Jan - JunMOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 2,1942 - Page 1
, \V. E. Wtill, well known Mock®.
vUlc- rcs'.tlcjrt—for-- the -lajrf; -2S
ycnrs. died nt hU home on San<
^ [Old Aveniiu here Wednesday
I uftcrnoon nt 2:30 o'clock. He
^ was 73.
^ He had been In ill hcnUh for
bhc Itisl four ycaM bnt confined
. to hU bed only for the ln.tl three
I He Is .survived by Ida svldow,
Uic former -Miss Con IJamcs,
! and the following children: J.
, W. Wnll and Mrs. R. p. Boger
' of Mocksvllle. Mrs. T. L. Baker,'
. 'Mrs. Richard Sneck and Clar-
, eiicc Wall, nil of Wlnston-Salem.
] John R.iy Wall and Mrs. Fordlo'
' Hcauchnmp of Adv,ince. route 1.'
J Funeral nnniigemcnts have
not been completed but serv-
' Ices will be held some time (o-
* day, Friday.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 2, 1942-Page 4
W. Ctie Jones. 73. died ui h
home., In Ciarksvlllc lownshi
early last Wednesday monilng
Son of Ellsha and Lydia Wuc
Jone.v tile deceased Is survive
by a foster son. Thoaias Joh<
of East Bond, route 3. and tl
following daughters: Mrs. E.
Dwiggins, route 1; Mrs, L.
Brown and Mrs- J. L- Jolh'M
route U. The following broV
crs also survive: John ol.roul
3. J. e. or Virginia. O. K.^
route I. If. K. of LcuksvHU-#
N. C. of Thomasvlllc.
The funeral was held In
Thursday afternoon at Unio
Chapel church, conducted b
Rov. F. A. Wright. Inlcrinei
was 111 church cemetery.
Imps. b.c. white
j Mrs. .Mtniilo Snillli Wliili-. 0
iWlfc uf B. C. Wimo. died at he
I home iu Fnrmlngton to-wnshl
j last Tuc.idoy.
Mr.i. White was the doualile
ul William Ourdon Smith an
Rhoda E|[7iibetli Smith.
ImnicdlatL- .survivors tn.riiid
I the husband. 13. C. Whiir; tw
|son.s. Willie White. Mocksviil'
I Route S, and Luiuilv Winii
(Cann. Route l; iwo al«tcrs.Fear! Polls, Mocksvllle. Roui'^l
and Mrs. Jame.i Allen. Mocksviil
Route 2: kwo brothers. ciH
Smith, Mocksvllle. Route 4. Ji
Willie Smith. Fort Smith. Ark.
and two gratidclUldrcii.
The funeral was held at Wy«
Meiliodlsi Church at II o'elocl
Thursday morning with the Rev
'J. W. \'e.stal In clmrgc. Qurla
wa.s In the church cemftlcrv.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/2/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 7,1942
Wiliiain E. Wall, 73* well tcnown
Uoekaville dtisen. died at his home
on Sanford avenue Wednesday after
noon at 2:80 o'elodc, followlnar an
extended illneee.
Funeral aervieet were held at Oak
Grove Methodist Qiofch ^Idayj
afternoon at 2:80 o'clock, with Rev.
G, W. Huh and E. W. Turner In
ehame, and the body laid to rest In
the church cemetery.
Mr. Wall is survived by his widow,
three sons, J. W. Wall, of this city;
Clarence Wall. Winston Saleas; J. S.
Wall. Advuce; four daughters. Mrs,
R. P, Roger, Moekaville; Mrs. T. L.
Baker and Mrs. Richard ^eek,
Winaton^Salem; Mrs* Fordie Beau*
champ. Advance. R. 1.
The Record extends sympathy to
the bereaved wife and children in
the death of this loved member of
the family. A good man has been
called to his reward. |
Mrs. J. F. Grubbs.
Mrs, J. F. Gfuhb, Sl.dled.Satuiday morn
ing at her home near Fork.
The fttocral was held Monday afternoon
at 2- o'clock at Pork Baptist chitich. Rev.
E. W. Turoer conducted the services. Bu
rial was In the church graveyard.
Surviving are one son, Jacob Grubb. of
MooksvUte. Route 3s one stepson. S. H.
Grubb, of West Virginia: and on daughter.
Hiss Lula Grubb, of the home.
W. C Jtmn PasNf
W. C. Jones, 73- welUkuown
Ctarfesvillc township farmer, died
at hit home op R. Wednesday
moniloR. Dec. 24tb, death result
ing from a stroke of paralysis.
Funeral aervlcee were held at
Unioii Chapel Methodist CKur^
onDec.35tb. at 3 o'clock, with
Rev F. A. Wright in charge, andthe bod? laid to fcsi In the church
cemetery. ,.
Surviving Mr, Jones is his wW
ow, a foster son; three danghtew
and five brothers. Mr. Jones tuilibe mimed in the eommnnlty where
he bad Rved fbr go many yeafs^
Mrs. A. ML &road
Mis. Andrew M. iStrond. 86.
died at her home near Connty
Line, on Dec. 34tb, following an
Uln^ of several years. Her bus
band. A. M Strond, passed away
in 1932'.
Funeral services were held at So-
dety Baptist Church Dec. afitb, at
IX o'doek. with Rev. W. L' Mc>
Swain, the pastor, and Rev. R. L.
Smith, of High Point, offielatlng.
Pallbearers were Reitzel Pierce, S«
M, Strond, Herman Strond, Hen
ryStrcud, Lrwteoce Strond and
Hlyma Strond. Flowers were in
charge of Mrs C. B. Howard, as
aisled by friends of the family.
Snrvivlng Mrs. Strond are six
sons and one daughter; M D. and
M. K.. of High Point, S. M. of
Caswell connty, John F , of New
Mexico, S. E., at home, and M. B,
Strond, of Thomasville; Mrs. D. B
Pierce of Spray.
The death of thta good mother
In ISTsel brings sadness to 'the en.
lire comtntiniiy where she went a-
bout doing good for three quarters
of a centnry. She will be sadly
missed in the home, and in the So
ciety Cbnrrii, where she had been
a member alnce earlv girlhood.
Bin. Lona R. .WHfiaais
Mrs Lnna R. Williams, 78, wid
ow of 8. B. Williams, former Lex
ington atlomey, died at her home
inSalfibniy on . Dec. 26th. Mia.
Williams nad been an invalid for
the past 17 ygars. Fltnera! and bur
ial service took place at Lexing
ton on Dec 29th.
Mrs. Williams was a native of
Davie connty, having lived near
Advance for mstiy years. Her
fann, Marcbnumt, two hulei from
Advance, was one of the show
places of Davie connty. Surviving
Mrs. Williams arc two daughters
who r^de in Salisbury.
Hesiy.W. AnamaAy
Henry W. Ainaworlhy, 63, died
at tab'home at Thotnosvilleon Dee.
23fd, following a long illness. Hr,
Annsworthy was a resident o f
Modbville for many years. He Is
survived by hla widow and-several
chlMien, and many relatives in Da-^
vie connty. f
Bio — Obituaries - 1/7/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 9,1942 - Page 1
Mjrs. Gnibb Dies
At Fork Hon^e
Gr^VA), died
at h«? )xnn6 nM 9Xt-
jDa^filiter ol X>yAA an4 BUa
■botit Call, :0Li6 id aon'iVtH* Uy u
JAocfii Orutfti ai routo 3; ^
a fios. S. H. Gn^ «t We«tV!:<^iniai htA a tia\]ighkT, MlS6
Lbla GnAib. at btnne.
<2?ic fsBCKi] vme bekl Monday
sttiiflvic<ci at 2 oVilook. oonducied
by niv, S. w. Tamer* Ini»
:xiisfii -«« in Af ce;a?eli cem<e-
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 9,1942 - Page 6
Mr.*. •(. Ctii'tner. 54. died
Wednesday n>oin!n« nt 0 o'cicck
nt her honu* Id South CaSdittUn
Tito hmoral wivs hold ycstofi
day alierDoun nt 2 o'clock ni
U\v Sillelil—MRIIOmsv—ctmrdT
coiKhictcd by Rev. o. w. Fink,
rniomtotu wn.i In the church
Dcitiah'tor or c. M. nud Lnurnj
Oulchor O<»dboy. -iho Is »ur\"i.vod|by her huilband. Jesdo Lec Ctirt^ jncr. nud the folluwbi; children:!Cinudf and Joaio hoc Jr.. boihlat h«Ruc; Mary Qiancho, May!and Ellaibcth cnrtncr. ah atj
Three .sUtcrs nn<l wo brothers
also -surrlvc: Mrs. O. L. Walker,
rouxo 4: Mr.s. Sallio Stroud. route
1; Mrs. Robert Cauvpbell, Cleve
land. route 1: Mart Oodbey, Har.
mouy, route l; Frank Godbcy,
Mocksvllle, route l. The grand
children likcMviac .ntrvlvc.
ihiisn.fiy. i\. FVtner, «!. well
lrM"vn jr-ujwl fnnrier. riled at
lu:t h<crrt<. on route 3 nt 12:40
p. jjt. WedneA).ay.
Thf- fant-m: wTW hold Thnrs
«k^ ulu-rnoon at 3:30 o'clock
ut ihiihc) MeiuiiotU.it church.
<;0'«ddct«d 'oy Re.'. F. A. Wrljht
luWl aMi.itcd by Rev. R. M
Itatdff. rnte.-meat wns In the
thurck cemewry. The body lay
tn .uitv a:, iht- church for a half
hour prior to the service.
i^tr. o.' Gi-or^e and Ruth Booc
ft tQpt^r. rhc deceased Is .survived
by ant .'lUtl two dniuthtors
C5 B, W B.. J. E., all of Wliw-
S. L. of route 3. E.
rJcKi" and croU; Foster of
Moidtsvillft: M.'.*. W. G. S.iln and
tAjfi. c. C. rvjoif ttf rofjtc 3.
briiUHr. T. L. Po.ster of route
3, ;ilM' .survives.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/9/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 9,1942 - Page 7
Rev. O. J. MartJn. 1$. weU
known rettre<l BapUiC msnister.
died last rrtday morning nt 11
o'clock at the home of a daugh
ter, Mrs. J. M. Tucker, near
LowtsvtUc. after an Illness of sev.
eral doys.
Rev. Mr. Martin was born In
Yodkln county, September 5,
1803. Ho spent most of his Ufo
In Yadkln and retired, from the
octlve ministry about ten years
ago. He had made his home with
•Mrs. Tucker for only a short
Ouring his years In the mln
Istry, Rev. Ctlr. Martin served as
ipostor of Friendship Church.
Union Hill Baptist. Yadkln Val
ticy BaptUc Church and Porbush
Baptist Church. He was a mem
ber of Friendship Baptist church.
His wife died In April 1040.
Ho Is mirvlved. bSL/even chil
dren. Wiley .Martin" of High
Point: .Mrs. J. C. Cough of Flint
Hill: Mrs. W. s. Hull of Wash-
Ington. D. C.: Mrs. Eva Renognr
of Wlnston-Salcm: Mrs. John
Jones of Lexington: Mrs. J. M.
Tucker' of Lowisville and Lester
Martin of Vadklnvlllc: and four
sIster.H. Mrs. Bob Polndcxtcr of
W1n>4ion-galcm: Mrs. SteUn CU.i.
lham and Mrs. Ovur,tv D.ivia
both of Yadkln county.
The funeral was held Sunday
.tflcrnoon at 3 o'clock at Frirnd-j ihlp BiiptLst Church, near .Smith.
Mown. Rev. Ellis Norm.-x::. Rev.
Eiv.meil Caudle nlid Rev. Mr.
I Niivhii'js cutisUicird vhr ^crvSvw.
ICnriaJ foliowt-tl in t'no church
j trraveyani.
j l un.r.'d .service.* for p:e.t.s.\nijn. .M-.;;tlii.';v.<. -tO. vvcli-kiviwn
jlnrnur ol the .Sml'/ni.jwm
lion wlm died Frid.iy aitii-nat>n
rollo'.vln't a lengihly utne.s^ '.v.is
Im l;l Kinulny )u(>rnln|> .it II
oViock from the Prorpect .Me-
iliv'dL'i Church of which he vns
:i nu-niber. Rev. Cf, A. llovla,
i>.ia!ur. .and Rev. Charlc.s H.tliuvhcns were In charfje.
He Is survived by the widow,
the former .Miss .Mamie Smirh-
crman: three brothers, Oruver
.111(1 Cvcrcttc Matthc'wc of Eaot
?vnd and Robert .Matthews of
Wlnsion-Salom; one half-sioter,
^rllne Matthews of Winston-
'^item nnd one half-hrnther.
Raymond Matthews of Florida
Burial was in the. church ceme
Pallbearers were Joe MatthewsW, A. Taylor, caivin Angell
Oiirnlc WUllard, B. l. Angell and
Clark Stimpson.
Mary Louise Scott
Mary Louise Scott, 6. dnugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Scott
died Tliursdoy following a brief
illness. Funeral services were
held Saturday afternoon nt 2
o'clock. Other survivors arc two
brothers, one sister and grand-
Bio - Obituaries -1/9/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 14,1942
Davy If Rnjuurdsoo.
^ David I*aiayelte RidiaidMKi, 66,
well knowti dtizeo of the Sheffield
seelioo, traa found dead in bed
last Tuesday, tttorninff. Bfr. Sitelu
aidsoa. had been to fairly fEOOd
health, and bis death was a shoUk
to the entire t^muoity.
Pnnefal aetvioes were hdd at
New Uoloo Methodist chtti^ Wed*
itesday aftemooo atji o*eloch, with
Revs. R. V. Martin and 8* M«
Bomgamer condttetlng the services;
Btr. Rtchardsoo to survived by
Hb widow* one son* Oilmer* of this
eity; three datightem, Mrs, W. O.
OaUher. Slatesvllle; Mrs. K. 1*.
Beoge, Blade filoantalo, and Mrs,
Charlie Beeves, Hannooy* R* i.
In the death of Mr. RIdiiidsoa
the editor loses a friend of linig
standing. He bad been a fregueut
visitor 10 onr office for more than a
gnarter of a century. To the
reaved family The Record enoeuda
sympathy to the death of this bus*
band and lather. Peace ^lo bis
Samoel Albert Foster.
Samuel Albert Foster, 8i, one of
Davie's oldest and best known dti-
sens, died at bis home on R. 3
Wednesday afternoon shortly be
fore one o'clock, death following a
stroke of paralysis.
Puoeral services were held at
Bethel Methodist diorch Tburs*
day afteruoon at 3:30 o'clock, with
Rev. P. A. Wright officiating, and
the body laid to rest In the church
Surviving are site sons, B P. and
C. A. Poster,. Modcsville; S. L.
Poster, R« 3; O B., W. B. and J.
B Poster* WinstonSaiem; two
daughters, Mrs. W. G. Sain and
Mrs. Cliff Pool, R. 3. One brother,
T. L. Foster, of R. 3, also survives,*
In the death of Mr. Foster the
county loses one of her best beloved
dtizens, the children a kind and
loving father, and the community
an obliging ndkhbor and friend.
To the bereaved cbildreo The Re>
cord esteods sympathy in this sad
hour. A good man has been calU^
ed to bis reward. |
Mrs. A. A. AndcraiHi.
Mrs. A. A* Anderaoii* SB. widow
of a CdnfedeKde veteruD* died Firi*
day inoniiiig at 10 o'dcek at the
home of a boo* W. N. Andafsoo* at
SoryiylDg^ave three eona, Zb N#
aud Dr. R. P. Anderooa of Moeka*
vUle; and WT R. Andeiaoii of ModcsB
vllle* Roote 1; one daughter* Mra.
Agnes Cain bf Brooklyo* K. T.; 10
grandchildreii,'18 gieat«raadchild
ren; foor aistenJdrs. J. 6. Huff ofi
Saitford* Mra. ghrana Beiibow and
Mrs. Minorva Martin of fiist Bend
and Mis. AngtstiDe Speas of Wii»
toG-Salem; one brother* Charlie
FOtndester* ox Portland* Oi^
The teneral was hdd at the homo
of the son. W. -N. Aodeisoo* Sondv
aftemooo at 2 o'doek. Bey. G« W.
Fink eondneted the services. Burial
was In the Anderson family grave*
Miss TeiDj^ranm&ttoot
Mfes Temperance Smoot, 64. well
known teaeber. died Sunday at her
homeinCalahalQ tcwnsbip. follow*
inff Several years dedinfaig health.
Hiss Smoot was bora in Davie
county* a daogbter of the late W.i
Scott Smoot and Satlio Anderson
Smoot. She taught In Btoseboole of
Davie and adjoining coohties for 88
years, •
Surviving ate three staters and a
brother. Mra. Ulliao Kooota, Mrs.
W. W. TOmer. Misa Joan Smootand
G. Anbrey Sinoot, ml of Davie eoan*
ty. .
Funeral services were held Moo*
day morning at U o'clock from
Salem Methodist church of which
Miss ScQcot bad been a membor for
many years. Her pastor. Rev. G.
W. Fhik* conducted the services.
la tbedeatb oi Miss Smoot Davie
county .loses one of her best (mown
and most beloved women. Her pass*
ing has bvou^t sadness to hundreds
of friends tbrougiioat the entire
county To -the bereaved .brother
and sisters, the editor esteods
heartfelt sympathy in this hour of
Bio - Obituaries -1/14/1942
Mrs. I;: L Cartwr.
Mrs. I. Lee Catiuer* 57. died at
her home nw County Lino 1^
Wedneaday morning at siz o'cfock,
following, a heart attack* Mra.
Camer had been In had health for
several years Sad serfously in for
the post two weeks
Mrs. Cartoer was a dsugbter of
the lite Mr. and Mrs. C. -M. God-
by. 6f Couaty Uik* ood Msurvived
by bcff husband, two sons, Claud
and J. L Jr.* of R. 4; tbieedaogb.
lets, Misaw Mary Blanche* Mae end
Bhsabeth Cmtner. et home; two
brotbeis* M. L; Oodhy* Harmony,
8.1; Prank Oodby* R 1; three
alatera* Mis. Robert Campbell, of
Rowan CLunty; Mrs. W. P. Strond,
R. 1, and Mrs Luther Walker, R.
Funeral services were hdd at
Sdlem Melhodat Church Thursday
afternoon at 2 -ydock, with her
pastor* Rev. O. W. Pink in charge^
and the body laid to rest In the
church cemetery.
In the death of Mrs. Cartoer the
diureh baa lost a faithful worker*
the bttshittd onb children a loving
wife and mother. To the bereaved
family The Record estenda heart-
fdt sympathy In this hoar of aad*
Dcas and beresvemcnL
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 16,1942 - Page 1
Mrs. M;iry Puindt'xier Ander
son. 93. svido**' oi A. A. Ander.
son. a Cotvfedcrate veteran, died
last Friday mornlne at 10 o'clock
at the home of a son. W. N.
Anderson, in Calahaln township.
Daughter of Robert and Mar<
tha Ward Polndextcr. she is sur
vlved by three sons and a dau
ghter: Z. N. and Dr. R. P. An
derson of Mocksville. W. N. An
derson and Mrs. Agnes Cain of
Brooklyn. K. Y. Four sisters
and a brother also survive: Mrs.
J. O. Huff. Sanford; Mrs. Svans
Benbow. East Bend: Mrs. Au
gustine Speas, Wlnston-Balem;
"iM^Minerva Mart'ln.East Bend;
Charlie Polndcxter. Portland.
Org. Sixteen grand children and
18 great grandchildren likewise
The funeral was held at the
home of W. N. Anderson Sun-
ds^ afternoon, with Rev. O. w.
Fink In charge. Interment was
in the Anderson- family come
Thomas Poplin. 01. ol Mocks
ville died at his home hero
Tuesday night at 0 o'clock after
a protracted illness.
The funeral wa.s heUl yester
day morning at II o'clock at
Bethel Methodist church. In
terment \vn.s In the church ceme
Son of the late J. M. and
Carolina Ccntic Poplin, he is
survived by his widow and the
following children; Win. O.,
Woodrow. Henry. James and
Frank Poplin. Mias Wlnona Pop.
Iln and Mrs. R. H. Hnncllne, all
of Mocksville. and Mrs. Spen
cer Baity of Hanes. Three bro-
«hers and a sister olso survive:
Bd and John Poplin and Mrs.
Spencer Summers of Mocksville
and J. w. poplin of Rounuku,
(Mr. Poplin was a native of
Davie county and was well known
nr.d greatly liked by his many
irlend.s and acquainlanci's. He
ran u lihoe shop here fur many
Mi'3. Monroe Corincr
Passed Tuesday
Mrs. Julln Bllaabeth Cartner,
70. widow of .Monroe Cartner.
died Tuesday at/her home In
Oalahnln townahip. following a
fow hours Illness.
Mrs. Gartner was born In Davle
county, daughter of the late Mr.
and ^3. Samuel J. Foster. Sur
viving arc a son and a daugh
ter. W. M. Cartner and Mrs.
Bessie Dwigglns. both of Davle
county; u brother, John L. Fos
ter. of Davle county.
^neral services were held
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from Salem Methodist church,
of which 'Mrs. Cartner had been
a mendier since girlhoocd.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/16/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 16,1942 - Page 2
in. L. Richardson
i Riles ^Vc(^nc.sday
I RicharcLson '.vsks loiind dnad In *1
bod last Tiie^day mnruiite. He li. j'
D L.
j .survived by his widow. foiir.J
, chUdrt-ii by a former marrlaRC, J
. .Mr.s. Ciiiy Uatlhrr of Slate.svUle.!*
J Mr.<. Kelly Beime of Bback'^
•| Mmmtalu. .Mrs. Charlie Reeves ofij
Harmony, niiuc I. nnd Ollmcr**
Richard.son oi .Mucksy)tlc; i\velve'»
grandchildren: iwo shstcrs, Mrs.'!
Sam Boyd. Mrs. Jlni Smith: two
brothers. Charlie nnd Robert
•' Richardson.
Tltc funeral wn.s held at New
I Union iMethodLst chiircli of
s, which he was a member VVed-
linesday afternoon. The .service
was In charge of Rev. R. V.
Martin, Rev. S. N. Bumgarner
and Rev, Wade Hatchlns. PaiU
bearers were Charlie Reeves.',
Kelly Benge. Oiiy Qallhcr. Ar-U
thiir Calthcr. Latta Ratlcdgc andji
Ouy WIlkliKs. Flowers were car«jj
ricd by Mrs. Ouy Wllkins. Mtsses|>
Lcuna Ooforth. Kovella Rich.;t
ard.son and Nann:c June Galth-'!
'*!er. ::
n 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Charlie Recvc.s!!
' visUod Mrs. D-avld Rleharditon'S
H Sunday afternoon. jj
I 'Mr. nnd Mrs. Gllmer Rlchard>j«
son nnd children vi.sited here-J
Sunday afternoon. !•
Mrs .lames A. Turner, n7. died
•Monday morning at 7:45 o'clock'
I at her home at Cj'cle, following
; a .stroke of pnralysl.s. She wa.s
a daughter of the late Mr. and
• Mr.s. Frank Day.
Sunivlng arc Uic husband,
I fotir .sons. MeJvht. Marvin. Clar-
I enco and Charles Turner of•
.Cycle: three daughters, Misscsj
I Dora and Ada Turner and .Mrs.:
I Rvii Rnynl, all of Cycle: one'
' brother. John Day of Cycle and
[one .sister, Mrs. Nancy Hndspethi
of Cycle. I
The Itinornl will be held Wed';
nosday morning at U o'clock at<
Oak Grovo Baptist Church, of
which she was a member. Rcv.t
dote Simmons. Rev. Rlclviid Day!
and Rev. Fred (Mathls wl'.l con*j
duct the services. Burial will
be in the church graveyui'l. ?
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 16,1942 - Page 8
Miss Temperance Necly Smoot.
64, well known teacher, died
Sunday at her home In Calohaln
township, following several years'
declining health.
Miss Smoot was born In Davie
county, a daughter of the late
W. Scott Smcot and Sallle An
dcrson Smoot. She taught in
the schools of Davic and adjoin*
Ing counties for 38 years.
Surviving arc thrca sisters and
a brother. MrS. Lillian Koontz,
Mrs. w. W. Turner, 'Miss Joan
Smoot and C. Aubrey Smoot. all
of Davlc county.
Funeral services were held
Monday morning at 11 o'clock
from Salcm Methodist church of
which 'Miss Smoot had been
member for many years.
Rev. G. W. Pink conducted the
Bio - Obituaries -1/16/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, Januarj 21,1942
Thomas Boyd Speaks
and Mrs. John Speaks
Bo4y of Sddier Killed
h 1918, Boned
StatesvUle, Jan. io-~The bodyof
Tboaas Bpyd Speaks. 17-y.earold
Aoiericao soldier who was killed bv
a Oernao shell (n the Argonne for
est 00 October 4,1918. wasiotened
today 80 years alter it was brought
baek to the United States.
Today the soldier was bnried bcw
Sido bis toother, )8ia. Jobn-Soeaks,
who died Thbrsday at her home io
Uoioo Orove township. A com
mitmeot service for the ez«seryice
fltao'was held a few 'tniontes after
the tnothcr'a body waa lowered In
to the grave,
Oiigibally Speaks was-boried Id
^ance. His body . was bmngbt
back to America in T921, ^nd ar
rived at the Speaho faome Aoanst
The father, a farmer of north
Iredell, refused lobti^ hisson, and
btiUt a little house .in the yard
where the flag-draped cashef re
mained lor two decades.
Tkomas P<q^lui.
Thomas Poptin, 6f. died at his
home in this city last Tnesday night,
following an illness of nearly two
and a hull years. BIr, Poplin bad
spent nearly all bis life Id Dayie,
and lor maoy years operated a shoe
repair shop in Mocknvltle.
Fotieral services were held d\
Bethel Church Thursday morning
at It o'clock, with Rey, El' W.
Tamer in charge, assisted by Revs.
F. A. Wright and W C Cooper,
and the body laid to rest io the
church cemetery. \
Ur. Popliu is survived by bis
widow, five sons, Grayson, Wood-
' row, Henry, james and Frank Pop
lin, all of Mocksville; three dangb*
ters, Mrs. Spencer Baity, Banes;
Mrs Harrison Hancline and Miss
Winona Poplio, all of Mock^lle;
three brothers, lam&t Poplin, Roa.
noke, Va ; W. B. and Tolio Poplin,
R. 3, and cue sister, Mrs. Spencer
Sumtuers, also of R. 3.
John Kimhronid'
John Kimbtongb, 51, of Mocks
ville, R. 5, died Pridny morning at
1:30 o'clock at the Veteran's Hos
pital at Payetteville.
A native of Vadkin county, Mr.
Kimbrongb was a son of W. -N
and Betty Harris Etmbrough. Sar-
viving are the widow, Ura. Lazora
Smith Kimbrongb and one step-
danghter, Rath Smith, both of
Mocks^e, R. 3. Several nieces
and nenhcws.
The funeral was tfeld Wednes.
day afternoon a' 3 o'clock at Smith
Grove Methodist church. Rev. J.
W. Vestal conducted the servic^.
Burial was in the church grave-
Mrs. Hmroe Gutoer.
Mrs. Monroe Cartuer, 79. one of
Calahaln township's best known
and beloved women, died at her
home near Oavie Academy at 8
o'clock last Tuesday morning, fol-
lowing an illness of only a few
honrs. Her husband passed away
in March, 1940.
Funeral services were held at
Salem Methodist church Wednes-
day afterdoofl at 8 o'clock, with her
pastor, Rev. G. W. Fink in cbatge,
and the body laid to rest in the
Surviving are a sou, W. hi. Gart
ner,. and a daughtei, Mts. O. C.
Dwiggioa, both of R. 4, and a
brother; John L. Poster, of Couoty
Mrs. Gartner was bom in Cala
haln township, danghter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Samnel J. Foster. lu
her death the community has lost
one of its bett women. Her passing
has brought sadness'^to a host of re-
latives and friends tbrougbont the
Bio - Obituaries -1/21/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 21,1942
Miss Lv^e Horn IKes in Auto Crash
A T. Grant, Jr., and SKuJosepluiie Cooky are
Badly bgni^ Wben Cu^angfKt^ Highway
Hiss Lticit^HoTD, 39, daughter
of Mr, Ood Mro. J. M. Hom, of
this dty, met instaot death tn an
antomobile wreck. which occurred
two mtles west ot Lexington, on
the Moeksville highway, early PiL
day morntog. A. T. Grant, Jr.,
23, 50n of Attorney and Mrs. A. T.
Grant, of this dty, driver of the
car, who is a private in the U. S.
Army, statiooed at Camp Gordon,
Ga , suffered a skull fracture and
serioDs cuts about the lace. Mtos
Josephine Cooley, 2O, operator of
the Uayfair Beauty Shop, Mocks,
ville, the third occnpant of the car,
suffered a severe back injury, and
was carried to Charlotte Friday for
an emergencv operation. The
young man Grant, who was carried
to the Lexington hospital, is said to
be getting oloog 09 well as could be
expected. The car left the high,
way on a sharp curve, plnnged
dowu a io.foot cmbankmeat 00 the
left side, crossed a sand pit and
came to a stop a few feet from
Swearing Creek.
Pnnsral services for Miss Hom
were held at the Mocksville Baptkt
Church Saturday aftemoou at 3
o'dock, with her pastor, Rev. • £.
W. Turner in charge, assisted by
Revs. Robecl M. Hardee and A, T,
Stoudenmire, and the body laid to
rest in Rose cemetery. Many beaa>
tifnl flowers covered the newnnade
•The dedtb of this young lady Was
a severe shock to the family and
hundreds ot friends ihrougbouttbe
town and county. She'bad been a
member of Modcsville school facnl.
ty for the past three years, and pre
vious ,to that time, taught in the
Cooleemee school for six years.
She graduated at Mocksville high
school and W. C. U. N. C. Gree^
boro. Surviving are the parents,
Mr. and Mrs. 1 M. Horn, of tbm
city, and one sister. Miss Irene
^om, who holds a position as se-
cntary to the general manager of
the Bfwlo cotton mills at Coolce*
.To the bereaved parents and
sister, the editor of The Record ex
tends heartfelt sympathy in this
gfeat sorrow. We have known Lu.
cQedoooshewas a tiny tot of only
a few months, and we shall miss her
friendly smile and almost daily
greetings. It is hard to find words
toeacpress sympathy in limes of
sorrow, bnt to those who are left
behind we can only point them to
the Great Comforter, He who "do*
eth all things well/'.
Latest reports from the Lexing
ton hospital, is that the condition
of A, T, Grant, Jr., is slightly Im
proved. Miss Josephine Cooley,
who is in a Charlotte hospital, is
reported somewhat improved, fol
lowing an emergency operation.
Bio - Obituaries -1/21/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 23, 1942 - Page 1
Edward Howard
Died on Monday
Ediward Howard, 86, former
AfCocksville resident, died at his
home at Smith Orove Monday
The funeral was held Wed-
ne^ay morning at the Smith
Qrovc Methodist church, con
ducted by Rev. J. W. Vestal and
Rev. J. W. Turner. Iiitennent
was in the church cemetery.
The deceased is survived by
four sons and two daughters:
W. A., Roanoke, Va., Robert of
Wlnston-Salem, C. J. and R. H.
Howard of route 3, Mrs. Lee
Carter. Advance, route 1. and
Mrs. G. C. Hanes. route i
A brother, Wiley Howard of
Advance, route 1, and a sister,
Mrs. Enima Hilton of route 4,
also survive, as weH as 25 grand
children and 10 great grand
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 23,1942 - Page 8
John J. Kimbrough
Dies in Hospital
John J. Kimbrough, 36. of
route 3, died Friday morning at
1:30 o'clock at the veterans' hos
pital at FayottevlUe.
A native of Davle county, Mr.
Kimbrough wns o son of -W. N.
and Betty Harris Kimbrough.
Surviving arc the widow, Mrs.
Lozora Smith Klmfbrough. and
one step-daughter, Ruth Smith,
both uf route 3.
The funeral was held Sunday
(vftcrnoon at 2 o'clock at Smith
Orove Methodist church. Rev. J.
W. Vestal conducted the serv
ices. Burial was in the church
Bio — Obituaries -1/23/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 23,1942 - Pages 1 and 8
In a tragedy that stunned
this entire section, one young
woman of Mocksvllle was killed
early last Friday morning and
two other persons were gravely
Injured In an automobile acci
dent west of Swearing creek
near Lexington on highway. 04.
Mildred Lucile Horn, 29, dau
ghter of Mr. and MJrs. 3. M.
Horn of Mocksvillc, was appar
ently instantly killed. A. T.
Grant, Jr., 23, son of Mr. oud
Mrs. A. T. Grant of Mocksvllle.
driver of the car, Is In the hos
pital at Lexington with a frac
tured skull and brain lesion.
Ho regained consciousness for
the first time Sunday and. bar
ring untoword developments. Is
expected to make a .^ow but
eventual recovery. Miss Jose
phine Coolcy, 26, third occupant
of the car who operated the
Miiyfuir Beauty Shoppc here, is
in a Charlotte ho^tal where
she was removed for an emer
gency operation. Her spinal
cord has been severed well up
her back and no hcqie Is held
that she will ever be able to
w.ilk again, being paralyzed.
The occupants of the car
drove over to Lexington Thurs-
day night to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Gray Hendrlcks. the latter hav
ing been associated wltli Miss
Cooley In the beauty shop here
before her marriage.
llETi;R.VIi\G lIOaiR
The trio were returning home
wncn ihe car left highway 04
at a curve about two miles west
ui Lexington ond plunged down
10-foot fill to within about
four feel of Swearing creek.
Sheriff Bowers and Deputy J. iL.
Evans of Lexington were quoted
as saying after an examination
of the scene that marks Indi
cated the car traveled 95 steps
on the left shoulder of the road,
then turned over on the hard
surface for 31 steps when pull,
cd back on the highway and
rolled down the fill. Miss Cooley
was quoted by Sheriff Bowers as
saying the car was not going
at an excessive rate of speed
when the accident occurred but
that the driver was blinded by
llghls of an approaching car.
The accident is thought to
have taken place shortly after
midnight and help did not ar
rive until after 2 o'clock. Botb
Miss Horn and A. T. Grant werd
thrown from the car and Mlsg
Coolcy. who was not thrown
from the vehicle, puUed herself
from the car that was tilted oo
Us side with the lights still
burning and began to blow IhO
Iiorn. Later she wedged a seat
cushion against the horn which
blew until the battery ran down
and attempted, though seriously
injured, to crawl to the hightvay
for aid.
A. T. Grant lost considerable
blood OS he lay unconscious on
the-ground in the freezing tem
perature ond It was necessary to
give him a blood transfusion at
the hospital, as well as later
to drain his spine twice to re
lieve the pressure on his brain
Injury. His skull was •fractured
at the back near the top of his
Miss Coolcy Is thought to
have received her initial back
injury by a soot In the car, a
Lincoln Zephyr that belonged
to A. T. Grant. Sr. Miss Horn
died from head injuries.
Dempsey Koonts, who lives on
the highway near the accident,
was said to have been the first
person to reach •the scene, not
vdslble from the highway. He
said his brother, Clyde, who also
lived nearby, telephoned him at
2:10 a. m. that he thought a
serious wreck had taken idaco.
Koonts said he dressed, went to
(Contlntted oa page eight)
Bio - Obituaries -1/23/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 23, 1942 - Pages 1 and 8
the scene In his car and thai
his hrothcr shortly arrived on
"-lDa\ightcr~"of'"John -• Marshall:
and Salllc Call Horn. Luclle
Horn was born In this county
on June 3. 1&12. She graduated
at the Mocksvllle high school
In 1920, was salutatorlan of her
doss, and graduated at Woman's
College of the University of
North Carolina In 1933. She
taught In the Cooleemee schools
for six years and for the last
three years had been a member
of the MocksvUIe high school
where she taught the seventh
grade. Member of a prominent
family, her father Is the popu
lar district supervisor of state
prison camps.
She Is survived by her parents
and a sister, Irene, who Is sec
retary to E. M. Holt, general
manager of the Erwln Cotton
Mills at Cooleemee; by her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. Kom of Davic county.
The funeral, one of the larg
est ever held here, was at the
Baptist church at 3 o'clock Sat
urday ailernoon, conducted by
Rev. E. -W. Turner and assisted
by Rev. R. M. Hardcc and Rev.
A, T. Stoudenmlre. Interment
was In the family plot hi Rose
cemetery. The floral trtbutco
were abundant.
Pallbearers were A. M. Kim-
brough, Jr., Grady Ward, Oalthcr
and Rufus Sanford, Dr. S. A.
Harding and C. P. Meroney. Jr.
Flower girls were Mcsdames A.
M. Klmbrough. Jr., Joe Patnor,
R. S. McNeill, Galthcr Snnford,
W. M. Long, Grady Ward, C. P.
Meroney, Jr.. Jim Kelly, Huron
Stout, Misses Pauline Daniel,
Mary and Jane McGulre. Helen
Page, Lucille Walker, Marjorlc
Mosley. Margaret Smith, Chris
tine Warren, Delia Grant, Peg
gy Skinner and Nuney Mclver.
Among the out-of-town guests
at the funeral were: Winston
Salem: Mr. and Mrs. P. R. DeU-
Inger, Mrs. J. Lee Dwlgglns, J
I. Morris, Bud FUynn, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Blackwood, Sr.> Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Blackwood, Jr
Mrs. Alvin M. Brown.
Sail^ury: Mr. and Mrs. G. B.
Hike, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. 8111-
walt, Mrs. J. R. Mize, Ernest
Mlze, J. S. Warren, Mrs. Ragdon
Femlster; Boone. Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Counclil; LllUngton. Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Stout; Danbury,
Rud George and J. J. Taylor;
Statesvillc, Mrs. J. D. Pope and
H. L. Foster; Boonc, E. P. King;!
Lenclr, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Pit?.-
gerold, Z. V. Stewart, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Pccki A. j. Justice, w.
B. Pugh: Concord. Lewis Peck;
Greensboro, Miss La Vade Min
or, Mrs. John Minor; Winston-
Salem, C. J. Call; Brevaod, Mrs.
Meivln Glllesple; Sanford, Mr.
and Mrs. Jester Adcock; sUcin,
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Beddftng-
field; Mount Airy. W. B. Spar
ger. J. H. Kelly: North Wilkes-
boio, J. O. Hackett; Newport
News, Ben Harris; Raleigh, T. O.
Llttfe; Rockwell, Cal Miller;
Cherryvllle, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Hoyle: Claremont. Mrs. O. H>
Bjcpressions of sympathy at
Miss Horn's death were seen in
aHl walks of llfei A colored
prisoner at the prison camp,
Leroy Rhlnehart, wrote a letter
ol condolence. Looal Boys scouts
raised funds among themselves
to buy a funeral wreath. In
lieu of flowers Mr. and Mrs.
Oaither Sanford made a contri
bution to the OzphaiLS Home at
Barium Springs in memory of
Mi^ Horn.
A. T. Grant, Jr. was home OA
leave from camp Gordon, Go.
where he is a private soldier.
He has been in the army for
10 months and his excellent
physical condition will, it it
stated, help him to pull through.
Estrem^, woU Uked and mem.
her ot a noM local family, his
father is a widely known at
torney and former legUlator. An
elder toother, Brewster, who woa
one of the most brltoant young
men of this section of the state,
was killed In an autontdtole
wreck near Kannapolls 18
months to the day prior to the
accident lost Friday.
A sKUled technician, Mba
Oooley bought the May if air
Beauty Shop more than two
years ago from the foxvncr Miss
Ruth smith. She Is very popu
lar and her manifold friends
arc dooply dlstressMl nt her per
manent Injury.
Bio - Obituaries -1/23/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 23, 1942 - Pages 1 and 8
Bio - Obituaries - 1/23/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 28,1942
Edward Howard.
Edward Howard, 86, died Mon*
day, Ian. 19th at hlabomeatSmiih
The funeral was held at the Smith
Grove Uetbodiat church Wednes
day morning at 11 o'clock. Rev*
J W. Vestal and Rev. B. W. Turn
er conducted the services. Bnrtal
was in the church cemetery.
Surviving are font sons, W. A.
Howard, of Roanoke, Va., Robert
Howard, *0! Winston 8:.leffl; C* J.
and R. H. Howard of Uocksvilte,
R. 3; two dangbters, Mrs. Lee
Carter of Advance. R. I and Mrs.
G. C. Haoes of Mocksville, R. 3;
one brother. Wiley Howard, of Ad>
vance, R. i;and one sister. Mrs.
Rmrna Hilton of Mccksville, R. 4;
25 grandcblldten and 13 great
John W. toBg
John W. Long. 85, well known
Davieconntv man, died at the home
of bis SOD, W. F. Long, in Witts-
ton-Salem, Tfaoisday afternoon. He
had been in ill health for three
He was married in 1896 to Miss
Mary I,on Fnlford, who died in
February. 1934.
Survivors indnde three daugh
ters. Mrs. J. E, UviDgstone, of
Mocksviile, Route 3, Mrs. Eunice
Dugglos and Mrs. Jade Hutchins,
both of Winston l^lem; one sou,
W. P. Long of Winston^alem;
one brother, William Long of In
diana. Funeral services were con
ducted St Smith Grove Methodist
Church Sunday at 3 o'elode. In
terment was in the church ceme
tery. Rev; Mr. Saiitb conducted
the services.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/28/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 30,1942 - Page 1
MRS. mm
Mr.s. Gtin Bowles Corrlhcr. 58,|
died In.si Tuesday afternoon at-
the home of n daughter. Mrs.
F. .M. S.nln. ni her hunie hi
Clsrksvinc town.<ihl]}- She was
the widow of OcorRC Corrlher.
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ruth Tuiterow and William Mh-
chct) Bowlc.s. .she Ls survived by
four daughters: Mrs. Sain, Mrs.
Jol'.n Sain of Walnut Cove, Mrs.
Lvndun Bowles of Wlnston^Sn'.'
em. route 2; Mis.' Joe Spears
of Buonvlllc.
Two step children also .sur
vive: Grover Corrlher of New
London and Mrs. Bculah Greice
of Norwood. The rollowlng sis
ters and brothers likewise sur
vive: Mrs. William Beck and
Mrs. Nannie Wood, route 2:
Mrs. Moses Purr. Concord: Mrs.
I Roland Clifton, Schoolfleld. V.i.:
L. D. Bowles of route 2 and
William Bowle.s of Mor.ganton.
Thirty six grand children sur
The funeral was hold yaster-
iday morning at Chestnut Grove
I Methodist church, conducted oy
Rev. F. A.' Wright and James
Orocc. Interment was In the
church cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 30,1942 - Page 7
Gladys Mae Allen Fesperman
Sister Of Coolcemce
Lady Dies, Age 25
Mrs. Gladys Mac Allcn-Fespor. ]
man, age 25. died Monday, morn
ing at 5:45 o'clock at her home
at 249 Doster street. Mooresvlllc.
after an Illness of seven weeks.
8hc Is survived by her husband,
Charles Fosporman: her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Allen:
two children, Ray and Shelby
Jean Fesperman. all of Moorcs
vlllc. She also leaves five bro
thers, Leo Allen. Ft, Jackson,
8. C.: George, Clyde, James and
Eugene Allen, all of Mooresvllle;
three sisters. Mrs. James Trcx
Icr. Coolcemce; Mrs. Clyde Po
well and Miss Virginia Allen,
both of Moore.sv111c; and her
grandmother. Mrs. B. N. Allen,
Funeral services were held
Tuesday at 4 o'clock from the
Church of God In Mooresvlllc.
and Interment followed In Wil
low Valley cemetery.
The Allon.s lived in Cooleeinec
sever.il yyears ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Janjcs Trexlcr
and two .sons and Mrs. A. T.
Trcxler of Coolcemce attended
the funeral.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/30/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 30,1942 - Page 8
J. W. Long Dies
In Twin City
iPuneral services (or John W.
l^ng. 8S. who died at (he home
of a son, W. F. Long in Wins*
ton^lem Iwk Tbui^ay. were
held Sunday afternoon at the
home and Smith Grave Mctho-
dlAt church, conducted by Rev.
P. L. Smith and Rev. J. W.
Vestal. Xntennent was In the
church cemetery.
Married to Miss Mary Lou
Fulford in 1896 who died in
1034. Mr. Long lived in Davle all
of his life except between 1911
and 1926 when they resided in
Winston. He returned there a-
bout three months ago to live
with his son.
^ Three daughters and a son
;survive: Mrs. J. E. Livingstone
of route 3. Mrs. Eunice Dwlgglns
and Mrs, JacIC Hutchons of
Wlnston*Salcm. W. P. Long of
Winston*Salem. A brother, Wil
liam Long In Indiana; 11 grand
children and three great-grand
children also survive.
Bio - Obituaries -1/30/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 4,1942
George (^rriber.
I- Mrs. George Comber,\ 58, died
j Tnesday at the home of h«f danc^h-
jter, Mrs. F. M. Sain, in Cla;;ksville
I town township,
i Knneral services were conductied
{Thursday morning at ti o*clock, at
iCheslnoi Grove Methoiiist cburcHr
by Rev P. A. Wright and Rev,
l>»aie.s Groce.
Mrs. Comber la survived by four
daugbters, Mrs. F. M. Sain, Mocks
vtlle, RFD No 1; Mrs. John Saia^
Walnut Cove; Mrs. Lendoo Bowles,
Winston Salem, RFD No. S; and
Mrs. loe Spears, Boouville; two
stepchildren, Grover Corriber, New
London; and Mrs. Beulab Grice,-
Norwood; and four sisters Mrs. WiL
Ham Beck and Mrs. Nanny Wood,
Mocksville. RFD No. 2; Mrs. Moses
Purr. Concord; and Mrs. Roland
Clifton, Scbool6eld, Va., two
brothers, L. D. Bowles, Mocksville,
RFD No. 3; and William Bowles,
Colambus L Beaver
Funeral services for C. L» Beaver,
66. who died at his home near Cana
Sunday evening, were held at'Union
Chapel yesterdav afternoon at 2:00
o'cl^* with Rev. P. A. Wright in
charge, and the body laid to rest In
the church oemetery. * Mr« Beaver is
snrvlved by hip widow, one son, H.
O. Beaver. Albemarle; two dau^-
ters. Mrs. Edna Turner, KaoDapmis;
Mrs. Frank Phillipe, Newport News.
Va.; three sisters, Mre. D. D. Wbit>
Icy. Kannapolis; Mrs. Wllev Cashion
and Mrs Vada Smith, Musreetfille,
A good man baa been called to bis
reward. Peace to. bis ashes.
Rafns B, Whitley
Ruftts Brady Whltley, 62, welbkoown d«
tizen of Cooloemee, died at hia boeae 00
' Dnke street Sunday, following an ettend*
Jed lllnesa. Mr. Wbltley held a oosidon
j with the Erwio mlils for mofo than ai third uf a cenluiy.
Fanoral aervicea'were held at the Ooo>
' leemee Preabyierlan Obunb Uoitday af<
leraocn at 3:^ o*doeb, and the body laid
: to rest In Cooleemee cemetery
f Survlvins are .tbe widow, els sons. A. L.
>and J H. Wbltley, Winstoo>Salem: A. A.
C. W.. J E. and It B. WblUoy. of Coolee.
moe; three daughtere, Mrs. Jamea ^ans,
I Mocksville; Mia. Frank fhtny. Mofttntoci,
and Mra. Oscar Lee Casey, Jr., SallBiniiy,
and one eister. Mra Alice Fair. G(meord.
To the bereaved family, Tlie Record ez*
tends sympathy In tbls sad bottr. We
have lost a long time Ideod.
Walter F. Etchison
Former Davie Man Dead
Walter F. Etchison, 73, dl^ at bla bome
In Meoresvllle. Tbursday. Mr, Etcblno
was a native of Davie eoooty, but moved
CO Mooreaville about 33 yeaie agob Bar*
viving ta ibreo daoghters and tbxM aona, j
and one sister. Mrs. Ada Smith, of thl8|
county. Funeral and borlal took plaoo at I
Mooresvilla Satoiday afteraooa f
Bio - Obituaries - 2/4/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 6,1942 - Page 1
M. W. Robinson
iM. W. RitAlniSon. father ol W.
F. Robinson, died Wednesday at
his home in Olade fiprin^s, Va.
The funeral was held Thurs>
day at the Olade Springs Pres-
bytenlan church. Mrs. w. F.
Robinson, Jane, and 2dr. and
Mrs. T. Jeff Caudell attended
the funeral. Mr. Robinson was
unable to go on account oi Ul
(Mrs. Mary Moser. 87, sister
of the late D. R. Hendrlcks-of
Mocksville. died at her home In
Lcwlsvllle Tuesday. The funeral
was held Wednesday mornine at
the Lowlavlllc Baptist church.
Local relatives attended the
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 6,1942 - Page 2
Wliitlcy Rites
Held Monday
Funeral services for RufUs
Brndy Whitlcy. 62, who died at
his home In Cooleemcc Sunday,
•were held at Cooleemcc Pres
byterian church at 3:30 o'clock
Monday afternoon. The final
ritc.s were conducted by hUt pns-
tar. Rev. D. H. Dulin, Inter
ment followed in North Coolce-
mee cemetery.
Surviving arc the widow; six
n sons.' A. L. and J. H. Whit1ey|oI Cooleemec: three daughters,-and Mrs. Oscar Lee Casey, Jr..
|of Wlnston-Salem; A. A., C. W., Mrs. James Evans, ModcsvUlc;]saltdbury: and one sister. Mrs.
i|j. K. add K. B. wMiiey, Jr.. aulMK. mnit uruf^'. MorgantomiAiwe ifHUfr. uoneord:
Bio - Obituaries - 2/6/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 6,1942 - Page 4
'Mrs. Lula Bowman Jester, 54,
passed away at home in Jones.
viUe last Sunday morning, fol
■lowing a heart attack. Mrs.
Jester was born in Yadkln coun.
ty July 17, 1887, a.daughter of
the late Oharlle P. and Eliza
Lineberry Bowman.
She has spent her life in the
county. She was married to
S. y. Jester December 28. IIMH.
To this union were bom five
sons and (We daughters; Mrs.
\V. J. Klker, Albany, Ky.; Mrs.
Brock Owens, Elkin; Mrs. DwightWhltakcr. yadklnvllle; Mrs. Cartj
llydcn, Theodore and Jack Jes
ter. Atlanta, On.: Johh Jester.
Bnssett. Vn.; Miss Colleen and
S. Y. 'Jr.. of the home. The.
husband also survives her. to-
gcthcr with two sisters. Mrs.
Will Adam.H and Mrs. will Tay
lor, East Bend: five brothers.
Ira and Otis Bowman, of Surry
county and Hobcrt Bowman of
Salisbury: Bud Bowman of wins.
ton-Salcm: Raleigh Bowman.
I Courtney. Seven grandchildren.
Mrs. Jester joined Friendship
Baptist church at he age of 12.
After coming to JonesvUlc she
joined the Jonesvlllc 'Baptist
church where she remoinod a
faithful member until dvutii.
Her last offering to the Sun
day School was made about 30
minutc.s before she died.
Funeral .services were con
ducted from Jonesvillc Baptist
church at 2 o'clock Wednesday.
Officiating ministers were the
Rev. D. G. Recce and the Rev.
J. L. Powcr.s. Interment was in
the cemetery at Island Ford
Baptist church.
|C. L. Beaver Dies
I At Cana Sunday
Coiuinbus Lafayette Beaver,
66. died last Sunday night at
hLs home near Cana. The fun
eral was held Tuesday^ at Union
Cimpcl chu'rcli. conducted by
Rev. P. A. Wright and assisted
by Rev, E. W. Turner and Rev.
J. T. SIsk. Interment was in
the church cemetery.
The deccQ.scd l.i .survived by
itI.H widow, the former' Martha
Biankcnship: by a son. H. O.
Beaver of Aibemarle: by two
daughters, Mr.s. Edwin Turner
of KannapoiUs and Mrs. Frank
Phtlip.s of Newport New.s. Va.
V Three slslcr.s also survive:
" Mrs. D. D. \Vhltiey of Kannapo-ehis. Mrs. Wiley Cnshlon ands| Mr.s. Vada Smith of Mooresvllle.
1 Three grnndchiiciren alto sur-
i. vlve.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/6/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 11,1942
JoliD F. Fordbee
Joho F. FerebMb 64, wA knowo Cum-
or of €tfiliavlto towiuUpb died Soitdflf
aflMdbofl^ ftaQowiDt a loitf lUnsMi
Fnzwial Mivleee were bdd Mwidaf ot-
tamoeo at'S tfMk at Eatao*^ Bapdit
camidi. tHtb Eev. DaUas R«iieg«r offieUtt-
laf. and tto bad? UMtoiettiii tfaedmidb
|fc.FenbeeliflaTiv«dby his wldov,
one soQ, Jobo. at home; thfoa bnchoa, J.
a«0Biu:A*II^Msdteftlla,R. 2; tod W.
F. Fsttb^ 8> Is Ihar BiaicfSk Mia R. A«
RatUofDavlesUts, A.& Deweese. Goo-
IfienMS Mia Kats Kswloo, Cdniifitcsvllfe,
Sr G. asd Mia W. H. Oatlttta,€sna
Bio - Obituaries - 2/11/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 13,1942 - Page 1
Miss Sallie Grant
Died Here Monday
Miss Sallie V. Grant. 72. mem<
bcr or A prominent local family,
died at her home on Main
Atrcci iierc Inst Monday night
at 0:45 o'clock.
A native of this county, she
had lived here since 1882. She
was n member of the MockSo
villc MethcdLst church.
She bt survived by two slatcr.s
and n brother, all of Mocksvllle:
Miss Annie P. Grant, Mrs. Leila
Daniel and A. T. Grant, Sr., well
known attorney.
The funeral was held at the
home Wednesday afternoon and
Interment was In llie Rose ceme«
J. W. Faircloth
Died Tuesday
John W. Faircloth, 50. died
Tuesday morning at his home on
route 3. He was cmiploycd at
the Erwin -Mills at Coolccmee.
The funeral was. held Wednes
day afternoon at Oak Grove
Methodist church, conducted by
Rev. O. W. Fink, littennent
was in the church cemetery.
He is survived by his widow,
formerly Miss Tressa Angell, by
two step sons. James and WU
Ham Baker, and a step sister,
Mrs. Gllmer Abwood. all of route
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 13,1942 - Page 8
John Fletcher Forobce, 67
ycar-old Davle county farmer,
died Sunday afternoon oiter a
long Illness.
Funcrol services were held
Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock
from Eaton's Baptist church,
with Rev. Dallas Renegar con
ducting. Interment was made
In the church cemetery.
Survivors Include the widow,
the former Miss Malind.t Mas-
tin; one son. John O. Fcrebec
of the home; three brothers. J.
O., Cana, A. M., Mocksvllle,
route 2, and W. F. Fercbee
Mocksville. route 1; and four
sisters. Mrs. Henry Nail and Mrs
C. S. DoWeese. both of Coolcc
mcc, Mrs. Kate Newton, Ben
nettsvllle. S. C., and Mrs. W. H,
Collctlc. Cana.
Moses White
Passes At 90
Moses Wliltificld White. 90.
pioneer builder of MoorcsvUlc.
died Tuesday afternoon at 5:30
o'clock in Lowrancc hospital,
after an Illness of three days.
•Mr. White, first superintendent
of the Masonic and Eastern Star
Home at Greensboro. He was
the oldest living Mason In North
Curolinu. Born In Iredell coun
ty on September 6. 1851, -Mr.
White was one of the first mem
bers of the board of trustees
of the MooresvlUe city schools.
He donated ground for the erec
tion of the First Methodist
church at MooresvlUe and was
Its only living charter member.
Surviving Mr. White are five
sons, John and Hugh White of
Laramie, Wyo., M. A. White of
Greensboro, L. H. White of Wins-
ton-Salcm. J. B. White of Steu-
bcnvllle. Ohio: two daughters.
Mrs. O. M. Klpka of Moores.
vlllc and Mrs. J. E. McNcely of
Coolcemoc. His wife. Mrs. Nancy
Bethel McKnlght White, died In
Funeral services were hold
Wednesday afternoon at3 o'clce^
a£ central Methodist church in
MooresvlUe. The body lay in
state for one hour before serv
ices. Burial was in Willow Val
ley cemetery.
Mr. White, a frequent visitor
In Coolccmee of his daughter.
Mrs. J. E. McNeely, was widely
Bio - Obituaries - 2/13/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 18,1942
Moses W. White
. John W. Fairdoth
Jobii W. Pairclotb, 50, died at
his home near Oak Grove, last
Tuesday mornine;.
Stiivifiog aio the widocv end two
8tepi>s6iis and a stepsister; James
and WiUiattf Baker and Mr& Gil*
mer' Atwood, all of • Bfocksville, I
Route a. {
Faneral services were held Wed
nesday afternoon at 4 o'clock from
O. W. Pink was in chart^e and
Iraria! followed in the cbnrcb ceme-.
Misa Sdfie Grant.
* A
Funeral servjcea for Miss Sallie
Grant, 71, who died at her home on
North Main street on Monday
evening of last week, following a
stroke of paralysis, were held at
the home Wednesday afternoon at 3
o'clock,' with her pastor, Rev. Rob>
ert M. Hardee, pastor of the First
Methodist Cbnrcb, conducting the
strvices. The body was laid to rest
in Rose cemetery.
Miss Grant Is an^ived by one
brother, A. T. Grant prominent
HockavUIe Attorney, and two sis-
ten. Mn. 6. P. Daniel and Miss
Anne Grant, of Mocksville, and a
jiinmber of nelcea and nephews. ^
Aged Masoo Diw.
Mo^W. White, 91, died last,
Tuesday at Lawrence Hospital,'
Mooresville, following a short ill
ness, Mr. White was a na ive of
Iredell county. Surviving are 6ve<
sons and .two daughters, among
them being Mrs. J. E. McNeely, of
Mr. White la said to have been
the oldest living Mason in ifortb
Caiotina, bnt wn believe this to .be
a mistake. Mr. J. M. Betts. of
Chapel Hill, a brother of Mrs.
James McGntre, ot Mocksyille. is
pa years of age, and'has been a)
Mason for more than 60 years. He
k in good bealfh, eonsidering his
advanced aged. He spends some
time every summer here with bis
sister,'an! has many friends In
Rol^H Hall Neely
73. died Saturday at
Ua.hdi^'ilfoiAd^ilte, Rooted
! "1118 ifbtterai waa'h^ at Union Cbapd
Methodist Oinreh Monday motning at 11
o'clo^ Rev, F. At Wright conducted the
aecviCM Boiial was in the cfanrebgrave
..Suvlving ate one B. S. Noelyof the
hooM add two graBdOblldren.
Mrs. Jane Miner
Mrs. Jane Bailey HiUer, 98, died Snnday
monUng at the home at Smith Grove. I
The fOneral was held Monday aftenoen
at 3 o'clock at Smith Grove Blethodlat
Cbureb. Rev. J, W. Vestal cradneted the
eervices. Burial was In the duncb giavcK
yard }
Surviving ate thiea daughten, Mrs. D '
W. Smith of Mocksville R. 3; Mrs. Choi lea
Bogerof Canal R. 1: and Miss Rebeoea
Miller of the hmne; nine grandebUdien and
one great graBdehUdten.
Wiliiam S. Reid.
V^UiamS. Rdd. 72. died at bis
hame in Baat Mock^le Friday
afternoon at 8:80 o'eloek. Mr. Raid
had suffered an attack of pneumonia
several weeks ago, and had gone to
a Saliabnry bospital last Wednesday
to take treatment He returned
home FHdoy and died a few mlhtttea
after his arrival.
Fnnerol services were held at tlie
home Saturday afternoon at 4K)0
o'clock, with hie pastor, Rev. W. C.
Cooper in c^aiv^ and tim bodV' laid
to rest in Rose oemetej^y. j
Surviving Mr. BMd are Us widow;
one SOB, Samuel, of Hieko^; one
dater, Mrs. Josephine Grainger. of
Winston Salem, and a granddaugh
Mr. and Mrs Reld moved to- this
eity a number of years ago from
Cool Springs. He was In the mer
cantile business, and bad many
friends thronghoot the town end
county who were saddened bj bis
death. He wasacaniielmitlonsCfarls*
tian genttemmi, and the entire town
mourns bis death.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/18/1942 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 20,1942 - Page 3
VV. S. Rcid
Rile Held ;
F\ineral scrvlcpi for W, S. Rcld.
72. widely known merchant of
Mocluvlllc who died Friday, wore
held from the home SaUirday
Rev. W. C. Cooper was In
charge and biirlnl followed In
Rose Cemetery here.
Surviving Is the widow and one
son. Sam Held, of Hickory: one
sister. Mrs. Josephine Granger,
of •Mocksvlllc. and one grand
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 20,1942 - Page 4
Mary Cope
Mother Of Cooleemee
Man Passes
Funeral .services for Mrs. Mary
C(H)e. 81. were conducted at
Fork Baptist church In this
county Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock by Rev. Mr. Young of
Lexington, assisted by T. t.
Caudell of Mocksvlllc. Interment
followed In the church cemetery.
-Mrs. Cope died at her home
in Lexington Friday, after an
Illness of rive years. She was
the widow of Godfrey L. Cope,
who died tn 1930.
Surviving are four sons, James
L.. Robert L.. and John H. Cope,
all of Lexington and Thomas R
Cope. Cooleemee; five daughters.
Mr.s. J. E. Abernethy, Mrs. J. E
Brogdcn, Mrs. W. L. Weddln?-
ton and Mrs. Sadie McMastcr.
all of Lexington, and Mrs, A. L.
Cranford of Henderson. She also
leaves 39 grandchlldMii and 24
ercat-grandchlldren, one half,
brother. Lindsay Leonard, Lex
ington. route 4. and three half-
sisters. Mrs.'P. A. Koont.:, Xicx-
inglon, route 4. Mrs. Annie l-an-
nlng and Mrs. Sllla Koonlz
Lexington, route 3.
Essex Rites
Held Thursday
ADVANCE. — The village was
shocked over the sudden death
of Mrs. Marlon Essex, who pass
ed away early Tue.sday ntorn-
ing. The funeral wa.s conduct
ed from the homo Thursday
morning. Ilcr hiLsband survives,
as welt nK throo dnughtors and
four son.s. They are Mrs. George
Mock. E.ssle and Mary E.ssex of
Advnucc, Charlie. George ond
Meronoy of Advance and John
Essex of AuRiUHta. Georgia. Rev.
W. O, Altoaod nnd Rov. P. L.
Smith conducted the funeral.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/20/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 20,1942 - Page 6
Funeral Monday
Robert Hnll Nccly, 73. died
Snturdny at his home. Mocks-
vllle, Route 2.
The funeral was held at Union
Chapel Methodist Church Mon
day mornlne at 11 o'clock. Rev.
P. A, Wrlerht conducted Use
services. Burial was In the
church graveyard.
Surviving are one son. B. S.
Neoly of the home and two
Mrs. Jane Miller
Rites Monday
Mrs, Jane Bailey Miller. 00,
died Sunday, morning at the
home at Smith Grove,
The funeral was hold .Monday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at Smith
Grove Methodist Church. Rev.
J. W. Vestal conducted the aerv.
lce.s. Burial was In the church
Surviving arc three daughters.
Mrs, D. W. Smith of Mocksvllle.
Route 3: Mrs. Charles Bogcr of
Cnna. Route 1. ond Miss Rebecca
Miller of the home; nine grand
children and one great grand
Mrs. Lydla Rcavls, 01, one of
Vadkln county's oldest and best
known women, died Monday
night at 0 o'clock at Utc home
of a son, Bk-Shcrlff C, O. Rcavls,
near Yadklnvllle, after a long
She spent her entire life in
Yadkln county and was a mem
ber of Center Methodist Church.
Surviving are three sons. 0.
0., J. W., and Joseph J. Roavts,
all of Yadklnvllle; three daugh
ters, Mrs. Willis D. Holcomb,
Mrs. Frank Davis and Mrs. L. R.
Slcclman. all of Yadklnvllle.
The funeral will be held at
Center Methodist Church Wed
nesday morning at 11 o'clock.
Hie Rev. W. J. Huneycutt will
conduct the services. Burial
will follow in the church grave-
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 20,1942 - Page 8
Mrs. Jennie
Davis Dies n
Mrs. Jennie Miller Davis, 71,
died Monday night around 11
o'clock at her home on -Mocks-
vUle, route 4. in the Orea^
Corner community. She suffer
ed a stroke some two months
ago, but she had apparently re
covered, and her death was un
Surviving are her husband,
.William . A. Davis: the following
children, Mrs. Charles Cartner,
Mrs. Luther Campbell. Mrs. J
E. Goodman, and Joe Davis, ail
of Woodlea'f; Mrs, Locke Camp
bell of Dunn; and Mrs, Wade
Nail of Mocksvllle.
Funeral services were conduct
ed Wednesday afternoon at 3
o'clock from the Concord Metho
dist church in Davle county.
Burial followed In the family
plot of the cemetery.
Bio — Obituaries - 2/20/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 25,1942
Mrs. William A. DavU.
Mrs. William A Davis, 73, died
at ber home io Jerusalem cowusbip
on Bfonda? eveoinit, Feb. i6ih. at
ti o'clock, death lolloa^ing a stroke
of paralysis which s^e suffered on
Dea 8th.
Funeral services were held at
Concord Methodist Church Wed.
nesday afternmn at 3:30 o'clock,
with her nastbr. Rev G.' W. Fink
io charge, and the body laid to le^
io the Church cemetery.
Mrs. Davis is survived by her
husband and niue children, three
sons, C .W. and O W. Davis, both
of near Woodleaf; Joe Davis. Salia.
bury; six daughters, Mrs. Nora
Gartner, Mia. Maude Goodman, of
near Salisbury; Mrs. Beulafa Hood,
of Needmore; Mrs. Versie Camp*
bell, of Dunn, and Mrs. Alice Nail,
at borne. A number of brothers
and sisters also survive. In the
death of Mrs. Davis the commnniiy
in which she lived has lost one of
its best womeu, a g> od neighbor
and a Christigb woman. To the
bereaved family, The Record ex*
tends sympathy in this sad hour.
AJheA Gdlett
Alfred Gtillett, 84, died Tbnm*
day morning at bis home oearCoo-
leemee - ,' .
'Surviving are two scns^ Alex
jaud Cap Qullet, of Coole<tniee;nine .
,grandcbildran and eight great*
i grandchildren. |
j n ^he ' fnnml held Salutday
afternoott at 4 o'cipck at the home.
Btttial was in Jeniisaleth Cemetery.
Hfei.W. BLEssa
Fnneral sendees for Mrs. Lucy
Ann Atsez, wife of W. M. Kfflwx,
of Advance, were held at the bomp
Thursday mcnilBg at xi o'dock
and at ^vance Baptist- Cbnrcb at
11:45. Rev, Glenn AUgood official,
log. Interment was in the (Anrdi
Mrs. Bsaex died at her home
Monday morning at 1:55, after an.
iUocss of osly one day.
She Was bc>rti iu Yadkip county,
a daughter ojf John and Blisebctb
Sbenaer, and wsa . married to W.
M. Essex on June 94, 1894. She
bod lived in Davie oonoty for 40
years. ,
Mrs. &«ex was a mmber of Ad.
vance Baptist Chnreh.
Snrvivfng are ibe hitsbaod; three
dangbtefs; Mrs. Gettfge Mode and
Mis^ Bs^ and Mary Braex, all of
Advance; four sons C. .J, J. W.,
and T; M. all of Advance;
and G. L. Bs^ of Angusta, Ga.,
five faiothers^ A. B., T; M., and
H Sheirmer, all (ff Advance; M. A
Sbermer, of Winston Salcm.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/25/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 27,1942 - Page 2
I Thojna.s Lec Hayes. 00. one
I of the best-known merchants in
' Northwestern North CaroJiim.
whose activities extended over
, Yndkln and part of Siirry coun-
. ty. died Friday nltihi at 7:30
o'clock at his home In Boonvllle,
! of n heart uitark.
Mr. Hayes had been In ill
henltti for sometime, bnt had
11 conllnncd hl.-s business activities
11 and was nt his store Friday. His
> death came within a few mln-
|l ntcs cvfier .snfferind the heart
I attack.
L A native of Yndkln connty.
) 'Mr. Hayes spent hb entire Ufo
nt Boonvllle. He wn.s senior
) member of the firm of T. L.
Hnyes and Company which had
. It's home office nt Boonvllle nnd
. stores nt Vndklnvlllc. Ea.sl Bond
nnd Elkln. For .some lime the
. Elkln firm wn.s operated under
the name of Hayes and Spens.
t nnd the YadkittvlUo store, Hnye.sl
. and Brown. t
[ Tlironghout hU life, Mr. Hayes
took an active Interest In com
munity and religious affairs.
Some years ago he Inaugurated
a Chrl.stmns party for ciustomcrs
of his .store and each year gave
away thousand.s of dollars in
merchandise at the parly.
tMr. Hayes confined his In
dividual ncllvltle.s to the Boon
vllle slorc. which Is one of the
lai^est stores In-the norihwc.s-t.
occupying 11,000 s(|iiarc feet of
floor space
He was for years a member of
. Uie Yadkln county school board.
: and had been n member of the
Boonvllle Methodist Church
since early Ufe.
Mr. Hayes was twice married,
! flr^t to Miss Pannle Transou,
I oi Boonvllle and later to Miss
Lucy Hodges, of Eastern North
Carolina. |i
surviving arc the widow; onc j
son. T. E. Haye.s. ^prominent i
Elkln buslncs.vman: two daugh- :
tcrs. Mrs. Wade Williams, of )
Boonvllle; and Mr.s. James Shore !
of Greensboro; and three grand- \
children, - |!
The funeral wu.s held Sunday !
afternoon at 3 o'clock at Boon- i
vllic Methodist Churcii witli the <
Rev. W. J. Huneycutl. p.islor. !
In charge. The body lay In
stale at the church from 1 until '
3 o'clock. Burial followed In :
Boonvllle Cemetery,
Bio - Obituaries - 2/27/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 27,1942 - Page 3
Mrs. Lucrecy Huff
Passes Away at 88
(Mrs. LuGrccy Huff, 88. widow
of Aquilla Huff, who died four
years ago, passed away Friday
morning nt 2:30 o'clock at the
home of a son, Henry Huff,
Yadkinvlllc, (Route 1. after on
illness of eight days.
Surviving are five sons, A. M.
Huff of Wlnston-Salem, J. H.
and O, C. Huff of Yadklnvllle,
S B. Huff of Boonvllle, and J.
E. Huff of Eldorado, Kas., and
one daughter,' Mrs. Blanche
Richardson of Oklahoma city,
The funeral was held Satur
day at 12 o'clock at Oak Rldgc
Baptist Church where she was
a member. Rev. .Clcte Sim
mons and Rev. R. L. Specr con
ducted the servlce.s. Burial was
In the church gravcynrd.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 27,1942 - Page 7
Ida Chatham McNeeiy
■Mrs. Ida Chatham McNeely.
82. mother of Mrs. Foster Mat.
thews, of Boonvllle. died Sunday
night at G o'clock at her home
at'Mooresvllle after a serious 111.
ness of one week.
Mrs. NfcNecly was a native of
Etkln and had resided at -Moore,
svlllc since her marriage to W.
J. McNccly about 60 years ago,
Surviving are the husband;
one son. Hugh C. .McNcely. of
Jersey City, N. J.: she daughters.
'Mrs. R. <M. -BraTwlcy and Mrs. J.
F. -Kotchlc, of Mooresvlllc; Mrs.
J. H. Lowrancc, of -Barium
Springs: 'Mrs. W. P. Costner, of
Charlotte: Mrs. A. L. Scott, of
Badin. and'Mrs. F. R. MatUiews.
of Boonvllle: one brother. Joe
Chatham, of'East Bend: -five
slslcrs;* MImcs- Annie nnd"Mln>
Hubbard. of Moravian Falls; Mrs
Jennie Gordon, of Winslon-
Snlem. and Mr.s. John Gilbert,
of San Antonio. Texas.
The -funcrul was held Tuesday
morning at U o'clock at the
First Presbyterian Church at
Bio — Obituaries - 2/27/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 4,1942
Mn. F. K. Benson
Mis. Jane Benson, 54, widow of
P. K Benson,' was fbnnd deed in
bed at ber home In Bast Mocks*
yille, Sunday morning at 9 o'dock.
Mrs. Benson was* apparently in
good health when she retired Sat.
nrday night Her death was a se
vere shock to ber family and many
Funeral services were held at the
First Baptist Chnrcb Monday af
ternoon at 4:30 o'clock, with her
pastor, Rsv. B. W. Turner, in
charge, assisted Rev. W. C.
Cooper, and the b^y laid to rest in
Rose oeineterv beside her husband,
who passed away in October, 1940.
Sorviying are five sons, Thomas,
John Green, Harold, Wallace and
Billie Benson, all of thla city; three
daughters, Mrs. Floyd Maylor, of
th&dty; Mrs. Howard McLamb,
Dnnn, and Miss Dorothy Benson,
at home; two brothers, Geo. A.
Thomasoo, Hickory; J. T. Thoma-
son, Salisbnry; one sister, Mrs. J.
P. Jarvis, Cooleemee, and nine
Mrs. Bensoti was one of Micks-
ville's best beloved women, and
will be missed not only in the home
and the chnrcb, but in the com-
mnnity where sbe lived so long
and went about doing good. A
motber In Isrsel has fallen. To
the bereaved children, the brothers
aod sister. The Record extends
deepest sympathy in this shdden
aod great bereavement, and points
them for comfort to Him "who do-
etb all things well.'*
J. P. Barton '
Jiipies Frankfin Burton, SB, of Advance,
died windav aftomood at 9 oVdoefc at a
Wm8lo&*8aleai hospital foUowlng d ten
daya aettona lUneis.
Sorvivlng aro the widow, five sona and
one damiliter* his mother. MrSsV. B liege
oF Advancot six brothaa and four sisters.
Fnnetai-and barltti seivloes- wme held at
Elbavitte Mettiodislf^arcb yestmday.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/4/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 6,1942 - Page 1
Donald Seamen
Funeral servleca were held
Tuesday afternoon for Donald
Seamon, the infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Seamon. who
died Tuesday morning. Services
were conducted by W. P. Stoneo
street and burial wns In the
Jericho cemetery. Survivors in
clude the parents, two sisters
ond three brothers.
Imrs. click
■Mrs. Lydia Ratledgc Click. 81,
died Wednesday afternoon at
her home on North Main street
here after a briof iUncss.
Daughter of L. H. and Blixa-
beth Smith Ratiedge, she was
a member of prominent family
and a native of Davie county.
She is survived by her hus
band. the beloved John F. Click,
by two sons and three daugh-
ters; John and Orudy Click of
Wtnston-Salem, Mrs. Mentora
Ratiedge of Mocksvilie, Mrs. M.
E. Eiverhardt of Statesville and
Mrs. J. L. Doughton of Sparta.Twelve ^grandchildren and 8
great grandchildren also sur
The funeral was held at the
home here yesterday afternoon
at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev.
R. M. Kardee and Rev. F. A.
Wright. Interment was in the
family plot in Rose cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 6,1942 - Page 2
Services Monday
Mrs. Jane Belle Benson. 53.
widow of P. K. Benson wos found
dead in bed Sunday morning at
her home in Mocksviiie.'
Mrs. Benson was a native, of
Rowan county, a daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Thom-
ason. Surviving are five sons,
Thomas K., John O.. Harold D..
Wallace B.. William H. Benson
nil of Davie couniy. three
daughters. Mrs. Floyd Naylor. of
Mocksviiie. Mrs. Howard Mc-
Lnmb. of Dunn, and Miss Doro
thy Benson at home: two bro
thers. Oeorgc A. Thomason of
Hickory and J. P. Thomasson
of Salisbury; one sister. Mrs.
J. F. Japvis of Cooieemec,
Funeral services were held
Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock
from Mocksviiie Baptist church
and burial was in Rose Ceme-
tery at Mocksviiie.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/6/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 6,1942 - Page 3
Pune-raJ service^s .'or AJ Colum.
bus Jobnson. 67. ol East Bend
Houte 2, who died ai his home
Monday mornine.' were held
Tuesday ajternoon av 2 o'clock.
Serviced were In charge of
Elder C. D. Hall and Elder Flet
cher Moore with burial in the
Allen JamJly plott.
Senlces were held at Pleas
ant Orove Baptist Chumh.
Mr, Johnson was a son oi Mavi
and Elizabeth Allen Johnson. He
spent his entire life near East
Bend and was a member of
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church.
He was married twice, first to
Miss Mattle Lane. Of this mar
riage two sons. E. A. Johnson of
East Bend and \V. C. Johnson
of Wlnston.Balem. survive. He
was married the second time to
Miss Ellen Spalnhour They had
three children, one son. John
Johnson of East Bend. Route 2;
two daughters. Mrs. Flora Long
of Tobaccovllle and Miss Lennle
Johnson of the home. Other
survivors include seven grand
children: three brothers. Wiley
and Joe Johnson of East Bend
and Dave Johnson of Wlnston-
J. P. Burton,
Advance, Dies
James Frantelln Burton, 36,
well-known contractor of Ad
vance, died Sunday afternoon at
3 o'clock at a Winston-Salem
hospital after a serious illness of
ten days.
Mr. Burton was born June 8.
1805,* o son of William Thomas
and Victoria Burton. He spent
hU entire life In Winston-Salem
and Davie county. He was well-
known as a controctor. building
houses in Winston-Salcm and
surrounding territory. He was a
member of the Patriotic Order
Sons of America and ElbavlUc
Methodist Church.
Surviving are the widow, the
former Miss .^nnc Elizabeth
Brcwbakcr: five sons, James
Franklin, Jr., Herbert Dale,
Bobby Ronflad and Kenneth Bur
ton; one daughter, Marjory
Anne; his mother. Mrs. V. B.
Hegc, of Advonce; six brothers,
R. B.. and S. G. Burton, of Wins
t'on-Salem; Hugh, Travis, and
C. T. Burton, of Wilmington:
and Ray Burton, of Advance;
four sisters. Mrs, J. R. Church,
Mrs. A. D. Matthews, Mrs. El-
wood Tesh, and Mrs. R. T. Mat
thews, all of Wlnston-Salem.
Funeral services were held
Tuesday afternoon ni 2 o'clock
at Elbavllle Methodist Church.
Rev. P. L. Smith conducted the
services. Burial was in the
church graveyard.
Pollbearcrs were his st.\ bro*-
thcrs. They arc, R. B.. S. G.,
Hugh. Travis. C. T, and Bay
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 6,1942 - Page 4
Memorial Service
For Hoylc Harris
•Mrs. J. N. Tulterow, Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Hodgln and Mr. and
Mrs. Duke Tuttcrow of Coolee-
mee attended bho jnomorlal
service of Mrs. Tuttcrow'.s nep
hew, Hoyle Harris, who was kill
ed In action.. The services took
place at the New Hope Baptist
church Sunday aflerncon at 3 o'clock.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/6/1942 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 11,1942
Drntaifl Seamon.
- Doottld, iafant son of Mr. aod
BIraC Clydts Seamoa, of near Coo
leeitiee, died last Tuei(dav morning.
Pnoeral services were held at Jeri
cho Tnesday afiemofto at
o'cXk^ with W. F. Slonttl^ ta
charge, aod the ilttle hoJy laid to
rest In the cbnrcli cemetery. Sw-
tVivlttgaitttb«P8'^t^ ^ several
jlmothers and sisters*
Mrs. J. F. CBdi
Mis. John P. Click, 8i, died at
her home on North Main street
Wednesday .afternoon. She was the
former Miss Lvdia Ralledge, the
danahter of the late L P. and Eli
zabeth Sjiith Ratledge.
Survivors indtide the bosband;
two sons, John .and Grady Click,
both of Winston - Satem; three
dattghters, Mrs. M. C. 'Bvdrfaardt,
Statesville, and Mrs. J. I*. Dottgh-
ton, Sparta: la ftrandcbUdren; and
eight greatwRxanddiildren.
The funeral was oondncted at the
home at 3 o'clock Thursday after,
noon with Rev, tU M. Hardee and
Rev, F. A, Wright in charge. Bu
rial was in the fomily plot in Rose
Cemetery n
Bio - Obituaries - 3/11/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 13,1942 - Page 4
Frank Payne
Arthur Rhodes, North Cooled^
incc Nc$nro. shot Frank Payne,
another Negro of She same place.
In the back last Friday night
and kilted him.
The shooting took place at a
(lance hall run by Rhodes In
North Coolcemee.
The two became Involved In
an argument. Sheriff Bowden
states tha-t Rhodes claimed
Payne grabbed a bottle to hit
him. Rhodes grabbed a shot
gun. Payne then ran and was
shot as he ran. according to the
interpretation given the sheriff.
Rhodes has killed three other
Negroes In the past, It Ls stated.
He is now in the counfy jail
charged with homicide and will
be tried next week when superior
court Is held here. I
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 13,1942 - Page 8
Albert Spry
Died Monday
Albert W. Spry, 58. died In
Salisbury Monday. He had lived
In Salisbury for a number of
years, moving there from Kan-
napolls. He was a native of
Davle county.
Funeral services were conduct,
cd at Whltlcy's Funeral Home,
Kannopolls, Tuesday a.fternoon
at 5 o'clock by Rev. J. L. Bolen,
pastor of the Wesleyan Metho
dist church, and Rev. Charles
Young, pastor. Cheeks' Memor-
lol BoHDtlst chunch. Lexington.
Interment was made In Oreen-
lawn cemetery, China Orove..
^ Surviving are three sisters.
Mrs. Maggie Rldenhour and
Mrs. D. D. Alexander of Kan-
napoUs, Mrs. W. O. Ragan. High
Point, and one brother, S. W.
Spry, of Lexington.
The deceased had lived In
Coolcemee for several years.
Bio — Obituaries - 3/13/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 18,1942
John H. Hendricb
Jdia H. Hendiiekn. 77. a nailvaofDavto
CiMUitF* bot for the peat 37 yeaiB a mid*
ent Win8ton»Sa!etD, died at the Bap*
Bat heoplial to that city Fdday inocotog.
Ilr. torarvived by hie wife.ooa
•GO and two daogbteta, three olaietai a-
moag theffl being Bfts. Ehnom Davia, of
Qailtsville townehip. Fdne^asd boHal
eervioee occnred at lViiiet0O"Salefli Sator*
day aftomdon.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/18/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 20,1942 - Page 3
I Mrs. Vickers
Rites Wednesday
Punera) servlcea were held
Wednesday afternoon for Mrs.
MoHifr-Wrigtrj 00. .vho
died Tuesday afternoon at her
home in North Cooleemce. Serv
ices were conducted by Rev. A.
T, Stoudenmire and Rev. James
Groce. Interment was in. the
North Cooleemee ceme'.ery.
•Mra. Vickers was -the daugh
ter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Bedford
Honeycutt of Iredell county.
Her survivors include one step
daughter. -Mrs. Frank Graves of
Rockwell; three step-sons. W. O.
Vickers of Cooleemee. Lonnle of
High Poln^t and Spencer of
Spencer; one brother. J. T.
Leslie of Davidson.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 20,1942 - Page 7
Rites Held For
Mr.s. Bnrncvcastlo
Mrs. Queen Barncycas-
lie. T7. (lied Prld-ny at the homo
of her dnughter. Mrs. John
Kcaion. near Blxby. She was
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Queen of 'Davle County.
Survivors Include two daugh
ters. (Mrs. John Keaton with
whom she made Iher home and
Mrs. Tom Keaton of Mocksvllle,
route 3: one sister. Mrs. Lula
Holder of Spencer; 17 grand
children and 14 great-grand
Funeral services were held at
the Advance Methodist chuich
Sunday afternoon by Rev. P. L.
smith. Interment was in the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/20/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 25,1942
Mf«. S. 0.
Bfrs. 8. O. StimpsoD, 63, died
Hoftday sight at Lcmg's Hospital,
Statesvllle, followlog a heart at
tadc after, a lew hours illness
A native of Davle cotinty, Mrs.
Stimisoti was a daughter of Daniel
Ratledge and Martha Heath Rat>
ledge. Stuylving are her fa nsband,
two sisters, Mra. J. M. Richardson,
of Harmony; Mrs. Charles W. Booe,
of Winstotf^lem; and three broth,
era, A. D and H. O: Rattedge, of
Statesvllle, and Rev. A. P. Rot.
ledge, of Walfcertown.
Foneral services were held Wed
nesday afcemoon at 3 o'clock from
the resldeiioe ol the Moclesville
road. Interment was in the family
plot in Oakwood cemetery.
I MnittrfB MiOw
' nmeitlaefvtatforlto. IBoefva MO*
te. 8A «>bo ^ rMday oMht thoboBM
of het daojiitof; Mm. J. tt Snilih. to r®.
ayib oomity. todd- at Bstoletom IL
B, ChiadiSttttdaf altemooaal'Sddo'dodk,
wUliRev; J.W. Vestal to ehtftfa. TIm
body was laid to rest fn the ehondi ocobo>
tery. Mte. Miller Is snnivsd by two
dantfrteft^ two aoaa and twofilMw&
Bio - Obituaries - 3/25/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
county, died at a Wlnsiori-Saiern "
hoapital at 9;30 o'clock Wed-
jie,sday night
Mr, Hancs suffered a stroke
OJ i>aralysls al his home here
at breakfast time Wednesday
morning and his condition grew
consistently worse until the end
come last night.
Mr, Hanes was born at Ful
ton, Davle county, in July, 1872.
the son of Spencer .and Mary
Jane Clement Hanes. He spent
his early life in Davle county,
fieveral years after his gradua*
Lion from Trinity OoUege, he
became associated with B. F.
Hanes Tobacco Company, of
^t^nston'Saiem, and later with
P. H. Hanes and Company, also
tetmeco manufacturers,
He remained with these two
orvanluitions up to the time
they were sold to R. J. Reynolds
Tobacco Company in , 1900. In
all, Mr. Hanes resided In Wins-
ton-Balem about 20 years.
Boon after he severed his
connection with the tobacco
business Mr. Hanes come to
Mocitsville and organized the
MOcksvllle Fumilure Owmpany.
The concern was In operation
for a number of years and was
burned out. Mr. Hanes later
organized the Hanes Chair and
Table Company. He retired
from active business about five
years ago, I
Mr. Hants was a member of
the Methodist Episcopal church
at Mcciuville and wa5 very ac
tive in its work. He was super
intendent of the Sunday school
for a number ol years. He also
was a member of the l>oard of
stetvards of ihe church.
Immediate survivors include
one sister. Miss SaUle Hanes of
Mocks ville.
Deeply Interested In the Ma
sonic picnic, be served tliis
cause faithhilly lor many years.
Last year he was chairman of'
the executive eoDHPit^ee gj the]
local Masonic lodge who hand
led the picnic.
Shunning the limelight, Mr.
l&nes was exceedingy gener
ous with his purse, both to his
church and prlivately. His phi
lanthropies were never known
publicly and many children who
otherwise would^nvc i>een ae-
nled she chance received an
education through his generos
The funeral will be held at
the graveside Oil the family plot
at Fulton Methodist church
cemetery today, Friday, at ii
a. m.. conducted by Rev. E. M.
Avett, former pastor of Mr.
HUnes here, and Rev. R, M.
Hatdee. present pastor.
The body arrived at the home
here on North Main strefn late
yesterday afternoon where It re.
(CoDtlBsed oa page dfhl)
J, F. Hanes
maincd until the funeral.
Active pallbearers will be Z.
N. Anderson. Dr. R. F. Anderson,
Marvin Waters, Knox Johnstonc,
Oalther.and -Rufus-Sanfordrnff'.-
Klmbrough Sheek, Cecil Morris,
and J. L. Klmble. Following
the request of the family there
were no honorary pallbearers.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/27/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 27,1942 - Page 1
T. P. Toombs
T. P. ToombB, father of Mrs.
J. H. Markham of Mocksville,
died last Monday at his home
near Red Oak, Va. He was 78
and his wife, 70. died on Feb.
13. The family left here last
Saturday to be at his bedside,
returned home and were called
back Monday. Immediate sur-
vlvors Include Mrs. Markham.
another daughter and a son.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 27,1942 - Page 4
Mrs. M. F. Campbell
jDied Wednesday
I -Mrs. M. P. Campbell. 5S. of
I North MoclcsvUIe. died at a
i-Morganton hospital Wednesday
j morning.
' Surviving nre the husband;
; one son, Harvey Campbell,
MoeksvUic. Route 4; one daugh-
.er. Mrs.^sca James. MocksvUle,
one brother. Lee Weatherman,
i Winston.Salem: and one slater,
Mrs. Lily Gregory. Elkln.
Funeral services will be held at
Shlloh Baptist Church in Tad-
kin county this morning at II
o'clock. Rev. Enoch Wooten
will be In charge and burial wUl
be held In the church cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 27,1942 - Page 6
Mrs. Minerva Smith
Miller Rites Held
Funeral services for Mrs. Min
erva Smith Miller, 80, who died
Friday night at the home of a
daughter, Mrs, J. H. Smith. In
Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock
from Bethlehem Methodist
Rev. J..W« Vestal was In charge
and burial followed In the
church cemetery.
Surviving arc two daughters,
Mrs. Margaret Loncy and Mrs
J. H. Smith, both of Winston-
Salcm; two sons. Floyd Smith
Advance; and Henry Smith, of
Tacoma. Washington: two sis
ters. Mrs. W. P. Walker, of
Winston-Salem: and Mrs. Alice
Palrcloth. York. Pa.: 11 grand
children and six great-grand
Bio - Obituaries - 3/27/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 1,1942
Jacob F. Haiin
The entlie town wasataocked tod
saddened Thursday eveoinf; when
news came thai J. F. Hahes had
died to the TwIo^City Hospital,
Wtnsion^aletn, where be was car
ried Thursday momlnK. Ur. Hanes
suffered a stroke of parolp^ wulle
at ihe breakfast table Thursday
morning. Death came at 9:30
o'clock Thursday eveulng,
Mr. Hanes was a native of Davie
County, a'ffOn of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Spencer Hanes, and was bom
In Inly, 1871, at the Hanes farm in
Pulton township. n He spent fab boy
hood days in ^vie. Hegraduat^
at Trinity Cdle e, and spent so
years lb' Wlnaton Salem, where be
was oonoected widt.the B. P.
Hanes and P. B. Hanes 'Tobacco
CotDpaniea. He relumed to Mocks
vtlle in 1900, and organised the
MocksvUle Purnttnre Co, of which
he was Secrelaiy-Treasorer until
the factory bum^ in 1918. Mr.
Hanes aim organized tbe Hanes
Chair & Table Co., In 1916, and
was actively connected with tbb
mill tmtil be retired several years
Mr. Hanes was a member of the
Methodist ^urt^ and served for
manv years as snnerintendent of
the Sunday school. Hewasamem*
ber of the board of stewards, and an
active chnrcb worker. - Be will be
missed in tbe home, the .chnrcb and
by an the Mocksville p^ple with
whpmhe asaodaied for so many
years. Hb death has cast a gkwm
over the entire town. The editor
had known Mr. Hanes for more
than 40 years, and it b needtem to
say that wc will miss bis daily
greetings. A good man has been
called to his reward. Mr Hanes is
survived hy one. sister. Hiss SalUe
Hanes, of tbb dty, together i^tb
many relatives and bnndrcds of
Mr. Hanes was a loog-tltte mem
ber of Mocksdile Lodge No. 134,
A. P. & A. M., and bad been ac
tive in Masonic ornhaoage work,
bpving been diaiiman of tbe Ma.
, sonic picnic basket committee for
many years.
P^erai services vrere ^held at
the graveside In Puhoo Methodist
Church cemetery Friday morning
at 11 o'ciock, with Revs R. M.
Hardee and E. M. Avett In charge,
and the body laid to reft in the
family jdot.
Mrs- M. F. Canvlid
Mrs. M. P. Campbell, 55, of
North MocksvUle, died at a Mor
ganton hospital Wednesday morn
Surviving are the bnsband; one
son, Hary^ Campbell, MocksvUle,
Route 4; one daughter, Mrs. Bsca
lames, MocksvUle, Route 3; one
brother, Lee Weather, Winston-
Salem; and one sister. Mrs. Lily
Gregory, Blkin.
Funeral services were fadd at
Shilob Baptist Cburdi io Yadkin
county Friday morning at xi
o'clock! Rev. Boocb Wooten was
in charge and burial was bdd hi
the chtu^ cemetery.
Mrs. B. J. Foster Passes
Mrs. B. J. Foster. 8R of near Gocmty
Linm passed away at Davis HosMtaj,
Statesvilla. Saturday ipoinfng at 2o*olodc.
Mrs. Fosttt had been la ciad bsahb for
sovoial yoan and oetkmaly lU for three
Mrs. Poster b soxvived Iv her busband.
two sma. D& John W. Poster, of Ghieago.
and B. J. Footof, Jr. at homes two daugb-
teia. MIn JuHa Foster, at home, end Miss
Rachd Fostm, Davio eountv health nurse;
onegmnddau^iter,MIsi^Virginia Foster*'
One hretfaer, A H. (Bbsom nnevUle, Ky..'
also survivea.
Funeral sefvloes wme hdd at Salem
Methodist Ghurdi Sunday aftemomi at 4
o'docfc. with Rev. W. Flak to charge,
assisted by Revs. E. W.lhraer and M. G.
Etvin, and tbe body laid 10 test in the
cfauzdi ceuMtmy.
PaUbeaims were Dr. Lester F. Martin,
Lather Daywate, J. Leo Gartner. Marvfo
Rdler. B. 0, Jonesand J. N.Ssioot Flow-
eta were in oharge iff membera of the
fiastem Star.
Mrs. Footer united w^Sopbty Baptist
(Uhmh In eariy liv^ a
ste^ast, Oirialiaa ifN^for nm than half
a century. She waa a devoted wife, a lov
ing mother and a Und and o^Iogneigft
bor. Her death has bfousbt sadpoaB to
tbo entire cofflfflontty in whloh She lived
ipieh a long and usMbl life. The hondfede
of frienda who were present to pay a last
tfibute of raspeet, and the many beautilnl
floial tfihutes attested the high esteem fo
which She was held. A modire In Israel
has fsileo. To riie bereaved husband, the
diUdrea and brother. The Reemd extends
heatcfoR syopothy in thblimoiff sadness
and sonvw.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/1/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 3,1942 - Page 1
Julius Osborne Young
Julius Oalwrnc Young, 47.
sou*in-law of -Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Stewart of ■Mocksvllle. died sud.
denly of a heart attack Wcd>
nesday night at his home at
642 Oaklawn avenue, Wlnston-
Salem. A prominent banker,
he was associated with the In
vestment banking firm of Vance,
Youngjc Hardln. Prior to that
time he had connected with
firms in Winston-Salem, Char
lotte, OreensAmro and Durham.
He was the hosband of the for
mer (Miss Edna Stewart of
MocksvUle. Supvivoia Include
the widow, mother, one son, 3
sisters and a brother. The fun
eral will be held this morning,
Friday, at il a. m. at the Wlns-
ton-Salem home.
Funeral services lor Mrs. Alice
Woodruff. 78. were held Thurs
day morning at the home with
Rev. W, C. Cooper conducting
the service. Interment follow
ed In Rose cemetery. Mrs.
Woodruff died suddenly Tuesday
night at 11:30 o'clock at her
home on route 3. She was a
oncmlber of one of the most
■prominent families of Oavle
-She was the daughter of A.
iM. and Sarah Clement Booe.
Survivors Include one daughter,
(Mrs. H. T. Kelly of Taylorsvllle;
one son. R. M.- WoodruHf at
home; two sisters. Mrs. Maggie
(Miller and Miss Ruth Booe. both
of Mocksvllle. Five grandchil
dren and 3 great-grandchildren
also survive.
(Pallbearers were J. C. Sanford.
Knox Johnstone, P. Frank Hanes
of Winston-Balem, Tom Bailey
-Woodrufir-Tom Turrentine-and
FVank Sain.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 3,1942 - Page 3
Dr. Ira Grimes
Rites Tuesday
Dr. Ira K, Grimes, about 46,
was found dead, in his apart
ment at Asheville Sunday morn.
Ing. apparently the victim of a
heart attack.
Dr. Grimes was the son of the
late Arthur A. Grimes and Mrs,
A. Baxter Byerly of Cooleemcc.
He was a dentist and had prac
ticed at Asheville for a number
of years.
Surviving arc the mother, Mrs.
A Baxter Byerly and one sister,
Mrs. Irvln Smith, both of Coo
Th body was taken to the
home of the mother at Coolce-
mec. The funeral was held
Tuesday morning at il o'clock
at Mount OlWct iMelhodist
Church. Davidson county. Burial
was In the church graveyard.
Mrs. B. J. Foster
Rites Sunday
* (Mrs. B. J. Foster. 66, of Davie
county, died Friday night at the
Davis Hospital where she had
been a ipatient for several days.
Mrs. Foster, the former Miss
Rachel Nola Gibson, was a na
tive of Zredeil county, a daugh
ter of the late T. W. and Mary
Holman Gibson.. Surviving are
her husband, two sons. Dr. J. W.
Foster, of Chicago; and Jay
Foster, at the home near Mocks
vllle: two daughters. Miss Rachel
Foster, county health nurse In
Davle county: and Miss Julia
Foster, at home; also a brother,
J. Marsh Gibson, of Pincville. Ky.
Funeral services were held
Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock
from., the„.Snlem Methodist
church, Davlc county, with Rev.
E. W. Turner nnd Rev. \t. O.
Jn-chargc. —
Pallbearers were Dr. L. P.
Martin. Jesse Lee Gartner, Luth
er iDayvault, H. C. Jones, Hapo-
leon Smoot and 'Marvin Keller.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/3/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 3,1942 - Page 7
Fryson Campbell
Fiincrnt .servlcPH wore bclri
Moiutny afternoon for Fryson
Cnmpbetl. 70. at the Shiloh
Baptist Church with Rev. H. M.
Hartjravc.s ih fharse.
Survivor." .are four von.s. L. L.
Campbell. Wln.stoivSalcm. J. C.
Campbell. Martin Ferry. Ohio.
James Campbell, Ponn.<;,vlvanln.
and Bossy Campbell of Davic
county; three dauchtcr.s. Mr.s.
Rosa Johnson. Rowan County
and Miss Mattlc Campbell of
Oavle; Miss Ada Campbell, whose
destination is unknown..
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 3,1942 - Page 8
James B. Penry
Services Today
Funeral scrvlce.s were held tills
mornlnR at 11 o'clock for James
Biichannon Penry. 85. who died
Wcdnc.sdny at 0:30 p. m. at his
home on route 3. The body lay
In state at ine smttn urovc
McthodLs'. church 30 minutes
prior to the services which were
held by Rev. J. W. Vestal as
sisted by Rev. E. w. Turner. In-
tcument was In the church ceme
Survivors Include five daugh
ters: Mrs. Bessie Craven, Mocks
vlllc, Mrs. W. C. Sain. LaJunta,
Colorado. Mrs. Lcnorn Lundgrcn.
LOS Angeles. California. Miss
Audrey Penry. Wlnston-Salem
and MI.VI Peggy Penry at home;
three son.s: J. B. Penry, Brwin.
Tonn.. Raymond Penry. Ham
let. J. B. Penry at home; U
grandchildren and 1 great
Bio - Obituaries - 4/3/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 8,1942
GnuDville E. Leagans.
GfanviUe E. ieagabs, 72. wdl^knowD
fainter of netf Csaa, died at .mididdlit
Thmoday, foUowing an extended lOoeea.
Emteial aetvleee were bdd at Batai'e
Bapdst cbuf^ Satoiday aftefoo<m at 3
b'dach^ «dlb Rev. Dallas Reoegar fat cbsfgOi
aaristid fay Rev. E. W. Tnroer, and the
■body laid to test In tbe cfattfofa eemeteiy.
&it«lvii)g are the widow and 6ve sons,
F. R« Leagaof. ModtvUle: Paol and Joeleagaof. Raleigh, Cbahle Leagans. Jem*
saleiB, and Cecil Leagans at borne; five
dangbtess, Bin. G. 11 Jones, TboassvlUe;
Mrs. Lester Ooley^ RockweO; Bits. Qyde
Jacvla. Faimlngtooi 'llra. A. J. Newton
Watbiogcon; Miss Dorothy Leagans. at
hootd. One lnothet,8anfoid Leagans, of
Flotida, el8o''sarvlves.
Mi. Leagaits was Ixnh in Yadkin ootin*
tv, hot bad lived fortbe past 83 year fat
ParmlDgtoo towoddp. He was a good
man and his death has brragbt aorrow tothe en^ cooiinnnity In wl^loh ha spent
ao many yean. The bereaved family have
tbe gymjMhy of arhost of frienda in their
great bmraventmit
Mrs, Wflliam Hatchess
Mrs. WIIHsin R. Hotcbeo^ 68. a fonner
resident of ibe.Piao section, but who has
been iivlog with her dsngbter.^llfs. J. W,
fhlton. Winstha-Salem. R. does tha
death oC^htthoeband, died Sondsy. Mrs.
BBtdnna Is survived by one son C 0
HotdtenSi Ft. Worth. Texas, ana daegbter.Mii^'J. W. Fhfaoo. WiOBton^eat, R. S:
two'sfstera^ Mrs. Sallie Haater and Uia,
J. L. Boger. MoqfcaviUe, R. 2
Fnnesel services were bdd at Walker
Fhoetal Home at 8 o'cldtk Monday alter-
noon with Rev. J. W. Vestal in charge,
aad tbe body laid to rest in Wesley Chapel
Tlios. J. Graves. -
*0101080 J. Graves. 78|dled at bis home
In Jerosalem esriy Friday morning.^ Mr.
Graves Is sarvlved by bis wi^, om
dsttgbter, Mrs. R. B. Daniel, R, 4: three
ilstets. Hla. FIrank Foster, Mrs. TomSoRey
and Bfra. Betty Ghbatd, all of R, 4.
Foo^ services were held at Liberty
llmbodist cfaoreb Satorday aftemood at 8
o'doofc wlth Rev. G. W* Flak In cbnge*
and tbe .body laid to rest to tbe cbuich
Mrs AIke Wopdrufif
^18. Alice WoodmR. 78. died
sttddraly Tncsday oight at b.r
home, Melville Rome 3. She
had been In dedfaifaig' health for
some time.
She was a danghter of tin late
A. Bf. and Rarah Clement Bboe.
. Stuvivlng are cm dattghter, Mrs*t. Kelly, Tayloreville; one son,
R. M. Woodmff of tbe booie; two
sisters, Mrs. Ugggie Miller and
Miss Roth Booe both of Mccksvillo;
five graDdcbildren; and three great*
Pnneral services were condncted
Thursday morning from tbe home
St If .o'clock. Rev. W. C. Copper
was In oborge and buria) followed
in Rose Cemetery.
Pallbearera were P. Frank Hanesr
J. C. Sanford. Ksox Johostoae,
Tom Ballejr Woodmff, Ton^ Tor*
rentlne and Frank Sain.
Itt the death of Mrs. Woodi^,
docksville has lost o te of her best
beloved women. She nnmbered
her friends Ly .all who knew her.
She lived a long and usefnl life,
and her death has-bronght sadness
to the entire town and community.
To the bereaved family Tbe Re*
cord extends sympathy in this sad
boui' of bereavement.
Jwses B. Peory
James B. Peory, 85. died almost
soddeoly at bis borne near Mocks'
ville last Wednesday afternoon at
6:30 o'clock. • Funeral servicea were
held at Smith Grove Methodlsi
ebufch Friday ' morning a t 11
o'clock, with Rev. J. W. Vestal hidiarge. assisted by itev. B. W.
Tomer, and tbjc body laid to rest fat
the chnrcb cemetety. '
Bfr. P^rV' is survived by bis
widow, fi ve danghtersi Mrs. J. A.
Craven, Mpcksyille; Mrs. C.Sai'p; Lajuoto, Colo., Mrs. ■ Lenora
Luttdgren, Los Angeles, Call. ; Miss
Andre/ Peory, Wfaistcn * Salem,
Miss Feg^y Penry, at borne; thiee
sons,- T. B. Penry, Brwio, Teon.,
Raymond Peory, Hamlet: J. B.
Penry, at home. '
Bio - Obituaries - 4/8/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 8,1942
Jfolns 0. Tomg
JqUq8 O. YoaoKi 47* welKkoown
Winstoo-Salein bu^eas man, died
suddenly at his borne In that dtv
Wednesday evenlog at 9:5oo'doek.
Mr. Yonng is survived ^ bis
wife, the former Mrs.- Bdna Stew.
Oft. dangbter of Col. a^ Mrs.
Tacob Stewart, of this dty, and one
son Jolins.
Mr. Young was a native of Roa.
noke, Va,, but bad lived In Dtff.
bam aiid Winston Salem for the
bast ao yeara.
Mrs. B. W. RolUns
Mia. B, W. Rotfiosid^ ded Satnidav af-
leuoon at itSO olciook' at bar home in
Ojifksvlilo townihip, fbOoaiiiig a am^a of
Surviviimam cbe husband; one son.
Gtmin Roltoa.Oua. R. 1: five dradbteia,
Ufa. M. E. Clasaoech. K. I; Mn. IL W.
Beck and Miat Adeib LayaiOD. R. & Mia
Robert Fbichesb of Cioa, and Misa Emma
RutQna, of the bootm ooa bntbtf, J. W.
DewecM, KootetfViUe. -
' Tim fbneral was held at Gat<m*a Baptist
las Reoegpioffidatlod. and the body laid
to rest ia tbeehmob cefflsteiy.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/8/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 10,1942 - Page 2
Robert S. Smitherman
Rites Held Saturday
Finn! rites for Robert Shelly
Smilhonnnn, 74, of Bast Bend,
Route 1, were held At 2 o'clock
Saturday afternoon at the Fri
ends Church, Rev. B. C. Norman.
Rev. CHaries Mutchlds lihd Kev
C. A. Hovls were In choree and
burial was in the church grave
Pallbearers were W. c. Joy-
nor, Edgar Scars, Paul Polndcx-
tcr. Earl Norman. Roy Williams.
and J. M. Bean.
■Mr. Smitherman, a promin
ent farmer of this section, wa.^
found shot to death near his*
home early Thursday afternoon.
Relatives said he had been
hnwk-shootlng and thought the
fatal wound was Inflicted accl-
ilunt.ilh '.u ht attempuOd to oross
A fence near which the body was
Mrs. Hutchins
69, Succumbs
\Mrs.'<Millle Stonestrect Hutch-
Ins. 09, died Sunday night at 0
o'clock at the home of a daugh
ter, 'Mrs. J. Wade Fulton, Wlns-
ton-Satcm Route 5.
She had 'been • In declining
health for .sometime and her
condition had been critical two
■Mrs. Hutchins was born Janu
ary 0. 1873 In Davle county, a
daughter of -WUburn V. and Nel
lie Stonestreeti She was mar
ried to William R. Hutchins Do-
ccmber 12, 1804. He died July
11,1040. She spent most of her
life In Davlo county, goltlg to
Wlnston-Balem two years ago to
make her home with her daugh
Surviving arc one son. Camll-
lus O. Hutchins of Fort Worth.
Tex.; one daughter, Mrs. J, Wade
Fulton oX Winston: three grand
children; two 'brothers, Charles
8. Sioncstrce'b of Oreenvllle.
Texas and W. C. Stoncstreet of
Fort Worth. Texas: two sisters,
TRRCSSIlte 'HTmti?r-and"Mr,s.- J;
L. Bogcr of iMocki^vlUe Route 2.
The fiinerni was held -Monday
afternoon at 5 o'clock at the
Walker- Funeral -Home. Rev. J.
W. V,estal conducted the services.
Burial was at Wesley Chapel.
Pallbearers were Frank Stone-
street. tW. -F. 'Hutchln.s. Duke
Boger. J. B. Cain. Boone Stone
street. Lonnle Kurfees, Wllburn
Stonestrect and J. W. Wall.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 10,1942 - Page 3
James Buchannon Pcnry
Rites Held Friday
Biichnnnon Peni'y, 83.
died WcdDCJsday evening at O.'SO
o'clock at his home on Mocks-
vlle, Route 3.
Funeral services were con
ducted Friday morning * nt 11
o'clock from Smith Orove Me
thodist Church with Rev. J. W.
Vestal and Rev. E. W. Turner
In charge. The body lay In
state for 30 minutes prior to the
Ke Is survived by five daugh
ters, <Mrs. Bessie Craven, Mocks-
vllle; Mrs. W. C. Sain, LaJunta,
Col.; Mrs. Lenore Lundgren. Los
Angeles, Calif.; Miss Aubrey
Penry, 'Winston-Salem, and Miss
Peggy Penry of the home: three
sons, A. 0. Penry, 'Erwln, Tenn.,
Raymond Pcnry. Hamlet and J.
B. Penry of the home.
Granvilie Lcagans
Passes In Cana
Oranvllle E. Leagans, 12, died
Thursday at midnight at his
homo near Cana,
The tfuncral was held Sntur
day Afternoon at 3 o'clock at
Eaton Baptist Church. Burial
wos In the church graveyard.
Surviving are <flvc sons. Fred
R. Leogans of (Mocksvlllc, Paut
and Joe Leagans of Raleigh,
Charlie Leagans of iMocksvllle,
Route 4. and Cecil Leagans of
the home; -five daughters, Mrs.
C. (M. Jones of ThomosvlUc, Mrs.
Lester Coley of Rockwell, 'Mrs.
Clyde Jarvis of Farmington, 'Mrs
A. J. Newton of -Washington. D.
C.. and Miss Dorothy -leagans
of the home: 22 grandchildren:
one great grandchild: and one
brother. Sanford 'Leagans of
Thomas J. Graves
Succumbs Friday
Thomas Jefferson Craves, 78,
died eariy.Frlday morning at his
home in Jcrusalem'Townshlp,--
Surviving are the widow;, one
daughter, Mrs. R. E. Daniel of
MocksvUle, Route 4: three sis
iters, iMrs. Frank -Poster, Mrs.
Tom Saifley, and Mrs. (Betty Gab-
bird, all of -MocksvUle, -Route 4;
and six. grandchildren.
The funeral was held Satur
day afternoon at S o'clock at
Liberty Methodist Church. Burial
was in the church graveyard.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 10,1942 - Page 4
W. F. Walker Dies
In Forsyth Co* |
William Frank Walker, 83,
father of H. S. Walker of Mocks
vlllc. died at his home on Soutlt
Hawthorne Road extension In
Wlnston-Salcm last Saturday
afternoon. He had been in de>
dining health for some time
and his death was not unex
A prominent farmer and build
ing contractor who retired sev
eral years ago. he was a native
of Davie county, son of William
and Nanoy Ward Walker. Ite
spent his early life In Davle -bub
had lived near Winston for the
last 15 years.
He was a member of Bethel
•Methodist Church In Davie.
Survivors include four sons, B.
P. and K. P. Walker, both of
Wtnston-Salom, H. 8. Walker of
MocksvUle, and W. P. Walker of
Cana; three daughters, Mrs. M.
A. Taylor of Farmington and
'Mrs. K. w. sinK and Mrs. Mil-
drcU Purker, both of Wlnston-
Salem: 17 grandchildren: and
three great-grandchildren.
Funeral services wore con-"
ducted at 5 o'clock Sunday af
ternoon at the home, Rev. J.
W. Vcatal and Rev. Ruben Har-
dee offleiating. Burial was in
Salcm cemetery.
Pallbearers were Ohal Mes-
slck. H. B. May. Kail Walker,
Paul Walker, and J. K. Mont
Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 10,1942 - Page 7
Mrs. B. W. Rollins
Died Saturday
Mrs. B. W. Rollins. 70. died
Snturday ivltcrncon ni 1:30
at licr home near Bear Creek
■Mrs. Rblllns was born in iMcck- (
Icnbnra ooxiniy near Hunter
vlllc January S. 1872. She was
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John W. Dewccsc of the Romah
.section. On Dee. 0,1898 she was
married to Boyd W. Rollin.s and
they moved to Davle county a
bout 37 ycar.s ago. In early life
Cdrs. Rollins was a metnber of
the Rnmah Presbyterian church,
Inter moving hor membership
to the Ches.nut Orove Metho
dist church.
Surviving are the husband:
one son. Olenn Rollins, of Cana.
Route 1: five daughters. Mrs. M.
E. Olasscock, of MncksvlUe,
Route 2: Mrs. R. W. Beck and
•Mrs. Arlcth Laymon. of Mocks-
vllle. Route 2: Mrs. Robert Par
ches. of Cnna and Miss Emma
Rollins, of the-home; one bro
ther. J. W. -Deweesc. of Hunters-
vllle. and IS grandchildren.
The funeral was held, at
Eaton Baptist Church Sunday
afternoon. Rev. P. A, Wright,
Rev. J. W, Orler and Rev. Dal-
ta.s Rencgar conducted the scrv-
Icc.H. Burial wan In the church
graveyard. The body lay in .state
for half an hour before the fun
Paliboarer.s were Lewis and
Bruce Beck. Clyde and Tom
Otascock. Mar.shnll Bowles and
Brooks Johnson. Flower bear
crs were Pcarlinc Beck. Jane.
Dorothy and Nancy Qlascuck.
Joe Donald and Mary K. La.vmon.
Nellie Mao Beck. Mary Morrison.
Luclle Rcavls. Vashtl Furcho.s.
Harold Rollins. Martha Bow'??.
Mrs. Hutchins, 79,
Dies At Home
•Mrs. Millie Matilda Hiilchlns.
70, wife of Sandy B. Hutchins.
died lost Wednesday night at
her .home near Boonvllle after
-an Illness of four weeks,
'surviving are 'the husband:
one daughter, Mrs. Mary Ellen
Brooks, of Etkln; two step-sons,
Herman Hutchins. of Boonvllle,
and Clove Hutchins, of Yad-
klnylllc: and three step-daugh
ters, Mrs Jim Brown. Mrs. Jesse
Bovcndor, and Miss Ha Hutch-
cns, all of Boonvllle.
The funeral was held Friday
morning at '1 o'clock at Picas
ant Hill Baptist Church. Rev.
David Day and Rev. Rich Day
conducted the services. Burial
was In tho ehureh gravoyard.
Mrs. Minnie Wishon
Dies At Wyo Home
i (Mrs. Minnie 'Wishon, 66. died
iat 1:30 o'clock last Wednesday
{afternoon at her homo near
Wyo after a long Illness. She
was a member of Wyo Metho
dist Church and had spent her
entire life In this community.
Her husband, Joe Wishon. died
21 years ago.
Surviving arc two sons, Wesley
and Roy Wishon. Cana. Route
1; three daughters, Mrs. Leona
Oroce. Cana. Route 1; Mrs
'Prosle Brown. -Elkln: and Miss
Muntora Wishon of Cana. Route
1: two sisters, (Mrs. Elnttna X-ash.
Cana. Route 1, and Mrs. Bell
Wishon of Thomasville.
Funeral services were held
■Friday morning at 11 o'clock
from Wyo Methodist Church.
•Rev. J. W. Vestal, pastor, was
In chorge and iburlal followed
In tlie church cemetery.
Death Claims
J. I. Todd, 8S
J. I. Todd, 85, died at his
home near Deep Creek Baptist
Church last Wednesday, follow
ing a lengthy period of bad
health, which was critical for
two weeks. He was known to
his friends as "Shug" Todd, and
had spent his entire life in the
Deep Creek section. He was a
retired farmer.
die had been a member of Deep
Creek Church (or over 50 years.
and always took an active -part
In church work until his health
failed. He was married to 'Miss
Amanda Shore, who died In
Surviving arc six daughters,
Mrs. A. F. Gough, Mrs. C. E.
Oroce. (Mrs. W. N. Comer and
Mrs. N. A. Myers, all of Yadkln.
vllle. Route 2: Mrs. Charlie L.
Lynch and Mrs. Leslie Dicker
son. of Wlnston-Snloni: three
brothers. Anderson. Crawford
and C. H. Todd. all Yadklnvllle,
Route 2: 32 grandchildren and
12 great-grandchildren.
The funeral was held at Deep
Creek church Friday afternoon
at 3 o'clock, with the 'pastor. Rev.
J. G. Allgood In charge. Burial
followed 111 llie church grave
Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 10,1942 - Page 7
Mrs. Tilda White
Dies at Crutchfield
(Mrs. Tilda White, 67. widow
of W. H. WlUte, died at her
homo Ab Crutchfield latu 9atur-
day night aflcr 'a three>wcek
.Her husband died three years
ago. —
iMrs. White is survived by two
sons, Ooman White, of Crutch,
field; Sdgar White, olHeweastle,
Ind.; one daughter, iMrs. Frank
Brown, Boonville; and one sis
ter, Mrs, George Gvans, of Ashe-
Funeral services were conduct,
ed from Falrview Baptist church
•Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock
with Rev. T. S. Draughn in
'Burial followed in the church
Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 15,1942
Hn. E L McCoDob
Iffs. Stinh Bllzabetfa UeCaUob,
of ModcBvlllc, Ronte^ai died at ber
bone near Oak Grove laat Toeeday
morning at 3740 o*clodc.' 8be had
been in decllniog health for a y^r
and her eondiilon had been eritleal
for the patft few weeks.'
She was bom in Davie cmmty
April 9, 190a, a danghttt, of Hr.
and Hra, Tah WilUama, She was
married to Mr. McCoUob on Octo-
ber 91, iprj. and the? had make
their home for a nonberof yeamlo
Wiostoo Satev, where Mr. MeCni.
lota was a oontractor. Ayear and a
half ago tbev moved to the pfeaent
home near Modrnvllle. ...
Blie. UcCuUoh was a ntembdr of
Oak Grove Mcthodkt Cbttcch.
Sof^vors iodnde the husband:
five sons; Lester 6 i 'Carl Lee^ and'
Loonie ^7 ICeC-dtoh, all of BaL
rimore, Md.; Hal Thomas MoCol-
loh; of Fort. Moot, N. and dtr.
ence Irvlo McCnUob, of the home;
the mother, Mrs. R. L. Willlaiiis;
one 0 brother, Roy Williams; of
HoeksvUIe, Route 9. .
Faseral services were held Thuiik
dav at 3 o^clock at Oak Grove
Methodist Cbureh, with the Rev.
G.^W. Fink in- d»r e, and the
twdy laid to .teat la the cbureh
Jos^ P. Smidi
• Josopb nofcuey Stulth. 70, tfod niday
at the bouM of his hiotber. W, L. Siuith
Funeral services were held Sautrday
fflomlnd ot II oVfeck at Bear Ciaek Bap-
tist (%aipb» wfrii Rev J. H. Gioce dmdeo*
(Ind the servkes, and Che body |aU to
rest In the tAuieb oomeierv.
Survivioir ate two siaceia. Iliu. N. K.
Stanley-end Mrs. D; A. Lowery*. aod 009
biotbe^ W. L. Smftb. fill of R. A
Bio - Obituaries - 4/15/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 17,1942 - Page 1
George AmiUc Sheek. 3G, well
Known native of Moclcivlllc. died
suddenly of a heart attack last
Tuesday altcrnoon at 4:30
n'elnck Ort the home of a Aister,
iMrs. W. O. McClamrock. here.
Son of the late Qcorgc W.
Sheek and Mrs. Camilla Kim.
broiigh Sheek. he Is survived by
his mother, who lives here, and
the following brothers and sis
ters: Albert K. (Son) and Jack
F. Sheek, both of Portsmouth,
Va.: Mrs. McClamrock, Mrs. A
U. James. Mrs. C. B. James and
Miss Duke Sheek, all of MbckS'
The funeral was held yester
day afternoon at 3 o'clock at
the Smith Grove Methodist
church. Interment was in the
church cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 17,1942 - Page 3
Joseph P. Smith
Rites Are Held
Joseph Plnkncy Smith. 70, died
Friday at the home of a brother,
W. L. Smith, Mocksvlllc, Route 2.
The funeral was held Satur.
day morning at 11 o'clock at
Bear Creek Baptist Church.
Rev. J. H. Grocc conducted the
services. Burial was in ihe
church graveyard.
Surviving arc two sisters. Mrs.
M. K. Stanley and (Mrs. D. A.
Lowery and one brother. W. L
Smith, all of Mucksvlllv, Route 2.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/17/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 17,1942 - Page 7
Mrs. 'Martlva Elizabeth Pat
terson. 77, known as "Aunt Mat"
died Thursday afternoon at
3:30 o'clock at the home of a
daughter. Mrs. R. Baldwin Horn
of East Bend.
Mrs. Patterson wna n doushtcr
of the late A. P. and Sallle
SmI herman. She was maiTled
to John Thomas Patterson. April
39. 1880. He died In December,
Surviving are two daughters.
Mrs. R. Baldwin Horn of East
Dcnd and Mrs. W. C. Prconcll
of Pilot Mountain: one son. Carl
A. Pattoraon of High Point; two
sisters. (Mrs. Sarah Polndcxter
of East Bend and >Mrs. Fannle
BInkley of Wlnston-Salcm; and
one brother, J, A. Smltherman
of East Bend.
The funeral was held Satur
day afternoon at 2 o'clock at
East Bend Friends Church. Rev.
C. H. Hutchens conducted the
services. Burial was In the
church graveyard.
Pallbcorcrs were J. F. Wall.
T. D. Smltherman. Garlic Smith
crman, Byron Horn. Azarbh
Horn and Rufus Smltherman.
Armanda Lyons
•Mrs. Armanda Lyons, 74. died
at home on route 2. last Wed
nesday ntornlng nt 0 o'clock.
She had been In declining health
for three weeks. Mrs. Lyons waa
a member of Cedar Creek Bap
tist church.
Survivors included three
daughters and two sons: Mrs.
Pearl Brock, Cana, route 1, Mrs.
Mary Blnckwell and Mrs. Luckie
Howell of route 2; Duke Lyons
of Conn., Plate Lyons of Wash
ington. D. C.: one broUier, Nel
son MoMalan of Frn'mlngton.
Funeral services were held fTl-
day afternoon at 2 p. m. with
Rev. Oarfleld Johnson In charge.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/17/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 22,1942
* llios.'J. Gram
Uii. Thos. J. Graved 79, dl^ af tbe
lioae.ofberdaatfhter. MiS,S. E Oftolelt.
at EpbSstta, .Thuttdar. foUowlog a aHoke
Eoneml sendees were beM at LQieitF
Metbodlst chureb FUdaF aftesoooD at 4
octodk, with G.' W. 'BfcDaaid la cbaitfa.
aod the body laid to rest in tho oboteh
cemetery. *1
Mrs. Gcavea is sonred by ooe daagbter,.
Mn. R. E. Daniels, and naay rsiatlfee
and friends. HerbnriiaQd passed , away
Apiit 17tb.
George Armette Sieek
George Annette Sbedc, gS, wdU
known Mocksville dtiaeo, diedaad-
deoly last Tuesday aftenoon at
4:5a.o*clock, at the bonne, of bis iris,
tei, Mcb. W. O.: HcClamrodi, on
Avon street, Mr, Sbeek bad. gone
to Bphcsns to work Tuesday som.
tog, but feeliog dck, he tetnrncd
to town abont 4 o*do^ and after
getting some medidoe be brant to
che b<^e of bis sister, where be
snffeied a heart attadc.
Mr. Sbeek is snrvived by bis
mother, Mrs. George W* Sbe^, of
tbis dty; two bibtb^, A. K. and
lack Sbeek, of Portsmontb, Vtu;
ionr sisters, Mrs. W. O. McClam-
foeb Mrs. A U. James, Mrs G.
B. James, and Miss Dnlra Sbeek,
all of Melville.
Pttoenl sarvloM wore held . at
Smith Gfo^ Methodist cbnrcb at
3 'ddo^ Tbnrtdav afternoon; with
Rev. Robert M. Hardtra in diarger
assisted by Rev. W. C. Cooper, and
ibe body laid to rest in the dmrOb
Mr. Sbeek was boirn in thto dty
and spent practically all of bis life
in the old home town. He was one
of The Record's first offioe/'devib"
but deddcd that ho bad ratber be
a barber. He fdldwedthe tonsoral
badness lor more , than 35 years.
For the past few yeam be bad en
gaged in other work. Be- was on
excdient artist- and - palntier. A
nnmber'of .bis lendseape pdntlngp
have attracted modi attention. *
Mr. Sbeek bad many {riei^ in
Che town aod oottoty, and his sod-
dsB death was a shoSk Co the town
and oommtmity. To tho bereaved
mother, brothers and slstmr^ The
Record extmids-deep sympathy ii\
this sad facfeavemeot
Bio - Obituaries - 4/22/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 24,1942 - Page 6
Mrs. Thomas J. Graves
Riles Held Friday
Mrs. Thom.-is J. Graivc,s. 70.
died Thursda.v morning nt lior
homo In Jcnisalcm township.
Her husband died ATirll 3.
Tho funeral was held FYlday
afternoon at 4 o'clock at Liberty
Methodist Church. G. W. Mc-
Danlel conducted t^e services.
Burlol was In the church grave
Surviving are one daughter,
Mrs. R. E. Daniel of Mocksvllle.
Route 4; five grandchildren and
one great-grandciilld.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/24/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 1,1942 - Page 4
Mrs. S. D. Stout
Mrs. Jim Kelly was called to
Dcnton Friday afternoon on ac
count of .the sudden serious Ill
ness of her mother. Mrs. S. D.
Stout. Mrs. scout passed away
botaro Mrs. Kelly reached homo.
The funeral was held Sunday
mornlne from the Mothodlot
church In Denton. Other sur
vivors besides her husband and
Mrs. Kelly Include Mrs. Dotan
Snider of Greensboro, S. D.
Stout Jr. at home. W. Everette
Stout of Wallace and Buren
Stout of Lllltneton.
Hcllai'd Ritos
Thc funeral lur Glenn Smith
Hcllard. 25, of Hancs, who was
fatally Injured In an automobile-
motorcycle collision on the High
Point road Sunday night were
hold Tuesday afternoon nt Tur.
rcntlno Baptist Church.
Monnwhip. tho cnndlLlou nf
Miss Puurl Jackson, of S07
Waughlown street, Winston
Salcm. who was riding the mol<
orcyclo with Hcllard, was re
ported Improved at City Hospl
tal, Wlnston-Salcm. She lost her
her left leg below the knee and
suffered fractures of the left
Hospital attaches said her con
ditlon was better Monday night,
although she lost a great deal
of blood and was still weakened.
Arthur J. Taylor. 30. of 204S
Craig street, Winston-Salem,
charged by the state highway
patrol with being the driver of
the car which collided with the
motorcycle, gave $2,700 bond
Monday and will face charges
of manslaughter and operating
an automobile while Intoxicat
Hellard was a son of Joe W.
and Emma Smith Hellard of
Dnvlc county. He had reidded
at Kanes (or several years and
was connected with the P. H.
Hancs Knitting Company. He
wa.s married to the former Miss
Ruth Lakey.
Surviving are the widow; tho
parci\ts: and four brothers, W.
D. Hctlnrd of Kannapolls; C S.
and Ruben Hcllard of Mocks-
vlUe, route 4, and Floyd Hellard
of Hancs.
The funeral was conducted by
Rev. E. W. Turner. Burial was
In the church graveyard.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 1,1942 - Page 6
■Miles Fred Carter, 82, native
jiL-Yadkln-jeounty. died Sunday
night at the home of a son,
Marvin Carter, 407 Henry street,
Danville, Va. He had been 111
for several weeks,
■Mr. Carter was bom In Yad-
kin county. He spent his boy
hood In the county and hod
made his htune at Danville for
the past 20 years. He was mar
ried to Roda Caroline Chappel.
Surviving are three sons, Miles
•P. Carter of Wlnston-Salem; T.
'Walter Carter of MocksvUle, and
Manvin Carter of Danville; two
sisters, Mas. Thomas Marshall of
■Danville, and Mrs. George Ire
land of Union Grove; is grand-
children -and 10 great-grand
children. I
The funeral was held at Cen
ter Church Tuesday afternoon
at 3 o'clock. Burlnl was In the'
church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/1/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 1,1942 - Page 7
Exie Dulin
rliw for Mr.s. Exle
DiiMu. 3K. wore hold Tuo.iday
ovi'iilny 3 |). 111. nt the A. M.
B. Zlon church with Hov, S. J.
Burke In charge, survivors nrc
the husband. Ernest DuUn; ino.
ihor. iMrs. Mnry Booc: one dau
ghter. M1S.S Lcathla Ellis of
Washington. D. C,; one sister.
■Mrs. Ada Cooper of Wlnston-
Snlem; and one brother. Edward
Booc of Walnut Cove.Intcrinciu was in the churvh
Bio - Obituaries - 5/1/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 6,1942
F. P. Cash Pas^
pQiiwal smiees fte Finacis Paul Gaali*
60. ot Wiii8tan*S8lem. me helii Satoiday
aftcnuKHiat 3 o*cio^ at Saddi Gmve
Methodic with intenawtf in die
ehnisti 6iave?aid.
Rev. W. M. Smith and Rmr. X W. Vea-
tal flffldaied. Seas aodsons^ia^isw were
Mr. Caah. til dnee last Joly and In a
critical condition for the post two weeks,
died at a Wiii8hni*Sdeffl hosidtal Friday
oiofDlBg at 1:IS. He was a native <tf Da-
vie eotmty. boin January 1,1862, a aon of
Dr. Leon H. and Sally Holman Cash. He
lived at Smith Grove until be moved to
Wioston-Saleni to tOlO.
Mr. Cash was a member of Smith Grove
Methodist <%tttch and of the I. 0. 0. Fh
and HaBMiieftateiDltiea.
Sarvfvmi loclvde the vdfs; the fanner
MisaLona JanaCioitse: four sods. Hngb
Pn A. B. and B. L. Gash, Winston-Saiem,
and fkink B, Gaah. of MmgaAton; tfm
daogbteta, Hia. G. 0. BfanbalL of Ihas-
too. Va4 Mra. Atoatander BodilPiia and Mrs
R. A. Jaeksmi, of WinatOMalein; one
brothei; Thomas H. Gash, unofiCon-Salem;
tWff aietesa, Mia. P. A. Naytm. of Smith
and MisaSalBa Ca^ Mmgaatoo..
Mn fitgeae Owbgs
John Eugene Owinds. 64, enperiotead-
entofthe state highway piisoa camp
on R. I. died snddenly at hia home In
West BIbefcsvllle Satmday afcemooo at
IMS o'idock. following a heart ottaek.
BIr. Owings hsd been In charge of the
oampfer.seveiai years, and was one of
the ooonty'a best known citiaens. He was
a son of John Albert and Mary Tomlinson
Snrvivins are the widow, the foimer
Miss Jane QIaasooek: <me son. Jamea L*
Owings, of MoeksvfH^ two. grandchildien.
and one brother, G.H. P. Owings, of Ire-
dell cednty.
Fhneral emvlcea were held Stmday af-
lesnooD at 6:80 o*dook at llames Gross-
roads Baptist Chnnh, with Revs. E. W.
Thmer and Lewrooce Biadlev in charge,
and the body laid to rest in the ehorcb
The tnudreds df frienda who assembled
to pay their last tiibnteof nspeet, togeth
er wl^ Ihe^ihapy beaotlAil tiibacee,
attest the high esteem in wblc^Mn Ow
ii^ was held. To the bereaved fsfflUv
The Reooid extends eympalby in this end*
den and ^eat beroayefnent.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/6/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 8,1942 - Pages 1 and 8
John Eugene Owings. <54. sup
cnintendcni of the Davle State
Prison Camp near here, died
suddenly last Saturday after
noon following a short illness.
Mr. Owings had been in charge
of the camp for sometime and
was one of Mocksville and Davle
County's best known citizens. He
was born In Iredcll county on
April 28. 1878. son o7 James
Albert and Mary Tomlinson'
He married the former Jane
L. Glascock on March 20, 1902.
They lived in Xredell until 1911.
They had been residents of
Davle county and Mocksville
since then.
He is survived by his widow;'
one son. James L. Owings of!
Mocksville. two grandchildren,
Anne and Linda Owings. A dau
ghter died in infancy. One bro
ther. H. F. Owings of Iredeli
county, also survives, as well
as a number of neices and nep
The funeral was held Sunday
afternoon at 3 p. m. with a short
service at the home and the
funeral service at Ijames Cross
Roads Baptist church. Services
were conducted hy the pastor.
(Continued on page eight)
Rev. L. V. Bradley, assisted by
Rev. E. W. Turner of Mocksville.
Special music was rendered by
Miss LouKse Stroud and a trio
composed of C. H. Tomlinson. R.
B. Sanford and Z. N. Anderson,
with Miss Alice Holton as pian
ist. Interment was in the
church cemetery.
Pallbearers were L. R. Tut-
terow, E. E. Murphy. Burton
Beats. L. M. Dwtggins. J. E. Tot-
terow and O. N. Ward.
The many and beautiful floral
tributes showed the esteem in
which he was held. They were
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 8,1942 - Page 6
,J. F. Gartner
Mrs. Rupard
Died Monday
Mrs. Hampton Rupard. 91.
died Monday afternoon at the
homo of a son. L. A. Rupard,
Cana. Route 1.
Surviving are four sons. L. A."
Rupard of Cana. Route 1; Wins
ton, D. D. and Woody Ru
pard of Iredcll county, and two
daughters. Mrs. Will Mlllsaps
and Mrs. Leona Lunger of Ire
dcll county.
The funeral was held Tues
day afternoon at 3 o'clock at
Prospect Baptist Church. Rev.
Orady D. White conducted the
services. Burial was in the
church graveyard.
Died Monday
James Franklin Cartner, 79,
retired farmer and well known
citizen of Davle county, died
Monday at his home In Calahaln
township following a heart at
A native of Davle, he had
spent his entire life in the com
munity where he died.
Surviving arc his widow, the
former Miss Sarah Emma Dwig-
glns, a daughter of Mrs. B. C.
Kcavts of Henderson: two sons,
a. W. and Fred E. Cartner, both
of Davic county; one brot'hcr,
A. A. Cartner of Iredcll coun
Funeral services were held
Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock
from Salem Methodist Church.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/8/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 13,1942
James F. Cartner
James F. Gartner, 80, died at his
borne near Sappa, fiionday mom
faif! May 4tli, at 9:30 o*do^. foU
towing a long illness of heart tron
Mr. Caxtaer liad spent his entire
Ufa In Diat5^ cotuity, ahd was one
the county's bat known and
most pcogrodve fanuets. Hia
death has brought sadness to the en
tire community In which he lived
80 long.
Funeral servloes wiere hdd at
Satem Methodist chureli last Tues
day afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, with
bis'pastor, Rev. O. W. Pink con
ducting the services, and the body
laid to rest in the church cemetery.
A large conooncse of fiiends and
neighbors were present to pay tbeir
last respects. Mr. Gartner will be
missed, n<M only in the home, the;
choicb, but the entire commjttnlty-
Sttrviving Mr. Gartner are his
wtdow, two sons, Grady and Pied
Caituer. of near Kappa;one^ogh
ter, Mrs. Burl^.Reavis, of Hender
son,, and one brother A. A..Cartner,
neat River Hill.
To the bereaved famllv The Rb-
oofdeactends'sympatbyin this hour
of sadness; A good man has bemi
called to his reward. ^
Bio - Obituaries - 5/13/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 15, 1942 - Page 1
Mrs. Gobble
Dies At Fork
Mrs. W. L. Gobble, 56, died at
her home at Fork at noon last
Tuesday following a brief ill
ness. ,
Daughter of Charlie and Sarah
Snider Shoal, she is survived by
her husband and the following
daughter and sons:
Mrs. Lester Beauchamp, Davie;
H. L. and John Gobble of Fork.
George of Davidson county. Lon-
nlc and Boyd of Virginia.
The following sisters and bro
thers also suiwive: Mrs. Aldcn
Black, Mrs. Roy Phillips. Mrs.
Josic Walscr, Mrs. Eliza Ferry
man, Mrs. Emily Essex, all of
Davidson county: Mrs. Bob Mar
.tin and Mrs. Jacob Phillips of
Virginia; Frederick and Cletus
Shoaf of Davidson county. Eight
grandchildren also survive.
The funeral was held at the
home Thursday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock, followed by a serv
ice at Fulton Methodist church,
conducted by Rev. P. L. Smith.
Interment was in the church
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 15,1942 - Page 7
Rastus Woodruff
Funeral services for Rastus
Woodruff. 37. were held Sunday
at the Second Presbyterian
church with Rev. Clark of Wins-
ton-Saiem and Rev. R. L. Mossey
In charge.
Survivors are the wife, Mrs.
Rena Woodruff, two sisters. Mrs.
Hattle Curoton and Mrs. Myrtlo
Anderson of Wlnston-Salcm,
two brothers. Sanford Woodruff
of Wlnston-Salem and J. A.
Woodruff of this city. Inter
ment was in the church ceme
Bio - Obituaries - 5/15/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 20,1942
Mrs. % L Gobble
Mrs, W. L. Cobble died Titee*
day at ber home in the Pork com*
She ia survived fay her husband;
a daughter, Mrs. Lester Beau-
champ, of Davie colmty; five sons,
H. L. and John Gobble, of Fork;
George Gobble, of Davidson conn*
ty; Loooie and Boyd, of Virginia;
seven siatera, Mrs, Alden Black,
Mrs. Roy Phillips, Mrs. Josie Wal-
ser, Mrs. BlUa PeirymaD, Mrs.
Emily Essex, of Davidson oohnty;
Mrs Bob Martin and Mrs. Jacob
PbiUips, of Virginia; two brothers,
Frederick and Clettss Shoaf; and
cigbt grandchildren.
The fttQcral services were held at
the home Thursday afternoon at
2:30 and at Pnlton Methodist
Church at 3 o'clock with Rev. P L.
Smith officiating.
Robert Qeaiy KUh Self
Corporal Robert 8. Cleary, 27,
shot himself to death at the home
of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Cleary, eight miles north of Mocks-
yille about 11:30 Saturday mom-
ing. His family were unable to
explain bis action. ^
Corp. Cleary bad been in the
army for the past 16 months, and
was stationed at Ft Jaekson. He
bad been'at home only about two
hours when the shot was heard, it
is said He was found in the yard
with a shotgun blast fir^ into his
heart, candng instant death.
Cleary had visited with his par*
ents on a week's leave rec^tly re-
taming to camp about the middle
of last week, it Is said.
Survivors include the 'pamnts;
two brothers, Herbert and Clyde
Cleary, R. 1: one sister, Mrs. Ma-
fflie White, R. 3.
Funeral services were held Stm-
day afternoon at 4 o'doCk, at the
Ijames X Roads Baptist Church,
with Rev. A. d Chaffinoffidating,
and the body laid to rest in the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/20/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 22,1942 - Page 8
Corporal Cleary
Kills Himself
Corporal Robert Smith Cleary,
27. killed himself with a 12-
gungc shotgun last Saturday
morning about 11 o'clock at the
home of his parents, Mr. and
Mr.s. J. F. Cleary on route 1.
A lorked stick was used to pull
the trigger, the shot entering
Ma heart. Death was Instan
Relatlve.s and friends were
unable to explain his action.
Stationed at Ft. Jackson for
the last 10 months, he had been
at home only two hours when
the shot was heard. He visited
his parent.s recently on a week's
leave, returning to camp about
a week before the tragedy.
Survlvor.s Include the parents:
two brothers. Herbert and Clyde,
route 1; a sister, Mrs. Mamie
White of outc 2.
The funeral was held at IJames
Cross Roads Baptist church
Sunday afternoon. Rev. Colum
bus Chiiffin officiating. Inter
ment was In the church ceme
Bio - Obituaries - 5/22/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 27,1942
Wn. &uaD Kdue
lfn.S(aaa Jones Bidds, 79« one of
firnnliii^ cownaMp'a best taiowB toid
BHMlbdoved waaen. (Bed eoddeslf at
ber hodnsittear Fannlsigon at llaSOo*dock
Thtnoday nigbt. Mn. Rtebls liad teea in
ber nsoal health ootil stricken wUb a beait
Ftmeral aervtees were fadd at Ettai's
Baptiet drarch Satttrdsy afternoon at 3
o'clodt, edthBev. DallaeReaegarlacgiaige
as^^by Revs. James Gtocs and E. W«
Ibmor, QQd cbe bo(^ laid to leet In the
chnreb oevetenr. MO ifflmediate relatives
Barvlvoi Bin. Ridds was a sister <a the
atoJolm Jones of Kodtsvl^, and W. F,
Jew of Spokane, Wssbiajiion.
Intbedeatliof Bln.Rlcliie.tbe ooanty
basiostidlts beet women, a Goistian
lai^, a cood n^bbor and one the Lord's
good servants who went about doing good.
Sbs wiQ be sadly missed in tbecommottity
wbste ebe spmt a long and nsefOl Bfa.
SamiMl P. Smder
Samoel Poier Soidar, died at bis
honte ia Roman conaty, after a long
jllnom. • :
^ .','Mr. Snider was married three
times. Of bis first maij^ge to Miss
James, of- Daivie connty,
twb danghteis and two sons survive.
They are Mrs, Vera iniler and
Bfrs* lla McBilde, of Salisbury;
Rnftts and Calvin Snider, of Kan*
napoHs,. . His second ntarriaiEe was
to Miss Matrona Walker, of Davte
connly, and of this tnaniage two
dangbtera and.a iron sorviye; Mrs.
loype Bagle, of Salisbnry; lira.
Betty Be^, of Cleveland, Route
t, and Lewb Snider^ of Spenoer.
His third tnarriago.was to Mrs. Ida
HcBride, of Davfdabn^nnCy, who.
snrvivra with two sons, and two
danghteis^ Mn. Reld. Foster, of
Cleveland; Davfd Solder, of Coolee-
mee;. William Snider,\ .bf .Salisbury;
and Mtb. Smoot Cnftper,'- of Dai^
Fnner8|;iagf|^|qfs'^fe held Frf.
day from
Center and bitrial
foliowi^'fb'il^'MfimHceomtet^^ .
Bio - Obituaries — 5/27/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 29,1942 - Page 1
R. D. Bayliss*. who was form
erly associated with the Hanes
Chair St Novelty Co. here, died
last Monday, according to word
received here. The funeral was
held at his home In Athens, Tcnn.
on Tuesday.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 29,1942 - Page 5
Mrs, Susan Richie
Passed Thursday
Mrs. Susan Jones RIcliic. 75,
died suddenly last Thursday
night at her home on route 2.
She was the widow of Charlie
Richie and the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Cullen Jones.
The funeral was held Satur-
du.v ul Eaton's Baptist church,
conducted by Rev. Dallas Rene-
gar and as.sl8ted by Rev. E. W.
Turner and Rev. James Oroce.
Interment was In the church
Survivors include nclces and
Bio - Obituaries - 5/29/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 3,1942
Mrs. Hiram Grantham
Roliert B. Salirto
Robot B. SaMet, 72, weO-ftiMiWD fonn-
cc of Sontfa Oalahate, died at Us liome
Tbonday, followiod an eiteoded Clsan.
tfr*StMotla otirvived by bla widbir.
•ti dto^ten, two oo&aaiidtliNO toottms,
todetber with laaoy niatlveo aad Mendo.
FUoeial oeivloei weie held at Soeloty
Ba|itistCharDli,Qf wUdibe waaa neia-
ber. Satsrday inoioind at II o'docfc. and
the tody laid to mt In the chaich ceme*
Bfr. SaMO opeat hie entiie Bfe loDavIe
coonty. and hie death has hioa^ oad*
oesa to the entlfe ooomnnlty in whhdi he
OyedfioreoJiiaiiy yeaia Tothebeieayed
fsmUy The Reooid lolne a host of ftleods
in eiteafiog sympathy in diis boor of be*
Former Davie Lady
Mrs. miatD Grantbttoi, a leotdent of
UoCksvIIle eoiiie 48 veais ado. died at her
home at Red Spring on May 27ih. She
was a dsoghter of the IsteC^pt and Uia.
'Frank R. Brown, who moyed ffoa Mocks*
elQe to Sallshory many feats ago. Mrs.
Grantham was IMee Bmma Blown befoee
msifiage, and Bved wRh her paienta in
the hmtse now owned bf Mrs. J. B. John-
etone. Hm father baUt the Red Front
Stoie. and opereted It for ten or twelve
years. The bttlldlnd is now owned by
Mm. W. L. Gall, and eccnpled by J. Ftank
Bio - Obituaries - 6/3/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 5,1942 - Page 1
Mrs. Hiram Grantham
Mrs. Hiram Grantham. who
died at her home In Red Springs
last week, is well remembered
here as a resident many years
ago. Ernie Hunt recalls that her
father. Capt. Frank Brown, built
the present Call building where
he operated a store known as
the Red Front and also built the
present home of Mrs. J. B, John-
stone. Mrs. Grantham was the
former Miss Emma Brown. The
family moved to Salisbury from
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 5,1942 - Pages 1 and 4
Warner Prince Frye. 43. of
Cornatser was killed by a freight
train lost Monday night about
0 o'clock at the Bbcby crossing.
An outdoor movie was in pro
gress near the scene of the ac
cident which was seen by many
observers. Witnesses were quot
ed by Sheriff Bowden as saying
that Frye was Isrlng beside the
tracks with his hands behind
his head said had apparently
fallen asleep. As the train ap
proached his head was hit by
the cowcatcher of the engine as
he raised himself and he died
on the way to the hospitol from
(Continued on page four)
Warner Frye
the head injury.
While reels were being chang
ed at the movie, an announcer
flashed a light around the gath
ering and on Frye. shouting that
the train was coming and that
there was a man on the tracks,
it was'istatcd.
A native of this county and
n well known carpenter, he is
survived by his widow, formerly
Miss Gladys Bennett; a brother.
Floyd Frye; two half brothers.
Ross and W. A. Cornatzer. all
of Blxby.
The funeral was held Wednes
day morning at Ho Creek Prim
itive Baptist church, conducted
by Elders J. A. Fagg and Fletcher
Moore. Interment was in the
church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/5/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 10,1942
Warnei P. Fry
Pasera] services for Warner P.
Fnr* 43» who lost bis life when
Istracfc by a freight train at pizby
on Monday light of last weel^ was
held at No Creek Baptist churdi
Wednesday morning at xi o'clock,
and the body laid to rest in the
cfanrch cemetery.
Hr. Pry is snrvived by his widow,
one brother, and twb~half brothers.
Kitted la Anto Wreck
Mrs. Sarah QiiflSo CaMwdL 40, diedwIf SBnd«iy atoning In an Elfcto bonttal.
fottowlog an aoioaobUe which occmred thieo nllet weic of Etklii.
MmCaUweUwaaa hadfe of JMST
vftte. a of the lato lie* and lps>
E. L» and moved .to WInstooiSnl
am whfit a yoong itbL SuielfUig la ono
fon and a brother.Fnnenlieivioea-wemheM at Vogkr^s
fimend hfline. Wtotoo^alMuMoi^nf.
at tt odoch, and the body laid to
reat to Oah Grove cemetery.
Bio — Obituaries — 6/10/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 12,1942 - Page 1
Sarah G. Caldwell
Mrs. Sarah Q. CaJdwcll, 40,
native ol MocksvlUe and daugh
ter of Edgor L. and Emma Sain
Griffin, was killed In an auto-
inublle accident 3 miles north
ol Blkin last Sunday morning.
She had lived In Winston since
a girl and was senior staff mem
ber and membership supervisor
of the WInston-Salem Chamber
of Commerce. The funeral was
held Tuesday in Winston and
Interment was in the Oak Grove
Methodist cemetery in this coun
ty. The Oaldwell car was stat
ed to have been struck by a hit-
and-run driver.
Bio - Obituaries — 6/12/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 19,1942 - Page 1
Dies At 106
Noah Monroe Brock, native of
Farinlnylon and by far one of
' the oldest persons known any
where, died at his home near
• Darlington, Indiana, on June 10
after a 10-day Illness. On Au-
' gust 14, 1942 he would have
> reached his I06th birthday.
Son of Frances Chaffln Brock ^
and William Brltton Brock who
lived near Farmlngton, he Is *
survived by one daughter, Mrs. <
Edith Brock, who, with three <
grandchildren, lived with him
near Darlington. He is the
uncle n of* Mrs; George Sheek;
Mrs. Rena Sheek, Mrs. A. M.
- Klmbrough, all of Mocksvllle.
and Mrs. D. K. Furchcs of near
' Mr. Brock fought with the 10th
' Virginia cavalry under Lee
' during the Civil war and the
^ centenarian was the last sur
viving Confederate 'veteran In
western Indiana. Without ask-
[ Ing, he was placed on the pen
sion rolls of this slate last
year, following a bill by Repre
sentative Moore of this county.
During the Reconstruction
period Mr. Brock moved to the
^ Darlington neighborhood where
he became one of the most es-
^ teemed citizens of that section.
'' His wife died in 1935 at the age
® of 89.
Always robust, he maintained
a great Interest in life to the
end. When past 100 he read
newspapers without glasses and
had his first teeth extracted on
his tooth birthday. Several
years ago he declared he would
"live a long time" if had not
taken up the habit tof chewing
tobacco many, many yeors be
Bio - Obituaries - 6/19/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 19,1942 - Page 2
Services Held
For Mrs. Burton
Funeral services (or Mrs.
Anna Parker Burton. 81, widow
I}' Squire J. C. Burton, were
'.onduclod from BoonvUle Meth-
iicU.st Church Sunday afternoon
at 2 o'clock. "The Rev. \V. J.
I Huneycutt and the Rev. Paul
[Fcrsylho wore in charge,
i Pa'.'.be.arevs were Oscar Ficin-
I ir.tf. CliUcrl Parduo. Dolph Bron-
'die. Ernest Hurt and Herbert
1 / Irini'.'.g.
j Mrs. Burton died at the home
' of iier daughter. Mrs. P. E. Hurt,
jln Boonvliic. Survivors include
I two sons, Oscar Burton of Ker*
inersvliic and P. A. Burton of
I Greensboro; two daughters. Mrs.
Houston Jones and Mrs. Hurt,
both of Boonvlile; one brother,
the Rev. P. E. Parker of Thom-
a.svUie; one sister. Miss Mary
Parker of Julian; eight grand
children and one great-grand-
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 19,1942 - Page 7
Cora Clement Meroney
Mrs. Cora Clement Meroney.
08, died at her home In Oak
Grove Sunday night following a
long illness. Funeral services
were held Tuesday at 2 o'clock
at the Methodist Oak Grove
church conducted by Rev. 8. J.
Burke. Interment was at Maine
cemetery.- Survivors Include her
Itusband, Henry Meroney and
one son, Eugene Clement ut
Bio - Obituaries - 6/19/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 19,1942 - Page 8
James Biirges
Rites Today
James Martin Surges, 76, died
Wednesday night at the home
of A. B. Bowles near Oak Grove
Methodist church where he liv
The funeral will be held this
morning at 11 o'clock at the
Oak Grove church, conducted
by Key. O. W. Fink and assisted
by Rev, R. M. Hardee. inter
ment will be in the church
There are no immediate sur
Bio - Obituaries - 6/19/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 24,1942
[Oldest Ssbscriber Dead
It was with profound sorrow
that we learned a few days ago of
the death of Noah M. Brock, who
died at his home z»ar DailiDgton,
Ind., on Jun- lotb, fonowlng an
illness of teo days.
Mr. Brock was a native of Darte
I county, and was born near Farnr-
I IngtoD. He left this county sooo
I after the Civil war. and located in
Indiana. He was a Confederate
Veteran, and served in the South
ern army during the dark days of
the sixties. Despite bis extreme
age he enjoyed good health nntil
bis last illness. Had he lived un
til Aug. 14th, he would have been
X06 years of age. He had been a
subscriber lo The Record for forty
years, ond always enjoyed reading
bis old borne county paper. Only
a few weeks ago we received a let*
ter from hlni|coataiaing a cheek for
bis subscription, and his signature
. was very plain and legible.
Mr. Brock was an oscle ol Mes
I dames G* W, and J. L. Sbcek, of
I : this city, Mrs. D. K. Fniches, of
j Parmtngton, and Alex. M. Kluj.
I • brougb, of this dty.
Surviving Mr. Brock Is a daugh-
ter-itt.law, Mrs. Edith Brock, and
three grandchildrea, of Darlington.
This aged patriarch bas fought a
good fight, be has finished his pil*
grimage ou earth, and crossed over
the river to rest under the shade of
the liecs.
James M. Barges
James M. Surges, 76, died at the
home of A. B. Bowles in tbc^Dak
Grove church community on Wed
oesdey night.
Funeral services were held Fri
day morning at 11 o'clock from
Oak Grove Metbcdist Cbnrch with
Rev. G. W. Fink and Rev. R. M.
Hardee in charge.
Mr. Burgea has no immediate
Bio - Obituaries - 6/24/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 26,1942 - Page 1
Dr. "Bob" Hauscr
Dies- in Nebraska
News has been received here
of the death of Dr. Byron B.
Hatiscr. former Yadkin county
man who has been Uving
Hooper. Nebraska, for many
years. Dr. Hausor dlocl June
13. at the age of 70. He had
been In poor health since the ;
amputation of a leg about a
year ago. He was burled in
Hooper with hU wife, the form-.j
cr Miss Rosa Vestal, daughter !|
of the late Nathan and Narcissi,|
Vc-ttal and sister to S. W. Ve.stnl.'
who died about eight years ago.
He is survived by three sons.,!
Terrell. Herbert and George';
Hausor, ail of Nebraska. I
Dr. Hauscr vvo.s the son oi;!
the laic T. C. and Martha Mar-lj
tin Hauscr. one of Yadkin coun-{j
ty'.s oUlc.st families. He prnc-^
liccd medicine first in BoonviU?|'
then in Yadkinvillc before going
to Nebraska 43 years ago. Hc-
and his youitg wife built the*
home now occupied by Mr. and!
Mrs. John D. Holcomb in thr!
town of Yadkinvillc.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/26/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 26,1942 - Page 6
Death Claims
Edward Vesta!
Edward Vestal, 43, of Joncs-
vDIc, died Friday at the Myers
Clinic at Harmony where he had
been receiving treatment for
tlio past week. He had been
seriously ill for sometime.
Mr. Vestal was a son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Tandy Vestal,
of Jonesvllle and was an auto
mobile mechanic.
Surviving are the widow, Mrs.
Rosa Anderson Vestal; six chil
dren. Marie, Hilary, TItomiis,
Sam P.. Mary Ann and Charles
Vestal; four brothers, Wheeler
Vestal of Elkin, James and Mc-
Klnley Vestal of Jonesvllle and
Tra Vestal of Doughton; and
five slstcr.s. Mrs. Hilary Swaim
of Boonvlllc; Mrs. Ralph Carter
of Cycle: Mrs. Orady Plnnlx,
Mrs. W. R. Gregory and Mr,s,
Mac Vestal Swalm of Jones
The ftincral was held Sunday
morning at ll o'clock at Min
eral Springs Baptist Church.
Rev. Thomas Luffmnn and Rev.
O. O. Rcecc were In charge.
Burial followed in the Jonesvllle
Bio - Obituaries - 6/26/1942 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY