Jul - DecDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 2,1952 - Page 2
G. C, Dwiqqins
' G. C. (Dobc) DwiflginSi 67» well-
known farmer of South Calahalni
died at his home on June , 22ndr
followLig an extended illness, He
, was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
j 1. W. Dwiggins, and spent most
of his life in Dnvlc County.
I Mr. Dwloslns was married in
1912 CO Miss Bessie Cnrtncri a
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
P. M. Cnrtner, of near Kappa.
Surviving Mr. Dvvfggins are his
w'fe, one daughter, Mrs. W, S.
Turner, of Salisbury; two sons,
Paul F. and Hd M. Dwicgins, of
Mocksvillc, Route 4; two broth*
crs, Thomas and Frank Dwlgglns,
of Mocksville, Route 1; our sis
ters, Mrs. Jesse Hendrcn, of Char
lottc; Mrs. Arthur Stonestrecr, ol
Winscon-Salcm; Mrs, T. N. Smoot,
and Miss Bcrclc Lee Dwlggins, of
Mocksvillc, Route 1.
Funeral services wtrc held at
11 n. m. lust Tuesday at Salem
Methodist Church, with his pas'
tor, Rev. Hugh Jcssup officiating,
and the body laid Co rest in the
church ccmetcrv.
jPfc. H. B. Oshorne
I Funeral services for Pfc. H. B.
i Oshorne 26, World War 11 sold
ier killed in action in the Pacific
ot\ April 5, 1945, were conducted
at Rced*s Methodist Church, near
Lexington, at 3 p. m. Sunday. The
funeral w.is with full military hon>
ors, with the Davie County VFW
and the Reeds VFW officiating.
Burial was in the chinch cemetery.
Survivors include his mother,
Mrs. R. S. Osbornc, of Lexingtooi
Route 3; 6ve sisters, Mrs. James
E Idr and Mrs. T. L. Spillmnn, of
Mocksvillc, Route 4; Mrs. Dossic
O. Wood, of the home; Mrs. Rob
ett Gobble, of Lexington, Route
3, and one half-sister, Mrs. John
R. Houser, of Abington, Va.
Funeral services wtrc held at
11 a. m. lust Tuesday at Salem
Methodist Church, with hie pas'
tor, Rev. Hugh Jcssup officiating,
and the body laid Co rest in the
church ccmctcrv.
The death of Mr. Dwlgglns has
brought sadness to the entire com
munity where he spent a long and
useful life. He was our friend
Wc shall miss him. To the be*
rcaved family wc extend our sin
cere sympathy in this hour of
sadness. A good man- has- been
called CO his reward.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/2/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 3,1952 - Page 2
David J. Fleming. 81,
Of Mocksville, Route 3
David Journey Fleming, 81,
died at his home at Mocksville,
Rt. 3, at 3:25 a.m., Sunday after
a critical illness of three weeks.
He had been in declining health
for three years,
i He was born Jan. 8, 1871 ,a son
'of Matthew and Nellie Cable
. Fleming. He moved to Davie
County at an early age and was
) employed as a textile worker In
Coolcemee for 20 years before re
tiring and moving to his present
He U survived by his wife, the
former Miss Oric McDanicl; four
sons, Martin and James Fleming
of Hollywood, Flo. ,MltcheU Flem
ing of Mocksville, Rt. 3, and Eu
gene Fleming oi Salisbury; foiir
daughters, Mrs. Walter Bute, of
Linwood, Rt. 1, Mrs. Jack Grubb
of the home, Mrs.* Richard More*
field of Gallibury, R(. 6, and
Mrs. J. W. Jones, Jr., of Mocks
ville, Rt. 3; 18 grandchildren and
four gcrat-grandchildrcn.
Funeral services were held at
11 a.m. Tuesday ot Fork Baptist
Church by the Rev. L. M. Ten-
cry and the hev. E. "W. Turner.
Burial was In the church ceme
tery. Grandsons served as pall
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 3,1952 - Page 6
Mrs. Griffith, 87,
Advance, Route 1
Mrs. Ada Miller Griffith, 87, of
Advance, Rt. 1, widow ot W. W.
Griffith, died unexpectedly at her
homo Saturday.
Born March 11, 1865 in Davic
County, she was the daughter ot
Jonathon and Clementine Howard
Miller. She spent her entire life
in- Davie County, mostly In the
Yadkin Valley Baptist Church
She was a member o'l Mace
donia Moravian Church.
Surviving arc two sons. J. F.
Griffith of Advance and J. W.
Griffith of Winston-Salem. two
daughters, Mrs. J. D. Sheek, of
Advance and Mrs. E. E. Winfrey
of WInston-Salcm; 17 grandchil
dren and 22 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were conduct
ed Sunday at Yadkin Valley Bap
tist Church by the Rev. A. C.
Chcrshirc and the Rev. J. G.
Bruncr. Burial was in the church
Paiibearors wore Clement Win-
fray, I. E. Winfrey, Jr., Henry
Griffith, Burton Gregory, Reid
Hauscr, and Craig Carter.
Bio — Obituaries - 7/3/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 3,1952 - Page 7
Lee Waller, 65.
Of Advance
Lec Waller, 05, retired farm
er of the Advance section and a
life-long resident of Davie Coun
ty, died at 10 a.m. Sunday in a
Winston-Salem hospital.
Mr. Waller was the- son of
John and Martha Jane Waller. He
was a membe rof Elbaville Meth
odist Church and was superin
tendent of the Sunday School for
20 years, until four years ago
when his health tailed.
Funeral services were conduct
ed Tuesday at Elbaville Metho
dist Church by the Rev. J. B.
Fitzgerald and the Rev. R. J.
Starling. Burial was in the church
Funeral services were conduct
ed Tuesday at Elbaville Metho
dist Church by the Rev. J. B.
Fitzgerald and the Rev. R. J.
Starling. Burial was In the church
Survivors Include his wife, Mrs.
Sal:^r Waller, six sons, John
and Lawrence Waller of the home.j
Luther and L. P. Waller, Jr., of.
Winston-Salem, Robert Waller of,
Advance, Rt. 2 ,and C. L. Walter
of Lexington, Rt. 1; four daugh
ters, Mrs. N. B. Bailey of Mocks-
villc, Rt. 3, Mrs. W. R. Saflngart
of High Point, Mrs. C. L. Hege
of Lexington, Rt. 4. Mrs. Ellis
Branch of Advance, Route 2; 32
grandchildren, six grcat-grand-
chlldrcn; three brothers; and four
sisters. '
H. 1. Swicegood
01 Needmore
Funeral services for Horace Lee
Swicegood, 64. of Needmore,
Woodleaf, Rt. 1, were hold at the
Walker Funeral Home in Mocks-
vllle. The Rev. J. Wendall Klein
officiated and burial was in the
Jerusalem Baptist Church ceme
Mr. Swicegood died at 5:40 p.
m. June 2* in Rowan Memorial
Hospital in Salisbury, following a;
stroke suffered Wednesday night.
He had been in bad health for sev
eral months.
He was born in Davidson Coun
ty Jan. 2, 1886, o son of Richard
and Amcrlco Leonard Swicegood
and had lived at| the present
homcplace for the past 45 years
where he was a retired farmer.
Surviving are one brother Lu
ther Swicegood of Salisbury,
and several nieces and nephewi.
J. C. Hendrix, 75,
Of Advance, Route 1
John Cathcy Hcndrix, 75, well
known farmer of Advance, Rt. 1,!
died at his home in the Yadkin
Valley Baptist Church commun
ity Saturday.
Born July 26, 1870, he was the
son of George W. and Rebecca
Hendrix. He was an active mem
ber aod.chaicman.o'i the Board of
Deacons of the Yadkin Valley
Baptist Church.
He. was first, m.nrricd. to. Miss,
Mary T. Markland who died May
24. 1844, and l.ntc to Mrs. Flora
Baity of Clcmmons who survives.
cTTlier survivors ■orc"tour~sons,
Clement and Elmer Hcndrix, both
of Advoncc, Rt. I, Carl Hendrix
of Clcmmons, and Wiibcrl Hcn
drix of Florida; two stepsons,
Colvin Baity of Advance, Rt 1,
and Wade Baity of Lcwisvillc;
four stepdaughters, Mrs. L. D.
Matthews of Greensboro, Mrs.
Hubert Evcridgc of Clcmmons,
Mrs. Lnthcr Scott of Winston-Sa
lem, and Miss Hnzel Baity of
Clcmmons: 10 grondchildrcn; 7
great • grandchlidrct\; and one
brother, Martin Hendrix of Ham
Funeral services were conduct
ed Monday at Vadkin Valley Bap
tist Church by the Rev. Thurmond
HowctI, the Rev. George Bruner
and the Rev. A. C. Cheshire.
Burial was in the church ceme
tery. Pallbearers were members
o^' the Board of Deacons.
Bio — Obituaries - 7/3/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 9,1952 - Page 1
J. C. Hendricks
John C. Hendricks, 76, well-
known farmer of Advance, Route
1, died ac his home lunc 28th«
Mr. Hendricks was a son of the
late Mr. and Mrs.OeorRC V/, Hen
dricks. He was an active mem
ber and chairman of the Board of
Deacons of Yadkin Vallcv Bap
tist Church.
He was first married to Miss
Mary T. Markland,' who di.d
May 24, 1944, and later to Mrs
Flora Bnliv, of Clemmons, who
survives. Other survivors arc four
sons, Clement and Elmer Hend
ricks, of Advance, Route I, Carl
Hendricks, of Clemmons. and
Wiibcit Hendricks. of Floiida;
two srcp-sons, Calvin Baity, of
Advance, Route 1. and Wade Bai
ty, of Lewlsvillej four step-daugh
ters, Mrs. L. D. Matthews, Greens
boro, Mrs. Hubert Evcndgc* of
Clemmons, Mrs. Luther Scott, oi
Winscon-Salcm, a.id Miss Hazel
Baity, of Clemmons, 10 grand
children, and one brother, Martin
Hendricks. of Hamlcr.
Funeral services were held at I i
a. m. lunc 30th, at Yadkin Valley
Baptist Church, with Rev. TImr-
mend Howcll, Rev. George B un-
cr and Rev. A 0. Cheshire oiHci-
Being. Burial was in the church
Mr, Hcndr'cks was a good man
and his death has b.ought sad
ness to a host of frieitds through
out the community where he liv
ed for many years. We shall miss
his visits to our print shop.
Lee Waller
Lcc Waller, 65, retired farmer
of near Advance, and a life-long
resident of Davie County, died
June 29, in a Winston-Salcm hos
pital. He was a member of Elba-
ville Methodist Church and was
superintendent of the Sunday
school for 20 years until four years
ago when his health foiled.
Funeral services were held at
2t30 p. m. last Tuesday at Elba
villc Methodist Church with Rev.
J. B. Firzgcrald and Rev. R. J.
Starling officiating. Burial was In
the church cemetery,
Survivors include his wife, six
sons, John and Lawrence Waller
of tlic home*, Luther and L. P.
Waller, Jr., of Winston-Salcm;
Robert Waller, of Advance, and
C. L. Waller, of Lexington, Route
1; four daughters, Mrs. N. B. Bail-
cv, Mockaville, Route I; Mrs. W.
R. Safingart, of High Point; Mrs.
C. L. Hcgc, Lexington, Route 4;
Mrs. Elils Branch, Advance, Route
2; 32 grandchildren; 6 great grand
children, three brothers and four
Mrs. Ada Griffith
Mrs. Ada Miller GrifHth, 87, of
Advance Route I, widow of W.
W. Griflith, died unexpectedly at
her home on June 28th. She was
bom in DavIe County, a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jonnihan Miller,
and spent her entire life in tliis
county. She was a member of
Macedonia Moravian Church.
Survivlnc! arc two sons, J. P.
Griffith, of Advance, nnd I. W.
Griffith^f -Winston-Snlem; two
daughters, Mrs. |. D. Shock, of
Advance, and Mrs. I. E. Winfrey,
o Winston-Snlem; 17 grandchild
ren and 22 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at 3 p. m. June 29. at Yadkin
Vallev Baptist Church, with Rev.
A. C* Cheshire and Rc\'. George
Bruncr officiating, ond the body
|aid CO rest in the church ccmccerv<
Bio - Obituaries - 7/9/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 9,1952 — Page 2
David J, Fleminq
David IoumcvPlcniine.81,dicd
ai his home on Route 4, Mocks-
vlllc, on lunc 29th, following »
critical illness of three weeks. He
had been in bad health for three
years. He moved to Davic Coun
ty at an early age and was employ
ed as a textile worker 'in Coolce-
nice lor 20 years before retiring.
Mr. Fleming is survived by his
wife, the former Miss Osie Mc-
Daniel; four sons, Marlon and
fames Fleming, Hollywood, Fla.;
Mitchell Fleming, of Mocksvillc.
Rou:e 3, and Eugene Fleming, of
Salisbury; four daughters, Mrr.
Walter Buie, Linwood,' Route 1;
Mrs. Jack Grubb, of the home; ,
Mrs. Rlch.ird Morcficld, of SnI s- ) )"='? ''
bury. Route 5, and Mrs. ). W. .»• Tuesday at Fork Baptist
Jones, Jr., of Mocksvillc, Route 3; Jcnncry
IS itnindchildren and four creat- Turner olHciajinj:.
'(•randchildrcn. 'cemetery.
[Beuerly Marhland
• Beverly, the 5 • months • old
» diiimhtcr uf Mr. and Mrs. R. j.
• MarkltmJ, of near Adv:tncc, died
Wcdne-id.iy night, following a six
1 days illness.
I Siirviviitg are the parents and
' fiMir hroiighters.
• Funeral services were held at
n Eihavillc Methodist Church Fri
day at 3; to p. m., with Rev. W.
. E. Fitzgcrnld olRciating and the
body laid to rest in the church
Bio — Obituaries — 7/9/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 10,1952 - Page 1
Billy Monroe Wllllams
Sixteen Year Old Dies
In Auto Wreck Tuesday
Davie's 5th Highway
Fatality Occurs When
Car Overturns Tuesday
A 16>yeQr-o1d boy become Do-
vie County's filth highway fatal
ity of 1952 in an accident Tuesday
afternoon, around 1:30 p.m. This
some boy was reported to have
been tried in Winston-Salem carl-
icr in the day for reckless driving.
Paying a fine of $25 and cost.
Billy Monroe Williams of Ad-
I I Vi'hnn,
the 1940 Chevrolet coach which
he WQ.s driving got out of control
and turned over two or tree limes
pinning him underneath. The
doctor attributed death to a brok
en neck and fractured skull. A
tractor pulled tho nutomoblo from
the boy before the ambulance and
officers arrived.
The accident occured on the
dirt rood to Caha, leading off the
Winston-Satcm highway, near Xhfi
farm of Henry Angcll. Williams
and his two companions, Donald
Beauchamp, 15, and Robert Kca
ton, 15, both of Advance, Route 1,
were headed in the direction of
Cana. The two boys suffered
bruises, abrasions and scratches.
Highway Patrolman L. E.
Green, investlgting the accident,
reported that apparently the car
was traveling at an excessive rate
of speed end got out of control
as it crossed a small bridge at
the foot of a hill. The car ap
parently ran in small ditch at the
side of the road, came out and
rolled over about two and one-
half times throwing Williams out.
Billy Monroe Williams was the
son of the lute Tom and Lucy
Smith WilliamB. Both parents died
while he was still very young,
since which time he has mode
his home with Mrs. Sodlc Willord,
a half slater, who resided with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Wlllard of Advance,
Route 1.
Surviving are two half-brolhers,
Bobby Smith of the Navy and
John Frank Williams of Anchor
age, Alaska; three half78i8tor8,
Mrs. Inez Moore of Win^lon-Sa-
lem, Mrs. W. A. Dunn QjW Mrs.
Sadie Willnrd of Advanc^. Rt. T.
Early Wednesday mornjng the
Itiheral arrangements w^rc in
complete. The body is to remain at
Walker Funeral Home unMt
rangements are completed..
Bio - Obituaries - 7/10/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 10,1952 - Page 2
Beverly Markland
Advance, Route 2
Beverly O'Neill Markland five-
month old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard J, Markland of Ad
vance, Rt. 2, dfcd In o Winston-Sa-
lem hospital late Wednesday night
after an illness of six days.
Born Feb. 1, in Davie County,
she is survived by the parents;
four brothers, Richard, Guilher,
Larry and Gerald, all of the home;
the paternal grand parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. O. Markland and tho
maternal grandparents, Mr, end
Mrs. Fred Myers, ollof Advance,
Rl. 2.
^Funeral services were conduct
ed Friday at Elbavillc Methodist
Church by the Rev. W. E. Fitz
gerald and the Rev. Paul Martin.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July ID, 1952 - Page 7
Althea Chaffin Loses
Life In Beach Tragedy
Althea Chnffin, age 12, daugh
ter of Mrs. Ruby Chnffin of Char
lotte, and grand daughter of Mrs.
T. N. Chaffin of Monksvllle, was
drowned in the surf at Kurc Beach
Althea and sister, Frances Ann,
14, were swept out to sea shortly
boYore noon Friday when caught
by a huge wave. They wore ploy
ing in water obout two and one
half feet deep at the time. Two
cousins, Miss Mary Griffith, 26,
and Miss Lillian Simmons, 20,
both of Fayctteville, had acrom-
panied them to the beach and
watched in horror as the little
girls were swept to sea. •
« A rescue team composed of
three men and a woman, and led
by a deputy sheriff, rescued
Frances Ann but was unable to
reach Althea. The tragedy occurr
ed about one fourth mile south
] of the Kure Beach pier.
Tho body was recovered just
before noon Saturday by live
swimmers after planes and boats
had searched the area for about
24 hours.
The girls were visiting their
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. S.
F. Person of Fayctteville. who
were vacationing at the beach.
Funeral services were held
Sunday afternoon at Fayctteville.
She was the daughter of the late
Albert Chaffin of Mocksville.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/10/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 16,1952 — Page 1
Davie Boy Killed
BlIlV Monroe WflHjims, 16, of
Advance, Rome I, lost hl« Hfe In
an fl uromohile wreck last Tuesdav
afremoon shortly before 2 o'clock,
ohout 4b miles north of Mocks*
ivilleon a soli road between Oak
iOrove and Cans. He had paid a
fine of $2S In Wlnston^Salem Mu*
lOicipal Court a short time before
the accident on a charge of reck*
less drivine near Cfemmons about
a week previous.
Ilicrc were two boys in the
Williams car. Donald Beauchamp.
nnd Robert Kcaron, both 15, of
Advance, Route i. Both escaped
with slisht injuriv's,
Williams >yas diivtnc (he 1946
Chevrolet coach only a short dls*
tance from HlRhway 158 when he
lost control of the car. It Is said
he was drtvinc at hiph speed as
he crossed a n.irrow br{dj;c.- The
car turned over and WiUlams was
rhrown out, the car falling on
him. He suffered a broken neck
and skull tracture. The two bovs
remained in the car. A tractor
was used to remove the car so
d}e body could be extricated.
A Siler Poiteffltj Home ambu*
Inncc was rushed to the scene of
the accident and brou^t the
dead body and the two injured
boys to. the Mocksvllle Hospital,
where the boys were given medi
cal attention. They were not se*
riouslv hurt.
Wiiltams was thought to have
been en route to the home of a
half'sister, Mrs. Sadie Willard. on
Advance, Route I, with whom he
lived. Williams was'bom in Da*
vie Councv, a son of the late Mr.
and Mi:s. Tom M. Williams. His
parents died when he was.a baby
and he made his home most of
the time with Mrs. Willard.
Surviving are two half-brothen,
Bobby Smith, of the Kaw and
John Frank Williams, of Anchor*
age, Alaska, and three halfsisters,
Mrs. Inex Moore, of Wlnston-Sal-
em, Mrs. W. A. Dunn and Mrs.
Sadie'WllIard, Adt^ncc, Route 1.
Furieral services were held at
Bethlehem Methodist Church at
3:30 p. m. Thursday* with Rev.
Bruce Roberts officIatinB and the
body hid to rest in the church
This was . the fifth person to
lose his life In an auto wreck in
Davic CounVy this year, with the
year ontv a little more than half
Bio - Obituaries - 7/16/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 17, 1952 - Page 4
John Vance Davis, 79,
Rites Held Wednesday
John Vance Davis. 79, died at
a Mocksvilie nursing home .at S
p.m. Monday after an illness of
several months.
He was born in Davic County
in the Dulln Church community.
Feb. 15. 1873, a son of the late,
Daniel and Sara Hodges Davis. |
Mr. Davis, a retired farmer, had,
made his home in the Fork Church
Community most of his life.
Survivors include two brothers,
W. Henry and Jesse M. Davis,
both of Fork; three nieces, andj
three nephews. j
Fuheral services were held at
Fork Baptist Church at 2:30 p.!
b. Wednesday by the Rev. L. Bl.
Tcnery and the Rev. E. W. Turn
Burial was in the church cem
Mrs. H. W, Mabe
Of Dies
Mrs. Martha Jane Duncan Mabe,
69, of Landis, died Tuesday at a
Salisbury hospital after six weeks
of nines. She hod been seriously
ill for five days.
Bom in Stokes County, she was
the daughter of Charlie and So
phia Ward Duncan. She was marr
ied in 1902 to H. W, Mabe. She had
lived in Landis for the past eight
Surviving are her husband; six
daughters, Mrs. Etta Burris, Mrs.
Charlie Donaldson Mrs, Walter
dCorricgcr, Mrs. J. A. Williams,
all of Landis, and Mrs. D. D.
Goincs of Mocksvilie, Rt. 1; three
sons. Woodrow Mabe of Mocks
vilie, Rt. 1, and Otis Mabe of
vilie, Rt. 1 .and Otis Mabe of
Landis; one sister, Mrs. J. M.
Vcnabcl of Madison; two broth
ers, George Duncan of Liberty
and Harry Duncan of Stokes
County; 47 grand children; 14
Funeral services were held
Wednesday at the Landis Baptist
Church. Rev. A. L. Campbell and
Rev. Bob Spry oVficiatcd. Burial
was in.the cemetery at China
Grove. Grandsons served as pall
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 17, 1952 - Page 7
Great Granddaughter
Dies In Reidsville
Rita Louise Cochrnn, 3-month-
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. Cochran of Reidsville, died at
the home early July 13. She is
a great-granddaughter of Mr. ond
Mrs, L. S. Bowles of Mocksvilie,
Route 2.
iFunernl services were held at
the homo July 14, nt 3 pjn.. by
the Rev. J. H. Amburst. Inter
ment was in the Grcenview Cem
Surviving ore the parents, one
brother, ol the home; jwolernaJ
grand father, J. W. Morrison, and
paternal grand lather, John H.
Cochran of Reidsville; and great-
grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.
S. Bowles o'l Mocksvilie.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/17/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 23,1952 - Page 2
John Vance Davis
. Ibhn Vance Davis, 79, died lira
Mocksvillc nursing home at 5 p.
m., July !4th afrer no Illness of
jcveraj rnonjhs.
• Ho was born In Davic County
jn'lhe Dulin Church Community,
15,.i87X a son of the late
Daniel V. and Saruh Hodges'
Davls4 Mr. Davis, a retired fa m*(
«r, had made his home in «hc!
Fork Churct) Community most
of his I f ,
Survivors'Include two brothers,
W. Hvnrv and Jessie M. Davia,
both of Fork, three nieces and
three neuhews.
..Funeral services were held at
Fork Bnpclac Ohuich 2:30 p. ro.,
Wednesday by Rev, E« W. Turner.
Burial was In the churcli cemc«
Bio - Obituaries - 7/23/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 24, 1952 - Page 2
R. A. Foster
Dies At 54
Robert A. Foster, 54, promin>
ent farmer and cattleman of the
County Line community in Da-
vie County, died at 6:30 a.m. Sun
day at his home, Mocksvlllc, Rt.
I, following an illness of six
Mr, Foster was born in Davle
County, son of John L. and Au
gusta Blockwell Foster. In early
manhood he travelled for Liggett
and Myers Tobacco Co., and was
associated with the American
Bridge Company of Pitlsburg,
Pa., before returing to his farm,
the homcploce where he was
born. He and his brother, H. Clay
Foster had been associated to
gether in the Foster Brothers and
Blackwell Farms In recent years.
Surviving arc two brothers and
one sister, Jack Foster of Mocks-
ville, Rt. I, H. Clay Foster and
Miss Mary Foster of the home; a
nephew. Buster Foster, and a
niece, Lucille Poster of Davie
funeral, services were conduct*
cd at 3 p.m. Monday at Sniem
Methodist Church, where Mr. Fos
ter had been a lifelong member.
The Rev. E. M. Avott of High
Point and the Rev, Hugh Jcssup,
pastor of the church, officiated.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/24/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 24,1952 - Page 4
j Dennis G. Silverdis
-Rites Held Wednesday
Dennis G. Silverdis, SD, restau
rant operator here for the past
17 years, died early Monday at
a Salisbury Hospital.
lie had boon In declining health
for several years and seriously ill
for six day.s.
Born in Kefelonla, Greece, Aug.
15, 1394, ho was the son of Jerry
and Alexandria Silverdis.
, ' Mr. Silverdis came to the United
States in early childhood. For sev
eral years he was engaged in the
restaurant business In Charlotte.
In 193S he moved to Mocksvllle
. and since then had been owner
I and operator of the Davie Cafe.
, He was a member of the Mocks
vllle Masonic Lodge.
Mr. Silverdis was married to
the former Miss Constance Kosma.
Survlvinf are his wife, one
daughter. Deanna Alexandria Sil
verdis of the home; and one
brother and two sisters of Kef
Funeral services were conduct
ed Wednesday at the Walker
Funeral Home by the Rev. Qeorfe
Thalisiinas. A second service wu
held at 4 p.m. at the Mocksvllle
Presbyterian Church with the Rev.
Paul Richards officiating. Burial
was in the Rose Cemetery with
Masonic graveside rites.
Mrs. L. F. Adams
Mrs. L. F. Adams, 74. of States-
villc died ot her home July 17 us
a result of a cerebral homorragc.
She was the mother of Mrs. C. A.
Bldckwcldcr of Mocksvllle. Fun
eral services were held at the
Boulevard Methodist Church, In
Statcsvillc, Friday with burial in
the Onkwood Cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/24/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 30, 1952 - Page 2
! Roht A. Foster
Robert A. Foster, 54, prominent
fartucr nnd cattlumnn of Countv
L'uc, d cU at his homunn Sunday
morntna, liity 20th, following an
Mr. Foster was a native of Da-
vie Countv, a son of the late K( .
and Mrs. John L. Foster, of Coun
tv Lin.'. He was lor a ntimhvr of
years n salesman with My
ers Ti4>acco Co, and w.is later a^-
so:iaUHl with the American liridp,'
Co., of Pittsburgh, Pa. For the
past 18 years he and his brother,
H. Cluv Foster had hecn assoc'n*.
ed ttigether In the F-tstcr ftroihera
and Hlnclcwell Farms.
; SurN'ivlnj! are two hroihers ami ;
•one sister. Jack Foster, of Mih:U-|
vil'e, Rome I; H Cl v Fosicr mul
Miss Marv Fosttr, itf the home; a
nephew, Ihister Foster, and
niece, ..'i>is Lucille Foster.
Ftmeral seivl«^-s were held at 3
p. m. Moi'.dav of last week at Sd-
cm Mi'il'.oriisi CIntreh, where Mr.
Foster was a life-long member,
with Rev. K. M. Avett and P.ev.
Hugh essup oiTtciating,-tiitd the
Innlv /.ltd to rest In the family plot
In the church cemeierv.
Tito large audience at the lasr
rites, and the many beautiful flor
al oiferings attested the high es
teem In which Mr. Foster w.is
held. Hi death brought sadness
to 0 host of friends, hoi only in
the community where he spent so
many years, but throughout this
entire section. To the survivine
sister nnd two brothers the editor
of The Record extends deep sym
pathy In this time of sadness.
; D. G. Silverdis
' Dennis G. Stlverdis, 59, restaii
rant operator here for the post 17,
years, died carlv Tuesday at a Sal
isbury hospital.
He had been in dccUn ng health
for scv ral years and serrously ijj
for six days. , j
3->m In Kefclonia, Greece, Aug.
15, 1894, he was the son of Jerry
and Alexandria Silverdis.
Mr. Silverdis ctmc lO the Unit
ed Sfntes in early childhood For
several years he was engaged In
the restaurant business in Char
, In 1935 he moved to Mocks
vlllc nnd since then had been
owner nnd operator of the Davlo
Cafe. He wa* a member of the
Mocksvllle Masonic Lodge.
Mr. Silverdis was married to
the former Miss Constance Kosma
Surviving are his wife, one dau
ghter. Oeaona Alexander Silverdis
of the home, and one brother and
two sisters In Kefclonia
Funeral sp'vIccs were held at
Z;30 D m. Wednra lav ai Walker
Funeral Hone by . Rev. George
Thalaw'nrs. A second .«erv|ce wa*
held at 4 p. m. a*" thc'Mrcksvil'e
Pre bytcrian CIh r h wl h Rrv.
Paul R'rhrrds officlat'ng Rit'lal
was in .Rose cemetery virlth Ma
sonic honors.
Mr. Silverdis made miny friends
during his Ions sojourn here, who
were saddened by his death. He
took delight In donadng to evcrv
worthv cause, and was a progress
ive citizen He will be missed in
our town and conimunitv. To
the bereaved family The Record
extends deep sympathy.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/30/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 31,1952 - Page 2
Mrs. Clodfelter
Rites Held Monday
Mrs. Scrah Geneva Caasldy *
Clodfeltn). 29, of H16 Chelsea
St., Winston-Salem, died at her
home at 5 a.m. Sunday. She had
been seriously ill nine weeks.
Mrs. Clodfcller was born Jan.
18, 1926 in Chesterfield County,.
S. C., the daughter of Andy B..
and Effie Bowles Cassldy. She -
moved to Mocksvillc at the age of
six and had resided in Winston-
Salcm since 1045.
She was a member of Liberty
Street Church of Christ. She. was •
married in 1945 to Evcrctte E.
Clodfelter, who survives, along
with n son, George; her mother,.
Mrs. GYfIc Cassidy of Mocksvillc;
three brothers, J. E. Cassidy, T,
B. Cassidy and J. C. Cassidy, all
of Mocksvillc: one sister, Mrs.
DcWitt Green of Kannapolis.
Funeral] services were conduct
ed at Liberty Street Church of
Christ at 3 p.m. Monday by the
Rev. John W. Eynon. Burial was
in Woodland Cemetery.
Mrs. Maggie Rosber
Services At St. Johns
Services at the St. John A.M.E.
Zion Church were hold Sundayp
July 27. Church school was held
at 0:45 with the assistant supcr-
, intcndcnt, Mrs. Louise Gnithcr,
in charge. All classes had good
At the 11 a.m. morning service,
the pastor. Rev. F. M. Allen,
preached from the text, "Where
there is no vision, people perish,"
Proverbs 29-10.
At 3 p.m. funeral services were
held for Mrs. Maggie Rosber. The
Rev. N. V. Jones, 'lormcr pastor
of the church .give the eulogy.
Rev. R. A. Masscy of the Presby
terian Church, also assisted.
Bio — Obituaries — 7/31/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 6, 1952 - Page 2
Mr. and Mrs. John Dewey Topping
Two Killed |
Commander John Dewcv Top*
ping, 54, U. S» Naval Reserve, Al- 'j
cxnndria, Va., and his wife, were I
inscanily killevi about 6:50 o'clock
Friday evening, five miles north J
|Of Mocksville, on the Winston* •
Salcm Highway when their car Is *
said to have skidded into the t
pathway of a Greyhound hus on \
a wet highway. TIic bus was go- > i
ins north and the car coming to* 11
ward Mocksville. It was raining'
ac the time of the accident. '
W, F. Wicker, of WlnstoivSal- \
em, was driving the bus. Deputy
Ronsom Cook said that Wicker
reported the Topping car skidjcd
The body of Mrs. Topping was
shipped to Hirmingham, Alabama
on the wet pavement and that he iiSmurduV night. Donald Topping,
was unable to stop the bus he- Pomte*Vcdra Beach, Fla., a
fore smashing into the right side ^ brother of Commander Tupping,
of the car. The bus \vas damaged nrrlvcd here Saturday night and
and tj)e car dcn)o)ished. , body of his
Commander Topping's body i brother xvas shipped to Blrming.
was brougl>t here to Slier Funeral Su»:dav evening.
Home, and the body of Mrs.-Top- J Up to this writing seven per-
ping was taken to Walker Funeral { sons have lost their lives in umo
..wrecks this year in Davic Councv.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/6/1952 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 7,1952 - Page 1
John Dewey and Gladys Webb Topping
Naval Commander And Wife
Killed In Bus-Auto Collision
No Charges Filed;
Car Skids Into Path
01 Approaching Bus
Davic County 1952 highwoy fa
talities soared to seven as the
result of n collision Friday night
between a 1050 Chrysler and a
Greyhound bus on the Winston-
Salcm highway.
Instantly killed in the crosh
were Commander John Dcwey
Topping, 54, and his wife Mrs.
Gladys Webb Topping. 52, occu
pants of the car. Their bodies
were brought to Mocksville and
shipped to Birmingham, Ala.,
where services were held Tues-
j The accident occurcd around
18:30 p.m. Friday night on high
way 156, about six miles north-
cast of Mocksvipc, during a driv
ing rain. The Topping car re
portedly skidded broadside into
the path of a Greyhound bus
which plowed into the right side
of the car, demolishing it. The
car was headed towards Mocks
ville and the bus towards Winston-
No passengers on the Grey
hound bus were injured. Consid
erable damage was done to the
front of the bus. The passengers
were transported on their way
in another bus dispatched from
Winston-Salem. 'O
Topping was public Information
oYficcr for the Navy Bureau of
Ordnance' at Washington, and
had been living tempororily at
ported on their way to Ashcvillc
where they made their perman
ent home. They were to attend,
the annual Coronation Ball Sat
urday night in Ashevillc of the
Rhododendron Royal Brigade of
Guords, a uniform-social organi
zation. Commander Topping was
organizer of the group and a
high officer. He was a nephew of
the late John Dewey, Columbiii
University philosopher, and a
brother of Mrs. Helen Topping
Miller of Skyland, noted novel
ist and short story writer.
A native of Fenton, Michigan,
he moved to Birmingham, Ala.,
where he became director of pub
licity for the State Boy Scout
Council and field executive for
the Birmingham Scout organiza
tion. He also once was editor of
the Sunday edition di the Bir
mingham Agc-Hcrald.
From 1926 until 1941 he was
publicity director of tho Ashe-
ville Chamber of Commerce and
was a district manager for Pcnn
Mutual Life Insurance Company.
He entered the Naval Reserve as
a Lieutenant in Dec., 1042, and^was
made a Lt. Commander in 1045,
and a full commander some time
W. F. Wicker of -Winston-Sa-
Icm, driver of the bus, told high
way patrolman L. E. Green that
the Topping car skidded on the
pavement directly into the path
of the bus. Dr. E. A. MacMillan
of Winston-Salcm, a passenger on
the bus. stated that the couple
must have been kilted instantly.
He pronounced them dead.
Patrolman Green stated thot so
for as ho was concerned no charg
es would be preferred against
the bus driver. Statements of
wttnesseff'supported Wicker's re
port that the car skidded directly
into the path of the bus and the
coUision was on tHe right side
of the road.
Bio — Obituaries - 8/7/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 7,1952 - Page 2
Cicero F. Ridcnhour,
58, Of Coolecmee
Cicoro Frnnklln Ridcnhour, i58,
of Coolcemcc, died ot a Salisbury
hospital Sunday oftor ol illness
of eight months. He had been
seriously ill for the past two
Ho was born in Davie County
Sept. 0, 1893. son o¥ John Frank
lin and Louise Foster Ridenhour.
Ho spent his entire life in Davic
County iind for the post 25 years
lived in Coolecmee, where he
was employed by Erwin Mills. He
was a member of the Coolecmee
Methodist Church for the past 34
years. He was maricd Nov. 13,
1015 lo Miss Sally McDnnlcl, who
Other survivors are two sons,
James and C. F. Ridenhour, Jr.,
both of Coolecmee; five daugh
ters, Mrs. Baxter Carter, Mrs.
Margaret Horstcin, Mrs. Fred
Dunn, Mrs. Charlie Jordan and
Mrs. Louis Beck, all of Coolecmee;
two brothers, Baxter Ridcnhour
of Durham and Lester Ridcnhour
of Burlington; five sisters, Mrs.
Cor) Hellnrd of Salisbury, Rt. 0,
Mrs. Clay Stccle of Salisb'uiy,
Rt. 1, Mrs. Enrl Dcdmon of Mocks-
vlllo. Rt. 4. Mrs. Tom Tiller of
Lynchburg, Va., and Mrs. Laquc
Richie of Charlotte; and eight
grandchildren. ^
Funbffitl services wore conduct
ed at Coolcemcc Methodist church
Tuesday, by Rev. Fred H. Shinn
the Rev. Kcncth Pollack and Rev.
Wondoll Klein. Durinl was in
Liberty Methodist Church ceme
Bio — Obituaries - 8/7/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 13,1952 - Page 3
Cicero Ridenhour
Cicero Franklin Ridenhour, 56,
of Cooleemcc, died at a Salisburv
hospital at 3.05 p. m., Aug.J. ofcer
an Illness of eight months. He
had been seriously III for the past
two months. '
He was bom In Davie County
Sept. 6,1893, son of John Frank*
lin and Louise Foster Ridenhour.
Ho was married Nov. 13, 1915. to
Miss Sally McDanlcl, who sur*
Other survivors are. two sons,
five daughters, two brothers, live
sisters, and eight grandchildren.
Funeral! services were conduct
ed at Coolceinee Methodist
Church at 4 p. m., Tuesday by
■^ev. Fred H. Shinn, Rev. Ken*neth Pollack and Re". Wendell
Klein. Burial was in Liberty
Methodist Church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/13/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 14,1952 - Page 4
Services Thursday
For Mrs. Richard Eaton
services for Mrs. Sarah
Jane Eaton« 85, of Mockevilo, Rt.
2, will be held at the Eaton's Bap
tist Church. Thursday at 11 a.m.
The body will lie In state from
10:30 until time for services.
Mrs. Eaton passed away at
her home on MocksviUe. Rt. 2.
Tuesday around 7:15 p.m. She
suffered a stroke i\ine weeks ago
and hod Ijccn seriously ill for the
past two weeks.
She was born in Davie County,
May 17, 1807. She was the foster-
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. K.
On June 2, 1867 she was married
to Daniel Richard Eaton and liv
ed In the Clarksville commun
ity for entire life.
Surviving arc .the husband,
three daugiiters, Mrs. Robert
Smoot, Route 1, Mrs. Zcb Brink-
ley and Mrs. W. C. Enton, both
of Rt. 2; three sons, J. L. Eaton.
W. B. Euton ond R. M. Eaton, all
oY MucksvlUc, Rt. 2; two half-
brothers, Charles Craves and
Joe Graves, both of Yadkinvlllc;
11 grand children, It great grand
Rev, E. W. Turner, Rev. Dallas
Rcncgar nnd the Rev. Wade Hut-
chens will officato at the services
Thursday morning. Burial will be
in the church cemetery. Grand
sons will serve as pallbearers.
Bio — Obituaries - 8/14/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 20,1952 - Page 2
lEdwin C. Sanford
E C Sanford, 73, well-known
and life-louts citizen of chi:i city,
uied at Mocksviile Niirsinn Home
early Friday inornini^ f iluwinR
an extciidcd l))iie:>«< His death
brouithc siidncss iu the entire eliv-
'line editor had known him for a
hulf century and \vu shall miss his
cherry itrccdntts.
Sun-1 vine arc two sons, Edwin
Sanford, or this city, and Calvin
] Sanford, of near Salisbury; three
brothers, B. and i« C, Sanford,
till tfis city, Mi'.d Fra k Sar.fitrd,
of Hen. CJ8t nvl If, two astcn,
Mrs. Robert kaiiceice, of t^hani*
'UiMiRa, Tcnn,, and Mr^ John j«
' Larew, of this city.
Fuiienil survicea were held at
liic horn, of his sister, Mrs. ohn
Larewat 11 o'clock Saturday mom>
inK* with Rev. Howard Paul olficia-
f jii(t. aod the body iaid to rest ifi
)opi)a ceinetcrv. He w;is n sun of
the lair Mr. ami Mrs. Culvin C.
Mrs, Sarah Eaton
Mr*. Sarah Jaita Batftn. W, or MooIih*
vfilo, RmtiQ 2, died ai lirr Immo Taiutdsr
ovenlna. firfhwlna » Mroke itlna weeha
saa. Bha whs mnrrleil Jotin 8. 18B7, u\
Daniel Rlohanl Caien, who aurwivtM. Mr.
a<Hi Baton had oalabratad ihetr QMa
waddiiiit annlvpriary a few days ba/oro
Mrs. Baton yraa atrtthm, Mr. Baron Is 92
years old. Mrs. Baton spam most of hot
life in Davia Couiiiy and waa o membar
of Eaton'a Uapilit Churob.
Survlvlnd in addiilna to bar buaharid
are thiae rlnitshtem, Mrs. Koban Sntoat.
of Route I; Mrs, Zeh IJIniiJey nnd Mrs. W.
C. Eotou. of Kmiie 8: ihrae boob. J. L,. W.
B. and R. M Eatnn, all of Konta 2: iwn
half bruihrfi, l^nrias nod Joe Grave*, of
Yjtdblnvlite; II lirondclillilraa and ii
gMoi srandchllrfien.
Sarvioaa wan held at 11 o, m. Tbumdny
at Eatnn'a Bppilst Church with Rav. K,
W, Turoer Rev, V^ade Mutebena and Rfv,
J P DivU nfllelntlnft. and iha body hid
to reit 10 the ehareh eomeierv.
A nobh, ChriAtlnn wotnnn baa been
esllxd 10 bar Rvord. 7o ibe asted bus
band and chtldmn Tha Record raiaoda
beartf^ iympalby In tbli asd hour.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/20/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 21,1952 - Page 2
Mrs. Ida Tatum, 84,
Mocksville, Route 4
Mrs. Ida Miller Tatum, 81, died
at 7 p.m. Sautrday at her home
at Mocksvillc, Rt. 4, in the Jeru
salem Church community after a
short Illness.
She had lived there for the
past 56 years and was a member
of Jerusalem Baptist Church for
/ 55 years, moving her membership
) from Union Lutheran Church of
,1 Rowan County. She was teacher
['of n Sunday School class of the
I Jerusalem Baptist Church for 4
['yuurs, retiring lust Chrisliiuia.
['she also was a teacher in public
schools or Davic County for sev
eral years.
She was morrlcd April, 1897, to
Albert E. Totum, who died In 1940.
She was born in Rowan County
March 21, 1866, daughter of the
late James and Mary Miller.
SurvivinV arc a son, E. Carl
Tatum of Coolcemce; two daugh
ters, Mrs. Harry B. Moore of
StatesvlIIc and Miss Annie Pearl
Tatum of the home; a half-broth
er, Ernest Miller of Spencer; six
Fumrot services were conduct-!
cd at Jerusalem Baptist Church |
' at 11 a.m. Monday by the Rev. E.
W. Turner and the Rev. J. W.'
Klein. Burial was in the church'
cemetery. '
Bio - Obituaries - 8/21/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 21, 1952 - Page 7
Odell Renegar, 31,
Of Mocksville, Route 1
Odd! Ronognr, 3I<year-old
sawmill worker of Mocksville, Rt.
1, died at Davis hospital, States-
vlllc, Saturday after a serious ill
ness which lasted a week.
A native of the community in
which he lived, Mr. RoncBar was
n son of S. H. and Lizzie Grose
Surviving along with the par
ents are the wife, the termer Inez
Smith: throe children. Brendn,
Larry, and Alice Renegar of the
homo: two brothers, Alton Reno-
gar of Mocksville, Rt. 2, and Car-
lie Renegar of Harmony, Bt. 2;
two sisters, Mrs. Nina Melton of
of Mocksville, Rt. I, ond Mrs. Ed
ward Brown of Wllkesboro and
the paternal grandparents, Mr.
ond Mrs. H. H. Renegar of Yud-
kinville, Rt. 3.
Funeral services were held
Monday at Liberty Baptist church
In Davic County with the Rev.
Tommy Luffman and the Rev. A.
J. Brackens oficiatlng. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
Final Riles Held ^ ^
For E. C. Sanford, 73
Edwin Cowle Sanford, 73, died
at a Mocksville nursing home
early Friday morning. He had
been in dcelining health several
years and seriously 111 for two
He was born in Dovio County
Feb. 2, 1879, the son of Calvin
Cowle and Mary Denny Brown
Sanford. He was associated Yor
many years with the firm of C. C.
Sanford and Sons and the San
ford Motor Company of Mocks
ville. He retired several years
Ho attended Davidson College
and was a member of the First
Prcabytcrion Church. He was
married in 1924 to Margaret
Survivors include the widow;
two sons, C, C. Sanford of Gran
ite Quarry and Edwin Sanford of
Mocksville; two sisters, Mrs. R.
F. Faucctt of Chattanooga, Tenn.,
and Mrs. J. J. Lnrcw of Mocks
ville; three brothers, T. F, San
ford of Hcndcrsonvillc, R. B.
SanYord of Mocksville, J. C. San
ford -of Mocksville; two grand
children and several nieces ondj
neohews. '
Bio - Obituaries — 8/21/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 27,1952 - Page 4
Mrs. Ida Tatum
Mrs. Ida Miller Tatum, 84, died
Aur. 16, at her hi mc at Mocks-
vilic, Rotirc 4. after a shore illness.
She had lived there for the pa&r
56 vanrs and was a mend'cr of
Jerusalem B.iptisc Church for 53
She was married Aoril, 1897, to
Albert E Tatum, uho: died in
Surviving arc a son, E. Carl
Tatum Coolcemcc; two dauRhtera.
Mrs. Harry B. Mwre of States*
vlllc and Miss Annie Pearl Tatum
of the home: a hnIf.brother, Er*
nest Miller of Spencer; six Rntnd-
Funeral services were conduct
ed at lerusalem Biipcisc Church at
11 a. m., Aur. 18th, by Rev. B.
W. Turner and J. W. Klein. Burial
was in the church cemetery. j
Mrs. Carrie Orrell
Mrs. Carrie Orrell, 74, of ne.ir
Advance, died at 9 o'clock Sun
day eyeninR, Aug. ITth, at the
Mocksvlll. Nursing Home. She
had been critically ill for a week.
Her husba d died a number of
years qko.
Survivors include twodauRhters
Mrs. Mack Penned of Tavlors-
vllle, Route 2, Mrs. Louie Zimmer
man of the Itome: rwo b»'ochcrs
Odeli Tfiompson of WiUihingtcin,
D. C., and Charles Thnmpson of
Mocksville; four sisters, Mrs. Ar
thur Ripple of Welcome, Mrs. H.
y. Oukes.^C^yjidl *I?}?ljrUA„MxS-.,
Bio - Obituaries - 8/27/1952 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 28,1952 - Page 3
Elias H. Smith, 78,
Of Mocksville, Route 1
Elias H. Smith, 78, of Mocks-
vitte, Buutc 1, died at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday after a serious Illness of
one week. He had been in a nurs
ing home at Mocksville for sever
al weeks.
Mr. Smith was a retired mer
chant ond former and had lived
in the Mocksville, Route 1, com
munity oil of his life.
He was a son of Manlcss and
, Morlho Grose Smith. Survivors
} Include his wife, Mrs. Betty
,< Smith; one brother, C. M. Smith
^'of Salisbury; one sister, Mrs. E.
L. Lapish of Kannapolis; several
nieces and nephews.
• l^oneral services were held at
• Rocky Sprlnks Baptist Church
I Monday by the pastor, the Rev.
; Glenn Allgood. Burial was in the
I church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/28/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 3,1952 - Page 2
EUas b. Smith
Ellas H. Smith. 78i of Mocks;
vllle, Route 1, died at 7:30 p. m.,
Aug. 23. nt the Mocksvlllc Nurs
ihg Home, followlnR a serious III
ncss of one week.
'Mr. Smith was n retired merch'
ant and former and hnd lived in
the Sheffield communitv most of
his life. Survivora include his
wife, one brother, C. M. Smith, of
Snilsburv; one sister, Mrs. E. L.
Loplsh. of Knnnapolis; n number
of nieces ond nephews. |
Funeral services were held at
Rocky Springs Baptist Church nc
11 0. m., Aug. 25th, >vith Rev.
Olenn Aligood ofKciating, arid the
body laid to rest in the church
Wfalter D. Smith n
Walt«r Duha Smith, B4, of Meokavtllo
Route i, died Tuesday ot Moore Geoers)
Hoiplnil. Swonnonoe. He had been in
bod henlih for some Urns. He was a ns*
tlve of Davie County, ond a well known
farmer of near Jericho He wqi a ▼eterno
of World Wfir |.
SurvlvinS nrr (he wifr, three daiinhiert,
Mrs, Clyde Vickera. of VtockBv)|]«, Route 1;
Mrs. R W. Whitaker, MocksvUlf, Route ft
MUa Pauline Smith, of the hrKne: two
fl ona Kinihroush H, Smith, (.f Baliimore.
Md.. ond Robert Smith, of Wln>ton*Snlem;
two sister*. Mrs. W. T. Pott*, nnd Mrs. J.
G. Allen, both of MocliBvlIIe. Koute 3; a
(•roiher. Willie Smith, of Fan Smlib, Ark.
and six smndchitdren.
Foneral services were held at 3 p. m,
Thursday at Center Methodist Church,
with Rev Hunh JesSup nnd Rev. William
Aflderson olHelAClaC. and the body laid to
rest in the church cemetery.
Mrs, L. F. Williams
Mrs. Marv Foster Williams, 46,
of Mocksvflle, Route 4. died In a
Salisbury hospicnl Aug. 23. after
a.t illness 4)( severnl days. She
w B a dgughter of thu late Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Foster, of this
city. She hnd beon utt cmpjovoo
of the Erwln Milts auvcral years.
Surviving arc rhu husbn td, L,
F, WilUuma, one aon, B. C, Wil
liams: two br^.thers, Robert Fes'
Cer, of Mocksyillc; lolin F. Fuscci,
of Homentcud, Flu.j one sister,Mrs. Lee Pheips, of Mocksville,
Route 4. and sevcrul nutccs andnephews.
Funeral services Were held at
the home of her aUtcr, Mrs. EcePhelps, on Route 4, at 2:30 o. m.,Aug. 25, and at 4 p. m. at SmithGrove M\,thodlst Church, wirb
Rev. Bruce Roberts, Rev. B. W.Turner and: Rev. Clttrencc Jenk
ins officiating, and the bodv laid
to rest in the church cemetery.
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 3,1952 - Page 3
John M, Ratledoe
John Ratledge, 82, we)l'known>rerired faimer, died at his home
in Clarksviilc Township at 9 p, m.
Friday. Mr. Ratledge had Been
In bad health for some time. He
was a native of this county and.
spent most of his life here. '
Funeral services wore held Sunday at 3 p. m. at Chestnut Grove'
Methodist Church with Rev. W.
C. Anderson and Rev. G. C. Gra
ham officiating and the body laid
to rest in the church cemetery.Surviving are the wife, five sons.Ralph and Charlie, of Route 2,
Fred, of Gullford; Dcwcy, of Chi
na Grove, and Duke, of Mocks-
ville: three daughters, Mrs.Turner
Ladd and Mrs. Leila Graves, of
Winston-Salcm; Mrs. Roy Dbcon,
Canu; one sister, Mrs. John Black-welder, Mocksvllle, R. 1. and
number of gnindchildren.
Bio — Obituaries — 9/3/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 4,1952 - Pages 1 & 8
Ward Charged With Murder
In Death of Edward L. Wall
John J. Ward Arrested
Monday After Shooting
At His Home Sunday
John J. Ward, 43, is in the
local Jail charged with murder.
Ho is accused of shooting Edward
Lee Wall, 10, who lived near the
Ward farm on Moeksville, Route
3, Wall was shot to death as he
was running away from Ward's
home around 3:40 p.m., Sunday
As of Tuesdoy evening Word
had not made a statement as to
why he shot young Wall. He had
indicated to Shcrift G. Alex Tuck*
cr, however. Chat he desired a
preliminary hearing. Sheriff
Tucker stated that this hearing
would probably be arranged for
sometime later this week after
consultation with Solicitor Allie
Sheriff G. Alex Tucker, Depu
ty Ransom Cook, Highway Patrol
men L. E. Green and T. J. Bad*
gett worked on the case most all
of Sunday night in an effort to
locate Ward.
Ward Charged With
mony Is expected to be taken
from the witnesses within the
next few days which will shed
more light on the Sunday after
noon affair.
According to reports of the
witnesses to officers, the pattern
of the story appears to be as
Ward surrendered to Sheriff
Tucker, Deputy Ransom Cook tod
three Davidson' County oCficert
around 9:15 Monday momlng af
ter being sought all night He was
located in a bam on the properly
of Lee Fouta, some eight milef
south of Lexington.
An autopsy showed that young
Wall died after being struck with
a bullet fired from a .38 spedal.
The bullet entered the body just
below the right shoulder b1adei»
passed through the lung, and was
Yound in the cavity of the heart.
Oodbey Aircsted
Paul Godbey, 37, a friend of
Ward's was arrested Sunday night
on the charge </i accessory after
the (act. Godbey drove Ward to
a spot between Thomasville and
Lexington a short time after the
fatal shooting.
Officers report that Godbey de
nies knowledge that Ward killed
u man when he carried him to
Lexington. Ho was released
Monday night after posting a
$1,000 bond.
Teeii-Agers Present
Five teen-agers were at the
Ward home on Sunday afternoon.
Those present were Edward Lee
Wall, Wllllnm Wall, Jerry Hen-
drix, James Gndbey, Peggy Ln-
pish and Mrs. John J. Ward.
Witnesses told qfficcrs that
Word came into (he house, got
When first being questioned
that night after the shooting, God-
boy denied to officers any know
ledge of Ward. f,ator he came to
Highway Patrolman T. J. Ead-
gett and Deputy Cook and told
of carrying Ward beyond Lexing
ton. They took Godbey with
them, and Godbey pointed out
the spot where he let Ward out.
Court records show that there
are two liquor violation charges
pending against Ward and a third
charge against his wife. The
couple failed to appear when sum
moned Yor the last term of court,
records show.
Local officers arc at work on
the case to establish the motive
for the shooting. Complete testi-
(Contlnued on Page 8)
^ t
his pistol and drove off in his
pickup truck, Officers believe he
went in the direction of Bixby on
the Mud Mill Road.
After about 15 minutes. Ward
returned and acording to witness
es came in the room and announc
ed "Let's clean house,' and be
gan shooting.
Officers found one bullet hole
in the center of the ceiling in a
front room; another bullet hole
was found through tho left wall,
(as would be determined by fao-
Bio - Obituaries - 9/4/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 4,1952 - Page 8
ing the front door); ond another
bullet hole was found on an angle
through the front wall.
Witnesses report that as the
shooting began, all scattered. Ed
ward Lee was reported to have
run through a door into a side
room, thcncc through a front door
of the house.
James Godbey told officers that
Ward came to the door through
which Edward Lee had run and
shot him (Edword Leo) when he
was approximately seven yards!
from house, near a tractor that
was in the front yard. (
Edward Lee ran approximately
77 yards and fell. Ward was re
ported to have gone over to >)vhcre
he was lying and said: "Hc*j done
forl I'm gone." Ward then got in
his pickup truck and left.
Paul Godbey told oYficcrs that
he was coming out of the drive
way of his home on the Bethel
Church road when Ward pulled
up in his truck, Godbey sold that
Ward told him: "Put your wife
and children out and follow me."
Ward then proceeded out to
highway 64, headed east, and
turned off on the Blxby-Cornat-
zcr road and went to an isolated
spot near the old Hanes farm at
which spot he abandoned his
Godbey told officers that hej
then carried Ward to a spot bc-|
twcen Thomasville and Lexington,
where he put him out.
Ward, who was a former resi
dent of Davidson County in the
vicinity of the territory in which
he was found Js believed to have
wandered around in that section
the remainder of the night.
He surrendered Monday morn
ing when he saw officers around
the house. When he surrendered
he did not have the pistol on his
I person. Officers took him baclc
! into the barn and the .38 special
was found in a Iced trough.
After being captured, Ward is
reported to have told officers
that he hitch-hlkcd to Lexington.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 4,1952 - Page 5
Services Held For
Edward Lee Wall
Edward Leo Wall wos born in
Dnvic County April 22, 1033, the
son of WllUam Harrison and
Lizzie Bell Smith Wall. He was
a sawmill worker.
Puncral services were conduct
ed at the home on Mocksvillc,
Route 3, and at Ouk Grove Meth
odist Church, Tuesday afternoon.
Rev. Hugh Jcssup and Rev. Paul
j Richards officiated. Burial was
[ in the church cemetery.
( Surviving, ih addition to the
I parents, are three brothers, James
I Wall of Mocksvillc and William,
' n Jr. and Kenneth Gerald Watt of
of the home; two sisters. Shirley
and Mary Katherine Wall of the
', homo, and the grandparents, Mr.
' and Mrs. W. A. Smith of Durham.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/4/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 4,1952 - Page 3
J. M. Ratledge, 82,
Clarksville Community
John Marshall Ratledge, 82, re*
tlreed farmer of the Clarksville
community, Mocksville, Route 2,
died at 9:20 p.m. Friday at the
home. He had been In bad health
two years and seriously ill nine
Born in Davie County, Jar.. 29,
1869, he was a son of William
and Sally Chaffin Ratledge. He
woa a member of Chestnut Grove
Methodist Church and was marr*
led in 1888 to the former Miss
Julia Hunter, who survives.
Also surviving are three daugh*
ters, Mrs. Turner Ladd and Mrs.
Lelia Graves, both of Winston*
Salem, and Mrs. Roy Dlxon of
Cana; five sons, Ralph, Duke
and Charlie Ratledge of Mocks*
villc, Fred Ratledge of Guilford
College and Dewey Ratledge of
China Grove; a sister, Mrs. John
Blackwelder of Mocksville, Rt.
1; 30 grandchildren and 17 great
Services were conducted Sun*
day at Chestnut Grove Methodist
Church by the Rev. William An*
derson and the Rev. G. C. Gra*
ham. Burial was in the church
Walter D. Smith,
64, Of Eoute 4
Walter Duke Smith, 64, of
Mocksville, Route 4, died Aug.
26 at Moore General Hospital,
Swannanoa. He had been in bad
health eight months and seriously
ill two days.
Born in Davie County Oct.l3.
1887, son of William Gordon and
Elizabeth Smith. Mr. Smith was
a well'knovvn farmer of the Jer
icho community.
A veteran of World War I, Mr.
Smith was married to Moo Omie
Cranfill, who survives.
Also surviving are three
daughters, Mrs. Clyde Vickers of
Mocksville, Route 1, Mrs. R. W.
Whitokcr of Mocksville, Route 4.
and Miss Pauline Smith of the
home; two sons, Kimbrough H.
Smith of Baltimore, Md., and Rob
ert Smith di Winston-Salem; two
sisters, Mrs. W. T. Potts and Mrs.
J. G. Allen, both of Mocksville,
Route 3: a brother, Willis Smith
of Fort Smith, Ark., and six
Funeral services were conduct
ed at 3 p.m. Thursday at Center
Methodist Church by the Rev.
Hugh Jesup and the Rev. W. C.
Anderson. Burial was in the
church cemtery.
Pallbearers were Rober, Lulh*
er and Cecil Allen, Lester Cran
fill and Willie and Lonnie White.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/4/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 10,1952 - Page 3
C. A. Tutterow
Colonc! Albert (Doc) Tutt^tow,
50, was found .dead In his bed at
11:30 a. m. Friday at the Davie
Prison Camp, where he was assist
ant superintendent. He was for
16 years a member of the Wins*
ton-Salem police force. He w s a!
member of Center M. B. Church,'
iuperintcndent of the Sunday
school and secrctarv-treasurer of
the Yadkln Valley Telephone Cor*
Mr. Tutterow was a son of the
late Mr. ond Mrs. Henry Tucce*
row, of Davit County. He . was
married In 1932 to Miss Hattle;
Mac Stoker, of Aibemarle, who
survives alonifwith two brothers,
B. F. and J. E. Tutterow, of R. i,
Mocksvllle; Eve sisters, Mrs. Edd
Walker, Mrs. Martin Latham, Mrs.
I. F. O'Neal, R. 1, Mocksville, Mrs.
Burcus Green, R. 4, and Mrs. W.
O. Murphy, ol Spencer, several
nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were held at
Center Methodise Church at 4 p.
m. Sunday with Rev. Hush les*
sop, Rev. E. M. Avett, and Rev.
W. C. Anderson olficiating, and
the body laid to rest In the church
In the death of Doc Tutterow,
Davie has lost one of her best ch
tizcns. His death has brousht
sadness to a host of friends in
this community. To the bereaved
ones we extend sincere sympathy.
J. T. Creason
Joseph Thomas Creason, 72, of
Mocksville. Route 4, died at a
Salisbury hospital at 6:35 a. m.,
yesterday after a serious illness of
one week.
He was an employe ofHrwin
Mills for 31 years, cetlrinsln 1945.
when he moved to his present
home. '
He was a member of North
Coolecmce Baptist Church. In
1900, he married the former Ida
VIckers, who survives. Other
survivors are four sons, five
daughter, a brother, a sister, 26
grandchildren and four great
Services were held at 3 p. n>.,
Thursday at the home and at 4 p.
m*, at the North Cooleemee
church with Rev. H. W. Parker
and Rev. Jimmy Croce ofitciating,
and burial was In Libcrry Cemc*
Edward Lee Wfall
Funeral services for Edward Lcc
Walt, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Wall, who was shot to death,
on Aug. 3l9t by |. Ward were
held at the home on Route 3, at
3:15 p. ^m., last Tuesday and at
Oak Orove Methodist Church at
4 p. m., Rev. Hugh Jcssup and
Rev. Paul Richords were the of
ficiating ministers. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Surviving, in addition to the
parents, arc three brothers, James
Wall of Mocksville and William
Jr., and Kenneth Gerald Wall of
the home; two sisters. Shirty and
Mary Katherine Wall of the home
and the grandparents. Mr. and
Mrs W. A. Smith of Durham.
Mrs. Carrie Lasliniit
Funeral services for Mrs. Carrie
Cornelia Loshmlt, 92, Clcmmons,
Route 1, were conducted at the
home of Mrs. R. O. Holbrook at
10:15 n. m., Sept. 2 and at Bethel
Methodist Church at U a. m«
Tlic Rev. Ed Long, assisted by
the Rev. Thomas B. Flowc, offi
ciated. Burial was in church
Mrs. Lnshmlt died Aug. 30. She
was the grandmother of H. A.
Lashmir, formerly of this city.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/10/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 11,1952 - Page 3
; Services ;Held .Sunday
ForC. A. (Doc) Tutterow
Colonel Albert (Doc) Tutter-
ow 50, WQs found dead in his
bed at 11:30 a.m. Friday at the
Davic County Prison Camp, where
he had been assistant superin^
tendent lor the past three years.
Mr. TuUcrow Is o former mcm>
'bcr of the Winston>Sa)cm Police
Deportment, with which he scrv*
•cd for 16 years. He was a member
of Center Methodist Church and
was Sunday School superintend
ent of the church. He was a char-
'tcr member of the Center Grange
and was the secretary-treasurer
of the Yadkln Valley Telephone
Membership Corporation.
Mr. Tutterow was bom in Davle
County June 24, 1602, the son of
Henry F. and Elizabeth Arrlng-
ton Tutterow,
He was married April 3, 1932
to Hattle Mac Stoker of Albe-
marlc, who survives along with
two brothers, B. F. and J. G. Tut
terow, both of Mocksvlllc. Route
1; five sisters, Mrs. Edd Walker,
Mrs. Martin Latham, Mrs. J. F.
O'Neal, all of Mocksvllle, Route 1,
Mrs. J. B. Green oY Mocksvllle,
Route 4 ond Mrs. W, O. Murphy
of Spencer
J^neral services were conduct
ed at Center Methodist Church
at 4 p.m. Sunday by the Rev.
H. D. Jcssup, the Rev. E. M. Avett
and the Rev. W. C. Anderson.
Burial was In the church ceme
Nephews who served as pall-
bcarors are Walter Anderson,
Floyd Tutterow, Ernest Murphy,
Alvin Dyson, Fred Tutterow and
Dwight Tutterow.
J. T, CreasoRf 72,
Mocksvllle, Route 4
Joseph Thomas Creason, 72, of
Mocksville, Route 4, died at a
Salisbury hospital at 6:35 a.m.
Wedncsdoy, Sept. 3 after a ser
ious illness of one week.
Born in Rowan County, Mr.
Creason was a son of James and
Carolina Hcllard Creason. He
was an employee of Erwln Mills
for 31 years, retiring In 1945, when
he moved to his present home.
He was a member of the North
Cooleemee Baptist Church. In 1600
he married the former" Ida VIck-
crs who survives.
Other survivors are four sons,
Clarence, Wilbur and Grimes
Crtason of Cooleemee and Mas
ter Sergeant Marvin A. Creason
of Fort Eustls, Vo.; live daugh
ters, Mrs. S. B. Gregory, Mrs.
Raymond House, Mrs. Clarence
Myers, Mrs. James Pierce, all of
Cooleemee, and Mrs. T. F. Alex
ander Kannapolis; a brother,
James Creason of Mucksvlllc, Rt.
4; a sister, Mrs. Dobio Vickors of
Mocksville; 26 grandchildren and
four great grandchildren.
Services were hold at 3 p.m.
Thursday at the home at 4 p.m.
at the North Cooleemee church
with the Rev. H. W. Parker ond
the Rev. Jimmy Grace officiating.
Pallbearers were Norman
Cannup, Babe Myers, Alec Gull
et, Paul Huffman, Lawrence Page
and Fred Foster.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/11/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 17, 1952 - Page 3
Mrs. John Frye
Mrs. .lohn Frye, 76, died at her
home on Route 3 Thursday even*
ing, following a serious Illness of
two dnvs.
I Mrs. Frye was bom In Yadkln
Coun^, but had lived in Davie
for the past 20 years.
Surviving are the husband; one
daughter, Mrs. Chal Smith, of
near Smith Grove; three sons. Les*
fcr, Er.fcsr and Wcldon Frye, all
of Route 4: 17 grandchildren; 3
Crcar'grandchildrcn; one brother,
Frank Potts, of Lakeland, Florida,
and Cvvn sisters, Mrs. lohn Duti'
can, of Boonviiic. and Mrs. Ben
ny Ma;twell, of Chicago.
I Funeral services were held at
! Smith Grove Methodist Church
Ut 3:30 p. m. Sunday, with Rev.
Bruce Robert^ ofHciating and the
body laid to rest in the church
Bio - Obituaries - 9/17/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 18, 1952 - Page 6
Mrs. J. L. Frye, 76,
Of Mocksville, Route 3
Mra. Rhoda Potts Fryo, 76, wife
of John Lewis Frye, died Thurs
day at the home, Route 3, Mocks
ville following a serious illness
of two days. She had been In de
clining health Yor several years.
Mra. Frye was born In Yadkin
County, Aug. 12. 1676, daughter
of Nothan and Zodo Scars Potts.
She had resided in Davic County
for 20 years and moved to the
Smith Grove community 8 years
ago. She was married to Mr. Frye
in lOOO.
Surviving the the husband: one
daughter, Mrs. Chal Smith of
Mocksville, Route 3: three sons,
Lester, Ernest and Weldon Frye,
oil of Mocksville, Route 4; 17
grand children; throe great-grand
children; one brother, Frank B.
Potts of Lakeland, Flo.; and two
sisters, Mrs. John Duncan of
Boonville nnd Mrs. Benny Max
well of Chicago, 111.
funeral] services were held
Sunday ot the Smith Grove Meth
odist Church. Rev. Bruce Rob-
crs and Rev. Charles Kutchcns
officiated. Burial was in the
Churcl) cemetery.
Pnllbcorcrs were: Paul Bowles,
George Hcndrix, John Whlllock,
Roy and Hospcr F. Foster and
John Grocc.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/18/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Bdhinson died Sept
ST'the a« of 79 *» Davie Co^KSi ^ 7» years. He was bom March 8 1878g "J-'fe by c^.. F. iM ShiS?-
who^oM^^^ k'li® ®' *° Mattie Ridtaro-'c%^K survives. The childreny • *-*;o*les F. of Cooleemee, Capfc Frank H of U e
Shore 5" I^mston; and Mrs. R. D.ffn.n,► «.»!.» Kij i fp-andchildren and fiveff'^^^children also survive
and for ^ chndhoodand eommt„.-2y" ® ccntury, served his churchwhcrev^h^« capacities whenever and
Funeral services were held Sent oa :« *v i?
wia'asLfoSls SnSi/*™'"'*'"
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 24, 1952 - Page 2
Chas, F. Coon
' Charlie F. Coon, 90, died ot his
home on Roi>ee 2, Friday morn-
ing, foMowinu nn extended illness.)
He was born In Davie County, I
and Wii8 a retired farmer and u)
iiicinbcr of Union Chapel Mctho* j
disc Church. i
' Surviving arc two nieces. Mrs. j
C. \V O'Ndlj and Mrs. Carl Kes j
tier, of Route 2j two nephews,
F. and K. B. Womack, of Oirni-
ingham, Ala.
Funeral services were held at 3
p. tn. Sunday. at Union Chapel
Methodist Church with Rev. W.
C.-Anderson and Rev. F. R. Lof-
lln olHciating. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/24/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 25, 1952 - Page 2
C. F. Coon, 90,
Of Davie County
Charlie Fisher Coon, 90, died at
his home on Mocksvillc Rt. 2, at
1:05 a.m. Friday. He had been in
bad health several years and ser
iously ill for the past few weeks.
lie was born in Davie County
Oct. 6, 1801, son of Frank and
Su.<;on Rose Coon. He was a well
known retired farmer and a mem
ber of Union Chapel Methodist
Survlvlnfi are two nieces, Mrs.
C. W. O'Ncil and Mrs. Carl Kces-
Icr, Mocksvillc. Rt. 2; two neph
ews, W. F. Womack and K. B.
Womack of Birmingham, An.
Puncral services were held at
3 p.m. Sunday at Union Chapel
Methodist Church, with the Rev.
W. C. Anderson and the Rev. Fos
ter Loftin officiating.
Pallbearers were Early Bogcri
Ed O'Ncil, Bob Coon, Norman
Rummage, Buy Holmon and Craie
A. L. DayvauH, 68,
Passes Sunday
A. L. Dayvault, 68, well known
retired farmer oY the County Line
Community in Davie County, died
Sunday following a heart attack.
Mr. Dayvault was a native of
Davie County. He and his wife,
the former Elizabeth Smoot, wore
both life-long residents of the
Surviving in addition to his
wife are four children, Ted and
Samuel L. Dayvault of Mocks
villc, Rt. 1, Mrs. Joe E. Johnson
and Mrs .Milton CIcary, both of
Statcsvillc; three brothers, Robin
Dayvault of Landls, Joel and Will-
lam Dayvault of Mocksville, Rt.
1, and a sister, Mrs. Richard Mc-'
Daniel of Statcsvillc, Rt. S. ,
Funeral services were conduct-,
ed at 3 p.m. Monday at Salem
Methodist Church in Davie Coun
Servic^es Tuesday For
Mrs. Julia Tayes, 63
Mrs. Julia Stevenson Tayes, 63,
wfjc of A. W. Tayes of Mocksvillc,
Route 1, died at 3:15 p.m. Sunday
at the home of a daughter, Mrs.
Frank Potts, Mocksville, Route
She suffered a hearth attack ond
her death was unexpected.
She was born in Davie County
April 7, 1889, ond had spent her
entire life in the county.
Surviving arc the husband; two
daughters, Mrs. Frank Potts ond
Mi^s. Churlie Putts of Mocksvillc
Route 3; one son, J. W. Tayes of
Beach Haven, N. J.; one sister,
Mrs. Minnie Goodman of Spart-
anbuvg, S. C.; four grandchildren
and one great grandchild.
Puncral; services wore held at
2 p.m. Tuesday at the Center
Methodist Church.
The Rev. Hugh Jcssup and the
Rev. Wade Hutchens officiated.
Burial was in the church ccme*
Bio - Obituaries - 9/25/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 25,1952 - Page 6
P. G. Byerly, 55,
Mocksville, Route 3
Funeral services for Paul Glenn
Bycriy, 55, who died Monday
night at his home Mocksville, Rt.
3, were held Wednesday at Fork
Baptist Church. The Rev. L. M.
Tcnnery officiated. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Mr. Bycriy, who had been in
ill health (or a year and in a
critical condition two months,
was born in Davie County. Aug.
31, 1897, son ofi l^athanicl and
Jenny Edfubcth Mason Bycriy.
He resided in Winston>Solem for
12 years and was employed by the
Bahnson Company. He mavcd to
the Pork community two years
Surviving arc the wibow, the
former Miss Blanche L. Sain to
whom he was married in 1920;
one son, Paul Bycriy of Winston-
Salem; four brothers, W. €., W.
D. and F. L, Byerly of Winston-
Salcm and K. M. Bycriy of South-
port; and two sisters, Mrs. Grace
Surge and Mrs. Louise Pcraulth
of New York City,
Services Tuesday For
F. H. Bahnson, 79
Funeral services for Francis
Henry Bahnson, 79, of Farming-^
ton, Davie County, were held ot.
the Farmington Methodist church |
at 3 p.m. Tuesday by the Rev, 0.
C. Graham and the Rev. J. W.
Vestal. Burial was in Farming-
ton Cemetery with Masonic
graveside services. |
Pollbcarcrs were G. H. Hart-
man, C. B. Scats, S. W. Furchcs-
F. R. Furchcs, John Seals, and
W. S. James.
Mr. Bahnson dica unexpectedly
at 6 a.m. Monday while tending
his cattle near home. He was a
member of Farmington Metho
dist Church for almost SO years,
and for anumbcr of years had
served on the Board of Stewards
and as Sunday School Supcrln-'
tendcnt. He was a member and
past master of Farmington Ma
sonic Lodge 265. j
He was married June 3, 1890, to
Miss Mattic Rich who survives.
Also surviving arc three daugh
ters, Mrs. Lester Martin of Mocks
ville, Mrs. A. A. Holloman of
Kinston, and Mrs. R. D. Shore of
the home; two sons, Charles F.
Biihnson of Cootccmcc. Frank F.
Bahnson, Jr., now with the arm
ed forces in Frartce: nine grand
children and five great-grand
Bio - Obituaries - 9/25/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 1,1952 - Page 1
Mrs. Julia Tayes
Mrs. FuHa Stevenson Tayes, 63,
wife of A. W. Taves of Mocks-
vilte, Route 1, dl^d Sept 2l8t at
the home of a daughter, Mrs*
?fank Potts, MocksvUleJ Route I.
She sutfered a heart attack and
her death was unexpected.
She was bom in Davie County
April 7,1669, and had soenc het
entire life in the county.
Suiviving are the husband; two
daushters, one son, four itrand-
children and oneRreatistandchild.
FunetaJ services were held at
Center Methodist Church, list
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o*cl<^
and the body laid to test in the
church cemetery, with Rev, Hugh
lessup officiattog.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/1/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 1, 1952 - Page 2
F. H. Bahnson
fPuneraJ services tor Francis
Henry Bahnson, 79,. of Farming
ton, ivas held at (he Farmington
Methodist Church at 3 p. m., last
Tuesday by Rev. G. C. Graham
and Rev. J. \V. Vestal. Burl.nl was
' in Farmington Cemetery with
Masonic graveside services.
I Mr. Bahnson died unexpectedly
at 8 a. m., Sept. 22nd while tend*
. Ing his cattle near home. He was
0 mcmbet of Fnrmlngton Mcihcv
dist Church for almost 70 years,
and for 50 years had served on
the Board of Stewards, and was
for years Sunday School Supcrln.
ten'cnr. He was a member and
past master of Parmlngton Ma
sonic Lodge No. 265. He had
been a member of this Lodge for
54 years.
He was married June 3.1896, to
Miss Maiti Rich who survives.
Also surviving are three daughters
Mrs. Lester Martin of Mocksvillc,
Mrs. A. A. Holtoman of Kinston,
and Mrs. R. D. Shore of the home;
two sons, Charles F. Bahnson of
Coolccmec, Frank H. Bahnson Jr.,
now with the armed forces in
France; nine grandchildren and
five ereat-grandchlldren.
In the death of Mr. Bahnson,
Davic County 'has lost ait out*
standing citixen, o gentleman of
the old school. His death has
brought sadness to the commun-
icy where he spent a long, useful
life. To the wile and children
The Record extends sincere sym*
pnthy in t eir great bereavement.
A, L. Daywalt
A. L Daywnlc. 68, wcll knotvn
retired farmer of the County Line
Community i n Davie County,
died Sept. Zlst.
Mr. Davw.,lt was a native of
Davie County He and his wife,
the former Elizabeth Smoot, were
both llfc'long residents of the com*
Surviving, in addition to his
wife, arc four children, Ted and
Samuel L. Daywalt of Mocksvillc,
Route 1, Mrs. J<>c H. Johnson and
Mrs. Milton Cleary, both of Sta.
tcsvlllc; three brothers, Robin
Dayw.-ilr, of Landis; Joel and W.
T. Daywalt, of .Mocksville, R. 1,
and a sister, Mrs. Richard Mc
'Daniel of StafesvUle, Route 5.
Ftinero) services were conduct
ed at 3 p. m., Sept. Z2nd at Salcn)
Methodist Church, with Rev.
Hugh JcBsup officiating and the
body laid to rest In the church
Mr. Daywalt's death brought
sadness to a bust o f. friends
throughout Caiahaln Township
where he spent a long and useful
life. To the bereaved wife, chilch
ren, brothers and sisters, The Re»
cori fxicnds slhctre svmpathx.
Another long lime friend ha* p. *•
sed over the river to rest under
the shade of the trees.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/1/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 1,1952 - Page 3
P. G. Byerly
Paul Glenn Byerlvi 55» died at
his home In Davle County at 7 p.Im., Monday.
He was the ton of the late Mr.
and Mn. N. G. Bverly and was a
native of Davle County, although
he resided in Wlntton'Salem for
many years until his heath failed
about a year ago.
Surviving are h I s wife, Mri.
Blanche Sain Bverly; one ton
Paul William Bycrly of Winston-
Salem; two sisters, Mrs. Grace
Burge and Mrs. Hector Perroult,
both of New York: four brothers.
W.C..W. D., K. M., and F. L.
Byerly, all of Wlntton'Salcm.
Funeral services were held at
Fork Baptist church at 2 p. m.,
Wednesday. '
Funeral services were held at
Fork Baptist church at 2 p. m..
Wednesday. Rev. L. M. Penry
Frank Ijames
Funeral services for Frank S.
Ijames, 79, of Guilford, were held
at 11 0. m. Saturday at Center
Methodist Church, and burial was
in the church cemetery.
Mr. Ijames died Thursday In a
Greensboro nursing home. Sur
viving asc two sons, four daugh"
ters, one brother and one sister,
Mrs. Will Click, of Cooleemee.
Bio — Obituaries - 10/1/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 2,1952 - Page 3
F. M. Frye, 32,
Native of Davie
Floyd Martin Frye, 32. o(
Myrtle Point, Ore., a native of
Davie County, died Saturday,
Sept. 20, at Myrtle Point, friends
learned here yesterday.
Born July 29, 1920, In Davie
County ,Mr. Frye was a son of
the Rev. F. W. and Emma Couch
He was a veteran of World War
n and had resided in North Car
olina until this year ,when he
moved to Oregon.
Surviving are his step-mother,
Mrs. Linnie Frye of Troutmon;
two sons, Laddie and Charles
Frye of Lincolnton,* a 'daughter,
Sharon Lee Frye of Ekln; four
brothers. Curie Frye of Salisbury,
Reoth L. Frye of Baltimore, Md.,
Conrad C. Frye of Concord and
James Frye oi Norfolk. Va.; and
one sister, Mrs. Mory C. Seobalt
of Mount Pleasant.
Funoraij services were held at
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church
Monday at 2:30 p.m. The Rev.
Lloyd Parduc officiated. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 2, 1952 - Page 4
Noah Lonnie Young
Funeral services for Noah
Lonnie Voung, 41, who burned to
death early Sunday morning at o
rooming house In Winston-Salcm,
were held Monday at the Fulton
Methodist Church. Rev. E. A.
Fitzgerald and G. L. Wilkinson
officiated. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Young's charred body woalfound
by firemen in a crouching posit
ion near a side window of his
bedroom. Apparently Young had
awakened and made an attempt
to escape through the window be
fore he collapsed.
Fire damage to the house was
confined to Young's room, the
adjoining hall, a portion of the
attic and an odjaccnt storage
room. Only the bcdsprings, which
had burned into the floor, and a
few scraps of photographs and
Army discharge papers remained
of the contents of the bedroom.
The cause of the fire was listed
on Fire Department reports os
due to "smoking in bed." Dr. W.
N. Dalton. Forsyth County Cor
oner, said that death was due to
bums and Investigating police de
tectives said there v.-as no evidence
of foul play.
Mr. Young was born in Davie
County on April 1, 1911, a son dt
Noah F. and Lula Frye Young.
He spent his early life in Davie
near Fulton Ferry and moved to
Winston-Salem some 20 years
He served in (he U. S. Army
during World War II, spending
about 32 months overseas. He
was a member of the Fulton Meth
odist Church.
Besides his father, survivors
include a twin brother, George
Young of Hancs, another brother,
Leslie Young of Davie County;
and one sister, Mrs. R. F. Miller of
Bio - Obituaries - 10/2/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 2,1952 - Page 4
Mrs. Charles T. Carter,
75, of Cooleemee
Mrs. Fannie Darcus Carter, 75,
widow of Charles T. Carter of
Cooccxncc, died at 6 a.m. Sundoy
in Rowan Memorial Hospital. She
had been seriously ill for three
Mrs. Carter was born In Ro
wan County, Oct. 15, 1877, and
had lived in Cooleemee for the
past 50 years.
Survivors include five sons, Ed,
Lombs, Sidney and Baxter Car
ter of Cooleemee, and Harry Car
ter of Mocksvllle, Route 2; two
daughters, Mrs. W. S. Gales oi
Lc.xington and Mrs. George Good
man of Cooleemee; 20 grandchil
dren and 10 great grandchildren.
Funcmli services were hold at
4 p.m. Tuesday at the Caolccmee
Episcopal Church of the Good •
Shepherd by the Rev. L. G. Rob-^
crhson. Burial was in the North
Cooleemee Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Fred Dunn,
Fred Fierce, Carl Mcsslck, Char
lie Jordan, Tom Webb and W, W,
Webb. I
Bio - Obituaries - 10/2/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 9,1952 - Page 9
Mrs. Nancy Jane Groce, 81,
widow of Isaac F, Groce, died ot
1:30 o.m. Friday ot the home of
a son, Ernest Groce, Cona, Route
1. She had been 111 six months
and In a serious condition for the
post three weeks.
Mrs. Grove was born In Yadkin
County Dec. 23, 1670, a daughter
of Frank and Rebecca Athan Lin-
ville. She was a life member of
the Mount Olive Methodist Church
ot Wyo. Her husband died in 1636.
Surviving arc two sons, Ernest
Groce of Cono, Route 1, and Clif
ton Groce of Winston-Salcm; one
daughter, Mrs. S. W. Rupard of
CIcmmons, Route 1; one sister,
Mrs. Minnie Kiger of Winston-
Solcm, and 10 grandchildren.
Funerolj services were held at^
2:30 p.m. Sunday ot Mount OUvej
Methodist Church with the Rev.
John Oakley and the Rev. G. C.'
Graham officiating. Burial was in
the church cemetery. |
Pallbo.nrqrs_were B. C. White,
Philmore White, Bud Harpe, Rob
ert Linville, Ralph Linville and
Dewey Lane.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/9/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 9, 1952 - Page 9
Thomas Augustus Gaither, ?8,
died at his home, Mocksvllle, Rt.
1, at 1:30 a.m. Tuesday. He had
been In declining huulth for eight
months and seriously ill for three
Mr. Goithcr was a retired saw*
mill operator of the Sheffield
He was born in Davie County
MorcK-'3 1874, a son of Francis
and Sarah Shaw Gaither.
He was morrlcd to Miss Crau*
" Pf Roberta Wllkins, who survives
together with four daughters,
Annie Lou Gaither of the home,
Mrs. J. L. Shore of Danville. Vo.,
Mr."*. C. M. Moadfiv of Lrvington,
Mrs. Guy V. Wilkinson of WhsIi*
"TigTofrNT'Crr^our sons'rVv. C%nJ
R. A. Gaither of Harmony, J. P.
Gaither of Statc&vlllc, C. M. Gal*
thcr of Keystone, W. Va.; a broth
er, J. Arthur Gaither of Har
mony: two sisters. Miss Betty
Gnlther of Harmony. Route 1, ond
Miss Annie Beatrice Gaither of
Salisbury; 21 grandchildren and
12 grcnt-grnndchildrcn.
Funeral services will be con
ducted ot New Union Methodist
Church Qt 11 a.m. Thursday by
the Rev. W. C. Anderson, the
Rev. Foster Loflin ond the Rev.
Mr. Poolc. Burial will bo in the
church cemetery. Grondsona will
be pallbearers.
G. R, Shinault, 86,
Of MocksviUe, Route 2
George Rufus Shlnault, M. of
Mockaville, Route 2, died at 1:15
a.ni. Monday following a serious
illness of three weeks. He had
been in declining health for five
He was born In Surry County
Feb. 27.1666, a son ot Henry and
Sally Shlnault. He was married
'to Frances Whitt, who died In
Mr. Shlnault moved to Davie
from Guilford County In 1636. He
was a well-known farmer of the
Clarksvillc community,
Survivors Include a foster son,
Biainc Green, a foster daughter,
Mrs. Anno Finlcy, both of Mocks*
villc, Route 2; three half-broth
ers, Tom Doss of Colfax, Jim
Doss of White Plains and John
Doss of Dobaon; one half-sister.
Mrs. Johnny Shinuult uf Pilot i etcry, Surry County,
Funeral services were cnduci-
cd at the home by the Rev. Don
ald Rcavis ond the Rev. Albert
Burial was in the Corinth Cem-
Bio - Obituaries - 10/9/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 15,1952 - Page 2
R. M. Sherrill
R. M. Sherrill, 81, retired fnrm
cr, died at his home, Moct<svlllc,|
Route 2, ar 4 a, m., U'cdnesday
after n o»c>dav Illness.
Surviving arc the wife; four
daughters, six sons and 10 grand*
Funeral services were held at 11
a. m-S Friday at Cltcstnut Grove
Methodist Church. Rev. W. C.
Anderson and Rev. BilUc Sides
olHclntcd. Burial was in Salnc
Michaels ccnacterv at Troutman.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/15/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 16,1952 - Page 11
R. M. Sherill, 81,
Mocksville, Route 2
Rnnlous Monroe Shcrrllt, 81,
retired farmer, died at his home,
Mocksvillc, Route 2, Oct. 8, after
a onC'doy Illness.
Me was born In Alexander
County Sept. 27, 1871.
. Surviving arc the wife, four
daughters, Mrs. W. F. Lipe of
Konnopolls, Mrs. H. B. Hcndrix
and Mrs. J. P. Rcavls, both of
Mocksvillc end Mrs. D. L. Essie
of Winston-Salcm^six sons, E. M.
Sherrin, A. R. Shcrill, R. B. Sher-
rill and A. C. Shcrill, all of Kan-
nopolls, Paul Sherrill of Mocks
villc and Howard Sherrill of the
home; and 10 grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Fri-
doy at the Chestnut Grove Meth
odist Church. The Rev, W. C.
Anderson ond the 'Rev. Blllic
Sides officiated. Burial was In
Solnt Michaels cemetery at Trout-
man. Nephews served as potl-
Bio - Obituaries - 10/16/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 22,1952 - Page 2
Capt Chas. Domm
Capt. Chns. P. Oomm. 80, died
at his home in North Mocksville
Saturday morninB, followinc a cri*
tkal illness of two weeks. His
wife, the former Miss Anne Tul
belt, died May 16(h. Survivini;
is one dnushtcr, Mrs. Ru h Phcl-
an, of Pomona, Cnliforniii.
Capt. Domm was appointed to
West Point bv President William
McKlnlcy, and was n vctenin of
both the Spnnish-Amcrknn and
World War I. He hud resided In
this city for nine years.
Funeral services were held at'
the home at 3:30 p. m. Sunday, j
with Rev. W. Q. GriBR and Rcv.|
W. E Fittgcrald officinclnc, and'
the body laid to rest with full mlhj
itnry honors in the Advcncej
Baptist Church cemcicw. Cnpt.'
Domm had mnnv friends In this
city who were saddened by news
of his death.
W'm. C. Pierce
William G. Pierce, 67, retired
textile worker of Cuoleemce, died.
In the Mocksvlllo nursing home'
at 2 p. m., Oct. 13. He had been i
seriously 111 for some time. •
Survivors include one son, onej
daughter, two brothers and onc^
Funeral services were held at
Woodleaf Methodist Church at 4,
p. m. Wednesday bv Rev. I. C.
. Swalm and Rev. L G. Robertson,
j Burial was in the church cemetery, j
W. Frank Vogler
William Prank VoRler, 45, well-
known Advance mcrcliant, died
Saturday ut 5:30 p. m. bt his home.
He had been in bad health for se
veral years, bur his death came as
a severe shuck to his family and
the entire community. Mr. Vo
gler spe -.c his entire life In Davie
County. He w.is a inciuber of
Advance Methodist Church.
Survlvlnc arc the wife, two
sons. Bill hnd Dick Voulcr, one
daughter, Nancy Vogler, all of
the home} five brothers, C. R., A.
E., Jack, N. S. nnU E E Vogler,.
all of Advance; two sisters, Mrs.
M. A. Hnrcm.in, Winston-Salem,
and Mrs. 1. H. Jones, Advan^
Funeral sen/ices were held ot
the home at 2 p. m. Monday, and
at Advance Mcihodist Church at
2:30 p. m., with Rev. W. B. FItz-'
gerald and Rev. R. J. Starling of
ficiaiing, and tiic body laid to rest'
in the church cemetery. |
The Record extends henrtldt
syimpathy to the bereaved f.<mllv.
brothers and sisters in this hour
of sadness. Another friend of the
editor has gone to hk reward. ^
Bio - Obituaries - 10/22/1952
Floyd S. Stroud
Floyd S. Stroud, 79, retired for
mer oj near County Line, died at
his home Tuesday, after a brief
Surviving are three chlldicn,
Ray, of near Countv Line; Rob
ert. of Lnncnstcr. Pn., and Miss
Ruby Stroud, of the home; one
brother, Frank Stroud, of Route
4, Stntcsville. His wife died three
years ago,
Funeral services were held at If
a. m. Tliursdav at Pleasant View
Baptist Church, with Rev. Cald-
wcll Henderson, Rev. Irvin Wal
lace and Rev. Wnde Hutchins of
ficiating, and the body laid to rest
in the church ccinctcrv.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 23,1952 - Page 1
Capt. Domm
Dies At 79
Captain Charles F. Domm. 79.
retired Army officer, died at his
home in MocksvtUe at 10:40 a.m.
Saturday. He had been 111 for
several months.
Captain Domm was born at
Cincinnati. Ohio, Nov. 23, 1873, a
son of John and Elizabeth Beres-
ford Domm. He was educated at
Ohio State Military Academy,
and was appointed to U. S. Mili
tary Academy at West Point by
President McKinley in 1898.
Enlisting in the Army in April,
1898. he served in the Spanish-
American War and in World War
I, retiring in 1020 with the rank
of captain.
He had been' a resident of
Mocksvillc for the past nine years.
He was a member of the Mocks-
ville Methodist Church and Davie
County Post 174 of the American
Coptain Domm was married to
Miss Ann Talbcrt of Ddvie Coun
ty who died last May 16.
Survivinc is a dauchter. Mrs.
Ruth Phclon of Pomona, Calif.
Funeral! services were conduct
ed at the residence at 3:30 p.m.
Sunday by the Rev. W. E. Fitz-
ficrald and the Rev. W. Q. Grlggs.
Graveside services were conducted
at Advance Baptist Church Ccmc-
teiy with full military honors by
National Guardsmen Yrom Wln-
Pallbearers were Ed Latta, J.
R. Bowles, R. F. Kemp, Grady
Word, Robert Hcndricks, Worth
Hcndricks, oWcrdow Wilson and
Hillary Arnold.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/23/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 23,1952 - Page 9
W. H. Peacock, 100,
Of Mocksville, Route 3
William H. Peacock, 100, the
oldest resident of Davlc County,
died in his sleep Friday night at
home, Mocksville, Route 3.
Mr. Peacock apparently was in
bis usually good health when he
retired Friday night. He was
found dead Saturday morning.
The centenarian was born in
Ircdcll County in 1852, the son of
a blacksmith, Wlltiam ePacock.
His mother was Mrs. Jane Tutt-
croW(( Peacock.
He moved with his parents to
Davic County when a child. For
the past IS ycors he had made his
home in thcOak Grove cominun*
ity. He was' o retired farmer.
Mr. Peacock's wife, who wns
Mary Annette Gaithcr, died in
Surviving are three half-sis
ters, Mrs. R. W. Daniel of Mocks
ville, Rt. 4, Mrs. Roxtc McDan-
icl of Winston-Solcm, and Mrs.
C. T. Coble of Faycltcvlllo.
Funeral itervleeit were conduct
ed at Oak Grove Methodist church
by the Rev. H. D. Jcssup and the
Rev. Lowrcnce Bowles. Burial
wos in the church cemetery.
W. F. Vogler
Of Advance
Wiliam Frank Vogler, 45, died
at his home in Advance Saturday
He had been in declining health
for five years, but death was un«
Mr. Vogler wos bom in Davic
County Fob. 26, 1907, the son of
E. E. and Sallie Belle Sheek Vog
ler. He spent his entire life in
Davic County and operated Vog-
lor's Slofe lor 22 years.
He was a member of Advoncc
Methodist Church and Advance
Civic Club. He was morricd April
11, 1029, to Mary Myers, who sur
vives. along with two sons, Bill
and Dick Vogler, ond a daughter,
Nancy Vogler, all of the home;
five brothers, C. R., A. E., Jack, N.
S. and E. E. Vogler, all of Ad
voncc; two sisters, Mrs. M. A.
Hartman of Winston-Salcm and
Mrs. I. H. Jones of Advoncc.
Funeral crviccs were conduct
ed at the home Mondoy ond at Ad
vance Methodist Church at 2:30 p.
m. by the Rev. W. E. Fitzgerald
ond thc'Rev. R. J. Starling. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
Bio — Obituaries - 10/23/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 29,1952 - Page 2
Mrs. S. C. Phelps
Mrs. Conrad Phelps. 63. of Jc*1
rusalcm Tov^nship. died at DavU'
Hospital, Sc tesvlile, Thursday cv*
eninRi following an illness ofsomu
Survlying ore one adopted dau'
ghtcn one sisceri Mrs. O. W. Fog |
ner, of Salisbury; three brotherft. i
W. S. Leonard. China Grove; C.
T. Leonard, Sal'shury. a^td I. C*-
Leonard, Kannapolis.
Funeral services were heJJ at
Liberty Methodist Church at 3
p. m., Saturday, with Rev. G. W.
Pink ofHciating, and the body laid
10 rest in the church cemetery. i
Bio - Obituaries - 10/29/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 30,1952 - Page 8
Mrs. Martha Phelps,
62, of Davie County
Mrs. Martha Jane Phelps, 62,
widow of Conrad Phclps of Route
4. Mocksvillc. died in a Statcsville
Hospital at 6:30 p.m. Thursday.
She had been seriously III for four
Mrs. Phclps was born In David-
son County June 6.1890, a daugh
ter of Ell and Sarah Bornos Leon
ard. She wos a resident of Cool-
ccmcc tor 35 years before moving
to Mocksville, Rt. 4, Your years
Mrs. Phcips' husband died in
October, 1650.
Surviving are on adopted
daughter, Sylvia: a sister, Mrs. O.
W. Fogncr of Salisbury, ond three
brothers, W. S. Leonard of China
tJuve, C. T. I^conard of Salisbury
and J. C. Leonard of Kannapolls.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at Liberty Methodist church at
3 p.m. Saturday. The Rev. G. W.
Fink officiated. Burial was In
the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/30/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 5,1952 - Page 1
Mrs. F. Foster
Mrs. Frances Hinkle Foster, 88,
died Saturday at a Mocksville
nursing home. She had been df
for ft ycnr.
Bom No\s 15, 1864, in Davie
County, she wos a daughter of
George and Susan Dwl gins Hin*
kic. She had been a resident of
die North Cooleetnee communtCyj
for the past 35 years, and was aj
member of Cooiccmce Methodise
Surviving arc one half sister,
Mrs. J. A. Boger of Greensboro,
one halhbrother, P. R. Hinkle of
Advance, Route 2; and several
nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were conduct
cd at 2:30 p. m., Cundav, at Cen
ccr Methodist Church by Rev.
Hugh Jessup. Burial was in the
church comctcrv.
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 5,1952 - Page 3
Miss Kate Brown
Miss Kate Brown, 68, a life
long resident of Davie County,
died at the home of Miss Ullie
Meronev on Salisbury street at 10
o'clock Friday morning, following
an illness of only a few hours.
Miss Brown had spent most of
her life in Mocksville. •.
Surviving are the following ne
phews and nieces: Miss Lillie
Meroney, of this city; Mrs. John
Hodges, of Lexington; Miss Daisy
Turner and Brown Turner, of
Route 4, and R. S. Meroney, of
Funeral services were held at 3
p. m. Saturday at the First Me
thodist Church, with her pastor,
Rev. W. Q. Grigg ofHciatlng. and
the body laid to rest In Toppa
''Miss Kate," as she known by
a host of friends, will be missed
in this city, where she lived since
early childhood.
Mrs. M. Roadman
Mrs. Mollie Roadman, former
resident of Davlc County, died at
St Petersburg, Fla., Thursday af
ter a long illness.
Funeral services were held at II
a. ro, Saturday at Center' Metho
dist Church, and the body laid to
rest In church cemetery.
Mrs. Roadman was bom In Da
vie f^ounty, a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Perry Casey. She has lived
in Pennsylvania and Florida for
many years. Only survivors are
nteces.and nephews. '
Bio - Obituaries - 11/5/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 5, 1952 - Page 3
J. M. Haneline
J. Moody Haneline, 50, died
Wednecday evening a t 9:30
o^clock ac che home of hit ion
Moody, in South MocksvlDc. He
had been ill for che paae year.
Funeral tervicet were held ac
che home at 2 p. m., Friday, with
Rev. A. J. Cox officiating, and the
body laid to rest In Union Chapel
Methodist Church cemetery.
Surviving are two lona, 1. M. Tr.,|
and C. E. Haneline, of Mockaville;
three daughcert, Mrs. Bill Bram*
ham, of Mockaville; Mrs. Marlene
Reeves, and Miss Barbara Ann
Haneline, of Greenville. S. C.,
two bcochersi Harrison and Row
land Haneline, o f Mockaville,
three sisters, Mrs. Walter Call, of
Mockaville; Mrs. Mamie Byerly,
of Lexington, and Mrs. Arthur
Campbell of Statesvillc.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/5/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 6,1952 - Page 3
Jake Moody Haneline,
50, Mocksville Barber
Jake Moody Haneline, SO, a
barber in Mocksville for many
years, died at 0 p.m. Wednesday
at the home oY a son, J. M. Hane
line. Jr., in Mocksville. He had
been seriously ill for six weeks.
Mr. Haneline was born in Yad-
kin County July 26, 1920, a son
of D. M. ond Martha Armsworthy
Haneline. Ho had resided here for
many years.
Surviving are two sons, J. M.,
Jr., and E. C. Honclinc of Mocks
ville; three daughters, Mrs. W. W.
Branham of Mocksville, Mrs. Mar-
lone Reeves and MKss Barbara
Haneline of Greenville, S. C.; four
grandchildren; two brothers, R.
H. and Roland Haneline of
Mocksville; and three sisters, Mrs.
W. L. Coll of Mocksville, Mrs.
Mamie Bycrly of Lexington ond
Mrs. A. G. Campbell of States-
Funeral services were conduct-
Miss Kate Brown
Dies At Age 88
Miss Mlntie Xatherine Brown,
68, died at her home in Morks-
ville at 10:15 a. m, Friday after an
Illness of one day.
Miss Brown was born In Davie
County Dec. 29, 1883, the daugh
ter of Burton and Hattic Bivens
; Brown. She was an employee of
the poato! department for many
years and was operator of the
Mocksville telephone exchange
several years ago. She spent her
entire life in Mocksville. j
She was a member of Mocks
ville Methodist church. She is sur-'
vivcd by three nieces, Miss Llllle
Mcroncy of Mocksville, Mrs. J.
C. Hodges of Lexington and Miss
Daisy Turner of Mocksville, Route
4; two nephews. Brown Turner
. of Mocksville, Route 4, and R. S.^
.|Meroncy of Asheville. {
Bio - Obituaries - 11/6/1952
ed at the home of a son, J. M.
Haneline. Jr., by the Rev, A. J.,
Cox and the Rev. Mr. Jones, Fri
day at 2 p.m. Burial was in the
Union Chapel Church Cemetery.
Nephews were pallbearers.
Funerol services were conduct
ed at Mocksville Methodist Church
Saturday by the Rev. W. Grigg.
.Burial was In Joppa Cemetery.
rs. Mollie Roadman^
Davie County Native
Mrs. Mollie Casey Roadmon.
former resident of Mocksville,
died Thursday at St'. Petersburg,
Fla., after a long Illness.
The body was brought here
and funeral scrvlcc.s were held
Saturday at Center Methodist
Church. Burial was In the church
cemetery. Nephews were pallbcqir-
Mrs. Roadman was born In
Davie County, a daughter of E.
Barry and Camilla Casey. She left
Mocksville about 35 years ago and
lived In Pcnnsylvanlo for some
time, going to Florida several
years ago. Her only survivors arc
nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers were Knox John-
stone, Rufus Sanford, Jr., George'
Hcndrlx, Milton Call. John Wat-'
crs and Charlie Woodruff. i
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 6,1952 - Page 4
Mrs. Frances Foster,
88, of NoHli Cooleemee
Mrs. Prances Hinkic Poster, 881
died at 12:15 a.m. Saturday at a
locol Rursinf; home. She had been
111 for a year.
Born Nov. 15, 1881, In Davie
County, she wos a daughter of
George and Susan Dwlggins
Htnkle. She had been a resident
of tlie North Cooleemee com
munity for the past 35 years, and
was a member of the Cooleemee
Methodist Church.
Surviving ore one half-sister,
Mrs. Ji A. Bogcr of Greensboro,'
one half-brother, P. R. Hinkte of
Advance, Route 2: and several
nieces and nephews. i
^ncrat services were conduct
ed Sunday at Center Methodist
Church by the Rev. Hugh Jessup.
Burial was in the church ccme-j
Bio - Obituaries - 11/6/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 13,1952 - Page 1
Thomas Clifton Mitchell
Speed of 100 Miles
An Hour Blamed in
Davie Traffic Death
A State Highway Patrolman
said the car In which Thomas
Cmton Mitchell was killed Sat>
urday night was trofcling "at
last 100 miles on hour and prob-
ably faster" at the time of the
Mitchell, 33, of Advance, Route
t, was killed when his 8ouped*up
1040 Ford with an Oldslnobile
"88" engine failed to make a curve
on Highway 801 one-quarter mile
WQst of Advance about 0:30 p.m.
The Highway Patrolman, L.
E. Green of Mocksville, said the
car travelled 30 feet, turned over
several times before tossing out
Mitchell. He said the car contin>
ued for about 20O feet father intto
a corn field before coming to a
The patrolman said hit Investi*
gallon revealed that Mitchell waa
racing with another car at the
time of the accident ,but that he
had not been able to get witness*
es who are willing to testify In
court on tliis count.
Green said Mitchell failed to
make a curve, going almost
straight off the highway into the
field. He said the car was a total
--Milchell-wpe. a Davic-JCnunty
user car dealer. His business U
located just outside Farmington.
flinerol services were conduct
ed at the home at 2 p.m. and at
Macedonia Moravian Church at
2:30 p.m. Monday by the Rev
George^ Bruncr and the Rev Ed
Brewer. Burial was In the church
Pallbearers included Leo Smith
Grady Bullins, Otis Hauser, Ed
Kelly, Leo Foster and William
Bio - Obituaries - 11/13/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 19,1952 - Page 2
G. A. Crenshaw
Otcy Alien Crenahawi 69, diedFriday momint: at the humo ofj
hU 80Rf Charles R. Crenshaw, on>
Salisbury screut, luilusvinK
tended Illness.
Surviving are two sons, Chas.
R. Crenshaw, ul this dev. aitd H«
W. Crenshaw, ol Rouaoke, Vu.
Mr. Crenshuw's witc died in 1951.
Funenii services were held at
the home at 3 p. in. Saturday,
with Rev W. Q. Gitutf oiid Uw.
I P. Duvb uUuiuiJii^, unJ the
body laid to re«i ai Kose ccme-
terv* To the bereaved family The
Record extends sympathy In this
k Jur i ( beteavem .nt.
Mrs. Lula Reneqar
Mrs. Lulu Rcaeenr, 66, of Har^
mony. Route 2, dieil Thursday
momlnB dt the Mnclotvillu Nurs*
ins Home, luiluwiiiB u serious ill*
ncis of two wfvk^.
Funeral services were held at
Smdy SuHngs Raptist Church at
2:30 p. m. Sarurdwv, with Bev. H.
W. Hutchens ond Rev. E. W,
Turner officiating, ond the body
laid to rest in the church cemetery.
Surviving are'three sons, one
brother and three sisters. Her
husband died in 1940.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/19/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 20,1952 - Page 11
W. R Howard, 71,
Grocer of Davie
WiUiam H. Howard, 71, Davle
County grocery store operator,
died at 2.05 p.m. Sunday at the
homo of doughter, Mrs..- C. W,
Shepherd, at Cooleemec, He had
been in lU health for six months.
Mr. Howard wos nn assistant
overseer with the Erwin Cotton
Mills nt Cooleemec for 30 years
until his retirement several years
ago. Since then he had operated a
grocery store in the Ephesus com*
munity. His wife, the former Miss
Daisy Parker, wicd in Dee., 1942.
Surviving arc one doughtet,
Mrs. C. W. Shepherd of Coolee
mec; five sons, Bill, Ed and Som
Howard, all of Mocksvlllc, Roy
Howard and C. W. Howord of
Coolcemeo; six grondchildren; 2
sisters, Mrs. Charlie Bobbins of
Yadkinvtllc and Mrs. Thomas
Howard of Mocksville, Route 3;
and one brother, Thco Howard of
Mocksville,'Route 4.
Funeral services were held
Tuesday at Cooleemec Methodist
Church. The Rev. H. C. Austin
officiated. Burial wos in the Lib
erty Cemetery.
G. A. Crenshaw
88, Of Virginia
Grey Allen Crenshaw, 88, re>
tired former of Virginia, died at
S o.m. Fridoy at the home ctf his
son, C. R. Crcnsaw of Salisbury
Sreet. He had been In declining
health for several years and ser
iously ill for three weeks.
Mr. Crenshaw was born Dee. 21,
1963, in Smythe County, a son of
Willlom Allen and Susan Roberts
Crcnshow. A widely*known form
er in Virginia, Mr. Crenshaw re
tired six ycors ago and moved to
Mocksville where he hos been
making his home with his son.
In 1606 he was married to Miss
Georgia Wompler. She died' in
April, 1651.
Surviving ore two sons, Mr.
Crenshaw of Mocksville and H. "W.
Crcnshow of Roenoke, Vs., and
a grandchild.
Funcrol services were conduct
ed at the home of C. R. Crenshaw
Saturday. Rev. W. Q. Grigg and
Rev. J. P. Davis officiated. Burial
was In Rose Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Grahom Mad
ison, J. W. Page, Clyde Hendricks,
Fletcher Click, J. C. McCullough
and George Evans.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/20/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 20,1952 - Page 12
Joe Alcxondcr, 74, of Mocks*
vilic, Route 4, died at 4:20 Sunday
mornine at his homo. He had been
in falling health for one year but
was eorloiisly ill for three wccha
A native of South Carolina, he
wos the son of the Into Watson
and Jane Alexander, but he had
spent most oY his life in Dovio
County. At the time of his death
he was n retired farmer.
He was a member of the Lib
erty Methodist Church.
In 1906 he married Myrtle Mill
er, who preceded him In death in
1019. His second wife was Mary
Jonc Brogdon, who survives. He
also leovcs two sons, Clarence
Alexander of Mocksvillc, Route 4,
and John Alexander of the home;
three daughters, Mrs. Raymond
Gibson of Coolccmce, Mrs. Clyde
Hatley of Salisbury, Route 1, and
Misses Sadie and Elsie'Alexander,
both of the home; one half-broth
er of Lincolnton and four grand
I\mcral services were held
Monday at 3:30 at the Liberty
Methodist Church. The pastor,
the Rev. Mr. Fink officiated, and
burial followed in the church cem
Mrs. Ross C. Comatzer^
66» Of Mocksville, Rt 3
Mrs. Mattie Cornatzer. 66. wife
of Ross C. Cornatzer of Mocks-
ville, Route 3. died at 10.15 am
Tuesday at her home. She had
been ill for two weeks.
Mrs. Cornatzer was born Oct.
8, 1686, a daughter of John and
Beulah Foster Barney. She liv-
•d for a number of years at Cool-
Surviving are her husband, two
daughters. Miss Carrie Cornat
zer and Mm. Odell Shore of the
home; two brothers. Sam Barney
of Mocksville, Route 4, and Frank
Barney of Lexington. Route 3,
and a sister, Mrs. Bobby Deal of
Funeral services will be con
ducted at 3:30 p.m. Thursday at
Cornatzer Methodist Church of
which she was a member. The
pastor, the Rev. W. C. Anderson,
will officiate. Burin! will be In
the church cemetery.
James Esten Jacobs,
17, Of Cooleemee
Funeral services for James
Eslen Jacobs. 17, who died Sun
day at the homo oY his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jacobs, at
Cooleemee, were held at Cool
eemee Presbyterian Church ot
3:30 p.m. Tucjidny. The Rev. Mr,
Pollack and the Rev. H. W. Park
er officiated.
Burial was In Liberty Ceme
tery. Pollbenrovs were Walter
Dudley, Marvin Williams, Ar
nold O'Neal, Dunuld Tucker, Jun
ior Brintlc and Leon O'Nenl
Mr. Jacobs hod been an Invalid
since childhood. He was born
in Cooleemee Nov. 22, 1934.
Surviving arc the parents; three
brothers, Curl ond Elmer Jacobs
of Coalccmcc ond David Jocobs
of Charlotte; one sister, Patricia
Jacobs of the home; three half
sisters, Margaret Jacobs of the
home, Mrs. John Daniels of
Mocksvillc and Mrs. Elizabeth
half brother, orry Jacobs of oCol-
Murphy of Durham; 'and one
half brother, Harry Jacobs of
Bio — Obituaries — 11/20/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 26, 1952 - Page 2
J/if. H. Howard
• Wilibm H. Ho^vard, 7l» well*
known Davic Councv merchant,
died Nov. 16, at die home of Kis
dauehcer, Mrs. C. W. Shepherd,
at Coolecmce.
Mr. Howard was nn assistant
ovetsccr with the Brwln Cotton
iMills of Coolccmcc, for 30 vcars
'until his retirement several years
!aRo. He has operated a groceiy
store near Ephcsus for some time.
His wife died ID years ano.
Surviving arc one daughter, Mrs.
0. W. Shepherd, of Coolecmce
five sons, Bill. Ed and Snm How*
ard. all of Mocksville; Roy and
C. W. Howard, of Coolecmce; six
grandchildren; cw.< sisters, Mrs
Charles Robblns, of Yndkinvllle,
and Mrs. Thomas Howard, of
Mocksville. Route 3; one brother,
Theo Howard, Mocksville, U. 4.
Funeral services were hold at
3^0 p. ni. Tuesday at Cooleemcc
Methodist Chinch with Rev. H;
C. Austin ofHciatliig, and the body
laid to rest in Liberty Methodist
Church cemetery.
0. L. Williams '
Oliver Lafayette Williams, 87, |
died at his home in Sumter, S. C>
early Thursday roornins. He hod'
been in bad hca!ih for sometime*'
Mr. Williams was a native of,
Davic County, n son of Mr. and
Mrs. D. L. Williams, of Fork.
He was engaged in manufactur*
ing tobacco at Fnrmlngton for sev*
crnl years, and moved to Mocks*
villc more than SO years ago. He
and C. C. Sanford operated a to*
bacco factory on Salisbury street
for several years. Mr. Williams
and (he late Z. N. Anderson were
in the mcrcnnt)le*busincs8 where
tire postofHcc now stands, nearly
50 years ago. Mr. Williams was
51 pvrintendcnc of the Mocksville
Furniture Co. for several vcars.
He later built a vence.ing plant in
North Miicksvillc, which he ope^
atcd for many years. About 32
years ago he moved his family to
Sumter, S. C., where he operated
a large veneering plant. He later
established a number of veneering
plants and furniture faaories in
South Carolina.
Mr. Williama was a member of
the Mock&ville Masonic Lodge,
and was presented a 50*vcac mem
bership pin by his lodge here In
Surviving are one 8on,C. Frank
Wllh>ms« of Hiidi Point; two
daughters, Mrs L. M. Graves, of
Statesville, and Mrs. T, H, Brice,
of Sumter, S.. C.; a slstir, Mrs.
Lula Davis, Winston*Sulcm, and
two grandsons. His wife, the for-
mer Miss Miuiie Bahnson, of For*
mingcon. died about 25 years ago.
Funeral services were held at
die home in Sumter Friday ufter-
noon, with his pastor, Rev. F. T.
Cunningham officiating, and the
body laid to rest in the family
sc|u»re4n Sumter cemetery.
Mrs. Lester P. Mortin and son,
Aciorncv George W. Martin, ivent
CO Sumter to be present fot the
funer..] and burial.
Mrs, J. M. Plott
Mrs* Mary Alice Plorf, 91, Of
Advance. Rou'o I. died at her
home Wednesday, after nn eight*
year Illness.
She was ho'"> In Davie County,
and spent her entire life In the
Advance communlcy, and was 'n
. active member of the Advance
Methodist Church until she be*
came ill. i
Surviving arc Eve daughters,
Mrs. John Bloke o f Advance,
Route 2, Mrs. W, Vv Rbberson if
A fvancc. Roure t. and Miss Bes*
tie Lee Plott of the home one em
lomes H. Plott; 23 grandchildren;
and 28 great grandchildren.
Funeral servi'es were conduct
ed at 3 p. m » Frid..v BC Advance
Methodist Church by Rev. Oscar
HaCkman, Rev. W. E. Fltsgerald,
Rev. C^orge Bruner and Elder J.
E. Manual. Burial was in the
church cemccery.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/26/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 26, 1952 - Page 3
Mrs. D. Booie
I Mre-.W, D, Boo!e, 54» died ot
her«hoine on Mocksvillc, Route 2
last Tueadav morning, (ollowing o
long Illness. ' . ..•
I Surviving are the husband, one;
^ son, W, D. Boole, Jtn of the homo'
four brothcrsi O. 6. and Antom!
Brown, of Winston*Salcm, Tom
Brown, of Yo'dkln'County, and;
I Paul Brown, of Harmony, two,
sisrers, Mrs. Hatcie Presley, of
Taylorsville; and Mrs.- -Paul Mur*
phy, of Route 2, Mocksvllle,. > and
a haffbrother, H, W. -Brown, of
Funeral services were held at
Union Chapel Methodist Church
at 11 a. m., Thursday morning,
. with Rev. William C> Anderson,
Rev. W. 0. Backlev and Rev. Fos
ter Loflln officiating, and the body
• laid to rest in the church cemetery.
! To the bereaved farmily The
.R'eco.d extends sympathy in this
'hour of bereavement.
James E. Jacobs
Funeral services for James E
Jacobs, 17. who died at home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Char
lie lacobsi'at Coolcemec, on Nov.
.16, were held at Cooleemee PreS'
bvterian Church ot 3:30 p. m. last
Tuesday, with Rev. Mr. Pollick
and Rev. H. W. Parker officiating.
The body was laid to .rest in Lib
erty Methodist Church cemetery.
Surviving are the parents, three
brothers, Carl and Elmer Jacobs,
of Cooleemee, and Da\dd Jacobs,
ol Charlotte; one sister,. Patricia
Jacobs, of the home; three half-
slscer;, Margaret Jacobs, of the
home, Mrs. John Daniel, Mocks
vllle, and Mrs. Elizabeth Murpliv,
of Durham}'and one half-brother,
Harry Jacobs, of Cooleemee.
Mrs. Cornatzer
Mrs. Mactie Cornatzer, 66, wife
of Ross C, Cornatzer, of Mocks-,
vilic, Route 3, died last Tuesday
morning at her home, following a
two weeks illness. Mt^ Cornat
zer was a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Barney.
. Surviving arc the husband, two
daughters, Miss Carrie Cornatzer
and Mrs. Odell Shore, ol the
hoipe; two brothers, Sam Barney,
of Mocksville, Route 4, and Frank
Barney, of Lexington, Route 3; a
sister, Mrs. Bobby Deal, of Tay-
Funeral services were conduct-,
ed at 3:30 p. m- Thursday at Cof
natzer Methodist Chur^ of which
she was a member, with Rev. W
C. Anderson officiating, and the
body laid to rest in the church
Bio - Obituaries - 11/26/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 27, 1952 - Page 2
Mrs. W. D. Booie,
54, Of Route 2
Mrs. LuIq Kay Booic, 54. wife
pf W. D. Boole, nurseryman <ti
Mocksvillc, Route 2, died at 11:30
a.m. November 18 at her home.
She had been ill for a year.
Mrs. Booic was born Sept. 19,
1898, in Yadkin County, a dough*
tcr of Elbcrt and Adeline Whit-
lock Brown. In 1923 she was mar
ried to Mr. Booie.
She was a member oY Flat Rock
Baptist Church.
Survivors arc her husband, a
son, W. D. Booic, Jr., and two
daughters, Ruth and Edna Booie,
ait of the the home; four broth
ers, G. G. Brown and Huston
Brown of Winston*SaIem, Tom
Brown of Yadkinvillc and Paul
Brown of Harmony; two sisters,
Mrs. Hattic Presley of Taylors-
villc and Mrs. Paul Murphy of
Mocksville, Route 2, and a half
brother, Wilson Brown of Mocks
villc, Route 1.
Fimoral services were conduct
ed at Union Chapel Methodist
Church by the Rev. W, C. An
derson, the Rev. W. C. Barkley
and the Rev. Foster Loflin. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries —11/27/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 27, 1952 - Page 8
0. L. Williams Rites Held
Last Week in Sumter, S. C.
Lumber Magnate Born
At Fork, Davie County
Funeral services for Oliver La
fayette Willioms, 87, Yormer na
tive of Davic County, were held
et his residence in Sumter, 5. C.,
last Friday afternoon. Interment
was in the family square at Sum
ter Cemetery.
Mr. Williams died at his home
around 2;1S a.m. Nov. 20. He was
known as a furniture and lumber
magnate in South Carolina, hav-
inv extensive holdings.
Mr. Willioms was born Nov. 16,
1808, at Fork, N. C., son of the
late D. L. and Emma E. Kicc
Williams. He attended the Univer-
ity of North Carolina and began
his business coreer in a plug to
bacco business. He switched his
investment to a furniture factory
•t Mocksvillc that burned, and he
•tarted a veneer plant there.
In 1910 he organized the Com-
den Veneer Co., ot Camden, ond
In 1020 he founded the O. L. Will-
lama Veneer Co. ot Sumter. In
1027 he organized the Williams
Furniture Corporation and was its
president it the time of his death.
He also founded Southern Coating
and Chemical Co., a vast corpor
ate structure which owns Tupelo
Dimension Manufacturing Co., the
veneer plant; Russellvillc Lum
ber Co.; Clarendon Flooring Co.;
Alcolu; Kingstree Lumber Manu
facturing Co., Jericho; and the
Corclina Western Railroad, a live
mile line Yrom St Stephen to
the Ruaaellvlltc plant.
Other Hotdloga
Williams Furniture Corporation
maintains offices in New York,
Chicago, High Point, N. C, and
Son Francisco, and has salesmen
in every state In the union. Hold
ings also include Wagncr-Paris
Veneer Co., High Point, and ply
wood manufocturing plants at
Conway and Montgomery, Ala.
Mr. Williams was a Mason, and
was presented a 50-ycor mem
bership pin by his lodge ot Mocks
villc in 1945. He was a member
of the board of stewards, Trinity
Methodist Church, and a past
member of the Rotary Club, at
Survivors include a son, C.'
Frank Williams, High Point; two
daughters, Mrs. Thomas H. Brlce,
Sumter and Mrs. L. M. Graves,
Statesville, N. C.; a sister, Mrs.
Lula C. Davis, Winston-Salcm,
N. C., and two grandsons.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/27/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 4,1952 - Page 9
Robert F. Caudle,
48, Of ^armington
Robert Iicwis CQUdle, 48, of
Farmtngton, died in a Winston-
Salcm Hospital at 9:25 p.in. Satur-
day following a heart ottack.
He was born In Yadkin County,
July 11. 1004, the son of Surifoi-d
and Sarah Holl Caudle. For the
past 12 years he had been as
sociated with the State Highway
and Public Works Commission in
Mocksvllle. He spent his entire
life in the Farmlngton commun
He was married in 1920 to Miss
Rcba Allen, who survives. Other
survivors include, two daughters,
Mrs. Everlyn Lankford of Win-
ston-Salem, Mrs. Leila M. James
of Farmington; two sons, Glenn
Caudle of Mocksvillc, John Henry
Caudle of Farmington; three
F, M. Smith, 69,
Davie Farmer
Franklin Monroe Smith, 69,
farmer of the Rcdiand commun
ity, Advance. Route 1, died at his
home at 6 a.m. Saturday follow
ing a short illness.
I Mr. Smith was born In Davie'
County. May 26, 1863, the son of,
Wllliom David and Elizabeth
Jones Smith. He spent his entire
life in the Rcdiand community,
^ Ho was married to Addle May'
Smith in 1906. Mrs. Smith died.
!in 1946.
He is survived by five daugh
ters, Mrs. Odcll Phillips of Hancs,
Mrs; Henry Plott of Advance. Mrs.'
Harvey Toylor of Winston-Salcm,
, Mrs. Robert Whitt and Miss Jane'
I Smith, both of the home; three'
I sons, D. A. and F. R. Smith, both
n of Winston-Salem, and Dcwcy |
•J Smith of the home; two brothers,)
IjS. H. Smith of Advance and S.'
D. Smith of Winston-Salem; three,
' sisters, Mrs. Julia Howard, Mrs.
- Emma Smith and Mrs. Essie Smith
brothers, R C. Caudle of Old
Town, Lester Coudle, Thomas
Caudle, both of Winston-Salem;
three sisters, Mrs. J. B. Badgctt,
Mrs. Charlie cgc, both di Win
ston-Salcm, Mrs. P. S. Motsingcr
of Morksvillc; nine grandrhildrcn.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at 11 o.m. Tuesday at Wes
ley Chapel Methodist Church by
the Rev. G. C. Graham. Burial
was In the church cemetery.
* all di Advance.
Obituaries -12/4/1952
' Funeral services were conduct*
ed at the home Monday and at
I Bethlehem Methodist Church at'
3 p.m. by the Rev. George J.'
! Bruner and the Rev. Bruce Rob*'
erts. Burial was in the church'
j cemetery. |
Pallbearers were Virgil Smith,'
David Smith, Albert Howard, Leo
Dunn, Shsrill Smith, Cecil Smith.!
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 10,1952 - Page 3
Robert Caudle
Robert L. Caudle, 48, of Farm*
Inffton, died in a Wlnston'Salem
hospital Nov. 29, following a heart
attack. He was bom In Yadkin
County, but for the past 12 years
he had been with the State High*
way Conuniaaion in Mocksvllle.
Surviving are the wife, two dau
ghters, Mrs. Evelyn Lankford, of
Wliiston-Salem} Mrs. Lelia James,
of Parmlngron; two sons, Glenn
Caudle, of Mocksvllle, John Cau
dle, of Farmingeonj three brothers
and three sisters.
Funeral services were held at 11
a. m. Tuesday at Wesley's Chapel
Methodist Church, with |Rev. G«
C. Otahatn officiating, and the re
mains laid to rest in the church
F. ill Smith
Franklin M. Smidi, 69, died at
his home near Redland at 6 a. m«
Nov, 29, following a short illness.
Mr. Smith spent his entire Ule
in Davle County. His wife died
six years ago.
Surviving are five daughters,
Mrs. Odell Philips, of Hanes, Mrs.
Henry Flo.t, of Advance; Mrs.
Harvey Taylor, of Wlnston-Salcm;
Mrs. Robert White and Miss Jane
Smith, of the home;, three sons,
D« A. and P. R. Smitii, of Wins-
con-Salem, and Dewey Smith, of
the home; two brothers, S. H.
Smith, of Advance, and. S. D.
Smith, of Winston-Stdem; three
sisters, Mrs. Julia Howard, Mrs.
Emma Smith, Mrs; Essie Smlffi,
all of Advance.
Funeral services were held at
the home at 2:30 p. m, Dec. 1. and
at Bethlehem Methodist Church
at 3 p. m« with Rev. Geo. Bruner
and Rev. Bruce Roberts officiating,
and the body laid CO rest uy the
church cemetery.
/. Ik. Bailey |
Funeral services lor Irvln WII-!
liam Bailey, 48, who died at his!
home near Fork last Tuesday, fol-'
lowing a short illness, were held I
at 2:30 p. m. Thursday at Fulton :
Methodist Church, with Rev. Ed
Rtzgecald offidatlng, and the body
laid to rest In the church ceme
tery. Mr. Bailey spent his entire
life in the Fork community.
Surviving are the widow, one
dauedtteri the mother,. three sit
ters and four brothers.
Bio - Obituaries -12/10/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 11, 1952 - Page 1
Norman McKinley Taylor
Man Drowns
In Yadkin
» The body-of a Rowan County
man who had been baiting Yish
I baskets was recovered from the
ITadkin River around 7:30 Tues
day night.
The Salisbury Rescue Spuad
recovered the body of Norman
McKinlcy Toylor,*of near Need-
more .from the waters of the Yad
kin at a point about two miles
below the Erwin Mill dam. It
was termed an accidental drown
ing. '
Taylor left his home around
12:30 p.m., Tuesday to bait some
fish baskets belonging to Ralph
Padgett, also of the Nccdmorc
Around 3.30 p.m. Podgctt went
to check on the fish baskets but
found them to be missing. Also
ho saw no sign of Taylor. How
ever, he found a .2 calibre rifle
leaning against a tree.
Padgett went to Taylor's home
where Mrs. Taylor identified the
rifle. When 'further search failed
to produce Taylor ,the Rowan
County Sheriff's department was
Tracks and marks along the
I bank were found which indicated
I that Taylor may have follen Into
' the water. The Salisbury Rescue
Squod was called ond began
grappling for the body around
5:45. It was rccavorcd ot 7:30
Funeral services will be held
Thursday at 3 p.m., ot the Need-
more Baptist Church. The Rev.
Mr. Thunderburg, Rev. J. W.
Klein ond Rev. Kenneth Pollock
will officiate.
Survivors include his wife, the
former Ruby Combs; two sons,
Norman and Jimmy of the home;
the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Taylor; throe brothers, X^estcr and
Junior Taylor, all of the home;
two sisters, Miss Mabel Taylor
of Cooleemee and Mrs. Jack Rea-
vis of Woodleaf, Route I: two
halY brothers Horace Haire and
Carl Haire, both of Cooleemee;
►wo half aistcrs, Mrs. T. C. Hen-
dric of Cooleemee, Mrs, John
SpUlman of Mocksville, Rotue 4;
Otii Flyan.of China
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 11, 1952 - Page 3
Mrs. Comatzer, 77,
Advance, Route 1
Mrs. Mary Ellen Cornatzcr, 77,
died ot her home on Advance, Rt.
1 ,ot 12.45 o.m. Sunday after an
illncfls of three years.
MrL Cornatzcr wos born in
Stokes oCunty Sept. 4, 1875 the
daughter of Alex and Solly Mcrr-
itt Westmoreland. She wos marr
ied to A. A. Cornatzcr in IdlO.
She had lived In the Shady Grove
Community for 35 years.
Survivors include her husband;
a son, Lonnic Cornatzcr of Ad
vance; a daughter, Mrs. Lucille
Cromcr of High Point; two step
sons, Ray Cornatzcr of Mocks
ville, Ollic Cornatzcr o*f Albany,
Co.; a sister, Mrs. W. R. Bowles
of High Point; six grandchildren;
several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at the home at 11 a.m. Tuesday
and at Bethlehem Methodist
Church at 11:30 o.m. by the Rev.
Bruce Roberts and the Rev. Paul
Richards. Burial was in the church
/ cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/11/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 11,1952 - Page 4
J. A. Alexander, 43,
Of Mocksville, Route 4
FunoraK services for John An
drew Alexander, 43, of Route 4,
MockavUle, were held Monday at
the Liberty Methodist Church.
Rev. G. W. Fink officiated. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
Mr. Alexander ,a retired farm
er, died at his home at 5 p.m.
He was horn in Rowan County,
Dec. 13. 190B, the son oY the late
Loe Livingston and Myrtle Miller
Alexander. He had spent his en
tire oduU life in Davie County.
Mr. Alexondcr operated a farm
until his health failed about 12
months ogo.
Surviving arc his step-mother,
Mrs. L. Alexander; one brother,
Clarence Alexander of Mocks
ville, Route 4; four sisters. Mrs.
Raymonr Gibson of Coolecmce,
Mrs. Clyde Hatley of Solisbury,
Miss Sadie Alexander ond Miss
Elsie Alexander of the home.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/11/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 17,1952 - Page 2
Mrs. Cornatzer
Mtt Marv Ellen Cornaticr- IV
died at her home on Advance^
Route t, at 12:45 a. m.* Dec. 7th
afther an illness of three vears.
, Mrs. Cornatser was bom
* Stokes County Sept. 4* 1875, the -i
I daughter of Alex and Sally Mer-'
ritt Westmoreland. She was mar
ried to A. A. Cornatzer In 1910.. i
I She had lived in the Shady Grove <
Community for 35 years. ^ (
Survivors include her husband; <
a son. Lonnie Cornatzer of ^Ad
vance; a daughter. Mrs. Lucile
Cromer of High Point; two step- <
sons. Ray Cornazcr of Mocksville,
Ollie Cornatzer of Albany, Ga.: a
sister, Mrs. W, R. Bowles of High *
Point, six grandchildren; several
nieces and nephews.
Funeral fcrvices were conduct-
ed at the home at 11a. m.. Tues* 1
day and at Beihlchcm Methodist I
Church at II a. m., by Rev, Bruce 1
Roberts and Rev. Paul Richards, i
Burial was In he church cemetery. ^
|Mrs. J. H. Reavis
Funeral services for Mrs. T. H.*
Reavis, 81. who died Dec. 6cH. at
the home of a son, W. L. Barn
ard, near Humptonvillc, were held
last Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. at North
New Hope Baptist Church, with .
Rev. J. N. Binklev ofliciating and
the body laid to rest in the church
Mrs. Reavis was a dauchcer of
the late Mr. and Mrs. William
Booc. She was twice married -
. Her hrst husband died in 1925.
j Surviving arc the husband, two
sons, a 8tep.8on, Rev, B. C. Hcai*
Is, of Vurham; a step-daughter,
Mrs. R. C. Kinder, of Harmony, '
Route 1; two brothers, W. G. and
G. F. Booe, who live near Foot*
vllle, and a number of grandchild*.f
ren and great*finindchildrcn. .
Bio - Obituaries — 12/17/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 17,1952 — Page 2
Norman McKinley Taylor
Drowns in River
Funen^ services for Norman
, Mckinicv Tav'or, 29i of Wood-
leaf, Route 1, who was accidentally
drowned!.in the Yadkin River last
Tuesday, were conducted at Nced-t
more Baptist Church at 3:30 p. m.*
Thursday, with Rev. Mr. limn-!
derburg,.Rcv. j. W. Kldn and
Rev. Kenneth Pollock ofltciatitig,
and the body laid to test In the •
church cemetery.
Mr. Taylor, an employee of Er-
vin Milts, Coolccmce, drowned
near (he Coolcemcc dam on the
Yadkin River after fnlUng Into the
stream white lookinu for his hslu
ins equipment. He was a native
of Davic County.
Surviving arc the wife and two
sons, his parents, three brothers,
two half'brothcrs, two sUtcrs and
three half-sisters.
Aaron G. Koontz
Aaron Gibson Koontz, 32, died
Friday at the home of his father,
Sam A. Koonrz, near Kappa. He
had been In dcclmlnc health for
some time.
Surviving arc the father, one
brother, Llavld Koontr, of Mocks*
villc. Route 2; and three sisters,
Mrs. Leona Houser, of Salisbury,
Mrs. Hazel Messick,..d Knoxville,
Tenn., and Mrs. Mary Ann Smoot
of Mocksville." Route I.
Funeral services were held at
Society Baptist Church, of which
he was a tnembe", Sunday after
noon, and the body laid to rest in
the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries — 12/17/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 24,1952 - Page 2
Ivey L, Peacock
Ivov Lee Peecock, 45, ol Mocks-
ville, Route 1, died W^nesdav In
a Staiesvltle hospital, foUowlnft a
•short illness.
• Surviving ate the widow, three
daashters, six sons, his mother,
five brothers, three sisters and twi»
Funeial services were held at
2t30 p. m. Friday at Hoilv Springs
Baptist Church, with Rev. Grady,
White and Rev Erwin Wallace j
officlatinR, and the bodv laid to |
test in the church ccmecerv. j
Bio - Obituaries -12/24/1952 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY