Jul - DecMOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 1,1949, Pages 1 & 8 B. H. TUCKfK DIES AT 83 Benjamin Harrison Tucker, 63, of Advance, Route 2, died at 9 a.m. Monday at hit home. He had been in declining health for two years. Hit condition was te* rious for the past lour days. Mr. Tucker was born March 7, 1868, in Davle county, a son of Z. V. and Mollie Siddcn Tucker. He spent all of his life in Davie county, near Advance, where he was a well known farmer. He was a member of Shady Grove Methodist church of Advance. On January 1,1916, he was mar* ried to Miss Nettie Cousin, who survlvct with three daughters, Mrs. Junior Spry, Mrs. Austin Cope and Miu Bettic .Gean' Tuck* (Ceetiawd as Page •) MORE ABOUT B. H. TUCKER er, all of Ad^yance; two sons, Jas. Lester and Wilbur Tucker of Ad vance; four grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Glenn Bailey of Lex ington. Route 3. and Mrs. Bonce Bailey of Advance, Route 2; two brothers, John Tucker of Win- ston-Salem, and J. Z. Tucker of Winsion-Salem, Route 4. Funeral services were held at the home at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday and at 9 p.m. at Shady Grove Methodist church. Officiating ministers were Rev. R. J. Star ling, Rev. Howard Jordan and Rev. Alex Doby. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 7/1/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 6,1949 C. S. Boger Charlie S. Boger, 68, died at his home, Mocksville, Route 2, last Tuesday. Surviving are the wife, Mrs. Amanda Miller Boger, three sons, John H. Boger of Mocksville, Route 3, Clarence Boger of China Grove and Grady Boger of Mocks ville, Route 3; three daughters, Mrs. Roy White of Mocksville, Mrs. Bill Angell of Mocksville, Route 3, and Miss Lois Boger of the home; two grandchildren; one brother, N. A. Boger of Mocks ville, Route 2, and three sisters. Mrs. Dave Jordan of Mocksville, Route 2, Mrs. Frank Latham of Cana, Route 2, and Mrs. Marian Taylor of Rowan County. Funeral services were held at Bethel Methodist Church at 11 a. m., Thursday, Rev. Foster Lof- lin, Rev. Wade Hutchens and Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald ofHciated. Burial was in the church ceme tery. B. H. Tucker Benjamin Harrison Tucker, 63, of Advance, Route 2, died Mon day at his home. He had been in declining health for two years. He spent all his life in Davie County, near Advance, where he was a well known farmer. He was a member of Shady Grove Methodist Church of Advance. On Jan. 1, 1916, he was married tolMiss Nettie Cousin, who sur vives with three daughters, four grandchildren;' two sisters, two brothers. Funeral services were held at the home at 2:30 p. m„ Wednes day and at 3 r-> at Shady Grove Methodist Church. Officiating ministers were Rev. R. J. Starling, Rev. Howard Jordaa and Rev. Alex Doby. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. T. C. Pegram Mrs. T. C. Pegram, 58, of Coo leemee, died in a Scatesville hos pital Wednesday, following a long illness. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock, at Cooleemee Methodist Church. Interment was in Ashe ville Cemetery. Surviving are the husband one daughter and a brother. Bio - Obituaries — 7/6/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 8,1949, Page 1 Mrt, T. C^Pcgm Of CodtdbM, Did Mri. C;.xrcfruB, SI, of Coo- lecmec, dleiitWe*wday at 1:11 a.m. at PaVrftiitiihl.- BtatwUlt: She had been io failinf health for atwiut Q year. Mrs. Pegram was born August 27, 1891, In Newbem, Va., the daughter of Michael and Sue Craigc Jordan. She was a mem ber of the Cooleemee Methodist church. Funeral services were held She is survived by her hus band, Thomas C. Pegram, super- inlcndent of the Erwin Mill at Cooleemee; one di^^ghter, Mrs. 7. T. Sessoms of Chapel Hill, a brother, F. H. Jordan of Dun- blin. Va. on 17)ursday at I p.m. at the Coo leemee Methodist church, with Rev. Fred H. Shinn in charge. Bu rial was in the Riverside ceme tery at AsheviUe. i>aUbcarers were J. L. James, T. G. Sexton, £, M. Holt, J. It McNeely, John Coaley and Hor ace Robertson. Hc^orary pallbearers were Dr. J. S. Holbrook, Dr. Lester Mar tin, A. D. Walters. James Alex ander, M. H. Hoyle and M. A. Carpenter. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 8,1949, Page 4 S. Sgt. Garland L, Pack To Be Reburied n ::■■■ Ms**--;-*. il Funeral services for S. Sgt. Gurland L. Puck, who lost his life In Okinawa April 22, 1945, will be hold Sunday. July 10, at 3 p.m. nt Fulton Methodist church. Bu rial will be in the church ceme tery with the Rev. J.. R. Starling conducting the service, assisted by Post 4020, Veterans of Foreign Wars of Mocksville. Bio - Obituaries - 7/8/1949 The young man entered the ser vice September 9. 1041, trained at Fort Bragg and Camp Walters. Ho is survived by his parents. G. R. Pack and Mrs. Pearl Lanicr Pack, one brother, Boyd Puck of Advance. R. I; three sisters. Mes-' darncs Reid Shoaf of Le.*clngton, R. 4. Thomas Stewart, of Fork, ind Homer Barnes, of Advance, Toute I. The body will arrive Wednes- lay. July 6. and will be at Wal ter Funeral home until Sunday. Final Rites Held For James Olin Bailey Final rites for Pfc. James Oltn Bailey, son of D. M. Bailey, and Mrs. Mary Livcngood Bailey, will be held Sunday, July 10, at 4 p.m. at Fork Baptist church cem etery. Graveside services will be conducted by the Rev, Lonnie Fleming with full military hon ors by the Veterans of .Foreign Wars, MocksvUlc, Post, 4020. Pfc. Bailey enlisted in the in fantry May 14, 1942, trained at Camp Bowie, Texas Camp Shel by. Miss., nnd Camp Piekctt, Va. He went overseas in April 1944, and lost his life in World War 11. He is survived by his parents, sev- en brothers, Graham Bailey, Bil ly, B M., Jr., Rad. Nelson, Wil- born, of Advance. R. 1, Paul M. Advance, R. 3; two sisters, Mrs. A. O. Michael, of Lexington, R. 4, and Mrs. J. A. Deese of Thom- asvillo. The body will arrive at 11:52. Friday. July 8, and will be ar Walker Funeral home until Sun day. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 8,1949, Page 6 C. S. BOGER DIES NEAR MOCKSVILLE Churlic S. Bogt*r. 08. dtud ut hU homu. Mock:iviIlc, Route 2, ut 3:30 u.in. Tuciduy, Hu u'us a son o£ DewU nnc Sallie Bowles Bogci* and u life time resident of Davie County. Survivins are the wife, Mrs Ainundu Miller Bogcr; three sons. John M, Boger of Mocks- vlllc. Route 3, Clarence Boget of China Grove and Grudy Bog cr of Mocksvillc, Route 3: three litinghloi's, ^Tl•s. Roy White o: Mocksville, Mrs. Bill Angelt ol Mocksvitle, Route 3. und Miss Lois Buger of the home; two grandchildren: one brother, N. A. Bogcr of Mocksvitle, Route 2, and three sisters, Mrs. Oave Jordan of Mouksvlllc. Route 2. Mrs. Frank Latham of Cnna, Route 2, und. Mis. Marion .Taylor of Rowan Funeral services were held ot Bethel Methodist Church near. Muckiville at 11 a.in. Thursday.; Hcv. Foster Loflin, Rev. Wade Hutchens und Rev. J. B. Fitz gerald officiated. Burial was in tile ciiurcli cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 7/8/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 13,1949 Rev. F. W. Frye Rev. F, W. Frve, 64. died at h is home at Jonesville early Wednes day morning following two years of declining health. He was bom in Davie County April 27,18S5, a son of the late James A. and Fonzy Barneycastle Fry. Surviving are tbe wife, five sons and two daughters, two brothers, R. L- and Joe Fry, ol this city. Funeral services were held at Mountain View Baptist Church Friday at 3 p. tn, » Mr. Frye had many friends in Davie County who were sadden ed by news of his death. S. Sgt G. I, Pack Staff Sgt. Garland L. Fade, whu was iiilled on Okinotra. April 22.1945. was re buried at Fulton MethodUt Cbnrcb Sun day afternoon at 2 o'clock, with full mili tary hoDora by MockBVllle Post. V. b. W. Stft. Pack is survived by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gurnle R. Puck and one brotbor Boyd Pack, Advance, R. 1, and three sis- tera. Mrs. Reid Sboaf, Lexington; Mrs. Ho* Rier Bsmee. Advance. R. 1. and Mrs. Tbos Stewart, Fork. Military honors were giv en at tbe grave with Fred R. Leagsos as oommondcr; James B. Swicegood as oflScer! of the day; Alvis King, firing squad com-1 mander; Rev. H. H. Gartrell. chaplain;, Richard Seeding in command of pallhear i ers, and George Haira and Jimmie Camp-| bdl. bnglers • Sgt. Olin Bailey Sgt. Olio BoiJey, who was killed In tbe South Pacific Theatre, was reburled at Fork, on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock* with full military honors ecnduoted by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, V. F. W. oflS-i cars taking part in tbe ceremony were F,| R. Leagans. conunander; James B. Swice- kood, officer of the day; Alvis King, com mander of tbe firing squod; Rev. E. H. Gartrell. chaplain; Richard Beading In cunxuHnd uf pallbearers. Surviving are six brotbera, Graham, BU- lie Burke. D. M., Jr., Red, Nelson. Paul M. and Wilbum, all of near Fork, and his farher, D, M. Bailey; two sisters. Mrs. A.' C. Michael, of Lexington, and Mrs. J, A.' Deese, of Tbomasville. Bio - Obituaries - 7/13/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 15,1949, Page 1 A. C. CHAFFIN DIES AT 69 Abner Columbus Chaffin, 69, widely known member of a pio neer Davic county family, died at 12:15 p.m. Monday, two hours after being admitted to Davis hospital in Statcsvillc. Mr. Cbaf fin had suffered at heart allack Sunday afternoon. He had been In ill health for some time as the result of a previous attack. A native of Dovie county, he was born on January 17, 1880, a eon of James L. and Corinia Rich- ^ ardson Chaffln. He attended Wake Forest col lege and lor more than 20 years taught in the Davie county schools ond in enBtcrn North Carolina. "While teaching in eastern North Carolina, he acted as pastor of several Baptist churches in the area. He retired from active teaching und the ministry 15 years ago and engaged in farming in the Ijames Crossroads community of his no live Davie. lil health forced his retirement from active farming about one year ago. On August 15. 1906, he mar- rlcd Miss Annie Sha\y of Davic county, who survives. Olhci- survivors include three daughters, Mrs. J. S. Uollond and Mrs. W. B. Collins, both of Char lotte, and Mrs. F. Shermer of Winston-Snlem; one brot^^cr, Jno. A. Chaffln of Union Grove, and eight grandchildren. Funcrnl scrviccB were held at ^1 a m. Wednesday at the Ijames ^vrossvonds Baptist church, of which Mr. Choffin was a mem ber. Rev. Clyde Yates of Char lotte officiated. Burial'wos in the church venictery. Bio - Obituaries - 7/15/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 15,1949, Page 7 F. W. Frye Final Rites Held For JonesviHc Minister Finnl rites wore held Friday at 3 p.m. for the Rev. P. W. Frye. 64, of Junosville, who died at his homo in Joncsvillo nt 12:15 a.m. Wednesday. He had been in HI health for the past two years and seriously ill for tv.'o wechs. TI'.c Rev*. Mr. Frye was born In Onvic county on April 27, 1833, nnd Is the son of the late James and Fonzy Barneycastle Frye. He was marircd to Emma Couch In 1004, who died In 1020, and was married to Minnie Cook in 1922, who survives. In addition to his wife, survlv inft arc five sons. Gurney Frye of Salisbury; Reach Frye of Bal timore, Md., Conrad Frye of Concord, James Frye of Jones viHc and Floyd Frye of Chicago, HI., two daughters, Mrs. Ada Poaz of China Grove and Mrs. Mory Scabolt of. Madison. Ga.; two brothers, R. L. Frye and Joe Frye. botlt of Mocksvillo. "Rov. Frye had served in twen ty-seven Baptist churches In this vicinity. He was a member of the East Elkln Baptist church. Tire funeral services were con ducted Friday at 3 p.m. at Moun tain View Baptist church. The body remained at the Mackic- HInsiiavv Funeral home In Yad- kinville until 3 p.m. Thursday. The Rev. J. L. Powers, Rev. B. F. Rollins and Rev. T. W. Hearn conducted the services. Elkin Masonic Lodge No. 454 had charge of the graveside serv ice. Bio - Obituaries - 7/15/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 20,1949 : David L Beck David Luther Beck. 56, farmer of Statesville, Route 4, died ac his home July 12, nfter a seven months illness. A native of Davie County, he was a son of John and Martha Dye Beck. He had lived in Irc' dell County for a number of years. He was a veteran of World War 1, during which he served in France for a year. In 1927 he was married to Miss Nancy Steel of Iredcll county, who survives. Also surviving are six children. One brother, and two sisters. Funeral services were conducted at 4 p. m., Wednesday at Tabor Presbyterian Church, near Har mony, by Rev. Junie S. Barnes. Burial was in the church ceme tery. A, C. Chaffin i • Ab~e.' Columbus Chaffin, 69, died July 11th, two hours after (being admitted to Davis Hospital in St..tesvnie. Mr. Chaffin had' suffered a heart attack. He had been in ill heath for some time as the result of a previous attack. I He attended Wake Forest Col lege and for more than 20 years taught in the Davie County schools and in the Davie County schools and in Eastern North Ca rolina. He retired from active teaching and the ministry 15 years ago and engaged in farming In the Ijames Crossroads eommunity of his na- . tive Davie. Surviving are the wife, three >daiighrer.<i. Mrs. 1.5?. Hnlhnd anri I Mrs. W. B. Collins, both of Char lotte, and Mrs. F. C. Shermer of . Winston-Salcm; one brother ,John ' A. Chaffin of Union Grove, and eight grandchildren. Funeral services were held ac 11 a. m., Wednesday at Ijames Cross roads Baptist Church of which Mr. Chaffin was a member. Rev. Clyde Yates of Charlotte officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. ' Mrs, Mittie Lee ' Mrs. MItrie L.'e, of Far.uington township, died in a Winuon-Sal- cm ho.>pttal F.'iday, following an jextendcd illnvss. Sarviving are three sons and three da ighters. I Funcial services were held Sat urday .dternoon ac 4 o'clock, at I Macedonia Moravian Church, of ■which she was a member, with ^ Revs. George Bruner and G. E. Brewer officiating, and the bodylaid to rest in the church cemetery. I M. M, Brock tI M. M. Brock. 71,of Fanningten, died July 12. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p. m,, Thurs day by Rev. M. G. Ervin at rite ■ Walker Funeral home, and burial was in Oakwood Cemetery, at StatesvlIIe. Surviving are the wife, Lottie Cooper Brock; one daughter, Mrs. Herman Lowe of Morarian Falls.' one brother, Leo F. Brock of Farmington; one sister, Mrs. Ora Scamon of Jacksonville, Fla., and (four grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 7/20/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 22,1949, Page 2 M. M. Brock, 71, Dies at Farmington M. M. Brock. 71, of Formlng- lon, died Thursriny. Fuiwpl vices were conduclcd Friday nt 2 p.m. by Rev. M. G. Ervin nl the Wnlker Funcrnl Homo, and bur ial wns in the Oiikwood Ceme tery in Statcsvllle. Survivini! arc the wife, Lottie Cooper Brock; one daufihtcr, Mrs. Herman Lowe o( Moravian Falls; one brother, Leo F. Brock of Farmington; one sister. Mrs. Ora Senmon of JncksonviUc, Fla., and four grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 7/22/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 27,1949 £. S. Lapish E. S. Lapiah. 71. died last Tues day. at his home, Cana, Route 1. Surviving are the widow, the former Miss Irene Leachj one daughter. Mrs. Carl Boger o f Mocksville, Route 2; three sons, W. H. hapish of Mocksville, 1. D. Impish of WinstomSalem and C. S, Lapish; on sister. Mrs, Will Reavis of Stacesville: one brother, Lonnie Lapish of Kannapolis, one half sister. Mrs. Charlie Gabbard of Cooleemee; 20 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 3 p. m., Thursday at Center Metho dist Church. Rev. Clarence Stone and Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald offieiaced. Burial was in the church cemetery Mrs. W. F. Joyner Mrs. W. F. Joyner. 73, died at her home on Route 1. last Tues day morning. Surviving arc the husband and four sons. Funeral services were held Thursday at 2:30 o'clock, at Deep Creek Baptist Church, with Revs. Marshall Renegar, J. G. Allgood and H. W. Hutchens ofHciating, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Mrs. P. R. Hinkle Mrs. Elizabeth Hinkle, 83, died suddenly at her home in Fulton Towt^shlp about 1:30 o'clock! Thursday morning, following a heart attack.' Surviving are the husband and a number of neices and nephews. Funeral services were held at the home Friday at 2:30 p. m., with Rev. L A. Fleming officiating and the body laid to rest in Sandy Creek cemetery, near Tyro. Wayne Stanley Funeral services for Wayne Stanley. 19*months'old son of Mr. and Mrs. Asbury Stanley, of R. 2, who died in a Winston hospital Thursday, were held at 3 p. m., Sunday at Union Chapel Metho dist Church, with Revs. F.R.Lof- linand Clarence Jenkins officiat ing. Surviving are the parents, two brothers and three sisters. M. E. Smith M E. Smith. 81. o/rbti dry, died HiuTS day eveatng nt a Statesville bonpiiai. s Funeral services were held Satarday at It a. m.. at Bfihiehem MeUiodist Cborcb. with Revs. J. P. Davis and John Oakley officiating, and the body laid to rest in the cburcb cemetery. SurviviDg are the wife, five sods aod, four daughter^ ooe brother, two fa alf-| brotbers, two sisters sod tm) bsif sisters. Bio - Obituaries - 7/27/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 29,1949, Page 3 £. S. Laplsh, 71, Dies in Davie E. S. Lapish, 71. died al 3:43 p.iu, Tuesday ut his home, Cana. Route 1. He WQs a son of Rowun and Eddie Beck Lapish. Surviving ore the widow, the former Miss Ircnu Lcuch; one duughtur, Mrs. Carl Dogcr of Mocksville, Route 2; three sons, V/. H. Luplsh of Mocksvllte, J. O. Lapish of Winston*Snlem, and C. S. Lapish: one sister. Mr.f. Will Ruavis of Statesvillv; one brother, Lonniu Lupish of Kimnapulis; one half sister, Mrs. Chnilie GabUurd of Coolcemce; 20 grudchildren and two grcat'grandeliiidrcn. Funeral services were iicld al 3 p.m. Thursday at Center Metho dist Ciiurch. Rev. Clarence Stone and Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald offici ated. Burial was in the church cemetery. Final Rites Sunday For Wayne Hardy Stanley Funerol services for Wayne Hardy Stanley 19-month-old son of Asbury and Magaline Stanley of Mocksvillo, Route 2, were con ducted at 3 p.m. Sunday at Union Chapel Methodist Church by Rev. F. L. Loflln and Rev. Clarence Jenkins. Burial was in the church cemetery. The child died Thursday night at a Wtnston-Salem hospital. Surviving are the parents: two brothers. Billy Ray and Hurley Lee Stanley of the home; one sister; Sarah Mac Stanley of the home; and the maternal grand mother, Mrs. J. A. Reynolds of Mocksville. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 29, 1949, Page 6 M. E, SMITH, 81.. DIED THUKSDAY M. E. Smith, 81, retired! fanner of Mocksville, died at Tii pim. Thursday at a Statesv.ille hos pital. j^inerol services wocvr conduct ed at It a.m. Saturday at Beth lehem Methodist Church by Rev. J. P. Davis and Rer. Joha Oak ley. Burial was ia the cdiurch cemetery. Surviving ore the wife, Mrs. Mary Richardson Smith; five .•?ons. Alex and Harley Smith of Clemmons, Sol Smith of Mar- shalltown. towo, Loftcn Smith of Mocksville, Route 1. and Earl Smith of Mocksvilic; four daugh ters, Mrs. W. W. Smith of Har mony, Route 2. Mrs. Luke Smith of Advance, Route 11, Mrs. Glen Joyner of Lexington, Route 3, I and Miss Mary Jane Sinitli of Bio - Obituaries - 7/29/1949 MocksviUe; 33 grandchildren and 8 grcnt>grandchUdren: one brother, I.oii Smith of Advance, Route I; two half brothers. Ar thur Smith of CIcinmons and Douglas Smith of Winston-Sa- lem; two sisters. Mrs. EUcn King and Mrs. Will Groec of Advance, Route 1; and two half sisters. Mrs. Cai-o Splllmun of Winston-Salom' and Mrs. Jennie King of Forsyth County. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, July 29,1949, Page 7 Mm. W. F. Joyncr, 73, Dies Near Mocksville Mrs. W. F. Joyncr, 73. died Tuesday at her home on Mocks ville, Koutc 2, after an illness of one week. She is survived by her husband; four sons. Curts Joyner of Hamp- tonville. Berlin and Gumey Joy ner of Yadkinville, Route 3, and Elvin Joyner ofthe home; and 12 ernndchildrcn. Funeral services were conduct ed at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at Deep Creek Baptist Church by Rev. M. F. Reavis, Rev. J. G. Allgood and Rev. Wade Hutchens. Mm. T. R. Hinkle Dies at Age of 83 Mrs. Elizabeth Swith Hinkle, 63, wife of T. R, Hinkle, died of a heart attack at her home on Route 2. Ftnwral services were conduct ed at the home at 2:30 p.m. Thurs day by Rev. Lonnie FIcmming and Rev. W. F. Gentry. Burial was in Sondy Creek Cemetery, David son County. Surviving in addition to the husband are several nieces and nephews. Bio - Obituaries - 7/29/1949 OAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 3,1949 I William Munday ^ William Munday, 87, of Mocks' |Vt]le. Route 4, died at his home [Tuesday. He had been ill for a- bout a week. I He is survived by his wife the former Miss Mary Elizabeth Owens, of the home: one son, ^ eight daughter, 32 grandchildren I and 29 great grandchildren. I Funeral services were conduct* ' ed by Rev. J. B. Fitserald at 4 p, m , Thursday at Liberty Metho dist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 8/3/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 5,1949, Page 2 W. T. MUNDAY DIES f NEAR MOCKSVILLE William Thomas (Bill) Sun day. 87, of MocUsvillc, Route 4, died at his home lU 9:25 p.m. Tuesday. He had been ill for about n week. He Is survived by his wife, the . former Miss Mary Elizabeth Owens, of the home; one son, .Shcnill Munduy of Cooiccmcc; I eight doughters, Mrs. Belle Snun- ders, Mrs. Lolo Link and Mrs. Maude Seomon, oil of Cooiccmcc, Mrs. Violn Hlnkle of Mocksvillc Route 4, Mrs. Grace Brown and Mrs. Beuloh Cope, both of Win« ston-Salcm, and Mrs. Nora Gentle and Mrs. Ruth Spry, both of Kannhpolis; 32 grandchildren and 29 gruat-grandchildren. Funeral services were con ducted by Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald at 4 p.m. Thursday at Liberty Methodist Church, Mocksville, Route 4. Burial was in the church cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 5,1949, Page 7 Nancy Sue Brown RITES THURSDAY FOR BROWN INFANT Nancy Sue Brown, seven-day- old daughter of Mr. ond Mrs. Grovcr Brown of Route 4. died at 7 o'clock at Davis Hostital, Statesville. * »• Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at St. Luke's Lutheran Church, Bear Poplar, with Rev. A. N. Miscnheimcr in charge. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Surviving in addition to the parents, are the maternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Priv- ctte of Route 1, and the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Brown of Route 4. Bio - Obituaries - 8/5/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 10,1949 Mrs. E. C. Stilton I Vn. E. C. Scaton, 48, died at her home in Granite C^arry last Wednesday followin}; an extend*' ed illness. Mrs. Staton was a native of Da*: vie County, a daughter of James! F. Moore, now of Granite (^arry, I and the late Mrs. Moore. I Mrs. Staton was a resident of: this city for many years, and a' member of the Mocksville school! faculty for five years. ' Sur^vioK are the husband, Prof. E. C. Staton, former principal of Mocksville High School, and now' principal of Granite Quarry High; School, two sons, her father, two' brothers and two sisters. | Funeral services were held Fri day at 3 o'clock at Sbiloh Metho dist Church, of which she was a member, with Rev. G. E. White officiating, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. The death of Mrs. Staton hasI brought sadness to her friends in Mocksville and l^vie Cotmty. To • the bereaved husband, die aged I father and family. The Record ex tends heartfelt sympathy in this ' time of sadness. Bio - Obituaries - 8/10/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 12,1949, Page 3 Mrs. E. C. Staton Died Wednesday Mrs. E. C. Staton, 48,. former resident of Mocksville and wife of the principal of the Granite Quarry School, <^ied at her home in Granite Quarry at 0:40 p.m. Wednesday. She had been III for a year. Mrs. Staton was born in 1900 in Duvie County, the daughter of James F. Moore and the late Mrs. Moore. She .\idl|«graduated ivom Grcen.iboro College in 1922. Since then she has taught school in Mocksville for five years and ot Granite Quarry for six years. She was a member ofthc Sliiloh Mcth> odist Church. She is survived by her husband, two sons. Jumes L. and Franklin ■Moore, of tlie homo: hcr^ father, two brothers, W. J. Moore of Fort Thomas, Ky., and Paul K. of Madison, Indiono; two sisters, Mrs. I. A. Booc of King, and Amy Moore of Solisbury. Funeral scrvicci were held FrU doy at 3 p.m. at the Shlloh ciiurch with Rev. G. E. White In charge. Burial wos in the churcli ceme tery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, August 12,1949, Page 5 C. M. Bkhardson, 75, Dies Near Mocksville Charlie M. Richardson. 79. re tired farmer, died Tuesday at his home, Mocksville. Route 2, after an illness of several months. Funeral services were held at. 11 a.m. Thursday at Hickory Grove Methodist Church. Rev. J. B. Fltzgerold officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. Surviving the three daughters, Mrs. D. L. Dyson of Mocksville, Route 1, Mrs. W. A, Hutchlna of Mocksville. Route^-2, and Miss Novella Richardson*'of the home; and one son, Lincoln Richardson* of Harmony. Route 1. Bio - Obituaries - 8/12/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 17,1949 'C. M. Richardson I Charlie M. Richardson, 75, re* , tired farmer, died last Tuesday at his home, Moeksville, Route 2, after an illness of seyerel months, j Funeral services were held at 11 a. m., Thursday at Hickory Grove Methodist Church. Rev. Jf. B. Fitzgerald ofHciated. Burial was In the church cemetery. Surviving are three daughter. Mrs. D. L, Dyson of Moeksville. Route 1, Mrs. W. A. Hutchins of Moeksville, Route 2, and'Miss Novella Richardson of the home; and one son, Lonnie Richardson, of Harmony, Route 1. Bio - Obituaries - 8/17/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 24,1949 A. L Ratledge A. L. R^edge, 4^. owner and operator of Manhatten Clodiing and Bonding Company and State Grocery Companv in Winston' Salem. died unexpectedly at a* bout 6 p m.. Aug. 16th, at his home in the Twin City. Mr. Ratledge had lived !n Win ston'Salem for the past 26 years. He was a member of the Cham'] ber of Commerce, Winston Lodge I No. 167, A. F. and A. M., Chap ! ter 24 of Piedmont Commandety No. 6. Winston'Salem Shriners Club, and Oasis Temple Order of : the Mystic Shrine. He attended First Methodist Church. A narive of Davie County, he was bom Feb. 10, 1903, the son o Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ratledge, His early life was spent In Davie. He b survived by his widow, the former Mbs Mae Deadmon; three daughters. Mrs. Paul Huff and MfS. Bill Buchanan of Wins* toH'Salem and M'ss Barbara Ann Ratledge of the home, one son, Tommy Radedge of the home; three grandchildren; a brother, Sam Radedge of Greensboro; and a sbter, Mrs. E. K, James of Win* ston'Salem. Funeral services were held at 3 p. m., Thursday at First Metho dist Church, Winston Salem, with Rev. & A. Pulp officiating, and the body laid Co rest in Memorial Park Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 8/24/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 31,1949 Boyd W'. Rollins Bovd W. Rollins, 74, of Cladcs- ville Township, died Wednesday momlnK at a Sratcsville hospital. He had been in bad health for some time. Mr. Rollins was a native of Un* ion County, bui moved to Davie more than 30 years ago. His wife died seven years ago. Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Robert Furches, Cana, Mrs. B. E. Glass, Winston'Salcm; Mrs. Riifus W, Beck and Mrs. Arlcth Layman, Mocksville, Route 2, and Mrs. Marshall Glasscock, Mocks- vtlle, Route 1; one son, Glenn Rollins, Route 2; two brothers. Rev. B. F. Rollins. Elizabethtown, and R. H. Rollins, Bath; a sister, Mrs. Mollie Nelson. Charlotte; 21 grandchildien and two great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 3 p. m. Thursday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Rufus Beck, with Rev. Fos-er Loflln and Rev. Wade Hutchcns officiating and the body laid to rest in Eton's Baptist Church cemetery. A good Chris- dan gentleman has been called to ills reward. He will be missed In the community where he spent a long and useful life. Bio - Obituaries - 8/31/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 2,1949, Page 1 B. W.ROLLINS . DIES AT HOSPITAL B. W. Rollins of Mocksville, R. 2, died at 12:40 a.Tn. Y/ednesday at a Statesville hospital, where he had been a patient for three days. The son of John R. and Kath- erine Deese Rollins, he^ was a life long resident of Davie county. His wife, Mrs. Cora Dewcsc Rollins, died seven years ago. Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Robert Furches of Cana, Mrs. B. E. Glass of WinstoH'Sa- 1cm, Mrs. Rufus W. Beck and Mrs. Arlcth Laymen of Mocks ville, Route 2, and Mrs. M. E. Glasscock of Mocksville, Route 1; one son, Glenn Rollins of Mocks ville, Route 2; two brothers, Rev. B. F. Rollins of Elizobcthtown, and R. H. Rollins of Both; a sis ter, Mrs. Mollie Nelson of Char lotte; 21 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Thursday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Beck, with Rev. Foster Loflin and Rev. Wade Hut- chens in charge. Burial -was in Eaton^Baptist church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 9/2/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 0~ y cr V> u> - ^ " n >• — -o 00 0^ 1 c? f I 6 September, 1949 Orlando, Florida FUNERAL TODAY FOR MR. CLICK Funeral services for Mr. Carl Lee Click, 64, former Police Chief in Pine Castle and Ocoee, who died at his home near Fairvilla Tuesday, will be held at 2 p.m. today at the Faiifield Funeral Home with the ^ Reverend L. Powell Tucker, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiating. Interment wiU be inGreenwood Cemetery. ^ Mr. Click had been a resident of Florida 49 years. In addition to serving as police chief in the two central Florida communities, he was constable in West Orange County at one ime and served in the State Game Dept. under Gov. Carlton for two and one-half years. He was game warden I n the Everglades and at the time of his death a special deputy and a special warden for the Apopka Hunting Club. By trade, he was a mechanic. Besides his widow, Mrs. Framces Gunn Click, he is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Francis V. Mise, Chicago; Mrs. Dorothy E. Maxwell, Orlando, and Mrs. Doris E. Livesay, California; a son, Carl Lee Click, Jr., Jacksonville, and two brothers, Cclyde Click, Jacksonville, and L. M Click, Dayona Beach. Pallbearers include E. L. _ate, H C. Ruck, J. L. Hoover, Edgar Bass. H. G. Windham, and Fred Sneed. Honorary pallbearers will be Dave Starr, Arthur Clark. Walter Bass, and H. T. Pool. Davis County Pubiic Library Mocksvil.'e. Mc DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 7,1949 MissEleanorOrrell! I Miss Eleanor Orrell, of Wins-' ton-Salem, died unexpectedly at' 6:30 p. in. Friday at the home of her nephew, Robert Kurfees, near Jericho. She suffered a cerebral hemorrhage Saturday morning. Miss Orrell was a native of Da- vie County, but had lived in Win- ston-Salem for many years. Surviving are one sister, Mrs. D. C. Kurfees, of Route 4, a brother, A. M, Orrell, Walnut Cove; 6ve nephews and three nieces. Fufteral services were held at. Vcglcr Funeral Home, Winston-' Salcm, Monday afternoon at 2: o'clock, with Dr. Depo, of Wlns-| ton-Salem officiating, and the body laid to rest in Blbavillc Methodist Church cemetery, with a short graveside service. Mrs. R.A, Hqwell n Mrs, R, A, Howell, 77, died at' the home of her dau^ter, Mrs. W. C. Murph, on Pine street, Thursday morning at 8 o'clock,' following a long illness. | Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church Friday -cfter* noon at 3 o'clock, with her pastor. Rev. R. M. Hardee officiating, and the body laid to rest in Rose cemetery. Mrs. Howell is survived by one daughter, Mrs. W. C. Muiph and two grandchildren. She had been a resident of this city for nearly half a century. Bio - Obituaries — 9/7/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 9,1949, Page 1 FINAL ETTES FOE MES. HOWELL FuBcra) aervices for Mra. Nan cy .L. Howcll, 77, vrtr* held. on Friday at 2 o'clock at the Mocks vlllc Methodist church with the Rev. R. M. Hardce conducting the service. Interment was in Rose cemetery. Mrs. Howell died on Thursdoy morning ot 8 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Murph in Mocksville. She was the widow of the late Robert A. Howell. Survivors are: one daughter, Mrs. W. C. Murph and two grandchildren. Miss' Nancy Murph of Mocksville and Bill Murph, Jr., of Raleigh. Pallbearers included: J. R. Bowles, Jessie Graves, Buster CranfiU, Hugh Lagle, W. P. Hen- ] dricks and W. M. Penniogton. Bio - Obituaries - 9/9/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 16,1949, Page 1 J. W. SHEEK RITES HELD THURSDAY John W; Sheck, U, ol Mocks- ,vUle, pA Tuesday at hit home. Mr. Shcek, a retired former, hod been o lifelong resident of the Smith Grove Community. He had been a member of the Smith Grove Methodist Church for 68 years. A native of Davie County, lie was the son of Daniel S ^ind Martha Williams Sheck. Surviving arc the widow, Mrs. Maude Hendrix Shcek, a ion Harry G. of Mocksville, Route 3; tt daughter, Mrs. V/oUer Shutt ol Advance, Route 1; 10 grandchil dren; and 11 great grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Smith Grove Church by Rev. John Oak ley, Rev. J. W .Vestal, and Rev. John Starling. Burial was in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were Ray Cornatzer Vanve Dunn, Jasper Foster, Taft Robertson and Clyde Boger. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 16,1949, Page 1 & Back Page Last Rites For Mrs. T. W. Long Mrs. Betty Mcbane Long, 83 died Saturday in a Charlotte hos pital, after an illness of several weeks. Mrs. Long had been in declining health for several years. A native of Alamance county, she was a daughter of the late tCoBilaued on Back fage) MORE ABOrx Mrs. T. W. Long Charles Plcnsants Mebnnc and Betty Mebane. Mrs. Long lived with her daughter, Mrs. W. B. LcGrnml of Mocksville, sevcrnl years and hod n host of friends here. Survivors Include four daugh ters, Mrs. W. B. LcGrand of Mucksvillc, Mrs! C. C. Blnkclcy of Charlotte, Mrs. Elizabeth L. Jones of Washington. D. C., and Mrs. S. W. Salisbury of Chester. S. C., ten grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon at Harry and Bryant chapcl in Charlotte, with the Rev. J. B. Ficklin, pastor of Westminster church, conducting the .services. Burial was in Elm- wood cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 9/16/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 16,1949 A. M. Daniel^ 74, Rites Are Held A. M. (Brooks) Daniel. 74, died unexpected!/ of a heart attadc at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the home of a brother, S. D. Daniel, Modes- viUe, Route 4. Mr. Daniel, a retired farmer, j had Jived with his brother for ! several years and had spent his I entire life in Davic county. He was the son of Amos and Mary Leonard Daniel. Surviving arc two brothers, S. D. and R. E. Daniel, and a sis ter, Mrs. R. H. Loglv, uU of MocksvHlc, R. 4, and a half sis ter, Mrs. H. D. Josey, of Danville, Va. Fmianil services were conduct ed pt 3 p.m. Friday at Concord Methodist church by Rev. E. C. Coglc and Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald. Burial was In the church ccmc- ;ery. Bio - Obituaries - 9/16/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 21,1949 J. W. Sheek John W, Sheek, 86, of Smith Grove, died at &15 p. m., last Tuesday at his home. Mr. Sheek,. a retired farmer, had been a lifelong resident of the Smith Trove Community. He had been a member of the Smith Grove Methodist Church for 68 years. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Maude Hendrix Sheek; a son, Harry G. Sheek, of MocksvUle, Route 3; a daughter, Mrs. Walter Shutt of Advance, Route 1, 10 grandchildrm; and 11 great' grandchildren. Funeral services were conduct- ed at 2 p. m., Thursdav at the Smith Grove Church by Rev. John Oaklev, Rev. J. W. Vestal, and Rev. John Starling. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. and Mrs Sheek had been married for 56 years, and spent their entire life in Davie County. A good man has been called to his reward. Bio - Obituaries - 9/21/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 22,1949 William C. Boger, 65, Dies Monday Willinin Chnrlii? IVtjct'r, 05,1 wuH fiMiud ilii.-ul ill I)<!<1 lit his iliiokrtvilli:', Rniilo •!, Iioim: at 0 :i. >11. M'liiilay. Hi> hai] a|i^ |ijiri'iill>' III ijoml iiofiUli whciv lit' .Siimliij,' iii>rhl,j • iihI iii;! |t|iy::ii iaii !vi:<l (hitl he had |ii«iii.ilil.s- diril idiorlidy! r--'irir.^f. , ."ilr. Iltij'fv v.':!,'. Mill v.-.tiier. I'll hy III- will Ith'ila f'riviU; '"lifllli" Itniri r lit' I-'. iiMil l{a.\1i-i' Unyri" I'f MucIi.K- Ivilli', Kiiiilo I. :ittd <\ n. UiiffiT hil' .V|.i;-'f;.<\illis Ijoiilf 2; Uv<i ItlaiiyliU-r;:, .Mra. 1%. ||. ,>inirr' Jiiicl Mra. Clydi.' Raberls, Ijtiili of I'ai lfetnw: Uim; hrotliorH/ .(iai and JmIih Ihi/cr, liotli of (Jri-i.n.-iliMi"*!, and llrady Ihiijerj '•f Ih'rkuvll, llii'i'f- si.-.tova, .Mj-;. Tnhjliai .Sait'.h and Mr:!,' Ida (hniiliiiyhl, hulh uf Katllln-' [i di.., and .Mrs. Cam Moiitetil <'f S.disliiiry. I'limsal v.'cri! held i.-; [.ih>-ily ilidlnt'.ss Church of slii'ft'i..dil :ti l |i. 111. Tiiuiiday, j I:*'.. \V r. U'llla offielaiinj.'. '.'.a.-: la llii' cliurdi ci-in-l I'h-rv, a ivlll'ed rt>l- Ik- I:! aiirviv-' ■. 'fa- famnir liniy siin-', ('iiidiM'KIt c, ti. Bio - Obituaries - 9/22/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 22,1949 Sannid Eiiijerie Bailey Killed in Auto Accident Siinday Eveiiiiig Kear AsIicIjoio I S;inKu-t Jvjjrtiii I'jiili-y, ;iti, ,fuba\i'/ .itiii nf Ms. :i:icl •|S:ini fJ.'inuy <ii lOi '.viu KiK-fl ConkcniDu •Li-'t iiiirliiis;lil .Smidii.v ii. Ilio Itouii- i>l Ariliflidi-., frum isji.i'ii:.-: i'l i'. ,1 ,. J|IV|<itiLl. I Sl.nlii tlitrli'iVii.v T^•ltlv>3JllUll 'J. A. Ni-.iii't vjir diy't iisl-. llir I'lsir ici- IJ ili:l; ill iv«'ii l)y Jaith ' Adilii-iij) .Mi-I'!;i!r>:i'ii, '^'1, mI" XIitoiistiHi'ii. •!'{,..• iiMilir inu'k hli'i m;i the ];ij;li'iV;iy .sji.iiiiili.T, luut V'li«ii ?ilcl'lii'r- 11111 sl:irlcs1 to |iii|| irUii Hiij h ij'Ji^Viiy, Ciiiiti'v'.-- I'jir i'imsIhoI iii'.ii llii» trui'k. -N^iijK'c >',iM ili:i' l i-:i:lry niiiy timi- iiecii lilimli-il by !u-:iillM'lit.'. of a cui' roriiiiiK ill vio oiiiio.-lii.- <;ii\-f|lM.*i. Nu i-.'iar i;.ivt! Iireii p 1 a c ij iiya.iiist .Mi'l'lK'i-.'iLin, j- ' ' I .''If, Itliiliy ||<.|.| ji wi'j. llll- .Jllfliii,' p:i li.V "f l.ii'fi.iiylrMy,. '•II' ii!' ,\'i , Ml 'I' t!.i;l> iH'.ii . t'. <■ .1. II' \ vi *'i!ii ..r r-.iii' • ■ ll: A'. . I.; V. .A Bio - Obituaries — 9/22/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, September 23,1949, Page 1 W. C. BOGER DIES IN DAVIE William C. Boger, €5>year«old retired cotton mill worker of >Mocksville. R. 4. died in his sleep Sunday night of a heart attack. A former employe of Erwin Cot> ton mills of Coolecmee, Mr. Boger waa found dead in his bed Mon day morning. Funeral services were held at Liberty Holiness church Tuesday 'at 4 p.m. The funeral was con ducted by the Rev. Ralph Riddle and the Rev J. W. Bullo. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Mr. Boger is survived by his wife, Rhoda Trivett Boger; four GonB, Claude Boger of Coolcemee, C. F. Boger of Mocksville, R. 4, and C. B. Boger of Mocksville, R. 3; two daughters, Mrs. R. H Mil ler and Mrs. Clyde Roberts of Cooleemce; three brothers, Jim and John Boger of Cooleemee, and Brady Boger of Rockwell; three sisters, Mrs. Tabltha Smith and Mn. Ida Goodnight of Kan« napoUi and Mrs. Cero Montcat of Salisbury.' Mre. Bowden, 60, Davie Resident Dies Mrs. Birdie Hartman Bowden, 60, of Advance, Route 1, died un expectedly at her home at 4:30 p.m. Sunday. She was born in Forsyth county September 18. 1889, daughter of G. M. and Ruth Dull Hartman, and spent her ear ly life there. t She moved to Davie county 20 years ago, where she was a mem ber of Bethlehem Methodist church Her husband. J. M. Bowden, survives. Other survivors ore her father, of Winston-Salem; two sons, Marshall and J. M. Bowden, Jr.; one doughter, Mrs. O. B. Poindcx- ter, all of Advance, R. 1; one grandson. Don Poindexter, two sisters, Mrs. Glenn Irvin of Win- Bton-Salem, and Mrs. John Hard ing of Canton; three brothers, L B., E. E. and W. A. Hartman, all of Winston-Salem. Funeral services were held at the home at 2:30 p.m. and at 3:30 p.m. at Bethlehem Method ist church by the Rev John Oak ley, Rey. 'J. W. Vestal and ReV. R. J. Starling. Burial was in Forsyth Memo rial Park. Pallheareri were; C- E. Beauchamp, W G. Joneii, Jack Vogler and Glenn AUtn. Bio - Obituaries - 9/23/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 28, 1949 William C, Boger William C. Boger, 65, was found dead in bed at his home in Jeru salem Township at 6 a. Sept. 19th. He was apparently in good health when he retired. Surviving are the wife, four sons, two daughters, three broth ers and three sisters. Funeral services were held at Liberty Holiness Church, at Shcf. field, at 4 p. m^, last Tuesday with Rev. W. C. Bulla officiating, and the body laid io rest in the church cemetery. Mrs. John Bowden Mrs. John Bowden, 60, of Ad vance, R. I, died unexpectedly at her home Sept. 18th. She was a native of Forsyth County, but 'moved to Davie County 20 years 'ago. She was a member of Beth lehem Methodist Church, j Surviving arc the husband, her father, two sons, one daughter, two sisters and three brothers. Funeral services were held last Tuesday at 2:30 p. m.,at the home land at 3:30 at Bethlehem Metho dist Church, with Rev. John Oak ley, Rev. J. W. Vestal and Rev.'R. ! J. Starling officiating. Burial was in Forsyth Memorial Park. 5. £. Bailey Funeral services for Samuel Eugene Bailey. 30, of Greensboro, j who died Sept. IBth at an Ashc- bore hospital two hours after a n automobile-truck collision, were held at 4 p. m., Wednesday at Cooleemee Methodist church.. Burial was in Rowan Memorin! cemetery near Salisbury, Surviv ing are his wife, who was critically injured in the accident remains in the Asheboro hospital, a son, his parents, two brothers, and a sister- Mr. Bailey was the son of S. A. and Lillie Jarvis Bail-'y of Coolee mee. Bio ~ Obituaries - 9/28/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 5,1949 Mrs. Thos.Massey Mrs. Tiios. Massev, a native of Mocksville, died at her home in Sylva, N. C., last Wednesday night following an illness o f several months. Funeral and burial services took place at Sylva Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Massey is survived by her husband, her father, C. L. Thomp son, of this city, two sicters, four half-sisters and one half-brother Charles Lowe Thompron, o f Mocksville. Mrs. Massey had many friends in Mocksville, who were saddened by news of her death* The Record extends sin cere sympathy to the bereaved ones in this sad hour. |Mrs. M. McBride I' Mrs Maggie W. McBride, 82, of iCana, died early last Tuesday, fol lowing a week's serious illness. Surviving are three sons, Chas. McBride, Cooleemee, Branch and William McBride, of Cana; three daughters, Mrs. Ida Gross, Cana, Mrs. Fannie McBride, of Yadkin- ville, and Mrs. Mary Plowman, of R. 2, Yadkinville; one sister, Mrs. Liliie Dinkins, Yadkinville. j Funeral services were conduct ed Wednesday at 3 p. at Wyo j Methodist Church, of which she iwas a member, with Rev. lohn Oakley officiating, and the body , laid to rest in the church c me- nn tcry. Mrs, Liliie Jarvis Funeral services for Mrs. Liliie Belle Jarvis, 66. of Advance, R. 1, were conducted at 2:30 p. m. Wed nesday at the home and at 3 p. m.* at Shady Grove Meth.^dist Church ] in Advance bv Revs. Howard Jor- j dan, J. R. Starling and Oscar Hart- man. Burial was in the church ' cemetery. Mrs. Jarvis died at her home at Advance Oct. 3rd. Bio - Obituaries - 10/5/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 5,1949 G, W. Johnson George Wesley Johnson, 65, was found dead in bed at his home in Farmington Thursday morning at 6:30 o'clock. He had been in bad health for some time. Mr. Johnson was a son of the late Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Johnson^ of Farmington, and spent his en tire life in Davie County. Surviving are the wife, three sons, Billy and Edwin Johnsor, Winston-Salem; John P. Johnson, Farmington; two daughters, M.s, Herman Wall, of WinstonjSalem, Mrs. Harold Davis, High Poini; one sister, Mrs. J. M. Smith, of Farmington. Funeral services were held at! Farmingcon Methodist Church at' 2 p. m. Friday, with Revs. John , Oakley and C. M. McKinnev of-' ficiating, and the body laid to rest ^ in the church cemetery, \ Mr. Johnson had many fiiends ^ in Davie who were saddened by n news of his death. } Bio - Obituaries - 10/5/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 7,1949, Page 1 J. J. Hellard, Coolccnwe, Dies Jesse J. Hellard, 75, of Coolee* mee, died at Rowan Memorial hospital (Thursday a% 3 p.m. He'j hod been in declining health for I, some time and seriously ill lor the lost week. Mr. Hcllard was an employee of the Erwin mills at Cooleemee. He is survived by his widow, the former Anna Hamilton, and the following children: Mrs. Cecil Davis of R. 1, Salisbury, Carl and Baxter, of Cooleemee, Tobe, of Mocksville, Allen and Thee of R. 6, Salisbury, 24 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Funeral service was held at the Cooleemee Baptist church of which he was a member, Satur day at 3 p.m. with the pastor, Rev. G. L. Royster, in charge, as sisted by Rev. W. R. Kiser of Enon Baptist hurch, Salisbury. Burial was in the Liberty cemetery. Services Held For Mrs. Massie Funeral services were held on Fridiiy afternoon at Sylva Metho dist church for Mrs. Mildred Tiiompson Mnsscy, wife of L. N. MnFsie, Jr., of Sylva, Mrs. Mas sie died Thursday morning nt her home following an illness of sev eral months. She is survivctl by her fnthcr, Charles L. Thompson, and the late Mary Henry Thompson of Mocksville, si.v sisters. Mrs. W. R. Kcster, Mrs. Fred Woodruff and . Mls.s Mary Sue Thompson of High Point; Mrs.. Ralph Rallcdgc of Advance, Mrs. Rufus Radcliff of Waynesville and Mrs. Benson Jones of Buford, Ga., and one brother. Charles Lowe Thompson Jr., of Mocksville. Burial was in Green Hills cem etery, Waynesville. Mrs. Frances Shinault, Mocksville, Route 2, Dies Funeral services for Mrs. Tran ces Whitt Shinault, 82, of Mocks ville, Route 2, were conducted at the home at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday by Rev. Thomas Luffman and Rev. Silo9 Rcncgar. Burial wos in Cor inth cemetery In Surry county, near Pilot Mountain. Mrs. Shinault, the wife of Rufus Shinault, died Sunday night at her home. She was the daugh ter of Robert and Elizabeth John son Whitt. Surviving are the husband; one adopted son. Blaine Green Shi nault of Mocksville, R. 2; one adopted daughter, Mrs. Anna Fin- ley of the home; one brother, WeiUfy Whitt ^ Dohiin.^" MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 7,1949, Page 2 Mrs. Martha Draughn Of Davie Dies at Age 79 Mrs. Mprtha S. Draughn. 79, na tive of Surry county, died at her home, Mocksville. R. 2, at 3:15 p.m., Saturday. She had been se riously ill one week. She was born in Surry county, a daughter of Jackson and Lucy Simpson. Survivmg are the husband. John Draughn; two daughters, Mrs. Paul Jones and Mrs. Myrtle Bee, Mocksville, R. 2; thiec sons, Jesse Draughn, Mocksville, R. I, Brady Draughn of Yadkin- ville, R. 2, end Monroe Draughn of Mocksville, R. 2; one brother, Martin Simpson, Dobson; three sisters, Mrs. Mosc Gordon, Mrs. Ed Draughn and Miss Ada Simp son. all of Dobson; 28 grandchil* dren and 21 grcnt-grandchildrcn. Funeral services were conduct ed at Bear Creek church at 11 a.m. Monday by Rev. W. C. Bark- ley and Rev. James H. Groce. Burial was in the Walker cem etery In Surry county. Bio — Obituaries — 10/7/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAViE RECORD, Wednesday, October 12,1949 Chas. A. Bowden Charles A. Bowden, 71, narivc of Davie County, but for many years a resident of Winston-Sal- em, died at his home in that city Thursday morning. Funeral ser vices were held at the home Fri' day, with burial in Forsyth Me morial Park. Surviving are the wife, one dau^ter and one son. He was a brouier of John Bow den, of Advance, R. 1* Bio - Obituaries - 10/12/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 14,1949, Page 3 C. A, BOWDEN DIES AT AGE 70 Charles Alexander Bowdcn, 70, of 06B North Spring Street, Win* tson Salem, died at 9:12 a.m. Thursday. October 6, at his home. He suffered a stroke on Septcm* bcr 27, and hod been seriously ill since that time. Ml Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. at the Itomc by Dr. Mark 3 p.m. Friday nt the home by Dr. Mark Depp. Burial was in Forsytl; •lemoriul Park. Pallhearors were R. E. Crutch- field. J. W. Lowcry. T. W. Perry, J. W. Bowman, Calvin Graves. Hunter Byerly, J. T. Smith and T. F. Dunnugan. Honorary puU- bcarers were members of Cen tenary Men's Bible Class. Mr. Bowden was born Dec. 29 1878. in Davic County., the son it the late Caleb A. and Maria '.lartmun Bowden. He sepnt hlr .•aiiy life in "Davle County and v.ovud to Winston - Salem as c oung man. For u number of •»ors he v/ps connected with several dairies. The past 24 years ho was employed by R: J, Rey nolds Tobacco Company. He re tired Jan. 1, 1949. I He was a member of Ccnte- nory Methodist Church and was jcttvc in the Men's Bible Class, and hud not missed a meeting in to ••years. He wos married I 16, 1907, to Mi.<s Nora SnecK, vvIil survives. Also surviving ore one daugh ter. Mrs. David Law of Winston- Salem; one son, Albert Bowden of Charlotte; four sisters, Mrs. J. Hartman of Advance. Mrs. C. E. Hartinan of Kuntsvillc, Misses Lettic Bowden and Miss Lola Bowden of Advance: throe broth ers. J. M. Bowden and Gruvcr Bowden, both of Advance, and Robert O. Bowden of Winston Salem; and five grandchildren. Final Rites Held For Mrs. Lillie Bell Jarvis Funeral services for Mrs. Lillie Bell Jarvis, 66, of Advance, Route 1. wore conducted at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday at tisc home and ot 3. p. m. nt Shady Grove Metho dist Church in Advance by Rev. Howard Jordon. Rev. J. R. Star ling and Rev. Oscar Hartman. Burial was in tb.c church ceme tery, Mrs. Jarvis Died last Monday. Bio - Obituaries — 10/14/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 14,1949, Page 8 G. W. Johmon, 65, Diet mi Farmington George Wesley Johnson, 65. of Farmington died at 5 ajn. Thurs day at his home. He had been in declining health for some time. ' Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Friday at the home by Rev. John S. Oakley and Rev. C. M. McKinney. Burial was in Farmington Cemetery. Pallbearers were Tucker Day, Dr. Paul Mason, B. C. Brock, L. F. Brock, Eugene Woods, Boss Seats, E. S. Lakey, Fred Lakey, and John Harding. Mr. Johnson was born in Da- vie County Dec. 11, 1685, the son of the late Dr. William G. and Emma Bliller Johnson. He spent his entire life at Farmington, and was a member of Farmington Methodist Church, and of the Pino Grange. He was a prominent farm er in that section for many years. He was married in 1907 to Miss Marian Hauser, who survives. Also surviving are two daugh ters, Mrs. Herman P. Walls and Mrs. Hnrold U.nvlfl of Winston- Salem; three sons, Ed T. John son and William G. Johnson of Winston-Salem, and John F. Johnson of Farmington; one sis ter, Mrs. Jess Smith of Farm- ingtun; unU three grcindciiiidren. Bio - Obituaries — 10/14/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 19,1949 Mrs. Floyd Strottd Mm. Floyd Stroud, 80, died Oct. 9, at her home in the Clarksbury community of IredellCountvi She had been in ill haalch for some time. Surviving are the husband; three children,.Ray Stroud of Statesville Route 4. Robert Stroud of Lan caster, Pa., and Miss Ruth Stroud of the home; one sister, Mrs, R. L, Wilson of Winston-Salem; two half brothers, O, L. Harkey of Mocksville and Lattie Harkey of Jacksonville, Fia., and one half sister, Mrs. Dudley Reavis o f Mocksville. (Funeral services were held at 11 a. m., Tuesday at Pleasaiit View Baptist Church. Bio - Obituaries - 10/19/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 21,1949, Page 4 Peggy Anderson, 4, Mccksville, Route 4 Peggy Jean Anderson, four- year-old daughter of Odell ond Frances Moon Anderson, died un expectedly Sunday at her home, Mocksville, Route 4. Surviving In addition to the parents are one brother, Howard Wesley Anderson, and the grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Moon of Gadsen. Ala., and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Anderson of Mocksvillc, R. 1. Funeral services were con ducted at Boar Creek Baptist Church at 3 p.m. Monday by Rev. j E. C. Eagle. Burial was in the • church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 10/21/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 26,1949 Cherry Jean Hicks \ I Peggy Anderson Cherry Jean Hicks, infant daughter, of Harold W. and Es- j j telle C. Allen Hicks of Advance, Route I, died Wednesday at a ! Statesville hospital. I ' Surviving are the parents. * I )Funeral services were held at 2 p. m., Thursday at Rev. Paul Jones officiated. Burial was i n the ; church cemetery. Peggy Jean Anderson, 4-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Odel! Anderson, of Mpcksville, R. I, died Oct. 16th, at her home: Surviving are the parents and one brother. Funeral services were held at Bear Creek Baptist Church last Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. E. C. Baglc officiating, and the little body laid to rest in the Church Cemetery. Everette Melton Melton Killed Everette Melton was found shot to death at 6 p. m., Saturday at the home of Will Myers near Bix- by. Myers, at whose home, the shooting occurred, confessed to having shot Melton with a shot gun. According to reports by of* ficers. Myers shot Melton after an argument in which Melton threat ened Myers with a pistol on the latter's lawn. Myers ran into a house, got a shotgun and shot Melton as he approached. A coronet's jury, after hearing the evidence, rendered a verdict of killing in self-defense, and My ers was held blameless for the slaying of Melton. James E. Naylor Mrs. Frank A. Naylor, of Smith Grove, was notified Thursday that her son, James E. Naylor, a mem ber of the Merchant Marine, had died aboard ship on Wednesday night. A Siler Funeral Home am bulance left early Friday morning for Philadelphia, and brought the body home Saturday. Funeral services were held at Smith Grove Msthodist Church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with Rev. John Oakley and Rev.' J. W. Vestal officiating, and the body laid to rest in the church. cemetery. ' Bio - Obituaries - 10/26/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 28,1949, Page 1 a r. EOLUNs DIES AT 83 Rev. B. F, BoUini, 89, BapUft minlater of BUzabeUiton, died at 8 a.m. Sunday at a Wiiutoo>8a> lem botpital, where he had been a patient for two week*. Rev. Mr. Rollins was a son of R. J. and Catherine Dees Rollins. He spent most of his Ule in Davie county and was pastor of a nttm> ber of Baptist churches in the coun^. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Ida Woodruff Rollins; four daughters, Mrs. Rebecca Stone of Pocono. Pa., Mrs. Ruth A. Call of Mocksvillc, Mrs. Beltc Cain of Elizabcthton, and Mrs. Mary Vec Register of Fayettcvillc; two sons, Alton hollins of EUzabetMon and Robert T. Rollins of Salisbury: one brother, R. H. Rollins of San ford and one sister. Mrs. Mollie Nelson of Charlotte. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Ruth A. Call. Salls- i.sbury street, Mucksville. Rev. J. L. Powers, Rev. C. A. Sprinkle and Rev. A. J. Cox officiated, ^urial WQ3 in the Bear Crccli Baptist church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 10/28/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, October 28, 1949, Page 8 fntwnl Held For Eveiette M. Melton Fumral wrvicea for Everett* M. Melton, '30, Advance, Route t, were conducted at 4 p.m. Men* day at Comataer Methodiit Church by Rev. Foster Loflin. Burial WM in the church ceme tery. Melton waa ahot to death about 9 p.m. Saturday at the h«ne of Will Myera, a mile outside the Bixby community. Melton was a son of W. E. and Miml McDaniel Melton, Advance, Route 1. He waa a veteran of four years service in World War II. He served overseas three years In the infantry. Survivora include his wife, Mrs. Helen Ooode Melton; two sona, Billy ai^ Bobby Melton of the * home; three brother Gumey M. . Melton. MockaviUe, Route 9. Billy M. Melton, Mockivllle, Rt. 1, and Brad Melton, Advance; three sisters, Mrs. V. O. Comat- xer, Cooleemee, Mrs. S. H. Fos ter, MockaviUe, Route 9, and Mrs. O. F. Mcrritt, Lexington, Rt 9. Bio - Obituaries - 10/28/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 2,1949 Rev, B, F. RolUns Fiinerdl services for Rev. B. F. Rollins, 83, who died Oct. 23rd, at Baptist Hospital, Winston-Sal- letn, were held at the home of Mr. and Mis. S. M. Call, on South Main Street on Monday, Oct. 24th at 2 o'clock, with Rev. 1. L. Powers, Rev. C. H Sprinkle and Rev. A. J. Cex officiatins. The body was laid to rest in Bear Creek Baptist Church cemetery. Rev. Mr. Rollins was a native of Union county, but had spen most oi his life in dils section* He was a resident of ModoviHe at one time. He had lived at biiza bechfon, N. C», for many years. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Ida Woodruff Rollins; four daugh ters, Mrs. Rebecco Stone of Poco no, Pa., Mrs. Ruth A. Call of Mocksville, Mrs. Bcttie Cain of Blizabethton, and Mrs. Mary Vet Regictcr of Fayetceviilc: two sons. Alton Rollins of Elizabethton and Robert. T. Rollins of Salisbury: one bother, R. IL Rollins of San* ford and one sister, Mrs. MoHte Nelson of Charlotte. Rev. Mr. Rollins had many friends in Davie county who were sadaened by his death. A good man has gone to his etemrl re ward. Lonnie G. Home I Lonnie G. Home, 43, a nativ e ' of Farmington, but for 24 years a citizen of Winston.Salem, died Ia;t Tuesday in a hotel at Savannali, Ga. Mr. Horn was in the whole sale gtocerv business in Winston- Salem. He is survived by his wife and three daughters, of Winston- Salem: his father, L. J. Home, of Farmington, and two brothers. Funeral services were held nc VogWs Chapel, Winston-Saleni, Wevnesday at 2 p. m., and the body beought to the old home and laid to rest in Farmington cemetery. Mrs. May Ransom Mrs. Flora May Ransom, 58, died Thursday morning af 7:30 o'clock at her home at Bixby, fol lowing an extended illness. Mrs. Ransom was bom in For- syth County, a dau^ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hend- ricks, who moved to Davie many years ago. She spent most of her life at Bixby. Her husband, J.W. Ransom, died in 1942. Surviving are three daughters Mrs. Lonnie Coraatzer. Mrs. Louie Seal, and Mrs. Albert Foster, all of Advance,. R. 1; two brothers, E. G., and George R. Hendricks, of Mocksvllle; one sister, Mrs. G. G. Walker, of Oasto,iia. A short service was held at the home Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, and the funeral proper, was held at 11 o'clock Saturday morning at Mount Tabor Metho- iist Church, conducted by Revs. Bert Gartrell and C. E. Shannon. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Ransom was a member of Pfafftown Christian Church. Bio - Obituaries - 11/2/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 2,1949 W'. N. Tucker Willtam N. Tucker, 81, died at his home, Modcsville, Route 3* last Tuesday. He was a retired farmer and had lived in Davie County all his life. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. R. Foster of Mocksville, Route 3, and Mrs. J. L Ccotts of Nfcwsom. Twelve grandchildren dso survive.'' Funeral serviees were in the Elbaville Methodist Church at 2 p. m., Thursday. Rev. J. R. Star ling and Rev. John Oakley officia ted. Burial was in the church Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/2/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 4,1949, Page 2 John H. Garwood John Henry Gnrwood, 64, 823 Maupin avenue. Salisbury, died Snluvdny. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon nt 3 o'clock nt the Summersctt Fu neral chapel with Rev. O. D. Moore, p.istor of Stnllings Memo rial Baptibt church, officiating! Burial was In the Trading Ford Baptist church cemetery. Mr. Gnrwood ,n native of Davic coun ty. was a son of James F. Gnr wood and Louella Wnlscr Gnr wood. He was formerly in the hotel and cafe business in Ashc- ville. He is survived by two brothers and four sisters. Bio - Obituaries - 11/4/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 4,1949, Page 6 Mrs. Jeffries, 77, Forsyth County BIw. Blariha E. Jeffrlea. 77. wid ow of Albert E. Jeffries, died at 12:15 p.m. Saturday at her home, Winston-Salem. R. 2. Mrs. Jcfries was born in Davie county January 11, 1872. daugh ter of Burgess and Richie Cor- nelison. She had gived in Forsyth county.the post four years. Surviving are one son. George Jeffries, of Winston-Salem, R. 2; one daughter. Mi» Bell Jeffries of the home; three brothers. Frank Cornelison of Wichita. Kan.. Wiley Cornelison of Cute Bank, Mont., and George Corne lison of Mocksvilie, R. 2; and three sisters, Mrs. Prank Smith of Mocksvilie. R. 2, Mrs. Will Brewbaker of Cana: R. 1, and Mrs. C. W. Maynard of Yadkin- villc, R. 2. The body was taken to the home at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, where a short service was held at 1 p'm. Services were conducted at 2:30 p.m. from Yadkin Valley Baptist church in Davie county by the Rev. Lowell Rcncgar and the Rev. E. W. Turner. Burial was in the cliurch cemetery. Cherry Jean Hicks Rites Held Thursday Cherry Jean Hicks, infant daughter of Harold W. and £s- tetlc C. Allen Hicks of Advance. R. 1,^ dl4d Wednesday at a States- ville hospital.; Surviving are the parents and grandparents.*Mr."and'Mrs. Wes ley Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Hjen- ry Hicks, all of Advance. R. 1. Funwal services were held at 2 p.m. Thursday at Redland Pen tecostal UoUnou church. Rev. Paul.JoDM offi^ttd. Burial was In -the church cemetery. Funeral Held For L. G. Home Lonnle Gray Home, 43, of Win- ston-Salem, died Tuesday in a Savannah, Ga., hotel He was bom March 2. 1606, in Davie county, the son of L. J. and Mentora Jarvis Home.-He was a graduate of Farmlngton High School and Draughon Business college. He lived in Winston-So- lem the past 24 years. For the past 13 years he has ben co-owncr and manager of Home and com pany, wholesale dry goods and notions dealers. Surviving arc the widow, the former Miss Edna Flinchum; three daughter. Mrs. Betty New- som, Miss Jane Homo, and Miss Mary Frances Horne, all of Win- ston-Salcm: his father, L. J Horne of Farmington:'two broth ers, Hugh J. Horne of Roanoke Rapids, and Dr.* S. F. Home of Rocky Mount; and a granddaugh ter. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Voglcr's Chapel by Dr. V. Excelle Roz- zelle. Burial was in Farmlngton cemetery, Davie county. XAYLOR KILLED BY TRACTOR Bynum Naylor, 28, son of Mr. and Mrs. Worren Naylor of Mocksvilie, R. 2, was instantly killed last Friday aftcrnon about 1:20 on the Vadklnville highway near Dilnquapen Creek, when the tractor on whidi he was rid ing ran off a All and overturned on him, pinning him underneath. Funeral services were held on Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Chlnqua- pcn Baptist church with the Rev. Hauscr In charge. Interment fol lowed in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/4/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 9,1949 I James McDaniel James M. McDaniel, 85, of R. • 3, Mocksville, died at his home at 8 p. m. Wednesday. I Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. W. F. Cantor, Advance, R. 1; one son, Walter McDaniel, Mocksville, R. 1; one sister, Miss Sarah Mc' Daniel, of Cboleemee. j Funeral services were held at 2| p. m. Friday at Smith Grove Me-, diodist Church by Rev. B. A. CarJ' roll. Burial was ui the church ce-1 meterv. 1 Mrs. M. E. Jeffries Mrs. Mattie E Je^ies, 77, died at her home, Winston - Salcm, Route 2, on Oct. 29th. Mrs. Jef fries was a native of Davie Coun ty, but moved to Forsyth about four years ago. Surviving are one son, George Jeflfries of Winston-Salem. Route 2: one daughter. Miss Bell Jeffries of the home: three brothers, Frank Comelison o f Wichita, Kan., Wilcv ComeMson of Cute Bank, Mont., and Gco g Cornell- son of Mocksville, Route 2; and three sisters, Mrs. Frank Smith of Mocksville, Route 2, Mrs. Will Brewbakerof Cana, Route 1, and Mrs. C. W. Maynard of Yadkin- vilie, Route 2. Funeral services were held at 1 p. m., Oct. 30th, and at Yadkin Valley Baptist Church at 2 p. m., with Revs. Lowell Rent^ar and E. W. Turner officiating, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Alex Kimbrough Funeral services for Alex Mc Guire Kimbrough, 65, of this city, who died last Tuesday night at a Statesville hospital, were held at 4 p. m. Thursday at the home on Lexington street. Rev. A. J. Cox and Rev. R M. Hardee officiated. Burial was in Rose cemetery. Mr. Kimbrough was born at Smith Grove, a son of the late Dr. and Mrs. M. D. Kimbrough. He spent most of his life in Davie Councv, and for 47 years had been a telegraph operator for Southern Railway Co. He had been depot agent and operator at Advance, Cooleemee, Cornelius, Mocksville, and Mc. Ulla, and up to his illness about two months ago, he was op erator and agent at Clemmons. Surviving are the wife, one son,! A. M. Kimbrough, Jr., of this city; two daughters, Mrs. Harry Os borne, of the home, and Mrs. A. D. Montgomery, of ReidsviHe; one' brother, P. R. Kimbrough, of At'! lanta, Ga., and six grandchildren. The death of Mr. Kimbrough has brought sadness lo his host of friends throughout the town and county. The Record extends sincere sympathy to cbc bereaved ^ family in their great affliction. We! will ail miss Alex. Bio - Obituaries - 11/9/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 11,1949, Page 1 DEATH CLAIMS A. M. KIMBROUGH Alex McGuire Kimbrough, 65- year^old Mocksville resident, died In OqvIs hospital, Statesville on Tuesday night at 8:45 after an illness of six weeks. Born December 30. Ifl03.^1r. Kimbrough was the son of the late Dr. M. D. Kimbrough and Sally Brock Kimbrough. He was born in the Smith Grove com* munlty in Davie county. Mr. Kimbrough had been cm- ployed with the Southern roil* woy for the post 47 years. At the time of his death he was sta* tion ogent in Clemmons, Forsyth county. Funeral services were,held at 4 p.in. Thursday in the home, con* ducted by the Rev. A. J. Cox and the Rev. R. M. Hardee. Buri* a] fplJowed in Rose cemetery in Mocksville. The pallbearors were Hubert Eaton, Dr. Lester Martin, Milton Call. T. C. Pegram, B. Combs and Ed McNeely. Honorary pallbear* ers were R. B. Sanford, J. C. San- ford, R. S. McNcltl, A. T. Grant, John Nail Waters, J. A. Key of Siloam, G. C. Comba of Rural Hall, Grady Ward, Jim Kelly, Dr. Holbrook and Dr. Meade of Statesville, Grant Daniel, J. O. OrrcU of Advance, John Durham, D. J. Mando, E. J. McKelthan. of Forest City, R. P. Anderson, E. C. Morris and Knox Johnstone. Surviving Mr. Kimbrough are his widow, Mamie Horn Kim* brough; one son, A. M. Kim* brouiMt, Jr., two daughiera. Mra. Harry Osborne of the home, and Mrs. A. D. Montgomery of Relds- ville; one brother, P. R. Kim- brcijgh of Atlanta, Ga., and tix grandchildrea MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 11,1949, Page 3 Mrs. May Ransom Funeral Saturday Mrs. Flora May Ransom, 58. died Thursday morning at 7:30 o'clock ut her home at Blxby, fol lowing an extended illness. Mrs. Ransom was born in For syth county, 0 daughter of the late Mr. end Mrs. D. H. Hen* dricks, who moved to Davic many years ago. She spent most of her life ot Bixby. Her husband,' J. W. Ronsom, died In 1942. Surviving arc three daughters,! Mrs. Lonnic Cornotzer, Mrs. Louie Benl and Mrs. Albbrt Foster, alt of Advance, R. 1; two bothers, E. G. and George R. Hcndricks. of Mocksvillc: one sister, Mrs. G. G. Walker, of Gostonia. A short service was held at the home Saturday morning at 10:00 o'clock, ond the funeral proper was held ut 11 o'clock Saturday morning at Mount Tabor Meth odist church, conducted by Revs. Bert Gartrcll and C. E. Shannon. Burial was in the church cem etery. Mrs. Ransom was a memt>er of Pfafftown Christian church. W. N. TUCKER DIES TUESDAY WilUum N. Tucker, 81. died at his home, Mocksville, R. 3, at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday. He wos o retired fari*"*r had lived In Davle' ^ounty all his life, He was a son of the late Mr. and Mr. Seabon Tucker. Surviving are two daughters. Mrs. R. L. Foster of Mocksville Route 3, ond Mrs. J. L. Crotts of Ncwsom. Twelve grandchildren and 19 grcat-grondchitc'rcn also survive. ' Funeral services were in the Glbaville Methodist church at 2 p.m. Thursday. Rev.' J. R. Star ling and Rev. John Oakley of ficiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio — Obituaries - 11/11/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 11,1949, Page 4 James M. McDaniel, Mocksvillc, R. 3, Dies James M. McDanlcl. 85, Mocks- villc, R. 5, died at his home at 8 p.m. Wednesday. Surviving arc one daughter, Mrs. W. P. Cantor of Advance, R. 1; one son, Walter McDanlel of Mocksville, R. i; one sister, Miss Sarah McDaniel of Coolee- mcc, 12 grandchildren, and 12 grcat-grandchlldrcn. I^crol services were conduct ed at 2 p.m. Thursdoy at Smith Grove Methodist church by the Rev. B. A. Carroll. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/11/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 16,1949 Mrs. Mary Foster Mrs. Mary P. Foster, 69, died Tuesday at her home on Mocks- ville, Route 4. Funeral serviees were conduct ed at the Concord Methodist Church at 3:30 p. m., Thursday by Rev. J. B. Fit^crald. Burial was in the church cemetery. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Maxic Swicogood, Mrs. Paul Nail and Mrs. Julius Tutterow of Mocksville, Route 4; four sons, Boone Foster, of Mocksville, R. 4;j and Dewey, Henry and Hubert Foster of Cooleemee; two half-; .sisters, Mrs. R. W. Daniel of Mocksville, R. 4, and Mrs. Sabra Coble of Fayetteville; one half- brother, Henry Peacock of Mocks- \'i!le. Route 2. Bert L. Smith Bert L. Smith, 61, life-long re- sident of Davie County, died at a Statesville hospital at 4:20 a. m., Thursday, following an illness of two months. Surviving are the wife, two sons Gray Smith, of Smidi Grove, and Harley Smi^, of Advance, R. 1; one daughter Mrs. Carrie Kimel, Winston-Salem. R. 2; two broth- en, James A. Smith, Mocksville, R. 3; Paul L. Smith, High Point; two sisters. Mrs. J. W. Jones, R3, Mocksville, and Mrs. R. R. Car roll, Winston-Salem, Funeral services were held' at Smith Grove Methodist Church Saturday at 2:30 p. m., with Revs. John Oakley. George Bruner and B. B. Nicks officiating, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries — 11/16/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 18,1949 BERT LEE SMITH OF SMITH GROVE DIES Bci'l Lcc Smith, GI, of Smith Grove communliy, died o( ti hcurl nttiick ut 4:20 o.m. Thursdoy nt Davis hospital. Stntesvillo. He hart been in declining henUh for eight months. He was born January 10, IB8B; the son of W. J. and Sally Whit- tiker Smith, in the Smith Grove community nnrt spent his entire life there. Mr. Smith wii.s a farm er most of his life, but worked at National Carbon company in Winston-Salum during the war. For the past five years, he has been connected with his son, Gray Smith, at Smith's Novelty shop at Smith Grove. He had been a member of the Smith Grove Methodist church since childhood. Surviving are the widow, the former Mallle Carter: two sons, Gray Smith of Mocksvlllc, R. 3, unU Hurley Smith of Advance, R. 1; one daughter. Mrs. Terry Kim- el of Winston-Salcm, R. 3, and Paul L. Smith of High Point; two sisters, Mrs. J. W. Jones of Mocksvillc. R. 3, and Mrs. R. R. Carroll of Winston-Salem; two brothers, Pou! L. Smith ond Jos. A. Smith, of R. 3, Mocksville, and six grandchildren. Funeral services were conduct ed at 2:30 p.m. Saturday at Smith Grove Methodist church by the Rev. John Oakley, the Rev. Geo. Bruner, and the Rev. B. B. Nicks. Burial was in the church ceme tery. Death Claims Mrs. G. P. Bailey . Mrs. George P. Boiley, Norfolk, Va., resident, died Mondoy morn ing, November 14, in a Norfolk hospital, after an illness of four years. Funeral services were hold at II a.m. Wednesday in Holliman ond Brown Funeral Home, Nor folk. Burial followed in the city cemetery. Surviving Mrs. Bailey-arc three daughters, Mrs. Robert Lawrence of Spartanburg, S. C:, Mrs. Hor ace Brcwbakcr of Arlington, Va., and Mrs. Fred Hunter of Char-| lottc; one son, Dr; P; K: Mason.! of Mocksville. MRS. MARY FOSTER RIES ARE HELD Funeral services for Mrs. Mary P. Foster, 09, of R. 4. Mocksville. who died Tuesday at her home, were conducted Thursday at 3:30 o'clock at the Concord Methodist church. Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald officiated and burial was in the church cemetery. Surviving are three daughters. Mrs. Maxie Swicegood. Mrs. Paulj Nail and Mrs. Julius Tuttcrow of[ Mocksville,' R. 4; four sons, Boone Foster of Mocksville. R. 4: ond Dewey, Henry and Hubert Fos ter, all of Cooleemee: two half- sisters, Mrs. R. W. Daniels of Mocksville, R. 4, and Mrs. Sabra Coble of F^etteviUe; one half- brother, Henry Peacock, Mocks ville, R. 3. U grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 11/18/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 23,1949 Harry S. Stroud Harrv S. Stroud, 41. of this city, died of a heart attack at MooteS' ville late Sunday afternoon, where he had been doing organization work for the past several weeks. His death was a severe shock to his family and relatives here. Su.viving are she wife, Mrs. FIccta Keevcr Stroud, one daugh ter, Miss Nancy Stroud, and one son, Harrv Keever Stroud; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stroud. one brother, Frank Stroud, Jr., two sisters, Misses Louise and Jessie Libby Stroud, all of Mocksviile. Funeral services were held at Mocksviile Baptist Church Tues day afternoon at 2:30 6'clock, with his pastor. Rev. I. P. Davis ofHciatine, and the body laid to rest in Rose cemetery. His death has brought sadness to a host of relatives and friends, not only In this city, but through out Northwestern North Carolina. Mrs. D, P. Dyson Mrs. D. P. Dyson, 85, died at her horns near -Sheffield at 5 a. m. TThursdav morning, following sn extended illness. Surviving are three sons, Travis E>yson, of Guilford; Marvin and Munsey Dyson, of Sheffield, and a number of grandchildren. Funeral services were Held at New Union Methodist Church at 2 p. m., Friday, with Rev. Foster Loflin ofHeiating, and the body laid to rest in the church ceme* tery beside her husband who died in October, 1948. Mrs. Dyson was a native of Ire- dell county, but had spent all of her married life in Davie. A good] woman has been called to her re ward. Mrs. Chas. Lagle • Mrs. Charles Lagfe, 74, died last Monday afternoon, Nov 14th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Craige Foster, in East Mocksviile, following an extended illness. Surviving are the husband, one daughter, three sons, Clarence La gle, Cooleemee; D. G. Lagle, Car- terct, N. J., and C. B. Lagle, Tuc son, Ariz.*, three grandchildren; four great-grandchildren, and cue half-sister; Mrs. Lon Howard, of Salisbury. Funeral services were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Craige Foster at 2 p. m., last Wednesday, with Rev. Foster Loflin and Rev. A. J. Cox officiating, and the body laid to rest in Rose cemetery. Mrs. L»g1e was a native of Da- vie County,*a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Webb McCulIough. Herbert C. Holman; Herbert C. Holman, 73, a na tive of Davie County, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holman, ; of Route 2, died at his home in ^ Marshalltown, Iowa, on Nov. Uth, Mr. Holman migrated west more than 40 years ago. ! The funeral and burial occurred • at Marshalltown Nov. I4th. !| Among the survivors in Davie J County are a sister, Mrs. Maude Calther, of this city, and a broth er, Guy Holman, of Route 2. Other survivors are two broth ers,?. A. Holman, of Iowa, and Ernest Holman, of Oklahoma; two sisters, Mrs. Roland Early, Wins- ton-Salcm, and Mrs. Sailie Bolick, Winter Haven, Fla. Mr. Holman had many friends in Davie who were saddened bv news of his death. Bio - Obituaries - 11/23/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 25, 1949 —Page 1 Mn. W. E. F«ter Pniifi Tiiiniliji Mr*. W. E. roMrr, a. vt Ad- v*nce, Route I, dM «t tt:30 -p-m. TuMdiy at • WteAM^ailan piUl 'where the had h«cn n pa tient only- a law houra. She was a nattva of Davle County, daughter ot Charlie and Enuna WUUaoMi Surviving am the huiband; one brother, John ShachaUordiOl Oteen; two aana, C. V. TofUr of Wlcetoa • Salon and George Foctcr of Advaaea Eotxle 1; ^and three - graukhUdrcn. ruacra) aervtaea weic held at a pjn. Ihuraday at Bethlehem BlethodUt CburdL The 3tov. John Oahley and the Bev. George Bruoer officiated. Burial utaa in the church cemetery. Infant Daughter Lynch nJNBBAL Funeral lervicee were held on Thuraday, November 17, for the infant dau|d)ter of Mr. and Mra. C. A. Lyodi of Aaheville, grand daughter of Mra. T. N. Chaffin. Un. Lynch waa formerly MUi Louiat Chaffin of MockaviUe. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 25,1949 - Page 4 Harry S. Stroud Rites Are Held Funeral services for Harry S. Stroud, 40, of Mocksville, who died unexpectedly Sundoy of a heart attack, were conducted at 2r30 p.m. Tuesday ot Mocksville Baptist church by the Rev. J. P. Dovis and the Rev. Alvia Che shire. Burial was in Rose cem etery. Pallbearers were Roy Call, Gilmer Hartley, Grey Hendrbt, Judd Bailey. Everctte Dwiggitts, and Paul Grubb. Honorary pall bearers were members of the Horn Bible class at Mocksville Baptist church, of which Mr. Stroud was a member. Mr. Stroud had tieen an organ, izer with the CIO for the past four years. Before that he was with Erwin Cotton mills in Coo- leemee for four years. He gradu ated from the high school here ih 1926. Surviving arc the widow. Mrs. Fteeta Keever Stroud; o son. Har- Bio - Obituaries - 11/25/1949 ry Kecver Stroud; and a daugh ter, Miss Nancy Clatr Stroud. all of the home; the parents, C. F. and Jessie Click Stroud. of MocKs\ villc; a brother, C. F. Stroud, Jr., of htocksvUlc; and two sisters, Misses Louise and Jessie Libby Stroud, of Mocksville. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, November 25,1949 - Page 6 Mrs. Martha Dyson, Mocksville, R. 1, Dies Mrs. Martha Marlow Dyson died □t 4:35 Thursday at the home of a son. T. M. Dyson, of Mocks* vlllc, R. 1. She had been In 111 health for a year. Mrs. Dyson was the widow of D. P. Dyson, who died in 1048. Survlvng are three sons, W. T. Dyson of Gullford College. W. M. and T. M. Dyson of Mocksville, R. I; 17 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conduct ed at 2 p.m. Friday at New Union Methodist churCh at Harmony, R. 1. by the Rev. Foster Lawson and the Rev. W. C. Bulla. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/25/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 30,1949 Charles Orrell Mrs. Wf M, Foster Mrs. W, E. Foster, 63, of .Route 1, Advance, died at 5:30 p.m., last Tuesday at a Winston-Salem hos pital, where she had been a patient only a few hours. Surviving are the husband; one brother, John ShackcUord. Oteen; two sons, C. W. Foster, Winston- Salemi a .d George Fost r, Route 1, Advance; thre^ i^randchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m., Thursday at Bethlehem Me- • thodist Church with Revs. Joho.j Oakley and George Bruner officia-' ting, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. A Tragic Death Charles Orrell, 40, at native of Davie County, and a son of Mrs, Charles Orrell and the late Mr. Orrell, of near Advance, was found dead in his car near Sanford last Tuesday night. His car ran off the htghwav into a ditch, and. he was sitring in the car waiting for help to get his car back on the highway. The exhaust pipe was said to have been steppe up by dirt in trying to back out of the ditch, and it is thought he was overcome by gas fumes. Mr. Or- rcll lived at Sanford, and is sur vived by his wife, several children and his mother. Funeral and bur ial services were held at Sanford Wednesday afternoon. This de^h brought sadness to The Record editor because we had known Mr. Orrell since he was a small cot of three vears. His parents were our next door neighbors on North Main street many years ago. Bio - Obituaries - 11/30/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 2,1949 - Page 1 Sanlord Greene, 66, Passes Away at Home J. Sanford Greene, age 60, well known farmer and merchant of Mocksvllle. It. 1, died Wednes day morning, November 30, at his home. Mr. Greene had been in ill health since his retirement from active work two years ago. He had been critically ill for sevcrii] weeks. He was the son of James San ford and Sarah Xurfees Greene of Davic County. Mr. Greene is survived by his wife, Mrs. Stella Scaford Greene; three sons: Marshall Greene, J. S. Greene, and Carl Greene, all of the home; four daughters: Mrs. Atlas Smoot of Mocksville; Mrs. Carl Anderson, Mrs. Harrel Pow ell and Mrs. Mack Evcrette, Mocksville R. 1; one sister: Mrs. R. L. Walker of Mocksville. Funeral services will be held Thhrsdiiy at 3 p.m. at the Jeri cho Chhrch of Christ. Officiating ministers will be Wiliiard Con- chin, Pastor, and Burrcl Prince of Statc^villc. Interment will foll ow in the church rnmctprv. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December2,1949 Gertrude Steele Mrs. Gertrude Stcclc, who has been ailing for some time and very sick for a week, passed away last Saturday morning about 1 •o'clock at the Steele home on Depot street. She Is survived by her husband, F. W. Stcclc. I^meral services wore conducl- ed at Presbyterian church Sun day by Rev. R. A. Mossoy. Burial wos at Church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 12/2/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 7,1949 Joe H. Rich Toe Hampton Rich. 75, a native of Davie County, and a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rich, of Farmington, died at Duke Hos pital. Durham, Thursday. Mr. Rich left iDavte when a young man, and lived i.i Wiaston-Salem for many year's. later moving to Chapel Hill. He traveled exten sively throughout this country and visited Europe a number of years ago.^ He was head of the Boonej Trail Association, and erected* Daniel Boone markers from the' Atlantic ocean to the far west. A Boone marker is on the court house awn in this city. Mr. Rich is survived by two sons and two dauchters, one sis- tcr, Mrs. F. H. Bahnson. of Farm ington; one brother S. O. Rich, of Raleigh. Funeral services were held at Baton's Baptist Church Saturday at 4 p. m., with Rev. Wade Hutch- ens officiating, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. James S. Green James Sanford Greeti, 66, well- known retired merchant and far mer of Route 1. died Wednesday morning at 5 o'clock at his home, following a long illness. Surviving are the wife, three sons, John S. Green, Wlnston-Sa- lem, and Marshall and Carl Green of the home; four daughters, Mrs. Atlas Smoot, of Mocksville, Mrs. Harrell Powell, Mrs. Carl Ander son and Mrs. Mack Everetts, all of Route I; one sister, Mrs. R. L. Walker, of Mocksville, and four grandchildren. Mr. Green was a bom Sept. 5, 1883, In Wilkes County, but mov ed to Davie when three years old. On Oct. 6, 1907. he was married to Miss Stella Seatord. Funeral services .were held at 3 p. m., Thursday at Jericho Church of Christ, of which he was a mem ber. Officiating ministers were Burl J. Prince and Willard -Con- chin. Burial was in the church cemetery. The Record extends heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved ones in this sad hour. Mr. Green was a long-time friend of the editor. His death has brought sadness to a hose of friends in this section. Bio - Obituaries - 12/7/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 9,1949 - Page 1 Fred Skhardson Taken By Deeth . Mr. Fred Richardson, 26, died Sunday night at 9:30 o*clock at Davis Hospital, after on illness of three weeks. Mr. Richardson was the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Richardson, of Harmony, Route 1, and made his home with his parents. Survivins in addition to his father and mother, T. M., and Naomi (Reeves) Richardson; arc five •sisters—and—two-brotliers. - They arc Mrs. Helen Bulla and Mrs. Lo* rcnc Barker boih of Stntcsvilie; Miss Frances Richardson of Char' lottc; Misses Janet and Wanda Richardson, Lloyd and Vance Richardson, all of the home. Funeral cervices were held from New Union Methodist church Tuesday afternoon at 2:- 30, conducted by the pastor. Rev. Foster Loftin, and Rev. W. C. Bulla, and interment was in the church cemetery. J. Hampton Rich Dies At Age of 75 J. Hampton Rich, the man who put Daniel Boone trail markera from Manteo to Murphy and be> yond, died at Duke hospital, Dv ham. Thursday, He was 79. Early In life Mr. Rich became interested In the peripatetic ca reer ol the great pioneer and hunter because, he xplalnd, Dan- ii Boone's parents were burlod six miles from Mr. Rlch*f old home in Mocksville. In a crusade that was virtually one-man, he placed Indian arrow head markers from Virginia Beach to San Francisco. He be gan his life's work in Moksville in 1929, with only 129 in his pockets. When ho roturned from the Pacific coast six months later all the markers had becn'^iMMd for by memberships in the Boooe Memorial association and Mr. Rich's $25 had grown to 1900. In 1945 he was clerk-Ubrarlan in the stale senate. One other in terest in his life was the Boys* Road Patrol of North Carolina, a ssfoty-promotlng organisation of which he became • director in 1919. He died of a liver complaint. He is survived by two sons and two daughters. Funeral services were conduct ed Saturday afternoon at Batoa's church near Cana, Davle county. Bio - Obituaries - 12/9/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ^ l^are ;^feo*>l^prfeea ' ?;FQr^CHy^- P^ "'■^Uqcfe-Rush" Howell didn't quite reach'his-106th "birthday.'Heltwould have been that age, according to his fc alculations, had he livedlI until Christinas Day. He died yesterday at his home at 229 Abattoiri'..^Street.. • , , - ^■ • Rush Howeli, whose life began as a Negro slave near Fa'rmingtoa. Iand bridged two distinct eras, remained an active worker far beyond the entire age of most men. He^ was employed by the City of Win- .-'■yiy ■ •ston-Salem for more than 62 years, where he built up a reputa- ^■ tion as^ a hard worker who never = W He began working for the city ^ ^ ; as a pick and shovel man. Later[he was wagon-helper with the t-.:: sanitary de'partment, and Anally Mi:I was made teamster. In this last <{job he continued through the ' horse-and-wagon era and into the' days after the department became mechanized. . r "Uncle Rush's" bright disposi- ** * *4* J'tion, his ready wit and his remi- ' ■ niscences of bygone days found -ya'p-'v 'him an eager audience wherever i.:;!!! i he went. He retained his genial i-'outlook On life right into his ad- ■ I I'd ■ vanced years. : ' He was a member of Union Baptist Church near his home. His, pastor, the Rev. A. H. McOaniei, , recalls that "Uncle Rush" was [about '95 years old before hei joined the church and became the r *•■ oldest convert to be baptized in RUorl. HOWHLL . 1 , the church's pool. ; i! As a boy Rush was owned by; "Uncir^Ruqh^^a'ri^^""T^-^iGid Howell of Davie County.. He, "Keeps Lungs "Cleaned Off""" ; "Uncle Rush said: "Liquor...:keeps you stout "and heavy andwas iTwhentheWarBetween'thei andStates beean. Ha useH m f^it your lungs c eaned off.' ButStates began. He used to tell about j, the time the Yankees came 1 through Davie, looking for horses.)Rush's master had horses, buti;Rush didn't like the idea of being!th ;he added that he didn't get drunk,—"just foxy..When I got enough,,.I goes home to my cabin."Last Christmas much younger:' employees of the city remem-^e one to give them away. When waif^Tf® remem-^:the Yankee officer ordered him to ®?h nr» chipped:trot out the colts,' Rush said he Z i. a Christmas dm-t.simply "trotted" off where the uli ^o^e—a faty.-Yankees couldn't find him. They Lr.got the horsei^anyway, he recalled,' Sw ®' ^nd• but Rush kept himself out of it. ' ■ i j \^ While he never exactly attrib-1 ^ include two daugh-, uted his unusual longevity to spirV I Mrs Rprfh '-Its, "Uncle Rush" declared ylarsi Sv-' f ?®ago: "I'd died lonA acm Af hii! ^i^y a son, Burgess Howell. also .■hadn't been fer liquor." He re-' 7n E^^^'^'^aughtera;.called with a . pleased grin the' f ;springhouse on the old HoweU•place. «The- marster," he said, ^l'"kept liquor in-the springhouse ^ •|,just,like pedplefceep water now." tJIa a local^fimei^—:—- •• •• - ^ bome pending completiomiot^eu-i) / ' f) .S^^aL.and burialjpraps.;-;. DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 14,1949 Judy Mae Smith ; Judy Mae Smith, one^year'O d daughter of J. W. Smith of Ad vance, Route 1, died at the home at 2:t5 a. m., Wednesday. | Surviving are the parents; four' brothers, three sisiers. | Funeral services were conduct-' ed at 2:30 p. m., Thursday at Ful-| ton Methodist Church, by Rev. J. R. Starling. Burial was in tlie church cemetery Fred Richardson Final rites fox Fred Richardson, 26, son of Mr. and Mrs. Munsey Richardson, of near Sheffield, took place last Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at New Union Me thodist Church, with Revs. Foster Loflin and W. C. Balla officiating, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. He died Dec. 5th, following three weeks illness. J. f. Smithdeal Funeral services for John Franklin Smithdeal, 71, of Wins* ton-Salem, who died Thursday at a Twin-Citv hospital, were held at 2 p. m., Saturday at the home. Dr. C. Excelle Rozzelle and the Rev. J. H. Brendall officiated. Burial was in Forsyth Memorial Park. Mr. Smithdeal has been in his usual good health until late Wed nesday and was taken to a local hospital. He was bom Dec. 31, 1877* in Davie County, the son of H. T* and Fannie Charles Smithdeal. About 31 years ago he came to Winston.Salem from Jacksonville, Fla. In I9I8. he joined the Smithdeal Realty and Insurance Company, which had been orga nized by his brothe,, C. C. Smith- deal. Mr. Smithdeal served one term in the North Carolina Legislature f^m Davie County. After com- ling to Winston'Salem, he was president of several warehouses and aided in the promotioa of Hotel Robert B. Lee. He was a member of the Am-* more Methodist Church and the Twin City Club. In 1899, he was married to Miss Lula Smith, who died April 28. 1947. Surviving are three sons, W. Frank Smithdeal and Foss T. Smithdeal, both of Wln^ton-Sa- lem, and Clinton B. Smithdeal of Raleigh, one daughter, Mrs. Ma bel S. Robertson of Winston-Sa' lem; Eve brothers, C. C Smith- deal, and Fred A. Smithdeal, both of Winston-Salem, E. O. Smith- deal of Roanoke, Curtis Smith- deal of High Point, and Vestal Smithdeal of Morganton; five sisters. Mrs. Sallie Stauber of Spencer, Mrs. Grace Fram o f Atlanta. Ga., Mrs. Ruth Mvers of Lexington, RFD. Mrs. Leona E^e of Winston-Salem and Miss Ethel Smithdeal of Advance; and nine grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries -12/14/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 16,1949 Uriah H. Myers, 88, Davic County Native Funeral scrvfcos for Urinh H. Myers 88, who died Monday nt the home of a son. Charlie H. Myers of Advance, R. I. were held Tuesday nt the son's home, and at Shady Grove, Methodist cliurch. The Rev. Mr. Starling nnd the Rev. T. G. Madison of- ficiatcd. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Myers hod been ill for three weeks and in serious con dition the past few days. He was born in Dovie county, Nov. 11, 1661, son of Ccdric and Delphio Bidden Myers. He spent his en tire life in Davie county and was 0 member of MooK's Methodist church. In 1882, he was married to Miss Hattras Hilton, who died in March, 1903. He married Miss Betty Ricliurdson, Nov. 24, 1010. She died June 24, 1048. Surviving arc one daughter, Mrs. Cii/abclh Coon of 'Winston- Salcm: seven sons, W. H, Myers of Norfolk. Va.; G. Z. and Char lie Myers, both of Advance, Noah and Edward Myers, both of Ports- moth, Vo., Stacy Myers of North Bench, Md.. nnd Lonnic Myers of Winston-Snlcm. Illness Fatal To Miss Robinson Miss Laura Sue Robinson, 32, of Glade Spring, Va., died Sat« urday night, December 10, at her home with a heart attack. Miss Robinson was the daugh ter of M. W. Robinson and the lote Mrs. Robinson of Glade Spring Va. She was a sister of W. F. Robznson of Mocksville. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday .at Glade Spring Presbyterian church. Burial fol lowed in the church cemetery. J. F. Smithdeal Dies in Winston-Salem Funeral services for John Franklin Smilhdcal, 71. of Win- ston-Saleni. who died Thursday at 0 Twin City hospital, were held last Saturday nt the home. Dr. C. EKcellc Rozzellc and the Rev. J. H. Brend.nll officiated. Burial was In Forsyth Memorial pork. Mr. Smithdeal had been in his usual good health until late Wcd- nosdoy and was token to O'hos pital. He was born Dec. 31, 1877, in Dovie county, the son of H. T. nnd Fonnic Charles Smithdeal. About 31 years ago he went to Winston-Salem from Jockson- vlllc, Fla. In 1918 he joined the Smithdeal Realty and Insuronce company, which had been organ ized by his brother, C. C. Smith- deal. Mr. Smithdeal served one term in the North Carolina Legislature from Davic county. After coming to Winston-Salem, he was presi dent of several warehouses and aided in the promotion of Hotel Robert E. Lee. He was a member of the Ard- more Methodist church and the Twin City club. In 1899, he was married to Miss Lula Smith, who died April 28, 1M7. Surviving ore three sons, W. Frank Smithdeal and Foss T. Smithdeal, twth of Winston-Sa lem, and Clinton B. Smithdeal of Raleigh; one daughter, Mrs. Ma bel S. Robertson of Winiton-Sa- Icm; five brothers, C. C. Smith- deol, and Fred A. Smithdeal, both of WInslon-Salcm, E. O. Smith- deal of Roanoke, Curtis Smith- deal of High Point, and Vestal Smithdeal of Morganton; five aiaterg, Mrs. Salle Stauber of Spencer, Mrs. Frace Fram of At lanta, Ga., Mrs.' Ruth Myers of Lexington, RFD, Mrs. Leona Ea gle of Winston-Salem and Miss BIhe) Smithdeal of Advance; and nine grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 12/16/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 21,1949 Uriah H, Myers Funeral services for U. H. Mv ers, 88, who died Dec. 12ch, ac the home of a son, Charlie H. Myers, Advance, Route I, were held at 1:30 p, m,, Wednesday at the son's home, and at 2 p. m. at Shady Grove Methodist Church, with Rev. Mr. Starling and Rev. T. 0. Madison officiating. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mr. Myers spent his entire life in Davie County. He was a mem.* ber of Mode's Methodist Church. Surviving are one daughter and seven sons. R. S. Oshome Bobv Smith Otbome, 69, farm* er of Lexington, Route 3, died Tuesday after a long illness. ! A native of Ashe County, he , had lived in Davie for 23 years and at his present address for . four weeks. < Surviving a re five daughers, Mrs. John R. Houser, of Ablng- don, Va., Mrs. Joe Eiler and Mrs* T. L. Spillman of Mocksville, Route 4, and Mrs. Dossie Wood and Mrs. Robert Gobble of the home: one son Wayne Oshome of Lexington Route 3; four brokers. Route 3; feur brothers, one sister. Funeral setvices were conduct ed at 3 p. m., Thursday at Reeds , Methodist Church, near Lndng* ton. Burial was in the diur^ cemetery.. Bio - Obituaries - 12/21/1949 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA \>~V j: [;M:/|pi'3i5^^«r V IWiiipn v^Mo^^le^FreitJ R. .Leagans, 50,: pf^Mocksville died of a hearf attaclc at 3i30 pjn. yesteaday while conducting a military funeral at SmitlF Grove as an official of the Veter^ of Formgn Wiurs, Post Leagans was born iruCana April 29, 1899, the son of Gran- viller and Mary. CoUett Leagans. He spent his entire life in Davie "County, 'and for the past sev^al y^s had been in the general in surance business.' ; For more than 10 years he had served as Davie County Veterans Service Officer, and he had been a magistrate and a U. S. commis sion^!. A veteran of TYorld:'War L he Was the holder oiTBe^Silver Star and the Croix^ de Guerre. He .was well known, throughout the State VFW ranks fpr his active work hi that organization, and he served. M officer in charge at al- jmost ali military funerals in Da- j vie County.. / •} .: : l^urvfving are . the wife, Mrs. Flossie- opry Aieagana or the homej brie daughter, Mrs.; Gladya Pow^ of the home; the mother, E. - Leagans of Caria; three'" brM ers, Cecil Leagans of CahaJ^I Paul Leagans of New Yorfti-re^tw fessdi: at CorneE XJTniversilgr; fanS Charles Leagans of Stuait,. Vaff; five sisters, Mrs. Clyde Jarvis 'olC Farmington, Mr& E. M.;Jonesfdf Thomasville, Mrs. Ev J. Newt6n>of! Kemersville, Mrs." L. C. ColeF.bf RockweE and Mrs. Richard. M^ of Philadelphia; and, two., ^arid- children. Funeral services will be, con ducted at 2:30 p.m. 'tbinorrow-e. Eaton Baptist Church by the Rev. Wade Hutchens, the Rev., J.—hJ Groce • and the Rev., J. B^'Davis! Bmial. wilt be in the churco^ceme tery. The body will lie iri'state'ai the church from i to^ 2*^0: prix Full military honors wili' B^ac^ corded at the gravesidft.by VFWi Post 4024. Members dC the post will serve as pallbeai^i^^' -^ € O"- o- nu\/ir rn ; I '/ 3 L. . i „■ •,, ,„i . i. t : ■7 i-.-J DAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARY MOCKftVlLLE, N€ ni of MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 23,1949 — Page 4 William D. Link, North Cooleemee Willium O. Link, 54, oC North Coolccmco. died at 12:40 p. m. Friday in the veterans* hospitol nt Otccn, following an illness of six weeks. He was born July 30, 1805, in Davidson county, a son of the late Lovl and Sarah Ferryman Link, but had lived In Davie coun> ty since cfiltdhood. He was a far* mer and a veteran of World War II. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lota Ktunduy Link; four sons. Bill, Eugene, John and Kelly Link, all of the homo; five daugh ters, Mrs. James McSwain of.' Mocksville, R. 4, Mrs. Dorothy Foster. Miss Maxine, Miss Jac queline and Miss Janet Link, all of the home; three brotliers, Eu gene Link of Draper, Boxtcr Link, of Mocksville, R. 4, and Lcvi Link of Winston*Salcm: one half-sis ter, Mrs. Jean Renvls, of Wilkcs- boro and eight grandchildren. He was buried with military honors ot Liberty Methodist, church on Sunday afternoon, Rev. J. H. Groco officiating. The- Veterans of Foreign Wars were in charge of the graveside serv ice and were ossisted by members of the local National Guard com pany. Those assisting were: Fred R. Lcagans, commander: James B. Swicegood, officer of the dhy;: Robert Evans and C. F. Meroney, colorbearers; John Pilchcr,. Jr:,. and Ben Bowles, colof guards; Jimmic Campbell, bugler; Blc)i.- ard Bccding, Chester James, Baul A. Foster, Franklin Jones,. Bill Click and Calvin McClammck; pallbearers. Bio - Obituaries - 12/23/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, December 23,1949 - Page 7 R. L. LOWERY, MOCKSVILLE, ROUTE 2, DIES R. L.. Lowoiy, 72, of Mocks- vilic, H. 2, rcllrod forcmnn for Elkin Furniture Co., died nt his home nt 9:20 a.m. Friday after five years of dcclinlnB health and j two weeks of serious illness. I He was born in Yadkin county, ' April 2. IB77, the son of Alllc and Saille Gregory Lowcry. On May 31, 180B, he was married to Miss Lucinda Baity. He was a member of Cross Roads Baptist church at Courtney. Surviving arc the wife; five daughters, Mrs. Marguorit Church of Ronda, Mrs. Phoebe Murray of Charlotte, Miss Lee Lowery, Miss Dean Lowery, and Mrs. Rho desia Masten, all of the home; three sons, A. V. Lowery of Moorcsviilc. Cortcz Lowcry of El kin, and Baity Lowery of the home: three borthcrs, W. S. Low ery of Chariolle, Vance Lowery j of Kannnpolis, and E. C. Lowcry of Winston-Salem; three sisters, Miss Viola Lowery of Kannnpo lis. Mrs. Elhol Wrlglit of Illinois, and Mrs. Mullic Powell of low.!; 10 grnndchildren; and one great grandchild. Funeral services were hold ot 2 p. m. Monday at Cross Roads Baptist church by the Rev. A. C. Cheshire. Burial was in the church ccmclcry. Bio - Obituaries - 12/23/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA