Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 4,1950 - Page 1
Buried Wth Mili
tary Honors
William D. link, of Cooleemee,
Veteran of World War I, was bur
ied with military honors at Liber
ty Methodist Church on Dec« 18.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars
were in charge and were assisted
by members of the local National
Guard Co. Those assisting were
Fred R. Leagans, Commander; Jas.
B. Swicegood, OfBcex of the Day;
Robert Evans and C. F. Meroncy,
Color Bearers; John FUcher, Jr.,
and Ben Bowles, Color Guards;
limmle Campbell, Bugler; Rich
ard Seeding, Chester James, Paul
A. Foster, Franklin Jones, Calvin
McClamrock and Bill Click, pall
bearers. B. C. Ellis was in com
mand of the Hring Squad with
the following members: John H.
White, Frank Koontz, James C.
Comer, Joe King, Lawrence Car
ter and John Taylor Foster. The
Ladles Auxiliary. Veterans of For
eign Wars, was represented by
Mrs. Dorothy H. Mason.
Robert 5. Lee
Robert S. Lee. 59, died Dec. 22
nt his home at Advance, Route 1.
He had been cridcally ill a week.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at 2 p. m., Dec. 24th, at the
home and at 3 p. m., at Macedo
nia Moravian Church, of which
he was a member. Revs. George
Bruncr and G. E. Brewer officiat*
ed. Burial was in the church ce
Surviving are the wife, four
sons, one daughter, three sisters
and one brother.
Bio - Obituaries -1/4/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 4,1950 - Page 4
Mrs. Ross Milk
Mrs. Ross Mills, 60, a native of
Davie County, and a daughter ol
the late Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Horn,
of this city, died at her home in
Statesville early last Tuesday mor
ning, following a long Illness.
Fimerel sarvices were held at
the First Preshyrerian Church at
Statesville Wednesday afternoon
at 3 o*cIock, with her pastor, Rev.
R. R. McGeachey officiating, and
the body laid to rest in Oakwood
cemetery, Statesville.
Surviving are the husband, one
daughter, live sisters, Mrs. A. M.
Kimbrough, Mocksvillc; Mrs. Scarr
Morrison and Mrs. Charles Mills.
Statesville: Mrs. 6. H. Boatner,
Evanston, 11!.; Mrs. W. H. Coller,
Lake Wales, Fla., and one broth
cr, Everctte Horn, Atlanta.
Mrs. Mills had many friends in
this city who were saddened by
news of her death.
Stacy S. Foster
Stacy S. Foctec 65, a native of
Davie Cauntt, but who moved to
Lexington 39 years ago, died at his
home in that city Dec. 19ih. Mr.
Foster is survived by his wife, two
sons and one daughtei, two sis
ters and four brothers, among
them O. F. Foster, of this city,
and Leon Foster, of Route 2.
Funeral services were held at
the Second Reformed Church at
Lexington Dcc.Zlsc, and the body
brought to Davie and laid to rest
in Smith Grove cemetery.
Mrs. Ik. J. Jones
Mrs. W. J. loncs, 82, died at her
home near Advance Thursday
following an extended illness. |
Mrs. Tones had spent her entire
life in Davie County. She was a
member o f Mock's Methodist
{ Surviving ars four daughters
and four sons, 10 grand children
and one sister.
I Funeral services were held at
the home Friday at 2:30 p. m.,and
at Mock's church at 3 o'clock,
. with Rev. R. J. Starling officiatinff,
.and (he body laid to'rest in the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries — 1/4/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 4,1950 - Page 4
Robert L. Lowery
A Friend Passes
Out old fiienda are passing over
the river one hv one. Almost ev
ery weefc one is called that we
have known for many years.
It is with sadness that we chron
icle the passing.of Robert L, Low-
cry, well-known cidxen. of darks-
ville township, who died at his
home on Dec. 17th, following an
illness of five years. We learned
to know Mr. Lowery nearly forty
years ago, and counted him one
of out best friends. It was our
privilege to visit him in his last
illness. We shall miss him.
Funeral and burial services cook
place at Courtney Baptist Church
on Dec. 19th, with Rev. Alvis
Cheshire officiating.
Mr. Lowery will be sadly miss
ed in the community where he
spent most of his life. The be
reaved family have the sympachv
of a host of faiends in this great
Surviving are th« wife, three
sons, five daughters, three broth
ers and three sisters.
Killed In Hifreck
Bernard Tatum, 40, well-knownj
Negro of Farmington township,
died in Rowan Memorial Hospit
al Dec. 23rd, from injuries he re
ceived when a trrck he was driv
ing left the road and raa Into
some trees near Farmington about
7 o'clock p. m., Dec. 23^
Bio - Obituaries -1/4/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 6,1950 - Page 10
Mrs. Rosa'Mills
Statesville Native
Mrs. Rosn Mills died Mondoy
night, 'Dcccnibor *26, ot her home
on Avmficid street, Stntcsvlllc.
She wns the'former Miss Octa
Rom of'Mocksvilic.
'Funcrd] services were hold ot
Flrst'Presbyterlon church, States
ville, 'Wednesday aftcmoon ot 3
o*clock. Burial was in Ookwood
Surviving arc her husband, a
daughter, Mrs. Frank .M. Hodges
of Hickory, five sisters, Mrs.
Scarr Mdrriaon and Mrs. Charlie
Mills of Statesville, Mrs. A. 'M.
Kimbrough of Mocksville, Mrs.
Henderson Cottor of Lake Wales,
Fla., Mrs. B. Boatned of Evans-
ton, lnd.,M and Everette Home
of Atlanta, Ga.
Mrs. Eu
Funeral so
Route I, v.-h
;. 1, Dies
decs for Mrs.. Eu
genia Cash res, 82, of Advance
died Thursday at
her home, wjre conducted ot 2
p.m. Sunday
3 p.m. at'
The Rev. P
Rev. Howard
Burial was
t the home and at
Mock's Methodist
J. Starling and the
Jordan officiated.
I the church ccmc-
Robert S. Lee, 59,
Advance, R. 1, Dies
Robert S. (Jim) Lcc, 56. died
Dec. 22 at his home at Advance.
R. 1. He had ben critically 111
for a week.
Funeral services were conduct
ed Saturday, December 24, at the
home and at Macedonia Moravian
chwch, of which he was o mem
ber. The Rev. George Bruncr,
pastor, and the Rev. G. F. Brew
er officloted. Burial was In the
church cemetery.
Mr. Lee is survived by his wife,
Mrs. Bessie Faircloth Lee; four
sons, Alvis, Efird and Eugene
Lee of Advance, R. 1, ond Robert
S. Lee, Jr., of Clemmons; one
daughter, Mrs. Elmer Smith of
Clemmons; three grandchildren;
one brother, Fletcher Lcc of Ad
vance, R. 1, and three sisters,
Mrs. W. M. Moore and Mrs. Ron-
da Gregory of Winston-Salcm and
Mrs. Blanche Griffin of King.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/6/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 6,1950 - Page 10
Fred R. Lcagms, SO, of Mocks-,
ville, died of a heart attach nt
3:30 p-tn. December 21, vhile
conducting a military funeral .at
Sinfih Orove n -an official of the
Veterims of 9im-eign wJrt, Post
nr. Leagnvi wbb Iwm te (Cans'Afta 29, m. -.the .son of 'Oran-|
-vQle -and 9bn*y Collett lM|Bna.|
Ba «ent lua Iffe in JMIe.
connty, and .Yor fhe pul
yMD* had iheen in tha ;generij'
iBBUcance btninea. '
Tor moreYhan 10 yam he'hail
arvJee officer. 4nd he has been
liti ah and m U. S. com*|
A mm mi'MbtU
I, i« am the hoUar «f the
I cm «r|
Oacne. Be ma well
flmugboul Bm Slide VTI
ior his active work hi that m-
miltlii. ai^ he meed m ^
fleer .'a charfe at abnosl all aril-
la Save
hrlng are the wile,
rioeria Spry Uagam ol the
bm; <m daagfatar, Mrs. Gledfi
Power of the Koom; the loeilMr,
O. E. Lcafaae of Ceaa; three
hrtdhtra. CccU laefans of CriM,
Or. Paul LaagMM of New York,
a profeeaor at CoraeU iialvonlty*
iiki ''AarlaB l^^wm M 'Si^wa
fk; lleo-slNtn;'^ of Farrainftoo, Mn, B. M.
jam of ThccnoevUle, Mrs. 1. J.
Nowton of Kcrnersrllle, lira. L.
c! Coley of Rockwell and Mn.
likhard Marx of Philadelphia;
and two frandchlldrcn.
Funeral services were coaduct-
^ at Eaton Baptist churdi by the
Rev. Wade Hutchens, the Rav. J.
H. Groce and the Rev. J. P. Da
vis. Burial was in the church
' ' Full military honors were ac
corded at the graveside by VTW
Post 4024. Members of the post
served as pallbearers.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/6/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 13,1950 - Page 2
Mrs. W. J. Jones, 82,
Dies At Advance
Mrs. Eugcnin Snydor Jones,
82. life long rcsitlent of Davic
county, died nt her homo Thurs-
dny, Docombcr 29, at 5:30. In Ad*
vnncc. ??QUto 1.
Mrs. Jonos was tho daughter
of Joseph and Mary Orrcll Sny*
dor. She was born in Davic
county, April 24, 1867. She was
% widow of the late William Jack*
:;on Jones.
Surviving ore four daughters.
Misses Claudic, Grace, Ethel and
Mattie Jones of Advance, R. 1;
fmir sons, Marvin. Glenn and Joe
Jones of Advance, R. 1. and Ed
Jonos of Thomosvllle; 10 grand*
cldldrcn; eight grcnt-grandchll*
drcn, and one sister, Mrs. A. M.
Chambers, of Wlnston-Salcni.
nmorol services were held at
the home ot 2 p.m. Sunday and
nt Mocks church nt 3 p.m. The
Rev. R. J. Starling. Rev. F. E.
Howord and Rev. J. S. Oakley
officiated. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Pnllbcarers were: Roy Car-
tor, Charles Mock, Oscor Poin-
dcxtcr, Marshall Bowden, Roger
Mock and Rnymon Bennett.
Bio — Obituaries — 1/13/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 20, 1950 - Page 2
Ezra C. Mackie, 79,
Passes at Guilford
E7.rn C. Kinckic, father of Miss
Florence Mnckle, Home Demon
stration A{;cnt of this county,
died Saturday morning nt 6:40 in
a Greensboro hospital after on
illness of one day.
Mr. Mnckle, 79, was a retired
miller of Guilford College. He
was born December 21, 1B70, in
Yodkinvitle, the son of Simon
and Christine Mackic. He hod
lived at Guilford College for 35
years, where he was a member
of New Garden Meeting House.
He was also a member of the
Junior Order of American Me
chanics. In 1891 ho was married
to Miss Annlcc Hinshaw.
Surviving arc the wife, two
daughters. Miss Geneva Mnckle
of Guilford College and Miss
Florence Mackic of Mocksvillc;
three sons, Dr. Ernest L. Mackic
of Chnpcl Hilt, Thud Mackic of
Florence, Ala., and Carl L. Mack
ie of Guilford College; and five
Funeral services were conduct
ed ot 3 p.m. Sundoy at New Gar
den Meeting House. Nephews
served as pallbearers.
Bio — Obituaries — 1/20/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 25,1950 — Page 5
Jesse Lee Knrfees
Jesse Lee Kotfees. 78, well known re-
tired membaot end Ifife-fohtf resideot of
Davie GMiBty, died at Ue bone in North
Mocksville Sunday motoiod, foUowing an
fUness of two we^ Hie deatb brongbt
Mdoess to a boat of frieada tbrooghoot
the town and ooanty, wbece he spent a
tong and nsefol life,'
SarviWag are two daogbtera, Mrs. Gra-
dy N. Ward, of this dty, and Mrs. Lonnle
Lanler, of Btmiinghaoi, Ala,; two broth
ers, J. F. Knrfees and M. M. Korfees, of
Lonlavltle, Ky„ and lour grandchildren.
Mrs. Rtttfees died August 13,1948.
Fonefsl seivioee were held at the home
Monday aftemooo at 2 o'ciod^, with his
pastor, WiDard Conchin, ofBciating, and
Che body laid to rest in Jericho Church of
Christ cemetoy.
To the bereaved feinlly The Kecoid ex
tends deep eympathy in this great be-
reaveoient Mr. Ktirfees has been a friend
of the e^tor for more than 50 years. We
shall sorMy misa him.
Bio - Obituaries -1/25/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 27, 1950 - Page 1
J. L. Kurfees, 78,
Passes Siuidav
Funeral fcrvlcW for Jmm Ln
Kurfeee, well known citirea of
Mocksville and Davle county,
were held Mondi^ at the home.
The wrvlw were conducted by
the Rev. Vlllard Conch'tn. Burial
waa in the Jericho cemetery.
Mr. Kurfeea, a retired mer-
chant, pa&sed awdy at his homa
at 9:45 a.m. Suaday morning,
January 22. He hiKl been in de*
dining health forlMvtra) years,
and terlouily iU for about a week.
Mr. Kurfees was bora Decem
ber 32,1811. He oyened a eoxmtry
•tore in 1898 at Kurfees, now
known ai the Jerkho community.
In 1898 he was appointed post
master there and for many years
operated the posi office in con
nection with hia store. latar he
was associated hia son-la
Uw, O.'M. Wa^la operatlnsika
fftablUhmeot known as Kurfsts
and Ward In Mocksville until his
retirement In 1949.
He waa married in 1897 to Mary
Earl Jones and they celebrated
their golden wedding anniver
sary on October 27, 1047.
He was an active member of
the Jericho Church of Christ.
Survivors include two daugh
ters, Mrs. Grady H. Ward, Mocks
ville, and Mrs. Lonnie H. Lanier,
Birmingham, Ala.; two brothers,
J. F. and M. M. Kurfees, both of
Louisville, Ky.; four grandchil
dren, Miss Mary Neil Ward and
Jack Ward of Mocksville; Hisa
Gail Lanier and Bliss Ann Kur
Pallbearers were: Albert Bo-
gcr, J. F. Stoncfltreet, Clint Wil
son, Fletcher Click, J. B. Wilson
and Marshall Green.
C. M. Tumntine, 83,
Davie Native Passes
C. M. (Sonk) Turrcntine, 63,
lifelong resident ol Oak Grove
died Tuesday.
Mr. Turrentine was the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turrentine.
He is survived by a wife, the
former Viola Bowles; two sons,
Thomos Turrcntine and W. C.
TTurrentlne, both of Mocksville; a
daughter, Mrs. Edgar Sain of
Mocksville, Route 2; and one
Funeral services were conduct
ed at Oak Grove Methodist church
at 11 a.m. Thursday by the Rev.
J. B. Fitzgerald and the Rev. R.
G. McClamrock. Burial was in
Oak Grove Cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries -1/27/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 27,1950 - Page 4
Mrs. F. J. Bivins
Services Are Held
Mrs. F. J. Bivins, 66, died at
her home at Coolecmcc nt 2:25
o.m. Tuesday.
Mrs. Bivins was the daughter
of B. A. and Martha Daniels Rod-
den. She is survived by her hus
band; three sons, Walter F. Biv
ins of Coolcemcc. James R. Biv
ins of East Spencer and Gtenn
Bivins of High Point; four daugh
ters, Mrs. C. G. Wafford and Mrs.'
J. M. Thompson, both of Coolcc-'
mcc, Mrs. Ray Spry of Utah and
Miss Ethel Roddcn ot the home; |
two brothers, M. P. Roddcn of'
Lexington and P. F. Roddcn of
Woodlcaf; a sister, Mrs. P. C.
Robbins of Newport News, Va.;
15 grandchitdrcn. |
Funeral services were eottduct-
ed ot Liberty Methodist church
at 2 p.m. Thursday by the Rev.
C. N. Spry. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 27, 1950 - Page 5
Final Rites For
B. F. Rummage, 67
Baxter F. Rummage, 67. of Ad
vance. R. 2. was found dead Mon
day night around 11 o'clock, near
the house of Bud Davis in the
Fork community.
Mr. Rummage had been miss
ing from home since early that
day, causing uneasiness among his
family. Sheriff Foster, called by
the family to investigate, and
Johnny Bailey found his body
around 11 p.m. His truck, in
which he departed from home,
was about a mile and a half
from whore the body was found.
Mr. Rummage had scribbled a
note stating that he had been
seized with a heart attack and
was trying to make it to the home
of Bud Davis.
lie was the son of Arthur and
Laura Rummage of Davic coun
ty. He was born November 23,
Ho is survived by his wife, the
former Notic Heeding; four
daughters, Mrs. Henry Michael,
Mrs. Richard Michael, Mrs. John
York, Mrs. Lloyd Walser, all of
Lexington, R. 3. One son. B. F.
Rummage, Jr., of the home.
Three brothers, R. W. Rummage,
Mocksville, R. 2; Will Rummage,
Lexington, R. 3; Boone Rummage,
Statesville. One sister, Mrs.
Claude. Fry of Mocksville.
Funeral services were held on
Wednesday at the Reedi Baptist
church, Rev. E. W. Turner con
ducting. Burial was In the church
Bio - Obituaries - 1/27/1950 DAVIE COUIMTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, January 27,1950 - Page 10
Silas Martin "Mike" Daniels,
27, of Mocksville, R. I, died ol
what was pronounced a heart at
tack Monday afternoon around
4 pjn. Mr. Daniels was swim-'
ming in Tom's lake, popular fish-,
ing place belonging to T. B.
Woodruff, at the time of his
Witnesses said that they were
fishing when Mr. Daniels an
nounced he was going to swim
across the lake. He removed all
clothing with the exception of
hit underwear and dived in, com
ing up well out in the lake. He
cwam a few strokes and then
turned over as if to swim on his
back, and went under.
n Dr. W. M. Long and Dr. G. V.
Greene, coroner, after examining
the body, announced that Mr.
Daniels apparently died of a
baart attKk. There wai not
enough water found In hla lungs
for drowning.
Mr. Daniels was the son of Mr.
and lira. 8. D. Daniels of Mocks
ville. in. 4. He was a Purple Heart
veteran of World War n, aervlnf
In tbe armored tank division. He
was wounded instance and has
been hospitalized most of the lime
since his discharge. At the time
of his death he had been home
from the hospital only a couple
of months.
He is survived by hla wlf^, the
former Vernell White, and Iwo
children, a son, Martin, and a
daughter, Renee; the poroits, and
the following brothers and sisters:
Mrs. James Bogcr, city; Ba]rnU)od
Daniels, R. 4; Mrs. Everetta Sea-
mon, R. 4: Sam DaakI, WL 4; Mrs
Henry Poster, CoolecaaM; Mrs.
John Walker, city; Mia
Daniels of R. 1, SallshMiy; Mlsa
Peggy Daniels of the bont.
Funeral scrvicca vrtn cwdurt
ed .Wedncflday afternoon at the
Ijames Croesroads Baptist cburdi
by the Rev. C. A. Baridajr, aa-
alsted by Rev. J. D. FHnsrakl
Graveside military rttaa
conducted by the local
Veterans of Foreign Wan.
Bio - Obituaries —1/27/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 1,1950 - Page 4
5. M. Daniels
Punent services for Silas M.
Daniels, 24, of Mocksville, Route
l.who died of a heart attack
while swimmina in Tom's Lake,
near this city, on Jan. 23rd, were
held at 3 p. m., last Wednesday
at Ijamcs X Roads Baptist Church.
Revs. W. C. Barkley and J. B.
Fitzgerald uOiciated. Burial was
in the church cemetery with full
military honors.
Mr. Daniels was a World War
11 veteran. He is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. S. 0. Daniel, of lerusa
Icm Township.
Other survivors arc his widow,
the former Miss Vemell White; a
son, Martie, and a daughter. Re*
nae, both of the home; three bro
thers and hve sisters.
(Mike), as he was familiarly
known, had many friends in this
city who were saddened bv his
untimely death. His family has
the sympathy of a host of Mends.
Mrs. Mary Emma
Fuoerai services for Mrs. Mery Emina
Wbitaker. 78. of R. 2. were conducted at
3 p. 0., Thursday at Oak Grove Methodist
Church with Revs. J. B. Fitzgerald and
E. M- Avett officJatiog. and the body laid
to rest Id the church cemetery.
Mrs. Whitaker died Wedaesday at the
home of her daughter. Mrs Harper Bdger.
at Wlosioo-Salero, with whom she bad re
sided sioee October. She had beett in bad
bealcb for some time. She bad been a
member of Oak Grove Church since early
Surviving are three sons. Lee, Loonie
and Kimhrougb Whitaker. of Route 2: one
daughter, Mrs. Harper Boger. Wioscon-Sa-
lem; a haii-brother, Sanford Nail, and a
half sister. Mrs. Alice Hulcbens, both of
Route 2: 22 grandchildren and 17 great
B, F, Rummage
B. F. Rummage. 62. was found dead of
a heart attack about 10 p. in.. Jan. 23, In
the woods oear bis home. Advance, R. 2.
He had started to a neigbbor'a home ear
tier that morning.
Surviving are rhe wife, the former Miss
Nona Beaton: four dnughtere. one son.
three brothers; one sister. Mrs. Claude
Frye. of Ibis city end 11 grandchildren.
Funeral services were conducted at 2 p
m. Wednesday at Reed's Baptist Church
by Rev. Mr. Swlcegood. and the body laid
to rest In the church cemetery.
C. iW. Tarrentine
C. M. (Sonk) Turrentine, 83. a life-long
resident of the Oak Grove community,
died St his home on Koute 3. last Tues
day afiernoon, following a 7 years illness
Surviving are the wife, the former Miss
Viola ^wles; two sons. Thomns and W.
C Turreoline. both of Mocksville;a daugh
ter, Mrs. Edgar Sain, Mocksville R. 2. and
one grandson.
Funeral services were beld at the Oak
Grove Methodist Churchat It a. m Thurs
day with Revs. J. B. Fitzgerald and R. G
McClamrock officiating, artd ihu body laid
to rest Id the church cemeterv.
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, Februai*y 1, 1950 - Page 5
Alfred R. Headen
Alfred R. Headen, 48, promi
nent Hickory manufaeturer, died
at hl< home in that city Thursday
of a heart attack. Mr. Headen is
a brother of D. E. Headen, presi
dent of the itanes Chair &. Furni
ture Co., of this dty. Funeral and
burial occurred at Hickory Satur
day afternoon.
Bio - Obituaries — 2/1/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 8,1950
John F.Johnson
lohn Franklin Johnson, 68, oi
Farmingcon, died in a Winston'
Salem hospital Saturday at ZtSO
p. m. He had been seriously ill
four davs.
Mr. Johnson was bom near
Farmington, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James M. Johnson. He attended
business college in Atlanta, and
lived there several years after fin-
ishing school.
He has lived at Farmington for
the past 25 years. Since 1914 he
has been a salesman, and was with
Brock Candy Company 20 years.
He was a member of Farming-
ton Methodist Church, superin'
tendcnt of the Sunday school for
many years, and a teacher of the
men's Bible Class. For 20 years
he was chairman of the board of
Surviving are the wife, Mrs.
Bertha Greene Johnson, one
son, J. F. lohnson; Jr., of Appala
chian State Teachers College,
Boonc; one daughter, Mrs. .Tom'
Winlclcr of Newport News, Va.,
one brother, George M. Johnson
of Macon. Ga., and three sisters,
Mrs. J. W. Williams and Miss
Vada Johnson, both of Farming-
ton, and Mrs. J. C. Galloway of
Funeral! services were held at
Farmington Methodist Church at
11 o'clock Monday m.rning with
Rev. John Oakley and Rev. . W.
Vesta! officiating, and the body
laid to rest In the church ceme
tery. Another long-time friend
of The Record has crossed over
the river to rest under the shade
of the tress. We shall miss you.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/8/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 10,1950 - Page 3
Walter Leon Butncr. 63, of Ad
vance, B. I, died at 4:10 p. m.
Friday at his homo. He had been
in declining health two years and
critically 111 (or one month.
Mr. Butncr was born Oct. 10,
1860. the son of A. B. and Mar
tha Kali Butner. Most of his life
was spent in the Macedonia Mo
ravian church community, in Da-
vie county, where he was a wide
ly-known former. He was a mem
ber of the Macedonia Moravian
church and of the church board,
and was o former Sunday school
teacher. He was married to Miss
Addle Lee on Oct. 14, 1884. She
died Feb. 16, 1638.
Surviving are three daughters,
Mrs. Mottle Bowdcn of Mocks-
villc, R. 2. Miss Sophie Butner of
the home, and Mrs. Ruth Hart-
man of Advance, R. 1; two sons,
E. C. Butncr and H. C. Butner.
both of Advance, R. 1: 11 grand
children, and 18 great-grandchil
Funeral was held Sunday at
3:30 at Macedonia Moravian
church by Rev. George Brewer
and Rev. George Bruncr. Inter
ment was in the church cemetery.
Pallbearers were: Roy Redden,
C. F. Seats, Walter Hartman, Ed
Vogler, Kenneth Butner, Cecil
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 10,1950 - Page 4
Mn. Mary Whitaker,
Davie Native, Passes
SHineral services for Mrs. Mary
Emma Whitakcr. 78, of Mocks-
ville, were conducted at 3 p.m.
Thursday at Oak Grove Method
ist church by the Rev. J. B. Fitz
gerald and the Rev. E. M. Avett.
Burial was in the church ceme
. Grandsons were pallbearers,
including Wiley Boger and James,
Vcrnon, Lonnic Roy, Knox and
Douthit Whitakcr. Granddaugh
ters were flower girls.
Mrs. Whitakcr died Wednesday
in Winston-Solcm ot the home of
0 daughter. Mrs. Harper Boger,
of 2037 Korth Duncan street, with
whom she hod lived since lost
October. She had been in ill health
during that entire period.
She had been a member of Oak
Grove Methodist church since
childhood and a teacher of the
primary deportment (or 30 years.
Her husband died in 1903.
Surviving ore three sons, Lee,
Lonnic and Kimbrough Whltoker,
oil of Mocksville, R. 2,; one daugh
ter, Mrs. Boger of Winston-So
lcm; one half brother, Sonford
Nail, and a half sister. Mrs. Alice
Hutchina, both of Mocksville, R.
2; 22 grandchildren and 17 great
Bio - Obituaries - 2/10/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 10,1950 - Page 10
John Franklin Johnson of
Farmlngton, one of Davle Coun*
ty't most prominent citizens, died
at 2:90 p.m. Saturday at a Win*
Bton*Salcm hospital. He had been
In declining health several
months, and his condition had
been serious since Wednesday.
*Mr. Johnson was born near
Farmington, the son of James M.
and Rachacl Smith Johnson. His
early life was spent in Farming-
ton, where he was educated at the
old FarmlngCbn Academy. He la
ter attended business college in
Atlanto, Ga. Ho also lived in that
city a number of years after com-
ploteing school.
For the lost 25 years he hod
lived in Farmington. Since 1014
he had been a salesman, and was
associated with the Brock Candy
Company lor 20 years.
Clinrcli leader
He was a member of Farming-
ton Methodist Church, superin
tendent of the Sunday School lor
many years, and a teacher of the
men's Bible Class. For 20 years
he was chairman of the board of
Mr. Johnson was a member nl
the Farmington Masonic Lodge
ond a« former member of the
school committee. At the time of
his death, he was serving as reg
ister for the coming elections in
Davle County.
Surviving arc the wife, Mrs.
Bertha Greene Johnson; one son,
J. F. Johnson, Jr., of Appalach-
la State Teachers College, Boone;
one daughter. Mrs. Tom Wlnklcr
of Hcwport Hews, Va.; one broth
er, George M. Johnson of Macon,
Ga.; and three sisters, Mrs. J. W.
Williams ond Miss Vada Johnson,
both of Farmington. and Mrs. J.
G. Galloway of Greenville.
Ftineral services were conduct
ed at 11 a.m. Monday at Farm
ington Methodist church by the
Rev. J. W. Vestal. Burial was'in
-.the church cemetery.
Members of the Masonic Order
acted-Bs-palibearera-and conduct
ed a graveside service.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/10/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 15,1950
Mrs. Mary Ml
man Passes
Mrs. Marv F. Wellman, 86, wJd-
ow of Nathan S. Wellman, died
last Tuesday morning at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Sanford Nail,
Mocksville, Route Z.
She was the daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. John Brencgar, and had
spent her entire lite in the Oak
Grove community. Her sister is
the only close survivor.
Funeral services were conduct-'
ed a. 3:30 p. m.. Wednesday
Oak Grove Methodist Church
Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald and Rev.
M. Avett, and the body laid
rest in the church cemetery*
Chas, E. Pierce
Cfang. E Pierce, 56. of Center, died la a
WfDston-Salem bo^pital Thuradey night
Funeral and burial services were held nt
Liberty M' tbodist uburch Suoda a* 2:30
p. iDm with Rova. James Grove. B. A Cuip
and J B Fitzgeriid niBciadng.
Mr. Pierce recently moved from Coolie
mee to Center For mure than 30 >ears
be held a posi-loti with Crwincoti-m mill
Surviving are the wife, four sons and
two dftuahtera. a step son, one slater and
one brother and lU grHnochl dren
Mrs. John Click \
Mrs. John Click. 60, died at her home at
Kemersviile early Sururday morning fo|
lowing a long illness.
Surviving are the husband, one eon and
two daughters; the parents. Mr and Mrs.
W. A Byerly, of neHr Oavie Academy.)
and oi e Bister, Mrs. D. C. RaUedge, ul''
Mocksville. R<iuCe 4 J
Funeral services were held Sunday at'
2 o'clock at the home at KernersviHe.
and the body brought to this city and iaio i
to rest io Rose cemetery.
Edna E. Aaron
Funeral services for Mrs. Edita
E. Aaron, 67, of Salisbury, who
died Feb. 5th, at Rowan Memori
al Hospital, were held last Tues
day afternoon a t Main Street
Methodist church, Salisbury, and
the body laid to rest in Cherry
Hill cemetery near Jerusalem. Mr.
and Mrs. Aaron was a daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. P. J.
Thompson, of lerusalem Town
ship. Mrs. Aarom is a sister of
Mrs. J. D. Hodges and Mrs, Adam
Miller, of Mocl«ville, Route 4.
Bio — Obituaries — 2/15/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 17,1950 - Page 1
Mrs. John Click
Funeral services were held
Sunday for Mrs. John Click, who
(lied Saturday at her home in
Kerncrsville. Interment was in
Rose cemetery in Mocksville. Sur>
vivors include the husband, one
son, two daughters, her porents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Byerly of
Mocksville, R. 4, and one sister,
Mrs. D.- C. Ratlcdge, Mocksville,
R. 4,
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 17,1950 - Page 4
Funeral services for Charles Ed*
ward Pierce, 5;8, of Copleemce,
were conducted Sunday at 2:30
p.m. at Uberty Methodist church,
Davle c^nty, by the Rev. James
H. Groce, the Rev. J. B. Fitzgcr*
old and the Rev. B. A, Culp
Mr Pierce, a former employe of
Erwin Cotton mills in Cooleemee,
was buried in the church com*
Born October 26,1893, in Union
county, he was the son of A. C.'
and Lucille Mongum Pierce.. He
later moved to Cooleemee, where
he spent most of his life. |
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
M.igglc Pierce; one step-son, Da
vid F. Slgmon of Murphy; two
daughters, Mrs. Mabel B. Killian
of Wlnston-Salcm and Mrs. Paul
ine Reed of Chorlotte; four sons,
Sgt. Charles Pierce of the U. S.
Arniy, A. Theodore Pierce of
Mocksville, R. 1, Wllliom S. Pierce
of Mocksville, R. 4. ond James L.
Pierce of Cooleemee; one sister,
Mrs. Bessie Ctine of Schoolfield,
Va.; one brother, John W. Pierce,
of Cooleemee; and 10 grandchil
Bio - Obituaries — 2/17/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 17,1950 - Page 5
Mrs. A. K. Plott, 74,
Rites Held Thursday
Mrs. Enxnia R. Plott. 74, widow
of A. K. Plott, died unexpectedly
ot her home on Mocksvillo, Route
4. •Tuesdny.'
Funor&l services were conduct-
c d u t Bethlehem Methodist
Church ut 3 p.m. Thursday by
the Rev. E. F. Eagle, t he Rev.
Clnrcncc Jenkins and the Rev.
John Oakley.
Surviving ore three sons. John
Plutl ur Raleigh. Frank Plott of
Winston-Sulcm, and Noah Plott
of Mocksvlllc, Route 4; (our
daughters, Mrs. W. G. Bogcr of
Mueksville. Route 3, Mrs. L. II.
Bcrrier of Winston-Salem. Mrs.
B. G. Cotts of Advance, Route
1, and Mrs. Elizabeth Plott Moore
of the home;, two sisters/ Mrs.
Mary Winford of Winston-Salem,
and Mrs. Ada Ellis of Clemmona;
28 grandchildren: and 14 great-
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, February 17,1950 - Page 8
Silas McDcc, 46, director of pub
lic works for the city of High
Point, died suddenly nt 1 a.m.
Sunday of a heart attack nt his
He had been connected with
the city government for the past
20 years, first as nn employe of
the public works department
then OS city engineer, and finally
as director of public works.
For n number of yeors before
thot ho had lived in High Point,
while connected with the State
Highway commission.
A World Wor H veteran, he wos
n member of the American Legion
and of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars. He was n member of the
State Society of Civil Engineers
and until recently a member of
the High Point Clvltan tlub.
He wn.s o native of Brookhnven,
Miss., and attended St. Paul's
school at Baltimore.
Funeral services were held at
2 p.m. Wednesday at St. Mary's
Episcopal church in High Point,
of which ho was o member, and
burial wos In Oakwood cemetery.
Ho leaves his wife, the former
Miss Helen Mcroncy of Mocks-
viilc: n daughter, Miss Helen Mc-
Bee of High Point; n brother,
Avcry McBcc of Honolulu. Ha
waii*, and a sister, Mrs. Capus
Wnynick, of High Point, wife of
the United States ambassador to
Bio - Obituaries - 2/17/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 22,1950
. Silas McBee
Silas McBee, 46, of HIkK Point,
died at his home in that city Feb.
lUh, Mr. McBee was'stationed in
this ci^y while connected with the
State Highway Commission and
had many friends here who were
saddened by his death. Surviv
ing are the wife, the former Miss
Helen Meroney, daughter of Mr.
a'd Mrs. C. F. Meroney, of this
city; a daughter, one brother and
one sister. Funeral and burial
services took place at High Point
I Wednesday.
Mrs. A. K. Plott
Mrs. Emma R. Plott, 74, widow
of A. K. Plott, died unexpectedly
at her home on Mocksville, Route
4i last Tuesday.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at Bethlehem Methodist
Church, a- 3 p m., Thursday by
Revs. E. F. Eagle, John Oakley.
Surviving are three sons, John
Surviving arc three sons, John
Plott of Raleigh, Frauk Plott of
Winston-Salem, and Noah Plott
of Mocksville, Route 3, Mrs. L. H.
Berrier of Winston-Salem, Mrs. E.
G. Cotts of Advance, Route I, and
Mrs. Elizabeth Plott Moore of the
home; two sisters, 28 grandchild-
children; and 14 great-grandchild
Bio - Obituaries - 2/22/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 1,1950
Amos York
Amos York. 72, well-known re
tired fanner of Iredell County,
diid at his home near Harmony
Thursday afternoon, following a
short illness. Surviving are his
wife, one daughter, divee sons, 13
grandchildren and two brothers.
Funeral services were held at 2
p. m. Saturday at Clarksburv Me
thodist Church, and the body laid
to rest in the diurch cemetery.
Mr. York was thefither of Mrs.
J. G. Stroud, of County Line.
Geo, L, Thompson
George L. Thompson, 60, a na
tive of Davie C.Amty, and a son
of the late Mr. and Mrs.* Pleasant
1. Thompson, of lerusatem town
ship, died at his home in Rowan
County, near Franklin, Wednes
day. Mr. Thompson had been in
bad health for many years.
Funeral services were held Fri
day and the body laid to rest in
Rowan Memorial park, Salisbury.
Mr. Thompson is survived by
his wife, one daughter, four sons,
three brothers and three sisters.
He was a brother of Mrs. f. D.
Hodges, MocksxUie, Route 4. In
his death the editor has lost a-
nodier long-time friend. Peace to
his ashes.
Mrs. Lela Howard
Mrs. Lda Campbell Howard, 62,
passed away at her hom^ Rifle
Range Road, KnoxvUle^ Tenn.,on
Feb. 13th, at 8:50 p. m., foUdv^g
a lingering Illness.
Mrs. Howard was bom May 2,
188?, at Harmony, N. C, and was
a longtime resident of DavIe and
Rowan counties until 1937, vdien
she moved to Knoavilfe.
She was a member of the Ar
lington Baptist Church. Funeral
services were held Feb. ISth, at
Benny's Chapel, with Rev. J. H.
Young ofiiciating. Interment was
in Greenwood cemetery, Knox-
ville, Tenn.
Surviving are the husband, John
Rush Howard and daughter, Mrs.
Glenn F.' Pertin, of die homie; two
sisters, Mrs. Geoige Miller and
Mrs. Evan Gregory; two brothers.
Oscar and Clant Campbell, all of
Pallbearers were Fred, John and
Calvin Howard; »Bud Peacock,
Newell Waylano and Thurman
Bio - Obituaries - 3/1/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 3,1950 - Page 1
Joseph Franklin Stafford, 60, of
Bixby, Davic county, died at his
home at 3:20 p.m. Monday after
a critical Illness of a week. He
had been in declining health for
the past year.
Born' October 4, 1880, in Davie
county, he was a son of Leo W.
and Nancy Foster Stafford. He
lived at Winston-Salcm for a
number of years, and was a mem-
faer of Southslde Baptist church.
For the past several years, he had
lived in Davic county, where he
was a farmer. .
He was a veteran of World War
I, having served with Company
C of the 306th Ammunition train,
81st division. He was a member
of the American Legion, Mocks*
ville post.
Dr. R. D. W. Connor
Rites Held Sunday
Dr. R. D. W. Connor, one of
North Carolina's leading histor
ians, died at Watts hospital, Dur
ham, February 25.
Dr. Connor was the first ar
chivist of the United States. He
held the post for seven years and
supervised the collection of great
documents of American history
in the big National Archives
He was on the history faculty
of the Vnivcrsity of North Caro
lina for many years and headed
the department of hUtory from
1930 through 1934.
Before joining the university
faculty, he organized the North
Carolina Historical commisison
and was its secretary for 14 years.
In this job he began the coltec
tion of North Carolina historical
records and documents at Raleigh.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/3/1950
He was married Jan. 5, 1921, to
Miss Florence Atkinson, who sur
vives. Other survivors are one
daughter, Mrs. Florence Stafford
Mock of Advance, R. 1; two
grandchildren; two brothers, J. C.
and Thomas J. Stafford, both of
Petersburg, Va., and two sisters.
Miss Mary S. Stafford of Peters
burg, Vu., and Mrs. Laura S, Ter
rell of Willinmsburg, Va.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at Manuel's Funeral homo at
4 p.m. Tuesday by the Rev. W.
H. Hulchens and the Rev. W. R.
Grigg. Burial was in Solcm cem
Pallcbarcrs were members of
the MocksvlUc American Legion
post. They are G. N. Ward, John
LeGrand, P. H. Mason, L. S. Bow-
den, Charlee Vogler and George
Wh 71 Tears OU
Dr. Connor was stricken with
a cerebral hemorrhage at his
home at Chapel Hill Tuesday
cal lilt at the hospital since. He
was 71 years old.
Funeral services were held at
the Chapel Hill Episcopal church
Sunday, and burial was in the
Chapel Hill cemetery. The Rev.
David W. Vates, rector, conducted
the services.
Dr. Connor retired from active
teaching last spring but had con
tinucd his historical work, and,
when ho was stricken, he was
busy writing a history of the uni
Dr. Connor is survived by his
widow, the former Sadie Hanes
of Winston-Salcm, and two sis
ters, Mrs. H. C. McNair, Sr., and
Mrs. R. B. Simpson of Wilson
Mrs. Connor is the sister of
Mrs. Blanche Clement, Mrs. E.
W. Crow and Mrs. Sarah Hanes
Stone of MocksvlUc. Dr. Connor
was often a visitor of this town
where he had many friends.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 3,1950 — Page 1
Elineral services for Henry A.
Long. 37. of Moorcsvillc, who died
in a Statcsvillc hospital Friday
after n short illness, were held
Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Cavin
Funeral Chapel in Stntcsvillc,
wiUi the Reverend Cliff H. Mc-
Lcod, pastor of the First Prcaby>
terion Church in charge. Buriol
was in Oukwood Cemetery at
Survivors arc his widow, Mrs.
H. A. Long of MooresvlUe, the
mother, Mrs. Carrie Allison Long
of Statcsvillc, five brolhem, John
Long of Statcsvillc, Dr. W. M.
Long of Mocksvillc, Thornton
Long of Winston'Salcin, Locke C.
Long of Salisbury and Dr. Rob*
crt Long of Stateaville and Mocks
villc; and three sisters, Miss
Murlonno Long of Durham, Mrs.
Galthcr Sanford of Mocksville,
and Mrs. W. 1. HoweU of Hamlet.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 3, 1950 - Page 3
William Brcwbakcr
Dies At Cana
Funeral sorvlcos were conduct
ed nt HuntsvIUe Methodist chui-ch
Tuesday afternoon ut 2 p.m.*for
William I. Brcwbakcr, 78, who
died Qt his home in Cuno at
12:35 a.m. Sunday. Ho had boon
In declining health the past 15,
years and seriously ill 10 days.'
The Rev. John Onkloy officiated.
Born Morch 11, 1071, in Yndkin
county, he was a son of Thomos
and Ruth Harding Brcwbakcr. A
Blacksmith, he spent his entire
life in Cona conwnunlly. lie wos
a member of the Huntsville Meth
odist church.
In 1023 ho morriod Gtta Cor-
iicHson, who survives. Other 8ur«
vivors ore two children, Willlom
I. Brcwbaker, Jr., and Mrs. Albert
Wenn, both of Cono; two broth"
era, S. H. and T. D. Brcwbaker,
both of Cana, and two grandchil
Bio — Obituaries — 3/3/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 3,1950 - Page 8
Mrs. Jennie Cuthrelt
Of Cana, Route 1, Dies
Mrs. Jennie CutbrcH, 06, died
nl 12:20 a.m. Tue.sclay at her homo
Cnna, Route I. She had been in
declining iiunlth lor some time.
Dorn cn April 17. IBGl, she was
Iho daughter of Asbury White
and Rcbccca Jones White.
Puncrnli services wore conduct
ed at 2:30 p.m. Tiiursdny at the
Wesley Chapel Methodist Church
by tile Rev. John Oakley. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/3/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 8,1950
5. Arthur Smoot
S. Arthur Smoot. 69, of Spooeer. died at
Rowan Memorial Roapital. Satirhufy, at <1
a. m. Saturday, followlnp a litnfl tlloess.
Funeial services were bdd Sunday at 2
p. m.. at Someieeit Funeral HoQie. Salle*
hury. and the body laid to teat In SaleiD
Mec (indict Church CVmeeery.
Surviving are the wife and three daugh-
ters: two hroibera. C. 0. and J. N. Smoot;
(our sisier*. Mrs. June Safrlet. Mia. Luther
Daywalt, Mrs William Powell and Mies
Alice Smoot, ell of Catahalo Towoehip.
Mr Smoot la a naiWe of Davie County,
a son of the lace Mr and Mra, J. S. Smoot,
and his death hsa brought aadoesa to a
host of frieode throughout the ooouty.
Bio - Obituaries -3/8/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 10,1950 - Page 4
Ftinmi Held
For Mr. Smoot
Funeral services for Samuel
A. Smoot, 69, of Spencer were
held Sundoy at 2:30 p.m. at the
Sunimersctt Funeral chapel In
Salisbury, with Rev. Byron Shan«
kic and Rev. C. W. Clay, in
charge. Burial was in the cem*
etcry dt the Salcm Methodist
church in Davie county.
Pallbearers, nephews of Mr.
Smoot. were: M. T. Oaywalt. J.
W. Smoot. C. A. Smoot, Sam Day-
wait, John Smoot and H. A.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 10,1950-Page 5
Mrs. Martlia N. Foster, 91, of
Mocksville, died at her home o(
700 Depot street at 10 p.m. or
Timrsduy after an illness of tw(
years. She had been seriously iK
for the past two weeks. Mr. Fos
ter preceded her in death Morel'
<2B, 1941.
The daughter of the late John
Foster and Rodic Caudcll Foster
of the Fork church community,;
she was born on July 28, 1838,
in Yadkin county. She was a
member of the Mocksville Bap*
tist church.
Surviving ore four sons, Claude
O. Foster of Winston-Salcm, H.
S. Foster of Mocksville. B. G.
Foster and Mayo H. Foster of
Johnson City, Tcnn.; one daugh*
tor, Miss Lillian Foster' of the
home: one brother, R. I. Foster
of Fork; five grondchildren and
six greot-grondchiidrcn.
Funeral 'services were held at
Fork Baptist church at 3 p.m.
Saturday. The Rev. J. P. Davis
ond the.Rev. L. M. Tenry offi
ciated. Burial was in the church
J. A. BarneycasUe» 78»
Rites Held Tuesday
J. A. Barnoycastle, 78, died at
2 p.m. Sunday at his home. Mocks
ville, Route 3. He was a son ol
J. A. and Sarah douse Barney-
Surviving arc two sons, James
Barnoycastle of Mocksville, R. 3,
and Joe Barneycostle of Advonce,
R. 2; two daughter's, Mrs. Bay
Myers of Bixby and Mrs. Lewis
Godby of Mocksville, R. 1; 10
grandchildren and one brother,
Charles Barncycastlc of Mocks-
vUlo. R. .1.
Funeral sci-vlces were held at
Cornat2cr Methodist church at 2
p.m. Tuesday. The Rev. Foster
Loflln, the Rev. B. A. Carroll and
the Rev; James- H*. Groce offi
ciated. Burial was in Smith
Grove Methodist, church ceme
Bio - Obituaries - 3/10/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 15,1950
L Boone Walker
A message was received here
Satuidav announcing the death of
L. Boone Walker, 70, a native of
Davig County, and a son of Mrs.
IW. S. Walker and die late Mr.
Walker, of Calahaln township.
Mr. Walker died at 8 a. m. Satur
day at his home in Roanoke, Va.
Mr. Walker b survived by his
wife, his mother, Mrs. W. S. Wal
ker, one sister, Mrs. Leonard Bal-
lentine, and one brother, W. M.
Walker, all of Modcsvilte, R« 1.
Mr. Walker held a posidon with
the N. & W. Railway for more
than 30 years, with headquarters
at Roanoke,
Funeral arrangements Were nc^
completed when this., ardde- was
written. W. M. Walker smd son
John, left Saturday afterndon for
Roanoke. " ^
Geo, T. Nail
' Funeral services for George T«
Nail, 74* of Comatzer, were held
.at 3 p. m.. Sunday at the home^
ond at 3:30 p, m., at Advance Me
thodist Church. Burial followed
In the church crmetery.
' Mr, Nail was a native of Davie
County and spent his endre life
here. Surviving are the wtdow,
four sons, T. L and Walter Nail,
Wlnsron-Salems Vestal H. Nail,
San'Prandsco, Calif., and R, 'W.
Nail, of the home; one sistM, Miss
Lula Nail, Winston-Saiem; 'fou**
brothers, H. L. and John Nail, of
WInscon-Salem, and Alex and J.
D. Nail, of Davie.
J. A. Bameycastle
Funeral services for J. A. Ba^
neycastle, 78, who died March Sih J
at his home on Route 3, were'
held at the Comatzer Methodist
Church at 2 p, m., last Tuesday,'
with Revs. F, R. Loflin, B, A. Car
rol and James H. Groee officiating.
The body was laid to rest in Smith'
Grove Methodist Church ceme
tery. Surviving are two sons, Jas,
Bameycastle. of Route 3, and Joe
Bameycasde, of Advance, R. 2;
two daughters, Mrs. Ray Myers,
of Bixby, and Mrs. Lewis Godbey, n
Route 1, and one brother, Oiaa.
Bameycasde. Route 3.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/15/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 17,1950 - Page 2
Mrs. T. D. Brewbaker
Of Cana, Route 1, Dies
Mrs. Emma Blanche Brcwha*
ker, 71, wife of Thomos D. Brew-
baker of Cana, noutc 1, died un
expectedly Tucadoy night at on
Elkin hospital. She had been In
ill health three weeks.
Mrs. Brewbaker wos born in
Yodkin county February 1, 187&,
daughter 'of J. T. and Martha
CuthruU Brewbaker. She sponl
her entire life Iri Vodkln county
and was married to Mr. Brew
baker in September, 1902. She
was the last of a fomily of seven
•Surviving are the husband;
three sons. Paul, Columbus and
T. D. Brewbaker. Jr., of Cona;
four daughters. Mrs. E. T. Mc
Cain of Winston-Salem. Mrs. Wil
son Melton of Yadkinville, R. 2,
Mrs. R. S. Hoots of East Bend, R.
2, and Mrs. W. J. Shaw of Buf
falo, N. Y.; seven grandchildren
and one great-grandchild.
Funeral services were held at
2:30 p.m. Friday at Huntsville
Methodist Church. The Rev. John
Oakley and the Rev. J., W. Vestal
officiated. Burial was In the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/17/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 22,1950 - Page 4
Foley 11^. Koontz
PdoF W«K«)Qts,89t DfomloKitCalahalB
Tnwnsblp fanner, died FHdav mernteg to
n Statof^lle hospttai. Hfl-tnirmBd a beait
altaefc early tliai noming at his home
and died shortly after arriflmi at the baa*
piisU Mr, Moontz was a son of the late
Mr.'and Mrs. Wilson Koontz, of Davie.
Surviving are the wife, two sons, Foley
T and tiny Koonlz, Rome I: three dangh*
teis. Mrs. Darr Miller. Rome 1; Mrs. Ed
Dwigglna end Mrs. Arthur Freeman. Route!
•1; three brothers, Eveiette, Sam and Doris
Koontz, Route I; one sister. Ifrsi. Eogeae
CHck, Salisbury, and seven giaodehil&en.
Funeral servioes were held at 3 p. m.
Saturday at Salem Hethodiet Church, of
which be was a neniber. with Rev. J, a
Fitzgerald offldating. and the body laid
to test to the chufch cemetery.
Miss Minnie Col'
kite Passes
Mfse Minnie Collette, a native of DavIe,
hut who has lived in Wlnston^em for
some time died in a hospital to that
city Friday, following a long Illness.
Surviving are one bnotbrr, J D Cdllette.
of 0|oo: three ststeis, Mis Jhhn Harpe
and Mrs. E. W. Harper Me^svitte, R. 2,
and Mil Frank Davis. Washleglon. D. C.
Funeral servsets were held at Eatnii*e
Baptist Chofch at 8 p. m. Soiiday. and
the body laid to test fa the ehoieh ceme-
teiy. The oflSciatteg mtoiiter was Rev,
H. W. HutelMns,
Bio - Obituaries - 3/22/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 24,1950 - Page 5
Death Claims
F. W. Koontz
Folcy Wilson Koontz, 59-ycar«
old farmer of Mocksville, R. 1,
died suddenly Saturday morning
in a Statoaville hospital.
I Mr. Koontz suffered a heart ot-
took/ eorlicr Saturday morning at
: his home and was rushed to the
; hospital, where he died at 9:30
A native of Davie county, he
was the son of the lato Wilson
and Thursa Gentry Koontz.
j Funeral services wore held at
I Salem Methodist church in Davie
' county Sunday at 3 p.m., con-
, ducted by the Rev. J. B. Fitzger-
old. Burlol was in the church
He is survived by his widow,
the former Mory Carpenter of
Rowan county; two sons, Foley
Koontz and Roy Koontz. both of
Mocksville, R. 1; three daughters,
Mrs. Ed Dwiggins and Mrs. Ar
thur Freeman of Mocksville, R.
4. and Mrs. Dorr Miller of Wood-
leaf; three bl'others, Sam Koontz,
Doris Koontz and Evcrctte
Koontz, all of Mocksville, R. 1;
one slater, Mrs. Jane Click of
Salisbury; and seven grandchil
Collette Funeral
Is Held Sunday
Miss Minnie Collette. 75, of Wln-
ston-Salom, died at 2:49 p.m. Fri
day in a local hospital. She had
been In declining health for nine
months and seriously ill for ten
Daughter of J. W. and Eliza
beth IJames Collette, she is sur
vived by one brother, J. D. Col
lette of Cana, R. 1; three sisters,
Mrs. John Harpe and Mrs. E. W.
Harpc, both of Mocksville, R. 2,
and Mrs. Frank G. Davis of Wash
ington, D. C.; a number of nieces
and nephews.
The funeral was held at 3:30
p.m. Sunday at Eaton's Baptist
church, with the Rev. Wade Hut-
chens and the Rev. James H.
Grocc conducting the service.
Palll)carers were: Earle Harpe,
MarccUus Harpe, Cecil Leagans,
Everelte l^atham, Rodwell La
tham and Joe Collette.
Bio — Obituaries — 3/24/1950
Friday, March 24,1950 - Page 7
0, 0. Waller, 67,
Woodleaf Resident
O. O. Woller, 6T, of Woodleaf,
died at 8 a.m. Monday at a Salis
bury hospital, where he had been
a patient for three days.
He was the son of Tom and
Mary Ellis Waller,
Surviving are the wife, Mrs.
Emma Beaton Waller; six daugh
ters. Mrs. Kelly Waller, Mrs. John
Leach, Mrs. Howard H.- Nichob,
all of Mocksville, Route 4, Mrs.
Olln Carnell of Woodleaf, Route
1, Mrs. Ray Crotts of Newport,
and Miss Annie Waller of the
home; three sons, Clarence, Tom
and Walter Waller of Woodleaf,
Route I; three sisters, Mrs. J. J.
Zimmerman of Advane, Route 1.
Mrs. Clyde Burton and Mrs. R.
B. Burton of Wlnston-Salem; one
brother, Charlie Waller of Win-
ston-Salom; 21 grandchildren and
five great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at
Woodleaf Mehodist church at 3
p.m. Wednesday. The Rev. J. C.
Swaim was In charge. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
Gray Curtis Scamon
Gray Curtis Seamen, one-doy-
old son of James F.'and Mary L.
Taylor Seamon, of Woodleaf. died
Surviving are the parents, the
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Seamon of Woodleaf.
Funeal services were held Mon
day morning at the Necdmore
Church of ChrUt at Needmore.
The Rev. Milton Parker WAa In
I charge. Burial was in the church
. cemetery.
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 29,1950 - Page 4
L W. Smith
L. W.SmiA,87, died at 11:15
p. m« Wednesday at Ids home,
Advance, R. U following a long
illness Mr. Smith was a native
of Davie, and spent his entire life
in Farmington township
Surviving are 6ve sons, three
daughters, 36 grandchildren, 30
great-grandchildren and o.ie great-
grcat-gtandchild. His wife died
19 years ago.
Funeral services were held at 2
p. m. Saturday at Bethlehem Me
thodist Church with Revs. John
Oakley and J. G. Bruner officiat
ing and the body laid to rest an
the church cemetery.
Marvin R. Jones
Marvin R. Jones, 62, farmer of
near Bixby, died unexpectedly at
7:30 p. m., March 20. at his home.
Surviving arc the wife, one son*
Paul Jones, of the home; three
daughters, Mrs. Ruth Orrell. Ad
vance, R. 1; Mrs. Mildred Brown,
Summerfield. and Ixauise Jones,
ot the home; three brothers, E.
M. Tones, Thomasville, and Glenn
and joe Jones, of Advance, R. 1,
four sisters, Misses Claude, Grace,
Ethel and Mattie Jones, all of Ad
vance, Route 1.
Funeral services were held at 3
p. m* Wednesday at Mock's Chap
el Methodist Church, with Revs.
1. R. Starling and F. E. Howard
officiating, and the body laid to
rest in the church cemetery.
Gary Curtis Seamon
Cray Curtis, infant son of Mr:
and Mrs. James Seamon, o f
Woodlcaf, died March 19th. The
little body was laid to rest at Need-
more Church of Christ on March
20th, with Milton S. Parker con
ducting the funeral.
Bio — Obituaries — 3/29/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 29, 1950 - Page 5
Owen Saffley
O. O. Waller, 76, a former real-
dent of Davie County but for
many years living at Woodleaf,
died at a Salisbury hospital March
20th. Funeral services were held
at Woodleaf Methodist Church
last Wednesday. Mr. Waller is
survived by his wife, six daugh-
tess, three sons, three sisters and
one brother.
Owen Safflev, 66, of Cleveland,
died at a Statesville hospital Frh
day. morning. Mr. Saffley was a
brother of our townsman, Frank
Saffley. Another brother, W, H.
Saffley, of Cooleemee, and two
sisters, Mrs. A. W. Phelps, of R.
4, Mocksville, and Mrs. P. R. El-
Icr, of near Salisbury. Four sons
and three daughters survive. Fu
neral and burial services were held
at Liberty Methodist Church at 3
p. m. Sunday, with Rev. G. L.
Roystcr officiating.
Bio - Obituaries — 3/29/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 31,1950 - Page 1
Jesse Owen Soffley, 60, of
Cleveland, died at Long hospital
in Statesvllle at 11 B.m. Fri*
day. He had been a patient there
for-ll days.
Surviving ore four sons, R. F.:
Saffley of Newton, H. W. Sofftcy
of Norfolk, Vo., James R. Safdcy
and Jesse R. Saffley, of the home;
three daughters, Mrs. Ruth Hud-
dleston, Miss Mory Gray Suffley,
and Mrs. J. H. Allen, of the home;
two brothers. D. P. Snfflcy of
Mocksvlllo, \V. li. Saffley of Coo-!
tccnicc; two sisters. Mrs. A. W.
Pliclps of Mocksville, R. 4, and'
Mrs. P. R. Ellei ot Salisbury.-R."j
4; nnd four grandchildren. |
Fuhoro] services were conduct'
e'd at 3 p.m. Sunday by^hc Rev.
G. L. Roystcr. Burial was In the
church cemetery.
Davie Man First
Highway Fatality
John Henry Broadway. 70, of
Mocksville, R. 4, died at the Ro
wan Memorial Hospital around 0
p.m. Tucsdoy. Mr. Broadway was
taken to the hospital with what
WHS described as severe chest in
juries after being involved in an
automobile accident earlier In the
Mr. Broadway, driving a 1937
Chevrolet couch, was coming in
the direction of Mocksville on
highway 601. Steve Franklin Or-
rcli. Advance, R. 1,-driving a
1934 Ford coach and going in the
direction of Salisbury, crashed
into the Broadway car, it was
reported by T. J. Badgctt of the
State Highway Patrol. Orrcirs
car continued on for approximate
ly 60 feet and overturned, it was
reported. Both Orrell and Broad
way were carried to the hospital.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, March 31,1950 - Page 10
L. W. Smith, 87,
Of Near Advance
h. W. (Wash) Smith, 67. died
at 11:15 p.m. Wednesday at his
home, Advance, R. 1, ofter an ill
ness of 16 months. His condition
was critical two months.
Mr. Smith was born in Davie
county October 5, 1662, son of L.
K. and Mary Etchison Smith. He
spent his entire life In the Mace
donia community of Davie coun
ty. His wife died in March, 1931.
Surviving are five sons, W. Mor
gan Smith of Greensboro, E. W.
Smith of Mocksville. R. 2. Man
uel Smith of Harmony, R. 2, S. F.
Smith of Pennsylvania and Jas
per Smith of Greensboro; three
doughters, Mrs. B. H. O'Ncil of
Chapel Hill, Mrs. Grace Grcgpry
of Greensboro, and Mrs. G. S.
Mcplcr of Harmony, B. 2; 39
grandchildren; 30 grcat-grand-
childrcn nnd one great-grent-
Funeral services were held at
2 p.m. Saturday at Bethlehem
On being found with nothing
more than minor Injuries, Orrell
was returned and lodged In the
local Jail.
Patrolman Badgett, who Inves
tigated the accident, reported
Tuesday night that manslaughter
charges would be lodged against
Orrell. also the charge of driving
an automobile intoxicated.
The accident occurred around
1 p.m., Tuesday, about 70 yards
North of da«D«t''4Horo'<in.hiih
way 601.
This was the first highway fa
tality of the year for Davie Coun
Methodist church with the Rev.
John Oakley nnd the Rev. J. Gco.
Druncr in charge. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Bio — Obituaries - 3/31/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 5,1950-Page 4
J, H. Broadway
John Henrv Broadway. 70, re
tired Davie County farmer, died
late Tuesday at Rowan Memorial
Hospital as a result of Injuries re
ceived earlier in the day in an
automobile accident on Salisbury
Highway south of Moclcsville.
Stove Orrcll, of Advance, R. 1,
traveling toward Coolccmee, ran
into the Broadway car two miles
south of Mocksviiie. Mr. Broad-
way lived about hvc hours after
the accident. Orrcll receieved
slight injuries and was later lodged
in jail here, charged with driving
intoxicated and also with man
Surviving arc his widow and
three children, five brothers and
two sisters.
Funeral services were held at 2
p. m., Thursday at No Creek
Baptist Church.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/5/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 7, 1950 - Page 1
Walter L. Call, 66, died unex
pectedly at 6 p.m. yesterday at
his home on Hardiston street
He was a barber by trade and
had spent most of his life in
Mocksvlllc. He was the son of
Tom and Alice Rilcy Coll.
Surviving ore the wife, the for
mer Stella Hanellne: two broth*
era, Grady F. Call of Sumter, S.
C., and W. E. Cell of Mocksvlllc,
>nd two sisters, Mrs. Mary Nail
of Mocksvllle and Mrs. Jessie
Wagner of High Point.
Funeral services were held at
the home at 3 p.m. Wednesday.
The Rev. A. J. Cox conducted the
service, assisted by the Rev. J. P.
Davis and the Rev. E. H. Gartrell.
Burial was in Oak Grove Meth
odist church cemetery.
Pallbearers were: Harley Sof-
ley, S. M. Call, Knox Johnstone,
Rufus Sanford, Jr., Clayton Groce
and H. M. Arnold.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/7/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 12,1950 - Page 4
Walter L Call
Walter L. Call, 66, died unex''
pectedly at 6 p. m., April Srd at hb
home on Hardiscm SneeC.
He was a barber by trade and
had spent most of his life in
Modcs^lle. He was the son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Call
Surviving are the wife, the form
er Stella Haneline; two brothers,
Gradv F. Call of Sumter, S. C,
and W. E. Call of MocksvU!e,and
two sisters, Mrs. Mary Nail, of
Mocksville and Mrs. Jessie Wag
ner, of High Point.
Funeral services were held at
the home at 3 p. m., Wednesday.
Rev. A. J. Cox, Rev. R. C.Gofor^
and Rev. J. P. Davis were in
charge. Burial was in die Oak
Grove Methodist Church ceme
Miss Viola Gartner
Miss Viola Cartner, 42. died at
10 o'clock Inst Wednesday momj
ing at Lexington Memorial Hos*
picnl, her death following a week's
serious illness.
Miss Cartner was the daughter
ofWiilinmH. Cartner and .the
lute Mrs. Cartner, oi this city.
She held a position In the office
of the Erwin mills, at Cooleemee.
She was a member of South Riv
er Methodist Church, in Rowan
County, and funeral services were
lield at tliat church at 3 o'clock
Thursday afternoon, with Rev,
Mr. Swnim and Rev. J. B. Fitz.
gerald officiating, and the body
laid to test in the church ceme
Miss Cartner is survived bv her
father, an aunt and several uucles.
Her mother died 15 years ago. A
noble, Christian lady has been
called to her reward. She will be
sadly missed in her community.
To the bereaved father The Re
cord ^xtends sincere sympathy in
this sad hour.
Mrs. Annie Stroad
Mrs: Annie Owens Stroud, 82,
a native of Davie County, but for
m my years a resident of Winston-
Salem, died at her home in that
city Wednesday. Funeral sendees
were held Saturday at 11 a. nu, at
Vogier's Chapel, and the body
laid to rest in Chestnut Hill Ceme
tery Salisbury.
Among the survivorfl are one
brother, John Owens, of Coolee
mee; titree step-sons R« A. Stroud,
High Point, Carl Stroud. Lexing
ton and Arch Stroud of near
Cooleemee. 1
Mrs.J.M. Granger
Funeriil services for MrsI J. M*
Grander, 92, who died Friday at
her home in Cooleemee, were
hclsl at 3 p. m. Sunday at Coiter.
Methodist Church, with Rev. Fredj
Shinn and Rev. J. B.Fitzgerald of-;
ficiaring, and the body laid to resti
in the church cemetery. Surviv-!
ing are two daughters, Mrs Geo.|
O'b.son .')nd Mrs. Floyd McSwain,||
of Cor-Ieemce; one son, Percy |
GiMnyer, of Baltimore, Md.
Bio — Obituaries - 4/12/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 14,1950 - Page 2
Mrs. J. M. Granger,
92, Of Cooleemee
, Mrs. Mary Brown Granger, 92,
widow of J. M. Granger, died at
5:15 p.m., Friday at her home in
Coolccmc. She was a daughter of
Daniel H. and Cornelia McGuirc
Surviving ore two daughters,
Mrs. George Gibson and Mrs.
Gertrude McSwain of Cooleemee;
one son, P. J. Granger of Balti
more, Md.; 16 grandchildren and
21 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at Center Methodist church at
3 p.m. Sunday by the Rev. Fred
Shlnn and the Rev. J. B. Fitzger
ald. Burial was in the church
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 14,1950 - Page 3
Miss Cartnei*, 42,
Of Mocksville
Miw Viola Gartner, 42, Mocks
ville, died .nt 10 a.m. Wedncsdoy
at a Lexington hospital after an
Illness of one week.
Miss Cartnor was born in Row
an county, daughter of W H. and
Annie L. Harper Gartner. She
attended Cool Springs High school
in Ircdcll county and a businc<»
college in Winston-Salcm. She
was employed at Goodwill Indus-
tris in Winston-Salcm and later
by the C. C. Sanford company at
Mocksville. For the past seven
years she was employed in the
office of the Erwin Cotton mills
at Cooleemee.
She is survived by her father,
W. H. Gartner, of Mocksville.
Funerat services were held at
3 p.m. Thursday ot South River
Methodist church in Rowan coun
ty. The Rev. J. C. Swaim and
the Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald conduct
ed the services. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/14/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 21,1950 - Page 8
June Woodruff, 57,
Dies Suddenly
Junius Arthur Woodruff, 57,
died suddenly Sunday afternoon
at his home in Mocksvillc. He
was the son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Woodruf£.and spent
his entire life in Mocksville.
Funeroli services were held on
Wednesday afternoon at Second
Presbyterian church with Rev. R.
A. Masscy officiating. Masonic
graveside rites were adminis-
Mr. Masscy was an elder In the
Second Presbyterian church of
Mocksvillc and a member of the
Masonic lodge. He was employed
for a number of years at the
Hanes Chair company. At the
time of his death, he was owner
and operator of the Climax Bar
ber shop.
He is survived by his widow,
the former Mary Frost; one
daughter, Margaret Woodruff, of
the home; one son, Andrew, of
New York; two sisters, Mrs.
Myrtle Anderson and Miss Hcttio
Woodruff of Winston-Salcm; one
brother, Snnford Woodruff of
Winston-Snlcm; and two grand
Bio - Obituaries - 4/21/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 26,1950 - Page 4
James W, ^fall
A pall of sadness swept over
our town last Wednesday after
noon when it was learned that
James W. Wall, 55« had died un
expectedly at his home on Church
street about 2:30 o'clock, follow-
ius an illness ol only about one
hour. Mr. Wall had worked in
Sanford's store until the noon
hour. After eating dinner he dhl
a little work In his flower garden,
and becoming ill went into his
room. He was given medical at'
Cention. but lived but a short time.
Mr. Wall moved from Cana to
this city about 27 years ago. Ho
held a position as salesman xviiti
Mocksville Hardware Co., for
many years. He was with Hauscr
Brothers grocery store for some
time, and for the past 15 years he
has held a position as salesman !
with C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Mr.j|
Wall had hundreds o f friends ^
throughout the town and county!'
who were sadd-.-ned by news of '
his death. '■
Surviving are the wife, one son,
James Wall, Jr., and a daughter.
Miss Claire Wall, both of Char
lotte; txvo brothers, Clarence Wall,
of Advance, and Johit R. Wall, of
Clemmons; four sisters, Mrs. Ru
pert Boger, of this city; Mrs. T. L.
Baker and Mrs. U. B. Sheek, of
Winston-Salem, and Mrs. F. R.
Scauchamp, of Advani.e, and his
mother, Mrs. W. E. Wall, of Da-
vie County.
Fiin<iniiliservice.s were conduct
ed at 11 a. m., Friday at Mocks
ville Baptist Church, of which he
was a member, with Rev. E. W.
Turner, Rev. }. P. Davis, and Rev.
E. H. Gartrell officiating, and the
^ body laid to rest in Rose cemetery,j Mr. Wall has been a deacon in
the Mocksville Baptist Church for
many years, and was active in re
ligious work. He will be sadly
missed in the home, the churdi
and the business life of the town.
Many local stores and business
houses closed during the funeral
hour in respect to the memory of
Mr. Wall. The many beautiful
' fl oral tributes attested the high es
teem in which he was held.
The Record extends sincere
sympathy to the bereaved family
in this hour of sadness.
June Hlfoadraff
June Woodruff, 57, wcH-kn8wn
colored citizen of Mocksville, died
suddenly at his home on Lexing
ton street on April I6ih, of ahean
attack* His death was a severe
shock to his family and friends.
Surviving are the wife, one son,
Andrew, of New York, a daugh
ter, Margaret of the home; one
brother and two sisters, of Wlns-
Funeral services took place
-Wednesdayahernoon at the Se
cond Presbyterion Church, and
the body laid to rest in the Pres
byterian church cemetery on De
pot street.
June had many friends ^ong
both colored and white citizens of
the town. He was a quiet, in
dustrious man, and will be missed in the town where he spent so
many years.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/26/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 28,1950 - Page 1
Funcwl sci-vlccs for James W.
Wnll, 55, were held last Friday
nt 1 p.m. at the local Boptist
church. Rev. J, P. Davis, Rev. E.
W. Turner ond Rev. E. J. Gnr-
trell conducted the service. In
terment followed in Rose ceme
Mr. Wall, stricken with n sud
den heart ottack, died nt his home
last Wednesday, April 10, at 2:30
Ho was the son of Mrs. Cora
Ijnmca Wall and the late W, E.
Wall. He was born in Mocksvillc'
on September 0, 1894. In 1917 he
was married to the former Mamie
Hutchens of Davie county.
For over 15 years he was con
nected with C. C. Snnford's Sons
company of Mocksviile. Prior to
that he was with the Mocksvillc
Hardware company and the Mau
ser Brothers Grocery and Feed
store of this city. He was a mem
ber of the P.O.S. of A., and served
for many years as deacon In the
local Baptist church.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs.
Mamie Hutchens Wall of., the
liomc; a son, James W. Wall, Jr.,
and a daughter, Miss Claire Wall,
of Charlotte; mother, Mrs. W. E.
Wall of Advance, R. 1; two broth
ers, Clarence Wall of Advance,
R. 1, and John R. Wall of Clcm-
mons. Four sisters, Mrs. Rupert
Bogcr of Mocksvillc; Mrs. R. B.
Shcck and Mrs. T. L. Baker of
Winston-Salcm; Mrs. F. R. Beau-
champ of Advance, R. 1.
Pallbearers were; R. B. San-
ford, R. B. Snnford. Jr., C. R.
Horn, T. J. CaudcU, J. A. Craven
and T. I. Shore.
Honorary pallbcnrcrs were: J.
C. Sanford, L. G. Sanford, G. R.
Madison, R. M. Holthouscr and
the deacons of the Mocksvillc
Baptist church.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/28/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 28,1950 - Page 4
Mrs. Annie Turner
Rites Held Monday
Mrs. Annie Isabel Turner, 49,
died at her home on Mocksville,
R. 4, Qt 7:30 o'clock Saturday eve-
nlng, her death following an ill
ness of three days.
Mrs. Turner was born October
6, 1000, daughter of John L. Fryc
and Mrs. Bonnie Rhoda Potts Fryo
of, Davle county. On February 23,
1020, she married Henry Turner
of Yadkin county and they moved
to Davic county 20 ycors ogo to
make their home. She is survived
by her husbond, her parents ond
throe daughters: Mrs. Laura Lee
Smith, Misses Thoima and Evelyn
Turner, all of the home. There
are two grandchildren. Three
brothers and one sister survive.
Lester, Wcldon and Ernest Frye
of R. 4, Mocksville, and Mrs.
Charles Smith of R. 3, Mocksville.
Funorat services for Mrs. Tur-1
nor were held from Smith Grove i
Methodist church in Davie county
Qt 4 o'clock Tuesday and inter-'
incnt was in the church ceme
tery. Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald con
ducted the service.
Mrs. Sarah W. Smith
Rites Held Wednesday
Mrs. Sarah Williams Smith, 91,
widow of Cicero Smith of Fork,
died early Monday morning at
her home. She hod been III for
obout a month.
Mrs. Smith was bom cn June
29. 1858, daughter o( Jonathon
and Albertine Limbaugh Williams
of Davidson county.'Her husband,
Cicero Smith, died about 10 years
Surviving arc three sons, A. V.
Smith of DcLand, Fla., C. L.
Smith of Mocksville, R. 4*, one
daughter, Mrs. Mamie B. Carter
of Elkln; a sister, Mrs. A. Grubb
of Lexington, R. 5; 20 grandchil
dren and 12 grcat-grandchitdrcn.
Funeral jervices were held at
3 p.m. Wednesday at Fulton Meth
odist church. The Rev. J. R.
Starling and the Rev. O. D. Smith
officiated. Burial was In the
church cemetery.
Mrs. Ivie R. Dyson,
49, Passes Sunday
Mrs. Ivie Richardson Dyson, 49,
died at her home in Mocksville
Sunday night.
Funeral services were at New
Union Methodist church at 11 a.m.
Tuesday with the Rev. L. R. Lof-
tin officiating.
Surviving arc the husband, Da
vid L. Dyson; three sons, Linnio,
Leslie and Lcroy Dyson, a daugh
ter, Mrs. Bruce Combs; two sis
ters, Mrs. Lacey Hutchins and
Miss Novella Richordson, and a
brother, Lincoln Richardson, all
of Mocksville.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/28/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, April 28,1950 - Page 6
i Mrs. Samuel H. Joyncr, 02. of
< Route 3. Yndklnvlllc. died at her
I home ot 2:40 o.m. Monday.
I Mrs. Joyncr was born July 31.
, 1837. in Yodkln county and was
I the daughter of the lotc Hugh and
Mortlia Crocc Sprinkle. She was
married to Mr. Joyncr May 14,
She was In declining health the
past sl.x months and seriously ill
two weeks.
Survivors arc: her husband, S.
!I. Joyncr, seven children, Willie
Joyncr and Mrs. R. F. Reavls of
Mocksvillc; Evercttc Joyncr of
Yadkinvlllc; Mrs. J. H. Joyner of
StatcsviPc: Stanley and Prof. C.
R. Joyner of Winston-Salomiand
Dr"! O. L. Joyner of Kernersvillo;
olso 20 grandchllddrcn and 28
Funoral services were held at
South Onk Ridge Baptist church,
where ahc was a member, Tues
day at 4 p.m. Rev. Wade HutcK-
cns, Rev. M. F. Rcavis and Rcy.
J. G. Allgood hod charge of the
Burial was In the church cem
Pallbearers were. grandsons.
Flower bearers were granddaugh
Bio — Obituaries - 4/28/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 3,1950 - Page 4
Mrs, D, L Dyson
Mrs. D. L. Dyson, 49, died Apr.
23rd, at her home on Maple Ave.
Sur\4ving are the husband, four
children, Linnie, Lester, and Leon
Dvson, and Mrs. Ruth Combs, all
of MocksvUle; two sisters, Mrs.
Lacey Hutchens and Mrs. Noveh
la Richardson, of MocksvUle, and
oiie brother, Lincoln Richardson,
Hannony, R. 2.
Funeral services were held at 11
o'clock last Tuesday morning at
New Union Methodist Oiurch,
with Rev. Foster Loflin officiating,
and the body laid to rest in the
church cemetery.
Mrs. Annie Turner.
Mrs. Annie Turner, 49, died at |
her home, MocksvUle, R. 4, Apr.!
22nd, following a short iUness. |
Mrs. Turner was a daughter of j
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Frye, of |
Davie County. On Feb. 23, 1920,;
she married Henry Turner, of
Yadkin County, and they moved
to Davie County 20 years ago.
Mrs. Turner is survived by her
husband, her parents and three
{daughters, Mrs. Laura Lee Smith
Misses Thelma and Evelyn Tur
I net, all of the home; three broth
ers and one sister, Lester, VX^cld
on and Ernest Frye, of Mocks
ville, R. 4, and Mrs. Chas. Smith
of Mocksville, R. 3*
Funeral services were held at
Smith Grove Methodist Church
at 4 p. nu, April 24th. and inter
ment was in the church cemetery.'
Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald officiated. I
Bio — Obituaries - 5/3/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 3,1950 - Page 4
Rev, Vf. H. Dodd
Rev. Walter Henley Dodd» 78,
retired Baptist minister and pastor-
emeritus of Mocksville Baptist
Church died at his home here at
1:30 p. m. Wednesday. He had
been in ill health for several years
and in a serious condition for one
Rev. Mr. Dodd was bom Nov.
18, 1872. He had been a Baptist
minister for 30 years, retiring sev
eral years ago because of ill health*
He was a member of the Masonic
Lodge. He was married twice. |
Surviving are the widow, Mrs.
Lenora Dodd; three children of
his first marriage, Mrs. A. J.
Haynes of Scatesville, John Car
son Dodd ^f Hahira, Ca., and
Walter H. Dodd, Jr., of Waco;
three brothers, 1.1. Dodd of Coun
cil, A. L. Dodd of Fuquay Springs;
and one sister, Mrs. H. L. Griffin,
of Raleigh. I
Funeral services were held at 11
a. m. Friday at the Mocksville
Baptist Church, with Rev. Jas. P.
Davis and Rev. E. W. Turner of
ficiating, and the body laid to rest
in Rose cemetery with Masonic
The death of this aged minis
ter has brought sadness to a host
of friends throughout this entire
Mrs, Sarah Smith
Mrs. Cicero Smith. 92, of Fork,
died April 24th at her home, fol
lowing a month's illness. Her hus
band died 10 years ago.
Surviving arc three sous, A. V.
Smith, DcLand, Fla., C. L. Smith,
Advance, R. 1, and J. L. Smith,
Mocksville, Route a daugh
ter, Mrs. Minnie B. Carter, Elkin;
a sister, Mrs. A. A. Grubb, Lex
ington, Route 5.
Funeral services were held at 3
p. m., last Wednesday at Fulton
Methodist Church, with Rev. J.
R. Starling and Rev. O. D. Smith
officiating, and the body laid to
rest in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries -5/3/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 5,1950 - Page 1
niBenl tervlcet for Rev. Wal
ter Hcnky Dodd, 78, retired Bap-
tilt mlnlater tad paitor-emeritus
of the Hocksville Baptist Church,
were held in the local Baptist
Church last Friday, Rdv. J. P.
Davis and Rev. E. W. Turner,
officiated. Burial followed in the
Rose Cemetery.
Rev. lir. Dodd died at hla home
last Wedneeday. He had been in
ill health for several years and
In a serious condition for one
The Rev. Ur. Dodd was a na
tive of Wake County and was
born Nov. 18, 1672, son of John
D. and Evelyn Creech Dodd of
Clayton. He had been a Baptist
minister for 30 years, retiring
several years ago because of ill
health. He was a member of the
Masonic Lodge. He was married
Surviving are the widow, Mrs.
Lenora Dodd; . three children of
his first marriage, Mrs. A. J.
Haynet of Statesvilie, John Car
son Dodd t)f Hahira, Ga., and
Walter H. Dodd, Jr., of Waco;
throe grandchildren; three broth
ers, J. L Dodd of Council, A. L.
Dodd of Hacon, Ga., and the Rev.
Bdwanl D. Dodd of Fuquay
Springi; and one sister, Mrs. H.
L. GrifSa of Baleifh.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, May 5,1950 - Page 8
Final Rites For
Mrs. T. E. James
Funeral services for Mrs. Ruby
Lee Wagner James, 31, of Tur
ner Street, Wlnston-Salem, were
held at Turrcntine Baptjst Church
in Davic County . Wednesday.
The Rev. A. K. Sheck, the Rev.
Oscar Hartman and the Rev.
M. Eagle officlotcd. Burial was
in the church graveyard.
Cousins served as pallbearers.
Mrs. James was born Aug. 6,
1018, In Davle County, the daugh
ter of J. S. ond Stella Wofford
Wogncr. Her early life, was spent
in Davic County and she ottcndcd
Coolccmeo schools. Employed by
P. H. Hones Knitting Compony,
ahe was o member of South Ibrk
Baptist Church.
Surviving ore the husband, T.
E. James; one daughter, Linda
Fay James; the parents of Route
4; five sisters, Mrs. Ward Rat-
ledge and Mrs. Carl McDaniel of
Mocksville, and Miss Norma
Mae Wagner, Miss Geraldlne Wag
ner of Winston-Salem.
Mrs. James died at a Winston-
Salem hospital Monday night aa
a result of a self-tnfllcted bulltt
wound sustained Friday aftcr-
noofi. She had been in deeliiilng
health for tome time.
Bio — Obituaries - 5/5/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 10,1950 - Page 4
Mrs, T, E. James
Funeral services for Mrs, Rubv
Lee Wagner Fames, 31, of Wins-
ton-Salem, were held at Turren'
tine Baptist Church, at 4 p. m.,
Wednesday. Rev. A. K Cheek,
Rev. Oscar Hartman and Rev. M.
Engle oiHctated. Burial was in
the church sravey.ird.
Mrs. James was bom Aug. 8,
1918, in Davie County, the daugh
ter of S. and Stella Wafford
Wagner. Employed bv P. H.
Hanes Knitting Company; she
was a member of South Fork Bap
tist Church.
Surviving are the husband, T.
E. James; one daughter, Linda
Fay 'nmes, the parents of Mocks-
ville. Route 4; five sisters, Mrs.
Ward Ratledgeand Mrs. Carl Mc-
Daniel of Mocksville and Miss
Norma Mae Wagner. Miss Geral
dine Wagner of Winston-Salem.
Four brothers, James Wagoner, of
Winston-Salem, Marvin, R. Z. and
George Wagoner, Mocksvitle, R. 4.
Mrs. James died at a Winston
Salem hospital Monday night as a
result of a self-infiicted bullet
wound. She had been in declin
ing health for some time.
C. H. Booe Mrs, Mary S. Dann
Coswcll H. Booc, 52, ofYadkin
ville. Route 3, died in a Winston-
Salem hospital, Monday after a
month of declining health and
two weeks of serious illness.
He was a son of George and
Moliie Spear Booe. He was mar
ried on July 30, 1917, to Lucn
Renegar, who survives.
Other survivors Include foui
sons, one brother, and five grand
Funeral services were at 2:30 p
m., Wednesday at Sandy Springs
Baptist Church. Rev, Ciavid Dav
and Rev. Wade Hutchens officiat-
Mrs. Ma^ Smith Dunn. 88,
widow of Thamas Dunn, died at
3 a. ni., May 1st, ac her home,
Advance, Route 1.
Mrs. Dunn was a daughter of
rhomas A. and Beetle Bailey
omith, and is survived by one
son, S. T. Dunn of Advance,
Koutc I, six grandchildren and
three grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at
3 p. m., Wednesday at Bethlehem
?J«hodist Church. Rev. JohnUdricy and Rev. George Bruner
Officiated. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Mrs. J. £, Davis
Mrs. J. R Davis, 77, died ac her
bome in Clarksville Township at
o:10 a. m. Friday, following an ex
tended illness.
Surviving are the husband; one
daughter, two sons, two sisters,
one brother, six grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at 3
p. m. Sunday at the home, and at
4 p m. at Eaton's Baptist Church.
Revs. Wade Hutchens and Alvis
Cheshire officiated, and the body
was laid to rest in the church ce
Bio - Obituaries - 5/10/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 17,1950 - Page 4
Mrs. Delia Cronse
Mrs. Lucher A. Grouse, 62, of
! Advance died Wednesday a^r*
■noon at Rowan Memorial HospitJal, Salisburv, following an illness
of six weeks.
Surviving are the husband, one
daughter, a foster daughter, six
brotheta, two sisters, two grand*
A service was held at die home
at 2 p. ni.i Friday, and at Advance
Mecfaodisc Church at 3 p. m., vridi
her pastor. Rev. J. R* Starling of*
ficiathig and the body laid to rest
in the church cemetery.
To die bereaved family The Re*
cord extends sincere sympadiy in
this great bereavement.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/17/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Advance Minister Dies
In Twin City Hospital
The Rev. Franklin Gorlleld
oJhnson, 68, of Advance died Into
Saturday in a Wlnston>Salcin hos*
Survivors include his wife,
Mrs. Bertha J. Johnson, two sons.
Thqmas F. Johnson of this city
and Eugene Johnson of Detroit,
Mich.; five daughters, Mrs. Eve
lyn J. Phillips, Mrs. Lossie Hamp
ton, Mrs. Ruby Leach, all of this
city, Mrs. Lillian Hawkins, Perry
Point, Md., and Miss Georgia
Johnson of the home; two broth
ers, Herbert Johnson of Farming-
ton and John oJhnson of this city;
and Q sister, Mrs. Etta Scott of
this city.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at 4 p.m. Monday in AMB
Zion church, by the Rev. H. C.
Jones. Burial was in the church
Bio - Obituaries - 5/19/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 24,1950 - Page 4
Mrs. I, C. Ellis
Mrs. Ivey Bowden Ellis, 37. of
Redland, died in a Winston-Salem
hospital Wednesday morning.
Surviving are the husband, her
mother; one daughter, Alice Ellis,
of the home; two sons, Wayne
and LeKoy Ellis, of the home;
two brothers, Gradv Bowden, of
Suromerfield, and Ray Bowden, of
Danville, Va.; two sisters, Mrs. R.
P. Smith, of Advance, R. 1, and
Mrs. A. F. Smith, Winston'Salem,
Funeral services were held at 3
p. m. Friday at Bethlehein Metho
dist Church with Rev. Jonn Oak*
ley and Rev. Gepi^e Bru ler offici
ating, and the body laid to rest in
the church cemetery.
Infant O'Neal
Funeral services for Carolyn Jean
O'Neal, two-day-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. O'Neal, ot
Mocksville. Route 4. were held at
2 p. m., Friday at Society Baptbi
Church, with Rev. Wade Hutch-
ens o^ciating. The infant died
at noon Thursday. Surviving are
the parents and three brothers.
Henry Dulin
Henry Dulin, well-known color
ed man, dtc.d at his home in
South Mocksville lost Tuesdav.
For a number of years he was
Janitor at the Elementary school
Bio - Obituaries - 5/24/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 31,1950 - Page 4
Miss Julia Caudell
Miss Julia Caudell, 86, a native
of Jerusalem Township and a
daughter of rhe late Mr. and Mrs.
Ishmael Caudell, died May 22nd,
at the home of Mr: and Mrs. A. S.
Amdt, at HilUard, Fla.. where she
had lived for some time. Funer
al and burial services took place
at Hilliard on May 23rd. Miss
Caudell had many relatives and
friends in Davie who were sad
dened by news of her death.
She was a cousin of T-1. Caudell.
Mrs. W. M. Crotts and Will
Caudell, of this city.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/31/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 2,1950 - Page 2
J. C. Pilcher, .
Passes In Yadkin
Funeral Bervices for James
Charles Pilcher, 91, who died at
6 a.m. Friday at his home on
Route I, Cana, in Yadkin county,
niter having been in declining
health for one year and seriously
ill for four days, were conducted
Sunday morning at II o'clock, at
the Gnon Baptist church, the Rev.
John Oakley and the Rev. Robert
Ward officiating.
Born in Yadkin county on Oct.
12, 18S6, Mr. Pilcher was the son
of Cephas and Ruth Carter Pilch-
cr of Mocksville. He had spent his
entire life in Yadkin county as a
farmer. He was married in 1889
to the former Mlsa Mary Augus'
tuB Steelman, who survives.
Other survivors include two
sons. George C. Pilcher of Mocks
ville and Ambrose Pilcher of Win-
ston-Salcm, Route 2. seven daugh
ters, Mrs. Herman Wall of Tobac-
covllic, Route 1, Mrs. Frank A.
Athan of Milvillc, Mich.; Mrs.
John Shore of Bethania, Mrs.
Grady Wllliard of Cana, Route 1;
Mrs. Kenneth Spaugh of Pfaff-
town, Miss Eunice Pilcher of Win-
ston-Salem and Miss Girtha Pil
cher of the home; 20 grandchil
dren and 11 great-grandchildren.
Burial was in the Flalftown
Bio - Obituaries - 6/2/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 23,1950 - Page 1
A. R. Wilson Dies
Near Mocksville
A. R. Wllion, 02. died at hia
home, Mocksvine, Route 3, Mon
day after an lllncu of four
years. Me was the son of William
and Rena Walkei; Wilson of Bun
combe county.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
Nora Wilson of Hickory, two
daughters, Mrs. Bertie McNeely
and Mrs. Alma Fox, both of Hick
ory; two sons, Opie and William
Wilson, both of Winston-Salem;
three sisters, Mrs. Bessie Ledbet-
ter of Mocksville, Mrs. W. P. Ba
ker of Johnson City, Tcnn., and
Mrs. Everett Simpson of Cory
dan, Ind.; three grandchildren
and a number of nieces and
Funeral services were conduct
ed at the home at 11 a.m. Wednes
day by the Rev. Albert A. Young.
Burial was in Smith Grove cem
A. IIF. McCIamrock,
Near llfocksville
A. M. McClamrodc, 50, died at
his hoinr, MocksvirTe, R. 2, at
1:25 p.m. Monday. He was a son
of C. L. and the late Lify Douthit
Survivors include three sons.
Calvin McClomrock of Modes-
ville, John McClamruck of Clcm-
mons and C. B. McClamrodc of
Mocksville, Route 7r four daugh
ters, Mrs. Thomas Hcplcrof Clem-
mons. Route 1, Mrs. W. C. Leon
ard and Mrs. Phil Foster, both of
Winston-Salem, and Miss Hazel
McClamrock of Clemmons; the fa
ther, of Mocksville, Route 2; five
grandchildren and two sisters,
Bio - Obituaries - 6/23/1950
Mrs. Sarah Hanes Stone, 58,
died at City Memorial Hospital
in Winston-Salem at 11:20 p4n.
Monday. She had been a patient
there for one day.
Mrs. Stone was the daughter
of the late Philip Hanes and
Sallie Booc Hones. Bom in
Mocksville Sept. 20, 1891, she
spent her entire life here. Re
cently, she had been making her
home with her son, T. A. Stone;
in Winston-Sulcm. She hnd been
a mcmbd* of tho Mocksville
Methodist Church since child
Surviving arc two sons, T. A.
Stone of Winalon-Salom; Clem
ent Hnncs of Mocksville; three
daughters, Mrs. J. W. Rodwcll
of Mocksville, Mrs. D. H. Altizcr
of Washington, D. C., Mrs. F..J.
Olivorius of Wntsonvillo, Calif.;
two brothers, P. Frank Hones
ond Spcnccr B. Hones of Winston-
Salem; three sisters, Mrs. R. D.
W. Connor of Chapel Hill, Mrs.
Frank Clement and Mrs. E. W.
Crow of Mocksville; ond five
Friday, June 23, 1950 - Page 4
Mrs. W. K. Whitakor of Mocks-
vtUc, Route 2, and Mia. L.. L..
Whitakcr of Mocksville, Routes 3.
Funeral services were-conduct
ed at Oak Grove Methodist church*,
at 3 p.m. Wednesday by the Rbv..
J. B. Fitzgerald and the Rev. Bl.
A. Carroll. Burial was in the-
church cemetery.
Funeral services weho held* at
tho MockEvillc Methodist Church
Wednesday, conducted by the Rev.
A. J. Cox, pastor. Burial was in
the Rose Cemetery here.
Pallbearers were J. P. LcGrand,
P. J. Johnson, Otis Hendrix, P.
H. Meson, Robert Smith and Joe
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 28,1950 - Page 1
A, M. McClamroch
A. M. McCIamrock, 50, ^ie<l
his home, Mocksville, Route 2, at
1:25 p. m., June 19ch. He was a
son of C. "L and the lete Lily
Duthit McClamrock. He had
been a patient at W. N. C., Sana
torium, Black Mountain for die
past two years or more, but was
brought to his home about three
weeks ago.
Survivors include three sons,
ilvin McClamroch of Mocks-
Tohn McCfamrck of Clem-
ons, and C. B. McClamrock of
ocksville, Route 2; four dau^
^rs, Mrs. Thomas Hepler o f
!Iemmons, Route 1, Mrs. W. C.
'eonard and Mrs. Phil Fostw.
th of Winston-Salem, and Miss
zel McClamrock of Clemmons,
le father, of Mocksville Route 2;
ve grandchildrenjaid two sisters,
rs. W. K, Whitaker of Mocfcs-
wUe Route 2, and Mrs. L. L.
Whitaker of Mocksville Route 3,
Funeral services were conduct
ed at Oak Grove Methodist
Church at 3 p. m.. Wednesday by
Rev- f. B. Fitzgerald and Rev. B.
A. Carroll. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
A. R, Wilson
A. R. Wilson, 62, died at his
home, Mocksville Route, 3, June
19rh after an illness of four vears.
He was the son of William and
Rena Walker Wilson of Buncom
be County.
Surviving are his wife, two
daughters, two sons, three sisters,
three grandchildren and a num
ber of nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at the home at 11 a. m., Wed
nesday by Rev. Albert A. Young.
Burial was in Smith Grove Ceme
H, C Hunter
H. C- Hunter. 73, a native of
Davie County, a citizen of Harm
ony for several years, died last
Tuesday in a Statesvifle hospital,
following .1 three weeks illness.
Survivors include the wife, Mrs.
Emma Lowery Hunter, ol Harm
ony, three daughters; one son, two
sisters, Miss Lelia Hunter and Mrs.
Jnhn Ratlcdgc, of Mocksville, R.
2, and a brother, S. K. Hunter, of
near Cana.
Funeral services were held at 4
p. m. Wednesday at the Harmony
Melodist Church with Revs. W.
H. Neece and Irvin Wallace offi
ciating. Burial was in the Holly
Springs cemetery.
Bio — Obituaries — 6/28/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 28, 1950 - Page 4
W. M. Seaford
W. M. Seaford, 57, of Mocks-
villc, Route 1, died in a Statesville
hospital Friday afternoon, folloW'
ing an illness of one week.
Surviving are the wife, the for>
mer Miss Mary Everhart; two sons
W. M. and John Seaford, and one
sister, Miss Dovie Seaford, all of
the home. I
Funeral services were held at'
Center Methodist Church at 4 D. I
m. Sunday, with Rev.J. B.Fitzgcr-|
aid olhciating, and the body laid
to rest in the church cemetery. I
Mr. Seaford held a position with -
Er\vin cotton mills. He served as |
Clerk of Superior Court, 1922 to'
1926, and was welfare officer for
two years. Peace to his ashes. |
Mrs. Sarah Stone
Mrs. Sarah Hanes Stone, 58,
died at Cit^' Memorial Hospital
in Winston-Salem, June 19th. ^
Mrs. Stone was the daughter of
the late Philip Hanes and Sallle
Gooe Hanes. Bom in Mocksville
Sept. 26th, 1891, she spent hcren-
tire life here. Recently, she had
been making her home with her
son, T. A. Stone In WinstomSah
em. f
Surviving arc two sons, T, A,
Stone ofWinston-Snlcm,Clement
Stone of Mocksville; three daugh«
ters, Mrs. J. W. Rodwell, o f
Mocksville, Mrs D. H. Altiser of
Washinaton, D. C., Mrs. F jf.
Olivarius of Watsonville, Calif.,
two brothers. P. Frank Hanes
and Spencer B. Hanes oi Wins
ton-Salem; three sisters, Mrs. R.
D. W. Connor of Chapel Hill.
Mrs. Frank Clement and Mrs. E.
W. Croyv of Mocksvllie; and five
Funeral services were at the
Mocksville Methodist Church at
4:30 p. m., Wednesday, conducted
by RW. T. a. Cox. Burial waa in
Rose Cemetery. ,
Bio - Obituaries — 6/28/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 30,1950 - Page 3
l^uneral Services Monday
For Mrs. Edna Whitaker
Mrs. Edna McClamrock Whit-
aker, 48, wife of Lonnle L. Whit-
aker, died unexpectedly about
10 p.m. Saturday of a heart at
tack at the home in the Oak
Grove community, Route 2.
oi C. L. and LilUe Douthit Mc
Clamrock. She spent her entire
life in the same community and
was a member of Oak Grove
Methodist Church.
Surviving arc the husband; two
sons C. L. and Lonnle Ray Whit-
aker, both of the home; four
daughters, Mrs. Kenneth Ratledge
of Mockaviilo, Route 1, Mrs. Wil
liam Summers of Mocksville,
Route 3^ Foyc and Joyce Whita-
kcr both of the home; two grand
children; her father... and one sla
ter, Mrs. W. K. Whituker of
Mocksville, Route 2.
Funeral services were held at
4 p.m. Monday at Oak Grove
Metliodlst Church. The Rev. J. B.
Fitzgerald officiated. Burial was
in the church cemetery. Nephews
were pallbearcri.
Bio — Obituaries - 6/30/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Friday, June 30,1950 - Page 8
W. M. Seaford, 57,
Of Mocksville, Dies
W. M. Seaford, 57, of Mocks*
vllle, R. 1, died at 5 p.m. Friday
Qt a Statcsvillc hospital, where
he had been a patient for the post
Son of John D. and Alice Mc*
Daniel Scuford, he was ossoci*
oted with Erwin Cotton mills in
CoolecmcG. He was dork of court
here from 1022 to 1026, and was
welfare officer for two years. Ho
had been ill for the post 10 days.
Survivors include his wife, the
former Mary Gvcrhart; two sons,
W. M. and John Seaford, both of
Mocksvlllc, Route 1; and one sis
ter, Miss Dovic Seaford, of the
Tuneral; services were conduct
ed at Center Methodist church at
4 p.m. Sunday. The service was
conducted by the Rev. J. B. Fitz
gerald. Burial was in Center cem
Mrs. A, A. Wagoner Dies
At Home In Mocksville
Mrs. Maude Sain Wagner, 59,'
wife of A. A. Wagner, died at
her home in Mocksville at 9:40
a.m. Monday. She had been In
ill health for 16 months, serious
ly 111 for two months.
Mrs. Wagner was the daughter
of Wiley and Solly Bet Sain. She
was born August 22, 1890, and
was a resident of Mocksvlllc all
her life. On November 23, 1908,
she was married to Mr. Wagner,
who survives.
Other survivors are Gront S.
Wagner of Mocksville, two daugh
ters, Miss Ruth Wagner of Stokcs-
datc and Mocksville and Mrs. Sara
Holland of Pittsburgh, Pa.; two
brothers, W. C, Sain of Phoenix,
Ariz., and A. L. Sain of Winston-
Salem and two sisters, Mrs. J. L.
McDanlel and Mrs. K. L. Cobler
of Wiruton-Salem.
Funeral services were held at
4 p.m. Tuesday at Mocksville Bap
tist church. The Rev. J. P. Davis,
the. Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald and the
Rev. E. W. Turner officiated.
Burial was in Rose cemetery.
Pallbearers were R. T. Martin,
E. T. and Ernie Foster, Boone
Stoneatreet, C. H. TomUnson mod
P. G. Brown.
Miss Rebecca Miller,
67, Passes Awey
Miss Rcbccca J. Miller, 67, died
at 6:15 p.m. Tuesday at the home
of her nephew, Chal Smith of
Mocksvlllc, Route 3.
She was the daughter of Hen
ry and Jane Bailey Miller.
Surviving arc one sister, Mrs.
Charlie Boger of Mocksville,
Route 2; and a number of nieces
and. nephews.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at the Smith Grove Methodist
Church at 4 p.m. Thursday by
the Rev. J. W. Vestal and the
Rev. George Bruner. Burial was
n the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/30/1950 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY