Jul - DecMOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 2,1948 - Page 1
I. C. Berrier, 72»
Dies At Home
I. C. Berrier, 72. a retired farm
er of Mocksvillc, R. 4, died at his
home at 5:30 pm Sunday.
Funeral services were held at
the Concord Methodist church in
Davlc county at 3 p.m. Tuesday,
with Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald in
charge. The body will lie instate
at the church (or half an hour
before the services. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Mr. Berrier was the son of F.
L. and Catherine Sowers Berrier.
Survivors include his widow,
the former Miss Annie Cope; scv
en daughters, Mrs. J. C. McCul
lough ond Mrs. John Fercbce of
Mocksvillc, Mrs. Tom DowcU of
Salisbury, Mrs. Ivan Crissman of
High Point. Mrs. Carl Massey of
Lexington, Mrs. Clarence Barn-
hardt of China Grove, and Mrs.
W. T. Nichols of New Orleans,
J.,a.; six sons, Cecil Gray, Sam,
Felix and Herman Berrier of
Mocksvillc, R. 4, Green Berrier of
China Grove, and James Berrier
of Rockford, 111.; 15 grandchil
dren and one great-grandchild.
Bristol Barnctt, 33, of Mocks
villc. killed himself at his home
here Tuesday, Davie Coroner G.
V. Greene said yesterday.
Dr. Green said thot Mr. Barnett
shot himself through the head
with a German Luger pistol. No
rcoson was given for the suicide.
Mr. Barnctt, o carpenter, had
lived in Mocksvillc for 12 years.
He lived near Harmony prior to
that. He was a veteran of World
War 11, serving in the European
Funeral services were held FrU
day at Hebron Baptist church,
with the pastor, Rev. G. D. White,
and Rev. Paul Davis officiating.
Burial was in the church ccm*
Survivors include his widow,
the former Bdiss Kathryn Broad
way; two children, Ereisa Ana
end Michael Barnett, of the home;
and his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
David Barnett, of Harmony, R. 2.
Bio — Obituaries — 7/2/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 2,1948 - Page 8
Shirley Ann Leonard
Bites Held Sunday
Fimeral services were held at
3 p.m. Sunday at the Church of
Cod in North Coolccmce for Shir*
ley Ann Leonard, !0-months-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
D. Lconatd, who died in Rowan
Memorial hospital Tuvsduy.
Services were conducted by the
pastor, Rev. W. L. Smith. Burial
was in the Liberty Methodist
Church cometery.
Surviving nre the fnthor, Unit
ed States Army in Germany; the
mother, Ruth Barnes Leonard, of
44 Watt struct, Coolccmcc; and
erundparcnts, Mr. and Mrs. Tliom-
ns Leonard.
Mrs. Myers, 79, Dies
At Her Home In Davie
Mrs. U. H. Myers, w, died on
Thursday night ot her nomc neor
Mrs. Myers was the daughter
of Newton and Sarah Beck'Rich*
Survivors are the husband; five
sisters, Mrs. Lonnic Richardson of
Mocksville, R. 1, Mrs. Will Ham-
mons of Mnyodnn, Mrs. C. W.
Lowcry of Mocksville, R. 2, Mrs.
Charles Havtman, Salisbury, and
Mrs. Joe Chaffin of Mocksville,
R. 2; and two brothers, Pink Rich
ardson of Salisbury, R. 2, and
Jesse Richardson of Salisbury.
Funeral services were held
Sunday at New Union Methodist
church, with the Rev. Foster
Loflin officiating. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Mrs. Binkley
Dies At Home
Mrs. Sam F. Binkley, 60, died
at-her home at 3 p.m. Monday.-
Funeral services were hcld'at 11
a.m. Wednesday ut Jericho Chris*
tlen church, with Cecil Derry*
berry and Max L. Johnson in
charge. Burial was In the church
She wos the daughter of John
and Alice Raker Burton.
Survivors include her husband;
four sons, Marvin Binkley of
NoshvlUc, Tcnn., James G. Bink
ley, of Salisbury, Sam F. Binkley,
Jr., of Rock Hill, S. C.. and Har
old Binkley of Mocksville; two
daughters. Mrs. J. F. Hickman of
North Wilkcsboro and Mrs. K. A.
Frazier of Nashville, Tcnn.; three
brothers, J. P. Burton of Hickory,
W. H. Burton of Cleveland, and
J. E. Burton of Mocksville, R. 4;
three sisters, Mrs. SolUe Bowles
of Mocksville, R. 1, Mrs. Nora
Whitley of.CooIcemee, and Mrs.
Mary Phlfcr of Cleveland; and 24
Bio - Obituaries - 7/2/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 2,1948 - Page 8
S. W. Turner Dies
At Mocksville
Samuel Watson Turner, 01, died
at S:15 p.m. Monday, June 14, at
the home of a stepson, W. R.
Whisencnt, Mocksville, R. 4.
A native of Clover, S. C. Mr.
Turner was the son of the late
J. R. and Emily Carter Turner.
He had made his home with Mr.
Whisenant for the past three
Survivors include three sisters,
Mrs. S. W. Turner of Clover, Mrs.
M. S. Whlteslde of York, S. C..
and Mrs. Vcnie Louthiae of To-
ledo, Ohio; one step-daughter,
Mrs. Mary Dixon of Charlotte;
and (our stepsons, W. R. Whise
nant. R. L. Whisenant of Jackson-1
vilic, Fla., E. M. Whisenant of
Smyprna, S. C., and L Whise
nant of Lcaksvillc, S. C.
Funeral services were held at 4
p.m. Wednesday at Bethel Pres
byterian church, Clover, with
Rev. E. W. Turner and Rev. Pil-
den Scherer officiating. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
Rites Held Sunday
For C. G. Vantant
Tuperal. services for Curtis*
jCray Vonzant, 82, of Winston--
Salem were held at 1:45 p.m.
Sunday at the home of his daugh
ter. Mrs. H. A. Hoots of Winston-
Salcm, and at 3 p.m. at Center
Mcthodi.st church. Davie county.
Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald, Rev. F. L.
Loflin and Rev. Ellis BulUns of
ficiated and burial was in the
church cemetery.
PaUbcarers were Hat Tran-
sou, Floyd Tutterow, Wayne Mer
rill and Carl, Ernest and Dallas
Mr. Vanzant died at a local hos
pital after an Illness of three
weeks. He hod been making his
home with Mrs. Hoots. A native
of Vadkin county, he spent his
early life there and in Davie
county. In 1935 he retired from
farming and moved to Winston.
His wife, Mrs. Elizabeth James
Vanzant. died in 1035. Surviving,
In addition to Mrs. Knots, are n
son, Troy X. Vanzant, Winston-
Salem; six grandchildren; one
great-grandchild; • brother,
Enoch Vanzant of Fort Wayne,
Ind.; a half brother, Tom Vanxant,
and a half sister, BIrs. Frank Hen-
drix, both of Davie county.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/2/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 2,1948 - Pages 1 and 8
Lt. Leagans Buried
With Military Honors
Reinterment services with lull
military honors were conducted
at Eaton's Baptist church Sunday
at 3 for First Lieut. Joseph Edwin
Lcogans, Co. E, 2nd Ranger bat*
tnlion, who was killed In 1944 at
Omaha Beach while leading his
platoon of Rangers against enemy
Thomas Rny Davis post, Vet
erans of Foreign Wars of Mocks-
villc, conducted the services. Six
ty post members and eight mem
bers of the Ladies' Auxiliary were
The military funeral detail
was composed of Capt. John Nel
son Anderson, acting post com
mander; Staff Sgt. Robert Evans,
officer of the day; Sgt. Alv^ King
in charge of firing squad; Major
R. M. Hardee, chaplain; L't. Ira
C. Henson, U.S. army paratroop
ers, military escort; Woodrow Wil
son and Dec Turrcntinc, color-
bearers; Paul H. Mason, Jr., and
Worth Hendrix. color guards;
Betty Sue Eaton, bugler; firing
squad composed of B. C. Ellis,
Jr., William L. Carter, E. L. Mor
ris, Joe King. James B. Swice-
good and Hubert H. Hayes.
Active pallbearers were C. F.
Meroncy, Jr., Roy Lagle, Jr., Mac
Kimbrough, Jr., Richard Heeding,
tContiaiiad wi Page t)
Lt. Leagans
J. C. Jones end Frank Koontz.
Poat members serving os honor
ary pallbearers were: Duke Tut-
terow, Ccdric V. Smoot, Blalne
C. Moore, Clyde Jordan, John N.
McDanlcl, Roy Gartner, Jack
Woodward, Alfred Hutchins, Rob-
art Parrish, Robert Beck, John
Harding White end James C.
Nieces and a sister-in-law and
a cousin served as flower girls.
Mlaisters assisting in the service
were Rev. W. H. Hutchins, Rev.
J. R Groce and Rev. E. W. Tur-
Special music was furnished by
Orrell Etchlson quartet of'Win-
Bio - Obituaries - 7/2/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 7,1948
Clayton Bowers
Clayton Bowers, 29. Negro con
vict from Gasconla, drowned Fri
day about noon in Dutchman's
Creek, 10 miles out of Mocksville
on the Yadkinville highway.
Bowers was a model prisoner
and A trusty in .the Davie prison
camp. With other convicts, Bow
efs went swimming during the
dinner period. He dived into 10
foot water and did not come up.
His body was recovered about two
hours later, and sent to Gastonia
Friday night. Bowers had served
about half of a 20 year term im
posed for robbery.
Mrs. Sam Binkley
Mrs. Sam F. Binkley, 6o, died at
her home on Sanford avenue, at
3 p. m., June 28th.
Funcr^ services were held ut
11a.m. Wcdneadav, at Jericho
Christian Church, with Cecil
Derryberry and Max L. fohnson
in charge. Biirial was in the
church cemetery.
Survivors include her husband;
four sons, Marvin Binkly of Nash
ville, Tunn., jamcs G. Binkley of
Salisbury, Sam F. Binkley Jr. of
Rock Hill, S. C., and Harold
Binkley of Mocksville; two
daughters, Mrs. J. F. Hickman of
North Wilkeaboro and Mrs. K. A.
Fraiier of Nashville. Tenn.; three
brothers, J. P. Burton of Hickory.
W. H. Burton of Cleveland, and;
J. E. Burton of Mocksville, Route
4t three sisters, Mrs. Sallie Bowles
of Mocksville, Route 1, Mrs. Nora
Whitlcy of Coolccmee, and Mrs.
Mary PKifer of Cleveland; and 24
/. C. Berrier
1. C. Berrier, 72, a retired farm
er of Mocksville, Route 4, died at
his home at 5*30 p. ml June 27th.
Funeral services were held at the
Cuncurd McUiudist Church at
3 p. m. Tuesday, with Rev. J. B.
Fitzgerald in charge. Burial was
in die church cemetery.
Survivors include his widow,
die former Miss Annie Cupc;
seven daughters, Mrs. J. C. Mc-
Cullough and Mrs. 'ohn Ferebcc
of Mocksville, Mrs. Tom Dowcll
of Salisbhry, Mrs. Ivan Crissman
of High Point, Mrs. Carl Massey
of Lexington, Mrs. Clarence Bam-
hurdt of Cluiiu Grove, und Mrs.
W. G. Nichols of New Orleans,
La.; six sons. Cecil Gray, Sam,
Felix, and Herman Berrier of
Mocksville, Route 4, Green Ber
rier of China Grove, and James
Berrier of Rockford, III.; 15 grand
children, and one great-grandchild.
A son, Pvt. Benjamin F. Berrier,
19; was killed In battle in Belgium
on Sept. 10. 1944.
[ In the death of Mr. Barrier, Da-!
vie loses one of her best known'
and highly respected citizens. j
Bio - Obituaries - 7/7/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 9, 1948 - Page 1
Mn. Cofa Waiaar, 72,
Dies At Coolccmee
Mrs, Cora Ridnhour Wagner,
72, resident of North Coolcemce
for 3S years, died at 3 p.ni. Sun
day at the home of a son, C. R.
Ridwhour, Watts street, Conlee-
A native of Cobarrus county.
Mrs. Wagner was the widow of
iMiwts A. Wagner.
Surviving are one daughter,
Mrs. J. R. Bowles of MocksviUe;
three sons, James (Doc). C. R.
and Russell W. Ridcnhour, all of
Coolccmee; 16 grandchildren:
eight great-grandchildren; and
one sister, Mrs. Annie Beck, of
Funeral services were held at
North Coolccmee Baptist church
at 4 p.m. Tuesday. Rev. James H.
Grace and Rev, Robert M. Hordce
officiated. Burial was in Jerusa
lem cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/9/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 14,1948
H'. C. Griffith I
W. G. (Buck) Griffith, 58, died
at 2 a. m.'uly 6th at his home,
Advance, Route 1, after several
years failing health and a month's
serious illness.
Mr. Griffith was the son of
William W. and Ada Miller Grif-,
Brh. His wife, Mrs. Mary How
ard Griffith, survives.
Also surviving are four sons,
two ' brothers, two sisters, and
eight grandchildren.
The funeral was conducted at
2:30 p. m. Thursday at the home
and at 3 p. m. at Yadkin Valley
Baptist hurch by Rev. W. H.
Renegar and Rev. J. G. Bruner.
Burial was in the church cemetery.
T. W, Kiger
Funeral services for T. W. Kig»
er, 37, who died at Rowan Memo'
rial Hospital lastTueiday evening
at 6:10 o'clock, were held at Farm-
ington Methodist Church Thurs
day afternoon at 5 o'clock, with
Revs. Jas. H. Groce and t larence
Shore officiating, and the body
laid to rest in the Huntsvllle Bap
tist Church cemetery.
Mr. Kiger, accompanied by his
son Henry, and a small Allen boy,
were on their way to a creek in
Mr. Kigcr's car on Fuly 4th, when
the car hit some soft dirt and
turned over. Mr. Kiger was car
ried to the hospital Sunday. His
son escaped Injury, at\d the Allen
lad escaped with slight injuries.
Mr. Kiger is survived by his
wife and seven children, hb par
ents, six brothers and three sisters.
He is a brother of our townsman,
R. O. Kiger, who is in the mer
cantile business. Mr. K'ger .lived
near Fino.
Bio — Obituaries — 7/14/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 16,1948 - Page 1
Thwiuu I. Eidmi
Diet In Wiottoo
Thomaa I, EidMn, 94, died In
Wlnaton*Salem laat Monday
night. He was the lather ol J.
H. Eidaon, of Route 2.
Mr. Eidaon waa bom in OUn,
Ircdell county, and moved to
Winaton-Salem about live yeara
ago. His wife died some yeara
ugu. Survivors are another son,
Fred, ol Beach llaven, H, J,, and
a daughter, Mrs. J. B. Webster,
ol Greensboro.
Funeral services were held yea*
terdoy, inuraday, at Snow Creek
church near Olln. Other funeral
arrangements were incomplete
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 16,1948 - Page 6
Rites for T. W. Kiger
Held Last Thursday
Funeral services lor Thomas
W. Kiger, 37, of Cina. R. 1, were
held at Farmington Methodist
church at 6 p.m. Thursday.
Mr. Kiger died at 6:1 p.m. Tues*
day In the Rowan County hosph
tal, where he was taken Sunday
morning following an automobile
accident near Mocksvllle. He was
reported to-be driving alone when
the car left the road and toned
over. Mr. Kiger suffered a Cric-
tured skull.
Rev. James H. Groce. Rev.
Clarence Shore and Rer. J. 8.
Folger officiated. Burial waa in
the Huntsville Baptist cemetery.
Mr. Kiger was the son of W. H.
and Minnie McBride Klgec. He is
survived by the parents: the wld<
ow, Mrs. Gladys Scats Kiger; five
daughters, Misses Bessie Lee. An
nie, Katherine, Barbara and Linda
Kiger, all of the home; two sons,
Henry and Wayne Kiger, also of
the home: seven brothers, Bax
ter. Willie and Asbury Kiger, all
of Yadkin county. James. Charlie
and Vernon Kiger of East Bend,
and Robert Kiger of Mocksvllle;
and three sister.««, Mr.««. Oliver Mc-
Collum of Yadklnvllle. Mrs. Jas.
McBrldc and Mrs. Junior Adams,
both of East Bend.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/I6/I948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
! Mockisyflle; {
r. • -i; . •. ^ '-y-j'
' ^ K . JV" nn n
" MocksviUe. — Mrs.. -GusSie
Khoie^S^stone, 72, of 210 North,
MocksviUe,'- diq^'.at
11:15 . a;m. -. yesterday, at b®F
horned' Mrs.. .tfohnstone :.had ap^:
parwtly.-been in good Kisalth imr
til she became •.critically- iU -? at
• 11:30 p.m. Sunday. ;• . .> j:-'..-V*:-.;
She- Had. lived in. MocksviUe
since her mairiage'' in'Decem'»
bisr, • to V" JohT* VBrevard
Johnstotie. -Mr; ^Johiastohe'^dlM
. May 18, 1937. / •, .■<Bo^7'Nov; 17. iB75,-.ih;?Cley^land, .TRow^; C6\xhty;/ she. i"wasthe, daughter of Beh'-AU^' andKathryh McKinhon Knox.. Shespent her .;early^ life -..in Cleverl^d • and .wa'is.. educated in thepublic*, ischopls ."there.. She. 'Was
■ graduated fromStates^Ue; ' "V ;• * !; • i'• A ;it?cji3nbei: ".of Fir^ Presbi^-teriahV Church .' here,' she")ya8. a^;tive • in; church vo^k tmtU the^me of her death. ■' ■' " . £1
i Surviving, are a .*sonj' Khe.x~ johnstonfe, .and two . grandchllrdren. CarrbU and { Jolm' ^Johh£. stone^" all'v.df •' Mbckstd.UeV
; Euife'ral.^services,.;Will.-.be'^'holdat jiSpoh;' today' at*thV;h6rhe"vviw^ev;: Ethelbert 'CartreU in|
charge! Burial .vHU-be'lp Kose
. Cemetery' in Mocksyiller " \ )■ Palibearcrs • will be -R. B. -^ah-,ford, S. M. Call, P. ,B. . Blackywelder, E. "C. Morris, D. .C. Rah-;kin, and ,R M. Holthbusetv.'»
Bio - Obituaries - 7/20/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 21,1948
J. f. Potts
Funeral services for J. F. Potts,
87, who died at his home Ad'
vance, R. 1, on July 10th, were
held at the home on Monday
afternoon of last week at 1:30
o'clock, and at Advance Metho'
dist Chureh at 2 p. m., with Rev.
Howard Jordan officiatineandthe
body laid te rest in the church
Surviving are his wife, d)ree
grandchildren, a 5tq>son, nine
great'grandcildren and several
neices and nephews. Mr. Potts
spent his entire life in Davie
County. He had been seriously
ill for the past fk/ur months.
Thomas L. Eidson]
Thomas I. Eidson, 91, retired
farmer of Oiln, and father of J. H.
Eidson, prominent road construc>
tion contractor of Davie County,
died in Winstcn-Salem July I2th.
following an extended illness.
Funeral and burial services took
place Thursday at Snow Creek
Church, OUn. Others survivors
are a son and daughter, 10 grand'
children and nine great'grand'
Bio - Obituaries - 7/21/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 23,1948 - Page 1
Mn. GuMic Knox Johnstont,
79, of 310 North Main itrctt, died
at 11 a-m. Monday of a heart at-
tack, at har homa. Mn. Johnatona
had apparently been In good
health xmtU the became lU early
Monday mominf.
8h« had lived in MockavllU
•ince her marriage in Dectmberi
IMt, to John Brevard Johnneoe.
Mr. Johnstcnc died May 18, 1837.
Born November 17, 1075, in
Cleveland, Rowan county, the
was the daughter of Ben Allen
and Kathryn McKinnon Knox.
She spent her early life in Clcve*
land and was educated in the pub*
lie schools there. She was grad-
uated from Mitchell college,
A life-long member of First
Presbyterian church here, she was
active in church work until the
time of her death.
Surviving arc a son, Knox
Johiutone, and two grandchil
dren, Carroll and John Johnstone,
all of Mocksvilie.
Funeral services were held at
3 pm Tuesday it the home with
Rev. Ethelbcrt Gartrell. Rev. J.
P. Davis and Rev. R M. Hardec
in charge. Burial was in Rose
cemetery in Mocksvilie.
Pallbearers were R. B. Sanford,
S. U. CaU, P. B. Blackwelder, E.
C. Horrii, D. C. Rankin and R
M. Holthouscr.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/23/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 28,1948
Mrs. J. B. John-
Mrs. Gussie Knox Johnstone,
72, of 210 North Main Sttcet,
iMocksville, died at 11:15 a. m..
Ijuly 19th, at her home. Mrs.
Johnstone had apparently been in
; good health until she become
criticallv ill at 11:30 p. m., Julv
►W^rtSrmarriagc In December,
1899, to John Brevard Johnstone.
Mr. Johnstone died May 16. 1937.
! Bom Nov. I7» 1875, In Cleve-I land, Rowan County, she was thej daughter of Ben Allen and Kath-
I ryn McKinnon Knox. She spent
her early life in Cleveland and
was educated in the public school
there. She waa graduated from
Mitchell College, Scatesville.
A member of First Prcsbyteri
an Church here, she was active in
church work until the time of her
Survivors arc a son, Knox
johnstone, and two grandchildren,
Carrol and John Johnstone, all of
Funeral services were held at 3
p. m., last Tuesday at the home
with Rev. Ethclbert Gartrell in
charge. Burial was in Rose Ceme*
Pallbearers was R. B. Sanford,
S. M. Call, F« B. Blackwelder, E.
C. Morris. D. C. Rankin, and R.
M. Holthouser.
Mrs. W. Mar-
Mrs. Mary Stroud Marlow, 71
years old, died at her home near
Harmony last Tuesday morning.
Her husband, William W. Mar.
low died nine years agv.
Surviving Mrs. Marlow are
three daughters and two sons;
Mrs. Clay Harbtn of Mocksville:
Mrs. Clyde Harbin at the home
near Harmony; Mrs. Ray Stroud,
of Route 4, and Messrs. Roy and
Lola Marlow of Statesvillc. There
are four brothers, Messrs. Henrvr
N. W. W. W., and Sam S. Stroud,
all ot Harmony, R. I. There are
nine grandchildren.
Funeral services for Mrs. Mar
low were held from Clarksburv
Methodist church Wednesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock and inter-
mcntwas.in the church cemetery.
Revs.J. O. Ervin and JackCooke
conducted the services. >
Bio - Obituaries - 7/28/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 30,1948 - Page 1
Mary Stroud Marrow
Mr*. Mary Stroud Marrow, 71.
(lied Tuesday at her home near
Harmony after a thrce«month Ill
ness. She was the widow of Wil.
Ham W. Marrow, who died nine
years afo. Funeral kervices were
conducted nl 3 p.m. Wednesday at
Clarksbury Methodist church by
Rev. J. O. Erwin and Rev. Jack
Cook. Mrs. Marrow is the moth-
cr of Mrs. Clyay Harbin of this
city. •
Well-Known Woman,
Mrs. Julia Heitman, Dies
Mrs. Julia Clement Heitman, B7,
of Mockflvllle, died at Rowan Me
morial hospital at Salisbury at
9:20 a.m. Monday. She had been
in Gccllning health for the past
two years and seriously 111 for the
past five da^s.
Funeral services were held
Tuesday at the Mocksvlllc Meth
odist church. Rev. R. M. Hardec,
assisted by Dr. H. C. Sprinkle, con
ducted the services. Burial was in
the Clement cemetery near
Mrs. Heitman was born Dee. 25,
I860, in Mocksville, daughter of
John Marshall Clement, attorney
of Mocksvillc, and Mary Jane
Haden Clement. She was the lost
of 10 children.
Mrs. Heitmon was educated in
private schools of Mocksvillc and
Pcoce Institute at Rolelgh. She
was morried December 16, 1885,
to Charles L. Heitman. They hod
one doughter, Mary J. Heitman,
who survives.
She Is also survived by three
nephews, Hayden, Donald and
Louis Clement of Salisbury; three
nieces. Mist Sarah Gaithcr and
Mrs. E. C. Morris of Mocksville,
and Mrs. J. D. Murray of More-
head City.
Pallbearers were: J. R. Sheek,
B. C. Clement. S. M. Call, Dr. W.
M. Long, P. J. Johnson and J. P.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/30/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 4,1948
Mrs. G. h. toster
Mrs. Sarahann G. Foster, 88.
died at her home, Mocluville,
Route 4, at 9:15 a. m., Friday.
She had been a lUe-Iong resi'
dent of this section and was the
daughter of the late Jerrry Graves
and Margaret Sutton Graves.
Surviving are one daughter.
Mrs. B. B. Smith, Mocksville,
Route 4; two sisters, Mrs. Betty
Gabard, Mocksville, Route 4, and
Mrs. Alice Saflcy of Salisbury, R.
1; six grandchildren and six great
Funeral services were held in
the Jericho Christian Church at
3 p. m., Sunday, conducted by
James Binkley and W. F. Stone-
street. Burial was in the church
Mrs. Julia Heit-
Mrs. Julia Clement Hcitman,
87, of Mocksville, died at Rowan
Memorial Hospital at Salisbury at
9 20 a. m., last Monday.
Funeral services were held at 3
p. m., Tuesday at the Mocksville
Methodist Church, Rev. R. M.
Hardee, assisted by Dr. H. C.
Sprinkle, conducted the services.
Burial was in the ' lemcnt Ceme-
Mrs. Heitman was bom Dec. 25,
1860, in Mocksville. daughter of
John Marshall Clement, attorney
of Mocksville, and Mary Jane
Haden Clement. She was the
last of 10 children.
Mrs. Heitman was educated in
private schools of Mocksville and
Peace Institute at Raleigh. She
was married Dec. 16, 1885, to
Charles L. Heitman. Thev had
one daughter, Mary J. Heitman,
who survives.
She is also survived by three
* nephews, Haydcn, Donald and
jlxruis Clement of Salisbury; three
;neiees, Miss Sarah Gaidier and
Mrs. E. C. Morris of Mocksville,
and Mrs. J. D. Murray of More-
head City.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/4/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 6,1948 - Page 1
Mrs. G. F. Foster
Dies Saturday
_ .M...
widow of G. F. Foster, died at
her home, MocksvUIe, Route 4, at
9:15 a.m. Saturday.
She had been a lifcOong resi
dent of this section and was the
daughter of the late Jerry Graves
and Margaret Button Graves.
Surviving are one daughter,
Mrs. B. B. Smith, MockWille, R.
4; two sisters, Mrs. Betty Gabard,
Mocksville, Route 4, and Mrs.
Alice Saflcy of Salisbury, Route 1;
six grandchildren and six great
Funeral services were in the
Jericho Christian church at 3 p.m.
Sunday, conducted by James
Binkley and W. F. Stoncstrcet.
Burial was in the church ceme
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 6,1948 - Page 8
Clarence M. Smith
Killed In Florida
• n Funeral services wtrre held on «
Tuesday afternoon in Homestead,
Fla., for Clarence M. Smith, 49,
who wos killed Saturday when a
truck collided with his car on the
highway. The body will be
brought .back to Mocksville for
burial. Mr. Smith moved to
Homestead about two years ago
from Farmington.
He was the son of John Potts
Smith and the late Wola Word
Smith of Advance, R. 1.
Survivors include his widow,
the former Annie Cope; his fa
ther; five eons, Alfred and Ver-
non of Farmington, Virgil, C. M...
Jr.. Wode and Kenny at home and
one-daughter. Elizabeth Ann,, at.
home; three brothers: Robah oC
Farmington, John Frank of R. 3,
Mocksville, and Sim of Marshall^
town, Iowa; six sisters: Mrs. LiU
lian Smith, Mrs. Lydla Allen, Mrs.
Nannie Foster, Mrs. Evola Shcck,
Mrs. Nealy Beauchamp and Mrs.
Margie Hcndrix, all of Route 1,
His father and brother, Robah,Iottendcd the funcrol In Home
Bio — Obituaries - 8/6/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 11,1948
Clarence M. Smith
Fimeml services for Clarence
M. Smith, 49, who was killed in
an automobile wreck at Home
stead, Ra., on July 31, were held
at Yadkin Valiev Baptist Church
Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and
the body laid to rest in the church
Mr. Smith spent his entire life
in ParminRton Township up un
til PA'o years ago, when he moved
to Homestead to engage in the
trucking business. He is a son of
Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Smith.
Surviving are the father, the
widow, Mrs. Annie Cope Smith;
six sons and one daughter, all of
Homestead; three brothers, R. G.
Smith, Advance, R. 1; J. F. Smith.
Mocksvillc, R. 3; Sim Smith, of
Marshalltown, Iowa; six sisters,
Mrs. I. B. Allen, Yadkin County,
and Mrs. R. A. Foster, Mrs. Jake
Sheek, Mrs. C. L. Smith, Mrs. J.
E. Beauchamp, and Mrs. C. E
Hcndrix, Advance, R. 1; and two
F. R, Garwood
Fred Rsy Garwoon, 53, of Coo-
leemec, died in a Salisbury hos^
pita! at 10:50 a. m., Saturday.
He was the son of the late W.
F. Gartvood and ioaephinc Stroud
Garwood, was a member of the
Gooleemee Baptist Church.
Surviving arc t''c wife, Mrs.
AnniaMessic Garwood; one sister,
Mrs. D. E. Everhardt of Mocks
villc, R. 4; and four brothers. S.
G. Garwood of Wayncsvillc, G. F.,
W. F., and K R. Garwood, all of
Funeral services were in the
Cooleemee Methodist CnurcH at
4 p. nu Monday^ Rws. G. L.
Royster, A. T. Stoudenmire and
Rev. Mr. Jenkins officiated. Burial
was in Fork Baptist Church ceme
tery with Masonic honors.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/11/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 13,1948 - Page 4
F. R. Garwoodi 53
Coolcemce, Dies
Fred Ray Garwood. 53, of Coo-
leeme. died In a Salisbury hos
pital at 10:50 a m. Saturday.
He was for several years con
nected with the Life Insurance
Company of Virginia, but retired
seven years, ago because of fall
ing health.
He was the aon of the late W.
F. Garwood and Joaephiae Biroud
Garwood, was a member of the
Cooleemae Baptist church, tha
Junior Order of O.U.A.M., the
Red Men, and the Patriotic Ordar
Son of Amarica, the Masonic
Lodge and the Order of the East
ern Star.
Surviving are the wife, Mrs.
Annie Messic Garwood; one sis
ter, Mrs. B. G. Evcrhordt of
Mocksvillc. R. 4; and four broth
ers, S. G. Garwood of Waynes-
villc, G. F., W. F.' and^.'R. Gar
wood, all of Cooleemec.
Funeral scrvlcos wore In tha
Coolccmcc Methodist church at
4 p.m. Monday. Rev. G. L. Roy-
stcr, Rev. A. T. Stoudeninlrc and
Rev. Mr. Jenkins officiated. Buri
al was in Fork Baptist churcht' cemetery. Masonic rites were con
ducted at the graveside.
Bio — Obituaries - 8/13/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 18,1948
Mrs. J. L Kurfees
Mrs. I. Lee Kurfees, 70, died at
her home in this city Friday even*
ing at 8:25 o'clock, following an
extended illness. Mrs. Kurfees
was a native of Davie County and
had lived here about 25 years.
Surviving are thv husband, two
daughters, Mrs. Grady N. Ward,
of this city, and Mrs. Lonnie 1^'
nicr, of Birmingham, Ala., and
four grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at
the home at 2:30 o'clock Sunday
afternoon, with Cecil Derrybercy,
of Winston'Salem, of1ictating,andi
the body laid to rest in Jericho'
<. hurch of Christ cemetery. !
The death of this good woman i
has brought sadness to this com-j
munity where she lived for many'
years. The Record extends sym
pathy to the family in the death 1
of this beloved wife and mother. I
J. W. Kurfees
Funeral services for John Wes
ley Kurfees, Sr.. 79, of Winston
Salem, were held at 3 p. m.. Thurs
day at Corinth Church of Christ
in Stokes County with Rev. Cecil
Derryberry olhciating. Buna! was
in the church cemetery.
Mr. Kurfees, a retired sales re-
'presentative of Kurfees Paint
,Company of Louisville, Ky., died
at 9 a. m., Wednesday at his home
after a serious illness of two days.
He was a member of I'entnd
Church of Christ.
A native of Davic County, he
spent his early life in (hat county,
l^tcr he taught school in Stokes
County and engaged in the mer
cantile business In King. He re
tired in 1938 as representative of
Kurfees Paint Company.
Surviving at the widow, Mrs.
Flora Pcticc Kurfees; three son>,
Clifton S., Marshall C., and J. W.
Kurfees Jr., and a daughter. Mrs.
Ralph Church a 1 of Winston-Sa-
lem, two grandchildren; and three'
brothers, I.LeeKurfeesof Mocks-j
ville and M. M. and J. F. Kurfees,
of Louisville, Ky. I
Bio — Obituaries — 8/18/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 20,1948 - Page 1
Mff. McClaniodc
Dies At Fanaington
Mrt. Lou Ztehitoo IfcCUunrock.
age 83, well-known Da vie county
woman, ditil at tha home ol her
daughter. ^Mn. It W. Lakey,
Farmingt^ at 10:15 p.m. Sunday.
She waa the widow of the late
J. D. McClamrock of Farmington.
and daughter of Cad and Louise
Ferebee^^-Etchlon. She is survived
by two. sons, E. L. McClamrock
of MoclisvUle and D. X. McClam
rock of Farmington; four daugh-
tcrs. Mrs. C. W. Gentry of Win-
ston-Selem, Mrs. John Woodward
of Mwk&viUc ,B. 2. Mrs. B. W.
Lakey of FarnUngton, and Mrs.
J, W.'Foster of Mocksville; three
sisterft, Mrs. Betty Powell of
Blooming Grove. Texas, Mrs. J.
J. Hoskins and Mrs. H. C. Young
of Chino Valley, Arizona; four
teen grandichldren, and live
Mrs. J. Lee Kuifees
Passes Away At Home
Mrs. J. Lee Kurfces, age 70, died
at her home in Mocksville, at
6:25 p.m. Friday, August 13, after
several montha af Illness. She was
a native of Da via county and a
member of the Jericho Church of
Christ. *
She Is survived by her husband
and two daughters, Mrs. G. N.
Ward of Mocksville and Mrs. L.
V. Lanler of Birmingham, Ala.;
and four grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at
home on Sunday by Cecil Derry-
berry with burial following in the
Jericho cemetery. Active pall
bearers were: Jim Wilson, Clint
Wilson, Fletcher Click, James
Stonestrect, Carl Anderson and
Marshall Greene.
Funeral services were held at
the home of her daughter, Mrs.
R. Vr, l,aHcy, Tuesday at 9 p.m.,
conducted by Rev. J. S. Folger of
the I^irmington Methodist church.
Burlap was in the Farmington
Pali^arers were: Bobby Gene
Lakey, Bailey McClamrock, Mack
Foster, . Jack Woodwafd, Ike
Woodward, George Woodward,
all gran^soM of the dtctaitd.
J, W. Kurfces Diet
In IVinsftoo-SaleBi
Funeral serviets for John Wet-
ley Kurfeet, Sr.. 79, of Winston-
Salem, were held at 3 pjn. TTiun-
day at Corinth Church of ChrisI
in Stokes coxmty with Rev. Cecil
Dcrryberry ofliciatlng. Burial wae
in the church cemetery.
Mr. Kurfeet, a retired sales rep
resentative of Kurfees Paint com
pany of Louisville, Ky., died at
9 a.m. Wednesday at hia home
after a serious illness of two days.
He was a member of Central
Church of Christ
A native of Davle county, he
spent his early life In that coun
ty. Later he taught school in
Stokes county and engaged ia the
, mercantile business in King. Ha
! retired in 1938 as representative
'I of Kurfees Paint company.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/20/1948
Surviving are the widow, Mrs.
Flora Pctree Kurfces; three sons,
Clifton S., Marshall C. ond'J. W.
Kurfees, Jr., end a daughter, Mrs.
Ralph Church, all of Wlnston-
Salem; two grandchildren, and
three brothers, J. Lee Kurfees of
MockavlUc, and M. M. and J. F.
Kurfees, of Louisville, Ky.
Final Ritea For
Gordon Stoneatreet
Will Be Sunday
Funeral services will be con
ducted Sunday for T..Sgt. Gordon
Stonestrect, another local hero of
World War XL whose body is
scheduled to retch Mockavllle on
August 19.
Last rites will consist qf a grave
side service, 3 p.m., Sunday, Au
gust 23, at the Jericho Church of
Christ, conducted by his pastor.
Son of J. F. and Maude Petree
Stonestrect, Sgt. Stonestreet en
tered service on June 8,1942. He
was a member of the Army Air
Forces^ and had participated in
many miaisons |>cfore he was
killed in action on May 8, 1944,
near Vieoenburg, Germany.
He is survived 1^ his mother,
father and two brothers, James
and PbUip, of Mocksville.
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 25,1948
Sgt. Gordon
The body of T-Sgt. Gordon
Stonestreet, son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Stonestreet, arrived here
Thursdav afternoon. A {.TaveNide
service was held Sunday after
noon at 3 o'clock, at the Jericho
Church of Christ with Cecil Der-
rvbenry offictatinR/and the bodv
laid to rest in the church ceme-
Sgt. Stonestreet entered service
June 6ch, 1942, and served with
the Armv Air Forces. He was on
many dangerous missions before
losing his life on May 8, 1944, in
Surviving are his parents and
two brothers, Tarnes and Philip,
all of this city.
Luther L. West
Funeral services for Luther L.
West, 77> who died at his home,
Advance, R. I, on Thursday were
held a t Macedonia Moravian
Church Sunday afternoon.
Surviving are his widow, one
son, three brothers, three sisters
and two step sons. Mr. West had
been in bad health for several
Mrs. J. D. Mc-
Clamrock •
Funeral services for Mrs. Lou|
Etchison McClamroch, who dird
Aug. 15th, at the home of
daughter, Mrs. R: W. Lakev, at
Farmington, were held at 4 p.
m., Tuesday at the Lakey home.
Rev. J. S, Folger officiated. Bu
rial was in the Farmingcon ceme-
Mrs. MeClamrock, who was a
daughter of Cad and Louise Fere-
bee Etchison. is survived by two
sons, E. L. MeClamrock of Mocks-
ville and D. K< MeClamrock of
Farmington; four daughters, Mrs.
C. W. Gentry of Winston-Sarem,
Mrs. John Woodward of Mocks-
ville, Route 2, Mrs. R. W. Lakey
of Farmington and Mrs. J. W.
Foster of Mocksvillc; 14 grand
children; five great-grandchildren;
and three sisters. Mrs, Betty Powell
of Blooming Grove, Texas, Mrs.
J. J. Hoskins and Mrs. H. C
Young, both of \Chino Valley,
Sgt. Roht. Barney!
Reinterment Services with full
Militarv Honors was conducted by!
Thomas Ray Davis Post No. 4024 ^
Veterans of Foreign Wars, Mocks-.
ville, N. C., was held at Ad-^
vance Methodist Church, on Sun •
day afternoon August 22, at 2:30,
for the late Staff Sgt. Robert T.
Bamcy of Route 1, Advance, N.
C. Who made the Supreme Sa
crifice while on information pa
trol in Germany on February llth,
1945. Sgt. Barney enters ser
vice on October 14, 1942 and ser
ved at Fort Jackson, S. C., Camp '
Wplcers, Texas and sailed from
Camp Meade, Md., for the Euro-".
pean Theater of Operation in
October 1944. He was a member
of Co. L. 6th. Inf. 4th Divisiod at
, foe time of his death.
I Sgr. Barney is survived by his
parents William T. Barney and
Hager Comatzcr Bamev, one
brother Hubert Barney and one
sister Maggie Lou Cornatzor Bar
ney and one sister Maggie Lou
I The religious service was con-1
ducted by the Church Pastor, the
Rev. Howard Jordan and bv Ma |
Jor R. M. Hardce, Chaplain of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Fred R. Leagans, served as Com
mander of the Military Service,
with Robert Evens, as Officer of
foe Day, C. F: Meroncy, Jr., in"
charge of foe Pall Bearers, and
Alyis King in charge of Firing
Bio - Obituaries — 8/25/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 27,1948 - Page 1
Robert T. Barney
Relatonnent tervJcca with ftill
military honori by Thomu Ray
Davis Post 4024 Veterans of For
eign Wars, Mocksvllle, were held
at Advance Methodist church on
Sunday afternoon, August 23, for
Staff Sgt, Robert T. Barney, who
was killed in action on February
11, 1945, in Germany.
Members of the Veterans of
Foreign War.t post taking part in
the military funtral were: Com
mander, F. R. Leagans; officer of
the day, Robert C. Evans; chap
lain,- Robert M. Hardec; com
mander of firing squad, Alvis
King: colorbearers, W. C. Tur-
rentine and J&mes C. Comer; col
or guards, Paul H. Mason, Jr., and
Clyde Jordan; members of firing
squad, Ben Ellis, Hubert Hayes,
Joe King, E. L. Morris and Wil
liam L. Carter; buglers, Betty Sue
Eaton and Jimmy Campbell; ac
tive pallbearers, C. F. Mcroncy,
Jr., Frank Koontz, Richard Seed
ing, J. C. Jones. Henry C. Myers,
Jack Woodward; honorary pall
bearers, Robert Beck, John Nel
son McDanJcl, Willie Hugh Ma
son, Frank Mock, Harvey Hart-
man, Ernest Cope, Nelson Bailey,
Woodrow Mock, Raymond Ben
nett, • Lawrence Comatzer, Paul
McCuUoh, Charlie Howard, Hen
ry Comatzer, Roy Barney. Paul
Cornotzor, Roy Call, Cocil Rob
ertson, William Robertson, Ed
ward Robertson and George Hart-
man; photographer, Joe Langston;
military escort, Sgt. 1-c Elwln L
Eaddy, Morris Field, Charlotte.
Approximately 75 members of the
post attended the funeral.
Bio - Obituaries — 8/27/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 1,1948
Mrs. G. W. Orrell
Mrs. Emma Talley Orrell, 75,
of Advance, former matron at Sa-
[em College, died Monday in Ro'
xvan Memorial Hespital at Salis
bury after a four-weeks illness.
A native of Forsyth County,
Mrs. Orrell was a daughter of
jRichard L. and Mary Ann Miller
Talley. She spent most of her
life in Winston-Salem but had
lived In Advance for 15 years.
She was a member of Home Mora
vian Church, and was matron at
Salem for 20 years.
She was twice married, first to
Charles L. Kimel, who died In
1910, then, in 1917, to G. W. Or
rell of Advance, who survives.
Also surviving arc two daugh
ters, one son, one granddaughter,
two brother, three stepchildren.
Funeral services were held at
Home Moravian Church, Wins-
ton-Salem, Wednesday afternoon
at 4 o'clock, with Bishop H. E.
Rondthaler and Dr. Dougias
• Wrights officiating, and the body
laid to rest in the Moravian ceme
tery, A noble, Christian lady has
been called to her reward.
Chas. G. Vfoodraff
Cbas G. VlfoodrufT, 70. life-long resident
of Cavie County, and for more than 30
years a citizen of this city, died Friday
□igbc at his home on Wilkesboro street.
Surviving are three sons. T B. Wood
ruff. Route 2: Chas W. and Sanford A.
Woodruff. Mocksville; five daughters, Mrs.W. C, Patterson, Taylorsvllle; Mrs. J. Lee,Owlggins. WiD8Coo-Satem;Mr6. J. D.Cher. |rybolmes. Cbarleston, W. Va.; Mrs: Frank;
Hendon, Gadsden, Ala. and Mrs. JamesFrye. Mccksvlile; one bipther. E. HallWondrufl. Gadsden, Ala. |
Funeral services were held at the home
Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock, with Rev.
E. H. Gartrell offidstlng, and the body
laid to rest in Rose cemetery, with Ma
sonic honors. '
Bio - Obituaries - 9/1/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 3,1948 - Page 1
ChDrlca G. Woodruff, well
known citizen of Mocksvillc and
Davle county, passed away at his
borne last Friday night, August 27.
He was bom in MocksviUe on
August 7, 1878, a son of the late
Sonford A. and Janic Gaithcr
Woodruff, He was married in
1898 to Miss Eila McMahan, who
died August 23, 1947. Ho was a
member of the Presbyterian
church and a member of the
Mocksvillc Masonic lodge.
Funeral services were held at
his home at 5 p.m. Sunday with
Rev. E. 11, GorlreU and Rev, H.
C. Sprinkle officiating. Graveside
Masonic rites were admlnlilered
by the local lodge.
Surviving are one brother, B.
H. Woodruff of Gadident Ala.;
five daughters, Mrs. W. C. Pat*
tcrson of Taylorsville, Mrs. R, D,
Cherry Holmes of Charleston, W.
Va., Mrs. J, L, Dwiggins of Win*
ston^Salcm, Mrs, Frank Hendon
of Gadsdcn, Ala., and Mrs, James
Frye of MocksviUe; three sons,
S, A. Woodruff of Chester, Pa.,
T, B, and Charles Woodruff of
Mocksvillc; and eight grandchil
Bio — Obituaries — 9/3/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 17,1948 - Page 1
W. i. CUCK, 92,
W. J. Cliekt 82, cUcd unexpect
edly Tuesday morning at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. A. B.
Ramsey, la Salisbury.
Mr. Click had been in good
health up to the time of his death.
He was stricken with a heart at-
tack and passed away before doc
tors could arrive.
Mr. Click was married to the
former AlUc IJamef and had spent
most of hia life in Davic county,
going to Salisbury to make hU
home with hit daughter recently.
He Is survived by his widow and
thre echildrcn, Bfrs. A. B. Ramsey
and E. C. Click of Spencer and
R. F. Click of Hocksville; four
grandchildren, Charles and Ann
Ramsey of Spencer and Bill and
Jane Click of MocksvUle; one
brother, Charles Click of Wood-
leaf and one sister, Mrs. J. P.
Burton of Hickory.
ITuBaral aarvicea ware held on
Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock
it Jaricho Church of Christ near
Mocksville. Mr. Click was a mem-
bar of tha cfaunh for many years.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/17/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 22,1948
G. Ctick
W. Godfrey Click, 91, died sud
denly at hb home in Salbbury on
Monday morning, Sept. 13th,
shortly after ten o'clock. Mr.
' Click was recovering from injuries
' received several weeks ago when
• he was thrown by a calf on the
I farm of Mrs. W. C. Wilson, on
Route 4. His sudden death was a
shock to the family and many
Mr. Click was bom in Davle
Couuty in November, 1856, and
spent most of his life near Mocks-
vllle. For the past several years
Mr. and Mrs. Click made their
home with a daughter in Salisbury
His death has cast a gloom of
sadness in and around Mocksvllle
where he spent a long and useful
Surviving are the wif& two sons,
Eugene Click, of Salbbury, and
Fletcher Click, of thb city, one
daughter, Mrs. Elva Ramsey, of
Salisbury; one brother, Charlie J,
Click, of Woodleaf, and a sister.
Mrs. James Burton, of Hickory. I
and four grandchildren. j
Funeral services were held. at
Jericho Church of Christ last.
Wednesday morning at II o'clock, *
with C^car Walters offi^dng,
and the body laid to rest in the
church cemetery*
James W. Fowler
" I
James W. Fowler, 87, prominent ^
Statesville citizen, died last W«l-)
ncsday at Long's Hospital in that
i;iiv. Funeral services were held
at the home at 3J0 Thursday
afternoon, and the body laid to
rest in Oakwood cemetery. Mr.
Fowler b the father of Mrs. Grant
Daniel, of thb city.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/22/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 24,1948 - Page 1
flml Htn Smday
For Wiffim Cbrav
RtlBtenntsI ritet with full mU*
iltrf bonoM win bt held on Sun
day eflmoon el 8:00 et 81. BCetth-
ewe ChurchnMr Devi# Acftdemy
for Pvt WUUamllcXiidey Champ
who wti kUlad In the African
Ihaatra of Opatatioaa. Pvt.
Champ wee the eon of Mre.
UlUt Champ of Route A lloeki-
vUH.wfao new Kfidea near Need*
in Rowan County.
thomaa Ray Davia Poet, Vcl*
trm of Poielgn Wan of Mocka-
vuie wUI have diai^e of the mil-!
itary atrvieca. |
Bio - Obituaries - 9/24/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 24, 1948 - Page 8
Mn. J. M. Jonhn
Eites Are Hdd
Mn. 3. H. Jordan of Mocks-
vlllc, R. 3, dltd auddenly at 6:90
p.m. Sunday, September 18. She
waa 78 yeart of ate. Before her
marriage to J. M. Jordan, the wag
the former Miss Betty Belle Stone-
street, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Noah Stonestreet.
Her husband, J. B. Jordan, a
stepson, Dave Jordan, and one
sister, Mrs. J. W. Boger, survive.
Funeral services were conduct
ed Tuesday afternoon at three
oVlock at the home and at 9:30
at Union Chapel Methodist
church. Rev. Foster Loflln and
Rev. F. A. Wright had charge of
the service. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Fmienl Sunday
Fuatral eervicta for George
Waahington Orrell, 68, of-Advance
were conducted at 8 p.m. Sunday
at the home and at 8:90 p.m. at
Shady Grovt Methodist church by
Rev. Howard Chadwick and Rev.
H. R. Jordan. Burial will be in
the church cemetery.
The body will remain at Vog-
lePs Funeral home until 9:90 B.m.
today, when it will be taken to
the home.
-Mr; Orrell died at 3:30 a.m. Fri
day Qt a Winston-Salem hospitol
after two weeks' illness. For the
past 18 years he had lived in
Advance, where he was born and
where he spent his early life. He
resided in Winston-Salem for 17
years, during which time he
worked with R. J. Reynolds To
bacco company.
Since returning to Advance, he
had been engaged in dairy farm
ing and trucking. Surviving are
one daughter, Mrs. Floasle Hew-
man of Greensboro; two sons, F.
8. Orrell of AdvanM and H. S.
Orrell of this city; 19 grandchil
dren; 18 great-grandchildren; a
stepson, Harold Kimcl of this
city; two^ stepdaughtars, Mrs.
Stokes Devereux and Mlu Doris
Kimel of Spencer; a brother, J.
G. Orrell of Advance; and three
sisters, Mrs. Alice Phillips of this
city, Mrs. Beulah Lomax of 1^-
wpod» and BCrt. Charles Beau-
champ of Advance.
James W. Foilvler
Dies at J^t 86
James Wesley Fowler, 86, wide
ly known farmer, died Tuesday at
Long's hospital.
Funeral services were held at
the home on the MocksviUe road
Qt 3:30 p.m. Thursday. Burial as
in Odkwood cemetery.
Mr. Fowler was a member of
the First A.R.P. church and was
a Maaon.
Surviving are six children, Ev-
erett E. Fowler of New York city,
James Edgar Fowler of Flushing,
Long Island, Mrs. Grant Danfapla
of MocksvUle. John W. FQwick
and Miises Besi Hattio jpow-
ler of the home.
Bio - Obituaries — 9/24/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 29,1948
s. J. M. Jordan
Funeral services for Mrs. J. M.
Jordan, 78, of Mocksville, Route
2, who died unexpectedly Sept.
19th, were held at tlie home at 3
o*clock p. m., Tuesday, followed
by services at 3:30 p. m.. at Union
Chapel Methodist Church. Revs.
Foster Loflin and F. A. Wright
officiated. Burial was in the church i
cemetecV' !
She is survived bv her hus'
band, a stepson, Dave Jordan, and
a sister, Mrs. .1. W. Boger, ad of
Mocksville, Route 2.
Miss M. Kurfees
Miss Mattie Booe Kurfees, 67.
died Sept. 18th at her home in
Scotch Irish township, Rowan
county, after two days illness fol
lowing a stroke of paralysis.
A native of Davie councv, Miss
Kurfees was a daughter of the lace
John and Sarah Bailey Kurfees.
She was a life-long member of
Jericho Christian church.
Survivors include four brothers^
C.'S. Kurfees and J. M. Wiley
Kurfees of Cleveland, Route 1, J.
W. and G. F, Kurfees of Rich
mond, Va., and a number of ne
phews and nieces.
Funeral serviced were held last
Monday at 2 o'clock from the re
sidence of C. S. Kurfees in Rowan
County, conducted b y James
Binklcv and Jas. E. Laird. Inter
ment xvas in the family plot at
Center Methodist church, in Davie
county. W, F. Stonestreet was in
charge of the music.
Among those attending the fu
neral and burial from a distance
were Mr. and Mrs. Will Kurfees
and 0. F. Kurfees. of Richmond,
Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Car! Wil
son, of Charlotte.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/29/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 1,1948 - Page 1
Military Rites Held
For William Champ
Reinterment tcrvlcet with full
military honori by the Thomas
Ray DavU Post 4014, Veterans of
Foreign Wars, MocksviUe. were
held at St. Matthew's Lutheran
church, on Sunday afternoon,
September 39, for Pvt. William
McKinley Champ^ who was killed
in the invasl<m of Italy on No
vember S, 1M3. Pvt Champ was|
the son of Mrs. LllUe Champ of
Route 4. Bfocksvllle.
Members of the Veterans of
Foreign Wan taking part in the
military funeral were: F. R. Lea-
gans, commander; James B.
Swicegood, officer of the day;
chaplain, Robert M. Hardce; bu
gler, Jimmy Campbell; military
escort, M-Sgt. Owen B. Baker,
Charlotte; commander of firing
squad, Alvla King; mcmbera of
firing squad, Ben Ellis, Joe King,
John H. White, E. L. Morris, Wil
liam L. Carter, Hubert H. Hayes,
Frank Koontz, James C. Comer;
colorbcarers, J. C. Jones and W.
C. Turrentinc; color guards, Ben
Bowles and Worth Hendrlcks; ac
tive pallbearers, C. F. Meroney,
Jr., Duke Tutterow, Richard Bee-
ding, Joe Patner, Ray Lagle, Jr
Robert Beck; honorary pallbear
ers, John Nelson Anderson and
John Nelson McDaniel; photogra
phcrs, Joe Langston and Maxa-
lene Matthews.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/1/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 1,1948 - Page 1
Funeral Rites Sunday
For Pvt. Frank Myers
Reinterment lervlcc^ with full
miUtarjr hooort conducted hf the
Thomu Ray Davit Foot 4034, Vet-
erant of Forelfii Wart* Mocke-
vtlle, wUl be held at SbavUle
Methodist church, on Sunday af
ternoon, October 3, at 3 p.m. for
the late Pvt. Frank Myers, who
was killed In Italy on January 7,
1M4. V
Pvt. Myera is survived by his
parents, O. C. Myers and Florence
Boger Myers, five brothers, Wal
ter, Raymond Travis, BlUy and
Alvin, one sister, Mrs. Roy Phelps.
Religious services will be con
ducted by Chsplsin R M. Hsrdce,
Rev. Howsrd Jordan and Rev.
Alex Dody.
F. R. Lcagana will ecrve as com
mander of the military funcraL
Bio - Obituaries -10/1/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 6,1948
James and Warren Koontz
FUnetal Mrvices for two btodi-
ers, James 19, and Warren, 17.
sons of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Koon
tz, of Mt. Airy, who were killed
in an automobile crash on Sept.
25th, were held at Jericho Church
of Christ on R. 4, last Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. David
Hiatt, of Mt Airy, was in charge
of the service. Burial followed in
the churdi cemetery.
Pvt. Frank Myers
Reinterment services wnth full
Military Honors by Thomas Ray
Davis Post, Veterans of Foreign
Wars of Mocksville were held, at
Hbaville Methodist Church at
Advance on Sunday afternoon at
3 o'clock for Private Frank Myers,
who was killed In the allied Inva
sion of Italy on January 7th. 1944.
The Military Funeral detail was
(under the Command of Fred R.
iLeagans with James B. Swicegood
I as Officer of the Day; Alvis King,
{Firing Squad Commander; C. T.
tMeronev Jr., in charge of Pall
.Bearers and honorary escorts and
^Maj. R. M. Hardee, Post Chaplain.
Pvt. Myers is survived by the
f parents, Os C. Myers and Florence
I Boger Myers; five brothers, Wal
jter, Raymond, Travis, Billy and.
lAlvinandone sister, Mrs. Roy'
• Phclps. 1
j Rclidous services were conduct
ed by Revs. Howard Jordan and
'Alex Doby.
Bio - Obituaries —10/6/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 13,1948
Mrs, Lttla Miller
Mis. Lula W. Miller, 77i died at
die home of her dauahter, Mrs.
H, A. Lashmit of Salisbury Street,
Tuesday after a year's illness.
She is survived by ^o other
dau^ters, Mrs. E. C. Butner and
Mrs. M. L. ^ames. both of Ad
vance, Route 1: two sons, Robert
Miller of Maryland and Guy Mil*
lerof Farmingcon; two brothers,
S. C, West of Marshalltown, Iowa,
and J. At West of Advance, Route
1; five sisters Mrs. Julia Henry and
Mrs. Mamie Henry, both of Green*
wood, Ind., Mrs, Frank Allen of
Crawfbrdville, Ind., Mrs. P. T.
Seats of Moclcsville, Route 2, and
Mrs. Edna Penry of Sourhmont,
19 grandchildren and four great
Funeral services were conducir
ed at 3:30 p. m., Thursday at
Bethlehem Methodist Church by
Rev. J. S. Folger and Rev. Gentse
Bruner. Burial was in the churw
H. N. Foster
H. N. Foster, 78, died Thurs*
daymominji at his home near
Comatzer, following an extended
Surviving ate one son, Robert
Foster, of Route 3; one dauizhter,
Mrs. Colen Howard, Port Otange,
Fla., and six grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Fri*
day at 3:30 p. m., at Elbaville Mcv
diodist Church, widi Revs. How*
ard Jordan and Foster Loflin of
ficiating. and the body laid to rest
in die ^iirch cemetei^.
Bio — Obituaries - 10/13/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 15,1948 - Page 1
Rites Held Wedcasday
For George W. Smith
George Washinft<»a Smith, 99,
died Monday morning, October
11, at a StatesvlUe hotpltal. He
wa« a retired farmer and a life
long resident ol Davle coun^. He
was the son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Lcvl Smith.
He Is survived by two daugh«
tcrs and three sons, Mrs. B. Y.
Boylcs, Mocksvillc, Mrs. Tom
Gregory, Advance, R. 1; Russell
J. and Luke, Mocksvillc, and
Bryant, Advance. R. 1, and ten
Funeral services were held
Wednesday at 2:30 at Bethlehem
Methodist church with Rev.
George Bruner and Rev. John
. Oakley in charge of the servicet.
Interment was in the church
Final Ritoa Held
For Pvt. Myen
Reinterment servicet were held
Sunday at 3/p.m. at Elbavllle
Methodist church, with full mili
tary honors for Pvt. Frank Myen,
who was killed January 7, 1M4,
in the invasion of Italy, by Thom
as Ray Davis post 4024, Veterans
of Foreign Wart of Mocksville.
Post mcmbera taking part in
the funeral were: F. R. Leagans,
commander; James M. Swicegood,
officer of the day; C. F. Meroney,
Jr., In command of pallbearers;
Alvis King, commander of firing
squad; R. M. Hardee, chaplain;
Jimmy Campbell, bugler; Sgt.
James S. Lee, military escort; W.
G. IXirrentlne and J. C. Jones,
colorbearcra; Worth| Hendrfcks
and Ben Bowles, color guards;
firing squad, Ben SUlt, James
Coiner, p. L. Morris^ Joe King,
John R While, W. L. Carter,
Frank Kocotx, Henry D. Danner;
pallbearers, C. F. Meroney, Jr.,
Ray Lagle, Jr., Ricahrd Bcedlng,
Clyde Vlckers, Rotert Beck, Wal
ter Carter; honorary pallbaartra.
Jack Woodward, Tom Cope, Paul
Markland, Ben Cope; pbotofrt'
pjher, Joe Langston; auxiliary
members, Mazalene S. Matthews,
Mrs. Robert Beck, Mrs. Robert
Evans, Mra. Ben Ellis; other post
members. C. R. Vogler. John La
gle, Isador Woodward, Wilhum
Bailey, Robert Evans, Duke Tut-
terow, Henrq L. Markland, Hu
bert Hayes.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 15,1948 - Page 2
I Mrs. Lula Miller,
Mocksville, Dies
Mrs. Lula W. Miller, 77, died
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
H. A. Lashmit, of Salisbury
street, Mocksvillc, Tuesday after
a year's illness.
She la survived by twa other
daughters, Mrs. £. C. Butner and
Mrs. M. L. JamS, both of Ad
vance, R. 1; two sons, Robert Mil
ler of Maryland and Guy Miller
of Farmington; two brothers, S.
C. West of Marshalltown, Iowa,
and J. A. West of Aadvance, R.
I; five sisters, Mrs. Julia Henry
and Mrs. Mamie Henry, both of
Greenwood. Ind., Mrs. Frank Al
len of CrawfordvUle, Ind., Mrs.
P. T. SeaU of Mocksville. R. 2,
and Mrs. Edna Penry of South-
mont; 19 grandchildren and four
Funeral services were conduct- J* S. Folger and Rev. George
ed at 3:30 p.m. Thursday at Beth- Bruner. Burial was in the church |
lehem Methodist church by Rev. cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/15/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 15,1948 - Page 3
D. F. McDanicI, 79,
Davie County, Dies
Dewitt Franklin McDanlel, 70,
died| Saturday in a Sallibury
Mr. McDaniel, a retired farm*
er, was bom in Davie county, with
a nephew, J. E. McDanlel. He
had been making hli home on
Mockaville, Route 3.
Survivors include a brother, a
sister, a nephew and a niece.
' Funeral services were con
ducted at 2:30 p.m. Monday at
the home of J. £. Daniel and at
Bixby Presbyterian church at 3
p.m. by Rev. E. H. Gartrell and
Rev. Foster Loflin.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 15,1948 - Page 6
Mrs. F. T. Holden
Rites Thursday
Mre. T. F. Kolden, 43, died at
her home In Yadkin county on
Tuesday. October 8. alter on ill*
nesa of nine months and ten days.
She was the former Miss Lau
ra Ward, daughter of the late
John F. Ward and Sarah Louise
Miller Ward of Davie county in
the Wesley's Chapel commtmity
She had been a life long member
of the Wesley's Chapel Method
ist church.
She is survived by her hus
band, T. F. Holden, two children,
Frank ond Margaret Louise, her
mother, Mrs. Sarah Louise Ward,
four brothers and three sisters,
L. F. and Claudius Word, Mocks-
ville, R. 2. L. B. Word, Bodin, and
M. S. Ward. Charlotte; Mrs. T.
B. Carter, Richmond, Va.; Mrs.
W. F. Ferebe^ Mocksville, R, 1,
and Miss Elolse Ward, Mocks
ville, R. 2.
Funeral rites were held Thurs
day, October 7^ at Wesley Meth*
dolst chapel by Rev. J. W. Vestal
and Rev. Wade Hutchens. Burial
was In the Oak Ridge Baptist
church cemetery at Vadkinvllle.
Mrs. Holden exercised grest
faith in the l<ord and often spoke
of being prepared to go.
The patience and cheerfulness
with which she suffered were an
Inspiration to her friends and all
who knew her.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/15/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 20,1948
iDavii J. Lybrook
In the death of David Johnson
Lvhrook, 69. of Advance. R. 1,
who died in a Winston'Salem
hospital on Tuesday ni^t of last I
week, Davie County loses one of
her best known farmers and cat
tiemen, a citizen beloved by all
who knew him. Mr. Lybrook had
been a citizen of Davie for many
years, moving from Winston Sa-
lem, where he was Forsvth Coun
ty farm agent.
Mr. Lybrook had been in bad
health for several years, and his
death has brought sadness to a
host of friends throughout Davie
County and this entire section. ..
Funeral services were held from
the home at 11 a. m., Thursday,!
with Rev. Marvin Bradwell ofii- i
dadng. Tlie body was laid toj
rest in Salem cemetery. |
Mr. Lybrook is survived by his}
wife, three sons and two daugh- i
ters. To the bereaved family The \
Record extends sincere sympathy
in this hour of sadness. David
Lybrook will be sadly missed in
die community where he spent so
many years. Anodier Iong«time|
friend of the editor has crossed;
over die river to rest * '
Mrs. V. L mt-
Mrs. Vernon Whitaker, 23, of
Mocksville, Route 2, died at a Sa
lisbury hospital last Tuesday fol
lowing an illness of eight days.
She was bom March 10, 1925, a
daughter of Henry and Mary Mc-
Cullough Angell, Mocksville, R.2.
Mrs. Whicaker was a member
of Eatons Baptist Church.
Surviving are the parents; die
husband, Vemon L. Whitaker;
one daughter, Doris Elaine, and
one son, Vemon L. Jr., all of the
home; three brodiers, Rufiis Lee,
William W. and John Henry An
gell, an of Mocksville, Route 2,
and two sisters, Mts. Lester Mc
CuUough and Mrs. Robert Hane-
line, bodi of MocksviU^ Route 2.
Funeral services were held at
Oak Grove Med^cdist Church at
2 p. m. Thursday. Revs.J. R
Fitzgerald and A. B. Fink offidat-
ed. Burial was in the churdi
F. VanEaton
Win F. VanEaton, 76, died at
his home in Mocksville at 1 p. m^
Surviving are two sisters, Mrs.
Maysie Bowles and Miss Mattie
VanEaton, of Route 3, and one
brother, J; L. VanEaton, of Mis
souri. The Record extends sym
pathy to die bereaved family in
the death of their brother.
Pnneral services were held at
the home at 2 p. m., Friday, with
Rev. Foster Loflin officiating. Bu
rial was in Bethel Cemetery.
G, Ff. Smith
G. W. Smith, 75, a retired farm
er of the Bethlehem community,
died Oct. 11th at a StatesvUle
Hospital where he was taken after
having suffered a stroke.
He Is survived by three sons, J.
Smith of Mocksville. Bryant and
Luke Smith of Advance, Route
1; two daughters, Mrs. Ben Y.
Boyles of Mocksvilles and Mrs.
Tom Gregory of Advance. Route 1,
and 10 grandchildren.
Funeral services were conducted
at 260 p. m., Wednesday at Bethle
hem Methodist Church by Rev
John Oakley Jr., and Rev. J. G.
Bruner. Burial was in the church
Bio - Obituaries -10/20/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 22, 1948 - Page 2
D. J. Lybrook
Rites Thuraday
fWwral: icrvlces for David
Johfuon Lybrook, 69, of Advance,
former member of the State
Board of Agriculture, who died
at a WinatomSalem hospital
"Diesday night, were held at U
a.m. Thursday at the home. Bur
ial was in Salem cemetery. Mr.
Lybrook, a native of Patrick
county, Vs., came to Winston-
Salem in 1908 and was Foriyth
county*s first farm agent. He
I was a teared in hit local Orange
I and in the State Orange. He wta
I a nephew of W. H. Reynolds, for-
|mer president of R. J. Reynolds
Tobacco company. Surviving are
the widow, three sons, two daugh
ters, and two sisters.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 22, 1948 - Page 6
WiU F. Van Eaton
Dies at Mocksville
WIU F. Van Bato,n 78. died at
his home in Mocksville at 1 p.m.
W^e^ay. A,
he wu a son of the late R. T.
and Mory Holman Van Eaton.
Surviving are two sisters,
Mrs. Maysie Bowles and Miss
Mattie Van Eaton, both of Mocks
ville, Route 3, and one brother,
J. L. Van Eaton of Missouri.
Funeral Mrvlces were held at
the home at 2 p.m. Fridoy. Oct.
19, with Rev. Foster Loflin
officiating. Burial was in the
Bethel Cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/22/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 22,1948 - Page 8
Rites Held Thmimy
For Mrs. V. L. Whitsker
Funeral servleea for Mrt. Ver-
non L. Whltaker, 33, were held
"ffiurVfay alteraoon,' 'o^obeV' 141
at 2 o'clock, at the Oak Grove
r4ethodlst^ church. Rev. J. B. Fits-
itcrald and Rev. Wade Hut'chena
hnd charge of the lervleet.
Mrs. Whltaker died in a Salis
bury hospital Tuesday, alter an
lllncsa of several days. She was
the former Mary Adelaide An-
sell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Angell. She la survived by
her htuband, Vemon L. Whlta
ker, one son, Vemon, Jr.,' a
daughter, Doris, three brothers,
Rufus Lee, William and John
Henry, two slaters, Mrs. Lester
McCullough, and Mrs. Robert
Hanellne, all of Route 3.
Burial was in the Oak Grove
Bio - Obituaries - 10/22/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 27,1948
Grady S. Ward |
Grady S. Ward, 51, of CuHow-'
hcc, a native of Duvie County,
died in a Winston'Salem hospital
on Oct. 17th, where he had been
3 patient for 11 weeks. Mr. Ward
was a son of the late Mr. anJ
Mrs. John Ward, of Furiisaloin.
I Funeral servicc.s wore condpet*
ed at Barkers Creek, Cherokee
'county, last Wednesday with bu
' rial in the church cemetery,
i Mr. Ward is sutvived by his
I wife, three sons and two daugh*
jeers, four brothers, three half-
brothers, a sister, Mrs. W. M.
Mark and of this city and four
half-sisters, one of them, Mrs. Ed
Howard, of this city. Mr. Ward
was a brother of Charlie Ward, of I
Smith Grove, and Morgan Ward,^Woodleaf. j
I David P. Dyson
i David Pinkney Dyson, 88, of
Sheffield, died in a Statesville hos-
I pital Wednesday, following an |
I extended illness. Mr. Dyson was I
a retired farmer and spent his en (
tire life in Davie County. His*
,death has brought sadness to a'I host of friends in his community.
Surviving are the wife, three i
'sons, Travis Dvson, of Greens-^Iboro; Marvin and Munscy Dyson, *
of Sheffield, and 17 grandchildren. *
i Funeral services were held at >
New Union Methodist Church j
Friday at 2:30 p. m., with Revs. F.|
IR. Loffiln and W. A. BuUa in t
I charge, and the body laid to rest'
! in the church cemetery. A good'
f man has been called to his reward. ]I j
Bio - Obituaries -10/27/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 29,1948 - Page 2
D. P. Dyson Dies
In StatiMville
D, P. Dyson, 68, of Mocksvitle,
Route 1, died Wednesday at a
9ttftesvitle - hovpitut' aftw an * ill;
nets of six months. He had been
in the hospital and In a critical
condition for two weeks.
Surviving are the widow, Mrs.
Martha Marlowe Dywn; three
sons, W. T. Dyson of Guilford
College, W. M. and T. M. Dyson,
both of Mocksvllle, Route 1; 17
grandchildren and one great*
Funeral services were held at
2:30 p.m. Friday at New Union
Methodist Church. Rev. F. R.
Loftin and Rev. W. C. BuUa of ficiated. Burial Was In the church
Bio - Obituaries - 10/29/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 3,1948
Hos, htkrow
Hum, W. Tuttnow, d, weO'
known £nm«r of the Center
Community, died at his home
Monday momintf at 11 o'dodc,
foUowiog a sctoke of paralysis,
Mr. Tutterow was a lifedona
resident of Davie County, and his
death has brought sadness to a
host of friends througbout diis
section, where he spent a long
and useful life.
Surviving are the wife, fburj
sons, Ray E. Tutterow. Greens«|
boro, Everett Tutterow, New Bed
ford. Mass,, Thos. W. Tutterow,
Jr., Route 1; J. B. Tutterow, of
die hmne; three daughtets, Mrs.
W. M. Boyd, and Mrs. Reuben
Eosster, Route 1, and Mrs. Jdin
Fox, Salldbury. Two brothers al*
so survive.
Funeral services were hdd at
Center Methodist Church Wed
nesday morning at 11 o'clock,
widi Revs. I. B. Fitsgerald and
Robsrt McClusky officiating, and
the body laid to rest in thecfaurch
Bio - Obituaries -11/3/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 10,1948
Sgt. E. B, Davis
Statesville—^Funeral services for
Sergeant Eustace Byerly Davis, 27,
son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Da^s
of the Needmore section of Row
an County, who was killed in the
European Theatre during World
War n, were held at 2t30 p. ro«
Sunday at Jericho Church o f
Cnrist. i
Surviving are the widow; one
daughter, his'parents; one brother,
and one sister.
Sgt. Davis was a native of Davie
County. His parents moved fromj
this county to Rowan many years
ago. I
Bio - Obituaries - 11/10/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 12,1948 - Page 2
John David Sink, 4S, publisher
of the Lexington Dispatch, died
unexpectedly at his home Sunday,
at 6 p.m. A physician said a heart
attack caused his death.
Mr. Sink had been in ill health
for several month.s, but had been
able to be at hli desk most of the
time. !
He was the son of the late Fred
O. Sink and auceccded his father
as publisher of the Dispatch in
Mr. Sink graduated from Trin*
ity college, now I>uke university,
in 1922. Alter teaching Mhool at
Welcome and ^ouncil, he went
with the Dispatch 20 years ago
and had been with it ever since.
Mr. Sink was active in politics
and civic affairs of his city and
county. He was a former presi
dent of the Davidson County
Young Democrats, former chair
man of the Davidson county board
of elections, and a past secretary
of the state Patriotic Order Sons
of America.
Survivors include his wife, the
former Miss Harriet LaPage,
two daughters. Kirksey and
Paige; his mother, Mrs. Mary Cc.
cil Sink; four brothers, Col. Rob
ert F. Sink, United Slates army,
attached to the War college in
Washington, D. C.; Charles V.
Sink, Joe 8. Sink and Fred 0,
Sink, all of Lexington, and two
sisters, Mrs. Daphne Rose and
Mrs. Robert Phllpott of Lexing
Funeral services were conduct*
ed at the home at 11 a.m. Tues
day. Burial wu in the city cem
Bio - Obituaries — 11/12/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 17,1948
Mrs, Unity Koontz
Funeral services for Mrs. Unity
Koonts, 62, of Winston Salein,
were held at 1 p. m.» FricLy at die
home and at 2:30 p. m.. at Salem
Methodist Church by Revs. O. M,
Morefield and Tom Flynn. Burial
was in the church cemetery. j
Mrs. Koontz died at a Winston'
Salem hospital Thursday. She
was a native of Davie County and
spent most of her life here. She
moved to Winston'Salem twelve
years ago, and was a member of
Sprague Street Christian Church.
Surviving are three sons, three
daughters, three stepsons, three
stepdaug'iters and Chree sisters.
Pallbearers were Buck Keller.
James Seamon, Elma Hood, Bob*
by Branch, Harold Settle and Cal
vin Koontz.
Henry T. Hooper
Henry T. Hooper, 42, a former
Mocksville boy, died at his home
in Winston'Salem Thursday. He
is survived by his widow, Mrs.
Evelyn Hooper, a dauahter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. F. Bowden, of this
city, his mother, Mrs Swift Hoop
er, and four brothers. Funeral set*
vices were held at Vogler's Chapel
Friday and the body laid to rest
in Forsyth Memorial Park.
Bio - Obituaries -11/17/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 19, 1948 - Page 1
Loult GUet Kom, 67, promU
ncnt MockfvUle citizen, died ear*
ly Monday momlni at Dr. Traa*
Bou'a Hurting home, Winttoo*
Salem. He had been in declining
health tlnce having a stroke of
paralysis some years ago.
Mr. Horn was born May 96,
IWl, the son of Louis Giles Horn
and Esther Campbell Horn. He
was married December 24, 1816^
to Emma Elizabeth Wilson who
passed away January 6. 1M4.
He is survived by three daugh*
ters, Mrs. J. P. Hawkins of
Mocksville, Mrs. H. Wayde Rock
er of Sonford, Flo., Mrs. Carlos D.
Cooper of CIcmmons; two aoaa,
Claude R. of MocksvHlc
and Dr. L. G. Horn, Jr., of Annis-
ton, Ala.; nine grandchildren also
Mr. Horn, prior to his illnesa
was active in church work and
in previous years had been a
meml}cr of the Mocksville school
board. At the time of his death
,he was a deacon of the Baptist
church and'member of the board
of trustees of the church. He
formerly operated the Hom-
Johnstone Milling company, now
the Mocksville Flour mills. He
and Mr. Johnstone built the first
telephone line into Moeksvillt.
Ftineral services were held oa
Tuesday oftemoon at 9:20 at the
Baptist church, with the Rev. J.
P. Davis holding the service. In
terment was in the family plot in
Rote cemetery.
Pallbearers were Knox John-
stone, Wado Si^th, Dr. L. P. Mar
tin. P. J. Johnson. R. P. Martin,
and Gaither Sanford. Members of
the Horn Bible class, which was
named In his honor, served as
honorary pallbearers.
Bio ~ Obituaries - 11/19/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 24,1948
C C. Zfrnmennan
C. C. Zimmerman, 78, of Shady
Grove u>wnship, died last Tues
' day morning at his home near
Advance. Mr. Zimmerman spent
his entire life in Davie, and was a
well known farmer.
Survivbg are the wife; a step-!
son, M. L. Zimmerman, of Wins*
toO'Salem; a step daughter, Mrs.
Walter Cline, Advance, Route 1;
. three sisters, Mrs. Emma Sidden,
Advance, R. 1, Mrs. Carrie Foster,
i Fork, and Mrs. Will Fry, Wins*
ton-Salem, and a grandson.
] Funeral services were held at
. Elbaville Mediodist Churdi V/ed-
'nesday at Z p. m., widi Rev. R. J.[Starling and Alex Dohy offidadng
and the body laid to rest in the
, church canetery.
John L Boger
John L. Boger. 70, of Mocksvltle, Route
2. died Friday at a SiateavUle taosidtai,
lottowing a erideal illness of one week,
Mr. Boger was a welMmown dairy far*
mer and spent his entire life in Davie
County/ He was a member of Eaton's
Baptist Cburcb.
Surviving are tbe widow, seven boos,
Hobeit Boger, of R. S; Clyde Boger. of R.
3: Herman Boger, Advance, R. 1; Dulie Bo*
ger. Wlnstoo-Salem; Jim, Howard and
Sberrlil Bogor, of the home; five daugh
ters, Mrs. C. R Hunter, Route 2; Mrs. B
T. LampbelL Midland; Mrs. H 0 Smith.
Burllogion: Mrs. Gale Raece, Wioato8.Sal-
em, and Mrs. 0, E. Morlole, Burlington; 30
grandchildren end one beif«brotber, Edgar
Boger, of Route 2,
Ftinetel services were held at 2 p. m.,
Sunday at tbe home, and at Raton's Bap
fist Cbnrdi at 3 p. m, Reva. H. W. Hotcb
ens. Qareooa Shore. A K. Cheek and J.
H. Grooe o£Bclaied. and the body was laid
to rest in the church cemetery.
LoJs G. horn
Louis G. Hom» 87, one of
Mocksville's oldest and b«t
known citizens, died in a Wins*
ton-Salem hospital on Nov. 15th,
following a long illness.
Mr. Horn moved to this city
from near Coimty Line, nearly 6o
years ago. He and Ids brother,
the late G. E. Horn, built Mocka*
ville's first flour mill. In 1897, J*
B. Johnstone moved here from
Rowan cotmtv and purchased an
interest m die milL It operated
for nearly half a century as Horn*
Johnstone Co., and was sold a
few years ago to M. H. Murray,
who is now die owner of Mocks*
i^e Flour Mills.
Funeral services were held last
Tuesday afumoon at 3:30 o'clock,
at the First Baptist Church, with
his pastor. Rev. James P. Davis
offidating, and die body laid to
rest in Rose cemetery. _
Surviving are two sons, C. R. <
Horn, of this dty. and Dr. L. G.
Horn, of Aiuniston, Ala- three
d. utters, Mrs. James Hawkins,
of this dty. Mrs. H. W. Rucker,
of Sanford, Fla- and Mrs. C. T.'
Cooper, of Clemmons. I
Members of the Horn Sunday
school class of the Baptist church,
were honorary pollbearers. Mr.
Horn had many friends through '
out diis section who were sadden-,
ed by news of his deadi. He was
one of die pioneer manufacturers
of Mocksville, and was owner of
Modcsville's first telephone ex
change. He operated a hotel here
for some time prior to WorldWarl. I
Bio - Obituaries -11/24/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 26,1948 - Page 3
C. C, Zimmemuui
Dies At Age 78
C. C. Zimmerman, 78, of Ad«
vancc, Route 1, died early Tues
day at his home.
He spent hts entire life in the
Advance community, and was the
son of the late Daniel and Phoebe
Shutt Zimmerman.
Mr. Zimmerman is survived
by his wife, a step-son, M. L.
Zimmerman,, of, Wlnston-Salem:
a step-daughter. Mrs. Walter
CUne of Advance, R. 1; three sls-j
ters. Mrs. Emma Siddon of Ad
vance. R. 1, Mrs. Corrie Foster
of Fork and Mrs. Will Fry of
Winston-Solem, and a grandson.
Funeral services were held last
Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Etbavillc
Methodist church, Rev. J. R. Star
ling and Alex Doby offic-
ating. Burial was in the church
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 26, 1948 - Page 4
J. L. Starr, 79,
Dies In Sahibury
J. L. Starr, 79. a retired farmer
of the Cornatzcr community, died
early Monday at a Salisbury hos
He is survived by his son, G.
W. Starr of the home; a daugh
ter, Mrs. E. W. Smith of Mocks-
villc, R. 2, 11 grandchildren end
10 grcat-grandchildrcn.
Funeral services wore conduct
ed at the home at 3 p.m. Tues
day by Rev. J. H. Groce. Burial
was in the Foster family ceme
Bio - Obituaries - 11/26/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 26, 1948 - Page 8
John Luther—Bofef,—70, -of
MocksviUe, Route 1, Davle Couih
ty dairy farmer, died at 12:3t
p.m. Saturday at a StateaviUe
hospital following a critical ill'
nc88 of one week.
Mr. Roger was bom In Davie
County. June 9, 1878, and spent
his entire life In the county. He
was a member of Eaton Baptist
Surviving are the widow, the
former Misa Mamie Summers;
seven sons, Hubert Roger of
Mocksvllle, Route 2, Clyde Ro
ger of Mockaville, Route 3, Her
man Roger of Advance, Route 1,
Duke Roger of Winston - Salem,
Jim, Howard and Sherrlll Roger,
alt of the home; five daughters,
Mrs. C. R. Hunter of Mocksvllle,
Route 2, Mrs. B. T. Campbell of
Midland, Mrs. H. C. Smith of
Burlington,. Mrs. Dale-Reece .of
Winston'Salem and Mrs. C. X.
Moricle of Burlington; 30 grand
children; and one half brother,
Edgar Roger of Mockiville, Rout^
2. .
Funeral servlcea were held at
2 p.m. Sunday at the home and
at Eaton Roptlst Church at 2;30
p.m. Rev. Wade Hutchcna, Rev.
Clarence Shore, Rev. A. K. Check
ond Rev. James Groce officiated.
Bucial was in the church ceme
Bio — Obituaries -11/26/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
S. S. Powell, 77,
Merchant, Dies
Robinson Savansh Powell, 77,
of Mocksville, R. 1, Center church
community, died in a Statecville
hospital at 1 a.m. Thursday. He
had been eeriously ill for several
Mr. Powell, a retired merchant
and lumber dealer, was a son of
the late W. H. and Mary Bobia-
lon Powell He was married Sept
8. 1805, to Miss Lula Jones Penry.
who survives.
Also surviving are three sons,
L. R., H. H. and Harold Powell,
all of Mocksville, R. 1; four
daughters, Mrs. T. P. Dwiggins,
Mocksville, Mrs. W. F. Anderson,
Raleigh; Miu Georgia PoweUd
the home and Miss Bemice Poir<
ell of Winston^Salcm; 11 srand-
children and lavcral niccta Bid
Funeral lervlca wcrt at 11
a.m. Saturday at the horaa;
ducted by Bev. J. B. yitiffmld.
Intenaent waSiiA the ftaUly plol
of the Cemer oemniTy.
Friday, December 3,1948 - Page 1
Military Rites Held
For Paul Kelly Sunday
Funeral services for Sgt Paul
S. Kelly of Advance, R. 1, who
was killed in action in North Af
rica Nov. 26, 1943, were conduct
ed at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at Yad-
kin Valley Baptist church, Davio
county. Burial with millUry
honors by the Mocksville V.F.W.
were in the church cemetery.
, Surviving Sergeant Xin( are
the mother. Mrs. EUen King of
Advance, R. 1; three sisters, Mrs.
Addie Martin of Marshalltown,
Iowa, Mrs. R. G. Smith of Mocks
ville, R. a, and Mrs. Settle Hau
ler of Advance. B. 1; and six ctlU
ers, Jesse and Boomv^ King,
the home, Frank, BebarT:***-AS- ,
vis King of Admee, it. t, «■«
Harriaod Xlag of tha V. Si Aiay.
Bio - Obituaries — 12/3/1948
Bokert Wesley CoUette, 64, re
tired rural mail carried, died at
3-AI AM. Wednesday at a Statcs-
viBe ho^iUal following a cerebral
He was the aon of Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. CoDettte of Cana. After
carrying the mail for several
yean at Cana and Advance he
retiied ia IM4 and moved to
Mocksville to make his home.
He was an active member of the
Mocksville Baptist Church and
the J. O. U. A. M.
Suwhrlog are the widow, Mrs.
Mattle Oteoestrect CoUette, one
daughter, Mataline, of Winston-
Salem; four sons, Boy, of Mocks-
vlUe; J. K. and Joe G. of Winston-
Sakm; and Xugene of Washing-
loo, D. C.; and five grandchildren.
He alao laavea four sisters, Mrs.
Frank G. Davis, of Washington,
D. C.; MiH Minnie CoUette, Mrs.
B. W. Hatpe and Mrs. J. C, Harpe
aB of BmM t MockfvlUt; one
J. D. CoUette of Cano.
wlU be held
cl Batoos Bej^
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 3,1948 - Page 3
W. H. Hanes Dies
At Advance Home
W. H. Hanes, 69 blacksmith,
died at 9:40 p.m. Nfonday at his
home, Advance, R. *1. He was a
sun of John and Anna Young
Surviving ore two sons, W. H.
and Charlie Hanes, both of the
home; one daughter, Mrs. Alvis
York of Winston-Salem, R. 2;
three sisters. Miss Bettie Hanes
of Advance, R. 1, Mrs. Lcc Wood
of Formington and Mrs. Harvey
Helsabeek of Morahilltown, lowa^
R. 6; two brothers, C. P. l^nes:
of Advance. R. 1 and George
Hanes of Parks, I^eb.; and five
Funeral services were held at
the home at 2 p.tn. Thursday and
at Macedonia Moravian church at
2:30. Rev. J. George Bruner and
Rev. John Oakley, Jr., officiated.
Burial was in the church grave
Bio - Obituaries - 12/3/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 8,1948
J. R. Cornelison
I (ohn R. Cornelison, 80, retired
farmer, died last Tuesday at the
I home of his brother, George Cor'
neltson, on Route 2.
Surviving arc two other broth'
.ars, Wiley Cornelison, of Mon-
I tana, and Frank Cornelison, of
Wichita, Kans.; four sisters, Mrs,
Martha leffries, Winston Salem,
Route 2; Mrs. Mamie Smith, of
Advance, R. 1; Mrs. Etta Brewba-
kcr, of Cana, R. 1, and Mrs. Dora
Maynord, of Yadkinville.
Funer^ services were conducted
at 2 p. m., Thursday at Yadkin
Valley Baptist Church by Revs. J.
H. Groce and Clarence Shore, and
the body laid to rest in the church
cemetery. A good man has been
cal ed to his reward.
James D. Cleary
James D. Cleary, 66, died at his
home in Calahain township Fri'
day afternoon, following a long
Surviving are die wife and one
daughter, thme sons; three broth'
ers, three sisters and seven^grand'
Funeral services were held at 2
p. m., Sunday at Center Metho'
dist Church, with Rev. J. B. Fitz
gerald ofhciating, and the body
laid to rest in the church cemetery.
Mrs, Susie Peoples
Mrs. Saaie Pedplea, 71, a former resi-
doDl of Hockaville. died Friday at the
honieof a aoo. John Feopies. near Hane^.
Snrviviog are two sooi, John Peo^flfl,ao'l
A. L, Peoples, of Roote 1. Mocksville.
FimertI services were held at liamea X
Roads Baptist Chorcb Sunday at 2:30 p
m.. with Rev E. W. Berkley and Rev.
J. H. Groee officiating, and the body laid
to rest In the clratch csmetery.
R. Yf, Coilette '
Robert Wesley Collettc, 64, ro'.J
rired rural mail carrier, of Mocks 1
vili^ died Wednesday in a States* ,•
ville hospital after a cerebral hem-
orrhage. j
He was a member of Mocks n n
vil.e Baptist Church and the Jun
ior Order of American Mechanics.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. j
Mattie Stonesteeet Coilette; a
daughter. Miss .Mataline Coilette
of Winston-Salem; four sons, Roy
W. Collettc of Mocksvilic, J. E.
and Joe G. Coilette of Winston-
Saleni and Eugene Coilette of
Washington; four sisters, Mrs.
Frank G. David of Washington;
Miss Minnie Coilette, Mrs. E. W.
Harpe and Mrs. J. C. Harpe, all
of Mocksville. Rpute 2, and a
brother, J. D. Coilette of Cana.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at 3 p. m., Friday at Eatons |
Baptist Church, by Revs. J. P.
Davis, E. W. Turner and Wade'
Hutchlna. Burial was in the
church cemetery. I
Pallbearers, all members of his)
Sunday School Jass. were C. S.
Anderson, George Rowland, G.
R. Madison, Floyd Naylor, C. L.
Farthing and Rupert Boger.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/8/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 10,1948 - Page 9
Mrs. Peoples, 71,
Dies Near Hanes
Mrs. Su9lO B. Peoples, 71, died
unexpectedly at 2:15 p.m. Thurs-
I day at the home of her son, John
Peoples, Winston-Salem, Route 2,
near Hancs.
She was a native of Davlo
county and a daughter of William
and Sarah Peoples. She hod lived
with her son for tlic past three
Surviving are two sons, John
and A. L. Peoples of Mocksville.
R. 1; five grandchildren and two
Funoml; services were held at
the IJamcs Crossroads Baptist
church a t2:30 p.m. Sunday. Rev.
E. W. Barklcy and Rev. James H.
Groco officiated. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/10/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 15,1948
I. C. Doby,
J. C. Dobvt 44, died last Tucs
day, at his home, Advance, Route
I, following an Ulness of four
months. Surviving besides the
mother are die widow, Mrs.
Bertha Hall Doby, five sons, diree
daughters, s i x brodiers, seyen
sisters. Funeral services were at
the home at 1:30 p, m., Thursday
and at Bethel Mediodist Church
in Forsylh County at 2O0 p, tn.
Revs. Guy WUkerson and E. H.
Gartrell officiated. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/15/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 17,1948 - Page 1
Isaac A. White
Services Held
Isaac A. White, 64, died at his
home in Cana Sunday after a
one-year illness. '
Punerat services were conduct
ed at Wyo Methodist church, of
which he was a member, at 11
a.m. Tuesday, by Rev. John Oak
A native of Yadkin county, Mr.
White was a son of the late J. M.
and Mattic Moore White. He was
married in 1900 to Minnie Bell
Dixon, who survives. Other sur
vivors are two brothers, J. N.
White of Cana and Stacey White
of Winston-Salom.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 17,1948 - Page 3
L. C. Doby Diet.
New Advaim
L C. Doby, 44, died at 2:30 a.m.
Wednesday at his home, Advance.
Route 1, following an Illness of
four months.
He was an employee of P. H.
Honca Knitting company at Hanea
and was the son of Mrs. Minnie j
Myers Doby and the late C. C.
Surviving besides the mother
arc the widow, Mra. Bertha Hail
Doby: five sons. Grovcr, Blily,
Donnld, Earl and Carl Doby. oil
of the home; three daughters, Lo-
rctta. Grace and Judy Doby, all
of the home: six brothers, John.
Steve, Rov. Alee. Rev. Ed, Char
lie and Paul Doby. all of Focsyih
county; seven sisters, .Mrs. J. T.
Alexander of Winston-Salem.
Mrs. Gilbert Allen ot Wlnsldn-
S.nlem. Mrs. F. F. Hcllard. Mrs.
Amos Groce and Mrs. O. M. Bow
ers of Hancs, Mrs. Grovcr Hill
and Mrs. Woodrow Mnshburn of
High Point.
Fimor^ services woro held at
the home Thursday and at Bethel
Methodist church In Forsyth
county at 2:30 p.m. Rev. Guy
Wilkersbn and Rev. E. H. Gar-
trell officiated.. Burial wot in
the church cemetery. .
Bio - Obituaries - 12/17/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 17,1948
James D. Clmy
James Daniel Cleory, 60, died
at 4:45 p.m. Friday, Dec. 3, at his
homt fa) Calahaln township. He
had been in declining* health for
several months.
* ''He was' 'borii *JahV T," * I602|' Ih
Davle county, the son of John
F. and Sarah Cunningham Cleary.
His entire life wu spent In the
same community.
On Oct. 27, 1001, he was mar-
rfed'l6"(He former'Miis Roberth*
Boger. He was a member of the
Center Methodist church.
In nddltlon to the wife, sur*
x'lvors include one daughter,
Mrs. Frnnk Brown, Slutcsville.
R. 4; three sons, C. P. CIcary,
Salisbury, Roy and Duke Cicary
of Winslon-Salem; throe broth<
crs, D. R. Cleory of Yadkinville,
T. F. and S. C. Cleary of Har.
mony: three sisters. Mrs. J. L.
Hill, Mrs. E. B. Hill and Mrs. M.
S. Swishchr, all of Harmony; and
seven grondchlldrcn.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at 2 p.m. Sunday at Center
Methodist church by the pastor.
Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald. Burial was
in the church cemetery. Nephews
acted as pallbearers.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/17/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 22,1948
Charlie J. Click
Charlie T. Click, 87, a native of
lenisalem township, but who has
been living near Woodleal for
many years, died at his his home
early Thursday morning, follow
inga two weeks serious illness.
Surviving are five sons and
direc daughters; a sister, Mrs. J. P.
I iurion, of Hickory, and a num^
Set of grandchildren.
Funeral and burial services took
place at the Woodlcaf Methodist
Church Friday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock. Mr. Click was an hon*
v-st, God'fearing man, and his pas«
sing has brought sadness to a host
of mends throughout this endre
section. He was*thc last of five
brothers, three of whom have died
within the past six months.
J. L Crews
J, L. Crews, 66, of Advance, R.
1, died in a Durham hospital last
Wednesday, following an illness
of three years.
He spent his entire life in the
I Advance section. He Is survived
">y his wife, the former Miss An
lie PItot. three sons, three daugh*
ters, one brother and six grand*
Funeral services were held at
the home at 2:30 p. m., and at
Advance Methodist Church at 3
p. m., Friday, with Rev. E. H.
trell officiatInK, and the body laid
to rest in the church cemetery.
Mrs. C. H. Byerly
Mrs. C. H. Byerly, 74, of Coo-
leemee, died in a Statesville hos
pital Fridav. She was the formci
Mis^s Delia Mae Koonri, Surviv
Ing are five sons and five dau^
ters. Funeral services were held
at Coolcemee Methodist Church
Sunday at 3:30 p. m., and the body
laid to rest in Byerly's^Chapel Ce
William J. and Ralph J. Mooney
Soldier Brothers
Funeral services were held in
Edenton lost Friday for Lieut.
William J. Mocncy and Staff Sgt.
Ralph J. Mooney, sons of the late
Mr. and Mrs. C B. Mooney, of
Mocksville. Lieut. Mooney was
killed Sept. 13, 1944, in Belgium.
Sgt. Mooney was killed in Italy
Sept. 22. 1944. These young men
•pent roost of their lives In Mocks
ville, and had many friends here.
pi. F. Vthitlock
Luther Franklin Whitlock, 40,
died unexpectedly Dec. 14th at his
home in Cooleemee.
Bom Feb. 13, 1908, in Farminq-
ton, he was thc^' son of Thomas
and Mary Jane" Head Whitlock.
From April 6; 1944. to Oct. 3,
1945, he served overseas with the
NorA France, Ardennes, the
Rhineland, and Central Europe, f
Surviving are the widow, aud
three daughters, all of the home,
a brother, five sisters.
KFuneral services were held at
3:30 p. m,. Thursday at the Coo-
Iccmcc Presbyterian Church with
Rev. Murphy Wildes in charge.
Burial was in Unity Presbyterian
Chufch Cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/22/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 24,1948 ~ Page 1
Eites Held Wednesday
For Frances Blackweldcr
Frances Blackweldcr, two-year-
old daughter of Paul B. and
Fannie Gregory Bradley Black-
welder of Mockaville, died at 8
a.m. Tuesday at a Salisbury hos
pital after a href illness.
Surviving are the parents; one
sister, Jane Louise Blackwelder
of the home; and the grandpar
ents, H. F. Blackwelder of Mocks-
villfr. Route 2, and Mrs. E. P.
Bradley of Mockaville.
Fumral services were held at
2:30 p.m. Wednesday at MocKs-
vtlle Presbyterian Church, Rev.
E. H. Gartrell and Rev. H. C.
Sprinkle officiated. Burial was in
in Rose Cemetery. Pallbearers
were R. B. Sanford, Knox Johnr
stone. E. C. Morris and Ben
Lettie Baker
The funeral services of Mrs.
Lettie Baker was held last week
at Shiloh Baptist church. The
j pastor, Rev. G. W. Campbell
I presided, and burial was In the
church cemetery. Surviving are
Rev. W. H. Baker, the husband,
lour boys and five daughters.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 24,1948 - Page 4
J. L. Crews, Advance, ^
Dies At Age Of 66
J. L. Crews, 68, of Advance,
R. 1, died In a Durham hospital
Wednesday morning following an
illness of three years.
He was a farmer and had lived
in the Advance section his entire
life, being married to Miss Annie
Plott November 23, 1913, who
Also surviving are three sons,
John Milton Crews of Advance,
Route 1, and Walter and Bobby
Crews of the home; three daugh
ters, Mrs. Tom Stimpson of Lew-
IsviUe and Misses Louise and
Marilyn Crews of the home; one
brother, J. £. Crews of Advance,
and six grandchildren.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at the Advance Methodist
dnirch at 3 p.m., Friday. Rev. E.
H. Gartrell officiated. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/24/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY