Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 3,1945
Giarles B. Mooney
Ctiarks B. Moooer, 62; wdl known con
tf&ctiv. and lor many yeaca a fceldeat of
tbia eiw* dtad laat Wcdneaday tnomlitg at
tboliofneitf bia aon. Hobeit Mooney. at
Oaooqnan* Va.. followli^ a heait att^.
Mr. Mooney bad anff««ed several attacks
since laat SepteinlMa; when two cff bis
ooii8.Sgt.Ralpb Mooney and Uent. Bill
Mooney were reported blllad In action In
Eonmei Mr. Mooney moved from Uila dty
to Enenton aboat four years ado. He was
stricken while on a visit to his son In Vlr-
giofa. Funeral end tmrial servlcea took
place at Edenton Friday afternoon. Sor-
vivlod are two sons, Hubert Mooney, Oc-
coqimn, Va..and Ja^lMooney. Edenton.
and one dandbter, Mrs. Westoo VaMotioe,
Caevy Chase. Md. BIr. Mooney bad many
friends In Davie who were s^dened by
news of bis death. He was a deacon in
the BlockaviUe Baptltf Cbnicb for many
years. His wife and a fittle son passed
away aboot 18 years
Mrs. Frank Kmy
Mia. Frank Kind. 41 of Advance. R. 1,
died at a Winston Salem hospital Dea 28.
Sorvivind are the husband, five daudbteia.
four sons, six brothers and three sisters.
Funeral aervleea were cenducted at the
home at 2 o*cto^ Wednesday and st 2:30
oVdock at Yadkln Valley Baptist Church.
Reva. J. T. Morray. Kay BlIBnda and Ed
Brewer officiated, and horlal was in the
cbnich cemetery.
Mks UUie Johnson
Miss tJttie Jonaoo, 40 native' of Davie
County, bat a resident of Wioatoa-Salem
for the past two years, died at a hospital
In that mty on 23fd, otter an lUneaa
of nine days She was a dBOgbter of J.
F. and Annie Golden Johnson.
Survivittd are one aiatcr. Mia. E. P.Teah
of WinstoO'Salem, and font brothera, Wat
ter Johnson, of the navy; Raymood John
son, of llklo: Ernest Johnson, of States
vi^ and'FTank Johnson, of Farmington,
The fonml was held Dec. 24tli. at 2^
o*dock at Yadkln Valley Baptist Ghuich.
Reva. J. T. Murray and Ray BiiUnga eon-
ducted the aervleea. Burial was in the
chofch cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries -1/3/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 5,1945 - Page 1
James B. Wetmore
Memorial services were held
Sunday at 11 a. m. in St. George's
Episcopal church, Woodleaf, for
Pfe. James B. Wetmore. son of
Mrs. Bertha W. Wetmore and
the late John H. Wetmore, who
was kiled In action in Germany
on December 16. The rites were
conducted by the Rev. C. E. B.
RidUnson, rector of St. George's
Episcopal church and Church of
the Good Shepherd, Coolecmee.
The'Rev. M. B. Opllnger of Unity
Presbyterian church, Woodleaf,
Robert H. Gordon
Grandson Killed
In Action
T-6 Robert H. Gordon, 20, was
klled in action December 10 In
Europe, his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Gordon, 306 Rowan ave
nue, Spencer, were notified
Tuesday by the war department,
Corppral Gordon was a grand
son of Mrs. C. D. Lefler of Cool-
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 5,1945 - Page 6
Mrs. Frank King
Rites Wednesday
Funeral for Mrs. Prank King,
40 or Advance, route 1^ who died
Monday night at a Winston-
Salem hospital, were held Wed
* .Surviving are the husband;
five daughtersi Addle, Edna,
Nancy, Edith, and tols, all of the
home; four sons. Joe, Howard,
Bennle, and Kelly, all of Ihe
home: six brothers. Leonard, and
Allen Howurd. both uf Advance,
route 1; Sam Howord of Olom-
mons: Pfe. Taylor HbwAird. and
Ffc. Wllltan Howard, both of the
army, overseas; and John Frank
Howard, of Advance, route 1:
three sisters, Mrs. Bill Hilton of
Advance, rcute 1; Mrs. Leo Allen
of Clemmons, route 1: and Miss
Nina Howard, of the home.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at the home at 2 o'clock and
at 2:30 o'clock at Yadkin Valley
Baptist church. The Rev. J. T.
Murray, the Rev. Ray Bl'Ulngs,
and the Rev. Ed Brewer of
ficiated siiid burial was In the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries -1/5/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 10,1945
John A. Bhckweldor
JohA A. Blnekw^Ier. 68, wnU known
Calabaln feimer* died at hte borne on S. 1,
nmndav evenlnii at IhSOo'etOdA. Mr.
Bfsckwehter bad been in de^tog healtb
tor the past two years.
Funeral aorvieea were held at Qames X
Roods Baptlsi Chareh Saturday aftemooii
at 3 oVstodt, with Rev. Wade Hutcfuoia in
charge, and the body laid to rest In the
ehtiich cemetery.
Stifvivibi are the widow, one eea, WU-
naiD. a grandson four btothera, Ctm M.
Blaekwelder. Hatmony; Lonole W. Black*
welder. High PoiotiT A.and H.F.Black-
welder, R, 1; two sfsteia. Mrs. Anna ^e
shite Harmony, and Mrs. B. F. Totteiow,
R. 1.
Mr. Blackwelder was a son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Blackwelder. of It 2,
and spent his entire life in David County.
He had many IHeoda ttuootfiout thecoun*
ty who were saddened by news of bis
death. To the bereaved family and rela*
tlves. The Keeoid eitends ayicpatby In
this sad hour.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/10/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 12,1945 - Page 1
C. L. Klmbroug'h, 78, died last
Monday afternoon of heart dis
ease at his home, Advance,
Route 1.
He was a son of Dr. M. D.
Kimbrough and Sally Brock
Kimbrough. '
Surviving are the widow, Mrs.
Pearl Billings Kimbrough: three
daughters. Mrs. Laura Parker
of Jacksonvlllo. Fla., Mrs. Mamie
Hendrix of Advance, Route 1.
and Miss Lucy Kimbrough of the
home; two sons, Conrad Kim->
brough of Salisbury, and 0. L.
Kimbrough of the navy In Call- i
fornia; one stepson, Worth BUI- ,
ings of Jonesvllle; four brothers,
John of W*nston-SaIem, Alex of
Mocksvllle, Cleve of Atlanta, and t
Joe Kimbrough of Raleigh; one
sister, Mrs. J. L. Sheek of Mocks
vllle. and 11 grondohlldren.
Funeral services were held
Thursday afternoon at 3 p. m.
at Smith Drove Methodist
church, conducted by the Rev.
Mr. Folger, the Rev. Ray BUl-
Ings and the Rev. J. H. Groce.
Interment was In the church
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 12,1945 - Page 2
C. B. Mobncy Dies
Of Heart Attack
Charles B. Mooney, 85, well
known local contractor fdr
about 25 years, died of a heart
attack In Occoquan, Va., at the
home of a son on December 28.
He was burled In sdenton.
whore ho moved four years ago,
with Masonic rltds.
Mr. Mooney came hero from
Davidson college. Ho built the
local high school. Princess the
atre, Eaton's Baptist church and
muny large churches and school
buildings In other sections of
the state.
Two sons and a daughter sur
vive: Hubert of Occoquan whom
he was visiting at the time of his
death and Jack of Edenton,
and Mrs. Wcston Valentine of
Chevy Chose, Md. Two sons,
Sgt. Ralph Mooney and Lieut.
Blil Mooney, were kiiiod In ac
tion In Europe lost fall only nine
days apart and those tragedies
were thou?ht to have accentu
ated his lUness.'
Mr. Mooney was a deacon in
the local Baptist churoh and one
of Its most devout members.
Bio - Obituaries -1/12/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 12,1945 - Page 5
Pvt. Oalvln Graham t GMOl^
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.. (Ba^
dy> Oroce, of the Union ChoM
section of Tadkin oounUf,-iiiin
killed In action In
Germany on the 21th of Stem*,
ber, according to a message ft*
eelved by his parents last week,
from the war department.
Pvt. Oroce entered service tha
latter port of 1843.
Another son. Pvt. Johnnlt
Mack Oroee, is also In the armed
'. Pvt. Oroce la sorvhred by bis
'Parents, two brothers. Jtmlor
and Pvt. Johnnie Mack oroce;
of the U. B. army, one sister of
Wlnston-Balem. Re was a nep
hew of A. O. Ohoplln, weS
retired Wlnston-Balem buslneaa
man. and former resident of
Yadkln county, and Mrs. L. W.
Hobson of yodklnvIUe. Route 3.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 12,1945 - Page 8
J. A. Blackwelder
P^ses at Home
John A. Blackwelder, 08, died
last Thursday night at his home,
Mocksvllle, Route 1. A son of
Hock and Mollle Blackwelder. he
spent his entire life In that
section and was a farmer,
Surviving, are the widow, the
former Miss Laura Ratledge: one
son, W. H. Blackwelder. of
Mocksvllle, Route 1; four broth
ers, T. A. Blackwelder of Mooks-
vlllc. Route 2, Charlie 'Black
welder of Harmony, Harvey
Blackwelder of Mocksvllle, Route
2, and Lonnle Blackwelder of
High Point; two slaters, Mrs.
Ben Tutterow of Mocksvllle,
Route 1, and Mrs. W. L. Cheshire
of Harmony, and one grandchild.
The funeral was held at XJames
Baptist church Saturday after
noon at 3 o'clock. The Rev.
Wade Hutchlns conducted the
services. BBurlol was In the
church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/12/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 17,1945
C. L Kimbimigh
G. U ^brao^ 78» dted Dae. 8, of
heattdiaeaflo at hia Iumimii Advatuse. R. 1,
' Ha wasa aoDof Da If• IX
and SoIIf BMcfc jBnmbioBalL
Surviving are ttia wMow, Hn. Faart
KOittgaSimbfoagleiluee daoglitBia^ Um.
Laura Paite, of JaefcaDiivttle FUu Hnu
Mainle Ifendiis. ot Advanoa, Reoia l»aiid
MissUicy.KlmtMOQgli of the homos two
aona. Ooniad Klmhroogb of SdSohoiy, aad
C L. Khnlunough od the iMVirlaOilifomia.
one atepson. Woith BUUnga, of Jsneavilte;
tour bffoiheii. John df Wlnston-SaleD:
Alan, of lloelaville. Qevoi ot Atlanta, and
Joe Kinthfongh. id Kaleig|i.oiie alfter.lffa.
J. L. Sheeh m tfoeksviUe and 11 giraad*
nmeittl aarvicea weia held at Smllh
Grove Methodliit Qanoh Thomday afkor>
noon at 3 o'dock with Revs. Hav BiOl^
JamasGioeeaiMiJ.L Folgar cnndnctmg
the aarvleea. and the body laid to rest in
the cbttioh oemetaxy.
, Mr. fOmboMigb was a native of Davte
and opmit hia entire-Qfe tnttaconntf. Re
wasafatmar.aiid-tookiDiioh ioteimtl la
mditios. bdng a stannob Sepnh&ean. Hia
friends thooimhoiit the eoonty will be aad*'
deoed hy news of Ids death.
Bio - Obituaries —1/17/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 24,1945
Talmage Kimmer
Willie Mae Hendrix
Davte SohBer Killed
Mrs. ftl L. Eimtner, of .R. 4, re.
ceived a telegram Tborsday mom.
ing from the War Departiaeiit ao«
nouoctog chat her son, Pfc TaU
mage RImmer was kilted in action
in France on Jan* stb Talmage
entered the army in November,
(943, and bad been overseas Mooe
last April. He was wounded twice
jin Italy and once in Prance. He
was so years of age, and is sorvlv*
I ed by his parents, two brothers and
one sister. Talmage is the 25th
j Davie County boy who has lost his
. life in this second World War.
Foriaer Davie Girl
Miss Willie Mae Heodrix, 17,
formerly of Parmmgton township,
but for tbe last year a resident of
Wloston.Salem. lost ber life in an
atitomobilc wreck o n Reynold.^
Roads early Wednesday morning.
Five persons were riding in tbe car
when it left the highway and into
a tree. Three of the occnpants were!
seriously In} ired. The fifth mem.I
ber of tbe parly, said to be a sailor,'
escaped io}uty. Miss Henddx is a
daughter of Mrs. Amanda Pariisb
and W. C. Hendrix, and was at
one time a resident of MocksvlHe,
William M. Beard
; WiUigiD U Beard, 76, faimefiy of Coon
iy UniBb bnt for many years a lealdaDt of
Winston-Salem.dled at his hooie In that
city last Friday, toUowlng an extended
illneaa.. floral eervices wofe held Son-
day afternoon at 3 o*ctoek at Aidmoie
M^iodiat Quimh, of whiofa ha was a
clian« meml)^ Bsva. R Dwighl' Ware
and W, A. RoUina eondueted tlia services,
and the body was iaid to teat In Salem
cemetery. Snrvivlnfi-are tbe widow and
chfoci MOj^, ^llfe. Belli aad Ralfdi Beard*
Braid bra many friends in wvie who
were saddened by ne'wa of his dratb.
Bio - Obituaries -1/24/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 26,1945 - Page 1
Pfo. Talmadge Klmmer, 20,
son of Mrs. M. L. Klmmer, of
Route 4, was killed In action In
l^anco on January B,* ocoordlng
to a telegram his motlier re
ceived last week.
' He had been overseas since
last April, entering service In
November of 1043. He was twice
wounded In Italy ond once in
The parents, two brothers and
a sister survive.
D. W. Tiffin
D. W. Tiffin, husband of the
former Miss Ruby Bowles, of
Route 1, was killed In the Faclflc
last November, according to word
reaching here. He was a chief
commissary steward In the navy.
His wife Is living in Oalilfornla.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 26,1945 - Page 8
Ephraim J. Coble
Father of Coolceniee \
Woman PasMn
Bphralm J. Coble, OS, died Bun-
day at 1:80 a. m. at his home in
East Albemarle, after a week's
illness. A retired farmer,- Mr.
Coble Is survived by nine chil
dren, two of which, Mrs. Annie
Llvengood and Mrs. Henty Dan
iels, live In Oavle county, the
former in cooleemee, Die latter,
Mooksvlile, Route 4. He Is also
survived by one sister end broth
er, 24 grandchildren, and flvo
great-grandehUdren. Bis wife
died some years ago.
Services were held Monday
afternoon at 4 o'clock In 6t.
Martin's Lutheran church, Albe
marle, conducted by the pastor,
the Rev. Dr. Rhodes, and Inter
ment was made In St. Martin's
Saliy Howard Graham
Native of Davie
Dies in Winston
Mrs. Sally Howard Oraham,
widow of Bedford D. Oraham.
I and a native of Davle county,
iwho was born April 23,1860, died
,laat Sunday morning in Wln-
ston-Salem at the home of her
daughtdr, Mrs. Boyce L. Blggers,
where She made her home in re
cent years.
Daughter of H. B. and Amanda
Galther Howard, she lived in
MocksvUle for many years. Her
daughter Is the sole survivor.
Funeral services were held in
Wlnston-Salem and interment
was In the Rose cemetery here.
Bio - Obituaries -1/26/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 2,1945 - Page 4
peorge L. West, 77, well-known
resident of Clemmons, died at
his home Sunday morning at
17:16 o'clock after an Illness of
four months. His condition had
been critical for two weeks.
Mr. West was born In Dnvlc
County, December 1, 1807, n son
of Anderson W. and Amnndn
Miller West. He spent most of
his life at F^rmlngton and had
resided at Clemmons for the
past seven years.
Surviving are the widow, the
former Miss Laura Ward; three
daughters, Mrs. 8. L. Furches of
Wlnston-Salem Route 2; Mrs. P.
H. Swing of Wlnston-Salem and
Mrs. Paul M. Lathani of Wln-
ston-Salem Route 3; nine grand
children; four brothers, W. W.
West of Mocksvilto Route 2; L.
L. and B. H. West of Advance
Route 1 and Ohal West of Mar-
ehalltown, Iowa: and three sla
ters, Mrs. J. W. Douthlt of Ad
vance Route 1; Mrs. H. F. Hauser
of Wlnston-Salem and Mrs. Her
bert Hauser of Marshalltown,
The funeral was held Tuesday
afternoon at . 3 o'clock'at Clem
mons Methodist Church. The
body lay la state at the church
from 2:30 until 3 o'clock. Burial
was In the Clemmons Moravian
Mr. and Mrs. Houston Davis
of the Forbush eeetlon received
a message from the war depart
ment Sunday that their son.
Staff Sgt. John Thomas Davis
was killed In action In Belgium
on January 10. Mr. and Mrs.
l>avL<i have two other sons In
Mrs. Nellie Haga of East Bend
was notified hy the war depart
ment that her son, Sgt. Elbert R.
Haga was slightly wounded In
Belgium January 7. No other In-
formatlon was given except that
the message stated that a letter
would follow.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/2/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 2,1945 - Page 7
Pvt. Wayne Camer; son of
Mrs. Ibc Hutchens of Yadktn-
villo, and husband of the for
mer Miss Marjoric Byrd of
Orover, died January 8, of
wounds received In action In
Belgium, his family has been no
tified by the war department.
Private Corner was a Method
ist Children's Home boy, and
was graduated from Reynolds
High school about ten years
He was with an Infantry unit
In the "Belgian Bulge" when he
was wounded a few days before
he died.
Surviving ore the widow, one
daughter, Caroletta; his mother;
two sisters, Mrs. Marvin Morse
of Troy and Miss Etta Mae Cor
ner of Long Beach, New Jersey;
and one brother. Sgt. Kenneth
earner, who is stationed some
where in France.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 2,1945 - Page 8
First Lt. Charles V. Whltley,
22, son of Mr and Mrs. 0. V.'
Whitley of Zebulon, and grand
son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin V.
Fleming of Boonvllle, has been
officially reported killed in ac
tion in Belgium January 3,1849.
Lieutenant Whitley's mother is
the former Miss Nell Fleming of
Lieutenant Whltley, who was
only recently promoted to his
present rank, was with the
B17th parachute infantry. He
was a graduate of ISebulon High
school, and Virginia Polytechnic
institute. He was a member of
the Scabbard and Blade, honor
ary military* fraternity, The
Bachelor club The Tar Heel
club, the Cotillion club, and was
cadet captain of his R. O. T. G.
company during his senior year.
Lieutenant Whltley received
his military training at Fort
Banning, On., where he received
his,commission on July 25, 1943.
After volunteering for the para
troopers, he received his boots
and wings Sept. S, 1943. He was
stationed at Fort Benning and
Camp Mackall before going
overseas In May, 1944. Re was
in front Una action in Italy and
for three months in southern
France before going to Belgium.
Lieutenant Whitley was well
known at Boonvllle, where he
often visited his grandparents.
He is survived by his parents
and one sister. Nancy Whltley,
all of Zobulon; his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Fleming, two
aunti, Mrs. Frank Polndexter of
Wlnston-Salem and Miss Sadie
Fleming of Boonvllle, and an
uncle, Alton Fleming of Boon
Bio - Obituaries - 2/2/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 7,1945
George West
Geoige L. West. 77. welUbnown lesideot
of Oemmons. died at his home Jan. 8tb.
after an illness of four montbs. His con
dition had been critleal for two weeks.
Mr. West was bom in Davie Coonty»
Deoembet tst, ISfiT. a son of Andeison W.
Amaiida Miller West. He spont most of
hia life at Farmiiifttoo and bad resided at
Clesmnons for the past seven years.
Surviving are the widow, the former
Miss Laura Ward; three daughters. Mrs.
S. L. Furehes, Winston Salem Route 2;gfs. P. H. Swing of Winston Salem and
18. Paul M. Latham of WinatonSalem
K. 2, nine grandchildren; four brothers,
W. W. West of Mocksvllle Route 2; L. L.
and B. H. West of Advance Route t and
Chal West of Marahalltown, Iowa; and
three sisters. Mrs j W. Doutliit of Ad
vance Route 1; Mrs. H. k Haurerof Wins-
too Salem and Mrs. Herbert Hauser of
Marshalltown Iowa.
The funeral wea held Jan 29. at So'dock
at Ciraimons Methodist Church. In the
deuuBOfts Moraviao Gnveyard. ,
:: B&s. T. L'Odom
Mrs. T« EL Odoni, daughter of the late
Mr. and Mm. William Grlffio, of this oily
died at her home In Htohotv Satinday*
^fvlvlng are the bosbaod. one son Al
beit, m daughter. Miss Loidse; two sisters, M^ Alice Cauble and Mrs. William
Rerr. all of HtefcorF* Fonerai and Imrial
waa at Hickory Monday aftefooon.
Charles B. Carter
Charles B. Carter. 74. former Davie dti*
zeo. hut for many years a resident of
High Point and Thomasville, died last
Tuesday at the home of a daughter, in
Thomasville. Mr. Carter is survived by bis
widow, three daughters and seven sons,
one sister and four brothers. Mr. Caiter
bad been a member of Advance metho*
dist chttfch since early manhood.
June A. Bailey
Jmm A* Bailey, 64. died at bis home
near Fork Friday afteiooim.
Surviving are tito widow, five sons,
three daoghtera, ds Imrfaem and one
FUnecal smvlces were hold at Foifc Bap-
tist cbufsh Sunday afkerooon at S o*doek.
with Revs, James Fagg E. W. Tuner and
Wade HntchehaoflSdatlng, and the body
laid to test In tbecbureh oemeteiy.
Marshall C Windsor
Marshall C. Windsor. 63, died nl bis home
in Arlington. Va,, Jan. 28lb. Mr, Wind
sor waa a native of IredeU. county, but
lived In Atlaota to many yean. He
moved to AiSogtoo, Va., abmit dgbt yaais
ago, and served a Govamment Account
ant In Washington.
Mr. Windsor 18 Bncvtved by hie widow,
the former Miss Besde Daniel, of near
Epbetnn; one son, 1^ Uanball VnndBor,
starioned at Ft Bragg; three daugbtem,
deo, Bmnica and Doratby, at home.
n Funeral and burial services toofc ptaca
at Arfington National Cematery Tbnreda?
Mrs. H. L. Austin
Former. Resident Dies
Mrs EL L. Ansrin. for many yeaka a re
sident of this dtv. died at her home in
BorlfngtoD TlmiedBy. deetb leBuhlng from
a beait attack.' :
FUnc^ em^dcea were bold at Bortlng
ton Friday and the body biongbt to tmis
dty and laid ,tu net in Rose cemetery.
Mrs. Austin' is. eiirvived by oneeon Firaiieie
and a number of relatives In tbla county. \
Her friends here were saddened by news
ofberdearii. *
Bio - Obituaries - 2/7/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 9,1945 - Page 2
June A. Salley, 64. son of the
late Berry Bailey and Camallne
Brooks, died at his home in Fork
community last Friday.
Survivors are the widow, the
former Miss Annie Forrest; three
dnuffhlers, Mrs. Ted Lagle of
Coolcomeo; Mrs. Matbio Sue Mo-
Cuiloush, Mocksville, route 4; and
Mrs. Holt Lanler, Mocksville,
Route 3; five sons, W. X., Advance;
J amos A., Wlnson-S a 1 o m;
Brown, Mocksville, route 3; Ffc.
J. B. Bailey, U. S. Army; and O.
M.. of the^home; and DeWltt, all
of Advance, route X; H. H. Bailey,
Rocklngham; and N, B. Bailey
of Forsyth county; one sister,
Mrs. Emma Benson, Advance,
route 1; and 13 grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at
3 o'clock Sunday afternoon at
Fork Baptist church with Rev,
James Fagg, Rev. Wade Hutchens,
and Rev. E. W. Turner in charge..
Interment was in the church'
cemetery. .
Bio - Obituaries - 2/9/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 9,1945 - Page 3
Mrs. Martha Ann Riddle, 09|
died at her home at Advance,
Route 1, last Monday. She was
the daughter of the late Benja
min and Nancy James Howard
and widow of John L. Riddle.
Two sons survive: S. P. Rid
dle, y. 3. army who is stationed
at Albuquerque, N. M., <and
Oeorge.B. Riddle of Advance,
Route 2. Two daughters also
survive: Mrs. Mamie Allen of
Wlnston-Salem and Mrs. Bllza-
beth Reavls of Harmony, Route
3. A sister and brother likewise
survive: Mrs. Asbury Riddle and
Joe Howard, both of Advance,
Route 3. Eight grandchildren
and two ^eat grandchildren are
also among the survivors.
Funeral arrangements await
the arrival of the son in New
Bio - Obituaries - 2/9/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 14,1945
C. A. and J. L Groce
Mrs. Martlia Ri^e
Fnnefal setvioet for Mn. Monba Riddle
who died Peb S. was held st the borne.
Advance. R. 1. Saiatday afteraoon at &30
o*docit and at Mscedoola Moravian Ctiurcb
at 3 o'dOdi Reva. a E. Brawev and Ray
Kliinga oondnctcd the sexvicee. Burial
was in the duucfa graveyard. I
Two Landmarks Gone
The town of Httrfhony has cecentlr lost
twool its most beloved dilsena in the
doatn of C. A. and J. L« Grace,
^theis. C. A Groce. 81. died on fS.
E t 2 passed away onFeb.6tb. TIm two biotim bad b^ in
the nefeantile bosloeso in 'ffenQooy for
more than 28 yenra. Tbey were momln'
ent In cburoh work, and during tbeir long
and ttsefol lives they made ihooaaiuls of
friends In Iredell and tipper Bavia Har
mony will not bo the same with these
I brothers gone. To the bereaved ones lefc
1 b^nd. The Record extends sympathy in
I this double bereavemenf. We bad known
.the Groce brothers for over a third of a
eentory. They will ba missed In the
'home, the cbmeh and hy the enttre core*
iffiuulty In which tbey spent long and use-
fill lives.
Mrs. Ann Livengood |
Mio. Ann Uveogoodt 84 widow of Jns^
Livengood. died at her home in Fork Sat
niday morning Snrvlvlog are foor sons
and two dattgateisb two brotben. tfeory
Jarvis. of Advance, and Milton •lotvls, of
Rowan county; one sister. Mrs. SalUe Car
ter. of Henes.
Funeral servtees were held Sonday af*
teri'Oon at 3 o'docfc. at tha Fork Baptist
Ohmcli. with'Re^ E. W. Turner ond
Wade Hutchlos emdattag. and Interment
was In the ehuich cemstesy.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/14/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 16,1945 - Page 2
Mra. Ann Llvengood. died at
her home at Fork last Saturday.
Daughter of Oharlea Jafvia and
Amanda Sohaflln Jarvia, ahe waa
a life resident of the Fork com*
Surviving are two daughters.
Mra. Oitea Foster, of Advance.
Route 1. and Mra. Emma Burrow,
of High Point; four sons, A. N.
Llvengood, of Advance, Route l;
W. A. Llvengood, of MockavUle.
Route 9; and B. W., and J. M.
Llvengood. both of Fork; two
bruthera, Henry Jurvla of Ad«
vance, and Milton Jarvln of Row
an county: one sUter, Mrs. Sal-
lie Carter, of Hanes; 42 grand*
children; and 41 great-grand
Funeral services were con
ducted Sunday afternoon at 3
o'clock, at Fork Baptist church.
Rev. E. W. Turner and Rev. Wade
Hutchlna officiated and Inter
ment waa In the church ceme
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 16,1945 - Page 8
Rosa Barker Gaither
Rosa Barker apither, wife of
Israel oalther died at her borne
in Horth Moc|t8vTUe Sunday
morning at 6 a, m. Surviving are:
her husband I. L, Oalther; seven
step-children; ivye Nelle of Sal
isbury! Ben and Israel, Jr., of
Hew cailte, Pa.; JSn.
ICeeki Of- Alqiulppa. PB.i Atig. Hi
a. Btmpson, Korlsne Seott, snd
Bemieee Scott of WhuCoit-Sa-
lem; four brothers:' RteKaM*
Tobe, James Barker of Moeks-
vine, and Charlie Barkbr of Bal
timore, Md.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/16/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 21,1945
Pvt. Norris Killed
Mrs. "Lewis NorH" ot R. i, re
ceived a message fromtbe War-De
partment Feb. latb, stating tbat
her husband. Pvt. Lewis Norris.
was kilted in action on Tanoary go, '
in Belginm.
Pvt. Norris entered the army ou '
May 37, 1943, and bad been over
seas since last Jane. He was a '
qoaiifted paratrooper, having re- :
ceived hU wings and boots at tbe ^
Paracbnte School at Ft. Benaiog, .
Ga. However, be wasn't with a '
paratrooD outfit after leaving tbe .
States. He was gi years old, and '
bis home wa.s at Habershaw. Ga. <
pvt. Norris was in a replacement '
pool for seven monlhs. and bad .
beeu in battle less than three weeks.
He is survived by bis wife, tbe for- 1
mer Miss Katberine Bailey, daugb.
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bailey, of
R. I., and his only son, Ronald ,
Lewis, bis parents, 6ve sisters and
one brother-
Pvt. McDaniel Killed
I Mrs Cbas B. VcDanlel. of near Shef
field, received a nessBgo from the War
Department last Tuesday, advising tbat
her SOD. Pvt. Clyde McDaniel. had died In
Bel9iutn on Jan. 29tb. Mrs. McDaniel re
ceived a message a fetv days earlier, that
her eon was sliybtlv wonnded in action In
Belgium on Jon 2Ui. The second raes
sage was a great sbocK to tbe parents
and relatives ol ibis young man. Clyde
landed overseas earlv In January. Sur
viving are the parents, one brother and
one sister. Clyde was 19 yeera old. To
the bereaved family Tbe Record extends
deep sympathy in this sad hour.
Edward L. Efird
Edwani L Efird. 6S. proroioant merch
ant and phllantbropist, of WloitOD Salem
died Sut^ay morning, Funeral and bur
ial look place In tbat dty Hooday after-
Duoo. A good man baa been catted to bla
Bio - Obituaries - 2/21/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 23,1945 - Page 1
Clyde McDaniel
Pvt. Clyde McDaniel, son of
Mrs. Charles G. McDanlct who
lives near SherfieUt,''dted In Bcl<{
glum on Jan. 28 following
wounds received on Jan. 21, ac-
cording to word which his moth
er has received.
Word of his death come fol
lowing an earlier notification
that he had been slightly wound
ed. He went overseas early this
year. Survivors include the.par
ents, a brother and a sister.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 23,1945 - Page 2
Miss Sarah Groce
Pasised Sunday
Miss Sarah K. Oroce, 8S, died
last Sunday morning at the home
of the Rev. J. M. Oroce. She had
no immediate aurvlvora.
The funeral was hold Monday
at Cross Roads Baptist church,
conducted by Rev. E. W. Turner
and Rev, Dallas Renegar. In
terment was in the churchyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/23/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 23,1945 - Page 6
Mrs. c. M. Orubb, 61, died at
her home on Route 4 Monday
afternoon after an Illness of
Mrs. Orubb was the daughter
of T. W. and Elizabeth Young
Hartley and a native of XXtvid-
son county who moved to Mocks-
vUle shortly after her marriage.
She Is iiurvivcd by her hus
band; two daughters. Mrs. J. H.
Hamilton, MocksvUIe, Route 4,
and Mrs. H. T. Barnhart, Wil
mington; nine sons, O. O., L. A..
O. W., and W. C. Orubb; all of
Mocksvllle, Route 4; T. O. and
Henry A. orubb of Salisbury,
Route 1; M, V Orubb of Spring
field, Va.; and Private Roy and
Pvt. J. C. Orubb of the anny; 23
grandchildren: two brothers, O.
H. Hartley, MocksvUIe. Route 4,
and R. W. Hartley, Lexington,
Route 5; seven sisters. Mrs. D. E.
Beck. MocksvUIe. Route 4; Mrs.
Lee Lamb, MocksvUIe, Route 4;
Mrs. W. A. Orubb, Lexington,
Route B; Mrs. W. H. Hellard, Lex
ington: Mrs. E. L. Potts, Lexing
ton, Route 6; Mrs. R. L. HamU-
ton, Mocksvllle, Route 3; and
Mrs. R. W. Sheek, Olemmons.
Funeral services were held at
the Jerusalem Baptist, church
.Wednesday afternoon at 2 p. m.
with Rev. Victor Andrews, pas
tor, In charge Interment was in
the Sandy Greek cemetery In
Davidson county.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/23/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 28,1945
Mrs. C M. Gmblis
Mis C. M. OrobtM, 61. died at ber borne
Route 4. Feb. 19tb, after an III>
ness of sometima.
Mrs. Gnibbs was the daufthter of T W.
and fiNzabetb Yooog Haitlw and a sa
live of Davidson Gounty wbo moved to
MocksvUle ah^F after tter maitfa^''
She is survived b? her boabaiia: two
daodhtMB. nine sona. two bcotheia, and
seven Msters.
Faoeral services were at Jenaalea
Baptist Cfaofch Wednesday afternoon a* 2
o*etocfc with Rev. Vietcr Andrews, pastor
in charge, bitennent was in the Sandy
(keek Cdttetery in Datddam County.
John Anderson Ward
Former Davie Man
John Anderson Ward. 86, native of
Parmington township, died at a Maisbsll-
town. Iowa hoiplial recently, following so
iilneaa of four weeka
Mr. Ward left Farmlngton 48 years ago,
moving CO fowe. where be eoga^ In
farming for many vesra. He Is suivlvcd
by one alst» and a brother. Mr. Ward
was a BOD of the late Mr. and Mis.Samuel!
S. Word, of Fermington.
Mrs. J. C. SmiUi |
Rites for Mrs. AnreUa Smith, 78. of Smith
^ve Methodist Cbanh at 2:30 o'doekSat-
mday aflemoon. Rev. F. 8. Fohm
ciated. Burial was In the cfauicb ceme-
Mn. Sfflitb died at her home Thnisday
Barnes Infant
Donald Ray Barnes, infant son of Tom«
mieand ViifMa BaiDSS. died at Rowan;
MemotialHospitsI Wedn^ay afkemooii.
SofvivifiA em the paieniB; the grand*
poientm Mr. and Mta. Tom Hsmeaof Coo*
leemee. and B. CL Link of Hoi!ksviOB.R. 4.:
Fonmal setvlceo were eondoded at S
o*dotA Friday oftefnoco atUbe^ Metba-
dfet clraich, with Rev.6. W. F^ offldat*!
Ing. Bmial waaiotheehmelieeffleteiy.
Bio - Obituaries — 2/28/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 2,1945 - Page 8
Nathaniel Jasper Cope, 72,
died at his home on route 4,
MooksvUle, Tuesday night at
6:30. He had been ill for two
years, and seriously 111 for four
The son of the late Enoch
and Apnle Garwood Cope of
Davle county, he was married to
Mary Jarvls Dec. 18, 1896. She
died two years ago. He was a
member of the Jerusalem Bap
Its': church.
' Mr. Cope Is survived by eight
children: E. 8. of Spencer. W. F.
of route 1, Kernersvllle, M. P. of
iCannapolls. T O.. seaman sec
ond class overseas, J. F. of the
home, Lieut, (jg) J. O. Cope,
overseas. Mrs. R. W. Hartley of
route 6. Lcxiijgton, Mrs. W. R.
Davis of Wilmington; four
brothers. KeUy L. of Cooleemee,
George of Santa' Monica. Calif..
W. T.. Winston-Salem, E. D.. of
Winston-8alem, three sisters:
Salem, Mrs.' Floyd Htllard of
Salsbury ond Mr& Sam Oar-
wood of Winston - Salem, 18
grandchildren n tnd two great
Funeral ^services were held church. Interment was In the
Mrs. Ezrla Cannlchei of Winston- Wednesday at Jerusalem Baptist church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries — 3/2/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 7,1945
Nalliaiuel J. Gtpe
Nathaniel Jasper Copa. 72. died at Ua
boffie RfoohaviUa. Raata 4. after an iUnesa
of about a month. Mr. C^eoflSeredliom
a beait con^loa.
A native of Davle coanty, Mr. Cope was
bom Septembm 15,1572. He was afann-
er and spent bis entire life in ibeeommii-
nlty In whleh ho died. On December 8,
1686. be married Miss Mary Jania, who
died about two yeaisadow Soivivlnd their
father are seven rinldreo; 6. S. Cope.
Speooef; W. F. Cope, Kemmsville,iocit.e! 1:
Seaman seepnd class T. Ol Cope, serving
with the Navy oveneas; J F« Cope. Moohs«
viUe. Route 4; Lt. (J. g.) J* G Cope, U S.
N. IL, stationed in Hawaii; Mrs. R. W.
Hartley, of Lexlogton. and Mrs. W. K.
Davis, of WItmlogton.
Suivlvlag also are fotir bcothera and
three etstera; W. T. and E Di. Cooe. of
Satlsbury; K. L Cope, of Cooteemee; G. A.
Cope, of Santa Honied CaL; Mrs. Azariab
Caimlcbael and BIta. Sam Gacwood, of
Wbiston Satem, and Mis* Floyd tflUaid. of
Fhitefsl services wen held at Jerasalem
Bafrtlst cbtifcb Wednesday aftemoim at
2:39 c'cLck. and the body laid to rest in
the fmfc B^si cboicb cemetery. j
John P. Jones
John P. Jones, died Feb. 26tb at his
borne, Mocfcsville, Route 2. He moved to,
Davie Cotmiy from WUkesCoonty I6veais
iago. I
I 8otvlvlog-am two sona, SbeiriU and
WttUe Jones of MoofcsvlUk R* 2;oneri8ter.
His. Alice Pievette of ScatesvUle; and!
seven ^DdehUdfen.
I The funeral vaa held at Ubeitv Baptist
Chnich Wedoosday afternoon at 3 o'docfc.
Rev. Jamea H. Giooe ccadcwced the ser i
vUmi. Burial was In the church grave*
Mrs. R. A. Neely
Mrs. R Ax Neely. for many years a re*
sident of MocksvUle, died last Wednesday
atthphomeuf her deughter. tfta. Jack
Goblga.at8t. Petef8boig,.^la., when ehe
Spent the winter. Funeral and burial acr*
vioea wen heM at Newbera Saturday.
I Mrs. Nedy la survived by lour sous and
three tteughtma. Two brothers. B. 1 and
John Smith, of thia city, aiieoded the fun*
oral and burial services.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/7/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 9,1945 - Page 1
Mrs. R. A. Neely
B. I. Smith and John Smtth;
•ttendMl the funeral ewvke Sat*|
urday In New Bern (or their sis-;
I ter, Mra. R. A. Neely, 63, who'
died at the home of her daugh-!
ter, Mra. Jack Gobbel In' St.'
Peteraburg, Florida, Wednesday.'
■Mra. Neely la survived hy four
aons and three daughters.
0. O. Tutterow, 36, died at his
home on route 1 Tuesday
morning ai 8 o'clock following
an lUness of about one year.
Survivors are the widow: the
porenta. Mr. and Mra. T. W. Tut*
torow; one son. Guy Thomas, and
one daughter. Molly Oleo, all of
the home; four brothers, R. E.
Tutterow, Greensboro; Pvt E. W.
Tutteraw, prlMner of war In Ger
many; -Corporal T. W. Tutterow,
Jr., V. 8. Atmy: and J. B. Tut
terow, MocksvlUe, Route 1; -three
sisters, Mrs. John Fox, Greens
boro, and Mra. W. H. Boyd and
Mrs. R. J. Foster, both of Mocka-
vUle, Route i.
Funeral aervlces were held
Wednesday attemoon at Center
Methodist church by Rev. O. F.
Fink and Rev. Bob McOJuskey.
Burial was In the church ceme
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 9,1945 - Page 2
Funeral services for Mrs.
Mary Lee Lashmlt were conduct
ed Saturday afternoon at 3
o'clock at Bethel Methodist
church, Forayth county. Dr.
Oharlea H Stevens and Rev. G.
W. Swinson offlcated. Interment
was In the church cemetery.
Mrs. Lashmlt died at her home
In Cana Wednesday night. -
She was b'jrn Jan. 36, 1803,
and spent a number of years In
Wlnston-Salem, later moving to
She was married In 1883 to
John B. Lashmlt. who died in
Surviving are three sons, 0. 0.
Lashmlt of Elkln, O. L. Lashmlt
of Durham and H. 8. Lashmlt
of Cana; seven daughters, Mrs.
W. H. Johnson. Mra. D. C.
Brewer, Mrs. W. T. Mathls, Mrs.
Ada Speaks and Mrs. W* A.
Swalm, all of Wlnston-Salem;
Mrs. O. T. Frye of Pilot Moun-
talnand Mrs. Clyde James of
Farmlngton; 79 grandchildren,
iiricluding 13 who are In service:
one sister, Mrs. J. T. Jarvls of
Wlnston-Salem. and three broth
ers. J. H. and William Lee. both
of Winston-Salcm, and J. A. Lee
of Ashcboro.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/9/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 9,1945 - Page 3
Funeral services for Miles An-
drew Wllktns, 55. of Mocksvllle,
Route 2, were held Sunday aft
ernoon at 4 o'clock at South Oak
Ridge Baptist church by Rev.
JJnuny Oroce, Rev. E. K. Woo-
ten, Rev. Tommy Luffman. Bur
ial was in the church cemetery.
Mr. Wilkins. a well known far
mer, died at his home late Friday
afternoon. He was bom in Yad-
kln county^ September 14, 1889,
and In 1915 was married to Mlas!
Metta Foster. i
Survivors Include the widow;
four children, Mrs. Noah Absher,
Yadkinville. Rt. 2; Misses Mar-
Jorie and Dorothy Wilkins. of the
home: and Loyd Wilkins, of
Mocksville, Rt. .2; and one half
brother, Turner Wilkins, Win-
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 9,1945 - Page 4
Hasker A. Wishon, 44, was found
dead at his home near Wyo, Yad-
kln county, late Monday. Yadkln
officers said death resulted from
natural causes and ho hod prob
ably been dead days.
He was the son of John and
Betty Tyslnger WLshon. He is
survived by two children. Mrs.
Snlllo May Reynolds and Jimmy
Wishon, both of Coolcemee; his
mother, Mrs. John Wishon, of
High Point; and four broUtcrs,
Thomas Wishon, of Davlllo, Va.;
Max WislYon, of Yadkln county;
Sam Wishon, cf High Point; and
Norman Wishon, of Farmlngton.
The funeral was held Monday
at 3:30 o'clock at Mount Olive
Methodist Church at Wyo. Rev. ^
Mr. Folger conducted the aerv-
ic^, Burial was in the church
Bio - Obituaries - 3/9/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 14,1945
C C Tnttoow
GL C. Totieiowt 39. died at hla hooe on
UoeksviUfl^ Route 1, Maieti 8ib loUoi^
an Ulnm of aboot one teat.
Survivon are the widow; tto pateotit
Ue. and life T. W. Tatteiow; oao eon,
607 Thomae, and ooe daoghter, Ifollr
Cteo, att of the home; foor inocb^ R. iL
Tdicenw, Gfeeosboroi Pvt K, W. The-
teMw«.ptiaoaer «tt war to QermaDv; Cor*
poral T. W* Tatteiow, Jr. II. S.Aimy;
Jr.. U. & Aniiy:aBd J. B Tmtiiow, Ifoeko*
vllle, Roate t; three etoteie. Mm. Jdha ros,
Gceenebofi^ and Blm. W. R. Bsgd and
Mm. R. J. Foster, both of MocksvUle. R. 1.
Fanerat eervlcea wete coodocCed Wed*
needay aftemooa at Center Method
Chsicb by Revo. 0. F. Fink and Boh Ife-
Cittikey. and borlal was in. the chomh
Mrs. N. G. Byerly
Formor Rcndent Passes
,Mii.N.O.ByefIy.74,lor0aoy yeaia a
CMldentof this dty. died at her hoiBe In
Winston-Salem Wednesday. Fhwnalaer*
vieea weie held at the home of a eon. W.
C. Byeily. to Wiostoa Sateo FHday
inofnflid at 11 o'eloeh and the bodF lafd
to ieetatFotfc Baptist ohaseh osmeteiy.l
Revo. Bougies Wilghia. Wade Bnmbm
ooadooied the eefyioea* Byetty Is
sorvided by seveialeooaandoaediatfMer •
Bio — Obituaries - 3/14/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 16,1945 - Page 1
Harding Greene
Killed In Action
A message was received here
this week from Mrs. Daisy
Greene, who Is spending the win
ter In Washington, D. C., stating
that she has received a message
from the War Department tiiat
her youngest Harding, was
klliad in aotkm in Germany on
March 4.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/16/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 21,1945
Former Davie DayLos'
es life lo Germany
Pvt. James C Moore, soq of Mr. and
Mrs* W. W. Moore. (orcQerly of near Codd
ty Uoe, was killed in acrCon in Germany
on Feb. 25th. Pvt. Moore's pareats mov
ed from Calabaln township to StatesvUle
some time aga Surviving are the parents
and seven brothers, three of whom ore in
the service. This fe the 27th Davie oodo
ty boy who has given hla life in the set*
vice of bi8 coontry.
Harding Greene
Davie Soldier Killed
In Germany
Harding Greene, son of Mrs. Daisy i
Greene, of Cooleemee. was killed in action'
in Germanv on March 4th, according to a
message received by bis mother. Mrs.
Greene is spending some time in Wash
ington City, This la the 26th Davie coun
ty soldier who has given bis life in de*
I lease of his coootry.
Bill Johnson
Pooeral cervices for Bill Johnson, 58,
who died at Rowan Memorial Hospital
Satnrday* were held at the home of T. L.
SpUlroan, on R. 4, Mond.ay afterooon, with
Rev. James Groce in charge, and the body
laid to rert in Cooleemee eemetery. Mr, j
i Johnson lived in Cooleemee many years.'
! Two brothers sorvive.
Bio — Obituaries - 3/21/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 21,1945
Sgt Adrian Koontz KU-,
led In Actran
Mrs* A. D. Koontz, of K, 4, receved a te«
legram from the War Department March
14tb, adWsiod that ber aoo, T.-4 Adrian
'Koontz. Mras killed In action in Germany
CD Nov. 9th He was reported missing In
November. Sir. Koontz is survived by bis
parents, one brothet and two sisters. He
bad been overseas for the past two years
or more. He is the 28th Davie boy who
has lost bis life in this great war. May
peace soon come to a war-torn world.
Mrs. W. A. Kerr,Jr.
Mrs. W. A. Kerr, Jr., 41, a former
resident, ot MocksvlJle, a daughter
of R. D. Poole and the late Urs.
Poole; of this city, died at her borne
In Hickory Thursday. Fnneral and
bnriai services took place in that
dtv Saturday. Urs. Kerr is sor-
irived by her husband, ihreesons, her
father, three brothers and two
C. C Williams
Cicero C. WiUiama, 72, of Farmlngtoo,
died at his borne Sunday after an exten
ded illness.
Sorviving are the wife, ane daughter;
Mrs, Ralpb James, Farmington; tvro sons,
Hngh W. Williams. Miami. Fla., and Pfc.
Joe M. Williams, at the medical corps Jn
tbe Uawalln Islands; one brother. 0. L,
Williams. Sumter, S, C, and a sister, Mrs.
Lula Davis, Wiosfun-Salem.
I Funeral eervlces were held at the home
at 2 o'clock yesterday and at Fannlogton
Methodist Church at 3 o'clock. Servioes
were conducted by Revs. J M. Folger, J.
W. Vestal and H. C, Freeman, and the
body laid to rest in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/21/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 23,1945-Page 1
Adren G. Koontz and James C. Moore
Two moro Davln boya have
been reported killed In action
and a third slightly wounded.
One of the two killed is Sgt.
Adron O. Koontz, son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. 0* Koontz of Rt. 4 who
had previously been reported
missing In action. His parents
received a telegram on March
14 that he had been killed In
Germany on November 9. Ho
entered service on Feb. 20, 1041
and received his training at Ft.
Bcnnlng. He went overseas In
October, 1042, and saw action hr
North Africa, Sicily, England,
Franco, Belgium and Germany.
The other Davio soldier killed
la Pvt. James C. Moore, son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Moore who
recently moved from Oolohaln
township to Statcsvlllc. Ho was
killed In Germany on Feb. 25.
The parents and seven brothers,
three of whom ore In service,
I The wounded soldier Is Lonnle
R. McCullough of Maine, whose
wife, Dorothy C. McCullough.
received a message on March 16
that her husband had been
slightly wounded in Germany on
March 1.
Killed in Action
Howe Montgomery
Declared Dead
W. H. LeOrand, wldoly^known
local citizen, died here last Tues
day afternoon at 3:25 o'clock at
the home of a son, W. B. Le
Mr. LcOrand came to Mocks-
vlllc -about SO years ago from
Richmond county. Ho was cn-
goged in mercantile work until
he retired in 1920.
Son of W. H. and Henrietta
Spencer LcOrand, he Is survived
by four sons: J. p. LeOrand,
local postmaster; W. H., Jr., of
Newport News, Va., W. B. who
Is In the U. B. navy and Capt.
E. C. LcOrand In the U. fl. army
stationed at Ban Francisco, Cal.
Two sisters also survive: Miss
Ida LeOrand and Mrs. Nettle
Boyd, both of Mt. Gllead.
The funeral was held yester
day morning, Thursday, at 11
B. m. at the First Methodist
church here, conducted by the
pastor, Dr. J. E. Prltchard. In
terment was in the family plot
in Rose cemetery.
Mr, LeOrand was born July 98,
1852 In Richmond county,
Pallbearers were J. A. Daniel,
Charles Tomllnson, Charles
Thompson, Ktmbrough fihoek,
R. B. Banford and Knox John-
\' •
k n
Lt. Howe Montgomery, son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mont
gomery of Rt. 'S, has been of
ficially declared dead, accord
ing to word which the par-
' ents have received from the
' government. Formerly report-
i ed missing In action, the mes-
• sage said that he was killed
I over ,the harbor of Nice,
I Franee, on Feb. 9, 1644. He was
tn the air corps.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/23/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 23,1945 - Page 4
Funeral Monday
For Bill Johnson
Huneral services for BUI John
son, 68, who died Saturday at
Rowan Memorial hospital, were
held at the home of T. L. SpUl-
man of Rt. 4, Mooksvllle, Mon
day afternoon. Rev. J. K. Oroce
was in charge, and burial was
in the North Cooleemee ceme
Mr. Johnson had been employ
ed by Mr. Spillmon for the last
abc years.
A native of Cabarrus county,
he was the son of H. T. and Mary
Turner Johnson, He had lived at
Cooleemee for a number of years.
Survivors include three brothers.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 23,1945 - Page 5
Cicero Columhiis WUliams, 12,
of Farmington, died at his home
at 2:06 p. m. Sunday after a de
cline of health for two years and
serious lUnesa for 10 weeks.
Mr. Williams was born in Davle
county August 27,1874, son of the
late D. L. and EmUy Rico WU-
liams, and lived in the county all
hlta life. He operated a general
store in Farmlngton for the last
four years.
Mr. Williams was a member of
the Farmlngton Methodist
church. He married Miss Lizzie
Smith August 7, 1003.
Surviving are the wife, one
daughter; Mrs. Ralph James,
Farmlngton: two sons. Hugh W.
Williams of Miami, Fla., and Pfe.
Joe M. Williams of the medical
corps In the Uawallans Islands;
two grandsons, Gene James of
Slate college in Raleigh, and
Ronald Joe Williams of Farm
lngton; one brother, O. L. Wil
liams of Sumter, S. C., and a
sister, Mrs. Lula Davis of Win
Funeral services were held in
the home at 2 o'clock p. m. Tues
day and at 3 o'clock at the
Farmlngton Methodist church.
Rov. J. M. Folger, Rev. J. W.
Vestal and Rev. H. C. Freeman
conducted the funeral. Inter
ment was in the church grave
Bio - Obituaries - 3/23/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 23,1945 - Page 5
' li yI 11» » ><■>
Mrs. Sarah Olementine Miller,
07, known as "Grandma Miller,"
of Advance Route 1, died Tues
day morning at the home of a
daughter-in-law, Mrs. 8. E. Win
frey, North Cherry street exten
sion in Wlnston-Salem.
She had been in declining
health for 12 years but death was
unexpected. '
Mrs. MUler was the widow of
L. K. Miller, who died 56 years
She was born April 26,1847, In
Davle county, daughter of the
late Dave Howard and Sallie
Hendrlx Miller.
Her life wos spent in Davie
county, and she was visiting her
daughtor-ln-law In Winston-
Solem at the time of her death.
Oldest resident of the commu
nity, she Was a charter member
of First Moravian church in
Davle county, and oldest mem
ber of Macedonia Moravian
church, and was active in
church work as long as health
Surviving are one daughter,
Mrs. W. W. Griffith of Advance,
Route If'14 grandchildren; 34
great grandchildren; and 23
great great grandchildren.
Funeral arrangements have
not been completed.
Henry L. Foster
Rites Saturday
Henry Leon Foster, 53, son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Sharp
Foster of Yadkin county, passed
away at his home at Clemmons
March 15.
He is survived by his widow,
the former Virginia Sofley; five
children, Wilbur and Alvln Fos
ter of Clemmons, Pvt. Robert
Foster of the U. S. army in
France, Linda Lee and Margaret
Foster of the home; two broth
ers. J. D. Foster, Cana, and G. K.
Foster of Winston-Salem; two
sisters, Mrs. Betty Pilcher of
Wlnston-Salem and Mrs. Myrtle
Howell of Cana; and one grand-
He was a member of Bethle
hem Methodist church. Inter
ment was In Bethlehem ceme
tery Maroh 17.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 23,1945 - Page 8
Services Held For
Frank M.Reavis
Funeral servfees for SVank M.
Reavls, 88, who died Tuesday
night following, a brief Illness
were held at 8 o'clock .Thursday
Mternoon at B^dy Springs Bap
tisl chureh. The Rev. E. K. Jones
was In charge. Burial was in the
chureh ceme'tery.
Mr. Reavis was the son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Reavls.
Mr. Reavls died at the home of
a son, Clinton Reavls, Yadkin-
vUle, Rt. 2. He was a retired far
mer. He was bom & Yadkin
county December 22, 1862, and
spent his entire life in the same
community. Hd was twice mar
ried, first to Miss Etta Chamber
lain, who died a number of
years ago and the second time
to Mrs. Lillle Hayes, who died in
1040. Mr. Reavla was a member
of Bethel Baptist ehuich.
Survivors include two sons,
Clinton Bi^ Edgar Reavls^ Vad-
klnvllle, At. 2; one daughter,
Mrs. O. D. Hayes,. Clemmons;
and three grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/23/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 28,1945
lient. Mootgoiiiery Dead
Ucat. Howe^jMtojrytRomerr, ftooi
ot Mr. and Mrs,!, HJ Mooigomery,
of Farmiogtoti township, has been
officially declared dead bis parents
bave been adviMd bv tfae War De-i
partment He was reported miss-'
log in action about a year ago. He'
was killed in France on Feb. 9,
1944. He is the aqtta Davie boyj
who has dted Itf the service of hisl
country In this world war.
W. H. LeGrand
' W« H. LeGrand. 93* died at the home of
his aon, W. D* LeGrand Id tbla elty last
Tuesday aftemoon.
Mr. MraDd bad lived in Moeksvllle for
the past 40 years, oomlnd here fnin Rich
mend Gottnty He was the eon of W. H
and Henrietta Spencer LeGrand.
Surviving are four aona. J, P Le&aod,
postmaater in Moduvitte, W. H. LeGrand
Jr., Newport News. Va., W B LeGrand of
the U. S. Mavy. and Captain E. a Le-
Grand of the U. S. Army in San Franelsca,
CaJH: and two sieteia, lira. Ida LeGi^
and Mrs. Nettie Boyd of Mount Gilead.
Fdnetal services were held at the Firat
Methodist church in this cl^ Thursday
morning at II o'ctoeli, with the pastor. Dr.
J. E. PHtclmrd ofRciatittg. and Hie body
laid to rest in Rose cemetw*
Mr. LeGrand bad many firteods.not only
in Moeksville, hot tbiociglKKit tfae county«
who were saddened by news of bis death.
The Record esxtBodB empathy in this sad
^ Mrs. Sarah C Miller
I Mis. Sarah Clementine MlUer, 97* of
Ffunniogton townsblytdled last Tuesday at
the home her daughter inJaw, Mrs. S.
E. Winfirey at Winstun Salem. where she
W08 Waiting. Mrs* Miller bad been in bad
health for several years, but death was
unexpect^ Her husband died S9 years
ago Mrs. Miller was bom in Davie couo«
ty. and spent her entire life berehere* She
was a bhaiter member of Macedonia M^
ravian Chmch. Surviving are one daugh
ter.Mrs. W. W. Griffith, Advance, Rl,
|4 grandchlldfea, 34 gfeat'graodcbildreD
and 25 great^gfeat grandcfaildreo.'
Fnneral sesvioes were held at Macedonia
Moravian Church Thursday aflemooo at S
oVdock. with Revs. Ed Brsww, Gen. Brao«
er* J. T. Murray and J. H Gr^ offidat-
and the body laid to rest In the church
cemetery. Pallbearers were Lawrence Rid*
die. Rdd Hanser. Ceorge Hennricks. Ever*
ett Riddle. Hmwy Griffith and Roy Walker.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/28/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 30,1945 - Page 1
fiam R. Hargrave ot Lexing*
ton dlod early Wednesday morn
ing at the Baptist hospital, Wln-
ston-Salem, where he had been
a patient (or the past ten days.
He was the son of the late Ham
ilton H. and Martha Clement
^rgrave of Davidson county.
Mr. Hargrave had property in
Davle county and was a frequent
visitor here. He lived with his
niece, Mrs. James L. Gordon.
Puner&l arrangements are In
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 30,1945 - Page 4
Pfc* TheoP. McDaniel'
Is Killed In Action
' Pfc. Theo F. McDaniel was hill
ed In action on Iwo Jlma Febru
ary 19, his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. McDaniel of Woodleaf,
route 1, have been Informed by
the war department. Hie entered
the marines April 17, 1944, ^d
went overseas August 1944.
He Is survived by his wife, the
former Blllle HlUard and two
children, Teddy and Kay of Cool-
eemee, his parents, two brothers,
A. L., Jr., and Clarence and one
sister. Mrs. P. H. Murph all of
Woodleaf, route 1.
• Before entering service he was
employed at Brwln mUls.
Bio — Obituaries - 3/30/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 30,1945 - Page 8
Mary Ruth Brown
Mary Ruth Brofwn« two-y«ar-
oM daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy L. Brown of route 4, Moeks
vUle, died Sunday night at the
Rowan Memorial hospital of
burns received when she fell in
to a container of boiling water
at her home Friday.
She la survived by her parents
and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
O. 1. Fry of route 4, Mocksville,
and Mrs. tuther Brown of Oool-
eemee. A brother, Oeorge Luther,
died two weeks ago.
Funeral services were held Wed
nesday at 11 a. m. at the Holl
ness church In North Cooleemee
with Rev. W. L. Smith In charge
Burial was In the cemetery at
the Fork Baptist church.
Cass Funeral
Held Saturday
Orady Oass, ao, died at the
Baptist hospital last Thursday.
He lived on Rt. 4. Son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cass, he had
no Immediate survivors.
The funeral was held at Oak
Orove Methodist church last
Saturday morning, conducted by
Rev. G. W. Fink. Interment was
In the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries — 3/30/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
ERWIN CHATTER, April 1,1945
Cari Godwin, Erwin Man
Killed In Aotioh
PH. Cftrt Oodwia, if* d4, wm
IdQed ia Mtioa ob Fcbnuucy 3,1946
in Bdginm, AMOttlinf to 0 teUgnun
rBeotrcd ^7 Un. 8. Oodvia.
PH. Godwin raeeirtd hin iMaia
tzmining at Oaap Croft, 6. 0., aad
«M with tlM Xnfaatrj ot 0«a. Pn(-
toa'a Srd Aimj. PH. Godwin k
onrviTad by his wifi^ tho fonnv
ICm BtUl Bobuaon of Bmt Omk,
iavr ah3dmi, hxi pcmfii llr. aad
Uro. P. D. Qo^hrin of Tirtdon, and
ka fmdpnrorta, Mr. and Mn. J.
M.Wood<irfVatt«TiIKN.C. Bo.
ton mnim PH. God-
vin waa. in tho CMti
Boon oa tht Moad dktfL
Oiaa. Bcxmett Kilt^'
Actkm on Iwo Jimn
8ft Ch«i« B.
hfflad m nUm m
n««nf 10 lil«r^ itnai *
, Rtpntaad ^
Walter Hobbs
Bio - Obituaries - 4/1/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 4,1945
Sgt /'Samm/' Hajr
Killed In Germany
I.Mr, aod Mrs. Z, G Hay, of this
dtv. received a meuaRe from the
War'Department Friday, aanonoc*
ip'e that their son, Set, Plan G.
**Sammy" Hay, was killed in ac
tion in Germany on March aotb,
*^Sammv" entered the army about
a year a^o, mid bad been '.overseas
for some time. SnrvivlnK are the
|)aretits, two brothers aod elRht
sisters. A brother Carroljs in the
oirmy and is somewhere in Bnrope.
This is the 30th Davie boy who has
lost his life in this terrible conflict.
Pfc. Robl. Barney KiDed
Mr. and Hni» Wfilie Bamey.of aearBix*
by, leeeivad a lefrgram from the War De*
paitment last week stathig that their aoo.
Pfc Robert Batoey. waa killed to action
ihGetmany. Robert was reported miss
infl some time ago. Snrvivioa are tbe
patento, one brothet and ooe alatei^ Rob
ert to the fllot Davia boy who has diveii
his Hfe in the present war.
ftlary Ruth Brown
Mary Rotb Brown. two*vear old daiath-
terof Hnand Mis. Roy LBcowo of Mocks*
vltte. Rome A died Moodav night at Ri^
wan Hemorlal Hihidtol of bo^ enfiiBfed
when she fdl Into a container of boUiog
water St tbe homo.
Stttviving an tin. pamnta. and grand*
paients, Mr. andMn. Q, L Pry of .Morts*
ville, Roote 4 and Mr. and Mrs. 'Lnflia
Brown of Cooteemee.
The tonefal was bdd Wadoesdaymcmi*
lotf at 11 o*eloek at tha BeUnass Choneh si
North Oooleeinee. Rev. W. L. Sal A con
ducted the servieea. Bozial was in the
Folk Baptist Chun^ graveyard.
J. V. Jarvis
J. W. Jofvis. M; of Advanoa, died hi
Wtnsteo Salem FHday aftefoooa. hnnie*
dials aervivois ace <ne son pleer Jarvis, of
Advanoe. Fhnnai services were h^ at
Advance Methoiflst Guirdi Sooday after-
iioooat3o*clocfc,withR9V.J* C. Gradiy
In dmige. and tbb body tatd to rest intbo
dnueb centMeiy.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/4/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 6,1945-Page 1
Plan G. "Sammie" Hay, Robert T. Barney, and Robert Lee White
Two more Davle soldlere are
reported dead and a third, who
la a native of Yadkln, la reporb*
ed klUed.
Bgt. Plan O. (Sammie) Hoy,
30, aon of Mr. and Mra. Cbt-
roll O. Hay of Modcavllle, died
of wounda In Oormany on March
30. Ho was In the tank corju,
member of the First army of
General Patton'a Third army.
Hla parents had a letter from
him dated March 14 and a awoet-
heart In Savannah, Oa, had one
dated March 17. Bo It la believed
that he woa wounded after the
latter date. He graduated at
the MoekavlUe High achool In
1043, waa a varalty football play*
er. He entered aervlec on Feb.
28, 1044 and trained at Fort
Knox, going overseas last Sep
tember. He haa a brother, Car
roll, In the army In Europe.
Sgt. Robert T. Barney, aon of
Mr. and Mra. WllHc Barney of
near Bixby, was killed In action
In Germany on March 11. He
was with the Third army. He
haa one brother and sister.
Pvt. Robert Lee White, 22, son
of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. White of
Cana, Rt. 1, In Yadkln, waa
killed In action In France on
. March B,
Heentered aervlee on August 81,
1044, received 15 weeks training
at Camp Hood, Texas and spent
0 lO-day furlough at home be
fore sailing the latter part of
January. He waa with the Sev
enth army. Survivors Include hla
wife, the former Mlsa Zelma
' Hendrlcks; parents, three broth
ers, Paul, Mlllard and Thomaa
of Cana, Rt. l; three sisters,
Mrs. Edward Hutchlna, Cana, Rt.
1; Mra. Eugene O'Mara, Wlnaton-
Salem, Rt. 2; .Mra. Samuel Bally,
YodklavlUe^ Rt. 2.
Killed in Action
Dies of Wounds Killed in Action
Bio - Obituaries - 4/6/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 6,1945 - Page 1
Cpl. James Knight
Declar^ Dead
. dpi. James W. Knight, para
trooper reported missing In ac
tion In pie'Philippines since De
cember 11, was killed on that
date, acordlng to a war depart
ment message received by his
wife, the former Atoa Joyce
Jones of 428 North EUls street,
"Unavoidable circumstances,"
the telegram said, "made nec
essary the unusual lapse of time
In reporting your husband's
death to you."
Corporal Knight, whose par
ents are dead, is the foster son
of Mrs.'mile Milter of At. 4,
MocksvUle. He was graduated
from Cooleemee High school,
took a meohanlcal course In Ra
leigh, and was working for the
Glenn L. Martin Aircraft cor
poration at Baltimore before en
tering service In February 1643.
He was sent to the Pacific In
May 1844.
Zh addition to his widow to
whom be was married In June
1843 he is survived by a three
month-old son.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 6,1945 - Page 3
J, W. Jarvis
Died Friday
J. W. Jarvls, 68, of Advance,
died In Wlnaton-flolm Friday
Survivors Include one son, 21-
cer Jarvls, of Advance, and one
Funeral services were con
ducted Sunday afternoon at 8
o'clock at Advaneo Methodist
church. Rev, J. o. Gentry was
In charge, and burial followed la
the church lemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/6/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 6,1945 - Page 6
Mfs. JametPoole
Rites Are Held
Mrs. James Pools, 81, of Coo-
leemee, died at a Soltsbary hos
pital Sunday nlsht.
The funeral was held at Coo-
leemee Baptist efiurch at 3
o'clock Wednesday afternoon
with the Rev Ut. T. Stcudemire
In charge. Burial was In Liberty
church cemetery.
Mrs. Pools was the daughter of
J. O. and Fannle Copley Mesalck.
Survivors Include the husband,
James Poole; the parents; one
son, Clyde Poolo, of the home:
four sisters, Mrs. Oewey Jordan,
Mrs. Neal Bmlth and Mrs.' J. W.
Dean, all of Cooleemee, and Mrs.
Qrover Holder, of Spencer; and
three brothers, DeWltt Messick,
Salisbury, Ralph Messick, Yad-
kin, and Carl Messick, of the
United States navy.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/6/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 11,1945
Aboer L Chaffin
Abner L. Chaflto, 87, died snddeids^ last
Thotsday aftemeon at 8:46 o'docb at bis
homit 00 R 1, elgbt miles west of Hoohs-
vUle. ChntWn was bffiniing a cow
boms lima Cba paston* wfaeo be fell in
tbeyaidattdespifed. i
Soffifloi are his widow, thsea sons, J..
C CbaiBB, R, t, four daiidbtms. Mn. Jl. B.
Fifsgaald. Waxbaw; Ilia. Oyei Cbaofoid,
EldoiodOkli C; Miss BIsbei QiafBo, at
btmiOh add Mis. A. A« Vanes, Trantman.
A number dfondcUldnn also sorvles.
Fbnetal ssrvlees were held at IJamea
Baptist dhnreh Saturday efcemoon at 4
o'ctoeb, with Revs. M. C. Ervio, (%arlotte,
WadaHulohsssaitd R.6. Mcdamraeb In
cbaifini Mtd the body laid to rest in the
Ill, CbaSn was bom In Galabalo town
*diip.asoa of tbelafeRev.andlff&Natb*
an S. Chaffln, and spent his entiie Ule in
this county. He was a conseereted Cbris-
' tian dentlemaii, a member of IJamea Bap-
tletChamb. Htodeathhaa bidndlht sed^
nesa lo a host of friends tbrongbont tbe
cooniy. We had known Mr, Chaffin for
nearly 40 yean. We shall mfesbim very
much. To the bereaved family we ez«
tend sinceie eympachy in their ireat loss,
A good-man Is tbe imblest work of God.
John T. Bailey
I John T, Bailey, who foimef|y lived In
Dttvio coiioty, but for tho past few years
operator of a letail psodtiee stoia In Wlos*
tonSalem, dfed last Thesday oigbt
Be was bom In Dasde oonnty November
18,1878. son of John M. and Sarah Elisa
beth AndecBon Bailey.
prior to his moving to Winston-Salem
he was postmaster at Caiia for a nnmber
of yean
In 1904 ho was married to Miss Dovie
Bell Boger, who died September 8. 1939.
Stttvlviog are four danghtera. Mrs. T. &
MatheweofGlemmoneRoad. Mrs A, W,
Londretb of Roanoke, Va, Mrs. G. F.
Miller (d Roan^e, Va., and Miss Lootse
Bailey of Moigantoo: ime son. John S,
Bailey,<WinBtoii«Sa!em. R. 8; two brothers,
M. R. Bailey, ot Elkin: W. B. Bailey, of
Mcekerllle; and five grondchildren.
Funeral and hniial services were held
at Union CbapelMethodjbitChuich Thurs
day aflerooon.
Bio - Obituaries — 4/11/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 13,1945 - Page 1
Sallie Dulin Fitz
Mrs. R. fl. Fits, sister of Mrs.
Jaoob Stewart, died at her home
In Danville, Va. April & She was
the former SolUe DuUn of Davle
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 13,1945 - Page 4
Ernest J« Couch j
Dies In Hospital .
. simeflt S. Oouoh, U, died in a
Salisbury hospital last Wednes
day morning foUotirlng oompU-
oatlons from an operation for
ap^ndlottls. He lived on route 4.
He Is survived by his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oouoh; by
four brothers, Bdgar and Jadtle
at home, Bgt. Walter Couch In
the V. S. army overseas. Pvt.
Thomas Couch In the U. S. army
in Georgia, two sisters, Mrs.
Clarence Totterow and Mrs. R.
J. Dwigglns, both of route 4.
The funeral Is being held to
day at 4 o'flloek at Hardlaen
Methodist church, eo^ueted by
Rev. O. W. Fink. Interment wUl
be b) the Liberty church ceme
Bio - Obituaries - 4/13/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 13,1945 - Page 7
Abnee L. Ohaffin, 87, died sud
denly lost Thursday ovenlns at
his homo on Rt. 1.
Funeral services were held
Saturday afternoon at the home
and at IJames Cross Roads Bap
tist church, conducted by ReV.
M. O. Ervln of Charlotte and as
sisted by Rev. Wade Hutehcns,
Rev. R. S. McClamrocit, Rev. A.
C. Chnffln and Rev, J. L. Hood.
Interment was In the church
Born on June 2, 1888 and the
son of the late Rev. Hathan S.
and Elvira Olasscoctc Chaffin, he
was a native and lifelong resi
dent of Davle county. He mar
ried Miss Claudia Joe Clouae on
Nov. 22, 1880 and eight children
were bom to this union, seven
Of whom survive. One child,
Minnie Flora, died several years
ago. The surviving children in
clude Stacy H. Chaffin, clerk of
superior court, and Joe C. Chaf
fin, both of Rt. 1; Morvln X.
Chaffin, Woodleaf; Mrs. J. b.
Pltsgerald, Waxhaw; Mrs. Dyel
Cronford, Eldorado; Mrs. An
drew A. Vance, Troutman; Miss
Mabel Chaffin of the home. A
number of grand children and
several groat grandchildren like
wise survive.
Joining the Baptist church at
an early age and being Interest
ed in religious and educational
octlvltles, he served as clerk of
the IJames Cross Roads Baptist
church for a number of years
and was active in the promotion
of good citizenship in his com
munity. '
Bio - Obituaries - 4/13/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 18,1945
Ernest J. Conclu 12*mrold son of Mr,
and Mia. Waker (Vnioh. of IC 1, died at
Rowan Metnoriai Hospital, SaUsbtnr* last
Wednesday mocnind.
He is sonrlved l>y his parants; toor bro*
thets, Edgar and J<«ckie; of the home.
Sergeant Walter Coneb, with the army
ovefaea8,and Private Thomas Coueh, in
Georgia: and two slstera, Mrs. Clarence
Tntierow and Mrs. R. J Dwiggiiis, both of
Route 4
Poneral aervtees were held Friday at 4
o*cIoek at Hardisoo Methodist Chntcb with
Rev. 6. W. Fink ofBolatlng. Intennent
was in Llbeiiy Methodist Church cemeteiy.
Mrs. Alice Damd
Mia. ARce Daniel. SS, died at her. homa
near Ephesaa Friday evening at lOiSO
o'docft, foOowiaii a loiig illUess. f
Solving are one son. T. A. DanleL of
R. 4. four oaughteia Mrs. John Davla. Mie*«
E. L. Freeroan and Mrs. Gsotga CorreO, all
of R. 4. and Mrs. Bessla Wlninof, ArSng-,
ton. Va; one half slater, Mia. Oiaflle
Davis, Winston SaletD. A number of
grandohlldren and great giandotdldron also
survive. I
Foneral services were held at Liberty
Methodist cbttfeh Sunday afternoon at 4
e*o!oCk, with her pastor. Rev 6. W. Fink
dBdetiog, and the body laid to leM In
the ebmch eemetery. f
Mrs. Daniel was a native of Yadktn hut
had Kved In Jerusalem township for moie
than SO yeaia. Her hnahand, Ghestlne n
faniel. died about SO years aga A mother ;
in IsniM has been called to her reward.
John Hoke Walker
John Hdhe Watter. SO, died at his hmne
nearWIndsm. Si. (U Monday mominsl,
April Otii. Fnnaial aervieea were held at
Gescio's Mortuary last Wednesday, and
the body laid to rest in Bsnlah Church
cematcty, near Alken, S. G.
Mr. Walker wee born in Oalahain town*
sblpw Davie Connty a eon of the lata Bit.
and Mrs. H. J. Walker, Be moved from
this cottoiv to Hicfcocv about S8 years ago,
where he lived for several years, later
moving to Spartnohatg. S. C, where he
engagfd In the hunner and meroantiCe
business until ^ health failed. He had
been Rving'wHh a eon near Windsor. S. i
C.,ior some ttaso. Mr. Walker visited ie« \
latives end Itfends in Davie to Novembsf,;
Surviving are six obildrcD, Jamee R.. '^
Garvie H., Roy U. Marion Lh Mioale D. I
and Maig^. hH of Sooth OirMina; two!
biothero»F,F, WaStor, of Calabalo, and,
R. L. .Walker, of MockstlUe; one Mater. \
Mrs. RMle Whitlev of Thomasvilleb aud a :
number of tondchlWren. Mr* Walkef had i
maiiy idatl^and friends In Davie who!
were raddened by news of his death He]
was en unde ^ The Record editor. |
Bio - Obituaries - 4/18/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 20,1945 - Page 1
George H. All red
Mrs. Johnnie Smith
Loses Brother
Mm. J<fluinle Smith o( Rt. 1
haa received word of the death
of her brother, Lt. Oeorge H.
AUred, pilot on a tighter plane.
Lieutenant Allred woo killed In
a plane eraefa In California Mon
day. He had returned from duty
in South Paolflo three months
ago where he hod been for nine
He is survived by his wife, his
father. Rev. W. 8. AUred of
Randleman, seven brothers and
three sisters. Three of the broth
ers are serving overseas, fi. Sgt.
Oene Samuel AJlred Jn the army
air corps In Italy, Sgt. Joe D.
Allred a radio gunner In Italy
and Bverette AUred, 8 2-o. a
merchant marine, who la home
on furlough.
Mrs. Alice Daniel
Rites Hdd Simd^
Ftmenl osrvleea were held at
Liberty lieUiodlst church Son
day for MM. AUoe Daniel who
died at her home near Qjhesus
lest Mday. Rev. O. W. Fink held
the aervlse and Interment was
In the duubh oemeteiy.
UnrvlvoM Indude one son, T.
A. Daniel of Rt. 4; four daugh
ters; Mm. John Davis, Mrs. B.
L. FTeeman, Mrs. Oeorge Cor-
rett all of Rt. 4 and Mrs. Bessie
Windsor of Arllnflton, Va.; one
half-sister. Mrs. Charlie Davis
of Wlnston-Salem.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 20,1945 - Page 7
Mrs. Jane Willard
Burled Monday
Mrs. Jane Ferbee WUIard, 78,
died Sunday morning' at 4:49
o'clock at her home at Wyo,
Da vie county, after an Illness of
six months. She was born In
Davlo county, November 5, 1808,
a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wil
liam Forbeo and spent her en
tire life In that sootlon.
surviving are one daughter,
Mrs. Claude Splllman of Yad-
kinvllle; two sons, J. W. and T.
O. WUIard of Cana; four grand
children; two great grandchil
dren and one brother, 8. P. Fer
bee of Buttc, Montana.
The funeral was held Monday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at Wes
ley Chapel Methodist church,
Pavle county, of which Oho was
a member. Rev. J. S. Folger con
ducted the services. Burial was
In the church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/20/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 2,1945
Memorial Services Sno-
day For Pvt. Strond,
Uemorial aervIcM will be hold ooxt
Sunday afternoon. Aorll fitb. at 3 o'clock.
St Society Baptist Church. 10 miles west
of Kocksvilie. on tt>e Statesville bithway
for Kvt Jomee & Smmd. mo of Ifr. aod
Mrs S. E. Strond. of R 4. James was
killed in action in Gmnany on Nov. 19th.
1944. American Lofton. Davie County
Post 174. of Moeksville. will be in cfaartfe
of the service. The ptiblic Is given an.ln'
vitatiOD to be present.
Miss Sallie Van Eaton
Mn. Satlio VanEntoo, 82.di6d TIranday I
ttltlit at her bome. Mockatrille. Roate i'
SIm apral ber entlra Ufa In tbe county and
tau|bt in tbe Davie County adi^ fyatem
for U years.
Surviving are two sistera, Mrs. Matsle
BoieaatMl MIm Hattie VauEatoo.of Modu*
villa. Rente 9; and twobuMbeiK Will Vao'
Eatoo. of MocktvUle. Route 3, and
VanEaton, ol Mo.
Tbe funeral was held at tbe hooie Sat*
urday aftomooo at two o'clock. Cr. J. E.
Prltdiard conducted ibe aetvicei. Burial
was la Betbel CemeCary.
Daniel M. Groce
Daniel U. Groce, 67. died Tbureday at
bis bome. Caoa Route I.
The fonoral was hdd Saturday BMoiIng!
at U o'clcot^ at Utmat Olive Methodiat I
CburdL Rev. James H. Groce eooduotud f
. the eervlces. Burial was in (be cftnt^ '
Survivlog ace ibe widow. Uca. Ida ^ooe;'
eix aona, oue daogbtec.
Keave Reavis
Keave Resvla, 93, died Thuraday at tbe
Cmmty Home where be had t>eeQ an in
mate for 10 years He bad nolmmedlace
relatives. I
The funeral was held Friday afternoon I
at Mncedonia Moravian Church. Rev Ld iBrower conducted (be aervlces. Burial was j
In the cburob graveyard, I
Bio - Obituaries - 5/2/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 4,1945 - Page 1
Frank Beverly Hunter
Killed in China
Bet Frank Beverly Runter,
•on of r. B. Ranter and the
late Ora Hunter of
WlnftoD - Baleni and n fonner
re4deal of Davla who U a
neptaenv of Mra. L O. Roberta,
waa killed tn 'CSikta oo April
It. Be waa an enfloeer on a
0-47 tran^oit plane itatlon-
ed In India. After extenalve
tndnlni In tlie atatai, be waa
kSBed Jaat tbree inonttu to'the
day from the time be left thla
eoontrf. Be boa a brother,
OpL flamoel laikey Hunter, who
hda been ki Franoe for -IS
montha and two alftera who
^io Uve tn Wtnaton.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 4,1945 - Page 2
Miss Sdllle Van £a(on
Rites Held Saturday
- Mlu Bailie Van Eaton, 82, dlod
Thursday night- at her home.
MooksriUe, Rt. 3. Bho spent her
entire life bi Uie county and
taught in the Davle county schooi
system for 60 years.
Surviving arc two sisters, Mrs.
Malslc Boles and Miss Mattie Van
Rntnn, cif Mocksvlllc, Rt 3; and
two brothers, IVill F, V&n Eaton,
of Modksville, Route 3, and John
Van Eaton, of Quiln, Mo.
The funeral was held, at the
home Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Dr. J. E. Prltchard con
ducted -tihe servioca. Burial waa
in Bethel cemetery.
Daniel M. Groce
Funeral Saturday
' Daniel M. Oroce, 67, died
' Thursday at hLs- home, Cona,
^ Rt. 1.
The funeral was held eatur**
' day morning at 11 o'clock at
^ Mount Olive Methodist church.
' Rev. James H. Oroce conducted
I the services. Burial was in the
church graveyard.
' Surviving arc the widow, Mrs.
' Ida Oroce;. six sons, Robert, Lee,
• Miller, and Willie Hall Oroce of
' Cona, Route 1; David Oroce of
i Yadklnvllle and Corporal James
* Oroce of'thearmyi one-daughter.
Mrs. Louis York of Cona; 10
' grandchildren and two sisters,
' Mrs. Walter James and Mrs.
JcOm AUgood of Yadklnvllle.'
Bio - Obituaries - 5/4/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 4,1945 - Page 6
Keave RmvIs
Died Thunid^y
Keave'Reftvlf, 09, died Thuri'
day at the Davie <^Bty home
wheife he had been an Inmate
for to yeare. He had no Imme
diate relatives.'
The funeral was held Friday
afternoon at Macedonia Moravl
an churdh. Rev. Sd Bfevm ieon*
ducted thei eervlces. Burial wae
In the Church graveyard.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 4,1945 - Page 8
Joseph L. Sparks
Passes Monday
Joaeph Levin Sparks, 71, ,'of
Moeks^le, route 2, died Monday
morning at 0 o'clock at a Balls-
hury hospital where he had heen
a patient for the past week.
The funeral was held Wednes
day aftefnoon at 9 o'clock at
Bethel Methodist Ohrueh. I^av.
R. O. Mcdlamrook conducted the
services. Burial was In the church
Surviving are the widow; four
sons, jr. A. Sparks of MoeksvUle;
H« M. Sparks of MockavlUe, route
a; C. O. Sparks of Ohamblee, Oa.,
and 0. R. Sparks of Baltimore,
Md.; two hrothera, B. B. and H.
F. Sparks of Advance, route 1;
four sisters. Mrs) Blanche Van
Hoy ofWinston-Salem, Mrs. Ida
Smith of MoeksvUle, route 2; Mrs.
Odessa Myers of Advance, route 1,
and Mrs. Emma Conrad of Xing;
19 grandchildren and one great-j
Bio - Obituaries - 5/4/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 9,1945
Frank Beverly Hunter
Joseph L Sparks
Joaeph Levin Spaike, 71. of UodnMUe.
Roate 2* died Apr. SOtli at a Saliaboiy
bospUal where he had been a padcot for
Che past week.
The tttoeial was bpld Wednesday after
noon at 3 o'cloeh at Bethel Metiuidist
Cboidi. Key. K. 6. IbdamnMh. eonddet*
ed the servieee. Burial was In the ehoieb
Sorviving are the «ddow; four sons. J.
M. Sparks of Mocfcsvllle, ff. A1 Sparks of
MockaviUe, Roote 3; C. O. Sparks of Cham*
blee. 6a., and C. R. Sparks of Baltimore,
Md., two brothers. B. B. and H. F. Sparka.
of Advance, Rente I; foor slstms, Ura.
Blanche Van Hoy of Winstoo*SaIeni: Mrs.
Mia. Ida Smith of MockaviUe, Route 2; Mrs'
Odessa Myers of Advance. Route I, and
fiffS.-Caina Conrad of King; 13 grand-
diUdreo and one greatgranddiild
Former Davie Sol£er
Sgl* Frank Beverly Hunter, formerly of
ClailMvlUe township, eon of Mr. nod Mrs
F. B Konter, now of Fotsyth County
was kUled Inaction In China on ApiU I6tb.
Be went oveiaeaa last February and waa
etatloaed in India, flying the **Hump** to
China as an engineer on a cargo plane;
Sorvlvois Indnde ibe parenta, bis widow,
the former Miaa Virginia Bller,of Wlnstoo-
Salem. eoe brother and two sisteis.
Sgt Ranter entered service from Wins
tuo>Salem, on Feb. 9th, 1943. and trained
at Miami, Fla, Gutfporl, Miss., Kansas
City, Waablngcon. Del., and Dallaa Xezaa.
He baa roan? friendaio his natlvecoanty.
who were saddened by news of Us un
timely death.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/9/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 11,1945 - Pages 1 and 4
A. B. Cassidy Bites
Are Held Thursday
Funeral' lewkea were lu3d
ntureday afternoon lor A. B.
Oastidy, Mi,who dl^ at hla hotne
here Wedneiday momlng. The
Rev. B. W. Turner eondneted
the funeral at the dak Orove
Methodbt ohuroh and inter
ment -was In the ohuroh 'ceme
Mr. CasBldy wae the son of
James and Annie Roscoe Cas
sidy and was a native of South
Carolina. He had been a resident
of MocksvlUe for the past twelve
(Continued on paie 4)
Survivors Inelude his widow,
the former Bffle Bowles: three
sons, James and J. 0. of Mooks-
vllle, Blue of Lexlngtoni two
daughters, Mrs. DOWltt Oreen of
HannapqUs and Mrs. Bverott
Clodfelter of Winston - Balem;
five grand^Udren; two slsteis,
Mrs. Clarence Edwards and Mrs.
D. T. Boone both of HartsvUle,
8. C.: three brothers, W. L. of
Rock HUl, 8. 0. and 8. L. and
J. C. both of BartsvlUe, 8. 0.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/11/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 16,1945
A. B. Cassidy
A. B. Casiidy* 89, died at Bis home on
Saoford avenoo Wedneeday moniiog, fol*
bwind an attended itioeaa. death reeult*
log ffom a stfoke of oatalyela.
The ftinetai wae bdd at Oak Grove M.
B Chu^ Thursday afternoon at i o*ctock
with Rev. &W. Tomer officiating, and
the hody laid to restin the church cemo'
Sorvlving are the widow, thteo sons,
two daoghteifl. two sisters and three hio-
thm, Mr Cassidy had lived in this city
j for the past twelve years.
R.W. Crater
yonerai serViSesTot R. Wi Orator. of
Rottt^;.were .(iekl at~Claffc»*
/buty l^mdsst'Chttj^ dl i'iCioL Monday,:
.jReitiBfm.'JohnGr6iie^^ and in :
j^mjo^aiiraa lo ClarkshM,^ .iffiaiieh eeme*
—leiy#". ~ J'1 -a- •
MrlCrattt died atth'ahofne of moaeieo^
Mrs. :.j^y DaQoegao,-Jo- WinstoiKSaleoB
Sotofuay afternoon followiog a sarfoitsm-,
nose,of-three wieeks. -
Charles McCaUoh
(Suites McCuttoogh, 8i, of Kouie 4, life
mstden* f8o cotnmiiuity, died sudden*
Iv at his Friday afternoon at 4o*clock,
Hn tttaO a 800 of Jattiea apd Coarlotte
A mamliflit dl Jf,* U» U A .n«
SurvlvlnB widow, the former
Mtea Emm^ ^ daiigtiiers, Mrs.
w A FfMt4^ Mis. G, C.^hwice80od. hoih
of MoeksviC^* Ntitsss Mamie.
Annie. Sadi^ home; iO
and two great grandchild*
^Fu^al service^* conduct^ Sunday alleiDonn at 5, ?'j*? ^
Itev G. W- Pink burial was
in the family cem^ery.
Bio — Obituaries - 5/16/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 18,1945 - Page 1
C. B. Hoover, iwell known Cool-
leemfie znerohanb and former
olerk of superior court of Davle
county, died fast Wedneodsy
night fiit 10 p. m. at .tihe Rowan
Memorial hospital In Salisbury.
He had been in Ui health for
some time. He was 49.
He la survived by his widow,
three sons and a daughter. The
sons are all in service. They ore
0. B, Hoover, Jr., who is in the
omny In Oermany; Doyle Hoover
who is on New Caledonia: Ken
neth Hoover who is in Iceland.
A daughter, Oalytle. lives «t
home. He aiso has one brother
who llveb ot Chadbourhe,'
Mr. Hoover was a prominent
and active member of the P. O. S.
of A. and the Oboleemee Baptist
church, serving as chairman of
the building committee of the
oongre^tlon, ,
iFuneml arrangenients had not
been made when the paper went
to press. It was hoped that one
of the boys, Kenneth, might be
able ito reach home from Iceland
in time for the service.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday,May 18,1945-Page2
Charles McCullough
Died Suddenly I
Charles McCullough, SI, of
route 4, life resident of the com
munity, died suddenly at his
home last Friday afternoon at
4 o'clock.
He was a son of James and
Charlotte Holland McCullough.
Mr. McCulough was a member of
Jr. O. U.A. M.
Burvlvlng are his widow, the
former Mlas Bmma Leonard; six
daughtc'ro, Mrs. W. A. Foster,
Mrs. a. C. fiWlcezood. both of
Mocksvllle, route and Misses
Mamie, Annie, Sadie,' and Eva,
all of the homo; 10 grandchild
ren and two grcat-grandchUdren.
Funeral services were held
Bunday afternoon at 3 o'clock
at the home. Rev. O. W. Fink
officiated and burial was in the
family cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/18/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 23,1945
Pfc. Osborne Killed In
Mr. and Mn. R. & OabofQO,of R. 4* le-
eelved a taiegiam firom (be Hirar Depart-
meat Wednesday, advUIng (hat (b^ ooii«
Pfe. Henry BL Oabome, was killed to ae*
tioo In the Seoth Pae^ on ApfU lltb*
Pfc. Oabotne entered the army four years
aao^ and had been In overseas aovtee for
the past (biee years. Sorvivhig ate IdaKrents, one brother, Pfc. Walter W. Os-
me^ now lo Franea, and fonr ^eis
Pfc. Osborne is the dSfd Davie man to
give his ttle for his eoootry. To the be*
teaved family. The Recofd extends syro*
path? In Ibis sad hottr.
G. L White
Foneial services for Gaston Lafayette
White, 88. of Wioston-Saleni,Koate 4, con?
candncted at 3:30 o'dock Wednesday at
the home and at 5 o'clock at Eaton's Bap
tist Chnich. Rev. W. R. Grigg. Rev E.
W. Thmer and Rev. D. 6. Reiiegar officiat
ed and borial was in the church graved
Mr. White who had been seriously ill for
ten days, died at his home Tuesday at
7i38 a m.
He was bom Dec* 10. 1856. in DavIe
County, a son ot James and Sarah Bink*
ley White He spent bis early lite in that
county in the Cana community, operating
a rural route for 18 years there- He also
operated a farm, was justice of the peace
for 40 years, and served' in the 1898-09
term of State .Legislature from Davie
I He had resided at his present home*
. place since 193L He was a member of
Sootbside Baptist Church, having moved
his membefshlp from Eaton's Baptist
Church in Uavle County, of which he bad
been a member since childhood
1 Ifis wife, the former Miss Elvira Collett,
died July 24, 1943.
I Surviving ate one daughter. Mrs M. D.
i Pope, of Cana: fpur sons, W. H.-nnd G- P*
' WUte. both of Winstun-Salem. and Char-
i les H. and J. Qiffotd White, both ofj Greensboro: and eight grandchildren. |
Bio - Obituaries - 5/23/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 23,1945
Joseph W. Kimbioiigh
' Joseph W. Kimbnngb, died in a
Raleigh hospital Thmsda? afceroooa, fol*
lowing an Ulnose of three wedio, death re»
sniliiigffom a stiohe of paraWefo. Mr*
Kimb^gh was a native of Davie Gonnty.
a son of the late Dr« and lira. M. 0. Kim
hfotigh. Fonerai and burial eervioea went
held at Smith Grove Methodist church Sat*
uidav aftemooQ at 4 o'clock
Surviving are the widow, one son, lA.
CoL J. W. Kimbraugh. Jch of the Navy,
who ia In foreign service; two brotiieco,
A. M. Kimhfougb, MockaviOe, and P, R;
Kimbrough, Atlanta, and one aister, Mrs.
J, L. Sheek, of Mochsvine,
Joim A Khdmnigh '
Jolm Amette KimbieQili, 67. died etnl-
dSohrat iililiaiDeinWlost<Ri'8oteiDdMn*
ly after iwoo Soiunlaf lesohioi fkoa a
heart attack. Mr, Khhbteogli was get
dng ready to esQM to SoHh Grove to oi-
tend the fbseral and borlal ^ his htothw.
X W« Rimbteiigh. whea iitCcken
Mr. fOmbroti^weso sen of tho leto
Dr. ond Mrs. M. D Klinhnitgh, of Davfe
eonoty. Ho moved feom this etty to Wlno*
too Stlem hhoott 10 yosrs ogo. ond was
eaaDceted whh Ihs Depsitoeot of Kevo-
nao for oeveral years. Haoperttedastote
on A about a yeer ago when his hoallb
Sotvlviag. ofo the widow. Ifia Lota
Satitb RIaihtoegb; two sons, Setgmot
James A Ktmbnogh, ci the Padfio area:
Lientenant W. P. fOmbroogli. now ia Oidl>
fdiiDlii; two hratheis. Alex M. of Mocks-
vitl8.aiMlP. it Rfmbmogh, of Ad^nta.
6a : and one slater. Hie.-J L- Sbndt of
FuaecilMHrvlee were held Moodey at 4
o'clock at the home, with Dr. D. X -Ward
io ^aige. and die body hid to reel in
Sahm eemccery. Bh. KlmhraoA h^
aeay fdeede io Mocfcsville and cotoofb-
OBt the eoomy, who were saddened by
news ^ his death.
Oias. k. Hoover
Cbes. B» Hoover. well«kiuwo Gorisemee
merObtnt and fOnner Geik of tho Coon
ortheGotntof DavteCoooty. dledat Ro
wan Memoiiil Hospital htt Wodnesdoy
olgfatfoHowittgaooiteoded Uloesa. Sor-
vivan tododo tho widow, tbieoosoo and
OBO dioghter; All of bis sons iio In fer*
eiib eeivlee. Phacial eovlecs wero hrid
at Oodeeaea Bapdet Chsrefa Soodsy af-
temoeo at 4 o'elociL with hh psstci; Rev*
G. L. Royster cffleteftog. and tho botetoM
torestio UHOodsl Psik Gemcteiv* Soils
Bio - Obituaries - 5/23/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Mrs. WiiiUaws' ,qu(
Funeral • services for Mrs. EUe,
Wyatt Wimama, dl. of 320.Vlntage
AvenuOr "Will be conducted Thurs* 1
day mominff at 11 o'clock at the
home. Dr. Ralph HerrinE'and Rev.
•Paul E, Crandoll will oUlGBte.
The body wUl be carried to the
home at 10:30 o'clock this morn*
Mrs. Williams,' who died at a
local hospital yesterday at 10 a. m.,
had beoo in declining healUi for
the past year and her condition
had been serious for Ove weeks.
Sho was born July 20, 1803, in
Dayle County, a daughter of J. M.
and SnUle Bailey Wyatt She came
to WInston-Salem 30 years ago
from Davio County. She was a
member of First Baptist Church.
On May 17, 1914, she was mar
ried to E. R. Williams, superin
tendent of the shipping depart
ment of Factory No. 288, Reynolds
Tobacco Company.
Surviving are the husband; one
daughter, MrS. Catherine Shaver
of Wlnston'^Salem; on son. Staff
Sergeant Ray W. WllUams, Air
Transport Service, in the Philip
pines; one grandchild. Tommy
Shaver; the mother, Mrs. Sallle
B. Wyatt of Davie County; two
Bio - Obituaries - 5/23/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 25,1945 - Page 1
Dies of Wounds
etioft Sst. Louis A. ("Buck")
Davis, aun of Mrs. Lula Davis
of A-dvanco, died in France on
May 10 from wounds, accord
ing 'to a telegram hla mother
iiecelved. He entered service on
Aus. 27, 1942 and trained at
Pb. Knox. -Camp Campbell. Xy..
Camp. Perry, Ohio, and Camp
ohaffee, Ark. be/ore going
overseas in Feb., 1945. He re
ceived the 16 Armored Divis
ion citation at Camp Ohflffee
*flnd awarded the Silver Star.
In addition to his mother,
survivors Inoludo his wife, the
former Miss Bonnie MIze of
Ft. Smith, Arkl; two elstera,
Mra. Clarence Fostor of
MocksYllle and Mro. J. H. Jor
dan of 'Woodieaf; tbhrce broth
ers, Sam and TVnn Davis of
- iWinslon - Salem and Clarenoe
Davis of Advance.
pfc. Henry B. Osbome, son of
Mr, and Mrs. Roble 6. Oabome of
iTOUte 4, was killed in action In
tho Paclfio on Aj^U 11. accordins
to a 'telegram which >tiho parents
ihave ireceived,
The family owns .the former
Jim Broadway farm and sur
vivors include <tihc parents, a bro
ther, Walter in Frariw, and four
sisters. He had boon overseas
about three years.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 25, 1945 - Page 3
Mrs. Sarah Emma Hilton, 85,
of Advance, Rt. 1, died suddwily
at the home of a daughter, Mrs.
B. D. Smith of cTemms com
munity, at 1:45 p. m. Saturday.
Mrs. Hilton had been visiting
h«^gbU>r «ln« April. Sh, Hmry
had b«m ta daoUntog health lor p j,
aome .tlmo when .her Ion , ^
became Borloas^y a ahort time ^ ^
before her death. Bernardino. Oallf.; two daUBli-
She wae born January 18,18«0, ^ ^
in Davlo county, and epcnt her B „
life in (the Mocks Church com- , . «« _ ,
j of Olcmmons 27 grandbhlldrenmunlty. Since 1878 she had re- . a. a,. „,. ^ ^ . , and one brother, WylJo Howard,sided at *ho present home place. Advance. Rt. 1.
She was majTled on February
- . .. . ...ca ^6 xuncral service was held22„ 1878 to Hanlson Hilton, a home at 3 p. m. and at
well known fa^, end «rpen- Advance Mcthcdlat church Mon-
tcr who died Dec 7, 1828 day afternoon at t p. m. Rev. J.
btrs. Hilton attended Moolos (, conducted the serv-
Methodist church reguUvrly os
long as her healfih permitted. '
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 25,1945 - Page 4
J. A. KimiiOlIGH
tAcmette Klmteiou^, 67.
aon of <t}ie Isito 1^. and Mm. M.
D. KtajUaroush of MocksvUlo <n<ho
lived la Wtasbon-flailein tor <Um
past 20 died tiieM mid-
denly last Sa/turdoy aftimmoon
from' A •heaiRt ottade. He was
weU known ttanniglMiit Davle
Survivors Include Ids widow.
Mrs. LUla Klmbrouflli; two
sons. Sfft. JEomes A. Klmlmnigli
Is In (the Faolflo and Lt. W.
KimkrouBh In California: two
WtAers, Alex M. Kkntaoufl^ of
MoiftsvlUe und P. R. Kimlxough
of Atlanta, Oa.; one dster, Mn.
J.'L. Sheek of MooksvUIe,
Mr. Klmtarottgh <q»exated a
store In Wloston-fialem until hla
i^th failed about a year ago
and eut o^ >tlme was conneoted
with' (the oevenue depeirtinenft
Funeral oervloea were held at
the home Mooiday afternoon,
uu^duuted by lir. D. J. Ward,
cusd Interment was In ithe Satem
Bio - Obituaries - 5/25/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 1,1945 - Page 8
WIU X. Ooley, n, native of
Davle county and bxotiher of Mrs.
M. B. Brook of died
lut Sunday In a iho^ltal in Ra-
lelffh, He Iliad been oonneoted
with fhe Raleigh News and Ob
server <for more 40 ykears
and head of itihe clroulation de
partment for mony years.
Some 60 years ago he owned
ttio Davie Times here, a news
paper which was ithe predecessor
of the MbeksvUle Sntorprlse. Ho
bou{^ itihe paper from Biount
and Mooring and operated It
,(tor nine years.
He was also a former mayor
of MocksvlUe and eit ithe time
of his death was a member of
the Mocksvllle Masonic lodge.
He is ffurvlved by hJa widow,
the former Mra. Annie Adams
Howard of Baie^h; by three
sons, L, H. of Raleigh, Major
Henry M. of Waahinffton, O. C.
WIU X.. Jr. of Jackisonviile. Fla.;
by four jdsteib, Atra. Blanche
Hooper of Winston - Sailem, Mrs.
Lawrence Kirkiand and Mrs.
Robert Black of Durhasn and
iirs. M. B. Brock of Fanning-
ton Is ithe mother of the
Well-known atrtomey, B. O, Brock.
Widely known ithroughout the
newspaper ckotiiatLon field in
the south, Mr. Ooley woe a past-
president and former seorctary
of ithe O^llna-Virginla Clrcu-
kiUon Managens as^latlon. Ho
was also a member of the Ra
leigh liions club and a life-long
deacon of <tho Fliat Baptist
nhUTOh of Raleigh.
Ihe funerai was held Monday
.jt«tMnoon.at_itho ^ptlet
chtmoh in 'Raleigh and Imter-
ment was in ithe Oak wood ceme
tery there. '
J4r. Coloy had been inactive
for ithe post three years because
of iU health.
Bio — Obituaries - 6/1/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 1,1945 - Page 8
Clyde Broadway
Dies in Hoi^pital
• Funeral aerWceis mve held for
Clyde N. Broadway, 34, who died
Tuesday at a Salisbury hospttol
from pneumonia. {Rev. Jamea
Orooe held ithe eewloe at jUhe
North Codeeonee Baptist chuxeh
and interment was In (the North
Cooleemee cemetery,
!MIr. Broadway, a native of Vlr/
glnla, lived on MoohsvUle, Rt.
• 4,- near Cooleemee, Ke was a
World war U veteran (having
been In sotrvlce about a year.
Burvlvoivi include the,vddow,
the former sieota Jenktaia, 0
Ohild^, J. 0., Fred, Noleen,
* Bdith Ray and OdeU, oil at
hmnoi hl9 father, T. N. Broad
way of KannapoUs, his mother,
Mrs. W. T. Reasana of High
Point; four (half brothers, Otis,
BiUle; Fred and Arnold, oU of
Kannapolis: six half sisters, Mrs.
H. 0. -Ball. Mrs. Adfidene Chirley,
Mn. Hazel WOltera, Betty 6ue
and liols Jean Broadway of Kan'
nap^ls and Mrs. Dorothy WUite
of c^censboro.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/1/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 6,1945
Pvt. Osborne Was Brave
With 'he 27th Infantry Division,
(The Tokio Express) on D Day:—
Pfc. Henry H. Osborne, of MocbB-
ville, N. C.. R. 4. landed with the
•'apoleknocker" regiment of the fa
med 27th Infantry Division in its in
itial assault on Tsui^en Shi»»*a. an fe*
land of the Rvokyu group 365 miles
ifrorii thn Japanese.
The smash at the Nunsei Shoto
Group, ft key phint in the vital com
munication center of the enemy's I
direction of hiaforces mi the western'
Pftcific marks the third D Day for
Pfc. Osborne.
Each assault on eni-my shores has
brought him nearer to the land of
the Sinking Sun.
Prior to this operatn-n Osborne
participated with his orpaa zation in
the estahlishinc of a beachhead at
Mfikin in the Gilbert Diands and the
conquest of Saipan in the Marianas
At H Hour. Oahorne'fi unitswarm-
eA ashore behind the pounding of
Navy battleships and cruisers
A Scout. Osborne entered the U.
S, Army in Septenaber, 1941. and
has served 86 momh.s on overseas
duty. He is entitled to wear the
prized Combat Infantrvman'a Badire
Asiatic Pacific ribbon with 3 cam-
paign stars, American Defense rib
bon. and the War D/'parrment'anew
est awerd. an arrowhead, given to
troops making an assault landing.
Pfc Osborne is the son of Mr; and
Mrs. R 8 Oaborne. of Moekaville,
N. C., R 4 Pvt Osborne was kil?-
eSi in action in the South Pacific on
April 11th
Will X. Coley
Former Davie Man Dead
Will X. Coley, 77, a native of Daviecoun*
ty. but tor the past 40 years a eltlteo of
Rat^b, died May 27tb. following an ez
teod^ lUoesa Mr. Colev had been with
the drculaUoD department of ^e Raleigh
Newe and Observer since mo^ng to that
Mr. Coley was for several yea-a editor
and owner of The Davie Times, which was
established here in 1879. by Btouoc &
Moariog. He is survived by bis widow,
three soos and four sisters. Fuoeial and
burial services were held in Raleigh on
May 28ih. Mr. Coley was a brother of
Mrs. M. B Brock, of Farmington.
Clyde N. Broadvray
Fuoeial eetvlceo for Clyde N.' Bioadway,'
34, Moeksvllloii Re^ 4, veteiao of Woild;
War II, who died of |»eiimi»ia at a Sa-!
Usboiy iraspltal .Ibcsday, wete beld at I
North OooteeiBee, Baptto dmcli at 2
o'clock Tbttfsday aftemooa. Rev Jamea
Croee to cha^.. Buial followed lo'
Nenh Cootetaiee Oeioaiefy.
Soivlvoia Indttde the widow; flvo MA*
ran, Che fdtl»or,'T. N* BMMdwar* Kocum-
polle; the ioollier. Mra. W. T. Reegao.ttl^
Point; four half brother and ais oalf ala-
teia n . •
Bio — Obituaries - 6/6/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 8,1945 — Page 1
Alphonso Spillman .
Claimed By Death
Alpfaonoo fijitUmaa cf Mocks'
vDle, Boote 2, died ^ ^ home
Tuesday at 8 p. m. IdUowtng an
ain^ ol some time.
Ho waa bom Jan. 15, 1879 in
Vadkln county, a son of WlUlam
and FameUa Davis SpUbnan. He
spent his eas^ life In the For
bush church conadunlty, and
(had lived at 4he present home
place since 1908. %
He was of ithe Baptist faith
end well known In the county.
Surviving are his wife; one sdn,
W. Ste^w f^lUman, of Fam-
Ingtonf four daughtera, Mm. W.
P. Oomateer of Farmlnflton, Mrs.
F. O. Polndexter of Oana, Mrs.
J. b. Hnvdrloks of Olemmons,
and Mrs. W. N. Taylor of Hirin-
ston-Salem; 13 grandchUdren:
four great grandchildren; one
neidiew, Thomas 6. Shore, and
one niece. Miss Mary Shore, both
of Hocky Mount. *
Services were conducted
Ttuusday afternoon at 3;ao
o'clock. n Rev, ;J. .W. Vestali Bev.
J. T. Murray.'and Bev. Dallas
Benegar . offlclated. Zntermenit
was in ilhe FeandnvUm ceme*
Bio - Obituaries - 6/8/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 13,1945
AlphoDzo Spillman
Funeittl servlcea for Alpbooio Sfdllmmi
of Mocksville, R. 2, near raimin^ton waa
held at 3:30 Ttkuraday afternoon- at the
bomei Revs. J. W* Vestal, J. T. Afoiiay
and Dallas Renegar officiated and Inter*
meat was In the Farmington Cemeteiy.
Mr, Spillman died Taesdasr afternoon
after an illness of ontv a lew honis* He
bad lived in the Farmington community'
for the past 3S years. He owned and op* -
erated one of the leading river farms in j
DavieCounty. He was well known In*
the County and active in civic affairs of
the community, and was a leader in the
Republican patty there.
Surviving are the widow, 'Laura Steel*
man Splllmao: one son, W. Spillman, of
Farmington: four daugbtera, Mrs. W. P.
Coroalzer of Fermlnglon, Mrs. F. D. Poin*
deiter of Cana, Mrs. J. C. Hmidticks of
Giemmons. and Idis. W, N. Taylor of
'Wlnston-Saiem: 13 grandchildren and four
great grandchildren, and one nephew and
oneneice. ^
Bio - Obituaries - 6/13/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE,Friday, June 15,1945-Page 1
Killed in Action
a.-aOT. O. L. (DUOK) TMm
Mr. «nd Mra. Q, A. Paek ^il»
live n«ar Fork have naii>
(fled by Ihe war deparbnent
that ithelr aon, Staff Svt. Otr-
land L. (Back) Pack, was klB-
ed in action. He wm in ttm
PAcUlc snd had been la aerf-
Ice for three yeark. The pw-
ente are expeottng a tetter
with more detaUa. He waa UB~
ed aometime in AqprU, H waa
Bio - Obituaries - 6/15/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 20,1945
a-Sgt Pack KiUed
The War Departnieiic has uotlPed
f IS. O. A- Pack, of PaUoQ lown*
sip, chat her soo. Staff Sergeant
^riand Pack bad been killed In
etioo in the Sontb Pacific in April
*hi8isthe34Cb Davieconncv ser.
ice man who has lost bis life In
te present WorM War.
Mcs. Lodier SwicqEOod
Un. IliiiiitoSwieeatMd. H. wUBofLotb-
er& Sirieea9od.ffiad1beadaf atberbome.
in Safiahort* Mia. Swteeaood waa the
feoser Iflin Himile Daatei c( Davio ooon*
ty. Inadditloacoherbiirtnndalieiafnr
vl«ed by a son, fire dattgbtei8,ciraaiiCaa.
eaddmebtolbeiaL Faneialflecyleeawtto
held Tbmaday m Sdi at tha boma. Ra*
rial twain the cemetaiy at ybettrMetba
Melvin Royce Eudy
Meets Horrible Death.
Melvin Rovce tiodv, 13. waa Instantly
killed when cruahed In a bay baler near
Jefusalem Saturday afteriiooii.
Funeral eervlces were conducted at the
home at Cboleefnee Monday aftemooa at
3 o'clock, with Rev. Mr. Royster In cbergla,
and interment followed fn North Coolw
mee cemetery.
Survlvocs Include the pnrenia. Mr. and
Mra. Roficoe Eudy: two brothers and »one
slater, all of the hofna.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/20/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 22,1945 — Page 3
Boy Is Killed
In Hay Baler
Melvtn noyce Budy, 18, was
Instantly kUled enuOied to.
a liay itater near Jerusalem,j
MookwUle, Rt. 4, Saturday aft
{Funeral iservlcefl wereoonduet-
■ed Monday afternoon at 8 o^look
at the home In Oooleemee. Rev.
Mr. Rc^flter was to eharge and
totennent followed to North
Oooieomeo cemeteiy.
Survivors include the (samadB,
Mr. and Mrs. Koaooe Biidy; two
ibrothersi Jack and Robert, and
one sister, Judy Eudy, aU of .the
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 22,1945 - Page 8
Mn. Latham
FassM Away
S^s. Delia Latham died Tues
day oi 4he home of a eon, 0. 6.
Latham, Wlnston-fialem, Rt. 7.
She had been to decltolns health
dor one year and was seriously
ill for one week.
She was bom in Davle county,
a daoahter of James D. and Mary
Ellen Coons XJomcs, and spezit
most of her llfe^ in Davle county,
to the Pormtogton conummliy.
Her husband, D. O. Latham, a
well-known farmer, died Dec. 28,
Mis. Latham was a member of
Wesley Ohapel Methodist church
In Davle county.
Surviving are six daughters,
Mrs. L. F. Ward, MOoksvUle, Rt.
9; Mrs. R. O. MeClamroctc,
MoohsvUle, m. 2\ Mrs. KoUoway
Soger, Mocksvllle, Rt. 1; Mrs.
Vestal Freeze of Kannapohs,
and Mrs. H. A. Myers of Wto-
ston-Salem, Rt. 7; six sons.
Claude S. Latham, Wtoaton-
Salem, !Rt. 7:' Hugh ^thom,
MookavlUe, Rt, a, Richard Lath
am, KannapoUs; Oalther and
Orady Latham of Mocksvllle, Rt.
B, and Gpl. WlUlom Latham, with
the army to France i 18 grand-
ohUdron; one sister, Mrs. W. B.
Wall. MockflVllIe; and one broth
er, Olenn ijamea, of High Point.
Funeral services were oonduot-
ed Thursday at the home of the
son, O. S. Latham In Winston-
S&Iem, ati l!SO^. m. and at Wes
ley Ohapel Methodist church to
Davle county at 3 p. m. Rev. J.
W. Vestal and,Rev. A. M. Smith
officiated. Interment was to the
church cemetery. .
Bio - Obituaries - 6/22/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
/ 7
Dies of Wounds
I Pfc. Herbert G. trjatt, son of Mr. '
Mrs. ' J. A. Wyatt of China
(Ii«d June 17 In France of <
woui^iis.'; i
The''nature and cause of the ^
wounds were not revealed In the (
war department message. The lasi <
letter received by bU wife, the t
former Mary Henderson of Mcd- i
ford, Mass., was dated June 14, and (
in it he said he was in the beat of '
Bio - Obituaries - 6/26/1945
Pfc. Wyatt was Inducted February ,
3C, 1942. He took his basic training \
at. Camp Stewart, Ga., and trained ^
also at Fort Devons, Mass. lie wciil
ovcrse.ts in April, 1944, and served
wltJi General Patch's Seventh army «
during three major battica for u-hich ;
he was awarded three battle stars. «
lie. had served in England. France, ;
Scotland, Belgium and Holland.
Before entering service, he was em
ploy^ In tho weave room, Cannon
niiU No. C, in Kannapolis.
..In addition to his widow, and par
ents he la survived by five sisters:
Mrs. Roy Ilam and Mrs. J. W. Mc-
Phcrrcn of Guthrie Oklahoma, Mrs.
H. J. Yost and -Mrs. Carl B. Davis oi
the home and Mrs. J. B. Dagenharl
of Barber; three brothers, Fred L.
of Dyer, Arkansas, Paul J., of the
army In the southwest Pacific and
William J., of the army, Fort Lewi?
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 27,1945
Mrs. B. G. Latham
hin. Mia Bdl Latbam died Ibeaday at
itie home of a ooiuC- S Latham. Wiiiatoo«
Saleai, Roate 7* Stk had boeb in decBn*
lag health dTor one year and was aeiioQalr
iU Ihr 000 week.
She was horn In Davie oonaty* aifaagli*
ter of James DL and Maty Euen Gmms
iiaaies» and soeni moat of her Ufa tn
DavIe County* In the FaamlogtoQ coinmn*
Her httsbetid B* 6* Latham* n ndl*
known laimef* died Deo. 28* 1824.
Mn. Latbam was a memher of Wesley
Chapel Metttodlat Gbuieh In DavfeOmBty.
.S^vlna ate ell daoghtete. L F,
Ward, MocksvUle, It 2; Mm, It 6. McQdm-
nek, MoeksflUe; Mia, Chatlle AngsO*
Mocksvllle. Route 2: Mta, HoUow' Dadn;
Mochsvllle, Ronte 1: Mia. Vestal Fsaeae of-
KaooapoliB. and Mis, H, A. Myeieof
WliisteB-Salem. Rente 7; tlx eons, CMvte
S. Latham, WinstoO'Salem, Rome 7; Hugh*
Latham, Moakaville, Rome 2. i^ohaid
Latham, fCaimapntls; Gaither and Csady
Latham of MocheslBa, R. 2. and Coipoial
WIBiam Latham, withtheaimr In Fianest
one aittei^ Mia. W* E, Watt. MoehevlBs;
and eoe hcothec, Glenn Uamesi of
FnoetM pervleei dm ooiidQcM Ihuit*
day at the.home of the aon, OL SblAthem,
att:28pi,m Reva, J^rW, VcMal niid A*
H. Smith nffidated. hrtetnimit tma in
the church eoneieiy. * |
Bio - Obituaries - 6/27/1945 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY