Jul - DecDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 1,1942 W. L &iiiA Passes W. E. Smith died last Tuesday morning at 8:^ o'olodc at bis home Harmony, Honte s. He had been in dedinlDg health for several years and wds.seriousTy ill for a few days plor to bis death. Snrviving Ur. Smith are his wlfe^ Mrs Cora Gaither Smith; two sister^ His. X,ily Mitchell, States, ville; and Mrs. fiertba I,apisb, Kannapolls; three brothers, Messn. E. H. Smith and J. Moody Smith, and C M. Smith, Saliabnry. Pnneral servioea were held Wed nesday at I a o'cloch from New Union Methodist chnrch and Incer- menl was in the church cemetery. The service was condncted by Rev. t, V. Bradley, Jr, of Harmony, and Rev. E W. Tomer, of Mocha- yille. Mr* Smith had many friends in MocksviUe and Da\de county who were saddened by news of bis death. We bad known Mr, Smith for more than a quarter of a century. We shall miss his visits to our office. To the bereaved family we extend sympathy in this sad hoar. A good man has been called to bis reward. William Henry Renegar William Henry Renegar, 73, pfumliient Cftlabatn fanniv, passed awey at his home on R. 2, Sunday afternoon, Coltowing a oil* deal illness of two months, He had been in declining health for eeveial years. Mr. Renegar was a native of Itedenoano* ty, bat moved to Davie about SO yean ago. He was a member of Ijamea X Roads Baptist Cbuicb. Snrviving are the widow; fivo danghten, Mrs, Lohnie Dwiggins, MocfcsviUs; Mrs. T. W. Anderson and Mrs. J. M. Current, Wfn- stoa-Salem; Mrs, L. R, Tutierow, Modis- vllte* and Miss Paudoe Renegar, at heme^ and four grandchUdfen. Funeral services weia h^d at the bofoe thesday momlng at 10:80 o*o!o^ nod at Barnes Baptist Church at 11 o*cl(^ with Revs. L. V. Bradley and E, W, Thmer in charge, and the body laid to rest far the ohnich cemetery*. In Che death of Mr. Renegaribe coosiy baa last one of its best ddzras, the wifo a kind and lovinghosband andfatliw,aod the chnrch a eonseczated and faithini wor* her* Another long time friend of the €<&• tor is gone. To the loved ones left behind we extend heartfelt sympathy* Mrs. Joseph Carter Mrs* Joseph Carter* 89. of Sallsbniy ^ died at Rowan Ueamfat. HospM Satts< bury, Snnday morning at 7:18 o*cloek. M- towing an illness of sue weeks witli pnen mooia and compllcatlone, Mrs. Carter was carried to the hospitallastTtt^ay. - ^Funeral services Were held at the home Monday monlog at 11 o*clo^ with hm pastor Rev. R M. Rardee, In ohaige, and the body laid to rest in Rose cetneceiy* Sttrvlvlng ate the husband* two dai^ m Bbs* Roy JohosoD, Chartotce, and Mrs. Qttlnce l^weO* at h<me: two gin^ GbiMien: two ^thcis, 6. K, Hodges, Bar ton. Va- and W* T. Hedges, Roanohe. Va,; thrae sisters, Mrs. Pearl AbelL Hhffi Point:Mm. Harry Cranlee. Roanoke*^, ^ Mra. 1^1$ Cminor, Baltlmoie. Mrs. Carter bad been a realdeae of this chy for 40 yaais^'co^og bpre inmi' Roa- nokftVa* Shemado'many friends 'togberloiitfiifeiiete. who were s^cned ^ news of her death. To the homavod family and lelativeB. The ReoiMd mriendii' symimthy in tblssad hour* A good wmn-! an has hm called to her reward ' > Bio - Obituaries - 7/1/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 3,1942 - Page 4 Mrs. F. W. Charles Fimeral Tuesday Mrs. Ethel Leona Ruck(\r Charles. 40. wife of Farrell Wlv* mint Charles, of Yadkln college, died at the home there Mdnday, She was stricken with a critical Illness Sunday. , •Funeral services were held from Yadkln College Methodist church Tuesday. A native of Oavle county, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Z. Vance Tucker, she la survived by her husband, five daughters. Mrs. Clinton W. Koonts. Lexington; Misses Vir ginia and Hilda Anne Charles. Wlnston-Salem; Mrs. L. Jack Martin. WUkesboro. and Miss Harel Louise Charles, of the home: a son, Harold Eugene Charles. Yadkln college; three brothers, J. F. Tucker, Wlnston- Salem; B. H. and J. Z. Tucker, Advance; and two sisters, Mrs. e Mary Glenn Bailey and Mrs. n Bahnson Bailey, of MocksvlUe, .t route 3. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 3,1942 - Page 6 Mrs. Joe Carter, iMocksVi|le, Dies Mrs. Joe Carter, 54, died Sat urday nt a Salisbury hospital of a heart ailment following an Ill ness from pneumonia. The funeral was held Monday morning at 11 o'clock at the home on Salisbury street. Rev. R. M. Hardee conducted the services. Burial was In Rose Cemetery. Mrs. Carter was the former Miss Elizabeth Hodges of VIr glnla. Surviving are the husband; two daughters, Mrs. S. Q. Powell of Mocksvlllc and Mrs. Roy Johnson of Charlotte, and two grandchildren. Mrs. J. B. Sain Rites Held Funeral services were held Tuc.sdQy afternoon at 3 o'clock nt Wesley's Chapel for Mrs. Mary B. Allen Saln, 73, who died nl her home on route 2 Mon day morning at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Saln was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen of Davic county. She is survived by her hus band, Jacob B. Saln, two sons, F. M. of Mocksvllle, route 1, J A. of Forsyth county; two dau ghters, Mrs. H. S. Lashmit of Cana, route 1 and Mrs. Zva H. Scats; one sister, Mrs. John Stc wart of Wlnston-Salem and one brother, Rush Allen of Mocks vllle. route 2. Bio - Obituaries - 7/3/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 3,1942 - Page 6 W. H. Renegar 73, Succumbs William Henry Renegar, 73. of Mocksville, Route 2. died Sunday afternoon at 4:40 o'clock at the home after a critical illness of two months. He had been In de clining health for over a year. Mr. Renegar was born In Ire- dcll county, January 25, 1869, a son of Thomas and Sarah Wool en Renegar. He had resided in Davic county for the past 50 years and was a e wll-known farmer. He was a member of IJames Baptist Church and a member of the board of deacons for a number of years. Surviving are the widow, the former Miss Rcbccca Jane Boyd to whom he was married Dccem bcr 23,1892; five daughters. Mrs. T. N. Dwiggins of Mocksville: Mrs. T. W. Anderson and Mrs. J. M. Current of Winston-Salem: Mrs. L. R. Tutterow of Mocks- viiic, and Miss Pauline Renegar of the home ^nd four grandchil drcn. The funeral was held at the home Tucsdoy morning at 10:30 o'clock and at IJames Cross Roads Baptist church at 11 o'clock, Rev. L. V. Bradley Jr., and Rev. E. W. Turner conduct ed the services. Burial was in the church graveyard. Nephews were pallbearers. They are F. A. White. W. C. White, A. R. White, Turner Shaw, Clyde Shaw and Dr. Lloyd Shaw. Bio - Obituaries - 7/3/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 8,1942 Ez-^ariffJohn^riokle Died Friday. John flL Spfi&l!^ 83. died PtidayaMta-^ ing at bis hone. Cam, K. 1, folhnviog an illiiesB of semal weein. filr. Spiiokle was a native^ Daoie, and apoat most of hla life in the eooncy. He Boved to MottfoBle neaiiy 40 yean atfa;. Be iemd tea abme cliae as anistaDt In the postofBoe nndttE. H Bfrorls^ and' la* ter was oonneeted with the Metthaats Wholesale Grocery Goinpany. In 1910 be was the RepahUean estimate for aheiiff, and was eleoied by a feitfe msjoiity. He aoired In this Imponant office fOr tbiee feims, letiflog in 1918 He made a fine record as sbedfL Re later moved from thladiytoGramsbofo,wheiiebe.waa In ehaiiB of a prison campk Be moved back to CbiriBViUe towmdilp seveial yean ago, wlMfebespmthls'dedbklog yesra near home, ' Mr. Spihihle fe sorvtved by two sooiC W. B.^NloUa, of BalUnuxe. and D. Heffii Spcinkl^ of Waahiitgtoo.D. €;: one sister, Mrs. D. a EOric. Cane, R. 1: two W.Q.SpcliiUe.CSaiia,R I;G.T. SpiinUft of Cdntaov, and thioe gianddiiUrai. gtawidscivteea waa held Saturday af» mmoiBi af-3:30 o'doek at Ooi^ittey Bsp- titt Ghtndi. with Rev. R. E. Adams in dkOfge. and rite body Isid to rest In the chordi oesfetmy. WiQiam T. Wilton WnQam T. WUson, 88, a native of this dtv, bolt who baa bedi Uvlng.hi Wlnstm* Sal^ with a dtnd&ier for mie past five yeaitb died Priday,follo«ringaloiig Illness. Mr. Wilson Is sufvived m six dangh* tcra. 23 giandebUdien. 17 gseat'SianddiU* dren; die hiothor, J. A. WRmd. IJttlo Roeh, Arib, 1^ one sister, Mrs. L. G. Botn ofriiisdty. Fhtteial sexviees were held at Vogto^s Chapel, wmton-Salem, Saa^ alleraoon at2o*doek, wUhDc. W. A Stanbaiy and Rev. Ji H. Bayes in ehaiga, and the b^ laid to rest In liberty M^badist tSumh ceinetdy.' • Bio - Obituaries - 7/8/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 10,1942 - Page 2 Death Claims J. H. Sprinkle John H. Sprinkle, 83. died Frl day morning at his home, Cana, route 1, after several weeks' ill ness. Mr. sprinkle was a native of Davie county and spent his en tire iifc in the county. He serv ed as Sheriff of Da vie county for six years. He was a member of Cross 1 roads Baptist Church in Vadkin county. Survlvlnff are two sons, w. B. [ sprinkle. Baltimore, Md., and D. I M. Sprinkle, Washington. D. C. one sister, Mrs. D. G. Essie of Oana, Itoute l; two brothcra, W. O. Sprinkie, Cana, Route t and O. T. Sprinkle of Yadkin- viiie, Route 3. Three grandchil dren also survive. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at Cross Roads Baptist Church. Rev. B. E. Adams was .1 in charge and burial followed hi liiu uliuruU cemetery. Pallbearers were nephews. Bio - Obituaries - 7/10/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 10,1942 - Page 3 MRS. VESTAL, 25, SUCCUMBS Virs. Alva Weatherman Vestal, 25, wife of Homer Vestal, of Jonesvllle, died Saturday nignt In HuRh Chatham Menicrlal Hospital from phlebitis which developed since the birth of twin d^ughters four weeks ago. She was a dauphter of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Weatherman of Jonesville. Surviving besides her Inisbnnd, are four children: Hrnest, Hex, the twin infants, Mary Sue atid Betty Lou; her parents: four brothers, James Weatherman, of Qeorgia; Hardin, Jesse, and Harvey Weatherman: lour sis-i ters, Bihel. Wanda Mae. Bea trice and Betty Sue. of Jones ville; two half-sisters. Mrs. Early Combs, Elkin; Mrs. Hill Prevette, Jonesville: two half brothers. Robert and Victor Weatherman, Elkln. Funeral service were conduct ed Monday afternoon, at two o'clock, at Mineral Springs Bap tist Church. Burial followed in Jonesville Cemetery. G. W. White Rites Held Monday Grecnberry Wlnflcld White, as. died at hla homo at Wyo in Yadkin county Sunday morn ing. He was Q native of Davle county. Surviving are the widow; six sons, William, Mocksvllle, RFD 2: 0. C. and Philmore of Cana, RFD I; Tom, Cooloemec; Ouy, rioiida. and Clifton of Detroit, Mich.; two daughters, Mrs. ,M. F. Smith of Cana, RFD l, and Mrii. J. c. Harp of Hones: 30 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday morning at 11 o'clock from Wyo Methodist church with Rev. Jam^ Groce in charge. Burial was in the church ceme tery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 10,1942 - Page 8 William T. Wilson Mrs. L. G. Horn Loses Brother William T. Wilson, 80, ol Wlnslon-Salem died at the home Friday afternoon following an eight-month illness. He was a native of Mocksvllle but had lived in winston-Salem for the past five years, making his home with a daughter, Mrs. J. B. Murphy. He was a well known brlckmason so long as his health would permit. Mr. Wilson was born April 12, 1854. a son of W. W. and Ma- lona Cheshire Wilson. He at tended Mocksvllle Methodist Church and was a member of the Mocksvllle Junior Order. Bio - Obituaries - 7/10/1942 Survivors include six daugh-i ters, Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. W.^ T. Stewart, both of Wlnston- Solcm, Mrs. T. Hendrlcks of Ccoleemee, Mrs. A. E. Elliott of Spartanburg, S. C., Mrs. Clyde Harper of Gaffiiey. S. C., and Mrs. J. G. Hanes of Ashevllle; 23 grandchildren; 17 great grandchildren; one brother, James A. Wilson of Little Rock, Ark., and one sister. Mrs. L. O. Horn of Mocksvllle. Funeral services wore held at Voglcr's Chapel Sunday after noon at 2 o'clock. Dr. W. A. Stanbury and Rev. J. M. Hayes were In charge and interment was in Liberty Methodist church cemetery near Mocksvllle. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 15,1942 Mrs. James F. deary Mrs: James'P. t^leaiy^ 48, died at her home near Sheffield early Saturday iBo«o}og, death i;esidliog from a stroke of paralvj^ which she suffered Friday. Mrs. Cleary had been in bad health for some time. Funeral sendees were conducted Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock from Ijamea Bapilst Church, with Revs* L. D. Bradley and A. C. Cbaffin in charge, and the body laid to. rest in tbe church cemetery. Mrs. Clearv is survived by her hustmnd and three children; Mrs. J. P. White and Hubert Cleary, of R. 2, and Clyde Cleary^ of R. i. little Carol Howard Carol Blizabelb Howard, 9*year< old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howard, of Advance, R. i,d<ed Sunday in a ^n8too.Salem hoo pltal. F.ioeral services were held Mon day afteroooD at 4 o'clock at Yad klu Valley Baptist cfau^, and the little body laid to rest Intbecbuith cemetery. Surviving ato tbe paiunts; two sisters, Bdith and Ruth Howard; and two bretbers, Dallas and Cbes. ter Howard, oU of Advance, R. 1. To the bereaved family'The Re cord estettds aympatby In tie taiid of this little daughter..■3/1 Thomas W. Hardey Thomas Vf. Reitley. 79. ptomloent Davidaon county farmer, died Wednesday aftemooo at bis home. Leiiogton, R &• Mr. Hartley was well-fcoowii In Davfe county, and bad natty fUeods in Uod»- viBs who were aaddeoed by oewa of hto death. Mr. Rartley is sutvlved by ten chlldiea,among them b^g Ifia. Addle Gnibb. 0. H. Rntiey.Mcs.D E.. Beck* Mrs. it F.EMndhon and Mrs. Lee Lanls all of Davie coomy. Ona bfdtber. five half bretheis. tiroslsteM andooa half-sister, also ear- vivo, Ftmeial servioea wme held at St. LaAo*#Lnflietan cfameli. at mm. Ftfday, with Revs. John Plesa and L. M. Bamea charge, and tbe body laid to feat to SanoyGreek cemetery. . Bio - Obituaries - 7/15/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 17,1942 - Page 1 J. E. Hutcherson BROTHER DIES The brother of Mrs. Frank Fowler of Mocksville. J. B. Hut cherson of RetdsvlUo, 51, died In that city last Monday night The funeral was held Wodnes day at Reldsvllle. Survivors In elude the widow, two daughters and n son. Mr. Hutcherson had been 111 for about six months. He had operated a dairy near Reldsvllle for the last 10 years. Mary Elizabeth Hardlson FORMER RESIDENT DIES Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Hardlson. 82. lonner local resident, died at her ho-me ar Black-Mountain ^ ;'i Monday. Survivors Include a daughter. Mrs. Beulah Bcckwith' I of Black Mountain, and a son,' i Kev. E. C. Hardlson of Bruns-I wick. Ga. ! MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 17,1942 - Page 3 Carol Howard,* 9| Claimed by Death Carol Elizabeth Howard, 0- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Howard of Advance, Route 1, died Sunday at a Wins- ton-Salem hospital. The funeral was held Mon day afternoon nt 4 o'clock nt the Yadkln Valley Baptist Ohurcli. Bminl v.'ns in the church grave yard. Surviving are the parents; two rJs'.trs, Sdlih and Ruth Howard; iancl tViTo hrothers. Dallas and Chester Howard, all of Advance, Route 1. Mrs. J. F' Cleary Died Saturday Mrs. J. F. Oleary, 48, died at her homo, MocksvlUe, Route I, early Saturday morning. Funeral services wero conduct ed Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock from XJamcs Cross Roads Church with the pastor. Rev. L. D. Brad ley and Rev. A. C. Chaffln In charge. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Cleary Is survived by her husband and three children: Mrs. J. F. White. Efubort Cleary, both of Mocksville, Route 2; and Clyde Cleary of MooksvUle, Route 1. Mrs. Cleary also hod one son who .died In the army about two months ago. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 17,1942 - Page 8 T. W. Hartley Died July 8 Thomas W. Hartley, 70, prom Inent farmer ot Davidson coun ty. father of Olllo Hartley of Davle, died at his home July 8. Funeral services were held last Friday at Sandy Creek Lu- thern Church, Tyro, with the pastor. Rev. John Pleas, in charge, assisted by Rev. N. C. Teaguc of Churchland, Rev. Charles Young, Lexington, and Rev. Victor L. Andrews, Mocks ville. Surviving are ten children: Ollle Hartley, Mrs. Addle Grubb, Mrs. D. E. Beck, Mrs. Lcc Lambc, Mocksville, Route 4; Mrs. Fuller Hamilton, Mocksville, route 3; Mrs. W. H. Hilliard, Lexington; Mrs. E. L. Potts, Churchland; Mrs. Roy Sheets, Winston-Sal- em, route 1; Mrs. Blllle Grubb and Roy Hartley, Lexington, route S. Sixty-five grandchil dren, 54 great-grandchildren and Uircc sisters, Mrs. Alice Drury, Morganton; Mrs. Jennie Cauble, Salisbury; Mrs. Thomas Leonard, Lexington. Five brothers also survive: Dr. H. H. Hartley, Pa.;i Eugene, New York City; J. B. and Clarence H., , Waohlngton, D. C.; Shrnest, Indiana; J. B. Hartley, Salisbury. Bio - Obituaries - 7/17/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 22,1942 G. W. Sddoi Q, W. Sldtfea, 79, dted at his home on Advttoe. R.' 1, Sfttmaf nwnbut.. Sdifiviotf are hia tvUlow. thiaa acoa, Baaiy. layao and Rofda Kddea. Advance, R. 1; two danghten. His. L. S* Hitler and His. E. H, Beodris, Advanea, R. 1. nmeial aeivleca werq conducted Sunday aftcncoa at 4 o'ielocfcr at FbHco Meilio* diat (%oicb. witb Revii-Wade HmdMiia aod ?• U Sndtb in cbaiie, and ilie body laid to rest In the ebnicn eeatetery. Mn. Henry Ndl Hii. Reniy A. Nail, 62. died Friday at her borne in Oooleeinee^ f^wiog an ex tended Htneaa. Hia. Nail, btfoee mafftiaae was Hica FlOfa Feiebce, daughter of the late Hf.,and His. W. 0, Fei^ae^ of Cdna. Survlviiitaioibebaaband: coa dan^ left Ifisa Lofdba Nail and one aim, Henry/Nail, both at home; tliiee alateaft His Kale Newteo, Bennattaville, S, C,; Hfi Noah OoUette, Cans: Uis. a & Da* waeae, Gooleesee; chiae hcMlm X Oh W. t.,jMid A. W« Feiehee, aU of Cans. Fooaal aervieea were held Sunday af ternoon at 2 o*olaefc ftom the Cbeieemee Bainiat Gbttteb, of which Hia. Nail waa a ineinhef.aod itttetaeatwa8iD the Wea- toy'e Qiapel Meibfldist Chttieh cemettfity. Bio — Obituaries - 7/22/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 24,1942 - Page 2 G. W. Sidden, 79, Passes At Home 0. W. siddeii, 79. of Ad vance, Routo 1. died Saturday morning at his home. Surviving are his wife and the following children: Henry and Clyde Sidden. both of Advance, Route 1, Ruftis of Advance, Route 2; two daughters. Mrs. L. 8. Miller and Mrs. E. N. Hendrlx of Advance, Route 1; 33 grand children and seven great-graud- chlldren. Funeral services were con ducted Sunday afternoon at 4 p. in. from Fork Methodist Church. Rev. Wade Hutchens and Rev. P. L. Smith were In charge. Burial followed In the church cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 24,1942 - Page 3 •Mrs. Sam Mason I Claimed by Death I Mrs. Sam Mason. 68. died Fri- jday night at 9 o'clock at her I home near Hamptonville after Ian Illness of three months. I Slie was born In Yadkin coun ty, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wood and had spent her entire life in the county. She was a member of Hanes Orove Methodist church. Surviving are the husband; two doughters, Mrs. Olenn Ar nold, o'f Wlnston-Salem, and Mrs. Worth Brown, of Jonesville; two sons, John Mason, of High Point, and D. E. Mason, of Hamp tonville; one brother, Henry wood, of Hamptonville, and one sister, Mrs. Alta Mason, of Ge neva. Indiana. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Hanes Grove Methodist Church. Rev. D. W. Doy and Rev. E. W. Tur ner conducied the services Burial was In the church grave yard. S. E. Speer Dies At 90 Santford Evan Speer, 00, died Sunday night at 11:50 o'clock at his home. East Bend, Route 2. after an illness of ten months. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellsha Speer. His wife, the for mcr Miss Sallie E. Creoson, died June '2, 1942. Surviving are thice daughters. Miss Llllle Speer, Mrs. O. B. Qrlffin and Mrs. 8. A. BIntclcy, all of East Bend, Route 2; three brothers, Louis Speer of East Bond, Route 2; Robert and Coy Speer of Pasadena, Calif.; live grandchildren and four great grandchildren. The funeral was held Tuesday I at noon at Baltimore Methodist [ Church. Rev. C. A. Hovis and Rev. Charles H. Hutchlns con- 1 ducted the services. Burial was in the church graveyard. Bio — Obituaries — 7/24/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 24,1942 - Page 4 Funeral Services Held For Mrs. Henry Nail Funeral services were con ducted Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock for Mrs. Henry Nail, age 02, who died at her home Frl day at 3:30 p. m., after a long Illness. The services were con ducted at the Coolecmee Baptist church of which she was a mem ber by the pastor. Rev. A. T. Stoudenmlre. Burial was In Wesley Chapel cemetery In the county. Mrs. Nail, the former Flora Lee Ferebec was bom Septem ber 7, 1876. The daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferebec. Surviving are her hus band, one son, John Henry and one daughter. Flora Nail of the home, three brothers, J. G., W. F. and A. W. FcrcbcOs all of Davle county. Also three sisters Mrs. C. 8. DcWgcsc of Cooleeince, Mrs. Kate Newton of Bennetts vlllo, S. C. and Mrs. Noah Col- lotto of Cana. Pallbearers were R. S. May- berry, J. E. Franklin, B. P. Jor don, W. K. Sedbcrry, J. F. Jar vis and Arlie Jordon. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 24,1942 - Page 6 Nathan Adams Passes Away Funeral services for Nathan Adams, 76, well known farmer of Yadkln^ county who died at his home In North Deep Creek section at 4 o'clock Friday morn Ing, were held Saturday after noon at 4 o'clock from the North Deep Creek Church. Charles H. Hutchens and Rev. G. W. Edger ton were In charge. Burial was In the church graveyard. Mr. Adams had been in 111 health for sbc months, serious since lost Saturday. He was born In Yadkln county September 9, 186S, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George D. Adams. He had spent all his life In Yadkln county. He was a member of North Deep Creek Friends Church and for 20 years was superintendent of the Sunday school. He serv-l ed also as clerk of the monthly meeting of the church for sev eral years. Surviving arc the wife, who was Miss Etta Collins prior to marriage; three daughters, Mrs. Nina Lawson. Mrs. Oro Holcomb, and Mrs. Mary Ingram, all of WInston-Salem; seven sons, Blllic, John. Alvln and Mark Adams, all of WInston-Salem; Asa P. Adams, Zeno Adams of Baltimore, Md.; Pulaski, Va., and Marvin and one sister, Mrs. Nancy Brown of Yadklnvllle, Route 1; and 10 grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 7/24/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 29,1942 Killed By Antooiobile Afcbb HoHxooks. 31, of UoeksvUle, R* dS wfts lostanUy kUbd aboot midnight Sal- Mdav Didbtfjoai aoaih of to«o <» the SaKtwty highway, w(i8D acmek by a car laid CO be difvea by (Saceoce Cbarlea, of Ibis city, Qyde Roberts, who was with Holbrw^ le^yed dlght tajoflee. PatrohDSD GiWn arrested Cbailea on charges of manslaQatiser. Hewaareieaa* ad imder $500 bond, pending a heating oo SaCniday afteiooon at 2 o'cloeh. Holbfboks and Roberts wete said to have btM waUdogoo the ifghcsldo of the highway with theit backs to approaching tsaffie. Charles saM the lights on his car wete dim, and that be did not see the men until his car struck them. Mr. HdhfookB ia sarfired by hlawidow; two daaghtera. Mary and Vliiinta: one •on, John, and hla Bother. Mre. J U. Qdtber, ail at liOQie. Fbnend eervlcea were held at Weeley Chapel, lieddl conn- ty, Uondoy aftemtian *at 3 o'doek, and the body laid to test In tbe ehineb cemo- lenr. Mn. G, M. Kirkmao Un, G. M. Klikman. of Gwmnaboiw.ftttw ineily Miss Mmgaiet Cslo, of Osoa, died Sanday BomliM at her hooie, .SnrvtvofsiockidethehQthattdtotta ala* ter, Mrs, J. W* Rodwdl, MoehsviUe; two btBhets, J, & Cain, Cana, and P. B, Csin, Mew Yoifc dty. nntsfal seryiOBS were held BfeodSy af ternoon st 4 o*«!oek at Hsnes Chapel, la Gfeeniboio. Interatent foBowed la Poreat LdwD Cemetgfy, Gnonsbom. Hiss Iffiniie^oiid Miss Mtimls Rebsoea Stroad, 74, died iBfitTkieedayauEaingaithe hmna of her bnlhsr, FhankStfos^ In Cbd Spring towap* ship, vhsfSihaQagida her beam. Sha had been In dedhdng baalili for ssyttalmniitln HfSa Stfond. the daoghter of the late Mr. and Misii Plak.8tioad, of IredeU eooa- ty, waa bom May 28,1^ Sarvisingaie twohcotlmflreak8croiid.aiid Floyd &, Snood, the latter Hsrcoony, R. 1, A ttoatber of nieeea and nefriiewB also snr- yfta, Fonesal services for Bfin Stieod wen bsM Wednesday aotning' at 11 o'doek Ikoa the Sodciy Baptist chniob, oondoet- ad l»r the panor. Ssv. Bfr, Bmdleir, and Interment was In the duudi oemeteiy. • Bio - Obituaries - 7/29/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 31,1942 - Pages 1 and 8 Archie Holbrooks DAVIE MAN IS KILLED BY CAR Archie Holbrooks, 31, was kill ed almost instantly last Satur day night about midnight when he was hit by an uulomobile while walking on the highway south of the overhead bridge on the Salisbury highway. The car wos driven by Clarence Charles, 22. of Mocksville. Charles was arrested on a charge of manslaughter and was released on a $500 bond signed by his father, Harrison Charles. Occupants of the Charles car was stated by officers to have been two minor youths. Green and Davis of Mocksville. Holbrooks, who lived in the Turrentine section, was with a group of four who were on their way home. They were walking on the right hand side of the highway, their backs to the car, it-.was stated. Clyde Roberts, one of the men, was bruised but Otherwise unhurt. Paul Roberts was on a bicycle just in front of the men. Cecil Angell. on foot, was the fourth member. Charles told the officers that the lights on the car wore dim and that he hit Holbrooks, who was stated to be walking on the shoulder of the road, before ho saw him. It was stated. Hol brooks had both legs broken, a (ConHnued on page eight) MORE ABODT Car Death broken nock and chest injuries, Holbrooks is survived by his widow, the former Miss Bonnie Poplin of Wllkcs county; by his mother, Mrs. J. M. Gaither for morly of Wiikcs; a son, John Page, and two daughters, Macy and Virginia, all at homo. The funeral was hold Monday afternoon ut Wesley Chapel In Iredell county and Interment was In the church cemetery. Charles will be given a hear ing here at 2 p. m. on August 1 before U. S. Commissioner Pred Lcngans. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 31,1942 - Page 2 Death Claims R. S. Poindextcr Richard S. Poindextcr, 73 farmer and native of Surry county, died Monday afternoon at 12:30 o'clock at his home, Dobsoi}, r. f. d.. after n sliort illness. He was mnrrlcd twice, first toi Miss Susie Holyficld. The follow ing cliUdrcii uf this txiurrlugv survive; Emmet Poindextcr and Mrs. Lilly Hutchins. of Dobsmi: Mrs. Ella Hardy, of Crutchflcid; Mrs. Ivn Jester, of Winston- Snlcm: Mrs. Hallic Jcnklivs, nf Liberty; Mrs.' Mamio Lodnum. of Rnmseur: George Poindextcr. of Newton and Howard Poindextcr. of MoorcsvlUc. His second mar riage was to Miss Eulala Cos, who survives with the follow ing cliildrcn: Hnydcn. Raymond and Matthew Poindextcr, ail of Dobson. r. f. d. The funeral wos hold Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock ot Liberty Primitive Baptist Chttrch. Eiders James Creed and Preston Stone conducted the services. Burial was in the cliurch graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 7/31/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 31,1942 - Page 2 MRS, ARNOLD^" DIES AT 80 Mrs. Martha J. Arnold, 80, wMow or the late William S. Arnold, died last Wednesday morning at 12:30 at her home near Hamptonvlllc. Mrs. Arnold had been an in valid (or the past 20 years, and had been seriously 111 for the past month. She was a member of Flat Rock Baptist ehurch for 03 years. Survivors Include two daugh ters, Mrs. Ella Arnold, of Hat mony. and Mrs. K. L. Evans of Hamptonvlllc; three sons, George Arnold, of Greensboro; Hilary Arnold, of Mocksvllle; William Arnold, of Hamptonvllle, and 13 grandchildren. Funeral services were conduct ed at 4 o'clock Thursday from Flat Rock Baptist Church wlth^ Rev. J. N. Blnkley in charge.' Pallbearers and flower bearers were grandchildren. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 31,1942 - Page 3 DE.AIH CUIMS WESLEY HARRIS Wesley E. Harris. 72. died at 7:30 last Friday morning, at his home near Longtown. Mr". Har ris has been in declining health for the past two years, but his condition had been serious only two days. Mr. Harris was married to Miss Tilda Coots, who died in 1028, and then to Miss Lltha Nichols who survives. His sur vivors Include three daughters. Mrs. Lessle Soots, and Mrs Bessie Benge, of Ronda, and Mrs. Minnie Laws, of Pore's Knob: four sons, Everett Har rls. of Cycle; James M. Harris and Walter Harris of Lcnolr, and Herman Horrls, of Hayes; three brothers, Marshall Harris and Bob Harris, of Roaring River, and Mllos Harris, of Boonville; sis si.sters. Mrs. Tilda Fo.x, Mrs. Lillic Alexander, Mrs. Maud Alexander, Mrs. Ada Cor- then and Mrs. Betty Childress, all of Ronrinc Rit'or, tm<! Mrs. 6aro Caudle, of Blidn. Funeral services wore lield at Longtown Holiness Church Sat urday afternoon at 2;30, with Rev. Fred Spcer in charge. Burial was held at Hlxon family ceme tery in Wilkes county near Ronda. Bio - Obituaries - 7/31/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 31,1942 - Page 6 Jesse Clinton McCormick BOONVILLE MAN KILLED BY AUTO ; Jesse CUntun McCormick. S3. I son of J. E. McCormick. of Rock- ford. was killed almost Instant- In an automobile accident at Greensboro Sunday night. The youth, employed with At lantic State Trucking Company of High Point, has been making his home at High Point recently, but was n native of Rockford Survivors Include the father and step-mother; si.v brothers. Thurmond. Archie, Everett, Ruby and Joe Henry all of Rockford. and Thomas of High Point: three sisters. Mrs. J. A. Hudson and Miss Annie Mne McCormick both of Rockford, and Mrs. Thomas West of Greensboro; three half-sisters. Misses Peggy, Nancy Mnrle, and Lurlene Mc Cormick, all of Rockford. Funeral services were held at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at Rockford Baptist Church, Rev. J. W. Parker and Rev. D. E. Burr\is officiating. Interment was In Rockford cemetery. Mrs. G. M. Kirkman Rites Held Monday Mrs. Margaret Cain Kirkman, a native of Davle county, who had lived In Greensboro for the past 30 years, died at St. Leo's hospital, Greensboro, on Sunday morning after a brief illncss.j She was the sister of Mrs. J. W. Rodwell of MocksvlHo, and J. B. Cain of Cnna. Besides Mrs. Rodwell and Mr. Cain she Is survived by her hus band and a brother, P. B. Cain of New York City. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Hanes chapel. Greensboro, with her pastor, Dr. J. Clyde Turner, of ficiating, and burial was In Forest I.awn cemetery. Mrs. Kirkman was a member of the First Baptist church and a number of civic organizations, Including Uic Woman's club. Bio - Obituaries - 7/31/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 5,1942 Wheder Cartiter Cots Wbeelcf Caituer. leifred Cniiief*of ftow< an ooonty* ilailied Ua throat witii a nxor and died earlsr laat Wedoetiaw monilod at Ida boma near Frovlitettce Lotbeian Cfaoieb. Seotehdilth town^p, filr. Oeitner was 84 yeato ^ and had been to falilag heahb lor aoqta ttae. He made bia home with Us broHwr a^ a otaee. Saiab J. ¥flIQ8iD8. So^vhdos are two Iffolbaia, West and At Cutter, both of Rowan oooaty. He bod a nnmber of lelatlveo In Oaela cotrntr. and was a Cte- qoent vWtor in IfodsvlDa. Fmend and faotfal au^dcea took idaoa at Pcovidenee Lntberan (%orcb Thnndar uoralod at 11 o'cbxd^ of which ha was a maober. Bio - Obituaries - 8/5/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 12,1942 Mrs. Robert L Bsoe IbaRirtMftL Booe. 81, died at ber bmte ea SaUtboiy stieet at SdO o'dodc Satmday.aftoiMmH death feealtiiig from aheanattaefc. UmBooa had been ffl for abont'two wedte. MmBooewaea oathre of Indiana, a daunlitar (rf die late Mr. and Iba. John Siiepiflnd. Her tot maniaRe waa to Rev. Wuilaa E. Monla. of Indiana. Heraee^ manlaie waa to R. L Booe, of thia dty. Mib Booelaatnvlvedhy her hndtond, two aooa, tontferm MdnU of Acton, fiod^ Rev. Pnni Jndfon Hotrla. Gianvlto Ohio;' two dasdhtera. Mm. Hin^el Kant of Loa Ang^ GaQ£: Mia. Meta Bocaob Tenefly, N, J^tbteeetep-eonobandonectep-dangh* tot; a nnmher of jiandctiUdfee. among them HIaa Maiaha Rnnt. weS-khown mov ie star, of Hdly wood. Mia. Booe baa been a leiidentof Moeka- vlSe tor the past nine yeam, and made many fcienda, wboweieetddeeed by her death. fhnetal aervfeaa were held at the Bap- tiet Chnich Ttoiday momhm at 11 o*Gloi^ with her paetor. Rev. E. w. Itenet. in eheige. asaieted ^ Rev. J. H. Flolghnm, and the body sent to fodiaoapolia, where boilal wifl take plaee tomonow. To the beieaved family The Reeoid ex- tendasympathy In thlasadhour. AgMd woman haa bera called to her lewmm Edward L. Freemaa Edward L. Fbeeman, 87, wtdtdDownDa- vie oithgeh, died at hie h^ at Epheane, EMiay evening at 10 o'dock, fdloittog an Sotvivittg are hie Wife, Mia. Lnia Daniel Fieeman; thtee eons. Hadisoob 9t Ooolee* roee; Bdwrnd, of R. 4, and Vance, wto la In the II. S, Army: tonr dai^twa. Mis. QootoHBiiia.ofR.d: Maa'aiaa. Rnali- log. ^wncei; Mlsaea Mtfiie and Janie toe- man. at home; two haiMMothem and a Fnneral aervicea were held at Ubeity MelhodlatChtin^Mooday aftemoon at 8 o'ehwkf with hiapastor.Rev. CL W. tok. In dhatge. and tna body laid to rest in ths cboroh oemetezy. Mr. Ffoemaa will bo aadiymiaaedin the commonity wfaare he lived for so many yeen, hoUadeaih the comity loaea an eao^lettt dtizeo. The Reond emends sympathy to the beieaved fsmlly in this hoar of sadnesa. Mrs. FrancmGodb^ Fonetsi aervices for Mis. Camilla Fiao- eeaGodbey,89.of R. I, who died Fiiday eveohigat lOo'doekwereeondaetedSon* day eftemoon at 5 o'clock, at Gttier M. E. Church, tug Rev.jG W. Pink. Mia. CodlMvy^a etamved by two tSaitm, Mia. W, T* IMgglna, of MotoviUe, and Mies Coiaetia Bowled of R. 1; two eoaa, J. C a»l F. L Godbey, of 'R. 1; ivo grand* chRdimi. Etenoea, Jobn, Jay^ Aimlt ^ Correlli aQ <d MockBvlileiaiid JnanliMGod* In^ of Charlotte. The flower giila weie Franeea and Joan* Ita Godbey, lAdle Barney, Irene Koonts, Helen and Eatherioe Smith. Smtto Woot- en, ]in. Frank Wlltlems, LscUe Tay^ Beolab Johnaon and Mattle Maha. Pallbeaims wme Clyde Ratlei^ tee Boides, RIke Wilson, Maiah and Stokes Dwiggina.. Jolin F. Kmimer John FleidierKimiBter, 89t died at hie home, MotovUle, Roate 1, Thorsday moralog. Sufvlvlag are the widow; four eooa, Dewey and Foy Klomer, of tbell.SL Army; Find, Hamea nad Geoige, of Mocks- vtUe, Route I; three daughtera, Almanui mer, of Hanes: Bertie Mae, of the home, end ftha. R«4ia Steele. of IfockavlUe. Ronce 1; three bmtliefa. C. t Klmmer, Mockavlto Rente 4; WUI Kimmef; Llnwood, and Ed Kifflmer, of Stoieei; two atstera, Hiti.Will Wifghi, Advanee. Rente 1, and ftfra t 0. UeMdx, of Mockevllle, Rente 3; one grand- eon, Fhneral servicee w«e h^ at^Uameo X Roads Baptist Cliuicb Sunday 'ahetoooo at S o*doefc. with Reva. Lawrence and E. W. Thnier oflhsfallng. and the body laid to rest In flie dnnidi cemetery. Bio — Obituaries - 8/12/1942 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 14,1942 - Page 1 Mrs. Ed L Heilig Claimed By Death MRS. ED L. HEILIO i LOCAL WOMAN'S : MOTHER PASSES '• Mrs. Ed L. HcUi^ ot Salisbury. • 73, mother of Mrs. O. C. Mc- QuftBc of Mocksvlllc. tiled Wccl- - ncsdoy morning at 2:50 o'clock f at her home ihcrc. She had y been In declining health for f some time and .seriously 111 for two weeks. The funeral was held yester day afternoon at 4 o'clock at the First Baptist church of Sal isbury. conducted by the pastor, Rev. D. L. Woodward. Inter ment wa.s In the family plot In Chestnut Hill cemetery there. Mrs. Hclllg taught In the first public school In Salisbury on Ellis street from IQBS to 1808. She married Ed L, Hclllg, a native of Mocksvlllc who lived most of his life In Salisbury, on August 3, inOB. Mr. Hclllg died . in 1030. Three daughters survive: Mrs. McQuage, Mrs. C. V. Stevens and , Mrs. Dodd Brown, both of SaF , Isbury, Mrs. L. D. Driver Died Tuesday Night Mrs. L. D. Driver, age 50, dlc'd at hor home near Coolccmcc Tuesday night at 11 o'clock after a long Illness. Mrs. Driver, be fore marriage was Miss Jose phine Gills, Is survived by her husband uud the fullowlng chil dren: Ralph Driver of Salis bury, Lawrence Driver, Mrs. Qracc Pierce. Mrs. Burnlce Owens. Mi'vVor.slo Hellnrd, Mrs. Uuili Brown all of Coolecmee, P.aullnc and Inez at the home. Two brothers, six sisters and .seven grandchildren also sur vive. Funeral services will be con ducted today at 4 p. m. at the Coolcemee Baptist Church ivith the pastor the Rev. A. T. Stoude-' mlrc officiating. Interment will be In the Turrentine Baptist Church cemetery. Bio — Obituaries — 8/14/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 14,1942 - Page 2 John F. Kimmcr Services Held John Fletcher Klmmer, 50, died at his home, Mocksvllld, noute 1 Thursday morning. Surviving arc the widow; lour sons, Dewcy and Poy Klm mer, of the U. S. Army; Fred, Hnmc.s and George of Moeks- vlUc, Routo 1; three daughters. Alma Klmmer, of Hanes; Bertie Mae, of the homo, and Mrs. Rcna Steolc, of Mocksvllle. Route 1; three bi'olhcr.s, C. L. Klmmer. Mucksvlllo. Route 4; Will Klm mer, Llinvood, and Ed Klmmcr o( Spencer; two sisters, Mrs. Will Wright, Advance, Route 1. and Mrs. I. O. HendrLx. of Mock svllle. Route 3; one grandson. Funeral services were conduct ed Sunday afternoon at IJames Crossroads Baptist Church at 3 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Bradley and Rev. E W. Turner wore in charge. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 14,1942 - Page 3 Mrs. Frnnces Oodbey Funeral Held Sunday Funeral services for Mrs. Frances Bowles Ocdboy, 85, of Route 1, Mocksvllle. who died Friday night at 10 o'clock, were conducted Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock at Center Methodist Church by Rev. O. W. Pink. Mrs. Qodbey Is survived by two sisters, Mrs. W, T. Owlgglns of Mocksvllle and Miss Cornelia Bowles of Route l, Mocksvllle; two sons, F. L. and J. 0. Godbcy of Mocksvllle and five grand children. Bio - Obituaries - 8/14/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 14,1942 - Page 6 'D. G. Tiittcrow Passes Monday David Gcoruo TuWcrow, 50, j prominent farmer of the Cen ter scotioii, died at his home, Mocksvillc, Route 1, Monday af ternoon nt 4 o'clock. Ho is survived by his wife, tlic former Miss Ida Bowies; two daughters, Mrs. Charles H. Pl^tts, of AIc.xandrla, Va., ond Mrs. James C. Tutterow, who lives at the home here; one son, David Tutterow, Jr., of Washington. D. C.; and two brothers, R. V. Tutterow, of Route four, and H. P. Tutterow, of Wlnston-Salem. Funeral services were hold Wcdncsdoy at 11 o'clock at Center Methodist Church. Rev. O. W. Fink conducted the .serv ice. Mrs. Clara Booc Died Suddenly Mrs. Clard Bell Booc, 81, wife of R. L. Booe. died Saturday afternoon at her home here. Mrs. Booe was a native of Indiana, a daughter of the Into Mr. and Mrs. John Slgmond. Her first marriage was to Rev. William Edwin Morris of Indiana. Her second marrlago was to R. L. Booe of Mocksvillc, who sur vlves. Two sons and two daughters survive, Charles Spurgcon Mor ris, of Acron, Ind.; Rev. Paul Judson Morris of OranvUle, Ohio; Mrs. Minnie Belle Hunt of Los Angeles. Calif.; Mrs. Ncta Boom of Tonafly, N. J. ^Funeral services were held Tuesday from the residence and immediately afterwards Qie body was sent to Indiolhapolis. Ind.. where the burial took place Wednesday. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 14,1942 - Page 7 Edward L. Freeman Rites Held Monday Edward L. Freeman. 07, died nt his home on Route 4, Mocks villc. Friday night at 10 o'clock. He Is survived by his wife. Mrs. Lota Daniel Freeman; three sons. Madison Freeman, of Coo- Iccmcc; Edward, of Route 4. Mocksvillc, and Daniel Freeman, of the U. 8. Army; four daugh ters. Mrs. Oeorgo Harris, of Route 4, Mocksvillc: Mrs. Charlie Rushing, of Spencer, and Misses Mnrlc and Janlc Freeman of the liomc; four grandchildren: two halfbrothers. James Pike, of New York and Norman Pike, of Winston-Salcm, ond a halfsis ler, Mrs. O. C. Landlnghom. Funeral services were hold at 5 o'clock Monday afternoon at Liberty Methodist Church. Rev O. W. Fink officiated. Bio - Obituaries - 8/14/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 14,1942 - Page 8 Funeral Held For Jesse F, Davis Funeral services for Jesse P. Davis of Roaring River, who died Friday night at Myers Clinic, Harmony, after a Itngorlng ill- nccs, were conducted at 3 o'clocic Sunday afternoon at Cranberry Baptist Church In Wii'..3S coun ty. The Rev, Lester Yongcr. pas tor. was In cliargu of service j. Burial was made In the church cemetery. Mr. Davis was a native of Ten nessee, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Cana Davis. He moved to North Carolina several yeors ago. Surviving arc his widow; three daughters, Mrs. Btelia Harris of Cycle,* Misses Roxie and' ooy Davis of Roaring River; three sons. Cana, Oliver and Grant of Roaring River; a sister, M-ss Arthie Davis of Kentucky; and five grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 8/14/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 19,1942 John'W. BronsoB ioliti WB8l0F.BiOfliMb« 89, died at Hbt eoBnly iMMiia Satofilay. aie time eona, K.BiQiiaQa» 2i aiid Kelly of ^VHinla; two 8fa ceie. Mm. F. lyoo aiid tfte, Mat FoHoa of Winatop-SaleiD. Fttaeiel ewndees weee beld at tlie home of a 6oa« M. Bm80D« oq'R. 8. Bltoday af ternoon at 2 with Rev. W.C.GOO- peyneliBiito.fl]ld the body laid to mtfii l^tavllle lielliodlflt Chmch eemeteiy. Mrs. Heilig Passes Hn. Ed L Hema 7X of SaUsteiy. died at ttw homo of bet danghtM, His. G. V* Steveoo. In tbot city last Wednesday momfsg. foOowtng an ffiuen of aninmer gHppo. Mis. Heltig was the mother of Mrs. 01< lie McQoago. of IfocksviUo. Piioeral oecvlces wees held Thursday afcemoon at i o*dock at FUst Baptist chureh, Salishuty. and the body laid to test to Cheanmt HiUceaxotety. MarsbaDC Cub Mateball C. Cain. 68i wen kuown fann* or of the Beer Omek saetlofi of Baoio ooonty* died- Satorday momiog at the homo m a imOow. 0. L. HBihey. Blocka* oillaiR 2 Bfr.GBlQ woaborDlo Davio ooanty, a eoa ofMr. asd His FBtii^ CMil Re is the lose fnefnbef.of hla Csmlly. and Is oao* vivod only by OMbews and nleeosi Re hml Bovsr tttSfiieo. Tbo-BuMCSl waa fadd Sunday aftenooa at 8 o'eloek at Bear Omsk Baptist Cbmeb. with Rev. JaoNs R. &ooe ooadttotlDg the eofvieet, atid the body laid to rest In the chiM^ OOmelnv. Nelsui T. Andarson Neboo T. Aadehoo. 69. wen feoownCel* ahatoCBimei^died Friday aftmaoon at Davb Boeidt^ Stamsvillo. where be had been a patient for tea daye. Mr. Ando^- son had beea serloQely Ul for some time. Mr. Andeisoa's flist merriage was to Miss Uatie Casey, of Galahaln. who died In 1937. From this union thtee chlldien amvive, Mrs. R. B Pooler, .Wlnston-SalsaB Mis. ^penoer Johnson, Aaieavilto. and JohnM Anderson, of Fort Washlngcoo, Maryland. In Septambur. 1999, he was married to Hiaa Emily PowMl. of Center, who sur vives. He leaves three biotbeis, R. S. Anderson, Galebain; T. J, Andecaan, Salis bury; H. 8. Aadei8oa.¥nii8ton Sal^two elstefs. Mo. P. R. bfcMahah. Pino^ and H|a. Robert TomHneon, of HocksvUle. Fttneial ssivlcss were held at. 11 oVdock Snndey momtng .firam Center Methodist Chuidi, with Ma pastor. Rev. 6. W. Fink, In obaige^ and the body laid to rest Inthe cbnich cune^. inthedeetb of BIr. AndeisoD. Davie eounty loses mie of her beat dtiaens. and the editor lotea a long time friend. Peace tohlaaabea. Bio - Obituaries - 8/19/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 19,1942 David George Tntterow David Geqifle Tatcdov passed away on An^iat 10di,at bis bdma. Stony Knofi, at entet; osad 85 yeaia. filnlbtteiow bad boon iadedloiiitf haattb for tba past two amoioyaafs* BIr. Tbtteiow was bom In Calabalo tawmblp^ Sept 9,1888, eod of Uaiy Efisa- betb Godbey and Jossa Bradley Ibttetow. Ho gnw op and spent tbe greater part of his Ufa in the Calabalo aad Center eom- anfoltles. Somoof the first land deeded In Davle county, which was then a pan of Rowan coonty, was deeded In 1788 to Bdsar Tnttetow, great-gceat-grandliither of David George Tottofow." lb; Tutteiow ^wnt 18 years In V^stoa^Saleni, whoe he was oonneeied with Biown*RogeraDis* on Cotnpapy, the Realty Bond Conpaoy, and for a nomber of yeora was owner* manager of tbe Sootim Riimace Coni- peoy. For toe past 10 yoan he bad lived at his boma at Center; He was baptiaed Into tbe Raffles X Roads Baptist Chnieb, but In later fife bad moved bis nwmber- ship to tbe Tabemacie Baptist Gbsieh In vniiston*Sol6iD« Throogbant bis fife Mr. Tttb^^had traveled a great deal over tbb.^!M^, tbe state, and tbe oatlonr making Men^ ev erywhere, who will be saddened by bis death, Oa Sept. 29,1918, be vras mafiied to Bllsa Ida Belle Bowies, .of HockMil^ who sr^verbim as well as three ^Idieo, 6Qa Ifaa^of VMhila, David.Geoiga, Jr*. of Watblng$oo.D. C, and Neney, at borne. One child* BatbeHne Joaoita, died in ear* ^ votttb. Also anrvivlng are his motber. Mil. Ifaiy E* Tbtteiow, at bone, and two brotbr^ Houston F, of Wbratoo-Sntea, RobM B.. of HoeksviUo.' Funeral seivicea wan bdd at Center Methodist GmsOb Wednesdey mnntlng, Ang, 18lb. whli Revs, B. Wade Hutcbeos a^Q. W. Fink ^Isiatlng and tbe body laid to rest In the chnndr cranstery. Bio — Obituaries - 8/19/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 21,1942 - Page 2 John W. Bronson Rites Monday John Wc.slcy Bronson. 80. died nt his home in Davio county Snturdny. Surviving arc three sons. J. K. Bronson of Thomnsvlllc; M. Bronson. of MocksvUlc. Itoute 2 and Kelly ^ronson of Virginia: nnd two xlstorH. Mrs. J. F. Lyon and Mrs. Mat Fulton of Wins* ton-Salcni. The funeral was held at the homo of a son, M. Bronson, Mocksvllle, Route 2, Monday afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Rev. W. C. Coopor conduolod sorvlcos. Burial was in the Elbavlllc Me* thodlst Church graveyard. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 21,1942 - Page 3 Marshall C. Cain Services Sunday Marshall C. Cain, 88, well known farmer of the Bear Creek section of Davlc county, died Saturday morning at 11:16 o'clock at the home of a nephew, O. L. Harkey, Mocksvllle, Route 2. Mr. Cain was born In Davle county, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cain. He Is the last member of his family and is survived only by nephews and nieces. He had never |been married. The funeral was held Sun day afternoon at 5 o'clock at Bear Greek Baptist Church. Rev. James H. Oroce conducted the services. Burial was lir the church graveyard. Bio — Obituaries - 8/21/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 21,1942 - Page 6 N. T. ANDERSON DIED FRIDAY Nelson Turner Anderson, 60, a prominent Calahaln farmer, died last Friday afternoon at the Davis Hospital in States* villc where he had been a pa tient for ten days. Mr. Anderson's first marriage was to Miss Lizzie Casey, of Davle county. She died In De comber, 1037. From Ihls union three children survive, Mrs. R. B. Peeler, of Winston-Salem; Mrs. Spencer Johnson of States- ville: and John M. Anderson of Fort Washington, Maryland. In September, 1030, he was married to Miss Emily Powell, of Davle county, who' survives. He Is survived also by three bro thers, R. S. Anderson of Davle county; T. J. Anderson of Sal Isbury; H. 8. Anderson, of Wlns- ton-Salom; two sisters, Mrs. F. R. McMahnn, of Davle county; and Mrs. Robert Tomllnson of Mocks vine. Funeral services were held Sunday morning at 11 o'clock from Center Methodist Church of which he was a mombcr. Interment was In the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 8/21/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 28,1942 - Page 1 Mrs. W. G. DeBerry SISTER DIES Mrs. W. O. DcBcrry of Miami. Fla. and a fonncr Davle resi dent who Is a sister of Mrs. M. D. Brown here, died last Sun day. She is survived by one son, William of Miami, and two sisters: Mrs. Brown and Mrs. L. E. Grady of Erwin, N. C. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 28,1942 - Page 8 Samuel Stevenson McNeely Brother of J. E. McNeely pies In Charlotte Samuel Stevenson McNeely. 65. of 1006 West Fourth street, died Friday night at a Charlotte hospital after an Illness of 10 days. The prominent Charlotte businessman had been In ill health for many years. Mr. McNeciy was a native of Mooresvillc, the son of the late C. K. McNoely and Mrs. Harriett Brnntloy McNeely. He is sur vived by his wife, who was Miss Flora Parker. They were mor |rled in 1003. I other survivors are two dau ghters, Miss Sara McNeely and Mrs. Arthur RrSams, Jr.. both of Charlotte; three sons. Ralph F. McNcely and Harry P. Mc- 'Neely of Washington, and Llcu- I tenant Sam S. McNcely, Jr.. of the ITnitcd States army; three sisters. Mrs. D. G. Turner, Misses Mary and Bel! McNecly of Moorc- svllle; and two brothers, P. Bruce McNcely of MooresvUlc and Ed McNecly of Cooleemee. [There are two grandchildren. Mr. McNecly was a conductor on the Southern railway for 35 years, and then went into the drug business in Charlotte. He became widely known as one of the operators of old Tryon Drug store at the corner of North Tyron and East Fifth streets. Bio - Obituaries - 8/28/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 11,1942 - Page 1 Gladys Brittle Shutt RELATIVE DIES Mrs. Gladys Brittle Shutt, wife ot Baxter o. Shutt formerly of Advance, but latterly of Rich mond, Va., died last Tuesday nicht at a Riohmond hospital. Her husband, two sons and a daughter survive. Misses Zell and Alma Shutt of Advance left Tuesday night to attend the funerol. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 11,1942 - Page 3 DEATH CUIMS P. C. SHUGARI Funeral services for Peter C. ("Grandpa") Shugart, 80, form er Yadkin man who had been living In Wlnston-Salem for the past several years, were held at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon in Winston-Salem and at 3 o'clock at Forbush Baptist Church in Yadkin county. The body lay In state at the church from 2:30 until 3. Rev. W. M. Smilh officiated in the rites at tlie home and Rev. Charles Hutchens and Rev. Marshall Rcavis at the church. Interment was in the church graveyard. Pallbeorcrs were C. E. Davis, J. B. Phillips, R. L. Heath, A. E. Holton, B. T. Underwood and J. B. Gordner. Mr. Shugart died at his home at 4:40 Saturday ofternoon. Ho had been in failing health but his condition was critical for only four days. Ho wos a native of Yadkin county, born March 27, 1802, a son of Peter C. and Mary Shugart. In 1885 ho wos married to Miss Eiion Joyner, who died eight years ago. Mr. Shugart was a member of the Hamilton Baraca Class of Burkhead Methodist Church. He had made his homo with his daughter, Mrs. Mamie Shermer, for the past several years. Survivors include one daugh ter, Mrs. Shermer; two sons, Zeno and Russell Shugart, of Yadklnvllle; five grandchildren and one great grandchild. Bio - Obituaries - 9/11/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 11,1942 - Page 6 W. H. Hudson Dies Suddenly William H. Hudson, 61, a pro minent farmer died suddenly last Thursday morning at his home near HamptonvUIe. He has been In declining health for some time, but death came unexpectedly. Mr. Hudson was born in Yad- kln county, September 1, 18B1, son of Will M. and Leah Howell Hudson. #Ho spent most of his Ilfo In HamptonvUIe community and was a member of the As- bury Methodist Church. Surviving ore his widow, the former Annie V. Shore: two sons, Midns H. ond Addas C. Hudson, and one daughter, Mrs. Gladys Shore, all of Hampton vUIe; one sister, Mrs. Mollie Smith of Elkin; two brothers. Frank Hudson of Blkln, and James Hudson of Wlnston-Sal- em; and six grandchildren. Services were held Friday at 12 o'clock at Asbury Methodist Church. Rev. J. F. L. Bumgar- ner. Rev. Walter Isenhour and Rev. 8. J. Brawley conducted the services. Burial followed in the church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries — 9/11/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 16,1942 James H. &amon James IL Seamon. 77. arelMmoam Soatb Calahaln farm^* died sarfdeoly at bis bans near Kappa last Wedoesday aftemooa at S o'doch. Mr. Seamoa bad been Jn falling bealch for some time. Surviving are tbree sons. W. S. Seamen, at home; Walter Seamoo, Woooiear and Ed Seamon, o( Roberson county; two daughters. Mrs, Ernest Hood, of Ruwao county, and Mies Cairie Mae Seaiiioii at home. One slsier also survives. Funeral services wera held at St Mot< thaw's Lutheran chutch Thursday after noon. with Rev. G. W. Fink coiiductiag the service, and the body laid to rest in the cbuich.ceroetery. In tho death of Mr. Seamon, Dovle ooun- ty loses an eicelleot citizen, and the child rmokindand loving father, Mr, Sea mon will be sadly missed in the cominn nity when he spent a long and useful life Mrs. Lee Phelps Mrs. Lea Pbelps. 31. died Saturday at her home, Hockavillei Route 4 Sorvlvlog ate the husliand; four child- ran, Dorothy Mae, George L^ Jr., Ruby Colleen, and Sylvia Ann Phelps: har 'pir* anto. Mr. and Hce. J, L. Swiergood of Mocksvilla. Route 4; four brothers, Edmofid and Charlie Swleeaood of the U 8 Navy; Ernest and David Swicegot^ of Mocksvilla. Route 4; aud one sister, Mra. Grody Nail of Mochmrilie, Route 4. The funeral was held at the byme Mon day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Burial was in Liberty Methodist church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 9/16/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 18,1942 - Page 1 Dies On Yorktown V / t GKOUGK K. ClAWSON. .fit. A Momortnl Rorvlrc pnyirtc trlbvite to George R. Clawson Jr., Salisbury youth killed In nctloit durtnjj Iho battle of Coral Sea. was held at Park Avenue Methodist Church In Salisbury last Sunday at 11 a. m. The services were conduct ed by his pastor, Rev. O. H. Swafrord, with a special mu sical program, Little is known of hia death oxoopt that ho was killed May 8 while serv ing on air craft carrier York- town and was burled at sea on May 0. Clawson, who was 31 yonrs old, was born and spent a good part of his life In Coolcemce. He was the grandson of Mrs. Martha Brog- don and a nephew of Mrs. K. L. Cope and W. C. Brogdon. The Navy announced this week that the Yorktown had been sunk while being towed to port two days after the battle by a Jop svibmarlnc. Tlic Infor mation was withheld until it could bo of no value to the MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 18, 1942 - Page 3 ■J.R.HALI,81, DIES SUDDENLY okd s .lAl EAST BENDI 4.*, Jones Russell Hall. 01, well- , • i.-iknown resident of East Bend. SurvWlnR arc the widow, who - S"rvlv5 Route I. and brother of W. A. ' Miss Ada Fletcher prior to J'■ Hall of Yadklnvlllc. died uncK-' nrarrlagc; four daughters. Mrs. , Ocoigc 1■. pcctcdly at his home Monday , W- R- Boaz of East Bend, Route a I S^vafternoon at 4 o-clock. ' 1= Mrs. J. A. Osborne of Glade cuts MrMr. Hall wa.s a member of one,-Valley: Mrs. c. A. Martin of 8ood of f ? of the be.st-known famlllos In Boonvllle and Mls.s Ttova Hallaivadkln county and was a son • home; four grandsonslof the Into Rndford and Prls-'" brotlicc, W. A. HoU of' , I'cllla Spccr Hall. He was a pro- ' Yndklnvlllc.i mincnt farmer and spent his The funeral will be held at Ulster Mentire life In the samo com- ) The funeral was held at /"Ic. Ro« ra unlty. having been born and n®sdoy afternoon at 3 o'clock. _ The £«t reared with half a mile of his t Elders S. H. Reed and O. J. Pallbes. present homo. He was a mem-l conducted the sorvlcoo. ' c. H. O>er of the Holly springs Prlmi-1 Burial win be in the church ^ J. H. By. ^ tlvc Baptist church. I graveyard. . lor Call. Mrs. Lee Phelps Died Saturday Mrs. Lcc Phelps, 31. died lastjSaturday at her homo on Route Surviving are the husband; foui- ohlldvon, Dorothy Mno, George Lcc Jr., Ruby Colleen, and Sylvia Ann Phelps: her par- cuts, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Swlco- guod of MocksvlUc. Route 4; four brothers, Edntond and Charlie • SwlccROod of the U. S. Navy; Ernest and David Swlccgood of Mocksvlllc, Route 4, and one * sister, Mrs. Orady Nail of Mocks vlUc, Route 4. ' The funeral was held at the ' Pallbearers were James Cook. ' C. H. Cook, Charlie Swlcegood, J. H. Byerly, Terry Burton, Tay- ' lor Call. Bio - Obituaries - 9/18/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 18,1942 - Page 3 HIT-AND-RUN DRIVER KILLS MRS. ELLA REECE Mrs. Ella Warden Reece, 63, widow of Eugene Reece, was In stantly killed on the highway near her home, two miles south of Boonvllle on the Yadkinvllle highway, Monday night about 7:45 o'clock when struck by a hlt«and>run driver. Mrs. Reece, accompanied by a son, Clarence Reece, was en route to the homo of a neigh bor, Leonard Hicks, to assist in tying tobacco. She had Just crossed to the right side of the highway and was walking near the edge when the car, an old model, struck here. Car Traveling Fast Reece said the car struck his mother and wos gone before he was able to determine what make it was or to get the license number. He said the car was traveling at a high rate of speed. The accident Is being investi gated by the county sheriff and members of the highway patrol. Mrs. Reece was a native of Yadkin coun^ and was bom in the Quaker Deep Creek section, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Van Warden. She spent most of her life in this section and was a member of Deep Creek Friends Church. Surviving are two sons, Ralph Reece of Boonvllle and Mount Pleasant, and Ontario, Canada, and Clarence Reece of the home; one brother, A, F. Warden of Cheraw, 8. 0.; and one dater, Mrs. Laura clapp of Greensboro. Bio — Obituaries - 9/18/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 30,1942 H. E Smith Dies Id Wieck H B. Smith, 73, ot Advance, R, T« was instantly killed abont noon Saturday on 'North Main street bare when he was thrown against the windshield of the truck in which he was riding after the ma* chine was in collision with another tmck. Sheriff Bowden arrested Charlie Dobbins, Negro, on charges of tuan slaughter. He was held under^5oo bond for trial in Davie superior court berk aftrr a heariug before magistrate P. R. Leagans. Soiith was ridiug iu a pickup truck with Major Beaucbamp of Advance, and Smith was sitting 00 the laps of Jimmy and Pordie £aa- champ, who were sitting on the seat with their brother, Major. Dobbins, was operating his tmck itorth on Main street and attempted to turn into a filUog * station when bis machine bit the Beaucbamp truck. No one else was injured. : .Smith was unmarried He is aurylved by one sister, Mrs. S. R» Poster, of Advance, R i. The funeral was held Monday morning at 11 o'clock at Bethle^ l.em Methodist church. Rev. J. W. Vestal conducted the services. Burial was in the church graveyard. ^ T. W. Williams T W. Wliliaios, 6S, died at his bone two miles west ot this dty. Friday mom- ind at S o*cIoek, foUowing a tong Ulnesa. Funeral services were held at the home Saturday afternoon at 2 o*dock, with Rev. G. W. Fink in chaige, and the body laid Co test In Famington cemetery. ICr. WiUlams is sntvived 19 bis Widow and four sons* Roy, of Hcnestead. Fla.. frimk at home; Lawience to foidgo ser vice, and Wanen, who Is sfalioned at Camp Blandlng. Fla. Three half biotheis also anivlve Bio - Obituaries - 9/30/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 2,1942 - Page 2 Henry Edward Smith ADVANCE MAN KILLED BY CAR Henry Edwnrd SmlLh, 72, of Advance, Route 1, was InstnnUy killed about noon last Saturday on Nortli Main street here when he was thrown against the windshield of the truck In which he was riding after the machine was In collision with an automobile. Smith died of a broken neck before he could be given medi cai attention. Sheriff L. S. Bowden arrested Charlie Dobbins, 26, Negro, of Hamptonvlile, now working here, on charges of manslaughter. He was released under $500 bond after a hearing before Magis trate F. R. Leagans. Sheriff Bowden said Smith was riding in a pickup truck with Major Beauchamp of Ad vance, Route 1, and Smith was sitting on the laps of Jimmy and Fordie Beauchamp, who were sitting on the seat with their brother, Major. Dobbins, Sheriff Bowden said, was driving south on Main street and attempted to turn into Waters filling station when his machine hit the Beauchamp truck, going the opposite direc tion.. Sheriff Bowden quoted Dobbins as saying ho did not see the truck until it was in front of his machine, since there was another car in front of him going the same way as Dobbins. No one else was injured. Smith's head struck the fram ing above the windshield. Smith was unmorrled and made his home with Willie Arm- sworthy, Advance, Route 1. Ho is survived by one sister, Mrs. S. R. Foster, of Advance, Route 1. The funeral was held Monday morning at 11 o'clock at Beth lehem Methodist Church.' Rev J. W. Vestal conducted the serv ices. Burial was in the church graveyard. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 2,1942 - Page 8 Death Claims T. W. Williams T. W. Williams. 64. died Fri day morning at his home here. The funeral was held Satur day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home. Rev. O. W. Fink con ducted the services. Burial was In Farmington cemetery. Surviving are the widow; :four sons, Roy J. Williams, of Home stead, Fla.; Frank Williams, of Mocksville, Route i, and Law rence and Warren Williams of the U. 8. Army; three grand children; three half brothers, Lewis Williams, of Coolccmee; Robert Williams, of Kannapolis, and Joe Williams, of China Orove; and sbc half sisters, Mrs. Jake Crystal, of Concord; Mrs. Ike Sprinkle, of Winston-Sal- em; Mrs. Lon O'Neil, of Coolec- mee; Mrs. Dewey Williams, of Cooleemee; Mrs. Joe Blackwood, of Kannapolis and Mrs. Joe Mil ler, of Salisbury. Bio - Obituaries -10/2/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 2,1942 - Page 11 Thomas Beal Griffin Cooleemee Man Passes At 93 Thomoa Seal Orlffkn, 93, re tired farmer, died at hb home in Coolcomec Tuesday mornins. He b survived by hb widow; by two daughters, Mrs. Rosie Orubbs and Mrs. J. D. McClan- non of Cooleemee; a brother, Frank QrirrUi, of Cooieeiuee. Ten grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren also survive. The funeral.was held Wed jnesday afternoon at Chestnut Grove church, conducted by Rev. F. A. Wright and Rev. P. J. Stoudemlre. Interment was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -10/2/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 7,1942 T«. B* Griffin T. B. Qriffin, 93, died at bis borne at Cooleemee Tuesday ntoni* log. Sttrriyiog are bis wife; two daogbters. Rosie Orobbs and Mrs. J. D. fifcClannoa, both of Coo> leemee; one brotber, Prank Oriffia Oooieeiaee, lograodcbiklfeoaod seven greavgraodcbltdroo. Fttoeral services were conducted Wednesday afternooo at 4 o'do<^ o'dxk from Cbestnnt Grove cbordi Rev. F. A. Wrigbt and Rev. P. J. Stottdndre were in ebarge. BnrW was in tbe cbnrcb cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -10/7/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 9,1942 — Page 3 Mrs. Funderburk Passes In Davie Mrs. Janio Mllholon Funder burk. 00, died nt her homo In North Coolecmco Sunday. Funeral services were con ducted Monday oftcrnoon at. CoolcemoQ Methodist Church.j Rev. P. J. Stough and Rev. C.| E. B. Robinson ofllclatlng. In-, terment was In the church cemetery. Survivors Include one son. Paul Funderburk; two brothers, H. L. and C. P. Mllholon. and one sis ter, Miss Verna Milholen, all of Cooleemee. Bio - Obituaries - 10/9/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 14,1942 Mrs. 0. G. Htt^ins Mrs. Alice UcClamrock Htitclu ins, 66, widow of Oscar G« Hotcb* ins, died snddeoly Wednesday at 2:30 p« m., at ber borne in Watixli* town. Bom at Atocksvllle, a dangbter of George and Sallie Wil&mt Uc* Ctamrock, Mta Htttcblns had lived in Winston^lem since 1921. Survivors include six sons, one daughter, two sisters, one brother Oscar McClauirocb, of tbtsdty. Funeral services were conducted at the home at 1:30 Friday after, noon with Rev. George Higginsof. fidating. Interment was in the Clemmops Baptist Church Ceme* tery. Bio - Obituaries - 10/14/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 16,1942 - Page 2 Bowles Rites Held Wednesday Fimcral services wcro held Wednesday mornlne at Eaton's BapUsL church for William L. Bowles who died Monday morn ing following a long Illness. Rov. Wade Hutchlns and Rev. Dallas Rcncgar conducted the service and Interment was in the church graveyard. Survivors Include the wldov/;l3: two sisters, Mrs. Will Beck two daoEhtcrs, Mte Dora Bowlos at homo, M,s. Annie Lowls ot j, Orccnsboro; two sons, Hubert of Roanohc, Va., and W. M. of route nie S. Bowles of route 2; and 9 grandchildren. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 16,1942 - Page 3 Harold Carter Ray Williams Kills HimseK Ray Williams, 30, walked out n of his home at South River, n Franklin township, Friday and shot himself fatally In the head n with a single barrel .shotgun, Sbcrirr J. H. Krldnr rciJOrtcd. Williams' almost decapitated: ' body was discovered aboiit an hour later by his mother, Mrs. ' John Williams. She said she • failed tu hear hlin return after ' hearing him leave tho house. Coroner T. W. Scay, Investlgat- '< Ing along with Sheriff Kridcr « and Deputy Sheriff Lewis Tatum, termed the death suicide. Williams worked at the Erwln Cotton Mills at Coolccmcc. Ac cording to Sheriff Kridcr's re port, ho had boon separated from his wife and lived with his mother and several brothers at the old Dr. Crump house on South River. Re ^ one child, Mrs. WUitiunf told flheiifr Xri- der she did Dot iw, the faUl : Mm dlooow^d tJM Funeral Held For Child Killed In ; Winston Accident Funeral services «for Harold Carter, 3, son of Mr. and Mra. Thomas B. Carter, of near East Bend, were conducted from North Deep Creek Church Mon day afternoon. The Rev, Charles H. Hutchcns was in charge, Tho Carter child was killed near the home of his Grand mother, Mrs. Llllle Carter, at ' Hancs, when he was hit by a pick-up truck driven by 1\ S. ' Crcason, of Harmony, late Sat urday afternoon. Survivors Include the parents: ' one brother, Lee Ray Carter, and ' two sisters, Lois and Alma Jean carter; tho paternal grand- * mother, and the maternal grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. * Slzcmore. Bio — Obituaries — 10/16/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 21,1942 WiUiaai L Boides Wmhioi 1*. bowlea, 84. dted Ocu llth at tiM 8tat« HMpttal, Uofgaaton. afl« a loort lOoesa- He It lorrived by bit wktoir. Mia. Mb* nle Bewitt. ese beotber, Losnto&BtwItt, of Ro«te2: t«o titctfi^ Mn. Will Becb, Roo^ 8; iM Mia Mai? Wood* of-RootitJi. c«oooiia,Biibat.of RoaatkOtaiid W 11 Bowleief Route 8; two daogbteci, Mn. Attole Uiria, of Qieontbora aadMlpal^ Bowlteof Rocile2r FamndsMoieeaweiebeldei 11 o*cloek at EttMla Basilst Cbunb whbRev; Wade BotOblsa am Rev* OaOae Reoeiar fo cba^ Intennent was hi tbe cboieb ccmetenr. Bio - Obituaries —10/21/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 28,1942 Mrs. David Ei^c Mio. Mair EKeD-Esili^ 76, of ocdf Oaoit* ney, died at bet bomo Saiufdoy afcetBooo afcot an Dlsaaa of foor yoaia. Sbe had been aerioely iU for the raat ten weeba. Bin BeMc was ban. In Davio coooty, Jaonaiy 27.1668^ dao^ter of Geude and Maty SpiiiiUe, 8bo apmc bar eat^ life In cba oomimiBltf: vaa a oMmber of Gtoia Roads Baotist €bt»ob and active lo cburob work ttntfi bet beahb failed. She la eintdyed bpdier boMnnd. DavM, fit, Etalo; two daagbteci. Mka. Lola' Dnon.^ of Caoa; and Mia* Opal Walkei; oC^aa*] ton Saletti; flya aou, jlobn Ftank^adOif* { win EBaia.<rfOBiia;BitftdaBe^afMoeka*l vttibttwobiothen.6.T*Sprinila»of Yad-. kinvittd Rotte 2: and W» 6. SpHakte* of Cana; and It grendcfilMwn ^ Fdoeral aervloea weio bMd at 8 o*cloek Monday aftmooo at Flat Ronfc Baptiat chaicb with Revo. A. M. Gbmob, R. BL Adome. domee G«oeo and G*. tV. Tkwner amdoctlng the eetvicee^ Bio - Obituaries -10/28/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 30,1942 - Page 3 MRS. MARY ESSIC .DIED SATURDAY ! Mrs. Mury Ellen Essie. 70, well- known woman of near Courtney, (lied at her home last Saturday afternoon after an Illness of four years. She had been seriously 111 for the past ten weeks. Mrs. Essie was born In Davle county, January 27. 1865, daugh ter of George and Mary Sprin kle. She spent her entire life In the community; was a member of Cross Roads Baptist Church and was active In church work until her health failed. She is scurvlvcd by her hus band. David B. Essie; two dau ghtors, Mrs. Lein Dlxon, of Cann; and Mrs. Opal Walker, of Wlns- ton-Salcm; five sons, John Frank and Darwin Essie, of Cana; Burton Essie of Mocksville: and Clyde and Will Essie of Wins ton-Salem; two brothers, O. T. Sprinkle, of yodklnvllle. Route 2; and W. G. Sprinkle, of Cana; and 11 grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Flat Rock Baptist Church. The body lay In state at the church from 1:30 until 2 o'clock. Rev. A. M. Church, Rev. R. E. Adams, Rev. Jimmy Oroce and Rev. E. W. Turner conducted the services. Burial was In the family plot In the church grave yard. Bio — Obituaries - 10/30/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 4,1942 Heorjr 6. Isky Henry B. Isley, 77. overseer in the Gtooleeniee Mills for the past 28 years, died yesterday aftemoob at 4 o'doeb at bis home in Cooleemee. following two months' illness. Mr. fsley moved to Coolesmee 28 vears ago. being overseer of the dye department of the Cooleemee Mills since that time He was a member of the Cooleemee Method.st Chnreb. .Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ada Leona Isley. and eight children, and one brother, 6. M. Isley. of Burling* ton. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from Cooleemee Metho> diatChnreh, with the pastor. Bev. F. h Stongh, offietaUng. assisted by Rev. D. H Dolin, of the Cooleemee Presbyterian C h a r c h. Interment fol.owM in the Ubertv Church Ce* metery near Cooleemee. Mbs Suan Howard . i^-SumdanoKGrwardtSt. died yef^ 'today at tlw>l|ooie of a ceph^. J. dgoiet. at CdiotUMt, after an lllDetaof two Sorvtviog la one eiater, Hia. CeBa Jonea of Modnvllie Route 3. The fniesal wa%be!d at Oocoatser Bap* titt Chnidi.8oQday aflenwea at 3 o*clo^ Rsv.F.A. Wright oocduted the' eeivioea. Buial was in Feih Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -11/4/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 6, 1942 - Page 3 Died Friday II. B. IMcy Henry B. Isley Rites Sunday Hciiry Benjamin Isley, 77, ' overseer In the Collccmcc mills for the past 28 ycar-i, died Fri day afternoon at 4 o'clok at his home on Center Street. Collow- Ini; two months' Illness. A nnilvc of Alamance county, Mr. Isley was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Isley. He moved to Coolccmee 28 years ago. and has been overseer of the dye department of the Coolccmee mills since Hiat time. 'Me was an active mcmucr of the Coolccmee Methodist chureh, and teacher of the men's Bible cla.HS for 2S years. For 40 years he was n member of the Woodmen of the World. He was recorder of Jcrti.salem township for a number of years. Surviving arc his widow, Mrs. Ada Leona Isley, and eight chil dren. Jesse B. Isley, Haw River; Charles Lee Isley, Mrs. M. H. Rldcnhour, Mrs. Nell Wagner. Coolcemce; T. Dwaln Isley. Bal timore, Md.; Mrs. George York, A.shcboro: Mr.s. O. L. Vogler, Greensboro; Mrs. Goldlc Walk er, Wlnston-Salcm; two step children, R. L. Chandler, Lan caster, S. C.; and Mrs. R. S. Maybcrry, Coolccmee and three grcat-grandchlldrcn; and a brother, O. M. lalcy, Burling ton. Funeral vtcte held Sunday at 2 o'clock p. m. at Coooleemce Mcfihodlst church. Interment followed In Liberty church ce<< , metery, near Coolccmee. ! Pallbearers were grandsons > of the deceased: Charles L. Is ley, Jr., of Waynesvlllc; Henry I Isley Rldenhour of Duke Uni versity; Ed Walker of Wlnston- ) Saem; Norman Rldenhour ot > Charlotte; Rovie Maberry, Jr.. I and Tommie Rldenhour of : Coolccmee. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 6,1942 - Page 4 Oscar Eugene Binkley Rrnlhcr Killed Oscar Eugene Binkley. 48, brother of Zcb Binkley and Mrs. Robert Beck of MocksvlUc, was killed last Friday by the explo sion Of a mercury compressor Itink which he was welding at the N. C. Finishing Co.. at Yad- kln where he was assistant master mehanlc. The Occident was attributed to escaping gas fumes which seeped Into the compressor and were Ignited when he was welding with an acetylene torch. A brother, O. J. Binkley, standing behind nlm, suffered only minor cuts, al though he was knocked 10 feet by the impact. The funeral was held last Sunday in Salisbury. Hfi Is survived by his mother, widow, six children, six broth ers and slaters. Mrs. Frances Drake Funeral Held Tuesday Funeral services for Mrs. Frances Foster Drake, 89. were held Tuesday morning at the home of G. W. Starr on route 3, where she died Sunday night. Rgv. J. C. Gentry conducted the services and Interment was In lhr> Frtfiter grovcyard. The only survivor Is one bro ther. H. N. Foster of route 3. Bio — Obituaries - 11/6/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 6,1942 - Page 6 Susan Jane Howard Died Last Saturday Miss Susan Jane Howard, 89, died last Saturday at the home of a nephew, J. W. Jones, at Comatzer, alter an Illness of two years. She was a native of Davte county and a daughter of Walker and Sally Spry How ard. Surviving is one sister, Mrs. Cella Jones of MockavUle, Route 3. The funeral was held at Cornatzer Baptist Church Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. James Qroce and. Rev. F. A. Wright conducted the services. Burial was In Fork Cemtery. Bio — Obituaries -11/6/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 11,1942 Mrs. W. H. Carter Mm. W. H. Carter. 83, died at tbe borne nS her ton* 6. A. Bamey,on R 3. Satordaf mondflg at 8 o'dodt. foDowlog an Uloeea of three weeks. Poanal oervioet were Md at CoraaUer Baptist Churab Soodar aftetoooo at 4 o*cioefc with Rev. Janwa Gieoe lo cimige, and the bodr laid to rest In the clmra oeoietefsr. Mrs. Caster ia loivived by bet buabaod, one son, Q. A. Barney, and one daagbtei; Mm. Ella Footer, of R. 8; two bnthm, B. L. Barney, R 2, and Frank Bomef. fUnta; two sliteia. Mra. Afiee Bowen sod Mit. Uatf0e PbUIipa, of Banes. A good won* an baa been ealled to beriewara. Totbe bereaved ones Tbe Record extends oyn patbrio Ibis sad boor Qlmw Gray Bogwr Glliner Gray B^er, 13-year old sea of Mr. and N. X Boger, of R* 3, dM at a Stttosvine bospUaleailySatoiday omio log. Sorvivlag. to addldoo to dm parents are foot sisteis. Mra. J. L, Bteekwelder aod lbs. 8em Boger, of R. 2; Mrs. J. D. Qtaflto and Mise Norm BofBr, both of Con' eoidt and three brotben,' DeWltt. MOIafd and Mecfc,allofR2. Las'rites were held at Oniea OtapsI llsthodistChQiobSDnday ct2p in..wfthRev. P. A Wiij^io obsfge. Borial fd-. lowed la tbe enoveb eemetety. Bio - Obituaries - 11/11/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 13, 1942 - Page 3 William Thomas Fletcher EXSHERIFf OF YADKIN PASSES William Thomas Flccher, for mer sheriff of Yadkin county,' iliecl at Baptist hospital, Wlns-| tonSnlem, Tuesday night nt_ 10:30, following an operation perfonned nhout ten days ago. He became 111 four weeks ago and had been a patient at the hospital for two weeks. He would have been 72 years old nc.\t Tuesday, November 10. Mr. Fletcher was born In Yad- kln county, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Davis Fletcher, and except for short business trips had spent all his life In the county. He was elected sheriff of the county In IOCS and again In 1010. For some years before becoming sheriff he traveled for a large Richmond, Va., grocery company, and during the last world war was employed by the government In buying horses In western states, in 1922 ho was appointed postmaster at Boon vlllc, serving for several years following which he served with the revenue forces of the state, stationed a various points. Dur> ing all these times he continued his farming Interests In the county. For the past two years he has operated a grocery store and meat market hi Boonvlllc. He was well known throughout the county and section and had many friends who will regret to learn of his death. Carvlvors Include his widow, who before marriage was Miss Lucy Apperson, six children, Neal Fletcher, of Monroe; BUly Fletcher ond Mrs. Fred Key, Boonvllle; Miss Mary Fletcher, Black Mountain: Miss Ruth Fletcher, Richmond. Va.; two brothers. R. M. Fletcher, Boon vllle; and R. D. Fletcher, East Bend; seven sisters, Mrs. J. R. Hall, Mrs. R. L. Hall, Mrs. 0. A. Hall, Mrs. R. H. Angel, Mrs. R. E. Angell, all of East Bend, route 1; Mrs. J. O. Fleming. Boonvlllc: Mrs. J. O. Mptthcws, Sanford and a number of grandchildren. Funeral services were hold Thursday afternoon at Boon vllle Methodist church. Mrs. W. H. Carter Died Saturday Mrs. W. H. Carter, 83. died at her home on Route 3, Mocks- vlllc Saturday morning. She was a native of Davle county. Surviving are the husband, W. H. Carter; one son, Qcorgc A. Carter; a daughter, Mrs. O. L. Foster, all of Route 3, Mocks- vllle; two brothers, Frank Car ter of Hancs and B. L. Carter of Route 3, MocksvlUe; and two sisters, Mrs. Alice Barnes and Mrs. Maggie Phillips, both of Hanea. Funeral services were con ducted Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Cornatzer Bap tist church. Ministers In charge were Rev. James H. Qrcce, Rev. E. W. Turner, and Rev. P. A. Wright. Interment was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/13/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 13,1942 - Page 3 Gilmer Gray Boger Died Saturday Qilmcr Orny Bogcr, 13-ycar- olcl son of Mr. anil Mrs. N. A. Bogcr of Route 2, MbcksvlUc. died At A slAtcsvlUe hospital early Saturday morning. Surviving In oddltlon to- the parents, are four sisters, Mrs. J. A. Blaekweldcr and Mrs. 6am Bogcr, both of Route 2, Mocks- vllle; Mrs. J. D. chaffln and Miss Nora Boger, both of Con cord; and three brothers, De- Witt, Mlllard and Mack, all of Route 2, Mocksvlllc. Last rites were held at the Union Chapel church Sunday at 2 o'clock, with Rev. F. A. Wright officiating, Burial was In the church graveyard. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 13,1942 - Page 7 ,W. P. Wood Passes ]At Hamptonville W. p. Wood, GO, of ncor Hamp- itonvlllc. died about 8 o'clock I Sunday night at his home fol lowing A three-month Illness. Mr. Wood, A native and Ufo resident of Yadkln county, suf fered n fall about three months Ago. and his condition bad gradually grown worse. lie was born October 13, 1873. In 1000 ho was married to Miss Victory Commlngs, who survlv cn. Other survivors Include four sons, Lee Wood, of Union Qrove; Thco Wood, of Hampton ville; Herbert Wood, of Yadkln vllle, and Taft Wood, of Statcs- vlllc; two daughters. Mrs. Nat- Icy 'Correl. of Jonesvllle, and Mrs. Fred Myers, of Elkln. Survivors also Include three brothers, Arthur and Press Wood, of Hamptonville, and Marvin Wood, of Fort Worth, Texas; four sisters, Mrs. Addle Hayes, of Houstonvllle, Mrs. Em ma Messlck, of Whltten, Iowa Mrs. Carrie Wright, of Harm ony. and Miss Olllo Wood, of Charlotte; and thirteen grand children. Bio - Obituaries -11/13/1942 Funeral services were con- duted from Flat Rock Baptist church Tucsdoy afternoon at 2 1 o'clock with the Rev. Enoch Wootan and the Rev. E. W. Turner, In charge. Burial was made In the church cemetery. DAVIE COUNTY Fred F. Styers Rites Wednesday Fred F. Styers, 15, died Tucs- d.iy morning at the home, Yad- klnvllle. Route 1, after an 111- nc.ss of four months. His con dition was serious one week. He was born In Yadkln coun ty, December 16, 1020, a son of T. W. and Ethel Williams Styers. He was a member of Union Cross Friends Church and 4-H club at Fall Creek school. Surviving arc the parents: seven brothers, Roy, Ralph, T. W. Jr., and Marshall Styers of the home; Henry Styers of Rls Ing Sun, Md., Paul Styers of Dublin, Va., and Luther Styers of the U. S. Army; five sisters Virginia Styers of the home; Mrs. Bess Wlllnrd of Yadklnvlllc; Blanche Styers of Mount Airy; Mrs. Austin Brown of East Bend; and Mrs. Sidney Williams of Yadkinville, Route 1; and the grandmother, Mrs. A. A. Styers, of Lowlsvlllc. The funeral was held Wednes day afternoon at union Cross Friends Church. Rev. and Mrs E. G. Key, Rev. C. H. Hutchcns Rev. Wade Adams and Rev. E. T. Norman conducted the serv- Ics. PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 18,1942 Jnfiss A. leader JiUiiis A. Staole?. 71, msfottnd detd io bed at his boote ia CSarkse viRe townabip earlv WcdnedMy csi^BioK.' De^hlslhoogbttotuve tcMltcd troa seate ittdismiai. Mr. Sou^ !s shTvlved by loar 80tis» S((t. Rdaod Slaalfly. wbo b atatioMd atCaop Van Dora, Uitt,; Wflliai^ wtio WM iodactcd Into the U.S. Anay tt Catap Croft last week; Kcosetb. of Yadkiaolllc^ tHad Aaboiy, at boaww Two biotban^ N. K. aad Hoary Staaley, aad oeo. abter, Mia. Bmna Tordaa, ad of,. R. a, abo aarvlve. Paoeral aad barlal acrvkes were held at Bear Creek Baptist Cbaich Satatday oionihig at to o'doek^. wftb Retr. Wade Hatebeaa olBebt lag. aad the body laid to rest fai tkecbnrdi cemetery. John N. Smoot Joba N. SiBoot, 7d. wefikoowa fanier of ClaifcBvttle toffiuliiib died Ffidoy moifi* todotStsto boopftoi, Ifoigooloii, whoiB Im> wascoftied two waekaado llr.8Qwot bad bean 111 for tbe past two yetis Mr. Sfooot was a oatlva of Davio coao* ty« a 6011 of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wiley E. SoMot Snrvlvioe oie bis wife: a sob. Eoben t. SiBoot.of Qaibstl^ wlib wbom be made bis hmt; foat dfandfiblldfao and a balf*bfoCbm. Wiw E. Smoot. of Wise* twi*8ahHii Fmi^ sendees weie betd Satatday af tetnooft at 3 o'eloek. at Bear Cmek Baptist Cboreb. wbeiaMr, Smoot bad beaaa mem* ber slaee eaiiy mspboodt and tbe body laid to rest In tbe cbmeb oemetsyy, A good OMIB boa been callbd to bis lewaid. Charles Aognsta Myers. tBiaitss Aognsta Myeia, 74. died at bfo bio borne at Aihrance, Roote 1. last Toes day ntomlog. ito Is survived by bis widow; six sons, B. A. Myets. Yadklnviile. B^a 2; W. A.. W. H aodC. B. Myers, Advaooe. Roots I; J. C. Myera.of tbe United States Army; aod R. H. Mym of 1¥lo8too*8aleiDbKottte 4;tbne daogbier. Mrs. Qeaeva Howard. Advance. Route 1; Mrs. C. L. Ladd.-Wins- ioo«Saleoi; aod Mrs. R. L. Slnk.Cleaai]ioo8* Rot^ 2. Fboetal servloes were held Tbotsday at 2 o'clock at tlmE^vlBeMBtbodisif^Kireb with Rev. J. C. Geotry of&ilatiog. Burial followed Id tbe cboich graveyard Mrs. W. R. t Mrs. W. R. Sbeek. 34. died Friday at ber borne at Epbesos Surviving are tbe baa baod; foor boos* five daoghtere. foor sis teiB aod loor brotbefs Tbe luoeral was held at tbe borne Sooday afteroooo at 2 oVdoqk. aod at tbe Ma^onla Moiaviao Cbuieb bt 3 o'clocfe. aod the body laid to rest Io lbs cfaaieb cemetety. James W. U dames W. Usk. 92. died Friday at the home of bis daoghtet, Mrs. 0, W. Aleiao* der. at Codeemee. S^lviogateoiieeoo.doho Usk. Coo cord; ooe dai^ter. Mrs. Cl W. Alei^der. Cooleemee. sod 14 grandf^Udreo. Tbe fimctal was held Satoiday after oooo at 2 o'doek at the home, aod the body canied to CMoa Groye aod laid to feetln Greeolawo cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/18/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 20, 1942 - Page 1 MRS. HORNE PASSES AWAY Mrs. L. J. Home, 65, of Farm' Ington died late Wedne.sday fol lowing a stroke of paralysis at noon. Mrs. Home was well known throughout her section of the county. She was quite ocllve in program of Farmlngton Meth odist church, where she was i member. Before marriage she was Miss Mentorn Jarvls, of Farmlngton. Survivors Include three sons L. O. Home and Dr. Stephen Francis Home, of Winston Salem, ond Hugh Jarvls Home, of Roanokc Raplds» and five grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the home Friday morning with Rev. J. W. Vestal In charge. RANSOM RUES iHElD THURSDAY I'Uneral services for James William Ransom, 57, of Bixby, who died Wednesday morning at home were held yesterday after noon at the home at 2 o'clock, and at Mt. Tabor Methodist ehurch at 3 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Dulin and Rev. A. J. Cox officiated and burial was In the church cemetery. In 1008 he was married to Miss Flora Mae Hcndrbc, who survives with three daughters, Mrs. Louie Beal, Mrs. Albert Foster, and Mrs. Lonnie com- atzcr, all of Advance, Route 1; six grandchildren; and two sis ters, Mrs. Rosa womer, and Mrs. J. p. Perkins, both of Wlns- ton-Salem. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 20,1942 - Page 2 John N. Smoot Passed Friday John Newton Smoot, 74, Davle county farmer, died Friday at the state hospital, Morganton where he had been a patient for two weeks. Surviving nfc his widow, Mrs Mary Beth Wilkinson Smoot: a brother, Robert L. Smool, of Davio county, and a half broth er, Wiley Edwards Smool, of WInston-Salom. Funeral services were hold Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock from Bear Creek Baptist church of which Mr. Smoot was a mem ber. Bio - Obituaries - 11/20/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 20, 1942 - Page 3 Mrs. W. R. Sheek Buried Sunday Mra. W. R. Shock. 64. died Friday at her home at Ephcisus. Surviving arc the husband; four sons. Ocmid.. R. W.. ai\d R. B. Shock, ali of Winston- Saicm; and T. F. Shock, of Cool comcc; five daughters, Mrs. U. H. Phelps and Mrs. J. W. Beau- champ of Advance Route 1; Mrs P. H. Fence of Hamlet; Mrs. H. C. Cook of Coolccmco; and Mrs. L. O. Caii of Mocksviilc; four brolliers, J. Q.. J. E., M. K., and T. R. Beauchamp of Advance Route i; four sisters, Mrs. J. R. Spainhour of \Vinston>SaIcin; Mrs. Cora Voglcr of Advance Route 1; Miss Mamie Beau- champ of Advance Route 1 and Mrs. Bertha Wall of Lexington; 24 grandchildren ond four great grandchildren. Tlic funeral was held at the home Sunday afternoon at two o'cloek and at Macedonia Mora vian church at 3 o'clock. Biurial was in the church graveyard. James Stanley Rites Saturday The funeral of James A. Stan ley, 71, of Mookflvlllo, Route 1, who died Wednesday, was held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at Bear Creek Baptist church. Rev. J. H. Qroce conducted the services. Burial was in tlic churcii graveyard. Surviving arc four sons. Ru land Stanley of the U. S. Army; Kin Stanley, of Yadkin county and Asbury and Willie Stanley, of Mocksviilc. Route 2, one grandchild; one sister. Mrs. Em ma Jordan, of Mocksvllle, Route 2, and two brothers, M. K. and HQ.ary Stanley, of Mocksville, Route 2. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 20,1942 - Page 6 Charles A Myers Rites Thursday Charles Augusta Myers, 74, died at his home at Advance, Route 1, Tuesday morning. He is survived by his widow; six sons, B. A. Myers, Yadklii- vllle. Route 2; W. A., W. H., and 0. H. Myers, of Advance, Route 1; J. C. Myers, of the United States Army; and R. H. Myers, of Wlnston-Salem, Route 4; three daughters, Mrs. Geneva Howard, Advance, Route 1; Mrs. C. L. Ladd, Winston-Salcm; and Mrs. R. L. Sink, Clcmmons, Route 2; and 23 grandchildren. Funeral services were hold Tliursday at 2 o'clock at the El- bavlllc Methodist church with Rev. J. C. Gentry officiating. Burial was lit the church grave yard. Bio — Obituaries - II/20/I942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVTLLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 20,1942 - Page 7 James W. Lisk Passed Friday James W. Lisk. 02, died Friday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. W. Alexander, at Coolcc- mee. Surviving arc .one son. John Lisk, of Concord; one daughter, Mrs. C. W. Alexander, of Cool- ccmec and 14 grandchildren. The funeral was held Satur day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home. Burial was in Crccniawn cemetery at China Grove. Bio - Obituaries - 11/20/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 25,1942 Mrs. L J. Horne Mrs. L. J. Honi«, 6S, of FanniD^oo«died late Wednesday foUowlod a scrokeof |»ara* lysis at noon. Mrs. Home was well known tbroaglioat her sectioD of the eonnty. She was nttlte active Id iwogiaiD of Farminfiton Meuiod* Ist Cborch, where she was a member. Be fore marriage ohe was Miss Hmitora Jarvls ofFarmingtoo Methodist Cburcb. where she was a member. Before maeriage she was Miss Mentors Jarvls. of Farroiotfton. Survivors loclode three son .L ^Home and Dr. Stephen, Frances Hmne. of Wins* too-Salem, and Hugh Jarvls. of Roanoke Rapids, and five arandehildren. B Funeral servloes were held at the home* Friday morning with {lev. J. W. Vestal] her pastor in charge. I James W. Ransom Foneial services tm James WIlHam Ransom, 87. of Blxby, who died Wednes day moraing at his home wereheld thuis day afternoon at the home at 2 o*cloek. and at Mt Tabor Methodist Chorch at 3 o'clock. Rev. Mr. DoHn, and Rev' A. J. Cox offi ciated and burial was followed in the church cemetery. Mr. Ronsoai waa born June 8, 1888 In Foisyth county where he lived until SO years ago when he moved to Bixby. In 1908 he was married to Mite Flora Mao Hendiix, who survives with three dattgbrera. Mrs. Louie Beat. Mrs Albert Foster, and Mrs. Lonnie Qornatidr all ^ Advance, Route 1; six grandebiidren; and, two sisteis, Mrs. Rosa Warner, and Mrs. J.. P. Perkins, both of Winston Salem. ' Henry T. Smithdeal Funeral serviees for Henry T.. Smith- deal, Advance meichanr, were* held at 2:30 Sunday aftmooo at the home and at 3 o'clocfc at Shady Grove M^odist <%uich. with Rev. J. C. Gentry, pastor, and Rev. Dwigbt Ware, pastor of Aid* more Methodist Cbuich, t^clatlng, Mr. SmitbdeaL 89. died early &taiday morotae, followlDg a critical lllnesa of 30 days. He suffered a heart attack earl^ la the week. Mr. Smithdeal was a native of Rowantconnty. but moved to Advanco many •years ago. where he eogagMl In the to bacoo and mercantile buMnesa. His wife passed away five years ago. and be made bis home with a daughter. He was one of Dayie coapty*8 old^ a.nd most belov^ chizehe, 000 Ms death has brought sad> tiess to hUndreios of friends throughout Davie and adjoining counties. Surviv^include five daughters, Mrs., L; ]L,:fitaoberJ;$pencer; Mrs. W. T. Eagle, t Winglon-Salefni Mrs Clamnce Davis, Ad*i vaoce: Mrs. Charles From,* Atlanta, Ga..i and- Mrs..I^ng'Myers, Rcfd;; six sons, J. F.;C. C'- and F. A Smithdeal Winston* Sulem; F. O. Smithdeal. Roanoke, Va.; Vestal Smithdeal. Mofg'*ntim, and G. C. SosItluicaL High Point. ( Bio - Obituaries -11/25/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 27,1942 - Page 1 Walter Taylor Green Killed in Action " n Second Lieut. WoUcr Toy- tor Orccn. 2t> o( (he UnKcd Stales army air corps, was killed in the Australian war theatre, his mother. Mrs. ^ Margaret Green, of Coolec- moo, was advised last Mon- .. day. Lieutenant Green, son of the late Walter Taylor Qroon. of Columbia, S. C., attended the Virginia Episcopal school and State collect, where hp played on the freshman foot ball team. He enlisted In the air corps In October, 1041. Survivors, besides his moth er, include a brother, Alien Green, a member of the edi torial staff of the. wilmlnB- ton Star-News. He was burled with full mili tary honors. More details of his career will bo published next week. Bio - Obituaries - 11/27/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 27,1942 - Pages 1 and 8 H. T. Smithdeal Passes II. T. SiniTllDKAL NOTED ADVANCE CITIZEN DIES H. T. Smlthtlonl, fifl. retired Advance merchant, died last SaUu'day nricr a critical illness of 30 days. He suircrcd a heart attack early In the week and death was not unexpected. I The funeral was held at the home and the Shady Grove ' Methodist church Sunday, co2i- ducted by the Rev. J. C. Gentry and the Rev, Dwlght Ware. Mr. Smithdeal was one of the few remulnlntf citizens who at- ' tended all of the Masonic pic nics since their beginning and each year he was the center of much Interest. Mr. Smithdeal was born Au gust 18, 1853, in Rowan county. He was married to Miss Fanny Charley, who died fl vc years ago, and had made his home with a daughter. Mrs. Clarence Davis, of Advance. He wn.s a member of Shady Grove Methodist ciuirch and was prominent in the analr.s of his community. , Survivors include five daugh- ter.s. Mrs. T. L. Stanber of Spen cer, Mrs. W. T. Eagle of Wln- ston-Snlem. Mrs. CI;u-omco Davis of Advance. Mrs. Charles Pram (Cuiil-inuctl oil iiage eisht) MORE ABOUT Smithdeal of Atlanta, Oa.. and Mrs. Irving Myers of Rclds; six sons. J. P., C. C. and P. .A. Smithdeal, all of Wlnston-SalGin; E, O. Smith- deal of Roanokc, Va,, Vestal Smithdeal of Morganton, and G. C. Smithdeal of High Point. Pnllboarer.s were Arthur Shutt, Clinton Dillon, Wcldon Recce, X. Voglcr, Sam Talbert and Charlie Cornatzer. Bio - Obituaries - 11/27/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 2,1942 Davie Soldier Killed Second Lleat, Walter T. OreeD, of tbe U. S. Army Air Corpa, aeon of Mrs. Mar^ret Green, of Coo> leemee, met death id tbe Attstra. liao area. Lieut Oreeu eollsied in tbe air corps a little more than a rear af(o. 'The body vras laid to rest lo Adtralla with milltt^y bou* ors. This Is the second man from Davie codoty to lose bis life while In tbe service of bis country, tbe first beios a son of Mr. and Mrs. Scacv R. Smith, who was reported missing in action last December. Mrs. G- H. Myers Mrs. G. H. Myecfi, 9Z, a natltre of Ihivie eottnty. bat who has beeo liviog Id WIos* lOD-Satem Moeo 1928, died In a boepfral to that dty F^rfday Stirvlvore Ischide her hafibaodi foar daitghtei8« ail of Wtostoa*^ Saletn: two bfothers, Wesley and Geottfel Mym of thiBCOODt?, and twoMatera, Mia \ Joe Howafd and Mia. Ada Ho#ard« of Da- vie ooiinty I Fooefal aervieea weie bald at Vogter^e; Chapel Sunday afternoon at 2 o*diKk« and i at the Macedoala Moravian Gfaofcb at 9 o*cioolL with Reva. Veroon Graf and Hen- \ ryA Lewis o^atinit. Interment was In' Macedonia Moravian eem^ery. j Bio - Obituaries -12/2/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 4,1942 - Page 8 E. A. Shermer Dies At Advance Home E. A. Shermer, 76, of Advance, Route 1, died at his home Tuea> day night. The funeral was held yester day afternoon at the Advance Methodist church, conducted by, the pastor, the Rev. Mr, Gentry. Burial was in the church ceme tery. Three daughters survive: Mrs. J. E. Robertson, Lynchburg, Va.: Mrs. P. E. Falrcloth and Mrs. Wiley Barney, Advance, Route i. Pour brothers also survive: T M, and J, B. Shormor, Advance; W. G.. Winston, and Noah, Sal isbury, Nine grandchildren like wise survive. Mr. Shermer was a former carpenter. Though a native of Yadkln county, he had lived in Advance community for 40 years. Bio - Obituaries - 12/4/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 9,1942 Little Gladys Briokley Gladys Eaton Btiskley. tbe It-yearnild daiiih^ of Mr» and Mm Zeb If * Biiiikloy« died at tlie lumso of her patenta in Ciarks* villa towD^p eariy Smiday ittofidBd* fol lowing a two weeks' fitoees with ibeoaiat* fo fwer. Sanrlvlnd am the parents and one brother, Shcftill Briokley. The fnoeral setvloes ware held Monday momind at tt o'doeh at the WllllaiB ^ Davie eehooL where she was a fifth grade papil, with Rav. H. W. Hatcheoeoottdtttt* fng the setvieee. The little body was laid to rest in Bear Qreek Baptist drareh oem etery. To the bereayed pamnts and fittle bro- thei^ The Record lolne .a boat of friendi in extending lieaftfdt sympathy In this w^d bereavefflonl^' and eooiniendi them to Him who said, nearly ttro thooMnd years ago. **Sirfrer the little ehlldieo to come onto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heayen." L Andrew Sheimer E. Andmw Shermer, TlJ died at the home of bis daoghier, Mrs, Wiley Baney* near Afiyance. Tneeday night of last week» Mr. Bhenner h^ been etckfora toagtinie. and eoffoied a stioke of parhtysis a few daya before hie death. Bnrvlylttg am theea daaghtenii Mia. F.. E Falfdoth and Mia. Wiley Bame?, of near Adyance. .and Mm. d. E. R^ocon. Lynehbcng. Va.; fonr brotbete. W.G. fiber- mor, Winston fialom; Noah 8hefmor,8alls bury; J. B and T. M.Sheimor, Advanee. Ftmoial Servieea worn held it Adyance Methodist ehmch Thmiday aftotnoon at 2 o*olOofc. with Rev. Mn Gootiy In charge, and tha body laki to rest In the ofaineb oemotecy. / Mr. Sheimer moved to Davto ooniiiy some 40 yearn ago ftooh Yadkln oounty. • Ho waaone ol our oldoM raboeflbofii To the beieaved coed Tha Raoord aatende eym- path? In thla hoar; Bio - Obituaries —12/9/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 11,1942 - Page 1 PRUiTT FUNERAL Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at Bethel church for Mrs. Hattlc Prultt, 80, who died Monday morning In Rowan county. The Rev. F. A. Wright conducted the service and Interment was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Prulit was the aunt of John FopUn of Mocks- vllle. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 11,1942 - Page 3 Gladys Brinkley Funeral Monday, Gladys Eaton Brinkley. 11- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Zob M. Brinkley, died Sun day at the home In Clarksvlllc township, after two weeks' Ill ness with rheumatic fever. Surviving arc her parents and a brother, Shcrrll) Brinkley; her grandparents, Mrs. Sarah Brink ley, of Salisbury, and D. R. Eaton of Davie county. Funeral services were held Monday morning at 11 o'clock from the William R. Davis school. She was n flfth grade pupil In this school. Interment was In the Bear Creek Saptlst church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 12/11/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 11,1942 - Page 4 J. W. REECE, 74, BOONVIllE RESIDENT, DIES Funeral services for Joel Wil son Rccce, 74, well known retired farmer of BoonvUle, were con ducted from the BoonvUle Bap tlst church, Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. The Rev. Paul Forsythe, pastor, and the Rev. J. P. Davis, former pastor, con ducted the services. Burial was made In the church cemetery. Mr. Rcece died at his home In BoonvUle Monday mornina at 12:45 o'clock. He had been in decUnlng health for four years, seriously 111 for two days. He was born in Yadkln county October 24, 1868, son of Joel D. and Sarah Caudle Reece. He spent oil of his life in Yadkln county. He was married June 14, 1890, to Miss Annie Watklns. Hetwos educated at the Moravian palls academy, at Moravian Polls.- Survivors include the widow; one son, Thad M. Recce of Boon vUle, one sister, Mrs. Lucy J. Watklns of Charleston, S. C., one grandchild. He was a brother of the late B. M. Reece, attorney of YadklnvlUe. Active pallbearers for the services wera Fred Key, Ralph coram, Fred Klmel, Roy Reece, Frank Hobsoii and Zeb Johnson. Honorary paUbeorers were J L. Motalnger, C. R. Transou, II. V. Fleming, J. J. Corom, Bahnaon Shugart, J. Wade Shore, A. 8L Speer, T. w. Martin, O. S. WU- liams and O. A. Fleming. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 11,1942 - Page 6 WADEREAVSJR., FUNERAL HELD Funeral services for Wade Rcavls, Jr., 14, popular mem ber of the sophomore class of Yadklnvlllo High school, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Wade , Rcavls, Sr., of Yadkinvlllc, were held at the school auditorium last Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Tho Rev. R. L. West, pastor of the Yadklnvlllo Methodist church, and tho Rov. B. W. Turner, conducted the services Burial 'was made In the Flat Rock Baptist church cemetery. Pallbearers wore Ralph Baton Dick Kelly, Harrcll Hudspcth Conrad Brown, James Mackie, Dftvld and Thomas Williams, and Lloyd Parduc. Olrls of his school class were Uowcrbcarcrs. Young Rcavls was killed In stantly about 7 o'clock last Tues day night when his bicycle was In eollislon with a pick-up truck driven by Coy Johnson of Brooks Crossroads. Tho accident oc curred a .short distance cast of Yadkinvlllc while the boy was delivering evening papers. Coro ner R. V. Long and SherllT A. L. Inscorc, who investigated the accident, have declared It "un avoidable." Ho was a member of tho school debating club and a member of tho YadklnvlUe Boy Scout troop. Uls father for many years an attorney at Yadkinvlllc, Is fed eral probation oiTlcer of tho middle North Carolina district. Immediate survivors include the parents: one brother, Har old, and one sister, (Margaret, uU of the home. The mother, be fore morrlage, was Miss Dora Branon. Bio — Obituaries - 12/11/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 16,1942 Mrs. Jerry P<*tts Mn* Jerr? Fotta, 90, died Sunday atber hMM 00 R 2 Sorvivjnd are three eene, A« W« W. T. and J H. Fotte, of Mocks- ville: one daughter, Mrs. Mary House, of OoolMmee; two sisters, Mrs Binroa La* nltf • of WHistoo Satem; and Miss Cynthia Bi^Si of Leilngtoo; one hrother, Dave Brook. • of LesiogtoQ. Tke fffoeral eervkea w^ held Monday aftmooa at S o^otook, at Oak Grove M; E, Choieb, with Rev, 6. W. Fink to chaige. tiMl the body laid to rest in the ehmw t James T. Drives James Thomas Driver. 74, died yester^ day ofleroooo at his home. Mocksvitte. Route 2, Swiviog are four sons, dande S Driver of Newoastleii lod., Fred L Driver of the U. S. Army, Oaear E, and Jesse T, Driver of Moeksvllle. Route Z; one daughter, Mrs. T. C Reavis of MocksvlUe. Route Zn two sistefs, Mrs. James Seamou of Moekaville. {Route 4; aod Mrs. Sammy Foster dfMooks* ; vliie, Koufe 9; one brother, U D. Driver of Cooleemee: and 16 granddiitdreD. 1 The funeral was held Sunday afternoon r at 3 oVdock at Wesley Chapel Rev. J. \ W, Vestal and Rev. J. H. Grace oonducted ;tbeservioea Burial was in the chuioh ' graveyard. ) In the of Mr. Driver Davle eoontv has(lost one ttf her host dtizeos. He win be missed In the oommunlty when he has lived for so many years He was one of ..our fifends of long standing To the be- ^ leaved family The Record estnnds sym I pathy in this sad hour. Bio - Obituaries — 12/16/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 18,1942 - Pages 1 and 4 Mrs. Jerry Potts Passes Sunday Mrs. Jerry Potts, 00. died Sun- day at her home, Mocksville, Route 2. Survlvlne are three sons, A. W.. W, T. and J. H. Potts of (Gonitnued on pofo font) MORE AauCT Potts Moclcsvillc; one aaughter, Mrs. 'Mary House of Cooleemec; two sisters, Mrs. Emma Lanler of % Wlnston-Salcm, and Miss Cyn thia Brooks of Lexington; on brother, Oavc Brooks of Lex Ington; 20 grandchildren and 20 gront-grandehUdren, The funeral was held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Oak Grove Methodist church. The Rev. G. W. Fink conducted the services. Burial was In the church graveyard. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 18,1942 - Page 2 DEATH CLAIMS PRUIHE GIRL Thclmu Louise Prulttc, 14- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Prultto, of East ' Bend, Route 1, dlOd Friday morning at 12:05 o'clock at a Wlnston-Salcm hospital after an Illness of 12 days. Miss Pruitlc was born In Yad- kln county, June 2, 1028, a daughter of James M. and Lola M. Whltakcr Prulttc. Surviving arc the parents, and one brother, James M. Prulttc, Jr., all of East Bend. Route 1. The funeral was hold Satur day afternoon at 2 o'clock at Friendship Boptlst church. The Rc\, Ellis Norman conducted the services. Burial was made In the church graveyard. Pallbear ers wore Vivian Angel, Fonrow Crlssman, Calvin Angel, Way- mouth Matthews, Robert Angel and Luther Nichols. Bio - Obituaries - 12/18/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 18,1942 - Page 3 Nancy Jane Myers YADKIN'S OLDEST WOMAN DIES Mrs. Nancy Jane Myers, 100, one of the county's oldest woni< en, died at her home near Yad- klnvllle at 9:20 o'clock Sunday night following a week's Illness. Although Mrs. Myers had been in declining health for some time, she was quite active until she was stricken seriously 111 about a week ago. Mrs. Myers was born In Yad- kln county. March 2, 1842. the daughter of Charlie and Bar bara Allman. She spent her en tire life In the county.. She was a member of Union Cross Friends church. Survivors Include the bus band, Abnor >Mycrsi one son, William D. Myers of Winston Salem; nine grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. The funeral was hold at Un Ion Cross Friends church at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon with the Rev. Wade Adams In charge. Burial was made in the church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 12/18/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 18,1942 — Page 4 James T. Driver Rites Sunday Jaiwes Thomas Driver, _ 74, died Friday afternoon nt his home, Mocksvtllc, Route 2. Surviving are four sons, Claude S. Driver of Newcastle, Ind., Fred L. Driver of the U. 8. army. Oscar E. and Jesse T. Driver of Mocksvile, Route 2; one daughter, Mrs. T. C. Reavls of Mocksvllle, Route 2: two als tcrs, Mrs. James Seamon of MocIcsviUe. Route 4, and Mrs. Sammy Foster of Mocksvllle, Route 3; one brother, L. D. Driver of Cooleemee, and 16 grandchildren. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Wes ley Chapel. Hie Rev. J. W. Ves tal and the Rev. J. H. Oroce conducted the services. Burial was In the church graveyard. Services Held Tuesday For Robert H. Crotts Funeral services were held Tuesday at 3 o'clock for Rob ert H. Crotts, 01. at the Con cord 'Methodist church. The Roy. O. W. Pink had charge of the services and interment was In the church cemetery. Mr. Crotts died Sunday at Lowery's hospital In Salisbury where he had been a patient for two days. He bad been seriously 111 for two weeks. Mr. Crotts was a native of Davidson county but had spent his entire life In the Concord community. He Is survived by four sons:" c. H., Walter and Frank of Mocksvllle, Route 4, C. L. of Granite Quarry; three daughters: Miss Maggie at homo, Mrs. Fletcher Beck and Mrs, William Secrest of Mocksvllle, Route 4; 29 grandchildren and 40 great-grandchildren. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 18,1942 - Page 7 Charles T. Nichols Dies at 90 Charles I. Nichols, 00. died early Sunday morning follow ing a day-day lllne5.s of pneu monia. He wa.s a native of Yatlkir. county, a son of A. C. and Pnl- tlc Brooks NlchoLs. and spent most of his life in this section. He wos born March 42. 1892. Mr. Nichols was a member ol DcHnrt Baptist cinircli in Siirry county. He was married to Miss Clorsa Brooks, who died November 21. 1021. Survivors include three daughters. Mrs. Wesley Harris of Yadklnviile, Route 1, Mrs. Carrie Shupe of Moddock, Va., and Mrs. LllUe Spahihour of Eikln. Funeral services were con ducted at 3 o'clock Monday aft ernoon at Longtown Holiness church, with the Rev. Paul Hayncus and the Rev. Fred Spcer, pastor, odlciating. inter ment was made in Longtown cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -12/18/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 23,1942 Robert H. Crotts Fdneral sendees wMe bold at 3 o'ctocfc for Robert H. Gtotti. 91, at tbe CoDOMd Metbodiet cbmelL Rev.G. W. fink ha^ ebaige et tbe servicea and interment was to tbe cbiticb cemetory. n Mn Qotis died Dec. IStb atLowery bo» Ipal, SaOetmiyt vbeie be bad bemi a pa< ttent for two He had been seiioufr ly Qlfortwo weefca. Mr, Ctotta la Sttfvlved by fonr eona; S H» Walter and Pimok d Bloekaville. E, 4 0 Lofiltaalte Qoeny: tbree dsodhteta Has UagRie of the home, Mia, Fletehce }k and Mrs* William Secreat of Moofca*] [(llle. Route 4. j Mrs. William Howard Mrs. William H. Howard. 6S. died at her borne two miles eoulb of Moobsvllle Fif- (toy aftemoon at 2 o'clock, death resoltlnS from heart trouble. Mra. Howard had Iwn Id bad health (or eome time Surviving are the husband, five sons, William Howard. MockoVille; Pvt Sam Howard, Camp Blending, f la.. Roy Howard It home. Ed Howaid, Cooleemaa, and d V Howard* also in the army; one daugh ter, Mrs. C. W. Shephoid, Craleemeo, One brother Joe Poiker, Mocksvllte, R. 4. Funeral Bervicea were held at ^oleo'- mee Methodist ohurch Sunday afteraoon, with Rev. F. J. Stougb in obarge and the l>ody laid to rest In Liberty Methodist :bnrch cemeteiy. To the bereaved fami ly The Recmd extends sympathy in the tleath of this good woman. William Branson Mason Dayie Olizeo Passes William Branson Mason. 87. a file toog' drtsen of near County Uoe. died at tbe borne of hia daogbim'. Mra HattfaLetmard, near Lexingtoo, on Deo 12th, following an IHoesa of eevmal werts. Ftineral and bn* rial eetvlcM took ptace at Society Baptist dmreb on Deo. IStb, witb Revs. N. C. Teagoe and T. G. MoiHsoa In cbaige. Mrs. Mason Is sunrlvcd by two daoghters Mrs. Hollls Leooard, of Lexington, and Mrs. R. H. Hngbey, of Preecott Wash; two sisters, Mrs. Sdfie Crater, of Hlgb Point* and Mrs. Oirila Felmster. of States- A goot^ man baa gone to Us reward. Bio — Obituaries - 12/23/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 25, 1942 - Page 1 Mrs. Daisy Howard Passed Friday Mrs. Daisy Howard of Route 4, near MocksvHie, died last Fri day at her home and was buried Sunday afternoon following fu neral services at the Cooleemee Methodist church, where the body lay In state from 1:30 until 2 p. m. Burial was in the Liberty Methodist churchyard. Mrs. Howard was ill Just a short time, but had been In de clining health for some time. She was the wife of W. H. Howard and was the former Daisy Parker of Davle county. Her former residence was at Cooleemee. Surviving arc tnc husband: one daughter, Mrs. C. W. Shep herd of Cooleemee; five sons, Bill and Roy Howard of Mocks- vllle, Ed Howard of Cooleemee, Pvt. S. 'M. Howard of Camp Blandhig, Fla., Pvt. Calvin How- ord of the United States air corps, Montgomery, Ala.; one grandchild, and one brother, Joe Parker, ot MockavlUe. The Rev. E. J. Stough was in charge of the-funeral services. Bio - Obituaries - 12/25/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA