Jan - JunDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 2,1946
O. B. Eaton
Fomer Mayor Dies
O. B. Eaton, 87, a native of Da*
vie County and mayor of Wlns'
COD'Saleni for 18 years, died in a
hospital in that city 26. Sur*
viving aro three sons and three
daughters, and one sUcer, Miss
Blanche &ton, of this dry. Fun^
eral flervi'xs >verc held at Voriei'a
Chapel, Winscon.'Salem, Inurs'
day, and the body laid to rest in
Salem cemetery. A good manhu
been called to his reward.
R. L. Booe
Robert Lee Booe, 79, well known Mocks*
viHe fnercbant died 19th. at Winston
Salem bospUaL He bad been in dec'ining
health for the past sear and hta coadi-
cioo was critical for several dava.
Mr. Booo was born in Davie Coontf,
December L6,1866. son of dohn C. and
Rachel Baity Booe. He spent bis entire
life in Da>ie Couoiy. He caught school
for several yean at Cherry Grove.
He was a well known farmer and lutn*.
bet dealer at Cana for a numbw of years.
In 1924 be moved to Mockaville and en
gaged in the geneoeral mercantile bttstoesa
oDtil he reiir^ in 1940.
He was a member of MocksvlUe Baptist
Chond) and was formeriy a member of
Eatoos Baptist Church where he was dea
con for many yeara.
Mr. BotX: was married twice, first to Miss
UilieTabirba Anderson.'April 10, 1899.
Sbe died April 10,19S0. In August,
he wea married to Mias Chra Morriaa. She
died Augujc 14.1943.
Surviving are one daaghter. Mrs. L. R.
Campbell, of Hartsville, S.1C.. three sons,
Dr. J. Grady Booe. of Bridgeport,Conn.; W,
Bryan Booe, Wineton Salem po tmaett-r;
and Or Isuac A. Booe, of King.
Funeral services were held at Wall Fan-
era! Home. Winatoo-Salem, Dac. 21. at 2
o'clock, and the body brought to chia dty
and laid to rest lo Rose cemetery.
Honsion F. Totterow
Houston F. Tulterow, a native of DavIe
County, but who haa been Uvlog In Wins*
ton'Salem for 23 years, died in a hospital
In that city Friday, buneral services were
held at the borne Sunday, and burial fol*
lowed in Mt. Tabor cecnetery. Survivors
include the widow, one daughter of the
home, his mother and one brother, Robert
Touerow, of Pavie county.
J. F. Click
J .F. Click, 89, one of Mocksville's oldest
and koowo citlsens, died at the bom?
of bis daughter, Mrs J. H Ratledge, on
: Notth Main Street Dec, 24tli. . Mr Click
had apent his eoticc life in Davie Coaocy.
and WAS a retired farmer.
Mr. Click la sorvived by two roos. John,
ol Keroersvllle. and Grady, of Wiustoo^SS'
lem; three dnughters, Mrs J. H. Ratledge
klotAsvllle; Mrs Blache Doughton. Sparta;
and Mrs. W. C. Everfaardt, of Iredell eouo-
' ty; three brothers. W. G Click. Salisbury,
I Charlie Click, of Wondiea.f and Will Click,
of Cooleemee: one sister, Mrs. J. P. Bur
ton. Hickuty.
Fbneral services were held at the home
last Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
with Dr. J. E, Pnicbard and Rev. E.' W.
Tomer in change, and the body laid to rest
in RuSe cemetery. j
Bio - Obituaries - 1/2/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 2,1946
John MarshaU Call
Thomas E James
Tbomaa E. Jatnea. 60» a oa'tWe of Davie
coeotv* died at h'ls home Id WiQatoD-Sa
on Dec I7tb. foUowioS aa excended
iltoesa. Mr. Jamea was a welhkaown farm
er. operatiDg a lartfe farm three mllea east
of Mccksville until a few years a^o. when
be meved to Wlnaton-Salem.
He was married February 9. 1896 to
Miss Cabdace Cope who survives, together
with six soas, Ernest fC, Dallas T., and J.
Paul of Winston-Salem, Esca M. of Moor-
esvilie. Aaron C of Detroit and Thomas E.
Jr.. or Route 2; nineteen grandchildren
and and one great grandchild.
Funeral services were held tec. ]9ib
at Fork Bsptlut church with Rev. E. W.
Turner in charge and the body laid to rest
in the cbun^cemeterv*
Davie Fanner Klled
John'Marshdll 76,?Davie
County farmer, of ModcsvUle,
Route 4, died at Rowan Memorial
hospital, Saturday af^miocm ofln-'
' juries sustained when the car he
was dzivins was struck by a truck
driven by James Winecoff of Con
cord. The accident occured short
ly after 10 a. m., two and oner
miles aoudi of Mocksville.
Sgt H. R. Frymorc of the
. way patrol, who investigated die
' accident, reported that Mr. Call
had Just driven his automobUe
from die driveway of a service
stadon to the nighwav when struck
by the truck, Wlncood was placed
Mt. Call is survived by three
sons, V. L. Call, of Cooleemee, O.
C. of Spencer, and M. K. Call
of Mocksville; five daughters, Mr.
Arthur Wilson of Lexington, Mrs*
Raymond Wilson of Linwood,
Mrs. Wilfred Eddinger of High
Point, Mis. W. 8. Sanders and
Mrs. Sid Smith,* both of Mocks
ville. .
The funeral was held Monday
at 11 at the home. Burial 'was in
.Cherry Hill church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/2/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 4,1946 - Page 1
James Garland Hendrix
Oscar Benjamin Eaton, 87,
native of Davlo county, former
mayor of Wlnston-Salem and
former treruurer of fche B.'F.
Hanes Tobacco Co.,' died in a
Winston >8alem hospital on
Deo. 28J He was a brother of
Miss Blanche Eaton of Moolcs-
vlHo. Three dauffhters and throe
sons survive. Burial was In the
Solem cemetery.
Lt. James Garland Hendrix, 23,
of Wlnston-Salem, who had pre
viously been reported missing In
action since Deo. 17,1844, on his
23rd aerial mission over Ger
many, has been oRlclally de
clared dead. He was born In
Davlo county June 4, 1022 and
his grandmother, Mrs. E. M.
James, lives In Davlo. Imme
diate survivors Include his wife,
the former Miss Norma Teague,
and a small son, Jimmy, whom
the father never saw.
Nonnie Shaw
J. E. Gregory received a mes
sage Sunday stating the death
of his sister, Mrs. Nonnie Shaw,
who died suddenly at her home
In Lexington. Mrs. .Shaw lived
In Cootcemee some years ago.
Miss Mollic Fry
Dies At Fulton
<Mlss Mollle Frances Fry, 81,
died last Tuesday morning at
her home.
The funeral was held at Fulton
Methodist ehuroh, where Miss
Fry was a lifelong member, Wed
nesday . afternoon. Rev. James
Trolllnger and Rev. J. O. Gentry
In charge. Burial was In the
church cemetery.
Survivors Include two brothers,
Lewis and Sam Fry, Advance,
route 1; and two sisters, Mrs.
Lttlu Yopng, Advance, route 1,
and Mrs. Leila Hendrix, Lexing
Bio — Obituaries -1/4/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 4,1946 - Page 2
Funeral Held
Fdir A. A. Foster
•Fuiicrnl services for Austin A.
Foster, 50, nalivo or Davlo coun
ty, who died dcccmber 20 at tho
V, a. Veterans hospital at San
Francisco, Calif., wero hold last
Sunday oftornoon ot 2:30 o'clock
at Rooky Springs Baptist church,
Ircdell county.
Mr..Fastor made his homo at
Detroit, Mich., for sometime and
then wont to California. Ho was
a patient at tho veterans hospi
tal for somotlmc. He wos 'a vet
eran of World War 1.
Surviving arc one brother,
Raymond C. Foster of Mocks-
vlUe: and two sisters, Mrs. Aga
tha F. Johnson of Winston and
Mrs. Arthur Anderson of near
R. L. BOOE, 79,
Robert Lee Booe, 70, well
known retired Mocksvllle mer
chant, died Dec. 10 at a Winston
hospital. He had been in de
clining health tor tho past year
and his condition was critical
for several days.
Mr. Dooo wos born In Davlo
county, December 10, 1060, son
of John C. and Rachel Baity
Booo. Ho spent his entire life
in Davle county and was grad
uated from Cana Academy. Ho
taught school for several years
at Cherry Orove.
Ho was a well known former
and lumber dealer at Conn for
a number of years. In 1024 ho
mbvcd to Mocksvllle and chgaged
In tho general mercantile busi
ness until ho retired In 1040.
He was a member of Mocks
vllle Baptist church and was for
merly a mentbor of Eaton Bap
tist church, near Cana, whore ho
was a deacon for many years.
Mr. Booo was married twice,
first to Miss Lllllc .Tabltha An
derson. April 1, 1800, Sho died
April 1, 103. In August, 1035,
ho was married to Miss Clara
Morrlss. She died August 14,
Surviving arc one daughter,
Mrs. L. H. Campbell, of Harts-
vlllo, s. C.: three sons, Dr. J.
Qrady Booo, of Bridgeport,
Conn.; W. Bryan Booe, Wlnston-
Salcin postmaster; and Dr. Isaac
A. Booo, of King; and live grand
The funeral was held Dec. 21
and Interment was In Rose cem
John Marshall Call, 76-year-
old Davle county farmer of
MooksvUle, Rt. 4, died at Rowan
Memorial,hospital last flaturds^
at 2 pjn. from Injuries sustained
Saturday morning when the cor
he was driving was struck by a
truck driven by James Wlneeoff
Of Concord* The accident oc
curred shortly after 10 asn, two
and one-half miles south of
Mocksvllle on highway No. 601.
Bgt. H. R. Frymoyor of tho
highway patrol, who Investigated
the accident, reported thai Mr.
Call had just driven his auto
■from the driveway of a service
station to the highway when
struck by the truck. Wlneeoff
was placed under bond, and the
officer Indicated that he will be
charged with manslaughter.
Mr. Coll was the son of the
late John and Mary Elizabeth
Call His wife, Mrs. Ida Ann Call,
preceded him In death In 1030.
(Re Is survived by three sons,
V. L. call, Cooieemee; o. O. Call,
Spencer, and M. X. Call of
MooksvUle; five daughters, Mrs.
Arthur Wilson, Lexington; Mrs.
Raymond Wilson, Llnwood; Mrs.
WUfred Eddlnger, High Point;.
Mrs. W. B. Sanders and Mrs. Sid
Smith, both oi MocksvUIe, and
27 grandchildren and eight
The funeral was held Monday
at II asn. at the hooie which Is
near the cherry. Hlli .church.
Rev. E. W. Turner and Rev. V. L.
Andrews were In charge of the
services. Burial followed In the
Cherry Hill church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries -1/4/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 4,1946 - Page 6
John Frank Click, 00, one of
the oldeat and best->known
MockavUIe cltlzensi died at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. J. H.
Ratledge, here on Dec. 24 at 7
Mr. Click, a member of one of
the older families of the county,
was a retired farmer. Survivors
include two sons: John O. click,
Kernersvllle, and orody Click,
Winston-Salem; and' three
daughters, Mrs. J. H. Ratledge,
Moeksville; Mrs. M. C. Everhart,
Statesville. ond Mrs. J. L. Dough-
ton, Sparta.
One sister, Mrs. J. P. Burton
of Salisbury, and three brothers
also survive: W. O. Click, Salis
bury; Willtamj Cooleemee;
Charles of Woodlcaf.
Funeral services were held at
the home of Mrs. Ratledge on
Dec. 26 and Interment was in
Rose cemetery. Rev. J. E. Pritch-
ard, assisted by Rev. B. M. Tur
ner, was in charge of the
Bio - Obituaries -1/4/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 4,1946 - Page 7
Death Claims
H« F. Tutterow
£fouston F. Tutterow ot' Coun
try Club Head, dlod ut a Win-
Bton-Salom hospital Dec. 28. He
was. tukon ill the previous Wed
nesday and had been in a seri
ous condition since that time.
A son of Manly and Mary God-
"bey Tutterow, ho was born in
Davie county, and went to Win
ston 23 years ago from Davlc.
Ho was a member of tho Ard-
more Methodist church. Ho was
connootod with Cohen Jewelry
store as a watchmaker.
On Sept. 21, 1021, he married
Miss Ruth Fulcher, who sur
vives. Other survivors include
the mother, of Davie county:
one daughter. Miss Annie Lee
Tutterow, of the home; and one
brother, Robert Tuttdrow, of
The funeral was held at the|
home Sunday at 2 p.m. Rev.
Howard mta and Rev. Reid Wall
officiated. Burial was In Mount
Tabor cemetery.
Booker T. Cody
Booker T. Cody. 40, died at his
home December 25, following an
illness of four years. Funeral
Services wore hold Sunday at the
Shlloh Baptist church, with Rev.
L. R. Howeli officiating. Burial
was in the church ocmotory. •
Bio - Obituaries -1/4/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 9,1946
Fimeral seprices wm fa^d Sun*
day afce^oonj Dec. 30, at R^>dc
Springs Baptist church for Austih
A. Foster, 51, native ^of Davie
Cotmty, ieho died December 20^ In
Los Angeles, Califonila., Rev. 0.
D. Rene^ vm In charge and in^
terraent followed in the i^uich
Survivors ^ctude one son, Pfo
Edsel Foster, United States Army;
onie daughter, Mrs. Leon Bob|^,
Detroit, Michigan, one grandscm;
Dean Bobiak; one brother, R. C
Foster, Moic^ville, and two sisters,
Mrs. F. Johnson, Wto
toa-baIei% and Mr^ L. A.
son. Harmony..
Miss Moilie Frances
Miss Moltie Frantes Fry, 81,
died at 7 d'dodc Tue^V; mom*
ing at her home near Fork. ■. "
The fo iieral waa held, at Puhdn
Methodist cliurch,' where Miss
Fry was a lifelong member, at .2
o'clock Wednesday afternoon.
Rev. James H. TroUinger and R^.
J. C. Gentry were in charge. Burial
was in the church cemetery.Survivors include hvd broth.^,
Lewis and Sam Fry,. Advan.ce, R.
1, and two sisters, Mn. Lula
K'oung, Advance, Route.' 1, ahd
Mrs^ Lelia Hmdrjdc^ Leringmn.-
Bio — Obituaries — 1/9/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 11,1946 - Page 2
Mrs. LVmc Spcnccr Johnson,
84, widow of F. M. Johnson, died
lost Stindoy at tho homo of her
granddaughter, Mrs. J. W. Rod-
well, Jr., Mocksvtlle.
Mrs. Johnson wsis the daugh-
tor of Oliver H. and Lotltla Wil
son Carter Spencer, She was
married iwlr>iv, Um f\vat Hmn tn
Rev. T. A. Stone, a Methodist
She la survived by one broth
er, Frank Spencer, Petersburg,
Va.; Ave grandchildren and three
Funeral was held Tuesday at
2 p.m. at the First Mothodlst
church of which she was a mem
ber. Dr. J. O. Prltchard ofTlclated.
Interment was in the Rose cem
Pallbearers were: Robert
Smith, Robert Waters, John Le-
Orand, J. L. Klmble, Ualnes
Yates, Dr. R. P." Anderson.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 11,1946 - Page 6
Mrs. Alice M. Seatord, 89 wid
ow of John D. Seaford, Confed
erate veteran, died last Satur
day morning at 10 o'clock at her
home In the Center Church com
Mrs. Seaford was born In Da-
vle County, a daughter of Henry
ond Barbara Keller MCDanlel.
She spent her entire life bi the
Center community and was a
member of Center Methodist
Surviving are one son, W. W.
Seaford; one daughter, Miss
Dovlc Seaford, both of Mocks-
vlllo. Route 1, and two grand
The funeral was held ot Cen
ter Methodist church Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. Wade
Hiitchlns conducted the service.
Burial was In the church grave
Pallbearers were Duke Tutte-
row, B. F. Tutterow, Clyde Dy-
Bio - Obituaries -1/11/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
son, Wade Dyson, Martin Latham
and Duck Powell.
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 16,1946
S'iWil*cv\ »•'
■i:L-T. -rl
T.-Sgt. Frank White PopUn, 23,
son of Mrs. Thomas PopUn and
the lace Mr. Popitn, has now been
declared dead, in a letter received
from the War Department. Sergt.
Poplin won for himself many
friends, when at the age uf six,
years he became carrier boy for a;
newspaper, and continued to de
liver the Cl\arlotce Observer to
his customers each morning until
he reached the age of 19. He was
a member of the Baptist Church,
a graduate of Mocksvillc HighSchool. He was both popular and ^
active in school athletics. Prior j
to entering the army he held a
position with the Ideal Grocery,
and his friendship continued to
iucrcase manifold while employed
On July 29, 1942, he became a
soldier in the D3 S. Army, and on
Oct, 29, 1942, was promoted to
the rank of Sergeant in the AirCorps. Sgc. PopUn received his
training as radio gunner on a
Mitchell bomber at various air
bases, vi:: St. Petersburg, Ft. My
ers, Tampa, Avon Park, Panama
City, Fla., Myrtle Beach, Grceu-
villc, S. C., and Ft. Knox, Ky. He
was later transferred to a combat
zone iu the N. P. theatre of war,being stationed on various islands
in the Aleutians. He leaves be
hind a personal diary, which re
cords his entire army life while
i overseas.
Mrs. Lizzie Johnson
Mrs. Lizzie Spencer Johnson, 84
widow of F. M. Johnson, died Jan.
6th at the home of her daughter, *
Mrs. J. W. Rodwell, of Mocksvillc.
Mrs. Johnson was the daughter
of Oliver H. and Lettie Wilson
Carter Spencer. She was married
twice, the fi rst time to Rev. T. A*
Stone, a Methodist minister.She is survived by one brodier,!Framk Spencer of Pittsburgh, Va^; \
five grandchildren and three great'
Funeral was held Tuesday at 2'p. m., at the First Methodist'
Churt^ of which she was a mem
ber. Pr. J. C, Prichard officiated.
Interment was in Rose Cemetery.
' On Dec. 30, 1944. Sgt. Poplin
was reported missmg in action on
his 2Sch mission to the Jap Kurile
Islands. He was awarded the Air
Medal with one Oak Leaf Cluster,,
the Distinguished Flying Crossarid the Good Conduct Medal.
Tlrcse medals wore/presented to
his mother by an armY chaplain
in a ceremony at the First BaptistChurch, MocksviUq/. Sgt. Poplin
is survived by his . yhochcr,
brotlicrs and three sisters. .
Bio - Obituaries — 1/16/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 18,1946-Page 1
Tech 8gt. Frank. White (Bud)
Poplin, ahove, 23, son of the late
Thomas and Mrs. Lizzy Poplin of
Mocksvllle. was declared official
ly dead by the wor department
on December 30, 1945, one year
after he was reported missing
on his 26th mission as a member
of the Qlr-corps while flying a
photographic mission to the Ku-
rllc Islands. "Bud" was one of
the most popular young men In
Mocksvllle. As a youth he car
ried a local newspaper route
from the time he was six until
he was 19. He was a member of
the local Baptist church and a
graduate of the Mocksville high
school, where he was both pop
ular and a prominent athlete.
At the time he entered service
I on July 29, 1042, he was em
ployed at the Ideal Grocery de
Market. During his military ca
reer he received tiic Air Medal
with one Oak Leaf cluster, the
D.RC. and the Good Conduct
Mcclnl. In addition to his moth
er, four brothers and. three sis
ters survive.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 18,1946 - Page 7
Garnett C. Hilliard
j Oarnctt 0. Hilliard, of Roa-
' nokc, Va., died in Berkeley, Cal..
I at the homo of his brother, Jef-
I ferson Hilliard. He was burled in
, Mocksvllle, January lOi.
Bio - Obituaries -1/18/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 23,1946
Glenn Bailey
Veteran Dif^ In Wredk
Funeral was hcW Monday at 3 p.
m., at Fork Baptist Church lor
Olenn Bailey, 38, of Mocksville. R.
3 who was killed instantly Sator.
day oif^bt when the car he was
driying crashed Into an OD^mitig
truck (.etween Uocksyille aodLex*
Bailey was the onlv fatality In
the accideat, through several other
persons, occ^ants of the truck, re*
ceived cuts and abrasions. .
Rev. WaJe S, Hutchen, pastor
of Fork Baptist Church aod Rev.
£. W. Turner, Mocksvllle. conduct,
ed the services, fintlal was io the
church cemetery.
Surviving are the wife, Mrs. Ros*
sle May Bailey, Stokes County; two
brothers, Clarence C. and Clyde G.,
both of Advance, Route i; three
sisters, Mrs. B. M. Barbee aod Mrs.
R. L. Blackwell. both of Winston
Salem and Mrs. W. L. Gnllett, Sa.
•lisbury and several nieces 'and oe.
pbews. V
Bio — Obituaries - 1/23/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 25,1946 - Page 4
Mrs, Tucker
Passes Away
Mrs. Rhoda Ann Tucker, 81,
of Farmlngton township, Ad
vance, Route 1, died suddenly
Friday following a heart attack
at her home. She had been in
declining health for two months
but death was unexpected.
She was a widow of Dan Tuck
er, who died June 17, 1023.
A daughter of the late W. A.
and Lydia Etchison James, she
was born April 1. 18Q5, in Davie
county, where she spent her en-
tiro life. She was a member of
Bethlehem Methodist church.
Recently Mrs. Tucker made
her home with her daughter,
Mrs. P. E. Williord.
Survivors Ineiude four sons, J.
O., Hililary, both of Advance,
Route 1, Larry of Clemmons and
John O, of Indianapolis, Ind.;
thro edaughtcrs, Mrs. Floyd
Smith, Mrs. Henry Hilton and
Mrs. Willlard, all of Advance,
Route 1.
Funeral services were held
Monday at 2 p.m. at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Floyd
Smith, Advance, Route 1;
At 2:30 p.m., at Bcthlciicm
Methodist church, u second serv
ice was held. Rev. Ray Bllilngs
olTiciated at both.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 25,1946 - Page 7
Funcrni v/ns held Monday nt
3 p.m. nt Fork Baptist church
for Olenn Ballcy, 38, of Mock.<{-
vllic, Roulo 3. who was killed
instantly Soturday night when
the car he was driving crn.shcd,
into nn on-coniij|g.truck between
Mucksviilo and Lexington. j
. Ballcy was the only fatality In j
the accident, though several |
other persons, occupants of the
truck, received cuts and abra-
Rev. Wado S. Hutchon, pastor
of Fork Baptist church, and Rev.
B. W. Turner, Mocksvllic, con
ducted the services. Burial was
In the church ccntclcry.
Surviving arc the wife, Mrs.
Rosslo May Bailey; his father,
N. B. Bnllcy, Stokes county; two
brothers, Clarence C. and Clyde
O., both of Advance, Route 1;
three sisters, Mrs. B. M. Bnrbcc
and Mrs. R. L, Blackwcli, both
of Winston-Salcm, and Mrs. W.
L. Qullctt, Salisbury, and several
nieces and nephews.
Bailey was discharged from
the army last November, after
three years service, of which
nine montlis was spent In Eu
rope, He served in the BTth Cav
alry Reconnaissance Squadron.
, Bailey was alone in the car.
The truck, headed towards Lox-
j ington, was occupied by Paul
Hartley, his wife and three chil-
' dren. He lives near Reeds. None
'Of the occupants of the truck
was hurt, except one child, which
received cuts.
G. M. Dennis Dies
At Home Here
George Montgomery Dennis,
72, died at his home in Smith
Grove Township. Davlc County,
last Saturday nt 4:55 p.m. He
iiad been hi declining health for
several years.
Mr. Dennis was born In Mont
gomery county June 5, 1873, a
son of the late George W. and
Mnrthn Smart Dennis.
Ho was married In 1003 to Miss
Dottle Ann Graham, who sur
vives, with two sons, Everett K.
Dennis of Mocksviiie and O. R.
Dennis of Advonco: two daugh
ters, Mrs. £. D, IJames, of Mocks
viiie, and Mrs. Fred Murphy, of
CnUfornla: and a brother, J. C.
Dennis, of KaunnpoUs.
Mr, Dennis was a member of
Macedonia Moravian church.
Funeral services wore con
ducted nt Liberty Methodist
church, near Mocksvlllo, Mon
day afternoon at 2 o'clock, by
Rev. George Brimcr. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries -1/25/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 30,1946
James P. Summers
Funeral sctrvicea were held ^tdt-
day at 2 p« for Jamea P Sam-
mere, 83. who died suddenly Thors*
day e^renloff at the home of his daa>
l^ter, Mrs. W. C. Morrison, near
Davie Academy. Rev, G.. W. Pink
conducted the services at Oak Grov'^
Ifetbodfflt Church, and the body laid
to rest in the church cemetery. '
Survivitiff are the widow; two
daushters, one step-daasrhter, thir
teen grandchildren and ei^rbt great*
Mrso M. L Spry
lira. M. L. f»pry, 67, died Saturday at
the home of a aoo, R. V, Spnr, UoCkavlUe,
R< a.
Survlviog are five eons. R. V. Spry,
MockavUle, R. 4; Paot A , Ray, L. S. gpry
ofCooleemee and Sergeant S. L. Spryi^.
who bae just iretumed home from overseae;
three daughters. Mrs. Albert Laofchird and
lira. Glenn McDaoiel of Cooteemee and
Mrs. Fred lioagana of Mocksville; • ooe
brother. J. S. Hendrlx of MocksvlUe, R. 4..
The funeral was held Monday at 3 p.
IB., at Torrentine Baptist Cbuich, Reva E.
W. Turner, CUareoce Jenkins and A. T.
Stoodemire officiated. Burial waa la the
church gravevard.
Mrs. Charles West
Funeral secvi^ for-Mrs. Char-
les West; 83, a native - of Davie
County, who <hed Thursday in
Iredell Count?, were held Friday
afternoon at 2 o*cloek at Soaety
Baptist church. Surviving are five
chudreti. Her htuband died in
1938. - > .
Bio - Obituaries -1/30/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 1,1946 - Page 1
Mrs. John Garwood
Died Sunday
Mrs. John F. Oiirwood, 80, (ffod
nt 10:50 p. m. Sunday at her
home, MocksvUlc, route 3. She
was the daiiehtcr of Jacob Mich
ael and Charity Hoover.
Survivlnc are her husband, J.
F. Oarvvood, Mocksville, route 3;
one stepson, J.. B, Onrwood,
Mocksville, route 4, and four slep-
Funreal was at Bethel Metho
dist Church Tuesday at 3 p. m.
Rev. Loflln Officiated, assisted
by Rev. O. W. Fink. Interment
was in the church cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 1,1946 - Page 2
James P. Summers
Rites Held Saturday
Funeral services were held
Saturday nt 2 p.m. for James P.
Summers, 83. who died suddenly
Thursday at 7:10 p.m. at the
homo of his daughter, Mrs. W.
C. Morrison, Route 4, Mocksville.
Rev. a. W. Pink conducted serv
ices at Oak orovo Methodist
church. Interment was In the
church ccmlotory.
Mr, Summers was born In Ire-
dell county but spent most of
his life In Davie county. Ho Is
survived by his widow, the for
mer Betty Summers; two daugh
ters, Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. H.
S. Tomlln, of Route 5, States-
vlllc; one stepdaughter, Mrs.
John Bogcr of Route 1, Mocks
ville; 13 grandchildren; and
eight great-grandchildren.
Bio — Obituaries - 2/1/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 1,1946 - Page 3
Mrs. M* liTSpry
Dies At Home
Mra M. L. Spry, 67. died at
the home of her son, R. V. Spry,
Rt. 4, Mocksvllle, at 1:40 aJn.
Zn addition to the son named,
she has four other sons, Paul A.
Spry, Ray Spry, and L. S. Spry,
all-of cbolcemcc, and Sgt. Ci L.
Spry, who has Just returned
(ruin overseas duly, He Is u vet
eran of 12 years In service; three
daughters, Mrs. Albert Langford,
Mrs. Olcn McDontel, both of
Cootecmec, and Mrs. Fred Lca-
gnna of MookovUlc; one brother,
J. S, Ifcndrlcks, Rt. 4, Mocksvllle;
one aunt, Mrs. Roena Spry, of
Wlnston-Sulein. 13 yrundchll-
drcit and two great-Brnndchll-
Funeral services were held at
the Turrcntlnc Baptist church
at 3 p.m. Monday. Rev. B. W.
Turner, the pastor, conducted
the lost rites, assisted by Rev.
Clarence Jenkins, pastor of the
Mt. Airy Baptist church, and the
Rev. Mr. Stoudcmlrc, pastor of
the Cleveland Baptist church.
Burial followed in the church
Bio - Obituaries - 2/1/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 1,1946 - Page 7
Max Gardner's
Son, "Becker/'
Kills Himself
J. W. "Bcckcr" Gardner, 35.
was found dead In his ofTlce ear
ly Saturday night by a friend
who coiled at the oRlcc. Death
resulted from a sclf-lnfllctcd .43
calibre pistol bullet through the
heart. When found, the body
was slumped in a chair. Scrib
bled notes on his desk Indicated
that ho was in the act of trans^
fcrrlng nti Itisurancc policy, but
the transfer was never com
Gardner was executive vtcc-
prcsldcnt of the Cleveland Cloth
Mills of Shelby, and was the
eldest son of former Governor
O. Max Gardner and Mrs. Gard
ner of Shelby and Waslilnglon.
Gardner had been 111 for the past
week but his condition had not
been regarded os serious.
Surviving arc his wife, two
children, Susan and J. W.. Jr..
his parents, two brothers, and
one .sister.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/1/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 6,1946
Mrs. io]iii F. Garwood;
Mrs. John f1 Garwood, 86, died
Jan 27. at her hom^ Mod^vUle,
Route 3. She was the daugh^
of Jacob Michael ^d Ch^ty
Suryiving are her husband, J.F,
Garwood, MocksvUle, Route 3;
one attpson, J. B. Garwood,
Mocksville, Route 4, and foiir step'
groundcfaUdren. *
Funeral was held at Bethel
Methodise Church Tuesday at 3
p, m. Rev. Lodin officiated assist
ed by Rev. G. W. Fink. Inter
ment was in the church cemetery.
Bio — Obituaries — 2/6/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 13,1946
Mrs. D. W. Graoger |
Pttnetai eervices for Mrs. D W. Granger*
88» lormerly of tbU city, wete held Satur*
day afteniooQ at 2:30 o'clock at Moclia*
vide Metbodiat Church with Dr, J. E,
Pfitch^rdand Rev H C Sprinkle offlciut-'
lot, Mrs. Granger died in a Groeoabnrd
boapUat Thursday evening following an
extended illneas.
Surviving are one son. Cos Granger, of
Bickory. II grandchildreD and sevtral
greac-grandcbildcen. .
Mrs. WiBiam MiUer ington, D. C; Mrs. P. E. Shenili
Mn. WtUiam Miller. 65, widow of Mooresville. and Miss Willie
ofW. W. Midcfl died Thuraday MUler of die home; and one sister.
at 11 a. m., at her home on Nordi
Main Street^
Surviving are five daughters,
Mrs. H. A> Birdsall, of Moores-
viUq J. C. Shcrrill of Mount]
Miss Rudi Booe of MocksviUe.
The fimeial was held ac*die
home at 11 a. m., Saturday. Dr.
Rob^ King officiated. Burial was
iu Rose Cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/13/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 15,1946 - Page 2
Mrs. Joscphhrc Granger, 81,
(lied in a Greensboro haspltat
barA Thursday after n lingering
illncs-a. Daughter of v/ilUain
nnd Susan Bivins Reid, .she was
burn in Davic and lived here hcr
cntiro life until about 8 yeans
ago when she went to live witli
iier grandson In Winsbon-Salcin,
She Is survived by one sou, Gus
Granger of Mlcltory, U grand
children and several great
Mrs. Granger Is lovingly re
membered by her many friend']
here, iiarlioularly those who ro-
oatl Uiat one of her greatest
pleasures was In cultivating her
(lowers and giving them to
Funeral services were held at
the Mocksvltle Methodist church
last Saturday afternoon. Rev. J.
G. Pritchard and Rev. M. C.
Sprinkle conducting. Intenncnt
was beside her husband and only
daughter in the Rose cemetery.
Pallbearers Included Frank
Stoncstrcet, Albert Bogcr. Lloyd,
W. R., D. D. and R. Q. Granger.
Bio — Obituaries - 2/15/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 15,1946 - Page 4
Ml'!). Masglc Mlltcr, 85. local
beloved woman, who was the
widow of W. W. Miller, died last
Tluir.sdn.v at U a.m. nt hnr homo
on North Main .street from a
heart attack. She was 111 only a
few hours.
Survivors include five daugh
ters: Mrs. (f. A. Slrdsall of
Mooresvlllo. Mrs. J. C. fihcrrlll.
of Mt. Ullo, Mrs. O. H. Perry of
Washington. D. C.: Mrs. P. E.
Shcrrlll of MoorcsvUlc and Miss
Willie Miller of the home. A
sister, Miss Ruth Buoc, of
Mocksvllle, also survives.
The funeral was held last Sat
urday morning nt the home, con
ducted by Dr. Robert King, pas
tor of the Mocksvllle Presbyte
rian church. Interment was In
the family plot In Rose cemetery.
Pallbearers Included H. A.
Blrdsall. J. C. and P. E. Shcrrlll.
O. H. Perry, Joe Sloop and Phil
Booe. V
Out - of - town relatives and
friends who attended the fune
ral Included Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Booe, Lucy Booe, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hanes, all of Walkertown;
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crow, Mr.
and Mrs. Spencer Hanes, Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Follln, all of Wlnston-
Salem; Mrs. D. E. Turner, Sr.,
Mrs. A. M. Turner, Miss Hattle
Williams. Mrs. Z. V. Turlington.
Mrs. O. P. Houston. Mrs. David
Lowranco, Mrs. E. C. Bargor, alt
of Mooresvlllo; Mr. and Mrs.
James R. Phlpps, Mr, ond Mrs.
William Barber. Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Barber, Jim B. and P.
O. Edmiston. Mrs. Carl Hall,
Mrs. R. L. Stcolc, Mrs. F. O.
Hall, Mrs. C. Brown, Mrs, S. R.
Knox, Miss Emma Goodman,
Miss Joslc Graham, Mls.s Vir
ginia Knox. all of Mount Ulla.
Mr.v Ida Sparks Smith, '83,
widow of Carson B. Smith, died
Monday at 4 a. m. at the home
of her daughter. Mrs. A. H. Sain,
route 2, Mocksvllle.
Funeral was held Wednesday
at the homo of Mrs. Snlii, follow
ed by service at Bethlehem Meth
odist Church, of which Mrs.
Smith was a inoinber. Interment
wsa In the church cemetery. Rev.
H. C. Freeman, Rev. O. W. Fink,
and Rev. Mr. Folgcr officiated.
Surviving Mrs. Smith are two
daughters. Mr.s. Sain and Mrs. C.
D. Smith, Advance, route 1; one
son, J. Marvin Smith, Mocksvllle,
route 3; three sisters, Mrs. Emma
Conrad, Forsyth county; Mrs.
Blanche Van Horn, Wlnston-
Salcm, and Mrs. Oliver Myers,
Bio - Obituaries - 2/15/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 20,1946
Mrs. I^a Spades Siqiifc'
. Smith, jS3,wi^
Smiih, died * on'
1^ at die home of- -heti
Mia. A.H*'Saiii,.o& R.
2« Mockaville.. ; ||
' Fiineial sendees wete hdd at 2.
p. m., Wednesday at die hpme -.of.
Mia. $a^ followed by sendee at'
2:30 p.m., at Bethlehem MedMN*.
dist Gimcli, of.ndikfa Sn^ik
was a member. . fotettheht n^m
the church cem^tety. K
C. Fimman, a W. Fh^^d
Folger officiated.'/ ; iS;r.
Sufvhdtig afo
Mrs. Sain and-^h^
Advance, R, U J.
Smidd "duee -Sis'
County;' h&ik Biaiuii^ Van Hem,
Winston^Saleii}, and Mca*
Myexa, Ap^c^R. 1; twd Im^
Spades^ Adr
Bio - Obituaries - 2/20/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 22,1946 - Page 4
Mrs. D. G, CUek of Woodloa<
•tiled Thursday nioriiltiB ul 8:45
o'clock In n Statcsvllle hospital
following an emergency opera
tion which she underwent
Wednesday. Mrs. Click, a na
tive of Scotch-Irish township,
had just passed her 62nd birth
Mrs. Click wus the former
Alma Kluttz, dntigUtor of the
late Luther C. Klultz and Nan
nie Oullvt Kluttz of Rowan
She Is survived by her hus
band, D. R. Clark: three daugh
ters, Mrs. Spcnrs Alexander, Jr.,
of SpnrtanbiU'g, S. C.. Mrs. 0. R.
Mills, Jr., of Alexandria, Vn., and
Mr.i. Jimmy M. Myers of Wood-
Icaf; two brothers, W. MB. Kluttz
and R. K. Kluttz, both of Wood-
Icof. and two sisters, Mrs, A. W.
Watson and Mrs. J. S. Moore, also
of Woodlcaf.
Mrs. Roxanna Bell Tiller, 75.
'died Tuesday at 3 p.m. at the
home of a daughter, Mrs. Harvey
Lee HulTinan of Kannapolis,
with whom sho had boon living
since early January. She had
been In declining health a year,
and III for Ave weeks.
The widow of Christopher C.
Tiller, she had lived In Cooleo-
mco for 43 years, and was a
momhpr of the Coolooinco Moth-
odl.st church.
Funeral services were held at
4 p.m. Wednesday at the Coo-
teemco Methodist church, with
Rev. H. C. Freeman, pastor, In
charge, assisted by Rev. F. J.
Strough of Hickory, a former
pa.stor. Burial* was In the Coo-
Icemoe cemetery.
The fuiTcral was held Saturday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at the
Unity Prc.sbylerlan church, where
Mrs. Click had long been on ac
tive member. Burial wa.s in the
family plot In the church cem
Survivors include five daugh
ters: Mrs. E. B. Gibson of Kan
napolis, Mrs. Clarence Grant of
Mocksvlllo, Mrs. Ralph Hlllard of
MoorcsvlUc, Mrs. George Shaver
of Salisbury, and Mrs. Huffman;
three sons, J. W. Tiller of Mon-
rocvlllo, Ala., T. C. Tiller, of
Lynohburg, Va., and B. C. Tiller
I of Lcaksvlllo: a brother, J. R.
Wilson of Spartanburfl, 8. c.,
and two sisters, Mrs. C, H. Hallcy
and Mrs. Nolle Wilson of Rock
Hill, S. C., 19 grandchl.ldren and
two great-grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/22/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 27,1946
Mrs. C. C, Tiller
Mis. Roxanna Belt Turner* 75>
of O>ole^ee^ widow pf CKristo-
pher C. TUl^, died Tu^dav after
noon in the home of her daughter*
Mrs. Hatlerv j|ee^Hufiinan at
napplis, whom she had been visit
ing.' 'iShe had been in ill health
forftvefyi^M. Tlie funeral was
held Wednesday afternoon in (he
Methodist chuf<dx church at Cdo-
leemee by Revs. H. p* Breetnan*'
afkd F. J. Stough. Burial was in •
Cocleemee cemetery. Mrs. Tiller
had lived at Cooleeinee for 47
years; Herhusband died In April,
She leaves five daughters,!
thm sons, one brother, two sisters*
l^^gtandchildren, and. two
Bio - Obituaries - 2/27/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 1,1946 - Page 1
Eugenia Ferebee Simpson
UtUc Eugenia Foroboc Simp
son, flvo-months-old daughter
of Mr. and.JMriJ5.J^'.Sjmpson
at Melgs, Oa., died Feb. 10, after
a brief Illness. Mrs. Simpson
before her marriage was Miss
Annte Lois Ferebee of MooksvlUei
daughter of Mr. ond Mrs. W. F.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/1/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 6,1946
Noah H. Coliette
Noah H. CoHetti^ 60» died at
his home at Caoa early Sunday
morning, following a long Illness.
Funeral servlcea were held at
Eaton's Baptist' Church Monday
aftmoon at' 3 o'clock with Revi.
Dallas Renegar. E. W. Turner and
J^es Groce offidatinK, and the
body laid to rest In ^ church
Surviving are the uddow, ditee
daugjhtexs, Mrs. Cedl Xeagans,
Mia^.'Coleen and Glenna CoU
lett^ t^ bfodtets, R. W.. and J.
D. ^Uette; four sisters, Mn. D^
ra Harpe, E|W. Harpe, Mrs.
F. G. Davis and Miss Minnie Col*
Bio — Obituaries -3/6/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 8,1946 - Page 1
Taylor Rites
Are Held
Funeral services for Mrs. Nan
nie Morris Taylor, 00, who died
Monday In Qrecnsboro, were
held Wednesday mornbiB at 11
o'clock at the Liberty Methodist
church. Rev. O. W. Fink had
charge of the service and inter
ment was In the church cem
' ^ Mrs. Taylor was the daughter
of the late Pr. and Mrs. Fleet-
wood Morris of Pavle county.
Lewis F. Home, 75, retired
farmer, died unexpectedly last
Monday morning at the home
of his brother, L. J. Home, of
Ho was the uncle of L. Q.
Home and Dr. Stephen F. Home
of Wlnston-Salcm.
Mr. Home was the son of Ste
phen and Mary James Home.
He was a member of Wesley
chapel In Farmington.
A bachelor, he Is survived by
^ho brother and the two
The funer.il was held Wednes-
dny-nftho-hoiue of iho-brothor.-
conductcd by Rev. J. H. Folger.
Interment was In Wesley chapel
Infant Daughter Boles
Funeral services for the In
fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Oils 0. Boles, of Fork, were held
last Saturday at the Fork Bap
tist church with Rev. Wade
Hutchlns In charge. The child
died lost Thursday at the Bap
tist hospital, Wlnston-Salem.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 8,1946 - Page 3
Mrs, William Taylor
Dies at Statesville
Mrs. William Taylor, 84, died
Monday at tho homo of a daugh
ter, Mrs. O. M. Naire of the Elm-
wood community In Statesville.
Funeral was Wednesday at 11
a.m. at Center Methodist church.
Mrs. Taylor, the former Miss
Jane Keller of Davie county. Is
.survived by. one son, Albert Tay-
lor, in addition to Mrs. Hatre.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/8/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 8,1946 - Page 6
H. Collette
Dies Sunday
N. H. Colletto, 60. retired mor-
ohant. died Sunday at 0:45 Q.m.
at his homo at Cana.
Mr. Collette was a son of J. W.
mid MarjTE. IJaincs Collette. He
spent his eullro life In Davio
county and had been a member
of Eaton's Baptist church since
Surviving are the widow, the
former. Miss Tossio Ferobec;
three daughters. Mrs. Cecil Lea-
enns, of Cana, Route 1; Miss
Olcnna Collette of the'home and
Miss Colleen Collette of Warner
Robblns, Oa.: two brothers, R.
W. Collette of Advance. Route
1. and J, D. Collette of Cana.
Route 1, ond four sisters, Miss
Minnie Collette. Mrs. Dora Knrpe
and Mrs. E. W. Harpe, all of
Mocksviile, Route 2, and Mrs. F.
O. Davis of Washington, D. C.
The funeral was held Monday
at 3 p.m. at Eaton's Baptist
church. The body loy In state
nt the church from 2:30 until
S. n Rev: Dallas Renegar,- Rev; E.
W. Turner and Rev. James H.
Qroce officiated. Burial was In
the church cemetery. Pallboares
were Robert Furehes. M. Quy
Collette. Roy W. Collette, Paul
Eaton. Joseph Harpe and Wilson
Bio - Obituaries - 3/8/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 13,1946
! Mrs. William Taylor
. Mx8.-WUliafn Taylor, 84, died
Mauch 4di,« the honie of her
daufhter, Mxa. O. M. Haire, • near
Qmwo^ The funeral was held
Wednesday at li o'clock at Cen
ter MeAodist; Church* Mrt, Tay
lor wM .Ae fbtmer Miss MaryJane Kelier,of l^e County. Sw-,
vMng are her daughter and a
SMrs Nannie Taylor
Mia. ■Naimi» M. Taylor,'
March 4A at Ae Masonic
Bastem Star Home, Greiens^fboro, where she had spent AeIpast'lS yeart; • Mrk-TayM was aInativebeen bom-ta'JeK^em township.
Her first nurtias^ was to a. Mr.Tate, who A'ed inafty yew ago.
She was later xnarr^ to Dr.A-2.T^lor, df Mockaville, who,jpassed away some 20 years ago.jSur^ving are jeveral cousins.
Funeral servlcea held atI Uberty Methodist Autch last
Wednesday inonung at 11 o'clock,'wiARev.G.W; Fink to' chatge,! and Ae body laid to teat In Ae
• rKiitch cemeteiy.
Lewis F. Home
Lewb F. Home, 75, retited far-,mer. Aed suddenly on Monday;morning, March 4A, at Ae home
of hb broAcr, L. J. Hom<^ at
Mr. Home was Ae son of Ste
phen and.Mary J. Home. He was
a member of Wesley Chapel Me-
Aodbt Church. Surviving are hb
broAer and two nephews.
Funeral services were held at
Ae home Wednesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock, wiA Rev. J. H. Fol-
ger to Aame, and Ae body laid
to rest to ramdugton cemetory. . ^
Bio - Obituaries - 3/13/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 15,1946 - Page 1
Miss Binkley
Passes Away
Miss Mary B. Binkley, 77,
Mocksvllle, died Monday morn>
ing at Davis h<»pUal In States-
vllle whore she had'been a pa
tient a week.
Daughter of the late J. W. and
Mary Jane Tcsh Blnklcy, she
was born In this section and
spent most of her life In Davlc
Surviving are one brother, 8.
F. Blnklcy of Mocksvllle; and
two sisters, Mrs. H. W. Arm-
worthy of Thomasvlllc and Mrs.
N. A. Burton of Cleveland.
Funeral was held Tuesday at
3 pjn. at Jericho church near
Mocksvllle, Rev. C. C. Dlllard
officiating. Burial was In the
church graveyard.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 15,1946 - Page 4
Mrs. Sowers
Passes Away
Mrs. Rachel Elisabeth Dlnkens
Bowers, 77, died at her home at
Advance, Route 1, Sunday at
6;0B pjn., after on Illness of
sometime, she had been seri
ously 111 for one week.
Mrs. Bowora waa the widow of
William L. Sowers, who died De
cember 18. 1037.
The daughter of Mills and
Mnry Fortncr Dlnkens, Mr.s,
sowers lived In Wlnston-Salom
for 35 years, and had resided at
her present homo for the past
20 years. She was a member of
LowUvUlc Baptist chui'ch, where
sho attended until her. health
Survivors Include two .sons, T.
B. Sowers of Wlnston-Salcm and
W. F. Sowers, of liCwlsvUlo,
route 1; one daughter, Mrs, S. 8.
Blakely of Advance, Route 1:
nine grandchildren; five treaty
grandchildren, and a number of
nieces and nephews. ^
Services wor6 held Tuesday at
2 p.m. at the home and at Mac
edonia Moravian church at 2:301
p.m. I
Rev. J. G. Brunor, Rev. O. E.
Brewer and Rov. J. H. Htitchins'
were In charge. Interment was
in the church graveyard • ;
Bio — Obituaries - 3/15/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 20,1946
Mist Mary Biukley
I Ml83 ifary E. Btnlder. 77. died
^onday at Davis Hospital. States-
where she had been a patient
Daughter of the late-J. W. and
Maty Jane Tesh Bhikley, she was
bom and spent most of her life in
Davle County. .
Surviviog are one brother, S. F.
Binkley of Mocksvill^ and two
sisters, Mrs. H« W. Annfworthy
of ThomasvUle, and N.. A.
Burton of Cleveland.
Funeral was Tuesday at 3 p. m.,
atjfericho Oiuxcli ncsir MocksvUle,
Rev. C. C Dillaxd odSidating. Bu'
rial was In the dbuxdh graveyard.
Bio — Obituaries — 3/20/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVTLLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 22,1946 — Page 6
'Albert M. Foster, 83, resident
of Fork Church community, died
enrly fiundny morning after n
long Illness,
Born in Davle county Nov. 20,
1802, Mr. Foster wns a son of
Richard and Sarah Foster. He
WAS married In 1888 to the late
Mrs. Julia Elizabeth Elchcrson
Foster. During his lifetime, ho
was a farmer and merchant.
Surviving are five sons. J. H.
Foster, Wlnston-Snlem, route 2;
J. A. Foster, Suffolk. Va.; O. F.
Foster. Roanoke, Vn.; S. O. Fos
ter, Athens, Ohio, and R. P. Fos
ter, route 1, Advance, one step
son, K. L. Jones, Atlunln, Ga.;
three daughters, Mrs. J. 0.
Sheets,, Roanoke, Va.: Mrs. Ethel
Mason, Advance, route 1, and
Mrs. Alma Davis, Mount Airy: 3
grandchildren and eight great
grandchildren, and one brother,
R. G. Foster, Midway.
. Funeral was held Tuesday at
the Fork Baptist Church ot 11
a. m.. Rev. Wnde Hutchens and
Rev. E. W. Turner officiated.
Burial W03 In the church ceme
Bio - Obituaries - 3/22/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 27, 1946
A. Milfoo Fostei^
Funeiti'servkes for Albert MO*
!toa Foster, 83,weU4mowa retired
j Fork merchant, who died at his
home on March 17th, were hdd
I at the residence l^t Tuesday
morning at 10:30 o'clock, and at
Fork Baptist drutch at 11 o'clock
with Revs. E. W. Turner and
Wade Hutchina in chaxge. and
ch^body laid to rest in dhe church
"^Surviving are five sons, J. H.
Foster, Winstcn-Sdem, Route 2;
J, A. Foster, Suffo^, Va.; G. F.
Foster, Roanoke, Va., S. G. Foster,
Athens, Ohio, and R.. P. Foster,
Advance, R. I, one stepson K. L.
Jones, Adanta, Ga., tli^ daitf^*
ters, Mrs. J..G. Sheets, Roanoke,
Va., Va., Mrs. Edid Mason, Ad
vance, Route 1, and Mrs.' Alma
Davis, Mount Airy; and one
brother, R. G. Foster, Midi^.
Mrs. Sallie Graves
His. Sallie Graves. 7B. widow of John F.
Graves, died Wedoesday ai ber boiDe near
Moci^vUle foUowiog several mopiha* ill-
nees of heart trouble.
A native of Davie Coaotr, Urs. Graves
was a daugb'er of ibe fate Bb. and Hra.
D. U WlUiams Her busbaod died lea
years ago.
Survivors lodode five children. L. U.
Graves, Mocksville; G. 0. Graves and
Hugb'Graves. R. 4; J. K. Graves of Greens-
boro; R. H. Graves, cf Keraersville: two
farathera. J L« Willloms of Rowan County
Bod Jake WiilioiDs of Wioston Saleto- and
three sieien. Mrs. M. D. Manln sod Mrs,
Mabde Davis of Davie Coooty and Urs.
Delia Foster of YadkinviJIe.
Funeral was held Friday at 2:90 p. tn..
from Fork Baptist Church. Burial was in
the cbarcb cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/27/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 29,1946 - Page 1
Retired Merchant,
0. L. Casey, Dies
O. L. Casey, 72, retired mer
chant, died at 7:55 p.m. Monday
nlgtit at his home In MocksvHle.
He hod been seriously 111 three
weeks and In declining health
rive years.
A life-long resident of Davio
county, he came to Mocksvlllo
in 1915. His parents were E. T.
and Camilla Coon Casey of Da-
vlc county.
Surviving arc the wife, the
former Miss Stella Lacklc; two
sons, Dewey W. Oasoy of Wash
ington, D. C., and O. L. Casey,
Jr., of Hamptonvlllc, S. C.; two
daughters. Mrs. A. R. Hollett of
Springfield, Ohio, and Miss Ma
rie Casey of the home, and one
sister. Miss Moillc Casey, of St.
Petersburg. Pia.
Funeral services were held
Wednesday at 3 p. m. at the Ccn.
tcr Methodist, church by Rev. J.
B. Pritchard, Rev. O. W. Fink
and Rev, E. W, Turner. Inter
ment was in the church cem
Bio - Obituaries - 3/29/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 29,1946 — Page 6
Mrs, Sallie Graves
Passes Thursday
Mrs. Sallie Elizabeth Graves,
78, widow of John F. Graves,
died Thursday at her homo near
MocksvUIe following several
months' illness of heart trouble.
A native of Davlc county, Mrs.
Graves was n daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Wll^
llnms. Her husband died ten
years ago. She was a life-long
member of Turrentlne Baptist
Survivors Include five chil
dren, R. F. and H. D. Graves of
Route 4, Mooksvlllc; J. K. Graves
of Greensboro; R. M. Graves of
Kcrnersvllle; two brothers, J, L.
Williams of Rowan county and
Jake Williams of Wlnston-Sa-
1cmI and three sisters, Mrs. M.
B. Martin and Mrs. Maude Davis
of Davle county and Mrs. Delia
Foster of Yadklnvlllc.
Funeral was held Friday at
2:30 p. m. from Fork Baptist
church. Burial was In the
church cemetery. Rev. E. W.
Turner and Rev. Wade Hutch-
ens had charge of the service.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/29/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 3,1946
Mrs. Mnllie Renegar
Mrs. MolHe Renegar, 79, died,
at her home near Ehtrmony last
Tuesday. Mrs. Renegar is the
mother of Mrs* A. H. Cozart of
Funeral services were held at
Sandy Springs Baptist Chun^
Thursday iaftemoon, with Rev.'
M. F, Reavis in charge. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
Surviving are five dau^ters,
two brodiers and nvo sisters.
Oscar L Casey
O. L. Casey, 73, retired metch'
ant, died March 25th; at his home
here. He had been seriously ill
three weeks and in declining
heal^ five years. —
A life-long resident of Davie
Coimty, he came to MocksvUle in
1915. His parents were E. T. and
Camilla Coon Casey of Davie
Surviving are the wife, the for
met Miss Stella Lackie;
sons, Dcwcy W. Casey, of Wash
ington, D. C, and O. L. Casey,
Jr., of Hampton, S..C,, two daugh
ters, Mrs, A. R, HooUett of
Springfield, Ohio, and Miss Marie
C^ey of the home, and one sister,
Miss MoUie Casey of St. Peters
burg, Florida.
Funeral services were held
Wednesday at 3 p. m., at Centn
Methodist Churd^ with interment
following in the church cemetery.
Dr. J. E. Pritchard, Revs. G, W.
Fink and E. W. Turner officiated.
j Holloway Harris
I Funeral was held Wednesday at
11 a. m*, at Union Chapel Melo
dist Church near Mocksville for
HoUoway Harris, 56, who died
Monday, at his home^ Hampton-
viUe, Route I. Rev. James H.
Gtoce was in charge. Burial fol
lowed in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/3/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 10,1946
R. H. Conialzer.
J* •
Funtral 39ivice&>fi;r Roflfeoo H** Gotnat*
zet were faeld at Stiady' Gfove 'Metl^odlftl
Chuicb Snnday afteirooon at S o'ctocl^
witbRev& J IL Trolinjger, P. L^ Smiiti
and Reid Wail officlatloi. Btttial was to
Mr Coraaizer was. bora in pdvia Gooo-
cy Jane 21, 1209. but bad be^ Jlviag fo
WinatOQ*$alem sia yean. . He died Satur
day morning. He entered the army in
December. 1942. and served dveraeas ^
iDontbSa feceiviag bis disobaige iaattlctO'
Oer Surviving are bis wile, bia .maiber,
two brutbets and ivm siscm
Mattie Griffin McMath
Mother of Locol Woman
. Passes ip Indiana
Mrs. >^tti6 Griffin Md^th^ 77,
who. fotmetlv taught school, in
Hamilton County, Ind., passed
way In her home at Indianapoiis,
on March 25di.
Mrs. McMath, a native of Ham
ilton County, lived in Indianapo
lis 48 years, and bad been a mem
ber of Centenary Christian Church
since 1913, serving as Superinten
dent of ^e daily vacation Bible
school there for several years. A
graduate of the Indianapolis Bible
Institute, she taught Sundav school
from die age of 16, and later
taught teacher and leadership trai-
I Rev. Jacob Griffin, nephew of
. Mrs. l^Math, conducted the fun
! eral service in the home on Mar.
j27di, Interment was In Crown
I View cemetery, Sheridan, Ind.
I Survivors are the husband, Jas.
A, hfcMath, a mail canier for 35
years; two daughters, Mrs. Mstry
Lois IBssic, of Cana, N. C, and
Mis. Miriam K. Ayers, of Indian
apolis; eight grandchildren and
two great<grandchildren.
\ Mti and Mrs. Essie went to In-
dianepoUs for the funeral and
burial of her mother. Mr. and
Mrs. McMath visited on numer
ous occasions in North Carolina,
makihg a hok of friends here.
Mrs. J. N. Click
Mrs. J. N. Clidc, 67, of near
County Lino, died Friday at die
home of her daughter, Mrs. W. B.
Cos^ in Hi|^ Point, where ^e
was visitii^ >
Mrs. CH& was die former Miss
Sophie BdDl Jones, of Calahaln
township. Survivingate her hus
band and diiee diildten; M» D.
Click, Concord; Mis. W. B.
Cos, of High Pointy and Mrs. Ma
bel GiifBdi, of County Lin^ four
btothers and two- sisters.
Funeral services were hdd at 3
p. ni„ Sunday ftom Salem Mdho-
dist Church, widi Rev. G. W.
Fink officiating, and the body laid
to rest in die diuxch cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 12,1946, Page 2
Cornatzcr Rites
Are Held Sunday
Funeral services were held last
Sunday at Shady Grove Meth
odist church for Roscoc Hum
phrey Cornatzcr,-30, a native of
Oavle county, who moved to
Wknston-Salcm six years ago,
lie died Saturday morning at a
Wlnston-Salom hospital. Inter
ment was In tho church cem
Son of Bob and Jessie McCul-
loch Cornatzer, he is survived
by his wife, by his mother, who
lives at Cornatzer, by two broth
ers, Vlrtlo of Coolcemce ond
Lawrence of Cornatzcr, by two
sisters, Mrs. John Bcok and Mrs.
Frank Talbert of Wlnston-Sa-
Mr. Cornatzcr operated u gro
cery store In Wlnston-Salom un
til he entered the army Decem
ber 10, lO'ia. He served overseas
two years and four months and
received his discharge October
26, 194S.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 12,1946, Page 8
Q. M. Goodman, 79,
Dies At Cooleemee
Q. M. Goodman, 7D, died at 4
pjn. at his home In Cooleemee
Bon of George W. and Aman
da Arthus Goodman. Mr. Good
man came to Cooleemee 34 years
ago. Ho was connected with Er-
wln mills for 18 years. He wos a
life-long member of Knox Chap
el Methodist church and a mem
ber of Stotesvllle Council of the
Junior Order of United Ameri
can Mechanics.
Ho was twice married, first to
Cordelia Murdock ond later to
Miss Cordie Moore, who survives.
Also surviving are seven daugh
ters, Mrs. P. T. Harris, Greens
boro; Mrs. W. P. Roscman of
Kannapolls; Mrs. Frank Lyons
of Blloxl, Miss.; Mrs. B. F, Jor-
don. Mrs. C. B. Voglcr and Mrs.
C. C. Campbell, oil of Coolee
mee; and Mrs. Felix Beadmon of
Alexandria, Va.; one son. G. G.
Goodman of Cooleemee; 31
grandohlldren; and 16 grcat-
Funeral was at Amity Hill Lu
theran church In Ircdcll County
Wednesday afternoon at 2:30
p.m. Interment was in the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/12/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 17,1946
William Hcnrv' Lee,. 80, wdl-
known Davie Conn^. ^iesidenti
died ar9s30 a; Hmndajr at
hb lictfe, Advance, Route 1; -
A nitcive of Davie Coontf, Mr*
Lee was a retired inerdiant and
fymix* Hediedatdiehoin^lace
whete he waa bovn* He. waa lif^
long meiqber d Macedonia Mo
ravian Chiudu -
Sutviviog atO tiie widow, jtiitee
daiisdttei8> diree sons, and 12
The funeii^ was held at
donla Moravian Chtuch Rdda^ at n
3:30 & m. Revs, 6. R. Bfewer,!
J. GL offidated. Burial wtt r
In rite diutdh gcaweyacd*'
Q. M. GoiKliiiaii >
Q. M. Oopdman, 79, died athia,
home in Coojeemeeon April 8t^
Mr* Ooodman cometoCooleemee
34 years ago from Iredeli county.
Surviving are hb widpw, one scm
iand seven daughters* \ ^
Funeial services were ..held at.
Andty Hiil Luthetan Churdk^edr
.ncs^ aftemopiiy 'conduct^ 1^/
ReviuH*C»-Freeman and O. L.
Royster. Ife was- .A memba of
Koojc duapd Mdihodisr diutdi.'. -j
Bio - Obituaries — 4/17/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 19,1946, Page 1
E. M. Harris
Dies Monday
Ellis M. Harris. 37, of Mocks-
vlllc, Route 2, (lied at a Salis
bury hospital Monday of Inju
ries received early Sunday when
his car overturned on the
Mocksvllle-Yndklnvllle highway.
Mr. Harris was driving alone
when ho lost control of the car
near Dutchman's Crcok. Ho wos
takon to tho Salisbury hospital.
Born In Yadkln county July 7,
198, he was a son of W. Connie
aftd^Mmnid-Kiifg -Harriff; ire
spent his entire llfo in the some
community. He entered the
army Aprl 1942, and served
three years overseas. He was
discharged October 6, 1945,
Mr. Harris was married to Mrs.
Esther Booe January 4, 1946. He
was a member of Bethel Baptist
Surviving are the widow; his
parents four step-children,
Mary Sue, Joan, Shelby Jean and
Eugene Booe, all of Mocksville,
Route 2; George Harris of Elkin,
and Howard Harris of Yadkln-
ville, Route 2; and one sister,
Mrs. Ruby Rcavls of Winston-
The funeral was at 3 p. m.
Wednesday at Sandy Springs
Baptist church. Rev. Tommy
LufTman and Rev. David Day of
ficiated. Burial was In the
church cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 19,1946, Page 2
W. H. Lee, 80.
Merchant, Dies
William Henry Lee, 80, well-
known Dnvle county resident,
died at,9:30 a.m. Thursday at
his home, Advance, Route 1.
A native of Davlc county, Mr.
Lee was a rcllrcd merchant and
fanner. He died at the home-
place, where ho was bom. He
was a llfc-Iong member of the
Macedonia Moravian rhurch.
Surviving are tho widow, tho
former Miss Mlltle Smith; three
daughters, Mrs. Charlotte Greg
ory, of Wlnston-Salem; Mrs.
Blanch GrIfTIn, of King, and
Mrs. Patslc Moore, of Wlnston-
Salcm; three sons, Fred W. Lee,
of Danville, Vu.; Robert S. Lee
and Fletcher Lee, of Advance,
Route 1, and 12 grandchildren.
The funeral was held at Mac
edonia Moravian church Friday
at 3:30 pjn. Rev. Q. E. Brewer
and Rev, .T. G. Bruncr olTlclatcd
Burial was In the church grave
Bio - Obituaries — 4/19/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 24,1946
Mrs. Ida G. Nail
Mrs. Ida G. Nail, 95,' one of
Davie County*b oldest and best
known women, died at dae home
of Ker daughter, Mrs. Marvin Wat
ers, on North Main street Sunday
mommg at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Nail
had been blind for several years.
She was bom in Mocksville wd
spent her entire life here.
Funeral services were held at
the home Monday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock, with Dr. T. E. PritcK-
ard in charge, assisted by Revs.
Wm. Howard and Marvin Well-
man, and the body laid to rest in
Rose cemetery.
Surviving arc lour daughters,
Mrs. Marvin. Waters, Mrs. Wil
liam Howard, Mrs. Margaret Call
and Mrs. Ivy Nail, all of this city,
and one son, A. M. Nail, of Hick
ory, 17 grandchildren and 22 great
Mrs. Nail has been a member-
of the Methodist church since
early in' life, and was a member of
the local Chapter of the Eastern
Star, which - had chtuge of the
Mrs. Nail will be sa^y mbsed
by her many friends here, whi^
she spent a long, useful life.
i Mrr. Alkn R. Strong
Funeral for Mrs. Allen Reavis
Stroud, 82, who died Wednesday
night at the home of a daughter
near Advance, was held at 3 p.'ni.,
Saturday at Satiday Springs Bap
tist Church. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Mrs. Stroud was the daughter
of John and Eliza Pazker.Reavis of
Iredell County.
Surviving are a alster; two
daughters and two sons.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/24/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 26,1946, Page 1
Mrs. Ida Rose Nail, 93, one of
the oldest and beat known wom
en In MocksviUe, died at 6 a'jn.
last Sunday at the home of a
daughter, Mrs. M. Waters, of
Mrs. Mall was a daughter of
Samuel R. and Mary Manes Rose.
She spent most of her life In
MoeksvUlc. She was the widow
of Abe M. Nail.
Surviving are four daughters,
Mrs. M. Waters, Mrs. W. M.How
ard, Miss Ivey Nail and Mrs.
Margaret Call, all of Mocksvllle;
one son, A, M. Nail of Hickory;
17 grandchildren and 22 great
The funeral was held at the
Waters home Monday afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. 3. t.
Prltehnrd, Rev. W. M. Howard,
Jr.. and Rev. H. M. Wellman of
ficiated Burial was In the fam
ily plot In Rose cemetery.
Active pallbearers wore Sam
Waters, Allison Howard, Abe
Howard, Paul Hoekcttc, Prank;
Sain, Jr„ and John McKnIght.
Honorary pallbearers were J. C.
Dwlgglns. Dr. R. P. Anderson, Z.
N. Anderson, G. E. Hunt, p. o.
Brown, J. L. Kurfecs, T. 1. Cau-
dell, W. h. Moore and J. L. Kim-
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 26,1946, Page 6
Stroud Funeral
Held Saturdoy
Funeral for Mrs. Allen Rcavis
Stroud, 112, who died last Wed
nesday night nt the home of a
daughter near Advance, was:
held Saturday at Sandy Springs
Baptist church, Ircdcll county.
Burial was in the church cem
Mrs. Stroud was the daugh
ter of John nnd Gib.n Parker
Rcavis of Ircdcll county.
Surviving are a sister, Mrs.
Ida Smith of Houstonvlllc; two
daughters, Mrs. Spencer Wil
liams of near Advance nnd Mrs.
Will Qalton of Noblcvillc. Ind.;
two sons, Lattlc and Walter Irc-^
land of Tipton, Ind. I
Bio - Obituaries -4/26/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 3,1946, Page 1
Charles S. Eaton
Dies III Hospital
Charles S. Eaton, 64, of route'
2, died Tuesday morning at
Davis hospital StalesvUlo, where
(he }iad been a patient for the
past month. He wa.s the son of
Alex W. Eaton and Evclhie Ea
ton. He married Miss Annie
Orccn who preceded him in
Survivors include two sons, W.
O. of Dallas, Texas, and John
0. of Mocksvllle, route 2; one
hrother, James W. Eaton of route
2; two sisters, Mrs. T. A. Black-
welder and Mrs. J. T. Sink of
Toule 2; one uncle, D. R. Eaton
of route 2 and several neices and
Funeral services were held at
Eaton's Baptist church, follow
ing a brief service at the homo,
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock
conducted by Rev. Dallas Rene-
gar. Intermcurt was In the curcli
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 3,1946, Page 7
Julia Ann Gaither
Mrs. Julia Ann Galthor, one
of the best known colored wom
en In Davlc county, died at 6
a.m. Friday morning at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. B.
T. Williams. The deceased spent
most of her life In Mocksvllle,
and was the widow of Hodge A*
Galthor. Surviving ore 5 sons,
JC.SSC Lcc Galthor' of New York,
Marshall Gallhcr of Black
Mountain, Prank Galthor of the
U. 8. Army, Thomas and Charloa
Oalthcr of Mocksvlllo; one
daughter, Mrs. B. T. Williams of
Mocksvllle, and 13 grandchil
dren. Funeral was held Monday
at the A.M.E. Zlon church at 2
p.m. Rev. S. T. cooke and Rov.
R A. Masscy officiated Burial
was in tho fanrlly plot of the
churcli ccmotcry.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/3/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 8,1946
Marvin Davis
Marvin Davis, 53, son of the late
Mr. ahd Mrs. Cicero' Davis, of
Jerusalem township, who moved
to Salisbury many years ago, died
at Charlooe Memorial Hospital
Thursday morning, following an
illness of several months. -
Mr. Davis is survived hy hb
widow, one broither, J. H. Davis,
of It 4; two sisters, Mrs. Luke
Graves, of this city, and Mrs. J.
C. Earger, Salisbury, R. 1.
Funeral and burial services took
place at Salisbuty Saturday after*
noon at 4 o'clock.
Charles S. Eaton
Chas. S. Eaton; 64, welldcnown
farmer of the Cana section, died
in a StatesvUlc hospital early last
Tuesday morning, where he had
been raking treatment. His dea^
brought sadness to a, host of
fncnds throughout this secdon,
wh^re he spent a long and useful
) Funeral services were held at
Eaton's Baptist Church Wednes*
day afternoon at 3 o'clock, with
ijiis pastor, Rev. Dallas Rcnegar in
< charge, assisted by Revs. & W.
I Turner and Wade Hutchcns. The
body was laid to rest in the church
' Mr Eaton was a son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Eaton, ofCana.'
Surviving are two sons, William^
Eaton, ot Dallas, Texas and John
> Charles Eaton, of the home; one
I brother Jame ^con of Cana: two
I sisters Mrs. Joe Sink and Mrs. T.
I A. Blackwelder, of near Cana, and.
an uncle, Rkhaid Eaton, of it 2»
Bio - Obituaries — 5/8/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 10,1946, Page 1
W. Marvin Davis
Mrs. L. M. Graves •
Loses Brother
Piineral services were held
last Saliirday in Salisbury at
Cobern Memorial Methodist
church for W. Marvin Davis, 83.
who died on Thursday In a
Charlotte hospUal. Burial was in
the Chestnut Hill oemotory.^
Mr. Davis, -tlie brother of Mrs.
L. M. Graves of Mocksvlltc and
J. H. Graves of route 4, was born
in Davle county, •the son of Clc-
oro Davis and Mrs. Samantha
Hodges Davis. Ho was an en-
glncor of the Soulhorn railway
for 30 years.
In nddltlpn Mrs. Graves and
Mr. Davis of Davie county he
leaves his widow, the fotvner
Miss Huth Ramsay, another sis
ter, Mrs. James Barger of route
S, Salisbury, and a half-sister,
Mrs. Ollie Davis, of Salisbury.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 10,1946, Page 3
MRS. ORREll, 68,
Mrs. Leila Mac Orrell, 68, of
Advance, died at her home last
Sunday after a decline In health
for the past five years and a
serious Illness of two weeks.
Mrs .Orrcll was bom May 30,
1871, daughter of the late John
and Sarah King Barnoycastlc.
She was married In 1000 to J.
G. Orrcll, who survives.
Also surviving are one son,
John Frank Orrcll of Advance:
two daughters, Mrs. Delia Essex
of Advance and Miss Anna Mac
Orrcll of Washington. D. C., and
nvc grandchildren.
A short 'service was held at
the home Tuesday followed by
another service a tthc Advance
Methodist church, of which she
wos a member, at 3 p.m. Rev.
J. H. Trollngcr and Rev. F. E.
How.ard officiated. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
i^llbearers wore c". R. Vogler,
Bio — Obituaries — 5/10/1946
C. M. Marland, Sam Talbert, W.
J. Bailey, Jack Vogler and L. P.
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 15,1946
J. B. Douthit
J. B, Douchit, 62, a brother of j
Mis. E. H. Morris, of this dty,
died at Charlotte on 'May 6th,
following an iliness of some time.
Pun^nl services were held last
Tue^ay afternoon at Fraternity
Church, near Cleminons, and dte
body laid n> rest in die church
cemetery* Mr. Douthit was a son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Douthit, of near^Qemmons, and
and had many friends in Davie
who were saddeodi by his deadu
Joe C. White
Joe C. White, 72, died, Friday
morning at 1:15 at his home near
Uj^es X Roads. Funeral was held
^Saturday afternoon. A short ser
vice was held at the home at 2:30
n and at 3 at Ijames X Roads Bap-
I cist Church, conducted by his pasr-
^ or Rev. Wade Hutchens, assisted
by Rev. Dcwey Annstrong, pf
Winston-Salem. Interment fbl-
lowed in the church cemeterv.
1 He Is survived by his widow,
four sons, W. C, Fletcher and
I Aaron White, of Winston-Salem,
and John White of the home,
seven daughters, Mrs. Duke Tut- ,
tcrow. of R. 4, Miss Annie Bell i
White, of Wixiscon-Salcm, Mrs. I
Felix Gobble and Mrs. O. L. Gob- '
bic, ofR. 1, Mrs. tewie Ijames,
and Mbses Racliel and Vemel {
i White at home. One sister Mrs. :
Frank Tutterow, R. 2, and twenty- <
'one grandchildreo.
\ Mr. White spent his entire life '
in Davie county. His deadi has! brought sadness to a host of
friends duoughout diis sectiom j
A good man has gone to his re*
ward* i
Bio - Obituaries - 5/15/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 17,1946, Page 1
Thomas A. Hartman
Passed Tuesday
Funeral services were con
ducted Thursday at 2 p.m. ior
Thomas A. Hartman, 74, at the
Advance baptist church by Rev.
Mr. Berkley and Rev. James H.
Trolinccr. Intement <was In
the church cemetery.
Mr. Hartman died at his home
on Advance, R. 1, Tuesday
morntng. Ho was the son of
Enoch and Nancy Beauohamp
Hartman. He Is survived by his
widow, the former Efllc Behe-
Jer; one daughter, Mrs. Preston
W. Spencer of Mt. Airy; one
step-daughter, Mrs, Charlie
Oatewood of Wlnston-Salem:
one step'son. Rev. O. M. Hart
man of Wlnston-Salem: one
adopted son, J. L. Beheler of
route 1, Advance; and one
Bio - Obituaries — 5/17/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 22,1946
T. A. Hartman
TKqmas A. Hartman, 74, died
Tuesday morning at his home,
Advance, Route h
He b survived by hb widow,
die former Behlen one
daughter, one stepdaughter, one
stepson, and one adopted son.
The nmerat was held at 2 p. m..
Thursday at Advance Baptist
Church. Revs. W. C. Baikley and
James H. TroHinger were In charge.
Interment was in the church
William Gaston Allen
William Gascon Alteo. S8. retired I>av}e
Caaotry farmer died at 10:30 a. m • Fri
day at the hotiie of a daughter. Mrs. If. H.
Sofley, at HuntsfUle, Yadkio County.'
Mr. Allen was a lifelong resident of the
Redland communUy of Davie County and
a member of the Mo^kaville Junior Order
Council. He has made his home with bis
laughter lor the past fi ve yeare.
Surviving are four dangbtera. Mrs. W,
B. Allen of Moeksvllle, Route 3: Mrs. G L.
Craven of Mockevllle: Mrs. H. H. Sofley of
Uana R. I; and Mrs. Frank G. *Bodie of
State Center. Iowa; three sons W. Al
teo of Advanco, Route 1: and one brother.
(X k. Alien of HocksvUle. Route 2.
Funeral services were faetd at Betblo-
hem Methodist Church Mondey 'aftefDoon
at 2 o'clock, with Revs. J. S. Folg^r. J. W.
Vestal and H. C Freeman officiating, and
the body laid to rest In the cburcb ceme«
eery. A good man has been called to bla
Bio - Obituaries - 5/22/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 24,1946, Page 1
Mrs. Janie Galther Woodruff,
&3, widow of the late Sanford
A. Woodruff, passed away Tues
day, May 21, at the Baptist hos
pital, Winston-Salem. She was
the daughter of Ephraim Gal
ther and Sarah Halt Johnston
Onither, of Mocksvillc, and came
of a very prominent family. Mrs.
Woodruff was one of Mocks-
villc's most beloved ladies, and
was the oldest member of
Mocksvllio Presbyterian church,
and the last charter member of
the Woman's Auxiliary. Her
husband, Sanford A. Woodruff,
died on July 28, 1928.
Surviving ore two sons, Ohas.
0. Woodruff of Mocksville, and
Hall Woodruff of Gadsden, Ala.,
eight grandchildren and eight
great-grandehiidren, and sev
eral nieces and nephews.
Mrs. Woodruff broke her hip
several years ago, and had been
an invalid since then.
The funeral was conducted at
the Presbyterian church here on
Wednesday morning at 11
o'clock, by the pastor, Dr. Rob
ert King, assisted by Rev. H. C.
Sprinkle, interment was in
Rose cemetery. Members of
the Woman's Auxiliary carried
the flowers. Pallbearers were:
Rufus B. Sanford, Jr., Henry
Kelly, Knox Johnstonc, Tom
Bailey Woodruff, Sanford Wood
ruff, Charles Woodruff, J. L.
Dwiggins, Galther Sanford,
John LeGrand and R. D. Cher-
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 24,1946, Page 2
Mrs. Etta Clodfelter,
Davic Native, Dies
Mis.={ Etta Clod feller, 77, died
Sunday at a Salisbury hospital,
wiicre she had been a iKiticnl
for a week.
A native of Davlc county.
Miss Cioclfcltcr lt.id spent most
of her life in St. Petersburg,
Fla. She \v.is visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Thomas O. Lakcy,
Mocksville, Route 2, when she
fell and rrnctuicd a lUp. She
was -the daughter of Lewis and
Elizabeth Summers Ciodfelicr.
Surviving are one sister, Mrs.
TIaomas 0. Lakcy and two
brothers. John L. Ciudfcltcr of
Richmond, Va., and J. P. CloU-
feiter of Kno.xvllie, Tcnn.
The funeral was hold at 2:09
p.m. Tuesday at Eaton's Baptist
church. Rev. Dallas Rcncgar
officiated. Burial u'os in the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/24/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 24,1946, Page 3
W. G. Allen
Dies at 85
WilHam Onston AUcn, B5, re
tired Davlc county farmer, died
ni 10:30 n.m. Friday at the
home of a daughter, Mrs. H. H.
Soflcy, at HunlsvlUc, Yadkln
Mr. Allen wa.s a -lifelong res
ident of the Rodland commun
ity of Davlc county and a mem
ber of 'the Mocksvillo Junior
Order coimcll. He- had made
his home with his daughter for
the past five years.*
Surviving are four daughter.^,
Mrs. W. B. Allen of Moctcsvlllc,
Route 3; Mrs. O. L. Cnwen of
Mocksvllle: Mrs. H. H Soflcy,
of Oaun, Route 1; and Mrs.
Frank E. Bodlo of Stale Center,
lown: .t-hroo sons, W. W. Allen
of Salisbury; Floyd Allen of
Marslialltown, Iowa, and M. K.
Allen of Advance, Route l; 40
grandchildren: 40 great-grand
children and one brother, O. R.
Allen, of Mocksvllle, Route 2.
Funeral services were held
Monday at 2 p.m. at Bethlehem
T^onfCdlsniamirarWItK* Rev.'^:
0. Fclgcv, Rev. H. 0. Frecmon
and Rev. J. W. Vestal In charge.
Interment was In the church
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 24,1946, Page 4
E, A. Myers, 59,
Dies at Advance
Eugene Abner Myers. 50, Ad
vance, native of Norfolk, died
lost Wednesday at the home of
his father. Advance, Route 1.
Although seriously 111 but three
days, he had been In declining
health for two years.
Ho was born March 8, 1887, In
Davlc county near Advance, the
son of U. H. and Hattle Helton
Myers. He spent his early life
In that community, -moving to
Roanoko, Va., In 1009 and later
to Norfolk, where he carried on
his work as a carpenter. He was
a World War X veteran.
Surviving are the father and
stepmother: a sister, Mrs. Eliz
abeth Parke of Norfolk, Va.:
seven brothers, Harrison, E. L.,
and Noah Myers of Norfolk,
Va.; T. Stacy Myers of North
Beach, Md., Charles and George
Myers of Advonce and Lonnie
Myers of Wlnston-Salem.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/24/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 29,1946
Mrs. T. C. GrfiHTlb
Mn.T. C. Gofortfi, 63, died
May 19th at her Kome, Mocks'
ville. Route 1, after an illness of
15 yenn.
The funeral was held at U a. m
Wednesday at New Union Metho*
dlst tliurch. Rev. Mr. Idflin and
Rev. Carey Bulla officiated. Burial
was in the church graveyard.
Surviving axe the husband; seven
children, Mrs. Nora Salmons of
of MocksviUe, Route 1; Mrs. Sallie
Penninger and George Gofordi of
Morrison, Tenn.; Miss Jessie
Swearinger of Concord; Miss Lo*
tena Gofotth of Baltimore, Md.,
and Clyde Goforth of Statcsville
and four sisters.
Miss Etta Clodfelter
Miss Etta Clodfelter, 77, died
May 7ch at a Salisbury hospital
where she had been a pationt for
a week*
A native of DaVie County, Miss
Clodfelter had spent most of her
life in Sc. Petersburg, Fla. She was
visltingher sister, Mrs. Thomas
G. Lakey, Mocksville, R. 2, when
when she fell and fractured a hip.
She was a daughter of Lewis and
Elizabeth Summers Clodfelter.
Surviving are one sister, Mrs.
,Thomas G. Lakey and two broth'
ers, John L. Clt^fclter of Rich'
mond, Va., and J. F. CIpdfelter of
Knosville, Tenn.
The funeral was held at 2 p. m.
Tuesday at Eaton^s Baptist Church
Rev. Dallas Renegar officiated.
Burial was in the church ceme
Mrs. JanU G. Woodruff
Mrs. Janie Gaither Woodruff,
93, one of Mocksville's oldest re
sidents, died in a Winston-Salem
hospital early last Thursday
morning, following a long illness.
Funeral services were held at
the Presbyterian church Wednes
day morning at 11 o'clock, con
ducted by her pastor, Dr. Robert
King, and the body laid to rest in
:Rose cemetery.
' Surviving are two sons, C. G.
Woodrufh Mocksville, and E, H.
Woodruff, Gadsden, Ala., eight
^and children and eight great
Attend Foote Funaral
S. C Sconestreet and daughter,
Mrs. Joe Spry, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Collette and daughter Janle, and
M. B. Stoncstreet went to Crewe,
Va., Thursday to attend die fWi-
eral of Paul Foote, 40, who ^cd
in that dty on Monday. Funeral
services were held Thursday after
noon at the First Methodist
church. Mr. Foote was a native
of Cana, but had been living in
Virginia for many years. Surviv
ing are his widow, two sons and
one daught^ his father, five
brothers and one sister.
Bio — Obituaries — 5/29/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 31,1946, Page 2
Mrs. T. C. Goforth
Passes At Home
Mrs. Eulala Salos Ooforth, 01,
died at her home on Mocksvlllc,
route 1, last Svtnday afternoon
at 3:30 p. m.
Mrs. Goforth was the daughter
of the lato James and Martha
Henderson - Sales of Willis
Surviving are her husband, T.
c. Goforth; four daughters. Mrs.,
R. C. Salmons, Mrs. W. B. Penn-
Inger of Mocksvllle, Mrs. J. P.
Swcarlngen of Concord and Miss
Lcuna Goforth of Baltimore, Md.
Throe sons, fiuford of Morrison,
Tcnn; Clayde of Statesvlllc; and
George of Mocksvlllc and nine
grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs.
Vance Brawer of Roaring River,
Mrs. D. C. Johnson of Erwin,
Teim., Mrs. Dalton Byrd of Beck-
ley. W. Va., and Mrs. T. V. Belle
of Greensboro
The funeral was held last Wed.
noscday at 11 o'clock at New
Union Methodist church by Rev.
Carey Bu'lla and Rev. Foster lx)f-
Un. Interment was in the church
Pallbearers were Clyde Good*
In, Noah IJamcs, Bud Jordan.
T. R. Richardson, Paul Proctor,
and Norrls Fclmster. Flower
girls were Misses Earblc, Clco,
Virginia, and Colccn Johnson,
Edith Grey ond Dorothy Sal
mons, Luclle Williams, Eloise
Wooten. Belle and Louise Smith.
Lola Jenn Proctor. Mrs. H. R.
Helms, Lena Proctor. Aline
Felmstcr, Arlsona Hayes. Vir
ginia Smith, Mae Omarla. and
Mrs. Foster Lofllii.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 31,1946, Page 4
Miss Anderson, 80,
Dies At Salisbury
Miss Alice Cary Anderson. 80,
daughter of the late Charles and
Ellziabcth Shnrpo Anderson and
last of a well-known family, died
Tuesday nt n Salisbury'hospital.
A resident of Caiahaln in Davlc
county. Miss Anderson had been
til in days. There nro no sur
Fuuornl services were held at
the Center Methodist Church
Thursday at 11 a, m. with Rev.
O. F. Fink, the pastor, offlolat-
Ing. Interment was In the An
derson cemetery.
Foote Funeral
Held Thursday
•Funeral services were held on
May 23 at Crowe, Va., for Paul
Pooto, 41, who died at his homo
there May 20. He was the son
of W. H. Foote and the late
Annie Foster Foote. Survivors
include his widow and three
children all at home, his father,
and flve brothers.
Ii^r. Foote was a nephew of
Mrc. Sam Stonostraot of Mooks-
vllle, Mrs. Alex Jones. Mrs. Sallle
Sheets of route 1. Advance.
Those attending the funeral
from the county included Wade
Jones, AlUe Carter, Ernest Car
ter, Sam Stonestreet and Mrs.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/31/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 5,1946
Mrs. Gary Anderson
• Mrs. Alice Caiy AAderson, 80.
daughter of the late Charles and
'Elizabeth Sha^ Anderson and
^last of a well-known family, 'died
[at 5:30 p. Tuesday at a Sails-
I bury hospitsil. A trident of Ca-,
jlah^n. Miss Anderson had been'
i ill 10 days. There are no suivi-
Vors. ' I
I Funeral services were held at
the Center Mediodist Church at
^ Wednesday widi Rev. G. W.Fink:
pastor. Interment follow^ in
the Anderson ceme^.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/5/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 7,1946, Page 4
Mrs. Young Dies
In Rockwell
Mrs. Sorah Alma Young, 47.
formery of Mockavltle died last
Sunday morning at the home of
D, A. Oliver In Rockwell After
an extended Illness.
Two sons and a daughter sur
vive: Harold C., PhlHp S., Jr.
and Mary Jo, all of Collcgedale,
Tcnn. Two slaters also survive:
Mrs. A. E. Holder of Mocksvllle
and Mrs. Oleun Miller of Beau
fort. «
Funeral services were held
Tuesday afternoon at the Sev
enth Day Adventist church In
Salisbury where she was a mem
ber. Interment was In the Chest
nut Hill cemetery In Salisbury.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 7,1946, Page 5
Hillord Funeral
Held Tuesday
Funeral services were held
Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock
for Claude HUlard, S7, formerly
of 13obTeemeerwh6 "died" Sunday'
night at the Lowery hospital in
Salisbury from Injuries received
Sunday afternoon when he was
hit by a train on the Southern
railway. Mr. HUlard had made
his home In Salisbury for the
past several years. He Is sur
vived by five sons and three
daughters, In addition to his
widow, two sisters and four
brothers. One daughter, Mrs.
Wade Booe, two sisters Mrs. W.
R. Painter. MLs.s Laura HUlard,
and two brothers, Robert and
Roy HUlard. all are residents of
Bio - Obituaries - 6/7/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 12,1946
A^dzo A. Cartner
Alomo A. Cartner, 79, a native
nf Davie Connty, but for many
years a resident of Iredell County,
^ed at his home near Rivet Hill
Friday, following a long illness.
Suhdving are his widow, seven!
Boiu, Percy, V^tal, Hugh, Ray.
Clayton, Cort and Clyde: one dau*
ghter, Mrs. Clint Fox, all of Sta-
tesville,R. 4; 50grandchildren andj
five great-grandchildren.
Funeral ser^dces were held^ at
Clarksbuty Methodise Chuith at
11 o'clock Sunday widi Revs. G.
0. Graham aod R. V. Martin offi*
dating, and the body laid to rest'
in the church cemetery.
Mr. Cartner had many friends j
in Davie County who were sad*^
dcned by nem of his ddsth.
Mrs. Alma Yoaog
Mn. Sarah Alma Young, 47, a
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs,
James Brenegar, of R. 3, and for
many years a resident of diis dty,
died at Rockwell on Tune 2nd, af*
ter an extended illness.
Funeral services w^ held at
the Sevenlh Day Adventist Church
in Salisbury last Tuesrky after-
noon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. Light
Hall bffidating, and the body laid
to rest in Chestnut Hill cemetery.
Mrs, Young had many friends
here who were saddened by news
of her death,
Mrs. Young Is survived by two
sons, Philip S. Jr., and Harold C,
Young; one daughter, Miss Mary
Jo Young, all of Cpllegedale.
Tennessee, and two sisters^ Mrs,
A. E. Holder, of this dty, and
Mrs. Glenn Miller, of Beaufort.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/12/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 14,1946, Page 4
W. G. Sprinkle
Dies At'Cann
William O. Sprlnklo, 77, well
known farmer, died Monday at
his home at Cana. He had been
In declining health six months
and critically ill three days.'
Mr. Sprinkle was born in Davie
county, September 28. 1868, son
of George and Mary Bolln Sprin
kle. He spent his entire life In
Davlo county and was a deacon
In the Cross Roads Baptist
Church, He was married to Miss
Mary 0. Btlty In September 186,.
Surviving are the widow; and
one brother, George T. Sprinkle
of YadklnvUle.
The funeral was held Wednes
day at Cross Roads Baptist
church, conducted by Rev. E. W.
Turner and Rev. E. W. Murray.
Interment was In the church
Bio - Obituaries - 6/14/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 19,1946
Mrs. H. H. Owens
Mrs. H. H, Owens, 65. of R. 3,
died at Rowan Memorial Hospital
Saturday evening, following an
illness of five weeks.
Surviving are die husband, three
so OS, Oiarlle F., Elzle H., of the
Merchant Marine, and Paul, of
R. 3, rural letter carrier, also one
grmddaughter, four half-brothen
and four half-sisters..
Funeral services were held at
Fork Baptist Church Monday af
ternoon at 2 o'clock, wi& Riev.'
Wade Hutchens. officiating, and
die body laid to rest in the chur^
Wiiliam G. Sprinkle
William G. Sprinkle, 77, well
known farmer, died June 10th, at
his home near Cana. He bad
been in declining health for some
time, and crirically ill three days.
Mr. Sprinkle was bom in Davie
County, September 28, 1868, son
of Mr. and Mrs. George Sprinkle.
He spent his entire life in this
county and was a deacon in * the
Courtney Baptist. Church. He
was married to Miss ' Mary -C.
Baitv in September, 1893.
Surviving are the widow and
one brother, George T.' Sprinlde,
Funeral services were held at
Courtney Baptist Church Wed
nesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock,
with Revs. E. W. McMurray and
E. W. Turner officiating, and the
body bid to rest In the church
cemetery; $
in the death of Mr. Sprinkle
Davie County loses one of her
best beloved citizens, ahi^-toned
Christian gentleman. deadi
has brought sadness to a host of
friends in the community where
he spent a long and' useful life.
To the bereaved wife and brother
wc extend our deep sympathy in
this hour of sorrow. We shall,
miss his friendly visits to our of- >
fee, where he has been coming
for nearly 40 years. . Another old
friend has gone to that bourne i
ftom which no traveler returns. '
Bio - Obituaries — 6/19/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 21,1946, Page 1
Mrs. Helen Allison Campbell,
well known local woman, died
at her home here Wednesday
morning following an extended
Illness. She was the widow of
the late c. M. Campbell.
Daughter of Ouatave Alphon>
20 and Henrle Morris Allison,
she was born in Cleveland N.
O. on Oct. 17, 18B7. Her mother
was a native of Davle and her
father from Rowan county.
Survivors Include three child
ren: Mrs. Mack Kimbrough and
Henry A. Campbell, both of
MocksvUle, and 0. M. Campbell
of Los Angeles, GaU
Three sisters ond two brothers
also survive: Mrs. Margaret Le-
Orand, Mrs. P. J. Johnson and
Miss Ossle Allison, all of Mocks
vUle; W. A. AlUson of Charlotte
and M. G. Allison of WUmlngton.
Three grandchldren Itkewlao
The funeral was held at the
home Thursday afternoon at 6
p. m., conducted by Dr. J. E.
Prltchard, pastor of the Mocks
vUle Methodist church. Inter
ment was In the famUy plot In
Rose cemetery.
iMrs. Mary Elizabeth Atwood
Hoots, 69, widow of fhe late H.
W. Hoots of MocksvUle, died at
the home of a son, W. H. Hoots,
here early Wednesday morning.
She had been ill for several
Survivors Include two sons, W.
H. Hoots, county tax collector,
and H. A. Hoots of Wlnaton-Sa-
lem; 'three sisters, Mrs. J. P. Hen-
drlx, route 4; Mrs, D. W. Bhuler,
route 3; Mrs. £. E. WUson, High
Point, route 4; three brothers.
W. H. Atwood, Wlnston-Sttlcm,
route 3; C. A. and J, D. Atwood,
Eleven grandchildren and one
great grandohUd, also* survive,
as well as several nelcos and
The funeral was held Thurs
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
at the Mocksvlllo Baptist church
conducted by the pastor. Rev.
J. P. Davis, and assisted by Rev.
B, W. Turner and Rev. Cecil
Derryberry, latter of Wlnston-
Salem. The body lay In state at
the church (or an hour prior to
the funeral. Interment was lu
the Joppa centotery.
S. E. Siroud
Died Monday
a. E. Stroudi Sr.. of County
Line ^Icd Monday at a Sails-
bury hospital. He is survived by
his widow, eight children, five
brothers and a slater. Funeral
services were held Wednesday at
Society Baptist church.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/21/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 21,1946, Page 4
Owens Funeral
Held Monday
Funeral for Mrs. Lela Oar-
wood Owens. 6S, wife of H. H.
Owens of the Fork community,
who died Saturday night at a
Salisburyhoapltal; -weTr'beld''at-
2 p.m. Monday at Fork Baptist
church. Rev. Wade Hutchens
officiated. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
•Mrs. Owens was a member of
Fulton Methodist church for a
number of years, but moved her
membership to Fork Baptist
church in recent years.
Surviving are the husband;
three sons. Charles F. and Elsie
H. Owens, of the Merchant Ma
rine; and Paul R. Owens, of the
home; one grandchild; four
half brothers. Cap Foster of
King Milis, Ohio; Charles Fos
ter of Louisville. Ky.; Cleatia
Foster of LeaksvlIIc and Wlllard
Foster of Mocksviile; and four
half sisters. Mrs. O. F. Koontz
of Lexington; Mrs. D. O, Shulcr
of Fork; Mrs. J. C..Proctor of
Winston-Salem and Mrs. J. M.
Llvengood of Fork.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/21/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 26,1946
Sanford L Strond
Sanford E, SiiDud» 59, o£ neac
County lin^ died Monday, June
ITdi, at Lowery Hospital, Salis**
burv, where he was carried only a
few hours before his deadu Mr.
Stroud had been iQ fer several
yean with ardiriri^ but was able
to be out until a few days before
his death.
Mr* Stroud was a native of Da*
vie, a son of the late Mr.andKfes.
Andrew M. Stroud. He was mar'
Tied on Nov, 29. 1909. to Miss
lAvisDaywalt. They Kved at High
Point for 20 years, and returned
to Davie County in 1935. He
had operated che South Yadldn
Service Station for the past sevet'
al years.
Surviving are the widow, eight
childxen. H. A. Stroud, Mrs. C.
D. McNeil, and Mck Cromer, of
High Point; J. C, S. E. Jr., Robert
and Sarah Stroud, all of die home,
andOdioLee Stroud of Harm
ony. One son, James E. Stroud,
was killed Nov. 19, 1944, while
fighting in Germany. Also survi
ving are five brothers, W. D. and
M- K. Stroud, High S. M.
Stroud, Burlington; John S^ud,
Bluiet; New Mexico; Moody D.
Stroud, Meban^ and one sister,
Mrs. Dora Pierce, Spray.,
Funeral services were held Wed'
nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at
Society Baptist Church, where he
had been a member since early
manhood. Rev. Paul Reese, pas*
tor of the Diamond Hill ^ptist
Oiurch, Statesvill^ officiated, and
the body was laid to rest in the
church cemetery.
Pearl W. Stroud
Mrs. Pearl W. Stroud, died at
her home in Lexington last Wed'
nesday following a short illness.
Fun^rd services were held Friday
morning at die Fust Reformed
Church at KhBO o'clock^ and the
body laid to rest in the Lexington
cemetery. Mrs. Stroud is survived
her hudband and four duldcen.
Bio - Obituaries — 6/26/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 26,1946
Mrs. Helen Campbell
Mi$. Hden Allison CaffipbdL
59, died at the home of her sister,
Mrs. P. J* Johnson Wednesday
For 15 years Mn. Campbell was
in charge of fitting clothing at
Children's Home in WinstonoSa-
lem« She left the Home about a^
bout a year ago because of do*
cling heuth*
She is survived by three child
ren, Mrs. Mack Kimbroudi and
Henry A. Campbell, • bodi of
Mocksville, and C. M. Campbell
of Los Angeles; diree sisters, Mrs.
Margaret LeGiand, Mrs. P. J.
Johnson and Miss Ossle Allison,
all of Mocksville; two brothers,
WTA. Allison of Charlotte and
M. G. Allison of Wilmington.
Funeral services were, held at
die home at 5 p. m. Thursday.
= Dr. J. B. Priddiaxd. pastor of die
Mocksville Mediodist Church, bf-
ifidatied. Interment followed in
! the family plot in Rose Cemetery.
Mrs. J. B. Beck
Mrs. Lula Beatrice Beck, 62, of
R. 4* died at Rowan Memorial
Hospital, Salisbury, at 9JO o'clock
Wcdnes^y evening, fonowing an
illness of two weeks.
Surviving-are the husband, three
sons Vestal H. Beck and G. C.
Beck, Salisbury; Cpl* Grimes B.
Beck, U. S. Army Air Force; six
daughters, - Mrs. H. C« Shoaf,
Washington, D. C; Mrs. Ada
Caughenour, and Mrs. Frank],n
Ridenhour, Salisbury; Mrs. James
Bamhaidt, Mocksville, R. 3; Mrs.
Edmund Swicegood, LakehusC, N.
J., Miss Tominie Beck, of the
home. Fonr sisters also survive.
Funeral services were held at
Jerusalem Baptist Church Friday
aftemc^n at 2 JO o'clock, with her
pastor, Rev. E. W. Turner in
charge, assisted bv Rev. Elic Ea^e,
and the body laid to rest in the
diuzch cemetetv.
Mrs. Mary Hoots ]
Mrs. Mary B. Hoots, 68, died
Wednesday morning at die home
of her son, W. H. Hoots* on San-
ford Avenue, following au extend-!
ed illness.
Mrs. Hoots is survived by two
sons, W. H, Hoot Hoots, of this
city, and H. A. Hoots, of Wins-
ton-Salem; three brothers, W. H.,
Atwood, Winston-Salem, R. 3, C.I
A. and J. D. Atwood, Thomas-^
vill^ three sisters Mrs. J.F. Hehd-
rix, R. 4; Mrs. D. W. Shuler* R.
3, Mrs. E. E. WlUou, High Point,'
R.4; 11 grandchildren and one
great-gcandchild. {
Funeral services were held at
the First Baptist Church Thurs
day afternoon at 2J0 o'clock, widi
Revs. J- P. Davis, E. W. Turner^
and Cecil Dearybury officiating
and the body laid to rest in Joppa
cemetery. To the bereaved ones <
The Record extends sincere sym-^
pathy in die deadi of this good
Bio - Obituaries - 6/26/1946 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 28,1946, Page 1
Wiliiam Crawford Latham
William Crawford Latham, 84,
widely known Oavle citizen, who
spent his entire life In the Nes
tor community, died at hla home
Monday night.
Son of the late James M. and
Nancy Ferebee Latham, he Is
survived by his widow, the for
mer Miss Lilllo Bolle White. A
daughter, Mrs. W. A. Beck, of
Cana, and four sons also sur
vive: William R. of Tallahassee,
Fla., Orover W. of Wlnston-Sa-
lem, Homer F. of route 2, and
Lewis M. of Elkli).
Six grandchildren and three
greatgrandchildren likewise sur
(Additional survivors Include
three brothers: Frank and John
Latham of route 2 and Bam La
tham or MocKsviiie.
Funeral services were held at
3:30 pen. Wednesday at the
home, followed by a concluding
service at Pino . Methodist
church, conducted by the Rev.
Mr. Polijor and assisted by Rev.
Dallas Renegar. Interment was
In the church cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 28,1946, Page 3
Mrs. Lula Beatrice Orubb Beck,
62, died at the Rowan Memorial
hospital Wednesday nlgh^ oA 6:30
p.m. ofter two weeks serious Ill
ness. «
A resident of the Jerusalem
community, route 4, Mocksville,
she was the wife of j. B. Beok of
(that cosnmunity. Mrs. Beck was
born and reared In Davidson
Surviving ore her husband:
three sons, Vestal and Qllmcr
Beck of Salisbury and Cpl.
Grimes B. Beck of <the army air
forces overseas: six daughters,
Mrs. H. O. Bhoaf, Washington, D.
O., Mrs. Ada Coughenhour and
Mrs. Franklin RIdenhour of Sal
isbury, Mrs. James Barnhardt,
route 8, MooksvUle, Mrs. Edmund
Bwlcegood, Lakehurst, N. J., and
Miss Tennie Beck of the home:
Bio - Obituaries — 6/28/1946
(four sisters, Mrs. Tcssie Larson,
Salisbury, Mrs. Arthur Miller,
Albemarle, Mrs. Daisy Meyer,
Columbia, 8.0., Mrs. 2:ella Tram-
el, Conover; nine grandchildren
and numerous noiccs and ne
Funeral services were held at
Ithe Jerusalem Baptist church at
2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon
with Rev. B. W. Turner, conduct
ing, assisted by Rov. BU Eagle.
Burial was In the church yard.