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MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 8,1943 - Page 4
Laird Funeral
Is Held Dec. 27
.Ftincral services were held
cember 27 for Oscar Lee Lairdl
08, who died at his home on
Route 3. December 26. ServloeB
were held at Dulin's Methodist
church and Internment was In
the Cornntzer Methodist cc»iie->
Survivors Include the widow,
one daughter. Miss Lois Laird, at
home, four sons, WUUe and
Qeorge on Route 3 and Raymond
and BUedge at home.
Brown Rites
Held Dec. 29
James D. Brown, 49, died De
cember 27 at his home on Tad-
klnvUle, Route 3, and wm burled
December 30 dt Turner's Creek
church. The Rev. James Qroce
had charge of the service.
Mr. Brown Is survived Iqr his
widow, five daughters, Mrs. F.
Alford, at home, Idrs. 0. Uuni
Randleman, Mrs. N. L. OeB^
High Point, Mrs. Rufus Quldt.
JonesvlUe, Miss Lois, at home:
two brothers. RoMoe and Men*
roe of Wlnston-salem; one half-
brother, Cobel Nix, of High
^Int; three sisters, Mrs. JMm
Qroce of Cycle, Mrs. Joyce
Groce and'Mrs. Ida Oroce, both
of YadklnvUle, Route 3. i
Margaret Spry
Died in Hospital
Miss Margaret A. Spry, 79, of
Oooleemee, passed away Decem
ber 22 at Lowery hospital in
Ballsbury where she had been a
patient for three days.
Funeral services were held at
Liberty Methodist churoh De
cember 24 by the Rev. O. W.
Survivors Include two sisters,
Mrs. 0. J. Stewart of Oooleemee,
Mrs. Lock Ratney of Salisbury;
one brother. Noah Spry of Row
an county.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/8/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 8,1943 - Page 6
^John H. Dobbins, 70, promi
nent Yadkiti merchant, died at
his home in YadklnvlUe Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock. He suf
fered a heart attack, and was
lU only about an hour.
Mr. D(jbbins, founder and
inunoger of J. H. Dobbins and
Sons store, was widely known
throughout this section and had
a prominent part In bustnesa ac
tivities. He had made his home
la y^lnvlUe for 35 years, or
ganising the YadklnvlUe Buggy
and Undertaking estabUshment
shortly alter be moved to Yad
Later he sold this business to
enter' the general merchandise
Held, subsequently becoming a
partner In the firm of Holeomb
and Dobbins. Later he founded
J. H. Dobbins and Sons and re
mained active in the business
until his death.
Mr. Dobbins was bom near
YadMnville on October 7, 1872,
a son of Jesse and Sarah Mackle
Dobbins. Zn boyhood he became
a member of Deep Creek Friends
church, later transferring his
membership to Harmony Orove
Friends church. He was married
to Miss Hosa Belle Caudle 51
years ago
Survivors Include the widow;
three sons, 0. N. Dobbins of Yad
klnvlUe, Wesley Dobbins of
BomivlUe and Henry Dobbins of
New River; five daughters, Mrs.
T. R. Eaton of YadklnvlUe, Mrs,
A. M. Shore of New York, Mrs.
R. 8. Shore of Union Orove, Mrs.
Howard Speer of YadklnvlUe,
Route 1, and Mrs. James H.
Wallace of Elgin Field, Pla.;
one brother. Wiley Dobbins of
White Plains; three sisters, Mrs.
Parmella Long and Mrs. Mary
Jane Bryant, both of Yadkln
vlUe, Route 1, and Mrs. Laura
Huff of Winston-Saiem, Route
3: 25 grandchildren and two
Funeral services were held at
Harmony Orove Friends rhurch
at 3 o'clock Tuesday.
The body lay in state from 2
to 3 o'clock at the church. The
Rev. O. W. Edgerton, the Rev.
W. J. Hunoycutt and the Rev.
Norman Osborno were In oharge.
Burial was in the family mauso
leum in the church graveyard.
Pallbearers wore N. L. Huds-
peth. Walter Zachary, E. H. Bar
nard, A. E. Hall, L. R. Klger, B.
M. Wishom, Car) Shore and J. E.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 8,1943 - Page 8
Mrs. McClannon
Died Wednesday
Mrs. Clementine ' McClannon,
77, died at her home on Watts
street In Cooleeroee early Wed
nesday morning after a long Ill
ness. She was tlie widow of J.
W. MoOIannon.
She is survived by the foUow-
Ing children: J. D. McOannon
of Pino, Mrs. Roy Furr of Kon-
napolls, Mrs. Pearl Oales, Mrs.
Paul Bllonburg, and W. 8. Mo
OIannon. all of Gooleemee. and
several grandehlldren.
Funeral services wlU be held
Friday at 3 p. m. at Wesley
Chapel by the Rev. D. H. Dulln.
assisted by the Rev. J. W. Foster
of Mt. Airy.
Mrs. Dwayne Brown
Funeral Held for
Victim of Fire
Funeral for Mrs. Dwayne
Brown, 23, who died Friday
morning In Hugh Chatham Me
morial hospital, was held Sun
day afternoon at 3 o'clock at
Swalm's Baptist church. Minis
ters In eborge were the Rev. E.
0. Thomas, the Rev. R. L. Speer
and the Rev. Cleat Simmons,
Mrs. Brown suffered fatal
burns early Thursday morning
wHUq Irylng to kindle a fire in
a heater at her home at Rena,
six miles south of Elkln.
Using, gnsollno—by---mistake,
thinking it was kerosene, Mrs.
Brown was enveloped in flames
and her body was badly burned.]
Two sisters also suffered pain
ful burns wHUe trying to
smother the flames thai for a
thne threatened the home. Mrs.
Brown's husband, who was asleep
when the Are started, awoke and
succeeded in ektlngulshlng the
Mrs. Brown, who before mar
riage was Miss Janle Ohappell,
was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James ChappbU of Cycle, Sur
viving her in addUton to her
pa^ts and husband are a
daughter, Frances Janle; three
brothers, Weldon, Everett and
Lonnle Chappell, and five sis
ters, Misses Ada Pearl, Freda,
Betty and Margaret Ohappell.
She was a member of Bern's
Baptist churcht
Bio - Obituaries - 1/8/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January' 13,1943
Hn., J. W. McdaBMn
tlw>J.W.IIeaiaiioo,7y.^.t< Iwf
frr** la CbolMKe Mif WednisdayDl^tfig aftag m Ifla^ iHnim
no?ianrlnJ7tli0^Mlo»M ctgd*
mk X a llcaannOT. of Pto 1^ to
Fter of Kaooapi^ Hia. Fatd OalMb Mn.
FMl BKonbcwi. Mi W« 8. McQiaBMi afl
feewl wrtteea Mia tgft iWar.at »
Bh al Woilay Oba^ lloitnilal dndi
Bov P.H,Ha1hi.aitf«tiii hf Bar. X
W.rottBToriit Aby.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/13/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 20,1943
Mrs, C D. Crouch
Bin. CL D. Qtoudi. 87. died Jan. lltb. at
the borne of her datuibter, Mia. Fred 810.
StateavOle. foltowioo an extended Ulnesa.
Faneial eervifiea wen bald at tbe booM
on Wedoeaday aftonooo at 4 o'cfoek. and
the body waalald to rest laOakwood ceme
tery, StateavlOe.
BIr. CtoQob Is sanrived by ber hasband.
tbiee eons. Clay Ghmeb, ot Georgia, Rlob
liid CrcRidi. of near Co^ Sorttig^ A. Gl.
Croacb, and one doogbter. fiilrs. ried Sills.
Bin. Grotiob was a native of Davlecoan*
ty. adaugbterofcbe late Mr and Mrs.
WUIIam T. Stfond, of near Cuanty Line.
Sba was an aoot of tbe editor of The Re*
cord. A AMd woflien baa been called to
ber rewaid. To the beteaved family The
Record extends sympathy in the death of
this aged wife and mother.
Wflbun Bowks
WUboin Eknmett Bowles^ 80. died Satur
day at bis home In Rowan County after a
Blr. Bowies was a native of Virginia, but
spent most of bis life In Davte County,
where be was a iwooilneot faimer. For
tbe past three years be bad made bis
borne in Scotcb-bfsb township. Rowan
Mr Bowles* first maixiage was to fiUis
Salbe Elizabeth Boger^ of Davie Coaoty,
and of this union seven ehltdran survive,
Mrs Effie CassUy, Mn. Viola Torrentins,
A'beit Bowles, of Mocfcsvllle H. R, Bowka.
Pageland.'^S. Cn Paul Bowles In U. S. Arosy
Ft, Jacli*mi, and Jasper end darence
Bowles, of Mocksville. Mr. Bowles* se
cond makiage was to Mra RoaaSain, who
Fhneral services were tield Sunday after
noon at 4 o*clo<A from Uni<m Qiapel
Methodist dturch, and interment was in
tbe cfanich cemetery. He was a good
fatber and basband and leaves many
tiiendBwho will beaaddmied by his death.
Bio - Obituaries — 1/20/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 22,1943 - Page 2
William A« Graves
Dies at Lone Hickory
WUlUun A. Graves, 62,. died
Saturday afternoon at hla home
at Loiie Hickory. He had been
in ill heaith for some time and
his condition had been serious
since last Sunauy.
Mr. Graves was born in Yad>
kin county. October 0, 1680, a
son of J. A. and Bettle Ann
Woolen Graves, He spent most
of his life In Yadkln county. His
boyhood was spent in Indiana,
and Rockingham county. He
was a member of Liberty Bap-
tlat church. Davle county.
Mr. Graves was married twice.
His flrst wife, Molly Wilkins,
died April 12, 1920. Hla second
wife was the former Bessie
Surviving are the widow:
three daughters, Mrs. A. M.
Reavis of Yadklnvllle, Route 8,
Mrs. J. F. Nichols of Wilkeaboro,
and Mrs. Willis May of Wlnston-
Salem; his stepmotberi ' Mrs.
Margaret Graves of Boonville,
Route 2, and nine grandchil
The funeral was held Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock at South
Oak Ridge Baptist church. The
Rev. fi. K. Woolen and the Rev.
M. F. Reavis conducted the
services. Burial was made in
the church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/22/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 22,1943 - Page 3
Wllburn Emmett Bowles, well
known resident of the Need-
more section Scotch Irish town
ship Rowan county, died at 3
o'clock Saturday morning after
an Illness of two years. He had
been confined to bed' the past
Mr. Bowles was born In Vlr
glnla on September 19, iBOa, the
son of John B. and Margaret
Btonestreet Bowles. In childhood
he came to Davle county, where
he resided until three years ago
when he removed to Rowan.
He was known as one of the
moat progressive farmers of
Davle county.
Mr. Bowies was twice married.
His first morrlage was to Miss
Sallie Elizabeth Boger, of Davle
county. Of the 10 children of
this union, seven survive their
father, They are Mrs. Effle Gas-
sidy, Mrs. Viola Turrentlne, Al
bert Bowles, all of Mccksvllle; H.
R. Bowles, Pageland, 8. C.; Paul
Bowles, of the United States
army. Fort Jackson, 8. C.; and
Jasper and Clarence Bowles of
MocksvUIe. There are 23 grand
children and six great grand
children. Mr. Bowles ^cond mar
riage was to Mrs. Rosa Soln who
survives. Surviving also ore the
following stepchildren, Mrs. W.
J. McDanlel, Mrs.'-0. A. Snyder,
and Carl Sain, all of the Wood-
leaf community: Mrs. J. A. Hall
of Kannapolts; and Miss Ivey
Sain of the home.
Mr. Bowles had been a member
of Union Ohapel Methodist
church In Davle county for many
years. Funeral services and In
terment were held there last
Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The rites were conducted by
Rev. W. C. Cooper, Rev. O. W.
Fink and Rev. F. A. Wright.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/22/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 22,1943 - Page 6
Mrs. Kate Brown
Dies in Hospital
Mra. Kate Brown, 4B, or
BoonvlUe,- Route 1. died Sunday
morning In Hugh Chatham Me>
mortal hoapital following a orltu
cal lllneaa of pneumonia and
heart compUcatlona. Her hua-
band, Santford S. Brown, died
about two years ago.
Mra. Brown waa bom In Gurry
county, April 20; 1694, a daugh
ter, of Dick and Jane White
Bray. She spent most of her
life In Yadkln county.
Surviving are three daugh
ters, Mra. Mary Brodta, Mlsaes
Martha and Daisy Brown, all of
BoonvlUe, Route 1*, five aona,
{George, Hugh, daude, Jacob
and Edward Brown, aU of Boon-
,vlUe, Route 1; two slaters. Mrs.
{Bob Evans of JonesvUle, and
{Mrs. Marvin Brown of Elkln;
jone brother, James Bray of
YadklnvUle and two half-broth
ers, W. Hayne and John L. Brown
of JonesvUle.
The funeral was held Tues
day afternoon at 3 o'clock at
Mitchell Chapel Met hod Is^
church. M
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 22,1943 - Page 7
S. L Russell
Funeral services for Dr. 8. L.
Ruaaoll, pioneer physician, wore
concluded from North Deep
C.'rcck Friend's church Monday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Rev.
Percy Key and the Rev. Charles
U. Hutchons were In charge.
Burial was made in the church
Graveyard with Masonic rites.
Dr. Russell died Sunday morn
Ing at the home of his dough
tcr, Mrs. Guy Hoots, East Bend,
Kouto 3. He had been In de
clining health for some time but
his condition was not critical
until four days ago. He was 84
years of age.
Born in Yadkln county June
21,1838, Dr. Russell was a son of
Green and Nancy Splllman Rus
sell. He spent his entire life In
Yadkln county and was a prac
ticing physician for over 50
years, retiring four years ago
when his health failed.
Bio - Obituaries - I/22/I943
Dr. Russell was educated at
the old Center Academy and
was graduated from the Nosh-
vlUe School of Science, Nash
ville. Tenn.. an(^ John Hopkins
university at Baltimore, Md.
He was married to -Miss Min
nie Vestal, who died In 1901. He
was a member of Yadkln lodge
102, A. F. and A. M.
Surviving are one daughter,
Mrs. Guy Hoots of East Bend,
Route 2; one son, C. Russell of
VodklnviUe, Route 2, and four
Mrs. Matthews
Funeral Today
Mrs. Eliza Jane Matthews,
wife of Frank B. Matthews, died
at her home Monday night at
7 o'clock.
Survivors include the hus
band: four sons, Baxter, Virgil
and Vermnl Matthews, all of
East Bend: WUIlam Matthews
of Iceland, and three daughters,
Mrs. Rosa Crlssman, Slloam,
Mrs. Buslc Wooton, East Bend,
Route 2, and Mrs. Vena Brown
of YadklnvUle.
Funeral services will be con
ducted Wednesday afternoon at
3 o'clock at Prospect Method
ist church.
The Rev. O. A. Hovls, the Rev.
Ellis Norman and the Rev. W.
T. Crlssman will be oiTlclatlng
ministers and burial will follow
In the church graveyard.
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 27,1943
Thomas W. Rid
A message was received Bfcnday
moroiogby Mrs. H: T. Breoegar,
amiooneiiig the destfa of her brotb*
er, Tboroaa W. Rich, bdoved dtiam
of this city, who paseed away at a
.Miami, Fia.. hospital at one o'ciock
Monday morning. Mr. Rich went to
Miami tbeftrst of December to spend
the winter. He was striokoi with
imoamtmia about ten days ago. Tbo
newaofhia death broucdit sadness
to hnndreds of friends tbroaghmit
the town and coanty.
Fhneral aerviees will be h^ at
the home this morning at 11 o'dod,
withReva. E. W. Tamer, W. G.
Cooper and A. L. Aycoefc officMtiag:
fnterment will be in Rose eemeterp^,
Mr, Rich was in hb 86th year.
I Snrsiving are one sister. Mibl H. T,
I Brenegar, of thfa dty, three nfeeea
'and foor nepbewa.
Sir. Rich was a native , of Davie
county, bat lived for many years fa
Philadelphia. He fetomed to
city about 18 years ago. and has
made 'many frienda sinee coming
here. In bio death the editor of The
Record loses a long time frimid. He
visited cor office frMueotly. and it
was a ideasare to talk ovor old times
withhuD, WesnaH miss bis mr-Srgrertingsiiid warm hand dam.
e waa a gSntlemaB of the md
aebool. To t»a bereaved eist^* and
f^tivee, we extmid oar beartfdt
ss^padiy in the death of this bddv*
cddtlneo. He waaafrimidtomaii.
Mrs. Joe Mnrdo^
Mn. Joe Mttfdoct. 89, died eudddeoly
Tocsday oisht at her borne at flaimony.
foUondntf a beatt attach.
Mrs. llaidocfc«tbe former MleaMaigatet
McLenden, was Ixno loMecklenbotgCeao*
ty. Sbe taogbt scliool to the Hanseay
Sehool for a ottmber of yean and waa
postmlstieaa at Hannonv tor eome time.
She waa actively identified wHb the work
of the Harmony Baptist C%nreh. Herfirst
mairiafiewaa to ^ Gaaton I^bdson.
Her last manriage was to Joe Mnidock.
wbo died three years ago.
Ftmeral services were hdd Thursday
mofolag at 11 o*elodt hem Harmony Bap>
Bio — Obituaries - 1/27/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 29,1943 - Page 1
Thomas W. Rich Passes
At 85 In Miami Bead)
Thomas W. Rich, 85, one of
Dlvle county's best known sons,
died last Monday morning al 1
a. ,m. at Miami Beach, Fla.,
where he was spending the wln-
AUr, He hud been IH a week with
_ bronchial pneumonia.
The funeral was held at the
home of the sole immodlate
survivor, Mrs. H. T. Brcnogar.
of Mooksvllle, at 11 o'clock
Wednesday morning. Final rites
. were conducted by the pastors
of throe local chtirches: the
Rev. W. C. Cooper, the Rev. E.
W. Turner, and the Rev. A. L.
Aycock. Interment was In
family plot in Rose cemetery
Active pallbearers were D. 0.
Orubba, 0. R. Horn, Q. N. Word,
P. J. Johnson, E. E. Hunt and
B. Y. Boyles. Honorary pallbear
ers Included members of the
local American Legion post and
members of the town board,
both present end former,
Mr. Rich was' bom in Davle
county November 17, 1857, the
second child of the late Calvin
U. Rich and Betty Williams
Rich. His wife, the former Mrs.
^ Emily Hanes^ of Wilmington,
W Del, died 20 yeors ogo.
Mr. Rich attended private
school under Prof. Richard Ster
ling, old Trinity college in Ran
dolph county In 1874-75, and
finished his training at the Uni
versity of North Carolina. The
following four years he taught
school In Scotland county near
Laurlnburg, then came to Cnl-
lahan township, Davle county,
and taught two years. At the age
of 26 he attended Eaton and
Burnette's Business college in
Baltlmoro, Md., graduating In
1883. From there he wont to Wil
mington, Del,, and was with the
Pennsylvania railroad for 33
years doing clerical work.
On Juno 20, 1067, hU wedding
day, he resigned his position
with the railroad and went to
Phllodelphiai where he ciUered
the leul estate business, remain
ing there until the death of his
wife In 1024, when ho retired and
returned io Mocksville.
Since most of that time Mr.
Rich spent the winters In Flor
ida to sofoguard his health,
coming home In the spring to
his residence here on North
Main street.
In addition to the substantial
competence he acquired, par
ticularly In Philadelphia real
estate, before he retired, Mr.
Rich Inherited a considerable
amount from his brother, the
late Edwin Dee Rich, who wos
treasurer of the R. J. Reynolds
Tobacco Co.
Mr. Rich donated 45 acres In
North Mooksvllle to the city as
a public park which bears his
name, after he had Improved
and beautified the surround
ings. In 1640 he also donated to
the Davle post of the American
Legion an acre and a half in the
park as a site lor a legion hut.
Each year before ha went to
Florida he moiled u cheek to oil
of the local churches, both white
and colored.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/29/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 29,1943 - Page 5
Mrs. Wishon
Dies At Cana
Mrs. Max Wishon. 34. died
Wednesday at her home. Cana.
RFD 1.
The funeral was held Friday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at Mount
Olive Methodist church. Yadkln
Rev. James Qroee and Rev. J.
W. Vestal oondttoted the services.
Burial was In the church grave
Surviving are the husband;
her father, W. L. Xeaton of Yad-
klncounty; two sisters, Mrs. wni
Oroce of Cana, RFD 1. and.MiSB
Frances Keaton of the homo and
seven brothers, Earl, John, June,
Noah. Carl and Fletcher Keaton
of Camp campbeU. Ky.
Bio - Obituaries -1/29/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 3,1943
Maiy Lowot
Mn. Mary Teooyaoa KitikweB Lowecy,
90, motberiif Dr. J. RLowaiy, who oo«r>
ates the Lowety Httpital. SalWHtiy, died
at the hospital at 12^45 a. i]i..8aQday She
had resided io the hospital for 10 yeaie
aod btt ihial tthiesa had lastcd over a pe
riod of seveial oiootha
Mf8*Lowery wasthedaaghterofKohett
and Emlff Blaehirell of Da^ooonty, aod
was the wfderrof IXL.Loweiy. piocBliitai
Davle QOOQty fatioef aod merebant.
She was bom io Davie eoooty aod at
tended aobool io Hochsviile and later at
Leno^. She made her hone io Doele for
her eotire Ufa ODtU she weot to Lowery
BOtpltallO yean ado.
lua. Lowecy waa a nember Saleoi
Methodist Chotob. where fooeial McvioM
were cmdnoted Mooday aftenoon at 9:30
o*d^ by her pastor; Rev. G* W. Pink as
aiisted by Rev. Weher Miller, pastor of
FifBl Methodist Chtneh, Saltibsry. aod the
b^y laid to rest Io the choiob oenetery.
Surviving are two soot. Dr. J« R. Dnrery,
SallslNiiy. aod R. T. Dmeiy, oetf Granty
Uoei <Hte daoghttf, Mrs. W. M. Beard, of
V^stoo Satan, aod a number of gnod-
Mrs. Alice Maylock
tiaimooy.—Mm. Altee Crits Blayloek.
75, died here at the botoe of a afster.Mia.
C A. Deadmao, Friday morotog at 9
o*etoek from a heart atlMk.
Mra. Blayloek was boto in Davle Cmo-
ty Id 1897. tba daogbterofiba late Hainan'
add IttMebeth Grits. Shallvail Io Davie
Vfltll 1909 when the was married to the
laieWiofietdG fdayloek. Soviviog ate
one deleter; Mta lily Rath Blayloek; two
siitefe, DeaimeD of Harmony and
Mfiu Uly Lambert of Baketavllle.
Fhnetal aervica were betd Sunday mom-
leg momMg at II o*oledt at New Hope
Baptist Ghureh el wbieh she was a mam
bef. OIBelariog was Rav. W. L. McSwain.
Rev L G Biadley* Jr; Rev. F. A. Bamea.
pastor of the Harmoay Presbyterian
Ghorcb, and Rev. R. V. Martin, pastor of
the Harmony Hetbodlet Chareh. Burial
waa io tba Now Hope Qtoidi eemeteiv. i
Bio - Obituaries - 2/3/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 5,1943 - Page 1
James F. Latham
James F. Latham. 72, passed
away at his home Sunday In
Albany. Qa. Funeral services
were held Monday. Mr. Latham
was the son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. James M. Latham of Davie
county. He left here about 28
years ago for his home In Qeor-
gio. Survivors Include his widow,
one daughter, two oona ond four
brothers. John M. and T. F. of
Mocksvllle. Route 2. W. C. of
Onna and Sam R. of Mocksvllle
Joseph Aaron Williams
Funeral service were held
Tuesday for Joseph Aaron Wil
liams, 27 days old infant of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph A. WUUams.
of Mocksvllle. Route 1. The Rev.
A. L. Campbell conducted the
service at the Baptist church In
■Iiandis. The child died Sunday
night at Davis hospital in
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 5,1943 - Page 2
Betty Reynolds Cook
Former Yadldii
Woman Passes
Funeral services for Mrs. Betty
Reynolds Cook, 63. of Roberts
street. Wlnston-Salem. Route 3.
were held Sunday afternoon at
the home of a daughter, Mrs.
C. R. Myers, 494 East Devon-
shire street. The Rev. Ed Rob
erts and Bishop John Oranflll
officiated and Interment was
made In Woodland comotory.
Mrs. Cook, wife of 1. T. Cook,
died at her home Saturday
morning after a three-week Ill
ness. She was a native of Yad*
kin county and spent most of
her life here before going to
Wlnston-Salem 28 years ago. She
was an active member of Beth
lehem Church of the Living
She was married to Mr. Cook
48 years ago.
Survivors Include the husband;
two sons, D. R. Cook of Raleigh
and J. F. Cook of Wlnston-Sa
lem; five daughters. Mrs. B. R.
Elliott of Julian and Mrs. A. O.
Gordon. Mrs. C. R. Myers, Mrs.
J. O. Williams and Mrs. H. H.
MoreAeld of Wlnston-Salem; 19
grattdohlldren: five brothers,
Joe, Bili and Robert Reynolds,
all of Yadkln county; Alonzo
Reynolds of Mocksvllle and May-
Ian Reynolds of Wlnston-Sa
lem; three sisters. Mrs. J. J.
wooten of Harmony and Mrs.
George Hanellno and Mrs. Oscar
Taylor of Cana.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/5/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 5,1943 - Page 3
Mrs. Lowery
Posses Sunday
Mrs. Mary Tennyson Black-
well Iiowery, SO, mother of Dr.
J. R. Lowery, who operate^ the
I.a\ycry ho.';pitRl, died ut the
hospital nt 12:40 u. in., bitnciay.
She had reolded in the hospital
for ten years and hor Ann) Ill
ness had lasted over a period of
.several months.
Mrs. Lowery wa.s the dauBhtcr
of Robert and Emily Blackwell
of Davie county and wos the
widow of D. L. Lowery, promi
nent uavte county farmer and
morohant, who died several
years ago. ,
She was born in Davte county
July 12, 1853, and attended
school nt Mocksvllle ond later
at Lenolr at wt-Jiit wos a fore
runner of the old Davenport
college. She made her home
in DavIe for her entire life un
til she came here to the Lowery
hospital some years ago.
She was a Methodist and
held membership at the Salem
church In Davie county, where
funeral services were held Mon
day. Burial was In the ohurch-
Surviving, In addition to Dr.
Lowery, arii' another son, R. T.
Lowery* Btatesvllie, Route, and
a daughter, Mrs. W. M. Beard,
of Winston-Salem, There are
also scvcrol grandchildren and
two grcat-Brandohlldren.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/5/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 10,1943
WiUiam T. Myers
WllUsiD T. Uyert, 76. a native of Davie
county, died auddenhr ^ttuday aftenooa
at hia bome in WinetOQ*Saleni. Mr. My
era moved ftorn Advance to the Twin City
in 3606.
61r. Mycra la aorvived Oy bla widow,
four aooa, ameog ibem being Jacob A.
Mytara, of Davie. and four det^btara. One
daugbter, Mt«- Thoa. Minor, lives at Ad
faoeral lervtcea were held at tbe home
Monday aftemooo wUb Rev. J. IL Hayes
iB^cba^ end the body broaght to Ad
vance and laid to real in Shady Grove
John Dillard
John Dillard. wellJcoown cofM
^ carpenter, died at his- home |q|
Booetown i.at Wedneaday. foHcr:. ,
oir^D extended Illness. SnrvivinRl
is his widow and a number of child-'
rcD. foba was an iodnstrioos col-
ored aiUten, and bad spent his long
n/ebere. He was reapectt^d by bothi
white and colored citizens of the'10^. The body was )iid to rest|
Friday in the BaptUt cbnrch ceme-
lery. 2.^ ^ I
Bio — Obituaries — 2/10/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
mroSDA^CTQRNiyg^J'EBRm li;:1943
.-.-T-.-'; -~'--i - .' " 'X^-7 .?"■
<Speci»i tp The joucn*i> one ol. Mocksviile's most .promi-
• 'Mso.cks'ville.—^Ephraim;Lash nent citizens, died at his home
Tether," 92, attorney; bank^ and- Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
^ declining
Gaither had sensed his'community
and' communi^ affaurs
SchooLand from 1868 to 1873 wasE. L. GAlXHiiK. stud^t at Davidson CoUege ex
cept for'one year when his studies
were suspended because of illn^s.
After receiving his A. B. degree
in 1873 he took up ^he .study of
law under Chief Justice Richmond
-M. Pearson at Richmond Hill,
Yadkin Cou ity, and was admitted
to the bar in June,._1875.- In i881 he joined'tiis father-in-
law, John Marshall Clement, in the
practice of law, but .resumed an
independent practice after the let
ter's-death in 1886. He declined
political opportunities, his only
public office being that-ot^olicitor
of the Davie County Inferior
Court during the first years of his i
i"was chairman of-the'County Rbatflof Defense .and was'_ffptive In theVarious. campaighs.^He-;, served
.?9Ab •4?-^^-®acpn:i^.aiseni6£i^der.
.?pe .-P^resbyteriah^'Church.. Hewasvyice-presideat^jof'^e "North'Carolina,' State .T^ar-'..Associationand was a member ofthe American Bar Association. ^
The funeral" wiU be held this
afternoon at 3 o'clock at the First
Presbyterian Church. Rev? W. C.Cooper and Rev. R. H. Stone will
conduct the services. Burial willbe in the ■ Clement Cemetery at
Mocksville, •
. P a 1 ih .e a r e r s will Se-DonaidClement, Knox Johnstone, RobertWoodruff, HaU Woodruff; Klm-ibrough Sheek, Paul Blackwelder, .' J. C. Sanford and Gaither. Jenkins.
1 'L'lirv
CO. PUSUC libraryDk\y.*-.
. j/^.i^KSVIuLE, nc
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 12,1943 - Pages 1 and 8
E. 1. fiAITHER, 93, DIES
Ephralm Lash aalther, 93,
one of MocksvJne's most prom>|
{nent cltlzens.and retired banker
and attorney, died at his home|
on North Main street here at
2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon.i
The funeral was held at the]
MocksvUIe Presbyterian' church
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
conducted by the Rev. W. 0.
Cooper and the Rev. R. H. stone.
Interment woe In the Clement
cemetery In MooksvUle.
Mr. Oalther Is survived by his
widow and four daughters: Mrs.
R. B. Banford, Miss Sarah Hall
Oalther.'and Mrs. Cecil Morris,
all of MocksvUIe. and Mrs. David
Murray of fimlthfleld. A slater,
Mrs. Banford Woodruff of Mock
svUIe, also survives.
Pallbearers were Donald Cle
ment, Knox Johnatone, Robert
and Hall Woodruff, Klmbrough
Bheek, Paul Blackweldcr, J. c.
Banford and Qalther Jenkins.
Lash Oalther, as ho was bet
ter known, was born on April
30, 1850, and lived most of his
life In MocksvUIe. He was the
youngest son of Ephraim Oalther
and Sarah Hall Johnston
Educated In private schools
before going to college, ho was
a student at Davidson college
for four years where he gradu
ated with honors in the class of
In the fall of 1873 he entered
the famous law school of chief
Justice R. M. Pearson In Yadkln
county. Two years later he ob
tained his license to practice
and settled In MocksvUIe to be
gin his practice.
During his college vacations
ho assisted his father, then
register of deeds In Davle.
Mr. Oalther married Miss
Florence Adelaide Clement on
December 1, 1880. She Is the
daughter of the late John Mar
shall Clement and the late Mary
Haden Clement of Mockfivlllo.
In 1881 Mr. Oalther and his
father-in-law formed a partner
ship which existed until the
death of the latter in 1868.
Mr, Oalther built up a wide
legal practice In this section and
also became prominent In busi
ness circles. He acquired targe
holdings of real estate and was
president of the Bank of Davle
for' nearly 20 years—from 1018
to 1034. At one time he was also
a director of tho Wachovla Bank
Je Trust company. He also served
(ConMnued on page eight)
as vlco president of the North
Carolina Bar association. '
Active In the affairs of the
MocksvUIe Presbyterian church
where he was a member, he held
the office of senior elder for a
number of years.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/12/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 12,1943 - Page 3
Cornatzer Infant
Passes Friday
David HuBhea Comataer, in
fant son of Albert H. and tAszlo
Hartman Oomateer, of Advance,
died in a Wlniton-Salem hos
pital Friday afternoon at a:fiB
The child, born November 23,
1042. had been lU for five days
and had been In the hospital for
two days.
The father is connected with
the Brlanser mills at Lexing
Surviving m addition to the
parents are both grandfathers,
Louis Hartman and O. H. Cor
natzer. ,
The funeral was held Sunday
with a brief service at the home
at 2:30 o'clock and the funeral
proper at Advance Methodist
church at 3 o'clock, in charge of
the Rev. Mr. Gentry. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 12,1943 - Page 7
John Dillard
Funeral services lor John du-
lard. who died Wednesday at
his home were held Friday at 2
p. m. at the ShUoh Baptist
church with the Rev. H. M. Rar-
groves conducting the services.
Surviving are the widow, Mrs.
Helen Dillard; three sons, Fred
Dillard of Badln, Will Dttlard of
Mooksvllle, and Taylor Dillard
of ^e home; three daughtera,
Mrs. Isabel! Mlokles of Oreens-
boro, Sophia and Anna of the
home: two sisters, Mrs. Anna
Bernice and Mrs. Alice Burke of
Burial was In the church
Bio - Obituaries - 2/12/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 12,1943 - Page 8
Miss Cranfill, 50,
Dies at Courtney
Miss Xiover OranfUl, 59. died
leafc Wednesday morning at 8
o'clock at her home In Courtney.
Mlsa Cranflll had been In de
clining health for some time
and, seriously lU for three
She was born In October, 1889,
In Yadkln county, the daughter
of Andrew and Barbara Cross
Cranflll. She had spent all her
life In Yadkln county and wa^
a member of Cross Roads Bap^
tist churoh. •
Surviving are one son, Bur
ton Cranflll of Courtney; one
sister, Mrs. E. C. Simmons of
Flint, Mich; three half-sisters,
Mrs. Sallie Reavis of Cana; Mrs.
Nettle Hoots of Bnon and Mrs.
Betty May of Ollkey; (our broth
ers, Moller and June Cranflll
of Winston-Salem, Other Cran
flll of Advonoe and Eorly Cran
flll of Haldman, Ky.; two half-
brothel's, I. J. Cranflll of Mocks-
vlUe, Route 2, and H. A. Cran
flll of Fortvllle, Znd.
Funeral services were held
Friday afternoon at 3 o'oiooH at
cross Roads " Baptist church,
conducted by the Rev. R. B.
Adams and the Rev. J. H. Groce.
Burial followed In the churoh
Bio - Obituaries - 2/12/1943 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 17,1943
Ephratm Lash Gaitbir!
Bpbraim L. Gaither, one o f
Mocksville's oldest and best known
citizens, passed aways at his home
on North Main sti^ Wednesdoty
afternoon at 2 o'clock, following a
long illness. He had heen serions"
ly ill for the past three weeks..
Mr. Gaith^r was born April 30,
1850. In Mocksville. and spent
practically all bis life here. He
gradnated from Davidson College,
and later studied law under Chief
Justice Ricbmond Pearson, at Rich*
mond Hill, Yadkin county. He
was admitted to bar in 1875, and
practiced law here for nearly 60
years, until his health failed a few
years ago. Mr. Oaifher was vice
president of the North Carolina Bar*
Association, and a nember of the
American Bar Aasocialfon. Be was
for vears n director of the Wacbovia
Bank & Trust Co., of Wioston-Sa-
too Saiem. and was President of
Bank of Da vie for many years Mr.
Galtber took an active part in
chnrch work and served as Senior
dder atid deacon in the First l^es
bytmiao chnreh here for many
Mr. Galtber is survived by his
widow, four daughters, Mrs. R. B.
Saoford. Mrs. B C. Morris, and
Miss Sarah Gaitber, of this city,
and Mrs David Mnrrav, of Smith
field. One sister, Mrs. S. A. Wood
rnff, of this city, al^ survives.
Fonerol rerviceh were held at the
Presbyterian Chnreh Thursday
afternoon at 3 o'dock with hb
pastor, Rev. W C. Coooer in
charge, assisted by Rev, R. H.
Stone, of Charlotte, and the body
laid to rest in the Clement cemetery
Pallbearers were Donald Clement,
of Sallfihnry, Hall Woodruff, Gsdo.
den, Ala., Gaitber Jenkins, Wins*
ton-Salem; Knox Johnstone, Kim-
hrnngh Sbeek, Panl Blackwdder,
Robert Woodinff and J C. San*
ford, of this city.
In the death ol Mr. Qaitber the
town and county loses one of Its
best known and beloved citizens,
the family a kind and loving hns.
band and father, and the .chorcfa a
faithful and consecrated member.
To the bereaved ones The Record
.extends svmoathy in this sad hour.
We had known Mr. Galther per
sonally for nearly half a centnrv.
He WAS onr friend We shall miss
Mrs. G. W. Wall
Motlwr Mrs. P. HL.Ma-
Mrs, G. W. Wall. JS. died Sunday
evening at her home at Wallboig,
f«dlowing a abort tUnasa Snrvivora
include the husband, seven dangb*
tera. and three pons. Among the
dauahtera is Mrs. P. H. Maaon of
this dty.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/17/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 19,1943 - Page 4
Mrs. M. A. Ti'cxlor, 73, died
cnrly Monday morning at her
home near SolLsbury, after a
long illness.
Betore marriage she was Jen>
nie Foster , of Salisbury, daugh
ter of the late Thomas Foster
and Katharine C. Luokie Fos
ter, of Salisbury. '
Mrs. Trexler was three times
Rer first husband was Id
namsoy^of Rowan county. A
daughter was bom to this unhm-
She Is Mrs. R. J. Lyerly of
Cleveland. Her second huab^
was Thomas C. Gartner of
Rowan county. They had two
children, C. 0. Gartner of
Cleveland and Mrs. F. W. Koontz
of MoekfivUie. As Mrs. Gartner,
the deceased was a member of
the South River Methodist
church. Her third husband was
M. A. Trexler of Franklin town
ship, who survives. At the time
of her death Mrs. Trexler was
a member of Calvary Baptist
In addition to the husband
and three children. Mrs.. Trex
ler la also survived by four step
sons, Louis Trexler, O. H. Trex
ler, T. L. Trexlor, and J. P.
Trexler, oil of Rowan county,
and a step-daughter, Mrs. Lena
Wotson, also of Rowan county.
There are also surviving SO
grandchildren, 15 great-grand-
ohUdron, 30 stop-grandohildron,
and nine stcp-great-grandchll-
dren. '
Funeral services were conduct
ed Wednesday at 3:30 p. m. at
Calvary Baptist church with the
pastor, the Rev. D. H. Lowder,
In charge. Burial was in the
church graveyard.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 19,1943 - Page 6
Dies ill'Hosp(t«l
Mfi. Noney. LouIm Cttthreh
May. 70, wife of Rohttt t. May.!
of Yad^vUIe. Route 8. died
Saturday' morning at a Win
ston-Satem hosptUd after an
Ulnea Of etat weeks.
Mrs. May wae born in Pavie
county, fOhruary 18, I8if, a
dauihter of laqaei W. and'Jen<
netta OuthreU. She waa married
10 Mr; M^y Ma^ 8, 1899. ^
spent moit of her life la Yadlila
Surviving are the huibaad:
five ioas, W* V., W. R., aad'H. 1.
May of Wlniton-Salem, Otenn
A. Mey of YadklnvlUe, Route i
and R. T. May of Oreeniboro;
11 grandehlldren; ^ee broth
ers, Grant Cuthrell of Davle
county; Jimmy Outhrell of Otis,
Kaa., and Bd Outhreil of Olin-
ton, Mo., and three sisters, Mrs.
Joe Allen of Davle county, Mrs.
Walker White of Olinton. Mo.
and Mrs. Fuller Beamon of
Kingsley. Iowa.
The funeral was. held Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'oiook at South
Oak Ridge Baptist church. The
ReV. J. H. Oroce and the Rev.
R. .K. -Wooten. .conducted.. the
services. Burial was made In the
church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/19/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 19,1943 - Page 8
Hattie Charles Wall
The mother of Mre. P. H.
MMon of lfOefciviUe,.Mrf^ Bottte
Ohiitee Wail, 70, died laat Sun*
day ewainf.ai her'-homo Is
WallbuTf. fihe and Mr. Wall cele
brated their lolden an-
nivereary in 10S8. EiiinfWora In
clude the hueband, eeyehidaugh-
tera, three sona, SO trandchUdren
and flve great-ErosM^ldren.
The funeral was held.,Wednes
Bio - Obituaries - 2/19/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 24,1943
John A. Ijames
Joba A. IJamen* 80, well known faimer
of the SbefBeld community, died Thorn-
day eveniog at 7 o'clock, following an 111
Dcea of two iDootbs
Fooerat aertlces were held at flickoiy
Grove Methodistchorob Satoiday moffnlng,
erith Rev F. A, Wright in cbai^, assist
ed by Rev Mr« Heimae. aod the body
laid to rest In the cburob cemetery.
Mr ijamea is survived by his widow,
thiee eoas R. P.. H. 6» aad u, N. Qames,
■0 of near Sheffield, aod throe grandebiid-
Mr. Uames died in the same bouse Inwhich be was bom 80 years i^o. having
ep»t ail big life in David oounty, Ttwboose was built more tban 100 yean ago.ITo the bereaved wife ^nd chlMfeii. TbeiReoofd eiteods sympathy In this boor off
Bio - Obituaries - 2/24/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 26,1943 - Page 1
Mrs. Mary Smith
Rites Held Thursday
Mrs. Mary Miller Smith, 09,
died at her home at Smith drove
Wedneaday at noon.
She was the widow or the late
Daniel Smith and the daughter
or Mr. find Mrs. Henry Smith of
Davle county.
Burylvors Include one daugb
ter, Mrs, John Klmbrough, of
Route 8: one son, Ohal Smith, of
Route 3; two sisters, Mrs.
Charles Roger of Oana. - Miss
Rehecoa MlUer of Smith drove,
and one grandchild.
Funeral services were hold
Thursday at 3 o'clock at the
Smith Grove Methodist church
where she had been a life long
member. The Rev. J. W. Vestal
conducted the service and Inter
ment was In the church ceme
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 26,1943 - Page 7
Cora Blum
. I^s. Gora Blum, wile of the
late J. A. Blum, jformer presi
dent of Winston Mutual Life
UbisurancB company, passed
away at Kate Bitting Reynolds
Memorial hospital Saturday
morning. Funeral services were
held Monday at the Goler Me
morial A. M, B. Zlon ohurch.
Burial was in. the A. M. B. Zlon
ohurch cemetery at MocksvlUe.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/26/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 3,1943
Mrs. Danid Smidi
Mis, Daorf Smith, 69, diad at Iim home
to Smith tkova Wadoaadar.
The foneial was bald at Smith Grave
Methodist chnidi at 3 o*dook* Tbortdaf
aficffiMMo. Rav«-J. W. Vestal vaa to
chaida Boilal was In the cbtrah eama^
Sofvlvoro inotada one son, Ctial 8mM«
Raotal, Maahsvllle; one dsoghter, Mta.
John Ktmhraogb. Kosta 3. MoekavUIe:
two alstafs, Mia Cbailae Sogef. Cana, and
Mlis Rebecca Miller, Smith Cravm and
one dranddaoghter.
fbomas W. Minor
Tbomas W. Minor 29, native of Mocbe*
viUa, died at bis home lo Gfeensboro Ffi>
dof mrnnlnft at 12:90 o'doek after an lll>
Mr. Hloor was a gradoate of Mr. Airy
0igh School ai»d attended N* C. State
CoUege, where be stodied cbemistrv. In
1999 De accepted a pcsttloo with Koaats
Gteaoiiig Co,, GneosboraT Id 1930 be ac
cepted a poaltloo with the Walleisteto
Company of New York, as salesman. .
Foneral services w«a held si the First
Baptiat Chunh of Modnvllle Satardav
aftcfDOQO at 9 o*clock, with Rev. B. W.
Turner, pastor, and Dr J CIrde Tamer,
pastor First Bofnist Ctittidi of Greensboro,
FaUbosrera woreD. B. Kooots. W. W.
MitdMll and Sddon Rrannao. of Gieensp
bora, Kitox Jdmstoae, Grady Waid,Slieek
Bowdao, of Modtsvllla, and Sam Talbert
of Advance. The tDany beaotifal floral
ttlbatcs attested tbeblgn esteem lo wblcb
this yotmg man. was held.
Snrvtvors ittdoda hb motber,.Uc8 John
Mloor, and ivro slstdn, Mrs. Biyce FIdler,
of Cttodltts and Miss LaVade Minor, of
Lmns S Bogwr
. lioQtoSwBoget;89,afBtmertesldcak of
Mocbsvfib. died fast Mbwbr In fiaptbt
Baspltal. WinstothSatem. followlofla long.
lUness. Pi»efal aervlcsa wma bell at
Union Chapel Methodlat choreh, on It, 2.
Wedoesday aftenoon at 3i20 o*? .jeh, wM
Rev.a e.Piibm. of Winston-date te
ohsigc and the body bid to rest in tho
^orah ceoscicry,
Mr. Bogevb Borviyod by hb wUow,flvp
i^ODO, Asian Bogev. Wiodoo-Salte 1^
tm,LotMiloaM Walloa Bete of Ooivio
coctoty; Lnther Boger. Chbago, and ana
daogbtcr. Mrs. Sam Nlfmig, of Winston-
Mr BogerwaaanativeofDavteeaiiiity*
hot Qoi^ fpsm ttib dty to Wabrak Cotra
abont 20 yearn ago. Bfofriendalo Davto
win be saddened by hb death.
Susan Richie Jones
h Memorimn
Id the days of the prophet BUishfl
there was at Shanem *'A Great Wo*
mao" and such among ua was Miss
Susan Richie. In yuung womaobood
for a number of yesurs Susan Jon^
rendered service of a great value to
her county as a public school teacher.
During this time she was active and
faithful in church work, a special 6e^
vice being tbat of secretary of tbe
Sundav school. Her married life
was spent io another community but
for about twenty one years of her
widowhood she lived among us again,
borne was center of hospitality
and helpfulness—a symbol of that
indescribable something one gained
by contact with her To. her tasks
whether it were her own household
duties, helping a sick neighbor, re
modeling a dress, appearing on P, T.
A, program or presiding over the
meeting of Woman's Missionary
Union she brought high degree of
go(Mi sense, efBeiency. depeodabitite,
balance and wholesome spirit. For
about twenty years oue was presid*
ent of Woman's Missionary Society
ofFarmtogtun Baptist church and
for a long time was financial secre
tary and treasurer of the church
and teacher of the Woman's Sunday
s^ool class. Her going from us in
June 19^ left an empty "House by
the Side of the Road" and a lonely
ache in the hearts of neigbbors,
friends and relatives who miss her;
yet in another sense sue sGli liviea
with us a shining example of the
power of God's grentlenesa to make
His servant great.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/3/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 5,1943 - Page 1
Funeral servlcee were held
Saturday afternoon at the Bap
tist church for Thcmaa W.
Minor. 29, who died at hla home
In areensboro Friday ehortly
after midnight. The Rev. J.
Clyde Turner, pastor of the First
Baptist church In Oreensboro.
and the Rev. B. W. Turner, pas
tor of the Moelisvllle Baptist
church, held the service. In
terment was In Rose cemetery.
The deceased was- a native of
MocksvlUe, going to Greensboro
In 1M3 from Mt. Airy where
he had completed high school.
He later attended State college.
In 1839 ho became traveling
salesman for WaUenstdn oom-
pany, Hew York ehemloal con
cern. Be was a msmbcr of the
First Baptist church In Qreens-
He leaves his mother, Mrs.
John Minor, of the home, and
two sisters. Miss LaVada Minor
of Oreensboro and Mrs. Bryce
Fldler of ComeUus.
Pallbearers were W. w. Mlt-
chel. D. B. Koonts. ond Seldon
Brannock, all of Greensboro,
Sam Talbert of Advance. Sheek
Bowden. Knox Johnstons ond
Orady Ward. Flowerglrls were
Mrs. W. W. Mltchel, Miss Gloria
Chapman, both of GreenSbord.
Misses Margaret Smith, Neva
Markham. Louise and Jessie 14b-
by atroud,^ Morjorle Moaley,
Jennie Low' Peoi^s,- Rebecca
Foster and Mrs. G. W. Yokeley.,
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 5,1943 - Page 2
Funeral for Mrs. Mary Ann
Dlxon, 83, wife of Prof. z. H.
Dlxon, of Elkln, whose death
occurred Friday night after an
.lllneu with pneumonia, was held
Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock
at the First Baptist church of
Elkln. .
Ministers in charge were the
Rev. Stephen Morrlsett, the Rev.
Herman Duncan, and the Rov.
O. V. Caudlll of Elkln, and the
Rev. Samuel Haworth of Gull-
ford college. The body lay In
state at tlie church from 2 un
til 8 uioluck.
Mrs. Dlxon, well known and
highly esteemed, hod taught
aohool for many years. She and
hor husband came to Elkln from
Tennessee In 1818 when Profes
sor Dlxon became prlnelpal of
Elkln schools.
Pallbearers were P. M. Nor
man, J. o. Blvlns, W. 0. Cox, R,
P. Graham, W. J. Snow, Dr. L.
0. Couoh, BheRle Graham, all
of Elkln, and c. o. Hadley of
Bio - Obituaries - 3/5/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 10,1943
Mrs. N. J. Cope
Ufa. N. J. dl«d at aSaUUrarv hea*
pleat Sattmby. lottowtng a kwg tUnesi.
Faaeial and borial aaivlcaa took place
at Cotit Baptlat ChnicbSnodajr afteroooo
at 3 o*eiocfc, with Rev. Victor L Aodmws
in obartfe, and the body laid toreat in the
dHPeb oemetery.
Sofvivon lodude the htiobaad, four aosa
and two daaitficeia fimr hmh^ aaid two
datecB Ufa. Gope waa boiQ in Daeieconn-
ty, and waa a lifo'loog noamber of Jefti8a«
lem Baptist Cbofcb,
Iba. X BL Seomftt
Ufa. Maty l^htlha Seaoiea, 69* wife of
.faliw.lt Sii<mbiiii..<^.F^t ^ »
her haoe oa R 4 fUlowteg a loag Ulaata.
Uft.Beaniua waaa oatlveof Davie. a
deogbterofliielate Uf. aod Ufa. Oalvb
Diteor. Sorvhring an bar bosbaod: tbiee
i08a.GhafieaF..GIfdaa and Baaett D.
Seaman, of Daaie; thfee daughteia, Ufs.
J. A. Bowlaa. Nfa. Firaoft; Garwood. and
Mia. Prat Beadilcfct; one eiater, Ufa. San
Pooler* and a bcotber.L. O. Oihrer.'all of
Davie ooonty.
Ptaeial seivloea were held fkoBi Jmiclio
CWallao CbwA Senday ahefnooa at S
o'tfock, wfib Mr.Peffybcityfacfaafda.and
the body laid to feat to tha duvefa oeme-
tery To the befeaved ones The Reeood
tympatfay in chia aad hoa;
Bio - Obituaries - 3/10/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 12,1943 - Page 3
Mrs* David Grace
Clfidmed By Death
. Mrt. David A. Oroce, 15, dltd
Saturday at the home near
HuntevlUe, Yadkin county.
Surviving are the hueband;
parente, Mr. and Mre. Hohart
Ohandler, or Surry county, and
one brother, Barly Ohandler.
of Oana, Route 1.
The funeral wait held Monday
afternoon at 9 o'clock ot Pine
HUl Frlenda church, Surry coun
ty. The Rev. a. W. Bdgerton
conducted the services. Burial
was In the church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/12/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 17,1943
Fletcher R. McMahaD
Fletchv R. McHabaD, praoiinent redr-
ed faniter. died at his bome at Pino laat
Thnnday afterooon, followliig an extend*
Educated at Old Brick Aoademy at
Fannlndtoo. and at old TciQitx Cdlege,
be taugbt aobool for aeveral yean bnc en
gaged id fanning for many xeaia* Me
was a member of Wesley uiapel Metbo*
dietCbunbandfornearly all bia adult
lite served tbe 'chuicti elthei as a etewaid
or as a tcoetee*
Ur. McMaban was married In. 1880 to
Mise Tgbitba Andeisoo* wbo survives, to*Setber.witb five cbildreo, Mra- Wade R.
lowden West Haven. Conn.; Mra. Hugh
Dixon, Pleasant Garden: Harmon McMa
ban. of tbe home, and Misses Mary and
Margaret McMaban, of Greenstraro. Nine
grandchlldien also survive.
Funeral aervtoes were conducted SatON
day afternoon at 5 o'clock at Weatev Cba
pel Methodist Cboich, nitb Revo, S> W
Vestal and Tom Higglns offidatlog, and
the body laid to rest in tbodhnicb ceme
Davie county has lost one of her beat
known and most highly leaoected dtinens.
His death has cast a gloom over the en
tire community where he spent a long and
nsefol life. To the loved ones who are
left behiod. The Record extends heartfelt
sympathy In this sad boor.
Joel Richmond Bailey
Joel Riohmond Bailev; 87; died Thurs
day night at his home. Advance. R. I.
The fdneral waa held Satncday after
noon at 3 o'clock, at Elbavllle Methodist
, Chuicb, with Revs. J. 0. Gentry and P L.
Smith olRciailog. Builal was in the church
Surviving are four sons, three of whom
are In the army: fonr daoghceffs, two sis
ters and one brother.
George L Howard
George L. Howard] 75. native of DavIe
county, died Thursday night at tbe home
of a daughter, Mra. R. E. Smith, at Reeds.
The funeral was held Saturday aiter<
noon at 3 o'clock at Beihtehem Methodist
Church, Burial followed In the church
p Surviving ere three sons, Jesse Howard,
' Dnrham; Efiis Howard, Redtond. and Er
nest Howard. Virginia; one daughter, Mrs.
R. C. Smith. Reeds; mie brother, Joe How
ard, of Davie, and two sIsteiB, Bfcs, Aebury
Riddle and Mrs. John Riddle, of Kedlaiul.
L F. Miller
L.F, Miller. 53, died auddeoly Friday
night at hlit home near Advance.
Surviving and the widow, the former
Miss Eva SIddeo; five daughters, and two
sons, and three sisteia.
The funeral was held at ElhavlUe Metho
dist church Satofday afteraoon at So'dbck,
Rev. 4. O. Gentry eonduetod the eervloes.
Btttial waa in tbe church cemetery.
a L Cook
H L Cook, formstly of Davie County,
died early Saturday uiomioa at his hohie
in Homestead, Fla.
Mr Cook had resided In Florida for a
number of years but had veiumed for
many visits to Noitb Caroiinao
Bio - Obituaries - 3/17/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 19,1943 - Page 3
Fletcher R. McMahan, 82. re
tired farmer and prominent
church and civic leader, died at
his home at Route 2, last Thurs
day afternoon. Ho had been ill
for sometime.
Mr. McMahan was the last
survivlne child of the late Har-
man H. and Jane Brock McMa
han, members of pioneer (nml-
lies in Davie County. He spent
his entire life In this community.
Educated at Old Union Acad
emy at FarmlDBton and at old
Trinity College, ho taught school
for c few years but engaged
In fanning In mast of his active
years. lie was a member of Wes
ley Chapel Methodist Church
and for nearly all his adult life
served the church cither as a
steward, trustee, Sunday School
Bupcrbitcndont or choir leader.
Mr. McMahan was married
June ]0, 1820, to Mlsa Tabitha
Anderson, who survlvtes. Other
survivors include five children,
Mrs. Wade R. Bowden of West
Haven, Conn.; Mra. Hugh W.
Dlxon of Pleasant Oarden; 0.
Harmon McMahan of the home,
and Mlfisea Mary and Margaret
McMahan of Greensboro and the
home. Nine grandchildren also
Funeral services wore held at
3 o'clock satui'dny artrnoon at
Wesley Chapel Church, witli Roy.
J. W. Vestal and Rev. Tom Big
gins offlcatcd. Interment was in
the church gravoyord.
Fall bearers were nephews of
the deceased, T, H. Redman and
F. H. Bahnson of Farmlngtoii,
W. H. McMahan and w. T. MUler
of Winaton-Salem', J. H. Rich of
Chopel HIU, and J. H. Swing of
route 2, MooksvlHe. •
Bio — Obituaries - 3/19/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 19,1943 - Page 6
George L. Howard. 76. native
of Davle County and retired
worker, died last'Thursday at
10 o'clock at the home of a
daughter, Mrs. R. E. Smith, at
...The. funeral..was ..held .fiaturi
day afternoon at 3 o'clock at
Bethlehem Methodist Church.
Oavle County. Burial was In the
church graveyard,
Mr. Huwttrd'ii wife, the former
Oella, Ellis, died several years
ago. Surviving 'ore three sons,
Jesse Howard, of Durham: Ellis
Howard, of Davle County, and
Ernest Howard, of Virginia; one
daughter. Mrs. R. B. Smith, of
Reeds; one brother, Joe Howard,
of Oavle County, and two sisters.
Mrs. Asbury Riddle "and Mrs.
John Riddle, both of Davle
Joel Richmond Bailey, 67, died
last. Thursday,-at hls-home.-Ad"
vance. Route 1.
The funeral was held at Elba-
vllle Methodist Church,* Rev. J.
0. Gentry and Rev. P. L. Smith
conducted the services. Burial
was In the church garve yard.
Surviving are four sons. C. S.
Bailey of the home; R. H.. F.W.
and J. H. Bailey, aU of the U. 8.
Army; four daughters. Mrs.
j Frank Tucker and Mrs. John
jLanler of Advance, route 1; Miss
I Eliza Bailey of the home and
jMrs. T. L. Auman of High Point;
two sisters, Mrs. Sallle Branson
'of Cooleemee and Mrs. J. C. Fos
ter of Advance; one brother.
Sam I^Uey of Cooleemee and
eleven grandchildren.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 19,1943 - Page 7
Roy Sdward Horman, ai. of
East Bend, a naval aviation
cadet, was killed it an allrplana
accident Saturday at Corpus
Chrlstl. Texas, his parents have
been informed.
Young Norman, son of Mr.
.... and Jlfrfl.u.GrA\Llfp.rm!int.oLS^I
Bend, was to have completed his
night training next month. Ho
was graduated from Bast Bend
high school, attended N. C.
State college and was gradu
ated from Brevard college last
He immediately enlisted In
the naval ai rcprps and took his
basic training at Athensi Oa.,
and Dallas, Texas.
Bio — Obituaries - 3/19/1943
Norman was born September
3, 1021. and was a member of
New Home Methodist church.
Surviving In addition to his
parents arc one brother. Poy
Norman, Bast Bond, and three
slater, Mrs. T. H .Folndexter of
|Cana, Mrs. Byron Horn of Wln-
'ston-Salem, and Mrs. SherrlU
Wooten of Elkln.
Funeral arrangements are In-
O^plete, pending Uie arrival oil
the body from Texas.
n The message to the parents,
sent by Read Admiral A. B.|
Jdontgomery, commandant, did
not give any details of the crash,
stating merely that Cadet Nor-
man died Saturday as a result
of an aircraft accident.
A naval escort will accom
pany the body to Bast Bend,
the parents were told.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 19,1943 - Page 7
L. F* Miller
Dies Suddenly
L. F. MUler, 63, died suddenly
Friday night at his home near
Advance. He was a son of Wil
liam and Mariah Miller.
Surviving are the widow, the
former Miss Eva Bidden; flve
daughters, Mrs. Brvin B^ley of
Mocksville. Route 3, Mrs. Qeorge
Gobble of Llnwood, Route 1,
Mrs. Hal Roger of Lexington,
Route 6, Misses Janette and
Dorothy Lee Miller, of the home;
Hwinfons," Edward-M.—MUler-of
Llnwood, Route 1 and Orady M.
Miller .of the home; six grand-
ohildron and throo sistero, Mrs.
John Parks of Advance, Route
I, Mrs, Marvin Ohaffln of Wood-
leaf and Mrs. Ed Hege of Lex
ington. «
Tlic Xuueml wiis tinid ai^ El-
bavillo Methodist church Sun
day afternoon at 3 o'olook. The
Rev. J. C. Gentry conducted the
services. Burial was in the
church graveyard.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 19,1943 - Page 8
Mrs. J. H. Smith
Passes Tuesday
Funeral services were held
Thursday afternoon at 3 p. m.
for Mrs. Nola Ward Smith, 75,
Wife of J. H. Smith, who died at
her home Tuesday near Farm-
ington. The Rev. J. W. Vestal,
assisted by the Rev. J. M. Mur
ray, had charge of the service
which was held at the Yadkin
VoUey Baptist church, inter
ment was in the church oemo-
Mrs. Smith was the daughter
of Oapt. F. B. Ward and Lydla
Bowden Ward. She was a life
.tbs.. Jslftlililehem
Methodist church.
Survivors include six daugh
ters, Mrs. I. B. Allen, Yadkin-
ville; Route 1, Mrs. J. H. Sheek,
Mrs. J. B. Beauchamp, Mrs. R.
A. Foster, and Mrs. B. S. Hon-
drix, all Qf Advance, Route 1.
and Miss Lillian at homo; four
sons, R. O., J. F. and C. M. of
Route 2, Mocksville, R. 8. of
Marshaltown, Iowa; one slater,
Mrs. O. L. West, of Olemmons,
and one half-slstur, Mrs. J. H.
Sparks of Route 9. Forly-lwu
grandchildren and nineteen
great-grandchildren also sur
Bio - Obituaries — 3/19/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 24,1943
Mrs. D. T. Smidi
Mn. Betty E Smith, wife of D. T. Smith
of Adveoee. Route 1. died Middenly at her
home last night oboot 7 o'elodu
Sonrhrlog sie the husbaad; two sons.
Paol Edgar Smith, and Pvt. OIlie Samuel
Smith, who Is stationed at Camp McCar-
oy. Wiseonfiio; one daughter. Mrs Mattle
Beodrix; and one gxaadefaild.
Fuoeral errylces were held at the home
at 2 o'cloek abd at Uaqedonla HoraviaD
church at 2:30 o'clock Monday afieincon.
with RevB. ^ Brewer, Ray Blllinga and
Rev. Mr. Lewis officiatiog* and the body
laid to rest In the duircb cemetery.
Mrs. J. EL Smith
Funeral seivieed for Un. J H Smith, 75.
who died Tuesday at her home near Farm-
ingtoo, were held Thtttsday aftefDoon at
Yadkin Valtey Baptiet Choreh. Rev. J.
W. Vestal and Rev. J. U. Uoifay were in
diaige of the service.
Somvofs iodade she daughteta, Mrs. L
B. Allmi, Route 1. YadhlnviUe; Mrs. J. H.
Sbeefc, Mrs. J. £. Beaudiamp. Mrs. R. A.
Foster aitd Mrst-E. S. Heodris, all of Route
1, Advance: and MIsa UlSan Smith, of the
homes four sona, H. 6.; J F. and C. M«
Smith, all of Modwville, Route 2, and R.
S Smith, MarshaUiown, Iowa, one sister,
Mrs. G. L West, dsmmonasottebalfsister.
Mis. j. H. Sparks, Mocksvlile. Route 2.
C. Foard Fowler
C. Foaid'Bowlff.63. died last Tuesday
evening at bis home at Sontb River, nine
miles south of Moeksvllle. following aa ill-
oeas df ibreo months.
Mr. Fowler Is survived bv bis widow,
tbiee sons, one daughter, two brothers aod
two sisters, among them Miss Sarah Fow»
ler, of South River.
Mr. Fowler waa a native of Davie coon
ty, hot bad made his home la Rowan for
many years. For a number of years be
waa a textile enpervitKHr. bat the later part
of hleUfe was spear In farming.
Fnneral services were held Friday at
2:30 o'ctocfc at the home, with Rev. Walter
AGlIeiV of Sahaboiy, orating and the
body laid to rest in Fcaoklln ^bytolan
C^nidi cemetery.
Miss Mary.Jefferies
Ulsa Mary Jefferles, 78, died suddenly at
the county home Wednesday afternoon
Foneral services were held at Bstble*
hem Methodist Church Friday aftemooo at
2 o'duck, with Rev. J. W. Vestal offida
ting, and the body laid to rest In die
chuicb cemsteiy*
Miss Jeflrieg la sorvlvedby a nephew.
6. A. J^les. and a olece^ Hiss Bella
Jeffries, of HocksviUe. Cba only imme
diate anrvlvora.
Bio - Obituaries — 3/24/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 26,1943 - Page 4
George W. Wall
Passes Away
Oeorgo W. Wall, well known
lumberman and farmer of the
Wallburg community, passed
^away at his home Thursday at
8:46 o'clock. He had been criti
cally 111 for only four days. He
had beei\ inactive In business
for the past four years.
His wife, the former Miss Hat-
tie Charles, whom he married
May 18, 1888, died on February
14 of this year. They celebrated
their golden wedding anniver
sary In May, 1938.
Survivors Include seven
daughters, Mrs. J. Neal Davis
and Mrs. Paul C. Walker, Wln-
ston-Salem; Mrs. P. H. Mason.
Mocksvlllo: Mrs. R. O. Oox, De
troit, Mich.; Mrs. Robert Ray
mond. Providence, R. 1.; Mrs.
W. B. Bagnal and Mrs. 0. V.
Teague, both of Wallburg; three
sons, Orlffln O. Wall of Winston-
Balem, Ben &. Wall of Ruther-
fordton, and Hubert B. Wall of
Boston, Mass.; 80-grandchlldren;
Ave great-grandchildren; one
brother, C. M. Wall of Lexing
ton, and three sisters, Mrs. J. J.
Smith of Jacksonville, Fla., Mrs.
J. H. Neal of Seattle, Wash., and
Mrs. W. P. Welbome of Ker-
nersvllle. Route 1.
Funeral services were held at
Wollburg Baptist church Friday.
The Rev. B. A. Mitchell and^.the
Rev. Ii. J. Matthews were In
charge, and Intennent was In^
the church graveyard.
L* W. Sjieer
Diss at Home
Lewis Dalton Speer, 73, died
at his home. East Bend, Route
8 at 5 o'clock Wednesday morn
ing after an Illness of three
The funeral was held at 11
o'clock Friday morning at
Stony Knoll Methodist church.
The Rev. O. A. Hovis and the
Rev. Ellis Norman wore In
charge. Burial was made In the
church cemetery.
Mr. Bpcor was a member cf
Junior Order Council No. 267, at
Yadklnvllle. Members of the
council were pallbearers as fol
lows': D. E. Martin, H. M. WU-|
holm, S. H. Blnkley, R. E. Smith-
erman, C. O. Hobson and J. L.|
Mr. Speer was born June 8,
1869, the son of the late J. H.
and Julia Joyner Speer. He was
married to Miss Cella Lee Hunt
er January 17, 1698.
Survivors include the widow;
three sons, Tommle, Hubert and
Willie Speer, East Bend, Route
2; four daughters, Mrs. Emma
Craft and Mrs. Edith SplUman,
East.Bend, Route 2, Mre. Alice
Lane, East Bend, and Mrs. Vina
Brown, Pinnacle Route 1; one
slater, Mrs. Fannle Bet Hennlng,
East Bend. Route 2, and 29
Bio - Obituaries - 3/26/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 26,1943 - Page 4
Rites Held Tuesday
For Mrs. D. T. Smith
Punoral acrvlccs wore hold
Tuesday at Macedonia Moravian
oHurch for Mrs. D. T. Smith. .62,
who died March 19 at her home
on Advance, Mute 1. "hie Rev.
Sd Brewer, tlie Rev. R«r Blillngs
and the Rev. Henry A. Lewis
held the service.
Survivors Include the hus
band, two sons, Paul, at home
and Ollle In the U. S. army; one
daughter, Mrs. Clement Hen-
drlcks of Advance, Route 1, and
one grandehUd.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 26,1943 - Page 6
Roy Edward Norman
Services Held For
Crash Victim
Funeral eervlisea were held at
the Mew Rome Methodist Church
Sunday for Roy Edward Nor
man. 21. Instantly killed In an
airplane accident at Corpus
ChrlstI, Texas, March 13.
The services were In charge of
the Rev. T. A. HoVls. the Rev.
0. H. Hutohlns, the Rev. E. C.
Norman and the Rev. O. E. Brew
er. Burial was made In the
church cemetery.
Young Norman, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Cray Norman of East Bend,
enlisted In the Navy Air Corps
immediately after graduating
form Brevard CoUege last spring.
Ho was to have completed his
flight trolnlng next month. No
details of his death were given
in amessage to the parents from
Rear Admiral A. F. Montgomery.
Bio - Obituaries — 3/26/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 31,1943
BIrs. Sarah Seamon
Mia Sanh'Daywalt 868000.94. one of
Daite*8 oldett woimd, passed away Sah*
day oldhe at the hoiM of her son, J. T.
Seamoa, near Kappa, fottowind ao illness
el seme iredo.
Faneial aenrleas woe hdd at St. Mai-
tbewa Lutheran Qrarob Monday afteroooo
at 4:30 o*dodu whfa Rev. G. W. nok to
diatige. and tba body laid to rest in the
choicb oetBoteiy.
Bin SeanuHi laaorvlved by two sons. J.
T. and J. M SeaiiHW, of R. 4, and ocai
daogbter. Mn, Mary llelDtyre, of bedotl
coonty. A Rood woman has been called
to her reward.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/31/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 2,1943 - Page 6
Mrs. Sarah Seamon
Rites Held Monday
Mrs. Sarah Dayvauh Seamon.
93. died at the home of a eon.
J. T. Seamon, on Route 4, Bun-
day evening. Funeral servlcea
were, held Monday at 4:30 at
St. Matthews Lutheran ohurOh
with the Rev. o. W. Fink and
W. F. Stoneatreet hi^ldlng the
Survivors Include two sons. J.
T. and J. M.. hoth or MooksvUle,
Route 4:^ one daughter. Mrs.
Mary Mclntyre. of Iredell coun
ty; 17 grandchildren, 51 great
grandchildren and one great-
great-grandchild also survive.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 2,1943 - Page 7
Mary Faye Hutchens
Cl^iins .Cluld
Funeral services for Mary
Faye Hutchens iwo-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oalth-
er Hutchens, of YadMnvlUe,
Route g, were held Thursday
afternoon at 4 o'clock at Pilot
View Friends church, with the
Rev. o. W. Edgerton in charge.
The child died of diphtheria
Wednesday night at the home
of Its parents. .
Surviving are the parents;
paternal grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanford Hutchens: the
maternal grandparents. Mr. and
Mrs. John W. Hoots, and one
fllnter, Dowolla May. All llva on
Route 2, Yadklnvllle.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/2/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 7,1943
John R Johnson
Fanetal eervKtea for John F. Johnsoih
wbo died Wedncoday at bia borne in
Fatmington towBoblii. wero held Sunday
at 2 v'el'Ck at 'YMkin Valley Baptist
dmidi. Revs J. T. Murray and Ray BUI
lags wefu in ebarga. The body was laid
to rest lo the cbuiub cetnetery.
' Ur, Jobnooo is eiwvived by his widow,
five sons and two daugbtera* He moyod
CO Oavie county iiua> {Uemfnooa several
yeaia ago.
Bio — Obituaries — 4/7/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 9,1943 - Page 3
' J. F. Johnson
Funeral Held
Last rites for John F. Johnson,
who died Wednesday morning
at his home near Yadkln Val
ley Baptist church, were held
Sunday afternoon at Yadkln
Valley Boptist church.
The Rev. J. T. Murray and the
Rev. Ray Billings conducted the
services.. Burial was In the
church Graveyard. Members of
the Forsyth and Davie County
,prayer Bands attended the serv
ice in a body.
Mr. Jonnson had resided at
Clemmons before moving to Davle
county several years ago. For
the past 14 years he had been
president of the Davle County
Prayer Band and was one of the
oldest deacons of the Yadkin
Valley Baptist church. He was
also a member of the FOrsyth
County Prayer Band.
Surviving are the widow, who
is critically ill: five sons, ftank
Johnson of the home. Raymond
ond John,Johnson oT Elklh, Er
nest Johnson of StatesvUle. and
Walter Johnson of the V. 8.
navy; two daughters, Miss Lillie
Johnson of the home and Mrs.
Edgar T. Tesh of clemmons; 20
grandchildren and four great-
Bio — Obituaries - 4/9/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 14,1943
Herman Koontz
Davie Sol^ Killed h
NeiA Afinca
Mffs. P. L. Kooot^ who lives
five miles oat on theWlostoo^lem
bicbwsv, received tbe' following
telegram Snndsy morning:
**Tlie Seeretity War dealiea mo to
etpieMileepMiret tbat yoor aoo. Pfe*
Hamaa Kooots, was UUed la eatton lo
tfefeoM of bio eomtfr.ln NoMb Afilea on
Mtieb 80tb* lettw f^va.
UUO. Tbe Adjmaot Gooetel***
JPfc Herman Soontz Is a son of
filr; and P. * L.. Kooois, and
entered the'serviae of bis oonntry-
in Aognst; 1941; He Is tbe fonrtb
Da vie oovntv imidiet to lose bis life
durin^be present war. Mr- and
His* Koonbt bad two sons in the
army. W. B is in a So db Caro.
Una camp Hr. and Mrs. Koontt
have, the heartfelt sjrmpsfbv of the
entire commnoity in the dcarh of
William K. Taylor
Winioin A. Taylor* 6S. well kaoaro met-
diant* died at his homo at Farmtotton
Soodar aveolog at 7 o'oloek, foflowiag a
long illness of heart trouble
Mr. Taylor Is survived by hla widow,
two sons. Kenneifa. of Davie county, and
wniie* of Winston Selem, and mie daugb*
ter* Mrs. Chal Messick, Winstoo.Snle«ti.
Funerol aervlces weiehetd at Farmfog
tonMeihodlstchiiRbatd o'clock yestw-
day. with Rev.XW. Vestal offldadng and
the bodv laid to rest in the Faraitogton
Bio - Obituaries — 4/14/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 16,1943 - Page I
Herman Lewis Koontz
Killed in Africa
Pfc. Herman Lewis Koonto,
24, above, son of Mr. ond Mrs,
P. L. Koontz, of Route 2. was
killed in action In North
Africa on March 20, accord
ing to a telegram from the
adjutant general in Washing
ton received by his mother
last Sunday. He was In the
signal corps, entered service
August 26. 1041, and was sta
tioned at Fort Moninouth and
Fort Bragg. He had been In
North Africa .since before
ohrlstmas. A brother. Pvt. Wil
liam B. Koontz. Is stationed
at Shaw Field, Sumtcr, S. C.
The telegram stated:
"The secretary of war de
sires me to cxpreu his deep
regret that your son, Pfc.
Herman L. Koontz, wos killed
in octlon In defense of his
country in North Africa on
March 20. Letter follows. The
Adjutant General."
Bio - Obituaries -4/16/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 16,1943 - Page 2
William Albert Taylor, 67.
prominent Formlneton mer
chant, died Sunday night at his
jhome following an lllnoaa of sev
eral years. He had been orlti-
{Cally lU for the past week.
I He'wns n'member of thn Farm-
Ington Methodist church, serv
ing on the board of stewards, as
.a teacher in the Sunday schcoli
and as church treasurer. He
also had membership In the
Parmington Masonic lodge and
the Junior Order of United
American Mechanics.
Survivors Include his widow,
Mrs. Myrtle Walker Taylor; two
sons, K. A. Taylor of Farming-
ton and W. M. Taylor of Wln-
ston-Salcm, and one daughter,
Mrs. Cornelia Taylor Messlck of
Funeral service was conducted
Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock
at Farmlngton Methodist church
and burial was in the church
cemetery. . '
FoUbearors Include C. M. Weir,
C. B. Seats. B. D. Howell, T. H.
Rcdmou, K. W. Sink and Paul
Walker. Honorary pallbearers
wore members of the Masonic
lodges of Shrmlngton and
Mocksvllle. The Rev. J. W. Ves
tal, pastor of the ohuroh, of
ficiated, being assisted by the
Rev. 0. M. McKenncy and the
Rev. H. o. Freeman, former pas-l
tors of the church. {
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 16,1943 - Page 4
Death Claims Mrs.
John F. Johnson
Mrs. John JP Johnson died at
her home In the Yadkln Valley
community Tuesday morning at
2:30 o'clock after several weeks
of critical Illness.
She was the widow of J. F.
Johnson, who dtod about eight
days ago.
Survivors Include five ' sons,
Frank Johnson of the home,
Raymond and John Johnson of
Elkin, Ernest Johnson of States-
vUle, uiul Wullor Johnson of tho
• United States navy; two daugh-
tors. Miss Llllle Johnson of tho
home, and Mrs. Edgar P. Tesh
bf Olemmons; 20 grandchildren
and four grcnt-grandchlldron.
P\tnui'ul services wore con
ducted from tho homo Thurs
day afternoon at 1:43 o'clock
and at Yadkln Valley Baptist
church nt 2 o'clock.
Ofltlclatlng ministers were the
Rev. Ray Billings, the Rev. J. T.
Murray, and the Rev. Jlmmle
Gross. Interment was In the
family plot in Yadkln Valley
Bio - Obituaries - 4/16/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 21,1943
C F. Barohardt
C. P. Bainbardt, 68. died at his
boose near Gooleemee Sanday morn*
nm* Sorvhrora inelade the widow;
five sons. Geonre and Oiarlie Barn*
hardt. of the borne: J. T. Barnbardt.
CooleeiBee, and Eostaee and Baxter
Bamhardt, of Uie amy; one broth-
er, J, F. Barnbardt, of Davidsoii
Faneral aerviees wera eondneted
Monday at Coneord Methodist choreb
with Revs. Q. W, Fink and tictor
U Andrews officiating, and the body
laid to rest In the choreb cetnetery.
Charles W. Booe
dmles W. Booe, 80. a fornaer Dsfle
oMtnty man, died lo a Wlosnm Satoin bos*
pital FHday ffiOfstoO, foOoariog oo Uloeei
Friday Bomiiig, loUosdng to illneso of
only a few boofsi. Bfr. Booe moved btoia
ffiaifcsviOe towmblp to Whi8too«Salam 12
yean ago* n
FBoeial.Mivfeea were held at the hoose
Sttttday ftfUBntoTO at 2 o'ekOk, ami the
body laid to net io Woodlaad cetoetefy*
Mr. Booe waa.o oiember of llameoX Roads
Baotist cbnreb.
Sorrivots iDchide bb wife one ooo and
a daoghter. A tnotber R. L Booe. reaidefl
DeWblF. HeBdiix
, OoWitt F. Heodilx. 6S, died Sanuday
morolog at hia home near Poifc. •
The Ameial was held Ssoday aftemoon
at 4 o'dooA at Fotfc Ballet Ctoioli. Rev.
E. W. Tbmer coodnoied the services. Bo*
rial waa In the diaeeh graveyard.
Sorvivtng are lour risteiob Ure. 0 0.
WBUamaef Stokeadale; Miss Sallie Hand*
rix of Fofh; Mis, MoBie Wttllains of Un*
wood and J. A. Jfooeeof lilo(A8vU]e,Roote
8, and two bfothers, L A Beadriz of Fork,
and E.' N. Headriz of Advaaea, R. 1. ^
Bio - Obituaries - 4/21/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 23,1943 - Page 3
C. F. Barnhardt
Passes Sunday
C. F. Barnhardt, Q8. dlod at
hia homo near Cooleomec'Sun^i
(lay morning. Survivors Include
the whtuw: live sons, George B.
and Charlie Bornhardt of the
home, J. T. Barnhardt of Coolee>
mcc, and Eustace and Baxter B.;
Barnhardt of the army; onel
'M}rotticr, J. P. Barnhardt of Dav*
Idson county, and one grand-
child. i
Funeral services were con
ducted Monday at Concord
MethodlsJL church. The Rev, G.!
W. 9lnk and the Rev, V, L. An
drews ofTlclated and burial was
In the church graveyard.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 23,1943 - Page 6
' J. Myers (Uncle Tom) Tran-
sou, 73, died Friday morning at
3:30 o'clock at the home of
John and Mollle J. Burrus at
Rookford, with whom* he had
lived for the pa^t 20 years. He
was a native of Yadkln county
and resided at Boonvllle imtil he
moved to Rookford in 1010.
Mr. Transou operated a groc
ery store at Rookford for a
number of years ond had made
his home with Mr. and Mrs. Bur
rus since l023. ''
Surviving are one brother, C.
R. Transou. and hne sister, Mrs.
J. M. Mock, both of BoonvUle.
The body was removed to the
home of a brother, C. R. Tran-
80U. at BoonvUle, Saturday aft
The funeral was held at Boon
vUle Baptist church Sunday aft
ernoon at 3 o'clook. The body toy
In state at the church from 2
until 3 o'clock. The Rev. J.' w.
Parker and Prof. Zeno H. Dlxon
conducted the services.
Funeral Held Tuesday
For Mrs. J. L. Handlfon
Funeral services for- Mrs. J. L.
Hamilton, 76, were held Tuesday
at Fork Baptist church by the
Rev. Wade Hutchens. the Rev.
V. L. Andrews and the Rev. E.
W. Turner. Interment was In the
church cemetery.
Mrs. Hamilton died Monday
morning at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. O. L. Crotta, In
Granite Quarry.
Survivors Include two daugh
ters, Mrs. Crotta and Mrs. Y. J.
Seaford of Route 8; three sons,
S. J. Hamilton of .Granite Quar
ry, R. F. and J. H.. of Route 3;
three brothers, j. b; Beck, D. B.
Beck and Houston Beck, aU of
Route 4, and H. B. Beck of Char
lotte. FOrty-two grandchildren
chUdren and 33 great-grand-
children also survive.
DeWitt F, Hendrix *
Rites Held Sunday
DeWltt P. Hendrix, 65, died
Saturday morning at his home
near Fork. He was a son of
Nathaniel and Mary Qarwood
The (uiiurui wus held Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock at Fork
Baptist church. The Rev. Wade
Uutuhens and Utu Rev. E. W.
Turner conducted the services.
Burial was In the church grave
Surviving are four Alsters. Mrs.
o. o. WUUams Of Stokesdale,
Miss Sallle Hendrix of Fork, Mrs,
MolUe WUltome of Llnwood, and
Mrs. J. A. Jones of Mooksvllle,
Route s, and two borthers, L. A.
Hendrix of Fork and B. N. Hen
drix of Advaaee, Route. 1.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/23/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 28,1943
Peter A. Miller
Last Veteiao Dm h
Feter A. MlUer, 94, retired farm*
er, vetctao ol Confcdeimcy, died
Wednesday ofsht at bis bom two
miles cast of Statcsvllle of tbe in*
firmitiesof age.
Mr. MPler, a native of 'Ytdkiii
cotiDty, ^ot woA cf his tile to
that coQDty, hot bad Hved In Ireu
dell for several years. .
Stnrviviog are. a dangbter. Bins.
Uneberry, of Siatesvllle, a dster,
Mrs. Lucile Todd of Castooia, his
wife, tbe former ~iss Anita
mood of Tadkio ooos^, died maoy
years ago.
He wasa llie»Ufe member of Cross
Roads Baptist cbnteh, Vadkin
Tbe ftroeral was beld Friday at
3 o'doek at Smith Qrove dmrdi In
Davie county.
Fred Reavis
Hannooy Sailor Now
lided As Dead
Mrs. Marv E. Reavis, of Har.
monv, Drevipualy notified that ber
son, Fred Reavis. was missing in
action, has now been iufonaed
the Navy department that be is
Bio - Obituaries - 4/28/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 5,1943
Phillip Hosey Snyder
Fanner Dies While
Death from oataral causes, tc*
cording; to the verdict of Dr. T.
W. Sray, Rowan County coroner,
ended abruptly an Easter Monday
momluft fisbtngi trip of Fbiliip
Hosey Snyder, 74, retired farmer 01
Scotch Irish Township. ^
Apparently in normal health,
Mr, Snyder went early to hfa £ -
vorite fishing place on Fourth Creek
it was report^ at the sheriff's of
He was found dead about 10:30
o'clock on the creek bank near the
home of Ralpo H. Current, not far
from Mt. Vernon bridge. A heart
attack Is believed to have caused
bis death.
A Negro who was also fishing on
the creek lonnd the body and re
ported the matter to authorities.
Mr. Snyder was a native of Da»
vidfion County where be was born
May 10, i^, but had spent most
of bis life iu Rowan.
Survivors include bis widow ' the
former Miss Fannie Roberts; si^t
Funeral services were held Wed
nesday from North Creek Baptist
Chnrch of wbtefa he was a member
C. C Tiller
C. C* Tiller, St. retired textile foieniaD
at the Cooteemee mills, died early Friday
momlnfi at hia home in. Cooteeinee He
had been in dedlnlttg health for five yean,
and was taken seriooaly ill a week ago,
auffering a stroke 00 Sunday ftotn which
he did not rally.
He was a prime mover in the fonnding
of Che Cooteemee Methodist cbiireb in the
early 1900's. and remained a membiir until
his death. He became a seventh degree
Mason $$ years ago at Loodge No.» 134,
Mocknville, and was one of the founders
of the Junior Orders of Ctmleemee, lo
which he remained an active member un
til death.
He came to Gooleemee 42 yearn ago.
Surviving, besides the widow, ate five
daoghterB as fallows: Mrs Harvey Huflf
man and Mrsi C. C Otbsoo. of Kannapolio.
Mrs. Clarence Grout, of MocAavUle:
Ralph Hitlard. of Gooleemee; and Mrs.
George fihaver. of Greenwood, S. C, three
sons, £. C. TUkr, of Leaksvllle; Jim and
Tom mier, of Gooleemee.
Fnoeral servicea were held at 3 p. m.
Sattttday at the Gooleemee MeUiodist
ciiureh. The service waa oonducted by
Rev. F, J. Stoogb, and burial followed In
the Gooleemee cemetery.
J. C WeUman
Jamea Qeveiand WeUman, 86, retired
assfstent postmaster at DtaovtUe^ Van and
resident MocksvUle for the past two
years, died Snnday moiDlng at the U, S*
Veteians Hospital, Roenoke, Va.
Mr. WeUman waa a veteran of the let
World War and had been a patient at the
hospitaTfor the past three montha.
I Fhneral services were held yesterday at*
terooon at 4 o'clock at Che MocksyiUe Me-
tbodlat Ghmeb, with Rev. G. W. Fink in
charge, and the body laid to rest In Rose
Surviving are the widow;one son, Rob.
eit J. Weltmao, of the U. S, Army; one
daughtec. Gecmaine WeUman, at home:
four brotbeia. Rev. H. H. Wdbnan, Cool
Springs; V, W. WeUman, Satmony; Frank
Weifanao, SaUabury, and Wesley WeU
man. Daoville. Va . sod one sister, Mrs.
H, L, Mtthofen. of Coqleemee.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/5/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 7,1943 - Page 3
Alexander L. Aycock
, Funeral servl^'for the Rev,
, Ateaander L. Aycock; pastor of
the MoeksvlUe Blethodist diurch,
were held yesterday momtag,
Thursday, at the ohureh. Inter
ment wu In the Balem eeifte-
teiy In Wlnston-8alm
pl^The Rjiv; Mr. Aye^ died al-
' alost sttddjsnly .Tvmday. morning
In p barlMr shop
Wllkesboro where he had gone.
' .to address th^ BlUn district
Woman's SocteW of the Meth
odist church. He suffer^ a light
heart attack while' driving to
North Wltkeahoro hut Insisted to
relattves'and frtends In the'car
that it "would BMti pass ofT'
and continued to fcmaln at the
whMl for the rest of the Jour
When he arrived at North
WUkedsoro he stepped In a bar
ber' shop to speak to some old
friends, sat down In a chair and
remarked that he was not feel
ing well. He was stricken sud
denly and corrled to the Wllkes
hospital but died before reach
ing the hospital. '
Survivors Include the wife,
Mrs. Pearl Beaoham.Aycock; two
daughters. Miss Helen Aycock
at homo and Mrs. W. A. Biles of
Wlnston-Balom: on6, brojher,
tonhle Aycock, of Gabarrus
Four gQtndohUdr^n i^so
, The Rev. Mr. Ayoook chme to
Mooksvllle last year/ and was
exceedingly popular with mem
bers of his congregation. His
sermons were especially praised.
He was born In Gabarrus
county, a son of the late John
and Olora Perry Aycock. During
his ^ministerial career ho served
as pastor of several ^well known
Methodist churches In the west
ern North Garollna conference.
Ihe ,11st Includes churches at
High Point, Oharlotte, Relds-
vlUe, LeakesvUle, Statesvllle,
Ganton, Glbsonvllle and Mocks-
His widow and daughter will
establish residence in Winston-
Bio - Obituaries - 5/7/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 7,1943 - Page 4
IHcd Fridty
chrUtopher Columbus Tiller,
81, retired textile foreman at
the CQoleemee mllta, died last
Friday at his home, 36 Main
street, in Cooleemee. He had
been in declining health for five
years, and was taken seriously
ill a week ago, suffering a stroke |
on Sunday from which he did;
not rally.
He was born September 21,
1862, at Bethune, 8. C.', the son
of the late James and Elizabeth
Tiller, ffe was married to Rox-
anna Belle Wilson of ^Bethuno
March 15, 1886, who survives.
He was a prime mover in the
founding of the Cooleemee
Methodist church in the early
lOOO's, and remained a member
until his death, actively partleU
pating In the affairs of the
church as long as his health
permitted. He taught the Mar
tha Richardson Bible class there,
later renamed the Tiller class
in his honor, for many years. He
had served as a steward during
his entire membership, and was
chairman of the board of stew
ards for a number of years.
He was also active in commu
nity affairs, and served for a
period of time on the Cooleemee
school board. He became a
seventh degree Mason 35 y^ars
ago at lodge No. 134. MockavUle,
and was one of the founders of
the Junior Order of Cooleemee,
in which he.remained an active
member until death.
He came to Cooleemee 42
I years ago.
I Surviving, besides the widow,
are five daughters as follows:
Mrs. Harvey Huffman and Mrs.
E. E. Oibaon of Kannapolis, Mrs.
Clarence Grant of MocksvUle,
Mrs. Ralph HlUard of Cooleemee,
and Mrs. George Shaver of
Greenwood, 8. C.; three sons, E.
0. Tiller of LeaksviUe, Jim and
Tom-Tiller of Cooleemee. Blx-
teen grandchildren and one
great-grandchild also survive.
Funeral services were held at
3 p. m'. Saturday at the Coolee
mee Methodist church. The body
lay in state at the church from
1 p. m. until the funeral hour.
The service was conducted by
the Rev. F. J. atough, pastor, and
burial followed in the Cooleemee
cemetery. Pallbearers were sons
and sons-in-law, as follows:
James Tiller, Tom Tiller, Ernest
Tiller, Harvey n Huffman, Earl
Oibaon, George Shaver, Ralph
HlUard, Clarence Grant. Grand
children assisted as flowerbear-
Bio - Obituaries - 5/7/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 7,1943 - Page 6
t James C. Wellman
Claimed By Death
Jamea Cleveland Weltmani 68.
retired aaaiatont postmaster at
Danville, Va.. and resident of
Mocksvllte for the past two
years, died Sunday at the V. B.
veterans hospital at Roanoke,
Mr. Wellman was a veteran of
the World war and tod been a
patient at the hospital for the
past three months,
The body remained at a local
funeral home until the rites
were held Tuesday afternoon at
4 o'clock at the Mooksvllle Meth
odlst church. Burial was In Rose
cemetery here.
Surviving are the widow; one
son, Robert J. Wellman, of the
U. S. army; one daughter, Ger-
malne Wellman, of the home;
four brothers, the Rev. H. M.
Wellman of Cool Springs, V. W.
Wellman of Harmony, Frank
Welhnan of Salisbury, and Wea
ley Wellman itf Danville, Va
( and one sister, Mrs. R. L. MU-
I holen, of Cooleemee.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 7,1943 - Page 8
bics At Folk
Houston S. Davis, 84, well-
known Oavle county cltlseo, died
suddenly at his home In the
Fork community Mohday.
The funeral was held at 3
o'clock at the home Wednesday
afternoon. Burial was In the
Episcopal cemetery at FOrk. The
Rev. Mr. Allen of Lexington was
In charge.
Survivors Include one sop, L.
H. Davis, Fork; one daughter,
Mrs. Blddle Davis Goodman; one
brother, E. J. Davis, and three
Bio - Obituaries - 5/7/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 12,1943
H. S^Dayis Passes
Houston S.. Davis, 84, died sod*
denly at bis borne in Fork Moo*
4a7» May 3rd*
PuoenU services were beld. last
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock
at tbe home, witb Rev. Mr* Allen,
of Lezloftton. in cbarice. and tbe
body laid to rest In tbe Pork B{ds*
bopal Cbnrcb oemetery.
Sorvivoia indode one son, I,. H*.
Davit. Porki one daugbter, Hrs.
Biddie Goodman; one hrMber,
J* Davis, and three granddiildren.
Rev. Alexander Aycock
Dies Suddenly
Rev. Alexander E*. Aycoek. 66. paator of
tbe MochavDIe Methodist (Rmicb. died sud
denly In North Wllkeabofo last Tuesday
mofoing St 8s45 o'clock.
Rev. Bff, Ayeocfc, accompanied by bis
wits and dangliter, MIsb Blaiy Heltman
and Mm C. G* Leseb. went to North Wilk*
esboio thesday mofiiing* wbsfe he was to
address the Elkin district womao's sodaty
of tbe Methodist ehnich lo sessloii there.
Afterarrfving lo town he stepped into
a barber shop and took a seat, saylog he
was not fedlog weH Ha said that bmoie
leaviog home be bad experienced motor
trouble witb his automobile and that he
bad pushed it off to get the motorstarted.
At that time be became eiek. and waa
blinded, but tbat he felt better soon and
drove to Nmtb Wilkesboro.
When hemadetbose remarks be was
suddenly etriofcen while sitting In tbe bar
ber diafar. .An ambtdance waa called and
he waa oaitied to the Wiftes hospital but
died before arriving there, fleart attadi
was ascribed as tbe canse of deetb.
I ^ * »
Rev. Mr. Aycock was a native of Ca*
barras county. During bis ministerial ca
reer be served a number of well known
diurcbesin the Western North Carolina
Conferenoew Prior to coming to this city
last fall he was pastor of the Methodist
cbttfch at GlbflonvUle.
Soivlvlim are his wife and two daugb*
ters, Mrs. W* A, Biles, Witt6ton«Salem,attd
Miss Helen Aycock of the heme. One
brother also survives.
Futtsral services were held at MbeksyiUe
Methodist cbuidiThaisday morning at 10
odoclr, with Revs. A. C. GIbbs. of Ettdn;
L. B. Aberoelby. of Cbariotte, and J, W.
Hoyle, of Lexington, oondncting the ser*
vioeo. Tbe body waa carried to Winston*
Salem and laid to rest In Salem cemet^*
Tbe iudden passing of this beloved min*
later was a severe shock to hundreds of
friends in this city* While be had been
in MOcksville only a few months, be bad
made many .friends. To the bereaved
family Tbe Record extends sympathy in
this sad hour of bereavement
Bio - Obituaries - 5/12/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 14,1943 - Page 1
Ruby Louise Clement
Funeral eervleee were held
Sunday ' afternoon for Ruhy
Louise Clement, eight-month*
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Avery clement, Jr. The Infant
died about 2 a. m., Sunday
morning. The Rev. O. W/ Fink
held the serlvce at Oak Orove
church. Survivors Include the
parents and two sisters, Martha
Lee and Hazel.
. Lowery Rites
Held May 12
Funeral services for Dabney
Alexander Lowery, 77, wpre held
Wednesday afternoon at Eaton's
Baptist church with ^he Rev.
Dallos Renegar In charge. In-
' terment woa In the church ceme
•Mr. Lowery died Monday
night at hla home on Route 2.
Survivors, Include hla widow,
three daughters, Mrs. Floyd
Dull of Cana. Route 1. Mrs. Roy
Beak and Mrs. Jessie Driver,
both of Route 2; two sons, Lewis
} L. of Route 2 and Frank L. of
Wlnston-Salem; one brother, 0.
W. Lowery, of Route 2, and one
sister, Mrs. Henry Hunter, of
Morganton, and six grandohll
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 14,1943 - Page 2
Mrs. Amelia Jane Finney, 07,
died early Monday morning at
the homo of her daughter, Mrs.
A. R. Holleman, Yadkl'nvlUe,
Route 2, after a long Illness. She
had been seriously 111 since last
Born In Yadkin county March
2,1874, she was the daughter of
Jarret and Mary Reavla and
spent all of her life In Yadkin
Surviving are two daughters,
Mrs. C. W. Mathls of Oyde and
Mrs. A. <R. Holleman of Yadkln-
.vllle. Route 2; a 8on,>&(arUn Fin
ney, of YadklnvJUe, Route 2; a
brother. Robert Reavls, of Ron-
da; a sister, Mrs. Sally Whit*
aker, of Cycle, and ten grand-
Funerol services were held
Tuesday oltemoon at 9 o'elock
at Mountain View Baptist
church, the Rev. B. K. Wooten
and the Rev. J. L. Powers as
sisting. Burial was made in the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/14/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 14,1943 - Page 6
A. M. fiinltherman, 80, former
resident of Yadkln county, Route
1, died in a Wlnston-Salem hos
pital last Thursday night after
a serious Illness of one week.
He had been In declining health
for sometime.
Mr. Smitherman was born
April 30,1863, In Yadkln county,
a son of the late David and Bally
Norman Bmlthernian, and spent
most of his life near East Bend,
'where he was a well-known
farmer and miller.
. He served. as..postmaster at
Shore for a number of years and
was also county commissioner
for some time.
Mr. Smitherman moved to
Forsyth county 12 years ago and
had operated a store on Rey-
nolda Road since that time.
He was a member of Balti
more Methodist church and su
perintendent of Stony Knoll
Sunday school for a number of
His wlfe. who, before marriage,
was Miss Elisabeth Nichols, died
October 8, 1035.
Survivors Include three sons,
Oalt Smitherman of East Bend,
and John and Frank Smither
man of Wlnston-Balem; three
daughters, Mrs. Wallace Hauser
of Xellogg, lowa, Mrs. r. E.
Myers of East Bend and Miss
Maude Smitherman of Morgan-
ton; a large number of grand
children and great-grandchU-
dren; .three sisters, Mrs. George
Nicholson and Misses Nancy and
Millie Smlthermon, all of East
Bend; two brothers, Dock and
Anderson Smitherman of East
Funeral services were held
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock
at Baltimore Methodist church.
The Rev. Q. A. Hovlss and the
Rev. EUls Norman were In charge
and Interment was In the church
Grandsons who served as pall
bearers Included Guy, Howard,
Johnnie and Charles
Smitherman, Richard Orutch-
fleld and Byron Smitherman.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/14/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 14,1943 - Page 7
Funeral services lor E. B.
Vestal, 77. were held at 4 o'clock
Sunday Qftcrnoon at Union
Cross Friends church with the
Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Key, the
Rev. Charles Hutchins and the
Rev. O. W. Edgerton presiding.
Mr. Vestal, n prominent farm
er and n life re.'^ldent of the
East Bend community, died
about 0 o'clock Friday urtuvnoon
at the home of n daughter, Mis,
George Prim, in East Bend. Ho
had been active in county af
fairs, serving four years on the
board of county commissioners,
and was a mag^trate for around
20 years.
His wife died in August, 1941.
Survivors include two sons.
McKlnley Vestal of Ashland,
Ky., and Herman Vestal of the
U. S. army; four daughters, Mrs.
George Prim of East Bend, Mrs.
Roscoe Brown of YadklnvUle,
Mrs. J. E. Stimson of Mount'
Airy and Mrs. H. C. Taylor of
ThomasvlUc; one brother, E. J.
Vestal, of Yadklnvlile.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/14/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 19,1943
id G. Essie Passes
David 6. Essie* 82, weU-koowo laimer
of Geoa, R t, died at bis boms SatmdaF
ovfloiod at 7180 oVsIock, following a long
iltaets. Mr. EsMo spent his entire lifs In
YMflUncounty,nearCoortoe?. Rawasa
comistGot member of Cross Roads Baptist
Ghtueb. where foneral servlees were held
Monday aftmooon at 8 o^doek, with Revs.
R. E Adams, A- M. Choreh and James
Gmee oondootlng the services, and the
body laid to rest In. the church cemetefy.
BIr. Ea^ Is enrvlved by five sona. J. P.
and C. D. Essie, Cana,R I: D, R Essies
Moehaville;C. S. and W. F EssU^ Winston^
Sateni; two daoghters. Mis Dewey Oiioo,
CSoa, R I, end Mrs. Opal Walte, Wins*
ton S^lem. Twelve gtandefaUdfeo and two
great-gfandchil^ea survive.
Ernest Plowman
Davie Soldier [QHed In
Mr. nod Mrs. Solomon Plowmno,
of Advance, Rk,i, hasbeeo notified
bv the War Departmeot that tbehr
son, Pvt, Ernest Plowman, was
kilted in action io foreign service,
on Monday, May lotb Tbisistbe
fonith man from Davie coooty who
has lost' bis life in the present war.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/19/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 21,1943 - Page 1
Ernest Plowman
Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Plow
man of Route 1» Advance,- have
been notified that their son. Pvt.
Ernest Plowman, was billed in
action In foreign service on May
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 21,1943 - Page 2
Mrs. Velma Cook Jessup, 65,
widow of Andrew Jessup,' and
mother of Mrs. Avalon E. Hall
and Miss Edith Jessup of Yad-
klnville, died at 10 o'clock Mon
day morning at her home near
Westfield following a heart at
The funeral will be held
Wednesday afternoon at 3
o'clock at Westfield Friends
church. The body will lie In
state at the church from 3 un
til 3 o'clock. The Rev. L. W. Mo-i
Farland will conduct the serv
ice. Burial will be in the church
Mrs. Jessup was a member of
the Cook family, pioneer settlers
of the Westfield community. She
was a native of Westfield and a
daughter of Sandy and :Mary
Haymore Cook.
Surviving are four daughters,
Erma and Margaret Jessup, of
the homo; Mrs. Avalon E. Hall
and Miss Edith Jessup of Yad-
klnville; one son, J. R. Jessup, of
Westfield; seven grandchildren
and two sisters, Mrs. J. F. In-
mon and Mrs. J. E. Pell, both of
Bio — Obituaries - 5/21/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 21,1943 - Page 6
j David Q. Essie, prominent
Yadkin county farmer, died at
his home on Cana, Route 1, Sat*
jurday night at 7:30 o'clock fol-
' lowing a critical illness of one
week. He had been in falling
health for the past flve years.
He was 82 years old and had
lived his entire life In ihe com
munity in which he died. He
was a member of Crossroads
Baptist church.
Funeral services were held at
the church Monday afternoon
at 3 o'clock with interment fol
lowing In the church cemetery.
The services were conducted by
the Rev. R. E. Adams, the Rev.
A. M. Church and the Rev. Jim
my Oroce.
Mr. Essie married Miss Ellen
Sprinkle ,who died In October of
last year.
Surviving are the following
J. F. and C. D. Essie of Cana,
Route 1; D. B. Essie, MocksvUle;
0. 8. 'and W. F. Essie, Wlnston-
Salem; Mrs. Dewey Dlxon, Cana,
Route 1, and Mrs. Opal Walker,
WInston-Salem. Twelve grand
children and two great-grand
children also survive.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 21,1943 - Page 7
Victoria James
Funeral services were held
Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. for Mrs.
Victoria James at the Moore's
Chapel church. The Rev. Wil
liams of Kings Mountain con
ducted the service.
Bio — Obituaries - 5/21/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 21,1943 - Page 8
Mrs. J. L. Smith
Passes Saturday
Mra. Rosa Mary Smith, wife
of J. L. Smith, who lives near
South River In Davle county,
died at the Rowan Memorial
hospital at 6 p. m. Saturday
after a tponth's Illness. She was
62 years old and had been In de-
ollnlng health for five years.
She wos the daughter of the
late A. H. and Adella-Robertson
of Davle county.
A member of Fulton Methodr
1st church In Davle county, and
formerly active In the affairs of
Cherry Hill Dutheran church,
she is survived by four sons and
Ave daughters; Ray 0. Smith of
Cooleemee, Cloero Smith of
Davle county, Eugene and J. L.
Smith of the home, Mrs. L. A.
Orubb, Mra. C. P. Shaver, and
Mrs. D. B. Miller of Davle
county, Mrs. E. P. Earnhardt of
the home, and Mrs. J. G. Ben*
son of Mookavlllef
In addition, five brothers,
three sisters, and U grandchil
dren survive.
Funeral services were held
Monday afternoon at i p. m. at
the Fulton Methcdl^ church by
the Rev. Mr. Gentry, the Rev.
F. J. Btottgh and the Rev. V. L.
John C. Welborn, 60,
Dies at Union Grove
John C. Welborn, 60, well
known farmer of upper Yadkln
county, died last Wednesday
morning at his home. Union
Grc;e, Route 1. He had been In
111 health five years and nltlohl*
ly m lor one week.
Mr. welborn was bom In Yad
kln county, December 27, 1882,
a son of Gilbert and Victoria
Owen Welborn. He epent his en
tire life In that community and
was a member of Sweet Home*
Baptist church, WUkes county.
Surviving are two sisters, Mrs.
M. V. Shaver of Wlnston-Sa-
lem and Mrs. R. M. Howard of
Sanford, and several nieces and
The funeral was held Thurs
day afternoon at Zlon Baptist
church. The Rev. Orady White
conducted the services. Burial
was In the church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/21/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 28,1943 - Page I
John Henry Fulghum
Rev. John Henry Fuignum, 07,
former peator of (he Mucksvllie
Baptist church, died Thursday
mornJng at 4:16 o'clock at his
home on the Statevllle highway.
He had been In declining health
for a number of years.
The Rev. Fulghum was born In
Mt. Olive, N. C. on July 7, 1880.
In earlier life he was engaged In
commercial activities before en
tering the ministry. He served for
four years as pastor in Mt. Airy
ond for eight ycara waa presi
dent of the Mountain Park.Iii-
stltuto; He assumed the pastorate
of the local Baptist church In
January, 1833, and retired in
September, 1941, because of 111
heolth. After retirement ho and
Mrs. Fulghum moved to their
farm on the Statosvllle hlghwoy
where they had lived since that
In 1820 he married Miss Ethel
Meadows nnti she Is the sole
Immediate survivor. Two nieces
survive, Misses Kate and Carole
Lane of Detroit and .Baltimore
re.spcctlvely. A number of cousins
also aurvlvle.
It Is expected that the fun
eral will be held at the local
Baptist church this afternoon,
Friday, though the hour has not
been determined. The Rev. J. W.
Turner, pastor, will be In charge
and Interment will 'be In the
family plot in Rose cemetery.
Widely known and very pop
ular, the death of Rev. Fulghum
saddens his many friends and ,
John R. Smith
Died Sunday ^
John R. Smith, 73, died last
Sunday night at the home of
Quy W. Miller near Farmlngton.
where he had lived for the past
six years.
The funeral svos held Tuesday
afternoon at Bethlehem Method
ist church, conducted by the
Rev. J. W. Vestal and the Rev.
James oroce. Burlap was in the
church cemetery. )
Bio — Obituaries — 5/28/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 28,1943 - Page 2
David Monroe Wooten. 53, re
tired farmer of East Bend, Route
1, died In Eikln hospital Wednes
day morning.
The son of the late Ell and
Vlcy Norman Wooten, Mr. Woot
en was born July 9,1889, In Yad-
kln county. He spent about 35
years of his life in the state of
Surviving are four brothers,
Ellis H. Wooten of East Bend,
Route a, Edgar Wooten of East'
Bend, Route 1, J. W. Wooten of
Albiron, Iowa, and Lewis Wooten
of Clarion, Ibwa, and three sis
ters, Mrs. J. J. Vestal of East
Bend, Route 1, Mrs. H. D. Nor
man of Winston-Salem, Route
a, and Mrs. John E. Norman of
Funeral services were con
ducted Friday morning at 11
o'clock from the Forbush Quaker
church with the Rev. Charles
H. Hutchins and the Rev. Ellis
Norman in charge. Burial was in
the church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/28/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 28,1943 - Page 5
. Oalvln A. Holcomb> 68, died
Thursday at midnight at hia
home, JoneavUle, Route 1, after
a long Illness. His condition had
been critical four days.
Mr. Rolcomb was a native of
Yadkln county and spent his
entire life In the community In
which he resided. He was a
member of Fall Greek Baptist
Surviving are the widow, the
former Miss Dosha Bryant, and
one son, Enrest Holccmb, of the
home. .
The funeral will be held this
morning at 11 o'clock at Fall
Creek Baptist church. The Rev.
E. a. Jordan and the Rev. Cleat
Simmons will conduct the serv
ices. Burial will be in the church
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 28,1943 - Page 6
Miles Cllngman Hutchens, 47,
Wlnston-Balem, Route 9, died In
a locol hospital Tuesday evening
at 0:SO .o'clock after a serious lU*
ncss of three days. Mr. Hutchens
had been sick for the past four
He was bom In Yadkln county,
March 80, 1806, and spent most
of .his life In that county near
YadklnvlUe. He moved io For-
syth county 12 years ego, and
for sometime was connected
with the state highway depart
ment. A few years ago he went
with the Forsyth County Coun
try club.
Mr. Hutchens was a member
of Deep Creek Baptist church.
On February 12, 1921, he was
married to Miss Winnie Driver,
who survive.
Other survivors include two
sisters, Mrs. W. E, Winfrey, of
Wlnston-Salem, Route 9, and
Miss Bertie Hutchens of Wln
Funeral was conducted Thurs
day afternoon at 4 o'clock at
Forbush Baptist church. Burial
was made in the church ceme
Bio - Obituaries - 5/28/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 2,1943
Rev. John H Folghaai.
It is with sndnest that we chronicle the
death of Rev. J H Paltfho'n. $7. which
ooeorred at bio home in thia city Ttrow"
da> mornitia.' He had been in decUnfaig
health for tha nast chret* yearn.
Rev. and Mni. Falahuin moved <o thia
dty abimt ten yearn aao. He nerved aa
paftnr of the M«icliav1il<> UaptiM Church
for several years, recinnd aboot two yeaia
afis on account of bad heatth.
Funeral servlees were held at Meeksvine
Baptist Chureb Friday afternoon at five
o'elocli, with Rev, E. W. Turner in charge,
and the hody laid to rest In Rote ceme
tery. The many beautiful floral trthoteff
I attested the high esteem in which this
I beloved minitiler was held. In bis death
! the entire community lotae one of Ho
moat honored cltisensM-a man who went
about doing pond and spfe/.dlog sunsfaine.
He will be missed by ail our people.
Surviving is bis wife and some tflstant
relstives, Aootber friend of ibe editor
has crossad over the river to rest beoeatb
tberiiadeof tbe trees. We shall miss
bim sorely. j
John David Furchei
John David Furohes, 63. died Friday
fflotaing at bis borne at Fsfmiogteo aftmr
a week'e iUnemi.
Tbe fimeral services were bold at Farm*
logldQ Baptist Oiumb Saturday afiesnoon
pt 4 e*doek. aiMi the body laid to rest In
Eaton a Baptist Qmrch cemetery.
Sorvivots inelade five daughters, Mrs,
Ray Parker, Odd boro: Miss Virginia Fur-
dies, Washington; Mrs. Kelly James, Flor
ence, S. €4 and Misses Annie Lois and
Vashii Fufcbes of the borne: four sooa,
Robert and WUUam FUrebes. Ghna, R. 1:
J. O.FUicbea.Farmlogtoo, and Fred Fut>-
cfassef U. S. Army; 10 grenddtildreo; one
toothm; iSiarles Fuicbes; two slstecs. Misa
Usale Fan:bes8iidlii9.&ed Lakev, Gana,
R, I. To tbe bereaved family The Record
extends beaitfdt sympathy in tlie death
of this fatber and brother.
Howard C. Stroud
bedell Mao Haogs Self
Howard C. Stroud. .^7, of near
County Line, Iredeti couuty, coded
bis life by banglny himself early
Friday moroinK. Mr. Stroud got
up at the usual hour sod weut to
the baro to feed bis slock. When
be did QOt return, bis wife went to
look for bim and found him hang
log by & tope. He had climbed ud
into the barn loft, f^ened the rope
to a rafter and around his neck,
then jumped from tbe secood flpor
of tbe barn. It was said tbat Mr.
Stroud had been in bad health for
some time. Ao inquest was deem,
td nonecessary.
Funeral services were held Son.
day morning at 11 o'clock from tbe
Ciailcsbnry Metfaodist Cfanrch. and
the bqdy laid to rest in tbe church
oemet^. Mr. Stroud is survived
bv his wife and. five cbildreo,. his
mother and three brothers.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/2/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 4,1943 - Page 1
John David Furchea, 63, died
laat Friday morning at his home
at Farmington after an illness
of several days.
He was formerly employed at
the state prison camp in Davle
Funeral services were held at
the Farihlngton Baptist church
Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Interment was In Eaton Baptist
church graveyard.
Survivors include five daugh-
ters, Mrs. Ray Parker of Golds*
horo, Mrs. Virginia Furches of
Washington, D. C., Mrs. Kelley
James of Florence. 8. 0., and
Misses Annie Lois and Vashti
Furches of the home; four sons.
Robert B. Furches of Cana, Route
I, W. F. Furches of cana. Route
1. J. D. Furchea of Farmington
and Fred Furches of tJ. S. army;
ten grandchildren; one brother,
Charles Furchea; two sisters.
Miss Lizsle Furohjss, Cana, Route
2, end Mrs. Fred Lakey, Cana,
Route 1.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/4/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 11,1943 - Page 1
Robert Monroe Beamone, 60,
section foreman of the South*
em Railway, died at his home
on Spring street here last Men*
day morning. Death was the re
sult of a stroke, he having suf
fered from a number since
May 1.
He is survived by his mother,
Mrs. Tom Seamone, of Woodleaf;
his widow, Pearcy McCarthy
Seamone; six children, Monroe
and Orimsley at home, Mrs.
Paul Wagner, Wilmington, Mrs.
Elizabeth WllUama, Woodleaf.
Pvt. Robert Seamone. Camp
Cook, Cal. Pvt. Wilton Seamone,
Camp Pine Dale, Cal.
Three brothers and three sis-
tera also survive:--John, Salis
bury, Jim and Tom Seamone,
Route 2, Mrs. Tom CorreO,
Cooleemee, Mrs. Minnie Sea
mone, St. Pauls, Miss Bessie
Seamone, Woodleaf.
Funeral services have been
postponed until Sunday morn
ing at 11 o'clock in order to al
low the soldier sons time to reach
here from California. Services
will be at the Woodleaf Method
ist ohuroh and Interment will
be in the church cemetery.
Mr. Seamone had been with
the Southron for 26 years, com
ing here about five years ago.
William Helper
Funeral Held
William Troy Helper, one-
year-old son of William R. and
Margie Speaks Helper, of Coolee
mee, died Monday morning at
9:40 at a Salisbury hospital after
an illness of three days.
. Survivors Include the parents;
the paternal grandfather; two
brothers, Jacob and Dwlght
Helper, of the honie, and Ave
sisters, Christine, Pauline, Cleo,
Ann and Helen Helper, also of
the home.
Funeral services were con
ducted Tuesday at Union Orovo
Methodist church In Iredell
county, the Rev. Mr. Davis and
the Rev. A. C. Chllders officiat
Bio - Obituaries - 6/11/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 16,1943
M. Seamon
M. Sj^moo, 60, for the
y^ars section foreman for
t^^nihem Railway aysiem, died
j^onday, Jtme 7*h, at his home on
Sprine street fohow a stroke of
paratvsis which he snffored ahnnt a j
month ago
Mr. Sesmnn wa« « native of Ro,
wan connty and ll«*ed at Woodh af
for many years He moved to this
city several vear« ano. We wt's a
member of the P O 5t. of A., ard
the Woodleaf Methctis* chnrrh.
His drst ntarrtaffe wa« to Mi^s Ln>
eM Boeer From ihi« union two
children survive, Robert P Seam*
on, nf the U. S. armv. and Mr^.
Panl Wagner, of Leiand, N C.
Twelve years ago be was united in
marriage to Mrs. Pearcev McCar*
thy, who survives, together with
two children. Charles and Orimsley
Seamen, attbe home. He is also
survived by an adopted daughter,
Mrs. Lee Williams, of this city;
and a step son, Wilton McCarthy^ j
in the army at Hammer Field, Cal
ifomla. He leaves three Iwotb
era and three sisters, and his moth*
er, Mrs. Thomas Seamen, of Row.
an connty*
Pnoeral services were held Sun.
day afternoon at 4 o'dock from
Woodleaf Methodist church, with
the pastor. Rev. Mr. Williams, in
charge^ assisted hy Rev. E. W
Tnmr, pastor of the Mocksville
Bsirtist church.
In the death of Mr. Seamen, onr
town lo^ a good citizen He will
be missed in the home, the cbnrch,
and by his many friends in this sec
tion, A Kood man has been called
to his reward.
Mrs. Zeola Edwards.
Mrs Zeola Edwards, 76, passed
away last Tbnnday moming at the
home of her daugbte , Mrs. C. W*
O'Neal, near Holman's following
an extended illness.
Funeral services were held Sun
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, at
tTnioo Chapel Methodist Chorcb,
with Rev. F. A. Wright in charge,
and the body laid to rest In Joppa
Mrs. Edwards Is survived by one
daughter, Mrs. C. W. N'Neal; nne
brother Charles Coon, and one sis
ter, Mrs. Fannie Womack, all of
R. 2, and several grandchildren. A
good woman has gone to her re.
Utfe WiOiaiii Helper
William Troy Helper* one-year-
old son of Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Helper, of Cooleemee, died Jnse 7,
at a Salisbury hospital, following a
short Illness. Funeral services were
held at the Uniou Orove Methodist
Church in IredeU county June 8th.
Snrvivora include the parents,
two brothers, Jacob and Owlght
Helper of the home, and five sis
ters, Christine. Panline, CIso, Ann
and Helen Helper, at home.
James Franklin Eaton
James Preoldiii Eaton, 8$. wetl-kDOwo
darksville dtigen, died at his home neat
Cans Friday eveidiijt, following an illness
of some titne.
Mr. Eaton is survived hy one son, Mar
tin M. Eaton, and one brotlier, D. R* Eat-
on. Fonerel servieea were hold at Eatou'h
Baptist cbuieh yesterday afternoon at 4
o'cluok, with his pastor. Rev. Dallas Koa.
eaar 10 charge, and the body laid to rest
In tbecboToii cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/16/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 16,1943
Henry J. Fry
Hniiry J* Fry, 60, died at bis borne, liar^
roooyf R. 2, Sunday aftenooii, foUotdan
a ^ott illness. I!r* Fry is sorviYed by his
widow, two brothers, 6 L Fry, of Clem*
mm, and T. G. Fry, Mooksviile; one sis
ter, Mrs. Senia Wood, Advance, R. 1. Mr.
Fry was a native of Davie county^ inov*
iotf to liedett count? eevetal years tgo.
Fttoeial services were beM at Rocky
Swings Baptist cboreb yesterday moroing
at 11 o'cloclL whb Revs. DaOas Renegar
and B. W. Tomer io cbaige, and the body
laid to rest in the ehiueb eemetery.
Mrs.. George W. Skeek.
Mrs, Geonre W. Sbeek, 81, died
at hat home on Wilbeaboro street
Stniday momliig at 9:15 o^cloek, fol*
lowinsr an Hlnees of nearly three
montlKB, 9ie was one of Mocks*
ville^a oldest and best belovm) women.
Mrs. Sbeek was a daofrhter of the
late Dr,(bRd Mrs, M, D. ^mbrongh,
of Smith Grove,. ^ was. born in
Forsyth county, but ber parents
movM to. Smith Grove nearly 80
years ago, and she spent practfeallyj
ber mitire life In DavIe coonty. She
was ttidted in marriage to. the late
George W, SKe^ of Smith Grove,
on ^t. 22, 1881, Her husband was
Register^of Deeds of DavIe coonty
for many years. His death occurred
in 1908.
Mrs Sbeek is snrvlved by two
sons. A, K, and doe F, Sbeek, Ports-
mooth, Va-: four danghters. Mrs.
Oscar M^amrocb, Mrs, France,
James, Misa Duke Sbeek and Mrs.
Clarence James, all of tfockavllle;
five broMiere. C, L, Efmbrongb, Far*
mlngbo^J, W; Kimbrongfa, Ralelcb;
J, A. Ktmbrongfa, Winaton-Salem;
A-M. KimbroOgb. MocksylDe, and
P* R. Klmbrooih* Atlanta Two sls-
tera, Mrs, J. L, Sbeek, of tbfs dtv,
Mrs, D. K, Fnrdies, of R, 2 al
so snrdve, together wltb 24 grand*
children aod tune great-grandchild*
Foneral services were held Mod*
day afternoon at 4 o*eloek at Smith
Grove Methodist diorcb, pf which
she bad been a member since early
girlhood, wIGi her pastor. Rev, J,
w. Vestal, asabted by Rev. H. O,
Boss, pastor of the Mocksvllle Meth
odist cbnrcb, conducting the servi
ce and the body laid to rest In the
church emneteiy. Many beautiful
fiofsl tributes attested the high es
teem In whM tfafa lady was held.
T6 the bereaved family The Re*
cord extends deep eyiopathy In the
loss of this beloved mother, Sho
will be ntoed ao nracfa In the com
munity where she dient so many
years of her Hie. A mother In fa
rad has fMten, .
Bio - Obituaries - 6/16/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 18,1943 - Page 1
Mrs. Mattle Walker Dwlggins,
60, wife of the well known local
business man, T, P. Dwlggins,
died Monday oftemcon at 2:50
o'clock at the Davis hospital In
stateavlle. She had been a pa
tient there for' five weeks with a
heart aliment.
She was a native of Davle
eountVi daughter of the late
Calvin and Amanda Penry
Survivors Include the husband
and a son. Lea P. Dwlggins, of
Charlotte. One grandchild also
The funeral was held Wednes
day afternoon at Center Meth
odist church, conducted by the
Reverends O. W. Fink, E. M.
Avett and B. O. Huss. Interment
was In the church cemetery.
James F. Eaton
Dies Friday
James Frank Eaton, 65, died
at his home near Oana Friday
night aftOr being In declining
health for some time.
He Is survived by one son, W.
M. Eaton, and one brother, D. R.
Eaton, both of Mocksvlle,
Route 3.
Funeral services were held
Tuesday at Eaton's Baptist
church with the Rev. Dallas
Renegar In charge of the serv
ice and Interment was In the
church graveyard.
Henry J. Frye
Rites Tuesday
Henry J. Frye, 60, died' Sun
day at his home. Harmony,
Route 1.
Surviving are the widow, the
former Miss Katie Smith; two
brothers, O. L. Fryo, of Clem-
mons, Route 1, ond T. C. Frye,
of Mocksvllle; one sister, Mrs.
Senla Wood, of Advance, Route 1.
The funeral was held at Rocky
Springs Baptist church Tuesday
morning at II o'clock. The Rev.
Dallas Renegar and the Rev. E.
W. Turner conducted the serv
ices. Burial was In the church
Services Held for
Mrs. Z^la Edwards
Mrs', zeola coon Edwards, 76,
died Friday morning at her
home, Mocksvllle, Route 2, after
an Illness of two years.
Surviving ore one daughter,
Mrs. C. W. O'Neill, of Mocksvllle,
Route 2; one sister, Mrs. Fannle
Woro'mack, of Mocksvllle, Route
2; one brother, O. F. Coon, of
Mocksvllle, Route 2, 'and two
The funeral was held Sunday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at
Union Chapel church. The Rev.
F. A. Wright conducted the
services. Burial was In Joppa
Bio - Obituaries - 6/18/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 18,1943 - Page 1
Funeral services were held at
4 p, m. Monday at Smith Orove
Methodist church for Mrs.
George W. Sheek, 81, who died
Sunday morning foUowing a
prolonged Illness.
The .Rev. J. W. Vestal, pastor
of the ^uroh of which she had
been a member since girlhood,
officiated. Ho was osslsted by
the Rev. H. O. Huas. Burial fol*
lowed at the family plot In the
Mrs. Sheek, the former Ca*
mllla Frances Klmbrough, was
bom In Forsyth county, but her
family •moved about one year
later to Davie county, where she
had made her home since. She
was one of the five sons and
daughters of the late Dr. -Marma
Duke Klmbrough and Sallle
Brock Klmbrough. Her father
established the first drug store
in Davle county and was a prom^
Inent physician here for many
She married George W. Sheek,
register of deeds for many years,
on September 82, 1881. They
also had a family of five sons
and five daughters, six of whom
now survive.
Her husbond preceded her In
death 36 years ago. '
Surviving are the following
children: Mrs. A. U. James, Mrs.
Clarence Jam'es, Miss Duke
Sheek, Mrs. Oscar McClomrock,
all of Mocksvlllo, Jack Sheek and
Albert Sheek of Portsmouth,
Va.; 24 grandchildren and nine
great-grandchildren; two sisters,
Mrs. J. L. Sheek, of Mooksvillc,
and Mrs. Klmbrough Furches,
of Route 2; Ave brothers, Alec
Klmbrough, of Mockavllle, J. A.
Klmbrough, of Wlnston-Salem,
Joe Klmbrough, of Raleigh, P.
R. Klmbrough, of Atlanta, Oa.,
and C. L. Klmbrough, of Farm-
etvfy wee*
Pallbearers were John Null
Waters, Fletcher Click, McQulre
Furohes, Norman Leach, Beal
Smith, Jr., and John LeOrand.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/18/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 23,1943
Mrs. T. P. Dwqii^
Paseral services for Mrs, T. P.
Dwiffffltis, 60, who died at a States,
vine hospital Joae 14, foUowiog ao
flluess of five w^ks, were held at
Oenter Methodist cfaurdi last Wed-
istoday aftemooo at s o'ctopk. with
Revs. O. W. Bhik, £. M, Avett
and H, O, Htisi In charffe, and
the body laid to rest in the cfatneh
Mrs. DwiKfdns was a daoghier
of the late Mr. and Mn. Calvin
Walker, of Center. She had been
a resident of Mocksville for the past
year or more.
Snrvivors indnde the husband,
one son. Loa P. Dwlgglns, Char
lotte^ and one grandson.
Jesie J. Stewart
, Jesse J Stewart. 75. died Thura>
dky morning at the home of his dan*
ghter. Mrs. H. M. Clearv. in CaJa-
lialn township,' Death followed an
ttloesa of five months
Snrviving are his wife, three sons
and daughters. One brother,
Willim Stewart, also survives
Ponefai services were held at 8
o'cloek FHdap aftennmn at Chest*
not Grove. M^thodift eharcb and the
bodv laid to rest in the eboccb eem*
eteiy. ' -
Mn. Mabel Shaw
Mrs, Blabd Shaw. 24. died Tfanra-
day at the Lowery Hosdtal in Saha*
bnry aft^ an illhera of two weeks.
She is snrvlved by her hnsband.
GydeP. Shaw. Mocksville. Ronte 4:
three efalidren, Jnnfor Clyde. Jndy.
Ann, and Jettie ^w, all of the
home; the mother, Mrs. George Bol*
labongb of Cooleemee; four bro'hera.
Jack CNeil of Horwood; Otis and
M. G. O'Mdl of Cooleemee; and, &n-
mett O'Ndl of tbe United States
Army; two exsters, Mrs. Peggy
SmiUi of Eannapolfs. and Blim Roby
G'Mdl o» Caolmmee. .
Poneral services were eondneted
Friday afternoon at 2 o'eloek at the
Presbyt* rian Church in C oleemee.
Rev. D B'. Dulin was in charge and
intermit was in North Cooleemee
icemetery. "
Bio — Obituaries - 6/23/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 25,1943 - Page 1
Mrs. James A. Rollins
Jesse J. Stewart
Services Friday
Jesse J. Stewart, 75, died
Thursday morning at the homo
of his daughter, Mrs. H. M.
deary, in Oalohan township.
Death followed an Illness of
five months.
' Surviving are hla wife, three
sons and six daughters, and one
brother, William Stewart.
Funeral services were held at
3 o'clock Friday afternoon at
Chestnut Grove Methodist
church and the body laid to rest
In the church cemetery.
Mrs. Mabel Shaw
Unites Friday
Mrs. Mabel BuUabough Shaw,
24, died Thursday at the Low*
ery hospital In Salisbury after
an Illness of two weeks. —
She is survived by her hus
band, Clyde P. Shaw, Mocks-
vllle. Route 4; three children.
Junior Clyde, Judy Ann and Jet-
tie Shaw, all of the home; the
mother, Mrs. George BuUa
bough, of Ccoleemee; four broth
ers, Jack O'Neill of Norwood,
Otis and M. O. of Cooleemee, and
Emmett of the United States
army; two sisters, Mrs. Peggy
Smith of XonnopUs, and Miss
Ruby BuUabough of Cooleemee.
Funeral services were con
ducted Friday afternoon at 2
o'clock at the Presbyterian
church In Cooleemee.
The Rev. D. B. DuUn was In
charge and Interment wu In a
cemetery In North Cooleemee.
Mrs. James A. Rollins, 19, of
BurUngton was almost InstanUy
klUed last Wednesday morning
about 8:30 o'clock when an auto
mobile she was driving turned
over twice on the Statesvllle
highway at Oalahaln. It was stat
ed that she lost control of the
car at the Calahaln curvre, the
car turning over on the highway
and throuwlng her out. She died
from a head Injury when her
head struck the pavement.
An occupant of the car, a Mr.
Nance of Burlington, was also
thrown from the car but received
only minor Injuries.
Mrs. Rollins was on her way to
Long's hospital to see a sister
confined there. Bhe^ was the
daughter of John Caas of Union
Grove and also has a sister Uv-
Ing there. The body was taken
to Union Grove.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 25,1943 - Page 2
Will Woodruff
Mrs. Odell Malone of New
York, Mrs. Jessie Carter, Irene
Woodruff and Radford Woodruff
of Baltimore, Md., attended the
funeral of their brother, WUl
Woodruff, which was held Frl-|
day at. 4 p. m., at the Soldier's
Memorial Methodist church In
Salisbury. I
Bio - Obituaries - 6/25/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 25,1943 — Page 6
Funeral services for Mrs. Fan-
nle AWce Money, 77, were con
ducted from Maokle and Hin-
shaw Funeral home Monday
morhlns at 11 o'clock. The Kev.
W. Jackson Huneycutt and the
Rev. Thomas D. Flynn were In
charge. Burial was made In the
Mackle cemetery.
Pallbearers were OUnton W.
Hall. Fred 0. Hobfion, Lon B.
West, R. M. Wells. W. M. Van-
Hoy and Walter Zachary.
Mrs. Money died at her home
In Yndklnville Saturday night
following an Illness of several
months. She had been seriously
III for two days.
She was born In Yadkln
county January 10, 1866, the
daughter of W. B. and Elizabeth
Holcomb. She had lived her en
tire life In the couniy. She was
married to John 0. Money Janu
ary 19, 1888. He died March 6.
1032. '
Surviving are four daughters,
Mrs. will McCollum and Mrs.
Rosa Somers of YadklnvlUe, Mrs.
Saliie Galloway of Boonviile,
Route 1,> Mrs. John Hutohens of
Thompson, lowai two sisters,
Mrs. Betty West of Wlnston-
Salem, and Mrs. Sant Garner of
YadklnvlUe, Route 1, and sev
eral grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/25/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 25,1943 - Page 7
Mrs. Altce Glam Wallace, 80,
died at her home pi Hampton-
vUle, Route 1, Saturday.
She had been In her usual
(health all day and died after
only a few hours' illness.
Her husband, Jeff Wallace,
preeeded her in death several
years ago. .
Survivors Incluoe the follow
ing ohildren, R. Q. and O. O.
Wallace, both of Hamptonvllle,
Route 1: Mrs. S. W. Campbell of
Union Orove, Route 1: t. 0.
Wallace of Harmony, Route 1;
y. F. Wallace of Troutman: K.
F. Wallace of Detroit, Mich., and
HfrS'N. 0. Crater of Olin.
Funeral services were con-
dtnt^d Sunday afternoon at 4
. o'clock at Holy Spring Baptist
churoh by the Rev. J. A. Dlnkley.
Interment was made in the
ohumh graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/25/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 30,1943
James C. Godbey
James C. Godbey, 82. well4mown
recirod termer of Bowan. died at bta
boiiie near Woodleaf Bfomtey, June
Slat, while afttins in a chair in bia
yard. He had been in bad health
for several years, bat bis condition
had hot h^ conddered aerions.
I3^tb was attributed to a heart at
tack, and was a shock to bis family.
Bfr. Godbey was bom in 1861, the
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Godbey, of Davfe county. He had
Hved in Rowan eonnty for many
years, aad was a member of Gay's
Ghapel Methodist efaorch. Mis wife
hreeeded blm in death Pebroary .19,
1941. Surviving are two daughters,
Mrs. G. W. Mefisiekaiifi Mrs. Lsroy
Mowery. both of Rowan eonntyi andi
three sons, W, F. Godbey Detroit;
L. £. Godbey. Kowan conoty. and
G, C. Godbey, Davie eonnty; two
brotlwis. Nelson Godbey, Thoma»|
ville, and Qiarles Godbey, ot Rowan
eonnty. and one dster, Mrs. Josenb
Parker. Moeksvil'le, R. I,
Funeral eerviees were conducted
Wednesday afternoon at 6 o'clock at
Unity Freabyterien cfaards^ Wood-
1^ bv Rev Oliver B. Greoie,. and
tiie body laid to rest in the cbnrdi
Hn. RdUnsKSkd h
A horrible auto wreck oectirTed
about 8 o'clock last Wedoesday
moroiDs, six miles west of fifoeks-
ville. on the Statesvllle biabwav*
A DeSoto car. driven by Mrs.
James Roilios, «.f BorlioKton, left
the bigbwoy, crossed the road'
twice and torced 'over throwing
Mrs. Rollins to the concrete pave»
roeot. She died almost instantly*
A Mr. Nance, who was riding io
the car, escaped iDjnry.
Mrs. Rollins was a former resld.
eot of Union Grove. Iredell eonnty,
a daogtatier of John Cass. She was
on ber way to see a sister who was
a patient at a Statesville bospital,
when the accident ocenrred. Pnner.
al and bnrial services took place at
Grassy Knob Baptist Cbnrcb Pri^
day morning at xx o'clock, wttb
Rev. Orady White In charge.
Mis. Rollins is survived by ber
husband, her parents, eight broth.
CIS and sisters
Bio - Obituaries - 6/30/1943 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY