Jan - JunMOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 3,1941 - Page 1
Thomas Madison Smith, 61,
j«<»ll_KlL<iw.u. rogrchant ot Shef-
Xleld Xor 35 years, died Tuesday
night at 7:20 o'doclt. He had
been In declining health for
I some 'time.
Son of William and Nancy i
Smith, both of Davic, he Is sur-
vlved by his wlHow who was
formerly Miss iHanche Clcary, ;
and three chlldJen: Wade W.
Smith, prominent local merch
ant; Johnny and Miss Ruth
Smith of Sheffield.
The funeral was held ycster- :
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at
the Liberty church at Sheffield,
conducted by Rev. O. E. Laws.
The MocksvlUc Masonic lodge,
of which Mr. Smith was a mem
ber, had charge of the grave
side service.' Interment was in
the church cemetery.
Mr. Smith was also a former
5ohool-teachep, .boW).in_fh#_free
schools and the old time sing
ing schools In Davle and ad
joining counties. He was wide
ly known and beloved.
Pallbearers were Charlie and
Clinton Smith, Latta Ratledge.
Orady Ijames, Lonnle Oaltber
. and T, P. Richardson.
Mrs. Ella Leonard Graver, 56,
wife of W. R. Graver who Is
superintendent of the county
home, died Tuesday night at '
7:50 o'clock.
Daughter of Alfred and Kate
Unk X^onard of Davidson coun
ty, she Is survived by her hus
band and the following children;
Mrs. Wade Wyatt of Fork, who
Is the wife of the Davle county
accountant; Miss Verlie Graver
at home; Olln, of Wlnston-
Salem, Lawrence and George
Graver of Fork.
Tlfree~si«tCT8-"and- -a—brother
also survive; Mrs. Mottle Frce-
dlc of High Point, Mrs. C. C.
Long of Midway. Mrs. B. W.
Graver of Lexington, route 4; A.
H. Leonard of Welcome. Ten
grandchildren likewise survive.
The funeral was held Thurs-
. day afternoon at 2 o'clock at
.the-Pulton Methodist church,
conducted by Rev. P. L. Smith.
Interment was in the church
Bio - Obituaries -1/3/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 3,1941 - Page 1
Albert Ezra Tatum, 78, prom
Inent farmer and native of
Oavle, died Dec. 27 at 7:30
m. at bis home in Jerusalem
township. Mr. Tatum had been
in decUnbig health for oome
Son of Bsra and Sophia Click
Tatum, he is survived I9 his
widow, formerly Miss Ida Mil
ler; by a son, B. o. Tatum of
Gooleemee who is chairman of
the Davie county board of com-
mlsstoners; by two daughters,
Mrs. .Mary Tatum Moore of
stony Point and~ Miss
Pearl Tatum at home.
A broth
er, P. O. Tatum of Greensboro,
also survives, as well as 6 grand
The funeral was held Dec.
28 at 3 p. m. at the Jerusalem
Baptist church where he was a
member, conducted by Rev. B. W.
Turner and Rev. A. T. Stoude
mire. Interment was in the
church cemetery.
Those attending the funeral
from out-of-the-coun^ we;re:
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Tatum, Mr.
and Mrs. DeMont Roseman, E.
J. ohilson, Frank Furches all of
Salisbury; Miss Bell Fleming of
Wlnston-Salem; Mr. and Mrs. J.
L. Osteen, Miss Jessie Tatum and
Mr.>bwen Tatum of OreenAoto;
Z. V. Stewart and Bid Redwlnc,
of Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Davis and Mr. and Birs.
Bvcrctte Davis of Cleveland; Dr.
and Mrs. F. H. Seeming of Coats;
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fleming of
Raleigh; o. T. Fleming of Green
vUle; Mrs. R. E. Fleming of
Smlthfield; P. 0. and Owen Red
wine of Rural Hall; Rev and
Mrs. Richard K. Redwlne of
Hickory; Blr. and MTs, William
Hannah, BlUy and Ethel Han-
nah of Davidson county; Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Mauney of New Lon
don; Mr. and Mrs. T. B. tbuney
and son, Bobby, of Rlchfidld; Mr.
and MIS. w. M. Fresiley, Mr. and
Mrs. Chase Morrison and Mrs.
Biamic Stevenson of Stony Point.
PaUbetreis wero Will. Gene
and COaud flemlng and nrank
Furches who were nebhewe and
DeMont Roseman and- John
Oebpme, nephtrwi-in-law.
Mrs. Glasscock
Dies, Calahain
Mrs. Nancy Kurfees Glasscock.
85, died at her home In Cala
hain township on Dec. 23. She
was the widow of James L. Glass
cock, a Confederate veteran, and
the daughter of Caleb and Mary
The funeral was held at the
home on Christmas morning
and Interment was In the Con
ter graveyard.
She is survived by three dau
ghters and two sons: Mrs. J. G.
Anderson. Mrs. w. if. Bomey-
castle and Mrs. J. E. Owlngs,
J. B. and M. E. Glasscock, all
dren also survive.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 3,1941 - Page 4
Brccdiovc Rites
Be Held Today
Funeral services were held this
morning al 11 o'clock at Bethel
ciiiiKTnh Kuwair-^swfiy iof
John Luther Brcedlovc, 61, who
died at his home in Jerusalem
township Wednesday evening.
Services were conducted by the
Rev. Mr. Honeycutt, pastor of
the church.
Survivors include his widow,
Mrs. Roxie Jane Brecdiove: four
sons, Troy of Jacksonville, Flor
ida; Eimcr of Saiisbury, John R.
at home and Henry of Lexing
ton; two daughters, Mrs. Mary
Jane Rodweti of Mocksvllle and
Mrs. Pearl Mae Link of Lexing
ton. Seventeen grandchildren
also survive.
D. R. Wells Dies
At Courtney
suddenly Wednesday morning at
his home ul Courtney where he
had lived his entire life.
The funeral service will be held
this morning at 11 o'clock at
Turner Creek Baptist church,
conducted by Rev. James Orcce.
Interment will be in the ciutrch
Ho Is survived by his widow,
formerly Miss Miilio Plowman,
a son, Alfonso of Yadklnviilc,
route 2; two daughters, Mrs.
Ncvie Myers at home and Mrs.
Annie Peoples of Mocksvllle,
route 2. A brother, Billy Wells
of Mocksvllle, route 2, also sur
vives, as well 08 six grand-
Bio - Obituaries - 1/3/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 3,1941 - Page 8
Ralph Young. 21^. 'f Ful
town.shl|) died .n .i Winston-
Salcm hospital on Doc. 27 nf
ureinic poisoning. He hnd been
III nbniiL n wt>ck.
6on of Nonh nnd Luln Fry
Young, he is survived by his
parents; by a sister, Mrs. Tay-
parcnts: by a sister. Mrs. Roy-
tlirec brothers, Lester of Ad
vance, route i; Qcorge.and Lon-
nie ot Hanes.
The funeral was held Dec. 20
nt the Fulton Methodist church,
conducted by Rev. P. L. Smith
and Rev. James Swlnson of
Hanes. Interment was In the
church cemetry.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/3/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 8,1941
tbomas M. Smith.
WilKam Franklio Boger
William AraokKo Bo^er, 59, Ire.
dell coaoty farmer, died at bis
bome near Harmony on Christmasj
day^ death resnltioK from a stroke
of paralysis. Mr, Boger was a na*
tive of Davie couttty. bnt bad lived
in Iredeil for many years. Sar-
viving are the widow and seven
cblldren, Mrs, W. M Hurley, of
High Point, Mrs. JH. C. and Mrs.
C. A. Slrood, Mrs. Richard An*
der&oo, Harmony, Urs. E. E. Bell,
Kaonapolis, Mrs. Charlie Barnes
and T. H. Boger, Mocksville, R i;
two brothers. John T. Boger and
Edgar Boger, Mocksville. R. o.-and
a sister, Miss Phoebe Boger, of
OrMOsboro. Funeral services were
held Dec. 27th, at 11 o'clock at
Union Chapel Methodist cbnrcb,
and- the body laid to rest io the
cburch cemetery.
'-im\ v7?;a7
Tbomss tf. Smith, 81, one ofi
ClarksvlHe township's oldest and'
best known citizens, died at bis
bome at Sheffield Tuesday evening
of last week ai^:ao o'clock, follow-
ioe a long illness.
Funeral services were held at
Liberty Pilgrim Holiness Church.
Tbursdav afternoon at 2:3oo'clock,
condticted by Rev G. E- Laws, as.
siated by Rev. B H. Vestal, and
the body laid to rest in the chnrch
cemeNeiy with Masonic honors.
Mr. Smith is survived by his wid
ow, two sons, Wade W. Smith, of
this dty, and J. T. Smith, of Shef.
6eld, and one daughter, Miss Ruth
Smith, at home.
Mr. Smith was a native of Jre-
dell county, hut spent most of his
life in Davie county. He taught
school .for a number of years, hut
later engaged in farming and mer.
cbandising. i
in the death of Mr. Smith the*
^itor losea a friend of long stand
ing. We had known him since
first coming to Davie many yeara
ago He was a leader in his com
muoitv and will be missed by all
who knew bim- In hia death the
family has tost a kind and loving
husband and father, the cburch a
loyal and cousiKtent member, and
the county a good citizeu. To the
bereaved tamily we extend sym|»- <
thy in this hour of bereavement. 4
Ralph Yoaog.
Ralph Young, 25, died at a Wlnftoo>Sa:
lem bospita! Dec 27(b. foliowlag a abort
ilineas. Mr. Youoa waa a eon of Mr. and
Mrs. Noah Young, of near Pwh.
Foooral earvicee were bold at Palion M,
E Chureh 00 Deo, tdtb, wiib Rovs. P. L-
Smltb and Jamea Swinson to charge, and
ttia tMdjr laid to rest la the chu tch ceme
Survlvlog are the parents, one slater.
Mrs. Raymoud Uillar.of GreanatMfo. and
three biotbera, Le ter Young, of' Advance.
R. 1, and George and Lbonlo Young, of
Asbury Riddle PaMW.
Aebory Riddle. 76. ooe of Faimlngioo
toviiablp'a t>est fcooWn citlzeos, died aud*
denly at his home on Dec, 20ib. Mr. Rid
dle bed been is bad beaUb for some U»e,
but was able to be lu town only a short
wblte iMfore hie daetb.
Funeral aervtcee were bald ou Dec. 22ad
at Macedooia Moravian Cborab, conduct
ed by Reva. £. W. Turner. J. W, Vestal
and Cd Brewer, and the body laid to reat
la the church cemeiary.
Mr Riddle la survived by hiswidow and
tbe followict ehlidreol Mrs George Allen,
Ura. B. T. Tucker, Ure A. F. Laird. 0. R..
G. V. and R. H. AUao. all of near Redland
and kllaaea Alptia and Ctther Kiddle, at
home. Three slaters. Mm. Mary Winfrey,
Wloston-^leo); Mrs. Ada Ellis Advancp.
R. 1, and Ufa, A. X. PJoR, of near Mocks-.
vUle. also survive.
la the death of Mr, Riddle. Tbo Record |
luta lent an old flriond of li*ag atandiog.
Peace to his ashea.
Mrs. James Glasscock.
Mra. James L Giaascook. S5. wail known
and highly etieemed woman, died sud
denly at hsr home near IjamesX Roads, on
Moaday night, D^ FSrd.
i Funeral aeriices were held onCbriatmaa
day at tbe home, with W. F. Stonestreet
io charge, and the body laid to rest iu
Center Methodist Church cemetery..
Mrs. Giassceck is aurvtvad by two sooo
and three daughters, all ol Davis county,
viz: Mrs J. G. Audersnn. Mrs. J E. Ow-
Ings, Mrs. W. B. Bimeycastle, J. 6. and
M. E. Glasteock.
His, Glasscock bsd many frieada tbru'^
out the eommnoity ia wblob she lived,
who were sadden^ tty her death, She
was the widow of tbe late Jainaa Glass
cock. Davie county Confederate soldier
Bio - Obituaries - 1/8/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 8,1941
Albert E. Tatam.
Albert Ezra Tatum, 80, one of
Davie eoatity*s best kubwo dtizeo^
ftttd a prof^essive farmer, paraed
away at bis home near jernsaleni,
00 Friday, Dec sytb, Mr Tatum
bad beea io bad health for the past
several years.
Poneral services were held Sat.
arday afteroooo. Dec. 39th, at Je.
rusalem Baptist church; with Revs.
E. W. Turner and A. T. Stoude.
mire conducting the services, and
the body laid to rest in the church
Mr. Tatum Is survived by his
widow, one son, B. C. Tatum,. of
Cobleomee; two daoRbters. Hra.
Mamie Moore, of Stony Point, and
Miss Annie Pearl Tatum, at home
Otie brother, P. O. Tatnm, 'Greens
boro, also survi-.es.
In the death of Mr. Tatum, Da.
vie county loses one of her best
known and most beloved citizens.
Tiie many beautiful floral tributes
attested the high esteem in wfatch I
be was held. He wlU ^ missed, |
not only in tbe home and church,
but throughout the entire comma,
nity where he spent a long and nse.
fol life. A Rocd man has gone to
his reward.
Mrs. Riibert M.
lbs, Robert tt. Uames, 70, died irt li^;
bamBon Sallflbmy'itceet tfonday after j
noon atjoot flaiS o*dock, de^th resnMng
from a'suoko-of psralyate,. foUiswed by
peenmoola. , . " V, •
^ fjtaua' Is smvi^. by tiro sost^
Henaan, of WlnatoojSBlem, attd C^dp. of
Oanvlilo, Va; two daogbtenr, Mrs. Fitanh
Bliiler; of SiBhsboty, and Utas Inos. llama
at tiome: two bfothan. Janta F. Caitoar.
of Kappa, and A. A. COrtner, of States
vUle. R. 4. A fuunber of grsmtoildfen
alioaoivlve. . - ,
Fhiiesal Msvldes wove bdld at tbaUetb-
odist ohiireh Tottdsy afternoon at 9:30
oUouh, with Rav, E. M. Avett lo charge,
and me body laldtarestln tbeRoMoeaifl
iciy. n
To the bereaved ramUy end telailvea,
Tbe Record eztendo sympstby lo tblsdarfc
j Mrs. W. R. -Graver.
I n V
9 Mm. W. K, Gnver. 88. dlad taitToesday
' nigbt Bt ttjie Davie Conntv Bbme. where
her bnibend Is B&pBtintendenL she bed
Iwen in bad health for some time.
Fmteial denrlces wcra -hdd at FalUm
Methodist efaoiCh Tbaislay aftetnooa at
2 o'dock, and me body laid to rest In tbe
ehmeh cameuwy.
SofvtvtRg era tba bubsnd. two dongh.
tera. Mm Wede Wyatt.'Of Pi^ end Bliss
Nememaver.of. me borne; tbieei soosi
Oiin. of ¥nBston«8BleiD. Lawienee and
Gemge Graver, of Fork; three olstera,- Mrs.
Mettle Freedl^, of ifigh Point. Mrs. 0. C.
Lnng, of Uldiray and Mrs. B. BI. Graver,
of Lexfogten, R. 4; one brotbor, A. K. Leo
nard. of Wdeome
JphD L-Brepdlove.
JahnL Breedlove. 81. died ssddenlr
WMaesday evenlogat 10 o'dook* at his
home In Jemialem lownshtp. -
Fhflcralsefv&es'were hdd at Beibd
ebuteb (n Rowan eosDty Friday motnfog
■t 11 oRetaok, and ma body laid tn test In
'obOToh cemetefy.Mr. Breedlove Is aondved Iw Ms widow,font sonATroy. of JacksoavHle, Fla.: El-
mtr, of SaHsbaiT; Booty, of Lexingtonand John a| home; two daughters. Mrs.Jobo Ramy Rodweu. of this etty. and Mrs.
Pearl Link, of Leodngtoo.
Nichols hhinL
Ruby Joyce Nichols. 8 raooths* old daughter of Mr. and Mm R. L. Nldids, of R.a. died Friday elgbr. PUoetal serviceswere beM at nnlon Chapel Sonday. ofteiw
nooD at 3 o'doeh, and rbs body laid lorest in tbe ebuidi cemetery. Surviving lathe parents add one brottw.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/8/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 10,1941 - Page 1
Milton Virgil Clement, 42, died
suddenly at his home here on
Spring street about 0 o'clock
Tuesday morning. He arose to
build a fire and was shortly
round dead on the couch by his
wife. Zt Is thought he suffer
ed a heart attack.
Son of William K. and Mary
Miller Clement, ho Is survived
by his widow; by a son, Milton,
Jr.; by five brothers and two
sisters: Kerr M., route 4; W. O.,
Chicago; Cecil P., Lancaster, Pa.;
P. A., Raleigh; J. B. Lexington,
Ky.; Mrs. A. P. Duckett, Ditr
ham; Miss Patsy Clement of
The funeral wos held at the
home Wednesday at 2 o'clock,
conducted by Rev. W. C. Oooper.
Interment was in the Clement
family graveyard.
Mr. Clement conducted a meat
market here for many years and
was widely known throughout
the county.
Dr. L. P. Martin, coroner,
stated death was from natural
causes and no Inquest was nec
Mrs. P. J. Caudell
Buried At Fork
Funeral services for Mrs. Nolle
Caudell, 08, were held Tuesday
at the St. Pauls Baptist church
with graveside services and In
terment following at the Fork
church cemetery In Davle. Mrs.
Caudell suffered a cerebral
hemorrhage at her home In St.
Pauls and died Monday at tne
Lumbcrton hospital after a
week's Illness*.
She was the widow of P. J.
Caudell, a native of Davle coun
Survivors include three daugh
tcrs, Mrs. Qmee Paulson and
Mrs. Flosslo Balllnger of Raleigh,
Mrs. Tom Brltt of Wendell: lour
sons, Cary and P. J. of Wallace,
Prank of Bule Creek and Pay
of Fairmont; one brother, Jess
Oarwood, and one sister, Mrs.
June Jorvis, both of Cooleemee.
Mrs. Louise Cartner IJames,
70. widow of Robert M. IJames,
died at her home on Salisbury
street last Monday afternoon ot
2:4S o'clock. She suffered a
stroke several days before her
The funeral was held Tues
day afternoon at the Methodist
church where she was a member,
conducted by the pastor. Rev.
B. M. Avott, and asjdsled by the
Rev. W. J. S. Walker and Rev.
G. W. Pink. The body loy In
state at the church for a half
hour prior to the service and
interment was in the Rose ceme
Daughter of William, and
Prances Thomas Carti^r of this
county. Mrs. IJames Is survived
by two daughters and two sons:
Miss Inez IJames at home, Mrs.
Frank Miller, SalUbury: Herman
of Winston-Salem and Clyde of
Danville, Vn. Two brothers,
James P. cartner of route 4 and
A. A. Cartner of Iredell county,
also survive, as well as 11 grand
children and one great-grand
In his early life Mrs. IJames'
husband ran a livery stable here,
was later engaged In the mer
eantlle business and was olso
an undertaker at one time.
Mrs. IJames was a wonderful
wife and mother and her death
Is mourned by the many who
loved her.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/10/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 10,1941 - Page 8
William A. Brown
Boonville Man Dies
While Chopping Wood
Funeral services for William A.
Brown. 78, who died suddenly
while chopping wood near his
home In Boonville Monday at
tcrnoon, wHl-be-held-thls-lWed-
nesday) morning at Boonville
Baptist church, at 11 o'clock.
The Rev. T. 8. Draughon and
the Rev. R. L. Spcer will be In
charge. Burial will be in the
Boonville cemetery.
Mr. Brown was found lying
on the ground In the woods near
his home where he had been
chopping wo^. Investigating
officer, Deputy Ed Wlshon. and
acting coroner, John Brendle,
stated that ho died of natural
A native of Virginia. Mr. Brown
had spent most of his life near
Boonville. His wife, the former
Miss Lydla Tharrlngton, died
four years ago.
Surviving are one son, RUfus
Allen Brown of Sumpter, Ore.;
four daughters. Mrs. J. G. Pat-
ton and Mrs. Stella Vanhoy. of
Jonesvlllc; Mrs. L. T. Dczern of
Boonville and Mrs. W. H. Sncad
of Elkln; 18 grandchildren; 14
great-grandchildren; five sisters,
Mrs. Jennie Coffey of Shulls
Mills, Mrs. Betty Dnvls of Onlnx.
Va., Mrs. Mary chlldress of
Brim, Mrs. Ada Tickle of Mount
Airy and Mrs. Mattle Jones of
Huntlngton, W. Va.; three broth
ers. George Brown of Alberta,
Va., Bud Brown of Sylvastus,
Va., and Pete Brown of Mount
Bio - Obituaries — 1/10/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 15,1941
Milton Qement Pastes.!
tfilloD V. CI«aieat, 43, sod of ttiej
late Mr.~ and Mrs. W K GItmeot,
died suddenly at his b'ome on Spring
street sbortly after 5 o'clock last
Tuesday morning. His deafb was
a sbock to bis family and friends, j
as be bad been in good health until j
his sudden passing
Punerrl services were held at the
home Wednesday afternoon a< 2
o*clo4e, with Rev. W. C. Coopter in
charge and the bodv laid to rest in
the Clement cemete*y. .''I
Mr. Clement is survived by his
widow and one son; 6ve brother.'
K. M. Clement, of Jeruaaiem; W.
O. Clement, Chicago; C;.' M. Cie-|
ment, Lancaster, Pa., P. A. Cle j
ment, Raleigh, and f. B. Clement,
Lexington, Ey; two dstera, Mrs j
P. Dttckett,'Dnrham, and Mitfsi
Patsey CKment, Salishnry '
Bio - Obituaries - 1/15/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 17,1941 - Page 1
Z. Vance*Stewart, SO, president
and treasurer of the Mecklen
burg laundry In Charlotte, died
suddenly early Friday morning
of a heart attack, at his home
at 700 Summit avenue. He was
a native of Davic county, a rcla
live of Jacob Stewart, Mocksville
attorney, and E. Cari Tatum,
chairman of the -Davie County
Board of Commissioners.
He is survived by his mother,
Mrs. Laura Miller Stewart, a
daughter, Marie, and his es
tranged wife. Mrs. Matllc Chil'
son Stewart, of Salisbury.
Mr. Stewart was a Mason and
a highly esteemed member of
the First Baptist church of Char
A service was held at the
Harry Funeral home on Friday
evening for his Charlotte fri
ends. conducted by his pastor.
Dr. Luther Little. On Saturday
afternoon the body wos brought
back to his boyhood church at
Jerusalem in Davie county, where
the pastor, Rev. E. W. Turner,
conducted an appropriate service
with interment following In the
family plot of the church ceme
tery. The following former
neighbors acted as pallbearers.
Messrs. Lcvl Pickler. Jesse, Yes
tal and David Beck, O. H. Mot
ley, and O. H. Hartley. Special
music was rendered by Mis, A.
D. Walters and Mr. L. J.Davis,
.-.cccmpanled by Ml^ Bottle Or-
rsnder. all of the Coolccmecj
Baptist church. |
Bio - Obituaries -1/17/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 22,1941
Jack Joyner
Attorney Kills Sell
Jack Joyner, 38. former State
Senator and well knowo Statesville
attorney, comoiitted suicide by
shootiDK himself throngta the heart
with a pistol one mile east of Stat-
eaville some time Thursday even
ing. The body was fonnd early
Friday tnoming. No canse is as.
signed for Che rash act. His widow
and two children survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/22/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 24,1941 - Page 1
Camilla Smith Atkinson
Relative Of Mrs.
L. J. Home Dies
I Home has received word of the
Irecent death of her aunt, Mrs.
W. C. Atkinson in Cumt)cr)and,
Maryland. Mrs. Atkinson will
be remembered here as the for
mer Miss Camilla Smith, daugh
ter of William O. Smith of Davle
county. She was also a sister
of the late Mrs. S. A. Jorvls and
the late William H. Smith of
Bio - Obituaries - 1/24/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 29,1941
William F. Jones
Mri ftkUe
dM «t hh
hoaaiafliiektM, WtsbiBstoa, latt
Wedttaidiv. itUMnlawibttiitlMN.
viea tpok plafli in tint dkf.
Mr./ooetivain ealivn ef Dado
eomty, tat Moved td Blcfeovf vbeo
a forag Buu He via for ouy
eBperbtetaffit of ibe Mnmtt
WagooGciM in Hiekocr. Mr, tad
iMfs. looee.mcifed to Itallir weM •»
; Mr. JoDM wta e. brother of the
Mte^^JopeiCef Modmvitta eod
Mn. Sqsmi Itahta who ttvea la
taimlBttoa townbipw Mr. Jooes
fMoelODgtiBM IkfeBd of
eotd editor, tad it k wllb wdneM
tbtt.wednoddeUidMtti. Hawao
• fine ChiirtiiQ geaUamaa of the
o)dieimol,eMefldmof the Biittist
duxieli cBd ao etenett worker in Che
vioeraiil of the Lofd,
brace Craves D ead.
BfafoT Braee Craven, ST. promiaettt TH-
-fthv lawftff dM in e Qieentboco boepital
FIrMar nigbt of a beait eitaeet.
~ MalorCraveowaeksowiitbeeQilMQtcfce
d|iate,l»vlflipneileedlawetTt(failtr. hit
^0^ doee he waa admitted to-the Mate
hef 'iatMB* EBwesateoeilmaedlteref
the WlMtoirSateoi JoamalaiNl bad aer-
ved aa lepeiliiteodaAt of eehoob at Mov*
iMteoeodBtafieDhellDeetektod op the
pnetioe of hnrle wbieli he apecielised to
nivtidpel bosda
He waa e ioa of the late Dr. Jaoiea L
aoid Naolo BoUa Ciaveo. Heweamairied
In NcwmnMf of 1901 to Hiaa Gteie <adto
el IMekiViBe. whoeuvim
Doiidaehtavidew.hetotBivlved bv a
eon, Braxtoo Graven of OoUihonbaodCDar
a A -A.e- . - -
.'FtaeieSeitvleaeweieheldatfidO oVIoek
iSnoday afteRiaiQ «t Weiloy
t to^PiiM^and hatfal
iTrfiilty OnfMfgfp,•'.V
Bio - Obituaries -1/29/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 31,1941 - Page 1
Mildred Ridenhour
Bruce Craven
Mrs. T. N. Chaffin received a
messase Friday evening that her
brother-ln-lawr Major B r u a e
craven of Trinity, had Just pass
ed away. In 1801 he was mar
ried to Miss Clara Chaffin, sister
of the late Thos. N. Chaffin,
and • for a-numboe-ot-years-thcy
spent their summer vacations In
MocksvUle where he will be re
membered by many friends of
the family. The funeral was
held In Wesley Memorial church
Sunday afternoon. Interment
was In Trinity cemetery.
Cooleeinee Girl
Dies Of Influenza
Miss Mildred Ridenhour, 17-
yoar-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Ridenhour, of Watt
street. Coolecmeo, died at the
home of her parents Monday
morning at 7:45 o'clock.
She had been suffering from
a heart ailment for sofne time
and death resulted when she
developed Influenza.
The funeral was held Wednes
day at 3 o'clock at the Ooolee-
mce Presbyterian church, with
her pastor. Rev, 3. W. Foster,
conducting the service. Inter
ment followed In ttie Liberty
In addition to her parents,
she Is survived by four brothers,
Leo and Otis, who are In the U.
S. Army; 3, W. and Thomas
Ridenhour, at home; two sisters,
Mrs. George Campbell and Mar
garet Ridenhour of Cooleemee;
and her paternal grandparents,
Mr. and Uta. 3. F. Ridenhour
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 31,1941 - Page 4
Bedford T. Gregory
Relative of Cooleemee
People Passes
Bedford T. Gregory, 72, died
at the Cabarrus hospital, Kan-
napolls, on Monday alternooh at
13:30 o'clock after a brief Ill
He had been a resident of
Kannajralis (or approximately 12
years. He made his home with
his daughter. Miss Rose Gregory.
He had been employed by the
Cannon mills.
funeral services were hold
yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock
from the Bethany Baptist church
in Ircdell county. Interment fol
lowed in the church cemetery.
He was u memtxfr of the Bethany
church. Rites were conducted by
Rev. J. Clyde Yatcs, pastor of
the North Kannapolls Baptist
He Is survived by a half-broth
er, Romey Gregory, of Cooleemee,
and one half-sister. Mrs. Gns
Deadmon. also of Cooleemee, in
addition to four sons and two
daughters. He was an uncle of
Mrs. Roy Scott. Mrs. T. R. Page,
Lacy Snead. and Clarence Mes-
slck, all of Cooleemee.
Mrs. Bivens Dies
At Home Of Son
Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Bivens,
75. died at the home of her son.
Hubert Bivens of Ephesus on
January 22 at 1:15 p. m.
The funeral was conducted at
Liberty Methodist church by
Rev. G. W. Fink, assisted by
Rev. B. M. Avett, on Janu9ry24,
at 3 o'clock.
She Is survived by two sons,
Hubert Bivens, MocksvUle, route
4, and Brady Bivens, Cooleemee;
one step-son, Joe Bivens, Coolee
mee. and two step-daughters,
Mrs. Wade Daniels, Cooleemee,
and Mrs. Lillian Gales, Cleve
Mrs. Bailey
Dies After Fall
Mrs. Anne Wnite Bailey, 82,
widow of James Wesley Bailey,
died January 28, at a StatesvUle
hospital, following a fractured
hip which she received in a fall
13 days ago. Mrs. Bailey was
bom three miles east of Slates
vlllc. a daughter of Robert
Chambers White and Rebecca
Barkley White. She lived In
Winsion-Salem for a few years
but most of her life was spent
In Statosvlllo. Her husband,
member of the firm of Bailey
Brothers, tobacco manufacturers,
died In Wlnstan-fialem in 1889.
Surviving are two daughters.
Mrs. Connie Chlldress, Portland,
Oregon, and Mrs. Jamie Bailey
Thorpe, Statcsvllle, with whom
she made her home.
Funeral services were held
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the chapel of Johnson Fun
eral home. Burial followed in
fialem cemetery, Wlnston-Salem.
Mrs. Bailey was an aunt of
. Mrs. J. W. Fostw of Cooleemee
Bio - Obituaries - 1/31/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 31,1941 - Page 7
Ira Hudson
Funeral rites were held Sun
day (or Ira Hudson, 47, at the
Shiloh Baptist church at 2:30
o'clock with Rev. L. R. Howcll,
orriclallng. Survivors o£ei_ihe
widow, Mrs. Emmo'Hudson, on'c
son, I. v., six sisters, Mrs. Stella
Howcll, Philadelphia Pa., Mrs.
ClKton Brown. Mrs. Willis Camp-
boll, Jessie Lyons. Doke Can-
nady, all of Mocksvllle and Miss
Selma Hudson of Bristol. Tenn..
three brothers. Thomn.^. Cap.
and Bodne Hudson, all of Mocks
vllle. Interment was In the
church graveyard.
Funeral scrvlr.cs for Mrs. Vic
toria Hnynes Vestal. 81, widow
of the late Rev. Miles H. Vestal,
were held Sunday jiItcmoon-aL
4 o'clock from Yndklnville Metho
dist church. The. Rev. J. H.
Greene, pastor, the Rev. A. C.
Glbbs, District Superintendent
of the Elkln District of the
North Carolina Conference, the
Rev. B. C. Abcrnathy of Elkln,
and the Rev, Joe Vestal of Farm-
Inglon, were In charge of the
Mrs. Vestal died In an Elkln
hospital Fridoy morning follow
ing an Illness of ten days.
She was born in Jonesvlllc.
the daughter of Thomas and
Nancy Ball Hayncs. She was
educated at Whltlngton school
In Joncsvllle and Falrvlew Col
lege. In 1870 she was married
to Miles Henry Vestol. who for
40 years was minister of the
Western North Carolina Confer
ence of the Methodist Church.
Although the Rev. and Mrs. Ves
tal lived In various towns of
Western North CsroUna, they
spent tholr summers at their
farm homo near Center. They
moved to Yadkinvllle In 1034.
Survivors Include six children:
Dr. H. D. Vestal, Somerton, Ari
zona; Mrs. Estelle V. Johnson,
Yadkinvllle; Paul J. Vcstol, North
Wllkcsboro; Mrs. V. Pose Clark.
Southern Pines; E. V. Vestal,
Baltimore, Md.; and A. C, Vestal,
Salisbury, and eight grandchil
dren; Mrs. N. L. Ellis of Wlns-
ton-Salcm, Mrs. J. M. Jone.s of
Savannah. Oa., W. M. Brown of
Burlington. Clement Wrenn of
Elizabeth City. Nancy Wrcnn.
sUlUl'lll UL UilRU UlllVei'iilt.V. Ltihi
Margaret Vestal, student at Wo
man's College, and nine grcaf-
Bio - Obituaries - 1/31/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 5,1941
John Franklin Dwire
AFnoHl b Gosiew
It is with sadness that we- diro^;
dide the deMh of a -irirod of 30
ycass staodhig.. Cue by om the
frieSda of <Rir earlier Tcan aie te-
tax caSed to their eternal home.
, John Flanklin Dwirei 66, of this
ci^, died at Rowan Bfemorlal Hos*.
Salisboiy,: last Thursdayj
afteiiiooD, totlowiag a two weeks'
ilhtess,' Bisdetth brooghtsadness
to a host of Moods thnmghoot onr
town sod ooontir.' Ur. Dwto' was
a ostife of Da^ .obiinty; hot for
natiy years held a position with
the Sotttbem Railway shops at
Mr. and Mrs. Dwire moved to
UodesvUle from Salisbory aboot a
year agOb and lived in the late T,
B. Bailey home near thedepot. .
Mr. Dorire ia survived by bis
widow, Mrs. Cora Poster Dtdre; a
sister, Mrs. John P. Deadmon, ot
Pranklin; and one brother, Jesse
Dwire, of Hodcsvilteb 3*
Pnneral services were held at
Concord Methodist ehnrch Satnr-
dsymomlttg at it o'ctodc, with
Rev. B. BI. Avett in cbarge, assist
ed by Rev, A. C, Wagoner, of Sa«
lishtiry, ottd the body laid to rest
Iq the chordi cemetery. ^
Mr. Dwire was a member of the
MockavUle Melhodlsi chtncb. In
his death the drardi hiu lost a
ifaithftil member, the wife a kind
and devoted httsbaod, and the town
one of its best beloved dtizeos. . S
To the bereaved ones the edllw,
of The Record extends deep synu
pathy in this sad honr.
Ifin Lodsa Stropd.
filte Martha Looisa Stcond. 76,
died Satnrday afternoon at the hmiie
of her nephew, Artbsr Strood. in
Cooi Spring township, fcllowtng e
strokd of oaralysis a week ago.
' Mitt Strood waa a danghter. of
tito late Piskney and Elisabeth Ma
son Strood. Sorvlving are three
bfothera and one sister, D. A., and
0. F.'Strood, Harmony. R. 1; Ptoyd
Strood, StatesviUe, R. 4. and Mitt
Minnie. Strood, Harmony, R. 1-
POowral services were held Sonday
afteimoon at 8 o'eloek from' Society
Bep^t .Ghordi, of /which she- had
been a member since early in life.
Ihe body waa laid to rest in the
ehoreh eemetury. A good woman
has been ealled to bmr reward.
Charles E. Graver
MartiB F. CodndL
Martin Franklin Cntbietl, 87,re
tired lentiie employee, died Tbisrs-
day at bis home in Cooleeosee, fol
lowing a brief itlne»^
Mr. Cnttarell a - native of Davic
oonntV. was a son of the late
Thomas Cuthrell. Stirvlvlog are
his widow, the former Miss Lnoco
Poster; three danghter, Mrs^ Char*
les McBride, Mrs. Camilla Sain, of
Cooleemee and Mrs. S. W. Bowe
of Concord.
Paneral services were held SijU
ttirday. afternoon at a o'dod^ from
the residence in Cooleeraee. Burial
follow^ i n Libeiiy Metbodlat
Church Cemetery.
Tadkm Man Dmd.
E. Qtavtf, 8$,.died at his homo
Qt Gqpctn^ at 2 o*do^Tiiiiiaday aomlag
afttt a iingecittg illness.
^ Ciaver whs bom in DavUsonedon*
ty. nOar demmona. Aogost 7, 1^ and
moved to YadUnooohty when a ypong
man. Ho bad Bved at Coottney dnco
He was a member of Comey ,BapilM
Cbcieh and of the Harmon Lodge No. 480
A P. and A. M. He had Been a Mason for
Sotvlvois indadd the widow, one son,
F. Graver; elxdavghtef8.Blia.'iUoQio
Begby and Mrs- A. (X Braon of R^uton
Seism; Mce T. A Helton, of MUad. Fla.t
MM..Lota E, BtekdandMia-IPteBagbea,-
of Jackma, Mteb.: and Mis. Ray T.*Moacb
The fBoeral was held at Conitoay Bap?
list chonA Sonday eftemovo at 8
to charge M Mawmio mder. BbiIbI
fdlowodin the c^mdk gtsveyaid: ReVi
lift ^ *^86 of 'the
Bio - Obituaries - 2/5/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 7,1941 - Page 1
Charles E. Graver, 85, one o(
the best known men in Yndkin
county, died at his home at
Courtney at 2 o'clock Thursday
morning after a lingering Ill
Mr. Crnvcr was born In David
son county near ciemmons. Au
gust 7.1855, and moved to Yad
kin county when a young man.
He had lived at Courtney since
1004. He was married to Miss
Dettib aough 57 years ago. He
was first engaged In the manu
facture of wagons and buggies,
but the firm of C. E. Craver and
Son had 'been~ manufacturing
truck bodies and cotton mill sup-
piles for the past several years
the factory being In Covtncy.
He was a member of Courtney
Baptist church and of the Har
mon Lodge No. 420 A. F. and A.
M. He had been a Mason for 60
Survivors include the widow,
one son, Loyd F Craver; six
daughters, Mrs. Alonzo Bagby
■flnd Mr< A n Ttrftnn of Wins-
ton-Salem; Mrs. T. A. Holton, of
Miami, Fla.; Mrs. Lora E. Blckel
and Mrs. Price Hughes, of Jack
son, Mich.; and Mrs. Ray T.
Moore of Courtney; ll grand
children and three great-grand
children, two of them in Chile,
South America.
The funeral was held at Court
ney Baptist Church Sunday a(
ternoon at 3 o'clock, and was In
charge of the Masonic ordei
Burial followed In the church
graveyard. The Rev. R. L. West,
pastor was In charge of the serv
Carter Funeral
Held Wednesday
Miss Nora Cortcr, 80, of th
Pork community died Monda
afternoon at the-homo-of-a-ciiitoi
Mrs. H. L. Walscr of near For)
following a protracted Illness.
The funeral was held Wednes
day afternoon at the fork Bap
tlst church, conducted by Rei
Wade Hutchlns and Rev. E.
Turner. Interment was In th
church cemetery.
A brother, D. S. Carter c
Davlc. survives, as well as tw
sisters: Mrs. Walser and Mn
Charles Foster of Davle.
Miss Carter lived her enilr
life In the Fork section.
Funeral services for John
Frdnklln Dwlrc, 07, who died last
Thursday afternoon at a Salis
bury hospital, were held last
Saturday morning at the Con
cord Methodist church, conduet-
cd by Rev. B. M. Avett and as
sisted by Rev. H. C. Sprinkle,
Rev. 'A. 0. Wagoner and the Rev.
Mr. Rhyne, later two of Soils
bury. Interment was In the
Rhurch cemetery.
While a native of Davle, Mr.
of the Spencer shops of the
Southern Railway. He moved
back here about two years ago,
living In the old T. B. Bailey
home here, and was greatly be
loved by his many friends.
He is survived by his widow,
formerly Miss Cora Foster of
Davle; by a sister, Mrs. John
Deadmon of Franklin in Rowan
county; by a brother, Jesse, of
route 3.
Pallbearers were B. P., Wililard.
CecU and Kelly Foster, Jake
Meroncy and Curtis Knight.
Flower bearers were Mesdames E.
F, Foster, Jack Page, Jake Mero
ncy, Ml.sses Sarah Foster, Re
becca Poster, Millie and Ruby
Among the out-of-town guests
lor the funeral were Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Page of Broadway,
Curtis Knight of Xannapolls,
MiUord Foster of Kannapolis,
Mrs. Press Redman of Cleveland,
Thomas Redman of Raleigh, Mr.
and Mrs. John Deadmon and
daughter, Ruth, of Franklin; Mr.
and Mrs. Oarl Foster of Wins-
ton-Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Marsh
Butler of Salisbury, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Foster and children, Miss
Ruth Foster of Winston-Salem
and a host of relatives and frl
Leo Stafford
Leo Stafford, 81, who formerly
lived at Fork and Blxby, died
Feb. 1 at Potorsburg, Va. Burial
was at the Fork church Sunday,
conducted by Rev. Wade Hut-
chins, and interment was in the
church cemetery. He Is surviv
ed by a brother. Will Stafford
of Wlnston-Salem, and the fol
lowing ohlldran: Mrs. Laura Ter
rell of Wllllamabarg, Va., J. 6.
Stafford, Advance, J. C., T. J.
and Miss Mamie Stafford, all
of Petersburg.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/7/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 7,1941 - Page 6
Funeral services for Daniel
Edwe^d Dobbins, 81, well known
retired farmer, were conducted
from Mackie and Hlnshaw Fun
eral Home Saturday morning at
11 o'clock. The Rev. R. L. West,
pastor of Yadklnvllle Baptist
church, and the Rev. O. V. Cau-
dlll, pastor of Yadklnvllle Pres
byterian church were In charge.
-BurlaWoHowed-In the Macklc
Mr. Dobbins died Thursday
evening at his home following
an Illness of several days.
Mr. Dobbins wos born In Yad-
kln county, a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jcsslo Dobbins. He had lived In
Yadklnvllle for 30 years. He was
married 50 years ago to Miss
Mary A. Shcrmer.
Surviving are the widow; four
sons. Frank and Willie L. Dob
bins of Yadklnvllle. route 2; Wiley
E. and John Dobbins of Yadkln
vllle; five daughters, Mrs. T. H.
Reynolds and Mrs. W. H. Hut-
chens of Yadklnvllle route 2;
Mrs. Samuel Ocntry of Wlnston-
Salcm and Misses Phlza and Ida
Dobbins of the home; two broth
ers. John H. Dobbins of Yadkln-i
vlllc and Wilcy Dobbln.s of Wlillc
Plains; and two sisters. Mrs.
Mary"J7"Bfyant add Mrs. "Amelia
Long of Yadklnvllle route 1 and
several grandchildren and great
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 7,1941 - Page 8
Martin Franklin
Cuthrcl! Passes
Martin Franklin Cuthrell. 87.
highly respected Coolccmee man
and retired textile employee,
died last Thursday at his home,
following a brief Illness.
Mr. Cuthrell. a native of Davic
county, was a son of the late
Thomas cuthrell. Surviving arc
his widow, the former Miss Lucco
Foster; and three daughters, Mrs.
Charles McBrldc and Mrs. Cam
illa Sain, Cooleemce, and Mr;.
S. W. Bnwe. Concord.
Funeral services, conducted by
Rev. F. J. Stough, were hold Sat
urday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
from the residence. Burial fol
lowed In Liberty Method'-st
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/7/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 11,1941
n John F. Ferebee
John F. Feiebec^M. wdl known faim*
er of Gtaifcivlflo lewiMhlp, died Sondof
aftamoomfoBowlogatook Oloera.
Ftoofal teiviooo weco held Mendaf of*
totnooo at S o*<ioek at Eaton'o BopUtt
Cboidh. with Rwr. DbBbs Reaedaroffieldt-
lof, and the bodf laid conetln tboehiinli
Mr. Feieboo la ondvad by hie widow,
ono abb, John, at hoote; time bxotban. J.
G^Oana: A.llf MobkBvllle^R.2; and W.
F.Feiabae.R. Isfbuilttafn. Mra. R. A*
|fail.otDa*i8: Min. A.8. Daweeaei Coo*
ttrtnnwi{ Mia. Kate Mawtoo, Beaoettavf
& O, aad Mia. W. B. CoUetta, Chae.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/11/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 14,1941 - Page 2
James William Allen
Rites Held Saturday
James William Allen. 61. died
Thursday afternoon at 2:35
o'clock at his home near Cook's
Cross Roads.
Mr. Allen was a son of Samuelj
and Mary Anne Cunningham;
Allen. He spent his entire life
In the community. Surviving
arc the widow, Mrs. Mamie Rld-
dlc Allen: one daughter. Miss.!
Elolse Allen of the home: two
brothers. G. W. and W. C. Allen
of Advance. Route i: and three
sisters. Mrs. Joe Howard of Ad*
vnncc. Route 1, Mrs. Thca Ho
ward of Mocksvlllc, Route 1, and
Mrs. George Myers of Wlnston-
The funeral was held at the
home at 1:30 o'clock Saturday
afternoon and at Macedonia
Moravian Church at 2:30 o'clock.
The body lay In state at the
church from 2 until 2:30 o'clock.
Rev. Ed Brewer 'conducted the
services. Burial was In the
church graveyard.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 14,1941 - Page 4
Mrs. Houslon Fry
Dies, Cornatzcr
Mrs. Emma* Barncycastle Fry.
74. widow of Houston Fry, died
last Saturday at the home of
her son, Warner P. Fry. at Cor-
natzer. The funeral was held
Monday afternoon at Cornatzer
Methodist church, conducted by
Rev. P. L. Smith, and interment
was In the church cemetery.
Daughter of Benjamin Barn )y-
costle. she Is survived by four
sons. Warner and Floyd of route
3, Wiley and Ross Cornatzer of
Cooleemcc. Two brothers and
three sisters also survive: B. L.
Barnoycastle of route 3. Frank
of Forsyth, Mrs. Will Carter.
rflUi6...3.L..Mrs._ _ Alice. ._Bowens,
Hanes; Mrs. Harvey Phillips.
Forsyth. Seven grandchildren
likewise survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/14/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 14,1941 - Page 6
Mrs. McBride
Dies, Yadldn
Mrs. Emma Tueker McBride.
79, died early Monday morning
at the home of her daughter.
Mrs. Minnie Wooten. near Lone
Hickory, after an illncsa of some
length of paralysis. She was
the widow of W. O. McBride.
She was bom in Davle county,
August 88,1991, a dauglmif uf Um
late Mr. and Mrs. Ihomaa Tuck
er. She had lived in Yadkin
coun^ several years,, but re
tained her church membership at
Macedonia Moravian Church in
Oavie county.
Survivors include one son, C.
L. McBride, Star; five daughters.
Mrs. Mattie West, Blrs. Grace
Smith and Mrs. Nannie Ellis.
Advance; Mrs. Dallas Peoples.
MoeksvUle; Mrs. Minnie Wooten.
Lone Hickory.
Funeral services were held
at Macedonia Church Wednes
day afternoon at 2 o'clock, with
Rev. G. E. Brewer in charge
Burial foiiowcd in the church
graveyard. The body wos taken
to the home of her daughter.
Mrs. Ellis, where it remained
until the funeral hour.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/14/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 14,1941 - Page 8
Mae Belle Baity Marshall
Former Davie
Woman Passes
Mrs. Mac Belle Baity Marshall,
wife of J. N. Marshall, died at
her home In High Point, after a
Ions period of declining health
FYlday night.
Mrs. Marshall was a native of
Oavle county and had made her
home In Yadkln for the post 19
yrnrij flhe wat s graduate of Ay
palachlan State Teachers College
and for seveml years taught in
the public schools at BoonvUle,
Marlon and High Point. She was
a member of the Oreen Street
Baptist church.
Surviving are the husband; the
mother, Mrs. J. W. D. Baity, of
Courtney; one brother, Ernest B.
throe sisters, Mrs. J. Mitchell
Df Cool Springs, Mrs. W. T. Pol-
Inrd of Durham, and Mrs. D.
H. Graver of BoonvUle. Funeral
services were conducted Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
Crassroads Baptist Church at
Courtney by the Rev. J. S. Hop
kins, pastor of the Green Street
Baptise church of High Point,
and burial was made In the
church cemetery.
FOR jtflS. HOWEll
Mrs. J. V. Howell, 75, died
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock
at her home at Courtney after
a long Illness. She was the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Baity of Courtney and was a
member of Cross Roads Baptist
Surviving are the husband;
LWU UUUKIltl'I'», Mf5. UrUVBF SlUif-
mer and Mrs. F. W. MocMe, both
of Yadklnvlile, Route 2; one
brother, W. A. Baity, of San
Antonio, Texas.
The body was removed to the
home Friday. The funeral was
held Satur^y afternoon at 2
o'clock at Cross Roads Baptist
Church. The body lay In state
at the church from 1:30 until
2 o'clock. Burial was in the
church graveyard.
John S. Long, 80. Ilfo-iong resi
dent of Yadkln county, died sud
denly Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock at his home near Yadkln
vlile, of n .heart-attack.
Mr. Long was a member of
Center Methodist Church. His
wife; Mrs. Mary Jane Long, died
November 10.
Surviving are one son, D. L.
Long, of near Yadklnvlile; two
daughters. Mrs. Wiley Reavis and
Mrs. J. B. Gough, both of near
The funeral was held Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at Center
Methodist Church. The Rev. J.
;H. Greene ond-tfte Rev.
jspeer conducted the services.
'Burial was In the chunh grave-
Bio - Obituaries - 2/14/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 19,1941
AtHbw. ItelBasI*
Wcboiy, tiler «Q iOBfit of iHiA ^
pealfllt. 8tefiaaite«liaMr of W* C
StovttboRitoDiivte ooMlf* MjpMi
Mb ail
liii.Th«BMlMBeb SteM .tlfiite
YadUs eoBBtir eeiwd yMfii IM entiwi
ber dmab ombMuMp iji. Wiiiiimi
Mowwlaa cfiunih la Oiila 9n&t9* , .
guwhawtadirtd nk Ot C Ha*
Bride. Bib; Bee deurifcWi P>^
BfiU. Adfmea; Mm Mri
lioctavBle; Hm Mhrirfe We
Feii^eeiftoii earn held «t
Bte Gboieh Wedneeday efttmeee at f
o'Moelt.withBev.B.C.BnwerIa dint
Daniel A Strand.
Daniel A. Stroud. ebooi 76. died
at bia home oa Harmon?, R 1, earl?
rioodttv momlnff. death rewdtlng
from heart trouble.
Foneral senrtOB were held yeeter*
dav afternoon at ClarbBbor? Metho*
diet church, and the hod? laid to rest
Id the chureh cemetery.
Mr. Strobd (i niroived by hla wld*
ow. three 80% Clyde, of
Guemey. of Hid Point, and iQai^
ence, at home; three daughtere, Mro.
W. u Galtber. near SitmeM; Mr*.
Sam Current. HIsh Poltt^Mffu Law*
la Gallah^r, HarmoD? Two broth*
«ta, Floyd Stroud* of BortiMMr, B.
1; Frank Stroud. of Oak Forest, and
one slater. Miss Minafe Stroud, also
of Oak Forest, eurviyo.
Charles F. Graves.
Ghatle8F.6rave8.60 a nativa^Davte
county, died at the home of bis dandhter,
Mia. Jl k. Spaugb. at Wfautoa SatemSon
day. Funeral aefvloee were held at Vod*
let^a funeral Obapel Motiday aftetnooa at
2 0*01001. aod the'body bnu^ to Was
ley Chapel Metboinat ohureb gta?6yBid.at
Pino, and -lald to rest. Mr. Giam li aur-
oioed hla widow and one dau^iec.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/19/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
out of the way of a forit. said
to be about 2 feet In diameter,
stumbled and fell- He rah piiel«
lei with the fork which .fell on
htm, badly crushing him.
A native of Davie county, he
was the son of Columbus and
Sarah Burton Bowles. He waa
bom October 13, 1897. He is
survived by his widow, formerly
Miss Virginia Dagenhart; by his.
mother, Mrs. Bow1e.s who
lives at the old homeplace near
The following brothers and
sisters also survive: Lec and
James L.. route 4; C. C. of Wal
nut Cove. H. H. of Wilmington;
Mrs. RIkc Wilson, route 4; Mrs.
D. C. Tuttcrow, route 1; Mrs.
Robert Evcrhardt, route 3; Mrs.
Hicks Carter, Wlnston-Salem;
Mrs. Ruby Tiffin, Portland, Ore
gon: Mrs. Grace Webb, Coolee-
The funeral wag held Wednes
day afternoon at the Jericho
church, conducted by the pastor,
Rev. W. W. Tynes. Interment
was in the church cemetery.
Mr. Bowles was very popular
throughout the county. He was
both a farmer and tinsmith. Hla
tobacco yields ranked among the
hlghe.st In the county. An ex
perienced woodsman, his tragic
death has deeply shocked hla
many friends and acquaintance*.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/21/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 21,1941 - Page 1
Jennie Lippard
Dies, Clarksyille
Miss Jennie Uppard, 72, died
Tuesday aftiernoon at the home
of two brothers in CflarkaviUe
township where She lived,
and Uoyd Lippard. She has been
ill for two years.
Daughter of Peter and Elisa
beth Thomas Uppard, the fun
eral was held Thursday morning
at Tteutman.
Pour brothers survive: Floyd
and Uoyd. Brown Uppard of
Charlotte and Icdin X^pard of
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 21,1941 - Page 8
Charlie Graves
Buried At Pino
PINO. — Charlie Graves of
Winston-Salem was burled here
Monday afternoon. He was the
brothcr-in-Iaw of Mrs. J. H.
D. A. Stroud Is
Taken By Death
Funeral services for Daniel
Alexander Stroud, 65. well known
farmer of County Line who died
Monday following a heart attack,
were held Tuesday afternoon at
Clarksbury Methodist church.
Interment w(ui In the church
cemetery and the rites were
conducted by the pastor. Rev.
Robert D. Martin.
Son of the late Mr. and Blrs.
Plnkney Stroud, the deceased Is
survived by his widow; by three
sons: Clyde of Hickory, o. L. of
High Point and C. A. of Har
mony; by three daughters: Mrs.
Sam Current of High Point,
Mrs. Lewis QalUher of Harmony
and Mrs. W. L. Oaither of Mocks
vUle, route 1. Two brothers.
Frank of Cool Spring and Floyd
of StateavUlc, route 4, aud a
sister,- -Miss - Minnie Stroud- of
Cool Spring, also survive. There
were also 32 grand children and
4 great grand children who sur
Bio - Obituaries - 2/21/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 26,1941
Miss Frances Bracken.
MissPratices Braclceo, died u-
ber bove near Hclfflan's X Ros»ds,
last Wedn^y niRbt, dealb re
raltioR Iroxa biSmilties of age.
Ftraeial services were hetd at
Cb^istoot Bletbodist cborcb Friday
oomfng at II o*cIoek, with Revs,
dames Oroce and W* C. Sides, Jr.,
offlciating, and the body laid to
rest in ibe cbnrch oemetery. Bfta.
Bracken is anrvived by a ntiinber
of relatives and many friends..
D. J(diD Beck.
Oi John Boefc, 78. farmer, died Fnb. tStb.
at Ibe lumie of bis son* D. LBecksinTbro*
enbaid town-hip^ near the county line,
afters btlef Ub esoof a heart ailment. Mr.
Beck was bom is this county. He leaves
iwti eons end two daughters. L J BetAand
Mrs Emma Klmmons, of Davl*« county, D.
L. Beck of Iredell cqunty, and Mrs. Lwe
Roddenof Rowan, county. Fitoeral ser-
vtoea were held Wednesday afcemoun at
o*cfockat Saint Matthews Lutheran ehurch.
Marshall Boiwies Me^
Horrible Death.
Matsball M. Bowtes. 43. well known
MockaviHe towo^p fanner, was UUed in>
staotly last Tuesday monilttg. when a tree
fell oo bim. Mr. Bowles was ivatdiiog a
crew sawing, on tbe farm of Miss Gome*
Bowles, near his Jmrne^ when a tree leU.
He tried to get out of tbe way, bat fell,
and tbe tree struck bIm oauetag instant
Funeral services were held at Jesieho
Cbiistlan charoh Wednesday afismooa at
d*iO o'clock, with Rev W. W. Tynes, of
Winston^lem. In cbaige, and tbo body
laid to rest In the obnrdi oemeteiy.
Stttvitdng are the widow, bis mother.
Mrs. Cimielhis Bowles; four bfotben, Lee
and James L.. of MoehevtUe, Route 4; CL
C., of Walnnt Cove, and H. H.,ol Wilmiag-
ton; six 8l8teffB.Mia. Rike Witeoa,of Hock^
vlii^ Route 4: His. D. G. Tbttmow, of
HocksvUle. Route B; Mrs. Robert Ever-
hardt, HocksvUle, Rome 9: Mrs HleksCm-
ler, of Winston Salem; Mis. Ruby Tiffin, of
Portland, Oregon, and lbs. Grace Webb.
Mr. Bowtes had many friends Id tfoeko-
vUle and Davie ooahty. who were saddm-
ed by news of bis tiagie death. Tbe Re>
cord extends deep sympathy to the
ffcavedoaealo the death of Mr. Bowleo.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/26/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 28,1941 - Page 1
Francis Melissa Bracken
1 Francis MelissQ Bracken. 77.
died Feb. 10 at her home on route
2 after a long Illness. The fun>
era] was held Feb. 20 at Che&t-
Inut Orove church, conducted by
!Hev. Jim Groce and Rev. W. C.
! Sides. Interment was In the
rhnrrh rnnptgry. .
Keene D. Shockley, Southern
Railway freight agent at Cooice«
mee. has received word that his
brotlier. Lt. Taylor Martin
Shockley, an RJtP. flier wl^
waa sliot down over the English
channel on June 3 and resaued,
died on Fob. 7 on a boat return
ing to this country.
Lt. Shockley wos a native of
Richmond, Va., 28, and was well
known in North Carolina and
Virginia. For three years he
was a telegraph operator on the
WInsion-salcm division of the
Southern Railway.
Lt. Shockley became Interested
in flying and went to Canada
whoro ho attondod a flying
school. He then wont to Rus.iui
and was an Instructor In avia
tion In Moscow.
Although an American, he
went to England and enlisted
and liad been with the regular
RkA.F. since 1930. Ho was sta
tioned in and near London most
of the time ond when he waa
shot down he was piloting a
bomber. He fell In the Engllsn
channel with his plane and was
picked up by a ship.
Injured from the fall, Lt.
Shockley went to the hospiul
and was later discharged from
the service. He then went to
Singapore for n trip and was
on his way back home when ho
died from injuries. Notification
of his death came from the
British government to hU mo-
tlicr. Mrs, Charles F. Shockley
wiio lives in Roanokc. The no*
ticc came from a South Amer
ican port. The boat will arrive
jin this country on Mar.;l) IS
'and the funeral will be held at
Kocne Shockley has been
freight agent ni coolccmce for
the last 7 years. He and Mrs.
ShORklcy and dnughtor, Betty
JRuth. lived in Mocksvllle until
jlliey moved to Cooleemee rour_
years ago.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/28/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 28,1941 - Page 7
Last Rites Held
For Mrs. Shore, 78
Mrs. Martha Caroline Shore,
78. died early Saturday morning
at her home near Cycle, of a
paralytic stroke. She was the
wife of James Shore.
Mrs. Shore was a native of that
section where she had spent her
life. She was n daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mathls
and had been a member of Oak
Drove Baptist church for many
Surviving are the husband:
seven children. Wesley. Alfred
and Jack Shore, Cycle; Mrs.
Nancy Day, Mrs. Ellen Finnix.
Cycle: Talmage Shore, Norfolk,
Va.: Mrs. Martha Royall, Yad-
klnville, route one: two brothers,
Vlrge Mathls. cycle; Bradley
Mnthis, Joncsvllle: two sisters,
Mrs. May c. Pinnhc. Cycle: Mrs.
Nancy tnscore, Win.ston-Salcm.
Funeral services were hold
Sunday- aftcrnoon~"atr-2 "o'clock
at Oak Grove church, with the
the Rev. Clcatus Simmons, pas
tor, the Rev. W. B. Brown, and
the Rev. E, K. Wootcn In charge.
Burial followed In the church
Miles Gentry. 50. prominent
farmer, died at his home near
Yadklnvllle Tuesday afternoo-».
following an illness of one year.
Ifc U survived by his w'dow,
the former Leona Pcndry, and
eight children: Iva. Bernkc, Les
ter, Margaret, Ruth. Fronk,
George, and Wllma, all of whom
live at the home. He Is also
survived by five sisters, Mrs.
Rachel Picmlng. Mrs. Dan Long,
Mrs. Joe Reavls, Mrs. M. A. Mar
tin. and Mrs. Roy Pcndry, all
of Yadkinvlile; one brother. Joe
Gentry, and one hair-brotltcr,
John Brdnnon, both of Yadkin
Funeral services were held
.from..Center..Methodist cliurcb,
Yadkin county, Thursday.
Mr. Gentry was a member of
Center Methodist church.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/28/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 5,1941
Robert V; Tlittiie.
' Bobeii V,TlHtfpeu17*weli.kfiMrti8cete«.
vUit ittiM hOftoaii'ttaaii died at Lnd*i
ScttitviBi' SetydiF' aftenobik
BVH la uuiMvuv itooe oovoooo* me
wideew eoe A. IV* Ihaipe, of
BamMffieb tod d HmUn. Delit BIM^
ikfttof. Wtailaa4akD Miffifia;- fBurtl
I andboriel eeeefaMwwHwldgffdiy after*
oeoQ at 2 o'dodi, to 8tatcatlBa>
Ifbe. Charies Ward.
tffa.CtortealbWard.?!, Aod Sooday
OMft^ at bar home at Adraoee.
The ftmeial waa held Uoaday aftetaoeo
at2^o*etockal81i8dy Gfete Methodlat
Chmto. Re?. P. L. Soiltb ooiulaeced ' the
aeivloea. Bmlal «aa in the ehuieb Riaee*
. Sofvivbig an flisdanghtoa, Mrs. Afval
Hoaiof UilBgtaii;Uia> EClfookof Ad*
vanee; Un. & L. Haree ol Ooaan View*
Va..Blc8. John F. Rakes, of Lododtoa:
Hloa Lucy Ward (A Wlnstim-Saleia aad
tfloe fees Ward of Gieeov{lle.&C; thne
aa8sClttalea A.WaidofUaiel Hootana,
and Dsvio Jobs Ward of Adfaoee; «sa
iIster.lf(8.Geoid08caiile?ofRoafioke. Va4
aQdtwobiotIieia.Chafle8Hiifia ^ ^
ndka, Va.. and Vftlham Hania of Noifeai.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/5/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 7,1941 - Page 1
William Hepler
WUUam Hcplcr, 86, native of
Davie county, died at the home
of hla son, a. W. Hepler on route
3, Wlnston-Salem lost Friday
night. He Is survived by a dau
ghter and five sons.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 7,1941 - Page 3
Bettie Ashley
Mrs. Bettie Ashley. 82, died at
the home at Clemmons early
last Wednesday morning after o
lingering illness. She was the
widow of the late William Ash
ley and was a native of Yadkin
Survivors inciude a son, M. D.
Ashley, of Hamptonvllie; five
daughters. Miss Sallle Ashley of
the home. Mrs. Herman Hutch-
ens of YadkinvlUe, Mrs. E. P.
Carter of Clemmons. Mrs. W. D.
Carlton of Wlnston-Salem, Mrs.
8. O. Hutchens of Clemmons;
one brother. D. Groce of Jones-
viile: one sister. Mrs. M. H.
Greenwood of Eikiu; 30 grnnd-
clilldren and a large number of
grcat-grandchUdren. She was a
member of Swulni's Bapiisl
Funeral services were held at
Clemmons Baptist Church Thurs
day afternoon at 4 o'clock with
Rev. T. S. LAwrence and Rev.
Tom Rcecc in charge. Burial was
in Clemmons Cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 7,1941 - Page 7
Survivors include the husband:
12 children, Mrs. Lawrence Wil-
kins, Mrs. Xrvin Steclman. Boon-
villc; Mrs. Walter Hayes. Mrs.
Sherriii Lash, Yadkinvllic; Mrs.
Herbert Combs. Mrs. Edward
Miller, Mack and John Brown
of Elkln: Mrs. J. B. Williams.
Ridgcway, Va.: Mrs. Walter Yen
able and Edward Brown. High
Point; and Wllllnm Brown, Fort
Bragg; three sisters, Mrs. Tilda
Shew. Mrs. Bettie Burchett and
Mrs. Maro Combs. Wlikcsboro;
and a number of grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at
Charity Baptist church. Tucsdoy
afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Rev.
E. G. Jordon. pastor, in charge.
Mrs. Jim Brown. 64. died at her
home near YadkinvlUe at 1:25
Monday following a short illness.
She was the wife 6f Jim Brown
and a daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Isaoc Burchett and a
native of Wiikes county. She
was a member of Charity Bap-
list Church.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/7/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 7,1941 - Page 8
Mrs. Dora Harris Word. 72,
widow of Charles D. Ward, died
at her home at Advance, last
Sunday morning. The funeral
was held Monday afternoon at
Shady Orovc Methodist church,
conducted by Rev. P. L. Smith
and Interment was In the church
Daughter of William and Mary
Mancr Harris, the deceased U
survived by the following chil
dren: Mrs. B. C. Mock, Advance;
Mrs. ArvU Hunt, Lexington; Mrs.
S. L. Hayes, Ocean View, Va.;
Mrs. John P. Raker, Lexington,
Miss Lucy Ward. Wlnston-Salem,
and Miss Inez Ward, Oreenvlllc,
S. C.: Charles A. Ward of Laurel.
Montana, Levin and John Ward
of Advance. A sister. Mrs. Oeorge
Stanley of Roanokc, Va.. and
two brothers. Charles Harris of
Roanokc, and William Harris of
Norfolk, also survive.
Mrs. Mary Taylor
Passed Monday ~
Mrs. Mary Josephine Taylor,
83. died Monday at her home
near MbcksvUle.
Mrs. Taylor was born June 4.
1837, and was married to James
Taylor, now deceased. She was
a member of smith Orove
Church for many years.
Surviving are a son, O. B. Tay
lor, a Winston-Salem merchant;
a daughter. Mrs. W. R. Becdlng,
Mocks^le, Route 3. and five
Funeral services were held at
Smith orove Church, MocksviUe.
day afternoon. Rev. J. W. Ves
tal, of Farmington, pastor of the
Smith Orove Church, and Rev.
H. C. Freeman, of Hickory, were
in charge.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/7/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 12,1941
Troy Milton Moser
KOM Id Aoto Cradi
Trov filtlton Uoser. 19. of Giea>-
inoiis, Roote 1. died in a Winaton-
S8leiQli(»idtalat8:15 p. m., Sator>
day of injarica suffered early in the
day ip an antomobile accident font
miles sontb of Moekaville on Biffb«
State Hifrtiway Patrolman J. C.
Gihbs, who inveatiimted the wreck,
paid three other persons. Floyd Sarfi
ey and William Boaor. Jr. of Hanea
and IVSfsB Frances Tate, of Winston
Salem, were in the ear. hut Barney
was the only one of the trio injured.
Hesoff»red lacerations.
Misa Tate was arrested by Wins*
eon»Sal6in police Saturday nipht
upon reonest of Patrolman Glbbs.
and turned over to the hivhwav of*
ficer andSSheriff Dowden of Davle.
She will be charged with man*
danythter, police here aafd. Her ai^
mt came after officers had held
Boger in the Uocksville joil-pendiog
eomptetion of the investigation.
Boger. Glbbs said, first stated that
he was driving the car, bat later
changed bis atatemect and said tfies
Tate was the drive.
The accident oocnred at 9:80 a.m.
Moser was taken to a hospital at
Moekaville. Early In the afternoon
he was brought to a WinstoU'Salem
Hfiss IbrAa Foder.
BfissttsnliaJtedFentr. 81. died at
ibehoaMQfB.ItBeger, la Wlostra-Ss*
lefloFMdar aftemooa. fbilowMg a long
fit&ess Ifin Foster was ban ia Davie,
■ndipentaiflstof IwrBfisIa cha oooaty.
FoBBialiefvienweiabsM Soadsy ed*
tenfloaaadthebody tildte test ia tba
Foster ^veymdi aear Oomatser. Miss
Fostolonivivsdbyoaa bcothsr. B. M.
FoMep and a Obter, BbSi PkaaoM Diala.
both of BsarOBfattser.
Mrs. Maty Taidor.
Mrs. Mary Jcscpbioe Taylor, 83, died at
bar borne aear Smith Grova.
Mra. Taylor was bom Juoe 4.1887. aod
wsomarrtedto Jastea Taylor, bow da*
oeasad. 8ba was a manbor of Smith
thove ffitofoh for maoy yoats.Survlvlog am a ooo;G. B*Taytor.a Wla*sum-Solam meicbaDtt a damlacrtmfs; WK. Beediog. lloeksvlu^Koate 3, god five
Ftoeial sorvtoea wen bold at SmithGn>vooliimh,at2(/oIoefcaftefBom». Rov..1. W. Vestal, of Fwrnimttoo, poetor of tbe
Smith Gfove Chudi, and Rev. B« (X Pfee-man. of HIekofy, were to ebaige.
S. S. Beck Dies. .
S. S. Beck, 81. weB known farmer of tba
Sheffield aeetloo, died at Davis Bm^al,
Stateavllle, early Friday mondog» follow*
log aa extended Illness.
Funeral aervlcea were bdd Satufday
afternoon at 8 o'olook from New Union
cbtncb with Rov. R. V. Blartio and Rev.
6. S. tawa eondootiog tba servlca and la*terment was In tbacbuicb burying grouml^
Mr. Beck ia aurvived by bla wife. Mm*
Anole Dyson Beck; one daughter. Mn.
Bessie Snrood, aod three aoua, Meaaia.
Olyd^ ntoom and Dewey Bocdt. aU itS Mar*
mdoy. Route I. Two bretben and four
elstets survive; E. C. Beek, Ifodnvilte.
Route; D. S. Beek. Hanaooy. Route i: D. S.
Beck. Harmony, Route 1: Mfs^ lenxlna
Whltaker. of Moekaville. Reuto 1: Mrs.
Loolaa Rives^ Mrs. Naooy Rhdiardaoo. of
Harmouy. and BIra. Bfionie liamea. Mocks*
ville, R. 1.
Mr. Beek waa a aaHva of Dav^ isnd
apmit bis mtire life In the emuity* He
had many friends who were saddened by
bla death. The Record extenda sympathy
to the nereaved family io tUa boor of
Bio — Obituaries - 3/12/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 14,1941 - Page 1
Troy Milton Moser
Youth Killed
In Car Wreck
Troy MlHon Moser. 19, o(
Clenimons, route 1, died In a
Winston hospital last Saturday
afternoon of Injuries suffered In
an automobile wreck Saturday
morning four miles south of
Moclesvllle on the Salisbury
Three other persons were said
to have been in the car: Floy
Barney and William Boger of
Hanes and Miss Francis Tatc of
Wlnston-salem. Miss Tale, stat
ed to have been the driver of
the car, was arrested by Wins
ton police At the request of Pa
trolman Oibbs and Sheriff Bow
den, was brought here, charged
with manslaughter and posted
a $7a0 bond for her appearance
at superior court, U was stated.
Services Held
For Miss Foster
Funeral for Miss Martha Jane
Foater, 81,- were held Sunday
morning, 9:45 o'cloek, at the
home of K. R. Boger, Patterson
avenue, In WInston-Salem, The
body was then taken to the Oor-
natzer Methodist Church to lie
in stole from tl to 11:30 o'clock.
Funeral was held at that hour.
Burial was in the Foster family
graveyard. Rev. C. W. Daven
port and Rev. P. L. Smith were
In charge of the services.
Miss Foster Is survived by one
brother, H. N. Footer and a olo.
ter, Mrs. Frances Drake, both of
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 14,1941 - Page 2
S. Sr Beck
Rites Held
S. S. Beck. 61, who resided near
Harmony, died In a Statesvllle
hospital Friday morning at 0:30
0 clock. He hail bceiv lit oevcrul
Mr. Beck spent his entire life
In Davie county. Survivors In
clude the widow: one daughter,
Mrs. Bessie Stroud; three .sons,
Clyde, Bloom and Dcwcy Beck.j
all of Harmony, and several)
brothers and sisters. |
Funeral services were conduct-!
cd al New Union Church Salur-.
day ut 2 o'clock by Rev. R. V.'
Martin and Rev. O. E. Laws.'
Burial was In the church ceme
Flowers were In charge of
Edna Parks assisted by Mrs.
Munzy Richardson. Mrs. K. D,
Smith, Orln Keller, Bobby Jean!
and Colleen Smith. !
Pallbearers were \V. W. Smith,
Hugh Edwards, Lee Keller, Alvln
and Wade Dyson, Claud Wooten.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/14/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 14,1941 - Page 8
Mrs. Stonestreet
Loses Sister
Mrs. Ora Rattz Hnll, 56, wife
of the late W. E. Hall, died
Tuesday "at the home of her
daughter. Mrs. W. s. Pursley,
In Rock HIU. S. C. after n long
Illness. Funeral services were
held at the Pursley residence at
3:30 p. m. Wednesday with in
torment In Xjnurelwood cemetery.
Mrs. Hall was bom In Mocks-
vllle. a daughter of the late Wil
liam F. Rattz, and Mrs. Maty
Jane Foster Rattz, both natives
of Mortli Carolina, she went to
Rock RIU to make, her home
about 32 years 090. Surviving
are the following children: BIrs. -d
W. S. Pursley, Mrs. A. D. Sher- J
rill. Mrs. W. 1. Oates, Roy B. 1
Hall, Miss Frances Hall of Rock
Hill, Mrs. Paul Holyrod of Char
lotte. and W. E. Hall of Norfolk.
Va.: also surviving is a step
daughter, Mrs. O. W. Wallace of
Three sisters. Mrs. Boon Stone-
street. of Mocksvllle; Mrs. Nina
Hoyle. of Fbrk; Mrs, Swonnle
|M.-Brldc,.of RaefordHme-broth—
er, W. F. Rattz of Saiisbury.
Mrs. 0. C. Austin
Buried Here
Mrs. Julia Ann Austin, 73.
widow of the laic O. C. Austin,
died Tuesday at her home In
Stntcsvllle. after a long period
of declining health. Mrs. Aus
tin was bom and reared In Xkivle
county, a daughter of the Inte
Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Crouse.
She had been living in Stntcs
vllle for 34 years. Her husband
died Inst June. Surviving are
two sons. T. B. and R. L. Austin
of Statcsvlllc. and n .sister. Mrs.
Paul Cash of Wlnston-Snlem.
—^Funeral —services—were—held
Wedncsdoy afternoon at 2 o'clock
at the residence, conducted by
Mrs. Austin's pastor. Rev. E. G.
Carson, of Diamond Hill A. R.
P. church. .Interment followed
In the Rose Hill cemetery in
Mocksvllle'. •
Bio - Obituaries — 3/14/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 19,1941
Mrs. W. E. HalL
Mrs. Ora Ratiz Hall, 56. a native
of Davie coonty, and a daushter of
the late Mr. and Mrs Frank Raitz,
ot Pork, died at ber home in Rock
Hill, S C , last Tuesday. Funer
a1 and burial services took place in
that cilv Wednendav. Mr. Hali is
survived bv seven children, three
sisters, Mrs. Buuue Stonetreet.
Mocksville; Mrs. Ryan McBrtde,
Raeford; Mrs. |ames Hoyle, of
Pork, and one brother, Walter
Rattz, of Salivary.
Mrs. 0. C Anstm.
Mrs. Julia Ann Atistln, 73, died
at ber home in Statesvillelast Tues>
day, following a long Illness. Mrs.
Austin was a native of Smith Grove,
a dauKhter of the late Mr. and Mrs*
LeeCIottse. Herhnshand, O. C.
Austin, died last June.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin, lived in
this city for many years, hut tnoved
to Statesville more than 30 years
Snrviving are two sons, T. B.
and R. L. Austin, of States^lle,
and a sister, Mrs. Paul Cash, Wins
Pnneral services were held from
the realdance Wednesday afiernoon
at a o'dock, conducted by her past
or, Rev. B. O. Carson, of the A.
R. P Church and the body brought
to this city and laid to teat bedde
her husband in Rose cemeteiy: A
mother in Laroei hai* fsHoo* To the
bereaved family The Record ex.
tends sympathy in this sad hour.
Mrs. Berdia Uven^ood.
Iba. Bflsllui Uveogood. dll. widow of W*
a Uv«Mood,dled at her home in OMleo-
meeSmiday aMmlog. E^neial services
wembeM at Uhetty Methodist choreb
tiMday aftonooa at 4 o'doofc. with Revs.
Q. W. Flok and F, E. How^ to dtofge.
and the body laU to rest to the cbnicb
cemetesy. Sufvlvota todsde fonr half-
hiQiheti^ooad^ sister, seven davghtem
and sfai trsndafafldwn.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/19/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 21,1941 - Page 1
Funeral Services
For Mrs. Benson
Mrs. Mary Doraae Bonsoni 63|
widow or Charles Phillips Ben
son. died Tuesday at her home
In Cooleemce alter n long iu>
ness. Mrs. Benson wus a na
tive of Rowan county, daughter
of the late Robert Wllhclm, Rer
husband died eight years ago.
Surviving are two QhUdreo, Bai-
ney Benson of Rowan county,
and Mrs. John Shoemaker ot
Cooleemee. Funeral ritea were
held Wednesday morning at 11
o'clock at Third Creek Presby
terian church, ot which Mm
Benson was a member. aervIcM
were conducted by Rov. J, w.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 21,1941 - Page 2
M. H. Stcclc Paasses
At Spencer Home
M. H. Stecie. 64. prominent
Southern railway conductor, died
unexpectedly at his home In
Spencer Monday. He had been
In the Southern service 35 years
and was well known as n sports
man through several states. Sur
vivors Include the widow and a
son, Ed Steel of New York. Fun
eral services took place Tues
day afternoon at lliird Creek
church in Ircdcll county.
Mr. Steclc Is an uncle of W.
L. Moore of Mocksvlllc.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 21,1941 - Page 5
Death Claims
W. G. Williams
William Gray Williams, 70, died
Sunday afternoon at 2:90 o'clock
at his homo, Yadklnvllle, Route
2, after an Illness of one week.
He was a son of Thomos and
Nancy Splllman Williams.
Surviving are one son, Ralph
Williams; one sister. Mrs. Mattie
Williams: seven grandchildren
and one great-grandchild.
The funeral was held at the
home Sunday afternoon at !
o'clock. Rev. Isaac Wlllard con
ducted the services. Burial was
In the SplUman family grave
Bio - Obituaries - 3/21/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 21,1941 - Page 6
Livengood Rites
Held Sunday
Mrs. Bertha Link Livengood.
68, widow of W. O. Llvcneood.
died at her home In Coolcemec
at 8:05 o'clock Sunday morning.
She wos the daughter o( the
THrcg- lai. uim Mi'a."DBVi Lihk.
The funeral was held at Lib
erty Methodist Church at 4
o'clock Monday afternoon with
Rev. O. W. Fink and Rev. A. T.
Stoudenmire In charge.
Survivors include four half-
brothers, B. C. Link. Mocksvllle,
Route 4: Eugene Link. Draper;
Lee Link, Wlnston-Salem: and
Will Link, of Cooleemcc; one
half-sister, Mrs. Eugene Reavls;
seven daughters, Mrs. C. L.
Allen, Mrs. P. W. Benson. Mrs.
H. Z. Howard one Mrs. Jack
Cope, all of Poolccmrc; Mr.s.
Ethel Wldtley, Salisbury, Mrs. H.
A. Morton, Kannapolls, and Mrs.
Charles Lowe Thompson, Mocks
vllle. and six grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Dock Henry,
Prank Oarwcod, Wiley Cornat-
zcr, Jessie Wafford. Carl Eaton
and Clyde Rcece.
Bio — Obituaries - 3/21/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 26,1941
Ihrt. C Benson.
Hts. Uary Dorcas Benson, 53.
oddow of Charles Phillip Benson,
died yesterday at her home b Coo.
leemce after a long Illness.
Mrs, Benson m a native of Ro.
an county, daughter of the late Ro*
bert nnihdm. Her hnahand died
dght years ago.
Suivivbg ate two children, Barn
ey Benson, of Rowan county, and
Mto. John Shoemaker, of Coolee.
oee. Funeral was held Wednes.
otombg at 11 o'dodc from
Third Creek Pfesbyterian Church,
of which Mrs, BenM>D waa a mem*
A. 0. Bedt Passes.
AfbettOiBeek, 10, tied at his homo
am OikOrayn etfte Stttuto tuanlsg.
btlowtBga dwtt.Utoaia - ftaaeml ween
t^atOaliGtmlletfconitalnndi 8na>
dsyafMQOOoatSoiklMl; wBh Rsr. a
W.Fiukiaeh^iai and Iha body trid to
iMt lo thn dnnoh oMMMy.
Mr. BeiBklaaitiidvsd fay ooo doditei;
mas Matfant BedL of Rt ft ooo datec.Bte. MtoSitaB. tad^tteiyVS
ttefanthnnB. Hboitno tad Jesao
Bseft ifl of' ismnilBai toimaftftb' Mai
Beck fasd naay fMeoda la aad.nonod
IfttlsviBofrtoMoaonyioleamof fatt
death. 1
Bio - Obituaries - 3/26/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 28,1941 - Page 1
r:'6^ •
Ij. H. L RICE, 88,
John Ilcmy Lawsnn Rlcc. HJ.
one of Da vie coviniy'8 most wUlc-
ly known cUlzcns and former
Rowan county commlttloncr. died
unexpectedly Wednesday after
Driving home from Sallsbuiy
with Ills wl^\ Mr. Rice was
stricken with n heart nllmcnt.
a halt on a Coolcenice street,
but died before he cuuld be
taken from the car. ^
Mr. Rice was born In Rowan
?P.un.iy.,Qn .October i. Ja03--He
wa.i married to the former Miss
Effle Henthmari on December
16, 1890, In Mississippi.
He had been a long and ac
tive member of the Episcopal
Church, being confirmed In 1888.
Per 33 years he served as lay
reader in liie church. He was
also superintendent of the Sun-,
day school at the Old St. An
drews Episcopal Church in Ro
wan and Idler at the Good Shep
herd Church in Cooleemee.
Mr. Rice lived In Salisbury
from 1890 to 1901. During that
period he served u lerm as coun
ty commissioner of Rowan coun
ty. Since 1001 he has lived in
Cooleemee. For many years he
was cashier of the Bank of
Cooleemee and In recent ycats
had been employed by the Erwln
Cotton Mills.
Funeral services will be co.a •
ducted this morning at 11 o'clock
at the Good Shepherd Eplica-
pa] Church. Burial will b3 at
Chestnut Hill Cemetery in Sal
Survivlne are his widow and
one brother, Abner Rice, of Sal
Garwood Funeral
Held Yeslerday
Funeral services for Mrs. Joslo
O.irwood. 70. wore Imld Thur.'sday
*iir(crnuun nt 3:30 o'clock at :ho
Baptist cinirch conducted by the
pastor. Rev. A, T. Stoudenmire,
Interment will be in Fovk
church cemetery.
I Mrs. Oarwood died at lier
'liomt' in Coolocmcc early Wod-
:nesday morning. She was the
widow of tlic late W. T. Oar-
wood, Survivors include five
sons and one daughter: Ray,
FnnilcrTloyd~aiTd~Roy"C arwood
and Mrs. Mary Bell Evcrhardt,
all of Davle county and ShorrilJ
Gaiwood of Waynosvillo. Twelve
1 grand children also survive.
Beck Funeral
Held Sunday
Funeral services wore held last
Sunday afternoon at the Oak
Grove Methodist church far Al
bert Owen Beck, 68, who died the
pn:viou.s day at his home near
Oak Grove, Services were con
ducted by Rev. O. W. Pink and
JFlev. E. W. Turner and inter
ment was in the church ccmc-
.Son of Henry and Amanda
Ba'Hy Beck, the deceased is sur-
v|v((d by n daughter, Margaret
at Home: by a sister, Mrs. Bet^
HamUldirtfTGranite Quarry- by,
four'.bixnhers: Houston, Davej
and J.ess, all of route 4, and
Hatch 'Peck of Rowan.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/28/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 28,1941 - Page 1
FRANK FOSTER PASSES—Sealed uM Uie rlgiil In front
is Frank A. Fosler. I»vl(»vcd >Ioeksvrl3le cUizeii wiio died
Wqdnc.s<iay nigi>t. The grouj) is eonM>o.scd of llie four
originnl rural mail cairicrs in the cui|nty; John A. Cur
rent and I\Ir. Fosler In front. W, F.\ Stoncstrcel and
Frank P. Uuttz hi tlic rear. All are\ <lc»d except Mr.
Stoncstrect. ^
Frank A. Fostei". 80. widely
known Dnvie county citizen, died
Wednesday night at his home
here. He had been In falling
health for four years.
Mr. Foster was born in Davlc
county on August 20, 1801 and
lived his cnlirc life in ihe coun*
ty. In early life he taught
sclioo) before l>c became a rural
mall carrier. He was one of the
flr.st four rural carriers In the
I'omily wlfcn the .service was
eslabil.shod on July 2. 1002. Hei
rcili'cd sovvrnl year.s ago.
Only son of Mi", and Mrs. Ar-i
clilbaUi • Fo-ster, the dccca.scd isj
KurvhccI by liLs widow and five
chlldvpn; Claud O. Fosler. Wins-'
tun-.S:iloin: Brady O. Poster,!
Johnson City. Tcnn.: Mayo Fos
ler. Coolecnicc: HuRh S. and
Ml.ss UUlc E, Foator of Mocks-
vlllo. Five grand children also
For many year.s he was an
acUve loader ot the Baptist
church, being teacher of the
Daraco class and superintendent
of the Sunday school. Beloved
.by the wide circle who knew
him, hU death Is deeply mourned,
j The funeral will be hold some
! time today, Friday, and inter
ment will be In the Fork ceme
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 28,1941 - Page 6
Rites Held For
Mrs. Henry Manuel
BEAR CREEK. — Mrs. Henry
Manuel. 76. died Sunday night
at the home of her son. Tom
Manuel, near Bear Creek church.
Mrs. Manuel had been sick for
some time.
She was born In Stokes coun
ty and spent most of her life
there, moving lo this section ten
years ago.
Surviving are two sons. Earl
Manuel of Mebanc and T. C.
Manuel of Mocksvillc. Route 1.
The funeral services were
held at Bear Creek Baptist
church Tuesday morning at ele
ven o'clock. Rev. James Orocc
had charge of the services.
Bio — Obituaries — 3/28/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 2,1941
Frank A. Foster.
Thft entife town was saddened by news
Oedaatb of Firenk A Foster. ttO. one of
ltaftecooiity*8 beat known and roost be-
lovdd ddieQS. wbleh occttrred at bishoroe
Id Eott MotiHraflfe Wednesday evening.
lib Foster bad been ifl for tbo past sev
en! Venn, tat'setiotia only a few days
peeeaedlng Idk*. death. Fooeral Mivtces
woe held at the hooo FHday afternoon
atSo'doe^withRevs. J. H. Faigbomand
B. W. IWtaeff ooodoctini cbeserviees. The
body ma canied to Fan and laid to rest
In the Baptist dHndi eeineteiy. with Jo*
oiof Older hooofe. A l^e eoocoorse waa
pnaent to pay their last leapeota to this
beloved ddzeo. The floral tributes were
many and baautlfaL
Bfr Foster is survived by bis widow,
four sons^ 0.0. Foder, Wln8ton.Sa1em. 8
G* and Hayo Foster, of Johnson (^ty.Tenn.,
Ku^ Poster, of this city, and one daugh
ter lilsa Ultte Foster, at horoe.
Mb Poster was a native of Jerusalero
townsUp. He was a ntral letter carrier
for many years, and waa active In church
work. Re was taadter of the MocksvHIa
foptist Baraca class for years. He was
one of the oldest merobera of the Junior
Ofd^ in Davie county.
Id the death of this good roan, the town
hsa losr an exeelleot eicizen, the family a
hhid and lovioft husband and father, and
the Baptist diurcb a consistant member.
He was one of the first men we learn
ed to know after coming to Mockaville 34
years ago. He was onr friend, and for
many years be was our Sunday'sdiool
taadier We eball miss binu To the bp-
reaved family we extend our sincere sym
pathy in this sad hour.
Dr. F. B. Gaither Dead.
Db F. B. Gaither, 81. retired dentist and
pfOffltoent bedall county citizen, died at
bis home In Harmony Saturday afteraocn.
Dr. Gaither was bm on April 28. 1860,
a sen of Major WUHam and Mary Turner
Gaither. He was mairied in 19S9 to Miss
Lena Btandoo, <4 SaUabury. who survives,
together with one sister, Mrs. L. B. Bran
dt of Winsttm-Salam.
Fhneral servicaa ware held at Clerks-
bury Methodist Church, of which he was
e mamber. at 2:30 o*dock Sunday after
noon. with Rev, Robert Martin in charge,
and the body laid to rest in Bethel ohuicM
oemetexy. Another loDgUme frleiid nf
tho editor has crossed the river and is at
lest on the oHier side. Peace to his ashes
Wiley A West
Wiley A West. 88, weil*koowo Calaboln
fafiner.diedSQddaoly athlahome on R.
4. Satntday afiemoon at 5:30 o'clook. Mr.
West had Just retoioed to bis home from
HodmvUIe. He had been In bad health
for oooie time.
FWterel services were held at Society
Baptist Oiofcb. of which he was a mem
her. Monday rooming at 10:30 o^elock.
with Rev. W. L, MeSwain in charge* and
tke body laid to rest In the diofeh came
tary. Mr. West was a native of Davie.
and spent meet of his Hfe In the county.
Sofvlving are the widow and onedati^-
ter. Hiss Betlio Rebecca, at home; two
htothefa. Simon West, of Rowan, and Lee
West, ef Cato olns three eiatcie, Mrs. Will
POacodu R> 4; Mrs. Jack Williams, Rowan,
and Mrs. W. C Jones, <4 Kappa. To the
bereaved family and relativea Tim Record
ezceoda ayrapatby in thiaboar of sadnessL
J. R L Rice.
•hdra Henry Lawson Rloe, 78. one oi
Davie coQat?*s most widely kimwo chi-
sens, died nnaxpectedly W^oesday after-
DtliHng bome from Salisbury with hla
wife, Mr. Rice was strie en with a heart
aihamt. Ha branght the autotnobile to a
bait on a Codeetnoe street, but died be-
fma ha could be taken from the oar.
Mr. Rloe was bom In Rowan county on
OctObtf 1.1063. He was marH^ to the
former Mtsa Effle Heathman on December
16.18^, in MississlppL
ffinee 1901 he has lived In Cocteemee.
Foe eaaoy years he was cashier of the
Bask of Cooteemee and In recent years
had been employed by the Erwlo f^con
Funeral services were conducted Fridsy
morning at 11 o*ctook at the Good Shep«
herd Eplsoopol Church Burial waa at
Chestnut HlQ Cemetery In Salisbury.
Sttsvlvlng are hie «Idow and one brother,
Adner Rkm, of SaHsbury.
Mrs. Joseplnne Garwood
Mte. Josephine Garwood, 89, widow of
William T Garwood, of Cooleemee, died
Wednesday at Rowan Uemwial Hospital
Safisbury, where she bad been for a week.
His. Garwood was bora in Deddl coun
ty, daughter of tho late Mr. and Mrs. Gitea
T. Straod, of County Una oomrounicy.
Most of her married life waa spent inCoo-
leemeo. Her husband died last October.
Sotvlvlng ore five eons and a daughter;
Shirley Garwood. of HoZeJwood; Ray.
Fkaiik. Floy and Roy Garwood and Mrs B.
6 Evefbsidt. all of Codeeinee. also, a
elfitw. Miaa Mary Stroud, of Couniy line.
Fooeral servtees were held Thursday
aflcroooQ at 3:30 o*doek from Cooleemee
Baptlat Oharoh, of which Mrs Garwood
was a member. Intermaat wad In Pork
Bio — Obituaries - 4/2/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 4,1941 - Page 4
Wiley A. West
Buried Monday
Wltcy Alexander West, 65,
prominent Davle county farmer,
died Sunday night at his homo
near the Iredell courfty Ibte.
following an extended decline In
health. Mr. West was a native
of Davle county, a son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. John W. West.
Surviving are his wife, u daugh*
tor, Miss Rebecca^ West, a step-
daughter. Miss Zcola Williams;
two brothers, Simon West of
Rowan county,-Lee West of Davle
county, and three sisters. Mrs.
Alice Peacock. Mrs. Ida Jones of
Davie county, Mrs. Emile Wil-
lijims of Rowan county
Funeral services were held
Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock
from Society Baptist church, of
which Mr. West was a lifelong
member. Rev. E. M. Avett con
ducted the service.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/4/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 11,1941 - Page 1
Mvs. Elicn Grocc
Died Sunday
■-Mia; EHuir
died Sunday night at the home
of her sister. Mrs. Susan Jones,
near Farmlngton. She was the
widow o( John H. Oroce and the
daughter uf~thc late Mrrand
Mrs. Cullen Jones. Funeral ser
vices were held at Eaton's
Baptist church Tuesday morn
ing at 11 o'clock with Rev. Dal
las Rcnegnr and Rev. (B. W.
Turner conducting the service.
Interment was in the church
'Herman Hutchcns
Funeral Held
Funeral services for Herman
Harding Hutchcns. 21. were held
Tuesday at 3 o'clock at the homo
of his mother near Bear Creek
Rev. Jrnnos Grocc and Rev.
Wade Hulchens conducted the
service and Interment was In
Eaton's cemetery.
Mr. Hutchcns - -died - -Sunday
evening at the home or his
mothcn Mrs. Mattlc Hutchcns.
In addition to. his parents, ho
Is survived by his wife and one
son: four sisters. Mary. Helen,
Pauline and Jean*, three broth
crs, Dallas. Dawes. Zane Orcy,
all at homo.
Burton Child
Dies At Fork
The Infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. John W. Burton died Sun.
day afternoon at the home of
his parents at Fork. Funeral
services and burial were hold
at Elb.ivllle Methodist church
Monday morning at 11 o'clock.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 11,1941 - Page 7
America A. Brown
Miss America A. Brown. 87.
was burned to death at her
home near Cycle, late Friday
when fire popped out of an open
grate and Ignited her clothing.
Miss Brown was an invalid
and was alone and could do
nothing about the fire after It
started burning her clothing. A
nephew, Farmer Brown, who liv
ed with the aged lady, had gone
to the woods to chop wood and
when he returned she was dead.
She was a nat*^e of Yadkln
county and had openc her life.
In that scctlPii of the county.She had no 'mmedlate rela;.. e.s.j
Funeral sot vices were neld
Sunday mornlj.g at isbury
Methodist church
The pastor. Rev. E. o. Brawlcy.
and the Rev. W. V. Brown con
ducted thb'services. Burial fol
lowed in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/11/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 16,1941
Herman Hotchmis.
HeriDBP H« Hutcbeos, bo, died
at the hotue of bis motber, Mrs.
Mattie Hutcbeos, in Clarksville
lowosbip, DO April 6th.
Funeral services were held at the
home laat Tuesday afiemoon. with
Rev. James Oroce )s .cfaarKe, aod
the body laid to rest io Baton's
Bantist cburcb cemetery.
Mr. Hotcbens is sur^ved bv bis
widow and one child, his parents,
two brothers and four sisters.
Alison L. Hodgson.
Ansoa L. Hodgson. 66. imminent fatm*
died Tbumday nidht at bis home neat
County line, after en attack of poeamonia*
Mr. Hodgson was bom in Davie eounty. a
son of the late Rofun and . Bettk' JomHn
Hodgson. Sorvivingare bla widow aod
the following diildten, R. G. Hodgson ttf
Gteer, S (X, R. P. Hodgson of AtlaDta. Ga,.
Jeose. Plahe, Hetoan, David, and Paul
Hodgson of Scatesyille, Mrs. OjfMe Mo-
Daniels of Sailsburv, Mr^ J. fottw of Cala^
hab. Miss Ptrfly Hotigsun of Hidiofy; two
bfotbem. Pear) Hodgson of Spray,-and
Humphrey Hodgson of Harmony. Ptmet^
al seryieea were held Sunday aftpm^on at
4 o'clock at Ciarfcsbury Methodist cbiuch,
vritb the pastm, Re? Robm- Manlo, b
charge. lotennenc was In the church
Cemetery. " " -
Mrs. Ellen GroCe.
Mrs. Elian Gioce, 82, died at the home
of her dster. Mrs. Suaan Rloble, near
Faimlngioo, on April 6ib, fofbwingadioit
Fnneial tervlcea were held at Eaton'a
Baptist shnreh last Tuesday mmning at 11
o'clock, conducted by Revs, Jamea Gioca,'
E. W. Turner and Dall Renegar, and the
body laid to test in the church cemetery
Mrs. Gtooe b survived by mie abler. Mrs.
Snaan Rbhie. She was one of Davie
county's (gdeat ladiea, and spent her
tfre life b the county. A mother In la-
real has been called to her reward.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/16/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 18,1941 - Pages 1 and 8
George F. WlnecoK of Mocks'
vUle, 63, one of the best known
and beloved men in Davie coun*
ty, died at the Rowan Memorial
hospital in Salisbury at 3:30 a.
jn_on.April JS. —Hc-hnd-beo!*. in
declining henllh (or some time.
The funeral was held Wednes
day afternoon nt 3:30 o'clock at
the local MethodlsL church,
conducted by the pastor, Rev.
E. M. Avett. and assLsted by Rev.
C. E. B. Robinson of Cooleemee,
Interment was In the Rose ceme
tery here. Mr. Wlnccoff was n
member of the Cooleemee Epls-
copol church;
While he was born In Rowan
county on May 19. 1878. Mr.
Winecoff lived most of his life
In Davlc. He wa.s n deputy
sheriff for 15 years and served
6 years as sheriff. He was
county chairman of the Repub
lican executive committee for 0
years until his health began to
fail, He was employed at the
Hcndrlx-DwlBglns Motor Co.
here nl the time of hl.s death.
In earlier life Mr. Winecoff
operated-a moat market ot
Mr. Winecoff was married
twice. His first wife wa.s Miss
Gertie Cogglns, deceased, and
three children survive this union.
His second wife, who survives,
was formerly Miss Edna Lee
Booe. Surviving children in
clude Mrs. Knox Singleton of
Rowland, N. c.: Jack and Carl P.
Winecoff of Mocksvllle. A bro
ther. Robert Wlnccoff of Rowan
county, and the following four
sisters also survive: Mrs. Thom
as Coughenour, Spencer; Mrs.
Carl Myers, Rowan county; Mrs.
Willie Mac Hoffman and Mrs.
Marvin Ridenhour of Davlc
county. One grand child, Helen
D. Singleton, also survives.
Active p.illbearers were Junie
Bcauchamp, Alex Tucker, K. L.
Cone. A. T. Daniel, B. C. Brock
(Contlnoed on page eight)
and T. I. Caudctl. Flower glvis
were Mrs. S. A Harding, Mtrs.
C. F. Ward, Mrs. J A. Myers,
MIsse.'? Mary Coulter, Dorothy
and Mary Winecoff.
Honorory pailbcarer.s Includ-
ed John Helton. C-,V^MI%r,
Dr. S. A.'Harding" M." A. Hartmatir
T. P. Dwigglns, J. P. Hendrlx,
J. H. Brodgen. N. B. Dyson, O.
O. Daniel ,Crcdc Bailey, H. R.
Eaton. Will N. Smith, F. R.
Lengans. Marshall Dwigglns, c.
C. Smoot, Holt Barneycastlc, A.
T. Grant and Chal Hcpler.
Bio - Obituaries — 4/18/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 18,1941 - Page 3
Willard Swaim, 17,
Funeral services for Willard
Swnlm, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wlnt Swalm. who chose death
rather than return to the army,
was conducted Wednesday
morning from Dennysvllle Bap
tist Church near Cycle, with the
Rqv. Fred Mathls In charge.
-JCoumt-SuyitiliJKbfl. enlisted in
the United States Army six weeks
ago and was supposed to have
returned to his post In Savon
noh, Ooorgio. Monday, died In
an Blkln hospital at l o'clock
Monday, two hour.s after he had
emptied the load of a shotgun
In the region of his heart at
the homo of his parents in Cycle.
Members of the family said he
was alone in his bedroom when
they heard the report of the
gun. He was taken immediate
ly to Dr. Hackctt Harding at
Brooks Cross Roads, but on the
advice of the physician, was
rushed to the Elkin hospital.
The Swalm youth did not like
army life, members of his (am
lly said, and had been dread
ing his return to Savannah. He
was granted a furlough for the
Easter holidays, and it was his
dread of returning to duty that
caused him to take his life, they
He Is survived by his parents:
two brothers, Noah and Paul
Swalm; one sister, Jonnah
Swalm, all of the home; his
grandmother, Mrs. John Walker
of the Cycle community. He was
a nephew of L. F. and P. O.
Walker of Elkln.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/18/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 23,1941
Geo. F. Winecffitf.
Geow F. Wiii«eoff. 6S» welMmowii Modks-
vDte dtizen, died at Rowao Memorial
Boapital. SaliBtmry, last Tuesday ntotniiig
80 3:30 o*cloek, foUowlog aa illnetoof oev-
eial weeks.'
Ma Wloeeoff wea a nativa of Rowan
comity, bat bad lived fo Daviefortbepaot
SO yean. He epent a namber of yean In
Codeemee, wbero bo operated a general
fitore and market. He served as a depaty
eberifffor aboill IS years, and also served
sin years as sheriff of Davie, sncceedlng
John H. Spiiokle. He moved. to Mocks-
vUlo about 20 years ago. He also served
as Republican county obainnan for 12
years, succeeding W, E. Boyles. For the
past several yean he has been connected
with the HeodriX'DwiggiDa Motor Go.
Mr. Winecoff was mstried twloo,iil(» first
wife being Miss Genie Coggins, who tfied
a nmnbrn of yeanaga To this onion wme
bora three cbildien, SL d. and C, T. Wine*
eoff, of this city; Mrs. Knox Slogletoo, of
Rowland. M. C. His second marriage was
to Miss Edna Lee Booe;of Yadkin coonty,
who survives, tognber with one biolhar,
R. F. Winecoff. of Rowan county; four sis-
ten. Mrs. WllUe Hofihian. Mrs, Genie My
en and Mrs. EUen Cogeahour, aD of Ro*
wan county and Poati Rldenbour. of Davie
Funeral services were held at the Mocks-
viUe Methodist church Wednesday after
noon at 3:30 o'clock, with Rev. C. E. B.
Robinson, of Codeemee, in diarge. asdsi-
ed by Rev. E. M Avett, and the body laid
to rest In Rose cemetery
Active pallbesren were Annand T.
Daniel. K. L. Cope. Aimt Tdcker. B« G.
Bfoefc, Holt Baroeycastle and Junie Beau-
camp. Many beautiful floral tributes at-
testM the high esteem in wfaldi Mr. Wine
coff was hdd.
William D. Tutterow.
WiUiam D. Tdtterow, 82, died Friday
at the home of his dai^ter, Mn. Jufia
Smith, Rock HIU,S. C., following a long
Funeral services were held at. Center
Methodist Qtutch Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock, with Rev. G. W. Fink in charge,
and the body laid to rest in the ctiuich
Mr. TUtteiow Is survived by two sons
and six danghims. three of bis daugbten
living in Bade, viz: Mis. F. M. May, of R.
1; Mra W. D. Broadway and Mis. Mary
Swink, of Jerasalem.
Mr. Totterow spent practically all of his
life in Davia coonty, bm for the past two
years bad made his home in Rock Hill.
He was a good man, and a long-time
friend of The Record editor. Pesceto bis
Mrs. H. L Foster.
Mia. H. L Foster, 67, died at her home
in SiatesviDe Sunday evei^g, following a
long Illness. Funeral services were km
at the homo yesterday afteraoon at 2:30
o'clock, and the body laid to rest in Qak-
wood cefneteiy. Mrs, Foster was a native
of Davie county, and lived at Advance
until about 10 years ago. Surviving iatlto
husband, two flona and four daogbteia.
Mrs. Foster was a sister in-law of Mrs, W,
L» Call, of this city.
Bio — Obituaries - 4/23/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 25,1941 - Page 1
Infant Son Boger
The Infant day old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Boger of Smith
OroTe died at their home Fri
day night. Funeral serdcea
were held Saturday at Eaton's
Baptist church with Rev. James
Oroce conducting the service. In
terment was in the church ceme
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 25,1941 - Page 4
Mrs. H. L. Foster
Buried Tuesday
STATESVtUiE. — Mrs. Sally
Virginia Foster. 75. widow of H.
L. Foster, died Monday at her
home In Statesville following -a
few days critical illness,
Mrs. Foster was born in Davie
county, n daughter of the late
Matthew and Anne Zimmerman
Markland, of Advance. She was
a lifelong member of Advance
Baptist Church. She and her
family have been living In
Statesville for 12 years.
Surviving arc her husband and
six children, C. C. Foster, Misses
Anne and Jakic Foster o« States
vllle, N. c. Poster of !l{cndcrson
vUle, Mrs. D. D. Phelps of Wins-
ton-Salcm and Mrs. F. F. Mil
ler of High Point. There are ten
Funerol services were held
.Tuesday. - 'afternoon—at—3730
o'clock from the residence and
burial followed in Oakwcod
W. D. Tiitterow
Funeral sorviees were conduct
ed last Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock for W. D. Tutterow at
Center Methodist Church who
died nt the liome of his daugh
ter, Mrs. R. C. Smith, in Rock
Hill, S. C. Frldoy night after a
iongJllncss. Mr. Tutterow lived
in CoolccniGo for many years
and was employed by the Erwin
Mills, >but for the past several
years he has made his home
with his children.
He was the son of the late
Thomas P, Tutterow and Mrs.
Mary Foster Tutterow. both of
this county. Surviving are the
following children. Mrs, R. c.
Smith of Rock Hill, Mrs. W. D.
Broadway of Mocksvllle, route 4,
Mrs. F. M. May of Mocksvllle,
route 1, C. W. Tutterow of Kan-
napolis, Mrs. Philip Swink of
Cooieemee, Mrs. O. W. Misen*
heimer of Chester, S. C.. Mrs
Esther McCabe of ciemmons,
and T. D. Tutterow of Charlotte,
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 25,1941 - Page 7
William Edmond Eaton
William Edmond Eaton died
at his home in Farmington
of the oldest graduates of shaw
University, Raleigh. The deceos.
cd is survived by his wife. Mrs.
Mary Eaton: one brother, Jor
dan H. Eaton of Farmington:
three daughters, Mrs. Lula West
of Farmington. Miss Margaret
Eaton of New York, and Miss
Pearl Eaton of Winston-Saiem.
F^meral -rites-^veec-held- Sttitdnr
at Cedar Creek Baptist church
at 3 p. m. with the pastor. Rev.
W. J. Scott, officiating.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/25/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 30,1941
James H. Brown.
Fonera] services for James H. Brown,
91, of the Uoton Chapel oommanltf was
held SatnidaF afcemoon at 2 o'cloek at
Uoion Chapel Methodist chotclu
Mr. Brown died Frfdap mornliig after a
eritioal tthsess of onhr a few hooro. He
bad been in dediQind beatlb for avne-
He waa the oldest member of Geoier
Methodist ehtt^ and bad attended that
choroh since eatlp manhood.
The funeral setviees were conducted b?
Rev. G. If. Aveti, assisted by Revs. WU-
liaro C, Sidea and 6. W. Fink.
Survivon tadode bio wile. Mrs. Emma
E. Bwwos one daoghtN; Miss Sonbfa
Brown, two sons, X H. Brown, and S. CL
Brown, all of Route 2. MoPhsvlUe; a half
brother, M IK Brown of Hocksvine; and a
half sister, Mro, M. V. Grander, of Coolm*
Andrew GranfilL
Andrew Ctanfill, 72. died Saturday alter-
noon at bis home near Osartney.
The loDefal was bdd Sunday afternoon
at 4*o*elook at Crosa Roads BamUtcfaurob.
Rev. Jamea (koce condiroted the aervicM
Burial was in the ciiiiicb ftraveyaid.
Survivind are the widow; one brother
levi CronflU. of MoekavUle. Route ^ one
sister. JllrB.Samantha Snvder. of Moon*
tain (^, Tenn^ einht sona. Stamey Cfan*'
ail. of Mockavllle, Dan QranaU. of Vbihiia.
Elton, Fttmoie, Faul. AiBir, Halttbutton
and Sbeifill Crauail, of Mockaville, Ronte
2; three daudhteia, Mrs, Duke Smith of
Moeksvilte. Route d, Mro Burton THvene,
of Cane, Route I. and Mrs. Gnmey Lash
Mocksvitte, Route 2.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/30/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 2,1941 - Page 1
Esta Mac Cleary
Dies Of Typhoid
Puncral services for Eata Mac
Cleary, 12-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Cleacy of
the Sheffield community, were
held at Rocky Springs Baptist
church Thursday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock.
The young girl died in a
statesvllle hospital Wednesday
after an Illness of several weeks.
Survivors include her parents
and several brothers and sisters.!
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 2,1941 - Page 4
J. H. Brown
Rites Held
James H. Brown, Oi, died last
Friday at his home on route 2.
He had been In declining health
for some time but seriously ill
only for a few liours.
Mr. Brown was born at Mocks-
vllle on May 13, 1830. son of
Daniel H. and Sarah Dwigglns
Brown. His mother died when
he was a small child.
He Joined the Center Metho
dist church 73 yours ago, wus
the oldest member at his death
and during his lifetime was one
of Us consecrated members.
Married on Nov. 20. 1883 to
Miss Emma B. olasscock, five
children were born to this union.
Surviving arc his widow and
three children: Miss Sophia
Brown, John H. and Charlie
Brown, all of route 2.
A half brother, M. D. Brown of
Mocksvllle, and a half sister,
Mrs. M. V. Urangcr of Coolcc-
incc, also survive, as well as a
grandson and a number of nieces
and nephews.
The funeral was held last
Saturdoy afternoon at Union
Chapel Methodist church, con
ducted by Rev. E. M. Avcbt and
assisted by the Rev. O. W. Fink
and the Rev. W. C. Sides. Pall
bearers were nephews and flow
ers were carried by nieces and
Mr. Brown, widely known and
beloved, spent his entire life In
Davle county. He was the old
est of an Immediate family of
ICranfill Rites
Are Held Sunday
Andrew Cranflll, 72, died last
Saturday afternoon at his home
near Courtney. The funeral was
held Sunday at Cross Roads
Baptist churdh, conducted by
Rev. James Groce, and Inter
ment was In the churchyard.
-He is survived by his widow,
formerly Miss Mnry Rcavls, and
the following children: Stamey
of Mocksvllle, Dan of Virginia,
Elton, Pilmorc, Paul, Arllff. Halll
burton and Shoritl cranflll, all
of route 2: Mrs. Duke Smith,
route 4; Mrs. Burton Trivette,
Cana. route 1: Mrs. Ourney Lash,
route 3. Twenty seven grand
children and one great grand
Child also survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/2/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 2,1941 - Page 4
Rev. J. F. Carter
Buried Today
Rev. John Franklin Carter, 60,
retired cvangcllsl, died Wednes
day afternoon at 3 o'clock at
his home In Greensboro, after
a llneorlng Illness. He was born
in Davlo county but had lived
in Greensboro for the past six
years. He was a son of Harri
son and Amanda Laird Carter,
a well known Davie county
He is survived bv his wife.
three daughters, Misses Marie,
AudVi and Yvonne Carter, all of
Greensboro; five brothers, G. A.
Carter. W. H. Carter and Lee
Carter, all of Mocksvlllc; Charlie
Carter, of Thomasville, and Har
mon Carter, of High Point; a
sister. Mrs, Lincoln Bills, of Davle
Funeral will bo held with a
short servlee at the home Fri
day afternoon at 1 o'clock con
ducted by Rev. W. R. Cox, Rev.
E. W. Turner and Rev." p. L.
Smith. Further service will take
place at 3:30 o'clock Friday af
ternoon at the Advanec Metho
dist church with the body re
maining at the church for a half
hour before the service.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 2,1941 - Page 7
Ina Wade
Funeral services were held
Monday at 2 p. m. for Mrs. Xna
Wade at the A. M. E. Zton
church with the pastor. Rev. 8.
J. Burke officiating. Survivors
are two sisters, Mrs. Hattie Tabor
of Mcckftville and Mrs. Mary
Johnstonc of Salisbury. Burial
was In the church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/2/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 7,1941
Jblio F. Cart^.
n -Rey. tMa Fkankfin Osfter* 69^ died at
Ue bane In Gzteoibora {an Wedbesdey,
foO^^a fafB# iQoeBa. -
ef Dsvie
a«ed;(a'&eeQabo(e Ut
ilwpeetfAyeen. 8aivlvfQtlabii«ridd«r
•od tfaieedattdltteiB, aQof6feeeiteo.flfie
bmh^GL W. KaodLBe Guter« afl
of Oa«ieeooQtv;CtaitleOHteAof Tbcoi*
aevttte. tttd Henneo Ckiter. of Mm
Ooe aliteA Hn. UboqIo EIDi, of Moek^
vi^ R. 8. alio cnnrivei.
Ftoenl MivloM wen hetd «t Adreaoo
UetlioAM Cbtttdi FMdav aftMoaoa at SM
o'otoek. with Bow. W. R. CoSt of OteoM-
boriK P* U Soiitii, or Advaooeii tad E. W.
Toner, of lloelt*{Be,ooadQelfot the oesw
Rev, ICb Outer «aa a Boptlet aUslM;
er, and bed booa la the Locd^ eervloe for
nany yeen^ 8e bad awoy fHende and
telathrea to Davte eoaiity who wam aai^
deaedbyaitoroofblide^ Afoodoua
bat beea oaBed to Ida nvacd.
Robert Httl Gtm tt. of Jerasabni
lotnrtldPidledFln^fiBtloirisialaBs 1D>
Dw* ,>uiicro,iWPH0Ci Mwn ooH nMn^
Mlfa Baptirt Obondi Soadar aftanooa at
8o*eioii&, orlihiturrE. W,TaioettoehMfa,
end iba body was laid to leU to .Randy
Qreek CBseteiy to Davldeea oooaty,
Mr.Oml^la iuivlfad by Ida paiaala.
Ma and Mia.ManlrtaGndib^atoobfatfNca
aadtwoalsieia* .
Bio - Obituaries - 5/7/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 9,1941 - Page 1
Burton Funeral
Held Yesterday
Mrs. Nannie Keeton Burton.
30, wife of Johnny Burton, died
Tuesday at bcr. home near Forh.
The funeral was held yesterday
afternoon at Blbavllle Methodist
church, conducted by Rev. P. L.
Smith. Intnrment was in the
Daughter of Thomas and Josie
Barncycastle Keeton, the* de*
censed is survived by her par-
ents, husband and three chil
dren : Mildred, Shirley and John
ny. Jr.
The following brothers and sis-
fiprs nlsn survive; Noah, wilUen
Sam, Wiley, Thomas Keeton, Jr
all of route 3; Mrs. M. Wlshon,
Farmington; Mrs. Tom Hunt,
For^th: Misses Addiei Viola
Ruth Keeton of route I.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 9,1941 - Page 2
Robert Paul Grubb
Last Rites Held
Funeral services for Robert
Paul Orubb, 20, of Davlc coun
ty, who died Friday oftor an ill
ness of five weeks, were held
Jerusalem Baptist Church. Rev.
B. w. Turner conducted the
services. Burial was In Sandy
Creek cemetery. Davidson coun
Surviving arc the parents.
Marshall and Addle May Hartley
Orubb. of D.avlc county: nine
brothers. OUcll. Glenn. Lloyd.
Henry, Orady, Clifton. J. C., and
Roy Orubb of Dnvlo county, and
Van Grubb of 'Arlington, Va.,
and two sisters. Mrs, H. T. Earn
hardt. of Lexington, and Mrs.
J, H. Hamilton of Granite Quar
Bio — Obituaries - 5/9/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 9,1941 - Page 7
Dora Furches
Funeral rites for Mrs. Dora
Furches. who died at her home
in LcwtsviUc, were held Sunday
at New Hope A. M. E. Zion
church with Rev. L. 8. Lash, of
ficiating. Interment followed
In the family plot of the clmrch
graveyard, survivors were three
daughters and three sons: Mrs.
Annie Klmball of Olemmons,
Mrs. Eva Doulhlt uf Lewlsvillc,
Mrs. Lcona Tinsley of Welcome,
Lindsay Furches of Columbia. S
C.. Grady Furches of Wlnston-
Salcm and Robert Furches of
Bio - Obituaries - 5/9/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 14,1941
Mrs. Frank Poindezter.
Hn. Cmma SmHb Poindexter died at
the iMma of bar dattfihtar, Mra. John Baitay
Vns8toa*8alefn. Rome 8. at o'eloeh
Firtday inonlad. She bad been to deoUo*
ind h^ttb for one year, and bar eoDdltloa
bra Immi eeiioQa for two weefca.
Mra. Folndexter was bora taDaviacottii'
cy, iUuMt f. 186S. daogbter of Mr. and
Uia. wiQlafflSfBttb. She spent bar eatira
ttfeln Oavie conoty ontll about eight
oiontbs ago when she came to live witb
bar daughter. She Seed for SO yeais in
8be was a member of Ute Advanee
ISetbodist Cbaid). On Maich 1.1883. aba
was mairled to Prank Poiodestar who died
la 1024. ,
Smvlvafs iadoda aae daughter. Ilfs.>
J(dio Bailey* and eon* W. V. Polndeiter,
of Wlaaten^Salem; three grandobiMien:
and two great graodebildreo. i
Funeral serficea were held at Adyanca)
Hathodlat duireb Sunday aftemooa at 3 [
o'doclc. eoodncted by Rava. J. D. Fair, f
child end P. L. toltb. and the body laid •
to rest in Shady Grove cemetery. {
Mrs. Burton.
Fitneial eervloea for Mis- Johnnie Bof'
too, 30. who died Theaday at bar homo
neat Fork chueh was cmueted Thuia-
day afteraooo at 3 o'olook. at So*ciOGfc.8t
Elvavine Bfetbodist Cbmnh wttbRey. P.L.
Smith locbaigp.
Suivivora lochide bar paienta and hua>
hand: thftn ehBdieo, MUdied. Sblitoy. and
JofaootoBQitc&Ji4 five btotbtta. Heab,WlUie. Sam. WUot ^ Thonaaa K«ton
Jk, ^ of Uoehtfdtte. SeMa ttne
slstert. Ite. W. it WMion, Fbtrntet^
Mm. Tom Hoot, Fonytta eoonty, and mm.
Addle Vidia Roth, iiockivma.
Mrs. James McDanieL
BIfs. James UcOaalsl, 71* died st her
home near OacsatzerThanday jdletaoon
at 2)30 o'Moek* fi^wtntf an UIiMsa of
faneial servleea were held at Smith
Grove Methodist clmrch_ FHtoy ^ morpi^
at II o'dtock. with Rev* A W* Vernal to
and file body laid to rest in the
cbmch cemecety. . .
Mn. AfcDaniel is etirvived by her lio^
baiid.oti«fioo. Waher Md>aoiel.of R. 3;
sfidamdttm. MM* Gofia Canter. R 3; mm3s5in5UihiBWBeStewart.of R. 3; eldtt
grandcbUdten and four gnaft>98nadiUil>
Bio - Obituaries - 5/14/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 16,1941 - Page 1
Little Rites
Held Tuesday
David Oreer Uttle, 85, died
lost Monday morning at 4:30
o'clock at the home of his son.
W. B. Little, at Woodlcaf.
The funeral was held Tuesday
afternoon at New Salcm Metho
dist church and Interment was
In the churchyard.
Son of the late Please and Ma.
tilda Karrikcr Little, he Is surviv
ed by the following children:
Joseph, KannapolJs; W. B., Wood-
leaf; George. Salisbury; John. U.
8. Army: Mrs. D. G. Swlnk and
Mrs. D. C. Bringle, Salisbury;
Mrs. Marsdon Perry, StatesvUle;
Miss Axmle Xdttle at home.
Twenty four grand chQdren and
great grand children alao ssr-
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 16,1941 - Page 4
McDaniel Rites
Held Saturday
Ftmcral services were held last
iSaturdoy morning at Smith
Qrovc Methodist church for Mrs.
Rebecca Stewart McDanlcl, 71,
who died Thursday at her home
on route 3. Rev. J. W. Vestal
of Farmlngton condiiclcd the
service and Interment was In
■tfic-church" cemetery:
Mrs. McDantol Is survived by
her husband, James McDanlcl;
one daughter, Mrs. W. P. Can
tor of MocksvIIlc, route 3: one
son, Walter McDanlcl of Mocks
vIIlc, route 1; a sister. Miss
Molly Stewart of MocksvIIlc,
route 3. and 8 grandchildren.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 16,1941 - Page 8
Mrs. Poindexter
Buried Sunday
Funeral services for Mrs. Emma
Poindexter, 78, who died Friday
at the home of her daughter.
Mrs. John Bailey, Winston-
Salem, route 3, were conducted
Sunday at the Advance Metho
dist church. A ^ort service
was held at the home of Mrs.
Bailey at 1 o'clock after which
the body was taken to Advance
.where It lay in state from 2I to 3 o'clock. Rev. P. L. Smith
land Rev. J. D. Falrchlld were
In charge of_thc_.sor.vlcc. ^BudalZwhs In tlie church cemetery.
Mrs. Poindexter was the widow
of the late Frank Poindexter
and the daughter of the lute
■Mr. and Mrs. William Smith ofI Davlc county. Survivors Include
one daughter, Mrs. John Bailey
and one son, W. V. Poindexter
both of Winston-Salem. Three
grandchildren vRud lv,-j ' gxesri •'.1 grandchildren also survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/16/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 21,1941
S. Ratfedge.
JiffltsS, Rdtlddfe. ^ pfomliMQi ve*
tUod Otvie oomtcy fanner, died'at Iria
booe neat Oalabalo Satoidar. fettowtng
an exteaded iOocaa.
Ilr. Ratledfa waa m eiatlva of Oavieand
enent blaendn fife in hia native eeoniy.
Hd It aoivhred by bla irldow: the fomer
MlaaReheoca Powall. .of Oafahaln; - two
•QM, J.U,aiidLattaB.Ratladg«, and n
dttHhtei; HlaaAmy Hatledge.aatfCab-
kalfi. One liiiet, Um. J. F* fSlcfe, of thla
dty, aboittrvivea.
Ptafltal aecvtoea were held Monday at
It o*ctocb at tbb borne, wlib Rev. E. M«
Avett la obaide^ airiated by Rev. 6, W.
Fli^ and Che body laid to caat In Center
In the death of Mn Bailedde the Sfitor
baabetalootf time friead. He will be
mieaedbyUaliaeteof Cdeods tlaongbotit
the entile ooonty. Peace to hit ariied. .
Bio - Obituaries - 5/21/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
were held
(it Center
fOt liStM
Ratledges Rites
Held Monday
Funeral services
Monday mornlnff
Methodist chuxoh
Savannah Ratledgc, 80, well
known Davie county farmer, who
died at his home Sundaj after
an extendel illness. Services
were conducted by Rev. E. M.
Avett and Interment was in the
church cemetery.
Mr. Ratledge. the son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Plnk-
ney Ratledge, was a native of
Davle county. He was a lifelong
member of Center Methodist
He Is survived by his widow,
the former Miss Rebecca Powell
of Davie county; two sons and a
daughter, J. M. and Latta B.
Ratlcdge and Miss Army Rat
ledgc of Davle county, ond a sla
ter, Mrs. Frank Click of Mocks,
Bio - Obituaries - 5/23/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 28,1941
Annie Mae Ward
and Infant Son
MothMr and Babe Die.
U18. Annie Use Ward, 28» and inr
fanteoiLdiedatCS)? Meoerial Bob*
|iital»TlHMBa8viUe. atl o'deek Son*
^^^onS^anflcea weie held at 8
o'clock Monday afternoon at Baton's
Baptist diaNli.wi^ Rav.B. W.Tor-
ner in chari^ and the body laid to
test In the aorcb otactery
Mrs. Ward fasnrvhred bv her par*
cots, Mr. sod Mrs. D. O. GrQbb& of
this city; her hnst^, John Ward,
of Thofflaaville; siz Bhiten._l!iMe8
Ccosva, Dorothy and Qara GmbbiL
of this dtv; Mrs. Uelvin Blehls. be
near OsM. s|d Mrs. Ahna .terchor,
of DabigbtVa.; and three brothers,
Paul and Dmsbt Grobbs, of Moetah
sllto, and William Grobbs, Boons,
To tbegrie^stricken hnaband, the
pueota, bfdtlMrt and eUiten, The
Beeord Joins this entire' commnnlty
In exteitdinjr bmirtfclt sympathy m
thfshoorofsadnoea. .
Fred Dean Lookablll
Uttfe Boy IKes.
FkedDsaa Uokablll, tbs-fooMcarold
ionof Bfc,imdMi8.lM P, tookabUI, of
R. l,(HedthesdaraftctttOpaat Us par
enta* hmae^ death fOflowiog a Mef IBmss
CremcsSlli. ' ^
Foiicial snnriees aren. h^ Thmsday
aBemooa at'2 o'clock ftoo IjHNtcy Hcthb
diet chnfcb, and IstecMt foOovred in the
dnucb ocoBctcfy.
I Soivlviogatsthe psfcats; two sistcfs,
Htldied and Psfiy: and four, brathds,
RMhaid, Bobcst, WttUaiD and Ronald.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/28/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 30,1941 - Page 1
Annie Mae Grubbs Ward
And Infant Son
Mother And Son
Taken by Death
Mra. Annie Mae Orabbs Ward.
29, and Infant aon died at City
Memorial Hospital, ThomasvlUe,
at I o'clock Sunday morning.
The funeral was held at 3
o'clock Monday afternoon at
Eaton's Baptist Church, with
Rev. K. W. Turner in charge.
Burial was in the church grave
Mrs. Ward^was the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Grubbs,
of Mocksville. who survive. Other
survivors include the husb.ind.
John R. Ward, of ThomasvUle;
five sisters. Misses Geneva, Dor
othy and Clara Grubbs, all of
I Mocksville; Mrs. Melvin Richie,
Mocksville, route 2; and Mrs.
Alma Burchur. of Denbigh, Va.;
and three brothers, Paul and
Dwight Grubbs, Mocksville, and
William Grubbs, Boone.
IVilliams Rites
Held Wednesday
Mrs. John Frank Williams, 68,
.died Monday afternoon at her
home at Smith Grove. The fun
eral was held Wednesday after
noon At Bethlehem Methodist
church, conducted by Rev, j. w.
Vestal. Interment was In the
church cemetery.
Daughter of W.'A, and Lydla
Etchison James, ahc Is survlycd
by her husband and the follow
ing children: Mrs. W. A, ElUs.
Cooleemcc: Mrs. Brack Allen,
route 3; Mrs. Glenn Cornatzer
and Mrs,' Cash Robertson, Ad
vance, route 1; Spencer" and
George Williams, Advance, route
1. A sister, Mrs. Rhoda Tucker
of Advance, route 1. ond '28
erandchltdrcn also survive.
Funeral For
Fred Lookabill
Fuheral services were conduct
ed last Thursday, afternoon at
2 o'clock at Liberty Church for
Fred Lookabill, the four year old
son of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Looka
bill of Mocksville, route 1. In
addition to his parents, he la
survived by the following bro
thers and sisters, Richard, Rob
ert, William, Ronald, Mildred and
Peggie Lookabill, all of the home
and bU grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Win Bpry of Oooleemee.
Nail Funeral
Held Thursday
Mrs. Oallle Mae McCuUough
Nail. 68, died 'Tuesday morning
at her home near Turrentlne
Baptist church. The funeral
was held y-'-sterdoy afternoon at
the church, conducted by Rev.
W. C. fildes, Jr. and assisted by|
Rev, E. W. Turner. Interment
Bio - Obituaries - 5/30/1941
was In the church cemetery.
Daughter of D. P. and Frances
Spry McCuUough, she Is surviv
ed by her husband, Alex Nail'; by
4 sons, Paul. Orady, Wade and
J. C. Nail, alKof route 4. Two
brothers, W. F. MoCullough of
Clifton and £. T.' McCuUough
of Mocksville, and three sisters,
Mrs. Bob Cornatzer and Mrs, R.
A. UUton 01 route 3 and Mrs.
E. 8. Oarwood of Winston, also
survive. Seven grandchildren
likewise survive.
Louisiana Chaplin
Fiiutfral rites uf Mrs. I/)iil.snnn
Chniilin were held Thur.sdny nt
1:30 p. m. nt the Cedar Grove
Baptist church with Rev. WlUle
Sloan, offlulntlng. Survivors nrc
0 sons and 3 dauBhtcrs: Roose
velt ,McDufr. John Henry, Taft,
Robert and Samuel Chaplin of
WInston-Salem. Mrs. Esther
Dulln, Mrs. Thelma Hnncccic and
Miss Celia Chaplin. Interment
followed In the church grave-
Bio - Obituaries — 5/30/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 4,1941
J. 0. HchhIc.
J. Ol Itasick, 78, died Fffday mocnliig
ftt Ilia beae neair CboleoDjMi wbmha bod
lealded to SB yean.
Tba toieial waa beM Sunday afterooon
it 2 o*«tofc.at Gooleemea BaptUt Cbaieh.
Bmlal vaa is liberty CtMBchgiavayaid.
Smvivhid are tbrte aooa. Oarl Ueadcfc
oftba U.S. Nayy.0 C. and Rahb Bfea-
liekof SaUibaiysfoBrdaogbtei8*NfB. W*
J.Baao,lfii. 6. D. Jocdeo, Bfaa. N. C*
Siaitb iad Urt. JaineaFbQ]e.of Gooleefflea;
cmobntboikArtborandEaillb Ueaakk
ollafiaoa;and tor ilstefa, Mra Haaee
SttflUBffcifd Ibdjaoa. ifn. B. C. San*
toob H. CwBaizM'.
Jaeob H. CSoomOBer, ^diadat tbe b^
ofadragbtenMn H.D Whitlow, io Win*
atoa-Salam. Satofday hmciiIii^ .
Ifr. Crtiudm waa bran to Davie eotui*
ty an November 20,1981. Beapaotmort
ofUalifolBtblaeaaQty. BBmamem*
bra of SiMdr Gtoo Itoba^
SoivlvonliieliidathiwdMtfitok jto*
J. B. Sbeeta, Un. J. J*. IfeAbae. tad Iba.
B. IX Whitlow. WinatoihSateflK two amW.T.Oonatsra, Adve^andR ^ ^
oatiraf<ai8Boita:oQobiotof,B. P« Gor*
naifra. AdvaaeB.R 1. • ^ .
Fbeenl aervieea were^beM at Sb^
Grave Bfaibodlat Omiob Soaday aftopOMat8:S0o'cteeb,witbitov.P.U Soj? to
cbaigabaBd the body laid to nat to the
afaimb oemrteiy.
lira. Jofej^uiie Moni-
Uia. JoaephiBO Bowlea Mofriaoo, 28, wife
of J. W. UOifiMD. of RiedsviUe. died FH-
day oMBiliid at ^te Sanaiorlara where
ehe bad bran a patieot for two yean.
The fOneial waa held at Reldsvllle Son
SofvlviQit are the basbaed; bra paienta.
Br. and L 8. Bowlea, of Mocfcaviileb
Route *2; bra giandmotb^ one.biotbra.
Marshall Bowlea of the home: and three
atttera, Usa Maitba Bowlra of the home,
Hn. J, Van Baity of Ooaitney and Bfia.
W. P. Laney of Monroe.
Mrs. Calfie Mae Nail.
Mn. Came Mae UeCbDoiMb Naa 86,
vdfe of Alex Nail, died Tbeaday ntoiofaig
at bra bmse near TenetttiBe.
Fbnetal eravleea vrrae condneted Tbnta*
day aftemooo at 3:90 at Toirentloe Ban
tist dmto by Rev. W.'C Sdea and E. W.
Surviving are the bosbond, two bfotboa.
W. F BfeCbtio^ GKfrao, aod C. T. Me
^Uough, Uocuvittra tbrea atetera, Hn.
BobCosnai2ra;lfia,R. A. Hilton, Moeka-
vttle. Route % and Mia. E. S. Gaiwood.
lIBoatOB-Saleoi; four aooa. FauU Grady,
Wade and J. C. IW Uoefcav^ Route 4;
and seven giandehildiea
Mrs. John F. WilKems.
Fbnraal aervieea for Mfs. John F. WU-
BamSi 68, who died Bt bra homo Ib Smith
Qiove, on May 28t^ wrae hMd At Betlile»
hen Metbodifit Chureb fast Wedseaday
altranooB at 2 o*dock. with Rev. J. W.
Vestal eooductlng the aeivicee. Burial
foUbwed to the rtionb ceawteiy.
Surviving are the buabandslOttr dauidi-
cen^ Mrs. W. A. EOtoof Gooleemee, Mn.
&a^ Allen, of Mocksville. Route 3; Mn,
Glenn Coroatzra and IBa. Cash Robertson,
of Advaimeb Route I; two eons, Speneer
and Gemge WUfiams, of Advairae, Route 1.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/4/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 6,1941 - Page 1
W. D, S?OCiaON
William Denny Stockton, 40,
son of Mrs. Ollie Stockton and
the late P. O. Stockton of
Mocksvllle. died suddenly last
Tuesday in the City hospital in
Columbus, Oa.
The funeral was held at 0 p.
m. yesterday afternoon at the
Methodist church here, conduct
ed by Rev. E. M. Avett, and In
terment was In the family plot
In Ro.se cemetery.
Ho grnduatccl from high school
here and State Collcee, being
engaged In the textile business
since finishing college.
Survivors are his mother and
a sister, Mrs. George Byrd of
Waukegan, HI.
Pallbearers, were M. B. Stone-
street, E. p! Foster, Marvin
Waters, Grant Wagoner, Robert
Woodruff and J. F. Hanes. Hon
orary pallbearers Included Dr. R.
P. Anderson, Grady Ward. George
Bryan, J. A. Daniel, P. J. John
son. L. S. Kurfees, Jacob Ste
wart, Dr. P. H. Mason, E. E.
Hunt, John LeGrand, Knox
Johnstone, Roy Holthouser, R.
B. Sanford and Milton Call.
J. O. Messick Dies
Near Cooleemee
Joseph Osborne Messlek. 67,
! died last Friday at his home
near Cooleemee. A native of
I Wllkes county, he had lived In
Cooleemee for 35 years where he
was employed In the weaving de
The funeral was held at the
Cooleemee Baptist church Sun
day and Interment was In the
Liberty churchyard. He was a
member of the P. O. 8. of A.
and Junior Order,
Survivors include the widow
and the following children: Mrs.
t Orover Holder, Llnwood; Mrs.
W. J. Bean, Mrs. O. D. Jordan,
Mrs. N. C. Smith and Mrs. James
Poole, Ralph Messick, all of
CoolMmee; D. C. of Salisbury
and Carl of the V. 8. Kavy.
)• Surviving sisters and brothers
ore Mrs. Mance Summers, In
diana; Mrs. H. C. Summers,
Cycle; Mrs. Mllas Jones, Ronda:
Mrs. John Goforth, Cycle: Ar
thur and L. D. Messlek of In-
Myers Funeral
Held Sunday
Funeral services for Mrs. Julia
Ann Brown Myers, widow of T.
C. Myers who died last Friday
morning at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Nora Myers Nay-
lor at Advance, were held Sun
day morning at the Walnut
Grove church In WUkes county.
She Is survived by her daugh
ter and a son, Dr. John Q. Myers
of Charlotte, 11 grandchildren
and 6 ^cat grandchildren.
Mrs. M)«er5 had been in very
good health until she was strick
en with paralysis about six
weeks agoi She was born in the
New Life section of Wllkes coun
ty before the Civil war.
Pallbearers included Doc Wiles,
Rosc'oe Handy, Charles McNeill,
N. O, Smoke, Preston Myers and
Owen Johnston. Flower girls
were Mary, Eleanor and Rozcll
Caudell, Geraldlne Groce, Mes
dames Earl Caudell. Owen John
ston, Charlefl McHelll, N. o.
Smoke, Earl Meadows, Barney
Cleary» Ennis Brown, M L. Ble-
vlns and J. M. Blevins.
Morrison Rites
Held, Reidsville
Mrs. Josephine Bowles Morri
son, 28, wife of J. W. Morrison
of Reidsville, died last Friday
morning at the State Sanltor-
lum where she had been for a-
bout 2 years.
The funeral was held last
Sunday In Reidsville and Inter
ment was in the City cemetery
Daughter of Lonnle Sanford
Bowles and Tassle Belk Bowles
of Mocksvllle, route 2, she is
survived by her parents, by her
husband and three children:
Ethel, Virginia and Johnnie, all
at home. A grandmother, Mrs.
W. M. Starnes, and the follow
Ing brothers and sisters also
survive: Marshall and Miss Mar
tha Bowles, at home; Mrs. J
Von Baity, Courtney; Mrs. W.
P. Laney, Monroe.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/6/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 6,1941 — Page 8
Funeral For Mrs.
Donnie Parks
Funeral services for Mrs. Bon
nie Pierce Parks, age 30, of
Woodlcaf, who died. "Hiursday
night In the Rowan Hospital In
Salisbury were held Saturday
morning at 10 o'clock at Wood-
leaf Methodist Church by her
pastor. Rev. Mr. Williams, as
sisted by Rev. N. Z, Opllnger.
Interment was In the church
cemetery. Survivors Include the
husband, Arthur w. Parka and
five small children, hfiurearet,
Wllbum, Garland, Ruby and
Pattle, two brothers, Charlie and
John Pierce of Cooleemee and
one sister, Mrs. Bessie Cline of
Pallbearers were ilieodore
Pierce, Raymond Pierce, Buster
KlUlan, J. D. Ervin, Ed Parks
and Frank Shaver.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/6/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 11,1941
DeWffl H. Hokhf^.
DeWni B* HoidriekB, 8I« died at
his home ca Sstliflibory OseA Sander
moiningatSo'cloelE. HrHeodricke
had beoi in iMd healtii for eefoal
Toato. bot was urioodr |U onlr tvo
dare. He was eno €i Hodta^e^B
oldest asd beet inown eitisetts. and
his death has east a ahadowof gloots
Fbse^ snviees wwe held at Ibe
home tfoodar aftoraooa at 2:80
o'dodc, with Bev. B. W. Totoer
condaetliig the eerviMs, and the
body esrried to Pfefftoani Christian
Chttitb, of whieh Blr, Hendiieha was
a member, ediere another diort smtii
vtee was held, and the bodr laid to
rest in the ehareh cemeteiy.
Sanrlving Mr. Hendridm are the
widow; twoeoit8.-B. G. and George
R Bendriehs, prominmit bosineie
men of thisdl;^ twodanghtera. Mrs.
G. G. Walker, Gasttmla. and Mra.
William Kaneome, of Bixlv*'
siataiB, Mm. Mary Moeer, and Mrs.
HtraShrlor, of Porartb, eiao eorvivew
Mr.1 HmMridcs moved to Davie
eonntrfrom Fofsytfa, maiir rears
ago, fiiet loeating at Fork Chores
He bter moved to Bixbr, where he
waa engaged hi thelomberandmer'
eantile bueineeBfor eevmal jeara.
He moved to Hockeville abont 20
veara ago, and for aome time opera
ted the Moefcevilie HoteL
Mr, Hmtdriefca had many friends
throwBhoQt the town and coontr
who were saddeimd by his deatib, To
the bereaved femil? ud relatlvee
The Record jofne a hoet of friatda
in extmiding srmpathr in thia boar
of bereavemmit. A friend of many
years-standing hss departed. We
shall miss him. Peace to his ashes.
WilBam DennrStocktoD
William Deony Stockton, 40, ion
ot Mrs Ollie Stockton, of this city,
died last Tuesday, June 3, In a
lumbns, Ga,, hospital, following an
illness of only a few hours. Mr
Stockton was a native of Muckaville,
but bad been connected wttb the
cotton mill industry in Oeorgia for
a Diimber of years.
Pnneral services were held at the
Mocksvilie Methodist C h tt r c h
Thnrsday afternoon at 6 o'do^,
with Rev. B. M. Avett condoctiog
the services, and the body laid to
rest in Rose cemetery.
Mr. Stockton is survived by his
mother, Mrs. Ollle Stockton, of
this dty, and one sister, Mrs,
George Byrd, of Waukeegan, III.
Mr. Stockton had many frieads in
this dty. who were saddened 1^
his death. To the bereaved mothtf
and sister. The Record joins a host
of friends in eattendiog sjrmpalihy
in* this hour of sadness.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/11/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 13,1941 - Page 1
fllrs. Furches Dies
At Farmington
Mrs. Mattie Douthit Furches
led Monday afternoon at 2:10
o'clock at her home at FannlnB-
iShe had been In declining
health three years. Her condi
tion had been critical the past
Mrs. Furches was bom In
the Yadkln Valley community
September 12, 187S. a daughter
of fi. A. land Susan Elizabeth
Sheek Douthit. She spent her
/entire life in that section. She
jhad been a member of Farm-
'ington Baptist church for 40
years, and was active in church
and Sunday school having been
Sunday school teacher for
many years.
]^he was married to L. M.
Fui^hes, a widely-known retired
farther, on Oct. 30, 1805.
sdrvivors Include the hus
band: six sons, Stephen L. Fur
ches) of Ciemmons, Thomas J.
Furcmes of Tobaccoville, J. Frank,
Burl^e and Henry Furches of
Winsiton-Salem and Douthit Fur.
ohesjof Qreenville; a daughter,
Misy Martha Furches of Lexing
tons seven grandchildren; three
filstiers. Mrs. Ada Atkinson oi
ington, Mrs. J. O. Powell of
Moint Airy, and Mrs. B. C. Tea
gue( of Farmington, and a bro
theo, F. R. Douthit of St.
Frances, Kansas.
eral services were con
duct^ at Farmington Baptist
church Wednesday morning at
10 0*clock by Rev. Dallas O. Rcn-
nlaer and Rev. J. W. Vestal.
Burial was in Yadkin Valley
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 13,1941 - Page 7
Stella Woodruff Smoot
Mrs. Stella Woodruff Smoot
died at her home Friday evening
after an illness of 12 years; She
was the daughter of the late
Jastiepufrd-sarali-cancr woad-
ruff. Funeral services were held
Sunday at 2:30 at the Second
Presbyterian church where the
deceased was'a member with
Dr. L. M. Onque of Mt. Airy, Rev.
J..P. Johnstonc of Salisbury and
Rev. Robert Massey. pastor of
the church, conducting the serv
ices Survivors are husband, J.
A. Smoot, 4 sons, Robert Smoot.
Roanoke, Va.; John C., Jiinlous
and B. C. Smoot of Mocksvllic;
one daughter, Mrs, Sarah Rosc-
boro of Salisbury, 2 grandchil
dren: 3 brothers. Sanford and
Oraslus Woodruff of Winston-
Saiem, J. A. Woodruff of Mocks
vllic: 2 sisters, Mrs. Hettio Kea-
ton and Mrs. Myrtle Anderson of
WInston-Saicm. Pallbearers in
cluded Eiisha and Walter Smoot.i
McKlniey Steel, Sanford Wood-|
ruff, Chester Carter. Arasliis
Woodruff. Jessie Lee Oaither,
Eugene Morton and J. A. Wood
ruff. The flower girls were her
nieces. Burial followed in the
church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/13/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 13,1941 - Pages 1 and 8
L-,- /'Mt-l'
c, •'li:'.
DcWlll Houston Hendricks. 81.
well known MocksvlUe citizen,
died last Sunday mornlns
3:45 o'clock at his home on Sal
isbury street. While his health
had not been good for several
years, he was seriously 111 only
two days.
I The funeral was held Monday
afternoon at the home, con
ducted by Rev. E. W. Turner,
Rev. E. M. Avctt and Rev. Jay
followed by a short service ot
Plalftown Chrlsllon church
where ho was a member. In
terment was In the church ceme
Son of Brantlcy' and Linn
Yatcs Hendrlcks, he Is survived
by hl.s widow, Mrs. MoUlc Mer
rill Hcndricks; .by two sons, E.
Orovcr and George R. Hcndricks
w*io are well known local busi
ness men; by two daughters, Mrs.
j. w. Hansom or Advance, route
1, ond Mrs. Q. O. Walker of
Gastonia. Two sisters, Mrs. Mary
Moser and Mrs. Elmlra Saylor,'
both of Forsyth county where:
Mr. Hcndricks was born, also'
fConttnacd on PMc eigbt)
drcn and 8 great grandclilldren.
Mr, Hcndricks lived at Fork
when he first moved to Dnvle,
then lo-Blxby where ho was In
the lumber and mercantile busi
ness for Q number of years.
He was instrumental In build
ing the first church In Blxby.
Some 20 years ago he moved to
MocksvUle and for some time
operated the Mocksville hotel.
A wide circle of friends and
acquaintances mourn the pass
ing of Mr. Hendricks.
Out-of-town relatives attcnd-
tnp >Vio fimftrrtl Ini-'liidftd ML
and Mrs. O. G. Walker, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Smith. Mrs. Hugh Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Alton, Walker, all^
of Gastonia: Mrs. Myra Saylor.;
Mrs. Harvey Saylor of Pfaff-j
town; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hcnd-j
ricks of Kings Mountain; Mr.|
and Mrs. Bill Ransom, Mrs. Viola
Beal. Lonnlc Cornatzer of Blxby;
Mrs. Lorene roster of smith
Grove; Mrs. Ruth Merrill of,
Wlnston-Solem; Mr. and Mrs. T.'
A. Rico, Mr. and Mrs. George
Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. .lake Orubb
of Fork.
PftUbeorara were Paul, Gray,
Robert and Clyde Rendrtcks,
Wade, Everettc and Alton Wal
Bio - Obituaries — 6/13/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 13,1941 - Page 8
Funeral Services
For J. P. Curlee
Funeral services were held
last Friday nt 3:30 lor J. P.
Curlee, ago G5, at his homo, Sal
isbury route 3, who died on Wed-
■neadfty-nlght-»lter a long ill"
ness. The services were con
ducted by Rev. H. P. Barrlngcr
and Rev, J. S. Olbbs.
Bttrlol was in the Chestnut
Hill cemetery in Salisbury Mr.
Curlee was a native of Monroe
and had been connected with
textile plonts at Danville. Va.
and Durham. He was superin
tendent of the Erwin Mills here
for several years before going to
Salisbury to take charge of the
Cannon Mills. He was forced I
to retire on account of ill health J
some time ago and moved to his'
Bio - Obituaries - 6/13/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 18,1941
Mrs. RonvnaHiitcUii&
Mn. BoMinBa BotehHtt. 19. dted
Saturday at her heuie-b CisitatriUe.
Faaeral eerfieea wmh^ Sofadiv
aftetnoeo at fiiiQQ'e Ba^tlit ehturdi,
and the body laid to rest fa the
ehofch demetefy.
SoiTifioff are a eon, neb Huteh*
bt, el>Yadkfueemity;-eiiedahghttt,
Mra. S, B. Jordan; Hoeksville, R, 2;
000 dBtisr. Mm. Pemte MeSrideb
Moekndlle, R* 2.
IMn. 0. R. AlfenPassn
Mi&as. Albi. 88. one of Fkmbatdo
townatlp'i o«9t known ood ow®t Oeforod
woaen, died at ta boBo near Flso, at 4
o'doA SOtoiday nmBlog, a^wiog ao
aneoded fflTweai
A ebott foacfal aetviee was bdd at be
tume llooday ooniiDl at 10 o'dodc, irilh
the teaeiftl pnper at BetbleboA BteihO'
dist Ouir^ with Rae. J. W. Veital eea-
doetlad tbe snvtoea. Borial followed to
the cboccb eoneteqr*
Pdlbeame were CBreer Brawer. Joeepb
8ffiUb.Fkad Soihli, Jafltee (hahua, Zdlie
Aodenoa.Edwb Jobosoo, Odetl Jemea
ead iteaMO Waba
newer beaieio wete Mkiy Enmta. Gia*
bsio, Uaidamt Jo Brook, Fraooei bock
Maar Ano Johiumi. P^tgr. toefoe and
Bfattld8oe8iBttb.IdBitbaattdNia Bow-
den. Bita Cmf Brewer, Ifoiy BleneO, Ndl
TwK/to JvtMtGtor Walla. BliabethUU>
lerand Utty IMie.
Sarriviog ore be hobaad; two daogh-
tere. Mra. B. L. Bentley. Brie^, Omiufo;
aod Mrs. W. R. Sbarfie, Fannlogtoa; toot
bnben. J. 0. and Pnuik Bowden. of 1>M»-
ipban, Nbi.: Wade Bowden, of Now HO'
van. Conn, and Sheriff Sbeek Bowden, of
Bfo^»vtlb{ two alsteis. Mis. J. B!a^
Smith, Smib Grove, and Bits. Robert S.
Gitlecto. Gillette. Wfo.
The death of Allen bdoge eadneee
to a boat of fftenda. not only b her com-
mnidty bat btoagiKRitba county. To be
bereaved family and lelativeflb The Record
extflttda qunpatby b this tfeat boeave-
meof. -
Mrs. L H. Furdiet.
Mra. Bl8beDoQibUF(iidiea..w^<kitown
Devte eeoaty reaideot. dkd BfOnday, Jum
91b, at 8:10 o'dob atherhooio at Fen^
She had been b decBelog health thtta
years. Her contbtlon had been eiitiool the
pait week.
lira. Fkiehes wee ban b the YadUn
VaHey ebmmmdty Seotemba 12, 187S. a
donahtaof S A. and Sooan Shsabeth
Sheek Doablt* Sbe ^ent to enthe Ufa
b that aeetlon. Ska had b^ a meato
ofkaimlagtao BapUai Ghoedi fa forty
years and was active In dtordi and .Son-
day eehool, having been a Sunday adu^
teadber fbr many years.
She was oattltd to L. BL Foidiee. a
wIdelyAnowD retbod former; on October
SorvWore indodo the boaband; ab aosA
Stephen l. Ferehes of TobaceovUle; J
^nk. Bmka and Hdiiy Findiea of Wtna-
ten-Saleo. end Boothlt Furebeatff Green
vUle; a daughter, Bllaa Martha Fmohea of
Ledngtan. seven grandditldieii; three da.
ten; Mrs. Ada Atkhmon of Faimlogtoa^
Bbs. J. 6. I^wdl of Meant Aby, and UtOL
B; C. Teague of FarmlBgren, aod a biobai
F. R. Ooublt of St Fiancee. Kansaa.
Fbnesal eetvieet were coodocted at Far
mlo^on Wodneadav mefdng at 10 o'dock
by Rev. Dallas G.RettoIga and Rev. J. W.
VeetaL Bmial followed b YedUn VailBy
cemetery •
Bio - Obituaries - 6/18/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 20,1941 - Page 1
Luther A.
Dr. Lutiicr A. Youngs. faUtcr of
Mrs. W. M. liong of MocksvUIc,<
died Inst Sunday morning at Ids
home at P.tradUi, La. Ho had
been sick for a little over a year.
Mrs. Long and children. Edwina
and William, had been at the
home for several weck.H prior to
his death. The body was ere
mated ond ashes Interred In
Hutchens Rites
Held Sunday
Mrs. Mary Rosena Hutchens,
78, widow of >the lOite Ancc Rut-
ohens, died last Saturday after
noon at 2 p. m. at her home In
OlorksvUIe •township. She had
been In 111 hcatUi for about six
Daughter of Raleigh and EU-
zabeth Stone Jordon, «die is sur
vived two children: J. Blaine
Hatoheia of Yodkhivllle And bhs.
Luther BIcBride of ithe home.
The funeral wos held Sunday
ttt a p. m. at Saiton'a Baptist
church. Interment was tn the
Minnie Bowden Allen
Mrs. Minnie Bowden Allen. 59,
beloved Davie woman urho lived
near Fhrmington, died at h«r
home lost Saturday morning at
a. m. She had been in ill
healUi for some time.
Daughter of Columbus and
Martha Sheek Bowden, she is
survived by her husband. Oscar
R, Allen, widely known farmer,
and 'two daughters, Mrs. B. L.
Bentley. Grlnsby, Ontario, and
Mrs. W. R. Sharp. Farmlngton.
Four brothers and two sisters
also survive: L. Sheek Bowden,
sheriff of Davle, Wade Bowden
New Haven, Conn., Frank and
J. O. Bowden of Donlphcn, Ne
braska, Mrs. J. Marvin Smith
of Smith Orove and Mrs. Robert
Snorloy of Oillette, Wyoming.
Two grandchildren likewise sur
A short funeral service was
held at the home Monday mom
ing at 10 o'clock, fallowed by an
11 o'clock service at Bethlehem
Methodist church, conducted by
Rev. J. W. Vestal. Interment
was in ithe church cemetery.
Pallbearers were OUmer Brew
er, Joseph Smith, FVed Smith,
James Graham, 2!o11ie Anderson,
Edwin Johnson, Odell James and
Herman Walls.
Flower bearers were Mary
Emma-Graham,-- -Margaret—Jo
Brock, Frances Brock, Maxy Anne
Johnson. Peggy SmRh. Louiso
Sndth, Mottle J3tie SmHh, Mar-
i<tha Bowden, Noai Bowden, Ella
Gr^ Brewer, Mary Merrell, N^
James, Oi^ Wiedls, Eli
sabeth Miller, and libby D^.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/20/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 20,1941 - Page 3
James J. Vestal
James J. Vestal, Yadkln coun>
ty farmer and retired school
teacher, was fatally injured last
Thursday at noon, when his
farm wagon, In which he and
his son, James, Jr., were return
ing to their home two miles
south of Jonesviilc from the
farm, was struck by a transiwr-
tation truck, the crash demolish
ing the vehicle and injuring the
two mules which drew it.
Mr. Vestal was said to have
been Ihrown many foot into the
oir, landing on ihc front of the
truck. His head was crushed
when it struck the windshield
of the heavy machine. Rushed
to the hospital in a dying condl
tlon, -he succumbed at 1 o'clock.
The son. James Jr.. suffered a
broken leg and brain concus
Patrolmen said both truck
and wngon were moving south
on highway 21. The truck was
bwned by the Tower Transporta-
tion Company of Wheeling. W.
Va. The driver was Charlie
Qelnhardt of Wheeling. He was
placed under bond on a charge
of mamslaughter.
Thn victim of tho crash was
highly esteemed, a lifelong resi
dent of the community, a mom-!
ber oi Fall creek Baptist church)
and of its boord of deacons. He
taught In Yadkln schools a num
ber of years.
Surviving are the widow. Mrs.
Flora Hnyncs Vestal; the follow
ing children: Mrs. Joe Orocu.
Mrs. Sherman Wcnthormnn, Mrs.
Odcll Qrocc, Mrs. Zcna Billings.
Miss Bessie Lcc and James Vcs
tal. Jr.. of JoncsvUIo. Mrs. Mlna
Vestal Gregory of Winston-Snlcm
Mrs. Robert Collins of Blkin: a
number of grandchildren; three)
brothers and three sisters. Mode
Vestal of Longtown. Harrison
and Dilson Vestal of Swan
Creek community. Mrs. Ell Mace-
morc, Mrs. Clifford Everldae. Mrs.
Mary Haynes, all of Yadkln.
The funeral was held Satur
day at Fall Creek Baptist church.
Rev, E. C, Jordan. Rev. Jim
Murray and Rev. fllmorc Law
rence conducted the services.
Burial followed In the church
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 20,1941 - Page 6
Cloe Clarke
Funerol services were held Fri
day ofternoon for Mis. Cloe
Chirkc at >thc Russell Funeral
Home In Winston-Snlem. The
■-dBCTasinl" was ft ttMlVC 01 Wilkcs
county and moved to Davie
some time ago.
Survivors are husband. Tom
Clark, two daughters. Mrs. Louise
Baker of Win<tcn-Salrm and
Mrs. Elizabeth Cuthrcll of Davis:
two sons, Monraz and Ernei-t
Clarke of Davie: three brothers.
Monroe and Johnson WhHting-
ton of West Virginia and Bud
WhlUington of North Wilkcs-
Bio - Obituaries - 6/20/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 25,1941
John A. StoDedreet.
«Min As Stooestra^ 80, of neac Uidoa
(%ap^ And at a WinBtim*8aleo Ho^ttl
tbondair aftenooa.
Mr. StooMtieot beeamii 111 aboata week
ado while vishiDd bU two ecma to Wto*
8too*8aleiB. Re waa bton And 1S» 1661.
to Oavie eoooty. tba aoo of the lato Kaak
and ManhaStoaeetieet BaepentlilaeiH
tfaaBfaloDtviecQQiuyaad was a weU
kBOwn ttnaec* Be waa a member of Uo-
tai OkiotI Methodbt Chaieh.
SoelTOfa iiidttdo two aoQ8» A* C. and
W. P. Steneatteeti botb of WlnatooiSeletoi
toot daidbleta; Hia. R, W* OoHett, Ad*
vasoesHia. H.E* PeodletoOfBetkaojr, Ud4
lli8.dKRabb. Wootfeaff and Mta. J.
W. Boiq* Wtoatoo'SaleiD} oaa bioiber. W.
H. StoQMtneti Davie comity; and two eia>
lecAMn. J. li Jordan and Mm. J. W.
Boier. of Oavta ooanty.
A aboit fOneial serviee was held at Vod-
lefattoapelatk o'doofc Satmday after
noon, The body was then taken to Vntoo
(Smpel Kethodiat Cboteb with tba main
eendoe takhid plaee at 4 o'dock. Bottol
^ in too cbanh diaveyaid.
Fimeial emoiees weio oondoeted by
Kmr WHflam C Sdea, anBiatwl by Beya.
B. W* Tomer and A. A. Kylea.
Walter R. Jqyner.
Waltm R. Joyam, 63. welMnowh foror
er and tanberraaoi <4 near Sbedleld. died
Satmday mombig at a StatesvlUe boa*
^tal afttt as Utoess of acme thne.
Tba tonesal was b^ Sunday afternoon
at 8 o'doey at Sandy Spil^ Baptist
Gnndi, with Ree* Mr. Bonua to cbaige,
and the body laid to rest In the ebnieb
Sorfivtog are the fddlowing cbUdien: S,
D. Jayner, Bfta, Dallae Cfoce, WUboo,
Ftank and Mlee Joyce Joyner. all of Oar*
fflony. R. 2: Mrs, Fred Ratledde* Greens-
bmm Qlenci Joyner, Advance; Mta. Willie
Baiwad. HamptonvUle: CUnt Joyner and
Mia R<^ Mortiaon. StateaviUe; three
bestheiB a^ two sisteie.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/25/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 27,1941 - Page 1
Mary Jane Williams
Mary Jane WUllams, year old
dauBliler of Mr. and Mrs. George
Williams, died Monday afternoon
At'lhc home near Mock's Church.
The funeral was held Wednes
day at Bethlehem church. The
child Is survived by -the parents
and two sisters, Alice and Lydla.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 27,1941 - Page 3
Walter R. Joyner
Buried Sunday
Walter R. Joyner, 63, prom
inent farmer and lumber dealer
of Harmony, Route 2, died So/t-
urday morning at a Statesvlllc
hospital after an Illness of sev
eral months.
The funeral was ^eld Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at Sandy
Springs Baptist Church. Rev.
Mr. Buitrus conducted the serv
ices. Burial was In the church
Mr. Joyner's wife died ben
years ago. Surviving are the
following children: S. D. Joy
ner, Mrs. Dallas Oroce. Wilson,
iYank and Miss Joyce Joyner,
all of Harmony, Route 2; Mrs.
Fred Ratledge of Greensboro;
Glenn Joyner of Advance; Mrs.
Willie Barnard of Hamptonville;
Clh^l Joyner of SlatesvUle; Mrs
Henry Morrison of Statesville;
three brothers and two sisters.
Bio - Obituaries — 6/27/1941 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 27,1941 - Page 4
Funeral services for William
-andWiW-BfoWrirTi: who
his home near ^onvllle FrU
day night were conducted from
Mitchell's Chappel Church Sun
day afternoon at 2 o'clock. The
Rev. John H. Greene, the Rev.
Clote Simmons, and the Rev. R.
L. Speer were In charge. Burial
was In (the church graveyard.
Pallbearers were Floyd Hancs.
Wesley Winters, F. R. Moxley,
Sherman Spalnhour, Charles
Spalnhour, Charles Spalnhour,
ond Jim Holcomb.
Mr. Brown was the son of the
late George and Luclndia Brown
and had lived all his life In the
Mitchell's Chappel community
where he was a prominent farm
er. Death followed a lingering
He was married to Miss Nancy
Jane Rose who survives him
Other survivors Include one son.
Cleon Brown of -the home; four
daughters, Mrs. Olndia Martin,
Mrs. Margurlte Spalnhour, and
Mrs. Bessie Ring, all of Boonvllle,
and Mrs. Polly Temple, of Wlns-
ton-Salem; one brother, John
Brown, of Boonville: two sisters,
Mrs. Victoria Brown and Miss
Fanny Brown, both of Boon
ville; 'twenty grandchildren, and
two great-grandchildren.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 27,1941 - Page 5
Funeral Held For
J. A. Stonestreet
John Alexander Stonestreet,
60. of tlie Union Chapel section
died last Thursday afternoon In
Winston-Salem hospital.
Son of the late Noah and
Martha Coon Stonestreet. he
lived his entire life In Davle
He became 111 while visiting <two
sons In Wlnston-Salem.
A short funeral service was
held Saturday afternoon at a
Winston funeral home, with the
concluding service at Union
Chapel Methodist church where
he was a member. Interment
was In the church cemetery
Services were conducted by Rev
W. C. Bides, assisted by the
Reverend A. A. Kyles and ihe
Reverend E. W. Turner. Grand
sons were pallbearers and grand
daughters flower girls.
Survivors Include two sons, A.
0. ahd W. F. Stonestreet, botti
of Wlnston'Salein: four daugh
ters, Mrs. R. W. Collcttc, Ad
vance; Mrs. N. E. Pendleton,
Bethany, Md.; Mrs. C. F. Rabb,
Woodleaf, and Mrs. J. W. Horn,
Wlnston-Salem; 22 grandchil
dren: one great-grandchild: one
brother, W. H. Stonestreet, Davle
county; and two sisters, Mrs. J
M. Jordan and Bdrs. J. W. Roger,
of Davle county.
Bio - Obituaries — 6/27/1941 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY