home near Forte last Taesday moro-
Idf!, followiog a'staort illness*
Fnoerat services were held at
Fotle Baptist church Wednesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock, with Rev.
Mr. McCarter in charge, and the
body laid to rest. in cbarch ceme
tery. ;
r'Mrs. Wall is survived by ber
bttsband and two yonng chitdren.
W. .M.. Biokley.
j W. M. Bloklay, S3, machinist at Etwia
cntton milt, dlid Sunday aftenioon at his
home in Coolcemee, after ao Uloeta of a
few days. He la survived by his widow;
chree sisters, Hiaa Betty Binbley, of this
city, Mrs. N. A Burton, of Clevdaod. and
Bdrs. H. W Armowonby. of TbomasvUle;
twobrotbecs, R.U Binktey. of Tboaias-
viUe, andSam F. BInklee, of ibia dty.
Fnneral setvloea were held yeatmday at 3
p. m, at Gooleemee Methodist cbuicb.aad
biHal was 10 Joppa cemetery.
Mrs. William Forrest
Mrs. William Forrest, 38, died at
ber borne in lernsalem township
Wcdnesdav'alterncoD, following an
illhe^.of three months.
Fttocral services were held at
Noe Creek Baptist cburcb Thurs
day aftemooo at a o'clceic, with
Rev. £. M. Avett eonductiog the
services, and the body laid to rest
in the.cbnrcb cemetery.
. Mrs. Forrest la survived ber
buslttDd and several children.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/20/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 22,1940 - Page 1
Funeral servces were hold yes
terday morning ot the Smith
Orovc Methodist church for
Mrs. Ann Trivoltc, 70, who died
Tuc^ay alterncon at her home
at Smith Grove. Burial was In
the church cemetery.
She Is survived ny ncr hus
band, David W. Trlvette; by a
daughter, Mrs. Mary E. Howard
of route 4; by two sisters, Mrs.
Rachel lowers. Advance, route
1, and Miss sylvunia Dlnklns of
The following step daughters
and step sons also survive: Mrs.
G. L. Seamon. Mocksvllle; Mi's.
Velo Money, Yadkin county;
Henry Trlvette, route 2; Son-
ford of Yadkin county, Alonzo
of route 1 and David Trlvette of
Advance, route 1.
Last rites were held Tuesday
for William Marvin Blnkley, S3,
who died at his home on Duke
St. In Cooleemco Sunday after
noon. Services were held at the
Cooleemec Methodist church
and Interment was In Joppa ce
metery In Mocksvllle. ,
Mr, Blnkley was born in For-
syth county June 27,^1886, the
son of J. W. and Jane Tcsh Bln
kley, He married Miss Ger
trude Bulln Abgust 25, 1009. He
had been .<ilck only two days pre
ceding his death. Mr. Blnkley
was employed as machinist at
the Erwln Mills.
Survivors include his widow;
three sisters, Miss Betty Blnk
ley of Mocksvllc, Mrs. N. A, Bur-
ton of Cleveland, Mrs. H. W.
Armsworthy of Tiiomosville; two
brothers. R. L. Blnkley of Tho-
masville and Sam F. Blnkley of
Mocksvllle: and a number of
neices and nephews.
T. 6. UKEY
Funeral acrviccs for Thomas
Galthcr Lakey, 79, will be held
Saturday morning at 11 o'clock
at the Cross Roads Baptist
church with Rev. James Groco
conducting the service.
Mr. Lakey, a prominent far
mer, merchant and lumberman,
died at his home Thursday
morning at 4:30 o'clock. He was
the son of Elchnah and Nancy
McBrlde Lakey.
He Is survived by his widow,
the former Miss, Maggie Clod
folter; three sons, F. R., R. W.,
E. S., all of route 2; two daugh
ters. Mrs. L. R. Harkcy of Alex
andria, Va*. and Mrs. X. O. Ro-
bcrls of route 2; one brother,
N. O. Lakey of route 2 and one
sister, Mrs. R. W. Colemon of
Klngsman, Kansas, also survive
Bio - Obituaries - 3/22/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 27,1940
James Edward Smith
Mrs. David Trivette.
Ufa. DavM Tthratte. 70. iBed at b«r
[ffitailtli Orove Toetday. ^eral
iMvlcsa Wd TNisdaymOtotog ai
Smitb&ove Methodist chat^. and the
body laid to reit to tba ehareh eeoielesy.Mta-Triyottatoadrrteed hr her bashaad.
oee daog^. 8od two aiftaa. A som*
berof stop aooa and awp-datiWW also
Jndgc dine Dead.
Former Superior court judge £.
B. Cline, 73, of Hickory, qied last
-Wednesday, following r n extended
illness. Judge Cline bed pracitced
law la Hickory for more ibao half
a ccDturv. Dariiia bin term oit tbe
'.bench be prt-aided uv.er lu-o orniore
terms of Davie coun. The cJnor
of Tbe Record baa k'.tnu n Ju^'ge
.Clipe for oe«rlv 50 year-, aud is
Sony to chronicle the deatb of this
taigb^tootd Chriatian gentleiran.
He will be missed ibroughoui Wea
tern Carolina and expeci^liy in his
Itome city and cotioiy. A gentte-
man of tbe old scbooi has gone to
b<s reward. We shall miss bis
^nirm band clasp and friendlv greet*
log. Peace to bis ashe.s.
Bio — Obituaries - 3/27/1940
A Friend Is Gone.
Oae by one our friends are cross
ing the river and testing cn the I
other side. Since coming to Davle
county 33 years ago we have writ
ten hnndreds, perhaps tbonsands of
c'eath notices, many about ft lends
of long standing and many about
people who were strangers to us.
When a friend of long standingdies,
it is donbly sad when called upon
to chronicle the deatb.
Another of our old friends has
been called to his reward*-a man we
have known and taonoied since first
coming here among stratigers. It is
with a sad bean that we write of
our old friend-, "Uncle Ed" Smith,
as we always liked to call taim, who
parted away at-bls borne in Wins*
ion -Salem Thursday afternoon
sbonly after five o'clock, following
a long illness.
James Edward Stnitb. 83, was
one of Davie county's oldest and
best beloved citizens. He spent
most of his life in Farmingtoo town,
ship until about 9 years ago, when
be tnoved to Winston-Salem. He
always returned to Davie 10 spend
the summer nntil tbe deatb of his
wife about two years ago. Tbe
last time we talked to "Uncle Ed.'
be told us that be was very sick and
did not Ibtnk be would ever be able
to visit bis old home again.
Mr. Smith is snrvived ny thi
sons, J. P. Smith, Sontb Pasadena!
Call., R. C. SfflUh, of Win8ton*SaJ
lero, and C. D. Sniiib, of RedlaodJ
four daoghters, Mrs. J. A. Kit
broogb, Mrs. Nan Roberts ani
Ofrs R. A. Womack, of Winstoi
Salem, and Mrs. 0. O Sboit,
Abbeville; two brothers, George ai
Sanford Smith, ot Redlaod, aui
one sbter, Mrs. Cordelia SmItI
of Farmingtoo.
Funeral services were held at
o'clock Saturday afteroonn at Betl
leliem Mctbodist church, conduct^
by Rev. J. W Vestal, and the F
laid to rest in tbe cbnrch cemeiel
in tbe presence of a large concenri
of sorrowing frietids and . lelative]
The editor of Tbe Record extent
heartfelt rympatby to tht -bereat
children, broinets and sister Ip il
deatb of thb loving father an^
I brother.
Thomas G. Lakey.
. Tbot. 6* Lakev. 79. died at bis hoire
nearCaoa, Thursdav morning, following
UO Illness of flu and pneumonia. Fun» •
al services were held S»turdsy morning at
11 o'clock at Coonnev Raoilat church, with
Rev. James Qmoe ofneiailoit, and tbebcdy
I Id to.rest in the church cemetery.
Mr. Lakey la eurviV'-d by hia widow;
three sons, F. K., R. w., at.d E. S., nil of
Davie County, and two dough era. Mrs. I •
■R. Harkey. of Ali-xunoria. Vo., ann Mrs
L G. Roberta, of route 2 One brother. N
W. Lakey, of R. 2. and one siaier, M"«. R.
W. Coleman of Ktnsxman, K-imbmp, iso
' Mr lAikay whh rtne of Davl- 'a olde.-t and
best known ciirzens, and the comnmuity
In which be lived for so many years, was
aaddened by bis death. Tbe Record ex-
tciidt symp itfiy lu ih b -riavtj r.. ui:, .'
Bbt df«b of tblt good man.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 29,1940 - Page 1
Mrs. Hal P. Elliott
R. s. McNeill loses
services were held here Monday
afternoon for Mrs. Hal P. Ei>
liott, .who died laic Satiirdcy
night nt her home on Orcen
street of a sudden heart nt<
tack. The service wn.s hold at 3
o'clock ot St. John's Episcopal
church, of which Mrs. Elliott
was a lifelong member. Mrs. El
liott before her marriage was
Mi.<}s Bessie McNeill of this city,
daughter of the late Captain
James D. McNeill and Mrs. Eli
zabeth Strange McNeill. She
was married to Mr. Elltott in
1014. They rcslddd In Louisville,
Ky., and In Ashevllto before re
turning to Faycttovlllo to make
their home some years ago. She
was a sister of the late Colonel
George McNeill, who died here
January 0. Surviving are her
husband ond five brothers and
sisters, Mrs. H. N. Parsley, James
S. McNeill, and Mrs. Phillips W.
Halgh of Fayettevllle; Mrs. Paul
C. Collins of Hlllsboro, and Ro
bert 5. McNeill of Mocksvllle,
assistant district attorney for
the middle district of the United
I States courts.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/29/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 29,1940 - Page 2
REDLAl<n>^ James Edward
Smith 83, who during his active
years, was one of the best tcnown
formers In Davlc county, died,
last Thursday afternoon at his
hnmc in WlnRton-Salem after
n critical illness of two weeks.
He bad been in deolining health
for the past year and had been
confined to bed since last Au-
Mr. Smith was born in Davlo
county October 15,1859, tlie son
of the lale LevI and Levlna Ha
ding Smith. He was morricd Au
gust 5, 1880, to Miss Mary Ully
douse, who died July 14, 1938.
Mr. Smith had been a resident
of Winston-Salem for the past
nine years, although he spent his
oummers at his summer homo in
Havie county until the death of
his wife.
Surviving are three son's J.
F. Smith of Pasadena, Cat. C. D.
Smith of Davle county and R. c.
Smith of Wlnston-Salom. Four
daughters, Mrs. J. A. Klmbrough,
Mrs. Han Roberts and Mrs. R.
A. Wommack of Wlnston-Salem,
Mrs. O. D. Shutt of AsheviUe.
Two brothers, S. R. Smith and
George Smith of Davle county.
One sister, Mrs. Cordelia Smith
of Formington.
Funeral services were held
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock
at Rolhol Methodist church with
Hev. J. W. Vestal officiating. Bu
rin! was In tile church cemetery.
PoUbcarcrs were nephews of
the deceased Including Grady,
Ben. Bryan, Glenn. Otis and
Russell Smith.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/29/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 3,1940
Mrs^ Caroijn Clu|iiiD.
Mis. Carolyn Ho^rd, died at
tbfi home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
deanchamp, at Bixby« early Friday
ivorulnftf folio wins a long lilnets,
atted 80 years.
Funeral services were held at the
Beaticbamp home at 10:30 o'cio- k'
Saturday moruins and at Mock's
Methodiht Cbhrch at it o'clock,
W Rev., L. A. Smith, of Ad*
iru e, and f, W. Foster, of Coo.
li^mee cosdnctiDS the last rites.
Burial followed iu the chdrch ceme*
Mrs. Chaplin is survived by one
neics, .vlrs. BsHucit'iuip, of Dixoy.
and iwc nephew.", C. M Sncet", oS
^^inston Sal .'in. and Juhn Potts, of
i^r Aivancc.
Mis. Chaplin was first tnaniid to
Albert Howard, v/bo die! in 1931.
The second n irria^e • as to JosUam
Chaplin, who died :p. 1935.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/3/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 5,1940 - Page 1
Funeral services were, held
Wednesday afternoon at Smith
Grove Methodist church for
Daniel Wilson Smith, 05,^ who
died at his homo on route 3
early Tuesday morning. Rev.
Jl W. Vestal conducted the serv
ice and Interment was In the
church cemetery.
Son of Jonathan and Emma-
llne Sheek Smith, the deceased
Is survived by his widow, form
erly Miss Mary Miller; by a
daushter, Lasora, and by a son,
Chal. One grandchild also sur
K. A. Shultz
(EWecal Services
N. a: Shultz, 09, died at his
'Sunne early Monday following a
.serious illness of one week. He
had lived In Cooleemee for 13
years, having come from Illi
He Is survived by his wife, two
daughters, Mrs. R. H. Morefleld.
of KannapoUs, and Mrs. H. O.
HUor, of Cooleemee; two grand
children: a twin brother, B. m.
Shultz, of South Dakota, and
ifarco sisters, Mrs. Nettle Sam
mies, Mrs. Sylvo Spry and Miss
Helilo Shultz, all of lowan.
Tho funeral was conducted
'Wednesday afternoon at Deep
Creek Baptist church in Yad-
fein county.
Bio — Obituaries — 4/5/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 10,1940
<. W. M. Potts.
. 'M. W. Potts, QO, died Satardav
oiorainf; at his horns near Cornai
n The funeral was held at the home
Sttoday afternoon at a o'clock and
at Ad'aoee Baptist Cburcli ot 2:50
o'clock. Rev. James Groceand I.
W* Foster rondntted the services.
Burial was in the church grave,
Surviving are five sons, W. G.,
D. J., and N, C., Potta of Mocks,
yille, Route 3; J T. Potta of CoU
fax and E. L. Potta .ot Norfolk,
Va.{ one danahter, Mrs G. R.
Robertson of Mocksvijlle, Route 3.
Mrs. Victoria Hendrix.
Mrs. Victoria Heodrix, fiS, died ot (he
henie dangl{ttir; Mrs. C. R.Ptowmon,
oo.Lealoilt^ street Mdndap morning at.4
o^nock.. '^Funeral jwere held at ttm
hbnie yesterday moroit^ at iOo'€lflelt.caA.
.ducted by Revs. W. C W. J. S.
Walker and E, M.'Averi, and'the body
lohl to rest In ioppa' cemccery. Mra.
Hfsodriz la snrvlved by (jmedaDghter. Ura.
phrwmen, and one biotl^r Je^e Heodrix,
R. F. Clay
Marine Killed In Wreck]
Comorol R P Clay, of BecUey, Va., wan
instantly hilled and W. R Hall and GL A.
Murray, the lonnef of Bccliley, Va« and
; Ilia latter of Lexlnoton. Va, were badly
injortd at 1:15 o'clock Monday momlog,
when their car. a Dodge, driven by Hall,
left the highway near the Pierce Foste;
> home. Slid ran loth an electric fight pole,
tnfowing Clay out He fdl on the con-
cteie drive*way into the Foster Iot*-.
8«is(ainlng a broken neck and a fractared
skull. Murray Is said to have a fractured
akuti, while Hall received head lojariea.
(The wounded men were hrooitti to Mocha*
ville Hospital, and the body of C'ay was
taken to the Walker Funeral H* ni*. The
young men were members of ibe U, S.
Marines, and were stationed at Paria Is*
I land, S. C. They were on their way to
camp alter visiting retstlves In Vinlnla.
An inqnest was held at lha coon boose
. Monday afternoon and the Corooor'a Jury
* fonnd that the accident was onavoldahte
Daniel W. Snnfii.
Daniel W, Smith. 73, died at his
home near Smith Grove early last
Tiierday moriiinx, iollcwing a
stroke nf-paralysis at)Out three
weeks ago.
Fnneral services were held at
Smith Grove Methodist church
Wednesday aiternoon at 3 o'clock,
with bis pastor,. Rev. J. W. Vestal,
in charge, and ibe body laid to rest
in the churcb cemetery,
Mr. Smith is survived by bis wife,
one daogbter, Miss Lizota Smith,
and one sod, Cbal, both at home.
Mr* Smith was a consistent mem*
her of Smith Grove Methodist
chtfrcb. and prevtnns 10 hL« illness,
bad not missed a cbnrcb service In
14 years. He will be sadly misned
in bis church and the community
in which be spent bis entire life.
Thn Record has lost a good friend
in tne^eatb of this go<^ man. To
the berraved family we extend
sympathy in this honi of sadness.
Mrs. S. F. Strood.
Mrs. S. F. Stroud, 59, died
Thursday morning at her home
near Harmony. Fnneral services
were held at Clarksburry Metho
dist church ot 11 o'clock with Revs.
J. G. Winkler and R. V. Martip
conducting the services, and ibe
body laid to rest in the churcb
Surviving is the husband; one
daughter, Mia. J. H. Foster, of
near County Line, and one sister,
Mrs. Rome York, of OHn.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 12,1940 - Page 1
R. F. Clay
H. F. Clay, 22, U. S. Marine
stationed at Parris Island, S.
C., was Instantly killed here
about 2 o'clock A. M, Monday In
an automobile wreck. W. R.
Hall, 22, and C. A. Murray Jr.,
also marines, are In the Mocks
vlllc Hospital recuperating. The
former wos Injured around the
head and the latter had a brain
concussion. Clay and Hall, lat
ter driving the car, live at Beck
ley, Va., and Murray at Lex
ington. Va.
The boys had been home to
spend the week-end and were
returning to duty. The car had
rounded the curve on the Win
ston-Snlem highway at Mrs.
Cora Wilson's home, hit the
shoulder of the road and a tele
phone pole between the homes
of Pierce Foster and Mrs. Ollle
Stockton. Clay's body was
thrown in the driveway and he
was found dead] of a broken
neck and fractured skull. It was
raining hard at the time of the
accident. The body was sent to
his home In Beckley.
A coroner's Inquest found the
accident unavoidable.
Mrs. McDanicl
Funeral Held
Redland. — Funeral services
for Mrs. Arveata Wood McDan
icl wore held at Clemmons Bap
tist Church Tuesday afternoon.
Interment was in the church
cemetery. Mrs. McDanicl was the
daughter of Joe and Martha
Rlley Wood of Davie county.
She Is survived by her husband,
Charles C. McDanicl; one son,
Ernest, of Wlnston-I^lcm; two
daughters, Mrs. Conrad Phelps
and Mrs. Fred Doty of Clem
Elmer Dunn of Clemmons, D.
J. Jarvls of Mortinsvllle, Va.,
Peto Forrest of MocksvlUe, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Forrest of Lex
ington, visited Mr. ond Mrs. Joe
Moore Sunday. Ftlday evening
Mrs. Charles Langston and Miss
Wyona Motrrell of Fork were
their dinner guests.
Potts Rites
Held Sunday
Funeral services were held
Sunday afternoon for Mason
Wesley Potts, 00, who died Sat
urday afternoon at his home
near Cornatzor. Rev. James
Qrocc and the Rev. J. W. Fos
ter conducted the rites which
wore held at the homo and at
the Advance Baptist Church.
Son of William and Betty
Robertson Potts, the deceased
Is survived by the •iloUowlng
children: W. C.. D. J., and N. C.
Potts, of Route 3; J. T. of Col
fax, E. L. of Norfolk, Va., and
Mrs. O. S. Robortson, of Route
3. Thirty-nine grgand and 30
great-grandchildren also sur
Hendrix Funeral
Is Held Tuesday
Final rites for Mrs. Victoria
Hcndrlx, S5, who died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. C.
R. Plowman here Monday, wore
held Tuesdoy at the home, con
ducted by Rev. W. C. Cooper,
Rov. E. M. Avett and Rev. W.
J. 8. Walker. Burial was In the
Joppa Cemetery. Survivors are
the doughter and a bro.ther,
Jesse Hendrlx, of Route 4.
Pallbearers were W. Q. Hen
drlx L P. Hopkins. Paul Allen,
Elmer Tutterow and Bill Stroud.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/12/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 17,1940
B. O. Morris
Aged Gtizeii Passes.
It Is with sadness that weannoQoee
thodeatb of 6.0. Morris, SO. wtio
passed away at bis home o& Salia>
' bnry street Monday mombigr at 9
o'doek, following an iHnem of 10Idava, He died on hiaSSrd birthday.
Mr. Morris was a native of Ca^
well eoonty, but moved with his par*
en B to Jerusalem township when a
small bov. He was for more, than
40 years a resident of Modcsville. fie
served as Register of Deeds for sev
eral years, was Cterk of the Court
and served as postmaster for 8 vears.
Per the past 18 years ho has been
Reeretary of the Moeksvllle Building
& Loan Association. He was a dea
con of the Presbytorlan church, and
rne of the oldest Masons In theeouo*
Mr Morris is survive by one son,
Ralph 0. Morris, of this eftv; one
sister, Mrs. B. O. Painter, of Lewis*
hurg. W. Va.. and a brother, L L.
Morris, of Knoxviile, Tenn, two
grandehiidren also survive.
Fhneral services were held at the
home at 8 o'clock Toesdav afternoon,
I with Rev. W. G. Cooper in charge,
and the bodv laid to rest in Rose
'eemofery. with Hasonie honors.
In the death of this beloved citizen,
I The Record editor has lost a frimtd
I whom he has known for nearly 40
lyeara. We will miss hiadaily greet<
ing. Peace to his ashes.
Ann Ratts
Miss Ann Rails.
' Miss Ann Raits, 84. died Sooday laoni*
log at the home of a newhew, J.O. Ratts
Id the Folk commuiiity. She sprot her
entire life lo this eommttolt? and was a
sister of J. B. Ratts, who died two aootbs
' Surviving aro seveial oelees aod ne
She was a metube# of Fork Baptist
Chaich wbwe the funeral was held Moo-
day aftenooo at 3 o'clock. Burial weein
the cbuich graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/17/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 19,1940 - Pages 1 and 8
-V: I 'w.
Benlamln Owen Morris, 83,
one of Dftvle county's most dis
tinguished citizens, died Mon
day morning at 8:30 o'clock at
his home here on Salisbury
; Son of Edwin 5. and Ann
jFowler Morris of Henry county,
Ivirglnla. Mr. Morris had lived
in Davle county since he was
The funcrol wna held at 9
o'clock Tuesday at the home,
conducted by Rev. W. C. Cooper,
pastor of the J^locksvlUe Pres
byterian church where Mr. Mor
ris wos the oldest deacon. In
terment was In the Rose cemc-
tery and the local Masonic or
der, of which M^- Morris was
one of the oldest members, had'
chorge of thc_ graveside seiv-
Mr.. Morris Is survived by one »
?on, Ralph'at home; by a sister,
Continued on Pngo Eight
Jdrs; E. Q. Palnlor of Lewlsburg,
vr. Va., and by a brother, L. L.
Worrls of Knoxvllle, Tenn. Two
grondrhlldrcn also survive. -
For the last years Mr. Mor-
(ris had been accrctary-trcfas-
Airer of the Mocksvillc Building
Loan Association. He served
one term as clerk of superior
court, three terms as register
of deeds and wa.i local post-
jnostcr for 8 years.
PuHbuurcrs were E. 'C. Mor-
Tls,Prenllcc Campbell, Henry
and Ed Hobson of Salisbury, P.
3. Johnson, Clegg Clement, John
jLeOra-id and John Larew.
Among the out-of-town rcla-
-tivcs here for tho funeral were
tMa brother, L L. Morris of
Knoxvllle, Tenn,; sister, Mrs. E.
<G. Painter of Lewlsburg, W. Va.;
Henry Fowler and family of
Charlotte; Miss Sarah Fowler,
Mrs. Kate Bridges of South
•River; Cleveland Fowler of
Statesvlllo: Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Hobson and Ed Hobson of Sal
isbury; Mrs. Helen Campbell of
Bio - Obituaries - 4/19/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 24,1940
I.c T. W. Snilk
CL T. W. Smlfh. 72; well koowa itoOut
and facner died at tola home In Wwodtefn,
Friday, nighr. Ur, ^th had been In boa
hoaltb for aeveral years. Funeral s^rote
wen held at the home Sondaf •nmtt a j
at 3 o'clodi. Mr, Smith la wrvlved bf hla
wMow and one danger, end by Mvetal
cnBdreo of a pnvlaoa marriage. Mr Swlth
Qioyedffooithiaeoaoty to Kowan mote
than ap years t«o.; He had many friends|tlhivie,wbo wil! be saddened by.hla
I.W. Bowden
Stroll lohlDL
Robert SiffOttd. Jr., two-aemha old Ma.
of Mr. and Mri.R.D.8tipQd, of soarGoon-
ty lJne.dUidFrMay, fotof^a ehort lU-
nom of pacomoiila. Sofvi^-lalhepaf*
ems, a sisttr. Naoiiil.&f«nd:abalf btmhor
OtberLeoStnod, ond,abatf itoter, UiU*'
red Stfimd.
FooenI aervkea wm b^ Sooday at
2:30 o'clock at Sodety Baptist eborefa, whb
Rev. W, L. Mcfiwaia .OSdatteg apd the
Ihtla body laid to iheqhjMoem^
leey. The beteavcd niii% bm^jmsyiD
paUiy of a bost.of frlM^ in iS^tleaih/of
th^llttteaoB. . 1
Former Davie Citizen
I W. Bowden, 33. died at bis home near
Greenwood, lad., shout two weeks ago.]
Mr, Bowo was a oailve of Oavie coonty. a
brother of tbo Isto C. L Bowden, of near
Redland. Mr, Bowden moved from OavIe
Gottoty to Iikdiana aboot SO years ago. tot
hid vldted lelatlvea In this county on fre
quent occsiloQS. Mr. Bowden Is aurvlved
by hla widow. Mrs. Margaret Sheek Bow
den. and five daughteia. Ha had many
friends In Davie who win be aaddoaod by
news of hla death.
John McKlnley Brown
John McKioley Brown, 38. pro-
mioent North Wilkeaboro attorney,
died in a Statesvllle bospltal last
week. Mr Brown was well known
in Hocksville, and had 'many
friends here who were, sorry to
learn of his death.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/24/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 26,1940 - Page 1
Funeral Tuesday
For J. W. Hege
Funeral services for John
Wesley Hcgc, of Advance. Route
1. who died at 1:05 o'clock Mon
day morning at n hosptal. was
held at Elbavllle Methodist
church Tuesday at 3 o'clock.
Rev. P. L. Smith and Rev.
Glenn Allgood were in charge
of the service. Pallbearers were
Ray. Sam, Hugh Clyde and Rod
Burton. Nieces were flower
Mr. Hcgc was critically 111 for
about a week from pneumonia
following Influenza. He was
born In Davle county February
28, 1883, the son of K. F. and
Mary Jones Hege. He spent his
entire life at the home place.
Survivors include .the father
and .stepmother; two brothers,
George Hege, o* this city, and
Frank Hege of Lynchburg, Vir
ginia; three hall brothers, J.
H. Hege, of this city; Norman
Hcgc, of West Jefferson and Sam
Hege, of Advance: four half sis
ters, Mrs. E. H. Jones, of Sharps-
burg; Mrs. A. B. Bowles. Mrs. C.
E. Garwood and Mrs. J. O. Mark-
land, of Wlnston-Salem.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/26/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 1,1940
JoImW. Hege.
Funeral services were lietd at
BlbaviUe Metbodist chturch last
Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'doek, for
Jobs W. Heffe* 57, wbo died in a
WinsloowSalem hospital April asn*!,
foltowlnK a six week's illness with
fin and pnnenMmla. Rev. P. L.
Smith was in charge the fnneral
and burial aervioes.
Mr. Hege was a native of Davie
Gonnty, and lived near Advance.
He b snivived 'by bb father and
step mother; two brothers, George
Hege, of Winstoo^aleu, and
Prank Hege, of Lynchborg;' three
half-brothers, J. H, Hege,
ton-Salem; Norman Hege, West
Jefibesooj and Sajm'Hege, Advance;
fonr-slsters, Hrs. B. H. Jones,
Sharpsbnrg; His. A. ^wlea,
Hra. C. B. Garwood and His. T.
O. Markland, of Winston-Salem.
l.F. Bear
Former Citben Dies;
L F. Bdar, 48. died enddenlp at bb home
InyWash|oitoi), D. G, AprU 2Sid. Fnner
al and burial services took pbce at Dur
ham thursday. Mr. Bear lived in this
city aboiit two years ago, and is survived i
by bis widow, and three step danghtere,
Mrs. Louisa Ce.rtwright, Mrs. Iday Fry aad
Bin. Roth Esllo, all of HotAsvlUeb Mrs.
Bear, after ependlng a few davs hero with
her daogbters. retained to Washington last
nlgbt Mr. Bear held a position with Ibo'
Wnsbingtoo Tlm^'ileraldi
Bio - Obituaries - 5/1/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Richard Franklin Lagle
Funeral Services Held
Funeral services were held at
Turpentine Baptist church
Thursday for Richard Franklin
Lagle, 80, who died at hla home
Tuesday morning at 11:10. Berv-
Ices were conducted by Rev. E,
W. Turner and Rev. A. W.
Lynch. Mr. Lagle was the son
o( William and Matilda Michael
Lagle. His wife, Mrs. Leonora
McCulloh passed away about 14
years ago.
Mr. Lagle is survived by two
brothers, A. J. o9 Mocksvllle
and Charles L. of MocksvUlc,
route 4; one son, E. C., three
grandchildren and one great
Bio - Obituaries - 5/3/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 8,1940
Charles Monroe Smith
Mrs. L T. Toooger.
A number of Davie county pea
pie attended tbe funeral of Mr;.
L. T. Younger, wbtch occnrred at
Taylor Springa Baptise cbureta in
North IrMell county, last Tuesday
morning at 10:30 o*ctouk. Mrs.
Younger was 5a years of age, the
wife of Rev. Lntber T, Yonnger,
welbknowD Baptist minister of Ire-
dell county, Surviviog, besides
tbe fa uaband, are four sons and two
danehtero, two hrotbera and one
3i8*er. Mrs. Younger died at ber
home in New Hope township, on
April a8(h. The bereaved family
have the sympathy of a host of
friends in the death of this good
wife and mother.
Richard FranUin Lagle.
Richard Pranklio IfSgl^ 80, oue
of Davie connty's oldest and best
known farmers, died at his home
near Tnrrentine, last - Tuesday
morning at 11 o'clock, dgatti re.,
suiting from pbenmooia, Mr.
Lagle bad been in bad health for
several years,' but had beeit oonfin
ed to his for the past month
with heart trnnble.
Puoeral services were conducted
by Rev. B. W. Turner, assiated by
Rev. A. W. Lynch; at Tnirentiue
Baptist church Thursday nftetno^n
at 2:39 o'clock^ and the hody laid
to rest iti the church cemetery.
I tir. Lagle is survived by ore son.
j£. C. Lag!e. of U.. 4, .end too
brotberti, A. J. urd ChariM Lagle,
of Mockrtvillc. His wife passed a
iway about 17 years ago.
! Mr. Lagle was x metuher (f Tur
'reutli:e Baptist cburcb, and will be
roi&s?d in the ckarch, the - mmtu
titty and the borne. A man
has hien ca"ed to be** reward.
Former Darie M-."'I
Charles MouiPe Smith, 68, died
at **is be ;c near Cieuinon.« last
Tu- iey, iollowiog en iiiuess of
sc'irerai m nths.
M'. Sr /b was born iti Davis'
co'inty, e an 0* tbe late Mr. am^
iJrs. S. T. Smith. He had .been|
living in Foreytli county fur many,
years. Mr. Smith is suivived by
bis widow, three daughters, Mrs.'
Charles Frye and Mrs. Walter
Cope, of Advance, and Miss Lil
lian Smiita, of tbe home; seven sons,
! B. D., C. fi., R. H. and L. M.
I Smith, of Clemmons; C. R. and E.
C. Smith, of Advance, and fiU. O.
Smith, of Porsrrb. One si^er,
Mrs. D. T. Smith, of Advanw, al
so survives,
Pnneral services were held at Ihe^
home Thursday at 3 o'clock, bu.dj
pt Macedonia Moravian Church, |
with Revs. C. B. Brewer, A. S.i
Lawrence and Ralph Bassett, of-j
ficiating and the body laid to rest i
|io the church cemetery. ij
Lewis A. Etdhon.:
. Lewis A. Eichlson. 78, well bnown dil*
ZRH of the Cana septibn, was fonnd dead
linhis bed ebuui noofi Sunday. Mr. Et-
Ichlaon never married and had lived alone
I fOT inaoy years,
1 Funeral services were held at Eaton's
Baptist Choiuh Umiday afceinooa- nt 3
o'clock, with Rev. Dallas Rmiegar conduct
ing the last rites, and itie body laid to
rest in the chnmb cemetery.
Mr. Etcbison is aorvived by two sisters,
Mn. Susan Eaton, of C^a, and Mrs. Betty
Keir, of Jefferson Qty, Two, A number*
of nieces and nephews also survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/8/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
L. A. Etchison
Funeral Held
Final rites were held Monday
for Lewis Alexander Etchison.
75, who was found dead about
noon Sunday at his home in
Cana. Funeral services were
held at Eaton's Baptist church
conducted by Rev. Dallas Rene-
gar. Interment was In the
church cemetery.
Mr. Etchison wos the son of
Orrel and Louisa Furches Etchi
son. He had never been mar
Pall bearers Included Henry
Howard, J. B. Cain, M. D. Pope,
Orrell Etchison, Caesar Eaton
and E. F. Etchison.
Kelly Howard '
Dies, Bixby
KcUy Howard, 86, died at his
home at Bixby Wednesday even
ing at 8 o'clock. The funeral
will be held todoy at 2:30 o'clock
at the Smith Orove Methodist
church, conducted by Rev. J,
W. Foster and assisted by Rev.
J. W. Vestal and the Rev. Mr.
Darnell. Interment will bo in
the church cemetery.
Son of the late David and
Sallic Call Howard, the deceased
is survived by six sons: Chorles
and Colen of High Point, Blck
and Otis of Wlnston-Salem,
route 2, Ben of Advance, route
1,/ atid Ernest of MocksvUle,
rdubi 3. One ^ster, Mrs. Clem
entine Miller, Advonce, route 1,
also survives, as well as 17 grand
and two great grandchildren.
Charlie M. Smith " ' .
Funeral Services
MACEDONIA. — The funeral
for Charlie Monroe Smith of
Clcmmons was held here Thurs
day at 2:45 o'clock. Mr. Smith
had been critically ill for about
two years.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/10/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 15,1940
Editor Selb lo Dead.
It ia with aadneas that we chronicle the
death of Editor J. C. Sdls. of the Coolee-
Dee Jaamal, who died at hie bosie Sat*
ordav eveolog at ,10:30 o'clock, death re-
snldDdftom injoiiea received when be
was atrack by a oar dtiveii by a Leopfr
NetKe. at a street iatonectKm in North
CQoteemee oa the evening of Nay Sch.
Cob Sells was 78 yeaia of age. and had
been the editor and owim of the Coolec-
Miee Journal for the past 88 yesia. He
wasDayie's oldest editor, and was fcoown
by hundreds of people throughout Oavie
•nd.adjolfiiog connties.
the deceased was twice manfed. Hia
first wife died-noity years ago. His ie<
cood wife sarvlves. There are dghc sur^
vivipg chiidreo by the first uoioo. and two
by the second'ooioo. Chiidreo from the
> first maisiage are; Bryan Sellf. Hocks*
viUe: Mis. Ella Orabam,' Danville. Va.t
Hca. Ed Beaver; Landls; Hrs. R. R Rey«
nolds, BelmoQt; Jasper Sdls, New London.
Wfa; Cteefo Seife, Seattle. Wash; Mrs. A.
T. Trexter, Cooleemee, and His. F. M.
Grant, of near Saliabuiy. Children from
the second marriage are J. C Sells. Jr.
and Cherlea Sells, both of Cooteemee.
Funeral aetvlcea were held at the Coo*
teemee Episcopal Church Monday afier-
noim at 4 o'clock, conducted by hla pas*
cm; Rev, C. E. B. Roblnaoo. asalaied by
Rev. N.C Duncan, of Asbeville. and the
body loid to rest In Codecmeo cemetery.
The Record editor bat known CoL SeHs.
as we always called him. for the past 33
years. We shall miss bis weekly visits to
oor ofllce. and his ebeerfol greetings. To
the bereaved wife and children we ex*
tend deep sympathy in the death of their
husband and father.
Kelly Howard Passes.
Kelly Howard. 86. one of Davte'a oldest
dtiseas. passed away at bis home at Bix-
by Wodnesday evening at 8 o'elocfc, fot*
lowing an llloess of several fnaotbs.
Mr. Howard is socvived by bis widow,
Mrs. Lula Hendridia Howard; six sooa.
C&arlio and Oolen Howard, of High Point;
Pick and Otis Howard, of near Wloston
Satan: Ben Howard, of MocksvlUe.' R. 3.
Ooestoter. Mra dementine Miller, of Farm-
ingccn township. 17 grandchildren and two
great-grandchUdren also survive.
Ponerai eetvicea were held at Smith
Grove Methodist chutch Friday afternoon
at 2:30 o'elocfc. with Revo. J. W. Vestal
and J. W. Foster oooductinii the services.
The body was laid to rest In the cbordi
cemetery. To the aged widow, the cblld*
ten and the aged aister. The Reo<^ ex
tends sympathy in the death of this good
man. The editor has lost another ineiid
of long standing.
Mrs. G. H. Graham.
Mrs. G. H. Graham. 88. died Saturday
moralag at her home in Farmington. Fun«
oral services were held Sunday afteroooo
at 4 o'doek at Parmltigton baptist cbtueb.
Surviving s.ie four cbUdrao, MIsa Leona
Graham. Gilmer Graham, both of AahaviUe,
Mrs. Eliaabetb WlUard of Fafmiog|too,and
Ray Graham, of YadklnvlUe: two sisters.
Mrs. Blanche Brock of Farmington, and
Mis. Lena Walker, of Winston-Salem; four
brothers E. C. James, 0. D. Jsmes. 11 C.
James all of Farmington. and G Russ
James of Wiitstoa*SaIeui i
Bio - Obituaries - 5/15/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 17,1940 - Page 1
Stella Sue Lap!
Stella Sue, 7-we8k old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lap-
Ish of ClarksvlUe township, was
found dead In bed by its mother
early Wednesday morning. Burial
was held Wednesday' at the
Center Methodist church. Dr. L.
p. Martin, coroner, ' said • the
child died from natural causes
and no inquest was necessary
J. C. Sell, editor and founder
of the Cooleemee Journal, died
last Saturday night from injuries
received in an automobile acci
dent. The funeral was held
Monday afternoon at the Bpisco-
pal church which had an over
flow crow(L Interment was In
the North Cooleemee cemetery.
Mr. Sell is survived by his
widow, formerly Miss Ada Soun
ders, and 10 children. 'THE
ENTERPRISE will publish de
tails of Mr. Sell's life next week.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 17,1940 - Page 4
Funeral services we're hold last
Sunday afternoon at the Farm-
Ingtun Baptist church for Mrs.
■Jeltlu Jnmcs,Orttham, 88, who
died Saturday morning ut her
homo In Farmington. Slio had
been in. Hi iicnlth for a year
and was tiic widow of 0. H.
Oraham who dlod about throo
years ago. Intormont wos In
the church comotory.
Daughter of W. F. and Eliza
oeth Kelly James, the deceased
is survived by the following
children: Leona and Ollmer of
Ashovillc, Mrs. Bllzaboth Wllliard
of Farmington, and Ray of Yad
tdnvllle. The following sisters
and brothers also survive: Mrs.
Blanche Brock, Farmington,"Mrs.Lean Walker, Wlnsjlton-^alcm;
E. 0.. 0. D. ond M. C. James,
all Of Farmington, and O. Ross
James of Wlnston-Salem. Three
grandchildren likewise survive.
Pallbearers were B. Ct Brock,
D. D. Gregory, C. M. Weir, Wess
Johnson, Even Lokey, Hugh
Bio - Obituaries — 5/17/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 17,1940 - Page 5
iBooe Funeral '
Held Wednesday
Mrs. Rachel Comer .>6006, 62,
died at 12:25 o'clocis Tuesday
afternoon at her home in the
Clarkm'llle township, Mochmille,
Route 2. She bad been in de-
dining health for more than a
She was a daughter of the
late John and Louisa Reavls.
The funeral was held at 2
o'clock Wednesday afternoon
at Oak Rldgc Baptist Church In
Yadkin county, the Rev. James
H. Qrove and Rev. David W. Day
in charge.
Mrs. Booe is survived by her
husband, William O. Booe; two
daughters, Mrs. Dave Whltakor,
Of MoeksviUe, Route 2; and Miss
Sarah Booe, of the home; six
sons. Harry, Hampton, John and
Wade of Route 2; S.iarvin, of
Kannapoiis, and Kayrord, or
Ronda; seven sisters, Mrs. Joe
Chamborland, of YadkinvUle;
Mrs. Dudley Rcnegar, of Yad
kin county; Mrs. Hearst ROavls,
of Route 2; Mrs. Cborllo Cash,
Mrs. Raymond Cash, Mrs. Bum
Longworth and Mrs. Burl WU-
llard, all of Wlnston-Salem; one
brother, Edward Comer, of Yad
kinvUle; six grandchildren and
one great-grandchild.
Pallbearers were Donald Rea
vls, John Oontlo, PhUUp Barney,
Clarence Reavls, Hobson Harris
and Joe Jordan.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 17,1940 - Page 6
J. M. Caudle
Funeral Held
Funeral services for James
Marlon Cnudlc, 84, were held
Monday afternoan nt 4 o'clock at
tho Yadkin Valley Baptist
church with B, O. Howell con
cluding the service. Interment
was In the church cemetery.
Mr. Howell died Monday
morning' nl one o'clock at his
homo near Fnrmlnglon. He was
the sun of Ooorgo and Betty
Michael Candle.
Survivors Include four sous:
Dave of Forsylh county and
Amos. J. R. nnd Dock of Davie
county; Four daughters, Mrs.
Dotsou Williams of Orange coun
ty, Mrs. Stanford Hutchcns and
Mr.s. John Freeman of Yadkin
county, Mrs. Will Adams of
Davidson county; forty-three
grandchildren nnd a number of
Pnll.bearers wore: R. O. Kigcr,
Raymond Fulp, Eugene Roberts.
J. W. McKnight, John Sheck,
Bio - Obituaries - 5/17/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 22,1940
; W. G. Booe.
Miq. Rsebd Comer Booe, €2. died lost
Wedneodoy afteinoon ot her homo in
Clarhovllle towfishlp. She bad been in de>
cUntng health for more than a yeOn
The fuaetal was held at 2 o'clock Wcd<
oesdov aftemmm at Oak Ridge Baptha
church in Yadkui coooty, the Rev. James
H Grace In charge.
Mrs Bcoe is survived bv her husband,
William G. Booe; two daotfbceta, Mrs. Dave
WbiCoker. of Mocbsville, Route?, and Hiss
Saran Booe. of the bome: six oono. Harry,
Hampton. John and WoUe. of Koute 2;
vinrvin. uf KannapoIiS. and Rayford* of
Rondt.: seven oistert, Mrs. Joe Cnamber*'
land, of Yadkinvilie: Mis. Dudiev Reoegar,
of Yttdkin county; Mrs. Heast Reavia, of
Route S: Mrs. Cb^iaCasb, Mrs. Raymond |
cash, Mrs. Burn Longwortta and Mrs. Botl
Willard, all of Wiaston Salem; ooebrotlier.i
Edward Gomer, of Yadklnvill*; six grand*
diildrea and (me great graudebild. i
Mrs. Mousey Dyson.
Mrs. Moosey Dyson, 32. died almost sod*
den!y at her home nearSbeffleld last Wed
nesday noming. Funeral eerviceo were
held at New Union Methodist church
tboisday uiomtag at tl o'doclt, with the
pastor Rev. Mr. Martin In charge, and
the hody laid to rest In the chaich cema*
Mrs. Dyson te survived bv her huoband.
two sons and one daughter; her parents,
Mr. and Mis. J. B. Reeves, of Harmony.
R. 1: two brothels. W. L. end Charlie
Reeves. Barmony. R. 1, and two dsteis,
Mrs. T. M. RIctaardaoo. of near Steffield.
and Mrs. Minnie Bragden. of Greensboro.
The bereaved familv have the syrapatlv
of a host of friends In the d^th of this
loved one.
Reios Smith.
Rufus C. Smith. 72. died Sunday morn*
log at bta home near Smith Grove.
The funeral was held Monday moroing
at 10:30 o'clock at Bethlehem Methodiot i
Church. Rev. J. W. Vestal conducted the i
acrvieeo Boiial woo in the cbuich grave*
yard. f
Surviving are (he widow; one sister. Miss
Arelia Smith; one half-sister, Mrs. W. W.
Allen, of Salisbury, and (me brother BatSroltb, of Mochsvine, Route 3. |
Bio — Obituaries - 5/22/1940 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 24,1940 - Page 1
Charlea Clement Hargrave,
first county manager of David
son and long prominent in busi
ness circles, died Sunday In a
Charlotte hospital. He was the
son of the late Martha Clement
of Davie and Jesse Hamilton Hor
grave. In early life he was In
the mercantile business In Lex
Ington with on uncle, the late
Jesse Clement of Mooksvllie. The
funeral was held Tuesday in
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 24,1940 - Page 4
Wlllinm Roiiscr Anderson, *72,
prominent retired farmer who
was formerly connected wlUi the
state highway and prison do
partment, died at the home of
his son, J. 0. Anderson on route
1 Tuesday afternoon at 3:35
The funeral was held Wednes
day at the home of the son,
with a concluding service at
Eaton's Baptist church. Inter
ment was in the church ceme
tery. Rev. E. M. Avctt and
Rev. W. J. 6. Walker conducted
the service.
Ron of Ell and Nellie McQulre
Anderson, the deceased'Is sur
vived by the following children:
J. 0., J. A. of Soll^ury and W.
F. Anderson of route 2. The
following sisters and brothers
also survive: Mrs. Jess Hcndricks,
route 4, Mrs. O. W. Evans of
Iredell, Mrs. L. M. Tutterow of
Center, Spot Andorson of High
Point and J. O. Anderson of
route 1. Twelve grand and 3
great grand children likewise
Pallbearers were M. M., w. W.
and Mlllard Andorson, Clay ond
H. W. Tuttcrow and W. A.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/24/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 24,1940 - Page 6
Smith Rites
Held Monday
Funeral services were held
Monday morning at the Bethel
Methodist church for Rufus O.
Smith, 72, who died Sunday
morning at his homo neor the
Smith Orovo school. Services
were conducted by Rev.'^J..'W.
Vestal and Interment was in
the church cemetery.
Son of Anderson and May
Allen Smith, the deceased Is
survived by his widow; by a
sister, Mrs. Arella Smith of
SmIUi Qrove; by a half sister,
Mrs. W. W. Ailed of Salisbury,
and a brother. Bat Smith of
route 3.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/24/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 29,1940
W. R. AodersanPasi^
William ft, Andeisim, 72, died lael Tees*
day afiemooo at 3:30 oV^idi, at die home
of Ua fiOD,. J* C, JCodmoa, near Oroter«
death leaatting ftom a atniie of pualyda.
Blr. kodman was atiiekaii wbSa at
wofc la a field the aftemoen befoie and
nevev ngalaed coMdoaaoeee.
Fhneial eervicer were held at the home
Wednesday afteraooa at 2tS0 o*docfc* ooo-
dtfcted by Reva. E* M Avett and W, J. S*
Walker, aad ilta body caiifed to Eaum'a
Baytiei Cbmeh eemeteif and laid to seat.
He. AndcfBoa la tarvlved by' ibna eoaa,
J C. Andeiaon, R 1; W. F. Andeiaon. R,
2, and J, A Andesno, of Salleboiy; two
btotben.^>ot Aodenoa, High Point* and,
J, (L Anderson, of Centers tbrre sbteia.
Mrs, JesM Heodilcke, of R. 4; Mia. Qeorge
Evans* of near RIyer HOI. and Un. Lntbex'
Totlerow, of Center. ' |
Floyd J. Gaither.
Floyd Johbson Galther, 58. a native of
Uockeviltr, died at Tamps, Fla, Snnday
momlttg, fofiowing on tUness of nine
Mr. Galther is oorvived by hia widow
aad one daogbter, Bfrs. Sarah Hopkins, of
Atlanta; tWo dslors, Mrs. Essie Byerly, of
this dty, and Mrs. C. A Jenkins, Wins-
Fooeral services were bold yesterday
afternoon at 2 o'eloek, at the PAabyterlan
cbiirob.with Rev. W C. Cooper in ebaitfe,
and the body laid to rest In Rose ceme
Mr. Galtba left Hockavltte many yean
agOiirovelbid for^the Reynolds Tobaoeo
Cou, and for the past 15 years or more, be|
has been with Brown-WiUlaason Tobao]
CO Coi« with headquBitera In Tampa. Mr.|
Galtlm had many friends in MockavUla
vbo were sadden^ by 1^ death. |
Mhs Saliie Kelly.
Miss Sallia Kelly, who wee in ha S8tb
year, passed away Monday morning at 11
6*do^ at the boma of her nieoe, Mia. Ma
son LlUacd, at BIkin, where abe bad made
her home for the past 18 leais. Miss'
KoUy ia fiOfvived by a Qomber of nieces
ond neiriidwa, cogether with a host dt re-
lellvea and friends..
The body was bnoRhttoMocksviUeand
Isldtorestio Joppa eemetety yesterday
aftemoonalS o*cIocfc: with sovloea at
the graveridr, eondooted by her pastor,
Rey. W.G. Cooper. The pall bearers were
J. C. Sanfocd, R. B. Sanford. Knooc J<^n-
stone, Jake HaoM, Robert Woodruff and
Boy M. Hotihouter. .
MIsa Kotty was a native of Ifocfcavllle,
iind spent most of her life here. She was
the.otdeit mmnber of the MoekavlllaFres-
byteilan Cbmeh, and was a siller of the
late James, Albert and Thomas Kelly, of
this dty. She bad many fffends bete
wbo woe saddened by ber death.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/29/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 31,1940 - Page 2
Mrs, Dyson
Rites Held
SHEFFIELD. — Fimeral serv
ice was held Thursday for Mrs.
Nannie Reeves Dyson, wife of
Munzy Dyson at New Union
Methodist church. The service
was conducted by Rev. Brown
and Rev. Martin. Mrs. Dyson
died all most suddenly at her
home Wednesday morning.
She Is survived by her bus
band and three children, Doro
thy, LeRoy, and an Infant child;
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Reeves; two brothers and two
sisters, Willie and Charlie Reeves,
Mrs. Minnie Brogdon and Mrs.
T. M. Richardson.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 31,1940 - Page 7
F. J. Gaither
Passes Away
Floyd Johnstonc Gaither, In
charge of business In Florida
for the Brown and WUUamson
Tobocco Company, died Sunday
morning in a hospital In Tompa,
Fla., of a heart attack after an
illness of several months.
Mr. Gaither was formerly
connected with the Reynolds
Tobacco Company and accepted
a position with the Brown and
WUUamson company In 1022.
Some years later he was sent
by the company to San Fran
cisco to open a branch office on
the West coast where he made
his home for several years.
At the time of his Illness, Mr.
Gaither was actively In charge
of the firm's business In Florida.
He was born In February, 1882,'
at Mocksvllle, the son of the
late Lemuel O. and Sora Louise
Qalthor. He was latcrested in
Masonry and was a member of
the First Presbyterian church.
He Is survived by his wife and
a daughter, Mrs. John Hopkins;
two grandchildren of AUanta,
Ga.; two sisters, Mrs. Charles
A. Jenkins of Wlnston-Salem;
and Mrs. B. O. Byerly, Mocksvllle.
The funeral was held in Mooko-
vllle at the First Presbyterian
church at 2 o'clock Tuesday
Pallbearers included E. C.
Morris, R. B. Sanford, Knox
Johnstone, C. M. Woodruff, T.
M. Edwards, D. N. Edwards,
Charles Jenkins, Gaither Jen
Bio - Obituaries - 5/31/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 31,1940 - Page 8
Mrs* Mary Davis
Funeral Today
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary
Hcgc Davis. SO. will be held
this afternoon at 3 o'clock at
the home with Rev. C. E. B.
Robinson conducting the serv
ice. Interment will be In the
Episcopal cemetery at Fork.
Mrs. Davts died Wednesday
evening at her homo at Fork.
She was the daughter of L. M.
and Martha Shelton Hcgc.
Survivors Include !the hus
bands, H. S. Davis; one daugh
ter and one son. Betty and L.
H. Davis, both at honie.
Miss Sarah Kelly
Passes At Elldn
Mi.<is Snrfth Emily Kelly, 05,
died Monday morning at 11
o'clock in Elkin at the home of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mason LiUard. the
later her niece, following an Ill
ness which had confined her to
her room for a year and which
became critical a few days ago.
^ss Kelly had resided with
the Lillard family 14 years. She
was the last to pass of the
family of the late Mr. and Mrs.
William Frohock Kelly a prom
inent family of Moeksvllle. She
was a member of MccksvUlc
Presbyterian church. Her near
est survivors are several nieces
and nephews.
The funerol service wos con
ducted at the Lillard home Tues
day afternoon at 1:30 by Rev. H.
F. Duncan and Rev. L. B. Aber-
nethy. Burial was In Joppa
Church Cemetery, Davlc county,
with Rev. W. C. Cooper of Moeks
vllle conducting the rites.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/31/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 5,1940
Mrs. H. .S. Davis.
Mra, Mary Davis, 69, died at her
borne in Fork last Wednesday olgbt
death resulting from a stroke of
Fnneral services ^e held at the
home Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
with Rev. C.B. V. Robinson, of
Cooleemee, condncting the services,
and the body was laid to rest in the
Bpiscppal church cemetery.
Mrs. Davis is sn'wived \>y her
husband, II. 8. Davis; one daugh
ter, Miss Betty Davis, and one son.
If. H. Davis, of Fork.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/5/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 12,1940
Amos N. Edwards.
Amos N. Edwards, 77; Native of Cala-
hala towDship, died in a Wlnstfln-Sataa
bospital lest liiursds7 eveDing, foUowind
an Illness of several mootba. Mr. Ed*
wards left Davie many years ago for tbe
west, iMtt returned aboot 10 years ago
and loeated In Wioton Satom, when be
owned and operated a store on North Li*
berty street,
Funeral saxvices were held at New Uolco
MethodM cboich Sunday afternoon at 3
o'clock, conducted by the pastor, Rey. Mr.
Martin, and the body laid to test in the
choreh cemetery.
Mr. Edwards ta aozvlved by Uueeideeer.
Mrr. T. M. Smith. rrfSheffleld; Mr, W. D
Hunter, Stacesvllle, and Mra Ida Boder, of
R. 2, Mr. Edwatda had been one of our
faltbfh] rabsciibam for raaoy yeaia, and
we ahall misa bla annnd vWa to oar of*
flee. Petoe to bis ashea.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/12/1940 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 14,1940 - Page 1
Funeral services for Rev. J.
M. Downum, 84, were held Sun
day at Lenolr at the Methodist
church. Rev. Downum was a
native of Cabarrua county. He
morrled the former Miss Mar
garet Klmbrough, sister of Mrs.
C. F. Meroney Sr. of MocksvUle,
who survives with one daughter,
Mrs. Charles Postelle, of Birm
ingham, Ala. Mr. Downum will
be remembered here as a form
er teacher in the old Mocks-
vlllc Academy and a pastor on
the MocksvlUe circuit.
Funeral services for John
William Gregory, 32, who died
Wednesday afternoon at 8:30
o'clock at his home In Farm-
Ington township, will be held this
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
home with a concluding service
at Wesley Chapel church at 3
o'clock. Rev. J. W. Vestal will
conduct ..the service and inter-i
ment will be in the church
Ho Is survived by his widow.'
Sorah Wooten Gregory, and the
following children: Dalton, route
2; Roland, winston-Saleml Mlu
B. W. Baity, Clcmmons, route I;.
Mrs. M. P. Wood, route 2; Mra-lli
John Utt, Wlnston-Salem. Flf-^Jj
teen grand and 3 great-grand-jTr
children also survive. p
The following brothers alsoi'^
survive: D. D. Gregory, Farm-y ;
Ington; Mott, Salt Lake Clty,d,
Utah; H. W. Gregory, route 2.:««
Bio - Obituaries - 6/14/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 19,1940
Ollie C Austia.
It Is witb sadness Itiac %ro dueatde tbe
death of OUieC. Austin. 74. %ibo died at
bis bome Id StatesvUle Wednesday nsght.
fottowing a sindte of pmlysls. He bad
been fa deeHoInd healtb'for some time.
Mr. Austia was .bora In MocbsvHle. a
son of the late 5fr. and Mia. Riebaid Aus
tia. Hemoved toStaCesvUle32yeanatfo.
and for the [laat 28 years had operated a
stbra la that oity. He was a metnber of
the Diamond HL'I A. R. P. Chareb. and
was a leader la raUgioue work.
Mr. Aostin Is snared by. bis widow,
the fanner Miss Julia Aon Cloooe. of tbo
Smitii Grove eeraloo; two eons. Ridiaidoiid
Thomas Austio, af'$cateavllte. twqalstors.
Misses liUa and Cora Austio. of tbto dty.
Paoeral services were held at the' home
Friday eftemooo at 2 oVdoek, eondueted
by. bis pastor. Rev. E.& Carson, and the
body btoogbt to this city and laid to rest
la 'Rose cemetery with Masootc bonora.
The Record editor has lost enother
friend of loog years etandlog in the death
of this good man. To tbo bereaved wife,
children and slstem. wft extend oar deep
est aympaildee In this aad boor.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/19/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 26,1940
Rev. Jimiiis F. Carter.
Rev. JuDins Franklio, 54, died at
his home in WinstoDoSalem last
Tneaday evening at 7 o'clock, fol
lowing a tonr niombs iilness.
Rev, Mr. Carter was a native of
Davie connty. a son of the late Mr.
an J Mrs, George Carter. His par
ents died when be was (dz years
old, and he was reared in the home
of his nnde, A. M Garwood, near
Fork. After gradnating from
Wake Forest College aod Southern
Baptist Theologioal Seminatv,
Louisville, he entered the Baptist
ministry, and for the pcu^t at years
bad been pastor of the Waughtown
Ban'Ut church.
He is survived by his widow,
three danghtere; a sister, Mrs. A.
R. Williams, of Greensboro, and
one brother, Rev. A. G. Carter,
of DanvilU, Va. Funeral services
were held at Wangbtown Baptist
church Tbnrsdav morning at it
o'clock, conducted hy Revs. R. E.
Redwine and Charles Stevens, and
the brdy laid to rest io' Waogh
town cemetery.
In the ceath of this good man
the state loses one of its be>t be«
1 tved pastors, a servant of the Lord
who went aboni doing the will of
Rim who said, "Go Into all the
world, preaching the gospel to all
ratiouH," This section hav tieeo
blessed by the life of this good man
who is now at rest after many years
bnsj with bis roaster's work.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/26/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 28,1940 - Page 3
Dies Saturday
tath Claims Former
idkin County Sheriff i
ftmeral services 'for G. T.
Ule, 75, who died late Satur-
J night at his home at Buck
■nh, were conducted Tuesday
mlng at 11 o'clock at St.
Melhodlst church, with
'• L c. Stevens, pastor, in
i^gp, assisted by the Rev. J.
A. Bumgarner and the Rev.
M Johnson, Burial was in
! church cemetery.
ie suffered a stroke of paral-J Wednesday mornlnB froin
■'ih he never rallied. The
i? lay In state in the church
^ 10 o'clock until the fun-
WliUc was one of Yadkln
®iy'3 best known cltlzejjs. HeJ ^ r"^-mincnt farmer and^css man and had held
''*7 ofllccs of the county. He
^ sheriff of the county two
1004 to 1D08; later hoJ A member of the board of
commissioners; served*icrms as county roprcscnta-' in the legislature and one
" Qs senator of this district.
an active member of
■ Ptuil's Methodist church.I"® was twice married, his lastJ.who was Miss MnlUo Thoip-
survives, together with the'•'wing children; Mrs. V. F.
Wlnston-Salem; Mrs. W.«««c and Dr. T. R. White,
Mrs. Gray Brown of Bur-
wn; N. D. White and Mrs.
^'2 Jennings, Mount Airy;
White of Fort Worth,
William White of Buck
one brother, Lee White
. ..... W4UVitCl, bW ITi>lV«||®nntuila; three sisters, Mrs. •
Hnrtness, Wlnston-Salem: i^Bud Mason, Statesvlllc; and 'J Bidaoy Click, San Antonio, 1
10 grandchildren and i
gteat-grandchlldren. i
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 28,1940 - Page 4
Nancy Walker Swing
H. S. Walker
Loses Sister
Funeral services were held
Tuesday for Mrs. Nancy Walker
Swing, 42, who died at a Wlns-
ton-Salem 'hospital Monday af-
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Goodc and
family of'Coolcemcc visited Mr.
and Mrs. Mittc Barnes Sunday.
Mrs. Walter B. Wilson and
daughter. Miss Earlinc visited
Mrs. S. R. Miller Monday.
Misses Thco Wagoner and
I.cxle Alexander were Sunday
dinner guests of Misses Earlcnc
and Nellie Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Daniel and
three children of MockavlUo
visited Mr. and Mrs. Eustace
Daniel Sunday.
Mrs. James Daniel and sons,
Ervin Gray and Jerry visited
Mra. O. H. Tutterow-Monday.
Baxter Myers of near Wood-
leaf Is vUlUng his brother, Vea-
. ta1 Myers and family.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/28/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 28,1940 - Page 5
Death Claims
W. H. Crenshaw
'Laat rites were held Tuesday
afternoon for WilUam. Henry
Crenshaw, 71, who died Monday-
mortiing at 11:30 o'clock. Rer»
A. w. Lynch conducted the senr- •
ices at Salem Methodist chuxeb.
and Interment was in the chuxcti
Survivors Include h.ls wife,.
Mrs, Harriet Crenshaw; one son,.
David of Lexington route 3; one'
daughter, Mrs. Rosa Bracken of
Cievotand route. 6; two sisters,
Mrs. W. L. BUmpson of States-
vUle ond Mrs. V. E. Swalm of
MoeksvUie. One grandson also
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 28,1940 - Page 6
Anna Bell Sittings
Mrs. Anna Bell Bittings died
nt her home in WInston-Salem
Saturday evening following a
brief illness. She was a native
of Mocksvlllc and was a member
of the Shllbh Baptist church in
Mocksvlllc. The funeral rites
were held Tuesday evening at
5 p. m. at the church with the
pastor, Rev. H. M. Hargravcs
Mrs. Bittings was twice mar
ried. first to Rev. Jolin F. Brown.
After his death to Byrd Bittings
who survives.
survivors arc: husband, Byrd
Bittings of Mocksvlllc, one dou-
ghter, Miss Fannlc Brown of
Wlnston-Salem, her /other, Fry-
son Campbell of Davle county,
three sisters. Miss Ada Camp-
r bell of Goldsboro, Miss Mattie
Campbell of Mocksvlllo, Mrs.
f Rosa Johnson of Rowan county;
three brothers, James and Laza
rus Campbell of Fa., Juan Camp
bell of Mocksvlllc.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/28/1940 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY