Jan - JunDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 5,1949 Frances Black- welder Frances, the little 2 year and 8 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blackwelder. died on Dec. 21st shortly after entering Rowan Memorial Hospital. She had been ill only a short while. Surviving are the parents, one sister and the grandfather, H. F. Blackwelder; of Route 2, and grandmother, Mrs. E. P. Bradley, of Mocksville. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p. m.. Dec. 22nd, at the Pros' byterian Church, with Revs.E. H. Oartrell and H. C. Sprinkle offi ciating and the little body laid to rest in Rose cemetery. Pallbearers were R. B. Sanford, Knox John- stone; Ben Boyles and E. C. Mor ris. The grief stricken parents have the sympathy of a host of friends in this great bereavement. Wc can only commend them to Him who said nearly two thousand years ago. "Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Attend Price Fnn- ». C. Latham eral Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Price leR! early last Tuesday morning for Monroe, where they were sum-] moned on account of the death of | Mr. Price's mother, Mrs. Nora W. Price, 73f of KannapoHs who died suddenly the night of Dec. 27th. Mrs. Price was visiting at her old home near Monroe, when stricken. Funeral services werej held at Wesley Chapel, near Men-| roe, last Wednesday, and the body laid to rest in the Monroe cemc-*) tery. Mr. Price has die sympathy of a host of ^ends in the death I of his mother. i' Mrs. W. C. Latham, 80, died at her home near Cana, on Dec. 24th, following a long illness. She spent her entire life in that com munity. She has been a member of Eaton's Baptist Church for more than 50 years. t Survivors ore four sons, one daughter and a number of grand children. j Funeral services were held at Wesley's Chapel Methodist church at 2:30 p. m., Dec. 26th, with Revs. H. W. Hutchens, E. W. Turner and James M. Hayes officiating and the body laid to rest in the church ccmesery. Bio - Obituaries -1/5/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 7,1949 - Page 1 Fu^iitMlicldFOT Mrs. Henry Price Mr#. Nora Winchetter Price. 73, widow of the late Henry I* Price, and mother of Curtis Price of Mocksville, died suddenly at the home of her son, Julian Price, in the Wesley Chapel community near Monroe, Monday night at 11 o'clock. Her death came as a great shock to the members of her immediate family. Mrs. Price seemingly was in good health end had iust enjoyed visiting the dif ferent members of her .family during the Christmas season. Her sudden pasisng, therefore, came as a great surprise to all. Mrs. Price was born in the Wes ley Chapel community July 19, 1879, and with the exception of the last five years, spent her en tire life in that community. Her husband was a former state sen ator from Union county. Mrs. Price was the mother of 12 children, eleven of whom sur vive. 8 sons and 9 daughters. Funeral services were held at the Wesley Chapel Methodist church on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Following the Mrv- ices. Mrs. Price was burled in the family plot of the Monroe cem etery. Active pallbearers were the eight sons. Mnh Mary Howard, 5f, Dies Near MoclcsviOe Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Howard, 96, widow of William Thomas Howard, died December 32 at her home, Mocksville, R. 3, after an illness of two years. Mrs. Howard was the dau^- ter of Asbury and Mary Diakiai Smith.* Funeral services were held at 9 p.m. today at Smitti Orore Mathodlst churdi. lev. John Oakley offlrlatad. Burial ww in the church cemetery. Betty Jean Clawson Mn. W. C. Latham Diaa At Age 80 Mn. W. C. Latham, 80, died December 34 at her home. Cans, Route 1, following a one-month serious illness. She had been in declining health two years. She was a daughter of Henry U and Molly White and had lived her entire life In this community, where she had been a member of Eatoo*i Baptist church more than 90 years. Her husband died June 24, INS Survivora include lour sons, W. It. laitham, Tallahassee, Fla.; O. W. Latham, Winston-Salem; H. F. latham, Mocksville, and L, IC. Latham, Elkin; a daugh ter, Mrs. W. A. Beck of the home; six graadcfaiUren .and three grcai-graoddiildrcn. ffbaaral aervices were conduct ed at Wesley Chapel (Pino) Methnrtist diurch Sunday. Rev. Wade Hutton, Rev. E, W. Turaer aad Rev. James M. Hayes were ia durge. Dufial was in the church cem etery. Damlabnt KitaHcId Belty Jeen Clawson, Infant daughter of W. E. and Sadie Myera Clawson of Cooleemee, died el the home of her mater nal grandpercnts, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Myers, R. 4. Mocksville, December 37. la additioo to her maternal graadpereats and parents, she Is survived by one brother, Jerry, oae sUter, Glenda, both of the home ia Cooleemee; and paternal graadpereats, B(r. and Mrs. C. J. ClawsoD of Cooleemee. Fuaatal aervices were held at the home of the maternal grand- pereata. Jtev. G. L. Royster and Bev. Mr. Shbrn officiated. Borial waa ia Liberty Method lit dMi^ eamteiy, MockiviUe, Bio - Obituaries - 1/7/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 12,1949 Zeh V. Osborne Zeb Vance Osbome. 75, died at his home at Cooleemee Wednes day after an extended Utness. Mr. Osborne moved to Coolee ncc from Bristol, Tcnn., 20 years ' ago. He was a member of the North Cooleemee Baptist Churcli.' * Surviving are one son, 1 0 daughters, one brother, two sisters, 12 grandchildren; and sev eral neiccs and nephews. * Funeral services were conduct- . ed at 3 p, m. Friday at Liberty I Methodist Church by Rev. J, H. ' Groce and Rev. A. T. Stoudimire. Burial was in the church cemo* 'tery. Fitz Lee Smith ( Fitz Lee Smith, pharmacist of Whittier, died Wednesday morn ing while visiting at the home of of Dr. John C. Wciters, Mocks-1 ville physician. Mr. Smith had been owner of Arcadia Drug com pany of Winston-Salem until six years ago. Surviving are his wife, a son, six sisters. The body was taken to the home of Mrs. S. M. Macfie at Bre vard, where funeral services were conduct d Friday at U a. m. Bu rial was in Brcvard cemetery. ] Bio - Obituaries - 1/12/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 14,1949 - Page 4 Zeb V. Osborae Dies At Age 75 Zcb Vance Osborno, 75, died ot his home in Coolccme last week alter several months of declining health. Mr. Osbornc moved here from Bristol. Tenn.. 20 years ago. He was nn employee of Erwin Cotton mills for U years, retiring eight years ago, and a member of the North Coolccmec Baptist church. Surviving are one son, Paul Osborne of Lynchburg, Vo.; 100 daughters, the Misses Marie, Matalcne. Moudc, Grace ond Shir ley Osborne of Coolecmec, Mrs. R, J. Wood of Salisbury, Mrs. George Vogler of Concord, Miss Connie Osborne of KanapoHs, Mrs. Cecil Hopkins of Bristol ond Mrs. M. P. Burwcll, Jr., of War- renton; one brother, Eskcr Os borne, of Marion, Vs.; two sisters, Mrs. Rndy Roland of Marion ond Mrs. L. W. James of Molinc, ill.; 12 grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were conduct ed at 3 p.m. Friday at Liberty Methodist church by Rev. J. H. Groce and Rev. A. T. Sludimlre. Burial was in the church ceme tery. •. 4^.^ ^ . "V Bio - Obituaries - 1/14/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 19,1949 Mrs. J. S. Parker, Mrs. J. S. Parker, 74, of near ' Center, died in a Statesville hos* pital Thursday morning following a long illness. I Surviving arc d\e husband, two sons, Walter Parker, of Winston- n Salcm, and Milton Parker, Mocks- ^ ville; one brother, Charlie Godbcy ' of Salisbury, R. 6; two sisters, Mrs- < Molly Creason, Winston-Salem, and Miss Etta Godbey, Indiana. / j Funeral services were held at ' Center Methodist Church Satur-| day afternoon at 3 o'clock, with i Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald officiating, • and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. I JiifilUe L. Hendren ' Statesville — WilUe Linville Hendren, 70, retired farmer, died Jan. I6th, at his home, after a few days serious illness. A native of Davic County, Mr. i Hendren had spent most of his i life in the Center community of | Davic County, until his retire ment 11 years ago when he mov-| ed to Statesville. Surviving are his wife, the for mer Jessie Dwig^s of Davie County; and five children, Walter L. Hendren of Greensboro, Miss Evelyn Hendren of Charlotte, John T. Hendren, Miss Ina Hen dren and Mrs. Harold A. Lippard ^ of Statesville. ' Funeral services were conducted I at 3 p. m., Wednesday at the cha-n pel of Bunch Funeral Home. Bu rial was in Oak wood Cemetery. Johnny Dale Foster Johnny Dale, infant son of Mr- and Mrs. William Foster, of near' Dulin's. died Wednesday after ' noon. Funcrd sendees were held at Salem •■'Methodist Church Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald officiat ing and the body laid to rest in tbe church cemetery. I Bio — Obituaries — 1/19/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 21, 1949 - Page 1 Fannie Mae Talbert Mock simiDiia j Mr«. Fannie 14m Talbert Mock, 61, of ThomaavUle, died at her home at 8:30 Friday foltowinf an extended illoesa. She \raa criti* cally 111 for two dtontha. She waa (he aiiter of Mn| Charles Domm, Mils Amy Talb^ Sam, Joe and Tom Talbert, alliof Davie county. Funeral wrvlcei were eoaducted at- MeihoriaMimBdUt chuircb at 2 p.m. Sunday. Itev. Wilson G. Weldon officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 21,1949 - Page 3 Biduurd Wooten Dies At 82 Richard E. Wooten, 82, Yadkin county farmer, died at 11:15 pan. Wedneeday at his home, Mocks- vllle, R 2. He had been in de- cUning health two years and se riously ill four days. Mr. Wooten was bom in Yad- hln county Jan. 30, 1868. He waa n member of Cross Roads Baptist ■church. Surviving are the .widow, the former Miss Nettle Baity; five •children, Grover Wooten of Jack son, Mich., Mrs. C. A. Baggarly of Harmony. Mrs. J. F. Burgess of Mockaville, Mrs. H. P. McMa- hon of Durham and Mrs. D. D. Pcndry of the home; five grand children; one brother, J. D. Woo ten of Harmony and one sister, Mrs. J. R. Joyner of Winston- Salem. Funeral services were held at Cross Roads Baptist church at 2:30 p; m. Saturday. Rev. E. W. Turner and Rev. C. C. Cheshire officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. Nephews were pallbearers. Bio - Obituaries - 1/21/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 26,1949 James E. Crews Taznes £. Crews, 77, a former of Advance, died at his home Jan. 18th, after a week's critical illness. A native o { Advance, Mr. Crews was bom May 23. 1871. He b survived by a daughter, Miss Minnie Rose Crews of Winston- Salem; a son, J. C. Crews of Fort Jackson. S. C., a stepson, Rufus Bumctte of Panama Canal Zone, and five nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Thursday and at 3:15 p. m., at Advance Methodist Church, widh Rev. J. R. Starling officiating. Bu rial was in die church cemetery. J. M, Ratledge | J. M. Ratledge, 63, Davie farm er, died suddenly Friday evening at 6 o clock at his home near County Line. Surviving are the widow, five sons and fiv daughters, a brother, Lalta B. Ratledge, and one sister, Miss Amy Ratledge, both of near Calahaln. * Funeral; services were held at it a. m. Monday at Clarksbury Methodist Church, of wliich he was a member, widi Revs. 1. B. Fitzgerald, Gary Buila and Rov. Mr. Reece officiating, and the body laid to rest in church ccipctccy. j Wingate M. Horn Wingate M. Horn, 77, a native of Davie County, but who spent most of his life, near Coot Springs, died in a Statesvillc hospital Fri day afternoon. Surviving are the widow, three sons and two daugh ters. Funeral and burial services were held Sunday at 2 p. m., at New Hope Baptist, Church, where he had been a member for many year'. Bio - Obituaries - 1/26/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 28,1949 - Page 3 J. M. Ratledge Dies Friday J. M. Ralledtce. 63-}rear*old Da* vie county farmer, died uncx* pcctedly at 6 p.m. Friday at his home on Mocksville, R. I. He had spent his entire life in Davio county, whoro he was born Nov. 19.18B9. the son of James S. and Rebecca Ppwcll Ratl<?d«e, He . was a member of Clurksbury Methodist church. ' Surviving are the wiuovv, Mrs. [ It.i Reeves Ratledge; 10* children, Mrs. Ccdrlc V. Smoot, Claudp and Kenneth Rntledgc, and Mrs. Carl Rogers of Mocksville, R. 1: John Frank and J. Willis Ratledge of Port Deposit, Md., and Dennis, Fred, Rebecca, Jenny and Caro lyn Ratledge of the home; a brother, Latto B. Ratledge, and a sistci'. Miss Amy Ratledge, both of Mocksville, R. I. Funeral services were conduet- ed at 11 a.m. Monday at the Clarksbury church by Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald. Rev. Cary BuUa, and Rev. Mr. Rtcffe. Burial was la the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 1/28/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 28,1949 - Page 6 Mrs. J. S. Parker Rites Are Held Mrs. Minnie Belle Parker. 74, of Mocksviltc, R. 4, died at a Statcavillc hospital at II o.m. on Thursday, January 13. following a serious illness of eighteen days. Mrs. Parker was the daughter of the late Edward and Elizabeth Tuttcrow Godboy. Survivors include the husband. John S. Parker, two sons, W. S. of Winston-Salcm, and Milton of the home, a brother, Charlie God* bey of R. 6, Salisbury; two sis ters, Mrs. Lonnle Crcason of Win- ston-Salem, and Miss Etta God- bey of Indiono. Funeral services were conduct ed at Center Methodist church on Saturday at 3 p.m. Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald officiated. Burial was in the church ccinetcry. Bio - Obituaries - 1/28/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 4,1949 - Page 1 Henry Stuart Anderson BftOTUCR DIES Henry Stuart Anderson, 78, of Winston'Salem, brother of Mrs. A. R. Tomlinson,. Mrs. F. R. Mc* Mahan and R. S. Anderson, died at his home Monday. Mr. Anderson had been in de clining health for some while, but death was unexpected. Funeral services were held on Tuesday at Vogler's Funeral par lor. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 4,1949 - Page 7 James E. Crews, 77, Advance Fanner, Dies James E. Crews, 77, a farmer of Advance, died ot his home early | Tuesday ofter a week's criticalIllness. j A native of Advance, Mr. Crews was bom May 23, 1671. He is sur-j vivcd by a dauRhtcr, Miss Minnie Rose Crews of Winston-Salem; a son, J. C. Crews of Fort Jackson, S. C.; a stcp'Son, Rufus Burneltc of Panama Canal Zone, and five nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held at the home at 3 p.m. Thursday and at 3:15 p.m. at Advance Method ist church, with Rev. J. B. Star- line officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 2/4/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 2/7/1949 HOMAr HOIHItHA-ffEB. 7. («.{q jcAlfflA Ch0fM]fl:-HSoper, 78, Die Servvi^ Wai Be Held Toda CharlM mJ l|ooper of Winston, Apartm^^ for more than I Salesman for theOdeU Ha_rdwprf Company: of Greens Wo, at his home=' Av-®- u 1?'^ Cresterday.^waough h-3 .]aid been in :de-'cUnmg 'hezltlj .ft)r some time/ death |w-as unexpected. He was/8 years bld.j j . . - . ' A . bom onApril l,.18/0, jn Kemersville, a^ son. of John dalp-ia Hooper and .Mary' WiUiamsc n Hooper, and ea^yj Hfe there. He had ^befn a jre^ident of Win- Sion-Salem for BO years. He tras. a -p^mber of' Cen tenary MethdSt Church, the Men's Bible the U C T and the; T. U ' . . ' ' He^ was tvrice married. He married! Susie Wrighf, who died, in sm, in. 1900. On Tttiv mjT t ,1 . . •July 23. J947,fAe mairied Mrs. Launice- DavisJ . ' •n Su^iving Ji-ihis wife; one, daughter. Mm Clarence Reid of Winston-S^em; one grand daughter; tw^ brothers, J L Koo]g^:of ^stdn^alem and B. r. .Hoop^ Bensacola, Fla.; ■- isevera... nieces andnephews. «jFWral seI^ic,-3.,will.be held,at Voglcrs- Ql apel at 4 pjn.today with H :v. Mark Deppand Rev. R^ ph Herring in C. M. HOOPER charge. Burial will beSalem Cemetery.' Palibe-Tcrs will be D.Lambert. .L. H. RartsoM D. Siout Jr., C. R. AtkiCharles Aktjns Jr., W. G. Telor, Sv P. Phillips and *C. Hamilton.Honorary pallbearer.^ will employees of the OdelK Ha: ware Bio - Obituaries - 2/7/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 9,1949 Henry Anderson Funeral; services for Henry Stuart Anderson of Winston-Sa- 1cm. who died at his home Feb. Ist, were conducted at VogIer*s Chapel at 11 a. nu. Feb. 2, by Dr. Homer O. Wilson and Dr. Gilbert L. Kerr. Burial was in Woodland Cemetery. Mr. Anderson was bom Jan. 2, 1671| in Davie County, where he spent the early part of his life. He livedmost of his life in Winston' Salem. His wife, the former Miss Dora Austin, died in 1912 He is survived by a son, .Harry S. Anderson, Jr. of Winston-Sal- em; two sisters, Mrs. F. R. Mc Mahan. of Farmington and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson of Mocksville; two brothers, R. S. Anderson of Davie County and T. J. Anderson of Salisbury. Lenora Swicegood Barnes Funeral and burial (ier%dce8 for Mrs. Lenora Swicegood Barnes, who died at her home in Rowan county, Feb. 1st, were held at j Turrentine Baptist Church, Wed- ! nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Barnes is a sister of G. C, Swicegood, of R. 3, and is surviv' ed by her husband, two sons, four daughters, two brothers and three ^ sisters, Mrs. Barnes was a nadve' of Davie County. * Bio - Obituaries - 2/9/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 16,1949 Miss Hazel Tamer The entire town was saddened Thutsdav morninjj Vvhen it was learned that Miss Hazel Turner had passed away Wednesday eve* ning at 7:30 o'clock at the home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Turner, on Salisbury street. She had been ill several months. Funeral services were held at the First Baptist Church Friday morning at 11 o'clock, with her pastor, Rev. J. P. Davis officiating, assisted by Revs. C. C. Holland, H. F. Lambert, R. M. Hardee and E. H. Garcrell. The body was laid to rest in Fork Baptist Church cemetery. Miss Turner held a position in i the office of the Davie County j farm agent for the past 15 years,! retiring last fall on account of her health. She had a host of friends ' throughout the town and county j who were saddened by her death.! Surviving are the parents and two brothers, D. B. Turner, Win- ston-Salcm, and f. U. Turner, of Greensboro. The Record extends heartfelt sympathy to the grief stricken fam ily in their sore bereavement. Miss Turner will be missed not only in the home but in the church where she was active in relisious work lor many years. Mrs. Nellie Mend' rtx Mrs. Nellie Hendrix, 44, died at her home on Mocksville, Route 3. Saturday night after a long illness. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Hendrix, of Smith Grove. Besides her parents, she is sur* vived by her husband T. S. Hen drix; four daughters, Sarah Nancy, Linda and Martha Gale Hendrix, all ofithe home; four sons, Johnny, Tommy Green, Jerry and Robert Hendrix, all of'the home; a sister, Mrs. H. D. Messick of Winston- Salem; and three brothers, G. G., Robert and James F. Hendrix, all of Mocksville, R. 3. Funeral .servtces were conduct ed at 11 a. m.. Tuciday at Smith Grove Methodist Church by Revs. John Oak ;v atid Foster Loflin. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 2/16/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 18,1949 - Page 1 Mrs. Nellie Hendrix Dies At Mocksville Mrs. Nellie Hendrix, 44, died at her home on Mocksville* R. 3, Sunday night tfter a long lUneu. She was the daughter of G. C. end Nannie Green Hendrix of Smith Grove community. Besides her parents, she is sur* vlved by her husband, T. S. Hen* drlx; four daughters, Sarah, Nan* cy, Linda and Martha Gale Hen* drln, all of lb« horn?; low wni, Johnny, Tommy Green, Jerry and Robert Hendrix, all of the home; a Bister, Mrs. H. D. MntlcK ol Wlns1oa*Saltfn; and three broth* era, G. O., Robert and James F. Hendrix, all of Mocksville, R. 9. V . Funeral aeh^ei were conduct* ed at 11 a^ ;Tutsday at Smith Grove Method church by H*v. John Oakley and Rev. Foster Loflln. Burial Waa In the church cemetery. HELD FRIDAY FOR Funeral aervices for Miss Hazel Turner, 40, who died at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, February 9, were held at II a.m. Friday, February II at the First Baptist church In Mocksville. Rev. J. P. Davis, Rev. C. C. Holland, Rev. H. F* Lam* bcrt, Rev. Robert Hordcc ond Rev. E. H. Gartrcll officiated. Miss Turner was the daughter of Rev. E. W. and Mrs. Minnie Williams Turner of Mocksville. She was a member of the local Baptist church ond served as or ganist, chairman of WM.U. cir, cle, and president of Senior Training union. Prior to her late Illness she served as secretary to the farm county agent. Surviving besides the parents are two brothers, D. B. Turner of Wlnston'Salem and J. Hugh Turner ol Greensboro, and one foster sister, Mrs. T. F. Miller of Hamptonville. Bio - Obituaries - 2/18/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 23,1949 Z. N, Anderson i Z. N. Anderson, 77, one of the town's best known and beloved citizens, died at his home on N. Main street Saturday morning at 7:30 o'clock, following an extend ed illness. Mr. Anderson was a native of Davie, and spent his entire life in this county. He moved to Mocks- ville from Calahain in 1899. He was a leading merchant here for many years, and served as mayor for two terms. He turned the switch that lighted up the town when our lighting system was put in a quarter of a century ago. He was city clerk until he resigned on account of bad health. Mr. Anderson was active in church work and filled manv ofHces in the local Masonic lodge. He was our friend for nearly 50 years. We shall miss him much.^ Surviving are the widow; one daughter, Mrs. Freeman D. SIve, Takoma Park, Md.; two brothers, Dr. R. P. Anderson, Mocksvlllc, and W. N. Anderson, Calahain; one sister, Mrs. Agnes Cain, New York, and three grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the home Monday morning at 11 o'clock, with his pastor, Rev. R. M. Hardcc, officiating, and the body laid to rest in Rose ceme tery. Bio - Obituaries - 2/23/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 25, 1949 - Page 1 SERVKESHEIDFOR L N. ANDERSON Z. N. Andersorr, 77, prominent lifelong resident of Mooksvllle, died at hit home Stturdty mom* ing after a serious illness of one month. He was the son of A. A. and Mary Frances Polndexter An derson, and spent his entire life in Davie county. He operated a general store at the present site of the postoffice and later a whole* ■ale grocery busineu. He was active in the civic growth of Mockaville, being elected mayor in 1039 and serving in this office for lour years* On January 90. 1024, during his service as mayor, Mr. Anderson pulJed the switch that turned on lfocluvUle*s first alactric .lights. nent In the Masonic worli of the local lodge, serving faithfully for the past 49 years and wos sec* rotary of the same organization for many years. He was a member of the local Methodist church serv ing as secretary of the Sunday school and board of stewards. He served as county accountant and as city clerk of the town of Mocksville until 1947. when he re* signed on account of his health. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Jennie Anderson; a daugh ter, Mrs. Freeman Slye of Taco* ma Park, Md.; two brothers, Dr. R. P. Anderson of MocksviUo and W. N* Anderson of MocksviUe, R 1; a sister, Mrs. R. P. Cain of Eiln- ville, N. Y., and three grandchil dren. Funeral Krvices were conduct^ ed at the home at 11 a.m. Mon day by Rev. R. M. Hardee* Burial followed in the Rose cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 2/25/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 25, 1949 - Page 4 Larry Dean Smith Rites Held For Smith Infant Lony Dean Smith, Infant son of W. V. ond Hollis Pilcher Sinitli, Advance. R. 1, died at 1:30 a.m. Friday in a Winslon-Salem has* pital. Surviving -besides the pnrents are the grandparcnti, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pllchor of Farming- ton and Mr. and Mrs. S. H- Smith of Advance. R. 1. Funeral services were held at the Bethlehem MethodUt church Friday afternoon with Rev. John OaUlcy and Rev. George Brunei- I officiating, Buvtul was in the -1 cliurch cctnoicry. llfrs. Cunningham Dies In Davie Salisbury Mrs. Charles Ed ward Cunningham, 87,dicd-ThUfS« doy afternoon at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Walter H. Woodson, at Boxwoods. Davie county. She had been ill one week. Mrs- Cunningham was bom in Memphis, Ten.. July 9. 1881. She spent her early life there and at Elizabeth, N. J. She was married to Dr. Charles Edward Cunning ham. pastor of the Madison Ave nue Presbyterian church at Eliz abeth, N. J. She moved with her husband to Yazoo City. Miss., in 1889, where he was pastor of the Presbyterian church. Following the death of her bus- bond in 1910. Mrs. Cunningham had made her home most of the time with her daughter, Mrs. Woodson. She was well known througitout the state. Surviving arc one daughter, Mrs. Woodson-, one son, Warren W- Cunningham of Scarsdale, N. Y.: two grandchildren, Charles Cunningham of Davidson College and Mrs. Robert P. Siiay of Char- iottcsvillc, Va.; one great-grand son, Robert P. Shay, Jr.: and one sister. Miss Minnie D. Warren, of Highlands. Funeral services wilt be held at tlic Woodson home at Box woods at 4:30 p.m. Friday. Dr. Sidney A. Gates officiated. The body was sent to Yozoo City, Miss-, where she was buried in the family plot by the side of her husband. ' Bio - Obituaries — 2/25/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 25,1949 - Page 5 D. A. 79» Dies At Home Here D. A. Clement, 09. died Mon< day at his home on Houte 2. He was a son of Henderson and Pothcna Lowcry Henderson. Sur viving arc liis wife, the former Miss MinniC'Summers; two sons. A. C. Clement of Boute 2 and J. L. Clement of'Raleigh; one daugh ter, Mrs- Cnrl Baker of Route 2; two sisters, Mrs. Will Harbin and Mrs. Charlie Jones of Mocksvlllc: eight grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren. Ptmcral services were conduct ed at Onk Grove Methodist church at 3 p.m. Tuesday by Rev. J. B. Fitr.gcrald. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 2/25/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 2,1949 S, Clay Williams S. Clay Williams, 64, prominent industrialist of Davie Connty and | Winston-Salem. died suddenly of j a heart attack at his home on Ad-1 vance, Route 1, at 11 o'clock Fri-l day night. Mr. Williams was a large stockholder and Chair man of the Board of R. J. Rey nolds Tobacco Co. He owned one of the finest farms and country Humes in Davie County. Funeral services were held at the home at Z p. m. Sunday, and burial was in Greensboro. Mr. Williams is survived by his wife, one son, a daughter, one brother and two sisters. [ Joe S. Parker Joe S. Parker, 78, a native and lifelong resident of the Center community of Davie County, died at a Statcsvillc hospital early Fri ; day morning, following an illness' of two weeks. His wife died on Jan. 13th. Suiviving are two sons, Milton Parker, of this city, and Walter Parker of Winston-Salem, and four grandchildren. j Funeral services were held at Center Methodist Church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with his pastor, Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald offici ating, and the body Laid to rest in the diurch cemetery. A good ci tizen has gone to his reward. Pfc, W. T. Oaywalt Fonerai services (or Pfc. W. T. Daywsit were held at 4 p. m Sunday at St. Mat thews Lutheran Church, on Route 4, Pfc. Dnywalt. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. M. Oaywak. of Route 4, entered service io 1942. He was killed at Salerno. Italy, in October. 1943. at the age of 21. Surviving are the parents, one Mater. Miss Inez Oaywalt. and a brother. R D. Oaywsli. all of R. u<e 4 The body was Isid to rest with military honors by the Legion Post of Mocksville. J. U. Hendrix J. U. Hendrix, 71, died last Tues day a t his home, Mocksville, Route 3. * He was a life-long residence of diis section and was a son of Lew- j is and Louisa Young Hendrix. Surviving are one daughter. Miss, Creola Hendrix of the home; two' sons, Otis Hendrix of Advance. Route 1, Bemice Hendrix o f Mocktville, Route 3; two brothers, -D. L. and 1- T. Hendrix, both of Salisbury, Route 6; four sistersi j Mrs J. F. Potts, Mrs. G. E. Earn hardt. Mrs. W. B. Cope and Mrs. G. E. Merrill, all of Mocksville, Route 3; and four grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m., Thursday at No Creek Pri mitive Baptist Church. Elder J. A. Fagg and Elder F. R. Moore officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. D. A. Clement D. A. Clement, 79, died Feb. 21, at his home on Route 2. Surviving are his wife, the form er Miss Minnie Summers: two sons, A. C. Clement of Route 2 and J. L. Clement of Raleigh; one daughter; Mrs. Cayl Baker of Route 2; two sisters, Mrs. Will Harbin and Mrs. Charlie Jones of Moclivilie; eight grandchildren; Funeral services were conducted at Oak Grove Methodist Church at 3 p. m. Tuesday by Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/2/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 2,1949 Mrs. T. I. Caudell Mrs. T. I. Caudell, 71, died at her home in this citv Friday even ing at 8 o'clock, following an ill ness of two weeks. Surviving are the husband; two sons, Walter Caudell, Charlotte, and T. J. Caudell, of this city; two daughters, Mrs* Bill Howard and Mrs. Sam Howard, of Mocksville; four grandchildren; two ereat* grandchildren; four brothers, Lil- lington Hendrix, Cooleemee; A. E. Hendrix, R. 3; Lemuel Hend rix, Concord, and Dr. O. C. Hen drix, Boston, Mass. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday at Mocksville Bap tist Church with her pastor. Rev. J. P. Davis ofHciating, assisted bv Rev. E. W. Turner, and the body laid to re^t in Fork Baptist Church cemetery. A mother in Israel has been called to her reward. Sgt K. P. Sparks The body of Sgt. Kenneth P. Sparks, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sparks, of Route 2, who was kilied in action in Italy Sept. 14, 1944, was laid to rest in Macedo nia Moravian cemetery Sunday af ternoon. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m., with Revs. Geo. Brown and G. E. Brewer ofhciat' ing. Burial with full military hon ors by the Mocksville V. F. W. Post, followed the fungal. Survivors include the widow; his parents; two brothers and three sisters. Bio - Obituaries - 3/2/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 4,1949 - Page 1 MRS. CAUDELL PASSES AWAY Mrs. Jessie HtfiddX Caudell, 76, Wile of t. 1. Caudell, died at 8 p.m. Friday at the home here, Mrs. Caudell was a daughter of Pinkston and Sarah Beck Hen* drix. She was a member of the Mocksville Baptist church. Surviving are the husband; two sons, Walter R. Caudell of Charlotte, end Jeff Caudell of Mocksville; two daughters, Mrs. Bill Howard and Mvs. Sam How ard, both of Mocksville; four grandchildren; two great-grand children; and four brothers, Lil- lington Hendrlx of Cooleemee, Lemuel Hendrix of Concord, R. 3, A. E. Hendrlx of Mocksville and Dr. O. C. Hendrix of Boston, Mass. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Sunday at Mocksyillc Bap tist church. Rev. J. P. Davis and Rev. E. W, Turner officiated. Burial was in Fork church cem etery. Bio - Obituaries -3/4/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 4,1949 - Page 3 Mrs. Dyson, 63 Dies at MocksvIHe Mrs. Mamie Dyson, 63 of Mocks> ville. R. 1. died , at her home in the Center church community at 1:40 a.m. Sunday. She had been ill for four months, serious for two weeks. The daughter of H. F. and Frances Arrington Tuttorow, Mrs. Dyson married N. B. Dyson in August. 1910. Shu was a member of the Center Methodist church. Survivors, in addition to her husband, include three sons, Al- vin Dyson of MucKsviUc, R. 1; five sisters, Mr.s. W. O. Murphy of Salisbury, Mrs. Ed. Walker of MocksvIHe, R.l, Mrs. J. Q. Greene of Mncksvillc. R. 4. and Mr.s. J. F. O'Neal and Mrs. Martin La-j than), bath of MtK'ksvillu. R. 1; 11 grandchildren and several niuccs| and nephews. Funcml services were lield atj Center Melhodlst church at 3 p.m. > Monday. Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald and Rev. Wade Hutchcns offici ated. Burial was in the church cemetery. J. U. Hendrix Dies at Age 71 J. U. Hendrix, 71. died at 6:20 Wednesday at his home, Mocks- ville Route 3. He wos o life-long resident of this section ond was a son of I Lewis and Louisa Young Hcn- 1 drix. Surviving arc one daughter. Miss Crcolu Hendrix of the home; two sons, Otis Hendrix of Ad vance, Route 1, and Bcrnicc Hen drix of Mocksville, Route 3; two brothers, D. L. Hendrix and L. T. Hendrix. both of Salisbury, Route 0; four sisters. Mrs. J. F. Potts, Mrs. G. E. Bornhurdl, Mrs. W. B. Cope and Mrs. G. E. Merrill, nil of Mocksville. Route 3; and four grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Thursday at No Creek Primillvo Baptist Church. Elder J. A. Fapg and Elder F. R. Mouru officiated. Burial was in the churclJ cemetery. J. E. Ireland Dies Near Mocksville John E. Ireland, 988, died at 2 p.m. Friday at the home of a sis ter.- Mrs. Richard Drown, Mocks ville. R. 2. He had been In ill health six months and his condi tion was critical (ivu days. Mr. Ireland was born in Iredull county August 29, 1390, son of William and Elizabeth Long Ire land. He hud been connected with the Craven Body Works and the Baity Basket Manufacturing com- pony, both of Courtney. Surviving arc four brothers, Virgil Ireland of Houstonville, Charlie ond Bob Ireland, both of Mocksville, R. 2. and Joy Ireland of Yudkinvillu; and two sisters, Mrs. Carrie .Grocc of Mocksville, R. 1, and Mrs. Riclturd Brown of Mocksville, R. 2. Funcrol services were held at 2 p.m. Sundoy at Liberty- Baptist church. Rev. Jimmy Grocc offi ciated. Burial was in the ciiurch cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 4,1949 - Page 4 Mrs. O. T, Bowles, 77, Dies Near Mocksville Mrs. Lula Holmon Bowles, 77, wife of O. T. Bowles, died at her home at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday night. She was the daughter of Thom as Holman and Sarah Owlngs Holman. She is survived by her husband. Funeral services were conduct ed fet Union Chapel Methodist Church at II a.m. Thursday by Rev. Foster Loflin and Rev. James H. Grocc. Burial was In the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/4/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 4,1949 - Page 4 Hillary H. Owen, 76, Fork Church, Dies Hillary Harrison Owen. 76, o( the Fork church community, died in Rowan Memorial hospital at 5 p.m. Sunday after an extended illness. The son of the late Joe and Mary Finney Owen of Jonesville. Mr. Owen moved to Davic county In his childhood. He was married to the late Lclia Garwood of Fork church community. He is survived by three sons, Paul Owen of Mocksville, R. 3. Charles F. Owen of New York and Elzic H. Owen of California and one grandchild. Funeral services were conduct ed at Fork Baptist church at 2 p.m. Tuesday by Rev. Wade Hutchcns. Burial was in the church cemetery. S. CLAY WILLIAMS BURIED SUNDAY Funeral services for 3. Clay Williams, 64. chairman of the boord of directors of the R J. Reynolds Tobacco company and nationally known industrialist were conducted at his home, Will- ahor Lodge, In Davie county, at 2 p.m. Sunday. Burial was in Green Hill cem etery in Greensboro. Mr. Williams, who joined the Ri J. Reynolds 9pmpany as sistnnt general counsel in i9li, died unexpectedly of a heart at tack at hiS country estate at 11:15 p. ni. Friday. He had not been well for some time, but hod been active and appeared in his office on the day uf his death. Mr. Williams, the son of Thom as Jefferson and Willie Ada Mc- Culloch Williams, was bom In Moorcsvlllc. Sept. 24, 18848. He received an A. B. degree from Davidson, in 1903, ond received his law degree from the Univer sity of Virginia. Davidson con ferred the doctor of law degree on him in 1041. Mr. Williams married Miss Lu- Tellc Sherrlll uf Mooresvillc on Nov. 29, 1910. Surviving, in addi tion to his wife, ore u daughter, Mrs. Thornton H. Brooks of Greensboro; a son, Dr. S. Clay Williams. Jr., of Philadelphia; a brother. Thomas B. Williams; two sisters, Mrs. J. Y. Tcmplcton and Miss Lillian Williams, all of MoorcsvUle. Two grandchildren, Phyllis and Jane Brooks, also survive. Mrs. Brock, Famiington,' Dies at Age 83 Mrs. Cora Athans Brock. 83, widow of John Enoch Brock, died at her home in Farmlngton at 3 p.m. Tuesday following an ill ness of four months. I Mrs. Brock was born in Davie I County Dec. 11, 1863. She was married Sept. 14, 1884 to J. E. I Brock who died In 1934. I Mrs. Brock was postmistress at I Farmlngton for 17 years, from I 1919-1936. She was an active mem- I bif of the Farmington Methodist Church. She Is survived by two sons, J. Hugh Brock of Farmlngton, Eda Bryant Brock of Eureka. Cal.; Mrs. Vctra B. Clingman of Win- ston-Salcm. Mrs. Emma P. Long of Grand Valloy, Col., Mrs. Zcl- ma Wulkor of Norfolk, Va.; 13 grandcidtdrcn and six great- grundrhildrcn. Funeral .scrlvccs were held at Farmlngton Mctliodlsl Church at 11 a.m. Thursday. Rev. John Oak- Icy. Rev. George Bruncr, Rev. Aiex Doby. Rev. Gene Gentry and Rev. J. W. Vestal officiated. Buriol was in the church ceme tery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/4/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 4,1949-Page 5 Mrs. J. G. Stewart Dies At Statesville Mrs. Josse Gwyn Stewart. 72, died Monday at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. Jesse M. Draught! In Davlc county, following a stroke of paralysis. She was the former Miss Flora Belle Logan of Yodkin county. Surviving arc three sons, Lee Stewort of Yadklnville, Walter and J. R. Stewart of Tlmbcrlake, and six daughters. Mrs. J. M. Draughn. Mrs. Autman Cleary and Mrs. W. R. Jordan, all of Mocks- villo, Mrs. Roy Cleary of Win- .ston-Salem. Mrs. J. E. Boger and Mrs. W. H. Barneycastle of Cana. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Bear Creek Baptist church in Davie county. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 4,1949 - Page 6 J. S. Parker, 77, Dies Near Mocksville J. S. Parker, 77. of Mocksville, R. 1, died in a Statesville hospi tal yesterday morning. He had been a patient there 12 days. His wife, Mrs. Minnie Belle Parker, died January 13 of this year. Surviving arc two sons, Milton Parker of the home (Center church community) and W. S. Parker of Wlnston-Salem; four grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held at Center Methodist church at 3 p.m. Sunday. Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald and Rev. A. M. Avett officiated. Burial was in the church ceme tery. Members of Mocksville Council No. 52, Junlor'Ordcr were pallbearers. Bio - Obituaries ~ 3/4/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 4,1949 - Page 6 Rites for K. P. Sparks Held Last Sunday The body of Sorg?atil Kt.»nnclh Pfob! Spurk::. 24. son of John and LuU) Ward Spiu-k.s of Mocks* I villc. R. 2, arrived hero Salur*' day. Surgcunl Sparks was killed In lUiIy Sept 14. 1941. i He waa born in Dnvle coiinly | Nov. 24. 1910. He spent u!I of his life prior to entering the service in Davic county, where he was u farmer. He was n member of Macedonia Moravian church and Sunday school. He attended Fannlnglon High school. Ho entered service April 13. 1942. Survivors include his widow, the former Lena Council Hen* drl.K; his parents, two brothers, Wilson Sparks of Wlnston-Sulcm. R. 2, John Frank Sparks o! Mocksvillc, R. 2; three sisters, Mrs. Virginia Bcckncr of Win- ston*SQlcm. R. 4, Miss Frances Sparks and Miss Betty Sparks, both ot MocksviUe, R. 2. The body remained at VoglePs chopeL until 1:15 p.m., Sunday, when it was token to Macedonia Moravian church, where funeral services wore conducted ot 2 p.m. Rev. George Bruncr ond Rev. G. E. Brewer officiated. Buriol, with full military honors by Uie Mocks* vlllc V.F.W. post will be In the church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 3/4/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 9,1949 Mrs. N. B. Dyson Mra. Minnie Dyson, 63, of Mocksville, Route 1, died at her home in the Center Church Com munity on Feb. 27th. * She had been ill for four months, serious for two weeks. | Survivors, in addition to her' husband, include three sons, A1-! vin Dyson of Mocksville, Route 4i Wade and Clyde Dyson of Mocks-j villc; Route 1: four daughters, Mrs.' Paul Harpe of Mocksville, Route Route 1, Mrs. Dewey Kimmer of | Hanes, Mn. Clay Boger of Mocks ville, Route I, Mrs. Dewey Kim mer of Mocksville. Route, 1, Mrs. Dale Chaffin of Mocksville; three brothers, C. A., B. F. and J. E. Tuttcrow, all of Mocksville, Route* 1; five sisters, Mrs W. O. Muipb? of Salisbury, Mrs. Ed Walker of Mocksyilie, Route 1, Mrs. J. B. Greene of Mocksville, Route 4, and Mrs. J. F. O'Neal and Mrs. Martin Latham, both of Mocks ville. Route 1; 11 grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Funeral scr\iccs were held at Center Methodist Church at 3 d. m., Feb. 28th. Rev. J. B. Fitzger aid and Rev. Wade Hucchens of ficiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. Edward L Green Edward L. Green, 92, promin- cnt Yadkin college citizen, died in a Statesville hospital Thursday. Mr. Green had lived in Davidson County all his life, and was ac tive in church work* He was a tobacco manufacturer for many years. Funeral services were held at Yadkin College Methodist church Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. He was the 'ather of Dr. Garland Greene, prominent Divie County physician, who'Jives at Fork. ^ Hillary H. Owen HUUary Harrison Owen, 76, of j the Fotk Church Community,: died in Rowan Memorial Hospl | tal Febj 27th, after an extended ill- j ness. - I I Mr. Owen moved to Davie ' County in his childhood. He was j married to the late Lclia Garwood of Fork Church Community. He is survived by three sons, Paul Owen of Mocksville, Route 3, Charles F. Owen of New York ' and Elzie H. Owen of California and one grandchild. Funeral services were conduct* ed at Fork Baptist Church at 2 p. m., last Tuesday by Rev Wade Hutchcns. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. 0. r, Bowles ' Mrs. Lula Holman Bowles. 77, wife of Oi T. Bowles, died at her home at 8:30 p. m., last Tuesday, t She was the daughter of Thom as and Sarah Owings Holman. She is survived by her husband. Funeral services were conducted u t Union Chapel Methodist Church at II a. m., Thursday by Revs. Foster Lofiin and James H. Groce. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/9/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 9,1949 j Mrs. Cora Brock \ Mrs. Cora Athans Brock, 83,! I widow of John Enoch Brock, died I at her home in Fannington a( 3 I p. m., last Tuesday, following an I illness of four month. j I Mrs. Brock was postmistress at Farmington for 17 years, from 1919'1936. She was an active mem ber of the Farmington Methodist' Church. She is survived by two sons and three daughters. [ n Funeral services were held at' Farmington Methodist Church at I 11 a. m., Thursday. Revs. John. Oakley, George Bnmer, Alex' Doby, Gene Gentry and J. W.' Vestal officiated. Burial was inj the church cemetery. j Bobby Lee Baileyj Bobby Lee Bailey, 12-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Bailey, Advance, Route 1, died Thursday morning in a Winston.Salem hos pital. He had been a patient (here 15 days. Surviving are the parents; two sisters, a brother, a half sister, two half brothers. , Funeral services were condua- cd at 3 p. m., Saturday at Blba- ville Methodist Church by Rev. R. J, Starling. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. J. G. Stewart Mrs. Jesse Gwyn Stewart, 72, died at ^e home of her daughter. Mrs Jesse M. Draughn in Davie County, following a stroke of pa ralysis. Surviving arc three sons. Lee Scewartof Yadkinville, Walter and J. R. Stewart, of Timberlake, and sis daughters, Mrs. J.M. Draughn* Mrs, Autman Cleary and Mrs' W. R. Jordan, all of Mocksville, Mrs. Roy Cleary of Winston-Sal- em, Mrs. 1. £. Boger and Mrs. W H. Bameycastle of C^a. Funeral services were held at 11 a. m. Wednesday at Bear Creek Baptist Church. V/. T. hanetine W. T. Haneline, 69. foe many years a resident of the Smitn Grove section, died at his home in Winston Salem Wednesday. Funeral and burial services took place in Winston-Salem Friday, Surviving are the widow, four sons and two daughter^ Eve brothers and two sisters, one be ing Mrs. T. W. Carter, of Mocks" ville, R. 3. Bio - Obituaries - 3/9/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 11,1949-Page 1 N.^P. McDaniel Rites Held Last Friday K. P. McDaniel, former citizen of Davio county died at his home in High Point last Thursday morning alter an extended ill ness. . He was the son of George and Susan Williams McDaniel of Da- vie county. Funeral serviees were held at Smith Grove Methodist church Friday altersuwn, March 4. OIlie C. McQuage, Publisher, Passes Away at Home Tuesday Ollic C. McQuage, 54, publisher of The Mocksville Enterprise passed away Tuesday evening at his home in Mocksville following on illness of n ycor, being critic ally ill for two days. Funeral services were held in the Mocks ville Baptist Church ot 2 p.m. Thursday afternoon, with Rev. J. P. Dnvis and R. M- Hnrdce offic iating. Masonic graveside rites were conducted nt the Chestnut Hill Cemetery in Salisbury. He was the son of Mrs. D. H. McQuagc of Washington, D. C., and the late D. H. McQuagc. He was born January 16, 1895 near Red Springs, N. C. He was a graduate of Baylor University and did graduate work in the Harvard School of Business Administrat ion. Mr. McQuagc worked in ed- itoral capacity on newspapers in New York, New Orleans, Dallas, Texas, and served as city editor of the Salisbury Post for many years prior to buying the Mocks viUe Enterprise. He wea iorxdtx president of the Midwestern Press Association, and until his late Illness was a member of the board of directors of the North Carolina Press Association. He was a World War 1 veteran and a member of the MocksviHc Bap tist Church, Rotary Club and Ma sonic Lodge. In 1931 he was marr ied to the former Ruth Hctlig of Salisbury. Survivors include his wife, Ruth Hcilig McQuogc; Mother, Mrs. D. H. McQuagc of Washing ton, D. C. Three sisters, Mrs. Cary Coudcl of Wallace, N. C.: Mrs. Eula Thompson of Washington, D. C.; Mrs. W. A. Dryden of Stark, Florida. Four brothers: H. G. Mc- Quage of Meridian, Miss.; S. A. and R. J. McQuagc of Portland. Oregoo; and W. S. McQuage of Waihing^ D. C. Bio - Obituaries - 3/11/I949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 11,1949 - Page 2 Bobby Lee Bailey, 12, Dies Near Mocksville Bobby Let! Bniley, 12-ycnr»old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. BnUcy, Advnncc, Route 1. died Friday morning In n Wlncton-Salcm hospU&L He had been n patient Ihcrc 15 days. Surviving ore the parents; two sisters, Stilly ond Dorothy Dtil- ley; a bitdhor, .J. 'W. Bailey; a half sister, Peggy Carter; two half brohters, Jack and Gray Car ter, all of the home, and his grand- parr- »s, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Fos ter, Advont'c, Route 1. Fufientl services were conduct ed ot 3 p.m. Saturday ot Elbavlllc Methodist Church by Rev. R. J. Stiv'irg. Dui'lnl was in the church fcrriclcry. Mrs. Reavis, 74, Dies in Yadkin Mrs. Joseph G. Reavis, 74, died early Friday monring at her home, Yudkinvillc, Route 3. She had been In declining health for sev eral years. Funeral services were con ducted ,nt 2:30 p.m. Saturday at Center Methodist Church by Rev. W. H. Jenkins. Rev, R. E. Adams tind Rev. H. D. Garmon. Burial was in South Oak Ridge Baptist Churcli Cemetery. Mrs. Reavis was the daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Robert Gentry. She is survived by her Ims- band, eight sons, O. G., W. M.. Miles P. ond Paul D. Ravis of Win.ston-Salcm. Tuttlc Reavis of Hickory. John Reavis of Higi) Point, Frank Reavis of Ventura, Calif., and Troy Rcuvls of Waukc.sha, Wis.; four daugliters, Mrs. Fred Vestal nnd Mrs. Dan CIcary of Vndkinvlllc, Route 3, nnd Mrs. Albert Holcomb and Mr.s. Luther Myers of Winston- Salcm; three sisters, Mrs. Miles Martin, Mrs. Roy Pcndry and Mrs. Dan Long of Yadkinvillc: and 20 grandchildren. E. L. GEEEN DIED YHIIRSDAY Edward L. Green, 92, promin ent industrial, church and civic leader of Yadkin Collego, died ot 4:45 p.m. Thursday in a Stntcs- villc luispital. He had been a pa tient there 11 months. Mr. Green was bora in David son County, son of George W. and Albcrtlno Swicegood Green. ChutTliland. He spent ids entire life hi Davidson County. Three years after his gradua tion from Vadkin College In 1679, he entered the tobacco Inislness as u mnnufacturer and stayed in the business until his retirement in 1907. Mr. Green was active in many phases of public life. In his boy hood. he was a teacher. Later, he was instrumental in founding the town of Vadkin College. He was one uf the organizers of No- komis Cotton Mill in Lc.xington. H«* was chairman of the board of ducvtors of the Bonk of Lex ington for many years. Mt. Green was also active in the work of his church, Yndkin Collego Methodist Church, He wasionu of itis trustees until his death. He married Miss Lucy Lcc Foard, Newton, in 1886. Five of their 'eight children survive. Survivoi*s include two daugh ters. Mrs. C. C. Rozcllc nnd Mrs. J. H. Smith, both of Winston-Sn- lem; three sons. Dr. G. V. Green, Pork, -and G. H. and Hobart L. Green, UiiJth of Yndkin College; 15 grandchildren; four great-grand children, and n sister, Mrs. Belle Swiccgoad, Coolccmec. Funcrsil Kvrviccs were conduct ed at 3 p.m. Saturday by Dr. S. 'W. Tayloi-..AshGboro, ond the pas- tor, Rev. C. 'G. Islcy. Burlol was in the church ceme tery. Grandsons served as pallbear ers. They were Monte Green. Homer Green, Jr., Edward Lamar Green, 2nd. Gene H. Green, Gar land V. Green, .Jr., and Lloyd Davis. Bio - Obituaries - 3/11/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 16,1949 Samuel A. Hutchens Commits Suicide Samuel A. Hutchens, 44, Yad- kinville, Route 2, was found dead in the yard at his home about 5 a. Tuesday. His head was bad* Iv mutilated by the blast from a 12 guage shotgun which was lying by his side. The coroner said bis investlga' tion revealed that Mr. Hutchens had been in ill health and at times was unable to sleep. Mr. Hutchens was born in Davie County June 17» 1904. He spent most of his life in his home com munity. Surviving arc the widow, his four sons, his mother, four broth* ers, Rev. Wade Hutchens, Alf^ and Jessie Hutchens, all of Mo^s- yille. Route 2, and Burton Hut chens of Yadkinvllle; one hall' brother, John Hutchens of New Castle, Ind.; four sisters, Mrs.]^- ma Peoples, Mr?. Mattie Hutch ens, Mrs. Mae Wallace and Mrs. Annie Baity, all of near Mocks* ville; and one half sister, Mrs. Saltie Stone of Greensboro. Funeral services were held at 11 a. m., at the Church of Christ, Yadkinville Route, 2. Rev. Avery Wall and Rev. Isaac Willard o^ fictated. Burial was in the church cemetery. Norvin M. King Norvin Montgomery King, 59, of Farmington, died in a Winston- 8alem hospital March 7th, aReran illness of one day. He had been in declining health for 15 years. ^ Mr. King is survived by two sisters, Mrs. J- H. Montgomery of Farmington. with whom he lived, and Mrs. Percy T. Johnson of Winston Salem. Charles Edward Robbins Baby Found Dead Charles Edward Robbins, five- month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Robbins of Mocksville, Route 1. was found dead last Monday morning by his parents. Dr. S. A. Harding who investi gated, said the child apparently suffocated during the night. He was sleet-ing in the same bed with his parents. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p. m., last Tuesday at Con cord Methodist Church by Rev. J« B. Fitzgerald. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -3/16/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 16,1949 Mrs, Emma Cor- natzer \ Mrs. Emma Llppard Comatzer of Advance died Wednesday at her home after a serious illness of two weeks. She had been in de clining health for two years. Mrs. Comatzer had lived her entire life in Advance. She was the widow of A. C. (Uncle Ance) Comatzer, whom she married in 1899. Surviving are two daughters, a son, two foster daughters, sixstep* sons, two stepdaughters, a btother, a sister, five grandchildren; and five great grandchildren. iFuneral services were conduct ed at ''00 p. m., Friday at die home and at 3 p. m., at Advance Methodist Church by Rev. J, R. Starling and Rev. Howard Jordan. Burial was in the church cemetery. Oliver McQaage Oliver C. McQuage, 54, pub lisher of dte MocksvUle Enterprise for the past 11 years, died at his home on North Main Street last Tuesday night at 11:15 o'clock. He had been ill for 13 months, fel- lowing a stroke of paralysis. Mr. McQuage moved to this city from Sriisbury, where he was city editor of the Salisbury Post. for six years, Surviving are the wife, his mother, three sisters and four! brothers. | I Funeral services were held at the Mocksville Baptist Church atj , 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon, • ! with his pastor, Rev. J, P. Davis' ! officiating, assisted by Rev. R. M. : Hardee, and the body carried to {Salisbury and laid to rest in Chest' nnt Hill Cemetery. Mr. McQuage was a member of the MocksvilU Baptist Church, a member of Mocksville Lodge No. 134, A. F. &. A. M., and the North Carolina Press Association. To the bereaved family The Re cord extends sympathy in this hour of sadness. Bio - Obituaries - 3/16/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 18,1949 - Page 2 Rites Held Monday For Mrs. Rosa Hupp n Mrs. Rosa S. Hupp, 77, of Salis bury, died at B a.m. Saturday at her home followlnfi n long Illness. Mrs. Hupp was a nntrve oT "Hal ifax coiinly, "Vu., the daughter of the late Jnmcs J. and Martha Shnppard. She was born May 21, 1871. She was n member of the Dan Jllver Baptist churth unial- ifnx. Mrs. Hupp is svirvivpil by six sons, 3. D., Augusta, Qa., H. T., Cha.so City, Va.. E. H.. Pitlsburgh, Pa., C. T.. Mochsvillo. B. W. Wnl- korlown, P. J., East Bend; three daugltters. Mrs. W. :0>. Bryant, "Wilmington, Annie, Salisbury. Mrs. J. A. rink, Salisbury; 12 grandchildren and Smv grcat- gnindchlldrcn. niDcral services wore holt! on Monday at 10 n.m. at the Sum- mcrsctt Chapel, Salisbury. Burial was in the Oakridge cemclcvy. South Boston, Va. Bio - Obituaries - 3/18/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 23,1949 Mrs. Dretts4la Summers Mrs. Dreusella Summers, 72, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Miilard Harmon, in this citv, Thursdav morning at 9:45 o'clock, following a critical illness of two weeks. Surviving are one son, Curtis H. Summers; two dauehtcrs, Mrs. Paul Hendrlcks and Mrs. Miilard Harmon, all of Mocksville; two brothers, W. M. Crotts, of this city, and J. K. Crotts, of Winston- Salem, and seven grandchildren. puneral services were held at Mocksville Methodist Church at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon with Kevs. R. M. Hardee and E. W. Turner officiating, and the body laid to rest in Smith Grove Mc thodist Church cemetery* Mrs. M. G. Dohy Funeral services for Mrs. Tishle Sain Doby, 74, of Mocksville, Route 3. were held at 3 p. m. Fri' day at Fork Baptist Church, widi Rev. George Bruner and Rev. E. F. Baker officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Doby died Wednesday in a Winston-Sulcm hospital after aj serious illness of one week. | She was bom in Davie County • on Aug. 24, 1874, the daughter of, Jacob and Sarah Cope Sain. She; was married in 1896 to Manuel G. Doby, who died Nov. 5, 1941. Surviving are three sons, W. D. and Wiley J. Doby of Winston- Salem and Charles H. Doby of Langlcy Field, Va., four grand- children; and two sisters, Mrs. Bell Williams of Mocksville and Mrs. Lizzie Rodden of Kannapolis. Mrs. Victoria Graves . Mrs. Victoria Graves, 80, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O. E. Driver, in Clarksville town- j ship Thursdav momtng, following a long illness. Surviving are two sons, A. A. Graves, of Southmont, and D. H.' Graves, Roanoke, Va.; one daugh-i ler, Mrs. O. E. Driver, 14 grand-^ children, five great grandchildren. > Funeral services were held at Bear Creek Baptist Church Satur day morning atTl o'clock, with Revs. W. C. Barkley and Wade Hutchens officiating and the body laid to rest In the church ceme \ tery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/23/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 25,1949 - Page 6 MRS. GRAVES, 80. DIES NEAR CANA Mrs. Victoria Brogclon Graves, 80. died ut he home of her daugh ter, Mrs. O. E. Driver, Cana, Rt. t, at 9 a.m. March 18. She Imd been ill 10 months ond in u serious condition two weeks. Mrs. Graves was he widow of George L. Graves who died In 1028. She was the daughter of Thomas and Elvira Moorefield and was a member of Bear Creek Baptist Churcl). Surviving arc two sons, A. A. Craves of Lexington and D. H. Graves of Roanoke. Vq.; one daughter, Mrs. Driver: 14 grand children and five grcat-graitd- cltilrcn. Funcvnl services were at tiic Bvur Creek Baptist Church at 11 a.m. Saturday with Rev. W. C. Barkley and Rev. Wade llulclifni officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Pulibcorcrs were I. C. Roberts, T. C. Rcnvis, W. M. Langston, L. S. Driver, D. A. Harris nttd R. L. Harris. Funeral Services For Mrs. Doby Held Friday Funeral services for Mrs. Tislt- ic Sain Doby, 74, of Mocksville, Route 3. were at 3 p.m. Friday at Fork Baptist Churcli, with Rev. [ George Bruncr and Rev. E. F. 1 Baker officiating. Burial was In the cliurcli cemetery. | Mrs. Doby died Wednesday at. a Wlnston-Salem Itosptlnl nftcr a serious illness of one week. Site was born In Davic County on Aug. 24, 1674, the daughter of Jacob and Sarah Cope Suin She was married In 1608 tu Man-^ uol G. Doby. who died November 5, 1941. I Surviving are three sons, W. D. and Wiley J. Doby of Wlnston- Snlcm and Charles H. Doby of Langloy Field, Vn.; four grand children: and two sisters, Mrs. Belle Williams of Mocksville and Mrs. Lizzie Roddcn of Kanna- polis. Mrs. Summers, 72, Dies At Mocksville Mrs. Drcusclla C. Summers. 72. died at her home here Thursday after n long illness..^ Funeral services were conduct ed nt n p.m. Fridny {it ihu I^iralj Methodist church by Rev. Robert M. Hnrdcc. Burial was in l'nc| Smith Grove Methodist cemetery. Mr.s. Summers was a daughter of Jacob and Sophie Tcinptetoni CroKs. Surviving arc one son. | Curtis H. Summers ot Mocksville: two daughters, Mrs. Paul Hen-J dricks and Mrs. Millard Harmon of Mocksville: two brothers, W. M. Crutts of Mocksville and J. K. Crutts of Winston-Salem: ami seven grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 3/25/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 30,1949 William A. Foster William A. Foftter, OK diad at 7:30 o* m. Friday at bla buroe on Route 3. His death wesauddei). Surviving are the wife, three eone and three dauflbtere, of the home; one btother. Jamee, of Durbaco; three eietere. Mra. R. K, Poole. Mrs. Cdfiar Lasle and Mrs. Hugh Foster, all of Davle County. Funeral services were held at ^0 p. m Sunday at Liberty Methodist Church, with Re • J. 6. Fltzaerald officiating, and the body laid to real in the church cametory. i Bio - Obituaries — 3/30/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 1,1949 - Page 10 W. A. Foster Dies At Age 61 Willinm A. (Bill) Foster. 61, of Mocksvillc. R. 3, died suddenly at 7:30 p.m. Friday just after arrlv- Inii home front work. Ho was a mechaiiiu ut Josey'u OaraBC at Mocksvillc, R, 4. Mr. Foster was the son of the late Tltomns P. and Margaret Fos« tcr, He wos married December 24, 1008, to Miss Llllic McCul- lough. For the past 11 years, he i had made his home'in the Bethel churcit community. Surviving arc his wife; three > sons. Charles Foster of Salisbury, Paul and James Foster of the I home; three daughters, Mrs. CIe> tus Foster and Miss Margaret Fos> tcr, both of Salisbury, and Mrs. J. W. Phclps of Orlando, Fin.; one brother. Jonics Foster of Durham; three sistors. Mrs. E. C. Laglc of Mocksvillc, R. 4. and Mrs. R. D. Poolu and Mrs. H. S. Foster, both of MoeksvUlc; and one grand* child. Funeral sorvlco.t wore conduct ed at 2:30 pin. Sunday at Liber ty Methodist church by Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald. Burial was In the church cemetery. Pallbearers will be H. M. Sparks. J. M. Dnnlols, L. M. Graves, H. O. Joscy, Clyde Rldcn* hour and Mr. Barnhnrdt. Bio - Obituaries - 4/1/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 6,1949 Chas, Blackwelder Charles Blaclcwelder, 70, died at his home on Wilkesboro Street at 6:45 p. m. Wednesday, following a serious illness of one week. Mr. Blackwelder had been in declining health for the past four years. He moved to MocksviKe from Harmony about three and one half years ago and became a partner in the Mocksville Imple* ment Company, The son of H. H. and Molly Virginia Blackwelder, he was bom and reared in Davle County, mov ing to Harmony in 1911. He went into the farna machinery and hardware business in Harmony. Mr. Blackwelder was a member of Harmony Methodist Church, Survivors, are his nddow, two I sons Duke H. Blackwelder, spe^. dal assistant to the United States Attorney General, Washington,. D. C., Gerald E. Blackwelder of. Mocksville; a daughter, Mrs. E.' W. Junker of Salisbury; diree' brothers, Lonnie Blackwelder of High Point, H.nTvev B. and Tom A. Blackwelder of Mocksville sisters Mrs. Winiield Chieshire of Ha.tnonv and Mrs. Ben Tutcerow of Mocksville. Funeral services were conduct^ ed at the home at 2 p. m.. Friday by R?v. R. M. Hardee and Rev. It V. Martin. Burial was in the Chestnut Grove cemetery. Pallbearers were E. E. Harmon, W. W. Smith, Atlas Smoot, Clay Harbin' Ted Junker and Worth ' McCoy. Bio - Obituaries - 4/6/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 8,1949 - Page 1 C. M. Blackwelder Fanml Is Held Charles Monroe Blackwelder, 70, passed away at his home on Wilkesboro street last Wednes day, March 30. Mr. Blackwelder had been In decUnlng health ior the post four years and aeriously ill for one week. Funeral services were held at the home Friday at 2 p.m. with Rev. R. V. Martin of Lcwisvillc, Rev. R. M. Hardee, and Rev. Wade Hutchins offici ating. Burial was in the Chestnut Grove cemetery. Mr. Blackwelder was the son of H. H. and Molly Virginia Block welder. He was born and reared In Davie county, moving to Harmony In 1011, where he went into the farm machinery and hardware business. He moved to Mocksvillc from Harmony about three and a half years ago and became a partner in the Mocksvillc Implement compny. He was a member of the Har mony Methodist church, and had served as steward, superintend ent of the Sunday school and teacher of the Men's Bible class there. Until ill health forced him to retire, he was a member of the Ircdcll county draft board. Survivors include his widow, the former Elizabeth Josephine Moorc', two sons, Duke H. Black welder, special assistant to the at torney general of the United tSatcs, Washington, D. C., and Gerald Blackwelder, local busi ness man; one daughter, Mrs. E. W. Junker of Salisbury; three brothers, Lonnie Blackwelder of High Point, Hot-vcy B. and Tom A. Blackwelder of Mocksvillc; two eistors, Mrs; Wingfiold Cheshire of Harmony and Mrs. Ben Tuttcrow of Mocksvillc; and one granddaughter, Miss Jean Junkcx-, of Sallsbuty. Pallbearers were Dr. E. E. Har mon, W. W. Smith, Atlas Smool, Clay Harbin, Ted Junker and Worth McCoy of Cleveland. Honorary pallbcarei-s included Dr. Pressly and Carl Chambers of Statcsville, Royford Maybcrry of HQU5tonvillo,.Corl Watts, N. S. Gaither, Cloudc Burgess, Sent Burgess, Lewis Hagar, Lonnie Templcton, R. H. Langford, all of Harmony, Kermlt Howard, Dolph Richie, Prentice Campbell, T. P. Dwiggint and Clyde Haylor., MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 8,1949 - Page 9 A. K. PLOTF DIES AT AGE 83 A. K. Plott, 83, died at his home on Mocksvillc, Route 3 about 4 p.m. Saturday. He was o lifelong resident of Davle County and a son of the late John P. and Elizabeth Jomes Plott. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Emma Riddle Plott: four daugh ters, Mrs. Grady Bogcr, Mocks- vllle. Route 3; Mrs. Lois Bcrrler, Winston - Salcm; Mrs. Eugene Potts, Advance, and Mrs. Eliza beth Plott Moore of the home; three sons, John Plott, Raleigh; Frank Plott, Wlnston-Salcm, and Noah Plott, Mocksville, Route 4; two brothers, Allis Plott, Little Rock, Ark., and Tom Plott, Mocks villc, Route 2; two sisters. Mrs. John Riddle and Mrs. Clerce Bow- den, both of Advance, Route I: 28 grandchildren and 12 great-grand children. Funeral services were conduct ed at the home at 1:30 p.m. Sun day and at Bethlehem Methodist Church at 2:30 by Rev. E. W. Turner and Rev. Clarence Jenk ins. Burial waa in the Bethlehem cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 4/8/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 13,1949 Pvt. M. G. Mark- land Rites Tne funeral ot Private Melvtn G. Markland, who was killed in action Sept 12. Iv44, in France. conducted a t-^c ho »e ne;.r A.lvmcc at 2:30 p. m.i Sunday and at Etbjv'ilie M.'€•!>>Jiic Oiiurch at 3 p. m. Revs. R'J. Starling and Ho%vard JtrJn officiated. The body was laid to rest in the cliurch cemctcrv with full miiicarv honors bv Post No. 4024, V. F. W., of Mocksvillc. Survivors are the parc its. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Marklard, two sis* ters, Mrs. Lillian Koontr, Route 2. Mocksvillo, an I Mrs. Ntavbelle Orrell, Advance, R. 1; five broth ers, E. W., H. L., R. J., Paul and Stephen O. Markland, all of Ad vance, Route 1. * Bio - Obituaries - 4/13/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 15,1949 - Page 2 BERRIER RITES TO BE SUNDAY Final rites for Pvt. Benjamin Frnnlclin Ecriicr of MocUsvJllc, n. 4, will be conducted at the grave Saturday a 4 p.m. at Con cord Methodist church cemetery. The Rev. J. B. Flt^.gcrnld will offciatc and the VFW will hold the service with full military honors. Pvt. Bcri-ier wos killed in Bel gium September 10. 1944. He is survived by his mother,! seven sisters, Mrs. J. C. McCull-' • ough and Mrs. John Fcrebce of MocksvUle. Hrs. Tom Dowell of Salisbury, Mrs. Ivon Crissmnn of High Point, Mrs. Carl Mnssey of Lexington, Mrs. CInrence Burn- hnrdt, China Grove and Mrs. W. T. Nichols of New Orleans. La.; six brothers, Cecil Gray, Sum, Felix and Herman of Mocksvillc, R. 4, Green of Chlno Grove, James of Rockfurd, 111. The body Pvt. Borrier will be talccn to the home of his par ents Friday afternoon from Walk er Funeral home In Mocksvillc. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 15, 1949 - Page 8 Carl R. Anderson Dies After Accident Carl Reives Anderson, 32, of the Jericho comniunity, Dnvlc county, died in a Statcsvlllc hos pital about 0:20 p.m. yesterday from Injuvlo.s received in an ac cident in Mockitviilc. An employee of the Mocksvillc hnplcmcnl company, Mr. Ander son wn.<! assisting in loading n tractor onto a truck, when the tractor fell off the truck with him. causing severe internal in juries. He was taken Immediate ly to Statcsvillc, where on emer gency operation was performed. Ho died shortly afterwards. Mr. Andcr.son was born Oct. 23, lOiQ, in Saskatchewan, Canada, the son of J. A. Anderson and the late Lixaic Ann Reives Anderson. He moved to Dnvic county at an early age and, in 1938 was mar ried to Miss Louise Green. Before the war, ho was nssocl- ntccl with Erwin mills in Coolcc- nice. During the war lie served with a tank unit of the Fifth ar mored division. Surviving, in addition to the wife and father, ore two brothers. Cecil and Lawrence Anderson of GlUton, Md.: and one sister, Mrs. Clayton Cai-tncr uf Slatvsvillc, Route 4. Funcrol services wore held at (he home at 3 p.m. Wednesday. Durrol J. Prince, pastor of the Jericho Church of Christ officiat ed. Burial was in ili^c church cem etery. Bio - Obituaries - 4/15/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 20,1949 Carl Reives Anderson Killed In Accident Carl Reives Anderson, 32, of Jericho community, died in a Sta^csville hospital about 9:20 p. m., Monday from injuries receiy ed in 3n accident in this city. An employee of the Moclcs- vllle Itnplcment Company. ]ylr, Anderson was assisting in loading a tmcto** onto a truck, wh^n the tractor fell off the truck w{fr» him, causing severe internal injuries. He was taken immediately to Stat- esville where an emercencv opera tion was performed. He died shortly afterwards. Me. Anderson was bom Oct. 23 1916, in Saskatchwean. Canada, the son of T. A. Anderson and the late Lttrie Ann Reives Ander son. He moved to Davic Conn n tv at an earlv age and. in 1938. was married toMiss Louise Green, During the war, he sen'ed with a tank unit of the Fifth Armored Division. ^tirviving, in addition ro the! and father, nrp two brothers,' and Lawrence Anderson of Elkton, Md..one .sister, Mrs. Clav-i ton Carfncr of Statcsville, Route 4.1 Funeral services were he'd at' the home Wednesday afternoon • at 3 o'clock, with Barrel! T. Price officiating, and the body laid to rest in lericho Church of Christ Ce«neten». j The Record extends sincere symnathv to the bereaved family in this sad hour of bereavement. ' Pvt. Beniamin Berrier The body of Pr^ate Benjamin Franklin Berrier 19, sen of Mrs. I. C. Berrier and the lace Mr. Ber ricr, of Jcrusolem township wns laid to rest in Concord Methodist f^hurch cemetery Saturday after noon at 4 o'clock, with full mili tary honors by Mocksville Post 4024, V. F. W. Private Berrier was kiKed in ac tion in Belgium Seot. 10,1944. He was bom Feb. 25, 1925 and entered the armsd forces Jan, 24, 1944. He received his training ac Fort Knox, Ky. He is survived bv his moti^er; seven sisters, Mrs. T. C. McCul lough and Mrs. John Ferebee, both of Mocksville, Mrs. Tom Dowell, Salisbury; Mrs. Ivan Criss man, High Point; Mrs. Carl Mas- sey, Lexington; Mrs. Clarence Barnhardt, China Grove and Mrs. W. T. Nichols, Nevv Orleans, La., and six brothers, Cecil Gray, Sam, Felix and Herman Berrier, all of Mocksville. Route 4, Green Ber rier, China Grove, and James Bar rier, Rockford, III. Emma McMahan Wagner Mrs. Emma McMahan Wagner, 82, a native of Davie County, died on April lOch, at her home in Troutman, Mrs. Wagner move.! from this county many years ago. Funeral and burial service took place at Troutman last Tuesday. Surviving are seven children. Bio - Obituaries - 4/20/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 27, 1949 Cecil Wayne McDaniel Infant McDaniel Cecil Wavne, S'dav'old son ot| Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. McDaniel,' ot Route 3, died in a Statesville hospital Thursday. Surviving are the parents, one brother and two sisters. Funeral services were held at the home Friday morning at 10 o'clock, with Rev. Foster Eoflin officiating, and the body laid to rest in Smith Grove cemetery. Herbert Franklin Waller Infant Vlfaller Herbert Franklin, 2i months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wah ler, Advance. R, 1, died on April J 8th, and the little body was laid to rest in Elbaville Methodist Church cemitery, with Rev. j. H. Starling conducting die graveside service. Surviving are the parents, the grandparents and four brothers* Ollle C. Woodfin Horrible Accident ! Ollie C. Woodfin. 31. of Rich- • mend, Va.. met instant death Fri day morning at 9:30 o'clock, three miles north of this city, on the Winston-Salcm highway, when^ a tractor trailer truck he was driv ing, loaded with sheet metal, turn ed over on him, breaking his neck. It was raining hard and the high way was slippery. Mr. Woodfin was a member of Woodfin Bros.; Transfer Co.. of Richmond. He was enroute to Asheville. The body was brought to Walker Fu neral Home, and sent to Rich mond for burial. Mr. Woodfin is survived by hb wife, two child ren, his parerits, seven brothers and two sisters. A brotlier-in law was driving a trailer truck just behind the truck that turned over. I Bio - Obituaries -4/27/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 29,1949 - Page 1 J. Cecil Little Loms FatlMr. J. Cecil Little spent last Tues day and' Wednesday in Lorsy. where he was called to the bed side of his father, J. R. Little, who passed away on Tuesday after an illness of several, years. Funeral services were held Wednesday af ternoon at Rehobeth church in Catawba county. Survivors include his widow, six sons; J. C. of MocksvUle, H. 8. of Charlotte, R. M., E. O. and C. N., all of StatesvUle, and C. R of Loray; two dau^tars: Mrs. ■ill Orifis of Asbury Park; N. J,. and Mm W. D. Coo^ of X^^ny. tveiva fruddtUdm .alao -aur- MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 29,1949 - Page 2 John Lewis Lowery Dies at Cana at 56 John Lewis Lowery, 56, n farm er of near Cnno, died at the homo of his stepmother. Mrs. D. A. Lowery of Conn shortly before noon Saturday. He was a native of Cnnn and a son of the late D. A. and Suson Cullcttc Low- cry. Besides his step-mother, he is survived by a brother, Frank Lowery of Winston-Salem, and three half sisters, Mrs. Floyd Dull, Mrs. Jesse Driver and Mi's. Sam Randall. femoral services were conduct ed at Eaton's Baptist Church nt 4 p.m. Sunday by Rev. Wnde Hutchcns. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 4/29/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 29,1949 - Page 3 Cecil Wayne McDaniel Services Held Friday Cecil Wayne McDaniel, thrcC' day-old son of George Cecil and Delia Carter McDaniel died In a Statcsvllle hospital Thursday. Ho is survived by the parents, one brother and two sisters, alt of the home, the maternal grand mother, Mrs. ' Alice Corter of Route 3, and the paternal grand- porents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Mc Daniel, Route 3. Funeral services were at the home, Mocksville, Route 3, at 10 a.m. Friday. Rev. F. R. Loflin officiated. Burial was in Smith Grove cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 29, 1949 - Page 6 DRIVER DIES AS TRUCK OVERTURNS Ollie Clinton Wcodfin, 31, s truck driver from Hichr^nd, Va., was killed about 9:20 a.m. Friday when the tractor-trailer he was driving hit a soft shoulder and turned over down an embank ment near here. Mr. Woodfln, one of four broth ers who own the Wcodfin Truck ing Company at Richmond, was pinned inside the cab and the door had to be prized open bo- fore his body could be recovered, witnesses said. Ho was driving a tractor-trail- cd loaded with metal roofing and was on route from Wheeling, W. Va., to Ashcvulc when the acci dent occurcd. A brother-in-law was drl' ing onolher truck over the stiinc route about 15 min utes behind him. Mr. Wcodfin is survived by his wife, Mrs. Muric Bcndcl Wood- fin, his parents, one son, one (ioughtcr nnd seven brothers. The body was taken to Richmond for funeral services. Bio - Obituaries — 4/29/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 4,1949 John Lowery John Lewis Lowerv, 56, a form er of near Cana, died at the home of his stepmother, Mn. D. A. Lowery of Cana, on April 23rd. He was a native of Cana, and a son of the late D. A. and Susan Colleite Lowery. Besides his mother, he is sur vived by a brother, Frank Lowery of Winston Salem, and three half sisters. Mrs. Floyd Dull, Mrs. Jesse Driver and Mrs. Sam Rand all. Funeral services were conduct ed at Eaton's Baptist Church at 4 p. m., April E4di, by Rev» Wade Hutchens. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 5/4/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 11,1949 William W. Ward Former Davie Man Dies William W. Ward, 79, who was bom at Farmin^ton on May 27, 1669, son of die late Samuel and Jane Ward, died recently in a hos* pital in Madeli., Minn. Mr* Ward moved from Davie to Iowa in 1695, where he was married. He moved to Minne^ Bota from Iowa in 1923. His wife died in 1906. He was a member of the Methodist Church and was a Mason* Surviving arc a sister, Mrs. Emma Ward Miller, of Mar* shalltown, Iowa, a daughter *and one granddaughter. A number of fclatives are living in the Furm« ington oommunity. Bio - Obituaries - 5/11/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 18,1949 Mrs. EmmaJordan ^?™J.^'^^iJohn W Mrs. Emma Jordan, 79. widow of A. B. Jordan/died at 3:30 a, m., I Wednesday at her home, Mocks- . ville, Route 2. ^ Mrs. Jordan was a daughter of ' Mr. and Mrs. leif Stanley and I spent her entire life in her home i community. s Surviving arc two sons, Joe * Stanley of Mocksville, iRoutc 2, ' and Henry Stanley ofPocahontas, ' Va., three daughters, Mrs. J. D. • Gregorv of Mocksviilc, Route l,"** and Mrs. A. E. CranfiU and Miss Minnie Jordan, both of the home; • 12 grandchildren; 13 great-grand* ten; and one brother, Henry Stan* | ley of Yadkinville, Route 3. Funeral services were held at 3 p. m., Friday at Eaton's Baptist ' Church. Rev. Wade Hutchens » and Rev. James H. Groce officiat- • ed. Burial was in the church ceme tery, f , Bamevcasde, 85, re« 'tired Davie County farmer, died May 8th at the home of his daughter, Mrs. B. S. Neeley of Mockyville, Route 2. i 2 Survivors Include two sons, Gal-' vin and William Bameycastle of Mocksviilc, Route 2, three daugh- ; ccrs. Mrs. J. D. Howell of Cana, Route 1, Mrs. B. S. Neely, of Mocksville, Route 2, and Mrs. G. n V. Whiten of Benncttsville, S. C. ' one brother Elijah Bameycastle of Mocksville, Route 1; 22 grand children; and Ib-grcat-grandchild- ted. ! Funeral services were conduct ed at 2 p. m., last Tuesday at Union Chapel Methodist Church, Rev. Foster Loflin, Rev. Wade Hutchins and Rev, G. V, Whiten, en. Mr. Bameycastle's son-in-law will officiate. Burial was in the church cemetery. U. H. Phelps U. H. Phelps, 56, died uncxpect ediy at his home at Advance last Tuesday. A farmer and furniture worker, he was a native of Davie. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Irene Sheek Phelps; five sons, three daughters, two sisters, a brother, and 10 grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m., Thursday at the honfie and at 2:30 p. m., at Mocks Methodist Church. Rev. J. R. Starling and Rev. Rev. Alex Doby officiated. Members of the Sunday School were pallbearers. John W. Shaw John W. Shaw, 60, died last Tuesday at his home near Har mony, following a short Illness. Funeral services were held at Rock Springs Baptist Church Wednes day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Sut- viving are four brothers and two sisters. Mrs. C. S. Anderson, of this city is a sister. Bio - Obituaries - 5/18/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 20,1949 - Page 3 U. H. Phelps, 56, Dies at Advance U. H. Pholps, 56, died unex pectedly at his home at Ad- voncc earty Tuesday. A farmer ond furniture worker, he was a native of Advance. He was born March 24. 1693. a son of the lotc James and Ma- haley Myers Phelps. He Is survived by his wife, »Mrs. Irene Shcek Phelps; five sons, Hubert, Bob and Ralph Pliclphs. nil of tiie home. Graver nnd Willie Pholphs, both of Ad- vnncc. Route 1; three daughters. Mrs. Edwurd Brewer of Wiiibluii- Salcm, Route 4, Mrs. Riclmrd Carpenter of Hanes und Mrs. Lo- I mns Gullett of Mocksville. Route j 4: two sisters, Mrs. W. R. Graver of Advance, Route I. nnd Mrs. Pink MeDaniol of Thorndell. Tcx- no; n brother, Cunrad Phelps of Winston-Sulum, and 10 grand children. Fwncml services were held at 2 p.m. Thursday nt tito home and nt 2:30 p.m. nt Mocks Methodist Church. Rev. J. R. Starling nnd Rev. Alex Doby officioted. Mem bers of the Sunday School were pallbearers. Bio - Obituaries - 5/20/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 20,1949 - Page 6 Mrs. Jordan Dies Near Mocksville Mrs. Emma Jordun, 70, widow of A. B. Jordun, died at 3:30 u.in. Thursday at her home on Route 2. Mrs. Jordan was n daughter of Mr. and Mrf Jeff Stanley and spent her entire life in her home community. Surviving arc two sons, Joe Stanley of Mocksville, Route 2, and Henry Stanley of Pocnhonlos, Vu.; three daughters, Mrs. J. D. Gregory of Moeksvlllc, Route 1 and Mrs. A. E. Crnnflll and Miss Minnie Jordun both of the home: J2 grandchildren: 13 great-grand children; and one brother, Henry Stanley of Yadkinville, Route 3. Puncrnl services were held at 3 p.m. Friday at Eaton's Baptist Cliurch. Rev. Wade Hutchins and Rev. James II. Groce officiated. Burial wos In the church ceme tery. JOHN W. SHAW PASSES AWAY John W. Sliaw died Tuesday morning. Moy 10. at 1:30 a.m. at his home near Harmony, his death follows a long period' of Mlncss. Funeral services were hold nl 3 p.m. Wednesday afternoon at Rocky Springs Baptist Church. The pastor, Rev. J. G. Allgood. and Rev. J. P. Davis of Mocks ville officiated. Burial was In the church comotory. Mr. Shaw, 00. wos a son of the late Henry R. and Julia Rcncgnr Shaw. He was a native of Davle County and spent his life at the Shaw home place near Hiirmony, being engaged In farming. Mr. Shaw is survived by two sisters and four brothers; Miss Duo Shaw, ond Turner Shaw ot the home; Mrs. C. S. Anderson of Mocksville, Dr. L. R. Shaw of StutbsviUe, D. L. Shaw of Wash ington. D. C. and Clyde Show of Harmony. Pallbearers were W. W. Smith of Mocksville, R. C. Smith, Char lie McDanicl, Austin Shaw, Al fred Shaw and Arch Salmon*, alt of Harmony, Route 2. Bio - Obituaries -5/20/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 0AVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 25,1949 Miss Essie Essex Miss Essie Bell Essex, of Advance, Route 1, died Tuesday at her home after declining health of a ye.T and critical illness of one month. Miss Essex was a daughter of the late W. M. and Lucy Ann Shermer Essex. Most of her life was spent in Davie County. She was educated at Advance Public School and was a member of Ad« vance Baptist Church. Surviving are two sisters, four brothers Funeral services were conduct' ed at the home at 2 p. m., Thurs dav and at 2:30 p. m., at Advance Baptist Church by Rev Lowell Rencger and Rev, J. G. AUgocd. Burial was in the church ceme tery. Bio - Obituaries - 5/25/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 27, 1949 - Page 8 Miss Essex, 49, Died Tuesday Miss Essio Bell Essex, 49. of Advance, Route 1, died at 11:35 a.m. Tuesday at her home after declining health. of a year and critical illness of one month. Miss Essex was born In Forsyth county February 15. 1900, a daughter of tc lotc W. M. and Lucy Allen Shermcr Essex. Most of her life wos spent in Davic county. She wos educated at Ad vance public school and was a member of Advance Baptist church. Surviving ore two sisters, Mrs. G. W. Mock and Miss Mary Es-I sex, both of Advance, Route 1; four brothers, C. «l. Essex of Win-1 ston-Solcm, Route 2, J. W. end T. Meroncy Essex, both of Ad-' Vance, Route 1. | Funeral services were con-1 ducted at the home at 2 p.m. | Thursday and at 2:30 p.m. at Ad-| vancc Baptist church by Rev. Lowell Renogcr and Rev. J. G. Allgood. Burial wos In the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 5/27/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 1,1949 John W. Felker John Wesley Felker, 82, died in ft Concord hospital last WedneS' day night. He had h cn In bad health f^r some time. Mr. Felker M'as born in Davie County and spent most of his life in the Kappa section. Following the death of his wife several years ago, he has made his home with his son, Walter Felker, the only close survivor, at Concord. The body was brought to St. Matthews Lutheran Church Fri day afternoon at 4 o'clock, where funeral and bu.rlal took place. He had been a member of tnis church since early childhood. A long' time friend of the editor has been called to his reward. iDr. C. A, Clement Dr. C. A. Clementj''75, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Clement, died at his home in Rover, Ark., oa May 20th. Dr. Clement's father moved from Mocksville to Arkansas shortly after the close of the Civil War. He was a brother of the late Dr. B. C. Clement, J. L. Clement and C. A. Clement, of this ctw. Dur^ ing his early manhood, Dr. Cle- ment and two sisters, Laura and 11a, returned to this city to attend Sunnvsidc school, which was taught by Miss Mattie Eaton. Otis Malone Otis Malone, 50, well-known colorrd man, died at his home on Pine street early last week. Sur- viving are the wife, a son and daughter and his mother. Funer al and burial services took place Friday. He had been ill for some time. Bio — Obituaries — 6/1/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 3,1949 - Page 4 The funeral services of William Odd! Mnlone, who died lost week were held at Mucksvillc Second Presbyterian church Friday at 2 p.m. with Rev. Mussey in charge, Interment was in the church cem etery. Mrs. Rozcttn Mulonc and Mrs. Blonch Malone, Willie Henry Mo- lone, Mrs. Willie Mnlone and Miss Sadie Hudson were down from New York to attend the funeral of W. O. Malone. Bio - Obituaries - 6/3/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 8,1949 Thomas A. Also- brook I Thomas A. Alsobrook, 70, former electrician at Erwin Cot ton Mills at Cooleemee, died at his home at 3 p. m.. May 30, He had lived at Cooleemee for 20 years. He was a veteran of the Spanish American War. j He is survived by his wife, three sons, two daughters,'two brothers.^ two sisters; 13 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conduct* ed at 1:30 p. m., Wednesday at the First Baptist Church at Coo-1 leeroee bv Rev. Fred Shinn and Rev. G. L. Rovstcr. Burial was in National Cemetery at Salisburv. Walter T. Jones Walter T. Jones. 63, of near Comatzer, died at Davis Hospi tal, Statesviile, Wednesday after noon at 3:30 oViock, following an appendicitis operation SurviWng are the wife, five sons, Joe, Clarence, Brady, Lee and George Jones, all of Route 3; three sisters, Mrs. Steve Hendricks and Mrs. Notte Jarvis, Mocl^ville, Mrs John Mason, Kanna{>olis. | Funeral services were held at Comatzer Methodist Church Fri-1 day at 3 o'clock, with Revs. James' H. Groce and Foster LolSin oifi- j dating, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. | Mr. Tones was a native of Davie and spent his entire life in die county. I Bio - Obituaries - 6/8/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 10,1949 - Page 1 ro^DlAL TOlESn>A¥ ~ FOI MIS. OlYDEN runtral Krvicet for Urt. Miry Oan McQuige Drydin, who died Saturday, May 2a, in Jacluonville, Fla., were held Tuesday momlnf at the Peeler Chape). Saliabury. Interment wai in Chestnut HID cemetery. Mra. Dryden, ^tcr of the late Ollle McQuage, editor of the Mockavllle Enterprise, waa 82 at the time of her death. She li aurvlvcd by her h\tiband, W. A. Dryden, of Starke, Ha.; two ao^ W. A., Jr., of Tlppa- hannock, Va;, and James, of CharlottesvlUe, Va.; mother, Mrs. D.' H. McQuage of Washington, D. C.; two sisters, Mrs. C. H. CaudeU of WaDaee, and Mfs. Cula Thompson of Warfilagtm^ 1^. C.:.four brothers, S. A. Mc* Quage and Bob McQuage,' of Portland, Ore., and W. E., Wash ington. D. C., and H. G. of Me ridian. Miss. Mr^. Betty Powell Died At BloomiBg Grove, Tex. Vunara) senricts were held .on Sunday for Mrs. Betty Powell, who died at her home in Bloom ing Grove, Teas Tburaday night 8b# was tha dayghtar of tM.^ata Ctd and Louiat ferabea Itchiaon of Davie county. Bio - Obituaries - 6/10/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA TWIN CITY SENTINEL, 6/14/1949 |De!at]i Takes LrHooper Johli Lcc; Hooper. 73, of 213 NorUi PoplAr Slreel. died at i local hospital af 3:30 a.m. todar He had. been seriouslj ill /or Hve days, t I. He W05 bom Nov. 4. 1875, In Kemcrsyille. Ute son 6X the late John C. And SiCai/y WlUiams Hoop er. He-spent hisf early life in Ke^ nersvillc and lived lor a number or years in preenville. S. -cL He was eoimccted' witli llowley land lAppcrson Company, and wai a I member ol Centenary, 'Methodist Church. . ;f _ He is survived by one dauch- flbr, Mrs. John Beaitie n( Creen- jvUlc. "S. C.; one brother, B. F. I Hooper of Pcnsaeola, F)a,: and a number'of nlecn and nephews n : I Funeral services will be held [at 7 p.m. today at Vofller's Chapel. Dr. Mark Depp arid Rev.^Dclbe^ I Byrum will ofOtlale., Thef j body will be placed on the train tonhthli and sent to Crcsflville. S. CTjj Jwh'cre burial will uk'e place to-^i iporrbw at SprinsM'ond Cemet(;ry.T Bio — Obituaries - 6/14/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 15,1949 P. Chaffin J. P. ChaSin, 75, died Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, at his home on Route 2, following an illness of 10 days. Surviving arc one daughter, Mrs. C. J. Blackwelder. R. 2; six prand' children and one great-grandchild; two brothers, A. C. Chaffin, R. 1, and fohn Chaffin, Union Grove. . Funeral services were held 'at lijames Baptist Church Sunday at 2 p. m., with Revs. W. C. Barkley! and H. W. Hutchens officiating, and the body laid to rest in the, church cemetery. I To the bereaved family The Re-' ^ord extends sincere sympathy. 1 Bio - Obituaries - 6/15/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 17,1949 - Page 3 J. P. Chaffin, 75y Died Saturday J. p. Chafdn, 75, of Mocksvillc. R. 2. died at 10 a.m. Saturdoy at his home. A retired farmer, Mr. Chaffin had lived his entire life in the community in which he died. He was born in Davle county, the son of Jamei^ L. ond Cornelia Richardson Chaffin. Surviving are one daughter. Mrs. .Charlie Bluckwcldcr of Mocks- ville, R. 2: two brothers, A. C. Chaffin of Mocksvillc, R. 1. and J. A. Ciuiffin of Union Grove: six grandcltildren and one grcot— grandchild. Flincrol services were held at 2 p.m. Sunday ot Ijamcs Cross roads Baptist church with Rev. W. C. Darkley and Rev. Wade Hutchins in charge. Burial was in tiiu churcti cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 17, 1949 - Page 4 C. F. Allen, 71, Dies At Salisbury Hospital C. F. Alien, 71, died at 2 p.m. Friday in a Salisbury hospital fol* lowing a serious Illness of four days. A resident of Mocksville, R. 2, Union Chapel community, he was 0 son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Allen. Surviving are the wife, Mrs. Dovic Kurfees Allen; one son, R. Cloy Allen ot the home; one daughter. Mrs. Hanes Yates of Mocksville, R. 2; one grandchild; five half brothers, C. S. Allen of Mocksville; James Allen ot Val- dese, Clarence Allen of Coolee- mee, Thomas and Walter Allen of New York city; six half sisters, Mrs. Dalie Leach of Mocksville, Mrs. Oscar Bogcr of Mocksville, R. 2, Mrs. Hugh Brown of Mocks villc, R. i, Mrs. James Glasscock of Mocksville, R. 1. Mrs. J. C, Powell of High Point and Mrs. Lois Butlin ot High Point. Funeral services were at the home at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Rev. Foster Loflin officiated, burial was in Union Chapel cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 6/17/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 22,1949 Martha Brown Girl Loses Life Miss Martha Brown, 18, of IC2, died Saturday morning at Rowan Memorial Hospital, where she was carried Friday night following an auto wreck which occurred near Woodleaf, Miss Brown was driving a Ford car when it struck a bank at a road intersection. Leon Eaton, 23, and Walter S. Shoaf, 24, of Cooleemec, were In the car. Eaton was seriously in-1 jured, and Shoaf suffered a brok en ankle. The car was badly damaged. : Funeral services for Miss Brown' were held Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock, at Turrenrine Bap ' tist Church: with Rev. E. F. Eagle' ofhciating, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Sur-, viving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brown, two sisters,! Mrs. C. J. Angel), Jr., of this city, and Mrs. Howard Nichols, Coo'. leemee. ' Robert Lee Ellis Robert Lee Eilis, 74* a native of Davie County, died at his home in Biitimore on fune 11th. Mr. Ellis was c brother of the late W. B. and Thos. J. Ellis, of near Ad vance. He was the owner of the Asheville, Anderson, S. C., and Hickory Coca - Cola bottling plants. Surviving are die widow, several nephews and neices. Mr. Ellis left Davie nearly a half cen- tury ago. Several years ago he moved to Biltmore from Andcr- 'son, 8. C. Funeral and burial ser vices took place Monday of last week at Asheville. Bio - Obituaries - 6/22/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 24,1949 - Pages 1 & 8 Murtha Brown Kilkd In Automobile Crash MariHa Alice Brown, 20, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brown of Mocksville, R. 2, was fatally Injured last Friday night when the car which she was driv ing crashM into the high bank at the Interacctlon ol the new Wood- leaf road and the Statesville high way. Walter Leon Eaton, 3J. of 46 Davit street. Cooletmee, was also seriously injured, suffering from a broken nose, possible frac ture of the skuU, and other in ternal and external injuries.. Wal ter Scott Shoaf, Jr., 24, ol Coo- leeme, s\tffercd a broken right ankle. According to State Hi^way Patrolnian W. M. Anthony, who investigated the accident, the car was entering the Statesville high way from the new Woodleai road which has not yet been complet ed. The-vehicle failed to make the turn and crashed directly into the hank, climbing straight up for a distance of about nine feet, the officer said. (The undercar riage was demolished, the front end crushed and the body twist ed. State Highway Patrolman H. N. Petty, who questioned Shoal at the hospital, was informed that the young woman was driving the automobile. The officer said that he was advised by the youth that they failed to see the cross ing and could not stop before crashing into the bank. Bliss Brown passed away around 9:60 a.m. in the hospital from injuries sustained in the wreck. As we go to press the condition of Leon Eaton is said to be food, and he is expected to recover, barring .complications, ^hoaf, sufXtrinf from a broken tn^i ww. .dismii^ |rom. tba -faoapltal early this weO.- ' ''' " MOUE ABOUT Martha Brown Miss Brown was bom in Wa- tauga county, October 13, 1930, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brown. She is survived by these porents and two sisters: Mrs. C. J. Angell. Jr., Mocksville, and Mrs. Hansford Nichols, Coo- leemee; her parental grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Brown, Boone; and her maternal grand mother, Mrs. George Hayes, Blow ing Rock, R. I. Funeral services were conduct ed by her pastor, Rev. E. F. Lagle at Turrentlne Baptist church Monday morning. Interment fol low in the church cemetery. Bio — Obituaries - 6/24/1949 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA