Jul - DecDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 7,1943
Roy (Rom Hdlard
Boy Glenn Hellard {t8, died at hia
home In Noytb Oooleemee Satarday
at noon, foUowlDflr an idoeaaof three
years Ur. Hellard is suryived hy
bis mother, Bfrs. Marion Hellard.
one brother^ Monroe Heliard, of the
U. S. Army; six sisters. Mrs. Arthur
Wafford, Oooleemee; Mrs. Hill Sory,
Kannapolis: Mrs. Dink James. R. 4;
Mrs. liscy Sneed, Oooleemee; Mtees
Mabel and Mary Hellard, at home.
. Funeral senriees were held at IJb*
erty Methodist Chnrefa SnndaV at*
temoon at 4 o'doek, with Rer. Geo.
W. Fink in charge, and the body laid
to rest in the cfaordi eemettty. The
beresved family hare tlm symnathy
of a host of friends in this sad hour.
little James McLamb
James. Uttle 7-maothfiwId wn of
Mr. m BIrs, Howard McLatub.
formerly of thls^
Clintoti, died at Johns Hopkins Hos
pital, Saltfmore, lart Tossday mom-
&. following an Illness of threee%ka. Phneral jad burial t^kplace at CHnlonttoreday morning
at II o'clock. Mn. McUmb is adaughter of the tote
F. K. Boison,^ thla dty. Mrs.
Floyd Naylor, Mr. and Mr^ John
Graen Bmism* MIsb Dorot^ Benson,
iod WaUaee BensM, of this d^, at*imided the funeral Md bmial ^
vieea. returning home Thursday
n P. D. Jenkins Killed
A Bl^yaar-dd ViiMnto truck driver was
chaiited with matnstoudhter Satordssr io
the math of F. Di, Jenkins, 61, of near
Advanea, who wia found dyh^ In the
QtyMatftot alleyway In WhMon<8alcai
near oiidoiM FfMay olibt
Isaac A. Jmmof Mt. Aliy,R, S, waa
niaaaed ooder a 11,660 bond for hit ap*
peaiaooe la €lty Csmt.:
JohkittA found tmoonoetoua and caiiy-
ing DO amana of liwnadtoto Idendfieatiott,
waa finally idenlifled by a gas laflonboofc
inatfucka^ldi ogeeia ecndudad was
hlA Msmhois of tho fhmlly latmr eohalan-
Hflted the lAnntlltiiftfimi,
Jonoa cdd oSeen, acocidiiig te aothoti*
datt that bo bad Matted to ittovo hia truck
ftom otto paifciiig plaeo to eooilia whoa
he beard a man yefi. Hr said be atopped.
M out, and aaw the tnlorsd man tying
haWnd tho Mock. Then, bo waa qooleC
the toaobioe atarfad to luB forwaid and
bo got bach into It and parked it, remain-
ing neatly until potico arrived.
Joakina was gaepfaig when ambotonoe
attentata aiflved but Aed en foote to a
m Ddeio eoonty otao, membm dT hia
fOmtty repcftod, oamo to Wlnston-SalMB
Friday afternoon to bring eome Chfekonfl
tptbociiibfidAet; About $16 was fouiul
la. bla tmkt y ?: ¨. '>.
. IMw Jtoridna^lnluo'ttoili in YadMngS^l^^^of tbelato Jesae and
MCQIo Langfey Jenklna. Bo was a mem*
ber ofFMloDllMhodtot ohnrelL Ho tms
aiaHlodt6lBaaliottteFio«tomn, d^ July
lA 1606, whoMirvfveA tegoriter with four
' n, two abns, fonr MMeta and tme
^ nidfal woe Im llmulay afternoon
gl4o^cloCkatFotk BantiM ohmebk vM
pCeve. B W. Tamer aad Wade Hutchena
condnctlttg the octvicea, and the body 1^1
to rust in thB dmaeb osmaiMy.
Bio — Obituaries - 7/7/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 7,1943
Mrs. Cora Brindle
FuBMttl oaivlC69 for Ua Dora Biiodlo*
62, of Codeeinoe* weie bold at 3:80 in.*
thatoda? at Sliadf Drava Ifetliodist
ohmdi Advance* of wfaidi olie was a
iiieiiibef<dloiigitaiidiiitf.Rev. Ifr. Roys*
Mf, paslK of Cooleoaica Baptist obmiidi
idDelated and botial fiollowodliitheeliiiicb
lffB.Briiidledifld Monday aftoinoon at
bar twmvr She had beoi an faivaUd for
She was the last snrvlviiid meDber of
her faDmadiate fdmllr. Two daoihtara
and loaf ooos soivlvo of the 13 ebUdnn
bom fo her and horhnriieod. wIiodied22
Bio - Obituaries - 7/7/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 9,1943 - Page 3
Clyde (Shot) Reese
Cooleemee Man
Fatally Hurt
Clyde ("Shot") Reese, 35, over
seer at Erwln Cotton mills,
Copleemee, a native of Moorcs-
vllle, woa-fatally Injured in an
autcmohlle crash near Mount
Ulla latfl Saturday nisht nud bla
brother, James Reese, Moores
vUIe, was Injured and Is In the
hospital here. The Injured man
Is resting well.
Clyde Reese was drlvlna when
the accident occurred. Clyde
Reese left Mooresvllle about 12
years ago.
__fiutxlyflraj.ncl«ide-thfl. widow,
Mrs. Nettie'oBlt Reese; two chil
dren. Charles 0, and Gloria
Auite, 4; liiree sisters, Mrs. N. D.
King, Mrs.. J. Y. Connely and
Mrs. R. P. Swonn, all of Moores
vllle. and three brothers, J. R.
Reese, J. L. Reese and C. P.
Reese, all of Mooresvllle.
The funeral was held nt 4
o'clock Monday afternoon at
Cooleemee Baptist church.
Burial will be Irrthe Willow Val
ley cemetery at Mooresvllle.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/9/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 9,1943 - Page 3
A :<i-year-old Virginia trucK
driver was charRod with man
slaughter In the death of P. D.
Jenkins, 61, of near Advance,
who was found dying In a City
Market alleyway In Wlneton-
Shlem near mldnlRht Friday
Police said the young Vh*
glnian. Isaac A. Jones, of Mount
Airy, Route 5 (Carroll county,
Virginia) wos being held as the
driver of a truck which appar
ently backed over the Davle
; They, quoted Jones as saying
' he was backing his truck out of
Its parking space, that he heard
a scream and kob out to And the
Injured man, bub that he did
nob know whether lb was his
tottck which struck Jenkins. He
remain until authorities ar
Meanvvhil^. an autopsy con
ducted yesterday Indicated that
Jenkins—who was not Identified
until several • hours after his
death—had died of a broken
back and Intomnl injuries. Po
lice said they did not think an
Inquest would bo necessary.
Bond' for young Jonoa was sot
at $1,000, and he was released
about 5 p. m. oiTlcers sold the
case would be docketed in city
court Wednesday morning.
Jenkins, found unconscious
ond carrying no moons of im
mediate Identification, was final
ly Identified by a gas ration book
In a truck which officers con
cluded was his. Member of the
family labor substantiated the.
identification. He was Pleasant
Dolphus Jenkins of Advance,
Route 2.
Jones .told officers, according
to authorities, that he had
started to move his truck from
one parking place to another
when he heard a man yell. He
sold he stopped, got out, and
saw the Injured man lying be
hind the truck. Then, he was
i quoted, the machine started to
roll forward and he got back
Into It and parked It remaining
nearby until police arrived.
One officer quoted Jones as
saying that his truck was heav
ily loaded and that he did not
"feel" It strike anything and
that consequently he could not
say definitely that it was his
truck which oaused Jenkins'
fatal injury.
Jenkins was gasping when
ambulance attendants arrived
but died en route to a hospital.
His overalls were torn and sev
eral bruises were found on bis
body, but on first examination
none of them appeared heavy
I enough to have caused'death.
The Davie county man, mem-
n bers. of his family reported,
' came to Wlnston-Salem Friday
afternoon to bring some chick
ens to tho curb market. Some
money which they said he had
in his possession—about $19—
subsequently was found In his
Mr. Jenkins was tmrn In Yad-
kin county on May 21, 1882, a
son of the' late Jesse and Mollie
Langloy Jenkins. He was a mem
ber of Fulton Methodist church
but attended services at Fork
Baptist ohxiroh near Advance.
He was married to Miss Mottle
Plowman, who survives him, on
July 19,1903. Other survivors in-
oludo four daughters, Mrs. Viola
RIdonhuur and Mrs. Beatrice
Fryc of cooloemee, Miss Louise
Jenkins of the home and Mrs.
Magdalene Roynolds of Wln-
ston-Salcm; two sons, 0. Q. Jen
kins of Mocksvllle, Route 4, and
Xrvln Jenkins of Portsmouth,
Bio - Obituaries - 7/9/1943
Va.; 12 grandchildren: two
great-grandchildren; four sis
ters, Mrs. Fred Hege, Mrs. J. H.
Haley, Mrs. Noah' Storey and
Mrs. R. R. Grubbs, all of Win-
stnn-Salem, and one brother, W.
H. Jenkins, of Wlnston-Salem.
The funeral was held Mon
day afternoon at 4 o'clock at
Fork church, Davle county. The
Rev. B. W. Turner and the Rev.
Wado Hutchlns conducted the
services. Burial was in the
church graveyard.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 9,1943 - Page 8
Roy G. Hellard Died
At His Home Saturday
Roy Olenn HeUard, 88, died
at hid home In North Oooleemee'
laet Saturday at noon after aj
three years illness. He was the
son of Mrs. Marlon Hellard and
the late Mr. Hellard. Xn addi
tion to . his mother, he la sur
vived by one brother, B. Monroe
Hellard, of the U. 8. army; six
alstera, Mrs. Hill Spry of Kan-
napolla, Mrs. E. R. James of
MockavUle, Route 4, Mrs. Arthur
Wofford and Mrs. Laoy Snead
of Oooleemee, Misses Mary and
Mabel at home.
Funeral services were held
Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at
Liberty Methodist ehurch with
the Rev. George W. Fink of-
Aelatlng.. Burial was In the
ehureh cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/9/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 14,1943
n Miss Mary Sfrond
Uin Maty Sttond, 75. died ai the bocae
of ber sepbew. Rhoid Stfood. Wednesday
nidfat* fbtofng a loeg IttiMas. FoDMal
laxvlceo were held at Society Baptist
cbureb Friday, with her pastor. Rev. Law.
renee Bradley lo charg^ and the body
laid COroscln theehinracemetecy. Hlsa
StCQod la sofvived by tevoal neices and
nepbewe. fifissStiwd waea dangbteraf
itbe late Mr. a^ Mia. QUee Stnnd. andrt her entlia lUe lo the home where
iraabMD. A good woman has been
ieaUed to her rewara.
Death Claims Pmminger
Beniy Delano Peonloger. aged 2 yeaia,
died Saturday. Jane 28. at City Hoe^taL
Baltimore. Md,
Fuoeral services were held Jane 29. at
Peeler Ftmetal Homo, condoeced by Rev.
H. R. Helms, of Harmony, foierroeot was
in Memorial Park Cemetety. Sollsbiify.
Sofviviog are the pateate. Mr. aod Mrs.
WUiiam Peooinger and ooeaister CarolyD,
of Baltimore. Flower girls were Editb
Grey. Dorothy Satmena, Hoteo Gdwatda
and Ireae Bmbee. PaRbeafeie were Geo.
Gdioctli, Frank Pennlnget. Frank HlUer
and Renderson Peoolngm;
Bio - Obituaries - 7/14/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 16, 1943 - Page 4
Mrs. Virginia iZay Johnson, 28,
wife of Reuben Johnson, who Ls
ft'native of Yadkln county, and
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Ray of Elkln, was instantly
killed by lightning. Sunday eve
ning at Charlotte, It wos learned
here Monday.
Mrs. Johnson, who had resided
at Charlotte for the past two
years, was walking with her hus
band to their car after visiting
friends when the bolt struck her.
Johnson was badly shocked by
the bolt. Mrs. Johnson died en
route to a hospital.
Mrs. Johnson was graduated
from Elkin High school in 1930
and had been married for the
past three years. She and her
husband had been making their
home at Charlotte for the past
two years and were both con
nected with the Cannon airport.
She was a member of the First
Baptist church of Elkln.
Surviving are the husband;
her parents and one brother,
Ralph Ray, of Elkin.
The body was carried to Elkin
Monday and funeral services
held Tuesday.
Mrs. John Matthews
Claimed By Death
Mrs. EUa Taylor- Matthews,
03, wife of John W, Matthews,
of East Bend, died at her home
early Sunday morning. She had
been in declining health for
some time, but her death came
Mrs. Matthews was born May
10, 1880. She spent her entire
ilfo in East Bend, except for a
few years in early life which she
spent in Indiana.
Survivors include the hus
band; seven sons. Bruce Mat
thews of East Bond, Wayne U.
Matthews of Winslon-Salcth, L.
A. Matthew.s of Pinnacle, Plato
Matthov.'s of East Bend and
John Marlyn Matthews, Balti
more, Md.; one daughter, Mrs.
Ruby Matthews Sills, of Bast
Bond; 11 grandchildren; two'
brothers, M. O. Taylor, SUoam,
and W, M. Taylor, East Bend,
Route 1, and two sisters, Mrs.
L. Ulrich, Rutherford, N. J., and
Miss Annah K. Taylor of New
York city.
Funeral services were con
ducted at 3 o'clock Tuesday aft
ernoon at the Methodist church
in East Bend.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/16/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 21,1943
Mrs. James H. Smitb
Mrs. James IL Smitb, 63. <Bed io a
Waablititen, D C*. bwpltal Jidy lldi.
fbilewiog an eitesded tUnetsu
Pmml aeivioea wene liebl at Waftar
FtaoaialRmne. thto city. Ttoatoy afier-
nomi at 6 o*cloelu wlUi Rbv. H.0. Hnaa in
cHaitfe. and the body laid to rest in Joppa
Un ^nltb wat before maniade Bfiea
Maftfaiet Meroney. daughter of the late
Mi; and If is. Cbaa, P. Memey* of tbia
dty. andKvedbme until aboot. 21 yeais
ago. moving to Gieenaboro and later toWathingtODCity. . ^ ^ ^ ,
Hftr Smith is smvlved by her bnaband,
000 000,(2108. B, Sadtb. of ^ommboio;
two dingbteim Mm. Clyde Bosaett. of (ha*,
bem. and Mrs. W, & Detwiler. of Waob*
ingtoii, D. (X; one biotba; C F» Imaey.
of tMacity. and afar granddiiMreii.
> To the bereaved famliy'Rie Keomd rnc-
tends sympathy in the death of this good
wife and mother.
Mrs. H.F. Madnvelder
Foneni eetvleea lor Blie. H F, Waxk*
welder. 66. who died Satntday night at her
tuwinCiaiiMvlBe towi^lpb weie held
at dteatnttt Grove Metbom Cbiwcb Moi^
day morning at II o*clod^. with Reva P.
A, White and Wade Aotetieoa offclatiiA
and the body laid to net hi the chmm
cemetety. Ilia. Blackweider had beea in
peeiining heoltb im eei^fal yean.
Smvlvoia iooUtde the imaband: throe
aonaLC. W. Btacfcwehte; BmiiHgton; Paal
Stadnretdnv Moekevines H. F. Btacfcweld-
er. Jr.. of the boma; one deoghter. Ifia.
Call Jones. tSnelEBviDa. end tuee gwA'
Bio - Obituaries - 7/21/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 23,1943 - Page 2
Nettie Gough
Well Known Lady
Claimed By Death
Miss Nettie Oough. 47. mem
ber of one of the well known
Yadkln county families, died
early Tuesday morning, July 19.
at her home on Route 2.
Miss Oough -had been ill some
time, but was critically 111 for
only six days. She was born hi
this county. April 12, 1896. the
daughter of Isaac and Harriett
Hutchens Oough. She spent her
entire life In Yadkln county.
Survivors include the parents;
three sisters. Mrs. Joe Hoots.
Yadklnvllle, Route 2; Mrs. t. H.
Baity. Wlnston*Salem. and Mrs.
0. 0. Todd. New River; three
brothers. Luther and Wheeler
Oough, Yadklnvllle. Route 9. and
Arthur Oough. of Wlnstoh-Sa
The funeral was held at 3
o'clock Thursday afternoon' at
South beep Creek Baptist church
with the Rev. J. O. Allgocd. pas
tor. In charge, and the Rev. J.
H. Oroce assisting.
^urial was In the cdurch
cemetery. .
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 23,1943 - Page 4
Funeral Services Are
Held lor C. N. Brooks
Coi^nle Nelson Brooks, 49. died
at his . home in Wlnston-Salem
last Wednesday afternoon at
o'clock af^r a serious Ill
ness of one day. He had,been in
declining health for some time.
He was born March 4. 1898; in
Yadkln county, a son of F. 0.
Brooks and Mary Peddyjobn
Brooks, and spent his early
childhood in this county in the
Marler community.
Mr. Brooks moved to Wlnston-
Salem 30 years ago and was
connected with R. J. Reynolds
Tobacco company until his
health failed three years ago.
He was a member of the Ash-
bury Methodist church In this
On June 25, 1921, he was mar-
tied to Miaa Mammle Lawrence
who survives. Other survivors in
clude two sons. Gornle N.
Brooks, Jr..- of Dayton, Ohio.
Seaman Second Class Jimmte 3i
Brooks of Norfolk. Va.; three
brothers, H. H. Brooks of Yadkln
county, P. C. Brooks of Pfaff-
town, and John D. Brooks of
Stokes county; five, sisters, Mrs.
Nancy Hemrlc of Yadkln county,
Mrs. Myrtle Randleman, Ronda,
and Misses Annie, Addle and
Lena Brooks, all of Yadkln.
Funeral services were con
ducted at the .home Saturday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and at
Twenty-flfth Street Baptist
church at S o'clock.
The Rev. W. D. Turner, the
Rev. Joe Crews and the ^v.
Ray Billings officiated. Inter
ment was In Woodland ceme
Bio - Obituaries - 7/23/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 23,1943 - Page 4
E. H. Tomlinson
I East Bend Native
rDies in Louisville
I E. H. Tomllnsoiii 68,, dledi
Wednesday night at St. Joseph's
hospital, ItOulsvUle, Ky., foUowl
Ing an Illness of several weeks.
Mr. Tomlinson was born at
East Bend. March 1, 1685. a son
of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Tomlinson.
He had resided at Morehead,
Ky., for several years and was
a member of the Methodist
church. He was married to Miss
Mattle Blalr, daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Blalr,
of Morehead, Ky., in 1917.
Surviving are the widow; two
sons. Ralph Tomlinson of Ann
Arbor. Mich., and William Tom
llnson of the U. 8. army; one
daughter. Miss Pauline Tomlln
son of Lexington. Ky.; one
grandchild; his mother, Mrs. W.
V. Tomlinson of East Bend;
•three sisters. Misses Maggie and
Myrtle Tomlinson of East Bend
and Mrs. R. W. SulUvan of WU-
mlngton, Del., and six brothers,
Walter and Jessie Tomlinson bf
East Bend, 8. V., Frank and
John Tomlinson of North
|Wllkesboro,and Dr. F. N. Tom
llnson of Wlnston-Salem.
The funeral was ^eld Sunday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the
home of the mother at East
Bend. The Rev. O. A. Hovls and
the Rev. Charles Hutchlns con
ducted the services. Burial was
In the East Bend cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 23,1943 - Page 7
Emma Holman Morgan
Elder J. W. IJames nad J. A.
fjames and family attended the
^ funeral of Mrs. Emma Holman
Morgan Sunday In Statesville.
Mrs. Morgan was Elder IJames
slater-ln-law. /
Bio - Obituaries - 7/23/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 23,1943 - Page 8
Blackwelder Rites
Held Last Monday
Funeral services for Mrs. Stella
Franklin Blaekwelder, 68, wife
of H, F. Blaekwelder, who died
at 11:30 o'clock Saturday nisbt
at her home In OlarksvUle town
ship, were held at 11 o'clock
Monday morning at Chestnut
Orove Methodist church'. The
Rev. F. A. Wright and the Rev.
Wade Hutehens were In charge.
Mrs. Blaekwelder was In de
clining health for the past three
years and her death was not un
Survivors include the hus
band! one daughter, Mrs. Carl
Jones, MocksvUle; three sons, C.
W. Blackweldw, Burlington, P,
B. Blaekwelder, MocksvUle jmd
H. P., Blaekwelder, Jr., of the
home, and three grandehUdren.
'PaUbearers ineiuded 0.. M.
Call, Reid Towell, OhorUe Blaek
welder, T. A. Blaekwelder, Bill
Blaekwelder and Everett Dwlg-
Mrs. Inez Uames Bowles, 80,
wife of Clarence R. Bowles, died
'Wednesday afternoon at 4:40
o'clock at a.Wlnson hospital.
She had been seriously ill for
one week.
Mrs. Bowles was bom In Mocks
vUle, November 11,1007, a daugh
ter of Robert Marlon and Louise
Gartner l}ames, She was a mem
ber of Moeksvllle Mehtodlst
Surviving are the husband: an
Infant daughter, Rachel Eliza
beth Bowles; one sister,' Mrs.
Frank Miller of Salisbury and one
brother, Berman C. ijames of
The funeral will be held today
at 4 o'clock at MocksvUle Metho-
dlst^Church. Rev. Mr. Huff and
Rev. H. C. Sprinkle wlU conduct
the services. Burial wlU be In
Rose Cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/23/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 28,1943
Mrs. Gaston L Wlute
Mrs. Gastou U Wbite« 82, died at ber
borne near WlnstOD^Saiem ^tttiday motii*
intf at $ o'clock. Mro. White bad been to
bad health (or several years.
Mrs. White waa a native of the Oana
eection of Davie cott&ty. a daughter of the
late Mr. and Mca Robert Collette* She
waa united in marriage to Gaston WIdte*
bn March 2, 1881. Mr. and RAra. White
moved to Winaton-Galem 12 years ago.
Mra* White is survived by her hosband,
four eons, Gfaaa. H. White, Greenaboio; W.
H. White, Winfiton*baleiDiPntch9id White.
KansoaCity. Mo: CliffoA WhitCb Higli
FOiAttooe daughter, Mra, Diikel\ipe, Cana;
one brother, Robert OoUette, Moeksviile,
and nine grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at the home
Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, and at
Eaton's Baptist Cbnidb at 4 o'clock, with
Rev. E, W« Turner in charge, and the body
laid to rest In the church cemetery. Mrs.
White has been a consistent .memba of
Eaton's chnicb since early girlhood. A
mother In Israel has faUen.
Mrs. Claience Bowles
Mrs. Ines liamea Bowles, 38. died last
Wednesday afternoon at.4a48 o'docfc at a
Winston-Saiem boaplcat, fdUbwfog a criti
cal lihiesa of one week.
Mra. Bowles waa bom In this city, a
daughter of the late Mr; and Iba. Robert
M. IJamea, and spent mactloaUy all of her
lUleliefa. She moved to Wlostoii«Salem
the past Maicb. She had been a mem
ber of Mockaville Methodist Giniich sliioe
early in Ufa.
SntvMng ate the hnaband, Clanafle R.
Bowles: an Infant daugbtm; one eMtec,
Mrs. Frank Miller, of Salisbaiy;mie laotb-
er, Herman C. Ijames. of Wlnst«iii«8alem.
a nninbfls m nieces of n^ewa
Fnneral seitdcaa were held at the Meih-
odiet Chnreh Friday aflefnoonat 4 o'clock
with Revs. 010. Hnsa and H. GL Spiliikle
cosdnetliig Ae 8ervloe8.aiid the body laid
to rest in the fhmfly plot at Rose come
Bio - Obituaries - 7/28/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 30,1943 - Page 2
John L Vogler
Kills SELF
John L. Vogler, 41, wcU known
oUlzon of Advance,' apparently
committed suicide about 10:80
o'clock lost Wednesddy morning
by'Shooting himself in the head
with a bullet from an automatic
|)lstol. Ill health, which he bad
suffered for some time, wos a^
trlbuted as the cause. '
Mr. Vogler operated a milk
truck and formerly ran a store
at Advance.
His body wos not discovered
until early afternoon when It
was found by his father In-law.
T. M. Shgrmer, behind some
shrubbery In the back yard. He
did not show up for his noon*
time meal and a search resulted
by the family and neighbors.
He Is survived by his widow,
the former Miss Al^ Shermer,
of Advance, and one son, n Bu>
gene, at home. A step-mother,
Mrs. A ff. Vogler, also survives,
as well^as the foUowlni^ brothbrs
and slitefs: Oharlte, Frank, Alex
and Jock Vogler, all of Advance;
Mrs. I. H. Jones, Mrs. M. A.
Hartman and Mrs. L. B. Oroiise,
also of Advance.* Two half
brothers likewise survive: Naytor
at home and Bdward In the U.
8. army.
. Funeral arrangements have
not been completed.
Flmoral services for Mrs. Jose
phine Rothrock, widow of John
D. Rothrock, of Winston-8alcm
and Mocksvllle, wcro held at
the home of the daughter, Mrs.
Qcorge Hartmon, hero Tuesday
The Rev. Mr. Huss and the
Rev. J. W. Vestal were In ohargo.
Folowlng the services, the body
was sent to Sweet Springs, Mo.,
for burlol In Falrvlew ceme
Mrs. Rothrock died at 8:30
o'clock Monday morning at the
home of Mrs. Hartman here.
She was bom at Sweet Springs,
Mo., September 15, 1865, going
to Wlnston-Salem to live in
1918. She made her home with
her daughter In Wlnston-Salem
until 1840 when they moved to
Mo<^llle to live. Mrs. Roth<
rock was a member of Mocksvllle
Bio - Obituaries - 7/30/1943
Methodist imuroh. She was mar
ried to the late John P. Roth
rock, who woi .a wel-ktiown
farmer and civic leader at Sweet
Survivors Include the one
daughter, Mrs. Hartman: one
son, Harry Benjamin Rothrock,
of the home place In Missouri:
one slater,'Mrs. Pearl Beeson,
Orland, Oallf.: one sister-ln
law, Miss Susie Thomas, of Old
Town, and three grandchildren.
Pallbearers Included Oeorge
Hendrlcks, Lee Lyerly, Dr. S. A.
Hording,- b. R. Strottd, Knox
johnstone and P. J. Johnson.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 30,1943 - Page 3
Mrs. Amelia Orace Bell, 48,
wife of D. Frank Bell, died Sun*
day at the home at Longtown,
after an illness of three months.
Mrs, Bell was bom in this
county, July 8, 1808, a daughter
of Miles W. and Virginia BeU
Qentry. She spent her entire
life here and was a member of
Longtown Methodist ohureh. She
was married to Mr. Bell January
1. 1911.
Surviving are the husband;
one daughter, Miss Bemlee Bell,
of Longtown; three sons, Leo
Bell, of Longtown, and WllUe
and Lester-Bell, of Baltimore,
Md.; one grandchild; her father,
Miles W. Gentry, of Yadklnvllle,
Route 1; one brother, Bethel
Gentry, of Walnut Cove, and
two sisters, Mrs. N. T. Long, of
Yadkinville, Route 1, and Mrs.
Wesley Dobbins, ^f BoonvUle.
The funeral was held yester
day morning at 11 o'elcok at
Longtown Methodist ohurch. The
Rev. P. L. Smith and the Rev.
O. O. Graham conducted the
services. Burial was in Long-
town cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 30,1943 - Page 6
John Pearson Webb, 79. died
at his home, Bast Bend, Route
2, Saturday morning at 11:30
o'clock after an illnes's of sev
eral months.
He was bom July 4, 1867, the
son of Thomas P. and Sallie Kirk
Webb. He was twice married,
first to Miss Nannie Norman,
who died March 29. 1889." His
second marriage was to Miss
Lucy Nezern, who survives.
Others surviving Include two
sons, John and Paul Webb, of
East Bend: three daughters.
Miss Annie Webb, of Winston-
Salem, Mrs. A. H. Bmltherman,
of Wlnston-Salem, and Mrs.
Evella Shore, of East Bend; one
brother, Willey, of East Bend,
Route 1; five sisters, Mrs. T. V.
Crouse, of Brown's Summit, Mrs.
Elian Denny, of Wlnston-Salem,
Mrs. John W. Badgett, Mount
Airy, Mrs. Turner Norman, and
Miss Eliza Webb, both of East
Funeral services were con
ducted Monday afternoon with
a short service At 2:80 at the
home, following ni the Vnlon
Bill Methodist church' at 9 p.
m., with the Rev. Charles H.
Htttchens in charge. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
Nephews were pallbearers and
nieces were floweireirls.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/30/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 4,1943
John L Vogler
Prommeot Man Takes
(Km life
Jobn L Voftlef, 4l» one of Davie county's
I best taown m d moet hefoved citizen' died
I at his home at Advance last Wednesday |
momiodat 10:30 o'doch, death lesnliing
from a self Inflicted pistol wound. -Mr.
Vogler bad suflSered for years with sious
trouble and rheumatifiiin and this Is
thought to have caused him to take bis
Mr. i^ogltr had spent his mtite 'life at
Advance. He was a son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. C E Vogler. For several years
be has operated a milk route in the couno
tv and a garage at Advance. For some
time be was ija the mercantile business
with a brotber« Frank Vugler. His deatb
bas east a pall of sadness over tbe entire
community in which be spent his life lie
was a meihber of the Shady Grove Methu-
disc Church at Advance.
Oa Jttlv 20, 1926. be was married to<
diss Alpha Shermer who survives.. Otherl
survivors inclnde one son, Eugene Vogler; >
SIX broihertHC. Rm A. E., W.F.T F.andi
Naylof Vogier, all of Advance; and £d
ward Vogier of Phllttdelphia. Pa^ and!
three sist^ Mrs. L, H. Croue*^. Mis' M.-A..t
Uartmao, and Mrs. t fl Jones, all of Ad^'J
veobe. r
Funeral services were held at thb!
horde at 4:30 o*olocfc Friday afternoon
and at hbady Grove Methodist church
at 5 o'cloek. with Revst. P. L. Smith
and J. C. Gentry conducting the eecvices,
and Che body laid to rest in Shady Grove
Pallbearors were Knos Johnstone. R. B.
Sanfotd, D. J* Ly^ook, Ridieit Taylor. B,
R« Bailey, Rov W. (kiUette, George H.
Shutt, and T. F. Bailey. Ndoes were flow-
To the bereaved family Tbe Records ex
tends hcattfelt aympaihy in this great
ionow. I
Miss Mattie 3psrks
MIsa Mattie Spaibs, 62, a native of Da-
vie county* died at ^e honm of her stoter
In Winston Salem Saturday monlsg. fflie
had been a lesldeiit of that city 91 yean.
Fdneral services werehMd at Bethlehem
Methodist Chmch Monday aftmnoon at 2
o*€loek,wiihRev8. Reid Wall and J. W
Vestal in obaige. and the body laid to rest
In the dntfiidi ocmMsry.
IHsa^miks b survived by four sistefB,
Mm. Mary VanhoF, Wlnston-SaleiB: Bin.
Ida Smith and Mia. Anna Hyeie. of thio
oouttlyt and Mm. Emma Oouad, of Ring*
and three brothers, H.F. andB.B. Spam
of Davie. and J. L. Sparks, of Ford. Va.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/4/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 4,1943
Mrs. John D. Rothrock
Bite. Jolm D Rothrock, 78; died at the
borne of her daogliter. Mrs, Geoige Uait*
inao, on Depot eiieet Jaly 26tb, foUowind
a short illnesa.
Funeral servicee were held at .che home
Tuesddy morning of last we^ at 10
o'clock, with Revsrf. H, O. Husa anil J. W.
Vestal in charge. Following the eenHoea
the body was sent to Sweet Springs, Mo,
and laid to rest In Fairvlew iiemeiery*
Mrs, Rothroick was a native of Missdoil,
but moved to VFIoston-Saleni 25 yeark ago.
She been liidog in this dry with her
daughter for the past i^ree years,
Mrs, Rothrock is survived by ber daugh^
ter,(lirs- George ttartmao« of this dty; w
8oo]a* B, Rothroc4, of Missouri one aistef;
lurs. PeaH Beesoo. Oiland. CaB„andt)nee
To the bereaved frailly The Record
I tends sympathy In the death nf this ^lod
Bio - Obituaries - 8/4/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 11,1943
Mrs. Jesse Q. Foster
MlS> Jesw G« Posler, 72, died at her
home in Salisbiiry Thnnday evenlog at
10 a*dook«'ioUowlod a eiteiidpd iUnesB.
Faoeial aervloed were hdd at the home
Sotttidfiy monisg at 11 o'dook, with Rev,
C. A, Rhm in ohatoe. and the body laid
to leet in Oak Gfovo Methodist ehmoh
Mia Foeteria smviyed by three btothen.
W, B. and Henry Antfell. of near Oak
Qiove and J. T, AngeQ, or this dty: two
flisten, Mia. BtOy lmyia,of Riehmond, Va^
and Mie. Henry Howard of Cana. Mta.
Foster lived in Davie for many yeaia, bat
moved to SaBabmy abont 20 yeara ago. A
good woman has been oaBed to her to*
Solomon A. Oneil
Sohnnoo A. Oirell, S5, a native of Davie
leottttty, hot for many years a leaident of
I Wlnstoo-Saieni, <Bed soddenly at hishmne
liB that dtylaitlViesday evening, Faneral
foerdeeo were held at Giemi 8met Metbo-
[diit ehmeb, Winston Salem, Thnnday
loftemoon at 8;S0 aVIodk; and the body
lahl to rest in WoodiaWD cemetery. Mr.
On^ la aorvlved by bis wife and aeveial
[dindimi. and his paients. Mr, and Mrs. 0.
W, OfiiA of Advanea.
Noah A Miermer
Faneral oervleeo for Noah Au Shenner
78ii who died at his home In baUsbaiy last
Toetday momliig, were held at Advance
Bnmlst dnmsh Thnrsday afternoon at 2
Mr. Rhermw waa a native of YadUn
oomity, hot had lived in Rowan eoimty
formanv yeaia. Hie wife died several
years ago. Immediato sorvlvDis axe three
bsotlieie,W. G. Sbecmer, Wlnaton-SaleiD;
T M. and J. H. iNimmer, of Advance.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/11/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 13,1943 - Page 1
Charles Addison Woods
Charles Addlsbn Wood, 19, a
■brMegroom of four weeks, who
lived at Reeds, died last Satur
day afternoon In a Lexington
hospitol from Injdrles received
when a car he was driving col
lided with a milk truck driven
by W. H. Lomax, Davidson
county commissioner, who lived
at Ohurchland. The Vreck was
on a county road about a mile
west of Reeds; Wood married
Miss Beml'ce Siaaford of Davle
county and friends had planned
to give them- a kltohen shower
last Saturday night. He Is sur
vived by his parents, wife, three
brothers and .five sisters. Fu
neral services were held at Fork
Baptist church Tuesday with In
terment In the church cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 13,1943 - Page 2
Noah A. Shermer
Native of Yadkin
Passes in Salisbiuy
Noah A. Shermer, about 76,
of Salisbury, died Tuesday of
last week. He had been In de
clining health for the last two
Mr. Sherman was a native of
Tadkln oounty, a son of John
and Barbara Bllaabeth Hutchlns
Sherman. He was well known
throughout >the Salisbury eec-
cton, where he woa an oil dealer
and farmer until hls^ retirement
several years ago/ ,
Mr. Sherman's wife died some
clme dgo. Survivors include three
orothers, W. O. Sherman of
Wlnston-Salem, and T. M. and
i. B. Sherman of Advance.
Funeral. services were .con-
ittoted at Advance Baiptl8t|
ohureh at- 2 o'clock Thursday
Bfteimqon.,The body remained at
Peeler's Fimeral home In Salts-
bury until Thursday morning.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/13/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 13,1943 - Page 4
Funeral Services Held
For Mrs. Mary WiUiams
Funoral services were coq-
duotcd Sunday at 4 p. m. lot
Mrs. Mary Jane Oall WUlloma.
70. who died last Friday at the
homo of her doughtor, Mrs.
Belly Cook. In North Oooleomoo.
aricr nn Illness of throo years.
The .sorvlcoB wore hold at Fork
Baptist church with the Rev. E.
ZI, Oroce oiriclatlnG;. Interment
was In Iho church cemetery.
Mrs. Williams was the widow
of Albert Williams, who died In
1024. She is survived by the fol
lowing- children: Mrsi Betty
Cook, Mrs. Clyde Rldenhour of
MocksvlUe, Route 4, John WU'
Hams of Wnodloaf. Earlle, Rufus
and wnile Williams of Mocks
vlUe, Route 4, June vAuiams of
n.ear cooleemee and one brother,
J, M. Call, of MooksvUle, Route
4, and 20 grandchUdron.
Mrs. Jennie Foster Died
At Home in Salisbury
Mrs. Jennie Foster, 75, died at
her home In Salisbury last
Thursday evening at 10 o'clock,
foUowlng a long Ulnes.
Funeral services were held at
the home Saturday morning
with the Rev. C,. A. Rhyne mf
flciatlng and burial foUowed In
Oak Grove cemetery near Mocks
Mrs. Foster Is survived by
three brothers, W. B. and Henry
Angell, of Oak Orove, and J. T.
Ahgell, of MooksvUle; two sis
ters, Mrs. BUly Davis, of Rich
mond, Va., and Mrs. Henry How
ard, of Canu. she was the widow
of Jesse O. Foster, who served as
postmaster here for eight years.
They moved to SaUsbury about
20 years ago. '
Barney Nail
Dies Wednesday
Barney Nail, 61, who has been
sick for the past few months,
died at his home on Davie
street Wednesday about 1:30
o'clock. Re is survived by his
widow, the former Miss Pearl
Morris ,and two ohildren. Ohartea
of the V. S. navy and Luclelo at
home. Several brothers and sis
ters also survive.
Funeral arrangements have
not been completed.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 13,1943 - Page 6
Mrs. Royairs
Rites Tuesday
The body of Mrs. Eleanor Booe
Royal], 42, of clewlaion, Pla.,
native of Davie county, who was
kUIed in an automobile acci
dent at Miami, Fla., arrived
Monday, and the funeral was
held Tuesday.
Services were held at 10 o'clock
at Ijamcs Crossroads Baptist
churoh. The Rev. James H.
Grace conducted the services.
Burial was In the church grave
Mrs. Royal! was born In the
Union Chape Isectlon of Davie
county, a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. D. A. Booe. Details of the
accident were not known here.
Surviving are the husband,
who Is in foreign service; two
•brothers. W. D. Booe and Edgar
Booe, both of MocksvUle, Route
2; two sisters, Mrs. John Black;
welder, of SaUsbury, and Mrs.
James B. Moore ,of Qreensboro.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/13/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 13,1943 - Page 8
OhavUe T. Carter, 68, ol
Cooleemee, died Tuesday after
noon at a Salisbury hospital.
The funeral was held at
Cooleemee Thursday afternoon
at 4 o'clock. The Rev. J. W.
fitouBh and the Rev. J. B. B.
Robinson conducted the services.
Barl(»l was In the Cooleemee
Surviving are the widow; five
sons, Bd, Lomaa, Baxter and
Barry Carter, of Cooleemee, and
Sidney Carter of the IT. S. navy;
two daughters, Mrs. William
Gales, Mrs. George Goodman, all
of .Cooleemee; 16 grandchildren,
and six great-gfandehlldren.
Bio - Obituaries — 8/13/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 18,1943
Sgt. J. S. Driver
.(^meralMrviMlorSeiiaaiit Joseph SL
Driver, Jr^ who was kUed by HtfitiilDg
at Seymoar JobosoQ Field to Gotdsboroea
Wedtiesday afternoon ureie eondacted at
the bome of the graadniother, Un, J. G.
Feeler in Advance Sunday aftemeofi at
S:SO o'clock and at ElbaviUe Heibcidist
Qhttfch at 4 o'clocfc*
laieroieDt was in the ElbaviUe MetlUH
diet Ghnich CemMoy, Rev.-J. C. Geatnr
Mrs. Qeaow Royatt
. Ftaneral oervieea for Mra. Eleanor Boole
Royall, 42, who was Ullod la an antiiaio*
bUe wreck at Mlnml, Fla«. an Ang let,
were held at Dames X Roads Baptist
droieh Tlaeaday moniing' of last week,
with Rev. James H. Grove cooddcting the
services, and the body laid 10 rest in the
ohmch cemetery.
MiBi Royall was bom In the Onion
Oiapel section of Davle County, a dai^
ter of air. and Ura. D. A. Booa.
gondvittg are the husband, who is In
forrign esrvtoas two brothers, W. D. Bode
add jBdgar Boole, both of BiockavfOe. R. 2;
two elsteia. Un John Bladnrelder. of
SaUdnrv and Blrs. Jamea BL Mome, of
Charlie T« Caiter
Cbarile X, Carter, 69. of Codcenee died
last Tnesday in a SaBalniiy hospital, fd*
lowing n hmg innmo.
Foneral sttyieeo were help atCodoenme
Thursday afteraoon at 4 o'docs, with ifovo.
J. W. Stoo^ and J & E Rddnsao In
ebaige. and the body laid, to test In Goo*
leemee Cemetery.
Sorrivlng are Che widow; five sons. Ed.
Lewis, Baxter and Hatty Carter, of Godee-
mee. and Sidney Oartm of tteU 8. Aimy:
chiee daoghtBia, Mn. O. IXfea. Mrs.
George Goodnight and Mn. Lawrenoe MU
Im. dl of Codremoe.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/18/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 20,1943 - Page 1
Mrs. Lakey Dies
At Farmington
•Mm. Selma Penry Lakey, 43,
died Monday night at her home
at Farmington after lllneas of
about a month.
She is survived by her hus-
.band, E. S. Lakey; one daugh
ter, Mre, LaDeon Uowell, of
..Farmington; four brothers, R.
H. and O. B. Penry, of deheboro,
E. 0. and 0.1. Penry, of Ama-
rino, Texas.
, Th.f funeral was held Wednes
day afternoon at Farmington
Methodist church. The Rev. J.
W. Vestal and the Rev. J. H.
Oroce conducted the ritee. In
terment was in the church
cemetery,. \
Bio — Obituaries - 8/20/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 25,1943
Mrs. L S. Lakey
Fuoeial services for Mra. C. Lakey.
43, who died at her borne at FanDlngtoo
oa Aag. ISib, were held otFarmingtoo
Methodist church Wedoesday afternoon at
3 o'clock, with Re?8. J. W. Vestai and J.
H. Grace in charge and the body laid to
rest io the ohufch eonetery.
Mis. Lakey is surviv^ by her husband.
One daughter, Mrs. LaD^ Howell, of
Farmingcoo; four brothera. C. and £. C,
Penry. AmariOo, Texas; R. H and D. B.
Penry, Asbeboio.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/25/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 1,1943
Mrs. R. R. Sklden
Mrs. k* R. Siddeo, 45, died at her home
at Fork od Wedoeaday, Aug. 2Stli.
Siwlvora indode the tutsband; five
daogbterSk tbiee 8008. the mother, three
sfaters, and three brothera.
Fanerat eervicea were condocied at 4
o*doek Friday afternoon at Folcoo Metho
dist Church. Rev. P. L. Smith and Rev.
J. 6. Gentry, oflleiated and burial followed
in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/1/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 3,1943- Page 2
Mrs. Sarah Orotts Lanler, 80,
widow of O. O. Lanler, died
Monday morning at 1 o'clock at
the home of a daughter, Mrs. O.
L. Wall, MooksvlUe, Route 3.
Mrs. Lanler waa born In David
son county, but had spent most
of her life In Davle county.
Surviving are 'two daughters,
Mrs. 0. L. Wall and Mrs. 0. R.
Hanellne of Wlnston-fialem;
three sons, H. H.' Lanler of
Mcckavllle; J. B. Lanler of Ooolee-
mee and F. L. Lanler of Damas
cus, Va.; 35 grandchildren; 31
great-grandchildren; two broth
ers. W. M. Orotts of MookevUle
and J. K. Orotts of Wlnston-Sa-
lem and one sister, Mrs. P. L.
Summers of MocksvUle.
The funeral was held Tues
day afternoon at 4 o'clock at
Fulton Methodist church. The
<Rev. O. W. Pink and the Rev.
J. O. Gentry conducted the serv
ices. Burial was In the church
Hie deceased was a lifelong
member of ElbavQle Methodist
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 3,1943- Page 7
Henrietta Ijames
Mrs. Henrietta XJomes died
Thursday evening, August 19 at
the Rowan Memorial hospital.
Funeral services were held atf Mount Zlon Holiness church,
urlal was at the Brwln Temple
Bio - Obituaries - 9/3/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 3,1943- Page 3
Mrs. R. R. Sidden
Dies Wednesday
Mrs. R. R. Sidden. 45. died at
her home at Fork on Wednesday.
Survivors include the hus
band; five daughters, Magdalene,
Willie Mae, Dorothy Lee, Louise
and Nell Sidden; three sons, J.
•R. Nelson and BoM>y Gray Bid
den, all of the home; the mother,
Mrs. Fannle Stewart, of Advance,
Route 1; thrjse sisters, Mrs. Sal-
lle Allen of Advance, Route 1,
Mrs. Lawrence Wilson of Balti
more, Md., and Cora Stewart of
the home; three brothers, Scott
Stewart of MocksvUle, 3ohn
Stewart of Llnwood and Pvt.
Thomas stewart of the anny,
stationed In North Africa.
Funeral services were con
ducted at 4 p. m. Friday at Ful-I
ton Methodist church. The Rev.:
P. L, Smith and the Rev. J. O.'
Gentry officiated and burial was
in the church cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 3,1943- Page 4
Military Funeral
For Sgt. Driver
A military funeral was held at
EibavUle Methodist church on
August 15 for Sgt. Joseph 8.
Driver, Jr.. 22, one of four sol
diers killed by lightning at Sey
mour Johnson Field, Ooldaboro,
on August 11.
A native of Advance and a
1938 graduate of the high school
there where he was awarded the
athletic medal, Sergeant Driver
was the son of Mrs. Ann Foster
Driver of Jacksonville, Fta., and
Joseph S. Driver, Sr., of New
Orleans, He attended Brevard
college and before Induction into
the army In September, 1942, at
Camp Blandlng, Fla., he lived in
Jacksonville where ho was con
nected with the Southeastern
Greyhound Bus company.
He, won his wings at Fort
Myers, Fla., and was transferred
to Seymour Johnson Field last
March after serving tour months
as an instructor at Fort Myers.
In addition to his parents,
survivors Include a brother, Paul
L. Driver, who is in the marines
somewhere in the South Paoiflo;
his maternal grandmother, Mrs.
Texanna Bailey Foster, of Ad
vance; eight uncles and three
aunts, including Bailey Lee Fos
ter and Miss Blanche FOeter, of
Advance, 0. W. Foster of Mocks
vUle and Joe G. Foster of the U.
8. navy,
Bio - Obituaries - 9/3/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 8,1943
Mrs. Sarah Lanier
Mra. Sarah Croeta Laoier, SO, wktow cf
Di 6 Laniar. died Monday moroiog at 1
o'dnok at the home of a deaahter, Mra,
C. L. Wall, Mocksville, R. 2,
Mrs. Lanier was bom in DavidaonGotto
ty. hut bad ape. t most, of bet Ufa In Davie
Sorviving are^two daiigbteia, Mrs C. i.
Wall and Mra. <X.R. Hanellneof Winston.
Salem; three sooe, H. R. Lonlw, df.Moeks*
ville; 3. E*. Laoier, of Coo^eemee; and F. L.
Laoier of llamaom, Va4 tarn btatfaefs^
W. M. Crotta of MoekevUle and J. ILCnitta
of Win8ton.Salem and one eister, Mia P.
L. Smnmer of Mocksville.
The fonetal was held Toesdav afternoon
at 4 o*dock at Fulton Methodist Choreb.
Rev. 6. .W. Pink and Rev. J G Gentry
conducted the aervioes. Burial foUewed in
tbechttfcfa graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries — 9/8/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 17,1943- Page 1
W« 0. McClamrock
Dies At Home Here
Wllllom Oscar Mcoiamrock
died last Wednesday night fol
lowing a long illneaa. He was the
son of the late Oeorge MeOlam*
rock and Sarah Wilson McClam
rock, of the Oak Qrove com
munity. He spent all his life Ih
Davie county and for the past
20 years had lived In Mocksvllle.
Before his health failed him he
followed the barber trade.
Ho Is survived by his widow,
Mrs. Eliza Shoek Mcclamrook;
one daughter, Mrs. Everett Smith
five sons Osoar, Charlie and Don
ald of Mocksvlllo, Cpl. Walter
Mcoiamrock In foreign service,
and Pvt. William Mcoiamrock of
Fort Eiistls, Va.; five grandchild
Funeral servloee will bo hold
this afternoon at Oak Drove
church, conducted by his pastor.
Rev. O. W. Fink, assisted by Rev.
H. O. Huss. Interment will fol
low In the church cemetery. '
Bio - Obituaries - 9/17/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 17,1943- Pages 1 and 8
Hilary chambers Meroncy, 76.,
beloved local citizen, died
Wednesday afternoon about 1:30
p. m. at ^hls home here on
Wllkcsboro atroet. He had eaten
his noon meal and complained
of pnin In his chest. Hla wife
went to get some medicine and
when she returned he had top
pled from his chair, presumably
dying from n heart attack.
He had been in declining
health for some time, olthough
his condition had not been re
garded serious. Ho vLslted a phy
sician Monday and had an apr
poliitmont to return for'fiirtheV
treatment on the afternoon of
his death.
He is survived by his widow,
the former Miss Marcla Boles,
also a native of Davlc county,
and the foliowlng children: Mrs.
R. M. Holthouser, Mrs. P. G.
Brown and Joke Meroney, all of
Mocksvlllc, and June Meroney of
Lonoir. Pour grandchildren like
wise survive.
Mr. Mooncy was a rural mall
carrier for many years, retiring
! when he was 65. He was o mem
ber of the local Masonic lodge,
a member of the board of stew
ards of the local MethodUt
church for many years and a
member of the board of trustees
of the church at death, member
of the Junior Order, Eastern Ctnr
and Woodmen of the World. In
his early life he was a copper
smith with W. A. Weant here and
(Continued on page eight)
H. C.lWeroney
beotune highly proflelent as a
maker of copper stills during the
old days when whiskey manu
facture was a flourishing local
One of the most faithful and
devoted members of the Masonic
lodge, he gave unstintedly of 'hls
time and energy to promote the
affairs of the order.' He was es
pecially devoted to the Masonic
picnic and probably knew more
of the history of the picnic than
any other man. He was a mem
ber of the local lodge for 63
years and at one time was mas
ter. He was present at the last
Funeral services were held at
the home yesterday afternoon nt
6 o'clock, conducted by the Rev,
H. O. Huss, Rev. E. M. Avett and
Rev. John A. McMurray. Inter
ment was In the family plot in
Rose cemetery. The Masons had
charge of the graveside service.
Active pallbearers were Z. H.
Anderson, P. J. Johnson, Spur-
geon Anderson, W. J. Hunt, M.
Waters ond Boonc Stonestrcet.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/17/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 17,1943- Page 3
Alphonso Jones
W. L. Jones
Loses Father
W. L. Jones returned Monday
from Raleigh where he was call
ed by the death of his father,
Alphonso Jones, 70, who died at
his homo there Thursday night.
Funeral services were held Sun
day afternoon and wore .con
ducted by the Rev. P. Orion
MIxon, pastor of the Tabernaole
Baptist church. Burial was In
the Montlawn cemetery.
Mr. Jones, who was associated
with- the office of the Wake
county farm and home demon
stration agents, had lived In
Raleigh since 1920.
Survivors include his widow;
three daughters, Mrs. J. T. White
of Raleigh, Mary E. Jones of
Washington and Mrs. H, M.
Keen of Sanford; two sons, W.
L. Jones of MocksvUle and J. K.
Jones of Fanwood, N. J., and a
sister, Mrs. J. V. Barnes, of Ra
leigh. I
Pallbearers were Charlie Hes
ter. E. M. Johnson, Earl Howard.
W. D. Teites, Hugh O. Isley and
L. O. Newton.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/17/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 22,1943
HilaryC Meroney
It Ib with BsdiittB that we chnmieiethe
death of Hiiaiy C. UeiDossr. wbich oeeoif-
cd'at bto home III Weal Modnvltte bat
WedaeBday allaiiooa at 1 o*elbck Mr.
Ueffooey had bem bi bad beahb for moie
than a year* bat liiasiiddai death waa a
sayeie fhoek. not only to bis family, but
to theeotife town.
Mr. Ifemey waa bdin In MoektvUie on
Jaly 4,18S7. a aeii of the Iota Mr. esd
Hfi. Thoa. A. Mefonay, and spent bb en
tile life here. Be waa a tinner for many
yeais, assodated wHh the late William A.
Weant, and aeiyed for more than a qner*
tor of a oentniy as ratal tetter caitier on
Rooie 5, leilring some tea yeaia ato. Mt,
Msfttiey wasooe<tf tbeold^ Masons loi
Daoleeoaoty, baWngbeenan active mem-
bmof MobksviUe Lodge Bo. 134, ^ F A
A. M., for rame than Imlf a eentniy. He
waaadlvelndMiiichattd fratsnal woifc,
being a lotrt time mamber of Moek*vlfie
MetbMli8tClniidi,a memberof tbeO. E»
SL. tbe W. B. W.«and thelr.Oi II, A. M,
Mh Heraney is survived by Us widow,
two sent. Jane fiemney, of Lenoir. and
Jale Iferaiiey, of tUs dty; two dongbteis.
Ifla. R, U. ffdtlionsef and Mia. Peioy G.
Blown, also of cUs oHy; two giaod40tts
and two grand-dan^itaB.
Fonefsl services were held at the home
ThttiadM aftmoonatSo'doek, with Us
pastor. Rev. H.Ol Ross. In ehargo. asdit
od by Rev, E. If, Avett; U Gtembom^ a
foimer pastor, and Rev, John A IfeHiir*
ray. paksr.of the ModravlllaFraaliwterlan
CIntreh. The body waa laid to test to Rose
cemftsty withMasoolc hosois. The many
beantUbl floral ttibotes attested the Ugh
esteem In wUoh he waa hdd.
la the death of Mr, Meconey the town
loses one of Its best dtlaeos-*a man who
vrill not only ho missed In the homo, the
ditirehaod the ^temal ofgantaMitlooa.
hot by an of OS. both old and voung. For
nmrv than 40 years we had known Htlafy
Mmuney. Re was oar friend. Revisited
our offlMialiDQSt'dally for many yeaia,
Retookmtich interrst to watol^ onr
ptesa print The Reooid. and In leadlag Che
*Tlewaof Ago.*' WeshaOmlwiUm
as much or pethaps mote than any eitisstt
of oorlongaoqpmmtaaee. We conaatted
lam imiBeiitly to wrltittgaitieleacoiioem-
fognest Ustocy of thetown and eoooty.
**llr«Hilofr.**aswe eaflod Um. was Uways
dbd to help Qsto any way posdUe. To
loved oneo left to monm bis
e emend hearcfelt.eympaihy in this sad
—r, Onebyoneoarfheiidsaroerassteg
^psatdh^ to rest on the other side.
X C. Bailey Passes
Jonah Omad BaHey, SO, U R. 3, Ued
httfsday mofidog at ASO o*dock. follow-
iog a loog llfaieaa. Be was a son of Mr,
ind Iba.^ John B. Bailey, and ^wot most
d Ua Bfe In the Fork commanity.
He served as cUef gnnner In heavy ar-
illkiy EWorld War Land vi;aa overseas
4 auNiths. Re waa a wdi-known tatmsr
mdearpeotm; He waa a memberof the
\ttk fluntPw OiBieh,
On November 20.1086. he was maivled
olfisa Mamie Fianklto. who survives,
hher survivors tochide the perenis, one
liter. Mrs. SigmoD, of Fork; four
bothm J* & Bailey. Btdmy. Fkxyd Bai-
sy« Oiariotte: Branson sod Ned Baiiy. of
I Fianstal ittvlees wsie held Fdday af-
leiBooaat4^o*clfiekatjhe homo, and
lot S oViodi at Fork Baptbt Cbmeb. Rev,
Wade Hotdtenaand Rev. E. W, Tbmsr
ojBcteted, Burial was In the chmeh oem
Mrs. S. S. Beck
Mn. A S. Baek, 64. of near Sheflbtd.
died at a SiatesvlBe ho^iltai Saimday
morning, following a bag Utosss Mr,
Beekpusod^away abotti iww veais agob
Funeial setvloea wma hdd at New
Union Methodist Chmeh, tomday amrntog
at II o'eloek. with her paster. Rev. Jaek
Oook. oottdoettog the setvlQes. and tbo
body loidio resitocboebitteh cemetery,
Mie.Becfc is sotvlved by ibieo sooo.
Pfe; Cliva'N..Beek. stationed at Oomp
ncBit. Va4Blom,of Hafmmiy.R. I; and
Oewey at hoowtaaa dan^tei^ Mie, Roy
SaoadtHafmooy.R: t; two bimbefe. N B.
Dyson, Moeksville, R. I, and R. G. Dyoon.
FotfcOi Montana: two oisteis, Mfs. Marlon
Shaw, Harmony. R. 2, and Msa Jenoio
Dyson. Moeksville. R L The Reooid ex
tends, oympatliy to the bereaved onss in
the death of Mrs, Beck,
Bio - Obituaries - 9/22/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 22,1943
Williaiii 0. McQamrodi
WiBiaiii Osear lieCUmiocli, 8$. died at
bis home oo Avon ttfeet Wadnejday eveo
I log at tdtSO o*clodufoUawliig ao illness of
'caidlae aschina* Mr. MdCtsmfoeb had
baeo lU for the past nine months.
Sunrlving are Ma widow* five eotia» Wol*
tor. who la In service oveifess;aacaT€har-
UeandDoaald.at honie; WUham* who fa'
^tlooed at Foit iSustio. Vo„ one daogb
ter, Bllro. Evicett Sflilth, of this ehp« and
two grandchttdien. Two atstersb Mia.
Rosa Bnmghi of Kansas* and Mis. Eesle
HeddsoflL of Nebiaska. also survive Mr.
McQamtocb wasa soo of the late Mr. and
MrSb George W« McCtomfoeii. of R. 2. Ha
opetauMi a baiber ahoo In this Mty lor
manr foaia. and had many IHeods who
were saddened by his dea^
FVtoenI services were held at Oak Grove
Mothodlfii CtMHeh Friday afiernooQ, with
his pastor; Bev. G. W* Flnh eonduciifigthe
setviess. and the bod? laid to rest In the
cbtifch eemetsfy. The family hove the
sympathy of a host of Irieiidslothe death
cl this haSbasd and fhther.
Mrs. Dors Richardsoo
Mio. Dora Rlebaidaon. 81, widow ^
Jesalo M Rlohaidaoo, died Satmday night
at her home near County line, after an
extended decline la health.
Soivivoio ate thi^ childreo Offle R.
RIohaidson of Haimony, Clayton C. Rldi-
aidton, M Dallae, and MIssGlayefdehevd-
son at homo: and a elster. Mre. C. W.
Booe. of Wlo8toft«8aloni* and tluee hioth-
eis. Rev. A. P. Railedgeof Walhertown, A.
tk and U G. Ratledge of StateeviUe.
Funeral setvlcei were held Mopdoy
aftetttoonath o*clock from New union
Methodist Chofcb.
Thos. J. Lyons
Thos J. Lyons, 70, well known n
Mocksville Negio. died in a Wins* \
ton Salem hospital last Wednesday.'
Tom had spent most of his life in
Mocksville, where he was a barber
for many years. Ptineral services
took place Sunday, and the body |
was laid to rest in the Neirro Fres*
byterlan cemetery. 1
Bio - Obituaries - 9/22/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 24,1943- Page 4
J. C. Bailey
Dies Thufsday
Jonah Creed Bailey. 50, of
MookavlUe. Route S. Fork ehuroh
community. Davle county, died
at home Thursday morning at
2:90 o'clock. He had been 111 for
some time and his condition had
been critical for the past three
He waa born July 20. 1899, In
Davle county, a son of John D.
and Mattle Hendrlx Bailey, and
ilved practically all of his life in
the Fork church community, al
though ho lived for two yeara In
Florida and one year In Ten
He served as chief gunner In
heavy artillery In World War 1
and was overseas 14 mouths. He
was connected with Bradshaw
Construction company of Salis
bury for a number of years, and
was a well-known farmer and
He was a member of Fork Bap
tist church. .
On Hovciiiber 20, 1020, ho wa.i
married to Mlas Mamlo Franklin,
who survives* Other survivors
Include the parents. Mr. and
Mrs. John D. Bailey, of Fork
ehuroh oommunlty: one sister.
Mrs. Virile Slgman, of Fork
church oommunlty. and four
brothers. J. S. Bailey, of Hlok-
ory. Floyd Bailey, of Charlotte,
and Branson and Ned Bailey,
both of Fork church commu
Funeral services were held Fri
day afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at
the hmne and at B o'Oloek at
Fork Baptist church. The Rev.
Wade Hutehlns and the Rev. E.
W. Turner officiated and burial
waa In the church cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 24,1943- Page 7
John Thomas Lyons
John Thomas Lyons, promi
nent citizen of this community,
passed away at a WlnstOn-Balem
hospital Thursday.morning. The
deceased was an elder and chair
man of the trustee board of the
Second Presbyterian church end
a member of the Masonic lodge
at the time of his death.
Survivors Include three sisters,
Mrs. Lucy Kennedy and Mrs.
DolUc Nuby of Bcllevue, Pa., and
Mrs. Freelove Furches of'Cort^-
polls, Pa.; seven nieces and one
Funeral services were held
Sunday at 4 p. m. at the Pres
byterian church with the Rev.
R. A, Massey oiTlclating. Burial
was In the church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/24/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 24,1943- Page 8
Mts. S. Beck
Rites Sunday
Mra. S. 8. Beek, 64, of near
Sheffield, died at a Stateevlile
hospital Saturday morning, fol
lowing a long illness. Mr. Beck
passed away about two years
Funeral services were held at
New tinlon Methodist church
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock,
with her pastor, the Rev. Jack
Cook, conducting the services.
Interment'was in the church
cemetery. '
Mrs. Beck is survived by three
sons, Pfe. Olioe N. Beok .stationed
at Cfunp Pickett, Va., Blum of
Harmony, Route 1, and Dewey'
at hrnne; one daughter, Mrs. Roy
Stroud, Harmony, Route 1; two
brothers, N. B. Dyson, MooksviUe,
Route 1, and R. O. Dyson, Forks,
Mont.; twb sisters, Mrs. Marion
Shi/w, Hamony.^Rottid 2, and
Miss Jennie MocksvlUe,
Route 1.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/24/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 29, 1943
Mbs Sallie Welimaii
Misa Saltte Wallmaii. 87, died at her
home at Oah Grove Mooday shortly a^
0000^ foUowing a serions llloeea of tvro
liisa WeUmao to sofvived by one broth*
er. James WeUmao. aod one sister. Un.
Ben? Rose, both of R 2. and a number of
nieces and nephews. Fnoeial and bnilal
servioes were held at Oak Grove Metho-
distChnch yesterday, with her pastor.
Rev. G. W Pink ofBdatlog. Agood worn*
an has been called to her lewara.
John J. Laiew
John J Larew, SS, well known huslness
man. passed away Thursday night at Ro*
wan Memorial Hospital. Salisbury, where
he had been a patient for several weeks,
kto. Larew had been In falling health lor
several months
Mr. Laiewwas a native of Staonton,
Va.. hot eame to this oUy 22 years ago.
Re was connected with ^nford Brothers.
Surviving are the widow, the fonner
Miss Mary Sanford: three sons. John J;
l^rew of Bridgeport, Conn.; Hogh S. La
rew of the U. 8. Navy and Frank L- La
rew of Mocksville; one brother, Robert La
rew of Richmond. Va,; and font sisters:
Mrs. George Felix of Bristol Ve.t Mrs. Eli
zabeih Page of Miami, Fla.; Mrs. WUUam
Rueler of Mint Springs, Va..and Miss Mar*
Jorle Larew of Leziiigtoo, Va.
Funeral services were held at the Pres
byterian Church Saturday afteioooD at 3
o'clock, with his pastor. Rev. John A. Mo-
Murray in charge assisttNi by Rev. W. C.
ttooper, of GaBtonia, and the body laid to
rest in Joppa cemetery. Many beauiiful
fimal tributes attested the high esteem in
which he was held.
Mr Larew was a Mason and a member I
of the American Legion. His death has'
brought aadness to a host of friends, not
only in this semion, hut thitniglieot the
state. The town has lost one of its best
citizens, the choich a faithful worker, and
the home a loviag husband and father. To
the grleif*strickeD family The Record ex
tends heartfelt sympathy In this great be
reavement, and commends iheoa to' HUn
"who doetb things weH."
Bio — Obituaries - 9/29/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 1,1943- Page 1
Funeral for John J. Larew, S5,
prominent Moeksvllle citizen,
was held Saturday afternoon at
a o'clock at the Mocksville Prea*
byterian church.
The Rev. J. A. McMurray and
the Rev. W. O. Cooper officiated
and burial was in Joppa ceme*
Mr. Larew died at a Salisbury
hospital Thursday night at 11:SS.
He had been ill for several years
and his condition had been se
rious for several months.
He was'born at Staunton, Va.,
September 17, 1888, a son of
Frank and Elizabeth McClung
Larew. He had lived In Mooks-
ville for the past 22 years and
was connected with Sanford
He was a member. of the
Mocksville Masonic lodge and
the Mocksville Pre^yterlan
church, in .which. he was an
On June 28,1919, he was mar
ried to Miss Mary Sanford, who
survives. Other survivors include
three sons, John J. Larew of
Erie, Pa., Hugh 8. Larew of the
U. S. navy, Durham, and Frank
L. Larew of Mocksviile; one
brother, Robert Larew, of Rich
mond, Va., and four sisters, Mrs.
George Feiix of Bristol, Va., Mrs.
Elizabeth Page of Miami, Fla.,
Mrs. Williom iRnelor of Mint
Springs, Va., and Miss Morjorle
Larew of Lexington, Va.
Pallbearers were Knox John-
stone, J. H. Thompson, Robert
Woodruff, Tom Glasgow, J. B.
Kuykendall, Phil Johnson, J. P.
LeOrand and D. R. Stroud.
William Orady Boger, 48, of
Route 2, died at a Statesville
hospital Monday, following a
stroke of paralysis. He was 4he
son of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Boger.
He was a well-known farmer.
He was a member of the loc^
post of American Legion.
Survivors include his widow;
four daughters, Mra. R. W. Isley,
Greensboro, and Ruth, Hazel
and Bonnie Boger, all of Mocks
ville; three sons, Lawrence, Ger
ald and James Sanford of Mocks
ville; two brothers, N. A., Route
2, and Charlie of Cana; three
si.sters, 'Mrs. W. D. Jordon of
Cana, Mrs. Frank Lathan, of
Mocksville, Route 2, and Mrs.
Marion Taylor, Rowon county.
Funeral services were held
Wednesday at II o'clock at the
Union chapel churoh.'The Rev.
F. A. Wright and the Rev. E. W.
Turner officiated. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
Mrs. W. F. Dwiggins of MockS'
yille died Monday afternoon at
0 o'clock ait the Rowan Memorial
hospital In Salisbury where she
k'ihad been a patient the past six
• ' days. Mrs. Dwiggins had been
- in declining-health for a period
of years, but suffered a stroke of
paralysis last week. She was re
moved to the hospital in an un-
oonsoioua condition, and never,
regained consciousness.
A native of Davie county, Mrs.
. ]>wlgglnB was Miss Lovie Belle
^wleoand was born September
12, 1861. Her father, James L.
Bowles, was originally from
Montgomery county, and her
mother. Jerusha Summers (Ja
cobs) Bowles, was from iredell.
Her marrlE^e to W. F. Dwiggins
Bio - Obituaries - 10/1/1943
was solemnized F^ruary 3,1687.
Surviving in addition to her
husband, are two sons and a
daughter, Marshall Lee 2>wlggln8
and W. T. Dwiggins and Mrs.
W. N. Smith, all of Mocksville.
A sister, Miss Cornelia Bowles,
Mockaville, Route 1, also sur
vives, as well OS 11 grandchil
dren and two great-grandchil
l). Mra. Dwiggins had been a
' member of center Methodist
church in Davie county since her
girlhood and was active in the
church so long as her health
Funeral services wore held
from Center Methodist church
at 3 o'clock Wednesdoy ofter-
noon, conducted by the Rev. O.
W. Fink, the Rev. Wade Huch-
Ins and the Rev. Victor Andrews,
and interment was in Center
church cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 1,1943- Page 3
Mrs* Mary Copely
Rites Monday
(Mrs. Mary Plnnix Copely. 83.
died Baturdoy ot the home ot her
daughter. Mrs. Crosby Sells, at
She Is smived by three daugh
ters. Mrs. Crofllby Sells. Mm. Fan
ny Mesilek, and Mrs. N. B. Oieg-
ory. all of Cooleemee; two sons.
O. A. Copely, Salisbury; C. W.
Copely, Concord; jlO grandohlld-
ren. 20 great-granddhlldren. and
five great-great-grandchildren.
Funeral services wore held at
the Coolemee Baptist Church
Monday at 4 o'clock. Xntrment
was 'in >the North Cooleemee
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 1,1943- Page 6
Miss Sallie Weliman
Rites Hdd Tuesday
Miss Sallie Weliman, 80, died
Monday afternoon at her home
at Oak Orovo. Sho was a daugh
ter of Jorry and Mnry Sain Well-
Surviving are one brother, J.
B. Weliman, and one'slater, Mrn
B. R. Rose, both of Mocksvllle,
Route 2, four nieces and six
The funeral was held Tuesday
afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at Oak
Drove church. The Rev. O. W.
Fink conducted the services.
Burial was In the church grave
Rites Hdd for
dedrgie Reavis
Funeral wrvlcea for George
W. Reavis,. prominent Yadkln
county resident ot the South Oak
Rldgo church community, were
held Friday morning at 11 o'clock
at South Oak Ridge Baptist
church. The* Rev. Joe Blnkley
was In charge of the snrvlce.
Burial was In the church grave
Mr. Reavis died last Wednes
day. He was a lifelong resident
of Yadkln county, and was a
member of South Oak Rldgo
Survivors Include the widow;
seven sons, Romle F., E. H., and
Turner Reavis, all of Mocksvllle;
Ben and Marler Reavis of Yad-
kinvlUe, Route 2; Miss Lydia
Reavis of Winaton-Salem; Miss
Joyce Reavis of Kannapolla; one
(irothier. J. O. Reavis. of Yadkln-
Vine, Route 9; 4l grandchildren,
and 17 great-granddilldren.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 1,1943- Page 7
Burgess Campbell
Burgess Campbell of Iredell
^nty died suddenly at his■^e. Funeral services were
neid at the PIney Orove ohuroh.
Bio - Obituaries -10/1/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 1,1943- Page 8
Rites Held Tuesday
For Fradk Phelps
Faneral services were held
^esday afternoon at a o'clock
lor Frank Phelju, 49, who died
at the Rowan Memorial hoapltal,
Saltebury, Sunday at B:SO p. m.,
alter several weeks of Ulnees. He
had been employed >by the Brwln
mills here for many years.
Survivors are his widow, the
former Miss Alice Hudson, of
Randolph county; his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Phelps,
Mocksvlle, Route 4; lour sons,
Howard, James, William and
Donald, all of Cooleomee; one
dauBhtor, Rosa Mao, at home;
two grandohUdren; nve'brothers,
Arthur Pholps, Cleveland, Route
1,0. S. Pholps, Cooleomee, O. M.
Phelps. Cabarrus county, Lee
and Raymond Phelps, Mocksvllle,
Route 4; seven slaters. Mrs. Z. V.
Smith, Mrs. A. M. Nichols, Mrs.
J. H. Byerly, Cuoleemee, Mrs.
Terry Burton, Mrs. Taylor Call
and Mrs. Arthur McOlamrock,
Mocksvlle, Ruule4, and Miss
Grace nielps, Florida. The serv
ices were conducted at the
Cooleemee Presbyterian church,
the Rev, D. H. Dulln officiating,
Burial followed in the Liberty
Methodist church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/1/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 6,1943
Frank Phdps
Frank Pkelps* 49, Oodnenwa, dfeil on
26tl^ at Rowan llMBOiial Hospital*
loltowlog a long illosss*
He was an employee of the firwin Cot
too MlUa, CooteefBee* and was a member
of the Cooteofoee Baptist Cboich*
Snrvisora are bis widow* bis parents*
Mr*and Mnk A* W. Phelps, of R. 4; four
fona, Howard, of Cooleeniee; James, WU«
dam ana Donald of tbe home; one daogh*
ter* Rosa Mae* of tbe borne; four brotbera,
Afibor PbelM of Rowan Ci^y, & C * of
Cboleemde: 6* H. of Cabaifns OcHioty and
Grace, of Florida.
Fbneral services were hdd Sept* 27tb,
at ibe Gooli^ee Firesbyterlan Cbniefa*
Boris! followed in tbe Liberty Methodist
Qnacb ceroetery*
William Grady Boger
WIRiam Giady Boger* 47, of MocksviRe.
R. 2, died at a StatesvUle boeidtal Mon
day* Sept* 27tb. foUowiog a stroke of pa
ralysis wblcb he saffBied on the ptecedlog
Fridav lit* Boger suffered a atroke last
winter* Atom wblcb be never folly recov
ered. Mr. Boger was a praiBosslve feim-
et* and reeenily porebased a farm on R
S. from T. L Candell, to wbleh he intended
to move-tbie fell fir. Boger saw service
in the first World War, and was a mem
ber of tbe toeal pent American legloo*
He was barfed with Legton bonma.
Sbrvivors titchide the wkfuw, foordaogb-
ters. Mis. R. W. Idey* Giemiaboio. end
Rotb, Hosel and Boame Roger* at boiM:
ibtee SODS* Lswraoee, Gerald and James*
at home; two biothera* N. A* Boger* R. 2,
and Charlie Boger, of Caoa; three
Mrs. W. D* Jordan, Cane: Mrs* Praak La-
iham, R. 2, and Mm Merlon Taylor* Row
an County*
Fonerai servicea were beM last Wedoes
day morning at 11 o'clock at Unioo Chap-
elMecbodifltCbmcb, with Revs. F. A.
Wright and E. W. Tiunef in isbaige. and
•thebody laid torestin tbedmrcb ceme
tery. Ibe giiel-slfiMmii famOy have the
oympatliy of the entiro comniituity In die
dMtb of this good tm^and and father*
Mrs. lillie Hayes
Mrs. UlUe Hayes Reavis, 79. died at ber
home near. Hlekory last Tnesday nl^t
Mrs. Reavia was a dsogbter of the rate
Mr. end .Mis. W. M. Reavia. She was
twice mairied, her first bnsband being
James E. Hayes.
Stirvivoni Indiide her birabaad* Frank
Reavia; foot danghters. am^ ttm belog
M^ 0* L..Hafkey and Mrs. C. W. lieland*
of Davie county; and two sistera; Mm,
Fttiler Baity* of near Coortney, and Mra.
Nettle WUtlna, of tbis city* Twotootbera,
L 8. Reavia, of Yadkfai county* and W. D.
Reavis* of MoefcovlUe* R. 2* aim soryivei
FOneral services were held Tbtttsdav
afiernoonat 9 o'docfc with Rev. £. K.
Woolen and G. D. Ren^ar officiating at
Sandy Spring Baptist cbmcb, and tbe
body laid 10 rest in tbe.OhmOb cemstefy.
Mrs. HamOtoa
. Everhaidt
Mik Hamilton Evmbardt, 91* ffied Fii-
day night at tier borne in Jerasalem town
ship, '
Sttfvlvliig are tbe btiabaiid: three dangb-
ters, Mrs. X E* OtntlA of MomklUe* R* 4:
Mrs. T. J. Beck of Mocksvlllei, K. 1; and
Mis. E. M. Deadmon of Moekevlile; one eon*
M C. Evmfaardt* (ff btatesville; 24 grand*
cblldrmi and 29 great grandcbtldrao.
Tbe funeral was Held atTorrentlne Bap
dst Cbnicb Monday moralotf at I9o*cto»
Revs, V. L. Andrewsand E. W.TOroercon
dooted tbe smvlces. BOrial was in tbe
cbmcb graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/6/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 6,1943
Mis. W. F. Dwiggins
Mrs. W. F* DwiggioB. of this cit?. died
MondaT aft«fDOoii*Sept.27tli«ac So'dod^
atRowBD (Memoiial Hospital, Sallsbttiy;
wheie she had been a patteit for ste
daFS. Mrs. Dtrigglns bad heea hi dectiii-
log heahh for a period of yeaie^ and oof*
feted a stialte of paialy^ Sept. 21. She
was removed to the ho^tal la an noeoa*
seiOQS eoiidiiimi and never tegataed eon
A native of Davie coooiFt Mrs. Ihvig*
dineeras msB Lovie BeOe Bowles, and
was bom Septmnber 12, IMl. fatb
er. James t. Bowlen was orlgioallF fimn
MontgooiefF connt?, and her motlier* Je«
Rtsha Sttmmeis < Ja^) Bowles, waa from
ifedell. Her marriage to Ifr. W, F* Dwig*
gins was aolmniilzea Feh 3,1887* Sorvl*
viflg In addifion to her bosbaod, ate two
sons and a datigbter, Mai^aU Lee and
W.T.DwiggiaSiafidliis. Will N. Sffiltb,
aU of Uoekaville. A sister. Miss Comdia
Bowlee^ofR. 1. also eorvivsa. together
with It grandddldien and two great*
Mia. Dwitfioa had been a tnefflber of
Center Methodist Cbmeh dnee her gtrl*
hood and was aetiva In the choieh as fong
as her heaHh permitted.
Fnnersl serdces were held from Center.
Uethmttst QmuMi at 3 o*cloeh WedofeadaF
aftoDBooD.eondoetod by RevaO W. FInh,
Wade Hitidimis aod Viehw L. Amhews,
and fntetomt followed in Center ehnicb
cametecF. I
Bio - Obituaries - 10/6/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 8,1943- Page 1
T. S. Mock Passes
At Home of Son .
T. S. Mock, 64, High Point real-
dent, died at his old home place
In Advance Wednesday,' Septem
ber 29.
Mr. Mock hod gone to the
home of his son, Elmer Mock, In
Advance, for a brief vlalt when
he was stricken..He had been In
declining health for a number
of years. He was bom at.Ad
vance (Mock), November 7, 1676.
a son of Z. H. and Adeline Phelps
Mock. He had' lived In High
Point for the past 20 years.
His flrst wife, Ossle Beau-
champ, passed away some years
ogo. Survivors of this union In
clude two daughters. Mrs. Lewis
Hartman, Advance, and Mrs.
Sam Rights of Clemmons, and
one son, Bennle Mock, of Ad
vance. . «
He was married the second
tlpie In 1908 to Miss Bertha Blls-
abeth Williams,' who survives
with four daughters. Miss Eve
lyn Mock,'Mrs. Maggie Watson,
Mrs. Helen Tucker, and Mrs.
Oeraldlne Harlln, all of High
Point; three sons, Elmer Mock
of Advance, 'Robert Mock of
Greensboro, and Elu Mock of
High Point; three brothers, John
Mock of Thomasvllle, Blalr Mock
of Wlnston-Salem and George
Mock of Advance; three sisters,
Mrs. W. A. Howard of Thomas
vllle, Mrs. George Beauchamp
of Advance and Mrs. T. O. Baity
of Thomasvllle, and 20 grand
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 8,1943- Page 2
Funeral Held folr
Mrs. Jason Williams
Funeral services were held
Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock
at Union Groye Friends cliurch
for Mrs. Jacob Williams, 72, of
East Bend, Route 1, who died
last Thursday morning at Olty
Memorial hospital in Winston*
fiatem after an Illness of several
days. Her condition became criti
cal a week before her death.
The funeral was conducted by
the Rev. Charles W. Hutchena
and the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. B. G.
Key. Pallbearers were Worth
Rockett, Bldo WUHams. W. 8.
Freeman, W. C. and Laster WO*
Hams and J. B. Norman. Burial
was in- the Union Cross ceme
Mrs. Williams, a native of Yad-
ktn cbunty. spent her entire life
In the Union Cross community,
and was a member 'of the Union
Cross Friends church. She was
married to Jason Williams, who
survives her, 48 years ago.
Other survivors are three
daughters, Mrs. Holmes Wil
liams, Mrs. Conrad Angell and
Miss Sallle Wlllams of Bast
Bend; four sons, Robert and
Rad Williams of Bast Bend, Lon
Williams of Nevada, Iowa, Lee
Williams' of West Gate, Iowa;
one brother, W. I. Hutohens of
Yadklnvllle, Route 2; one sister,
Mrs. Lydla Hutohens of Yadkln
vllle, and six grandchildren and
one great-grandchild.
Bio - Obituaries -10/8/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 8,1943- Page 3
Funeral Held for
Mrs. Wiley W. Macey
Mm. Wiley W. Macy,'00, Well-
known resident oC Yadklnvllle,
.died Sunday afternoon at 3:10
o'clock at her home In Yadkln
vllle after an Illness of two
months. Her condition was criti
cal one month.
Mrs. Bfacy was bom In Yadkin
county, October l, 1877, a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Major Bruce.
She spent her entire life in the
county and woa married to Mr.
Macy 97 years ago. She was a
member of Baltimore Methodist
Surviving are the husband;
one daughter, Mrs. Blanche
Mills, of Radford, Va.; one step
daughter, Mrs..Ruth Maoy sher-
mer, of Yadklnvllle; one half-
brother, L. 0. Bruce, of Wlnston-
Salem, and one grandchild.
The funeral was held Tues
day afternoon at 2 o'clock at
Baltimore Methodist church.
Burial was in the church grave
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 8,1943- Page 4
C. W. Shepherd
Loses Mother
Mrs. J. R. Shepherd, 74, died
at her home near Eton college
last Tuesday morning at 3
o'clock. She had been In de
clining health for over a year,
but had been much worse for the
past two weeks. Funeral services
were conducted Wednesday aft
ernoon at Bethlehem church, by
her former pastor, the Rev. J. O.
Orutohfleld, of Norfolk, Va. He
was assisted by the Rev. Mr.
Lewis, also of Norfolk, Va. in
terment was In Bethlehem ceme
Mrs. Bhei^crd is survived by
the folowing ohlldren: J. T.
Shepherd of White Hall, Oa., E.
A. Shepherd of Frankllnvllle, O.
W. Shepherd of Coole4mee, the
Rev. D. W. Shepherd of Roanoke,
Ala., and H. 8. Shepherd and
Mrs. W. B. May of the home.
Bio - Obituaries -10/8/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 8,1943- Page 6
Funeral Rites Held
Fo/ Mrs. Stimpson
Funeral se^lces were held
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at
Froapeet Methodist church, near
Bast Bend for Mrs. Martha Bllia
beth Foihdexter fitlmpton, 70,
who died Saturday morning at
B o'olock at her home in Smith-
town, after a serious illness
which had last for five weeks;
Mrs. Stimpson was a native
of Yadkln county, and a mem-
'her of one of the county's best
known families. She spent her
entire life in Yadkin county. She
was the widow of J. D. Stimpson,
who represented Yadkln county
in the state legislature In 1011
He died in 1097.
Mrs. Stimpson Is survived by
two sons, J. F. Stimpson, of
Blacksburg, Va., and Dr. R. T.
Stimpson, of Raleigh; three sla
ters. Mrs. Lucy Kogler, of Qalax,
Va., Miss Comiller Polndexter
and Mrs. B. M. Moore of Bast
Bend; two brottiers, B. D. Poln
dexter of Mannsboro, Va., and
A. O. Polndexter of Oreendboro;
ftve grandchttdren, and one
Mrs. Lillie Reavis
Rites Held Thursday
Mrs. LUUe Hayes' Reavis, 70,
died last Tuesday night at her
home in yadkinvllie, after a long
Mrs. Reavis, a member of one
of the oldest families in Yadkln
county, was born September 26,.
1B64, daughter of William M. and
Bllsabeth Baity Reavia, and
spent her .entire life in the
county. She was a member of
the Hunting Greek Friends
church. Twice married, her first
husband was James B. Hayes,
who died in 1081.
Survivors are her husband,
Frank Reavis; four daughters,
Mrs. O. L. Harkey and Mrs. 0. W.
Ireland, both of MooksvUle, Mrs.
Herbert Wood of YadklnviUe,
Route 9, and Mrs. J. B. Lovelace
of Winston-Salem; two sons, R.
K. Hayes of Winston-Salem, and
O. D. Hayes of Olemmons; two
sisters, Mrs. Fuler Baity of Yad
klnviUe, Route a, and Mrs. Net
tie Wilklna of MocksvUle: two
brothers, J. B. Reavis of Yadkln
viUe, Route 2, and W. D. Reavia
of MooksvUle. Route 2; 21 grand
children: six great-grandohU-
dren, and one gi^at-great-
Funeral services were con
ducted last Thursday at 8 o'clock
by the Rev. B. K. Wooten and
the Rev. o. D. Renegar at the
Bandy Springs Baptist churcla.
Interment was in the church
cemetery. *
Bio - Obituaries - 10/8/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 13,1943
Mrs. E L Gaither
Mmt FlotaieeClenmit Gaitber. B8« one
of IfoekmBe's oMegt aod best beloved
womeii* died at b«r borne on Notth Maio
•teeet Smida? monlDg at 7 o*c!oelu
Gaitber bad beeD in deeliidiig bealtb for
tbe pasttoi yeara Sbe was the widow
of C. L 6aitber« promineat Davie county
anomeyr who imsed away last Febroaiy
at tbe advanced age of 93 vean.
Ncs. Gahbec was a naGve of Oavie
county, and spent bereotere Ufein Uocke-
viUe. Sbe was a dandbter of the late Mr.
and MiiL Manliall Ctemeor. She was a
ffiember of the Mooksville PiesbyieilaD
Sorvivind are foar.daiidbteyflk Blis E B.
Baofuid. Mfs. E, 0. Blonia and Bliss Sarah
Gatiher, of Moobfivlila, and Mia. J. D.
ISofiy, of Smithfteld: one aiatef, Mia* JoHa
Heitmao, also of thia city; six dfandchlld*
ten and two (heat grandchtldfen.
Foneial services mm held at the Fiist
Ftedhytefiati Chmeh Taeaday afteniooo at
3 o*cloch. with her pastor. Rev, dobn A.
Bldfottay officiating, and tbe body laid to
rest In the fatnflv plot in the deDcnt
To the bneaved family Tbe Reooid at*
tends sympatby in the death of this fine
Christian mother.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/13/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 15,1943- Pages 1 and 8
! Mrs. Florence Clement Oaith-
er, 88, widow of E. L. Oalthor,
and one of Mocksville's best-
I known women, ^dled Sunday
morning at 7 a. m. at the home.
She had been In declinlns health
ten years and her condition was
critical several days.
Mrs. Oalther was born In Davie
county, August 28,18SS. a dough-
tor of John Marshall Clement
and Mary Ja^e Hnydcn Clement.
She attended Salom college and
spent her entire life In Mocka-
vtiie. She was a member of
Mocksvtlle Presbyterian church
and ns long as her health per
mitted was active in Its work.
She was married to Mr.
Oalther December 1, 1888. Mr.
Oalther was a well known at
torney, member of the board of
directors of Wachovia Bank and
Trust company, and at one time
was president of the Bank of
Oavle. Re died February 10. 1043.
Surviving are four daughters,!
Mrs. R. B. Sanford, Sarah aaitl\-1
er and Mrs. B. C. Morris of!
Mocksville, and Mrs. J. D. Mur
ray of Smlthheld: she grand
(Continued on pare 8)
Gaither Rites
children; two great-grandohll-
dren, and one slater, Mrs. Julia
O. Heltman, of Mocksville.
Funeral services were held
Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at
the Presbyterian church with
the Rev. John A. MoMurray hold
ing the service. Interment was
in the Clemnnt cemetery near
Pallbearers were Robert Wood
ruff, John O. Banford, Knojt
Johnstone, Paul Blackweldor,
Klmbrough Shook, Phil Johngon,
Donald Clement and Loul.s H.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 15,1943- Page 2
Mrs. Nancy Shore
Passes Saturday'
Mrs. Nancy Caroline Shore, 88.
n died Saturday night at the home
of a daughter, Mrs. Millie Tuck
er, at Cycle, after a oriti.oal ill
ness of one week. She had been
in ill health for sometime.
Mrs, Shore was born In Yad-
kln county ,a daughter of Na-
thonlel and Catherine Oough
King.. She spent Jior entire life
in the Mountain View section
and was a charter member of
Mountain View Baptist church.
Her husband, William Shore, died
18 years ago.
Bio — Obituaries - 10/15/1943
Surviving arc two sons, W. T.
Shore of Cycle and C. C. Shore
of Jonosvllle; two daughters,
.Mrs. Jottlo Stokes and Mrs, MU-
llo Tucker, of Cycle; 33 grand
children and 30 groat-grand-
The funeral was held Tuesday
. morning at 11 o'clock' at Moun
tain View Baptist ohurch. The
Rev. J. L. Powers, the Rev. Lloyd
Pardue and the Rev. Bradley
Mathls conducted the services.
Burial was in the church grave
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 15,1943- Page 3
Services Held for
Dr* John W* Zachory
Fimeral services for Dr. John
W. Zaohary, who was Instantly
killed In an automobile accident
near Hertford Thursday night,
were held at Yadklnvlllc Sunday
afternoon at 3 ^'clock.
The Rev. 0. V. Caudlll and the
Rev. Howard Dawklns conducted
the services, and burial wos In
Harmony Orove cemetery.
Members of the—Yadklnvllle
Mosonlc lodge acted as pall
Dr. Zaehary was 40 years old,
a native of Yadklnvllle and had
been a prominent dentist at
Hertford for several years.
He was born in Yadkin county
May 17, 1S03, the son of Sheriff
J. Evander and Corrle Tulbert
Zaehary. He spent his early life
here and was educated In the
yadklnvllle school, Blngham
Military academy and Oullford
college. He was also a graduate
of Southern. Dental college at
Atlanta. Dr. Zaehary had made
his home at Hertford for the
past seven years. ' He was a
member of the American Dental
society, the North Carolina Den«
tal society, axid the district den
tal society. He was also a mem
ber of the Hertford Masonic
lodge, and the Rotary club.
Prior to going to Hertford, Dr.
Zaehary practiced dentistry at
YadlknvUle, BoonvllTe and China
He la survived by his widow,
the former Miss Gertrude Tran-
sou, of BoonvUle, and one dough-
ter, Nancy. '
Bio - Obituaries -10/15/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 20,1943
Mrs. D. K. Furches
lira. U. K. lurches. 62, well be
loved Davie coanly lady, died San*
day evening at her home near Smith
Grove, following an extended illneea.
She was a dangbter of the late Dr.
and Mrs, M« D. KImbroasb, and
apcnt her enure life in ibis oounty.
>SarvlviDg are the husband; two
daaghters, Ifisa Norma Porches, of
If ooresville, and AfissGwyndoHnFltr
ches. of Qiarlotte; two eons, Dake
and McGaire Fardies of tbe homs
one sister, Mrs. Rmia Sheek. Mocks*
ville, end five brothers, C. L. Elm*
broagb, Advamse. R. 1: A M. Kim
brougb, Mockaville; Joe W. Kim-
broogh, Ralelgfa; d A. Klmbroogb;
Winston Salem; P. R. Kimbroagb.
Atlanta. Ga,
Poneral services were held yester
day afternoon at 4 o'clock at Smith
Grove Methodist (%iircb, with Revs
J W. Vestal and Dallas Renegar in
charge, and the body laid to rrat in
the choFch cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/20/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 22,1943- Page 1
O. Morrison Howell, 0S, one of
the best known elti^ns of Davie
county, was found dead In bed
at his home near F^umington
about 8 a. m. Wednesday. He
had not been in ill health, at
tending the funeral of a neigh
bor only the previous afternoon.
It Is thought he expired from a
heart attack.
Son of Julius and Jane Swalm
Howell, he was a native of Davte
county. Ho wos a member of the
Eaton Baptist church and be
loved master of the Farmlngton
Mason lo lodge.
Survivors Include the widow,
the former Miss Mole Furehes;
one daughter. Miss Bell Howell,
at home: three sons. Warrant
Officer Somuel Howell, U. 8. air
corps, Lieut. Ezra Howell, U. S.
army, and Woodrow Howell. at
home. One granddaughter also
The funeral will be held thls>
afternoon, Friday, at 3 p. m. atj
Farmlngton Baptist church, con-i
ducted by the Rev. Dallas Rene-
gar, the Rev. B. W. Turner and
the Rev. J. W. Vestal, interment j
will bv In the church eematcry.i
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 22,1943- Page 3
Mrs. D. K. Furehes
Passes Sunday
Mrs. D. K. Furehes, 62. well
known Davie county woman,
died Sunday night at her
home, Mocksvllle, Route 2.
Mrs.-Furehes was a daughter
of Dr. M. D. and Sally Brock
Klmbrough. She spent most of
her life In Davie county.
Surviving are the husband;
two daughters, Miss Naomi
Furehes of Mooresvllle and Miss
Oyndolon Furehes of Charlotte;
two sons. Duke and MoOulro
Furohea of the home; one slater,
Mrs. Rena Sheek of Mooresvllle
and flve brothers, c. L. Klm
brough of Advance, Route 1, A.
M. Klmbrough of Mocksvllle, P.
R. Klmbrough of Atlanta, Oa.,
Joe W.. Klmbrough of Raleigh,
and J. A. Klmbrough of Wlh-
The funeral was held Tues
day afternoon at 4 o'clock at
Smith Drove -Methodist church.
The Rev. J. W. Vestal and the
Rov. Dallas Renegar conducted
the services. Burial was In the
church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/22/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 22,1943- Page 3
Funoral services for Early V.
Hutehlns, 5S, of Mpcksville,
Route 2, who died Friday night
at a Winston-Salcm hospital of
injuries suffered in an automo-
'blle accident, were held at
Slloam Baptist church. Surry
county, Sunday afternoon at 4
o'clock. Tho Rov. Will Crlssman
conducted tho services. Burial
was In tho church graveyard.
Surviving arc tho widow, the
former Miss Mantle Logan*, five
daughters, Mrs. Clara Sizemore
of yadklnvlile. Route 1, Misses
Hazel, Evelyn, Freddie and
Ruby Hutehlns of Mocksvllloi
Route 2., Ava sons. Roger, Wade,
Howard and Nelson Hutehlns of
Mocksvllle, Route 2; and Monroe
C. Hutehlns of ihe U. 8, army
at Fort Bragg; three brothers,
Oscar Hutehlns of Yadklnvlile,
Route 2. Leonard Hutehlns- of
Boonville, Route 1. and Floyd
Hutehlns of West Virginia, and
three slaters, Mrs. Letha Reece
and Mrs. Ola^Mlckles of 'Boon
ville and Mrs. Walter Grouse of
Bio — Obituaries - 10/22/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 22,1943- Page 6
Mm. Naney L. WlUard, 87,
died Saturday afternoon at 2:80
o'clock at the home of a aon,
Xsaao WUlard, Yadklnvllle, Route
2, after a long lllneae. Her con
dition was critical three weeks.
Mra. WUlard was born In Yad-
kln county October 27, 1856, a
^§ughter..of..8andy_.Bnd ..Jane
Russell. She spent her entire
life In the county and was a
member of South Deep Creek
Baptist church. She was mar
ried to t. H. WUlard In 1875. He
died eight years ago.
Surviving ore three daugh
ters, Mrs. Mary McKnlght of
Wlnston-Salem, Mrs. ' Minnie
Fraeler of Bast Bend, Route 8,
and Mra. Agnes Salmons of Wln-
ston-Salem. Route 4; two sons,
Isaac WlUard of YadklnvlUe.
Route 2, and H. J. WUlard of
High Point; two sisters, Mrs. J.
H. Driver of Yadklnvllle and
Mrs. Will Joyner of Mocksvllle,
Route 2; 29 grandchUdron and
flve great-grandchildren. ,
The funeral was held Monday
morning at 11 o'clock at South
Deep Creek Baptist church. The
Rev, J. O. AUgood conducted the
services. Burial was
church graveyard.
In the
Bio - Obituaries - 10/22/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 22, 1943- Page 8
H. S. Banieycastle
PtoM Away
* * V
Renry Sanford Barneyeaatle,
68, of south Moeksvllle dlsd last
Tuesday near Rural Hall. He
was the son of the late Benja
mln anil Polly Miller Barney
Survivors Include the widow,
formerly Miss Pearl Smlthdeal:
lour sons, Fulton, of Boonvllle,
Oscar, of Pinnacle, 0. L., of
-C0pleem6e.'-and~0haHea Barhey-
ci(stle, U. 8. army: one daugh
ter, Mrs. Orady Zelgler, of Win
ston-Salem; a brother, w. L.
Bameycaatle, of High Point, and
two slaters, Mrs. Noah Foster, of
Cooleemee, and Mrs. Wiley How
ard, of Advance, Route 1,
The funeral, will be held at
Smith Orove Methodist church,
but the time has not yet been
arraned. /
J* T. Safely Dies
Near Salisbury
J. T. Safley, 77, died at the
.home of his son, Marvin Bafley,
Rdute 1, Salisbury, Monday after
an lllneu of Utree months. !
Funeral serylees were conduot-i
ed at the Liberty Methodist!
cfliuroh Wednesday with Inter
ment In the adjoining cemetery.
The Rev. O. W. Pink and the
Rev. Georgo Williams officiated.
Survivors Include his widow,
the former Alice Graves; three
sons, Robert and Martin Safley
of Route 1,8aU^ury,iand Frank
flafley of'Salisbury: one daugh
tor, Mrs. Joe Spry, of Route 4,
Moeksvllle; 18 grandchuidren and
. three great grandchildren.
Other survivors are three
brothers, J. O. Safley, of Olcve-
land, D. F. Safley, of Woodleaf,
aM Will Safley, of oooteemee,
and two sisters, Mrs, A. W.
Phelps, of Route 4, Moeksvllle,
and Mrs. T. R. Bller,'of Route 4,
Salisbury. '
Bio - Obituaries - 10/22/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 27,1943
Henry ¥• Parches
Beniy V. Faicbes, a nativseolPanii*
iiifiOQ towosliifi* Isit who omyediKMn ibis
oootity CO Scafeoviile oeariy 60 years ago,
died at bis btnna to tbat city Saturday
orcefBooa foUowiog aa eiceaded illoef a
Mr* Ptudier was at ona time derb of
Stmefiof Gsort to bedeHaod also served
asdepotvcifik to Fedeniorait for maay
yeara For tbe past 00 years he was se
cretary craasmw of tbe First BttUdtogaad
Lsao Associaiioo.
Mr Pdrebas is st^lved. by his widow,
five aoaa and throe dangbtets. Ftraeial
aad bi^ial services took iwsce at Statea-
vHteSondayalkeiiiooiL A good mao baa
been called to his re ward.
Cohmibos Campbell
Cotombiia Cbmpbell, 76, wall known
fimser. died Friday night at his home
near Hanaooy. He had been ill for two
Tbe fnneral was hMd Sunday afternoon
at 3 o'Sdoek at darfcsbory Methodist ohorob
Rev. J. H. Osok condnctod the aervices.
Burial followed to tbe chnieh giaveyaid
Survlviiig are tbe widow, the lofmer
lOfiB Lnta Caithei; and roie brother, W. B,
Campbell, of Harmony.
0. M. Howell
0. Morrison HowelL 63, ptomtoent fann
er of Clarksvllle township, was fouuddead
in bed at his borne early last Wednesday
morning. He bad been in decHog beslib
fortbe past year
Mr HoweO was a native of Davle Coan-
ty* a aon of the late Mf, and Mrs- Jntlus
Howard. He was a member < f. Eaton's
Baptist Cborch, and Worsbipfnl Maater of
Farmtogtoa Masoole Lodge.
Survivors lododotbo widow; one dsngb •
ter. Miss Belle Howell of tbe borne; tbi^
sons. Warrant Officer Samuel HoweH, of
the Air Corps, Camden, Ark.; Lieut Cna,
Howell, of the Army, 'stationed in Ma*
ware, and Woodiow Howell, of the homo,
aud one grandchild.
pQuentl services were held at Farmlog-
too Boptid Chttteb Friday afternoon it 3
o'clock vritfa Revs. Oailas Reuegar, E. W.
Tamer and J, W. Vestal offldattog. and
the body laid to rest to Farmiogcoo cem
etery. -To tbe grief stricken family Tbe
Record ezteods heartfelt syropacby to this
hour of sadness.
H- S. Baroeycastle
Henry Sanford Bameycastle. 68, of tbis
city, died lost Tuesday near Rural Hall,
where he was engaged to tbe lumber bus-
loess, (ite. Baroeycastle suffered a stroke
of paralysis about four weeks ago
Survivors iudude tbe widow, four sons,
Fulton Bameycastle. of BoonvlUe, Oscar
Bameycastlo. of Pinnacle, C. U Barney-
castle, of Cooleemee, and Charles Barney
castle of tbe army; one doagbter, Mrs.
Grady Ziglar, Winston Salem; one brother,
W. L Baioeycastle, of IBgh Point; two
sisters. Mrs. Nora Foster, of Cooleemee,
and Mrs. Wiley Howard, of Advance. R. 1.
Funeral sendcsa'were cobducted at the
home Thursday aftemooo ot 3 o'clock and
at Smith Grove Hetbodiet Cboich at 3t30
o'clock, with Rev. E. W. Turner to chaige.
and the body laid to rest In the chuira
cemetery. I
J. T. Safley
J, T. Safley, 77, for rasny years a le^
dent of Davle County, died at the home
of a son In Rowan county on Monday of
last week.
Funeral servicee wore held at liberty
Methodist Chuieb Wednesdoy afternoon
at 4 o'clock, with Revs. G. W. Ptok and
George Williams officietlog, and the body
laid to rest to tbe church cemetery.
Mr. Safley is survived by his widow,
three sons. D. F. Safley. Sallsborv; T M.
and R M, Safley, Salisbury, R; 1: one dan-
gbter. Mrs. Joe Spry. MocksviUe, R, 4;
three brothers, J. O Safley. Cleveland: D.
F Safley Woodleaf. and Will Safley. .Coo
leemee; two sisters, Mrs. A. W* Phelps,
MoMtsviile, R. 4. and Mrs. T, R Eller. ^-
isbttry. R, 4.
Mr. Safley bad many friends throughout
the county who were saddened bv news
of his death.
Bio - Obituaries -10/27/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 27,1943
Peggy Soe Boger
F Qoeral eervi^ for Peggy Sue Bc^er, 7.
dattgbter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Boger. of
R 2. who died Thoreday foHowiog a (oog
illnesa were held at.CtiMirat Grove lie
(h^ist Church Sahicday mofolod at II
o*cIoek with the pastor. Rev. F. A. Wright.
In charge, and the body laid to rest in the'
ehoidi cemetery. '
Survivors incltide the parmte. one els*
ter and one btother. all of the home.
James M. Powefl
James M. Powell. 60. well hoowo farmer
of Calahalo, died at his boose Friday even*
ioH at 10 o^doch. foUowing an eiteoded
illness. .
Fhneral services were held at Center
Methodist chnreh hooday afternoon at 3
O'clock, with the pastor. Rev. Q W.Fink In
choige. and the bodydaid to test In the
cboreh cemetetg.'
Mr. Powell is survived by his widow;
three son8» William PoweU. of Oalahaln; J.
Chap PoweU, of High Point, and S. Q.
PoweU. of this city; two daughters. Mrs.
James WUson. of R. 4. and Miss Pranoes
PoweU, at home; one brother, R 8. Powell
and one sister, Mrs. J. S. Ratledge, both of
R. 1. and several grand^ildren
Mr. PoweU was a native of Dave County,
and'spent bis entire Ufa here. He was
one of the county's leading farmers and
had many friends cbrcugbout the county
who were saddened by news of hisdeath.
The editor of-The Record loses one of his
best Ifiends in the passing of. this good
man. Our sympatl^ goes out to the be
reaved family in this great afflictiOD.
^ft Hooper
Swift Hooper 71, st one time a citizen
of this ^ty, died suddenly at his home in
Winstofl-Saleia last Tuesday morning
Mr. Hooper was a Southern Railway rn*
^neer for more tbso-50 veais. and retired
ta 1940. At one time he pulled the tbrot*
tie 00 the femoos "Old 97." the D. S. Fast
MaU Train between WasqHigton and At
lanfa. wblcfa was said on tfSrasion to bave
run 90 miles an hour.
Funeral aervieea were held at Vogler's
FnnmralRome. Wioston«Sateni, Wednes*
day afternoon, and the body laid to rest
in Forsytb Memorial Cemetery,
hurvivors include the wife, the former
riisa Blanche CMey. of Davie county; five
SODS, three inotbers and four grandchild
ren. Mr, Hooper bad maby friends in Da<
vie who were saddened by bis death.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/27/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 29,1943- Page 3
J.G. Powell,
PasBos Saturday
J. O. Powell, BO, died Friday
algbt at his home at Calahaln.
He was a well known farmer and
son of W. H.,and Mary Robinson
Powell.^ He was a member of
Center Methodist church.
Survlvln gare Uie widow, the
former Miss Mary Dwlgglna;
three sons, W. M. Powell of
MocksvUld, Route 1, J. o. Powell
of High Point and 9. Q. Powell
of MoeksvlUe; two daughters,
Mrs. J. fi. .Wilson of Mocksvllte,
Routef 4, and Miss Frances Powell
of the home; one brother, R. 8.
Powell, of Moeksvllle, Route 1;
one atoter, Mrs. J. 9.' Ratledge,
and five grandchildren.
The funeral was held Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at Center
Methodic church. The Rev. a.
W. Fink conducted the services.
Burial was in the church grave
yard. /
Peggy Sue Boger
Services Are Held
Funeral services for Peggy Sue
Boger, seven, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Boger, Moeks
vllle, Route 2, who died Thurs
day following a long Illness, were
held at Chestnut Orove church
at .11 o'clock Saturday morning.
The pastor, the Rev. F. A.
Wrl^t, was in charse. Burial
was In the church graveyard.
Survivors Include the parents,
one brother, and one sister, ail
of the home.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 29,1943- Page 6
Luke P. Boger
Dies Saturday
Luke Paul Boger died at a
WInston-Salem hospital Satur
day morning at B.'SS o'clock after
an . Illness of three weeks. He
had bean seriously 111 since
Mr. Boger was bom September
26, 1888, In Davle county, the
son of Frank and Mary Mark-
land Boger. , He had lived In
Winston-Salem for the past 33
years, coming here from Davle
dbunty.' He' was connected- with
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco com
pany as foreman of No. 6 stem
ming department, and was well
Mr. Boger was a member of the
First Baptist church' and was
active In Sunday school work,
serving as secretary of tho adult
Survivors Include his widow,
the former Miss Mary Allen; one
brother, E. C. Boger, of Wlnston-
Salom; three nephews, Roy 0.
Fenry and J. k 'Penry, both of
Wlnston-Salem, and Harold
Boger of the U. 8. army; three
nieces, Miss Audrey Penry of
Washington, b. 0.. Miss Frieda
Boger of Wlnston-Salem, and
Miss Peggy Penry of Moeksvllle.
Funeral services were held
Sunday from the home at 4
o'clock and at 4:30 o'clock at the
First Baptist church.
Dr. Ralph Herring officiated
and interment was in Forsyth
Memorial Park.
Bio — Obituaries -10/29/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 29,1943- Page 8
RHes Held Sunday
' Lonnle K. Oham/beflaln, M,
well«kndwii funer of Honnotiyi
Route 2, died fVlday afteni^
At 4:10 o'elMk after aa lllneu
of three monthe. .
He was bom in Yadfcln eounty
February B, 1687, the eon of 0yl*
vester and Mary Wiles Ohainber«
lain and spent most of his life In
that county. For the past ten
years he bad been a resident of
fredell county.
Survivors include the widow,
the former Miss Lillian Baggerly
to whom he was married March
18,1916; two sons, Julian Cham
berlain. qf yadklnviUe, Route 1.
and Roger Chamberlain. Har
mony. Route 8; one sister. Mrs.
Calvin Qough, YadkinvlUe, Route
8: ftve brothers, M. T. and T. H.
Chamberlain. YadkinvlUe, Route
3, Merdle and Dr. Clifton Cham-
berialn, DallM, Texas, emd Dr.
Houston Chsmberlaln, of Ten
nessee; one grandcbikl.
Funeral services were coA-
duoted SundAy afternoon at 8
o*ctoek at flandy Springs Baptist
church. The body lay In state at
the ehurdi from 8 until a o'clock.
The Rev. Dallas Renegar was
officiating minister and Inter
ment was In the church grave
Bio - Obituaries -10/29/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 3,1943
Mrs. R. Don Laws
Mis. R. Don Laws. 67» wife of tbe oa
donaUjr knowo editor of The Yedow Jacket,
died at her luune Id Uoraviao Palls. N. C..
earlr last TDesday morning, foUowliig an
extended illness. Mrs. Laws is survived
b? her hushaiid. three sons aod three
dougbiers. Fooeral aod boilal services
took olace at MoravisD Falls Wednesday
afcerooon. In the death uf Mrs. Laws,
Wilkes ooanty mnoms aoe of its best aod
most beloved womeo. The editor of The
Record exteods sloeeie syinpatliy to
Editm Laws in his great afflictloa.
Mrs. Charlie Reavis
Funeral servloea for Mrs. Charlie Reavl8«
82. who died at Baptist Hospital, Winston*
Salon, on Oct. 2Sth. were at Coortney
Baptist Cbnrch last Wednesday. Mrs.
Reavis recMved her fatal bncns, when her
dotblog caught on fire from a stove in tbe
home of G. W. Miller, where she had Uved
since tbe death of her hnsband. C. B,
Reavis. in 1919. Mrs. Reavis was a daught
er of the late Mr, and Mrs. A. J. CranfiU,
of near Cotirtaey.
D. C. Spry
D« C. Spry, 77, of Bphesustdied Wednes*
day night at a Saliswify hospital
The funeral was held Friday aftorooon
at 4 o'clocfc at Liberty Methodist CbunA.
Rev. 6 W. Fink and Rev. £ M. Aveit coo*
ducted the services. Burial was In the
chttiob graveyard «
Surviving are three sons. W, T. and J.
F. Sprv of Moe^aville, Route 4. and Arthur
Spry of Ediogton, Ga.. three daoghcere.
Bus Mora Mae Smith of Cooleeinee; Mrs.
Bessie Brogden aod Mrs da Grotis, of
Mocksville, Route 4; 28 graodchildren and
eight great-grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/3/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 5,1943- Page 3
Di C. Spry Rites
Held Friday
D. 0. Spry, 77, of Epheaua,
died Wednesday night at a Sal
isbury hospital.
.The funeral was held Friday
afternoon at 4 o'clock at Lib
erty Methodist church. The Rev.
O. W.'Flnk and the Rev. E. M.
Avett conducted the, services.
Burial was in the church grave
yard. ..
Surviving are three sons, W.
T. and J. P. Spry, of MocksvlUe,
Route 4, and Arthur Spry of Ed-
ington, Qa.; three .daughters,
Mrs. Nora Mae Smith of Coolee-
mee, Mrs. Bessie Brogden and
Mrs. Ola Crotts of MocksvlUe,
Route 4; 28 grandchUdren and
eight great-grandchildren.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 5,1943- Page 4
Jo Anna Ratledge Jones
Davie County
Native Passes
Funeral services were held at
the home In North Wllkeaboro
Thursday for Mrs. Jo Anna Rat-
lege Jones, 88, and burial was
In Center graveyard here.
Mrs. Jones, daughter of Fhll-
man and Bailie Casey'Ratledge,
was born and reared in Davie
county* She was the wife of J.
A. Jones, proprietor of WUkes
laundry, North WUkedboro. She
died at Wllkes hospital Tuesday
Surviving are her husband,
three sons and one daughter,
Norrls Jones, Raleigh: .Buford
Jones. Wilmington; Mrs. Louella
Craven. North WUke4wro. and
OdeU Jones, Tampa, Ha. Also
surviving are five brothere and
three sisters, Oeorge Ratledge,
Woodleaf: John Ratledge. Bkln:
Pink, BUI and Dee Ratledge,
MocksvlUe: Mrs. Mae Oodby,
Harmony; Mrs, Minnie Ratleihis,
Woodleaf, and Airs, Slebecca
KOonts, MocksvUle.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/5/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 5,1943- Page 8
Mm. Virginia Wood ..
Passes ^turday
Funeral eervlees for Mre. Vlrn
ginia Wootf, 69, were held Mon
day at 9 o'clock at the Advance
Methodlat church with the Rev«
J. 0. Gentry conducting the serv
ice. interment was In the Bap
tist cemetery at Advance.
Mrs. Wood died Saturday night
at the home of her dau^ter,
Mrs. Arch Potts, at Advance. She
was the dautditer of Ephriam
and Sarah Smts Orews.
Survivors include the daugh
ter, Mrs, Arch Potts of Advance:
two brothers, James and John
Orews, of Advance, and seven
Bio - Obituaries - 11/5/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 10,1943
Andrew FoDer Baity
Aodiew FbBer Baity, 89, of ModaviUe.
R f: diod to a Wiiiitoo<Satem Itospltal oo
Utoday, Nov* fat. Fooecal a^leea wote
beld at Cottrtfioy Baptist Ohveb at 12
o>dod last Tuesday, whh Revs. Ctiailaa
Stevm and R. E. Adtooia In cbaifa. and
the body laid, to rest in thecfamndi earae*
teiy Odfce Power Cottpaay <Mvefs aet-
ed aa n^beateta.
Mr, Baity was bom In Davieoonntyand
spent mbdt orhia cUldbood in ibeeooatr.
He moyed to Conttney 87 yeaie afo,
Sofvlyom.inclade the wife; one daugh
ter, Mm leeoe Howelh one eon, H, R, BaU
ty, Wlniton-Saleoi; two bfoihm, D H,
Baity, of woelavLtle. R 2, aod Dr H, F.
Baity, of Rnoivilie. Temt
Peny Rowan Casey
FOneial eerviced f<ff Perry Rowan Caa
ey, 83, a native of Davie County, but for
more than 80 years a resident of Wins*
lon'Solem* were behl at Center Methodist
Chiudi Thesday OBomiDl of last week at
II o'clbck, and the body laid to rest in
the chwcb eemetety, Idr. Casey died in
a Winston Saieo hospital on Oet, 30th.
Among the survivois is a brother, Oscar
L Casey, of BloeksviRe,
flfes. J. A. JOMS
Mis. io Anna Ratiedge Jonee, 88» of
North irawsbom, died eofty lasi Tisimioy
morning at the WUfcea Hosintat foBewiag
a critfealilbies&of two weefcsi.
Mrs, Jones waa the wife of J, A. Jones*
prominent North Wilkeshoro dtixen. pro-
ptieior of the WIBtee Landiy.
. Mie. Jones waa a native of Oavie Coon*
a daughter of the late Mn and Mrs. J.
P* Rattodge. hot moved to Wllkee Couaty
many years ago.
Hie. Jones is sorylved by her bnsband,
three sons and oiwdaeghceisNoifis Jones,
Releigb! Btthiid Jones, Wlioiiigcim • OiM
Jonee. Tampa, Fla.t Mrs. Loaelia Craven,
North TOkmboro; five brolheta and thiee
aMmC* W.aodE.P Ratiedge, Wood*
loa^Joliii Ratiedge. Clkin; a C and W.
a Ratiedge, Mo^meiR^Mfs. M. L
Codby, flaimooy, R J; Mm. R. C. KOoncn^
MocksvlUe, iL 4» and Ml e Minnie Rat-
rnoefol servfeies were held at tito home
Thnisday at 18^98 p. ro* and burial eetvl-
eee took piare at Cimter Methodist
cemetery at 3 o'doefc. with Revs. A G.
Wangoner and 6. W. Fink offidating. To
the bereaved family, btothefs and sisters.
The Reeo^ extends dneme sympathy.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/10/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 12,1943- Page 3
Jesse Alfred McKaughan
Former Surry
Minister Passes
Funeral rervlccs for the Rev.
Jesse AlfroU McKaughan. vot-
ernn Baptist minister, who wns
prominent in the ranks of Bap
tist ministers of northwest Nortli
Carolina for many years, were
hold at the First Baptist church
In Wlnston-Salem Sunday after
noon. The Rev. D. H. Wllcox,
the Rev. Jomes M. Hayes, Snilth
Hagnman, I. o. Oreer and the
Rev.' A. M. Church, all close
friends of long standing, con
ducted the services. Interment
was In the family plot at Rock-
ford Baptist church In Surry
He Is survived by his widow,
the former Miss Elizabeth Show;
two daugliters, Mrs. Charles Far-
rell of Qreensboro, and Mrs. John
Nicholson of Miami. Fla.; two
.sons, Jesse A. McKaughan, Jr.,
of Fhllodolphla, Pa., and Jud-
son Van McKaughan of Ashe-
vlllo: one. sister, Mrs. T, H. Cash,
of Wlnston-Salem: six grand
children and one brother, H. D.
McKaughan, of Salisbury,
Bio - Obituaries -11/12/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 17,1943
Peter WUmhi Hairtton
FBter¥filBHiBaii8tiio.St. 78» wo of
D&vie comity's best known and molt bo-
lawcd drtttfia. dfad b&Hy Sttodsy dMnintf
nt hli OonlBOiiiee plainatioa homn, ten
milea east of BloeksviHe. duntly aftncsiif*
Iniog 0 benrtatttdu Hia death was a
sovm sboefc to hbomii? Mends in Da^
and ttHOttglumi tlw State.
Ur. Haltston was one ot tbe State's far*
gest landowBlia. with eatsnslvo iflanta-
tioaa in Dovi^ Davidion and Stoheaooon*
ties in Koctb CaioHna* and In Viigbite*
Mi; Balmoo was a nativo of Vliginla*
sonof tbe late Ma|dr and Bin. Peter W*
Halfitoo. For nuiny yeais bo bad main*
tliin,sneted by ^ iitber in MfSlvi]
War dayot otie of tbe finest bomes In this
aeedon and ftefiiiently an objaot of gaiden
Ut Hainton wascbalfinanof the Ba-
vie Ooonty boaid of edneatifMi for many
yean and was aotlra in pnbSo aflbinii
Snffvlfing are tbe widowt Mia. Pmer
Haifitoo: two sons, Lt. Peter W« Haliaiont
staibM at Gamp Sood. Twas. and Lt
Nelson GL Batietoa. with Amoleaa armed
foroea in AneiiaBa, and one Meter, Misa
Rtttb W. BaiiWm, of Gooleeniea niania
Fmieiat airangementa arera iooomplete
wbw tbe BeoGid went to piea..
James W« (PNeal
Jamei W. (PNeal, 88, died Satrnday
momlflg attbebomeoCa daagbtei; asn;
Jobn moken, lioekaytne. Rttate 1*
Sonriving are two acne, John (PNeai,
of UoeksyUbii 1L.2; and Dm OtfeaL of
ntiBboro; one dawktm. Mia. John Bnek
en of Mbckaviila. Route L
The fiamral was held Hondayat II
o'dock 'at Cheatmit Giove Methodist
Chttioh. Rev, James H. Groee cntdncted
thoeerviooa. fibrialfoilowBdinChaeliBiQfa
Bio - Obituaries -11/17/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 19,1943- Page 3
Lou Jane Eaton
Peter Wilson Halrston, Sr., 12,
widely and prominently known
In the upper Piedmont seetion,
died early lost Saturday at his
plantation home near Fork
sliortly after sufferlnK a heart
Squire Halrston, as he was
familiarly known, was one of the
state's largest landholders, with
extensive plantations In Davle,!
Davidson and Stokes oquntles ln|
North Carolina ond In Patrick
county. Virginia.
He was born at Oak Hill plan
tatlon ln Virginia, February 11.
1871, son of the late MaJ. Peter
.W. Halrston and Fannle Cold*
well Halrston, his mother being
a member of .a prominent Rowan
county family. For many years
he had maintained his residence
at the plantation, erected by his
father In pre-OlvU war days, one
of hla finer old homes in this
section and frequently an object
of garden club tours.
Mr. Halrston sorvod for yoara
on the board of education of
Davle county and had otherwise
been active In public offalrs for
many years.
Surviving are the widow. Mrs.
Elmer Halrston: two sons, Lieut.
Peter W. Halrston, Jr.. stationed
at Camp Hood, Texas, and Lieut,
kelson 0. Halrston, with Ameri
can armed forces In Australia,
and one sister. Miss Ruth W.
Halrston. of coolesmee planta
The funeral was held Wednes
day afternoon at -Ascension
church at Fork. Interment was
in the church cemetery.
^8. Lou Jane Eaton, 70, well
known Davle county woman, died
last Tuesday morning at the
home of a daughter, Mrs. R. N.
Rummage, on Route a. Her hus
band, the late Thomas L. Eaton,
^led Q/bout nine years ago.
Ijl'^IIivee eons and two daughters
iurvlye: Wade Eaton of Route 8,
Hdbert and Carl Baton of Coolee-
mee, Mrs. A. W. Pereboo and
Mrs. R. N. Rummage, both of
Route 2. Three brothers and
one sister also survive: Sam
and Boone Stonestreet of Mocks-
vllle, Walter Stonestreet of WJn-
aton-Salem ahd Mrs. W. 8. Col-
lotto of Oana. Blovon grand-
ohildren and one great-grond-
chlld likewise'survive.
The funeral was held Wednes
day morning at 11 o'clock at
Ohoatnut Qrove Methodist
church, conducted by the Rev.
James H. Ciroce and the Rev. E.
W. Turner. Interment was In
the church cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 19, 1943- Page 7
James W. O'Neal
Passes Saturday
James W. O'Neal, 85, died Sat
urday morning at the home of
a daughter, Mrs. John Bracken,
Mocksvllle, Route 1.
Surviving are two sons, John
O'Neal of Mocksvllle, Route 2,
and Dan O'Neal of Plttsboro: one
daughter, Mrs. John Bracken, of
Mocksvllle. Route 1: 23 grand
children and 21 great-grand
The funeral was held Monday
ot 11 o'clock at Chestnut Orove
Methodist church. The Rev.
James H. Groce conducted the
services. Burial was In the
church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/19/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 24,1943
William T. Daywalt
Davk Boy Killed In
Action In Italy
Mr. and Mrs-Jamea Daywalt. of R. .4.j
Calahalo township, received a celedram
from the War Department Thnraday, ad'
visin({ Itiem that their son Pfc. William
T. Daywalt. 21. was killed in actioo in
Italy on Oct. 27cb. William entered the
U. S Army on Nov. IB. 1942. This news
was a severe shock lo the parents* brother
and slater, and The Reeord extends beait-
feh sympathy to them lo the death of
this SOD and brother in a far-off land He
tfave, bis life that freedom should not per
Ish from the earth- If we mistake not,
this is be fifth Uavie boy who baa made
the aupreme sacrifice in the fffeseot war.
C. H. Byerly
G. H. Byerly, 72. textile worker, died Sat
urday afternoon at bisbomeioCooieemee.
He is survived by bis wife sod the fol
lowinit children: Mrs. A. L. Smith and
Mrs. Gua Mutley, of Mocksviiie; J. 6 Byer
ly. of Kaonapolis: R N Byerly, of Ellxa-
foeth, N. J; Jack H. Byerly of Kansas
City, Mo., Pvt. Clyde C. Byerly, of the U. h-
Army serving overaeas: Mies Mary Byerly*
Mrs. O. L. Wyricb, Mrs. A. W. I^yvaolt.
and J H. Byerly. all of Cooleemee; one
brother. W- A Byerly, of Mocksviiie, R. . 4.
Funeral services were held atCooleeoiee
Methodist church yesterday afternboa.
with bis pastor. Rev. F. J. Stough In charge
and the t^y laid torest'io Byetl 'a ^apel
Miss Dorothy %elton
Miss Dorothv Shdtnn. 39, died Friday
night at the home of her mother. Mrs, H-
L. She'ton. near Pino.
Surving ate the mother; six brothers.
Dr. L. V. Shelton Tufsa, Okla.. W. A .
L. S. and J C. Sbelion of Mocksviiie. R. 2,
J. D. Sheltnn. of Cano, R I, and L R.
Shelron of Winston Sni'-m, ai»d »bree sift
ers, Mrs. A D Richie ofCana, Mrs. R C
Wright of Truro. Iowa and Mrs G. A Lay
men of Mooksville, R. 2.
The funer-il was held Sundav aftfrnoon
at 2:30 o'clock at Weslev Chapel M* thodist
Church. Rev. J. W Vestal conducted the
services Burial was in the chtircb cenia
Bio - Obituaries - 11/24/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 24,1943
Last Rites For Mr.
Laat rhea for Peter W. Heiratoo. 72, who
died at bia CooIeemee ptaDtalton oil Nov.
14tb, were held at Foili Eplacopal Church
last Wednesday aftemooii at 2:30 o*€lock^
with bia pastor. Rev. C. E, 6. Robinson ot^
ficiating, and the bodv laid to rest In the
chttfob cemelefy,
Tlie large concourse of friends pieaent
for the last rites, together with the many
heaotilhl floral tributea, attested the high
esteem in which Mr. Hairston was beld.
He was a geotlemao of the old aehool^a
man of high Christiao character, whose
piaoe will be hard tofiH. To the bereaved
wife, sons and sister, Tbe Reootd eaieods
deep sympathy In ihis aad boor
Mrs. Hettie R. Clary
Mrs Hettie Rhode Clary. 28. wife of
Thomaa Frank Clary, died Mov IStb at
tbe home of b^ son, Mellon Gary, In
StatesvUle She bad been in declining
health for aevaral years.
A native of Davle County, Mis. Clary
was a daughter of the late Mr* and Mrs.
Joseph Harris. Surviving are her hoBbaod:
three sons, and, Thomas Clary of Momes*
vilie: Meltoo Clary of StatesvUle: Artlmr
Clary of WUkesboco; two sisters, Mrs Wal
ter Anderson, of Davle coonty and Mrs H,
C. Coofce of Danhury.
Foneral services were held Wednesday
day aftetooon at 2:32 o*cloek from Liberty
Pilgrim Holiness Church in Davle Coanty.
biterment was in the church oemeiery.
Mrs. Lou Jaae Eaton
Mrs Lon Jane Eaton, 70. widow of
Thomas L. Eaton, who died nine years a
go, passed away Friday at the h^e of a
daughter, lira. R* N. Rummage, Mocks*
vilte. Route 2.
Surviving are three sons, Wade Eaton,
of Mocksville. Route 2: Hubert and Carl
Eaton, of Cooteemee; two danghteis, Mrs,
A. W. Fereti^ and Mrs. Afpbie Rum
mage, of Bioeksville, Route 2; three broth
era, Sam and Doone Stonestreet of Uooks-
villa, and Walter Stonestreet, of Winston*
Satem: one sister, Mrs. W, S. Gollette, of
The flioerai was held Wednesday moni
ing at II o^clock at Chestnut Grove Hetbo
diet Church. Revs. James H. Gioce and
E. W, Turner conducted the services. Bu
rial was lo.the ohuroh cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries -11/24/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 26,1943- Page 1
William Thomas (Billy) Daywalt
Killed in Action -1
Pto. WilllBin Thomax (Billy)
DtvywnU, 31. son of Mr. nntl
Mrs. Jumes McCiUre Daywalt,
of Route was killed in notion
In Uniy on October 27, av-
cordtnK to a telefram received
by hl.s parents on November
18. Ho was Inducted Into serv
ice on November 16, 1842, and
had been overseas about aix
months. He had not ' been
home since he entered serv-.
Ice on November 16, 1942, and
had been overseas about six
months. He had not been
home since he entered serv-.
ice. The telerram from the
adjutant general stated; "The
secretary of war desires that
I tender his deep sympathy to
you In the lots of your son.
rfc. William T. Daywalt. Re
port states that he was killed
In action on Ootober 27 In
Italy... Letter follows."
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 26, 1943- Page 2
H. H. Scott, 78, Dies
At Home of Daughter ,
Henry Houston Scott, 78, died
suddenly Thursday mornluB at
the home of a daughter, Mrs.
W. C. Poindcxtor. Kaat Bend,
Route 2.
Mr. Scott was a son of Adam HootS
H. and Ann Selina Hunt Scott. Held
He was married to Miss Betty
Baker on December 17, 1896. Funci
Surviving are the widow; seven Mrs. Alice Klger of Wlnston-Sa- Hoots c
daughter, Mrs. Radford Wll- lem. Mrs. Martha Osborne of dent of
llama of En.at Bend, Route 1, Mrs. Greensboro. Mrs. Augusta Spen- Yadkln
W. E. Polndcxtcr, Mrs. P. E. ccr of Advance, and Mrs. R, E. day aft
Douglas, Mrs. J. R. Polndextor, Davis of Los Angole.?. Calif., and church
Mrs. Charlie Deiern and Mrs. 20 grandchildren. Rev. E.
Mabtie Polndexter. oil of East Funeral services were con- funeral,
Bond. Route 2, and Mrs. W. P. ducted at the home of Mrs. W. Mr. 1
Miller of Dayton, Ohio; one son. E. Polndexter, a daughter. Sun- Hamptc
j. A. Scott, of Colfax, Calif.: doy afternoon, at 3 o'clock. several
two brothers, J. L. and S, M. Burial was In the Macedonia was bh
Scott, of Pinnacle; four sisters, cemetery. Shore c
Hoots Funeral
Held Monday
Funeral services (or J. M.
Hoots of Harmony, (onner resi
dent of the BoonvUle section of
Yadkln county, were held Mon
day afternoon at Zlon Baptist
church In Xredell county. The
Rev. E. W. Turner conducted the
Mr. Hoots was a native of
HamptonvUle. Hie widow and
several children survive him. He
was the father of Mre. Allan
Shore of BoonvUle.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 26, 1943- Page 3
Miss Dorothy Shelton
Funeral Held Sunday
Miss Dorothy Shelton, 30, died
Friday night at the. home of her
mother, Mrs. H. L. Shelton, In
the Wesley Ohapel Methodist
ohurch community.
• Surviving are the mother; six
brothers, Or. L. V. Shelton of
Tulso, Oklo., W. A., L. 8. ond J.
C. Shelton of MookavUlo, Route
2, J, D. Shelton of Oana, Route
1, and Dr. L. R. Shelton of Win-
ston*Salcm, and three sisters,
Mrs. A. D. Ritchie of Oana, Mrs.
R. C. Wright of Truro, .Iowa,
and Mrs. G. A. Laymen of
Mocksvllle, Route 2.
The funeral was held Sunday
afternoon at 2:90 o'clock at Wes
ley Chapel Methodist church.
The Rev. J. W« Vestal conducted
the services. Burial was In the
church graveyard.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 26, 1943- Page 4
Jim A. Foster
Jlm A. Poster, 84; died Thurs
day morning at the homo of U.
M. Harris at Greasy Comer. Mr.
Foster was a retired merchant
and had spent most of his life
In the county.
He Is survived by one brother,
O. F. Foster, and a half-brother,
8. T. Foster, both of MooksvlUe
route 4.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/26/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 26,1943- Page 8
C. H. Byerly Dies
At His Home Sunday
0. H. Byefiy, 79, died at nu
home oh Davle street Sunday
from a heart attack. Ke was In
his usual health and his sudden
death was a shook to his family.
He was born In Davidson county
August 20. 1871. He Is survived
by his widow, the former Miss
Delia Mae Koontz. They were
married January 13,1802, and to
this union were bom 14 ohildren.
Ten are now living: Mrs. A. L.
Smith, MookavlUe, Route 4, Mrs.
o. K. Motley, Moeksvltd, Route
4, J. H. Syerly, Oooleemee.'j, B.
^erly, Ki^hnapolls,,R. N. Byerly,
Bllmboth, N. 1., MUs ifary By
erly at home, Mrs.
Oooleemee, Jaek H. Byefiy, Kan
sas City, Mo., Mrs. A. W. Day-
valt, Cooleemee, Pfc. Clyde By
erly, serving with the armed
forces overseas. Twelve grand
children and live great-grand
children also survive.
The funeral was.conducted by
his pastor, the Rev. F. J. Stough,
at the ' Cooleemee Methodist
Church Tuesday, at 4 p. m.
Burial followed in Byerly'a
Chapel cemetery.- Pallbearers
were .James Heothmon Byerly,
Harir Bpry, Brvln Wilson Ted
Daywalt, Harold Wllhelm and
Reece Thompson. Honorary pall
bearers were T. C. Pegram, C.
N. Bpry, O. C. Rambeau, R. K.
Cohen, F. A. Noil, J. E, McNeely,
W. O. Eaton, C. W. Shepherd,
M. H. Ridenhour, Ross Cornat-
Those In charge of the flow
ers were Mrs. W. M. Click, Mm.
F. A. Nail, Mrs. Bessie Etaimfr-
son, Mrs. M. H. Ridenhour, Mrs.
R. K. Cohen. Mrs. Beulah Kellsy,
Mrs. K. D. Bhockley. Miss Betty
Orronder. Miss Dot Bain. Miss
Mary Riddle. Miss Elsie Riden
hour. Mrs. Joe Oarwood. Bfrs.
Helen Walker. Miss Annie Rid
dle. Mrs. Bailey. Mrs. Ruby
Blackwood. Mrs. B. M. Fry. Miss
Margaret Wofford. Miss Mamie
Woflord. Miss Pauline Bain, Mrs.
Ethel Olbson, Miss Jannle Sum-
•on, ndtaBite iiyff ty, Vioii
wait, lifto mker, Muy 0.' dpiy,
Bunlcs WUhelm, BUsMNUi Wiy
son, ffodklo Fenoe, Mtty Bbdok*
ley, Lucille Nail and Mrs. W. O.
Bio - Obituaries -11/26/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 1,1943
William Champ
Anothmr Davie Boy Kil*
led io Italy
Mm. UUie Cbamgn, of R. 3. received a
teleHmtD Friday afternoon from the War,
DepohmeBt attnottociiifl that her son. Pvt.
Wlinm Cbamii, waa killed in action in
t Italy on Nov. StiL WUllani entered the
: atmy fast Janaafy, and has been overseas
I alnca May 2lit. Surviving is his mother.
I two sisters and one tnother. This is the
sitib ^vio boy who boa mode the sa-
preme sacriflee. The Record extends sym*
psthy to the brieaded family is the death
of Ifala eon and brotber.
M..A. Fester
M. A Footer. 34. pfomlaeot retired mer*
chant, died at 6t20 Tboraday moniteg at
the home of a son in law H. M. Harris.
MocksvlUe, Route 4.
Mr. Foster was a member of the Chris*
tian Church and active In cbureh affairs.
Survivors include one biother, F.
Foster, and one half bfotlter, S. T. Poster,
boih of Mocksville, Routed
Funeral services were conducted at 2iS0
Friday aftern on at Kphesus Qiristian
Ctiurcb, witti Rev & W. Bfc*^aiiiel and
Rev E. Bnroa officiating. lotermeiit
was in the cfautcb cemetery.
J. F* White* 64. died iSuoday morning
at bia tiome in Cslabaln townabio. So?
vivtog are the widow, tivo sons five
daigftifeis; ooe Juother, Joe White, and
doedlaie^'llfh. E. F. Totterow, both of R.
2., aid tSfin^cliildreo.
imfvices were tield Monday at-
(etqooiiatS o'eluek at Chestnut Grove
Ma^l^Ot Cttiircb. with Revs. Ralph Mc*
Ciamroch and H. W. Hutcbeos In charge,
and the tNidy fold to rest in the chtueh
ceoieteiy, .
Mrs. Rofos B. Sauford
Fuoerol services for Mrs. Rufus B San.
i ford, 61. of this eity, who passed away at
I Rowan Memorial Hoiifital, Sa'tsbury, tat"
nrday evening, following an extended III*
iness. were held Monday afternoon at 3
lo'cloek nt the First Pirraliyterian Ctiureh,
with her pastor. Rev. John A. McMairay
condttcting tlie services, and the body laid.
to rest in Joppa cemetery. |
Pallbeseers were Knos Jofanstono, R. Bl
Woodruff. J. W. Walls* L H. (Semeot. J.
K. hbevk. W. F. Dwl^ns. L* P. Caitner,
A. R. Tomilnson.
Mis Sanfoid waa one of Moeksvillo'a
l»est known and moot beloved womeo. o
oanghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. E. U
OaitMr. Her death has brought sorrow
to 8 host of friends and loved onea tlitou*
out the town and community, where she
spent a long and ineful life.
Mrs. Sanford la survived by her hna*
band, ibiee sons. Galtber Sanford. of this
cit« i Sgt Rofos Bl Sanford* Jr * now ale*
lioosd at Ft Bragg; Lient. Matsball San*
ford* who is in foieigo service; one dau^
ter, Mib. Kaosfoid Sams* who is moking
her home here while tier husband, Capt
Sams is with the fighting forces In Italy.
Three iste». Mlas Sarah Qaitber and Mrs
E, C Mcnii, of this city* and Mrs. David
Momy, of Smithfleld. togettier with two
grandchildren, also sitfvive.
Bio — Obituaries - 12/1/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 3,1943- Page 1
William McKinley Champ
Killed in Action
Pvt. William McKlnloy
Champ, Hun of Mm. Lilly F.
Champ, of Itoute 3. was killed
In oetiun In Italy on Novem
ber S, according to n telegram
his mother received on No
vember ZQ lrom,i\dJtttani Gen
eral Clio, lie' woH inducted
here on January 22, 1943, and
had been overseas for several
months. He had not been home
since he entered service. Sur
vivors Include his mother; two
sisters, Mrs. Clyde Daniels,
and Mrs. John Taylor, of
Mocksvllle: a brother, John
Henry Champ, at home.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/3/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 3,1943- Page 3
Rites Held Monday
For J. P. White
J. p. White, 64, died Sunday
morning at hla home, Moclu*
vllle, Route 2.
Surviving are the widow, the
former Mlsa Oaaie Tutterow; two
sons, Joshua Vfhlte of Mocks*
vUle, Route 2, and J. W. White
of Clemmons, Route 1; five
daughters, Mrs. R. P. Smith and
Mrs. M. M. Naylor of Oana,
Route 1, Mrs. J. H. Olec^ of
Mocksville, Route 1, Mrs. 0. W.
Naylor of Mocksville, Route 2,
and Mrs. W. D. Bailey of Wln-
aton-Salem, Route 7; one broth*
er, Joe White, of MoeksvlUe,
Route 2: one sister, Mrs. B. F.
Tutterow, of MocksviHe, Route
2, and IB grandchildren.
The funeral was hold Monday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at Chest
nut Qrove Methodist church.
The Rev. Ralph Mcclamrock
and the Rev. H. W. Hutchins
conducted the service. Burlol
was in the church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/3/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, Decembers, 1943- Pages 1 and 4
Mra. Adelaide Oalther San-
ford, 69, died at 0:45 p. m. last
Saturday at the Rowan Me
morial hospital after a week of
critical 11) there.
■Mrs. Sanford was married to!i^Rufus B. sanford April 27, 1010,
at MoeksvlUe. He survives.
Also surviving are the follow
ing children: Lash Oalther San
ford of Mockavllle, Sgt. Rufus
Brown Sanford, Jr., of the United
States army, stationed at Fort
Bragg, Lieut. Marshall Clement
Sanford, overseos with the army
medical corps, and Mrs. Hans-
ford Sams of Mocksville; three
sisters, Sarah Oalther ond Mrs.
Dorothy Oalther Morris, both
of Mocksville, and Mrs. Jane
Hayden Murray of Smlthfleld;
two grandchildren, and two
aunts, Mrs. Julia 0. Il[cltman
and Mrs. Janle Woodruff.
Her parents, E. L. Oalther and
Florence C. balther, died in re
cent months.
The funeral services were held
Monday at 3 p. m. at the First
PreAyterlan church, Mocksville,
with the pastor, the Rev. John
A. MCMurray, In charge. Burial
was at Joppa cemetery In Davie
Mrs. Sanford wos a member of
the First Presbyterian church
of Mocksville, a graduate of
Salem college, and a member of
one of the moat prominent fam
ilies In the cbunty.
Pallbearers were Knox" John-
stone, R. M. Woodruff, Jim Wall,
L. H. Clement, J, X. Sheek, W.
F. Dwigglns, L, P. Cartner and
A. R. Tomllnson.
Out of town relatives and
friends Included Mrs. S. A.
Woodruff of Taylorsvlle, Mr. and
Mrs. Hanaford Sams, Sr., of
Charleston, 8. c., Mrs. T. F.
Sanfoifd of Henderaonville, Julian
and Mlllon acotl, of Atlanta,
Ga., Miss Charlotte Smart of
, Baltimore, Md., Misses Clara and
Margaret Ipiox, Mr. and Mrs.
' Hayden Clement, Mr, and Mrs.
Donald Clement, Mr. and -Mrs.
Louis Ht Clement and Miss Elva
(Continued on page 4)
Mrs. Sanford
Kelly, all of Salisbury; B. O.
SherrlU of Charlotte, Miss Sanh
Clement of Oxford, Miss Jane
Hayden Morris of Raleigh, Bfr.
and Mrs. J. p. Murray of Hew
Bern. Mr. and Mrs. OMrge Ross,
Fred Teal and Mrs. George
Huntley, oU of Wadeaboro, Mrs.
H. F. Long, Mrs. Pegram Bryant.
Fred and Frank Doaton, all of
Statesvlllo, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
nines of Wlnston-Salem, Mrs.
Mark Brown of AahevUle.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/3/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 8,1943
PVT. WlLIiAU CHAMP, wbo was klU-
ed in action io Italy, on Nov. Sth, An
accoont ol his death appealed in oor Cast
week's Usae of Ihe Recoid*
Mrs. EDa Foster
Mrs. EUa Foster, 81, wife of R. M. Foster,
died Suoday ntorolog at the bujoe of a
son, 0 F. Foster, In Ibis city. I
burvivinU are the husband; five sons,:
O. P. Foster of MocksviUe; Jes^e R- aod;
Stacey S. Foster of Letiagcon; Albert S,t
Foster of WiDStoa>Satem and Leon Fosteri
of Wlneton^alem and Leon Foster, of
Cooleemee; two daughters, Mrs. H. L.
Brewer and Uisa Charlotte Foster of Wioa
tOD*SaletD; one sister, Mr-*, Willie Lee of
Advaitce, Route 1; 13 grandchildreD nod
one dreat-grantlchUd |
The funeral was betd ^'onday momiDd
at 11 o'clock at Farniiagtvn Baptise Cborcb- \
Revs. E. W. Turmer, Dallas Renegar aod
J. W. Vestal, cooducted ibe services. Bu <
rial wes io the Smith Grove Methodist
Church ceoetary. j
Mrs. J. Bud Hege
Mrs J. Bud Hege, 67, died Saturday
morning at ber borne. Advance, Route 1
SufvivlDg are the busbaod; four aoos.
three daughters, three brothers, fmir sister,
j Tbe funeral was held Monday afternoon
I at 3 o'clock at Fulton %iethodist Church.
; Rev, P. L. Smith conducted tbe services
1 Burial was In tbe cbnrch cemetery.
George L Robertson
i George L. Robertson, 69, died Saturday
mortilng at a Statesviite bospitaL He was
a resident of Bixby,
Surviving are the widow, the former
Miss Adelia Heodrix; four sons, five daogb-
era, one sister, and two iKrandcbildren.
Tbe funeral was held Tuesday afterooon
at 3 o'clock at Advance Methodist Cburcb.
Rev. J. G. Gentry and Rev. P^ L. Smith,
cooducted the services. Burial was In tbe
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/8/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 10,1943- Page 2
George L. Robertson
Rites Held Tuesday
Cutirf^c L. ItulicrUun, 09, lUod
Snturdny at Statcsvllio hospital.
He resided ort Bixby.
Surviving; arc the widow, the
/oi'incr Miss .Adella Hondrlx:
four Huns, Paul and Robert Rob
ertson or the home, John Rob
ertson of Duiihncll, Fla., and
Spencer R. Robertson or the U.
Ine, O'Nell and Loralnne Rob
ertson of the home, and Mrs.
Raymond Laird of -Mocksvllle,
Route 3; one sister, Mrs. A. P,
Hcndrix of Advance, and two
The funeral was hold Tues
day afternoon at 3 o'olock' at
Advance Methodist ohurdh. The
Rcv. J. o. Ocntvy and the Rev.
P. L. Qmlth conducted the serv-
S. onny; five daughters, Mrs. H.I ices. Burial was In the church
L. Shoaf of Tyi'd, Mf&sos"^^^
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 10,1943- Page 4
I Mrs. Adella Stewart Proctor,
jso, widow of William Harrison
Proctor, died Tuesday at the
home of a daughter, Mrs. 8. W.
Slmmcrson, Ellis Crossroads,
Rowan county.
Mrs. Proctor was a native of
Davle county. She had been a
member of Fork Baptist church
since childhood. She was mar
ried to (Mr. Prcotor In 1882.
Surviving are three daugh
ters, Mrs. H. J. Sheets and Mrs.
S. W. Slmmerson of Rowan
county and Mrs. 8. D. Smith of
Winston-Salcm; one son, J. O.
Proctor of Wlnston-Salcm; 22
grandchildren and seven great
The funeral was held Thurs
day morning at 11:30 o'clock at
Fork Baptist church. The Rcv.
E. W. Turner, the Rev. D. H.
Lowdor and the Rev. H. W.
Hutohlns conducted the serv
ices. Burial was In the church
Bio - Obituaries —12/10/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 10,1943- Page 7
Mrs. J. Bud Hege
Passes Saturday
■Mrs. J. Bud Hege, 67» <dled
Saturday morning at her home,
Advance, Route 1.
Surviving are the husband;
lour sons. Joe Hege of Salis
bury, J. D. Hege of the V. S.
army overseas, John and Mor
gan Hege of the U. 8. navy;
three daughters, Mrs. Boone
Foster of Mocksvllle. Route 4,
Mrs. Luther Peacock of Salis
bury, Mrs. Otis Hendrlx of
Mocksvllle, Route 3; four grand
children; three brothers, Tom
my and Noah Robertson of Ad
vance and Walter Robertson of
Wlndton-Salom, and four sisters;
Mrs. Will Shermer, Mrs. Alex
Crotts, Mrs. Bud Crotts and Mrs.
Shrerett Crotts, all of Wlnston-
The funeral was held Monday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at Fulton
Methodist church. The Rev. J.
C. Gentry and the Rev. P. L.
Smith conducted the services.
I Burial was In the church grave-
Mrs. Ella Foster
Passes Sunday
Mrs. Ella Foster. 81 died Sun
day morning nt the home of
a son, O. F, Foster, In Mocks
Mrs. Foster was born In Davie
county, a daughter of Samuel
and Ohariotto Bluino Smith. She
spent her entire life In the
Surviving are the husband.
R. M. Foster; Ave sons. 0. F.
Foster of Mocksvllle. Jesse R.
and Stacey 8. Foster of Lexing
ton, Albert S. Foster of Wln-
ston-Salem, and Leon Foster of
Ccoleomcc: two daughters. Mrs.
H. L. Brewer and Miss Char
lotte Foster of WlnstoH'Salem;
one sister, Mrs. Willie Lee of
Advance, Route 1; 13 grand
children and one great-grand
The funeral was held Mon
day morning at 11 o'clock at
Farmlngton Baptist church. The
Rev. E. W. Turner, (he Rev. Dal
las Renegar and the Rev. J. W.
Vestal conducted the services.
Burial was In the Smith Grove
Methodist church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/10/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 15,1943
William T. Daywalt
Memorial Service
A memorial service will be beld
at St, Matbews Lotfaern churcb the
4tb Sunday at 4 o^clock war time,
in memory of William T, Daywalt
who was killed In action in Italy on
Oct. eytb, 1943 Rev. Olio Swice*
Stood; of Salisbury, and his pallor,
Rev. J, D, Stooer, will beincharste
of the service.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/15/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 17,1943- Page 1
Wayne A. West
Former Davie Man
Accidentally Shot
Wayne A. West, 28, son of Mr.
and Mrs. B. H. West, of Farm-
Ington, and a well-knoWn bus
driver in Winston-Oalem, was
accidentally .kilted last Tuesday
afternoon in a pasture near his
home on Route 2, Winston-6a-
lem. Ho and his nve-yvar-old
son, Jerry Wayne, had gone
walking near his home, taking
along a shotgun "in case he'saw
a rabbit."
On the way back to the house
a cow crossed the poth and
the father poked at It with the
butt of the gun, the son said.
The gun discharged, the load
entering his cheat. The boy ran
to tell a neighbor and when they
returned West was dead.
Authorities tes^ the gun and
found that one of the two bar
rels flred easily under similar
' West had lived in Winston for
nine years. A graduate of
Mooksville High school, ho Is
survived by his parents'; widow
and son; two brothers, Wilbur.
In the navy and Lawrence, of
Advance, Route 1: two sisters,
Mrs. John Ray Wall,and Miss
Ruth West, Advance, Route l;l
iimtontal grandiiiotlivr, Mrs.! iLuUtnr Dixon, Atlvuncc, Routo 1.1
William T. (Billie) Dayyault
Memorial services for Wlillam
T. (Blllle) Doyvault will be held
Sunday, December 26, at 3 p. m.,
EST,' at St. Matthews Lutheran
church. The Rev. Olln Bwlce-
good of Salisbury and the Rev.
J. D. Stoner, pastor,.will conduct
the service. Private DayvauU,
son of Mr. and Mrs. James M.
DayvauU, of MookavlUe, Route
4, was killed in action in Italy
on Oictober 27.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/17/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 22,1943
Miss Tatty Lyon
Bliss Tatty Lyon. 50« of Advaoco. dit
Satoiday momlog in a liospital at Morgai
toirviWs Iqdttda two aiatm Bin. L.
Marliland and Mis. Ndsa Robaftaon,
of Advaoce.
. Funeral aervlces was liald Bfooday aft
noon ot 9 6*oliicli at £tt>avitte Metbodj
Ctmrch with Rev. J. C. Gentry oflBciatii
Burial followed in the cbureb cemeteryJ
Former Davie Blan Kifl-
ed While HuoHog
Wa3me A. West, 28, son of Bfr.
and Mrs. B. H. West, 28, son of
Mr. and Mrs. B H. West, of Ad
Vance, R. I, who. is a bos driver
and lived near Wioston.Siilem, was
killed last Titesday afierooon while
out huqtinir witb Ills little 5-vear«
old son. The gun aceidently dis*
charged, the load entering West's
chest and causing insiaot death
Mr. West' was a graduate of
Moclcsville high school, but- bad
lived in a near Wioston Salcm for
the past oioe years. He bad been
enptoyed for the oast five \ears bv
the Atlantic Greyhound lines. He
is survived hv bis widow, one son;
the parents, of' Fanhington town
shin; two bro hers and two sisters,
sisters. Mt. West was a member
oF South Pork Baptist church He
has many friends in Davie county
who were saddened by bis death.
Bio - Obituaries — 12/22/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 24,1943- Page 1
Judith Carol Myers
Oravealde servieea were held
Monday afternoon at the Ad
vance Baptist church by the
Rev. J. G. Gentry for Judith
Carol Myers, Infant daughter of
Mr. and Mr& B. o. Myers, who
died Monday morning at the
Harding oUnle.
Miss Patty Lyon
Rites Held Monday
AttM Fatty tWi 00, of Oavte
county, died Oaturday momlBg
hi a iMMisttal It Morganton.
eanlvort inolude two ilatera,
Mrs. -L. O. MariOand and Mrs.
Nora nbhertson. both of Ad
Funeral aervleea were held
Monday aftenioon at a o'oloek
at EluavlUe Methodist ohiirch,
with the Rev. J. O.^entry ot-
fl^at^. Burial foltowed- ln*! the
cburob graveyard. •' .
Bio - Obituaries - 12/24/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY