Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 2,1941
W. L &iiith Passtt
W. E. Smith died last Tn^av
morning at 8:35 o'clock at bis home
Harmony, Route 3. He bad been
te declining health lor fitveral years
and W4S smously ill lor a lew days
pior to bla death.
Sntviving Hr. Smith are his wile,
Mrs • Cora Gaither Smith; two
alsteiB, Mrs. I«ily Bfitcbell, States*
tdlle: and Mrs. Bertha Lapish,
Kanhapolis; three brothers, Messrs.
B. H. Smith pnd J. Moody Smith,
and C. M. Smith, Salisbnry.^
Pnneral sersices were held Wed-
nesday at 13 o'clock Irom New
Union' Methodist chnrch and inter
ment was in the chnrch cemetery.
The seryioe was condncted by Rev
E, V. Bradley, Jr, of Harmony,
land Rev. E W. Tomer, of Mocks-
Mr. Smith had many friends in
Mocksville and Davie county who
were saddened bv news of bis death.
We bad known Mr. Smith for more
than a qnarter of a .century. We
shall miss hiscvislts to onr office.
To the bereaved family we ^tend
sympathy in this sad hour. A good
man has been called to his reward.
WillianiHeory Reader
Wilttam Henry Rene^. 73;- prondnent
Calahalo farmer, passed awey at his hmne
on R. 2, Sooday afternoon, ftdlowlog a cri*
tieal Utneaa of two montha. Be had beoi
in declining health for several yean.
Mr. Renegarwasa native of UradeOconn-
ty, but moved to Davie about 60 years
ago. He waa a member of ijameaX Roads
Baptist Chnicht
Sncylvlog an the widow; five dangbtem,
Mrs* Lohnle Dwigglns. MoekavUIO; Mra. T.
W. Anderson and Mrs. J. M.Guireot,Wln*
atoO'Selem: His. L R. TutCeinw. Ifoclit-
vide, and Miss Pauline Renegat, at hsoie,
and fonr graodebUdten.
Fanetal servicea were bdd at the borne
Tuesday morning at 10*^0 o'docfc, and at
Uames Baptist Chnrch at 11 o'dodi, whb
Revs. L. V. Bradley and E. W. Turner In
■charge* and the body laid to rest in tbechttidi cemetery.
In the death of Mr. Renegar tba oouniyhas last one of its bed; dtliens. the wlfo
a kind and loving husband andlothenand
the dmreb a consecrated and laHlifid worker. Aootber long time friend ni the effi*
tot is gone. To the loved oiMs left bebiiidwe extend beartfdt sympotfiy.
Mm. Joseph Carter.
Bfis. Joseph Cartm. 60, of Salldntty St.,died at Rowan Memorial Hospital. Salia*bury, Smiday momlng at 7:15 o'do^ fol>lowing an illness of six w^efcs with pnmi*mooln pod GompUcathms. Mia. C^crwas
carried to the bospltallastTuesday.
Fooeral services were bdd at the bomaMondaymomiiigatil o'dook, with herpastor Rev. R 11. Raidee, in ohaiga, andthe body laid to rest in Etoso cemetery.Surviving^are the husband, two dai^ten, Mrs. Roy Jdinsoo, Cbatlotca, andMrs. Qttinoo Powell, at homo: two grand-eblMieo; two biothen, G. K. Hodgesb 8a*tern , Van and W. T. Hodges, RoaoQke,Va4three sisters. Mrs. Pearl Abra. ffi^PMntsMrSfHatn Ckonlce, Roaneke, Va..-andMrs. Lewis Connor, Baltimore.
Mrs. Csfter bad been a resident of tbia
dty for 40 yean, comlog bm frdm' Ra^noke, Va. Sbe made many* friends 'mir
ing iMt long Rfe bete, who wme saddoedby news of her death. To the bereaved
family and relatives. The Recordaympatby In thissad hour* A good itoiii<^n has b^ called 10 her reward
Bio - Obituaries - 7/2/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 4,1941 - Page 1
Kelly Kirkland King
Brother of Mrs.
Roy Feezor Dies
Ktily KirUand Klog. 48. of
Wlnston-Salem. widely known
Independent tobacco dealer,
died at n hospital there last
Tliursday nlghL
He had been ill for ten days,
but this condition had been
serious only n few days.
Mr. King was one of >tho city's
most highly respected tobacco
nists. Born in Wlnston-Salem.
a son of Jefferson D. and Mdt-
tte Snipes King, -he had spent
his entire life there. He was
educated In the city schools,
(ho University of N. C., tlie
University of Maryland and
studied (or 18 months at Mu
nich University In Germany.
With exception of the time
he was away In college, he
spent his life In buying tobacco
in Winston. For many years
ihc had been a (ax lister at
Ihe county courthouse.
In 1038 he was an unsuccess
ful Democratic candidate for
sheriff. He was >thc possessor
cf-- many admlrable~traltsnnyd
had a wide circle of friends
In every section of the county.
Surviving are the widow, who
was Miss Kathleen Bouldln. two
daughters, Mrs, Lee Vanstory
and Mrs. Jacquclln King John
son. a grandson. James Kelly
Johnson; one sister. Mrs. Roy
Feezor of MoeksvlUe; four
brothers, M. V. King of JCer-
nersvllle; Jeff B. King of Dur
ham. W. J. King of Charlotte,
and Joe E, King of Birming
ham. Ala.
Funeral services were held
Saturday morning at the home
ojtd Interment was In -the Salem
A. E. Jefferiet .
Rit49 Wednesdty
Funeral servlcet ll«i«
Wednesday momlai *1 It'
o'clock for Albert fdtrard M*
(cries, 76. who dlod tt Ml
near Fnrmlngtoo MjMiy
morning at 3 o'cIoA MtwOM
were condpctcd bgr Mm, M, W*
IMmet and fiev. Juttii Choeo
at the Yadkln Vallef cfamtlt
where he had been A louff
Mr. Jef(cries wm tin mb of'
Jacob and SolUe DiaiMr Jef-
fcrlcs. He Is sorrhred by Md
wife, the former MlN Martha
Comcllson, one daufiifeer, >8^,
and one son, George, boni ob
home; one sister, Mia Bliiy.
Jcfferlcs of Advaaeo, route i
also survives.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 4,1941 - Page 2
Mrs. Stokes, 81,
Dies At Cycle
Mrs. Elizabeth Stokes. 81.
passed away quietly at her
home In Cycle. Yadkln county.'
at 0 o'clock Wednesday morn
ing as a result of complica
tions due to old age. She was
the widow of John F. Stokes.
She 'made her home with her
daughter, \trs. W. T. Hudspcth,
of Cycle; other children are
Miss Betty Stokes. Cooper, W.
Va.; G. W. Stokes. Cycle; John
P. Stokes. Wlnston-Salem. and
Mrs. Ida Inscorc, ThomasvlIIo;
one sister, Mrs. Carrie Swalm,
She was a member of Moun
tain Grove Church, where the
funeral was held at 11 o'clock
Friday morning. Burial fol-
lon-cd in Oak Grove cemetery.
Services were In charge of Rev.
S. J. Brawley and Rev. Walter
Bio - Obituaries - 7/4/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 9,1941
Gannon Talbert Passes.
Gannon Talbeit, 80, prominent Advance
dtteeo, passed away early TbiiiBday
iMiniog, death rasnltifig fmm a beait at
tack. Mr. Talbert had been In bad health
for several years.
Mr. Talbert moved to Advance from
Uoottfonety cotmty when a young man.
and spent moat of his life In Davie. He
was a raral letter carrier for more than SO
yeats. haidng entered the service in 1808.
Id the death of this ^ood man. the Re
cord editor has lust a warm personal friend
Of 40 yean standing. We shall mbs his
Adendly greetings and hearty handshake*
Re visited our office fkequently. We shall
alwaye eberiab bis long friendship. To the
bereaved wife and children we extend
heartfelt sympathy In'the death of this
Gne bueband and father.
fdoeral service were held at Advance
Methodist chnich Sunday morning at 11
o*dockt with bis pastor* Rev. L. P. &nith
In charge, and the body laid to test In
Advance'Baptiit ebufoh cemetery.
Mr. Talbert Is survived by Us widow,
and the foUowIng efaildren; Mrs. J. F.
Hock of TtumtasvUle; Mrs. Mlotile Bryson.
Any Jane Talbeit, Janes Talbert, Sam
Talbert, Gannon Talbert, Jr, Rebecca Tal
ben, arid Thomas Talb^ all of Advance;
G. Franc Talbert, and John Talbert of
Wio8too*SaIemi Mis. Cbarles Bomm. of
Hamptco, Vsh GennlsTalbeit, of Erlaogm;
CliattoThibett,of KDox,Ky. One sister,
Mn J. W. Hanley. of Aebeboro, also sor
A. E. Jrifdes.
Alben Edward Jefferies, 76, died l^iet-
day moroiog at 3 o'clocfc at bis home near
Pnneral services were conducted Wed
nesday morning at It o'clock at the Yad-
kin Valloy Baptist CtUHCb by Rev.- E W.
Turner sod R^. Jamra Gfoee.
biirvtvora Inctode the widow, who be
fore marridga was Miss Martha Cnroolisoo;
one son, George Jefferies: one dattghter,
Miss Brile Jefferies, aB of the hone; and
one sister.MlsaMaiy Jefferies, of Advance,
Routes I.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/9/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 11,1941 - Page 1
Gannon TalBcrt; aicff
from a sudden heart attack at
his home at Advance lost
Mr. Talberl was bom In
Montgomery county on April 6.
180t, the son of James and
Jane Dennis Talbert. Ho came
to Davle county about 00 years
sgo from' Montgomery county
and was married to Miss Re
becca Minor of the Fork com
munity In 1605. Ho was an R.
F. D. carrier on the first route
that went from the Advance
post office and was retired with
the first group of mall car-
riers-hrA-ofttttl. 1031.
He Is survived by his widow,
and the following children:
Mrs. J. F. Mock of Thomosvillei
Mrs. Minnie Bryson. Amy Jane
Talbert, James Talbert, Sam
Talbert, Gannon Talbert Jr.,
Rebecca Talbert, and Thomas
Talbert, all of Advance; G.
Frank Talbert, and John Tal
bert of WInston-Sulcm; Mrs.
Charles Bomm of Hampton,
Va.; Dennis Talbert of Er-
ianger: Charles Talt>ert of
Fort Knox, Ky. One sister.
Mrs. J. W. Hadley of Ashe-
boro. also survives.
Last Rites Hold For
Billy Hcndricks
Funeral services were held
Saturday morning at 11 o'elocte
Funeral services were held
Sunday morning at the Ad
vance Methodist church by
Rev. P. L. Smith and Intcr-
nvnt was In the church cemc-
Pallbearers were John Orrell.
Lindsay Cornatzer, Charlie Cor-
natzer, Charles Markland, W.
A. Hendrlx, Jr., Wiley Ellis
for Billy Wayne Hcndricks, 8
.months old son of Mr and Mrs.
Otis Hcndricks of route 3.
Services were held at the Ful
ton Mctliodlst church and were
conducted by T. I. Caudell.
Billy died Friday, July 4, at
a hospital In Salisbury. He is
survived by his parents and the
following brothers and sisters
all at home: Hallene, Clarence,
ond Harvey. His grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Hendileks
and Mr. and Mrs. J. Bud Uege
also survive.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 11,1941 - Page 8
Erskine Franklin Stanley
Yadkin Veteran
Commits Suicide
Eraktne Franklin Stanley,
about 30, took his own life at
his home near Boonvllle by
firing a shotgun load into his
breast Just above the heart,
severing the large blood vcs
sel. He died In ten minutes.
Stanley was a World War
veteran and had spent some
time In a veteran's hospital at
Johnson City, Temi.. returning
to his home Saturday. His
.ramll.v..was..nt work .when the
shot was fired. The body was!
found by A. L. Dehart. on whose
farm Stanley lived, a few min
utes after the shet was fired.
Dehart was passing by and
saw the body lying In front
of the home, three miles north
west of Boonvllle. A stick had
been used to pull the trigger.
Stanley w.as n naflVo of Suri7
county. He Is survived by his
widow and several children.
The funeral was held at the
Stanley Oravcynrd near Dobson
Thursday nftortioon.
Coroner R. V. Long was call
ed to the scene but pronounc
ed It a clear case of suicide
and deemed an Inquest un
Bio - Obituaries - 7/11/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 16,1941
W* J. Fo^.
Winiam J. Foster, 78. of the Roi^
Springs conimiioity in IredeQ oonnty, died
at s WisstooSaleA hospital Thnndajr
idght at 7i30 o'dook.
He bad been acdonshf IQ to a week.
Fhnenl services were conducted at Rock
SpHnge Baptist Qituch Satmda^ alto*
noon at 3 o'dodu Xnteimeot was in the
choicfa graveyard.
Mr, Fester was the son cd the tate Mtt
and Uts. W. J. Foster and was a aem-
bec el Rock Springs toptto Chuieli.
Mh Foster la entvived by tweeos,Ray-
mead F. koeter, IfocksvUIeb R. I. Anstin
Foster, Detroit. Hleb., two donghten. Mrs.
J. F.Johnaoo. vno8t<m«SaleD. and Bto.
L A. AndetMm, Kaimooy. 2;twolnotbets.
8. A. Foster, Etkio, and N. T. Footer, • (ri
thto cltyt two sistoai lira. Fannie Parim,
WinstoO'Saleffl, and Bfia, Mary Penoock,
BfooiesvlUe; one half brother, Chaslea
Foatoi Newport News, Va.; two half alateia
Bto. Steve Fflid and Mn, Ptoee Certnn.
Haiaony R. 1; tm graodehiidren ^ two
great-giandriiildmi.. .
In the death of Ur. Fosttt IiedeU coon*
ty has lost one her best ctrizens. He
wiO be missed not only in hb home com*
oninity, bot thmoghiHii ibbeotiiaseGthw, i
He hod many idends in MocksviUe and
Davie coonty. Prace to hb aahea.
Mosm B. Brock.
Ifosea B. Birach, 68, letlied fanner nod
member one of Davie ecmtfa Iwst
known families died Thnnday afternoon
at hb borne at Fanidngtoa.
Sairiving are the widow; t«ro eons. Bl,
C. fitoek Uoeksvilbb fmner etato sena
tor; and John Bioek of Colttmbia,S C.;0Qe
daogbto. Mbs Maigoret Brack, of Groena-
boro; one steter. Mm, R* G Brown, Faim*
logton. and eleven grandcbUdran.
Fhneial aervioee were held at Faimlog-
toa Methodist ehnieh Satniday monlng
at 11 o'clook, with Revs. J. W. Vostal, E.
M. Avett and John Tabor oonditering the
services, and the body laid to rest In tbo
Flsnniii^on cemetery,
Mr.. Brack was one of Davie coonty*a
otdest and best known citizess, having
spent piaecicaUy hb antbe Ufa in Fom-
IngtOQ coWnsblp. Hb passing has bruaght
sadnm to hwdf«b of frieods
the eotife commanlty where be fivcd to
80 many years. To the bereaved wife and
cbildfea. The Record esteoda sympatliy
in this hoar of'flodnew.
Shoaf Rites Salnrday^'
Foneral services were condocted Sat-
ttrday at 8 p. nu lor Raymond H. Shoaf
at IJoM n. S, chsich, with ROVf B*
M. Avatt ofBeiatfog. Borial followed in
libeity eeiaetoiy,
Mr. Shoaf, who was 3$ years of ago.
dbd at Ids home In North Goobemee on
Friday aftemooo at 2 p. m., after a few
botmoflUness. Hob saivlviMl by bb
vfidow. who was, prior to marriage. Mba
NomMtindy. Abo soiviviog are three
brothcfs, Walter and Shetmaii, of Coobe-
mee. and Henry Shoaf of fifocksvilb, RFD
No 4. He waa the son of the fate Jesse
Stoaf and the late Emma Foster Sboaf.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/16/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 18,1941 - Page 1
Roselean Mae Walls
■Roselean Mae Wolls died Sat
urday, June S8, at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Wolls. near Cana. SheIs survived by her parents, one
sister, Betty, and two brothers,
Charlie and Hal Marvin. Fun
eral services wore held at Oak
Grove church with Interment'
In the ohurch cemetery.
Funeral services for MOses B.
Brock, greatly esteemed farmer
and oldest citizen of Farming-
ton, were held Saturday, July
12, at the Farmlngton Metho
dist Church at 11 o'clock, The
services were conducted by Rev.
J. W. Vestal, pastor of the de
ceased, Rev. E. M. Avett of
MocksvUle and Rev. J. B. Tabor
of canton.
The pallbearers were Hugh
Brock, Leo Brock, George Hart-
man, Sheek Bowden, Odell
James and c. B. Hoover. Hon-
crary pallbearers were members
of the Men's Bible class of
Farmlngton Methodist Church
and J. W. Turner, R. S. Mc-
Kcill, O. W. Johnson and Dr.
P. H. Mason.
Moses Brock was bom Aug
ust 24, 18SS near Liberty
Church In Davie eounty. He
was the son of James Nath
aniel and Margaret Cuthrell
Brock. His father was captain
in the War of 1848, and a well
known Justice of Peace and
influential citizen of his day.
He was the great-greatgrand-
son of Natltanlel Brock, pioneer
Methodist preacher and Revol
utionary soldier, and nephew of
Moses Brock, wldehr known
Methodist preacher of Virginia
end North Carolina, for whom
he was named.
Moves To Farmlngton
Just preceding the Civil War
Moses Brock moved with his
father to Farmlngton. There
he spent moat of his life until
his death Thursday, July 10,
1041. Death followed o serious
illness suffered July 4, a few,
weeks before his 80th birthday.
Moses Brock received his edu
cation at Farmlngton Academy
and Rutherford College, thencalled "Happy Homo."
Until Ills later years' Mr.
Brock led an active life. He
vas mentally alert and recog
nized as a fine Bible student.
Ho was a loyal member of tho
Methodist ohurch, being con
verted at the age of 16 at the
Old Smith Orove Camp Meeting
Oround which was founded by
his uncle, Moses Brock.
He served as superintendent
of the Jamestown Sunday
Cchcol and teacher of tho Men's
and Ladies Bible classes at the
Farmlngton Methodist ohurch
of which he was a member.
His genial and humorous na
ture, his ajmipathctlc and un
derstanding heart made many
ft tends throughout the county.
He is survived by his widow.
Vert Coley Brock; two sons,
Burr C.. well known attorney
of Faraiington and MocksvUle;
John M. of Columbia, 8. C.; one
daughter, Margaret Brock,
Greensboro; one sister, Mrs. R.
C. Brown, Farmlngton; and
II grandchildren.
Out of town visitors the
funeral included: Mrs. J. B.
Tabor and Misses Frances and
Margaret Tabor of Statesvllle,Mr. and 'Mrs. Swift Hooper,
Roberson Freeman and Charles
Hooper of WInston-Salcm, Soli
citor and Mrs. Avalon Hall. Yad-
Oint>IHi» y r»
KIrkman and Mr. and Mrs. R.
W. Black, Durham, Mr. and
Mrs. T. H, Cash, Mr. and Mrs.
John Grace, E. L. Ball, Mrs.
Will Vogler, Mrs. T. L. Cllng-
ir.an, Mrs. Bettle Vaughn-
t«yd, Mrs. C. R. 8. Wlllson.
Mrs. Wm. Scholtes. Mrs. Nell
Lashley and children, Mrs.
Camilla Schulte, Mr. Fred Perry,
Mrs. Nell Davis, Gery Wall of
Wiiiston-Salem and G. H. Bal-
lentlnc, o. G. currle, J. F.
Vinson and J. H. Miller of Co
lumbia. 8. C., Mr. and Mrs.
Fd Johnson. Miss Edith Ha-
worth, Mrs. W. B. Seawell.
Miss Addio Morris. Mrs. W. W.
Neal, Mrs. Jack Tenenbaum
and Miss Margaret Neal of
nreensbora. Mrs. Johnson J.Hayes and J. Hadley Hayes of
Mhlkesboro and Miss Gertrude
Vance of Kernersvttle.
Bio - Obituaries — 7/18/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 18,1941 - Page 8
William J. Foster
Raymond Foster
Loses Father
WlUinm J. Foster, 78, of the
Rock Springs community in
Iredell county, died at n Wlna-
ton-Balem hospital Thursday
night at 7:30 o'clock.
iHe had been serloivsly |I1
for a week.
Funeral services were con
ducted at Rock Springs Bap
tist Church Saturday olter-
noon at 3 o'clock. Interment
was In the church graveyard.
Mr. Poster was the son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Foster
and was a member of Rock
Springs Baptist Church. The
body was removed Thursday
I'Ight to the iiuiDu of his sun,
Raymond P. Foster, Mocksvllle.
Route 1, to await the funeral
Other survivors Include an
other son, Austin Poster, of De
troit, Mich.: two daughters,
Mrs. J. F, Johnson of this city
and Mrs. L. A. Anderson of
Harmony, Route 2; ten grand-
rhlldrcn and two great-grand
children: two brothers, S. A.
Poster of Elkin and N. T. Fos
ter of Mocksvllle; two sisters,
Mrs, Fannlc Parker of Wins-
ton-Salem and Mrs. Mary Pea
cock of Mooresvllle; one half
brother of Newport News, Va.;
two half sisters, Mrs. Steve
Eflrd and Mrs. Pierce Gart
ner of Harmony, and a ntim-
ber of nieces and neohews.
Joe Chamberlain
Dies Suddenly
Joe W. Chamberlain. 71. died
suddenly Saturday night at his
home near Bethel Baptist
Church. He was stricken with
a heart attack while reading
his Bible.
Mr. Chamberlain was born In
Yadkln county, June 28, 1870, a
son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Chamberlain. Ho was marrico
to Miss Amelia Comer, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Comer. He was a member of
Bethel Baptist Church, near
Surviving are the widow; nine
children, Mrs. J. C. CranfUl,
Mrs. W. T. Doas. Mrs. Fred
Comer and Herman Chamber
lain. all Yadklnvllle; Mrs. M.
,0. Renegar ond Mrs. W. P.
Sharps of Harmony: Mrs. W. A.
Holcomb.-Mrs. R. L. Lawaon and
D. W. Chamberlain of Wlns-
ton-Salem, and one sister. Mrs.
UlUe Reavls, of Yadklnvllle.
The funeral was held Mon
day afternoon at 2 o'clock at
Bethel Baptist Church. Rev.
George Bumis and Rev. Will
Crlssman conducted the serv
ices. Burial was in the church
Plluihf Rlims
Hold Saturday
Puncrol services were con-
(iucted S.iturday at 9 p. m.
for Raymond M. Shoaf at Llb-
iTiy M. E. church, with Rev.
E. M. Avett, of Mocksvllle of-
flcIaVng. Burial followed In
Liberty eemetery.
.Mr. Shoaf, who u-as 30 years
of age, died nt his home In
North rootocmce on Friday
.Mtorncon at 2 p. m. after a
I 'cw hour of Illness. He la sur-
Uivcd by hlit widow, who was
; t^rlor to marriage. Miss Nora
Muudy. Also surviving arc
j three brothers, Walter and
;iUterman of Coolccmce. and
Henry Shoaf of Mocksvllle. RPD
I ^-'0. 4. Ho was the son of the
I'.'.te Jesse Shoaf and the late
' Emma Poster Shoaf.
Bio - Obituaries — 7/18/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 23,1941
Miss Saiah Hanes.
Bliis Stiah wed knowii lady of
MarCMmmoQiikdlodlaa Winatoo^Saleai
hospital Ssliiito BBORdog, f^owiotf aa
extended tSttOsai Ftmenlaod boiUioer-
vioeo took plaoft at Ftetemity iSliiiiGh, near
GbaoMOfblioBday BMnlotf at II o'deek.
Oiia^ater,lto Uoia Haneo, ennrtvea.
BBn Raaea opeat her eatiia tHo at Mia
eooeitfalhfliDaofher paieotai the tote
Mr. aod'Hta. Edwin Haoea. where ike woa
homfliiJahr2S.I<e7. Afood womaahta
h^oaUed to hv coward. We abalmtoa
,her frto^ viMta CO one print ehepu '
Bio - Obituaries - 7/23/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 25,1941 - Page 1
George Taylor
Ceorgc "Taylor, uncle of Mrs.
Vf. H. Dodd of Moclcsvnie, died
Sn Richmond, Va. last Saturday
night at a hospital. He form
erly lived here. Mrs. Dodd at- i
tended the funeral in Peters-
burs Monday and then went to'
\i8lt her brother, Dr. W. W.
Ihylor in Warrenton, i
Mrs. Mary Bailey
Dies iu Hospital
Airs. Mary Llvengood BaHey.
54. wife of Dewltt Bailey, died
at the Rowan Memorial hos
pital, Salisbury Tuesday after
noon where she had iKcn a
patient for four days. She
lived at Fork.
The funeral was held yes
terday afternoon at Fork Bap
tist church, conducted by Rev.
Wade Hutchlns and assisted by
Kcv. B. w. Turner. The bot^
l.ty in state at the church for
30 minutes prior to the funeral-
Burial was In the church ccmo-
She Is survived by her moth
er, Mrs. Annie Jnrvls Liven-
good; by her husband and the
following children: Graham,
Olln and Paul, aU of Fork;
Rod of Oreenstoro, D. M. Jr.,
Nelson, BUly and Wllburn at
home, Mrs. Eloiso Decse of
Thomosvllle and Mrs. Archie
Michael of Baltimore, Md. Sur
viving sisters and brothers In
clude Mrs. Salllo Foster, Ad
vance, route 1; Mrs. Emma
Burr, High Point; Archie Uv-
engood, Advance, route 1; Alex,
route 3; Ernest, Advance, route
I; AUltcn Llvengood, Fork.
Gartner. Rites
Held Today
■Puneral services were hold
today at 2 o'clock for John E.
Carter. 08. who died Tuesday
at the State Hospital In Mor-
ganton. Services were con
ducted by Rev. P. L. Smith at
Mocks Methodist church. Intcr-
mont was In the ohureh ceme
Mr. Carter was the son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Carter and
up until two months ogo lived
at his home near Advance.
He Is survived by his widow,
the former. Sallle Smith, two
daughters, Mrs. 8. W. RIggs of
Virginia, and Miss Alma car
ter at home; six sons, M. F.
of Danville, Vo.. C. S. of Cana,
C. A. of Advance, Roy and Ever,
etto of Virginia and Grady of
Advance, route 1; one sister,
Mrs. John E. Polts of Advance,
route 1; three brothers, S. W.,
B. P. and P. R. all of Advance,
route 1.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 25,1941 - Page 8
Funcial For Mrs. Sallie
Carter Everhardt
Funeral services were con
ducted Wednesday morning at
10:30 for Mrs. Sallle Carter
Everhardt. who passed away
Monday evening at her home
un Mucksvlllu, route 4. after a
two weeks Illness.
She was 71 years of age and
was the daughter of the late
J. F. Carter and Annie Trout-
man Carter.
The services were held at
Liberty church, of whieh she t
was a member and were con
ducted by the Reverends G. W.
■fink, E. M. Avett, and F. J. j
In addition to her husband;
Mrs. Everhardt is survived by
three sons, Richard of Coolee-
mee. D. W. and Nelson Ever
hardt of MocrcsvUle; two dau
ghters, Mrs. W. M. Seaford of
■Mocksvlllc, route l, and Mrs.
R. L. Dwigglns of Wlnston-
Salem; one brother, John Car
ter of near Cooleemee and 12
Burial was In Liberty church
Bio - Obituaries - 7/25/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
': M^r% iaura;Ste^
Mrs. Laura Miller StBW9r^;.8^;widow of;
iCaptain Stewart, died Weidn^daf^nigbt at
7 o'clock at a S^isburylipspit'aL ? "I
v.|'Mr^^Stewart made ber^dme^'^tb ber"
n^pbew, £. G..Tatum of^; .Cooleemee.' Sbe
had'resided at Cbarldtte" witb a son. Vance
Stewart, following tba deatb of ber lius-
baod several yc^lago.';''-Sbe moved to
Cooleemee after the deatb of ber son early
tbis year. ' \ . -v ' :
Surviving are one sister. Airs. A. D.
Tatum. of Cooleemee.' and a number of
neices and nepbews. . . :
Tbe funeral was beld at Jerusalem
Baptist 'Choicb Friday afternoon at 4
o'clock. Rev. E. W. Turner and Rev A.
T. Stoudeinire conducted tbe services.
Burial was in the church graveya^.
mocksvilue, m
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 1,1941 - Page 1
WaHer Rites
Held Thursday
Funeral services were held
jresterday morning nl 11 o'clock
nt Etliavine Methodist Church
2or T. W. Waller, 90, of Advance,
route 2, who died at his homo
Itev. P. L. Smith officiated.
Burial was In the church ceme
Surviving other than . his
wife, the former Miss Mary Ann
Ellis, aro three daughters, Mrs.
3. a. Zimmerman of Advance,
route 2; Mrs. R. B. Burton,
Wineton-Salem: Mrs. c. T.
Burton, Wlnstbn-Salcm; three
sons, 0. P. Waller and O. O.
Waller, of Woodloaf; and 0. c.
Waller of Wlnston-Salem; 38
crandchUdron and 30 great
Frances Campbell
Funeral Held
Funeral service were held
Monday for Frances Vemell
Campbell, 0, who died Saturday
morning ot Duke hospital. Rev.
B. K. Wooten hold the services
at the home nt 1 o'clock and
at 2:30 at sweet Homo church
In tho church graveyard.
She Is survived by her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Camp
bell of route 4, Mocksvlllc; one
sister, Elsie, and two brothers,
J. D. and Dwlght nil at home.
Mrs. M. P. Adams
Buried Tuesday
Funeral services were held
Tuesday at 3 o'clock at Center
church for Mrs, M. P. Adams/
77, who died Monday morning
at tho homo of her daughter,
Mrs. L. M. Scamon In Mocks
vlllc. Rev. a, w. Fink con
ducted tho service and inlcr-
mcnl was In tho church ceme
Survivors Include one son,
Milton Adams of Wlnston-
Solem: three daughters, Mrs.
Ola fitlllor and Mrs. Magglo
Husscy both of Wlnston-Salem,
route 7 and Mrs. L. M. Seamon
of Mccksvllle. Plflcen grand
children and three great-grand-
children also survive.
Slunmers Rites
Held Tuesday
John W. Summers, 68, died
Monday morning at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. O. F.
Foster In Mocksvlllc. Funeral
services were held Tuesday
morning at 11 o'clock at Oak
Grove Methodist church with
Rev. O. W. Fink and Rev. E.
M. Avett holding the service.
ccmetcry. |
Mr. Summers was the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Oassaway Sum
mers of Ircdell county.
Survivors Include one son, c.
8. Summers of route 3; she
daughters, Mrs. Julia Bowles
.md Mrs. 0. P. Foster of Mocks-
vlUe: Mrs. John Howard of
Mocksvlllc, route 4; Mrs. John
Myers ot Cooleemeo: Mrs. J.
p. Summers and Mrs. John M.
Poplin of Mocksvtlle. route 1;
three sisters, Mrs. John Horn.
Mrs. D. A. Clement and Mrs.
Rebecca Williams all of Mooks-
I vlllc. route 2; and twcnty-flvc
Mrs. Norris Fry
Rites Wednesday
Mrs. Elva Mae Southern Fry,
34, wife of Norris Fry, died
Sunday night at a Salisbury
Mrs. Fry was the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George M.
Southern of Forayth county.
She Is survived by her parents,
her husband and three sisters,
Mrs. Olln Cartwrlghl of Mocks
vlllc, Mrs. Avery Lakcy and
Mrs. Charles Bslln both of
Washington, D. C.; three bro
thers, Mock, George and Paul
southern all of Washington,
D. c.
Funeral services were held
Wednesday morning at 11:00
o'clock at Providence Moravian
church. Interment was In the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/1/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 1,1941 - Page 3
Stewart Rites 11
Held Friday
Mrs, Lnura Stcwnrt. 82. widow' |
of the lotc Cnpt. W. Stewart. <
I -vas burled Friday afternoon at i
I Jerusalem Baptist church, fol- ]
imvlhR last rites conducted inn
the church at 4 p. ni. |
Mrs. Stewart, a native ofii
Rowan county, was born four i
miles from Salisbury, on the |
old Bringlc's Perry road, the c
daughter of the late Mr. and I
Mrs. D. A. Miller, died at the
Rowan Memorial hospital i
last Thursday at 7 p. m. She
hbd been ill two weeks.
Until her recent death, Mrs,
Stewart lived with her only
sun, Z. VUiiuc Stewart at Char-
htte, the son there. Recently
Mrs. Stewart had been at the
home of her sister, Mrs. A. E.
Tatum. Cooleemee, and with a
nephew. B. Carl Tatum. also at
' The rites were conducted byi
Rev. E. W. Turner, pastor at
the Jerusalem church, assisted
by Rev.'A. T. Sloudenmire of
Pallbearers were Mayor T. I,
Caudell, P. M. Hcndrlcka, and
Jacob.Stewart of Mocksvllle, EL
J. Ohllson of Salisbury, and B.
W. Singleton, Special mualc was
provided by Mrs. Sidney Smith
and Mrs. Charles Leaeans of
the Jerusalem church and Mlssj
Ruby Safley of Cooleemee. !
Survivors Include a brother-
and sister. Mrs. A. E. Tatum,-
of Cooleemee. and Ernest E.i
Miller of Spencer; a grand
daughter. Miss Marie Stewart;
and a daughter-in-law. Mrs.
Mattle C. Stewart of Salisbury.
Vance Hauser, 64. idled Mon
day afternoon at his' home two
miles south of yodklnvUle
after an Illness of one month. i
Mr. Hauser was atsbn of Mr.i
and Mrs. John Heilry Hauser
and was' a member^'of pni of
Yadkln county's bdat known
families. He'was'married to
Miss SaUle Ddnglos; who died
>everal years ago.
Surviving are thre^ sons. L. B,
Hnusor, superlntondont of the
state prison camp at Dobson;
Clyde and Edwin Rauser, of
FadklnvUle: one daujghter, Mrs. I
Quy Trlvctt, of Hamptonvllle:■hree brothers, J. H. and H. A.-
Hauser, of Yadklnvllle, andCharlie E. Hauser,; of Lewls-
vUle; and three sisters, Mrs.D. L. Long and Mrs. J. F. Park
er, nf YadklnvUle, and Mro.
Attle Tickle, of Wlnston-Salem,
The funeral was .held Tues
day aflbruoon at 4 o'clock at
the home of a sister, Mrs. D.
L. Long, near YadklnvUle. Rev.
O. W. Bdgerton conducted the
services. Burial wos in the
Hauser family cemetery nearby.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 1,1941
Hodge Gaither
Hodge Galthcr, son of the
late Elijah and Laura. Galthcr,
died Monday morning at 7:30.
Mr. Galthcr had been in iU
health for sometime. The fun
eral was held Wednesday after
noon at 3 p. m. at the St. John
A. M. E. Zion church with Rev.
8. J. Burke officiating. The
survivors Include his widow,
Mrs Julia Galthcr, one dangh-
tor, Mrs. B. T. Williams, 6 sons,
Jessie L., Marshall. Prank,
Thomas and Charlie Oaltlior,
alt of Mooksvllle.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/1/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 6,1941
Chester Carter.
Chester Carter, cobted. 68, died snddeii*
If at bte heme In Booetowo last thesday
night abont 9 o'elo^, death leeoltingftea
a heart attaidi. Fanecal eecviees vcie
held at the Uethodlst cbttieh la Booetowo
Sunday aftenmoo and the body laid to rest
in the ehttieh oem^ty. Oieitnr la aor-
vived by hia wfalow; seven eona and one
dangbter. He was hom in BtoeksTlflaaiid
spent bis entbe life here.
T.W. Waller.
T. W. WaUtf. 90, died at Us home near
Advance eaiiy Wednesday oMfDing.
ntoecal set^dees were bdM Thmsday
momlna at II oVdoek at ElhavUle Ifetbo-
dl^Gbuffdi, wtthRev, L. P. Smith eon-
ducting the saivicea. Baiial foHowed in
the ehmeh cemtttfy,
Mr. Waller Is sofvlved by his wife, three
dangbiers, Mn. JL 6. Zlmreetguin. of Ad-
vanoe, R. I: Ifis. R* Buton and lbs CL
T. Bofton, Wiostoo-Salem; three sons. 6.
G»aiUO O Waller. Woodleaf. and GL P.
Waller. Winston-Salein.
Mrs. James Fry.
Mra. James Fty. 94. died Friday after^
noon at 3 o'clock, foUowlog a lining III-
Funeral services were held at Smith
Grove Mecbodlat tmuich Sunday mmiitog
at 9:30 o'clock, wIth 'Rev. B. M. Avett bi
diaige and tbe body laid to rest to the
diurdi cemetery.
Mrs. Iry is survived t»y tbiee aooa, R. L.
end Joe Fry, of this city and Rev. Floyd
Fry. of Jonesvilla, cogmlter with a oamwr
of grandchildren.
Mrs. John F. Sheek
Meris Horrible IbaA.
Mia. John F. Short, 69,^ near Ootimt*
m was Instantly UUed sboriiy befete
twDo'dort Friday, aflOToon.jrtwnJI»
dwvtelet car in which abe was riding wllh
her bttrtand, was demolished at a rail-read crosahig^weMdOojBB^ ^
aeoger train No. 81. south-bound, ccsshlog
Into the ffentrtttte ear. Short waa
at the wheel, dilvtBg toward liocksvt^
and it is preiwned ha did not see^tto
tialo approaching ar^ e curve tmffl he
wastcensafthe trart toetoiK Mr.8h^
wasfosbed to the Twlod^ Hospital
Latest lepoft to that he is gettfng ahmgah^Mowldbeespeeto£~ ^
Fteetai servleea for Mrs. Sbert were
held at Smith Grove MeHiodlst Ghuidi
Sunday aftemoen ot 4 o'doe^ wHh
JL W. Ve^ la charge, and the body laidto test to.tto cliairt c^etery.
Mrs. aiert to survived by her bosband.
anufflberof neleesand oepbma. Ip her
death tbe conntv moQfos the loss of coe
of Its best wom». To the bereaved hu^
band and relatives. The Record extends
Q^pathv in tfane of sorrow.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/6/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 8,1941 - Page 1
Mrs. John F. Sheek
Davie Woman Dies
When Train Hits
Car at Crossing ~
Funeral services for Mrs.
John F. Sheek, 05, of Cornat-
■.^er, who was killed Friday
when a Southern passenger
train struck the car in which
she was riding with her hus
band, were held Sunday after
noon at 5 o'clock at Smith
Grove Mothodlst church.
Rev. J. W, Vestal conducted
the service and Interment wasin the church cemetery,.
She was the daughter of the
.late Mr. and Mrs. James Wll*
InvesUgniors snld they were
of the opinion that J, P. Sheek,
ft olo survivor of his wife, failed
to hear the train when It np-
jiroachfd the Cornatzer cross
ing. He was operating the car.
Shock was taken to a Wlns-
ton-Salem hospital suffering
<wlth back Injuries and bruises.
Reports from the hospital In
dicated he will recover.
John Henry Bracken
iPuneral Sunday
Funeral services were held
Sunday for John lienry Brack-
on. 3. who died Saturday at;
tlic home of his parents. Mr.
stnd Mrs. William H. Bracken
^loar Cann. Rev. James H.'
Orocc held the service and In-1
torment was In the church
Mrs. Fonzie Fry
Funeral Held
Fiuicral services for Mrs.
Fonzic Fry, 84. who died Fri
day. were held Sunday morn
ing at 0:30 o'clock at Snilth
Grove Methodist church. Burial
was In tlic church graveyard.
Mrs. Fry was the daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Elijah
Surviving are three sons. Rev.
Floyd Fry of Joneavllle; R. L.
and Joe Fry of Mocksvllle; ten
grandchildren and nine great
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 8,1941 - Page 2
Rotnio Grey James
Buried Sunday
Romic Grey James, five months
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Esca
James, died at the home of
nis parents Saturday. Funeral
services were held Sunday at
Turrctulnc Baptist church with
Rev. Bllllc AngcU In charge.
Interment was In the churchcemetery, j
He Is survived by his par->
cuts and four bruthers, Bobble.
Escn. Thomas and Johnny, all
at home.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/8/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 8,1941 - Page 7
Chester Carter
Funcrnl sorvlcca wcro held
Qundny nlicrnoon nt 4 p. m.
at the A, M. G. Zlou church
lor Chester Carter, SO. who died
suddenly nt his home Tiiesdny
ovcnlne:* The deceased was
burled with Masonic honors.
Survivors Included his widow,
Mrs. Jessie Carter, one dough'
ter. Mrs. Ocorge Smith of New
York; 7 sons, Norman and Car-
sell ol New York. Ralph, of
Conn., Kenneth Peter, Glenn
and William, all of Mocksvllle
Interment was In the church
' Mrs. W. F. Barnes
Dies At Home I
Mrs. W. F. Barnes, SO, wife,
of a prominent Rowan county,
farmer, died at her home on.
Salisbury, route 1, Thursday J
night at 0:15 after an Illness
of several months. She had:
-beotr-a—psWenV-ln" Duko-hos-
pltal In Durham for the last
six weeks.
Mrs. Barnes, who wos Miss
Lena Brlneeflold until her
marriage to George Fink In
1008, married W. F. Barnes six
years ago.
She Is survived by her hus
band. her mother, Mrs. M, A.
Brlneeflold; throe brothers, W.
W. Brlncofleld of Salisbury, A.
M, Brlncofleld of Como, Miss.,
and D. L. Brlnccfleld of Dur
ham; a sister, Mrs. L. U. Bos-
tian of El Paso, Tex.; two
stepson.^. Ollle and Ernest
Barnes of the home; and a
stepdaughter, Mrs. W. W, Lang.,
ston of Clcmmons.
Mrs. Barnes was on active
member of the Enon Baptist
church, serving as assistant
teacher to the women's Bible
class, members of which will
serve as flower bearers at the
funeral services.
The last rites was held at
Enon church Saturday after
noon at 4 o'clock, with Rev.
W. R. Klzer in chorge ond
Rev, H. P. Davis assisting. In
terment was be in Enon ceme
Pallbearers were D. L. Hcn-
drlx, J. F. Broadway, J. E.
Kuffmnn, Mr.. W, Barnes, 0.
H, Burcn and S. H. Morgan.
Honorary pallbearers were D.
W. Myers, A, E. Myers, J. H.
Penlcy, nnd W, H. Potent.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/8/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 13,1941
Bin. J. F. BlasoD.
Bin, J. F. Blasoo, 84, who lived Id Bloeke-
vUleaiaoy yean a^o, and a nadva of
Dnvie county, died Buddeply at the State
HospltatiaBlofgaotODlaatItaeaday. Mcsi
Mason had been a mldcot of ffigb Point
for the past 28 yeafBi PoiHsal and horial
setvioea woe held In that oty Thonday
afternoon. Bin Masm la enrrived hy
(me SOD and one danghter,. a bnther, J.
R. Mesoo, of WInatoo-Saleni, and a nom
bef of gtandfdrififmn.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/13/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 22,1941 - Page 1
Robertson Rites
Held Wednesday
Flmil rites for John T. Rob-
crlsan of Btxby. who died at
a Winslon-Salcm hospital Tues
day inoriiinR. were condusted
nt Advance Methodist Church
AVcdnesday afternoon,
Officiating minister was Rev,
P. L. Smith. Interment was
In Shady Orove cemetery. 1
I .Mr. Robertson. CO. had been!
making his home with his sis-!
tcr. Mrs. Charlotte Wltltley Inf
Wlnston-Salem (or the last'
three months. He wai the
son of the late Harmon and
Adelia Tucker Robertson.
Survivors other than his sU-
sUter !n Wlitstoii-Saloni arc
three other sisters. Mrs. Rosa
Smith o( Coolccmcc. Mrs. Mag
HcitdrlK and Mrs. Sallle Potts,
both of near Mocksvillc: fivo
brothers. Hubert, O. S.. J. H..
and W. T.. all of Bixby, and
Harmon of Ogburn Station.
Pallbearers were Jack Rob*
crtson. Ralph Potts, Clarence
Hendrix. Turner Robertson,
Taft Robertson and Ray Smith.
Floral bearers were Elva
Potts, Tootsie Robertson. EI-
valecn Potts, Maggie Lou Bar
ney, Patty Cornalzcr. Opal
Robertson, Recte Cornatzcr aivl
Lucy Robertson.
Mrs. Mary Gullet
Dies At Salisbury
Mrs. Mary Amanda Gullet,
03. died Friday night at her
home in Salisbury following an
illness of several months.
She was bom September 20,
1848. Mrs. Gullet was the
widow of o. W. Ojuiilet and had
made her homc''in Salisbury
(or 50 years. She was a mcm-
"ber or the First Baptist church
Funeral services were hold
Sunday at 3 p. m. (rom the
homo. Burial (oilowed at
Chestnut Hill Cemetery,
One son. by the (Irst o( two
marriages, A Waiter Groves,
survives, as do two sisters and
a brother-in-law, Mrs. Frank
Foster and Mrs. Betty Galther
and L H. Graves, all o( Mocks-
vilie. Route 4.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 22,1941 - Page 2
Funeral Held
Fuiieral services for Wiley J.
Polndexter, 73, prominent East
Bend man. who passed away
Thursday afternoon In a Wins-
ton-saicm hospital, was held
Saturday afternoon at the
Macedonia Methodist Churcli,
near East Bend, at 3 o'clock,
with the pastor. Rev. G, A.
Hovis and Rev. Charles Hut-i
chins In charge. Interment
was in the church ccmctory. ;
Mr. Polndextec was>a farm-'
cr and worked in the sawmill
business until his retirement i
three years ago. He spent a
largo part of his llfo In Ynd-{
kin county.
Survivors Include his wifo.i
Mrs. Anna Williams Polndexter,
and seven children. Evan, Hat-j
tie. Roland and Paul Polndex-'
ler, of East Bond: John Poln-|
dexter, of Elkln; Mrs. J. A.|
scott. of Twain, caiif., and
Charles J. Polndexter of Camp;
Boborls. Calif. '
His surviving sisters ore Mrs,
Fannle Anderson, of Calahnln;
Mrs. Ellen Huff, of Sanford:
Mrs. Mottle J. Benbow. of
Mount Olivo; Mrs. Dorothy E.
Speas, of Winston-Saiom, and
Mrs. Minera Ii^tln; and a
brothor, Charles Polndexter, o(
Aberdeen. Wash.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/22/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 22,1941 - Page 8
Funeral Services
For Mrs. Vallie
Bean Taylor
Funeral services for Mrs.
Vnlllc Bean Taylor, age 31, of
1G3Q South Railroad street.
Salisbury, who passed away on
Sunday morning at 5 o'clock,
nt Rowan Memorial hospital,
were hold at the homo nt 2
p. m. Monday afternoon, with
Rev. C. A. Rhync of Salisbury
conducting. Interment was
made In Chestnut Hill cenie.
She is surviving by her hus
band, J. S. Taylor; five chil
dren, Donald, J. 0., Jea, Billy
and Jacqualine Taylor, of Sal
isbury; her porenls, Mr. and
Mrs. j. C. Bean. Coolccmee:
four brothers. Albert Bean.
Laurinburg, Vf. J., Thomas and
Charles Bean, Cooleemee; and
four sisters. Mrs. Carl Mays
and Mrs. Mattic MeCulloh,
cooleemee, Mrs. Glenn Eudy,
Mooresvlllc, and Mrs. James
Klnger, Talking Rock, Ga.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/22/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 27,1941
C. M. Jnrvu.
The body of Mis. C. M. Jani^
43, who died io a Wioston-Setehi
bi^ital early Wednesday sumilog,
foUoiriax a short illnesay was
bfottgbt to Pork Baptte church
cemetery Thursday atteruooa at 3
o'clock and laid to rest.
Mrs. lands is survived by her
husband, her mother, three broth
ers and three sisters.
Mrs. Jarvb was. before marriade
Miss Lula Dare Sberrill, of near
Mootcsville. She had made her
home In Wluston^Um for the past
id years. She was a member of
Sottthslde Baptist Church. A noble,
Christian woman baa been called to
her reward.
J* T. Rdwrtton.
John T* IhdimtsoD, M Rsby, passed a
way at 0 Wlostoo-Salem hwpltal Toes
day moming. Be bid been nuddag bis
home trith hiasifCer, Blta. Oiaiiotte Whtt-
ley, sinM he weotto Wlnstmi-Salem about
three mcBtbs ago.
Mr-Robertsm woe engeied in the tlm*
b« boslBtSi. He wae dO years old and
was the son of Haimon and Addia IhAer
Rohensoii, both daoetsad.
Surviven iednde: Psur sisters. Mis.
Whitley, of Wlnston-^esi: Mrs. Rosa
Bntitb, of Cooleaniee; Un. Blag Uendiick
and His. SaUle jPotts, both of nearMoofcs-
viUe; five hratheift nidwrt, 6. &, J. H., and
W,T.,atl ofnsbyiaiid Hsimon. of Qg
bum Station.
A short setvloe was held atihe hoinaat
S^SO o'clock Thonday. Service proper was
l»ld at Advance Methodist ChuKh at 4
p. a*, with Rev. P. L Smith offidatlng.
Burial rfM in Shady CioveCeoietbty.
llrs.J. ETntterow. 1
Mrs. A C. Thtteiow. 4i died Tbmsday'
aftemooQat8o'doAat Che heam near,
center fisllowlug an nueteofaboata year.,
Sotviviiii besides the hnband are twoi
iODs, Robert and J. E. Jr., of Safiibuiy:
and fbur daughtec^ LucUo, Pnooes, Bon*
nie 800 end Ikudeoei. on of lbs hooM.
Fnoeral aervloee wen eonduetod at Osn
ter HethedistChoiehSatiafday momlagat
11 o'doeb, with Rave; G. W. Fink and E,
11 Avetl in charge, and ibe body laid to
rest ill Che church ocmeteiy.
Miss Maiy SeamoD.
Mf^ Mary 88^ died at Che
County Imme last TVtesdayolglit:^ iunaal
senrien wen betd at St. MatClMbr's Isitb-
ern ctmwh Wednesday aftecnoop*.wtth W.
P.Stoacstretf in chaige. end Che body
laldtoiett hi thedmidicemcCenr- Mln
If survived by eevmal nieces.
Bio — Obituaries - 8/27/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 29,1941 - Page 1
James H. Coley
Dies In Georgia
Jonies H. Col^. who was (or
many years a well known re
sident of FarmlnBton, died Sat
urday, August 23, at bis home
in Savannah, Georgia, at the
age of 68 years. Death follow
ed a stroke of paralysis. He
was the son of James H, and
Margaret Coley.
He Is survived by his wife,
Mary Fanning Coley, three
daughters and one son, one
brother. Will X. Coley of Ra
lelgh, and four sisters, Mrs. M.
B. Brock of Familngton, Mrs.
Swift Hooper of Winston
Salcm. Mrs. L. D. Kirkinnd and
Mrs. Robert Black of Durham
Tiittcrow Rites
Held Saturday
Mrs. Gmce BInkley Tutlcrow,
•i-l, wife of J, E. (BO.SS) Tut-
tcrow, died lost Thursday af
ternoon at her home near Cen
ter. She had been in declining
health for n year.
Daughter of John and Lula
Fcrcbee BInkley, she Is jiurvlvcd
by her husband and the fol
lowing children: Robert and J
B, Jr., both of Salisbury", Lit-
clle. Frances, Bonnie Sue and
Trudcne, nil at home.. One
grand child also survives.
Tlie funeral was held at the
Center Methodist church on
Saturday, conducted by Rev. 0.
W. nnk and Rev. E. M. Avott.
Interment was In the church
Seamon Funeral
Held Wednesday
Miss Mary Seamon, 84. of
route 4 died last Wednesday
at the county home. The fun
eral was held Wednesday af
ternoon at St. Matthews with
WUburn Stonestrect In charge.
Daughter of Lawson and
Angellne Seamon, she had no
Immediate survivors. Pallbear
ers were Buck Keller. James
Bost, James Seamon and Otis
Bio - Obituaries - 8/29/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 5,1941 - Page 8
J. F. Poindexter
J. F, Poindexter. 87, of Boon-
ville. died Thursday night at
10:30 o'clock at the home of
a daughter. Mrs. W. R. Boven-
dcr, Wlnslon-Salem, Route 6.
He had been in declining health
for several years but his con
dition had not been consider
ed serious until two weeks ago.
Mr. Poindexter was born oit
June 7, 1834. He was a mem
ber of Union Grove Baptist
Church in Ysidkin county for
a number of years. His wife,
the former Miss Delilah Adams,
died about 15 years ago.
Survivors Include two sans.
Ex-Shcrlff C. W. Poindexter
and O. A. Poindexter. both of
Yadklnvllte: four daughters,
Mrs. Henry Adams, of Yadkin-
vlllo; Mrs. C. W. Hobson, of
Boonvllle: Mrs. Xva Davis, of
Dunkirk, Ind.: and Mrs. W. K.
Bovendcr, of Wlnstou-Salem,
Route 0: two brothers, J. J.
PolndG.vter, of Daleville, Ind.,
and T. R. Poindexter, of Moores-
villo, Ind.; 33 grandchildren and
29 great-grandchildren.
Funeral service was held
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock
at Union Grove Baptist Church ;
In Vadkin county.' Rev. Bills'
Norman, pastor, officiated and
burial was in the church grave.
I yard.
John Wesley Hicks. 74. well-
known retired farmer of East
Bend, Route 2, Enon Baptist
Church community, died at his
home at 3:30 o'clock Saturday
Mr. Hicks was born Septem
ber 22.1B7S, In Forsyth county,
the son of the late George and
Susanno Hunt Hlck.<). He was
a member of Concord Metlio-
dlst Church. He spent the
greater part of his life in For
syth county.
Survivors Include the widow;
seven sons, W. B, and J. M.
Kicks, of Forsyth county; R. E.
ond M. E. Hicks, of Gullford
county; C. G. and C. F. Kicks,
of Yadkln county; and R. L.
Hicks, of the United States
Army Post, Dry Prong, Grant
county, Louisiana; two daugh
ters. Mrs. P. B. Lcdwell, Wlus-
ton-Salem; and Mrs. S. R.
Speas, of Elkln; one sister, Mrs.
Evle sheUon, of roraytu coun
ty; and 17 grandchildren.
The body remained at Wall
Funeral Homo until 10 o'clock
Monday morning, when It was
taken to the home.. The fun
eral was held at Concord Meth.
odbt Church near-LcwIivQle;-at
tl a'elock Tuesday morning.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/5/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 12,1941 - Page 1
John Daniel Dodd
Buried In Wake
•Funcrnl services were held
Saturday nt Clayton for John
Diiiilcl Dodtl, 04, father of Rev.
W. H. Dodd and the Intc am
bassador to Germany. William
E. Dodd, Mr. 'Dodd. who lived
at.Fuquny. SprIngSj djcd.. Friday
In a hospital in Raleigh.
<Ho Is survived by his widow
and tlic following children: the
Rev. W. H. Dodd. of Mocksvlllc,
A. L. Dodd of Macon, Ca.. J.
I, Dodd of Council, the Rev. B.
D. Dodd of Norllna and Mrs.
Annie Dodd untiu of Kaicign.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 12,1941 - Page 6
Mitchell Riles
Held Wednesday
Tom Mitchell. 01. died nt his
homo nt Advance, route 1, Inst
Monday nlgli^. He had spent
his entire life In that section.
Son of Thonhis A. niul Julia
Martin Mitchell, he Is survived
by his widow, the former Miss
Orn Spnrks. nnd the following
children: Clifton of Advance,
route 1; Mra. Clayton Gregory.
Advance, route I. and Mrs. El
mer Allen, Wlnston-Salcm,
route 2.
Two brothers and three sls-
tCAs also survive; Lewis Mlt-
chcll of Ollmcr, Iowa; John of
Wlnston-Salcm, Mrs. A. W.
Longworth, Winston . Salem,
route 1; Mrs. J, W. Hausor,
Clcmmons, route 1; Mrs. G, K.
Foster. Wliiatoii-Salcm, route 4,
The funeral was hold at the
home and Macedonia Mora
vian church, conducted by
Rev, Ed. Brewer and Rev.
I George Brunor. Interment was
tin the church cemetery.
Joe T, Draughn. 05. of Boon-
vlllc, died Wednesday morning
at 10:30 o'clock nl nls home.
surviving arc the widow, who
was Miss Jano Nance prior to
marriage: four children. Mrs.
Nannie Wagoner of BonnvlUo;
Sam and Dpwey Draughn of
Boonvlllo and Richard Draughn
of Jonesvlllc and 12 grandchU-
The funeral was held Thurs
day afternoon at 2 o'clock at
Mulberry Primitive Baptist
Church. Burial was In the
church graveyard.
Bio — Obituaries — 9/12/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 17,1941
Roosevelt Foster and
Ed Ijames
Two Dead^Thno h-
Two Negroes, Roosevdt Poster
and Bd Ijames Jare dead, and
three others more or less lojured as
the result of an amomobUe smash-'
tip Stittday altemoon about five
o'clock. A Ford V-8, owned and
driven by Roosevdt Poster, rau off
the road four miles out of Hocks*
ollle on the Wloston-Salcm high
way, hitiiug a tree, and demoUah-
Ing the car. Poster was instantly
killed, it ts said, aod Ijames died a
few hours later in Rowan Blemorial
Hospital. Others hnrt were Wash
Ijames and Jesae Lyons. It ia said
that there were seven or eight Ne*
groea in the car when the acddeot
happened, among them being Hose
Davla and his wife, who Were not
badly hurt. It is not known just
how the acddent oocured.
Tom Mitohell, 61, died Sept Jth at bb
I homo, Advance. Ri^e 1. Re spent his
entire life in tbb eecttoo.
Smvlvlni are the widow, the fonner
Hiss Ore Sparks; one son, CUftoo Hltebell;
two dantfbteis Ura.Ctavtan Gregory of Ad
vance. Roote I and Mrs. Elmer Allmi of
Vnostoo Soboif end three sbteia. Mrs. A*
W.Lougwoith of WlDstoD-Salem. Route;
l:Ur8.J.W Haoaer of Clemmons, Route
I; and BSb. G. K. Foster of WlnitOQ-Salem
Route 4.
The Ittneral wss held at the boose Wed
nesday aftereooQ at 2:80'o'doiA and at
Moravian at- $ o*eloeh»
Rev. Ed. Brewm and Rev. Gemge Bum-
ner cosdacted the setvloes. Burial was In
chechtmeh gmveyacd.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/17/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 19,1941 - Page 1
Roosevelt Foster and
Washington Ijames
RoaiovclL Foster, driver, was
Instantly killed Sunday nfter-
nooii nnd Washington IJaincs.
nccnpaiu. died in the Rowan
Memorial hospital Tuesday
when .1 car with 8 colored peo
ple In It hit n tree In the
Bronson yard on the Winston
highway. Jesse Lyons, an
other occupant, was-Injured.*
Others In the car were Maie;
Oavls and wife. Henry Davis. •
Ed IJnmcs. Henry An.<(tln and
Casper Bnrgor. All were from I
Mucksvllle, !
Bio - Obituaries - 9/19/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 26,1941 - Page 1
!W, f, COPE
WiUlam Priinklin Cope. SO,^
died Wednesday morning at his
home near. Macedonia Mora*
vhin church.
Son of Andrew and Cornelia
Austin Copp, the deceased Is
survived by the followlUR chil-,
drop: Mrs. Henry 'Hockadny'
and Mrs. C. R. Smith, Advance,'
! route 1; Mrs. C. M. Smith.
Mocltsvillc, route 3: W. h.. A.
J. and J. P. Cope, all of Ad-
. vanco, ruute 1. Thirty three
j grandchildren and 7 grcat-
i grandchildren also survive.
! The funeral was held this
I morning at the home at 10:30
I followed by a concluding serv-
' Ice at the Moravian church.
' Rev. Sd Brewer conducted the
' rites and Interment was In the
I church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/26/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 1,1941
WflHam FranliSD Cope.
WiliBiD FcankUD Cope, 80, dted at Ms
borne, near Usoedooia eaiif Wedoeeday
T e fkmeral was bdd FHdajr lootnltii at
II o'dock at Maeedoola Bfotavlaii cbuiob.
Suf^ofotudtidethnedautftitflra, Mia
Reocy Ho^aday, end Hra. C R. Smltb,
Advance^ Reate 2; three aooa, W. L Gape,
A J. Cope, and J. P. Cope all of Advaiwo
Route I: drandcbUdieo; aevea ^eat-
Bio - Obituaries -10/1/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 3,1941 - Page 7
Linda May Myers
Died Tuesday
Unda May Myera, age atout
aeyen years, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Alec Myers, died at the
Lowery hospicol. Sahabury.
Tuesday at 10:4S a. m. (ollow-
ing an operation for appendi
citis which she underwent on
In addition to her parents,
she is survived by the follow
ing brothers and sistersi Frank
Myers of Camp Jackson. S. C.,
Otis, who is in the U. 8. Navy,
located in Oklahoma^ Captain
and Herman, at home; Edith
Myers at home, and Mrs. Sadie
Clawson. Mocksviile. route 4;
also a grandmother, Mrs. Nancy
Stewart, also of Cooleemee.
Hlllard Funeral
Hold Saturday
Funeral services for Claudie
Lucille Hillard. 19, of Coolee
mee. who died Thursday at 3:30
a. m. at Greensboro, were ob
served Saturday afternoon at 3
o'clock at the Cooleemee Pres
byterian church. The service
was Conducted by the Rever
ends J. W. Foster and Thomp
son. Burial followed at Liberty
•ihurch cemetery. Davie coun
She is survived by her mo
ther. Mrs. Prances Hiliard. of
Salisbury; three sisters. Miss
Mary Eula Hillard of Saibbury.
Mrs. W, D. Myrick of Land Is.
Miss Cazzlc Mae Hillard of
Barium Springs Orphanage;
one brother. Norvln Hillard.
also of Barium Springs Or-
phanngo: and a grandmother,
Mrs. J. A. Troutman, of Coo
Pallbearers were her first
cousins. Linn Simmons. Wll-
llom Hillard, Lec Joscy. Junior
foscy, Mac Painter and Jack
Kerlcy. ,
Flower glrb were her first
couslps. Misses Billy Jean
Joscy. Pefgy Jean Josey, Copeia
Stout. Myrile Hlllurd. Mary
Rachel Hillard. Nookie Painter,
Nolvlce Deal, Hazel Coggins,
Doris Jean Garwood, Drue
Owens, and Bemlce Owens.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/3/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 10,1941 - Page 4
Joseph X<. Thomasson, 8S, one
of Yndkln county's moat widely
known men, died Saturday
mornins at his homo near
Mr. Thomasson had been In
HI health for three years
and his condition had been
critical one week.
'Born in Yadkln county June
29, 1630, ho was a son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A, Thomasson. Ho
had been a farmer throughout
his life and was active in reli
gious affairs. Ho was a mem-
her of nat Rook Baptist
Church and had boon super
intendent of the Sunday School
at St. Paul's Methodist Church
since it was organized.
Surviving arc the widow, the
former Miss Caroline Dicker-
son; ten children, J. S. and J. A.
Thomasson, Mrs. Q. T. White,
Mrs. T. R. White and Miss Sailie
Thomasson, all of Hampton-
vllle; J. Wi and R. W. Thomas
son of Winston-Salem; Roy
Thomasson of Detroit, .Mich.;
Mrs. W. J. Creason of Fenville,
Mich., and Mrs. Mattie Moss of
Misenhcimer; 35 grandchUdrcn
and four great-grandohildrem
The funeral wm. held at St.
Paul's Methodist Church Sun
day afternoon at 3 o'clock. The
body lay in state at the church
from 2 until 3 o'clock. Rev.
Orady White, Rev. Mr. Bum
gardner and Rev. 8. J. Brawley
conducted the services. Burial
followed in the church grave
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 10,1941 - Page 7
F. E. Correll Dies
At Woodleaf Home
Franklin Edgar Correil, 01-
year-old farmer and daiiYman
of Woodleaf, died at his home
Monday evening around 6
o'clock. He had been lii ap
parent good health during the
day, and his sudden death was
unexpected. He was a mem
ber of Unity Presbyterian
church. Woodleaf.
Surviving are the widow.
Josle Bell Olllean Correll: four
daughters, Mrs. Samuel Ruth,
Lancaster, Pa., Mrs. N. L. Hen-
drlx, Rockingham, Mrs. James
WUson. Woodleaf, and Miss
Lois Correll. at home; lour
sons. Tnllon, at home. Frank
lin E., Jr., Robblnsvllle, Russell
Lee, Statcsvilto, and Spencer,
Swannnnoah; one Imlf-broth-
er, John Correll.
Funeral services were con
ducted Wednesday morning at
ti o'clock from Unity Prssby-
tcrlan church, with Rev, N. E
Opiingcr officiating. Burial
was In the family plot of the
Bio - Obituaries - 10/10/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 15,1941
Jdm Mimday
John MttPday, pedestrian oa tbe Coo-
leeiDM U^way met ioftaat death 8at
today olgot vrfaeo ha was atnwk by an
ahtomobUe at the latcfsecflon of Watt
alieet, in Oookamae.
The accident, Invohdng a vehicle driven
by Bd Maxwell, Cookamee Negio,oeconad
shortly after 7 o'cloek. The body was
badly mttiUated.
Mondey was an employee In the Erwin
cotton mUte of Codleemee,
Sotvlviog are: hia widow, tha former
BOnDell^mama: two sons. of
tha United States army ststloned at Pana
ma, and William of tbe home; hts parents
Mc. and li^ ¥^sm Miuday of »DNo.
4. MocksvlUe; one biothm, Sherxlll Mondy
of GOoleemoe: and dfiht dstefSpMra. W. S.
&odms of Oooleefflee;i Mrs. Herman Hln
kle, Ufa. ¥^Iam link. Bllts. Thomas Sea
motH Mre> EUa Oopa and Mrs, Hobett
of RPD No. 4, lfod(SVllte, Bffa.Nofa
Shoaf and Mn. Roth Spry of Kanoapolis.
Franklin E Correll. i
FranhUn 6. Gottell, 61, pcomlneat Row-1
an connty farmer and dairyman died and*
deiriy at hia home near Woodloaf on Oct.
6th, His death was a severe dioeh to his
bieoda Funeral services were held Wed*
nesday motnlog at Unity Presbyterian
Cbuicb. near Woodleaf, and the body laid
to rest In thechtucbcemetery. Ifr.Cotrell
Jr.. was for some Hma oommectod with
the Davie county farm demoostration of-
fiea. and made hia home in Mocksvlhe. He
Is DOW living In Rohblnmdlle, N. C.
J. Oiap Tomer.
J. Chap Turner, 66^ died Oet €tfa in a
Richmond hosfiltaL Ut;Tbiaerwasana
tlveof tha Cool Springs aeotlon of IredeU
county, and spent most of hts Ufh tbera.
Funeral and l^al aeivicea took idaoe at
Fifth Creek Pireebyterian dmrcb Wedne^
day afternoon. Mr Tntncn Is survivod
by dgbt sons and two daughtmv cos broth
er and one sister. Mr. Thmer had many
fciends la Davia county who wcrasadden-
0 by news of his death.
John E Reeves.
John a Reeves 68, weO-known Gala-
halo farmer, died at his home near Shef
field Sunday altemoon, foUotvlng an in-
ne8< of fiu, Mr. Reeves was a native of
Oavte, and .will bo ssdiy missed in the
community whoso he apent hlseatiro Ufa
Surviving Mr. Reeves is hia widaw; two
Bona,W.L. and G.L. Reeves. Hsimony R.
1; two daughiers^ Mrs. Mtmsey Rkhatd-
000, of Irdell ooaaty, aDclBIfB.Gba8.Biog
den, of Gceensooco; three bcotbers. David
and William Reevea, of AshevUlo; Rich
ofdReoveo, of Oocdeemee: three sisteta.
Mis. Dora Stedman, AsbetdOe: Bba. Tiny
Reeves, Yadklnvilte.aod Mrs. Mary Uames,
Fimecsl s^vloee were held Mcmday
aftmnoon at 2o*ciodc atNewUnion Metho
dise ehuKh. of which Mr. Roeves was a
long time membeTf and Hie body laid to
rest In the chnich cemetery. To the be
reaved family The Reooid eximida sym
pathy In this ead hour
Bio - Obituaries - 10/15/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 17,1941 - Page 1
Mnck D. Brown, 78. widely
known Mneksvlllp rotlred buil-
ness innn. died nt his home
here on North Mnln .iireet at
•i p. m. Tnosday. He had been
In paar health Tor a .venr but
coiirincd (0 his bed for only
n week.
Son or Daniel and Cornelln
McOnlre Brown, both n.atlves
of Davle. Mr. Brown l.s sur>
vhvd by hl$ widow, the form
er Mlis Meekle Ann Leach,
.tlso of Oavie. and iho follow-
In;; uhllriren:
Mrs. Ch.arlcs Greene. Luke
Clly. S. C.; Mrs. D. F. .Vic-
.Mlllan, Jr.. Lttmberton; Mr.s.
Perry It. Ashc. Mn.VGdan: Mlta
Knihnrlnc Brown, who teach
es In the Greensboro city
schools; Miss Clayton Brown,
teacher In the local schools:
Percy and Ruins Brown, both
of Mocksville. Five prandchll-
dren also survive.
The funeral was held nt the
home at 3 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon, conducted by Rev.
W. H. Dodd. and Interment
was In the family plot In Rose
■For many years Mr. Brown
conducted a livery .stable busl-
nes't here, Inter having his
son, Percy, associated with him.
Connected with the buslnc.u
was a cnrrlaiie, for which $22S
was pnld. which was extrn-
.Blvcly used at that time at
wedding's. The carriage was
one of the finest of Its day
and Is still fondly remember
ed by many of the older gen-,
oration, l^r more than 40
years Mr. Brown also had the
contract of carrying the malls
j from 'the depot here to the
' postofflcc.
• Clyde Ijnmc.s Dies
In Hospital Oct. 10
Clyde Huber Ijaiues. 46. well
known Moeksville clil?en, died
Thursdiiy nt 1:30 p. m. nt Davis
hoipitai. Staicsvllle. where he
had bee:i a patient for a week.
Son of Robert .M. and LuinC.vr:ner IJames, he Is .survivedby his widow, the former Miss
Edith Farlow, and the follow-
• inc children: Clyde. Jr. and
Louise of Danville, Va.; Norrls• .rnd Billy of Charlotte: Ocr-
aldlnc and Bobby of Mocksville.A stop son. Onda Osborne of
Hi&h Point, .tlso survives.
The followint: brothers and
. .*l.*;ci.^ likewise .mrvive: Her
man of Wlnston-Siilcm. ?>irs.. Frank Miller of Salisbury and
Miss Inez Ijames of Mocksville. >Two prancfchlldren also sur-
I Vive.
I The funeral will be held nt
the home on VVllkosboro street
here today at 4 p. m., con-.I ducted by Rev. W. C. Cooper i
■ .md assisted by Rev. E. M.i .\vett. Interment will be In' Rose cemetery. '
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 17,1941 - Page 6
John B. llccvcs •
Rites Monday
John B. 'Reeves. 08. D.tvlc
(ounty farmer, died Sunday.
i.f icrnoon at his home In Cala-.
haln township, folluwlnit nn ex
tended declining health.
.Vlr. nccvc.s wa.s a native of
Dovlc county, n .son of the late
Wright W. Rceve.s. Surviving
:.rc his widow: two .sotis. Wll-
ihiin L. anti Ch.arlr.i L. Rocvcs.
E!l Davlv county: two Unughtcrh.
Mrs. Munsvy Richardson, of
ircdell county, and Mrs. Charles
Brogdcn. ol Greensboro; and :!7
{.'randchlldrcii; three brulhvrn.
Dnvld and Willlnm Rceve.s. of
yishcvlllc; Richard Rci've.s, of
C'oolccmoe: three .sister.s. Mr.s,
£>ora Sicchnan, of vVshcvllle;
.Mr.s. Tiny Reeves, of Yadkln-
vlllc; Mrs. Mary I. James, ofOavle county, |
Funeral services were held
Monday oftcrnoon nt 2 o'clock
IrumNcw Union Melhodi.sl
Church, of which Mr. Reeves
was nn official member. Btirlal
v.as In the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries -10/17/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 17,1941 - Page 7
Funeral Servkca
For John E* Muniir
Final rites lor Jala B.
Mundr. ofB 48. wto au kUieO
Instantly Saturday'night about
7 o'clock when he was hit by
an autenMby* driven by Ed
MaxwelU eolene, of ntte Con^
leemeci were held at 4 o'clodi
Monday aftemoon at CDOteo^
mee Methodist church, con
ducted by his pastor. Rev. P.
J. Stough. assisted by Rev. A.
T. stoudenmlre, pasta or
Cooleemee Baptist chureh. He
was walking along the new
Cooleemee highway at thr In
tersection of Watr street when
the car steoek him: Burial
wof In Liberty Methodist ehurcfa
Sorrtvera include his widow,
nee- MXsc DtUiL wmhons, two
MHs, Hugh, of the IlMted
States. OBBy, and-William, of
Cooleetiwe;- hit aged parents,
Mr. and-Btta. WUUam Mundy,
or Meihevllle, route 4: one'
bather, Sherrlll Mundy, of
Cooleemee: and eight sisters,
Mrs. W. 8. Sanders and Mrs.
William Link, Cooleemee, Mrs.
Herman Hlnkle. Mrs. Thomas
Seamon, Mrs. Beulah Cope,
Btaktvillt-, route- 4; Ma Rorai
Shoaf an# Mhr. Ruth Spiy;
KannapoHT, and Mia. Herbert
ficowir,. Lakedale, K. 0.
Bio - Obituaries -10/17/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 22,1941
Mack D. Brown Patses.
Meek D. Brown^ 78, one of
Mocksville's oldest and knotno.
eitlzens, died at his home on North
Main street last Tuesday afternoon
at 4 o'clock, following an extended
Mr. Brown and ooo, Perey G.
Brown, were in the livery bus.
luess here for many years, and
for more than 40 years bad the con
tract to cany the U. S. Mail be*'
tween the local posioffice and the!
Hontbero Railway depot. A laOd-
mark has been removed In the pass
ing of this aged citizen.
Mr. Brown Is survived by bis
widow, two sons, P. O. and Rufus
Brown, of this city; six daughters.
Mrs. Charles Greene, Lake City,
S C.; Mrs. B. P. McMillan. Jr..
Lnmberton; Mrs. Perrv Ashe,
Mayodan; Miss Clayton Brown, of
this city, and Miss Ratberine Brown
of Greensboro.
Funeral services were held at the
home Wednesday afternoon at 3
o'clock, with Rev. W, H Dodd jn
charge, and the body laid to rest in
Rose cemetery. Aetive pall-bearers
were Jobn LeGrand, Ernest Hnnt,
Marvin Waters, Hugh Brown, Oleu
Conner, and Milton Brown, of Wiu.
stou-Salem. Honorary pall-bearers
were T. I. Candell. Z N. Ander*
son, C. P. Meronev, Sr., R. B.
Sanford, Jake Hanes, J L. Kur
fees, Jake Stewart and Dr. S. A.
Haiding. To the bereaved fam
lly The Record extends sympa
thy in the death of this loved one.
One by one the builders of Mocks-
ville ere crossing over the river.
Only a few of the men and women
who saw the town change from a
small conntry village to a hustling,
wide-awake town, are left behind.
For mor<> than 40 vears we have
known Mr.' Brown. We shall miss
him- Pea^e to bia ashes.
Gljrde H. (jaiDM.
Clyde H Ijames, 47, died at the
Davis Hospital State^lle, Thnrs
day afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, death
reanlting from a stroke of naralyaia
which he suffered on Wednesdav,
Oct. 8tb. at bis home on Wilk^'
boro street.
Pnnera! services were lietd at the
home Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock,
with Rev. W. C. Cooper id charge,
ajtsisted bv Rev. B. M. Avettj and
the body laid to rest in Rose ceme
Mr. Ijames Is survived bv his
widow, four sons, C H. Jjames,
Jr., Danville. Va.; Bobble Ijames,
Mockaville; Norriaand Billie Itames
of Cbarlotte; two daughters, Misses
Geraldine Ijames, Mockaville and
Miss Louise Ijames, Danvilte, Va.;
a stepdangbtcr, Miss Onda Oaborue,
Greensboro. One brother, Her
man Ijatnes, of Winston Salem;
and two aistera Mr*. Prank Miller,
of Salisbury, and Miss Inez Ijamea,
of Mockaville, alao survive.
Mr. Ijames Was a son of the late
Mr. and Mrs R. M. Ijamea, of this
city. He lived for a number of
years lo Winston Salem and tlao*
ville, Va., but- returned lo Mocka
ville abont 9 monkbs ago, and heM
a position ^tb the C. J. Angelt
jewefry ^re: To Che bereaved
family and^ relativea The Record
exieiras s^mpathv in' this sad be
reavementf' : ^ -
Zeb Biyan &nlth.
Zeb Kyen Smitli, 46. a native of Farm
Ington, but for the past 14 years a resid-
enc of Winstoo Salein, died at a hosidtal
In that dty Saturday morning. Funemi
and burial servlisB look place in Wlnston-
Setem Sonday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Mr. Smith la survived by his widow, bla
mother. Mm. E. (X Smith, of Farmiogton;
two sisters, Mm. G. C. WitBams Farming-
ton, and Mrs. J. L. Wafd,€lemmoo8; five
brothers. J. M.. W. R. and G H. Smith,
Faimington, E. G. Smith. Mara HIU, and
W. P SniHb. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Bio - Obituaries -10/22/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 24,1941 - Page 1
I John S'timucl Daniel, S2» well
' known citizen of . Moelcsvillc.
I died siiddenlj' from a heart at
tack at hU home here on South
Main street Tuesday night at
13:15 o'clock. He had been in
declining licalth for about 7
Son of Chastcen and Alice
Sutton Daniel, the deceased Is
survived by his widow, the
former Miss Thirza Mccul-
lough; by his mothci*, Mrs.
Alice Daniel of route 4; by
the following children: Helen,
Collettsvllle, N. c.; Margaret
and Betty Jean nt iiomc;
Harold, Wlnston-Salcm; John,
Jr., William, Jack, Prank. Fred
and Douglas, nil nt home. One
grandson also survives.
Surviving sisters and bro
thers include: Mrs. E. L. Free
man, Mrs. J. H. Davis, Mrs.
George Correll. ail of route 4;
Mrs. M. C. WIndsbr of Virginia,
Tom Daniel of route 4.
Mr. Daniel was n retjred iiier.
chniu and for many years was
a county official. He served
a years as register of deeds
and G years us county account
The funeral was held at 2;30
o'clock ye.storday afternoon at
Liberty Methediel church, the
body lying In state at the
church for a half hour prior
to the service. The P. O. S.
of A. lodge of Cboleemee where
Mr. Daniel was a member had
charge of the graveside serv
ice at the church cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 24,1941 - Page 7
William Collier Moore
f^ither Of CooleemM
Woman PMtcs
'WUJUm COUltr Moore, 60,
ntU'knovn icildeni of Balia-
%wy. died At toll home there,
97 Weft Mfwh street, of a
heart attaelt,--.at 6:30 o'clock
Mnday eveutaiff.
IPttnera) leevlOM were held at
11 a. m. Tttiiday at the Firtt
Methodist choieh of Salisbary,
condueted by-the pastor. Rev.
Walter B, Wcat, and Rev, Court
ney Ross, assistant pastor. In-
lennent followed In chestnut
mil cemeteiy.' Many coolee-
mce people went to Salltfcury
for the funeral.
The deceased was a native i
«f Montgomery county, the son
«i tne late air. ana airs. a. k.|
Moore of Mt. Ollead. His mo- {
ther passed on this past July In
her 67th year.
Surviving are the widow, the
iormer Miia Grace Coggln, of
Aallsbury; two daughters, Mrs.
W. R. Wands, Cooleemee, and
Mrs. John Betofleld, Washing
ton, D. c,; three brothers, C.
A. Moore, Albemarle, Paul
Moore. Mt. Oileod. and B. 3.
Moore. High Point; two sisters.
Mra, Theodore Robinson, Mt,!
Ollead, and Mrs, C. C. Smith,,
ThomasviUe; and four grand
He was a member of the
Masonie order.
Bio — Obituaries - 10/24/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 29,1941
Joho S. Danid.
John S. Daniel. 53, one of Hocks*
|ville*8 best known dtizeos, die4 al
most suddenly at bis home 00 Maple
.aventte last Tnesday evening short*
; Iv before 9 o'clock. Mr Daniel
had been in bad health fbr several
years, but was aide to be op town
the afternoon of his death.
Mr. Daniel was bom in Jem*
salem township, a son of Mrs. T.
C* Daniel and the late T. C. DanleU
He spent bis entire life in the conn*
^ of his birth. He fiU^ the office
of Register of Deeds for more than
seven years, and was Coonty Ae-
oonotant for four or more years.
For many years he was engaged in
the mercantile bnsines^ retiring a
few years ago on acconnt of his
Mr. Daniel is survived his
widow, seven sons, Harold T.
Daniel, Wlnston-Salmn; John, Jr.,
William. Jade, Frank, Fred and
Douglas Danid, all of the home;
three daughters, Miss Helen Daniel,
a member of Collettsvflle sdiool fa*
cnl^; Misses Margaret and Betde
Jean Daniel, at hbme. Alsosnrviv*
ingisbis mother, Mrs. T. C. Daniel,
Ephesus; one brother, Thomas
Daniel, R. 4; four sisters, Mrs. M.
C. Windsor, Arlington, Va.; Mrs.
B. L. Freeman. Ephesits; Mrs.
George Correll and Mrs. John Davis
of R* 4.
Fnneral services were held at
Liberty Methodist church Thnrs*
day afternoon at 3:30 o'dock, with
Revs, G. W. Fink, E. M. Avett
and E. W. Tnmer offidailog, and
the body laid to rest in the ^urch
cbmetery with P. O. S. of A. boo*
on. The many beatttifol floral
tribtttes attests the high esteem in
which he was held. Mr. Daniel bad
been a member of Liberty chorch
for many years. Hb death has
bionght sadness to the hearts of
many relatives and btwdreds of
friends throughout the town and
county. He was not only our
neighbor but a friend lor more
than a qnarter of a century. Tp.
the aged motlmr, the widow and'
fi.cheries8 ohiidren, and to the
brcAher and sisters who are left to
mourn his loss, The Record ex.
tends sympathy In this great be.
Mrs. W. R. Meroaey.
Mia. W. R. Meroney. S4, died at her
home on Selidwfy street Salttidar morn
ing, foUewing « snot tUness. Mts^ Hem*
oey was befofoffliiflagd Miss Daisy Bfe-
dmmdi, daughter of the late Mr. aud
Mm. Qee^ Moffiamno • of near Oak
n Bba. Merouey la Sotvlved by ona son,
BtllleMefo&ey*abiothier« Osear Updam-
focb, of this eliy; tbma Mstma. Mib. 0. 0.
Hutdmoa; WlnMonoSalem} Mm. P. H.
Bnuob, Kansna Gty, kw Mdb. .(ffiver
fjiringten, Nobb
Fooeral servteea were held Sunday aftn-
ttooo atS o'doek at WalkerFonenlRome,
with Rev. E. M Avett In charge, and the
body laid to rest in Oak (bnve Metboffist
dundr cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries -10/29/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 31,1941 - Page 1
Mrs. Dowiit Clement
Dies In Hospital
Mrs. Coruclln Boscr Clement.
67, wife of Dewitt c. Clement
of nenr Union Chnpel died zl
the Dnvls liospltnl In Strites-
vllle Monday nlsiu* She had
been In the hospital 6 dayt
with n heart ailment.
Funeral services were hcit'
Wednesday oriernoon .at Union
Chapel church, conducted by
Rev. W. C. Sides. Interment
was In the church cemetery.
Daughter of Thomas H. and
Mary Bowles Boger, she Is sur*
vived by her husband. 2 broth>
ers and a sister; Walter nnf
Oscar Boger of route 2 and
Mrs. Maggie Boger of Lexing
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 31,1941 - Page 2
Funeral services for Mrs.
.Mattle Martin Wallace, 47, wife
of Clinton Wallace, of Hamp-
lonvlllc. who died suddenly Frl.
day at Statesvlllo were held
Sunday afternoon at 2:30
.o'clock at Flat Rock Baptist
Mrs. Wallace was a member
of one of Yadkin county's best
known ramtllos. She had been
a member of Flat Rock Baptist
Church since childhood. She
liad been married twice.
Surviving are the husband:
one daughter, Margaret Ann
Wallace, of the home; three
sons. Lcroy Wood, of WInsttin
Salcm; Brown Wood, of Wl!
Ilamsport, Pa., and William
Wood, of Hamptonvllle; her
mother, Mrs.' Victoria Martiu
of Hamptonvllle; two slstcm,
Mrs. Bdaude Porrls. of Hamn
tonvlllc, and Mrs. Blanche Van.
hoy. of Hamptonvllle, and five
brothers^ Zeno Martin, of Ma
rion; Letoy Martin, of Raleigh:
Albert Martin, of BoonvUle,*
Joseph Martin, of Lansing, and
Santford Martin, of Wlnston-
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 31,1941 - Page 6
Mrs, Daisy Mcroiiey
Funeral Sunday
Mrs, Daisy Mv Clamrasl
Meroney. 34. died Salnrria>
morning ai U o'clock ai ib
home on Salisbury street. Slu
was the widow of W. R. Mev
ney and a daughter of Oeoryr
C. and Snrah Wilson McClan.
Surviving arc one son. W. 11.
Meroney Jr.; one brother. Oscar
McOlnmrock, of Mocksvltic,
Route 4; and three sisters.
Mrs. Alice Hutchcns, of Wlns-
ton-Salcm; Mrs. P. H. Branch,
of Kansas City. Mo.: and Mrs.
Oliver Hodgson, of Lexington,
The funeral was held Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at the
E. M, Avet't conducted the
services. Burial was in the
family plot In Oak Grove cemc.
Bio - Obituaries -10/31/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 5,1941
Mrs. DeWitt Ctemeot
Ftaoeial senrkea for Uia, DeWitt Cte>
iiieot,67,wbodied&ta8tace8ViIle hoai*
tel OcL 28ih. was eoBdoeted at Viuoa
CbapdUetltodittClittrdi.atSo*G!uck Wed-
neeoay afcetnoon. Rev. W. 0. Sides was
Mis. (^eaefit, wbo beftice maiiiale was
filise Oomella Boger, was the daothtef el
Thomas H. and Marv Bowles Boner. ^
resided la the Uidoo Chapel Hethodlei
Cbnrefa eomiBimltf
SarvivMS iaolode the hwaband, two,
brothers. Walter and Oseer BogertaiMoae
eleter. Mis. Maggie Boger, Lodogtoo.
Charles Smith. 4 year^ eon, of Mrs.
Maiie lUcbaidsoa Smith, died at the home
on R. 2. Sunday at noon, death remlting
from iweomonbB. Fonersl and bttrial ear*
vices tO(di place at Union Chanel Monday
morning at II o'doch. with Rev. E. W.
Toiner officiating Smvivlng b themcther
and the grandparent, Mr. and Mrs. M. B.
Banies Peoples.
Barnes Peoptee, 71, died suddenly at
hio home in ClarkaviUe township Snnday
night. Fanerai services were held at
(^estnut Grove Methodist cbwcb yester*
dav morning at 11 o'Oloefc, with Rev. James
Groee In charge and the body laid to test
to the church cemetery. Mr. Fe«tptea Is
survived by his widow, three sons and
three daughters, One sister, Miss Susie
Peoples, also survives. i
Bio - Obituaries -11/5/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 7,1941 - Page 1
Naihtui Biu-iielt Peopled, 71.
illecl ln.st Siiitdny evcnliti; nt his
hunio In Clarkjvillc township.
Son of W. M. nnd Snrnh
Norman Pcuplc.s. the deceased
Is survived by his widow, the
former Mls.s Mary Htitehens.
nnd the following uhldrcn:
.Mrs, Wndc Jones, route 2, Miss
LuU and Liislle Peoples nt
home: Isaac. William nnd Har
vey Peoples, nil nt home. A
sister. Miss Sue B. Peoples, also
The funeral was held Tnes-
dny morning at Chestnut Orove
church, conducted by Rev.
•Tamc.s Orocc. Interment was
In the church cemetery.
Charles Hampton Smith
Smith Child
Died Sunday
Charles Hampton Smith. 4-
ycnr-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
John Ehner Smith, died last
Sunday at the home of his
grandparents. Mr. and tMrs. M.
B. Richardson on route 2.
'The funeral was held Monday
morning at Union Chapel, con.
ducted by |iev. E. W. Turner,
nnd Interment was In the
Survivors Include the parents
nnd grandparents. Mrs. Smith
was the former Miss Marie
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 7,1941 - Page 2
Mrs. Wiley Lewis. 68, mQther
of Mrs. Troy W. Martin, of
Boonvllle died early Thursday
morning at the home of n
daughter, Mrs. Ted Troute.
City View, Wlnston-Salem. She
had been seriously 111 for sev
eral days.
Mrs. Lewis- was the former
Miss Martha DCzern, of East
Bend, and lived fur many years
In the Boonvllle community
before going to Wlnston-Salem,
Surviving are the husband;
five sons, Paul, Lester, Charlie
and Claude, all of Wlnston-
Salem. and Bynum, of Akron,
Ohio: four daughters. Mrs.
Martin, of Boonvllle, Mrs.
Troute, Mrs. L. O. Hutolions,
of Wlnston-Salem. ond Mlos
Maudo Lewis, of Now York
Fmioral sorvlees' will bo eon-
ducted from East Bend Baptist
Church Wednesday (today)
afternoon at 2 o'clock. The
Rev. T. 8. Draughon will be In
charge. Burial will follow in
the church cemetery.
Sudden Death
Claims Mrs. Shore
Mrs. Lee Shore. 30. died sud
denly last Wednesday about
noon of a heart attack at her
home near Cycle.
She was born June >ft. ICOS,
In Qrayson county. Va.. the
daughter of ^Mr. and Mrs. Oran-
ville Burchctte, She is survived
by her husband; the parents;
one son and one .daughter,
OrvUlc and Veola Shore, both
uf the home: four brothers,
L. C. Burchctte. State Road;
Glenn Burchettc. Elkln; Claude
Surchette, Elkln; and two sis-
tors, Mrs. Ruth Mickle, Elkln;
and Mrs. Nannie Collins, of
Mrs. Shore was a member of
Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church.
Funeral services were held
from Mountain View Baptist
Church Friday morning at 11
o'clock with Rev. J. L. Powers,
pastor. In charge. Burial fol
lowed In the church cemetery.
Shelly H. Sills, 43, chairman
of the Yadkln coilnty Selective
Service Board,. died suddenly
of a heart ailment at his home
morning. Although he bad
suffered from the ailment for
sometime, his death came as
a. dcfinite shock.
A son of the late J. H. and
Sallle Stccic Sills, he had spent
most of his entire life in the
county, Ho was married to
Mlas Ruby Matthews July 10,
1027. who survives him. Other
survivors Include one brother,
Henry Sills, of Charlotte; one
sister, Miss Mattle Sills, of Bast
Bend; two nephews. Lynn Mar.
tin nnd Vann Sills, of East
Bend: one niece. Miss Geneva
Sills, of Woman's College,
Mr. Sills was a member of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars, hav
ing volunteered for service in
the World War in August. 1917,
while bo was In Topeka, Kan
sas. He was assigned to the
109th Engineers, company A,
35th Division and scrv^ for 18
months overseas where be was
wounded In action. Re parti
cipated In fighting at catlgny,
the first engagement handM
wholely by American troops.
Later he fought in the battles
of AUne-Mame, Solssona, Bel-
leau Wood, Argonne Fbrest and
St. Mlhlel. At the close of the
war he was discharged with
the rank of corporal.
He was a member of the
East Bend Methodist Church,
and also members of the Yad
kin County Democratic Exe
cutive Committee and East
Bend School Committee.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/7/1941 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 7,1941 - Page 4
j Jului C. HL'pler. 7(i. died
. Thiirdduy iiiRhi at hU hame
I imar Yadklnvlllc. He was born
• In Ircdoll county and moved to
I Yiidkin county 30 yenrx iiuu.
He wti.H a member of Smith
I CImivl Methodist Church. Ire.
I dell county.
I survtvlnit ore the widow, the
former Ml.sx Mary L Wlllt.ims:
' three xo«.i. Ourney Hcpler of
I WInsion-Salcm. F. R. and O.
iT. Ilcplcr of YadklnvlllG. Route
3; two dauithters. .Mrs. Inn l.tv.
emtuud uf Yadklnvlllc and Mrs.
. Eva Smith of North Wllkc.slxiro:
and one brother. Jake Hepler.
^ of Marlon. Vn.
The funeral wu.i held at
Smith Chiipel MelhndLsl Church
Saturday anernoon at 2oVliick.
Rev. Fred Cnldwell cnndtirted
the servlce.s. Rinial In
the church graveyard.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 7,1941 - Page 6
three ri.kU)::t:c:>. l:ic'..i:Khg .M:.>
ccn\/ircc UCI n rat Pancrsim o.' Vadklnvlll..JlKVILLJ nLLU four il.Mcrs. M.f. y..ivrlc On.
try of Siati' Road: Mrs. O. nv
Funeral uwh-ff f.u- Mr#. AdailW ol .lone.'Vii'.t: Mrs. C.
Susan M. ytteliae;. PP. wife nf C. Crou.'. nr.O;f:i. Mo.t .U'l.'
C. O. Mlch.tr 1 of Y.tdk'.nvihc. Mr.<. O. C." Wrlborn of Jonfr.
who d'.id Thur«d.ty. wcrr held bor.'. .A'k.: a.iti bro:h.';r.
• at Ora-s";- Crek foir.-b •v.tr T C. f.!:!s:v.}r.;r .n.-c
Mvunil.ilii Fiirk. 6.;;;;: U- ;v. .1 I. R. ro:i;:ii{n!:.< t»! Rt.'.'.e
vrnij.-*'.'. a: 2 .>cio k. Bar.'-l R vrt.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/7/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 7,1941 - Page 7
Mrs. L. P. Charles
Mother of Cooleemee
Lady Passes
.Mrs. L. P. Charlpa, C2, died
Sunday nighi. at c'cIqcK,
at her home near Wlnaton-
Salem. after an Illness of two
I The funeral was held Tues-
(day afternoon at 3 o'clock at
I Sandy Springs Lutheran
'church, Davidson county, with
.nterment following in the
cKUreh cemetery. Rev. c. R.
Pless conducted the services.
{ Sunrivlni are one son. H. A.
Charles, Wlnston-Salem; three
daughters, Mrs. Daisy oreen,
Oooieemcc, Mra, H. O. Sheen,
High Point, route a. and Mrs.
Clara Brlnkley, Lexington,
route «: and one sister. Mrs.
Robert Lamb, Lexington, route
pRid Gibson
DM Sunday
Paul Olbson, son of Mr. and
.Mrs. Ckcrge E. Olbson. of North
Cooleemee, passed away Sun
day night In a Morganton hos
pital, Re was 21 years of age
and unmarried.
Paul was a member of Coo-
Iremee Methodist chureh, where
the funeral was conducted
Wednesday morning at 10
o'clock, oy the pastor, Kev. t*.
i. stouyh. Durlal followed In
Center Methodist church ceme
In addition tp his parents,
the deceased Is survived by
one brother. Raymond Gibson,
three sisters. Dorothy Gibson.
.Mrs. Mark Thornc and Mrs.
Rotten Conner, all of Coolee
mee. and a grandmother. Mrs.
J. M. Granger uf Cuuleemce.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 7,1941 - Page 8
Nancy E. Baity Dixon
Mrd. Nancy E. Dixon. 79,
widow of T, M. Dixon, died
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock
at the home of a daughter,
Mrs. w. D. Dull, nt enna. a
daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs.
George Baity, she was born
December 2S. 1801.
Surviving arc two daughters,
Mrs. Dull and Mrs. M. P. White,
both of Cana; two sons, L. W.
Dixnn, or Yndkinvlllc. and T,
D. Dixon, or Cana; n grand
children and nine great-grand
Mrs. Dixon had been a mcm-
>bcr of Cross Roads Baptist
Church 00 years.- The funeral
was held Friday afternoon at
3 'clock at Wesley Chapel
Church, Davle county. Rev.
W. L. SwQlii and Rov. J. W.
Vestal conducted the services.
Burial was In the church grave,
Two brothers, Joe Hnlty and
George T. Baity of Mocksvllle.
rout- sUlcra, Mr>. R. L. Lowury,
Mrs. Will R.itlcdge of Mocks
vlllc, route 2; Mrs. Oharllo
Tharpc, StatcsvUle; Mrs. San
ford Caudle. Yadklnvlllc. also
Bio - Obituaries - 11/7/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 12,1941
Ibattal G. Doby.
Manod 6 Doby. 61« died at tila bocaa
near Foilt» We&eeday oigbt, foilowtiig a
food miiess. Ftaneml aadces were beld
at Fork diuireh Friday aftonooD
at2o*ctock,«tth Rev. E. W. Tnina dS-
elating, and tba body laid the rest in tiie
cborcb cennetfty. i
Mr. Ooby ia6ttrvlv^byhiawtdo«r,tiiiee
eona, W. S. and DeWItt Ooby, of Wlaatoo-
Saleoi, K. S: Gbarilo Odnr, who la in cbe
U. Sw Aimv« stationed to Callfomla: one
sister* BIfS. (X C. Baisey. near Ooroatser*
and tbteo balf-brotbeia.
Id the death of Mr. Doby. Davlo conoty
bas last one of her best cltteeoa.
Walter K. CorreU
Walter K.€orretl. 88. of Nofth Coolce-
mee. died Thmsday at a Sallsbovy hoqd-
Sttrvhrtog are the widow; a step son.
Ben incohell . of Oobleemee; hia mother
Mrs. J. D. Conrdl* and two rister, Mrs.
Emma Bracken of Rowan county and Mrs.
Ed-GrifBoof Woodleaf.
The fott«al waa held Satoiday morning
at II o'docfc at Code«ttee Methodlet
chmdi. Rev. F. J. Stoagh ooodacted the
Mrs. Midia SmiA.
Mia Emaba BL Sotith* 87* died Tbncsday
morning at the tiooe of her danghter,
Mra Maude IJaoea. in North Cgoteemeef
The tonerai waa held at New Union
Methodlet cbmeh Satntoay afternoon at
3 o*cIocfc. T. 1. GaodeHeoadoeted cheaer-
vi^ Borial waa to the o nrcb grave*
Snnivlng are foor daagbten, two aooa*
H. O. Stolth of StcoaghoiBt, IB., and R. C.
Smith of Wto8to]i«Saleait 28 granddiltdien.
Rev. Cbttd Morris
Rev. Clasd Mania, pastor of Enunaimel
Qaptiet Obnrriii New Toto City, died lost
Wednesday* death resulting from poeu*
monto* preeedod by a heart attack. Rev.
Mr. BIbiris Is a son of Mrs. R. L. Booe, of
this city, who bad been with bfan for sav-
era! days preceding Ida death. Mr. Hon
tie had vlrited to HooksvUIa on eeveial
occastoiKi, and ftUed the polplt at the
Baptist chutoh. Hla friends here were
saddened by news of his death.
Casanna Powell
Centenarian Dies
Caeaooa Powell, colofed^aafd to have
ttoon horn io 1838, dl^ at her home near
Dames XRoada Sunday. A omiib^ of
cbildten mrvivo. This aRed womaD was
twro near Wraoclier's Fold, to Oslahahi i
cownMii|», 23 yeais b^oio the ootbreak of i
the Civil War, and was no doabc the oId*l
est woman to Noith Candina.
Bio - Obituaries -11/12/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 14,1941 — Page 1
Uoby Kites .
Held Friday
Munuol G. boby. 'U4. well
known farmer of Mockivillc,
route 3. died In n Wincon
ho;;i)linl last Wednesday ntgbt
utter an illneiu of around s'.n
Mr. Uuby w!i.s born In Rttn-
• dolph cbuniy but moved to
Davle when he was si III a
.younit m.tn. He s|)eni most of
; Ills life In the Fork Church
n Surviving Is his wtdnw. the
former Miss Thhhie S.iln:
! three sons. W. D. Doby. Whw-
lon-Salem. Route 5. Whey J.
i Dsby. Wlnsion-Salem. Route 5
i and Charles H. Doby of Sjicra-
I meulo, Calif.: one sister. Mrs.
Charles Barney. MocksvUlc,
I Route 3. and three half bro>
ihcrs. Ed and Goldvooro. both
i of Thomasvllle. and Kern Doby
I of UiKh Point,
I The funeral wa.s held las:
' Friday at the Fork Baptist
) Church and Intennciu was lu
I the church cemetery.
'j iiic Doby family operated
j the telephone exchange a:
. Polk for many ye.M's.
Aunt Ca.vs Anna Powell, well
known eolnivd woman who was
lOft .vcar-s old, died ai her home
In the Ijame.s Cros.s Roads com
munity last Sunday. Insofar
as Is known, she was the oldest
Itvliiit person In the county.
A native of Davlo who had
lived her entire life in the
county, she was widely known
durlns her active days for help
among the sick, both white and
She was burn February, 1030
and her husband died 12 years
Four children of elglU sur
vive: Allen Powell of Brcvnrd,
Mary Powell of route 1, Hattio
Powell and Mrs. Anna Lakcy
□f Statcsvlilc.
She fell from the door of
her home last Saturday and
died the following day from
the injuries. The funeral was
hold at the PInoy Grove A. M.
E. Zlon Church, conducted by
Elder J. A. ijanicsi assisted by
Elder J. W. Ijaiiics, Latto
Ratledgc and Rev. Lmn Chaf
fin eulogized her life In the
conimnnlty. Interment was in
:hc churchyard. She was a
member of the Poplar Springs
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 14,1941 - Page 2
ij. T. RiDir^G
John Thomas Rldlug, 70.
pa.v.scd uvviiy at his home. East
Bend, Route 3. Thiu-sday morn
ing at 1:-13 o'clock after an
lllnes.s of about three moiitlts.
He wa.s born June 11, 13G3,
the sou of the Intc Mr. and
Mr.s. John Thomas Riding.
Mr. Riding had been mar
ried three times. He was first
married to Miss Maty Knoti
who died several years ago.
His second marriage was to
Miss Jasephlnc Thomas who
also pns.icd away. The third
maningo was to .Miss Ncllto
Ilcnnlngs who survives.
Ten children also survive:
Mrs. J. W. Stephens. Mrs. John
Caudle. Mrs. Salllc Farrington,
Mrs. J. P. Wall. Mrs. J. O
Southern. Mrs. Edgar Satip, Mrs.
Ed Bishop, and Comau Riding,
all cf Winston-Salcm. and Jim
Riding and Mrs. C. F. Hunter,
of East Bond: three stciKlili-
dreii: Turner Hauscr, of East
Bend: Mrs. Lois Eaten. Bur
llngtun. and Mrs. Helllc Black
bivrn, of Atlanta. Oa.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/14/1941
Funeral services were con
ducted from Sloncy Knoll
Church Saturday afternoon at
2 o'clock with Rev. A. Burgess
In charge. Burial was In the
church comotcry.
Pallbearers were; Eiberl and
Jack Stevens. James Southern.
Joe Wall and Fred and Bill
Hunter, aranddaughlcrs ser
ved as flower girls.
Evan Adams, 80, retired mln- *
Istcr and farmer, died Tues- •
day morning at the home of ■hla son, Arthur, wltlt whom he \
made his home. Tito Rev.
Adams was a native of Yadkin
and bad spent his entire life
In the county.
He Is stirvlvcd by anotlier
son. Julius; two brothers, the
Rev. Wado Adams, yadkinvlllo,
route one, and Mahton Adams,
of Key West. Florida; two
sisters, Mrs. W. A. Carter, Yad-
klnvllte, route one, and Mrs.
J. T. Rutlcdgc. East Bend. R.
P. D, He la the uncle of W.
B. Rutlcdgc, Yadkluvlllc pub
■Funcial aiiaiigcincnta have
not been completed.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 14,1941 - Page 4
Blanche Johnson and
Odell Hemric
j Blanche Johnson
Second Victim
In Auto Mishap
BKmclXi JohliMii. Ki,
of Cycle, died Monday morn-
inu! at Wllkes Haspltnl of Iik
jiiric:! ;<iiircrcd In un nuUinio-
bile accident 10 miles east of
that city Sunday ufternonn in
which Odcll ficmrlc. 19. of
Cycle, lost hU life.
Coroner I. M. Myers, who in
vestigated the accident, sold
the coupe In which the younu
couple wa.s ridinit. wn.s iruvel-
Ins east nt a hlph rate of speed.
The machine ran off the pave-
nicnl on Uie right side of lite
road, crasiied Into a pole and
then overtiirnetl oevcrai tiine.s
down an emhankmenl.
Both Hcmric and MKs John
son were thrown no; of I he
car. Hemric died Instantly.
Miss Johnson, who suffered
severe Injurle.r. was taken to
the hospital, but no hope wn.i
ever held for her recovery.
A double fun'wal service will
be held this twcdncj'dayi
morning nt 11 o'clock at Pleas
ant Orovc Baptist Church at
Cilngman for Miss Johnson and
Hemric. Burials wilt be m the
church graveyard.
Mls-s JuhnsQii was a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. John
son and was a senior at Ronda
High School and a member
of Pleasant Grove 'B.iptUt
Church. She Is survived by he"
parents; five brothers, Olenn.
Denver, R. C. Jr.. and FVnnic
Johnson all of Ronda, and Al-
ben Johnson of North WIlKes-
boro; four sisters, Mrs. Har
vey Purdue and Mrs. Edgar
Turner of Ronda, Mrs. Baxter
Gray of Cycle, and Miss Nellie
Sue Johnson of the home.
Hemric, a son of L. c. and
Stella Gray Hemric. is survl/-
ed by his parents; six brolhers,
Carl, Fred, Ciayborn, Paul, Hoy
and R. J. Hcmrio of Cycle; and
four sisters, Mrs, H. A. Mathis
and Miss Kalherlnc Hemric of
Cycle, Mrs. O. J. Chambers and
Mrs. Roi'mond Chnmbrrs o:
High Point.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 14,1941 - Page 6
Mis, Joy tier Dies ,
Near East Bend
.Mr.s. Jennie Smith Joyncr,
I'i, died al her home B.tst Bend,
mule 2. Friday morning al It
«■< li>ck aUvr an lltniM^ of .t-
inMU i:: montiu.
She w.n the daughter of the
late l.l/.a Rluktcy and John
' .Smith.
.She Is survived by her Inw-
.•«on: Wiley Ouslon Joyner of
E.t.'it Brml Route 2. .tnd one'
»l.<ler. .Mrs. Mary Andrews of
Fimeral services were con-
dueled rmin Piuipccl Methodl.st
Church Saturday morning nt
10:30 o'clock. Rev. Ellis Nor
man was in charge of the scrv-
ice.s. Durlal fotlowcd In the
church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/14/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 14,1941 - Page 7
Finai Rites For
Mrs. Alice Smith
Funcra] services (or Mrs.
AHcc Smith, flO. who died
Thursday mornlnn at her home
In North Coolccmce. were held
S.ilurday at 3 o'clock from the
New Union Church. Rev. A.
T. Stoudcnmlre. poalor of the
deceased, assUted by Mr. T,
Caudell of Mocksvlllc, eon-
ducted the services. Burial
followed In Uic church ccmo-
Pallbearers were Felix Dcnd-
mon. lAwrcncc Miller, Hoyle
Bller, Roy Scott, W. A. Ellis
.*r.. and Johnny Shoemaker.
The deceased made her home
with hor dflufchtcr, Mrs. Maude
tjaines. of North Ccolecmec,
who survives her. Others sur
viving are one ha1f-sl£(|tor,
Irs. Laura Cartrlght, Hamp-
.onville: two sons, K. c. smith
Winston-Salem, and II. O.
Smith, Siroughurst, Illinois;
three dau^iters, Mrs. N. J.
Wright, Charlotte, Mrs. B. O.
.Nfoorc, Woodlcaf, Mrs. "Bud"
.Morgan, Salisbury; and 28
grandchildren and 6 great
Correll Rites
Held Satufday
Funeral services for Walter
Kluttx Correll. 55, who died at
Lowery's hospital, Salisbury last
Tlnirsday morning, following
an lllneas of only a few days'
duration, were conducted at
Coolecmee Methodist church, of
which the deceased was a
member, Saturday morning at
. 11 o'clocK.
His pastor, the Rev. F. J.
Plough, assisted by the Rev. I
A. T. Stoudenmire. pastor of I
COoleemcc Baptist church, was]
In charge. Interment follow
ed in North Coolcemee ccme-
Mr. Correll was the son of
Mrs. ICaw Correll. who survives
him, and the late Jake Correll. I
Other survivors are his widow,
H slcp-son, Ben Mitchell, and
two sisters, Mrs. Ed OrU fin
and Mrs. Emma Bracken, both
of Woodleaf.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/14/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 19,1941
Anna Powell
Ag^ Cdored Wonuui
Anna Powell. Davle's oldest ooi.
ored person, died at ber home near
Ijames Cro^s Roads Snndav after*
t^iooo, Nov. 9 at the Qnajoal age of
io5 years and 9 months.
'*Cez Anna," as she was known
hy both ram. was a servant in her
yottng days in the home of Mrs.
Provideoee Neely who lived near
Davie Academy.
Abont 90 years ago she united
with the chnreh. .
The fnneral and bnrlal services
were conducted at Plnev Grove
church Monday afternoon with
Elders Johnie and Wesley Ijames
in charge. A. C. Chaffin and Latta
B Ratledge, representing the white
friends, spoke of ber long and use
ful life to both races.
Mrs. Jdin S. GriffMi
MfiB. John 8. GiMBtli, 70. of Jemsaton
township; died eady Satorday ropfotaglo
a SalMkny bos^tal, foSawlDi an Blnesa
of tomo clow.
Fnooal aervloea weio held Sunday af«
tomooo it 2 o'doek at the Coofeeoee Un*
tbodistdiafeh. and the body laid to rest
to UeoMflal Faifc eaeteiy, Sahsbnry.
Bin. Griffith arts a dauihier of the late
Mr. and Mia. Onell fktton, of Advanoeb
Saivivliig is the basbaod and a nnmberof
distant lelatlvea. A dood woman baa
been called to ber lewaid.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/19/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 21,1941 - Page 4
PrAncc CuBcno Spcai. 70, died
WodnoEulny nrtcniooii nt 4:30
o'clock nt his home. BuonvlUe.
Route I, rollowhig n hcni'l nt-
Survlvlua ore the widow, who
was Miaa Bllstn Jane Riimby
prior to marriage; five children,
Mrs. J. O, Tuttlo. Mrs. J. E.
Hnuser, Mrs. w. R. Winfrey. Mrs.
H. K, Davis and I. E. Spcas, and
five brothers, Virgil, Luther,
Clarence. Irvin and J. W. Spcas.
Funeral rites were held Fri
day at 1:IS o'clock from the
home and at 2:30 o'clock from
the Now Bethel Baptist Church,
Burial followed In the church
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 21,1941 - Page 7
Final Rites For Mrs.
John S. Griffith
Funeral services lor Mrs, John
8, Griffith, 70, were conducted
'Sunday 'afternoon ~at 2 o'clock
at Cooleemce Methodist church,
by Rev, P, J, stough. Burial
was in Memorial Park cemetery.
Mrs. Griffith died early Sat-
iirdnv morning at Lowcry's hos
pital, Salisbury, following an Ill
ness of a week's duration,
i She was a daughter of the
late Mr, and Mrs, Orrel Caton
, of Advance, She is survived only
jby her husband, several step-
. children and a number of dls-
I tint relatives.
; For many years, Mrs. Griffith
I made her home In Cooleemee,
where she was well known and
respected. Later she and her
husband moved to their own
home at "Greasy Cornt'r." where
Mr. Griffith is engaged in bus!
Bio - Obituaries — 11/21/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 26,1941
Robert E. Perry.
Fttoeral and burial aefvtoe# fw'ltobert
E. PW. 81. of Kannapollei weta hold at
oooD at 8 c'dpck.
h!r. Perry waa totally bun Monday aftof-
noon of last wort, when a tfw m wao
cottlM. fell on hip. Ho
jnocnlDtfat the Cabairao hoepltp* m
Potfy Is aoTvlvod by hte wldw. the fonaor Uise Kaiherine Plrico. ddo^ . "2;
J. B. Prfee and the late Mr. Pncoj three
cfaUdfoo, the paronta and
6ist<»», Mia. Pwy*a ootbwia ator of the late Mr. and Hia. B. F. Stone*
street, who lived near Jnldio.
Miss Inna Potts Killed.
MIsa baia Mae Potca, lO-year'Old Goo*
leemee dri* was hilled almost Instantly
Thsreday evening abont 7 o^ctooh. when
ehe was Btnek by an aotomobUe said to
have been driven by Elmer Phnt, cotoied,
while etandlod mi the aide of the road
near er home toihlnR with fome Meeda.
who were seated In an autotttoh&e that
bad palled off to the left of the highway,
pettly on thosboalderof the new .hldhway.
leadloR off the MoeksvtUe'Ballabary bljih*
way coward Goolemoee.
Flint waa capmced in WlDatQn*Sa]eiD
.and bcottght to Moofcavitle Monday, whete
he will bo gtvoo a bearing thie weeh.
Funeral setvlces for Mist Potts wasbeld
at Betblefaetn Methodist draieh Saturday
aftemocn at 2:30 o'dodt. vriih Rev. E. W.
lhioeroffieiatlog.aod the body laid to
rest Inihe cfauieh cemetery.
Sundvlnd are the paieote, Mr. and Mrs.
C, 6. Potts; two broihen, Hanes and Lest
er; two sisters, Ui8*Joho Davis, of Rowan;
aiid Miss HMen Potts, at Imme. To the
bereaved family The Record estendedeep
syoqMtby in this ead hour. '
Bio - Obituaries - 11/26/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 28,1941 - Page 1
Hubert Earle Stine
HiAert Barte Stlnc, of Hanes-
town, empioyoe of the p. H.
Kanes kntbtiM oompoiiy plant
tbwe, died In^ Mocksville hos-
pltal Ta^day morning about
4:IS e^iloclc of injiuios he suf-
iored about two hours earlier In
an automobile accident.
The accident occurred about
rfivc mUcs north of Mocksville
on V. 8. highway 188. Officers
sold the car, drlvwr by William
I^aon, of Moelcsvlllo, and oc*
cupied by Mrs. Dyson and 8Uno.
left -the highway and overturn
ed soyerol times.
NeiUior Dyison nor HLs wife
■were seriously hurt but were
confined to bed one dny with
bruises and cuts.
AH of tho persons In the car
wcxo said to be employees oftho p, H, ^ncs Knitting Com
pany and were driving homo
from work when tho wreck took
place. Dyson lives in North
Mocksville and Stino was also
living here temporarily, It was
Mr. Sttno was Uic son of R.
P. Stlnc and Ida Sattcrflold
6tlne, both deceased, lie Is sur
vived by hLs wife who prior to
her marrtago was MUs Jolty
Gmlth of Mocksville, and one
Mn, Hubert FrmtkUn Stlno. Sur
vivors also Include one brother.
Louts, of Ilanestown; llurec sis
tcsRS, Mrs, R. a. Lane and Miss
Ellen Stlno both of High Point
and Miss Ethel stlno of Clem-
■Funeral oervloes were coii'
ducted at Banes Baptist Ohurch
Wedneoday evening ut 3:30
o'clock with Rov. Jomcs E. Swln.
son and Ray Billings In charge.
Burial was In SmlUi Orovc
IVilliam S. Foster
Dies, Hunlsville
WlUlam Sharp Poster, 82. died
At his home near Huntsville In
YadUn county Wednesday after
The funeral vdll be hold nt
Smith Orove Methodist church
this monilng at 11 o'clock, con
ducted by Rov. J. W. Vestal.
Interment will be in the church
cemetery.(His wife, tho ftpmcr Mary
June Baity of Davle, died about
S8 years ogo Sundvora Include
two daughtets and three sons:
Mrs; A. A. Pilcher of Pfafftown
routo 1; Mrs. J. M. Howcll, Oona
route i; O. K., Wlnston-Salcm
routo 4; H. L., Clommons, routo
i; J. D. iVkiter, Caitu, route 1.
Twenty three grandchildren and
three gn»t-grandchlldi>en also
Funeral services for Oewitt 8.
Carter, 67, woU-known ^lesmon
of West Six^ street, Winston-
Solcm, who died at a Winstonhospll^ Sunday night, wore
held Tuesday morning at 11
o'clock at Fiuk Church. Burial
was In the church gnvveyard.
The services were conducted
by Rev. N. C. Teaguc, Rev. B.
W. Turner, ond Rev. Wade Hut-
Mr. Carter was bom bi Davle
county May '28, 1874. Ho went
to Wlnston-SAlem about 43
years ago and for 25 yonrs oper
ated n grocery store on West
First street, near Slmtford
Road. Ho dtscoutlnuod tlds
business about IS^cars ago and
had been a salesman since.
Surviving are four sons. O.
T. Carter of Radford, Va.. C. c.<
H. 8. and J. P. Carter of Wlns
ton-Salcm; one daughter, Miss
Helen V. Carter of New York;
three grandohlldrcn; and two
sisters, Mrs. Oharlos Foster and
Mrs. H. L. Walser, both of Davle
Funeral Services
For Miss Irnia Potis
Final rites for Mls8 Lnua
Potts, 19, who was killed by on
automobile on Tl>.ankeslvlog
night at 7 p. m., wore conducted
Saturday afternoon at 2:30 p.
m., at Bothlchom Methodist
chiueh, Davle County. |
Tho services were conducted
by Rows. S. W. Turner and J. W.
Vestal of Mochsvllle. Burial fol
lowed In the church cemetery.
The young lady is survived
by het parents, C. o. and Sally
Potts, one brother, Lester Potts
one half-brother, Hones ChU-
ders, at home: one sister. Miss
Helen Potts, at home, and one
holt-slster, Mrs. John Davis. Sal
tsbury, routo 3.
The family m.vKe their home
near Cooleemee on the Center
sercot extension In the com
munlly known as Pine Ridge.
Mrs. William L. Sherrlll
Mrs. William L. Sherrlll, wUe
of a former Methodist minister
who served here, died Wednes
day In Charlotte. The funeral
was held yesterday at Rehobeth
Methodist church, 12 miles wool
of MooresvlUe. Is survived
by her husband, ano son, a
brother, T. P. Connor of Cataw
ba county, and a half stslor, Mrs.
Bertlo Sctzcr of Catawba coun
Bio - Obituaries -11/28/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 28,1941 - Page 2
Jamca W. Pcndry, 79, for ove
30 years dork to the Yadkl
county board of conunlosloncr.
died at noon Sunday at hi
home near YadklnvUle.
He had been ill for about IG
days. A son of the late Mr. one
Mrs. William R. Pcndry. he apei:
most of his life In Yadkln coun
Mr. Pcndry ls.Aurvtvcd by three
sons, seven dnutfhtcrs and ivm
sisters. They arc J. Roy Pen-
dry. Crater Pcndry of Yad-
klttvUlc; and H. A. Pendty, of
Wlnston-S.-tlcin: Mrs. R. U. Uoh
comb, Mrs. Lcona Gentry, Mrs.
Roy Holconib, Mrs. Uovrard CarU
ton. all of YadklnvUle; Mrs.
Mcrllc Gentry, of HamptonvlUe*
and .Mrs. H. C. Windsor anc'
Mrs. Martin Cnsa. both of De
troit, Mich. Twenty-four grand
clilldrcu and two Rtcat-grnnd-
chltdrcn also survive.
Tu'o sisters. Mrs. Llllle Perdue
and Mrs. C. 8. Carlton, both of
Yadlehivlllc. also survive.
Funeral services wore conduct
ed from the Center Methodist
Church, of which ho was a mem.
bor. at 3 o'clock on Tuesday af
Rev. W. J. Huncycult, Rev. J.
H, Green, and Rev. R. L. Spser
were In charge of the services.
Mr. Pcndry was also a retired
schoolteacher ond toroier In ^-
illttOII 16 'his worK as nssutaiit
clerk to the board of county com
Bio - Obituaries —11/28/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 3,1941
Hubert Earle Stine
W. S. Fosto.
Wltttaco S. Fester, 62, died at bis faome
near HuotdvUle. Yadhla couAty, Wedoee*
dav aftemooB.
The fonezal was bdd at 11 o*doefc Fd*
day notniBg at Smith Gnva llMhodlst
Qinreh, Kev. J. W. Veetal in obaiKek
Sonrlvon Inchide two danghtaia, Mn.
A. A. Ptieber, Pfafltowo, Ronte 1. and
lira: J, U. Howdl, Cana, Rotne 1; tbtee
6008.6 K. Fetter. Wlnatmi-Salem, Runta
A H. L Foster, Qemmoo^ Route 1, and J.
D. Foster, Cana. Route l:26gianddiUdren:
and three.gteat-giandelilldien.
Fortyfb Man Killed.
Bttheit Carle Stioe. of Haneetown, em-
ttafitB ol the P. H. ^es Knlttlog Com-
Itaoy ploBt thete in a StateevUle hoqiital
Ism Theeday mnoiog about d:18 o*doofc of
Inlttna he nflded about twohouiu aoBar
la en automobile aoddeot.
The aeddeat oteuired about fine oilea
i^h of HoebsviHe on U. 8. bidhway 168.
SberilTo offioeie said the ear. diioeo by
William Dysoo,of UecbevUle^ andoeoopled'
tty Ufa. Dveon ^ Stine, lefttba bidbway
and oveftomed eveial times.
Ndtber llyaon nocble wife wen eetlouf-
ty Iniit. The wndi oceuned about 1
o*dodt Ibeeday momlot.
All vf tbo petsont In fbo ear won aald
to bo ompleyeea of iba P. S Haaea Knit*
tlotf Company aad weie dilvintf towaida
DyaoD*8 borne in Moekavfile irbeo tbo
wnek ooeoirad.
Mr. Stine la eoifivod by h!a wife who
prior to her mafriade wea Mlta Jetty Smlib
of HacksviHo. end one aon, Hnben Frank*
iln Sdoe. Sorrivon alao indtide one
bfotber, and tbiee deems.
Funelral eervlees were- condoled' at
Hanes Baptist Choidk Wednesday oven-
iod atStSO o*cloefc with l^v. James E.
SwIdsoo and Ray BilSnds in ebarde. Bo.
rial was In Smith Gnva Cemetery.
Mrs. W. L Sherrill
Mrs. Leuette Gannon Sherrill. wife of
Rov W, L SboitUl. died In a Charlotte
oepital last Tbeaday moioind* fdhnring
a long illness. Mrs. SbeiriU waa 79 years
old, a native of Catawba county. Sho
bved in MocbsviUo a number of yoara.
wen berbuabaod was pastor of tbo Metho
dist ohufcb. Ftbueral aetvleea wen held
Wedneaday afteroooo at Rdwbeth Metbo
diet cfauidi. at TertelL Catawba ooonty.
Mrs. Sbeirlll bad many ftleoda In Uoeb^
villa who wen saddened by nowa of bar
death. Mrs.'Sbertiil. Is suivlved by her
bosband. one son, a brother and a half
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 5,1941 - Page 1
Mrs. W. H. Johnson
Funeral Monday
Mrs. \V. H. Johnson. 68. died
Sunday morning at her home In
Olarksvllle township.
Siiiwiving are the husband;
one son, D. O. Johnson, of
MocksvUlc Rotite 2; one daugh
ter, Mrs. J. B. Osbome, of
Stratford; 14 grnndehlldren and
13 great-grandchildren.
The funeral was held at tiic
homo at noon Monday .and at
FVatornlty Church of the Bre
thren in Forayth county at
o'eloCiC. Qurlal wa.«
church graveyard.
in the
Bio - Obituaries -12/5/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 12,1941 - Page 2
Flora E. Matthews
Mrs. Plcra E. ^(attbew5. 70,
passed away nt her home near
Boat Bend at 9:30 o'clock Fri
day mornlnB' She hod -been In
declining heoUh for the past
two years and her condition had
become critical about two weeks
She was the widow of B. 8.
Matthews who died about three
years apo. She was a native of
Bast Bend section and had spent
her entire life there.
She is survived by five chil
dren: Mrs. Morler Wllhelm, of
Harmony: Ml«a Freddie B. Mat
thews, of Rocky Mount, and
Shuford R. Matthews, of Wins
ton-Salem; Foster Matthews, 'of
BooQvUte; and Dr. Clyde B.
Mkks, of Elkln, a foster son;
two aUteta, Mrs. }l. P. Taylor
and Mrs. Robin Mnrtln. both of
Bast Bend, and two half brothers
and a half sister, B, O. Nicholson,
of Pilot Mountain; Orady F.
Mehotson, of Roanokc. Va.: and
Mrs. Ida Whltaker, of Carth
The body remained at the
Hayes-Matthews Funeral Home
In- Boonvllle until 12:30 o'clock
Sunday vrhen It v.-as taken to
Friendship Baptist Church near
Smltbtown, The body lay In
state there until the funeral ser
vices at 2 o'clock.
Bev. E. C. Norman and Rev.
WUl Orlssman were in charge of
the services. Burial followed In
the church cemetery.
Patrida Tntterow
Funeral Friday
tricla * Jean, the sLx-wcck-old
daughter of Mr. ond Mrs. Wll-
lard Tuttcrow, who died at a
Greensboro haspltat. was burled
nl IJnmcs Cross Roads church
last Friday.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 12,1941 - Page 7
Final Ritc.s For
Maynard DoWce.sc
Ftmornl iumwIcc.s for Muyntird!
DoWeedc, M. umuarrU'd. a ho!
died suddenly luhnwhig :i heart!
attack Thur.sdny night, at the
homo of his brother, C. S. Dc-
Weesc, on Brwht street, coulee*
mcc, were held nt Polkton Sat
urday at 1 n. m. Burl,it follow
ed in the cemetery there. The
body was taken from the Peeler
Funeral Home. Salisbury, late
Friday to the home of a slster-
In-lnw, iMrs. Nora Walters, In
The decea.scd, who hud mudo
his homo with his brother In
Cooleemce for a long time, was
a member of the Presbyterian;
His only .iurvlvors are the
brother, C. & DeWecsc. with
whom he lived, and his mother.
Mrs. Ella DeWccse. of Coolce-
Bio - Obituaries -12/12/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 19,1941 - Page 1
W. J. S. Walker
Rev. W. j. S. Walker, widely
known retired Methodist mlnlS'
icr who lived ncnr Center, died
in lite Chatham Memorial hos
pital in Eikin lost Tuesday nf
tcrnoon. He was 07.
The iunerai wa.t iicld yeatcr
day ntomSuii at Center Metho
dist church, conducted by Rev.
G. W, Pink and Rev. A. C. Gibbs.
Intcrniciit was In lite church
Son of Calvin and Amanda
Ponry Walker, he Is survived by
his widow, tho ronner Miss Mag
nio Cowan ol Davle, and tiic
roiiowing children: FrcU N., Cal
vin and Clyde Waiker, all of
High Point; Lawrence of Mt.
Airy: Annie at home. Mrs. Roy
Redmond of Stalesvlllc, route 2;
Mrs. Roy ShcUon of Mt. Airy.
A sister, Mrs. T. P. Dwlgglns of
Mocksviilc. also survives.
Rev. Walker, o native of Davic
county, had been in declining
hoaitii for some time. He served
many charges in this section of
tho stale. Including Davle. Mt.
Airy. Aratt and Joncsvlilc. At
one lime ho taught singing and
served the denomination as
evangelist for many years, par
ticularly having charge of the
music. Rev. Walker had a mul
titude of friends and acquaint-
niices who mourn hit paaslng.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 19,1941 - Page 7
Funeral Set
For Today
Mrs. Andrew Brown, 73, died
at 7:30 o'clock Monday night at
her home, near Mitchell's Chop-'
el. five miles west of Yadkln-
vlllc. following an Illness of four
mouths. She was critically ill
for about a week. Her husband.
Andrew Brown*, died Juno 20 of
this year.
Survivors include one son and
four daughters, dcon Brown,
Mrs. Charlie Spainhour and Mrs.
Bynum Partin. all of BoonviHe,
route l;'Mrs. Bills Ring, of CycTc,
and Mrs. Reba Tempier. Wlns-
ton-Salcm: and two brother^
Thomas and Sandy Brown, botli
of Jonesvllle.
The funeral wUl be held
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
at Mitchell's Chapel Methodist
Church. Rev. Cleet Simmons.
ReV. R. L. Speer and Rev. W.
J. Huneycutt. the pastor, will
be In charge of the services.
Bio - Obituaries -12/19/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 19,1941 - Page 8
The body of Jatnes J. Holcomb.
40. Yadkin county farmer and
^Inslon-Satcin tobacco ware-
.tfluso employee, wna found
nantfluB from a rafter in an out-
.toiuo five mllea west of Yad-
ttnvlUe Friday afternoon about
3 o'clock.
The body was found by a bro-
.her-hi-law, Willie Brown, who
.van ptouBhins in a field nearby.
Irown aald Itolcomb'a automobile
lad been parked at the outhouse,
vhlch had been used as a to-
lacco barn, most of the day.
Vhen ho Invcstlffaicd he found
folcoiub'8 body suspended to a
-after with a rope around his
icck. He had 'been dead for
;overal hours.
Sheriff A. L, Inscorc and Cor-
}ucr R. V. X^ng Investigated
nd pronounced Holccmb's death
\ clear case of suicide.
Ifolcomb. members of his fam-
ly said, left home about 0 o'clock
i'riday inonilng.
Coroner Long said Hpjcomb
puefcntly killed hlmseii shorU
y after lie loft his home.
Rolcomb was a son of the late
it. and Mrs. Henry Holcomb.
•le was a World War veteran and
/ns married to Miss Lola Brown.
Surviving arc the widow; two
'nughtors, Mnttlo and Joy llol-
uiiib; Iwu brulhbt's, Jones Hoi-
onib of Boonvtllo. and Will
lolcomb of Detroit. Mich.; and
'our sisters. Mrs. X. s. Colloway.
Mrs. W. J. Brown, both of Boon
llle, and Mrs, Lloyd Rceco, Of
rutnn, Inwn, nnri Mrs. Maggie
'oultiard of Joncsvllle.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/19/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 24,1941
Rev. W. J. S. WalkMl
' Rev. W. J. 8w Waike-. 11. leliied Hetlii{-
dist Bilnister. died at Hogh Chatham 11^
morial Hospital, Qkio, TttSida? aftemooo
following a psolooged period of deciialf*g
• Rgv. Mr. Walker was a native of Davle
county and lerided near enter, Imme*
dlaie florvivfiis Indnda t a widows; foor
flbiio,fVedN-.Calvlii and Clyde Watkei,
all ot High Point; and Lawienee Walker,
of Mount Airy; three daughters. Miss An
i|le Walk«r, of the home; Mrs. Roy Red*
mond, Statesvilie, Ronte 2; and Mrs. Roy
Sh^oo, Mount Airy; and 13 gfaadehljklreo. •
Thefuneial was condnctra at Center
Cbttfohat II o*doek Thursday momlng,
with the Rev. G. W. Pink and Rev. A. G.
GIbbs in charge
, Rev. Mr. Walker was widely-known In
lihe noribwMtefo nedmont. He s^ved
charges in West Davle. at Homit Airy, at
Ararat and at Jonesville. He abo aerved
the Methodist Church as an evangelist.
' in the death of Rev. Willie Walker,
Dsvie county has lost one of her best
known and most beloved dtteens Ho
fmsa eonseeraied high-toned Cbrlstlao
genileiiiDO, aqd his death baahioiigbt sad
ness to a Host of friends thionghont the
entice countv. He was a long-time friend
Of The Record editor, and only a tdmrt
while ago wa publlsbed a letter in our
Doper written by him. Ha did mocb to
riiMe the woild better, and has been eaU-
ed to bla reward. To the bereaved family
we mctend oor sfausere sympathy In the
death of Ibis good man.
Miss Sarah Howard. !
Miss Sarah Howard, 84. died Friday
fttomlDg at the home of a nephew, John
Walker Jonea, MoekavUle^ Route 8.
the fnneial waa bdd at the home Sat*
mday afcmnooB at 2:30 o*doek and at
Comataer Raptbt <%uich at 3 o*clock.
Rev, James Gim and Rev. F, A. Wifgbt >
conducted the smvlcea. Boiial was in.
Fork (SraiUh.Cenietery, r
Surviving me two risteis, Mrs. Snsie
Jane Howard and Ifia. CeHa Jones. Iioth of
MocksvtUe. Route 3.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/24/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 26,1941 - Page 1
Sarnli Howard
Riics Snliirdny
Sarah Howard. >14. died
Friday morning nl the home ul n
nephew, John Walker Jones.
Meckwlllc. RPD No. 3.
The (tineral w.ad hold nl the
home Saturday itfternoon at 2:30
o'clock and at Cornntzer D.-ipil5t
church at 3 o'clock. Rev. J;imc.<
Grocc and Rev. F. A. Wrluht
conducted the services. Burial
was In Fork church cemetery.
Surviving are two sisters, Mrs.
Susie .fane UouDrd and Mrs.
Cella Jones, both nf Moeksvhic.
RFD No. 3.
Pallbcarcr.s were .1. Frank, L
A. and R. C. Ilendrhv. Ralph
Jones. Noah and Thomas Nance.
Bio - Obituaries -12/26/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY