Jul - DecDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 3,1946 ^ tatham Waiiam Crawfi^ Ladiam, 84, died Monday night at his home in the Clatksville community. He was a lifelong resident ofiDaVie County. Ihefmetal was heU at 3:30 Wednesday at the home cmd at Pino Methodist CSiurch at 4 R.:nu Revs, J. S. Folgerand Dall^ Rene- gar offidated. .Burial was in the church cmetery. n ' Surviribfig are dte widow; oOe daughter, Mrs. A. Beck of Cana, Route I, four sons, WU-- llam Intham of Tallah^ee, Fla., Grover W. Ladiam of Moc^ViUe> Route 2, and.Lewis M. tatham,of EUdn; six grandchildren; and three brothers, Frank and John Latham | of Mocksviile, Route 2, and Sam Latham of JMbcksvill^ Roiite 2, and Sam T,arhafn of MocksvtU^ I J. A. Reynolds I J *A. Reynolds. S6. died Friday at bla home on Saoford avenne. Mr. Reynolds was a native of Yadkin County but spent roost of his life in Davie, Surviving are the widow, five dsogbters Mrs. A. B. Stanley, R 2; Misses. Hazel, Helen, Ruth and MayneU, of the boroe; ' six sofls, Arthur, of Wiostoo-Salew; Les* ter, Jake nod J B.. Mocksviile; Johnny and Harley Reynolds, of Winston^Salero; . three sisters and four brothers, j Fuoeral services were held' at UqIoq Chapel Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock with 'Rev9.C G. JeDkio^E. W. Turner and A. J. Lbfiiii'olBciating. and btuSal followed in. the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 7/3/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 5,1946 — Page 1 William Keelen Allen Former Native Dies in Ohio WUliam Keelen Allen. 70, na- tlYc ot DavIc <auaty, died June 30 ot Port^o)|th, Ohio. He was employed by jthe Norfolle and Western Railway and was a veteran of the Spanlsh^Amer- loan war. , Survivors Inpludo the widow, the former Ml^ Lottie Miller of route 1. Salisbury; a son. Fran« els. of Lexington, Ky.; a broth er. C. P. Allen of route 2; six half brothers. O. s. Allen of Mocksvllle. Clarence of Coolee- mee, Thomas and Walter of Now York. James of Valdese and Paul Allen of High Point. Six half sisters also survive: Mesdames Paniha Brown. Maggie Boger, Annie -Olassco'ck. Dallle 1/each of Mocksvllle. Mary Powell and Lois BulUn of, High Point. l^e funeral was held Wed nesday at Salisbury. Bio — Obituaries - 7/5/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 10,1946 WiUiam AOen WitUam Allen, 96, a oadve pf Davle County, and a son of the late 'Mr. and Mrs, T. J, Allen, died at his home in Portsmouth, Ohio, on July Ist. Mr. Allen this codnty many years ago. Funeral and burial services took place in Salisbury last Wednesday. Surviving are the widow and one son; sevdi broiuers, Charlie, Sam and Clarence Allen, all of Davi^ Thomas and Walter Allen, Nem York; James Allen, Valdese, and Paul Allen, High Point; six daughters, Mis, C O. Leach, Mrs, Hugh Brown, h&s, James Glass* cocki Mrs, Oscar Boger> all vf Davi^ Mrs: J. C. Powell and Mrs. Gilmer Butleo, of High Point Bio - Obituaries - 7/10/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 12,1946 - Page 6 Mrs. Bessie Stewart Dies at Oak Grove Mrs. Bessie Bnker Stewart, 40, of the Oak Grove/ communUy. died Monday morning at the home of a daughter, Mrs. C. 0. Sweorlngen, MocksvlUo, Route 2. She had been 111 for several months. Funeral was held Wednesday at Chestnut Orove Methodist church, with Rev. O. W. Fink and Rev. Jumcs Orocc ofTlclat- Ing. Burlol was In the church cemetery, •• - '' A daughter of A. M, and Ma mie Rvans Baker, she was born in Yodkin county. fiurvlvlng are three daughters, Mrs. Swearlngen of Mocksvllle, Route 2, Miss Mabel Baker and Miss Susie Stewart, both of the homcatOakOrovo, three broth ers. Adam Bokcr of Salisbury, Luther B. Baker of' Mocksvllle, Route 2, and Jacob Baker of U. S. Army; live sisters, Mrs. James Couch of Cooleemce, Mrs. Tommle EIIls of Son Francisco, Calir., Mrs. W. W. Whitaker, Mrs. W. C. Whitaker and Miss Shirley Baker, all of Mocksvllle, Route 2. Bio - Obituaries - 7/12/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 19,1946 - Page 8 JOHNNY WARD DIED FRIDAY Johnny E. Ward, 35, of Mocks- YplCi^^o^to 2, died at 1:30 a. in. a Salisbury hospital Where he had been a patient f<v' one.week., Mr. Ward was the son of C. F. and Jossle Williams Ward who survive. Also surviving are the wife, the farmer Miss Marie Todd; two 8on.<i, Maurice and Johnn|^ Ward Jr., both of the home; onji daughter, Judith Ward, also cf the home; three brothers, Owei| James and Fletcher Ward, all off Mocksvllle, Jkoute 2; three slste ' Mrs. J. N. Rlohardson Jr., Mr Howard Boger and Miss Lout Ward, all of the home. • •Funeral services were at 4i3d Sunday at the home and at 6 k m. at Smith Methodist Churc^ Rev. J. 8. FOlger, Rev. Brune^ Rev. J W. Vestal and Rev. H Freeman officiated. Burial wi In Smith Orove Cemetery. Mrs. Minnie C. Cope Burial Sunday Funeral for Mrs. Idlnnlo Cor^ natzer Cope, 73, wife of W. O. Cope, who died Saturday nlgli^ at her home ot Blxby, was held at the home at 3 p.m. Sunda]^ and at Advance- Methodist church at 3:30 p.m. | | Surviving are the husband; two daughters, Mrs. Joe steef^ man of Durham and Mrs. Clydfe Beckfl of Lin wood: two step)> daughters, Mrs. J. E. McDanlel of Mocksvllle, Route 2 and Mrg. W. B, Riddle of Advanoe, Bnutj^ 1; two sisters, Mrs. W. A. Hen- drlx of Advance and Mrs. R. Smith of Llnwood; six brothers; (Phelps and George Cornatzerof Wlnston-Salem; Cicero Cornell zer of Clemmons; Sam, J. S. and Alex C. Cornatzer of Advance, Route 1; 10 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Bio — Obituaries - 7/19/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 24,1946 Cruge H. Harrison Craisc H. Harrison, 31, of Coo« leemee. World War U Veteran, died at Oteen Hospital Thursday. Funer^ services were held at the Cooleemee Baptist Church Satur* day morning at 11 o'clock, with Rev. G. L. Royster and Rev. Mr. Stoudemire officiating, and the body laid to r^t in Rose cem^ tety. Surviving are the widow, die parents, two brothers and two sisteis. Mrs. Waiteis Dies Sud< denly \ Mrs; Lottie K. Walters of Coc leemee died suddenly Thursday night at a Chadotte hospltd. Mrs. Walters had been in declining health for three months. Funeral services were held at the Coolccmcc Baptist Church at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon with the pastor. Rev. Mr. Royster, of ficiating. Interment was in Forest Lam cemetery In Charlotte. • Mm. Walters was bom Febtu- 24, 1883, in Raleigh. She is sur vived by her husband, A. D. Wa ters of Cooleemee; one son, Char les K. Walters of Charlotte; one sisters, Mrs. T. W. Kendrick of Charlotte; two brothers, C. H. Klueppclberg of Concord and H. N. Klueppelberg of Fort Fierce, Fla., and one grand-daughter, Ruth Marie Walters of Charlotte. Mrs. Minnie CvCqie Funer^ for Mrs. Min^e Cbr| natzer Cope, 73, wife of W, G. Cope, who died last Monday, July 15th at her home at Bbdby, were held at the home' at 3 p. cm, and at Advance Methodist Church at 3:30 p. m. Surviving are the husband; two daughters; Mrs. Joe Steelman of Durham and Mrs. Clyde Bedc, of Lin wood; two stepdaughteiSyMis, J. E. 'McDaniel o f Mocksville Route 2 and Mrs. W* R. Riddle of Advance. Route 1; two sisters, Mrs. W. A. Hendrix of Advance and Mrs. R. E. Smith of Linwood; six brothers, Phelps and Georige Cor- natzet of Wlnston-Salem; Cicero Comatzer. of Clemmons; Sam, J. S. and Alex G. Comatiet of Ad vance, Route 1. Bio - Obituaries - 7/24/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 26,1946 - Page 1 jMrs. Arch Walters I Dies Suddenly I V- \\ II \i ill' I Mrs. Lotlle K. Walters of Coo* leemce died suddenly th onlght of July 18 In a Charlotte hos« I pital niter being In declining health for three months. Mrs. ! Walters was widely known and ^greatly beloved in this area. Funeral services were at the Baptist church in Cooleemee Snturdny afternoon with the Rev. o. li. Royster, Rev. A. T, Rev W. H. Williams of Charlotte officiating. Interment was in Forest Lawn cemetery. In Chor* lotte. Mrs. Walters was born Feb. 24,; 1883, in Raleigh, a daughter of the late Charles and Mary Wall Klueppelbcrg. Surviving are her husband, A, £. Walters of Coo leemee; one son. Charles K. Wal ters of Charlotte; one sister, Mrs. T. W. Kendrick of Char lotte; two brothers, C. H. Kluep- pedberg of concord and H. N. Klueppelberg of Fort Pierce, Fla.; and one granddaughter, Ruth Marie Walters, of Char lotte. Mrs. Walters was a member of the cooleemee Baptist church, where she was very active/ She was also one of the leaders in civic work in Cooleemee, par ticularly In music circles. She had been a member of the Coo leemee school faculty for the past 28 years and hod been re- elected (or the fall term. Active pallbc&rers were R. R. Everhardti J. L. James, L. J. Oavis, C. F. Bohnson, J. B. Me- Keeiy, C. N. Spry and J. I. Ifamea; honorary pallbearers were; S. M. Holt, T. c. Pegram. M. H. Hoyle. E. C, Tatum, C. W. Alexander, J. F. Jarvis, W. H. Safley, ol lof Cooleemee, and Co], Frank E. Dawson, W. Carl Blggers, A, H. Harding, Jr., R. E. Dawson, Jr.. H. A. Olllesple, Capt. Ernie W. Wllkowskl and Dr C. L. Nance al lof charlotte. Interment was In Forest Lawn cemetery in Charlotte, . Bio - Obituaries - 7/26/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 26,1946 - Page 8 C. H. HARRISON DIES AT OTEEN Funeral services lor Cralg H. Harrison, 32, of cooteemee, were held Saturday morning in Goo- leemee with burial In the Rose cemetery In MoeksvUle. Mr. Harrison died Thursday morning at a veterans' hospital in Oteen, where he hod been a patient-lor some time. A natlv eol Davidson County, he Is survived by his parents, Ben and i<ena LofUn Harrison of Denton; his widow, Mrs. Mary E. Young Harrison; two broth ers, Wayne and Herlle, both of Denton; and two sisters. Misses Lucille and Myrtl eD. Harrison, also of Denton. Pallbearers were F. R. Gar- wood, M. H. Rldenhour, Sr., Frank Oarwood, J. C. Sell, L. C. Deadmon, Jr., and Fletcher Loftln of High Point. Bio - Obituaries - 7/26/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 31,1946 ' Gradjr M. Grady M. dldc, 55, a native of Dftvie Count?,, but who moved to Winstmi'Salcm many years ago, dkd in a hosndtal in thai dty^last, Toes^., Punetal services vVece-' held at Vogleii^t Cfaapd Wednies^' dayafbemoon at4 o'doc^'^^vidi Dr. Marshall Mott o^cpiij^isnd/ the bod? brought (o.^ 'ifiy. a^ kid to rest in Rose cemetery. Mr. .Clidltf vms a hroiher ^Mts,' J. R Rad6dge,of this .cHy, Sup* vivcts.Qre. die vdle and several dMlda^ three sMcia saH bfodi^ • • '. ' , Bio - Obituaries - 7/31/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 2,1946 - Page 8 GradyM.CUdc . Dies Last Week FUnerbl ' for Orady Michael Click, Sr.. 5S, were held at Vog- ler'fi Chapel In Wlneton-Snlem Wednesday. Burial was In Rose cemetery at Mocksvllle. Dr. Marshall Mott was In charge of services. Mr. Click, who died Tuesday at a Winston-Salem hospital, wos born In Davle county, and at the time of his death was foreman at the Duplan corpora- tfoh. He had lived in Winston- Salem since 1919 and was em ployed lor 29 years by the Rey nolds Tobacco company. Bio - Obituaries - 8/2/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 7,1946 AlWt M. Chafib Chief Warrant Officer Albert M. Cfaaffio, 30^ son of Mrs. T. N* Chaffin and the late Mr. Chaffin» of dds dty, died at Veterans Hos- pitali Columbia, S. C, where be was taken after receiving critical injotieson July 23. when be out of a bam near Chadotte. Mr.) ChafBn had been in service elg^t years. Suiyiving atcj the wife and tivo diild^ bifl modier, of this dty: five 'sistemi Miss Bmma Chaffin, H^b Point; Mca^ M.:B. McBri^, South Hill, Va., Mrs. Paul N; Hutwhteys, Ralei^; Miss louise Chaffin, in 'service and stationed at Camp IQlmer, N. J.; Miss Lula! Betts Chaffin, Charlotte; three brodiers, WillLim Chaffin, Swans* boxo, N-C: Holland Chaffin, U. S. Navyi Bdw Cbaffijn, Mbcksville. Funeral services were held at First Methodist Chinch Sunday aftecnoon at4 o'dodc, with Dr, T. E. Pdtdiard officiating and the body laid to rest in Rose cemetery. Mrs. Lnla R. Jobes JHsomony.—'Mrs; tula Radedge Jones, 78,bf ]Route One,Harmcmv died at her home here July ZTjdi, after an illness, of five, mondis. Burial was in the Hidtory Grove Bapdst Chur^ cemetery^. Mrs. Jodes^ls .survived, by her hu^andf.R. A. Jones and two dauiht^ Mrs. W. R. Cuter of Harmony and D. R, Cox of Statesville and iO gtanddilldien. Claude S. Latham Claude S. Ladiam, 56, a native (^Davie county,' but fiu many iears a juerchsmt in Whuttoh^Sa- lem, di^ in a hospiisil i^^at dty Thursday, l^ was^a veteran' of World War L . ^ Surviving ate:one son, Roy L. T^tdinih, Winston'Salem, six sis* lets, Mcs. L. F. Wahl of* Mbdcs^ vilie» Route 2» MmR. G!! MeC3anv rock of l^exington;;Mts.<,C. B. An- gd of Mo^ksviUei^^-'if. HI Boger t>f Mocksville^ Route 1; Mrs. P. 8. Fteere of Kannapolla and Mis. H. A. Myeis of Winston-Salein; five htodiers, Hudb Grady,ahdGaidi» er Latham, all of MocksviUe, Route 2, and RicfaM^ latl^ oiF Kan* napolis and * William TjiAgm ofi WinstonSalem. I Milton (hsh Commits Suicide: Mfiton Bt'Cadb 'S^/a nadve. of Davle County, and a pcm of the; late Mr. and 1^. l)dihC!!ai^^-di^ Thursday in a Winston*^em hospital ftom sd^lnflicted bullet wounds.. ^metal and' burid ser* vlea took place in. WiiuM*Sd' em Fdday afternoon. Suryivil^; are the wif^ fiie spi^ sisteis and cine brother. Bio - Obituaries - 8/7/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 9,1946 - Page I . Mr. Chaffin dlcd Ffldsy ot Ihsa ; ' Veterans hospital In CoUimbla,^ 3. c., from Injuries received at • ' his Mecklenburg county home. ' He'served three years In the ' <' armed forces and wos discharged 11 June 26,1836, when he was em- t ployed by Eastern Air Lines, La I Quardia Field, N. Y. Recalled to active service in February, 1941, •• .!■ Mr. Chnffln was a chief warrant^ I ,■ Officer and personnel adjutantV-V; i . at Lawson Field, Fort Beimlng, ^ ' I^'PSHo served overseas clgnt * " , I months and was returned lo the , States for hospUallzatiO'i and rc- 'I tired in August, 1D44. Since thcr* " . he and his family have been PMAFFIKi DITF^ Uvlng in Mallard Creek town-VllMrrin ixllCJ ship In Mecklenburg county. d^tt\LiCihCliKinAV Active pallbears were LesUo 'IILLi/ jUINL/AT . Daniels, Kermlt Smith, WllfTiim Moore, R. B. Sanford, JJr.. .Funeral services for Albert M Georse Mason and Henry Popl.n. ® ^Chnffin, 30, were held Sunday Honorary pallbearers were me:n- 'j; afternoon at the Mocksvlllc bers of the American Legion. * Methodist church. He was the Dr. J. E. Prltchard presided at son of Mrs. Ida Beits Chaflln the services and burial was ui - and the lute Thomas N. Chaffin, Hose cemetery hero. CHAFFIN RITES HELD SUNDAY Funeral services for Albert M Chnffin, 30, were held Sunday afternoon at the Mocksvlllc Methodist church. He was the son of Mrs. Ida Belts Chaflln and the lute Thomas N. Chaffin. I Mr. Chaffin leaves his wife, Mrs. Ruby Starling chaflln,j and two daughters, Francos Ann, 6, and Althea, 0, of the home; His mother, Mrs. Ida Belts Chaf fin, Mocksvillc: three brothers, William B. Chlflln, Swans- I5.>ro. Holand H. Chaffin, chief potty officer, U. 8. N., ond Ed- e.tr Chaffin, Mocksvlle; and iTve Asters, Miss Emma L. Chaffin,' High Point; Mrs. M. D. McBride, Jr., South HUi, Ytt.; Mrs Paid K. Humphreys, Raleigh; Coip. Mary Louise Chaffin, WAC, Camp Kilmer, N. J., ond Miss Lula Belts Chaffin, Charlotte. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 9,1946 - Page 8 FUNERAL IS HELD F0RC.S.U1HAM Funeral services for Claude | fianford Latham, 56, were held, luat week at the Ogburn Me morial Methodst church in Win- ously ill since June 3 from self- fl jon-Salcm. Ho had been serU liifllcted gun wounds. Mr. Latham was born April a, 1680, in Davle county, and was a son of B. G. Latham and Delia JAmos Latham. He spent most of his early life here ond had ben in WinstonBalcm since 1621. Mr. Latham was a member of the Wesley Chapel church and was a World War X veteran and VFW member. In 1921, he married the for mer Miss LuTa Oodby, who died In 1837. Survivors are one son, Roy leo Latham of Wlnston-Salem; six sisters, Mrs. P. L Ward ot MocksvlUe, Rt. 2; Mrs. R. Q. McClamrock of Lexington; Mrs. C. B. Angel of Mocksv'lle; Mrs. 1. H Bogcr of Mocksvlllc, Rt. 1; Mrs. P. S. Preeze of Kannapolls and Mrs. H A, Myers of Wln— aton-Salem Also surviving arc live brothers, Hugh. Grady and ^Oidthcr of MocksvlUe, Rt.' 2; illchard Latham of Kannapolls. Md William Latham of Wlnston- •Ajem. •'"'ilJ.WV. f Rev. B. A. Gulp and Rev> C. F. Womble officiated at the funeral and burial was In Woodland cemetery, Bio - Obituaries - 8/9/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 14,1946 Mrs. Addie M. ^mith Mxs. Addie .il Sniidi;< 56, witfe orFnnkSmffli, of nkr Redtand, .wed Friday atecnoob at her home;. She arimi^tef of the late Mr, and Mnij SdOie Siiil^ Sisy^ig are Aaron and Fletchc^ hoih. of Winston* Sal^andDewey of die home; five daughters, Mrs. OdellPMHip^ of Hanes; Mrs. H^ry PIott« Advance Bernice^ and T&n^ nf the honx^ two sisters, Mts* OIlie Dunn and Mrs, John Smith, of Advance, and • five btodtecs. Funeral services wm held at Bethlehem Mediodist Ohurch at 4 p* m;, Sunday, and the Boc^ ' to test in diechurdicemdi^. Mrs. Hehoab Bennett 'Mrs. Mary Hendiicks.| M Mts. Lois Danid Bennett^ 36, of Salisbin^, died Friday morning at 9:30 b\iIodc, at die home of her patents, Mr, and Mrs. j. A. Danidi, iti diis ctty, feUowmg a serious illness of 15 months. Suivivots are the hudx^d, two dai^teis, Ndlie and Flodia; one son, H, H, Jr^ her parenfs, three btodiers Axinand and Leslie Danid,of this rity, and James Dfpiel, Newton, N, J^ one sister, Mrs. R.H. ShaxJc, AtJanta. . Funeral services were hdd at the ModuvOle Mediodist Chiirdi Sunday afternoon at 4 o'dodc, widi Dr. J. RFiritcfaaid offidsbing^ and the body laid to test-lh Rose cemetery. Mrs. Bennett was a member of First Medtod^ Cfauidi, Sdiflliaty» whete she-lived for several "yeats until she became ill and was brov^t to die home of her par* enCB nete "... is; Mary Anne' Hendil^s* 77,, died lest Wednesihty mfwnttig gt j her home in Catahaln'township She had heen In dedinina healm- for yew was the ft^mer Maty Anne An)* derson, daurihter of the. lam ldr«. and Mis. Bli Anderson, and was married to Jesse A. Hendtfidcs' on,Ocb 12, ask Mr.Hendridudi^ : seven yean ago.. I SunMDg are two sbnS'ffly fiye ^ughtds; two brodieriLC^B. Anf derson,' Hkh Poinfi and J. vL Aii* derson, of Centen twoslsten^Mrs. j. W. Bvans, Statesvfile^ R. 4, and iMr8..Luke Tttttefow#.ibr Oeoter, \ Fundd sdviom.w^ hdd^at Center Methodist Quudi Friday momii^at ll-o«clodb;wilh Rev, G. W, .nnk- and dm body taidf to 1^ In ' the dmrt^ oemeteiy. Mrs. Hendricbs was -a mctnb^of.die fnldio Ghilitiasi Chttfch, Bio - Obituaries - 8/14/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 16,1946 - Page 1 MRS. LOIS BENNEH PASSES FRIDAY Funeral for Mrs. Annie Lois Bennett, 35. of Salisbury, who died at the home of her par« ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Daniel, of Mooksville, Friday morhing, after a lingering illness, was held at the First Methodist church of Mooksville at 4 p.m. Sunday. Rev. J. B. Pritohard conducted the service. Burial was |n Rose cemetery. Survivors include her parontsi Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Daniel of Mocksvllle; her husband, H. 11. Bennett, of Salisbury, and three children, Nellie Joan, 10, Rulh Floella, 8. and Herman, Jr., 13 months; three brothers, C. Lea- lie. a twin brother, Armand, both of Mooksville and James A. of Newton, N. J.; one sister, Mrs. R. H. Shank of Atlanta, oa., and her paternal grandmother. Mrs. O. P. Daniel. Active pallbearers were Bobby Eugene Bennett, D. Reid Ben nett. Raymond Bennett, John Smith, p. Lyerly and Hermjjn Daniels. Honorary pallbearers wereC.R.Crenshaw. Rufus Ban- ford, Kermit Smith, Woodrow Wilson, D. C. Rankin and James Warren. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 16,1946 - Page 4 Mrs. Addle M* SmltK Rites Held Sunday Mrs. Addle M. Smith, 66. wife of Frank Smith of Advance, R. 1, died at 5:20 p.m. Friday at her home. She was the eldest daughter of Sullie and EmmA Smith. Surviving are three sons. Aaron and Fletcher, both of Wlnston-Salem, and Dewey ot the home; five daughters. Mrs. Odell Phillips of Hanes; Mrs. Henry Plott of Advance: Ber« nice, Lavaughn and Jane, all of the home; two sisters. Mrs. Ol* Re Dunn, and Mrs. John Smith of Advance; and five brothers. Funeral services were held at Bethlehem Methodist church at 4 psn. Sunday. Bio - Obituaries - 8/16/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 16,1946 - Page 8 Funeral Held For Claude S. Latham Funeral services for Claude Sanford Latham, native of Davie county who lived in Winston- Salem, were held last week at Ogbum Memorial Methodist church in Winston-Salem. Mr. Latham had been seri ously ill since June 3 and died from natural causes and not from self-infilctcd gun wounds as previously reported. The cause of his death was mistakenly re ported as that of Milton Cash, another Davle native who lived In Winston. James A. Foster Succumbed Sunday Funeral services for James An drew Foster, 38, were held at the Liberty Methodist churcli Tuesday. Mr. Foster died last Sundoy at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Foster, of Mooks- vilel. R. 4. Rev. O. W. Fink officiated at the ceremony and burial was Inu the church cemetery. Surviving are the parents,. 8. T. Foster and Mary Deadmoit Foster: two sisters, Miss Ethel. Foster of the home and Mrs. 8.. F. Tutterow of Mocksville, Rt. 1; and five brothers, C. O. Foster of Winston-Salem. fi. H., T. O.,. T. L. and' John Foster, all of.' Route 4. Bio - Obituaries - 8/16/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 21,1946 James S. Frost Attends Frost Faneral K 6. Dyson, of Saco, Mont, arrived bete Saturday morning to ^ttead tba funeral of his brother in-law. James S. Frost, 79, who died at Rowan ^^eInorial Hospital Friday moniidg. Funeral and burial senrlcen took place at Bear Creek Baptist church Satur day afterhuon at 4 o'clock, with Rev. James Groce o£Bciat)ng. Mr. Frost spent Ills entire life lo. Davie County. There ate DO immedlute relatives. James A Foster Jaoies Andew Fosterr 32, died Aug. lltk at tlse home of pax- eata, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Foster, Mocksr^e, Route 4/ \ Stimviag are die parents, S. T. and Mary Deadmon Foster; two sisters,' Miss Ethel Foster of home and Mrs. S. F. Tutterow ^ |of Mocksville, Route 1, and five brothers, C, G, Foster of Winston' Salem, B. T. G., T. L. and John Foster, all of Moduville, Route 4. I The funeral was held at Liberty Methodist Church at 11 a. m., last Tuesday, Rev. G. W. Rnk of- fidated. Burial was in die church. Mrs Mollie Reavis Baity. Mis. l^ilie Reavis Baity, Route 2. died at a Salisbury bos' pital Thursday afternoon. The widow of A F. Baity, she was bom June 26, 1869. the dau^ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Reavis of Yadlcin County. ! She is suryived by one son, H. IR, Baity of Winston'Salem; one daughter, Mrs. Irene Howard of iKnoxville, Tenn.; one sister, Mrs. Nettie Wilklns of Mocksville, two brothers, R. S, Reavis of Yadkin' ville and W. D. Reavis of Mocks ville, and two grandchildren. I Funeral services were held at Courtney Baptist Church, Satur- jday at 12 o'clocn. Burial was in I the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 8/21/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 23,1946 — Page 7 Mrs. Mollie Baity Passes Thursday Mra. Mollie Reavis Baity, Route 3. MoeksvUIe. died at a Balls- bury hospital Thursday after noon. The widow of A. F. Baity, she was born June 28,1860, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Reavis of Yadkln county. She Is survived by one son, H. R. Baity, of Wlnston-Salem; one daughter, Mrs. Irene Howard of KnoxvUle, Tenn.; one sister, Mrs. Nettle Wllklns of Moeks vUIe; two brothers. R. 8. Reavis of Yadkinvllle and W. D. Reavis of MocksvUle, and two grand- chUdren. Funeral services were held at Crossroads Baptist ehurOh Sat urday morning. Burial was In the church cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 23,1946 - Page 8 James Samuel Frost Rites Held Saturday James Samuel Frost, 76, life long resident of Davle county, died early Friday In a Salisbury hospital after on illness of about one yeor. His funeral was held at 4 p.m. Saturday at Bear Creek Baptist church near here. Mr. Frost was a son of Jame^ Fiank and Cordelia'Davis -lYost of Davle county. He Is survived by no immediate-relatives. n . The funeral was conducted by Rev. James Oroce, a former pas tor of the church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 8/23/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 28,1946 Mrs. Jack Collins Former Native Pat^ Friends in this dt? weresadden* ed by news of the deadi of Jack CoIUns, whi<^ occiirr^ July 30th, at her home in Aobum, .Wa^ington. Mis, ColUns was the fonherMiss Annie Cuitent; daughter of the kte Mr. and Mrs. John A. Current, of Mocksville. She was'a neice of Mrs. Oscw Casey, of diis dty. Bio - Obituaries - 8/28/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 30,1946 - Page 1 Mrs. Jofin Gartner Dies In Hospital Mrs. Mary EUzabeth Gartner of Route 4 died In the Rowan Memorial hospital, Salisbury, where she had been a .patient for nine weeks. Mrs. Gartner fell at her home June 22 and fractured a hip. Born June.20. 1873, she was 'the* (faushCeTorElllafi Thd' Min erva WiSlams Martin of Davie county. She was iwd to J. W. Gartner of Mooksvllle about 43 years ago, She was a member of the Bethel Methodist class, and taught a Bible class. She Is survived by her husband three sons, S. B., of Moeksvllle, h: W., of Wlnston-Salem, O. H., of Goneord, a daughter, Mrs. W. L. Davis of Kannapolls. two bro thers T. h. Martin of Sumter, 8. G., and W. L. Martin of Mocks- vllle,three sisters, Mrs. G. P. Sain of MoeksvUle, and Lela and Notle Martin of Moeksvllle, and eight grandchildren Funeral services -were held Wednesday at Bethel Methodist church with Rev. F. R. Loftln officiating. Burial In the church cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 30,1946 - Page 8 Jarvis Rites Held Friday Funeral services for Bryant Jarvis, 66, who died at his home In Advance last Wednesday, were held Friday at Advance Baptist church, with Rev. Alvis Cheshire officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Jarvis Is survived only by the widow, the former Miss Sal- lle K. Myers. He was a llfedong resident of Advance, Bio - Obituaries - 8/30/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 30,1946 - Page 8 Annie Mae Anderson MURDER CHARGES, MAY BE DRAWN IN DEATH OF WOMAN AT ELKIN. SlUn. — Solicitor Ralph J. Scott of Danbury said laat Mon day nlBht that he vould recom mend to Sheriff Sam Patterson that wananta be drawn charg- ing Or. B. O. Choate of Sparta and C. W. Seagle of Charlotte with murder In eonneotlon with the .death of Mrs. Annie Mae, Anderson, 87, pretty Charlotte brunette divorcee, here Sunday. Sheriff Patterson said at his Itome at Mount Airy that he would foPow the recommenda tions of Solicitor Scott, but had not ae yet weeeived the solici tor's decision In the matter. Sheriff Patterson said he would go to Oanbury to dlseuse the ease wiSi Solicitor Soott. Veuad Sunday Metnbt Mrs. Anderson, a native of Davle county and daughter of W. M. Orotts of MooksvUle, was Joimd.dead Jn hetLaLHOtelBlkln. here Sunday momiilb. A coro- aer's lury empaneled by Pr, j. Lb Wolts of Mount Airy. Burry coroner, found Che came to her death as the result of an abor tion alleged to have been per formed by Dr. Choate. Called a Doctor fieagte tcBttfled that he tried to render medical aid to her dur ing the .night, but was unsuc- ces^ul. When he discovered She was dead, Seagle told the Jury he summoned a physician. The doctor brought Police Chief Cor- bltt Wall when he arrived. Seagle Is also charged with registering at a hotel under an assumed name. Both Dr. Choate and Seagle «re now charged with aiding and Abetting in the death of Mrs. Anderson as the result of an Abortion. Dr. choate is at lib erty under a $10,000 bond. Bea gle is in JaH at Dobson, unable to post bonds totaling $8,000. fiolleltor Scott said he inter preted the law eoneerning al leged offenses committed In one county resulting In death In an- ,otlier county womd be that the trial should bo held in the latter county. 1 This interpretation came through the two angles in the Investigation. The alleged abor tion, according to testimony be fore the coroner's jury, was com mitted at Sparta In Alleghany county. Mrs. Anderson died, and the lury found It was as a re- fuH of the abortion, In Surry county. mte funeral for Mrs. Anderson was held Monday afternoon at the home of tier father on Main street In Mockavllle, Rev. J. P. Davis officiated. Burial was In Rose cemetery In Moeksville. Seagle, 49, is employed In the ticket office of the Southern Railway at charlotte and Mrs. Anderson was also connected with the same company there. Mrs. Anderson was twice married. Her mother Is dead, Seagle was rrieased on bond last Tuesday. He is seperated from his wife who lives in Newton. Mrs. Anderson was born in Davle eouhty, Mareh 8.1000. She is survived by one son, James Hale Anderson, of MoekavUei her father and thm brothers, Fred and Henry Crotts, of Wln- eton-flaI«m, and Robert Owtts of Wilmington. A coroner's jury at an Inquest held at Blkln Sunday found that Mrs. Anderson and Seagle had arrived In Blkln Friday and reg istered at Hotel Eikbi as Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wester of Roxboro. Mrs. Anderson, the fury was told, went to Sparta to see Dr. Choate Friday afternoon anu retumeo eaturday, She compSalned of abdominal pains during the night find was found dead about S a.m. Sunday. Bio - Obituaries - 8/30/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 4,1946 John Ralph James Mrs. ADoie Crotts An derson Itmectl servtces for Mra. Annie Crotta Anderaoo, 37,of Charlotte, who died at Elkln on Aug, 25th« were held at thehomeof her huh' er,W.ECKitt8,iadili city, on Monday afternoon of last week at 4 oyodc, wkk Rev. J. P. Davfa, paator of the BaptUt Church, Idf* fidadng, and the body laid to rear in Rmo cemetery. Surviving are die fadicr, one •on, Jamea, three brothers, Fred and Henry Long Crotts, Wiiuton- Salem, and R^w^L, mington. ^ Killed By Falliog Tree. John«Ra!ph James, 43, of rarmintton .was accidentally hilled at 2 p. m.. Friday Iwhensirack by a falling limb, while log- tging above Farraingtoo. I Mr. James was a son of Mr. and Mrs. J ,C James, of FarmingtoiL He was a car- I penter end cabinet mnker». aad for the past few years has been aawrnllUng Surviving are his wile; oqs soo, Wyllis Eugene James of the home; bis parents, Mr. and Mrs, J C. James. Fannlngton: four brothers. Aaron and Clarence James, Mocksville. and Odelt and Milton James, Farmington; two alaters. Mrs. Willie How ard and Mrs: Liilian Gregory. Farmingtoo. Faneral services were held at 9:30 p'm. Sunday at t6e boihe and at 4 p n.. at {Farmington vetbodisc Church. Kevs. J. ,S. Folger and W J Vretal were (n charge. Burial foUowed.io tbecburdi graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 9/4/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 6,1946 - Page 1 Mrs. Woodrow Howell, Sandra Howell, and Mrs. O. M. Howeli THRS DAVIE PEOPLE DIE IN TRAGIC ACCIDENT NEAR CANA In one ol the most tragic acci dents In this* section in many year, three members of a pro minent Oavle family died last •Ttteiday afternoon about six o'- clodt from drowning and injury when the car in wbl^ they were rldJng hit a bridge railing and turned upside down in Dutch man's creek near Oana. The dead are Mrs. Wcwdrow 'ttdwefi|''Stfr*'her''da^^^ San dra. yearsi Mrs. o. M. Howeli. SS. mother-in-law of Mrs. Woodrow Howeli. all of Oana, route 1. The family had been visiting In Oana and were returning to their home. Hie car passed the home, apparently out of control, continued down the hill, ran Into the left railing of the bridge knocking it down and then fell into the creek. Mrs. Woodrow Howeli was drivng, I Mrs. Woodrow Howeli, the ! former Miss LaDeen Lakey and ' daughter of B. 8. Lakey, Farm- Ington merchant, is survived by her husband and father. Mrs. O. M, Howeli is survived by three sons, Lieut. Sam Howeli of Kansas, Esira Howeli of State College and Woodrow Howeli of the home; one daughter, Mrs. Roland Pair, Huston, Texos; four brothers, Ezra Furohos, Woodrow Howeli, well known farmer, waa going to'the bam to mlUt, It was stated, saw a car pas^g the house and leeog- nlaed it as his vehicle. The dis tance from the Howeli home- place to the creek is less than a quarter mile, down grade and a slight curve, Mr. HowcR ran to the Mene and pulled his mother out of the car but waa unable to exUleate l^s and baby who were pinned under the eeat. Mrs. O, M. Howeli lived only a few mlnutiM. She suffered a fractured skuil. it wbs stated that the water In Uie creek was about waist deep. It is thought that the two women probably died almost instantly from'in juries and that the baby was drowned. Xenephon Hunter, a neigh bor and recently discharged soldier who was working In a ne^by field, heard Mr. Howeli scream and ran to the bridge. Having learned how in ser vice, he administered artificial Draper, Frank Furchcs, Salis bury: Wade Furches. Farmlng- torf and Conrod Furches of Miami, Fla.; and her stepmother, Mrs. Bam Furches of Miami, Fla. Funeral services were held yesterdayr Thursday, afternoon at 4 p. m. at Farmlngton Metho dist church. Interment was In the church cemetery. respiration to Mrs. O. M. Howeli, expelling some water from her lungs, but his efforts were of no avail. Word of the accident Is said ; to have been spread In the com munity by car which passed the bridge after the accident and told people living along the high way about it. It waa about 80 minutes after the accident that a iraotor arrived tiTremove Ihe car. •Failure of the brakes was attributed as the cause of the car being out of control. The road from the house to the creek is bumpy, narrow, has a ditch on either side and was re cently drug. It was stated. Some thought the condition of the road waa responsible for Mrs. Howeli not being able to stay on the highway, the approximate center of the front bumper of the car hitting the bridge railing. A tractor waa brought to the creek, to pull out the car before Mrs. Woodrow Howeli and the child could be extricated. Bio - Obituaries - 9/6/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 6,1946 - Pages 1 and 8 James Rites Held Simday Funeral services were held Sunday for John Ralph James, 46, well known resident of Farm- Ington for many years, who was accidentally killed by a falling tree last Saturday. Mr. James was with a group who were cut ting down trees, other members had left him to fell one tree while they went to another spot. Not arriving as expected, mem bers returned to And that ho had been killed In an unusual manner. The tree he was cut ting fell against another dead tree, knocking It down, and the latter tree fell on Mr. James. Mr. James was the son of j. c. And Liila Ward James and was born In Davle County. He was a carpenter and cabinet maker and for the last few years had been In the sawmill business. In 1629 he married Miss Elva Wil liams. Surviving are his wife, one son, WlllU Eugene James, of the home, the father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. James of Farmington, four brothers, Clar ence and Aaron James of Mooksvllle, and Odell and Mil ton James of Farmington; two sisters, Mrs. WllHe toward and Mrs. Lillian Gregory of Farm ington. Services were at Farmington (continued on page 8) MORE ABOUT James Rites Methodist church and burial - was In the church cemetery, with the Rev. Mr. Folger and the Rev. T. J. Vestal offlolating. Pallbearers were M. T James^ E 8. Lakey, clauzeu Gregory, WllUam Johnson and Joe Wil liams. Bio - Obituaries — 9/6/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 11,1946 WHKaiiii H. Chie^hire Fnnetal^fcMf for William H. Cbes- hlre< 70, who died at tils home In thlacity Sunday inomlng at 7:30 Q*cluck ' followlnt an eiftht mootha illness, were held at the BaptiRT Chnrch yeatetday momlnK at 11 o'clock, with Revs. J. P. Davis and E. W. lumer oCBciatlng, and the b^y .laid to rest In Union Cbapel'cemetery. . Sarvivlnd are the wife, two none. Ray rhosblre, Onklaod. Calif., and Rev, Alvis Cheshire, Stnreeville. R. 6; three daudh* ters. Mrs. Baxter Lagle, Tuacin. Arix*; Mrs. C L. Siuart. Windsor. Pa^ and Mrs. J S. t«ndreih. Thorpe, W.Va,; 12 raodchUd' dren and three great grandchildren. One sister, Mrs. W W. Bumcneni. of R. 2, also survives. Mr. Cheshire was a native of Davle and spent bis entire life In the county, fte was a member of the Mocksville Baptist Charch. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the comoaanity io this boor dr tersaaement Mrs. Mamie Korfees Mrs. Klamie V. Kurfees, 79, of Jeteisvlllei Va,, died at the home ' of her sister, Mrs. Maude Holman Gaidier, on R. 2, last Wednesday, where she was visicingf Mrs. Kurfees .was a daughter of ^ the late Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hoh I man, of Davie County, and was ^ married to Charlie Kuifees, of Da^ * vie, who died several years ago. Survivors are two sons, three sisters, Mrs. Maud Gaither, R. 2; Mrs. R. B.-Early, Wlnston'Salem, R. 4; Mrs. A. L. Bolick, Newton, R. 2; four brothers, E.P. Holman, I Walters, Okla4 H. C. and P. A. Holman. MarshaIItown,'Iowa, and O. B. Holman, R. 2. I Funeral services were held at I Center Methodist Church Friday I afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, with the pastor. Rev. G. W. Fink officiate ing, and the body laid to fbc in (he church cemetery. Bio — Obituaries — 9/11/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 11,1946 Mrs. O. M. Howell Mrs. Woodrow Howell Miss Sandra Howell Three Die In Wreck' • One of die worst tragedies ever to occur in Davie County happen* ed on Tuesday evening of . last week about 6 o'clock, in Clarks* vUle township, when a 1939 Chev rolet car, driven by Mrs. ^ WoOd- row Howell, plunged through the side of a small bridge and fell into Dutchman's Creek, bringing death to all die occupants. The diad are Mrs, Q. M. How ell, 55; Mrs. Woodrow Howell, 26, and her daughter, Sandra, li years old, all of Cana, R. 1* The itunily had been visiting neighbors, and were on dieir yny home when die accident happen ed. Howell was on his way to the bam whm he saw the car, which he reo^gnized as his own, speeding down die hill and appar- endy out of conirol. He ran to the bridge and pulled his mother out of the creek. He said she had been thrown clear of the. wreck age. His wi^ and daughter were pinried beneath the twisted car, and Mr. Howell unable to extricate the bodies. Help was secured and a tractor was brought to the creek and the car pulled out. Mrs. Howell and daughter were dead ^ when their bodies were recovered about an hour after the acddent Hdp was secured and a tractor was brought to the creek and the car pulled out. Mrs. Howell and daughter were dead'when dieir bodies were recovered about an hour after the acddent The modier died of a fzactured skull. She never regained con- sdousness after the crash. Mr. Howell's wife was the for mer LaDeen Lakey, daughter of E S. Lakey and the late Mrs. La- key, of Farmington. Mrs. Howell is survived by her husband, Woodrow Howell, and; her father. * Mrs. 0« M. HowcU Is survived by three sons, Lieut. S. W. How ell, of Salina, Kans.; Ezra Howell, of State College, Rdnigh, and Woodrow Howell, of the home; one daughter, Mrs* Roland Fair, Houston, Texas; four brothers, Ezra Futches, Draper; Frank Fur- ches, Salisbury; Wade Furch^i Farmingcon, and Conrad Furches; of Miami, Fla. Funeral services were held at the Farmington Methodist Church Thursday afternoon at 4 o'dock* with Revs. J. S. Folger, J. W. Ves tal, E W. Tum^ and Dallas Rcn- egar officiating, did the' bodies laid to rest in the Farmington ce* mececy. * To the bereaved ones The Re cord joins hundreds of friends in extending heartfelt sympathy fai diis tripple sorrow which has cast a pall of gloom over ^e antire! cotnmuhit)* Bio - Obituaries - 9/11 /1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 13,1946 - Page 4 Mrs. Kurfees Is Stricken •Mra. Mamie V. Kurfeea, 79, of Jetersvllfe, Va., died at the old Holman home place at Moclca-i vlllo, Wednesday at 1:50 p.m. She had been In decllnlnB health for several years and seriously 111 since August 30 of this year. She was here on a visit, Mrs. Kurfees was born at Parmlngton, Davle county, Sep tember 4, 1807, the daughter of H. C. ond Sarah Elizabeth Ward Holman, and lived there for sev en years. Later she lived In Surry county for seven years, and In Yadkin county for Ave years. In Yadkin she married uhariie t\ Kuriees, went to Rockford for 18 years, and then to Amelia county. Va., where she was living at the time of her death. Survivors are two sons, Lloyd B. Kurfees of Los Angeles, Calif., and Dr. B. R. Kurfees of Jetera- vlllo, Va.; three sisters, Mrs. Maude oalther of Mdekavllle, Route 2; Mrs. R. B. Early of Wlnston-Salem, Route 4; Mrs. A. L. BoUck of Newton, Route 2; four brothers, B. P. Holman of Walters, Okla.; H. 0. and P. A. of MarahalUown, Iowa, and O. B. Holman of Mocksvllle, Route 2; two grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Piineral services were held Saturday at Center Methodist church with Rev. O. W. Fink In charge. Burial was in the church cemetery. A* W. Phelps Died Sunday A. W. Phelps, 88, died at his home hero last Sunday. Mr, Phelps was a well-known resident and had spent all his lite In this section, living on Route 4, He was a member of the Joinlor Order and the Bap tist church. Surviving aro^hls wife, Mrs. Bara Boflcy Phelps, MookavlHo; seven daughters, Mrs. Taylor call ond Mrs. T. 31. Burton, both of .Mocksvllle, Route 4; Mrs. Maude Nichols. Mrs. J. K. Byorly, and Mrs. Z. -B. Smltli, all of Caolccmoc; Mrs. Stella McOlam- rook, Mocksvllle, Route 2, and Mrs. J. O. Wootcn, AshvlUc; Ave sons, Lee and Ramon Phelps. both of Mooksvlllo, Route 4: G. W. Phelps, Gold HUl, Route 2; Arthur Phelps, Cleveland, Route 1. and Conrad Phelps. Cooleemee; 52 grandchildren, end 11 great grandchildren. Funeral was held at Liberty Methodist Church Monday after noon with Rev. O. L, Royster, pastor, assisted by Rev. H. O. Freeman, in charge. Burial was In church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 9/13/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 13,1946 - Page 8 H. Chtehire Died Sunday W. R. Ghe^lre, 70, died lajst Sunday momlnff at his home after a brlel illness. Mr. Cheshire, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. cHeshtre, came to MockavUle about 40 years ago and resided here since. He was connected with the Hones Chair and Table Company during the entire period. He was a member of the Mock- svlUe Junior Order and the Baptist Church. ■Mr. Cheshire Is survived by his wife, Mrs. Delta Shoemaker Cheshire, of ModksvlUe; three daughters, Mrs, C. B. Lagle, of Tucson, Ariz; Mrs. 0. L. Stew- art,Wlnd8or, Pa., and Mrs. J. S.xiindreth, Thorpe, W. Va.; two sons, R. B. che^lre, Oakland, Calif., and Rev. A. C. Cheshire, Statesvllle: one sister, Mrs. W..W. Summers, Mocksville; 12 grand children and three great-grand children. Funeral was held at the First Methodist Church Tuesday. Rev. J. P. Davis and Rev. E. W. Turner were in charge. Burial was in Union Chapel cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 9/13/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 18,1946 A. W. Phelps A, W.:fb6lps, 86, one of Dnvi« CountyV oMisst famers/dl^jRt 6ia home la Jeru> | eatem towoabip on Sept. 6(h. folfowing an extended itlneag. He had spent bis en« tire life in the county, and in hia death the commuaity luaea one ef its beet belov* ed dtizens.'A biemher of the Cooleemee Baptist Church, end the Jr. 0 U. A. M. Survivldtf are the widow, eeven dauiih tera, Mrs. Taylor Call and Mrs. T R. But ton, R. 4; Mm. Maude Nichols, Mrs. J. H. Byerlv. Mrs Z B Smith. Cooleemee; Mm. STeUa HoGinmrocti, R 2, ond Mrs: J. G. WoQCen. AKhevMe; fl ve sons. Lee and Ra« roon Phelps R 4: G. W Phelps, Gold Hill. R, 2; Arthur Phelps, Cleveland, R. 1, and Connd Phelps. Coolaoi-n.e: 52 graodchUd-. ren nnd ft gmat-HrandchiMren. Funeral services were hield at Ufwrty Mpth^dist Church at 3 li. m. ^pt. .9tb. with Rev C L Royster In charRe, assisted' by Rev. H. C Freemnn, end tbe body laid CO rest In the church cemetery,' • Another lony*tiine friend of the editor has gone over rbe river to rest iind«tr (be shadn of the trees. To the bereaved ones we eztead heartfelt sympathy In this sad bour of bereaveiBeot A. R. Toiniinson At R* Tofnlinsoo, 79, well known re tired merchant, died at hlahome on Wiliii esbnro street at I $90 o*clock Iboridav afternoon, following an extended illness. Survivti)g are the widow, one ann. Chae. H. Tomlinsoo. of Ibis cily l«o grsodcbild* ren and one great-grandchild. Funeial serVii»8 were beM Friday efter* nnon at 5 o'clock at the Mocksville Metho dist Church with Dr. J, Pritchard oB- elating, end (lie bicidy laid to rest in Rose eemetety. Mr* Tomlinson had many frietida fo Davie who Were saddened by bis death. . Dudley Cope Funeral aorvicea for Dudley Cop^ 57. were held Thursday at o at Coocosd Methodist Church, and the body .yiald.-tQ test in the . church cemctery.-. ;:ttr.» died Tuesday nlght^in a Salisbury hospit. al '»ftrrn long lUnesa / . He is survived by two mnn, C -.j&f and Carl R. Cope. Snlislmry; one brother, Joe Cope. CliHrlotte; seven sisters, Mrs. Jv A. Pickiff. Spenc^ Mra= dint Berrlar^ R. 4. Mocksvllle; Mrs. Fred Fptter. Alexaodrip, Va.; Mrs. Carl Footer and Mrs. H. C. Fos ter, Winetoo Saleo; ^rs. G. J* TbotDpaoo and Mrs. C. Shoal, Salisbuiy. Bio - Obituaries - 9/18/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA A. It TOMI1N80N WELL KNOWN CITIZEN DIES Dr. J. E, Prit«hard officiated at the aerviues und Rev. H. C> MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 20, 1946 - Page 1 — nn Mr. Tomllnson was a native of ^ Iredell county, born there In the ^ River HIU community on April ' He was a son of the I ^ late Humphrey and Elizabeth m. ^ Tomllnson, aod came to Davle ' - niany years ago. ' From 1826 until about 1834 he molntalned the Chevrolet agen- - cy In Mocksville and then was ^ connected with Sanford Motor company. He went in the gro- . eery business in 1642 and stayed . until 1645, when he went to C. MHjli'' 'A 'n C. Sanford Sons company. ' • »1 ' ' Surviving are his wife, Lizzie ' H.; two ; • "" grandsons, C. O. and Henry A. It TOMllNSON Cole, and a great-grandson, all n liiri I l/klAlilil Mocksville. I WFI I ivNrfWN Active pallbearers were W. N.IILLL IMIVfTil Anderson, J. L, owlngs, R, F. riTijFM niF^vf I ILtl V l/ltJ and Joke Meroney. Honorary Funeral services were held on pallbearers were R. B. sanford,: I Friday afternoon at the Meth- G. W. Rowland, Z. N., O. 6. andi 1 odlst church for Adolphus Rob- Dr. R. P. Anderson, J. D. P., j g Pritchord officiated ert Tomllnson, 78, widely known Campbell, L. S. Kurfees, J. A.j aerviues und Rev. H. C. I resident of Mocksville, who died Daniel, Knox Johnstonc, Har- gprjokle aasUted. Interment was . Thursday after an illness of sev- ley Sofley, E. C. Morris and J. cemetery, eral months. ' P. LeOrand. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 20,1946 - Page 8 Beeding Rites Held Saturday PAtiA Fiinprnl Funeral services were heldL,ope * lUierui Sunday at Bcthiohom Methodist Held Thursday church for John R. Seeding, 73, Funeral services for Dudley who died Saturday morning. Cope, 67, were held last Thurs- hc la survived by his wife, the day at concord Methodist former Mrs. Molly Prultt, and church. Burial was in the church four children by an earlier mor- cemetery. rlage. Three of the children, Mr. Cope, son of the late Mr. Mrs. C. B. Bowles, Mrs. Roy A. und Mrs. Green Cope of Davle Willlama, ond Mrs. Ray Mc- county, died Tuesday night af- Clamrock, are of Route 2; one ter a long illness. son, W R. Beeding, of Smith He la survived by two eons, C. Orove, six grandcbHUren, two C. and Carl R. Cope of Sails- sisters, Mrs. Maggie Thornton bury; one brother, Joe Cope, of and Mrs. William Jarvla, of Chorlotte'; seven slaters, Mrs. J. Wlnston-Salem, also survive. A. Plckier, Spencer, Mrs. Charles Two of the grandsons are In Barrier, Mocksville, Mrs. Fred service in Japan: Olenas Mc- Fostcr, Alexandria, Va., Mrs. Clamrock uud Richard BecdUig. Corl Foster ond Mrs. M. 'c. Fos- Rev. J. S. Folger, Rev. H. O. ter both' of Winaton-Solem, and Freeman and Rev. james oroce Mrs. 0. J. Thompson and Mrs. were in charge and interment IC. Shoaf, both of Salisbury. wos in the church cemetery. Cope Funeral Held Thursday Funeral services for Dudley Cope, 67, were held last Thurs day at concord Methodist church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Cope, son of the late Mr. und Mrs. Green Cope of Davle county, died Tuesday night af ter a long lllnesa. He la survived by two eons, C. C. and Carl R. Cope of Salis bury; one brother, Joe Cope, of Charlotte': seven sisters, Mrs. J. A. Plckier, Spencer, Mrs. Charles Barrier, Mocksville, Mrs. Fred Foster, Alexandria, Va., Mrs. Carl Foster ond Mrs. M. C. Fos ter both' of Winaton-Salem, and Mrs. 0. J. Thompson and Mrs. < C. Shoaf, both of Salisbury. Bio - Obituaries - 9/20/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 25,1946 Jobo R. Bee&g John R. Beeding, of near Smldi Grove, died Saturday moraine S^ i4di at die age of 75. la survived by his wifie, the former Mbille prultti imd four diildren by a fbtoouer mar* riage. Ih^ ar^ Kbs. C> & Bow lea, Mrs. Ray A. Williams and' Mis.' Ray hkClamtodc all of Mocksvill^ Route 2, and W. R. Beeding of Smith Gxoye. Also she grandchildren C«vo geanddiildzen Oleanus McClamzoai and Rich' atd Beeding axe still in service in Japan, and two sisters, Mag* gie Thornton and Mrs. William Jarvis, of Winston^alem, Funeral services were hdd at BethldiesD Md^dist Chuxd^ Sunday Sept. 15th, at4p.m. Rev. J. 8.Folger,Rev. K C. Rreeman and Rev. James Groce were in diarge. Intennent was .in die. chura conetery. i Bio - Obituaries - 9/25/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 27,1946 - Page 8 F; F. Walker, 86, Davie Fanner, Dies Ferguson Franklin Walker, 86, retired farmer, died last Mon day at hta home in Davle county. Surviving are the widow and four daughters, Mrs. Eugene Whltley of Oreensboro, Mrs. L. B. Forrest and Mrs. Jesse An derson of Davle county and Miss May Walker of the home. (Hie funeral was held at 3 pm. Tuesday at Antioch Church of Christ. Burial was In the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 9/27/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 2,1946 Mrs. Howard Ijaims Kbaeral eerv^cs for Mr& 'Howaid IJamoa 38, aaotlve-of Davie' Oiuptr, who died S iiurday- at Jamestowo Haapiial. were held at Walker fuoerai Hooie In tbia city Sonday aft^moon at 5:30 o'clock, with Rev.* ffi. 6 Jordao o^ciatio^ and the body laid to ia Rose ceineiery; .Mn*. Tjunes Uaurvlyedbf ber bushaad and six Uotbera I R F. Walker I Ferguson Franklin Walker ;died last li&nday morning ac 9 o'clock at his home on K. .4* his death following a • period of declining health. Mr. Walker was 86 years old on the 15 ofSepcember. Hewasborr in Davle county; son of die j late Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Walker of Davie. He was a retired (aimer and a member of the Jericho Church of Christ, Davie County. Funeral services were held from diat Autch last Tuesday afternoon ''at 3 o'clock with Wilbiirri F. Sconestreec conducting the ser^ vices, assisted by J. G.'Binklcy and John W. Bailey. Surviving Mr. Walker are his wife and four daughters, Mrs. Lugme Whitley of Greensboro, Mrs. L. B; Forrest and Mrs. Jessie Anderson of Davie • countv. and Miss May Walker at the home. One brother, R. I.. Walker of MocksvUlc survives, one sister, Mrs, BcUe Whitley of Thomas- ii^e, 25 grandchildren and 45 great-'grandchildren. The death of Mr. Walker has brought sadness to the entire com munity in which ho spent a long, useful life. To the bereaved wife, diildren, brother and sister, we extend our heartfelt sympathy in his sad hour. B.' R.SteeIouD,.87. well-howD Davie Cwinty <dUsen, disd at hia borne Just weal of Mocksvllle Sondar afterpooa. fdlowiog a abort IHaesa. Foooral atraasemeDts bad not been cooapleted aa we went 'to preaa. Bio - Obituaries -10/2/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 2,1946 Hamilton Everbardt Hafoitcoo Evenrbardt. 95. died at 9:55 p ni.. Friday at tbe bofne of a daughter, Mrs. T. J. BMk. Mocksvi le. Rente 1. He had been ill only a few days of iDGtisitiea of age. Mr. tverhardt was boto in Davidson County. He moved to Davie Coanqr with* his parente flttheaieofiwo. f{« ipeit. most of bis life In the Turrentinecooinn*' oity. His wife, the former Miss Rebecca Dan- • iel. died three yeare ago. ^ ^rvjviog are three daughters. Urs. J.E Croita of Mocksville. Route' a; Mrs. T. J. Beck and Mrs. E. M. OeadooD of Mocka- ville; ooe son, M. C tVerhardc of States- ville. Route 1; 24 graodchUdreo: 30 great* grandcfaUdreo and ooe great*great-graQd* • child. Funeral services were beid at Turreo- tine Baptist Church Suuday at 2:30 p m.. with Rev. E. W. Turner. J. G. Biakley and F. Stooestreet officiating and tbe* body laid to rest in the church cemeterv. Bio - Obituaries - 10/2/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 4,1946 - Page 1 Steelman Rites Held Tuesday Funeral for B. R. Steelmani well known merchant and farm er of Route I, who died at hia residence on Sunday, was held Tuesday. Mr. Steelman, son of George and Jane Btcblnson Steelman, was B6 years of age and had been 111 only a few days at the time of his death. He leaves his wife, the former Edith Wooten, and two daugh ters. Jessie Ruth and Rosa Line. Services were held at Eaton's Baptist church and were con ducted by Rev. Dallas Renegar and Rev. James H. Oroce. Mr. Steelman's Masonic affiliates of- ftclated In burial at Rose cem etery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 4,1946 - Page 4 Mrs. J. Y. Moser Died Wednesday Mrs. Jack Y. Moser, SI, died last Wednesday at her home on Route 2. after a serious Illness of five days. She was born December 2, 1894, a daughter of Art and Flor ence Wood Key, in Surry county. She had lived in Yadkin county for 24 years, She was married November 3. 1912, to Jack Moser, who sur vives with five daughters, Mrs. W. H. Norman, Mrs. J. 8. Booe, Mrs. H. H. Oranflll and Mrs. W. F. Dull, all of Yadkinville, Route 2, and Mlas Cieo Moser of Win- aion-fialem; two sons, seaman second class Jack Moser, Jr., of the navy, and Hugh Moser of the home; one brother, Lester Key, of Yadkinville, Route 2; five slaters, Mrs. Guy Randleman of OlbsonvlUc; and Mrs. Ben Rut- ledge, Mrs. Robert Yarborough, Mrs. W. E. Mlze and Miss Bessie Key, ail of Yadkinville, and six grandchildren. Funeral services ware conduct ed Friday at the Cross Roads Baptist church, where Mrs. Moser was a member. Rev. R. E. Adams and Rev. E. W. McMurray officiated and burial was In the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -10/4/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKS VILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 4,1946 — Page 8 Hamilton Everhardt Passed Friday Hamilton Everhardt, 95, died last Friday at the home of a daughter. Mrs. T. J. Beek, MoQksvUle, Route 1. He had been iU for only a few daye of In firmities of age, Mr. Everhardt was born In Da vidson county, son of Matthlaa and Nancy Waltman Everhardt. He moved to Davle county with his parents at the age of two. He spent moat of his life In the Turrentlne community. He had made his home with his daugh ter for the past three years. ' His wife, the former Miss Re becca Daniel, died three years ago. Stirvlving are three daugh ters, Mrs. J. E. Crotts of Route 4: Mrs. T. J. Beck and Mrs. E. M. Deadmon of Mocksville; one son. M. 0. Everhardt of fitatea- vUle, Route 1; 24 grandchildren, 30 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. Funeral services were held on Sunday at .Turrentlne Baptist church, conducted by Rev. E. W. Tumor,-, Rov. J. a. Blnkley and W. F. Stonestreet. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Grace IJames Dies In Hospital Mrs. arace H. IJunes, 38, wile of J. Howard IJames, of High Point, died lost Saturday at a Jamestown hospital. Mrs. IJames was bom In Davle county, daughter of Oscar and Alice MoOlomrock Hutchens. She formerly resided in Wlnston- Saiem and moved to High Point three years ago. fiurviving are the husband; six brothers, Loften Hutchens of Lewisviilo, Wilson Hutehens or South Carolina, Eddie. Bernard and Paul Hutchens of Winston- Salem and Oeorge 0. Hutchens of Norfolk. Va. rrhe funeral was held at Wal ker Funeral liomo here Sunday Rev, B. 0. Jordan officiated. Burial was In- Rose cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 10/4/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 9,1946 1 Last K|te< For B. R, Stoeimui, >.Foneid setvkes fioT'S, R. vaan*. 8^ ,o&iB of Davlefe fsest known dtheofs dic4 hfnnb nett Motdciville on Sept Wttt h^. at Baeoiifs ^Baptist■Oiun^ la^ Tuesday afteettoon at2 6*d4^ wI& .Rm Ja&Me 'Ii. ChEOtiOami Dallafl'Kenepir.officlB^ big>^ bokv was btpu^. to^ (^:diid test In Mr. 8ceiADo& b siindv^ by bb n,two Jessie.^uA'^an^ Bo^ 'Um;- topB^ ^nubibef 6f odiet lelalto and a bost of firjlads. . lia ^ai^ rsiM meiebiiafitli^ hmtti Da^ kab Idan'of bMt ;..l>i^n^ cltb^ oylm'bdsidt^ ' ofboss^ mbsod^ ' Tp th^ be^^ one Reeotd^^^^ayii^jtatby^i^l^.^sad bc^/ Bio - Obituaries -10/9/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 11,1946-Page 1 Duke Bowdfn Rites Held Funeral services were held Wednesday at Bethlehem Meth odist church for M. Duke Bow- den, TO. of Advance, route 1. who died unexpectedly Monday. Dr. J. 8. HIatt and Rev. J. 8. Folger conducted the rites. Interment was In the Forsyth Memorial Park In Wlnstcn-Salem. Son of Nancy Hartman and Caleb Alexander Bowden he was employed by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. until he retired In 1924. Surviors Include the widow and the following brothers and sisters; John and Orover Bowden of Advance, route li Robert and Charlie Bowden of Wlnston-Sal- em; Miss Lola and Lettlo Bow den of Advance, routel; Mrs. Charles Hartman of Yadklnvllle and Mrs. John Hartman of Ad vance. Bio - Obituaries -10/11/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 16,1946 BLD.Bowdoi M. Dolce Bowdep* 70^ $ed flud- deiilv.at his hornet Advance R. 1, cm Monday motcdpg of last wedc. 1^ had hem in dedtotng heald^ for the past seyend yeafs. Bmxetal serrices wm held Bethlehem Methodist Church at 3 o'clodc Wednesday afternoon, widi Dr, J. S. FoIsct offidadng ahd die body laid to test in Fotaylh Memorial Park, near Winston-Sa^ lem. Mr. Bowden is sorvived by his widow, ftmr brodiecs, John and Giover Bowden, of Davii^Chadie iand Robert Bowden, WlDstion*Sa« lem; fbor sisters^. Mm. Oiades Hartman, Yadldn County; Mis. JohnHartman and Misses Lola and Ijettie Bowden, of Dovie. Mamie Sue C<^ -- Bidets Rdd and J. A. Fagg coD^ ducted funcnl Thursday ftrdii^ fonnd to. 1^^ die. ^ w 2dO p. m, Mamie Sue S^wanold No Clm^ at'3 p. m. daughter of Mr. aadato. rluWAHl iBurtiwwi iiii the' grave'Cope^ Modc^»iU^ R. 3. Servto l^atd. ; ' ~ • . Mr Holmm Mi^.8. hLNoImn, 60^ of Dane County, and da^^fyr of die late Mr, add. Mrs. R, of :d[ty« ^ed at JiOme 'of her86iiiThv'' A, 8, Hdton, in C!ev^^ Coimty on Oct. .6^ Pua^ eetdf^f yir^; „t Duke Memo r i Vi -Melodist' Chtti^r . D^tdia^ ,|ast.:lheiday aftetddo'n at 4 O'clo^ ' s^^yed by three sopyitoo one cfeuBhttn ftiir s|sters, ..Mcphea^, Ofeens' hoioi J, We Klmhrotigh, Rar eiehrhhs, Bruce Craven, Ttinity, and Mrs, S, O* Ridi, Raldgh. . Mrs, Holtbh Was cue vddow/of Dr, 8, M,Hoicioo, [ynmtn^ff Dur* ham phyaidan, who di^ in' 1911* She had made her homie wiih Imr son in Cleveland, cmmty ^ Ae pastUvoyeu^ A modier &i is* ed liM^hem cali^m hertewaid. Bio - Obituaries - 10/16/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 18,1946 - Page 1 ^ PASSES Wm h. J. AND£iUON BELOVED DAVIE CITIZEN DIES Albert Jackson ("Captain Jack") Anderson, 89, widely known and colorful Davie flg* ure, died tost Sunday mornlnf about 2 o'clock at his home on route 1. He had been In de clining health for some time. Born on the headwaters of Dutchman's Creek in ClarksvlUe township on May 8,1863, he was the son of Abel and Elizabeth' Coon Anderson and spent his entire life in this county. His lather was a Confederate vet eran and as a child Captaip Jack recalled the time that Wheeler's cavalry came to his lather's home and carried off farm sup plies—a fact which he resented ' as long as be lived. While he was engaged in farm ing most 0] his life, he was a U. 6. revenue officer for four years under Cleveland's admin istration. He Is survived by his widow, the former Miss Maggie Harris. Funeral services were held Monday afterpoon at the home and Interment was in Hickory Grove cemetery. Rev. James H. Orocc officiated. He was a mem ber of Hickory Grove Methodist churrh until the church was dis continued some time ago. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 18,1946 - Page 6 Mrs. Fannie Watson Died Tuesday Mrs. Fannie E. Watson, 67, died last Tuesday at her home on Mocksvllle, Route 2, after an illness of six months. Bhe was born November 0, 1876, in Surry County, a daugh ter of the late Martin and Mary L. Hudson. She was married 45 years ago to James E. Watson. Mrs. Watson Is survived by her husband; three sons, Howard I and Avery Watson of Hompton- vlile and Frank Watson of Mocksvllle; two daughters, Mrs. Lola Hayes of Mocksvllle and Mrs. Ellsha Reavls of Yadkin- ville; one brother, John Hudson, Of Rural Hall; thrc eslsters, Miss Leata Hudson of Elloam, Mrs. .Dick Wood of Roeloford, and I Mrs. Bugg BulUns of Slloom; 22 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at Stony Knoll M. E. church in| Burry county, with Rev. George IntcrmenLwas In the church cemetery. Bio — Obituaries - 10/18/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October, 23,1946 i A. J. AndersoB J. Anderson,83, ietliGd£um* erof Mochville, Ronte 1. died Oct. 13di* HehMbeen ill.oneiweek. He was d&e..$oci of Abe and 1 Elizabeth Coon Andetson and 'spent his entire life in Davie ' County. He was a member of the Hickory Grove Methodist Church jimtil mat chuieh discontinued I some time ogo. Surviving ate his wif<^ Mi^ Maifltie Harris Anderson, and a number of nieces and nephews, I .'Funeral 8ervii:e8 were held at i me home at2 p. m^ Oct. 14th.and interment'nw in. Hickory Grove .Cemetery. n j Rev. lames H. Gtoce officiated. Wiliiam Jamei Ksith WitlUm Jnmes Keith, 65.fUlBtday niftht at lO o'drck to a StateavlUe hospi* tal nfreran Mlneaa of two weeks. . A na tive of Raeford. Mr.< Keith bad ttved lo' Mocfcsvilie for the last ftwr and a 'half years. HeU saiVivMby one daoghter, one fum. one hrbtbcr. aiMl otie itister. Fun* erai. aervicna were heM Monday aftarneoo ih Norfolk. Va. • . . / ' Bio - Obituaries - 10/23/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 25,1946 - Page 8 William James Keiths Moekflvillei Succumbs Winiam Jamec Keith, 6S, died lut Saturday at a StateevlUe hospital. A native of Raeford, Mr. Keith came here four and one-half years aso and was an aeoount* ant with the Banes Chair and Novelty eompany, SurvivlDff are one daughter. Mrs. John J. Johnson of Nor folk. Va.; one son, Gordon KOith, of Norfolk. Va.: one brother, A. 0. Keith, of Raeford. and one sister. Mrs. J. J. Staf ford. of Garland. The body was sent to Norfolk. Va., last night, where funeral and burial took place Monday afternoon. Bio — Obituaries -10/25/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 1,1946 - Page 8 H. V. Jordan Died Monday H. V. Jordan, 88, died at his hraie on Route 2 Monday after an illueas of eeveral months. The son of J. R. and Elisabeth Stone Jordan, he was a native of Davidson county, in' his early youth he moved to Davle county where he lived until his death; Mr. Jordan was a lifelong member of Eaton Baptist church. He is survived by his wife, the former Martha Beck; one son, W. R. Jordan of Harmony, R. 1; four daughters, Mrs. John O'Neill of Mocksvllle, R. 2, Mrs. Zeb O'Neill of China Grove, Mrs. Stamey cranfield, Mocksvllle, and Mrs. Jack Booe, Mocksvllle, R. 2; 20 grandchildren and 18 great^andchlldren. ' Funeral services were held at 11 am. Wednesday at Eaton Baptist church. Burial was In the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/1/1946 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November, 6,1946 H: Jorto' H. V. Xndan, 88, .died M Ua hom^ Modksvflle, Rcute 2* Get. 26di-after an illness ol sevoal noodis* ' The son of J. R» and n Elizabeth Stone Jocdan, he ^vas a native of Davidson Count?. Ih h&- earl?. he moved to Davie Coun- t? where he lived Imtil his death. Mr. loidan was a'lif^m^mem* her of Eaton Baptist Chtirai. r He is survived by his wift^ me 'fanner Mafcfaa Be^ one son, W. R. Jomerdf HarmoM, Route 1; four datti^tets* Mn. John OT<leIu of Mocksvill^ Routed Mrs. Zeb 0*Ne&l of. CAJna Gtovt^ Mis. ^amev Ckanfi^i Modcsville» and Mrs* Jadt Boof^MocksvUle. Route 2i 29jpahddiildr(gn and 18 great' gmaciuuiea. I . Eunetad services were held at II a.-g^Wedncsday at fatoas Btq»* tist Cbttfdu-. BDm ftdloiVed in die chutdi gfaveyard* I Dr. A. Byerly Dr. Andrew Btsler BycHt* a prtetidoi |AyMaaroriv4t99y6*»t8. Htad Moaddy: a'tavaoon ai'lda'fMima at GMteeflMa* fttl- towinii a ahoit fillii«M He tret a native oCDevfdiuia eoiiiitr«lmt had Hved io. A>d* v-mcf! aad Cwdeesiee ft>r really 60 yee'n Dr. Hyeilyla stifvlved by .his ;Wldo»f thiee ennii. tWp da«|ibleflk two b^heif aiid thiee tfeteia Foneial aeivlbes Witt be lield et die Chimb el the Good Siieplieid* Eideeoiiah atOoolmeev tUeeflefafioii et 4' oweli w'tb Rev. WIEian'.?• Pto ofidMiei. • In the death this eyed tfilaen. DavIe loaee.oaa or b« beatlmiwo 8^ Bmst ba^ loved eitiiBBib . v vf. Bio - Obituaries -11/6/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, November 7,1946 , DR. A, b7bYERLU7Sn' ' OF DAVIE DOCTORS, DIES iy-i. .. . Ur. Amlrcw OrtxtiT Oyoxly, 17 ft jiracticttiR jJliyflLcliisj for ov^-i 50 yuai's aim a plniiflf-j- nu-dk-a] niuii i» Daiik ctHijjty. died Man- day !»fl<'rtintjn at. lii^ Jicinsc at CoolcciiA'f [iflnr an illiw.-.'; oS only II few (lays. rom atul roiiroil on n fiiiin in Davk- comity, noar Yadktn Cnl- Icrto. Ur, iiycrly (.-irniLfl mid tiiut^ki jiehi)i>l lo make iiioiiL-y Wkit 'iViik'ti Ui ublalri lib colkjto vdticatiiiri. Ik was llic oidcsl of filK dilldi-cn, all of whom arc J'.viiilt, T)!. liyerly vus {•rrultiakd fron: the Rlflmnl jiicdkal cullcico ai Richmond. V.a., AdiII i!0. IHflO. lie practiced at Advance for 5cv- «i,U ycar.t; oild opened hla office at CociJecjiiee April -l, ISM. Durliij; liU half ccnlury nf liracllcc, Dr. Byeily delivered more Ihnn 1313, wlicji vllul slntlstles v.rre -s'.arled. he lia.s aided Jn iki> oirlh of moro Ihaii 3.SDI1 chil dren. 1)1 191S, Dr. Byerly vftocliialcd jiinre than 1,'iOO ijersons for ly- plioid /ever in one day. lie has alvi-ftys been atnonj the first In Davle county lo n-'jc Improved meihodu hi coiphattljui di.sensc, lie was a Mason, mcmher of the Junior order ntid heJpc<i fi nance nnti hali^'rhe Cluireli of llio Ciood i'.l (K(flsc<)^iUV f!nol<!Otiirc. lljt hns been a .',o- nlrii wimK-n of Iho cluiieli .1 wii'i imllt, Ur. Byc-rly was married llirce iJl.s iirst wife wns the fornifr Miss Klhel Grimes of Davkhirin coaiity. Tils gccoiui wife was Mrs, Malllc Orlim-A I'enry nl Lexiiielo". fnid hk third and presciu wife wa^ Ihe fojjnor .MI.ih fjaliie Crimes of navklson romily. Surviving are Ihe widow; llircc .■sons. Dr, w, G. Byerly nf l,fiiiDtr; Dr. l-'rcdoi-lcV L. Byerly uf f'orl Wayne, tnd., and Dr. Itubfrt T. nyerly of Wln.UnivSfticm: two daiii'hlcrs. Mrs, D, R. liliikk! of Wlimlon-Sali'in .and Mrs. H, A. iSimmotKls of I.cxington; clovos) Itr.iiuifhndrcn; Iv/o brolher.^, \V. M, and t. C. DyOily of l.ex- SnKloii; and Uiree sJ.^lcrs, Miss Leila M. nycrly nf Ix^xlimfon; Ml.vs Vlcloriii Dyrrly of llic home .at Cooloomuo and Mrfi. J. O. Holt of Lcxlnctoji. I The funeral was licHi Wcdms- day at the Church of Ihc Good j iihejiherd ui cookotiiec. fuirlal ( was 111 llic Loxhii'lon ceriielcry. t Rev. WJIllam P. I'rico olTiclalcd. [ Bio - Obituaries -11/7/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 8,1946 - Page 1 DR. A. B. BYERLY, 77, DEAN OF DAVIE DOCTORS, DIES mm mm Dr. Andrew Baxter Byerly, 77, a practicing physician for over 50 years and a pioneer medical man In Davle county, died Mon day afternoon a^t his home at Cooleomce after an illness of only a few days. Born and reared on a farm In Davle county, near Yadkln . Col lege, Dr. Byerly farmed and taught school to make money with which to obtain Mb college education. He was the oldest of six children, all of whom arc living. Dr. Byerly was graduated from the Richard Medical college at Richmond, Va., April 29, 1896. He proctlced at Advance for sev eral years and opened his office at Coolcemee April 4, 1904. During his half century of practice, Dr. Byerly delivered more than 0,000 babies and since 1918, when vital statistics were started, he has aided in the birth of more than 3,900 chil dren. In 191S, Dr. Byerly vaccinated more than -1,400 persons for ty phoid fever in one day. He has always been among the flrot in Dftvlfi county to use Imprnved methods in combatting disease. He was a Mason, member of the Junior Order and helped fi nance and build the Church of the Good Shepherd (Episcopal) at Coolcemee. He has been a se nior warden of the church since It was built. Dr. Byerly was married three tlmei His first wife was the former Miss Ethel orimcs of Davidson county. His second wife was Mrs. Muttlc Orimcs Pvnry of Lexington, and his third and present wife was the former Miss fialllc Orlmcs of Davidson county. Surviving arc the widow; three sons. Dr. W, G. Byerly of Lenolr; Dr. Frederick L, Byerly of Fort Wayne, Ind., and Dr. Robert T. Byerly of Wlnston-Balem; two daughters, Mrs. -D. R. Hlnkle of Wlnston-Salem and Mrs. H. A. BUirmonds of Lexington; eleven grandchildren; two brothers, W. M. and E. G. Byerly of Lex ington; and three sisters. Miss Leila M. Byerly of Lexington; Miss Victoria Byerly of the home at Coolecmce and Mrs. J. Gl< Holt of Lexington. The funeral was held Wednes day at the Church of the Good. I Shepherd at Coclecmc^, Burial was in.the Lexington cemetery. Rev. WlUlam f, Prlc« vfflvlatvd. Bio - Obituaries -11/8/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 15,1946 - Page 1 A. nt CLEMENT DIED Abrom Marvin Clement, 6B, a native of Dovle county, died at -the- "Twhr-Clty-ehib-ltt-WhiBton- Snlem last week of a heart at tack. Burial was in the Clement family graveyord hero. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 15,1946 - Page 8 Mta* George Jeffries Dies At Statesvllle Mrs. oeorgd Jeffries, 40, died Saturday in a Statesvllle hospi tal, where she had been a pa tient for the past live days. A resident of Wlnston-Satem, Route 2, Mrs. Jeffries was the daughter of O. X. and Agnes OVfeal Jones of Davle county, who survive. 'Surviving besides the parents and her husband are three brothers, Paul and Charlie Jones, both of Moeksvllle, Route 9; and Wade Jones of Mocksvlle. Funera was held at 11 asn. Monday at Bear Creek Method ist church, Davle county. Rev. James R. Oroce was In charge. Burial was In the church cem etery. , Bio - Obituaries -11/15/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November, 20,1946 MrSi G. A; ieChfiM 't ' * Futujeal sendees- Hdd at Bear Cteek Bcqptfi^ Church last Monday for Mn. G.Jefirles 40^ of Wfaks^-Sdefl^ who died in a ScatesviDe hc^lt^ on Nov. 9di. Mrs* JeSdie was a fcnmer resident, of ModcavUle. Surviving are ' die jbuchand, of WinBto&^emi parents* Mr. abd Mrs. G. K. Jones*. and diree brolfaeis* all of Dsnde. County. Rev. j. H. Groce conducted ^ funerd'services* and the body laid to rest in die.diorch ceme tery.- Abi^ M. Oement- ' Abram M. Clement^ 58* asonof die late Mr. and Mis. John H. Cteincnt*ofthis dty* died at Wins- tOB-Salem on Nov. lOdt, from a Imst attack. Mr. Clement mov^ I to Wlnstoi^Salem some 30 years' ago- Funeral services were hdd at Voi^s Oiapd last Tuesday' moraing at 10 o'clock* and die' body bid CO rest in die Clement graveyard. ' Su^vfaig are two brodiecs. Judge John H. Clement^ of Walkf ertoWn* and Foster Clment, of Wlnstim'Saleiin tam sisterS]^ Mrs. F. B.Malock and Miss Sarah B., Oement* oF Osibid. Mrs. Mary Adams Mrs. Mary Thmer Adams* 65* widow of James G. Adams* died at heir home here Friday. Surviving ace six daushter* Mrs. Eari Hammer* Mrs* Pbal Gnibb* Mrs. S. R Watccs, Mis. M. F. Campbdl and Mrs. Cleo Clonent* all of Mocksville* and Mrs. C. G. Hay ofBame8vi]]e.S.C~ two sons, lolm H. Adams of Mocksville and IL H. Adams of Midway Piaxk; one biodier* J. A. Turner of Landb Funecdwas hdd at 3 p. m.* Sunday at die home of a daugh ter* Mn. $. B. Waters* Lr. Robert l^g was in charge. Burial., fol- towra in Rose Cemetery. Mrs. Tfaos. W. VFatkins Mrs. Mary Watkins. 73* wife of Dr. T. T. watkins, of Oemmons* died Nov. lldi, folloa^ng a bng Illness. Funeral sind burial ser vices took pbce iasc Wednesday at Clemmons Baptist Church. Sur- viviog ate^e husband} two daugh ters* one son, one brother imd thr^ sisters. Dr. and Mrs. Watkins lived at Advance for many years, and her many friends in Davie were sad dened by news of her deadi. To the bereaved, family The Reooid extends sincere sympathy in dils sad hour. Bio — Obituaries - 11/20/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 22,1946 - Page 1 Samuel W. Carter Died Sunday Samuel W. Carter. TS. of Route 3. died at his home Sunday af ternoon. A llfolonff realdent of Dnvle county, Mr. Carter was the son of Raima and Sally Howard Carter. He was a member of Bethel Methodist church ond the Junior Order. He is survived by hia wife, the former Miss Leila Mae Smith; two brothers, Burke Carter, Mocksvllle, Route 2, and Philip Carter, Advance, Route 1; one sister, Mrs. John Potts. Advance. Funeral was held Tuesday at the home and at Bethel Meth odist church with Rev. Foster Loflln in charge. Burial was In the chttrch cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 22, 1946 - Page 8 Mrs. Mary Adams Passes Away Mrs. Mary Turner Adams, 63, widow of Jamea O. Adama, died ot her homo here lost Friday. She was the daughter of H. A. and canie Land Turner. fiurviving are six daughters, Mrs. Ban Hammer, Mrs. Paul Orubb, Mrs. 6. E. Waters, Mrs. M, F. Campbell and Mrs. Oleo Clement, all of Mocksvllle, ond Mrs. 0. O. Hay of Barnesvllle, B. 0.; two sons, John H. Adams of Mocksvllle and H. H. Adams of Midway Park; one brother, J. A. Turner, of Landla; 43 grand children and three great-grand children. Fuiierai was held at 3 p.m. 'Sunday at the home of a daugh ter, Mrs. 8. E. Waters, on Ceme tery street. Dr. Robert Xing was In charge. Burial was In Rose cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/22/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November, 27,1946 'Samud Carter SamudW.Caitet, 75, died at kit kone near Belliel (%ittek,on Nov. 17d)» following an extended illness. Mr* Center spent his en* tire Hfo b Davie County, and had many friends who were sa^ened by his deadi. He was a mendber or Bethel Medtodist Churdi and a long time member of Mocks* vilie t^ndl, Jr. O. U. A. M. He is survived by his wifi^ die former Miss L,dia Mae Smldi} two bit^ets, BiixkeCarter, R. i and Fhilip Carter, Advance K* 1; onealstet; Mrs. John Po^ of Advance. Funml services were held at me home la^ Tuesdav affomoon at 260 o'docb and at Bedid thodist Church at 3 o'clock, wid& Rev«.F* R. Loflb in diai;^ and the body kid to lestb the^uidi R.G. Lower? Robert Grant Lowery, 55« na* tive of Sheffield community, died at Wednesday at t^e home of his daufihter, Mis. Lucy bfaardn. in Charlotte. He had been in foil ing healdi since undergoing an operation for a brain tumor at a hospital in Dudiam about seven mondksago. For 20 years he had made his home in Oreensboro, where he was shipping detk for jVick Qieniical company. Suniv* ing ate his widow, two sons anda [daughter. Funeral .services were held at New Union Methodist 'church in Davie counfr Thurs day afoemoon at J.'o'docK. Bio - Obituaries - 11/27/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 29,1946 - Page 1 Boose Rites Held Tuesday Funeral for Mrs. Ellen Conrod Boose, ea, wlio died Monday at her home, winaton-flalem, R. 2. Olivet Moravian church commu nity, were held Tuesday. Services at the home at 2 pjn. were foUoiired by rites at 2:30 pjn. at Olivet Moravian church. Re?. Oeorge Hlgglns and Rev. R. W. MeOulley were in charge. Interment was in the church graveyard. Pailbearera Include Paul M. Conrad, Oscar Donb, v. M. Bo- roth, M. M. Berolh, L. O. Hutch- Ins and B. J. Shltids. Members of the Men's Bible class of tho church served as honorary pallbearers. Mrs. Boose was bom at the present homeplace March 20. 1878, daughter of Alphus and Sarah Hire Conrad. In 1890, she was married to R. Newton Boose, a well known farmer. Survivors Include tho husband, one daughter, Mrs. R. P. Foltz. of Route 2; five sons, Roy A. Boose, of winston-Salem, Olcnn O. Boose of Mocksvllle, S. A. Boose of Elklni Harvey Boose and Russell Boose of Winston-Salem. Route 2, and four grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries -11/29/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 4,1946 W. Henry Howard ! W.RHowatditiJ, dl«l Wed- ikttdvf at the home ot his daugh ter, Mrs. Alvin Dvm. on R L ' Mr* Howard was a wdl-known fazmerof the Cana community, until he tedied some. time ago. He was a member of Eton's Bap- O'st Oiurch. j I . Quzviving are his wife,, two sons, five daughters, several half broth ers and sisters, one grandchild: Funeral services were held at the home .of Mrs. Dyson at 10 a. m., Frfdajr, and at 11 a. m., at Eat on's B»d$t Church, with' Revs. James H. Groce and Dallas Rene- gar officiating, and the body laid to rest in die diutdi oemet^. Mrs. Mary Clouse - Mrs. Mary bfortln Clouse^ ^ died Saturday at her home , near Smidi Grove, where she h^Uved her entire life. ' .. ^e teavm.mizviving one brother John M. Mutin, 97, of the home place*. The hmeral was held at 2:30 p. nu, Sunday "^at Snddi Gtove Mediodist ^orcfa. ^eialwas'in die church oemet^. The sendees weio conducted by Revs. J. S. FoIger,.H. C Fceeoian, and.Kev. Mr, Bhiner*' Bio - Obituaries -12/4/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 6,1946 - Page 1 Mrs. Cloiise Dies At 92 Mrs. Mary Martin Olouse, 92, widely known throushout this community, died at 4 am. Sat urday at her home in Smith Orove section of oavle county, where she had lived her entire life. Mrs. clouse, better known In the community as "Aunt Polly." was the da(U^ter. of the late Mr. and Mrs. alles Martin of Davle county. She leaves surviving one brother, John M. Martin. 97. of the homeplace. The funeral was held at 2:80 p.m. Monday at the Smith orove Methodist church, seven miles northeast of MocksvlUe, Burial was in the church cemetery. The service was conducted toy the Rev. Mr. Folger, Rev. Mr. Bruner. and Rev. H. 0. Freeman. Mrs. douse had been a life long member of the Smith Grove Methodist hurch. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 6,1946 - Page 2 W. H. Howard; 62; Dies Wednesday W. H. Howard. 02. died Wed nesday at the home of a dough- ter, Mrs. Alvin Dyson. Mocks- viile. Route 1. Mr, Howard was a prominent farmer In the Cana community until about a year ago when he came to live with his daughter. A member of Eaton's Baptist chureh, Mr. HowAt'd Is Iho aon of Thomas and Martha Foster Howard. He Is survived by his wife, the former Miss Annls Angell; flve daughters. Mrs. Dyson, Mrs. Bax ter Barnhardt of Cooleemee. Miases Evelyn and prlscllla How- ord of Blkln, and Miss Henrietta Howard of Washington; two sons. Waymouth Howard of El- kin and Orcentoery Howard of MocksvlUe, Route 4 four half brothers and half sisters and one grandchild. Funeral services were held at the home of Mrs. Dyson at 10 am, Friday and at 11 a.m. at Eaton's Boptlsl churdh. Rev. Dallas Renegar and James H. Oroce will officiate. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 12/6/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 11,1946 W. F. H. Ketchk W. F. a Kttchle, 74. died Wed- nesdayni^tat a Salisbury hos- pital where he had been a pa* tlctic Ibr four weeks. A son of Rev* and Mrs. W. R. . Ketdiie. Mti. Kecchie spent most of his life in Davie County* He recently moved to the home of a son, H* L Ketchie^ Star..8vUIe, Route 4* He was a retired lum berman* He is survived by one son, H. L. Kecchie, Stiites^^e, Route 4; two grandchildren and one a half l.flister, Mrs. lAaxy E, Sloop of Har- risoxmutg, Va* Funeral was held at Society . Bapdst Church at 11 a. m., Sat urday with Rev* W. B* Rhino^ heart in. charge* Interment was in the church cemetery. Mr* Ketchle had many friends in Davie County who were sad dened by news of his deadi.' He was a long'dme friend of The Ret cord editor. A. P. Hiradrix A. P. Hendrix^ 73, died sudden ly at his home in Advance jpriday afternoon. A lifelong resident of that com munity,. Mr* Hendrid was employ ed by Hanes Knitting Mill. He was the ^n of J* P. Hendi^ and Sarah'Oarwood Hendrlx. Survivors induae the wife, die former Miss Idllie Bell Robenson two dausbters, Mrs. Steve hhtrk- land andf Mrs. Charlie Comatzer. both of Advance ' one btoiher, William A. Hendrix of Advance, and jfive grandchildren. ^' Services were hdd at the; home 'at 2 p. m*, and at the Advance Mediodist Church at 2;30. •Revs. T. J. TroUiner and Robert lls^ were in 'diafge. Intetmdit' was in ^e chutdi graveyard. * Bio - Obituaries —12/11/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 13,1946 - Page 1 A. P. Hendrix, 73, Dies Unexpectedly A. P. Hendrix, 73. died sud denly at his home in Advance last Friday. A lifelong resident of that community, Mr. Hendrix was employed by Hanos Knitting MiU. He was the son of J, P. Hendrix and Sara Garwood Hen drix. Survivors Include the wife, the former Miss Llllle Bell Robert son; two daughters, Mrs. Steve MArkland and Mrs. Charlie cor- natoer, both of Advonce; one^ brother, wiUKun A. Hendrix. of Advance, and flve grandchildren. Services were held Sunday at Advance Methodist church. Rev. T. J. Trollnger and Rev. Robert Hardy were in charge. Interment was In the church graveyard. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 13,1946 - Page 4 Mrs. €• 0. Grubb Dies In Salisbury Mrs. 0. o. onibb. 38. Mocka- viUe, Route 4, died at 10:40 pAi. Saturday at a Salisbury h08Pl> tal. She had been seriously ill for three weeks. Hhe funeral was held at 2 psai. Monday at Jerusalem Baptlat ber Rev. E. W. Turner and Rev. Victor L. Andrewa- officiated Burial was In the church cem« etery. surviving are the husband: one son, BcHAy Orubb; one daughter. Helen orubb, all of the home: her lather and step* mother, Mt and Mrs. M. T. Taylor of MocksvlUe. Route 4: three half brothers, Otis F., R. M. and Billy Taylor and one half sister, Mrs. Hilda Chandler, an of MocksvlUe, Route 4. Bio - Obituaries - 12/13/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 13,1946 - Page 5 George Griffin Wall LOSES BBOVBBII George OrUTln Wall of Wln- aton^Salem died Fflday nlglit after an lUnees of aix wedM. Mr, Wall was the brother of Mra. P. R. Maaon. Final rltea were held Saturday afternoon at the First Baptist church. Bio - Obituaries -12/13/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 18,1946 Doaglas GniT Funefal services for Douglas Gray, 16 16, of Greensboro, who died at Baptist Hospital, Wiinstoii' Salem, Thursday were held at Bejtfalehan Mediodlst diuich Sunday afternoon at 3 o'dodc. Rev. J. 8. Folgiu: and~Rev. Mr. McMillaii, of Greensboro, con ducted die services. Mr. Gray is a son of Mr. a^ Mrs, Enoch Gray, of Greensbcro. Surviving are At parents, one brother and'one sistier, of Greens boro, and his grandfather, J. A. Smidi, Advance, R* 1. Mrs. Noah Yonng Funeral for Mrs. Noah Youoft 69, of Fulton, who died Wed nesday nis^t at her hom^ was held at 2:30 p. m., Friday at Fulton Mediodist Church. Rev^ R. M. Hardee and Clarence Jenk ins oflklated. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mis. Yofiiig was a dauf^trr of George and Roxana Shaver Ftye. She spent her entire life in the same community and was a mem ber of Fulton Mediodist Oiurch. Surviving are die husband; one dauf^tn, Mrs. R. F. Miller of Advauee, Route 2; three sotis, Lester Young of Advance^ Route l;Geoigeatid Lonnle Young of Hane% two brothers, Sammy and Lewis Frye of Advance, Route 1; one sister, Mrs. L. A. Hendtiz of Lexin^on, and eight grandchil dren. Bio - Obituaries - 12/18/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 20,1946 Mrs Noah Young Rites Held Friday 'Tunerol for Mrs. Noah Young, 69, of Fulton, Advonee, Route 1, who died Wednesday night at her home, -was held at 2:30 pjn. Friday at Fulton Methodist ehuroh. Rev. R. M. Bardee and Rev. Clarence Jenkins olllclated. Burial was In the church cem etery. Mrs. Young was a daughter of Oeorge and Roxana Shaver Frye; She spent her entire life In tho same community and was a member of Fulton Methodlit church. Surviving are the husband: one daughter, Mrs, R. F. MlUer of Advance, Route 2; three son^ Lester Young of Advance, Routo 1; Oeorge and Lonnle Young of Banes; two brothers, Sammy and Lewis Frye of Advance, Route 1; one sister, Mrs. L, A. Bendrix of Lexington, and eight grandchildren. Bio — Obituaries -12/20/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 25,1946 Reobea Moniran Reuben Morrison, 22, son cf Mr. and W. G. Mottlsmii of R.^ 4. died at his home last Tucs^ day aftemooo. Mr. Morrison had been III for the past three monihs. Surviving are hb parmts, one brother. J. P. Morri^n, Kann^ polls; three sisters, Mrs. H.B.Coh- rier, Salisbury; M^ R. B. Oriffirii, Point, and Miss Eleanor Morrbon of die home. " Funeral services were hdd at Society Baptist Chureh, in Ireddl jCounty, at U a., nu, Thursday. 'Rev. W. D. Rifner od&iaCed, as* sbted'by Rev. Mr. Bagwdl, and die body laid to rest in die dundi cemetery. To bereaiy^ ^onily The Re* cord extriids deq> synagEiadiy :in dib sad bereavment Bio - Obituaries - 12/25/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA