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Jul - Dec
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 4,1945 Bes F. Moore Beo F. Moore, OS, itttdFridaf morfiiittf ai 12:40 o'clock at bit home to QtikoviOo lownsoifK MocfcovfllOi Roate 2. Be was a ton of Willie aad Satlle Booe Hooie. Sorvivioa are two davgbiefa. Mrs. J. L Eaton aiid ViteLeSa Mooie of IfocfcevlBe Rottle 2; five oraoddittdieii: and two grea<- trandeblldren. Tbe funeral WM held Saturday afier- nooo at 4 o'clock att2ieetnttiOroveMeibr* diet Cborcb. Rev. K. G. McQainrdGk con ducted the aervlcea Burial was to tbe cbureh graveyard, Mr. Hoore was oae Ike coimty'e old- Mt and best kaowo citiaeno. and wltt be missed to the cotDfiittDltv wbeie he spent so many yeoia of bb Rfe, Totbebeieav- ed ones we extend siiiceie sympathy in this sad bmnr. W, H. Stoneslreel Weibom Harvey Stoneslreel, 70, a na* live of Davie, who left bm several years ago, died at hie home to the Arca dia section of Davideon Ooimiy last Wed nesday, fdlowtog mi lllneaaof aoma ttme , ^fvlvliig are tbe widow, who was Miaa Sara Booe, and aevetalcblldieo by a for mer wife, the formm Mlse Maggie Nich ols Other anrtlvota ate two alaten, Wetter Boger and Mrs Ree Jordan, of Ri 2, Mocksville Fooeial aervloso wme held Friday af- temooa at 4 o'clock, at Union Chapel Me thodist CBmioh, and the body laki to rest in the chorcb cemeteiy. Mn. Stonestteet waa snperitttendait of the Union Chapkl Sunday school for many yeata. Mia-Vjctmla VanRatim, fbcmer Uavto oonnty resident, died at the home of hm daughter, Mrs. Bonnie FkaiAQo, Noifblk, Va.. Tbufsday. She had been In dedtotaa health Cor tbe past several years. Funeral services were cuodocted Sun day momtog at 11. o'docfc at the Fork Cplseopal dmctb Mrs. J. W. Fowler Mr8.J.W. Fowler, 82, died Sunday)! night at her home to StatesvlUe, fblldwtog a heart atlaet soflered a week ago* She la sotvived by hm hastwnjd and ais > ehihlr^ai foUows: Bvmett Fowler -and c Jam^E Fowler, of New Yoik(2ty; Jobot W* khwler and BCIm Bessie L. Fowler, of | StatemdOeihlrs, Grant Uaolel, of Mocfca-i viSe, M Mlto.Hattie R. Fowler; of Stat-|esvUle'tin4 HMory. { Fhnefal tervieea were held Saturdayf afternoon at SMO'o'otock fiRun the iCMd-; enoe, wkhDia^' Jill^^Fij^sly. and W. M. BivoB, ofB^Mng/^^teseBent was m Oak- w(xnI Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 7/4/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 6,1945 - Page 2 BEN f. MOORE PASSES AT HOME Ben F. Moore, 93, died lost Sat urday morning at his home In Clarksvllle township, Ho was a son ot wuue and Sallle Booe Mooro. Surviving are two daughters. Mrs, J. L. Baton and Mlas Leila 'Mooro of Mocksvllle, Rt. 2; Avo grandchlldron: and two great- grondchlldron. The funeral -was held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Chest nut Grove Methodist church. Rev. R. O. McClamrock conduct ed the services. Burial was In the churoh graveyard. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 6,1945 - Page 4 i Dies of Wounds I CFL. LOKN1E SPRY Cpl. Lonnlo Bpry, 26, son of Hiram Spry of East Innea street, Salisbury, died June 11 of wounds received on Luzon, ac cording to word received by his father from the war depart ment. Corporal Spry had been in service sbipe October, 1940. He received his basic training at Fort Bragg, and took . further training at Fort. 61U, bklahoina. He went overseas. In August of 1042. Corporal Spry served on Guad alcanal and many of the Pacific Islands before ;arrlvlng In the Philippines the early part of this year, where he met his death. In addition to his father, ho is survived by two sisters. Mrs. Rachel Troutman and Mrs. Elizabeth Webb of aallsbury, and four brothers Robert and Our- ner also of Salisbury, Brady of ^ Cooletmeo, and Houston, who is I now living In Als^ama. Bio — Obituaries - 7/6/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 11,1945 James W. Horsey Fmietal for Jameo W, Honey, 72, reiir- od fanner of tba Qaikeboiy commuDity, was held at 8 o*dock inionday aflemoon atPieasaiityfew Baptist Ctocb, Indell ooonty, Mr. Horsey died Tuesday nigbt at a Mordaatoa lioepltal, where he had heeo a patleat for 11 moatbs. He oroa a native of bedell Comity and asoo of tho late Mr. and Mn. Wlttiom Haisey. He Is survived by two daegbten. Mrs. John L. SbeiriU of Traamtao, and Mrs. DMHe A* Stnod of Haniiooy, R. l; two btmbm John Honey, of Winston &lem, and Robert Horsey, of Oavie Cotintys and a sister, Mn. Oenie Efiid, of Cieensboco, John W. Carter John W* Gaiter, 72, died Tborsday af- temooD at 6:30 o'dook at bla borne on K« 4. The braeral was beld at liboity Me« tbodist Cbttfch at 2iS0 o*doek Saturday Bftemoon, with Rev, ^ W. Fiob incbaige, assisted by Rov, Victor Andiewa. Hif. Carter died seven weeks agob Surviving Inoltide two sonsb Gail Obiter, Moessvttle, P. If. Gaiter, GooIeeiDee; Mz daoghteis. Mis, J. 6. Orawfoid and Mn. C, H. Noto. R. 4: Mrs. Pay Gope, Mocks vilie; His. P. A.GieiiH»t, Raleigh; Mrs. tX L Deal, Weodleaf, and Mis. Anthr Price, Dnibam. Bio - Obituaries — 7/11/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 13,1945 - Page 2 John W. Oftrter, 73 died lost Thnndoy nlsht at his home on route 4. ^e funeral was held at lib erty Methodlet Ohureh, Saturday afternoon with the Rev. O. W. Fink In chaise, aasbted by the Rev. Victor Andrews. The body lay in state for 30 mlnuteis pre ceding the service. Mro. Carter, the former Miss Minnie West, died seven .weeks ago. Survivors Include two sons, Carl Carter, Mocksvllle, and P. L. Carter, Cooleemee; six daugh ters, Mrs. J. a. Crawford and Mrs. C. H. NoUey, Cooleemee; Mrs. Fay Cope, MOeksvUle; Mrs. B. A. COement, Raleigh; Mrs. C. L. Deal, Woodleaf, and Mrs. Andy Price, Durham, and 20 grand children. John Ray Lyerly BROTRER Dies John Ray Lyerly, 46, of route 6, Salisbury, brother of Lee Lyer ly, local manager of Duke Power Co. and of Mrs.. John Taylor of Moclesville, died lost Sunday at Duke hospltai fro^;.':a brain tumor. Survivors indude his parents, two daughters, five brothers and three sisters. The funeral was held at Granite ^orry and burial was in the obrtstiana Bvangeiicai Luth eran ehurohyird,. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 13,1945 - Page 5 BiotdwDy bftmi '' INcsloHoq^tel . Thomas Lee Bfoadway, Infant son 01 J. W. and Ruby Gates Broadway, died at'a Salisbury Kospllal last Thursday following an Illness of two weeks. Funeral services were held at the NoCreek Primitive Baptist Church Saturday. They, were con ducted by Rev. D. P.'Broadway* Surviving ore the parents; three brottiers, John- Blehard, William Hedrlck and Bhly Ru- g^: four sisters. Patsy, Be- becca, Sthel and Mary Sls^th; and the grandfdthtf , J. H. Broad way aU of MocksvlUe, route 4. Bio - Obituaries - 7/13/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 13,1945 - Page 7 Gerald Hutchens TRUCKKILIS YADfONfidY ' Cterald 'Hutdiens, 6-year-old son of Sen and Oertrude Hutch ens, was Instantly killed last night, when crushed by a truck operated by his fa^er. Sheriff A. h, Inscoro said the Occident occurred at the Hutch ens home about 0 p. m. Hutchens. who operates a heavy duty truck for hire, drove into the home, his truck heavily loaded with lumber he was to deliver. Hutchens drove the truck into the garage, but discovered he had driven too far. The sbe-year- oid boy had come to the garage to greet his father, moving in behind the truck. Hutchens, not knowing his son was there back ed the machine four or five feet and then stopped, He discovered the body of his son when he stepped from the truck. Sheriff Inscore said. Nina Campbell Mrs. Nina Oampbell of Win ston - Salem died Thursday at herhome there. Funeral rites were held at Lloyd Presbyterian church Saturday at 8 p. m. Bur ial was in the family plot at a Mocksyille cemetery. Rev. J. 0. Alston^ Rev. D. R. Hedgley and Rev. H. B. Bess were the offi ciating ministers. First president of the Ladies auxiliary to the Morris L. Slaugh ter post, American Legion, Mrs. ( Oampbell has been in deoUnihg health for a long period .of time. The body was badly mangled, both wheels of a rear side of the truck havlhf pasied over the child. Surviving are the parents; one sister, Margaret Carol Hutchens and one broUier, Roger Hutchens. Funeral arrangements are in complete. The deceased Is survived by her husband, Lester H. Camp- be IL Bio - Obituaries - 7/13/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 18,1945 Mrs. Robert Moore Mra Jane IsabeUe Moore. daitfthter of tlie late Mr. and Mia. Giot Wiboo. of the Jericbo section of Davia County, died at the borne of her boo, John Moore, in Winston SalemThnfodav, Funeral eervi« ces were, held at the home Saturday af- lernooQ at 2 o'clock, and the body Inbught to Cavio and-fald to reoc In Byeriy'a Cbap el^metery. Survivlog ate one son and two.daoehteia. C R* Goforth C IL Gofoith 54, Rente 1. Advance, died at bid home at 4 o*cloek' Wednesday aftcmoon. Mr, Gofoitb. anallveot Wilkee Oibnty. bad cesided In Davie Csnnty fore- bout 10 yeaia. He was the son of John K. and Mazy Mesalch Qoturtb. A short Rtnttol services was bMdat the borne Friday at 1:80 o'clock. The service fuoper was luld nt 3 o'riock at Union Bap tist Cbutofa. Wllkea Cmtnty. Mr Goforth is sorvWed by bis widow, a fosttt son. six biothas and fivo.eisteis. Bio — Obituaries - 7/18/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 20,1945 - Page 3 C. R. 60F0RTH PASSES AWAY O. R, Ooforth, B4. Route 1, Ad- vtmce, died at his home last Thursday afternoon. Mr. Ooforth, a native of Wllkes county, had resided in Davle county for about 10 years. He was the son of John R. and Mary Mesatok Ooforth. | The funeral was held E^lday.j A short service was held at the' home at 1:30 o'olook. The body^ lay in state from S:30 to a o'clock, the hour for, the service proper, at UnioA Baptist church, WUkes county. Survivors include the widow, the former Miss Rebecca Eve- ridge; the parents; a foster son, Pfc. Con fitona of Camp Peary, Va.; six brothers, 0. O. Ooforth, S. T. Ooforth. M. M. Ooforth, Ray V. Ooforth and R. M. Go- forth, all of Winston-Salem; L. L. Ooforth, Davle county, and Rox Ooforth, Wtlkes county and five sisters, Mrs. J. R. Souther, of Illinois, Mrs. R. D. Kutchens, Phlladolphia, and Mrs. 0. L. Hor- ton, Mrs. R. M. Dunnagan and Mrs. J. L. Fulk, all of Wlnston- Salem. Bio - Obituaries - 7/20/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, 7/26/1945 Mrs. Si^ie Sain Passes Wednesday Mrs. SalUe M. Sain, 72, died Wudnesday morning at the Row an I^enibrlal hospital where she had been a pallciirt for ihe put three w -eks. Slie was Uie daugh ter of 'the late Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mason of Davie county. Funeral services will be held at Fork Baptist church Friday at 2:30 p. m. with the Rev. Wade Hutchlna and the Rev. E. W. Turner In charge. Tlie body will lie lu state 30 minutes before the service. Interment wlU be In the church cemetery. Survivors Include: her hus band, W. A. Saln of route 3; three daughter, Mrs. 0. A. Hen- drlx and Mrs. L. E. Burton, both of route 3, Mrs. P. G. Byerly of Winston - Salem; -two sisters, Mrs.* W, W. Tesch of Wlnston- Salem, Mrs. John Llneberry of Indianapolis Ind.; one brother. Rev. B. K. Mason of Winston- Salem and four half brothers: Bio - Obituaries - 7/26/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 27,1945 - Page 1 Mrs. Sallie Sain . Passes Wednesday Mrs, fialUe M. Bain, 78, died Wednesday morning at the Row an Memorial hospital where she had been a patient for the past three weeks. She was Uie daugh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mason of Davle county. Funeral oervlees will be held at ^rk Baptist ohureh F4rlday at 8:30 p. m. with the Rev. Wade Btttehlns and the Rev. B. W. Tamer In charge, The body wWl lie in state 80 minutea before the service. Interment will be In the church cemetery. Burvivors Include: her-hus band. W. A. Sain of route 3; three daughter, Mrs. p. A. Ren- drlx and Mrs. L, E. Burton, both of route 3, Mrs. p. O. Byerly of Winston - Balem; two sisters, Mrs. W. W. Tesoh of Winstcm- Salem, Mrs. John Uneberry of Indianapolis, Ind.; one brother. Rev. B. K. Mason of Winston- Balem and four half brothers: M. J. Mason of QteenAorOt 6am Mason of Winston - Balem, Hugh Mason of route 3 and Bdgar Mason of Miami, Slorida. Bio — Obituaries - 7/27/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 1,1945 Mrs. W. A. Sain Uro. Wi A. Sain, 72, died Wedoeaday at aSailabmy hospital after an illness of three weeks. SnrvMotf are her biishaodichfeedaaib ten, Mn. C. A. Hendriz and Mia L t. Batten of Blocksvilio, Roate 2, sod Bfn* P G. Byetly of WlostoD'Saleai; two Msteia, Mrs. W. W. Tesoh of Winston Saleni and Mn John Uoebeiry et Indianatxills, lod,. one bcother Rev. B K. Maoonof Winston- SaliiQ, and fosr half brothers, ML J, Ma son of Gceensboio. Sam Mason. Winston- Satam. Hddb Mason of ROnte 3, Ifecfcaviile and Eddar Mason of Miami. Fla* FOneial was held at Pork Baptist Qnicli Friday afternoon at 2:30o*cIogI with Revs. Wade Hotehlns and C. W. Tomer offidat* Ittd* Bariai was In the ohaieb cemetery. S. D. Stout Sw Dl StoQf, 6d» died Wednesday after- noon at Moore General Aieiiital In Pino* hsfst Me was a resideot of Demon and fotmniy Bved at Hoekavlfle. He to sorvivad hv hto widow and the following chlhtosn ^ a Utmer marilaga; Misl Jim AeSy of MochavUle. Mn. Boton SoyderofGreaunoro. W.E Stool of Wal* laeo. J. B. Stoat ot Ulilogioa and S. D. Stoot Jf^ of Greensboro. Hubert N. AHea Hubert N« Alton, 43, a native of Oana, died sttddeolv Tfaotsday aflemoon at bis borne at Wioston-Satefli, He was oiBoe manager of the Soothero Bell Teleplione Go. BIr. Alton was a son of Mr. and Mn. C. B. Attoa. Mr, Alton is anrvlved by bis wlfe^ two sisten andsevwi brotbets, Fnn- eial services were held at Vogler*'sC2i8pel, WinstoD-Satoia, fkiday afternoon, end the body catfled to Charlotte and laid to rest Satoiday Bio - Obituaries - 8/1/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 3,1945 - Page 1 Pvt Burley Booe Dies In Prison Camp Word has been received of the death of Pvt. Burley R. Bmoi on May 6, in a German prison camp In Caeoboslovokla of pneu monia. Pvt. Booe was the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Booe of route 2. He entered service In April 19M, was taken prisoner NovWber 26,1044. He Is surviv ed by bis wife, the former Shir ley towery, and two children of route 2, Glon. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 3,1945 - Page 7 Whitaker Child Died Tuesday Funeral services for Louella Whitaker, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Whitaker, were conducted Tuesday after noon at 3 o'clock at Liberty Bap tist Church. Rev. James H. Oroce officiated. Burial was In the church cemetery. Surviving are the parents: one sister, Ida Mae Whitaker, and four brothers, Harvey, Delmas, Hubert and Kenneth Whitaker, all of the home. Bio - Obituaries - 8/3/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 8,1945 Donald Loe Powell Funerol services for Donald Lee PdWeH* iofant son of Mr. and Mrs Xnox Powell, of Porismoutb, Va,, former Mockaville re- sideids. was conducted last Tuesday alter- DOOD at LibertT Baptist Cburcb Surviving in addicioo to the parents are two sisters, Wilma and Geraldine Powell, oif the borne. Lonella Whitaker Poneral services for LouelJa Whiraker, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs L L Whitflker, was conducted Tuesday at 3 o'clock at Liberty Baptist Dburch. Rev., James H. Groce oflSdaced. Boriai was In the church cemecerV' Surviving are the parents: one sister, Ida Uae Wbltaker. ail ot the borne. . | Ueol. Marklin jKilled Buriey Booe Davie Boy Dies In Europe Pvt. Hurley Booe, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Booe, of Clarke- ville township who was reported missing in Germany, on Nov. nth, 1944, is now reported to have died in a German prLson carap on May 6th, death resDltiog from nneamo nia. Pvt. Booe entered the army in April, 1942, and went overseas in September. 1944. He is stirvlv- ed by his parents and three sisters. He is the 36th boy from Davie County who has given his life for his country. The parents and fumily have the sympathy of a host of friends. I IH "i Mrs. W. M. Marklin. of Salisbury street, received a telegram from the War Depart- roeot last Wednesday afteniooD advising that her son. Second Lieut. Albert Gay Marklin was killed in action in Chichi Jini on July 13th. Lieut. Marklin was 20 years ' old. and entered the army in April. 1943. He was home 00 leave last April, and left for the South Pacific shortly after his leave expired- Lieut Marklin is survived by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mark lin. of this city, three brothers and three sisters. One brother. Pvt. Paul Marklin. is stationed at Camp Rucker, Ala. Lieut. Marklin is the 37th Davie County man Co lose bis life in defense of his country. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community in the death of this fine young man. Bio - Obituaries - 8/8/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 8,1945 Mrs. A. L Chaffiii Mib. A.L. Ctiaflii,81»ofMo(A8ViiIe,R. U died at her home yesterday at 6:S0 p. m., foUawtag a brief illness. She had beea in decHniog health for some time. She was a daughter of the late Jepepb and Martha Glmise, Her hosliand* A. L Chaffin, died April 5. Sunr^lng are the foUowiog children: Joe C. and Stacy H. Chaffin, both of Mocks- ville,R. 1; Marvin Ch^n of Woodleaf, Mis. J. B. Fitzgerald of Wazfaaw; Mis. Dyel Granford of El Dorado. Mia A A. Vance of tirootman, and IMeeMabet Chaf fin of the homefeeveral grandchildren and graat-grandcbUdnn. Funeral ocrvlcea wrab ccndoeted lion- day at 3 p. m.. at the hose and at Mamas Cross l<om B^tst Chuicii at3:30 o*diick, with Revs. M. 6.Erwin and R. G, HcClam- rooh oSdatiiig.'and the tMidy laid to rest in the ctHRoli.oeiiiielefy*. : Mrs. Chaffin was a member the Me thodist Chracli* a. noble Chiistiao. lady, 1 l and her'death has bronght Sadneaa to the . I entire.comnranlra in which she spent a' I long and nsefal fife. The Record extends, {sympathy to the gM-striokea family in ftblssadhoos. .A mother in ioracl has been called to her reward. ^ Bio - Obituaries - 8/8/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 10,1945 - Page 1 IT. CUY MARKIIN IS KILLED IN ACTION ON BONINISUNDS Killed in Action it.!*- LT. CliAY MARRilN Second Lt-. Albert; Clay Mark- lln, 20, well known and popiilar MDckavlUe youth, was killed in action over Chlehl Jlma In the Benin Islands on July 19. He was In the air corps and was ny- Ing a F-51 flghte'r on a combat mission, alone In the plane, when 'killed. News of nis death was received by his mother, Mrs. W. M. Mark- lln, of MocksvUle, lost Wednes day In a telegram from the ad jutant general. The telegram! was followed by a letter stating' that casualty reports were nec essarily brief and contained only ekeentlal facts but that pro visions hod been made iot the unit commander or chaplain to send further Information to relatives of those who die over-. Mrs. MarkUn also received a letter from Brig. Gen. B. Moore, commander of the Seventh fighter command whlA stated: "Second Lieutenant Marklln was held In high regard by all of his comrades, and his loss Is keenly felt by the men of his squadron. It is hoped that you will find some measure of com fort In the knowledge that your son courageously gave his life In the honorable service of his country." Clay volunteered for aervlco on April 25, 1043. Ho took most of his training at Kecsler Field. Miss,, and wont overseas in April of this year, He Is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Marklln, three sisters and three broth- ors: Mrs. Q. A. Sutherland, Hav- erhlll, Mass., Mrs. J. 0. Pesaro, Jr., Baltimore, Jane at home, liconard and Johnson Marklln of Baltimore, Pvt. Robert Paul Marklln at Camp Rucker, Ala. Bio - Obituaries - 8/10/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 10,1945 - Page 2 DEATH CUIMS MRS.A.L.CHAFFIN Mra. A. L. Chaffln of Mocks- vJUCi Route 1, died at her home last Saturday followhis a brief Illness. She had been in de clining -health for some tlmei The former Miss Claudia Joe douse, she was a daughter of the late Joseph end Martha Clouse. Her husband, A. ,L. Ohairin, died April 5. Survlvtog are the following children: Joe C. and Staeey H. OhalTln, both of MocksvUle, Route 1, Marvin Ohaffin of Woodleaf, Mrs. J. B. Fitzgerald of Waxhaw, Mrs. Dyel Oranford of B1 Dorado, Texas, Mrs. A. A. Vance of Troutman and. Miss Mabel Ohaffin of the home; sev eral grandchildren and great grandchildren. Funeral services were con ducted Monday at 3 p. m. at the home and at Ijames Cross roads Baptist church at' 3:30 o'clock. Bio - Obituaries - 8/10/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 15,1945 E. T. HcCnlloh Eldred Thomas MoCOUoh, died Friday aftenooo at his home oeer Oak Ckove. He had beeo to decBaiod health for some* time and waa aoriooaly ID for the past ten daya. ^10 April 23,1891. InDavie County, he waa a son of the late D. F. and Maty Francee Spry McCUUoh. He waa mattiad 0^ 21,1915, to IfiBa Sara Elizabeth WiU Hams, who died April 7, 1942; and to Miss Maidaret Plott* on Sept* 9.1943. He openl most of hb life In DavleCoon ty, where he waa a weh-koown eooliaceor and carpenter. He was a member of the carpeotnia'unioo. Surviving are the widow; five sons. Letter 6. UcCoUofa of Baltimore, Md.; Carl Lee IfcCnIlob of Manila, PhlUlpploes; Pfo. Lonnle Hay McCnllob, now In Ger* many; Harold Thonos McGbllob of Fort Bfonmoutb, N. Jh and daienoe Ecvin Mo Chlhdi, of the home. Fhoeral services were held at Oak Grove Methodist ofaarch Saoday aftemomi at 3 o'doek. with Rev. G. W. Fink offidating, and the body laid to rest in the dumb cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 8/15/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 17,1945 - Pages 1 and 8 Alfreda Smithj DAVIE GIRL IS KILLED Alfreda Smith. 16, daughter of Mr. and Mra. M. 0. Smith of Advance. Route 1, was instantly killed last Sunday niffht about 10:30 p. m. when a oar In which she was an occupant turned over at a curve near the Advance school. The driver of the car was Les ter Helton of Advance. Route 1. In the front seat of the car were Helton, his .wife and Miss'Smith. In the back seat was Olenn Bar ney who lives near Blxby. None of the o\her occupants of the car was Injured, It Is thought that Miss Smith had her head leaning out of the oar window and that when the vehicle failed to make the curve, her head was caught between the door and the ground. Her skull was crushed. Helton, his wife and Miss Smith had driven to Bheek's service station. Just across the (eoniiaufd on page I) HOSE ABOUT DATiBOUtL Tadkln river in Fersyth. At tiie station was Barney and he asked Helton to drive two Davle sol diers home on furlough back to their home near Advance. One of the fwldlera was stated to be Ernest Cope. The gropp left the Helton car at the station, all of ' them getting In the Barney car. The soldiers were taken to Ad vance. let out of the car and the accident took place at a wide Curve as'tbey were return ing. It was stated that the Hel- 'ton oar belonged to his wife, Sheriff Bowden took out a warront against Helton charg ing him with reekles driving which caused the death of Miss ' Smith and at a preliminary hearing before T. I. Caudell, Jus tice of the peace, on Monday, the ease was dismissed. Mr. Oau- dell stated that sifter hearing the witnesses no evidence was produced of reckless driving. Among the witnesses was WUey WiUams. on eye* witness who lives near the scene of the ao- eldent. and he stated ttiat the oar was not moving at an ex- oesslve.rate of speed, according to Mr. Caudell. MlM Smith Is survived by her parents; two brothers, Felix at home and BUI of the V. 8. Army; one sister, Mrs. Michael Ronnian of Abilene, Texas. Funeral ar- rangon^enta had not been com pleted ponding the arrlvarof relatives, particularly the slstef In Texas who-was expected to fly home. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 17,1945 - Page 3 Seaford Rites Held Monday Funeral services were held last Monday at Fork Baptist chureh lor Fred ISnow) Seaford, 37, son of W. 0. Seaford of near Fork who died lost Saturday at the home. He had been an Invalid all of his life.. He Is survived by his parents, one brother. Fielding, of the home, and a sister, Mrs. W. M. Bowles, both of Uie Fork com munity. Rev. Wade Hutcheiui conducteU the service and Inter ment was in the church ceme tery. Bio - Obituaries - 8/17/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 17,1945 - Page 6 E.T.McCulloh Dies at Home Udred Th o m a b McOuUoh, known ta "Bud," died Friday afternoon at hla Sioma near Oak Grove in Davle County. He had •been in declining health for eome time and wae eeriou^ly ill for the pact ten 'daye. , Bom April 23, 1891, in Davle County, he was a eon of the late D. and Mary Frances Spfy MoCulloh. He was married Oct. 21,. 1918, to Miss Bora Elizabeth Williams, who died April 7,1842; and to Mies Margaret Plotts on Sept. 9, 1943. He spent most of hla life in •Davle County, where he was a well-known contractor and car penter. He was a member of the c'acpentora' union. Surviving are the widow; Sve aons, Lester O. MoOulloh of Bal timore, Md.; Pfc. Carl Lee Mc- OttUoh ol Manila, Phuippines; Pfo. Lonnle Ray McOullch, now in dermany; Harold Thomas MoCuIIoh, of FOrt Mont, N. J., and Clarence Ervin McOulloh of the home. Bio - Obituaries - 8/17/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 22,1945 Alfreda Smith i Girl Killed In Wreck Alfreda Smith, 16. daoghter of Un and Mis &L G. Smith, Advance, Route 1. was instantly killed Sondsy. Aufl. 12th. at 10*^ ! pw m., when' the car in which the was Hd* inft tomed over near Advance.Scboot Misa Smith euffered a crushed skulL After a beating Aog. IStb, before Mag istrate T L Caudell. charges of reckless driver, Lester Helton, were dismissed. She^ L. S. Bowden swore out the wamnt Helton and' his wife were in the front seat of the oar, along with Miss Smith, when the accident oocnred.. In the back seat was Glenn Barney, owner of the car* kUas Smith was the only one injured. The aceident happened after Helton and Ids wife had driven with Miss Smith to Sheek's Service Station. There Barney ashed them to carry two aotdleis to their homes. The party moved to Barney's car, which was larger than Helton's. On the way back from tol^ the soldiers to their homes, the accident occurred. Surviving are her parents: two brothers. Felix of the home and Bill of the U. S. Armv: and one sister, Mrs. Michael Ron- man of Aibilene, Texas. Funeral services were held Tbnrsday aftemooD at 2:30 o'clock at the hoioe^ and at 3 o'clock at Macadonia Church, with Rev& J. S Folger and l!ld Brew?.r officiat ing. and the body laid to rest in the choicb cemetery. Dolplias C Knrfees Puueral for Dolphus C. Rurfees, 67, widely kuown farmer who died Toesdar night at his home near Mocksvllle. was held at 2 o'clock Thursday afteruoon at Center Meihodist Church. Mr Rurfees had been in ill health for several yearj He is survived by the widow, the former Miss Carrie Orrell, of Dnvie County, and 5ve cbildreu. Sergeaot D C. Rurfees, Jr., with the army, Robert O. Rurfees of tbe home, Corporal Ralph "C. Rur fees overseas, First Lieutenant Mary £, Rurfees in the Pbitippioes jaod Miss Carolyn Rurfees of Bing. n hampton, N« V, Also surviving are I two brothers, R W. Rurfees; of I near Cooleemee. and Wade Rnr- ifees, of Plains. Texas. John M. Ba^'neycasde ] Faneral services for John M. Bamoy castle, 79. ot Cooleemee. was held at 3:30 \ Monday afternoon at Comaizef Methodist Church with Revs. W ^ Smith and J. C. Gentry officiating. Luilal foltowed in the church cometery Mr. Barneyraatle died suddenly Sainr-' day aftemcinn hc tbe hiime of a daughter, Mrs. R. 0 Comatzer, at Conleamee. Surviving are two sons. J. P.. of R. I. and Sam Bameycestle, of Cooleemee; two daughters, .Mrs. Comatzer and Mrs Ula Deal, of Stony Point; two iMrotfaera, Josep- bos and C. C. Bameycestle, of R. 3. n Mrs. John R. Bowles Mrs. John R. Bowles, 63, a former resid ent of Davie County but who has been ttving in Kanoapolis for 32 years died in , Rowan Mpmorial Hospital Tnuisday motn-1 ing. Faneral and. boilal services took I 'place at Union Chapel Methodist Church| Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Sntvlv*. Ing are sis sons and two daoghters* | Bio - Obituaries - 8/22/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 22,1945 John W. Beanchamp John W. Beauehotop. 66^ died tlHmday afieroooo at bia bonie near Advanoa, fol« towiDd an ezteoM illneafl. I Snnriviogmtba widow* thiee dangb* rt08» Mm. K. L. Onnatzer, CtemmantK Ilia* ! Alei locker, ElbavlUe; and Bites Geraldlna Beauebamptof Che borne; Ibtee eons. Ray, efCiemiiioii8;Bill,U«S. Navy, in Soutii Padfle; Kermit of tbe boine; one bratber, FkanktOCKaoDapofia; two half bcotben, Jesse and Pefdioaiid, of BaUsbnry; one siscer. Bits* Jack Kepley. of SaBsbitfy.aev* en gtandf^ildcen and two dieac^and- ohildien, Foo^ servioea ware held at Mock's BfethodlstCbofcbat 3 o'dock Satmday, with Kfivs. J. C, Goitry and Paol Smiui offidattog* Bio - Obituaries - 8/22/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 24,1945 - Page 1 Davis Is First Killed In ' WUUam A. Davis ot Jerusa- t'o^sbljs was the lirst oa- ^ vie counity killed in World ' War 2. He wu' a elilef petty otftoer with the navy with SO years service and was kiUed.on Dee. 7i IMli when his ship was sunk hy the japs at Feari Har- hor. t MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 24,1945 - Page 2 ffmam DIED MONDAY Frank Comhs; *47, dl^ last Mon day morning, a Sall^ury hos pital. He WHS Tjthe son of Robert Combs of Wlik'es couhty and had worked at Cooleemee for a num ber of years. Survivors Include his widow, flvo brothers and three sisters: Marshall, Salisbury; J. R. and N. E., Burlington; Grant and Dock," HUlsboro; Mrs. Oscar Wheeler; HUlsboro; Mrs. Robert FOrreh and l^s. Dock Hamlett, also of HUlsboro. Funeral services are to be held August 23 at 3:30 at the Coolee mee Baptist church, with inter ment in the Liberty .Methodist dhurOh cemetery. ' H. L MILHOtEN PAS^AT^ ■H'.'L.MUholen, 64, dledRunday.^ morning at his. home, 33 Main streeli Cooleemee; after a linger ing. Ulness. ' Mr. Mllholen, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Mllholen of Cooleemeo, was assistant weave room, foreman of the Er- win niUI, a member of the Good Shepherd Episcopal church and the' order of Redmen. He had re sided ia Cooleemee lOr the past 40 years. • He la survived by his widow, the former Lena Wellman of Coolee mee, five sons, W. G. Mllholen of ShelbyvUle, Tenn., Staff Sgt. G. W. Mllholen of the army, H. L. MUholen,, Jr., of the navy, W. M. MUholen, Cooleemee, E. W. MUholen of the army; four daughters, Mrs. 0.8. Myers, Haw thorne, New Jersey, Mrs.' O. 0. Bailey,!-Cooleemee, Mrs. B.Hoover, Jr.^ CooIe|SmW,- Mrs. 'C.'.'Sreedlove.' ot .California; one brother, .Charles MUholen] of CooleSmeV; one-sister, yernla MUholen, Cooleemee, and five grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 1 la. m. at the Good Shepherd Episcopal ohumh. The rites were conducted by Rev. 0. E. p. Robinson; pastor. Burial was]in \h8 Oak Grove Methodist church cemetery, Da- vle county. '* Bio - Obituaries - 8/24/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 24,1945 - Page 3 ARIHlffi SIEWART DIED SUNDAY I Arthur Stewart, 50, died laet Sunday nlffht at the homo of a broUier-in-law, Alex Myers, In Cooleemee. Survivors Include a brother and two sisters: B. B. Stewart, Salisbury; Mrs. Alex Myers, cooleemee; Mrs. J. W. Klger, Concord. Funeral services were held Wednesday at Deep icreek Baptist church in Yadkln county. Inter» ment -was in the church ceme* tery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 24,1945 - Page 6 D.C.KURFEES . DIES TUESDAY Dolphus CammuUlus Kurfees, 07, died Tuesday night at his I home on route 4. Mr, Kurfees had been ill for several yeors and his condition became critical about two days prior to his death. Mr. Kiufeesi whose home was In denterMethodlsl church eomr munlty, was born' flecember. 19, 1077, the son of Z, 0. and Maria Xeler Kurfees, both of Davle county. He spent his entire life In 'that community, where he was a successful farmer. On June 4, 1919 he married Miss Carrie prrell of Pavle county, who survives, with three sons and two daughters. Ser geant D. o. Kurfees, Jr., with the U. 8. Army; Robert O. Kurfees at home; Corporal Raljdi b. Kur fees. now on overseas du^; First U. Mary B. Kurfees, In the Philippines, and Miss Carolyn Kurfees, of Blnghamton, N. Y.l There are three grandchildren. Two brothers also survive: W. R. Kurfees, of Cooleemee, and Wade Kurfees, of Plalnvlew', Tex. Mr. Kurfees had been a mem ber of the Blxby Presbyterian church in Davle county since early life. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from Center Methodist church, conduoted by the pastor. Rev. O, W. Fink, of MockavUIe, and Interment was In the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 8/24/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 24,1945 - Page 7 J. M. Barneycastle Funeral Monday. Funeral services for John M. Barneycastle, 79, of Cooleemee, were held at 3:30 Monday after- noon at Gornatser Methodist Church with Rev. W. L. Smith and Rev. J. 0. Gentry officiating. Burial was In the church ceme tery. Mr. Barneycastle died suddenly at 9:47 p. m. Saturday at Cool eemee at the home of a daugh ter, Mrs. R. C. Comatzer, with whom he resided. He is survived by two sons, J. F. Barneycastle of MooksvUle, route 1, and Sam Barneycastle of Cooleemee: two daughters, ^Mrs. Lila Deal, of Stony Point, Mrs. R. 0. Comatser, of Coolee mee; two brothers, Joaephus and CAiarlle C. Barneycastle of MocltsvlUe, route 3; 17 grand children and five great-grand children, and several nieces and nephews. John W. Beauchamp Rites Held Saturday ' John W. Beauchamp, 66. died at 1:19 p. m., at his home on route 1, Advance/Thursday, Aug ust 16. A son of James and Sarah Hartman Beauchamp,' he was born in Davle county. Surviving are the widow, the former Mary Sheek; three daugh ters, Mrs. R. L. Cornatzer, of Clemmono, Mrs. Alex Tucker, of Advance, route l; and Miss Jer- aldlne Beauchamp of the home; three sons, Ray, of Olemmons; BUI, U. 8. Navy in the South Pacific; and Kermlt of the home; one brother, Frank, of Xanna- polis; two half brothers, Jess and Ferdinand, both of Salisbury; one slater. Mrs. Jack Kepley. of Salisbury: seven grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at Mock's Methodist church at 3 o'clock Saturday. Rev. J. C. Gen try and Rev. Paul L. Smith were in charge. Bio — Obituaries - 8/24/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 29,1945 H. L Milhollen Fureral servicea for H. L MU- hollen fnr 40 years ao employee of tbe B'win Mills at Cooleetnee, last Tue^'dav morulng, and the hod? carried to Oak Grove Meiliodist church cemetery and ln<d to rest. Ml. Milhollen died at his Cootee- mee home on Aug. ipilt, following 00 extended illness Snrviying are bis widow, bve sons, four daugb- ters, a brother and one sifter. Hn. J<Ad D. ^dtmi Mrs. John D. Sbdioo. 43, died Tuesday tnonring at b«r hoine near Cant after a long lOoess. Her condition bad been critical for two months. Mrs. Shelion was bora hi Davle Connty« a daughter of Qcorge T. and Hattie Howdl Sprloke. Sorvlviog ire tbe husband; three dilldren, Jobn Hugh and Thomas Sbelton and Mrs. B. S Snltb, an of Cana; her paresta of Ttdkin county; one brother. John T» Sprinkle of Salisbury and three sisters. Mrs. Dewev Martin, of' Moeksvilte Mrs. Nathan Hadeo of Wlnstou-Saleoi and Mrs. Clyde!Shore of yadkinville. | Tbe funeral was held Wedoes-i day afteraooo at 3 o'clock at Croaa! Roads Baptist Church. Revs. R. B Adams and B. W. HcHonray conducted tbe services. Burial was ^ in tbe dmrdi graveyard. j Mrs. A S. Arndt Mrs. Delia Cottddl Aiodt. 66. Of Uoefca- ville. R. 4. died at Davia HC^tal. Stotea- vlUe. last Wedoeaday eveoiaf. following a aoott Ulneas. Fhsetal oervicca woe held at Ftaakto LullMraB Qiarob. near SoHs* bciv. on Sunday afteinoon at 3 o^doek, and tbe body laid 10 feat la tbe cboicb oemetecy. Mis. Arndt la aurvived bv bet hmbaod. one aoa. J. B Arndt* ono daoibter, Mis. NelUe Tbompara, and bar utoiDer, all of R.4. Tba beraaved family bava tbe sympa* thy of a host of fHaoda In tbair bereave, meat Mrs. Arndt will be oissod la tbe eommunity where she spent a long and osafoltifaL Bio - Obituaries - 8/29/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 31,1945 - Page 1 Alle and Ruth Moncret Two KiUed in Auto Wreck Robert Ramsey, colored, 25, of Philadelphia, Is being held In the Davle county Jail and will be charged with manslaughter, according to Sheriff L. S. Bow- den. He was the driver ot a car carrying eight colored people In which two were killed when the car allegedly ran Into the rear 01 a parked bean truck on the 8t,atesvlUe highway last Sunday night about 0:80, 12 miles west of here. The dead are Mrs. Alle Mon cret of Shelby and her 5-year- old daughter, Ruth. Occupants of the car had been visiting In Shelby and were returning home, taking the Shelby mother and daughter with them. The other occupants of the car received bruises and outs but are expected to recover. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 31,1945 - Page 2 Arndt Funeral Held Sunday Funeral service for Mrs. Delia Caudell Arndt, 60, who bled Thursday at Davis hospital. StatesvUle, were held Sunday at 3 p. m. at Bethel Lutheran church at Franklin, with Rev. George Llngle, pastor, officiating. Surviving are her husband, Al bert Arndt, one son, John B. Arn dt: a daughter, Mrs. W. A. Thompson, and her mother, Mrs. Julia Oaudell, who lived with her at the family homeplace, route 4, MocksvlUe. ■Mrs. Arndt was a member of Bethel Lutheran church, Frank lin, and the James L. Watson auxiliary , No. 14 Spanish - American War Veterans. Pallbearers were members of the veteran's organization. Bio - Obituaries - 8/31/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 5,1945 Alice and Ruth Moncret i Roy Wiskon Kay Wishon, 36. died Ftiday afteroeon at the home of his brothpr, Wesley Wisboo at Cana after a serious Illness of two days.. His health had been poor for five years. < Hats survived by a brother, Wesley.' tiiitl ciuee sisters. Mrj. Lecna Giooe of t'ana, Mrs. Mintorla Sest** nf Farmingitnn.- an*1 rs. K<isu 0«'<>»cii «rf KIkin. Funeral services were conducted at II r'cloch Sunday momind at Wyo Metbo* diat Cbureh near Pannington by Kev Jim my Groce Burlall was In the church ceme tery. Second Death-Ffom Auto Crasli I Rnth Moocret, colored girl, s- bout live yean of age, died at the j Davis hospital Aug;. aStb, her .death resaltiiie from injuries stis- rained in an autotuobile-truck crash Anfif. syrh on the Uocksvitle hieh way, 12 m les east of StatesvUie. I Her mother, Alice Moocret, 45 or 150 years of age, died a few mlnntea I following the wreck. The bodies of [both wreck victims were taken i back to their home at Shelter for banal. Robert Raihsey, colored, 26, of ^ Philadelphia, driver of the ckr, re« mains in jail, nendiog lovertigg. tioti by Davie county aiithorities.-r- StatesvUle Dailv. Bio - Obituaries - 9/5/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 7,1945 - Page 1 George Cope Rites Held George Cope, 78, farmer of 'Mookavllle route 1, died Tuesday ufternuun at 12:30 o'clock at hla home. His mother was Mrs. Neely bope. He Is survived by several nieces and nephews. The funeral was held Wednes day afternoon at Macedonia Mo ravian Church with Rev. J. O. Bruner in charge. M. D. Pass Dies At Homo M. D. Pass, €9. died at his home In statevllle following a long Ill ness. A native of Davlo county, he lived here many yours manag ing his extensive farming In terests, but moved to Btateavllle upon retiring. Surviving are his widow, the former Cordelia Holland, and a daughter, Cordelia Pass, of StatesvUIe, Funeral services were held Tuesday at 4 p. m. from the resi dence, with Rev. 0. P. Bowles of Broad street Methodist church In charge, mtennent waa In Oak' wood cemetery. .. Bio - Obituaries - 9/7/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 12,1945 George Cope George Cope* 78, fnnser of UocksviUe Roote 1, died Tdesday afteroooo at 12:38 o'dock at his home. His^iiotber was Mm, Nedy Gape. Ho is survived by seveial oeicea and s^bewa. The fnneral was held Wednesday after- ^nooQ at 2:30 o'dock with RdV. J.- Geoige I Burner In charge. Mrs. W. W. Sheets Fhoeral seivibeo for H».BerDieeCbiiiat- zer Sheets. ^ dife of W* W. Sheeto. who died auddenlv at the homo, oo Rqttte 2. Wednesday olgbH weie hold at 2 dVdook Sunday * aftmoop^ at Moek*o HetlXMBst Chureb* Rev, j: C. GehtryWas lo charge of the service. Burial was In the gtavoyaid. Mrs, Sheets was bofo Feb. 12.1910. the daughter of Mr, and Mio. H. P. Coroatser. of Advance. ^ ^ SurvWore loclttde th^ husband and par* ents: two dEiughtefe. one son. three broth era and four (ttstttrs. Mi^ p. Pass Uaxie D. PtS8^ a native of Davle CottoiVi but wbo- moved to StateavUle several yeara ago. died at bis borne in that city on Sept. 2nd. Funeral services were held at the home last Tnesday atternpon. and th9 body laid to rest in Oak« wood Cemetery, 'StateavUle. Mr. Pass owned and operated a large farm two miles west of Mocksvillei nntll' bis heattb failed some years ago. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pass, of Davle Connty. His wife was the former Miss Cordilla Holland, of States ville. Bio - Obituaries - 9/12/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 14,1945 - Page 1 William Bryan Taylor HUSBAND DIBS Mra. WUllam Bryan Taylor, the former Miss Naney Molver who taught school here and who lives at Banford, received word that her husband, Lt. Taylor, died in Germany on August 26. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 14,1945 - Page 2 FASSEn BOQE DIED SUNDAY 'Fassett L, ("Grip") Booe, 42, of MoekavlUe, Route 2, died Sun day at Black Mountain sana torium where he had been a pa tient for eight months. He was a son of Judd and Lula Booe. Surviving are the widow; one apn, Eugene Booe, ol the home; thrM daughters, Shelby,' Jean, Joan and Mary Sue Booe, of the home; his mother, five brothers, Jaclc -and Joe Booe of Mooksvllle, Route 2, Clyde Booe of Morgan- ton, Lester Booe of the army, ond Jimmy Booe of Mooksvllle, Route 2; four sisters, Mrs. J. Ire land of Mooksvllle, Route 1, Mrs. Herman Wooten of yadklnvllle, Route a, Mrs. Moody Whltaker. and Mrs. Ray Jarvls of Mocks- vlUe, Route 2. The funeral was held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at Bear Creek. Baptist church. Rev. James Oroce conducted the serv ices. Burial was in the church graveyard. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 14,1945 - Page 6 MRS. HAUSER DIED SUNDAY Mrs. Sara Sheek Hauser, 92, died Sunday at her home near Yadkln Valley church. She was a daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. [Daniel Sheek. ' Surviving are one son, H. F. Sheek of Wlnston-Salem, and , one daughter, Mrs. Viola Styers,' of Advance, Route 1. The funeral was held Tues- .day afternoon at 3 o'clock at 'Macedonia Moravian church. Rev. J. George Bruner conducted the services; Burial was in the church graveyard.- Bio - Obituaries - 9/14/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 19,1945 Fassett L Booe . Fasaelt L. Booe, 42, of Uoekavllle, Roote 2, died Sept dth at Black Motncain Sana* torlam warn Be bad been a patleot for ddht mootha. He was a son of iodd and [Lim Booe, I Sorvlotfaietbe widow; ooeaoD Esdeoo I Booe of tbe hornet tbiee daoibters. Shelby [Jean, Joan -and Mary Sue Booe of tbe borne: bie mother; dre bratbero, Jack aod Joe Booe -of Mod^eviUe, Route 2: Qyde Booe of Moiaamoo, Lester Booe ot tbe Janny aiMt JimiDy Booe of MdckevUte, Rocte 2; four slatets. Mrs. J. lielaad of I MoeksvUle Route 1: Mrs. HenDOO Wooteo [of YadUovUle, R<Hite2. Mrs Moody Wbi* ' toker and Bfis. Ray Jaivis of Moeksvitle IR.2. I Tbe foitetal was held Tuesday motoloft !at 10 o'clock at Bear Greek BaptistQmicli } Rev* James Grace eooduoted tbe seroices. Burial was lo tbe obuich cemetery. Mrs. Sara Haoser Mrs* Sara Sbeek Hauser 92, died SuO' day at ber borne near Yadkia VaBey Cbutefa. She was a daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sheek. Sufvivlotf are one son, H. F. Sheek of RnnBCo&'Saiem and ooe daughter* Hie. Viola Styers of Advance, Route 1, the iuneffal was held Tuesday afteinooa at 8 o'docfc atMaoedoola Moravian obnieb Rev. Geo^Brauer conducted the sorvieea. Burial was la tbe drarch cemetery* Myers lafaot Mamie Sue Mvers, Infant daughter of Mr* and Mrs- Ray Myers, of Binby, died yestmda? at the home of tbe pareias. She bad Iweo ill dnoaSoadaay* Surviving lo addltioa to tbe patents are two bfotbon, Joe Henry and James David, both of tbe home. Funeral services was conducted Sunday afcemomi at 3 d'cioek at Bixby Fresbytlan Cbur^ fotemieai was In the ebuicb cemetery. Bio — Obituaries - 9/19/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 21,1945 - Page 1 Infant Daughter Williams INFANT DIES The Infant daughter of Pvt. Benjamin Franhiln WUllama of Camp Orofti 8. 0. and Mra. WUl lama of Advance, route 1, died Monday at the home of the par ents. Funeral arrangements were Incomplete pending thearrlval of the father. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 21,1945 - Pages 1 and 4 Freeman Rites Held Tuesday Funeral eervtees for Mra. Lulu Daniel Freeman of Ephesus on Route 4, were held Tuesday at 4 o'clock from the Lttierty Meth odist church, where she was a member. Freeman died audden- ly Saturday night. Rev. O. W. Fink and Rev. B. M. Avett of Kerneravllle were in charge and burial was In the church ceme tery. Survivors Include three sons, M. 0. Freeman, Cooleemee, Pri vate Daniel V. Freeman, Camp Butner, and Private Edward L. Freeman, Camp BUmdlng, Fla.: four daughters, Mrs. 0. A. Rush- ingj Mrs. W. F. Smith and Miss Janle Freeman, all of the home, and Mrs. O. W. Harris, Mooks- vlUe, Route,4: one brother, T. A. Daniels, MooksvlUe, Route 4| three sisters, Mrs. O. 0. CorreU <OsBtlnQed oa fact 41 MORE ABOUT Freeman and Mrs. H: Davis, -Route 4, Mocksvllle, and Mra. M. 0. Wind sor, Arlington, Va.; five grand children: and several nieces and nephews. , Bio - Obituaries - 9/21/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 21,1945 - Page 7 Mrs. J. T. Reavis Buried Saturday Mra. 9. T. Ileavlfl, 73, died sud denly at her home at Vadkln- vUle, Route 2, Wednesday night. Her husband preceded her In death on June 3,1941. Mrs. Reavie woe born Septem ber IB, 1B71 In Davle County, the daughter of the late Wright and Money Dyson Reeves. Survivors include five chil dren, Miss Annie Rcavls of the home, Mra. W. L. Reavis, Mrs. Henry Holden, and Ray Reavis of YadklnvUle, and Avery Rea vis of Winslon-Salem, Route 2; two brothers, W. R. Reeves of Aahevllle and Richard Reeves of Cooleemee; two slaters, Mrs. W. A. Steebnan of Aahevllle, and ^s. Mary ZJames of Harmony; six grandchildren: and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Oak Ridge Church In Yadkln county, and burial was In the church cemetery. Rev. R. &. Ad ams, Rev. M. P. Reavis, Rev. Tommy Luffman, and Rev. iton- ald Hicks conducted the service. Bio - Obituaries - 9/21/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 26,1945 C Gi^y J. & Godbey, 64» died at Baptist Hospl* tal, Wtfi8tos*Salaoi» Thnnday night* where he spent two weeke taking tveatmeot He had been 111 for aome time. Fonaral ser- ideea irere held at the home of htebfother F. L. Godtv Sattttda? afteraoon* with Rev* 6 W* Fink In chaige. and the bod? laid tofeatinOenteroemetecf* Sotvlving Is mie bfotbtf, F. L. Qudbev, of R* 1. Mrs. Lnla Freeman Fhneral service for'Mrs* Lola Daniel F^man* who died suddenly at her home In SpheusaonSent. 16lh, were held a t Idbertv Methodist chQieo-lastToesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, with her pastor. Rev G. W« Fink in diaiwe, and the body laid to rest in the church emnetery Survivors inelnde three sons, M.C. Freeman, Cooleemee, Private Daniel V. Fremn. Gamp Botner, and PrI* vate Edward L* Freenian, Cmp Blanding, Fla*, four daoffhteis, Mrs, a A. KnMiliig, Mrs, W, F, Smith and Miss Janie Freeman, all of the] home, and Mrs. G, W. Ha^ Mpcto. ville. Route 4; one brodier, T, A, Daniel, Mockavllle. Route 4,* three sistere, Mrs. G, C Correll and Mrs,' H, Davis, Route 4. Mockavllle, and Mrs, M* G, Windsor. Arlington, Va. D. F. Potts D, F Potts, 79, died Tuesday night at 11:30 o^clock at his home in Lex* logton, after an illness of one year. Snrviving are two sisters, and three brothess. The fcmeral was held Friday at Fork Church. Burial was in the cbnrch graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 9/26/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 28,1945 - Page 1 Oscar B. Frye PATinn kuled Osear B. Frye of Oatawba, father of Mre. Oray Hendrloke of Lexlnston who formerly lived here, died laat Sunday In a New ton hospital from Injuries receiv ed In an auto wreck the preced ing day near Oatawba. Two sons and tfwo daughters were In the ear with him and they were reported to be in hospital in a critical condition. Oray Hen- drlcks la the son of Mr, and Mrs. Orover Hendrlcks of Mocks- vllle. Mrs. Boger's Rites Held Wednesday Funeral services for Mrs. Min nie Melissa Bogeir, 77, of Mocks- vllle, route 2, were conducted vyednesday afternoon at the home at 2:10 o'clock and at Union Ohapel Methodist-church at 3 o'clock. Rev. O. O. Renegar, Rev. J. M. Hayes and Rev. R. o. Mcciamrock offiolated. in terment was in the church graveyard. Mrs. Boger died at her home Monday night. Pallbearers were L. 8. Driver, O. E. Driver, W. 8. Ckillette, W. A. Beck, C. R. Hunter and Paul Eaton. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 28,1945 - Page 3 J. C. Godby Rites HeldSatufday J. O. Godby, 60, of MocksvUle, route 4 died Friday morning at a Wlmton-Salem hospital. He was a son of John E. and Frances Oi Oodby. Surviving are one brother, M. L. Godby of MocksvUle,. Route 1. 'The funeral-was held at the homo of thb brother, Sunday af t-r crnooh at 9:30 o'clock, liinv. O. Fink conducted t ho services. Burial was in Center Church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 9/28/1945 DAVlE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, Octobers, 1945 Mrs. Robert L Roger Mts. Robert L. Boger, 77> died at her home on R* 2, on Sept 24th. Funeral services were held at the home Wednesday afternoon at 2:15 o'clock, and at Union Chapel Methodist church at 3 o'clock. Rev8.J. M. Hayes, R. G. McClamrodi and G. D. Renegar conducted the services; The body was laid to test in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were L. S. and O. E. Himter and Paul Eaton. Mrs. Boger is survived by ber . husband, three step-daughters, »'Mi8. Latta Ratledge^ R. 1; Mrs. siGrover Ladiam, Winston'^em; ijMrs. Homer Hrmter, Cana$ two pstep-sons, Vixgii Boger, of near •|Cana, and Guy Boger, Winston- i Salem. Harry F. Aitd^o Harry F. Aitcblson, 6o, well- knowD Wiostoo • Saleni busioe^ man, and member of the Petiry Aitcbison Printiog Co.,- died in a Twin-City bospital Tbnrsday afttr noon. Mineral services were held Friday aRern'ion at 5 o'clock at First Baptist 'Church, Winaion-Sa- lem, and the body laid to rest io ^lem Cemetery Surviving are the widow and two daugbters. We bad known Mr. Aiicbisoo for more than a third of a century, and it is with sadness that we Chronicle bis passing. Mrs. A^hide Palree Mra. Adelaide Fetice. 84, died al her home at Oermanton Friday ffloming at 9 o'elock. Mrs. Peiree was a mem^r of Ruml Hall Chris tian Chnrch. She waa gradnatcd from Salem College in 1878. Fnn* eral servtoes were held at Comlih Christian Cbnrdi Snnday afternoon at 3 o'dock, and the body laid to rest In the church cemetery. Snrvjvlog are four daughters and seven sous, 37 grandchlldien and 13 great-grand childr^ Mn*. J. P. Stokiestreet, ot ibis city ia a daughter ot Mrs Fetree. Bio - Obituaries -10/3/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 5,1945 - Page 1 Samuel Douglas Smith John M. Stoner LOSES ONOLB John M. Stoner, 89, unole of Roy Feezor, died September 10 at the home of. his daughter, Mrs. Resale DeWeese of Murphy. Funeral aervlces were held at Uie First Baptist church in Lex> Ington. FATHER DIES Samuel Douglas Smith, native of Davle county, who lived In Winston, died last Monday night. He was the father of Mrs. W. J. Leach of Mt. Airy, formerly of Mocksvllle: Mrs. H. B. Bnyder of MocksvUle and Mrs. 0. L. Aaron of Advance, route 9. Fu neral services were held Tues day. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 5,1945 - Page 4 Adelaide Blum Petree Mm. Ftank Stoii^ireei Lines'Her Mother ^0. AdelaMe Blum Petree, 84, died .Ot her hmne to Oen^- t^^ ^Iday morning, siie beu in decilnittg health for sometime and ma seiiouSly lU for the past several months, fu neral services were held Sunday and interment was In the Cor inth Christian church CjBmeteiV. .Born In Winston-Salem, Dec, 8, 1880, she was a daughter of the late Edmund and Catherine Hartman Blum. She spent her early life in wiiisten*Saiem, moving to the Oermantown com munity after her marriage to Rlley J. Petree on April 12,1881. Mr. Petree. a prominent farmer, died May 23. 1928. Mrs. Petree was a member of Rural Hall Christian Church. She was graduated from Salem College, June 20, 1878, and was to the first class which received diplomas from Salem. Shia wm a niember of a well-known fam ily in this section. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. W. R. Graham of Blaok- stone, Va.; Mrs. J. F. Stonestreet of Mocksvllle, Mrs. W. B. West moreland of Oermantown, and Mrs. Ruth Petree of the home; seven sons, O. M. Fetree of WhltevUle; H. G. Petree of Rurm Hall; Lieutenant dolbnel P.. A. Petree of the U. B. Army,' Chi cago; Dr.'O. F. Petree of King. C. E. Petree of Cherry Lake, Fla.; Dr. R. B. Petree of Char lotte; and R. J. Petree of Louis ville, Ky.; 27 grandchildren and 112 sreat^grandohUdreni, ' ' Bio - Obituaries -10/5/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, 10/6/1945 >avis H©W on Sunday services for Jesee LmI y at liis home at * morning alter : ^ha weeks, win: IchmSh Methikllst}!pcloSl afternooy at Sj' JS. "*u ®®9'*'ces. Burial will be*I Jj?® Church graveyard. Ih«« V removed to thef M alternobn' at 2:30 ine ^de his home lor 10 years Iflnrf Hubert <Bavis Jr.!RlCtriSe^"- Bio - Obituaries -10/6/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 10,1945 Mitdi Stewart Mitch Stewart, 82, lifelong re^ sident of die Fulton com''' munity, died Oct. Is^ at 5:30 o'clock at his home, Advance, R. 1. Mr. Stewart had been a mem* ber o' T'uUon Mcdiodist Church since h's ' oudi and held most •'•f I the c urch o i s during his life. :He at a *1 cm > r ol' the board of !daupu.:r. M-s. ] esc.r Yotmg a —"idihl!'-•!* f Av^'.:r *tru":c '« V be/ • dl !. V }\- th -tlu- i>. iJjj, "ip •«lie ajti rc Rin«t T'"' ''n't-m- * SIS * • ''VVJm- day aft at 2.o' '«'cl; a: Fi tba M .!mV "K; Chu - • Rev..1.' —cotr .»«'»•• U V. b'b •. oondn i i: acr • cs. . • • n-i? ill dl. 1- h gf yar ". Mrs Bessie Smf Mrs. Bessie Spry, 65, died sud-t denly at her home in Coofeemce^ Wednesday aftcrpoon. . Surviving arc onefldn;;' O'in n♦''pry, of the liomc.ab ' Vgh- b*fiUiers, Mrs. .Dallsw. J.v»v»w» ,Wins-| tOti-Salom: Cnrl 'ar^p"»; Ned Lookal'ill, hh*s. hut' 'r T/n*-mol, Mrs. Osear Kclfcr. Mrs. S 's-- ford Woodruff, all of Davic: Mrs.Lloyd Grccnway, Sali.shnri*. andMiss Onlti Spry, of the boiui", two half brothers. .T. C. ami C. ("*.McCullough, of McrksviHo. R. -1:one half sister,'Mrs. J. S. of MocksviKc. Funeral services vcrc i*o»uh'«'ted Friday aftenioon at 4 nVb">rl' mLiberty Methodist Cluirrb. Rev. G. W. Fink and Rev. J." W. Foster officiated. Burkit was in the chu- chcemetery. ' Bio - Obituaries - 10/10/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 12,1945 - Page 1 JOHNLFOSIB) DIED TUESDAY iJohn L. Foster, B2, well-known farmer, died suddenly Tuesday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at his home In the County Line com munity. He had- been In 111 health for some time and suf fered a heart attack. Mr. Foster was born in Davle county, March 6, 1663, a son of aaiQuel and Laura Foster. He spent hJs entire life In that sec tion and was married to Miss Augusta Blackwell 83 years ago. Bbe died IB years ogo. He was a member o! Salem Methodist Church. • surviving are four children, Bobert A., Henry Clay, John U. and Miss Mary E, Foster, all of the County Line community and two grandchildren. The funeral was held at Sale^ Methodist Church Thursday af t- 'ornoon at 2:30 o'clock. Burial was In the church graveyard. Davis Funeral Rites Held On Sunday Funeral services for Jesse Lee Days, 70, who died at his home at Advance Friday morning aft er a serious illness of two weeks, were held at Shady Orove Meth odist Church Sunday afternoon. Bev. Ralph Carpenter conduct ed the services. Burial was in the church graveyard. Mr, Davis was bom In Dan- vUlb, Va., May 8, 1875, and was married to Miss Delphlna Hart- man, who died Oct. 83, 1040. Ue had resided at Advance for 30 years, going there from Thorn- asvUle, where he made his home for 10 years. He was a member of Shady Orove Meth odist Church. Surviving are . one son. Lieu tenant Hubert H. Davis, of Ad vance; one grandson, Hubert Davis Jr., and one sister, Mrs. Bettle Davis, of Wlnston-Salem. Bio - Obituaries - 10/12/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 12,1945 - Page 2 Mrs. Bessie Spiry Died Suddenly . . Beasl^ Ann McOuIlough Spryi 65,i 41ed sudldenly at her home' in Cooleem6e iaat Thurs* dky afternoon. " Burvlvln'g are one ison, Oline siiry, of the home; and eight daughters, Mrs. Dallas James, of Winston - Salem; Mrs. Oarl James, Mrs. Ned LookabUl, Mrs. tuthOr 'ximmel, "Mrs. Oaoar Keller,-and Mrs. Sanford Wood- ruffi all of 'Mdoksvllle; Mrs. iiloyd Oreenway, of' Salisbury; and Miss 'onita Spry, of the home; two half brothers, J. O. and C. 0, McCuUough, of Mocks- vllte, Boute 4; one half sister, Mrs. J. 8. Daniel, of Mockavillo; 24-grandchildren, 3 great-grand children ahd several nieces and nephews. Puneral services were held Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Liberty Methodist Church. Kev. O. W. Fink and Rev. J. W. Foster ofliclated. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 10/12/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 17,1945 John L Foster jfohn L. Foster. 82, weIl«kiiown tanner, died suddenly Tuesday afternoon at 5:30 o'clo^ at his home at Counsy line. He had been in ill healdi for some time and steered a heart attack, Mr. Foster was born in Davie County, March 8,1883, a son of Samud and Laura Foster. He spent his entire life in' diat sec* tion and was married to Miss I Augusta ^ladcwell 52 years ago. She died 15 years ago. He was a ' member o f Salem Medicdlst ! Church. t Surviving are four children, I Robert A., Henry Clay, John H. ^ and Miss Mary E. Foster, all of County Line, two grandchildren. The funeral was held at Salem Mediodist Oiurdi Thursday after»' noon at 2:30 o'clock with Rev. B. N. Avettv of Kemersville, conduct'Iingthe services. Burial was in , the church cemetery. | In die deadi of Mr. Foster, Davie county loses one of her best known and most beloved ddzena. His death has cast a ^oom over die endte community where he spent a long and usefiil life. We had known Mr. Foster since our childhood, and in his passing we have lost a long'time friend. We shall miss his hearty tumdshake and cheerful greeting. To tkebe- reaved childreu we extend our heartfelt sympathy In fhls sad hour of bereavement. A goodn^has crossed over the great divide. Bio - Obituaries - 10/17/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 19,1945 - Page 1 Services Are Held For Eddie Mitchell Stewart S^ineral lervlees were held October 3 for ^dle Mitchell Stewart, 83, who died at hie home, Advance, Route 1, on Oc« tober 1. Rev. J. 0. Oentiry and Rev. Ebenezer Myera conducted the service at Fulton Methodlat church, where he had been a member for the past 30 yeara. Interment waa in the church cemetery. Mr. Stewart was married De cember 34, 1903, to Miss Sollle Lanler, who survives. One daugh ter. Mrs. Lester Young, and two grandchildren, all of Advance, Route 1, also survive. Bio - Obituaries - 10/19/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 31,1945 Mrs. M. A. Waller ' Mrs. Maty Ann Ellis Waner,96« of Ad^vonce, died at a Winaton- Selem.'hospital at 5:10 p. in.. Sat- utday. She had been in fledin- ing health for the past dhiree years and was seriobsly ill for one month. Bom, in Davle County, May 8, 1849, she was a dai^cer of the late Taylor and Polly Stewart Ellis. On Nov. 3,1877, she was manied to Thomas W. Waller, who died in Jtdy, 1941* Sutdving axe two sons and three dat^ter. Funeral services were conducted at Etbaville Methodist Chur^, Monday aftemoon at Z o'clodc. Intetment was in die chut^ ce metery. Bio — Obituaries -10/31/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 2,1945 - Page 1 CAUDEll RITES ARE HELD HERE p. J. Oaudell, 42, native of Davle county, son of - the late Mr. and Mrs. Pies Jacob Caudell of Davle and nephew of former Mayor T. X. Caudell of Mocks- vllle, died last Monday at Char lotte hospital. The family moved to Robeson county In 1911. He was an attorney and thea tre owner In Wallace and Marsh- vlUe. A graveside service was held at the Fork cemetery Tuesday afternoon and Interment was In the family plot there. Survivors Include the widow, three children and three broth ers and slaters. out-of-town attendants at the funeral Included Mr. and Mrs. Carey Caudell of Wallace, Fay Caudell of Fairmont and Frank Caudell of Bules Creek, Mrs. L. T. Brltt and daughter, Rachel, C. C. CRAVEN DIED SUNDAY Funeral services for .C. O. Craven, 86, who died Sunday night at his home, Mocksvllle, Route 2, wore held Tuesday aft ernoon at 2:30 o'clock at Oak arove Methodist church, l^ie body lay in state at the church from 2 until 2:30. Rev. O. W. Pink, Rev. E. W. Turner and Rev. E. M. Avett conducted the services. Burial was In the Roso cemetery, Mooksvlilo, with Masonic honors. Mr. Craven, who was a well knov^n farmer, is survived by two sbns, J. O. and O. L. Craven of Mocksvllle; two daughters, Mrs. J. B. OrlfTIn of Portsmouth, Va.; and Mrs. Texle Horn of Mocksvllle; two brothers, C. 0. Craven of High Point, Route 1, and J. B. Graven of High Point; seventeen grandchildren and nln great-grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries -11/2/1945 of Wendell, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Paulson and Mrs. B. T. fiallbiger of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Caudell, B. a. Popham, W. D. Northrup, Mrs. Albert Inman, all of Bt. Pauls, N. C., Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hopkins, Byron Adams, Oy DUlon, C. W. Williams, George Rosooe, all of Charlotte, F. L. Lee of Warsaw, H. O. Cook of Mt. OUve, R. D. MoOowan, O. H. Bstes, G. L. Rivenborl^ Mr. and Mrs. O, P. sellers and Mr. and HrSnnj. uanaei'soST^nriBr Wallace. Mrs Roger Howard Passed Monday Funeral services for Mrs. Roger Howard, 28, of Mocksvllle, Route 4, who died Monday night at a Salisbury hospital, were held Wednesdoy afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at Smith Grovo Meth odist church. Rev. Mr. Folger conducted the services. Burial was In the church graveyard. Mrs. Howard was a daughter of J. C. and Pearl Freeman God- by. 'Sh8* had been In 111 health for some time. Surviving are the husband; the parents; one daughter, Shir ley Howard; three brothers, Paul, Eugene and Curtis Qodby, of Mocksvllle, Route 4; and three sisters, Mrs, Paul Willard, Mrs. Charles Foster and. Miss achel Oodby, all of Winston- Salem. . DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 2,1945 - Page 3 Ml!S. WAIUR PASSES AWAY Mrs, Mary Ann Bllla Waller, M, of Advance, died at a Win ston (hospital last Saturday. She had been in declining health for the past three years and was seriously 111 for one month. Born In Davle county, May 8, 1849,'she was a daughter of the late Taylor and Polly Stewart Ellis, On Nov. 3, 1877, she was married to Thomas W, Waller, who died in July, 1041. Surviving are two sons, Ollie O. Waller of Woodleaf and CHiffiifs "criJraiiBrnBrwinston- Saiem; three daughters, Mrs. J. a. Zimmerman of Advance, and Mrs. R. B. Burton and Mrs. C. T. Burton of Winston-Salem; 38 grandchildren, and four great grandchildren. Funeral services were con ducted at ElbaviUe Methodist (mutch, Advance, Monday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock. Interment was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -11/2/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 7,1945 C. C Craven Christopher Colombtis Craven, [86, died at his home near Oak Grove on Oct. 28th. Mr. Craven ihad been in bad health for some Itime, btit was in Mocksville only a few days before his death. Mr. Craven was a weU4cnown' farmer anc moved to this county from Davidson county many years ago. His deadi has brou{^e sadness to ^theendre community where he ! spent a long and usefollife. { Funeral services were held at Oak Grove Methodist churzh last Tuesdaiy afternoon at 2:30 o'clock,' with Revs. G. W. Fink. E. W.! Turner and E M. Avett offidat ing and die body laid to rest in Rose cemetery with Masonic honors. Mrs. Craven is survived by two sons, J. G. of the home, and G. L of Mocksville two^ughters, Mrs. J. B. Griti^, of Portsmouth Va.; and Mr8.Tc^e -Hpi^ of Mocks^ vUle; ^o brbdi^ O. Craven.' of Hi|h P^4-Roii(m i^ahd J. E. Craven OfT^^"lromt3*;S^^ Standcluldreh^i.^hicl^;''nine, great'} SrandchUdien;' ; l • J. n |i flflrs. Roger Howard Funeral services for Mrs. Roger Howard, 28, of Moeksville. Route 4i who died Monday n^t at a Salisbury hospital, was hdd Wed nesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at Smith Grove Mediodlst Oiurch. Rev. J. E Fcdger conducted die services. Buri^ was in die church graveyard, Mrs. Howard was a daufihter of J. C. and Pearl Freeman Godby. She had been in ill health for some dme. Surviving are the husband; the parent^ one daughter, Shirley iHoward; duee brodiers, Paul, Eu- igene and Curtis Godby, of Mocks ville, E 4, and three sisters, Mrs. Paul WUlhad, Mrs. Charles Foster and Miss Ra^d Godby, all of Winston-Salem. Bio - Obituaries -11/7/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 9,1945 - Page 1 Falling Tree Kills C. H. Mabe Charlie H. Mabe, 31, of Moeks- vllie, Route 1, died Tuesday at 11 a.m. at his home following injuries received when a tree fell on him where he and a companion were cutting lumber. Son of W. H. and Martha Duncan Mabe of Stokes county, he is survived by his wife, the former Miss Mae Dwiggins; his parents; hve sons, David, Rob- ert, George, Allen and Lawrence Mabe, all of the home; three brothers, Woodrow Mabe of Mooksville, Route 1, Odls Mabe of the U. 8. army, and Roscoe Mabe of Landls; six sisters, Mrs. Green Burris, Mrs. Charlie Don ald, Mrs. Jack Cahrrier, Mrs. Dan Granes, Mrs. Joe Williama and Mrs. Wolton Mitcher, all of Landis. Funeral services were con ducted Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Center Methodist church. Rev. O. W. Pink offi ciated. Interment was In the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -11/9/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 9,1945 - Page 7 Allen Smith Neely Funeral services for Allen Smith ^ccly, 82, who died at his homo In MoorosvUle Thurs day evening, were held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Wat- kin Chapel A.M.E, Zlon church. Mr. Nccly woa a native of Davla county, moving to Modrcs- vUlo 35 years ago. Survivors in- Ocludcd one'daughter, Miss Clara Nooly of Mooresvllle, two sons, Henry Allen, Washington, D. C., and Willie Allen of Now York. Those from here attending the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Fester, Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wood ruff, Mosdames Annie Molane, Bessie Brown, Adelaide EIHs, Mary Oalther, Jessie Corter, Kettle Burse, Misses Geneva Oloment, Iiice Nail Oalther, Lll- llc Crawford and Margaret Woodruff, ond.J. A. Smoot, 1. Oalther. F. W. Steel, E. L. Smoot and Henry Moronoy. Bio - Obituaries -11/9/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 14,1945 Ira and C. B. Hodges Bad Auto Wreck Two men were instantly killed last Tuesday nis^t 15 miles west of MocksviUeiand alady and lit' tie son were critically injured, when a car driven by Ira Hodges, of Vtij^nia, ran into aChreyhound bus. The injured were carried to Davis Hospital StatcsviUe. The dead men are Ira and C B. Hodges. *They were returning home firom a huntbig trip in Western Carolina. The bus driver and passengers escaped injury. The passenger car was said to be on die wrong side of the road when die wiedc occurred. Charles H. Mabe Charlie H. Mabe, 31, of Mocks' viUe» Route died iWsday at 11 a. m., at his home following in* juries received when a tree idl on him where he and a companion were cuttinfl lumber. Son of W* H. and Martha Duu' can Mabe of Stokes Count)^ he is survived by his wife, the former Miss Mae Dwisginsj his parent^ five sons, Davldi, Robert, Geoige^ Allen and Lawrence Mabe^ aU of the home; three brodiers. Wood' row Mabe of MocksvlIIe^ Route 1, Odis Mebe of the U. S. Army, and Roscoe Mabe of Landis; six si^erSi Mrs. Green Bmtis, Mrs. Chariie Donald, Idis* Jade Cduy tier, Mrs. Dan CSranes, Mrs. Joe WlUiams and Mrs. Waucon Mit' cher, all of Landis. Funeral services were conducted Wednesdav afternoon at 3 o'clode at Center Methodist Church. Rev. G. W. Fink officiated. Intetm^t was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Joseph Keerer Mrs. Joseph Keever. 6i. of Stony Point, died at the home 2 of her daughter, Mr*. Rex Campbell, atj Loray, Sunday afternoon at 3:1.5 o'clo^ following an extended HI ^ ness. Fooeral and bnrlal services took' place at Clbetty Methodist chnreh, Alander county, Monday afternoon at 4 O'clock. Mrs Keever Is the mother ol Mrs. Hanrv Strotid. of Moeksvllle Suiviving are one son, fonr daugh ters, seven graodcbildreo and fonr sisters. Her husband passed a. way In 1944. Bio - Obituaries -11/14/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 16,1945 - Page I Declared Dead T«ch. Sst. Gordon Btoneslreol DAVIE SOLDIER DECLARED DEAD Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stonostroot of Mocksvllk* have been notlAed by the War Department that their son, Technical Sgt. Charles Gordon Btcnestrcet, who was re ported missing In action over Germany on May B, 1044, has been ofllclally declared dead. The letter, dated Nov. B, said In part: liAll ..aVAllahle, .records, a.nd_re- porLs concerning the absence of your son have been carefully in vestigated and are deemed to warrant a subsequent review of the case. Information In the hands of the War Department Indicates that your son was a cicw member of a B-24 bomber which failed to return from a bombing mission to Brunswick, Germany. The plane and all members of the crew disappeared on the return flight to base aft er being seen over the Nether lands coast with fighter csoort following an attack by enemy aircraft. After leaving the coast the plane turned back towards the continent and was never seen again. Investigation has failed to reveal troce of the plane or Its missing personnel, "aince no information has been received which would sup port a presumption of his con tinued survival, the Wor Depart ment must now terminate your son's absence by a presumptive finding of death. Accordingly, an official finding of death has been recorded; however, as required by law, It includes a presump tive dnto of death for the pur pose of termination of pay and allowances, settlement of ac counts and payment of death gratuities. In the case of your son this dale has been set as Nov. 8, 1046. "I regret the necessity for this message, but trust that the ending of a long period of un certainty may give at least somo small measure of consolation. An appraisal of the sacrifice made by your son In the service of his country compels in us feelings of humility and respect. May Providence, grant us a measure of relief icom the an guish and anxiety you have ex perienced during these many months." ' ThO'letter was signed by MaJ. Gen. Ed-ward P. Wltsell, Acting The Adjjutont General of the Army. / Bio - Obituaries - 11/16/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 21,1945 Sgt Stonestveet Dedar-,' ed Dead i Mr. and Mrs* Franlc Stonestree^ of this dty; have received the feh lowing letter from the War De partment, dated Nov. 8dk: ** "Since your son, Technical SeD> geant Charles Gordon Stoncstreet,' AirCotps, was reported missing in action May 8, 1944* die War.Department has entertained diej hopediathe survived and diat. information would be retted! dispelling the uncertainty sur-' rounding his absence. However, as in many cases, die condidons of warfare deny us such informa tion. "All available records and re ports omcemii^ die absence of your son have been carefully in vestigated and are deemed to war rant a subsequmt review of his case. Information in die hands of the War Department indicates that your son was a crew member of a B-24 bomber whkh failed to return from a bombing mission to Brunswick, Germany, The plane and all members of die crew dis appeared on die return flight to base after being seen over -The I Netherlands coast widi i^ter es cort following an attack hy enemy aircraft. After leaving die coast the plane turned back towards the continent and was never seen a- gain. Investigation has ^ed to reveal any trace of the plane or its missing personnel. "Since no information has been received which would support a presumption of his continued sur vival the War Department must now texmiiiate your son's absence by a presumptive finding of death. Accordingly, an official finding of death has been recorded. The I finding does not establish an ao -tualor probate date of death; ^ however, as required by law, it in cludes a presumptive date of death for the purpose of termination of pay and allowances, setdement of accounts and payment of deadi -gratuities. In die case of your son this date has been set as 6 No- ' vember, 1945. ' "I r^ret die necessity for this message but trust diat die ending of a long period of uncertainty may |^ve at least some small mea^- ure of consolation. An appraisal of die sacrifice made by your son iiidiesavi£e(^i)iscounti?coDi' peb In-us feelings of humllijhrand respect;. May Proiddence grant a measure of relief from die an guish and anxiety yon have exper ienced during these many months. "Sincerely yours, aiWARDF.WITSEU, M^or Gencr^" Gordon entered die army at Ft. Jadcson June 8, 1942, and went overseas in February, 1944. Heis the 38di Davie County boy who made the supreme sacrifice. He was a fine young man and his deadi brings sadness to hundreds of friends duoughout die county. Bio - Obituaries -11/21/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 21,1945 Martin Safriet Martin 70, a native of Davie County, died at Shetidm, Wyoming* on Nov. 6di* Thebc^ was brought to the.home of a' biodier, June Safriet, on K. 4, last Wednesday. Funeral and burial > serv&cs took place at Sodety Bapoj tist churdi last Thursday after' noon at 2 o'cUmIc. ib. Safiiet was a m of the ks Mr. and Mis. Wiley Safriet* of near County Line. He migrated to Montana about 40 years ago» and was engaged for many years in she^ and cattle ranching in that state. He died at the home of a friend sn Wyomimb where he had lived since hte healdt hdl- ed about two years ago. Mr.. Sa' friet was never married. Surviv ing are two brothers, June Saftie^ of R. 4i and John Safriet, of Hi^ Point. Bio - Obituaries -11/21/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 28,1945 Ernest W. Koontz Mrs. Harriwn Charles Mrs. Harrison Charies, 47* died at 6 a. Di. Thussday at her home in ModcsviUe. death foUow ed at illness of several mondis. Survivors indude die husband; one sister; ei|ht daud^ters, and four sons. Funeral services were held Sat', uiday at 2dO p. m., at the Mace* donia Moravian Oiurch. Rev. George Bruner, pastor was in charge* assisted by Rev. 6d Brewer Burial followed in the church ce* metery. A Friend Departs It is with sadness diat we chro' nide the deadi of Csqpt Ernest W. Koontz, 79* of near Yadkin Col- who died at Rowan Memor ial Hospital, Salisbury, on Mon day of iast weelc. We had known Capt. Kooniz for nearly half a century. For fifty years he was a Southern Railway passei^^ con ductor, widi a ran between Salis bury and Asheville. We had trav eled together for thousaiids of miles. Capt Koontz redred iiom active service about 13 years ago, and had resided on his farm about 15 miles east of MOcksville, in Davidson County. Funeral and burial services were hdd at. Good HopeMediodlst Church last Tues day afternoon* Ceptl^ntzwas a Mocksville visitor only afisw wedcs ago, and we had a fdeasant call ficom him, Mrs. Koontz pass ed away about 15 mondis^,and the only dose survivor is <me sis ter. We shall miss C^t Koontz. He was a good man, a friend of lond standing. We nlia11 ever re member our pleasant rdadons with him. Peace to his aghes. Mr«. Alice Jordan Services for Mrs* Altce Jordan, who died Friday at the home of a daugbter. Ur8.'B;C Tiller. Leaks ville, werecondncred Toesdav after. oooQ at 2:30 at First Fiptlst Church lo Cooleemee. Revs. A. T. Stoudemire and Roy Royater were in charge. Burial was lo Augusta cemetery Mrs. Jordan was the widow ct George W. Jordan. She bad b«en a member of First Baptist Church in Cooleemee since 1919. Snrviving are five sons. Btzter Jordan of Salisburv. Ben. Dewey, Artie and Adam Iordan| all of Cooleemee; two. daughters. Mrs. Tom Cope, Mocksville and Mrs E. C. Tiller, Leaksvillc One son Charles, was killed in World War 1. Bio - Obituaries - 11/28/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 28,1945 R. .L Kmder bfe. R, Kinder of Hannony, Route 1,75, died in a Scatesville hospital Wednesday morning. Her death was die result of in- juiies received about six weeks ago in a faO wh^ broke her hip. Funeral services were Thursday at 3:30 p. m., at die Mount Bethel Melho^tChucdiRev.G. C. Gra ham, pastor of the diurch, and Rev. Jack Cook, were in clia^ of the service. Burial was in die church graveyaid. I Mrs. Kinder is die dauditer of the late John P. and Pantha Hix Smith of Fork. I Survivors include die husband; two sisters, Mn. F. M. Carter of Mocksville and Mrs. Z. V. John-' stone, of Fork; one brodier, J. Bw' Smith o f Winston-Stdem; cme 8tep<«on, Cedl R Kinder of Salis bury; and several stepgiandchild- ren and stepgreafrgiandchildien. Bio - Obituaries -11/28/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 30, 1945 - Page 1 Eva Jane Walker Dies Suddenly Eva Jane Walker, 14 year old daughter of Mm. Ooldle Walker, died suddenly at their homo In Wlnston-Salem Monday morn ing. She la the niece of Mrs. M. H. Rldonhour and C. L. laley of Coolcemee. She has spent much time visiting Mrs. Ridenhour In the past few years. The funeral arrangements have not been made, waiting the arrival of her brother who Is serving in the army. The funeral and burial will take place at Center church in this county. Mrs. Williams Succumbs Mrs. L. A. Williams, 76. Mocks- vllle, Rt. 3. died at the Lowery hospitali-^Sallsbury, Sunday as the result of a heart attack. Mrs. Williams entered the hospital following a fall at her home sev eral weeks ago. Mrs. Williams, the former Loureiia Dedmon, is survived by one sister, Mrs. M. A. Davis, of Winston, eight children, L. O. Williams, of Salisbury, Lester Wiiiiama, of Rowan Mills, Mrs. Tom XiOsslter of Spencer, Mrs. Sam Kurfccs ond Mrs. Kelly Swlccgood of Cleveland. Rt. 2, Mrs. Phillip Forrest and Mrs. Leo Hondrix of Mocksvllle, Rt. 3 and J. F. Williams of Advance, Rt. 2, and 38 grandchildren and 20 groat-grondchlldrcn. Her hus band died in 1014. Funeral services wore held at No Creek Primitive Baptist church, where Mrs. Williams was a devoted member. Interment was in the church cemetery. Wade Daniels Dies Suddenly Wade H. Daniels. 53, died suddenly at his home on Watts street, Cooleemec, Monday morning, November 26. He had been in bad health for the past several months but was not con fined to his-home. He was the sou of Juiias ami Sarah Daniels of Davle county. He had been employed by the Erwin Mills for the past 23 years. He was a member of the Coolecnice Methodist Church and of the P.O.S. of A. Ho is survived by his widow, the form er Miss Mary Vivlns, and four daughters: Mrs. Paul Tutterow and Mrs. Kenneth Hoover of Coolcemee. Mrs. E. E. Shaver of Rowan county and Mrs. Bruce Josey of AmarlUo, Texas; one brother, R. W. Daniels of Mocks vllle. Ri. 4 and four grandchil dren. Funeral arrangements are not complete but will probably bo hold Bomo time today at the Methodist Church. Burial will be at Liberty Church. Bio - Obituaries - 11/30/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 30,1945 - Page 2 Mrs. Alice Jordan Mrs. Tom Cope Loses Mother Mrs. AUcc Jordan, wife of Ocorgo W. Jordan of Yadkln college and.Cooleemoe, died Fri day at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. E. C. Tiller of Leaks- vllle, Survivors Include five sons, Baxter Jordon, Salisbury, and Ben, Dowey, Arlle ond Adam Jordan of Oooleemeo; two daughters, Mrs. Tom Cope, Mocksvllle, and Mrs B. C. Tiller, LeaksvUle. One son, Charles Jordan, was killed in World War I. Funeral services were held Sunday at 2:30 p. m. from the First Baptist church, Cooleemeo, conducted by Rev. A. T. Stoude- mlre and Rev. Roy Royster. Bur ial was at Augusta church ceme tery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/30/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 30,1945 - Page 6 Mrs. Harrison Charles Rites Held Saturday Mrs. Harrison Charles, 47, died at 6 a. m. Thursday at her home In MooksvUIe. Her death followed an Illness of several months. Mrs. Charles was the daught er of the late Mr, and Mrs. John OMara of Gullford Coun ty. Survivors Include tho hus band; one sister, Mrs. Annie Brown of Yadkln county; eight daughters, Misses Hazel and Alice Charles, both of Wlnston- Salom, Ruby, Mildred, Margaret. Mary Annie, Settle Jean and Charlotte Cliarles, all of the home, four sons, Clarence Charles of Mocksvllle, Lonnle and Lawrence Charles, both of Wineton - Salcm, and Qcorgei Charles of tho home. Funeral services were Satur day at 2:30 p. m. at the Mace donia Moravian Church. Rev. George Bruner, pastor, was in charge. He was assisted by Rev. Ed Brewer. Burial was In the church cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 30, 1945 - Page 7 Robert Mason -Funeral services for Robert Mason, who died Saturday at the Rowan Memorial hospital, were held Monday at the Cedar Grove Baptist church. Survivors are the widow, six sons and six daughtors, Robert, Ernest, and James Mason of MocksvUle, Charlie of Advance, Odell of Baltimore, Md., and Eddie Mason of Wlnston-Salem; Mrs. Johnson Brown, Mocksvllle; Mrs. Cath erine Chaplin, Lexington: Mrs. Jessie Parker, WUiston-Salem; Misses Minnie and Saster Mason of Wlnston-Salem, Miss Bernlce Mason, of Charlotte. Shirley H. Mason •Rev. Shirley H. Mason, who resided in Wlnston-Salem, died Saturday at the Kate Bitting hospital after a brief illness. Rev, Mason, a native of Davle coun ty, had lived In Wlnston-Salem for nine years, He operated a cut rate furniture store and was a member of the Cedar Grove Baptist church. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 3 pjn., with Dr. J. W. Halrston of Ashe- vllle oiricluling. Brutal was In the church cemetery. Blo - Obituaries -11/30/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 5,1945 Ed Davis Bd Davia, 87, died Sunday mom or 9 o'clock at hia ham" iu the Pork common iiF, ^ He was a uatieeofYadkin Conn tjr. Surviving are a number o* nieces and oeohevws. The funeral was held Monday) afternoon at 3 o'clock at Pork Bap. > tist cbur^ Burial wus in the! dhurcb enivcjard. Mn. Marion WMiann Mis. L. a. WiUiams, 76^ widow of Mafion WflHams of MbdcsviO^ Route 3. died at 6AS a. Nov. 26d&. at a SaUslniiy hoqiiltalwhete she hadbeen afiatieiic ior 16 days. Mrs. WUiiams was the daugh ter of William Deadmon and Ann Deadmon and ceslded in die Cor- natzer community all her life. Suivivlng are five dsus^ten, Mrs. T. H. Lassiter of Spencer. Mi8.''FhlIRp Rmettf and Mrs. i. A.Heiidrix» both ofMocksvUlc^ Route 3, Mfs. Edna I&nfees of Cteveland, Route 3 and Mn. K. A. Swioegood* of develandf Route 3; three sons, Jf. F.WUliatns of Ad vance^ Route 2> Lester Williams of Sa!^huty>Roiite2 and L, O. WIlQiams of Salisbury; one shier, Mrs. M. A. DaVis of Winston-Sa- lem. Funeml services were held at No Gteeik Primitive Baptist Church Wednesday at 2 p. m. Wdet Mboie and Rev. Broadway were in chatce. Bu^ followed in the church cemetery. Bio — Obituaries - 12/5/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 7,1945 - Page 1 Funeral Held For Ed Davis Funeral services for Ed. Davis, i 87, whb died Sunday mornlne at 0 o'clook at his homo In the Fork community, wore held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Fork Eaptlst church. Rev. E. W. Turner and J. Rlnord Foster were In charge of ■the services, and burial was in the church graveyard.1 A native of Yadkln county, the ' son of Jones and Rachel Vestal ! Davis, he Is survived by a num« ■ber of nephews and nieces. Bio - Obituaries -12/7/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 19,1945 David N. Baity David N. Bohy* wdl known ledrad £Binier,.AM at die koaie a nei^icwi Flidcc BdM on R. % Wednttday.alfieniooa wllowfaig a stndoe of psosdmis. Fkmeial secvloee wne held at Baton's Oiuidi Fridiw af- tcfooon at 2t30 o'clock wldi R^. B* W* TVuncff DaDas Rcnestf and Wade Hutchins in diaiBe. and the body laid to testlnthecinitch cemelm* Mn Baity was a mem* ber of Comtney Bapdst Dhutch. Only smvlvlnfl raativcs ate one btotfaer* Dr. R R. Baity, of Knos* , Tenn., and sevoal ndces nephews^ Bio - Obituaries -12/19/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 21,1945 - Page 3 David N. Baity Old Resident Of Davie Passes David N. Baity, 88, lifetime resident of Davie, died Wednes day ot 2 pm. at the home of his nephew, Floke Baity, on Mookflvliie, Route 2. He was the son of F. A. Baity and Ellsa Oranhlll Baity, and was a member of Cross Roads Baptist church. Funeral services were con ducted Saturday afternoon at 2:33 at Eaton Baptist church. Rev. E. W. Turner, Rev. Wade Hutchins and Rev. Dallas Rcn- opar were in charge. Interment was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -12/21/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CODY Booker T. Cody was born in South Carol ina March 11, 1905, and died -PeiLember 25, 19^5, and is buried in a Black Baptist Buring Ground. He came to Mocksville, N. C., with a road crew building Depot Street. He married Florence Frances Van Eaton, who was born June 11, 1907, and is buried in a Black Baptist Church graveyard. She was the daughter of Simon Van Eaton and Mary Ellen Woodruff. Booker T. 6 Florence Cody had 12 children: 1. Rebecca Cody m. Green Isaac 2. Helen Cody m. Evans 3. Jennie Cody - never married •4. Berlena - never married 5- Llewlyn (Rena?')• -" her husband came'from damaIoa and'they married In New York 6. Lula Cody - m. Nicholson 7. Booker T. Cody 8. Wi l l iam Harold.Cody 9. Albert Thomas Cody 10. Iza Lee Cody 11. Robert Andrew{s) Cody 12. Michael (Mickael) Stephen Cody j- Or- V> ri 4^ Rebecca Cody, b. Apri l 11, 1925, graduated from Davie Central High School in 19^2, and married Green Isaac from Florida. He attended two years of college S told Miss Flossie Martin that his uncles were born before the Civil War. Rebecca & Green had children: 1 . Frances Isaac - a registered nurse 2. Eleanor El izabeth m. a Brown 3. Al ice Grennelld - Al ice despised the Grennelld name k. Thomas Richard - m. a Wade 5- Louis Jerome 6. Bruce C1 inard CO IiBRARY iV:0Cr(3V!LL£, NO o 0