Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 5,1944 Robert M. GravM Robert H.Ofabee. 70^ of R. 1, died In a WloftOD Sftlem hdeirfCBl Wodo^ay, fol* kmind so extended IBoen. Rnnefal oervioefl wete bold Ibtttsday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Chestnut Gcove Hetbodist dtordi wftb Rova H. (X Sprin* Me and 6. W. Torner In cba-ge, and the body laid to rest In the dinidi cametecy. Socvlyoia lodudo the widow; two sons. Jeeae Gravea. of this elty, and JaotOmveo of ibe amy; five daughtefat Mto Maiy Sbacblefoxd and Ulsaea WItma. Floxenee and Uanba Graven all of WIn8ton«Saleio.- and Bfcsu A. J. Fceipag Nocfoia. Va: one brother, Jimniie Graves. R. 2. and a balf- sister, Mrs. Mamie Bowles, also ol K. 2, Miss Emily Cartner ' Miss Emily Cartner, 83, died December 23rd, at the home of C. F.BIaekwood.near Woodleaf. * Punefal servicea were held at 11 o'elodt. Dee. 24tb, at BearGreefc Baptist Chardi, with Rev. E. W. Tdrnef offidatlotf. Bur ial was in tiro cborob oemetety. nurvlving in oae brother, S. H. Cartner, of R. I, and eiznephewn and four nteoea. John Henry Dw^gbs John Henry Dwiggios, 88, of MocksvIRe, R. I, died Deo. 28tb at hia home, following a eeriooa iUness of one week. Fonecal secMces were conducied at 2 o'doek, Dec. 27ib, at Ceoter Methodist Cbttiob, with Rev. G W Rofc officiatlog. tntermeni was In the chureh cemetery. Survivors iuclude Ibe %ddow, Mrs Hee tie Dwiggioa: four sons, Artbtir Dwlggios, Kaoooi^isiT. P. Dwlggioa, MocksviUe: D. N. Owiggma. notida. and Rufoa Dwig' gins, MocfcgVilta, R. 1; five daoghtors, Mn Efla Smith, RIgb Point; Mia. J. VJeh- ers; MoeksvHIe. R. 1: Hra Claude Messicb, Cooloeffleei Mrs, Roy Peeler, Sattsbury and Bfis C. H. Mabe. MocksviUe. R. I. N, G Lakey ' N. G. Lakey, 64. died Dec. ZPh, at bla home on R, Sh Ho was a son of the late Eloana and Nuney M^clde Lakey. Surviving ia a eister. Mre Edna Cole- man. of Kittgsman. Kansas. The funeral was beld Christmas motn log at the Watker Funeral Home^ with Rev. Wade Hutchlnaln Miatge The body was laid to tost in Coomioy C8me.ery. . Mrs. P. H. Head Mrs. P. H. Head, 69. died Satuidav nlgbt at ber bome at Cooleeroee. Funeral servioes were be!d Tuesday after- noon at 3 o'doek .at the Cbestmit Grove Methodist Charetf with Revs. D. U. D^u and Rev. 6 L Royater In charge. Borial was In the ehurcb cemetery, Survivore include the husband; fottrsone, F. W., R. H.. and L R. Head, aUofCoolee- mee, and Fraud Read, of Washington, D. C., one doodhter. Mrs. J. M. Day wait of MocksviUe, Route 4 Frank Hotchios Saturday morning, Dec, 25tb 1943 at 1:30 o'oiock the golden key that opens the palace of eternity turned in the lock of life and the soul of Frank Huccbens gent ly passed to that undiscovered counuy form which no traveler over returns. Frank, as ho was known and loved try su many people iived a pure life and died the death of the righteous. His death was tragio and seemingly un timely to us who loved blm, btir the sun set was clear as he lived there were no douds to dim the glory of his ctosslng. He wss affectionate, gentle 'and checf. lul. He always greeted frleodsandsicang- ers with a smile. Those whd'; knew blm best loved him most Wp find it bard to realize that the shadows. have falleo a- cross hb path, that tbo Hmiles\hal made bis friends happy has fallen, that his voice has been stilled, we loved • and admired while ho waa with us Now that be Is dead let us chertsb bis memory. To have known blm was a privile^. to he with him Joy. A FRIEND. Mrs. Georgia Foster Mrs. iOecrgfn A Poster, 72, a native of Davio cmin^, hat fbr the ^130 yoars a lertdeat of Foroyth cotmcy, died at her boom WloatoiKSelem, R. 4 na Dee. 23iiiL She bed heoD in deeiinhig liealth fra oev- eial yoaia. Mid Foster Is survived by her hushand, Rtdiaid Q. Fuster. two half-alstefa. Mm L. A, Bntdlay. SaOsbufy. and Mm. Betty Miniw, Advance; two balf-tnmbaB. J. C aiM 0. D..iDmmesoiaa, Advnsce. PuneraJ sorvicos took place at Midway HetboMBt Chinoh 24A, aod Intm mentWBsat Bttmville Metf^ist Qroreh ccowtety, with Rev. C. O, B^naeily in Bio - Obituaries -1/5/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 7,1944 - Page 1 L. LMorris Annie Clifford Morris Painter KELA11VBS DIE Word has been received by relatives here of the death of L, L, Morris and Mrs. B. a. Painter, both formerly of Mocks- ville and natives of Davle. Mr. Morris died December 16 of a heart attach at Knoxvile, Tenn., where he was chief train dis patcher. Mrs. Painter died De cember 27 at her home in Lewis- burg. W. Vo. She. was the for mer Miss Annie OUfTord Morris. Mr. Morris and Mrs. Painter were uncle and aunt of Mrs. P. J. Johnson. Miss Ossle Allison and Mrs. Cllnard LeOrand. MvSf Corr^ Died Mri. J.'p. Comll. 88. died Tuesday ;.iiifternod'n at the home of a irdnddAUghter, Mrs. Paul Snider, Moeksvllle, Route 4. Surviving are two daughters, Mn. tmma Bracken of Rowai^ county and Mrs. W. B. orlllin of Wcodkaf; 90 granddiUdren and 80 gxeat-grandehlldren. .' Tlie funeral wee held this moriUng, Friday, at Ltbefty itathodlit ohurch conducted by the. R^. O. W. Fink and the Rev. j.' F. Stough. Interment wae In the ohurota cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 7,1944 - Page 2 R.M. GRAVES DIED DEC. 29 Robert Marlon Graves. 70. of Moeksvllle. Route i. died In a Forsyth county hospital .Decem ber 20 after a lengthy Illness. Funeral services were con ducted December 30 at Chestnut Grove Mcthodl.st church with the Rev. H. C. Sprinkle and the Rov. E. W. Turner In charge. Intcrmcnl-wnB- In - the -church graveyard. ' Survivors Include the widow: two sons. Jesse Graves of Moeks vllle and James Graves of the army; live daughter, Mrs. May Shacklcford and Misses Wllma. Florence and Martha Graves, all of Winston-Salem. and Mrs. A. J. Preltag of Norfolk. Va.; two grandchildren; one brother. J1 m m 1 c 'Graves. Moeksvllle, Route 2, and one half-sister, Mrs. Mamie Bowles, Moeksvllle, Route 2. Bio - Obituaries - I/7/I944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 7,1944 - Page 3 |Mrs. P. H. Head Rites Tuesday Mrs. p. H. Head. GO. died Sat urday nleht at her home at Coolecmcc. She was the daugh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lev! Peacock.^ Funeral services were .held Tuesday afteVnoon at 3 o'clock at the Chestnut Grove Method ist church with the Rev. D. H. Dulln and the Rev. G. L. Royater In charge. Burial was In the church cemetery. Survivors Include the hus band; four sona, F. W., R. H., and L. R. Head, all.of Coolec- mce.'nnd Frank Head of Wash ington, D. C.; one daughter, Mrs. J. M. Daywalt, of Mocksvlllc, Route 4, and 16 grandchildren. N. G. UKEY DIED DEC. 24 N. Q. Lakey. 04. died Decem ber 24 at his home. Mocksvllle, Route 2. He was o son of Bloana and Hancy McBrlde Lakey. Surviving arc one sister, Mrs. Edna Colcman, of Klngsman, Kas. t The funeral was held Decem ber 25 at the Wolker Funeral Home here. The Rev. Wade Hutchlna conducted the services. Burial was In the Courtney cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 7,1944 - Page 4 Mrs. Allen Dies At Kannapolis Mrs. Victoria Ann James Al len. 80, died Tuesday afternoon at the home of a son, E. W. Allen, at Kannapolis. She had been an invalid for five years and critically 111 several wceka. Mrs. Allen had made her home at Cooleemec all her life until she wont to Kannapolis to live with a son one year ago. Surviving ore two sons, E. W. Allen of Coolcemee and C. M. A1 Icn of Mooresvlllc: two daugh ters, Mrs. C. E. Davis of Coolee- mee and Mrs. W. L. Chapman of Norfolk, Va., one brother, Tom James of Winston-Salem; 24 grandchildren and 31 great grandchildren. The funeral wos held Thurs day aftomoon at 3 o'clock at Center Methodist church. Burial was In the church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries -1/7/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 7,1944 - Page 6 Towcll Child Died Tuesday. Graveside services were held Tuesday afternoon at Jericho for James Carl Towcll, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Reid Towcll, of Route 4. The Infant died Tuesday morning at the Hard ing clinic. Services wore held by W. P. Stonestreet and ihteimeBt- was in the church cemetery. DEATH CLAIMS MRS. EMMA POPE Mrs. Gmma Casey Pope, 78, widow of Dowltt Pope, died Mon day afternoon at the home at Cana. She was a daughter of Mr. Hiid Mrs. Ferry Casey of Davle county and was a member of Center Methodist chureh. Funeral was held Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock at Center Methodist chureh. The Rev. G. W. Fink conducted the services. Burial was in the church grave yard. Surviving arc three sons. Duke Pope of the home. Flake Pope of Monroe, Va.. and John Pope of Statesvllle; one daughter, Mrs. Guy Sebrlng of Owego, N. Y.: one brother, O. L, caaey of Mooksvllle; one sister, Mrs. Mary Rodman of Chattahooohee. Pla.: 12 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Mrs. D. J. White Rites Tuesday Funeral- services • were held yesterday morning for Mrs. O. J. White, wife of the Rev. D. J. White, of Harmony. Mrs. White died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Granvlllc Green, of Cycle, Sunday afternoon aft- n er an illness of several months. The f'uneral wa.s conducted at Smith Chapel Methodist churoh ini Zredel county, with the Rev, Mr. Greene In charge. Burial was in ihe family plot in the graveyard of the church. Mrs. White Is survived by the husband, four sons, J. L. White of Jennings, P. 8. White of SiatesvUle, A. J. White of Ronda, and P. C. White of Mooksvllle; flvc daughters, Mrs. Granvllle Green of Cycle, Mrs. Emily Wll- burn of Hickory, Mrs. J. C, Byrd df Ronda and Mrs. Howard J. Wloughby and Mrs. B. R. Wood- brldc, both of Roanoke, Va. Rites Held for j McSwaim Child Funeral services were held De cember 30 for Mary MeSwalm, six months old daughter of Mr. and MTSi. John McSwalm, of Novvh Cooloemee. The Rev. C. B. B. R(A)lnson conducted the service at the home and Inter ment was at Center churchyard. Bio - Obituaries - 1/7/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 7,1944 - Page 6 MI5SCARTNER PASSED DEC. 23 Miss Emily Ellender Viotory OArtnei'i 82. died December 2S at the home of C, P. Blackwood, Woodleaf. Route I. Funeral services were held December 24 at Bear Creek Bap-> list ohureh with the Rev. E, W. Turner ofYlclatlng. Burial was In the church graveyard. Survivors Include one brother, Sam Gartner, of Mocksvllle, Route I, and six nephews and four nieces. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 7,1944 - Page 7 Johnson Child Funeral Held Paul Johnson, two years old son of Mr. and Mrs. Prank John son, of Farmlngton, was buried at Huntsville Baptist , church December 26 with the Rev. J. W. Vestal holding the service. Besides his parents iie is sur vived by one brother, William Edward, and a sister, Betty Lou, both at home. Hutchins Funeral Held December 26 Frank Fleming Hutchins, 34. died December 24 at the home of his mother, Mrs. Xna Hutch ins. at Cana. Funeral services were held at the home on De cember 36 and Interment was In ' Baton's cemetery. The Rev. James Oroce conducted the serv ices. Survivors include his mother, one brother, Albert, at home; two sisters, Ora, at home, and Mrs. Asbury Smith, Mocksvllle, Route 2. Bio - Obituaries - 1/7/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 7,1944 - Page 8 J.H.DWI6GINS DIED dec: 25 John Henry Owlgsins. 85, of MookflvlUe, Route 1, died De* cemher 25 at his home, follow ing a serious illness of about one week. Funeral services were held De cember 29 at Center Methodist church with the Rev. O. W. Fink officiating. Interment was in the church cemetery. Survivors Include the widow, Mrs. Meekle Tutterow Dwigglna: four soils. Arthur Dwigglns of Kannapoits, T. P. Dwigglns of MooksvUle, D. N. Dwigglna of Florida, and Rufus Dwigglns of Mocksville, Route 1: five daugh ters, Mrs. Ella Smith of High Point, Mrs. W. J. Vickera of MoeksvUle, Route 1, Mrs. Claude Mesaick of Cooleemee, Mrs. Roy Peeler of Salisbury, and Mrs. 0. H. Maibe of Mocksville, Route 1. Mrs. Foster Passed Suddenly Tuesday Mrs. Julia Foster, 78, of Fork died suddenly a ther home Tues day morning about 11 o'clock. She was the wife of A. M. Fos ter. A member of one of the lead ing families of that section, Mrs. Foster was a life resident of the Fork community. She was of the Methodist faith. Survivors Include the hus band; three daughters, Mrs. J. O. Sheets of Roanoke, Va., Mrs. Ethel Mason, of Fork and Mrs. Alma Davis of Kannnpolis; six sons, K.'L. Jones, by hor former marriage, and J. H. Foster of Wlnston-Salem, Route 3, j;. A. Foster of Suffolk, Va., Q. F. Fos ter of Roanoke, S. O. Foster of Athens, Ohio, and R. P. Foster, seaman second class, Camp Per ry, Va. The funeral was held Thurs day morning at Folk Baptist church, conducted by the Rev. Wade Hutohem. interment was in the elmroh cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 1/7/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, 1/10/1944 asses t ^iza Jane P&kpi 81, of I Advance, MockarMethodiat Church} community, died at her homo at ! 8:30 Jaat nlsht, ^ter a s^ous m-|| ' .ness o£ 10 days. She had boon tnl . I dwUning health lor two years. Phelpa, widow oi j. T.li • ^ oldest and Iresidents o£ the Mocks 1: Methodist Church community, and 1 . TO a charter member ©r that 5 haviny moved her mem- ^ Methodist\ [Church* in 2903. 22, 1862, in 1 ® 4aughtw of the.Nancy Owim Davlaj. 'fpnt had ^[jent virtually her Ufel y mn-tha Advance sectfon of Davleli . cown^,^'Jlr. Pheips,'to whom she i V'iWg* carried In 1881, was a promi-IV fanseTr^e died 12 years ago.}' SMrylvors include'saven daugb" ^ Mjw. J.a, Allen, Mrs. W. C. 2; Myers, Mrs. A.V iR Myers, and -Mrs. Joe- Johcs; all • Jonesat; Nc^lk;- Va^ and-.Mkw^tevcf ;! of LewI^Iffycne isoni|jSitauchama .^irt^vmcroQe■| • 5'* *PheIpS'. of Advance]■grandchildren, 17 great-granddiiland' twh'/5reafc.gJ3ea^8M--cidMtdlr^ITavis ofThigher,-'^Fozieral set^qes" v^ he-h^4be -home Tjtzesda^'aftqniOQn2.*30, and"::rll' SVIodcs-jmfethi^Church at. dr, o'clock. R^. X C^Gentry and'.Bev. P. L. dmith wiofficiate andj}ucial wittlha in tU Bio - Obituaries -1/10/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 12,1944 Blrs. Baxter C. (^mit Bffs. 6l CL Ctemeot. 8l»<ni8of|fQdta* vllle*abe8t known and beloved women, was foood dead in bed ar ber bome on Maple Avemie eariy Monday morning. Mca. Ctonent saffered a heart attack laat Friday. , Hn Clement waa the widow of the late Dr. Baxter Gement. well'known Davie oonnty pby^an and a (^|dalo In the Gonfederate Army. I Mra. Clement Is otttvived by one eon. JB;. Gi dement, of thia dty, and one daogh* tor. Mis. Sam Hinea, of Wln^on Salem. A brother. R. N. Barber, of WaynesvlUe alea sorvlvee. Abo aarvlvlog are five grand- Ohlldren. Aa we go to prees fosmal arraogemente had not been oompteted. Mrs. L G. Horn Mre.Emma Wilson Horn. 70, wife of Loafo Giles Horn, died at the home hers Thufsday afternoon. A member of a ^wnhieDt family and a life resident of MochavUle. Mrs Horn was widely known. She was the danghtcr of hh. and Mrs. Wilfiain Wydte Wilsom On December 24.1889 she was married to Mr. L G. Horn, n prominent businessman, now retired. Sorvlvora Indnde tfw husband and five chikhmn Mis. J F, flawMns, and C. R. Horn, of Mochavltle; Blis. Wade Rndier. of Senford, Fla.; Mrs. Catioa Cooper, of Cl^* toons; and Dr. L. G. Born, Jr., (d Annie- ton. Ala Funeral serviees were beld at the home Saturday afternoon at 3 o'dktdk, with Rev. e. W. Throet In chaiite. assisted by Rev. W. H. Dodd. and the body laid to rest In Rose oemeteiy. Blrs. A M. Foster Mca. JaHa Fostm, 78. died euddeniy at her homo at Foifc l&st Tti^ay mfmiiog at 11 o'elocfc. She waa the wife of A, M. Foster, piooeer Davie mvndiaiit. A naember of ooebf the leading famll- tea of that seetloa, Ure. Foster was a Nfe resident of the Fork commfinity. She waa of the Metlmdist faltL Survivocs inctede the husband, three daoghters. Mis. J. 6. Sheets. ReanokOb Va: Mrs. Ethel Maeoo. Fork, and Mm. AI^ Davis. Kaonapofis; six sens. K. L JooeA bvherfonnttrmarriage. aodJiH. Foster, or Winaton-Sslem. R. 2; J. A. Foster. Siif- folk, Vaj 6, F. Foster. Koanoke. S. G Fos ter. Athens, 0.. and R. P. Poster, seaman oeeond class. Camp Perry. Va. Paneral serviees wm held at the home at I0{48 end at Fork Baptist Chniob at 11 o'clock Thmsday morning with Revs. J G. Gentry and Wade floiehins In chaiga, and the body laid to imt to the ehuieh cemetery. To cbe beisaved tmsbaiid aod cbUdtBD The Record exteDdBbeaitfeitsyfD pathy to the death of this good woman. Mrs. Eomia Pope Mrs. Emma Casey Poi^ 78. widow of Dewitt Pope, died Jan. Sfo. at her home near Cane. She waa a daughter of lite late Mr. and Mis Pmv Casey, and waa a member of Center Methodist Church. The foneral services were held Wednes day moffdng at 11 o'clock at Center M. E Charob. whb Rev. G. W. Flok In cbat^ and the body laid to test in the draieh cemetery. Surviving are three sons, Doke Pope, of the home: Flake Pops; Monme. Vs.. and John Pope, StatesvlJI^ one daiighter,MiB. Guy Sebrit^08wego,R Y4 ono biotber.! O. L. Casev. MocksvUIe: one si^r. Mca MoUie Rodman. Cbastahoochee. Fla. Mrs. Emma Tronlman Hira. Emma Tboutman. 71. widow of Z V.lnaCnian. died Friday aftenuMm at her home in daifcs^dtle lowoalijiK, follow* Ing a weefc'e lllnesa of A native Davfe county. Mis. Tiant* man was a daughter of ibo late Mr. and Mrs. WlBiem Wbitaker. Her husband died seven veera ago. Surviving ts a fcaughter Mf& WUey Soiith. at the hofflfl; and tkre gjiandchlldcea. Fttoera! servieee were held Sunday mor- nlag at II o'doefc from Bear Creek Baptist pbuteb. of which she waa a member, Mn. J. T. Pkdps Mra. Elisa Jane Phelpa. 81, died at her home near Advance Suoduy evening, fol* lowing a' serious illness of 10 days. Survtvoia tucludo aeven dang^tera, one son. one braihsr and a sisiet. moral services treie bMd at Mock's Methodist Church yesterday eftemoon at 3 o'clock, with Reva. J. C. Gentry end P. L Smiih olBdaiing. and the bmly laid to real In. the chuidi cemetefy. Camiilos G. Hoteblos Camllina CL Hotehins, 47, a native of Davleooittty but for the past 17 years a lealdent of Ft Worth. Texaa. died midden Iv in that eity last Tuesday morolttg. Fun eral and burial took place in that <rity on Wednesday. Bfr. Hutchias waa a eon of the late Mr. aod Mra. W R. Huichins. of neer Cana. He is survived by bis widow, two dangbteta aod one sister. W' W. Swearingen W. Webb Swearingeo, 88. a native of Oavfe county, but for 25 years n rodent of Mtami, Fla.. died Id t^c dty Ttiara day. Funeral and bnrial servlcea took pIsGb Satocdoy at Miami, Mr* Sireailn gen was a brother of Mca W. F. &ooe- rreet, of this city. He was vtee president of the Baldwto Mortgage A insDranoe Co. Bfrs W l.StonNtreet, of this city, eiud Mrs. W. S Dottthii, of MHoston ^lem, went to MidODl for the funeral servieee. William Trootman William Trootman. 70, died Satorday at the county bome after an Uloess of sever al weeks. Funeral services wese held at Bear Creek Cboieb Sunday at II o'clock. Sucvivlny is one sister Qiarlie BL Odette CharUo M Collette. 73 died Satorday morning at tils bome neur Cana. Ha waa a soa of the late Mr. and BSn. J. W. Ool lette. Sttftdviag ate four slscers. Miss lUnoleCoBetce. at bomet Mrs. B. W. Harpe; abd Ifia. Dora Harpe, MooksviUa, R. 2.aod * Mrs.daoDnvia. Wa^ogtoo. IX CL, and. three brothers, R. W. CnUette, Advance; J. D. and M. H. CoUette of Caua, R 1. Ihe luneml waa held Sunday afiemoon. at 3 o'clock at Eaton's Baptist Cbomh. I Revs. Dallas Renegar and E. W. Tianieri conducted setvioMi. Burial waa inl the cftdrcb'-i^etery. i Bio - Obituaries - 1/12/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 14,1944 - Page 1 Emma Elizabeth Wilson Horn Succumbs MHS. L. O. HORN NOTED WOMAN PASSES HERE Mrs. Emm{i Elisabeth Wilson Hem, 78, wife of Louis Giles Horn, and member of a promi nent local family, died at her home on Main street here last Thursday afternoon. She had been in declining health for sev eral months. 6he is survived by her hus band, retired business man who formcrJy operated the Horn- johnstono MUlins company here; by three daughters, Mrs. J. F. Hawkins of Mocksvllle, Mrs. Wade Rucker 'of Sanford, Fla., Mrs. Carlos Cooper. Olemmons; by two sonS. Claud R. Horn of Mocksvllle and Dr. L. O. Horn, Jr., 01 Annlston, Alia. Mrs. Horn was a native u( Mockaville, daughter of the late William Wyche Wilson and Ma- lone Cheshire Wilson. She and Mr. Horn were married on De cember 24,1889, celebrating their golden wedding lour years ago. Funcrai .services were con ducted at the home Saturday afternoon by the Rev.' E. w. Turner, pastor of the Baptist church, assisted by the Rev. W. H. Dodd, pastor emeritus of the oliuroh. Interment woe in the famUy plot in Rose cemetery. Pallbearers were Knox John- stono, Wade Smith, Oaither San ford, 8. M. Call, P. J. Johnson and Moody Chaffin. George Otis Jacobs {Cooleemee Boy jDies of Wounds ! Mrs. Ruby/Brown Jacobs of I Cooleemee, wife of George Otis jjacobs, who is in the U. 8. navy, {received a telegram Wednesday that her husbond died of wounds on January 11 which he received in action in the Pacific. The telcgram^wus from Rear Admiral Jacobs, chief of navy personnel. Mr. Jacobs Is tho son of Mr. and the late Mrs. Charlie Jacobs |of Watts street, Cooleemee. Bio - Obituaries - 1/14/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 14,1944 - Pages 1 and 8 Mrs. Tutteiow Died Tuesday 'Mrs. Franoss BUMbeth Tutte- row, 78, widow of H. F. Tutterow, died Tuesday afternoon at ber home at center, foUowlng a few days lUneu with Influenaa. Mrs. Tutteiow wee a natlfe of Davle county and a lUe long member of St. James BaptUt church. Surviving are flve tons and six daughters, L. M., J. 8. P., B. F. and 0. A. TTutterow, Mrs. N. B. Dyson. Mrs. Martin Latham. Mrs, John Frank O'Neill all of Center. Mrs. W. O. Murphy of Salisbury,. Mrs. Ed Walker,..Mr8.- J..Jl.. C>veen. .of (Continues oit ptie. •) ' MORE ABOVT Mrs. Tutterow MooksvUle; grandohlldren and 42 greot-BranddiUdren. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'oloek from Center Methodist church, interment followed In the ohuroh cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 14,1944 - Page 2 DEATH CUIHS MRS. CLEMENT Funeral services for Mrs. LIna Barber Clement, 84, widow of Dr. Baxter Clement, who died Sundoy night at her home were held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home. The Rev. H. C. Sprinkle con* ducted the services. Burial was Ip the Clement family ceme tery. { Pallbearer.*) wore L. E. Feczor, B. I. Smith, Will Collins. Rich ard Barber, Jr., P. J. Johnson and J.' K. Sheek. Mrs. Clement was one of I Mocksvllle's best known women. She was a direct descendant of Jonathan Edwards and Dr. Luke Barber, a governor of Lord Bal timore's colony and famed sur geon of Baltimore. Her ances tor's moved to Rowan county in {1708 and built Christ Episcopal Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Sam Nines, of Wlnston- Salem; one son. C. Clement, of the state revenue office. Mocksvllie: fl ve grandchildren. B. C. Clement, 3d, of tlm U. 8. army, Charles Clement Nines, coxswain In the U. S. navy, Miss Ann Clement, Miss Barber Nines and Mrs.^ Janlc Kondrlck, of Charlotte; two brothers. R. N. Barber, of Wajmesvlllo, and Ed Barber, of Saiuda, and one sis ter, Mrs. Ellaha Mitchell Sum- merell, of Mill Bridge. R. M. Foster Passes Away R. M. Foster, 84, died suddenly at the home of a son, Leon Fos ter, at Cooleomoc, lato Monday afternoon. •Mr. Foster was a native of Davle county, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foster. The funeral was held at Smltb Grovo Methodist church at 9 o'clock • Wednesday afternoon. The Rev. J. W. Vestal was in charge. Burial was In the church graveyard. Survivors include one half- brother, B. F. Foster, Advance, Route 1; flve sons, O. F. Foster, of Mocksvllie, J. R. and Stacy Foster, of Lexington. Albert Fos ter. of Wlnston-Salera. and Iieon Foyter. of Cooleemee; two daughters. Miss Charlotte Fos ter and Mrs. N. F. Brewer, <tf Wlnston-Salem; 13 .grandohll dren, and one great-grandchild. Bio - Obituaries - 1/14/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 14,1944 - Page 2 DEATH CUIMS J.T. STEEIMAN John Taylor Steelman, 73. one of Yadkln county'^ beat known farmera, died a week ago yeater- day morning at hla home at RamptonvUle after a long iU ness. Hla condition had been critical for aeveral days. Mr. dteelmon was bom in Yadkin county July 9, 1870, a son of Jackeraon and Martha Brandon Steebnan. .He spent his entire life in Yadkin county and was a member of Flat Roek Baptist church for a number of years. He was married twice, Arst to Miss Bottle Mason, who died in 1036. He was married the second time to Miss Bessie fihora. Surviving aro the widow and the following children of the second marriage: Eva Margaret, Peggy, Bobby and Martha Steeiman, all of Hamptonvllle. Surviving children of the first marriage are: Six sons, Howard, Joe, Ransom and Stanford Steel- man of Hamptonvllle, Brooks Steeiman of Winaton-Satem and Alfred Steeiman of Sanford; one daughter, Mrs. Ethel Arnold of Hamptonvllle: two brothers, Qeorge Steeiman of Harmony and tonnle Steeiman of Win- ston-Balem; five sisters, Mrs. Florence Renegar, Mrs. Lula Ronegar, Mrs. Mollie Renegar, Mrs. Rosa Harris and Mrs. Em ma Haynes, all of Harmony: 33 grandchildren and ten great- grandflhUdrcn. The funeral was held Thurs day morning at 11 o'clock at Flat Rock Baptist Church. The Rev. E. W. Turner and the Rev. Orady White conducted the services. Burial was In the church cenie- tery. Members of the board of deacons o! Flat Roek church were pallbearers. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 14,1944 - Page 3 Scrvkes Held for Chftflie M. Collette Charlie Monroe Collette, 78, died' .Saturday morning at his home at cana. He was a son o! the late Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Col- lette. .Surviving are four sisters, Mlu Minnie Collette, of the home, Mrs. B. W. Harpe and Mrs. Dora Harpe, of Mooksvllle, Route 3, and Mrs. Oleo Davis, of Washington, D. C.. and three brothers, R. W. Collette, of Ad* v'arfce, J. D. and H. H. Collette, of Cana, Route 1. The funeral was^held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Baton's Baptist church. The Rev. Dallas Rencigar and the Rev. £. W. Turner conducted the services. Burial was In the churdi grave yard. Bio - Obituaries - 1/14/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 14,1944 - Page 5 James Cope ' Died Tuesday James W. Cope, eight months, died Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock at the home of his par ents on Davle street after a week's Illness. He was the son of Radford Cope and Mrs. Lee Burners Cope. Survivors In ad dition to his parents are one brother. Thomas. Jr.. and two slaters, Nanoy and Carrol Cope, of tihe home; his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T..iB. Cope, of MockRvllle. and J. M. Summers, of Cooleemee. Funeral services will be hold today at 4 p. m. at the Coolee mee Baptist church with the pastor, the Rev. O. L. Royater, offloUtlng. Burial wlU follow In the North Cooleemee ceme tery. D. A. Smitherman Rites Thursday David Ambrosd smitherman. 44, well-known farmer, of East Bend. Route 2, died January 4 at a Wlnston-Balem hospital after an illness of one week. Mr. Smitherman was bom In Yadkin county August 8, 1899, son of Jospph A. and Nancy Lou Norman Smitherman. He spent his entire life In Yadkin. He was a member of Fy^rbush Quaker dhureh. , Surviving are the widow, the former Miss MolUe Hoibson; two daughters. Naney and Nell Smitherman of the home; One sou. Mayo Smitherman of the home; three broUiers, J. Harold Smitherman of Wlnston-Solem. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 14,1944 - Page 5 Mrs. J. T. PM]^ Passes Sunday Mrs. J. T. Bhelps, 83, died at her home near Advance at 8:30 o'clock Sunday evening. She had been In declining hedlth for the pass two years; and In se rious condition for ten days. She was one of the oldest and best known cltiscns of Mock community- and a charter mem ber of Mock's Ohuroh moving her membership from Advance In 1903. She was born In Danville, Va., June 22,1883, but spent her en tire life in Davle pounty. The daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Davis, she was mar ried in 1891 to the late J. T. Phelps, Who passed away 12 years ago. To this union was bom seven daughters and three sons. ThoM surviving are Mrs. J. O. Allen, Mrs. W. C. AiUen, Mri. O. Z. Myers, Mrs. B. A. Myers, Mrs. Joe Jones and.W. S. Phelps, all of Advance, Mrs. O. B. Jones. Norfolk, Va., and Mrs. Steve Beauchamp of Lewls- vlUe; 51 grandchildren, 17 great grandchildren and two great- great-grandohUdren; one sister, Miss Betty Davis, of Wlnstoii- Salem; one brother, Jess Davis,, of Advance. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the home and 3 o'clock at Mock's Methodist church. The Rev. J. o. Gentry and the Rev. R. L. Otthai conducted the services, intenncnt was In the ohurch cemetery. SARAH BROWN PASSES SATURDAY Sara Brown, four-month-old daughter of Edgar and Lucy Parker Brown, died at the home here Saturday afternoon after an illness of two days. Surviving are the parents and grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Parker, of Yadklnvllle and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown of Jones- viUe Route 1. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Yad klnvllle Baptist church. The Revi 6. C. Norman and the Rev. W. T. Adams conducted the services. Burial was In Yadkin vUle cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 1/14/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 14,1944 - Page 7 William Troutman Passes Saturday wnilam (BUD Troutman, 70, died yofltorday morning at hia home In Davie county, ntter an lllneas of several weeks. The funeral was held Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at Bear Creek Baptist church. The Rev. j, M. Groce conducted the serv ices. Burial was In the chitrch graveyard. Surviving are one sister, Mrs. Maggie Koontz, of StatesvlUe, Route 5, and several nieces and nephews. THOMAS B. HAYES SERVICES MONDAY Thomas Bryant Haynes 66. of JonesvlIIe, died Sunday morning at 2 o'clock at the home of a son after a long lllneas. He was B lifelong resident of JonesvlUe and a member of Fall 'Creek Baptist churuli. Surviving are throe sons, C. E., Newton and RufTIn Haynea; two daughters, Mrs. James Ves tal and Mrs. Edd Macemore, all of JonesvlUe; 53 grandohlldren: 84 groat-grandchildren and two great.- groAYt-grandehlldren. The rtinoral was hold Mon day afternoon at 2 o'clock at Fall Creek Baptlat church. The Rev. Olete, Simmons and the Rev. D. Q. Roece conducted the; services. Bio - Obituaries -1/14/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 14,1944 - Page 8 RntTHflD^FOR A. M. JENNINGS Alexander MeOulUek Jennings, 82, operator of the Riverside Milling eompany In JonesvlUe, passed away January 4 follow ing an illness of three months. Mr.^ Jennings had been In de clining health for the past five years. Re WAa n native of Orayson county, Virginia, but had resided In JonesvUle for the past IB years. He was twice married, first to Miss Oella A. Oarieo, who died in 1907, and after her death 'he-•was married to'Miss Annie M. Wood, who survives. AIm surviving ore the following sons and daughters of the first marriage; Fielden H. Jennings, Lowlavilie, Charlie A. Jennings and Orover C. Jennings, Oalax, Va., Claude H. Jennings, Wln- ston49alem, Mrs. Dora B. Mickey, Norfolk. Va., and Mrs. Lona M. Bfdsaul, Oalax, Va.. and • two sons of the second marriage, William P. Jennings of Wlnston- Salem. and Clyde A. Jennings of this city. He is olso survived by three brothers, Houston Jen nings and Martin Jennings, Oalax, Va., and Thomas Jen nings, Phlr, Colo.; 29 grandchll* dren and 22 greut-grandchil« dren. J. T. WATKINS PASSES MONDAY J. T. Watkina, 73, weU-known Yadkin county farmer, died sud denly January 3 at his home. Yadklnvile, Route 2. following a heart attack. <Mr. Watklns was bom in Btokcs county, April 28, 1870, a son of O. B. and Matilda Wat klns. He spent most of his life In Yadkin county and was a member of Shacktown Church of Christ. Hd was married to Miss Maranda Bennett In 1897. Surviving are the widow; three daughters, Mrs. Shuford Htttchena of Yadklnville, Route 2, Misses Nonnle and Ida Wat klns of the home; five sons, Willie, Sam, Raymond and Les ter Watklns of Yadklnville, Route 2, and Isom Watklns of the U. s. aimy overseas, and three grandchildren. The funeral was held last Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'dbck at Shacktown Church of Christ. The Rev. J. c. Tucker and tho Rev. Isaac WUiard oondoeted the services. Burial was In the church graveyard. NOVELLA DAVIS RITES HELD Funeral services were held for Miss Novella Davis, 12, of Boon- vllle Thursday morning at Boon- vUle Baptist church. The Rev Glete Simmons,, pastor of North Oak Ridge Baptist church, con ducted the services. Burial was In Bopnvllle cemetery. Miss Davis died Tuesday night at Elkln hospital from compll- catlons of a hip fracture which she received In a fall at her home one and a half miles southwest of BoonvUle Christ mas five night. Although Miss Davis was getting advaiMcd In years, she had fairly good health until her injury. For many years Miss Davis had lived with a lone brother, Z. O. (Duck) Davis, neither of whom ever marrl^. Her brother la the lone surviving near rela tive, but there art afmal nephews and nieces sunrivtof. Bio - Obituaries - 1/14/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 19,1944 Charles F. Martra Charlea P. Martin Tl, reudent «il Nobles Coonty, Minn., doee 1900« passed away at his home at Worth* ington, llitm, Ihorsday. Dee, SOib, of a heart attack. Bom Jan. 80. 1866. near Winaton* SaletD. be spent hb boyhood days near there, and at the age of 21. eame to Laorel Iowa In 1900 be moved to Minnesota and located near Readlna. Be was a member o f die Brethern Church, aodwasoDtho building comfflltteo of the preaent cfaorefa. Mr, Martin waaa lemiing figorefn eo-oppendve movemenu and the potiti^ field. He was the organiser of the first telephone company in Reading, also director of the Wtl* mont Mntoal Insurance Co. He served two terme as Connty Comfflhsioner of the 2ad distrfet, and was the first president of the NoUa Coon^ Oo-Opcrative OU Co. While Utdttg at Lanrel. Iowa, we was united in marriage to Ida Mae Paul who enrvives hha with their four children. Neil, of Bigdow; Sa rah (Mrs Abel Pnnk) and Gteno of Worthiogton. and Paul, of Beading, ntere are II grand-cblMrm. besides nelces and nephews, and a host of friends. Mr. Martin was a kind and loving huahand and father and will be greatly missed bv his famllv and frimds. '*He that believetb in me tboogb he were dead yet shall be live.'"— Jonn 1125 Mr.'Maitio bad a nomber of rela- tfvm In Davie county, Heisanoncle of Mrs, Pink HcKoigbt, of Advance. R. 1. Otis Jacobs Davie Navy Boy KiBed Mis. Otis Jacobs, of Codeemee, received a telegram Wednesday from the War Department, adyls* log that her husband bad died of wounds received io action In the Sonth Pac fic. Mr. Jacobs ehllfit- ed in the Navy in 1941, and wasio on a forlodgb some time ago. He is a brother of Mrs. John Daniel. Jr., of this dty. This is the sev.' entfa yonog mao frooi Davie who has laid down his life tor bis chua- trv itt the present World War. Llllle Florence Fry Child Hangs Self Ullfe Ftofunee Fry, 16 months oMdaogb tor of Mr. and Mca H. H, Fry near Etha- viUe. aeddeotafi^ bung berself Sunday moming at II o*cioefc. while playing with a jewing Machine. The belt aocideotiy get afoand the cblld'a nedt* and she Is thooj^ to have faUen off a chair, cattdog the brit tocbcke bw. FVmeial swioes wete held at Fulton Methodist ghnrch Monday aftetuoon at 3 o*riock, with Reve. J. GL Gemty and P. U Smith conducting tbeaarvleea Borisl followed in cbecborob cemetoy. Surviving are Che pareocs, one brother ead one slater. Mrs. Froaces Tutterow- Mrs. Francea Bttzabetb Tutterow, 76. tridow of BMty F. Tutterow. died last Tuesday alltmnooa at her home on R. 1, fbllowiag a few days lUnesa of Influetaa. Mia. "Dmerow waa a native of Darie count? and a fife fotig member of Qamos Baptist (Suucb wrviving are five sons end rix daogh- teia, I#i M»J. E.« 8. F« IB. F.» and C. A. Tbtterow. Mia Noah Dyson. Mis. Manfn LaHmm. Mia, John OTlein, all of R. 1; Mia W. O, Ibirphy, Sallsburv: Mia. Edgar Walker, Mia Bms Cteeu. Mockaviile; 64 giantteDltdren and 42 gieat-graQdchUdren. Funeiai servtees were betoThureday af ternoon at g o*eloCh from Center Methodist Chtttch, wichHov. WadoHutoblna offidat- log. and the body laid to rest In the church cemef^. • To the beiosvod family The Record emends elocere sympethy In the death' of this good womsa A mother In Inrael has fafimi. R. BL Forier R H. FiMter. 64. died euddeuM at the beme of a eon, Leon Foster, at Oooleemee on Jon lOth. Mr* Foster wee a natlvr of Davie Coun ty, tlio son of ^ late Mr. and Mis. Hw* ry Foster. The ffuneial was held at Smith Grove Metliodiet (Numb at 3 o*docfc Wednesday afternoon, whb Rev J. W. Vestal ofilelac- big, and the body bid to rest In the church eemdccy. Survivois Icdttileeoe half brothmr, B. F« Fcscni; Advtnc*. R I: five eooa.0 F. Fos* 1 ter. MoeksvUb: J R and Stacy Poster, of] Leg(ngtoo:Atberc Foster, Wiostna-Sateai.l and Leon Foster, Ooclecutea two daugh-1 ters, Htsa Gbarlptte Foster and Mrs. H. F. - Drawer. Winston Satom: 13 grandcbiltfieo and cue great«graiKkfiiild* A good man baa been called to hb re- w^. Peace co his ashes. Bio - Obituaries - 1/19/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 19,1944 Mrs* Rebecca Steivaif Mce. Rebecca Stewart, 86. a native of David CoQoty. but for many yeara living to ¥ns8tco Salem. died at ber boae on Lexb^toa Road Friday. Her bssbandL 6, W. Stewart died In 1988. SorvivoiaiQeliideoaeaoo. losr daogb- teca and one rister. . Cbneral aervicea wete held attfae booie Sonday aR^ooo end the body laid to rest in WettiRuowh cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 1/19/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA y— • 9^<ry*m « A s. c e, ■!^iji«fjMv.-{.'i'Jbt-t^e •■ / .sifu(§dp^ iT^^9fpec%Q;v^^ StatesvSe.. where^^i^A >«ent Werai day^ / sevafat' days •" biifcf? a.short. time: Sh6 wasth^^do^^of the late - ^T^ who died acay 23 1899*I Seaman;'wSs^ born in Yad-J -3^/w R^!SS, tUe late Di-: T/':pf lYadklnville and»iS.S^,2Steis,raw«. I - ®!^^vors .^include seven >' 'soii<!Bpone,- j; w, Harttag:!iia S 'o^ sSa^"?' °' '''® J^ne Hick.|£S?"b?£tte3^i."=gi='ys services wiU be held nf |'S"^y®y tue pas- ceeoing the funeral. Burial tihii|be in the church cei^ieSy^^ H ^ R1 1® f L ^ g 1- to , ■ tic CO. PUBLIC USRART yoCKSVlLLE, NO 3- cr o Davie Co. I Mocksv >.jb MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 21,1944 - Page 1 Florence Fry Child Is Killed By'](|fachine Belt Florimcfl Fry, lO-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Fry, of near Btbavlhe, acciden tally . hung herself Ipiit .vetmday^ morning. She was playing with a sewing maehlne, the belt get* hng around her neck, and It Is thought she fell from a chair whloh caused the belt to choke her. The funeral was held at Fulton Methodist church Mon day. conducted by the Rev. J. C. Gentry and the Rev. P. L. Smith. Survivors include the parents, one brother and one sister. Bio - Obituaries - 1/21/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 26,1944 Rev. Cbas. H. Ud<7 The body of Rev. H. Utfey, 74 of Caoa, who died ottddenly In Peoder county on l^eaday of last week, was tmoirlit to EatOb'i Bafrtlst Chnicb cemeteiy tbon- day afteinooo and laid to leat Foaevd Bervtceawefa held ia Raleigh Thotaday (noraiog. Rev. Mr. Utiey had been livliut ai Gana for the luat aeveral yeafOi and was on a vlale to Fender oonnty when atiidwn. He wao pastor of Cooleeoee baDtiot church many yeafs ago. Sorvlvora are bla widow, two sons by a fanner matfiage, and one brother. Rev. Mr. Utley bad b^ engaged foraome time In writlfig history o f vaifotM teptist cirorcheo in this county. The Record la jOOfTy to chronicle bia death. Mrs. Dora Steehnan I Mrs. Dora Harding Steehnan. 81. Mooln* villa, Rottte I, died Wedneaday at S a. in.. In a Scateavillo hospital. She was the widow of Thomaa Aabtiry Steetmao. &>rviv{ttg ate eight cbildreo. j. 17., S. C. and Miss Jmmte Steetmao of the home; W. R. Haading and Pntd Steehnan. Yad> hinvllle. Route I; Dr.S. H. Sleelinan, lio- eolotoni T. A. Sceelman, Forks. Mont: 19 granddilldren; and 10 groat grand chtiftefi. Gvandsooa will act aa paltbearma. Foneral waa held at Courtnev Baptiat (%andi Thtmday at 3 p. in Interroeot was In the chuidi cameteiy. Nathan A Jarvis Nathan A. Jarvia, 68. who brofco bis hip! in a fall on the fee Ctuistinas day, dfedi Jan. 17, in a Stateavllle hofl|gtal where be had been a pattoDtoloee the fall* He was' a reBldmit of tho Foifc ChiiKh cotDtDttOtty.; Mr. Jarvia a weQ known faroser, waa born In Davie Uouaty* a aon of Giles and> Amanda Cbafifn Jarvis. lie was married i Feb^ I8S3, to BRbb Allen Gorwood of DavIe Coqnty. who earvlvea. Others soivlvora' Ittdode a dsttghler. His S. A. Bailey of Cooteemee: two sons, J. F. Jarvis of Coo*i leemee andC. M Jarvis ot Winston-Salem; two brotheis. Milton J Jarvisof Saltsbaiy,. Route I, and Henry J. Jarvis of Advanee,! Route 2; three sistera, Mrs Kllsa Carter i and Mrs. Annie Uvengood orThomaavllle' and Mrs. SaHle Gsitner. of Hayne. and nine giandehlldrea and four gr^t grand*' chltdien. ! Funeral services were beid Wednesday at Fork Chareb, of which she waa a mem ber. lotenneot was in the cboveh eeme- teiy. Bio - Obituaries — 1/26/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 28,1944 - Page 1 DEATH CLAIMS REV. C. H. UTIEY Funeral services for the Rev. Charles R. titley, 74. iiir Cana were conducted January 20 from Mltohell Funeral Home by Dr. F. Orion MIxon. paator of Tab ernacle Baptist church, assisted by Attorney Willis Briggs and the Rev. Fred Rlnenbark of Durham. Graveside services were held January 20 at the cemetery of Baton Baptist church In Cana '■by the Rev. Dallas Renegar and 'the Rev. E. W. Turner. • The Rev. Mr. Utiey died Tues day at Rooky Point. He formerly was auperlhitendent of Fender county schools and was teach ing at Rocky Point High school at the time of. his death. Burvivlng are his widow, Mrs. Louise B. Utley; o son; Charles B. Ctlcy, who Is In the army; a daughter, Mrs. Eugene Medcalf of Bound Brook, N. J.; a brother, Shppherd Utley of Raleigh; three sisters, Mrs. Arthur Pierce, Mrs. R. R. Jones and Mrs. Oscar Luther, all of near Apex, and several nieces and nephews. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 28,1944 - Page 4 Mrs. E. M. Dockery MRS R. P. FOSTER LOSES MOTHER Funeral services were conduct ed at iMt. Pleaaant church, Wllkes county, iTiuradoy, Janu ary 20, for Mrs. B. M. Dockery, 89 years of age. Mrs. Dockery was the mother of Mrs. R. P. Foster and leaves a total of 138 living descendants. Among these are 12 grandsons and great-grandsons now serv ing in the armed forces. Those attending from coolee- mee were Mrs. Emma Hoffman, Mos. Emma Rae Spry and Harry Spry. Bio - Obituaries - 1/28/1944 Mrs. Ella DeWeese Rites Held Friday 'Mrs. Ella DeWeose, 85. died Friday morning, January 21. at 11 o'clock alter a few days ill ness. She was a member ol the Cooleemee Presbyterian church. Survivors include her son and six grandchildren and six great grandchildren and one brother. Funeral services were con ducted Sunday afternoon at 8 o'olook at the First Presbyterian church In Polkton, Anson coun ty. Burial took place In ithe family plot In the Pre^y'terlan cemetery there. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 2,1944 Frank Myers I Davie Soldier Killed I Mr. and Mra OUie Myers, of Elba vUle re* eeived a telegram from the War Depart*, ment Thursday afternoon advising ihem i that their son Pvt frank Uvert, ZU was kit ed in Italy on Jan. 7tb. Prank entered | service in 1943. This is the eighth Davie; boy chat has laid down his life for his! country in the present war Bio - Obituaries - 2/2/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 4,1944 - Page 1 Frank Myers Davie Soldier Is Killed in Italy Ptt. Frank Mycrfi. 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. OlUe -Myers, of BlbaYMIo. was killed In action In Unl/ on January 7, according to a telegram received by the par ents from the government lost Thmsdey afternoon. * He entered service iost year, Bio - Obituaries - 2/4/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 9,1944 Tom W. Seamon Tcnn W, Seamoo, 49.of BfocksviUeRimte 4. died Wednesday at the Westero Ndith Candloa Sanatetfum at Btaek Uouatalo. Sttnrh>Ing are the widow; five eoat* Ibomas asd Uarotd Seameo of the navy; Calvin, Dooftfaa and Sidney SMmoa of the home; foot daoghter, Mrs. 0. G Ctawaon of Granite Quarry; Mrs. W. F. Myers of Chw hate; Mra. John S. Bceedlove of Cocieemee and Betty Sue Seamoo of the home; bis ntotber Mrs. Thomae Seamoo of Woodieaf: two brotbera, John Seamoo of SaHshary and Jim Seamon of Woodleaf; and three sistefSi Mn. T. M. Correll of Codeemee; Misi Minnie Seamen of St. Paol and Miss Bes^ Seamoo of Woodleaf. The fhiierai was held at Jerosatem Bap list Chareh. Satmday afteraooo at 9 o'clock. Rev. VIetor Aodraws oondneted the services. Barial was in Calvary Qtateb giaveyaid at BQia Cross Roada. Bio — Obituaries - 2/9/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 11,1944 - Page 1 Tom W. Seamen Died February 2 Tom W. Seamon, 40, of Route 4,, died last Wednesday at the western North Carolina sana torium at Black Mountain. Surviving arc the widow; flve sons, Thomos and Harold Sea mon of the navy. Calvin, Doug las and Sidney Soanion of the homo: (our daughters, Mrs. O. O. Clawson of Oranlte Quarry, Mrs. W. Ft Myers of Chorlotto, Mrs. John S. Brcedlove of Coolee- moe and Betty Sue Seamon of the home; hla 'mother, Mrs. Thomas Seamon, of Woodleaf; two brothers, John Seamon, of Sahsbury, and Jim Seamon, of Woodleaf, and three sisters, Mrs. T. M. Correll of Cooleemee, Mrs. Minnie Seamon of St. Paul and Miss Bessie Seamon of Woodleaf. The funeral was held at Jeru salem Baptist churoh Saturday afternoon at 8 o'clock. The Rev. Victor Andrews conducted the servl'ces. Burial was In Calvary church graveyard at Ems Cross roads. Bio - Obituaries - 2/11/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 16,1944 Paul S. King Killed la Action ; Mra Ellen Kiog. of Advaoce, R. 1. re* cetved a telegram from ibe War Depart mant in December, adviaing ber that her aon.S, SGT. PAUL S. KING, was miaaing in action in North Africa since Dec- 6th. 1943 Mrs King received a second mes sage Feb. 5ib. announcing that her son was killed In action. Ttiis is the ninth Oavie county young man that bos made the 8Ui»retDe sacrifice In the present war Mrs. Annali Cazart Mrs. Aooab Holcomb Cozart, 71.died at ber home near Wiostoo Saiein last V/ed> oesday. Funeral services took place at Marvin Chapel Methodist Church Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mra Cozart Is aor- vived by ber husband, four sons and three daughters, among them being A. H. and: F. W. C^it. of MocksviUe. Bio - Obituaries - 2/16/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 18,1944 - Page 2 George V. McCallum Colored School Principal Dies George V. McOaUum. well kncnvn local colored school prin* cipal, {lied Sunday at the Rowan Memorial hospital where he had been a^patlent for the past week. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at the Sec ond Pre^yberlan church with the Rev. R. A. Massey conduct ing the service. Burial was In the cemetery at Oullfotd Col- logo. Survivors Include the widow, Mrs. Fonnle McCallum; a daugh ter, Gwendolyn; six broUiers, Arthur, Dullford College, Rob ert. Wlnston-Salem, Fulton and William, Ohio, Enoch, Michigan, and Booker T., Greensboro; throe sisters, Mrs. L. B. McMU- llan, Michigan, Estell and Pannle McCallumr OuUford College. Mr. McCallum, for nlpe years principal of the Oavle County Training school, received his sec ondary education from Bennett college In Greensboro, graduat ing In 1921. His college career utas pursued at A. and T. col- logo from which he was t^ward- od the bachelor of science de gree In 1031. In the faU of that year he came to Mocksvllle to assume the role of the first high school In the Bavie County Training school. Within a .few years after com ing to Mocksvllle, Mr. McCallum organized and established the first vocational agriculture de partment In this oQimty. In 1984 the deceased was elected to the prlneipalshlp of the school wherein he labored until 1941. He served In the capacity of both agrleuHture instructor and prin cipal, at Which time he resigned the former position and matric ulated at the University of Mich igan for iurther studies In ad-| ministration and- supervision. His master's degree would have been awarded him upon comple tion of one more summer of study. Davle Coun^ Training school made rapid and progressive strides during Mr. MoOallum's time of service. The teaching force grew from five teaohers In 1931 to 11 teachers In 1943. During this period of growth the school became accredited and is at present rated. II-A by ilio North Carolina depart- ment of education. Be was Instrumental In the organization of the first Boy Scout troop In Davie oounty for colored boys. His activities in civic and religious .affairs,were no less oonsequentlal. Hta ap pointment to head the Third and Fourth War Bond cam paigns for the colored people and the success achieved reveal his Influence In civic aflalrs. Constant attendance and ac tive. participation In affairs of the church, regardless to de nomination. came natural to the departed. Extra curricula activities In stituted In the school are indi cative of his Interest and par- tlclpiaition In clylc. rollglous, and educational phases of life. Bio - Obituaries - 2/18/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 18,1944 - Page 2 Mrs. Hill Dies At Home in Cana Mrs. Jennlo Elizabeth Hill died at her home In Cana Saturday morning at 9 o'clock after a se rio'us Illness of two months. She was born January 23,1863, in X>avlc county, the daughter of Oan.lol Eaton and Jano Eliza bdth Brandon and spent all of her life In that county. Her early .childhood was spent In FarmlnEton, and for the past SO years she hod been a resident of Cana. Mrs. HIU was a char ter memtoer of Faimlngton Bap tist Church. Survlyors Include one daugh' ter. Miss Beatrice HIU of Cana, and one sister, Mrs. J. M. Olb son of Plneville, Ky. Funeral servloefl were con< ducted at Baton Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 9 o'clock with the Rev. O. B. Rcnegar in charge. Interment was In church graveyard. the MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 18,1944 - Page 3 Rites Held Wednesday For Mr8.Martlia Brogden Mrs. Martha Graves Brogden, 82, died Monday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. K. L. Cope, in North Cooleemee. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and * Mrs. Nathan Graves. survivors Include two daugh ters, Mrs. Cope, with whom she lived, and Mrs. O. R. Olawson of Salisbury: one son, W, G. Brog den, Cooleemee: one half-sister, Mrs. Nannie Baton, of Cana: two half-brothers, Joe and Charlie Graves, of Yadkln county; 18 grand and four great-grand- ohUdren. •Mrs. Brogden had been a resi dent of Cooleemee for the past 33 years and was a life long member of the Bear Creek Bap tist church where the funeral was held Wednesday at 4 p. m. A short service was held at the Cope home at 3 o'clock. The Rev. O. L. Royster, the Rev. C. E. B. Robinson and the Rev. Victor Andrews conducted the services. Bio - Obituaries — 2/18/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 18,1944 - Page 6 William Albert Taylor IN MBHOMAM Whereas, the Bupreme Grand Master of all Masons did reihove on April 11,1943, from our midst our brother, W. A. Taylor, and transferred him to that undis covered country from whose home no traveler returns. He was for 27 years our proficient and capable treasurer and his services were always of the high est typo and he lived and prac ticed Masonry. Never too busy to serve Masonry and his church whenever the opportunity pre sented itself and his conception of Masonic duty was never con fined to the length of a cable taut. William Albert Taylor was born March 31,1876. Was raised to the sublime degree of a mas ter Mason June. lOlO, « we mourn his passing and shall always miss his genial per sonality and the inspiration of his presence not only in Masonic gatherings but in every church service as well. Therefore, be it resolved, that we express to the widow and family of our departed brother our most heartfelt sympatlw and pray that they may receive comfort from that only source which can soften their befeavd*- ment. Be it therefore resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of cur lodge, a copy be sent to the widow of our deceased brother. J. F. Jtdinaon, O. A. Hartaaan, L. F. Brock. Bio - Obituaries - 2/18/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 18,1944 - Page 8 Di J. Cook Passes Away Daniel Jackson Cook, Si, of Advance, Route 1, Yadkln Val ley community, died at bis hoAie -Tuesday afternoon at 3:16 o'clock. He had been In de- dlnlng health for smne time and seriously 11! for the .past six weeks. ' Mr. Cook was born October 2, 1862, in Davie county, Hie son of Lemuel B. and Susan Sheek Cook, Most of his life was spent in Davie county with the exception of 13 years when he was a real-' dent of Winston-flalem. He was a mefnber of Macedonia Mora vian church. On March 1,1683, ho was mar ried to Sarah Lusetta Sparks, who died November 1, 1920. Survivors include three sons, JOhn H. Cook of MooksvlUe, Route V C)' sWnk cook of Win- ston-Salem, R. Byron Cook of Advance, Route 1; three daugh ters, Mrs. Newton Rogsdale and Mrs. Charles A. Holder, both of Winston-Salem, and -Mrs.- Lee Cash of Winston-Salero, Route 4: 98 grandchildren dnd 15 great grandchildren. Ridenhour Rites Held Saturday Funeral sezylces were conduct ed for Walter P. Rldehour, 45. Saturday, who died at the Low- ery hospital early lost Thurs day morning. He was employed by the Brwtln mills and was a member of the Liberty Methodist church. Survivors are his widow; four sons, Walter l'- Ridenhour and Otis, who are stationed with the U. 8. army in England, J. W. Ridenhour of the V. S. navy, and Tommle at hooie; two dauShters, Miss Margie, at home and Mrs. Oeorge Campbell, also of Coolemee. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ridenhour, of MocksviUe, Route 4, and one grandchild also survive. Other survivors are three brothers, 0. P. of Cooleemee and Baxter and Lester of Burlington; five sis ters, Mrs. Tom Tiller, Mrs. Carl Heilard, Mrs. Earl Dedmon of Cooleemee. Mrs. H. O. Steel of Rowan eoupty and Mrs. Lake Ritchie of Roanoke, Va. The services were conducted at the MeUiodist church Satur day a^ 3 p. m. by the pastor, the Rev. F, J. stough. Burial was in the Liberty cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 2/18/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 23,1944 Mrs. J. F. Cikk Mrs. J. F. CHck. 74. wMow of As late J. F. veteran newspaper edUoraaa putdiaher. died at Rieha^ Baker nosfntal. Hiekory N. CL. late last Wedoesdav even- lod. following an eight months lUftess. Biro. Click was a daaghier of the tote Mr. end Mrs M M. Mayes of the Oak For est section of Ireded county. She had been a indent of Hickory for the past 45 years. Survitdog are one datigbter, Bits. A^ry Hardln. of Hickory; a 8tep.daiighter. Mrs. C, P. Strottd, of Bloekavilleaod nioegraod- children. One sister* Mrs. W. R Foi» of New Hope, alto survives. Fhneral services were betd at the b^ue Friday afternoon at 2t30 o'clook. with Kov. Arthur Kale, paottv of First Metbodtot church in ^arge. assisted by Rev. R K. Benfleld, of the First Baptist chords Toe body was fold to rest In (Kikwood Come* tery. The floral tributes were many aud beautiful. Mrs. Martha 6r<^don Mrs. Martha Graves Bn^on. 82. died F eb. I4tb at the home of a daughter. Mis. K L. Oi>pe in North Codeeroee. She had reside at Cooleemee for 33 years and was a member of Bear Creek Baptist Otureb for many years. Surviving are two daogbters. Mis. K. L. Cops of North Cooleemee god Mrs. G. R Clawson of ^lisborv; one son. W. C. Brog* don of Cooleemee; 18 graDdcbildrsD: fourSreat-grandcblldren; two half hrotbeis, 00 and Cbarilc Graves of Yadkln County and one half sister, Mrs Nannie-Eaton of Cana. The funeral was held at tbe home of Mrs. Cope Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock and at Bear Creek Baptist Cbureh atdo'doek. Rev. G. L. Royster. Rev. C. E. 8. Robinson and Rev. VIeter And rewB conducted tbe services. Burial was In tbe cbw^ graveyard. Mrs. J. W. Carter Mrs. Mary F. Carter, 75 widow of John Wesley Carter, died Saturday molding at S:30 o'clock at ber home in the Fork com mnnity. Blrs. Carter, was bora in Davie County Bfarch 25.1868. a daughter of Jofao and Sarah Austin Thompson. She spent ber entire ills in tka Fork oofninnnlty. Surviving are three daughters. Mrs. J. M. Cope and Mrs. Q, F. Carter ef Mocks vllle. Route 3 and Bfrs. J H. Diduon of Saliybary: 8ve sons, G E. Carter of Salis bury; V. W. Chrter of Mocksvllle. Route 4; W D Carter. R. W. Cattv. of Wiaston* Salem and H. W. Carter of Mocksvllle. The funeral was held Sunday aftctoooQ at 3 o'dock at Fork Baptist Cfaurcb. Kevs. J.C Gentry and Wade Hutcbena conducted the service. Burial was In tbe cbureh graveyard David J. Cook DanleUackaon Cook. 81. of Advaoce. Route I. died last Tuelday afternoon at ^1$ o'clock. He bad been in declining health for some time and seriously ill (or tbe past six weeks. Most of his life was spent in Davle Ceuntyvrltb the exception of 12 years when he was a reeldent of Winstou-Salsm. He was a member of Macedonia Moravian Churdi. . . On March 1.1B83. be waa manfed to Sarab Lusetta Sparks who died November 1. 1920. Survivora ioduda three sons. Jdiu H. Code, of Modiaville, Route 4; C. Frank 0^ of Advsnoe, Route 1; three daugb* tero. Biro. Newton Rags^le. himI Mio. Charles A. Hdder, both of Winston Salem. and Mrs. Lee Gash, of Forsy tb County; 38 grendf^lldren aud IS great^grandcbildreo. Funeral services were bdd at tbe home Friday afterooon at 2:90 o'clock, and at Macedonia Moravian Church at 3 o'dock «ritb Revs G. E. Brewer. .1. G Broner and A. M. HiCka oSBdatlog. Buiinl followed in the <Aoicb cemetery. Mrs. Jane Gaidier Mrs. Jante Gaitber. 89, wife of R. P* Galitier. died Thursday at the homo of her daughter. Mrs. A. C. Griffin, In the Society Ubufoh community. Her death followed two weelm serious Illness. Besides her husband. MrB.Galther teaves two -^oghcers and a son; Mrs. C. A /Thome, of Davie County; Mrs. A 0. Griffith and d. A Gaitber. of Irodall County. Funeral services were held Saturday; afternoon at 3 o'dcdc from Society Boptlet Ghutob. of which Mrs. Galther had been a member dnce early life. A former pastor.] Rev. W. U McSwaio. now of Glen Alpfoa.^ conducted the service. G. v. McCallum N^o Principal Dies Vrof. G. V. McCallum. 98 Negro prlod- paj of the Davie Couniv Training School, Hocl^iHe, died at Rowan Memorial Hoe* ^lal. Sstlsbury, on Feb. 13ih, (ollowtngao illnesa of three weeks. Funeral eervlces were lietd at cbe Second PrcsPyierian ohucob Wednesday morning ot 11 o'olo^. with Rev K M. Massey in charge, and the ttody canted to Greensboro, hia former home, and laid to retf. Prof. BlcCallum ie survived by Ms wife and one danghter. He bad been teadiiog to thia elty fur tbe past 14 years; and for the past six years had been principal of the scfaooL He was a good teacher and had many friends among both races. Rev. R M. Massey is aming as principal of the school until a eueoessor can be scared. Bio — Obituaries - 2/23/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 25,1944 - Page 3 Mrs. Carter Passes Away Mrs. Mary F. Carter, 78, widow ol John Wesley Carter, died Sat urday morning at 5:30 o'clook at her home in the Fork com munity, Mooluville, Route 3. Mrs. Carter was born In Davle county Woh 26, 1868, a daugh ter of John and Sarah Austin Thompson, She spent her en tire life in the Fork cominu- nnity. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. J, M. Cope and Mrs. G, F. Carter of Mocksvllle, Route 3, and Mrs. J. H. Dtokson of Bails- bury; hve sons, O. B. Carter of Salisbury, V. W. Carter of Moelts- ville, Route 4, W. D. Carter of Winston-Salem, Route 7, R, W. Carter of 441 Miller street, Wln- ston-Salem, and R. w. Carter of Mocksvllle. The funeral was held at Fork Baptist church. The Rev. J. W. Gentry and the Rev. Wade Rjutchens conducted the serv Ices. Burial was In the church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 2/25/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 25,1944 - Page 8 M.W. Bell Died At Murphy Feb. 20 MardiaU WUUam Bell of Mur- died after ten days illness at his home in Murphy. Feti* nury 20, and was buried In the elty cemetery there beside his little daughter, who died several years ago. Mr. Bell was born In MooksvUie in 1865, and had he lived until March IB, would have been 79 years old. He waa the eon of Dr. Marshall T. Bell and wife, Eliza Williams (Martin) Bell. He spent hla boyhood here, and when ready for coHege suf fered an accident that destroyed the sight of one eye, which for a time prevented further studies. But later he devoted himself to the study of law, and was ad mitted to the bar In the early ntaetiea. He located In Mutphy Just after the railroad reached that town, and had a lucratlo practice there until his death. He last left his office late In the afternoon, and was stricken in his sleep that night. , He served as mayor In his early.life but had no other pub lic office.' He was counsel for the Southern Railway several years, and later of the Louisville and Nashville railroad. (Mr, Boll's father served . as stirgeon In the Confederate army from Juno, 1801, until 1865, and was for the most part on the staff of Dr. Hunter 'McOuIre, chief surgeon C. S. A. He was a son of Samuel R. Boll, a prominent merchant In States- vlUe, and at the time of his death was state senator from Iredell county. Mr. Bell's mother was a daugh* tor of Dr. James Franklin Mar tin, long a practitioner In Mocks- vlllc, svhoro he had a pre-medl- cnl school; nnd, one year sent seven of his students to north ern medical colJegos, all of whom look high honors at college. Dr, James Franklin Martin was a son of Col. James Martin of the Revolution, who was a brother of Col. Alexander Martin, gover nor of North Carolina, and U. S. senator; another brother was Robopt Martin, the father-in-law of Stephen A. Douglass. Mr. Bell married Miss Grace .Curnett of Merced, Calif., who survives, tOBcther with a son. Lieut. Marshall Cornett Bell, U8NR, on jthe teaching staff' of Columbia university; two daugh ters, Mrs. Harvey Gunning, Beat- tie, Washington State, and Mrs. H. R. Hazelman of New York; two sisters. Miss Margaret Bell, of MpckavlUe and Mrs. M. L. John of Laurinburg. Bio - Obituaries - 2/25/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 1,1944 C. F. Swicegood a P. Swlcegood, 74, died Thufsdav otitht ai the home of e douttbther, Mrs. G. W. Btmeo. near KaDoapolis. fSSarvlvlng are two aoos aod four tfaogb* teia. The fnoeral was held Saturday after* Doooat 2 o'dtoch at Tinreatlne Baptiat Church, Rev. V. L. Aodiews and Rev. 1*. J. ^oudemiie conducted the Bervtces. Bn rial was In the' church ^veyafd. Mrs. D. E. Carter l^rs. Sarah Jane Carter. 62. wife of Dan S. Gifter, of Advance* died at hm> home Wednesday mominot 6:40 o*o!ock. ^ had been seriouslyIB for two weela. Mia* Carter waa hero May 7, 1881, la PCttoaytvanIa, She apem hereadjp llfeia FCnniflvanSa befoteooaring to North Caro tiaa and for the past 22 years and made her home in Advance She was a nem* ber of Shady Grove MetbodiM Church. On Haicb 17,1907, she was manied to Dan E. Carter, w^dmowo farmer Survivors inefitde the husband mia daughter, two bnrthersand two aistersi, r. Poneral services were conducted Friday afternoon at 2:30 o*dock at Shady Grove Methodiai Cbmch. Rev. J. C. Gentry aod Kev. P. E. Howard c^dated and butial waa in the diatcb graveyard. Tbraias C. Ferebee Thootaa C. Ferebee. 81, waa found dead at Ida home near Cans Saturday after noon. It is not known Just when he died. Mr. Perabeo lived by himself. Funeral services were held at Eaton's Baptist Church Sunday reoinlnd at 11 o'dock, with Rev. J. H. Grace In charge and the body laid to rest in the church ceme tery. Mr. Ii'erebee is survived by several neioea and nephewa. He lived in Tmna and Oklahoma tat many ylarsb twt ra- tuined to Oavie about 20 yeataagu. Bio - Obituaries - 3/1/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 3,1944 - Page 2 C F. Swicegood Buried Sunday C. F. Owteegood, 74, of Cleve land, 41^ Fsiday at 6 p. m. at the hom^ df a dau^ter, Mrs. b. W. Sarnea, of the EnoehvlHe community with whom he had been staying for about three weeks. He had been 111 during most of that time. Funeral' services were held from the home in Cleveland at 1 p. m. and at 2 p. m. from Tur- rentlne Baptist church, conduct ed by the pastor, the Rev. 8. Andrews, assisted by the Rev. iHv, Stoudemlre. Burial was In the church cemetery. He was a native of Davidson county; son of the late Romulus and Mallnda Berry Bwleegood! His father was aloo a Davidson native and hto'tndther Waslli^ Mlsslssliml* He was a farmer. Surviving are his widow, the former Ellsa Lannlng; two sons, T. R. Bwleegood of Cleveland and O. C. Bwleegood of Mocks- vllle. Route 3; four daughters, Mrs. W. F. Swlide, Mrs. Q. W. Barnes, Mrs. W. F. Spry and Mrs. W. H. Spry, all of Kannapolls, Route 1; 27 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. > Bio - Obituaries - 3/3/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 3,1944 - Page 7 T. C. Ferbee Is Found Doad Thomaa C. 7«rehee, 81, wm found dead Saturday afternoon at his home near Cana. Dcoth is believed to have oc curred from natural causes sev eral days ago. He h&d been In foiling health for some time. He was born In Davic county, son of the late Thoma.t and Katie Howcll Perebee. He spent much of his life in Missouri, but rottirncd to his home commu nity several years ago to live near a nephew, J. O. Perebce, of near Cana. He never mar ried, and was the last surviving member of his Immediate fam ily. Several nieces and nephews, however, survive.. Funeral services were held Sunday at Barton's Baptist chiH-oh, conducted by the pas tor, the Rev. James H. Oroce. Burial was in the church ceme tery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 3,1944 - Page 8 Paul S. King Kllltd In Action W 97 mm J V.-Ct:. Staff Bft. Favl S. Ring was UUed in aeitea en Nerember I.., IMS, aeeordisff to a tele gram received by hb mother, Mrt. Mary Ellen Xing, of Xoote 1, Advance. Mn, King had previously received a notlee ■tatlng that her son was mbe ing In action and was Intet Informed of his death. Sergeant King rMCived hb training at Atterburg, Indn and NaihvUie, Tennl Be b lurrlved by hb mother; throo sbten, Mrt. R. O. Smith of Ronte t, Mocktvllle, Mrt. Bet- tb Banser, Route 1» Advaneo. Mrt. Tom Martin, Marahall- town, and six brothers, Jem and Roeeeveli of tho home, Frank and Robert of Route 1. Advance, Alvla of the tlalted ■tatev army at Weetpott, Wash., and Harrbon B. Ring, whoM whereaboats an un known. Bio - Obituaries - 3/3/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 8,1944 Mrs. Tharsa &nitli Mm* Hmrstt Ccmlella Sndtb. St. died at ber home io Farroingtoo Sunday mocnlag fettowlog a seihMM llliiess of one weeiu She was Che widow of Coos Smith, who died la 1917. Bin. Smith was a nadve and llfe>long festdenc of Davis ooonty. SIm was a memher ot Bethlehem Melho* dictChttfch. Sofvivofa tsdudo two davghtoa. Mn. C. C. WUtlam*. of lemiliigtoo and Mrs. J L. Ward, of deminenflsflva aons. J. M., W. B,aadO. H. Smith, of Faradngion; W. P. Smfth. Salt Lake City. Utah, aod Early G Smith, ot New Hill: two btotbeis: Santoid R. and George W. Smith, of Rediand. Fobm^ aetviees were held at Bethle- hem Methodist Chor^ vestenlay after nona at 3 o'chnA. whh Revs J. W. Ve«tal aod J. li. Buber offldatiog, and the body laid to rest in the ctrarch eemetery. Mrs. J. & Htttcherson Mm. Jemea S. Hittohenoo, 78, died and- deoly at ^ beaM of a daoghter. Mm* F. B. Bfoom, at ReMevlUe. last Tuesday even- log, death leeohed ffom a heart attack. Site bad beea In deellolDg health for eev- eral years. Hm hoibaod passed away In 199^ Mrs. Hoteheraoo Uettrvlded by ooe son, W. J* Hntcheraon, of RcldsvUie; two daughter. Mm. F. D. Moore, of ReldsvUle. vrUh whom she made ber home, aod Mta. Prank Fowler, of ibts dty. FtantHral orayfoea wen held Thnreday morning at II o'docfc at Halo Street Method On^ BdcliviUe,of wbfeb ehe was a memlier for many yean, shd the body laid toRst to Greenvlew cemetery. Mra. HnccbefSoo had visited bcrdandi- i ter In tUa eity a owittber of timee. and her dimtb has braagbl aadnesa to ber friends here. The Record extends sincera sym-; pslby to the son end deogbteis, in this! sadbmn; Mrs. Avery Draagho Mrs. Aver? M. Oraugho, 88. died last Tuesday eftetnouo at ber home la Cloriu vlUe towosblj^ loUowing a long Illness. Surviving are two sons and one daugb* ter, one step^auybter aod four half* biocbera. Her boeband died about 17 yean ago. Funenl services were held Thuredlay morning at U o'clock at Bear Creek Bap* list chnndt. with Revs. 1. H. Groce and J. W. Vestal in diarge, and the body laid to lett In the cbureh cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/8/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 10,1944 - Page 2 Frances Ellen Fitzgerald Hutcherson Mrs. Fowler Loses Mother Mra. Jomea 8. Hutcherson, 75, died suddenly at the home of her daughter, Mrs. £. B. Moore. n In Reldsvllle Tuesday night. She hed I)ecn In declining health for several years, and suffered a fatal heart attack early Tues day evening. She was the former Miss Francos Ellen Fltagerald of 8a- lem, Va., whore she lived until her m'arrlage .to Mr. Hutcher son 55 years ago, when she c^e to Reldsvllle to make her home. Mr. Hutcherson was a well- known merchant and tailor of this city for over 40 years. He died In September, 1033. She was a charter member of Main Street Methodist church and was organist for the church for ten years. She la survived by one son, William J. Hutcherson, of liclds- vllto; two daughters, Mrs. S. B. Moore, of Reldsvllle, uiflth whom she made her home, and Mra. Frank Fowler, of vMookavlUe; seven grandchildren and two greait-grandchlldren. Funeral services were held Thursday morning at 11 o'clock at Main Street Methodist church conducted by Dr..R. L. Ownbey. Interment was In Oreenvlew cemetery. Mrs. Braughn Passes Away Mrs. Avery KS. Draughn,. 68, died Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock ot her home, MocksvlUe, Route 8, after a long Illness. Mrs. Draughn was bom In Davie county, November 13, 1680, and spent most of her life In Davlo. She was married twice, first to Luther Farrlsh, who died In 1014. She was married the second time to Avery Draughn, who died in 1037. She was a member of Walkertcwn Meth odist church. Surviving are two sons, Ray M. Draughn, of MooksvUle, Route 2, and Pvt. Robert W. Parrieh, of New Orleans, La.: one daugh ter, Mrs. James Huffman, of MocksvlUe, Route 1; one step daughter, Mrs. P. L. Booe, of MocksvlUe. Route 2; Ave grand- chUdren, and four holt brothers, A. D. Daxmer, J. O. Reavla, W. L. Reavis and T. 0. Reavls, all of MocksvUle, Route 8. The funeral was held Thurs day momln gat II o'clock at Boar Greek Baptist church. The Rev. J. H. Oroce and the Rev. J. W. Vestal-eondttctcd the serv ices. BBurial was in the ohurch graveyard. Bio - Obituaries — 3/10/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 10,1944 - Page 6 liii MRS. TOIIRSA C. S.MITH MRS. SMITH PASSES AWAY Mrs. Thursa Cordelia Soilth, Bl, a member of one of Davle county's best-known families, died at her home in Farming- ton at a; 15 Sunday morning fol lowing a serious • Illness of one we^ She had been In falling health for several months. dhe was the wklov of Bnm Smith, who died November 91, 1B17. Mrs. Smith was a native and life resident of Davle eounty. jahe was born February 19, 1863, la dfiughtor of the late Lev! and iLouversia Nadlng Smith. She was on active member of Bethlehem Methodist church until her health failed, and of the Wmnen'A Society of Ghiis- thm Service at FVinnlngton. Survivors Include two daugh ters, Mrs. C. 0. Wllllains. of Farmlngton, and Mrs. J. L. Ward, of Oemmons; five sons, J. M.. W. B.. and O. H. Smith, all of Farmlngton, W. P. Smith of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Sarly C. Smith of New Hill; two broth ers, Snntford R. and George W. Smith, both of Advance, and 19 grandchlldien and three great grandchildren. * Funeral services were held at Bethlehem Methodist church at 3 o'Ukick Tuesday. The Rev. J. W. Vestal and the Rev. J. M. Barber officiated and Interment was In the church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 3/10/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 15,1944 Robert E. Carmichael A Friend Passes Robert C. Cermichuet, for irKire (ban 63 y«tHra o member of tiie eiafl <>f the Twin-City Sentinel died at hU hotne in ' Winfiton Salem Fridny, Mr. CHrndchnel (ell last OcitilNtf. breahinu his hl(>. and snent many w«>elia in Baptlai Huflpiial, He WHS thought to btt irnproting ear'y tb'a i year and wan r«*moved to his h»mr. V/c have known Etiltor Cormiclmei for more- thatt a third of a century Hifl dOHih hna hrouftht aadneati to his hundreds of ne.w n paper friends tbroutboui tbe coootry. t A. M. Baker A. M. Baker. 70. of R 4. died nt Rowan Memorial Hospital. Salisbury. Friday aftet' noon, followlnfi a second eirtdie of paraly« ttls. which he suffered about 10 davB ogo Funeral services were held nt Chestuut Gfove Methodist church Sunday aftemocn at 3 o'clock, with Revs R. G McCiam rtwh and E. W Turner Id cbartfe, and the b^y was laid to rest in the chuicb ceme tery. SurvlvlnR pre the widow, three eons. Sat. Adam Baker, Albuquerque, N. Mexico, Pvt Lather F. Baker, llariitHten, T^xap; aod Jake B^ker, at home; aU daupbters. Mrs. Bessie Stewart and Miss Shirley Baker, at home; Mrs. W. W. and Mrs. Char* lie Wbiiaker. R. 2; Mrs, JameaCouch, (Jro- Jeemee. aod Mra. Toromie Ellis. San Fran* cilco. Calij. One btother. Fbllllp Bakef. Elkins, W one aister. Mrs. Mary Dy* •on. Hith Point, also survive, together with 12 irandctiildrefi. Cornelins Holman ['' Coroellns Holman. colort^, bk«€ ' tbotit 8o years, died at bU borne ; on R. a, on March 5th. Fnneral I aod but iai took place at Palmetto I Methodist Church, on R. 2, Fridav. Stirvivint; are tbe widow and a I number of children Hotman was I a native of Davie and spent bis i entire life In the county. He was I respected by both while aod color- Bio — Obituaries -3/15/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 17,1944 - Page 1 Mrs. William J. Maner ■Mrs. WUUom J. Maner, 80, died Saturday at her home in Weav ervllle. Mrs. Maner Is the mother of Wade Maner of ModcsvlUe, Rotite 4. Five sons, two daugh ters and her hushand survive. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 17,1944 - Page 8 Sites Held Sunday For A. M. Baker A, M. Baker, 70, vt Route 4, died at Rowan'Memorial hospl* ial, Salisbury Friday afternoon, following a seoond stroke , of paralysis, which he suffered ahout ten days ago. Faneral lervloes were held at Ohestnul Oiove Methodist ohureh Sunday ftfternoon at 8 o'eloek, with the Rev. R. 6. AfcOlamrook and theRev. I. W. Turner in ohavf e. and interment was In the ohureh cemetery, . . Ourvlving are the widow, thrds jons, 8gt;,Adam Baker, Alhu- atterQtte,.N. Bl, Pvt. Luther H Raker, Hdrllngen, Tnrai, and Jake Biker, .at.home; shcdaugh ters, Mrs. Beside Stewart and Miss Shirley Baker, at home; Mrs. W. W. and Mn. OharUe Whitaker, Route a, Ifrs. James Ctottgh, cooleemee, and Bifrs. Totnmle Bills,. San Francisri), Calif. One brother, FhiUlp Baker, Bglns, W. Va.; one sister, Mrs. Mary Dyson, High Point, olio survive, together with la grand children. Bio - Obituaries — 3/17/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 22,1944 Mrs. j&nma Hansard UcQ. Emna Smoot Hansard, 81. widow of the lace AboerCL Hansard, died at her home near Uayoardsvtlle.Tenn., March?. She was boto In Oavie coanty. but moved to Tennessee 86 yeaio ado. She was a member of Salem wetliodist Church before movlnd CO Tennessee. She was a sifter of the Isle Ssmuel J. Smoot, of Calabaln, and Ors. Geoige and Alex Smoot. lace of KnozWUe, lean. She has many nieces and nephews in Davie couotv. Immediate survivors ace four children and three grandidiildren. Funeral aecvlcea wece at Betilah Mecho* diet CbiBcb. of wblcb she was a mhmber. on March 9di, and the body was laid to rest In Hansard's Chapid cemetery. Two flower cats carried the many b^utiful floral irlbtttea, attestfaid the blab esteem in wbidi this aged lady was held. A moth^ in Israel baa fallen. To the loved onea left behind. The Record extends deep sympathy in tbia sad boor. Mrs. J. F. Foster Mrs. James Foster, 66. diod at her home oearDulin'a Sunday. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at Z o'clock at Advance Methodist Church, with Rev, R. 6. McClamroch offlcfstlng. and the body < laid to rest in the cburcb cemetery. | Surviving are the husband; three daugh* ^ ters, Mrs. Sam Henler, R. 3, and Misses Sallie and Leona Foster at borae: three eons. W, D.. 0. F., and S. H Foster. R 3: three brothers, James Garwood, Withea boro; John Garwood. R. 3. and W. A. Gar- wood. Winston Salem; one half brother. C. M. Sheets. Wio8ton*$alem. Bio — Obituaries - 3/22/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 24,1944 - Page 6 Mrs. J. F. Foster Passes Sunday Mrs. J. F. Foster. 6d. died Sun day at her home, Mockavllle, Route a. She had resided In the Dulln community for 33 years. The funeral was held Tues day afternoon at 3 o'clock at Advance Methodist churOh. The Rev. Ralph McOlamrock con ducted the servlo'es. Burial was In the church giaveyard. Surviving are Uie husband; three daughters. Mrs. Sam Hep- ler of MocksvUe, Route 3, and Misses SalUe and Leona Foster of the home; three sons. W, D., 0. F. and 8. H. Foster of Route S; eight grandchildren; three brothers. James Oarwood of Wllke^ro, John Oarwcod of Mocksvllle. Route 3. and W. A. Oarwood of Wlnston-Salem and one half brother. Charles M. Sheets of Wlnston-Salem. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 24,1944 - Page 8 Mege Funeral Held Wi^esday Funeral services for Keller Francis (Frlta) Hege, 66. of Ad vance, Cavle county, who died Monday nildtt. were held Wed nesday afternoon at 8 o^elook at BlbayUle Methodist church In Davle county. The Rev. Mr. AUgood of Yad kin county and the Rev. J. 0. Gentry were ofllelaUng minis ters, and burial was in the churOh graveyard. Fall^rers were Alex Tucker, Clarence -Biarkland, Frank Tuck er, Lewis Zlmmennan, Jess Zim merman and John Ward. Bio — Obituaries - 3/24/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 29,1944 Duke Kimbrough j Mrs. L P. Hendrix , Mfa* L P. Rendiix. 49. died a^her hoate at Fork Friday afkeinooo fcdlowlog a looft Fooeral setvieea urela held at Fork Bap ttfltChoielt Satarday; afkeroooQ at 4:99 o'clock, with Rave, E. W. Tomer and W. H. HotdieoB officiatiod. and the body laid to met ID the church cemetery. Uia. Hecdris to soreived by her hue- beod, one daodbter, a md, four brothm aod two oietcfB. Former Davie Man Dead A message received by Tclativea in this city last Tuesday, anuoonc- ed the death of Duke Kimbroagb, 50, at bis home in Dallas, Tesas. on March 20th, Mr. Kimbrough is a son of C. L. Kimbrough aod the late Mrs. Eim«| brough of Parmiogton township. He went west some 30 years ago, and for many years bad held no linporiaot position with the Sooth ero Pacific Railway at Dallas. Mr. Kimbrough in survived by bis widow, four sous aud one daugh ter; his father, one brother and one sister. Funeral services were held in Dallas. Mr. KimbrouRb visited borne folks in this county about nine years ago. He has many reletlvea and friends in Davie who will be saddened by news of bis death. Bio - Obituaries - 3/29/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 31,1944 - Page 1 MISS GRANT PASSES HERE Miaa Annie Paricer Grant, 77, lifelong reeideni of 'Mocksvllle, died at her home on Nortli Main street here laet Wednesday morning at 8:30 o'clock. She had been ill a month and re cently came home from the. hos pital. Miss Grant died suddenly, ap parently from a heart attack. She was recovering satisfactorily from the pneumonia. Daughter of the late A. T. Grant, Sr., and Robocoa Parker Grant, she Is survived by the fol lowing: a brother, A. T. Grant, well known local attorney, and a sister, Mrs. G. O. Daniel, who lived with her. Six nieces and six nephews also suiwlve. The funeral was held Thurs day afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home, conducted by the Rev. H. 0. Sprinkle, and Interment was in the Rose cemetery here. Active pallbearers wore Ar- mand and Leslie Daniel, A. T. Grant, Jr., W. A. Grant, O. G. and Arthur Daniel. Honorary pnllbcorcrs Include Dr. P. H. Mason, J. K. Sheek, Jake Mc- roncy. B. I. Smith, Clarence and Allen Grant. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 31,1944 - Page 6 Mrs. Hendrix / Dies Friday ■Mrs. Lottie chloe Hendrix, 40. of Fork, well-known music teacher, died at her home at 3:30 o'clock. She had been in declining health for the' past year and her condition had been serious for the past six weeks. Mrs. Hendrix was born in Northampton county November 23, 1804, a daughter of Charlie and Ada Stevens Woodard. She was educated at Chowan col lege and was for many years a prominent music teacher, hav Ing taught In Wallburg, Win- gate Junior college and Mount Oilead. Her husband, L. P. Hendrix, Is a well-known school teacher. He taught for a number of years at Advance and at the present time he Is principal of Celeste Hlnkel school In Iredell county During the summer months he and Mrs. Hendrix .had been liv ing at their home In Fork. 'Mrs. Hendrix was a member of Fork Baptist churrh and was pianist there as long as health permitted. Survivors Include the hus band: one daughter, Onelda Hondrlx, of the home; one son, Omor W. Hendrix, of the home; four brothers, Oscar and Roy Woodward of Conway, and Jeetor Woodward of Portsmouth, Va.: two sisters, Mrs. Madon M. Long of Severn, and Mrs. Lloyd Ricks of Conway. ■Funeral service was conducted at Fork Baptist church Satur day afternoon by the Rev. Wade Hutehens and the Rev. G. W. Turner of MocksvUle. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/31/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 31,1944 - Page 7 James L Britt Funeral Held For Car Victim Funeral services were held at 3 p. m. Friday at Cooleemee Methodist church for James L. Brltt, S4, textile worleer, u^o died ubout midnlBht Wednesday at the Rowan Memorial hospital from Injuries sustained when struck by a car In Salisbury Sunday night. Brltt fiame to Salisbury a abort time ago from Oooleemee, where he had lived for severol years. A half-brother. T. L. MllhoUand, of Oooloomee. Is the only Immo dlato survivor In this section. A native of Mecklenburg coun ty, Virginia, he had spent tlie greater part of his adult life In the armed services, serving by turns In the army, the navy and the coast guard. The funeral service was con ducted by the Rev. F. J. Stough, pastor of the Cooleemee Meth odist church, and burial was In North Cooleemee cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/31/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA X- 2>- n J"- CT' iffi fji- VI'-■-% ? a we^go! State" ■'!?«™ of ihealth nurse publicMajor Jota'w p^Sr S'K fes?^ Baftis? SSa'' "'IrWa^p'OSi'?.[SalemMethodistXhurch:// I Ot ce v\Seo Akivl H , \®l4S^ ^ ^ W* • i fi-^ocksvii 56u.ft.ct Of OtceftSEO Ofttt Ai>ic^STft.v . Coh .3- 3- O- J- I . < rynfiOVmt GU. ' G,MOOKSVlLLt, Wu 5r ; vTi !f5 si d H- <5 o CO DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 5,1944 Mrs. Julia Murphy Bfra. Julia Keller Morpby, 84. died Men- day night at tba home df a biotlief, John KelW. Hoote 1. The faneiai waa bdd WedoeidoY moni log at Center Methodiat Chorcb. Kev. 6. Vr.Fiok oondocted the services. Burial was lit the cbnroh graveyaid Snrvlttg are a stepsoo* Jim tfuiptay of Wtoefoo Salem: one brother. John Keller, with whom she omde her home, and one eleter, Mrs. Jane Taylor of SCatesYUIe,S. L Frank Griffin Frank GrifDo. 88, died suddenly hildf y at the homo of a nephew, David Baker, on R. 2, following a heart attack, no had been in decUnlog bealtii for aevetdl years. Bllr. GrilBo spent his entire llfs in Oavle ond Yadkia ooanties. He waa a member of Chestnut Grove Metbodlet Cbiivcb. Sur- vivlog oxe several nieces and nephews. The funeral was held Sunday afcemoon at 3 c'dodi, at (%estna« Grove Bfethodlat Cbttteb. whn Seva, R. & BfcCiamrocb and Wade Btttchena offldating. and the body laid to rem In the cburdt cemetery. ' Him Anim Grant Miss Aimie Faikn Grant 79, one of Bloeksvina'o best known and most beiov- od women, died at her home on Nmth Main street Wednesday morning at B o'oloek, foHowittg an iUoesa of ssvmnl weeka. Mse Grut was a doogbterof cbo late Mr. and lira. A. T. Grant, of tMs dty, and spent her eotfie life here. For many years she ownod and i^etated a rolUi* neiy shop. She %rao a consistent mcsn* her of the Methodist cbureh. Her deeth has tnoogbt eadnots to hundiedsof frieods througboot tbo town and ocooty. Surviving are one brother, A. T. Grant, a sister. Mis. Gosbsn P. Daniel, both of this dtv, six nephews end dx nelcei. Funeral Borvicss wen hdd at tbo homo Thmsday altmooon at 4 o'clock with her pastor. Rev. H. C. Bprloke conduettog the smvices. and tbo body laid to rest In Rosa cemetery. The floral liilmtes were maov and beautiful and atte^ed the high ee teem in which Hiss Grant was hold. To the loved ones The Record extends deep eympathy in this hour of sadness A good woman has indeed been called to her reward. James Myers Jess BIyms, 79. died Saturday Doming at bis bome^ Advance; Roota 1. Survtvlng are the widow. Mis. Cora Myers: eons, and three daugbtms. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at 4 o'dod^ at Elbavflle Bfethdlst Gboreb. Rev. J. C. Geotfv conducted the services. Bnzlal was to the ehureh graveyard. J. Walter Crdts J. Walter Ctottsu^SQ. died Sunday at hla home ModisviUe, Route Route 4. Surviviogara the widow, the former Marie Ola Siuy; (me daughter, one step- daugbt^. one etepaon. three hrotbeiB, three dstera. Hie funeral was hdd Tuesday after noon at 2 o'clock at Conooid Methodist (%oieh R^. G. W. Fink enducted the smvioes. Burial waa In the obufcb grave yard. James C Brewbaker James (X brewbaker, 88. was found dead near hfo home In Farmlngtmi town'sbip Frt day evoolng. He hadratoioed from a vidt Co a neighbor. The coroner reported Mr. Bfewbaker died of natural causes* The lUneral was held Sunday aft moon at 8 o'clock at Buniersvllle Methodist ^ttich. Rev. J. W. Vestal conducted the services. Burial was in Mount Zlou Com eteiy. Mr. Brewbaker was a sonof Hkomasand Martha CuthreU Brewbaker. He la survlv ed one sister, Mrs. T. D. Brewbaker of Cana. Route 1. Bio - Obituaries - 4/5/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 7,1944 - Page 1 BJ. FOSTER DIED LASTTUESDAYP.M. B. J. Foster, 79, well known resident of Route 4, died at his home last Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. He suffered a stroke a week prior to his death. He is survived by two sons and two daughters, Maj. John W. Foster, who arrived from overseas by plane to attend the funeral, B. J. Foster, Jr., Mrs. 0. Frank Stroud, Jr., and Miss Julia Foster, both ot home, A sister, Mrs. O. A. Koontz, of Route 4, also survives, as well as one granddaughter. Funeral services will be held this afternoon, S^lday, at 4 o'clock at Salom Methodist church. Duke Kimbrough LOSES NEPHEW ; Mrs. Rene' Sheek has been notified of the death of her nephew. Duke Xlmbrough. of Dallas, Texas, on March 20. Mr. Kimbrough was the son of Mr. it Mrs. C. L. Klnibrough and was reared at 8mlt)t drove. Sur vivors Include threj; sops. Duke. Jr., and Allen, both In the U. 8. air corps. Arch at West Point, N. y., and one daughter, Laura' Bess, at home. Larkin Barneycastle Passed Wednesday Benjamin Larkin Barney- oaatle, 82, died early last Wed nesday morning at a Wln'ston- Salem hospital where he* had been taken several days before. He l.<] survived by a brother, Frank: by two sisters, Mrs. Alice Bowen and Mrs. Maggie Phillips. All live at Hanes. The funeral was held yester day afternoon at 3 o'clock at Cornatzer Baptist chuqch, con ducted by the Rev. B. P. caudle and the Rev. J. H. Orooe. inter ment was in the church ceme tery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 7,1944 - Page 2 Death Claims Jess Myers Jess Myers, 70, died Sunday morning at his home, Advance, Route 1. Surviving ore the widow, Mrs. Cora Myers; six sons. John, Tom, Silas,-W. 8. and Fred Myers of Advance, Route 1. and Olcero Myers of Lexington. Route 3:! three daughters, Mrs. W. T. Cor natzer of Adavnce, Mrs. Thomasj Green of' Mockaville and Mrs.j Edward Chandler of Fork; 30| grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Elba- vllle Methodist church. The Rev. J.^ O. Gentry conducted the serv- fees. Burial was In the church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 4/7/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 7,1944 - Page 3 James C.. Brewbaker Rites Held Sunday James €. Brewbaker, 62, was found dead near his home at MooksvlUe Friday evening. He had returned from a visit to a ^neighbor. The Davle county coroner reported Mr. Brewbaker died of natural causes. The funeral was held Bunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Hunts- vUle Methodist church. The Rev. J. W. Vestal conducted the services. Burial was In Mount Zlon cemetery. Mr. Brewbaker was a son of Thomas and Martha Outhrell Brewbaker. 'He is survived by one slater, Mrs. T. D. Brewbaker,! of oana. Route 1. i MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 7,1944 - Page 6 'Services Held lor Mrs. J. H. Haneline Mrs. j. H. Haneline, 60, died Monday at her home at Oana. Surviving are two granttohll- dren, Paul and tester Baton, of MocksvlHo, (Route 2. The funeral was held Tues day afternoon at 3 o'clock at Baton's Baptist church. The Rev. Dallas Renegar and the Rev. James Oroce conducted the serv- loea Burial was in the Church graveyard. ; Bio - Obituaries - 4/7/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 7,1944 - Page 7 J. Walter Crotts Passes Sunday J. Walter Oro(t3, 60, died 8un< day at his homo, '^ocksvlUe, Route 4. He was a well known farmer and spent his entire life In the Augusta community. Surviving are the widow, the former Marie Ola Spry; one daughter, Carola Jane orotts, of the home; one step-daughter, Hazel Ann Spry: one step-son, William Conrad Spry: three brothers. O. H., 0. <R. and Frank Ordtts, of Moeksviile. Route 4, and three sisters, Mrs. W. X. Sechreat, Mrs. Fletcher Beck and -Miss Maggie Crotts of Mocksvllle. Route 4. The funeral was held Tues day afternoon at 2 o'clock at Concord Methodist church. Ihe Rev. G. W. Fink conduclied the services. Burial was In the church graveyard. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 7,1944 - Page 8 E. M. Spry Funeral Held In KannapoUs • B. M. Spry, 69, Cannon mills overseer In mill six at plMt one In. KannapoUs, died early Sun day en route to Cabarrus' hos pital after suffering a heart at tack at his home. Spry was a long time resident of KannapoUs and a veteran Cannon mills employe. He was' active in Masonlo and Odd Fel-; lows lodges. j Funeral smvlccs were con-j ducted Tuesday .at 2:80 p. m« at the First Baptist chureh, by the pastor, the Rev. W. Wplter Jone^ and the Rev. A. V. OhUders, pas tor of the Church of God. Burial followed In Qrecnlawn eemetery. Odd Fellows were active pall bearers, and Masons the honor ary escort. SuvvlvlnB are the widow, Mrs. Celta Broadway Spry; two sons, 0. W. Spry of Fayettevflle and James spry of Laurlnburg; three daughters, Mrs. W. A. Cooper of Laurlnburg, and Mrs. WllUom Williams and Lois Spry, both of Olovclond, Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. T. C. AUbrooks of Coolee- mee, Mrs. C. R. WHcon, Mocks- vlUe, Route 4, and Mrs, Qrady Farrlngton of Dallas, Texas, and three brothers, A. Hill spry of KannapoUs, Walter Spry of l^nchburg, Va., and O. N. Spiy of Coolecmee. Bio - Obituaries - 4/7/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 12,1944 J. R. Cabell J. R. Cabell. 66, died at bis home in Sa* Hsbnry earl7 Thursday rooming follQwIng an illness of more than oue year, | Mr. Cabell was married to Mrs. Gayj Seaber in 1927, and bas been a reaident of Sallabiicy for the past 16 years. He' was a member of the First Methodist Church. Funeral and burial services couk' place in Salisbury Saturday, 1 Survlvlotf are the widow, twin dautfti* teis. of Salisbury, and two sisters, of Vip» gloia. Mrs. Cabell before monriacie, waa Miss Gay Cherry, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, C. G. Cherry, of this dty. Berry J. Fostar Passes.! Berry J.Foster, 76. wdi^own retbedi farmer of Calahnln towoabip, passod away at his home near Oonoty line, on Taes* day evening. Atoll 4th. at 7:30 o*doefc. foUiiwing a stroke of paralysis which be Boffered on March 20ih. j Mr. Foster was a son of the late Ifr. and Mrs. John H. Foster*. and waa bom In Rowan county. He spent neerlv bla en tire Ufa in Davie county. His wife, Mrs. Nola Gibson Foster, passed away two years ago. Sutvlviog ate two sooe, & J. Foster, Jr. of the home, and Major John Wesley Fos ter, of the army medical corps; who bas been In overseas service for the past yean two daugbteit, Mrs. Fltank Sttoud, Jr., poblie health nutfo In Davteoonuiy. and Miss JoUa Foster at hone. One grand daughter, Mtsa Virginia Foster, end a sister, Mrs, Gteno A Kosntz, ot near Gountv Une also sorviva. Mr. Foster was a msmher ot Cool Springs Baptist Chuieh. Funeral servtcea were held Friday al> terooMi at 4 o'cludr at Sales fitotbodkt Chmcb. with Rev. G, W. Fiok In charge, assisted by Revo. M. G. Ehwin and If, W. Tnmer. and the body laid to rest In the church cemetery. Pallbearera were Dr. J. R. Lsweiy, J. Lee Gartner. H, C. Jonsa, Dr. G. T. Mlhsh- elU J. M, Smoot; Marrin Keller. Flowas were In obartfe of MocksviUe Chapter, Or der of Eastern Scar. The many beuutifoi floral Cribotea that Cdvesed the grave, attested the high es teem in wbiob Mr. Foster was held by hlsnelgbboiB and friends. He will be sadly missed In the commnalty where be ■pent a loag and ttaefUl life. To the be reaved chUdreo and sister, The Record emends heaitfait sympathy in this time of bereavement. Clyde C Griffith Qyde G. Griffith. 38, County Line mmch- aiit, auffiBimi a heart attack, lart Tuesday morning about 9 o*docic. He was brought to the Harding CUnle In this city«bntdied hsfme readiing here. Mr. Griffith, who bad operated aetme at County line the past ten yeei^ wasa eon of Mb. and Mm. J. J, GfiDn, of MoeksvUie, R. 4. Sotviving are hie wife, the former Rachel ^nry; a daughter. Betty Lou, and a eon, Webb Griffith, all of that commnnlty; his parents and one sister, lira G. CL Meeks of Carolina Heaoh. Fonetal services were held at 8 o*dock Thursday afternooa from Society Baptist Baptist church, conducted by Rev. W. L. HcSwalo. and interment followed In the obnieh cemetery. Benjamin Barneycaslle Beojemln Laifcin Bameycastle^ 82, of MoeksvUie, died early Wednesday morn ing at a Wirmton Salom hospitaL He bad been lU for saveial days. Survivors inelode one brother. Prank Baraeyosstle, and two shtteis* Mrs. AUco Bowens aod Mrs. Maggie Fbiilips, all of Banes. Funeral serrices was oondneted at 3 o'dock Thursday afternoon at Coraatser Baptist Churuh with Revs. E P. Candle and J, H. Groee offleladng. Burial was In the cbtttoh cemetery. Mrs. J. H. Hanelme- Mm. J. H. Haaeline. 80, died April Srd at her home at Cana.Sotviving are two granddiUdreii, Paul aod Lestor lilaton, of MoeksvUie, Route 2. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Eaton's Baptist chnrdi. Rev. James Grace conducted the servkss Borial was in the drardt graveyard. J. C Stewart J. C Stewart. 81. died suddenly Sunday morning of a heart attach at bis bonw in Honh l^eemee. Snrvlving ate the widow and four daughters. Funeral servieea were held Monday atNorth Codeemee Baptist Church, with Rev.Jaroeti Grace in charge, and the body laid to rest in Cooleeniee cemctecy. W. R. Sheek W. R. Sheek. 68. died Sunday afternoon neon at bis home. MoO«BVltls. Roota 4. He bad been 111 only a few days.Surtdvlng are four sooa, and five daugh ters. two brotbere. John Sheek. of Smith 6-ove and Tom Sheek of Laurel, Iowa. Ibe foneral wae heldTnesday afcetnoon at 3 o'doek at the home and at Maoedo nia Moravian Church of which be waa amember, at 4 o'dock. Rev. Ed Brewer eoadueted the sstviMA Burial was lo thecbufch graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 4/12/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 14,1944 - Page 3 C. J. Stewart Rites Held . J. C. Stewnrt, 61, died audden- ty of a heart attack Saturday morning at his home In North Cooleemee. Survivors Include the widow, the former Miss Ella Spry: four daughters,' Misses Sadie and Verdlc Stewart, of the home, Mrs. J. C. Hester, of North Cooleemee, and Mrs. P. C. Ralney, of Salisbury, Route 4. Funeral services were con ducted at 4 o'clock Sunday aft ernoon at North Cooleemee Bap tist church with the Rev. James H. arose officiating. Burial was in North Cooleemed cemetery. Death Claims W. R. Sheek, 68 W. R. Sheck, 68, died Sunday afternoon at 1:40 o'clock at his home, Mocksvllle, Route 4, four miles south of Mocksvllle, on the Salisbury highway. He had been 111 only a few days. Surviving nre four, sons, Rob ert, Richard and Joel Sheek of Wlnston-Salem, and Thomas Sheek of Mocksvllle: five daugh ters, Mrs. U. H. Phelps and Mrs. J. W. Beauchomp of Advonce, Mrs. P. H. Pence of Hamlet, Mrs. H. C. Cook of Cooleemee, and Mrs. Lonnle Gray Call of Mocks vllle; 24 grandchildren; four great-grandchildren and two brothers, John Sheek of Davle county and Tom Sheek of X,aurel, Iowa. The funeral was held Tues day afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home and at Macedonia Moravian church of which he was a member, at 4 o'clock. The Rev. -Ed Brewer conducted the services. Burial was In the church cemetery. Pallbearers were members of the Cooleemee P. O. S. of A. of which he was a member. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 14,1944 - Page 7 Forrest Steel Forrest Steel, aged citizen of this community, passed away at his home Sunday morning. The deceased was a life long member i and the oldest elder of the Sec ond Presbyterian church.- Survivors are six sons, the Rev. A. O. Steel, of Charlotte, Leon Steele, of Louisiana. Ellle Hugh Steel, of Baltimore, Md., MoKlnley Steel, "of Mocksvllle, Route 4, Terry Steel of Tyler, Texas, Fred Steel, of the home; one sister, Mrs. Lucy Dulln, of Mocksvllle, Route 4, and a num ber of grandchildren. Funeral sorvlces were held Wednesday at 2 p. m. as the Second Presbyterian church with the Rev. R. A. Massey oRlclatlng. Burial was In the church grave yard. Bio - Obituaries - 4/14/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 19,1944 William Taylor, Albert Taylor, and John Robert Ijames .Three Killed n Vredt I The worst antomobite wreck tbati • bas ever, occnrred in this countyJ 'banpebed sbortly hefo-e i o'clock Sunday morning one mile souib of this city on the Salisbury blgbway.i Two young men« William Taylor, 36, and John Robert Ijames. ao, were Instantly killed, and Albert Taylor, i6, a brother of William Taylor, died iu Rowan Memorial Hospital at 9 o'clock Snoday mor. niog. Lyttell Richardson, 31, was criiicallv injured, bu was still a> live at Rowan Memorial Hospital Monday. The Ford automobile, owned : od driven by William Taylor, crashed into the rear of a parked rraok on the highway, The truck was sur rounded by flares, and bad been parked for mecha -ical repairs. Tbe driver was in the truck but escap ed iojurv. William Taylor was discharged frooi Che army last fall, after bav. log served in tbe South Pacific Tbe Taylor brothers are survived hy the parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jos , O. Ta>lor; two sisters and two! brothers, all of Davie. Funeral for the brothers was held at Union Chapel Methodist Church Monday afternoou at 3 o'clock, with Rev. P. A. Wright in charge. Burial was in tbe church cemetery. John Robert Ijames was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Iiames, of R. I. Survivors include the par. ents and one sister, Miss Lena May Ijames. Fnueral services were held at New Union Methodist Church Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Rev. R. G McClamrocb in charge, and the body laid to res' in tbe church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 4/19/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 21,1944 - Pages 1 and 8 FOUR DAVIE YOUTHS KILLED IN TRAGIC AUTO ACCIDENT SUNDAY In one of the worst tragedies in years in this section, four Davle county youths were lO' stantly kltled or subsequently died last Sunday morning about 12:45 a. m. when the automobile I In which they were riding hit the rear end of a parker trailer truck about l.OOO yards south of the Southern Railway over pass on the Salisbury highway. Those dead included: William Otis Taylor, 26, owner and driver of the car, Inatantiy killed; Al bert L. Taylor. 18, his brother, almost instantly 'killed: John Robert IJames, 10, who died at the' Rowan Memorial hospital five to a\x hours after the acci dent; Lynell Richardson, IT, who died at the same hospital At 2:20 p. m. la»t Tuesday aft- The Taylor brothers are the sons of Mr. St Mrs. James Oscar Taylor of Route 2; the IJames youtJ) Is the son of Mr. St Mrs.j Noah ijames of Route 1. and the' Richardson youth is the son of Mr. St Mrs. Theodore R. Rich ardson of the 8hefrield commu- nuity. The transfer truck was owned by the Central Motor Linos of Kannapblls and was driven by John J. Connelly. It was park ed with the right wheels ofT the highway because of motor trouble, had the parking lights on and hares around It. ac cording tp sgt. H, R. Prymoyer of the state highway patrol. The sergeant said it was impos sible to get the truck further off the highway because of the nar rowness of the shoulder of the highway. The car'hit the left rear end of the trailer of the truck and both vehicles with the exception of the left rear wheel (CtBdAiei M HI* WILLIAM 0TI8 TAYLOR The boys were on their way to I North Ooqleemee to' get some- .thing to eat, after having stopped at a service station in the south end of town and being unable to get food thejl wanted, H was stated. MORE ABOUT Accident . of the car were on the right side of the highway, the sergeant said. • The ofTlcer said the impact of the collision drove the wind shield of the car to within 10 Inches of the rear of the truck. The motor and transmission of the cor, which was a total wreck, were driven underneath the car, the rear of the trailer was bent and a tire was blown out.- CORQRER'S inquest Sherifl L. S. Bowden called Dr. S. A. Harding, coroner, who Im paneled a Jury Sunday morning to investigate the accident. The Jury found that the boys came to their death when the car dflven by Wlltlam Otis Taylor hit the rear end of the truck which was parked for mechani cal repairs, had flares around it, and the driver of the truck in it at the time. Members of the Jury were Atlas Smoot, John Nail Waters, Marvin Waters, Arthur Daniel, Bam l.nthnm nnd Tom Cope.continued on next page Bio - Obituaries - 4/21/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 21,1944 - Pages 1 and 8 More About Accident William Otis Taylor was a veteran of the Second World War, having been recently dis charged after more than a year's .service In the Pacific. The Taylor brothers are 'sur vived by their parents; by* two slstera, Mrs. Jim Smith and Mrs. Norman I<eaoh. both of Mocks- vllle; hy two brothers, Clyde, with the U. S. army overseas, and Roy Taylor, at home; The funerol for both was held last Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Union Chapel Methodist chuPch, conducted by the Rev. E. W. Turner, the Rev. John A. MoMurray and the Rov. James Qroce. Burial was In the church cemetery. Survivors, of John Robertj Jjamcs Include the parents and one sister, Lena May IJames, at home. The funerol was held at held at 3 o'clock Monday after noon at New Union Methodist church, conducted by the Rev. ' Ralph McClamrock. Burial was In the church cemetery. Surviving Lynell Richardson are the parents and one sister, Ruth Richardson, of the home. Funeral services were held at the Liberty Pilgrim Holiness church Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. H. R. Helms and the Rev. J. W. Cov- Ington of Troy. Burial was in .the church cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 21,1944 - Page 1 William T. Daywalt MEMORIAL-SBRVICE A memorial service for WU- Ham T. Daywalt, son of Mr. A Mrs. J. M. Daywalt, of Route 4, who was killed in aotlon at Sa lerno, Italy, on last October Vt, will be held at St. Matthew'a Lutheran church on April 38 at 3 p. m. Tht Rev. OUa Bwlee- good and the Rev. Mr. Stoner will eondoet the service. Bio - Obituaries - 4/21/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 26,1944 Lynell Richardson Crash Claims 4th Victim Lynell Ricbardson, 17, son of I Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Ricfa'j ardsoD, Mocksville, Ronte 1, fourth' victim of an automobiie^ruck ac- ddent South of Hocksvilta Sunday morning, April 16. died at Sails, bury hospital at 3:20 o'clock last Tuesday afterooon. Otbera fatually injured in the wreck were William Otis Taylor, 36, Uocksyille, Route 3, driver and owner of tbe automobile; his broth er, Albert L. Taylot, 16, and John Robert Ijames, Route 1, Mocks ville, who died at a Salisbnry hos pital following the accident Taylor's antomnbile crashed into tbe rear of a parked trailer truck which bad stopped for mechanical repairs. The corner's jury found that the truck was surrounded by flares. Surviv«n> of the Ricbardson youth include tbe parents and one sisters, Mtss Ruth Ricbardson, of the home. The funeral was conducted at 11 o'clock Thursday morning at Li- burty Pilgrim Holiness Chnrcb with Rev. H. R. Helms, pastor, and Rev. J. W. Covington, Troy, in charge. Burial was in the chnrcb cemetery. Thomas W. Cartner Tbomaa W. Caitmr, 92. of Catabaln townddp, one of Davia's otdeat dtliefia. died at Broedoako Sanatofhim, Moigao' too. Tlittiwiay avenlag. wtime ho bad been a patient lor tbe past tbiee moatbs. ^ CMtnerwaa a native of Oavia eounty, vrbero be apeotbleeotiro life. He waa a hldb-tOOM CbrlaUao fentleffiaa, autd a hmg time member of SaJem Ueihodlat Cbucch. FUnerd aeivioea were held at Salem tfetbodist Cbofob Sattuday afCezDooa at 4 o'docfc. whh Us pester. Rev. 0. W. Fink to charge, and tbe bt^y laid to rest In tbe church cmnetery. Mr. Oattoar is survived by ^ree eons. WlilEa Cartuer. of tbia dry; J. Uee Gattoet and Glena Cartuer, of Calabolo aod aever al grandefaildfen. A good man has biseo eaBed to bis reward. J. G. Adams James OflfdOD Adame, 67, was found dead Friday merslag at the Hanin Chair A Novelty Co.. factory. Rts iteath waa thought to have resaked firom a heart at tack. Re is flufvlved by bis widaw. tbe former Mary Turner; six dao^iteta, Mrs. Stella Beaver Mrs. S. C. Waters. Earl Ham* mer and Mrs. Ctoo Cknoent, all of Mocka* viile: BIrs. (X Q. Hayes. Pitcbaidville.S. C.. sad Mre Paul Grubb. Tampa. Flo.: two BOOS, R. R. Adams. Midway Park, aod John H. Adams. U. & Navy; two brothers. Reary Adams, Pores Knob, aod M. L Adams, Kannapalis; one sister, Mrs. Ro bert Moofe, Caiawba. Funeral servteee were held at tbe home Sunday at 3 o'docfc. Bittial followed In Rota Cemetery. Maxy L John Maxy L. Joho, 76. pramloeol Laorlo' burg attorney, died In that dty Tborsday. Funeral and boriel took Diace Friday af- temooo. Sufviviog are tbe widow, tbe former Ulsa Lila Bell, of this dty; two daughters and two brothers. Bfr. Jdin was a resident of Mocksvlile for oeveral years in ibeeatly nineties and taudit school here. Many of bto paplla are atfU living. Re was said to be an ex* ceileat teacher. His fdmida here were saddened by his death. Bio - Obituaries - 4/26/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 28,1944 - Page 1 Passes T. W. CARTNER DEATH CLAIMS T. W. GARTNER I Thomas W. Gartner, 01, well known farmer 6t the fialem !church community of Davle county, died last Thursday night at a private sanatorium In Mor- ganton, where ho had been a pa* tient (or two months. A native of Davle county, Mr. Gartner spent his entire life here. His wife, the former Miss Virginia Brown, died In 1032. Surviving are three sons, W. H., O. Cftrtner.._all-nf Davle county. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock from Salem Methodist church. Interment was In the church \ cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 28,1944 - Page 3 J, R. Adams Rites Held Sunday James Gordon Adams. 67. was found dead Friday morning at a local plant where he worked as night watchman. It la be lieved bis death was due to a heart attack. Ho Is survived by his widow, the former Mary Turner; six daughters, Mrs. Stella Beaver, Mrs. 8. E. Water, Mrs. Earl Ham mer and Mrs, Cleo Clement, all of MocksvlIIe, Mrs. C. O. Haye.s, rrltohardvlUo, 8. C., and Mrs. Paul Orubb Tampn, Fin.; two sons, R. H. Adams, Midway Park, and John H. Adams, U. S, navy; two brothers, Henry Adams, Poi'P<! Knob, and M. L. Adams,' Kannapolls: one sister, Mrs. Robert Moore, Cutawba. Funeral services were at the home Sunday at 3 o'clock. Burial was In Rose cemetery. The Rev. E. W. Turner and the Rev. John MoMurray held the service. Bio - Obituaries - 4/28/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 28,1944 - Page 8 Funeral Services Held For Wley Creason Funeral servlcea were con ducted fiundajr afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Cooleemee Baptlet church for WUey Creason, 72, who died Friday night at his home near Cooleemee. The Rev. O. L. Royster, assist ed by the Rev. A. T. Stoudemlre and the Rev. F. J. Stough, con* ducted the services. Burial fol lowed In Uberty church ceme tery. Mr. Creason had^ never mar ried. He 18 survived by two brothers, Tom creason, of Har mony, and J. H. Creason, of Cooleemee: three slaters, Miss Mary Creason, of the home, Bdrs. B. B. Martin, of Salisbury, and Mrs. John IVuelove, of 'the Cooleemee Junction community. Bio - Obituaries - 4/28/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 3,1944 A. L. folich A. L. BoUob, 6S. a «rtdeiy koo«o retired fanner of Nowton, died at his Wfaitv home at Winttt Haven, Fla^ Toesday. Mr BoUeh bad been in HI baaJth for the < paetttfo years He had been epeoding the Voters at bis Fhstida home einca ie« tiremeot. Ur. Bolicb was one of 14 ehfidien of the late Ur. and Mrs. A. E. olCatowba County. Hie only brother snrvfvintf is J. A Bolicb Sr.. and the only surviving sister la Mrs. J. B, Ladwv of Washington. Ur. BoUeh was married to Ulas Salllo Holman of Davio County. She smvlvea together with four sons o&d three daugh- tera. Two of the sons are with thaanm forcce; Fuoeral services were conducted Fddav at 9 p. Dm at Friendship Uethodttt Cbureh of vdiieh Mr. Boltcb was a devoted mem* bar, four miles east of Newtm. Mrs. J. V. Hendrix Mrs J. V. Hendriz, 69, ot near Foih, died Thursday morning following an ex* tended Illness. Fone^ services were held atNoe Cteefc Baptist Orarob FUday afternoon ot 4 o'clodk with Eldar J. A. Pagg In charge, and the body laid to rest in the dutroh ceoieCery. fifrs. Hendriz ia iurvlved by her huaband, two ioos, Otis Hendriz at home; one daughter. Miss Creda Hendriz, at lumie; two brother, H. Bl. Beadmon, of SaUahory, and E. M. Deadmoo, of Uoeksvtlle; two slstera. UiB. WaJcerJarviA of Rowan eooQ- ty« and Mis. B F. Monsell, of MaooSi Oa. Four grandchildren also survive. Mi^ Edtdi Rkliardson Mlse Edith Richaidson. 16. died at hv home at DaHaa last Wednesday, foBowing on extended Ulnesa. She had been an Itt" valid ^oe ohUdhood as a result of para> lysis. Funeral services were held at Plessant View Baptist Qiorch. near County Line. Piiday afternoon at 2 o*do(A, with Rev. J. L. Viimermao In charge, assisted by Revs. B. F. &ale and Oliver B. Green, and the body laid to t«tia tbecburdi cemetery. Surviving ate the parente. Mr and Mrs. C. C. Rldiaidsoo. formeriy of near GOiioly Line, but now of Dallas, five brothers and one el^i; the giandparenta, Ur, and Mrs. H. W. Strood, of near County Edoe. The grief-stiiekeo family bavo Che sym pathy at a bust of friends in their bereave ment Dent York Iredell Man Dies in Fall Dent Ymfc. 29, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gra ham York of Harmony, was hilled instant ly about 7 o'dook Satmav night at the sblpyatda in Newport News when he fell from the sapentractme of a ship to the concrete 68 feet betow. York had plaooea to leave the Job and report for lodnctlon into the navy Blay 10. The funeral was held at 11 o'clock Tuea* day morning at Harmony Baptfat Ohnrch. Burial was In Oakwook Cemotery. States- villa. Survivors indode the widow; the paientOi Bbr. and Mia. Gmham York of Harmony; and one sister. Bio - Obituaries - 5/3/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 5,1944 - Page 4 Mrs. Cora Hendrix Passed April 27 Mrs. Cora Deadmon Hendrix, 62, wife of J. U. Hendrix of Route 3, died at the home last Thurs day morning. Surviving are the husband: one daughter, Mrs. Crcola Hen drix of the home; two sons, Otis and Bernloe Hendrix of the home: two brothers, H. M. Dead- men of Salisbury and E. M. Deadmon of MocKaville; two sla ters, Mrs. Walter Jarvis of Row an county and Mrs. D. P. Mon- sell of Macon, oa., and four grandchildren. The funeral was held Friday afternoon at 4 o'clcck at No creeK fiaptiat church. Elder J. A. Fagg conducted ttie services. Burial was In the church grave yard. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 5,1944 - Page 8 Lee Hamlet ■Funeral rites tor Lee Hamlet, who died at his home in Forsyth county, were held Saturday at a p. m. at the A. M. E. Zlon church with the Rev. 8. J. Burk in charge. Burial was In the church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 5/5/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 10,1944 Graham York Qnbsa Y(Bk,of Baraooy, died Sonday at Newpoit Ctowa, V«^ wbetv be had ra« tamed after attendiiitf last week the An- enl uf Ua aoo at Hamieny. <Hm week «• go Dent York was ktBed (o a faO at Nair- port News. Hb father, tetsintog then one wade bter. died smfatatly apoa bbarw rival Fooeral service* were bdd yeater* day. with Rev. & 9, Hieka in cbsitfe. and the body laid to teat ia Haanooy cemetery ^Yotk b eordvad by hb wifob Mn. CbndeThaqw YQtk;oiMdaaith tar. lira. Woodiow steelnao. Newpott News; UasBtaber, Uie. Ctey York, of Bar- aoay, chrae sbum and two hiMheia. Bio - Obituaries - 5/10/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 12,1944 - Page 8 Graham York Died Sunday Oraham York, 46, died Sunday at Newport News, Va^ where he had been living for about seven months. He died Immediately after ar riving In Newport News having left Harmony Saturday night to attend the funeral of his son. Dent York. Funeral services were held Tuesday. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Claudia Tharpe York; one daughter, Mrs. Woodrow Steel- mnn: his mother, Mrs. Oaroy York—of-Harmonyj-two-broth' or.9, Fr.ed York. Charleston, S. C., and Chester York, Wlllmlng ton; three slater, Mrs. Ethel Mills, Charleston, S. C., Mrs. Bristol Robinson, Charles, and Miss Myrtle York of the home. Bio - Obituaries - 5/12/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 17,1944 John M. Hanes Former Davie Mao Passes Jobo M. Bsnea, passed awav Blay 9lb. at bis borne Id MaisballcovD, Iowa. Mr. Hanes was bora m Da via coiiQCy, Jsottaiy 18, 1872* tbe son ol John and Hester A. Yoamt Hanes. He moved to Iowa wbm a youDfi man. and bad made bis boma in and anrand Maisbaittowo for tbe past 31 years. Survivors are two btotbers and three Mstera fivhul at Farmloltoo. one biotber at Parks. Nebraska and a sitter Mrs. H. L. BUsabe^. at MaisbaUtowcu Iowa W. C. Hendrix WIIHam Clarenee Hendiia, of Winston- Satem. died May 8tb. in a Newport News hosidcal after a brief illoesa. Mr. Hendfix was bom July 10,1800. In Davle county a,son of Ullloo Hendrix and Ida Jane Mdlantel Hendrix, and epsnlbio youth In tbia county. I He bad been a resident of Wiattoo- [ Salem for 21 years. For some months be ' bad been worfciod at a defense plant at Newport News. i On Aodust II, 1821, be was married to Misa Bessie James who survives. Other survivors locliide on son, Ueutail Gar land Hendrix with tbe air coriM In Lto- coin. NelK. feor sisters. BIra. Wiley Comat- xer aud Mrs. Ctvde Seamen both of Ooo- leemee; Mrs. Ully Potts and Mrs, WUBe Blae Blesttcfc, both of Comatxer: and two bruibers. Loanie Hendrix and Tbomas Hendrix both of Gooleemee. Funeral servioea were conducted Thurs day afternoon at Ardmore Methodist Cbuieh. Winston-Salem. at 3 o*eto<A. Of. R. Dwigbt Ware. Rev. R. L. Forbia end Rev 0. B. Mitcfaell were in cbardo and Intmrnent was in Salem cemetery- Bio - Obituaries - 5/17/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 19,1944 - Page 1 Mrs. Henry Sparks Passes Sunday . Mra. Henry M. Sparks died Sunday at 12:30 p. in. In the Lowery hospital after an Illness of nine weeks. She was the for mer Maggie Lee Hitlard, born February 14. 1897, in Davle county. She was married September 2,1920, to Henry M. Sparks, who survives her, along with nine children, Gilbert and Billy of the navy, Helen, Doris, T. J., Betty Jo, Bobby, Donald and Emily of the home: also by one brother, Lonnle Hlllard, of Greenville, and two sisters, Mrs. L. L. Jar- vis of Greensboro and Mrs. C, R. Rldenhour of Cooleemee.. She was a lifelong member of Bethel Methodist church, Davle county. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 3 p. m. from the Bethel church, conducted by the Rev. R. G. MioClamrook. Bio - Obituaries - 5/19/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 24,1944 Beiqaiilin H. Walktf PoiMral asrvlees for Beq}amta H. Walk* or, foimer Darle ooonty dtiMn, who died la Wlaotoo Salem loot week, were (letd at Bothlehen Methodist C'twdi Moodsy sfteniooo at 3 o'clock, with Rev. W. Vestel la charge, and the body laid to km la the church cofoetery. Mrs. Rebttca Willhna Mrs. Rebecca WlUleffiS. 77. wMow of Lee WilUama. died Saoday olght at the home of a son, Rov A. WlUbi^ ta Oeh* Grove commoolty. She bad beco a life ^ long repeat of that commooUy. Sorviviog are ono eon, Roy A. WiUiame, one brotber, W. W Snminm of Uocfcs^i vlUe, Rooted; twoetneia,Mteb J. B.Hoiii«} and Mn. D. A. Ctemeht. both of Moeka* | viile; R, 3; five grandohUdrea end two gieet*graadch!Idna. The ftmeralwae held yesteiday after* ooon at 3tS0 o'clock at Oak Grove Metbo* dint(Rmrob. Rev.ClW. Fink conducted theservieea. Btnial wan in tbeeeawtefy. Mrs. Henry Spaifcs Mrs Henry M. Sperke, 47, died May 14, at Lowety bosidtal, fo&owing an iUness of tdae weoka. Hia. Spaifcs was before mar riage Mies Mag^ Lm Hillard Sbe was mairied Sept. 2, 1920. to Henry H. Spaifcfl. who enivives, together with niiie cfaUdreo, GMbett and Nty, of the U. S. Navy. HeIeo.Doria. T. J.. Betty Jo. Bob by, Doaatd and Emily, of the home. One brother, Loaoie HiUard, of Greenville, and two eietere, Mie. L L Jarvio, Gteeneboro. and lbs. C. R, Ridoohoer. Cooteemee, also survive. Mrs. Spar»8 wao a Ufe-long member of Bedrol Methodist Chttich. from wbhsh the fnneral wee heM last Tuesday afternoon ot 3 o'clock, witb her pastor, Rev. R. G. McCtemroeh In charge, and the body laid to rest in the family plot In the chuich eemmoy* In the death Mrs. Sparks the com* mttoity toees one of Its best and most be loved women, who wlU be eadlv ndssed. not only in the home, but In the cbnrcb and the entire oomrounlty. A mother in Israel bee been catted to ber reward. To thogrlef-etricken husband, the sons who are fighting for home and liberty in far away waters, and the children at boom. The Record extends heartfelt avenpathv in thia sod hour WilHam W. Whfte WiUiaoi W. White, B3. of FoMtlngtOb. life long reskleiit of Davie Gmmty. died Thttf^ay night at Winston Saletn hoapl- laL Sttrvlving at the widow, the former Miss Bertie Altio: three daughtera. Mn E. D Blnhley. of Greoosboro; Miss Margie White of the home; and Mrs. J. 0. Allen, of Modrsvllletmteaea David White of the home; fonr brothers B. C. and B. P. White of Oaoa, R. 1; Tom White of Oooleemee: andHtC White of Oaarborn. Hlcb; two Bisters, Mie, J. E White of Winston Salem and Bin. M. P. Smith ot Cane. R I and one granddiild. The fttneral was held Sanuday afcer- oooa at 9^ o'clock at Wceley Chapel Chdreb. Rev. J. W. Vestal conducted the aervieee. Burial waein thecbtvch grave* yard. Bio - Obituaries - 5/24/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 26,1944 - Page 1 David Odell Tutterow PORMEB RESIDENT DIES Pvt. David Odell Tutterow, 28, who waa born In the Center community, died last Monday afternoon at a government hos pital In Atlanta, Oa., after being brought there from Porta Pico. Hia parents, Mr. de Mrs. Charlea Tutterow, who formerly lived at Center, lived In Kannapolls. Hla widow, an eight-month-old son, parents, four sisters and three brothers survive. The funeral was held in Knnnapolls yester day ofternoon. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 26,1944 - Page 2 Death Claims William W. White William W. White, 63, of Parmlngton, Hfo long resident of Oavle county, died Thursday night at a Wlnston-Salcm hos pital. Surviving are the widow, the former Miss Bertie Allen: three daughters, Mrs. B. p. BInkley of oreonaboro, Miss Margie white of the homo, and Mrs. J. O. Al len of Mocksvlllc; one son, David White of the home; four broth ers, B. O. and B. P. White of Oana, Route 1, Tom White of Cooleemee, and H. C. White of Dearborn, Mich.; two sisters, Mrs. J. B. White of Winston- salem and Mrs. M. F. smith or Cana, Route 1, and one grand child. The .funeral was held 'Satur day afternoon at 3:30 o'elocie at Wesley Chapel church. The Rev. J. W. Vestal conducted the serv ices. Burial was in the church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 5/26/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 26,1944 - Page 4 Mrs. Rebecca Williams Rites Held Tuesday Mrs. Rebecca Williams, It, widow of Lee Williams, died Sun day night at the home of a son, Roy A. Williams. In the Oak Orove Methodist church com munity. She had been a life long resident of that commu nity. Surviving are one son, Roy A. Williams; one brother, W. W. Summers of Mockavllle, Route 4; two sisters, Mrs. J. H. Home and Mrs. D. A. Clement, both of Mocksvllle, Route 3; live grand children, and two great-grand children. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at 90^ Orove Methodist church. The Rev. O. W. Fink conducted the services. Burial was In the church graveyard. MRS. HENDRIX DIES SUDDENLY Funeral services will be held this morning ac 11 o'clock for Mrs. John C. Hendrlx, 64, who died suddenly Wednesday morn ing at the Harding clinic. Mrs. Hendrlx had suffered from a heart ailment for sometime and had come for treatment when she* was fatally stricken. The Rev. J. T. Murray, assisted by the Rev. Ray BllUngs, will hold the service at the Yadkln Valley Baptist church where she had been a Ufo-long member. In terment will be In the church cemetery. Mrs. Hendrlx was the daugh ter of the late Marlon Marklln and Elizabeth Cook and had spent her life in the Yadkln Val ley community where she lived. Survivors Include her husband; four sons, Clement, Elmer and Wllbert of Advance, Route 1, and -Carl of Wlnston-Salem, Route 2; three sisters. Mrs. Bill Styers, Aberdeen, Mrs. Annie Martin, Farmlngton, Mrs. Sallle Smith, Hanes; one half-sister, Mrs. Bill Hoover. LewlsvlUe; one brother, Will Marklln, Mocks vllle; 11 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 5/26/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 31,1944 Mr«. John C Heodricks Mrs Juhn C. Hendriehs, fi4, of Farming on r'lwnsnip. d(rd naddeoty ai Harding Cilnu. Iii>t ^redMei>riay momlpg ac 10 o'ci'ick. Sh:-1 ad cooie to the cUnic to coputii Hr Hnr iifig whati hbn was atrlck* en Mra. Hmtdriclis bad aulTered frum honri fiit nianv y»-arii. Snrvlvina a^' the hiiabaiid« fnar sons, He neni, Fl'fiw i»nd Wilhrr« Hendrtcica Adva'Cf, a. 1: (!arl HnncifCKS. Wmaton- aleni, R 2; three sietor-^, Mrs Bill Stjrcrs, Ab rdet-n: A« ni>'M^-rin. Familnginn; Mr-* Salii** hiidth. tnie half-sister, Blr-. nil H lO.'er.LAwiAvillH, and one bfOtho or, W A. Marh'aod, MockaviUe. ^unoral services were beld at Yadkin Valley Baptist CbuitBh Friday mcraing with her pastor. Rev. J. T. Mpifay In'the chordi cemetery. | Bio - Obituaries - 5/31/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 2,1944 - Page 2 OEMH CHIHS " MRS, A. J. MARTIN • "Mrs. A. J. Martin, one of Yad- kin county's most widely known and best loved women, was claimed by death early last Thursday mornlnff. Last summer she fell and broke her'hip, and she had been In somewhat do- dining health since that time. Mrs. Martin was a native of Yadkln county, and had lived her entire life In the county, She was the daughter of the late B. (R. Brown, school teacher and legislator. She was 78 years of age. Her husband, former Yadkln county superintendent of schools and well known teacher, pre ceded her In-death In 1018. The funeral was held at Flat Rock Baptist church last Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Rev. Orndy White, pastor, and the Rev. B. W. Turner conducted the services. Burial was In the church cemetery. Pallbearers were J. C. Vanhoy, Raymond Relnhurdt, Dr. Spencer A. Bell, W. N. Ireland, Clyde Wright and Coy Johnson. •Mrs. Martin had been a mem ber of the Flat Rock church for 80 years. Seven children and a large number of grandchildren sur vive. The surviving children are as follows: Santford Martin, edi tor of The Journal and Sentinel i Mrs. Maude Paris, teacher In the West Yadkln school: Zeno Martin, burser of Meredith col lege, Raleigh: LeRoy Martin, vice president of the Wachovla Bank and Trust company at Raleigh: Mrs. Blanche Vanhoy, Bamptonvllle: Joe Martin, for mer principal of Lansing High school In Ashe county, and Al bert J. Martin, principal of Boonvllle High school. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 2,1944 - Page 7 Sam White Funeral services were hold Tuesday- at . Shlloh Baptist church for Sam While, who died last week at his home on Route 2. Bio - Obituaries - 6/2/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 2,1944 - Page 8 Mrs. Lula Shoaf Passes Monday Mrs. Lula S. Shoaf, 56. died at the Rowan Memorial hospital Monday at 0 p .m., after an IIL ncss of about six months. Her Illness became serious only a few days ago and she was moved to the hospital. She was a member of the Bap tist church of Cooloemee and a ■native of Davlc county. For the past four and a half yeors she had made her homo In Salls-ibury with her daughter, Mrs. J. R. Stcclmnn, 124 Cemetery street. Mrs. Shoaf Is survived by fotir children, three sons, Woltcr Qlenn Shoaf, stationed In Ha waii, Thomas R. Shoaf of Cool- cemcc, and Wiley O. Shoaf, in ithe navy, stationed somewhereI In the South Paclflc: one daugh- :ter, Mrs. Martha Steelman, Sal isbury; one sister, Mrs. Maggie Robertson, of Advance, and live grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 3 p. m., at the Methodist church at Advance and Interment followed In Shady Grove cemetery. The pastor conducted the service. Bio - Obituaries - 6/2/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA |Mrs. Atkinson ||;v-:!,Rites^-Today }/Mineral Servlc&iiltor 'Mrt. ISarab Ada '. Doulhlt' Atklnaon, 73, ot I^WlMtpn-Salem and P^rmfngton. .will held at 0 o'clock this after- ' noon at Famlngton Baptist Church, with',committal services at tho graveside in Salem. Ceme-'! lary here,at 9:15. ; Rev.'D^Uaa Renegar,, Drl..Kilph J Herring and Revrs:. Ttr. Turner't WiU^omclate.!The.body will re-Jmain-Bt Voginr's Cliapfcl OnUl SAtf] .this alterncon and will then be { taken to Farmington Baptist ; Church to lie' in. statev^rom' i ' n until 5 o'clock.-, \ 1 - •; I Mrs.. Atkinson, .widow of Johni Baughii- Atkinson,"^ died 'Tuwday^ night at a.local bbepitaii&fter iii'-' Illness X. three, dtys. SlA waa a " Com^Twrn Aug,>^ ' .il9, lS70,.'tho,lUu£f^.'<)f the late,' , Stephen t.-and- JniMbeth' Sheek i, •Doufhlt.f^Her'i husband riled la-* . 1902., tfv. ihative-'Df. < L nntembof/t»f BaptistCIjurch;(j^;^'^''-»v-.. „ She U-isiBA^<n(L^ -.on^'toctr R,i-^ Aa8ljisoil,;6!^^bycWejrt,' Fla-f. .tflreo..daoght^,-;ilra>nr. O.' Bohn-! of-'Wfet Mlltosi; Ohlo.iind'Mrs. M.-- J C. Myatt ahd'-Jdrs. CX;G; Psfl of. Wlnston-Saleraf one brother, F. R., Douthlt of St. Pranpls, Kana.; two i slaters,.. Mrs. • J. . G. ..Powell' of>- ,Mount.Alry, and Mrs. B. C. Teague"-., ■of Pannington., and height grand--';!children.'; ^ ,s,^ephevi,:.; wm-,.,'b» pallbewentLFrank, Toiiimy and Steve Ftirehes,-: • Bert and Clyde-.Teague and Prank-■fJin Dwihit.,-. ^ , :,i: ^ Ki PubWc DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 7,1944 Miss Sally AUa Mloa Sally E. AUeo, 89, died Wednes day nwrolnd at 7:40 o*em on MoctoviUe, R.3. Sbe was a dandhter of Baiaon and La- dnda Allen, and was a member of Cor- nalxer Methodist Ghatob. Funeral aervlees were conducted at SuatbGfove Cboiefa by Revs. 6. W. Gen try. J W. Vestal and E. W. lamer. Mrs. Lala S. Shoaf Saltsbttfy—Funeral for Mrs. Lila S. Shoaf, 86, of Salisbury, was held at 3 o'clock last Wednesday at the Methodist Cbureh at Advance, with lotennent in Shady Grove Cemetery. Mrs Shoaf, who bad made her home with her dftuilhtber, Mrs J. R. Steelman, for the last foor years, died May 22, at a local hospital after an Utnessof tix months. Sbe was o native of Davie County and a member of the Baptist chureh at Coolee* mee Sbe is survived by four children. Walt er deon Shoaf, stationed in Hawaii; Thomas R. Shoaf of Cooleemee, Wiley G, Shoaf, servind with the navy in theSwitb Pacific, and Mrs. Steelman of this city; one sister, Mrs. Mafigie Robertson of Ad- vanea. and five graiidehildnn. Patrida McDaniel Patricia Ann McDaniel, infant daughter of Mr and Mrs. Everett Lee MoDanleL died at tho homo on Maple Ava.. Friday moroing at 6;30 o'cloMt* Surviving are the parents and grand- norents, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. McDaniel, of Moebsvilie, R* 3, and Mr. and Mrs. Ned LoMtabill, of this dty. Funeral services were held at the tuHne of Mr. and Mis. Ned Lookabill Satorday ofiemooD at 4 o'cloclc. with Rev. G. w. Floiv In diarge, and the body laid to rest in liberty Methodist Cbureh cemetery. Rofus Strrad Rnfos Stroud, infant agp of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Stfood, of nearCouttty Line, died Sat uiday afternoon at Harding clinic. The fnnetal was held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Sodety BaiAistQuiidi. Rev. Mr. I^gle conducted die servicea. Burial was in the cbuicfa graveyard. Surviving are the oarenta and one broths Jimmy Stroud. Mrs. MoUie Whitaker Mrs. MolUe Paivish Whittaker. 76, wid ow of Jobn H. Whittaker, died Thursday olgbt at the borne of her bod. Duke L WhHtaher, on R. 1. Surviving are two sent. Ouhe L, WtUt- toker, ot the borne, and Robert Whittaker. of the navv; two sisters, Mrs. Sallle Reav- is and Mrs. Betty Jones, of Winston Sal em. and four graodcblldreo. The funeral was held Saturday momlag at if o'ctoek at Bear Creek BapUscCbuich with Rev. J. H. Groce oQdatiog. and the dody laid to rest in the cbarcb eemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 6/7/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 9,1944 - Page 1 MRS. WILSON DIED JUNE 8 And Infant Son Mrs. Edna Lee .Wilson, wife of Fred Wilson of MooksvlUe, died at Davis hospital. StatesvUle. at 19:48 a. m. yesterday following the birth of an Infant son who also expired. She was the daughter of Geo rge F. and Mollle Speer Booe of Yadkln county and a well-known resident of Mookavllle. Survivors Include her husband; her father and two brothers. C. H. of Yadklnvllle. roiite 3, and Frank L. Booe of Hagers- town, Ind. Funeral arrangement had not been completed when the paper went to press. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 9,1944 - Page 3 Whhsker Rites Held Saturday Mrs. Molllo Parrlsh Whitakcr, 76, widow of John H. Whltaker, died last Thursday night at the home of a son, Duke L. Whlt aker, MooksvlUe, Route 1. Surviving are two sons, Duke L. Whltaker of the home and Robert Whltaker of the navy: two sisters, Mrs.'Bailie Rcavls and Mrs. Betty Jones of Win- ston-Salom and four grandchil dren. The funeral was held Satur day morning at 11 o'clock at Bear Creek Baptist church. The Rev. J. H. Groce coi^ducted the services. Burial was In the church graveyard. Bio — Obituaries - 6/9/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 14,1944 Mrs. Fred Wikon Mr«. Feed Wiboo, 33. died early Tbnrs day morning at Dayfe Hospital. Stateavllle. wbeie sbe was csiried Wedneaday eten* ing Her death was a severeshock to ber faii'ily atid IHenda here Sonriving are the hoaband, the father, 6. F. Booe. of near FooceyiUe:two brothers, C. H Booe of Yadkloville, R. 2. and Frank L Booe, of Hageretown, Ind Funeral eer* vices were h^ at the home Friday afternoon at S;30 oVdoeh. with Rev. E. W. Tomer, pastor of the First Baptist Cbureb* oOdating, and the body laid to rest In Rose cemetery; Mia. Wilson had been a resident of RlocksvUle for nine years, and for the past several years she held a position with the Smltb-Dwffglns Motor Co. To iha beieav ed ones The Reeord eitends ayapathy in this sad boor. William Robert McDaniel The funeral was hdd Thursday at II a. m.. at Sooth River Methodist churdi for William Robert McDaniel, 70. who died Tuesday night after six months illness. Al- thoogh bom in Davie county. Mr. McDaniel was a prominent farmer of the Needmore section for most of bis Hfe. He wasdose* ly identified with booth River Methodist jcbuieh. having been stewan. Sunday scbool soperincendent, and secretary* trea- surer. Sorvivore indude bis widow, the former Miss Annie Jane Carter, two eons, . two brothers, a sisiei. and foorgraodchUd* rm. Mrs. Ada Atkinson * Fttberal services were held at Farming* too Baptist chinch Thoisday afteioooo at So^doekfur Mm. Ada Atkiosoo, 73. of Faimington, who died last Tuesday night In a WiostOQ'SaletD hospital The foner- al scfyfees were coodocted by Revs. E. W. Ittmer, Dallas Kenegar, and Dr. Ralpb Hetrfng. The body was laid to rest In Saleffl cemetery Mrs Atkiosoo was a native of Davte ceuoty, a daughter of the late Stephen aod EUxabetb Sheek Doethit. Her husbaod died 42 years ggo. Survlviog are ooe soo. three daughters, (me bntlier and two deters. Bio - Obituaries - 6/14/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 16,1944 - Page 2 MRS. ATKINSON RITES THURSDAY Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Ada Douthib Atkinson, 73, of WJnaton-Salem and Farmlngton, were held Thursday aftcrnaon at Farmlngton Baptist church, with commltttal services at the graveside In Salem cemetery. Rev. Dallas Rencgar, Dr. Ralph Herring and Rev. E. W. Turner oHlcloted. Mrs. Atkinson, widow of John Baugih Atkinson, died Tuesday night at a local hospital after an illness of three days. Bhe was a native of Davle county, born August 19, 1670, the daughter of the latefltephen and Elizabeth Sheek Douthlt. Her husband died In 1002.' Mrs. Atkinson was an active member of Farmlngton Baptist church. She Is survived by one son, R. 8. Atkinson of Key West, Fla.; three daughters, Mrs. P. D. Sohn of West Milton, Ohio, and Mrs. M. 0. Myatt and Mrs. C. O. Patl of WInaton-Salem: one brother, P. R. Douthlt of St. Francis, Kans.; two sisters, Mrs. J, O. Powell of Mount Airy and Mrs. B. 0. Teague of Farming- ton, and eight grandchildren. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 16,1944 - Page 4 WETMOREKIIUD IN FINAL FLIGHT Naval Aviation Cadet Charles Harold Welmore. Jr.. 19. making his final training flight at Cor pus Ohrlstl, Texas. Saturday, met his death in the crash of his plane, according to a mes sage which reached his parents from the navy department Sat urday night. He was the son of Mr. dt Mrs. Harold Wetmore, of woodlear. The tragedy occurred Just one week before he was to have won his "wings" and commission following 16 months of training. ' The body Is expected Tues day night or Wednesday morn ing. and funeral plans are in complete pending Its arrival. , Young Wctmorc was a grad-' luato of Woodlcaf High school, class of 1941. He went to Lees-' MoRae Junior college, where he was in his sophomore year when when he was accepted, In Oc tober, 1942, for naval aviation ; cadet training. Bio - Obituaries - 6/16/1944 He was called to duty at At lanta, aa., February a, 1843, and took pro-fllghb training at Nor man. Okla., and flight training at Corpus Chrlstl. His gradua tion had been set for Saturday, Juno 17. Besides his parents, he Is sur vived by one brother, Milton A. Wetmore, who Is In the navy, stationed at Jacksonville, Fla.j He has a number of aunts and uncles living in the Woodleaf community and other parts of the county, and many first cou sins, a good number of whom are In the service. One of them Lieut. Harold Etherldge, of the army air force, la now a prisoner of the Germans. Young Wetmore was outstand ing In both high school and at Leea-McRae, where he par ticipated In athletics aa a member of the cross-country track team. He is a nephew of MaJ. F. O. Lee of the U. S. army and Lieut. Comdr. J. E. Lee of the U. 8. navy. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 16,1944 - Page 4 Creason Rites Held Tuesday Funeral services lor Robert William Creason. lormer.Davle resident, wbo was fatally abot at hU home in Blaokburg. Va., Monday morning, were held at Liberty Methodist church Tues* day afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Rev. p. W. Fink and the Rev« O. F. Womble were In charge and interment followed in the church graveyard. No details were learned of the shooting other thaii it was "aocidontal." '^Mr. Creason was bom on April 16, 1885, In Davio county, the sou of D. S. and Molly Pad- by Creason. He was married to Miss Gladys Knight. Mr. Creason served with the Winston-Salem police force from May 16, 1921, until December 28, 1023. He was a veteran of World War I, serving overseas for 18 months. Survivors Include the widow; four sons, Bobby. Earl. Harral and* Carrol, his mother, fwe sla ters, Mrs. W. 0. S'ale, Wlnslon- Balem, Mrs. J. O. MoOullough, Mooksvllle, Mrs. Guy Boger, Wln- aton-salem. Mrs. Kennedy L. Leonard, Wlnston-Salem, Mrs. Fred B. Clinard, Rural Hall; three brothers, W. A. Orsason, Greenvllie. Mich., C. M. Oreason, Rlnner, Va.. B. F. Creason, SUer City. Bio - Obituaries - 6/16/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 21,1944 I Mrs. W. T. Sidden Mrs. W T Sidden, 76 a native of Davie eoanky. hut fiK the past Zi years a ri'sld ant nf Winston Satem. die>i at a hospital ill that city Thursday afternonn. (oUowiog a long iltne<8. Her husnand died 14 leara ago Funeral services were held at Eltiaville Mfihodlst Church Saturday mnmiim at II o'clock, cnnducted by Revs C G Hefner and J C Gentry, and the body laid tn rest in the church cemetery. Surviving are sia sons, one daughter and a number of grandchildren. Robert W. CreasoD Funeral services for Robert W. Creadon 49 n-cive of Oavie countv. who was fat ally shot at his home at Blachfiburg. Vs.. 01 June I2th, were held at Liberty Melh * disr Church last Tuesday aftemuon at 4 o'c och Revs G W Fink and C F. Worn* hie cundiicted the services, aud the bodv was laid to rest In the church cemetery. Mr Creason was a son of the Mr and Mis. b. S. Creason, of Davie ctnioty and was a yeteran of the first World War, Re ser* ved overseas for 18 mooibs. I Survivors incttide the widow, four sons, the aotlwr. five sisters and three brotben> Zeola Koontz Wreck Vidiiii Dies Hiss Zeola Koontz, 32, died Saturday nramiug at 7:48 o'ctoch at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. EL E. Koontz, near Kappa. Hiss Koontz suflsrsd severe In- iofies in an etnomobile wreck near Coo- leemee. on Usy I8tb, She was a patient at Lowery Hosidtal, Salisbury, for three weeks, hut was carried to her home a week before her death. Her death follow ed a heart attack. Funeral eervfcea were hdd at Saieo Methodist cbureh Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'docfc. with her pastor, Rev, 6 W. Fink, in charge, and the body laid to rest In the diaxeh cemetery. htuviviog are the parenta, two aisteis, Mrs. Foster Thorn. StatesvlUe, and His* Geneva Koontz^ of the home; one Orotber. Everett Koontz, Jr., of the home. The Re oord estenda sympaiby to the bereaved parents, brocherand sisceis, iu the death this loved one. Bio - Obituaries - 6/21/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 23,1944 - Page 1 Miss Lou Hanes FORMER CITIZEN PASSES Miss Lou Hanes, dauBhter of the late John Hanes of .Pulton, died Monday at the State hos- plUl. Funeral services were held Tuesday at the Fulton Methodist church by the Rev. J. C. Gentry and Interment was In the church cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 23,1944 - Page 2 MRS. D. N. BAITY PASSES AWAY Mrs. Viola Davis Baity, 73, wife of D. N. Baity, Cana, died Mon day afternoon at a local hospital foUowlng a critical Illness of 10 days. / The funeral was held at Baton Baptist church at 4 p. m. Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Baity was bom June 82, 1B72. In Davle county. She spent her entire life In the county. Survivors Include the husband: two sisters, Mrs. L. L. MUler, Mocksvllle, RFD 2, and Mrs. Wil lie Edwards, Cana; and four brothers, A . M. Davis and 8. T. Davis, both of Winston-Salem, and J. W. Davis and J. B. Davis, MocksvUte. Bio - Obituaries - 6/23/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 23,1944 - Page 3 Zeola Koontz Dies 01 Injuries Zeola Mae Koontz, S2, died at her home on RF1> 4 suddenly at 7:45 A. M. Saturday. Mlss^ Koontz vas severJy in jured in an automobile accident between Coolcemec and Mochs- vllle about a month ago, and had spent most of the interven ing time at the Lowery hospital. Salisbury. . She was discharged and returned home three days ago and was believed to be on the way to recovery, when her de.ith imexpectedly occured. . •Her sister, Geneva, was less se verely hurt in the same wreck, was released some time earlier from the hospital and has been at work for a week at the Erwln Cotton mill, where Zeola was also employed. They are the daugh ters of Mr. and Mrs. e. E.'Koontz. Zeola Koontz was manager of the Wallacer 10-cent store here for years before entering textile work. She bad lived all her life on the home farm and was a graduate * of Moeksville High school. She was a member of Salem Methodist church of this county,, from which funeral serv ices were held Sunday after noon, conducted by the pastor. Rev.. Q. W. Fink. Burial was in the church cemetery, I Surviving, besides the parents.! are two sisters, Geneva of the home, ond Mrs. Foster Thornc of. Statesvllle: and one brother.' E^reretle. of the home. Her mother is the former Re becca Ratledge of this county. Bio - Obituaries - 6/23/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 23,1944 - Page 8 W.RMcDtfiM Kites Held Funerdl services were held last Thursday morning at 11 o'clock at South River Methodist church for William Robert McDanlel, 70, who died Tuesday night at his home in Rowan county. He Is survived by his widow, who was formerly Miss Annie Jane Gartner; two sons, Carl .and Lester McDanlel, both of Kan- napolla, and one daughter; Mrs. J. L. Whitley, of Concord: two brothers, J. S. McDanlel of Mocksvllle, RoutO 2, J. M. Mc Daniel of Route 4; one sister, Mrs. Cora Laplsh, of Route 4. Pour grandchildren survive. The funertd was conducted by his pastor, the Rev. Mr. Polger, the Rev. Charlie Morrison and the Rev. Paul A. Oales. Inter ment was In the church ceme tery. Bio — Obituaries - 6/23/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 28,1944 Joe E. Leagans Killed In Action I;, ' n lu? Mrs Graovllle Leagans, of near Caon, received a message from the ^*ar Departmenf aotiotinciiig tbfit ber son, Lieut. Joe E. I^agans, had been killed In aciiou oo Jutie 8tb. Lieuf. Leagans bad been in England for several raontbs. He Is survived by bis widow, who lives In Greensboro; his motber, four broth, ers and 6ve sisters. One brokber, F. R. Leagans, lives in Mocksville. This Is the teotb Davie county boy who has given bis life fn defense of bis country in the present war. To the bereaved ones The Record ex tends heartfelt sympathy in this great bereavement. |oe was about 36 years old, and was a gradoate of MocksvHle High ScHool. He had many friends here who were sad dened bv news of bin deatb. i C. A. Robertson I Salisbury—Funeral services for Charles 'a. Robertson. 6S. who died early Sunday I morning at a local hospitol where be had been a patient for several months, were conducted at Summeraett Funeral Chapel here at 11 o'clock Monday. The body was taken to Mocksvjlle for burial in the family plot at RoseCemetery. Mr. Robertson, for many yeara a well known wholesale grocer here, bad been in ill health for several years. He was an active member of First Metfaodist Cburcb, where he was a steward. He is survived by a sister. Mrs. Sadie Adams, of Greensboro, and a number of nieces and nephews. Mrs. £ R. Barneycastle Mrs E. R. Darneycastla,87. one of Davie county's oldest ladies died almost sud denly Friday morning at 1:30 o'clock, at her home near Center. Her death occur red during a severe storm which was rag ing. and it Is thought that a heavy blast uf thunder brought on a heart attack. Mrs Barneycastle was A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Demon Tjames, ofCnIa boln townahip. She wa.^ a charter mem her of Center Methodist church, and for many years was active In cburcb work. Surviving are the husband, two sons. W. H. and 0 H- Barneycastle. of R Lone daughter. Mrs. Glenn Cartirer, of R. 4: II gtendchildren and seven great grandchild ren. Funeral services were held at Center Methodist Church Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock with her pastor. Rev G. W. Fink in charge, assisted by Rev E. M. Avett of KernersviiJe, and the bt)dy laid to rest in the church cemetery A mother in Is- resl has fallen. To the"^ bereaved family The Records extends sympathy in this sad hour I Mrs. A. P. Strond I Mrs. A. P. Stroud, 51. of Cool Springs township, died Wednesday night. She had been In declining health the past fotir yeor.q and criiically ill a week prior to h»-r death. A narivfi of Davie County, .she wa.<? the fomisr Miss Lime Vonnin Ma.-on Sur viving in addition to her hii'hond. Are a daughter. Temple Olivia Stmud, and a son, .lames Franklin Stroud. both of the home end her stepfather, Fmnk StnKid. also of the Ci:ol Springs ciniiiiouity. Funeral services were held Friday after noon at 3 o'clock from Society Baptist Chur h Mrs. D. N. Baity Mrs. Viola D-ivIs B-iry. 72. wifn of f).N' Baitv. Cane, died at 4:20 o'<!liiok. .hme 19* at a VVinston-Salem hu.apiisJ following a crlticnl Illness of 10 days. The funeral was held at Eaton Boirii t Church at 4 o'clock Wednesday afrernoon. Mr.a. Baity wns born June 22. 1872. in Davie County. She spent her entire )lf^ in tha county. SttrvivoTH include (be husband: two sist- orfi. Mrs. L L MilU-r. Mi>ck.avi:)e. Route 2: oimI Mrtt. Willie Edwards. Csna; »nd four brothers. A. M. Davis nnd S T. Davis, hnth nf Winston-Salem. and J. W Davl* nnd .1 E. Davis, MocKsviUe, R. 2. Bio - Obituaries - 6/28/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 28,1944 . Amanda Tharpe Furneral aervices (or Mra Amanda Bottty Tharpe 75. wife of Chnrlea W. Tharpe, who died Tuetidav at a Sulem hna pifal were held Thurad.'iy at 11 o*i* oek at Har • QDV Methadiat Chorch. Burial was in the (anily plot Mrs. Tharpo was a datiqhter of the 'ate Rev George Baity and Abigail Collette Baity of Davie County. Surviving are her husband; three soon, George G. Tharpe of Statesvlilr, Route 3. Ernest P Tharpe of Wioston-Salero. and Spencer Tarpe of Statesvlllo; three aiater». Mrs. Elzie Caudetl of Yadkinvilie, Mrs. Emma Ratledge and Mra. P. L Lowery of Moekftvllle; and two hfothere, George and Joe Baity of Winston Salem Harold Clark Koontz HeroM Clark Koonte. tl>toar*old son of Mr and Mrs 0. B. Koontz of Mncirsville. R..I' D 4. died early Thursday in a Salts bory hospital of Rocky Mountain sported fever, after an lllneKs of II days. He at tended Cool Springs schtml and Gtofeemep school where hn cniMp|<^T<>d ihe fourth grade. Survlvore. besidits his parvnis. are four brothers and two sisters. The funer al will be held Suid^y at If a. in., ar Jericho cbnrcb, with W. F. Sronesrreec in charge and the body laid to rest In the church cemetery. R, C. Kinder Funeral eervices for R. C Kinder. 47, who died at n Salisbury hospital Tuesday mom fng after an iUness off our days, wero held at Harmony Methodist Church Tuesday at 3 o'clock Rev Jack Cook, pastor. Rev. D. A. Qak ley. former pastor, and Rev. B. C. Reavis conducted the services and buriarwaa in Pffovidettce Cemetery. Surviving are the widow. Mrs. 44ola j Reavis Kinder, two son«, Rouen and Eam- j est Kinder, both ot Harmony. Route I« Bio - Obituaries - 6/28/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 30,1944 - Page 1 Ift LIEUT. JOSEPH LEAOANB Lieut. Leagans Killed in France First Lieut. Joseph S. Leagans of an American Hanger bat talion was killed in action In France June 7, according to ad* vices from the war department received Sunday. Lieutenant Leagans was a son of the late o. Leagans and Mrs. Leagans of Cann and was grad- i|ntcd from the Mocksvllle High school, class of 1037, He gradu ated from State college, Raleigh, In May, 1042, and received a commission as second lieutenant In the army reserve. He was called to active service June 26, 1942, served at a num ber uf camps and went overseas to England In December, 1943, as a member of on Infantry unit. In January, 1944, he vol unteered for - service In the Rangers. Lieutenant Leagans Is sur vived by the widow, the.former Mary Fowler, member of the - faculty of Woman's college, Oreensboro; the mother, Mrs. O. ' Leagans. of Cana, and the fol lowing brothers and sisters: F. i R. Leagans, Mocksvllle: J. P. ] Leagans, Raleigh; C. S. Lea gans, Lexington;'CccU Leagans, Cana; Mrs. E. M. Jones, Thom- ' aaville; Mrs. Lester Colcy, Rock* ' well; Mrs. Mary Jarvls, Farm- > Ington: Mrs. Annie Newton, ] Long'Beach, Calif., and Dorothy ] Leagans, Oana. , MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 30,1944 - Page 5 Mrs. J. R. Caudle jOied Tuesday Mrs. J. R. Caudle, 40, died last Tuesday afternoon. Daughter of Jasper and Mary McDanlel Will iams. she Is survived by the fol lowing: The husband and two daugh ters. Nellie and Julia at the home on Advance, route l: the mother, Mrs. Alice Williams of route 4; a brother, Olenn Williams of route 4; r. sister, Mrs. C. W. Eflrd of StateivUle, route 2. ^ The funeral was held Wednes day afternoon at Yadkln Valley Baptist church, conducted by Rev. J. T. Murray, and interment was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Orrender Passes at 82 Mrs. Sue Call Orrender, 83, died Monday at 11 p. m. at her home In Cooleemee following a long Illness. Widow of W. C. Orrender. Mrs. Orrender Is survived by a daugh ter. Betty, of the home, a son, T.- J., of Garrison, Texas, and three grandchildren. Funeral services were conduct ed Thursday at Cooleemee Bap tist church by the pastor, the Rev. o. L. Royster. and assisted by the Rev. A. T. Stoudemlre. Interment was at Fork. Koontz Child Buried Sunday Funeral services for Harold Clark Koontz. ll-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Koontz, of Mocksvllle. Route 4, were held Sunday at 11 a. m. at Jericho church. He succumbed to the rare dis ease Rocky Mountain spotted fever at the Rowan Memorial hospital, Salisbury, early Fri day, after an Illness of 11 daya. He had been admitted to the hospital two days earlier. He attended* Coot Springs school until alx months ago, when lie changed to the Caolee-| niec school to complete the last somoster of the fourth grade. Survlvoi'9, besides the parents, Include four brothers and two sister: Colvln, USMC, In Cali fornia: Frank. USN. Camp Peary, Vn.; Irono, Dalton, Warren and I Marian of the home. Bio - Obituaries - 6/30/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 30,1944 - Page 5 Robert L. Wilson Is Found Dead Oravealde services were held Sunday at 5 p. m. at the Rook- well cemetery (or Robert.. L. Wil son, 73, one of that community's beat known j^ersonalltldft, who was round dead Sunday morning at hl3 home near RockweU, where he lived alone. •He had been dead eeverol days, said Dr. T. W. fieay, county coroner, who gave a verdict of death from natural causes. The Rev. Paul O. Klnney, pas tor of Chrlstlania Lutheran ohuroh, conducted the service. Mr. WUeon, a native of Forsyth county, had lived here for niany years. At the time of his death he was working on an Invention, which, he bad declared, If com pleted would be of great value to the war program. He was known for his wealth of scientific In formation and originality of bis Ideas, which took the form of planning various inventions. Mr. Wilson and his family were residents of Cooleemee many years. His wife preceded him in death many years ago. Surviv ing are four sons, W. B. Wilson, Route 4, Salisbury: B. R, WUson, Salisbury: Roy Wilson, Atlanta. Oa.: Odell Wilson, Houston, Texas, and one daughter, Mrs. B. H. Bringle, Spartanburg. S. 0. Bio - Obituaries — 6/30/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 30,1944 - Page 8 Passes mm tv ' MRS E. R. BARNEYCASTLE Mrs. Barneycast]e Died Lest Friday Mrs. Betty IJames Barney- castte» 67, wife of E, R. Bamey- CBbtle, ul Route 1. died last Fri day mornlnEC at 1:30 o'clock at the home In the Center church community. She was a dauffhter of Den- ton and Margaret Coon liames and was a member of the Cen ter Methodist church. The funeral was held Satur day afternoon at 4 o'clock at Center Methodist church. The Rev. o. w. Pink and the Rev. &. M. Avott oonduoted the serv ices. Burial was In the church graveyard. SurvlvinK are the husband; two sons, W. H. and C. H. Bar- neycastle of MocksvJUe, Route 1; o])e daughter, Mrs. Olenn Gartner, of Mocksvllle, Route 4; U grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. It Is thought that Mrs. Bar- neyeastlc, one of the best known I of the older residents of the 1 county, suffered a heart attack during a severe thunder storm. Bio — Obituaries — 6/30/1944 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA