Jul - DecMOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 7,1944 - Page 1 lESTER LEACH IS DROWNED Lester Marshall Leach. 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. C, Q. Leach, of MocksviUc, was drowned last Monday night at 0 o'clock In a pool attached to a private sum mer camp near Glasgow, Va. Dr. E. P. Tompklns, Rockridge county coroner, said. Lester, who lived all of his life In Mocksvllle until the war and % who attended the local 1)1?^^ school, was spending the holl- (lays with friends. He ond one of the small boys In the party had taken a boat ride, after which ho decided to take a swim. He was a good swimmer and since little water was found In his lungs, physician.*! c.Hprcsscd the opinion that he suffered a heart attack after entering the water, particularly since the water in the pool wos shallow and graduated In depth. The small boy, who was pres ent when Lester sank, ran to the house to give the alarm but it was about 40 minutes before the searching party could locate the body. Survivors Include the parents; four brothers, W. J. Leach of Mount Airy, M. A. Loach of Mocksvllle Roy Norman Leach of Mocksvllle, and ,Charles F. Leach of the U. S. army, and three Bi.itcra, Mra. C. 0. Wol- bornc of Kcrnorsvlllc, Mrs. Orndy Flowers of Mocksvllle, and Mrs. Hoylc Harris of Coolccmec. The fimornl was hold Thurs day afternoon at the First Meth odist church, conducted by the Rev. J. H. Sprinkle, assisted by Rev. John McMurray. Interment was In the family plot In Rose cemetery. •. Pallbearers were Everette Drown. WllUe Brown Oralg Bogeri Rlchord Lookablll, Edward Lee Potts and Gene HaneUne. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 7,1944 - Page 5 MRS. MYERS, 75, DIES AT ADVANCE Mrs. Betty Bracken Myers. 75, died Monday afternoon at the home of her son, Frey Myers, of Advance, Route 1. Funeral services wore hold Tuesday at 4 o'clock at the home. The Rev. J. C. Gentry officiated and burial was In the family graveyard. Surviving are four sons, Fred, Early and Marvin Myers, all of Advance. Route 1, and Sherrlll Myers, Greensboro: three daugh ters. Mrs, E. M. Boger, Greens boro, Mrs. T. W. Llvengood and Mrs. J. V. Tucker, both of Ad vance, Route 1; one half-broth er. Ellis Peacock, Mooksvllle. Bio - Obituaries - 7/7/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 12,1944 Lester Marshall Leach Mocksvflle Man Drowns Lttitt MarahaO Leach. 20. eeo el Mr and Mra. C. 6. Leadi, of llMAsvlUe, waa drowned Monday nlglic, Jdly at 9 o'doch in a pool attached to a private aaauner camp near Glaatfow* Va. The water la which the drowolod oe* cotfed waa eaid to be omnparatlvely ehal- low, and gradaated In depth. The coroner oaptesaed the oidnloo that yoontf Leaeh had beoome panicky when be reached the deeper woter. The yooog man bad been emidoyed for the past two years by the Vtrftfnla High* way Depanmcnt Soivivoia iodnde the parents: font brotben. W. J, LeMh, of Mount Airy; M. A Leach and Roy N. Leach, of MocfcsviUe: and C. F. Leach of the U. S. Army; and three slatms. filiflL P d Welborne of Ker- nersviBe; Mrs. <^dy Flowoa of Mocka- vlUe; and Mrs. Moyle Harris Codeemee. Fonrnl services were oondoeted at the HocksvUIe M^cdlst (Smieh Tbtiisdey afteuiooo at 4 o*dock, with Rev. IL C, Sprinkle In charge, assisted by Rev. John A McMoiray, era the body laid to rest in Rose cemetery. To the bereaved pareata, brothers and eiatem. The Record extends heartfeit sympathy in this sad hour. M. J, Hohhonser M J. RMthouser, )9, one of MockavUto'a eldest and best known dtizena died at Rowan Mttpocial Hosdtal. Salisbnry, Sat* ortey rnomlng at 10;^ o'clocs. where he. ep^ two weeka taking treatment i Mr. Hotthoam had been a resident of ctty for about 40 yesre, and for more IMO M yean he was section foreman ^tb the Southern Railway. He retired a bom otxyeaiaegoi. Fhpeiaj aerytea ware held St the FirstPn^C^n clHiieb Monday aftefnooa at 4 04^k, vuth hb p^cr. Rev. J^o A McBlttrny in chame. and the body laid to to R<^ eemetery. The many beau* tlful foral Mbntes atteatod the high' as- to which be waa held His death baa biooght sadness to a host of ftienda throughottt Che town and counto, whmba had spent • long, and nsefoi lifo M Hdthonm, HooksviUe; Doit Holthottser WJostos Setem; EIroest Hoitbott^. Char*Ihttm five itot^teie*- Mrs. Hoyt Btaek* ^ttfoud ibO^e; His. Mar-Mi^ Winston Salam; Mrs. Hugh La^ and Daisy Rolibonser of Uocks^e: and Nig Rolthouser, Charlotte. One sister. Mrs. H. L Rump^ of Trootman, and a nambtt of grandchildren, and one gieat*graitdcIiiM also survive. William H. Cook Former Davie Man Dead William H, Cdok. a native of Davie Conniy passed away Friday* June 30* at his home near Keysvilte. Vs. He b survived by his wife, three aooa and five daughters* also three brotheraand seven sisters. He was a Oiristian. and loved by all who knew him. Theffmeralwaacoi^Qct* ed Sunday June 2, from Keysviiia Baptbt church. Mrs. Betty Myers Mrs. Betty Bracken Myers. 78. died July 3rd at the home of her son, Frey Myers, of Advance, Route 1. Foneral services were held Jnly 4ib. at 4 o'clock at the home. Rev. J. 0. Gentry officiated and burial was to the family graveyard. Surviving are four sons. Fred Early and Marvin Hyera. eU of Advance. RoUte 1; and Sheirill Mven. Greenabaro; three daughters, Mrs. E. M. Boger, Gneosboto} Mrs. T. w. Uvenik^. aoo Mis. J. V, Tucker, both of Advance* Route 1; one half brother, ElUa Pnaeock, MoOkevlUe Route 4; one half abter, Mrs. Mary Foster. Mocksviile. Route 4:37 grandcUldrea and four great grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 7/12/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 14,1944 — Page 1 MRS. HUTCHENS DIED TUESDAY Mrs. Susan Naylor Hutchens. 40, wiie 01 the Rev. wado Rutcn- ens, of Cana and a widely known Davle woman, died at noon last Tuesday at Davis hospital, StatesviUe. Oaushter of J. F. Naylor and Uusiin Euton Naylor, she Is aur> vlved by her husband; by an In fant son, Howard: by her father, J. F. Naylor, of Mockdyllle: by three sisters and three brothers: Mrs. £. M. valentine oi uurham. Miss Inez Naylor of Mceksvlllo, Mrs. T. M. Bowles of Cana. Clyde Naylor of Route 1, Floyd Naylor, a well known local business man, and Martin Naylor of Cana. The funeral was held Thurs day morning at 11 o'clock at Baton Baptist church, conducted by the Rev. Dallas Renegar and the Rev. B. W. Turner. Inter ment was In the churchyard. Bio - Obituaries - 7/14/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 14,1944 — Pages 1 and 8 Passes wm iVI. J. H0LTH0U9ER RITES HELD FOR M. J. HOITHOUSER Funeral services were iield last Monday afternoon at the First Presbyterian church here lor Mllas Jay Holthouser, 70, one of the moat beloved citizens of Mocksville, who died the pre- vious Saturday morning at the Rowan Memorial hospital, Salis bury, where he had been o pa tient for ten days. His death was the result of a heart ail ment. The Rev. John A. McMurray, pastor, conducted the rites and interment was in the family plot in Rose cemetery. Mr. Holthouser retired in 1938 arter apendtng more than 50 years In the service of the fiouth- ern Railway. He was married E>eeember so, 1B8B, to Miss Atlde h. Todd. Surviving are the widow; five daughters, Mrs. H. L. Blackwood of Gullford, Mrs. George Mar- (Contlhued on page B) iMORE ABOUT Holthouser shall of Wlnston-Snlem, Mies Daisy Holthouser of Mocksville,! Miss Nell HoUhoUscf of the' WA'Cs, stationed at Morris Field, Charlotte, and Mrs. A. Lagle of Mockavllle: three sons, Ernest Holthouser of Charlotte. Roy Holthouser of Mocksville and Dolt Holthouser of Winston- Salem: 10 grandohiidrsn; one great-grandchild and one sister, Mrs, K. L. Rumple, of Trout- Out of town guests for the fu neral Included the following from Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Todd. Wnde, Alice. Kenneth and Frank Todd, Mrs. Roy White. L. J. Starnes. C. T. Mc- Call. Van McCall, Mrs. John Went?!, Mrs. John Dover, Ernest and Bobby Holthouser' the fol lowing from Wlnston-Salem: Mr. and Mrs. Dolt Holthouser, Geor- glc Orecory, Mrs. Charlie Mor gan, Mrs. E. K. James, Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall and family; •Mr. and Mrs. H. L. BlackWMd and family of Ouilford. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rumple, Mrs. Oeor- 'glc Brown. Misa Altha Scruggs niul Vfr. and Mrs. .loo MoAbeo, nil Of Troutmtin; Mlsscv; Resh and Myrtle Lawson of Statcs- vlllo, Pni'nosu Holthouser of Troutnmn, Rhyne Holthouser of BIrinlnghiim, Ala., and Margaret Stinson of Barium Springs. Aotlve pallbearers wore R. P. and Dewey Martin, Xnox John- stone. Ben Boyles. E. P. Foster and L. Q. Banford. Bio — Obituaries — 7/14/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 19,1944 Dr. Ernest M. Griffra Dr. Eniest M. Griffin, of King, aged and wldely>koowo Stokes County physician, died at a Winaton*Salem hospital last Tuesday night, following a week's lUness. Dr. Griffin practiced m^lcine at Farm- Ingion for several years, and bad many friends In Davie Coonty. He moved to King about 23 years ago. He was an an nual visltcw to the Mocltavllle Masonic picnic. He was a member of the King Baptist Oittreh. Surviving are the widow, two SODS and one sister. Final rites were con ductud Thursday afternoon at King Mo ravian Ohuteh. Mrs. Tobitha Hutchens Mrs. Tobitha Naylor Hutchens. 41, wife ot Rev. Wade Hutchens. of Cana. died at Davis Hospital. StateavUle. last 1\iesday at noon. Funeral services were held, at Eatou's Baptist Church Thuredav moroing at ii n'eiQCk. with Rave. Dallas Renegar and E. t W. Turner conducting the services, and ! the body laid to rest in the church ceme- [ tery.\ Mrs. Htttcbeos was the daughter of J. ,F. and Susan Eaton Naylor, ^rviviog * an the bushand; an Infant son. Howard . Htttcbena: har father. J. F. Naylor, Moeks- I ville: three sisters, Mrs. R, M. Valentine, n Duiham: Mrs. T. M Bowles. Cana, and Hisa Inez Navlor, MockavUIe; three bicth era, Floyd and Oyde Naylor, MocksvlUe, and Martio Naylor. Caoa. Bio — Obituaries - 7/19/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 21,1944 - Page 1 HERBERT HEPIER PASSES JULY 19 Herbert O. Hepler, 49. of BloeksvUIe, died at the Rowan Memorial hospital in Salisbury at 9 a. m. Wednesday. He had been there two weeks and un derwent an operation (or a gan grenous appedix. A numbOT of local citizens donated blood for transfusions In an effort to save his life. He was the son of Charles Hepler of Rowan and the for mer Mary Gllen Sain of Davle. He is survived by his widow; one son, William, In.the U. S. anny: by his mother, Mrs. C. W. Hepler. of Mooksville; by three sisters, Mrs. Ora Oakley of Clem son, 8. 0., Mrs. Moody Hanellne of MocksvUle, and Mrs. J. R. Ktrkland of Clinton. He was a World War 1 veteran and was a well known local car penter. Funeral services were held this morning, Friday, at 11 o'clock at Oak Orove Methodist church with the Rev. O. W. Fink holding the service. Interment was in the church cemetery. Members of the American l,egion Post of MocksviUe served as pallbearers. MRS. 6RENEGAR PASSES HERE Mrs. Bessie Rich Brenegar, 70. a well known resident of Mocks viUe. died Wednesday morning at 4 o'clock at her home on North Main street here. She had been in declining health for some .time. Daughter of the late Calvin Rich and 'Betty Williams Rich, she is survived by one daughter and two sons: Mrs. Glenn Foole of Winston-Salem, E. R. Brene gar of Winston-Saiem and R. 0. Brenegar of Mooksvlle. Three grandchildren also survive. Her late husband, H. T. Brepe- gar, died in 1939. The funeral was held Thurs day afternoon at 3 o'clock ~.at the home, conducted by the Rev. John A. McMurray, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. In terment was In Rose cemetesy. Pallbearers were Dr. ,p. H. Mason, P. J. Johnson, Frank Fowler, Xnox Johnstone, E. E. Hunt and J. P. LeOcand. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 21,1944 - Page 8 Lowder Rites Be Held Thursday •Funeral services were held at 5 p. m. Thursday at Stalllngs Memorial church, Salisbury, for Ralph E. Lowder, 33, conducted by the'Rev. lO. A. Rhyne, pastor. Burial following In Chestnut Hill cemetery. Mr. Lowder, a service repair man for the Duke Power com pany, died early Tuesday at the Lowery hospital. He had been 111 since December. I Surviving are the widow, the former Helen Spry, of Coolee- mee: one child, William Ray; the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard B. Lowder, of Salisbury: four brothers, Thomas of Salisbury, 8. Sgt. James A. Lowder, now stationed in North Africa, Sgt. William W. Lowder, stationed at 'Hunter Field, Savannah, Oa., and Jack of the home, and six sisters, Mrs. Lois Ott, Spartan- burg, 8. €., Mrs. Ruby Arey, New Commodore, Pa., Mary Ruth Lowder, a nurse at the Cabarrus General hospital, Odd cord; Frances Lowder of Martlnsvllle, Va., Hazeline and Nancy of the home. Mr. Lowder was a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lowder of Cooleemee. Bio - Obituaries - 7/21/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 26,1944 Mn. H. T. Bren^ar I Mrs. Besme Rich Breoe^. 79. died at her home in this city early last Wednea-J day moniing. foUowlafil an eateoifed iUoen. j Mrs. Breaetfar had recently letmnedi home from Bapiiot Hospital, Winston-Sa-1 lem. where abe spent some time taking treatment Urs. Brenegar was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mia. Calvin Rich, of Macks ville. Her husband, H« T. Brenegar. iHed five years ago Survivors are two sons, E. R. Bfenegar. Wln8ton*Salem; R. C. Brenegar, Panama City, Fla.; one daughter, Mrs, Gtenn Pool, WinstoO'Salem, and three grandchlldreo. Fhneral services were held at the home Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. wHh her pastor. Rev. John A. McMurray. in ^arge and tho body laid to rest In Rose ceme tery. Mrs. Hendrix Commits Suicide Saturday | Mrs. Margaret Hendrlx. 67. wife ot A, J.' Hendrix of Mocksvllle. Route 3. died Sat* urdav morolog at 11:30 o'clock at a Wins- con-Salem hospital ot knife wounds. Dr. S. A. Harding, Davie County corner, said tbev were self Inflected. ) Members of tbe Hendrix family found Mrs, Headrix about 40 feet from herhuine Saturday moruing about 6:30 o'clock. Her throat and wrists bad been slashed. Mem* bets of tbe family seid they believed the wounds to have been Inflicted with a raz* or. but no knife or razor was found. I Members of tbe family said they did' not know why Mrs Hendrix had commit ted suicide, and that she left no note. Surviving are the husband; four sons. G.' Ch H. R.. and S. B Hendrix. Mosksville, \ R. 3. and darenoe Hendrix. Cfemmons;' one daugbter. Miss Leooa Hendrix. of the home; two sisters. Mrs. D. J. Potts. Mocks*! vitle,R. 3. and Mrs. Cbatloiie Whltley.' Winston Salem; five brothers, J. H, and 6. • S. floberteon. Blxhy:L H. Robertson. Poris- mmitb, Va.. Harmon Robertson. Winston* Salem. and W V. Tobertson. Advance Ttic funeral was held Monday morning atllo'dock. at tbe Advance Methodist (^uroh. with Rev. J. C. Gentry In charge, and Che body laid to rest in tbe church cemetery. I H. B. Hq^ler Herbert B. Hepler. 49. died Wednesday moroing In a Safisbury bostdtni. He was a veteran of World War I. I Surviving are bis widow, bis mother. Mrs. C. W. Hepler of Mocksville; a son, William, of tiro armv, and tbree sisters. Mrs. Ora Oakley of demson. S. Mrs. Moody HaneKne of Mocksville. and Mrs J. R. Kirteod of Clinton. f Tbe funeral was held Fridsy inmning at. 11 o'clock at Oak Grove Methodist Church { with Rev. G. W. Fink In charge. Burial. was in tbe church cemetery. I Bio - Obituaries - 7/26/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 28,1944 - Page 1 COOlEYRnES WJULY 26 . Funeral services were held 'Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. Willie Blair Cooley, G6, at Coal Creek Christian church, Coal Creek, Va. Interment was in the church cemetery. M{8. Cooley died suddenly Monday evening at her home in Mocksville fol lowing a heart attack. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Blair of Oalax, Va. Her husband, Charles M. Cooley, passed away 24 years ago. Mrs. Cooley had prevtously lived in Oalax and Danville, Va., but for the past four years bad made her home in Mocksville with her daughter. Miss Josephine Cooley. She was a lifelong member of the Chris tian church. Survivors include two daugh ters, Miss Josephine Cooley of Mocksville, Mrs. H. M. Bryant of Asheboro; four sons, L. D. and C. F. Cooley of Charlottesvllle, Va., H. L. Cooley of Newport News. Va., and B. W. Cooley of the v. 8. navy: one brother, L. D. Blair of Sunnyslde, Wash., and one sister, Mrs. Hugh Zelg- ler of Ashton, 8, D. Five grand children also survive. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 28,1944 - Page 3 Knife Injuries Fatal To Mrs. Hendrix Mrs. Margaret Tucker Hendrix, 67, wife of Archibald J. Hendrix of Mocksville, Ht. 3, died Satur day morning at 11:80 o'clock at a Winston-Salcm hospital of knife wounds, Dr. 8. A. Harding, county coroner, said were self- inflicted. Members of the Hendrix family found Mrs. Hendrix about 40 feet from her home Saturday morn ing about 0:30 o'clock. Her throat and wrists had been slashed. Members of the family said they believed the wounds to have been Inflioted with a razor, but no knife or r^zor was found. Indications were that Mrs. Hendrix had walked some dis tance from the house and re traced her steps over the same path. No reason was given, for this. I Members of the family said they did not know why Mrs. Hendrix had committed suicide and that she left no note. Dr. Harding pronounced her death was the result of self-lnflloted wounds. •A daughter of Harmon and Adella Tucker Robertson, Mrs. Hendrix spent most of her life in Davie county. Surviving are the husband: four sons, E. C., H. R. and 6. B. Hendrix of Mocksville, Rt. 3: and Clarence Hendrix of Clemmons; one daughter. Miss Leona Hen drix of ihe home: ii grandchil dren: two great grandchildren: two' sisters. Mrs. D. J. Fotts of Mocksville, Rt. 3, and Mrs. Char lotte Whltley of Winston-Salem and five brothers, J. H. and O. S. Robertson of Mocksville, Rt. 3: L. H. Robertson of Portsmouth. Va.: Harmon Robertson of Win aton-Salem and W. V. Robertson of Advance, Rt. 1. The funerat was held Monday morning at 11 o'clock at Advance Methodist church. Rev. J. C. Qcn try conducted ihe services. Bur ial was In the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 7/28/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 28,1944 - Pages 1 and 8 MRS. 6. T. BAITY DIED TUESDAY .Mrs. Annie Lowery Baity, 66, well-known resident of Route 2, died at her home suddenly Tues day morning at 4 o'clock follow ing a heart attack. She was bom in Yadkln coun ly, December 7, 1678, the daugh ter of Allie and Sallle Gregory Lowery. She moved to Davle eounty in her early childhood. Where ehe spent the remainder of her life. She was a member •of Crossroads Baptist church. On September 22, 1888, she married George T. Baity, who survives. Funeral services were held Thursday at 4:30 * o'clock* 'at Crossroads Baptist church. The Rev. J. H. Grove, the Rev. Z>on- aid Hloka, the Rev. R. B. Adams and the Rev. W. T. Adams were in charge, and burial was in the church cemetery. ' Surviving are the husband: eight children, Mrs. L. S. Shel- ton, George Baity and Leon Baity, all of Route 2; John Baity, (Continued on page, i) MOBS ABOUT Mrs. Baity 'Route 1; Mrs. Waldon Reavis, Mrs. Avery Reavis, Miss Fleeta Baity and Mrs. Manus Welbom, all of Winston-Salem; four brothers, R. L. Lowery, Route 2; Earnest Lowery. Winston-Salem, Vance Lowery, Kannapolls, and napolia; Mrs. Ethel Wright, New Providence. Iowa, and Mrs. Mol-Wess Lowery, Charlotte: three ,y poosland. 111., and 13 slaters. Miss Viola Lowery. Kan- grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 7/28/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA SALISBURY POST, 7/30/1944 1C. McDaniel Passes Saturday , Joiieph Conrad McDaniel, sa, an employe of the SouUicm Rallnay for 32 years, died ai. hU home, SIO North Main atreet. Saturday at 12:30 p. m. The Bon of the late CharlJe and PlckJer McDaniel. Mr. Mc- f.?" *** DavJe county, Jijs.PRrenU at the age of —He joined the First BimtLrt oi nine andiiadi.oeen a member alnce. I mnrrlod In 1000 »n.Dc^lc Hclljg, and leaves Utrce chll». ff®*" .that-iuilon:..Joc T. Mc-:Daniel, now with the ermy in Eng.r serving at Camp Richard ofC^rchland HU Brat wife died In married In 1018to Rather NaU of Coolecmce, who v lrt'nn^ children:Vivian and Jckhtisle Crec of the Evctette Nail McDatiJel I^cUlc. • A torcifher, W/* R county caso aur* McDaniel waa employed for raUrond^TblaiS!He wna a member of the Pimcral uervlce# wJU be held ® Baptist church with biirlai foltowlng at Hie &dy m t^aj^ home at 10 a. Bio - Obituaries - 7/30/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 2,1944 Samuel F. Totterow Sarooal F.lnttetow. S2. vetcfao of Wodd War l,dM Frida? at the U. S. Veteiana Roepitel at Fayettaville He bad beco in in bMtib for several moathK. He was a aon of H F. and Ellaabetb Tatteroir. Survivfiig aie Ibe widow, the fonner UiaaZdda Foster; one son. Uoyd Jeff l^tteiewof the boiae: six atsteca. Mia. Mfnnie Muiph? of Salisbury: Mrs. Noab Oysoa, Mia. Mattio Latbam and Mrs Jobo Frank 0*Neo1, ali uf Mocksville, Route. 4: Mrs. Btiifia Green of MocfcavllJe Route 1 and lbs. Ed Walkei of Mochaville Route Z: and four brntbefo, J. B.« L. Mh C. A, and B. F. Totterow of Mookaville Route I. The biiteial waa hetd Suttday afiefoooa at 4 o*cloek at Center Mctbodiat Urateb Reva. G. W. Fink aad E. M. Avect eon duetedtba eefuiccdl Boriai waa in tbe cbordk graveyard. Member of tbe Ifocfca vIDe PiM of tbe Amoicao Legioo acted as pail beaiera. Mrs. George T. Baity Mia. Gemge T, Baity«68, well known le aideot of MoekavlRe. R. 2, died aoddeoiy at her home laatT^sday nMiniiiitf,ioilow* hid a bean attack. Fbnefal aarvioed were bdd Tbttfsday at 4:30 o'clock, at Cooftney Baptist Choicb. with Reva. X H. Groee, Booald Hlcki, R. C- aod W. T. Adeaa offleiatfaig. and tbe body laid to rest in tbe ebureb ccineteiy. Suivivindare ibc basband and elghc chlldreii, lira, t 8 Sbdton. Ceotdo and Leon Bahy, MoekavUla. R. 2t Jobn Baity, HockaviRe, K 1; Hia. Waldon Reatia, Mrs. Aveiy Reavia Mist Fleata Bally and Mia. Mamts Welbom, of Wiosion<Saiem: iDor brotbers.R.L Lowery, MoekavUIe. R. 2; Ernest Lowery. Wio8toii*Salein: Vance Lowery, Xaooapolia. aod Weaa Lowety, Cbailottes three aisteia, Mlea Viola Low* ery. KannapMla: Mia. Ethel Wiigbi, New PravideDce. Iowa, and Mra. MoQy PoweQ. Fooeland. AL Taylor F. Bailqr It la with profound sadneao that we ehroniola the death ol Taylor F. Baltey.BS. who died at his home near Advance Sat* Ufday night Mr. Bailey had been In bad beahh for iome time, and seriouslv id for one week. He was a long time friend of the editor. Wo oball miss btm. Mr. Bailey was a oaclvo of Oavie Coun ty, a aon of tbe late Mr. and Mm. Bryant Bailey, and epeot most of his Hfe In this county. He was married in 1913 to Miss CSIata CroQse, and was of ihe MoUiodlst faith. Ho operated a large daily farm. A sbm service was held at tbe home yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock and the fitoeial proper occurred at 3 o'clec. at El bavilte Methodist Cbnicb, oouducted by Rflvii. P. L. Smith, J. C. Gentry and 6. B, Feriee, und the body laid to rest in ibo ehureb cetuet^y. Surviving ate bit widow; one dat^tcw, Misa Edith Bailey, at home; two eons, W. A. Bailey, Advance, and Hubett Bailey Che navy, and two giandcbiMren. Mrs. Charles M. Cooley Mrs, Charles M. Cooley. 65, died sud* dM^ of a heart attack at her boaie here Monday evening of last week Her death waa a severe shock to her family aod a host of frieada. Funeral and burial services took place last Wednesday afternoon ht 3 ofdocs, at Coal Creek CbilMian Cburcb. Coai Creek, Va., where she bad been a life long mem bmw She bad formerly lived at Galax andBaoviBe, Va., but had made ber borne here with ber daughter for the past foutyeata. Her bnsband passed away 24 years ago. Surviving are two daughters. Miss Jose* pbine Cooley. of this city, and Mrs. H. M. Bryant, Asb^boni; four sons, L. 0. Cooley and K F. Cotdey, Cbaiiotteaville, Va.; H. L. Codey, Newport News, Va„ aod B, W. CoOiBy* of tbe U. S. Navy; one brother, L ik^ir. Sunoyside, Wash.; <me sister. Mte, Hitfb Zeigler, Ashtoo, S. O4 and five gtandidiildreo. To the bereaved cblldreo. tbe brother and sister. The RecoM extends deep sym pathy in tbe loss of mother and aister, A UK^r in Isiad baa fatleo. one whose cannot be fitted. Mrs. Victoria Hege Mrs. Victoria Burton Hege 77, died at her homo in Advance last TUe^ay even* ing at 8 o*<do^ Mrs. Hege waa a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hormoo Byerly. and spent ber entire life in Davie. Sbe was maified October 27, 1887, to William T. Burton, who died in 1917. In 19^ she married K. F. Bege* who died In Maicb* 1944, She was a member of Ad vanco Baptist Cburob. Surviving are four daughters, six eons, 28 gmndcbildren aad eight gieat*graod- flhiWren, funeral services were held at Advance Baptist Cbnr^ IbaiBday afteroooo ot 3 O'motA witb Dr. Charles Stevens, Rev. E. W. Turner and Thomas Coudell offldat* ioXaod^ btdy laid to rest in the obureh cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 8/2/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 4,1944 - Page 1 Buford H. Peoples ONE DAVIE BOY KIUED AND FIVE OIHERS ARE REPORTED WOUNDED Ooie DavJe boy bas been kill ed in action and- five otiheTs are reported wounded, according to zhessages which relatives have received from the war depart ment recently. Pvt. Buford H. Peoples, son of V. and Mrs. John Peoples of Itoute 2, was killed in action in France on July 13, a telegram from the war department on last Monday stated. He toad been In service for about two years, overseas about a year. He was jnarxied to the former Misa Lois (Peoples of' Route 2 and was 24 years old. This is the tenth Davle boy officially reported killed in World war 2, It does not Include those missing in action, wound ed or captured. Mrs. Minnie B. Shore of Route 2 received a wire last Sunday stating her son, R. W. Shore, toad been seriously wounded in action in France on July 12. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Livingston of Route 3 was notified that their son, Pvt. John E. Living ston, Jr., was seriously wounded on Salpan in the Mariannas on June 23. He entered the army on Sept. 9,1941, trained at Camp Welters, Texas, and went over seas on March 31, 1942. Col. and Mrs. W. O. Murohi- son of Pino have been notified that (heir son, Capt. W. O. Murchisdn, Jr., was slightly in jured in France on June 10. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. White of Route 2 have been notified that their son, Sgt. John H. White, who Is a marine, was wounded on Salpan June 23. He entered service on Feb. 3, 1942 and has been In the South Pacific since Dec. 4, 1942. He has seen action on Ouodalcaual, Tarawa and Salpan. After the battle of Ta rawa his mother received a let ter from him saying: "It was plenty tough but with a prayer on my Hps and with the help of Ood X came through without a scratch." in a recent -letter he said he had plenty to tell about Saipan but it would have to wait ■until the war is won and he could come home to stay. Mrs. Florence B. Williams of Route 1 has likewise been notl fled that her son, Pvt. William W. Williams, was slighUy wound ed in France on July 3. He en tered service on June 15, 1942, has been overseas' about five months. Another brother Law rence, Is stationed in Alaska. Bio - Obituaries - 8/4/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKS VILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 4,1944 — Page 2 T.F.BMEY . PASSES AWAY Tnylor Frederick Bailey, 058", ol Advance, died last Saturday iilu;ht at 11:15 o'clock following on Illness of several montlis, and a critical Illness o'f one week. He was born In Davlo county October 6, 1881, the son of the Inte Bryant E. and Callle Tucker Bailey. His early life was spent In Advance, but after his mar riage March 11, 1913,'to Miss Clare Grouse, he moved to Ad vance where he spent the rest of his life. He was of the Methodist faith, a dairy farmer, and a member of a' well-known family of Davle county. A prayer service was held at his -home at 8 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. The body lay In state from 2:30 until 3 o'clock at Elbavlllc Methodist church, where the funeral service was conducted at 3 o'clock. Rev. P. L. Smith; Rev, J. O. Gentry and Rev. O. B. Ferrce officiated and burial followed In the church graveyard. Surviving are ids widow; one daughter. Miss Edith Bailey of Advance; two sons, W. A. BaUoy of Advance and Hubert Bailey of the navy, and two grandchildren. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 4,1944 - Page 3 HOWARD MACKIE KILLED IN NORMANDY Private First Gloss Howard L. Mackle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. 'Macklc of Yadklnvllle was killed In action In France on June 23, according to a mes sage from the war department to Mr, and Mrs. Mackle, Sunday, July 30. The telegram reod: "The secretary of war desires me to ?xpress his deep regret that your son, Private First Class Howard L. Mnckic was killed In action of June 23 in Pronce." Ullo, Adjutant General. Private First Class Mockle was a member of the nuvv-famous 70th Infantry division which stormed the ramparts of the great port of Cherbourg and took that city fell* the Allies. It was pre.sumably In this fighting that Mnckle was killed. He entered service June 6, 1042 and received his basic training at Fort Bragg and Camp Plckett, Vlrglnlo. Then followed several months of ma neuvers which carried him to Florida, Tennessee, California ond Kansas. He was holder of the Good Conduct medal, export rifleman award; award for pro ficiency with the boyonot, pistol, hand grenades and machine gun. Private First Class Mackle sail ed for England April 3,1044. The lost letter received by his par ents was on June 21. He was 23 years old July 5. n Mr, nnd'Mrs. Mackle had three sons, nil In service. The other two arc James Gray Mackle,* ap penllco seaman of Balnbrldgo, Maryland and Grady Macklc, pharmacist's mate l-o who Is now in Calcutta, India. Private First Class Macklc was a member of Harmony Grove Friends church. * He was the first Yadklnvllle boy to be killed In action In ihls war. Bio - Obituaries - 8/4/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 4,1944 - Page 6 S. F. lUITEROW DIED FRIDAY ' Samuel T, Tutterow, Mi vet eran of World war 1, died laat Friday at the U. B. Veteraiu hoa pltal at FayettevUle. He had been in 111 health for aeveral mont^. He wae a son of H. F. and Sisabeth Tutterow. Surviving are the widow, the foimer Miss Zelda Foster; one son, lAoyd Jeff Tutterow of the home: six sister, Mrs. Minnie Munihy of Salisbury; Mrs. Noah Dyson, Mrs. Martin Latham and Mrs. John Frank O'Neal, all of Boute 1; Mrs. Burrus Oreen of Route 4 and Mrs. Ed Walker of Route 2; and,four brothers, J. E., L. M., C. A., and B. F. Tut terow of Route 1. The funeral was held Sunday at-4 c'eloiA At 0«n^ l^thfiidirt churOh. Rm. b. W> Fink and Rev. B. M. Avett con ducted 'the services. Burial was in the church graveyard* Mem- iMMOf <ibelioe^wllltpoiiof Iht. mi j MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 4,1944 - Page 8 OFFICER MURPHY MESON DUTY Officer Carles V. Murjdiy, 85, fonnerly of Moeksvtlle but tia the past four years a member of the Gastcnla pollee force, died labout B p. m. Tuesday ih Oast<mla following a struggle with a man whom he had arrested. Xt was reported that the man, unidentified by Gaatonla police, sharply resisted arrest and struck Officer Murphy over the eye. The officer succeeded, however, In overpowering the man and plac ing him in a patrol car. A few minutes later he fell, and died In an ambulanee on the way to a hospital. Death was attributed to a heart attack. He had been in excellent health so far as was known, members of the family said to day^ with no unfavorable heart condition. His father. W. O. Murphy, of Snllitbury went to Oastonla di rectly on receipt of the news and Mrs. Murphy and others of the family went later. Surviving be sides the parents are the widow, the former orace Rawllns, of Oastonla: two ohlldron, oraoo CoroUna, four, and Ohorleo V., Jr.. U months: fourstepbhttdroB: three brothers. Bun. of Balls- bury, Bmest of MOcksvlUe, and Ffo. Gar) Murxdiy, In Italy; and four sisters, Mrs. B. W, Worley, and Mrs. Henry Hill, of Balls- bury, Mrs. R. T. Plnkston of Carolina Beach and Jettle Mae Murtmy of BaUdwry. Funeral services were -held at 11 a. m. Thursday at Main St. Methodist ohurqh. Oastonla. Officer Murphy was born and reared in MocksvUle, from where hl.s parents moved In 1031 wlien his lather, former MocksvUle poltce chief, came to Bast Spen cer In a similar capacity. Their son went to Salisbury to Uve several years later and for a time drove a truck, for the Von Cannon Transfer company. He went to Oastonla about six yoara ago and drove a truck f^ tho Akora Transfer company ilhtrc before joining the police fjbice Bio - Obituaries — 8/4/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ) .•r----'V ■. •• ■ -tT. . •■■•.•-,,:•. -■■ •'■■'■ •■■ •','.■'••."l, U'. •■'••■u.-'- ■■■'■■ •>-• :••■'r ■- . -.;^.-'V.vr V',;"-^' -V'-S'-VAA AJ'.;•^■'•\A^:y■..■:-^ V/'-"t'l'V'•-■■ ;....'douse a. uarnellFinal riles lor be^'^hllti109 North Spruce, wm oe •'«Vo'gler^ C..g^l at 2at- " JoppaMr.%amel?S yStoday at^'pa^Ubcarers will be Jim JonesW. Lowryy-:>'5»A. ParneU Helid-^^SAt Winston-Sialem DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 9,1944 Buford H. Peoples Charlie Murphy Foraer Davie ManlKes Charlie Murphy, 95. of Gaatonia, died auddeoly in that city laat Tuesday even- iotf. He was a member of the Gasioola I police force, and had a straggle In making an anest, when be fell and expired. Mr. I Murphy was a natlvoof Davle county, a ' son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Murphy, who I now live In Spencer. He was a brother of Ernest Murphy, of this dty. Fttoeial services were held at First Methodist church, Gastonia, Thursday mofoing at 11 o^ctock. A number of re- latlvca from in and around MockaWlle at* tended the funeral. Davie Man Killed h Action Mr. and Mrs. John Peoples, of K. 2, have been notified that their son, Pvt ^ford H. Peoples, was kilted In actloti In France on July 13th. Pvt. Peoples has two Imthera in service. Pvt. Carl Lee Pieoples, who is stationed in India, and Pvt. Clar* ence A* Peoples, who Is eomewhere in France. Two other brothers. Lester Heiman Peoples, at home also survive. This makes a total of II Davie county men who have given their lives for their country in the present great war. To the bereaved family The Record extends sin cere sympathy in the loss of this loved one. All are hoping that the war will Boon be over and that our hoys can re tofn to their loved ones. Jasper Carter Davie Soldier Killed Mr and Mrs. H. Lee Carter, of R. 3, re ceived a message from the War Depart ment Saturday advising them that their son. PvL Jasper Carter, was killed in ac tion on Saipao on July 12th. This U the. twelfth Daide county man who given hia! life for hia country In this conflict. The grief- 8trid»n family have the gympatby of j all our peoiMe In this great bereavement. Bio - Obituaries - 8/9/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 11, 1944-Page 1 Jasper H. Carter ANOTHER DAVIE BOY KILLED AND FIVE MORE REPORTED WOUNDED Killed PVT. JASPER B. CARTER Another Davie boy has been kUled in action and five more are reported wounded. The one killed was Pvt. Jasper H. Carter, 27, aon of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee carter, ot Route 9. The war department advised hla parents that he was killed on July 12 at Salpen. This makes 11 Davie boys olTicially re ported kilted to date. Pvt. Jasper Carter entered service on September 10, 1841. He trained at Camp Welters, Texas, and Fort Ord, Calif., be fore going overseas in February, 1942. He has three other broth ers In service: Spurgeon In the navy, Clarence in New Guinea and Marvin at Camp Attlebury, Xnd. Charles F. Cczart, son of Mr. I and Mrs. A. H. Cozart, of Mocks- vllle, was seriously wounded in France on July 18, according to a wire to his parents- . Walter Couch, husband of Mrs. Mildred Couch, of Route 4, was seriously wounded In France on July 3. Willie Forrest, son of Mrs. Ef- he F. Forrest, of Route 3, was also seriously wounded in France on June 9. Pfc. Walter L. Wall, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wall, of Route S. was wounded In France on June 27. He Is in a hospital in Eng land. He entered service in June, 1042; trained at Camp Plckett, Camp Blandlng and in California before going overseas in March, 1844. Pfc. William C. Jordan, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Jor dan, of Route 2, was seriously wounded in Prance on July 10. He entered the army June 24, 1943. Hls^wlfe, the former Miss Dorothy Wooten, lives at Har mony, Route 2. Bio - Obituaries — 8/11/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 11,1944 - Page 3 Killed in Action | ft A I ' > IV liifi V Shown Above Is Ffo, Howard ' MucKlo, Bon o( Mr. ftnd Mrs. I JeiM J^faoklo of Yadklnvinei who wai killed in aoOon In Franco ' on June 29. Frivato Maokle was a member of the 7ltb dlvlilon. ' Bt entered lervlce June f, IMI and recolTcd bis tralaiaf at Fort i Bftii and Camy Flokett, Va. i MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 11,1944 - Page 6 Parnell Rites Held Tuesday Funeral services for Dorse A. I Parnell, 66, were held Tuesday I In Wlnston>6alejn, where he had ' lived for the past 24 years. Burial I was in Joppa cemetery. Mr. Parnell died Monday at his home, having been seriously ill for three months. He was born in Mocksvllle on March 4, 1678, the son of the late J. T. and Eliza Bailey Par nell. His early life was spent In Mocksvllle. He was connected with R. J. Reynolds Tobacco company for 20 years until his health failed. Surviving are the widow, the former Miss Esther Anderson, to whom he was married Decem ber 33, 1904; three daughters, Mrs. Hansel- Crews, and Mrs, Homor Tesgue. both of Wlnatot^- Salem, and Mrs. Robert Tucker, of Audubon, N. J.; one-eon, T. L. Parnell, of Elkin; four grand children, and one sister, Mrs. Murray Smith, of Salisbury. Bio - Obituaries - 8/11/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 11,1944 - Page 6 Died Wednesday DR. J. O. MARLER MARLER RITES HELD FRIDAY funeral services for Uie Dr. J. O. Marler, 76, well-known den tist of Yadklnvllle, who died at his •home last Wednesday night, were, held Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home. 'Rev. H. D. Garmon, Rev. W. J. Huneycutt and Rev. W. L. Hutch- ens conducted the services and burial was in the family plot in yadklnvllle cemeterv. Pallbearers were Dr. L. S. Hall, Or. H. A. Brandon, W. C. Dob bins, J. T. Reece, Clinton Hall,' T. R. Eaton, Glenn Maynard, and Julius Mackle. Dr. Marler was bom in Yadkln- ville February 22,1668, and spent most of his life here. He 'was educated in the Yadklnvllle schools, Oak Ridge Military In stitute and the University of Maryland. He was in business for .v>me time in Wlnston-SoJem be fore beginning to practice den tistry here, where he has had his office for 46 years. He was one of the most widely known and beat loved men In Yadkln county. He was a pioneer in the field of dentistry In the county, and long before the day of the automobile and electric lights In the county, he used to travel over Yadkln. serving the people in their homes by doing dental work for the entire fam ily during one stay. By this he rendered the people of the out lying sections of the county an Invatiiablef service, and made himself remembered better and loved more by hundreds of the younger generation. Dr. Marler was a member of the American Dental society, the North Carolina Dental society, and the Yadklnvllle Oivitan club. He had been a member of the Methodist church since child hood. Surviving are two sisters, Miss Tumle Marler of Yadklnvllle. and Mrs. Sally Marler Rogers of Dur ham and six nieces and nephews. Bio - Obituaries - 8/11/I944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August II, 1944 - Page 8 Mrs* A. M. Baker Passes Alonday Mra. Mamie Evans Baker, 5B, widow of A. M. Baker, who died March 10, 1044; died at a Salis bury hospital Monday morning. She was the daughter of the late F. 8. and Blbsa Graves Evans. Tlie funeral held at Chest nut Grove church at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon with the Rev. Ray McGlamroek In charge. He was assisted by the. Rev. E. W. Turner. Survivors Include the mother, Mrs. Bllea Graves Evans: six daughters, Mrs. Bessie Stewart. Mrs. W. W. Whltaker and Mrs. Charlie Whltaker, all of Mooks- vllle, Route a, Miss Shirley Baker of the home, Mrs. James Couch of Cooleemee, and Mrs. Tommy Ellis of San Francisco: three sons, Sgt: Adam Baker and Pvt. Luther Baker, both of the United states army, and Jake Baker of MooksvUle; two slstere, Mrs. Levi Bracken and Mn. Mataka Evans, Mooksvllle, Route 8: one brother, Luther Evans, liocki- vUle, Route a, and U.grandehU- dren. Bio - Obituaries - 8/11/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 11,1944 - Page 7 Buford Peoples Dies For U. S. rtc. Buford PeoplM, a natWe of Yodkln county and huiband of the former MIm Loh Peoplea of Moehtfilie. Rt. 3. woe killed In action in Prance on Jfuly 13, acfiordlav to a meseare to bb wife from the war department last week. He waa the son of Mr. and Mrs. i. H. Peoples of Mocks- tille, Rt. 2. He attended Court ney Hl|h school. He Joined the army Oolober 9, 1943 and re ceived his tralnlnf at Camp Wheeler, Oa. before Roini to Ire- dell last December. Two other brothers are In service. Pvt. Clar-1 ence Peoples In France and Pfe.i Carl Peoples In England. Bio - Obituaries - 8/11/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 16,1944 Dorse A. Parnell Formei MocksfUle Man Dies Dofse A. Parnell. 66, a native and fonn«> er realdent of this dty. died at bis borne in Winston'Salem on Monda? of last week, followinti a serious Illness of tbiee monthsi. He bad been In falling healtb for four years. Mr. Parnell and family moved from MooksvUie to Winstcn Saleo) 24 years ago. For 20 years he held a podtioo with the Reynolds Tobacco Co. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Parnell, of this dty. Foneral services were held last Tuesday afternoon at 2 o*clook at Voglei^a Chapel,' Winston-Salem. with Rev. A. A. Kylea In charge. The body was faronght to Mocks vtlle and laid to rest In Joppa cemetery. Sorvlvlog are the widow, three dangh- tere, and one son. Onedster. Mrs. Morw ray Smith, of Sallsbiify. also survive Mr. Pamell had many hdends In MoeksvlUe who wsre saddened by newsofbiadeatb. Mrs. A, M. Baker ' Mrs. Mamie Evans Baker, SB, widow of A. M. Baker, who died Mardi 10. 1944, died at a SaKsbory hospital Aug. 7tb* Sba was the dangbter of the late F. S. and Eliza Graves Evans. The funeral waa held at Chestnut Giove Church at 3 o'aock Thursday afternoon with Rev. Ray McCiairrock In charge. He was assisted by Rev. E. W. Turner. Sorvlvofs Include the mother. Mrs. Elisa Graves Evans; six daughters, Mrs. Bessie Stewart. Mrs. W. W. Wbltaker and Mrs Charlie Whitaker, all ot Mooksville, R. 2, Misa Shirley Baker of the home. Mrs. James Couch of Cooleemea, and Mrs. Tom my Ellis cf San FranclS(^ three sons Ser geant Adam Baker and Pflvato Lather Baker, both of the United States Army; and Jakft Baker of MockflviUe; two alstefs, Mra. Lev! Rracken and Mrs. Mataka Evans. MoeksvlUe, Route 2; one brother Lather Evans, Hocksvllle Route 2; and 13 grand* cbUdren. Joseph W. Keever Mrs. Shroud's FaAor Passes Joseph W. Keever, 67, father of Mrs. Harry Stroud, of this city, died athiahomein Stony Point Sunday at noon. Mr Keever had .been ill for the past several years, followiner a stroke of paralysis. Foneral and buria! services took place at Liberty Methodist Church, near Stony Point. Monday afternoon at 5 u'elock. Sur viving are the widow, ono son, four daughters, three brothers and seven grandsblldren. Bio - Obituaries - 8/16/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 23,1944 Mrs. J. N. &noot Mrs. Jobn N. Smooi, 72, died Saturday moruina st the home of her son, R. L. Smooi, io Ctarks v^Ie township. Mrs. Smoot had been in declining health for several years, and her condition bad been serious since she suffered a stroke of paralysis about 11 montiiB ago Mrs. Smoot, a oailve of Davie county, was Miss Mary Wilkerson She was married to Mr Smoot 50 years aeo. Her husband died in 194a. Surviving are her son, R. L. Smoot; two sisters, Mrs. S H. Cartner and Mrs. T. A. Oaither, of Davie. Funeral services were held from Bear Creek Baptist Chnrch Sunday afternoon at a o'clock, with Rev. Victor L. Andrews in charge, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 8/23/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 25,1944 - Page 1 Mrs. J. N. Smoot Passes Saturday Mrs. John N. Smoot, 72, dlod Saturday at the home of her son, Robert L. Smoot, on Route 4. She had been seriously ill for the past 11 months. Mrs. Smoot was the former Miss Mary Beth Wllkerson of Davle county. Ker husband died about two years ago. Surviving are a son, Robert L. Smoot, and two sisters, Mrs. S. H. Cartner and. Mrs. T. A. Oaither, both of Pavle county. Funeral services were held from Bears Creek Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Bio — Obituaries - 8/25/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 30,1944 James Olin Bailey Davie Soldier Killed M. D. Bailer. o( near Fork, received a teletJram Thursday from the War Depart •! ment advisintl that his son. Pfc. James | Olio Bailey, was killed in action in New \ Guinea on Aug 8th James had been in ; service nearly two years, and overreasj for the past fuur montha. He has four: brothers in foreign service, and is il:e 14th | man from Davie county to give his lire | fo^ bis country i Memorial Service For Ueat. Joe Leagans Memorial services for Lieut. Joe Leas- aue. who was killed June 7th in Prance, will be held at Eaton's Baptist Church. Sunday, Sept. Srd.at 2o'ch^. Rev. DaU las Reneear. assisted by Kev. McCluaky. of the Pilgrim Holiness Church. Greens boro, will condoci the service. The pub- lie is invited. John Cook Davie Soldier Killed Miss Donree Cook K. 3, received a message from the War Depart- meot Friday, advising that ber brother, Pfc. Jobo Cook, was kill, ed io action io France on. Aug. lath This is the 13th Davie county man who has lost bis life io the present woild-wide cooflict. Mr. Cook is survived by several sisters and has two brothers in the service. Bio - Obituaries - 8/30/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 30,1944 W. D. Broadway W. Taofel ftqadway, 6B. died Sunday inoffDiDd at bb home on H 4. A nailteof OavidaonGounty, Mr. Broad* way apeoc mooi of hia Ufo in Davle* Sor^ vivtogaio the widow, the former Miss Kltoo Ititterow. four cblldmii, Mia Efvlo Fentutoii of Femo, Va., Mn. CeeHSprye, Af Kaadapolto! Lemr anil Mn. Vtwnla Emodway. of W88bInttoo.D. C.eht broth- en and two eteten. J. H., J* M., and 1. A. Broadway of MooktvUle; B.C. Bnadway of SalfebttiyiT. h. aodS. M. Bntadway of KanoapoHa; Mn. J. C. Myen of Wooi&af, aodMn.J B. Sprya of COoleeme. Fotierai aatolaei woM held Tueaday aftemooa at 3 o*olook at Snow CToak Bap- tistchttieh. Bio - Obituaries - 8/30/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 1,1944 - Page 1 James Olin Bailey, John Cook, Baxter R. (Tom) Huffman Three Davie Boys Killed in Action Three more DoTle eotdlera have been killed la aetlmi, the cooatjr total now belnff*16. One Is Pfc. Jamee OUa Bailey, eon of M, D. Bailey, of Advance, Bonte 1, and the other b Pfo. loha Cook of Route 9, Private Bailey was killed on New Guinea oa Aufust 8. Bo bad been overseas for four months and haa been In serv ice nearly two years. He has four other brothers la foreign service. Private Cook was killed .la action In France on August 18. He has two brothers In service. 8gt Baxter R«. (Tom) HnH- man,.son .cl.lBrsi M. L. Huff man, of Cooleemee, was killed In action In France oa August P. He was 88 on the day he was klUcdr-He has one brother In servbe. C. S. Summers Rites Wednesday 0. S. Bummers, 82, died Tues day afternoon at hb home, MooksvlUe, Route 3. He was a son of John and BUaa Kurfees Summers. Surviving are the widow, the former Miss Llmte Poplin, and six sisters, Mrs. Julia Bowles of MooksvlUe, Route 3, Mrs. John Howard of MooksvUle, Route 4, Mrs. John Myers of Cooleemee, Mrs. J. P. Summers of Mooks vlUe, Route 1, Mrs. O. F. Foster and Mrs. J. M. FopUn of Mooks vlUe.^ The funeral was held Wed^s- d[ay^fterndon"aVli*o'dl6cir at Bethel Methodist church. The Rev. R. J. McClamrook and the Rev. F. A. Wright conducted the services. Burial was In the church graveyard. Joe Leagans MBMORIAL SERVICE A memorial service for First L|eut. joe Leagans, viOio was killed In France will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Eaton Baptist chur(Ui, con ducted by the Rev. DaUas Rene- gar and the Rev. Mr. McCluskey. A monument to his memory In the graveyard will' ba dedicated. A sextette of soldiers from Oreeiudioro wUl participate In the service. H. G. Harding BROTHER DIES Dr. H. O. Harding* dentist of LewlsvUle and brother of Dr. 8. A. Harding of MooksvlUe and John T. Harding of Route 2, died last Monday morning. Re had been lU for 18 months. A native of Davle, he was the son of Green Berry Harding and Betty Harding. Kb widow, flve.sb- ters and two brothers survive. Bio - Obituaries - 9/1/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 1,1944-Page 8 vb-mmfn DIES mwY W. Daniel Broadway died sud denly! at -his home in the Qreasy Corner community about 6 a. m, Sunday, the day after his 63rd birthday, Be had been in fall ing health tor about a year but was feeling about as usual when be went to bed Saturday night and death was entirely unex pected. • Be was a native of Davidson county but had spent most of his life in the community in which he died. Be was born Au gust 26, 1881, son of the late W. T. and Margaret Hedriek Broad way, and was married August 12, 1811, to BUen Tutterow of Davie county. He was a farmer. Surviving are the widow; one son, l«ster, of the home; four daughters, Mrs. Ervin Fuigerson, Ferrum, Va., Mrs, Celia Sprye of Xannapolis, Virginia of .Uie home and Mrs. William Foster of Washington, D. C., a daugh ter by a former marriage and 12 grandchildren. Also surviving are two. sisters, Mrs. J. O. Myres of Woodleaf, and Mrs. J. B. Sprye, Ooolee- mee; abc brothers, E. C. of Sails- bury, j. H., j. M. and z. A. of Mooksville, T. N. and S. M. of Xannapolis; a half sister, Mrs. Reatha Broadway, dnd two half brothers, Thomas and Atlas Broadway, all of Union county. Funeral services were held at Snow Creek Baptist churoh at 3 p. m. Tuesday, conducted by the pastor, the Rev. J. A. Fagg. Burial was in the church craie- tery. Bio - Obituaries — 9/1/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA D£CEil\$EO OK\Te; t)E.PTEr\0£(l 3; To Be Today Funeral services for E. Frank Eedwine of Rural Hall, Route 1, will be conducted at 4 o'clock this afternoon at Holly Grove Church, near Lexington. Mr, Redwine died Sunday after-; noon at a local hospital. He was a native of Davie Coun ty, and had lived for 25 years in Lpxing'ton before coming- to his present- home a short- time ago. ; Survivors, include the- w;ife, '-the former'Miss Sallie Aaron, bf .Da- vie County; the. father, D. Ci'Red- wine of Rural Hall, Roub.il; ttyo sisters, Miss Alberta Redwine of Winston-Salem, and Mrs. James Blackburn of Hays; five brothers, S. B. Redwine of' Jacksonville, Fla.,- Rev. R. K. Redwine of Ml. Airy, O. T. RedwJne of Rural Hall, R. C. Redwine of Charlotte and P. E. Redwine bf Arlington, -.Va. . PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATOW.«s North Carolina—Porsvf Tn the .''tio"''' O- CO O- 9 3r T (T l U Ofcixact Of "Otctftsta Oft-rti Amces-i\.^ . dam \r cp O I o ■n DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 6,1944 Frank Foster Frank Poster. 87. one of Davie's oldest and best known citizens, died suddenly Sunday inofoing at his home at Ephesus. Funeral and burial setvices took place at Jerlctio Christian Charcb yesterday af* temooo at 4 o clock. Mr. Foster la sur vived by his widow, one daughter. Mrs. B. B. Smith, of R. 4. six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Baxter R. Huffman Davie Sddiar Kiikd . Sgt, Baxter R. Huffman, son of Mrs. M. £.. Huffman, of Coolee., mee was killed in France on Ang | 9tli. Sgt. Hoffman was 28 years^ old, and was the istb Davie soldier to lose bis life while fighting for bis oountry in tbe present war. C. S. Summers Mocksvitte—G. S. Sommets. 42, died Wednesday aftemooo at his hooe,Hoclm> vide. It 3. lie was a son of John and EDza Kntfees Sommera. SnrvlvlDg ate the widow, tbe tonner Misa lizzie PopMo; ^ six staters. Miss Julia Bowltt or Mocuvitle, Route 3; Mrs. Jobo Roward 01 Mocbsvitte, Route 9: Mrs. John Uyen of Gooleemee: Mia. J. P. Sum- meio of MoeksvUle. R 1: Mrs. 0. F. Poster and Mrs J M. Poptto of Uockssllle Tbe fUoeral was held Wednesday after noon at 4 o'clock at Bethel Hetbodiet Cbmob. Reva.R.G. kfcdamrocb. 6. W. Ftnk and J. M. Grace condueted the ser vices. Bariel was in tbe chtttcb grave yard. Dr. H. G. Harding Or. H. Grady &rdio& 80, died Monday. Aug.28tb, In a Winston-^leai hosmtal, roUowiog an extended illness. Or. Hard ing had been Hving at LewtsvUle for the past eight veais. when be pranked den tistry. He WQs born In Faimingtoo town ship, Davie county, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Green Harding. He wasa grodoaie of Mars Hill UpHege. and Atlanta Dental CoUege. and was a member of Mars HIU Baptist Chnrrii. Or. Harding la survived by his wife, five ststms. Miss Jnlia Harding, JackaonvUle. hlaj Mia. W. C. Blariibura. FourOahs; Mra.J. A Springs, Hickory: Mrs. Llb^ Spalnhonr, Daytooa Beach. Fla., and Mrs. R. B. Deeae, Winston-Salem; two faradietB, Dr. S. A. Harding. MoeksvUle. and John T. Harding, Faimiugtoa. Fnoeral services were held at the home Wedne^y momlng at 11 o*dock with Rev. J. E. Kirk aud J. A. LalUesIn charge and the body laid to rest lo the King church of Christ cemetery. Mary Nail Locke Former Davie lady Dead bba. Mary Nail LQCke,aiiativeof Moeka- vUla, and a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Eiex Nad. llfeJong citizens of thia city, died at her hoiM atAshehorooa Aug. 28tb. Fttoerel and burial servloea tow place at Thyiatira Presbyteiian cbincb. Itowan county, ThmBday after- 0000 at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Locke'o hnsband died sevmal yeaia ago. Surviving are ssveral neloes amoitf thiifn Mrs. Will Howard, Mrs. Maivia Wat ers. Bfis. Margaret Call, and Miss Ivy NaU of ibis dty. Bio - Obituaries - 9/6/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 8,1944 — Page 1 Baxter R. (Tom) Huffman Dies in Actitm 8(t. BAxUr R. (Tom) Huff- man wat Ulicd la action la France Auguet 6, bt« 2)Ui glrtlidayr accerdinf to a tele- tram received by hb motbet, Mn, M. L. flolfman, of Coolce- ro««. Sergeant Huffmaii attended Cooleembe selioel and waa em- plojred by the Duke Fewer coropanjr of Charlotte before hU enilrtment la 1S41. He wae attached to a tank dlvialoa. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 8,1944 - Page 2 Foster Rites Helfi Tuesday Funeral servlcea for 0. P. Fos ter. 67, who died at hla home at Rpheaue, Davlo county, Sun day morning, were held at Jeri cho church at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. The Rev. O. W. Dan iels was In charge. Burial was III the church graveyard. Mr. Foster was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Fos ter. Survivors Include the widow, the lormer Mlas Sarah Qraves; one daughter, Mrs. B. B. Smith, MocksvlUe, Route 4; one half- brothec. s. t. Foster, MocksvlUe, Route 4; six grandchildren, and one groat-grandchild. Bio - Obituaries — 9/8/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 13,1944 Edward Leaganis EoQeral services for Edward Leagaus, 19. former member of the marioe corps and merabant marioe, were held Suoday aftefooan at 4 o'clock at Eaton's Baptist Chorch. Revs. Ransom McAlpine and E. W. Turner oflBciated and burial with full military bonors* was in the church ceme tery. Membera of the American Legion of Mocksville, were pall- bearers. Mr. Leagans died Saturday morning at Rowan Memorial Hospital, Salisbury. He spent some time in a Baltimore hospital before being brought to Sallatniry. He is survived by his widow, the form er Miss Naomi Waggoner, of near Wins ton Salem; his narents. Mr, and Mra. F. R. leagans. of this city, and one sister, Mrs. Dennis Fowers. of Charle ton. S. C, Sgt Grady Allen Killed ' Mr. and Mrs. Berry Allen, of near Pino, received a message from the War Depart ment last Wednesday night, advising that their son Sgi. Grady Allen was killed in action in France on Aug. 28th. This is the 16th Davie County soldier kilted In this World War Bio - Obituaries - 9/13/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 15,1944 - Page 1 Passes Grady W. Allen Killed in Action ■..U;'.- -.'.I 8|t. Orady W. Allen, aon o! Mr. and Mra. Berry Allen, of Cans, Route 1, was killed In action In France on Auiust 25, Aceordbif to a telfgram to bU mother, Mrs. Leila Allen, from the war department. This U the lath Oavie boy kilted dur ing the war. :W . V. ; Vim LUTHER EDWARD LEAGANS EDWARD LEAGANS DIED SEPTEMBER 9 liUtner Edward Leagans, m former member of the marine corps and of the U. fi. merchant morJne, died last Saturday morning at the Rowan Memorial hospital In Salisbury. He had been seriously 111 for about three months. Death resulted from an affliction which developed fol lowing a blow on th^ leg by a baseball about fi ve years ago, it was stated. He was the first Davle boy to Join the local American lieglon post as a veteran of World War I!. He Ij survived by his widow, the former Miss Naomi Wagoner, of Route 4, Wlhston-Salem; by his parents. Fred R. and Flos sie Spry Leagans," of Mooks- vllle; by a sister, Mrs. Dennis Powers, of Charleston, 6. C.; by his grandparents, Mrs. Oran- vlllo LeagaiiS of Cona and Mrs. Lul» Spfy of Route 4. A preliminary service was held at 2 p. m. Sunday at the home of T. E. Wagoner of Route 4, Wlnston-Salem, followed by a service at 4 p. m. at Eaton's Baptist church, conducted by the Rev. Ranson MoAlpln and the Rev. E. W. Turner. Inter ment was In the church ceme tery. Members of the local American Legion post served as pallbearers and a color squad and firing squad from an army camp at Oreensboro olM os- slsted In the service. Bio - Obituaries - 9/15/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 20,1944 Gaither L Howard G. I Howard. 64* a ooflve of Davie coooty.died at his borne at Knosville, TeoD.* Wednesday morning, Sept. 18th. Funeral and burial services were heM at Mt Olive Baptist Church, near Kooxville, briday afternoon. Mr. Howard Is surviv ed by his widow and three sons. Feed. John and Calvio. all of KnoxviHe; four brothers, Rush and Cicero Howard, of, Kooxvlde: Walter and Lonnle Howard of | Salisbury; two sisters, Mrs, Belle Moore.* of Charlotte, and Mrs. Bertha WlUiams. SaUsbory. 1 Mr. Howard moved from this ceunty to Knoxville, Tenn. about 45 years ago. He was a plaster contractor. Hia friends throughout this section will be saddened by news of bis death. t Bio - Obituaries - 9/20/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 22,1944 - Page 1 William Haynes Shelton COUSIN DIES /WUUun. Bayaefl 68, tiaUye of Davie and ootMln of li. 0. Shelton, died last Monday nlgbt at Me home ip Concord ivliere he Jiad lived lor 48 years. Be was the eon of the late Mary Rutledee Shelton SHirr and John Rtttledge. His widow, four daugb- tere and one eon survive. Ihe funeral was held Wednesday aft ernoon In Concord with burial In Oakwood cemetery there. NEBLY DEATH Ueiuy Oage Neely, husband of the former Miss Fannie Sheek, 66, died at his home in. Rook Bill, S. 0., Tuesday morning from a heart attack. Re was a prominent farmer and former livestock dealer. His widow, a daughter, brother and two sis ters survive. Mr. and Mrs. Neely had many friends in Dovie, as they were frequent visitors here. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 22,1944 - Page 6 Funeral Held For Mrs. Shutt Funeral services for Mrs. Flor Ina Sink Shutt, 81, who died at her home Monday morning were held at the Btbovlllo Methodist church Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, foUowing a Short serv ice at the home at 3:30. Survivors include two sons, Walter M. Shutt, of Advance, and Charles A. Shutt, of Los Angeles, Calif.i four daughters, Mrs. T. J, .Byerly, of Advance, Mrs, W. H. Nail, of Thomasville. Mrs. W. B. Oarwood, of XJnwood, Route 1, and Miss Laura Shutt, of the home; 17 grandchildren, Bindi three great-grandchildren; one half-brother, Ed Whitlow, of Lexington, Route 1, and one half-sister, Mrs. James Floyd, of Davidson county. The Rev. J. C. Gentry and the Rev. O. B. Ferzee officiated at the funeral services and burial was In the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 9/22/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 27,1944 !Mrs. J. L B. Shutt Funeral services for Mrs. Fiorina Sink Shutt. 81. who died at her home In Ad*) vance on Sept. 18th. were held at Elba ; viUe Meth'ddlst Church last Tuesday after noon at 4 o'clock followind a short ser vice at the home. Survivors include two sons, Walter M Shutt. Advancer and Charles A. Shutt, Los Angeles. Calif.: four daughters, Mrs*T. J Byeriy. Advance; Mrs. W. B. Gsrwood. Unwood.R* I; Mrs. W. H. Nail Tboroas- vllle, and Miss Laura Shutt. at home; 17 grandchildren and ihree great*arandchild- ren; one holf-brocber, Ed Whitlow, Lex ington, R. 1, and a ball-sister, Mrs. James Floyd, of Davidson County. Revs J. C. Gentry and G. B. Ferree of- fioiated at Che luneral services and burial was in the church' cemetery. A mother in Israel has been called to her reward. N. K. Stanley N. K. Stanley, 88, well known Clarks* ville iombermaii and farmer, died at bis liome near the Wm. R. Davie School Thursday afterooon at one o'clock death resulting from pneunionia. Mr. Stanley suffered a stroke of paralysis about two mouths ago. and bad been 'seriously 111 since. Funeral services were held at Bear Cieek Baptist chuich Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, vrith Rev J. H. Groce in chaige. and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Mr Stanley is survived by his widow, two sons, Anderson and Calvin Stanley, and one daughter. Mrs. Carl Richie, all of R. 2. One brother, Henley Scanley, and a sister, ^s. Emma Jordan, both of R. 2. also survive. Mr. ^nley will be sadly missed In the cmnmunity where he spent a long and osefnl life. William H. Shelton Former Dame Man Dead William H. Shelton. 62. a native of Clarfcsville township, died at bis home in Concoid on Sept. 18th. Mr. Shelton left DavIe county In his young manhood. Sur viving are the widow, one son and four daughters. Mr. Shelton has a number of relatives in Davie county, among them tieing a cousin L. S. Shelton, who in busi ness in this city. C. A. Smoot Funeral for C. Aubray Smoot, 59. farmer and lumber dealer, of Calaboln Township were held at II o'clock Monday monitng at Salem Methodist church, Rev. Q. W. Fink, pastor, was in charge. Mr. Smoot died Saturday afternoon fol lowing two week's illness. He was a na tive of Davie County, the son of Scott end Sallle Anderson Smoot. He is survived by bis widow, the former Miss Maude Steele; three children. Ser geant Edwin Smoot and Lieut John N. Smoot of army and Mrs. James B. Ed wards of Salisbury; tbrsa sfsters. Mis. Lillian Roontz, Miss John Smoot, and Mrr.; Marshall Turner, all of Mocksvitle, Koute 1.' I.V. Hudson nth Davie Man Dead Emma Hudson, colored of Mocksville, re-1 ceived a message from (be War Depart ment Thursday advising that her son Pfc.| 1. Hudson was downed In action New { Guinea on Sept. 6th. Pfc. Hudson had, been in service for about one year aud took his training in Kentucky. Ohio aud New Jersey. He is the first adored man to give hia life for his country In the pre sent World War. Bio — Obituaries — 9/27/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 29,1944 - Pages 1 and 7 I.V. Hudson Colored Soldier Killed in Action Pfo. 1. V. Hudson, DavJe col ored soldier and son oi Emma Hudson of MooksvlUe, was killed In action at New Guinea on Sep tember 6, according to word which his mother received from the war department. -He tpok his training in Ken tucky, Ohio and New {Jersey, hav ing been in service about a year. He Is the i7>th Oavle soldier killed in this war and the first colored soldier from tihe county to pay the supreme sacrifice.. Page 1 Isaac V. Hudson MI'S. Emma Hudson has been Informed that her son, Pfc. Isaac V. Hudson, was drowned In ac tion on New Guinea September 10. Private Hudson received his training In Kentucky, Ohio and New Jersey before going over seas. Page 7 MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 29,1944 - Page 3 N. K. Stanley Passes Sunday Funeral services for N. X. Stanley, 68, well known retired farmer, merchant and lumber man, who died Friday afternoon at his home, Mocksvllle, Route 2, were held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Bear Creek Bap tist church. The Rev. J^es H. Groce conducted the Mrvlces. Burial was In -the church grave yard. Mr. Stanley was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stanley. He Is survived by his widow, the former Miss Bertha Smith; two sons, Anderson and Calvin Stan ley. of the home; one daughter, Mrs. Carl Ritchie, of Mocksvllle, Route 2; one brother, Henry Stanly, of Mocksvllle, Route 2, and one sister, Mrs. Emma Jor dan, of Mocksvllle, Route 2. George Moore's Brother Killed In South Pacific Sgt. Paul Scott lyioore, brother of George Moore, of Yodkinvllle has been killed in action some where In the South Pacific, ac cording to a message received from the war department by his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. P. Moore, of Harmony. Sergeant Moore was a member of the ma rine corps, and was married to the former Miss Sadie Campbell. 'He is survived by his widow, par ents, six brothers and one sis ter. Bio - Obituaries - 9/29/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 29,1944 - Page 6 C. Aubrey Smoot Rites Held Monday Funeral services for C. Aubrey Smoot, 59, farmer and lumber dealer of Calahaln township were held at 11 o'clock Monday morning at SMem Methodist church in Davle county. The Rev. O. W. Pink, pastor, was in charge. Mr. Smoot died Saturday aft ernoon following two weeks' ill ness. He was a native of Davie county, the sen of Scott and Sal- lie Anderson Smoot. Ue is Aipvlvfd by his widow, Uie foifmer-Miss Maude Steele; three children, Sgt. Bdwln 8. Smoot and Lieut. John N. Smoot of the army and Mrs. James B. Edwards of Salisbury; .three sls- ters^ Mrs. Lillian Koontz. Miss John fimoot and Mrs. Marshall Turner, all of Mocksville, Route 4. Bio — Obituaries — 9/29/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 4,1944 Norris G. "Sunny" IJames Former Davie Boy Killed Frieods In Mookaville were taddeoed fast Thtiisday by news of tbe death ofi Pfo. Norris 6 IJames, who was ktlM inj Saioin Istaod *^iiQtiy" Ijames as be was known by bis friends. Is a son of Bflis. n Clyde flames, of Charlotte, and spent most of his life In Mocksvflle. He was lodoot* ed into the army at Charlotte, and went ovefseas in January, 1944. He was a member of cbe Fourdi Marine IMvlslmi. Bio - Obituaries - 10/4/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 6,1944 - Page 3 DEATH CUIHS MftS.SOFUY Mrs. Mary Martin Sofley, 73, died Saturday afternoon at her home in the Bethlehem church coRununlty. She was the widow of John A. Sofley, who died 14 years ago. Surviving are four sons, H. H. und C. F. Sofley of Cana, Route 1, J. M. Sofley of Advance, Route 1. L. c. Sofley of Portsmouth, Va.: six daughters, Mrs. W. A. Smith of Wlnston'Salem, Route 4. Mrs. H. S. Poster of Winston- Salem, Route 2, Mrs. Helen Miller and Mrs. Willie Cook of Ad vance, Route i. Miss Marie Sof ley ol the home and Mrs. C. F. Eltchlson of Cana; three sisters, Mrs. J. N. Hauser of Clemmons, Mrs. Paul Miller of Cana, Route 1, and Mrs. Joe Uauser of Dc- land, 'Fla.; one brother, John Martin of Jolly, Iowa; 32 grand children and four great-grand children. The funeral was held at Beth lehem Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Rev. J. W. Vestal and the Rev. C. B. Burdhell conducted the services. Burial was In the church grave yard. Wall Rites < Aie Held Funeral services were held ilonday afternoon at oak Orove MOthodlst church for Alia J. Wall, 5 montAis old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. WaU of Cool- ecsnee, who died last Saturday at the Rowan Memorial hospital. Survivors include the parents, three -brothers, Jomea, Edward and WlUlam and 4wo slsjers, Shirley and Mary Catherine, all at home. Tl Sgt. Carl Spry Killed in Action T. Sgt. Carl Spry, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Spry, of the Woodieaf' section, was killed in action in Franco September 8, aeoordlng to a message received by his parents. Sergeant Spry volunteorod for service In Sep tember, 1040, He spent two years Ih training at Fort Jackson, 8. 0., and 11 months In California and was also stationed in Mis souri for a short time. He went overseas to England Deoombar, 1043. He attended the Woodieaf High school and was with the CXIC outfit before entering the service. Survivors, in addition to 'his parents, are two brothers, John W. of the U, S. navy, and A. B Bpry of Sallslbury; four alatersi Mrs. Marvin Spry of Salisbury, Route 4, Mrs. Robert S^ers of Woodieaf, Mrs. Russell Cruik- Bio - Obituaries -10/6/1944 shank of Salisbury and Nelly at home. His father Is employed by the Erwln mlUa here. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 6,1944 - Page 5 LT. BILL MOONEY KILLED IN BELGIUM Word hOB been received taeni' from Mta. UlUan Mooney Valsii' tine of Ohevy Chose. Md., of tbe' deoth of her brother. Lieut WlUlam (Bill) Jonathan fdooney. In Belgium September 13. Lieu tenant Mooney, a motor tronop portotlon officer, was (cUled la motor, leeldent. Th9 son of the late Oonnlo Johneon Mooney and .O. B. Mooney, now of Edenton. ho spent proctleoUy oil his life , in MocksvUle. He was a member of the Baptist churcfti and graduate of tbe MocksvUle High school: Lieutenant Mooney entered the army Kday IS, 1941, and served with the 893 C. A. and BVmrth corps area service com mand before going to ofllcerw candidate school. He reoely^ his conunlsslon as second lieu tenant at the Infantry sehoffl at .Fort Bennlng, Qa. He Is survived by his widow, the former Miss Virginia Bhank- lln, of Occoquan, Va.; his father, C. B. Mooney, of Edenton; three- brothers, Hubert Mooney of Oe- coquan, Va., Jack Mooney of Edenton, and Sgt, Ralpdi Moonef In foreign service: one sMer, Mrs. LUllan Valentine, of Ohevy Chase, Md. Bio - Obituaries - 10/6/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 6,1944 - Page 7 P. Wiley Davis Dies in Yadldn p. Wiley Davis. 77, well known retired tobacco buyer and farm er, died early Friday night at his home, YadklnvUle, Route 2, after a long Ulneaa Mr. Davis was born in Yodkln county, September 12, 1807, a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Davis. He spent bis entire life in Yadkln with.the exception of is years when he resided In Wlnston-Salem and woa a to bacco buyer. He was a member of Forbu^ Baptist church. He was married to Miss Emma 'o. Manuel in 1882 and she died In 1014. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. M. A. Whlteheart and Mrs. F. W. Lehman of Wlnston-Sa lem, Mrs. R. M. Hutohens and Mrs. uolumbua wiUloms of Yad- klnvllle. Route 2; two sons, W. 0. Davis of Pfatttown and Jefif Davis of YadklnvUle, Route 2; two sisters, Mrs. John Carter and Mrs. Reyben Carter of Yadkln vUle, Route 2, and 29 grundohil- dren. The funeral was held at For- bush Baptist church Sunday aft ernoon and bitrlal was in Wood' 'land cemetery In Winston-Sa- lem. Bio - Obituaries — 10/6/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 11,1944 Lieut. Bill Moonejr Killed Lieut, Bill Mooney, sy. of C- B Mnoney and the late Mrs. Mooney, formerly of this city, was killed in a motor transport accident in RelKinm on Sept. r3tb Lieut. Mooney is survived bv bis widow, who lives at Occoqitan, Va. bl.« father. C B. Moonev of Edenloii one sister. Mrs Lillian Valentine, of Wasbingtoti Citv; three brothers, Huheit Mooney, Occaquan, Vs., SRt. R^lph Mooney. now In Italy, and lack Moouey of EJenton, N. C. Lien! Mooney spent most of his life in Mocks>'ille his pnrcnt.s mov- inc here more than 20 years aao. He had many friends here who were dt<-tres!:cd hy ocwr of his un- timelydeath. Thi«: itiihe iSthyonne man from Davie county who has {•Iven bis life in defense- ot his Sgt. Kenneth Sparks Killed Mr. and Mrs John SpatkM, of Farminpton township received a message last Wednesday from the War DepartJieut, advislog them that their son, Sgt Keoaeth Sparka was killed in action lu Italy on Sept. 14th. Skit. Sparka is ibe nineteenth young man from Dnvie couoty who has given bis life in defense ot his country Sgt. Sparks is survived bv bis parents, several brotber.Hand sisters, and his wife, the former Miss Council Hendricks. of Ad Mrs. Emma Hntchens Mrs. Emma Hotebeas 76. of MoiksviUe. Routa i. died Friday niftbt at Rowan Mem- nrlal Hospital foilawing an illness of sev eral montbs. which b^me serlona a weak ago. She was born In Davie County, tab 21, 1B64. daugbtsr of lh« Iota Janiea K. and Atnanda Hayes Kurfees. She spent most of ber life In Oavle Ccuoiy, where her hustrand. Sam C. Hutchens, was a well* known school teacher- She was a roeiob^r of Eaton Baptist Church and n member of one of (he coun ty's best known faoiilles. Surviving are one son, S. C. Hutcheiis. of MocksviUe. R. 2; two daughters, Mrs. W. J. McDonald of MoeksvlUe. R 2; and Mrs. C R. Elom of Mochftviiie; and on# Sifter, Mrs. C. F Alien Mocksvilie. Rome 2 Funeral services were held at (he home Sunday aftetnono at 4 o'clock, wiib Rev Dallas Renrgarlin charge, and the body laid to rest In Eaton « Baptist church ce metery. Neill Scott ^eillSco^ 76. well-knowti co'l-ored citizen of Oak Grove, died at Metnonal Hospital, Wioston^alem. Thursday morning. Funeral and burial services took place at MainMethodist church Sunday. Sur. wving are the widow three sons and Bio - Obituaries - 10/11/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 13,1944 - Page 1 Kenneth Sparks, Benjamin Franklin Berrier, Melvin Gaither Markland, and Ralph Mooney FOUR MORE DAVIE BOYS ARE REPORTED KILLED IN ACTION Killed • '.,7j Killed PVT. BENJAAnN F. BERRIER 8QT. KENNETH P. SPARKS 'f* Four more Davle boys ere re- ported killed In action, another has ben wounded and still an other, who was lormerly reported missing, is now a prisoner of war. The four reported killed are 6gt. Kenneth Sparks, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. sparJw of Roule 2; ^vt Benjamin Frnnklln Berrlcr, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1. C. Berrlcr, of route 4| Melvin Oalthcr Marklnnd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marklnnd of Ad vance and 8gt. Ralph Mooney, son of C. B. Mooney. This makes a total of 22 Davle boys killed In the present war. Sergeant Sparks was killed In action In Italy on September 13. H« was the husband of the for mer Miss Council Hendrix, of Advance. He entered service on May 13, 1941, trained at Camp Shelby, Miss., and Fort Dlx, N. J., until he went overseas In De cember, 1943. Private Berrler was killed in action in Belgium on September 10. He has two brothers In serv ice: T-6 eomucl Barrier, who is now thought to be hghtlng the Nazis In Gormahy, and Pfc. James Berrler. who is at a train ing school In Chicago. Private Berrler entered service August 4, 1943, and received his training at Fort Xnox before going over seas the first of this year. I^e Davle boy wounded Is Pvt. Aamuel £. Hall,- son of Mr. and ' Mrs. Chorlle W. Hall, of Advance. His parents were notified that he was slightly wounded in ac tion In France on September 20. The third Davle boy killed l.s Melvin Qalther Markland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louts Markland of Advance. He was formerly re ported missing and his parents received a telegram 'Wednesday that he was killed in action in Belgium on Septcmebr 16. Cecil Robertson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Robertson, of Ad vance, who was previously re- ' ported missing in action, is now a prisoner of war, according to word his parents have received. He was on reconnaissance duty When he was captured. The fourth Davle boy killed la Staff Sgt. Ralph Mooney, son of C. B. Mooney, former resident who now lives In Bdcnton. He was reported killed In Italy on Septemebr 22. His brother, Lt. Bill Mooney, was formerly re ported killed In Belgium in a motor accident. Bio - Obituaries — 10/13/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 13,1944 - Page 1 Mrs. Hutchens Passes in Davie Mrs. Emma Hutchens, 84, of Route 2, died last Friday night at Rowan Memorial hospital fol lowing an Illness of several months, whldi became serious a week ago. CQie was born In Davle county, February 21, 1868, daughter of the late James R. and Amanda Hayes Kurfees. She spent most of her life in Davle .county, where her' husband, Sam F. Hutohens, was a well-known school teacher. She was a member of Eaton Baptist church and a member of one of the county's best known families. Surviving are one son, F. 0. Hutohens, of Moclcsvllle, Route 2; two daughters. Mrs. W. J. McDonald, of MocksvUle, Route 2, and Mrs. c. B. Blam, of Mocks vUle, and one sister, Mrs. 0. F. Allen, of MhcksvlUe, Route 2. The funeral was held at the home Sunday afternoon and In terment was In Eaton's Baptist cemetery. Catherine Ratts LOSES MOTHER Mrs. Catherine Ratts, 88, died at her home In Rowan county Friday. Funeral services were held at Trading Ford Baptist church. Mrs. Ratts Is survived by two sons, Obte of MocksvUle, WllUe Z. Ward of Salisbury; one daughter, Mrs. Katie Oenusa of Brooklyn; six grandchildren; two brothers, and one sister. Bio - Obituaries -10/13/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 13,1944 - Page 2 Killed in Action Sgt. Paul Scott Moore, brother of Oeorfe Moore, of YadkinvUle, has been killed Ui action in the South Pacific, according to a message from the war department to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. f, Moore, of Harmonjr. Sergeant Moore was a member of the marine corps and was married ried to the former Miss Sadie Campbell. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 13,1944 - Page 3 Lum Taylor Passes Monday Funeral services were held Wednesday at 12 o'olook for Lum Taylor, who died Monday at a Wlnston-^alem hospital where he had been a patient since last Frldoy. The Rev. O. W. Fink conducted the service at the Union Orove Chapel and Inter ment was in the church ceme tery. Survivors include his widow, the former Minnie Wilson; one Gon, Olenn, at home; two daugh ters, Mrs. Delmor West of'Route 4, and Mrs. Ella Mae Wall of Route 3; two brothers, Baxter and Tom Taylor, both of Route 1; two slaters, Mrs. Ola Jones of Route 1, and Mrs. Minnie Tay lor of Route 9. One grandchild also survlvefl. Bio - Obituaries - 10/13/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 18,1944 Pvt Ben Berrier Killed Mr. and Mrs. I C Berrier, of R. '4, re- < ceived a message from the War Depart-' ment on OcL 8tb, advising ibeir son Pvt. Benjamin PranhUn Benier waa killed In action in Belgium Ot* Sept. lOth. Pvt, Ber i rier was IP yeors old, pod wag induoted into the army on Aog 4. 1P43 He went i overseas last Febroaiy. Pvt. Berrier Is the 20tb Davie county wbo baa given | his life fur bis country in the present world conflict. He is survived by his par i ems. six brothers and seven sisters. He I has two brothers In the army. | Pvt. Melvin Marklsnd Killed In France Mr and Mis. Louie 0. MarMand, of Ad vance, reci Ived a telegram laalv Wednes day from the War Dcpfntnient, edvlslfig them that their son. pvt. Metvin G Mark- land 21. W38 killed in action in France on Sept 14th Pvt. Marklanri entered the army fast January and arrived uveiseai> In \uguet. He is survived hy hie parentf*. five brothers aitd two si^terit. Three of his broibm are in the army and in over seas service, and one brother In the U. SL Navy. Pvt. Marklnnd is the 22.nd D.ivie c-mncy boy who has given his life In this great conflict. The family have the svro pattiy of a tioFt of friends in this great be reavement. Lashlcy Killed In Crash Aviation Cadet Charles M Laslay, Jr 19.800 of .Mr, and Mn. C. M. Lamf, of Lewisvllle. was kllleii in the nraah uf an army plane near Mls.vion. Texa.«. on Oct. Ilth. Cadet Lasley entered the army %iafch 9. 1943 and would have received his com mission as a second Kcutentnant October I6ih. His mother was before marriage Miss Alverta Hunt, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hunt, of Mo^svllfe. Cadet Lasley was the only child of Mr. end Mrs. Lasley, and the grief stricken parents have the sympathy of a host of fiends in their great bereavement. Lnm Taylor Fnberal service for Lom Taylor wbo died Get 9th In a Winaton^Salem hospital, waa held Wednesday at 12 o'clock at Union Grove Church. Interment followed in the cbnroih cemetery. Survivors include the widow, the lormer Miss Minnie Wilsoa: one son, Glenn of the home; two daughters. Mrs. Delmer West of Hodksville. Route 4: Mrs. Ella Mae Wall of Mookavllle, Route 3; two brother, Baxter and Tom Taylor, both of Mock8viUe.'Rnnte I; two sisters, Mrs. 0 a Jones of MockS' villa, Route 1. aod Mrs. Minnie Taylor of Mocksvill^, Route 3; and one grandchild. Bio - Obituaries -10/18/1944 Joe H. Baity J H. Baity, 71, died Thursday night at bis home, near Four Corners. He bed been in ill health for snmptlrae. He was a son of George W. and Abagall Colletto Baity and spent bis entire life In Davie County. Surviving are the widow, the former Miaa Vasbti James; three foster stma, Arleth Layman and J. D. ^urches of Mocksville, Route 2, aod Sam Wooten of Winston Sa- lem; two foster daughters, Miaa Vnshti Furies and Mrs. J. W. Warren of Wins inn-Salem; one brother, George Baity of Mocksville, Route 2; and Mrs Llxzie Cau dle of Yadkin Countv. The funeral waa held at the home Sat urday afternoon at 4 o'clock followed by eervhm proper at the Cross Roads Baptist Chufcb. Burial was in Che church grave yard. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 18,1944 Sgt. Ralph Mooney Killed f ^ js ^ ' Newa was received here last week ad- vising that Staff S^rgeat Ralph Moooey, 29, was killed in action In Italy on Sept. 22Dd. Sgt, Mooney eollsred in the army a*; boat seven years ago, and served four years overseas before our entry into the world war. He went overseas abont three months ago. after serving for the past three years in this country, following bla four years service overseas. Sgt Moonev'a brother, Lieut. Bill Moooey. was killed in action in Belgium on Sept. I3tb. This se cond death was a severe shock to the father, two brothers and one sister, who survive. Ralph had many friends in Mockaville who were saddened by newaof his death. This is the 21st Davie boy who has given bis life in defense of bis country in the present World Wat. Bio - Obituaries - 10/18/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 20,1944 - Page 1 Memorial Service For Kenneth Sparks Memorial servlcca will be held at Macedonia Moravian church Sunday at U o'clock lor 8gt. Kenneth Sparks, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sparks, of Route 2, who was killed in action Sep tember 14 In Italy. The pastor, the Rev. O. E. Berrler, will have charge of the services. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 20,1944 - Page 2 JOE H. BAITY RITES SATURDAY Joe H. Baity, 71. died Thurs day night at his home, near Four Corners, Davie county. He hkd been in ill health for some time. He was a son. of Oeorge W. and Abogali Coliotte Baity and spent his entire life In Bavle county. Surviving are the widow, the former Miss Vaahtl James; three foster sons, i^rleth Laymoh and J. D. Furches of Mocksvllle, j Route 2. and Sam Wooten of Wlnaton-dalem: two foster daughter, Miss Voshtl FurcHes .and Mrs. J. Warren of Wln- Iston-Salem; 14 foster grandbhll- jdren; one brotheri Oeorge Baity ,of Moekavllie. Route 2. and three sisters, Mrs. R. L. Lowery and ■Mrs. S. B. Ratledge of MoeksvUle. IRoute 2, and Mrs. Liza Caudle of lYodkln county. The funeral was hold at the homo Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock followed by service proper, at the Crossroads Baptist church; The Rev. Mr. Adams, the Rev. B. W. Turner and the Rev. Jim my Groce conducted the serv ices. Burial was In the church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 10/20/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 20,1944 - Page 4 IH/BSOGDEN DIED TUESDAY John Henry Brosden, 57, died Tuesday morning at a Winston- Salem hospital, where he had gone on Monday for treatment. He was a veteran* of World War 1 and a resident of Mocksvilie, Route 4. Survivors include, his widow, the former Bessie Spry; one son, Clarence, who is in the V. 8. army in foreign service; two step-sons, o. J. Benson, Jr., in the U. 8. navy, and Haden Ben son at home; a step-daughter. Mrs. V. W. Carter. Route 4; one brother, Tom Brogden, of David son county; * three sidters, Mrs. Joe Alexander and Mrs. Frank Potts, of Route 4, Mrs. Minter Hutchlns. of Orlando, Ha. Funeral services will be held at the Turrentine Baptist church, conducted by the Rev. Victor An drews, the Rev. B. W, Turner ond the Rev. O. W. Fink. The date of the funeral has not been set. A miUtdry service will be held at the grave. Pallbearers will be members of the P. O. 8. of A. at Cooleemee. Interment will be in the church cemetry. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 20,1944 - Page 6 William Atwood Rites Are Held Funeral services were htid Wednesday afternoon at Oak Orove Methodist church for Wil liam Andrew Atwood, one year old son of Pvt. and Mrs. James O. Atwood, The Rev. J<^ A. McMurray conducted the serv ices and interment was In the church cemetery. The child died at his home in the Oak Orove community Monday night of membranous croup. ^ He is survived hy his parents, two slaters, Mildred and Con stance; one brother, James 011- bert, Jr.; his grandmother, Mrs. John Potts, of MooksviUe. Private Atwood is In the ord nance department of the U. 6. army, stationed somewhere in France. Bio - Obituaries -10/20/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 20,1944 - Page 7 Charles Lasley Killed in Plane Aviation Cad^ Charles Mason Laatey, 10, aun of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lasley, Sr., of Lewlsvllle, was killed In the crash of an army plane Ave miles north of Moore Field, Mlsalon, Texas, Wednesday night. Cadet Lasley was on a routine training Right jalone when the accident oo' curred. Cadet Lasley was born In For- syth county November 23, 1024. Ho was graduated from Lewls vllle High school In May, 1942, attended State college for one year. He was a member of Lewls vllle Methodist church, the 4-H club, and the Future Farmers of America. Cadet Lasley entered the army March 9, 1943, and would have received his commission as a second lieutenant and silver wings October 16. Surviving are hLs parents and grandmother, Mrs. Fannle Las ley, of Lewlsvllle. Funeral services for Aviation Cadet Charles Lesley. Jr., were held at the hunie In Lewlsvllle and at the <Methodlst church In Lewlsvllle at 3 p. m. Monday, Oc tober 16, conducted by the Rev. O. 'B. Williams, pastor and the Rev, o. W. Fink, his former pas tor. Full military rights were conducted. Burial In the church graveyard. Cadet Lasley's body was ac companied from Texas by ati •aviation cadet, who was his roommate for several weeks past. Pallbearers were U. S. cadets. Mrs. Lasley Is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hunt of MocksvlUe. Bio — Obituaries - 10/20/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 25,1944 ' William Andrew Atwood I Williain Andrew Atwood. IS monibs- old daugbter of Pvt. and Mn>. J. G. At* wood, of K. 2, died Odt. 16th. following a short Illness of croop Sorviviog.are the parents, two aleters, Mildred and constance, and one brother, James. Jr. Funeral services were held at Oah Grove Methodist Church W<>dne8day afternoon at 9 o'cli ck. with Rev. John A. McMurray of flciatlog. and the little body laid Co rest in the church cemetery. Pvt. Atwood is now somewhere In Fraoce The grtef*8trickeo pmnts have the sympathy at a host of friends In the loss of thHr baby "Suffer little children to come unto me. and for- j bid cbein not. for of soch is the kingdom ^ beavor." These words of comfort were I spoken bv Christ neatly two tboosand ' yesra ago. John A, Naylor John A. Naylor. 63. a native of Davie County, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. 6. Naylor. died in a Winston Salem tiospi- tol Thursday nltfbt. Mr. Naylor had Uved In WinstOQ-Salein for the past 40 years. His wife dietl several years aflo. Surviv Inn are one sister. Mrs J B.CaiB.of Oaoa; and several neices and nephews. Funeral and burial services took place in Winstoti- Salem Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Prmitice Campbell Mrs. Prentice Campbell. 42. well known MoeksvUle cesideot. died Fridav evening at Davis Hospital, StateavtUe. foUowlod an operation wbleh she tmderwoot on Oct. 12th. Mm. Com^)eli was a daughter of Thos. L. Koobiz and the late Mis. Kooatz, of Galahalo toweahlp. and bad spent her en* tire life In tbia wunty. , , ^ ^ Snnivlag are her hnsbaod. her father, a eon. James Oafflpbell; two hrotbeis. Rofns Q. Kooaiz of Short HUI, N. J., and Earnest Koontz of Uookavllis: two sisters. Mrs. Fted Cactnef and Mrs. John A, Smoot o! DavleCoonty., ^ ^ . Fitoef^ services were held Sunday after* Dcon at 4 o'clock at the Methodist chutch. with Revs. E. M. Avetc, H. C. Sprinkle and E. W. loroer offidatiog. and the body laid to rest in Rosa cemetery. The large coo* oouiso of rdativea and Mends, and the many beaotlhtl floral tributes attested thehigh esteem in which this Christian lady was held. To the bereaved family Ihe Eemud eitasds sympathy in this great be* reavemmit. J. H. Br^den J. H. Dratfdeo. 57. of MockaviQe. died in a Winston Salem hosidtal Tnesday. He was a native of E avle County and a World Warlvetoran. Funeral servioes were held at TUrren* tine Baptist Ghmch rilday afkemooa at 4 o'cloek, with Revs. VictorL. Aodrew8,E. W. Turner and G. W. Fink officlatlog. A mlHtaiy ^veslde service was held, and the tiody laid to rest in the chnreh ceme* tery. Mr. Brogdeo was a weU known ddseo of the county, and bad been mnphnred at the Co^meo cotton mills fm many years. His death brought sadness to a host of lelativea and fHeads tbroogliaot thecoun* cy. Ho was a* long time friend of the editm of The fieooid. Sn^ving ate the widow; one son. Pvt. dereooe Giogdeo of the navy, Haden Ben son of ^e navy, Hadeo Benson. S.2c. of the navy. Haden Benson of Ihe home; one stepdaughter. Mrs. B W.CUittf. Route 4. IMoAsviUe; ooe brother. Tom Bfogdeo, Oavidsw Cmiuty; three sisters. Mrs. Joe ' Alexander and Mrs. Flank Orotts, both of .Route 4, MoeksvlUe, and Blrs. Minter Hutcbias, Oiland(i.ria. Bio - Obituaries - 10/25/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 27, 1944 - Page 1 Brothers Kilted in Service UEUT. BILL MOONEV The two MocksviUe boys above were killed Ip army serv- ivc overseas within nine days of each other. Sons of the late former Connie Johnson and C. B. Mooney, they ure Lieut. William J. Mooney, who lost his life In a motor trans portation accident on Septem ber 23, and Staff Bgt. Ralph Mooney, killed In action In Italy September 23. Lieutenant STAFF SOT. RALPH MOONEY Mooney left a young widow, the former Virginia Shanklln. who lives at OccMuan, Va. His father, a weil knpwn local con tractor, moved to Edcnton at the start of the war. 'A sister, Mrs. Lillian Valentine, of Chevy Chase, Md., and two brothers, Hubert of Occoquan, Va., and Jack, of Edenton, are also sur vivors. Louis Childrey DIES OF WOUNDS Word has been received here that Cpl. Louis Childrey, who was a linotype operator of The Qnterprise several years ago, died September 91 In TYance of wounds received two days earlier. He had been overseas since De cember. He was an honor stu dent and Eagle Scout at the Ox ford Orphanage. Three brothers ond two slaters survive. One brother, 6. Sgt. Charlie Childrey, la In New Guinea. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 27,1944 - Page 5 JOHN NAYLOR John A. Naylor, 63, native of Davlo. who had lived In Wln- ston-Salom for the last 40 years where he was a prominent busi ness man. civic and religious leader, died last Thursday in a Winston hospital. The funeral and burial were In Winston last Saturday. He was the son of William Bryant .Naylor and Susan Hutehlns Naylor. Sur vivors Include one slater. Mrs. J. B. Cain, of Cana. Bio - Obituaries -10/27/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 27,1944 - Page 7 Passes NATHAN CRANFILL 74, PASSES AWAY Nathan C. Cranflll, 74, well known and lltelong cltl2en of Courtney, died euddenly at hie home Monday night at 11:30 from a heart attack. Re waa . stricken at ,10:30, after being In hl9 usual health during the day. He was a retired merchant. He was a native of that sec tion of Yadkln county and had • spent his life there. He was a son of the late Calvin C. and Lydia Wllklns CranftU. He was married to Miss Lena Kowell Oc tober 10. 1890. For 35 years Mr. Cranflll op- ; erated a general merchandise j store at Courtney, retiring In June. 1043. He was a charter member of the Courtney lodge of the Woodmen of the World and was a member of the Crossroads Baptist church and n deacon for the past 29 years. Surviving are the widow; four children, Mrs. Emma Cooley and Mrs. H. K. Miller of MocksvlUe. Route 2. Mr.s. B. H. Lynch and J. Ray CranftU of Wlnston- ' fialem; one sister, Mrs. James ' Oroce of Cana and eight grand- ' chUdren. • The funeral was held last Wednesday afternoon at Cross roads Baptist church, with serv ices in charge of the Rev. W. T. Adams, the pastor, assisted by the Rev. R. G. Adams and the Rev. E. W. Turner. Burial was In the ohuroh graveyard. The body lay In state In the church from 3 to 4 o'clock, when the services began. pallbearers were Joe Shetton, John Martin, Roy Graver, Joseph Burgess, Orover flhermer. Bur ton' CranftU, Ray T. Moore and floyd Martin. Bio - Obituaries - 10/27/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 27,1944 - Page 8 mCAMPBEU PASSES AWAY Mrs. Prentice Campbell, 42, of jiocksvllle, died last Friday nighi at Davis hospital, where she had '.been a patient for ten days. Mrs, Campbell, the former Mlsa Mary Koontz, was born In Davle county a dapghter of Thomas L. Kcontz and the late fUta. Koontz. She Joined Salem Methodist church In early child* 'liood and later moved her mem* ■.•bershlpio the Mocksvllle church. €he was an'active member of the Mocksvllle Woman's ciub and the Ladles Wesley class of the Methodist church. fl urvlvlng are her husband, her father, a son, James Camp* bell; two brothers, Rufus o. Koontz of Short HIUs. N. J., t^nd Ernest Koontz of Route 4, Mocks* ■vlUe; two sts^rs, Mrs. Fred Cartner and Mrs. John A. Smoot of Route 4. John Gregory Morrisett Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock -from the Mocksvllle Methodist Ofaurch, with the pastor, the Rev. H. C. Sprinkle, In charge. Inter ment was In Rose cemetery. Pallbearers were O. O. Boose, 0.8. Anderson, O, N, Ward, Xnox Jmmstone, 6. M, Call and W. M. PennlngtoB. Death Claims Prominent Winston-S&lem Merchant Wlnston-Salem—John Gregory Morrisett, one of Wlnston-Sa* lem's best known oUlzens and nierchants, was claimed by death Sunday night at 7:30 at a local hospital. He had been seriously 111 for one ^ek. Funeral services were held for Mr. Morrisett at First Baptist churoh Tuesday morning at II o'clock. Or. Ralph Herring and the Rev. Paul Crandlll conducted the services. Burial was In For* syth Memorial park. Mr. Morrisett was born in Scotland Neck, July 24, 1873, a son of J. M. and Angema Warr Morrisett. He spent his early life In Scotland Neck. He waa engaged In the mercantile buol- John H. Norman Of Cana, Dies John Henry Norman, 82. well known famer of Cana, died Fri day morning at his home after |an Illness of 20 months. His condition had been critical for two weeks. He was bom in Yadkin coun ty November 14,1881, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Norman, and si^nt his entire life in the county. Surviving are three children, Mrs. Hattle TTlvette of Olln, John Thomas Norman of Olem- mons and Paul Norman of Win* ston-Salein; two brothers, J. N.: Norman of Cana and Noah Nor* man of Yadklnvllle, Route 2; one sister, Mrs. Sallle Bet WUkins, of HamptonviUe, and ten grand children. One son, Roy A. Nor man, was killed In foreign aerf* tee on October'91,1949. Funeral services were con ducted Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock at Crossroads Baptist church, the Rev. J. H. Cttoce, the Rev. Jones Blnkley and the Rev. W. G. Adams officiated and burial was in the church ceme tery. ' ness there witli his brother, 8. W. Morrisett, for a number of years. Mr. Morrisett came to Wln ston-Salem with bis brother 30 years ago and they formed the firm of Morrlsett's which has been in business here since. For some time the Arm was located on North Liberty street, moving a number ot years ago to the "L" shaped biiUdlng which fronts on both Fourth and- Trade streets. During hla resldenee here, Mr. MorrlseU.had been active in the'affairs o! the community "i was a member of the First Bap-' tist church. He was a deacon In the church and had been one of its most active members. Surviving are the widow; one son, the Rev. Stephen Morrisett, pastor of the Rlrst Baptist church at Elkln; three grand sons, Stephen, Jr., Peter and Joel Morrisett and one brother, B. W. Morrisett. of this city. Bio - Obituaries -10/27/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 1,1944 Mrs. G. A. Everhart Mrs. Sammie Everhardt, 83. wife of George A. Everliaft, died Thursday nitfbt at 7 o'cioch at her home near Porh. Mr* Eveifaardt was a daughter ot Daniel and Saliie Wyatt Hendrix She spent her entire life in the PiTk community ami was a member of Pork Baptist Chaicb. Surviving are the husband: four daught* era. Mrs. Jess Davia of Pork; Mrs. W, C. Seafoid of Mocfcsvilie, Route S; Mrs. 1. Hendrtzof Wtoston*Satem; and Mas. Ern est Ellest. of Granite Quarry; four sons* J. P. Everhart of Cooleemee: G R Everhart of MocksvUle, Route* 3; B E Everhart of Mocksville, Route 3; and two sisters. Mrs. C. A. Hester of Saitsliory. and Mrs. J. R. Bailey of Mocksvilte. Route 3. The funeral was hefd Saturday after, noon at 3 o'dnek at Pork Baptist Chorcli. Revs. Wade Hutcbens and E W Turner conducted the services. Burial followed in the chufch graveyard W. J. Joaes funeral oervicea for WilUani Jackson Jones. 82. of Advance, Route I, were con ducted Sunday afiemoon at 4 o'clock at Mock*e Methodist Church* Revs. J. C. Gentry, W* M. Rathbum. and P. B. Ho* ward offidated and burial was in the cburcb gravevard. Mr. Jones died Priday oioming at his boma On December 181.1887 he waamairiedto Miss Eugenia Snyder* who survives Other survivors hidude four daughters, ail of Ad* vanee. Route 1; four sons. Mrs, Rebecca Talbert Advance oct. 29.'Mrs. Rebecca Minor Talbert 68 dM at her home in Advance Sunday morning after an illness of sever* al months. Funeral was held at 3 p. m. Monday at the Advance Methodist church cemetery. Surviving are four daughters. Mra. W. d. Brvson and Miss Amy Jane Talbert, of Advance; Mrs. Charles Domm. ofMocksvilte: Miss Rebecca Talbert* of Oak Ridge. Tenn4 eight sons. James L Talbert. of Harrlman. Tenn.; John A. Talbert. of Wio8ton*Salem; Sam L. Talbert of Wlnatcn Salem: Gannon Talbert. Jr*« of Mmebead City; Denote Talbert* of l^z* logton; Thomas W. and Charles Joe Tal* ben, with the United States amiy over* seas; a stepdaughter, Mrs. John Mock, of Tbomasvine; a brother George W. Minor* of Advance; and 12 grai^cbildren. Bio - Obituaries -11/1/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 3,1944 - Page 1 Janie Bradley DIES IN GAFFNBV. Miss Janle Bradley, -sister of the late B. P. Bradley, died dur ing October at her home In Gaffney, S. 0. Miss Bradley was taken to Statesvllle where inter ment was In the family plot. She was a frequent visitor here and has many friends in JDavle. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 3,1944 - Page 2 Mrs, Everhart Dies Thursday Mrs. Scmmie Everhart, 83, wife of George A Everhart, died Thursday night at 7 o'clock at her hom^ near Fork, Oavle county. ' Mrs. Everhart was a daughter of Daniel and Sallle Wyatt Ken- drlx. She spent her entire life in the Fork community and was a member of Fork Baptist ohuroh. Surviving are the husband; four daughters, Mrs, Sw Davis of FV>rk, Mrs. W. 01 Seaford of Moeksvllie, Route 8, Mrs. T. Hen- drix of Wlnaton-flatem, and Mrs. Ernest Eller of Granite Quarry; four eons. J. F. Everhart of Cool- eemee, G. R. Everhart and Dan iel K. Everhart of .MocksvUIe,- Route 3, B.'E. Everhart of Mocks vUIe Route 4; 27 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren, • and two sisters, Mrs. C. A. Hester of Salisbury, and Mrs. i. R. Batloy of MooksvlUe. Route 3. The funeral was held Satur day afternoon at 3 o'clock at Fork Baptist church. The Rev. Wade Hutchens and the Rev. E. W. Turner conducted the serv ices. Burial was In the church graveyard. Bio — Obituaries -11/3/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 3,1944 - Page 4 Mrs. Talbert Buried Monday Funeral services were held Monday for Mrs. Rebecca Minor Talberfc, 08, widow of Oannon Talbert, who died at her home at Advance ' Sunday morning after an illness of , several months. The Rev. J. 0. Gentry oSlcl- ated at the services which were held at Advance Methodist church. Interment was I'n the Advance Baptist church ceme tery. She Is survived by 12 children, Mrs. W. J. Bryaon of Advance, James t. Talbert of Harrlman, Tenn.; John A. Talbert of Win- ston-8alem, Amy Jane and flam L. Talbert of Advance, O. Frank Talbert of Wlnston-flalem, Mrs. Charles Domm of MooksvUle, Gannon Talbert. Jr.. of More- head Ottyi Rebecca Tatoert of Oak Ridge, Tenn., Dennis Tal bert of Lexington and Charles Joe and "niomaa W. Talbert with the army overseas. Also surviving are 12 grand children; one sl^r, Mrs. John Mock, of ThbmasvUle, and one brother, George W. Minor, of Advance. Bio - Obituaries - 11/3/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 3,1944 - Page 6 RITES SUNDAY FOR W.J. JONES Funeral services for William Jackson Jones, 82. of Advance, Route 1, were conducted 6an day .fifternoon at 4 o'clock at Mock's Methodlat church. The Rev. J. C. Gentry, the Rev. W. M. Rathburn, and the Rev. B. 8. Howard officiated and burial was In the church graveyard. Mr. Jones died Friday morn ing at his home. He had been In decllng health for a number of years and had been lU for the past year. He was born September 30, IMS, In Davle county, a don of Wiley and'Eliza Hasklna Jones. Be spent his entire^ life In the Mack's Methodist church com munlty, where he was a well known farmer. He was a member pi Mock's Methodist church. On December 18, 1887, he.was married to Miss Eugenia Snyder, Who survives, other survivors Include four daughters. Misses Claudia, Orace, Ethel and Mat- tie Jones, all of Advance, Route 1; four sons, M. R., Glenn ond Joe Jones, all of Advance, and B. M. Jones of Thomasvllle; 19 grandchildren and three great- grandchildren. Pallbearers were J. M. Bow- den, O. R. Bowden. Robert Car ter, Roy Carter, F. W. Dull ond Charlie Allen. Flo^erbearers were Dette Carter, Lucy Ford Phelps, Pearl Jarvls, Dorothy Chaplain, Klrby Lee Orrell, Follle Bidden, Florence Carter and Ruth Car ter. Miss Miury Tesh Passes Saturday Miss Mary Tesh, 67, died Sat urday morning at the home of 8. F. Blnkley. She was the daughter of Mosee and Molly Mock Tesh, and lived here for 41 years. She was a member of the local Methodist churoh. Surviving are one sister, Mrs. J. W. Hester, of Wlnston-Salem, and a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were conduct ed at the hmne of 8. F. Blnkley at 3 'o'clock Sunday afternoon. The Rev. E. L. Derryberry of Clemmons officiated and burial was In Joppa cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/3/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 3,1944 - Page 7 L. Hester Buried Tuesday Fred L. Hester, 47, died Sun day at the home of Mrai Lum Taylor, at Center. He was a na tive of .Llncolnton. Surviving are his widow, two aond. Ray Lee and Tommy Lee, both of Moeksvble, Route 1; three brothera, BUI and Carson, both of Llncolnton, and Sephus of Itanes; two sisters, Mrs. BUI Couoh; and Mrs. Frank Watts, both of Llncolnton. Funeral services were eon* ducted at Turrentine Baptist church at a o'clock Tuesday. The Rev. Victor Andrews of ficiated.' Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -11/3/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 8,1944 Mrs. Annie Anderson Mro. Aooie £. AndenoD. 86. widow of Tom fii AndetsoD. died Monday ai her home in Calahabi townnhlik. The fuaeral will he held at Center Methodiet church thin momiotf at 11 o'clock. Revs. 6. W. Fink and E. U. Avett condooted the services. Burial wea In the church ftraveyaid. Surviving ate one son. J A. Aodetsoo, of Harmony. Route 2; four daoghtwo, Mis. C.t. AiidefsooofWin8too*8aleoi.Rouce4; Mrs Parks Tumlin of Beach Haven, N. J.: Mrs. Bf, A. BarneycasUe of the home. John M. Betts John M. Belts, 94, died at the home of his daughter, wrs John Humphries, at Chapel Hill, last Thursday. Funeral and tmrlal services took place at Asheboro Fndav. Mr. Betts was one of the oldest Masons In the state, having been a mem« her for more than 58 years. He was hu rled with Masonlj Itonurs. Mr. Betts was a brother of Mrs. Junes McGuire, of this dry. and visited her often. He bad many fdends here who were saddened hy news of bis death. Fred L. Hester Fred L, Hester. 47. died Oct. 30. at the home of Mrs. Lum Taylor, at Center. He was a native of Lincolnum. Snrviving are bis wife; two sons, Ray Lee, and Tommy Lee, both of Mocksvill^ Roite 1; three biothers; Bill and CarBon, both of Uncolnton. and Sephns of Banes, tvro sisters, Mrs. BiU Couch, and Mrs; Frank Watts, both of LincofnKm. Funeral services wars conducted at TUr- reotlne Baptist Chofch at 2 o'clock last Tuesday afternoon. Rev. ^ctor Andrews ofiBdat^ Barial was In the chmch ceme tery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/8/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 10,1944 - Page 1 John Marshall McGuire tOSBS BROTHER Mrs. Hattle McOulre attended the funeral last week of her brother, John Marshall Bette. 64, who died at the home of his daughter last Thursday In Chapel KlUt Interment was at his old home, Asheboro, with Masonic rites. Surviving besides Mrs. McOulre are a sister, Mrs. W. P. Steed, In Red Springs, and a brother, -R. E. Betts, of Aahe~ bore. Five children also sur.- vlve. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 10,1944 - Page 7 Annie E. Anderson DAVIE WOMAN PASSED MONDAY Mrs. Annie E. Anderson. 84, widow of Tom M. Anderson, died Monday at her home In Oalahaln township. The funeral was held at Cen ter Methodist church Wednes day morning at 11 o'clock. 'Hie body lay In state at the church ,(rom 10 until 11 o'clock. The iRov. O. W. Fink and the Rev. E, M. Avett conducted the serv ices. Burial was In the church graveyard. Surviving a^e one son. J. A. Anderson, of Harmony, Route 2; four daughters, Mrs. C. L. An derson of Wlnston-Salein, Route 4, Mrs. Parks Tomlln of Beach Haven, N. J., Mrs. 8. W. Kaibin of fitatesvlUe, Route 4, and Mrs. M. A. Barneycastle of the home; 10 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries -11/10/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 15,1944 I Gaither Killed In Action mmmmmmm Mra. j, K. Oaicher. of this city, received a telegfam Sunday from the War Depart* ment advising that her husband. James Ralph Gaither. Chief Machinists Mate, U. S. N. R, •vas hilied in action white in the service of his country. Ralph bad been in the Navy for over 25 years, and had visited all parts of the world. He was at home on leave a little more (ban a year ago. Surviving are his widow, two little sons and a little daugh ter: his parents. Mr. and Mrs. T, A Gaith er, nf R. 1; four brothers and four sisters. We are sorry indeed m chronicle Ralph's death. We had bnown him since his boy- ho<Kl days. He is the 23rd man fiom Da* j vie County that has given his life in de- I fense of bis country in this world conflict. The bereaved family have the 83'mpathy| j of the entire community in this hour of I t>ereaveiD?itt Mrs. D. M. Haneline Mrs. D. M Haneline. 77, of this city, died at ibc home of her daughter. Mrs. Maude Campbell, at StatesvillP lateThurs* duy night, following an illness of several moniUs. funeral services wete held at Union Chapel Methodist Church Saturday after DooD at 3 o'clock, with L r. J C. Prtt* chard, and Rev E. W Turner in charge, and tbe body laid to rest in the church! cemetery. Mrs. Haneline is survived bv three sons, |R H, R-W. and J. n. Haneline. all of !(his city; three dengbters. Mrs. W L. Cell. Macksvilie; Mrs.W. Bverly. Woodieaf, P, 1, aod Mrs Maude Campbell, Staiesville. j One brother, L. M. Armswonby, of Red- I land, also survives A mother in Isreal I has been called to bee reward. Bio - Obituaries - 11/15/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 17,1944 - Page 8 Mn. Mirtha Haneline Rlttt Held Satinday . Mra. Martha Armsworthy Haneline, 79, widow of D. M. Haneline, died Thursday night at the hoane of a daughter, Mrs. Arthur Campbell, of StatesvlUe, where she had resided for the past seven, years. She was a daughter of Bob and Mary Foster Armaworthy and lived here until seven years ago. The funeral was held Satur day afternoon at 3 o'clock at V!nton Chapel. Dr. J. E. Prltch- ard, the Rev. E. W. Turner and the Rev. Odell Brown conducted the service. Burial followed in the church graveyard. Su^lvlng are the following children: Mrs. Arthur Oampbell of StatesvlUe, Mrs. Mamie By- erley of Woodleaf, Mrs. Whiter L. Coll, R. N., W. R. and J. M. Haneline of MockavUle. Thirteen grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren also survive. Two grandsons are with the V. 8. army, Jake M. Haneline, Jr., now serving in southern Franee and Robert Haneline in Fort Ben- ning, Oa. One brother, U M. Axnlsworthy, of Adavnce, sur vives. . Pallbearers were Frank Stone- street, Monm Blakeley, Loub Oodby, Stamey Cllnard, Wood- row Southern and A. O. Camp bell." Those out of town who at tended the funeral were Mrs. H. W. Armsworthy, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Oodby. Mr. and Mrs. Stanfey Cllnard and ohUdren, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Warren and Children, Mrs. Evelyn Jarrett and Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Southern of TliomasviUe, Ed Haneline, Miss Clara Haneline. Mrs. Doyt Holthouser and Miss . Oeorgla Gregory of Win8ton-8alem,'Mrs. Louise HaneUne Stokes and Miss Dorothy Campbell of Charlotte, Carl Chambers, Miss Ha Cham bers, Mrs. W. Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hanoline, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Page and A. Q. Campbell of StatesvlUe, Mr. and Mrs. Belle' Essex, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Allen, Miss Louise Allen, Miss Blanche Allen and Monroe Blakeley of Clenunons, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Armsworthy, Mr. and Mrs. WUUe Armsworthy, and Mr. and Mrs. Boas Armsworthy of Advance, Oeorge Branham of Winnsboro, S. C.. and Bill Bran- ham, S. 1-c, coast guard. MPH GAIIHER DIES IN ACTION James Ralph Oalther, widely Jtnown and popular Davle county man. who was a chief machin ist's mate in the navy, was killed In action, according to a tele gram received Sunday by his wife here. He had been In serv ice for more (hah ao years. He is survived by his widow, two small sons and a small daughter; by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Oalther, of Route 1; by four brothers and four sis- tors. Bio - Obituaries - 11/17/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 22,1944 Sgt. York Loses Life In Action Staff Sergeant Sergeant Satnuel Glenn Yiirk, Roiico 1, tvae Kii!e>l in ncti«»ii inGer manv on October 12 H'S f. - rents rereiv ed a letter from bim dated 0.!ii*bpr 11 and he enclosed his monev Id the iKter at-.d said things rltd not st'Omi so < heorfi}! wah him. Sergeant Y;»fK lyimlft I'vn in a few motif hs and wrorn tbiit hi> h.iped his next pMmotlon tvotild b - to ranks of a civilian The son of Mr and Mr*; U. H. York. Sergeant York has twtf ttrorhers. foul unri Rex York, t'lfinariv of SfftiesvdlT; aod two sisters. Mr . ben Bowles attii Mrs. ilowanl Daoner of Mocksvitle. Mf t . Lola Troutmaa ; Mr> Lul« HilLird Troiamfiu 73 vprtr- i|i! wid'iw f Jchn Tuoftiii**!-. died Frian* morning :■<( In-r borito lo Co u-t'int'p SUiViviia* nre two Li:itigi)'>'r*>. a:tii h'-i? sons. Funer.'ii servlrcs wt-rr cn-i hy G. W. Fink and Rhv A T. ht* udi-iidrt; .mhi day am rtniod -^r ;1 oH ck »'t Cm* i ibfji-- Methodist t^hnrch bin; 1 (oM>i«ved ii. ih- church ctmeu r\. Death Ciaim:*: M Carter 5. ThomasvillK. — V;^^. Kir; C.jrthr, 01, widow of .Ian e.*; .1. Co i-r. di'd at t;'s home. 204 En.mo Strpei. )mir><>n> * tng n short iiiness She WHS born in I) vie cotiMy 'J't. bi*f 14, 1553, dnnobtiT of th'- I t'o G'l s » nd Amandii t hnffin J«trii<. **)v .spent Cne greater port ot her li e to I'lvis County, havl g moved t » Tit •niHs'.'i h on yens ago. Her hus')and iiie I I'i <0^5. She WHS H niMfiiher «»* Diitrhm n Cr;*eK Friends Chtrch in Davic i.ou; 'v. Surviving nre one s-in. \V. X. t ;;rti;r of Th«m8.svlHe: two MNt-r. fdr%. Ad ; Liven- goi4 if DavipCniinty on.i M n S IC- Car ter of Haiio-; two brmlivr'. Ke*.rv .J-irvi-. of iMvie Cduntv niid Mdson Jtvjs ' kowon Ciiuntr 13 g on {•-i dren and 11 gr-nt gr.Mti-Ichdrtrp'i Burial was i«i Fork Chnrrh (^ nn;-»pry in Davie County. 1 P. R. Pott j P. R. Potts 76, died last Tues- 'day niKht at bis iiome in Snli.sbury ♦ following no Jllne.-s of s^cvernl weeks Mr. Foes Wits n native of DuVie cotiniv, but ujo^cd to Salts ury 18 years ajio He uas in the nicf- jcanule oiisiness unti) bis health tailed. Mr. Pott % in survived byhis wido V, six sofis, and twodaugb-i ters. O le broibvr, I. A. Poits., of this coun y survives. Funeral and burial services took place Friday ia' Salisbury. % Bio - Obituaries - 11/22/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 24,1944 - Page 1 Samuel Glenn York DAVIE SOLDIER KILLED OCT. 12 Staff Sgt. Samuel Olenn York, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. York, of Route 1, was killed In action In Ocrmnny on Octubor 12, ac cording to word his parents have received. His parents had n let ter from him doted one day prior to his death. . He has^two stBtv^s«*iMrs. Bon Bowles and Mrs. Howard Ban ner of Mocksvillc, and two brothers, ^Paul and Rex York, formerly of Stntesvllle. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 24,1944 - Page 5 Mrs. Troutman Passed Friday Mrs, Lula Kellard Troutman, 75-year-old widow of John Troutman, died last Friday morning at her home In Codl- eemee. Surviving are two daughters. Mrs.. W. R. Painter and Mlsf Laura Hellard of Cooleemee; five sons, Roy and Robert, Coolee mee; Luther, Greensboro; Claud, Salisbury, and David Olenn, Naomi, W. Va.; two step-daugh ters, Mrs. Sam Bradshaw and Mrs. Marie Boat; Z2 grandchil dren and eight great-grandohil- dren. Funeral services were conduct ed by the Rev. G. W. Flnk and the Rev. A. T. Stoudemlre Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Liberty Methodist church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -11/24/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 1,1944 — Page 4 Singleton Rites Held Wednesday Funeral services were held at 2:30 p. m. Wednesday at Jeru- aalom church for Burl Singleton, 51. conducted by the pastor, the Rev. V. L. Andrews, assisted by the Rev. E. E. Turner. Burial followed In Memorial Park come- tery. Mr. Singleton died at 10:1.0 p. m. Sunday at his home In the Ohorry Hill community, Davle county. He was a native of stanly county, but had made his homo In Davle for the past 19 years. Survivors are the widow; one son, V. L. Singleton, of Savan nah, Qa.; a brother. David T. Singleton, of Norwood; three sla ters, Mrs. Rosa Morton and Mrs. Johna Morton of Norwood and Mrs. Jacob Eudy of Albemarle; a half brother. Bob Hudson, of Stanly comity, and two grand children. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 1,1944 - Page 8 Patsy Ann McDaniel Rites Held Wednesday •Patsy Ann MoDanlel, six-year-; old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McDaniel, of Mocksvllle, died Tuesday mofnlng at a Salisbury hospital. Surviving are the parents, and three brothers, Jimmy, Tommy and Douglas MoDonlel, all of homo. The funeral was held at Jericho church Wednesday aft ernoon at 3 o'clock. W. S. Stone- street conducted the services. Burial was In the church grave yard. Bio - Obituaries -12/1/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 6,1944 Patsy Aao McOaniel Puf5y Ann MtD ini; <, G ter of Mr. juid Vr*; J. T Mi'Damel of I Mockt>ville. died Ti;esil.i» iin»ri.in0 o: h\ Salisbury hospital. Sorvivitig ihe p;tr»n!:t 'ted liirj-ft broth er:', Jimdii", Irn-iny r.int |)iss:cif vUtDaa tel, all «d I he hnino The fuiioral wj-.- }.-lit a'- .J h »< imrch Wednesday ;if ;i uVI ti:;'- F, Sionesirtet<!oi»dijc»'*i! ti'i* suvu-.-.n. Bu rial was ill the cluirch cr^svt-vard. J. F. Rid'iish 5ar JOhtl F Rldeiihoiir, 72. ttiC i SiiiJt'uy at his home, Mnck.sviij:-, R •r.t<'*l. Surviving are hi» -ajuov . the fom.i r Mi>s Louise Ft^.'^ter; ftair s-uis, uiitt five iJ::ugh* tefa, also surviving att: .ia»i- hr:uh»?r-, and (wo sisters. ^uner.ii service> w*re h.'al at !1 u'clock Tuesda) nmniing ai C;n»l-'u e.'. M'thod'Sl Cliuich, wifh rites in ch.:r»»e uf Ri-v H. i\ Freeaiuri itssisted hy Rt v. G. W. Fink Fh;- rlalwas in Liberty Meshodis' Church Ce . e- lery Bio - Obituaries -12/6/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 8,1944 - Page 4 J. p. Ridenhour Passes at His Home John F. Ridenhour, 72. died at noon Sunday ai his home, Mooksvllle. Route 4. Mr. Riden hour was the son of the late Monroe and Clara Creason Rid enhour. Surviving are his widow, the former Miss Louise Foster; three sons, C. F. Ridenhour of Coolee- mee, Baxter and Lester Riden hour, both Of Burlington; nve daughters, Mrs. Allen Hellard and Mrs. Ethel Tiller, both of Coolcemee, Mrs. Dora Deadmon of MocksvUle, Route 4, Mrs. Sadie Stecle of Salisbury, and Mrs. Thelma Ritchie of Roanoke, Va.; alsu surviving are four brothers, Richard Ridenhour of Roanoke, Va.. Jess Ridenhour of Salisbury, and Henry and Oeorge Riden hour both of Advance, Route 1, and two sisters, Mrs. Lizzie Hel lard and Mrs. J. M. Blvlns. both of Cooleemee. Twenty-nine grandchildren and nine great grandchildren also survive. Funeral services were hold at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning at Cooleemee Methodist church, with rites In charge of the Rev. H. C. Freeman, assisted by the Rev! O. W. Fink. Burlul was In Liberty Methodist church ceme tery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 8,1944 - Page 7 Amos Hanes Amos Hanes, who died sud denly In Wlnston-Salem.' was burled here Sunday In the Meth odist cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -12/8/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 13,1944 James E. Stroud Davie Soldier Killed llili I Mrs. SsDfnrd Strood. of near County ! Line, received a telegram Dec. 4th from the War Department, advising that her son. Pvt. James E- Stroud. was killed in action Nov. !9th. In Germany. James en> tared the army in December. 1942. and | had been overseas about 18 months. He | was wounded i« action in Prance on July j 17tb, but bad recovered and was lighiiog in Germany when killed. He is the 24th Davie county soldier who died in defense of bis country iit this war. The bereaved i parents have the sympathy ot a host of I friends in this sad bereavement. Mrs. Mary E. Allen I Mrs, Mary B. Allen, 77, of R. 3, widow of Henry Lee Allen, died Saturday at a 1 Winston-Salem hospital. I Surviving are three foster children. W. F. PIntt. R. 2; Brack Allen. R 3, and Mrs. I Lucy McBfide. of Cana. R. 1. two si^irers. I Mrs. S W. Bowden and Mr-*. Joha Riddle, Advance. R. 1: three brothers. Kitnbrough Plott, R 4: Tom Plott, R. 3. and Alls Ploit of Denver. Ark. Funeral services were held at Smith Grove Methodist Church yesterday after noon at 3 t/clock. Revs. E L. freeman >aDdJ L Folger conducted the services. I Burial was In the chuicb graveyard. Mrs H. C. Elam Mrs. H. 0 Elam. 61. died Saturday ave ning at a Statesville hospital, following > short id ess Mrs. Elam. the former Mi^: Ahca Gairher. was a d^ughtfrof the 'fib Mr. and Mr^. N. S. G-iither.of Davit*coun ty She has lived in Statesvdle for sev eral years Survivors include tier tiusbano a son. and two brothers Funeral servjce- were held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o clod at Society Baptist Church. Bio - Obituaries - 12/13/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 15,1944 - Page 1 James E. Stroud Davie Soldier Killed in Action Pvt. James E Stroud, son of Mr. and^ Mts, Sanford Stroud, of near County Line, was killed In action In Qermany on November 19, according to a telegram the parents received. He was pre* vlously reported wounded in Frdnce on July 17 but had re* covered and Joined his company. He entered service In Decem* ber, 1942, and had been over seas obout 18 months. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 15,1944 - Page 2 Mrs. H. E. Elam Passes Saturday Mrs. Mary E. Allen, 77,' of Mocksvllle, Route 3, widow of Henry Lcc Allen, died Sunday at a Wlnston*Salem h,capital. Surviving are three foster ohll- dren.'W. P. Plott of Mocksvllle, Route 3, Brack Allen of Mocks vllle. Route 3 and Mrs, Luoy McBrldo of Cana, Route 1; two sisters, Mjra. Shade Bowden of Advance. Route 1, and Mrs. John, Riddle of .Advance, Route l|! tbree brothers. Klmbrough Flottj of Mocksvllle, Route *4: Tom Plott of Mocksvllle, Route 3, ^d| Alls Plott of Denver, Ark., and 15 foster grandchildren. The funeral was held at Smith Orove Methodist church Tues day afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Freeman and the Rev. Mr. Folger conducted the serv ices. Burial was in the Church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 12/15/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 15,1944 - Page 6 (Should be Mary E. Allen) Mrs. Mary E* Allen | Funeral Tuesday Mra. H. C. Blam, 01, died Bat- urday night at a StatesvHle hos pltal following a brief lllnesa. Mra. Slam, the former Mlaa Mary Alma Oalther, waa a daughter of the late Mr. 'and Mra. N. 8. Oalther of Davle county. She has lived In States vllle for several years. Survivors Include her husband, H. C. Blom: a son. Ray Blam of the navy, and four daughters, Mrs. Richard Wlllard of States vHle, Route 4, and Mrs. Nell Summers and Misses Sudle and Pearl Blam of StatesvHle; two brothers. A. M. Oalther and J. B. Oalther of Harmony, Route 1. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Society Baptist church In Ire- dell county. Bio - Obituaries - 12/15/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 20,1944 Mrs. Nanoie Stewart Mrs Naboie Stewart, 70, widow of J T Stewart, died Thursday afterooon at her home at Cooleemee where she bad resided for the iwst 50 yearo She was a dauyh ter of Mr and Mrs. William Plowman and was a member of the Cooteemee Baptist church, Sorviving are two sons, B. R. Stewart of Saliabnr? and Arthur Stewart of Coolee* mee; two daughters, Mrs. John Kiger of Concord and Mrs. Alec Myers ofCOoleemee. one sister, Mrs. C.F. McDaniel of Winston Salem. .. The funeral was hetd Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Deep Creek Cbumh In Yad kin County. Rev. G. L. Koyster and Kev. James Gtoce conducted the services. 6u> rial was In the churdi graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 12/20/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 22,1944 - Page 6 Mrs. J. C* IJames Rites Monday • Funeral services (or Mrs. 3. C. Ijames, 57, of cooleeme were held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the oooleemee Bap tist church with the Rev. R. L. Royster officiating. Mrs. IJames. daughter of W. H. Blatock and Amanda Llvengood and wife of J O. Barnes, passed avray at her home Friday night at 3:55 o'clock loUowing an ni- ness of about 18 months. other survivors are two its- tors, Mrs. H. 8. Barnes, Wood- leaf. and Mrs. 0. M. fWrlond, KartsvlUe, S. 0.; two brothers, M. B. Blalock, WInston-Salem, and Capt. W. R. Blalock, • Au burn, Ala.; daughters, Mrs. Thelma Oregory, Mrs. D. D. VTood and Miss Frances Barnes, all of Oooleemee. and Mrs. An derson Vogier, Salisbury: two Mns, WUUam Barnes, Oooleemee, and James Bames, U. S.jmvy. Mrs. Nettie Stewart Passes Thursday Mrs. Nettlo Plowman Stewart, age 70, died at her home on Watt street. Oooleemee, Decem ber 14, after a long illness. She was the widow of the late J. T. Stewart; daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Plowman. She Is survived by one sister, Mrs. 0. F. McDanlel, of Win ston-Salem; one brother, Bob Plowman, also of WInston-Sa lem: two daughters. Mrs. John Kigcr. of Concord, and Mrs. Alec Myers, of Oooleemee: two sons. B. R. Stewart, of Salisbury, and Arthur Stewart, of the home; 17 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Funeral services were con ducted Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Deep creek Baptist church with the Rev. O. L. Roy aler and the Rev. G. P. Oroce officiating. Interment followed in the. church cemetery. Blo - Obituaries - 12/22/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA