Jan - JunMOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 2, 1948 - Page 4
Cecil Carter
Rites Are Held
Cecil Certcr, 24, died ot the
homo of his parents, Mr. end Mrs.
Thomas W. Carter, MocksvUle,
Iloute 3, early December 23. He
was ill scvcrol doys.
Funeral services were conduct
ed nt 2:30 p.m. Christmas day at
the Smith Grove Methodist church
by Rev. Foster Loflln. Interment
was in the church cemetery.
Surviving in addition to the
parents arc four sisters, Mrs.
Thomas Marshall of MocksvUle,
Route 3, Mrs. Virgil James ond
Mrs. Percy James, both of Lex
ington, Route 4, and Mrs. Laura
Carter of the home.
Mrs. Maggie Summers
Passes December 24
Mrs. Maggie Roger Summers,
77, died at 7:30 o.m. December 24,
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
J. A. Reynolds, MocksvUle.
Funeral services were con
ducted ut 3:30 p.m. December 2S
at Union Chapel Methodist
church by Rev. -Foster Loflln.
Burlnl wus In the church cem
Mrs. SuinmtTS was the dnugU-
tor of John A. Cheshire and Jane
i Stonostrect Cheshire. She was
twice married.
Surviving arc throe daughters,
Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Roy Julian of
Konnupolis and Mrs. \V. F. Stono
strect of Wlnston-Salcm; three
sons, R. P. Roger of MocksvUle,
Sam Roger of Konnapolis and
John Roger of MocksvUle, Route
1; 23 grandchildren und 19 great
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 2,1948 - Page 11
Mn. Delh Smith
Of Advance Dies
Mri. Delli Cope Smith, 49, Ad
vance, Route 3, died at her home
at 11:90 p.m. Saturday after a
critical iUnesa of aeven weeks.
She was born May 30, 1003, a
daughter of WUUam add MolUe
Hodge Cope.
Her entire life was spent in
Davie county, where she was a
member of Macedonia Moravian
church. She hod lived at her
present home six years.
Surviving are the ' husband,
Clarence Smith; seven ions,
Fronklln, Grady, Monroe, Corl,
Richard, Shirley and Donald
Smith, all of the home, one daugh
ter, Frances Smith, also of the
home; three brothers, Andrew,
Walter arid John Cope, Davlc
county; two sisters, Mrs. Henry
Hockaday of Davie county and
Mrs. Annie Smith'of Florida.
The body was taken to the
home Sunday! where short fu
neral services were held at 1:90
p.m. Monday. The funeral proper
was held ot 2:30 p.m. ot Mace
donia Morovlon church. Key. J.
G. Bruner and Rev. Ed Brewer
officiated. Burial was in the
church groveyord.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/2/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 2,1948 - Page 12
T. F. Thompson
Dies In Hospital
T. F. Thompson,' 97, ol Rt 4,
died at the,Rowan Memorial hos
pital last Saturday.
Funeral services were held
Sunday at 1 p.m. at Jerusalem
Baptist church. Rev. E. W. Tur
ner was in charge. Burial wu
In the cemetery at Norwood,
Stanly county.
He is survived by his widow,
the former Nola Ross of Norwood,
four sons, W. A., Tyler R., Victor
Lee, ond Phil Thompson, a sis
ter, Mrs. B. W. Singleton of Salis
bury, three brothers, Marshall,
Lee and Tom, all of Norwood.
Bio — Obituaries — 1/2/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 7,1948
Mrs. Maggie Sum
mers Passes
Mn. Maggie Boger Sununcrs,
77, diod at the home of her dau
ghter, Mrs. }. A. Reynolds, on
Sanford avenue Dec. Z4th.
Funerd services were conducted
at 3:30 p. m.. Christmas dav at
Union Chapel Methodist Church
by Rev. Foster Loflin and the re
mains laid to rest in the church
Surviving are three dau^ters.
Mn. Reynolds, Mrs. Roy Julian.
Kannapolis, Mrs. W. F. Stone-
street, Winston-Salem; three sons,
Rupert Boger, Mocksvill^ Sam
Boger, Kannapolis, and Jolm Bo
ger, Mockmlle, R. 1.
Cecil Carter
Cecil Carter, 24, died at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Tlioroas W. Carter, Mocksville,
R. 3, on Dec. 23rd.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at 2:30 p. m., Christmas Day at
Smith Grove Methodist Church
bV Rev. Foster Loflin, and the
body laid to rest In the : church
Surviving are the parents, four
sistcas, Mrs. Thos. MarshaU| R. 3,
Mesdames Virgil James and Percy
James, Lexington, R. 4, and Miss
Laura Carter of the home. •
McCulloh funeral
Funeral services for Mrs. Gosh-
en MtCulIoh, 82, who died Thurs
day at the home of her daughter
Mrs. B. L Angel), Winston-Salcm,
were held at Mocksville Baptist
Church Saturday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock, with Rev. C. R. Foster, of
Leaksville, officiating. Burial ivas
in Fork cemetery.
Surviving are two sons and five
daughters, among them Mrs. J. L.
Holton, of this ciiry. Mrs. Mo
Culloh lived in Jerusalem town
ship for many years.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/7/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 9, 1948 - Page 3
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Everett Phillips
Boy 169 Kills Parents
Over Love Affair
Son Signs Confession
^0 Double Slaying
Funeral services were held on
'Saturday morning at 11 o'clock at
• North Winston Baptist church for
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Everett
Fhillips, of Wlnston-Salcm, who
were killed rifle shots Wed
nesday morning about 11 o'clock.
The slain couple's' only son,
Tommy Lcc Phillips, 16, has sign
ed a full confession to the double
slaying of his parents, after being
arrested with his girl friend, Bes
sie Ruth Jenkins, In York, S. C.,
Thursday morning, whore they
went, after the shooting, to gut
married. ,
The. boy's story, occordlng to
officers, ran as follows:
He and his father went into
tho woods near their home to do
some shooting Wednesday \norn-
Ing. When they returned to the
house, Mr. Phillips, evidently
having suspected that Tommy
tree was planning to leave home,
accused the boy of having taken
a wallet, some money ond the key
to the family car. An argument
followed, end the boy, biter
(continued on next page)
thinking It over for 10 minutes,
went Into the den to get his rifle.
Shot Father As He Shaved
He said his father was shaving
in the bathroom when he fired
the first shot, hitting him over
the right eye. Mr. Phillips stag
gered across the halt and into
the bedroom, and Mrs. Phillips
came to the bedroom door. Tho
boy said he realized then, for (he
first time, thot she would tell
police who had shot her husband,
bhot at her ond hit her in tho
shoulder. (A friend told deputies
Wednesday night the boy was a
^'punk shot".)
' Then, according to officers, tho
boy said he "couldn't stand .'.ce-
ing them suffer" and decided to
finish the job ho had started. As
his mother crawled out of the
room, he stood In the hall and
fired another slug Into the top of
his fothcr's head. Turning, he
saw his mother trying to reach a
telephone in the kitchen. He fired
again and hit her In tho mouth.
He said he then left by the front
door and walked around to re-
enter the kitchen by tho back
door. (He explained that he didn't
'want to walk across hlo mother's
body sprawled on the kitchen
Hoping to make officers bellevo
Mrs. Phillips had shot her hus-
fiBniiL Biiy iitiwB .cDinrpimifl ^u4ciiu*
the boy placed the rifle behind
her head on the floor, got hla
clothes, locked the house and
headed for town in hla father's
No Emotion Shown I
The confession wos given, ac
cording to officers, without any
show of emotion. Tho boy re
ferred to his parents as "Mama"
and "Daddy." 1
The bodies of Mr. Phillips, a
native of Yndkln county, nnd his
wife were found by George Hun-
eycutt, n brulhuv-in-lnw of Mrs.
Mr. Honcyciitt told the siiuriff
his wife tried to telephone the
PhlUlps home several times Wed
nesday nriernuun but got no nn*
KWcr. He druve to the home nbout
.,5:30 p.m. and found the house
locked "airligld." Tho keys were
not in the doors. Mr. Honeycutt
■said lie roturncd downtown nnd
obtained u key from Mr.s. Gladys
JIoot.s, who rooms with the Phil
lips f.nmlly nnd was ni her work
in n deportment store here. Mr.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/9/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 9, 1948 - Page 3
Honoycutt drove back to the Phil
lips home, unlocked the door nnd
discovered the trngedy.
The living room wus neat and
In perfect order. A hall covered
-with blood sputturti led Mr. Hon*
cycutt (0 the front bedroom, in
Which Mr. Philiips, clad in over-
alis, lay sprawled in a pool of
liiood with his legs crussed.
Blood splotches covered the
crumpled rug. He had been shot
through the right eye.
Woman's Body in Kitchen
In the kitchen, Mr. Honoycutt
found the body of Mrs. Phillips.
She wore a nightgown with a
light iackct, which had been
heavily stained with blood. She
had been shot under the left car.
A long stream of blood trickled
across the kitchen floor to a .22
calibre .single-action rifle which
lay ncor her head. On u noorby
electric stove wus a pan of h'aif-
cooked Frcncii fried potatoes.
In the bathroom, which opened
from the hall, a blood-stnincd
towel was found. Two false teeth
and some fragments, bclicvvd by
deputies to have come from Mrs.
Phillips' plate, were found on the
The rest of the house was in
perfect order. A Christmas;
wreath was on the door, two i
Christmas polnscttlos in the bed
room. On the piano a book of
piano music was opened to "The
Happy Former Returns from
The emotional display of Tom
my Lee, the first since his arrest
January 1 in York, S. C., came
a few hours after funeral serv
ices had been conducted for his
parents. The break occurred dur
ing a visit to his Forsyth county
Jail cell by the brothers and sis
ters of Mr. and Mrs. Phillips.
The boy, who stayed in joii
willingly during the funeral scrv-
icesi showed no signs of emotion
during the time appointed for the
finoi rites, according to his jailer.
An hour after the services wore
over he ate a hcorty lunch.
But when his uncles ond aunts
told Tommy Lee Phillips they
were all behind lilm, he cried o
It was at this first meeting of
members of the elderly couple's
families and the youth since his
arrest that they announced they
had retained Roy L. Deal, Win-
ston-Salem attorney, as defense
counsel for their nephew.
Double Funeral Held
A crowd estimated by police at
approxlmqtcly 1,000 persons goth-
cred earlier at North Winston
Baptist church for the double fu
neral of Mr. end Mrs. T. E. Phil
The young boy stayed In his
ceil at county jail, at his own re
quest. Sheriff Shore had previous
ly announced that he would take
the boy out of the jail only on a'
direct court order.
.-Jprnmy. Jbcfi-ttaflLifiMcafiPtcd at
the scrvicwi by the 16-year-old
girl he tried to marry a few hours
after the double shooting, Bessie
Ruth Jenkins.
The church was packed. The
aisles and galleries were filled.
Funeral attendants were kepi
busy clearing two'aisles for the
winding line of friends, sympa
thizers and curious persons that
filed past the two biers, which
were placed in front of the church
ailar amid a display of floral dis
plays that testified to the love
nnd respect in which Mr. and
Mi-s. Fhlllpis were held by their
friends nnd neighbors.
Thirty minutes bcfuic the mln-
Lstvrs in charge opened the serv
ices, the scats were filled, except
for the center section reserved for
members of ttic two families.
' Cruwit Forms Outside
As n crowd began to form out
side the church, unnbie to find
seals inside, funeral attendants
set up a public address system so
thnt all might hoar the one-hour
Five police officers, detailed to
handle tvnfflc, reported cars
parked for blocks around the red
brick church. The lowest esti
mate on the number of cars was
500. Another officer speculated
that "there would have been 6,000
people here, if they hadn't put on
annouitcement on the radio that
the boy wouldn't be here."
(continued on next page)
Bio - Obituaries - 1/9/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 9,1948 - Page 3
Minutes after the service start*
cd, the crowd left outside started
moving away. In 10 minutes, the
250 had dwindled to approximate*
ly 160. People stood alone and in
little clusters, for as far away as
a full city block. Some neigh*
borhood residents listened from
their front porches as Dr. C. Ex*
celle Rozzclle, pastor of Ardmore
Methodist church, opened the fi
nal rites'"in the n^emory of this
father and this mother, who gave
all, expected nothing in rotulrn."
Rev. J. M. Hayes, pastor for
the- slain couple, recalled that
Mrs. Phillips, about 10 days ago,
had told him from her hospital
bed following an operation, that
she wanted, more than anything
else, a car in which she and the
boy could attend church on Sun
day when Mr. Phillips had taken
the family car to'work.
Rev. Mr. Hayes reminded his
listeners that they should not "sit
in Judgment," and that "God un
derstands this terrible thing."
Says They Would Forgiva
He colluded his remarks by
saying, "I am certain that if this
mother and father could speak to
their boy this morning, they
would say, 'Wo forgive you, son'."
The lost "Amen" was said as
the noon whistle blew. The late
comers who had filled the vesti
bule hurried out the church
doors. A crowd formed outside
as members of the family, fol
lowing the two coffins, filed tear
fully'down a sidewalk lined with
Bessie Ruth Jenkins, accompa
nied by her mother and father,
wept openly as she loft the
church. n
Then, as members of the. fam
ily entered their cars behind the
tw6 hearses, many persons in the
crowd raced for their cars, de
termined to beat the procession
to Forsyth Memorial cemotcry,
where the double burial was to
n Most of the cars failed to enter
the procession. Eighteen drivers
were parked at the cemetery min
utes after the service was con
cluded. Fifty-three ears followed
the iioorsGS. Another 35-40 parked
on the highway below the ceme
Grave Service Brief
Words said over the graves
were traditionally brief. A cold
wind swept over the low hillside
of the' cemetery. Minutes after
the family was seated, it was all
over, and titc cars lined up on the
highway below raced for town.
Mr. Phillips, a native of Yad-
kin cuunly, wua bi-rn April 9,
1800, the son of T. J. and Sarah
Hutchina Phillips. He hod been
employed with the Norfolk and
Western railroad for about 30
years and made his homo thore
for that length of time, moving
into the present home two years
ago He is survived by the son;
his mother, of the Baltimoic sec
tion; five sisters, Mrs. Lcola Phil
lips Garner of Yodklnvillc, Miss
Lena Phillips of Tulsa, Okla., Mrs.
J. E. Phillips of Winston-Salem
Mrs. J. S. Davis of McDonald,
Tenn.. and Mrs. W. W. Simmons
of Charlotte; and five brothers,
A. V. Phillips of East Bond, Chos.
W. Phillips of Newcastle, Pa., K.
O. Phillips of Charlotte, Marshall
W. Phillips of East Bend and T.
G. PhiPllips otr Baltimore, Md.
Bio - Obituaries -1/9/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 9,1948 - Page 8
Mrf. J. L. Holton
Lom9 Mrthff.
JHineral services were held
Saturday at 2:30 p.m. at the
Mocksvllle Baptist church for
Mrs. Laura Frances Gobble Mc*
Cullough, 82, who passed «way
on Thursday morning at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. B. L.
Angel], in 'Winston-Salcm. Rev.
C. B. Foster of ReldBvillo assisted
by Rev. J. P. Davis, conducted
the service. Interment was in the
Fork cemetery.
Survivors include: Mrs. J. L.
Holton of Mocksvillc, Mrs. Cullla
Granger and Mrs. Angcll of Win*
ston-Salcm, Mrs. Beatrice Martin
of Hcndersonvilie, Mrs. Laura
Veigh Curry of Lexington, Bdgar
G. McCullough of Albemarle and
Preston T. McCullough of Lex*
ington; 25 grandchildren and four
D. Grafoiy,
76| Succiimbt'
D. b. Gregory, 76, of Farming-
ton, Davie County, died ^esday
at a Stateiville hospital.
He was a native of Yadkin
County, end a son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Gregory. He waa •
member of the Farmington Meth
odist Church and Farmington
Lodge No. 269, A. F. and A. M.
Surviving ere one daughter,
Mrs. J. L. Hlllman of Richmond,
Va.; three brothers, H. W. Greg
ory of Cana, Route 1; F. C. Greg
ory of King's Crceh, 6. C.j J. M.
Gregory of Salt Lake City, Utah.
The funeral was held Wednes
day at Farmington Methodist
Church. Rev. J. S. Folger, Rev.
J. W. Vestal and Rev. J. C. Shore
officiated and burial was in Farm
ington Cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/9/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 14,1948
Ihosi Hi Cash:
Ttias. H. Cull, €9» who died
hb home In Wlnetou Salem ot
I Jans 4th; wan v native- of- Smltl
Gft«ve, Davie countr>' Mr. Caal
began hi* career a* an educator a
the age ol 16 when#
teacher at Fannln^on anJ'^rul^
qtientir aerved 52 o^ hb
in the Held o f ^iicattoirn^JSi
'teacher, principal
and su^erid
tendenc. ETe retired' a* Fonrtt
Cuuntf superintendenr laae June
I Hb own formal ediicariori coa
I abted of she months instruetjon'a
the old Satem Bot* School am
two vears at the- University o
I North Carolinak The rest'bf h5
education "from primer througl
Idgh school" wua gained undo
the tutorship of hb older brother
I Leon
During the 29 years he header
i the Forsyth school s^tem it gm
I from 70 school of which 28 wen
the one>reacher variety, with,
total of 5,000 stttdents to a com
solidated systeiir of Id schoofi
with an enrottniene of 11,0001
Property value of the schooli
jumped durfng that^ period froni
less thau a $IOO,o6o to more tliaxi
Mr. Cash, in addition to hb ao
tivities in the field of educarioctj
was a Mason, a charter member oi
the WipstoH'Salem Lions Club
and past president, a memlter of
Centenary Methodbt Churcl^^
.uiperintendent for seven;! year*
(if the Sunday school and later of
the adult department.—WinstonV
Salem JnumaL j - itf l^ff •
Bio - Obituaries -1/14/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 16,1948 - Page 8
Thos. H. RobertMn
Rites Held Friday
Funeral aervicet for ^omiB H.
• i
RolMrtion, 7d, of Advance, were
held at 2 p.m. Friday at the home
and at 2:30 p.m. at Advance Meth
odist church, with Rev. Howard
Jordan and Rev. Oscar Kartman
In charge. Burial was In the
church cdmetery. |
Mr. Robertson dled'unexpect-.
cdly Monday afternoon at his
home. He had spent his entire life
In Advance.
Surviving are the widow; three
sons, Andrew and W. H. Robert
son of Advance and Robert
Robertson of Mocksvllle, Route 3;
a daughter, Mrs. Susie Thomas,
of Pfafftown; two brothers, Noah
Robertson of Advance and Wal
ter,Robertson of Wlnston-Salcm;
four sisters. Mrs. W. A. Crotts,
Mrs. W. G. Shermer, Mrs. Bessie
Crotts, and Mrs. E. E. Crotta, all
of Wlnston-Salem, and 12 grand-'
Bio - Obituaries - 1/16/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 21,1948
James F. Cleary
I Ihird Suicide
James F. Cleary, 57. Davic
I County fanner was found shot to
death early Friday at his home in
the Sheffield community and Dr.
G. V. Greene, Davie County core
ner said he was the third mem
bet of his family to die as a re*
suit of a blast from the same 12
Ruage shotgun.
Dr. Greene said a jury he em
paneled Friday morning returned
a verdict chat Cleary died from a
self inflicted shotgun blast.
Olearv's son, Bobbie Cleary,
committed suicide with the same
shotgun while on a furlough h^om
the army in May, 1943. Fish Cle
ary, James Cleary*s father, died
from a blast from the shotgun
about 25 years ago.
Dr. Greene said Cleary went
to the granary on his farm some
time before dawn. He removed
the left strap of his overalls, open*
ed his shirt and undershirt to bare
his left breast. Clearyldien plac*
ed the shotgun against his breast,
and by the light of a lantern
burning by his side, forced die
trigger of the gun with a forked
Joseph White of Mockaville,
Route 2, a son in law, ' found
Cleary*8 body ^out 9 a. m. The
lantern was still burning and the
' gun and forked stick were by his
I Dr. Greene said members of
the ffimily were unable to ac'
count for act. Cleary had \nsitcd
Mocksvllle Thursday and had
apparently been in good spirits.
I His wife died in July, 1943. He
had lived alone since then,
j Burviviog are two sons, Hubert
and Clyde Cleary both of Mocks
ville, R. 1, and one daughter, Mrs.
Joseph White o f Mocksville,
Route 2.
Funeral sesvices were held at
3 p. m., Sunday ac Ijames Cross
I Roads Baptist Church. Revs.
James Groce and Foster Loflin of'
iiciated. Burial was in the church
Rov W. Minor
Roy W. Minor, 12 year'old son
of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Minor of
Advance, Route 1, died Friday.
Funeral services were conduct'
ed at 2 p. m. Sunday at Elbayille
Methodist Church by Rev. How'
ard Jordon. Burial was in die
chnrch cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/21/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 23, 1948 - Page 1
Roy W. Minot, IS-ycoT'Old son
of Mr. and Mrs C. W. Minor of
Advance, Route 1, died at 7:60
D.m.-Friday. J
Funeral services were con-
ducted at. 2 p.m.|SundBy at Elba*
villc Methodist jchurch by Rev.
Howard Jordan.. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
James F. Cleary
, James F. Cleary, 57, well-to-
'do Davic county farmer, was
found shot to death last Thursday
at his home in the Sheffield com
munity and Dr. G. V. Greene,
Davic county coroner, said he was
the third member of his family
to die as a result of o blast from
the some 12 gauge shotgun.
' Dr. Greene said 'a Jury he em
paneled returned a verdict that
Cleary died from a self-inflicted
shotgun blast.
deary's son, Bobble Cleary,.
committed suicide with the same
shotgun while on a furlough from
the army In May, 1M3, Dr. Greeno
sold. Jim Cleary, Cleary's father,
died from a blast from the shot
gun about 12 years ago ,the cor
oner^ said. All resided within a
short distonce of each other In
the Sheffield community.
Dr. Greene said Cleary had
mode elaborate arrangements to
make sure the shotgun blast
would prove fatal,
He said Cleary went to the
granary on his farm sometime be
fore dawn. He removed the left
strap of his overalls, opened his
shirt and undershirt to bare his
left breast. Dr. . Greene said
Cleary then placed the shotgun
against his breast, and by the
light of a lantern burning by his
side, forced the trigger of the gun
with o forked stick.
Joseph White of MocksvlUe,
Route n 2, " to'-'eon-inJaw,'^ Toiind
Clcary's body about 9 a.m. The
lantern was still burning and the
gun and forked stick were by his
Dr. Greene said members of the
family were unable to account for
his Oct. Cleary hod visited Mocks*
villc Thursday ond had oppor*
cntly been In good spirits.
His wife died in July, 1043. He
had lived ulono since then.
Surviviifg arc two'sons, Hubert
and Clyde, both of MocksvlUe,
Route 1, and one daughter, Mrs.
Joseph White, of MucksvUIc, R, 2.
Flinoral services were held at
3 p.m. Sunday at IJames Cross
Roads Baptist church. Rev. James
Groce and Rev. Mr. Loftin offi
ciated. Burial was in the church
Bio - Obituaries - 1/23/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 28,1948
H, B, Snyder Com
mits Suicide
The entire town was shocked
Thursday morning shortly after^
10 o'clock when it was learned
chat Henry Snyder, 65. a resident |
of this dry for 40 years, had shot
himself to death with a pistol at
his home on South Main street
Mr. Snvder had been in bad
health for 8e\'eral years and sold
his store and service station re*
County coroner Dr. Garland V.
Greene, declared the case a suh
cidc, and no inquest was deemed
necessary. Following a shot, Mr.
Snyder's body was found on the
floor in his home with a pistol
lying near the body.
Mr. Snyder is survived by his
wife, two daughters, Mrs. Learv
Craven, of this city, and Mrs. M.
H. Wilcox, of Charlotte; two half-
sisters and three grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at
the home at 3:30 o'clock Friday
afternoon, with Rev. R. M- Har
dee offidadns, and the body laid
to rest in Rose cemetery with Jr
Order and P. O. S. of A. honors.
John A, Canupp
Funeral services for John A.
Canupp, 53, Coolccmcc, who died
last Tuesday night at Rowan Me
morial Hospital, were held at 2 p, |
m., Friday at the home and at 3 p. j
m.. at Turrcntinc Baptist Church.
Revs. J. H. Groce and W. L.
Smith officiated, and the body
was laid to rest in the church ce
metery. Mr. Canupp had been
with the Erwin Cotton Milis at
Coolecmee for the past 40 years. \
Surviving are the wdow, Mrs.
Bessie Foster Canupp, three sons,
three daughters, one sister, a half-
sister, two half brothers, and five
Bio - Obituaries - 1/28/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 30,1948 - Page 1
H. B.Snyder
H. B. Snyder, 65, retired mer
chant, who recently sold the Sni
der Service station in southern
Mocksvllle, wob found dead at
his homo on South Main street at
10:15 a.m. lost Thursday of a .48-
calibcr pistol Wound which Dr.
G. V. Greene, Dovle county coro
ner, said was sclf-lnfUctcd.
Dr. Greene said It was a clear
case of suicide ahd no''inquest
would be held. He said Mr. Sny
der had been in ill health for
some time.
The body was found by his
wife, who heard the shot in an
adjoining room.
Mr. Snyder had lived in Mocks-
ville for the past 40 years. He
was with Standard Oil company
for 0 number of years and op
erated a grocery store and service
station until his retirement seve-
rol months ago, due to bad health.
A native of DavJe county, he
was the eon of Martin and Ca
milla Foster Snyder. His wife,
the former Miss Rcna Smith, sur
Other* survivors are two
daughters, Mrs. M. H. Wllcux of
Charlotte and Mrs. A. L. Craven;
two half sisters, Mrs. Jarvis Cook
of CIcmmnnfl and Mrs. Tntum of
Aahovillc; and three grandchlh
Funeral services were held
t 3:30 p.m. Friday at the home
with Rev. Robert Hardee and
Rev. E. C. Eagle in charge. Burial
was In Rose cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 30,1948 - Page 5
Mn. Templetoa
Dies At Home
Mrs. Thomas Templeton, 67, of
24 White Street, Cdoltemec, died
at 8 e-m. Friday at her home after
a long ilneia.
A native of Iredell County, she
was born June 27, 1861 the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Gregory of near Winston-Salem.
She was e member of the Cool-
cemee Baptist Church.
She is survived by her husband,
four sons and daughters, Lcroy
Templeton of the home, Mrs. Joe
Fry of MocksvUIe, Mrs. Baxter
Creason of Cooleemee, Fred Tem
pleton of Cooleemee, two broth
ers, C. P. Gregory of Wlnston-
Solem, and J. E. Gregory of Cool
eemee; nine grandchildren and
two great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Sun
day at 2. p. m. itt^ home wltli
lha pastor, Itav. X. L. Boyster^
in charge. Burial wat la tha Ub-
eriy Methodist churchyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/30/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 30,1948 - Page 8
A. Cftnupp
Rites Are Held
Funeral services lor John A.
Canupp, 03, of Cooleemee, who
died Tuesday night at Rowan
Memorial Hospital, were held at
2 p, m, Frldoy at the home and
at 3p, m/at TurrentiM Baptist
Rev. J. H. Oroce and Rev. W. L.
Smith officiated and burial was
In the church ccmctary.
'Mr. Canupp had been with Er>
wln'Cotton Mills In Cooleemee for
the pas^ 40 years. A native of
Rowan County, he was born July
0, 1893, |Uie son of Calvin and
Loura Canupp.
Surviving ere his wife, Mrs.
Bessie Foster Canupp: three sons,
Otis F., John H and Norman O.
Cojiupp, all of Cooleemee; three
daughters. MIsms KtUia K. and
AlUe M. Canupp of thi homa ^
Mrs. Milton Wetmore of Woodltaf,
Rowan County; a aUter, Mrs. Wil
son Chapel of Cooleemee; a half
sister, Mrs. M. J. Klncald of Sails-
bury; two half brothera, Henry
and Luther Canupp of Concord;
five grandchildren, and aeveriil
nieces and nephews.
Military Funeral
For Sgt. Matthews
The body of S. Sgt. Bobert M.
Matthews, Jr., arrived In New
York last Wednesday. Sgt. Mat
thews was the son of Mr. and
Mrs. R M. Matthews of Winston-
Solom and the husband of Mrs.
Maxalene Swlccgood Matthews of
Route 0, MocksvlUe. He entered
service Sepetmbcr 16, 1940, and
was killed near St. Lo, France,
on July 26, 1944. A memorial
service was held for him at the
Temple Baptist church, Wlnston-
Salem, on November 12, 1944.
Final services will be held for
him at Voglcr's Chapel, Winston-
Salem, and interment will be at
Forsyth Memorial park, with full
military honors by the boys who
left with him in the Nattcnal'
Sgt. Matthews leaves a little
girl, Marion Kay, who Is four
years old.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/30/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 4,1948
C. M. Sheets
Charles M. Sheets, 77, died at
his home in Winston Salon last
Tuesday, following a serious ill
ness of two wedcs.
Mr. Sheets was a native of Ad
vance, a son of the late M . and
Mrs. Andrew Sheets, but had liv
ed in Winston-Salem for die past
25 years. He represented Davie
County in the State General As
sembly in 1901, and later served
as Superintendeut of Davie Coun •
ty schools.
Mr. Sheets was a member of
Centenary Methodist Church. On
Nov. 8, 1905, he married Miss
Nora Byerly, of Advance, who
survives, together with two daugh
ters, two grandchildren, and 'a
half brother, James Garwood, of
North Wilkesboro.
Funeral services were held at 4
o'clock Thursday afternoon at
Vogler's Chapel, with Dr. Mark
Depp officiating, and the body
laid to rest in Salcm cemetery.
Mr. Sheets had many ^cnds in
Davie County who were saddened
by news of his death. He was a
long-time hiend of ours, and we
shall miss him on our visits to
his adopted city. I
Mrs, C. V/. Booe ,
Mrs. Emma Ratledge, Booe, 81, \
died at her home In Winston-Sa-,
lem Thursday morning, follow
ine a long illness, I
Mrs, Booe was a native of Davie
County, but moved to Winsmn 1
Salem about 15 years ago. She
was a member ^t Bear Creek Bap \
tist Church. Her husband di^
In 1943. i
Surviving are a son, L. C. Boo^
a daughter Mrs. Lola Suttlc, bodi
of Winston-Salem; two brothers,
Eev. A. P. Ratledge, ThomasvUle
and A. D. Karicdgc, StaccsvUle.
Mrs. E. T. Fisher Sarah Josephine Poplin
M s, E. T. Hsher, 74, died at
her home at St. N. C., Fri
day night, following a long illness.
Funeral services were hdd at St.
Paul pTeri)ycerian Church Sunday
aitemoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Fish
er is die modier of Mrs. T. J.
Caudell, of this city, who was at
her bedside when the end came.
Sarah Josephine Poplin, infant I
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. E.
Poplin, of R. 3, died early ThuTS-|
day morning. Funeral services
were conducted at Dediri M^dio :
dist Church Friday morning at 111
o'clock, with Rev. R. M. Hardee
in charge, and the little body laid
to rest in d»« church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries — 2/4/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 6,1948 - Page 1
Mrs. G. T. Fisher
Mrs. Caudell
Loses Mother
l^erol BervlcGS were held Sun*
day for Mrs. Q. T. Fiahcr, mother
of Mrs. T. J. Coudell, at the
Presbyterian church in St. Padl.
Interment was in the church cem
etery. Mrs. Fisher had been ill
for a long time and passed away
Friday at 6 o'clock.
She is survived by her hus
band; five daughters, Mrs. Cau-
doll of Mocksvillc, Mrs. Marshall
McManus, Mrs. Charles Caudell,
and Mrs. Jomes McCormlck of
St. Paul, Mrs. Mary Bell Mc
Queen of Jacksonville, Fla.; one
son, G. W. Fisher, of Elizabeth-
n Mr. ond Mrs. Caudell returned
home Monday from St Paul.
Ellis Peacock
Is Found Dead
The body of Jomes Ellis Pea
cock, 67, farmer, who had been
missing for about a week, was
found Sunday morning In a small
stream of water near his home.
Davie county officers, who
made the investigation, attributed
death to exposure.
He is survived by four chil
dren, Fred Peacock of C^coleemee,
J. A. Peacock of Salisbury, Mrs.
Roscoe Jones and Mrs. W. W.
Corrcll of Coolccmee; one sister,
Mrs. Donlel Foster of Mocksville;
one half brother, Henry Peacock
of Mockiville; two half liiters,
Mrs. Roy Daniels,of Mocksville
and Mrs. Roxle Stanley of Win-
Funeral -Mrvlcea were con
ducted at 4 p.m. Tuesday at Lib
erty Methodist church, near
Willis Swicegood]
Mrs. Claude Thompson
Loses Brother Sunday
r^ineral services were held
Tuesday for Willis Swicegood,
who passed away February 1 at
his home in Summerville, S. C.,
with a heart attack. Interment
was in the family plot.
Mr. Swicegood was a native of
Davie, the son of the lote Mr. ond
Mrs. O. F. Swicegood of the
Cherry Hill section. He has spent
the past 36 years in Summerville.
He was a Methodist, a Mason ond
an Eastern Star.
He is survived by his widow,
the former Miss Carrio Bell of
Summerville; six sons, George of
Summerville, Mason of New York
city, Billy of Wilmington, Dan of
the U. S. Navy, Eugene and Frank
at home; two daughters, Mrs.
Elijah Mixson of Charleston, S.
C., Mrs. Merlyn May of Brazil; |
two brothers, Arthur of Linwood,j
Ross of Tyro, and two sisters, Mrs. i
Sue Thompson of Mocksville and
Mrs. May Deal of Gastonia, .and
several nieces and nephews.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Thomp
son left Hondsy accompanied by
Arthur and Ross Swicegood for
Bio — Obituaries — 2/6/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 6,1948 - Page 3
Sarah Josephine Poplin
Rites Held Friday
Sarnh Josephine Poplin, infant
daufihicr of Mr. and Mrs. Otis E.
Poplin, died at 3:15 u.m. Thurs
day at her home, Mocksvillc, R. 3.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at Bethel Methodist church at
11 a.m. Friday by Rev. R. M.
Hardce. Burial was in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/6/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 11,1948
J. E. Peacock
Funenil services for James E.
Peacock, 67, woo was found dead
in a small stream near County
Line, on Feb. 1st, were held at
Liberty Methodist Chu^ last . — —
Tuesday afternoon at 4 o*dock, 1 home with W. C. Jones. His ab*
and die body laid to rest in die ' sence from the farm caused no
church cemetery. i alarm, as he hequently visited hU
Mr. Peacock was last seen on children at Cooleemec.
Jan. 24di. Davie officers, ydio in« ' Surviving arc four children, a
vestigated, attributed death to ex-, sister, unc half-brother and two
posure. Mr. Peatt>dt made his half-sisters.
i I
Richard L. Reeves
Richard Lee Reeves, 77«vear«old
farmer, was found dead February
2nd, near his home on the Tur-
nersburg highway. He had been
absent from home several houn-'
It is believed he suffered a heart'
jattack while walking. |
I Mr. Reeves was a native of Da-
I vie County, but moved to Ired.ll
County about 25 years ago.
Surviving are the wife, the for
mer Miss Cora Belle Griffidi; five
daughters and three sons.
Funeral servlcej were held at 2
p. m., Wednesday from New Un-
ion Methodist Church, at Sh^- ;
field, wi h Rev. Grady White of-'
ficiating, and the body laid to rest
in the church cemetery. j
R. Lee Kinder
R. Lee Kinder, 87, prominent
retired farmer, died at his home
on Harmony, R. I. Thursday, fol
lowing an illness of two vears.
Surviving are one son, six grand-
chilcjren and seven great grand
children. •
Funeral services were held Fri
day momtftg at 11 o'clock at Mt.
Bethel Methodist Church with
Revs. J. O. Ervin and Jack Cook
in charge, and the body laid to
rest in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/11/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 13,1948 - Page 4
Mrs. O. F. Yates
Mn. Emma Bturmtte
Died Tuesday
Funeral services were held on
Thursday for Mrs. Emma 8. Bur-
netlc, 64, who died Tuesday, at
the MocksviUe Methodist church |
at 2:30.' Mrs. Bumettc had been
living in the city wFth her son,
Ron Burnctte, for the past 18,
months, but was a native of La-,
fayctte, Go. Survivors arc one.
son, Rex, of Mocksvllle, two
brothers, Tom and John Smith,
of Lafayette, Ga., one sister, Mrs.
Myrtle Goodson, and one grand
child, several nieces and nephews.
Burial was in Rose cemetery, the
services conducted by Rev. R. M.
Mrs. Gartreirs
Mother Dies -
Funeral .services were held lust
week for Mr.s, O. F. Yntcs of
Munlreut, mother of Mrs. II,
Cnrtrcll of Mocksvillc.
Surviving arc the husband, O.
F. Yates. three daughters, Mrs.
Gaitroll, Mr.s. C. J. Miller of
Bcriut, Lebanon, and Mrs. C. B.
While of Montreat, and a grnnd-
child, Richard, son of Rev. and
Mrs. Gartrcll.
Services were hold at GiiHh'cr
ChapcFot Montreat and interment
was at Swannanoa, conducted by
Dr. Robert King, formerly of
Mucksviilo, and Dr. Nelson Bell.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/13/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 18,1948
Sgt. Robert Mat
thews '
Final rites were held at Voglcr*®
Funml Chapel in Winston'Salem
on Wednesday attemoon at two
o'clock, with -re'lnterment follcw'
Ingin Memorial Park Cemetery
for Staff Sgt. Robert M. Matthews,
Jr., who made die supreme sacri
fice on July 28, 1944, near St. Lo, I
France. n Sgt. Matthews entered
service with Co. G., 120th Inftn'
30th Division, on S^t. 16, 1940. j
His unit went overseas in Fcbru-;
ary, 1944, and participated in the
invasion of France on "D" Day,
Full military honors were given |
by the Winston-Salem Post of the |
Veterans of Foreign Wars. Ac
tive pallbearers were foipner mem
bers ofhis Company who went
overseas and engaged in combat
with him. Rev. T. C. Keeton, of
Winston-Salem, and Rev. R. M.
Hardee, of MocksvUle, assisted in
the services. Rev. Mr. Hardee is
pastor of Fiist Mediodist Church
in Mocksville, and Chaplain of
Post 4024, Veteran of Foreign
Wars, of Mocksville.
Sgt. Matthews is survived by
the widow, Mrs. Hazel Maxalcne
Swicegood Matthews, and a <lau»
ghter, Marion Kay Matthews, of
Mocksville. The parents are Mr
and Mrs. R. M. Matthews, Sr., of
Bio - Obituaries - 2/18/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 20,1948 - Page 8
Sgt. Matthews
Buried In Winston
Final rites were held fit Vog-
Ici-'fi Funeral Chapel In Winaton-
Solcm lust Wednesday with re
interment following in Memorial
Park Cemetery there for Staff
Sgt. Robtrt M. Matthews, Jr., who
wa.s killed on July 28, 1944, neor
St. Lo, France. Sgt Matthews
entered service with Co. G, 120th
Infantry, 30th Division, In Sept
ember,1040. His unit went over
seas in February 1044 and par
ticipated in the invasion of France
on "D" Day.
Full MllUory Honors were ac
corded by the Wlnston-Salcm
post of the Vctcriins of Foreign
"Wars. Acllye pallbearers were
former members of his compony
who went ovcrscos and engaged
in combat with him. Rev. R. M.
Hardcc of Mocksvlllc assisted In
the services. Rev. Hordec Is
Chaplain of Post 4024. Veterans
of Foreign Wars of Mocksvlllc.
Sgt. Matthems Is survived by
the widow, Mrs. Hazel Moxolcne
Swiccgood Matthews, and a
daughter, Marlon Kay Motlhews,
of Mocksvlllc, N. C., and his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Math-
cws, Sr., of Winston-Salcm.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/20/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 25,1948
Mrs. P. J. Wagnerl
Funeral services for Mrs. Mafv
Smith Wagner, 61, who died at
her home in Knnnapolis Saturday
were hvid at Smith Grove Metho
dist Church at 3 p. m., Sunday, i
Surviving are thrie sor^^s and,
three daughters, three sisters. Mrs. i
E. IL. McClamrock and Mrs. R. L
Whitaker, of Mocksvllle; Mrs. P.
H. Howard, Salisbury two broth
ers, Daniel D. Smith, of Smith
Grove, and L. L. Smith, Salisbury.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/25/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 27, 1948 — Page 1
FQnaltt services for Hobert
Parker Woynick, 41, ol Mocks-
vilic, were held Wednesday at
Kooncc Funeral home chapel,
High Point, with Rev. Paul Jones
in charge. Burial was in Oak-
wood cemetery.
Mr. Waynlck, Mocksvillc attor
ney and former county ottorncy
of Davic county, died Sunday at
0 Wlnston-Salcm hospltol of ri
fle wounds reported to hove been
self inflicted. He was found at
his home here Wednesday morn
ing with n bullet wound through
his head. Despondency over 111
health was given ns^e cousc of
his notion.
Mr. Woynick spent most of his
life in High Point, where he prac
ticed law and served as city pros
ecuting attorney for two years.
For the post five years he had
lived in Mocksvillc.
Born in Wilson December 23,
1006, he was the son of Robert L.
and Lena Parker Waynlck. Ho
I was educated in the High Point
I schools ond at Wnke Forest col-
t Icgc and the University of North
Surviving are the wife, Mrs.
Mabel Gordon Waynlck; a son,
Robert Parker Wnynlck, Jr.; ond
a rlnughter, Catherine Woy
nick, and the parents, of High
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 27,1948 - Page 2
Mrs. Ratledge
Succumbed Monday
Mrs. Rebecca Powell Ratledge,
87, member of a well known Da
vic county family, died nt 4;0S
p.m. Monday at her home In Cnl-
uhaln township. She had been ill
for about two months.
A native of Davic county, Mrs.
Rotiedgc vvns born Marcli 6, 1800,
daughter of the Into Hnywood
and Emcllnc Robinson Powell.
She was married February 10,
I8U4. to James L. Rntledgc. who
died May 18, 1041.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/27/1948
Survivors include tlircc chil
dren, Jay M. Rntlcbgc, Latin B.
Rntledgc and Miss Amey Rnl-,
ledge, nil of R. 1, Mocksvillc; one
brotljor, Robinson Powell, R. 1, |
Mocksvillc; 10 grandchildren and
nine great-grandchildren.
She was n life member of the
Cuntcr Mothodlst church.
Funoroli sorvlec.s were held
Wednesday nt 11 a.m. nt. the
home, conducted by Rev. J. B.
Fit/gerakl. Durlnl was in the
family plot ni Center church cem
Pallbearcr.s wore John Wesley
Smoot. Everett Draughn. Erne.st
Gnlllier, Slncy Chnffln, Wllllnm
L. Smoot and Autman Clcary.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 27,1948 - Page 8
! Mrs. Zelda Tutterow
Dies in Hospital
Mrs. Zcldn Tutterow of Mocks-
viilc died Qt 5:40 p.m. Sundoy nt
n Stiitcsvlllc hospital, where she
I hud been o patient for the past
four ond a half months.
I She was the daughter of S. T.
Foster and Mnry Dendmon Fo5<
tor, and the widow of S. F. Tut
terow of Mocksville.
Survivors include one son, Jeff,
of the home; the father; five
brothers, John, Glenn, Boonc
uhd Leo Foster, of Mocksville,
R. 4, and Gilmor of Winston-Sa-
lent, and one sister, Mrs. D. A.
Shuler of Mocksville, R. 1.
Funeral services were conduct-
. cd Tuesday at Center Methodist
church. Rev. J. B. Fitzgeraldi' and Rev. M. G, Ervln officiated
and interment was in the church
. comclory.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/27/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
ERWIN CHATTER, February 28,1948
Mr. J. E. Franklin, 58, died at kis
home here on Main Street Thursday,
Feb. 12tb. Funeral services were
held Sunday, Feb. 15, at the (FNeil
Methodist Church in Newberry, 8. 0.
Mr. Franklin had been an assistant
overseer here for the last 14 years.
He was the son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. John Franklin of Newberry, S,
C. He was a member of the Coolee-
mee Methodist Church.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs.
Eva Franklin, a son, T-Sgt. Grady
Franklin of Washington, D. C., a
brother, W. S. Franklin of New
berry, 8. C., three sisters, Mrs. Claude
Bauknight, and Mrs. J. W. Wood of
Newberry, Mrs. Paul Thomas of Toe-
coa, Ga., and two grandchildren.
Burial was in Bosemont City Geme*
tery in Newberry, 8. C. A number
of Cooleemee people aUended the
Mrs, Thomas Templeton, 67, of
of 24 Watts Street, died Friday,
J^an. 23rd, at her home afted a long
A native of IrctdeQ County, she was
bom tTune 27, 1881, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gregory of near
Winiton-Salem. She was a member
of the Cooleemee Baptist Church.
She is survived by her husband,
four sons and daughters, Leroy Tem
pleton of the home, Mrs. Joe Fry
of Moeksville, Mrs. Baxter Oreason of
Cooleeniee, Fred Templeton of Coo
leemee, two brothers, C, P, Gregory
of Winston-Balein, and J. £. Greg
ory of Cooleemee; sine gnadelii]-
dren gad two great-gvysddiildTeB,
Fimera] serviees were held Sunday,
Jan. SSth, at the home with the pas-
^r, G. L. Bcgster, in charge.
tb« Uhfirtf
Bio - Obituaries - 2/28/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 3,1948
R. P. Waynick
Funeraliservices for R. Parker
Waynick,t4l, Mocksville attorney,
were held^at 2 p. m., Wednesday
at Koonce Funeral Home chapel,
High Point, with Rev. Paul Jones
in charge, and the body laid to
rest in Oakwood Cemetery.
Mr. Waynick was former coun
ty attorney of Davie County, and
came here from High Point sever
a1 v^s ago. He died Feb. 22nd,
at Baptist Hospital, Winston Sa
lem, from a self-inflicted rifle bul
let throu^ his head, on Feb. 18.
Mr. Waynick had been in failing
health for some time.
Surviving are the wife, lylts-
Mabel Gordon Waynick; a son,
Robert Parker Waynick., Jr., and
a daughter, Miss Catherine Way
nick, both by a former marriage,
and the parents, Mr. and Mrs. RT
U^aynlck, of High Point.
Mrs. Waynick is a member of
the Cooleemee school faculty and
lives on North Main street in the
Rich house, which her and her
husband purchased and remodel
ed about two years ago.
j Funeral services for Mm. Zelda
Tutterow, 43, who died at Davis
Hospital, Statesville, on Feb. 22,
were held at 3 p. m., last Tuesday
at Center Methqdlst Church, with
Revs. J. B. Fitzgerald and M. 0.
Ervln ofBciating, and the body
IsUd to rest in the church ceme
Mrs. Tutterow, widow of the
late S. F. Tutterow, had been a
patient at the hospital for the last
four and one half mondis. She
was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
S. T. Foster, of Jerusalem.
Survivors include one son, Jeff
Tutterow, of Route 1, her father,
five brorhers and one sister.
Mrs. Jas. Ratledge
Mrs. Rebecca Powell Radedge,
87, died at her home in Calahain
tonwhip on Feb. 23rd, following
I an extended illness. She was the
widow of the late James S. Ra^
ledge who died seven years ago.
1 Member of a well-known Davie
County family, Mrs. Ratledge was
bom on May 6, 1660. She was a
I daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
' Haywood Powell. She was mar
ried to Mr. Ratledge on Feb. 19,
n 1884, and Is survived by two sons,
J. M. and L. B. Ratledge, of Cala
hain, and one daughter. Miss Amy
j Ratledge, of the home; and one
' brother. R. S. Powell, Route 1.
I Mrs. Ratledge was a life-long
member of the Center M^odisc
Church. A good woman been
called to her reward.
< services were held from
the home last Wednesday mom'
ing at 11 o'clodc, conducted by her
pastor. Rev. J. B. Htzgerald, and
the body laid to rest in Center
Medbodist Church cemetsiy.
J. Carl Sherrill
J. Carl Sherrill, 64, prominent]
business man of Mt. Ulla, died at,
his home there Thursday after-'
noon. He was a deacon in the
Back Creek Presbyterian Church,
where funeral and burial services
cook place Saturday morning at 11
o'clock. Mr. Sherrill is survived
by his wife, the former Miss Ani
ta Miller, of Mocksville, one son*
two daughters, one broriier and
three sisters.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/3/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 5,1948 - Page 4
James E. Hagan
Mrs. Rowland's
Father Dies
James E. Hagan. 75, father of
Mrs. George Rowland of Mocks-
vUlc, died Soturday morning at
his home in Duo West, S. C. Mr.
and Mrs. Rowland ottcndcd the
Mr. Hagan is survived by four
sons. Clyde ond Mark of Abbc-
vlllo, Lawrence of Greenwood.
S. C., Marvin of Atlantic City.
N. J.; two other daughters be
sides Mrs. Rowland, Mrs. Hester
Cnldwell of Columbio and Miss
Livy Hngan of Duo West. Mrs.
Hugan, the former Miss Hester
Mills, died in 1030.
Puncrol services wore held ilda
past Saturday.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 5, 1948 - Page 5
J. M. Gaither, 74, •
Dies at Hia Home -
J. M. Oailhtr. 14, died Utur*.
day night at hla homa, Mocki*
vlUe, Route 3,
Surviving art the widow, the
fofnterMisa Canna Holbrook; five
•oni, Clarenca Gaither of Coo*,
leemee, Loften, Hugh, Auatln and
W. L. Gaither. aU of BfocluviUe,
Route 3; three daughters, Hra.
Cllrence Wall and Mrs. Wtlaoa
i;alhai^'bot)i o^.RocitrvUl«;'lt.-.l^ ^
and Mlai Pauline Gaither of-the n
Funeral-aervices were held at
the Church of God In North Coo*
leemeo at 11 a.m. Tuesday. Rev.
W. L. Smith officiated. Burial
was in Cooleemee cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries — 3/5/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 5,1948 —Page 8
J. C. Sherrill
Dies at Home
J. Corl Shcrrlll, 64, long a busi
ness and civic leader in Mt. Ulla,
died .at his home there Thursday
Mr. Shcrriil was owner and op
erator of the Mount Ulla Flour
mills and the Sherrill General
store. He was active in the Bock
Creek Presbyterian church, of
which he wos on elder.
Surviving arc the widow, the
former Miss Anita Miller of
Mocksville; three children, J. C.
Sherrill, Jr., Mrs. Joe E. Sloop
and Miss Sara Sherrill, all of
Mount Ulla; one brother, Price
E. Sherrill of Moorcsvillc, and
three sisters, Mrs. George Wood
of High Point, Mrs. P, D. Linn
and Mrs. C. E. Borgcr, both of
Funeral services were at Back
Creek Presbyterian church at 11
a.m. Saturday.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/5/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 12,1948 - Page 4
Mrs. Nannie Williams
Dies in Rowan County
Mrs. Nannie Burton WiUlams,
74, died Qt.S:30 p.m. Saturday,
February 28, at the homo of her
daughter. Mrs. J. W. Honbarrter,
of Salisbury, Route 1. She had
been in declining heolth' o year
end seriously ill two weeks.
The widow of J .H. WiUlnms,
she hod lived In Rowan county
fur thu pust 26 yours. Shu wus u
native of Davlc county, daughter
of David and Nannie Motley Bur*
Surviving arc three sons, Felix
and Edward Williams of Mocks*
vilic, Route 4, and J. A. WilUnma
of Salisbury, Route i: three
daughters, Mrs. Honbnrricr and
Mrs. D. M. Munduy and.Mrs. P.
M. nrcncgar of Coolcwnco; n sis
ter, Mrs. W. A. Nnncc, of Liiurcl,!
Md,; IC.grnndchUdrcn, and three
FunjerBi services were held at
3 p.m. Monday at Bethel Luther
an church at Franklin, Rowan
county, with Rev. G. H. L. Lln-
glo In charge. Burial Wtis in the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/12/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Dafirte county Pubnc uofary
MocKsvilie, NC
(1949-.. . .■?), PROBABLY IN THE MONTH OP OCTOBER 1989#.
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 17,1948
IV. W. Garwood
William W. Garwood, 75, a for
mer citizen of Mocksville, but for
many years a resident of Winston-
Salcm, died at his home in that
city early Wednesday mominlikl
following a week's serious illness. ^
Funeral services were held at
Centra] Terrace Methodist Church
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
and the body laid to rest in For-
syth Memorial Park.
Mr. Garwood is survived by his
wife, three daughters and three
sons, one brother, John Garwood^
of this city, and a half-brother, of
North Wilkcsboro. Mr. Garwood
had many friends throughout Da-
vie County |who were saddened
by news of his death. A long
time friend of the editor has gone
to rest—a sincere Christian gen
tleman. Peace to his ashes.
Judge Bailey Lee
News was r^eived here last
week of the death of District
judge Bailey Lee, 75, of Burley,
Idaho, who died on March 1st in
a Boise City, Idaho, hospital.
Judge Lee was a resident of
Mocksville before going west in
1897. Surviving are his wife and
four children, one brother,' Rev.
William B. l^e, of Sao Paulo,
Brazil, and three sisters, Misses
Mary. Bertha and Alice Lee. of
this city.
judge Lee served two terms as
Chief justice of the Idaho State
Supreme Court, and was a Dis
trict judge at the time of his death.
Judge Lee visited his old homj
town a number of times, and his
death has brought sadness to many
of the older residents.
Noah Hursey
NoahHurscy, 63, proniinetit re
tired farmer or near County Line,
died Satnrday. Mr. Hursey was
one of the founders of Pleasant
View Baptist Church and served
as one of its deacons until- his
death. Surving are his wife, one
son and two daughters. Funeral
services were heldMondav at 11
o'clock at Pleasant View Baptise
Church, with Revs. Juriie Barnes,
L. T. Youuger and & F. Eagle of-
ficUting, and the body laid to rest
in the church cemetery.
Dewey Smith
C. A. Nash
Charles A. Nash, 61, Advance,
Route 1, died at hU home Hiurs-
day after a long illness. He was
brought home recently hrom a vet
erans' ho^ital at Roanoke, where
he speiit three years.
Mr; Nash enlisted in die army
at Galveston, Texas in 1914, and
was discharged in 1919. He was
married to Miss Ida Myers, of
Advance Route 1, in 1920.
Surviving are the wife, a broth
er and two sisters.
Funeral services were held at
Advance Methodist Church at 260
o'dock Saturday afternoon, with
Revs. H. R. Jordan, Paul Jones
and T. S. Folger officiating.
Members of Mocksville Ameri
can Lemon Post acted as pallbear
ets and the body laid to rest in the
church cemetery with full military
Pilot Loses Life
Dewey Smith, 21, of Route 4, a
G. I. student pilot, was seriously [
burned Thur^av afternoon about
4 o'clock in a crash of a small
plane 5 miles west of town. I
The plane crashed and burned I
on the C. A. McAllister farm as i
the pilot apparently tried to land '
in a field. He was alone in the
craft, and made his escape from
the burning plane. He began run
ning across the field with his
clothing on fire, but was caught
by C. A. McAllister and William
Anderson, who were working near
(he scene of the wreck, ana the
flames extinguished. The young
man's hair was partly burned off
and his body suffered severe bums.
He was rushed in a Siler ambu
lance Co Longs's Hospital, States-
ville. He died about 11 o'clock.
Friday morning from the bums. |
Surviving are the parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. W. Smith, of Route
4; two brorficTs. R. L. Smith, Win
ston Salem; Kimbrough Smith,
Lexington; three sisters,Mrs. Clyde
Vickers, Route 4; Miss Pauline
Smirii, Mocksville, and Miss Bon
nie Sue Smith, of the home. L
Funeral services were held Sun
day afternoon at 3 o'clock at Cen
ter Methodist Church, widi Rev.
j. B. Fitzgerald officiating, and the
body laid to rest with military
honors by the Frank E. Ferryman
Post of the Veterans of Foreign'
Wars of Winston-Salem.- i
Bio - Obituaries - 3/17/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 17, 1948
Mrs. Mary Ijames
Mrs. Mary Ijames, 87, widow of
J. A. Ijames, died Thursday night
at the home of her son, D. N.
Ijames, near Sheffield.
Funeral and burial services took
place at Hickory Grove Mediodist
Church Saturday morning at 11
o'clock with Revs. F. R. Loflln and
Cary Bulla officiating. ,
Surviving arc three sons, H. G.
R. P., and D. N. Ijan^s, of the
Sheffield community; one brother.
Will Reeves, and a sister. Mrs.
Dora Stcclman, both of Ashevilie.
A mother in Israel has been calk
ed to her reward.
Mrs. S. C. Benson
Funeral sendees for Mrs. Sarah
Fmma Benson, 85, who died last
Wednesday at her home at Fork,
were conducted at 2 p. p. m., Fri'
day at Fork Baptist Church, with
Rev. H. W. Hutchens officiating,
and the body laid to rest in the
church cemetery.
Surviving are six brothers. J. B.
and S. A. Bailey. MocksvUle, R. 3;
H. H. Bailey, Rockingham, R. 2;
L. C. Bailey, Lexinecon, D. M. and
N. B. Bailey, Advance, R. 2, and a
number of neices and nephews.
John A. Kelly '
\ John A. Kelly, 67, a native of
jMoeksville, but for many yeare a
resident of Salisbury,' died in a
hospital in chat city March 9th,
following an extended illness. j
Mr. Kelly is survived by two
(sisters, Misses Mary aad Elva Kel'
ly, of Salisbury, and one brother,
Henry T. Kelly, of Taylorsville.
Funeral services were held at
Summenet Funeral hom^ Salis*
bury. Thursday morning at 11
o'clock, and the body brought to
Mocksville and laid to rest in
Joppa cemetery. Mr. Kelly had
many friends in Modcsville who,
were saddened by his death.
Bio - Obituaries — 3/17/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 19, 1948 - Page 1
Dewey Smith
Dcwcy Smith, 21, who died of
severe burns last Friday when the
plane ho was flying crashed and
burned near Mocksvlllc Thurs-
doy, was buried Sunday at Cen
ter Methodist church. Rites were
conducted by Rev. J. B. Fitzger
ald, and military graveside serv
ices were hold by the Frank £.
Pcrrymun Post 134 of Winston-
Snlcm Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Mr. Smith is survived by his
parents, W. D. and Noomi Cron-
fill Smith; Mrs. Clyde Vickera of
Route 4; Misses Pauline and Bon
nie Sue Smith of the home on
Route 4; two brothers, Robert Lee
Smith of Winston-Salem and
Kimbrough Smith of Lexington.
Mr. Smith was flying over the
McAllister farm near Center and
was apparently stunting, when
the plane went out of control and
crashed, first skidding along the
ground. Investigators said the
gas line probably broke, engulf
ing the craft in flames. The youth
tried to free himself, but his
clothing caught fire. William An
derson, who wos nearby, reached
the plane first, and an ambulance
wos summoned. Mr. Smith wos
token to a Statcsvillc hospital.
The airplane, a small two-place
Ercoupe, was owned by the Salis
bury Aircraft Service, and wat a
total loss. It was valued at about
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 19,1948 - Page 2
Arthur Lee Spry
Died Friday
Funeral services for Arthur Leo
Spry, 80, of Advance were con
ducted at 1:30 p.m. Monday at
Advance Methodist church by
Rev. Howard Jordan. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
ME Spry died Friday ot Ids
home after on illness of several
weeks. He wos the son of Plcss
Spry and Matilda Spry. Surviv
ing arc the wife; three sons, Bob
by Leo, Norman Santford, ond
Douglas McArthur Spry of the
home; two daughters, Mrs. Mil
dred Weaver and Miss Brcnda
Fny Spry of Advance; two broth
ers, James and George Spry, of
Advance; ond one sister, Miss
Francis Spry, of Advance.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/19/1948 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 19,1948 - Page 8
John A. Kelly
Dies At Salisbury
John A. Kelly, 67, of Snlisbury,
popular busincflB mon, died on
Wednesday night In Rowan Me
morial hospital after on illness of
ceveral months.
VHtfiero) services for Mr. Kelly
were conducted Thursday morn
ing at 11 o'clock in the Chapel of
tho Summersclt Funeral home,
with Rev. Walter J. Miller, pas
tor of the First Methodist church,
officiating, Dr. J. D. Morgan as-
Burial followed In the Joppn
cemetery, In Oovlc county ncor
Mr. Kelly, son of the late Jas.
A. and Mary £. Kelly, was born
in Davie county, near Mocksvllle,
on October 6, 1881.
Mr. Kelly was a member of the
First Methodist church, the Mo-
sonic Lodge and Salisbury lodge
No. 699, Benevolent and Patriotic
Order of Elks, of which hb served
as secretary for a number of
He is survived by two sisters,*
Miss Mary Kelly and Miss Elva
Kelly, both of the home, end one
brother, Henry T. Kelly of Toy-
Mrs. Sarah Benson
Passed Friday
Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah
Emma Benson, 85, who died on
Wednesday at her home at Fork,
were conducted at 2 p.m. Friday
at the Fork Baptist church by
Rev. Wade Huichons.
Mrs. Benson was the widow of
S. C. Benson and a daughter of
the lute Berry and Sarah Camilla
Surviving arc six brothers, J.
B. and S. A. Bailey, both of
MocksvillG, Route 3, H. H. Balloy
of Rockinghnm, Route 2, L. C.
Bailey of Lexington, and D. M.
and N. B. Bailey, both of Ad
vance, Route 2, and several nieces
and nephews.
Bio — Obituaries ~ 3/19/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
-.*••' •*» CS.
I ••r» •*««>*«*. »••i »'<«••
I. -•'; r^dj-
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 24, 1948
Wrs. 0. N. Safret
Funeral services for Mrs. Mamie
Freeman Safret, 61, who died on
Match 15th, at her home on Route'
4, were held at 11 a. in., Wednes i
day at the Church of Christ, in
Rowan County, with the pastor,
James E. Laird, offids^na* and the
body laid to rest in the church
Mrs. Safret was a dau^ter of
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Freeman. |
Survivors are the husband, two
brotlicis, Radford Freentan, of
Woodleaf, and Luther Freeman,
of Mocksville, Route 4: one sister.
Miss Josie Freeman, Woodleaf.
Winfield Cheshire
Wmfield Chcehlrc, 64, died at
his home in Harmony eaAy Satuf'
day morning, following a heart at«
tack. Funeral service were held
at Harmony Methodist Church
Sunday afternoon, with Rev. J. O.
Brwin officiating, and die body
laid to rest in the church ceme*
tery. Surviving are the widow,
the former Miss Anna Blackwel
der, of Davie County, one son and
two ^ushters.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/24/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 26,1948 - Page 10
Mrs. Ijamcs Dies
In Davie County
Mrs. Mary Hccvcri Ijotncs, fl7,
widow of J. A. IJtiinos, died nn
Thursdny niglU ot the hoiae of a
son, D. N. IjnmcK, In the Shef'
field comniunUy In Dnvlc county.
' Survivors Include three sons,
II. G., n. p. nnd D. N. Ijnnics, of
Mucksvillu, Ruutc 1; n brother,
V/IU nec'ves, nnd n sister, Mrs.
Dora Steolinnn, both of Ashevllle.
Funoral service^ wore held at
11 n.in. Salurdny at llleUory
Grove Methodist church.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 26,1948 - Page 11
Mrs. Mamie Safret
Died Monday
Funeral services for Mrs.
Momle Freeman Sofrct, 67, who
died Monday at her home on
Mocksvllle, Hflutc 4, were held
Wednesday at the Church of
Christ at Necdmorc, Rowan Coun
ty. James E. Laird, pastor, offlc-
otcd, and burial wos in the church
Mrs. Snfrct was the daughter
of Calvin and Laura Scamon
Freeman. She was the wife of O.
N, Sufrct, n farmer who survives.
Other survivors Include two
brothers, Rudford Freeman of
Woodlcaf and Luther Freeman of
Mueksvltle, Route 4; and one sis-
tej', M1s5 Juste Fivuman ot Wuod-
Icof. '
' C. A. Nash Funci'al
! Services At Advance
. Funeral services for Charles
! Andrew Nn^h, 61, of Advance
Route 1, were held Saturday at
2 p.m. at his home, and at 2:30
I p.m. at the Advance Methodist
church. Burial was In tlic church
Members of the American Le
gion at MDck.sville were pall
bearers and had charge of burial
with mllllnry honors.
Mr. Nash died Thtn-sday ni his
home. He had been u patient In
the Veterans' hu.spital at Rounoke
for three ycar.4 nnd wa.s taken to
his home tUrco weeks ago. .
Bio - Obituaries - 3/26/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 31,1948
Sanford E. Stroud
Sanford B. Stroud. 21, a former
of the County line community,
died Thursday morning at a Sra
tes ville hospi^, following an ex'
tended illness. He was a son of
Mrs. S. E. Stroud and the late Mr.
Stroud, of Route 4.
Surviving are the widow, one
son. Sanford E. Stroud, 3rd; his
motlier; four brothers. R. E. and
H. A. Stroud, Point; J. C.
and Otha Stroud, Route 4, three
sisters, Mrs. C. D. McNeill and
Mrs. R. H Cromer, High Poin^
and Miss Sarah E^troud, of the
Funeral services were held Sat'
urday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at
Society Baptist Church, with Rev.
IW. B. Rimmer and Rev. James H.
Groce officiating, and the body
laid to rest In the church ceme
tery. To die bcr^ved family and
rcladves, The Record extends sin'
cere sympathy in this sad hour.
W, C. Stonestreet
William C. Stonestreer, a nadve
of Cana, and a son of the late
Mr. and 2Mrs. Wilbum Stono'
street, died at a hospital in Fort
Worth, Texas, oti March I4th,
Surviving are the widow, one slS'
tcr. Mrs. Sallie Hunter, of darks'
ville Township, several cousins,
ncices and nephews. Mr. Stonc'
street was about 62 years old.
Mr. Stonestreet left Davic in
1893, and located in Fort Worth,
where he went to work as a clerk
in a clothing store. In 1900 he
and a Mr. Davis opened a cloth-
' ing and gcnPs furnishing store un-;
' der the firm name of Stonestreet
j & Davis. Mr. Stonestreet was ao*
five in business until a few months
ago, when his health failed. '
Brady G. Williams
Brady G. Williains, 71, died at
his home at Advance last Tuesday
morning, following a long illpess.
He was a member of No Creek
Primitive Baptist Church and re'
maincd active in chuich work un*
til his health failed. He served a
number of years as postmaster at
Surviving arc his wife; two a-
dopted sons, Wiley and Robert
Williams, both of the home; and
several neices and nephews.
Funeral services were held at
Adv.incc Methodist Church at 3
p. m., Thursday, with Elder J. A.
ragg and Rev. H. R. Jordan in
chrrge, and the body laid to rest
in the church cemetery.
John R. Brock ''
John Rupert Brock, 56, of Seat'
tie, Washington, formerly of Da-
vie County, died unexpectedly of
a heart attack on March 24th. A
son of Cora B. Brock and the late
John Enoch Brock. Surviving are
the widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Grier
Brock; one son, Hugh, at home;
three daughters, Mrs. E. G. Cram*
er, Mrs. Joe McMurray and Mrs.
J. B. Bishop, of Seattle; also four
grandchildren, his mother, Mrs.
Cora B. Brock, Farmington; two
brothers, E. B. Brock, San Fran
Cisco, and J. Hugh Brock, Farm
ingcon; three sisters, Mrs. R. P.
ClingtnA, Winston-Salem; Mrs
D. L. Long, Grand Valley, Colo.,
and Mrs. ^Ima Walker, Norfolk.
Bio — Obituaries — 3/31/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 2,1948 - Page 1
jlohn Rupert Brock
Davie Native
Dies in Washington
John Rupert Brock. 58. of Seat
tle. Wash., formerly of Davlo
county, died unexpectedly of a
heart attack Morch 24. He was a
son of Cora B. Brock ond the late
John Enoch Brock. Surviving are
the widow. Mrs. Elizobeth Gricr
Brock; one son. Hugh, of the
home; three doughters. Mrs. E.
O. Cramer. Mrs. Joe McMurray
and Mrs. J. E. Bishop of Seattle;
four grandchildren, his mother,
Mrs. Cora B. Brock, of Farming-
ton; two brothers. E. B. Brock of
San Francisco. Calif., and J. Hugh
Brock of Farmlngton. Three sis
ters, Mrs. R. P. Cllngman of Win-
ston-Salem. Mrs. D. L. Long of
Grand Valley. Colo., and Mrs.
Zelma Walker of Norfolk. Vo.
D. W. Hayes Dies
At Son's Home
Daniel Webster Hoycs, farmer,
n resident of Winston-Snlcm for
13 years, died early Saturday ot
tho home of a son. Walter Hayes,
Mocksville. Route 2, after a brief
illness. He was 73.
Born in Surry county, the son
of Andy ond Mary Mays Hayes,
he came to Winston-Salem 16
years ago to llvo with a son, J.
P. Hayes. For tho past two years
ho has lived In Mocksville.
Besides his two sons, he is sur
vived by two others. Paul and
Eorly Hayes, both of-Mount Airy;
five sisters, Mrs. Emmo Stcele,
Dobson; Mrs. Etto Jones, Clem-
mons. Route 2; M\'s. Nora Coc,
Mount Airy. Route 4: Mrs. Virgie
Blackburn and Miss Maggie
Hayes, both of this city; and three
brothers. Preston. Burlington;
Joe, Dobson, and Ellis Hayes.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/2/1948
S. E. Stroud, Jr.,
Davie Farmer, Dies
Swford E. Stroud, Jr., 21,
farmer of Mocksville, Route 4.
died Friday morning at a States-
ville hospital. He hod been se
riously ill two weeks.
He was a son of Sonford E. and
Avis .Victoria Dnywalt Stroud.
Surviving ore the widow, the
former Miss Minnie Lconn Jor
dan; one son. Sunford E. Stroud,
3rd; his mother; four brothers. H.
A. and Robert E. Stroud, both of
High Point; J. C. ond Otha
Stroud, both of Mocksville. R. 4;
three sisters, Mrs. C. D. McNeil
and Mrs. R. R. iCromcr, both of
High Point and Miss Sarah Eliz
abeth Stroud of the home.
Funeral services were held Sat
urday at Society Boptist churcii.
Rev. W. B. Rimmer and Rev. Jos.
H. Grocc officiated. Burial was
in tho church cemetery.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at the Rosebud Christian
church. Surry county, by Rev.
R, W.-McCulley ond Rev. Mar
shall Reavis. Buriol was in the
church cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 2,1948 - Page 3
Ellen Marie Welch,
16, Cana, Dies
Funeral services for Ellen Mo*
ric Welch, 16, of Cana, Route 1,
were held at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at
Boltlmorc Methodist church, with
Rev. A. C. Gentry officiating.
Burlol was in the church ccm*
Miss Welch died at her home at
0 p.m. Friday. She hod been in
declining health for seven
months. She was seriously 111 for
three weeks.
She was born in Yadkln county
July 24, 1031, daughter of Luther
and Cclin Norman Welch, who
survive. Other survivors Includt
four brothers, Odell, Vemon and
Coleman Lee Welch, all of Cana,
and Ralph Welch of Yodkinvlllc;
two sisters, Mrs. Guy Davis, of
Eost Bond, ond Mrs. Mlllard
White of Cana.
Bio — Obituaries — 4/2/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 9,1948 - Page 8
B. G. Wililnms, 71,
Dies At Advance
Grndy Goklcn Willinms, 71,
onc'timc posti^nstcf of Advnncc,
died nt 10:10 n.m. Wednesday,
March 31. He hnd been in fail
ing health for several ycors and
critically ill for the past week.
He hnd been confined to his bed
for 18 months.
A life-long renidcnt of Dnvle
county, Mr. Williams served n'
number of years as postmaster ot.
Advance. He was also associated
with the old Will White Grocery
store in Advance for several
years. He whs u member uf Nv
Creek Primitive Baptist church
and remained octive in church
work as long as his health per
Born October 12, 1070, In Oavic,
he WHS the son of John P. mul
Betty Willinm.s. He ninvried Miss
Stella Barney, on Jan. 23. lOOB.
Surviving are lUs wife; two
adopted sor\s, Wiley and Robert
jWiUiiuns, both of the home; and
I several nieces and nephews.
A short service was held at the
home at 2:30 p.m. Thursday with
the funeral following nt 3 p.m. in
Advance Methodist church. Elder
J. A. Fogg and Hcv. Howard Jor
dan will officiate, and buriol will
be in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/9/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 14,1948
James R. Smith
James R. Smith, 73, retired Tar*
merof Calahaln township, died
Thursday at the home of his dau*
ghter, Mrs. Fred Daywalt, in Kan*
napolis, death resulting from a
stroke of pat^Iysis.
Survivors include his wife, the
former Miss Cora Richardson, of
Davie County; hb daughter, Mrs.
Daywalt, three brothers and one
Fuocial services were held at
Hickory Grove Methodist Church
Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with
Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald ofHctating,and
the body laid to rest in the church
cemetery. Mr. Smith moved to
Kannapolb three years aso.
Frank A. Naylor
Frank A. Naylor, 86, died at hb
home at Smith Grove Friday. He
was a member of the Smith Crovc
Methodist Church and the Junior
Order of Mocksville.
Surviving are the widow, two
sons, F. A. Tr..of Kernersvillcand
J. E. Naylor, U. S. Merchant Mar- [
inc; two daughters, Mrs. John M.j
Groce, Mocksville, R. 3. and Mrs.!
Earle Caudlll, North Wilkesboro; i
a sister, Mrs. W. L. Hanes, Smith*
Grove, nine grandchildren and]
five great-grandchildren. <
Funeral services were held at 3
p. m., Sunday at Smith Grove Me-'
thodist Church with Revs. J. S.
Folger and J. W. Vestal officiating,'
and the body laid to rest in ^e|
church cemetery. i
James Vfellman
James R. Wellman, 81, retiKd/
farmer, died Thursday night at*
hb home at Oak Grove, where he;
spent his entire life. He is sur'j
vived by a sister, Mrs. Eou Rose.-
at the home. |
Funeral services were held at
Oak Grove Methodist Church bt-
3 p. m., Saturday, with Rev. J. B.'
Fitzgerald officiadnc and the body i
laid to rest in the church cemetery, f
Bio - Obituaries - 4/14/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 16,1948 - Page 1
J. R. Smith, 73,
Dies In Davie
Slntesvlllc. — Jnmcs Ramsey
Smltlj, 73, retired farmer of the
Sheffield community of Dnvlc
county, died Thursdoy at the
home of his dnughtcr, Mrs. Fred
Dnyvnult, in KonnDpolls.
Survivors include' his wife, the
former Miss Cora Richnrdson, of
Duvie county; his daughter. Mrs.
Dnyvnult, with whom he had
made ids home since his retire-
mcnt three years ago; three
brothers and u sister.
Funeral services were held nt
3 p.m. Friday at Hickory Grove
Methodist church in Dnvic
Mrs. Lydia B. Shore
I Rites Held Monday
Mrs. Lydin B. Shore died nt
I the home of n nephew, Isnnc
'shore, Saturday, April 10, at 11
o'clock in the South Liberty town
ship She woB DO years of nge,
I and her only survivors arc nieces
jaz^d nephews. Funcrol services
' were held at Turner's Creek Bnp-
tist church, Monday afternoon,
I April 12. Rc^. James A. Groce
land Rev. Ike Willard had charge
; of the service. Burial was in the
i church cemetery.
Jas. R. Wellinan, 81,
Dies At Oak Grove
Jnmcs R. Wellman, 81, a re
tired farmer, died Thursday night
nt his home in Oak Grove.
The son of Jerry nnd Mary Sain
Wellmun, Izc spent his entire life
in tlic Oak Grove community. He
is survived by □ sister, Mrs. ^Lou
Rose, Mocksvilic.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at 3 p.m. Soturday at the Oak
Grove Methodist church by Rev.
J. B. Fitzgerald. Burial was in
the church cemetery,
Mrs. J. R. Smith
Died Wednesday
Mrs. J. R, Smith, 37, died Wcd-
nc.sday morning nt hor home in
Moeksville. She had been ill
about a year.
Size is survived by hor parents,
J. O. Tnyior nnd Mclotn Toylor;
her httsbnnd, J. R. Smith, Well-
known Mocksvilic citizen; two
sons, Yeoman nnd Cnrmnn; one
sister, Mrs. Norinnn Lcneh, city;
two brothers, Clyde Tnyior of Rt.
3 and Roy Taylor of Rt. 2.
Funeral arrangements arc in
complete at press time.
Bio — Obituaries - 4/16/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 16,1948 - Page 8
Mrs. Barneycastle Rites,
Held Tuesday at Advance
The funeral of Mrs. Luu Sheets
Barncycnstlc, 00, of Advance, B.
1, wos, condvictcd Tuesday at the
home and at Advance Methodist
church by Rev. Mr. Jordan add
Rev. Mr. Gartrell, Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Pallbearers were Ooorgc Cor-
natzer, Glenn Cornntzer, Calvin
Baity. Dcmpscy CHnard, Marvin
Johnson and Lester Mcsalck. •
Mrs. Burnuycuslle died ot
11:45 p.m. Sunday after a critical
illness of one week. She was
born in Advance and spent her
entire life in Davic county. On
Soptembor I, 1878, she married
Giles Burncycabtlc, who died in
Surviving are three sons, Wal
ter, Willie and Henry Barneycas
tle of Advance; four daughters,
Mrs. Stella Williams, Mrs. R. S,
Cornatzer, and Mrs. Matthew
Finger of Advance and Mrs. Nina
Bean of Coolccmcc; 21 grandchil
dren; and 12 great-grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/16/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 21,1948
Mrs, Bameycastle
Funeral services for Mrs. Giles
1 Bameycastle, 90. of Advance, Rl»
I were held at the home at 2 p. m.,
r last Tuesday, and at the Advance
i Methodist Church at 2:^ p. m..
with Revs. H. R. Jordan and E. H.
I Cartrell officiating, and the body
I laid to rest in the church ceme
: Mrs. Bameycastle died April II,
following a critical illness of one
week. She was a native of Ad
I vance, and spent her entire life
in Davte County. She was mar
ried on Sept. 1, 1878. to Giles Bar-
neycoetlc. who died 20 yeara ago.
Surviving are three sons, Wal
ter, Willie and Henry Barneycas*
tie, of Advance; four daughters,
• Mrs. Stella Williams, Mrs. R. S.
Cornatzer,and Mrs. Matthew Fin
ger; Advance, and Mrs. Nina Bean
of Cooleemec: 21 grandchildren
and 12 great grandchildren.
Mrs. Lois Smith
Mrs. Lois Smith, 34, wife of R.
G. Smith, died at her home in
East Mocksville Wednesday, fob
lowing an illness of three years.
Funeral services were held at 2
p. m. Thursday at Union Chapel
Methodist Church, with Dr. Rob
ert King, Revs. E. H. Garrrell and
Fo.ster Lofiin officiating, and the
body laid to rest in the church
Surviving are the husband and
two sons, Yoman and Carman
Smith, of the home; the parents, f
Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor; two
brothers, Clyde and Roy Taylor,
of this rounty, and one sister, Mrs.'
Nonnan Leach, Mocksville,
Bio - Obituaries - 4/21/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 23, 1948 - Page 1
Corp. G. W. Allen
Rites Wednesday
The body of Corp. Grndy W.
Allen, 33, of Mocksvillc. who was
killed in action August 25, 1044,
In Souliicrn Frimco. nrrlvod here
Funeral services were held on
Wednesday at Wesley Chnpol
Methodist churcl) with Rev. J. S.
Folger and Rev. Jomcs H. Groce
in charge. The Veterans of For
eign Wnrs posts of Mocksvillc nnd
Win.ston«Snicm conducted mili
tary honors.
Corporal Allen was with tl)c
nnti-aircrnft division of tlic coast
nrtllicry. lie was the son of Wil
liam Asbury and Loin L. Lnkcy
Surviving arc the parents; two
brothers, Willie H. Allen of
Mocksvllle, Route 2, and Leo C.
Alton of Cnnn, Route 1; and four
sisters, Mrs. Robert L. Caudle of
Cana, Route 1, and Mrs. Viola
Potts, Mrs. J. R. Bowles and Mrs.
Robert Edgison of Kannapolis.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 23,1948-Page 8
F. A. Npylor, Smith
Grove, Dies At Home
P ,A, Nnylor, 80, former Win-
ston-Salcni grocery merchant for
20 years, died at his home at
Smith Grove Friday.
Born in High Point January 20,
1802, he moved to Mocksvllle at
un early age and spent the re
mainder of his life there except
for the 20 years In Wlnston-Salcm.
He was n member of the Smith
Grove Methodist church and the
Junior Order of the Mocksvillc
Council No. 226.
Ho Is survived by his widow,;
Mrs. Mary-Cash "Naylor; two sons,
F. A. Naylor. Jr., of Kerncrsville,
and James G. Naylor, UU. S. Mer
chant Marine; two daughter,
Mrs. J. M. Grocc of Mocksvillc,
Route 3. and Mrs. Enrle Cnudill,
North Wilke.sboro: a sister, Mrs.
W. L. Hones, Mocksvillc, Route 3,
nine grandchildren and five
Funeral services were conduct
ed at 3 p.m. Saturday at the
Smith Grove Methodist church by
Rev. J. S. Folgcr and Rev. J. W.
Vestal. Burial will be in the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/23/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 28,1948
Cpl G. M/. Allen
iPuneral services foe Corporal
Grady W. Allen, 33, of Mocks-
ville. Route 2, who was killed in
action Aug. 25, 1944, in Southern
France, were held at 3 p. last
Wednesday at Wesley's Chapel
Methodist Church with Revs. J.
S. Folger and James H. Groce in
charge. The Veterans of Foreign
Wars post of Mocksville, conduc
ted the burial with military honors.
Corporal Allen was with the
anti-aircraft division of the coast
artillery. He was die son of Mr.
and Mrs. W, A. Aden.
Surviving are the parents; two
brothers, W. H. Allen, of Mocks
ville, Route 2, and Leo G. Allen,
Cana, Route 1; four sisters, Mrs.
Robert Caudle of Cana, Route 1;
Mrs. Viola Potts, Mrs. Robert Ed-
gison and Mrs. J. R. Bowles, of
William Fowler
I William Fowler, Negro, 29, was
.killed almost instantly Sunday af
(temoon in East Mocksville, by
Avery Foster, Negro policeman.
Foster started to arrest Fowler,
who was drinking, and Fowler
jerked Foster's black-jack. Foster
cook his pistol out, and in a scuf
fle two shots were flred by Foster.
One shot went wild, and the oth
er entered Fowler's heart. Dr.
Garland Greene, coroner, held an
inquest, and the verdict of the
jury was justifiable homicide.
FowLr lived in South Mocks
villc, and is survived by his wife
and one child.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/28/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 30, 1948 - Page 4
Funeral Rites For
William Fowler
Funeral services (or William
Fowler, nesro. who died Sunday,
were conducted from the Fair-
field Baptist' church Wednesday
nftcmoon ot 3 o'clock by Rev.
Westmoreland. Surviving arc his
wife, Annie Peck Fowler, one
stepdaughter, Virginia, his par*
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Atlas Fowler,
ond four brothers, James, Thom
as and Rowland.
He died as a result of gunshot
wounds suffered during a scuf
fle on Depot street Sundoy after
noon with Avery Foster, police-
mon in that scctlon of town. He
was said by Investigating officers
to be resisting arrest by Foster.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/30/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
iFiiial Riles Arraug^rl
For Surgeon U. GBin^ooil
} Pfnnl /oi* Surgeon Bnxler
jCarwood. 06. of Old Ruirnl Hall
I Road will bo hold nl SfcrOO p.m.
I Wednesday nt Iho homo mid al 4
n.m. nt Ihe graveside at Porlc Bap'
Itisl Church Cenicteiy In Davlo
jUouiiiy. Dr. Charles If. Sleveiw
■Will ofCiciale.
i The body will bo lakcai lu Ihe'liomo at 9 a.m. lodai'.
Mr. Garwood died uiioxpccledly
nl 10 a.m. yn-Jtorday .it his liomo.lie had lived In Winston-Salcm18 yp.'ir.'; and hnri hpcn n^ouM'inlcilwith P. 11. lbiiic.s Knitting Com
pany until his rcUreiuenl in Sep-[etnby.
He had moved from SouthBroad SlriH't In llio prcscid lioinc*pinco only last week. He wasnieniber of Snlom Baplist Church
•'tinlor Order in Mocks-Villc. ^ 1A • nntlvi; ot Dnvie County,where lu» siiciil his early life, Mr.Crurwouil \v:i.s .Inne 16, 1881,^11 of A, M. aiul Amanda FosteiGarwood. On Sept. T4, 1907, homarried Mi>;; l.illic Williams, who
Also .siii'v-ivine arc one dauph-ler. Mrs. fl. O, Bennett, Winston- I.Saroni; two t:<'}iiiflHiiJiri*i*ri; four.'asLei-N, Mrs. .1. K. Alderman oflln-
leigh, Mrs. C. R. Transou of Boon-
J. W. Foster andL. M. Williams of Winston-Salcm.-and a foster broUier, Rev.A. Y. Carter of Bedford, Va.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/2/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
S, B, Garwood, 66,
Dies Unexpectedly
Spurgeon Baxter Garwood, 66,
of Old Hural Hall Road died un
expectedly at 10 a.m. today at his
Born June IS, 1881, in Oavie
County, the sou ot A. M. and
Amanda Foster Garwood, he
spent his early life in Davie, com
ing to Winston-Salem 18 years
ago, when he became associatca
with P. H. Hanes Knitting Com
pany. He retired last September,
and Had moved from South Broad
Street to the present home place
only last week.
He was a member of Salem
Baptist Church and of the Junior
Order of United American Me
chanics in Mocksville.
On Sept 14, 1907, he married
the former Miss Lillic Williams,
who survives, along with one
daughter, Mrs. R. O. Bennett,
SVinston - Salem; two grandchil
dren; four sisters,' Mrs. J. B. Al
derman, Raleigh, Mrs. C. R.
Transou, Boonville. an d Mrs.
J. W. Foster and'Mrs. L. M. Wil
liams, both of Winston-Salem;
and a foster brother. Rev. A. Y.
Carter, Bedford, Va.
The body will remain at Vog-
ler's Funeral Home pending ar
Bio - Obituaries - 5/3/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 5,1948
Arnold Y. Smith
Arnold V. Smith, 14, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Robak Smith, of
near Redland, died at a StatesvlUe
hospital last Tuesday afternoon*
where he had been a patient for
three days.
Funeral services were held at
the home at 2:30 p. m., Tltursday,
followed by services at Bethlehem
Methodist Church at 3 p. m.
Revs. J. S. Folgor, J. G. Bruncr
and J. W. Vestal officiated.
Survivors include the parents:
two brothers, Terry and Steve
Smith, of the home; and the ma*
tcmal grandmother, Mrs. S. W.
Bowden, of near Redland.
John A. Hepler
John A. Hepler, 75, of Route 2,
Harmony, died Wednesday at his
Mr. Hcplcr was a native of Da*
vidson County, but lived m Davic
County many years before moving
to Iredell County 32 years ago.
home following a long illness.
Funeral services were held at 3
p. m. Friday at Oak Grove Metho
dist Church, with Rev. J. B. Fitz
gerald officiating, and the body
laid to rest In the church ceme
Surviving are the wife; a daugh
ter, Mrs. Dewey Joyner, ofMocks-
vUle, Route I; a son, George Hep
ler, Harmony, R. 2, seven grand
children; 12 great-grandchildren,
and one sister, Mrs. Rcna Boger,'
of Mocksville*
Bio - Obituaries - 5/5/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 7,1948 - Page 1
Cpl. Allm Buried
With Military Honors
Full militaiy honori were con*
ducted for Corp. Grody Allen at
Pino Methodist church on April
31 by Thomas Ray Davis post,
Veterans of foreign Wars of
Fred R. Leagans acted as com
mander with Joe Galen of the
Wlnston*Salem post, Veterans of
Foreign Wars, acting os officer of
the day.
Rev. R. M. Hardce, post cahp
loin, had charge of the religious
ceremonies. The firing squad was
in charge of Alvis King wth fol
lowing members taking port: B.
C. Ellis, Jr., Joe King, James
Swiccgood, Hubert H. Hayes, Wll
liam L. Carter and E. L. Morris.
Henry Smith wais color bearer
and Jimmlc Campbell bugler.
Active pallbearers were Wood-
row Wilson, C. F. Mcroncy, Jr.,
Bill Daniel, Duke Tuttcrow and
Robert Beck.
The Mocksvillc VFW wishes to
announce that the post is now
prepared to conduct military fu
nerals for nil deceased members
of the armed forces, whether
killed in action or not. Any rel
ative who desires military honors
at funeral arc requested to call or
sec Fred R. Leagans or Rev. R.
M. Hardcc at Mocksvillc.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 7, 1948 - Pages 1 and 8
R. F. Collette
Passes Away
Robert Franklin (Bob) Collette,
03, died unexpectedly Monday
morning at the home of his son,
J. C. Collette. Mocksvillc, R. 2.
He had apparently been in good
health before retiring the night
Surviving arc two sons, J. C.
Collette and Charles W. Collette
of Norfolk, Va., a^id Winston-Sa
lorn; four daughters, Mrs. L. D.
Bogcr, Mrs. B. M. Rummogc and
Mrs. Ima Hutchings, all of Route
2, and Mrs. L. R. Shelton of
Winston-Salem; 20 grandchildren
and eight grcat-grandchlldrcn.
(Continued on Page 8)
Funeral services were conduct-
Collette, and at Eaton Baptist
church by Rev. E. W. Turner,
Rev. J. P. Davis and Rev. Wade
a member of the Eaton church
for a number of years. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/7/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 7, 1948 - Page 9
Joseph Edwin Leagans
Davie Hero's
Body Enroute
Mrs.'Grunvnic Lcuguns of Cana
has received o wire from the Wor
deportment stotine that the body
of her son, First Lieut. Joseph
Edwin Leaeans, is en route to the
United States for reinterment.
Lieut. Leagans was n member
of Co. C, 2nd Hanger Bn.. and
wns hiUcd in the invasion of Nor*
mnndy on June 7, 1044.
Pending arrival of the body,
funeral arrangements have not
been completed except that burial
will be in Eaton's church cem
etery at Cana.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/7/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 12,1948
William M. Ball
William McKinlcy Ball, 47, died
Thursday at his home on Mocks*
ville, ^utc 2, following an exten*
ded illness.
Surviving arc the widow, three
daughters, Sylvia, Phyllis and Lin*
da, sdl of the hom<^ two brothers,
B. S. Ball, Concord, and L. T.
Ball. Route 2; two sisters, Mrs.
Nettie Com, Cooleemee, and Mrs.
Mary Hellard, Salisbury.
Funeral services were held at
the Chestnut Grove Methodist
Church at 4 p. m., Saturday with
Revs. Foster Loflin and James H.
Grocc in charge, and the body
laid to rest in the church cemetery.
James E. Horn
James E. Hom, 65, prominent
North Carolina Mason and a na*
tive of Davie County, died .t his
home in Newton Saturday after a
week's illness. Funeral and bur
ial services occurred at Newton
Monday. Surviving are three sons
and three daughters. One brother,
John Horn, of Smith Grove, also
survives. Mr. Hom hasn't miss
ed attending the Masonic picnic
here in over 60 years. A good man
has gone to his reward.
Spurgeon Garwood
Spurgeon B. Garwood, 66, died
suddenlv at his home on Route 3,
Winston-Salcm, about 10 o'clock
on Monday morning of last week.
His death was a severe shock to
his family, relatives and friends.
Mr. Garwood was a native of
the Fork community. He lived
in Mocksville for a number of
years before moving to Winston-
Salcm 18 years ago.
Surviving are the wife, o daugh
ter, Mrs. Bill Bennett, of the home;
four sisters, Mrs. Laura Transou,
Boonville; MVs. L. M. Williams
and Mrs. Mlttie Foster, Winsion-
Salem. and Mrs. [. E. Alderman,
Raleigh, and two grandchildren.
Funer.ll services were held at
the home at 2:30 Wednesday af
ternoon, and a graveside service
at Fork cemetery at 4 o'clock, with
Dr. Chas. H. Stevens, of Winston-
Salcm ofHciating.
The Record extends sympathy
to the bereaved ones in this hour*
of bereavement. Mr. Garwood
was a good man, and a long time
friend of the editor*
Robert F. Collette
I Robert F. Collette, 83, died un
expectedly Monday morning, May
3ra, at the home of his son, J. C.
Collette, just west of town. He
I was apparently in good health the
, night before.
I Mr. Collette had made his home
n with his son for several years. He
spent his entire life in this coun
ty. His wife died Aug. 1, 1940.
Surviving are two sons, J. C.
Collette, of this city, and Charles
W. Collette, Norfolk, Va.; four
daughters, Mrs. L. D. Boger, Mrs.
R. M. Rummage, and Mrs. Ina
Hutchings, all of R. 2, and Mrs.
L. R. Shclton, Winston-Sa em; 20
grandchildren and eight great
r Funeral services were conduct-
, ed at 3 p. m., last Tuesday at the
I home of J. C Collette, and at 4
p. m-. at Eaton's Baptist Church
,wlth Revs. E. W. Turner, lames
• P. Davis and Wade Huichens of
fidating, and the body laid to rest
in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Geo. Wilkins
* Mf"». G'-nrgf WilUns. wiri«iw Or
Ge'^rfi•> dikd un^xpcriedly of h
h-'-rt Hiliii* nt of 9:30 p nt Frida\- at the
h me of her daughter. Mr». S. A. Hnrdini*
of thi* rliv.
Mr Wilkina had made hp? homo here
v|,h Pr^I'd Mrs Herding for ih« pnat IQ
ynra. Her hnsbnnd. Cr. WiNina. whs i<
idiineer in Dallas Texas.
A native nf Yadkin Cainty. she wa< «
daufihter of Mr and Mri. William Reavie,
SurvWinit are her daogat' r. a grandHOi
Slid two hroihera. Saiiiford and Dudley
Reavis of Yadkin County
Funeral services were condui'ted a:
2 p. m. Sunday atCuartnev B (*hur<-h
In Yadaln Omnty hy Rev C W. Tur»i-».
and Rev. J P D>vH. Boriiii was >n th>
church cen etery.
Mrs. W. M. Butler]
Mrs. W. M. Butler, of Salisbury,
a native of this county, and a sis
ter of Mrs. J. F. Dwlrc and Mrs.
N. T. Foster, of this city, died at
Rowan Memorial Hospital May
3rd. Funeral and burial services
took place in Salisbu^ last Tues i
day afternoon. Surviving are the
husband, three children, three sis
ters and two brothers. j
Bio - Obituaries - 5/12/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 12,1948
W. W. Allen
W. W. Allen, 67, a native of,
Oavie County, died at the home,
of a daughter in Salisbury, on May
2nd. Funeral services were held,
at Smith Grove Methodist Church
and the body laid to rest in the
church cemetery Wednesday at 3:
o'clock. Mr. Allen had been sick
for some time. Surviving arc sev
en daughters and five sons, among
them Ming Mrs. Robert Kurfe^,
of near Mocksville, Mr. Allen is,
a brother of Mrs. Lee Craven, of
this dty.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/12/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 14,1948 - Page 3
Mr, LmvOley Betired
B. r. Unvllle, 74, retired Ytd-
kin county farmer, died at 10 p.m.
Saturday at hla home at Wyo.
near Farminfton. He had been
111 for two month*.
Mr. Llnvllle was bom In Yad*
kin county, January 7, 1074. Hla
wife, the former MIm Minnie
White, died November 12, 1920.
Surviving are four daugfttera,
Mrs. Elmo Smith and Mrs. J. M.
Gordan, both of Yadkin county,
Mrs. E. F. Grahl and Mrs. P. P.
Snnzo, both of Detroit, Mich.; and
five sons, J. R. Llnvllle of Yad*
kin county, B. T. Llnvllle of
Portsmouth, Va., R. F. Llnvllle of
Winston-Salcm, L. A. and J. W.
Linv'illc, both of Detroit, Mich.
Funeral services were conduct"
cd Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
nt Mt. Olivet Methodist church.
Rev. J. S. Foglcr ond Rev. James
H. Groce conducted the services.
Burial was In the church com-
i otci-y.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 14, 1948 - Page 4
I Mrs. George WiUdiis
Dies At Mocksville
Mrs. George Wilklns, widow of
Dr. George ^Ikins, died unex
pectedly of a heart ailment at
9:30 p.m. Friday at the home of
! her daughter, Mrs. S. A. Harding,
I of Mocksville.'
I Mrs. wilklns had made her
'home here with Dr. and Mrs.
Harding for the past 10 yearn.
Her husband, Dr. Wllkins, was a
pioneer dentist In Dallas, Texas,
where she spent most of her life.
A native of Yadkin county, she
was daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Reivlt.
Surviving are her daughteri »
grandson and .two.brothers» .Sant*
fcrd and Dudley Reavia of Tad*
kin county.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at 2 p.m. Sunday at Court
ney Baptist church in Yadkin
county by Rev. E. W. Turner and
Rev. J. P. Davis. Burial was in
the church cemetery. Pallbear
ers were Samuel. Joel, Cecil,
jOIen, Donald and Duard Reavis.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/14/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 14,1948 - Page 4
William Ball
Dies In Davie
WilUam McKinlcy (Ktn) Ball,
47. diod Friday nt his home on
Mocksvillo, Houto 2, after a one-
year illness.
He was a son of the late Wil*
Horn Franklin Ball and Mary Ann
O'Neal Ball. Surviving arc the
widow, Mrs. Etva Owings Boll;
three daughters, Sylvia Joyce,
Phyllis Carol ond Linda Gail Ball,
all of the home; two brothers,
Bi-rtic Sondford Ball of Concoid
ond Luke Tillct Ball of Mocks*
villc. Route 3; and two sisters.
Mrs. Nettie Mac Corn of Coolce-
moc and Mrs. Mary Lena Hcllard
of S.ilisl>ury.
Funeral services were conduct*
cd at the Chestnut Grove Mcth*
odist church near here ot 4 p.m.
Saturday. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/14/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 19,1948
D. G. Grubhs
D. G. Gnibbs, 65, died at his
home, 744 Cherry street, at 10:00
o'clock Friday morning following
an extended illness. i
Funeral services were held at 4
p. m. Saturday at Eaton's Baptist
Church with Revs. J. P. Davis and
E. W. Turner olHciating, and the
body laid to rest in the church'
cemetery. I
Surviving are the wifa, three
sons, W. M. Grubbs, Savannah,
Ga.; P. C. Grubbs, Mocksville, and
Dwight Grubbs. of Charlotte; five
daughters, Miss Clara and Geneva
Grubbs and Mrs. Paul Hendrix of i
Mocksville; Mrs. W. M. Richie, of
Salisbury, and Mrs. E. R. Benton,
Newport News, Va.
Mrs. Margaret
I Funeral services for Mrs. Mar
csret Shaw Edwards. 72. who died
fast Wednesday in a Gary, Ind.,
hospital, following a short illness,
were conducted at2t30p. m.. Sun
day at New Union Methodist
Church, with Rev. Foster Lofltn
officiating, and the body laid to
rest in the church ccmeterv.
Mrs. Edwards was Miss Marga
ret Shaw before marriage, and liv
ed in the Sheffield community for
many years. She was the widow
of A. W. Edwards, who lost his
life while dynamiting stumps .on
his farm 22 years ago.
Mrs. Edwards is survived bv
two sons, James H. Edwards, of
Harmony, R. 1, and Luther Ed
wards, of Gary, Ind., where she
spent the winters, and one daugh-
ter, Mrs. J. E. Quillan. of Mocks
ville. Mr. and Mrs. Quillan were
{in Gary when Mrs. Edwards died,
land accompanied the body home.
To the bereaved sons and dau
ghter, The Record extends heart
felt sympathy in this sad hour.
Wfilliam M. Click
William M. Click, 77, died at
his home in Cooleemce on May
10th, following a long illness.
Funeral services were held at the
Cooleem.e Methodise Church last
' Tuesday at 4 o'clock, with Revs.
W. A. Jenkins, G. W. Clay and
' H. C. Freeman officiating, and the
body carried to Statesville and in-
j tered in Oakwood cemetery.
SurviWng are the wife, two sons
'and three daughters; two broth-
'ers, W. G. Click, Salisbury, and
Chariic Click, Woodleaf, and one
sister, Mrs.J.P. Burton, Hickory.
Mrs.J. H.Clontz
Mr. and Mrs: E. H. Clontz and
children went to Hickory Thurs
day morning to attend the funeral
and burial of Mr. Clontz' mother,
Mrs. J. H. Clontz, 73, who died at
her home in that city Wednesday
Funeral services were held at 10 30
Thursday morning at the First
Methodist Church in Hickory.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/19/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 21, 1948 - Page 1
William Roy Garwood
WiUiom Roy Garwood, SO, New
Lexington rood, Wlnston-Salcm,
Route 4/ died unexpectedly at
his home at 3:45 a.m. Sunday. He
wos born June 23,1897, in Mocks*
viUe, a son of WUUam W. and
Annie MarkUn Garwood. His boy
hood was spent in Davie county
before he moved to Winston 3ft
years ago.
D. G. Grubbs, 65, retired con
tractor, n died at his home here
Friday, after a six-months period
of declining health.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at 4 p.m. Saturday at Eatons
Baptist church by Rev. J. P. Da
vis and Rev. E. W. Turner. Burial
was In the church cemetery.
Mr. Grubbs. was a son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Grubbs.
Surviving ore his wife, the for
mcr Miss Annie Heath; three
sons, W. M. Grubbs of Savonnah,
Gb., p. C. Grubbs of Mocksville
and Dwlght Grubbs of Charlotte;
five daughters, Misses Clara and
Geneva Grubbs and Mrs. Paul
Hendrlx, all of Mocksville, Mn.
W. N. Ridiie of Saliibury and
Mrs. E. R. Baaton of Newport
News. Vs.; and 1ft grandchildrea
and two creat-graadchUdrtn..
Bio - Obituaries -5/21/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 21, 1948 - Page 4
William Click,
Cooleemee, Dies
William Michael Clich. Coolcc-
mcc, a foreman in the shipping
department of the Erwin mill,
died at 4:30 a.m. Monday at hla
home. He had been in poor health
for several months.
The son of William Michael
and Mary Snyder Click, he was
born June 25, 1071. He was a
membrr of the Junior Order and
the Rcdmcn.
He U survived by his widow,
Mt'9. Etta Ijumcs Click, ond the
following children: C. V., of
Greenville, Mrs. E. P. Van Aukcn
of Newton, N. J., Murlc Click of
the home, Mrs. W. E. Rogers of
Baltimore, and W. I. Click of
Spartanburg. Four grandchil*
dren also survive.
Funorpl services were held at
the Coolccmcc Methodist church
at 4 p.m. Tuesday.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/21/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 21,1948 - Page 8
Pvt. White of Cana
Buried At Mt. OHve
The body of Pvt. Robert L.
White of R. 1, Cana, who was
killed in action In Forbach, Ger>
many, during the invasion of IMS,
was rcburlcd at Wyo in Mt. Olive
church cemetery on Sunday, May
16, with military honors by
Thomas Roy Davic post, Veterans
of Foreign Wors of Mocksvillc.
The burial detail consisted of
Fred R. Lcagans, commonder; R.
M. Hardcc, chaplain; Robert
Evans, color scrgeont; J. N. An-
dcrson and Ray Laglc, Jr.. color
guards; Cpl. Randall H. Joyncr,
military escort; Jimmie Campbell,
bugler; pallbearers were C. F.
Meroncy, Jr., J. C. Jones, Mac
Kimbrough, Frank Koontz, Rich
ard Bceding, Roy W. Call, Robert
Beck. The firing squad was com
posed of Alvls King, sergeant In
charge, James B. Swiccgood, Ben
C. Ellis, Joe King, Hubert Hayes.
William L. Carter, £. L. Morris
and Craig Carter.
The ladies* auxiliary of the
VFW was represented by Mrs.
Maxalene S. Matthews, auxiliary
Robert Lee Bogcr, 61, of
MockiVille, Route 2. died at his
home at 7:50 p.m. Sunday follow
ing a serious illness of one week.
He had been in declining health
four years.
Mr. Bpgcr was born September
10. 1066, In Davie county, a son
of Mr. and Mrs. Powell Bcger.
He wos a member of Union
Chapel Methodist church. He was
twice married, first to Mrs. Min
nie Cheshire Boger, who died
November 17, 1893, and later to
Mrs. Minnie Summers Boger,
who died September 24, 1945.
Surviving are two sons, Virgil
L. and Guy Bogcr, both of
Mocksvllle, Route 1; three daugh
ters, Mrs. Latta Ratledge of
Mocksvllle, Route 1; Mrs. G. W.
Latham of Wlnston-Salem, and
Mrs. Homer Hunter of the. home;
one slater, Mrs. M. F. Nichols,
of Mocksvillc, Route 3; one half-
sister, Mrs. Floyd Eaton, of
Mocksvllle, Route 2; and one half-
brother, Malcui Boger of Mocks
vllle, Route 2; four grandchildren
and one great-grandchild.
Funeral services were held at
the home at 2*15 p.m. Tuesday
and at Union Chapel Methodist
church at 3 p.m. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/21/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 26,1948
R. L. Roger
Robert L. Boger, 81, died at bis
home on Route 2, May 17th. fob
lowing an extended tllneas. He
was a member of Union Chapel
Methodist Church.
Surviving are two sons and
three daughters, one sister, one
half'sister and a half'brother.
Funeral services were held at
the home at 2:15 last Tuesdayand
at Union Chapel at 3 p. m., with
Rev. Foster Loflin officiating, and
the body laid to rest in the church
jwilliam Roy Garwood
William Roy Garwood, 50, of|
Winston-Salem, died suddenly at
his home on May 17th. Mr. Gar-
wood was bom in Moctcsville, the
son of Mrs. W. W. Garwood and
the late Mr. Garwood, who mov*
ed to Winston'Salem about 35
years ago. His ^ther died a few
weeks ago. Surviving are the
wife, a step'Son, the modier, two
brothers an<iP three sisters. Fun
eral and burial services sook place
in Winston Salem last Tuesday.
Chas» A, Seamon
C. A. SeamoD. S7, died at his home on
Route 4. Friday evcolng, following an ea*
tended illness.
Sorviving are his wife. Mrs. Grace Holt
Seamon; three eons, two daughters, six
hrotbepi. three sisters, four grandchildren.
Funeral aervices were hold at St. Mat-
thewi Lutheran Church at 3 p m,. Satur.
day, with Rev. J. B. Fitz erald officiating,
and the body laid to rest in the church
The Record extends sympathy to the
hereoved family in rhis hour of bereave
Bio - Obituaries - 5/26/1948 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 28,1948 - Page 1
Sherrie llynn Pack
Died Last We^
Funeral services ^or Shcrrle
Lynn Pack, Infant daughter of
G. and Janell Young Peck,
Mocksville, were conducted at
graveside at Fulton Methodist
church in Davie county last
week by Rev. H. R. Jordan.
The infant was one month old.
She died last Yuesday night in a
Winston-Salem hospltaL .
She la survived by her parents
and grandparents.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/28/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 2,1948
Mrs. George H.
Funeral services were held last
Saturdav afternoon at 2 o'clock at
the home, and at 3 p. m . at Cor
natzer Methodbt Church for Mrs.
Sallie Comatzer McDaniel, 65,
who passed away at her home on
Route 3, last Wednesday. Servi'
ces were conducted by Rev. F. R*
Lodin, pastor of Comatzer Metho*
dist Church, where Mrs. McDan
iel had been a member for die
past 42 years. Rev. P. L, Smith,
of Valdese, a fornier pastor, assist'
ed in the services.
Mrs. McDaniel was a daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. John K.
Comatzer. Surviving are the hus*
band and two daughters, Mrs.
Lawrence Williams, Route 3, and
Miss Bertha McDaniel, of ^e
Bio - Obituaries — 6/2/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 4, 1948 - Page 7
Mrs. George McDanicI
Died Last Wcdi
lln. Gcorfe A. McDaniel, 65,
of IfocktvlUe, R. 9, died lost week
at home.
She had tpent her entire life
near the Davie county community
of Comataer, and was the former
Miss Sally Comatzcr, a daugh*
ter of John G. and Mary McCor«
ter Comatzer.
Surviving are the husband;
two daughters, Mrs. Lawrence
Williams of Mocksvillc ond Miss
Bertha McDanicI of the home.
Funeral services were held at
the home and at Comotzcr Meth
odist church, of which she was a
member. Rev. Foster Loflin, pas
tor, officiated and was assisted
by Rev. P. L. Smith, Burial was
in the diurch cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/4/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 9,1948
Conrad Everhardt
M. C. Everhardt, 64, fonner of
the Oak Forest community, died
at his home Thursday, following
an illness of six weeks. He was a
native of Jerusalem township.
Surviving are the wife, the for*
mcr Miss Bess Click, of Mocks
ville; two sons and three daugh'
ters; three sisters, Mrs. T. J. Beck,
Mrs. Julia Coots and Mrs. Liage
Dennon, all of R.4, Mocksville.
Funeral services were held at 2
p. m., Friday at Bunch Funeral
Chapel, Statcsville, with Revs. Co
ell ^nes, Joe Taylor and Baxter
Thompson officiating, and the
body brought to Mocksville and
laid to rest in Rose cemetery.
Bio — Obituaries - 6/9/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 16,1948
Curtis VanZant
Curtis VanZant, 82, for many
years a resident of this city, but:
who has made his home in Wins*!
ton«Salem for many years, died at
Castevens Clinic near Hanes, on
Thursday night, death resulting'
from pneumonia. I
Surviving are one son, Troy'
VanZant. one daughter, Mrs. Har
vey Hoots, both of Winston-Sal
em; two halfbrothers, T. A. Van-
&nt, of Calahaln. and Enoch Van
Zant, of Indiana.
Funeral services were held at
the home of his son in Winston
Salem Sunday afternoon at two
o'clock, and the body laid to rest
in Center Methodist Church ce
Bio - Obituaries - 6/16/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 23,1948
Lamon M. Eaton
Funeral services for Lamon M.
Eaton, 47* who died suddenly at
his home in Cooleemee, ac8a. m.,
on Tune 13th, were held at Chest'
nut Grove Methodist Church at 4
p. m., last Tuesday, with Revs. ?•
R. Loflin and J. H. Groce ofHciat
ioR, and the body laid to rest in
the church cemetery. I
Mr. Eaton was a son of the late!
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Eaton, of near.
Cana, ond spent his entire life inf
Davlc County. He was a good
citizen, and a long'time friend ofj
die editor. We shall miss hisi
hearty hand'shakc and cheerful i
greeting. I
Mr. Eaton had been with thej
Erwln Mills for the past 14 years.
He moved from the farm to Coo
leecnec about two years ago.
Mr. Baton is survived by his
wife, Mrs. Mae Hunter Eaton; a
son, John Dwigh^ and a sbter,
Miss Bclva Eaton, of Cana.
Bio - Obituaries — 6/23/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 25,1948 - Page 7
L. M. Eaton, 47, Dies
At Cooleemee Home
Lamon Moody Eoton. 47, died
at his home on 22 Irving street,
Coolccemcc, Sunday, June 13.
An employee of Erwin Mills
lor the Jttsl 14 years, Mr. Eaton
was the son of N. C. and Betty
Ann Hunter Eaton.
Mr. Eaton is survived by his
wife, Mac Hunter Eaton; a son,
John Dwight: and a sister, Miss
Bclvn Eaton, of Cann.
IHincrn) services were conduct
ed at the Chestnut Grove Meth
odist church at 4 p.m., June 15
by Rev. F. R. LoHin and Rev. J.
H. Grocc. Btirial was in the
church cemetery.
Services To Be Held
For Lt Leoguis
Funeral tervices will be held
at Eaton's Baptist church, Cana,
on Sunday, June 37, at 3 p.m.
for First Ueut. Joseph Edwin
Leagans, Co. G, 2nd Ranger bat
talion, who was killed in action
on Omaha Beachhead on June 7,
Lieut. Leagans was the son of
Mary Comilla Collette and the
late GranviUe Leagans of Cana.
He graduated from Mocksville
High school in 1938 and entered
State college, where he graduated
in May, 1942, and was commis
sioned a second lieutenant of in-
He entered active service on
June 26, 1942, and after .<(crvlcc
in a , number of camps in the
States went overseas in Decem
ber, 1943. He voluntccrcil for
service in (he Rangers and was an
nriginnl member of Co, G, 2nd
Rongor battalion, which was or-
cnnizd and trained nn the Ulc of
Wight in the English Chonncl.
While on duty os referee on
maneuvers in Arizona he was
married at Bisbcc, Ariz., on Sep
tember 10, 1943, to Miss Mary
Farlow of GVccnsboro, who sur
vives and is now on duty at Vet
erans hospital at Otccn.
Other survivors in additiun to
the widow and mother are: four
brothers, Fred R. Leagans of
Mocksville; John Paul Leagans.
Raleigh; Charlie S. Leagans, Wal
nut Cove, and Cecil E. Lcagnns
of Cona; five sisters, Mrs. E, M.
Jones, Thomasvillc; Mrs. L. C.
Colcy, Rockwell; Mrs. Clyde Jar-
vis, Farmington; Mrs. Annie New
ton, R. 3, Greensboro; Mrs. Dor
othy Marx, Philadelphia, Pa.
Full military honors will be
given by Thomas Ray Davis post.
Veterans of Foreign Wars, of
MocksviJlc, with Capt. John N.
Anderson serving as commander;
! S-Sgt. Robert Evnns as officer of
the day, and Maj. R. M. Hardcc
OS post chaplain.
Civilian clergy taking part will
be Rev. H. W. Hutchins, pastor;
Rev. J. H. Groce and Rev. E. W.
, Turner. Special music will be by
Orrcll Etchison quartet of Win-
Bio — Obituaries — 6/25/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 30,1948
Lieut. Meams
Funeral services were held at
Eaton's Baptist Church, Cana, on
Sunday, June 27ch, at 3:00 P.
for First Lt. Joseph Edwin la
gans, Co. G. 2nd Ranger Bat-
taliion who was killed in action
on cheiOmahaBeachtiead un June
7th, 1944. Lieutenant Leagans was
the son of Mary Comilla Collette
and the late Granville Leagans of
Cana. He graduated from Mocks-
villeHigh School in 1938. and en
tercd State College, Raleigh, where
he graduated in May 1942 and
commissioned a 2nd Lt. of In
fantry. He entered active service
on Tune 26th, 1942 and after set-
vice in a number of Camps in the
States went overseas in December
1943, landing in England in time
for Christmas. He volunteered
for service in the Rangers and was
an ori^nal member of Co. G, 2nd
Ranger Batallion which was organ-
Ized and trained on the Isle of
Wight in the Eng.ish Channel.
While on duty as referee on
maneuvers in Arlzonahewas mar
ried at Bisbee Arizona on Septem
ber 10, 1943, to Miss Mary Farlow
of Greensboro, who survives and
is now on duty at Veterans Hos
pital at Oteen, N. C.
Other survivors in addition to
the widow and mother are: Four
brothers, bred R. Leagans of
Mocksville; John Paul Leagans,
Raleigh; Charlie S. Leagans, Wal
nut Cove -nd Cecil E. Leagans' of
Cana. Five sisters: Mrs. E. M,
Jones, Thomasville; Mrs. L. C.
Coley, Rockwell; Mrs. Clyde Jar-
vis, Formington; Mrs. Annie New
ton, R. 3. Greensboro; Mrs. Doro
thy Marx, Philadelphia, Pa. Full
military honrors were given by
Thomas Ray Davis Post, Veterans
of Foreign Wars of Mocksville,
with Captain John N. Anderson
serving as Commander, S. Sgt,
Robert Eveans as Ofitcer of the
Day, and Major R, M. Hardee as
Post Chaplm.
Civilian Clergy taking part werci
Rev. H. W. Hutchins,Pastor;Rev.!
J. H. Groce and Rev. E. W. Turn
er. Special music was given by
Orrel! Ecchison Quartett, of Win
ston Salcm. i
Bio - Obituaries - 6/30/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 30,1948
Bristol Barnette
Bristol Barnette, 33, died at his
home on Salisbury street at 9:30
p. Din last Tuesday evening, death
resulting from pistol wounds. Cor
oner Garland Greene pronounced
it suicide.
Mr. Barnette moved here from
Harmony 12 years ago. He is sur
vived by his wife, two children,
Dreiser Ann and Michael, ot this
city; his parents, of Harmony;
three brothers and five sisters.
Funeral services were held from
Hebron Baptist Church Friday af
ternoon at 3 o'clock, with Rev
G. D. White officiating. n assisted
by Rev. J. P. Davis, of this dty.
Burial followed in the church ce
This is the third suicide that
has occurred here since January
Mrs. U. H. Myers
Mrs. U. H. Myors, 79, died at
her home near Advance Thurs
day night.
Surviving are the husband; five
sisters, Mrs. Lonnie Richardson,
R. 1, Mocksville; Mrs. Will Ham-
mons. MayuJan; Mrs. C. W. Low
ery, K. 2, Mocksvilie; Mrs. Chas.
Hartman, Salisbury, and Mrs. Joe
Chaffin, R. 2, Mocksville; and two
brothers. Fink Richardson, Salis
bury, R. 2, and Jesse Richardson,
Funeral services were held at
2:30 p. m., Sunday at New Union
Methodist Church, with Rev. F.
R. Lofiin officiating, and the body
laid to rest in die church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries — 6/30/1948 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY