Jan - JunMOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 3,1947 - Page 1 Mrs. Martha Sheek Dies In Virginia Mra. Martlia Furohea Sheek, widow 01 Charlie Sheek, died Saturday In Norfolk, va., fol lowing a atroko of several weejcs ago. 'Mrs. Shock was born in Farm- Ington and the survivors Include two brothers, Luke and Klxn- brough Furches of Farmlngton; a son, Frank Sheek of Norfolk; and three daugntera, sernlce Sheek and Mrs. Patsy Baker, both oif Norfolk, and Mrs. Henry Neely of Rock HUl. S. C. ' The Juneral wai held in Nor folk Sunday. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 3,1947 - Page 8 Mrs. Mary Peacock Rites Held Monday Funeral services were held on Monday at 3 o'clock for Mrs. Mary Foster Peacock at the Pleasant View Baptist church. Rev. E. F. Eagle, pastor of the Church, had charge of the service. Mrs. Peacock died December 26 at the Rowan County home. She was the daughter of the late William and Rebecca Oabard Foster of Yadkln county. She was 90 years old and had spent most of her life In Davie county. Survivors Include two sons, Wltlle Peacock of route 4. Mocks- vllie, and Wiley Peacock of Cleveland; one daughter, Mrs. Noah Hursoy of Route 4. States- villc, and two brothers, N. T. Foster of Mocksvllle and 8. A. Foster of Elkln; and one sister, Mrs. Fannle Parker of Wlnston- Salem. Bio - Obituaries - 1/3/1947 Rheubcn Morrison, 22, Dies in" Davie County Rheuben Morrison, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Morrison, Mockfiville, Route 4. died at his home at 12:i5 pm. December 18. Mr. Morrison hod been til for three months and in serious con dition several days. He Is survived by the father and mother, who before her marriage was Miss Bessie sum mery; one brother, J. P. Morri son of Kannapolis; three sisters, Mrs. H< B. Cobrier of BalJjbury, Mrs. R. E. Orimth, of High Point and Miss Blajne Morrison of the home. Funeral services were held at Society Baptist church in Ire- dell county at 11 a^n. Thursday. Rev. W. D. Rimer officiated, as sisted by Rev. Mr. Oogwell. Burial was In the church cem etery. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 8,1947 Moses Lefler Moses Lefler, 66, a native of. Je* rusalem township, who moved to Winston-Salem 35 yesus ago* in a hcspital in that city on Ded 24th, as a result of being hit by a truck on Dec. 20th. Funeral and burial services occurred in scoo'Saleiix Dec. -Zddi. Surviving are the widow and three sisters, among them Mn. Ajbbie WiJliamf, of R. 4. Mr. Lefler was a son of the late Mr. and Mfs. Frank Lef« ler, of Rhesus. Mrs. Mary Peacock Mrs. Mary Peacock, 90, died at the Rowan County.HomeonDec. tStlu Funeral services were held 'at Pleasant ViwW Baptist Church on Dec 30th, with Rev. E F. Eagle dlEc^dng. and the body laid to 'rest in dxc church cemetery. " -SuriiivlE^ ace two sons, Willie, of R:'4(>«ad Wiley, of ^Oevclond} one daugh^. Mrs. Noah Hursey, of ftear Comtv lin^ two broth- ers, N» T. Foster, Mocksville, and ^ A- Foster, Elkin; one sister, Mrs. -rannie Parker, Winstoo-Salem. Mrs. Matfie Sheek n M^MattleFutchesSheek^ 78, •/"Jpottof the late Mr. anjMr^ Lewiarurche8,of Farinlngton, died at her home in Norfolk, Va., on Dec 27th. Funeral and burial services took place at Norfolk on had been in failing health for several years. Surviving are one soh^ Frank Sheek, of Norfolk: three daugh- teid Mrs. Henry Necly, Rock. Hill, S. C.; Mrs. Pat Baker and Miss Bemice Sheek, at home; one, bt^ thcf, D. K. Furch«.-.,F®nnm^on. Mrs. Sheek was the wife of the Ute C. F. Sheek, of Davie County, who moved to Norfolk more than 30 years ago. Mrs. Sheek had many fiiends here who were sad dened by news of her death* Bio - Obituaries - 1/8/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 10,1947-Page 1 Mollie Sparks Betts NATIVE DIES Mra. Molllc Sparks Betta, na- tWo of Davle county and atep- mother of Mra. T. N. Chafftn of MockavUle. died taat Thuraday In Rome, aa. The funenu and burial were held In Americua, Oa., last Saturday, where she lived with an only brother, j. L. Sparks. In 1904 she married Albert L. Betts and he died In 1907. A brother and five step- children survive. Bio - Obituaries — 1/10/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 15,1947 Mrs. Frances Parker Mrs. Fntnm Fi^cer, 79, for many yean a resist ville, died at her home in' Wins* t(Mi«SaIem lut Tuesday afternoon. She was the wife of the late Alan- do Padcer. Funeral services were held at the home Thursday mom- tog at 10 o*dock, ^th Rev. Thoe. B. rlynn officiating, and the body brou^t to Liberty Methodht Outrch, Mocksvilie, ^ 4, and laid to rest in the diurch cem^ te^. Surviving are one son, Ray Parket, of Gteensboro, onedaug^ tcr. Miss Geneva Parker, of Wins* ton-Salein; two btothetf, N. T. Foster, MocksvUl^ and & A. Foster, l^kto; one half*biother and two half-sistera. James Smith Jamea H. Smidi, iot itnany years adtlzen of Modonill^ died at die home of relatives at Dam- bridge, Tenn, on Jan. dtb, follow ing a strdce of patalyais. Funeral icrvkeawere held at Danbridge and &e body brought here Wed nesday afternoon and laid to test in Joppa cemetery beside his wife, the former-Miss Mag^e Meioney, who died July 12,1944. Mr.^ Smith was a palncer, and moved from |diis dty to WinstcKi-Salem' about 25 years ago. He moved to Greens boro, and later to.^Wa8htogton, p. C. Surviving ate one son, Charles Smith, of Greensboro; Itwo daughtexa, Mrs. W. S. De^ wiler, Washington, D. C,' and Mn. Oyde Russell, of Giahiun. Several grandchildren also survive. Khr. Smith had many friends in Mocksville who were saddened by newt of his deadu Violet Foster Former Redident Dies Mrs. Violet Foster, 44, a native of Davie County, and a dau^ter of Mr. and Mrs. J* W. Foster, died at her home In Forsy^ County Jan. 6th. Funemt and burial services took place at New Philadelt^ua Moravian ^urch, Forsydi County, on Wednesday. Surviving are the husband the mother, diree brodier and two sisters. Bio - Obituaries -1/15/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 17,1947 - Page 1 R. D. Mooney wAtmrn nm n, D. Mooney of Dftvldion, fa- thtr of Mn. TUden a. Aniell of rosto I and brother of the late 0. B. Mooney of Uockavllle, died laat;Baturday night. He wai a bttUdlng contractor. SurrlTore Iodide the widow, tlx daugh* kri and three eone. pnda Jane Anderson mrAifrDiss liloda Jane, a-montha-old daiihter of Mr. and Mre. Hay- den Anderson of route 2, died on January 9. Survivors Include the parenti. a brother, Arnold Gray; a filter, Judy Ann; grandpactnte, Mr. and Mrs. o. M. Boftr and Mr. and Mn. w. r Andereen. The funeral was held lael yriday at Jericho choxth with Rev. J. J. Bxlnkley So charge. P. O. Tatum lunfB pm F. O. Tatum, M, a native of Davto county, who lived in Salla- bory before going to Greensboro, died last Saturday at hla home. Be wae an uncle of K. C. and Mke Annie Fearl Tatum. Burial wu In the family plot at Jetu- •akm BapUfit church. John Henry SeatSy Farmington, Dies John Henry Seats. 80, died at 3 p.m. Sunday at bU home In the Farmlngton community. Mr. Seats was a aOU of Had and Nancy Brann Scata. He spent most of hla Ufa in the Farmlngton section. He was a Mason and member of the ju nior Order, Surviving are two sons, Bur ton and R. H. Seats of Farming- ton; one daughter, Mrs. w. & Splllman of Mocksvllle, Route 2; 13 grandchildren; six great grandchildren; and four broUi- era, Phillip Scats of MockivlUe, Route 2; Ben F. and Charlie Seats of Oana, and Sidney Seate of LewlsvlUe. The funeral was held at Farm lngton Methodist church at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday. Rev. J. H. Folger and Rev. H. c. Freeman offici ated. Burial was in the church cemetery. W. M. N. Essex Dies Sunday WlUlam Marian Nelson Essex, 74, of Advance, Route 1, died at his home at 1:05 p.m. Sunday. He had been m five weeks and days and death was not unex pected. Mr. Essex was born In David son county January 15,1872, and was married on January 24,1894, to Miss Lucy Ann Shermer, who died In 1943. After marriage he moved to Davle county, where he became a widely-known farmer. 'Surviving are four sons, c. J. Essex. Q. L., J. w. and T. M. Essex, all of Advance communi ty; three daughters, Mrs. Qeo. Mock, of Advance, and Miss Es sie and Miss Mary Essex, both of the home; two brothers, Dr. A. J. Essex of Winston • Salem and C. N, Essex of Clemmons; and 15 grandchildren. Fanerat sorvlcos were held at the homo at 2 p.m. Tuesday and at Advance Baptist church at 2:30 p.m. Burial was In the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 1/17/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 22,1947 R. Taylor William Robs Taylor, 78, of Ad vance, died at ^s home Saturday after an illness of several moutns. Mr. Taylor was bora January 20. 1668.ini Davie Coun^ in Davie County, son of John and Minerva Howard Taylor. He is survived by his wife; thrte brothers, Rev. S. W. Taylor of Asheboro, J. H. Taylor of Maxton, C. J. TaVlor of Advance; one sfs' ter. Miss Saliie Taylor of Ashe* bora^ Funeral was held at Z'*p. inn Monday at Advance * Methodist Church widi Rev. Howard Jordan I»st6r offidadng. vlntenhcnt.vras in the church cemetery. n Jplin Hesry SmU , : John Heni^ Seat^ 6G^ died at his home in ^ FaindDgttm ocnn- muSiityonJa^ 12th. bfr. Sents Spent most ofhis long life in die FarinlngCon section:- He 'was a Mason and member of the Junior Order. The fuuerd was h<dd last Tuea- dey. at 2:30 p. m., at the Farming- ton MethodiscChurch, with Revs. S. Fol^ and H. C. Fxcemm officiating, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Surviving are two sons, Butttm and R. H. Scats, of Farmington; one daughter, Mrs. W* S. - SpiU- man, of MocksvlUe, R. 2; 13'gtand children^, six gfeat-nandchildren and four brothers. ' In die death of Mr. Seats Davie County loses one of her best be loved ddtene. His death has cast . a gjdom dvtir.die entire cbrnmuh- i ity tdiere he spent a long andMse^ hil lifis. To &e bereaved''famUy The Rccptd ea^ds slnt^ ^sym- p^^in sad hour. . * ' Bio — Obituaries — 1/22/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 24,1947 - Page 1 Mrs. B. C. Teague Died Tuesday Mrs. B. G. Teague, 66, died In a Statcsvlllo hospital Tuesday where she had hccn a patient for the past nine days. A life - long resident of the Farmlngton community, Mrs. Teague was the daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth Sheek Douthit. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. odell James of Farmlngton; two sons. J. B. and 0. D Teague, both of Win- ston-Salem; one brother, F. R. Douthit, St. Francis, Kan.; one sister, Mrs. Minnie Powell, Mount 'Airy, agvtfn'"g^'*p^huui'cih"—■ ' Funeral services were held at the Farmlngton Baptist Church at U a. m. Thursday. Burial was in the Farmlngton cemetery. Oiticiating was Rev. E. W. Tur> ner and Rev. James H. Oroce. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 24,1947 - Page 5 W. R. Taylor Died Jan. 18 ■William Ross Taylor, 78, ot Advance, died at his home lut Saturday after an illness of sev* eral months. (He was critically ill for the past week. Mr. Taylor was born January 20. lAOa, In Davle county, son of John and Minerva Howard Tay lor. The family moved to Yad- kln College when Mr. Taylor was 12. Since that time he has lived at Advance. On February 20,1880 he was married to the former Miss HotJe Charles. He was a well known farmer of the Advonce community for many years. He Is survived by his wife: three brothers, Rev. S. W. Tay lor of Aflheboro, J. H. Taylor of Maxton, C. J. Taylor of Advance: one sister, Miss Sallie Taylor, of Aahcboro. Funeral was held Monday at Advance Methodist church with Rev. Howard Jordan, pastor, of- Aclattng. Interment was In the church cemetery. Pallbearers were Arthur Shutt, C. &. Falrelotih, Jtewis Hartman, A. E. Vogler, B. R. Bailey and Dan carter. Bio - Obituaries - 1/24/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 29,1947 M)rs Ben-C. Teagae Mrs. B. w. Teague, 66, dkd at 4i30 o'clock Tuesday aftemooii in a StatesvUle ho^ital when the been a patimt for nine days. Mrs. Tcagw was the daughiw of Mr. and Mis. Stephen Douthlc, and spmc her entire life in Fann> ihgcon township. \ Surviving are the husband, one daughter, Mr8.\ Odeli lames, of Fanningcon; two sons, C B. and* 0,' D. Teague, of Wihston-Salem; one brother, P. R. Doudii^ -Sjint Francis, Kans.; one ' sister, -. Mrs. Minnie Powell, Mt Airy,and sev« en grandchildren. n *' Funeral services were held at Farmi^on Baptist OKiuch sit 11 a. m,, "nursday, widt Revs. & W. Turner and James PL' Gtoce of^; ating; and the bckly Ial4-to lest in Faimingcbn ceinet^. Bio - Obituaries - 1/29/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 31,1947 — Page 1 H. F, Cornatscr Dies At Age 81 Henry Plnkston (Uncle Pole) Cornatzer, 81, of Advance, died at p.m. Stmrtay. Mr. cornatzer was born Oc tober 4, 1805, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cornatzer. Ho is survived by the widow, Mrs. Agnes Taylor Cornatzer; four daughters, Mrs. M. R. Jones of Advance, Mrs. Calvin Baity of Advance, Mrs. W. H. Holmes of Haydcnfleld, N. J., and Miss Lau ra Corimtzcr of the homo; three sons, W D. Cornatzer of Pann- higton, Glenn Cornatzer of Ad vance and Wade C. Cornatzer of arconsboro. Two sons. Thomas and James, preceded Ihclr father In death. Punoralj services were licld at 3:15 p.m. Tuesday at the home and at Shady Orovo Methodist church at 3 p.m. by Rev. Howard Jordan of Advance and Rev. P. L. Smith of Valdcso. Burial was In tlio church cemetery. PaUbcnvors were George My ers, Will Pholps, Joe Jones and George Beauchamp, all stewards of the church; B. T. Browder and Joe Robertson. Bio - Obituaries - 1/31/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 5,1947 Thomas 6. Chaplain Thos. B, Chaplin, 65, a native of Davic County, and for many years a merchant in North Cooleemee, died at his home in Salisbury early last Twcsdav momlng, <ol- lowing a heart attack. He haid been in bad health for several years. Mr. Chaplain is survived by his wife, two daughters and two half sisters. . Funeral services were held at die home Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the body laid to lest in Memorial Park Cemetery, Salisbury. Mr. Chaplin was a member of the First Methodist Church. His dcaih ha» brougitt sadness to a host of friends in this city, where he lived for several years before moving to Coolee^ mee. A good man has been call ed his reward. To the bereaved iiunlly The Record extends deep sympathy in this sad hour. Bob Jones Found Dead Rt^iert A. Jones, 73, was fbnnd dead Jan. 27th, at Jiis home near County Line. A son-in-law, Ray Oiftner, went to the house about 9 o'clock diat morning and found Mr. Jones dead on a couch in the living rooooi A doctor was called and ihe'aironer^Uo was notified and the dedston.was that dath was due CD a .heart attack. Mr. Jones Uv^ alone. His wife died about six months ago, and be had continued to live in the home. Funeral services wm held at Pleasant View Bapdst Church at 2 p. m.,^ Wednesday, widi Revs. O. C Gf^am andT. U Younger lofiiciating, and the body. Co rest hi the church cemeterv. I Surviving are two daughters, Mr9,.D. R. Cox, StatcsvilJe; Mn. Ray C^xtner, Harmony. Route 1; three sisters, Mrs. Mary 'Xhatpe, Harmony, and Mrs. Jennie Hur- sey and Mrs. Will Campbell, of Walla Walla, . Washington; one brother, Oscar Jones, of Grassy Creek, N.C William T. Clement William T. Clement, 20, recent ly of the U. S. Navy, died at Alto Hospital, Washington, D. C., Sat urday. Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Clement, R. 3; three sisters, Mrs. R. C. Meelw, Rocky Mount; Miss Lucille Cle ment. Winstoci-Salcm; Cyn« thia Clement, and one Brothnt, K. M.. Jr., at home. Funeral services were held at die home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. R. M. Hacdee officiating, and the body laid to rest In the Clement burial ground. To the bereaved fomily The Re cord extends sincere sympathy in dus isad hour. - H- P. Cornatzer F^^ral services for H. P. Cor- natrer, 81, who died at Kis home at Advance on Jan. 2dth, v.rc'rc held last Tuet?:lay at the home at 2:15 m., and at Shady Grove Metho dist Church at 3 p. m., with Revs. Howard Jordan and P. L. Smith offidating, and the body laid to test in the church cemetery: Survivlhg are the widow, three sons and mur daughters. Lnther M. Tatterow Lather M. Totterow. 63. died auddeol? at bit home at Center Saturday eveingatTcSd o'eiocfc..following an filuesti of 14 raontbe. Kr. Ttitterow bad been In the mercaniile boefoeee at Center for 26 years. He epeot bis entire life Id'Davie county. He.eer- wad for eight years as County Conuniseloa- er, and fonr yeore-os Chairman of the Board. • Faturtal services were*', held at Ceni^ Methodist church Teesdsy moraM at 11 o'clock, with Reve. M. G. klrwln. E. M Avett and J. B rtrztferald officiatihg. and the body laid to reet In cbie church ceme tery with Masonic honors. Mr. Tatterow bed been a Maeon for 33 years, and wasn ' member of the Jooibr Order and P. O. S. of A. Survlflnil are the widow, six sons. Flyod of Statesville. Odue. of Winston Salefn; Hetiiy. of Dakeviite; Duke. Clay and - Loo- Die. ail of R. 1; one daughter. Miss Sad^ of the home; three bmthers. J. £.. B. F. sod C. A. Tatterow. of R- I; six sisters. Mrs. N. B. Dyson. R IrMrs. W. 0 Morpbr. Mm E. G. WaIker;K. 1, Mrs J B Green 4: Mrs. .1. F. O'Nenl and Mrsu Martin Lath am; R; 1.11 grandchildren... to the death; of Mr. Tatferow, Davlo Coanty hae loft one of h«r .best beloved dticeo's. an honest, upright man whose Mseing has brought esdness to a boat. of- nieods thcougbaut the county.- To thd be - leaved family The Recojd_extepdg h«ltt-: felt eympathy la. tbfe boar of sadnisaip'j; v Bio - Obituaries - 2/5/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 7,1947 - Page 1 Grady Thorp Shackleford kim4:d Orndy Thorp Shnckclford, 40. native of Davlo county, was klUcd lost Saturday in Winston while at work for PfafT's unload ing glass ft'om a freight car. Three OOQ-pound cratca fell on hlin. The funeral was held Monday. Survivors include, be sides his wife and two sons, his mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. f). D. Foster of Davlo, and a .slop-brother. George Foster of Davlc. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 7,1947 - Page 4 Mrs. S. C. James, 38, Dies at Advance Home Mrs. 8. C. James, 3B, of Ad vance, Route I, died at her home Saturday after an Illness of some time. Mrs. James was born in 190t I daughter of John Boyd ant letty.Boger Boyd. She Is survived by her hua- land: five daughters, Miaset Jaggle, May, Millie. X,o]a Lee and Myrtle James, all of the home, and lour sons, Flay, Richard, Olay and Jesse, all of the home; one grandchild; the father, John Boyd of Lexington; three broth ers, Ralph and Ray Boyd, both of Lexington, and Reid Boyd, of Wlnston-Salem, and two sisters, Miss Anna Boyd of Lexington and Mrs. Inez Potts of Advance. Funeral was held at the home at 3 p.m. Monday and at Mace donia Moravian church at 3:30 p.m. Rev. J. O. Bruncr and Rev. E.'J. Brewer officiated. Burial was In the church cemetery. William Thomas Clement Dies In Vets Hospital William Thomas Clement, 90, son of Mr. and Mrs. Xerr M. Clement, of route 3, died Jast Friday in the Alto Veterans hos pital In Washington, D. c., where he had been ill for several months following his discharge from the navy. He served oveo-- jeas. He Is survived by his parents, three sisters, Mrs, Robert Meeks, Rocky Mount; LucUle Clement of Wlnston-Salem, Cynthia Clement, at home, and a brother, Kerr M., Jr., at home. The body arrived here last Saturday and funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. R. M. Hardee. Interment was in the Clement family graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 2/7/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 7, 1947 - Pages 1 and 8 PASSES L. M. TUTTEROW L. M. MEROW DIES SUDDENLY ■Luther (Luke) Martin^ Tutte- row, 63, widely known merchant, farmer and former official of Davie county, died suddenly at hla home at Center last Satur day night of a heart attack. He Mou AMtrr Tutterow Three brothers and six sisters also survive: Boss, Dock and Ben Tutterow, all of route 1; Mrs. Ed Anderson, Mrs. Martin La- thami Mrs. John Frank O'Neal, Mrs. N. B. Dyson, all of route I: Mrs. Burrus Oreen. route 4; Mrs. W. C. Murphy, Salisbury. Eleven grandchildren likewise survive. had eaten supper, retired to the living room and began to read a magazine when -the attack took place. He had been In declining health for some time with a heart aliment. A native of Davle county and son of Henry and Elizabeth Ar- rlngton Tutterow of the Center community, two miles east of Mocksvllle, he had been engaged in the mercantile business there for 26 years, retiring lost year because of his health. Ho was county commissioner tor eight years and chairman from 1036 to 1040. f He was an official of the Cen ter Methodist church, truatco of the Davle charge pastorate, a prime mover in the rebuilding of the Center church 15 years ago and remodeling of the arbor six years ago. He was also a member of the Mocksvllle Ma sonic lodge, Junior order No. 225, P.OB, of A. No. 52. and the Center grange. Funeral services were held at the home Tuesday morning at 11 a.m., conducted by Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald, pastor of Center Methodist church, the Rev. M. O. Ervln of Charlotte and the Rev. E. M. Avett of Kernersvllle. Members of the local Masonic lodge had charge of the grave side services. Interment was in the family plot in the Center church cemetery. Survivors Include the widow, the former Miss Nancy Ander son; seven children: Floyd Tut terow of StateavlUe, Otis Tut terow of Winston-Salem, Henry Tutterow of Dukevlllc, Duke, Clay and Lonnle Tutterow and Miss Sadie Tutterow of Center. (Contlnned on page 8) Local Mosons who served as pallbearers were Lester Martin, Jr., Rufua Sanford, Jr., Atlas Bmoot. Bryan Sell, Bill pennlng- ton and Leslie Daniel. Bio - Obituaries — 2/7/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 12,1947 J. Waiter Boger J. Walter Boger, 73» died sud denly at his home near Cana last Wednesday momuig. Mr. Boger had ;be^ in declining health tor some rime. Surviving are die widow two sons, Albert Beget, of MocksviUe, and BuUte Boger. of R. 2; one daughter, Mw. D. J. McOlamrooh. R. 2; one brodiet, O. T. Boger, R. 2, one sister, Mrs. Frank BtMer, of Iredell county, smd lOgcanochUd- rcn. • . , Funeral services were held at 11 a. m., Friday at Union Chapel with' Revs. Foster Loflin« 7. T. Sisk, and E. W.Turner bffidatjng. Dutlal was in the church cemeteiy. Mr. Boger had many friends in the. community where he spent a long and osehil life, who were saddened by news of his death. To die> bereaved family The Re cord extends sympathy in Ih^ sad hour. Marshall G. Ratledge Rcy. Marshall G. Ratledge, ^71, retired Methodist minister, and -a native of Davic County, died at his home in Statesvillc Friday of a heart attack. Funeral and burial services occurred in Statesville at 3 p, m., Saturday:, Surviving arc two broAera, A. D. Ratledge, States ville, and Rev. A. P. Ratledge, of Biltniore; one sister,. Mrs. Emma Bobe, Winston-Salem'. Bio — Obituaries - 2/12/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 14,1947 - Page 4 James Walter Bogcr Dies Siulcknly .lanics Walter Bogor, 73. of route 2, died sucUlculy last Wed nesday of a heart attack at the homo of: a son, Burlcy Boser> also of Route 2. He had been In dccllnlns health for some time with a heart aliment. Mr. Doccr was born June 20, 1073. n son of Thomas and Mary Bowles UaBor. lie was a retired farmer and spent his entire life In D.ivle county. Survlvot'.s Include the widow, the funncr Miss Jaulc Stone- street; three children. Mrs. D. J. McClamrock and Durley Boucr, both of Route 2, and Albert Bogcr of Mocksvlllc; one sister. Mrs. Maggie Bogcr, of Ircdell county; and a broUicr, O. T. Bogcr, of Route 2. Tun grandchildren also survive, pqncral; services held Friday. February 7, at Union Chapel Methodist church wore conduct ed by the Rev. P. R. Lofiln, pas tor of the church, and tho Rev. E. W. Turner, of Mocksvllle, Burial was In tlie church cem etery. Bio - Obituaries - 2/14/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 19,1947 Mrr. M. G. Walker Mw. G. Walker died; Wednesday night aV 9^0 o'clock | at her home in the. County Eine community. She had been criti' cally ill sinee Monday. Mrs. Walker, a native of Davie county, was die former Margaret Felker, daughter of George, and Sarah Felker, and was borti July 19,1865. She married J. D. Walk er, of Davie county, who died county, who dlM ei^ceen yeais ago. Surviving Mrs. Walker and two daughters, Mrs. Joel W. Dky- valt and Mrs. Gmdy W. Cartner, all of Mocksville, Route ^4; six grandchildren and four' great grandchildren. A brother. John Felker, of Concord also survives. jFunenl services were held Fti- day morning at 11 o'clock from St. Matthews Lutheran church of which she .was a member.. The services was conducted by Revs. Edwin Troutman, OUn G. Swice- good, and L.'.P. Boland. l^cet- ment was in die church cemetery. Bio — Obituaries — 2/19/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 21,1947 - Page 1 Grover Ray McDaniel Passed Sunday Grover Raj' McDnnlel, U- ycar-olcl son of W. H. and Sally Leonard McDanlcl, died uncx- pcclcdly nl Ihclr home on Route 2, early Sunday. The youth had apparently been In good health with the ex ception of a coUl during the past few days. He became critically 111 Saturday night, however, and a doctor was caUud. He died at I a.iu. Sunday. Survlvlnn arc the parents; nvc sislcr.s, Mrs. Ruth WUIls, Route 2, Ml.sscs Betty Ann. iMu- rle, Doris and Lorcno, nil of the home; and four brothers, WIlHnm, John Nelson, Joe Cecil and Jnmcs Franklin, all of the home. Fttliomi was held Monday in the Oak Orovc Methodist 0 church. Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald and Rev. G. W. Fink oltlclated. Buri al was in the church cemetery. J.B.SHERMER ^ DIES AT ADVANCE J. B. Shcrmcr, 73, died unex pectedly at his home In the Ad vance community at 0 p.m. Sat urday. Mr. Shcrmcr had been In good health until he suffered a heart attack shortly before death. Me was born In Yadkin county, Q son of John and Barbara Hulchln.s Shcrmcr. He was mar ried to Miss Delia MarkUind.'who survives. Also surviving are four sons, Paul and We.sley, both of Wln- ston-Snlcm. Hobson of Orlando. Fla., and Alphu.s of the home; five daughters, Mrs, D. W. Slalcy. and Mr.s. C. M. Holcomb, both of Wlnslon-Salcm, Miss Lucllo Shcrmcr of Elkln, Mrs. R. G. Jar- vis of Pork and Mr.s. Grover Rob ertson of Lc.xinglon; 12 grand children; one grcat-grandchlld; and two brothers, W. G. Shcr mcr of VVinston-Salem and T. M. Shermer of Advance. Fuaomi wa.s held Tuc.sday In Advance BaplLst church. RCV. E. W. Turner and Rev. Mr. Al- goQd oftlclatcd. Burial wa.v In the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 2/21/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 21,1947 - Page 4 Mrs. M. G. Walker Passes Wednesday Mrs. Maggie O. Walker died Wednesday nlglit at 0:30 o'clock at her home In the County Line community, Culalmln township. She had been crIUcatly ill since Monday. Mrs. Walker, n native of Davle county, was the former Margaret Georglanna rclkcr, daughter of Ocorgc and Sarah (Ketchic) Fclker, and was born July 10. 1065. She married J. D, Walker of Davlc county, who died eigh teen years ago. Surviving Mrs. Walker are a son, O. L. Walker, and two daughters, Mrs. Joel W. Dayvault and Mrs. Grady W. Gartner, all of Mocksvlilc. R. 4: six grandchildren and four great grandchildren. A brother, John Felker, of County Llne,<ilso sur vives. funeral services for Mrs. Walk er were held Friday morning at 11 o'clock from St. Matthew's Lutheran church in Oavie coun ty, of which site was a member. The service was conducted by Rev. Edwin Troubman of Boone, Rev. Olln O. Swlcegood, of Sal isbury, and Rev, h. P. Boland of Barber, all former pastors of St. Matthew's church. Interment followed In the cimrch cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 21,1947 - Page 8 Fiuionil Hold Sntui'day For Miss Lena Brown Funeral for Miss Lena Brown, 68, of Cana, Route I, who died Thursday night at a \Vlnston- Salem hospital, was hold at 2:30 p.m. Saturday at Eaton Baptist church. Rev. E. W. Turner ofTl- clatcd. Buiinl was In the church ccmotcry. Pallbearers were Paul, Hubert, Martin. Loflls and Lamon Eaton and Floyd Naylor. Bio - Obituaries — 2/21/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 26,1947 : Joe ESheek . Joe P. Shedc,* 56, son of the late and Mrs. Gep. W. SKeek, of ti)is dty, died suddenly . early Saturday morning at his home at Portsmouth, Va. \.. Mr. Sheek is sur^v^ by hit widow, one brodier, Albert K. ^•^,olPortsmoudi; four sisters, Mr^ Oscar G. McCtamrpch, Mrs. Sarah P. Jaines, Mrs. Clarence B. James and Miss'Duke Sheel, all of this dty. Funeral and burial services (ode place at Portsmouth, Va., Monday. Mr. Sheek was a member of Mediodist Church. He had hdd a position in the Portsmouth Navy Yard for more than 30 years. *'J^":had many friends in this dty who were saddened by hews of his death. He had been in bad | health fOr several years.. To the bereaved wife, brorh^ and sisters. The Record extends-sympathy in' this great sorrow. J. 6. Shermer J. B. Shermer, 73, died uncx pectediy at his home in the Ad' vance community at 9 p. Sat urday, Feb. 15ih. Mr. Shermer had been in good health undl he suffered a heart attack shortly be fore his death. , Surviving are the widow, four wns, five daughter, iJ^randchlld- ren; one great-grandchild; and two brothers, W. G. Shermer of Wins- ton-Salem, and T. M. Shermer of Advance. Funeral was at 3 p. m., Tuesday at Advance Baptist Church. Rev. E W. Turner and Rev. Mr. Al- good officiated. Burial was in die church cemetery. Grover Ray McDaoiei Grover Ray Mcl^iel, 14-vear' old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McDaniel, died unexpectedly at their home, Mocksville, Route 2, Feb. I6th. The youth had apparently been in good health with the exception of a cold^ during the past few days. He l^came critically ill Sat urday night. He died at 1 a. m., Sunday. Surviving are the parent!^ five sisters, and four brodiers.' " Funeral was at 4 p. m., Feb 17tb m the Oak Grove Methodist Church. Revs. B. Fitzgetaid and G. W. Hnk officiated. Buri^ was in the church cemetery. I Mrs. Sallfe Sheets Mrs. Sellie Porter Sheets, 68, widow of Hugh A. Sheets, died Tuesday morning at the home >of si daughter, Mrs. S. C. Carser, Ad vance, R. 1. Mrs. Sheets, a daughter of die Ute Mitchell and Hannah Hen- drix Foster, was a life long resid ent of Davie County. Surviving arc the daughter, Mrs. Cartcn two sisters, Mrs. S. S. Stonestreet, of Moeksville and Mrs. Alex Jonc^ of Advwee, Route 1; ijine grand children; 'dirce great^grmdchildrcri The funeral was held at 2 p. m. Thursday at die home and at 2:3C p. m. at Fork Baptist Church. Rey^ Wade Hutchefis, James H. Groce and Charlie Frenklin officiated. Buiuil was in the church ceine- tsry. Bio - Obituaries - 2/26/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 28,1947 - Page 8 Mrs. Sheets, 68, Dies at Advance Mra. SqIUc Foster Sheets, 68, widow of Hugh A. Sheets, died Tuesday, February 18, at the home o( a daughter, Mrs. S. C. Carter, Advance, Route 1. Mrs. Sheets, a daughter of the late Mitchell i\nd Hannah Hen- drlx Foster, was a lifelong resi dent of Davlc county. Surviving are the daughter, Mrs. Carter; two sisters, Mrs. S. C. Stono- slrect of Mocksvlllc and Mrs. Alex Jones of Advance, Route 1; nine grandchildren; three great grandchildren. The funeral was held at 2 p.m. Tinirsday at the home and at 2:30 p.m. at Fork Baptist church. Rev. Wade Hulchens. Rev. Jas. H. Oroce, and Rev. Charlie Franklin ofTlciatcd. Burial was In the church ccmotery. Pallbearers wore Ernest, Clar ence, Frank, Alllc, Paul and Bus ter Carter. Bio - Obituaries - 2/28/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 5,1947 Mrs. R. L Whitaker Mn. Sax^ Elizabeth Whitaker* 7(^ wife of R. L. 'Whiter, died at her home in Hi^ Point Tues day. Mrs. Whitaker was bora in Davie County* Feb. 27* 1876* the daughter of Henry and Mary Call Saunders. She had been a resid ent of High Point for thirty. Surviving are die husband; five daughters, one son, three sisters, Mrs. Etta SmlthT Mrs. Rachel Ho- ward« and Mrs. Ellen Kepler, all of Mocksville; two brothers, Joe Saunders, Mbcksville, and Marvin Saunders. Winston-Salem. Funeral services were conduct ed at 2 p. m., Thutsdav from the Union Tabernacle High Point, by Revs. Clay J. ChUdress, W. a Barker, and J. R. Reece. Burial followed in Floral Garden Park Cemetery, High Point. James Keith Boger James Kdth Boger, 17 years old, died in Rowan Memorial Hospital Salisbury, Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock hom Chestnut Grove Church, on R. 2, and interment was in the church cemetery. Revs. F. R. lof- lin and j. R Groce conducted the services. Mr. Boger U the sdn of Mr. and Mrs. J. Edpr Boger, of Cana, and is su^ved by his parents and one brother, Blrlie Boger. He was woridng with his father, operat ing a motor saw near Salhbuiy. when a tree came down and fell across his body. He was carried to Rowan Memorial Hospital and died there two hours later. Mis. J. A. Barneycastle Mr& J. A. Dsmeycaatle, 77, died at 5 p. ID.. Tburadaa at her botpe In the Coc- .DaizeroommuoUy. ' I Althou|(b she bad- been in declining , health for several yeara. her deetb came onezpeciedly. ' i Funeral services were held at 2 p. in..i Saturday at Cotnatzer Methodist Church Services were conducted by Revs. Howard K. Jordan. Cbsnie Fraohlin and Jomea H. Groce. • Mrs. Baraeycastle is survived by the boaband, two sons, Jim Barnocastle o( MocksvlHe. Route 3, and Joe Baineyeaatle of Advance, Route 1; two dauabtcrs, Mrs. Ray Mvera of Mocksviile. Routa 9. and Mrs. Lois Godbey. of Uujclsvitle. Route 4; and nine graodcblldreD. William A. Tmebve William A. Thielove. one of Davle's oldest dtlzana. died at.bis home on Ha ^a Aveouft Tbunday Qighr, followiog an iiloeaa of about one week. Funeral services were bekl at the First Methodist Church Suodav afternoon at 2 o'd^k. with Revs, R. M. Hardee and W. U StnUb offidailng and the body laid to rest beside bla wife in Rose Ootetery. Mr. Tfoelova was born in Yadkln Coun ty May I. 1655 He moved to this county about 60 rears ago. and was engaged in farming I o Jerusalem township for many yean. He moved to Hot^sville aboui3£yaers ago and bas tfved here aiaoe. Ha served as poltvOQtan bece for a nomber' of yeara and looked after the streets. His wife died eight years agd. Surviving are one half sitter, severet oeicee ara uephewa. Mr. Truclove bad many ftieoda throaghout the coutity who were saddened by news of hia death lie waa a member of the Ffleods Church. Bio - Obituaries - 3/5/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 7,1947 - Page 1 W. A. Truelove, 91, Dies Here Thursday William A. Truelove, 91. died at his homo on Maple avenue at 10 p.m. Thursday. He \^'as one of Mocksvlllc's oldest citi zens. Mr. Truelove, born In Virginia, came to Davlo county from Yad- kln county about 50 years ago. He had resided in Mocksvlllc for the past 33 years. Ho v.'n.s nt one lime a member of the police force and for a number of years was employed in a local furniture plant. He retired several years ago. With Iho exception of a num ber of nephews and nieces, no relatives survive. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Methodist church here. Rev. Robert M. Hnrdce and Rev. W. L. Smith were In charge. Burial was hi Rose cem etery. Active pallbearers were Grovcr Hcndiicks, Bon Boyles. E. .P. Fos ter. S. M. call and John Daniel. Honorary pallbearers Included Z. K. Anderson, T. I. Caudcll, John Hoover, 0. F. stroud, Joe Parker, F. W. Honcycutt, E. V. Allen, R. F. Click and N. T. Foster. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 7,1947 - Pages 1 and 8 Mrs. Barncycustlc Dies At Cornntzer Mrs. J. A. Barneycastlc, 77, died at 5 p.m. Thursday at her home In the Cornatzcr commu nity. Although she had been in de clining health for several years, her death come unexpectedly. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Saturday at Cornatzer (CentlnneA en paf# 9) tlORE ABOUT Mrs. Burncycastle Methodist church, Services were conducted by Rev. Howard B. Jordan, Rev. Charlie Franklin and Rev. James H. Orocc. Mra. Barnoyonotle Is survived by the husband, two sons, Jim Barneycastlc of Mocksvlllc, R. 3, and Joe Barneycastlc of Ad vance, R. 1; two daughters, Mrs. Roy Myers of Mocksvlllc. R. 3, and "Mrs. Louis oodbcy of Mocksvlllc, R. 4; and nine grand children. Bio — Obituaries — 3/7/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 12,1947 John T. Rogers Funenl sefvicea for John Tay Rogers, 55, Davie County fanner whose home was near County Lfne was held at 3 p. m., Thurs day, at Hickory Grove Methodist Church, conducted by Rev, Lum Chaffin. Interment will be in the church cemetery. Mr. Kogers died Tuesday, fol' lowing a stroke of paralysis. - He was a native of Iredell County and lived in the Mooresville com* munity until he moved to Davic County 21 years ago. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ellen Whitaker Rogers, six- sons, a daughter, a brother and two sisters. Leiia Crews Foster j Mrs. Lelia Crews Foster, 72, a 'native of Davie County, who moved to Winston-Salem 52 years 'ago, died in a hospital in diat city on March 2nd. Funeral and burial services took place at Pine Chapel Moravian Church o n March 4th. John J. Williams John J. Williams. 64. a native of Davie County, died at his home near Oak Forest Thursday. Sur* | viving are the widow and eight; children. Funeral and burial' services were held at New Salem: Methodist Church Saturday after* j noon at 2;30 o'clock. Bio - Obituaries - 3/12/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 14,1947 - Page 1 Infant Son Boger INFANT DIES The i^ifant son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bogcr of routo 2 died last Monday night In a States- vile hospital. Interment was In Eaton's cemetery Tuesday morn ing. Survivors are the parents. Mrs. Bogcr Is the former Miss Elizabeth Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. c. P. Ward of Smith Orove, the former being a coun ty commissioner. { Mrs. Nora Williams Died Tuesday Mrs. Nora H. Williams, 77, died early Tuesday morning at the home of a daughter, Mrs. W. L. Rcavis, of route 2. She was a native of Des Molnes, Iowa, and had lived with her daughter for the past seven months. Other survivors Include three daughters, a son, a sister and two brothers, all residents of lowa and IlUnola, A ahort funeral service was held at ihe ^Iker Funeral Home Thursday jflornlng and the body was sent Xo Des Molnes (or Interment. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 14,1947 - Page 6 Mrs. D. D. Smith Is Taken By Death Mrs, D. D. Smith. 30, of the Smith Grove commmilty, died at a Statcsvlllc ho.spital Sunday evening after suiTerIng a stroke of apoplexy. She was the daughter of W. F. and Nona Bowles Baker. Sur viving arc the husband;! one brother, Carl Baker, MocksvlUo, B. 2; two half brothers, William and James Baker, of Mobile, Ala.; the stepmother, Mrs. John Potts, of Mocksvtllc; and ono stepsister. Mrs. Gilbert Atwood of Mooksvillc. Funeral services wore held at Smith Grove Methodist church Wednesday with Rev. J. 8. Pol- gcr. Rev. Mr. Brewer and Rev. James Pltegerald oillclatlng. In terment was in the church cem etery. Bio - Obituaries — 3/14/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 14,1947-Page 1 DAVIE GIRL KILLED IN PLANE CRASH GOINGHOMEFORMOTHER'SBIRIHDAY DIES IN ACCIDENT m.j MISS MARGARET JO BROCK On her way home from New York In a twln-onBhiod Cessna plane to be present for her moth er's birthday, Miss Margaret Jo Brock, 22, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Brock of Farming- ton, was killed early last Satur day morning when the plane crashed In snow-covcrod woods about 13 miles north of Bur lington. State Senate from thia district several times, and the latter the former Miss Laura Tabor, daugh ter of a Methodist minister. Six brothers and one sister also sur vive: B. C. Brock, Jr., and John Tabor Brock, both Juniors at the University of Korth Carolina; James Moses, Richard Joe, Wil liam L. and Rufus Brock, all of Bio - Obituaries - 3/14/1947 Frank Shrlcncr, of Greens boro, about 24, pilot of the plane, was also killed and another pas senger, Leslie Ward of Denton, was Injured. The plane, owned by Hawthorne Flying Service of Qreensboro-Hlgh Point Airport, was cn route from LaOuardia Field, N. Y., to the Greensboro- High Point Airport. It is under stood that the two men had flown to New York with a passenger and were returning when Mr. Shi'clncr, u friend of Miss Brock's, asked her to come back with them She told him that she was planning to come home for her niothcr's birthday and readily accepted the Invitation. Upon Hearing Greensboro, it Is understood that the pilot of the plane signaled the airport about coming in, saying he was short of gas, and was told that the snowstorm was loo bad and was turned back for Raleigh. Ap parently the plane ran out of gas before reaching the destina tion and crashed. Life belts were the home; Frances Vert Brock, senior at Woman's College. Greensboro. Two grandparents, Mrs. J. B. Tabor of SlatcsvlUe and Mrs. M. B. Brock of Farm- Ington, likewise survive. Funeral services were held 'at Fannlngton Methodist church at 11 a. m. Monday. The church was filled, many could not get Jnsldc and the floral tributes wore the most abudant In the lilstory of the church, it was stated. still on both men and it was necessary to cut the pilot's body out of the wreckage. Miss Brock was thrown clear of the plane and apparently landed on her head.l judging from the Injuries. The crystal on her wrist watch was broken and showed that the hands stopped at 12:43 a.m. The plane was discovered by Leroy cole, an employee of Bur lington Mills, who woa going home after work on the second shift. After graduation as an honor student at Woman's College, Greensboro, In IGH Miss Brock Joined the F.B.I. In Charlotte. Later she was transferred to New York with the organization. Be ing Interested in studying law, she was employed by a York law Arm at the time of her death. Survivors Include the parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Brock, the former a well known attorney of Mocksvllle and member of the Rev. R. M. Hardec, pastor of the Mocksvllle Methodist church, read the funeral ritual of that denomination from the New Tes tament; Dr. George Clemmcr, district superintendent of Thom- asvlllc, delivered a moving prayer and Rev. j. s. Folger, pastor of Farmlngton Methodist church, eulogized Miss Brock as the "kind of young woman this entire country needs more of." The Methodist choir sang "Faith of our Fathers" and "Jesus, Lover of My Soul." Interment was In the church cemetery. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 14,1947 - Page 7 John T. Rogers Dies In Davie John Tjiy Rogers, whose home was In Davie county near the Hunting Creek bridge on Statcs' vlllo-MocksvUlc highway, died March 4, Mr. Rogers sulTercd a stroke of paralysis that morn ing. and ills condition continued .serious until his death. Ho had n previous stroke a year ago, bub had apparently recovered from its effects. Mr. Rogers, the son of Marlon and Nancy (Owens) Rogers, was a native of IrcdcU county, and wn.s born March 0.1892. He spent his early life in the MoorcuvUle community and was employed In the textile indu.stry. On Janu ary Ifi, 1015, lie was married to Miss Ellen Wliltakcr, of Davie county, and for the past twenty- one years he and his family had lived at their present home in Davie county, where he was en gaged In farming. Surviving are Mrs. Rogers; six sons: Lewis Rogers, of coolce- mec; Clyde, Carl, Everett, Bill and Jlmmle Rogers, all of the home; and a daughter, Mrs, c. M. RatlcdgQ. of Davio county. Twelve grandchildren survive. Mr. Rogers leaves a brother, Rob ert Rogers, of MoorcsvlUe; two sisters, Mrs. Snllle Atwcll, of Kannapolls, and Mrs. Laura Car penter, of Concord. Funerat servlco.s wore held from Hickory Qrove Methodist church, conducted by Rev. lam Chnftln. Interment was In the church cemetery. Alex Hege, 93, Dies At Advance Alex Hcgc, 93. of Advance, fa- Uicr of W. E. Hege of Wlnston- Balcm, died last Monday at his home. The runorai service was held Tuesday ab the home. Burial was in the Elbavlllo church grave yard. Surviving in addition to Mr, Hege of Winston-Salem are a daughter, Mrs. J. F. Martin of Dunn; two sons, j. D. Hege of Salisbuxy and Charles L. Hege Of Advance; 24 grandchildren, and 10 gyeat-grandohildren. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 14,1947 - Page 8 Mrs. Stella Smith Is Taken by Death Mrs, Stella Avesta Falrcloth Smlth'of cana died at her homo lit 0:49 p.m. Sunday after a se rious Illness of eight weeks. Mrs. smith was born in Davie county, daughter of Eugene and Mollle Sheets Falrcloth, and spent her early life there. She lived at Hanes for a number of years, and in the Mount Tabor community for nine years, mov ing to the present home place six months ago. In 1921, she was married to R. E. Smith, a we!i*known brick mason, who survives. Other sur vivors Include three sons, Dallas, Dcwey end Daniel Gray Smith, all of the home; two daughters, Dorothy and Dora Lee Smith, both of the home; one grand child, three brothers, Eugene, Frank and Jake Falrcloth, all of Winston-Salem; and four sisters, Mrs. Leona Btyers and Mrs. Ella Kimer of Winaton-Saiem, Mrs. Delia Reynolds of Hanes, and Mrs. Clara Ball of Elkin. Bio - Obituaries — 3/14/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 19,1947 Mrs. Daniel Smith Mn.'Daniel D. Smidi, 39, of Smidi Grove, died Sunday nl^^ March 9th, juat before reaching a Statesville hospital, where she was carried, following a heart attack. Surviving.are the husband, one brottier, Carl Baker, of R. 2; tWo half brothers, WUllam and James Baker, Mobile, Ala.; the stepmoth' er, Mrs. John Potts, of this dty, and one stepsbter, Mrs. Gilbert Atwood, R. 2. Funeral services were held at SnUdi Crove Methodist Church Wednesday at 2:30 p. m., with Revs. J. S. Folger, J. R. Brewer and J. B. Fitzgerald offidadng, and the body laid to rest in thechurch cemetery. To the bereaved ones The Record extends deep sympa* thy In thb sad hour. John M. Latham John M. Latham, 70, of die Pino community, died at 2:30 p. nu,last Monday, at his home. He lived Kb entire life in Davie. Surviving are the widow, one daughter, Mrs. Robert GUI, R. 2* three sons, Elmer Ladiam, of Unionville, Paul Latham, Wins- tOH'Salem; Harmon Latham, R« 2; two brothers, S. R. Latham, of thb dty, and T. F. Latham, R. 2. Funeral services were held at 11 a. m., Wednesday at Wesley Chap* j el Methodbc Church with Revs. J. S. Folger and H. C. Freeman ^ offidating, Burbl foUowed in the | church cemetery. I Alex Hege AlexHege, 93, one of Davie County's oldest dtizens, died at hb home near Advance, on March 10th* Funeral services were held at the home last Tuesday aftei^ noon at 3 o'dock. Burial was in the ElbaviUe cemetery. Surviving are three sons, W. E. Hcfic, Winston*Salem; J. D. Hege, Salisbury, and Chas. R Hege, Ad vance; one daughter, Mrs. J. F. Martin, Dunn; 24 grandchUdren and 10 great-grandchildrenl Mrs. N. H. Waiiams last rices for Mrs. Noah H. Williams, 76, a native of Des Molnes. Iowa, were conducted at 9:30 a. m., lliuTsday at Walker Funeral Home. Rev. E. W. hfc- Murray officiated. The body was sent to Des Moincs for burid. Mrs. WUIiams died last Tues day at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. L, Reavb of Four Com ers. Boger Infant Funeralfor the infmt son of, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Boger, of Route 2, was held Tuesday ac| Eton's Cemetery. Thebaby died' Monday ni^d^t at a Statesville hos pital Mrs. Boger U the former Miss Elizabeth Ward. Bio - Obituaries - 3/19/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 21 1947 - Page 2 H. F. Sparks, 86, Is Taken by Death Harrison Fisher Sparks, 86, of Advance, Route 1, Macedonia church community, died at his home at 0:05 p.m. Sunday after being in declining health for some time. He had been seriously 111 for three months. • Mr. Sparks, a farmer, was born October 28, i860. In Davie county, son of Charlie and Sarah Beau- champ Sparks, and had resided In the Macedonia church com munity his entire life. Me was a member of Macedonia Moravian church. Three times married, his flrst wife was Emmaiinc Douthit, his second, Eleanor lice, and his third, who survives, Amanda Pry. other survivors include son, J. H. Sparks, of Mocksviilc, Route 2; one daughter, Mrs. era Mitchell of Advance, Route 1; eight grandchildren; 14 great grandchildren; one brother, B. B. Sparks of Advance, Route 1: and three sisters, Mrs. Oliver Myers, Advance, Route 1; Mrs. Mary B. Vnnlioy, Winston-Sa- lem; and Mrs. Emma Conrad of King. Services nt the homo were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday and at 2:30 p.in. at Macedonia Moravian church. Rev. George Bruner and Rev. O. E. Brewer were In charge, interment was in the church cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 21 1947 - Page 4 T. F. Latham Dies at Age 78 T. F. Latham. 78, died at his homo, Mocksvillo, Route 2. at 9 a.m. Sunday. Ho was tiiQ son of Jamos M. and Nancy Perobco Latham. Survivors include the wife, the formor Miss Margaret Bogor;! live daughters, Mrs. W. \V. Pat terson of Matthews; Mrs. Jnmos Ealon and Mrs. L. L. White, both of Mocksviilc, Route 2; Mrs. Clnr-' ence Galthor of Cooioeincc; ond^ Miss Bessie Latham of Win4^»-1 Salcm; nine sons, Troy and Rod-| well Latliem of Wlnston-Salcm;, Martin and Albert Latham of.Mocksvllic. Route I; Evorottej Latham of cana, Route 1; Wil son and Oscar Latham of the homo; WlHard Latham, Mocks villo, Route 2; and Tommy La tham, U. S. Army, stationed in Germany; a brother, S. R. La tham, of Mocksvillo, and 14 grandchildren. Funeral services wore conduct ed at Eaton's Baptist church at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday. Rev. E. W. Turner, Rev. Wnde Hutchiiis and Rev. R. G. McCiamrock were in clinrgo. Burial followed in tho church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 3/21/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 26,1947 Harrison F. Sparks Harrison F. Sparks, 86, of Ad« vance, R« 1, died at his home on die evening of March 16th, after a serious illness of three months. Mr. Sparks was bom Oct. 26, 1860, in Davie County, and had resided in the Macedonia Church community his entire life. He was a member of Macedonia Mo' ravian Church. Three times married, his first wife was Emmaline Doudiit, his second, Eleanor l«e, and his third, who sureives, Amanda Fry. Oth^ er survivors include one son, ]. H. Sparkfli Mocksville, R. 2; one dau« £hcer,Mrs. Ora Mitchell, Advance, R. 1: eight grandchildren; fourteen ereat«£randchitdTen: one brother, Baxter B. Sparks, Advance, R. 1; and three sisters, Mrs, Oliver My* ers. Advance, R. 1; Mrs. Mary B. Vanhoy, Winston'Salem, and Mrs. Emma Conrad, of King. Funeral services were held last Tuesday at 2 p. nin at the home, and at 2:30 p. ra., at Macedonia Moravian Church. Revs. George Bruner and G, E. Brewer were in charge. Interment followed in the church cemetery. T. F;. Latham T. F. Latham, 76, well known Davie County retired farmer, died at his home on R. 2, March 16th. Survivors include the wife, five daughters and nine sons, onc'bro- diec, S. R* Latham, of Mocksville, and 14 grandchildren. Ftmeral services were conducted last Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at Eaton's Baptist Church, widi Revs. E. W. Turner, Wade Hutchens and ih G. McClamroch officiating, and the body laid Co rest in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/26/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 28 1947 - Page 1 Mrs. Lela Lloyd Died Wednesday Mrs. Lela Velna Naylor Lloyd, 78, native of Davlo county and daugliler of J. O. and Sarah Amanda Booo Naylor, died last Wednesday at her home In Win- ston-Salem. Her husband, a merchant, died several years ago. Funeral services were hold at tUu home last Friday and litler- mont was In the Balem ceme tery. Survivors Include three broth- era, J. r. Haylor of Mocksvllie, Tom and Wataon Haylor of Wln- ston-Salem; two sisters, Mrs. T. W. HUlTlnes and Mrs. Caleb Pen- ry of Wlnston-Salem. Bhe was an aunt of Floyd wayior of Green Milling C^. here and Miss Inc Naylor, county accountant. W. A. Nail Funeral Held Thursday William Anderson Nail, 77, Who was bom at cornatzcr on Feb. 13, 1870, died at his home in Winston-fialcm lost Wednes day. He was a carpenter and eontroctar. Son of Thomas and Plnunic Cornatzer Nail, he Is survived by his widow, the for mer Miss Sara Massey; three daughter, five brother^ and one sister. Among the brothers sur viving are George and J. K. Nail of Uavic county and Alex Nail of Cooleemee. Funeral services were held on Thursday and interment was In the Shady Grove Methodist church graveyard, ' MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 28 1947 - Page 4 "Granny" Owen Passes Away Mrs. Emma Ellis Owen, 80. widow of William M. Owen of route a, died March 20 at her home at Smith Grove. Daughter of Uic late Hannah E. Ellis of Smith Grove, "Granny," as she was popularly called, spent most of her life in and around Smith Grove. She was a member of DuUns Methodist church in ear ly girlhood, but later transferred to Smith Grove. Survivors incudc two sons, Joe V. Owcius of route 3 and Ira D. (Tab) Owen of Harmony, route I. Six groat-grandchlldrcn, a number of nieces and nephews also survive. Funeral services were held last Saturday at Smith Grove church and burial was In the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/28/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 2,1947 ' Killed Instantly Mrs. Tom Trivette Fun^l services for Mrs. Tom Trivicte, 72, of Boonville, were he.d at Union Chapel Methodist Church last Wcdnesdayaftcmoon, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Surviving arc the husband, five sons and seven daughters. One son, Burton Trivicte, lives near Cana and three daughters. Mrs. C. S. Lapish, Mrs. Henry Stanley and Mrs. Bryant Turner live in Clarksvillc township. FiftyTour gnindchtidrcn and 24 great-grand children survive. Meivin W. Carter Loses' Life ID Auto Wreck ' Meivin, W. Carter, 23, of Smith Grove, was killed instantly Satur^ day night about 11 o'vlock when a 1936 Ford sedan he wais driving,' left the highway on North Main: street and hit a tree in the yard of Rev. F. R. Loflin. Mr. Carter | was by himself when the accident occurred. Surviving are the widow, 'a 3- year-old daughter, Melva Jean, of Smith Grove; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carter, who recently moved to Danville, Va,; a brother, Monroe Carter, Norfolk, Va.; two sisters, Mrs. Ods Couch and Miss Pauline Carter, of this dty. Ftineral services were held at the Mocksviile Methodist Church 1 Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock,' with Revs. R. M. Hardee and E.' W. Turner offidog, and the body I laid to rest in Rose cemetery. ' Mrs. John C. T/atum Mrs. John C. Tatum, member of 3 well-known North Carolins family, died at her home in Satis, bur/, Sund.-iv, following an ex tended Illness. Tlic former Thurta Graves, she I was (he <!.-niBhcer of Mr. anti Mrs. Henry Graves of-tbis city- Funer al services were at Salisbury at II a. m.. Tuesday. | Survivors include her huiband,. her father, and one brother, Har. ley Graves, Sr., Mocksviile. DA/iii RcCOilD n I ill** Bio - Obituaries - 4/2/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 4,1947 - Page 1 MELVIN CARTER DIES IN WRECK Mclvln W. carter, 23. of route 3. was almost Instantly killed last Saturday night about 10:50 p.m. when the car he was driving crashed into a tree In the yard ol Rev. F. R. Lonin on North Main street alter leaving the highway. His body was pinned between the front seat and the steering wheel and ho was extricated by Patrolman L. B. Orecn and Ev- erette Blackwood, driver of the ambulonce which came to the I scene. He was rushed to the ! hospital In Salisbury in the am bulance, but was pronounced dead upon arrival. Patrolman Oreen said he had a slight pulse when taken from the car. The patrolman, who had stopped a car about a block from where the accident took place, said the car passed him going at a rapid rate of speed and apparently control of the vehicle was lost. I Son of T. Walter and Ada |Cranf\ll Carter, who lived In I Mocksvllle until moving recently to Danville, va., ho is survived by his parents; by his widow, Mrs. Molly Joe Smith Carter; one daughter, Melva Jean; a brother, Monroe Carter of Norfolk; two sisters, Mrs. Otis Couch and Miss Pauline Carter of Mocksvllle. Funeral services were held Tuesday at the local Methodist church, conducted by Rev. R. M. Hardce and Rev. E. W. Turner. Interment was In the Rose cem etery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 4, 1947 - Page 8 Mrs. John Tatum Passed Sunday Mrs. John C. Tatum, member of a well-known Davle county family and who was the former Miss ThurzA Graves, died at her home in Salisbury last Sunday following an extended Illness. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Graves of Mocksvllle. she is survived by her husband, her father and one brother, Harley Graves. Sr. Both father and brother reside in Mockaville. Funeral services were held on Tuesday morning at the Salis bury home, 120 Circle Drive, con ducted by Dr. Charles H. Durham of Lumbcrton, a brothcr-ln-law, and Rev. Archie GIlia, pastor of the First Baptist church of Salisbury, where she is a long time member. Interment was in the Memorial Park cemetery In Salisbury. Mrs. Martin Trivite Dies In Hospital Mrs. Martha Trlvltto, 72, wife of Tom Trlvitte of Boonvlllc. died last Tuesday In an Elkln hos pital. She had a number of rcl- atlvca in this section, Including two sons, Burton of Cana, R. 1, and Llnnlc Kar of Harmony, R. 2; Mrs. C. S. Laplsh of Cana, R. I; Mrs. Henry Stanley of R. 2and Mrs. Bryant Turner, cana, R. 1, .were among the surviving seven daughters. Other surviv ors include the husband, three sons who live In Yadkln county, 54 grandcKlldren and 24 great- grnndchlidren. Poneral services were held on Wednesday at Union Chapel Methodist church and Interment was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 4/4/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 9,1947 Mrs. L M. Janus Mia E. M. James, 71, of K* 4. <died at Rowan Memorial Hcispical Satafriaymoni- iotf, followliig an extended illness. Funeral swvioes were held at Tocren* Cine Baptist Chureli Monday afteroooo at 2^ o'clock, with Revs.^ W. Tofser. CX 0, Jenkins and A. T. Stoudenmlieoffiolat' Ind and tho hody laid to net In tbeeboich cemetery, Sarviviod are four sons, Charles. Frank, Carl, and E. ^ James, of R. 4; one daugh* ter. Mn. Clarence Hendricka, Wlostoo*Sal« em; two brothers and five sisters ' R. A Howdl R. A. HoweU, 76. retired fhrniture work* er, dittl at 6^15 p m.. Tbuisdav at the home of a daoghter. Un. W. C. Murph. Mr. Mowell. a native of Yadkin- Goonty, had lived here for the past 46 years. Funeral servleee were conducted at 2 p. tn., Saturday at the Moekavllle Methodist Cbilivb by Reva. R. fit Hardee sod E« W* Tofoer. fomialwasln the family plot at Rosa t^etery. Survivonaie the widow. Mn. Naney Brown Howell: one daughter, Mrs. twograodflhilfhen and ooe hfoth» Bio - Obituaries - 4/9/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 11,1947 - Page 1 |d* W. Williams* Rites Conducted Friday funcra) services for Daniel W. Williams, 48, of Riverside drive, Coolcemcc, were held at the home at 2 pjn. Prlday. Rev. a. L. Roystcr and Rev. W. L. Smith ofTlclatcd. Burial was in Cornat- sor cemetery. Mr. Williams died In a Balis- bury hospital Wednesday night after being a patient there for two weeks. Surviving are the wife, Mrs. Ruth liVTstor Wlillains, of the home; the mother, Mrs. John Williams, of Kowan county: three brothers, Ed and FclU Williams, MocksvUle, Route 4. and Adam William^, Salisbury, Route l; three sisters. Mrs. Will Hambrar- rler. Salisbury, Route 1, Mrs. P. M. Brcncgar and Mrs. Delia Mundy, Coolcemee. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 11,1947-Page2 R. A. Howell Rites Held Saturday R. A. Howell. 78. retired fur niture worker, died at 6:45 pjn. yesterday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. W. 0. Murph, of Mocksvilie. Mr. Howell, a native of Da- vlc county, had lived in Mocks- vlUc for the past 42 years. He was a son of Joshua and Salilo Harvei Howell. Punsra) services were con ducted at 3 p-m. Saturday at Mocksvilie Methodist church by Rev. R. M. Hardee and Rev, E. W. Turner. Burial was in the family plot at Rose cemetery. Survivors arc the widow, Mrs. Nancy Brown Howcil; one daughter, Mrs. Murph: two grandchildren and one brother. Pallbearers were W. P. Hcn- drlcks, H. A. Lagle, Clarence Richardson. Jimmie Buwles, D. R. fitroud and Lester Cranfiil. The Ladies' Wesley class carried the flowers. Bio - Obituaries - 4/11/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 16,1947 Calvin H. Spillman Soccambs To Woimds Calvin H. ^j^Ufanaa of Noc^ Coolcemcc, bedridden for the last six months because of wounds in his spfatc and a tung; died day at his home. He wasalleged- ly shot by H. R. OMondie) Culbep' ton, a piopclccor of a tavern In Notdi Cooleemee on die ni^t of October 25,1946, and ivho Isnow free under bond. Bio - Obituaries - 4/16/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 18,1947 - Page I CALVIN SPIILMAN DIES FROM WOUND Calvin M. ("Bo") SpUlman. 25, died at hU home In Cooleemoe early last Wednesday morning following injuries when he was shot by a rifle bullet lost Octo ber 25 at the Dixie Tavern In North Cooleemcc. His principal injury was stated to have been paralysis which resulted from the bullet entering his spine. A native of Kannapolis and son of the late Calvin M. Spill- man and Mrs. Lela Swicegood Spillman, survivors Includo his mother, who lives at Tyro; his wife, the former Miss Ola Mae Kooton; two daughters, Judy Anne and Brenda Joyce SpUl man; a sister. Mrs. F. B. Led- better of Kannapolis; a half brother, John Austin Spillman af Cooleemee; two half sisters, Lola and Folly Spillman of MooresvUle. Several uncles and aunts live on route 4. Funeral services were held at the home last Friday, conducted by Rev. J. H. Oroce, Rev. O. L. Roystcr and Rev. Mr. Rcavls. In terment was In the Deep Creek Baptist graveyard in Yadkln county. Spillman was shot by Blondio Culbcraon, opemtor of the Dixie Tavern at that time, culbcrson is at present under 19,000 bond in thu case, chorgcd with assault with deadty«wcapon with Intent to kill. Also Involved in the case was Robert Lee Hall, who was hit over the head with the rlflo when the gun Jammed. Court attaches expressed the opinion that the warrant In the case against Culbcrson , might be changed following Splllman's death, culbcrson Is also under n $5,000 bond hero In nn alTray case Involving Clyde Fcspcrman. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 18, 1947 - Page 6 Lula Spaulding Kelsey Mrs. Luln Spaulding Kelsey passed on last Wednesday morn ing after an extended llncss nt her residence, B20 Horah stroot. Bnllflbury. Funeral service was hold at Livingstone College au ditorium last Sunday at 2 p. m. Tho rostrum was bedecked with expensive floral designs. The acrvlccs were very unique. Words of a'isurance and respect were, given by Mrs. Rose O. Aggrey. Bio - Obituaries - 4/18/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 23,1947 Charles W. Dull C W. Dan. 78, well known retired farm er of Davte County, died at bis home in the Pino community eariy Sunday mmn- log. He had been in deoUnlng health for some time, and serlonaly 111 for a week, Mr. Dntl was bom in Foraytb Ccootsr on April 7.1869, a son of George T. and Eto. abeth H* Doll He came to Davte Connty In 1910, where be spent the remainder of his life. Surviving are the widow, Constance Spaeb Dull, siKSOBs. Flovd W.. Lather BL, and William Ditii. of Cane, R 1.; Charlie S. Doll, Mocksvilto, R, 2: Harvey H., and Wade Dull. Blooksvitle: four dat^tera, Mrs. Gtenn Jones. Advance; Mrs. fiuheit Roger. Mocksvilte, R, 2; Mrs. Albert Roger, Momvltle. aod.flilr8. Howell E. Reavia, Cooleemee: 27 granddiildfeo, four brothers, W B, roll. MocksviUe, R. 2; John Wesley Dull, Cteminoos; Henry Doll, WIsoonsio and Robah Dnli, Nashville. Tenn^ two als tors; Mrs. Elian Harpo and Mrs. Retty Haipe, both of Ommons. Funeral servtces were held Ttiesdav monilDgatlto*cloek at Wealev Chapel Methodist Chnreb, with-Revs. J. W. Ves tal and J 8. Fdger ofBdaltng, and the bodyflafd to rest In the eborch oemetery. G. A. Carter Geago A. Carter, 77. died Sunday after- HOOD at the home of his daughtor. Miss Annie Outer, of Fork. Snrvivlog are seven daughter. Mrs. John A. Hloor, of WlnfltoD Salem. Mrs. ^an Howard of Detidt, Mrs. J. N. Richaidsoo. of Mocksvitlo, R, 3, Mrs. Olio Bstobaidt' of Advance, K. 1, Mrs Bryant Lewis of Mar shall, Va. and Mrs. Walter &wers Lex. Ingto, R. 4, low SODS Albert Carter of Ad- vanoe^Route I, Travis Caiter of Mocks viUe. Rooto 3, MltobeO Carter of High Point and'0. F. Carter, MoeksvlUo, Route, & 49 giandchttdfen and iSgroat-grandcbltdien. Funeial acrvlcea wore held at the home of hia dhnghier, Miia Annie Carter, at 2i30 im m • Tuesday and at Pork Baptist Cboich at2p m. Rem. Wade Hniohens and K. W. Tur ner officiated. Burial was in the forii Cemenry. Bio - Obituaries — 4/23/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 25,1947 - Page 1 C. W. Dull Rites Held Tuesday C. W. Dull. 18, well known and retired farmer of Davlc county, died at 'his home In the Pino community Sunday morning at 3:29. He hod hoen In declining health for some time, but was alrlcken very ill a week ogo. Mr. Dull was born in Forsyth county April 7, 1869, son of Oco. T. and Elizabeth H. Dull. He come to Davle county In 1910. where he spent the remainder of hla life. Surviving are his widow, con-, •taneo Spach Dull: she sons in« dude: Floyd W. Dull, Luther W. Dull and WlUtam Dull of Cana, R. 1; GhsrUe B. Dull of Mocks-' vllle, R. 3; Harvey H. Dull,, and Wade h. Dull of Mocksvllle; four daughters: Mrs. Oienn Jones of Advance. Mrs. Hubert Roger of MockSTllle, R. 3; Mrs. Albert Bo« get of Mocksvllle, and Mrs. How- ell 8. Reavls of Cooleemee. Twenty - seven grandchildren •ISO survive. Four brothers: W. B. Dull of MockflVlUe, R. 2; John Wesley Dull of ciemmons; Henry Dull of Wisconsin; and Roboh Dull of Kashville, Tcnn. Two slaters survive: Mrs. Ellen Har per and Mrs. Betty Harper, both of Olemmons. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at ii o'clock at the Wesley Chopcl Methodist church. Gcivlccs were conduct ed by Rev. J. W. Vestal nnd Rev. J. S. Folgcr. Burial was in the church cemetery. G. A. Carter Passes Away George A. Carter, 77, died Sun day afternoon at the home of his daughter, MLss Annie Car ter, of Fork, Davle county. He wos the son of Harrison and Amanda Laird Carter. Surviving are .'wven daugh ters, Mrs. John A. Minor of Win- ston-Saicm, Miss Aiiitlu Cavter of ] Fork, Mrs. Green Howard of De troit, Mrs. J, N. Richardson of Mocksvllle, Route 3, Mrs. Oltn Barnhardt of Advance, Route 1, Mrs. Bryant Lewis of Marshall, Va.. nnd Mrs. Walter Sowers, Lexington, Route 4; four sons, Albert Carter of Advoncc, Route 1. J. Travis Carter of Mocksvllle, Route 3, Mitchell Carter of High Point, and 0. F. Carter, Mocks vllle, Route 3; 49 grandchildren nnd 15 grcnt-grnndchlldrcn. Funeral services were hold nt the home of his daughter, Ml.ss Annie Carter, at 2:30 p.m. Tues day and at Fork Baptist church At 3 p.m. Rev, V/ade Hutchcns and Rev. E, W. Turner officiated. Burial was In the. Fork cemetery. Services Held For Miss Ida LcGrand Funeral services for Miss Idaj LeOrand, 00. who died Saturday, at the LcGrand plantation near Mt. Oiluad were held Sunday. Burial was In the LcOrnnd burial ground near Mt. pllcad, where the earliest grave of a member of the LcrOand family was In 1721. She was a sister of tho lato W. H. LcGrand. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. LeQrand nnd Mr. and Mrs. J. P. LcGrand attended the service. Bio - Obituaries - 4/25/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 30,1947 Chas, W. Tharpe Charlie W, Tharpe, 77 years old) died Tuesday evening about 8 o'clock at the home of his son, G. E. Tharpe, on Scatesville, Route 6. Funeral services were held Thursday afcernoon at 3 o'clock from Harmony Methodist church and interment was in the Har^ mony cemetery. Rev. J. O. Ervin, pastor of the church, Revs. Jack Cooke and Walter Iscnhour con* ducted the services. There are three sons surviving, Emc.st Tharpe of Winston Salem. 0. E Tharpe of Route 6, States* ville, and Sp«»ncer Tharpe of Char lotte. Two brothers also survive, Mes srs. W. D. and Tharpe of Har mony. Mr. Tharpe was a resident of Mocksville some 30 years ago, where he held a position as miller with the Hom-Johnstone flour mill. He had many "^nds in Davie County who were saddened by news of his death. A good man has gone to his reward. Mrs. Sallie Jarvis Mrs. Sallie Myers Jarvis, of Ad vance, wife of the late Bryant Jar vis, died in a Winston-Salem hos pital Monday afternoon. Mrs. Jarvis was bom in Ad vance community* a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Myers of Advance. , Surviving are one sister, Mrs. J. W. Jones of Greensboro; one brother, Columbus Myers, Ad- Advance, and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services .were held at Advance Baptist Church at 2:30 p. m.i Thursday. Revs. E. W. Turner and Howard lordan offi ciating. Mrs. Emma Whitaker Mrs. emfiy B. Wfaftsker. 79. widow ofT. P. Wbltaker, died at her home. Mocksville Route 2. at 6:15 a. m. Thursday. She had been ia deciioing health for some time, but had been seriously ill only a few days. Foorrol services were help at 3 p. m., Friday at Liberty Baptist Ctiurcb. Rev James Groce wos ia charge. Burial was in thu church cemetery. Surviviog are four sons. Flelch, P. 0„ Moody, and Latiie. all of MocksvUle, Roate*2: four daughters. Mrs Dave Peu- oiogtoD of Mocksville, Mrs. Hcnty Trivett, Mrs. Howard Brlokley. and Mrs. Johnny Adams, all of Mocksville Route 2; two brothers. Snow aud Charlie Beck, both of Mocksville. Route I; three sisters, Mrs. John Reeves. Mrs Peorl Richardson and Mrs. Robert Ijanies. all of Mocksville, Route I; 90 grandcUldten and four gnat- grandcbUdren. Bio — Obituaries - 4/30/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday,May 2,1947-Page 1 MRS. W. I, MOORE PASSED MONDAY Mrs. W. L. Moore, 50, veil- known MocksvlHe woman, died in Long's hospital, Statesvlllc, last Monday morning of a heart all* ment. The former Miss Daisy Jen nings of Roanokc, Va., she Is sur vived by hcr husband, local busi ness man and former state rep resentative; by two sons, W. L. Moore, Jr., of MocksvUlo and Raymond J. Moore of Rlchland, Wash.; by two daughters, Mrs. Bowman Oeorge of Mount Airy and Miss Muriel Moore, student at W.C.U.N.C. Two brothers and two sisters also survive; M. E. Jennings of Arlington, Va., and Leo Jennings of Topango, Cal; Mrs. j. 6. Ralke of Roanokc and Mrs. Leta Wom- ack of Arlington, Va. A third brother, Charles Jennings, died last Monday morning at Roa nokc, Va. Two grandchildren also survive. The funeral was held Wednes day afternoon at the Mockavllle Methodist church, conducted by Rev. R, M. Hardce and assisted by Rev. Fred Price of Granite Falls. Interment was In the family plot In Rose cemetery. Mrs. Moore was prominent In civic activities, being a former : president of the local P.*T.A. John Michael Cope INFANT DIES John Michael Cope, sevcn- month-old son of Lt. and Mrs. John Cope of San Diego, Cal., 'died April 25. The body arrived here Wcdncsdoy and funeral ser- , vices were held Thursday at the Liberty Methodist church with I burial in the churchyard. Lt. :Cope Is a native of Davle and has been In the navy for the last 17 years. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 2, 1947 - Page 7 1 Sanford Spry Dies In Davic at Age 64 Sanford Spry, 64, retired farmer, died unexpectedly at his home Saturday. | Mr. Spry was a son of Mr. andi Mrs. Flcs Spry. | He Is survived by three broth-1 ers, Oeorge, Arthur, and James Spry, all of Advance, and one sis ter, Mlas Frances Spry, a<so of Advance. Funeral services were held at Ithe Advance Methodist church at 3 psn. Sunday. I Rev. Howard Jordan ofTlclated. Burial was In the church cem etery. Bio - Obituaries - 5/2/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 2,1947 - Page 8 Mrs. Whitaker Dies At Age 79 Mrs. Bmlly B. Whltaker, 79, widow of T. p. Whit&ker, died St her home, MockavUle, Route 2 last Friday. She had been In declining health for some time, but had been seriously 111 only a few days. Funeral services were held at I pm. Saturday at Liberty Bap- tlst church. Rev. James aroce was in charge. Burial was In the church cemetery. Surviving arc four sons. Fletcher, D. P., Moody and Lit tle, all of MocksvDle, Route 2; four daughters, Mrs. Dave Pcn- nlngton of Mocksvlllc, Mrs. Hen ry Trlvett, Mrs. Howard Brink- ley and Mrs. Johnny Adams, all of Mocksvllle, Route 2; two brothers, Snow and Charlie Beck, both of Mocksvllle, Route 1; three slaters, Mrs. John Reeves, Mrs. Pearl Richardson, and Mrs. Robert IJames, all of Mocksvllle, Route 1; 30 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Mrs. Sallie Jarvis Is Claimed By Death Mrs. Sallie Myers Jarvis of Advance, wife of the late Bryant Jarvis, died In a Wlnston-Salem hospital last Thursday. Mrs. Jarvis was born in Ad vance community In August, 1803, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Myers of Ad vance. Surviving are one sister, Mrs. J. W. Joncs of orecnsboro; one brother, Columbus Myers. Ad vance, and several nlccos and nephews. Funeral services were held last Friday afternoon at Advance Baptist church, conducted by Rev. B. W. Turner and Rev. How ard Jordon. interment was In the church cemetery. A rat Is said to do at least one dollar's worth of damage a year on the farm and twice that much in the city. The total annual damage is estimated at $200,- 000,000. Bio - Obituaries - 5/2/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 7,1947 Robeit N. Smith Robert N. Smhb. 76. of near Sheffield, died at e Statesvllle boepltol Sanday. fol' iowiog a flhott lllneaa. Surviving are three aone. R. C Smith. Harmony, H. 2: C. R. Smith. Lexington, and L. G Smith, Stateaville; two daugh* tore. Mr«. R. M. Ijomca. Mo^sville. R. 1, and Miss Flossie Smith, of the home: four brothers and one sister. Funeral services were held at New Un ion Methodist Church yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Rev. Foster Loflin officl* atlng. and the body laid to rest In the church cemetery. A good man baa been called to bis reward. Mrs. John F. Smithdeal Mrs. Lula Smith Smithdeal. 6B. a na dve of Davie County, died suddeoly at her home in WiDstoo'Salein, Monday evening • of last week. Mrs. Smlthdnal was o daugh ter of (he late Mr. and Mrs. John W. Smith, near Advance. She was married 46 years aao to John F. Smithdeal. of Ad vance, where they lived until 25 vearsago when they moved to Winston Salem. Funeral services took places at the home in Winston Salem. Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and the body laid to rest in Forayth Memorial Park. Mrs. Smithdeal is survived by her bus band, one daughter, four sons, three sis ters. among them Mrs. Heury B Snyder. of this city, and Mrs, C. L. Aaron, of near Fork. To the grief-strickon family The Record extends heartfelt sympathy In this hour of sadneBa. * Mrs. Daisy Moore Mrs. W, L. Moore, 50, of North Main Street, died April'2Blh, at Longa Hospitoi Statesvllle. following two weeks lllnoss. She was the former Mioa Daisy Jeoninga. \ Survivors include her husband: two Bone, W. L Moore. Jr.. of Mockaville. Ray mond J. Moore of Richland, Wasb.. two daogbtera. Mrs Nowmaa George of Mount AUv and Miaa Miss Maurii Moore, student •t Greensboro Collede; three brothers and two Hisrers. Funeral services were held at the First Methodist Church. Wednesday afcernoou. at 3 o'clock, with Rev. R M. Hardee offi ciating, and the body laid to rest in Rose cemetery. Fred Dillard John Michael Cope Fre(lDillaTJ,coloKi,'a native Funeral services for John Michael Cope, infant sou of Lieutenant Jobn Cope and Mrs. Cioiae Cope, were held at Litierty Metbodiut Church at 2 p, m.. Thursday. Rev. Victor L. Audrews end Rev. J. B. FItzgera Id offlciored. The child died in San Diego, Calif., on April 25. Lieutenant and Mrs. Cope are formerly of MocliBviUe but hove been Jiving in San Diego for some time where he was Btatioiied with the navy. The ctTild died In a U. S. Navy hospital. of Modksvill^ and a veteran of Worid War I, died at Otecn Gov- emincnt Hospital, near Asheville, last Wednesday, Funeral and bu rial services took place in.this city Saturday. Fred was 50 years old and is survived by hb wife, one brother. Will Dillard, of diis city, and a sister who lives in Michi gan. Bio - Obituaries - 5/7/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 7,1947 J. Walter Sain | J. W. Sain, 65, of l^exlngton, R.' 3, died at 7:30 a, nu, Saturday in a Salisbury hospital where he had been a patient for two weeks. ! Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Julia ^ Sain, and rour sons, Elmer and' A. L'Sain of Kannapolis. R. W.' Sain, of Advance, Route 1, I and tester Sain .of Lexington, I Route 1, four daughters, Miss Gav' nell ^in of the home, Mrs. Clyde ; Gartner of Salisbury, Route InMrs. jBill McCullough of Mocksville, n Route 4, and Mrs. Jerry Orput of Norfolk, Va. ' Funeral services were held at Mock's Methodist Church Mon day at 3 p. in., with Revs, E W. Turner, Howard Jordan and T. G, Maiton officiating and the U Uii ml In ik' ' cemeteiy. Mr* Sain was a native of Davie County, but moved to Davidson County sevenl years ago. Bio - Obituaries - 5/7/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 9, 1947 - Page 2 Mrs. Gladys Frye Died Tuesday Mri. OlMlyj Benrwt Frye, 4ft, Route a,dicd unexpectedly ftt ft flftliebury hoapltfti Tueidfty. She wfta the dtughter of D. D. ftzkd CftiTte FUnehum Bennett ftnd had apent most of her life In Oftvle County, Her husband, W. P. Frye, died In 1043. Mrs. Frye Is survived by her mother. Route 3; six brothers, H. H. Bennett, Flinchum Bennett, Raymond Bennett and Eugene Bennett, all of Route 3, Aaron Bennett, Sallibury. and D. Held Bennett of Farmlnston; three sisters, Mrs. J, H. Foster, Win* ston-flalem, Route 2, Mrs. Ralph Potts, Route 3, and Mrs. DruclUa Potts. Salisbury. Bervlces were held Thursday at No Creek Primitive Baptist Church. Elder J. A. FVigg officiat ed. Burial was In the church cemetery. J.'W. Sain Dies After Illness of Two Weeks J. W. 8aln, 6S-year-old furni ture worker of Lexington, Route 3, died at 7:30 p.m. Saturday In a Salisbury hospital, where he had been a patient for two weeks. Mr.- Sain was a son of John W..and Betty Nail Sain. Surviving are his wife, Mrs, JuUa Mae Allen Sain; four sons, Elmer and A. L. Sa{n of Kan- napoHs. R. W. Sain of Advance, Route li and Lester Sain of Lex ington, Route 3; four daughters, Miss Oayntll Bain of the home, Mrs. Clyde Carter of Salisbury, Route i. Mrs. Bill McCullough of Mocksville, Route 4, ftnd Mrs. Jerry Orput of Norfolk, Va.; and 10 grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the Mocks Methodist church at 3 pm. Monday. Rev, E. W. Tur ner, Rev. Howard Jordan and Rev. T. a. Madison ofXlelated. Burial was in the church cem etery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 9,1947 - Page 6 Tom Frost Fred Dillard If^noral aervlcoa of Fred Dil lard wore held at St. John A. M. E. Zlon church lost Sunday at 2 p.m. He was burled at the church cemetery. Tom Frost, a native of Davle county, but recently of Balti more, Md., was burled at Plncy Orove. Rev. L. M. Howell preached the funeral services. I Mrs. Nellie Frost, the widow; and! the children, two boys and two girls, accompanied the body here. Bio - Obituaries - 5/9/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 14,1947 Mrs. W. F. Bogef Mrs. W- F. Boger, 65 of the Clatksbury Church communlrv died Thursday while enroute to a Stacesville hospital following a heart attack. \ She was die former Miss Mag. gie Bell Boger of Davte County. She is survived by a son, six daughters, and one brother. Fmeral services were held at 11a. m., Saturday at Union Cha* pel Mediodist Church, Mocksville R,2. Mrs Gladys Frye Mrs. Gladys Bennett Frye, 45 MocksvUle, Route 2, died unex' pectedly at a Salisbury hospital a- bout fioon last Tuesday. She was the daughter of D. D. and Carrie Flinchum Bennett and had spent most of her life'in Da> vie County. Her htisband, W. P. Frye, died in 1942. Mrs. Frye is survived by her mother, MocksvUle, Route 3; six brothers, three sisters. Services were held at 3 p. m., Thursday at No Creek Primitive Baptist Church, Elder J. A. Fagg o65dated. Burial was in die church cemetery Bio - Obituaries - 5/14/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 21,1947 Mrs. F M. Mis^ Mrs. F. M. May, 63, {died at her home, Mocksville, Route l,ac9:45} a. m>, Tuesday after a serious ill j ness of one week. i| She was the daughter of W. D. | Tutterow and Elizabeth Stewart j Tutterow, Davic County. { Her husband survives along with i two brothers, D, F. Tutterow,; Charlotte, and C. W. Tutterow ofj Kannapolis; four sisters, Mrs. j Phillip Swink of Spencer, Mrs.! W. D. Broadway of Kannapolis.!: Mrs. R. G. Smith of Rock Hill, S.' C., and Mrs. 0. W. Miscnhcimerl of Chester, S. C.; and one step-! daughter, Mrs. William Owen of Cooleemee. Funeral services were held at Center Methodist Church at 3 p. m., Friday. Revs. J. B. Fitzgerald, Carey BuIIa and G. L Roystcr officiated. A. B. Ramsey A. B. Ramsey, 48, died at his i home in Salisbury early last Wed-^ nesday morfking following an ill-' ness of ten years. Funeral services were held at the home Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and die body brought to DavIc County and laid to rest in Jericho cemetery. Mr. Ramsey is survived by his wife, the formci; MLss Elva Click, of Davic County, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Click, now of Salisbury. Also surviving are one son, Charles, a daughter, Miss Ann; tour brothers and two sisters. To the bereaved family The Record extends sympatliy in this sad hour. Bio - Obituaries - 5/21/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 23, 1947 - Page 8 Carrie Bassett Foster Foster Rites Held Tuesday Funeral services for Mrs. Car rie fiQflsett Foster were held at the FarmltiBton Methodist church Tuesday morning wUh Rev. J. S. Folger and Rev. E. W. Tumor in charge. Interment was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Foster died suddenly Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lewis Williams, on route 4. She was the widow of the late J. R. Foster. Survivors include two sons, R. L. Foster of route 2 and 3. V. Foster of Homestead, Pla.; two daughters, Mrs. Lee Pholps and Mrs. Williams both of route 4; three sisters, Mrs. Florence Wil liams and Mrs. T. W. Tutterow, of route 1 and Mrs. Frank Foster of Advance; two brothers, Blolr Bassett of Durham and William Bassett of Winston-Balem. Seven grandchildren also survive. C. M. Weir Mrs. F. M. May Dies Tuesday Mrs. F. M. May, 83, died at her home. Mocksvllle, Route 1, at 0:45 a.m. Tuesday after a seri ous Illness of one week. She was the daughter of W. D. Tutterow ond Elizabeth Stewart Tutterow, Davle county. Her husband survives along with two brothers, D. F. Tutte row, Charlotte, and C. W. Tut terow, Kannapolls; four sisters, Mrs. Fhlllp Swink of Spencer, Mrs. W. D. Broadway, Kannapo lls, Mrs. R. O. Smith, Rock Hill, 6. C.. and Mrs. o. W. Mlscn- helmer. Chester, s. 0.: and one stepdaughter, Mrs. William Owen of Coolecmee. Funeral services were held at the Center Methodist church at 3 p.m. Thursday. Rev. J. B. Fitz gerald. Rev. Carey Bulla and Rev. O, L. Royster ofticlatcd. Avery Ramsay Husband of Davie Woman Passes Avery Ramsay, 49. husband of the former Miss Elva Click of Davle, died at his home In Sails- bury lost week after an extended Illness. Funeral services were held at the home ond Interment was In the Jericho churchyard. Survivors include the widow, one son, Chorlcs, one daughter, Ann, all at home. Weir Funeral Held Wednesday Funeral services for O. M. Welf, who died at his home at Farm- Ington suddenly Monday night, were held Wednesday at the Farmlngton Methodist church at 3 o'clock. Rev. 3. 8. Folger and Rev. H. C. Freeman held the service. He was the son of the late C. L. and Martha Holman Weir. Survivors include the widow, who was the former Clara Jar- vJs. and one daughter, Mrs. Clarence Shore of Walkertown. One grandchild also survives. Bio — Obituaries — 5/23/1947 r DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 28,1947 Mr*. Carrie Foster Funerall services for Mrs. Car rie Bassect Foster, 70, of Mocks' ville, Route 2, were held at 11 a. m., last Tuesday at the Fanning- ton Methodist Church, with Rev. J. S. Folger and Rev, E. W. Turner officiating. Burial was in Farm- ington Cemetery. Mrs. Foster, the widow of J. R. Foster, died May I8th at the home' of a daughter, Mrs. Lester Wil liams, Mocksvillc, Route 2. | Surviving are two sons, R. L. Poster of Mocksville, R. 2, and J. F. Foster of Homestead. Fla.; two daughters, Mrs. Lee Phelps of Mocksville, Route 2, and Mrs., Williams; three sisters, Mrs. tJ W. Tuttcrow, Mrs. Florence Wil liams, both of Mocksville, Route 1, and Mrs. Frank Foster of West Ashcville; two brothers, BlairBas- sett of Durham and William Bas- sett of Winston-Salem. Clarence M. Wier Clarence M. Wier, 57, died at his home in Farmington at 7:30 p, m., Monday, May 19th. Heivas an employee of the Fletcher Wil son Coffee Co., Nashville, Tenn. Surviviug are his wife, Mrs. Cla ra Jarvis Wier; one dau^tcr, Mrs. Clarence Shore, Walkertown. Funcial services were held at the Farmington Mediodist Church Wednesday at 3 p. m., with Revs. J. S Folger and H. C. Freeman in charge, and die body laid to test in Farmingtod cemetery. Robert C. Reynolds Funeral aervi^ for Robert 0. Reynolds, 59, of High Point, R. 5, who died Wednesday, was held at 12:45 p. Friday at the home and at B^r Creek Baptist Church, Davie County, at 2J0 p. m. Rev. James Groce, officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 5/28/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 6,1947 - Page 1 B. R. McLean Rites Held Funer&l services were held on Tuesday at Walker Funeral home for B. R. McLean, 69. who died Monday at Davis hospital following an Illness of seven days. Rev. J. P. Davis had charge of the service and Interment was In the Rose cemetery. Mr. McLean was the son of Dr. Wm. C. McLean of Scotland and Elizabeth Adams McLean of Qullford county. He had lived in Coolcen)ce 30 years prior to mov ing to his homo in Mocksvillc. Survivors Include one daugh ter, Mrs. W. R. Bloxton of Ra leigh; 2 step-daughters, Mrs. "W. G. McOse of Madison and Mrs. L. J. Davis of Cooleemec; a step son, C. L. May of Coolecmce, and one sister. Mrs. Hannle Coffin of Burlington. Bio - Obituaries - 6/6/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 11,1947 B. R. McLean Funeral services for B. R. Mc Lean, 69, of this city, were held Tuesday at Walker Funeral Home. Rev. 1. P. Davis officiated and bu« rial was in Rose Cemetery. Mr. McLean died June 2nd, at a Statesville hospital. He was the son of Dr. William C. McLean of Scotland and Mrs. Elizabeth Adams McLean of GuUford Coun ty. He lived for many years at Cooleemee before moving c o Mocksville several years ago. Surviving are the widow; one daughter, two stepdaughters, one stepson, and one^slster. J. B. Burton J B Rurton, 87. died Wednesday night at his home at Fork after an liinesa of five months. Funerui services were held at the home at p. fn.. Saturday and at 2 p m.. at Fork Baptist Church Revs. Wnde Hut. chens ond E W. Tu'rner officiated. Builat wi t he in Fork Cemetery- Mr. Burto* was iwice married. Hif fifHt wife, Mrs Leila Peebles Burton, died iu 1905. His second wife, Mrs Mnllie Sheets Boiley Burtons, survive)) OihKr fliirvlvors are two sons, three grandchild- ron and two great grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries — 6/11/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 13,1947 - Page 4 The tunerai of Mrs. Bertha M. Smith, daughter'of Mrs. Jessie Carter and the late Chester Carter, was conducted at St. John's A.M.E. Zion church of McckavUle, last Sunday at 3 p.m. by the pastor, Rev. S. T. cook, assisted by Rev.' Massoy. She Is survived by her mother, Mrs. Jes sie carter; one daughter, Miss Ocorgia M. Carter; seven broth ers, Norman, Carroll, Hugh, Qlenn and William, all of New York, Rolph Carter of Ohio and Kenneth of Mocksvlllc. All were hero for the funeral. Also two aunts, Mrs. Rosctta Malone and Miss Irene Woodruff, both of New York, and two uncles, Rudolph WoodrufT of Baltimore, Md., and George WoodrufT of Salisbury, and a host of other relatives. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 13, 1947 - Page 8 J, I]. Diirton, 87, Died Wednesday J. n. Burton, 07, died at mUl- nlirht la.sl weclncschxy at hl.s honici at Pork nflcr an Ulnos.s of fl vci months. Pimomi services were held at the home of 1:30 p.m. Saturday nnd nt 2 p.m. at Fork Baptist church. Rev. Wnde Hulchcns and Rev. E. W. Turner officiated. Bu rial was In Fork cemetery. Mr. Burton was twice married. His first wife, Mr.s. Leila Peebles Burton, died In 1005, His second wife, Mrs, Mollic Sheets Bailey Burton, survives. Other survivors are two sons, L. G. Burton of Mocksvlllc. Route 3, and Zeb V. Burton of Advance, Route 1; three grandchildren And ,two great-grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries — 6/13/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 18,1947 Dr. L. S. HaU * Dr. L. S. Hall, 48, prominent Yadkinville physician, son of the late Rev. S. W. HaU, for many years residents of Davic County, died at Baptist Hospital, Winston* Salem; last Tuesday, following an illness of some time. Funeral services were held at the YadkinviUe Baptist Oiutch Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, and bui^ follows with Masotde honors. Dr. Hall Is survied by his wife, one daughter ar>d two sons, his mother, four brodiers and one sister. He was a brother of Solici tor Avalon E, HaU, of YadkinvUle. Dr. Hall established the Yadtdn Clinic in 1936w Mrs. Betty White Mrs. Betty Dixon White of the Wyo commanlty died at ber home Friday. Fooeral eervices were held at 2 p m. Sooday at Mt OUve Methodist Church. Revs. Ellis Nonoaa aad James H. Groca will be Id chartfe. Burial waa io the church cemetery, Survivlog are four aoas. B, C. and B. F. White of Cana, Route 1. Tora^Wbite of Mocksville, Route 4, aad Cliftoo white of Dearborn. Mich., two daaghtera, Mrs. M. F. Smith of Cana, Rente 1. and Mrs. J. E. tfarpe of Wlaatan Saleoa; two sisters, Mrs. Nancy Groce of Cana. R. 1, and Mrs. Min nie Kigur of WlDston>Salem; one brother B. F, Linvilie of Cana, Route 1. T. P. Richardson T. P. Richardson, 6S, died at bU home Harmony K. 1, Friday Funeral services were held at 3 p. m. Saturday at Hew Union Mecho^st Cfaureh. Revs. Foster Loflin and W> C. BuUa offi ciated. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Surviving are the widow, one brother, Looole Richardson of Mocks^e, Route 1. Robert M. Woodruff Robert M. Woodruff, 62, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. H. T. Kelly, at Taylorsville, on Tues day eveitine June 9th, following an illness of several years. Funeral services took place at Taylorsville Thursday afternoon at 2 ofolock, and the body was brought to this city and laid to rest in Rose ceme tery- Mr. Woodruff was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wood ruff, of Mocksville. He spent most of his life in Davie County, and was an outstanding farmer. He suffered a stroke about four years ago, and went to live with his sister at Taylorsville about three years ago. Mr. Woodruff was a fine citizen and a consistant mem ber of rite Mocksville Presbyterian Churxh. He had a host of fHends in Mocksville and dicoughout the county. His death- has brought sadness to the entire community where he spent a long and useful life. We had known Robert for nearly 40 years, and in his death we have lost a long-time friend. For many years we depended on Robert for our Thanksgiving and Christmas pumpkins and our lo cust beer. He never forgot us on dicse occasions. To the bereaved sister gnd other relatives we extend heartfelt sym pathy in the death of this good man. ' Bio - Obituaries - 6/18/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKS VILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 20,1947 - Page 1 Infant Son Dyson Infant Funeral I Services Held Funeral services were held Saturdoy morning by Rev. James Pltzcornld at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. wade Dyson for ihoir infant son. Interment was in the Cenler cemetery. Survivors arc" Mr. and Mrs. Wndo Dyson and soUi Wade, Jr., and the grnndparonts, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Dyson, Of Route 1, and Mr. and Mr.s. George Evans, of Route 1. J. Raleigh Frost Dies In Denver J. R. Frost, a native of Mocks- vlllc and for several yeors a res ident of St. Louis, Mo., died un- j cxpectcdly last Monday at Den ver, Col. Mr. Frost was ft son of Mrs. J. D. Frost, Mockavlllc, Route 2, and the Ifttc Mr. Frost. He Is survived by his wffe; three sons, James Frost, Dr. John R, and Qulnton Fro.st, St. Louis; thrco> dftuglUers, Marian, Stella and Hamrn Mac. St. Louis; four brgthcra, E. H. Frost, Mocksvlllc, F. H. Frost, Anderson, 3. C., Dr. J. 8. Frost, Burlington, and W. M. Frost, Mocksvlllc, Route 2. At ono tlmo Mr. Frost started A nudist colony in Davlc which attracted wide attention. The body will arrive here to day, Friday, about noon and funt eral services win be held this aftcrnoun at Union Chapel Meth odist church. Mrs. Betty White Dies at Wyo Home Mrs. Betty Dl.xon White of the Wyo community, widow of Wln- fleld White, died ftt her homo Friday. She wa.s a daughter of William and Rebecca Athen Dlxon of YadkJn county. Funeral services were held ot 2 p.m. Sunday at Mt. Olive Meth odist church. Rev. Ellis Norman and Rev. Jojnes H. Orocc were In charge. Burial was .In the church cemetery. Surviving are four sons. B. c. and B. P. White of Cana, Route 1. Tom White of Mocksvllle, R. 4, and Clifton White of Dear born, Mich.; two daughters, Mrs. M. P. Smith nf Cann, Route 1, and Mrs. J. B. Harpe of Wln- ston-Salem; two sisters, Mrs. Nancy Orocc of Cana, Route I, and Mrs. Minnie Klger of Wln- ston-Salcm; one brother, B. P. Llnvllle of Cana. Route i; SB grandchildren and 31 Great grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 6/20/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 20,1947 - Page 8 T. P. Richardson, 65,' Dies at Harmony Home T. P. Richardson. 65, died at his home, Harmony, Route 1, at 8:10 R.m. Friday. Jesse Baullabough Services Conducted Jesse Otis Baullabouffh. 33, died at home near Coolecmec on June 14. He was the son ol George Baullabough and Julia O'Neill. Survivors are his ihother, one sister, Miss Ruby Baullabough of Coolcemcc, a half sister, Mrs. Peggy Smith of Salisbury, two brothers, Emmltt and M. O., of Coolecmec, and a half brother, Jack CNclll of Norwood. Funeral services were held at the Church of ood, North coo lecmec, Monday with Rev. W. C. Smith ofTlciating. Intcrmcnt^was In the North Coolecmee ceme tery. Dr. Locksley S. Hall, Yadkinvillc Physician, Passes Away Dr. L. S. Hall, 58-ycar-old phy sician here, died at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday of last week at Baptist hospital, Wlnston-Salem, after an Illness of several months. He was the son of the late Rev. Samuel W. Hal! and Mrs. Mattle J. HoU. who survives. Other sur vivors include his widow, the for mer Nellie Mac Dlnklns, whom he married In 1027; one daugh ter. Ethel Marie Hall; and two sons, Johnson and Locksley Hall, of the home. Also surviving arc four broth ers, Solicitor Avalon Hall of Yad- klnvllle, C. W.^Hall of Advent, and James and Lawrence Hall of Winston-Salem, apd one sis ter, Mattle Sue, of Wlnston-Sa lem. Bio - Obituaries - 6/20/1947 He was a son of J. W. ond May Oalther Richardson and a life long resident of the Sheffield community. Vlin^ra) services were held at New Union Methodist church. Rev. Foster Loflln and Rev. W. C. Bulla officiated. Burial was In the church cemetery. Surviving ore the widow, the former Miss N. A. Beck; one daughter, Mrs. R. B. Tutterow, of Yadkinvillc, Route 2; one broth er, Lonnle Richardson, of Mocka- ville, Route 1; six grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren. Dr. Holl was educated In the public schools of Winston-Salem and graduated from Wake Forest college In 1020. He received his M.D. from the University of Ten nessee In 1026. Following interne- ships .served at Memphis General hospital, Memphis, Tenn., and Baptist hospital, Wlnston-Salem, he become a general practition er at Yadkinvillc. Dr. Hall, a Baptist and a Ma son, was the founder of the Yad- kln clinic, which was eslabllshed in 1036. He was also a member of the Yadkln-Surry Medlcul as sociation, the N. 0. Medical as sociation, and the American Medical association. Funeral services were con ducted at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Yadkinvillc Baptist church by Dr. Rolph A. Herring, pastor of the First Baptist church of Wlnston-Salem; and Rev. H, D. Oarmon, pastor of the Yadkin villc Baptist church. Interment was in Harmony Grove ceme tery. Pallbearers were R. H. Crater, Dr. B. H. Hartley, J. T. Recce, L. H. West, W. E. Dobbins, 0. H. Ve.sta). C. B. Huff and R. A. Mc Laughlin. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 25,1947 J. Raleigh Frost J. Raleigh Fros^ 67. o( Arcadia, Fla*, died June I5th, while on' a ; business trip to Denver, Colo. Mr« Frost was a native of Davie Coun- tVi a soti of Mrs. J. D. Frost and the late Mr. Frost. He lived in this city for several years, but moved west many years ago, and later moved to Florida from St Louis. The body was brought back to his old home and laid to rest in Union Chapel cemetery Friday. Mr. Frost is survived by his wife, three sons and three daugh* ters. Four brothers, E. H. Frost, R. 2, Mocksvillc, R. 2, Mocksville, F. H. Frost. Anderson, S. C; Dr. J. S. Frost, Burlington, and W. M Frost, R. 2. Mocksville, abo 8ur« vive, together with his mother, Mrs. J. D. Frost of R. 2, Mocks- ville. E, J. Potts Funeral services for Edward Jes se Potts, 77, of Advance, who died in a Morgantod hospital Thursday after a serious illness of several weeks was conducted at 4 p. m., July at Shady Grove Me^c^ist Church. Rev. Howard Jordan was in charge and burial was in the church graveyard. A number of nieces and ne phews survive. Bio - Obituaries - 6/25/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 27, 1947 - Page 1 ROM CORNAIZER PASSED MONDAY Funeral services for Romle Shepperd Cornatzer, Sd. widely- known Davle county lumberman, farmer and dairyman, who died early last Monday at his home near Blxby, Advance, Route 1, were held Wednesday. A short service was held at the homo at 1:30 p.m. The serv ice proper was held at Shady Orove Methodist church at 2 p.m. conducted by Dr. Robert KlnSi Rev. o. E. Brewer and Rev, How ard Jordan, Burial was In the church cemetery. Members or the P.OS. of A. were active pallbenrer.s. They were R. L. Smltli, Hobnrt Hoots, Paul Foster, Gllmcr Hartley, D. R. Slroud, Atlcc Smoot, Henry Poplin and Kenneth Smith. Honorary pallbearers Included: B. C. Brock, R. B. Sanford. L. S. Bowdcn, E. C. Morris, J. M. Horn; a. M. Ward, Dr. S. A. Harding, C. W. Hall, Gnlther Dorton, Wil liam Marshall, B. T. Browder, R. F. Click and Kuox Johnslonc. Mr. Cornatzcr, who died short ly after sulTerlng a heart allack, was born September 10, 1800, In Davlc county, son' of Albert and Betty Hartman Cnrnat.7er. Hn spent his entire life in the coun ty and was a' member of the P.OB, of A. at Mocksviile and Mock's Methodist church. He was married to Mlas Delia Barney April 7, 1910. Surviving are the widow; (our sons, Guy, Hayden, Scabon, and Albert Cornatzcr; two daughters, Misses Betty and Pattle Conmt- zer, and one brother, George Cor natzcr, all of Advoi)co, Route 1. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 27, 1947 - Page 3 Services Conducted For E. Jesse Potts On Friday, at 4 p.m. at Shady Orove Methodist church, funeral scrvlws were held for Edward Jesse Potts, 77, of Advance, who died In a Morganton hospital on Thursday after a serious Illness of several weeks. Rev. Howard Jordan was In charge and inter ment wls in the church grave yard. Mr. Potts was the son of the late F. A. and Lutlcta Caton Potts and spent his entire life In Davic county as a sawmill op erator, A numbre of nieces and nephews survive^ Bio - Obituaries - 6/27/1947 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA